The 7 Best Biography Sites for Famous and Inspirational People

Biographies give us a historical look into the lives and times of notable people. They help to teach, inspire, and improve us as people.

Famous people, both living and dead, can help to inspire us to greater things and teach us about missing gaps in our own knowledge. Indeed, by studying the lives of some of the most famous people throughout history, you can turn yourself into a better person. And who doesn’t want that?

Thanks to the internet, you don’t need to spend a fortune on physical biographies in your local bookstore. Here are the best websites for biographies of renowned people who have ever lived.

1. Biography


Biography has been online for many years and has become one of the most well-known sites out there for memoirs, interviews, and life stories.

The People section has grown to thousands of entries and covers everyone from actors to scientists. When you click on a person's profile, you'll get a brief overview of their life, a list of “quick facts”, and information on their education, career, and personal life.

Biography also has entire sections dedicated to nostalgia, celebrities, history and culture, and crime and scandal. Most of the content in these sections takes a long-form article approach.

If you enjoy the content on the main site, make sure you also check out Biography's YouTube channel. Most of the videos are a couple of minutes long and focus on a single person.


S9 is like a Wikipedia of biographies . The content is editable by the users, and they also can contribute to the existing biographies on the site.

Every day, there is a selection of featured biographies, with many of the selections being for people you might not have heard of but who have achieved wonderful things in their lives. The site also has a birthday section and a latest biographies section, allowing you to delve into the lives of different fascinating people every time you log on.

S9 even has a biographical game in the form of a quiz. The questions are, predictably, based on people's lives. Fair warning—to get a good score, you need to have a serious deep amount of knowledge.

3. Notable Biographies

world encyclopedia biography

The simply organized encyclopedia on famous and historical personalities is very readable with an alphabetically arranged Wikipedia-like presentation. You can also add your own information through a form.

It lacks the large number of entries that you will find on some of the other sites on this list, but don't let that put you off. If you're looking for a who's-who of various global luminaries rather than endless lists of people you have never heard of, this is the site for you.

4. Women's History Month

womens history month

Women's History Month is an official site produced by the US government. Of course, the month of the celebration itself is March, but you can visit and enjoy the site and its massive amount of content throughout the year.

The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in commemorating and encouraging the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.

Overall, the site is an exhaustive resource on women who have impacted history through the ages. It pays tribute to some of the greatest women in history with multimedia content and other exhibits.

5. Wikipedia

wikipedia biography

If you want information on famous people, you can never go too far wrong with the ubiquitous Wikipedia. If anyone has achieved something globally noteworthy in their lives, you can be almost certain that they will have an entry on the site.

Of course, for the true giants of history, the entries can run to tens of thousands of words. But even for slightly less-famous people, you will still be able to find plenty of information.

Wikipedia is also one of the few biography sites that is available in multiple languages. For regionally famous people, you might find their local entry has far more information than the English-language entry. You can use Google Translate if you cannot understand the language in question.

And hey, if no article exists about the person in question, you can always try and make one yourself!

6. Academy of Achievement

academy of achievement

The Academy of Achievement aims to provide readers with insight into the visionaries and pioneers who have shaped the modern world around us. The academy has existed for more than six decades, thus making inclusion in its hall of fame an honor in its own right.

For all the people who have made it onto the hallowed list over the years, you can access complete biographies, samples of their work, images, interviews, video content, and more.

7. Biographical Directory of the United States Congress

directory of us congress

If you're a politics fanatic, you will love the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. It features a biography for all 12,877 people who have served in the House of Representatives and Congress since the forming of the United States.

For each person, you will be able to find information about the congresses they served, the years they served, the state/territory they represented, their position, and their party. Of course, there is also a text article dedicated to each person, with information on their personal life, background, and career.

We've also covered some of the best sites for unbiased fact-checking if this isn't enough for your politics fix.

8. Academy of American Poets

academy of poets

If literature is more your thing, head to the Academy of American Poets. It offers more than 3,000 biographies of contemporary and classical poets from the US.

The site also offers non-biographical content. For example, there are thousands of poems for you to read, a poem-a-day feature, a library containing books, texts, and more, and even materials for teachers and links to poetry events near your location.

Learn About People to Become a Better Person

No matter what hobbies and interests you have, there is always something to be learned by studying the lives of other people.

Whether they help you find an answer to a moral question, inspire you to start a new project, or simply helps you pass some time on your commute, these sites will all help to keep you entertained and engaged for hours.


Biography Research Guide: Free Biography Sites

  • Free Biography Sites
  • Biography as a Literary Form

Why Use These Free Sites

It is difficult to find verified, research material freely available on the open web (internet). Many results returned from a search engine give you unrelaible, duplicate information that is rarely backed up by research. The sites listed here are the best to use if you need to supplement what you found in our subscription databases. 

Best of the Free Biography Sites

  • Awesome Library - great site for kids; categories such as heroes, composers, ethnic groups, politicians, scientists etc.
  • American President - This website offers in-depth biographies of all US presidents. For each president, the biography starts with a Life in Brief profile, then proceeds to sections about Campaigns and Elections, Foreign Affairs, Impact and Legacy , and other topics.
  • The Biographical Dictionary - covers more than 28,000 notable men and women who have shaped our world from ancient times to the present day
  • Biographical Guide to Congress - standard in most library reference collections in print form; online edition covers 1774 - present. Search by name, state, party, year or Congressional session. Also guide to research collections where presidential papers are housed.
  • Biography Center - multi-lingual biographical dictionary; 11,011 biographies - also links to other sites
  • - 25,000 of the greatest lives past and present. Presented by A & E Television Networks
  • Collective Biographies of Women  - thousands of women who were included in collective biographies
  • Dictionary of Canadian Biography - Available in English or French
  • Distinguished Women of the Past and Present - search by name or subject (chronological before the 20th century). Profiles of women who contributed to our culture in many different ways
  • Encyclopedia of World Biography - This website offers lengthy biographies of thousands of people from around the world, with an emphasis on famous people of the 20th century.
  • From Revolution to Reconstruction - historical persons related to American history from the colonial period until modern times.
  • History of Mathematics -Biographies - University of St. Andrews, Scotland, School of Mathematics and Statistics. Alphabetical and chronological indexes; also search just female mathematicians
  • Info Please - 30,000 biographical profiles and special features about newsworthy people around the world; searchable by name or subject category
  • Noble Prize Winners - Nobel Prize winners, by date or category; full biographies
  • Presidents of the U. S . - from the White House history site
  • POTUS: Presidents of the United States - background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents. Links to biographies, historical documents, audio and video files, and other presidential sites are also included to enrich this site from the Internet Public Library
  • Social Networks and Archival Context   - over 3.7 million biographical descriptions of people, both individuals and groups
  • Well Known People Who Happen to Be Canadian - actors, artists, journalists, etc.
  • Women's International Center - brief biographies, most with color picture
  • World of Scientific Biography - search by branch of science, gender, nationality, historical periods.

Links to More Free Sites

  • Biography Search Engines -  links to a multitude of sites; useful for specific categories such as Americans only, presidents, celebrities, deceased, women, British monarchs etc.
  • Internet Public Library - annotated links to hundreds of general and highly specialized biography sites around the Web
  • Library Spot - general biographies, by type (artists, authors, etc.) or ethnicity
  • Ref Desk - links to 32 of the best biographical sites, including many sites specifically by subject categories
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Information for Librarians

What’s new: May 2024

This update features five new biographies including Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins; Boston civil rights activist Ruth Batson; New York City journalist and writer Pete Hamill; and influential (and humorous) newspaper columnists Molly Ivins and Russell Baker. 

Find out more

Michael Collins

Michael Collins (1930–2001) piloted one of the most famous missions in world history: the Apollo 11 voyage to the moon in 1969. He flew the Columbia, the command module, for 28 hours, traveling at 3,700 miles per hour and circling the moon once every two hours while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin explored the surface below. When asked years later if he wished that he too had walked on the moon, Collins recalled there were three seats in Apollo 11, and “I was very pleased to have the one I had.”

  • Vermeer and violins: science and art—strange bedfellows or partners in crime?
  • “An idea whose time had come”: The National Organization for Women at its half-century mark
  • The life of Colonel William Eddy
  • Charting Amelia Earhart’s first transatlantic solo flight

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May 23, 2024, what’s new: may 2024, april 25, 2024, what’s new: april 2024.

This update features five new biographies, including the “Queen of Soul” Aretha Franklin; management consultant, author, and professor Peter Drucker; pioneering African American psychologist Keturah Whitehurst; University of Pennsylvania philosopher William T. V. Fontaine; and folk singer and labor activist Aunt Molly Jackson.

MARCH 28, 2024

What’s new: march 2024.

The March 2024 update of the American National Biography adds 25 images from the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian Institution.

Printed from American National Biography. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a single article for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice).

date: 08 June 2024

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Biography Online


Biographies of the famous, influential, and inspirational.


People throughout history who influenced and changed the world, from Socrates and Plato to Sir Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy.


Over 50 influential women who helped to shape the world in which we live. Including; Sappho, Malala Yousafzai, Indira Gandhi, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Princess Diana, Joan d’Arc, Greta Thunberg and Mother Teresa.


A selection of inspirational people who have helped create a better world. Includes Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Albert Einstein.

biography research websites

Famous men and women who have campaigned for, and promoted human and civil rights. Includes Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.


Great artists such as Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso. Greatest works of art :  Mona Lisa , Statue of David


The great scientists who have changed our world from Archimedes to Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. Also; list of famous inventors .


Famous poets and authors. Great writers including J. R. R. Tolkien, George Orwell, Ernst Hemingway, J.K.Rowling and C.S. Lewis


Saints and sages from different religious and spiritual traditions. Including The Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammed and the Dalai Lama.


100 great sporting personalities from the fields of football, athletics, tennis, gymnastics, boxing and more.


A list of famous Africans, including Nelson Mandela, Haile Selassie, Kofi Annan, Tegla Laroupe, and Wangari Maathai.


Famous military leaders from Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Napoleon to modern military commanders.

Featured biographies


Recently added pages

  • Tenzing Norgay – (1914 – 1986) Nepalese-Indian climber who was first to climb Mount Everest.
  • Herbert Hoover (1874 – 1964) the 31st US president during the Great Depression
  • Sir Edmund Hillary (1919 – 2008) New Zealand climber who became first to climb Mount Everest.
  • Simone Weil –  Philosopher, mystic and member of French Resistance.
  • James Joyce – Irish contemporary writer.
  • George R.R. Martin (1948 – )- Best selling fantasy author of “Game of Thrones”
  • Sadhguru (1957 – ) Indian Guru and founder of Isha yoga foundation
  • Charles Lindbergh (1902 – 1974) US air pilot who flew from NY to Paris.
  • Simon Bolivar (1783–1830) Venezuelan military and political leader who was instrumental in helping Latin American countries achieve independence.
  • Diego Maradona (1960 – ) Argentinian footballer. Voted greatest player of 20th Century.
  • Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828) Austrian composer of the late classical period.
  • Prophet Muhammad (570–632) Founder of Islam.
  • Anne Frank (1929-45) Diarist and writer who perished in the Holocaust.
  • Karl Marx (1818-1883) Political philosopher and founder of Marxism
  • James Watt – inventor of a more powerful steam engine
  • 100 most influential people – Influential figures of world history.
  • Sappho Biography – The enigmatic poet of Lesbos.
  • Sojourner Truth (1797 – 1883) Civil rights campaigner
  • Harriet Tubman (1822 – 1913) Escaped slave who helped others to escape on the Underground Railroad.
  • Grace Kelly (1929–1982) American film actress and Princess of Monaco.
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  • Martin Niemöller (1893–1984) German pastor, imprisoned for opposing Hitler.
  • Germans who resisted Hitler – Including: Dietrich Bonhoffer, Claus von Stauffenberg.
  • Mozart (1756 – 1791) – Classical composer and musical genius
  • Famous historical figures – from the age of the Ramayana to the present day.
  • Frederick Douglass (1818–1895) African American, anti-slavery campaigner.

biography research websites

Deposit Photos – I use some photos from this source of stock images.

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Libraries | Research Guides

Biographical information.

  • Biographical Sources
  • Searching for Biographical Sources in NUsearch

Biographical resources

  • Online resources
  • Print resources
  • American National Biography This link opens in a new window There is no need to sign in at website to access this resource. Begin searching or browsing for articles. The American National Biography is the premier, authoritative, historical biographical encyclopedia for the United States. Over 18,700 men and women are included, and the resource is updated quarterly with new entries and revisions of previously published entries to enhance their accuracy and currency. Articles are by established scholars. Living individuals are not included.
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography This link opens in a new window The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography provides biographies of over 50,000 individuals worldwide who have shaped the history of the British Isles. Access restricted to 3 simultaneous users at a time.
  • Gale in Context: Biography This link opens in a new window Gale In Context: Biography is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on the world's most influential people. Biography merges Gale's authoritative reference content with periodicals and multimedia organized into a user-friendly portal experience while allowing users to search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender as well as keyword and full text.
  • Current Biography Illustrated This link opens in a new window Current Biography Illustrated contains profiles of individuals living at the time of publication, often at the height of, or even the beginning of, their fame or notoriety. Occasionally a revised biography will be published, and a brief obituary, but published biographies are never revised in light of later events, so a useful source for seeing how individuals were perceived at the time they were active. Illustrations for most individuals are included.
  • Chambers Biographical Dictionary International and historical coverage of all areas of human achievement including the arts, science, technology, sport, politics, philosophy and business.
  • World Biographical Information System WBIS This link opens in a new window Over 3.6 million short biographical entries for individuals who lived across the world from ancient times to the present. Includes full text images of the original sources, usually older biographical dictionaries. Especially valuable for locating information on hard-to-find individuals from the past.
  • Almanac of American Politics Includes profiles of every member of Congress and every governor. It offers in-depth and completely up-to-date narrative profiles of all 50 states and 435 House districts.
  • African American Biographical Database This link opens in a new window From July 1, 2023 AABD became a component of ProQuest Black Studies Center. Biographical sketches and essays on African Americans from 1790 to 1950. The Database corresponds to the printed Black Biographical Dictionaries. These sketches have been assembled from biographical dictionaries, yearbooks, directories, histories, personal accounts, and other published sources. The full text of 300 rare books is displayed and searchable in page images, intact with images and illustrations.
  • Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography Provides information on the history of science through articles on the professional lives of scientists. Covers all periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times.
  • Gale Literature Resource Center This link opens in a new window Provides access to biographies, bibliographies, and critical analayses of authors from every age and literary discipline. Covers more than 120,000 novelists, essayist, poets, journalists, and other writers, with in-depth coverage of 2,500 of the most-studied authors. Includes links to: Dictionary of literary biography, Contemporary authors, Contemporary literary criticism, and more.
  • Palgrave MacMillan Dictionary of Women’s Biography Biographical information about women: historical, current, and worldwide.

biography research websites

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  • Last Updated: Jul 7, 2023 1:49 PM
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Biographical Resources: A Research Guide: Introduction


  • National and International Biographies
  • Biographical Indexes
  • K. G. Saur Indexes & Microfiche
  • Subject Biographies
  • Dissertations and Theses
  • Research Help

We purchase access to new online versions of major biographical reference sources as they become available. Many important biographical resources are available in print and on microfilm. This guide combines online titles with the selected microform and print biography titles in the Olin and Africana reference collections. Online databases are available to Cornell users only.

Biography is a branch of the study of history. The reliability of biographical sources varies widely and is subject to the usual vagaries of historical studies: lack of accurate information, too much or conflicting information, too little information, psychological theorizing, etc. But a well-written biographical article in a reliable reference book or database can be a source of both pleasure and enlightenment. Enjoy!

For further information or to locate titles not listed here, always feel free to consult with the reference staff .

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If you wish to use or adapt any or all of the content of this Guide go to Cornell Library's Research Guides Use Conditions to review our use permissions and our Creative Commons license.

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Databases: Biography: Biography Databases

Biography databases.

  • All Databases by Subject Area
  • American National Biography Online This link opens in a new window Offers full-text biographical articles for more than 18,300 men and women from all eras and walks of life whose lives have shaped the United States. No. of concurrent users: 5.
  • Asahi Shimbun Onrain Kiji Detabesu (朝日新聞オンライン記事データべース) This link opens in a new window Kikuzo II Visual (朝日新聞オンライン記事データべース) is one of the largest newspaper article databases in Japan, with over eight million articles from over 130 years of the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. The database also includes Who's Who and Historical Photo Archives.
  • Biography and Genealogy Master Index This link opens in a new window [Now included in Gale Directories Library.] Citations to biographical entries in over 3000 volumes and editions of current and retrospective reference books and volumes of literary criticism, covering both contemporary and historical figures.
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography This link opens in a new window The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) is an illustrated collection of more than 57,000 specially written biographies of the men and women from around the world who shaped all aspects of Britain's past. The Oxford DNB was published in print and online in 2004. It is extended with three annual updates (each January, May and October), adding new biographies from the Romans to the 21st century. No. of concurrent users: 3

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Biography Reference Source

Biography Reference Source provides thousands of unique and reliable full-text biographies, including the complete full text of Biography and Biography Today. In addition to keyword search, users can locate biographies by subject occupation, activity, nationality, gender, birthplace and more.

Thousands of Reliable Full-Text Biographies

Biography Reference Source provides superior coverage for several of the most popular and heavily researched biographies and genres, including those contained within Biography Today and Biography (both dating back to the first issue published).

Sources Include

  • Biography Today 's complete collection
  • Biography 's complete collection
  • Cambridge Dictionary of American Biography
  • Biographies from Columbia University Press
  • Congressional biographies from the  American Reference Library
  • Biographies from  Encyclopædia Britannica
  • Harvard University Press: Notable American Women, a Biographical Dictionary (Vols. 1-5)
  • Profiles of United States presidents
  • Biographies from Salem Press

Biography Reference eBook Collection

The Biography Reference eBook Collection is offered as a companion to Biography Reference Source, containing reference books from top educational publishers and presses. This encompasses a rich selection of biographic titles, covering popular and important figures in business, film, history, music, politics, sports and more.

Intuitive User Experience

Available through Explora , Biography Reference Source offers a variety of features and functionality to support research success and productivity. In addition to simple and advanced search options and powerful filters, researchers have the ability to explore topics by category, including artists, athletes, explorers and pioneers, historical figures, inventors, musicians, politicians, scientists and more.

Each category breaks down into popular, colloquial or curriculum-based subtopics that are logical for all users and friendlier to younger or novice researchers. Clicking on the subtopic brings the user to a page with a topic overview, related subtopics and overview articles, sample search results (with the option to view all results) and a carousel of relevant e-books (if available).

Results can be limited by reading level indicators (Lexiles) and source types that include concise and detailed biographies, interviews, obituaries and related articles. Users can also limit search results by occupation. 

Visit the Explora page to learn about additional interface features, functionality and integrations.

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Biographical Research: Getting Started

  • Getting Started
  • Reference Shelf
  • Finding Books
  • Finding Articles
  • National, Political
  • Literature, Science, Business, Social Science
  • Religion, Race, Ethnicity, Gender
  • Sports, Entertainment & Arts
  • Time Period & Obituaries
  • Primary Sources
  • Internet Resources
  • Citation & Writing Manuals
  • Genealogy Books
  • Genealogy Research Guide This link opens in a new window

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Before you start your research, check the correct spelling of the person’s name.

While you research, keep in mind that all sources can contain bias; the best biographical information will be signed by an author and will provide bibliographic citations for source material. Research Questions:

  • What do you already know about the person?
  • How much information do you want to find about the person?
  • What is the person's profession or notoriety?
  • How well known is the person?
  • Is the person’s nationality, ethnic background, gender, or affiliation significant?
  • Is the person living or deceased?  
  • What dates are significant for this person?
  • Do you want autobiography, memoir, or interviews in addition to biographical sources?

Q:  How do I attribute when I use information from biographies on the site for a class project or for publication?

A: includes citation examples in multiple formats at the end of each lengthy biography.  

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Databases for history and culture research.

  • General History andCulture Resources

Historic Newspaper Resources

  • Biography and Genealogy Resources

This list highlights some of the history and culture databases available to researchers from the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives. A complete listing of electronic resources is located on the Libraries and Archives'  E-journals, E-books, and Databases . Databases that require SI network for access are indicated by "SI staff." For information about remote access see  Off-Site Access to Electronic Resources​ .

General History and Culture Resources

  • Archives Unbound  (SI Staff): Presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that cover a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.
  • American Civil War: Letters and Diaries  (SI Staff): Contains  over 2,000 authors and approximately 100,000 pages of diaries, letters and memoirs, presenting viewpoints and first-hand accounts from people on both sides of the conflict.
  • Gale Cengage Databases  (SI Staff): Search across more than 30 Gale databases at the same time, including American and foreign newspapers (some historical, some current), as well as a variety of U.S. and international history sources.
  • JSTOR  (SI Staff): Full-text searchable articles from more than 500 scholarly journals in the arts and humanities, economics and politics, mathematics and other fields of study. 
  • North American Immigrant Letters, Diaries and Oral Histories  (SI Staff):  Includes over 2,100 authors and approximately 100,000 pages of information, providing a unique and personal view of what it meant to immigrate to America and Canada between 1800 and 1950.
  • North American Women's Letters and Diaries  (SI Staff):  I ncludes the immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters. The collection also includes biographies and an extensive annotated bibliography of the sources in the database.
  • Project Muse  (SI Staff): Provides full-text access to hundreds of high quality, peer-reviewed journals from non-profit scholarly publishers, including university presses and societies, covering a wide variety of disciplines.
  • ProQuest  (SI Staff): Search across all available ProQuest different databases at once or select specific ones to search, including American Periodicals, Ethnic NewsWatch, Women's Magazine Archive, and historical newspapers such as the Washington Post, New York Times , Los Angeles Times , and Chicago Defender .
  • Smithsonian Collections Online (Gale Cengage) (SI Staff):  Online archive of  Smithsonian  and Air & Space Magazine  issues, as well as online access to selected trade catalogs and World's Fair materials from Smithsonian collections.
  • African American Newspapers (1827-1998)   (SI Staff) :  Covers life in the Antebellum South through the Civil Rights movement and more.
  • Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers :  This resource from the Library of Congress lets you search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1924 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
  • Ethnic NewsWatch   (SI Staff) :  Coverage: 1959-present. Included are journals, magazines, and newspapers from ethnic and minority presses. Ethnicities include: African American/Caribbean/African; Arab/Middle Eastern; Asian/Pacific Islander; European/Eastern European; Hispanic; Jewish; Native People.
  • Google News Archive :  A list of U.S. and foreign digitized newspapers, arranged alphabetically by title. Coverage varies widely.
  • Harper's Weekly 1857-1912   (SI Staff) :  America's leading 19th century illustrated newspaper.
  • Atlanta Constitution   (SI Staff) :  Coverage: 1868- 1984
  • Atlanta Daily World   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1931- 2010
  • Baltimore Afro-American   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1893- 1988
  • Boston Globe   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1872- 1989
  • Chicago Defender   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1909- 2010
  • Chicago Tribune   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1849- 1997
  • Hartford Courant   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1764- 1995
  • Los Angeles Times   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1881- 1996
  • New York Amsterdam News   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1922- 1993
  • New York Times   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1851- 2017
  • New York Tribune   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1841- 1922
  • Pittsburgh Courier   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1911- 2010
  • St. Louis Post-Dispatch   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1874- 1922
  • Washington Post   (SI Staff) :   Coverage: 1877-2004 (Smithsonian employees can register for a free current digital subscription at )
  • Wikipedia List of Online Newspaper Archives :   A listing of both free and pay wall blocked digital newspaper archives from the U.S. and foreign countries.

Biography and Genealogy Resources

  • Ancestry Library Edition  (SI Staff): Powered by, this resource offers access to billions of records for genealogical research.
  • American National Biography Online  (SI Staff): Offers portraits of more than 19,000 men and women, from all eras and walks of life, whose lives have shaped the nation. 
  • Biography and Genealogy Master Index  (SI Staff):   Indexes current, easily accessible references sources to help find biographical material on people from all time periods, geographic locations, and fields of endeavor.
  •   FamilySearch : For over 100 years, FamilySearch has been actively gathering, preserving, and sharing genealogical records worldwide.
  •   Fold3  (SI Staff): Provides access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served. Also includes some census records and selected other non-military materials.
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An Introduction to Biographical Research

Among the numerous forms of   biographical research   in education, five types are often noted: schol­arly chronicles, intellectual biography, life history writing, memoir biography, and narrative biogra­phy. These orientations may take the form of articles, vignettes, chapters, monographs, and full-length books. One need not draw fine distinctions among these different approaches, however, and each orientation offers particular strengths for the presentation of the biographical subject. Realms are crossed continually as the intent and purpose of the biographer become more clearly defined during the research process. Ultimately, biographers while engaged in their research are constantly examining their interpretive voices as much as the lives of their biographical subjects.

The schol­arly chronicle is the most fundamental (and common) type of biographical research with its focus on the historical portrayal of an individual life. This basic research orientation constitutes telling the sub­ject’s story in chronological order with emphasis upon the development of a quest plot (life pattern-stages) and the description of acts of recognition (or notoriety) as the biographer marches through the life of the biographical subject. The scholarly chronicle is often viewed as synonymous with biography; however, this research orientation is markedly different from other forms of biographical inquiry.   

Another genre, intellectual biography, forsakes the need for basic chronological structure and develops a narrative of a life through the conceptual analysis of the subject’s motives and beliefs within the world of ideas. Those who write intellectual biography have overcome the interpretive angst of other educational researchers, what Rollyson (2005) has deemed “the biographical apologia,” who include pages of interviewee narrative and rich description but who refrain from interpreting motives and feelings. In contrast, the intellectual biographer recognizes and accepts the invasive yet justifiable analysis and overcomes the intrusive nature of inquiry with care resulting in self-reflective thoughtfulness and insight. 

A third form of biographical research is defined as life history writing (and the narrative study of lives) with strong allegiance to the social science research traditions of oral history and narrative discourse and, specifically, great devotion to theoretical constructs from sociology and psychology. Case study paradigms emerge as life history writers address issues of generalizability, social interaction-social structure, and reliability and validity as well as the biographical quest of any study of a life. This research genre has taken many forms in the field of education, perhaps resonating most in the area of teacher education with the narrative study of teachers’ lives scholarship and, to a lesser degree, with the first-year teacher research that also remains loyal to aspects of intellectual biography (Goodson, 2008; Bullough, 2008).

In recent years a fourth genre, memoir biography (still distinct from autobiogra­phy and memoir) has begun to appear in the field of curriculum studies. Attention is devoted to the researcher’s motives in relation to the biographical subject and with emphasis upon the stylistic presentation of the biographer’s reflections and insights in relation to the factual account of the life. An interpretive narrative of the writer, alongside the presentation of the biographical subject, becomes part of the research. A life story is being told, yet in relation to the transactional experiences of the biographer that in turn influences and foreshadows similar experi­ences for the reader.

A fifth type, narrative biog­raphy, represents a dynamic portrayal of a life without the need for absolute facticity or a compre­hensive account from birth to grave. Neither is this style burdened by the ultimate interpretation of the subject that must be accepted by the reader. Facts are recognized and some interpretations are accepted as being more significant than others; however, the biogra­pher, though consciously aware of his or her per­sonal emotions and reactions to the subject, acknowledges that the telling of the story is primar­ily defined by the subject in relation to the reader. 

No definitive listing of biographical types can ever be constructed since, fortunately, new forms—content and process oriented—are continually being conceived and explored. Other more content-related designations include feminist biography (Alpern, et al., 1992; Ascher, et. al., 1984; Wagner-Martin, 1994) and black biography (Backscheider, 1997), all with emphasis upon identity and the restoration of the “invisible” subject. 

Biography’s relationship to autobiography, memoir, and narrative research in education is well developed and will continually be redefined (Denzin, 1989; Epstein, 1991; Rollyson, 2008) Yet, with the emerging interest in biographical inquiry and with some growing interest in prosopography (group biography), little consensus of terminology exists; for example, it should be noted that while some qualitative research­ers view the term as accurate, there are dramatic differences between biography and autobiography—much more than any slash or solidus can convey.

Alpern, S., Antler, J., Perry, E. I. & Scobie, I. W. (Eds.) (1992). . Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.
Ascher, C., DeSalvo, L., & Ruddick, S. (Eds.) (1984). . Boston: Beacon Press.
Backscheider, P. R. (1997). . New York: Oxford University Press.
Bullough, R. V., Jr. (2008). . Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Denzin, N. (1989). . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Epstein, W. (Ed.) (1991). . West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
Garraty, J. (1957). . New York: Knopf.
Goodson, I. (2008). . Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Josselson, R. & Lieblich, A. (Eds.) (1993). . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Oates, S. B. (Ed.) (1986). . Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press.
Roberts, B. (2002). . London: Open University Press.
Rollyson, C. (2008). . Chicago: Ivan R. Dee.
Rollyson, C. (2005). Chicago: Ivan R. Dee.
Wagner-Martin, L. (1994). . New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

By Craig Kridel, University of South Carolina

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Biographical sources: websites with biographies.

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  • Websites with Biographies

African Americans

  • The History Makers Nation's largest African American Video Oral History Collection
  • African American Women Writers of the 19th century
  • Academy of American Poets 3,000 biographies of poets
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  • Luminarium: Anthology of English Literature Lots of biographical information
  • A celebration of Women Writers

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  • Musicians from All About Jazz
  • ESPN: Top North American athletes of the century
  • Advance Search in Internet Movie Database Use the Advanced Name Search or the Name Text Search to find biographical information
  • Artists' biographies from the Van Gogh Gallery
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
  • Artist Biographies from artrepublic
  • Women Composers

Biographical Websites

  • BBC Historical Figures
  • Infoplease Biography Search over 30,000+ biographies
  • National Women's History Museum-biographies Biographies of women by categories
  • PBS Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries 120 entries about 20th century scientists and their stories.
  • Obituaries
  • Spotlight Biography Spotlight Biography is the Smithsonian's virtual center-stage for famous and not-so-famous American artists and athletes, soldiers and scientists, inventors and social reformers, and other interesting people
  • Time--Most Influential 100 of 2020
  • Who2 Biographies of famous people

Scientists, inventors

  • Eric Weisstein's World of Scientific Biography
  • Famous Scientists
  • MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive from University of St Andrews, Scotland
  • Biographies of Women Mathematicians from Agnes Scott College
  • The Famous People Mathematicians

World Leaders

  • Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-present
  • Presidents of the United States
  • Biographies of Nobel Prize Recipients
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Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

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Find biographical information on the Internet through searchable databases and dictionaries, and read obituaries.

ALIC Resources

Databases & directories.

  • Biography and Genealogy Master Index Available in the Archives Library Information Center. BGMI contains over 20 million biographical citations on over 6 million individuals.
  • African American Biographical Database Available in the Archives Library Information Center. The AABD provides profiles and full-text sketches of African Americans from various sources, many rare, from the period 1790-1950.
  • American National Biography. Available in the Archives Library Information Center. Published by the Oxford University Press, this 24-volume dictionary is the most inclusive biographical resource for American history available. Go the the ANB Biography of the Day web site to see a sample entry.
  • Bibliography of Biographical Resources in ALIC  
  • Biographical Directory of the United States Congress Search for members of Congress from 1774 to the present.
  • This database includes over 20,000 entries. Search by full name or just the last name.
  • Biographical Dictionary This dictionary includes over 28,000 notable men and women who have influenced history from ancient times to the present day. It is searchable by years of birth and/or death, positions held, professions, literary and artistic works, achievements, and other keywords.
  • New York Public Library’s Research Guide to Obituaries A useful bibliography for searching obituaries for genealogical information.
  • Obituary Daily Times A daily index of published obituaries, with approximately 1500 to 2000 new entries per day. Intended for historians and genealogical researchers. The database does not have the obituaries themselves, but instead gives citations to the newspapers which publish them.
  • Political Graveyard Locations of the graves of politicians. Also includes manner of death, and other biographical information about American politicians.

Surfing the Net with Kids


January 21, 2008 by Barbara Feldman

When researching biographies for school reports, it’s important to use a variety of resources. For most non-controversial subjects, I like starting with Wikipedia . After that, I recommend stopping by the following biography sites.

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A Legendary Missing World War II Plane Has Appeared in the Jungle After 80 Years

Major Richard Bong downed 40 Japanese aircraft in his trusty “Marge.” Then, after a crash, it was lost to time.

bong and marge

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Major Richard Bong was the top flying ace of World War II for the United States, credited with 40 aerial victories against Japanese aircraft. For his heroism, General Douglas MacArthur presented Bong with a Medal of Honor in December 1944. As his citation noted, Bong undertook dangerous combat missions and downed enemy planes, despite being “assigned to duty as gunnery instructor, and neither required, nor expected, to perform combat duty.”

Bong, who was known as the “Ace of Aces,” took down all 40 of those Japanese fighter planes while flying the same aircraft: a Lockheed P-38 Lightning fighter that he named for his sweetheart, “Marge.” And for 80 years, that historic plane was lost to time.

But now, Marge has finally been found, thanks to a joint venture between the Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Centre and Pacific Wrecks , a charity that helps to “locate and document Missing In Action (MIA) personnel.”

lt bong in his p 38

Explorers located Marge, an iconic piece of World War II aviation history, in the Madang Province of New Guinea, according to Heritage Daily . The search crew found Bong’s P-38, serial number 42-103993, after just two days of trekking through the jungle. “The plane was found with two engines above ground level, and still coloured with Bong’s signature red paint,” Heritage Daily reports. Once the crew spotted an Army stencil on the wingtip reading “993,” the last three digits of Bong's serial number, they knew they’d found Marge.

Although Bong’s plane crashed in that New Guinea jungle 80 years ago, it wasn’t Bong who was actually in the aircraft when it went down. Instead, 2nd Lt. Thomas E. Malone took Marge—which wasn’t only named for Bong’s girlfriend (later wife) Marjorie “Marge” Ann Vattendahl, but even bore her face on the nose cone as well—for a simple weather reconnaissance mission over New Guinea on March 24, 1944.

During that flight, “the propeller failed to feather, followed by an electrical failure, causing the plane to enter an uncontrollable spin,” according to Heritage Daily . Malone bailed out and parachuted to safety somewhere south of Madang, but the plane crashed into the northern jungle and was lost.

Malone survived bailing out from Marge. But not long after the crash, Bong, the plane’s original pilot, wasn’t as fortunate.

garland meets the bongs

About a year after Marge went down in New Guinea, Bong was in California to test out a Lockheed P-80A Shooting Star. Shortly after takeoff during his acceptance flight on August 6, 1945, a fuel pump malfunction occurred. Bong bailed out, but he was too low for his parachute to properly deploy. He was killed upon impact with the ground. He was only 24 years old.

For his remarkable career, Bong was posthumously inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame in 1986, and the Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center was created in his honor. The Center, located in Bong’s birthplace of Superior, Wisconsin, boasts a museum, a screening room, and even a replica of the pilot’s legendary P-38.

Now, through the Historical Center’s efforts, in tandem with the not-for-profit 501(c)(3) Pacific Wrecks that undertook the search, the museum no longer needs to only settle for a facsimile of the fame fighter plane.

“This discovery not only honours Richard Bong’s memory, but also serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by all those who served during World War II,” said Briana Fiandt, curator of collections at the Bong Center, via Heritage Daily . “It is a tribute to their courage, their service, and their enduring impact on our nation’s history.”

Headshot of Michael Natale

Michael Natale is the news editor for Best Products , covering a wide range of topics like gifting, lifestyle, pop culture, and more. He has covered pop culture and commerce professionally for over a decade. His past journalistic writing can be found on sites such as Yahoo! and Comic Book Resources , his podcast appearances can be found wherever you get your podcasts, and his fiction can’t be found anywhere, because it’s not particularly good. 

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  1. How to Write a Bio for Your Website

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  2. 25 Best Biography Websites List for Students

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  3. The 7 Best Biography Sites for Famous and Inspirational People

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  4. Best Websites for Finding Biography

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  5. 25 Best Biography Websites List for Students

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  6. 20 of the Best Professional Bio Examples We've Ever Seen [+ Templates]

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  1. Eliot Ness: Untouchable

  2. Rinku Singh Biography Age Education Height Lifestyle Weight Family

  3. What a Graphic Biography Is and How to Read It

  4. Almarai Biography ... Steadfast, Unwavering, and Reliable

  5. Biography Research PowToon

  6. Biography: Investigating Sources


  1. Biography Databases, Magazines & Other Biographical Resources

    Gale | 2019 | ISBN-13: 9781410388995. An easy-to-use source for librarians, students, and other researchers, each volume of this series provides illustrated biographical articles on approximately 75 children's authors and artists. The series covers more than 15,000 individuals ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators ...

  2. Biography: Historical and Celebrity Profiles

    Read exclusive biographies, watch videos, and discover fascinating stories about your favorite icons, musicians, authors, and historical figures.

  3. The 7 Best Biography Sites for Famous and Inspirational People

    Overall, the site is an exhaustive resource on women who have impacted history through the ages. It pays tribute to some of the greatest women in history with multimedia content and other exhibits. 5. Wikipedia. If you want information on famous people, you can never go too far wrong with the ubiquitous Wikipedia.

  4. Biography Research Guide: Free Biography Sites

    WSU Online Resources and free sites that contain researched and reliable information on people from all countries, time periods and professions, as well as information on biography as a literary form. Most biographical research on the internet is of questionable value. Use these sites instead of a search engine.

  5. American National Biography

    Welcome to American National Biography Online. The life of a nation is told by the lives of its people Over 19,000 biographies of significant, influential or notorious figures from American history written by prominent scholars; Life of the day now available as an email to your inbox or by RSS feed; Learn about our editors and the Letter from the General Editor Miroslava Chávez-García.

  6. Biography Online -Biography Online

    Prophet Muhammad (570-632) Founder of Islam. Anne Frank (1929-45) Diarist and writer who perished in the Holocaust. Karl Marx (1818-1883) Political philosopher and founder of Marxism. James Watt - inventor of a more powerful steam engine. 100 most influential people - Influential figures of world history.

  7. National and International Biographies

    Online version of the standard national biography of the United States. Profiles of more than 23,000 notable American women and men from all eras of U.S. history who are no longer alive. The ANB Online features thousands of illustrations, thousands of hyperlinked cross-references, links to select web sites, and archival sources.

  8. Biographical Sources

    Over 3.6 million short biographical entries for individuals who lived across the world from ancient times to the present. Includes full text images of the original sources, usually older biographical dictionaries. Especially valuable for locating information on hard-to-find individuals from the past. Subject specific sources.

  9. Biographical Resources: A Research Guide: Introduction

    Introduction. We purchase access to new online versions of major biographical reference sources as they become available. Many important biographical resources are available in print and on microfilm. This guide combines online titles with the selected microform and print biography titles in the Olin and Africana reference collections.

  10. Biography Databases

    Databases: Biography: Biography Databases. Offers full-text biographical articles for more than 18,300 men and women from all eras and walks of life whose lives have shaped the United States. No. of concurrent users: 5. Kikuzo II Visual (朝日新聞オンライン記事データべース) is one of the largest newspaper article databases in ...

  11. Biography Reference Source

    Biography Reference eBook Collection. The Biography Reference eBook Collection is offered as a companion to Biography Reference Source, containing reference books from top educational publishers and presses. This encompasses a rich selection of biographic titles, covering popular and important figures in business, film, history, music, politics ...

  12. Getting Started

    Fordham University Libraries. Walsh Library ♦ Rose Hill Campus ♦ 718-817-3586. Quinn Library ♦ Lincoln Center Campus ♦ 212-636-6050. Fordham Westchester Library ♦ Fordham Westchester Campus ♦ 914-367-3061. [email protected] ♦ text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ Ask a Librarian (Chat) Last Updated: May 30, 2024 4:08 PM. URL: https://fordham ...

  13. Databases for History and Culture Research

    Biography and Genealogy Resources. Ancestry Library Edition (SI Staff): Powered by, this resource offers access to billions of records for genealogical research. American National Biography Online (SI Staff): Offers portraits of more than 19,000 men and women, from all eras and walks of life, whose lives have shaped the nation.

  14. Biography Browse Kids

    Do you want to learn more about the lives of famous people, from artists and athletes to scientists and explorers? Visit Biography Browse Kids Britannica Kids and explore hundreds of biographies of people who have shaped the world. You can search by name, category, or alphabet, and read stories, watch videos, and see photos of your favorite personalities.

  15. Websites for Biography

    Phone: Call our Research Help Desk at 909.869.3084: In Person: Come to our Research Help Desk. Contact: Need in-depth research help? ... Sites for general biography plus African-Americans; Arts, music, entertainment, sports; Authors; Inventors, scientists, mathematicians; US and world leaders; Women. Wikipedia Biography Portal.

  16. An Introduction to Biographical Research

    Biographical research in education may be conceived in many different ways; however, typically the topic con­stitutes the study of a single life, focusing primarily upon an individual who in some way is affiliated with the professional field of education, broadly conceived (Garraty, 1957; Oates, 1986). Other research methodologies are often ...

  17. JSTOR Home

    Harness the power of visual materials—explore more than 3 million images now on JSTOR. Enhance your scholarly research with underground newspapers, magazines, and journals. Explore collections in the arts, sciences, and literature from the world's leading museums, archives, and scholars. JSTOR is a digital library of academic journals ...

  18. Websites with Biographies

    Websites with Biographies African Americans Black Renaissance in Washington, D.C. 1920-1930 Biographies of 26 African Americans important to the Black Renaissance in Washington.

  19. Best history/biography websites to trust? : r/AskHistory

    The best websites really depend on what you're using them for and what you'd like to research. I'll list some free to use resources here; however, there are a number of great biographical databases through subscription services like EBSCOhost and ProQuest, for example. Encyclopaedia Brittanica is a good resource for general historical ...

  20. Biographies for kids: Inventors, World Leaders, Women, Civil Rights

    Learn the life story and biography of influencial people: US Presidents, World Leaders, Inventors, Women, Artists, Civil Rights heroes. History Biography Geography Science Games. Search Ducksters: Biographies. Biographies by Date Biographies Alphabetical. Pick the person or subject below to view biography or list of biographies: ...

  21. About Editorial Policies, Contact Info, and Staff

    Since 2023, has been a part of Hearst Magazines, one of the largest publishers of magazine media across all platforms with nearly 260 magazine editions and 200 websites around the ...

  22. Biography

    ALIC Resources. Biography and Genealogy Master Index Available in the Archives Library Information Center. BGMI contains over 20 million biographical citations on over 6 million individuals. African American Biographical Database Available in the Archives Library Information Center. The AABD provides profiles and full-text sketches of African Americans from various sources, many rare, from the ...

  23. Biographies » Resources » Surfnetkids

    3. When researching biographies for school reports, it's important to use a variety of resources. For most non-controversial subjects, I like starting with Wikipedia. After that, I recommend stopping by the following biography sites. Biographies Resource Handout for Classroom or Homeschool: Just $2.00.

  24. Scholarly Resources for Learning and Research

    Provide guidance for your patrons' goals with an intuitive landing page that directs users to the right resource based on learning goals and styles. This is a free add-on feature when a library subscribes to two or more resources in the Gale Online Learning Suite. See how easy it can be to offer education for everyone!

  25. Fact Monster

    Fact Monster is a free reference site for students, teachers, and parents. Get homework help and find facts on thousands of subjects, including sports, entertainment, geography, history, biography, education, and health.

  26. Research

    Science is the foundation. EPA is one of the world's leading environmental and human health research organizations. The Office of Research and Development is EPA's scientific research arm. On this page you can access our products, tools, and events, and learn about grant and job opportunities.

  27. Explorers Find Missing Plane of WWII Hero Pilot in the Jungle

    Explorers located Marge, an iconic piece of World War II aviation history, in the Madang Province of New Guinea, according to Heritage Daily. The search crew found Bong's P-38, serial number 42 ...