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Carinderia business plan (with pdf).

  • Food & Beverage

business plan for filipino restaurant

A carinderia business may be attractive and seemingly easy to set up: have a stall near your house, few tables and chairs, adequate cooking equipment and utensils and a good cook might be all you need to get started. But it’s actually a tough business to manage with low margins and factors that are hard to control. That is why, just like in any other business venture, careful planning and execution is key to getting the carinderia business off the ground and get started. A misaligned priority or missing out on a key component of the business could easily shut it down. So we came up with this basic business plan for those interested but unsure if carinderia business is the way to go. Just because you like the business does not always mean it’s meant for you. Thorough research and sufficient business support are needed.

Table of Contents

Market research

Was the idea of establishing your business borne out of your passion to cook? Was it because a vacant stall in the public market seems suitable to set up your carinderia? Or was it because you hear so many people complain about not having enough meal choices in your neighborhood? If you tick any of the above boxes, you’ve got the potential to get started but not enough to steamroll with the carinderia bandwagon.

business plan for filipino restaurant

  • Which segments do they belong to (low-wage workers, office workers, housewives, students, drivers, seasonal workers)?
  • What is their corresponding buying power?
  • Do they tend to be loyal at a specific eatery or can easily be swayed of their choices depending on available food, season, weather, etc?
  • Are they encouraged to eat out or can easily switch back to prepared meals if provided with the opportunity?

Existing carinderias in the neighborhood . Identify them and ask yourself and others about them:

  • Do they serve a good variety of food for customers ?
  • Do they operate 24/7 or only during lunch/dinner or a certain times of the day?
  • Do they operate as a legitimate business or behave like an extended table serving home-cooked meals?
  • Do they source their materials from sustainable
  • Do you or others have a good impression of them in terms of sanitation, food taste, price point, general ambiance, and customer service?
  • Do they have generally favorable sentiment from customers?
  • What are their advantages and disadvantages?

Urban planning and development. Think about what the neighborhood would look like in the next five to ten years.

  • Are there proposed landmark buildings, infrastructure projects, new business establishments, or public projects forthcoming?
  • Are there new schools, residential buildings, hospitals, or transport rerouting planned?

Available resources. This is key to sustaining the needs of your carinderia business.

  • Are suppliers available nearby and accessible without investing a significant amount of money or time? They include meat, poultry, vegetable, seafood, or fruit dealers.
  • Are there cheaper alternatives you can explore such as wholesalers who can give you better deals and stronger business relationships?
  • Is it easy to find workers like waiters, dishwashers, cooks, assistants, cleaners, and cashiers who can augment the needs of a growing business?
  • Is the power supply stable and does not require you to procure generators in case of a power failure?
  • Is the water supply stable and does not require interruptions?
  • Do you have existing materials and equipment such as fridges, freezers , or gas stoves that can be used and reduce initial spending to set up the carinderia business?
  • Is there an ample disposal area to discard material waste?

Financial ability and literacy.  This is what everyone wants to discuss when planning for the business so this must be very important.

  • Will you use your personal savings to invest in the business?
  • Do you need to borrow money to finance the business?
  • Do you have a credit line to use as a lifeline in procuring necessary materials?
  • Do you or a partner have a background in accounting and basic concepts of cash flow?
  • Are you familiar with the business licensing, taxes, wages, and benefits that go with the carinderia business?

Hopefully, the list provides a sufficient understanding of how suitable you are to pursue the business. This research is helpful not only for the business but also to prequalify you as a player in the business. Without due diligence and enough market know-how, challenges that would have been anticipated in this initial research stage could emerge down the road and it’s more difficult to back down and make hard choices.

Capital money

Some sources say us included, that a P15,000 investment will be enough to start the business, maybe as a food delivery business instead of a full-fledged carinderia entity. With limited capital money to buy bulk inventory of ingredients, food will be cooked in smaller portions, and orders are delivered to homes instead of accepting dine-in customers. But even before operations can begin, administrative expenses should be considered: barangay permits, rental fees, and so on. Profits will be minimal at around 5% depending on how you source your ingredients or save on costs (more on this later below). Breaking even will depend on your setup. If you are mostly utilizing your own resources such as vacant space in the backyard instead of renting a space in the market or family members helping out instead of hiring an extra hand, a significant amount of your capital expenses can be used for production. This counts utensils, cooking equipment, meat and seafood produce, vegetables, and condiments. Spending your capital money on a formal venue like a market stall may be more expensive but it also signifies your long-term commitment to the business. When the business falters when you find out your backyard does not have enough foot traffic, it’s easy to fold because you are less dependent on external factors. Hiring an experienced cook will help guarantee food quality especially if family members are less skilled or less committed to working for free for the family business. So it doesn’t mean that if you’re investing less in setting up your eatery business, you’ll more likely to succeed. Likewise, if you borrow a huge amount and are heavily invested in a proper venue, you’ll be less likely to prosper.

Carinderia design

The design of your eatery business will ideally evoke the character of your business: friendly and inviting, a place to relieve the cravings of a hungry stomach, and doubles as a place of socialization. Of course, we all imagine great designs as below with fancy design and bright, airy atmosphere. But we also think of practicality and associated costs. We ask ourselves:

  • Do our customers stay long enough to marvel at the interiors or do we simply want them to spend half an hour so more customers can come in and eat?
  • Do we wish to establish our presence as the talk of the town and generate word of mouth or even get featured in local magazines or TV shows?
  • Do we have enough resources to execute our design plan? Money to pay a good interior designer. Materials to put brilliant design ideas into life.
  • Are our ideal designs applicable to the neighborhood we wish to operate in terms of practicality such as comfort, ease of access, and efficiency in managing incoming and outgoing customers?

Nonetheless, let’s explore some inspiration designs for small food kiosks that can be applied to your carinderia.

business plan for filipino restaurant

Manpower resources

Managing a carinderia business can range from an all-around cook/dishwasher/accountant/procurement officer to a full team of specialized roles. Depending on the scale of operation and number of customers that can be accommodated at any given time, here are some of those specialty roles: Cook – the heart and soul of the carinderia business. He or she conceptualize which types of food appear on the menu, handpicks the ingredients, slices them accordingly, and does magical things in the kitchen. Whether honed by skills passed on in the family or acquired in a culinary school, the cook’s masterpiece will be significant in customer loyalty and the carinderia’s reputation. Manager – often the owner of the carinderia business, he or she oversees the overall operation of the business. From ushering in customers inside to ensure a steady supply of food choices in the tray, he/she attempts to troubleshoot problems and achieve harmony in the operation. The manager can also dabble into cleaning up tables, assisting the cashier, verifying supplier deliveries, and makes quick resolutions on issues that may arise. Cleaner – this person ensures that the sanitation of the carinderia is in top shape. The cleaner makes quick work of tables and prepares them for the next customer. He or she ensures that leftover soft drinks, plates, and discarded food are away from the eyes of the public as soon as possible and makes prompt disposal of garbage. After operating hours, he or she makes a thorough cleaning of the carinderia: floors, tables and chairs, food shelves, kitchen and cooking area, and lastly, the toilet. Dishwasher – this role extends beyond cleaning dishes and other tableware, glasses, and cooking utensils during business hours. After hours, the role of the dishwasher will transform to that of the cleaner. This separate role manifests the importance of making the tableware clean; a singular presence of blemish can tarnish the reputation of the carinderia. This is especially crucial if the eatery relies on handwashing and without the help of a dishwashing machine. Cashier/Accountant – this person takes charge of the finances of the business. He or she collects customer bill payment, looks at the inventory of materials, analyze which menu items are profitable or loss-making, makes suggestions on the menu from a profit perspective. He or she also looks after the cash flow management and makes tight monitoring of expenses (LPG supply, electricity/water bills, supplier invoices, salary/payroll, and taxes and permits ) against income. Utility person – this person does everything not defined from the above list. This role can assist the above jobs or tasks that are not anticipated in the operation. He or she helps arrange the delivery of meat/veggies of suppliers, replaces broken bulbs or faucets, orders extra rice from other restaurants or condiments from the supermarket if supply is short, or keeps an eye on customers who try to steal items like cutlery.

Keeping carinderia operation costs low

In a business known for razor-thin margins, keeping operational costs low is key. There are expenses that you cannot avoid (permits, raw materials, equipment, and labor), but you can keep them low without resorting to unlawful practices to get the bottom line.

  • Location. Rental costs cover a significant amount in a daily expense, so if you can set up in a space you own, that saves up a lot of money. It can be a small space at the beginning, as you start to attract loyal customers and build your carinderia’s brand. You can later move to a more prominent location and expect your loyal customers to follow.
  • Labor. Employing family members can help mitigate labor costs, but it’s also important to realize that even if they are not working for free, and must be compensated in some shape or form. Their presence helps minimize expenses that would otherwise go to a skilled and experienced worker, but their lack of know-how can also be detrimental to the carinderia operation. If they lack exposure to the job, family members can fill roles (dishwashing, cleaning) that are not specialized (cooking, accounting).
  • Materials. Will you require high-end meat cuts to achieve premium taste or do lower-grade meats still do the job? Will you use ceramic which is more stylish and food safe or plastic plates that are less risky to damage or breakage?
  • Buy equipment at second-hand shops, shops winding down, or nearby auction events. This includes fridges, cooking utensils, tables, and chairs. Buying brand-new ones minimize the risk of breakdown, but if you know how to examine the quality of say, a freezer or the safety of a gas stove offered at a second-hand shop, you can save lots of capital money.
  • Rent items you don’t need to buy outright. Tables and chairs are classic examples. Once you’ve grown the business, you can replace these with more appropriate dining furniture.
  • No freeloaders. Except for family members, do not allow anyone else to dine at the carinderia without paying. You are running a business and not a charity so your decision must be respected.
  • Marketing the business. Will you advertise in your local newspaper or promote it on Google My Business? Are you investing in great-tasting food and planning to make each customer the salesperson in a word of mouth advertising? Are you willing to offer discounts to customers for an honest positive review online? Or do you wish to get the attention of influencers promoting your carinderia in their Instagram feed or YouTube channel? There are certainly ways to promote your carinderia without spending top money on traditional advertising media.

Commitment to growth

Starting your carinderia business is the most challenging, just like in any other business. You set up your venue, acquire equipment and tools, human resources and promote your eatery to the public. That’s an investment of so much effort, not to mention your financial input in the process. And that’s even before you transact with your first customers. Sustaining the business is another beast to tame. As you get started, there are adjustments to make as everything is a new experience. But you dismiss these early challenges in the name of committing to growing the carinderia business. Are you willing or prepared to change your lifestyle and make this commitment? Not all carinderia follow the same timeframe as it depends on sourcing ingredients, kitchen manpower, or operation plan but it’s not unusual to observe certain owners expend a lot of energy and sacrifice a tremendous amount of time.

  • 2am – Wake up to source the freshest produce as ingredients for the day.
  • 4am – Return to the kitchen to process the ingredients — wash, slice, marinate, etc.
  • 7am – Prepare the kitchen and its equipment to cook after deciding what is the menu for the day.
  • 10am – Open the carinderia for an early brunch menu or early lunch orders
  • 11am – Be ready for the rush of customers
  • 2pm – Close the carinderia for midday cleanup and preparation for the dinner menu
  • 5pm – Open the carinderia for dinner guests
  • 9pm – Last dinner orders received
  • 10pm – Close of business day, calculation of income, cleanup, etc

There are types of food that are considered can’t miss and often attract the attention of customers. But menu items can only materialize and make more sense if:

  • they are easily sourced and profitable, even if they are quite expensive to buy from suppliers
  • the typical customers are likely to pick them based on taste or financial power. How much will students, office workers, or tricycle drivers be willing to spend for lunch?
  • they align with the timing of your operation. A menu of goto, tapsilog, lugaw or tokwa is good to start the day while preparing the main menu for lunch.

Depending on your market research, you might decide that your carinderia will only serve lunch as it’s the peak time of activity in the area. Maybe folks (students, factory workers, laborers) will likely return home and eat dinner prepared by their families. In that case, you can narrow down options, even though there’s a lot in common between lunch and dinner options for a typical Filipino appetite. Fixed menu or flexible menu? It’s certainly your call as you discern the pattern of your past customers. But it would be great to have a bit of variety (think of specials for the day menu) available to those who wish to explore new options. Or have a certain specialty like lechon or ginisang munggo available on a specific day. This can be a deliberate choice of day or due to the required time to prepare or sourcing of raw materials. We have a list of popular carineria menu but you can consider the following items as well:

  • Adobong manok
  • Adobong baboy
  • Adobong pusit
  • Adobong kangkong
  • Chicken tinola
  • Chicken afritada
  • Pork menudo
  • Pork sinigang
  • Bistek Tagalog
  • Inihaw na liempo
  • Nilagang baka
  • Bicol express
  • Pork barbecue

Pick 3-5 main specialties and make sure you have enough rice! This staple food is a Filipino favorite and cost-wise it helps customers get full without spending much. A safe bet would be items that don’t spoil easily. Otherwise, food poisoning and other health issues can easily break your personal reputation and destroy the business. If you think offering unlimited rice (even as an opening week promotion) will attract customers without going in the red, it would be a good marketing approach.

Focus on cleanliness and carinderia hygiene

Many carinderia businesses in the Philippines exist in places that are less desirable for health reasons. Many are located near the road where food and customers are exposed to dust, smoke, and other sources of unpleasant odor. And just because nobody got sick does not mean you are operations are up to prescribed sanitation standards. Operating a clean carinderia will incur extra costs but this will always pay off as customers will appreciate how you take care of their well-being as much as your business bottom line. After all, you are preparing what they’ll eat and that’s a big deal health-wise. Cleanliness is not just about food preparation. It also includes the sanitation process when cleaning plates and cutlery, sourcing of your drinking water, cleanliness of hand towels, and condition of floors, food shelves, and toilets. These are things you not only consider but follow by heart.

  • Ensure everyone involved in the carinderia operation has health clearance.
  • Maintain cleanliness and safety in your kitchen area. Clean pots, pans and maintain the cooking area in an orderly manner. Wipe the floors to avoid slipping.
  • Maintain cleanliness of floors by wiping off dirt and discarded materials as often as possible.
  • Keep pets, stray animals away from your kitchen and dining area.
  • Make washing of hands a standard procedure and provide appropriate facilities for both workers and customers.
  • The kitchen crew must wear proper clothing (apron, gloves, masks, hair nets).
  • Servers also need to wear clean clothing.
  • Make trash cans available in designated areas.
  • Dispose of garbage frequently and in an orderly manner.
  • Have sanitizers available in the kitchen and serving area
  • Use electric fans or mosquito coils to keep insects like flies and mosquitoes away.
  • Make sure all food served is properly covered with lids, aluminum foil, or cling wrap to avoid contamination.
  • Sanitize all kitchen utensils, cutting boards, plates, bowls, and pans in hot water and anti-bacterial solution.
  • Store food in sealed containers and incorrect temperature settings.
  • Do not transact with suppliers with questionable sources or low-quality materials.
  • Clean knives, tongs, spatula and wipe them clean before usage to avoid cross-contamination between meats and other ingredients.
  • Sterilize utensils and wipe them clean before access to customers
  • Use separate serving spoons for every dish.
  • Use separate kitchen equipment for cooked and uncooked ingredients.
  • Dispose of used oil properly.
  • Throw away food or ingredients if you are unsure of its quality.
  • Discard items once they are past their expiry dates.
  • Make sure you end the carinderia’s business day with a clean kitchen, utensils and cutlery, dining area, toilet.
  • The following day, wash all plates, utensils, and cutlery again.

A carinderia business is a business that requires a lot of work and dedication, so it’s suitable for people who value hard work but have little capital money. It requires the full cooperation of staff and commitment to great experience — food service, food quality, great dining experience, and clean surroundings. That builds up over time and your effort and commitment will bear fruits sooner than you expect. Loyal customers will soon sing praises of your carinderia once you have put in a consistent effort to achieve that great dining experience. Good luck from Pinoy Negosyo!

Download PDF – Carinderia Business Plan

  • 9 Filipino Dishes Your Carinderia Should Serve
  • 7 Reasons Why You Should Open a Carinderia Business
  • Basic Guides on Operating a Carinderia / Catering Business
  • 5 Stressful Challenges Carinderia Businesses Often Face
  • Refrigerator Buying Guide for Pinoy Business Owners

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How to Write a Restaurant Business Plan in 2024 (Step by Step Guide with Templates)

Saif Alnasur

A restaurant business plan is a framework that guides you to plan and forecast every element of restaurant management and operations.

This includes anything from your restaurant's menu design , location, financials, employee training , and a lot more.

  • Creating a solid business plan is important, as it helps:
  • Transform your restaurant ideas into reality.
  • Boosts entrepreneurial success by 16% ( Harvard Business Study ).
  • It equips you to navigate challenges before they arise.
  • Attracts potential investors.

Planning is key to restaurant success. Without a plan, you're more likely to join the 26% of restaurants that fail within a year.

Create a business plan to set yourself up for success.

Here's how to get started. 

business plan for filipino restaurant

What is a restaurant business plan? 

Before writing a business plan, it is important to understand its fundamentals.

It serves as a roadmap for starting and running your restaurant , making it easy for outside parties, such as investors, to understand your objectives, vision, and plan of action for your restaurant.

The length and level of detail of business plans vary, ranging from brief synopses to large papers. Investors can benefit from clear insights and additional information provided by beginning with a concise plan and working their way up to a detailed one.

In short, a thorough description of the resources allocated to the success of your restaurant should be included in your business plan.

Steps to include in your business plan 

Your restaurant and mission statement needs to reflect your brand and goals, but you don't have to start from scratch.

The Eat App Restaurant Business Plan template , created by industry professionals and packed with insider information, is your go-to manual for creating a profitable business plan.

Your finalized business plan should have 11 essential elements, no matter how you write it. Continue reading below. 

1. Executive summary

A restaurant business plan should always begin with an executive summary. Why?

  • 80% of venture capitalists say they read the executive summary first.
  • 62% of investors say they would not continue reading a business plan if the executive summary did not capture their interest.
  • A strong executive summary can increase the likelihood of securing funding by up to 40%.

An executive summary not only acts as the introduction to your restaurant business plan samples but also as a summary of the entire idea.

The main aim of an executive summary is to draw the reader (oftentimes an investor) into the rest of your business plan.

The executive summary also helps you envision the identity of your restaurant which essentially shapes the customer experience and sets you apart from competitors.

To establish a distinct identity, you need to focus on common elements of an executive summary, including:

  • A mission statement 
  • Proposed concept development
  • Cuisine selection
  • The overall execution
  • The potential costs
  • Expected return on investments (ROI)

Let's take a more in-depth look at the concept development, cuisine selection, and mission statement.

1.1 Concept Development

Selecting the type of restaurant, service style, and atmosphere is the first step towards creating a unique dining experience. Whether you envision a sample menu for a:

  • cozy, intimate bistro
  • bustling quick-service deli
  • fast-casual restaurant
  • fine dining establishment

Your concept should reflect your passion and expertise in the industry.

1.2 Cuisine Selection

The cuisine you select for your restaurant can significantly influence its success.

Choosing the appropriate cuisine is vital for distinguishing your establishment from competitors and attracting your target market.

To make an informed decision, consider factors such as:

  • Market demand
  • Expertise and passion
  • Ingredient availability
  • Competition
  • Profitability
  • Cultural fit
  • Seasonality
  • Dietary restrictions and trends

In the highly competitive restaurant industry, keeping track of current and emerging cuisine trends can be a significant advantage.

1.3 Creating a mission statement

A well-constructed mission statement communicates the purpose, values, and goals of your restaurant to potential investors and customers alike.

A mission statement serves as a guiding light for decision-makers and employees, fueling their efforts to achieve your restaurant’s objectives.

To create an impactful mission statement, consider the following steps:

  • Identify the purpose of the restaurant.
  • Contemplate the brand’s image.
  • Account for the target audience.
  • Incorporate company values.
  • Ensure brevity and comprehensiveness.

Related content: How to Write a Restaurant Mission Statement 

Remember, your mission statement should not only differentiate your restaurant from competitors but also resonate with your target market.

2. Company description

This is where you carefully introduce the company in the restaurant business plan.

Include the name of the restaurant you are launching in this field along with its address, phone number, and other important information.

Then, also include the owner's information as well as a synopsis or explanation of their background. The restaurant's legal position and its short- and long-term objectives should be outlined in the second section of the company description.

To demonstrate your understanding of the changes in the local food business and the reasons why the most independent restaurant investors will be successful in this market, please submit a brief market research.

Here's an example of the page layout:

Company Description

Restaurant Name: [Restaurant Name]

Location: [Restaurant Address]

Contact: [Restaurant Phone Number] | [Restaurant Email Address]

Owner: [Owner Name]

Experience: [Owner Name] has over [Number] years of experience in the restaurant industry. They have worked in various roles, including [List of Roles]. They are passionate about food and creating a memorable dining experience for their guests.

Legal Standing: [Restaurant Name] is a [Type of Legal Entity] registered in [State/Province].

3. Market analysis

The market analysis portion of the restaurant business plan is typically divided into three parts.

3.1 Industry analysis

What is your target market ? What demographics will your restaurant cater to?

This section aims to explain your target market to investors and why you believe guests will choose your restaurant over others.

Comprehending your target market is key to customizing your restaurant offerings to their preferences and needs.

By diving into demographics, preferences, dining habits, and trends, you can fine-tune your concept and marketing strategy to reach and appeal to your target audience effectively.

An example of analyzing your target market

 Comprehending your target market is key to customizing your restaurant offerings to their preferences and needs.

Demographics and preferences

Identifying your primary target market involves considering factors such as:

For example, a neighborhood with a high concentration of families might prefer a family-friendly restaurant with a diverse menu catering to various age groups and dietary preferences.

Conversely, a trendy urban area with a predominantly young and affluent population may gravitate towards upscale dining experiences and innovative cuisine.

Cultural and ethnic backgrounds also have a significant impact on restaurant preferences, with people from different backgrounds having distinctive tastes and customs that influence their dining choices.

By thoroughly understanding the demographics and preferences of your target market, you’ll be better equipped to create a restaurant concept that resonates with them and ultimately drives success.

Dining habits and trends

As the restaurant industry continues to evolve, staying informed about dining habits and trends is crucial for adapting your offerings and attracting customers.

For example, the rise of online ordering and delivery services has significantly influenced dining habits, with many consumers seeking the convenience of having their meals delivered to their doorstep.

Health trends have also had an impact on dining habits, with an increasing number of individuals seeking healthier options when dining out.

3.2 Competition analysis

It's easy to assume that everyone will visit your new restaurant first, so it is important to research your competition to make this a reality.

What restaurants have already established a customer base in the area?

Take note of everything from their prices, hours, and service style to menu design to the restaurant interior.

Then explain to your investors how your restaurant will be different.

3.3 Marketing analysis

Your investors are going to want to know how you plan to market your restaurant. How will your marketing campaigns differ from what is already being done by others in the restaurant industry?

How do you plan on securing your target market? What kind of offers will you provide your guests? Make sure to list everything.

The menu is the most important part of a restaurant's debut. Your restaurant wouldn't be able to operate without it.

You most likely don't have a final draft at this time, but you should aim to create a mock-up menu for your restaurant business plan. You can choose a design that you can envision yourself using and add your logo to the mock-up.

There are several resources available online if you need assistance with menu design or don't want to hire a designer.

But the price should be the most important component of your sample menu. The cost research you've completed for investors ought to be reflected in your prices. They will have a clearer idea of your restaurant's intended price range as a result. 

You'll quickly see how important menu engineering can be, even early on.

5. Employees

The company description section of the restaurant business plan briefly introduces the owners of the restaurant with some information about each. This section should fully flesh out the restaurant's business plan and management team.

The investors don’t expect you to have your entire team selected at this point, but you should at least have a couple of people on board. Use the talent you have chosen thus far to highlight the combined work experience everyone is bringing to the table.

Download our free restaurant business plan  It's the only one you'll ever need. Get template now

6. Restaurant design

The design portion of your restaurant business plan is where you can really show off your thoughts and ideas to the investors. If you don’t have professional mock-ups of your restaurant rendered, that’s fine.

Instead, put together a mood board to get your vision across. Find pictures of a similar aesthetic to what you are looking for in your restaurant.

The restaurant design extends beyond aesthetics alone and should include everything from restaurant software to kitchen equipment. 

7. Location

The location you settle on for your restaurant should be well aligned with your target market (making it easier to cater to your ideal customer) and with your business plans.

At this stage in the process, it's not uncommon to not have a specific location in mind - but you should at the very least have a few options to narrow down.

Pro Tip: When you approach your investors about potential locations, make sure to include as much information as possible about each venue and why it would be ideal for your brand. 

Example for choosing an ideal location

Choosing the ideal location for your restaurant is a pivotal decision that can greatly influence your success. 

To make the best choice, consider factors such as foot traffic, accessibility, and neighborhood demographics.

By carefully evaluating these factors, you’ll be better equipped to maximize visibility and attract your target market.

7.1 Foot traffic and accessibility

Foot traffic and accessibility are important factors in selecting a location that will attract customers and ensure convenience.

A high-traffic area with ample parking and public transportation options can greatly increase the likelihood of drawing in potential customers.

Additionally, making your restaurant accessible to individuals with disabilities can further broaden your customer base and promote inclusivity.

7.2 Neighborhood demographics

Analyzing neighborhood demographics can help you determine if your restaurant’s concept and cuisine will appeal to the local population.

Factors such as income levels, family structures, and cultural diversity can all influence dining preferences and habits.

By understanding the unique characteristics of the neighborhood, you can tailor your offerings and marketing efforts to resonate with the local community.

Conducting a market analysis can be a valuable step in this process.

To gather demographic data for a particular neighborhood, you can utilize resources such as the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey and reference maps.

Armed with this information, you can make informed decisions about your restaurant’s concept, menu, and pricing, ensuring that your establishment is well-positioned for success within the community.

Conducting market research will further strengthen your understanding of the local demographic.

8. Market overview

The market overview section is heavily related to the market research and analysis portion of the restaurant business plan. In this section, go into detail about both the micro and macro conditions in the area you want to set up your restaurant.

Discuss the current economic conditions that could make opening a restaurant difficult, and how you aim to counteract that. Mention all the other restaurants that could prove to be competition and what your strategy is to set yourself apart.

9. Marketing

With restaurants opening left and ride nowadays, investors are going to want to know how you will get word of your restaurant to the world.

The next marketing strategy and publicity section should go into detail on how you plan to market your restaurant before and after opening. As well as any plans you may have to bring a PR company on board to help spread the word.

Read more : How to write a restaurant marketing plan from scratch

10. External help

To make your restaurant a reality, you are going to need a lot of help. List any external companies or software you plan on hiring to get your restaurant up and running.

This includes everything from accountants and designers to suppliers that help your restaurant perform better, like POS systems and restaurant reservation systems.

Explain to your other potential investors about the importance of each and what they will be doing for your restaurant.

11. Financial analysis

The most important part of your restaurant business plan is the financial section. We would recommend hiring professional help for this given its importance.

Hiring a trained accountant will not only help you get your own financial projections and estimates in order but also give you a realistic insight into owning a restaurant.

You should have some information prepared to make this step easier for the accountant.

He/she will want to know how many seats your restaurant has, what the check average per table will be, and how many guests you plan on seating per day.

In addition to this, doing rough food cost calculations for various menu items can help estimate your profit margin per dish. This can be achieved easily with a free food cost calculator. 

A well-crafted restaurant business plan serves as a roadmap to success, guiding every aspect of the venture from menu design to employee training.

By carefully considering each component of the plan, aspiring restaurateurs can increase their chances of securing funding, attracting customers, and achieving their long-term goals.

Remember, a restaurant business plan is not just a document to satisfy investors; it is a living tool that should be revisited and updated regularly as the business grows and evolves.

By staying committed to the plan and adapting it as needed, restaurateurs can ensure that their culinary dreams have a solid foundation for success.

Restaurant Business Plan template

Growth Marketing Manager at Eat App

Saif Alnasur used to work in his family restaurant, but now he is a food influencer and writes about the restaurant industry for Eat App.


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Nezar Kadhem

Co-founder and CEO of Eat App

He is a regular speaker and panelist at industry events, contributing on topics such as digital transformation in the hospitality industry, revenue channel optimization and dine-in experience.

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How to Write a Restaurant Business Plan (+ Examples)

Learn how to create a restaurant business plan with the best format that outlines your concept, and financials. Get examples and templates to get started.


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Restaurant business plan

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Short answer

What is a business plan for a restaurant?

A business plan for a restaurant is a document that outlines the restaurant's concept, strategies, and financial forecasts. It serves as a roadmap for launching and growing the establishment successfully.

Don't just focus on profit margins, ensure your business plan is well-presented

In the competitive world of the restaurant industry, where low-profit margins are a well-known hurdle, there emerges a critical, yet often overlooked, factor pivotal to success: the design of the business plan.

As we enter 2024, it's becoming increasingly clear that the traditional overlook of business plan design can no longer be afforded.

This isn't just about financial projections or market analysis; it's about crafting a blueprint that encapsulates the essence of your restaurant, compellingly communicates its value, and sets a solid foundation for growth.

By focusing on the design of your business plan, you stand to gain not just the attention of potential investors but also a clearer roadmap to navigate the challenges ahead.

What makes an effective business plan?

Embarking on the restaurant business journey requires more than just a passion for food-it demands a comprehensive plan that lays out every aspect of your venture with precision and foresight.

Let's delve into what constitutes an effective restaurant business plan, ensuring it's not just another document, but a roadmap to success.

6 key components of a winning restaurant business plan:

1. Vision and concept clarity

Start with a crystal-clear articulation of your restaurant's concept. Whether it's a cozy vegan cafe or a high-end steakhouse, the essence of your establishment should leap off the page.

This clarity helps potential investors and partners instantly grasp what you're aiming to create.

Beyond the concept, delineate your restaurant's values, mission, and the unique selling points that set you apart in a crowded market.

2. Comprehensive market analysis

A deep dive into market analysis cannot be overstated. Here, you're not just identifying who your customers are but also understanding the competitive landscape.

What are the prevailing trends in the dining sector? Who are your direct and indirect competitors, and how do you plan to differentiate yourself? This section should reflect a meticulous research process, showcasing insights that guide your strategy.

3. Robust financial planning

In any successful business plan, sound financial management is key.

Essential elements include:

Realistic financial projections: Your forecasts should be realistic, and built on data-backed assumptions.

Detailed profit and loss forecasts

Cash flow predictions

Break-even analysis

Contingency planning: Preparing for unforeseen challenges is crucial.

Develop a well-thought-out contingency plan to navigate the industry's unpredictable nature.

Identify potential risks and solutions, including supplier issues, staffing shortages, and changes in consumer behavior, to ensure business resilience.

4. Operational strategies

Operational excellence underpins a restaurant's success. Detail your plans for day-to-day operations, from sourcing ingredients to managing inventory and staffing.

Highlight your commitment to quality and efficiency in every aspect of the operation, from the kitchen to customer service.

Also, outline the technology and systems you'll implement to streamline processes and enhance the dining experience.

5. Marketing and branding

In today's digital age, a savvy marketing and branding strategy is crucial.

Describe how you'll create a strong brand identity and the channels you'll use to reach your target audience.

From social media campaigns to community engagement initiatives, your plan should reflect a keen understanding of how to connect with potential customers and build a loyal following.

Discover how to create a marketing deck to align your strategy with your business objectives, target audience needs, and market trends.

6. Customer experience focus

Exceptional customer service is the lifeblood of any successful restaurant. Detail the steps you'll take to ensure every guest feels valued and satisfied.

From the ambiance and menu design to staff training programs, every element should contribute to a memorable dining experience.

Feedback mechanisms and how you'll adapt to customer preferences are also vital components of this section.

What should be included in a restaurant business plan?

Creating a restaurant business plan is a foundational step toward launching a successful dining establishment.

It outlines your vision, strategy, and the specific actions you plan to take to make your restaurant a success.

Below, we break down the essential components that should be included in your restaurant business plan, ensuring clarity, comprehensiveness, and appeal to potential investors.

8 essential sections of a restaurant business plan:

1. Executive summary

A compelling overview of the restaurant, showcasing its unique concept, mission, and strategic objectives that guide its operations.

Overview: Present a succinct snapshot of your restaurant, including its concept, mission, key goals, and ownership structure.

Purpose: Highlight what you aim to achieve with the restaurant and the appeal it has to potential investors or lenders.

2. Business description

An in-depth look at the restaurant's theme, location, and how these elements combine to create a distinctive dining experience.

Concept and theme: Describe the unique aspects of your restaurant's concept, from the cuisine and menu items to the design and ambiance.

Location analysis: Analyze the chosen location, discussing demographics, foot traffic, and how these factors make it an ideal spot for your target market.

3. Market analysis

An insightful examination of dining trends, target demographics, and customer needs to inform strategic positioning.

Trends: Examine current trends in the dining industry and how they influence your restaurant's positioning.

Target demographic: Identify your target customers, detailing their preferences, dining habits, and how your restaurant will meet their needs.

Needs and preferences: Focus on understanding and catering to what your target market seeks in a dining experience.

4. Competitive analysis

A detailed evaluation of competitors, focusing on differentiation and strategies for establishing a market edge.

Competitors: List direct and indirect competitors, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, and how you'll differentiate your restaurant.

Differentiation: Explain the unique selling points that will set your restaurant apart in the competitive landscape.

5. Menu and product offering

Overview of menu design, ingredient sourcing, and special services that enhance the restaurant's appeal.

Menu design: Discuss the inspiration behind your menu, including how it reflects the theme and caters to your target demographic. Outline your pricing strategy and item selection.

Sourcing and suppliers: Detail your approach to sourcing high-quality ingredients, including partnerships with local suppliers and commitments to sustainability.

Special offerings: Highlight any additional services your restaurant offers, such as catering, special events, or exclusive seasonal menus, to draw in a wider audience and generate extra revenue.

6. Marketing and sales strategy

A summary of branding efforts, promotional tactics, and sales projections designed to attract and retain customers.

Branding: Detail your restaurant's brand identity, including name, logo, and how it communicates your restaurant's values and mission.

Marketing tactics: Outline the strategies you will employ to attract and retain customers, such as social media marketing, local advertising, partnerships, and loyalty programs.

Sales forecasts: Provide realistic sales forecasts, explaining the rationale behind these projections and how you plan to achieve them.

7. Operating plan

Description of daily operations, facility management, and health safety protocols to ensure smooth and compliant restaurant functionality.

Daily operations: Describe the operational flow of the restaurant, including hours of operation, staffing requirements, and customer service policies.

Facility management: Discuss the layout and design of your restaurant, kitchen equipment needs, and any other facility-related details that will ensure efficient operation.

Health and safety: Outline the health and safety measures you will implement to comply with local regulations and ensure the well-being of both employees and guests.

8. Management and organization

An outline of the restaurant's organizational structure, key personnel, and staffing strategies for operational excellence.

Ownership structure: Specify the ownership structure of the restaurant, including key stakeholders and their roles.

Team composition: Introduce the management team, chefs, and other critical staff, highlighting their experience and how it contributes to the restaurant's success.

Staffing plans: Discuss your plans for hiring staff, including numbers, positions, and the qualities you seek in employees to maintain high standards of service.

How to create a business plan for a restaurant?

Creating a standout business plan for your restaurant involves focusing on key components that blend your vision with practical strategies.

6 actionable steps to distill your restaurant business plan:

Define your concept clearly: Begin by articulating your restaurant's concept, ambiance, and what sets it apart. This clarity lays the groundwork for the entire business plan.

Conduct thorough market analysis: Dive deep into your target market and competitors. This research will guide your menu design, pricing strategy, and marketing efforts, ensuring you carve out a unique space in the marketplace.

Craft a compelling menu: Ensure your menu reflects your brand identity and appeals to your target audience, all while considering cost-effectiveness and supply chain realities. Aim for a balance between innovation and simplicity.

Develop realistic financial projections: Detail initial costs, revenue expectations, and a break-even point. Importantly, predict potential hurdles with ready contingency plans.

Outline operational strategies: Describe your daily management approach, including sourcing, staffing, and customer service. Efficient operations are crucial for a seamless experience and streamlined processes.

Implement strategic marketing: Choose the most effective ways to connect with your audience. Building a strong brand narrative and engaging actively with customers can help turn first-time visitors into regulars.

7 restaurant business plan examples for winning partners and investors

When it comes to crafting a business plan for a restaurant, the type of establishment you're planning significantly influences the structure and content of the document.

Each kind of restaurant from fast-casual and fine dining to food trucks and bistros-caters to different market segments and operational models.

Here's a look at how these differences manifest in their respective business plans:

1) Fine dining restaurant business plan

Market focus: Targets higher-income clientele seeking a premium dining experience. The plan should highlight exceptional service, high-quality ingredients, and unique culinary offerings.

Operational model: Detailed attention to the ambiance, chef expertise, and a higher staff-to-guest ratio. Wine lists and bar offerings also play a significant role.

Financial projections: Emphasizes higher check averages with a focus on profitability per guest rather than volume. The cost structure will detail higher initial investment in decor, kitchen equipment, and inventory.

Here’s an example of a fine-dining restaurant business plan:

2) Bar restaurant business plan

Market focus: Targets a diverse clientele, from young professionals to social groups, seeking a blend of dining and socializing.

Operational model: Balances innovative cuisine with an extensive beverage selection in a space designed for both eating and lounging, including live entertainment options.

Financial projections: Outlines dual revenue streams from food and drinks, emphasizing beverage sales' higher profit margins and detailing licensing, entertainment, and insurance costs.

Here’s an example of a bar restaurant pitch deck:

3) Bistro restaurant business plan

Market focus: Caters to locals and tourists seeking a casual yet refined dining experience, positioning itself as a cozy neighborhood spot.

Operational model: Highlights a selective menu that adapts seasonally, emphasizing a warm ambiance and personal service.

Financial projections: Projects moderate earnings with a strong local following, noting initial investments in location and ambiance to create a distinctive setting.

Here’s an example of a bistro restaurant pitch deck:

4) Food truck business plan

Market focus: Appeals to urban professionals, millennials, and foodies looking for unique, high-quality food options on the go.

Operational model: Mobility is key. The plan must address location strategy, permits and regulations, and adaptability to different events and seasons.

Financial projections: Lower startup costs compared to brick-and-mortar establishments but include considerations for vehicle maintenance, fuel, and parking permits.

5) Coffee restaurant business plan

Market focus: Appeals to a varied audience with a unique theme or specialty cuisine, standing out from conventional coffee shops.

Operational model: Details the influence of theme or cuisine on menu design, decor, and guest experience, aiming to make the restaurant a destination.

Financial projections: Anticipates varied financial outcomes based on concept uniqueness, with thorough market research guiding pricing and marketing strategies.

6) Italian, Mexican, Asian, etc., cuisine restaurant business plan

Market focus: Focuses on providing authentic dining experiences to both expatriates and locals interested in specific cuisines.

Operational model: Requires sourcing authentic ingredients and skilled chefs familiar with the cuisine. The business plan should address menu authenticity, culinary training, and potential partnerships for ingredient import.

Financial projections: Depending on the positioning (casual vs. fine dining), financials would reflect the cost of unique ingredients and the expected dining experience level.

Here’s an example of an Italian restaurant business plan proposal:

7) Fast food restaurant business plan

Market focus: These plans emphasize speed, efficiency, and affordability. The target market typically includes busy professionals, families looking for convenient meal options, and younger demographics.

Operational model: The business plan must detail quick service operations, including streamlined kitchen layouts, supply chain logistics for fast-moving inventory, and technology for order taking (e.g., apps, and kiosks).

Financial projections: Focus on volume sales, low to moderate check averages, and strategies for high turnover rates.

How to design a restaurant business plan?

Designing a restaurant business plan is much like crafting a compelling game pitch deck, it's all about presenting your concept in a way that's as irresistible as the dining experience you're proposing.

8 restaurant business plan design tips:

1. Embrace scrollytelling

Use narrative scrolling to take your audience through the journey of your restaurant's concept, from the inspiration behind your dishes to the ambiance you plan to create.

This dynamic presentation style keeps readers engaged, turning your business plan into an immersive experience.

Here's an example of scroll-based design:

Business plan scrollytelling example

2. Incorporate interactivity and multimedia

Go beyond static pages by embedding interactive elements like sample menu walkthroughs, virtual tours of the restaurant layout, or clips from cooking demos.

These elements not only highlight your restaurant's unique offerings but also keep potential investors or partners engaged throughout your presentation.

And here's what a static presentation looks like compared to an interactive one:

Static presentation

Static PowerPoint

Interactive presentation

Interactive Storydoc

3. Use data visualization

Present market research, target demographics, and financial projections through clear, compelling visuals.

Transform complex data into easy-to-understand graphs, charts, and infographics, making your business strategy both visually appealing and straightforward to grasp.

Here's an example of a presentation with dataviz elements:

4. Personalize your deck

Leverage software that allows for customization, such as incorporating the viewer's name or tailoring content to specific investor interests.

A personalized approach demonstrates meticulous attention to detail and can forge a stronger connection with your audience.

5. Use cohesive branding

Ensure your business plan reflects your restaurant's identity through consistent use of colors, fonts, and imagery that align with your branding.

This not only enhances the visual appeal of your plan but also immerses your audience in the atmosphere you aim to create.

6. Ensure mobile-responsive

Given the variety of devices stakeholders might use to view your plan, ensuring a mobile-responsive design is essential.

This ensures that your business plan is accessible and engaging, whether it's being viewed on a smartphone or a desktop computer.

7. Highlight key information

Design your business plan to draw attention to critical information.

Techniques such as strategic content placement and highlighting can guide the reader's focus, ensuring that essential points stand out without overwhelming the viewer with too much information at once.

8. Segment content in tabs

Organize your business plan into sections or tabs that cater to different aspects of your restaurant concept and business strategy.

This not only makes your plan more navigable but also allows readers to easily find the information most relevant to their interests or concerns.

Here's an example of a tabs slide:

Tabs slide example

Restaurant business plan templates

Kicking off your restaurant business plan is a daunting task, especially when you aim to capture the essence of your dining concept in a document.

Interactive restaurant business plan templates are designed to simplify this process. They provide a structured framework that incorporates interactive and multimedia elements, essential for presenting your restaurant in a vibrant and dynamic manner.

These templates not only save you precious time but also guarantee that your business plan conveys a polished and compelling story.

Snag one today!

business plan for filipino restaurant

I am a Marketing Specialist at Storydoc, I research, analyze and write on our core topics of business presentations, sales, and fundraising. I love talking to clients about their successes and failures so I can get a rounded understanding of their world.

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How to write a business plan for your asian restaurant.

business plan for an Asian restaurant

Starting an Asian restaurant is a great idea because it allows the opportunity to bring a unique and diverse cuisine to the local community, while also providing a potential business opportunity.

Additionally, it can help to create a cultural bridge between the local community and the wider Asian culture.

But, first thing first, you need a business plan.

A business plan is essential for any new project, especially an Asian restaurant, as it outlines the goals and objectives of the business. It also serves to help identify potential risks and opportunities, and provides a roadmap for the business to follow. Finally, it provides an estimate of the capital and resources needed to make the project a success.

In short, a good business plan will help ensure the profitability of your Asian restaurant .

What must be in the business plan for an Asian restaurant? What should be the main focus areas? Which metrics should be part of the financial analysis? What are some ways to build a solid business plan without investing excessive time?

Prepare yourself for a satisfying read, as all your questions will find answers in this article!

Also, please note that starting your business plan from scratch is not mandatory.

You can download our comprehensive business plan for an Asian restaurant and adjust it to match your preferences.

business plan chinese restaurant

How to elaborate a business plan for an Asian restaurant

Should you draft a business plan for your asian restaurant.

Yes, you should draft a business plan for your Asian restaurant.

Crafting a well-structured business plan will help you to:

  • get familiar with the Asian restaurant market
  • stay tuned to the industry's fresh trends
  • recognize what makes an Asian restaurant thriving
  • understand the Asian cuisine varieties, spice levels, and cultural elements desired by diners
  • create a solid value proposition for your Asian cuisine eatery
  • monitor competitor activities and tactics
  • find competitive advantages for your Asian restaurant
  • find a business model that optimizes cash flow generation
  • implement a robust and tactical action plan
  • evaluate risks associated with operating an Asian restaurant, including ingredient sourcing, cultural authenticity, and customer satisfaction

Our team has created a business plan for an Asian restaurant that is designed to make it easier for you to achieve all the elements listed.

How to structure a business plan for an Asian restaurant?

Your business plan will be full of information, content and metrics. There should be a clear outline, to make easy to read and digest.

When we built our business plan for an Asian restaurant , we made sure it had a proper structure.

We've separated it into 5 sections (Opportunity, Project, Market Research, Strategy and Finances).

1. Market Opportunity

The first section is named "Market Opportunity."

This section provides an in-depth analysis of the Asian restaurant market, including cuisine trends, customer preferences, regional specialties, and growth opportunities, assisting entrepreneurs in establishing successful Asian restaurants that cater to diverse culinary tastes.

We keep the data here fresh with regular updates.

2. Project Presentation

The second part is dedicated to the "Project" of your Asian restaurant. Here, you can describe the diverse Asian cuisines you offer, such as Chinese, Thai, or Vietnamese, authentic flavors, cultural-inspired dishes, warm hospitality, and the unique value proposition that takes diners on a culinary journey through the rich and vibrant Asian food culture.

At the end of this section, provide a brief introduction about yourself and your love for Asian cuisine.

Explain your range of Asian specialties, your dedication to authentic flavors, and how you plan to create a welcoming and flavorful dining experience for guests at your Asian restaurant. Highlight your diverse menu options, your skilled chefs, and your dedication to providing exceptional customer service that allows diners to embark on a culinary journey through the diverse cuisines of Asia at your Asian restaurant.

You'll find wording in our business plan. Tailor it to fit your concept exactly.

3. Market Research

After that, comes the "Market Research" section.

The purpose of this section is to introduce the market segments for your Asian restaurant.

It includes a competition study, outlining other Asian restaurants in the area. Your restaurant's competitive advantages are also highlighted. A customized SWOT analysis is included.

4. Strategy

Within the "Strategy" section, a 3-year development plan is outlined, specifying the necessary initiatives to make your Asian restaurant highly profitable.

Additionally, this section includes a comprehensive marketing plan, a risk management strategy, and a Business Model Canvas that has been filled out.

5. Finances

In conclusion, the "Finances" section offers a detailed overview of the financial aspects and metrics of your project.

business plan Asian restaurant

How to make an Executive Summary for an Asian restaurant?

The Executive Summary acts as an opening to the business plan of your Asian restaurant.

Stick to 2 pages or less, presenting only the essential aspects.

This is the opening statement that the financial institution will read first when you show them your business plan. It should make them interested and want to read the rest of the plan.

In the Executive Summary of your Asian restaurant, answer these questions: what are your project's strengths? who are your customers? have you researched the competition? do you have any competitive advantages? who are you? what will you do with the cash you're asking?

How to do the market analysis for an Asian restaurant?

The market study of your Asian restaurant helps you understand external factors such as customer preferences for Asian cuisine, competition within the restaurant industry, and emerging trends in Asian culinary influences.

By conducting a thorough market analysis, an Asian restaurant can understand customer preferences, offer a diverse selection of authentic Asian cuisine, optimize pricing strategies, and execute targeted marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to a loyal customer base, increased reservations, and a prominent position in the local dining scene.

Here's what we've included in the "Market Research" section of our business plan for an Asian restaurant :

  • fresh and updated data and statistics about Asian restaurants, including Asian cuisine popularity, restaurant ratings, and culinary diversity
  • a compilation of potential market segments for an Asian restaurant
  • the competitor study
  • the competitive advantages for an Asian restaurant

business plan Asian restaurant

The key points of the business plan for an Asian restaurant

What's the business model of an asian restaurant, business model of an asian restaurant.

An Asian restaurant's business model revolves around offering a menu of Asian cuisine, representing diverse regional flavors and dishes, to customers. Revenue is generated through food sales, potentially offering dine-in, takeout, or delivery services.

The business model focuses on using authentic ingredients and cooking techniques, providing a culturally immersive dining experience, effective marketing to target Asian food enthusiasts, and building strong customer relationships based on taste and cultural appreciation.

Success depends on recipe authenticity, maintaining consistent food quality and flavors, delivering efficient service, fostering positive customer reviews and recommendations, and capturing the essence of Asian culinary traditions in the menu and ambiance of the restaurant.

Business model vs Business plan

Keep in mind that "business plan" and "business model" refer to different concepts.

A business model defines how a company creates, delivers, and monetizes its offerings.

In a business plan, you describe your business model by means of a device known as the Business Model Canvas.

And, of course, there is a Business Model Canvas (already completed) in our business plan for an Asian restaurant .

How do you identify the market segments of an Asian restaurant?

Market segmentation for your Asian restaurant involves dividing your potential customers into different groups based on their culinary preferences, cultural interests, and demographics.

These categories may include factors such as Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine, Thai cuisine, or customers seeking specific Asian flavors or dining experiences.

By segmenting your market, you can offer specialized Asian dishes and dining experiences that cater to each segment's specific requirements. For example, you might focus on Chinese cuisine and provide a menu featuring popular Chinese dishes such as stir-fries, dim sum, and noodles, offer authentic Japanese cuisine with sushi, sashimi, and traditional Japanese specialties, specialize in Thai cuisine and present a variety of flavorful Thai curries, soups, and stir-fried dishes, or focus on specific Asian flavors or dining experiences to accommodate customers with specific culinary preferences or cultural interests.

Market segmentation allows you to effectively target your marketing efforts, communicate the authenticity and uniqueness of your Asian restaurant, and provide a delightful and culturally rich dining experience that meets the unique needs and preferences of each customer segment.

In the business plan for an Asian restaurant , you will find a complete market segmentation that allows you to identify your potential customers effectively.

How to conduct a competitor analysis for an Asian restaurant?

Without surprise, you won't be the only Asian restaurant in your market. There will be other establishments offering a variety of Asian cuisines and flavors to diners.

Make sure to include a thorough competitor analysis in your business plan, which involves assessing their strengths, weaknesses, and key attributes.

Take stock of their weaknesses (such as inconsistent flavors, limited menu variety, or poor customer service).

Why should you focus on these aspects? Well, these weaknesses can hinder the dining experience at Asian restaurants. By addressing these aspects, you can offer authentic and flavorful Asian cuisine, provide a warm and inviting ambiance, and deliver attentive and friendly service, establishing your Asian restaurant as a preferred choice for experiencing the richness and diversity of Asian culinary delights.

It's what we call competitive advantages—develop them to make your business stand out.

Here are some examples of competitive advantages for an Asian restaurant: authentic and flavorful Asian cuisine, diverse menu options from different Asian regions, skilled chefs specialized in Asian cooking, inviting and cultural ambiance, attentive and knowledgeable staff, positive customer reviews and satisfaction, memorable dining experiences.

How to draft a SWOT analysis for a Chinese restaurant?

A SWOT analysis can help identify potential opportunities and threats, and inform strategic decisions, when starting an Asian restaurant.

As you can guess, there is indeed a completed and editable SWOT matrix in our business plan for an Asian restaurant

The strengths for an Asian restaurant

The letter "S" in SWOT signifies Strengths, representing the project's internal factors that enhance its performance.

For an Asian restaurant, possible strengths could include a wide variety of dishes, a creative menu, a welcoming and friendly atmosphere, and a knowledgeable staff.

The weaknesses for an Asian restaurant

When we say "W," we're referring to Weaknesses, which are the parts of the project that need to be made stronger.

For an Asian restaurant, potential weaknesses could include limited menu options, lack of marketing, limited seating capacity, and limited delivery options.

The opportunities for an Asian restaurant

The "O" in SWOT symbolizes Opportunities, indicating the potential advantages or positive factors that can support the project's growth.

In the case of an Asian restaurant, potential opportunities may include offering delivery services, catering services, expanding the menu to include regional dishes, and hosting special cultural events.

The threats for an Asian restaurant

When we use the "T" in SWOT, we're referring to Threats, which are the external factors that can undermine the project's success.

How to elaborate a marketing strategy for a Chinese restaurant?

A marketing strategy is like a roadmap that helps a business figure out how to reach and persuade people to buy its products or services.

You have to include it in a business plan because it ensures that the business focuses on the right customers, stands out from competitors, and gets the most out of its marketing efforts and resources.

An Asian restaurant can appeal to food lovers seeking authentic Asian cuisine by developing an effective marketing approach that showcases the restaurant's diverse menu, flavorsome dishes, and a welcoming ambiance inspired by Asian culture.

Food lovers won't dine at your Chinese restaurant without effective marketing; highlighting the authentic flavors, diverse menu, and inviting atmosphere is necessary.

Have you explored marketing approaches to attract customers to your Chinese restaurant? Consider offering themed dining events or special menus during Chinese cultural holidays, collaborating with local Chinese community organizations for cross-promotion, and utilizing social media platforms to showcase your authentic Chinese cuisine.

No need to worry if you're clueless about marketing and communication – it's not a big deal.

How to build a 3-year financial plan for a Chinese restaurant?

A comprehensive business plan requires a thorough analysis of financial data to ensure its success.

As you prepare your business plan, it is important to include revenue forecasts for your Asian restaurant.

Ensuring a revenue forecast that is relevant and credible is key to presenting a robust business plan to potential banks or investors.

Our financial plan for an Asian restaurant is designed to be user-friendly, incorporating automatic verifications that assist in identifying and correcting any assumptions. This ensures you can build credible projections with confidence.

It goes without saying that you should create a preliminary budget for launching your Asian restaurant. Don't overlook any expense. By the way, we've listed them all in our financial plan!

The break-even analysis is vital for your financial plan because it tells you if you whether your Asian restaurant will be profitable or not.

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Open for Business: A Guide to Starting Your Restaurant

  • By Moneywise

The restaurant business is one of many ventures that tend to do well in a recession. People might not eat out as much during a slow economy, but businesses built around food will still get customers. And in the Philippines, the restaurant industry is booming.

An Attractive Investment

Filipinos, according to a report from The Business World, have more disposable income now more than any other time. As such, people are spending on fashion, furnishings, fun, and food. The report goes on to add that groceries are selling fewer items because people are eating out more, citing a marketing survey.

Clearly, there is demand for dining establishments. Where there’s demand, there’s bound to be competition.

The Department of Trade and Industry shares that there were 6,652 full-service restaurants at the start of 2016; 3,748 cafeterias, 1,445 bars and pubs, 3,772 food kiosks, and 4,477 fastfood restaurants.

Throughout the auditing period, these businesses also showed strong revenues, with full-service restaurants generating P158.1 billion; meanwhile, cafeterias earned P15.8 billion, bars and pubs had P10.9 billion, food kiosks made P17.7 billion, and the fastfood brands took in P144.8 billion.

In addition to these traditional food-based ventures, e-commerce is also presenting a formidable match with online ordering and delivery services raking in P4.9 billion.

Clearly, restaurants can turn a profit. You just have to make sure that your dining establishment can capture and sustain attention from diners.

How do you do it?

A Taste of Success

business plan for filipino restaurant

Most food businesses that have hit it big in the local market began humbly enough. Some even started off with meager capital. Take Ineng’s Special Barbecue.

Inengs began with a stall in Sidcor Weekend Market and a P2,000 capital in 1999. Soon enough, word-of-mouth propelled the small business into what it is today: a restaurant offering franchising opportunities.

Success told this way sounds easy enough. But no big business has thrived and survived a slow economy without hard work. Inengs had its special barbecue sauce going for it. Many other restaurants continue to receive the patronage they receive because they’ve been able to offer diners something different.

But is that all there is to creating a restaurant that’s going to be top of mind for Filipino diners?

The restaurant business is complex. Moreover, today’s consumers are more sophisticated so the usual menu, even ones that seem gimmicky, is not going to be enough to sustain attention. What you need is a menu of strategies in place before you start looking for a location for your business.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll want to apply:

Choose a business that’s excites you

Every entrepreneur naturally aims for profits, but money should not be your lone motivation. Sure, money’s good (more money’s even better). The trouble with starting a restaurant with this in mind is that it might not hold your attention long enough to stick to it.

You may be financially invested in, for example, a concept restaurant focusing on Korean desserts, but if you’re not into the trendy food, the business might suffer from a lack of new ideas and marketing strategies to beat the competition.

So even if you’re into something as ordinary as fried chicken or tofu, you could build a good business out of your passion.

Find your market

What type of diner do you want to attract? You might be tempted to appeal to all consumers, but a general market might be more trouble than it’s worth. Marketing to all will leave you with a confusing set of strategies that might not yield the results you need. It’s better to focus on a specific segment as your target market rather than seeking to serve just about any diner.

A well-developed target market allows you to craft a clear message. Because you’re also starting the business, a defined customer profile helps you tailor every aspect of your restaurant to a particular demographic even before you get your first diners into the door.

Develop your menu

Too many items could confuse diners, too little could leave them to seek other menus. Some diners would not want to waste time leafing through, for example, five pages of food and others would want more than a few options.

A winning menu delivers on the following:

  • Culinary experience that differs from the competition
  • Price point that appeals as well as makes a profit
  • Specific to your demographic

When you know your target market, you’ll be in a better position to develop a menu that entices diners to return.

Hire the right staff

Every single person on your staff is crucial to the success of your restaurant, from the front of the house to the back of the house. You start with a talented chef who can bring in and manage a good kitchen staff. Then work your way toward building a waitstaff that will represent your business the way you envision.

A good team is an investment because they can help make your restaurant a success overnight or a failure over time. So don’t take any shortcuts; if you can, let a professional agency head hunt the key positions in the kitchen and the dining area.

Choose the appropriate location

Your target market can identify the ideal location for your restaurant. For example, if your customer profile is a young professional, you might want to consider business districts in the city or up and coming neighborhoods.

In addition, you’ll want to make sure that your establishment is accessible; this includes your staff. It’s not likely that the traffic situation in Metro Manila is going to get resolved, anytime soon. So you’ll need to consider how your employees are going to get to work. You don’t want to be left with a lean staff on, for instance, lunch rush.

Market your restaurant online

Digital marketing is a cost-effective way to get the word out about your restaurant. You could start with a social media page, with attractive images, updated posts targeted to your customer profile, and complete business details.

You’ll also want to claim your business on Google My Business. It’s a free business listing that could give your restaurant better exposure. With it, you can reach customers even without a website. But if you want a website, you can do it for free with the platform.

business plan for filipino restaurant

Finally, make sure your paper work’s in order, from the essential licenses (health, liquor, and others) to the relevant permits (local government unit, building permit, and others). When you’ve planned for every detail, opening night for your restaurant will go off with little to no hitch at all.

There is demand for dining places in the Philippines, but there is also stiff competition. So make sure your restaurant appeals to and sustains the interest of today’s sophisticated diners with the right strategies.

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How to Start a Restaurant in the Philippines in 2024 

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Disclosure: Small Business Philippines strives to provide relevant and accurate information in all its articles. However, some information in our articles may differ or might be outdated from what you can see or read directly from the establishments’ or businesses’ websites. Please get in touch with us directly for any discrepancies.

Are you thinking of starting a restaurant in the Philippines? The restaurant industry in the country has been growing steadily over the years, and there is a high demand for new and innovative dining concepts. However, starting a restaurant can be a daunting task, and many aspiring entrepreneurs may not know where to begin.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to starting a successful restaurant in the Philippine market in 2024.

1. Conduct Market Research

2. develop a business plan, 3. secure funding, 4. register your business, 5. find a location, 6. build your menu, 7. hire and train your staff, 8. market your restaurant, 9. monitor your finances.

Before starting a restaurant, it is crucial to conduct market research to identify the demand for your concept and the competition in your target market.

Here are some practical tips on conducting market research:

  • Study the demographics of your target market: Identify the age, income level, and location of your target customers. This information will help you tailor your restaurant concept to meet their needs and preferences.
  • Analyze the competition: Look at other restaurants in your area and study their menus, pricing, marketing strategies, and customer reviews. Identify the gaps in the market and determine how your restaurant can stand out.
  • Determine your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Your USP is what sets your restaurant apart from the competition. It could be your menu, ambiance, location, or service. Determine your USP and use it as the foundation of your marketing strategy.

Once you have conducted market research, the next step is to develop a comprehensive business plan. A business plan will help you identify the key components of your restaurant, including your concept, menu, pricing, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

Here are some essential elements of a restaurant business plan:

  • Executive Summary: A brief overview of your restaurant concept, target market, and financial projections.
  • Restaurant Concept: A detailed description of your restaurant’s theme, ambiance, menu, and service.
  • Market Analysis: A summary of your market research findings, including demographics, competition, and demand for your concept.
  • Marketing Strategy: An outline of your marketing plan, including branding, advertising, social media, and promotions.
  • Financial Projections: A detailed analysis of your startup costs, revenue projections, and break-even point.

Starting a restaurant requires a significant amount of capital, and securing funding can be a challenge for many aspiring entrepreneurs.

Here are some funding options to consider:

  • Self-Funding: Use your savings or personal funds to finance your restaurant. This option gives you full control over your restaurant but can be risky.
  • Bank Loans: Apply for a business loan from a bank or financial institution . Banks usually require collateral and a good credit score.
  • Investors: Find investors who are willing to finance your restaurant in exchange for equity or a share of the profits.
  • Crowdfunding: Raise funds from the public through online platforms such as Kickstarter, GoFundMe, or IndieGoGo.

To operate a restaurant in the Philippines , you need to register your business with the appropriate government agencies.

Here are the necessary steps to register your business:

  • Register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): If you plan to register your restaurant as a corporation, partnership, or cooperative, you need to file the necessary documents with the SEC.
  • Obtain a Mayor’s Permit: Apply for a Mayor’s Permit from the local government unit where your restaurant will be located.
  • Secure a Barangay Clearance: Obtain a Barangay Clearance from the Barangay where your restaurant will be located.
  • Apply for a Business Permit: Apply for a Business Permit from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) or
  • the local government unit where your restaurant will be located.

Choosing the right location for your restaurant is critical to its success. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a location:

  • Accessibility: Choose a location that is easily accessible to your target market, either by foot, public transportation, or car.
  • Visibility: Your restaurant should be visible from the street, with a clear and attractive sign.
  • Competition: Avoid locations that are already saturated with similar restaurants, unless you have a unique concept that can stand out.
  • Rent: Consider the cost of rent and other expenses associated with the location.

Your menu is one of the most important components of your restaurant. It should reflect your restaurant concept and cater to the tastes and preferences of your target market. Here are some tips on building your menu:

  • Research your competition: Study the menus of other restaurants in your area and identify the gaps in the market.
  • Keep it simple: Offer a concise menu that is easy to navigate and focuses on your restaurant’s specialties.
  • Use fresh and high-quality ingredients: Use fresh and locally sourced ingredients to ensure the quality of your food.
  • Offer variety: Include vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options to cater to a wider audience.

Your staff is the face of your restaurant and plays a crucial role in providing excellent customer service. Here are some tips on hiring and training your staff:

  • Hire experienced and passionate staff: Look for staff members who have experience in the restaurant industry and are passionate about food and hospitality.
  • Train your staff: Provide comprehensive training to your staff on your restaurant’s policies, procedures, and service standards.
  • Emphasize customer service: Train your staff to provide exceptional customer service, including greeting customers, taking orders, and resolving complaints.

Marketing is critical to the success of your restaurant. Here are some tips on marketing your restaurant:

  • Build a strong online presence : Create a website and social media pages for your restaurant and post regular updates, photos, and promotions.
  • Use local directories: List your restaurant on local directories such as Google My Business, Yelp, and Zomato.
  • Host events: Host special events such as live music, wine tasting, or cooking classes to attract new customers.
  • Offer promotions: Offer discounts, coupons, or loyalty programs to encourage repeat business.

Monitoring your finances is crucial to the long-term success of your restaurant. Here are some tips on managing your finances:

  • Keep track of your expenses: Record all your expenses and revenue to ensure that you are staying within your budget.
  • Control your inventory: Manage your inventory effectively to minimize waste and maximize profits.
  • Set financial goals: Set realistic financial goals for your restaurant and monitor your progress regularly.

Starting a restaurant in the Philippines requires careful planning, hard work, and dedication. By following these essential steps and tips, you can increase your chances of success and build a thriving restaurant business. Remember, starting a restaurant is not easy, but with the right mindset, skills, and attitude, you can make your restaurant dream a reality. Good luck!

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UK Small Business Startups and Funding

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Filipino Restaurant Small Business Idea and Business Plan

Starting your own small business in the UK isn’t easy but having a properly developed business plan will help you achieve success.

To start a Filipino Restaurant business in the UK, take the time and explain the idea via a business plan.

Understanding all of the aspects of the business idea will be the key to getting the Filipino Restaurant business running like a well-oiled machine. The business plan you develop will help you organize the elements needed into a strategy that you can actually use to startup, by paving a clear road map as to what you need to follow for the lifespan of your business.

Starting a Filipino Restaurant business isn’t easy, but when done right, it can lead to a lot of success.

To help you get started, you can use the free business plan builder tool to develop your own Filipino Restaurant business plan.

The business plan template is very easy to use, is interactive and will quickly and easily help you create your business plan just by answering the needed questions about your small business idea.

Create your own Filipino Restaurant business plan for free using the Business Plan Builder

The free business plan template builder is divided into a few easy to follow steps.

The free business plan builder template is provided by to help you develop your own business plan. For step by step guidance, see the 5 steps below.

Once completed, the result will be a clean, professional plan that will help you start your own Filipino Restaurant small business in the UK.

When you have completed your Filipino Restaurant business plan, the next step will be to find available funding that will help, or to speak with a funding adviser who will assist you each step of the way to securing the needed funds to make your Filipino Restaurant business startup.

If you are looking to limit your startup costs when starting up a Filipino Restaurant small business in the UK, this free business plan builder tool will be it.

Starting a Filipino Restaurant business is only one of the ways others have used this free business plan tool. There are hundreds of different ideas you can start, and if you need guidance, do reach out to a UKStartups expert to get the needed assistance and guidance.

Step 1. Your business information

To develop a proper Filipino Restaurant business plan with the free business plan builder template, it is important to answer each of the questions about your business to the best of your abilities.

What is your business? What are the products/services you provide? Who are your customers? What are your goals…etc?

Having a clear explanation will help you create a in-depth business plan that you can actually use to start the Filipino Restaurant business and to apply for needed funding to cover your startup costs.

Step 2. Projecting your revenues/income

The Filipino Restaurant industry can have great results. Planning and projecting the financial figures to approximate what you will make each year is crucial to building a strong business plan.

What do you think your business will make from each of its products/services? Simply list your products/services, enter the appropriate financial figures (costs and expenses).

If you don’t have the figures, in many cases it is recommended to do a a bit more research on other Filipino Restaurant businesses locally and within your own region to get an idea of potential revenue. You can do your best to estimate the figures and growth potential.

If you need assistance in projecting, you can always contact UK Startups funding experts for the help.

Step 3. Your business market

As a Filipino Restaurant business, having a clear explanation of the market and industry that you are in will help you plan for the figure and will ensure you can take the business to the next level.

Explain your location of business, share specifics about your customers, showcase your competition and explain the advantages you have over your competition.

Step 4. The future plan

Starting your own Filipino Restaurant business and getting it off the ground is important to you.

No matter if you’re planning on applying for government funding for your Filipino Restaurant business or not, it is important to plan out the future and provide an explanation of how you will grow the business. This means explaining your marketing plan, your sales strategy and clearly outlining a growth plan for the next few years.

Be sure to break this down step by step to show how you intend on making sure your Filipino Restaurant business can grow each year.

Keep in mind that often business plans are focused on key people. Be sure to discuss yourself, your role and any other key figures in the business as well.

Step 5. The financials

In the end, it all comes down to the financials. If you are seeking funding, or not – the business plan you develop needs to have clearly defined financials or projections. The business plan builder tool makes it easy to develop your financial charts by simply entering your expected revenues per month and year. If you don’t have the figures as it’s a new business be sure to project the figures based on your expectations. If you need help with this, ask the UK Startups experts .

A clear breakdown of your funding needs is also recommended in case you are seeking funding and this free business plan template will help you with exactly that. When developing your Filipino Restaurant business plan using this free template, the above 5 steps are recommended in order to succeed. While there are other key points that will assist you in starting your business, finding funding...etc, the free template will help put you on the right path

Be sure to request a professional to review your business plan , to answer any questions you may have and to help you with the funding search once you’ve done the initial free template. You can request this directly via and through the Small Business Startup Platform as a member.

If starting a Filipino Restaurant business is just one of your ideas, perhaps considering other options, here are some popular small business’s others have chosen to startup

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21 Low-Cost Food Business Ideas in the Philippines

If there’s one thing the Philippines is known for aside from its famous pristine beaches, it’s that the country is abundant street food scene. In fact, mobile food is so common across the country it’s simply called food. Whether you’re in the capital city or the provinces, the smell of Filipino street food will greet you.

Food carts are a common sight on the sidewalks of urban centers like Manilla, Davao City, and Palayan. Almost all establishment or government buildings will have a restaurant or café too. In short, you don’t need to worry about going hungry in the Philippines. If you’re looking for a way to make a comfortable living, but don’t have much money to invest, try one of these low-cost food business ideas will work anywhere in the country.

Fish Ball Cart

If you’ve visited the Philippines before, you already know food vendors selling fish balls on the side of the road is commonplace. Unlike in Chinese-style hot pots where fish balls are steamed or used in soup, fish balls in the Philippines are fried and skewered in sticks. Fish balls can be homemade or store-bought by the vendors and served in flat or round balls. These meals are then fried in front of you and served hot. You can then dip them into spicy or sweet sauces.

Fish balls are so cheap that they’re sold at Php 0.50 a piece. A stick can sometimes be 15 pesos ($0.30). This is one low-cost food business idea you can do since you’ll only need a cart, gas, your pan, fish balls, and sauces to get started. And of course a curbside another vendor hasn’t already claimed!

Cotton Candy Kiosk

business plan for filipino restaurant

Cotton candy is popular with kids in the Philippines.

Filipinos love sweet things and naturally cotton candy has become a street food favorite. They’re not the huge ones you’ll find at carnivals, but just a regular-sized cotton candy treat.

The cost of a cotton candy kiosk starts at Php 7,000 or $145 USD. Having this for a business is a crowd favorite and you can even market this for events so you can charge depending on the number of people. If you enjoy working at small events like birthday parties or fundraisers this is a terrific business option.

Siomai Kiosk

business plan for filipino restaurant

Siomai or shumai is a kind of dim sum in the Philippines.

Siomai is the Filipino version of Shumai or Chinese dumplings. The dumplings are commonly filled with pork, beef, and shrimp. There are many varieties of these through the years such as ones wrapped in nori sheets or those wrapped in bacon. But the siomai culture continues to grow and a siomai kiosk is a popular business investment. You can franchise a siomai kiosk for as low as Php 20,000 or about $415 USD.

One thing to keep in mind is that while the ingredient cost of dumplings is low, making the dumplings by hand will require human capital. You can teach family members how to make dumplings alongside you easily enough, but it’s a consideration you should be aware of before getting into the business. This business is higher effort on the manufacturing side.

business plan for filipino restaurant

Ice cream is a favorite street food and business venture in the Philippines.

Ice cream in the Philippines is known commonly as sorbetes or dirty ice cream. Now don’t be alarmed. It’s not dirty. It’s just the way it’s called as a running joke that these are ice creams sold by the streets. But these are quite yummy seeing as it’s made from carabao’s (a type of water buffalo) milk.

This type of ice cream is sold in carts where the tubs are kept frozen with ice and salt. The ice cream is scooped in small sizes and placed in sugar or wafer cones. A single-serve can be affordable and less than Php 50 ($1).

A balut is a Filipino delicacy that is a fertilized duck or chicken egg. It’s very popular and Filipinos eat it by cracking just a small portion of the egg on top and then drink the soup inside. They then eat all the contents (yes, even the duck inside) by adding salt or spiced vinegar.

Admittedly, balut is not for everyone. Some might not find this appetizing to look at. But it remains to be a well-known street food for its taste that having a balut business is profitable and comes at a low cost. This is another popular street food sold by vendors across the country.

Related Reading: 32 (Actually Profitable) Kiosk Business Ideas You Can Start Under $20k

business plan for filipino restaurant

Barbecue stalls fill the streets in the Philippines at night.

Filipino barbecue is sweet and savory since the marinade is a mixture of soy sauce, ketchup, lime, sugar, and spices. It also has a lot of varieties from your usual chicken and pork cuts to sausages, chorizo, and even gizzards and liver. These barbecue stalls come out at night and fill the streets with their smoky delicious aroma for the evening crowd. Barbecue stalls are a sought-after dining option after a night at the bar.

All you need for this business aside from the ingredients is a grill and you’re good to go. There’s not much equipment to buy aside from a grill or flat-top that this business is considered low in cost. We also suggest using a high-quality cooler to keep meat safe before it’s grilled.

The milk tea craze has not exclusive to the Philippines. There are milk tea stalls everywhere selling different kinds of flavors. Most of these stalls are franchised starting at Php 56,000 or $1,165. You can get into the game for even less if you choose operate a stall instead of a shop so you don’t have to worry about high monthly lease payments.

French Fries

business plan for filipino restaurant

Flavored French fries are a to comfort food for Filipinos.

French fries are considered a favorite snack by everyone around the globe but Filipinos amp this staple up a notch by adding in different flavors such as sour cream, cheese, barbecue, ranch, wasabi, and even truffle. Vendors make use of pre-packaged powdered seasoning and coat the fries with it. They sell it by the bucket too!

All you need is open a stand for business is a commercial deep fryer, oil, a bag of French fries, and seasoning powder. This is a fantastic business to start on a budget because the main ingredient is extremely affordable and widely available when purchased in bulk. You can differentiate your product by testing creative dip flavors that other local vendors aren’t offering.

business plan for filipino restaurant

Filipinos love to eat bread such as pandesal.

Aside from rice, Filipinos love bread. They snack on a pan de sal in the mornings while dipping it in coffee or have it as snacks along with noodles. White bread, cheese bread, and ube cheese pan de sals are also very popular street food snacks in the Philippines.

A bakery starts at Php 150,000 ($3,120) but if you lack any experience, you can start by franchising a bakery at Php 300,000 ($6,240). If you love to bake, you can even start out of your home kitchen and selling to friends and family members as the first customers.

business plan for filipino restaurant

Corn stalls can be found just about everywhere in the Philippines.

Corn is one snack that Filipinos will never run out of. You will find corn stalls selling them either steamed or grilled. You can also have these by the cup rather than on the cob and dusted off with powdered cheese as a seasoning. It’s a low-cost business venture wherein the bulk of your expenses will be ordering corn and that’s not very difficult to find since they’re very common in the Philippines.

Fried Peanuts

business plan for filipino restaurant

Fried peanuts with garlic is sold along the streets in the Philippines.

Fried peanuts in garlic and salt are a favorite by many Filipinos. They’re quite addicting to snack on, especially since the garlic pieces are sliced big and thin so you can also munch on them aside from the peanuts. This is a simple business to operate with good profit margin.

Hot Dog Stand

business plan for filipino restaurant

Hotdogs on sticks or buns are a favorite.

Hot dog stands are common in the Philippines and they cost less than Php 20 ($.045) per unit. You can also add choices on whether to have these on the bun or not. Franchising for this business starts at Php 170,000 ($3,535 USD). If you’re thinking about operating a hot dog business, we’ve got you covered with the following in-depth case studies and podcast episodes.

  • Case Study #1:  Ultimate Guide to Starting a Hot Dog Business
  • Case Study #2:   Total Cost Breakdown for Hot Dog Business Startups (Spreadsheet)

Green Mangoes

business plan for filipino restaurant

Green mangoes with bagoong is a sour and salty treat.

You’ve probably heard about ripe Philippine mangoes being very sweet and tasty but have you ever tried the green ones? Green mangoes are crunchy and sour. The taste of it can make you scrunch up your face like you’re eating a lemon. But Filipinos love to snack on them, especially when they’re paired with bagoong, a fermented shrimp paste.

Green mango stands are a great low-cost business venture since the Philippines never runs out of mangoes and you’ll find great deals for such a supply. You’ll only need the mangoes and your bagoong and you’ll have a green mango stand that many will love.

Related Reading:  25-Step Plan to Making Your Food Company a Reality

business plan for filipino restaurant

Milkshakes help one cool down.

Shake carts are common in the Philippines since the country is abundant with fruits. Other than that, Filipinos love sweet things so they also like to drink flavored milkshakes such as chocolate, ube, and strawberry. Pearls are also favorite add-ons when buying shakes. A shake cart franchise starts at Php 79,000 or about $1,645 USD and is also available as a stand and shop.

If you would like learn the pros and cons of opening a smoothie shop , listen to our audio lesson below. You’ll learn how to establish your first vending route and how to create a proof of concept for your company.

Sari-Sari Stores

business plan for filipino restaurant

What a sari-sari store may look like in the Philippines.

Filipino convenience stores, also known as sari-sari stores, are small stores usually situated outside of the owner’s house. Items that are being sold are chips, soda, bread, instant noodles, canned goods, and some toiletries. Basically anything pre-packaged is sold at these establishments.

A sari-sari store is a low-cost business since you don’t have to pay for rent seeing as the store is on your premises. You can start a sari-sari store for only Php 50,000 ($1,040). If your home is located in a high-traffic part of the city this can be a viable business option. And you can’t beat the commute to work!

Fried Chicken Stand

business plan for filipino restaurant

Fried chicken stalls are popular in the Philippines.

Everyone likes fried chicken. For Filipinos, fried chicken and rice is already considered a good meal. Most international fast food brands that open up in the Philippines add fried chicken to their menu since they know how much Filipinos like to eat this with a large portion of gravy to dip.

Put up a fried chicken stand with add-ons such as rice or fries on the side. Though we guarantee you that serving rice will surely make this business a hit, offering flavored fries and dips can also win customers over.

Shawarma Stand

business plan for filipino restaurant

Shawarma and gyro are sold in malls in the Philippines.

Filipino food isn’t the only popular cuisine in the Philippines. Shawarmas are also becoming a more popular food item across the island. Filipinos love the taste of the tortilla or pita wrap with sliced beef or chicken as filling with either spicy sauce or sweet cheese sauce drizzled in it. Franchising for a shawarma stand starts at Php 10,000 or $208 USD.

Buko (Coconut) Juice

business plan for filipino restaurant

Coconut juice is refreshing.

Aside from mangoes, the Philippines is abundant in coconuts so there are a lot of coconut juice stands. There are different options for this such as pure coconut juice, sweetened coconut juice, coconut juice with the meat of the fruit, or juice shakes. The challenging aspect of operating this type of business will be cracking open coconuts to extract the meat and juices.

Case Study:  Food booth vendor with 20+ years experience shares concession sales secrets

Taho is a Philippine snack that consists of silken tofu, syrup, and pearls. You will see vendors carrying tubs of these on their shoulders. It’s sweet, warm, and very tasty food item.

Taho has also been modernized wherein it is available as a franchise and comes as a food stall. Franchising for a taho stall is at Php 180,000 ($3,745) but this rate can be lowered if you’d like to try out the traditional way of selling taho on a bike. You can learn some good strategies for marketing and profiting from a taho business, check out this article .

Popcorn Stand

business plan for filipino restaurant

Popcorn is an affordable business to start.

Popcorn stands are spotted frequently in town plazas in the Philippines. You can spot them right next to the fish ball vendors and taho vendors.

You can put up a popcorn stand at just Php 6,900 ($145) with different flavored powder to season your popcorn. Learn how to operate a successful popcorn business here.

business plan for filipino restaurant

Fried rice is a filling meal.

Rice is a staple for Filipinos which is why a fried rice stand would make a good business investment. Some businesses also provide toppings such as fried spring rolls, chicken nuggets, and siomai. You can franchise a fried rice business at Php 200,000 or $4,160 USD.

In conclusion, putting up a food business in the Philippines is easy with so many options and ideas to choose from. Food is generally cheap in the Philippines so you can open one of these business even if you didn’t come from wealth. What you need to do now is identify a food or beverage you would like to sell, write a business plan, and identify some potential vending locations .

Want to start your own food business?

Hey! 👋I’m Brett Lindenberg, the founder of Food Truck Empire.

We interview successful founders and share the stories behind their food trucks, restaurants, food and beverage brands. By sharing these stories, I want to help others get started.

If you liked this story, sign up for our newsletter that includes our food business startup kit and most popular interviews sent straight to your inbox.

Know someone interesting that should be interviewed on the website? Tell us about them here. 

About the Author: Brett Lindenberg

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Table of Contents

Business Plan Philippines

Are you looking to download a free small business plan Philippines pdf?

Filipino Wealth has created a free business plan template that you can use when starting a business in the Philippines.

Includes Product & Service Analyst, Market Research, Financial Forecasts, Business Strategy, Competitor Analysis, and more.

Financial Planning Philippines

The financial template is perfect for small and start-up businesses in the Philippines looking for a simple guide to business finances.

The template explores sales, returns, net sales, gross profit, wages, rent, total expenses, and other important financials

Marketing Template Philippines

Marketing is increasingly popular for businesses in the Philippines.

Therefore, this handy marketing plan can help small businesses prepare and manage their financial strategy.

In the template, you will find several marketing options, financial estimations, dates, additional questions, and added extras to help your business market in the Philippines.

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Columbus Asian Festival brings food, entertainment to Franklin Park on Saturday and Sunday

Various cultures will be represented and celebrated during the Asian Festival in Franklin Park on Saturday and Sunday.

More than 100,000 people kick off central Ohio's summer festival season this weekend at the 30th annual Columbus Asian Festival .

The two-day festival, which runs Saturday and Sunday at Franklin Park, showcases food, music, dance, art and other parts of the cultures of the continent. It comes at the end of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which is observed each May.

Organizers expect more than 100,000 people to attend.

Here's what you need to know to plan your visit.

When is the Asian Festival?

It's Saturday, May 25, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Sunday, May 26, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The National Weather Service says there's a 30% chance of rain Saturday and a 50% chance on Sunday. Highs are to be in the 80s both days.

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Where is the Asian Festival?

It's at Franklin Park, 1777 E. Broad St. on the Near East Side.

How much is admission?

It's free to get in.

What are the highlights of Asian Festival?

It's a tie between the food, the entertainment and sporting events. Foodwise, the festival is a good opportunity to expand beyond the Asian cuisines with which you're probably familiar into some that aren't as broadly represented in central Ohio.

If you like egg rolls and lo mein, try Filipino dishes such as lumpia Shanghai and pancit canton. Look for Cambodian, Lao and other cuisines, as well. You'll also likely find dishes and drinks that are more widely available everywhere these days, such as yakitori and other types of skewers, bubble tea and rolled ice cream.

There are chairs around the amphitheater stage, but bring your own if you want a comfortable, shady place to take in entertainment from dancers, drummers and musicians performing traditional and modern styles from across Asia.

This year's performers include the K-Sori Korean Drum Team, the Columbus Waterlily Dance Group, Chinese folk dancer Amy Ho, the Nepali Cultural Dance Club and the Philseco & Fil-Am Philippine dance group.

There are plenty of martial arts demonstrations, as well.

Where's a good place to park?

For a festival that draws so many people, parking is easy and accessible. The Asian Festival provides free shuttle-bus service from free parking lots in the following locations around Franklin Park:

  • Wolfe Park, 105 Park Drive
  • St. Charles Preparatory School, 2010 E. Broad St.
  • East High School, 1500 E. Broad St.
  • Ohio State East Hospital, 181 Taylor Ave. The shuttle picks people up and drops them off at the East High School lot nearby.
  • Ohio State Outpatient Care East, 543 Taylor Ave.

Festival organizers urge people not to park on streets around Franklin Park, because cars can be ticketed or towed. Handicap parking is recommended at Wolfe Park or St. Charles Preparatory School. Drop-off for Uber and Lyft passengers, as well as those with mobility issues, is at the Franklin Park entrance off Broad Street.

More information can be found at .

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Eli Lilly beefs up plan to expand manufacturing for popular drugs Zepbound, Mounjaro

Associated Press

Eli Lilly will spend more than $5 billion to expand an Indiana manufacturing site and eventually make more doses of its popular weight-loss and diabetes treatments, Zepbound and Mounjaro.

The drugmaker said Friday that it was more than doubling its investment in a site near its Indianapolis headquarters. But it will take time for the location to start producing.

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The company broke ground for its Lebanon, Indiana, manufacturing plant last year and expects to start making products there near the end of 2026. Production will then increase through 2028.

Lilly said it would add $5.3 billion to the $3.7 billion it had already slated for the site. Company officials said in a statement that this amounts to the largest manufacturing investment in the company’s history, which dates back to the 19th century.

The site will make tirzepatide, the main ingredient behind both Mounjaro and Zepbound.

Zepbound, the weight-loss treatment, received U.S. regulatory approval last fall. The two drugs combined to generate more than $2 billion sales in this year’s first quarter.

But Lilly has struggled to make enough supply to keep up with the growing demand, as has its rival, the Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk, which makes the popular weight-loss drug Wegovy.

Company officials have said they expected some manufacturing increases to occur starting in the back half of this year.

Analysts expect Zepbound and Mounjaro to eventually generate well over $30 billion in combined annual sales for Lilly, according to the data firm FactSet.

Shares of Eli Lilly and Co. rose slightly to $809.70 Friday morning, in line with the S&P 500 index.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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Living on $25,000: ALICEs who live paycheck to paycheck explain how they scrape together enough food to get by

  • Many low-income Americans can't afford groceries despite working full-time jobs.
  • Some families rely on food pantries and alternate income sources to get by.
  • SNAP benefits are based on the federal poverty threshold, leaving ALICE households without help. 

Insider Today

The discounted employee meal that Cherie Tobias gets at Applebee's is usually the only time she can eat every day .

A resident of Hastings, Michigan, the 48-year-old does her best to make ends meet on her full-time server salary of $25,064 a year. She's the main household income earner for her 19-year-old and her fiancé.

Tobias previously told Business Insider that she hasn't been grocery shopping in over a year because she can't afford it. Typically, she has to rely on Applebee's or the few stand-alone ingredients she occasionally gets at the store to eat. Even then, Tobias said she often is limited to one meal a day.

"I don't want to be rich," she said. "I just want to be able to get by comfortably without the stress. That would be my wish: being able to open the cupboard and know that there's food there for the day."

Tobias is one of over 40 million Americans who are food insecure. She's also what economists call ALICE — asset-limited, income-constrained, and employed. At least 29% of US households live paycheck to paycheck but have an income that is too high for most government assistance, per Census Bureau data and cost-of-living estimates analyzed by the nonprofit United Way. This compares to 13% of Americans who live at or below the federal poverty line, which is $31,200 for a family of four.

Many ALICEs, like Tobias, are also out of reach of America's financial safety nets. SNAP benefits or food stamps, for example, base criteria on the federal poverty threshold, which is not adjusted based on location or cost of living. A family of four must make less than $39,000 to qualify and then would receive a maximum allotment of $973 a month for food.

However, this criteria leaves low-income households who don't qualify relying on thinly stretched grocery budgets, food pantries, or employer meal discounts. Many ALICEs worry their family will go hungry, but they're running out of options to put food on the table.

Tobias said she's tried applying for SNAP — she just needs "a little bit of help with food." But her fiancé receives disability checks and her son is no longer a minor, so she might only receive $18 a month worth of assistance.

"That's not helpful," she said.

Many ALICE families face a 'scary' level of food security

Melinda Binkley, 56, shared a similar experience . The Stillwater, Minnesota, resident previously told BI her household income is usually less than $100 too high to qualify for programs like SNAP. She is sometimes able to buy basic and perishable goods like bread, milk, and fruit from the grocery store but often relies on her local food pantry.

Still, Binkley said she had more food pantry options during the pandemic when "everybody was having issues." Lately, she said there are more limits on how often she can visit pantries and how many canned goods she can take, even if she needs the food. She has even considered traveling to multiple pantries to ensure she can feed herself and her husband.

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Right now, she describes her level of food security as "scary."

"It'll be interesting to see our food situation here in the near future," Binkley said.

Food banks and pantries across the US saw a major rise in demand as millions of Americans experienced financial hardship during the pandemic. And, when emergency SNAP ended in February 2023, millions of families were left without benefits or had their allotments drastically cut. Some local banks and pantries have also reported budget challenges and a decline in donations in recent years.

With limited options, ALICEs have sold plasma and filed for unemployment to afford food

Some ALICEs told BI that they've had to scrape together additional incomes to eat.

With a tight budget and no SNAP support, Cincinnati resident Lisa Kelley, 47, told BI she has started selling her plasma in order to afford food, rent, and utilities for herself and her mother. It takes a toll on her body, but Kelley said she can earn between $65 and $125 each time she donates.

Kelley also said she doesn't live near many food pantries and has to drive long distances to reach a grocery store or Walmart. Her budget is limited when she can shop, even with her extra plasma income.

"It's been rough," she said. "We have to make that stretch as much as possible, and the quality of the food is not the same. We have to get cheaper things and less meat and vegetables."

Melissa Hedden, a 41-year-old living in Wilmington, North Carolina, said she made the decision to quit her job during COVID because her children needed care and support with online school. At the time, she realized she could earn a higher income through filing for pandemic reemployment assistance . Documents reviewed by BI show she took home $15,901 in 2020.

The reemployment money — which she received from summer 2020 to summer 2021 — gave her whole family the extra funds they needed to afford expenses and buy nutritious food. Hedden herself said she felt physically and mentally healthier, was able to better support her family, and she even went back to school.

"I lost over 80 pounds, I went from a pre-diabetic to completely healthy because I was able to change my eating habits," she said. "I didn't have to buy so many processed foods."

But, since Hedden stopped receiving the checks, she said it's become difficult for her to maintain her health in the same way. In addition to facing housing insecurity, she worries about affording groceries again.

She has tried to qualify for SNAP in the past, but isn't currently enrolled. Her household income is now considered too high because her teenage son works a part-time job.

"I went from being approved for $600 a month on food stamps, to 'Oh wait, your son is 17, he makes money, so we're counting that against you,"' she said. "And I'm not taking his money from him."

Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Are you open to sharing how you afford food, housing, and other expenses? If so, reach out to this reporter at [email protected] .

Watch: Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student-debt relief plan

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Today’s front page, Sunday, May 26, 2024

today's front page businessmirror 052624

PHL’s milestones in biotech inspire Pan-Pacific farmers despite moratorium

  • BusinessMirror
  • May 26, 2024
  • 2 minute read

1 #1 croplife 0526241

Milestones made by the Philippines in terms of science and technology has become an inspiration for some neighboring countries that are just currently starting in developing their own genetically modified (GM) crops.

Despite the ongoing moratorium on GM crops—Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) eggplant and Golden Rice—ordered by the Court of Appeals in Manila, farmers’ groups from the Pan-Pacific countries still pushed through with their plan to visit the Philippines to learn about developments made by Filipino scientists in terms of biotechnology, CropLife Philippines said..

According to CropLife Philippines Executive Director Ramon Abadilla, this should be a wakeup call for the court to reverse its decision, given that other countries are recognizing the Philippines’ milestones borne through years of research and development. 

1. #2 20240523 112037

“[The truth is], it’s ironic that other countries want to learn from us and yet, we do not trust the gains that we made through biotechnology and how it can positively address issues on food security, climate change and health,” Abadilla said.

“These are all supported by years of study. Our neighbors believe in us more than some of our own countrymen,” he added partly in Filipino.

The 50 delegates from the 17th Pan-Asia Farmers Exchange Program, made up of farmer-leaders, scientists, academic media, government officials and policy-makers, are in the country to visit biotech farms, research facilities, and seed processing plants to set benchmarks on stringent, science-based regulatory processes that ensure the safety of biotech crops for humans, animals, and the environment.

It can be recalled that scientists and academics came together at the heels of the court’s decision to debunk its basis and decry lack of proper representation of the scientific community in their deliberations since the claims of harm to human health has been resolved by research conducted in the past 30 years, CropLife said.

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Business | New Greater Baltimore Committee plan calls for…

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Business | New Greater Baltimore Committee plan calls for ‘sea change’ to boost economic opportunity

Greater Baltimore Committee President & CEO Mark Anthony Thomas unveils a 10-year strategic plan during GBC's annual meeting at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point on Thursday night. (Kenneth K. Lam/Staff)

A new 10-year strategic plan, unveiled Thursday evening, sets out to do that. The plan calls for a “sea change” in what it describes as a lack of urgency in attracting business and nurturing entrepreneurs,

The plan, the first big project Thomas took on after becoming GBC’s president and CEO in December 2022, sets priorities to guide private and public investment and regional collaborations that can spark transformational change over a decade. The GBC presented its ideas during its annual meeting Thursday evening, a networking event with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and entertainers in a cavernous warehouse at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point.

The blueprint seeks to position the region’s people, businesses and amenities as a globally recognizable and competitive brand. It stresses the need for Baltimore and six surrounding counties to collaborate in order to better compete.

And it suggests narrowing the focus of future growth to three specific industries: life sciences and predictive technologies, logistics and light manufacturing; and creativity and culture.

The idea, Thomas said in an interview, is to “drive GBC’s work and help the broader market, internationally and domestically, understand here’s what we’re doing as a body of partners that will grow jobs, really amplify our economic opportunity and tackle some of the key challenges where the private sector can lean in.”

Gov. Wes Moore kicked off the GBC’s annual event Thursday, saying the business community’s involvement will be key to making the plan’s ideas reality.

“If we’re serious about building the kind of city and the kind of region that those who came before us hoped for and those who come after us deserve, it means that every single one of us needs to have our fingerprints on the blueprint,” Moore said.

The blueprint lays out three key areas of economic development.

  • Industry and innovation: The plan recommends improving the Baltimore region’s culture of entrepreneurship and supporting a broader diversity of people to participate, ensuring that more research gets translated into new products and firms, and developing sites and transportation infrastructure to attract national and international investors.
  • Place and community: Goals include investing in existing and emerging areas of concentrated economic activity as well as local communities with potential and need by having individual jurisdictions take more regional approaches.
  • Talent and people: The plan aims to tackle labor supply and demand challenges by better aligning labor skills with employer needs and addressing barriers faced by marginalized communities.

“The plan is meant to be ambitious at a global level and put the region on the global stage,” said Jennifer Vey, a former Brookings Institution senior fellow who became the GBC’s executive vice president of policy & research in September.

It calls for a shift in approach for a region that has relied historically upon institutional and public sector resources, so much so that the GBC says Baltimore has lost a sense of urgency in courting prospective businesses and workers and developing an entrepreneurial culture.

“The region needs a sea change to signal to local, national, and international investors that it is ready for transformative, private sector-led growth,” the plan says. “Changing the narrative will require ambition and a long-term commitment from businesses, political leaders, developers, educators, workforce providers, nonprofits, entrepreneurs, and others.”

The region must do more to boost its science and technology entrepreneurial ecosystem, the plan says. Despite heavy investments in research and development and strong institutional anchors, the region has underperformed the nation and its peers in bringing scientific discoveries from the lab to market.

The region has been restricted by limited industrial real estate needed to support the export economy, even with key logistical assets such as the Port of Baltimore and BWI Marshall Airport.

And the area has had difficulty coordinating outreach efforts and joining forces to take advantage of “game changing” opportunities. A stronger GBC, with the help of the Maryland Department of Commerce and county economic development organizations, can work to change that, the plan says.

Other challenges include an underperforming real estate market. The region’s construction rates are lower than those in competing regions in office, industrial, retail and multifamily housing, which has led to a continued loss of corporate leaders and skilled workers to faster-growing regions in the South and West.

And though the region’s economy has been generally stable, opportunity for advancement has been uneven based on race and location, with many Black residents living in areas of Baltimore with greater poverty, the report says. Inequities extend to transportation, with low-income people of color — the region’s largest group of transit riders — often subject to longer than average commute times because of lack of access.

Thomas said he expects the GBC to continue expanding its role beyond advocacy and policy work to include leadership on initiatives such as the region’s federal designation last year as a national tech hub, and the group’s involvement in Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott’s $3 billion plan to attack the city’s thousands of vacant properties.

“Those types of opportunities are things as we build the organization up that we’re well positioned to convene and make happen for the region,” Thomas said.

The plan also looked at the changing geography of economic activity, which no longer necessarily flows from a dense central business district into decentralized development but instead includes “multiple nodes of activity.” The blueprint calls for supporting clusters of economic activity in specific areas to foster more efficient transit systems, greater collaboration among entrepreneurs and more walkable access to shops and amenities.

It identifies several priority areas for long-range growth by reinvesting in existing hubs and re-imagining underused properties. Among those mentioned are the Tradepoint Atlantic logistics hub in Sparrows Point in Baltimore County, Baltimore city’s downtown entertainment district, Columbia Gateway and downtown Columbia in Howard County, Aberdeen Proving Ground in Harford County, and National Business Park in Anne Arundel County.

GBC created the plan with the help of TIP Strategies, an Austin, Texas-based consulting firm, that gathered input and analyzed data during an 11-month process overseen by a 34-member steering committee. GBC eventually will establish a way to follow progress, Vey said.

“If we do things well, we should be seeing more recruitment and expansion for the region, we should be seeing more entrepreneurship, starting, growing, staying here,” Vey said. “We should be seeing more economic mobility. We should see that investment in regionally significant activity centers.”

Greater Baltimore Committee President & CEO Mark Anthony Thomas unveils...

Greater Baltimore Committee President & CEO Mark Anthony Thomas unveils 10-year strategic plan during its annual meeting at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point. (Kenneth K. Lam/Staff)

Gov. Wes Moore speaks during Greater Baltimore Committee’s annual meeting...

Gov. Wes Moore speaks during Greater Baltimore Committee’s annual meeting at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point. (Kenneth K. Lam/Staff)

Performing artist entertains guest during Greater Baltimore Committee’s annual meeting...

Performing artist entertains guest during Greater Baltimore Committee’s annual meeting at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point. (Kenneth K. Lam/Staff)

Performing artist entertains guests during Greater Baltimore Committee’s annual meeting...

Performing artist entertains guests during Greater Baltimore Committee’s annual meeting at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point. (Kenneth K. Lam/Staff)

Greater Baltimore Committee President & CEO Mark Anthony Thomas unveils...

Greater Baltimore Committee President & CEO Mark Anthony Thomas unveils a 10-year strategic plan during GBC's annual meeting at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point on Thursday night. (Kenneth K. Lam/Staff)

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