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Content Marketing Presentation Templates

To all top marketers and content experts out there free content marketing google slides themes & ppt templates are ready for download explore your content marketing points with great colors, backgrounds, and themes. communicate the marketing challenges your team overcomes and encourage progress. do it right no more delays.

Content Marketing

Elevate Your Content Marketing with Exceptional Collection of Free PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes!

We're here to help you, what is content marketing.

Content marketing is one of the marketing strategies used by companies to attract, engage, and retain their target audience by creating and sharing relevant blogs, articles, podcasts, videos, and other media.

What are Content Marketing PowerPoint Templates?

Content Marketing PowerPoint Templates are created to make professional presentations to communicate your content marketing strategies. We can use these templates in any kind of marketing or advertising presentation.

Where can we use these Content Marketing PPT Slides?

Companies, business firms, and content developers can use these Content Marketing PPT Slides for training programs to teach the scope of content marketing.

How can I make Content Marketing PPT Slides in a presentation?

A variety of Content Marketing PPT Slides are available online. Choose the best one for your needs and amend it for your needs. Our tricks and tips tutorial will help you with clear steps for designing slides from scratch.

Who can use these Content Marketing PPT Templates?

Business professionals, content writers, students, and professors can use these Content Marketing PPT Templates.

Why do we need Content Marketing PowerPoint Templates?

Content Marketing PowerPoint Templates will enable you to effectively present the content strategies to generate new leads, build communities in your social networks, and have many other existing benefits.

Where can I find Free Content Marketing PowerPoint Templates?

We can find an enormous collection of pre-designed slides online. Among many PowerPoint template providers, Slide Egg is one of the best sites for finding professional slides. Here you can get 25+ Content Marketing PowerPoint Templates.

Content Marketing Plan Template

Putting all your content marketing skills and resources together in one comprehensive presentation isn’t easy. You need a content marketing plan to create, plan, and organize your content to help your company reach its goals. This will provide context for your marketing campaigns, outline objectives, schedule content, and hold everyone accountable.

To communicate your marketing plan with others, whether it’s your colleagues or managers or prospective clients, you'll need a content marketing plan template to build a framework for your presentation.

Use our content marketing plan template to:

  • Set metrics to track the success of marketing campaigns
  • Keep stakeholders informed
  • Explain next steps for team members involved

Create Your Content Marketing Plan

A content marketing plan doesn’t need to be long, but every slide included in your presentation plays an important role. To illustrate your points for your audience, use graphics such as tables, Gantt charts, timelines, and more. Each of these graphics can be added to your content marketing plan template with just one click. Potential slides to include in a content marketing plan are:

Title Slide

Pro Tips for Using a Content Marketing Plan Template

Your content marketing plan can be easily customized with Beautiful.ai. Here are some basic principles to keep in mind as you go:

Give your content marketing plan direction by answering the question, “What’s your goal for developing a content marketing plan?” Don’t take away from that purpose with unnecessary slides.

Avoid making your presentation too text-heavy, which can be hard to read. Use icons and graphics to present your data in a memorable and interesting format.

Does your content marketing plan presentation flow well? A good rule of thumb is to give a general overview of a topic, followed by specifics in the order you had outlined.

Tailor your presentation to your audience. Your team members may want more details specific to campaigns, while executives or clients will want to focus on budget and KPIs.

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Create Killer Marketing Presentations (Examples & Templates)

Learn from the best marketing presentation examples how to engage your audience, persuade & reach marketing strategy goals for your business or product.


6 minute read

marketing presentation

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What does a marketing presentation include.

The key elements that every marketing presentation should include are:

  • Introduction
  • Market overview
  • Product/service overview
  • Marketing strategy
  • Competitor analysis
  • Performance metrics
  • Action plan
  • Projections
  • Conclusion and next steps

Why most marketing presentations don't work

No one has patience for marketing presentations . And what’s the point of making a marketing presentation if no one will listen or bother to read it?

Whatever marketing presentation you’re making at the moment it’s likely full of attention-killing legacy “best practices”. Even worse, it’s drowning in a sea of noise by other presentations competing for your audience's attention.

Let me show you some marketing presentation examples that manage to avoid common presentation mistakes, and manage to stand out, grab attention, and make a persuasive case.

How to create an effective marketing presentation

Each presentation has its unique recipe for success. Whether it's a strategy, a plan, a branding project, a product pitch, or a performance analysis, they all have little details to look out for.




Strategy & plan marketing presentation

To breathe life into your strategy and plan presentation, paint a vision of the future.

Start with a robust situational analysis, highlighting key findings about your market, competition, and audience.

Define SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) marketing objectives that directly link to your strategies.

Present clear and concise strategies, directly aligned with the objectives.

Wrap up with detailed tactics and action plans, using compelling visuals to engage your audience and simplify complex information.

Branding & product presentation

When presenting on branding and product, you're essentially telling a story.

Showcase the personality, values, and unique selling proposition (USP) of your brand.

Introduce your product or service, making it tangible and valuable to your audience.

Utilize customer testimonials, case studies, or live demos to demonstrate the benefits and solve problems.

Make your audience fall in love with your brand and product to create strong brand ambassadors.

Performance analysis presentation

Performance analysis presentations are all about the numbers — but don't let that intimidate you.

Begin with an overview of campaign objectives and strategies used.

Dive into the data, highlighting key metrics and KPIs to analyze performance.

Use clean and clear charts and graphs to visually present the story of the campaign.

Showcase wins and successes, but also discuss areas for improvement as valuable learning opportunities.

Conclude with key takeaways and next steps, demonstrating transparency and setting the stage for ongoing success.

Marketing presentation examples that work

It’s time to see some examples of how marketing presentations are made in practice.

All the examples I bring you here are 100% customizable and you can use them as templates to create your own content.

These examples are modeled after engaging presentations based on our extensive data. They apply content structure and best practices we’ve seen work for high-stakes presentations.

Marketing plan & strategy

This example of a marketing plan presentation gives you a lean and effective structure to present the essence of your plan to your team members and higher-ups.

It cover everything from challenges, target audience, goals, KPIs, game plan, and budget, to milestones.

As Head of Marketing at Storydoc I use this format to launch our activity every new quarter and get everyone onboard.

Marketing plan one-pager

This example is a shorter version of the marketing plan example above. It can be used as a useful recap after presenting the plan in full face-to-face.

It can also be very effective to give decision-makers (internal or external) a quick overview of your plan without overloading them with details.

Marketing agency pitch deck

This marketing presentation example is the go-to for any creative agency or marketing services provider.

It’s a kind of company intro with the essential information about the services you provide, your strategic approach to marketing, and what makes you different.

What makes this marketing presentation so effective is the attention grabing video cover, its commitment to measured results, the case studies it presents to back up the claims, and the clear pricing offer that enables buyers to make an easy educated decision.

Marketing one-pager

We’ve seen this marketing one-pager format work well for agencies and marketing service providers. It’s the minimalistic version of the agency pitch deck I showed earlier.

It works because it gives context fast and communicates value very simply.

It tells your prospect who you are, outlines a major problem they need to address, and explains briefly how you can solve it for them and what the process is going to look like.

It finishes with the benefit the prospect can expect to gain and ends with a strong CTA last slide with a calendar app that lets prospects easily book a meeting.

Early stage marketing proposal

This marketing proposal presentation is used by many of our clients instead of the marketing agency pitch decks. It’s a more baked version, more serious if you like.

This approach works better for big clients that need a more personalized, and detailed pitch.

This example includes concrete data about the prospect’s market, and addresses specifics like the goals you propose, your marketing strategy, tracking and measurement, timeline, and budget.

Late stage marketing proposal

This marketing proposal presentation is used by many of our clients in the later stages of their sales cascade.

Notice that it is personalized to a specific prospect, and addresses them by name.

This example uses dynamic variables from your CRM to pull contact info directly into your presentation, such as the contact’s name, job title, brand colors, personal message, pricing offer, and more.

It includes all the talking items you’ve covered with your prospect which are critical for them to make their buying decision.

And most importantly, the presentation includes an e-signature box that lets the prospect seal the deal then and there.

If you want to have a cozy relationship with media and news outlets then having an attractive and well-organized media kit is pretty important.

It’s used by our clients to take control of how their company is presented in the media.

It’s a basic marketing tool that comes in handy whenever you’re working with other publishers from from newspapers, magazines, or TV, to social media or blogging influencers.

Marketing case study

This marketing case study presentation is a great addition to your prospecting and sales process.

It follows the Challenge-Solution-Results framework that proved to be the most engaging content structure based on our data.

The interactive format grabs the attention of prospects and helps keep them engaged throughout.

Storydoc lets you easily generate an animated GIF you can drop in your prospecting email to catch prospects’ eye and compel them to click the case study link.

Marketing presentation templates

Now that you’ve seen examples of great marketing presentations it’s time to dive a bit into the theory behind the reasons they work. That’s what the rest of this post will be about…

But if you’re too busy managing your marketing team or writing your marketing plan, you’re welcome to skip the theory, just grab a template, and get to work.

Trust that all the marketing presentation templates here apply every insight and tactic I cover in this guide

These templates were built based on what we’ve seen work for our clients again and again, and based on our analysis of over 100,000 reading sessions.

You don’t have to know why they work. They just do. Grab one!

Types of marketing presentations








Product marketing presentation

This is your stage to spotlight your product or service. Dive into unique features, benefits, and the problem it solves for your customers. Remember, it's not just about what your product is, but why it matters.

Marketing strategy presentation

The beating heart of your brand's direction, this presentation outlines your game plan to reach your audience. It covers your unique selling proposition, target market, distribution channels, and more. Think of it as your strategic compass guiding you to your business goals.

Marketing plan presentation

Detailing your tactical roadmap, this presentation is where strategy meets execution. It includes your specific marketing activities, timeline, budget, and key performance indicators. Your plan is your strategy's vehicle - fasten your seatbelts and let it drive you to success!

Marketing pitch deck

The marketing deck is a presentation used by marketing agencies, consultants, and service providers for prospecting new clients. It touches on a known problem faced by the prospects and features their services as the solution.

You can grab a customizable marketing pitch deck template here .

Marketing proposal

The marketing proposal is a presentation used at the later stage of the sales process by marketing agencies, consultants, and service providers. It includes the specifics of the services on offer, their cost, deliverables, measurement, milestones, and timelines.

Market analysis presentation

In this presentation, you dissect your market to unearth valuable insights. Understand your customer demographics, identify trends, and evaluate market size. It's your secret weapon to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Marketing campaign presentation

This presentation highlights your creative initiatives aimed at promoting your product or service. It showcases your campaign theme, messaging, promotional channels, and projected outcomes. It's your marketing storybook – captivate your audience with every page.

Marketing presentation best practices

A winning marketing presentation can make all the difference between a yawn and a standing ovation. But, how do you actually do it?

Craft that perfect blend of content, storytelling, brand message, personalization, and relevancy.. Let’s break it down.

The first 3 slides determine whether people will bounce or read on - make them count.

  • Think deeply about your hook
  • Use the person's name and company logo in the title
  • Prioritize the information that matters most to your audience
  • Be very short and to the point

Our data shows that 32% of people bounce from your deck in the first 15 seconds. But more importantly 80% of readers who cross the 3rd slide threshold will read the deck in full.

Imagine you were giving a speech and after 3 minutes a 3rd of the audience just stood up and left the hall. That would feel horrible, wouldn’t it? So why do this to your decks?

What you can do is write a relevant, personalized, and intriguing hook, and place it on slides 1-3 of your deck.

  • Make the audience understand that you’re writing FOR THEM , about THEIR NEEDS, but also that you have something amazing up your sleeve.
  • A little known trick to get attention is to tell them how long reading your deck will take. Time is their currency, you wouldn’t ask a client for “money” without tellig them how much, would you?
  • You should also have a strong visual hook . Use a video, animate d, or interactive cover slide. Make it so they can’t look away.

Here's an example of a video cover that acts as a visual hook:

Bad presentation example

2. Storytelling

Every great marketing presentation is a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

Hook your audience with a compelling introduction, then build intrigue as you progress, and finish with a memorable conclusion. Ensure your story has a human element — this emotional connection can turn listeners into advocates.

Here’s our recommended storyline structure:

How to write a presentation storyline that creates interest

3. Brand messaging

Consistency is key in brand messaging. Your presentation should reflect your brand's voice, values, and visual identity at every turn.

This not only enhances recognition but also builds trust. Remember, a strong brand doesn't just sell a product or service, it sells an experience.

You can do this by pulling your brand colors from the brandbook:

Branded presentation example

4. Personalization

Make your audience feel special with personalization. Address them by name, incorporate their company logo, or include a heartfelt personal message. Tailor your call-to-action to resonate with them on a personal level.

Our data shows that presentations with personalized notes are 68% more likely to be read in full compared to general presentations.

More impressively, personalized content led to a 41% increase in average reading time , and presentations customized for a specific prospect were shared internally 2.3x more often.

So, sprinkle in that personal touch, and watch engagement explode!

5. Relevancy

Address your target audience's pain points in your value proposition and content. Show them you understand their challenges and you have the solution they've been looking for.

When your audience sees themselves in your presentation, they're more likely to see the value in what you're offering.

6. Interactivity

Including interactive slides in your presentation increases engagement.

Our data shows that presentations with tabs to click through, live data calculators, sliders with case studies, or customer testimonials were scrolled to the bottom 41% more often, leading to a 21% longer average reading time.

  • Integrate interactive features like videos, tabs, live graphs and charts, calculators, or sliders
  • Use video and animations to illustrate complex ideas
  • Avoid text-heavy slides
  • Test user interactivity to ensure all the features work

content marketing powerpoint presentation

I lead Storydoc's team of marketing gentlemen and women dedicated to eradicating Death-by-PowerPoint wherever it lurks. Our mission is to enable decision-making by removing the affliction of bad content from the inboxes of businesses and individuals worldwide.

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Engaging decks. Made easy

Create your best marketing presentation to date.

Try Storydoc interactive presentation maker for 14 days free (keep any presentation you make forever!)


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Steps To Create Content Marketing Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

A content marketing strategy includes tactics for producing and disseminating pertinent information to expand, engage, and keep the audience. Grab our cleverly crafted Steps to Create Content Marketing Strategy template. Its primary goals are to draw in the target market, boost SEO performance, and create plans for increasing company profits. Our Content strategy deck discusses the current difficulties with content marketing as well as the effects of poor strategies. It also illustrates the significance of content marketing strategy, critical indicators of content effectiveness, roles and duties, and significant trends. The Lead Nurturing Strategies PPT also includes a checklist for website content audits, marketing goals and objectives, customer engagement content kinds, an SEO checklist, etc. Additionally, the PPT displays the content marketing channels based on shares and a content distribution matrix for content optimization and budget comparison. Lastly, our Content effectiveness module exhibits a dashboard and data for tracking social media activity and content effectiveness. Access this effective template right away.

Steps To Create Content Marketing Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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PowerPoint presentation slides

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this Steps To Create Content Marketing Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the fifty one slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

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People who downloaded this PowerPoint presentation also viewed the following :

  • Complete Decks , All Decks , Marketing and Sales
  • Content strategy ,
  • Lead Nurturing Strategies ,
  • Content Optimization ,
  • Content Marketing Channels ,
  • Content Effectiveness

Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1 : This slide introduces Steps To Create Content Marketing Strategy. Commence by stating Your Company Name. Slide 2 : This slide depicts the Agenda of the presentation. Slide 3 : This slide highlights the Table Of Contents. Slide 4 : This slide showcases the Title for the Topics to be discussed next. Slide 5 : This slide focuses on key challenges associated with content marketing which includes allocating budget, producing engaging content, etc. Slide 6 : This slide compares the content marketing performance of the Company with competitors. Slide 7 : This slide covers the impact of ineffective content marketing strategies which shows increase in bounce rate and decline in marketing ROI due to disengaging content, misleading title tag, etc. Slide 8 : This slide mentions the Heading for the Components to be discussed next. Slide 9 : This slide focuses on the importance of content marketing strategy which includes influences lead conversions, improves search engine optimization and gains competitive edge which will result in enhancing overall sales. Slide 10 : This slide indicates the Key parameters to measure efficacy of content strategy. Slide 11 : This slide elucidates the Roles and responsibilities of content marketing team. Slide 12 : This slide covers the key content marketing trends which includes ongoing video marketing, content personalization, artificial intelligence technology and search engine optimization strategies. Slide 13 : This slide portrays the Title for the Ideas to be covered further. Slide 14 : This slide deals with the website content audit checklist which includes setting goals and objectives, categorize content, determine metrics, evaluate results and take actionable steps with status and priority level. Slide 15 : This slide represents content marketing goals, objectives, strategies and metrics to measure performance across customer lifecycle stages such as reach, act and convert. Slide 16 : This slide states the Types of content to engage target customers. Slide 17 : This slide talks about the Content calendar to streamline marketing efforts. Slide 18 : This slide continues the Content calendar. Slide 19 : This slide presents the Heading for the Ideas to be covered in the upcoming template. Slide 20 : This slide shows the different strategies to generate qualified leads which includes leveraging targeted content, using multi-channel techniques, etc. Slide 21 : This slide deals with the Content creation across sales funnel to nurture leads. Slide 22 : This slide elucidates the Website visitor scoring to identify potential leads. Slide 23 : This slide indicates the Title for the Components to be discussed next. Slide 24 : This slide lists the Various types of content optimization for SEO. Slide 25 : This slide focuses on SEO checklist for content optimization which includes content, title tags, meta description, URLs, etc. Slide 26 : This slide represents the essential ways to create backlinks through link building which includes writing guest blogs, using infographics, collaborating with bloggers and businesses, replacing outdated links from other websites, etc. Slide 27 : This slide outlines the Heading for the Topics to be covered in the forth-coming template. Slide 28 : This slide shows the most popular content marketing channels based on number of shares by network which includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Slide 29 : This slide talks about the Various distribution channels for content promotion. Slide 30 : This slide emphasizes Content distribution metrix to evaluate media effectiveness. Slide 31 : This slide portrays the Title for the Topics to be discussed next. Slide 32 : This slide reveals the Comparative assessment of content marketing analytical tools. Slide 33 : This slide represents the budget and cost analysis for content marketing strategy which covers cost parameters such as video production, content promotion, etc. Slide 34 : This slide elucidates the Heading for the Contents to be discussed next. Slide 35 : This slide mentions about the Impact of high quality and engaging content. Slide 36 : This slide focuses on metrics to measure content marketing strategy success such as organic traffic, leads, pageviews, etc. Slide 37 : This slide indicates the Heading for the Contents to be covered in the further template. Slide 38 : This slide illustrates the Dashboard to measure content effectiveness. Slide 39 : This slide shows the dashboard that represents content marketing metrics to track social media status which includes page visits, post overview, etc. Slide 40 : This is the Icons Slide containing all the Icons sused in the plan. Slide 41 : The purpose of this slide is to elucidate some Additional information. Slide 42 : This is the 30 60 90 days plan slide for effective planning. Slide 43 : This sldie contains the Post it notes for reminders and deadlines. Slide 44 : This slide showcases the Column chart. Slide 45 : This slide reveals the Line chart. Slide 46 : This is Our mission slide. State your organization's mission, vision, and goals here. Slide 47 : This sldie represents the Venn diagram. Slide 48 : This is the Magnifying glass for minute details. Slide 49 : This slide is used for the purpose of Comparison. Slide 50 : This is the Idea generation sldie for encouraging innovative ideas. Slide 51 : This is the Thank You slide for acknowledgement.

Steps To Create Content Marketing Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all 56 slides:

Use our Steps To Create Content Marketing Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

Steps To Create Content Marketing Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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20 Great Examples of PowerPoint Presentation Design [+ Templates]

Carly Williams

Published: January 17, 2024

When it comes to PowerPoint presentation design, there's no shortage of avenues you can take.

PowerPoint presentation examples graphic with computer monitor, person holding a megaphone, and a plant to signify growth.

While all that choice — colors, formats, visuals, fonts — can feel liberating, it‘s important that you’re careful in your selection as not all design combinations add up to success.

→ Free Download: 10 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

In this blog post, I’m sharing some of my favorite PowerPoint tips and templates to help you nail your next presentation.

Table of Contents

What makes a good PowerPoint presentation?

Powerpoint design ideas, best powerpoint presentation slides, good examples of powerpoint presentation design.

In my opinion, a great PowerPoint presentation gets the point across succinctly while using a design that doesn't detract from it.

Here are some of the elements I like to keep in mind when I’m building my own.

1. Minimal Animations and Transitions

Believe it or not, animations and transitions can take away from your PowerPoint presentation. Why? Well, they distract from the content you worked so hard on.

A good PowerPoint presentation keeps the focus on your argument by keeping animations and transitions to a minimum. I suggest using them tastefully and sparingly to emphasize a point or bring attention to a certain part of an image.

2. Cohesive Color Palette

I like to refresh my memory on color theory when creating a new PowerPoint presentation.

A cohesive color palette uses complementary and analogous colors to draw the audience’s attention and help emphasize certain aspects at the right time.

content marketing powerpoint presentation

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

Tell us a little about yourself below to gain access today:

It‘s impossible for me to tell you the specific design ideas you should go after in your next PowerPoint, because, well, I don’t know what the goal of your presentation is.

Luckily, new versions of PowerPoint actually suggest ideas for you based on the content you're presenting. This can help you keep up with the latest trends in presentation design .

PowerPoint is filled with interesting boilerplate designs you can start with. To find these suggestions, open PowerPoint and click the “Design” tab in your top navigation bar. Then, on the far right side, you'll see the following choices:

content marketing powerpoint presentation

Parcel (Theme)

Parcel offers a variety of slide layouts with geometric shapes. Add these shapes to your slides to create interesting visual elements. I’ve used them for backgrounds, content, and decoration.

content marketing powerpoint presentation

This simplistic presentation example employs several different colors and font weights, but instead of coming off as disconnected, the varied colors work with one another to create contrast and call out specific concepts.

What I like: The big, bold numbers help set the reader's expectations, as they clearly signify how far along the viewer is in the list of tips.

10. “Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling,” Gavin McMahon

This presentation by Gavin McMahon features color in all the right places. While each of the background images boasts a bright, spotlight-like design, all the characters are intentionally blacked out.

What I like: This helps keep the focus on the tips, while still incorporating visuals. Not to mention, it's still easy for me to identify each character without the details. (I found you on slide eight, Nemo.)

11. “Facebook Engagement and Activity Report,” We Are Social

Here's another great example of data visualization in the wild.

What I like: Rather than displaying numbers and statistics straight up, this presentation calls upon interesting, colorful graphs, and charts to present the information in a way that just makes sense.

12. “The GaryVee Content Model,” Gary Vaynerchuk

This wouldn‘t be a true Gary Vaynerchuk presentation if it wasn’t a little loud, am I right?

What I like: Aside from the fact that I love the eye-catching, bright yellow background, Vaynerchuk does a great job of incorporating screenshots on each slide to create a visual tutorial that coincides with the tips. He also does a great job including a visual table of contents that shows your progress as you go .

13. “20 Tweetable Quotes to Inspire Marketing & Design Creative Genius,” IMPACT Branding & Design

We‘ve all seen our fair share of quote-chronicling presentations but that isn’t to say they were all done well. Often the background images are poor quality, the text is too small, or there isn't enough contrast.

Well, this professional presentation from IMPACT Branding & Design suffers from none of said challenges.

What I like: The colorful filters over each background image create just enough contrast for the quotes to stand out.

14. “The Great State of Design,” Stacy Kvernmo

This presentation offers up a lot of information in a way that doesn't feel overwhelming.

What I like: The contrasting colors create visual interest and “pop,” and the comic images (slides 6 through 12) are used to make the information seem less buttoned-up and overwhelming.

15. “Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable Headlines,” Ethos3

Not going to lie, it was the title that convinced me to click through to this presentation but the awesome design kept me there once I arrived.

What I like: This simple design adheres to a consistent color pattern and leverages bullet points and varied fonts to break up the text nicely.

16. “Digital Transformation in 50 Soundbites,” Julie Dodd

This design highlights a great alternative to the “text-over-image” display we've grown used to seeing.

What I like: By leveraging a split-screen approach to each presentation slide, Julie Dodd was able to serve up a clean, legible quote without sacrificing the power of a strong visual.

17. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

When you‘re creating a PowerPoint about how everyone’s PowerPoints stink, yours had better be terrific. The one above, based on the ebook by Seth Godin, keeps it simple without boring its audience.

What I like: Its clever combinations of fonts, together with consistent color across each slide, ensure you're neither overwhelmed nor unengaged.

18. “How Google Works,” Eric Schmidt

Simple, clever doodles tell the story of Google in a fun and creative way. This presentation reads almost like a storybook, making it easy to move from one slide to the next.

What I like: This uncluttered approach provides viewers with an easy-to-understand explanation of a complicated topic.

19. “What Really Differentiates the Best Content Marketers From The Rest,” Ross Simmonds

Let‘s be honest: These graphics are hard not to love. I especially appreciate the author’s cartoonified self-portrait that closes out the presentation. Well played, Ross Simmonds.

What I like: Rather than employing the same old stock photos, this unique design serves as a refreshing way to present information that's both valuable and fun.

20. “Be A Great Product Leader,” Adam Nash

This presentation by Adam Nash immediately draws attention by putting the company's logo first — a great move if your company is well known.

What I like: He uses popular images, such as ones of Megatron and Pinocchio, to drive his points home. In the same way, you can take advantage of popular images and media to keep your audience engaged.

PowerPoint Presentation Examples for the Best Slide Presentation

Mastering a PowerPoint presentation begins with the design itself.

Get inspired by my ideas above to create a presentation that engages your audience, builds upon your point, and helps you generate leads for your brand.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials PowerPoint Slide Size: What is the Best Size for a Presentation

PowerPoint Slide Size: What is the Best Size for a Presentation

PowerPoint Slide Size

Whether you’re a business professional, educator, or public speaker, understanding what are the optimal slide dimensions can enhance the impact of your presentation. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the size of your PowerPoint presentation, from the basics to advanced tips.

What is the PowerPoint Slide Size?

PowerPoint slide size refers to the dimensions of the slides within your PowerPoint presentation. These dimensions determine how your content is displayed in a monitor or projector, and can significantly affect the overall look and feel of your presentation.

The most common slide sizes in PowerPoint are 16:9 (widescreen) and 4:3 (standard).

Choosing the right slide size is essential as it impacts how your content is perceived and ensures compatibility with various display devices. Once you define the optimal slide size for your next presentation, you can change the slide dimensions in PowerPoint following the steps described in our article.

Two popular slide sizes for presentations 16:9 and 4:3

It is important to understand the differences between Aspect Ratio and Pixel Dimensions.

The specific pixel dimensions for a standard 16:9 slide are 1920 pixels in width by 1080 pixels in height.

Understanding Aspect Ratio vs. Pixel Dimensions

Aspect ratio vs. pixel dimensions: what’s the difference.

When defining the optimal slide size for your presentation, it’s important to understand the difference between aspect ratio and pixel dimensions, as these terms often cause confusion but are critical for creating well-designed presentations.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio refers to the proportional relationship between the width and height of your slide. It’s expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, such as 4:3 or 16:9. The aspect ratio defines the shape of your slide and how it will appear on different screens.

Pixel Dimensions:

Pixel dimensions, on the other hand, specify the total number of pixels in the width and height of your slide. This measurement determines the resolution and quality of your images and text in your PowerPoint slide size. For example:

  • 1920 x 1080 pixels: This is a common dimension for a 16:9 aspect ratio, known as Full HD. It provides high clarity and detail, making it suitable for large screens and high-resolution displays.
  • 1024 x 768 pixels: This dimension matches a 4:3 aspect ratio and is often used for smaller screens or lower resolution displays. It’s less detailed than 1920 x 1080 but can be effective for standard printouts or older projectors.

Why both slide size definitions matter? Understanding both aspect ratio and pixel dimensions is important because they impact how your PowerPoint slide size is viewed across different devices and formats. Here’s why:

  • Consistency Across Devices: Ensuring your aspect ratio is compatible with the display device prevents issues like black bars on the sides (letterboxing) or content being cut off (cropping).
  • Clarity and Detail: Choosing appropriate pixel dimensions ensures that your images and text appear sharp and clear, avoiding pixelation or blurriness.
  • Professional Appearance: Matching the right aspect ratio and pixel dimensions helps maintain a polished and professional look, whether you’re presenting on a large screen, sharing a PDF handout (as we will see later), or displaying your slides online.

The Impact of Slide Size on Different Industries

Different industries have unique needs when it comes to presentation slide sizes. For instance:

  • Business: Corporate presentations often require widescreen formats (16:9 slide size) to showcase detailed charts and data on modern projectors and screens. However, in some environments there are still projectors using the traditional 4:3 aspect ratio format for slide sizes.
  • Education: Lectures and workshops benefit from both 16:9 and 4:3 formats, depending on the teaching aids and screen setups used.
  • Design: Creative professionals need to create visually appealing slides that may require custom dimensions to stand out and effectively communicate their ideas.

Best Practices for Choosing a Proper Slide Size for your Presentation

When selecting an optimal PowerPoint slide size, consider the following:

  • Audience and Venue: Tailor your slide size to the screen size and setup of your presentation venue. Widescreen (16:9) is typically best for large screens, while standard (4:3) works well for print distributions.
  • Presentation Type: Webinars and online presentations held via Zoom or Teams , for example, often benefit from widescreen formats, while in-person meetings might require flexibility.
  • Aesthetics vs. Functionality: Balance visual appeal with readability and content integrity.

When creating PDF handouts from your PowerPoint presentation, it’s also important to choose a convenient slide size that ensures readability and clarity in print.

The 4:3 aspect ratio is generally preferred for printed handouts as it aligns well with standard paper sizes such as A4 or Letter. This format ensures that your content fits neatly onto the page without excessive margins or cropping.

Additionally, using 4:3 for print ensures that text and graphics are appropriately scaled, maintaining the legibility and professional appearance of your handouts. This consideration is essential for creating effective printed materials that complement your live presentations.

Overcoming Challenges with Slide Size

Adapting content for different slide sizes.

Resizing images and adjusting layouts can be challenging. Here are some tips:

  • Resizing Images: Ensure that images maintain their aspect ratio to avoid distortion.
  • Text Adjustments: Modify font sizes and text boxes to fit the new slide dimensions without compromising readability.
  • Consistency: Keep a consistent layout throughout your presentation to maintain a professional look.

Dealing with Mixed Slide Sizes in a Presentation

Sometimes, you may need to integrate slides with different dimensions. Here’s how:

  • Transition Techniques: Use smooth transitions to blend slides of varying sizes seamlessly.
  • Tools and Add-Ins: You can use PowerPoint add-ins that help manage and standardize slide sizes across your presentation.

Advanced Tips for Custom Slide Sizes

When it is time to innovate, the PowerPoint slide size can also play an important role. If you are considering to create a presentation for digital signage, or non traditional devices, choosing a custom PowerPoint slide size can help to achieve this. Here are some ideas and ways you can innovate by choosing a different slide size:

  • Unique Dimensions: Create custom slide sizes for branding or special events.
  • Custom Branding: Use non-standard slide sizes to align with your brand identity and marketing materials.
  • Innovative Uses: Experiment with different dimensions to create unique visual experiences.

For example, to create high-quality digital signage content, you’d need to set the PowerPoint slides to a 1920×1080 resolution in vertical (portrait) or horizontal (landscape) mode, which are the typical digital sign screen sizes.

Understanding what is the optimal slide size and how to configure it is essential for creating effective and engaging presentations. By optimizing your slides, and overcoming common challenges, you can ensure your visual aids are impactful and professional. Keep experimenting with different sizes and formats to find what works best for your needs. Remember, the key to a successful presentation lies in the details—choosing the right slide size is one of them.

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Download the Retro Console Pixel Theme for marketing presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and take your marketing projects to the next level. This template is the perfect ally for your advertising strategies, launch campaigns or report presentations. Customize your content with ease, highlight your ideas and captivate your audience with a professional and attractive design. Whether you're in digital marketing, traditional advertising or branding, this presentation gives you the flexibility you need to stand out in any marketing arena. Simplify your creation process and surprise with impactful presentations and high-quality marketing materials thanks to Slidesgo.

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  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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