— Welcome to — The Ultimate Guide to SEO Content Writing!

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Whether you’re an experienced web writer or just starting out, SEO content writing is a must-have skill for anyone who writes for the web.

This guide will take you through the nuts and bolts of what SEO content writing is, the practical skills you’ll need to write SEO content, and how to build your career as an SEO copywriter.

We’ve compiled up-to-the-minute SEO tips and techniques that are being used in the web industry today. With this guide, you can learn the necessary skills to get started as a successful SEO copywriter without the trial and error of piecing it together yourself.

Let’s get started.

What Is SEO Content Writing?

SEO content writing is the process of creating high-quality content for websites that is relevant to readers and helps websites get found more easily by search engines.

The term “content” refers to any words, images, audio, or other elements you include on a webpage.

SEO content writing specifically deals with the words that are published on a webpage.

On the surface level, the goal of SEO content writing is to boost traffic to a company’s website that comes from Google or other search engines.

But it’s far more than that.

When it’s done well, SEO content writing can be used to create a website that’s truly an asset to a business. With effective SEO content, a company can build authority and influence in their field, as well as increase their visibility on the web.

SEO content writing can also help turn a website into a useful resource for visitors and potential customers. This can make a company’s site more “shareable” and respected by other websites and businesses.

In addition, all traffic to a website is not created equal. The use of core SEO principles will prevent “tire kickers” from visiting a site — in other words, visitors who have no real purpose on that site.

Content that has been SEO optimized will target a specific audience of people who are looking for what a company offers. A well-optimized website’s traffic may actually be low compared to some sites, but the visitors who do reach the site are high quality and much more likely to make a purchase.

What Is an SEO Content Writer?

An SEO content writer is someone who understands how to write website content that meets the needs of searchers, search engines, and businesses.

Like all good writing, SEO content writing starts with understanding your audience.

And this is where SEO content writers come in.

They intimately know the specific needs of each of the main players involved in the success of a website and how to cater to these needs. The main players include searchers, search engines, and businesses.

1. Searchers

Every time someone types a query into a search engine, they have a specific intent for that search. Their intent typically falls into one of four categories: general research, product comparison, wanting to make a purchase, or looking for support after a purchase.

An SEO content writer knows the best content to create based on each of these intents.

2. Search Engines

Like other websites, a search engine wants to attract as many visitors to their site as possible. The way they do this is by providing searchers with high-quality search results.

SEO content writers have the skills to make a webpage easy to find in the eyes of a search engine, which helps the search engines find quality sites to share with their users.

But this isn’t the end goal of a search engine. The main way they make money is through paid advertising. And the more visitors a search engine can get on their site, the more likely it is that someone will click on an ad.

In addition, search engines are finding ways to keep visitors on their sites longer, which will further increase the chances of someone clicking on an ad. One of the ways they do this is with featured snippets on search results pages, which SEO copywriters need to know how to target.

3. Businesses

As a copywriter, businesses are probably the players you’re most familiar with. These are the companies and marketers who will be hiring you as an SEO content writer.

Their basic need is obviously for the business to make a profit. But, as an SEO content writer, you can help them with many other areas of their business , such as establishing awareness of their products and brand, building trust with potential customers, generating more leads and sales, and encouraging repeat customers.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a thorough understanding of all these players and how to meet their needs as an SEO content writer.

What’s the Difference Between an SEO Content Writer and an SEO Copywriter?

You may see or hear both of these titles used by potential clients and employers.

But, in essence, they mean the same thing.

The confusion may stem from the fact that content writing and copywriting are sometimes viewed as slightly different things.

American Writers and Artists Institute gives the following definition of copywriting :

Copywriting is any writing that offers a product or service for sale or persuades the reader to take action (learn more, buy now, register for a free trial, etc.).

Whereas, some sources suggest that content writing only refers to factual, editorial writing that does not include any element of persuasion.

This definition of content writing doesn’t apply to SEO content writers. Webpages naturally contain factual information, but they will also typically contain a call to action.

Depending on what type of webpage you’re writing, you may suggest a reader clicks on another page for further information, opts-in to receive an e-newsletter, shares the page on social media, or makes a purchase.

SEO content writers need to have a solid foundation in the fundamentals of copywriting to create compelling, engaging webpages. They also need the skills to make these pages SEO-friendly for search engines.

This is why the terms SEO content writer and SEO copywriter mean essentially the same thing.

So, whether a client or employer calls you an SEO content writer or an SEO copywriter, this guide is for you.

Why Does SEO Content Writing Matter Today?

The face of advertising on the web is changing rapidly.

For online businesses, Facebook and Google used to be the go-to sites for cheap advertising.

But their advertising rates have gone up exponentially in the past couple years.

Add to that the fact that governments throughout the world are starting to pass tighter legislation around how websites protect their users’ information. They’re also passing laws to restrict how much information sites like Facebook and Google can provide advertisers.

The legal scrutiny that sites like Facebook have been under came to a head in July 2019, when the U.S. Federal Trade Commission fined Facebook a $5 billion penalty for privacy breaches and mishandling user data.

Paid advertising is no longer the safe bet that it was.

Businesses are now looking for safer, cheaper, and more effective ways of driving traffic to their sites. SEO meets that demand perfectly.

Micro Moments are Changing the Landscape of the Web

As early as 2015, Google reported a fundamental change in the way people were consuming media.

Instead of longer sessions online, people were accessing the internet in fragmented moments throughout the day, largely on mobile devices. Google named these brief interactions “micro moments”.

This trend has intensified since Google named it in 2015. Today, the average smartphone user checks their device 63 times per day .

And the average time one person spends on a cell phone and tablet combined is over 4.5 hours per day. Although, Google reports that this is often broken up into short micro moments throughout the day, that often last only 70 seconds.

People take these micro moments to quickly find out things they want to know. Those things typically fall into one of the following four categories:

Google diagram showing the four different types of micro-moments

The following are examples of possible search engine queries for each type of micro-moment:

  • I-want-to-know moment: “How much does it cost to paint a bathroom?”
  • I-want-to-go moment: “Where is a good used car dealership near me?”
  • I-want-to-do moment: “How do you write a resume?”
  • I-want-to-buy moment: “Where can I buy running shoes online?”

Micro-moments are changing the way people access websites.

A site has an extremely short window of opportunity to catch a potential visitor’s attention, both on a search engine’s results page, and on the site itself.

Today, SEO content writers need to able to create web pages that answer these types of search queries, and do it quickly.

About The Ultimate Guide to SEO Content Writing

SEO content writing is a practical skill that anyone can learn. You don’t have to be a computer geek to be a good SEO writer. If you’re already familiar with the basics of good writing, SEO is simply another tool you can add to your writer’s toolkit.

The Ultimate Guide to SEO Content Writing will provide you with the core principles of SEO content writing that you will be able to use throughout your career.

What you won’t find here are flash-in-the-pan shortcuts to simply rank on Google.

But if you’re looking for the fundamental skills needed by SEO content writers today, you’re definitely in the right place.

The Ultimate Guide to SEO Content Writing

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What You’ll Learn

The Ultimate Guide to SEO Content Writing has four chapters. Each chapter will take you through a specific aspect of SEO content writing and prepare you for your career as a well-paid SEO copywriter.

The chapters are organized in a logical progression to build on each other, but you can read them in whatever order you like.

What we really want is to hear your success story once you’ve completed this guide and put it into action.

So, work through the chapters and make sure you practice and apply what you’ve learned. We’ll be waiting to hear from you!

CHAPTER 1 — How to Use an On-Page SEO Checklist (With Download)

On-page SEO is the heart of SEO content writing. This chapter will take you through all the essential elements of on-page SEO and how to effectively optimize them.

These fundamental skills are perennial and can be applied to any webpage.

We’ve also provided an easy-to-follow On-Page SEO Checklist that you can download and use for all your SEO writing projects.

CHAPTER 2 — 9 Tips to Optimize a Blog Post or Article for SEO

Blog posts and articles are often some of the most popular and high-traffic pages on a website. It pays to know how to optimize these pages as thoroughly as possible.

In this chapter, you’ll learn a detailed process for making SEO-friendly blog posts and articles that are loved by both readers and search engines.

CHAPTER 3 — What’s the Job Description of an SEO Copywriter?

As you’ve learned so far in this guide, the core job of SEO content writers and copywriters is to write webpages that are optimized for SEO. But, beyond that, you can almost write your own job description.

This chapter will cover the types of SEO copywriting employment available, what your daily work might look like, and how your role as an SEO copywriter fits into a company’s larger business goals.

CHAPTER 4 — How to Make Good Money as an SEO Copywriter

How much money can you actually make as an SEO copywriter? And how can you make it a viable career?

This chapter will delve into these questions, and give you tips and strategies for finding and landing high-paying SEO copywriting work.

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11 Best Content Writing Services in 2024 (Reviews & Pricing)

Engineering Team

December 7, 2023

Content is king. From email marketing campaigns to landing pages, content writing services have the potential to make a big difference to your bottom line.

Professional writers possess the skills and expertise to draft content that will speak to your audience, drive organic traffic, and get results. ✅ ✍️

The trick is finding content writing services you can count on. That’s where we come in!

We’ve rounded up the 11 best content writing services (with an emphasis on SEO) so you can execute a content plan that gets the job done.

  • What Should You Look For in Content Writing Services?

1. Writing Studio

2. compose.ly, 3. contentwriters, 4. wordagents, 6. contentgrow, 7. express writers, 8. scripted, 10. crowd content, 10. my content pal.

Avatar of person using AI

What Should You Look For in Content Writing Services ?

With countless content writing companies to choose from, how do you find the right one? Here’s what we suggest looking for in high-quality content writing services:

  • SEO expertise: Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-changing skillset that makes your web content visible, so look for a service with expert writers who specialize in SEO 📈
  • Unique content : Opt for custom content that speaks to your unique target audience and engages them 
  • Strict vetting : Look for content writing services that vet their freelance writers to avoid plagiarism and ensure you’re working with trusted professionals 
  • Fast turnaround times : Find a content writing service that can produce the turnaround times you need to keep your project plan on schedule
  • Free revisions : You deserve content you’re happy with, so look for a service that includes revisions in the cost of the content

The 11 Best Content Writing Services to Spruce Up Your Copy

Whether you need social media posts, blog writing, or white papers, we’ve highlighted content-writing services that can make it happen. Let’s dive into 11 content creation apps and websites you can count on. 🙌

Content writing services: How It Works page in Writing Studio

Writing Studio is a professional content writing service that can help you create ebooks, ecommerce product descriptions, SEO-optimized blog posts, white papers, press releases, and more. 📃

You’ll receive fully managed content writing services, including SEO keyword research, proofreading, fact-checking, CMS formatting, and more.

Writing Studio best features

  • Strict content quality monitoring to ensure you’re receiving top-notch online content
  • Several content types, ranging from ebooks to newsletters
  • Clear communication to work out your requirements before writers start the project
  • Professional services like SEO optimization, CMS formatting, and fact-checking included in every project

Writing Studio limitations

  • Limited customer feedback on popular review platforms
  • Some users say the project launch surveys are too long and time-consuming

Writing Studio pricing

  • 1-10k Words: $0.20/word
  • 10-100k Words: $0.16/word
  • 100k+ words: $0.15/word

Writing Studio ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (5+ reviews)
  • Capterra: N/A

Content writing services: project list in Compose.ly

Compose.ly is a content and article-writing service specializing in SEO and blog writing services. The company’s team is made up of entrepreneurs and content marketing experts who can execute cohesive content projects and produce blog articles that rank high for competitive search terms. ⬆️

Compose.ly best features

  • Comprehensive SEO plans can target short- and long-tail keywords for tangible increases in traffic
  • Free written content sample before you commit to a paid plan
  • An account management team guarantees instant access to thoroughly vetted writers with experience in a range of specific industries
  • No long-term contracts, just web content writing that can fit your budget 💰

Compose.ly limitations

  • Some users say you can’t request a favorite web content writer to handle your entire content plan
  • Reviewers report that it may take some time to hone in on the exact brand voice you want in your blog articles

Compose.ly pricing

  • Content Writing Services : $700+/month

Compose.ly ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (10+ reviews)

Content writing services: rating and commenting on a drafted blog post in ContentWriters

ContentWriters is a website content copywriting platform that connects you with specialized writers to bring your growth strategy to life. 🌱

Connect with freelancers who can meet your content needs on time while writing to your target audience and demonstrating an understanding of your subject matter.

ContentWriters best features

  • SEO services allow you to target keywords and terms that will increase visibility and help your site rank higher on search engine results pages
  • 100% content satisfaction guarantee with revisions included in every piece of content
  • Secure platform that allows you to connect with hand-selected professionals
  • Account management and custom content calendars make it easier to execute your SEO strategy

ContentWriters limitations

  • Advanced content management features are not available on the Self Service plan; interested users must upgrade to the Managed Services plan
  • User reviews mention the need for a 12-month contract on the Managed Services plan with no shorter contracts available

ContentWriters pricing

  • Self Service: $99+/piece
  • Managed Services: Contact for pricing

ContentWriters ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (80+ reviews)

Content writing services: orders page in WordAgents

WordAgents is a content writing agency run by a team of SEO pros who specialize in improving search rankings.

Connect with writers who can turn briefs into SEO-friendly content. They’ll help you improve brand awareness and lead generation without having to worry about keyword stuffing or plagiarism.

WordAgents best features

  • Connect with SEO writers, editors, and strategists who can help you rank and build authority in any industry
  • Rely on AI and SEO article writing tools to create web pages and blog posts that drive conversions
  • Preview writing samples before you pay anything to ensure you know what you’re signing up for

WordAgents limitations

  • SEO Lite plan does not provide human-written content; users get access to AI-generated content that has been edited by humans
  • Full marketing services are restricted to the SEO Supreme plan

WordAgents pricing

  • SEO Lite: $290/month
  • SEO Supreme: $890/month

WordAgents ratings and reviews

Content writing services: content queue in Verblio

Verblio is an SEO content writing service that boasts low per-word fees and content designed to drive conversions. Get access to a network of more than 3,000 vetted SEO content writers capable of producing effective, satisfaction-guaranteed copy for businesses in any industry.

Verblio best features

  • User-friendly interface is easy to navigate
  • Content writing services specialized for startups, marketing agencies, ecommerce brands, service providers, and digital publishing companies
  • Content writing services include homepage writing, blog articles, social media posts, marketing emails, white papers, press releases, and more
  • Network of U.S.-based writers and editors who speak English as their first language

Verblio limitations

  • Most content is not written by people; customers receive AI-created content with human editing
  • Reviews mention that preferred writers often reject articles, which may delay content strategies until another suitable writer is found

Verblio pricing

  • Self-Serve: $49.50/month plus $0.06/word
  • Enterprise : Contact for pricing

Verblio ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.5/5 (40+ reviews)

ContentGrow's home page

ContentGrow is a platform designed to match freelance writing talent with clients using a straightforward workflow app. Each writer is carefully vetted through a multi-step process. Build your team of preferred freelance writers who can accept content orders on a first-come, first-serve basis. ✨

ContentGrow best features

  • Get access to a shortlist of project-appropriate writers to make it easier to connect with the talent you need
  • Request article pitches from a wide range of writers and only pay for content when you receive a story idea you like
  • Chat with the ContentGrow team if you have questions about how to create briefs, request pitches, or connect with freelancers
  • Receive quick response times and satisfaction-guaranteed work

ContentGrow limitations

  • No flat pricing plan; writers may give preference to clients who are willing to pay higher per-word prices
  • The hiring process relies on commissioning pitches from writers before an article is written, which may result in slower content-writing services

ContentGrow pricing

ContentGrow does not provide pricing information. However, users state clients can set preferred per-word rates that writers must accept before taking on a project.

ContentGrow ratings and reviews

  • G2: 5/5 (2+ reviews)

Steps on how to order custom content in Express Writers

Express Writers is an SEO content writing service that provides high-quality copy and access to seasoned industry professionals. Let the writers do the heavy lifting and creative content production , whether you need infographics, ebooks, blog posts, or all of the above. 🏋️

Express Writers best features

  • Content Shop lets you browse different types of content and average service costs before choosing a writer
  • Pay per word to ensure your content calendar fits your budget
  • Writers do in-depth research and fact-checking for all copy to ensure you’re getting high-quality content
  • Revisions and proofreading are included in the per-word prices so you get publish-ready content every time

Express Writers limitations

  • Users report that content sometimes encounters unexpected delays, making it hard to stay on schedule
  • Some users say they struggle to get quality consistency between writers even when requesting expert-level service providers

Express Writers pricing

  • Self-Service: Flexible per-word pricing

Express Writers ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.5/5 (10+ reviews)

Giving feedback in Scripted

Scripted is a content writing service that combines AI-powered copywriting with human expertise so you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Take advantage of flexible pricing options to suit any budget, place orders with ease, and communicate with writers in real time.

Scripted best features

  • Free access to AI writing tools so you can draft content for your in-house teams to edit and improve
  • Access to thousands of freelance writers who specialize in various industries so you get the expertise you need
  • Members on paid plans can work with the Scripted team to create a winning content strategy (not available for Free plan users)
  • Connect with writers through the Scripted team so you can enjoy consistent communication

Scripted limitations

  • Free plan only provides access to AI-generated content; most plans emphasize AI-generated content with human editing
  • Some users report that finding the right writers for their needs is time-consuming

Scripted pricing

  • Starter: Free
  • Pro: $199/month
  • Team: $499/month
  • Enterprise + Agency: Contact for pricing

Scripted ratings and reviews

  • G2: 3.1/5 (50+ reviews)

Search tool in Upwork

Upwork is a freelance marketplace with professionals from a wide range of industries, including a massive network of content-writing specialists. 

Find talent, manage contracts, improve collaboration in the workplace , review work, and pay freelancers, all from one secure platform. 🔐🥇

Upwork best features

  • Check freelancer profiles, see projects they’ve completed, read reviews from their past clients, and sort writers by rating
  • Secure payment platform keeps you and the freelancer protected; you can add tips for a job well done, break projects into milestones, or pay by the hour
  • Create job postings for writers of specific skill levels, locations, time zones, and other qualifications
  • Build long-lasting relationships with writers, editors, and other freelance professionals

Upwork limitations

  • Users report the quality of content and communication varies between freelancers
  • The rating system can result in low star ratings on your client account, discouraging top talent from accepting work

Upwork pricing

  • Basic: $49.99+/month plus cost of content
  • Enterprise : $849/month plus cost of content

Upwork ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.6/5 (1,800+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (100+ reviews)

CrowdContent's dashboard

Crowd Content is an enterprise content writing service with a network of more than 6,000 freelance copywriters. Use the platform to connect with writers of your chosen skill level and area of expertise to help scale your business with targeted content. 🎯

Crowd Content best features

  • Projects that require fast turnaround times are often completed within 24-48 hours
  • Flexible pricing allows you to adjust the per-word rate to match your project’s budget
  • User-friendly platform makes it easy to place orders, pay freelancers, and review content
  • Multiple content types, ranging from landing pages and blog articles to social media posts and marketing emails 

Crowd Content limitations

  • Reviews mention difficulty finding freelancers who consistently produce high-quality work
  • Users say the internal scoring system for writers and written content can be confusing

Crowd Content pricing

  • Marketplace: $0.035+/word

Crowd Content ratings and reviews

  • G2: 3.9/5 (10+ reviews)

content writing websites seo

My Content Pal provides you with stress-free, well-researched content. They have a strict no AI policy, guaranteeing 100% human-crafted, SEO-optimized content that will resonate with your brand’s unique voice and your audience. 

My Content Pal is one of the only agencies that allow you to work directly with the writer. They provide your brand with a dedicated writer who’ll work on your campaigns and interact directly with your team.

My Content Pal best features

  • Strict no AI policy: Each piece of content is crafted by skilled human writers, ensuring brand alignment and authenticity. 
  • SEO Success Manager: You’ll benefit from expert SEO insights from a dedicated SEO Success Manager.
  • Build a relationship with your writer: You can engage directly with your dedicated writer.
  • Loyalty program: Long-term customers will receive credits to use on the editing service or graphic design services.
  • Affordable excellence: You can get premium content for as little as $0.08 per word.
  • Customizable plans: Purchase words based on your requirements, from just 10,000 words to 200,000 words.

My Content Pal limitations

  • You don’t get to pick your writer, but they’ll happily replace the writer if it’s not a good fit
  • Reviewers report that it may take some time to get started. My Content Pal has a lengthy but thorough onboarding process.
  • Content turnaround time of 72 hours for Dedicated Writer clients

My Content Pal pricing

  • My Content Pal offers pricing from $0.08 per word with no hidden fees. Their packages are scalable to accommodate unique content needs. They offer a full refund if you’re unhappy with the content.

My Content Pal ratings and reviews

  • Trustpilot : 4.8/5 with 54 reviews

Other Content Writing Tools

Not ready to hire a copywriter or commit to a content writing platform? Want to provide your in-house writers with the tools they need to succeed? We’ve got you covered with everything from content writing templates to industry-leading AI content generation.

ClickUp is the leading project management software on the market. While the platform doesn’t offer content writing services, it has several tools to help with press releases, product descriptions, and more.

Need to produce great content in a snap? ClickUp AI can generate emails, blog content, digital marketing copy, project briefs, meeting agendas, and status reports with simple prompts. It can also summarize meeting notes and generate action items, saving your team time and money. 🤩

Ready to connect your content to your workflows? Use ClickUp AI to create quality content in ClickUp Docs to enable seamless collaboration.

Want to give your content marketing strategy a facelift? Use ClickUp’s Content Management template to dial in your project plan. ✅

ClickUp can do it all. Seriously. Take a look at what you get:

  • Content writing templates and communication plan templates for every purpose
  • Hundreds of AI writing tools purpose-built for project management
  • Content calendar templates to keep your projects on track
  • Tools and features designed to improve workplace collaboration

ClickUp Teams Marketing makes it easy to brainstorm, plan, and execute content marketing campaigns across all platforms. Use it alongside ClickUp AI to generate campaign ideas, content briefs, case studies, and more without ever leaving the platform.

ClickUp best features

  • Content calendar software to keep your marketing and SEO plans on point
  • Hundreds of AI tools to help you produce high-quality content
  • Library of over 1,000 ready-made templates to fast-track every project
  • Content marketing software to boost your search engine rankings and drive traffic to your site

ClickUp limitations

  • Some users report a learning curve when familiarizing themselves with ClickUp’s tools (solved with free video tutorials and FAQs)
  • ClickUp AI is only available on paid plans

ClickUp pricing

  • Free Forever
  • Unlimited: $7/month per user
  • Business: $12/month per user
  • ClickUp AI is available on all paid plans for $5 per Workspace member per month

ClickUp ratings and reviews 

  • G2: 4.7/5 (9,200+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.7/5 (3,900+ reviews)

Words That Win

This curated list of the 11 best content writing services reflects evolving industry standards in industries across the board. Whether you’re in the market for SEO content writing services for your ecommerce site or need a freelancer to craft social media posts or white papers, you want vetted professionals who can deliver high-quality, original, and engaging content. 

Explore what other content writing tools can do for you. Get started for free today and sign up for ClickUp ! 🌞

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SEO Writing: How To Write SEO Content (12 Easy Tips)

Learn how to create SEO-Optimized content. Follow our tips to write SEO-friendly content that users love to read.

Alex Chris

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What Is SEO Writing?

Why is seo writing important, how to write seo content, key learnings, learn more about seo writing.

Writing for SEO is an art. The job of an SEO writer is to write content for search engines and users. To do that successfully, you must know how to apply basic SEO content principles in practice.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need about SEO writing. I will explain what SEO writing is and give you 12 SEO content writing tips to ensure that each content you write is search-engine friendly.

SEO writing is the process of writing content to rank high in search engines like Google, for related keywords.  This is done by doing keyword research and writing SEO-optimized and helpful content relevant to the user’s search intent.

SEO writing is also known as SEO copywriting or search engine optimization writing.

SEO writing is important because if you want your content to get traffic from search engines, it needs to appear in the top positions of the SERPs. According to studies, the majority of search engine traffic goes to the top 5 positions.

Importance of SEO Writing

Another reason is growth. If you consistently write content that keeps users and search engines happy, it will have a positive effect on your Google trust and you’ll be able to rank for more keywords.

Over time, you’ll experience a steady growth of organic traffic with numerous other benefits for your business.

SEO Training

Follow these rules to start creating optimized SEO content.

  • Find Your Primary And Secondary Keywords
  • Craft Your Page Title And Meta Description
  • Create An SEO Friendly URL
  • Satisfy Search Intent
  • Create Helpful, Unique Content
  • Use Keywords In Your Content
  • Create Meaningful Subheadings
  • Add Internal Links With Relevant Anchor Text
  • Optimize Content For E-E-A-T
  • Optimize Content For Featured Snippets
  • Add And Optimize Images
  • Make Your Content Easy To Read On Mobiles

1. Find Your Primary And Secondary Keywords

The first step before writing new content is to decide which keywords to target.

This process is known as keyword research, and it’s very important for a simple reason. You need to write content around topics that people search for and keyword research will tell you that.

When you do your keyword research, the outcome will be a set of SEO keywords both head (or primary keywords) and long tail keywords that people type in search engines.

The easiest way to do this is to:

  • Go to Google and search for your chosen topic (general).
  • Visit the top 5 pages and analyze the type of content they provide.
  • Take each URL and, using Semrush or other tools (Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, etc), find out for which keywords those pages are ranking and the traffic they get.
  • Then, depending on the results, decide which main keywords you will target in your content.
  • Take those keywords again and, using a tool, find out the associated long-tail keywords and related keywords.

Here is an example of how I followed the above steps when writing this post:

I did a general search on Google using “write for SEO”.

I analyzed the first results using Semrush and found out that the keyword that has a high volume for my chosen topic is “SEO writing.”

SEO Writing Keywords

I then used the Keyword Magic tool (utilizing the advanced filters feature) of SEMRUSH to find other related long-tail keywords.

Find long tail keywords to use in your content

If you take a closer look at the content, you’ll see that these keywords are used in different places throughout the article.

By following this process every time you write new content, you help search engines understand your content better, and if your content satisfies what users want, this will eventually translate to higher rankings, social media shares, and more incoming links.

2. Craft Your Page Title And Meta Description

The next step is to start thinking about your page title. Choosing a good page title is critical for the success of your content, so allocate the necessary time to come up with a title that:

  • Includes your target keyword
  • It’s unique for your website
  • It’s interesting for users to click
  • It’s around 60 characters
  • It’s not the same as the existing titles on the first page of Google.

Don’t omit any of the steps, especially the last one. Before deciding on your title, go to Google, type your target keyword, and analyze the first 10 titles.

Your goal is to create a title that is unique. Otherwise, you limit your chances of getting a top-10 position. Google rarely shows pages with the same title in the first 10 results.

Do the same when crafting your meta description . Make it unique, and try to describe your content in 160 characters or less. Include keywords so that users can know if the content matches their intent.

For example, look at the title and meta description below and notice how the keyword ‘learn digital marketing’ is used naturally in both.

Example of Page Title and Meta Description

3. Create An SEO Friendly URL

The next step is very easy to implement. When creating the permalink of your post, ensure it includes your target keywords and eliminates any unnecessary words.

Look, for example, at the URL of this post. By default, it was the same as the page title, i.e.


But I have shortened it down to:


Aim for having exact match URLs where possible. Read our guide on SEO-Friendly URLs for more details.

4. Satify Search Intent

After finding your target keywords, the next step before writing the content is to examine what kind of content users like to consume for the particular keywords. In other words, you need to find the search intent behind each keyword.

To do this successfully, search for your target keywords on Google and examine the top-ranking pages. What kind of content is ranking in the top positions? Are they short-form articles, long-form articles, or listicles? What is the average content length? How are the pages structured?

Also, look at the ‘People Also Ask’ section, which shows users’ common questions about a particular topic.

For example, let’s say you’re writing a post on “blogging tips”.

Search Intent Analysis

If you perform a search on Google, you can easily make these assumptions:

  • Most articles have a list of tips, so the appropriate format for this keyword is listicles .
  • For each tip, they give a summary and links to learn more.
  • The average article length is 3000 words.
  • Top-ranking articles have many custom-made visuals.

If you follow the above guidelines and provide content that is unique and useful, you’ll have more chances of achieving a high ranking.

Another example. If you are writing an article about ‘SEO tools,’ you will notice that almost all results are about lists with ‘Free Tools.’

This means that Google has found out that when users search for tools, although they don’t include the word ‘Free’, they intend to browse lists of Free tools.

This also means that if you target this keyword, you must adjust your title and content accordingly. Otherwise, you minimize your chances of rankings for that term.

Search Intent Analysis

Pro Tip: Make sure you research on both desktop and mobile, as the results are presented differently.

5. Create Helpful, Unique Content

Now it’s time to get your hands dirty and get into content writing .

You already know what your competitors have published, you have your title, and you know which keywords to include in your content. What else do you need?

You need content that has the following characteristics:

  • People-first – content produced to provide value to people and not search engines.
  • Original – content that is not a copy of existing content.
  • Unbiased – content that is not biased but presents both sides of a story.
  • Complete – content that provides a comprehensive description of a topic.
  • Better – content doesn’t have to be perfect, but it has to be better than what is already published.

Follow the checklist below, every time you start creating content.

High-Quality, Helpful Content Checklist

What is the ideal length of content?

I’ve mentioned above that you must make your content comprehensive enough so that users can get accurate and in-depth information about the topic.

Despite what you might have read, there is no magic number when it comes to word length.

It all depends on the topic and keywords. For some topics, you might need to write articles that are over 2000 words. For other topics, you can provide a comprehensive answer in 800 words.

Content length alone is NOT a ranking factor. What matters is the quality of the content and how well it can satisfy the user’s real intent.

To avoid any confusion, several studies have shown that the ideal article length for SEO is around 1800 words, and this is true for many cases.

Longer articles allow you to use more keywords (without keyword stuffing), and they tend to do better in social media.

But, this is a general guideline and not applicable to all cases. My recommendation is to find the average length of the first 10 results and try to provide a bit more content but better than what has already been published.

There is no reason to write a 3000-word article if you can have the same result as a 1500-word article.

6. Use Keywords In Your Content

Here is a nice tip that most SEO writers fail to follow. Once you are done with the first draft, you need to go back and revisit your post introduction.

Your goal is to make sure that your target keyword is included in your opening paragraph .

The reason is that Google always considers that content that is above the fold and high on a page is more important than content found down the page.

Adding your keywords in the first paragraph gives Google a big clue as to which keywords to associate this page with. It’s also good for the users since you can help them understand that they are on the right page.

With the introduction of machine learning to Google search algorithms (known as RankBrain), Google is trying to truly understand what the searcher wants by using natural language processing.

Understanding User Intent

This means that for a given keyword, Google will look for the deeper meaning of the query and not just for exact match keywords.

For you as an SEO copywriter, it means that you need to add related keywords in your content to help them during this process.

Related keywords are keywords that have the same or similar meaning. You can find these keywords using tools like Semrush. Here is a screenshot of the related keywords for “SEO writing”.

Related Keywords

So, you need to return to your copy and enrich it with these keywords naturally. You may have to rephrase some of your sentences, but it’s a step that can improve the relevance of your content.

7. Create Meaningful Subheadings

One of the characteristics of SEO-friendly content is that it’s easy to read by both search engines and users, and headings help in that direction.

Don’t be surprised but the majority of users won’t read your content, they will scan through it. Having meaningful headings helps them find the part they want faster.

Search engines follow the same pattern, especially for long-form content. They scan the page and look for certain elements to understand how it is structured and what topics or keywords the content covers.

To make their job easier, you can use predefined heading tags in your HTML, like the H1 tag , h2 tag, and h3.

Create Skimmable Headings

Usually, a page has only one H1 tag, which is used for the title, and then the rest of the content has H2 for the main headings and H3 for the sub-headings.

To further improve the SEO friendliness of your copy, try to use some of your long-tail keywords in the headings. Take a closer look at the headings of this article and notice how I have added long-tail keywords in my headings.

8. Add Internal Links With Relevant Anchor Text

One of the SEO principles most SEO content writers tend to forget is internal linking . An internal link is a link that points to a page on the same website.

Why is it important?

When you publish a new page, it has to match your site’s topics. This improves relevancy and rankings. One of the ways to ‘tell’ Google that your content is relevant to the rest of the site, is to use internal links.

Good and Bad Internal Linking

Although internal links are not as powerful as SEO backlinks, they are still used by Google to understand what the linked page is about, especially if the right anchor text is used in the link.

They also help users learn more about a topic (look at this article again and notice how I have used internal links to give users a way to find out more information about a topic).

Last but not least, internal links are followed by search engine crawlers, and this leads to better crawling and indexing of more site pages.

9. Optimize Content For E-E-A-T

A lot of content is published on the Internet, and to protect the quality of their search results, Google algorithms can detect which pages demonstrate Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness on a given topic.

In the SEO world, this is known as E-E-A-T and is a critical factor of SEO content and an indicator of content Quality.

Here is the relevant quote from Google’s guidelines on content quality.

Content Quality Guidelines - Google

How can you improve your SEO copy for E-E-A-T?

Follow these simple guidelines:

  • Every page should have the author’s name and bio published (see how I use this on all my posts).
  • A page should have outgoing links to trusted sources.
  • A page and website, in general, should have incoming links from other trusted and related websites.

As an SEO copywriter, you cannot control the last guideline (incoming links) since this has to do more with the content promotion part, but you can control the first two.

So, revisit your content again and ensure that it links to other trusted websites and that the author bio is clearly shown on all pages.

10. Optimize Content For Featured Snippets

Another important tip for making your content more visible to search engines is optimizing for featured snippets .

A featured snippet appears on position ‘zero’ of the organic results and has a higher CTR compared to normal listings. Here is an example:

Featured Snippet Paragraph Example

For every piece of content you publish, you should analyze the SERPs to find what kind of featured snippets Google shows for your target keywords and optimize your content accordingly. The most common types are paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos.

11. Add And Optimize Images

Before you hit the publish button, ensure your content includes optimized images.

Adding images to your content makes it more interesting and easier to read. While this is not directly related to SEO writing, it can help in many ways:

  • Users are more likely to share content with high-quality images in their social media networks than content with no images.
  • You can use the image alt text to give search engines more clues about your content.
  • When you properly optimize your images , you have more chances of appearing in Google image search for your target (or related) keywords.

12. Make Your Content Easy To Read On Mobiles

When writing content, ensure it is optimized for reading on mobile devices. This means:

  • Use a font that is big enough.
  • Breaking the text into short paragraphs.
  • Use lists where appropriate to make the information more digestible.
  • Use responsive images that adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Ensure that the main content is not confused with ads.
  • The page loads fast and has no annoying popups.

Anyone can learn to write for SEO. It’s a skill that can be easily mastered through practice and by following some basic SEO principles.

If you work as a freelancer , you can apply for many SEO writing jobs. If you’re doing SEO for your website, learning how to write content for SEO will make your content get found on Google .

What you should not forget is always to put the user first. Your primary concern is providing content users want to read and then optimizing it for SEO.

This is why I have separated the process into several steps that involve writing the content naturally and then revising it for SEO.

  • Best SEO Writing Courses
  • SEO Certifications Guide
  • The Complete SEO Course

Alex Chris

Alex Chris is a digital marketing consultant, author, and instructor. He has more than 18 years of practical experience with SEO and digital marketing. Alex holds an MSc Degree in eCommerce and has consulted with Fortune 500 companies in different industries. He blogs regularly about SEO and Digital marketing, and his work has been referenced by leading marketing websites. Connect with Alex on Twitter and LinkedIn .

Digital Marketing Full Course

Keep Learning

Learn how to create high-ranking listicles. Includes writing tips, examples, and best practices.

Replicate my steps and learn how to write SEO-friendly blog posts optimized for both search engines and users.

A complete step-by-step guide on SEO content. Learn how to fully optimize your content for search engines.

Learn how to craft great page titles for SEO. Includes best practices and examples of optimized title tags.


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July 8, 2014 at 7:52 pm

this article is very useful. As iam a new learner so it helps me a lot. Thanks for all this information 🙂

November 6, 2014 at 7:19 am

Thanks for explaining in detail about SEO Friendly Content, this will be helpful.

January 10, 2015 at 2:37 pm

Great article for content writing and seo optimization..

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May 25, 2016 at 8:30 am

Thanks for this wonderful post. SEO is an great part of blogging, and helps to get constant flow of traffic over long periods of time. Both on page and off page optimization are equally important, but I have been trying to learn more and more about on page optimization. Learned quite a few rocking tips on how to write SEO optimized posts.

Thanks bro.

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May 25, 2016 at 10:47 am

Thanks for commenting. Glad you find my post useful. You can also check https://www.reliablesoft.net/ebook/wordpress-seo-guide/ for more actionable tips and advice about on-page and off-page SEO.

All the best Alex

January 29, 2017 at 7:19 am

Thanks i read it alreally. Really usefull for my site. Thank you so much bro.

July 15, 2016 at 8:46 am

Great little article! Giving the basics of SEO in an incredibly light and informative way. Very easy to read and understand thank you for your help!

July 16, 2016 at 10:49 am

well..informative blog..I am planning to rewrite content for one of my websites.I would like to ask about keyword density. please guide for the same..thanks in advance ..

July 21, 2016 at 8:01 am

Great article, many thanks.

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July 22, 2016 at 6:23 pm

Great tips Alex! Writing for SEO without sounding like an SEO is easier these days. Ridiculous keyword stuffing is redundant and luckily Google is better penalizing for it. I’m generating ideas on my next piece of content with keyword tools. I like search suggestion tools like Answerthepublic.com or sg.serpstat.com but being organic in your writing isn’t something you can acquire with a tool)

January 19, 2017 at 4:31 pm

You are write Alex. If you wanna have frequently visited web/blog, you must have a well prepared showcase.

January 20, 2017 at 1:43 pm

Very well said! Prepare your content from the beginning so that it’s ready and in good shape once the traffic starts to flow in.

Thanks Alex

January 23, 2017 at 9:37 pm

Really amazing information with full detail but in point 5 you have a spelling mistake “big fun” instead of” big fan”. Thanks Alex

January 23, 2017 at 10:33 pm

Thanks for your comment. Spelling mistake corrected.

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April 6, 2017 at 1:23 pm

This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out and tell you I genuinely enjoy reading through your posts. Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that deal with the same subjects? Thanks a lot!

April 19, 2017 at 8:54 am

Thank you for your advice. I have a question for you: my blog is new, how to develop content the most effectively and get more traffic with content marketing.

April 20, 2017 at 1:40 pm

Take a look at these two posts: https://www.reliablesoft.net/how-to-write-content-that-actually-deserves-to-get-links/ and https://www.reliablesoft.net/seo-friendly-blog-posts/ . They describe the process I use to create new content and increase my traffic.

October 27, 2017 at 4:15 am

Hey Alex, your article is awesome. You start easy and basic and I think everyone can follow your step by step description. What do you think is the worst mistake one can make while writing friendly SEO content?

October 27, 2017 at 8:40 am

Keyword stuffing. SEO Friendly content has to be written naturally without exaggerating with the use of keywords.

December 20, 2017 at 9:24 am

Impressive article on SEO. Very easy to read and understand thank you for your help!

January 11, 2018 at 10:58 am

hey Alex, your post is excellent and so informative. it is really helpful for a beginner blogger like me. keep up the good work. i have a question, what would be the minimum word limit of the article??

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June 7, 2018 at 7:05 pm

I am a beginner in the blogging industry. I really benefited by your super reach article. That helps me to write an SEO optimized post. Do I have some question, How to write a perfect SEO title and meta title? and how to find the best keyword? please help me, sir…..

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November 6, 2018 at 2:04 pm

Can you please let me know that if I use an image for which I don’t have copyright like images from direct Google search.Then what will be the effect to my website?Are there any risk of penalized my website by Google.

March 26, 2019 at 10:55 am

You should always reference the source of the image by adding a link to your content. There is no Google penalty from using images from Google search.

Hope this helps Alex

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October 10, 2019 at 4:18 pm

hi there, informative clear updated thanks for the detailed explanation with a presentation, it will be really helpful to enhance in-depth knowledge about Content Writing Skills.

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November 23, 2022 at 3:28 pm

Thanks! Glad I could help.

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November 1, 2019 at 3:29 pm

Best article for a beginner to kick start with basic SEO for a blog 2019. I am a beginner and it’s very helpful to me.

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January 3, 2021 at 9:27 pm

Hey Alex, thanks a lot. This is a very informative post and you have written all the things about SEO in a very easy way. Thanks for sharing this kind of nice content.

Regards Mohit

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May 25, 2021 at 2:23 pm

Writing a content with SEO tactics is not an easy task, but here you wrote a wonderful post which make easy to write SEO friendly content.

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September 2, 2021 at 5:54 pm

Wow Very informative article Alex as usual. Thanks for sharing.

November 23, 2022 at 3:29 pm

Thanks a lot for commenting.

January 2, 2024 at 8:58 am

Thank you for this incredibly helpful guide on SEO writing! Your 12 easy tips provide a clear roadmap for creating SEO-friendly content. The breakdown makes it so much simpler to understand and implement these strategies. Grateful for the valuable insights that will surely improve content creation. Much appreciated!

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Content Writing 101

Brian Dean

Written by Brian Dean

What Is Content Writing?

Content writing is the process of planning, writing, and publishing written material, such as articles, blog posts, product descriptions, and marketing copy, that is intended for online consumption. The goal of content writing is to inform, educate, or persuade readers, and it can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Building brand awareness
  • Increasing website traffic
  • Generating leads
  • Improving search engine rankings
  • Establishing credibility

Why Is Proper Content Writing Important?

When most people hear “content writing”, they think “writing articles”.

However, writing content isn’t just important for blog posts.

In fact, content writing is important for all types of different content formats, including:

  • Video scripts
  • Email newsletters
  • Keynote speeches
  • Social media posts
  • Podcast titles
  • White papers
  • Web page copy
  • Landing pages
  • YouTube video descriptions

Or put another way:

Writing is the foundation for pretty much any content that you publish.

Best Practices

Create an outline.

Creating an outline is a GREAT first step in the content writing process.

Outlines help your content come out better for two main reasons:

First , outlines force you to put all your thoughts down in an organized way (rather than writing everything off the top of your head). Which really speeds up the writing process.

Second , outlines usually lead to a much better structure for your content. That’s because an outline lets you see your content from a “high level” that’s impossible to see as you’re writing.

Plus, because you have an outline, your final content will hit all of the major points that you set out to before you started writing.

So: how do you actually go about creating an effective outline?

Here are three main strategies that work well:

Backlinko – Guides collage

So when we start working on a new guide, we use a lot of the structure from our existing guides as a base.

  • Use a template: Most professional content writers work off of proven templates. Here are 5 content templates you can use to create outlines .

For example, let’s say you’re about to write a guest post about the keto diet.

Well, you’d want to type “keto diet” into BuzzSumo to see what’s already done well.

BuzzSumo – "keto diet" search

Then, read some of the best posts to see exactly what you should cover in your article.

Delish low carb fruits post

Make It Easy to Consume and Share

Content that’s super easy to read and share is of the keys to great content .

You can have a post written by the world’s top copywriter. But if that post is hard for people to consume, no one will read it.

Here are a few tips to help make your content easier to consume, skim and share.

Keep it Snappy, Rich and Entertaining

Whether you’re writing about content creation or cars, your writing needs to grab (and keep) people’s attention .

Otherwise, they’ll click over to something else.

How you grab someone’s attention depends on the format you’re working with.

When I create videos, I use “Family Guy moments” throughout the video. These are little asides that add some humor to and spice to my video content.

content writing websites seo

And when I write videos, I focus a lot on formatting and layout.

Specifically, I try to keep my paragraphs short:

Backlinko video script

I also sprinkle in visuals and screenshots to mix things up.

Visuals and screenshots in video

And if you’re about to sit down and record some audio, you want your lines to be short and snappy. You also want to avoid parenthetical statements. Content in parenthesis is easy to follow when you’re reading it. But you can easily “lose the thread” if you’re listening to your audio as a podcast.

In short: your final content needs to be super engaging to work. And no matter what format you’re working with, that starts with the content writing process.

Quotable On Social Media

According to a study that we conducted, very few blog posts get shared or linked to .

And to increase the odds that your content ranks in search engines and gets shared on social media, add shareable quotes.

For text-based content, this can be a statement that you highlight in your post.

Post with highlighted statement

And if you’re making a YouTube video, you can pull out a short snippet from that video to share on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn post with video snippet

The important thing here is to have these quotes ready before you publish the post. Then, highlight them in your content.

Choose Interesting Angles

With 2.3 million blog posts going live every day , you can’t just publish something generic and expect a wave of visitors.

Instead, to get traffic to your content, it needs a compelling angle.

An angle is simply the hook that makes your content stand out from all the others on that topic.

Your angle can be a personal story. A bit of controversy. Or something that simply looks better than what’s out there.

The angle you go with depends on your target audience.

For example, when we published our guide to becoming an SEO expert , our 8-bit design helped it stand out.

Backlinko – SEO Expert Guide

Make It Actionable

For most niches, your content can’t just be entertaining.

And it’s not even enough for it to simply be informative.

For your content marketing to work, your content needs to be super useful .

Here’s how:

Our SEO audit post is a great example of this.

Backlinko – SEO site audit

It’s not a collection of random tips. This content is a step-by-step action plan that anyone can follow.

SEO site audit post – Table of content

  • Keep it up-to-date: A single outdated step or example can derail an otherwise great piece. I recommend going back and updating your old content at least once a year.

Make it Trustworthy

For people to share and link to your content, they need to trust it first.

And while design factors in to how much people trust your content , your writing plays a big role too.

Here are a few tips to make your content more trustworthy.

  • Use proper grammar: If you want to improve your writing skills, a tool like Hemingway Editor or Grammarly can be a huge help.

For example, whenever we write a guide, we add lots of stats and references.

Post with stats and references

Here’s an example from our blog.

First hand experience example on Backlinko

Give it a Magnetic Headline and Introduction

Most visitors only spend 15 seconds reading an article before leaving.

With such a short window of time, your headline and introduction are incredibly important.

Here’s how to create headlines and intros that work:

Long headlines are correlated with increased social sharing

Note how these bullet points aren’t topics . They’re benefits that someone will get out of reading and implementing what’s in the guide.

How can I become a content writer?

If you’re looking to dive into the world of content writing, you’re in for an exciting journey. Let me walk you through the steps that have worked wonders for me and many others.

1. Learn SEO Fundamentals

First off, get cozy with SEO basics . It’s the backbone of content writing.

Start with keyword research – it’s like picking the right tools before you start building. Use tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or Semrush to find what your audience is searching for.

Then, dive into on-page SEO . Think of your titles and meta descriptions as your first handshake with your readers – make it count.

2. Niche Specialization

Now, pick a niche.

This isn’t just about what you love; it’s about where you can add real value.

Ask yourself, “What unique perspective or solutions can I bring to my readers?” This focus will make your content more engaging and valuable.

3. Develop a Unique Writing Style

It’s your signature. Keep it clear, engaging, and packed with actionable tips.

I always aim to write as if I’m talking to a friend – straightforward and helpful.

Use tools like Grammarly to keep your grammar in check and Hemingway Editor to make your content crisp and readable.

4. Create a Portfolio

It’s your playground for trying out new ideas and a portfolio to showcase your skills.

Make sure it’s SEO-friendly; after all, you want to walk the talk.

5. Learn from the Best

Learning never stops. Keep an eye on the top content writers and digital marketing resources.

What are they doing right? How are they engaging their audience? How are they using new AI tools in their workflows?

Don’t just consume content; dissect it.

6. Feedback and Improvement

Lastly, the power of feedback can’t be overstressed. Use it to refine your writing.

Remember, the best content writers are those who listen, learn, and adapt.

That’s my blueprint for becoming a content writer. I

t’s about blending SEO savvy with a unique voice, continually learning, and always striving to provide value to your readers.

Stay curious, stay committed, and you’ll find your path to success in content writing.

The Definitive Guide to Writing Blog Posts : I recommend sending this to any content writer that you work with.

The Complete Guide to SEO Content : How to write quality content that’s specifically engineered to rank in Google.

Evergreen Content : How to plan and write content that continues to bring in traffic for years after you publish it.

The Definitive Guide to Copywriting : Learn how to write SUPER compelling copy for blog posts, sales letters, videos and more based on tips from the world’s top copywriters.

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  • Beginner's Guide to SEO

Learn SEO: A Blueprint From Beginner To Advanced

Supercharge your SEO learning with top resources. Gain valuable insights to increase your website's visibility, engagement, and revenue.

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In today’s internet-driven world, having an online presence is a make-or-break necessity for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Billions of searches happen every day on search engines like Google and Bing. These search engines are the primary way people find products, services, and information online.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is about improving your website’s visibility and rankings in search results so that you receive more organic (non-paid) traffic .

The benefits of SEO extend beyond traffic. By ranking higher in search results, you can:

  • Enhance your brand’s credibility and authority in your industry.
  • Drive more qualified, targeted leads to your website.
  • Improve your website’s user experience and engagement metrics.
  • Increase conversions , sales, and revenue for your business.
  • Gain a competitive advantage over rivals with lower search visibility.
  • Achieve long-term, sustainable growth without relying on paid advertising.

SEO is a dynamic field that demands extensive knowledge of algorithms, user behavior, and industry best practices.

This comprehensive guide aims to equip beginners seeking foundational SEO knowledge and experienced marketers looking to enhance their strategies.

Throughout this guide, we cover the fundamental concepts and principles of SEO, including:

  • How search engines work and the factors that influence search rankings .
  • Conducting effective keyword research to identify valuable opportunities.
  • On-page optimization techniques for improving your website’s content and structure.
  • The importance of high-quality, relevant content in driving SEO success.
  • Link-building strategies for improving your website’s authority and referral traffic.
  • Leveraging analytics and tools like Google Search Console to monitor and optimize your performance.

When you finish this guide, you’ll know the basics of SEO and have a clear plan for boosting your business’s search engine rankings.

Let’s get started and learn how to make your website show up higher in online searches.

Learning SEO: Where To Start

Learning about SEO can feel overwhelming at first. There’s a ton of information out there, and search engine algorithms are constantly changing.

If you take it step-by-step and focus on the basics, you can learn what you need to become great. The first step is understanding SEO and why it matters.

SEO means optimizing your website to rank for keywords and phrases relevant to your business.

Improving your site’s SEO can help you get more organic (non-paid) traffic from people searching online, connect with your target customers, and grow your business.

The first step is understanding the core concepts and terminology. This includes:

  • Search Engine Journal’s SEO for Beginners Ebook : A free, downloadable ebook that provides a comprehensive introduction to SEO, covering topics like keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.
  • How search engines work : Gain insights into crawling, indexing, and ranking processes that search engines use to discover and evaluate web content.
  • On-page and off-page SEO : Learn the difference between on-page factors (elements within your control, such as content and HTML tags) and off-page factors (elements outside your website that influence your rankings, like backlinks).
  • Keyword research : Learn how to pinpoint your audience’s words and phrases when searching for products, services, or information related to your website.
  • Content optimization : Understand the importance of creating high-quality, relevant content that satisfies search intent and engages readers.
  • Technical SEO : Familiarize yourself with the technical aspects of SEO, such as site architecture, mobile-friendliness, page speed, and structured data.

Learn How Search Engines Work

Becoming proficient in SEO requires understanding the inner workings of search engines.

Knowing how search engines discover, evaluate, and rank web content allows you to make informed decisions about optimizing your website and crafting your SEO strategy.

At a high level, search engines perform three primary functions:

1. Crawling

Search engines use automated “crawlers” to find and visit webpages by following links across the web. As they crawl, they gather information about each page’s content and structure.

2. Indexing

After crawling a web page, search engines analyze and store its content in an indexed database . They extract information like the title, headings, keywords, images, and links during this process.

The indexed database acts as a library containing all the discovered pages, enabling search engines to retrieve relevant results quickly.

When users submit a search query, search engines employ sophisticated algorithms to identify the most relevant pages from their indexed database.

These algorithms consider numerous ranking factors , including the page’s content relevance, authority, user engagement metrics, and technical performance. By evaluating these various factors, the algorithms aim to present the most helpful and accurate results to the user.

As you learn about search engine functionality, pay close attention to the factors influencing crawling, indexing, and ranking. Some key considerations include:

  • Site structure and navigation : A structured and logical website design allows search engines to crawl and understand your content better.
  • Content quality and relevance : High-quality, informative content is essential for achieving strong search engine rankings.
  • Responsiveness and page speed : With mobile search eclipsing desktop, having a responsive, fast-loading website is crucial for SEO success.
  • Backlinks and authority : Links from reputable, relevant websites communicate to search engines that your content has value.

Understanding how search engines work and staying attuned to the factors influencing their processes can help you adapt your SEO strategy as search algorithms evolve.

Explore the following resources for a more comprehensive understanding of how search engines operate:

  • Search Engine Journal’s How Search Engines Work ebook.
  • Google’s How Search Works : An interactive visual guide that explains the process of crawling, indexing, and ranking in an easy-to-understand format.
  • Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines is a detailed document used by human evaluators to assess the quality and relevance of search results. They provide valuable insights into Google’s ranking priorities.

Learn About SEO Ranking Factors

To help ensure your website appears at the top of search results, you must understand what criteria search engines use to evaluate and rank web pages.

Those ranking factors form the basis for successful SEO strategies. They guide you in enhancing your website and content to increase visibility.

While search engines use hundreds of ranking factors, some carry more weight than others. By focusing on the most influential factors, you can allocate your resources efficiently and create a targeted SEO plan that delivers results.

The key categories of SEO ranking factors include:

1. Content Quality & Relevance

Search engines prioritize high-quality, relevant content that comprehensively addresses user queries and intent. To rank well, your content should be:

  • Informative, engaging, and well-written.
  • Optimized for relevant keywords and topics .
  • Structured with clear headings, subheadings , and paragraphs.
  • Supported by authoritative sources and data.
  • Updated regularly to maintain accuracy and freshness.

2. On-Page Optimization

On-page SEO factors refer to the elements on your website that you can directly control and optimize. These include:

  • Title tags and meta descriptions .
  • Header tags (H1, H2, etc.).
  • URL structure and permalinks.
  • Image alt text and optimization.
  • Internal linking and site architecture.

3. Backlinks & Authority

Links from other websites pointing to yours are needed to rank well in search engines.

When many other sites link to your content, it tells search engines like Google that it’s useful, relevant, and can be trusted.

Factors to consider include:

  • Quality and relevance of linking domains.
  • Anchor text and context of backlinks.
  • Diversity of link types (e.g., editorial, social, forum).
  • Authority and trust of your website.

4. User Experience

Search engines prioritize websites that satisfy users. Factors include:

  • Page load speed and performance.
  • Mobile-friendliness and responsive design.
  • Intuitive navigation and site structure.
  • Lack of intrusive ads and interstitials.

5. Technical SEO

Technical SEO factors ensure that search engines can efficiently crawl, index, and interpret your website. Critical technical considerations include:

  • XML sitemaps and robots.txt files .
  • Canonical tags and duplicate content .
  • Structured data and schema markup .
  • Site security (HTTPS) and SSL certificates .
  • Crawl errors and broken links .
  • Search Engine Journal’s Ranking Factors ebook .
  • The Top 3 Google Ranking Factors That Really Matter .
  • Last Year’s Google Ranking Factors Changes, Explained .
  • Google’s Guide To Search Engine Ranking Systems .

Basic Technical SEO

An integral part of SEO is ensuring search engines can find, read, and understand your website’s content. This involves optimizing your website’s technical elements and structure.

It’s not about the actual words or information on the pages but more about setting up the website so search engines can navigate and make sense of that content.

Implementing basic technical SEO best practices creates a strong foundation for your website’s future success in search.

Key areas of basic technical SEO include:

1. Site Crawlability & Indexability

You want to make it easy for search engines to discover and understand your site’s key pages and information.

This will help improve the efficiency with which search engines can crawl and include your website’s content in their search results.

To improve crawlability and indexability:

  • Create an XML sitemap listing your site’s pages and submit it to search engines.
  • Use a robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers and prevent them from accessing irrelevant or duplicate content.
  • Ensure your site’s navigation and internal linking structure are clear, logical, and easy to follow.
  • Fix broken links and crawl errors that may hinder search engines from accessing your content.

2. Site Structure & Navigation

A well-organized website structure and navigation help search engines understand your content while providing a better user experience.

To optimize your site structure:

  • Use a clear, logical hierarchy of categories and subcategories.
  • Implement breadcrumb navigation to show users and search engines the path to a specific page.
  • Use descriptive, keyword-rich URLs that reflect your site’s structure and content.
  • Ensure that all important pages are accessible within a few clicks from your homepage.

3. Page Speed & Performance

Search engines prioritize fast-loading websites that provide a seamless user experience. To improve your site’s speed and performance:

  • Optimize images by compressing them and using appropriate file formats.
  • Reduce file sizes by minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML code.
  • Enable browser caching to store frequently accessed resources locally.
  • Consider using a c ontent delivery network (CDN) , which serves content from servers closest to the user.

4. Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are metrics that evaluate how good or bad a website’s user experience is.

They look at how quickly the website loads, how responsive it is when you try to interact with it, and whether the page stays visually stable without unexpected shifting of content as it loads.

To optimize your site for Core Web Vitals:

  • Improve Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) by optimizing images, enabling lazy loading, and minimizing render-blocking resources.
  • Enhance Interaction to Next Paint (INP) with techniques like code splitting, lazy loading of non-critical resources, and static site generation for your initial page load.
  • Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) by using fixed-size elements, avoiding dynamic content injections, and preloading fonts.

5. Security & HTTPS

Securing your website with HTTPS (SSL/TLS encryption) is crucial for protecting user data and establishing trust. It’s also a minor ranking factor for search engines. To implement HTTPS:

  • Obtain an SSL certificate .
  • Install the SSL certificate on your web server.
  • Ensure that all site resources (images, scripts, etc.) are loaded over HTTPS.
  • Implement 301 redirects from HTTP to HTTPS URLs.

Addressing these basic technical SEO elements can ensure your website is search engine-friendly, user-friendly, and well-positioned to achieve strong organic rankings.

As you advance in your SEO learning journey, explore more complex technical concepts, such as structured data, canonical tags, hreflang attributes, and server-side optimization, to further enhance your website’s technical foundation and search engine visibility.

  • Advanced Technical SEO: A Complete Guide .
  • How to Perform an In-Depth Technical SEO Audit .
  • Search Engine Journal’s Technical SEO Audit Workbook .
  • How To Do Technical SEO For Ecommerce Websites .

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the basis for any good strategy to get your website to rank higher on search engines like Google.

It’s about figuring out the words, phrases, and questions your target customers use when searching online for things related to your business – whether they’re looking for products, services, or information.

By understanding what keywords to target and building your website content around those words, you can improve your site’s rankings in search results. This will help attract the right kind of visitors to your site who are interested in what you offer.

The keyword research process typically includes the following steps:

1. Identify Your Seed Keywords

Start by brainstorming broad, relevant topics and terms related to your business, products, or services.

These “seed keywords” will be the basis for your keyword research.

  • Your business’s core offerings and unique value proposition .
  • The problems your products or services solve.
  • Industry-specific terminology and jargon.
  • Related topics and themes that your target audience may be interested in.

2. Expand Your Keyword List

Generate a more comprehensive list of related keywords and phrases using your seed keywords.

Use keyword research tools to discover new ideas, variations, and long-tail phrases relevant to your business.

Some popular, free keyword research tools include:

  • Google Keyword Planner .
  • Answer The Public .

3. Analyze Keyword Metrics

Once you have a list of potential keywords, analyze their key metrics to determine which ones are worth targeting. Important keyword metrics include:

  • Search Volume : Average number of monthly searches for a keyword , indicating its popularity and potential traffic
  • Keyword Difficulty : A measure of how challenging it may be to rank for a keyword based on the strength of current competitors
  • Cost-Per-Click (CPC) : The average price advertisers pay for a click on a Google Ads ad for a particular keyword, signaling its commercial value
  • Searcher Intent : The purpose behind a user’s search query , which can be informational, navigational, commercial, or transactional

4. Prioritize & Map Keywords

Based on your analysis, prioritize keywords that balance search volume, relevance, and attainability.

Organize your selected keywords into themed groups or clusters and map them to specific pages or sections of your website. This process helps ensure your content is well-aligned with user intent and search queries.

5. Continuously Refine Your Keyword Strategy

Keyword research is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor your keyword rankings, traffic, and conversion data to identify opportunities for optimization and refinement.

Stay attuned to industry trends, emerging keywords, and changes in search behavior to keep your keyword strategy up-to-date and effective.

  • Ebook: How To Do Keyword Research For SEO .
  • Keyword Research: An In-Depth Beginner’s Guide .
  • 15 Free Keyword Research Tools .
  • Top 7 SEO Keyword Research Tools For Agencies .
  • Keyword Mapping: A Beginner’s Guide .

Competitor Analysis

By studying your competitors , you can gain valuable insights into industry best practices, identify gaps in your strategy, and uncover opportunities to capture a larger market share.

A thorough competitor analysis typically involves the following steps:

1. Identify Your Top Competitors

Start by identifying your main online competitors . These may include:

  • Direct business competitors targeting the same products, services, or audience.
  • Websites that consistently rank high for your target keywords.
  • Industry leaders or influencers that shape trends and best practices.

Use search engines, industry forums, and market research to compile these lists.

2. Analyze Competitors’ Keywords & Rankings

Next, figure out the keywords your competitors are targeting and ranking for.

Analyze their keyword mix, search volume, difficulty, and rankings to understand their SEO strategies and identify potential gaps or opportunities for your website.

3. Assess Competitors’ On-Page SEO

Evaluate your competitors’ on-page SEO tactics to identify best practices and areas for improvement. Analyze elements such as:

  • Title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Header structure and content hierarchy.
  • Keyword placement and density.
  • Content length, quality, and relevance.

This analysis will inform your on-page optimization strategies and ensure your website meets industry standards.

4. Examine Competitors’ Backlink Profiles

Analyze your competitors’ backlink profiles to identify their link-building strategies, top referring domains, and most valuable backlinks.

Use tools to conduct a thorough backlink analysis and look for relevant backlink opportunities that you could replicate.

Look for authority websites where you could contribute, resources lists that you could be part of, or ideas to create content that you could use as part of a digital PR campaign.

5. Monitor Competitors’ Content Marketing

Study your competitors’ content marketing efforts, including their blog posts, whitepapers, infographics, videos, and social media presence.

Analyze the topics they cover, the formats they use, and the engagement they receive.

Identify content gaps or opportunities to create more comprehensive, valuable, or engaging content that appeals to your shared target audience.

6. Track Competitors’ Performance Over Time

Monitor your competitors’ SEO performance, rankings, and market share regularly to stay aware of shifts in the competitive landscape.

Set up alerts for your competitors’ brand mentions, new backlinks, or content updates to keep you informed about their activities and adapt your strategies accordingly.

  • Competitor Mapping: What Is It & How To Do It .
  • SEO Competitive Analysis: The Definitive Guide .
  • 10 Tools You Can Use For SEO Competitive Analysis .

Link Building

Link building means getting other websites to link to yours. These inbound links, called backlinks, are crucial for search rankings.

Search engines see them as signals that your site has valuable, relevant, trustworthy content. A strong backlink profile can boost your site’s visibility in search results, its authority, and the organic traffic it receives.

Effective link-building strategies include:

1. Create High-Quality, Linkable Content

Good, helpful, engaging content is vital for getting other sites to link to yours naturally.

Focus on creating:

  • In-depth, well-researched blog posts or articles.
  • Infographics, videos , or other multimedia content.
  • Original research , case studies, or industry reports.
  • Comprehensive guides or tutorials.

2. Broken Link Building

Broken link building involves identifying broken links on other websites and offering your content as a replacement. This tactic helps website owners improve their user experience by fixing broken links while allowing you to acquire new backlinks.

To execute a broken link-building campaign:

  • Use tools like Ahrefs or Broken Link Checker to identify broken links on relevant websites.
  • Create content that matches the topic and intent of the original broken link.
  • Reach out to website owners, inform them of the broken link, and suggest a link from your site as a replacement.

3. Resource Link Building

Resource link building involves creating valuable resources, such as industry guides, tool lists, or directories, that other websites would find useful and want to link to.

By compiling helpful resources and promoting them to your target audience, you can attract natural, high-quality backlinks from websites that appreciate your content.

4. Unlinked Brand Mentions

Track mentions of your brand, products, or articles that don’t include a link to your website. When you find such mentions, politely ask those sites to add a link, making it easier for their readers to find you.

You can use Google Alerts to help you track when and where your brand is being mentioned online.

5. Digital PR & Outreach

Engage in digital PR and outreach efforts to build relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers in your industry. You can earn coverage and backlinks from reputable media outlets and industry publications by providing valuable insights, expert opinions, or original research.

When getting other sites to link to yours, focus on quality, relevant links from authoritative sites in your niche.

Avoid spammy tactics like link farms, paid links, or excessive link exchanges, as these can get you penalized. Instead, create great content, build genuine relationships, and earn links properly.

  • Link Building for SEO: A Complete Guide .
  • Link Building Outreach Guide For Beginners .
  • The Dark Side Of Link Building .
  • 4 Types Of Data Campaigns In Digital PR For SEO .
  • Webinar: Link Building in 2024: What Works, What Doesn’t, and What’s Next?

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is modifying individual webpages to rank higher and drive more relevant traffic. It involves optimizing titles, headings, content, and links to match target keywords and user intent.

Proper on-page optimization helps search engines understand your content better and provides a better user experience.

Components of on-page optimization include:

1. Title Tags

A title tag is an HTML element that communicates the title of a web page. It appears in the browser tab, SERPs, and social media shares.

To optimize your title tags:

  • Include your primary keyword near the beginning.
  • Consider keeping titles short to avoid truncation.
  • Write unique, compelling titles for each page that accurately reflect the content.

2. Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions are HTML elements that provide concise summaries of web pages. Although they don’t directly impact search rankings, they can influence click-through rates from search results.

To optimize your meta descriptions:

  • Include your primary and secondary keywords naturally within the description.
  • Keep descriptions between 50 and 160 characters to ensure full visibility in search results.
  • Write compelling, informative descriptions that encourage users to click through to your content.

3. Header Tags (H1-H6)

Header tags (H1-H6) add structure to the content on a webpage, with H1 being the main heading and H2-H6 serving as subheadings.

To optimize your header tags:

  • Use only one unique H1 tag per page, including your primary keyword.
  • Use H2-H6 tags to logically structure your content and incorporate relevant keywords.
  • Keep headings concise, descriptive, and relevant to the content that follows.

4. Content Optimization

The content on your web pages should be informative and relevant to your target audience.

To optimize your content:

  • Satisfy search intent by addressing the main topic in the first 100-150 words of your content.
  • Use related keywords and synonyms naturally throughout the text.
  • Ensure content is well-written, grammatically correct, and easy to read.
  • Provide unique, valuable information that addresses user intent and satisfies search queries.

5. Internal Linking

Internal linking refers to linking one page on your website to another. It helps establish site architecture, distribute link equity, and provide a better user experience.

To optimize your internal linking:

  • Link from high-authority pages to those that need a boost.
  • Use descriptive anchor text.
  • Ensure links are relevant and provide value to users.
  • Avoid overly complex or deeply nested site structures.

6. Image Optimization

Optimizing website images can improve load times, accessibility, and search visibility.

To optimize images:

  • Use descriptive, keyword-rich file names.
  • Provide accurate alt-text descriptions.
  • Compress files to reduce size without losing quality.
  • Consider responsive images or lazy loading.

Implementing these on-page optimization best practices can improve your website’s search engine visibility and provide a better user experience.

Audit your pages regularly to ensure they are well-optimized and aligned with the latest search engine guidelines and user expectations.

  • The Complete Guide to On-Page SEO .
  • 12 Essential On-Page SEO Factors You Need To Know
  • 10 Most Important Meta Tags and HTML Elements You Need To Know For SEO

Content Strategy

A well-defined plan for creating consistent content is vital for SEO success.

This content plan should align with your marketing goals, target keywords, and what your audience wants.

Key elements of an effective content strategy include:

1. Defining Your Target Audience

To make good content, you need to know your audience.

Create profiles of your ideal customers – their age, interests, problems, and what kind of content they like.

This info will guide how you create content and help you speak in a way that connects with your audience.

2. Conducting A Content Audit

Before developing new content, assess your existing content assets. Conduct a content audit to evaluate your content’s performance, relevance, and quality.

Identify gaps, outdated information, or underperforming pieces that need improvement. Use this analysis to inform your future content creation and optimization efforts.

3. Developing A Content Calendar

Make a schedule that includes topics, content types, publish dates, and where you’ll share it.

A good content calendar keeps you posting regularly, prepares you for events and promotions, and helps your team work together.

4. Creating Valuable, Engaging Content

Focus on creating high-quality, original content that informs, educates, or entertains your target audience.

Use a variety of formats, such as articles, infographics, videos, and podcasts, to cater to different learning styles. Ensure your content is well-researched, grammatically correct, and optimized for your target keywords.

5. Promoting & Distributing Content

Creating great content is only half the battle. To maximize its impact, you must actively promote and distribute it across various channels.

Places to share your content include social media, email newsletters, and relevant industry forums.

Remember to engage with your audience and respond to comments to encourage further sharing.

6. Measuring & Analyzing Performance

Use tools like Google Analytics to monitor your performance.

Look at numbers like unique versus returning visitors, bounce rates, and conversions. This will help you see if your content strategy is working.

Identify your best and worst-performing content pieces. Then, improve the underperformers and fine-tune your overall strategy based on your learning.

  • How To Create A Content Strategy Framework .
  • Downloadable Content Strategy Template And How To Use It .
  • The Three Pillars Of Content Marketing Strategy .
  • Ebook: Content Marketing: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide .
  • Ebook: Content Marketing KPIs: Your Guide to Picking the Right KPIs for Content .
  • Ebook: B2B Lead Generation: Create Content That Converts .
  • Why Does A Content Strategy Fail?

SEO analytics is about tracking how well your website performs on search engines and understanding how users interact with it.

Using data analysis tools and metrics, you can see what’s working and what needs improvement in your SEO strategy. Regularly checking these analytics lets you monitor progress, calculate returns on investment, and stay competitive.

Key aspects of SEO analytics include:

1. Setting Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that provides detailed information about who visits your website, how they use it, and how well it performs.

To start using it:

  • Make a Google Analytics account and add your website to it.
  • Put Google’s tracking code on your website.
  • Set up goals to track actions people take on your site.
  • Create custom dashboards to view the metrics you care about easily.

2. Tracking Performance Metrics

Track performance metrics to see if your strategy is working.

Key data points to watch are:

  • Organic Traffic : How many people found your site through search engines.
  • Keyword Rankings : Where your site ranks for the terms you’re targeting.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) : Percentage of searchers who click on your site.
  • Bounce Rate : Percentage of visitors who leave after just one page.
  • Average Time on Page : How long visitors spend on each page.
  • Pages per Session : How many pages a person looks at on average.

3. Conducting Keyword Analysis

Regularly analyze your target keywords’ performance to identify opportunities for optimization and expansion. Use tools like Google Search Console, Semrush, or Ahrefs to:

  • Monitor your keyword rankings and visibility over time.
  • Identify high-performing keywords driving traffic and conversions.
  • Discover new, relevant keywords to target in your content.
  • Assess your competitors’ keyword strategies and identify gaps.

4. Analyzing User Engagement & Behavior

Observe how people use and interact with your website by looking at data about their actions and behaviors.

Use tools to:

  • See the paths users take through your site and how they navigate between pages.
  • Find pages where many users quickly leave without doing anything else (high bounce rate) or don’t engage much.
  • Look at visualizations showing where users click and scroll on pages to better position important content.
  • Test different versions of pages against each other (A/B testing) to enhance the overall user experience and increase desired actions like purchases or signups.

5. Reporting & Communicating Results

Create concise reports to communicate your SEO performance to stakeholders and clients.

Use data visualization tools like Google Data Studio, Tableau, or Looker to build interactive dashboards highlighting key metrics, trends, and insights.

Regularly share your reports and provide actionable recommendations based on your analysis.

  • Content Marketing KPIs: Your Guide to Picking the Right KPIs for Content .
  • Get to Know Google Analytics 4: A Complete Guide .
  • 5 Things Google Analytics Can’t Tell You & How to Get the Missing Info .
  • Google Analytics 4 Event Tracking: How To Get Set Up .

Using Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a free service provided by Google that helps website owners and SEO professionals monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot their website’s presence in Google search results.

It offers valuable insights into your website’s performance, search traffic, and potential technical issues affecting your SEO. By leveraging GSC, you can optimize your website for better search visibility, user experience, and overall SEO health. You can also use GSC to perform bulk data exports for enhanced analysis in software like BigQuery.

Key features of Google Search Console include:

1. Verifying Website Ownership

To access GSC data for your website, you must first verify domain ownership.

You can verify ownership of your website by:

  • Adding a meta tag code to your site’s HTML.
  • Uploading an HTML file to your site’s root directory.
  • Verifying through your domain provider.
  • Using your existing Google Analytics or Tag Manager account.

2. Monitoring Search Performance

GSC provides detailed reports on your website’s search performance, including:

  • Impressions : The number of times your website appeared in search results.
  • Clicks : The number of clicks to your website from search results.
  • Average Position : The average ranking of your website in search results for specific queries.

Use these insights to identify your top-performing pages, keywords, content, and areas that need improvement.

3. Identifying & Fixing Indexing Issues

GSC helps you monitor your website’s indexing status and identify issues preventing Google from properly crawling and indexing your pages.

Use the Index Coverage report to:

  • See the number of pages Google has indexed from your website.
  • Identify pages with indexing errors, such as 404 errors or duplicate content.
  • Submit sitemaps to help Google discover and index your content.
  • Request indexing of updated or new pages.

4. Analyzing Backlinks and Internal Links

GSC provides information about your website’s backlink profile and internal linking structure. Use the links report to:

  • See the total number of external links pointing to your website.
  • Identify your most linked pages and content.
  • Discover the anchor text used in external links to your site.
  • Analyze your website’s internal linking structure and identify orphaned pages.

5. Addressing Manual Actions & Security Issues

GSC notifies you of manual actions or security issues affecting your website.

Manual actions are penalties Google imposes for violating their webmaster guidelines, such as engaging in spammy link building or cloaking.

Security issues include hacking attempts, malware, or phishing scams detected on your site.

Use GSC to:

  • Identify and fix manual actions or security issues.
  • Request a review after addressing the problems.
  • Monitor your website’s security and maintain a safe browsing experience for users.

6. Leveraging Additional Tools & Reports

GSC offers a range of additional tools and reports, including:

  • URL Inspection Tool : Check the indexing status and crawl data for specific URLs.
  • Mobile Usability Report : Identify pages with mobile usability issues and improve your website’s mobile-friendliness.
  • Core Web Vitals Report : Monitor your website’s performance based on real-world user experience metrics.
  • Structured Data Report : Validate and troubleshoot your website’s structured data implementation.
  • A Complete Google Search Console Guide For SEO Pros .
  • Search Console Insights: What The Report Can Tell You .
  • Google Search Console Data & BigQuery For Enhanced Analytics .
  • Google Search Console API: A Powerful Tool For Data-Driven Optimization .

Keep Up-To-Date And Keep Learning

We have covered the essential elements of a successful SEO campaign, from understanding how search engines work to conducting keyword research, implementing on-page optimization, and building quality backlinks.

To recap, the key takeaways from this guide include:

  • SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous learning, experimentation, and adaptation to stay ahead of the ever-evolving search landscape.
  • Keyword research forms the foundation of your SEO strategy, helping you identify the terms and phrases your target audience uses to find products, services, or information related to your business.
  • On-page optimization involves aligning your website’s content, structure, and HTML elements with your target keywords and user intent to improve your search engine rankings and user experience.
  • High-quality, relevant content is crucial for attracting and engaging your target audience, earning backlinks, and establishing your website as an authoritative resource in your industry.
  • Acquiring backlinks from reputable, relevant websites helps improve your website’s search visibility, authority, and referral traffic.
  • Analytics and tools like Google Search Console provide valuable insights into your website’s performance, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your SEO strategy for better results.

Remember, SEO isn’t a one-time project. It’s an ongoing commitment to delivering value and adapting to changes.

You can build a lasting online presence by embracing a continuous learning mindset.

You can also examine Google’s guidance and documentation.

  • Google’s SEO Starter Guide : This official guide from Google covers SEO basics, including how to make your site search-engine-friendly and improve its visibility in search results.
  • Google’s Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals Course on Coursera is an interactive online course that teaches SEO basics, including improving a website’s ranking in search results and driving more organic traffic.

In addition to exploring these resources, consider joining SEO communities and forums, such as the Google Search Central Help Community , where you can ask questions and learn from experienced professionals.

To stay current with the latest SEO best practices and algorithm updates, follow reputable industry blogs, attend conferences, and participate in online communities.

More resources:

  • Best SEO Courses Online – Free & Paid Options
  • The Best SEO Conferences For 2024-2025 (Virtual And In-Person)
  • Top 17 SEO Podcasts For 2024

Featured Image: Chay_Tee/Shutterstock

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...

SEO for Beginners: An Introduction to SEO Basics

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Boost Web Traffic with SEO Content Writing Services


SEO content writing services are crucial for modern businesses

Leveraging SEO content writing services should be the backbone of your digital marketing strategy. It takes consistency and effort to gain search engine visibility and draw organic traffic to your website. Just like the owner of a physical store, you need to employ strategies of engagement and attraction to attract new visitors. One of the best ways to drive potential customers to your website is to publish quality content continually. That is what Textbroker does — we deliver engaging, SEO-friendly content at scale.

How SEO Content Services Improve Visibility

In today’s world, your website is your best marketing asset. With more customers purchasing online, your website resembles a brick-and-mortar storefront. Before making a sale, you must attract customers to your website to see what you offer. This process begins when a potential customer searches for something on the web. Your rank on the search engine results page (SERP) is crucial in getting them to visit and look around.

SEO content services help bring visitors to your page on an ongoing basis. Once customers are on the page, they must see engaging content that entices them to stay and look around. Poorly written content will not instill confidence in your brand, and they will click out and go to one of your competitors. Today’s digital marketing landscape is as much about the quality of your content as the quantity you put out. That is where professional SEO content writing services can help.

Textbroker’s Approach to SEO Content Writing Services

A successful marketing campaign begins with developing a robust content strategy. At Textbroker, we provide SEO content writing services through our professionally vetted freelancers. We start by learning about your business and defining the goals you want to achieve with your content. Here is how the process works.

The Onboarding Process

The key to a successful digital marketing campaign begins with the onboarding process. Onboarding is when our professionals take the time to get to know your company and its brand. In this phase, Textbroker analyzes the content you already have on your website to identify any existing gaps or improvements needed. During this phase, we will help develop a strategy to help your business increase traffic and achieve its content goals.

We will also schedule a kickoff meeting between you and your Textbroker content manager. During this meeting, we want to know what you need from us. You can provide us with any details that you have already developed. These can include timelines, details, and briefings about the project and work that you have completed. This meeting is about establishing communication, and we can clarify any questions or issues you might have during this time. The kickoff meeting ensures everyone is on the same page and working toward common objectives.

Ongoing Workflow

After the kickoff meeting, we will take your briefing and develop a set of instructions for our authors to follow when writing the content. You will have a chance to review it and make any changes before we hand it over to our professional writers to begin working on your project. Our SEO content writing services give you complete control over the process from beginning to end.

Once you have approved the content briefing, your content manager will begin finding authors with the right background and experience to create engaging content that will keep the reader’s attention. The content manager will also:

  • Perform title and topic creation if needed.
  • Conduct keyword research if needed.
  • Establish a schedule for ongoing updates and meetings.
  • Process content feedback from you.
  • Optimize content delivery and publication.

Your content manager ‘s job is to ensure the process runs smoothly and you receive content that meets or exceeds your expectations. We will often conduct a pilot round of between two and five articles for you to approve before we begin the primary content campaign. All your content is plagiarism-checked and sent to our team of editors for a quality evaluation before being passed on to you.

Publishing Process

The last step of our SEO writing services is publication. Once the content is ready for publication, we will deliver it in the format you need. If you like, we can publish your content directly on your platform/site. This process allows us to create a consistent content strategy that will meet your objectives from start to finish. We coordinate with your marketing department throughout every phase of our SEO content writing services.

Keyword Research Is the Key to Success

Keyword research is essential to develop an effective strategy for SEO content writing services. Keyword research uses tools to find out the search terms your customers use to look for products and services like yours, but it goes further than this. Your internal marketing team already knows your target audience and how they behave. Our team at Textbroker integrates what your marketing specialists know about your market into the keyword research strategy.

Many companies have already conducted extensive keyword research. We can combine this information with what we know about SEO content and develop a keyword strategy that gets results. Suppose your company still needs a keyword strategy or an extensive marketing campaign. In that case, our content managers can help you develop what you need to drive organic traffic to your webpage.

Writing Content for Both Search Engines and Readers

SEO content writing services have a dual task in writing content that will rank high in search engine results and be engaging enough that readers will want to stay. Authors must be able to form a connection with their audience from the first sentence to the last. Ensuring content matches your brand and intention requires researching your product or service and using best practices when writing every piece. SEO writing services must prioritize the reader’s needs and give them the information they seek in a clear and concise format. If readers cannot find the information they want quickly, they will click away from your website and go elsewhere.

One of the challenges of SEO content creation services is that potential customers want engaging and valuable content. Still, they do not always use standard English grammar when searching. Our authors create content that considers the human element but still meets the needs of keyword optimization. Striking that balance takes training and a thorough understanding of digital marketing and the writing craft.

Good SEO writing should flow smoothly and move from one thought to another. All our writers strive to achieve this. Our system has checks and balances to ensure that the writing you receive contains strategically placed keywords and provides value to the customer. SEO content should grab your audience and hold them from the first sentence, have engaging headers, and appear in short paragraphs for simple reading. These concepts are the key to standing out on the internet and connecting with your audience.

How Do You Ensure the Content Aligns With Your Brand Voice and Messaging?

Your brand has a unique voice and message to your audience, and your content needs to reflect that. When hiring SEO content writing services, the writers must convey the message with the same tone and style your customers know and love. Content managers must coordinate with your marketing team to get the message right and ensure everything is on brand.

Textbroker has several layers to ensure our writing delivers a consistent message reflecting your brand. We have a dedicated team of authors who thoroughly research your brand message before they begin to write. Then, we have a multiple-step quality control system, including your content manager, to ensure that every piece reflects your brand personality. Our attention to detail sets us apart from your average SEO content agency.

Optimization for Existing Content

Before you found us, you already had a body of content on your website. Some of it may be outdated or no longer relevant. Our SEO content writing services can help. We can audit your existing content and bring it up to current standards. Our SEO writing service can research keywords and ensure they appear in your content without changing the substance of the article. We can ensure your content is written according to SEO best practices and is engaging.

Sometimes, there is no need to reinvent the content; it needs a minor touchup to bring it up to date. The freshness and relevance of your content are among the factors Google looks at when deciding where to present your website on the SERP. Finding old content and reworking it is an excellent way to refresh your website at an affordable price. We are an SEO content agency that can give your old content the lift it needs to make it shine. All our SEO content writing services aim to ensure that every piece of content on your website achieves its purpose.

Keeping Up-to-Date With SEO Content Writing Services

Google is constantly on a mission to ensure its customers receive the results they expect from their searches. As a result, Google frequently changes its algorithm. Therefore, SEO content writing services must keep up to ensure that the content they provide meets Google’s current standards for optimization.

What this means for us,  as an SEO content service, is that we continually research the latest trends and best practices in the industry. The most recent updates that impact SEO content writing services emphasize cleaning out low-quality sites. If your site does not provide valuable information, you could wake up to find it missing from the search results. Sites that provide low-quality content scraped from other sites could even delist from Google without warning. That is why it is essential to use SEO content writing services that do more than write for search engines. One such focus is becoming more crucial than ever: E-E-A-T content .

Following Google E-E-A-T

 Google uses a quality rating guideline, E-E-A-T, which stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. The earlier rendition of this quality rating system was E-A-T. Still, Google recently added an experience element to the mix, referring to the writer’s direct experience with the subject matter. 

 For instance, a legal professional writing for a legal website would have more experience than someone outside the profession. An article written entirely by AI would have a different credibility than an attorney’s. The experience factor in this formula is the “expertise” element of E-E-A-T. 

 Authoritativeness relates to the perceived authority of the website on the subject matter. For instance, Google considers .gov and .edu websites more authoritative than small blogs that skim information from other websites. One way to increase your authoritativeness is to find quality references to include as links in your content. 

 Google also wants to see content created by the owner of a website rather than a third party. All articles written by Textbroker are your property once you accept them for publication. You can put your name on them, which means Google will see them as written using your expertise in the business. Google notes that using an alias to identify the content creator is acceptable if linked to a real person on some level. 

 This factor also relates to trustworthiness. According to Google, a site’s trustworthiness is determined by the value of its information. Experience, expertise, and authoritativeness help establish a site’s trustworthiness. The reputations of the content creators  are also considered . Sites that have a reputation for spam will have a low trustworthiness rating. 

 How does E-E-A-T affect you?

 One thing to remember is that Google considers the type of website when looking at E-E-A-T. For instance, it considers whether the site is for a hobbyist or an expert. It is more stringent for websites that deal with money, health, and safety than for a casual hobby or a website that offers only general information. Textbroker writers and content managers stay alert to the continually changing search engine landscape so that we can provide the quality that you need to improve your position on the SERP.

Can You Accommodate a Specific Industry or Niche?

 Just as Textbroker’s SEO content writing services can create content that matches your brand, we have authors who are experts in a wide range of fields and topic areas. The content manager will hand-select authors for your writing team with a background in your field or a track record for writing in your industry or niche. We are a versatile SEO content writing agency with experience in many industries. The best way to find out what our SEO content writing services can do for you is to contact us and speak with one of our content management professionals. 

Revisions and Adjustments

 We are here to ensure your success and that you are satisfied with the work given. We do our best in our SEO content writing services to get it right the first time, and we have a system to help us. If, for any reason, the content you receive does not meet your expectations, we will work with you to make it right.

 Standard orders have a three-day auto-acceptance policy, which means that, if you do not accept the order or request a revision, the order will be automatically accepted and the funds credited to the author’s account. That is one of the advantages of our managed SEO content writing services. You have an extended review period that lets you ensure the articles are what you want. 

 When you request a revision, the author has 24 hours to complete it. It will go through the entire review process again before being forwarded to you for a final review. The advantage of working with a content manager is that you have someone dedicated to providing SEO content writing services that consistently meet your expectations. Suppose you have an issue with any of the orders. In that case, you can contact your content manager to make any adjustments. 

 Textbroker is a leader in providing scalable and reliable SEO content writing services. We have a team of dedicated authors and content managers who can give expert articles to help your brand grow. We are committed to helping your business succeed, which makes our SEO content writing service stand out from the competition. 

 Contact us to explore what our SEO content marketing services can do to help your business grow.

Content in numerous languages for international business

With Textbroker’s Managed Service, you can get unique content in 36 different languages, written and composed by native speakers. We also offer a translation service for every language in the world. Get high-quality content for any market – learn more here .

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Why managed service.

We provide polished, professional content, and individual support for your project. Click here to learn more about the many advantages Textbroker Managed Service offers.

How Managed Service Works

You tell us the topic and your preferences – we deliver finished, high-quality content that is ready to publish.

Managed Service Prices & Conditions

Textbroker Managed Service provides you with personalized service for high-quality, customized content. Click here to learn more about the terms of Textbroker Managed Service.

Languages and Translations

With Managed Service, Textbroker offers unique content in 36 languages as well as a worldwide translation service.


Do you need up-to-date content? Then manage your project through Textbroker’s Self-Service. You choose the quality level, price, and author for your content.

Why Content Marketing

Content marketing is the practice of creating high-value content for your target audience to attract and engage them. It should be a core component of your marketing strategy. When companies provide consistent, valuable information to their customers, they build brand loyalty and drive business.

Be a Content Marketing Expert

In our Expert Center, we offer a wealth of information on everything related to content marketing, search engine optimization, and best practices for unique, high-quality content. We support both authors and clients with blog articles, tutorials, videos, and much more.

Join 3,000,000+ Professionals who use AIOSEO to Improve Their Website Search Rankings!

WordPress Tutorials, Tips, and Resources to Help Grow Your Business

best website seo tools

30 Best Website SEO Tools to Supercharge Your Rankings

author image

Millions of websites compete for the top spots on search engine pages. The best website SEO tools help you execute your strategy and gain market share.

In this article, I’ll share SEO tools I’ve used in a professional capacity and make recommendations for beginners as well as more seasoned users.

These tools range from WordPress plugins to keyword research, link building, and performance analysis.

Whether you’re a blogger, a small business owner, or an SEO professional managing multiple WordPress sites, there are tools here to empower you achieve your gaols.

Let’s dive in and discover how these powerful tools can help you unlock your WordPress site’s true potential and drive more organic traffic your way.

In This Article

Why Use Website SEO Tools?

Types of website seo tools, additional features, 2. monsterinsights: google analytics for dummies, 3. wp rocket: speed up your wordpress site, 4. semrush: competitor and keyword analysis, 5. ahrefs: plan effective content.

  • 6. TopicFinder.com: Discover Your Competitor’s Top Pages

7. Hunter Email Finder

8. pitchbox: scale up link building campaigns, 9. link research tools: advanced backlinks analysis, 10: brightlocal.com: get directory listings and rankings, 11. whitespark: manage local seo and rank tracking, 12. clearscope: rank higher with comprehensive content, 13. marketmuse: intelligent content planning, 14. surfer: an ai hybrid, free tools from all in one seo (aioseo), 8 free google tools, 5 specialty seo tools, what website seo tools do we use.

AIOSEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin. Get it for free!

Website SEO tools are software products that simplify and automate SEO tasks.

For brands that want to grow their audience, SEO is crucial. How you rank in search engine results directly impacts business growth. Want to be more competitive ? Then, you’ll want to rank higher.

Routine tasks, like site audits or web page optimization, can be time-intensive. Software tools speed up and improve these processes via automation.

This can produce new and valuable insights, especially regarding search engine rankings and competitor analysis .

Likewise, improving the ranking of a web page is easier when software reveals the next action steps. All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is an excellent example of this.

So, website SEO tools boost productivity, helping site owners work smarter and get better results.

You have a rich variety of tools to choose from.

Some SEO tools are full-featured toolkits focusing on website optimization or keyword research.

To make it easier to browse our list, I’ve sorted the tools by type.

  • WordPress SEO Tools

Keyword Research Tools

  • Local SEO Tools
  • Content Optimization tools
  • Outreach Tools
  • Free SEO Tools

WordPress Website SEO Tools

Let’s start with SEO tools designed for WordPress site users.

1. All in One SEO (AIOSEO) Plugin: Complete SEO Toolkit

Optimizing your site to rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs) involves tasks like generating sitemaps and improving individual pages.

All in One SEO simplifies the entire process, automating much of it. The plugin also provides specific action steps for improving web pages.

This takes a lot of the guesswork and frustration out of SEO.

aioseo homepage

The action steps may include improvements for title tags, meta descriptions, headings, focus keyword use, readability, and even formatting. (The plugin will guide you in making your content scannable .)

[Title tags and meta descriptions are called “meta tags.”]

aioseo sidebar

The Pro and Elite versions of AIOSEO come bundled with Link Assistant . This tool simplifies internal linking by displaying linking opportunities and recommended anchor text.

aioseo link assistant

You can add links (and edit anchor text) from the dashboard without opening posts or pages.

This past year, All in One SEO released an integration with Google Search Console. This feature, Search Statistics , shows you, right inside WordPress, which keywords you’re ranking for.

aioseo seo statistics

In addition, AIOSEO released a ChatGPT integration, a Cornerstone Content tool, and 9 other new features.

All in One SEO is an established plugin with thousands of 5-star reviews on WordPress.org. Currently, over 3 million people are using AIOSEO.

Who it’s for : Beginners, agencies, small businesses, and bloggers.

Select Features:

  • Auto-generated XML sitemaps
  • Link Assistant
  • Local SEO tools
  • Schema Generator

Page Builder Support : AIOSEO is compatible with SeedProd , Elementor , Divi , WooCommerce , WPBakery , and Avada .

Pricing: Starts at $49.60

Good to know : AIOSEO has a free version called AIOSEO Lite, which you can download on WordPress.org .

aioseo redirects feature

Read: Yoast vs. RankMath vs. All in One SEO: Which is Better?

AIOSEO also offers a Broken Link Checker plugin to find and fix broken links.

After optimizing your pages, how do you track results?

This is where MonsterInsights comes in. This plugin creates a Google Analytics dashboard right inside your WordPress editor.

monsterinsights homepage

Setting up Google Analytics is a breeze with MonsterInsights—no more dealing with code snippets, Google Tag Manager, and technical details.

Log into WordPress, and you’ll see, in simplified visuals, data that matters, including:

  • Top conversions sources
  • Revenue and transactions
  • Conversion rates trends

monsterinsights dashboard

The Reports screen offers tabbed options to view traffic, e-commerce, forms, and other data.

monsterinsights dashboard menu

Some menu items, like e-commerce, have dropdowns. Click on the menu item to see the options.

These options are an overview of our store performance, which coupons and discounts are most used on the site, and a visual funnel display showing how users are converting.

monsterinsights ecommerce dropdown

When you know what’s working, you can do more of it.

We use MonsterInsights, and it helps us make data-driven decisions.

Select Integrations : WooCommerce, WPForms, Google Ads, MemberPress , Gravity Forms , Easy Digital Downloads , Formidable Forms, AffiliateWP, YouTube.

  • No-code tracking
  • WooCommerce analytics
  • GDPR-friendly
  • Affiliate and link tracking
  • User Journeys
  • Form tracking

Pricing: Starts at $99.50/year.

WP Rocket is a highly-rated caching plugin that’s beginner-friendly and effective.

wp rocket homepage

Caching plugins are used to boost website loading speeds for returning visitors.

WP Rocket does this by preloading some elements, storing data locally, compressing images, and combining and minifying code files. (Minification is the removal of unnecessary spaces in code files, which speeds up their processing.)

WP Rocket includes lazy loading for images, too. Lazy loading is a best practice that uses code to load images at the top of a page 1st. The goal is to prevent site visitors from seeing image placeholders when they click on a page.

It takes 3 minutes to set up WP Rocket. No technical knowledge is required.

Select features :

  • GZIP compression
  • Cache preloading
  • E-commerce optimization
  • Code file and media optimization
  • CDN integration

Pricing : Starts at $59/year

Every effective content marketing and SEO strategy relies on keyword research. So choose a good option and add it to your website SEO tools.

The best keyword research tools provide robust competitor analysis. And they help you target the right search terms. In addition, you can use them to find relevant long-tail and low-competition keywords .

Our recommendations, Ahrefs and Semrush , are full-featured tools that include keyword difficulty ratings, domain authority scores, search volume data, keyword suggestions, and keyword rankings.

These tools are so similar that your final choice may depend on your preferred interface.

With its user-friendly interface, Semrush enables users to do keyword research immediately.

semrush homepage

Enter a keyword into the Keyword Overview field, and you’ll get vital information, including how easy (or hard) that keyword is to rank for, plus a list of the top-ranking pages.

If a keyword you’re researching turns out to be hard to rank for, simply click the Keyword Magic Tool to get a list of alternatives. Filter by keyword difficulty to narrow options down to those that are easy to rank for.

semrush example of keyword analysis

I use the Keyword Magic Tool frequently, typically filtering for search intent along with keyword difficulty.

Another powerful tool is the Keyword Gap Analysis (called a Content Gap Analysis in Ahrefs). To use it, enter your domain along with 1-4 competitors. Then you can filter to find keywords your competitors are ranking high for, but you aren’t.

In addition you can use Semrush to select and organize keywords into topic clusters.

Learn more about Keyword Gap Analysis and Topic Clusters .

  • Keyword Difficulty Scores
  • Local SEO rankings
  • Keyword Magic tool
  • Keyword Gap tool

Pricing: Starts at $129.95/month .

Moz Pro offers tools to help you drive organic traffic by targeting the right keywords.

Ahrefs makes it easy to discover which keywords you and your competitors are ranking for.

ahrefs homepage

Enter a domain into Ahrefs and you’ll see its domain score (“Domain Rating”), number of referring domains and backlinks (plus trends), keyword and traffic trends, and paid search data.

Like Semrush, Ahrefs provides a proprietary domain scoring system, whose methodology is heavily reliant on backlink profiles.

ahrefs domain rating

Enter a search term in Ahrefs, and you’ll discover its keyword difficulty score along with estimated monthly search volume, keyword intent, CPC price, and estimated traffic.

ahrefs keyword overview

Ahrefs’ Content Gap Analysis is just as full-featured as Semrush’s Keyword Gap Analysis. This tool is effective for identifying opportunities to capture search market share from competitors.

You can also use it to troubleshoot why a competitor’s page on the same topic is ranking higher than yours.

Who it’s for : Anyone who needs to do keyword research, but the support materials are geared toward intermediate-to-advanced users.

  • Site Explorer
  • Keywords Explorer
  • Rank Tracker
  • Content Explorer: discover keyword ideas

Pricing: Starts at $99/month .

Good to know: If you pay annually, you’ll get 2 months for free.

6. TopicFinder.com: Discover Your Competitor’s Top Pages

TopicFinder helps you find your competitor’s top performing pages so you can publish content on the same topic and (hopefully) outrank them.

Their pitch is they make this process easier and more intuitive than competitors.

topicfinder homepage

Unlike Semrush, you’re not limited to researching 4 competitors at a time.

You can filter results for topics that are easy to rank for and signal buying intent as well as by high-traffic and local content.

Topicfinder will also generate suggested outlines based on search data.

Select features:

  • Advanced filters
  • Custom tags
  • Share direct to email

Pricing: Starts at $39/month .

Good to know: TopicFinder offers a 7-day free trial. You’ll need to enter your credit card number to get that.

Website SEO Tools for Outreach and Link Building

Because backlinks are a significant ranking factor, many businesses prioritize link building campaigns.

These vary from simple one-on-one emails to complex campaigns targeting thousands of people per message.

These tools are prized by professional link builders.

Hunter is a free Chrome extension that’s remarkably good at finding VIP’s email addresses.

For this reason, it’s a must-have for marketers doing link building .

I’ve had the pleasure of Hunter in advanced link building projects. It was an invaluable part of the process.

Simply install the extension, then navigate to a website. Click the extension and sort by desired department, such as “Executive” or “Management.”

hunter chrome extension interface

Each email address will display a verification score, which indicates how confident Hunter is that the email address is correct.

It’s important to note that you won’t always get the addresses you’re searching for. And the addresses you do get are based on pattern detection . So they won’t always be correct.

You should run any Hunter-acquired emails through an email validation tool to avoid bounces which can harm your deliverability.

  • Bulk email finder
  • Google Sheets add-on
  • Email Finder API

Pricing : Starts at free. Paid tiers are based on numbers of searches.

PItchbox is an outreach platform built to scale advanced link building campaigns.

pitchbox homepage

After you upload contacts (called “opportunities”) you can design highly-personalized email series.

This is another tool I’ve used in highly successful link building projects.

Setting up campaigns and editing them is intuitive.

pitchbox campaign example

Creating email sequences is also simple and you can easily track response rates.

example of pitchbox email sequence

Personalization options include the name of a website, first name, and any custom variable you wish to create.

You can schedule your campaign emails directly from Pitchbox, which will throttle outgoing email to help prevent triggering spam filters.

Pitchbox can be used for any link building strategy including skyscraper outreach or broken backlinks campaigns.

  • Link monitoring
  • Blocklist management
  • Recurring campaigns
  • Automated follow-up emails

Pricing: Starts at $550/month for 3 users and 5 user accounts.

Austria-based Link Research Tools (LRT) is a sophisticated backlinks analysis platform designed for marketers involved in complex link building strategies.

link research tools homepage

LRT is also prized by technical SEO professionals for backlinks audits, troubleshooting, monitoring, and Google penalty recovery.

Choose from many advanced filtering options including link attribute, link velocity, or anchor text type. You can also create your own custom filters.

link research tools reports tab

Link Research Tools also provides a proprietary DTOXRISK score, which indicates toxic backlinks pointing to your domain.

link research tools dtox score

It also provides a way to disavow links using its dashboard tools.

Note: You can run simulations on opportunities before you engage in outreach. This has obvious appeal to agencies.

I’ve used Link Research Tools for advanced link building projects and consider it indispensable for querying link data.

Integrations : Integrate with Pitchbox, Ahrefs, Semrush, Google Analytics, Sistrix, and more.

Who it’s for: Professional marketers.

  • Link Prospecting tools
  • Competitive Keyword Analyzer
  • Link Detox tools
  • Custom filters

Link Research Tools pricing: Starts at $599/month .

Local Website SEO Tools

When you search for things like “dry cleaner,” “24-hr plumber,” or “pizza delivery,” Google understands that you want local options.

After all, if you’re in Bangkok you don’t want your pizza delivered from New York City!

While on-page SEO is the same for all businesses, ranking well in local SEO also requires a few other things, like getting your business listed in online directories and monitoring local search results.

Our two favorite tools for this are BrightLocal and WhiteSpark.

Let’s take a look at each.

Having your business listed in online directories is recognized by marketers as a local ranking factor. Making sure your contact information (called NAP ) is accurate and consistent across the web is crucial, too.

This is where BrightLocal’s Citation Builder service comes in. For a flat fee you can get verified by data aggregators and directories.

  • The aggregators feed business information to dozens or sources including vehicle GPS systems.
  • You’ll choose which directories you want to be listed in. You’ll need to manage your own social media accounts though.

brightlocal homepage listing website seo tools

Any change in contact information can also be handled by BrightLocal . Simply provide them your new information and they’ll ensure your business listings are updated.

In addition, with BrightLocal’s Local Search Grid, you can get accurate data on how your business ranks in local searches for various keywords. Agencies will like the white label feature.

brightlocal search grid example

BrightLocal is simple to use and very affordable.

Who it’s for: Small business owners and local marketing agencies.

Select tools:

  • Citation Builder
  • Listings Management
  • Review Management

Pricing: The Citation Builder is an a la carte service. BrightLocal also offers plans starting at $39/month for all their tools including Local Search Grid.

Canada-based Whitespark provides a full suite of local SEO Tools, from review management to citation building and local rank tracking.

whitespark homepage

Additionally, they offer professional SEO services for optimizing your site, your Google Business Profile, and managing your directory listings.

Whitespark offers a live, interactive demo of their rank tracking for local search.

whitespark action muffler

  • Google Business Profile management
  • Local Rank Tracker
  • Local Citation Finder
  • Reputation Builder

Pricing : Whitespark sells its 4 tools, listed above, for various prices. For instance, the Local Rank Tracker starts at $17/month for weekly tracking of up to 100 keywords. To see all the pricing options, create a free account and log in.

Good to know : You can get a 14-day free trial for any Whitespark product.

Website SEO Tools for Content Optimization

Content optimization tools help users create content that ranks. They provide advanced editor panes with resources to guide you as you create your content.

These tools typically use AI recommendations to help you meet search intent for your target keyword and produce content that can outrank the competition.

We have 3 recommendations, Clearscope , MarketMuse , and SurferSEO .

In terms of workflow, MarketMuse and Clearscope sit between keyword research tools like Semrush and on-page optimization tools like AIOSEO.

SurferSEO is different: It’s a hybrid that includes an AI content generator and keyword research for topic clusters.

Let’s look at the features set for each tool.

Clearscope speeds up the content planning and creation process by using Google data to help you understand search intent.

clearscope homepage

Add a keyword to Clearscope and it generates a report, complete with editor pane and search intent information.

In your report, you’ll see top-ranking content, outlines of that content, and a sidebar listing “terms.” Terms are subtopics that Clearscope has pulled from top ranking content.

clearscope editing pane

As with all AI-based tools, it’s vital to use your own judgment when deciding on recommendations. It’s easy to misuse these tools.

For instance, include enough of the listed terms and Clearscope will give you a high grade. (The highest being A++.) But a high grade doesn’t necessarily correlate with quality or ranking . Consider: It’s possible to get a low grade and land the featured snippet!

Moreover, using “terms” verbatim, doesn’t account for the fact that Google understands variants of keywords (“terms”).

Nor does Clearscope seem engineered to adapt to Google’s recent algorithms which are growing in sophistication.

To the point, for some keywords, there’s not a lot of quality content available, so trying to emulate what everyone else has done may not the best approach.

That said, we use Clearscope and many top content marketing teams, including those at IBM, NVIDIA, and Conde Nast, rely on it.

Who it’s for : Content teams that need to scale up.

  • Themes and outlines
  • Content grading
  • Displays PAA questions

Pricing: Starts at $199/month .

MarketMuse’s forte is enabling intelligent content planning. It does everything Clearscope does, but offers a unique way to boost topical authority.

marketmuse homepage

This software will assess your published content (“content inventory analysis). Then you can analyze a keyword and get an authority advantage score for it.

Regardless of the related keyword difficulty score, your advantage score tells you how easy it will be for your site to rank well for that topic.

As MarketMuse puts it: “Your site is unique, as should be your difficulty score.”

marketmuse dashboard

This personalized keyword difficulty score helps you prioritize which content to create. And it can help predict SEO performance.

MarketMuse strikes us as ‘brainier’ and more evolved than Clearscope. But Clearscope’s simplicity no doubt attracts many.

I’ve used both tools in professional capacities and prefer Market Muse. However, you should try both and see which interface and feature set you prefer.

  • Content brief generator
  • Content cluster planning
  • Competitive content analysis

Pricing: Starts at $149/month .

As with Clearscope and MarketMuse, you enter a keyword into Surfer and get an editing pane, content grade, and list of relevant subtopics.

surfer seo homepage

A big difference is that Surfer can generate an outline or the entire article. At the top of your editing space, you’ll choose to “ Write yourself ” or “ Write with AI .”

Surfer can also generate briefs and headlines.

The app will run a plagiarism check for you and it integrates with Google Docs, Jasper, Semrush, Twilio, WordPress and other platforms.

Surfer also provides an easy way to research and plan topic clusters. However, unlike MarketMuse, it doesn’t take your current content inventory into consideration.

You’ll also get recommendations for improving and rewriting underperforming content.

  • Keyword research for clusters
  • Multilingual content editor
  • Content strategy planner

Pricing: Starts at $139/month .

Good to know: Plans have user and AI article limits.

surfer seo dashboard

Free Website SEO Tools

No list of SEO tools would be complete without everyone’s favorite category: free tools!

There are a variety of free SEO tools to choose from. Some, like AIOSEO’s Analyzer, are permanently free.

Others (like Ubersuggest) offer limited functionality: you’ll need to sign up for a paid plan to unlock more features.

There are also free tools that focus on some narrow aspect of SEO, like AnswerSocrates which displays People Also Ask questions from search results.

Now, let’s take a look at what’s available.

aioseo analyzer

  • 15: AIOSEO Analyzer is a free Chrome extension you can use to analyze any web page. Its compressed format makes it ideal for SEO professionals or agency reps to do on-the-fly analysis during client meetings.
  • 16: SEO Analyzer by All in One SEO is a website audit tool. Add any URL and get a free SEO audit, downloadable as a PDF. Marketers can use this SEO report to onboard clients.
  • 17: All in One SEO (AIOSEO) Lite : This is a free version of the popular AIOSEO WordPress plugin which you can download from WordPress.org.

Google offers some of the most sophisticated and data-rich free tools available.

Here are some of our favorites:.

pagespeed insights example

Above: Google’s PageSpeed Insights provides website performance scores. Scroll beneath the scores to get actionable insights.

  • 18 : Google PageSpeed Insights : Add your URL and get sophisticated website performance and user experience analyses. Note: Acting on the information will likely require a developer.
  • 19 : Chrome Incognito: This overlooked gem provides a wealth of information on search intent.
  • 20: Chrome Developer Tools : With a single click you can view code and performance data for any website. This helps developers assess HTML, CSS, or JavaScript issues including speed problems.
  • 21: Google Analytics : Free website metrics. Customize your account to track website and email sales, funnel performance, and which referral sites are delivering the most sales. Thousands of possibilities.
  • 22: Google Search Console : Track keyword rankings and discover and fix site issues like non-indexed pages. (Bing’s version of this is Bing Webmaster Tools.)
  • 23: Google Trends : Measure trending interest on a topic.
  • 24: Google Keyword Planner : Part of Google Ads, this free tool can provide data on keywords including estimated monthly search volume.
  • 25: Looker Studio is Google’s rebrand of Data Studio. Create custom dashboards and reporting from multiple sources, including real-time stats.

looker studio template

Google Search Console used to be called Google Webmaster Tools.

The following free tools are focused on a narrow aspect of SEO.

exploding topics examples

  • 26: Exploding Topics : Discover trending topics with long-term growth potential.
  • 27: Screaming Frog SEO Spider : Detailed link analysis for pros. Get granular listings of duplicate content or canonicals, and much more.
  • 28: Ahrefs Free Backlink Checker : Enter a domain and get limited backlinks and referring domains data. To see all backlinks you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan.
  • 29: AnswerSocrates : Enter a topic and discover the questions that searchers have about it.
  • 30: AlsoAsked allows you to explore People Also Ask questions, by geography, in a mind map format.

alsoasked interface

Discover more options in our 21 Best Free SEO Tools guide.

We use All in One SEO (AIOSEO) (no surprise there!) to optimize our content before publishing and get ranking data.

In addition, we use MonsterInsights to get Google Analytics data right in WordPress.

Additionally we use Clearscope to plan and create content that ranks. And we’ve used both Semrush and Ahrefs for keyword and competitor research.

While not directly related to search engine optimization, OptinMonste r and WPForms are excellent tools that help us capture conversions. We recommend that you give those plugins a close look.

Q&A on Website SEO Tools

What do you recommend for local seo tools.

Set up a free Google Business Profile and use a platform like BrightLocal or Whitespark to get listed in business directories. Optimize your site using an SEO plugin like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) .

Are SEO tools worth it?

Quality SEO tools can save you time on repetitive tasks and they can automate complicated analysis tasks.

In addition, SEO plugins, like All in One SEO (AIOSEO) automate many technical tasks, such as creating and updating sitemaps or adding schema markup.

All of this can help you address SEO issues efficiently and boost organic search traffic.

Resources on Website SEO Tools

Looking for details on certain types of SEO tools?

Explore these guides.

  • 8 Best SEO Chrome Extensions
  • 8 Best SEO Tools for Small Business
  • 21 Best Free SEO Tools
  • Best On-Page SEO Tools for WordPress 9 Best AI (Artificial Intelligence) SEO Tools for WordPress Best SEO Monitoring Tools for WordPress
  • 7 Best Content Optimization Tools for SEO
  • 9 Best SEO Keyword Analysis Tools

Next, learn how to optimize your web pages for better rankings. Understand the difference between SEO vs. Social Media in digital marketing. And learn how to avoid SEO scams .

To learn more, subscribe to our YouTube Channel . Each week we publish new tutorials. And join us on X (Twitter) , LinkedIn , or Facebook to stay in the loop.

Want to Try AIOSEO for Free?

Enter the URL of your WordPress website to install AIOSEO Lite.

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Are Redirects Bad for SEO? How They Impact Website Rankings

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Julia McCoy

are redirects bad for seo

Imagine this: You’ve meticulously crafted content and optimized every detail, but still struggle with rankings. Could it be because of all those redirects?

Are redirects bad for SEO?

If you’ve ever wondered if those pesky URL redirects are sabotaging your website’s performance, you’re not alone.

Today we’ll uncover whether these digital detours are a hidden enemy or an unsung hero in search engine optimization.

Table Of Contents:

What are redirects and how do they work, are redirects bad for seo, best practices for implementing redirects, how to properly use redirects to preserve link equity, tools and resources for managing redirects, faqs: are redirects bad for seo.

If you’ve ever clicked a link and found yourself on a different page than expected, you’ve likely experienced a redirect.

But what exactly are redirects and how do they work?

In simple terms, a redirect is a way to send both users and search engines to a different URL than the one they originally requested. It’s like a forwarding address for web pages.

Here’s an explanation from Google :

are redirects bad for SEO

Types of Redirects

There are several types of redirects, but the most common are 301 and 302 redirects.

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect, telling search engines that the page has permanently moved to a new location. This type passes about 90-99% of link equity (ranking power) to the redirected page.

Meanwhile, a 302 redirect is a temporary redirect. It tells search engines that the move is only temporary and that they should keep the old page indexed. 302 redirects don’t pass link equity as effectively.

Each type of redirect has an HTTP status code. The 3xx class of status codes indicates a redirect.

Here are the most common:

  • 301 Moved Permanently
  • 302 Found (Moved Temporarily)
  • 307 Temporary Redirect
  • 308 Permanent Redirect

When implementing redirects, it’s crucial to use the right status code to tell search engines whether the redirect is permanent or temporary.

Client-Side vs Server-Side Redirects

Redirects can be implemented on either the client side or the server side.

Client-side redirects, like those done with JavaScript or meta refresh tags, are executed by the browser. Search engines may not properly follow these, so they’re not ideal for SEO.

Server-side redirects, like 301s and 302s, are a better choice. They’re executed by the server and reliably pass link equity. Plus, they provide a better user experience since they’re faster.

It depends. While necessary in many cases, implementing redirects incorrectly can negatively impact your SEO. But when done right, they’re a valuable tool.

Let’s dive into the details.

How Search Engines Handle Redirects

When a user clicks a link to a redirected page, they’re immediately sent to the new URL.

But search engines handle redirects a bit differently.

First, the search engine bot reaches the original URL and sees the redirect. It then follows the redirect to the new URL, taking note of the status code.

If it’s a 301, the bot understands the page has permanently moved and updates its index accordingly. This process does take some time, though. Search engines need to crawl and process the redirect, which can temporarily impact rankings. But once processed, the new page usually regains any rankings and traffic from the old URL.

Negative Impact of Redirects on SEO

While redirects are necessary in many cases, there are potential drawbacks to using them:

  • Slow page speed: Each redirect adds latency, slowing down page load times which can negatively impact SEO.
  • Loss of link equity: While minimal, each redirect may mean a small loss in link equity passed.
  • Redirect chains: If you have multiple redirects in a row (A → B → C), link equity is diluted and search engines may abandon the crawl.
  • Wrong code: Using the wrong type of redirect (like a 302 instead of a 301) can prevent link equity from being passed.

Positive Impact of Redirects on SEO

Despite potential drawbacks, redirects are often beneficial and even necessary for SEO:

  • Migrating to a new domain: 301 redirects let you change domains without losing your SEO progress.
  • Consolidating content: Redirecting old, thin pages to newer, more comprehensive ones helps consolidate link equity.
  • Fixing broken links: Redirecting broken URLs to live pages provides a better user experience and prevents link equity loss.
  • Canonical URLs: Redirects can be used to specify a canonical (preferred) URL to prevent duplicate content issues.

So, are redirects bad for SEO?

Not entirely.

Like most things in SEO, it depends on how you implement them.

are redirects bad for SEO

Now that you know redirects’ impact on SEO, let’s cover some best practices to minimize negative effects and leverage their benefits.

Choose the Right Type of Redirect

One of the most common mistakes in domain forwarding is using 302 redirects instead of 301s for permanent page moves. Remember, 301s are for keeps — they tell search engines that a page has moved for good. 302s, on the other hand, indicate a temporary move and can confuse search engines (and dilute link equity).

In most cases, 301 redirects are your best bet. They pass the most link equity and tell search engines the move is permanent. Only use 302s for truly temporary moves, like during site maintenance.

Avoid meta refresh and JavaScript redirects for SEO-critical pages as these types of redirects can be unreliable and may not pass link authority properly as search engines may not interpret them correctly.

Redirect to Relevant Pages

Don’t you just hate it when you click on a link only to be redirected to a totally irrelevant page?

Don’t be that website owner.

When setting up redirects, make sure you’re sending users (and search engines) to a page that closely matches the intent and content of the original URL.

Redirecting all your old blog posts to your homepage might seem like a quick fix, but it’s a surefire way to frustrate visitors and tank your SEO. Instead, take the time to map out relevant new URLs for each redirected page.

Avoid Redirect Chains and Loops

Redirect chains occur when there’s more than one redirect between the initial URL and the destination.

For example: URL A → URL B → URL C

Each “hop” slows down page speed and dilutes link equity.

To avoid this, always redirect to the final destination URL: URL A → URL C

Also watch out for redirect loops, where URL A redirects to URL B, which redirects back to URL A. This can happen with misconfigured redirect rules and can completely tank your SEO.

You can use a tool like httpstatus.io to check for loops.

are redirects bad for seo

Minimize the Number of Redirects

Here’s another important tip – keep your redirect chains as short as possible.

Every additional redirect between the original URL and the final destination will dilute the link equity a bit more.

Ideally, you want old URLs to redirect directly to their new homes with a single 301. No pit stops, no layovers, just a direct flight from A to B.

Regularly audit your site for redirect chains and update them to point straight to the final destination.

Monitor and Update Redirects

Okay, so you’ve set up your 301 redirects and you’re feeling pretty good about yourself.

But wait – what about all those internal links pointing to the old URLs? If you don’t update them to point directly to the new pages, you’re essentially creating unnecessary redirect chains (and diluting link equity in the process).

Redirects aren’t a set-it-and-forget-it tactic. You need to regularly monitor them to ensure they’re working properly and update them as needed.

Tools like Screaming Frog can help you identify internal links to redirected pages at scale.

Look for chains, loops, and 404 errors that need fixing.

Make sure to audit your internal links and update them to reference the final destination URLs.

Also, avoid changing redirected URLs too frequently as search engines need time to process each change. It’s best to get redirects right the first time.

Not if you use them wisely.

By understanding how link equity works and implementing 301 redirects strategically, you can keep your SEO mojo flowing smoothly, even as your site evolves.

If you’ve been in the SEO game for a while, you know that redirects are a crucial part of any website migration or restructuring. But here’s the thing — not all redirects are created equal when it comes to preserving that sweet, sweet link equity (aka “link juice”).

First things first, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what link equity is.

In a nutshell, it’s the SEO value or authority a page has accumulated through external links. The more high-quality links pointing to a page, the more link equity it has.

When you redirect a page with a ton of link equity to a new URL, you want to make sure as much of that equity as possible is passed along to the new page. That’s where 301 redirects come in.

301 redirects are the gold standard for passing link equity from an old URL to a new one. They tell search engines that a page has permanently moved and that the new URL should inherit its ranking signals.

Now, I know what you might be thinking – “But don’t 301 redirects lose some link equity in the process?”

Well, yes and no.

While it’s true that not 100% of the equity may be passed, a 301 is still the best way to redirect a page for SEO purposes.

Avoid using 302 temporary redirects, meta refresh redirects, or JavaScript redirects if your goal is to preserve link authority.

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of managing all your site’s redirects? Don’t worry, there are plenty of tools and resources out there to help make the process a bit less daunting.

Let’s take a look at a few of my favorites.

Redirect Plugins for Content Management Systems

If you’re running your site on a popular CMS like WordPress, you’re in luck -s there are some fantastic redirect plugins available to help simplify the process.

One of my go-tos is Redirection, which makes it easy to create and manage redirects right from your WordPress dashboard.

Of course, it’s important not to go overboard with plugins – too many can slow down your site and create conflicts.

But a well-coded, regularly updated redirect plugin can be a lifesaver when it comes to managing redirects at scale.

Redirect Checker Tools

Want to keep tabs on your site’s redirects and identify potential issues before they become major problems?

A good redirect checker tool is a must-have in your SEO toolkit.

One of my favorites is the httpstatus.io redirect checker. Just enter a URL and it’ll show you the full redirect chain, highlight any broken links or loops, and even estimate the amount of link equity passed through each hop. It’s a great way to audit your redirects and spot opportunities for optimization.

Another powerful tool for auditing redirects (and a ton of other SEO issues) is Screaming Frog. While it’s a bit more advanced than some other redirect checkers, it’s an incredibly valuable tool for analyzing redirects at scale.

Finally, don’t forget about Google Search Console. The “Coverage” report can alert you to any redirect errors or issues that Google encounters while crawling your site.

The “Links” report is also useful for identifying which redirected pages have the most inbound links – a great way to prioritize your redirect optimization efforts.

By keeping a close eye on Google Search Console, you can catch redirect problems early and avoid potential SEO issues down the road.

How many redirects are too many for SEO?

Avoid more than five consecutive redirects. Excessive chains confuse search engines and slow page load times.

What is the best redirect for SEO?

The 301 permanent redirect preserves link equity, making it ideal when a URL changes permanently.

Are URL redirects bad?

No, but use them wisely. Poorly implemented redirects can hurt your site’s performance and rankings.

Does redirecting domains help SEO?

If done correctly with 301 redirects, domain forwarding consolidates authority and maintains search engine rankings.

The answer isn’t always black and white.

Redirects can hurt or help depending on how you use them.

If done right, like using 301s for permanent moves, they preserve link equity and user experience. But missteps like creating chains or loops can cost you traffic and rankings.

When necessary, redirects work seamlessly rather than hinder progress.

Your path to better ranking might just involve fixing some old detours!

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Written by Julia McCoy

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Navigating the New Landscape of Google’s AI Overviews: What Does It Mean for SEO?

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Google’s AI Overviews are here , and they have marketers divided. On one hand, they promise to revolutionize the search experience by providing users with quick, AI-generated summaries powered by Google’s specialized Gemini large language model (LLM). On the other, some are concerned with what this new landscape means for organic web traffic and SEO strategies.

So, will this move boost search traffic altogether and deliver targeted content to the right audiences? Or is it the dawn of an AI seachange?

What Are AI Overviews?

First, let’s take a moment to explain just what AI Overviews are. As the successor to Search Generative Experience (SGE), Google’s AI Overviews aim to answer user queries quickly and efficiently by generating brief synopses of content found on various web pages. These summaries highlight the important information similarly to the “featured snippets,” and they also include links to the sources used. 

However, some marketers are concerned that this means users will simply bounce off of AI Overviews once they have their answers without ever clicking on the source web page. 

Will AI Overviews Take Over Your Web Traffic?

The short answer is yes. But also no.

Let me explain.

You might see a small dip from this new update, but this will potentially be made up by the increase in Google’s overall search traffic driven by an improved user experience. Plus, the sources cited often show organic results due to the high-quality content they contain.

And if that doesn’t ease the AI anxiety, Google itself has a vested interest in keeping SEO alive and well — as Neil Patel pointed out — especially when most of its AdSense customers rely on organic traffic.

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What About Ads?

It’s Google, so of course they’re going to keep paid ads intact. 

They might even incorporate paid ads into AI search results to generate more revenue. According to the search engine’s May update on generative search, links included in AI Overviews tend to get more clicks than if they appeared on a traditional results page, which could be a better deal for advertisers. As long as you keep a close eye on your web analytics, including Google Ads data, you should be able to gauge the veracity of this claim for yourself in the coming months.

Can You Optimize Content for Generative Search Engines?

So if you don’t have to worry about AI Overviews coming for your visitors, how can you ensure your site appears in these summaries? 

Google says its systems automatically determine which links appear in Overviews, and that, 

“There is nothing special for creators to do to be considered other than to follow our regular guidance for appearing in search, as covered in Google Search Essentials .”

But of course, we won’t leave you out to dry like that.

As with any SEO effort, you can improve your chances of landing in the top results and summaries by:

  • Ensuring content is high-quality, well-researched and authoritative.
  • Using structured data to help AI understand your content better.
  • Integrating multimedia content, such as videos and infographics.

Most importantly, keep an eye on your SEO and paid ad performance. By monitoring your search rankings and adjusting your strategy as needed, you can continue to optimize your content for this new landscape of AI search engines.

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Ben Crosby is a content writer at Brafton. When he’s not writing copy for clients, you can find him cooking in the kitchen, playing video games or reading a good book.

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    Typically, the marketing and research departments of various businesses utilize content writing agencies to sell customers on a certain brand or idea, along with improving their website's SEO. In addition to content writing services, businesses will often enlist the services of graphic design and video production companies to create diverse ...

  18. SEO Content Writing Services to Boost Your Web Traffic

    SEO content writing services are crucial for modern businesses. Leveraging SEO content writing services should be the backbone of your digital marketing strategy. It takes consistency and effort to gain search engine visibility and draw organic traffic to your website. Just like the owner of a physical store, you need to employ strategies of ...

  19. How To Develop an SEO Strategy in 2024

    First, make sure you build it with a responsive design. This means that it adjusts to any screen size. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search ranking. It is also important to ...

  20. Website Content Writing Services Online

    A Seasoned SEO & Content Marketing Manager for your Blog. From $50. Michael J. 4.8 (484) Engaging & Creative Website Content Writer for web & Technical SEO Writing. From $30. Rabia B. 4.8 (536) Engaging, high quality & SEO optimized Website content, Blogs and Articles.

  21. Content Writing Services

    U.S.-based outsourced blog & content writing services for landing pagess, blog posts, case studies, articles and whitepapers. Our custom-tailored SEO content writing services have been used by dozens of Fortune 500 clients across multiple industries for significant organic website growth. The most hard-hitting, quality content writing services ...

  22. 30 Best Website SEO Tools to Supercharge Your Rankings

    Local SEO rankings. Keyword Magic tool. CPC data. Keyword Gap tool. Pricing: Starts at $129.95/month. Moz Pro offers tools to help you drive organic traffic by targeting the right keywords. 5. Ahrefs: Plan Effective Content. Ahrefs makes it easy to discover which keywords you and your competitors are ranking for.

  23. Search engine optimization

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic (known as "natural" or "organic" results) rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.Unpaid traffic may originate from different kinds of searches, including image search, video search, academic search, news search ...

  24. What Is White Hat SEO?

    The opposite of a white-hat SEO strategy is a black-hat SEO strategy. In a black-hat SEO strategy, an individual or business uses techniques designed to improve a website's ranking that aren't ...

  25. Boost Your Site's SEO with Content Marketing Tactics

    Social Sharing. Be the first to add your personal experience. 6. Consistent Updating. Be the first to add your personal experience. 7. Here's what else to consider. Be the first to add your ...

  26. Are Redirects Bad for SEO? How They Impact Website Rankings

    Redirects can hurt or help depending on how you use them. If done right, like using 301s for permanent moves, they preserve link equity and user experience. But missteps like creating chains or loops can cost you traffic and rankings. When necessary, redirects work seamlessly rather than hinder progress.

  27. Navigating the New Landscape of Google's AI Overviews

    Google's AI Overviews are here, and they have marketers divided.On one hand, they promise to revolutionize the search experience by providing users with quick, AI-generated summaries powered by Google's specialized Gemini large language model (LLM). On the other, some are concerned with what this new landscape means for organic web traffic and SEO strategies.

  28. SEO 2024 Secrets for Content Creators

    As a content creator, you understand the importance of visibility, and this book is your key to staying ahead of the curve.In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the cutting-edge SEO tactics that will define success in 2024. From algorithm updates to user experience, learn how to adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving realm of online search.

  29. Webflow: Create a custom website

    Try Webflow for as long as you like with our free Starter plan. Purchase a paid Site plan to publish, host, and unlock additional features. Get started — it's free. Create custom, responsive websites with the power of code — visually. Design and build your site with a flexible CMS and top-tier hosting. Try Webflow for free.