Accountant Cover Letter Example for 2024 (+ Full Guide)

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You're a master of numbers, a champion of spreadsheets, and a guru of tax codes.

But when it comes to writing that perfect cover letter, it's like facing a complicated audit with no guidelines.

Annoying, right? 

Don't worry; you're not alone. A lot of pros in your field feel like they're crunching the wrong numbers when drafting their cover letters.

We've got your back. This article will give you the formula for writing the perfect accountant cover letter.

Here's what we're going to cover:

  • What a Great Accountant Cover Letter Looks Like
  • 5 Steps to Writing an Amazing Accountant Cover Letter
  • 3 Essential Cover Letter Tips for Accountants

Ready to make that cover letter as polished as your financial reports? 

Let's dive in!

Accountant Cover Letter Example

Accountant Cover Letter Example

5 Steps for the Perfect Accountant Cover Letter

You've just read a cover letter that could seal the deal for an accountant job. Now it's your turn to write a cover letter that'll make hiring managers take notice. 

Just follow the steps we're about to lay out for you:

#1. Put Contact Information in the Header

Starting your accountant cover letter right means including essential contact details at the top. This should be in the header of your cover letter, the same way you'd do it on your resume .

Here's the rundown:

  • Full Name. Your complete name takes the prime spot at the top.
  • Job Title. Match this with the specific accounting job you're applying for. Hiring managers are swamped with applications for various jobs, so clarity is key.
  • Email Address. Pick a simple, professional email. Stick to a format that combines your first and last name, like [email protected] , not [email protected]
  • Phone Number. Provide your phone number. If you're applying for an overseas position, don't forget to add the dial code in front.
  • Location. Just your city and state or country will do. But if you're going after a remote role or are willing to move for the job, make that clear.
  • Relevant Links (optional). Feel free to include links to your LinkedIn profile or any other professional sites you have.

Once you've got your contact details sorted, it's time to include the hiring manager's info. 

Here’s what that involves:

  • Company Name. Mention the company you're applying to.
  • Hiring Manager's Name. Do a bit of digging to find this. Check the job ad or the company's LinkedIn page.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. If you know they are, for example, the 'Head of Finance,' go ahead and use that title instead of just "Hiring Manager."
  • Location. Mention the city and country, particularly if the company is international. Optionally, you can be more specific with the street name and number.
  • Email Address (optional). If you find it, you can include the hiring manager's email.
  • Date of Writing (optional). For an extra professional touch, include the date you wrote your cover letter.

#2. Address the Hiring Manager

When you're preparing your application materials as an accountant, it's important to make a thoughtful impression from the get-go.

Steer clear of the generic "To Whom It May Concern." It's not your best choice.

How you address your cover letter can leave a positive impression on the hiring team—if you do it right, that is.

So, let's start with some research. Take a look at the job posting, the company's website, or their LinkedIn profiles to identify the key decision-makers in the department you're applying to. This way, you can get their name and email address.

Next, address them with respect. We suggest using "Mr." or "Ms." followed by their last name. But if you're unsure about their gender or marital status, simply use their full name instead. For example:

  • Dear Ms. Patel
  • Dear Taylor Patel

If you can't find specific information about the hiring manager or head of the accounting department, no problem. You can address your letter to the department or the company as a whole:

  • Dear Accounting Department
  • Dear Finance Team
  • Dear Company X
  • Dear Head of Finance

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Opening Statement

Hiring managers usually take only seven seconds to scan an application before deciding to read further. So, your accountant cover letter needs to make an impact right away.

Start your first paragraph with your name and why you want this accountant job. If you're keen on the field or the role, say so. This enthusiasm could make the hiring manager want to learn more about you in a way they can’t by only reading your accountant resume .

Doing your homework about the company helps too. The more you know, the better you can show why you'd fit in. This tells the hiring manager you're focused on this job, not just applying all over the place.

If you've got relevant experience, feel free to kick off your cover letter with a key achievement or a skill that makes you the right pick for the position.

But keep it brief. The goal is to make the hiring manager curious enough to read more of your cover letter.

#4. Use the Cover Letter Body for the Details

The body of your accountant cover letter is your chance to dive deep. This isn't the spot for a resume recap. Here, you should lay out what sets you apart from other accountants and weave into a convincing narrative.

Don't just list your skills either; prove that you've got them and that you can use them to contribute. If the job ad requires someone proficient in financial analysis, talk about a project where you used those important skills to cut costs. Use the job ad as your guide for what to focus on.

Understanding the company can help build your case. If you know they're moving towards automated accounting solutions, discuss your experience with this type of tech and how you’re excited to push the boundaries of the field. Show them how you fit the role and their plans for growth.

And don't forget, enthusiasm counts. Make it clear you're excited about this job, not just looking for a paycheck. Show that you’re confident in your ability to bring value to their team, and you’re all set.

#5. Wrap It Up and Sign It

You want to leave the hiring manager with a positive impression by the end of your cover letter. This part is just as important as your opening, so don’t let it fall flat.

End your cover letter the right way by offering a brief conclusion. Just sum up a few key points that make you the right fit for the accounting position, and focus on your unique skills or experiences that set you apart from the crowd.

After that, add a call to action. This is pretty straightforward - just encourage the hiring manager to do something, like discuss your application further or arrange an interview. This proactive step can tip the scales in your favor.

Then finish it with a professional sign-off. Your closing line here sets the tone, so pick something professional. Here's a sample:

Feel free to reach out to me via email or phone to set up an interview. I'm eager to go into more detail about how I can contribute to your team.

Best regards,

If "Best regards" feels too common, you've got other solid options like:

  • Kind regards,
  • Respectfully,
  • Thank you for your consideration,

accountant cover letter structure

3 Essential Accountant Cover Letter Tips

You've got the rundown on what makes a standout cover letter for an accountant.

Now, let's dive into some cover letter tips to put the final touches on yours.

#1. Match Your Resume

Ready to crunch numbers as an accountant?

Just make sure your cover letter aligns perfectly with your resume. A mismatched application can make you look disorganized and not detail-oriented.

Your information should be sharp and precise on the page, with consistent fonts throughout your resume and cover letter. And while you're at it, fine-tune those page margins and the line spacing so that your cover letter doesn’t spill over to page two.

Think of your application like a balanced ledger; it’s best presented when it’s clear and consistent.

Or Use A Cover Letter Template Instead

Feeling pressed for time? 

Try our free resume templates to create a flawless accountant resume, and use one of our cover letter templates to match. 

They're designed in close collaboration with hiring pros from across the globe to meet industry standards and fit your resume seamlessly. You'll have a job-ready application in no time!

accountant cover letter examples

#2. Emphasize Your Achievements

You've crunched the numbers, streamlined processes, and maybe even saved your last company a good chunk of change. That's awesome, and your cover letter is the perfect place to spotlight these wins. Achievements tell hiring managers you bring more than the same skills and experience as other candidates—you bring results .

But here's the kicker: Don't just recycle the bullet points from your resume. Your cover letter is a chance to add some color to those achievements. Explain the challenges you faced, the strategies you employed, and how they had a positive impact. This shows you're skilled and capable of going above and beyond to get the job done. 

For example, if you optimized a financial model that led to a 15% increase in revenue, don't just state the fact. Briefly explain how you did it and why it was essential for the business. This connects the dots for the hiring manager, letting them see what you've done and how you could benefit their team.

#3. Save It to the Right Format

You've spent a lot of time perfecting your cover letter, so before you send it, make sure all your hard work isn’t wasted.

The best file format is PDF. It makes sure your formatting stays consistent, no matter what device the hiring manager uses to read your documents, and your layout won’t get scrambled if they accidentally open it with the wrong software.

There's only one exception to the PDF rule—when the job advertisement specifically asks for a different format. If the employer is telling you to send a Word document or paste your cover letter into a text box, do that. Likely, their application system can only handle those formats, and you don’t want all your hard work ending up in the digital trash bin over this. 

Key Takeaways

And that’s all there is to perfecting your accountant cover letter!

We hope you feel more confident, and we’re sure you’ll get that job you’re eyeing in no time.

Before we say goodbye, let’s briefly summarize what we've talked about so far:

  • Your cover letter should always have a header where your contact information is in plain view. Everything here needs to be factually correct, or else you might miss out on an interview call or email.
  • Researching the company helps you personalize your cover letter according to the company culture. Address the hiring manager by name for a stronger first impression.
  • Make sure to visually match your cover letter to your accountant resume so your whole application looks neat and professional. This also makes the hiring manager’s life easier since they can tell your documents apart from the rest.
  • Unless the job ad requests otherwise, save your cover letter and resume in PDF format so your layout stays the same across any device or software.

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Career Sidekick

Writing an effective Accountant cover letter can open doors to amazing opportunities for you. This article will provide insights on making your qualifications and passion come alive on paper, ensuring you’re not just another application in the pile but a standout candidate.

Crafting the Perfect Accountant Cover Letter

The art of writing a compelling cover letter holds special significance for Accountants . In a profession that values accuracy and attention to detail, your cover letter is a window into how you approach tasks and communicate complex information. This section will walk you through the essential steps of understanding the company you’re applying to and how to weave your expertise into a narrative that aligns seamlessly with their goals.

Researching the Company and Position

Before drafting your Accountant cover letter, a thorough research of the company and the specific role you’re aiming for is paramount. Why? Companies appreciate when applicants demonstrate knowledge about their values, missions, and the challenges their financial departments may face. Aligning your skills and experiences with the company’s goals shows a level of dedication and foresight that can set you apart.

  • Aligning with Company Values and Goals: Every company operates on a set of core values and long-term goals. Whether it’s a commitment to sustainability or a mission to deliver unparalleled financial services, understanding and aligning with these values in your Accountant cover letter can set you apart. It shows you’re not just looking for any job, but a position where you can contribute meaningfully.
  • Understanding the Specific Accountant Role: The Accountant role can vary significantly from one company to another. Some may require a strong focus on compliance and regulatory reporting, while others might prioritize cost accounting or financial analysis. By showcasing an understanding of the specific Accountant role and how you’re suited to meet the demands, you underline your readiness to hit the ground running, making you a valuable potential asset to the employer.

Structuring Your Accountant Cover Letter

An orderly, well-structured Accountant cover letter reflects the precision and organizational skills inherent in a good Accountant. Let’s dissect the structure to ensure your cover letter is not only informative but engaging to potential employers.

  • Heading and Salutation : Begin with a crisp header. Include your name, address, phone number, and a professional email. Aim to address the hiring manager by name, reflecting your thoroughness — a trait treasured in accounting. If unsure, “Dear [Company’s Finance Team]” can be an apt choice, showing specificity.
  • Opening Paragraph: Grabbing Attention: Set the tone right. Highlight a specific achievement or scenario from your accounting career that demonstrates your prowess. Perhaps you identified significant cost-saving measures in a previous role or successfully navigated complex tax scenarios. Mentioning these not only grabs attention but also showcases your real-world accounting experience right from the start.
  • Middle Paragraph(s): Showcasing Your Skills and Experience: Detail is an Accountant’s friend. Dive deep into your accounting journey. Perhaps you’ve mastered a particular accounting software, or you regularly deal with multi-currency transactions. Highlight how you’ve ensured compliance in previous roles, managed financial discrepancies, or aided in budget forecasting. The aim here is to underscore your hands-on experiences that align with the company’s accounting needs.
  • Closing Paragraph: Expressing Enthusiasm and Call to Action: Reinforce your keenness for the role. Emphasize how your accounting methods align with the company’s financial vision. Maybe you’re particularly passionate about ethical accounting practices that the company champions. Conclude with a prompt for the next step, subtly suggesting your readiness for an in-depth financial discussion or interview.
  • Signature and Contact Information: Conclude with a formal gesture. Use a simple “Regards” or “Sincerely,” followed by your name. Beneath this, it might be beneficial for Accountants to include a link to any relevant certifications or affiliations, such as membership in an accounting body, offering the hiring manager a peek into your commitment to the profession

Highlighting Relevant Skills and Experience

Accounting is a field where precision and strategy meet. To stand out from the competition, you need to showcase the right skills and experiences in your resume. Just like a balance sheet displays the financial health of a company, your skills section should reflect your ability to manage, analyze, and uphold accounting principles.

Here are some tips on how to effectively highlight your skills and experiences:

  • Financial Accounting: Your ability to manage and interpret financial records is the cornerstone of your profession. Elaborate on your experiences with preparing balance sheets, income statements, and other financial reports. Mention any specific scenarios where your financial accounting skills contributed to business insights or financial improvements.
  • Analytical and Mathematical Skills: Being good with numbers is a must for Accountants. But it’s also important to understand what these numbers mean. Highlight how you’ve used math to figure out financial patterns, spot errors, or predict future money matters. Showing that you can understand and use numbers in real-life situations proves you’re a skilled Accountant.
  • Proficiency in Accounting Software: In today’s digital age, your proficiency with accounting software is as crucial as your understanding of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). List the software tools you know, like QuickBooks or Sage. If you’ve ever set up a new software system or taught others how to use one, be sure to mention it. This shows you’re up-to-date with the latest tools and can help others learn too.
  • Understanding of Auditing Procedures: Auditing is an integral part of ensuring financial integrity within an organization. Share your experiences with internal or external auditing, and how your understanding of auditing procedures has been instrumental in identifying discrepancies and suggesting corrective actions.

Tailoring Your Cover Letter

For an Accountant, precision is key, and this applies not just to numbers but also to job applications. A generic cover letter can be as off-putting as an unbalanced ledger. Tailoring your cover letter makes it resonate with the hiring manager, showcasing your genuine interest and fit for the role.

Here’s how you can craft a custom-fit cover letter:

  • Addressing the Hiring Manager: Taking the time to find out and address the hiring manager by name in your cover letter is a small but impactful gesture. It shows a level of initiative and attention to detail, traits any employer would appreciate in an Accountant.
  • Matching Job Description Keywords: Your cover letter should resonate with the job description, almost like a mirror reflecting back the key requirements. Look for keywords in the job description such as “financial reporting,” “tax preparation,” “audit compliance,” or “budget management,” and ensure you incorporate them where relevant in your cover letter to show a direct correlation between what the employer needs and what you offer.
  • Demonstrating Cultural Fit: Every company has a unique work culture and ethos. Reflect on the company’s values, mission, and work environment, and articulate how these align with your own professional values and experiences.  If the company prides itself on community involvement, and you’ve volunteered to manage finances for local events or nonprofits, it’s worth highlighting. Demonstrating that you not only understand but also align with the company’s culture can make you stand out as not just a fit for the job but for the team.

Providing Evidence of Your Accomplishments

Your Accountant cover letter should not just tell, but show your potential employer the value you bring. Providing tangible evidence of your accomplishments in past roles can significantly enhance your appeal.

This is how you can highlight your achievements effectively:

  • Quantifiable Achievements: Numbers resonate well in the accounting field; they are clear, precise, and indicative of your capabilities. For instance:

“Successfully reduced quarterly closing process from 10 to 5 days, enhancing the timeliness of financial reporting.” OR “Identified and corrected a recurring budgeting error, resulting in a 15% cost reduction.”

These quantifiable achievements provide a clear measure of your expertise and the impact you had on your previous organizations.

  • Relevant Projects and Outcomes: Detailing relevant projects you’ve spearheaded or contributed to can also paint a vivid picture of what you bring to the table. For example:

“Led a team of 5 in a comprehensive financial audit of a major client, identifying compliance issues and recommending corrective actions that were lauded by the client.” OR “Initiated and executed a project to migrate to a more robust accounting software, improving processing speed by 30% and ensuring seamless integration with existing systems.”

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Even with a solid background and promising achievements, certain missteps in your cover letter can hinder your chances of landing an interview.

These are the common mistakes that you need to avoid while writing a cover letter:

  • Neglecting Soft Skills : While technical skills are vital for an Accountant, soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are equally important. These skills help you interact effectively with colleagues and clients. Mention instances where your soft skills facilitated better team collaboration or led to satisfied clients, showcasing a well-rounded professional persona.
  • Generic Content: A generic cover letter is easy to spot and often gets quickly set aside. Tailor your Accountant cover letter to each job and company you apply to. Mention specifics about the company or the job posting that caught your eye, and align these with your professional skills and aspirations.
  • Errors and Typos: Accuracy is key in accounting, and errors in your cover letter could be seen as a reflection of your work. Proofread your cover letter meticulously. Consider using grammar-checking tools or having someone else review your cover letter to catch any overlooked mistakes.

Accountant Cover Letter Examples

Dive into a selection of handpicked samples that capture the essence of the accounting profession. These examples showcase how to blend technical expertise with personal insights, offering a guide to creating standout applications.

Accountant Cover Letter

An Accountant’s role is not just about crunching numbers, but it’s about providing clarity, ensuring compliance, and aiding decision-making. In your cover letter, it’s essential to portray your meticulousness, your expertise in the accounting domain, and your readiness to handle the complexities of financial management.

Here’s a sample tailored for an Accountant:

Morgan Blake 321 Decimal Drive Numberland, 89123 [email protected] (123) 456-7890

October 25, 2023

Mrs. Fiona Grant Numerical Innovations Ltd. 654 Balance Blvd. Numberland, 89123

Dear Mrs. Fiona Grant,

I am writing to express my genuine interest in the Accountant position at Numerical Innovations Ltd., as posted on the National Financial Careers Portal. With a Bachelor’s in Accounting from Decimal University and four years of dedicated experience at LedgerLogic Group, I am confident in my ability to bring a blend of precision and analytical prowess to your esteemed accounting team.

At LedgerLogic Group, I was responsible for managing a diverse portfolio of clients, ensuring their financial statements were both GAAP-compliant and reflective of their business health. My proactiveness in identifying a recurring discrepancy in tax computations led to a refined process, ultimately saving our clients an aggregate of $500,000 in overpayments annually. Moreover, I am proficient in using accounting software such as Sage and QuickBooks, using them to automate and optimize various accounting processes.

Numerical Innovations Ltd.’s reputation for combining technological advances with accounting practices aligns perfectly with my professional beliefs and experiences. I am particularly impressed with your company’s endeavors in integrating AI with accounting, and I am eager to be part of such forward-thinking initiatives.

I would be delighted to further discuss how my expertise and vision can dovetail with the needs and aspirations of Numerical Innovations Ltd. Thank you for considering my application. I am hopeful for the opportunity to become a valuable player in your accounting journey.

Warm regards,

Morgan Blake

Related Article: 15 Accountant Interview Questions and Answers

Assistant Accountant Cover Letter

For budding Accountants eager to demonstrate their growing expertise and readiness to contribute to a financial team, the cover letter serves as a window into their aspirations and potential. As an Assistant Accountant, emphasizing your educational background, any hands-on experience, and your enthusiasm to learn and support can make a compelling case.

Here’s an example tailored for an Assistant Accountant:

Alex Taylor 123 Finance Lane Account City, 12345 [email protected] (123) 456-7890

Ms. Jennifer Lee Sterling Financials Ltd. 456 Account Avenue Account City, 12345

Dear Ms. Jennifer Lee,

I am writing to express my interest in the Assistant Accountant position at Sterling Financials Ltd., as advertised on the National Accountants Association website. As a recent graduate in Accounting from the University of Account City, coupled with my internship experience at Precise Accounting Firm, I am eager to bring my enthusiasm and emerging skills to your esteemed financial team.

During my internship at Precise Accounting Firm, I had the opportunity to assist with monthly reconciliations, support senior Accountants in preparing financial statements, and get hands-on experience with accounting software such as Xero and QuickBooks. I was often commended for my attention to detail and ability to quickly grasp and apply new concepts, leading to a more streamlined invoicing process that I helped implement.

I have always been inspired by Sterling Financials Ltd.’s reputation for accuracy and dedication to client satisfaction. I am particularly attracted to your firm’s mentoring program and the emphasis on continuous learning and professional development. I am confident that my academic background, paired with my drive to excel and contribute, would make me a valuable addition to the Sterling Financials team.

I am keen to further explore how my budding skills and unyielding drive align with the needs and values of Sterling Financials Ltd. Thank you for considering my application, and I hope to have the chance to discuss my potential contributions to your team.

Alex Taylor

Management Accountant Cover Letter

Management Accountants play a crucial role in guiding businesses towards sound financial decisions based on extensive data analysis. If you’re in this line of work, your cover letter should underscore not just your proficiency with numbers, but also your ability to shape strategies, influence business outcomes, and work collaboratively with senior management.

Here’s a sample cover letter designed for a Management Accountant :

Jordan Clarke 789 Strategy Road Businessville, 67890 [email protected] (123) 456-7890

Mr. David Hughes Pinnacle Enterprises Inc. 101 Finance Plaza Businessville, 67890

Dear Mr. David Hughes,

I am reaching out to express my keen interest in the Management Accountant position at Pinnacle Enterprises Inc., as highlighted on your company’s careers page. With a Master’s degree in Business Accounting from Businessville University and over five years of experience as a Management Accountant at Progress Financial Group, I believe I am well-prepared to bring strategic financial insights to your dynamic team.

In my tenure at Progress Financial Group, I played an instrumental role in steering the company through a period of economic uncertainty. By implementing a new budgeting system, I ensured tighter cost control, leading to savings of 8% in operational costs over a year. I also collaborated closely with the sales and marketing teams, offering financial insights that helped shape campaigns and led to a 12% increase in profits from targeted regions.

Pinnacle Enterprises Inc.’s commitment to innovation and sustainable growth resonates deeply with me. I am especially keen on your recent ventures into eco-friendly projects and see an exciting opportunity to apply my skills in cost-volume-profit analysis and risk management to drive financial success in these domains.

I am eager to discuss how my strategic financial perspective can align with and propel Pinnacle Enterprises Inc.’s vision and objectives. I am deeply grateful for your time and consideration and look forward to the possibility of contributing to your renowned financial team.

Best regards,

Jordan Clarke

Related Article: Should You Always Include a Cover Letter?

Ammar Ahmed

About the Author

Read more articles by Ammar Ahmed

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The Accountant’s Definitive Guide to Cover Letters

Here we are again, folks. Today’s topic cover letters is a bit more ambiguous. Are they necessary? Do you take a risk? Should you send it as an attachment? Doesn’t my  résumé  speak for itself?

  • Address 
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Name of HR Contact
  • Title of HR Contact
  • Employer Name
  • Employer Address
  • If you know who you are submitting things to, use “Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:”
  • If you do not know, use “To Whom It May Concern:”
  • Always use a colon. Commas are reserved for informal correspondence. 
  • Introduction : Use the first paragraph to express your interest in a specific job title/position at a specific company. If someone is recommending you for the position, include the name of your contact and your association to them here as well. 
  • Sell yourself : The next few paragraphs should demonstrate two things: 1) why you are interested in the company and 2) why you are qualified for the position. It is crucial that you make these paragraphs personal – you need to stand out from the dozens of other candidates that are applying. Identify a few points in the job description that lend well to your background and provide short anecdotes from your current line of work that are applicable.  
  • Get personal : Nothing sucks more than reading a boring, thoughtless cover letter. Are you boring and thoughtless? I didn’t think so, so why would you give that impression? It’s likely that you do not know anything about the person reading your cover letter, but you should absolutely do research on the company. Understand the company’s culture, personality, and standing in the industry. Have they been family owned for 75 years? Talk about their family culture and longtime positive standing in the community. Are they a bunch of 20-something hipsters starting a business out of a renovated factory-turned-corporate-lofts? Reference their recent bike-share program and how that speaks your personal interest in corporate responsibility. Connecting with the reader will help them stop thinking of you as “a qualified candidate” and more as “someone that I could see working here and getting along with us.” Fit is everything in this job market, and your cover letter can be your first opportunity to showcase why you’re a perfect match.
  • Conclusion : Your last paragraph should reiterate your interest in the position and explain how the company can reach you to set up an interview. It is important to be optimistic in this paragraph: “I look forward to hearing from you regarding this opportunity.” Some people suggest stating here that you will follow up in a week’s time, but I think that is optional. If you are comfortable stating so, go right ahead. Otherwise, keep this section short and to the point.
  • DO send a cover letter whenever possible. 
  • DO NOT send a cover letter just copied and pasted into an email (see below).
  • DO NOT send a cover letter as a separate attachment.
  • DO take two minutes combine your résumé and cover letter into one PDF file. Call the file your name and nothing ridiculously long like “Jon Lithstein – Cover Letter and Resume for Johnson & Johnson VP of Finance May 2013.pdf”
  • DO NOT go over a page for your cover letter. Yes, it is important to provide details about yourself, but no one is looking for the first chapter to your autobiography.
  • DO proofread. I’ve seen some workpapers with grammar on par with that of a 7th grader. Just like with your résumé, have someone else review it for mistakes. 

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New Big 4 Associate Wants to Know If His Career Will Go Up in Smoke After Pot Possession Arrest

  • Caleb Newquist
  • October 10, 2011

Welcome to the bullshit-faux-holidays-that-accountants-don’t-get-off edition of Accounting Career Emergencies . Today we have a new Big 4 associate who’s wondering how much trouble he could get in for a recent arrest for pot possession. If his firm finds out will they just blow it off or is his career baked?

Do you need advice on your career as “The Help” to our capital markets? Whether it’s CPA exam anxiety or minding your debits and credits at career fairs or putting together a to-do list after you put in your papers, we’ve got solutions for you. Email us at [email protected] if you’re in haze.

I just started at a Big 4 firm and to celebrate the college life being over my friends had a party over Labor Day weekend. To cut to the point, I ended up being arrested and charged with marijuana possession in a city about 2 hours away from my office. I had a prior arrest for marijuana from 4 years prior as well. Basically, my question is, how likely is it that the firm finds out about this incident without me telling them? Also, if they do find out does this mean automatic termination? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

Dear Stoney Jabroni,

Let me just say first that I’m not a lawyer, so take this advice for what it’s worth (not much more than a dime bag). Having said, that, your solution is easy. Move to Colorado . Or California . Or anywhere pot is decriminalized . Maybe I’m misinterpreting “arrested” but here in in the M H C, for example, adults don’t really get “arrested” for possession of less than one ounce and thus, there is really no problem. I realize this is probably unrealistic advice but your state’s laws will ultimately determine how “serious” this really is. Generally, this is not a serious issue but if you’re in state that likes to throw the book at marijuana users, then it gets more complicated.

To answer your first question – since you work in a city that’s two hours from where your arrest occurred, it’s pretty unlikely that anyone at your firm will find out you had your little run-in with the law. Unless, of course, there’s townie that would go out of their way to contact your firm to fink on you. That seems unlikely but, hey! you never know.

As far as termination is concerned, it depends on the agreement that you signed when you accepted your offer. If you’re held to specific code of conduct, it’s possible that this arrest could violate that code. If there’s nothing in the agreement that would cover something like this, your firm doesn’t really have grounds to dismiss you. There are plenty of Big 4 employees and partners that enjoy a nice toke every now and again and it is more socially accepted than ever. If someone at your firm does get a whiff of this news, certainly some will frown on this behavior and you may get a talking to but does it mean the end of your career? That’s just wack, man.

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Preparing Your Accounting Internship Cover Letter – An Outline

by Rob Malta | May 4, 2018 | Accounting Students , Career , Interviewing , Resume | 0 comments

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When I ask students what parts of their internship search are the hardest, they always say the accounting internship cover letter and resume. Recently, I’ve been working with a lot of students to customize the accounting internship cover letter that they’re sending and seeing an improved response rate.

The cover letter is intimidating because it is your first chance at making a good impression or making a terrible one. What you write there decides whether or not you make it to the next stage of the interview process. Below, we’re going to give you a formula for writing a great accounting internship cover letter.

General Structure

The purpose of the cover letter is to quickly convey why you are a great candidate not only to interview, but to hire to work at the firm. It’s important to keep your message to under one page and concisely talk about a few main points:


  • Why are you applying?
  • What do you study?
  • Why should we hire you?

You’re going to want to address the cover letter to the recruiter or the hiring manager that you’re applying to for the position and quickly introduce yourself. This should be simple, don’t overthink it.

Paragraph 1: Why are you applying?

There are hundreds of students like you that are vying to get this position – the first paragraph should focus on the reasons you are passionate about starting your career with this position.

Even though your motivation might be the experience, resume building, and money, you need to show a deeper interest in the profession. In this paragraph, you need to answer:

  • Why are you interested in accounting?
  • Why do you want to intern for this firm?

Your interest in accounting should be easy to describe – people typically lean on things like the ability to work with lots of different companies, learn a lot of different industries, etc. You will need to be creative about your motivation for pursuing the career.

After giving some background on your career choice, it’s great to illustrate why you want to intern for this firm. This is a great time to reference a recruiting event, a conversation with an employee, or something that you saw in the news that made you interested in them.

Paragraph 2: What do you study?

If the reader is still reading your accounting internship cover letter, they are going to want to be able to check the boxes on whether or not you have the academic credentials they need to be able to interview, consider, and hire you for a position. Your second paragraph should include:

  • What are you studying at school?
  • What are your plans for the CPA?

Start by giving some background on what you’re studying and your plans for graduation, be sure to include all your majors and minors if you have more than one. Now remember, all the students that are applying have some sort of education, so you need to differentiate with what you do outside of your degree or any honors you’ve achieved.

If you are planning to take the CPA exam , include your plans for taking it and when you expect to be finished. Accounting firms highly value candidates with CPAs and will applaud your forethought in already planning and studying for the exam in advance.

Paragraph 3: Why should we hire you?

In my opinion, this is the most important paragraph in the cover letter – this is where you get to illustrate all of the individual experiences that make you the best candidate for the job. We want to include your:

  • Past internship and work experience
  • Leadership experience in college clubs or activities
  • Volunteer or community work
  • Something unique

Lots of students look the same from a resume perspective, this paragraph of the cover letter is where your personality can come through. Outline the past internship and work experience you’ve had and how it has prepared you for an internship. Talk through leadership experiences you’ve had at school. Include something unique that might make you a good fit.

When closing your accounting internship cover letter, you’ll want to reference your attached resume, mention that you hope to be able to connect to discuss, and that you’re available for any additional information. Close with something professional like “sincerely” or “best regards.”

When you finish your cover letter, have a friend proofread it before you send it out. Make sure that your formatting looks good and that there are no spelling or grammatical errors.

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