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Crime & Punishment Essay Titles

IELTS Essay Questions for the Topic of Crime & Punishment. All essay questions below are reported by IELTS candidates and seem to have been repeated over the years. Regardless of the years the questions were reported, you could get any question below in your test. You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below. This topic is more likely to appear in the Academic test than the GT writing test. However, all candidates should prepare for all topics to be safe.

Crime & Punishment Essay Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2

The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to advance technology which can prevent and solve crime. Do you agree or disagree? (Reported 2017, 2021 Academic Test)
Many criminals commit further crimes as soon as they released from prison. What do you think are the causes of this? What possible solutions can you suggest? (Reported 2015, 2017, 2022 Academic Test)
It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime can be attributed to violence in the media. Do you agree that this is the main cause of juvenile crime? What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation? (common question)
In some societies, the number of crimes committed by teenagers is growing. Some people think that regardless of age, teenagers who commit major crimes should receive adult punishment. To what extent do you agree? (2020, 2023)
Some countries are struggling with an increase in the rate of crime. Many people think that having more police on the streets is the only way to reduce crime. To what extent do you agree? (2018, 2020)
Some people think that women should not be allowed to work in the police force. Do you agree or disagree?
Many crimes are often related to the consumption of alcohol. Some people think that the best way to reduce the crime rate is to ban alcohol. Do you think this is an effective measure against crime? What other solutions can you suggest?
Some people think certain prisoners should be made to do unpaid community work instead of being put behind bars. To what extent do you agree? (Reported 2017, 2020, GT Test)
Many people believe that having a fixed punishment for all crimes is more efficient. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a fixed punishment? (common question)
Some people think that the government should be responsible for crime prevention, while others believe that it is the responsibility of the individual to protect themselves. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The death penalty is the best way to control and reduce serious crime. To what extent do you agree? (2018, 2020)
While it is sometimes thought that prison is the best place for criminals, others believe that there are better ways to deal with them. What is your opinion? (common question – this is often reworded with a focus on the best ways to deal with criminals)
Crime rate, in most countries, is often higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Why do you think that is? What can be done to reduce the crime rate?
Some people think that poverty is the reason behind most crimes. Do you agree or disagree?
Internet crime is increasing rapidly as more and more people are using the internet to make financial transactions. What can be done to tackle this problem ?
Some people think that the parents of children who commit crime should also receive a punishment. Do you agree or disagree? (2020)

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. That means questions may have appeared more frequently than have been reported. These questions may vary slightly in wording and focus from the original question. Also note that these questions could also appear in IELTS speaking part 3 which is another good reason to prepare all topics thoroughly.

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50 Latest Crime IELTS Topics

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Crime and punishment IELTS model essay with vocabulary

Our band nine sample essays give you the opportunity to learn from successful essays that show off the best structure, vocabulary and grammar. This IELTS essay on crime and punishment explores the advantages and disadvantages of harsh punishment for criminals.

band Nine Sample Essay

In some countries, crimes are punished harshly. what are some advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Several nations have opted to implement a system of strict penalties, such as long jail sentences and execution, for crimes. In this essay, I will explore the advantage that this is a good deterrent with the disadvantage that this harms rehabilitation .

Punitive measures can help deter future crime. If people can see that crimes will be punished harshly, they are far less likely to want to commit a crime . Because people consider risk versus reward before acting, making crime as risky as possible by increasing punishment can stop criminals. Conversely, when countries have light punishments for crimes like shoplifting , people in those countries might feel like it is worth the risk to do these crimes.

However, these strong punishments also increase recidivism by failing to rehabilitate people. One of the main purposes of sending people to prison is to prevent them from committing crimes when they leave; however, making prisons and other punishments too strict works against this purpose. When criminals have a heavily punitive experience, they lose self-confidence and become distrustful of authority , meaning they are more likely to be involved in crime when they leave prison. Alternatively, if prisoners have access to training and support, such as drug rehabilitation programs and anger management classes, they are far more likely to rejoin society in a productive way. 

In conclusion, the correct punishment for crimes is a complex issue. On the one hand, strong measures deter crime; on the other hand, the same measures make it more likely for prisoners to reoffend .

crime and punishment vocabulary

Although crime and punishment is a common topic in the IELTS exam, there, thankfully, is not too much vocabulary you need to know for it. Let’s take a look at some of the high level vocabulary in this answer to kick start your learning.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment

Janice Thompson

Updated On Jan 12, 2024


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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment

IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

In IELTS Writing Task 2, students are asked to write a formal essay of at least 250 words, in 4-5 paragraphs based on the given writing task 2 essay topics. The task is similar for both Academic and General Training with regards to the type of questions and the scoring, but the topics given for General Training will be slightly easier than Academic. Given below is a cause and solution essay with sample answers that will help you to practise and get a good score.

Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

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Cause/ Solution Essay 


Introduce the essay topic and paraphrase it by giving a proper preface. Then, state the essay’s intent in two subsequent paragraphs, i.e., the causes and solutions for the essay topic. 

Paragraph 1: A large proportion of criminals leave prison only to reoffend, owing to a lack of rehabilitation and reskilling opportunities in prison

Paragraph 2: These criminals can take effective measures to keep engaged in activities that will help them acquire new skills.  


State the solution 

Sample Essay

Most criminals tend to commit crimes again, once they are released from jail. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation in prisons and also the difficulty they face in finding employment. There are a lot of solutions to overcome this situation. In this essay, we will explain why the criminals commit the same crime again and the reasons to overcome this.

The main reason for the repetition of crimes is the lack of reskilling options in jails. Since they are unable to find the right employment, they resort to unfair means to earn their daily bread. Another reason is that there aren’t strict laws to keep them under control.

  Some effective measures are imposing strict punishments and improving their skills like craft making, fashion designing, catering and so on. They will be engaged in work once they are out of prison and become self-sustained.

To sum up, the government must closely monitor the criminals even after they are out of prison and ensure that there is a reduction in crime rate so that we can make the world a better place to live in. 

Band 9 Sample Essay

Several criminals are likely to commit other offences after serving their initial term, owing to their incapacity to maintain economic stability and difficulty finding suitable employment. However, there are several options for dealing with this scenario, such as providing financial assistance and instilling the necessary skills. This essay will look at why criminals commit the same crimes over and over again and how to avoid them.

To begin with, most first-time convicts commit crimes after serving their first sentence due to the lack of employment options and opportunities to retrain and master new skills to make a living. Moreover, since society does not accept the convicts as respectable people anymore, they join hands with their criminal friends and perpetuate the same crimes, such as pickpocketing or robbing, to make ends meet and avail basic necessities. As a result, the financial hardships of the perpetrators prompt them to recommit the crimes regardless of the repercussions.

There are some viable measures to rehabiliate habitual criminals. The government can provide financial assistance to them after they complete their sentence as this will help them stabilize their economic status and make a living for themselves. The government can also ensure that criminals have the opportunity to retrain vital skills while in prison, as this will help them find stable work after their sentence is over and will improve their reintegration into society and financial development.

To sum up, the convicts recommit the crimes owing to a lack of financial help, job opportunities, and rehabilitation. Still, crime rates would drop considerably if the government implemented the above-mentioned measures and kept a close eye on first-time offenders once set free.

  • Rehabilitation  

Meaning: the action of restoring someone to a healthy or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness  Eg: The older woman was sent to a rehabilitation centre. 

Meaning: succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty) Eg: It was difficult for John to overcome the loss of his pet. 

Meaning: teach (a person, especially an unemployed person) new skills  Eg: The University started a reskilling program for the students. 

  • Repetition  

Meaning: the action of repeating something that has already been said or written. Eg: The staff was fired due to her repetition of mistakes. 

  • Earn (one’s) daily bread 

Meaning: to do work of any kind for a living Eg: The man earned his daily bread by working at a construction site. 

  • Self-sustaining 

Meaning: able to continue in a healthy state without outside assistance  Eg: Kay was self-sustaining from his business. 

Meaning: observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time  Eg: The teacher monitored the students during the exam. 

Meaning: make certain that (something) will occur or be the case   Eg: My mother ensured that I scored good marks. 

Meaning: turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation.  Eg: Jill had to resort to a loan from the bank. 

Meaning: force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone  Eg: The government imposed strict travel restrictions. 

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Many people argue whether every crime should have a fixed punishment. Some people disagree saying that the motive and intent of the crime must be found out.

It is believed that if the criminals are given fixed punishments, they will be more careful while performing their daily activities and will fear to do unlawful activities. This may turn advantageous to society. 

If the punishments are fixed, a lot of time and money will be saved. If different sentences are to be given, the government might have to spend more money on lawyers and on enforcing security measures. Instead of spending money on these purposes, it can be used for other sectors like education, development of society and so on.

On the other side, people think that having the same punishment for every crime may not bring justice in a real sense, because some crimes are unintentional. To avoid this, the punishments must be given knowing the real reason behind them.

Thus we can say that the main focus should be on serving equal justice to the people. There is no point in giving the same punishment for all crimes because no two crimes are of the same motive.

Other essays related to Crime and Punishment

There are also other related essays that you can make use of while practicing for writing task 2 essays. The list is given below:

  • Juvenile Criminal
  • Some people say that when children under 18 are committing a crime they should be punished, while others believe they should be educated. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
  • Studies show that criminals get a low level of education. Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is by educating people in prison so they can get a job after leaving prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?
  • Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that having these people to give a talk to school students is the best way to tell them about the dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?

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Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Proven tips to score Band 9 in IELTS Writing

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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IELTS Essays About Crime

Jump to: Opinion Essays , Discussion Essays , Discussion and Opinion Essays , or Situation Essays

Opinion Essays

The death penalty should be available as a punishment for serious crimes.

To what extent do you agree?

Certain groups of society believe that the most efficient way of lowering crime rates is to be able to implement the death penalty for crimes which are the most serious. Others believe that this is not the case and makes no difference. Personally, I am completely against the use of the death penalty and this essay shall explore some of the reasons for this view point.

Firstly, a major drawback of the death penalty is that it is irreversible and could be handed out incorrectly. Although forensic scientists are becoming more and more advanced there is still a chance that mistakes are made and innocent people are executed. A classic case of this was Colin Ross, who in 1922 was executed but later evidence proved that he was actually innocent and in fact he was later pardoned in 2008.

In addition to the above arguments is the fact that some people are of the opinion that the death penalty has no place in a civilized society. To kill another human being for whatever reason should be considered a very low immoral act which demonstrates a lack of appreciation for the precious gift of life which we have all been given. Furthermore, most major religions of the world express the need for forgiveness. Executing inmates on death row is as far from this particular teaching as you could get.

Overall, it can be said that innocent people can be executed wrongfully and that a truly developed society should be able to find a more productive way of dealing with serious criminals. I therefore remain firmly of the stand point that the death penalty is totally unethical and ineffective

Internet crime is increasing rapidly as growing numbers of people purchase goods over the internet. What can be done to tackle this problem?

Following a significant increase in the number of financial transactions taking place online in recent years, internet crime levels have also increased dramatically. I believe this is due to the fact that people often think that they are safe when they are sat behind a computer and that they cannot be caught easily. This essay shall explore some ways of reducing these types of crimes.

One of the most effective ways of reducing online crime levels might be to make every internet user log-in with their passport number or national identification card number. Most countries assign at least one of these numbers to each citizen so this would make it very easy to track down who had done what crime and when. If potential criminals were made to identify themselves online in this manner when they first log on then it may cause them to think twice about conducting illegal activities.

Another method which may also aid online crime reduction would be to regulate the websites that the general public was allowed to access. This would mean that rather than the public being able to visit any type of websites they want to, they would only be allowed to access websites which were secure and not linked in any way to criminal activity. For example, certain web-sites such as sell fire-arms and drugs and are infamous for being places where illegal activities and transactions take place. Eliminating access to them could therefore aid in crime level reduction.

Overall, making people identify themselves online and restricting access to certain web-sites could help in online crime reduction. Personally, I feel the government need to take responsibility for implementing some or all of the above ideas.

Some people believe that poverty is the cause of most crimes.

Do you agree or disagree?

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While some people believe prison is the best place for criminals others think that there are better ways to handle them.

What is your opinion?

Violence in society increases when more violence is shown on television.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In some communities the teenage crime rate is growing. Some people believe that regardless of age, teenagers who commit major crimes should receive punishment that is the same as an adults.

Some people believe certain prisoners should be forced to do community work with no pay rather than being simply kept inside a prison cell.

The crime rate nowadays is lower than in the past because of the increased use of advanced technology which can prevent and solve crimes.

Some countries are experiencing an increase in the rates of crime. Many people believe that getting more police walking the streets is the best way to prevent crime from occurring.

Discussion Essays

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Many people think that having one single fixed punishment for all crimes would be more effective.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a fixed punishment?

Discussion and Opinion Essays

Some people think that giving harsher prison sentences and punishments is the best way to reduce crime rates, others however believe there are alternative methods that need to be explored.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to hand out longer prison sentences, whilst other people think that there are better methods of doing reducing crime.

Discuss both views and give your opinion .

Some people think that the government should be responsible for reducing crime, where as others believe individuals should take responsibility for their own safety and security.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Many criminals after being released go on to commit further crimes as soon as they are allowed out of prison.

What do you think are the causes of this and what possible solutions can you suggest?

Situation Essays

In some poorer areas of large cities people are too afraid to leave their houses at night time due to a fear of crime.

What are the causes of crime in those areas and what can be done to tackle those problems?

In many large cities around the world youth crime is growing at a fast rate.

What are the reasons for this and suggest some solutions.

Crime rates in most countries are often higher in urban areas than in rural areas.

What do you think are the reasons for this and what can be done to lower the crime rates?

It is thought that the increase in youth crime rates can be linked to an increase in violence shown in the media.

Do you agree that this is the main factor causing juvenile crime and what ideas can you offer to deal with the situation?

Many crimes are often linked to the consumption of alcohol. Some people think that banning alcohol sales would dramatically reduce crime.

Do you think it is an effective measure against crime and what other solutions can you suggest?

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Band 9 sample essay about crime

Home  »  IELTS BAND 9 ESSAYS  »  Band 9 sample essay about crime

Crime is a big problem in the world; many believe that nothing can be done to prevent it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.

Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects in any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Crime prevention can be executed in various ways, firstly through a sustained honest presence in the community and secondly through international cooperation.

A local presence by incorruptible law enforcement authorities may be costly, however, the long-term investment would pay dividends in the future. A safer region would encourage trade, investment and set an invaluable example for younger generations.

For example, crime has dramatically been reduced in the Favelas around Rio de Janiero in Brazil. This was achieved largely through the government committing large funds of money to stationing police headquarters in and around the slums. These financial expenditures greatly benefited the community.

Secondly, due to the large-scale severity and the global impact that crime has in some areas of the world, global cooperation is critical. Operating in a different way would incur significant financial losses and render any expenditure futile.

For example, Somalian pirates in Africa have reigned terror amongst many ocean transport companies in the area. Only through large-scale international cooperation was policing the area possible. Therefore, crime reduction can be attributed to a joint effort between countries.

To conclude, illegal activities are a costly and dangerous fact in the present global economy; however, through large-scale government investment prevention is an attainable goal. Also, spreading the expense through international cooperation the resources invested can be significantly more effective in reducing criminals’ effectiveness abroad.

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Crime Based Opinion Essay in IELTS

Crime Based Opinion Essay in IELTS: Here’s all about the IELTS Writing Task 2 You should Know

The IELTS writing section is divided into two parts, Task 1 and Task 2. The IELTS writing task 2 consists of 66% of your marks in this section. You must allocate at least forty minutes to writing it. The essay contains at least 250 words. You will be marked on the response to the question you give, the coherence and cohesion of your answer, the vocabulary and the grammar of your answer.

These essays are formal and some common question types are discussion questions, opinion questions, advantage/ disadvantage questions, and direct questions. Writing task 2 is the same for both the academic and the general training IELTS, but the questions asked in the general training IELTS are easier and much simpler. Crime Based opinion essay is some of the most common questions asked in the IELTS writing task 2. Continue reading this article to know more about crime essays in IELTS writing task 2.

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Crime-Fighting Essay Writing in IELTS

Sample topic.

Crime is a big problem in the world; many believe that nothing can be done to prevent it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion. Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects of any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Crime prevention can be executed in various ways, firstly through a sustained honest presence in the community and secondly through international cooperation. A local presence by incorruptible law enforcement authorities may be costly, however, the long-term investment would pay dividends in the future. A safer region would encourage trade, investment and set an invaluable example for younger generations. For example, crime has dramatically been reduced in the Favelas around Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. This was achieved largely through the government committing large funds of money to station police headquarters in and around the slums. These financial expenditures greatly benefited the community.

Lead towards Conclusion

Secondly, due to the large-scale severity and the global impact that crime has in some areas of the world, global cooperation is critical. Operating differently would incur significant financial losses and render any expenditure futile. For example, Somalian pirates in Africa have reigned terror amongst many ocean transport companies in the area. Only through large-scale international cooperation was policing the area possible. Therefore, crime reduction can be attributed to a joint effort between countries. To conclude, illegal activities are a costly and dangerous fact in the present global economy; however, large-scale government investment prevention is an attainable goal. Also, spreading the expense through international cooperation the resources invested can be significantly more effective in reducing criminals’ effectiveness abroad.

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The Crime Rate in India IELTS Essay

In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can we deal with those causes? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Many nations are witnessing a drastic rise in crime rates. I think this is attributable to multiple reasons such as lack of education, unemployment, an inefficient judicial system, to name a few. Firstly, education plays a crucial role in shaping an individual’s character. It is education that makes us capable of differentiating right and wrong early in our childhood. Lack of basic education is one of the primary causes of increasing crimes. For example, in my country India, the vast majority of the population is illiterate. This has a deleterious impact on society as a whole because people turn to crime without any thought, they cannot comprehend what’s right and wrong. To deal with this issue, primary education should be made available to everyone without any fees and the government should take serious measures to make this mandatory for everybody.
Furthermore, the other main cause of the spike in crime rates is unemployment. As it is rightly said,” An empty mind is a devil’s workshop.” When people cannot find work, they have all the free time in the world. They think of crime as a shortcut to obtaining and possessing the riches of life, without any hard work. To tackle this problem, authorities should focus on increasing jobs and also introducing some compensation for unemployed people. Instead of such compensation, they should be made to do social and community work. Also, an inefficient judicial system is equally to be blamed. Failing to punish criminals in time is yet another reason why people are not afraid of committing a crime. To exemplify, India reported the cruellest and inhuman gang rape case a few years ago. It got global attention, there was a mass protest, people demanded immediate justice. Despite such a movement, it took over three years to come out with a judgment, and yet the criminals have still not been executed. In such cases, it is the slow and laid-back judicial system that is responsible for many rape cases being reported every single day. I think, if the government imposes severe implications on violating laws, crime rates will see a rapid fall.

Add Conclusion

To conclude, there is an urgent need for governments to focus on addressing illiteracy and unemployment problems, which attribute to the rise of crime rates. At the same time, it demands strengthening the judicial system so people fear the repercussions of committing a crime.

ALSO READ IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics 2021 with Answers: Common Topics for Your IELTS Preparation

Increase in Juvenile Crime IELTS Essay

It is often thought that the increase in juvenile crime can be attributed to violence in the media. What do you think is the reason for the growth in the rate of juvenile crime? What solutions can you offer to deal with this situation?

Sample Answer

It is considered by some that the high rate of juvenile delinquency is linked to the aggression displayed by the media. In my opinion, the violence portrayed by the media does play a key role in the escalating rate of crimes committed by youth; however, I also believe that video game violence contributes to this issue. Several solutions should be implemented to deal with juvenile crime. Young adults are highly influenced by the media; since the media often shows that heroes are violent and are rewarded for their behavior, they become role models for youth. In other words, young adults try to imitate the behavior they see believing it makes them “cool” to carry weapons and resolve their issues through aggression. Additionally, children who watch television become desensitized to violence and they come to see it as a way of life. Hence, vulnerable youth who have been victimized may be tempted to commit crimes as a means of resolving problems.
The impact of violent video games on adolescents is another important reason ascribing to the increase of juvenile delinquency. The atrocities and brutalities exhibited by many video games have destructive influences on the behaviour of teenagers making them more hostile. To illustrate, studies have shown that some video games can alter brain chemistry and have an effect on the development of children causing them to become addicted to the game and developing aggressive behaviour. Thus, when these youth go out in the real-world, some attempt to re-enact those games without thinking of the consequences.
There are a few effective solutions to the crimes committed by juveniles. Parents should supervise their children and monitor their actions. Adolescents should not be excessively exposed to violence. Mentoring and educating young adults about the consequences of their actions is also crucial. Another effective solution is to provide counselling and therapy for troubled children and teenagers who have had problems in the past and have a hard time dealing with them. All of the above points should be implemented to successfully decrease juvenile crime. In conclusion, supervising, guiding, and providing help for youth who are exposed to too much violence is vital to decrease the crime rate and for their overall well-being.

Also Read: How to Write Agree and Disagree Essays in IELTS? Tips to Write the Perfect Essay

This section accounts for a major portion of the writing section hence you must perform well in this section. These articles might have given you a clear idea about the different types of questions asked in the IELTS writing section 2 and how should you answer these questions to achieve a good band score. To read more such articles on the IELTS writing task 2 visit the IELTS Ninja website . You can read more about the crime essays in IELTS writing task 2 here.


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Aaditya anand.

Aaditya might have completed his engineering in computer science, but he has always had a passion for writing. He believes that writing a code and a story are much more similar than they might seem. You need to imagine the end product in both of them and you can only reach there once you start writing. Aaditya’s love for food is the only thing he can’t describe with words and more than eating he enjoys cooking for his family and friends. In his free time, Aaditya enjoys watching cricket and football. He knows how to lighten the mood with one-liners in a serious situation. If he is not writing or reading about any of his interests, you can find Aaditya in a sports bar cheering for his favourite sports club.

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IELTS Cause/Effect Essay Sample 1 – Crime

crime essay for ielts

In this post, we will look at a cause/effect essay example from the IELTS writing task 2 test. Students often ask if the questions are repeated year after year and the answer is no, but the topics are. There are so many questions written each year, you may find your practice answering various questions on different topics. For example, you could write essays to answer questions about education or the environment, which benefits you because you learn vocabulary associated with those topics and develop ideas that can help you in your writing test.

Practising writing IELTS task 2 essays on a range of topics is a great way to learn new vocabulary for those topics, but also to practice your essay structures. You begin to develop your ideas around those topics, thinking of examples and giving your opinions.

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Take a look at the IELTS essay example below >>

crime essay for ielts

Numerous ex-convicts re-offend soon after they have been freed from jail. This essay will first discuss why this is happening and secondly the negative impact it has on society.

On the one hand, the primary cause of ex-prisoners committing crimes as soon as they are out of prison is because they think that this could be the fastest way to earn money. Having a criminal record means that it is hard to find employment, which means that ex-cons cannot find suitable jobs. Most employers would be very hesitant to hire someone who has a criminal record, even though the person might have the right skills for the position. For example, an ABC 5 documentary in 2016 reported that 90% of employers would not hire an employee if they had committed criminal offences.

On the other hand, this has a detrimental effect on society, because new offences will be committed and the taxpayers will keep paying for these criminals. This will also indicate the need to have bigger prisons to accommodate prisoners, which furthermore affects the budget of a city. If more prisons are required, taxes will rise and the community will pay for these people to stay incarcerated. For example, in 2016, the Caloocan City municipality reported that they allocated 80 million pesos to extend their city jails, and this was funded by taxpayers.

In conclusion, the lack of opportunities for ex-convicts to restart their lives is the reason why they tend to commit the same mistakes. The effect is immense not only for the individual but for the whole country as well, for this can affect the economic stability.

(Word count – 270 / Band score 8)

The following video will give you contains sample Essay in audiovisual format.

Instructor Feedback on IELTS CAUSE AND EFFECT Question Essay: Crime


  • Task Achievement  – The essay provides an answer to the question asked, supported by relevant examples.
  • Coherence and Cohesion  – The answer has been divided into clear logical paragraphs and each main body paragraph only has one main idea. There are cohesive links between the main body paragraphs .
  • Lexical Resource  – There is evidence of a wide range of vocabulary, with no errors in the text.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy  – The answer has no grammatical errors. The sentences have a wide range of structures. 

Want to check more Cause and Effect Essay Samples? Check the IELTS Cause/Effect Question Essay Examples

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Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

Posted by David S. Wills | Nov 20, 2020 | IELTS Tips | 0

Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

If you have practised for IELTS writing, then you have more than likely encountered the IELTS topic of crime and punishment . I am not talking about the book by Russian novelist , Fyodor Dostoevsky. Instead, I mean the general topic that covers issues relating to crime, criminals, police, the law, and methods of punishing lawbreakers.

This is a pretty common topic in IELTS writing and also in the speaking test, so today I would like to show you some useful vocabulary and also to run through some crime and punishment IELTS essays so that you can better understand this topic.

IELTS Vocabulary for Crime and Punishment

If you want to prepare for the topic of crime and punishment, then you should learn some vocabulary to help you discuss it with ease. A great way to start is to read some news articles about crime. You can try searching your favourite English-language news source. I recommend the BBC , but any high-quality news outlet is fine. You might also find it useful to search Wikipedia for crime-related topics, such as “ capital punishment .” These will invariably contain many useful words. For example:

wikipedia article on capital punishment with highlighted vocabulary

Of course, I usually stress that you should not just learn words in isolation. Try to learn groups of words that commonly go together or longer phrases that might help you. For example, you could learn some adjectives and nouns that go together:

  • law-abiding citizens
  • hardened criminals

It is also worth noting that the word “criminal” can be a noun or an adjective:

  • criminal behaviour (adjective)
  • an unrepentant criminal (noun)

Notice that I am mixing adjectives and nouns to provide more accurate and also colourful language. This is a good way to improve your writing skills – but of course it only helps when the language is used accurately.

Here is a video that I recently made covering the topic of crime and punishment as it relates to IELTS. This includes some useful vocabulary to talk about the court system:

  • attorney vs solicitor
  • capital punishment and its synonyms
  • jail vs prison

More Vocabulary: Types of Crime and Criminals

If you want to talk about crime, then it would be useful to know the name of various crimes and also the criminal associated with them. Here’s a list of crime words I made for you:

IELTS Speaking: Crime and Punishment

The topic of crime and punishment could be considered quite controversial in some ways. Think about the issues that arise: imprisonment, violence, reforming criminals. These are serious issues that cannot be summed up in short sentences without further justification. As such, this is not a common topic for part one of the speaking test.

Likewise, you probably would not be asked to talk about this for part two. Can you imagine if the cue card said, “Describe a criminal you know?” 🤨 That would not really be appropriate. It has the potential to make people feel embarrassed or ashamed or even to completely draw a blank.

Therefore, crime and punishment mostly arises in part three of the IELTS speaking test. This is where you are asked about bigger issues that require more thought and explanation. These can be viewed as similar to the sorts of question you see in task two of the writing exam.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Crime

ielts speaking questions about crime

Here are some example questions and answers from part three of the speaking test:

Q: Do you think that young criminals should be sent to prison for serious crimes?

A: No, I do not think that it is right to send young offenders to prison. In fact, that seems to be the worst way to deal with them. In any advanced society, juvenile delinquents should be dealt with through education, with the intention of reforming them into law-abiding adults. Sending them to jail or prison simply puts them in contact with other criminals and makes them more likely to commit further offenses.

Q: What do you think makes people commit acts of violent crime?

A: Well, crimes have different motivations. Some are committed out of desperation and others are crimes of passion. In other words, they are spur-of-the-moment offenses that had no forethought. Then there are other crimes that are definitely pre-meditated. These are the worst ones and probably the hardest to pin down in terms of motivation. In any case, it is hard to say what makes people do these things, except that it depends entirely upon the individual case.

Q: Do you think that video games encourage young people to commit crimes?

A: No, absolutely not, and the scientific consensus nowadays appears to back that stance. The idea that video games encourage people to commit crimes is laughable. If this was true, we would have to go and censor TV and books, and even change how we report the news. People who are going to commit crimes do so for a variety of reasons, but to suggest that they do it to imitate a game is quite absurd. If someone really did claim that their crime was inspired by a computer game, they would probably be lying or else they had underlying mental issues that made them particularly susceptible to outside influences.

Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay Topics

This topic is much more common in the writing exam than other parts because it requires the expression of complex ideas. As such, you will see many IELTS writing task 2 questions about crime and punishment.

Common sub-topics include:

  • young people and crime
  • capital punishment
  • reasons for criminal behaviour
  • reforming offenders

Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay

Here is a quite representative task 2 essay question:

Some people think that offenders should be put in prison. Others, however, believe that providing offenders with education and training is more effective than putting them in prison. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Band 9 Answer

For thousands of years, people have discussed the different ways of dealing with criminals, and even in the modern era there is a great degree of disagreement on this subject. Some believe that prison is an effective measure, but others argue that education and training would be better. This essay will look at both sides of the argument and then argue in favour of a balanced approach.

For centuries, prisons have been used as a way of both punishing criminals and keeping them away from law-abiding citizens. Although it works as a deterrent and also as a practical means of keeping society safe, it is not without its controversy. For one thing, prisons are notorious hubs of gang activity, and impressionable young lawbreakers can easily be moulded into hardened criminals during a short stint behind bars. Moreover, prisons are violent places where young offenders can be raped, beaten, or even killed during their sentence, and when they are released they carry with them the stigma of their incarceration. This means that they will struggle to return to normal society and, for this reason, recidivism rates can be quite high in some places. Thus, although prisons are an effective means of punishing people and keeping society safe, they are not without substantial problems.

On the other hand, educating and training criminals is controversial because people tend to think of it as overly lenient. Many law-abiding citizens believe that those who break the law should be punished harshly or else there is little reason to adhere to the rules. However, this approach should not be seen as rewarding criminals but rather rehabilitating people who were pushed to extreme actions by their unfortunate circumstances. Statistically, most prison inmates come from backgrounds of poverty and abuse, so giving them a helping hand can be more beneficial than punishing them and then hoping that they do not return to a life of crime.

In conclusion, this is an extremely complex issue that requires serious scrutiny, but it appears as though prison should be reserved only for violent and habitual offenders while the majority of petty criminals should be dealt with through education and training.

Notes on the Answer

There was a lot of great vocabulary in this answer for the purposes of a descriptive and thoughtful essay:

  • impressionable young lawbreakers
  • a short stint behind bars
  • the stigma of their incarceration
  • recidivism rates
  • rehabilitating
  • requires serious scrutiny
  • petty criminals

Task 1 – Crime-related Essays

For IELTS writing task 1, it is also possible that you could have to describe data about crime. This is harder to predict because it really could be about almost anything, but here is an example of a line graph about various types of criminal activity:

newport crime rate line graph

The line graph shows changes in crime rates over a ten-year period in the city centre of Newport. Three types of crimes are listed, two of which ended the period at roughly similar levels to where they began, and one experienced a major drop.

In 2003, which was the beginning of the recorded period, burglary was the most common type of crime in Newport, with just under 3,500 cases reported. This rose slightly the following year, before entering into a long downward trend, reaching a low of about 1,200 in 2008. After this, the number of burglaries reported fluctuated until 2012.

The number of car thefts was about 2,800 in 2003, and ended the period slightly lower, at 2,700. During the decade-long period, it fluctuated, reaching low points in 2006 and 2008. Car theft was the second most common type of crime in 2003, but the fall in burglaries meant that from 2008 onwards, they were the most common crime in Newport.

Robberies were the least common crime and followed a somewhat similar trend to that of car thefts, starting and ending the period with around 700 incidents. It fluctuated only slightly during the ten-year period.

This essay originally appeared here .

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS band 9 essay: death penalty

Here you can find advice how to structure IELTS essay and IELTS model answer for death penalty topic. Question type: advantages and disadvantages .

Here is the question card:

Some people advocate death penalty for those who committed violent crimes. Others say that capital punishment is unacceptable in contemporary society.

Describe advantages and disadvantages of death penalty and give your opinion.

So this is the advantage/disadvantage essay. In this essay you're asked about :

  • Advantages of capital punishment
  • Disadvantages of capital punishment
  • Your opinion about it

Before writing this IELTS essay, you should decide what’s your opinion and then choose your arguments to describe pros and cons of death penalty. You don’t have to make up very complicate ideas. Even simple, but well-written arguments can often give you a band 9 for writing .

Some of the possible arguments :

  • Disadvantages of capital punishment :
  • we have no rights to kill other humans
  • innocent people can be killed because of unfair sentences
  • even criminals deserve a second chance
  • Advantages of capital punishment :
  • it prevents major crimes
  • it restores equilibrium of justice
  • it lessens expenses on maintenance of prisoners

How to structure my answer?

Surely, there are a lot of ways to organise this essay. But here is one possible way of structuring the answer to produce a band 9 essay :

Introduction : rephrase the topic and state your opinion.

Body paragraphs :

  • paragraph 1: disadvantages of death penalty
  • paragraph 2: advantages of death penalty

Conclusion : sum up the ideas from body paragraphs and briefly give your opinion.

Band 9 essay sample (death penalty)

Many people believe that death penalty is necessary to keep security system efficient in the society. While there are some negative aspects of capital punishment, I agree with the view that without it we will become more vulnerable to violence.

Death penalty can be considered unsuitable punishment for several reasons. The strongest argument is that we have no rights to kill other humans. Right to live is the basic right of any human being, and no one can infringe this right, irrespective of the person’s deeds. Moreover, innocent people can face wrongful execution. Such unfair sentences take away lives of innocent people and make other citizens lose faith in law and justice. And besides, sometimes criminals repent of their acts. In this case they should be given a second chance to improve themselves.

However, I believe that capital punishment is necessary in the society. Firstly, it is an effective deterrent of major crimes. The best method to prevent a person from committing crime is to show the consequences of his or her actions. For example, the government of Pakistan has controlled the rate of terrorism by enforcing death penalties for the members of terrorist organisations. Secondly, the governments spend large sums of national budget on maintenance of prisoners. Instead, this money can be used for the development of the society and welfare of the people.

To sum up, although capital punishment has some disadvantages, I think that it proves to be the best way of controlling criminals, lessening governmental expenses and preventing other people from doing crimes.

(257 words)

Useful vocabulary

capital punishment = death penalty

to commit a crime - to do a crime

deterrent of major crimes - something that prevents big crimes

to face wrongful execution - to be mistaken for a criminal and killed for that

to infringe someone’s right - restrict someone’s right, hurt someone’s interests

innocent people - people who are not guilty or responsible for crimes

to repent of something - to feel sorry for something

right to live is basic right of any human being

unfair sentence - not fair judgement

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Model IELTS Essays - Reducing Crime

IELTS essays can be on a variety of topics, and this writing sample is about  reducing crime .

As with the previous essay , there are two opinions, and you must discuss each one and your opinion must also be given.

Reducing Crime

In the previous essay, the writers opinion was given in the conclusion. In this one, a separate body paragraph discusses the writers opinion.

If you do this though you have to be very careful not to just repeat what you have said in a previous paragraph into the third paragraph.

It has to be something new.

IELTS Essays - Reducing Crime

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Essays - Model Answer:

Crime is a serious and growing problem in most societies. Although many people believe that the best way to tackle this is to place people in prison for longer periods, others are of the opinion that other measures will be more effective.

There are benefits of giving offenders longer prison sentences. Firstly, spending a long time in prison provides an opportunity for the prison services to rehabilitate a prisoner. For example, someone who has committed a serious offence such as assault will need a long time in prison in order to be sure they can be re-educated not to re-offend. In addition to this, longer prison sentences will act as a deterrent for someone who is thinking of committing a crime.

However, some people argue that leaving people in prison for a long time means that they will mix with other criminals and so their character will not improve. One alternative is community service. This gives an offender the opportunity to give something positive back to society, and so it may improve their character. Also, the government could focus its resources on the causes of crime, which would lead to less crime in the future.

In my opinion, it is important to look at alternative methods. Many countries have lengthy prison sentences, but crime has continued to increase throughout the world, so it is clear that this is not completely effective. That said, long prison sentences should remain for those who commit serious crimes such as assault or murder, as justice for the victim and their family should take priority.

To conclude, there are good arguments for and against long sentences, so governments must continue to research the various methods of crime reduction to ensure effective policies are in place.

(290 words)

Learn more crime vocabulary

The writer of this essay has produced a well balanced and coherent piece of writing.

They clearly answer the question. The first body paragraph is dedicated to discussing the merits of long sentences, and the second body looks at alternative methods. Finally, the writer provides their own opinion on the issue.

Very important for IELTS essays, each paragraph has a clear central topic which is expanded upon in the supporting sentences.

Regarding grammar, the writer has successfully demonstrated their ability to use a mix of sentence structures, including a variety of complex sentences (although... someone who... in order to... means that... which would...).

Ideas are coherently presented by using transition words (Firstly,... For example,... In addition to this,... However, .... In my opinion,... To conclude,...).

It is important in IELTS essays to have good topic related vocabulary in order to achieve a higher score, and this is evident in this piece of work (re-offend... rehabilitate... re-educated... deterrent... committing a crime...).

Also of importance with regards to vocabulary is to vary your word choices and not to repeat the same word. This can be done by using synonyms, as the writer has done with the word alternative 'ways', using variations of this (methods... measures...).

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Animal Rights Essay for IELTS: Learn how to write an essay where you have to discuss two opinions. People who believe in animal rights think that they should not be treated cruelly, for example in experiments or for sport.

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Zoo Essay: Are zoos cruel or do they protect animals?

This is a recent zoo essay question from the IELTS test (June 2018). Essay about zoos have come up a few times in the IELTS test so it's worth studying same sample questions and sample essays about the topic.

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Extraterrestrial Life Essay: Should we look for life on other planets?

This extraterrestrial life essay is an IELTS opinion essay where you have to discuss both sides of an issue then give your own opinion.

crime essay for ielts

IELTS Writing Example: What are the aims of a university education?

IELTS writing example essays. This is an essay on the aims of university education. In this essay, two opposing opinions need to be discussed. It is important to understand how to answer this type of question in the IELTS exam.

crime essay for ielts

Diet and Health Essay: Who is responsible for diet and health?

Diet and Health Essay for IELTS: This model examines the extent to which individuals or governments should be responsible for health. Read a model answer and useful comments about the essay which will help you to improve your IELTS Score.

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IELTS Writing: IELTS Writing is the first segment of the IELTS examination where you have to complete two different writing tasks within 60 minutes. The writing task format of IELTS topics varies as per the type of examination you are taking and the set you have received. However, you need to remember that, it is important to complete the first writing task within 20 minutes and you should spend more time on task 2. It is recommended because task two carries more points than task one as it demands your opinion and personal view coherently.

In this article, we are going to  discuss the IELTS Writing with its Format, Important Topics, and Tips to Prepare in detail.


Table of Content

IELTS Writing Section – Overview

Pattern of the ielts writing module, format for academic ielts writing task 1, format for academic ielts writing task 2.

  • Tips To Prepare – Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 and 2

Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 – Tips to Prepare

Academic ielts writing task 2 – tips to prepare, format and tips for general training ielts writing task 1, format for general training ielts writing task 1.

Before we start to talk about the IELTS writing in detail, we need to know about the structure and overview of the whole segment for both types of the IELTS examination. For the Academic Writing test, you will get a picture in the form of a graph, chart, table, map, or process diagram. Your writing paper can be a bit hard when you get a mixed table in task one. On the other hand, in the Gerneral Writing test, you need to write a formal or an informal letter, based on the given situation. Writing tasks two are the same for both Academic and General Writing tests, where you need to streamline your point of view or opinion in a well-structured manner. Here is the general overview of the IELTS Writing tasks as mentioned below.

The writing module of the IELTS examination consists of three different tasks. Apart from these three, there is no other writing types present in the IELTS. These tasks generally vary based on the type of IELTS examination you are taking. For task one, you need to write 150 – 160 words only and for task two you should write 250 – 260 words where you have to discuss your view as per the given statement. Let us discuss this in detail.   

There is a certain format of the Academic IELTS Writing Task 1. By following that you can easily secure the higher band score in writing task one in the Academic IELTS Writing. Here is the decoded format for the Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 as mentioned below. 

You need to remember some other general facts about Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 as mentioned below.

Also Read: Latest IELTS Writing Task 1 Topics 2024- (Graphs, Charts, Maps, Processes)

For Academic IELTS Writing Task 2, you need to follow some processes to draft your writing. Your response needs to be logical, structured, and coherent. For Academic IELTS Writing Task 2, you need to remember that you have to write the whole idea in one direction. If you mix up the things in your writing, it will decrease your score then and there. You need to remember that if you mix up the things in your article, there is no way to fix them. So be careful. Here is the structure for the Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 as mentioned below. 

You need to remember some other general facts about Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 as mentioned below.

Also Read: Common IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics 2024

Tips to Prepare – Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 and 2

To achieve a higher band score in IELTS Writing is not an easy task. You need to remember certain things while you are taking Academic IELTS. Here are some major tips to secure high band scores in Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 and 2 as mentioned below.

As we have mentioned earlier Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 is a Report Writing task Based On Some Given Structures. So it is important to be attentive and careful with your observations. Here are some major tips for Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 as mentioned below. 

Let us take an example from IELTS Cambridge Book 17. (Image Needed: Please Take The Ref. Image)

Police Budget The table and charts detailed below give information about the police budget in 2017 and 2018 in on area of Britain. The table illustrates where the money came from and the charts show how it was distributed.
Master Tips For Academic IELTS Writing Task 1: Use different grammatical constructions to describe diffent trends. Example: “Which Rose”, “With An Increase”, etc.

As we have mentioned earlier Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 is a opinion based writing. So it is important to generate the ideas and aspects based on the given topics. There are almost 10 types  of Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 but 4 are the major. Here are some major tips for each of those types as mentioned below. 

As the IELTS Writing Task 2 is same for both IELTS General Training and Academic so you can follow the same for both.

There is a certain format of the General Training IELTS Writing Task 1. By following that you can easily secure the higher band score in writing task one in the General Training IELTS Writing. Here is the decoded format and related tips for the General Training IELTS Writing Task 1 as mentioned below.

Expert Tips For IELTS Writing:

  • Always be careful with the “Oxford Comma”.
  • Do not break some particular words specifically the auxiliary verbs. Use “Don’t” not “Do Not”. It will decrease your score.
  • Try to write meaningful complex sentences and compound sentences.
  • Use more connecting words as much as you can but sentences have to be meaningful.
  • Do not use the simple sentences too much. It will decrease the quality and score as well.
  • Try to write in a single tense throughout.
  • Avoid using passive voice.

Here is the general format for the General Training IELTS Writing Task 1 as mentioned below.

Dear Kanika, (OPENING SALUTATION) It’s been a while since I’ve heard from you. ________________ (BODY PARAGRAPH 1) ____________________________ (BODY PARAGRAPH 2) Hope to hear from you soon. (COMPLIMENTARY CLOSURE) Best Wishes Deeksha (CLOSING SALUTATION)

There are some points you need to remember during the writing of the General Training IELTS Task 1 as mentioned below.

  • Sender’s address: You need to mention the sender address that is usually written in the top left corner of the page.
  • Date: It is written below the sender’s address.
  • Recipient’s address: You need to write is it in the top right corner of the page.
  • Salutation: It is usually followed by the recipient’s name.
  • Body: The body of the letter is where you write the main content of your letter.
  • Closing: It is the closing statement which is usually followed by your signature.

The writing task format of IELTS topics varies as per the type of examination you are taking and the set you have received. However, you need to remember that, it is important to complete the first writing task within 20 minutes and you should spend more time on task 2. For the Academic Writing test, you will get a picture in the form of a graph, chart, table, map, or process diagram. Your writing paper can be a bit hard when you get a mixed table in task one. On the other hand, in the Gerneral Writing test, you need to write a formal or an informal letter, based on the given situation. Writing tasks two are the same for both Academic and General Writing tests, where you need to streamline your point of view or opinion in a well-structured manner.

People Also Read: IELTS Exam Fees 2024 (Revised Fee): Registration & Cancellation IELTS Fee in India IELTS Eligibility 2024: Check Minimum Age Limit, Qualification & Score Required IELTS Exam Syllabus 2024 (Section-Wise): Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking IELTS Academic vs General Tests – What’s the Difference?

IELTS Writing- FAQs

How can i improve my ielts writing ideas.

Do some brainstorming before you start to write. Organize your ideas well into groups. Then explain those ideas using good examples.

What is the most important thing in IELTS writing?

A few key ideas here are topic sentences, supporting ideas, and staying on topic. The IELTS speaking exam might be like chatting with your friend, but not Task 2 of the writing. You have to stay on topic and answer the question fully and directly. Not doing this will really limit your score.

Is getting 7 in IELTS writing easy?

One of the key differences between Band 6 and 7 is that a 7 needs to have frequent sentences with no errors, and this is a really difficult transition for students to make. Many students I have taught understand the structure of IELTS essays and the content needed, plus they have a good range of vocab.

Why is IELTS writing difficult?

Many candidates find the IELTS writing test difficult because they write too slowly. If you find yourself running out of time or struggling to put the pen down, it’s time to write faster! The fastest way to accomplish this is to start taking timed tests under real examination conditions.

Is 7.5 a good IELTS score?

Yes, 7.5 is a good IELTS score. Scoring 7.5 means you are a good user of the language and can handle complex usage of the language.


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Donald Trump’s Hush-Money Trial Is a Referendum on Truth

T he closing arguments for Donald Trump’s hush-money trial have ended and a jury now decides Trump’s fate in a Manhattan courtroom. But in many ways, it is truth itself that is on trial.

For the past several weeks, jurors have heard arguments regarding Trump’s alleged attempt to disinform Americans and sway the 2016 presidential election by falsifying business records and concealing hush-money payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Depending on your view of Trump, the trial is either a much-awaited moment of accountability or a politically motivated case of prosecutorial overreach. But the case represents something more than the guilt or innocence of the former president—it is a referendum on whether facts and law still matter. Depending on which view one has of the case, the verdict likely will be seen as a commitment to the rule of law or a miscarriage of justice.

First comes the finding of facts. In our post-truth era, a jury’s quest for the facts may seem like a quaint notion. Yet every day in courtrooms across America, citizens selected at random gather to discern facts from evidence and render verdicts. Their verdicts to hold people accountable for committing crimes is what upholds the rule of law.

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In Trump’s case, the jury will soon deliberate on whether Trump falsified business records regarding the payment of $130,000 to Daniels, and did so with intent to conceal violations of campaign and tax laws. According to the testimony of former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, the October 2016 release of a recording of Trump making disparaging comments about groping women on an open mic for the Access Hollywood television show made it imperative to prevent another disclosure about sexual impropriety before the election. Unless Trump blocked Americans from learning about his alleged act of adultery, Cohen testified, Trump believed his campaign would suffer a “ total disaster .”  In addition, David Pecker , former publisher of the National Enquirer, testified at trial that in August 2016, shortly after Trump became the GOP nominee for president, he paid $150,000 to silence former Playboy model Karen McDougal regarding a extra-marital relationship with Trump.

Some critics of the case argue that there is nothing illegal about paying hush money, and that charges would not have been filed at all if the defendant’s name were anything other than Donald Trump. Testimony during the trial has disclosed that other famous men entered agreements with AMI, the parent company of the National Enquirer, to kill stories alleging extra-marital affairs.

But that criticism misses the point. It is not the payment of hush money alone that is the crime. It is the cover-up by someone who is a candidate for president. Running for public office brings with it the responsibility of filing accurate campaign finance reports. The indictment charges that when Trump allegedly caused 34 checks, invoices, and ledger entries to be falsely characterized as legal expenses, he intended to conceal violations of state and federal campaign finance laws as well as tax laws. New York law makes it a crime to conspire to promote or prevent the election of a candidate by illegal means. Federal law prohibits corporate contributions, like the one made by AMI, and limits the amount of individual contributions to $2,700, far below the $130,000 allegedly made by Cohen. When Trump reimbursed Cohen, he allegedly falsely characterized the payments as income, resulting in the tax charge.

In addition to violating the law, the alleged scheme, if true, also betrays the trust of the American people. Voters have a right to know the facts about a candidate when casting their ballots. If candidates can covertly manipulate public perception to serve their own interests, they undermine the public’s ability to make decisions based on facts.

The jurors will decide whether the prosecution has met its burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and return a verdict. The prosecution’s case is far from perfect. Daniels and Cohen both admitted to making prior inconsistent statements. Cohen, who went to prison for perjury, even admitted to stealing money from the former president. Even if convicted, as a first-time offender, Trump is unlikely to face a prison term of any significance or be removed from the ballot as the presumptive GOP nominee for president. But the verdict will likely elicit strong opinions, even from people who did not listen to all of the evidence or review all of the exhibits, as the jury did.

Read More: What Happens if Trump Is Convicted? Your Questions, Answered

This is where the rule of law will be tested. As a former prosecutor, I was trained to argue cases in court zealously, but to accept a jury’s verdict with respect, even when it was not the decision I had sought. I learned to acknowledge that reasonable minds can disagree, and that it is more important to uphold public confidence in our legal system than to obtain a conviction in any particular case. To support our legal system means that we focus on a fair process, and tolerate decisions with which we disagree. Otherwise, our criminal justice system would fall apart.

But throughout this trial, Trump and his supporters have groomed the public to distrust the fairness of the trial. Trump has called the case a “sham” and “a Biden show trial, ” even though the case was brought by a state court prosecutor outside the president’s federal chain of command. Trump has called Justice Juan Merchan “corrupt” and “highly conflicted. ” Trump even falsely claimed that the gag order entered to prevent either party from making comments outside of court about witnesses, court staff and jurors prevents him from testifying, a “misunderstanding” Justice Merchan corrected on the record, but a narrative that Trump can use to explain away a decision not to testify.

On May 14, a group of Republican members of Congress attended the trial, dressed in identical navy blue suits with white shirts and red ties. Outside the courthouse, they addressed the media, and House Speaker Mike Johnson disparaged all of the pending criminal cases against Trump. “These are politically motivated trials, and they are a disgrace,” he said. “It is election interference.” Their unity and uniforms signaled an allegiance to one man over the rule of law.

Their stunt was the latest chapter in Trump’s playbook to disparage institutions that might stand in his way. By undermining public confidence in potential critics, Trump can downplay their inevitable criticism as illegitimate. Blunting potential critics is the reason he refers to the media as “the enemy of the people” and career civil servants as “the deep state.” And now, according to Trump, any case filed to hold him accountable for alleged criminal conduct is simply “election interference.” Not only do these claims provide pretextual defenses for Trump, they also tend to reduce public confidence in the institutions of democracy.

The jury’s decision in this case will end this trial. But public opinion will render the verdict on truth and the future of our faith in the justice system.

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    Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay Topics. This topic is much more common in the writing exam than other parts because it requires the expression of complex ideas. As such, you will see many IELTS writing task 2 questions about crime and punishment. Common sub-topics include: young people and crime; capital punishment; reasons for criminal behaviour

  20. IELTS Essay: Crime Rates and Technological Prevention

    Practice with the related IELTS essay topic below: Some people believe that there should be a fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

  21. IELTS Writing band 9 sample: death penalty

    Surely, there are a lot of ways to organise this essay. But here is one possible way of structuring the answer to produce a band 9 essay: Introduction: rephrase the topic and state your opinion. Body paragraphs: paragraph 1: disadvantages of death penalty. paragraph 2: advantages of death penalty. Conclusion: sum up the ideas from body ...

  22. IELTS Essays: What is the best way to reduce crime?

    IELTS Essays - Reducing Crime. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  23. IELTS Writing: Format, Important Topics, Tips to Prepare

    The essay type of the IELTS is the common section in writing. The section asks for your opinion on a certain topic which can be descriptive and argumentative. Candidates are advised to maintain a word strength of 250 - 260 for this particular segment. Format for Academic IELTS Writing Task 1.

  24. Debunking 12 Myths About Trump's Conviction

    At the time of Trump' s indictment, Bragg, had already filed 120 cases alleging violations of 175-10, all of them in the first degree based on the concealment or commission of another crime ...

  25. Donald Trump's Hush-Money Trial Is a Referendum on Truth

    New York law makes it a crime to conspire to promote or prevent the election of a candidate by illegal means. Federal law prohibits corporate contributions, like the one made by AMI, and limits ...