English Summary

Short Essay on Last Day at School in English for Students and Children

300-word essay on last day at school.

Everyone loves school life and mostly the beautiful events which one experiences in a school. People develop a sense of emotional and social connection with the school. The school teaches us so many life lessons and values.

But, there comes a day when we all need to part away from our school and our friends. It is difficult for anyone to leave the school one day and forever. When I recall my last day at school, I become very emotional. It was a moment of painful separation.

That day it felt like we had a really short journey together that it passed so fast. Some of my friends became too emotional that tears started rolling down their cheeks. There was a small gathering arranged in our school hall.

Our juniors welcomed us to the hall which was decorated for us. Everyone gathered to bid us goodbye and to wish us for a better future. Our juniors gave speeches. Some of them sang and danced for us. They also asked us to give speeches. Some of my friends and I went to the stage and performed a group song. I also gave a speech on how we spent our school days there.

The day was a mixture of sadness and happiness. I felt happy I was going to a new school. I was sad because I was leaving my teachers and was parting from our dearest friends. It was a hard day for every one of us. This is how I experienced my last day at school.

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My Last Day at School Essay for 10th Class with Quotations

My Last Day at School Essay

My Last Day at School Essay

Here I am going to write “my last day at school essay for 10th class with quotations”.

My Last Day at School Essay Easy

The day when I was free from school for appearing in the Matriculation Examination was a remarkable day in my life. Our class was given a farewell party by the 9th class. It was my last day at school. The host class made all the arrangements for the party. The school was decorated with charts buntings.

The party began at 4 a.m. Hafiz Saeed recited the Holy Quran, and Hamid presented a Naat. Mr. Masud, the monitor of the host class made a moving speech. He mentioned our deep association with the school and their class. His speech was full of praise and appreciation for the outgoing class. He wished us success in the future.

On behalf of my class, I thanked the host. I admired the praise-worthy arrangements by the host class. I expressed my sadness to leave the school where I was educated and got training of my mind and body. It was a sacred place for me where I got knowledge and learning.

In the end, the Principal delivered the closing words. He gave us some pieces of advice in his farewell speech. He stressed inculcating a spirit of service and patriotism. After his encouraging speech, the program came to an end. In the end, a feast was waiting for us. In which Biryani and cold drinks were served. I cannot forget this memorable day in my life.

My Last Day at School Essay for 10th Class Outstanding

My last day at school is a very memorable day in my life. We had completed two years of education at the school. During that period, we developed sincere relations and made true friends. It seemed that the happy days would never come to an end. But the day of separation reached at last.

“The Two Best Days at School, The First and The Last.” 

Parting is always associated with gloom and grief. The place one loves to stay at cannot be easily forgotten. Thus it haunts the mind in the years to come. The good past days come to mind and their remembrance makes us sometimes sad and many times delighted. Actually, life is full of sad as well as happy incidents. Some of them may be forgotten whereas others may be stored in memory. So write down the sad incidents and drown them in the sea but carve the good incidents on marble and store them because:  “Memories never die.” 

Helen Keller was a dumb and deaf American authoress. She says, “We do not value things until we lose them.” Her words echoed in my mind on my last day at school. At that moment, I realized how dearly I cherished the school I was going to leave. I felt somebody drawing my soul out of my body. Hence, in the storehouse of my school memories, enriched with many pearls and pebbles, collected over the last two years, the last day at the school occupies a very conspicuous position as it is said: 

“Memory is a man’s real possession… In nothing else is he rich, in nothing else, is he poor.” (Alexander Smith) 


“Own only what you can carry with you; know the language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag.” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn) 

It has mixed feelings of sadness and bliss. During my two years stay at school. I did never feel that I had developed a strong and deep association with the school. Hence, the very idea of my last day at school makes me sad and gloomy. 

A great asset is a glorious past, 

It urges man to work hard. (R.M.) 

On my last day at school, I got ready early in the morning and reached school at about 8:00 am to spend the whole day at the school campus. It was a chilly but sunny day. The students of the 9th arranged a farewell party in honor of the outgoing students. It was to be held in the big Hall. The farewell function started at 10:00 am. All the students sat very peacefully with the worthy Principal and the Professors.

First of all, a student from the 9th class rose to speak. He appreciated our behavior and dealings with them. He enumerated the good events and good days spent with us and then bade us farewell. Then, I. on behalf of my class was asked to speak a few words. I thanked the 9th class students for arranging a grand party. I also thanked the teachers and office staff for their guidance and cooperation during our stay at the school and hoped that they would guide us in the future as well. I was constrained to pay tribute to them because: 

“Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies.” (Charles E. Jefferson)

“Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.” (Jacques Maritain) 

My feelings at that time were a mixture of gaiety and sadness. I was gay at the thought that the first phase of my school career had been successfully completed. I could not help feeling sad also because I was going to leave behind the institution where I had passed two gleeful years of life. I was so overwhelmed with passion that I moved to tears and a wave of sadness ran across the whole atmosphere.

Then the Principal rose to speak. He told us various valuable precautionary measures and practical tips beneficial for the examination. He guided us on how to attempt the paper, finish it well in time and revise it. He reminded us of our duties as students and citizens of the state. He stimulated us to fight against evils. He advised us to remain staunch Muslims and true Pakistanis wherever we go and whatever we do.

He quoted many precedences from the pious life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and our national heroes to lead a successful practical life. He urged us to work hard and bring a good name to our Alma Mater, our parents and the country so that a positive image of Pakistan may emerge in the comity of nations. He very wisely explained to us, “Purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. As long as you live, continue learning how to live.” Then he explained to us: 

“The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.” (Robert Maynard) 

At the end of the academic reference, an elaborate dinner was served in our honor as we had also done a year before. After the dinner, there was a variety show. The students sang songs, performed skits and other fun-fair items. Then we were bidden farewell formally. But I could not move off without having a last glimpse of the school. 

I went to the Union Office and sat there for a few moments. I recalled the last election of the school Union. I remembered how we formed a new organization to beat the old organizations. Hundreds of students moved about enthusiastically day in and day out to canvass for their candidates. What a period of bliss, delight, fervor and enthusiasm! Then I moved to the library. I remembered how I had access to rare and valuable books. I walked along the rows of almirahs and shelves of books and looked at the countless books wistfully.

Afterward, I went to the laboratory. I recalled the happy instructive hours spent there. Now, the memories of the classroom were stirred up. How often did I feel bored? How often did I dislike some of the professors for their strictness about the percentage of attendance and laboratory work? How often did we speak ill of the Principal for his strict discipline and for turning down some of our requests? But on that day, all of those feelings had transformed into love, respect and regard. 

“No matter how much you think you hate school, You’ll always miss it When you leave.”

I was so lost in the memories and thoughts that I did not realize the late afternoon, In the meantime, Mr. Hamza stroked at my shoulder and we started to the gate. My mind was crowded with the thoughts of friends, kind, affectionate professors and the fatherly Principal. I was constrained to utter: 

Farewell my friends; Farewell my foes;  My peace with these; My love with those. (Robert Burns)

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My Last Day At School Essay With Quotation

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My last day at school essay with quotations.

Every student’s last day at school brings a mixture of joy and sorrow into their lives. I am leaving school today. Despite being very happy about the flowering holidays, I’m sad about leaving my friends, teachers, and Alma mater. Students can read My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class with Quotations here.

Moreover, now I’ll step into college life and meet new teachers and friends. Today is our last day at school. My classmates are very happy because they are entering college life. 9th class students organized a farewell party for us. Today is a holiday and only 9th and 10th-class students must attend school.

To begin with, we will take some pictures of each other, since photographs are the best way to remind us of our past and happy memories. After taking some pictures the party began. One of the 9th-class students recited the Surah Yaseen to start the party. After this, they performed some dramas to make the day memorable. Our teachers have also arranged competitions like banana-eating and many others. We are very excited to have a day like this.

My last day at school quotations:

  • The two best days of school: the first and the last.
  • The first day of school: the day the countdown to the last day of school begins.
  • Finish the year strong!
  • “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Dr. Suess
  • Let the next adventure begin! Happy last day!
  • Look how far you’ve come!
  • Happiness is the last day of school!
  • A teacher’s three favorite words: June, July, and August
  • You remind me of school in the summertime: no class.
  • “No, you can’t have extra credit. It’s the last day of school.” – Every teacher
  • School is out for the summer. School is out forever. 
  • No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers’ dirty looks.
  • So long school! Hello, summer!
  • School is out! Scream and shout!
  • Keep calm and finish strong.
  • Every end is a beginning. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”
  • “Every beginning has an end.”
  • “No matter how much you hate school, it will still be in your memory.”
  • “His words were sweeter than honey.”
  • “The most significant asset is the wonderful part. It motivates men to work hard.”
  • “We must have old memories and young hopes.”
  • The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

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Essay on Last Day of School

Students are often asked to write an essay on Last Day of School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Last Day of School

The anticipation.

The last day of school is always filled with mixed emotions. Excitement for the upcoming holidays, sadness for saying goodbye to friends, and relief from the daily routine.

The Farewell

The celebration.

The day concludes with celebrations. Parties, games, and final group photos mark the end of another school year.

As we leave the school gates, we look forward to the holidays, and the new adventures that await us next year.

250 Words Essay on Last Day of School

The mixed emotions of the last day.

The last day of school is a paradoxical blend of joy and melancholy. It marks the culmination of a significant chapter in our lives, brimming with a vast array of emotions. On one hand, there’s the exhilaration of stepping into a new phase of life, while on the other, there’s the sorrow of bidding adieu to familiar faces and cherished memories.

The Anticipation of New Beginnings

The last day of school is a stepping stone to the future. It’s the day when the cocoon of school life breaks open, unveiling a world of infinite possibilities. The anticipation of new beginnings, be it college, a job, or a gap year, is palpable. This day embodies the transition from the safety and predictability of school to the uncertainty and excitement of the real world.

The Nostalgia of Past Memories

Simultaneously, the last day is a nostalgic trip down memory lane. As we clean out our lockers and say our goodbyes, we’re reminded of the countless memories we’ve created. From the first day of kindergarten to the final high school prom, every moment becomes a cherished memory. The friendships forged, the lessons learned, the triumphs and failures, all contribute to the bittersweet symphony of the last day.

The last day of school is a milestone that marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another. It’s a day of celebration, reflection, and anticipation. As we step out of the school gates for the last time, we’re not just leaving behind a building, but a significant phase of our lives. It’s an emotional farewell, but also a hopeful hello to the future.

500 Words Essay on Last Day of School

Introduction, the emotional roller coaster.

The last day of school is a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, there is the exhilaration of having completed an important phase of life. The feeling of accomplishment is immense, as we realize that we have successfully navigated the challenges of school life, from academic pressures to social dynamics. On the other hand, there is a sense of melancholy. The realization that we won’t be seeing our friends, teachers, and the school premises on a daily basis can be overwhelming. We are leaving behind a comfort zone, a place that has been a second home for many years.

Reflections and Farewells

The last day of school is a time for reflection. It’s a time to look back at the journey, to remember the highs and lows, the triumphs and failures. It is also a time to acknowledge the role that the school has played in our lives, shaping our personalities, instilling values, and equipping us with knowledge and skills. The farewell ceremonies, the signing of yearbooks, the tearful goodbyes – all these are poignant reminders of the bonds that we have formed and the memories that we have created.

Stepping into the Future

Perhaps the most significant aspect of the last day of school is that it is a stepping stone into the future. It is a rite of passage, a transition from one phase of life to another. As we bid goodbye to our school days, we are also preparing ourselves for the next stage – be it college, work, or other pursuits. The last day of school is a reminder that change is inevitable, and that we must learn to adapt and grow.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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English Essay on “My Last Day at School” complete Paragraph and Speech for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation Classes.

My Last Day at School

The last day at school comes on the conclusion of the academic year of the 12th class. Before the start of examinations students of this class are given a farewell party by the next lower class. Since such functions are an annual affair, some solemnity attaches to them and students as well as teachers take part in it.

My last day at school was marked by more or less the same feelings. It fell on the 28th of February. The school hall was decorated. A platform was raised and chairs arranged in many rows. Teachers sat in the front row and since I had been the monitor of my class, I was also given a place in the first row. Soon the hall was full.

The Principal presided over the function. Since the examinations were at hand we could hardly lose time in making long speeches and unnecessary formalities The Principal spoke for ten minutes. He recalled the years long association of the outgoing class with the rest of the school and exhorted other classes to follow the example of our class in the best “traditions of the school.

After that, there was a tea party the students of the 11th class were host to it. I was told to speak a few words to them, which I did. But soon my heart began to throb at the idea of parting. I recalled how we had played, read and sat together. How we were displeased at one moment and were the same friends at the next. Speaking at such function was a maiden experience in my life yet I made a fine job of it though I was later told that my voice trembled as I spoke.

The hosts gave us a farewell speech. The monitor of their class, Sanchit Sharma, spoke highly of us He recalled the guidance which we had been giving them from time to time. He said that though we were parting from the school this year yet they would join us next year in this great school of life—the world.

Party over, a group photograph was arranged. We were free now. I deposited my borrowed books with the library and got a clearance certificate. The joyful attitude of my heart gave place to anxiety and seriousness. The very idea of examinations at hand completely gripped my mind and I hurried to my house without loss of time to bury my head in books.

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Essay on “My Last Day at School” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

My Last Day at School

Essay No. 01

The last day at school comes at the conclusion of the academic year of the 12th class. Before the start of examinations students of this class are given a farewell party by the next lower class. Since such functions are an annual affair, some solemnity is attached to them, and students, as well as teachers, take part in it.

My last day at school marked by more or less the same feelings. It fell on the 28th of Feb., 2002. The school hall was decorated. A platform was raised and chairs arranged in many rows. Teachers sat in the front row and since I had been the monitor of my class I was also given a place in the first row. Soon the hall was full.

The occasion was highly emotional. All the outgoing students looked very serious. Everyone seemed to be missing the school days on the one hand and looking forward into the unknown land of the future, all uncertain and vague. No doubt the new life, that is, college life seemed more glamourous ahead of us but taking the responsibilities of new life seemed more difficult.

The Principal presided over the function. Since the examinations were at hand so we could hardly lose any time in making long speeches and unnecessary formalities. The Principal spoke for ten minutes. He recalled the years-long association of the outgoing class with the rest of the school and exhorted other classes to follow the example of our class in the best traditions of the school.

There was a tea party. The students of the 11th class were host to it. I was told to speak a few words to them, which I did. But soon my heart began to throb at the idea of parting. I recalled how we had played, read, and sat together. How we were displeased at one moment and were the same friends at the next. Speaking at such functions was a maiden experience in my life yet I made a fine job of it though I was later told that my voice trembled as I spoke.

The hosts gave us a farewell speech. The monitor of their class, Sanchit Sharma, spoke highly of us. He recalled the guidance which we had been giving them from time to time. He said that though we were parting from the school this year yet they would join us next year in this great school of life—the world.

Party oven a group photograph was arranged. We were free now. I deposited my borrowed books with the library and got a clearance certificate. The joyful attitude of my heart gave place to anxiety and seriousness. The very idea of examination at hand completely gripped my mind and I hurried to my house without loss of time to bury my head in books.

Essay No. 02

The last day at school is a memorable day for every student. It is a day of mixed feelings like feelings of sadness as well as happiness because while it marks the end of our school life and separation from old teachers and friends, it opens the door of college life exciting from every angle.

In short, we have joys, we have sorrows, we meet and then we depart. First, there was a day when I had joined the school, and now comes that day, which is my last day in school.

I remember it was chilly February, and only a month was left for our Board Examinations. Since our syllabus was over, our Principal had declared preparatory holidays.

All students were asked to clear their accounts and return their library books for the use of ensuing batches. After the recess, we were asked to gather in the assembly hall, where the Principal had delivered a short speech concerning our future and wished us success for the coming examinations.

Then I and my friends shook hands and hugged each other and we all cracked jokes. The thing I enjoyed most was when a group of friends scribbled messages on each other’s school uniforms. Then it was time to click photographs with friends and teachers for future memories.

My last day at school was thus full of feelings both of joy and sadness.

Essay No. 03

The 3rd March 1990, was my last day at school. I was both happy and sad-happy at the prospect of joining a college and sad at the thought of leaving my school where I had spent seven years of my life. I reached school at 9.15 a.m. I had with me only one book which I had borrowed library. All the 10th class students came to school without their satchels. There was no teaching on that day. I went to the library and returned the book. Then got a ‘No Dues Slip’ signed by the librarian and teachers I handed it over to the clerk and received my Roll Number slip. I could not solve some problems in Geometry so I went to the Mathematics teacher and got my difficulties solved. I also met my friends. Some of them talked of the coming examination while others talked of their future career. A farewell party was arranged for 5 p.m. The students of the 11th class played the host. The program consisted of a short variety show and a few speeches. Some students of the 11th class sang a humorous ‘qawwali’ describing their teachers and their stay in the school. Our principal gave a brief speech assuring that our memory will remain in the nooks and corners of the school forever. The principal inspired the outgoing students to work hard for success and to be noble citizens of India in the future. When the function was over, I shook hands with my friends, respectfully bade my teacher’s good-bye, and returned home.

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My Last Day At School English Essay for Students

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My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class in Simple English

Here down on this page we are going to provide you the My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class in Simple English. No student can forget the first and last day of their school as it holds prominent significance in their whole educational career timeline. I still remember the last day of school which is still fresh in my memories. There are so many unforgettable memories that are connected with school life but nothing can replace the last day of school. Like every single time, I started recalling the last day of school; it made me so much emotional every time. I make pleasure by my recalling that leisure time.

My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class

My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class in Simple English

We got together in a friendly chat with everyone before the start of the event and then finally the event started with the recitation of the Holy Quran.  The comparer of the event welcomes the participants for this day. The whole event was based on the program that was put into the categories of the variety of shows as well as plays and songs that was prepared by the junior students. These programs and shows are also based on the good and bad memories of our school tenure. Some of the junior students even read out farewell poetry as well.

Our headmaster ended the event by advising all the students to work hard in their life ahead and pray for excellent results and a brighter future.  This event made so many of the teachers and students emotional as well. Autographs of teachers and best friends and other gifts are still decorated on the wall of my home. This was the memory of My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class in Simple English which stays with me. It ultimately refreshes the time I have spent in my school.

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My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class with Quotations

The last day of school brings mingled fillings of Joy and sorrow into everyone’s life. Today is my last day at school. I’m very happy because flowering holidays are ahead but I’m sad too due to parting from my friends, teachers, and Alma mater. Here students read about My Last Day at School Essay For the 10th Class with Quotations. Moreover, now I’ll step into my college life as well and I’ll meet new teachers and friends. Today is our last day at school. My every classmate is very happy because they are going to step into college life. 9th class students have arranged a farewell party for us.

Today is a holiday and only 9th and 10th class students were asked to come to school. First of all, we will take some photographs with each other because photos are the best way to remember our past and happy moments. After taking some pictures the party began. One of the 9th-class students recites the Surah Yaseen to start the party. After this, they performed some dramas to make the day memorable. Our teachers have also arranged some competitions like banana-eating and many others. We are very excited to have a day like this.

My Last Day At School Quotations For 10th Class

We will provide here sad, famous last day of school quotes and Missing school life quotes. This is the day when teachers are treating us like their friends. We feel sad because we are going to miss our teachers as well as our fellow students. We have done many things with each other and never missed our last trip to Murree. Every teacher is advising us to do well in our future life.

My Last Day at School Essay For 10th Class

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Essay on My Last Day at School with Quotations

Finally, the wait is over, our principal has arrived. Our principal is very polite as well as a Nobel person. He has advised us to work hard, so he can feel proud of us. He has also wished us to best of luck in our lives. The speech was full of emotions and motivation. At the end of the speech, everyone’s tears were shaded. In the end, he made a promise to us that we would work hard in the future. At the end of the day, we were served Samosas and Cold Drinks. We enjoyed that treat from our juniors. After eating those things the prize distribution started.

my last day at school essay with quotations

The principal has distributed prizes to all participants. After this, we moved to our homes with a dream in our eyes to work hard in the future. I’m going to miss my school life especially my last day at school. School may be hard, annoying, and irritating but admit it, you are going to miss it when it ends.

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My Last Day at School Essay for 10th Class

easy essay my last day at school

  • December 18, 2023

Kainat Shakeel

The last day at the school is a capstone of times of hard work, growth, and fellowship. For numerous, it’s a day where the weight of academic achievements mingles with the sentimental value of shared moments with friends and instructors. 

Reflections on School Life:

Nostalgia envelops us as we memorize about the laughter, the challenges, and the unvarying support of friends and teachers. The last day is an oil painting with the vibrant tinges of recollections that have shaped our identity. 

The Farewell Ceremony:

The farewell ceremony is a vital part of the last day, where speeches reverberate with gratefulness and expressions of appreciation. It’s a time to admit the benefactions of teachers and the enduring friendships that have survived the storms of academia.

Saying Goodbye:

Saying Goodbye to friends and teachers is an emotional journey. The bonds formed in the hallowed halls of the school aren’t fluently disassociated. Each farewell carries the weight of participated gests and the promise to stay connected, indeed as paths diverge. 

The Last Class:

The final class is a poignant moment as we absorb the surroundings for the last time. The familiar divisions, the sound of chalk on the board, and the fellowship with classmates take on a profound significance, etching the memory in our hearts.

Symbolic Actions:

Traditions and rituals observed on the last day carry an emblematic weight. From signing yearbooks to planting trees, these conduct signify the transition from one phase of life to another, leaving an unforgettable mark on our journey.

Lessons Learned:

Reflecting on particular growth during school times unveils the transformative power of education. The lessons learned extend beyond handbooks, shaping character and breeding values that serve as a compass in the journey of life.   Anticipation of the future is pigmented with excitement and apprehensions. The last day catapults us into the unknown, and as we stand on the threshold of new onsets, we carry with us the lessons learned and the friendships forged.

Keeping in Touch:

Staying connected with school friends is a pivotal aspect of transitioning to the coming phase. In the digital age, maintaining connections has become easier, but the trouble to nurture and cherish these connections remains consummate.

The End of a period:

Graduating from school symbolizes the end of a period. It’s a check that paves the way for fresh experiences and challenges. Embracing the unknown is a ritual of passage that defines the journey of particular and academic growth. 

Transition to College or Work:

Preparing for the coming phase of life requires a delicate balance between prospects and realities. Whether venturing into advanced education or entering the pool, the last day equips us with the adaptability to face the challenges that lie ahead.

Cherished Memories:

Creating a memory bank of school experiences ensures that the moments that shaped us are never forgotten. These cherished recollections serve as a source of strength and alleviation in the face of adversity.

A Letter to My Youngish Tone:

still, what would you tell your youngish tone? The last day prompts soul-searching and a letter to the youngish tone becomes a cathartic exercise in immolation advice and consolation for the journey ahead, If given the chance. 

Capturing the Moments:

Establishing the last day through photos, notes, or creative expressions becomes a means of conserving the substance of this significant day. Creating remembrances ensures that the recollections remain pictorial, indeed as time marches forward. 


In conclusion, the last day at school isn’t just an end but a morning. It’s a day that encapsulates the substance of our academic journey, the connections formed, and the lessons learned. As we bid farewell to one chapter, we eagerly embrace the openings and challenges that await in the coming.

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Kainat Shakeel is a versatile Content Writer Head and Digital Marketer with a keen understanding of tech news, digital market trends, fashion, technology, laws, and regulations. As a storyteller in the digital realm, she weaves narratives that bridge the gap between technology and human experiences. With a passion for staying at the forefront of industry trends, her blog is a curated space where the worlds of fashion, tech, and legal landscapes converge.

My Last Day at School Essay for 10th Class

My last day at school essay for outstanding students.

My Last day at school essay is here with unique wording and more than 400 words.

A man has a lot of good and bad memories of his past. It is one of the best things when you think about your school days after getting into practical life. Probably you forget about your first day at school but you can never forget your last day at school. The first and last days at school are of unique significance for students. While the first day of school may cause anxiety, fear and nervousness, the last day is surely a day of hope, confidence and preparedness.

My last day at school is still fresh in my memory. I felt very relaxed because there was no teaching work that day. May heavy satchel was off my back at last. It was a big relief for me and my other class fellows. I took the bus quite leisurely and got off that the school bus stop. My school was a bit walking distance from this point. So, I started walking with my other class fellows who were already there. We started moving to the school making way through small groups of schoolfellows of other classing, talking noisily and a good many embracing with one another.

Farewell Party by the Juniors of 9th Class

We were here because our juniors of ninth class hosted a farewell party. It was amazing to be their feeling that we are the seniors and are being entertained by the junior schoolmates. There was a good arrangement of eating which was arranged by the students of 9 th class. The menu was not too big but a verity of things to eat was available. The entertained us with a variety of sweet-meat and tea.

After refreshment, a little ceremony was arranged. Our worthy headmaster and kind teachers also participated in it. It was all started with reciting Holy Quran and later a boy recited a Naat and delighted the audience with his melodious voice. Some formal farewell speeches were made on the occasion. In the end, the headmaster addressed the gathering and advised the students to work with devotion and be well-mannered to succeed and prosper in life. Before dispersing we thanked our juniors for their nice farewell party. It was one of the memorable days of my life and I cannot forget it throughout my life.

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October 22, 2018 at 6:51 am

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October 22, 2018 at 6:53 am

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July 23, 2022 at 10:14 am

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August 4, 2022 at 5:39 am

Please highlight the mistake. Thank you for your interest.

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October 7, 2023 at 2:57 pm

No quotations from your essay

October 7, 2023 at 2:54 pm

Yes highlight the mistake 😉😁

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100 Unexpected Last-Day-of-School Activities Your Students Will Love

Send them off for summer with a smile!

Two activities students can do on the last day of school

Woohoo! It’s finally here—the last day of school. While most kids are going to be super excited, others may have mixed emotions. Make your last hours together extra special with some of these fun last-day-of-school activities, and send your students into summer with fantastic memories of the school year behind them!

Kids doing an obstacle course in the school gym

1. Stage your own classroom Olympics

What better way to wrap up a great year than with your very own version of the Olympic Games? Your kids will love the pomp and circumstance, from the opening ceremony and challenging events to the winners on the medal podium.

Learn more: Classroom Olympics

A collage of books perfect for the end of the school year

2. Read end-of-year read-alouds

Teacher Brenda Tejada knows that the end of the school year is a time of mixed emotions. “Students have worked hard all year and are almost at the finish line,” she says. “Some may be excited for their summer vacation, while others may feel anxious to say goodbye.” Her book list and accompanying activities are a sure bet to help ease the transition. 

Learn more: Books That Are Perfect for the End of the Year

Teacher standing in front of classroom of children holding a trivia contest as an example of fun last day of school activities

3. Hold a rousing trivia contest

Kids love a good round or two of trivia, and online sources make prepping a trivia contest easy and customizable. Check out the resources below. Or go old-school and check out our huge selection of trivia questions.

Learn more: Hilarious Online Trivia Games for Kids at Let’s Roam and 100 Trivia Questions for Kids in all Grade Levels at We Are Teachers

Students outside drawing with sidewalk chalk

4. Chalk it up

Grab those buckets of sidewalk chalk and head out to the playground! Encourage students to draw memories from the past year, write shout-outs for friends and staff members, or just draw for the pure joy of creating something.

Learn more: Awesome End of the Year Activities

hHgh school graduates walking through the halls of their elementary school giving students high fives

5. Take a meaningful walk

Teacher Courtney G. shares: “The kids from our high school wear their caps and gowns and walk the halls in their elementary school the day before graduation. They go from kindergarten to fifth grade as the students stand in the halls and clap. The fifth graders also do this on the last day of school before they leave elementary school. This is my sixth year teaching kindergarten at my school, so my first kinders are now fifth graders. I’m probably going to cry!”

Learn more: Grad Walk

Student giving a presentation in front of the class as an example of fun last day of school activities

6. Make Genius Hour presentations

Genius Hour, sometimes called Passion Pursuit, in the classroom is an opportunity for students to explore their own unique interests in a loosely structured but supported way. On the last day of school, let each student teach the class what they have studied and learned.

Learn more: What Is Genius Hour and How Can I Try It in My Classroom?

Asian students playing bingo in the classroom

7. Play Classmates Bingo

It’s one last chance for students to learn a little something new about their classmates! Grab a free printable with get-to-know-you clues at the link, or design your own to better fit your class.

Learn more: End of the Year Bingo

An End of Year A to Z writing activity for students

8. List what you’ve learned from A to Z

What a great way to look back over what kids have learned! For each letter of the alphabet, have them write and illustrate something they learned or did throughout the year. Hit the link below to get a free printable template for this project.

Learn more: What I’ve Learned A to Z

A young girl writing a letter on paper with a pencil as an example of fun last day of school activities

9. Set up summer pen pals

Before you break for the summer, pair your students up as pen pals. Gather students on the rug and talk about what being a pen pal looks like. Draw names and let each pair spend some time together brainstorming ideas about what they’d like to write about.

Learn more: Summer Pen Pals

Students enjoying a classroom decorated to look like a beach

10. Go to the beach

Or rather, bring the beach to you! This will take some planning and prep, but kids are seriously going to love it. Get all the tips you need at the link.

Learn more: Beach Day

Paper plates covered in messages and signatures from classmates

11. Pass the plate

Pick up a pack of paper plates and give out some colorful markers. Have each student write their name in the middle of the plate, then start passing! Each student writes complimentary words to describe their classmate, then passes it to the next kid. They’ll each end up with a sweet keepsake for the school year.

Learn more: Pass the Plate

Two images of fun science experements as an example of fun last day of school activities

12. Do a legacy project

According to the teacher team at Minds in Bloom, a legacy project is a lesson that students create, from objective and materials to procedures, to share with next year’s students, like this fun science project.

Learn more: Legacy Projects

A girl in a pink blouse making ice cream in a Ziploc bag

13. Make ice cream

Ice cream parties are popular last-day-of-school activities, but here’s a sneaky way to add some STEM learning to the fun: Have kids make their own ice cream in a bag, then add some toppings and lay it out on the grass to enjoy.

Learn more: Ice Cream in a Bag

14. Make friendship bracelets

Load up on embroidery floss and let your students loose! They’ll love creating a keepsake that reminds them of this special year every time they look at it.

Boys building roller coaster from Tinker Toys as an example of fun last day of school activities

15. Build roller coasters

STEM challenges make terrific meaningful and fun team activities for the last day of school. Try building a DIY roller coaster from drinking straws, or check out lots of other STEM challenges here .

Source: Roller Coaster

Student giving a toast in the classroom

16. Give pop-up toasts

Here’s a chance to practice public speaking in a low-key way. Buy some ginger ale and plastic champagne glasses to turn class into a party. Then have kids compose and give a short toast to their friends, teacher, school year, or any topic you choose.

Learn more: Pop-Up Toasts

Classroom game involving a cup and cotton balls

17. Set up game stations

Set up game stations and give students time to rotate through each station. Try games like Marshmallow Madness, Scoop It Up, and more at the link below!

Learn more: Game Stations at Minds in Bloom

Student holding a cup with a pitcher of lemonade and some lemons as an example of fun last day of school activities

18. Host a lemonade tasting

There’s all kinds of tasty learning worked into this totally sweet idea! Kids taste pink and regular lemonade, then make graphs, write descriptions, learn vocab words, and more.

Learn more: Lemonade Tasting

Young girl helps clean up bin of toys in classroom

19. Do an in-house service project

Organize your students into teams and leave your school better than you found it. Weed the school garden, write thank-you letters to school staff members, pick up litter outside, help take down hallway bulletin boards. Or see if specials teachers (music, art, P.E., library) need any help getting organized for the end of the year.

Child's hand holding a paper airplane with green grass in the background

20. Compete in a paper airplane contest

You know they want to be outside, so take advantage of that and hold the ultimate paper airplane competition. Kids compete in multiple categories, like distance and accuracy, to find the overall winner.

Learn more: Flyin’ to the End of the Year

Paper ice cream sundae with a fun fact about 2nd grade on each scoop as an example of fun last day of school activities

21. Serve up a scoop of memories

What a sweet way to celebrate the end of the school year! Make paper ice cream sundaes, with a different memory on each scoop. You can have kids draw these themselves or buy a printable version at the link below.

Learn more: Ice Cream Scoop Memories

Students with emoji pillows over face posing in a classroom photo booth

22. Set up a photo booth

Photo booths are popular for the first day of school, but they’re terrific for the last day too. Help kids capture memories with their friends before they part for the summer.

Learn more: Student Photo Booth


23. Wear a Last Day of School crown

Little ones will love coloring and cutting out their very own Last Day of School crown. Check out the link below to buy the printable, or design your own.

Learn more: Last Day of School Crown

A colorful bucket list of summer activities for kids as an example of fun last day of school activities

24. Create a summer bucket list

Provide kids with lots of options, then have them compile their own bucket lists for the summer days ahead. In addition to fun items, encourage them to add ways to help others or learn something new.

Learn more: Summer Bucket List

Paper bag and small items; text reads Student Symbols -- This year is in the bag!

25. Put the year in a bag

This has to be one of the most fun and meaningful last-day-of-school activities. In the days leading up to the final day, have kids give some thought to what symbolizes this past school year to them and place their ideas in a labeled paper bag. On the final day, they’ll give the other students a small token of that symbol and explain their thinking. (They don’t need to buy anything; they can write or draw their symbol instead.)

Learn more: Year in a Bag

Students doing a

26. Take a book-themed museum walk

For this project, students create a project that provides a sneak peek of one of their favorite books. They can create posters, dioramas, trifolds, or even dress up as a main character. Give students a couple of weeks to prepare their project at home, then hold your museum walk on the last day of school as a grand finale to the year.

Learn more: Museum Walk

Collage of escape room images as an example of fun last day of school activities

27. Conquer an escape room

Kids love escape rooms, so they’re great activities for the last day of school. Theme yours to what you’ve learned during the year, facts about different classmates, or summer activities. Learn how to set up a classroom escape room here.

Young students dancing with colored lights

28. Dance up a storm

If you’re looking for fun last-day-of-school activities that get kids moving, hold an epic dance party! Consider having each class submit a song selection for the playlist. They could even choreograph their own special dance moves for when it comes on! We’ve also got fantastic end-of-year playlist ideas for you right here.

A DIY kite made from newspaper

29. Send your wishes soaring

Follow the tutorial below to make paper kites with your students. Have each student write down their hopes and dreams for the future (or alternatively, their favorite memories of the school year) on their kites, then go outside and have a launch party.

Learn more: How To Make a Kite

Two images of scavenger hunt worksheets as an example of fun last day of school activities

30. Go on a scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunts can be not only educational but also a blast! Click the link below for creative scavenger hunts to use in the classroom or send home with students for the summer. To get started, download these free scavenger hunt worksheets .

Learn more: Free Scavenger Hunt Ideas

31. Play last-day-of-school charades

Reminisce about what a fun school year you’ve had together with a rousing round of charades. Create cards from categories including academics (math, reading, social studies, etc.), experiences (field trips, assemblies, special days, etc.), or anything else you want kids to remember about your year together.

Learn more: How To Play Charades

A cartoon drawing of a boy putting on a puppet show on a stage below a red curtain

32. How about a little drama?

Skits are a fun, easy, and low-prep way for kids to use their imaginations. Check the link below for 10 silly, age-appropriate skit ideas.

Learn more: 10 Funny Skit Ideas for Kids

A scrapbook page with the title top 5 moments as an example of fun last day of school activities

33. Create scrapbooks

The last day of school is a bittersweet time. Give your students some time to reflect on and write about their experience so they can hold onto favorite memories.

Learn more: End of Year Memory Book at Teachers Pay Teachers

The cover of a first grade autograph book

34. Have an autograph party

This little autograph book is the perfect addition to your end of year activities. Your kids will love signing their name for all their friends.

Learn more: End of Year Autograph Book at Teachers Pay Teachers

Two students stand in front of a white board with colorful sticky notes on it

35. Play Math Raffle Ticket

Students work in partners or groups. Math problems are projected and students solve them together. For every correct answer, they receive a raffle ticket. Prizes are awarded at the end.

Learn more: Math Review Game: Raffle Ticket

36. Belt it out with classroom karaoke

Push the desks to the edges of the classroom (after you’ve cleaned them with shaving cream—see #41, blow), and let your little songbirds loose! Or divide your class in half and have a sing-off.

Learn more: Kids Karaoke on YouTube

37. Make welcome brochures for next year’s students

Have your students create brochures for next year’s students, telling them all about the fun things they’ll learn, experiences they’ll have, and all the best parts about your grade. At the start of next year, you can set a brochure on each desk as a welcome present for your new crew.

Learn more: How To Make a Paper Brochure

A survey sheet for students to fill out about their teachers as an example of fun last day of school activities

38. Rate the teacher

Discuss with your students what makes a great teacher, and then have them rate you! Their comments will help you grow. They’ll feel honored you listened to their feedback, and you can demonstrate a growth mindset right in front of your own students.

Here’s how to get the look: Rate My Teacher Survey at Teachers Pay Teachers

39. Have a juggle-fest

Check out this great video tutorial on juggling, then head outside to practice! Your students’ laughter and cheers will be a great memory to take away from the last day of school.

Learn more: How To Juggle with Josh Hartman via YouTube

board games out foxed and monopoly builders

40. Play board games

Whether it’s cooperation, strategy, academics, or just  fun , there’s a game for that. And what could be more perfect for the last day of school?

Learn more: Best Board Games for Kids, According to Teachers

A student in a blue shirt writes in shaving cream on his desk with his finger

41. Clean desks with shaving cream

Tackle those filthy desks and make it look like play. Believe it or not, shaving cream is one of the best ways to get desks looking brand-spanking clean, and kids love it! Plus, check out more ways to clean your classroom .

Learn more: Shaving Cream Desk Cleaner

A classroom is lit by a black light and glowing strings of light as an example of fun last day of school activities

42. Have a glow party

A glow party is a super-fun way to celebrate the last day of school. Get out your black lights and pass out the glow sticks. Details in the link below.

Learn more: How To Host a Glow Day in Your Classroom

An invitation to a bubble party

43. Have a bubbles day

The last day of school is all about fun, and what’s more fun than bubbles? Blow bubbles, write about bubbles, even indulge in a little bubble gum.

Learn more: Bubble Fun Day

Kid balancing dice on a Popsicle stick

44. Play Minute To Win It games

These clever games are really fast-paced and fun for both students and teachers.

Learn more: Low-Prep Minute To Win It games

An image showing a basketball going into a trash can next to math question cards as an example of fun last day of school activities

45. Hold a “Trashketball” tournament

Looking for a fun way to review materials that is easy to set up and super fun for your kids? Then Trashketball is the game for you. And what better way to wrap up the last day of the school year than a review of all the fun subjects you learned about?

Learn more: Trashketball

Student dressed in a black cape performing a magic trick in front of a display labeled

46. Produce a volunteer talent show

And the key word here is volunteer . Not every kid is a natural ham, but almost every kid in your class probably has a talent that, with a little coaxing, they could share.

Learn more: Unique Talent Show Ideas

easy essay my last day at school

47. Hold a puzzle competition

See who can assemble a jigsaw puzzle the fastest.

Learn more: Jigsaw Puzzles We Love at We Are Teachers

A boy swinging at a water balloon hung from a clothesline as an example of fun last day of school activities

48. Have a water day

Celebrate the last day of school with a splash! Check out the super-fun activities at the link below. And of course, what better way to end water day than with Popsicles?

Learn more: Splashtastic Water Activities at We Are Teachers

A girl on her tummy reading a book in the classroom

49. Do a read-in

Your kids worked really hard this year. Why not reward them with a read-in day? Invite them to bring cozy blankets, stuffed animals, and, of course, their favorite books. Then laze about the classroom and get lost in a good book.

Learn more: Celebrate Success With a Read-In

Two students wearing lab goggles for on a STEM project together

50. Set up STEM stations

Encourage learning all the way through the finish line! Use the link below to find a whole array of amazing activities to set up as stations for some hands-on fun.

Learn more: STEM Stations

51. Set up art stations

You provide the supplies and your students bring their imaginations. Put on some fun music, set up art stations, and let them create!

Learn more: Art Stations

Classroom time capsules made from pringles cans as an example of fun last day of school activities

52. Put together a time capsule

A super-fun project to commemorate a great year together. Kids can fill it with mementos from the year, words of advice, favorite memories, and more.

Learn more: How To Make a Class Time Capsule

A boy standing on a chair reaching toward an orange wall with a pom pom drop attached

53. Create a pom-pom drop

Use cardboard tubes and tape to create a vertical track on the wall. Then drop pom-poms (or small balls) and see if they can make it all the way through. If not, make adjustments. Split students into groups and make your tracks in a large space like the gym if possible.

Learn more: Pom-Pom Drop

54. Host a poetry slam

Slam poetry is a unique form of expression that allows students to perform meaningful works of poetry in front of their peers. Give students a heads up and time to practice before the last day of school, then hold the slam as the culminating event.

Learn more: 25 Slam Poetry Examples

55. Play old-school recess games

These oldies (but goodies) to play with your kids on the last day of school will leave you feeling nostalgic for sure.

Learn more: Old-School Recess Games

Students write compliments on sheets of paper taped to each other's backs as an example of fun last day of school activities

56. Give each other a pat on the back

Pair students up and have them tape a piece of paper to each other’s backs. Once everyone is ready, give students time to mingle and write a positive comment or compliment on each of their classmate’s sheets. What a heartwarming keepsake to wrap up the school year!

Learn more: A Pat on the Back

Free Printable Awards for Students

57. Honor every student

End-of-year awards have been around forever. But instead of making it a competition for a chosen few, here’s a way to include everyone. Recognize academic and social-emotional skills with these fun colorful certificates.

Learn more: 50 Free Printable Awards for Students

kids at an aquarium with a whale shark swimming in a tank, idea for an experience gift

58. Head off on a virtual field trip

Just didn’t have time (or money) to get around to that great field trip you had in mind? No problem! Get out the popcorn and kick back with a fun and interesting virtual field trip.

Learn more: Amazing Virtual Field Trips

Children looking at and exchanging books

59. Hold a book swap

What better way to prepare your students for summer reading than with a student-recommended book? Give students (and parents) a heads up a couple of weeks before the last day of school, asking them to bring in a gently used book that they would recommend. (Be sure you have a few extra books on hand just in case.) Draw numbers and let students choose or play the white elephant gift-swap game.

Learn more: White Elephant Gift Exchange at White Elephant Rules

A DIY fireworks tshirt as an example of fun last day of school activities

60. Make fireworks T-shirts

These fun and colorful T-shirts are easy to make, and they take on a tie-dyed look over time. Perfect for the Fourth of July and all summer!

Learn more: Sharpie T-Shirt

A whiteboard decorated with colorful graffiti by students

61. Tag a graffiti wall

Graffiti walls are an awesome way to encourage kids’ creativity. Why not give them free rein to record their favorite memories from the school year on the last day of school?

Learn more: 20 Engaging Ways To Teach With Graffiti Walls at We Are Teachers

A poster with kids suggestions for summer activities

62. Brainstorm a list of summer activities

Send your students home for summer brimming with ideas for summer fun and learning. Either make a class poster with contributions from everyone or have each student create their own.

Learn more: Summer Activities

Students sitting on the floor organizing books as an example of fun last day of school activities

63. Have a classroom cleanup

Cleaning out your classroom at the end of the year may be a dreaded task, but it’s much easier with lots of hands to help. Assign tasks to students to make the process more efficient, or even turn it into a game! Students can do things like pick up trash, wipe their desks, take down bulletin boards, and organize bookshelves. Be sure to have a fun activity planned as a reward.

Learn more: Classroom Cleanup

What Is Writing Workshop?

64. Set up a writers workshop

Try this activity if your group loves writing. Set up writing stations directions such as: Create a scene from a play, write a story about you as the president, write a poem about your favorite season, create and describe your own brand-new holiday, etc. For extra fun, have a different snack at each station, and every so often take a break to share a few stories they’ve produced.

Learn more: Writing Prompts at We Are Teachers

A colorful image of activities teachers can use to have a yes day in the classroom

65. Make it a Yes Day

It seems like the average day in the classroom involves way more no’s than yes’s. Make an exception and declare the last day of school a Yes Day.

Learn more: Yes Day at Teachers Pay Teachers

66. Declare a silly-string battle

Super fun and totally harmless. Right before you send them off, let the silly string fly! This school even involved their student resource officer.

Buy it: Silly String

A student illustration of a child on the path to 5th grade as an example of fun last day of school activities

67. Take the road to adventure

Read Wherever You Go by Pat Zietlow Miller and ask your students to think about the next road they want to take to new adventures. Then have them create posters showing their dreams.

Learn more: Road to Adventure

68. Hold a color parade

Ask your students to wear their favorite color to school on the last day of school—head to toe if possible. Then have a parade around the school grounds. If the whole school can participate, have each class dress in a different color. Add zany accessories and have a blast!

Learn more: Color Parade at Rock Hill Schools

A couple of versions of an all about me worksheet

69. Compare “All About Me” answers

This is such a poignant activity if you had your students fill out an “All About Me” paper in the fall. Give them a fresh copy and have each student fill theirs out. Then, pass out the ones from fall and let them see how much they’ve changed or stayed the same.

Learn more: All About Me Worksheets

An end of year timeline worksheet

70. Put together a year-in-review timeline

This is a fun (and educational) way to do a walk-through of your year together with your students. Tip off your students the day before and ask them to come to the last day of school with ideas.

Learn more: End of Year Time-Lines and Top 10s

A collage of origami projects for kids as an example of fun last day of school activities

71. Do origami

Paper folding is so much fun! Take an ordinary square of paper and turn it into a bunny or a bear or a silly face. Let kids sit with friends and create to their heart’s content.

Learn more: Simple and Super Fun Origami for Kids

A pretty thank you card laid out on a table with a pencil and pencil sharpener

72. Write thank-you notes

There are so many people that contribute to our kids’ education. Aside from the classroom teacher, you have the librarian, nurse, specials teachers, principal, custodian, and others. Take a few moments at the end of the year for your students to write to their favorite staff member and spread some feel-good vibes around the building.

Learn more: Examples of What To Write in a Teacher Thank You Card

School children leaned over their desks writing on pieces of paper

73. Get creative with a round of Pass the Sentence

This is a well-known classroom game. Give each student 30 seconds to start a story with one sentence on a piece of paper. When the timer dings, have each student pass their paper to the student on their right. Now students have 30 seconds to add the next sentence to the paper they’ve been handed. Do as many rounds as you’d like. Then have the original author read the story that has developed from their beginning.

A student built bridge made from popsicle sticks across a couple of desks as an example of fun last day of school activities

74. Build bridges

Team kids up to design and build the strongest and longest bridge out of Popsicle sticks and model magic to span desks in the classroom.

Learn more: STEM Bridge Challenge

Student created signpost showing a student's goals

75. Try these “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” activities

Dr. Seuss’ inspiring book Oh, the Places You’ll Go! is an end-of-year favorite for many teachers. Use it to inspire your students to think about their goals and possible pathways for the future. For this idea and more, check out the link below.

Learn more: Best “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” Activities at We Are Teachers

Children enjoying an outdoor picnic

76. Have a class picnic

Nothing breeds companionship like sharing a meal. Hold a class picnic on the last day of school and let your kids enjoy each other’s company one last time.

Learn more: Our Class Picnic

Kids at a table in front of a birthday cake

77. Celebrate summer birthdays

Summer birthdays can be a bummer for kids who like to celebrate with their classmates. Why not have one big birthday party on the last day of school to include everyone? Try one of the fun ideas at the link below.

Learn more: Celebrating Birthdays at School at Lucky Little Learners

Two images of fun summer movies as an example of fun last day of school activities

78. Have a movie day

The promise of a movie on the last day of school is a great motivator to inspire the best behavior from your students those last few weeks. Let your kids choose the movie, and on the last day, supply the popcorn and enjoy!

Learn more: Spectacular Summer Movies for Kids

79. Tell jokes

Celebrate the last day of school with a few laughs! We’ve got a whole list of super-silly summer jokes for kids .

A 30 day service challenge worksheet

80. Plant the seed for service learning

Your students are going to (hopefully) have some free time on their hands this summer. Encourage them to spend at least a portion of it helping others. Better yet, challenge them to (and even join them in) a 30-day service challenge .

Learn more: Meaningful Service Learning Ideas for Kids and Teens

35 Apple Music Playlists for the Classroom as an example of fun last day of school activities

81. Rock out!

Set the tone for a celebration on the last day. Try one of these awesome playlists and have a dance party, or use the music as a background for some fun activities.

Learn more: Apple Music Playlists for the Classroom

End of year printables for students

82. Use these last-day-of-school printables

Looking for quick and easy last-day-of-school activities? Download these free printables and let your students choose the ones they like best.

Learn more: 10 Free Printables To Celebrate the Last Day of School

Three panels of spider plants in the classroom

83. Start an end-of-year tradition

Start a new tradition that you love to end the school year with. We were inspired by a teacher that took snips of his beloved spider plant and started new plants to give to each of his students at the end of the year.

Learn more: Teacher’s Plant Tradition

A collage of math games as an example of fun last day of school activities

84. Play math games

One sneaky way to keep the learning going, even on the last day of school, is with fun and engaging math games. Set up stations and let kids choose which ones they’d like to play with their friends.

Learn more: Math Games for Every Grade Level

A collage of DIY bookmarks for kids

85. Make bookmarks

As kids head off for summer, reading a ton of books is hopefully high on their to-do list. Get them excited for it by making some of these adorable bookmarks.

Learn more: Adorable DIY Bookmarks

Kids playing tug of war

86. Go outside and play!

It may not officially be field day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a few of your students’ favorite activities on the last day of school! Take a peek at the list below and revisit a few of your favorites.

Learn more: Best Field Day Games and Activities

A child's hand is seen coloring a kindness worksheet as an example of fun last day of school activities

87. End the year on a kind note

Download these free worksheets and sow the seeds of kindness in your community.

Learn more: Free Bundle of Kindness Worksheets

88. Try some drawing tutorials

How-to drawing books are always a big hit with kids. Here, teach your students how to draw a dragon, step-by-step. See the other fun options below.

Learn more: Draw a Dragon , Draw a Cat , Draw a Dog

89. Do a playground cleanup

End the year with a good deed. Give your students compostable bags and send them off to clean up the playground and fields around the school. Set the reward for the cleanup as a Popsicle party!

Famous childrens books every kid should read

90. Set them up for summer reading

Share this free roundup of our must-reads for kids. Print the list off and send it home with students to give them inspiration for summer reading.

Learn more: 100 Famous Children’s Books Every Child Should Read (Plus, Free Printable)

Printable yoga poses for kids posters featuring Eagle Pose and Mountain Stance

91. Do yoga

Have a last-day-of-school yoga party. Push all the desks to the sides, or better yet go outside. Make it easy with the free printable cards below.

Learn more: 15 Easy Yoga Poses

Kids just hanging out in the classroom

92. Just chat

Sometimes the best gift we can give our kids is just time to be together. Give your kids a lot of freedom on the last day. Let them sit with friends, let them talk more than usual. Try to have at least one meaningful exchange with each student to savor over the summer.

children sitting in a circle in the classroom

93. Invite families in

Open up the classroom the last hour of the day and invite families to sit in your final classroom meeting. Be sure to have a talking stick on hand so everyone doesn’t talk at once. Go around the circle and let each student and their parent/caregiver share one highlight or something they’re grateful for from the year.

94. Hold relay races

Relay races are a fun, mildly competitive activity that kids love. Go outside for a little more space, or see if you can reserve a time slot in the gym.

Learn more: 30 Creative Relay Race Ideas To Try

Images of bracelets made from tape and nature items

95. Take a hike and make nature bracelets or crowns

If the weather cooperates, get outside with your kids! Take along a roll of masking tape and put a bracelet of tape on each student’s wrist, sticky side out. As you hike, encourage students to add beautiful leaves, berries, or flower petals to their bracelets. To make crowns, simply use card stock to shape a crown, then stick tape to the outside and proceed as above.

Learn more: Nature Bracelets

96. Make giant snowflakes …

You may be wondering what giant snowflakes have to do with the last day of school and beginning of summer. Well, nothing! But that’s what lands them on our “unexpected” list of activities for the last day of school. Plus, they make fun parting gifts.

97. … or giant flowers

OK, flowers would be more seasonally appropriate. And they also make beautiful parting gifts.

A bright green card with a student

98. Do a round of shout-outs

Print and pass out these colorful shout-out cards. Then give students time to really think about who they’d like to say thank you to. Once everyone is done, circle up and have students read their cards aloud. Or if you’d rather, collect the cards and read them for your students.

Learn more: Student Shoutouts

99. Learn and create handshakes

If you’re looking for no-prep last-day-of-school activities, watch this fun video. Then pair students up and let them create their own version. At the end, have each pair perform their handshake for the class.

Book Cover of the book Goodbye for Now

100. Say goodbye for now

Last days of school can be bittersweet, that’s for sure. End on a sweet note with this sweet tale. Or try one of these 10 End-of-Year Read-Alouds.

Buy it: Goodbye for Now

Loving these fun activities for the last day of school? Take a look at these end-of-year assignments and activities for every grade .

Plus, sign up for our free newsletters to get all the latest teaching tips and ideas, straight to your inbox.

It's finally here! Celebrate the start of summer break with these unexpected and fun last-day-of-school activities for students of all ages.

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