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  •       Resources       What to do After Grad School: All Your Questions Answered

What to do After Grad School: All Your Questions Answered

Finishing graduate school and moving toward a professional career can be complex for some new grads. Many aspects of our lives change during these transitions and, for many, it’s challenging to keep a positive attitude, stay focused on our goals, and face the competitive job market. From job hunting and professional development to managing student debt and networking strategies, the following guide offers some tips and resources for new graduates getting ready to tackle life beyond grad school.

Adjusting to Life After Grad School

The five tips listed below offer links to helpful resources and methods of preparing for the stresses of the job search, life after school, and how to cope with inevitable emotional and professional challenges.

Make time for yourself: According to a Harvard study, by the time students enter their final years of graduate school, up to 25 percent experience moderate or severe symptoms of depression. Upon graduation, these symptoms don't necessarily disappear. In her article “ The Grief of Graduation ,” Anne Guarnera discusses graduate students' feelings of loss upon finishing their programs. For the most part, she considers these feelings to be a loss of student identity and all the social and spatial connections that one develops while spending three to six years in a town, city or campus environment. When we graduate, many of us move elsewhere. We leave the area in search of a new job, to find a fresh landscape to begin the next chapter or even move in with family or friends to save money. Whatever the scenario, Guarnera suggests that we all need to practice emotional self-care as a means of dealing with these transitions. To do so, she urges us to schedule time to organize our thoughts and process the changes in our lives.

Prepare early: While you’re still in school, take advantage of career-focused resources available through your program. These resources include career planning and coaching, interview workshops, job fairs and networking opportunities. If your department or school doesn’t have free services readily available, you can reach out to professors for help in this area. Many of them will be glad to offer advice on how to prepare for the job market and help you avoid any mistakes they may have made.

Change your perspective on graduate school: Many students, especially first-generation graduate degree seekers, approach graduate school as an extension of their undergraduate program. Nathaniel Lambert argues that students should treat their post-baccalaureate training as more of an apprenticeship instead of “school” as they’ve traditionally conceptualized it. This concept comes from the middle ages when craftspeople would study with masters of a trade and learn by imitating their techniques and processes. Lambert suggests that graduate learning should be no different and, whenever possible, we should learn by doing, “not simply by reading about it and talking about it in classes.” As a result, we may be better prepared for the transition into our careers upon graduation.

Remember: Your thesis or dissertation doesn’t guarantee you a job: While creating a well-formulated, written document based on original research that contributes in some way to your field is important, it’s best to keep that work in perspective. Whether you pursue a career in academia, at a Fortune 500 company or in a research laboratory, there’s little chance that anyone wants to hear about your thesis or dissertation in detail. That said, it’s still essential that you create a thorough and meaningful project. Bear in mind, however, most employers want to know how your knowledge and expertise makes you a good fit for a position. At this point in your career, they want to know what makes you a good problem-solver, teacher, researcher, etc. You need to tell them how you can meet and exceed these expectations and not simply show them what you’ve written in the past.

Cultivate a support system and friendship: Our expert, Rebecca Newman, urges professionals after graduate school to find trusted individuals outside of work with whom they can share their personal, academic or professional frustrations. “Have a strong support network when entering a new field after graduate school. This can take the form of family, friends, a partner or a mentor. They can offer you support that will keep your ’dirty laundry’ out of your workplace,” Newman says. “You might think you’re venting to a friend in the form of a colleague, but it can be more professionally advantageous to look at work as being ’on stage.’ If you have a valid concern, you should absolutely bring it up at work in a thoughtful, constructive manner.”

Landing a Job after Grad School

Now that you’ve completed your degree and you’re on the job market, where do you start? There are an overwhelming number of job search engines and, depending on your area, just as many jobs to consider. While all of these jobs may not be a good fit, you still end up spending time reading job descriptions, researching companies, locating salary information in certain geographical areas and more. It’s time consuming, no doubt. Here’s some tips to help you streamline your search and save some time. We’ll offer more advice on this topic throughout the guide as well.

Where and how should I look?

TheCollegeInvestor.com suggests that job seekers leverage both their personal network and online search engines or job aggregators. In addition to asking colleagues, professors, friends and family for leads on open positions, job aggregators such as LinkedIn, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, Indeed and HigherEdJobs can alert you to positions as soon as they’re posted. Additionally, most of these websites allow job seekers to post their resumes or CVs. This feature allows employers to search for candidates using keywords. Dora Farkas of FinishYourThesis.com , argues that it’s a common and fatal mistake to avoid using LinkedIn and related sites as part of your front-facing, public image, as many of your prospective employers use these sites to find out more about job candidates.

Should I only look for dream jobs?

Truth be told, many graduate students don’t land their dream job immediately after graduation. For Ph.D.’s interested in teaching at the college level, most don’t secure a tenure-track position until after they’ve acquired solo teaching experience in community colleges, adjunct positions or visiting professorships. (That’s not to say that one teaching job is necessarily “better” than another. Many scholars dream of the tenure-track position, however, because of the job security and various freedoms that come with it.) Whatever your field, you may need to find some stepping stones before landing the perfect position.

“To land your dream job, take every responsibility at every job seriously, and prioritize your relationships,” Newman says. “When I was once grumbling about an unrelated task we were doing as interns, the senior intern said to me, ’Sometimes, social work is doing the hustling that no one else wants to do.’ That stuck with me, and I tried to be thoughtful about what I expressed on the job while venting my frustrations elsewhere when I needed that support. Based on having a strong ethic at a past job that was very challenging, my former director cold-called me to ask if I wanted to come back to the organization in a different capacity, in what is now my dream job.”

Should I apply for jobs I’m overqualified for?

While it depends on whom you ask, most professionals will tell you to avoid applying for jobs for which are you overqualified. Some employers might be interested in having someone like you on staff because you may already know the ropes or can act as a leader. More often than not, however, they will see you as someone who will probably get bored and move on to another job before too long. They may also see you as a threat or internal competitor who could take their place later on. On the other hand, if you are unemployed, you are probably in need of a job immediately or in the very near future. In that case, cast a wide net and apply for jobs even if you appear overqualified.

Once You’ve Got the Job, Ask Yourself These Questions

After all of your hard work, applications, and interviews, you finally land a job you’re excited about. As with most positions, you won’t get a full picture of the position, your tasks, the work environment and other details until you’ve had a chance to settle in and take on some responsibilities. Scott Webb, an academic adviser at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, suggests that we ask ourselves a series of questions after several weeks on the job, then after several months and finally at the end of a year. Newman echos Webb’s techniques for checking in with ourselves, making the most of a job and planning ahead.

What are the pros and cons of this job? How do I make it work?

Both Newman and Webb suggest that in the first several weeks of a job we identify those aspects of the position that are the most fulfilling and the most challenging. Acknowledging these positives and negatives helps us get a clearer picture of what we need out of a job and helps us identify our strengths. As Webb points out, during these early stages it’s important to keep an open mind and be willing to embrace unexpected challenges and difficult tasks. These challenges can help us grow as individuals, allow us to do well and advance in our current role, and teach us something about ourselves that may have otherwise gone unrealized.

Is this job a good fit for now, or could I see myself here for longer, perhaps in a different capacity? If/when I leave this job, what are things I would want to be different in my next role?

Newman advises us to plan ahead and think about our next career move, if that’s something we anticipate. This certainly depends on the individual and career path. Professionals with a Ph.D. or master’s degree working in academia, for example, may be content with their current teaching position. If they’re on the lookout for a tenure-track job, then they need to consider if their current role helps make them a stronger competitor when the opportunity presents itself.

What do I like about this job: the camaraderie, content of work or both? Which of those is more important to me?

Of course, we all want to be happy with our work responsibilities, work environment and our coworkers. In a perfect world, we would be satisfied with all three. In addition to planning ahead, Newman suggests that we weigh the quality of the work environment and camaraderie versus how much we enjoy the actual tasks of the job. Which aspect is more important to you?

Licensing and Credentials

Licensure and certifications are required by law for many professions across the U.S. License-based credentials ensure that professionals meet a high standard of practice and are up-to-date on relevant research or advancements in their field. Certifications are usually voluntary credentials, which professionals earn through a professional society or educational institute. The terminology and requirements vary per field.

Licensure requirements vary by state. In psychology, some professionals with a master’s degree can obtain licensure to be professional counselors. More often than not, most states require a Ph.D. All states require supervised training, a written examination and/or oral examination for practicing psychologists. Similarly, those graduate students in criminal justice who wish to become lawyers must complete law school and pass the bar exam. Other roles in the criminal justice system, such as holding a position as a judge, require extra credentials. They also must pass a written exam administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management .

While most certifications are voluntary, they help you secure higher-level positions in various professions. Advanced positions in public administration, for example, sometimes require professionals to obtain a Certified Public Manager credential. Prospective recipients must have a bachelor’s degree or higher and complete the required 300 hours of study through a program accredited by the National Certified Public Manager Consortium . Comparatively, the National Board of Public Health Examiners offers the Certified Public Health exam. Professionals who wish to obtain some of the higher-paying jobs in public health must meet the certification standards of their state, along with obtaining a graduate degree.

Professional Development and Continuing Education

Professional development and continuing education are opportunities for students and professionals to enhance their current skill set, learn new techniques and methods in their field, and keep up with the latest advancements and research. In general, we can organize these opportunities into categories: teaching, mentorship, research, networking, workshops, professional conferences, certificates and volunteer work. While some of these categories apply more to some professions than others, they help us locate possibilities for bolstering our resumes, improving our skills and, in some cases, keeping us eligible to work in our fields.

If teaching is part of your profession, you’re required by most states to participate in continuing education classes to keep your teaching license. It’s easiest to think about these opportunities by separating them into categories. Consider looking into professional development courses in behavioral, classroom technology, Common Core, English and reading, mathematics, science and special needs, as well as taking online courses for credit.

This is a great chance for experienced professionals to share their knowledge with the future leaders of their fields. Mentors motivate and empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve their goals. Mentees must be willing to take advice, change their habits and further develop a body of knowledge that supports their efforts with short- and long-term plans. Both mentors and mentees benefit from these encounters, and you should experience both roles.

Research opportunities for master’s and doctoral degree holders come in many shapes and sizes. For the most part, keep an eye out for post-doctorate positions, fellowships and research assistantships. All of these opportunities depend on your field. For example, in the area of the humanities, it’s rare to seek out post-doctorate positions. Researchers in the hard sciences, however, often spend a lot of time and energy trying locate those research opportunities. These research positions look good on your resume or CV, and many of them offer job security for a couple years at a time with a steady paycheck.

You may not be a "people person" or enjoy getting to know new faces. Unfortunately, the tired and old-fashioned saying, “It’s not what you know, but who you know,” rings true to some degree. Making the most out of every networking opportunity is essential to your success after graduate school. From informal gatherings to organized meetings at professional conferences, you need to cast a wide net and actively expand your professional and personal networks.

Practical and theoretical training workshops benefit professionals in virtually any specialty area. These hands-on meetings are often taught by leading academics or highly experienced practitioners. Workshops are available both online and in-person. They can be as short as one day or last the duration of a summer semester.

Professional conferences

You may not be a "people person" or enjoy getting to know new faces. Unfortunately, the tired and old-fashioned saying, "It’s not what you know, but who you know," rings true to some degree. Making the most out of every networking opportunity is essential to your success after graduate school. From informal gatherings to organized meetings at professional conferences, you need to cast a wide net and actively expand your professional and personal networks.


Certificates are typically voluntary in most fields and offer additional training to boost your marketability in a competitive job market. They can also help you climb the ladder at your current job. You can easily access on-demand courses in widely useful topics through popular sites such as LinkedIn’s certification and continuing education programs page.

Volunteer work

Improving your skill set and bolstering your resume can also come in the form of volunteer work. In some professions, substantial volunteer work in one area can count as documented work experience. At the same time, many volunteer opportunities allow you to help those in need. You can also gain exposure to new ideas, organizations and connect with a new network of people through this type of work.

Managing Grad School Student Debt

Some colleges and universities offer graduate students some type of funding, maybe even a full tuition waiver plus a stipend, to defray the cost of their education. In other cases, MA and Ph.D. students may receive no funding at all. Unless they are fortunate enough to receive a tuition waiver and a stipend, many graduate students still take out student loans to cover tuition and living expenses. In fact, about 40 percent of the $1.5 trillion in student loan debt comes from graduate students and professional degree seekers. GoGrad offers 10 helpful strategies for paying off student loan debt.

From the Expert

Advice from a psychiatric social worker.

Rebecca Newman

Rebecca Newman is a psychiatric social worker at the Thomas Jefferson University Physicians Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, where she provides individual psychotherapy in Philadelphia. She specializes in working with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, grief and loss, LGBTQIA+ topics, trauma and adjustment to life changes.

What’s one tip for current graduate students or new graduates to manage student debt?

Don’t avoid dealing with your loans or repayment out of anxiety. Your student loan servicer can and wants to help you make your payments. You can work with them on an income-based repayment plan, which can then inform your budget about other expenses. Do your best to develop a budget and stick to it when you’re adjusting to making loan payments.

What are some benefits of participating in professional development or continuing education programs and workshops?

Continuing education programs are a great opportunity to meet other professionals who are a few years ahead of you in your career and can perhaps support you moving forward in your trajectory. Additionally, staying current in your field is important. Think about whether you had a professor or instructor in graduate school who felt out-of-touch. They might not be engaging with continuing education in a thoughtful way, or staying in a lane that is comfortable for them. Professional development requires a certain degree of humility to acknowledge that you don’t know everything, and placing yourself back in the position of a learner can ultimately make you more effective in a role or on a team.

What was your licensing process/timeline to become a licensed social worker?

In my field, licensing is an essential and somewhat lengthy process. Upon graduation (or in your last semester of graduate school, if you’re in good standing), social workers are eligible to take an exam to become a licensed social worker. For this exam, some preparation is necessary -- it is a combination of theoretical knowledge that is a direct reflection of the program curriculum and clinical vignettes. Following passing this exam, in order to move forward, you must accrue 3,000 hours of supervised work experience over no less than two years. With a full-time job this is manageable, as long as your responsibilities at work are relevant to the profession. In conjunction with those hours, you must accumulate 150 hours of clinical supervision, half of which must be individual and with another licensed professional in the field with years of experience. The other half can be in a group, with another mental health professional or a combination of the two. Once you have accumulated 150 hours of supervision, worked 3,000 hours in your job and two years have elapsed, you can apply to take the clinical licensure exam. Upon passing, you are a licensed clinical social worker and can function independently as a clinician and become credentialed with private insurance carriers.

Additional Resources

For those who might feel overwhelmed by the results of a follow-up query into criminal justice or for the experts who want a refresher, here’s a list of industry-leading agencies, institutes, universities and opportunities.

  • AcademicLadder.com's "Depression in Grad School and Beyond" : Symptoms of depression among graduate students, how to make sense of it and practice self-care.
  • Chemical and Engineering News' "How to Prepare for Life After Graduate School" : Helpful column with career advice for graduate students in the hard sciences.
  • Dorsa Amir's "Modest Advice for New Graduate Students" : An excellent list of wise and calming advice for all graduate students.
  • Finding Brave's Podcast: "How to Land a Dream Job at the Salary You Deserve" : Advice from Austin Belcak on confidence, networking and going the extra mile.
  • Finish Your Thesis Blog : A collection of articles that help graduates handle the stresses of writing a thesis or dissertation as well as job hunting advice.
  • Kathy Caprino's "Preparing for Life After Graduation: How to Land a Great Job Your First Time Out" : Interview with Austin Belcak, founder of Cultivated Culture, that offers unconventional strategies to obtain employment after graduate school.
  • Northeastern University's "How To Be a Successful Graduate Student" : The large Boston institution's take on getting ahead and making the most of your resources in graduate school.
  • Peterson's "A Guide for Potential Grad Students: Should You Go To Graduate School?" : A numbered list, broken into convenient sections, with dozens of salient points to consider before taking the plunge into graduate school.
  • StudyBreaks.com's "Tips for Life After College Graduation" : Practical advice and pep talks for graduates from all walks of life.

Northeastern University Graduate Programs

8 Careers You Can Pursue with a Doctorate in Education

8 Careers You Can Pursue with a Doctorate in Education

Industry Advice Education

By earning a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree, you’re preparing yourself for a career with lasting impact—on students, on the future of a college or university, on your community, or on the trajectory of a nonprofit trying to improve other communities locally and abroad.

You’re also positioning yourself for advancement. Professionals who earn an EdD are qualified for roles leading and operating schools at the elementary, high school, or college level. They learn to lead in a way that can be transferred to the front of a classroom or at the ground level of an organization.

An EdD signals to employers that you’re a thought leader; that you’re someone who’s demonstrated the capacity to identify a problem, examine issues from multiple perspectives, and offer relevant insights for practical solutions. With your doctorate in hand, you’re prepared to take on a leadership role across a variety of industries.

Here’s a look at the types of positions EdD graduates pursue and eight of the top careers available in the field. 

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Learn how an EdD can give you the skills to enact organizational change in any industry.


What Type of Positions Do EdD Students Pursue?

Northeastern’s EdD students cultivate their leadership skills in the program by integrating practice and insights from experienced faculty and high-achieving peers . They come from diverse fields, including business, criminal justice, healthcare, military, human services, and the nonprofit sector. Their job titles and careers are just as diverse, with students working as policymakers, systems analysts, and administrative leaders within higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies.

Top Careers for Doctor of Education Graduates

1. college president.

Average Annual Salary: $272,203

Presidents are the top leaders of a college or university. They establish and execute on their school’s strategic vision, spearhead fundraising, attend student events, and deliver speeches to a variety of constituents, such as donors, lawmakers, government, and faculty, to raise the profile of the institution both locally and abroad. They also collaborate with senior administrators, faculty, and staff to devise new ways to support students and improve their learning environment while maintaining high academic standards. Depending on the type of public or private institution they lead, college presidents can earn impressive seven-figure salaries . 

2. Chief Learning Officer

Average Annual Salary: $152,225

In education, top executive roles include positions like “chief learning officer”—a senior-level professional who develops and drives strategies that help his or her college or university meet critical business goals. Chief learning officers (CLOs) focus on creating strategies for training, learning, and development, and typically oversee an institute’s latest technologies, such as its online learning platform.

Average Annual Salary: $148,783

A provost—or vice president, depending on the college or university—is a senior-level academic administrator who tends to be second in command after the president. Provosts work closely with deans and department heads, and help determine their institution’s academic goals and priorities, as well as how to allocate the resources necessary to support those initiatives. They often oversee daily operations and work to hire and retain a diverse faculty. 

4. School Superintendent

Average Annual Salary: $116,931

Superintendents are the top executives of a school district. They’re responsible for establishing and overseeing their district’s budget, staffing, infrastructure, and spending. Superintendents collaborate closely with a school board to develop and implement new policies and programs in line with the district’s short- and long-term goals, as well as allocate the financial and human resources necessary to achieve the district’s overarching vision.

5. Elementary, Middle, and High School Principal

Average Annual Salary: $95,310

Principals oversee the daily operations of an elementary, middle, or high school. They hire teachers and staff, manage the budget, and enforce disciplinary rules when necessary. Principals also develop and assess educational programming aimed at achieving student learning outcomes, all while striving to create and maintain a positive learning environment. More than 11,000 principal positions are expected to emerge by 2028, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

A principal’s salary might differ depending on whether he or she works at an elementary, middle, or high school. The mean wages for principals at each level, according to PayScale are:

  • Elementary School : $81,095
  • Middle School : $87,989
  • High School : $92,197

6. Academic Dean

Average Annual Salary: $90,339  

Deans work at the senior administrative level of a college or university. The role varies depending on the institution, but deans often manage faculty and staff, set academic goals, implement strategic planning, oversee their department’s budget, help fundraise, support research initiatives, and foster student development. Some departments you might find them in are:

  • Admissions : Those working in admissions develop and lead recruitment initiatives for a college or university. They evaluate applications, decide the number of students who should be admitted to the school, who those students should be, and communicate with prospects and their families.
  • Research : A dean of research often oversees faculty and collaborates with them to create a strategy for developing short- and long-term research initiatives. They also work to secure research funding, oversee the research budget, and establish key industry partnerships.
  • Student Affairs : The student affairs office typically oversees a variety of different departments, such as residence life, athletics, student support services, and diversity and inclusion. A dean of student affairs typically establishes and evaluates nonacademic programs that foster and enrich the student experience, as well as handle disciplinary issues and communicate with students’ parents or legal guardians.
  • Advancement : The advancement office—also known as “development” or “alumni relations” depending on the school—is responsible for securing funding for the college or university from potential donors, including alumni, government policymakers, corporations, and foundations. They nurture and maintain those relationships, ensuring all gifts received are being used as intended.

7. Professor

Average Annual Salary: $78,470

Postsecondary teachers, or professors, work at the college or university level, developing course curricula, instructing students in a specific area of study, and assessing their progress. When they’re not teaching, professors are often conducting research, writing scholarly papers, or attending conferences.

Professors’ salaries vary based on where they are on the tenure track and their area of expertise. The median salary for a professor based on rank, according to PayScale, is:

  • Instructor : $49,510
  • Lecturer: $51,101
  • Assistant Professor : $67,021
  • Associate Professor : $76,250
  • Professor : $87,018

Salaries range further depending on the professor’s focus. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , the top 10 highest-paying subjects—and what those subjects offer in terms of average annual wage—are:

  • Law : $111,140
  • Engineering : $101,720
  • Economics : $101,720
  • Health Specialties : $97,370
  • Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Science : $90,860
  • Physics : $90,800
  • Architecture : $86,980
  • Forestry and Conservation Science : $86,900
  • Agricultural Sciences : $84,640
  • Business : $83,960

8. Executive Director of Education

Average Annual Salary: $73,640

Executive directors are often the senior leaders of a nonprofit organization or business. They work closely with a board of directors but are the ones who make the daily operational decisions. Executive directors hire and manage staff, handle external relations, engage volunteers, oversee the budget—including all fundraising initiatives—and develop policies, programs, and strategies that guide the organization’s mission and purpose. 

What Can You Do with a Doctorate in Education from Northeastern?

When you earn your EdD from Northeastern , you’re not only advancing your own work, you’re joining a top-tier university and pursuing a rigorous education with an entrepreneurial orientation toward making our world a better place. You’re joining a vast network of students and alumni in the EdD, which spans more than 2,000 professionals across many domains of education. You’re gaining access to engaging faculty who understand the importance of professional experiences in a growing leadership capacity, and who are prepared to offer you personal attention to support your professional development.

With your EdD, you can make a difference in the lives of children, communities, and organizations, as you transform your problem of practice into a plan for change and action.

Download Our Free Guide to Earning Your EdD

Editor’s note: This article was originally published in September of 2017. It has since been updated for accuracy and relevance. 

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Doctor of Education

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What to do after getting your phd: 5 next steps, published by steve tippins on february 11, 2019 february 11, 2019.

Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 05:47 am

What to do after finishing your PhD is a surprisingly common challenge for students who have recently graduated. So if you’re asking this question, you’re not alone.

After years of hard work and passing on enjoyable opportunities to get your writing done, you have finished your dissertation. This is quite an accomplishment. But what do you do now that you’ve finished?

This is something that few doctoral programs prepare you for. How do you take what you have learned and capitalize on it? How do you start your new career or use your PhD to take the next step in your existing one?

What to Do After Getting Your PhD

Based on my own experience and my experience coaching countless recent graduates, I’ve come up with an answer. Here is what to do after PhD is officially part of your title.

Step 1: Take a Breath

It may be tempting to rush right into the next thing. You finally have your PhD, now you get to use it! Apply for a thousand jobs, become a postdoctoral fellow, take a research trip to Indonesia with your favorite professor, launch a consulting firm, and publish a Nobel-Prize-worthy paper in an academic journal. All before breakfast.

Or not. In fact, my advice is to slow down. Not for too long–of course you have to take the next steps in your career. But once you start your career, it’s that much more difficult to take a break. Relax for a moment, and then take a good long deep breath. You are at the summit of one of the largest (proverbial) mountains you’ve ever climbed. Take a moment to appreciate the view. Then, get back to work.

Step 2: Set your Goals

woman taking notes in front of her laptop next to a bright window

After taking a break, the first thing you need to do is figure out what your goals are . You employed a great deal of discipline to get to this point. Use that skill to determine how you want to move forward. Your doctoral degree is an asset, so try to maximize the return that you get. Getting clear on your goals will determine your next steps and provide a map of what to do after completing your PhD.

When setting your career goals, it’s important to remember your life goals. Remember why you started this journey in the first place. How have you changed? How have your goals changed? What is most important in your life, and how will your next steps support this? Considering how your career fits into your life as a whole will help you make decisions about how to move forward.

education after phd

Here are some of your options:

Do you want to publish? Think hard about this. You are now an expert on your topic, it would be great if you shared that expertise with the world. Think about your goal in publishing. Is your goal to see your name in print so that your mother can brag about her child being a published author? Do you want to spread the findings of your dissertation across the world to help humanity? Different goals will lead you in different publishing directions.

What a noble profession. Many people want to use their degree to help shape the future by teaching. If this is a path for you, think about the following questions: Do you want to teach full time or part time? Would you prefer to teach online or in a traditional classroom setting? Are you bound to one geographic location or are you willing to go anywhere? Do you want to prioritize teaching over research or vice-versa? Each choice offers various, but different, opportunities.

Outside of Academia

Are there non-academic alternatives available to you? Are you looking for a promotion at your current job? Do you want to speak at conferences? How about a new job? Maybe consulting is the path that you want to take. Your degree puts you in a very small group outside of academia; use it as best you can, remembering that you will be seen as the expert in most settings.

There are many things that you might want to do with your degree. Stop and take the time to determine your goals and then you can see how all of the hard work that you put in to get your degree can get you there. If you find yourself stuck, or want support realizing your full potential, career coaching can help.

Step 3: Prepare your Material

woman holding a pen and having a discussion with a colleague in a suit

No matter what you choose to do after getting your PhD, you will have to put together a package of material that represents you. This is true whether you want to apply for academic jobs, work outside academia, or start your own business as a consultant. This is the first thing that most employers or potential clients will see of you, so make sure it represents the best of who you are.

You will need a resume and to be ready to answer all kinds of questions. It’s important to update your resume after finishing your PhD, adding relevant accomplishments and experience besides your new degree.

Prepare to answer common questions (for example, “Why did you get a PhD?” “Can you tell me about a situation where you worked well with others?” and “Can you tell me about a situation where you were able to work with someone who was difficult to work with?”).

Also, remember to highlight the unique strengths and skills that you have as a newly minted PhD. Having spent the past few years in the company of other people who either already have PhDs or are trying to get them, it’s easy to lose sight of your uniqueness. Remember the grit and persistence you’ve shown, the critical thinking skills you’ve had to cultivate, and the balanced ability to simultaneously take direction from committee members and forge your own unique research path.

Remember that you are a member of a small group of people with an exceptionally useful skill set, and a degree to prove it. You have proven your capacity to innovate, learn, and work with others. Take a look at Catherine Sorbara’s excellent article on this subject.

Inside of Academia

Work on creating a CV (curriculum vitae) that fits the standards of your discipline. You will probably need to submit documents that cover your teaching philosophy, a list of references, a research agenda, and copies of teaching evaluations, if available.

If you get a campus visit interview, you will need to prepare a presentation about your research and may be asked to teach a class or give a seminar to interested students. Do not take these two steps lightly, as the search committee will get feedback from everyone who participates in these sessions about your suitability for the position.

Find research interest connections at prospective universities. Look within the department you are applying for professors who share your research interests, but also look more widely — to the college and to other colleges within the university — for others doing related studies that may dovetail with your work. The potential for collaborative research and interdisciplinary studies will catch the attention of university administrators and may well give you an edge.

Seek advice. Make sure you are prepared for all of this and get well-acquainted with norms. Your professors and advisors are an excellent resource to help you prepare for this, as are my career coaching services .

Step 4: Search for a Job

woman with bright hair typing on her laptop

When people ask what to do after PhD completion, they’re usually trying to skip ahead to this step–but it’s vital to take the time to set your goals and prepare your material before looking for a job . Now that you’ve done that, you can set your sights on your new (or improved) career. Many people use their PhD as a springboard to an exciting new career path. Here are some insights to help you do that.

The Chronicle of Higher Education is a great place to start. The Chronicle posts jobs daily online for most disciplines. You can also look at HigherEdJobs which tends to have jobs that may not make it to the chronicle.

Conferences within your discipline are a very good place to find out about jobs. Also, the professors within your program may be a good source of contacts who may know about jobs. Remember, most academic jobs start in August/September and postings may come out as much as 11 months before a job starts.

Some professions specifically recruit PhDs. If you are in the sciences this may be the case. Consultancy firms also seek PhDs. Outside of these areas the job search may include networking, sending out resumes, and using the services of recruiters. Your committee chair may be able to connect you with former students in your field who would be willing to make introductions. Most universities have career centers that offer assistance with networking and other job-seeking skills.

Step 5: Stay on Track

Periodically reevaluate your goals–both whether you’re meeting them and whether the goals themselves need to change. Perhaps you started out wanting to pursue research but have fallen in love with teaching. Or maybe you started off teaching but found that consulting is much more enjoyable. Whatever your goals are, they’re subject to change as you learn and grow.

However, if your goal was to teach but you find yourself getting bogged down in research projects due to the pressure to publish, take some time to reflect on how you can better achieve the goals that are most fulfilling to you. Would you prefer an instructor’s position? Or perhaps looking at universities that emphasize teaching over research would be your solution.

What to Do After PhD Completion: A Summary

education after phd

Getting your PhD is a huge accomplishment. However, if you’re wondering what to do after your PhD is complete, you’re not alone. Once you finish your PhD, take a breath and allow some space in your life. Next, determine your goals and create a plan for how to proceed. Once you are clear on your goals, prepare your materials and apply for jobs. Finally, periodically re-evaluate your goals to see whether you’re meeting them and whether they’re still relevant.

Many recent graduates use a career coach to help them in this process. If you are interested in this kind of coaching, feel free to take a look at my services page or get in touch.

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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Doctor of Philosophy in Education

Ph.D. Commencement robing Martin West and Christopher Cleveland

Additional Information

  • Download the Doctoral Viewbook
  • Admissions & Aid

The Harvard Ph.D. in Education trains cutting-edge researchers who work across disciplines to generate knowledge and translate discoveries into transformative policy and practice.

Offered jointly by the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Ph.D. in Education provides you with full access to the extraordinary resources of Harvard University and prepares you to assume meaningful roles as university faculty, researchers, senior-level education leaders, and policymakers.

As a Ph.D. candidate, you will collaborate with scholars across all Harvard graduate schools on original interdisciplinary research. In the process, you will help forge new fields of inquiry that will impact the way we teach and learn. The program’s required coursework will develop your knowledge of education and your expertise in a range of quantitative and qualitative methods needed to conduct high-quality research. Guided by the goal of making a transformative impact on education research, policy, and practice, you will focus on independent research in various domains, including human development, learning and teaching, policy analysis and evaluation, institutions and society, and instructional practice.   

Curriculum Information

The Ph.D. in Education requires five years of full-time study to complete. You will choose your individual coursework and design your original research in close consultation with your HGSE faculty adviser and dissertation committee. The requirements listed below include the three Ph.D. concentrations: Culture, Institutions, and Society; Education Policy and Program Evaluation; and Human Development, Learning and Teaching . 

We invite you to review an example course list, which is provided in two formats — one as the full list by course number and one by broad course category . These lists are subject to modification. 

Ph.D. Concentrations and Examples

Summary of Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Colloquia  In year one and two you are required to attend. The colloquia convenes weekly and features presentations of work-in-progress and completed work by Harvard faculty, faculty and researchers from outside Harvard, and Harvard doctoral students. Ph.D. students present once in the colloquia over the course of their career.

Research Apprenticeship The Research Apprenticeship is designed to provide ongoing training and mentoring to develop your research skills throughout the entire program.

Teaching Fellowships The Teaching Fellowship is an opportunity to enhance students' teaching skills, promote learning consolidation, and provide opportunities to collaborate with faculty on pedagogical development.

Comprehensive Exams  The Written Exam (year 2, spring) tests you on both general and concentration-specific knowledge. The Oral Exam (year 3, fall/winter) tests your command of your chosen field of study and your ability to design, develop, and implement an original research project.

Dissertation  Based on your original research, the dissertation process consists of three parts: the Dissertation Proposal, the writing, and an oral defense before the members of your dissertation committee.

Culture, Institutions, and Society (CIS) Concentration

In CIS, you will examine the broader cultural, institutional, organizational, and social contexts relevant to education across the lifespan. What is the value and purpose of education? How do cultural, institutional, and social factors shape educational processes and outcomes? How effective are social movements and community action in education reform? How do we measure stratification and institutional inequality? In CIS, your work will be informed by theories and methods from sociology, history, political science, organizational behavior and management, philosophy, and anthropology. You can examine contexts as diverse as classrooms, families, neighborhoods, schools, colleges and universities, religious institutions, nonprofits, government agencies, and more.

Education Policy and Program Evaluation (EPPE) Concentration

In EPPE, you will research the design, implementation, and evaluation of education policy affecting early childhood, K–12, and postsecondary education in the U.S. and internationally. You will evaluate and assess individual programs and policies related to critical issues like access to education, teacher effectiveness, school finance, testing and accountability systems, school choice, financial aid, college enrollment and persistence, and more. Your work will be informed by theories and methods from economics, political science, public policy, and sociology, history, philosophy, and statistics. This concentration shares some themes with CIS, but your work with EPPE will focus on public policy and large-scale reforms.

Human Development, Learning and Teaching (HDLT) Concentration

In HDLT, you will work to advance the role of scientific research in education policy, reform, and practice. New discoveries in the science of learning and development — the integration of biological, cognitive, and social processes; the relationships between technology and learning; or the factors that influence individual variations in learning — are transforming the practice of teaching and learning in both formal and informal settings. Whether studying behavioral, cognitive, or social-emotional development in children or the design of learning technologies to maximize understanding, you will gain a strong background in human development, the science of learning, and sociocultural factors that explain variation in learning and developmental pathways. Your research will be informed by theories and methods from psychology, cognitive science, sociology and linguistics, philosophy, the biological sciences and mathematics, and organizational behavior.

Program Faculty

The most remarkable thing about the Ph.D. in Education is open access to faculty from all Harvard graduate and professional schools, including the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School, the Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Learn about the full Ph.D. Faculty.

Jarvis Givens

Jarvis R. Givens

Jarvis Givens studies the history of American education, African American history, and the relationship between race and power in schools.

Paul Harris

Paul L. Harris

Paul Harris is interested in the early development of cognition, emotion, and imagination in children.

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson

Meira Levinson is a normative political philosopher who works at the intersection of civic education, youth empowerment, racial justice, and educational ethics. 

Luke Miratrix

Luke W. Miratrix

Luke Miratrix is a statistician who explores how to best use modern statistical methods in applied social science contexts.

education after phd

Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor studies the economics of education, with a particular interest in employer-employee interactions between schools and teachers — hiring and firing decisions, job design, training, and performance evaluation.

Paola Uccelli

Paola Uccelli

Paola Ucelli studies socio-cultural and individual differences in the language development of multilingual and monolingual students.

HGSE shield on blue background

View Ph.D. Faculty


The following is a complete listing of successful Ph.D. in Education dissertations to-date. Dissertations from November 2014 onward are publicly available in the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH) , the online repository for Harvard scholarship.

  • 2022 Graduate Dissertations (265 KB pdf)
  • 2021 Graduate Dissertations (177 KB pdf)
  • 2020 Graduate Dissertations (121 KB pdf)
  • 2019 Graduate Dissertations (68.3 KB pdf)

Student Directory

An opt-in listing of current Ph.D. students with information about their interests, research, personal web pages, and contact information:

Doctor of Philosophy in Education Student Directory

Introduce Yourself

Tell us about yourself so that we can tailor our communication to best fit your interests and provide you with relevant information about our programs, events, and other opportunities to connect with us.

Program Highlights

Explore examples of the Doctor of Philosophy in Education experience and the impact its community is making on the field:

Callie Sung

The Human Element of Data and AI

Gahyun Callie Sung's journey to HGSE and the LIT Lab is reflected in her research into data and using AI to improve student outcomes. 

Mary Laski

Improving the Teacher Workforce

With her research work, doctoral marshal Mary Laski, Ph.D.'24, is trying to make teaching in K–12 schools more sustainable and attractive

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Academic Degrees , Education Degree News

Considering a PhD in Education? Here’s What You Need to Know

Updated: February 13, 2024

Published: December 17, 2018


For anyone looking to pursue a career in education in academia or research, a Ph.D. in education is the degree to seek. A doctorate degree in education is a terminal degree in the field, which means it is the highest level degree you can get. So the natural next question is, “What can you do with a Ph.D. in education?

Here, we will share Ph.D. in education jobs, as well as answer all your big questions surrounding a doctorate degree in education.

education after phd

What is a Ph.D. in education?

A doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in education is a graduate degree that is well-suited for anyone who wants to focus their career on academics or research. Just like a Ph.D. in education is a terminal degree, so is a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree.

Although it can be confusing when faced with two terminal degrees in the same field, it helps to clarify when we understand what each of their focus is. An EdD in education is more hands-on and practice-oriented, which means that it’s of use to those who want to work in education, for the government, or in a non-profit organization.

A Ph.D. in education is theoretically-focused and more study-based, in comparison. For this reason, it’s best for anyone looking to work in research or academia at the university level.

There are more differences between the two, including:

  • A Ph.D. in education takes four years to complete, while an EdD takes two.
  • A Ph.D. requires doing a dissertation, while an EdD doesn’t.
  • A Ph.D. focuses on developing new research. EdD students, on the other hand, use existing research to guide decisions about issues within their area of study.
  • A Ph.D. requires taking 90 credits, whereas an EdD requires 60.

Why Earn a Ph.D. in Education?

There are many reasons why a Ph.D. in education is valuable and worthy of your effort. Here’s why:

1. It’s one of the most highly respected credentials in education, and as mentioned, it is a terminal degree (which means its the highest level that you can achieve in this field).

2. You’ll use research-based methods to solve problems and identify gaps in your specialization of choice.

Plus, you will have the expertise and credentials to publish in professional journals and/or present your findings at conferences around the world.

3. You’ll be advancing in an area of education in which you’re passionate.

Are you fascinated by childhood development? Or do you have a passion for classroom management? If you have a desire to advance a particular field in education, a Ph.D. is an excellent way to do so.

4. You’ll earn respect in your field and gain personal satisfaction.

Since a Ph.D. in education requires doing a dissertation, that alone is not an easy feat! Accomplishing it will surely give you a rewarding feeling. Plus, being called Doctor isn’t so bad either. Just like any degree, a Ph.D. in education involves a certain skill set . Some learned along the way, and some you may have naturally. These are some skills involved in a Ph.D. in education:

Technical skills:

Analysis and problem-solving, project management and organization, research and information management, and written and oral communication are all important in such a research-based degree.

Soft skills:

Interpersonal and leadership skills, self-management and work habits, concentration, and patience are all important personal skills to have when you’re spending lots of time on one specific topic.

The Doctorate in Education Salaries You Can Expect

Did you know that in America, Ph.D. graduates will earn $1.3 million more than BA holders in their working lifetimes? There are all kinds of career options for Ph.D. education graduates.

Here are some examples of typical careers for Ph.D. in education holders, as well as their average salaries in the US:

  • Clinical, Counseling and School Psychologists: $79,820
  • Education Teachers, Postsecondary: $80,56 0
  • Survey Researchers: $59,870 
  • Sociologists: $86,110
  • Training and Development Specialists: $62,700

Many PhD in education graduates want to become professors. Here’s what the average annual salaries look like around the globe for professors in the top-paying countries (in their equivalent USD):

Denmark: $109,600

Switzerland: $185,000

UK: $110,000

US: $102,400

Finland: $95,000

Canada: $93,000


France: $82,000

There are other career options as well, such as school administrator, superintendent, curriculum coordinator, and principal.

education after phd

What are the Requirements?

Considering that a Ph.D. in education is the highest level you can achieve in education, it means that you will already have a bachelor’s under your belt, and in most cases, a master’s degree, as well. In other words, you probably like being a student. There are lots of years of studying that get dedicated to earning a Ph.D. If you plan on doing a doctorate in education, earning a master’s degree in education can be the right first step.

Another important thing to know is that almost all Ph.D. candidates have background experience in research. So if education is your field of interest, getting a Ph.D. will mean coming to the table with previous research experience from your undergraduate (and potentially graduate) degrees.

Every institution may differ on their prerequisites for enrolling in their Ph.D. in education program. Be sure to consult directly with your school of choice to find out what they are.

Where Can I Earn My Ph.D. in Education?

There are many schools that offer Ph.D. in education programs. Just like most subjects, there are going to be online /on-campus options as well as throughout the world. Some are even fully funded.

Online programs

University of the People has a Master’s in Education (M.Ed) degree. This could be a great choice for those of you who may be aiming for a Ph.D. in education but only have a BA. The next step is getting that MA. So, why not choose a tuition-free program ?

Liberty University, Walden University, University of Colorado, and the University of Nebraska are just a few popular universities that offer a Ph.D. in Education. Here’s a look at some of the most affordable online Ph.D. programs.

Studying in Europe

Studying in Europe can be both exciting and low-cost . Germany, Sweden, Norway, and Finland offer free doctorate tuition for university students, regardless of their nationality! France offers low-cost Ph.D. tuition fees. If you want to see some specific schools in these countries, look at this list.

Fully-funded Programs

Fully-funded sounds wonderful, and it is! But, it doesn’t mean there are no costs associated. Fully-funded actually means that your tuition is covered, but you’ll still have to cover costs for textbooks and supplies, living expenses, and other fees.  no cost. That said, it’s still an awesome option. One condition: it has to be on campus. Why? Because you need to pay with your time — by teaching and performing research.

University of Michigan School of Education, Vanderbilt Peabody College, and Steinhardt School at NYU all offer tuition-free on-campus Ph.D. in education programs.

Online vs On-campus

You might be wondering what it’s like to get your Ph.D. online, as compared to on-campus institutions. Like all degrees, there are advantages and disadvantages to earning your degree entirely online. In regards to a Ph.D. in education, you will need to consider a few things.

Online Ph.D. programs are best suited to students who work better solo. They are also great for those who have worked in the field for some time and want to advance in their area of study. And, of course, it’s the best option for those who work and are raising families. On the other hand, you aren’t in the presence of peers and professors that can be a valuable resource in the research-driven program of a Ph.D.

Earning a Ph.D. on-campus has its pros and cons, too.. While they’re generally more expensive than online programs, on-campus Ph.D. programs allow you to communicate face-to-face with your professors, supervisors, and other students.

What You Can Expect to Study in a Ph.D. in Education

Completing a Ph.D. means doing your dissertation, or research thesis. Naturally, it is going to be based on the field of study that you are most interested in. You can specialize in a certain area. Some common specialization options for a Ph.D. in education are:

  • Early Childhood Education
  • Special Education
  • Adult Education
  • Teacher Leadership
  • Curriculum and Pedagogy
  • Educational Psychology

Aside from the research involved in planning and executing your thesis, you will also have professional development activities and coursework relevant to your area of study. They’re designed to help give you the skills needed to succeed in your research and your future career in education.

While the curriculum is going to vary according to your specialization, there are some general core courses that most PhDs in education involve. You will likely take the following: group psychology, leadership, learning models, ethics, education and globalization, and analytics courses as part of your curriculum.

Is a Ph.D. in Education for Me?

If you choose to study for a Ph.D. in education, chances are you’re passionate about teaching and learning, and everything in between. Even if you’re not looking to stand in front of a lecture hall and teach, you may wish to improve upon the field of education as a whole through research and other means. With a Ph.D. in Education, you open the door to that possibility and many more.

How you choose to earn your degree is up to you. Whether you conclude upon enrolling online or on-campus, prepare yourself for lots of reading, writing, researching, and communicating. Whatever you chose, we’re sure you’ll give it your best shot. Here’s to reaching the top in the field of education!

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Teaching, learning, and teacher education, doctor of philosophy (ph.d.), you are here, a doctoral program preparing education researchers, teacher educators, curriculum specialists, and instructional leaders..

The Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education focuses on the preparation of researchers and teacher educators in universities and colleges. Focal areas include teaching and learning, research and practice in teacher education, mathematics education, science education, and the study of urban education and urban contexts. 

What Sets Us Apart

About the program.

The Ph.D. in Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education focuses on the preparation of researchers in education. The program includes formal courses, mentored research, and informal seminars.  The program is designed to draw together coursework, research apprenticeship, and other professional academic activities to build a complete professional program that is tailored to your interests and needs.

Fall: 3; Spring: 3

Culminating experience Dissertation

Coursework and research experiences address a range of practice-based and theoretical problems in schools and community settings from sociopolitical, cultural, philosophical, psychological, and historical perspectives. Taking an interdisciplinary stance, faculty and students explore issues of equity, social justice, and educational change in a range of formal and informal educational settings. You will build a program of study that includes courses in teaching and learning, social foundations, and research methods.  Applicants interested in the focal area of literacy are encouraged to consider the doctoral program in Literacy Studies .

Field-based research and collaborative projects with practitioners in schools or other educational settings are key components of the program. The program is designed to draw together coursework, research apprenticeship, and other professional academic activities to build a complete professional program that is tailored to your interests and needs.

As a full-time Ph.D. student, you are expected to be in residence and participate in practicum activities, courses, and other academic experiences throughout the first two years, where you will be enrolled in 3 course units per semester. Coursework and experiences are arranged around three areas or strands, including specialization courses, research methods courses, and electives/professional experiences, as well as a set of core courses. For more information about courses and requirements, visit the  Teaching, Learning, and Teacher Education Ph.D. program in the University Catalog .

Research Apprenticeship Course (RAC)

The RAC is part of the Professional Experiences strand and is designed to assist you in developing, conducting, and presenting your own original research. The course focuses on the research interests of the students and requires participation in the scheduling of activities, presentations, and directing part of the RAC agenda as it pertains to the collective needs of the group. Students from the different stages of the doctoral program will serve as mentors to one another, with faculty oversight. You will participate in the RAC beginning in the spring of your first year and continue participation until the completion of your dissertation.

Annual Self-Evaluation : Each year, doctoral students complete a Professional Self-Evaluation that is used as part of the ongoing evaluation and planning process. You are introduced to the evaluation form in the proseminar and will work on it in the spring Research Apprenticeship Course (RAC). The deadline for the Professional Self-evaluation falls in mid-autumn or mid-spring.

Qualifying Examination : The Qualifying Examination is taken by all doctoral students, most often at the end of the first year. Passing this exam is an important step in being admitted to program candidacy. In order to take the qualifying exam, you need to have completed the Doctoral Proseminar, Doctoral Foundations of Teaching and Learning, Education, Culture, and Society, 1 RAC, and 1 research methods course.

Program Candidacy : You are assessed for program candidacy after successfully completing the  Doctoral Proseminar, Doctoral Foundations of Teaching and Learning, Education, Culture, and Society, 1 RAC, and 1 research methods course, and passing the Qualifying Examination. You must be in good academic standing to receive program candidacy.

Preliminary Examination : The Preliminary Examination is taken after you have completed all courses and before you begin work on your dissertation. Passing the Preliminary Exam allows you to be admitted to doctoral candidacy. You may submit a Preliminary Exam from the start of the fall semester through April 1. A description of the Preliminary Exam is available from the Division Coordinator. 

Dissertation : To complete the Ph.D., you must design and undertake an original research study under the direction of your dissertation committee. Students should see Penn GSE and Penn-wide policies and speak with their advisor about the requirements of the dissertation.

Our Faculty

Penn GSE Faculty Ed Brockenbrough

Affiliated Faculty

Ryan S. Baker Professor Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University

Bodong Chen Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Toronto

Matthew Duvall Lecturer Ph.D., Drexel University

L. Michael Golden Executive Director, Catalyst @ Penn GSE Ed.D., University of Pennsylvania

Zachary Herrmann Adjunct Assistant Professor Ed.L.D., Harvard University

Charlotte E. Jacobs Director, Independent School Teaching Residency Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Michael C. Johanek Senior Fellow Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

Yasmin B. Kafai Lori and Michael Milken President’s Distinguished Professor Ed.D., Harvard University

Andrea M. Kane Professor of Practice, Education Leadership Ph.D., Northcentral University

Rand Quinn Associate Professor Ph.D., Stanford University

Sharon M. Ravitch Professor of Practice Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Susan A. Yoon Graduate School of Education Presidential Professor Ph.D., University of Toronto

A picture of Penn GSE alum Justice Toshiba Walker, a former high school biology teacher.

"Penn taught me, Penn GSE especially, that if you have the right combination of ingredients—commitment from the structure, mentors, and colleagues—then risk-taking, innovation, and progress will for sure ignite."

Justice Toshiba Walker

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  • Assistant Professor of Special Education, Villanova University
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  • Director, Out of School Time Resource Center
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Temple University

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Our Students

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Top 7 Career Opportunities in India after PhD in 2024

Top 7 Career Opportunities in India after PhD in 2024

A PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is the highest academic qualification offered to an individual following a course of study. The term PhD originates from the Latin term ‘Philosophiae Doctor’ and represents competition of individual research in a field of interest. The doctoral research degree paves the path for a wide range of opportunities. It is a 3 to 8 years course that helps you become competent at presenting your thesis based on independent research of a topic.

There is a breadth of skills students acquire while pursuing a PhD. It elevates your ability to critically analyse a subject, display intellectual maturity, gain in-depth knowledge of a specific field and publish a valid thesis. 

In this article, we’ll take a look at the best job opportunities after PhD that are available to students in different industries—academia, government sector, entrepreneurship, consultancy, and so on. If you are looking for PhD admission for 2024, please read further. 

What is the career outlook for PhD holders in 2024?  

Based on my experience and insights, job opportunities after phd in india appear promising in 2024. Their advanced research and analytical skills are in high demand across various sectors. In academia, opportunities abound as they can pursue careers as professors or researchers. The corporate sector offers avenues for success in roles related to research and development, data science, and consulting. Government agencies value their expertise in policy analysis and implementation. Additionally, for those inclined towards entrepreneurship and innovation, there are opportunities to venture into new territories. Overall, the year 2024 presents an encouraging landscape for PhD holders in India, offering diverse career paths and the potential to make meaningful contributions in their respective fields.  

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Top Job Opportunities after PhD

1. academics, a. faculty position.

One of the most commonly opted choices after a PhD is teaching, primarily due to the uncanny similarity between academia and what an individual must do to acquire the degree. The degree practice and teaching involve teaching, researching, and nurturing your acquired knowledge.

If you are interested in landing a faculty position or taking up the teaching path, plenty of institutions are keen on having a PhD holder in their faculty, especially in developing countries.

The PhD holders have a niche of their own in the domain or topic they have spent time researching about. They have made a good number of contributions to the field of study, so they have a firm hold on the subject.

So the PhD holders as faculty seem to be a natural fit, as they can impart the knowledge mentioned in the curriculum and much beyond that. They can open their students’ minds to concepts they would not usually be exposed to and thus help them develop a frame of mind that is inquisitive and has a strong foundation.

Some of the skills that the faculty must possess to impart the education smoothly are an excellent hold of the subject, communication skills, analytical skills, people management, understanding of human behavior, assessment skills, empathy, etc.

The profession of teaching is considered one of the best, high paying and most successful one. The compensation varies according to the subject, institution, experience, etc. On average, after PhD salary in India of a faculty is  12.0 lakhs per annum. The average salary bracket ranges from 1.3 lakhs per annum to 30.0 lakhs per annum (Source).

b. Post Doctorate

You can also choose to stay in the same university for varying periods (from one to four years) and get an extended project based on the one you did earlier. You might also work on publishing your erstwhile researched product.

The significance of a post-doctorate is many. They take on individual or group research projects that are impactful. Their research and findings help society, government education, industries, etc.

A post-doc has the autonomy of their day. Some of the skills that are required from a post-doc are the nature of being inquisitive, research skills, documentation, verbal and written communication, a good hold of the subject matter, people skills, team management, etc.

The salary for a post-doc may vary depending on factors such as the institution, domain, research topic, experience, etc. On average, a postdoctoral researcher procures the compensation of 10.0 lakhs per annum. The salary ranges from 3.0 lakhs per annum to 40.0 lakhs per annum (Source). People have apprehension about “ What comes after PhD ?” Post-doctorate can be considered an option.

c. Adjunct Position

An adjunct position is a non-tenure position in universities; they are professionals who don’t carry the title of a professor but make valuable contributions to the faculty. In some universities, professionals in Adjunct positions work overtime and bear numerous educational responsibilities.

d. Teaching

PhD holders can teach at institutions offering undergraduate courses where they are looking for staff with a PhD who can carry out practical research.

PhD candidates can be assistant professors by teaching undergraduate courses or being a part of committees that help form academic and organisational policies and perform research to achieve tenure.

There exists a myth that PhD courses are designed to PAVE the path for individuals to become professors at the university level. However, the horizons of a PhD degree spread farther than simply academia, so it’s wrong to assume so. 

Here’s looking at the different verticals where PhD holders can chart a rewarding career. 

2. Government Jobs

The government job sector is ideal for patriotic and passionate people who want to serve the country. Since the government is always on the lookout for creative and skilled people, professionals who love researching and put their skills to good use can rely on the government sector. 

PhD holders carry a unique, innovative perspective that allows them to view complex problems, understand them and make practical, diplomatic choices.

There are several opportunities here, starting from the military sector (e.g. military research). If you are interested in politics, you can opt for a policymaker position in state and central government. You can also be a minister if you can work your way up with innovative diplomatic ideas.

First, the PhD holders are eligible to sit in the government exam. They are highly qualified professionals who give a learned and deeper perspective to the government professionals that helps in better decision-making. They can work in various departments of the government, such as policy making, rural development, transportation, scientific research, military, international relations, etc. One can procure various PhD jobs in India in the government sector.

3. Entrepreneur

In today’s world, the entrepreneurship sector is growing exponentially. Since information and technology are accessible to everyone, there’s a growing shift towards startups, self-employment, and innovation. PhDs holders carry the potential to be first-grade innovators/entrepreneurs.

Research shows that PhDs and entrepreneurial journeys are way more similar than they seem, and hence, students who have PhD degrees are very likely to thrive when they get into entrepreneurship.

Apart from various similarities between the entrepreneurs and PhDs, there is one common similarity between these two, and that is innovation and research skills. Both of these professionals identify a problem persisting in society and develop a model that solves it. So naturally, the PhD holders seem as a fit progression to entrepreneurship.

Some of the skills required for a successful entrepreneur are identifying problems, critical thinking, problem-solving, business management, creativity,  team management, self-starter attitude, communication skills, networking, etc.

4. Consultancy

The skillset required to be a consultant includes maintaining large amounts of data. Plenty of companies rely on MBA professionals and PhD holders for consultancy due to the increasing influence of technology in the real world.

Large consultancy firms hire PhD holders from all different fields. The idea is to leverage valuable data and glean helpful insights to empower business decision-making. 

PhD and other advanced degrees help students shine in consultancy since there is a massive requirement for specialised expertise in today’s age. Therefore, if you have a PhD, consultancy is a very prominent job opportunity that can be highly rewarding.

There are various reasons for being a consultant professional as a PhD holder, as they have a high capacity for critical thinking. They are skillful for effectively and scientifically solving problems. The PhD holders can effectively analyse the data and come to conclusions. The companies hire the PhD holders for the level of expertise they bring. Usually, they are hired at the same level as MBA professionals. This may vary depending on the companies, level of skill sets, location, and other factors.

5. Digital Media Company

The job description is to prepare reports providing a comprehensive analysis and context on various topics. It also includes preparing reports on artistic and cultural events. A PhD course equips you to be an individual with excellent writing and research skills. These are extremely handy when pursuing a writing job opportunity at media company.

Unlike a regular digital marketing professional a PhD holder would come up with a much deeper perspective and understanding. They would be having the in depth knowledge of the funcitonings. 

There is an option available to do PhD in digital marketing, these professionals would come up with understanding on the culture, society, ethnicities, human behaviour and many more. There are various options available fo r phd jobs as   there are various firms and companies that employe the professionals.

6. Research Associate

As the word suggests, a research associate job position requires you to gather data to determine whether consumers or companies find a product or service desirable or appealing.

For this job position, the skills you acquire during your PhD study (presentation and research skills) prove to be highly influential; these are the skills that help you excel in research.

Switching from academic research to corporate research, where the information acquired via research is used well, is a choice most professionals make these days since academic research can get monotonous and underwhelming at times.

The research associates are responsible for various tasks such as gathering of data, preparing data, analysing, reporting, research and may more. They identify the problem and then go about their workf to find solutions for the problem.

It is considered as one of the most sought- after jobs one can go for. There are various industries and fields one can go ahead to make a career fro themselves. These researches make a positive contribution to the society in various fields such as history, science, art and culture, society, policy making, etc.

Usually there is no degree after PhD is required to become a research associate a PhD suffices. Moreover, the profession as a research associate is high paying and is a stable career. 

7. Product Manager

The job profile of a product manager includes overseeing every aspect of the development, growth, maintenance, and improvement of a product.

Companies prefer PhD holders over other UG PG holders for positions that require overseeing or handling end-to-end tasks since a PhD equips you to handle multitasking effortlessly.

The role of a product manager doesn’t stop after product formulation and release. It extends to maintenance, improving product performance, devising marketing strategies, and enhancing product efficiency by bringing in new methods that can replace older ways. Online PhD programs offer you offer flexibility to manage your work and other commitments.

 A product manager is required to be aware of the customer’s needs and manage to address the gap by innovating the product. They are responsible for making the product better that helps in taking the business forward. 

In order to all of that, they are required to be equipped with certain skill sets that understands th ehuman behavioru, mindsets of people coming from different geographies and age groups. And according to various factors, inculcate the innovations in such a way that the product feels relatable to the target audience. But most importantly, they should also be having the business acumen that helps them in aking decisions that benefits the business.

The profession as a product manager is considered as high paying and on average the salary goes up to 16.3 lakhs per annum. The average salary ranges from 6.0 lakhs per annum to 35.0 lakhs per annum (Source). This salary bracket may differ due to various factors such as geographical location, skill sets, experience, type of company, etc.

Check out upGrad’s Global Doctor of Business Administration from the ACBSP-accredited Swiss School of Business and Management. The 36-months program caters to 75+ nationalities and provides 12+ specialisations and 70+ faculty industry collaborations to help you succeed. There are 1:1 thesis supervisions to ensure you exploit your potential in your domain of choice. 

The minimum requirement to pursue this degree is a Master’s Degree (or equivalent) or 5+ years of work experience. Don’t wait, sign up and book your seat today!

Is it easier to find a career opportunity with a PhD degree?

Based on my own experience and observations, pursuing a PhD, although demanding in terms of time and effort, can significantly broaden your career horizons. PhD holders are highly esteemed for their specialized knowledge, exceptional research skills, and critical thinking abilities. They find ample opportunities in academia, securing coveted positions as professors and researchers. Moreover, industries such as healthcare, finance, and technology highly value PhDs, often offering them lucrative roles in research and development, data analysis, and leadership.  

However, the ease of finding suitable job opportunities after phd in india can vary based on factors like your field of study and location. In India, PhD graduates can unlock diverse and rewarding career paths with the right set of skills and effective networking. The investment in higher education pays off in the form of fulfilling and promising professional opportunities.

T he landscape of job opportunities after a PhD in India in 2024 appears promising and diverse. The demand for highly skilled and specialized professionals continues to grow across various sectors. Whether you aspire to excel in academia, contribute to cutting-edg e research, or significantly impac t the corporate world, a PhD opens doors to numerou s avenues. The key lies in leveragin g your unique expertis e , networking effectively, and staying attuned to emerging trends in your field. With the right strategy and dedication, you can embark on a fulfilling and rewarding career journey, making your investment in a Ph .D. an asset in the dynamic Indian job market.  


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Communication skills can effectively drive career potential since PhD holders are expected to deliver out-of-the-box thinking, management, and creative ways of solving problems via critical thinking. Developing communication skills is crucial in showcasing and presenting your ideas to technical and non-tech teams convincingly.

PhD holders have the upper hand over Master’s or Bachelors's students across industries due to their high-end skill sets that include critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective decision making. In addition, their unmatched research skills and data management abilities make them an obvious choice for a host of high-profile roles across industries.

The average salary of PhD holders ranges between ₹ 6,00,000 and ₹ 12,00,000 per year, depending on the field of choice, experience, and skillsets. The average base salary for a PhD holder working as a professor is ₹16,73,000 per year, approximately ₹90k per month).

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When the PhD path leads to career struggles

A bird flew past a rainbow on the horizon, as viewed from Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester.

A doctoral degree is a major commitment. Think carefully.

I appreciated reading Kara Miller’s The Big Idea column “PhD: Pretty heavily disappointed” (Business, May 22), about people with doctoral degrees struggling to build careers in academia. It made me think back to a conversation I had when I was about to graduate from high school.

I happened to run into a former track coach of mine, and as we were reminiscing he asked me what I planned as a major in college. “History,” I responded. He said, “Why don’t you take some computer classes also? It never hurts to be able to do something useful.”

I did not reflect on his motivation at the time, but my track coach was a young guy, and he was probably giving me advice straight from his own life, as a parent trying to raise his own young children. I did take computer classes in college and ultimately received a PhD in chemical engineering. I always remember that conversation as being a kind of turning point.

Earning a doctoral degree is a life commitment of great proportion. It can take, as Miller notes, between four and seven years. If we think of working life as roughly between the ages of 22 and 65, then a PhD requires more than 10 percent of a person’s working life. People need to think carefully about that investment.


Two powerful arguments in favor of the path of science, technology, engineering, and math are that there tend to be more STEM jobs for PhDs, and many universities’ STEM departments are generous in covering their PhD students’ tuition and cost of studies, including a stipend toward food, rent, and other expenses.

Stuart Gallant

Not much has changed in 30 years

As I prepared to graduate in 1995 with a doctor of education degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, my mother memorably said to me, “Of my four children, you are the one with the most education and the smallest salary.” Apparently not much has changed in 30 years.

I must congratulate these students, however, on following their passion rather than following the money. I can’t help but think that their lives, though stressful, may contain greater happiness.

Peggy Clark

Lawyers & electricians & philosophers, oh my!

Kara Miller’s column on the career challenges for people with doctoral degrees generated more than 260 comments on Boston.Globe.com. The following is an edited sample of readers’ reactions:

Lots of law school grads are underemployed as well. (PL)

So true, PL. The market in Massachusetts is flooded with talented lawyers seeking work. (Roforma)

Supply and demand, the market at work. (guk)

Investing in education and research in all fields is the hallmark of a society with staying power. Disinvesting from these endeavors signals decline and decay. (Massachusetts citizen)

Electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and other skilled technical professions have no problems getting $100k jobs with great benefits. (ramsen)

Not enough turnover from tenured professors, leaving little space for new faculty. Although the tenured, well-established professors are needed, it’s the junior faculty who are hungry and with new ideas that help build new programs. The whole graduate program model is a bad model. I worked two jobs, had my tuition and some type of minimal student health insurance and could barely cover the rent with my stipend, and the second job paid for everything else. Though I was working on many faculty projects, it was the faculty who said this would be good for me. Never did they say it was also good for them. (TravelerofNJ2)

I just retired from a tenured faculty position in science. I’m in my early 70s. I have colleagues who are still doing what they do well into their 70s, a couple approaching 80. There is no active incentive from the university to move the older faculty on, to make way for a new generation. (Lola-lola)

The next step is for adjuncts to go on strike across the nation and hold colleges and universities accountable. The current system is completely absurd. (Wordsmith2358)

Universities should be required to release disclosure data about the fate of their PhD graduates. (davidman820)

I knew an attorney who managed a Cheesecake Factory. She had worked in food services through school. As an attorney, she really did not make that much money and was not doing the field of law of her choice. How many real estate closings can you do without dying of boredom? She went into management in the food industry and makes the same salary. (Antietem)

It was always a question and puzzling to me why people study philosophy. (Blazer27)

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Large Police Response at Harvard Graduate School of Education After 2 People Fall Off Balcony

Two people fell approximately 20 feet after a railing gave way at the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Class Day celebration.

Two people fell approximately 20 feet after leaning on a railing that gave way outside the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Larsen Hall, according to Cambridge Police Department spokesperson Robert Goulston.

A crowd of more than 300 was gathered on Appian Way, in the center of the Ed School’s campus, for a block party that followed HGSE’s Class Day ceremonies in Radcliffe Yard. The incident prompted an ambulance, four Cambridge fire trucks, and several Harvard University Police Department and Cambridge Police Department cars to respond to the scene.

HUPD spokesperson Steven G. Catalano wrote in a statement that first responders were “dealing with a medical situation resulting from injuries.”

The extent of the injuries were not immediately clear, but Goulston wrote in an email that both individuals were conscious when they were taken from the scene.

Goulston wrote that CPD “helped with a medical assist report” but that HUPD was handling the situation, which took place on Harvard property.

Following the incident, Securitas and HGSE staff directed the crowds toward Gutman Hall, away from the DJ booth and food stations initially set up outside Larsen Hall.

Two people at the HGSE celebrations said they heard screams and a commotion, though there was no formal announcement about the incident and the festivities continued largely undisturbed after the crowd shifted away from Larsen Hall.

The railing that gave way was lying on the ground level of the building along with shards of glass from a broken window panel on the side of the building.

—Staff writer Asher J. Montgomery contributed reporting.

—Staff writer Azusa M. Lippit can be reached at [email protected] . Follow her on X @azusalippit or on Threads @azusalippit .

—Staff writer Cam N. Srivastava can be reached at [email protected] . Follow him on X @camsrivastava .

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In high school, I knew college would be an important step toward success and a career. Nonetheless, my deeper desires involved finding "the one" — friends-to-lovers style.

I had a full scholarship to the college of my dreams, but I quickly shifted focus from my studies to my personal development. I wanted to know more about myself than my classes.

And that's what I did. I created a podcast with my friends. I fell in love with my best friend and got my friends-to-lovers romance. We even got married in college. I also discovered my passion for mental health.

But by the end of my senior year, reality started to set in. I became so fearful of graduation because I had no job prospects or future plans. I suddenly realized I would become a stay-at-home wife , and that terrified me even more.

To avoid that, I desperately searched for a career and enrolled in a graduate program I wasn't interested in.

I quickly lost interest in my Ph.D. program

I was among a small number of students who were able to get into a Ph.D. program directly from undergrad.

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I was an academic in training, which meant having two part-time jobs, doing side research projects, and attending class. I saw my husband less, but he supported the sacrifice as long as I got what I wanted. I started working at 8 a.m. and finished around 7 p.m. I worked on the weekends, too.

The Pinterest-inspired home I hoped to have would have required my creativity and time, both of which are limited resources when you're running the career race. So, we kept the white walls, with no time to hang the framed pictures of our wedding day .

I started therapy during this time, and I was forced to address the fear and anxiety that had pushed me to jump head-first into a career I wasn't sure about. Toward the end of my first semester , I knew this career was not for me. I wasn't able to invest in my marriage. I wasn't able to write creatively on topics that mattered. I wasn't becoming who I wanted to be.

So, I left the program, prompting everyone in my life to wonder why I would leave a school that would earn me the highest degree you can get in academics.

I chose to be a wife and mother instead

After leaving my program, I felt relief, then sadness, and then relief again. Undergrad was about becoming myself, but graduate school showed me the realities of unbecoming — unbecoming a perfectionist, unbecoming a planner, and unbecoming a high-achiever . The pain of unbecoming had given me the freedom to change.

When I let go of grinding toward a career, I learned about my desire to be a mother. I wanted to share the beauties of the world with someone else, someone I created. Now, I'm pregnant .

When I let go of the negative connotations of being a stay-at-home wife, I realized my desire to make my home into a creative and comfortable space. So, I created it. When I let go of the fear of being a wife, I saw my husband as a compassionate, servant, and loving person who needed it in return. Now, I give love freely. When I let go of the fear of people seeing me as wasted potential, I found writing again. So, I write.

This is not what I expected for my post-graduation life , but my life is both better and different than my expectations.

In the year after graduation, I've learned that becoming's shadow is unbecoming. They exist together. The becoming is full of excitement and hope. The unbecoming is full of pain, truth, and even fear. But there's hope on the horizon.

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Marine to art major: ‘Art never really stopped for me, even while at war’

Edna Martinez  is not your typical art major at Augusta University.

Born in Mexico, her family moved to Las Vegas when she was 3 years old. While she had many interests growing up as a child, art was always a constant.

“I’ve done art ever since I was a kid, since I was really little,” said Martinez, who accepted her degree in art from Augusta University this spring. “I think it’s a family thing. My dad is an artist. He doesn’t call himself one, but he is. And most of my mom’s side of the family, they’re musicians or some sort of artist. So, I think it’s just in my blood.”

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But after high school, Martinez’s life took a completely different path.

“I joined the  Marine Corps  when I was 18,” Martinez said. “I went on deployments while I was there to Afghanistan. And I was in the Marine Corps for four years.”

When people learn that she served as a U.S. Marine, Martinez acknowledges that most are surprised.

“I’m pretty laid back, so when I tell people that I was in the Marine Corps, they don’t really believe it at first,” Martinez said. “I was in the Marine Corps from 2010 to 2014, and I deployed twice to Afghanistan, once when I was 19, and then I turned 21 out there. But even while I was out there, my family sent me a sketchbook. They sent me pencils to draw with. And even while I was out there, I was trying to work on making portraits and drawing for other Marines. Art never really stopped for me, even while I was at war.”

Turning to art

After serving in the Marine Corps, Martinez moved to Augusta with her then-partner and took a well-paying job at then Fort Gordon, now Fort Eisenhower. Despite earning enough money to buy a nice house in the Summerville neighborhood, Martinez admits she wasn’t happy.

“I really didn’t like the job. In fact, I hated it. It was really depressing,” Martinez said, explaining that doing intel for the military was extremely stressful. “So, I decided I was going to take another job in Florida.”

Initially, when she applied for the new job in Florida, the position did not require a bachelor’s degree.

“But I had to wait to get a clearance for the job. So, after waiting that amount of time, they renewed the contract and suddenly I needed a degree,” Martinez said. “I think it’s funny how things worked out because, by this point, I had just bought a house here. And so I was like, ‘Well, I guess I’ll go get a degree in  art . Augusta University is just around the corner from my house. I’ll just get an art degree, and it’ll be fine.’ And then, to my surprise, I fell in love with it.”

Taking a variety of art classes including drawing and ceramics, Martinez was able to look at her world in a new light.

“I realized I was miserable at my job, and I really enjoyed art, and it helped me open up and get in touch with some feelings that I was having,” she said. “I know this sounds really cheesy, but it helped me get in touch with my emotions. I realized exactly how miserable I was at my job there and how much I didn’t want to take the job in Florida.

“So, even though I had gotten the clearance, I quit my job. I took a really big pay cut, but it was worth it. I got a job as a barista and started art school,” Martinez added, laughing. “I know, it’s the big cliché.”

But through that experience, Martinez said she learned an important lesson: Not only did she love art. She needed it. Martinez said she was recently diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder following her service.

“Art has been a form of therapy for me more than ever this semester as I started treatment for PTSD and needed a way to decompress,” she said. “Art has literally saved my life at this point.”

Exploring medical illustration

Back when she was still working on base at Fort Eisenhower, a friend happened to tell her about the  medical illustration  program at Augusta University. Established in 1948, Augusta University has the oldest graduate program in medical illustration in the world.

The medical illustration program has been continuously accredited since 1967, and it is one of just four programs in North America accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.

“After I heard about it, I thought, ‘Well, I mean, I’m already here taking art, I might as well try.’ And that’s where I’m at now,” Martinez said. “I’ll apply to the medical illustration program this fall, so hopefully in the spring I’ll start my master’s degree here. Fingers crossed.”

But before she has even applied to the medical illustration program,  Martinez  has already become a published illustrator. Earlier this year, she had an illustration published in an Augusta University anatomy atlas titled,  “Anatomy and Physiology I: An Interactive Histology Atlas.”

Martinez said she thinks getting a job where she could help create images for educational videos and textbooks for doctors and surgeons would be a fulfilling career.

“Just being able to use your art to teach and show people something that they wouldn’t normally be able to clearly see during an actual medical procedure, I think would be really rewarding,” she said. “So, once I found out you could get a job doing medical drawings like that, I was excited.”

In order to achieve her goal of getting accepted into the medical illustration program, Martinez has not only studied art, but she has also taken several biology, anatomy, kinesiology and zoology classes.

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“This is not fantasy. This is real,” Martinez said. “And you need somebody who knows the body and anatomy more intimately than your average artist in order to get it right.”

Scott Thorp , chair of the  Department of Art and Design , said Martinez was a standout student from the very beginning, when she first took his Drawing I class.

“Edna’s journey is a testament to the type of person she is. She’s always been driven and looked to art as an outlet. But now, she’s turning it into a career,” Thorp said.

“I think Edna’s story illustrates well how art can be both a passion and a career,” Thorp added. “She’s really honed her skills and found a sense of healing at the same time.”

Receiving her degree

When Martinez received her bachelor’s degree in art from Augusta University, members of her family from Las Vegas were in the audience, cheering her on as she crossed the stage.

“I’m the first in my family to graduate from college, so my mom is coming into town for it, and her sister is coming to town, too. It’ll be a big deal for them to see,” Martinez said prior the commencement in May. “I don’t think my mom would miss it for the world.”

And no matter what path she chose in life, Martinez said her family always provided her unconditional love and support.

“I’m the first in my family to have gone into the military. I’m the first to go to college. So, now, I’ll be the first to graduate,” she said. “And hopefully, eventually, I want to get a master’s degree in medical illustration.”

But Martinez said she doesn’t plan to stop there.

“I’d like to get a doctorate in anatomy or something like that. I think it’d be cool to be Dr. Martinez,” she said. “But my family is really proud of me. They all think it’s pretty cool. I think, at first, it sounded a little odd. I mean, I think every art student and every artist gets asked, ‘You really want to pursue art?’ But once they see how good you can be at it and that it is your passion, they get it.”

In fact, Martinez said her family and friends seemed to always know she was an artist at heart.

“A lot of people over the years told me to pursue art. They would say, ‘Why don’t you do art for a living?’ And I was like, ‘I can’t make money doing art,’” Martinez said. “Then, it turns out that money didn’t matter. I quit a job that was paying me enough to buy a house in Summerville at 26 years old. I took a big leap, but I needed to be happy.

“As my mom says, I’ve always been a little crazy like that,” Martinez added. “But my family has also told me, ‘We couldn’t do what you’re doing. We are proud of you.’ That means more to me than anything.”

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Graduate Spotlight: Joe Harris

May 15, 2024

SPC Marketing & Strategic Communications


Joe Harris’ journey from Army veteran to honors student is an inspiring story. After enduring a life-changing ankle injury during his service, the Erie, Pennsylvania native found a new beginning in San Antonio.

At the age of 34, he was in the Brooke Army Medical Center's rehabilitation program with a 3% chance of ever walking again. Despite this, he found peace in the middle of it all. “I stared out the window every day and I felt hope. I knew San Antonio was the place for me. Looking across downtown, all I could think of was good memories with the SPURS, Riverwalk, Sea World, and Fiesta Texas,” he stated.

Transitioning out of the military was not easy, but Joe's determination to rebuild his life led him to St. Philip’s College in the Spring 2022 semester. “I searched while I was deciding where I wanted to live after rehab. I looked at schools with respiratory programs, and St. Philip’s College was one of the first that popped up. When I saw that the college was an HBCU and HSI, I knew I would fit in because of my ethnicity as an Afro-Cuban.”

Joe has thrived at St. Philip’s. He has excelled mentally, medically, and academically while maintaining a 4.0 and earning the President’s Award every semester. His involvement in the Blue Blazer Society, serving as Vice President of Fellowship for Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society – Psi Kappa Chapter, and president of the Bowling Club at Tiger Lanes echoes his commitment to fostering a supportive environment for all.

This May, Joe Harris will earn his Associate of Science Biology Pre-Major and will serve as the Spring 2024 Commencement Speaker. He plans to continue his education in the medical field as a respiratory therapist and later go to the University of Texas at San Antonio.

Congratulations Joe!

For more information on the Spring 2024 Commencement Ceremony, click here .

Spring 2024 Commencement Thursday, May 23, 2024 Alamodome 4:00 p.m.


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