Essay on Cleanliness of Environment for Kids

Kids nowadays are growing up in a world where they are constantly exposed to germs. They go to school, play outside and come into contact with people and things that can cause infections. The best way to protect themselves from getting sick is by being clean. Here is an essay on how you can help your kids stay clean and healthy by teaching them the importance of keeping their environment clean. When we think about the environment, the first thing that comes to mind is the pollution humans create. In reality, the cleanliness of our surroundings is just as important as our environmental responsibility . Read BYJU’S essay on cleanliness of the environment to learn the significance of keeping the environment clean.

The health of people and other living beings depends on a healthy environment. Clean air and water are essential for human health, while plants need clean soil to grow healthy. Keeping our surroundings clean can help protect our health and the environment. There is a famous saying, “ Cleanliness is Godliness ”, and we must follow some basic hygiene steps to maintain the same. Encourage your kids to participate in environmental education programmes. These programmes teach kids about the importance of conserving resources and keeping our planet clean. In addition, we have briefly explained the top five ways to keep our environment clean in this short essay on cleanliness of the environment.

Cleanliness of Environment

Table of Contents

How to encourage good hygiene in kids, top 5 ways to keep the environment clean, importance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is one of the most important things to maintain in our environment. It is not only good for the environment but also for all living beings. We need to encourage good hygiene in our kids if we want them to be responsible stewards of their surroundings. We have provided some ways to maintain the cleanliness of the environment here in BYJU’S essay on cleanliness of environment in English.

Set a good example yourself and keep your home clean. This will help your kids see that it is vital to take care of their environment. Help your kids learn about the importance of taking care of their bodies. Talk about how dirty our hands and feet can be, and show them how easy it is to clean them up.

There is no denying that maintaining a clean environment is something that we need to always keep in mind. It improves the overall look and feel of our surroundings, and it also helps protect the health of ourselves and the animals that reside in our ecosystem. This cleanliness of environment essay will discuss the top five ways to clean up our environment that positively impact both the quality of life and the environment itself.

  • There are many ways that you can help keep the environment clean. The first way to keep the environment clean is by maintaining a healthy ecosystem and reducing the usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Keeping the environment clean is essential for everyone. Children are the future of the world, and they need to learn how to care for the environment.
  • Using less energy can save a lot of money in the long run. For example, if we use electricity to power our lights instead of a light bulb, we can save a lot of money.
  • Recycling can also save money. If we recycle materials, such as paper, plastic, and metals, we will save a lot of money in the long run.
  • Finally, using public transportation is one of the best ways to conserve energy and protect the environment. Public transit uses less fuel than driving in cars. It also reduces traffic congestion and air pollution.

Pollution is a problem any time it enters the environment. Across the world, pollution comes from several sources, including automobiles and factories. Pollution also comes from natural sources, such as rain, sea salt, volcanoes etc. Here are two reasons why it is vital to keep our environment clean:

  • Good for our health : Pollution can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and even cancer. By keeping our environment clean, we can reduce the risk of these illnesses. It protects our resources. Polluting our environment harms natural resources such as water and air. We can save environment and these resources for future generations by cleaning up our act.
  • It preserves our heritage : When improperly disposed waste ends up in rivers and oceans, it can harm fish populations and contaminate marine habitats. By keeping our environment clean, we can prevent pollution and preserve all the species in aquatic habitats as well as other living beings on Earth.

It is now commonly acknowledged that the health of our environment is linked to our own. We must take measures to clean up our act and preserve the natural resources we depend on. However, many people continue to put their convenience above all else, leading to an increasingly polluted world. We need to reduce the cause and make a difference. We can create a cleaner, healthier future for ourselves and for generations to come by doing so. For more kids learning activities, like essays , worksheets and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Cleanliness of Environment

What are some ways to clean the environment.

There are many ways to clean the environment. Some of the ways are recycling, composting and using green energy. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, so it is important to choose the one that best suits our needs.

What is the importance of a clean environment?

A clean environment is vital because it can help improve health and well-being because it reduces the exposure people have to harmful chemicals. It can also reduce the risk of accidents because it makes it easier to see and avoid obstacles. Finally, a clean environment is less likely to produce harmful emissions that can impact the environment and human health.

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Why having a clean and healthy environment is a human right

essay about importance of keeping our environment clean

It's a human right to live in a healthy, clean and sustainable environment. Image:  UNSPLASHAngela Benito

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David sangokoya.

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  • The WHO forecasts that climate change is expected to cause around 250,000 deaths per year between 2030 and 2050.
  • After being first debated in the 1990s, the UN Human Rights Council declared that having a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a human right.
  • Leading civil society voices told us why this is so crucial to ensure a healthy environment for all.

On 8 October 2021, the UN Human Rights Council declared that having a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a human right , with 43 votes in favor and 4 abstentions. The measure was first debated during the 1990s, and the new resolution follows decades of advocacy from various civil society groups.

The WHO forecasts that climate change is expected to cause around 250,000 deaths per year between 2030 and 2050, from factors such as malnutrition, malaria and heat stress, and that the direct costs will be between USD 2-4 billion per year by 2030. More than a quarter of the planet’s population rely on forests for their livelihood, while 1.2 billion people in tropical countries rely on nature for their basic needs.

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Following the declaration, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, said: “Bold action is now required to ensure this resolution on the right to a healthy environment serves as a springboard to push for transformative economic, social and environmental policies that will protect people and nature.”

We asked leading civil society voices what they think is needed from government, business and civil society to take action and mobilize efforts around ensuring and protecting a clean environment for all. Here’s what they said:

We need to reframe our relationship to nature

Gopal Patel, Co-Founder & Director, Bhumi Global

A reframing of our relationship with the natural world is needed in order to ensure we can provide everyone with a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. For too long we have artificially separated ourselves from nature. We’ve placed an artificial divide between ourselves and the natural world. Our politics, economic models and modern lifestyles reflect this.

This is not natural, and as we are seeing, not healthy or sustainable for the planet or for humanity. The human species is inextricably interconnected with nature. Throughout history, and in all parts of the world, nature is a common denominator. It is the basis of our civilizations, cultures and ways of life. A return to this way of thinking needs to be the basis of any meaningful action to restore the environment, address the climate crisis, and put nature on the path to recovery.

A social dialogue is needed

Kitso Phiri, Executive Secretary, Botswana Mine Workers Union

Realization of the right to a clean and hazardous free environment requires commitment to social dialogue by tripartite partners in reconciling economic and social interests. Although the laws generally make it mandatory for businesses to remedy environmental impacts caused by their economic activities, weak government regulatory mechanism makes enforcement an onerous exercise. These challenges are even more pronounced in the case of multinational enterprises. An equally weak civil society is disabled from monitoring the level of compliance with environmental obligations and provide meaningful contributions to environmental policy formulation and management.

Therefore, states should strengthen their environmental management policies and regulations; they should build capacities of civil society and government entities; provide additional funding for training and education of social partners; establish a tripartite social dialogue forums on environmental protection, inclusive of civil society.

A game-changer for people and the planet

Monica Iyer, Human Rights Officer, Environment and Climate Change Team, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Human Rights Council’s recognition that a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a human right can be a game-changer for people and the planet.

But there is much more needed to make this right a reality for all. States must advance efforts to implement the right working hand-in-hand with civil society, businesses and other stakeholders. They must take urgent environmental action, backed by adequate finance, and support a just transition to a sustainable, human rights-based economy. Businesses should integrate environmental considerations in human rights due diligence processes, fully accounting for how the environmental effects of their activities can also affect human rights.

Those with power and access in fora where environmental policy is being developed, like COP26, should elevate the voices and leadership of affected individuals and communities, who are frequently excluded despite often having the most at stake and the best understanding of effective solutions. They should also promote and accept accountability for the harms caused by environmental damage.

The lives of women and vulnerable communities depend on clean air and clean water for all

Kahea Pacheco, Co-Director, Women’s Earth Alliance

An estimated 240 acres of natural habitat is destroyed every hour. Women and girls bear the brunt of this environmental degradation. While ~30% of humanity does not have access to safe drinking water, UNICEF acknowledges the 200 million hours that women and girls spend collecting water daily as a “colossal waste of their valuable time.” Evidence shows women's participation and decision making in management of local forests significantly improves forest conditions and conservation. And, leadership by Indigenous women, who have sustainably stewarded our natural world for generations, is crucial to preserving life without perpetuating the undue burden on already vulnerable communities.

Economic recovery and environmental action can go hand in hand

Jennifer Morris, Chief Executive Officer, The Nature Conservancy

The connection between human wellbeing and nature is indisputable. Governments, businesses and civil society must collaborate on every level to protect the ‘best’ of what is left on Earth and at sea, and improve areas of food production, energy siting, fishing and infrastructure planning. There is a clear path to funding this transformation by reducing ineffective subsidies and supply chain practices, producing new sources of funding and investing in a manner that pays dividends for nature.

In fact, we can close nearly half the biodiversity funding gap with no new funding, by reducing the flow of capital to harmful behaviors and shifting it toward activities that benefit nature. If done thoughtfully, economic recovery and environmental action can go hand in hand, leading to healthier, more prosperous lives.

This is a clarion call for public engagement and accountability

Amali Tower, Founder & Executive Director, Climate Refugees

The pandemic has made clear how shared our environment truly is, and also how unequal. Rich, high emitting countries that have benefited from the forces that created climate change are insulating themselves from those effects, in similar ways to the pandemic. This is a moral issue, but also one of justice. The most urgent changes needed are from these governments – crucially, the G20 countries – to reduce their emissions, which accounts for a staggering 80% of global emissions, and to fully transition to green economies. These countries need to grant, not loan, urgent climate adaptation finance that developing countries have long awaited so as to develop sustainably and build resiliency to the disproportionate impacts of climate change on their populations, many of whom are on the move. They also require parallel loss and damage climate finance to avert and minimize effects, and as compensation for the irreversible damage, forced migration and displacement.

Governments must also ratify and update their laws to uphold the right to a healthy environment to its full extent, including holding businesses, particularly extractive industries compliant. Environmental pollution and climate change have shown to be effective issues in empowering people to action, and climate related litigation has proven effective in Germany and the Netherlands , and in individual rights, where in France, pollution was a factor in determining a migrant’s residency rights . Civil society must seize this opportunity as a clarion call to mobilize public engagement and hold governments to account, where the greatest hope is in the resilient Global South and youth, pointing the way forward.

The right to a healthy environment offers hope to those most impacted

Katharina Rall, Senior Researcher, Environment & Human Rights, Human Rights Watch

The adoption of the resolution recognizing the right to a healthy environment could offer some hope to many communities around the world already hard-hit by environmental degradation and climate change. To make the enjoyment of the right a reality for those most impacted, governments should recognize the right at the national level and develop strong environmental protection laws and policies to safeguard the rights of at risk populations. This includes requiring businesses to comply with environmental and human rights standards, for example through mandatory climate change due diligence regulations, and ensuring broad participation in environmental decision making by civil society groups and impacted populations – including protecting environmental defenders under threat or attack.

Businesses should comply with existing laws and ensure that their operations, including their global value chains , do not negatively affect the environment or violate the rights of nearby communities, including through rigorous environmental and human rights due diligence. They should stop efforts to silence environmental advocates, for example through baseless nuisance lawsuits—known as strategic lawsuits against public participation , or SLAPPs—and align their business models with international environmental and human rights standards.

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The Benefits of Maintaining a Clean Environment: 10 Reasons to Act

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Wondering why it’s important to keep our environment clean? This article highlights 10 key reasons that will motivate you to take action today.

Maintaining a clean environment is of utmost importance for various reasons. It helps to preserve our health, safeguard wildlife and promote a sustainable future. In this article, we will delve into 10 compelling reasons why prioritizing environmental cleanliness is crucial and how taking action can make a positive impact.

Health and well-being: A clean environment promotes better health and reduces the risk of diseases.

One of the most important benefits of maintaining a clean environment is the promotion of better health and the reduction of the risk of diseases. When our surroundings are clean, there is less chance of exposure to harmful bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that can cause illnesses. Clean air, water, and surfaces contribute to a healthier living environment, preventing the spread of diseases and improving overall well-being. Additionally, a clean environment can also have positive effects on mental health, reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. By prioritizing cleanliness, we can create a healthier and safer environment for ourselves and future generations.

Preservation of Natural resources: By keeping the environment clean, we ensure the use of resources for future generations.

Maintaining a clean environment is crucial for the preservation of natural resources. whiles Reducing waste, recycling , and practicing responsible consumption can conserve valuable resources such as water, energy, and raw materials. This helps protect the environment and ensures that these resources will be available for future generations to meet their needs. By acting now and keeping the environment clean, we are making a positive impact on the planet and securing a better future for all.

Preserving biodiversity is crucial as a clean environment fosters diverse ecosystems and safeguards endangered species.

One of the key benefits of maintaining a clean environment is the conservation of biodiversity . A clean environment supports diverse ecosystems, which in turn protect endangered species. When we reduce pollution and minimize human impact on natural habitats, we create a healthier environment for plants, animals, and microorganisms to thrive. This biodiversity is essential for the overall health and balance of our planet.

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Improved air quality: Clean environments have less pollution, leading to better air quality and respiratory health.

Maintaining a clean environment is important as it reduces pollution, which can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma, allergies, and lung diseases. By minimizing pollutants in the air, we create a healthier environment for everyone. Clean air is essential for our overall well-being and can significantly improve respiratory health in people of all ages. Keeping our environment clean benefits not only us but also future generations who will inherit a cleaner and healthier planet.

Saving water is important for keeping the environment healthy and protecting our water sources, which ensures we have safe drinking water.

One of the key benefits of maintaining a clean environment is the protection of water sources and ensuring access to clean drinking water, Keeping our surroundings clean prevents pollutants from entering water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater. This helps to preserve the quality of our water sources and ensures that we have access to clean and safe drinking water. Water conservation is essential for the sustainability of our planet and the well-being of all living beings. By taking action to keep our environment clean, we contribute to the preservation of water resources and the protection of this vital element for life.

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How I Would Clean the Earth Analytical Essay

Issues facing the world, involving the youth, how to clean the earth, recommendation, works cited.

The world is continually advancing in technology and other areas of life such as businesses, and e-commerce, among others. However, this does not reflect on its steps towards being eco-friendly.

Instead, the world is becoming polluted at an alarming rate, which in turn contributes to various health problems. In addition, the world is suffering from the effects of global warming, which is increasingly causing unpredictable weather. This has contributed to various devastating calamities such as global warming, famine, among others, on the world population.

This raises the need to save our world by trying to solve these challenges. Various organizations around the world have credited global warming with a series of devastating calamities throughout the world. For instance, The Pentagon believes that pollution and its effects in global warming, famine, among other calamities are the destabilizing force in the world as people seek for limited resources.

This is mainly because a polluted world leads to climatic changes, which are closely linked to economic stability as well as security of energy. This paper will try to explore ways of cleaning the earth to make it a better place for the present and future generations ( 1).

The world is faced with several issues that need immediate attention. These range from global warming, famine, earthquakes, inadequate drinking water, drought, overcrowding, and increased spread of diseases, among others. Most of these issues have been attributed to our way of living. In fact, some of these issues can be avoided if we could take care of our world.

In essence cleaning our world is an instrumental step towards saving it from harsh calamities such as tornadoes and spread of diseases. To do this, every party needs to be involved. This includes the society, to ensure that their aspirations of a green earth are met. Cleaning the world is a collective responsibility that should encompass every group of people.

This should include the youth, organizations, government institutions, universities, schools, corporate businesses, private sectors, among others. When this is done effectively, pollution of our environment would be greatly reduced, in the process helping in reducing transmission of waterborne diseases, natural calamities, and conflicts, among others.

For, this reason, it is important that cleaning of our world be done regularly to help save it for future generations. Moreover, for this to succeed, youths should be involved. This is mainly because they will suffer from the symptoms of emerging calamities named above. Furthermore, their children will also be affected, and they have the energy to make these changes (VanderMey 58).

Youths are usually instrumental in almost every activity of the society. This is mainly because they posses the energy and numbers required to perform this cause. Educating the youth on how to ensure cleanliness of their environs is critical to survival of future generations. The bible states clearly that cleanliness is next to godliness. This phrase has had a great impact in our society as people try to explore its significance.

In essence, even as we move forward in technologies, social development as well as in our steps with Christ. It is our responsibility to care for the environment. The youth, especially, have a mandate to ensure our world is clean. In this regard, it is important not only to clean the earth during the earth-cleaning day, but also to be aware of our environment and keep it safe.

Another reason why we need to save our environment and clean our world is to protect the lives of endangered species. The changing climates are posing great danger to animals and plants as famine and drought ravage them respectively ( 1).

For all the advances that have been made, the worlds still suffers greatly from pollution and careless disposal of wastes that now threaten our very survival. Some of these problems are avoidable, if care can be taken to ensure safe disposal of wastes as well as regular cleaning of our environment.

This will mitigate spread of diseases, effects of global warming, drought and instead improve lives of inhabitants of the earth. There are many ways through which, individuals and organizations can clean up the world. These include buying recyclable products, preparing vegetarian meals fewer times a week.

Others include wise disposal of wastes, cleaning our compounds, among others. This paper will focus mainly on those that affect our youths and that require changes. These include, cleaning our compounds, disposing both recyclable and unrecyclable wastes wisely and safely.

Buying recycled products to help clean our world. Ensuring that we completely use up our clothes before buying new ones and other related materials. In addition, youths need to participate in eco-friendly projects such as tree planting programs, sensitization of the society on importance of conserving our environment as well as cleaning it (VanderMey 58).

These programs are very important in helping to cleanup the world. Moreover, youths should take a significant step to educate the world on health risks and calamities associated with a dirty world.

They should also ensure that they take the initiative to clean streets and other environs during earth clean up day, which usually takes place every third weekend of September. In addition, they should also be proactive to initiating other projects aimed at cleaning the world wherever they are regularly.

This is a call to all the youths in the world, because the repercussions of our mistakes will affect all living things on earth. Every group of individuals has a responsibility of saving our world from pollution. In fact, every organization as well as businesses should adopt eco-friendly methods of production, and waste disposal.

For instance, use of recyclable papers to print in offices and other departments should be adopted to save our trees. In all these, the youth, who form the majority of populations in the world, need to be actively involved in cleaning our world. If this is achieved, then most of the world’s goals will be achieved (VanderMey 58).

Most people keep blaming our governments for global warming due to release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. However, even though this is true and should be condemned, our people also need to save their environs from destruction. Cleaning the world is for everyone and should therefore a collective responsibility.

As much as this may be difficult, everyone should do something to clean the world. This starts from simple disposal of wastes to e-commerce, paperless banking, buying of recycled products and reducing carbon emissions, among others. Polluted environment poses hazardous risks to life on earth.

In fact, some calamities have been attributed to a polluted world. These include global warming, drought, famine, economic instability, conflicts among other problems. Countries should therefore ensure that such problems are mitigated on, to promote a better world for the present and future generations ( 1).

The modern world is currently faced with various environmental issues that need immediate attention. These range from global warming, famine, earthquakes, inadequate drinking water, drought, and overcrowding, increased spread of diseases, among others. Most of these issues have been attributed to our way of living.

In fact, some of these issues can be avoided if we could take care of our world. This cannot be achieved fully, if everyone looks on governments to reduce fuel emissions. In fact, as much as the governments work towards reducing environmental pollution, steps should be taken by the society to clean their environment.

As has been stated above, this should be done through, among others, actively involving the youth in cleaning our world, buying of recycled and recyclable products such as printing papers, and computers. Other methods include using electronic mails, to save our trees, paperless banking, participating in regular tree planting programs, among others (Parashar 1).

More Youths should be actively involved in cleaning the world since they form the majority of the earth’s population and are strong agents of change. Institutions should also adopt paperless banking as well as e-messages and learning to save our trees. In addition, more people should participate in world earth day to clean the world. It should also be noted that even without waiting for earth cleaning day, people should ensure that their environs are clean (Mika Community Development 1). “Put Your Group on the 2011 Global Environmental Map!” Cleanuptheworld. 2011. Web.

Mika Community Development. “Youth Development”. mikacdc. 2011. Web.

Parashar, Utpal. “Nepal: Cleaning the world’s highest garbage dump”. Hindustan Times . 2011. Web.

VanderMey, Randall, et al., eds. “The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching. 2nd ed”. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 28). How I Would Clean the Earth.

"How I Would Clean the Earth." IvyPanda , 28 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'How I Would Clean the Earth'. 28 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "How I Would Clean the Earth." March 28, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "How I Would Clean the Earth." March 28, 2024.


IvyPanda . "How I Would Clean the Earth." March 28, 2024.

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Essay on Cleanliness

List of essays on cleanliness in english, essay on cleanliness – essay 1 (150 words), essay on cleanliness: importance and conclusion – essay 2 (250 words), essay on cleanliness – essay 3 (300 words), essay on cleanliness: introduction, impact and challenges – essay 4 (400 words), essay on cleanliness – essay 5 (500 words), essay on cleanliness: with benefits and conclusion – essay 6 (600 words), essay on cleanliness: a key to achieve our goals – essay 7 (750 words), essay on cleanliness: types, importance and conclusion – essay 8 (1000 words).


‘Cleanliness’ as per the Cambridge dictionary means the state of being clean or the act of keeping things clean . One of the first commandment for health is cleanliness. Cleanliness is essential physically, mentally, spiritually and even environmentally.

Importance of Cleanliness:

Cleanliness is the major step to a healthy living. Cleanliness can prevent and cure people from communicable diseases. Effective cleaning can forbid viruses and other infectious diseases.

Tips to Maintain Cleanliness:

Major tips to maintain Cleanliness personally include brushing and taking bath regularly, washing hands properly before and after every meal, maintaining neatly trimmed nails and eating healthy food.

Environmental cleanliness can be enhanced by cleaning the mess created around us regularly, avoiding plastic bag usage, not littering the road by throwing the garbage, effective disposal of used water, adopting reusing and recycling techniques and always monitoring the pollution levels.


Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Indian Government’s initiative like Swachh Bharat has given hope for a cleaner India. Along with the government it is the duty of every citizen to ensure a clean home and clean street to enable a peaceful living.

The state of being free and clean from dirt and germs and the act of imbibing this as a habit is called cleanliness. Cleanliness is one of the best qualities a human being can possess. In fact, not only humans, even animals are known to keep their surroundings clean? How many times have you come across a scene where your pet is cleaning the surface before being seated on it?

Aspects of Cleanliness

Disease prevention and hygiene are said to be the two aspects associated with cleanliness. Maintaining hygiene does not necessarily mean keeping yourself clean. It includes your house, your neighbourhood, your city as well as keeping your country clean or keeping your surroundings clean. In this way, cleanliness has more of a cultural and social impact on society as a whole.

Importance of Keeping your Surroundings Clean

With the assistance of cleanliness, we can keep our mental as well as physical health clean, which will make us feel better. Cleanliness offers to ascend to a decent character by keeping the body, brain, and soul perfect and tranquil. Keeping up cleanliness is the basic piece of solid living since it is the cleanliness just which enhances our identity by keeping clean remotely and inside.

We should all do our bit to maintain cleanliness in the areas we live or visit. In fact, for this very purpose, the Government of India has initiated the Swacchh Bharat Abhiyan so as to educate and inculcate good habits among the citizens of the country with regards to cleanliness.

We should also be mindful towards this habit. We should stop others from throwing waste at undesignated places. It is the cumulative effort of all of us which can help us build a clean India someday.

Cleanliness is a way of living in and around with a neat and clean environment, materials, etc. It is not a forced phenomenon and everyone should be practicing cleanliness for a better healthy life. Parents should teach their kids the importance of cleanliness within their home.

Home is our first school and we should be learning cleanliness from the root of a kid’s growth. It is necessary to keep yourself clean to avoid any type of diseases from affecting you and it will help you to be fresh and active all day. Keeping yourself clean is the first step towards cleanliness.

Next step is to keep your surroundings clean. Whether it be your room, school, garden, community, society, etc., you should keep it neat and tidy. With proper education about the importance of cleanliness, the characteristics should be developed in the kids so that they will continue this habit throughout their life.

The importance of cleanliness and its impact on the person should be taught to everyone from an early age. From picking up wastes on the floor to cleaning yourself to proper cleaning methods should be trained for their own well-being. Cleanliness is not only a good habit, but also reflects the inner beauty of a person.

Many life-threatening diseases are caused due to the lack of cleanliness in and around our places, whether it be home, schools, etc. With proper cleaning and taking care of your environment, all these health issues can be destroyed for a happy living.

Cleanliness is nothing that should be forced upon a person but should be properly practiced and be made a lifestyle. A clean and well-maintained person will always succeed in all his difficulties if he applies it in every path he walks. Cleanliness will also help us to be fit and healthy mentally, physically and socially as well.

Everybody loves a clean environment but very few have the ability to maintain cleanliness. The ability to ensure cleanliness and perform cleanliness is tasking and requires a lot of work. Due to the importance of cleanliness, most people struggle to keep their environments clean at all times. It can be a habitual process as it require to be done on a daily basis. Personal hygiene for example is an essential aspect of an individual’s life because it affects social relations, self-perception and health in general. It is therefore important to practice cleanliness at all times.

Impacts of Cleanliness on Our Lives:

Cleanliness cuts across for all stages of life and it plays important roles in the activities of daily living. In education, cleanliness has been determined to have an impact on leaning. The mindset of students is influenced by the environment which influences the ability of students to learn. A dirty environment is not conducive for learning because it instills stressful motions and there is reduced ability of students to learn.

In the workplace, the same concept applies because productivity is influenced by the environment. A clean environment will enhance productivity because people will work with a positive mindset that is free of stress. Also, achievements will be more pronounced in a clean environment compared to a dirty environment. In health, cleanliness is important because hygienic practices contribute to good health of individuals. A dirty environment predisposes people to diseases, which affects their ability to perform activities and it results in less productivity.

Social relationships are built through interactions between people. Personal hygiene is an important aspect in creating social relations because it is hard to approach a dirty person as they will be having bad breath, bas body odor and the interaction will be limited due to discomfort.

Challenges in Cleanliness:

Lack of resources can inhibit cleanliness. In order to maintain cleanliness, there is need for water, detergents and other supplies like cleaning equipment. In some situations, all these resources may be unavailable thus cleanliness is compromised. Another challenge is the availability of labor. Since cleaning is tasking and requires effort from people, some people opt out and cleanliness will not be achieved.

In conclusion, cleanliness is a huge responsibility that requires commitment. The impacts of a clean environment on the performance and achievements should be a motivating factor. If you love a clean place it should be your responsibility to make it clean.

Cleanliness can basically be defined as a state or attitude of keeping things clean and trying to stay away from any form of dirt in a bid to maintain a very good mental and physical health. Generally, cleanliness is an act of trying to keep our mind, body, home, dress, surrounding and even every of our other work area clean and very neat. The cleanliness of our body is extremely essential for our mental and physical health. Our surrounding areas should also be kept clean and our environment being clean is of utmost importance to our intellectual and social health. We should try to imbibe the habit of cleanliness and ensure that our home and surroundings are free of dirt; dirt is the primary cause of most diseases we have around us. If our surrounding isn’t clean and our body isn’t properly groomed and taken care of we can become highly susceptible to a variety of disease causing bacteria, germs, fungus and virus.

People with dirty habits are the major ones that spread fatal (threat to life) and very dangerous diseases. A lot of infectious diseases are propagated to different wide areas and can make people very sick and in severe cases leads to the death of the sick. As a result of this, we should do our best to always try to take good care of our health through our cleanliness every day. Some of the habits we should endeavour to imbibe include us always washing our hands very well and with soap anytime we eat or before we eat anything, we should also try to always make sure our body and most especially our face is clean by bathing frequency, we should also ensure that we take proper care of all our clothes and try to wear only clothes that are properly and well washed and clean; all of these should be done to keep a very good mental and physical health. Cleanliness also does a great deal to help boost our self-respect and level of confidence and also earn respect from other people. Cleanliness is a very good habit that can always make us happy and proud of ourselves in the society.

Cleanliness is extremely important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a good standard of living. Cleanliness plays a very vital role in boosting a person’s popularity. A lot of civil laws and programmes have been organised and put in place by various governments of the world. We should endeavour to dispose the wastes in our surrounding, we can do this by outing our waste away into the dustbin for disposal and in a bid to prevent the spread of various infections and diseases in our home and surrounding. Cleanliness is not just one person’s responsibility or job; everybody should do their best individually and collectively to maintain cleanliness in the country, community, society and the home. We should do our best to fully understand all the different facets of cleanliness so that we can fully benefit from cleanliness.

Cleanliness ranks high on the agenda of great and successful people. Because next to hard work, cleanliness tells a lot about a person’s character. When it is belittled, it results in indiscipline, dirt and disease. Therefore, when people progress, they become more clean and neat. Hence, cleanliness is often seen as an indicator of progress in the civilization of a society.

Areas of Cleanliness:

i. Personal Grooming:

Every individual is capable of the art of personal grooming. It involves cleaning and maintaining the body parts and look good. Taking bath, brushing and flossing teeth, combing, washing hands whenever required, cutting nails and hair at regular intervals are some habits that are important part of personal cleanliness. It further involves keeping our mind from filthiness. While a theist should spend time every day to confess the wrongdoings and receive forgiveness, an atheist needs to spend time on meditation on a regular basis. Keeping ones thoughts clean is as important as physical cleanliness.

Next to personal cleanliness comes keeping the dwelling place neat and clean. Starting with disposing the garbage on a daily basis, it includes cleaning up all rooms on a regular basis, maintaining bedcovers and curtains, trimming the interior and exterior garden, keeping the kitchen sink and toilet free of unpleasant smell, insects etc. It also includes proper disposal of solid and liquid waste into the municipal dustbin and drainage system.

iii. Workplace:

Since major part of the productive day is spent in the workplace, it is necessary to keep it very clean. Being quite larger than home in terms of area and headcount, the workplace requires the collective effort of the employer, employees and janitors to maintain the work environment. Apart from the basic cleanliness activities done at home, the workplace needs additional application of disinfectants, air filters, and waste disposal systems to maintain hygiene and dignity. It needs still more attention at Hospitals, Restaurants and like industries.

iv. Public Places:

Living in communities, it is important to keep public places like roads, beaches, parks etc. neat and clean. If each citizen becomes responsible and could show the same care that is taken for home and workplace, then the city and the entire country would have a clean environment to live, work and play.

Benefits of Cleanliness:

Since health is wealth, cleanliness prevents diseases, promotes good health and thereby preserves our wealth. It maintains discipline at all levels. It promotes self-respect and self-confidence of the family, institution, city and country. A clean environment gives a cheerful mind to improve and progress.

How to Nurture Cleanliness:

Although it is best to learn cleanliness from childhood, it could be developed at point of life whenever the sensitivity is achieved. Being careful and regular on a daily basis is the success mantra for cleanliness. It has nothing to do with being rich. So, it could be achieved by anyone in the society irrespective of their social status and wealth.

Champions of Cleanliness:

The first Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew started the campaign to keep the country clean almost 50 years ago. It made the place pleasant and added value to its economy. The sickness rate is low, life expectancy is more, tourism has flourished and all the citizens benefit from it.

Learning cleanliness from his days in the West, Mahatma Gandhi insisted that a lavatory must be as clean as a drawing room. He strongly believed that cleanliness would promote good health and hence advocated it throughout his lifetime.

Following Gandhi’s model, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has initiated a nation-wide campaign called Swach Bharat on 2nd October, 2014. It functions to provide sanitation facilities, proper solid and liquid waste disposal systems, and safe drinking water.

Cleanliness adds more value to personal and social life. Since good habits are contagious, it is possible to teach children, neighbours and illiterates on the importance of cleanliness, by being a role model. With a collective effort, cleanliness and in turn, good health and happiness are within reach.

Keeping our mind, body, home, neighborhood and workplace Clean and Green is “Cleanliness.” It is one of the most important habits we develop since childhood. We cannot ignore the value of cleanliness and hygiene in our lives. Habits learned in the early phase of our live stays implanted in our mind for a more extended period. Being clean and keeping green is a lifestyle we need to adapt for leading a healthy life.

Cleanliness is not just limited to sanitation of the area where you live. It has a pivotal role in your personal life. Cleanliness in attitude and thoughts play an important element to become a successful person in life. External cleanliness is related to the sanitation of your home and premises. But, it is equally important to have internal cleanliness – the cleanliness of the soul. Removing garbage, dirt and foul smell, etc., are part of sanitation, which helps to maintain the cleanliness of your living surroundings.

It is an imperative factor in life, and everybody must be conscious about the importance to maintain cleanliness. A dirty mind and surrounding is indeed a reason for a person becoming sick. Therefore we have to put conscious effort to maintain a healthy atmosphere by keeping the surrounding clean and keeping oneself clean.

Is it a key to achieve our goals?

Yes, we as an individual hesitate to understand the importance and value of cleanliness in our daily routines. It is not the goal, but it plays a vital role in achieving our goals. Personal hygiene gets affected easily if we don’t take proper measures to maintain cleanliness. And an unclean state of body and mindset can easily distract you from your desired goal. It will stop you, affect your performance and capabilities of your living standard.

For leading a purposeful life, cleanliness is crucial as it complements your true worth. It helps to fight from many dangerous diseases. Consuming unhygienic food, drinking foul water or a poor living condition are a few challenging conditions makes people sick.

For a healthy lifestyle, we need to respect our environment, body, and mind. Right steps taken at the right time will help in building our nation. The enchanted beauty will bring more foreign tourists to our land which will increase the tourism business. Remember, not a single tourist would like to visit a foul land. We, ourselves encourages and strikes the places with mesmerizing beauties. Thus, we should adopt a lifestyle to nurture our surroundings.

How to maintain it?

It is our responsibility to keep the environment clean and making others to understand the importance of maintaining the environment clean. Only the sincere efforts of following certain manners could give a better surrounding. Every government has to play a vital role to carry out cleanliness awareness drives and make sure that people respect the cleanliness laws. The government needs to take strict actions against people who are responsible for littering public places and throw garbage on the roads. Keeping the neighborhood unclean is a shabby practice which causes health issues. A healthy and positive mindset with a good physique is the balance sheet of cleanliness.

Pollution is one of the primary reason for the unhygienic living condition. Making changes in the lifestyle can save our neighborhood from pollution. We have to develop a recycling culture and all materials that are recyclable should go to the recycling plant. It can stop material pollution and spoiling the environment. Purchasing the products made of non-toxic materials will help to preserve valuable resources. Let’s say, investing in reliable and durable household items and reuse them in the future instead of purchasing disposable items will help to maintain a clean environment.

To maintain a healthy environment, we need to look out for greenery and stop felling trees. Trees are an essential resource to purify and control pollution. More trees in our surroundings equal healthy environment and a fresh mindset. Water – one of the most necessary resource needs to be utilized and stored efficiently. Never allow to contaminate water.

Planting the importance of cleanliness among society is essential to motivate the individuals keeping their surrounding clean. There should be a proper awareness campaign to reinforce the need for sanitation, and it can be easy to adopt a strategy to involve students, social and service organization to be part of the drive.

A joint campaign by involving all section of the society is essential to accomplish total cleanliness of a state. If each of us can put their effort to maintain the cleanliness, then it will have a significant impact on the society. Inclusive cleanliness awareness campaign will be helpful in spreading the importance of the subject, and people will start to adopt cleaning the surrounding as their responsibility.

To see the much-awaited change, we need to take strict actions and act with sincerity. Corrective measures required instead of complaining about the pollution. Make everybody responsible for cleaning their premises by actively involving them. Students can start their effort by cleaning their school campus; government officials can engage in cleaning their office and premises, factory employees can participate in cleaning their factory and surrounding, etc. A combined effort of all sections of the society can make a lot of changes in the nation and attitude of the individuals towards cleanliness.

As we live in a society, we are a part of our surroundings, so we need to understand our responsibility as an individual, we should encourage the efforts made by others’ and contribute to ensuring a healthy surrounding. Systematic collection and segregation of waste depending on the scope of recyclability should strictly implement to maintain sustainable cleanliness. For maintaining cleanliness of the environment, we need to process biodegradable and non-degradable waste separately. Similarly, for personal cleanliness, we have to keep our body clean.

Cleanliness has different meanings depending on the matter of discussion. With regard to religion, cleanliness is the state of being pure, without moral contamination. When the subject matter is on the environment, it is the state of being free from dirt. Environmental cleanliness is what most people are familiar with because of the daily interaction with the environment and the impact they have on the lives of individuals with regard to health and expectations of the society. Cleanliness of the environment include everything on the surface of the earth. There are different types of cleanliness in the environment. Mostly, the environmental cleanliness is emphasized during prevention of pollution and health education in the society. Cleanliness of religion varies with the specific religion and its beliefs. The importance of cleanliness is realized in both spiritual and physical aspects. The society s place double standard on cleanliness such that, whatever is clean is admired and fought for.

Types of Cleanliness:

There are two major types of cleanliness i.e., physical cleanliness and spiritual cleanliness. Physical cleanliness has several subtypes according to the object being cleaned. Physical cleanliness involves elimination of dirt and impurities from the body, clothes, food, houses and the outside environment. Body cleaning is done through full body bath with soap and water, handwashing practice and keeping away from dirt. Cleaning clothes is a laundry process whereby manual washing by hands can be done or machine washing. Cleaning the environment is through collection of dirt in the environment and disposing them appropriately, while observing the purity of all the three aspects of the environment i.e., air, water and land. When handling food, cleanliness should be observed through hand washing and using of clean cooking and eating utensils so as to prevent ingestion of dirt. The houses and household items should also be kept clean especially the living space, the kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms because we interact with the house environment more often.

Spiritual cleanliness is basically focused on the removal of moral contamination and being pure in the faith and beliefs of the religion. In Christians, cleanliness means the forgiveness of sin and living according to the Bible doctrines. Christians also have cleanliness of conditions considered impure for example menstruation and childbirth. Christians lay strong emphasis on hygiene in humans. In Islam, cleanliness means the cleanliness of hearts of individuals and the good manners of members of the society. Muslims believe that purification of hearts of individuals from feelings of negativity and bad vices like jealousy enables the society to stay peaceful at all times. Muslims also believe that cleanliness from conditions that are considered ritually impure is important. Hindus believe that cleanliness is a divine quality that should be practiced by individuals. Bhagavad Gita describes cleanliness with relation to the Hindu society virtues and qualities that individuals must acquire in order to be given grace by God. Hindus also perform cleanliness through visiting the seven rivers to bathe and purify their minds.

Cleanliness is a vital component of human life both physically and spiritually. Spiritual cleanliness is important in being on the right with your God and following the beliefs and rituals of your religion. On the other hand, physical cleanliness is important in the wellbeing and existence of humanity.

Cleanliness is necessary for health and wellness of individuals and the society. Health and cleanliness relate to each other and influence each other. In order to be of good health, one should practice hygiene. Hygiene is basically the practice of maintaining good health and preventing diseases through cleanliness. Cleanliness of the body, food and environment contribute to the wellbeing of an individual health wise. Cleanliness prevents disease because dirt usually harbors infective pathogens that cause disease to human beings when they get exposed to them. Hygienic practices are highly advocated for by health professionals because it is better to prevent a disease than to wait and seek treatment for it. Hygienic practices prolong the lives of individuals because they will be free of illnesses.

Safety is enabled through cleanliness of the environment. The environment that we interact with often needs to be clean so that accidents can be prevented. For example, in the workplace, daily cleaning will ensure that there are no water spills on the floor that could cause a fall. Clearing bushes around homes provide safety from harmful insects and animals like snakes. Cleaning not only involves the act of clearing bushes and washing floors, but also the organization of the environment. Through organization, harmful objects can be put away so that accidents can be prevented in the environment.

Brand protection can be achieved through cleanliness. In environmental cleanliness, buildings and the surrounding environment are cleaned and organized. As a marketing strategy, cleanliness is an advantage for the brand because it will portray the brand as organized and conducive for human interaction. In this competitive world, cleanliness is a priority consideration for brands. In the food industry, cleanliness is what people look at before they can engage because health well-being is important for individuals.

Cleanliness also enables the extension of a lifespan of an object. With tools and instruments, cleanliness is emphasized because dirt causes reduction of the lifespan like in metallic objects, rust causes destruction of the tools and instruments. In buildings, cleanliness also preserves the integrity and enables longer durability.

Cleanliness is a moral virtue that is admired. When a person is clean, social relations and interactions become easier because society views dirty people as a nuisance and they are inapproachable. Cleanliness is attractive and admirable in the society.

In conclusion, cleanliness in the lives of individuals is unavoidable. Everything surrounding the life of an individual is viable for cleanliness in order to maintain functionality and development. Spiritual cleanliness is mostly focused on purity of self before God and humanity in all religions although the methods of purification are different for each religion. Physical cleanliness is beneficial with regard to human interaction and with the environment in terms of health, safety and lifespan.

Cleanliness , Health

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Essay on Cleanliness for Students and Children

500+ words essay on cleanliness.

Cleanliness refers to the state of being clean. It is something which must not be forced but encouraged. Cleanliness is a good habit which can enhance the quality of one’s life. Cleanliness of all kinds carries equal weight.

Most importantly, parents and teachers must encourage this habit from early on kids. This will ensure that the awareness of cleanliness. It is not a tough task to complete, rather cleanliness is quite easy. One should never make the mistake of compromising with cleanliness . It is essential for the health and well-being of humans and animals.

Essay on Cleanliness

Importance of Cleanliness

Similar to the basic essentials of life like food, water, shelter, cleanliness also holds great significance in life. It is, in fact, one of the most important things for healthy living. The first and foremost importance of cleanliness is that it means the absence of disease. Cleanliness helps us stay refreshed and hygienic on a personal level.

Further, it lessens the chances of any viruses or bacteria to harm us. When you stay clean and keep the environment clean, you are less likely to fall ill. You can enjoy good health and lead an active lifestyle. It will keep you physically fit and also enhance your lifespan.

Similarly, cleanliness in our surroundings will mean enhanced beauty and healthiness. It will not only beautify the area but also make it more attractive. This can be helpful in attracting more and tourists to enhance the economy of the country. It will also earn a good name for the country in the eyes of foreign tourists.

In short, cleanliness is vital for one’s health and spiritual development. In addition to this, it is also essential for the environmental development of our country.

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Way to maintain Cleanliness

As we all know, it is not tough to maintain cleanliness. It is very important to maintain cleanliness for a healthy life. When we talk about our personal lives, we can maintain cleanliness by bathing regularly. It is very important to wash our hands before eating food. This will ensure no bacteria enter your body and prevent illnesses .

Subsequently, we must always eat healthy food and consume clean water. Avoid eating out often and drinking water from unclean sources. Personal hygiene must be taken care of. Remember to trim your nails timely before they grow long. Long nails are very dirty and that means you will have dirt under your hands at all times. In addition, maintain the habit of brushing and flossing twice a day for oral hygiene.

In terms of surroundings, you must clean your house daily to get rid of dust. Never litter the roads of your city to keep them clean. For instance, when you finish a packet of chips, do not throw it out of the car window. Keep it with you and throw it in the dustbin.

Furthermore, avoid using plastic bags. Encourage recycling and reusing. Try to plant more trees to make the environment healthier and cleaner.

In conclusion, everyone must maintain cleanliness. Whether it is an individual effort or the collective effort of the government. In order to maintain cleanliness, ‘ Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ’ was launched. We can learn from it and be a part of it. If everyone does their bit responsibly, we can make earth cleaner and greener.

FAQ on Cleanliness

Q.1 Why is cleanliness important?

A.1 Cleanliness is important because it keeps away diseases. It furthermore, improves the quality of life.

Q.2 How can one maintain cleanliness?

A.2 Cleanliness can be maintained on both personal levels and in our surroundings. We must bathe, wash hands, brush, and floss regularly. We must also not litter and use plastic to make the environment clean.

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Importance Of Keeping Our Environment Clean Essay in English for students

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Today keeping our environment clean is a serious problem. Due to the needs of an increasing population environment has become polluted.  On the one hand forests are destroyed for development without any planning. This obviously reduce the amount of oxygen and increasing the carbon dioxide. Furthermore, animal life which is an important part of the environment is disturbed when they lose their habitats, the forests.

In the other hand more people specially in cities mean that there are more needs such as a for water, food and housing. It also means more garbage. This is big problem in our country. Dumping garbage causes land, water and air pollution and spread diseases. Children specially, suffer from various lung diseases. Stray dogs and cattle add to the problem of pollution.

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Ecology Essay Example: Importance of Keeping the Environment Clean

It is necessary for us as human beings to keep the environment clean. Industrialization and advancement in technology have fuelled an increase in pollution. Human beings have a habit of polluting the environment by littering it. Littering the environment and making water dirty are considered as major causes of environmental pollution. People have a habit of throwing litter on footpaths instead of putting litter in dustbins. With time, the litter that is thrown haphazardly by human beings accumulates and becomes a nuisance to the environment. Accumulation of liter over time becomes garbage. Failure to clean garbage makes the environment to stink. Failure to clean garbage also attracts disease causing organisms which infect man and animals. The environment can be made clean by coming up with laws that punish individuals who liter the environment. The environment can also be made clean by planting trees. Trees purify air making it worthy to breathe. Initiating eco-friendly measures such as recycling of waste products and use of renewable sources of energy can play a great deal in ensuring that the environment is kept clean. There are many benefits that are associated with keeping the environment clean. Religion states that deities expect human beings to keep the environment clean (Egendorf, 1999).

Keeping the environment clean promotes healthy living. Failure to keep the environment clean leads to an increase in environmental pollution. Toxins and contaminants from environmental pollutants have debilitating effects on the health of man and animals. Keeping the environment clean ensures that human beings have fresh air to breathe (Philpott, 2015).

An unclean environment leads to diseases. Most respiratory diseases are caused by air pollution. Water pollution causes water-borne diseases such as typhoid and diarrhea. It is impossible to have animals and human beings with good health when the environment is polluted. Water is a basic necessity, and clean air is vital for human life. Therefore, all should be done to ensure that human beings breathe clean air and drink clean water (Philpott, 2015).

Pollution is reduced by keeping the environment clean. Courtesy of cleaning the environment, pollution is reduced, and it is ensured that environmental pollutants are reduced. Reducing environmental pollutants is best done by keeping the environment clean (Egendorf, 1999).

It is necessary to ensure that the environment is preserved for future generations. The environment can only be conserved and preserved for future generations by ensuring that it is kept clean. Future generations will appreciate a great deal if we preserve the environment and make sure that they find an environment that is not disoriented. The present generation ought to make sacrifices that will ensure that the future generation finds the earth a place worthy to inhabit. Our planets healthy future depends on the participation of all human beings. Therefore, all human beings should be involved in making the environment clean as a way of ensuring that future generations find the world habitable (Philpott, 2015).

Impact of recycling

Recycling makes a great impact in trying to keep the environment clean. Landfill waste is reduced courtesy of recycling. Recycling ensures that waste that would normally find itself in landfills is recovered. A large amount of waste finds itself in landfills, by recycling waste, the occupation of landfills is reduced. Recycling ensures that paper, plastic, and rubber among other wastes that would normally find their way in landfills is recycled. Recycling plays a major role in conserving the environment. Industries often require raw materials in their manufacturing processes. By recycling, companies no longer have to use raw materials and original resources in their manufacturing processes. Natural resources are conserved courtesy of recycling. Recycling reduces water pollution and also reduces air pollution. Courtesy of recycling, deforestation is reduced. Greenhouse gas emissions are reduced courtesy of recycling. By recycling, the United States is helped to reach its greenhouse gas reduction targets. Money that would have been used in the manufacturing of new products is often conserved courtesy of recycling efforts. The energy that would normally be used to manufacture new products is often conserved courtesy of recycling efforts. Creation of new products from raw materials requires high levels of energy when compared to the creation of products by use of recycled materials (Carson, 2010).

Improving recycling systems

Systems that we as a nation have in place to clean the environment can be improved by increased funding. Water treatment systems should be funded much better by the Federal government and state governments to ensure that the systems improve their operations. Water treatment systems whose operations have been improved will ensure that the water that human beings consume is free of pollutants. By ensuring that the water human beings drink are free of pollutants, water borne diseases will be a thing of the past. What can be recycled and what cannot be recycled should be identified. By establishing what can and cant be recycled, it will be ensured that what cannot be recycled is not send to recycling systems. Feel good recycling process will be deterred by ensuring that what can be recycled and what cannot be recycled is established (Dillon, 2015).

The number of recycling bins should be increased in a bid to increase recycling efforts. Having recycling bins in proximity to people will play a major role in improving recycling efforts. By having recycling bins near people, people will always be reminded that they have to take part in the recycling of wastes (Treehugger, 2014).

Establishment of mandatory trash collection schedules will play a major role in ensuring that recycling systems are improved. Mandatory trash collection schedules will play a major role in reducing the need for landfills. Germany is an excellent example whereby mandatory trash collection schedules have been introduced to improve recycling efforts. As a result, Germany has been able to reduce millions of wastes each year (Drell, 2011).

Technology can be integrated into waste recycling systems to improve recycling systems. High tech trash collection can be used to improve recycling systems. RFID tracking can be used to improve the efficiency of waste recycling systems. RFID technology can be used to provide information on how waste collection activities go about. RFID technology can be used to verify how waste collection trucks go about their business. Gasification technology can be used to improve recycling systems. Gasification technology can be used to convert waste into syngas. Syngas can be used in the same place as fossil fuels. Syngas can be used as a building block for liquid fuel. Syngas can be used in the refining of crude fuel. Syngas can be used as a catalyst in the production of ethanol. Syngas can also be processed into diesel fuel. Gasification is a great mechanism that can ensure that recycling systems are improved (Drell, 2011).

Carson, A. (2010). The Pros (and Cons) of Recycling's Impact on the Environment. Bright Hub. Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from

Dillon, L. (2015). 14 Ways to Improve Community Recycling Rates. Bigbelly. Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from

Drell, L. (2011). The Future of Trash: 4 Ways Tech Is Improving Recycling Rates. Mashable. Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from

Egendorf, L. K. (1999). Conserving the environment. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.

Philpott, D. (2015). Critical government documents on the environment. Lanham: Bernam Press.

Treehugger, T. (2014). 10 ways to improve your recycling. Treehugger. Retrieved on May 11, 2017, from


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essay about importance of keeping our environment clean

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  • Cleanliness Essay


Essay on Cleanliness


Cleanliness refers to the art of keeping our body, mind, house, work area and our surroundings clean. We can divide cleanliness into various types such as cleaning clothes, cleaning streets, clean surroundings, clean homes and personal cleanliness. We should make cleanliness our habit because cleaning of our body is important for good physical and mental health. Cleanliness of our surroundings and environment is essential for social and intellectual health. We should never compromise with cleanliness. Parents and teachers must encourage children to adopt the habit of cleanliness and make this a part of our lives. 

Cleanliness is not other’s responsibility. It is our own responsibility. It is very important to have a healthy living so basic cleanliness is significant in life. It is as essential as we need food, water and clothes to live. Absence of cleanliness leads to various types of diseases, illness and breeding places for flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches. 

Basic cleanliness starts from our own personal cleanliness and hygiene. To start with, we must wash hands regularly. Washing hands keeps germs and bacteria away. So, it is very important to wash hands before eating a meal. When we come back home from outside, the first thing we should do is wash hands to clean all dirt and germs. Every day we should take a bath and wear clean clothes. Clothes should be washed daily. After using the toilet, we must always wash hands with soap. We must cut or trim nails regularly. Cutting nails is essential for personal hygiene. If we don’t cut or trim nails regularly, then there is a high possibility for the dirt and germs to enter our body. In addition, brushing and flossing twice daily are also important for oral hygiene.

We must keep our homes clean all time. We should ensure that dusting, sweeping and mopping are done daily. Instead of littering our house with papers and wrappers, we must inculcate the habit of throwing them in wastebaskets. We should clean our bathrooms daily.  Our kitchen, where food is being cooked and stored should be cleaned and hygiene must be maintained. We must cover food all times so that flies and other insects don’t get into them. Utensils should be covered while cooking. After cooking and eating, dishes, spoons, glasses and other vessels should be thoroughly cleaned with hot water and soap. We should wash raw vegetables and fruits before consuming. We must eat fresh and hygienic food and avoid eating outside. If we leave food items out for a long time then there could be a growth of bacteria and viruses so refrigeration or other ways of storing food items is important. The source of drinking water should be proper. Drinking water should be either boiled or filtered through modern UV technology. Pest control and sanitization should be done periodically at homes to keep away cockroaches and flies. 

We must realize that keeping our surroundings and environment clean is as important as keeping our homes clean. It is the responsibility of every individual to keep the public places clean. One important way to keep the public places clean is to stop littering roads and streets. People should be educated not to spit and urinate in public. Proper toilets should be built in public places to avoid this. Proper sanitization of the drain pipes should be done. Everyone is responsible for the country’s environment. Cleaning the environment plays an important role in the development of a country. Cleaning our surroundings encourages people to do better work because it helps to reduce stress and focus well on work. It also provides employment to many people and thus reduces poverty.

Our Prime Minister, Sri. Narendra Modi has launched the campaign of ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ to promote cleanliness of our environment. We should support this initiative started by our government for a better and clean country. There is a proverb saying, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” which explains maintaining clean surrounding results in a fresh mind and body, which leads to a successful life. Cleanliness helps in bringing spirituality and concentration. Cleanliness is the responsibility of every citizen for a peaceful and healthy living.


FAQs on Cleanliness Essay

Q1. Why is Cleanliness Important?

Ans. Cleanliness is important for a healthy living. It plays an important role in the development of a country.

Q2. How do we Take Care of our Personal Hygiene?

Ans. Following is the ways to maintain our personal hygiene:

Wash hands before eating meals.

Take a shower daily and wear clean clothes.

Do brushing and flossing twice in a day for oral hygiene.

Cut or trim nails regularly to remove dirt.

Q3. What Steps Should be Taken to Keep our Environment Clean?

Don’t litter on roads and streets.

Don’t spit and urinate in public places.

Proper sanitization of drain pipes.

Build proper toilets in public places.

Q4. Which Campaign the Government of India to Promote Cleanliness has Initiated?

Ans. The government of India has launched the campaign Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to promote cleanliness of our surroundings.

Short Essay on Importance of Clean Environment

Clean environment has been a question of importance and has grabbed a lot of attention lately. People are now gaining insight and becoming aware about the importance of a clean environment as it is important for the healthy life and a safe future. Maintaining the cleanliness is not the responsibility of one person alone but it is a collective responsibility. It is good for our health therefore it is of great importance to keep our surroundings clean.

People throw litter here and there. On the roads, in the society compounds, we see litter. So we must inculcate the habit of using dustbins and clean the litter as much as we can. Cleanliness should be initiated in all the offices, schools, societies and colleges. In fact many cleanliness projects and campaigns such as “Save Narmada Agitation”, “Swachch Bharat Abhiyan”, and “Go Green” have been undertaken by the Government.

The reason these campaigns had to start were the amount of pollution which was increasing day by day due to the excessive use of technology and science. Therefore, more and more industrialization and urbanization has been accountable for our environment. Keeping the environment clean is something which can’t be ignored. The health of humans and flora and fauna depends on the cleanliness of the environment. Dirty environment serves as an abode for lots of diseases. Cleanliness portrays your image like a mirror so if you like to keep your surroundings clean, it depicts your image and vice versa.

As humans we must take steps as little as they may be to help our environment, we must plant trees and we must be eco-friendly and also encourage others as well. Use stairs instead of elevators, use bicycles instead of cars, save water and plant more trees and recycle plastic material are a few measures that we must take.  By implementing these ideas, we can reduce the ill effects of pollution and begin living a peaceful life.

In the words of George Bernard Shaw “Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world”. So ask yourself how you wish to see this world for yourself and the future generation.

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Santosh Kumar

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Essay On Cleanliness – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Children

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Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Cleanliness For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on cleanliness for kids, a paragraph on cleanliness for children, short essay on importance of cleanliness for kids, long essay on cleanliness for children, what will your child learn from the essay on cleanliness.

The increasing level of competition in education these days has made it crucial for young children to have strong language and vocabulary skills. One of the key pillars to strengthen the same is the activity of writing. Schools, therefore, take measures like making the students write essays and compositions on important headings like an essay on cleanliness for classes 1, 2, and 3, and several others like assignments on famous personalities, hobbies, festivals, etc. Such topics allow kids to explore and become more sensitive about their surroundings and help inculcate good habits in them. By writing about such matters, the children tend to develop good knowledge about the issues while simultaneously working on their vocabulary and language. Here is how you can help your child write a good cleanliness essay in English

Cleanliness is an indispensable value that has to be forged into children’s minds by trusted elders. Hence, it is very important to pay good attention to what you write in your essay. Here are some pointers for writing an essay on cleanliness.

  • Start your essay or paragraph with a short and crisp introduction.
  • Use simple sentences which are easy to read and deliver your ideas clearly.
  • In case of longer articles, make sure that you use an adequate number of appropriate subheadings.
  • While using multiple paragraphs, keep an eye on the continuity between the paragraphs.

The most common format of assignments for students in the lower classes is a simple one which consists of 10 sentences. Here is how to write a good 10 line essay for class 1 and 2.

  • Cleanliness is the habit of keeping the self and surroundings clean.
  • It is a very good habit which every person should practise.
  • The first and foremost step to maintain a healthy body is to maintain cleanliness.
  • Even in our school, great importance is given to keeping our classrooms clean.
  • We are appreciated when we keep it tidy and are asked to clean up when we don’t.
  • We have to throw all the garbage inside the dustbin and not litter on the floor or ground.
  • The government is also taking up measures to maintain cleanliness.
  • Our Prime Minister has also launched a campaign called ‘Swachh Bharat’.
  • The people of India must actively participate in this campaign to achieve the goal intended.
  • We should maintain cleanliness at different levels, starting from ourselves and our homes to the entire society and environment.

As the classes progress, the students must write paragraphs with good continuity between sentences. Here is one example of a simple paragraph on cleanliness for children.

Cleanliness is a value that has to be understood by every individual from a young age. This includes starting the practice of keeping oneself and surroundings clean from a young age. By doing so, we understand the importance of cleanliness and the responsibility that comes with it. Every individual must actively make an effort to maintain a good level of cleanliness. It has a major impact on society and community, though it starts from home and family. Keeping the surroundings clean is also very important to remain protected from harmful diseases. Therefore, it is a good habit to maintain cleanliness.

Writing short essays is a common homework task for classes 1 and 2, and the topic of cleanliness is one of the most preferred ones. Here is a sample cleanliness essay in english in 200 words.

Cleanliness is an important virtue that has to be taken seriously by everyone. It is important to understand its importance across different forms and dimensions. Maintaining a good and clean environment, for example, can help prevent all unwanted and harmful diseases in society and add to the overall hygiene status of India. Achieving such cleanliness levels starts with us as individuals, like maintaining good personal hygiene and keeping our surroundings clean.

To achieve these goals, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has launched the popular initiative of “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”. It is each invidual’s responsibility to take an interest and actively participate in this event to make it a success. Many initiatives have been implemented at different levels across the country, like homes, schools, colleges, offices, workplaces, and the general public places. Individual effort is a very important factor in the success of this program.

Apart from that, everyone should understand the necessity and importance of cleanliness for the well-being and betterment of our nation. Many organisations and actively participating volunteers have now taken it upon themselves to promote the values and importance of cleanliness and inform people how it can benefit the country and community as a whole.

Class 3 essays need to have more details. Additional factors like sentence placement and paragraph continuity come into play in this case. Take a look at this example:

As it has always been taught from a young age by elders, cleanliness is an important value that has to be nurtured. It has to be instilled in the minds of children starting from a very young age to promote the knowledge of its importance. When viewed from a bigger perspective, maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness is a good practice for oneself, the family, society, and even the community.

What Does Cleanliness Mean?

Cleanliness can be defined as the habit of keeping oneself and the environment free from all forms of impurities like dust, pollution, and more. This is a very important practice that has to be followed by all individuals to maintain good health and well-being. From a young age, we learn to stay away from any possible dirt and pollution. Cleanliness starts right here, from the budding stage.

Why Is Cleanliness Important?

Maintaining good hygiene and a decent level of cleanliness in all places and circumstances is one of the major contributors to the health of the entire community, starting with one’s home and self. This is why the importance of cleanliness has been preached meticulously beginning from the ancient days through various cultures. By taking initiatives to maintain health at such small levels, great changes can be expected in the long term. This is possible when every individual takes it upon themselves to follow the required guidelines and habits. By doing so, we help improve our country’s overall health condition and aesthetic property, which has a significant effect on the growth and development of India.

Ways To Maintain Cleanliness

The steps and methods to maintain a clean and safe environment start from the basics taught to us by our parents and teachers right from when we were infants. This could include the necessities of life, such as:

  • Brushing our teeth
  • Bathing regularly
  • Wearing clean clothes
  • Tidying the bed after waking up
  • Washing hands whenever needed
  • Clean food habits and eating practices

Apart from this, there are several active initiatives and programmes launched by our government. A good example of this is the “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”. Every Indian citizen must actively take part and contribute to the same.

To wrap things up, it is about time that every resident in India starts making changes in their everyday life to help maintain a neat and clean environment. Through these tiny implementations, a huge difference can be brought about over time. We should also take measures to create awareness among the general public regarding the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness, along with how it can affect the community.

By writing a good composition on cleanliness, your child will understand the importance of being neat, tidy, and hygienic. This is an effective way to make them realise how they can improve their daily habits and build a cleaner environment.

Cleanliness is a habit everyone must practice in their lives. It should be a way of living as it helps one lead a healthy life and drives the nation to maintain a progressive and welcoming vibe.

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Essay on Keep Your City Clean [With PDF]

Hygiene plays an important role in the lives of one and all. In this lesson, you will learn to write essays in two different sets on keeping your city clean. It will help you in articulating your thoughts in the upcoming exams.

Table of Contents

Essay on keep your city clean in 200 words, essay on keep your city clean in 500 words.

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Hygiene is essential for the well-being of an individual and a nation. For a nation to thrive, it is essential to keep your city clean. Narendra Modi’s Swacch Bharat Abhiyan focuses on certain sectors to promote hygiene and curb disease.

Wastes can be classified into many types. There are industrial, domestic, medical and sewage wastes. These wastes, if segregated and handled wisely, can be put to reuse and recycled. The Van Mahotsav is observed every year to promote afforestation and make people aware of the harmful effects of deforestation.

To keep our city clean, we must ban the use of plastic. We should follow the 4Rs policy to reduce, reuse, recycle, and restore. We must plant saplings and gather in small groups to educate the layman about the necessity of keeping our city clean.

We must adhere to the maxim, “Godliness is next to Cleanliness.” If we keep our city clean, positivity will boost in all its nooks and corners. It will lead to economic growth and healthy citizens. It will also cause a decrease in the number of hospitalisations every year. Diseases that are air and water-borne will come under control. Everyone will live a happy and healthy life.

We should keep our cities clean to have a healthy and standard lifestyle. Hygiene is essential for the well-being of an individual and a nation. It is the responsibility of every individual, and as we keep our homes clean, so shall we keep our cities clean. For a nation to thrive, it is essential to keep your city clean.

Narendra Modi’s Swacch Bharat Abhiyan focuses on certain sectors to promote hygiene and curb disease. The Van Mahotsav is observed every year to promote afforestation and make people aware of the harmful effects of deforestation. These programs direct us to plant trees and collect litter for proper disposal on a particular day. However, we need to bear in mind the need to do it regularly.

We must adhere to the maxim, “Godliness is next to Cleanliness.” If we keep our city clean, positivity will boost in all its nooks and corners. It will lead to economic growth and healthy citizens. It will also cause a decrease in the number of hospitalisations every year. Diseases that are air and water-borne will come under control. Everyone will live a happy and healthy life. It will help in the overall development of our country, and people will become more thoughtful and conscious of their responsibilities.

Many places in my city Kolkata lack proper drainage systems. During the monsoon season, the roads are flooded with muddy water and causing stagnation. Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes and flies. It can cause various infections and skin diseases, or allergies. Loss of biodiversity is a major loss for our environment, which is caused due to mismanagement of waste.

Spitting in public places is a sickening sight that we witness every day on roads, stairwells, parks, subways and metro stations. It is disgusting and uncivilised. Citizens lack awareness, education and culture. Imbibing these qualities and making them literate shall help overcome their urge to cause a nuisance. We must work hard to make the City of Joy a clean place.

There is a need to remodel the public transport as they are so old that they release soot and toxic gas causing air pollution. It causes lung cancer, asthma and allergies. Keeping our city clean will keep us proactive and healthy. A lack of public toilets also causes a lot of pollution, stinking odour and breeding of mosquitoes.

A tremendous amount of waste has been generated from construction work. It can be overcome or reduced to a great degree by making the process faster. Installation of dustbins in a public area shall take us a long way in maintaining hygiene. Along with the government, each citizen must work in a collective spirit to keep our cities clean. It is truly said that a green city is a clean city.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of the importance of keeping your city clean. I have tried to cover every aspect of the topic briefly and in an expanded form. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on many important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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