15 Reasons Why Life In Canada is Good


Canada is often celebrated for its stunning landscapes, diverse culture, and high quality of life. It’s no surprise that it consistently ranks as one of the best places to live in the world. In this blog post, we’ll explore 15 compelling reasons why Canada is a good place to call home.

1. Universal Healthcare

Canada boasts a robust healthcare system that provides free access to essential medical services for its citizens. This universal healthcare ensures that everyone has access to necessary medical care, regardless of their income.

2. Multiculturalism

Canada is known for its multiculturalism and celebrates diversity. People from all corners of the world call Canada home, creating a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions.

essay on why canada is the best place to live

3. High Quality of Education

The Canadian education system is renowned for its excellence. Canadian universities consistently rank among the best in the world, and the country provides numerous opportunities for students of all ages to access quality education.

4. Beautiful Landscapes

From the stunning Rocky Mountains in the west to the pristine wilderness of the Maritimes in the east, Canada’s natural beauty is unparalleled. Whether you enjoy outdoor adventures or simply appreciate scenic landscapes, Canada has it all.

5. Safe and Peaceful

Canada is consistently ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. Low crime rates and a strong legal system ensure that residents feel secure and protected.

6. Strong Economy

With a stable and thriving economy, Canada offers plenty of job opportunities and financial security. The country’s resource-rich regions, strong financial institutions, and innovation-driven industries contribute to its economic success.

7. Clean Environment

Canada is dedicated to preserving its natural beauty. It ranks highly in environmental sustainability, with clean air, pristine water sources, and a commitment to renewable energy.

8. Excellent Quality of Life

The high standard of living in Canada is a reflection of its well-developed infrastructure, access to quality healthcare and education, and numerous recreational activities.

9. Low Population Density

Canada is the second-largest country in the world by land area but has a relatively small population. This translates to plenty of open space and a lower population density, allowing residents to enjoy a less crowded lifestyle.

10. World-Class Cities

Canada’s cities, such as Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, consistently rank among the world’s best places to live. These urban centers offer cultural diversity, economic opportunities, and a high standard of living.

11. Strong Social Safety Nets

Canada has an array of social safety nets, including employment insurance, pension plans, and family support systems, which help ensure that Canadians have a safety net in times of need.

12. Politically Stable

Canada’s political system is known for its stability and fairness. The country places a strong emphasis on democracy, rule of law, and human rights.

13. Friendly People

Canadians are known for their friendliness and politeness. The culture of being polite and helpful makes Canada a welcoming place for people from all walks of life.

14. Excellent Infrastructure

Canada boasts a well-developed infrastructure with efficient public transportation systems, modern road networks, and a strong emphasis on technology and innovation.

15. Work-Life Balance

Canadians prioritize work-life balance, valuing time spent with family and on personal well-being. This balanced approach to life contributes to overall happiness and well-being.

Canada’s reputation as a great place to live is well-deserved. With its universal healthcare, multiculturalism, beautiful landscapes, strong economy, and commitment to environmental sustainability, Canada offers a high quality of life to its residents. Whether you’re considering a move to Canada or are already living there, the country’s many attributes make it an exceptional place to call home.



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15 Reasons Why Canada is a Good Place to Live

So you want to move to Canada but are unsure if it’s a good place to live? As expats who’ve lived in Canada for over four years, we’ll share what we came to love about this country.

If you’re from the Western world like us, you may not find Canada all that different. It’s fairly easy to adjust.

Our main priority for moving here was a working holiday adventure and getting a taste of Canadian life. And so we’ve traveled across the country from the West to the East and lived in three different provinces.

We enjoyed it so much that we decided to transition to a permanent visa. So yes, from our perspective, Canada is a good place to live.

Although no country is perfect, there are many reasons why we decided to stay here. Read on to discover 15 reasons to move to Canada.

Read More Living in Canada articles:

  • Pros and cons of living in Prince Edward Island
  • Is college free in Canada?
  • Guide to moving to Canada from Ireland
  • Living in Toronto vs Montreal
  • Pros and cons of living in Vancouver
  • Edmonton or Calgary: where should you move?

Table of Contents

Reasons to Move to Canada

1.outdoor lifestyle.

I think it’s fair to say that when it comes to outdoors, Canada is hard to beat.

The lakes in Canada are postcard-perfect and literally around every corner.

If you like an outdoorsy lifestyle, you’ll love Canada.

After a long winter of hibernation, we like to make the most of Canadian summers by enjoying activities in the great outdoors.

From hiking and camping to kayaking, skiing, swimming, boating, fishing, road-tripping and cycling, the options are countless.

When you think of Canada, the first thing that probably comes to mind are snowy peaks, but that’s not the full picture.

Canada also has many beautiful sandy beaches and coastal areas, especially in Atlantic Canada or British Columbia. You can even surf here in Tofino or Lawrence Town!

Google Mystic Beach in Canada. It’s a “secret beach” with a waterfall pouring down straight from beautiful rock formations.

And even though hibernation in winter is cozy, six or more months of colder weather is not enough to stop a real Canuck from playing outdoors.

Winter means outdoor activities like skiing, snowshoeing, ice skating and more.

Some people venture out on frozen lakes, place a wooden hut on the ice, drill a hole or two in the ice and cast a fishing rod in the water. Such is the ritual of ice fishing.

lake morraine Canada

2.Diversity & Multiculturalism

Canada is a diverse and tolerant country. In fact, Canada as it is known today would not exist if it weren’t for immigrants, both past and present.

Canadian cities are so multicultural that you’ll find literally any nation or religion you can think of here. That means everyone is bound to find a community they can feel comfortable in. It’s fairly easy to make friends in Canada.

Smaller towns tend to be less diverse, but on the other hand, they also have friendlier closely-knit communities. When everyone knows everyone in a small city, you’re less likely to feel isolated.

Another indirect benefit of multiculturalism is diverse cuisine.

For example, Vancouver is said to have one of the best Asian restaurants outside Asia. That’s thanks to the large Asian expat community who lives there.

While living in Halifax and feeling homesick, I popped into a local European deli store and found everything from pierogis to poppy seed rolls.

3.Abundant Job Opportunities

Over the last few years, Canadian economy has often outperformed those of the other G8 countries, which include France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the United States, Russia and the UK.

While Canada has no magic elixir to avoid inflation, the economy keeps growing, and the job market is booming. However, due to inflation and increasing housing costs, many expats need to work side hustles to keep up with expenses.

Getting a high-paying job in Canada is a big part of having an enjoyable lifestyle.

With the baby boomer generation retiring, Canadians need to fill an important gap, especially for skilled trades and blue-collar jobs .

Getting into trades is the career path that my partner transitioned to since moving to Canada.

As a skilled worker, he can get a job offer in any province or town. All it takes is one email.

Safety is an important factor when it comes to quality of life. Canada is safer than most places in the world.

In over four years of living here, we haven’t had any negative experiences around safety. (knocking on the wood)

Statistically, Canada ranks in the top 10 safest countries in the world and the major cities have one of the lowest crime rates.

For example, Toronto compared to New York , the two largest cities in Canada and the US is much safer.

The only exceptions are frequent scammy phone calls and scammers on the Facebook marketplace trying to exploit newcomers.

Finding a rental place in Canada can be challenging, especially in certain cities that experience the housing shortage. A common scam is posting a fake apartment and asking for a deposit upfront to secure the place.

So yes, don’t send any deposit unless you’ve seen the apartment in person or on video chat.


Another benefit of living in Canada is cleanliness.

The quality of air and water here is exceptionally good.

The cities are also well looked after. That’s thanks to a robust garbage disposal and recycling system and strict laws regarding littering.

If you’re a nature lover, like us, you’ll appreciate the fact that Canadians are doing their best to keep the environment clean.

6. Beautiful Scenery

Canada is a beautiful and vast country with incredible natural beauty. It has 37 national parks.

We were lucky to live in Canmore, close to Banff National Park and had all the mountains and wildlife right at our doorstep. It was an amazing experience.

The scenery is breathtaking, no matter which Canadian province you choose .

The places that really left a lasting impression on us are the azure lakes in the Canadian Rockies, the Highway 99 road trip, wineries in Okanagan Valley and Vancouver Island.

And I have yet to see Newfoundland and the Northern territories. On my Canadian bucket list, I have a whale-watching tour, seeing polar bears and northern lights.

Canada offers endless walking and hiking trails.

When you come to Canada, you will hear a lot about ‘cottage country’. Everyone seems to love the rustic getaways in the woods.

We love it too. Minus the mosquitos and pesky black flies in the summer.

essay on why canada is the best place to live

7.Friendly People

Before moving to Canada, we’ve traveled to 50+ countries. Yet, Canada has one of the friendliest and most welcoming people we’ve ever come across!

There is a stereotype about Canadian people that they always say sorry and thank you, and I find it to be true. It’s not the same style of politeness as British; it’s different.

If you bump into someone, everyone says sorry, no matter who was at fault.

The cashiers or neighbors often strike up small chats with you and people greet you when you meet them hiking.

Every time we visit the US, the contrast in people-friendliness seems even more apparent. Even the Canadian border officers are way friendlier, from our experience.

Canada is by far America’s “nicer” neighbor.

8.English Speaking country

English is the official language in Canada, and that makes relocation so much easier.

Well, not the only official language. If you decided to move to Quebec, you would find yourself in a predominantly French-speaking province.

You’d also discover that Canadian French, known as Quebecois (in Quebec) or Acadien (in New Brunswick, which is the only officially bilingual province) is quite different from French spoken in France.

But except for those two provinces, the rest of the country is English.

British English is the basis for Canadian English, and its influence is evident in the spelling of words.

It is hard to deny, however, that when spoken, Canadian English sounds more like American English.

I don’t know how about you but I find American English easier to understand thanks to all the Hollywood movies compared to British English.

9 .Immigrant friendly

As immigrants, we felt welcome in Canada from the moment we stepped off the airplane in Edmonton, Alberta.

Because Canada is so diverse, you can blend in instantly.

Canadians never treated us like outsiders, which is one of the biggest reasons we love living here.

It makes a big difference when integrating into your new home country.

To give you a comparison. We also spent some time living in Ecuador, and locals always see you as a gringo (foreigner), no matter how long you live there.

Another plus is Canada’s welcoming immigration policies.

As a foreigner, you have many immigration programs to gain a temporary work permit or permanent residency through Express Entry.

10.High quality of life

Canada keeps ranking in the top 10 best countries worldwide year after year. In 2023, it was rated as second best, right after Switzerland.

There are many factors that influence the quality of life. It’s the income, economic stability, clean environment, safety, lifestyle, etc. And Canada ticks many boxes.

Canada is also known for strong social securities. Old age pensions, family allowance, unemployment insurance, child benefits and welfare are just some of the programs in Canada’s extensive social security network.

The flip side of that is higher taxes. Someone has to pay for all the government programs people need and enjoy.

I mean, no one likes to pay high taxes, and Canadians are no exception.

11.Four Seasons

Although I love hot weather, prior to moving to Canada, I lived in Dubai for three years. There you seem to have only two seasons – warm summer and hot summer.

It was enjoyable, but after a while, you start missing the changing seasons and lush greenery. And surprisingly, I even missed the rain.

If you decide to live in Vancouver or Halifax, you definitely won’t have that problem. It rains a lot there which also means it’s amazingly lush.

Ironically, now I have the opposite problem. One of the most popular Canadian nicknames is Great White North and for a reason. The snowy weather can last from November to April, pretty much half a year.

But Canada is not only about cold winters. You get four distinct seasons.

The Canadian autumn season is short but especially beautiful when all the maple trees turn red. The air is crisp, and cafes smell like pumpkin spice.

You probably don’t think of warm weather when you think of Canada, but summers are very pleasant here. Depending on the province, temperatures can range from mild to hot.

The winters are cold and seem way too long all across Canada, with a few exceptions. One of those exceptions are winters in Vancouver , Victoria, Halifax or Okanagan.

However, Canadians know how to make the most of every season and that includes winter.

canada in autumn

12.Great Worldwide Reputation

Canada has a stellar reputation in the world.

It’s known for its fairness, tolerance, human rights, acceptance of refugees and maintaining excellent diplomatic relations with other countries.

That’s why Canadians don’t need visas to visit most countries in the world.

Anyone you speak to seems to have a positive opinion about Canada and Canadians.

And rightly so. Canadians respect other cultures and are super polite.

13.Easy to get citizenship

Immigrating to Canada and all the visa paperwork is a time-consuming and costly process, but compared to the US or other first-world countries, it’s much more accessible.

To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, you must be a permanent resident of Canada, having lived in the country for at least three out of the past five years and having filed your taxes.

There are also other requirements, such as demonstrating proficiency in English or French and passing a knowledge test about Canada.

Overall, Canada has an open-door immigration policy that encourages people worldwide to settle in this beautiful country.

All these factors make Canada a desirable place to live and work, making it one of the best countries in the world for expats.

If you get a Canadian passport, it opens the doors to more than 180 destinations worldwide.

14.Universal Healthcare

The Canadian healthcare system operates on the principle of universality, ensuring that all Canadian citizens and residents have access to free healthcare regardless of their income or social status.

In other words, every person has the fundamental right to receive free basic medical care, with a few exceptions.

Prescription and non-prescription drugs, dental care, certain tests, nursing homes and vision care are examples of costs people must cover out of their own pockets or with additional private insurance.

Some provinces partially cover prescription drugs and, for the most part, Canadian government covers prescriptions for the elderly and people on social assistance.

Universal medical coverage was first introduced in Saskatchewan in the early 1960s and the first Medical Care Act was legislated in 1968.

To be precise, health care isn’t exactly free. It’s covered by income tax.

Luckily, we only had to use the hospital once due to a work injury and it was nice to receive the treatment free of charge.

There is a lot to praise about the Canadian healthcare system but also a lot to criticize. I dive more into the negatives in the pros and cons of living in Canada post.

15.Quality Education

Primary and secondary education is free in Canada , ensuring that everyone will get a basic education.

Moreover, many Canadian universities have a strong reputation worldwide.

Canada has 40-plus universities offering every possible study program you can think of. Some of the most prestigious are the University of Toronto, McGill University, the University of Waterloo and the University of Alberta.

The only downside is high tuition fees, especially if you’re an international student. Foreign students often pay three times more than Canadian citizens or permanent residents.

montreal campus

Final Verdict: Is Canada a Good Place to Live?

All in all, Canada is a great place to live that is accepting of newcomers and easygoing. It isn’t difficult to adapt to life here. Most people enjoy living and working in Canada , including us.

Canada offers excellent living standards, beautiful nature and a generous social security system. There are also many opportunities for career advancement and education.

The lengthy cold winters may be challenging at times but even that has its own charm.

Living in Canada has been an amazing experience so far, and we can’t wait to see what else this country has in store for us.

Is it better to lie in Canada or the US?

While the USA offers better salaries, Canada has better healthcare, safety and social benefits. It’s also much easier to immigrate to Canada than the US. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. Both countries offer a high quality of life and plenty of opportunities for education and work.

Is there a downside to living in Canada?

One of the main downsides of living in Canada is the high cost of living. The housing and rental prices in major cities like Toronto and Vancouver are incredibly high. Furthermore, the income taxes are quite high in Canada.

Is it cheaper to live in Canada or the US?

Overall, Canada is more affordable than the US, but the US has higher average salaries. Comparing the cost of living in both countries is tricky because it varies greatly within each city. It’s also important to consider the hidden costs and savings of public goods and services such as healthcare.

Why people are moving to Canada?

People are moving to Canada for many reasons. Canada is the first world country with immigration-friendly policies, abundant job opportunities, a relatively strong economy and a high standard of living. Or they simply fancy a lifestyle change and Canadian outdoors.

Is it worth moving to Canada from the USA?

The three major benefits that Canada offers compared to the US are – a public health care system, lower crime rates, better worldwide reputation, lower cost of living and tuition fees and more social securities. Overall, both countries offer a high standard of living.

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→ Kamila

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9 reasons why Canada is a great place to live as a newcomer

Moving to a new country is never easy, and often, such a move has both pros and cons. Whether you’re just considering the option of moving to Canada or are days away from arriving here, there are likely more than a few things about Canada that you find appealing. There may also be some advantages to living in Canada that you don’t know about yet, that could potentially alleviate some of your concerns.

From its diverse landscapes to its friendly, welcoming people, there’s a lot that Canada has to offer. The country’s immigration programs complement the growing needs of the job market , and after an initial settling-in period, there’s no shortage of work opportunities for skilled newcomers. With all of these positive aspects, it’s no surprise that Canada ranked #13 on the World Happiness Index 2023. In this article, we explore some compelling reasons why Canada is a great place to live as a newcomer, as well as some of the disadvantages that come with settling in Canada.

In this article:

What makes Canada a great place to live as a newcomer

Seven disadvantages of living in canada as a newcomer.

As a newcomer, your motivations for moving to Canada may be different from those of other people. Whether you’re attracted to Canada’s diversity, safety, job market, or natural beauty, the country offers many advantages to newcomers. 

Some reasons why Canada is a great place to live include:

High quality of life

One of the most common reasons newcomers move to Canada is to improve their overall standard of living. As per the U.S. News Best Countries rankings , Canada ranks #3 in terms of quality of life, behind Sweden and Denmark, and well ahead of the U.S.. The quality of life ranking is based on factors such as economic stability, income equality, the job market, safety, political stability, as well as the education and public health system . 

Canada also ranks at the third position in the best countries overall ranking, after Switzerland and Germany. Canada undoubtedly offers the safety, stability, amenities, and comforts newcomers look for in their new country.

Sufficient employment opportunities

Between December 2022 and April 2023, Canada’s unemployment rate remained stable at five per cent, which is fairly low. Employment opportunities are available across industries in Canada, and some sectors, such as healthcare , education , engineering , construction, and agriculture face severe labour shortages.

That said, many employers prefer to hire candidates with some Canadian experience , which makes it harder for newcomers to find jobs quickly . However, volunteer experience , freelance projects, and relevant survival jobs can also count as Canadian experience. Some in-demand occupations , such as medicine , nursing , and engineering, are regulated in Canada, and newcomers in these fields must get licensed before they can start practicing their profession.

Download the free Career Guide for newcomers to Canada

Publicly funded healthcare

In Canada, healthcare is governed at the province or territory level. Each province/territory offers its citizens and permanent residents a publicly funded healthcare plan . In some provinces, temporary residents, such as work permit holders and international students , are also covered by the provincial healthcare plan.

Residents don’t need to pay out-of-pocket for regular check-ups, medically necessary tests and treatments. However, you may still have to pay for non-essential or cosmetic procedures, medication, vision and dental care. Most Canadians purchase private insurance for add-on coverage or are covered under their employers’ group insurance plans.

When you avail of medical services that are covered by your provincial plan, the healthcare provider bills the government directly, and the cost of your treatment is covered by the taxes paid by residents of the province or territory.

Free public schooling and subsidized higher education for PR and citizens

Canada’s education system is known to be world-class. Public schools are free for children aged five to eighteen (the age of admission varies by province) and offer a quality education. Your children can also receive free education at Francophone public schools or, in some provinces, at public Catholic schools.

The country is home to several of the world’s top universities offering various post-secondary study programs. Permanent residents and citizens are eligible for lower tuition fees in Canadian universities and colleges (compared to international students ) for degree, diploma, and certificate programs.

Diversity and multiculturalism

As a newcomer, Canada’s diversity and multiculturalism can go a long way toward making you feel at home. Depending on where you live in Canada, you may find yourself surrounded by a mix of cultures, languages, ethnicities and religious beliefs. Canada welcomes newcomers from across the world, and according to the 2021 census, immigrants comprise 23 per cent of the country’s population.

Moreover, all people are considered equal and worthy of respect regardless of their country of origin, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and age. The laws in Canada promote equal rights, and the legalization of same-sex marriages in 2005 (Canada was the fourth country in the world to do so) is only one example of the country’s definition of freedom.

Safety and peacefulness

Many immigrants move to Canada to find a safer environment for their families. According to the U.S. News Best Countries survey , Canada is the seventh safest country in the world. Although crime still exists in Canada, the incidence of violent crime is low.

The country ranked #12 on the Global Peace Index 2022 . Canada welcomes refugees who’ve been forced to leave their home country and offers them a peaceful haven. 

Social services and benefits

As a newcomer, your well-being and social security are likely top-of-mind at all times. Canada has a robust social services system with generous financial benefits for people in need. The Employment Insurance (EI) program provides a temporary income to individuals who’ve lost their jobs or are unable to work for certain reasons, such as pregnancy or illness. To be eligible, you must have worked in an insurable occupation for a minimum number of hours and paid EI premiums (if you’re employed, these will be deducted directly from your salary by your employer).

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP, or Quebec Pension Plan in Quebec) provides a financial safety net for workers after they retire (though most Canadians also save for retirement through the Registered Retirement Savings Plan ). Financial assistance is also available to eligible families with children under the age of 18 ( Canada Child Benefit ) and seniors with a low retirement income (Old Age Security).

Canada also has a generous parental leave policy, where one or both parents can take time off from work to take care of a newborn or adopted child.

Easy to get Canadian citizenship

If you’re moving to Canada as a permanent resident (PR) , the path to citizenship is fairly straightforward. Unlike some countries that have prohibitively complicated citizenship processes or prolonged waiting periods, Canada aims to retain people who’ve chosen to make the country their home.

To apply for Canadian citizenship , you must meet a minimum residency requirement (three years in the last five years) as a permanent resident, prove your language skills (in English or French), file income tax in Canada, and pass a citizenship test (if you’re aged 18 to 55).

The country also makes it easier for individuals moving to Canada as international students or temporary foreign workers to qualify for PR (and subsequently, citizenship).

Scenic beauty and cleanliness

Canada is a land of unparalleled scenic beauty. With the majestic Rocky Mountains in the west and three oceans surrounding the country, Canada offers a vast and diverse array of landscapes. The country is blessed with an abundance of natural wonders, from the Rocky Mountains, the Great Lakes, and the breathtaking Niagara Falls, to the fjords in Quebec and the magnificent display of Northern Lights in Yukon .

Canada is home to 37 national parks, including the Banff National Park, Kootenay National Park, and Bruce Peninsula National Park, and close to 100 provincial parks spread across the country.

Another advantage of living in a country where 72 per cent of urban land is classified as “green” is clean, unpolluted air. Even in the middle of a bustling city like Toronto , you’ll be able to find ample forested areas and scenic walking trails close to home.

essay on why canada is the best place to live

For most newcomers, settling into life in Canada doesn’t happen overnight. This is because, despite the country’s many advantages, there are certain aspects that surprise or disappoint newcomers. Some cons of living in Canada include:

Canada has a high cost of living

The cost of living in Canada can be quite high. Although your average monthly expenses will vary depending on the city you live in, the size of your family, and your lifestyle, the cost of living in Canada may be much higher than that in your home country.

For a single person, an annual income of $27,514 or less is considered to be below Canada’s low-income threshold, and will likely not be sufficient to cover your expenses. If you’re living in a larger city, such as Toronto, Vancouver , or Montreal , you may need significantly more money to make ends meet. You can use Arrive’s cost of living in Canada calculator to get an estimate of the monthly living costs in various cities.

essay on why canada is the best place to live

Canadians pay high taxes

In Canada, income tax is collected both at the federal and provincial levels. The federal tax rates range from 15 per cent to 33 per cent, and the provincial tax rates for residents in the highest income brackets may be as high as 25.75 per cent. The higher your income, the more tax you’ll have to pay.

For instance, if you live in Ontario and have a pre-tax income of $85,000 per year, your estimated tax liability for 2023 will be $17,400 (20.4 per cent). Once you settle into life in Canada, you can begin contributing to registered savings plans such as Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and First Home Savings Account (FHSA) to reduce your tax owing.

Rental and property prices can be high in major cities

The cost of housing , whether it’s rented or owned, can be quite high in Canada. Most Canadians spend between 30 and 50 per cent of their monthly income on accommodation-related expenses. In Toronto, for example, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment may be as high as $2,500, while a two-bedroom apartment will cost around $3,300 (as of April 2023).

As a newcomer, you can reduce your housing costs by living in a smaller city or suburb or by looking for accommodation outside the city centre (usually the downtown area). Many newcomers also opt for cheaper renting options such as basement apartments or shared homes for their first few months or years in Canada.

essay on why canada is the best place to live

Services are expensive in Canada

Whether you’re getting groceries or food delivered, visiting a salon, or taking a cab, be prepared to pay high service costs plus tips in Canada. Service fees are generally high, keeping in mind the minimum wage requirements for service providers.

In Canada, not tipping for services is considered rude, and in many industries, servers and service providers rely on tips to make a liveable wage. You may be expected to tip between 10 and 25 per cent for services, depending on the industry.

As a newcomer, some of the comforts and conveniences you may be used to back home, such as home cooks, cleaners, nannies, or handyman services, may be very expensive in Canada.

Canada faces extreme weather conditions

Often referred to as the “great white north”, Canada is known for its harsh, snowy winters . Winter temperatures below zero degrees Celsius are common in most parts of the country, and in many cities, temperatures of -20 degrees are not unheard of. However, you’ll be shielded from the cold while indoors, as buildings are constructed to retain heat, and access to indoor heating is considered a human right in Canada (you may have to pay for it). For the outdoors, you’ll need to dress appropriately in layers. As British author, Alfred Wainwright once said, “ There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing .”

That said, Canadians also get to enjoy warm spring weather and, in many parts, hot summers. In southern cities, like Toronto and Vancouver, temperatures can climb upwards of 30 degrees Celsius during summer months.

Intercity connectivity is limited

Most large cities in Canada have well-developed public transit systems, but intercity connectivity may be harder due to sheer distance. Canada is the second largest country in the world, covering an area of 9,984,670 km 2 . At its widest, Canada spans 5,514 km from east to west and 4,634 km from north to south.

The VIA Rail, Canada’s largest intercity rail service, connects eight provinces through 500 trains per week, but last-mile connectivity is limited. 

Even in suburban areas, residents may require a car to access essential amenities and services. Although regional public transit systems exist in some parts of the country, less-populated areas may not always be easily accessible by bus, train, or other modes of public transport. 

Limited support network

Moving away from your home country also means being far from your family and support network. As a newcomer, you may be leaving your loved ones behind and, if you’re raising a family , you may have to do so without intergenerational support. You’ll be fully responsible for your own well-being, and won’t always have a ready support system to see you through tough times. It can take time to overcome feelings of loneliness and homesickness, but in most Canadian cities, it won’t be difficult to find other people from your community as well as things from your native culture (food, groceries, clothes, etc.) that make you feel at home.

Canada is a great place for immigrants to settle and build a new life. It offers a higher quality of life than most other countries, and even though the cost of living may be higher than what you’re used to, higher salaries and plentiful jobs make up for it. That said, adjusting to a new environment can take time, and you may need to make certain lifestyle changes to make the most of your new country.

Things our lawyers want you to know

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by Royal Bank of Canada or its affiliates.

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Top reasons to study in Canada

Every year, Canada welcomes hundreds of thousands of international students from around the globe. When you study in Canada, you invest in your future. Discover the top reasons why you should choose Canada as your international education destination!

Why Choose Canada?

Enjoy our renowned quality of life.

You’ll find a high standard of living in Canada. International students benefit from the same rights and freedoms that protect all Canadians: respect for human rights, equality, diversity and a stable, peaceful society.

Canada ranks in third place globally for the best quality of life ( U.S. News & World Report, 2022 ).

Find flexible and high quality education options

From elementary to post-secondary studies, Canada is known for offering high quality education and research opportunities. You’ll also have the flexibility to transfer between types and levels of education without running into roadblocks common in other parts of the world.

You’ll be able to choose from more than 8,000 college and 16,000 university programs ( Universities Canada, 2022; CICan, 2022 ). 7 Canadian universities are ranked among the top 200 in the world ( Times Higher Education, 2023 ).

Feel welcome in a diverse and inclusive environment

Canada is an open, safe and culturally diverse society. You’ll feel at home in both our communities and classrooms.

In Canada there are more than 250 ethnic origins along with 200 languages from around the world and 70 Indigenous languages spoken ( Statistics Canada, 2017 ).

Find an affordable option

In Canada you can access scholarships and work opportunities to help pay for your education. Many programs also offer co-op work placements or internships to get hands-on experience while you study. Most international students are eligible to work during their studies and can get a Post-Graduation Work Permit after their studies.

Our tuition fees are generally lower than colleges and universities in Australia, the U.K. and the U.S. ( QS Top Universities, 2022 ).

Get a long-term return on your investment

Get an excellent return on your investment when you use your internationally recognized Canadian qualifications to build your career. Whether you decide to stay in Canada or return to your home country, your Canadian education and network will help prepare you for the future.

A recent study shows that 60% of international students who were employed during their period of study or after graduation became landed immigrants within 10 years of having obtained their first study permit ( Statistics Canada, 2021 ).

Experience memorable adventures

Experience the richness of Canadian culture, social life, travel adventures and four seasons. You can choose from urban and rural areas across our provinces and territories . No matter where you live in Canada, you can explore vibrant communities and spectacular landscapes. In Canada you also have a unique opportunity to study in either of Canada’s official languages, English or French, from kindergarten through to postgraduate studies.

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Canada is the No. 1 Country in the World, According to the 2021 Best Countries Report

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The sixth annual Best Countries report reveals the importance of social justice as a global ambition, the unexpected societal byproduct of the COVID-19 crisis and the influence of conspiracy theories.

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 13, 2021— For the first time, Canada takes the top spot overall in the 2021 Best Countries Report, a ranking and analysis project by U.S. News & World Report; BAV Group, a unit of global marketing communications company VMLY&R; and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

This year, the model that powers this report has evolved in response to a transformational year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Cultural, economic, political and technological influences remain important, and two new categories have been added: social purpose and agility. Together, this broad range of categories determines how the 78 countries studied are ranked on the world stage.

“Nations are impacted on many critical fronts by how they are perceived globally – from foreign relations to international business to tourism. These perceptions are ever-evolving in a rapidly changing world,” said Kim Castro, editor and chief content officer at U.S. News. “The 2021 Best Countries analysis combines data and storytelling to explore how countries compare on a host of global issues.”

Key themes from the 2021 Best Countries Report

  • For the first time, Canada is the No. 1 overall country. Japan and Germany finish Nos. 2 and 3, respectively, while Switzerland, the previous No. 1 overall country, falls to No. 4. Australia remains as the No. 5 overall country followed by the United States, which rises one position to No. 6 overall.
  • Canada ranks No. 1 in quality of life and social purpose. It is also perceived as having a good job market, caring about human rights and is committed to social justice. Additionally, the country finished No. 1 in being viewed as not corrupt and respecting property rights.
  • Social justice is a global ambition. Eighty percent of global citizens feel aligned with social justice, a broad term that refers to movements calling for addressing racial and gender inequities, while 76% also agree that a country is stronger when it is more racially and ethnically diverse. Canada and the Nordic countries are viewed as the most committed to social justice, while the U.S. sits at No. 18. And on the specific topic of racial equality, the U.S. only manages to achieve No. 69, behind both China and Iraq.
  • Women are viewed as effective leaders. Eighty-three percent of global citizens believe there is a leadership crisis in the world today. The majority of respondents view women leaders in a positive light, as 68% agree that countries led by women tend to be better managed.
  • A nation’s perceived agility is the most important driver of strength in 2021. Across the countries measured, agility accounts for per capita GDP variations the most – underscoring that it is essential for any country to be seen as adaptable, progressive and responsive. The new Agility subranking carries the greatest weight among the 10 subrankings. The U.S. leads the world in perceived agility, but is not among the top 10 in adaptability, coming in at No. 13 on this attribute.
  • The influence of conspiracy theories. A majority of respondents (75%) agree that conspiracy theories are a threat to society. However, 39% believe that governments have made up the COVID-19 pandemic to control their citizens.

“This year the model behind the Best Countries report has been updated and evolved in response to 2020, a year like no other,” said John Keaveney, WPP advisor and head of Analytics & Insight, BAV Group. “From the death of George Floyd and the subsequent rise of the social justice movement, to the need for quick and decisive action by our governments and scientists to tackle the threat from COVID-19, all such seismic events now play a role in the way citizens rate a nation and its society as a whole. By combining more traditional measures of a nation’s power and influence with our new dimensions of Social Purpose and Agility, we are now able to more accurately measure the strength and perceptual equity of any country in 2021.”

In addition to the overall rankings, the report also includes:

  • 25 subrankings and “Best for” Lists
  • The third annual Origin Index, in which respondents were asked to pick the countries they would prefer to buy goods from as a measure of each country’s brand power.
  • Articles examining gender inequality , a closer examination of Canada’s vaccine rollout and treatment hesitancy among the country’s First Nations communities, how well the world is recovering economically and the impact the Jan. 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol has had on views about the United States.

The 2021 Best Countries rankings methodology gathered from a proprietary survey of more than 17,000 business leaders; college educated individuals that are middle class or higher; and general citizens who are nationally representative of their country. “Countries should care about their image – it is not just a beauty contest. The impressions others have of a country affects its economy through tourism, foreign trade and foreign direct investment,” said David Reibstein, professor of marketing at the Wharton School.

The Best Countries project includes in-depth news articles, an interactive data explorer, photos and commentary from global experts in government, business and academia. It is part of U.S. News’ Government Rankings initiative, which measures government performance at the international, state and local levels and includes the Best States and Healthiest Communities projects.

To view the full rankings and search country profiles, visit https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries and follow coverage on Facebook and Twitter using #BestCountries.

2021 Best Countries rankings

*See the full rankings here .

  • Switzerland
  • United States
  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom
  • The Netherlands

Most Powerful     

Most Agile  

For Social Purpose

Most Forward-Looking

  • South Korea

For Racial Equality

Media Contact: Jessica L. Lewis, [email protected] , 202-955-2203

About U.S. News & World Report U.S. News & World Report is the global leader in quality rankings that empower people to make better, more informed decisions about important issues affecting their lives. A digital news and information company focused on Education, Health, Money, Travel, Cars and News, USNews.com provides consumer advice, rankings and analysis to serve people making complex decisions throughout all stages of life. More than 40 million people visit USNews.com each month for research and guidance. Founded in 1933, U.S. News is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

About BAV Group BAV Group is a global consultancy with expertise in consumer insights and brand marketing strategy. Using BrandAsset® Valuator, a proprietary brand management tool and global database of consumer perceptions of brands, BAV informs strategic and creative solutions that drive business results. Over 28 years, BAV has captured data and consumer insights on more than 60,000 brands in 50 countries around the world, evaluating 75 brand image and equity dimensions that matter. BAV Group is a unit of global marketing communications company VMLY&R, a WPP company (NYSE: WPP). Visit bavgroup.com to learn more.

About the Wharton School Founded in 1881 as the world’s first collegiate business school, the  Wharton School  of the University of Pennsylvania is shaping the future of business by incubating ideas, driving insights, and creating leaders who change the world. With a faculty of more than 235 renowned professors, Wharton has 5,000  undergraduate ,  MBA ,  executive MBA  and  doctoral  students. Each year 13,000 professionals from around the world advance their careers through  Wharton Executive Education’s  individual, company-customized, and online programs. More than 99,000 Wharton alumni form a powerful global network of leaders who transform business every day. For more information, visit  www.wharton.upenn.edu .

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Canada is the #1 country in 2021. Discover 6 reasons why living in Canada is one of the best places for immigrants today!

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Cultural Diversity: Why Living in Canada is One of the Best Places for Immigrants

 Cultural Diversity: Why Living in Canada is One of the Best Places for Immigrants

Canada is officially the best country in the world, according to the 2021 Best Countries Report ! Canada was fast making its way to the top after landing in third place in 2019 and taking second place in 2020 despite COVID-19 setbacks. This incredible achievement can be attributed to many things but one thing that makes Canada stand out is its national policy of multiculturalism, which celebrates the country’s incredible diversity.

With a record-breaking immigration target of over 1.2 million newcomers by 2023, Canada is welcoming a lot more people from around the world and you stand as good a chance as any. But you must be wondering, ‘why should I move to Canada?’ and ‘why is living in Canada the best choice for my future?’ We’ve got you covered with six great reasons why Canada is the best place for immigrants below.

6 Great Reasons to Move and Live in Canada in 2021

Panorama view Beautiful Spirit Island in Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada

1. Women are viewed as effective leaders

Canada has taken massive strides to promote gender equality and continues to increase female representation in leadership roles in government as well as in workplaces. A May 2015 report indicated that 37 percent of managers in 2009 were women, an increase of nearly 23 percent since 1979. While it’s not yet split 50-50, there are quite a few regulations and initiatives in place to help bolster the promotion of women leadership in Canada. One such regulation undertaken by most provinces and territories is a requirement for listed companies to report annually on the ways in which they are trying to increase female representation on boards and in senior management. If these reports don't indicate more female representation then Canada may divert to gender quotas.

Canada’s federal cabinet is evenly split between men and women. This means that more women can influence high-level decisions and policies. Overall, Canada scored 92.8 for gender equality. Living in Canada as a woman can open doors to more opportunities, especially in typically male-dominated industries such as STEM, and trades.

2. Social justice is a global ambition

Canada and the Nordic countries are viewed as the most committed to social justice. This is a broad term that refers to movements that promote human rights, environmental affairs, climate goals, racial equity, gender equality, religious freedom, and property rights.

As one of the most racially and ethnically diverse countries with an immigrant population of just under eight million, Canada understands the importance of social justice.

How does Canada create an equal society for the thousands of newcomers who move to Canada each and every year? For starters, Canada believes that every person, regardless of their income, has a right to good health. And for this reason, its highly acclaimed public healthcare system allows Canadians, permanent residents, and some temporary residents to access any medically necessary treatments at no cost. To top it off, the Canadian government introduced an incredible economic benefits plan to help workers, business owners, graduates, and families affected by COVID-19.

Here are a few social justice actions and movements in Canada.

3. Find your community in Canada


A person from every country in the world was found in Toronto by photographer Colin Boyd Shafer. If this doesn’t paint a colorful picture of Canada’s incredible cultural mosaic then we don’t know what will. It’s safe to say that Canada is a top immigration destination that has welcomed thousands of newcomers over the past 150 years, and the country is not losing steam anytime soon if the latest immigration targets are anything to go by.

Currently, the top three source countries of immigrants to Canada are India, China, and, the Philippines.  The country is also part French and boasts a large French community that will expand in the coming years. This means that moving to and living in Canada is easier for Francophones from countries like Cameroon, and Monaco because their French language skills give them a major advantage.

The policy on multiculturalism almost guarantees that when you move to Canada you’ll most likely bump into a few people from your home country, and find ethnic cuisines on the menu at restaurants and food trucks. From Ramadan to Easter, Canada ensures that all religions and beliefs are celebrated and represented in their communities. In his speech to the House of Commons, Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, stated that no singular culture could define Canada.

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, speech on multiculturalism in Canada-quote

4. Take advantage of the economic opportunities

Canada was largely viewed as a country run on exporting logs and agri-products due to its vast and varied landscapes but today, Canada’s economy rivals that of its neighbor when it comes to major technology, finance, education, and healthcare sectors. Immigration to Canada plays a big part in the economic success of the country because not only do immigrants fill in-demand jobs and highly skilled positions that drive innovation but they also start businesses that create more jobs, and attract investment to Canada.

how many healthcare workers in Canada are immigrants - infographic

Canada is dependent on immigrants to support its aging population and fast-growing job markets. In 2021, Canada plans to welcome 208,500 skilled and intermediate skilled immigrants through economic immigration programs like the popular Express Entry system . This means that thousands of newcomers will soon be working and living in Canada, earning a decent living, establishing careers, and creating better futures for their families in this incredible country.

5. Enjoy an incredible quality of life

Canada was rated the best country in the world in 2021 for one very important reason, and that is providing a high standard of living to its residents. Before you move to Canada or any other country, it’s important to take factors such as cost of living , job security, and family friendliness into consideration. The good news is that Canada ticks all the right boxes, according to the Best Countries Report.

Things that Contribute to a High Quality of Life in Canada

  • Job security;
  • Political stability;
  • Individual freedom;
  • Environmental quality;
  • Affordable;
  • Family-friendly;
  • Job opportunities; and
  • Well-developed public healthcare and education systems.

6. Feel safe and secure

Ghanaian-woman-with-her-child | immigrants in canada

It’s no secret that one of the major reasons people choose to leave their home country is to escape conflict situations and high crime rates. Canada is the sixth-safest country in the world according to the Global Peace Index. Canada’s crime rate is one-third of the United States. The country is generally known as peaceful with friendly and welcoming citizens which makes it the ideal place for families. Canada is also perceived as being politically stable. The two dominant political parties in Canada have historically been the current Liberal Party of Canada, led by Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau and the Conservative Party of Canada.

Interesting Facts About Canadian Immigration

Facts and figures about Canadian immigration - infographic

8 Million Immigrants in Canada

As of 2019, there were just under eight million immigrants with permanent residents living in Canada. That’s about 21.5 percent of the total Canadian population.

India, China, and the Philippines

The Asian countries of India, China, and the Philippines are the top three source countries of new immigrants to Canada.

Ontario is the biggest province in Canada, and unsurprisingly home to the most immigrants. The Ontario Provincial Nomination Program is responsible for plenty of newcomers to the province.

1.23 Million Immigrants by 2023

The pandemic slowed immigration to Canada in 2020 but a return to even higher immigration targets will allow Canada to make up for the shortfall over the next three years.

4 Immigrants Classes

The 2021 target of 401,000 new immigrants will be divided between the four major immigrant classes, which include the following:

25-29 Years of Age

The majority of immigrants living in Canada are between 25-29 years of age. People between these ages stand the best chances of immigration success. So, don’t delay your application, time is ticking!

Move to Canada - The Best Country in the World!

Why settle anywhere else when you can live in Canada, which has officially been named the best country in the world? From social justice movements to promoting women's leadership and offering a standard of living that’s incomparable, you and your family can look forward to a bright future in the Great North.

The Canadian immigration process is long and complex with over 100 visa programs and various documents that you need to obtain. Double your chances of success by putting your application in the trusted hands of our immigration professionals. We provide all-inclusive services to ensure a quicker, stress-free, and most importantly, successful journey to Canada.

Simply, fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch to discuss the way forward to living in Canada.


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10 Reasons Why Canada is the Best Country to Live in The World

Shakthivel Krishnaraj

Updated On Jan 30, 2024

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Table of Contents [ Show ]

  • Ample Job Opportunities
  • Best-in-class Education Facility
  • Free Healthcare
  • Multiculturalism
  • High Quality of life
  • Thriving Economy
  • Wide Immigration Program Selection
  • Immigrant Settlement Support
  • Breathtaking Landscapes and Climate

Canada has become a prime choice for immigrants due to the lifted Express Entry gateways, prompting a surge in applicants. The consistent drop in CRS scores cut-off presents a promising opportunity for skilled immigrants. Additionally, Canada's top ranking for immigration in 2021 and 2022 solidifies its appeal as a destination for individuals seeking stability and better living standards.

Why is Canada the best country to live in?

Canada, also known as the land of opportunities has plenty of reasons to be your favorite like free public healthcare, beautiful landscapes, the best of the robust education system, and unmatched job opportunities to name a few. Without any further adieu let us scroll through the most important reasons why Canada is the best country to live in.

1. Ample Job Opportunities

Jobs in Canada

We are well-updated that Canada is on the verge of a high shortage of skilled workers as a result of the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic. Now that the Canadian government plans to meet its shortage at an effective rate this has resulted in massive acceptances or ITAs being rolled out to the PR applicants, at a consistently decreasing CRS scores .

Irrespective of the tight labor market, by the end of 2021 the Canadian economy successfully rebounded and also ensured significant growth compared to its post-pandemic situation.

According to the CBC report, the GDP overgrew the expectations of the analysts which was about 6.5%, to a remarkable 6.7% in the 4th quarter (calculated annually). Not to forget there are no policies in the country that discriminate against immigrants, thus preventing them from gaining the best opportunities.

2. Best-in-class Education Facility

Universities in Canada

Canada’s education system is one of the major influencing factors for people to immigrate to the country. The country surely wins the best country for education status in many accords.

The education levels or standards that you get to experience in Canada are very well equivalent to the standards of prevalent countries like the USA, UK, and Australia. But the best part here is that the cost of living involved for the students in Canada is quite affordable compared to the USA, UK, and other similar countries.

If you are a research enthusiast, then Canada is surely your destination as the country is equipped with modern education research, making the students prepared to overcome the worst to the best situations (employment ready).

3. Free Healthcare

Free Healthcare in Canada

Canada offers free public healthcare facilities to its residents including immigrants as well. The universal healthcare system in the country functions healthily through the taxes collected. All you need to do is apply for healthcare insurance and show the card at hospitals and clinics, this insurance mostly covers all healthcare expenses.

Healthcare is surely one of the prime considerations when planning to immigrate as we are well aware that the cost that could be incurred is not less than a ton and many families cannot have gone bankrupt paying the medical bills.

Also Read: Canada: Govt Funded Healthcare

Safety in Canada

Canada has been ranked 3rd in terms of quality of life, one more addition to this is that the country has been consistently ranked high (6th safest country as per Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection report 2022) in terms of the safety aspect.

Canada has been recorded with the lowest crime rates which make living in the country more desirable and contribute to a better quality of life. The government, as well as locals of the country, work hand in hand, to ensure that problems like racism and similarly many other reasons, never arise.

5. Multiculturalism

Cultural Diversity in Canada

Today Canada is home to immigrants from more than 200 countries from various races, religions, and cultures. This secularity has been noted since 1988 when the Canadian government passed the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, which highlights the commitment of the federal government to fostering a diverse society.

In the first quarter of 2022 itself, the country has homed 113,699 immigrants from all around the world, the record highest ever since Canadian history after 1946. The country inculcates Mosaic culture meaning they believe to let every culture breathe in harmony with each other.

6. High Quality of life

High Quality of Life in Canada

Due to its high quality of life, including top-notch and affordable education, refreshing vacation spots, free healthcare, and a thriving economy, many people are eager to immigrate to the top-ranked country post-pandemic. Residents enjoy a prosperous life, which confirms Canada as a great place to live.

Not to forget the great food that you get to taste. You would be happy to know that a few of your favorite foods originate from Canada, like Hawaiian Pizza (which you might have thought is from Hawaii) originated in Canada, Ontario in 1962 by a Canadian pizzeria owner

7. Thriving Economy

Thriving Economy in Canada

Canada has surely ensured to maintain a good stand and has been ranked 9th in the GDP ranking . The unemployment rate as we look at is as low as 6.5% (as per WorldPopulationReview report 2021), which is far too less than the average unemployment rate which is 10.31%.

Canada’s constant thrive to develop and nurture has left behind bigger nations like Australia, Russia, Korea, Brazil, and many more. The three main industries that contribute to this development and ensure that the Canadian economy thrives are Service, Manufacturing, and Natural Resources industries which makes Canada the best country to live and work.

Also Read: Canada: Economic Stability

8. Wide Immigration Program Selection

Wide immigration Program Selection in Canada

Just if you only consider the economic class of immigrants, Canada has more than 100 immigration programs offered. Since July the country has been very aggressively looking out to fill their skilled labor shortage and hence welcoming applicants under all the programs in Express Entry.

Along with the Express Entry gateways, another quite prominent way is the Provincial Nominee Programs for 11 provinces of the country. This makes it easier for immigrants to through the immigration process, you just need to follow the right PR process and you will be sorted.

9. Immigrant Settlement Support

Immigrant Settlement Support in Canada

One of the unique features for people willing to relocate to Canada is that the country offers settlement support to their immigrants. You can avail of this service even before arriving in the country and it is irrespective of your nationality. It is noted that Canada yearly spends an approx. about CAD 1.7 billion on settlement services.

The process to access these services is through IRCC and for Quebec province immigrants through MIFI. This funding is carried out by multiple levels of the organization. For example, IRCC, at the federal level, has 1200 active service providers listed on its website who provide services across Canada.

10. Breathtaking Landscapes and Climate

Good Landscapes in Canada

One of the other advantages besides monetary and other benefits is that you get to live, experience, and breathe the breathtaking places and cities that would surely amaze you. You get to visit the places in person that otherwise are just limited to your desktop wallpapers or your imagination.

Canada witnesses a lot of tourists and travelers, exploring the country every year, be it for adventure, relaxation, or simply exploring, Canada has got it all for you. The extravagant nature of the country has brought you the power pack experience for you to withhold a lifetime of memories.

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Canada has a very long list of factors that make the country appealing to immigrants in search of a better life. Along with personal and professional benefits, one of the other notable benefits that mark the country as the prime choice is its stable political system, making it rank high in the social purpose metrics even above better countries like the United States.

GetGIS has some of the best immigration experts who can help you every step of the way to settle in Canada. Our experts can help you get a job in Canada by optimizing your job profile as per Canadian.

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Shakthivel Krishnaraj

Shakthivel Krishnaraj , 

Content Marketing Specialist

Shakthivel Krishnaraj brings his expertise to the role of Content Marketing Specialist at GetGIS with a professional background rooted in journalism and writing,  He is dedicated to aiding individuals in making successful career transitions, drawing upon his extensive experience across various industries. His skill set is marked by thorough research abilities and a genuine passion for sharing knowledge that empower readers with insightful information.

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Living in Canada Pros and Cons

Picture of Abby Davies

  • Updated: March 12, 2024
  • Canadian Places

Canada is a popular choice, with many people looking to move to a different country. Its beautiful nature and high standard of living attract hundreds of thousands of people every year. In 2022, a record number of 437,180 people made Canada their new home.

But Canada, like every other country, has downsides as well as all the positives. Anyone thinking about moving there should know and consider all aspects of living in Canada before making their decision. In this article, we look at the pros and cons of living in Canada.

Pros of Living in Canada

Pros of living in Canada

Great Healthcare

Canada has a healthcare system that ranks among the best in the world. All Canadians and permanent residents benefit from free healthcare. There is a lot of focus on the prevention of illnesses and injuries, including education and healthcare programs that teach the elderly how to avoid injuries.

Many Canadians, almost two-thirds in fact, also benefit from private health insurance, 90% of which is paid for by unions or employers. The insurance covers additional services such as prescription drugs, dental, and eye care. It can even be used to pay for private hospital rooms.

Strong Employment Market

In most parts of Canada, there are plenty of job opportunities as well as shortages of skilled workers. One reason for this is Canada’s economic growth and the creation of new jobs. The second reason is the aging population, a problem common to many Western countries, with large numbers of retirees creating gaps in the job market.

It is important to note that not all areas of Canada are equal regarding the availability of jobs. For example, Northern Saskatchewan had an unemployment rate of 15.2% and Northern Manitoba 31,2% in June 2023. At the other end of the scale is South Central Quebec with an unemployment rate of 2.1%.

Growing Economy

Canada has a strong economy, which hasn’t been affected as much as the economies in some other countries during the pandemic. The growth is sustained by the presence of large international companies as well as the country’s support for start-ups.

Canada operates a free-market economy to ensure that people get economic freedoms. If you are looking to start a business in Canada, the procedures are very simple. There are many cities such as Thunder Bay in Ontario where the council or the Chamber of Commerce offers help with professional development and networking. So it is worth researching which cities are best for start-ups first.

Low Crime Rate

Canada is a very safe country, with one of the lowest crime rates in the world. The country has fewer violent crimes, fewer break-ins, and less crime overall than many other countries. However, although Canada is very safe on the international scale, there are differences across the country.

If you are looking for the safest cities based on the crime rate, then La Salle, Ontario is the safest in Canada. The city has a crime rate of 19.15, which is 74% lower than the national average. The next safest cities are Burlington, Ontario, and Levis, Quebec.

Multicultural Cities

Almost every city in Canada is multicultural, progressive, and diverse. For example, you can hear over 140 different languages in Toronto, the biggest city in Canada. Approximately 23% of the country’s population was born elsewhere, so newcomers will find it easy to fit in.

The most popular locations for immigrants are Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec, and Alberta. The cities are a mix of cultures and religious communities and this is reflected in everyday life from the choice of restaurants to cultural offerings.

Excellent Education

Canada has an excellent education system, which begins with primary and secondary education comprising eleven or twelve years of study. The public schools in most areas are fantastic and there is no need to consider private options. However, private schools exist and they sometimes offer additional alternatives and subjects.

There are also great post-secondary options in Canada, with many world-class educational institutions across the country. The universities and colleges offer opportunities for professional as well as technical training and many have links with business to provide hands-on experiences.

Canada is the second biggest country in the world, yes it is bigger than China, but only has a fraction of its population. Spread over such a large area, most people will be able to find a part of Canada they love, from the cold northern territories to the much warmer southern provinces.

Canada has 20% of the world’s fresh water in its lakes and rivers and has the longest coastline on the planet. The large forests and open lands are home to a wild variety of wildlife, including bison, bobcats, wolves, and bears. In the north, you can even spot a polar bear since two-thirds of the world’s polar bear population lives in Canada.

Protection from Discrimination

Canada is one of the most progressive and tolerant nations in the world for personal rights. Canadians are protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms from any form of discrimination and racism. The anti-discrimination law is extremely strict and all acts of racism are prosecuted.

Every person has the same rights regardless of their ethical background, religious or sexual orientation. People are free to practice their religions and celebrate their cultural heritage without fear of being marginalized. Canada supports the rights of LGBTQ+ people and in 2005 became the fourth country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.

Many newspapers and much of the media content are available in different languages, including Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic, and the government supports immigrants through translation services. The country is proud of its cultural diversity and encourages people to represent their nationality at school and work.

Cons of Living in Canada

Cons of living in Canada

High Cost of Living in the Most Popular Areas

If you are looking to live in some of the most popular areas such as Vancouver Island or most parts of Ontario, the living costs are going to be high. Many of the cities in these areas, including Toronto, Vancouver, and Victoria have average house prices of over one million Canadian dollars.

You also need to check out the cost of other day-to-day expenses in the area. For example, public transport, groceries, household bills, and childcare if you have young children. Taxes differ across the provinces and territories, with some areas having a lot lower income and property taxes than others, so make sure to do your homework before you decide on an area.

Expensive Rental Markets in Popular Areas

When you first move to a new country, you are most likely going to rent first while you find your feet. The cost of renting is expensive in the popular cities and you need to prepare to part with a large percentage of your salary to cover your rent.

Why are some areas so expensive to rent and buy? The reason is that there isn’t a supply of homes for the fast-growing population of the most popular cities. The scarcity of properties is bushing the prices up. But there is good news: many cities are addressing this issue and building new homes.

Long Waiting Times for Healthcare

Yes, healthcare makes both the pros and the cons list. The reason it is on the cons list is that waiting times for long-term healthcare and elective processing can be very long, especially in bigger cities.

The other reason is the availability of healthcare services for people living in more rural areas. Some smaller towns in rural areas may not have their healthcare services, so people in those areas face travelling for long distances to see a doctor or get to the hospital. However, people who choose to live in remote places are most likely aware of the situation and prepared to travel if need be.

Being such a large country, Canada has a range of climates- So even though the climate is on the cons list, moving to Canada doesn’t automatically mean you will spend most of the year in snow-filled areas. There are areas such as Vancouver Island that hardly see any snow at all and the temperature rarely drops below zero. The drawback of these areas is that they tend to get a lot of rain.

The further north and inland you go, the longer and more severe the winters get. For example, in the most northern parts of the territory Nunavut, the temperature can however around zero even during the summer months. Its neighbouring territory, Yukon, is the record holder for the coldest temperature ever recorded in Canada, −63 °C in 1947.

We could argue whether climate should be on the cons list since there is so much variation. However, for people moving from other parts of the world, the climate can be challenging, which is why it can be considered a con.

Unfavourable Exchange Rate

Canada doesn’t have a great exchange rate compared to other developed countries in the world. It is weaker than the Euro, British pound, and US dollar.

The low exchange rate makes buying online from the US or other countries with a stronger currency more expensive. But the good news is that it makes shopping locally the more economical choice and thus supports the local economy.

Challenging Immigration Process

Canada has tried to make the immigration process easier, especially since it needs foreign workers to fill the gaps in the job market. However, the immigration rules are still quite complicated. This has not stopped people from moving to Canada with records broken both in 2021 and 2002 with 405,000 and 437,180 immigrants, respectively.

People looking to move and work in Canada for a short time need to pay an immigration fee depending on the area of their work. Skilled workers in the fields that have shortages will get a preference from the Canadian government.

When you apply to move to Canada, you need to be able to prove that you will contribute to boosting the Canadian economy. If you cannot prove this, it is likely that your application will not be approved unless you have family members who already have a Canadian residency status.

So there you have it, a list of eight pros and six cons of living in Canada, the biggest con most likely to be the high cost of living. But with high costs come high standards and great benefits such as free healthcare, great education, and a country that looks after its citizens’ rights.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes canada a good place to live.

There are many things that make Canada a good place to live, including free healthcare, great education, a growing economy, and a strong job market.

What are some of the cons to living in Canada?

Some of the cons include long waits for healthcare in some areas, high property prices and cost of living in popular cities and towns, and the climate can be challenging to some people.

Is there a lot of crime in Canada?

While the crime index varies between different parts of Canada, overall, the country is very safe and has a low crime index.

Is Canada multicultural?

Canada welcomes residents from all over the world in their thousands every year, so yes, it is very multicultural. Of course, some places are more multicultural than others, depending on its popularity among newcomers.

Picture of Abby Davies

Abby Davies

As Canadians, we grew tired of the tariff battles with the US and unfair practices of other partners. In July 2018, we decided to do something about it, starting to compile a list of products and services available in Canada so you can rest easy knowing your dollars are having their maximum impact in the Canadian economy.

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37 Great Reasons to Move to Canada

Posted by Liam Witham | Thursday, 26th October 2023 | Canada

37 Great Reasons to Move to Canada

Why move to Canada? Wondering if Canada is a good place to live? Here’s the ultimate guide to all the fantastic advantages of living in Canada!

Canada has a well-deserved reputation for being one of the friendliest places on earth. Not only that but it’s also considered to be one of the safest places to live. If you’re looking for the benefits of moving or immigrating to Canada, you won’t have to look very far.

So why is Canada so popular? And why do so many expats and migrants find it one of the most attractive countries in the world to live and work?

It’s long been a country for people who want to live where clean air, good living standards and safe streets are a priority, and that’s what you get when you go to Canada. A safe place to live amongst people who have strong values and ambition.

So, if you’re thinking of emigrating to Canada from the UK read on and discover why people choose to move to this fascinating and forward-thinking country. It’s no wonder so many migrants think that Canada is an excellent place to live.

1: It’s an absolutely stunning place

Kluane National Park and reserve

Words can’t really do justice to the beautiful Canadian scenery. Vast, sweeping and unspoiled, there are great swathes of land which are virtually untouched by human feet.

It’s massive…and this means that when you want to “get away from it all” you really can! From forests to lakes and mountains, the landscape is varied and gorgeous.

2: Overall quality of life

Canada outdoor lifestyle

Canada is well known for its high standard of living combined with the quality of life. Not only has it got the right balance between work and play, but also the perfect environment to enjoy both.

Canadians value their downtime, reflected in the number of public holidays and the more relaxed working hours enjoyed by most residents. You can really feel more alive living in Canada thanks to the emphasis which is placed on relaxation.

3: Spacious and beautiful properties

living in spacious properties Canada

Canadian houses tend to be much larger than their UK counterparts. This is, of course, due in part to the fact that there’s a lot more space on offer. You will find that even the average family home feels a lot more spacious, and having more room makes it easier for families to get on well!

4: Great job opportunities

relaxed tech working in Canada

Under the Federal Skilled Workers programme, there are currently 370 occupations that can qualify you for fast-track entry. They cover a vast variety of occupations including medical, engineering, management, construction and more. So check out the latest list to see if your skill is listed.

Canada’s economy is growing, and growth inspires more need, which opens up all sorts of opportunities for all kinds of professions.

Not only are there great opportunities, but Canada’s laid-back and relaxed style means that there is less of the stress you might have been used to in your home country.

5: Family friendly

Canada family cycle ride

Canada is really built for families. In the suburban streets, there’s a feeling of safety and togetherness with lots of community events such as barbecues and festivals catering to families with kids.

Whether it’s playing outdoors, education, places to visit, eating out, a positive environment or future opportunities – Canada offers it all.

6: Outdoor lifestyle

woman paddle boarding canadian lake

During the warmer months, living most of your life outside Canada is possible. BBQs, sporting events, picnics, hikes…the list of outdoor activities you can do for free or cheaply is enormous. Most Canadian children spend a lot of their childhood outside playing.

7: The best of modern metropolitan living

Toronto city skyline

Another reason to move to Canada is that the cities in Canada are modern, smart stylish and clean – a big attraction for many migrants who, whilst they may enjoy the great outdoors, also like urban convenience! Canada’s cities are spacious, well designed and easy to get around.

You can easily live in a large suburban house and commute to work. As in any country, whilst it’s true that the biggest cities, such as Toronto and Vancouver, may be crowded and expensive, you don’t have to go far outside the city centre to find a comfortable and affordable lifestyle.

8: Familiar with culture and language

Canadian family by lake

This ranks highly for most people asking themselves, “Why live in Canada?” Most people want to be around others who speak the same language, so for British expats, Canada is a great choice.

Although over the years Canada has developed its own identity and culture, much will be familiar and welcoming to both British and Americans alike.

9: Free health care

Canadian surgeons operating theatre

Like the UK’s NHS, Canada’s Medicare system offers free basic health care to everyone based on need rather than the ability to pay. It’s paid for by Canadian citizens pitching in towards the system via taxes.

This makes it accessible to all, and that’s a significant weight off the minds of most ordinary working Canadians, and good news for British migrants used to the benefits of a free state health service!

10: Tolerant and open-minded

multi-cultural diversity in Canada

Renowned for being one of the most open-minded countries around, Canada has been allowing same-sex marriage since 2005, whilst other countries are only now ushering it in!

This is excellent news if you’re immigrating to Canada. There are many migrants and Canadians who are welcoming no matter what your race, gender or culture.

More advantages and benefits of living in Canada

So now you’ve had a chance to check out the top ten reasons to live in Canada, it’s time to take a look at some of the other fabulous attractions Canada offers to British expats and others who choose to make the big move.

So, in no particular order:

11: The Canadian sense of humour

Canadians have a wonderfully understated and self-deprecating sense of humour, blending irony, gentle satire and parody. Famous comedic exports include Jim Carrey, John Candy and Mike Myers of Austin Powers fame, but you’ll find Canadian wit everywhere you go.

You can see a lot of examples in the Only In Canada and Meanwhile In Canada social pages. Here are just a few…

why move to toronto canada

12: Canadian crime rates are incredibly low

Ok, so the population of Canada is small, and this should be taken into account, but the fact remains that with a population of over 36 million people, it is extremely safe. Just knowing that you live in a country where violence is not the norm adds peace of mind to your life, which is hard to find in other countries.

13: Canada is an ‘education superpower’

Canadian children fun in winter snow

Canada’s educational system is renowned globally for its excellence and inclusivity. The curriculum is updated frequently, reflecting contemporary knowledge and the needs of the modern world. The multicultural nature of Canada is reflected in its classrooms, fostering global awareness and tolerance among students. With a high literacy rate and emphasis on critical thinking.

14: Canada is a cultural melting pot

multi-cultural children canada

A third of Canadian students weren’t born in Canada but have settled in the country and have migrated from elsewhere. British expats make up a good proportion of migrants, but others come from America, Asia, Australia and various parts of Europe.

The result is a wonderfully rich cultural experience which is evident in the cuisine, the fashion and the art of Canada. This vibrant cultural mixture ensures that children growing up in Canada have broad minds and a good knowledge of the world around them.

15: World leaders in quantum computing, medical research and space science

science technology STEM Vancouver

Canada puts some serious backing into STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths), and as a result, the country is leagues ahead of others.

Canada’s leadership in areas such as artificial intelligence, clean technology and health care, together with its more open-minded policy towards migrants, has led to many international companies moving to Canada.

16: Characterful towns and cities

Canadian parliament in Ottawa

Towns like Niagara on the Lake are famous for their historical streets, cute boutique stores and sophisticated restaurants whilst Mahone Bay is choc-full of maritime history and is reckoned to be so attractive that it’s the most photographed town in Canada. But it’s by no means the only one – Canada is full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered.

17: Climate

autumn in Canada

Canada has a wonderfully varied climate, from permafrost in the North to a warmer climate towards the South. In summer, if you’re in the right place, temperatures can reach 35 degrees.

Autumn in Canada is short but a tremendous burst of bright colours that you’ll look forward to every year.

OK, whilst it’s true the winters can be a little nippy, Canada copes very well with the cold but if it’s a big problem for you, head for British Columbia. Average winter daily highs are 7.1c for Vancouver, and Victoria, the warmest city in Canada, averages 9c and rarely dips below zero.

On the other hand, if you’re dreaming of a white Christmas…

18: Public services to rival any

Calgary Alberta Bridge

Public services in Canada are excellent and, with some of the best public transport you can find, it’s easy to navigate.

Whilst some locals may occasionally complain (in a polite way, of course), many countries around the world look to Canada as a benchmark for quality public services.

19: Thanksgiving and Halloween in October

thanksgiving pumpkin pie

Canadians borrow the best of American culture and celebrate Thanksgiving on October 14 th , just a couple of weeks before Halloween. So the month of October is a festival of orange pumpkins, special events and family get-togethers.

20: Laid-back

laid back working culture in Canada

A great reason to move is that Canadians are laid-back; the rumours are true. They don’t stand on ceremony and will speak to strangers with ease. New arrivals generally find it very easy to fit in, thanks to the warm welcome on offer.

So if you’re coming from a stressful environment, you’ll love chilling out with Canadians.

21: Clean air

Canada mountain lake

Canadians breathe some of the cleanest air on this planet according to the World Health Organisation. If you’re considering emigrating to Canada from the UK, this must be one of the top draws.

22. More space than you can imagine

reason to move to Canada mountains

Canada is huge. Seriously huge. It’s the second largest country in the world, next to Russia and there are only 36.71 million people living there. Compare that to the 66.02 million who live in the UK, and you will get an idea of how much space is available here.

There is the disadvantage of long distances between cities, but at least you’re less likely to be caught in a traffic jam.

24: Montreal and French Quebec

beautiful French Quebec

Montreal is a beautiful city; most people there indeed speak French, but the majority also speak good English too. However, if you want to live there, it’s a good idea to learn French as being bilingual is expected. The history, architecture, food and culture in Montreal is unforgettable.

25: More sun than the UK

Canada sunshine

Many areas of Canada enjoy more than 2000 hours of sun annually; compare that to the UK, which has only around 1493 per year. Sunshine is good for the soul!

26: Beaches

Cobourg beach Canada

You’d be forgiven for thinking Canada is all about mountains and forests when in fact, it boasts some stunning beaches too! Long Beach, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, is probably one of the most famous. Long, sandy shores with scenery to rival any you might see on a postcard –  this is just one of many to enjoy Canada-wide.

Yes, it’s true, you’ll even find sandy beaches on the Great Lakes!

27: Mountains

reason to move to Canada mountains

From the Rockies to the Three Sisters, Canada has some serious mountain action. Amazing snow-capped peaks offer not only stunning views but also amazing sporting opportunities, from skiing to hiking to paragliding if you’re that way inclined!

28: Niagara Falls

spectacular Niagara Falls

Who hasn’t heard of Niagara Falls? One of Canada’s most famous attractions, it’s a thrill to see the cascading waters for the first time. But when you live in Canada, you can be sure you’ll be heading back.

29: The Great Lakes

Great Lakes Canoe

A series of interconnected freshwater lakes mainly located in the upper mid-east section of the border between North America and Canada. The lakes connect to the Atlantic Ocean and offer beautiful walks, holiday opportunities and fishing.

What could be better than spending a sunny afternoon with your family paddling in a Canadian canoe with the spectacular North American wilderness as a backdrop?

 30: The USA is just a stone’s throw away

Florida beach USA

It takes no time to pop over the border to the USA. Offering a completely different lifestyle, who wouldn’t want to be so close to the joys of  Seattle, New York State and Hollywood.

Depending on where you live, the USA can be just a short drive down the road. What’s more, flights are cheap so it’s great to know that Florida is less than 3 hours away – the perfect winter escape.

31: Cheap living costs

Canada strong and free mug

Well-known for its affordability, Canadians earning an average wage can still afford a good quality of life. The cost of living is very comparable in Canada to the UK, but your overall purchasing power will be 5.5% better, according to Numbeo.

Also, with so much to do in the great outdoors and a more relaxed way of life, you may need much less shopping therapy!

32: Magnificent Wildlife

wildlife polar bears in Canada

From bobcats to bison and from beavers to bears, Canada really does have it all. There are amazing wild animals and birds to be seen across this vast country and what you see will differ from province to province.

33: Canada is a creative hub

Canada creative winter fun

It really is a place where the arts thrive. You only need to look at how many of Hollywood’s brightest and best are Canadian to see how much talent is nurtured there. Art, music and literature are highly valued, invested in and encouraged in Canadian cities. The funding for cultural activities is generous, and as a result, anyone artistic looking for reasons to move to Canada is already onto a winner,

34: Friendly, helpful and polite people

social friends restaurant

Canada has a reputation for being one of the friendliest countries in the world. The HSBC Expat Explorer Survey ranked them number 1 as most welcoming to migrants.

If you find yourself stuck in a snowdrift, there will be people willing to help, and if you’re from Britain and used to say ‘Sorry’ when someone steps on your foot, you’ll fit right in.

35: Quality but affordable university education

Canadian top universities education

With average England university fees now being the highest in the world, even more than the USA, according to the Student Load Repayment Calculator website, it’s good to know that in Canada, fees are less than half at $4761.

Even better, both Toronto, the University of British Columbia and McGill University all rank in the world’s top 50 according to the Times World University Rankings 2020

36: Respected passport

happy girls with Canadian Maple Leaf flag

The Canuck passport is among the most respected and accepted in the world. Canada also allows dual citizenship so it’s a welcome prize once you’ve passed the Canadian Citizenship Test.

37: A country you can be proud of

Canada may not be perfect, but it is getting there. With so many great reasons for moving to Canada, it’s no wonder that Canadians are so proud to be Canadian.

They even wrote a song about it for their 150 th Anniversary:

Bonus reason: moving to Canada is easy

Every year, thousands of British expats and migrants move to Canada and have done so for generations. Therefore, moving your family and shipping your belongings is quite simple.

There are regular sailing of container ships carrying people’s personal effects with onward transfer to all parts of Canada.

Canadians are also renowned for making new migrants welcome, so you’ll soon be making friends and feeling at home.

Will you be moving to Canada?

container shipping moving to Vancouver

Unsurprisingly, many Brits considering the migration question are looking at Canada as their top option. The benefits of moving to Canada are clear: it’s a fantastic country with beautiful scenery, a forward-thinking culture and many opportunities.

With an array of beautiful places such as Vancouver, Toronto and British Columbia, the question becomes not “Why move to Canada?” but “When shall we move to Canada?”

So, as soon as you’re ready to go, give PSS International a call, and we’ll be able to get all your belongings there, no matter if you’re shipping a few boxes or need a large household removal service to Canada . If you’d like more advice on visas and the practicalities, check out our guide to moving to Canada .

Let’s get packing!

Reasons to move to Canada videos

If all the above was not enough, check out these videos – they will reveal why moving to Canada appeals to many migrants. Canada is great for travelling and an excellent place to live and make your home.

Here’s why everyone wants to move to Canada:

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essay on why canada is the best place to live

Why is Canada a safe place to live?

essay on why canada is the best place to live

The 2019 Global Peace Index by the Institute for Economics and Peace placed Canada among the top most peaceful countries in the world. It is number six, with a score of 1.287. According to Canadian Immigrants, safety is among the top reasons why immigrants choose Canada over other developed nations. Here are some reasons why Canada is a safe place to live:

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1. Canada gun laws are commendable

The low gun fatality rate in Canada is due to its exemplary tight gun laws. The possibility of an ordinary Canadian citizen to own a gun is next to impossible. There is no legal law that allows citizens to buy and own guns.

For the few citizens that are allowed to own a gun, there are strict rules that one must adhere to to ensure the safety of others. One must apply for a license and attend training classes on how to use a gun for some weeks before being allowed to own a gun. An extensive background check is also done to determine the gun license applicant’s eligibility for the privilege.

Canada’s strict gun laws help ensure that guns don’t land on the wrong hands. That is why there are few gun-related homicides and crimes in Canada.

2. Health care for everybody

Unlike in the US and other developed countries where most non-locals don’t have access to government health insurance, Canada allows its immigrants with residency status to enjoy its universal healthcare system. No matter which province you are in Canada, you will get a free emergency medical service. Unlike in many countries, the public healthcare system in Canada is better, many people prefer it over private health insurance.

3. Job opportunities for everyone

Canada’s immigration policies are being modified to make it easy for immigrants to work and live in Canada. Obtaining a Canadian visa is not easy. However, the Canadian government is doing its best to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles that have for long been discouraging applicants from considering this great country. Canada also has an impressive refugee adoption system that makes sure that all its beneficiaries don’t spend more than a year in Canada jobless.

4. Strong economy

Canada’s economic growth is the tenth biggest in the world. With such a strong economy, the government can easily cater to all its citizens’ needs. It punches above its weight when it comes to economic growth. According to Statistics Canada, Canada’s economy is more service-oriented. More than 79% of people in Canada work in service-related jobs. The government is able to fund projects that help improve the living standards of its citizens. The goods production sector is small, but it is experiencing steady annual growth.

5. Almost-zero corruption

Corruption is the root of poverty. Countries with high corruption cases have a weak economy and higher crime rates. Canada has low corruption cases. According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, Canada is the ninth country. Government services such as health, education, and cleanliness in Canada are exemplary.

6. Canada’s education system is world-class

Canada spends more money on education than any other industrialized country. According to CNBC, Canada is the most educated country in the world. It’s K-12 public education system is one of the best education systems in the world.

Canada is also the home of some world’s top universities, such as the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia , and McGill University . These universities are among the world’s top 100 learning institutions. The Canadian government covers the cost of tuition fully or partially for low-income students.

7. Canada embraces multiculturalism

Canada has the highest immigration rates per capita.  According to Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen, 100% of Canada’s population growth in 2017 was as a result of immigration . The minister also said that the country was planning to welcome nearly a million immigrants in the next three years. 21.9 percent of Canada’s population is foreign-born.

Canada also has a mosaic approach to multiculturalism. No matter where you come from and your culture, you will live in harmony and peace in Canada . Canada itself has more than 30 ethnic communities with over 100,000 people. Canada’s urban centers such as Vancouver, Montreal, and Toronto are diverse, and home to many ethnic neighborhoods. According to the BBC, Toronto is the most multicultural city in the world.

8. Canada is the most inclusive country in the world

Apart from being a multicultural country, Canada is also known for its inclusivity in other ways. It has strong support for the LGBTQ community and was the fourth country to legalize same-sex marriage. Both men and women have the same rights in Canada. The cabinet has a 50/50 representation of both genders (males and females). All the basic women’s rights, such as voting and access birth control and abortion, are established and protected. More women are getting into leadership and more than 82% of ladies between 24 and 54 are working outside their homes.

9. Canada banks are stable

According to  Global Finance Magazine , Canada is home to most of the world’s most stable banks. The Royal Bank of Canada, TD Bank, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank on Montreal, HSBC France, and Federation des Caisses Desjardins du Québec all in Canada are among the 50 world’s safest banks. According to the World Economic Forum, Canada’s banks are the most stable.

You can deposit your money at any of the major banks in Canada without any worry. Canada banks are also using the PIN and chip technology that keeps your accounts and money secure. You can also do your day-to-day banking online or using a mobile app. 68% of Canadians are already implementing online and mobile banking fully.

10. Canada has a democratic political system

The Canadian government swifts between various liberal and conservative parties, but all these parties concentrate more on women’s rights, LGBT rights, immigration, and environmental concerns. Canadians have faith and trust in their political systems and government bodies and are not likely to have post-election violence. Scandals break every day, but they are mild, and there is little room for fraud and government distrust. Compared to other democratic nations, Canada’s political campaigns are short and inexpensive. Even at a national level, political campaigns last for a few months.

Apart from safety, there are other things that make Canada an amazing place for immigrants to live and work. There are plenty of job opportunities in Canada for both super skilled and unskilled people. It also has several significant sceneries to enjoy making it a beautiful place to live.

11. Low crime rate

According to the Canadian Press, Canada’s crime rate rose in 2018, but the country is still safer than a decade ago and other developed countries. Canada has an efficient government that is putting effective measures to prevent and reduce crime cases.

Canada has less firearm and gun-related homicides compared to other developed nations such as the US. The crime rate in Canada cities is low compared to that of US cities. Some of the reasons for the low crime rate in Canada include:

Reasons for the low crime rate in Canada

1. shift to community policing.

There have been many changes in Canada’s police department. Canada police are now more proactive than before. They are focusing on preventing crimes. These changes in the police department have led to a good relationship between them and citizens.

2. Gender equality

With more women in government offices and positions of power, their influence has led to the moderation of the citizen’s behaviors. Women love peace and when women are in power, they commit themselves in bringing harmony and peace. With more women in charge, Canada is becoming safer.

3. Cheaper consumer electronics

Now that electronics such as computers, television, are becoming cheaper, there are less desirable thieves. The hassle of breaking into a house to steal electronic appliances is not worth their value.

4. Immigration

Canada is a safe place and a home for people who aren’t Canadians citizens. It is uncommon for immigrants to commit crimes in a foreign compared to people that were there before them.

5. More screen time

Most crimes are committed by young males. Anything that keeps them out of trouble and indoor lowers the crime rate. The more interactions people have when they are away from home, especially in places where alcohol is available increases the rate of victimization. Netflix and video games are helping keep jobless people indoor.

6. Alarm systems and CCTVs

Canada is becoming a surveillance state. Burglar alarms, CCTV cameras, and home security systems are together deterring would-be criminals from taking place. No one wants to do something unlawful, knowing that he or she will end up in jail.

7. People are getting old to commit crimes

More Canadians are above 65 years than under 15 years. Crime rates are high in cities with more young people than old. You can’t expect a 70 years old grandmother to manage to rob you.

Bell R Webster

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Where to See the Northern Lights on Sunday Night

The best weather conditions for viewing the colorful light display will be in much of the West while New England was “a question mark,” a forecaster said.

A purple-filled sky and a yellow horizon above a mountain range in Utah during a geomagnetic storm.

By Amanda Holpuch

The spectacular aurora borealis, the nighttime light display triggered by solar flares that has been so unusually prevalent since Friday, could be visible again on Sunday night in much of the United States as a powerful geomagnetic storm continues.

The aurora borealis, or northern lights, has been observed from locations much farther south than usual, including much of the United States, Britain and some parts of Central America.

The glowing green, pink and purple lights will be visible again on Sunday night in places with clear, dark skies, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center.

“There’s a chance that what’s coming at us later today could be quite comparable to what we saw Friday into Friday night,” Mike Bettwy, the operations chief of the Space Weather Prediction Center, said on Sunday. “Our forecast is for it to be right up to that level.”

There were reports of the lights being visible in Puerto Rico, South Florida and parts of Central America on Friday night, Mr. Bettwy said, and it could happen again on Sunday night if the storm is as intense.

He said the aurora “ebbs and flows without much reason,” making it hard to predict the best time to view the phenomenon.

“Generally, the darker the sky is, the higher the chances that you’ll see it,” Mr. Bettwy said.

In places with a lot of bright lights, like a city, it is more difficult to see.

Cloudy weather can also block the view. This could pose a challenge for those hoping to see the northern lights in the central United States, where rain and storms are forecast.

Tony Fracasso, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s Weather Prediction Center, said that the best chances for clear skies would be in much of the West, as well as from Ohio toward the Mid-Atlantic and possibly in North Dakota and Minnesota.

New England was “a question mark,” he said.

In the United Kingdom, thunderstorms were moving north across Wales into northern England and Scotland on Sunday night , but it was clearer in the south and east.

If you are in a clear area, take a picture or record a video with your cellphone. The camera’s sensor is more sensitive to the wavelengths made by the aurora and may reveal an image different from what you can see with the naked eye.

This weekend’s show is the result of the most powerful geomagnetic storm to reach Earth since October 2003. When geomagnetic activity increases, auroras become brighter and more active, and they expand to regions where they are not usually seen.

The Space Weather Prediction Center has a five-level scale to rate geomagnetic storms. A watch was in place on Sunday for conditions to reach the fourth level or higher.

On Saturday, the storm’s conditions were at the third and the fourth levels, with a period of level-five conditions early in the day, the center said.

Geomagnetic storms can interfere with power grids, communications and navigations systems, but there had been no significant impacts from the storm as of Sunday morning, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The storm will continue into Monday, the Space Weather Prediction Center said.

Amanda Holpuch covers breaking news and other topics. More about Amanda Holpuch

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Where to see northern lights Saturday night, what times they will be visible

A severe geomagnetic storm powered by five coronal ejections from the sun will result in a vivid aurora borealis. Here are some tips for seeing it this weekend.

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This article has been updated to include a recap of Friday’s aurora activity and Saturday’s forecast.

One of the strongest geomagnetic storms in two decades hit Earth on Friday afternoon, with more activity continuing through the weekend.

Friday’s storm already brought beautiful northern lights displays as far south as Mexico. It also disrupted some power grids and radio and GPS communications, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Geomagnetic storms occur when the sun sends a punch of charged particles and parts of its magnetic field to Earth, often through eruptions from its surface called coronal mass ejections. This severe geomagnetic storm — rated a Level 5 out of 5 — resulted from numerous coronal mass ejections this week, some of which are catching up with one another as they hurtle through space.

Forecasters said the sun has launched additional coronal mass ejections , which could extend geomagnetic activity and displays of the northern lights through this weekend and into early next week.

Both Saturday and Sunday nights could offer more celestial viewing, though early Sunday morning and Sunday evening could be more promising, with displays as far south as Friday night if forecasts hold.

Here’s what you need to know about your chances to see the aurora and threats to satellite systems.

Where are the best places to see the northern lights this weekend?

The northern lights appeared unusually far south in the Northern Hemisphere on Friday night. People snapped photos in Italy, southern Switzerland and India. In North America, people reported sightings in Florida, Southern California and even Mexico.

In the Southern Hemisphere, aurora were photographed in Chile , Argentina and New Zealand , where they are known as aurora australis or the southern lights. Activity was exceptionally strong Friday night to Saturday morning Eastern time, hitting a Level of 5 out of 5.

Current NOAA models show geomagnetic storm activity will initially be less intense Saturday night. By the pre-dawn hours Sunday, however, storm activity may increase markedly, offering early risers a memorable display of the northern lights, especially after around 4 a.m. Eastern. The exact timing of the increase in storminess is very uncertain, though.

If the storm activity reaches a Level 4 or 5 early Sunday, which NOAA indicates is possible, the northern lights may become visible again in most of the United States.

A secondary peak in the current solar storms appears likely... pic.twitter.com/WMlbGKNfaB — NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (@NWSSWPC) May 12, 2024

When the storm activity increases, the aurora will tend to be most vibrant in northern areas and will become more faint to the south — in some places only visible through cameras.

“Cellphones are much better than our eyes at capturing light,” Brent Gordon, chief of NOAA’s Space Weather Services Branch, said in a news conference Friday. “Just go out your back door and take a picture with a newer cellphone, and you’d be amazed at what you see in that picture versus what you see with your eyes.”

If severe to extreme geomagnetic storm activity (Levels 4 and 5) lasts into the evening Sunday, the northern lights may continue to be visible unusually far south for yet another night.

Will the aurora be blocked by clouds?

Even if geomagnetic activity is high, clouds can block out the light show. Unfortunately, considerable cloud cover will blanket the Northeast and south-central United States, although some gaps in the cloud canopy are probable. Clear skies are most likely over the Midwest, Southeast and Western United States.

If you are in a cloud-free area, make sure you find a dark sky location away from city lights.

What will the aurora look like near me?

Not all auroras look the same. Some are undulating bright green and purple curtains, and others are a diffuse red and orange glow. The colors and structure of the aurora appear differently depending on the latitude and altitude.

Auroras are created when solar particles and plasma temporarily disturb Earth’s magnetosphere. Some solar particles get trapped along Earth’s magnetic field lines into the upper atmosphere. Here, they excite nitrogen and oxygen molecules and release photons of light in different colors. Excited oxygen atoms shine red when they are more than 120 miles above the surface and glow green from 60 to 120 miles. Excited nitrogen atoms give off pink or purple hues below 120 miles.

Dancing green or purple auroras are typically seen at higher latitudes. Lower latitudes usually see more red auroras because red occurs at higher altitudes and can be seen further away from the poles. If you’re in the mid-latitudes (in Virginia or Arizona, for example), your aurora may appear more red than those in Canada or Finland.

Will this affect communications systems or the power grid?

A severe geomagnetic storm can cause issues with power systems, spacecraft operations, radio communications and even pipeline systems, if not appropriately prepared for.

“Our role is to alert the operators of these different systems so that they’re aware and can take actions to mitigate these kinds of impacts,” Rob Steenburgh, a space scientist at NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center, said at a news conference Friday.

Steenburgh and his colleagues work with grid operators across North America to ensure high-voltage transmission lines can withstand the incoming surge of energy from the sun. Over past decades, engineers have built systems that can protect power lines rapidly and keep them online during geomagnetic storms.

Geomagnetic storms can also affect satellite and radio communications, sometimes interfering with signals transmitted in our ionosphere. Anyone using high-frequency radio in the aurora viewing zone may experience some disruptions, said Shawn Dahl, service coordinator for the Space Weather Prediction Center. Under some circumstances, the influx of solar particles can cause low-Earth orbiting satellites to drag lower into the atmosphere.

For the most part, individuals should not be affected or take extra precautions beyond what they might for a typical severe weather storm. If a power outage does occur, people should make sure they have batteries, weather radio and a generator, if necessary.

“They don’t need to do anything out of the extraordinary, if they’ve already got these measures taken care of, because these events are very rare,” Dahl said.

Jason Samenow contributed to this report.

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  • International

The latest on the massive solar storm

By Angela Fritz, Elise Hammond and Chris Lau, CNN

Incredible lighthouse picture from Maine

From CNN's Chris Lau

A long-exposure photo shows the aurora borealis over Portland, Maine, on May 10.

Among a flurry of surreal images capturing the dazzling auroras is one taken by Benjamin Williamson of a lighthouse in Portland, Maine.

"It's one of the most incredible things I've ever seen, the awe and wonder," Williamson told CNN.

He said he used a long-exposure technique to snap the shot, but did not edit it.

Watch the full interview with Williamson here .

Things could be about to ramp up

If you still haven't seen the aurora, hold on for another 30 minutes to an hour, according to CNN meteorologist Chad Myers.

The next wave of coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, which cause the aurora, is about to arrive, he said.

"Just wait a minute because things are going to start to ramp up here," he said, adding that the increase could arrive "anytime now." "When it comes, get outside, get ready, put your coat on."

For those who are too busy to witness the phenomenon tonight, Myers said the aurora is expected to last three nights.

Why does the aurora last for a weekend?

By CNN's Chris Lau

The northern lights can be seen from Eaton Rapids, Michigan, on May 10.

Generally, it takes just eight minutes for light to travel 93 million miles to the Earth from the sun, but astrophysicist Janna Levin said the energized particles causing the current wave of aurora travel a lot slower, causing the phenomenon to last for the weekend.

"Some of these mass ejections are trillions of kilograms," she said. "They're slower. So they're taking longer, but still hours, maybe tens of hours."

Here's how the solar storm looks in the South and on the East Coast

The aurora was visible across the East Coast and in the South Friday.

Here's how it looked in Chester, South Carolina.

Down in Florida, waves of color swam through the sky.

Up north in New Jersey, a purple-ish haze could be seen in the sky.

Will solar storms get more intense and risky in the future?

The answer is probably not in the short term, according to astrophysicist Hakeem Oluseyi.

He said scientists study what is constantly happening on the surface of the sun and have found a pattern.

“Geological data shows us that in the past the sun was way more active than it is today. It has cycles where it goes very quiet ... and you have events that show that the solar activity was much, much greater,” he told CNN. “So there's no evidence that we're going to see those big maxima this cycle." 

But the astrophysicist also spoke of a caveat - the limitations of modern science.

“Even though it's predictable in the short term, we still don't quite understand what creates the magnetic fields in the sun,” he said, adding: “That's why NASA has so many satellites looking at the sun.”

In Pictures: Auroras light the sky during rare solar storm

From CNN Digital's Photo Team

The northern lights glow in the night sky in Brandenburg, Germany, on May 10.

A series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun are creating dazzling auroras across the globe .

The rare solar storm may also disrupt communications. The last time a solar storm of this magnitude reached Earth was in October 2003, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center.

See more photos of the aurora from tonight.

Behind dazzling aurora could lie “real danger,” Bill Nye the Science Guy says

Bill Nye the Science Guy speaks to CNN on Friday, May 10.

The massive solar storm could present “a real danger,” especially with the modern world relying so much on electricity, according to Bill Nye the Science Guy , a science educator and engineer.

Scientists are warning an increase in solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun have the potential to disrupt communication on Earth into the weekend. Solar flares can affect communications and GPS almost immediately because they disrupt Earth’s ionosphere, or part of the upper atmosphere. Energetic particles released by the sun can also disrupt electronics on spacecraft and affect astronauts without proper protection within 20 minutes to several hours.

In comparison to tonight's event, Nye drew comparisons with another incident in 1859, known as the Carrington Event, when telegraph communications were severely affected.

“The other thing, everybody, that is a real danger to our technological society, different from 1859, is how much we depend on electricity and our electronics and so on,” Nye said. "None of us really in the developed world could go very long without electricity."

He noted that there are systems in place to minimize the impact, but “stuff might go wrong,” stressing that not all transformers are equipped to withstand such a solar event.

“It depends on the strength of the event and it depends on how much of our infrastructures are prepared for this the sort of thing,” he said.

Bill Nye breaks down significance of the solar storm | CNN

Bill Nye breaks down significance of the solar storm | CNN

This post has been updated with more details on solar flares' impact on electronics.

Here's where clouds will block the view of the northern lights in the US

From CNN's Angela Fritz

An infrared satellite image taken around 10:30 p.m. ET.

After an incredibly stormy week, most of the Lower 48 has clear skies to see the northern lights. But there are some areas where clouds and rainy weather are spoiling the view.

A deck of clouds is blocking the sky in the Northeast, from parts of Virginia into Maine, as an area of low pressure spins off the East Coast.

In the Midwest, the aurora will be hard to see through thick clouds in parts of Wisconsin, Michigan — including the Upper Peninsula — and Illinois.

A stripe of clouds is tracking across Texas, including Dallas-Forth Worth, and into Louisiana.

And in the Southwest, patchy clouds across the the Four Corners region could make the northern lights difficult to spot.

Aurora seen at least as far south as Georgia

Barely visible to the naked eye, the aurora can be seen in Atlanta in the 10 p.m. ET hour. 

It is easier to see through photographs using a long exposure. The photos below, taken by CNN's Eric Zerkel and Emily Smith, used 3- and 10-second exposures.

Aurora seen in Atlanta around 10:15 p.m. ET.

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