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  • Role of Youth in Nation Building Essay


Long and Short Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building

The role of Youth in nation-building or development is very important, and this is because the development of any nation lies in the future generation. Democracy, economy, technology and the improvement of medical science all lie in the hands of the Youth. Poverty, unemployment, global warming, and pollution of many types are the problems that the world is facing today. The answer to solving all these problems lies with the next generation.

History is evident that the next generation has been the answer to solve future problems. As time passes by, it is required to adapt to the changes and bring a change in society. The Youth is capable of doing so; we can bring a change in society. So what is the role of the Youth for a better tomorrow? What are the qualities that are required to bring a change in society?. These two questions are very important, and all the students should know the answer to them. To answer these questions, the role of Youth in nation-building essays is written. 

Below a long and short essay on the role of youths in nation-building and frequently asked questions on the essay about the role of the Youth in our society is given. Students can refer to these essays and understand the importance of Youth in the development of the country and make a speech on the role of youth in nation-building.

Long Essay on Role of Youths in Nation-Building

Swami Vivekananda once said, 'My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation and out of them will come to my workers. This quote describes the impact the Youth can have on society. More than 60% of the Youth helped Germany win the first world war far better or the worst. The mission to make the first person walk on the moon consisted of more than 80% of the Youth who helped in planning the whole mission. Likewise, Indian Youth also played an important role to make our country free from British rule. Youth has the power to change the world. When the Youth is united, we can make the world a better place to live, and when we are divided, we also have the power to destroy the world.

Youth is the most dynamic and important segment of the population in any country. Statistics show that the developing countries which have a huge youth population could be seeing tremendous growth in all the sectors of the countries provided they inc=vest in young people's education, health and protect and guarantee their rights. It is believed that today's young minds and tomorrow's leaders, creators, builders, and innovators.

For Youth to be good leaders, inventors and innovators, it is important that they are supported and are provided good health, training, and education to transform the future. There will be a boost in the economy of the country when the Youth is working and earning rather than being dependent on anyone.

As we all know that half of the world's population is now under the age of 25, and 1.8 billion people are between the age of 11-25. This is considered to be the largest youth generation to ever exist. Many countries such as Sweden, Japan, and Germany have already started gaining from the Youth by providing them opportunities in different sectors. It has been more than 80 years since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Any country would be devastated by the loss of lives and the destruction that was caused during that time, but Japan did not stop, and over the decades, the government of Japan has started investing in the Youth and the investment they made in the Youth during that time is giving them the profit now. More than 80% of Youth in Japan are responsible for the economic boost of the country. Industries such as Manga and Anime consist of 90% of young minds that are responsible for generating a revenue of 1.3 billion every year to the country. This is the impact that Youth can make on the country's growth. Here the role of Youth in the national development article is discussed.

Indian Youth- Confused or Confident? 

Let us talk about the Youth of India; Today, India is one of the youngest nations in the world, with more than 55% of the population is below the age of 25, and more than 60% of the population is the working age, which is between 15 to 60 years. It is estimated that the average age of the population by the year 2023 would be 29 years old and in India, whereas, in Japan, it would be 47 years, and in the United States of America, it would be 40 years old. The presence of younger people in our country gives us an edge over the demographic dividend over other countries. The demographic dividend is the growth in the economy of the country due to the change in the age structure of the country. The Youth of our country today are increasingly becoming restless and trying their best to make a difference, but it has not been enough. More effort should be made if we all want to end unemployment, poverty, corruption, and violence in the country. Due to the presence of these diseases in our society, there has been a delay in the development of the country.

India is the biggest democracy in the world, and still, it lags in achieving economic and socio-political growth. The two things which our freedom fighters fought for were freedom and the growth of the country, and after all those years, we have failed in achieving both goals. For 72 years, we have failed to fight unemployment, poverty, corruption, illiteracy, and violence in our country. India's ranks in the various development index have barely grown in recent years. For example, India ranks 116 in the Human Capital Index, 144 in the World Happiness Index, 131 in the Human Development Index, and 141 on the Gender Development Index. This shows the state in which our country is. If India wants to improve all these indices, then it is the responsibility of the Youth to come forward and take responsibility to fight against the multiple inequalities and contribute to the development of the country.

Statistics show that India has the upper hand over other countries as 62 % of the population is the Youth. Young minds are known to be innovative and hard-working that will help in the development of the country. Youth can change the country only if proper opportunities in the various fields are given to them. In our society, we have been guided to pursue careers in either engineering or medical science. This could be because of the pressure from the family or the trend in society. This has become a major cause for the downfall of the Youth. A statistical report suggests that about 55% of engineering Youth are unemployed because they don't have the required skills to crack a job. The Youth can change society if they consider pursuing a career in different fields like arts and politics. If proper opportunities are given to the Youth to represent their ideas in fields such as politics, then we can expect a drastic change in the country's growth. Young minds should be motivated to take part in politics and occupy high positions such as education minister, finance minister, bureaucrats, and even the Prime minister.

Youth has the power to bring change. They have the power to demand justice. For example, a mass protest by the Youth against the CAA bill in Delhi or the mass protest by the Youth in Delhi for justice of Nirbhaya cases are some of the examples of the strength of the Youth. TRO makes the Youth the ultimate power of the country, and educational programs should be developed that aims to teach the young people from the school level the importance and the impact they can have on the country. They should be taught about how the country works and how it can be a significant part of the development of the country. Youth should be motivated to consider different career options such as politics, which eventually helps in running the country. 

Our nation has been facing a lot of problems, and Youth has the power to resolve most of them. All the Youth of today need is a chance to prove themselves. Through many protests against corruption, rape against women, we have witnessed that the Youth have the power to unite individuals from various ethnic groups. The world has been facing many problems such as Racism and Islamophobia. Everyone is fighting with each other because of the religion to which they belong or the complexion of their skin color. These fights within the Youth are created by political leaders or the people with power because they know that the only way they could defeat the power of Youth is when we are divided. This is the reason why we need Youth in politics as youth leaders could convince other fellow men and women to live in peace and harmony. The differences and all these issues should not allow the Youth to be divided. Instead of focusing on these differences, youth leaders should lead the way and help the majority focus on the real issues that matter, such as poverty, crime against women, unemployment, and many more. The Youth has the ability to bring a change in the country. 

To conclude, the role of the Youth is very important in the building of a nation. They can be a positive influence in society and can also solve the problem by introducing innovative and impactful ideas that will only help in the betterment of the country. They have the ability to create an identity for themselves, which will help in creating an impact. All the youth needs is the support of their family and friends, and I can assure you that they can make our country great. 

Short Essay on the Role of Youth in National Development

India is the world's largest democracy and the second largest populated country in the world.65% of the population comprises the Youth, and this is enough to show the importance of Youth and how big of an asset they are for the country.

The role of Youth in nation-building is very important. The work they do and the ideas they help to bring to the table will take the country on the path to success. In spite of being the largest democracy in the world, India is still lagging behind in achieving the economic success that will help to make a mark in the world. It has been 72 years since the freedom of our country, and throughout all these years, India has been infected by a few diseases such as corruption, unemployment, poverty, malnutrition, no proper healthcare services, and a crime against men and women. Indians are ranked 144 in the world happiness index, 141 in the gender development index, and 145 in the Global burden Index. India's rank in the various development indexes has not improved over a few years. The only way India can improve the ranks in all these indices is through empowering the Youth of the country. The Youth need to take charge and come forward to fight for a better tomorrow, and that can only be done if proper opportunities are provided to Youth in different fields.

If anyone wants to bring a change in the system, the only option is to study and get into it. The Indian Youth should consider joining politics and running for different roles such as the governor, bureaucrats, Home minister, and even Prime minister. Youth have the advantage of being a young mind and more connected to today's generation. A youth running the country will help in solving the problems that other Youth faces every day.

Youth has the ability to face any issue and solve it. There has been a rise in the cases of Racism and Islamophobia all across the world. Instead of focusing on important topics such as unemployment, poverty, and corruption, the Youth in our country is divided into a few not-so-important topics. This is because the majority of the Youth has been influenced t=by greedy political leaders who think all about themselves. This is why we need the Youth to be part of politics. Imagine a youth leader who unites every fellow Youth to focus and fight for what will matter for the future, and our country would be great.

To conclude, the Youth has the power to build a nation that will only help in its development. To do so, the Youth of our country should be supported by friends and family members. The Youth should be supported to pursue careers in various fields such as cinema, arts, and politics. The support which everyone will give today to the Youth will help in making our country great in the future. The important role of the youth in nation-building has been discussed here, and students can take a cue for writing an essay on my role as a youth in nation-building.


FAQs on Role of Youth in Nation Building Essay

1. Why is it important to build a nation?

A Nation is a group of people with a common language, beliefs, traditions and culture. Countries have been built from the basis of the shared interest, identity and aspirations of their people coming from different backgrounds. When you say you are Pakistani, Indian or American etc., what comes to your mind? Education, education and education. You have a common identity with all the people living in that particular country which is why you feel united in helping each other in times of need. A nation is a place where all the people live together with harmony and peace because they are united under one umbrella, which is the identity of that particular nation. Building a nation is important because a strong nation can only lead to a stronger economy, which in turn will bring about positive changes for the people living in that country and make their lives easier.

2. What are the traits of a good leader in nation building?

A good leader is a person who has vision and clarity about where he or she wants to take the country. He has complete knowledge about what needs to be done to achieve his goal, whether it's peaceful negotiations between countries at war or building roads within the country. He is a good motivator and knows how to bring out the best in people. He is honest and has high moral values. Last but not least, he is a true leader who can lead from the front and guide others to work for the common good. If a nation has a good leader, it can be possible to bring positive changes in every sector and make the country a better place to live in. With the help of a good leader, a nation can be built in a better way. A good leader can change the destiny of a nation.

3. What are the responsibilities of the youth in nation-building?

Youth has the responsibility to do their bit for nation-building, along with the common people like students, workers etc. Youth should make decisions after much thought and consideration because they hold the future of our generation in their hands. They should work together with all sections of society to bring about positive change in the country. They should also be involved in activities that promote national unity and solidarity. Youth should focus on their education and build a bright future for themselves and their country. They should join the army, civil services, police etc., to serve the nation in their respective capacities. The Youth play a very important role in Nation Building. They are the future of our country, and it is very important to groom them to become good leaders. Youth should be encouraged to take up sports and social work to strengthen our society. If a country has a responsible youth, then that Youth will definitely lead the country to a better future.

4. How can the youth be more involved in nation-building?

The Youth should take up jobs that benefit society. They can join the army, police or civil services to serve our nation. The Youth are our future and should be encouraged to take up sports and social work. Our Youth need to be educated because we cannot progress without them. We all must encourage our Youth to take part in nation-building activities so that together we can create a better future for everyone. With the help of our Youth, many problems can be solved. They should stop taking drugs and other harmful substances. Volunteering for community support activities is a very good way to give back to society while helping our Youth grow stronger in their personal life, health and well-being. If our Youth takes part in nation-building activities, then definitely our nation will be built in a better way.

5. What is the role of women in nation-building?

Women play a very important role in nation-building because they keep the family unit intact and pass on values to the young children. They must not neglect their household work and try to give equal importance to their traditional role while also training themselves to be good citizens. Women should strive for a healthy environment in society and join groups that work to bring about positive changes in their community. They can also involve themselves in nation-building activities like blood donation camps, tree plantation drives etc. There are many jobs women can take up, such as becoming police officers, nurses etc., to serve our nation. The role of Youth in Nation Building is very vital. A responsible youth can definitely lead the country to a better future. Youth should be encouraged to take up jobs that benefit society. Women contribute to nation-building in many ways like working with police, forest department etc. Women play a very important role in nation-building. Nowadays, women are given more freedom, and they play a vital role in society. Women involve themselves in nation-building activities like blood donation camps, tree plantation drives etc. women are taking up jobs in many fields like policewomen, nurses etc. So, women definitely play a very important role in nation-building, and they should be given more opportunities to serve our nation.

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Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation-Building

essay the role of youth in nation building

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  • Apr 8, 2024

Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation Building

Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation-Building: A country’s future depends on its youth. They represent the nation at all levels and are its future. In every aspect of a county’s development, its youth play a major role. To put it another way, the nation will succeed because of its intelligence and the hard work of its youth. The youth bear the same responsibility as every other citizen. They serve as a national foundation. 

Quick Read: How to Write an Essay in English?

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Understanding the Role of Youth
  • 1.2 Methods for Helping the Youth
  • 1.3 Conclusion
  • 2 Paragraph on Nation Building in India

Essay on the Role of Youth in Nation-Building in 500 Words

In every country, young people are seen as a valuable resource. At every level, they represent their nation and are the representatives of future generations. Youth may play a crucial and frequently undervalued role in the development of a nation. The intelligence and efforts of the youth have made the country successful. The youth are the backbone of the nation’s advancement and development, and as such, they have responsibility. 

Did You Know: Mahatma Gandhi wanted the youth to engage in constructive work, educate the villagers and imbibe morally superior values.

Understanding the Role of Youth

Young people are crucial because they will shape our future. Even though they are currently our partners, they might eventually assume leadership positions. The youth are incredibly enthusiastic and full of energy. They can adapt to their environment and learn new skills. In a similar vein, they are prepared to pick up knowledge and apply it to further their objectives. 

Our youth have the power to transform society and bring about social reform. We cannot survive without a nation’s youth. In addition, their involvement is needed for the country to move forward and accomplish its objectives.

Similarly, we observe that youth involvement is essential to any nation’s development. Youth is necessary in all fields, whether we want to advance in the technical or sporting domains. It is up to us to assist the young people in carrying out this role appropriately. All young people need to be made aware of their potential and their part in fostering a stronger nation.

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Methods for Helping the Youth

There are numerous ways that we can support our nation’s youth in realising their full potential. To ensure that they can flourish without interference, the government must implement programmes that will aid in combating problems like unemployment, subpar educational institutions, and more. 

In a similar vein, it is the responsibility of citizens to push our children to excel in all areas. Our favourite people will lose their spark if we don’t believe in them and discourage them all the time. We should ensure that they have the wind beneath their wings to soar far, rather than pulling them down by guarding the links to their wings. 

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Regardless of a person’s gender, caste, religion, colour, or any other attribute, they must all be granted equal opportunity. The nation’s true talent is being eroded by several nepotistic and favouritism problems. This needs to be eliminated right away. Every young person needs to have the opportunity to demonstrate their worth, and that opportunity needs to be extended equally to all of them. 

In other words, we have to give our youth the chance to build our country. They possess a perspective that the older generations do not, as they are the future. Their enthusiasm and passion need to be directed in the right direction to guarantee that a nation grows and prospers.

One cannot overstate the significance of youth in the process of building a nation. They actively promote change and advancement in addition to being the recipients of development benefits. Understanding the potential of youth can contribute to the growth of more creative, prosperous, cohesive societies. Governments, corporations, and communities must all make major investments in youth empowerment. They also need to create an atmosphere that supports their involvement by providing them with leadership, jobs, and educational opportunities. The only way for nations to prosper in the twenty-first century is to harness the energy, creativity, and idealism of youth.

Paragraph on Nation Building in India

Ans: They are an important resource that can help a country progress socially, economically, and musically. Young people are frequently the most engaged members of society and have the power to promote positive change through vocally opposing social injustice.

Ans: Innovation, employment, and income development are all driven by the need to innovate. The youth of India not only seek employment but also generate it.

Ans: To eliminate inequality, people must question outmoded behaviours, adopt new perspectives, and speak out against injustices (such as gender-based violence). 

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Essay on The Role of Youth in Nation Building

Students are often asked to write an essay on The Role of Youth in Nation Building in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on The Role of Youth in Nation Building

The power of youth.

Youth are the building blocks of a nation. They represent the future and hold the power to shape the nation’s destiny. Their energy, innovation, and courage are vital for the growth of a country.

Nation Building and Youth

The role of youth in nation building is crucial. They can bring about social reform and contribute to the development of the nation. They are the ones who can innovate, inspire, and drive the change needed for a nation’s growth.

Challenges and Opportunities

Youths face many challenges but also have numerous opportunities. With proper guidance and resources, they can overcome obstacles and contribute significantly to nation building. Their enthusiasm, creativity, and tech-savviness can be harnessed for the betterment of the nation.

250 Words Essay on The Role of Youth in Nation Building


Youth, the powerhouse of any nation, is the driving force behind its development and progress. They are the torchbearers of change, innovation, and advancement, playing a pivotal role in nation-building.

The Potential of Youth

The youth possess an enormous reservoir of energy, passion, and creativity. Their ideas and innovations, when harnessed effectively, can lead to significant advancements in various sectors such as technology, economy, and social development. They are the architects of the future, capable of molding the nation’s destiny.

Education and Empowerment

Education is a critical tool in empowering the youth and preparing them for their role in nation-building. It equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills to contribute to the nation’s growth and development. Furthermore, it fosters critical thinking and promotes a sense of responsibility towards society.

Youth Participation in Politics

The involvement of youth in politics is crucial for a healthy democracy. They bring fresh perspectives and progressive ideologies, challenging the status quo and advocating for change. Their participation ensures that the interests of the younger generation are represented in policy-making decisions.

In conclusion, the role of youth in nation-building is indispensable. They are the change agents, the innovators, and the leaders of tomorrow. By harnessing their potential, fostering their education, and encouraging their participation in politics, we can ensure a prosperous future for our nation. The youth are not just the future of the nation; they are its present, shaping its trajectory towards progress and development.

500 Words Essay on The Role of Youth in Nation Building

The role of youth in nation-building is paramount. They represent the future, embodying the potential and prospects of a nation. Their energy, innovation, and resilience can drive social change and economic progress. As they transition into adulthood, they carry the responsibility of steering the nation towards prosperity and peace.

Youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but also the partners of today. They possess a dynamic spirit – a combination of cognitive flexibility, inherent curiosity, and a propensity for risk-taking. These attributes make them particularly adept at adapting to change and driving progress. They are not just beneficiaries of development, but also agents of change, capable of initiating social reform and technological innovation.

Education: A Key Tool for Empowerment

Education is a crucial tool for empowering the youth and enabling their participation in nation-building. Quality education fosters critical thinking, nurtures creativity, and equips individuals with the skills needed to contribute to societal development. It also promotes tolerance and understanding, which are essential for maintaining social harmony and fostering a sense of national identity.

Political Participation

Youth involvement in politics is another key aspect of nation-building. By engaging in political processes, young people can voice their concerns, influence policies, and hold leaders accountable. Their participation helps ensure that governance is representative and responsive to the needs of all segments of society.

Entrepreneurship and Economic Development

Entrepreneurship among the youth can significantly contribute to economic development. By creating new businesses, young entrepreneurs generate employment, stimulate innovation, and facilitate economic diversification. They can also drive sustainable development by adopting environmentally-friendly business practices.

Social Activism

Youth are often at the forefront of social activism, advocating for human rights, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. Their activism can foster social change, challenge entrenched power structures, and contribute to the creation of a more just and equitable society.

In conclusion, the role of youth in nation-building is multifaceted and crucial. They are the engines of social, political, and economic development. By empowering them through education, encouraging their political participation, fostering entrepreneurship, and supporting their social activism, we can harness their potential for nation-building. The youth are not just the future of a nation; they are its present, and their energy and vision are indispensable for building a prosperous and peaceful nation.

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essay the role of youth in nation building

Essay On Role Of Youth In Nation Building

essay the role of youth in nation building

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Role Of Youth In Nation Building

The role of youth in nation building is crucial, as young people make up a significant portion of the population and have the energy, ideas, and potential to shape the future of their country. Nation building refers to the process of improving and developing a nation’s political, economic, and social systems, and the youth play a vital role in this process.

Youth can contribute to nation building in several ways. Firstly, they can participate in the political process by voting and running for office, as well as advocating for their rights and the rights of others. Secondly, they can contribute to the economy by starting their own businesses and creating jobs, or by working hard and being productive citizens. Thirdly, they can be agents of change by participating in community service and volunteer work, promoting education and awareness, and working towards a better future for all.

Another important aspect of the role of youth in nation building is education. Education provides young people with the knowledge and skills they need to be active and informed citizens, and to contribute to their communities. Furthermore, education plays a vital role in empowering young people, by providing them with the tools to express themselves and to participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives.

In addition, youth can also play a role in promoting peace and stability. They can participate in conflict resolution and peacebuilding initiatives, and work towards a more inclusive and harmonious society. By promoting peace and stability, youth can create the conditions for sustainable development and progress.

In conclusion, the role of youth in nation building is critical and cannot be overemphasized. Young people have the potential to drive positive change, and it is important for them to be empowered and engaged in the process of building a better future for their country. Governments, civil society organizations, and communities must work together to provide young people with the opportunities and support they need to fulfill their potential and contribute to the development of their nation.

Long Essay On Role Of Youth In Nation Building

In recent years, the role of youth in nation building has been thrust into the spotlight. From grassroots activism to influencing policy change at higher levels, young people are increasingly playing an active role in shaping the future of their countries. In this essay, we will explore how youth can be catalysts for positive developments and what strategies they can employ to ensure that their efforts have a lasting impact on society.


The role of youth in nation building is a hotly debated topic. There are those who believe that the youth are the future leaders of the country and should be given every opportunity to prove themselves. Others believe that the youth are too inexperienced and need to be nurtured before they can take on such responsibility.

Whatever your opinion on the matter, there is no doubt that the youth play a vital role in nation building. They are the future of the country and will shape its future. It is therefore important to engage them in activities that will help them grow into responsible citizens.

Some ways in which the youth can be engaged in nation building include: volunteering for social service projects, working with local organisations to improve community life, starting their own businesses, or becoming involved in politics. Whatever path they choose, it is important that they do so with passion and commitment. Only then can they hope to make a difference.

Definition of Nation Building

The term ‘nation building’ is often used to refer to the process of constructing or developing a sense of national unity and identity. nation building is usually associated with efforts to promote economic growth, democracy, and social cohesion within a state or territory.

The concept of nation building has been applied in various ways, from post-colonial states working to consolidate their independence to war-torn countries trying to rebuild after conflict. In each case, the goal is to create a strong and united country that can function effectively on the world stage.

While there is no single formula for successful nation building, some key elements include investing in education and infrastructure, fostering national pride and unity, and encouraging economic development. Youth play an important role in all of these areas, and are essential to the success of any nation-building effort.

Role of Youth in Nation Building

The Role of Youth in Nation Building The role of youth is crucial for the future development of any society. In Pakistan, youth make up around a quarter of the population and their involvement is key to the country’s prosperity.

Pakistan’s youth are its most valuable asset and must be nurtured as such. They have immense potential and energy which, if channeled in the right direction, can bring about positive change. The role of youth in nation building is therefore important not only for the individual but also for the country as a whole.

The first and foremost responsibility of Pakistani youth is to get educated. Education is the foundation on which all other progress rests. It helps young people develop critical thinking skills and become aware of their rights and responsibilities. It also enables them to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

In addition to getting an education, Pakistani youth must also be actively involved in civic life and community development initiatives. This way they can learn firsthand about the problems facing their country and be part of the solution. By working together, they can help build a better Pakistan for everyone.

Challenges Faced by the Youth in Building a Nation

The youth of any nation is its future. The role of the youth in nation building is to take the country forward. However, there are many challenges faced by the youth in building a nation.

The first challenge is unemployment. The youth are the most affected by unemployment. They have the energy and skills, but they don’t have the opportunities. There are not enough jobs for all the youth who want to work. This leads to frustration and disillusionment among the youth.

The second challenge is poverty. Many young people live in poverty. They cannot afford to get an education or to start a business. This limits their ability to contribute to society and make a better life for themselves and their families.

The third challenge is corruption. Corruption is a major problem in many countries. It prevents resources from reaching those who need them most. It also means that government officials are more likely to favor their friends and relatives over others when awarding contracts or giving out jobs. This creates resentment and division among the people, and it makes it difficult for the country to move forward.

The fourth challenge is violence. Violence can be caused by conflict between different ethnic groups or by political unrest. It can also be caused by crime or gangs. Violence creates fear and insecurity, which prevent people from working together towards a common goal.

These are some of the challenges faced by the youth in building a nation. But despite these challenges, the youth have hope for the future and they continue

Impact of Social Media on Nation Building

In a country like India, the role of youth in nation building is very important. With more than half of the population below the age of 25, they are the future of the country. And if we want to build a strong and prosperous nation, we need to engage and empower our youth.

Social media has emerged as a powerful tool for connecting people and promoting dialogue and debate. It can be used to raise awareness about issues, mobilise support for causes and connect people from all corners of the globe. In India, social media is playing an increasingly important role in shaping public opinion and discourse.

There are some who argue that social media is creating echo chambers where people only consume information that reinforces their existing beliefs. However, there is also evidence that social media can help challenge people’s assumptions and broaden their perspectives. For example, during the 2015 Delhi elections, young voters used social media to hold politicians accountable and make their voices heard.

In a democracy, it is essential that citizens are engaged in the political process. And social media can be a powerful force for promoting civic engagement and participation. For example, Facebook has launched initiatives such as ‘Voter registration reminders’ which helps users register to vote and provides them with information about election dates and deadlines. In India, these reminders have helped increase voter turnout by nearly 4%.

While social media can be used to promote positive change, it also has its dark side. Fake news stories, hate speech and online harassment are all too common on social media platforms. There is also growing concern about the impact of algorithms and how they can be used to manipulate public opinion.

Overall, social media has both positive and negative impacts on nation building. While it is important to watch out for potential risks, it can also be an invaluable tool for connecting citizens and engaging them in meaningful dialogue about pressing issues facing the nation.

How to Utilize the Energy of the Youth for National Development?

The energy and potential of the youth are often underestimated or taken for granted. However, harnessing the power of the youth is essential for national development. There are many ways to utilize the energy of the youth for national development, including:

1. Investing in education and skill-building: Educated and skilled youth are better equipped to contribute to society and drive economic growth. Therefore, investing in education and skill-development is critical for national development.

2. Engaging youth in policy-making: Youth should be involved in policy-making processes at all levels, as they are the future leaders of the country. Their input can help shape policies that are more responsive to the needs of young people.

3. Creating opportunities for youth entrepreneurship: Encouraging youth entrepreneurship can create jobs and spur economic growth. It is also a way to engage young people in constructive activities and give them a sense of ownership over their country’s development.

4. Promoting volunteerism: Volunteerism is a great way to engage youth in nation-building activities while also teaching them important values such as altruism and social responsibility.

5. Raising awareness about pressing issues: The youth can be a powerful force for change if they are aware of the issues facing their country and motivated to make a difference. Raising awareness about pressing issues is therefore an important part of utilizing the energy of the youth for national development.

It is clear that the youth of today are undoubtedly at the forefront of nation building. Through their ambition, creativity and resilience, they have the power to shape society for a better future. We must continue to empower our youth with opportunities to grow and develop so that they can become agents of positive change in their respective communities. With this in mind, we can proudly declare that our young generation is well poised to play an essential role in nation building.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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In 2020, AIF quickly pivoted to address the critical situation in India and the United States. In India, AIF leveraged its programs’ infrastructure on health, education, and livelihoods via its wide network to address the needs of the nation with ventilators, PPE, and other interventions in order to save the lives of vulnerable Indians from COVID-19. Read the report here.

In 2021, India recorded the world’s highest daily tally of 314,835 COVID-19 infections on April 22nd, as this second wave sent many more into a fragile health care system, critically short of hospital beds and oxygen. Working with our partners, hospitals, and governments, AIF has launched a three-pronged Phase 2 Emergency Response Strategy to address this crisis. Here is an overview.

The American India Foundation is committed to improving the lives of India’s underprivileged, with a special focus on women, children, and youth. AIF does this through high impact interventions in education, health, and livelihoods, because poverty is multidimensional. AIF’s unique value proposition is its broad engagement between communities, civil society, and expertise, thereby building a lasting bridge between the United States and India. With offices in New York and California, twelve chapters across the U.S., and India operations headquartered in Delhi NCR, AIF has impacted 6.7 million lives across 26 states of India.

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Role of Youth in Nation Building: Need for Equity Perspectives in Y20?

More than 50% of India’s current population is below the age of 25 years and over 65% is below the age of 35.

Approximate 600 million youth under the age of 25 will be added to India’s population by 2030

According to UNFPA projections, India will continue to have one of the youngest populations in the world till 2030. India is experiencing a demographic window of opportunity, a “youth bulge” that will last till 2025.

India’s National Youth Policy emphasizes ‘empowering the youth of the country to achieve their full potential and through them enable India to find its rightful place in the community of nations’

Uttar Pradesh and Bihar would be the youngest state (median age 20 years) in 2026

India hosts the G20 Presidency as we celebrate Amritkal, or 75 years of independence. It’s also a time when we honor and commemorate all of our freedom fighters, social change leaders and icons who have shaped India with their thoughts and actions. If we act as the carriers and agents of their message and proudly and clearly repeat it, their fight for justice and oppression against imperialist, colonial mindset, social evils within the country and society can inspire the entire globe. Such major international events have often only taken place in Delhi. However, the government has decided to broaden the event by holding 200 meetings in 56 sites throughout India over the coming few months. This has created a wide range of opportunities for each state and especially its youth to participate and amplify the diverse but inclusive and unifying message of Bharat to the world- Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (trans: The World Is One Family)

The Youth Affairs and Sports Ministry has launched the themes of the upcoming Youth 20 or Y20 summit which marks the first time that India will be hosting the Y20 summit, which is the official youth engagement group of the G20 and provides a platform for young people to share their ideas and vision on G20 priorities .

The themes for the Y20 summit, which will be held in November of this year, include the Future of Work, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, Peacebuilding and Reconciliation, Youth in Democracy and Governance, and Health, Wellbeing and Sports . Each of these themes will be the focus of Pre summits that will be held in the lead-up to the final Y20 summit, over the next eight months. 

Youth in India is one of the buzz word and much spoken constituency in today’s context and also as the future of India that needs special attention and enabling factors to transform India into an empowered nation. The Central Government has given this process a major boost with the allocation of Rs. 3397.32 crores to the Sports and Youth Affairs Ministry for 2023–2024 , which is sure to also give a fillip to the broader youth-centric environment in the country. Major initiatives like Khelo India and institutions like the Sports Authority of India, the Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan, the National Sports Federations, and the National Service Scheme of the Ministry have seen a significant increase in funding, which is certain to transform the nation’s current sports ecosystem. The main goals of this funding allocation are to identify talent at the grassroots level, establish infrastructure, support athletes, develop a general sports culture, and give women, the divyang, and youngsters from remote locations equal chances..

A Yuva Leadership Portal is also planned to reach out to youth and engage them in various activities so as to improve their leadership skills, inculcate a greater sense of responsibility towards society, increase their income-earning ability and by connecting them with various urban and rural local bodies, small businesses, farmer-producer groups and cooperative societies.  

The young population comprising 27.5% (15-29 yrs) of the total population of India and if we look at it from social category lenses, more than half of India’s population is comprised of Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), Notified and De-Notified Tribes (NTs/DNTs), Other Backward Castes/Class and Muslim communities whom we largely know as socially excluded and discriminated groups based on their “identity, social location and economic deprivation”. Women and girls, additionally, face gender-based exclusion and restrictions.

Socially excluded communities are among the poorest in both rural and urban areas, continue to face discrimination in education, lack access to economic opportunities, and are denied personal growth with dignity and a sense of equal citizenship in all spheres of their lives. Over 70% of boys and girls who enroll in grade 1 drop out by grade 10 or 12 with a very few of them entering into higher education. There are various reports of their neglect and discrimination in schools/colleges, and this is corroborated by experiential anecdotes on ground. They have little skills, limited access to higher education or employment opportunities. The majority falls back into daily wage, casual and migrant labour. Some also get into bonded (slavery like) labour. The families and communities do not have adequate social or economic capital to guide them and the public education or engagement do not provide them adequate space and opportunities to explore their life and career trajectory based on their lived experiences. 

Our engagement in the field provides evidence that children and youth from socially excluded communities have little recognition, limited opportunities and find it difficult to explore their aspirations, human personality and talents. Being an invisible category while living in extreme poverty and insecurity, they are unable to influence their communities also. Except for a few young people, the large majority continues to fall back into traditional employment such as manual labour, scavenging and family occupations within the “forced” social and economic framework. It is important to build additional equity measures and support them to escape the vicious cycle of poverty and exclusion. 

It is in this context that empowering youth in India must be recognized and include the two dimensions of ‘youth development’ and ‘youth for development’, integrating and interweaving into each other. With the highest youth population in absolute numbers as well as population proportion, youth development must take center-stage to ensure that all young people, with special focus on socially excluded youth, are equipped with the necessary information, knowledge, skills and attitude to deal with the challenges they face in their growing adolescent years and adulthood. Youth for development involves all those engagements and interventions that youth contribute towards the development of their community, society and nation at large. 

The GoI has been already running several programmes/schemes to harness the young talent in the country and could be seen in the form of multiple young professional fellowship programmes by different ministry, scholarships for higher education including increase in overseas scholarship and various public-private partnerships to enhance the participation of young people in country’s development and in engagement in community services. In fact, civil society and various private players are also running multiple fellowship and capacity building programmes to prepare young people for development and nation building. 

One such programme run by American India Foundation (AIF) for the past 20 years as Banyan Impact Fellowship (BIF). This particular fellowship has invested and built capacities of over five hundred young people to enter into the social sector, become entrepreneurs and build capacities to become social leaders/entrepreneurs who are currently engaging in community services across India. This uniquely designed fellowship also fosters an exchange and partnership building with young US citizens to come together and design some pathbreaking community-based projects to contribute in the areas of education, health, climate justice and livelihood. AIF also partnered with hundreds of local NGOs improving the lives of India’s underprivileged, with a special focus on women, children, and youth. AIF does this through high impact interventions in education, health, and livelihoods, because poverty is multidimensional. AIF’s unique value proposition is its broad engagement between communities, civil society, and expertise, thereby building a lasting bridge between the United States and India.

Even if the world’s population is aging, our diverse younger demographic profile can be useful both domestically and in a broader global perspective. India’s G20 Presidency provides India’s youngsters with the highly sought-after opportunity to serve as ambassadors for global causes. The G20’s Y20 or Youth 20 engagement group will harness the power of young people to forge a worldwide consensus on issues that are challenging for humanity. Recognizing the challenges faced by a large number of socially excluded adolescents and young people in India and evolving equitable measures in all aspects of Y20’s thematic areas will certainly show the path towards making India an inclusive and empowered nation led by such a diverse group of young people! 


  • The Y20 is an official engagement group of the G20, composed of young leaders from the G20 countries. Y20 India will act as a platform for dialogue and negotiations among young leaders in India and around the world, who will come together to address the challenges facing our generation and strive to make a positive impact on the world ( ) 
  • Data from,11%25%20over%20FY%202022%2D23

essay the role of youth in nation building

Satyendra Kumar is a Co-Founder and Strategic Consultant at Centre for Social Equity and Inclusion (CSEI). The organization is concerned with deepening democracy and developing our body politic by promoting equity and social inclusion of marginalized children and young people for their social, economic and cultural (SEC) rights. National Youth Equity Forum (NYEF), envisaged as a platform for nurturing leadership and entrepreneurship development among socially excluded young generations, currently led by him at CSEI, is also evolving as a national collective of socially excluded young people who wants to build a socially inclusive society and social inclusion champions among the community. Satyendra has completed his studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) along with several international exposure and training around leadership, community development and entrepreneurial education. With more than 15 years of working and networking experiences across the globe, his passion and expertise lies around youth rights in the areas of enabling youth into higher education, Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, leadership and entitlements access programme along with enhancing employability and entrepreneurship and overall promotion of social equity and inclusion across spaces. He has been CSIP - Ashoka University Research Fellow, IIIT - H Social Entrepreneur Fellow along with Co-founder of BDC Impact Foundation and serves as board/advisory member of various organizations. He is also an Acumen fellow for 2019 and well known experiential educators for 1.5 decades.

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Role of the Youth in Nation Building - Essay, UPSC MAINS | Course for UPPSC Preparation - UPPSC (UP) PDF Download

Role of the Youth in Nation Building

(1) Opening    —    Young man’s energy & idealism.

—    Statistics

(2) Body    —    Pre-requisites for youth; proper training, health, individuality and gainful employment.

—    Need to channelise energy.

—    Areas where can be used.

 * Literacy campaign-to correct in into mass based movement.

        Kerala, Burdwan & Kolhapur.

* Rural development: A young man has knowledge & enthusiasm to import it. Shram Daan, NCC, NSS, Nehru Yuvak Kendra etc.

* Crime control vigilance committees, Riot control, Preventing hoarding etc.

* Social reforms : dowry, women’s emancipation, casteism & communalism, electoral malpractices.

(3)  Closing    —    Illustrtations-Indonesia, Philippians, Burma, E. Europe, National Movement: Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekar, Raj Guru, Nehru & Bose. 

If old and experienced people are eyes and ears of a nation, the youth is her limbs. A young man’s energy, enthusiasm, vigour and vitality make him one of the most important cogs in the wheel of development. India is a large nation—its population is approximately 1300 million. Of this, 65% is the population of people between 18 years and 35 years who can be technically called the youth. The young men of India come from various strata and are engaged in a variety of occupations but all of them have one thing in common—their energy and their idealism. It is their uncorrupted mind and unspent strength which can be of immense use in the nation building activities.

Nation building is a vast task consisting of varied jobs. All these jobs lead to one goal—a more prosperous, clean and safe nation. One of the prerequisites for using youth in the nation building activities is that they are gainfully employed. For this, it becomes important not only to have sufficient and varied employment opportunities but also proper training for them. Another necessary pre-requisite is that the youth is well educated, well fed and healthy and has a personality and individuality of his own. A young man with healthy mind and healthy body is virtually indispensable for the nation. However, all his energy, his idealism is of no use if it is not directed properly. Therefore, it is also important to have enlightened and honest leaders who can channel the energy of the youth in the nation building activities.

One of the biggest problems facing India today is illiteracy. Uneducated man is a liability and not an asset to the nation. So it becomes important to spread the light of learning everywhere. And who is more suitable for this stupendous task than the youth? Young men and women can not only spend their time and energy in teaching others but can act as a catalyst to start literacy mission as a mass movement. The experiences of Kerala, Burdwan and Kolhapur have shown that the school going teenagers and the college going young men and women could do in one year what all the government’s machinery could not do in 40 years.

Another great task that can be done by the youth is rural development. The spreading of the message of cleanliness, child care and healthy living can be done very well by the youth. Also, they can be used to spread the information about better agricultural techniques, better animal husbandry techniques etc. They can also be used to educate villagers about new avenues of employment open to them—like agro-based and forest-based industries. A young man has the knowledge and technical skills to understand intricacies of new developments and also has the enthusiasm to transmit his knowledge in simple words to the villagers. Youth can also be used in providing safe and clean drinking water, better dwellings and in other works of rural construction. A young man has the energy, it only needs to be tapped. This can be done by having special “Shram-Daan” classes in schools and colleges and using their vacation time fruitfully.

The youth can be very effective in checking crimes. Their idealism coupled with their courage can be used by the police to check petty crimes, eve-teasing and also drug-trafficking etc. Youth vigilance committees can keep a check on the doubtful characters of the locality, they can also be used to prevent a misguided youth from taking to crimes and drugs. At the time of disturbances and riots, these commit 

ees can be very helpful. In fact, they can act as a very good source of information to the police in keeping rioteers in check. The youth can also be used to prevent hoarding and black-marketing by the merchants.

A number of irrational and obscurantist social customs and taboos can be broken by the youth power. Dowry, a big menace that it is, can be prevented only by the young men and women. If they refuse to give or take dowry themselves and form associations which help in bringing to book dowry seekers, the demise of this brutal custom cannot be far. Female infanticide, women’s educational deprivation and widow remarriage restrictions are other social evils, that can be prevented by youth. A young man’s mind always wants good reasons and rationale to accept any theory. Therefore, he can be most effective in fighting the evil of casteism and communalism. They can even be used to prevent electoral malpractices.

However, for all this work, it is a healthy and happy young man is what is required. So, his childhood should not be deprived of healthy upbringing and good education. Also, frustrated and unemployed youth are most easily exploited by selfish elements and they are most prone to incitement to violence and destruction. So, it is important that he is so trained that he is gainfully employed. The example of Germany is very clear. The same young men who fought against communism and won their freedom are becoming xenophobic and racist. The reason is their frustration with the system. Let us prevent our young men from going the same way. For this, our parents, teachers and leaders have a great responsibility.

As examples of Indonesia—where students overthrew Sukarno, Philippines—where they helped overthrow Marcos and usher in democracy, or E. Europe—where they were in forefront of movement for democracy, or Burma-where they were relentlessly fighting for democracy and freedom show that youth power is great. Even in our own struggle for freedom, students and young lawyers played an important role. Who can forget the selfless sacrifices of Bhagat Singh,, Chandra Shekhar, Rajguru and many others. Nehru and Bose were the representatives of the Indian youth in freedom struggle. Today the nation which got independence by youth’s efforts, needs them to become great once again. Youth should take up the challenge.

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Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building

Youth is the structural and functional framework of the nation. Every nation’s pillar of success is its younger generation and its achievements. The future of the nation lies in the all-around development of youth. Hence youth plays a supreme role in nation-building.

Short and Long Essays on Role of Youth in Nation Building in English

Some essays on this topic may help you to understand it better.

Role of Youth in Nation Building Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Youth plays a vital role in structuring the country.

2) The development of a country lies in the hands of the young generations.

3) Youth is the major contributor to the population, hence their empowerment can make a difference.

4) Youths are the building block as they are full of potential.

5) Youth is an energetic age that is capable of achieving everything.

6) Youth are the future that can decide the good or bad of a nation.

7) Youths are capable of bringing change into society.

8) Youths are filled with fresh ideas and skills that could be used for the nation.

9) Youth is an age of learning and acting that can be molded into a good result.

10) The active and positive participation of youths can bring a bright future for the nation.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Youth: as Hope of Nation


Youth comprises that sphere of the societies, who are yet the developing buds and are fate changers for a nation. It is the stage between childhood and becoming an adult. Every individual passes by this period of life. If utilized properly then this phase is really an exciting one, filled with a surplus desire to do something new.

Youth: as Hope of Nation

The people living in a country are responsible for the development and progress of the nation itself. Out of the total population in any of the nation, 20-30% is constituted of the youth. The working people and especially young people decide the progress of any of the nations. The progress of the nation is decided by several measures, i.e. development in science, technology, health, management, and others. To excel in all these criteria is only possible by youth empowerment on social, educational, and economical grounds.

The youth must be directed in a positive direction to get success in all these spheres. The focus on the development and training for youth must be taken into account. There is a need for proper education and skill development of the youth so that they can prosper in the right direction. Youth is full of potential and enthusiasm to work and heed towards success.

The youth of today is going to shape tomorrow’s status of the nation and therefore the power and potential of youth must be fully utilized by providing them with sufficient opportunities. The second but most important factor is empowering youth, as there are various challenges faced by them.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Role of Youth in Nation Building: Power of Youth

As fuel is responsible for producing an ignition spark in the engine; the same way the youth is for the nation. It acts as a driving force of the nation. The all-round development and future of the nation depend upon the power and potential of the people residing over there and major contribution owes to the youth of that nation.

Any nation is accounted for its progress and development made in terms of technologies, researches, science, medicine, i.e. economic, social, political, and cultural. The same is marked when the youth is sincerely giving by putting up with their efforts. India accounts for having the largest number of youngsters, which if, nurtured well and put their effort in the right direction would make this nation excel in the whole world.

Power of Youth

It can be observed from our historical times that youth has been involved actively in bringing up several changes, development, prosperity, and respect for our nation. The main motive is to train them in a positive direction. There are many of the organizations working in the upliftment of the younger generation as they only grew up to be the nation builders. The poor and developing countries are still lagging on the proper development and learning of the youth.

Every individual as a child, dreams of becoming something in their lives, in other words, we can say have some objective. The child completes up the education and obtains some skills to achieve something. Therefore it is a positive attitude of that individual towards the progress of the nation.

  • Youth is filled up with immense capabilities.
  • They are full of potential, enthusiasm, and great working capacity.
  • Some of the students are blessed with the growth mindset type, which is a great way of attaining better ideas from a basic concept.
  • Youth have quick learning, creativity, skills. They have the power to bring transformation in our society and nation.
  • Youth is set up with that spark, which can make anything happen.
  • There are many negative beliefs and acts carried on in society. Youth has the capability of changing the same and bringing up the concept of gender and social equality.
  • Youth can be serving as a role model for others by doing works on several issues prevailing in the society.

Youth are blessed up with greater potential along with the capability of making a nation to progress in each and every aspect. The main focus should be made on making youth work in the right direction with a positive approach.

Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Role of Youth in Nation Building and Challenges Faced by Youth

A beautiful saying of Nelson Mandela that, “Youth of today are leaders of tomorrow” is true and applicable in each and every aspect. The youth lays the foundation of development for any of the nations. Youth is that stage in the life of an individual, filled up with several capabilities and potential of learning along with performing.

Role of Youth

  • The youth is filled up with mind talents and creativity. If they raise their voice on any issue, are successful in bringing the transformation.
  • Youth are considered to be the voice of the nation. The youths are like raw material or resources to the nation. The way they are shaped, they are likely to emerge in the same manner.
  • Different opportunities and empowering youth procedures must be adopted by the nation, which will enable the youth to make career-oriented in various streams and fields.
  • Youths are aimless, confused, and directionless, and therefore are subject to guidance and support so that, they can be smart enough to pave their own path to success.
  • Youth are always facing several failures in their life and each and every time it appears as if there is a complete end, but again rises with a fresh attitude for exploring with some new goal.

Major Problems/Challenges Faced by Youth in India

The number of youths in India is almost the highest among all the countries, therefore there must be proper planning and decision making for their proper development and success. But unfortunately, the youth in the country is tackled up with several problems which are listed below:

  • Many of the youngsters are not provided with quality education; even many do not have visited schools due to poverty and unemployment, and illiterate guardians. It must be ensured that every child gets a chance to visit the school and further gain higher education.
  • There should be a focus on girl education, as there are many parts in the country where girl child is not meant for going to school and studying, deprived of education. But the youth constitute both boys and girls. How can an overall development take place when one section of society is neglected?
  • Most of the youth have been pulled up in the wrong direction; they must be prevented from destroying their life and career.
  • There is a lack of skill in many of the youth, and therefore the government should focus on implementing some skill and training programs for youth so that they may further be benefitted from one or the other opportunities.
  • In India more than 90% of people are residing in villages, therefore do not have proper access to all the facilities of education and opportunities.
  • The problem of the financial crisis and social inequality faced by some youth.
  • There are many children born with talent but due to insufficient resources, they could not excel further with their talents. Many of them have to work for earning money because of family requirements, but they do not have a love for the work they are doing.
  • The problem of unemployment is the utmost problem faced by youth.

Development of Youth Leading Towards Nation Building

As it has been discussed earlier, the problems faced by youth. They are not having proper access to education. Some are unprivileged, while some of them due to lack of guidance is directed to the wrong pathway.

There are some children with inborn talent, but due to resource scarcity or no proper training, they lose their hope and talent too. Thus, it must be ensured that each and every child is provided with the facility of education. Training and skill development programs must be carried on. Youth must be provided with several opportunities. They must equally participate in decision-making processes and political affairs. Many employment schemes must run to provide work to skilled groups.

Youth is that period of life that enhances with power and feeling to do anything for self. Youth have a different perspective for any of the opinions and situations. Youth’s positivity and craziness towards any aspect lead to several research and inventions. Therefore it can be stated that youth are the future of our nation. They are playing a major role in the progress and development of the nation. When the madness in youth is over with the onset of understanding and maturity, it is the sign of the ending of youthfulness.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Youth is filled up with immense potential and can make anything happen and therefore called as power of the nation.

Ans . The people of the age group 15-29 are considered as the youth in India.

Ans . India is the country with the largest youth population in the world.

Ans . YOUTH stands for young, outgoing, united, truthful, and humble.

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Role of Youth in Nation Building – Essay for UPSC

Youth in nation development- 1000 word essay.

Nation building refers to the process of nation integration, consolidation to unify the people’s identity, achieve nation stability and development. In this process group of people with diverse origins, histories, languages, cultures and religions come together within the boundaries of a sovereign state.

Nation-building must allow the participation of civil society, Because the progress of a nation greatly depends on its people and their contributions. Youth constitutes major portion of the total national population. Around 25 percent population of the world is youth. Such a major portion of the population plays an important role in the development of the nation and cannot be ignored.

The Determination, Energy, Enthusiasm with which youth can work makes them the most valuable and capable citizens of the nation.

Youth of India

India is the world’s largest democracy and the second largest populated country in the world. India is in a unique position as 65% of the population comprises of the Youth, and this is enough to show the importance of Youth and how big of an asset they are for the country.

Youth is the most important and dynamic segment of the population in any country. It is believed that developing countries with large youth population could see tremendous growth, provided they invest in young people’s education, health and protect and guarantee their rights.

UNFPA India on Demographic Dividend of India

A study on demographic dividend in India by United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) said, the demographic dividend is in favour of India. demographic dividend means, “the economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population’s age structure, mainly when the share of the working-age population (15 to 64) is larger than the non-working-age share of the population. The window of demographic dividend opportunity in India is available for five decades from 2005-06 to 2055-56.

Challenges In Realising Youths Potential in India

It is evident that the youth will play a crucial role in the future development of all nations. Hence it is important that the issues related to youth are mainstreamed and youth become a national priority.

  • Lack of Education and Skill:  India’s underfunded education infrastructure is not adequate to provide required skills to become employable.
  • Issues of Young Women:  Child marriage, gender-based violence, their susceptibility to abuse and trafficking, particularly if primary carers become ill or pass away. All of these problems prevent girls from reaching their full potential.
  • Situations like Pandemic : Several studies have found that school closures have a negative influence on children’s learning, lifestyles, and mental well-being.
  • Jobless Growth:  The main contributor in India’s GDP is the service sector which is not labour intensive and thus adds to jobless growth. (50% of India’s population is still dependent on agriculture)
  • Low Social Capital:  Further high levels of hunger, malnutrition, stunting among children, high levels of anaemia among adolescent girls, poor sanitation etc., have reduced the productivity of India’s youth in realising their potential.

Strengthening Youth participation

We can undoubtedly say that today’s young are tomorrow’s innovators, creators, builders and leaders. But they need the required support in terms of good health and opportunities skills to transform the future. The economic trigger happens when a county’s more hands to work available than more mouth to feed. To putit succinctly, the working-age population has to be larger than the non-working-age share of the population.

Youth development is not an activity that can be performed in isolation. Youths’ participation can be strengthened by including youth in the design, implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of instruments, strategies and programmes. Youth participation can also be improved through a number of approaches, such as education and capacity building.

There are lot of ways through which government can maximize the youths’ potentials.

Use Information and Communication Technology to engage with the youth:

ICT and social media are key tools to connect and engage with the youth. Given the growing penetration of the internet amongst young people, the government should more actively engage with the youth using technologies that they access on a daily basis.

Encouraging the development of education and training systems :

that are better aligned with the current and future needs of young people and their societies, a wide range of learning options—including formal and non-formal education, literacy instruction, job-skills training, and lifelong education—should be made available.

Developing a ‘Youth Connect’ Programme:

India is in a unique position as 65% of the population comprises of the Youth, the state and non-state actors need to collaborate and set up a mandatory ‘Youth Connect’ programme. Such targeted youth outreach programmes will inform and educate the youth about the various schemes and programmes available to them under the various government departments.

Promote youth development through existing organisations:

The government should work towards leveraging the vast number of stakeholders that are already working to support youth development and participation.

Skill development programs should be continued:

Youth should be given many opportunities. They should take part in political issues and get into the realm of decision-making. Benefits should be given to the skilled youth in the form of employment schemes by the government.

The way forward

In process of Nation-Building young people are a major human resource for development and key agents for social change, economic growth and technological innovation. Participation of youth in decision-making processes can play a significant role in the process of Nation-Building.

There is a need for a collective and improved knowledge of what youth engagement entails and how it may be implemented for all youth ages. Structures and processes to promote youth participation can be developed.

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Student Essays

Essay on role of youth in nation building

Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building

Nation Building is a great endeavor that is meant towards promoting national integration, mutual coexistence and harmony for progress in Life. The Youth are the key pillars of nation building. Without the active involvement of youth in the process of nation building a country can’t achieve the broader goals of national development. The following Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building highlights the key concepts and takeaways in meaning and importance of youth involvement, how the youth can strengthen nation building etc. This Essay is largely helpful for children and students.

Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building | Value & Importance of Youth Involvement

Essay on role of youth in nation building

Role of Youth in Nation Building

Youth are power and force of a nation. They are the builders of tomorrow. They have the power to change the nation. The future of a nation depends on the youth. Youth are the pillars of a nation. They have the power to build or destroy a nation. If we want to see our country developed, then the role of youth is very important.

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The youth can play an important role in nation building by being responsible and patriotic citizens. They should take part in various social and cultural activities organized by the government and non-governmental

The youth can play an important role in building a nation. Firstly, they should be patriotic and responsible citizens. They should take part in various social and cultural activities organized by the government and non-governmental organizations. The youth can also play an important role in developing the economy of a nation. They can start their own businesses and contribute to the growth of the country.

They can play a strong role in building a peaceful and harmonious society. They should participate in various social service activities and help the needy. They can be the messenger of change and development. They can play an important role in spreading awareness about the importance of education, health and hygiene. They should participate in various campaigns and programmes organized by the government and non-governmental organizations.

The role of youth is very important for the development of a nation. The youth can play a positive role in the development of their country by being responsible and patriotic citizens. They should take part in various social, economic and cultural activities to contribute to the development of their nation. The youth can also help the needy and work for the betterment of society. By doing so, they can become an important asset for their nation and contribute to the development of their country.

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The youth are the future of a nation. They have the power to make or break a nation. It is important to channelize their energy in the right direction. The youth should work towards the development of their country. They should participate in social service projects. They should raise their voice against social evils. They should become good citizens of their country. Only then, can a nation be truly called a ‘nation-builder’. Thank you!

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English Summary

Role of Youth in Nation Building Essay

The youth in any country form an important part of the machinery that shapes the destiny of a country. It is they who may help to bring about a desirable change in society. History has many examples of the contribution of youth towards progress and upliftment of their countries.

The youth of India were greatly instrumental in bringing about the independence movement in the country. Gandhiji, Nehruji and other national leaders depended heavily on the youth of India to help achieve the goal of Swaraj.

In our own country, half of the population constitutes youth and their vast energies and enthusiasm must not go untapped. They should be utilized for social political, cultural or economic reconstruction. If their energies are not used, they can go astray, get involved in undesirable and antisocial affairs, thus damaging the very fabric of society.

As far as possible they should be encouraged to get involved in the present task of reconstructing India. The youth should be educated at schools, colleges and universities in creating a society that is free of the evils of dowry, child marriage, caste and race prejudices.

Many organizations are busy in eradicating these evils, but then the task can become easier if the youth are actively involved in the process. The youth can facilitate the process of reformation and help to create a new social order.

Youth usually underestimate their potential and are unaware of their own capabilities and have to go through a crisis to get a sense of their own potential. There should be efforts to encourage them. Sometimes kendras organize excursion, treks, etc to prepare them for the hardship that they would face in their lives.

Youth can spread the message of national integration by encouraging inter-caste marriages. This can create a sense of appreciation for the languages, cultures and religions of other people and make India a more comfortable place to live in.

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essay the role of youth in nation building

Role of Youths in Nation Building Essay

Youths play an important role in progress and development of our nation as they constitute a majority portion of the total population of the country. The efforts of youth can help in rapid growth and development of our nation. Youth are the building blocks in the economical and social development of a nation.

Well educated and trained youths contribute their skills in almost every sector in a developing economy. They give their services as engineers, doctors, administrators, teachers, lecturers, and in several other capacities. The energy level and confidence of youths make them take risk and achieve new heights in their respective domains. Youths in a nation, create a productive and efficient environment conducive to economical and social progress of the nation.

Long and Short Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building in English

Here are long and short essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building of varying length in English to help you with the topic in your exams.

These Role of Youths in Nation Building Essay will make you familiar with the power of youths and what they can contribute to the development of a nation.

You can select any Role of Youth in Nation Building essay which you like the best for you and present it during your school’s/college’s essay writing or debate competition.

So, go through these and enjoy reading the following essay:

Short Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building – Essay 1 (200 words)

Nation building refers to the process of engaging all the citizens in the development of the nation. The future as well as the present of our country is in the hands of its youths. So, the contribution of youth is important in structuring the nation.

Youth is the time when innovative and creative thoughts and ideas pop up in mind and which shape up the community and the nation we live in. The policies, plans and development works of the nation can best be implemented by youth. They are more enthusiastic and energetic and if their potential is used in the right direction they can ensure rapid progress.

Youth constitutes major portion of the total national population. Around 25 percent population of the world is youth. Such a major portion of the population plays an important role in the development of the nation and cannot be ignored. The determination and energy with which youth can work makes them the most valuable and capable citizens of the nation. However, it is important that the youth gets to exercise their freedom of speech, ideas and opinions. They should get the right platform to voice their opinions, share their ideas and showcase their talent.

Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building and Progress – Essay 2 (300 words)


Youth of our country are the future of our nation and represent the most dynamic section of population. Youth and their actions contribute to the development of a nation like India. The value of the country is known by its people, it is the intelligence and the work of the people that leads towards the progress of the nation.

Every citizen of our country plays an important role in the progress and development of our country. If our youths seriously start working for the development of country, they can become important elements of the nation and can contribute immensely in its growth and development.

Key Elements in Achieving Progress

There are three key elements that contribute towards the progress of a nation. These are education, employment and empowerment. A nation develops at a steady pace when the youth of the country is educated and their education is put to right use. Majority of youths in our country are uneducated. Most of them can’t read and write.

So, illiteracy is one of the biggest problems of our nation. The illiterate population of our country holds back and hinders the progress of our nation. The government of our country must make special efforts to provide right education to them in order to make them think logically, rationally and open mindedly. This will help them act in a responsible manner and work for the progress of our nation.

Providing employment opportunities to the unemployed and underemployed youths of the nation is also very important. Lack of employment opportunities can lead to social unrest. Thirdly, it is vital to empower the youth to take charge of their life. It is important to promote their rights and involve them in community decision-making. It is important to channelize the energy and intelligence of youths in the right direction and provide them employment opportunities as per their potential or they may move to a wrong track in life. Youths should be prevented from engaging in violent or other evil activities.

Thus, the power of youth should be used wisely for the progress of our nation. It is important to frame policies which aim at empowering our youths to assure better tomorrow and brighter future.

Essay on Role of Youths in National Development – Essay 3 (400 words)

National development is a constructive process of engaging all the people of the country in building political stability, social unity and economic prosperity of the country in an all encompassing and democratic manner. It involves all citizens in the process of development of the nation. Youths constitute a major part of the population. Thus, they have the most important role to play in the development of our nation.

Youths are Today and Tomorrow of Our Nation

Youth is not only the partner of today but also the leader of tomorrow. Youth is full of energy and enthusiasm to learn, act and achieve. They are the social actors who can perform to bring revolutionary changes and improvement in the society. The participation of youth is must to achieve any kind of future goals of prosperity, progress, peace and safety.

Similarly, for the development of our nation, youth has the most crucial role to play. If our nation is to achieve progress in the field of science, technology, finances, health, innovation the zealous and sincere participation of youth is required. The energy, creativity, enthusiasm, determination and spirit of youth should be channelized to achieve progress.

To ensure participation of the youths in national development, they need to be encouraged and supported by their parents, civil society and government. Providing quality education, employment opportunities and empowerment to the youths are key factors in achieving progress and development of the nation. Youths deserve rights to get educated, to connect and to question about justice, equality and opportunity.

Youths are Responsible Citizen of the Nation

Youths have certain responsibility towards their nation, which they must recognize and practice instead of blaming the system of our nation. Youths can come together and shape the future of our country. The attitude that “what change can an individual bring to the whole Nation…?” hinders the progress. The correct attitude and urge to serve the nation is very important. Youth are the social actors to bring the change and progress. Youth should be sincere and hardworking as the advancement of nation mostly is in their hands. The principle of integrity should be adopted by youth for progress in any work they take up.

Thus, youths play a significant role in the progress and development of the nation. They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts. They have fire in them to fly high and chase the sky. So, if the power of youth is used wisely and optimally then it can surely lead to the national development.

Essay on Youths and Nation – Essay 4 (500 words)

Youths play a crucial role in national development. They are the vital resources worth investment by the nation as they are the most valued possessions for its progress and development.

Understanding the Role of Youths

The emerging global consensus on youth development emphasizes the need to include the perspective of youths in the process of national development with the effective contribution of youths in national development practice. Over the years, there has been an increase in awareness about the important role youths can play in sustainable development of the nation.

Youths have been making tremendous contribution in the improvement of our society. There is hardly any arena, be it cultural, social or economic development of the nation, where youths have not played their role. They make huge contributions to the community at all levels as models, actors, social workers, prolific writers, players, and so on.

Yet, in spite of their valuable contribution towards the development process they have remained unappreciated by the society. Youths have also remained excluded from society’s important socioeconomic decisions. Youths have been exploited in various sectors by their seniors and most of the time they end up as lowest beneficiaries.

Common Factors Hamper the Progress and Development of Youths

Unemployment, underemployment and poverty are some factors that deprive youths from using their full potential for their personal good as well as that of society. The problem of unemployment and underemployment is prevalent in our society due to lack of access to affordable and quality education and training.

Youths have also been weighed down by problem of governance by the elders and conservative adults. There is lack of support and motivation by the community to the youths to pursue careers in creative fields.

Women face gender-based discriminations, marginalization, and violence as well as unequal access to education and opportunities for participation and leadership. Gender based discrimination has deprived young women and girls to take part in socio economic activities. For sustainable development, it is important to provide equal opportunities to youths.

The contribution of youths in the progress and development of nation is not entirely understood or maximized. Youth of our country are making a difference as leaders, activists and role models in various fields. The energy and inspiration of young leaders are key drivers for accelerating progress on sustainable development of our nation.

Without the guidance, support and recognition from government and other decision makers’ youths are often unequipped to use their full potential, which negatively effects their life and society. As encouraged and inspired citizens, young people are the most important resources to bring about positive change in the society. They have the potential to take a lead in the process of progress and development of the nation.

Therefore, we need to utilize the power of our youths for the progress of our nation. We must make the most of their undying energy, innovative ideas and unique perspectives. Youth is surely the most prized possession of the nation and the sooner we realize and utilize their full potential and power the faster our nation will progress and develop.

Long Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building – Essay 5 (600 words)

Nation building refers to the process of engaging all the citizens of a country in building social unison, political stability and economic prosperity in a comprehensive and democratic manner. Nation building is possible only when all the citizens are involved in the development of the nation. It is the youth of a country that plays the most important role in nation building.

National Development

Nation building involves social harmony, infrastructure development and economic growth of the nation. Participation of youths in growing economy is essential key to national development. Youths are the greatest power of the country therefore significant efforts must be established to help empower them to competently and adequately contribute towards sustainable development of the nation. National development will improve the lives of citizens with the growing economy.

Role of Government in Nation Building

Government should empower youths by including them in the decision making process. The participation of young people in growing economy will instill the feeling of patriotism and encourage them to be responsible citizens of the nation. It will also increase their interest in the progress of their nation which will lead to national development. It is vital to build the future of our youth by providing them education and other means for development.

Education helps in building the right foundation for a person and empowers him to make independent choices and chase his dreams. Employment opportunities must be provided to youth to let them put their energy and skills into practice for their personal growth and economic growth of the nation which will ultimately lead to the overall progress and development of nation. It is important to include youths as participants and respected leaders to use their power. Government should formulate policies to encourage and engage young people in important activities of the nation.

The Power of Youths

Young people are full of ideas and have infinite source of energy to put their ideas into practice. They have strong opinions and do not fear voicing them. Youths are up to date with current happenings and latest technology. So, they are very well suited for various jobs. Youths today are ready to take risks, face challenges and try hard to achieve their goals. They believe in themselves and their abilities to turn their passion into profession which makes them more successful.

Youths want the nation to be a better place. They can criticize the system of the nation as well as stand up to bring about changes towards making the society a better place. They are strong enough to fight for their own rights and for the rights of others as well. They never fear to support the right and raise voice against the wrong. They can fight against social evils – be it corruption, inequality or terrorism. They use social media and other platforms to raise voice against issues such as gender inequality, sexual harassment, religious issues, etc. They don’t blindly accept the notions that are unfair or inhuman.

Youths of our country are open to experimentation and have succeeded and shined nationally and internationally in various fields like dance, music, photography, blogging, modeling, acting, writing and so on. They are smart, witty, intelligent, forward-looking and socially active animals who can bring a huge change. They are passionate about what they do, which is important for progress.

Today, youths are rocking on social media as influencers in fashion, photography and what not. They are bringing positive changes in the society. They make sure that they are seen and heard. They are full of spark and courage to explore everything. They know what they are capable of and how to use their potential in the right direction.

Youths are bringing change with changing times which leads our nation to progress. However, they should get the motivation and support they need to deliver up to their full potential and energy.

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essay the role of youth in nation building

  • Role of Youth in Nation Building
  • On: October 20, 2022
  • By: Smile Foundation

Role of Youth in Nation Building

No nation can imagine themselves without the vitality of its youth population.

Young kids are crucial because they are the foundation of our future. They are our partners today, but they’ll become our leaders tomorrow. Young people are excited and energised. They are able to pick up new skills and adjust to dynamic surroundings. There is a central role of youth in nation building.

Without a nation’s youth, it cannot survive. No matter what industry we wish to advance in—be it technology or sports—youth is required. We must decide how to assist them in carrying out this job effectively. All of the kids need to be made aware of their potential and their part in the development of the country.

Skill Development Programme

The major goal of the  Skill India  initiative is to give young people appropriate training in skills. Additionally, it aspires to increase the total scope and space for neglected sectors as well as possibilities for talent development in the nation.

The Role of Youth in National Development

The future of politics, the economy, technology, and medical science lies in the hands of the youth. The issues the globe is currently experiencing include famine, joblessness, climate change, and other forms of pollution. The future generation has the solution to all of these issues.

In any nation, the youth represent the most vital and energetic element of the population. Statistics indicate that developing nations with sizable youth populations might see significant development in all areas of their economies if they invest in young people’s rights, education, and health. The youthful brains of today will become the leaders, inventors, builders, and innovators of tomorrow.

Numerous job possibilities are possible due to globalisation and India’s booming economy, particularly in the retail and service industries. Previously thought to be less significant, interpersonal behaviour, communication, presentation, client management, company growth, computer competence, and negotiating abilities are now required for candidacy. Today’s entry-level employment requirements have grown to include handling clients skillfully on the phone or via email, working well in teams, giving presentations, and dealing with customers gracefully in person.

Indian Youth and Unlocking its True Potential

In the entire world, India’s youth have the largest population. This gives India an edge over other countries. The developed wealthy countries of the world have an increasing senior citizen population. Additionally, after 75 years of independence  Indians are getting more and more educated , this is giving lots of employment opportunities to India youngsters. India is also advancing in many areas of science and business.

Indian youth hold the key for the advancement of India and also for the entire world to an extent. Youth must be encouraged and given access to excellent health, training, and education if they are to be effective leaders, inventors, and innovators who can change the world. When the Youth are employed and generating money rather than being dependent on anyone, the economy of the nation will grow.

Youth has the ability to fix the majority of the issues that our country is now experiencing. The only thing today’s youth require is the opportunity to succeed. Through several demonstrations against violence against women and corruption, we have seen how the youth can bring people from all ethnic groups together. Youth decides which path a nation undertakes at the turn of every decade.

Smile Foundation

Smile Foundation  strives to give underprivileged youth of India access to career counselling and skill training programmes to help them choose the best career path for themselves and make a great India in the future. You can donate to the  Tayyari Kal Ki , an employability training initiative of Smile Foundation and strengthen the role of youth in nation building.

  • Tags: Donate For Skill Development Program , Role Of Youth In Nation Building , Skill Development Programme , The Role Of Youth In National Development

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Role of Youth in Nation Building

Article 13 Aug 2019 6815 0

Role of Youth in Nation Building

The courage, creativity, ability to learn and high self-esteem are young, accounting for 40.3% of Nepal's total population. This is a major source of empowering, robust energy development and socio-political-economic transformation. Different age groups are considered young in different countries. Nepal's National Youth Policy defines the age group of 16 to 40 years as a youth.

If this demographic trend can be capitalized on the nation-building by developing an educated, skilled, disciplined and entrepreneurial youth force, then the young people will have a leadership role in the social and economic development of the country. National Youth Policy, Youth Foresight, 6-Year Strategic Plan, and National Youth Council have been formed for youth participation. But unfortunately, the programs, policies, and plans targeted by the youth have not been implemented effectively. Young people themselves are unaware of this. The benefits come from those who have access to resources and resources.

The guard of the nation

Youth power is seen as the key to creating a healthy and disciplined civil society. To increase the prestige of the nation, to maintain peace and unity among different sects, languages and cultures and communities, the youth should be transformed into organizational federations according to global values and standards. To develop a disciplined, dignified and peaceful society through the development of mental, intellectual and moral human resources in the society through youth. The implementation of programs related to youth development, necessary training, empowerment, and encouragement is lacking to realize the campaign of 'Guardians of the Young Nation' by conducting special programs from the local level to establish the youth in the employment, agriculture, tourism, and industrial production business.

Change requires the blending of many elements, such as new thinking, energy, consciousness, originality, and hockey. Young people believe in a new, transformative and revolutionary way beyond the old and the outcome of any issue. History has witnessed that without the participation of youth there has been no movement, change, war, and development. In this sense, youthfulness is both an opportunity and a challenge if it cannot be truly mobilized.

In the past, remittances from youth through foreign employment have made significant contributions to the national economy. The government and the parties established in the national politics on the one hand announce the targeted programs of youth in the country, dream of 'earning a billion' in the name of education and employment with the new destination countries on the other side, becoming popular among the youth, submitting passports to the embassies of different countries, and run by the country and the power-savvy seniors. Tradition is regrettable.

Whether to manage competent and skilled youth in a productive financial sector at home? Young people are the power to play a central role in the socio-cultural and economic transformation of the homeland. Even today, youths have an active role in the fields of education, bank financial services, social and political levels, in the areas of national international peace security, information, science technology, development construction, health, sports, tourism, climbing. Some Nepali youths are well known. There is a potential for rapid change if these opportunities are provided at a crucial level.

Youth leadership

Kim Jong, who has been in widespread discussion for the last time when he looks at the international environment, is shaking the world from a small country in North Korea. 39-year-old Emanuel Macron is trying to lift the country further by becoming the president of France in an industrial revolution.

These boys have no prison experience nor long understanding and experience of politics. They only have a strong desire for how to prosper the country, a deep knowledge of related topics and a sense of selfless leadership. The theme implies that the country does not receive the expected benefit from the youth due to the unwillingness of the elderly people to move to the chair for the sake of opportunity and position. With the inspiration of the old generation, the new generation should be encouraged to move as far as possible based on inclusion and participation.

It is important for the older generation to play a leading role for society and the country, to be honest, and dynamic towards society and to become a strong pillar for economic and social transformation. Without youth participation, the development of a nation is impossible. Properly mobilizing youth labor, skills and discretion are not so complicated to institutionalize economy and sustainable development.

Youth participation

In the current federalism, decentralized governance system, there is a lack of physical infrastructure and skilled manpower at the local level. In the absence of youth, the public service delivery of the local bodies is slow. There is an urgent need for young leaders to make a strong presence as an advisor.

Young is the current partner. Change and development of the country are possible through the empowerment of youth. Education is the fundamental right of health, employment youth. Sustainability can be sustained only if the participation of the youth is ensured in every area of socio-cultural, economic, political. Due to youth unemployment, illiteracy, financial constraints, mental stress, which are contributing to a prosperous and prosperous country, the countries are not able to come to the mainstream of development.

Youth for Sustainable Development

Nepal Youth Council, with the mantra 'Entrepreneurship Youth-rich Country: Sustainable Environment in the Sustainable Development Goals', organized a conference with Youth Participants from across the country on the occasion of International Youth Day, Tourism Nepal, Year 9, Under-9 gender equality, sustainable development goals, youth leadership, and youth entrepreneurship. Yes. The program will look to strengthen youth empowerment, leadership development, social participation, and transformation.

Social participation and leadership empowerment are essential elements as the backbone of development mainstreaming are young. Youth alert is always required for good governance, transparency, and rule of law, where the voice is weak, development stalled, change stalled. Therefore, the role of youth in caring for change is endless. The responsibility of epoch-making change and development lies in the skilled shoulders of Nepali youth. The effective implementation of the National Youth Policy-1 has to be integrated into the socio-economic transformation and empowerment of the young country.

In the past, the voices of the youth became limited in the streets, limited in movement, use of force and ruthless activity. Now leadership should be included, present at the practical and responsible level. The country is not governed by one's contract, it is not just for economic prosperity or development by speaking. For a productive, decent social, economic and political transformation, the youth must be self-consciously pushing the leadership level, giving advice, supporting necessary support and being self-active.

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Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building in English for Children

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Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building: Youths play an important role in progress and development of our nation as they constitute a majority portion of the total population of the country. The efforts of youth can help in rapid growth and development of our nation. Youth are the building blocks in the economical and social development of a nation.

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Well educated and trained youths contribute their skills in almost every sector in a developing economy. They give their services as engineers, doctors, administrators, teachers, lecturers, and in several other capacities. The energy level and confidence of youths make them take risk and achieve new heights in their respective domains. Youths in a nation, create a productive and efficient environment conducive to economical and social progress of the nation.

Long and Short Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building in English

Here are long and short essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building of varying length in English to help you with the topic in your exams.

These Role of Youths in Nation Building Essay will make you familiar with the power of youths and what they can contribute to the development of a nation.

You can select any Role of Youth in Nation Building essay which you like the best for you and present it during your school’s/college’s essay writing or debate competition.

So, go through these and enjoy reading the following essay:

Short Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building 200 words

Nation building refers to the process of engaging all the citizens in the development of the nation. The future as well as the present of our country is in the hands of its youths. So, the contribution of youth is important in structuring the nation.

Youth is the time when innovative and creative thoughts and ideas pop up in mind and which shape up the community and the nation we live in. The policies, plans and development works of the nation can best be implemented by youth. They are more enthusiastic and energetic and if their potential is used in the right direction they can ensure rapid progress.

Youth constitutes major portion of the total national population. Around 25 percent population of the world is youth. Such a major portion of the population plays an important role in the development of the nation and cannot be ignored. The determination and energy with which youth can work makes them the most valuable and capable citizens of the nation. However, it is important that the youth gets to exercise their freedom of speech, ideas and opinions. They should get the right platform to voice their opinions, share their ideas and showcase their talent.

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Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building and Progress 300 words

Youth of our country are the future of our nation and represent the most dynamic section of population. Youth and their actions contribute to the development of a nation like India. The value of the country is known by its people, it is the intelligence and the work of the people that leads towards the progress of the nation.

Every citizen of our country plays an important role in the progress and development of our country. If our youths seriously start working for the development of country, they can become important elements of the nation and can contribute immensely in its growth and development.

Basically, young people have the ability to construct a country, so we should offer them chances. They are the upcoming generation and they possess a viewpoint that older generations might not have. We should guide their energy and eagerness in the right direction to assist a nation in growing and thriving.

Key Elements in Achieving Progress

There are three key elements that contribute towards the progress of a nation. These are education, employment and empowerment. A nation develops at a steady pace when the youth of the country is educated and their education is put to right use. Majority of youths in our country are uneducated. Most of them can’t read and write.

So, illiteracy is one of the biggest problems of our nation. The illiterate population of our country holds back and hinders the progress of our nation. The government of our country must make special efforts to provide right education to them in order to make them think logically, rationally and open mindedly. This will help them act in a responsible manner and work for the progress of our nation.

Providing employment opportunities to the unemployed and underemployed youths of the nation is also very important. Lack of employment opportunities can lead to social unrest. Thirdly, it is vital to empower the youth to take charge of their life. It is important to promote their rights and involve them in community decision-making. It is important to channelize the energy and intelligence of youths in the right direction and provide them employment opportunities as per their potential or they may move to a wrong track in life. Youths should be prevented from engaging in violent or other evil activities.

Thus, the power of youth should be used wisely for the progress of our nation. It is important to frame policies which aim at empowering our youths to assure better tomorrow and brighter future.

Essay on Role of Youths in National Development 400 words

National development is a constructive process of engaging all the people of the country in building political stability, social unity and economic prosperity of the country in an all encompassing and democratic manner. It involves all citizens in the process of development of the nation. Youths constitute a major part of the population. Thus, they have the most important role to play in the development of our nation.

Youths are Today and Tomorrow of Our Nation

Youth is not only the partner of today but also the leader of tomorrow. Youth is full of energy and enthusiasm to learn, act and achieve. They are the social actors who can perform to bring revolutionary changes and improvement in the society. The participation of youth is must to achieve any kind of future goals of prosperity, progress, peace and safety.

Similarly, for the development of our nation, youth has the most crucial role to play. If our nation is to achieve progress in the field of science, technology, finances, health, innovation the zealous and sincere participation of youth is required. The energy, creativity, enthusiasm, determination and spirit of youth should be channelized to achieve progress.

To ensure participation of the youths in national development, they need to be encouraged and supported by their parents, civil society and government. Providing quality education, employment opportunities and empowerment to the youths are key factors in achieving progress and development of the nation. It deserve rights to get educated, to connect and to question about justice, equality and opportunity.

Youths are Responsible Citizen of the Nation

Youths have certain responsibility towards their nation, which they must recognize and practice instead of blaming the system of our nation. It can come together and shape the future of our country. The attitude that “what change can an individual bring to the whole Nation…?” hinders the progress. The correct attitude and urge to serve the nation is very important. Youth are the social actors to bring the change and progress. Youth should be sincere and hardworking as the advancement of nation mostly is in their hands. The principle of integrity should be adopted by youth for progress in any work they take up.

Thus, youths play a significant role in the progress and development of the nation. They can bring rapid change and development with sincere efforts. They have fire in them to fly high and chase the sky. So, if the power of youth is used wisely and optimally then it can surely lead to the national development.

Essay on Youths and Nation 500 words

Youths play a crucial role in national development. They are the vital resources worth investment by the nation as they are the most valued possessions for its progress and development.

Understanding the Role of Youths

The emerging global consensus on youth development emphasizes the need to include the perspective of youths in the process of national development with the effective contribution of youths in national development practice. Over the years, there has been an increase in awareness about the important role youths can play in sustainable development of the nation.

Youths have been making tremendous contribution in the improvement of our society. There is hardly any arena, be it cultural, social or economic development of the nation, where youths have not played their role. They make huge contributions to the community at all levels as models, actors, social workers, prolific writers, players, and so on.

Yet, in spite of their valuable contribution towards the development process they have remained unappreciated by the society. Youths have also remained excluded from society’s important socioeconomic decisions. Youths have been exploited in various sectors by their seniors and most of the time they end up as lowest beneficiaries.

Common Factors Hamper the Progress and Development of Youths

Unemployment, underemployment and poverty are some factors that deprive youths from using their full potential for their personal good as well as that of society. The problem of unemployment and underemployment is prevalent in our society due to lack of access to affordable and quality education and training.

Youths have also weighed down by problem of governance by the elders and conservative adults. There is lack of support and motivation by the community to the youths to pursue careers in creative fields.

Women face gender-based discriminations, marginalization, and violence as well as unequal access to education and opportunities for participation and leadership. Gender based discrimination has deprived young women and girls to take part in socio economic activities. For sustainable development, it is important to provide equal opportunities to youths.

The contribution of youths in the progress and development of nation not entirely understood or maximized. Youth of our country are making a difference as leaders, activists and role models in various fields. The energy and inspiration of young leaders are key drivers for accelerating progress on sustainable development of our nation.

Without the guidance, support and recognition from government and other decision makers’ youths are often unequipped to use their full potential, which negatively effects their life and society. As encouraged and inspired citizens, young people are the most important resources to bring about positive change in the society. They have the potential to take a lead in the process of progress and development of the nation.

Therefore, we need to utilize the power of our youths for the progress of our nation. We must make the most of their undying energy, innovative ideas and unique perspectives. Youth is surely the most prized possession of the nation and the sooner we realize and utilize their full potential and power the faster our nation will progress and develop.

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Long Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building 600 words

Nation building refers to the process of engaging all the citizens of a country in building social unison, political stability and economic prosperity in a comprehensive and democratic manner. Nation building possible only when all the citizens involved in the development of the nation. It is the youth of a country that plays the most important role in nation building.

National Development

Nation building involves social harmony, infrastructure development and economic growth of the nation. Participation of youths in growing economy is essential key to national development. Youths the greatest power of the country therefore significant efforts must established to help empower them to competently and adequately contribute towards sustainable development of the nation. National development will improve the lives of citizens with the growing economy.

Role of Government in Nation Building

Government should empower youths by including them in the decision making process. The participation of young people in growing economy will instill the feeling of patriotism and encourage them to be responsible citizens of the nation. It will also increase their interest in the progress of their nation which will lead to national development. It is vital to build the future of our youth by providing them education and other means for development.

Education helps in building the right foundation for a person and empowers him to make independent choices and chase his dreams. Employment opportunities must be provided to youth to let them put their energy and skills into practice for their personal growth and economic growth of the nation which will ultimately lead to the overall progress and development of nation. It is important to include youths as participants and respected leaders to use their power. Government should formulate policies to encourage and engage young people in important activities of the nation.

The Power of Youths

Young people are full of ideas and have infinite source of energy to put their ideas into practice. They have strong opinions and do not fear voicing them. Youths are up to date with current happenings and latest technology. So, it well suited for various jobs. Youths today are ready to take risks, face challenges and try hard to achieve their goals. They believe in themselves and their abilities to turn their passion into profession which makes them more successful.

Youths want the nation to be a better place. They can criticize the system of the nation as well as stand up to bring about changes towards making the society a better place. Youths are strong enough to fight for their own rights and for the rights of others as well. They never fear to support the right and raise voice against the wrong. Youths can fight against social evils – be it corruption, inequality or terrorism. They use social media and other platforms to raise voice against issues such as gender inequality, sexual harassment, religious issues, etc. They don’t blindly accept the notions that are unfair or inhuman.

Youths of our country are open to experimentation and have succeeded and shined nationally and internationally in various fields like dance, music, photography, blogging, modeling, acting, writing and so on. They are smart, witty, intelligent, forward-looking and socially active animals who can bring a huge change. Youths are passionate about what they do, which is important for progress.

Today, youths are rocking on social media as influencers in fashion, photography and what not. They are bringing positive changes in the society. Youths make sure that they seen and heard. They are full of spark and courage to explore everything. They know what they are capable of and how to use their potential in the right direction.

Youths are bringing change with changing times which leads our nation to progress. However, they should get the motivation and support they need to deliver up to their full potential and energy.

Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building FAQs

What is the role of the youth in nation building.

The role of youth in nation building is to contribute their energy, ideas, and skills to develop and improve their country, making it a better place for all. They can participate in education, community service, and innovative solutions to address national challenges and promote progress.

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South Africa’s youth are a generation lost under democracy – study

essay the role of youth in nation building

Professor of Urban Governance, University of the Witwatersrand

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David Everatt does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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Young men sit on the side of the road.

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa recently painted a rosy picture in which the country’s youth – “democracy’s children” – had enormous opportunities for advancement, all thanks to successive post-apartheid governments led by the African National Congress (ANC) that he leads.

But what is the real state of young South Africans – defined as people below the age of 34 – after 30 years of democracy?

I have more than 30 years’ experience in socio-economic and development research as well as political and governance reform. My recent research paper tracing 30 years of analysing youth marginalisation has found that youth in South Africa, who make up 34.3% of the population , have not fared well under democracy. They are the hardest-hit by unemployment and the lack of opportunities, and show high alienation.

Fewer young people are doing as well as their counterparts from 30 years ago; most are muddling along, searching for opportunities.

Measuring marginalisation

The idea of “marginalisation”, as used in my analysis, had its origins in the early 1990s. In 1992 a large survey, Growing up Tough , was run by Mark Orkin and I among South African youth of all races so that the first democratic government could understand what they needed most. The survey recorded indicators like unemployment and level of education, as well as subjective views like feelings of alienation (not belonging in society). The results were arranged on a scale of how far some young people had been pushed to the margins of society. Those who scored in the negative on all, or almost all, indicators were labelled “lost”. Those who barely featured or did not score at all on the negative indicators were labelled “fine”. Others fell in between.

The survey was run again in later years, with amendments. The most recent, analysed here, was in 2018, as part of a broader quality of life survey.

Comparing data from the 1992 and 2018 indices of youth marginalisation, the same proportion (5%) is clearly “lost” – scoring off the chart on virtually every indicator. Sadly, at the other extreme, where 25% of youth were “fine” in 1992, this had dropped to 16% in 2018.

In the two categories in between – “marginalised” and “at risk” – the more worrying “marginalised” has shrunk, which is positive, while “at risk” has grown.

essay the role of youth in nation building

South Africa has changed profoundly since apartheid, and for some, including some young people, there are countless more opportunities than previously. But, analysed as a generational cohort, youth today are only a little better off than when apartheid ended in 1994. And the share of young people are doing well now has fallen by 9 percentage points.

Looking at the 15-24 cohort in late 2023, using the “expanded” definition of unemployment , a staggering 60.7% are officially unemployed; among the group aged 25-34, unemployment only drops to 39.8% .

Youth are meant to be a generation enjoying a democratic dividend and contributing to a demographic dividend . Neither appears true. In terms of how much potential South Africa has squandered, they represent an entire generation of opportunity lost to the country.

Marginalised but not lost

In the 1980s and early 1990s, youth had taken on adult roles in political struggles. As ever, they demonstrated their instrumental value to the adults controlling violence on various sides. Those same adults and the media spoke of a “ lost generation ” – specifically, black, male, urban youth.

For the South African Council of Churches and Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference involved in organising the youth in the 1990-94 interregnum through their NGO, the Joint Enrichment Project , the lost generation discourse was anathema. Firstly, because in their view no-one is ever “lost” in spiritual terms; and secondly because of the stigmatising and policy implications of writing off young (black) people entirely.

This gave rise to the “marginalised youth” movement, which sought to understand youth on their own terms, to identify those at risk, those who were doing fine, and those who were pushed right to the margins of society – and design policy responses accordingly.

Marginalisation over time

In 1993, after first presenting to assembled youth organisations in 1992, we released the first iteration of the marginalisation index, Growing up Tough . It comprised 12 dimensions of concern and 32 variables. These included personal experiences of abuse, recidivism, exposure to violence, family status, attitudes to race, self-image, health, political alienation, social involvement, employment status, generational conflict and fatalism.

Despite the belief of our church sponsors that no-one is ever truly “lost”, that became the central category of the index. In all, 5% of respondents scored high on all, or most, of the indicators in the 12 dimensions. “We use the term ‘lost’ with care”, we wrote at the time, but some 500,000 people had “slipped through, or been shoved through, the social net entirely” .

We found that a quarter of youth were “fine” – they only registered positive outcomes on the index. Four in ten were “at risk”: they were showing signs of concern on a few dimensions in the index. “Marginalised” youth were most in need of urgent intervention. They comprised more than a quarter (27%) of the 1992 sample and scored high on many of the 12 dimensions of concern. How to keep them from slipping further should have been a key policy challenge for the democratic period.

The index was changed after 1994, since some indicators were specific to the transition South Africa was going through and others, such as HIV and AIDS, had barely featured in the early iteration of the index.

It was rerun in 2000 (only on black African youth), and results suggested their status was improving: no respondent scored high on more than eight of the 12 areas of concern.

In other words, eight years after the first measurement, where 5% of youth appeared “lost”, no urban black African youth in 2000 fell into the “lost” category. Four in ten (44%) respondents were “at risk”, scoring high on two or three areas of concern; another 33% scored high on slightly less than half the areas of concern. It seemed that progress was being made.

Most of the items in the index were later used by the Gauteng City Region Observatory in its early Quality of Life survey , allowing analysis of marginalisation across the entire Gauteng province population .

The total of those who are were “fine” (using the 2018 data) fell to 16% of youth, from a high of 25% in 1992. At the other extreme, we found 5% of Gauteng youth were again “lost”. The trend suggested that 2000 was a high point. After that, young respondents were doing less and less well, both objectively and subjectively.

Behind the overall data is a predictable racialisation. For example, in the 2018 analysis, while a third of white (33.3%) and Indian (34.8%) youth were “fine”, this was true for only 14.1% of African and 22.1% of coloured youth. This pattern has remained true since the index began in 1992. In 2018, to be young, black and male in Gauteng was to have the highest likelihood of being marginalised. Only 0.3% of white youth (and 0.5% of Indian youth) showed signs of high marginalisation.

Yet, despite having failed young people, the governing ANC’s 2024 election manifesto only manages anodyne promises to “create opportunities” for young people, suggesting South Africa will continue to waste the massive resource represented by our youth.

  • Unemployment
  • Youth unemployment
  • youth bulge
  • Cyril Ramaphosa
  • marginalisation
  • Youth dividend
  • South Africa democracy 30

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