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Diet and Health Essay

This model diet and health essay examines the extent to which individuals or governments should be responsible for health.

Some people believe that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others however believe that governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


IELTS essays are usually about current topics of controversy, and the declining health of many nations is certainly of concern to many countries at the present time.

This essay asks you to examine both sides of an issue and to give your opinion.

This means that you must look at both the arguments that are presented. In this case, these are:

1. It is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. 2. Governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet.

You must of course also give your opinion.

IELTS Diet and Health Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Diet and Health Essay Model Answer

An increasing concern for many governments around the world is the declining health of their citizens due to a poor diet. While some people believe governments should be responsible for improving the health of their nation, others believe it is up to the individual. This essay will examine both sides of the argument.

There is no doubt that individuals must take some responsibility for their diet and health. The argument to support this is the fact that adults have free will and make their own choices about what they eat and the exercise that they do. Children are also becoming less healthy. However, their parents are the ones who provide their evening meals so it is their responsibility to ensure these meals are nutritious and encourage them to avoid junk food and sugary snacks during the day.

Despite these arguments, there is also a case for advocating the intervention of the state. People these days often have little choice but to depend on fast food or ready meals that are high in sugar, salt and fat due to the pressures of work. Governments could regulate the ingredients of such food. Some governments also spend huge amounts of tax money on treating health problems of their citizens in hospitals. It would be logical to spend this on preventative measures such as campaigns to encourage exercise and a good diet.

Having considered both sides of the issue, I would argue that although individuals must take ultimate responsibility for what they eat, governments also have a role to play as only they can regulate the food supply, which openly encourages a poor diet. It is only through this combination that we can improve people’s health.

(282 Words)

The IELTS diet and health essay has a number of good points which would means it would score highly in the test.

The introduction clearly introduces the topic and sets out both sides of the issue. There is then a clear thesis statement to explain what the essay will do:

This essay will examine both sides of the argument.

Coherence and cohesion are evident from the topic sentences which make the subject of each paragraph very clear:

There is no doubt that individuals must take some responsibility for their diet and health. Despite these arguments, there is also a case for advocating the intervention of the state.

Transitional phrases and words also guide the reader through the essay. For example:

The argument to support this is... Children are also becoming less healthy. However , their parents... Despite these arguments , there is also ... Some governments also spend... Having considered both sides of the issue,

The conclusion summarises the writers opinion very clearly. It is always important to make it very clear what your opinion is if it is an opinion essay (you could put your opinion in the introduction too if you wish).

The grammar and vocabulary are appropriate, with a mix of complex sentences and topic related vocabulary.

The content of the essay is also appropriate. It clearly addresses both opinions and provides a number of points to support each argument. The ideas are clearly explained and will not cause any misunderstanding for someone reading the essay.

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IELTS Essay about healthy lifestyle

Ielts writing task -2.

Many people believe that every individual is responsible for his/ her own healthy lifestyle. Others believe that governments should take care of it. Discuss both the views and give your own opinion.


Health has become a huge concern nowadays for individuals all over the globe. This is evident from a large number of people suffering from a variety of lifestyle diseases such as cancer, obesity, hypertension, diabetes and heart ailments. In these circumstances, whether the individuals themselves or the government should take the onus for their health has become a moot point. In my personal opinion, both personal discipline and the state facilities can turn the numbers around. Some people opine that an individual himself is responsible for his dietary preferences and exercise regime. Both balanced diet and physical workouts actually determine whether a person is leading a healthy life or not. Moreover, in this fast paced world, maintaining constraint and discipline with regards to food and fitness is extremely difficult which can be achieved only with personal effort. Also, if a person remains motivated to keep distance from bad habits like smoking and drinking, he can lead a better life, physically and mentally as compared to smokers and alcoholics. However, others assume that only the state intervention can help people live a healthy lifestyle. The reason for their belief is that awareness campaigns and facilities can be provided by government effort alone. The state can display billboards, print articles in newspapers and organize talks which help in creating awareness about the role of a healthy lifestyle in keeping the diseases at bay. Not only that, green areas like parks in cities and gymnasiums with minimal charges can motivate citizens to exercise on daily basis. Also, strict rules to ban smoking in public can save the nonsmokers from the ill effects of passive smoking. All in all, both individuals themselves and the government can jointly work towards making the majority of people lead a healthy lifestyle. This is of paramount importance to not only keep the citizens disease free but also to increase their standard of living. (315 Words)

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Do You Have a Healthy Diet? IELTS Speaking (10 Example Answers)

Health and food and diets are all topics you might be asked about in part one of the IELTS Speaking test. And your examiner might ask you, “Do you have a healthy diet?”

Let’s look at what you can say for a band-seven score, including 10 example answers ( go straight to the answers here ).

First, What Does ‘Diet’ Mean?

The word ‘diet’ has two meanings:

Meaning one: The kind of food you usually eat ( I have a healthy diet / he has an unhealthy diet / she lives on a diet of noodles and beef / my diet is mostly seafood )

Meaning two: A period of time when you eat less food, or you eat special food, to lose weight or become healthier somehow ( I’m on a diet this week / I’m on the Paleo diet, so I can’t eat bread / I hate diets, they’re so difficult and boring to stick to )

But if someone asks you, ‘Is your diet healthy?’ they are talking about meaning number one (the kind of food you usually eat). They’re asking if you usually eat healthy food or not.

What You Can Say

First of all, say if your diet is healthy, unhealthy, or somewhat healthy.

Then try to add one or two more sentences. You can talk about:

  •   Why your diet is healthy, or unhealthy
  •   How long you’ve been eating that way  
  •   If your diet used to be different
  •  If you plan to change your diet in future
  •   What you think people should eat to be healthy
  •   How you feel about your diet
  •   Your favorite food, and why you like it
  •   How often you cook or eat out
  •  If you prefer cooking or eating out  
  •   Anything else that comes to mind

Grammar Tip

Remember, you can use an adverb here ‘healthily’ if you like ( Yes, I eat healthily / No, I’ve always eaten quite unhealthily ).  

Use the Three-Step YES Method 

Some students don’t know how much to say in part one.  

You should keep your answers quite short; about 10 or 20 seconds is fine.

The Yes Method can help you. It has three simple steps. Just say:

  • Y our answer (if your diet is healthy or not)
  • E xplain your answer, or add more details (say why it’s healthy or unhealthy)
  • S top talking (wait patiently for the next question)

Focus on Fluency, Not Vocabulary

The important thing in part one is just to speak fluently , without hesitation.

If you’re trying to think of amazing vocabulary to use, then you’ll probably hesitate, slow down, and get stressed out.

So keep your English simple!

Don’t worry, you can show off your vocabulary and grammar in part two when you have more time to prepare.

Let’s take a look at 10 good answers to this question about diets.

‘Yes, I Do’ Answers

1. Yes, I would say my diet is very healthy. I always try to eat lots of vegetables, with lean meats like beef and chicken. And I rarely eat sugar.

2. Yes, I do. I cook for myself whenever I can because I think restaurant meals are quite unhealthy. They use too much sugar and salt.

3. Yes, I suppose these days my diet is quite healthy. I try to avoid unhealthy carbs like rice and bread and pasta. I eat a lot of fruit and drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

4. Yes, I’m an athlete so my health is very important to me. I always watch what I eat, and I never touch any food that has processed sugar in it.

5. I never used to be a healthy eater, but recently I’ve started eating very healthily indeed. It’s because I had a baby last year and I decided I want to have really healthy habits now, to set a good example for my child.

‘No, I Don’t’ Answers

6. To be honest, I don’t have a very healthy diet. I eat fast food all the time, but I don’t care because it’s so delicious. I think healthy food doesn’t taste good.

7. No, I’m afraid the food I usually eat is not very healthy at all. I’m always rushing around at work and I don’t have time to cook for myself, so I eat out a lot, which I know isn’t very healthy.

8. I used to be a very healthy eater, but since I graduated from college I’ve been eating mostly very unhealthy food. I should change my diet back again.

‘Kind Of’ Answers

9. Yes, I think my diet is somewhat healthy. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. But unfortunately, I have a sweet tooth, so I eat candy every day as well.

10. I’m not really sure if I’m a healthy eater or not. I eat the same as all my friends, and we’re all quite young and fit and healthy, so I guess my diet is healthy enough.

Your Turn to Try

Now give this question a go yourself!

Set up a recorder so you can listen to your answer later.   Ask yourself out loud, “Do you have a healthy diet?”

When you answer, just say whatever comes into your head.  Don’t think about it too much.

Try to speak as quickly and fluently as you can, using simple English.   Remember the YES Method.

When you’re done, listen to what you said, and think of how to improve it.  

Then do it again!

Keep repeating this process until you’re ready for this part-one question in your IELTS Speaking test.

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IELTS essay, topic: Many people do not exercise enough and eat an unhealthy diet (reasons and solutions)

  • IELTS Essays - Band 8

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 April 2023

This essay topic was seen in a recent IELTS tests in Nigeria .

Nowadays, many people do not exercise enough and eat an unhealthy diet. Why is this happening? What can be done to help them improve their lifestyle?

Sample Band 8 Essay

The popularity of fast food and prevalence of sedentary lifestyles makes it easy to understand why so many people today don’t get enough physical activity or consume nutritious meals. Unfortunately, this is often compounded by a lack of education regarding proper nutrition and exercise habits.

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Convenience has become a major issue in today’s society, with quick and easy processed foods becoming increasingly more prevalent. People have become accustomed to reaching for convenient, unhealthy snacks when they are feeling hungry instead of making healthier choices. Similarly, busy schedules have become a typical, common excuse for not exercising regularly. The ease of ordering in food or eating out also contributes to this problem; take-away meals are usually high in calories and contain large amounts of fat that could cause long-term health issues if not monitored carefully.

Fortunately, there are measures we can take to help those who do not exercise enough or eat an unhealthy diet improve their lifestyle habits. One important step is to educate people on nutrition; teaching them which foods offer more nutritional value than others and why it is essential for us to choose them in order to stay healthy should be encouraged at all levels of schooling. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns regarding the benefits of regular physical activity should be targeted at those who might not understand just how beneficial it can be for both our mental and physical wellbeing. Providing this information could go a long way towards helping them adopt healthier life habits.

Ultimately, through adequate education regarding nutrition along with actionable advice on how individuals may integrate healthy habits into their everyday lifestyles, we can promote greater health awareness amongst all population groups. This will provide those who are prone to bad dietary decisions with an opportunity to improve wellbeing through sustainable means.

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Essay 207 – A healthy person has a good diet, does exercise and avoids stress

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 207.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no special knowledge of the following topic.

A healthy person is often described as someone who has a good diet, gets plenty of exercises and avoids stress.

How far do you agree with this? What should people do to stay healthy in your country?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

A healthy individual is many a time considered as someone who is on a balanced diet, does ample workout, and averts anxiety. I entirely agree with the notion and believe that being on a healthy diet, doing adequate exercise, and allaying stress are the key factors to maintain a healthful lifestyle in our country as well.

To commence with, the best approach to stay salutary is to have a balanced diet. A balanced diet is rich in fibre, lean proteins, whole grains, unsaturated or good fats, fresh fruits and vegetables of many colours, and omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, a good diet typically consists of nutrient-dense items from all major food groups. This is why, it proves to be highly effective at warding off diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and premature death. Thus, a balanced diet is essential for good health.

Likewise, exercise is also vital for our wellness. It boosts our immune system, and thus significantly reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, colon and breast cancer, and depression. Besides, a vigorous workout improves sleep, endurance and stamina to anything. Furthermore, when people take strenuous exercise, it enables them to look young and remove dark circles, wrinkles, obesity and so on. Therefore, exercises are recommended at least 3-4 times a week.

Apart from a good diet and regular exercise, exploring ways to relieve stress is another effective strategy to stay salutary. However, there are many approaches to dispel anxieties. A case in point is relaxation. Stress hormones can accelerate people’s heart rate and tightened their blood vessels, and therefore temporarily raising their blood pressure. The opposite happens when they relax. When stressed, relaxation methods like meditation can effectively manage stress and lower our chances of getting heart diseases.

To reiterate, a healthy individual revolves around the trinity of having a good diet, getting plenty of exercises, and avoiding stress. Therefore, achieving a healthy balance among these three core factors in this country can help people to maintain a salubrious lifestyle.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3203 – Band 6.5

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Health and Well-being , Sports and Leisure , Task 2 essay , Writing samples , Writing topics

The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

Candidate’s Response:

When we talk about health and being healthy, a good diet, regular exercise, and a stress-free lifestyle are the first things come to our mind. I fully agree that these are the only elements needed for a person to be qualified as healthy.

In order to have a lively life, a healthy regimen is, undoubtedly, one of the critical requirements. Our boddy needs to be supplied with the neccessary nutritions, and it can be achieved if we control what we eat. There are various which are harmful to us, and by consuming them we can make our boddy prone to many illnesses; fast foods, canned products, and soda drinks are some examples of such products.

Having regular exercise is another essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Similar to a good diet, exercise can help us to avoid myriad ailments by making our immune system stronger. Take the current situation which we are in right now as an example. In the time of Corona, there are many people who are diying, and the reason for that is that their boddy is not strong enough to defend against the virous. The statistic, on the other hand, shows that people who are athletes or get lots of exercise are not among the victims, or they are a neglictable portion of the population.

The importance of a peaceful mind, also, is something that cannot be overlooked. My father always tells me “a healthy mind is more important that a healthy boddy”. Mental state has a direct impact on physical state as well. If we are stressed and anxious, our entire system reacts to it. Stress is ranked the number one cause for stroke and heart arrest by experts; the fact that shows the enourmous role of our mental wellness in our physical health.

In conclusion, good diet, exercise, and ease of mind are pieces of a puzzle which all together can guarantee our wellness and health. I believe one to be considered healthy needs nothing more that these three.

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

November 10, 2023

Assessor’s Comment

Thank you indeed for writing this essay. Repetitive errors can seriously harm the score as it confirms lack of knowledge in certain language areas. By creating an error book and storing these errors, this problem can go away easily.

Kasra Sharifan

Ielts writing band descriptors:, the ielts assessor.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 546 - exercise is the key to health while others feel that having a balanced diet is more important, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some think that exercise is the key to health while others feel that having a balanced diet is more important..

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IELTS TOPIC: Keeping Fit and Healthy

06/29/2022 02:55 PM

Things to consider:

  • There are a few easy topics you can always talk about in the question about health. These are doing sports and eating well . However , if you want to achieve a better score, I'd suggest narrowing down the topics a lot , as they are too simplistic and generalized .
  • For instance , if you are discussing doing sports like basketball, you should focus on the key health benefits it brings (read about them) and talk about how it improves your - strength , durability , stamina , concentration , agility , and so on. 
  • I suggest reading about the health benefits of exercise and food, as that vocabulary is going to make you stand out and achieve a higher score. You can read about the nutritional value of vegetables, vitamins , and minerals they provide, what aspects of your health they can improve, and so on.

healthy diet essay ielts

A Balanced Diet

One of the most common topics people think about when asked about their health is "eating well" . This can also be called having a balanced diet . It is a very suitable idea for discussion in the speaking section as well as in the essay writing section when talking about health.

A balanced diet is simply not eating too much meat or carbs , and having larger portions of vegetables and fruit . This is explained in a very simple way, and of course, you can go deeper and give a lot of details on what food to avoid and what food to focus on.

You can use the infographic to see some examples of food and the amount a person should eat to achieve a balanced diet.

Part 2: Sample Answer

Ok, so generally speaking I am and have always been in good health . I’m not trying to brag but I rarely get ill from the common flu , and I do try to lead a healthy lifestyle , avoiding certain things like junk food or unhealthy drinks . However , because I’m quite tall, I have a really serious back and lower waist pain , that has been with me for over 5 years. Because of this reason, and to keep my general health in check , I’ve been going to the gym as much as possible .

I give a general idea about my health.

Me and the gym have a long history. Back in middle school and high school, I used to opt-in and out of the gym quite regularly . I lacked motivation at that time, and so I couldn’t achieve big progress . Most of the time I’d start for a month, together with a few friends, and as long as one of my friends stopped going, I’d follow his example and end it myself. This activity managed to keep me relatively slim and fit , but never strong or muscular .

I give a little history about me and going to the gym.

Later on in life , as I left college, I began having this waist pain . At first, it was relatively mild , and so I ignored it, but the more I entered real life and began working, sitting all day, the more that pain developed and started to show its teeth every now and then . Eventually, I decided that I had enough . I began researching and found out that I had to strengthen my lower back muscles , and in general work out regularly , to keep the pain away . And so I did exactly that. I began going to the gym every second day of the week. I read and saw many videos and guides on workout regimes , exercises, and health information and made a really solid personal workout that I’ve been following ever since .

I describe a health problem I had and the health solution I chose to do.

The key to overcoming the pain is consistency . I believe that I made the right call when I began going to the gym. Not only I was able to target specific muscle groups with the professional equipment , but I was able to build up lower back and waist muscles, which are essential for a tall person like me. Over time, I began enjoying working out , as it gave me this sort of stress relief , going there, lifting heavy weights , and pushing myself , without being burdened by the daily troubles of my life. It is a great, healthy pastime and I recommend it to everyone.

I finish with a summary of what I have achieved or how I improved myself with that health activity.

Idioms and Phrases

Sentence starters and linking words, vocabulary related to the topic, part 3 questions.

In Part 3 we continue to talk about health. We will discuss different groups of people, the activities they like to do related to their health, and  staying fit or  active during the day. 

healthy diet essay ielts

Examiner:   How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?

For children.

  • Children lead a generally active lifestyle , running around all the time, and using all their energy throughout the day. Many of them join different activities from playing outside on the playground to biking and even joining some sports teams. They are very active and energetic , as a whole.

For the Old

  • The older a person gets, the less likely is that he will exercise. That doesn't mean that they completely give up though. Many older people would take long walks around their neighborhood or park , use some of the outdoor training equipment and even try to do more housework , in order to stay active .

Examiner:   What do young people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?

A positive view.

  • Generally , young people do the same as kids. They join some sports teams or make one with their buddies and play football, basketball, badminton and so on. Some would try to push even further and would sign up to a gym , where they would try to either keep fit or even build muscles and become a better version of themselves .

A Negative View

  • By a large margin , younger people do not exercise that much. As they are overwhelmed with studying from school and college, addicted to gaming and social media on their mobile phones, and stressed trying to be competitive once they start working, very few would have the time, patience , or motivation to work out at all. 

* You can answer positively, negatively, or mix both into one answer with an "on the one hand...on the other hand..." type of answer.

Examiner:   How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?

  • Parents are the first teacher to their kids. They should sit with them and spend time with them, reading useful materials related to health like encyclopedias , and stories , watch video documentaries , and more. Children are like sponges and will absorb the information, after a while, and that information will turn into good healthy habits .

Set an Example

  • It is a well-known fact that children imitate and copy their parent's behavior . It is not certain, but often times if the parent smokes , kids will do the same if the parent is glued to his mobile phone , children will imitate the same, and so on. Parents should lead by their example , allowing their kids to imitate their healthy lifestyle choices and not the opposite.

I believe that there are two important ways – through information and through a personal example . Information is key and I think parents should read and show videos or documentaries to their kids about health benefits and health issues that can be caused by poor health awareness . They should tell continuously to their kids of what is the meaning of a balanced diet and what is the meaning of healthy food, as well as the negatives that fast food brings. However, what is even more important is to set an example with your own actions. A parent is a role model to a point and so he or she should practice what they preach , so to say, in order to influence their kids effectively .

Examiner:   Do you think it is good for the government to utilize popular celebrities to help build health awareness?

  • Celebrities have a large following on social media and other places. They are being seen and viewed, predominantly by younger people who still build their views about the world . These famous individuals have a moral obligation to promote and support health, health-related activities, and everything related to improving people's understanding of health.

Why Government?

  • The government has the power to set the rules , restrict individuals , ban certain unhealthy practices , punish wrongdoing , and more. This means that they are responsible to control celebrities and not the other way around . It is absolutely ridiculous that the most viewed and followed famous individuals advertise fast food , alcohol , drugs , and many other unhealthy behaviors , and are not regulated at all .

To be completely honest , I have no idea why they don’t do that all the time. Celebrities have a massive lifestyle impact on young people, and as they wield that type of “ superpower ”, there should be a moral and social obligation for them to do that. Famous people should be persuaded , by contract , to advertise and spread the word about health products and health benefits . It is absolutely insane to me that most celebrities advertise exactly the opposite – alcohol , fast food , cigarettes , and even drugs through scandals and their own poor behavior . I believe that there has to be very strict regulation on celebrities and that they should be completely forbidden to use their personal brand to promote junk food or unhealthy behavior . Well…one can only dream.

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Everyone should become vegetarian – IELTS Writing Task 2


Updated On Feb 28, 2024

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Everyone should become vegetarian – IELTS Writing Task 2

Effective IELTS Essay Connectors for Writing Task 2 & Task 1

The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?

Opinion essay (Agree/disagree)


  • Paraphrase the topic of the essay and give an insight into it.
  • State your side of the argument and mention what can be anticipated from the essay.
  • Paragraph 1- Non-vegetarian diets are considerably higher in the total intake of protein, which is highly beneficial for the body. As scientists show, protein can not only improve overall health and fitness but also can contribute to reinforcing the immune system.
  • Paragraph 2- Meat is also a fertile source of many nutrients, such as iron or zinc. It is already recognized that while iron helps in producing tissues inside the body, zinc is indispensable in helping to transport oxygen to different parts of the body, thus allowing the proper functioning of all body organs.

Reemphasize your opinion in conclusion and give a summarized argument for that.

Sample Essay

In the last few decades, vegetarianism has entered the mainstream of many societies, most notably in western countries. It is suggested by those who side with vegetarians that meat is not a necessary element in a healthy diet and that going vegan is the way to go in modern times. Personally, I reckon that this view has flaws.

In the first place, non-vegetarian diets are considerably higher in the total intake of protein, which is highly beneficial for the body. As scientists show, protein can not only improve overall health and fitness but also can contribute to reinforcing the immune system. As vegetarian diets hardly meet daily protein requirements, those who follow are generally more vulnerable to fatigue even when doing physically undemanding tasks, or they can be more susceptible to common diseases such as flu or cold.

In the second place, meat is also a fertile source of many nutrients, such as iron or zinc. It is already recognized that while iron helps in producing tissues inside the body, zinc is indispensable in helping to transport oxygen to different parts of the body, thus allowing the proper functioning of all body organs. Besides, when consuming meat, the body will also be absorbing numerous kinds of vitamins, which strengthen bones and promote the health of the teeth or the eyes.

Although, going entirely vegetarian or vegan is a matter of choice of lifestyle and could placate the need for nutrition to a decent extent, however, when it comes to a wholesome dietary sufficiency, going for a typical vegetarian diet couldn’t serve the purpose for the entirety.

To conclude, the above-mentioned points have manifestly shown that the benefits derived from following a wholesome diet overshadow those from vegetable-only ones. Thus, it is not advisable to become vegetarians.

  • To enter the mainstream of…: become popular
  • This view has flaws: This view can be argued against.
  • To reinforce the immune system: make the immune system stronger.
  • They can be more susceptible to common diseases: they are more likely to get sick.
  • Indispensable (adj.): very important.
  • To be more vulnerable to fatigue: to be more likely to get sick
  • Be a fertile source of many nutrients: be very nutritious
  • To strengthen bone structures: make the bones stronger.
  • Manifestly (adv.): obviously.

Band 9 Sample Essay

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There has been a considerable surge in the inclination towards a vegetarian diet and eradicating meat from everyday meals. Some people hold the view that going stringently vegetarian could serve the purpose of their dietary requirements. However, I find myself standing in disagreement with this and think that meat should be included in the diet for nutritional needs. In the forthcoming sections, this essay will discuss the reasons for this opinion.

The most eminent reason for the inclusion of meat in a diet is nutrition adequacy. Drawing a comparison between an entirely vegetarian diet and a combination of veggies and meats have shown by the researches that vegetables alone couldn’t satiate the requirement that our physiologies need up to the mark. Predominantly, the protein requirement which is suggested by the nutritionists to be one gram proportional to the kilos we weigh is not sufficed by the vegetarian meal alone. Various macro and micronutrients which are abundantly found in the meat content bolsters our body and enhances our diet.

Moreover, the people who are specifically indulged in strenuous and vigorous exercises and physical activities should ineluctably incorporate meat in their daily food platter as in this case, the dietary and metabolic needs are only met when a nutritional regime has a confluence of vegetables and meat. The people in a toilsome profession that includes labour and intense work schedule should reportedly not miss on their nonvegetarian food source as they couldn’t efficiently perform otherwise. 

Though veganism and vegetarianism owing to the efflux and rise in the trend have been gaining grounds and have been able to find various dietary substitutes especially, for their dietary protein enrichment, the replacement of meat and the essential constituent of it is irrefutable and couldn’t be replaced, let alone its complete displacement.  

In conclusion, therefore, it could be conspicuously stated that going vegetarian could be a trend and the latest bandwagon, the wholesome virtues of an integrated diet couldn’t be supplanted.

Bonus topic:

Everyone should adopt a vegetarian diet because eating meat can cause serious health problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Home / IELTS, CAE, FCE Writing Samples / IELTS Writing Task 2: Vegetarianism

IELTS Writing Task 2: Vegetarianism

Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?

As veganism trending is becoming extremely common, many people hold the view that people can maintain a healthy lifestyle without the need of meat. I agree that being a vegetarian means being healthier. However, I would argue that remove meat from daily diet can lead to variously-detrimental consequences which directly associates to our health (1) . To begin with, there are many undeniable positive aspects of having a vegetarian diet. The most significant benefit is that this diet helps reverse several chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer or obesity. This is mainly because plant-based foods consume less cholesterol so consequently, there will be a lower level of blood pressure and cholesterol (2) . Another advantage is that vegetarians are less likely to be overweight as the amount of fat in vegetables is extremely lower than that in meat (3) . However, meat can nourish our body more than plant-based foods can. Firstly, vegetables are deficient in protein whereas a large amount of this is found in meat (4) . The main reason why human’s body needs to consume a balanced diet of protein is to build and repair tissue as well as maintain a healthy body, which is vital when doing anything energetic (5) . Secondly, besides promoting mental health, meat also improve physical health as meat is extremely rich in various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B, D (6) . It has been proven that these vitamins play an important role in promoting good vision, stronger teeth and bones system (7) . In conclusion, it is true that following vegetarian diets results in many benefits such as lowering risks of getting chronic illnesses. However, I believe that meat is highly required while maintaining healthy diets (8) . 283 words

The commentaries are marked in brackets with number (*). The numbered commentaries are found below. The part in  italics  is taken from the text, the word  underlined  is the suggested correction. Words in (brackets) are the suggested addition to the original phrase or sentence.

  • However, I would argue that removing  meat from daily diet can lead to variously detrimental consequences for our health . — a gerund form is needed instead of ‘remove’. You don’t need a hyphen between ‘variously’ and ‘detrimental’. I have shortened your construction because the extra words do not add anything to the text. In that case the syntax was wrong too. Using more words that do not add any meaning is bad for your final score.
  • This is mainly because plant-based foods contain  less cholesterol so consequently, blood pressure will be lower. — ‘Cholesterol’ is pretty difficult to paraphrase, avoid using it twice in the same sentence.
  • Another advantage is that vegetarians are less likely to be overweight as the amount of fat in vegetables is much  lower than that in meat.  — don’t forget that you are making a comparison here, a comparative adjective should be used.
  • Firstly, vegetables are deficient in protein whereas a large amount of it  is found in meat. — ‘it’ should be used to refer to something mentioned just now.
  • The main reason why human’s body needs (to have ) a balanced diet of protein is to build and repair tissue (what tissue?) as well as maintain a healthy body, which is vital when doing anything energetic. — ‘to have a diet’ is a better collocation . Alternatively (and preferably) it could be omitted (the text in the brackets is optional).The second part of the sentence is a bit vague — it lacks specific information and hardly adds anything new to the essay. It states the obvious like ‘you need a healthy body to do something that requires energy’. Use your essay to conduct more interesting thoughts and less trite ideas e.g. ‘A healthy, energetic lifestyle is rare nowadays as most people spend their time in front of their computers. To maintain an active life like this one has to have a balanced diet’. This is just an example of how you can use the precious writing space to convey a message.
  • Secondly, besides promoting mental health, meat also improves physical health as it  is extremely rich in various vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B, D. — ‘meat’ is singular. Also avoid using this word twice — I have replaced it with with a pronoun.
  • It has been proven that these vitamins play an important role in ensuring  good vision, stronger teeth and bones  — ‘Promote’ is not the best verb for this context. I have also dropped ‘system’ as it is redundant here.
  • However, I believe that meat is highly recommended  while maintaining healthy diets — ‘highly required’ is rarely used, and almost of all the uses are by foreign speakers (or so my google research indicates). Use ‘highly recommended’ or simply ‘required’.

The essay has adequate structure — both positive and negative aspects of the approach are given equal attention. The reader would be well-informed on the issue of vegetarianism. The language is fairly varied with a good range of health-related vocabulary. Occasional mistakes and inaccuracies do not stand in the way of understanding the message. The author occasionally repeats the same word — proof-reading the essay would have helped eliminating this.

I'm Tired of Cooking, But Factor Meals Have Helped Me Reclaim My Love of Food

healthy diet essay ielts

When I was younger, I dreamt that I'd grow up to be a hybrid between Joan Didion and Martha Stewart — a writer of thought-provoking essays by day and a distinguished homemaker with a knack for elaborate cooking by night. In my visions, I'd be drafting the chapters for my next book in one hand and simultaneously whipping up a slow-poached salmon with the other. These visions of grandeur were fun — for the one week of my adulthood that they actually panned out — but eventually, reality humbled me and I quickly learned that having a full-time job, healthy personal life, and balanced diet is much easier said than done.

In order to keep my sanity (and health) in check, I've since traded my cookbook-centric fantasies for something a bit more reasonable within this current season of my life: a subscription to a meal-delivery service. And not just any service, but Factor Meals Food Delivery Service ($104). After months of hearing the brand name on seemingly every podcast — and then watching Brittany Mahomes (the wife of NFL quarterback Patrick Mahomes) casually shout-out the meal program on her Instagram story — I finally felt compelled to give it a try. I mean, is there a better recommendation than having a superstar athlete's family vouch for your service's effectiveness? When you're as much of a nonathlete as me, the answer is quite simply no .

Main Image

After using this service for almost a month now, I understand why it's so loved by celebrities and athletes alike. The brand's ethos is steeped in freshness and a commitment to delivering high-quality, easy-to-cook meals that are perfect for all types of taste palettes and lifestyles. Ahead, I break down everything to know about the healthy meal program , including who it's best for, how it compares to other brands, and why it's changed my weekly eating habits for the better. Keep reading for my full Factor meals review.

What to Consider Before Subscribing to a Meal-Delivery Service

I've tried several meal-delivery services and have found that each one caters to consumers differently. Factor, for example, delivers fresh and healthy meals weekly, with premade dishes that are designed to be consumed ASAP and stored within your refrigerator. This service is great for people who are limited on time and want delicious, easy-to-cook meals — fast. Alternatively, brands like Purple Carrot deliver ingredients and recipes, rather than whole meals; this is a wonderful option for those who still want to enjoy the pleasures of cooking chef-quality meals, without the hassle of grocery shopping each week. I even reviewed Purple Carrot to get a sense of how the service compares to other meal-delivery brands.

Some services offer meal plans based on the number of meals you'd like to receive, while others go by daily nutritional recommendations so that your dishes feel more personalized. I recommend taking a couple things into account before subscribing to a meal-delivery service: how many meals do you want to receive each week? How many people are you looking to feed within your household? What is your motive for purchasing a meal-delivery subscription as opposed to cooking on your own? And what is your monthly budget in terms of what you're willing to spend? You can read our complete guide to the best meal-delivery kits for more inspiration.

What I Like About Factor Meals

I love cooking as much as the next person, but sometimes the prospect of grocery shopping for new ingredients or cooking up a complex meal can feel incredibly daunting, especially when I'm coming off of a long day at work or getting back from a trip. This is where having Factor has been such a gamechanger. Each week, I can peruse the brand's wide variety of meal options and select however many fit into my meal plan. Factor offers different meal plans that are dependent on how many you'd like to receive each week and how many people are in your household. Once my meal requests are saved, I can expect a delivery with all of my dishes in no time.

Unlike other meal-delivery services, Factor's offerings arrive fresh and only need to be refrigerated. As someone with a smaller freezer, this is huge a relief on the space front. Each dish has been carefully designed by chefs and dietitians, plus they even feature a convenient "Enjoy By" date printed across the front, so you know exactly how long before the meals expire. I love that all of the dishes are incredibly easy to cook, with a prep process that requires no more than a couple minutes of cooking time and a standard microwave.

Arguably the biggest bonus of all is just how much using Factor has helped me to cut down on waste, both in what I'm spending and throwing out. I live by myself, which means that cooking for one person (at least most nights) can be quite complicated. I find myself spending more than what's necessary while grocery shopping and then throwing away more food than I'd prefer to at the end of each week, simply because I don't have the capacity — or time — to eat it all before it goes bad. With Factor, each meal equals one adult serving, so it provides me with just enough food and nutritional value to act as a proper dinner, with zero leftovers afterwards.

What's Worth Noting About Factor Meals

Factor's meals are made from the freshest, highest quality ingredients, which means they also have a short shelf life compared to other meal subscription services. While some brands deliver premade meals frozen, Factor delivers its meals in insulated boxes, which replicate the temperature of a standard refrigerator; this ensures the dishes arrive as fresh as possible. Each meal has an expiration date printed on it that lets recipients know how long the dish is good for, which typically extends to about a week out from its delivery date.

While Factor's meals resemble frozen food packs, they're not designed to be thrown into your freezer and forgotten about until you're in the mood to eat them. In order to get the most for your money — and ensure no food goes to waste — each one needs to be eaten within seven days of its delivery.

Who Are Factor Meals Best For?

If you (like me) are overbooked, exhausted, but still committed to maintaining a balanced and nourishing diet, I can't recommend Factor enough. There are so many different meal options to choose from, so everyone's taste palette is represented — whether you're a vegetarian, someone in the market for meatier dishes, or someone who wants to follow a strict keto diet. They're also incredibly easy to cook. Most of the meals only require a couple minutes in the microwave or oven before they're ready to serve. I love that despite my ever-changing schedule, I can enjoy the constant of having a delicious, nutritional meal available in my kitchen at all times. Those with equally hectic schedules, late nights spent at the office, or regular travel commitments will appreciate the ease provided by having a subscription to this practical service.

healthy diet essay ielts

Where Are Factor Meals Available to Shop?

You can explore Factor's meal plans exclusively on its website.

Additional Details

  • Each Factor meal is designed to feed one adult for one meal.
  • The brand offers six different plan sizes of six, eight, 10, 12, 14, or 18, and each meal starts at just $11 per serving.
  • Factor customers can choose from 35 healthy meals each week, with dishes constantly changing and rotating between options like roasted garlic chicken, chorizo-spiced ground beef, ground pork tomato bolognese, and so much more.
  • The dishes are delivered straight to your doorstep in an insulated box with gels packs; this helps to keep the meals cold and fresh for several hours, even if you aren't home when they're delivered.
  • Factor also offers a nutrition coaching program so that users can tap into expert recommendations in case they aren't sure which meal options are best suited to their lifestyle and health goals.

Kyley Warren is an award-winning writer, editor, and affiliate strategist with more than four years of experience in the publishing space. She currently works as an assistant editor on POPSUGAR Shopping and is an expert on all things related to shopping and fashion. She previously worked with Entertainment Tonight as a style commerce writer, and her byline has appeared in publications globally.

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Meet the Men Who Eat Meat (and Only Meat)

With the help of Joe Rogan, a social media trend with staying power emerged from a 2018 book, “The Carnivore Diet.”

healthy diet essay ielts

By Steven Kurutz

“ Girl dinner ” this is not.

In a social media trend that won’t stop, ravenous meat eaters, mostly men, show themselves chomping on rib-eye steaks, bacon and innards.

In a recent online video, a popular TikTok user who posts as @carnivoreray unveiled a new snack recipe. After sliding sheet pans packed with fatty bacon strips into the oven, he melted two sticks of butter from grass-fed cows. Once the bacon was crisp, he poured the melted butter into the sheet pans. Then he popped the concoction into the freezer.

The next morning, the influencer bit into the frozen treat while filming himself for his roughly 170,000 TikTok followers. “This tastes like candy,” he said . (The person behind the account did not reply to requests for comment.)

The video belongs to an enduring social media genre quarterbacked largely by muscular fellows who claim that a meat-heavy diet is the key to mental and physical well-being.

A stricter version of high-fat, low-carb regimens like the Atkins diet and keto , the carnivore diet consists of meat, seafood and eggs — period. While some add dairy and a little fruit to the mix, the strictest proponents adhere to what they call B.B.B.E — that is, beef, bacon, butter and eggs.

TikTok and Instagram are awash in videos of these men (and some women ) feasting on a petting zoo’s worth of meat products. Some boast about having not consumed a vegetable in months. They also claim health benefits including drastic weight loss and sharpened mental acuity. Some of the so-called “meatfluencers” forgo not only carbs but also dishware, eating straight from the cutting board .

Health experts are skeptical of the health benefits of the carnivore diet — indeed, it “really bucks nutrition science,” said Whitney Linsenmeyer , an assistant professor of nutrition and dietetics at Saint Louis University in Missouri. But the lack of endorsement from the medical establishment may add to its appeal.

The protein-and-fat-heavy eating regimen has been promoted by the podcasters Joe Rogan and Lex Fridman, influential figures in a testosterone-fueled segment of the media often called the “ manosphere .”

“I feel by far the best when I eat only meat,” Mr. Fridman, a computer scientist, said during a 2023 episode of “The Lex Fridman Podcast.”

His guest that day was the psychologist, author and fellow podcast host Jordan Peterson — also a carnivore — who credited the diet with having healed his chronic psoriasis and gum disease.

“ I don’t like to talk about this much, because it’s so bloody radical, and I don’t like to propagate it, but this diet seems to have stopped all of that,” Mr. Peterson said on the show.

The paeans to meat have come in the wake of a 2017 appearance by Shawn Baker, a buff orthopedic surgeon, on “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

In an interview for this article, Dr. Baker said he had turned 50 the year before he went on Mr. Rogan’s show, a time when he was dissatisfied with his health, experiencing chronic knee pain and gut issues. Although he had recently shed 50 pounds by limiting his intake of carbohydrates and calories, he suffered from a general I’m-getting-older malaise.

Then he encountered “this crazy group of people online who were eating an all-meat diet,” he said. He decided to try it for 30 days, despite concerns that a person’s “colon would fall out from lack of fiber” on the regimen.

“I do the diet and feel fantastic,” said Dr. Baker, speaking by phone from his home in suburban Seattle. “And then I go back to my old low-carb diet and feel worse.”

He wrote about the diet that he had embraced — and also named, he said — in a 2018 book, “The Carnivore Diet.” This manner of eating had another surge in online popularity last June, when Mr. Rogan tried it and told his millions of listeners , “The best I ever felt — like, literally, the best I ever felt all throughout the day — was when I was on the carnivore diet.”

In recent years, a number of online fitness influencers have risen to fame promoting animal-based eating. They include Brian Johnson, who is known as the Liver King . A Texan with a bushy beard, Mr. Johnson amassed millions of social media followers after claiming that he ate raw meat, testicles, animal organs and bone marrow to achieve his powerful physique. (Mr. Johnson has since admitted to using steroids .)

A plant-free, low-fiber diet goes against accepted views of what constitutes healthy, balanced eating, Professor Linsenmeyer said. Meat and butter are “very high in saturated fat,” she said. “That increases the risk for cardiovascular disease. If this were my patient following this diet, I would be very concerned.”

There is also the matter of contributing to the warming climate, since meat and dairy production are linked to emissions of methane , a potent greenhouse gas.

Promoters of the carnivore diet argue that our ancestors subsisted on animals almost exclusively. Carnivorism, in their view, represents a return to a supposed hunter-gatherer golden age, long before the advent of Cap’n Crunch’s Ocean Blue Maple Syrup and other highly processed foodstuffs.

Paul Saladino , a medical doctor and the author of “The Carnivore Code,” has claimed that most plants are “ inedible if not toxic to humans .” “Forget the leaves and fibrous tubers, we’re going hunting!” he commands in the book. (Since publishing “The Carnivore Code” in 2020, Mr. Saladino has reintroduced carbohydrates into his diet, with fruit and honey.)

As a 2023 New Yorker article detailing the carnivore craze pointed out, however, studies of Neanderthals have turned up evidence that their diets included dates, tubers and other leafy foods in addition to meat. According to Herman Pontzer, an evolutionary anthropologist at Duke University quoted in the article, humans are “opportunistic omnivores” who will “eat whatever’s available, which is almost always a mix of plants and animals (and honey).”

The New Yorker also noted a study by the biologists David Raubenheimer and Stephen J. Simpson, who found that protein-loaded diets had a detrimental effect on animals’ life spans. “Our sexy, lean mice who ate high-protein, low-carb diets were the shortest lived of all,” the scientists wrote in 2014. “They made great-looking middle-aged corpses.”

Dan Buettner , an author who identified five regions around the world where people have especially long life spans, said that a diet of predominantly whole food, plant-based meals, among other practices, is what leads to a long, healthy life.

“I know of no long-lived culture in the history of the world that were mainly meat eaters,” Mr. Buettner said by phone from Italy, where he was conducting further research on the places he has dubbed “blue zones.”

For some, going carnivore appears to be a facet of the optimization culture that seeks self-improvement through so-called bio hacking and other methods. For others, there may be an aspect of flexing one’s masculinity and success through the consumption of beefsteak, a luxury in much of the world. It is notable that online promoters almost exclusively post videos eating red meat, though fish is part of the diet.

Dr. Baker, who planned to eat a rib-eye steak and eight ounces of salmon for his main meal on the day he was interviewed, said he kept two freezers in his garage, which at that moment contained “half a side of beef from a local rancher.”

Rib-eye steak, even when eaten every day, “is viscerally and primitively satisfying to me,” he said. “I get to eat stuff that only royalty would have eaten through history.”

Dr. Baker, who runs a nutrition and lifestyle company and no longer practices medicine, said he usually recommended that people adopt the carnivore diet for a limited time to reset their digestive systems. After that, they may reintroduce other foods or stay carnivore as he has.

“If somebody wants to turn it into a lifestyle and call themselves Carnivore Carl, that’s up to them,” he said.

That people have embraced a way of eating referred to as “crazy” and “radical” even by its evangelists may say something about the Western diet of processed foods and its effect on the populace.

On this point, at least, Mr. Buettner can agree with the carnivores.

“We live in an environment where 95 out of 100 food decisions presented to us are bad,” he said. “So in desperation, to turn to an extreme diet, I don’t blame any overweight and unhealthy American.”

Steven Kurutz covers cultural trends, social media and the world of design for The Times. More about Steven Kurutz

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