
Permission Letter To Conduct Research: How To Draft It Right!

In this article, I’ll share my insights and provide you with a step-by-step guide, including customizable templates , to craft your own effective permission letter for research.

Key Takeaways Understand the purpose and importance of a permission letter for research. Learn the essential components to include in your letter. Get a step-by-step guide to writing a compelling permission letter. Benefit from a customizable template to streamline your writing process. Discover practical tips from my personal experience to enhance your letter.

Understanding the Importance of a Permission Letter for Research

A permission letter for research is a crucial document that formally requests authorization to conduct a study in specific locations or collect data from a particular group.

It serves as a formal agreement between the researcher and the authority or individuals involved, ensuring that the research is conducted ethically and legally.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Permission Letter

Step 1: start with contact information and date.

Always begin your letter by stating your contact information at the top, followed by the date. This should include your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Step 2: Address the Recipient Properly

Address the recipient by their proper title and name. If you’re unsure, a general “To Whom It May Concern” can suffice, but personalized greetings are always more impactful.

Step 3: Introduce Yourself and Your Affiliation

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Introduce yourself, your position, and your affiliation. This sets the context and establishes your credibility.

Step 4: Clearly State the Purpose of Your Letter

Be clear and concise about your intent to seek permission for research. Mention the research topic and why the specific site or group is essential for your study.

Step 5: Provide Details of Your Research

Explain the scope of your research, the methodology you’ll use, and the expected duration. Transparency is key to gaining trust and approval.

Step 6: Assure Ethical Compliance

Highlight your commitment to ethical standards, including how you’ll ensure participant confidentiality and data protection.

Step 7: Request for Approval

Politely request permission to proceed with your research, expressing your willingness to comply with any required protocols or guidelines.

Step 8: Include Contact Information for Follow-up

Offer your contact information again, encouraging the recipient to reach out with any questions or requests for further details.

Step 9: Close with a Professional Salutation

End your letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,” followed by your name and signature.

Template for a Permission Letter To Conduct Research

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name or Title] [Organization’s Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name or Title],

I am writing to request permission to conduct research at [location/site/group], as part of my [research project/study] on [topic]. My name is [Your Name], and I am a [Your Position] at [Your Institution or Organization].

The purpose of my research is to [briefly state the objective]. I believe that [location/site/group] is essential for my study because [reason]. The research will involve [describe the methodology], and I anticipate it will take approximately [duration] to complete.

I assure you that all research activities will adhere to the highest ethical standards. Participant confidentiality and data protection will be strictly maintained throughout the research process.

Your approval to conduct this research would be greatly appreciated. I am more than willing to adhere to any specific protocols or requirements you may have. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if you have any questions or need further information.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

[Your Name] [Your Signature, if sending a hard copy]

Personal Tips from My Experience

  • Personalize Your Letter:  Tailoring the letter to the recipient shows respect and attention to detail.
  • Be Concise but Thorough:  Provide enough detail to inform but not so much that it overwhelms the reader.
  • Follow-Up:  Don’t hesitate to follow up if you haven’t received a response within a reasonable time frame.
  • Show Appreciation:  Always express gratitude for the recipient’s time and consideration.

I hope this guide helps you craft an effective permission letter for your research. I’d love to hear about your experiences or any additional tips you might have. Please share your thoughts and questions in the comments below!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A middle-aged Hispanic woman in business casual attire

Q: What is a permission letter to conduct research?

Answer : A permission letter to conduct research is a formal request to obtain permission from an organization or individual to conduct research on a particular topic. This type of letter is commonly used by students, researchers, and scholars who require permission to carry out their research.

Q: Why is a permission letter to conduct research important?

Answer : A permission letter to conduct research is important because it shows that the researcher has obtained the necessary permissions to conduct their research. It also provides a clear understanding of the scope and nature of the research and how it will be conducted, which can help to prevent misunderstandings or legal issues.

Q: Who should I address my permission letter to?

Answer : You should address your permission letter to the individual or organization that has the authority to grant permission for your research. This could be the head of the organization, a department manager, or an individual who is responsible for the area that you wish to conduct research in.

Q: What should I include in my permission letter to conduct research?

Answer : Your permission letter to conduct research should include an introduction that outlines your research topic and objectives, an explanation of why you need permission, an overview of your research methodology, details on the timeline and logistics of your research, and a formal closing that thanks the recipient for their time and consideration.

Q: How do I ensure that my permission letter to conduct research is effective?

Answer : To ensure that your permission letter to conduct research is effective, make sure that it is clear, concise, and polite. Provide detailed information about your research and the nature of your request, and address any potential concerns or objections that the recipient may have. Finally, proofread your letter carefully to ensure that it is free from errors and typos.

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How to Write a Good Cover Letter for a Research Position

Writing a cover letter can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be!

Some people believe cover letters are a science. Others seem to think they are more akin to black magic. Regardless of how you feel about cover letters, they are one of the most important parts of the job application process. Your resume or CV may get you an interview, but a good cover letter is what ensures that the hiring manager reads your resume in the first place.

Writing a cover letter for any job is important, but the art of writing a good cover letter for a research position can make or break your application. While writing a cover letter for a research position, you have to walk a fine line of proving your expertise and passion while limiting jargon and dense language.

In this post, we will explain cover letter writing basics, and then dive into how to write a research specific cover letter with examples of both good and bad practices.

hands typing on blank google doc

What Is A Cover Letter and Why Do Cover Letters Matter?

A cover letter is your opportunity to tell a story and connect the dots of your resume. Resumes and curriculum vitae (CVs) are often cold and static—they don’t show any sort of character that will give companies a hint about if you will fit in with their culture. 

Your cover letter gives you the chance to demonstrate that you are an interesting, qualified, and intelligent person. Without proving that you are worth the time to interview, a company or research organization will set your application in the rejection pile without giving it a second look. 

So, what is a cover letter, exactly? It is an explanation (written out in paragraph form) of what you can bring to the company that goes beyond the information in your resume. Cover letters give a company a glimpse into the qualities that will make you the ideal candidate for their opening. 

Note that a cover letter is not the same as a letter of intent. A cover letter is written for a specific job opening. For example, if I got an email saying that the University of Colorado was looking for a tenure track faculty member to teach GEO 1001, and I chose to apply, I would write a cover letter. 

A letter of intent, however, is written regardless of the job opening. It is intended to express an interest in working at a particular company or with a particular group. The goal of a letter of intent is to demonstrate your interest in the company (or whatever type of group you are appealing to) and illustrate that you are willing to work with them in whatever capacity they feel is best. 

For example, if I loved the clothing company, Patagonia and wanted to work there, I could write a letter of intent. They may have an opening for a sales floor associate, but after reading my application and letter of intent, decide I would be better suited to a design position. Or, they may not have any positions open at all, but choose to keep my resume on hand for the next time they do. 

Most organizations want a cover letter, not a letter of intent, so it is important to make sure your cover letter caters to the specifics of the job posting. A cover letter should also demonstrate why you want to work at the company, but it should be primarily focused on why you can do the job better than any of the other applicants.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter: The Basics 

Writing a cover letter isn’t hard. Writing a good cover letter, a cover letter that will encourage a hiring manager to look at your application and schedule an interview, is more difficult (but certainly not impossible). Below, we will go over each of the important parts of a cover letter: the salutation, introduction, body, and conclusion, as well as some other best practices.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Salutation

Don’t start with “Dear Sir/Ma’am” (or any iteration of a vague greeting, including “to whom it may concern”). Avoiding vague greetings is the oldest trick in the book, but it still holds a lot of weight. Starting a cover letter with the above phrase is pretty much stamping “I didn’t bother to research this company at all because I am sending out a million generic cover letters” across your application. It doesn’t look good. 

The best practice is to do your research and use your connections to find a name. “Dear Joe McGlinchy” means a lot more than “Dear Hiring Manager.” LinkedIn is a great tool for this—you can look up the company, then look through the employees until you find someone that seems like they hire for the relevant department. 

The most important thing about the salutation is to address a real human. By selecting someone in the company, you’ve demonstrated that you’ve done some research and are actually interested in this company specifically. Generic greetings aren’t eye-catching and don’t do well.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Introduction

Once you’ve addressed your cover letter to a real human being, you need a powerful introduction to prove that this cover letter is worth the time it will take to read. This means that you need a hook. 

Your first sentence needs to be a strong starter, something to encourage the hiring manager not only to continue reading the cover letter, but to look at your application as well. If you have a contact in the company, you should mention them in the first sentence. Something along the lines of “my friend, Amanda Rice (UX/UI manager), suggested I apply for the natural language processing expert position after we worked together on a highly successful independent project.” 

The example above uses a few techniques. The name drop is good, but that only works if you actually have a connection in the company. Beyond that, this example has two strengths. First, it states the name of the position. This is important because hiring managers can be hiring for several different positions at a time, and by immediately clarifying which position you are applying for, you make their job a little bit easier.  Next, this sentence introduces concrete skills that apply to the job. That is a good way to start because it begins leading into the body, where you will go into depth about how exactly your experience and skills make you perfect for the job. 

Another technique for a strong lead-in to a cover letter is to begin with an applicable personal experience or anecdote. This attracts more attention than stereotypical intros (like the example above), but you have to be careful to get to the point quickly. Give yourself one or two sentences to tell the story and prove your point before you dive into your skills and the main body of the cover letter.

A more standard technique for introductions is simply expressing excitement. No matter how you choose to start, you want to demonstrate that you are eager about the position, and there is no easier way to do that than just saying it. This could take the form of “When I saw the description for X job on LinkedIn, I was thrilled: it is the perfect job for my Y skills and Z experience.” This option is simple and to-the-point, which can be refreshing for time-crunched hiring managers. 

Since we’ve provided a few good examples, we will offer a bad example, so you can compare and contrast. Don’t write anything along the line of: “My name is John Doe, and I am writing to express my interest in the open position at your company.” 

There are a few issues here. First, they can probably figure out your name. You don’t need that to be in the first sentence (or any of the sentences—the closing is an obvious enough spot). Next, “the open position” and “your company” are too generic. That sounds like the same cover letter you sent to every single employer in a hundred mile radius. Give the specifics! Finally, try to start with a little more spice. Add in some personality, something to keep the hiring manager reading. If you bore them to death in the first line, they aren’t going to look over your resume and application with the attention they deserve. 

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Body

So, you’ve addressed a real human being, and you’ve snagged their attention with a killer opening line. What next? Well, you have to hold on to that attention by writing an engaging and informative cover letter body. 

The body of a cover letter is the core of the important information you want to transmit. The introduction’s job was to snag the attention of the hiring manager. The body’s job is to sell them on your skills.  There are a few formatting things to be aware of before we start talking about what content belongs in the body of the cover letter. First, keep the company culture and standards in mind when picking a format. For example, if I want to work for a tech startup that is known for its wit and company culture, I can probably get away with using a bulleted list or another informal format. However, if I am applying to a respected research institution, using a standard five paragraph format is best. 

In addition, the cover letter should not be longer than a page. Hiring managers are busy people. They may have hundreds of resumes to read, so they don’t need a three page essay per person. A full page is plenty, and many hiring managers report finding three hundred words or less to be the idea length. Just to put that into context, the text from here to the “How to Write a Good Cover Letter Body” header below is about perfect, length-wise. 

Now, on to the more important part: the content. A cover letter should work in tandem with a resume. If you have a list of job experiences on your resume, don’t list them again in the cover letter. Use the valuable space in the cover letter to give examples about how you have applied your skills and experience. 

For example, if I have worked as a barista, I wouldn’t just say “I have worked as a barista at Generic Cafe.” The hiring manager could learn that from my resume. Instead, I could say “Working as a barista at Generic Cafe taught me to operate under pressure without feeling flustered. Once…” I would go on to recount a short story that illustrated my ability to work well under pressure. It is important that the stories and details you choose to include are directly related to the specific job. Don’t ramble or add anything that isn’t obviously connected. Use the job description as a tool—if it mentions a certain skill a few times, make sure to include it!

If you can match the voice and tone of your cover letter to the voice of the company, that usually earns you extra points. If, in their communications, they use wit, feel free to include it in your letter as well. If they are dry, to the point, and serious, cracking jokes is not the best technique.

A Few Don’ts of Writing a Cover Letter Body   

There are a few simple “don’ts” in cover letter writing. Do not: 

  • Bad: I am smart, dedicated, determined, and funny.
  • Better: When I was working at Tech Company, I designed and created an entirely new workflow that cut the product delivery time in half. 
  • Bad: When I was seven, I really loved the monkeys at the zoo. This demonstrates my fun-loving nature. 
  • Better: While working for This Company, I realized I was far more productive if I was light-hearted. I became known as the person to turn to in my unit when my coworkers needed a boost, and as my team adopted my ideology, we exceeded our sales goals by 200%. 
  • Bad: I would love this job because it would propel me to the next stage of my career.
  • Better: With my decade of industry experience communicating with engineers and clients, I am the right person to manage X team. 
  • Bad: I know I’m not the most qualified candidate for this job, but…
  • Better: I can apply my years of experience as an X to this position, using my skills in Y and Z to… 
  • Bad: I am a thirty year old white woman from Denver…
  • Better: I have extensive experience managing diverse international teams, as illustrated by the time I…  

The most important part of the cover letter is the body. Sell your skills by telling stories, but walk the razor’s edge between saying too much and not enough. When in doubt, lean towards not enough—it is better for the hiring manager to call you in for an interview to learn more than to bore them.

How to Write a Good Cover Letter Conclusion

 The last lines of a cover letter are extremely important. Until you can meet in-person for an interview, the conclusion of your cover letter will greatly affect the impression the hiring manager has of you. A good technique for concluding your cover letter is to summarize, in a sentence, what value you can bring to the company and why you are perfect for the position. Sum up the most important points from your cover letter in a short, concise manner. 

Write with confidence, but not arrogance. This can be a delicate balance. While some people have gotten away (and sometimes gotten a job) with remarks like, “I’ll be expecting the job offer soon,” most do not. Closing with a courteous statement that showcases your capability and skills is far more effective than arrogance. Try to avoid trite or generic statements in the closing sentence as well. This includes the template, “I am very excited to work for XYZ Company.” Give the hiring manager something to remember and close with what you can offer the company. 

The final step in any cover letter is to edit. Re-read your cover letter. Then, set it aside for a few hours (or days, time permitting) and read it again. Give it to a friend to read. Read it aloud. This may seem excessive, but there is nothing more off-putting than a spelling or grammar error in the first few lines of a cover letter. The hiring manager may power through and ignore it, but it will certainly taint their impression. 

Once the cover letter is as flawless and compelling as it can be, send it out! If you are super stuck on how to get started, working within a template may help. Microsoft Word has many free templates that are aesthetically appealing and can give you a hint to the length and content. A few good online options live here (free options are at the bottom—there is no reason to pay for a resume template).

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Research Position

Writing a cover letter for a research position is the same as writing any other cover letter. There are, however, a few considerations and additions that are worth pointing out. A job description may not directly ask for a cover letter, but it is good practice to send one unless they specifically say not to. This means that even if a cover letter isn’t mentioned, you should send one—it is best practice and gives you an opportunity to expand on your skills and research in a valuable way.

Format and Writing Style for a Research Position Cover Letter

Research and academics tend to appreciate formality more than start-ups or tech companies, so using the traditional five paragraph format is typically a good idea. The five paragraph format usually includes an introduction, three short examples of skills, and a concluding paragraph. This isn’t set in stone—if you’d rather write two paragraphs about the skills and experience you bring to the company, that is fine. 

Keep in mind that concise and to-the-point writing is extremely valuable in research. Anyone who has ever written a project proposal under 300 words knows that every term needs to add value. Proving that you are a skilled writer, starting in your cover letter, will earn you a lot of points. This means that cover letters in research and academia, though you may have more to say, should actually be shorter than others. Think of the hiring manager—they are plowing through a massive stack of verbose, technical, and complex cover letters and CVs. It is refreshing to find an easy to read, short cover letter. 

On the “easy to read” point, remember that the hiring manager may not be an expert in your field. Even if they are, you cannot assume that they have the exact same linguistic and educational background as you. For example, if you have dedicated the last five years of your life to studying a certain species of bacteria that lives on Red-Eyed Tree Frogs, all of those technical terms you have learned (and maybe even coined) have no place in your cover letter. Keep jargon to an absolute minimum. Consider using a tool like the Hemingway Editor to identify and eliminate jargon. While you want to reduce jargon, it is still important to prove that you’ve researched their research. Passion about the research topic is one of the most valuable attributes that a new hire can offer. 

Use your cover letter to prove that you have done your homework, know exactly what the institution or group is doing, and want to join them. If you have questions about the research or want to learn more, it isn’t a bad idea to get in touch with one of the researchers. You can often use LinkedIn or the group’s staff site to learn who is working on the project and reach out.

What Research Information Should be Included in a Cover Letter

A research position cover letter is not the place for your academic history, dissertation, or publications. While it may be tempting to go into detail about the amazing research you did for your thesis, that belongs in your CV. Details like this will make your cover letter too long. While these are valuable accomplishments, don’t include them unless there is something  that pertains to the group’s research, and your CV doesn’t cover it in depth. 

If you do choose to write about your research, write about concrete details and skills that aren’t in your CV. For example, if you have spent the last few years working on identifying the effects of a certain gene sequence in bird migration, include information about the lab techniques you used. Also, try to put emphasis on the aspects of your resume and CV that make you stand out from other candidates. It is likely that you will be competing with many similarly qualified candidates, so if you have a unique skill or experience, make sure it doesn’t get lost in the chaos—a cover letter is the perfect place to highlight these sorts of skills. 

Industry experience is a great differentiator. If you have relevant industry experience, make sure to include it in your cover letter because it will almost certainly set you apart. Another valuable differentiator is a deep and established research network. If you have been working on research teams for years and have deep connections with other scientists, don’t be afraid to include this information. This makes you a very valuable acquisition for the company because you come with an extensive network

Include Soft Skills in Your Cover Letter

Scientific skills aren’t the only consideration for hiring managers. Experience working with and leading teams is incredibly valuable in the research industry. Even if the job description doesn’t mention teamwork, add a story or description of a time you worked with (or, even better, lead) a successful team. Soft skills like management, customer service, writing, and clear communication are important in research positions. Highlight these abilities and experiences in your cover letter in addition to the hard skills and research-based information. 

If you are struggling to edit and polish your letter, give it to both someone within your field and someone who is completely unfamiliar with your research (or, at least, the technical side of it). Once both of those people say that the letter makes sense and is compelling, you should feel confident submitting it.

Cover letters are intended to give hiring managers information beyond what your resume and CV are able to display. Write with a natural but appropriately formal voice, do your research on the position, and cater to the job description. A good cover letter can go a long way to getting you an interview, and with these tips, your cover letters will certainly stand out of the pile.

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Home » Letters » Permission Letters » Letter Seeking Permission to Conduct Research – Sample Letter Requesting Permission to do Research

Letter Seeking Permission to Conduct Research – Sample Letter Requesting Permission to do Research

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Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

How to use live assistant, additional template options, download options, share via email, share via whatsapp, copy to clipboard, print letter, sample letter requesting permission to do research.

To, The Supervisor, __________ (University Name), __________ (University’s Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Permission to conduct research

Respected Sir / Madam,

Respected, I am ____________ (Name) studying in ___________ (Department) in your esteemed ____________ university/ affiliated college (University/College’s Name).

Respectfully, I would bring into your kind concern that I want to conduct a research for ___________ (Research- Course Name) which involves _____________ (Name of the research). For the same I will be requiring _____________ (Required Material) and ____________ (Covered fields) fields will be covered in my research.

I am writing this letter to seek your permission and allowance for the above-said research. This research will be conducted under the guidance of Mr./Mrs./Ms. ____________ (Name of the Professor).

I shall be highly obliged if you look into this matter and approve my request.

Thanking you, Yours ____________ (Truly/ obediently), _________ (Your Name), _________ (Department), _________ (Contact Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • A: Yes, it's essential to clearly outline the purpose and scope of your research to provide context to the supervisor.
  • A: Yes, mentioning the professor's name adds credibility and clarifies the supervision arrangement.
  • A: Provide enough detail to convey the scope and objectives of the research without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary information.
  • A: If there are any additional documents or proposals related to the research, it's advisable to include them for the supervisor's reference.
  • A: Maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout the letter, expressing gratitude for the supervisor's consideration and approval.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • research request letter examples
  • how to write letter for requesting permission for research

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  • Premed Research

Research Assistant Cover Letter: The Ultimate Guide

Research Assistant Cover Letter

You should never underestimate the power of a good research assistant cover letter. Whether you are seeking to gain some research experience to bolster your applications for medical school and MD-PhD programs or seeking to get a coveted research assistant position, your cover letter is one of the key components of your application.

Research assistant cover letters can be tricky to write, but I'm going to guide you through this process. In this blog, you will learn why a cover letter is important, how to write your research assistant cover letter, learn tips to make your cover letter stand out, and get to read cover letter samples, including one with no research experience! Whether you're a premed or not, this ultimate guide will help you get your desired research position.

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Article Contents 17 min read

Why get involved in research.

Research is certainly one of the ways to build up your medical school application and impress the admissions committees with your extracurriculars for medical school . However, it is also your chance to build up professional skills and knowledge in the field of your interest. Admission committees appreciate applicants with a research background because these students demonstrate interest in actively shaping medical and scientific progress.

Since the research process is challenging and enriching, these students develop critical thinking skills and confidence to challenge the status quo. Research fosters patience and stamina. It provides freedom to experiment and a space for constructive criticism. If you are looking to gain research experience, do not limit your search to strictly medical positions. Pursue disciplines that interest you. Research skills can often be transferred to a variety of fields.

Unique research experiences will also make you stand out in your medical school applications. As you might already know, one of the most common medical school interview questions  you’ll be asked is how you can contribute to the diversity of the incoming class – research is your chance to add another unique experience to your application.

Research experience is highly valued by some of the top medical schools in the world. For example, over 90% of Ivy League medical schools’ matriculants have research experience. According to the latest data, 99% of  Stanford Medical School  matriculants have research and lab experience. Research is especially valuable if you are looking at MD-PhD programs.

Firstly, you should always send a cover letter in addition to your CV as part of your job or volunteer application, unless otherwise expressed by the recruiter. Even if you have had the chance to explain your motivation for applying in the application form or email, you should still include a separate cover letter. This letter is an additional opportunity to present yourself as the perfect candidate for the research position.

The primary goal of a research assistant cover letter is to intrigue your potential employer enough to invite you to an interview. Whether you’re an experienced researcher or an undergraduate student looking for research experience, your cover letter is the “face” of your application. Most likely, your cover letter will be the first document your potential colleagues read about you. A perfect research assistant cover letter should include the following:

Your cover letter must compel the reader to read your CV and other application components, if applicable. "}]" code="timeline3">

Simply put, your cover letter should explain why you are the most suitable candidate for the position. Your letter must demonstrate how you meet the criteria for the research position and what makes you a unique candidate. Additionally, this letter is your chance to show off your communication and language skills. Remember, research reports require the ability to articulate clearly and succinctly. Your strong technical research abilities must be accompanied by excellent verbal and written communication skills.

How to Write Your Cover Letter

Let’s examine what steps you need to take to create an outstanding research assistant cover letter.

Research the Position

First and foremost, when you write a cover letter for a research assistant position, you must know exactly what the position entails, what expectations your potential colleagues have of the new hire, and how this research position might develop in the future.

If you found a position as a job posting, it would certainly be wise to study the job description closely. It usually gives you some important, albeit surface, information. You can start by carefully studying the position summary, duties and responsibilities, qualifications, requirements, etc. However, this is usually not enough. Whether you found this position as a job posting or not, it is important to do your research.

Your cover letter needs to show that you are the best possible match for this research position. The job description you have found can only give you so much. You need to find out how your research interests match with this institution’s research program, what the recruiters are really looking for, and how it can help you in your future career as a medical professional or a researcher.

Start by researching the institution or department you’re applying to online. Research their programs, their research profile, and the research interests of their staff. Often you can find important information about the institution’s latest research ranking and their research projects on their website. It could also be interesting to read reviews written by people who have worked in the institution to which you’re applying. Do take these with a grain of salt, but some of these reviews can give you insights into the program’s expectations.

Another way to find out more information about the position is to contact the institution or the department. There is usually someone who can answer your questions, such as an administrative assistant, recruiter, or someone directly involved in the research project. They will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the job, the department, or the institution.

Avoid asking specific questions that will be covered in an interview such as “how much does the job pay” as this will send the impression that you're only interested in the position for the pay, and not because it's what you really want to do. Calling to inquire about the job may also make your name stand out among dozens of applicants for this position. The recruiters may make a note that you personally called and showed enthusiasm about the job.

Before you call, make sure you prepare a list of questions. Beware that your phone call may turn into an unofficial interview, especially if you talk to someone involved in the research process. Be ready to speak about yourself in relation to the position and prepare to answer some of the most common interview questions like “ Tell me about yourself ?”, “why do you want to work with us?” and so on. These are common introductory questions that allow the interviewer to get some insights about you as a potential colleague.

If you are a current undergraduate student, you can also try speaking to your classmates and any TAs you know who may have worked in the research lab you are applying to. You can ask them what they enjoyed and what they found challenging about the work, allowing you to learn from a first-person perspective what it is like to work in that lab.

It might seem like a lot of work, but researching the position, the institution, faculty, and staff will give you a competitive edge. Whoever reads your research assistant cover letter and CV will be able to tell the depth of your research. Your dedication and curiosity will really show in your application and distinguish you as a serious applicant from the rest of the hopefuls. It is also great preparation for the interview stage.

A research position cover letter should be no longer than a page. Your language must be succinct and clear. You must be able to demonstrate that you can express your ideas fluently and clearly – do not use informal language or include any fluff. Your cover letter is not the place to give a detailed account of every research position you have held.

Remember, your letter may go through several readers and not all of them may be researchers, so do not use overly technical language. Your letter must capture the interest of any reader, while further details of your research experiences and education can be included in your CV. If you want to accompany your cover letter with a stellar CV, check out our blog on how to write a CV for graduate school .

For your cover letter, use a classic font such as Times New Roman or Calibri sized 11 or 12 and break your letter into paragraphs. This order of paragraphs is not set in stone, but it may give you some ideas about how to structure your letter:

Remind the reader why you are a good fit for this job and restate your interest in the position. "}]">

Are you planning to apply to medical school? Check out how research can help you:

How to Stand Out in Your Research Position Cover Letter

When you prepare your cover letter, you need to reflect on what makes you a unique candidate for the research position to which you’re applying. To do this, think about what may differentiate you from the competition and try to anticipate what other candidates may offer.

First of all, try to analyze and have a clear understanding of your depth of expertise in this field. Do you have a high research profile? Have you had much research experience in this field? If your answer is yes, then it might be a good point to include in your cover letter. Perhaps you have demonstrated passion for this research field, and you want to commit your future to this area of research? Or maybe you want to stay and work in this particular institution? Perhaps you completed your undergraduate degree there and know the ins-and-outs of their labs? Try to think of yourself in relation to the position, your potential colleagues, and the department. You might find more connections upon a deeper inspection.

Another great selling point is your ability to access research and funding networks and organizations. If you have had success in applying to and receiving research grants or organizing fundraisers for your research projects, be sure to include this in your cover letter. A colleague who can increase funding for a research project is an invaluable addition to any team.

If you do not have a strong research background in this field, do not worry. Try to think of your personal research experience – do you have a diverse background? Does your particular blend of experiences give you a unique perspective? If you have had research experience in a variety of disciplines, it might be your competitive edge!

What if you have not had the chance to gain research experience? Maybe you have had a limited amount of opportunities for research? You can talk about this in your cover letter by expressing enthusiasm to be exposed to research. In this case, try to focus on your biggest successes and most relevant qualities. You might possess a qualification that would be highly relevant to this research position even if you’ve never had a serious research experience. Have your abilities to multitask been praised by previous employers? Have you received awards for teaching excellence? Are you particularly skilled with technology and computer software? All these qualities and accomplishments may help you impress the reader. Try to market yourself, your skills, and qualifications in relation to the position – you might have something other applicants don’t.

How to Look for Research Positions if You Have Little to No Experience

If you have little to no research experience, but want this experience for your medical school application or to be eligible to apply for a research position you really want – here are some tips:

1. If you’re out of school, finding out about research positions and opportunities is quite difficult. Oftentimes, research positions are not posted externally. Even within the institution, professors and PIs tend to select students they have taught to help them in their research projects.

With this said, there are things you can do to search for these opportunities. One of the most common ways to find a research position is to email professors in the departments you would like to join as a researcher. Whether you are still a student or a graduate, explain in your email that you want to volunteer in the lab. Do not mention money – state clearly that you want to gain research experience. Without experience, a paying research position is almost impossible to get. Start as a volunteer and see where it takes you.

  • Your cover letter should include your most recent successes. Talk about your most recent or current jobs.
  • You should present evidence that would support your relevancy for the position in the first half of the letter. Support your pertinent qualifications with examples of achievements from your previous or current roles (i.e. awards, distinctions, publications, etc.).
  • Illustrate your successes with brief but solid examples, explaining why you would be a good fit for this position.
  • Concentrate on achievements and qualities that make you unique, rather than simply listing the job description’s criteria.
  • Your cover letter should indicate that you spent much time researching the position, the faculty, and the institution. Demonstrate how well you know the role and the research context when explaining your career motivations.
  • Ensure your letter is error-free and clearly written. A grammatically correct and succinct letter is professional and shows the reader you are capable of communicating effectively in writing.

Things to Avoid in Your Research Assistant Cover Letter

  • Do not summarize your CV or give too much detail. Remember, the reviewer already has your CV so it's not appropriate to list items that are available elsewhere in your application. You must be selective about the qualifications and responsibilities you emphasize.
  • Do not leave out examples when you make statements about the relevancy of your skills and experiences.
  • Never send the same cover letter to more than one employer. Do not cut and paste from one letter to another. Your reader will be able to tell your lack of research and career focus.
  • Do not use jargon and overly technical vocabulary. You might want to come off as a knowledgeable candidate for this position but try to stick to a professional tone and language as much as possible.
  • Do not concentrate your cover letter on what the employer can do for you. Instead, focus on what you can do for the employer and the research project.
  • Do not make statements that are too general. For example, do not say “I’ve always wanted to work in this research field” – rather, show that you have worked in this research area and that you are passionate about this field. Do not write that you want to work for this institution or with this PI because they are famous all over the world. You must include other reasons for wanting to work with them. Searching for validation might make the wrong impression and eliminate you from the competition.

Some Important Don'ts for Research Assistant Cover Letters:

Do not make statements that are too general "}]" code="timeline2">

Research Assistant Cover Letter Sample #1

Dear Dr. Smith,

With this letter and enclosed CV, I would like to express my strong interest in the Research Assistant position you have available in the X department. I am a recent master’s graduate with experience in facilitating successful clinical trials. My graduate research involved working with clinicians and patient populations. Before my master’s, I graduated from a premed program at X university with the highest honors.

This research assistant position is a perfect combination of my educational background and my clinical experience. During my master’s degree, not only was I able to read, analyze, and interpret information from professional journals, technical procedures, and government regulations, but I also participated in clinical procedures directed by my PI, Dr. John Johnson. I completed and maintained case report forms as per FDA guidelines and reviewed them against the patient’s medical record for completeness and accuracy. I was heavily involved in assisting my superiors with the clinical process. I collected, processed, and shipped blood and urine specimens at scheduled patients’ visits. I was in charge of ensuring that all laboratory results were given to appropriate doctors for review of clinical significance, then filed the results in the patient study binder. My dedication to research and my team earned me the Research Assistant Excellence Award. Today, I am still in touch with my PI and my colleagues, with whom I have maintained professional and friendly ties. After recently graduating from my master’s degree, I am looking to apply my skills and knowledge to your research project.

Aside from learning a set of clinical and laboratory skills, working in research has trained my other competencies. My research position involved working in a team of researchers from different disciplines and nationalities. This experience significantly improved my ability to communicate as I often found myself explaining complex concepts to people outside of the medical field. Working with such an international team taught me to problem-solve and find quick solutions. For example, one aspect of the project involved collaborating with team members in Japan. We had a hard time communicating due to the time difference. I suggested to my colleagues and PI that we create a message board online where we could quickly ask questions and send documents back and forth; this board was available both on mobiles and computers, allowing for easier communication between our two teams at any time. This initiative improved our productivity and speed, as well as allowed us to quickly communicate practical solutions to any problems that came up during research. This successful collaboration resulted in the university funding our research project for one more year.

My interests and responsibilities outside of research would also make great contributions to your team. I am particularly impressed with your Institution’s commitment to improving patient experience in deprived communities. As an active volunteer at my local Street Heath Community Clinic, your dedication to providing healthcare to all in need is very inspiring. I am also drawn to your department's interdisciplinary approach. As a master's graduate, I learned the value of combining academic and clinical research. I know from experience that thinking beyond your discipline will only improve your research approach and results.

I am confident that my clinical research experience, my in-depth educational background, and interests make me an ideal match for this position. I would appreciate any opportunity to discuss my expertise in more detail at the interview and I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Author’s signature

What makes this cover letter strong:

1. Uses a personal address.

2. States right away that his/her educational and research background are relevant.

3. Gives solid descriptions of his/her duties, experiences, and successes in the most recent research project.

4. Uses specific examples to show his/her soft skills, including superb communication skills.

5. Mentions that he/she was able to secure extra funding for a research project.

6. Includes interests outside of research that make him/her relevant to this institution.

7. Restates his/her interest and shows confidence in closing remarks.

Research Assistant Cover Letter Sample #2 (No Research Experience)

Dear Dr. Roe,

I am writing to you regarding the Research Assistant position available at the Biological Sciences department at X University. As a second-year pre-medical student at X University, I strive to gain in-depth, comprehensive research experience, and the position of an assistant in your research project may become my stepping stone into the world of scientific discovery and progress. I am certain that my academic and professional experiences make me the perfect candidate for this research position.  

Research demands high attention to detail and accuracy. As a sophomore student majoring in biochemistry, I understand the great responsibility of scientific research. I have been exposed to the intricate nature of scientific discovery and trained to think like a future researcher. Not only have I achieved grades in the 80th percentile in all my premed courses, but my lab experiences have taught me how to build a hypothesis and develop a method of inquiry. During lab work, experiments did not always work the first time. I sought feedback from my supervisor about how to refine my technique, always striving for better results. My attention to detail allowed me to reach great heights in my premed coursework and I am ready to apply the skills I have learned to a serious research project.

My interests and competencies reach beyond academia and can help me become a valuable member of your research team. As a member of the student council at X University over the last two years, I am in charge of developing successful state and federal grant applications. Last year, I was successful in obtaining a municipal grant that was used to renovate computer labs in the Y building on our campus. Additionally, my organizational skills are further demonstrated by the fundraising events I have helped organize with the student body. While research demands high levels of scientific expertise and knowledge, research also requires paperwork and financial support from the state – my background can help advance our research in this regard. 

While I have not had the chance to participate in professional research, I have substantial professional experience in keeping records and updating databases while working as an assistant to my mother in our family's grocery store. In addition to working with numbers at the till, I was in charge of keeping records of deliveries. This responsibility taught me to keep neat and accurate records while working with a lot of information – a skill that’s greatly valuable while documenting the research process and findings. 

Working at the grocery has also trained my ability to interact and get along with a variety of people. Through cooperating with people of different languages and cultures, I developed outstanding comprehension and communication skills, which help me not only in my academic work but also in my personal life. Research is not a lonely endeavor – rather, it is a cooperative effort where communication and patience are key. My professional background will certainly make me a suitable member of any research team, and I would be honored if you gave me a chance to showcase my talents.   

I look forward to discussing my candidacy with you further. If you would like any additional information that will help me gain this position, please let me know. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Author’s Signature

Check out our video for a quick recap:

In truth, the recruiter may decide to go with a candidate with more research experience than you. However, your cover letter is exactly the place where you can address any lack of experiences found in your resume or CV. This letter is an opportunity to reinforce yourself as a candidate, rather than highlight your flaws.

If you do not have specific research experience appropriate for the position, perhaps you can augment your candidacy by demonstrating other qualities that your recruiter is seeking for in their potential colleague. For example, you can demonstrate that you are a fast learner with experience in reading and analyzing complex information, or that you have experience in organizing and executing fundraising activities.

A cover letter is your chance to be more than a list of experiences and accomplishments. You can make them come alive and describe how they are relevant to the specific position to which you’re applying. CVs can be a few pages long, it's a lot of information for reviewers to sift through. Instead, they prefer an easy to read, one-page document that summarizes an applicant’s main accomplishments, experiences, and overall suitability for the role. Keep in mind that hiring departments may not even review your CV if they are not first impressed by your cover letter.

Your cover letter is an addition to your CV, and you need to show you can concisely focus on the strongest experiences you have had. A well-written cover letter demonstrates your ability to write and prioritize information clearly, which is something you must do as a researcher. Even though most job criteria have more than 3 qualities or skills they look for, it is important to stay succinct in your cover letter.

Remember, you cannot just list the skills but must show that you have them by using concrete examples of encounters and interactions you have had. Including examples will limit the number of skills you can include in your cover letter to a maximum of 3, as it is usually not possible to talk about more than 3 in any detail at all. So, reflect on your experiences and pick a maximum of 3 that you have solid examples for.

Your cover letter must be easy to follow and easy to read. Consider ordering your experiences in chronological order so the reader can follow the timeline of events easily. Include your most recent experiences.

Brainstorming experiences, creating an outline, writing, revising, and finalizing your cover letter may take a while, so think about giving yourself at least 1 week. Pay attention to the deadline to submit your job application and give yourself enough time.

Once you have created an outline and thought up experiences, you want to write your body paragraphs first, using a few sentences to describe each experience and what you gained from it that will contribute to this research position. You can then write succinct concluding and opening paragraphs. You want to ensure you read through your cover letter at least twice and correct any instances of unclear phrasing. Your first revision should be designed to change any wording or examples that are not as effective. Your second revision should finalize all the elements of your cover letter and include a check of grammar and fix any typos.

No, they don’t! You could have picked up relevant skills for a research position through academic experiences, but also through extracurriculars, volunteering, other work, or even personal experiences. For example, playing on a sports team teaches you a lot about perseverance, reliability, and teamwork. You can definitely include these types of experiences if you feel they are relevant.

To get an idea of what kind of experiences you should include, start by looking at the job posting. The job description should indicate the main criteria the recruiters are looking for in their candidates. Make a list of all the examples you can think of that relate to those criteria, and then choose a few that best highlight a variety of skills. Make sure to include the most recent examples in your cover letter.

If you’re an undergraduate student, start looking for research positions in your school. They may be posted in science department classrooms, on the departments' website pages, or around the lab spaces. It's also important to pay attention to your professors, perhaps they have mentioned that they are involved in a research project right now and are looking for a student assistant. If you're unsure, don't be afraid to ask them if they are looking for any help.

If you’re no longer a student, you can always reach out to your past professors and ask if they need any help with research. Make inquiries in local medical centers, hospitals, and other institutions. You will need to explain your situation and ask if they are looking for any help. Be aware that many entry-level positions are not paid well. Sometimes you may be required to help for free, but this will all depend on the position. If you have volunteered or shadowed a physician, you should reach out to them and ask if they are involved in research and could use your help.

If you are a serious researcher, you can look for research positions on job websites. These positions usually require an in-depth research background. If you are simply looking to gain some experience to build up your medical school applications, this option may not be for you. Some research projects last years and med schools can be skeptical of applicants who spend too much time on research and not enough time gaining clinical experience. They might wonder how well you will transition to patient interaction and clinical work.

You should avoid using any funky fonts, colors, or formatting in your cover letter. It is a professional document not suitable for experiments. So, stick to the standard font types and size, professional tone, and appearance.

You can certainly include these great achievements as long as they add to the overall narrative of your cover letter. Be sure to show what kind of skills and qualities your accomplishments helped you develop. Make your achievements come alive on the page.

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Research Scientist cover letter template header

How to Write an Research Scientist Cover Letter (With Template)

Gabriele Culot

Key takeaways

  • A cover letter can be the most important element in a job application. Ensuring your profile stands out to recruiters is crucial to your professional success.
  • A well-tailored cover letter should provide relevant information clearly and concisely. Focus on detailing your skills and why you are the right person for that specific role.
  • The included Research Scientist cover letter template provides an easy starting point to craft your own cover letters. Adapt and personalize it to fit your profile.

A well-written cover letter is key to quickly getting the attention of prospective employers. Among countless job seekers, resumes, and application letters, yours need to stand out on first impression if you want to ensure your job search   translates to a new role .

In this post, you will discover:

  • Reasons why a well-crafted cover letter is key to professional success, from entry-level roles to senior positions
  • Cover letter do’s and dont’s
  • A Research Scientist sample cover letter you can easily adapt and personalize

A well-tailored   cover letter : The key to   job application   success

Ensuring you know how to write a cover letter that is clear, informative, and tailored to the role you are applying to will benefit you in many ways. Well-crafted cover letters have many benefits, which include:

  • Showcasing relevance:   Tailoring your cover letter allows you to emphasize the most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the specific job requirements. This immediately captures the attention of the   talent acquisition   team, recruiters, or human resources reps.
  • Demonstrating research:   A good cover letter conveys your understanding of the organization's needs and illustrates how you can contribute to its success, signaling to potential employers that you've done your homework.
  • Telling your story:   Each job application is unique, and a tailored cover letter enables you to craft a personalized narrative. It lets you connect your professional journey with the role's specific challenges and opportunities, making your application more compelling.
  • Highlighting cultural fit:   Your cover letter allows you to address the company's values, mission, and culture. By aligning your experiences and values with those of the organization, you demonstrate a cultural fit and convey your enthusiasm for being part of the team.
  • Addressing specific requirements:   Job postings often include   specific skills or qualifications   the employer is seeking. Tailoring your cover letter enables you to address these requirements directly, showcasing how you possess the desired attributes and can meet the company's expectations.

Cover letter tips

A great cover letter should reflect your professional profile and personality. However, no matter what your cover letter's content is, the tips below will help ensure the message you want to convey is clear and easily accessible to hiring managers.

  • Keep it concise:   Aim for a cover letter length of 250-400 words. Be succinct in presenting your qualifications and experiences.
  • Use a clean layout:   Opt for a professional and clean cover letter format with a standard font (e.g., Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman) and a font size of 10-12 points.
  • Include   contact information :   Provide your contact information at the top of the cover letter, including your name, phone number, and professional email address.
  • Use   headers   and sections:   Organize your cover letter into clear sections with headers such as Introduction, Work Experience, and Achievements for easy readability.
  • Maintain a professional tone:   Keep the tone of your cover letter professional and upbeat. Avoid overly casual language, and focus on showcasing your skills and experiences.
  • Use keywords:   Incorporate relevant keywords from the Agile Project Manager   job description   and company website into your cover letter. This can help your application pass through   applicant tracking systems (ATS)   used by many employers.
  • Highlight achievements with bullet points:   Use bullet points to list specific accomplishments or notable projects. This makes it easier for the reader to grasp your accomplishments quickly.
  • Use quantifiable data:   Whenever possible, include quantifiable data to demonstrate the impact of your achievements. Numbers provide concrete evidence of your contributions.
  • Match company tone:   Adapt your writing style to match the tone of the company and industry. Research the company's culture to strike the right balance between professionalism and personality.
  • Showcase company knowledge:   Demonstrate your understanding of the company by referencing its values, mission, or recent achievements. Explain why you're excited about the opportunity to work for this specific organization.
  • Address employment gaps (if applicable):   If you have employment gaps, briefly address them in a positive light, focusing on any skills or experiences gained during those periods.
  • Proofread   thoroughly:   Eliminate typos and grammatical errors by proofreading your cover letter multiple times. Consider using tools like Grammarly to catch any overlooked mistakes and ensure your English (or any language you use) is correct.
  • Include a   call to action :   Conclude your cover letter with a call to action, expressing your enthusiasm for the opportunity and indicating your readiness for an interview.
  • Follow submission instructions:   If there are specific instructions for submitting the cover letter, such as naming conventions or document formats, ensure that you adhere to them.
  • Save as a PDF:   Save your cover letter as a PDF before submitting it. This ensures that the formatting remains consistent across different devices and software.

While understanding the correct steps to write a cover letter is crucial to your professional success, knowing what mistakes to avoid is equally important. The best cover letter can easily be made useless by a tiny blunder. Avoid making the mistakes listed below; you will be halfway to your new job.

  • Don't use a generic greeting:   Avoid generic salutations like "To whom it may concern," “Dear sir or madam, “ or “Dear hiring manager.“ Whenever possible, address the cover letter to a specific person.
  • Don't repeat your resume:   An effective cover letter should complement your resume, not duplicate it. Focus on specific experiences and achievements that showcase your qualifications for the role.
  • Don't exaggerate or lie:   Be truthful in your cover letter. Exaggerating your qualifications or providing false information can harm your chances and damage your professional reputation.
  • Don't use unprofessional email addresses:   Ensure that the email address you use in your contact information is professional. Avoid using nicknames or unprofessional terms.
  • Don't include irrelevant information:   Keep your cover letter focused on the job. Avoid including unrelated personal details or experiences that do not contribute to your suitability for the role.
  • Don't use jargon unnecessarily:   While demonstrating your knowledge is essential, avoid unnecessary jargon that may confuse the reader. Use clear and straightforward language.
  • Don't sound overly eager:   Expressing enthusiasm is positive but can easily feel unauthentic if overdone.

Remember, the goal of a practical cover letter is to present your qualifications in a clear, organized, and compelling manner while adhering to professional standards.

How to structure your Research Scientist   cover letter

Express your genuine interest in the Research Scientist position at [Research Institution or Company Name] in the opening paragraph. Communicate your passion for scientific discovery, data analysis, and your eagerness to contribute to a team dedicated to advancing knowledge and making significant contributions to your field. If applicable, mention any referrals that have influenced your decision to apply for this specific role.

About your current role

Highlight your achievements and effective research strategies that have positively impacted the success of your current team. Emphasize your role in designing and conducting experiments, analyzing complex datasets, and contributing to high-impact research projects. Demonstrate your proficiency in research methodologies, advanced data analysis techniques, and your ability to lead and collaborate with multidisciplinary teams.

Use this section to outline your current responsibilities and ongoing projects, emphasizing how they align with the requirements and objectives of the Research Scientist role.

About your experience

Detail your extensive hands-on experience in research scientist roles, showcasing your ability to conceptualize and lead research projects, publish in reputable journals, and contribute to the advancement of your field. Clearly communicate that your research skills and readiness for the role are well-established. This section is also an opportunity to highlight any relevant publications, presentations, or additional skills you've acquired throughout your research career.

Notable achievements

Highlight notable accomplishments that showcase your effectiveness as a Research Scientist. Whether you played a key role in a groundbreaking research project, developed novel research methodologies, or contributed to significant advancements in your field, use this section to concisely mention your achievements, how they were measured, and their impact on the overall success of the research projects you've been involved in.

Why you want to work there

Express your interest in the institution or company by highlighting specific aspects of its research focus, mission, and values related to your field of expertise that resonate with you. Convey how these align seamlessly with your professional goals and how you envision contributing to the organization's success through your expertise as a research scientist. Be concise but articulate about your motivations.

Specific projects or initiatives that motivated you to apply

Demonstrate your understanding of the organization by referencing specific research-related projects or initiatives that have captured your interest. Draw connections between these initiatives and your skills and experiences, emphasizing how your contributions align with the institution or company's goals for advancing scientific knowledge. This shows your genuine interest and proactive approach to aligning with the organization's mission.

In the closing paragraph, reiterate your enthusiasm to contribute to the organization's success as a Research Scientist. Express your eagerness to discuss how your skills align with the organization's research objectives and invite the reader to reach out with any questions they may have. Sign off with a professional salutation.

Research Scientist   cover letter template

Dear [Hiring Manager’s name],

I am writing to express my interest in the Research Scientist position at [Institution or Company Name], as advertised. With a strong background in [Your Field of Expertise] and a proven track record of conducting impactful research, I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to your esteemed research team.

About my current role

In my current position as a Research Scientist at [Current Institution or Company], I have:

  • Led and conducted independent and collaborative research projects in [Your Field of Expertise].
  • Published research findings in reputable journals and presented at national and international conferences.
  • Mentored and collaborated with junior researchers, fostering a collaborative and innovative research environment.

About my Research Scientist experience

My experience extends to:

  • Designing and executing experiments, ensuring the integrity and validity of research methodologies.
  • Utilizing advanced research techniques and methodologies, such as [specific techniques or tools relevant to your field].
  • Securing research funding through successful grant applications and contributing to proposal writing.

Some of my notable achievements include:

  • Leading a research project that resulted in [specific research outcome, e.g., a new discovery, a novel methodology, etc.].
  • Establishing collaborations with [specific institutions or researchers], enhancing the reach and impact of research projects.
  • Contributing to the development of [specific technology or product] based on research findings.

Why I want to work for [Institution or Company]

I am particularly drawn to [Institution or Company Name] due to its [mention aspects unique to the institution or company such as commitment to cutting-edge research, renowned researchers on the team, access to state-of-the-art facilities, growth,...]. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Institution or Company Name]'s reputation for excellence in [Your Field of Expertise] and to collaborate with other leading researchers in the field.

Specific research projects or initiatives of [Institution or Company] that motivated me to apply

In researching [Institution or Company Name], I was impressed by your recent projects in [specific research focus or area]. I believe my expertise in [Your Field of Expertise] aligns seamlessly with your organizational objectives. My commitment to rigorous and impactful research and my dedication to advancing knowledge in the field would make me a valuable addition to your research team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to further discuss how my skills and experiences align with the Research Scientist role at [Institution or Company Name]. I look forward to contributing to your team's success.

[Your Full Name]

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Writing an Effective & Supportive Recommendation Letter

Sarvenaz sarabipour.

1 Institute for Computational Medicine and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Sarah J. Hainer

2 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Emily Furlong

3 Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Nafisa M. Jadavji

4 Department of Biomedical Sciences, Midwestern University, Glendale, United States

5 Department of Neuroscience, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Charlotte M. de Winde

6 MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London, London, United Kingdom

7 Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, Amsterdam UMC Locatie VUmc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Natalia Bielczyk

8 Welcome Solutions, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

9 Stichting Solaris Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling, Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Aparna P. Shah

10 The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Author Contributions

Writing recommendation letters on behalf of students and other early-career researchers is an important mentoring task within academia. An effective recommendation letter describes key candidate qualities such as academic achievements, extracurricular activities, outstanding personality traits, participation in and dedication to a particular discipline, and the mentor’s confidence in the candidate’s abilities. In this Words of Advice, we provide guidance to researchers on composing constructive and supportive recommendation letters, including tips for structuring and providing specific and effective examples, while maintaining a balance in language and avoiding potential biases.


A letter of recommendation or a reference letter is a statement of support for a student or an early-career researcher (ECR; a non-tenured scientist who may be a research trainee, postdoctoral fellow, laboratory technician, or junior faculty colleague) who is a candidate for future employment, promotion, education, or funding opportunities. Letters of recommendation are commonly requested at different stages of an academic research career and sometimes for transitioning to a non-academic career. Candidates need to request letters early on and prepare relevant information for the individual who is approached for recommendation [ 1 , 2 ]. Writing recommendation letters in support of ECRs for career development opportunities is an important task undertaken frequently by academics. ECRs can also serve as mentors during their training period and may be asked to write letters for their mentees. This offers the ECRs an excellent opportunity to gain experience in drafting these important documents, but may present a particular challenge for individuals with little experience. In general, a letter of recommendation should present a well-documented evaluation and provide sufficient evidence and information about an individual to assist a person or a selection committee in making their decision on an application [ 1 ]. Specifically, the letter should address the purpose for which it is written (which is generally to provide support of the candidate’s application and recommendation for the opportunity) and describe key candidate qualities, the significance of the work performed, the candidate’s other accomplishments and the mentor’s confidence in the candidate’s abilities. It should be written in clear and unbiased language. While a poorly written letter may not result in loss of the opportunity for the candidate, a well-written one can help an application stand out from the others, thus well-enhancing the candidate’s chances for the opportunity.

Letter readers at review, funding, admissions, hiring and promotion committees need to examine the letter objectively with a keenness for information on the quality of the candidate’s work and perspective on their scientific character [ 6 ]. However well-intentioned, letters can fall short of providing a positive, effective, and supportive document [ 1 , 3 – 5 ]. To prevent this, it is important to make every letter personal; thus, writing letters requires time and careful consideration. This article draws from our collective experiences as ECRs and the literature to highlight best practices and key elements for those asked to provide recommendation letters for their colleagues, students, or researchers who have studied or trained in their classroom or research laboratory. We hope that these guidelines will be helpful for letter writers to provide an overall picture of the candidate’s capabilities, potential and professional promise.

Decide on whether to write the letter

Before you start, it is important to evaluate your relationship with the candidate and ability to assess their skills and abilities honestly. Consider how well and in what context you know the person, as well as whether you can be supportive of their application [ 7 ]. Examine the description of the opportunity for which the letter is being requested ( Figure 1 ). Often you will receive a request by a student or a researcher whom you know very well and have interacted with in different settings – in and out of the classroom, your laboratory or that of a colleague, or within your department – and whose performance you find to be consistently satisfactory or excellent. Sometimes a mentee may request a recommendation letter when still employed or working with you, their research advisor. This can come as an unpleasant surprise if you are unaware that the trainee was seeking other opportunities (for instance, if they haven’t been employed with you for long, or have just embarked on a new project). While the mentee should be transparent about their goals and searching for opportunities, you should as a mentor offer to provide the letter for your mentee (see Table 1 ).

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First, it is important to establish whether you are equipped to write a strong letter of support. If not, it is best to have a candid conversation with the applicant and discuss alternative options or opportunities. If you are in a position to write a strong letter of support, first acquire information regarding the application and the candidate, draft a letter in advance (see Box 1 ) and submit the letter on time. When drafting the letter, incorporate specific examples, avoid biases, and discuss the letter with the candidate (see Tables 1 – 2 for specific examples). After submission, store a digital copy for potential future use for the same candidate.

Key do’s and don’ts when being asked to write a letter of recommendation

Other requests may be made by a candidate who has made no impression on you, or only a negative one. In this case, consider the candidate’s potential and future goals, and be fair in your evaluation. Sending a negative letter or a generic positive letter for individuals you barely know is not helpful to the selection committee and can backfire for the candidate. It can also, in some instances, backfire for you if a colleague accepts a candidate based on your generic positive letter when you did not necessarily fully support that individual. For instance, letter writers sometimes stretch the truth to make a candidate sound better than they really are, thinking it is helpful. If you do not know the applicant well enough or feel that you cannot be supportive, you are not in a strong position to write the recommendation letter and should decline the request, being open about why you are declining to write the letter. Also, be selective about writing on behalf of colleagues who may be in one’s field but whose work is not well known to you. If you have to read the candidate’s curriculum vitae to find out who they are and what they have done, then you may not be qualified to write the letter [ 8 ].

When declining a request to provide a letter of support, it is important to explain your reasoning to the candidate and suggest how they might improve their prospects for the future [ 8 ]. If the candidate is having a similar problem with other mentors, try to help them identify a more appropriate referee or to explore whether they are making an appropriate application in the first place. Suggest constructive steps to improve relationships with mentors to identify individuals to provide letters in the future. Most importantly, do not let the candidate assume that all opportunities for obtaining supportive letters of recommendation have been permanently lost. Emphasize the candidate’s strengths by asking them to share a favourite paper, assignment, project, or other positive experience that may have taken place outside of your class or lab, to help you identify their strengths. Finally, discuss with the candidate their career goals to help them realize what they need to focus on to become more competitive or steer them in a different career direction. This conversation can mark an important step and become a great interaction and mentoring opportunity for ECRs.

Examine the application requirements

Once you decide to write a recommendation letter, it is important to know what type and level of opportunity the candidate is applying for, as this will determine what should be discussed in the letter ( Figure 1 ). You should carefully read the opportunity posting description and/or ask the candidate to summarize the main requirements and let you know the specific points that they find important to highlight. Pay close attention to the language of the position announcement to fully address the requested information and tailor the letter to the specific needs of the institution, employer, or funding organisation. In some instances, a waiver form or an option indicating whether or not the candidate waives their right to see the recommendation document is provided. If the candidate queries a waiver decision, note that often referees are not allowed to send a letter that is not confidential and that there may be important benefits to maintaining the confidentiality of letters (see Table 1 ). Specifically, selection committees may view confidential letters as having greater credibility and, value and some letter writers may feel less reserved in their praise of candidates in confidential letters.

Acquire candidate information and discuss letter content

To acquire appropriate information about the candidate, one or more of the following documents may be valuable: a resume or curriculum vitae (CV), a publication or a manuscript, an assignment or exam written for your course, a copy of the application essay or personal statement, a transcript of academic records, a summary of current work, and specific recommendation forms or questionnaires (if provided) [ 9 ]. Alternatively, you may ask the candidate to complete a questionnaire asking for necessary information and supporting documents [ 10 ]. Examine the candidate’s CV and provide important context to the achievements listed therein. Tailor the letter for the opportunity using these documents as a guide, but do not repeat their contents as the candidate likely submits them separately. Even the most articulate of candidates may find it difficult to describe their qualities in writing [ 11 ]. Furthermore, a request may be made by a person who has made a good impression, but for whom you lack significant information to be able to write a strong letter. Thus, even if you know a candidate well, schedule a brief in-person, phone, or virtual meeting with them to 1) fill in gaps in your knowledge about them, 2) understand why they are applying for this particular opportunity, 3) help bring their past accomplishments into sharper focus, and 4) discuss their short- and long-term goals and how their current studies or research activities relate to the opportunity they are applying for and to these goals. Other key information to gather from the applicant includes the date on which the recommendation letter is due, as well as details on how to submit it.

For most applications (for both academic and non-academic opportunities), a letter of recommendation will need to cover both scholarly capabilities and achievements as well as a broader range of personal qualities and experiences beyond the classroom or the laboratory. This includes extracurricular experiences and traits such as creativity, tenacity, and collegiality. If necessary, discuss with the candidate what they would like to see additionally highlighted. As another example of matching a letter with its purpose, a letter for a fellowship application for a specific project should discuss the validity and feasibility of the project, as well as the candidate’s qualifications for fulfilling the project.

Draft the letter early and maintain a copy

Another factor that greatly facilitates letter writing is drafting one as soon as possible after you have taught or trained the candidate, while your impressions are still clear. You might consider encouraging the candidate to make their requests early [ 11 ]. These letters can be placed in the candidate’s portfolio and maintained in your own files for future reference. If you are writing a letter in response to a request, start drafting it well in advance and anticipate multiple rounds of revision before submission. Once you have been asked by a candidate to write a letter, that candidate may return frequently, over a number of years, for additional letters. Therefore, maintain a digital copy of the letter for your records and for potential future applications for the same candidate.

Structure your letter

In the opening, you should introduce yourself and the candidate, state your qualifications and explain how you became acquainted with the candidate, as well as the purpose of the letter, and a summary of your recommendation ( Table 2 ). To explain your relationship with the candidate you should fully describe the capacity in which you know them: the type of experience, the period during which you worked with the candidate, and any special assignments or responsibilities that the candidate performed under your guidance. For instance, the letter may start with: “This candidate completed their postdoctoral training under my supervision. I am pleased to be able to provide my strongest support in recommending them for this opportunity.” You may also consider ranking the candidate among similar level candidates within the opening section to give an immediate impression of your thoughts. Depending on the position, ranking the candidate may also be desired by selection committees, and may be requested within the letter. For instance, the recommendation form or instructions may ask you to rank the candidate in the top 1%, 5%, 10%, etc., of applicants. You could write "the student is in the top 5% of undergraduate students I have trained" Or “There are currently x graduate students in our department and I rank this candidate at the top 1%. Their experimental/computational skills are the best I have ever had in my own laboratory.”. Do not forget to include with whom or what group you are comparing the individual. If you have not yet trained many individuals in your own laboratory, include those that you trained previously as a researcher as reference. Having concentrated on the candidate’s individual or unique strengths, you might find it difficult to provide a ranking. This is less of an issue if a candidate is unambiguously among the top 10% that you have mentored but not all who come to you for a letter will fall within that small group. If you wish to offer a comparative perspective, you might more readily be able to do so in more specific areas such as whether the candidate is one of the most articulate, original, clear-thinking, motivated, or intellectually curious.

Key do’s and don’ts when writing a letter of recommendation

The body of the recommendation letter should provide specific information about the candidate and address any questions or requirements posed in the selection criteria (see sections above). Some applications may ask for comments on a candidate’s scholarly performance. Refer the reader to the candidate’s CV and/or transcript if necessary but don’t report grades, unless to make an exceptional point (such as they were the only student to earn a top grade in your class). The body of the recommendation letter will contain the majority of the information including specific examples, relevant candidate qualities, and your experiences with the candidate, and therefore the majority of this manuscript focuses on what to include in this section.

The closing paragraph of the letter should briefly 1) summarize your opinions about the candidate, 2) clearly state your recommendation and strong support of the candidate for the opportunity that they are seeking, and 3) offer the recipient of the letter the option to contact you if they need any further information. Make sure to provide your email address and phone number in case the recipient has additional questions. The overall tone of the letter can represent your confidence in the applicant. If opportunity criteria are detailed and the candidate meets these criteria completely, include this information. Do not focus on what you may perceive as a candidate’s negative qualities as such tone may do more harm than intended ( Table 2 ). Finally, be aware of the Forer’s effect, a cognitive error, in which a very general description, that fits almost everyone, is used to describe a person [ 20 ]. Such generalizations can be harmful, as they provide the candidate the impression that they received a valuable, positive letter, but for the committee, who receive hundreds of similar letters, this is non-informative and unhelpful to the application.

Describe relevant candidate qualities with specific examples and without overhyping

In discussing a candidate’s qualities and character, proceed in ways similar to those used for intellectual evaluation ( Box 1 ). Information to specifically highlight may include personal characteristics, such as integrity, resilience, poise, confidence, dependability, patience, creativity, enthusiasm, teaching capabilities, problem-solving abilities, ability to manage trainees and to work with colleagues, curriculum development skills, collaboration skills, experience in grant writing, ability to organize events and demonstrate abilities in project management, and ability to troubleshoot (see section “ Use ethical principles, positive and inclusive language within the letter ” below for tips on using inclusive terminology). The candidate may also have a specific area of knowledge, strengths and experiences worth highlighting such as strong communication skills, expertise in a particular scientific subfield, an undergraduate degree with a double major, relevant work or research experience, coaching, and/or other extracurricular activities. Consider whether the candidate has taught others in the lab, or shown particular motivation and commitment in their work. When writing letters for mentees who are applying for (non-)academic jobs or admission to academic institutions, do not merely emphasize their strengths, achievements and potential, but also try to 1) convey a sense of what makes them a potential fit for that position or funding opportunity, and 2) fill in the gaps. Gaps may include an insufficient description of the candidate’s strengths or research given restrictions on document length. Importantly, to identify these gaps, one must have carefully reviewed both the opportunity posting as well as the application materials (see Box 1 , Table 2 ).

Recommendations for Letter Writers

  • Consider characteristics that excite & motivate this candidate.
  • Include qualities that you remember most about the candidate.
  • Detail their unusual competence, talent, mentorship, teaching or leadership abilities.
  • Explain the candidate’s disappointments or failures & the way they reacted & overcame.
  • Discuss if they demonstrated a willingness to take intellectual risks beyond the normal research & classroom experience.
  • Ensure that you have knowledge of the institution that the candidate is applying for.
  • Consider what makes you believe this particular opportunity is a good match for this candidate.
  • Consider how they might fit into the institution’s community & grow from their experience.
  • Describe their personality & social skills.
  • Discuss how the candidate interacts with teachers & peers.
  • Use ethical principles, positive & inclusive language within the letter.
  • Do not list facts & details, every paper, or discovery of the candidate’s career.
  • Only mention unusual family or community circumstances after consulting the candidate.
  • A thoughtful letter from a respective colleague with a sense of perspective can be quite valuable.
  • Each letter takes time & effort, take it seriously.

When writing letters to nominate colleagues for promotion or awards, place stronger emphasis on their achievements and contributions to a field, or on their track record of teaching, mentorship and service, to aid the judging panel. In addition to describing the candidate as they are right now, you can discuss the development the person has undergone (for specific examples see Table 2 ).

A letter of recommendation can also explain weaknesses or ambiguities in the candidate’s record. If appropriate – and only after consulting the candidate - you may wish to mention a family illness, financial hardship, or other factors that may have resulted in a setback or specific portion of the candidate’s application perceived weakness (such as in the candidate’s transcript). For example, sometimes there are acceptable circumstances for a gap in a candidate’s publication record—perhaps a medical condition or a family situation kept them out of the lab for a period of time. Importantly, being upfront about why there is a perceived gap or blemish in the application package can strengthen the application. Put a positive spin on the perceived negatives using terms such as “has taken steps to address gaps in knowledge”, “has worked hard to,” and “made great progress in” (see Table 2 ).

Describe a candidate’s intellectual capabilities in terms that reflect their distinctive or individual strengths and be prepared to support your judgment with field-specific content [ 12 ] and concrete examples. These can significantly strengthen a letter and will demonstrate a strong relationship between you and the candidate. Describe what the candidate’s strengths are, moments they have overcome adversity, what is important to them. For example: “candidate x is exceptionally intelligent. They proved to be a very quick study, learning the elements of research design and technique y in record time. Furthermore, their questions are always thoughtful and penetrating.”. Mention the candidate’s diligence, work ethic, and curiosity and do not merely state that “the applicant is strong” without specific examples. Describing improvements to candidate skills over time can help highlight their work ethic, resolve, and achievements over time. However, do not belabor a potential lower starting point.

Provide specific examples for when leadership was demonstrated, but do not include leadership qualities if they have not been demonstrated. For example, describe the candidate’s qualities such as independence, critical thinking, creativity, resilience, ability to design and interpret experiments; ability to identify the next steps and generate interesting questions or ideas, and what you were especially impressed by. Do not generically list the applicant as independent with no support or if this statement would be untrue.

Do not qualify candidate qualities based on a stereotype for specific identities. Quantify the candidate’s abilities, especially with respect to other scientists who have achieved success in the field and who the letter reader might know. Many letter writers rank applicants according to their own measure of what makes a good researcher, graduate trainee, or technician according to a combination of research strengths, leadership skills, writing ability, oral communication, teaching ability, and collegiality. Describe what the role of the candidate was in their project and eventual publication and do not assume letter readers will identify this information on their own (see Table 2 ). Including a description about roles and responsibilities can help to quantify a candidate’s contribution to the listed work. For example, “The candidate is the first author of the paper, designed, and led the project.”. Even the best mentor can overlook important points, especially since mentors typically have multiple mentees under their supervision. Thus, it can help to ask the candidate what they consider their strengths or traits, and accomplishments of which they are proud.

If you lack sufficient information to answer certain questions about the candidate, it is best to maintain the integrity and credibility of your letter - as the recommending person, you are potentially writing to a colleague and/or someone who will be impacted by your letter; therefore, honesty is key above all. Avoid the misconception that the more superlatives you use, the stronger the letter. Heavy use of generic phrases or clichés is unhelpful. Your letter can only be effective if it contains substantive information about the specific candidate and their qualifications for the opportunity. A recommendation that paints an unrealistic picture of a candidate may be discounted. All information in a letter of recommendation should be, to the best of your knowledge, accurate. Therefore, present the person truthfully but positively. Write strongly and specifically about someone who is truly excellent (explicitly describe how and why they are special). Write a balanced letter without overhyping the candidate as it will not help them.

Be careful about what you leave out of the letter

Beware of what you leave out of the recommendation letter. For most opportunities, there are expectations of what should be included in a letter, and therefore what is not said can be just as important as what is said. Importantly, do not assume all the same information is necessary for every opportunity. In general, you should include the information stated above, covering how you know the candidate, their strengths, specific examples to support your statements, and how the candidate fits well for the opportunity. For example, if you don’t mention a candidate’s leadership skills or their ability to work well with others, the letter reader may wonder why, if the opportunity requires these skills. Always remember that opportunities are sought by many individuals, so evaluators may look for any reason to disregard an application, such as a letter not following instructions or discussing the appropriate material. Also promote the candidate by discussing all of their scholarly and non-scholarly efforts, including non-peer reviewed research outputs such as preprints, academic and non-academic service, and advocacy work which are among their broader impact and all indicative of valuable leadership qualities for both academic and non-academic environments ( Table 2 ).

Provide an even-handed judgment of scholarly impact, be fair and describe accomplishments fairly by writing a balanced letter about the candidate’s attributes that is thoughtful and personal (see Table 2 ). Submitting a generic, hastily written recommendation letter is not helpful and can backfire for both the candidate and the letter writer as you will often leave out important information for the specific opportunity; thus, allow for sufficient time and effort on each candidate/application.

Making the letter memorable by adding content that the reader will remember, such as an unusual anecdote, or use of a unique term to describe the candidate. This will help the application stand out from all the others. Tailor the letter to the candidate, including as much unique, relevant information as possible and avoid including personal information unless the candidate gives consent. Provide meaningful examples of achievements and provide stories or anecdotes that illustrate the candidate’s strengths. Say what the candidate specifically did to give you that impression ( Box 1 ). Don’t merely praise the candidate using generalities such as “candidate x is a quick learner”.

Use ethical principles, positive and inclusive language within the letter

Gender affects scientific careers. Avoid providing information that is irrelevant to the opportunity, such as ethnicity, age, hobbies, or marital status. Write about professional attributes that pertain to the application. However, there are qualities that might be important to the job or funding opportunity. For instance, personal information may illustrate the ability to persevere and overcome adversity - qualities that are helpful in academia and other career paths. It is critical to pay attention to biases and choices of words while writing the letter [ 13 , 14 ]. Advocacy bias (a letter writer is more likely to write a strong letter for someone similar to themselves) has been identified as an issue in academic environments [ 3 ]. Studies have also shown that there are often differences in the choice of words used in letters for male and female scientists [ 3 , 5 ]. For instance, letters for women have been found not to contain much specific and descriptive language. Descriptions often pay greater attention to the personal lives or personal characteristics of women than men, focusing on items that have little relevance in a letter of recommendation. When writing recommendation letters, employers have a tendency to focus on scholarly capabilities in male candidates and personality features in female candidates; for instance, female candidates tend to be depicted in letters as teachers and trainees, whereas male candidates are described as researchers and professionals [ 15 ]. Also, letters towards males often contain more standout words such as “superb”, “outstanding”, and “excellent”. Furthermore, letters for women had been found to contain more doubt-raising statements, including negative or unexplained comments [ 3 , 15 , 16 ]. This is discriminative towards women and gives a less clear picture of women as professionals. Keep the letter gender neutral. Do not write statements such as “candidate x is a kind woman” or “candidate y is a fantastic female scientist” as these have no bearing on whether someone will do well in graduate school or in a job. One way to reduce gender bias is by checking your reference letter with a gender bias calculator [ 17 , 18 ]. Test for gender biases by writing a letter of recommendation for any candidate, male or female, and then switch all the pronouns to the opposite gender. Read the letter over and ask yourself if it sounds odd. If it does, you should probably change the terms used [ 17 ]. Other biases also exist, and so while gender bias has been the most heavily investigated, bias based on other identities (race, nationality, ethnicity, among others) should also be examined and assessed in advance and during letter writing to ensure accurate and appropriate recommendations for all.

Revise and submit on time

The recommendation letter should be written using language that is straightforward and concise [ 19 ]. Avoid using jargon or language that is too general or effusive ( Table 1 ). Formats and styles of single and co-signed letters are also important considerations. In some applications, the format is determined by the application portal itself in which the recommender is asked to answer a series of questions. If these questions do not cover everything you would like to address you could inquire if there is the option to provide a letter as well. Conversely, if the recommendation questionnaire asks for information that you cannot provide, it is best to explicitly mention this in writing. The care with which you write the letter will also influence the effectiveness of the letter - writing eloquently is another way of registering your support for the candidate. Letters longer than two pages can be counterproductive, and off-putting as reviewers normally have a large quantity of letters to read. In special cases, longer letters may be more favourable depending on the opportunity. On the other hand, anything shorter than a page may imply a lack of interest or knowledge, or a negative impression on the candidate. In letter format, write at least 3-4 paragraphs. It is important to note that letters from different sectors, such as academia versus industry tend to be of different lengths. Ensure that your letter is received by the requested method (mail or e-mail) and deadline, as a late submission could be detrimental for the candidate. Write and sign the letter on your department letterhead which is a further form of identification.


Recommendation letters can serve as important tools for assessing ECRs as potential candidates for a job, course, or funding opportunity. Candidates need to request letters in advance and provide relevant information for the recommender. Readers at selection committees need to examine the letter objectively with an eye for information on the quality of the candidate’s scholarly and non-scholarly endeavours and scientific traits. As a referee, it is important that you are positive, candid, yet helpful, as you work with the candidate in drafting a letter in their support. In writing a recommendation letter, summarize your thoughts on the candidate and emphasize your strong support for their candidacy. A successful letter communicates the writer’s enthusiasm for an individual, but does so realistically, sympathetically, and with concrete examples to support the writer’s associations. Writing recommendation letters can help mentors examine their interactions with their mentee and know them in different light. Express your willingness to help further by concluding the letter with an offer to be contacted should the reader need more information. Remember that a letter writer’s judgment and credibility are at stake thus do spend the time and effort to present yourself as a recommender in the best light and help ECRs in their career path.


S.J.H. was supported by the National Institutes of Health grant R35GM133732. A.P.S. was partially supported by the NARSAD Young Investigator Grant 27705.


Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

  • Cover Letter

Research Internship   Cover Letter

Research intern cover letter (with examples).

Research is an essential function of many businesses today. It can be done on any topic from physics, chemistry, mathematics, to marketing or business research.

Being able to research effectively requires an individual to be a problem-solver, a good observer , and have unique conclusions based on their research. To develop research skills , many times, individuals will apply for research internships.

Research internships are usually jobs that students take in their final year of graduation or immediately after graduation. In a sense, research internships are like research projects of your own in which you’ll learn new skills like scientific techniques, design experiments, how to properly analyze results, and more.

You’ll likely work closely with a supervisor or professor , and your responsibilities may include attending lab meetings, symposiums, lectures, and doing research on credentialed sites. As a result of your internship , you may receive hourly or salaried pay or credit towards a college course.

As a research intern, you may be required to work in a college laboratory, a research organization, or with the research and development (RD) department within a business.

Working as an intern gives you the unique opportunity to do your own research on what excites you in your chosen career field , but also to network with like-minded peers.

This will help you not only understand the industry and job better but may open doors to letters of recommendation , new job opportunities once your internship is complete, or assistance in publishing research papers or findings.

When you’re looking to apply for an internship, you’ll want to give a lot of thought to your resume as well as a cover letter that can make you stand out from other candidates. If you’re still in school, there are a few different ways to think about your resume, but for the purpose of this article, we’ll discuss the different components of a cover letter for research interns.

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Parts of a Research Intern Cover Letter

Just like a scientific research paper, cover letters should be outlined and planned for. As a research intern, you’ll want to be sure you touch on the right criteria that convince your hiring manager that you’re the right fit for the job.

Your cover letter should be anywhere between 200-300 words because you are applying as an intern. Focus on the following important elements for your research intern cover letter:

Contact information. At the top of your cover letter , you’ll want to include your contact information just under your name. Your header should reflect your resume, so be sure it’s the same font type and size. For research interns, it’s important to add the contact details of the lead researcher or supervisor you’ll be working with.

Salutation. For those looking for a research internship , you’ll want to get the information of the researcher or supervisor you’ll be working with, as mentioned above. Once you have that information, use their proper salutation, meaning they should be addressed as Dr. if applicable.

Cover letter opening. Your cover letter opening is the thing that should capture the hiring manager's attention immediately.

Since you’re working towards a research intern position, the most important thing to portray is that you’re excited and enthusiastic about the position. Surface any important skills here that you think are relevant to the internship you’re applying for.

Cover letter body. The body of your cover letter should be the place where you showcase why you’re the perfect researcher for the job. If you’re looking to intern for a specific research project, discuss that too and what excites you about the opportunity.

It’s okay to discuss what excites you and what you hope to benefit from the experience. Many internship hiring managers are simply looking for enthusiasm and passion. Skills are important, but they can always be taught to the right person.

Closing. A call to action is important for your closing . You’ll want to instruct the reader of your cover letter to do something next, whether it be to schedule you for an interview or take a deeper look at your experience through your resume. Whatever the case, you’ll want a strong call to action before adding your complimentary close, such as “Sincerely.”

Signature. If you are sending your cover letter through mail or handing it to the potential employer during a screening interview, it’s a great idea to add a handwritten signature as an extra touch. If you are submitting your cover letter via email, typing your name is acceptable.

Research Intern Cover Letter Opening

There is a lot of competition in the world of research interns. The demand for scientific jobs, in particular, is very high. That means you’ll want your cover letter to stand out from the crowd and leave with a positive impact on your hiring manager. That means that you should focus on two things during your opening:

A catchy first line. This is imperative for a killer cover letter. It doesn’t have to be anything intricate, but it should absolutely show your enthusiasm. Don’t force it. A simple line about how you love your field of study or what excites you about the company or specific research project at hand should suffice.

Your skills. Showcase your skills upfront. The hiring manager for an internship will be most interested in the skills you already possess to understand how much training they must commit to and if you have the essential foundational skills to complete the task at hand.

Make sure you’re specific about your abilities and how they can provide value to the research opportunity at hand.

Showing your enthusiasm, confidence, and a peek into your background, and current experience is a sure way to grab the hiring manager’s attention.

“As a graduate school student in the field of environmental sciences, I was thrilled to reply to your call for undergraduate research interns to join your team. My previous experience in environmental research has helped to develop my methodology, data analysis, and research expertise in this field. I’m confident that I have the necessary skills to be a great addition to your research team and the Environmental Research Project you’re conducting.”

Search For Research Internship Jobs

Research intern cover letter body.

The body of your cover letter is crucial to get right on a research intern cover letter. You’ll want to touch on a few different things in this paragraph.

Why you’re right for the job. The hiring manager wants to understand why you believe you’re right for the job . This gives them a good indication about how well you understand the job ahead of you and if you understand the skills and qualifications necessary to get the job done.

List your past accomplishments. Any past accomplishments that are relevant to the research intern position should be listed here. Your accomplishments are made even more memorable and promising if you include hard statistics.

However, if you don’t have any hard data to refer to, consider listing certifications, research accomplishments, or even what you admire about the company.

Demonstrate your research skills. What better place to demonstrate your research skills than within your cover letter? Highlight the research you’re proud of in a tasteful way to leave a long-lasting impression on your hiring manager.

The body doesn’t have to be extensive. In fact, just a few short paragraphs are often just enough. You want to get straight to the point, so leave out the fluff and get to the good stuff.

“During my time in graduate school, I gained exposure to research in environmental science fields, including extensive study in environmental chemistry. My studies and research in these areas give me a strong foundation with which to carry out the tasks of the environmental science intern. A few of my past achievements include: Worked to improve the chemical makeup of a brand of compressed natural gas resulting in a 37% reduction in air pollution. Collected and identified the chemical structures of over 150 soil samples from outdoor ecosystems to address nutrient issues in order to enable fertile land for local farmers. Studied and wrote my dissertation on pollution prevention by researching undesired components and how to efficiently replace them. As a student, I am incredibly proud of these accomplishments and feel that, if given the opportunity to join your research team, that I could provide that same value, focus, and attention to detail for Sample Company.”

Research Intern Cover Letter Closing Lines

Finally, your closing — This should be short and straight to the point. In order to do this effectively, consider focusing on the following:

Appreciation and enthusiasm. Reiterate how excited you are about the research internship at hand and even thank the hiring manager for the opportunity.

A strong call to action. Don’t leave off your cover letter without a strong call to action. This can be combined with your appreciation and enthusiasm. But the purpose of the cover letter is to get the hiring manager to call you for an interview or look further into your experience on your resume. End on a strong close.

Finally, finish with a simple close and your name.

“ Thank you for the opportunity to apply, and I look forward to our next conversation where I hope I can provide even more detail on why my experience makes me a great candidate for this research internship.”

Example of a Research Intern Cover Letter

Jessie Marten 222 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19123 September 1, 2021 Dr. Les Bingham Lead Researcher, Environmental Science Dear Dr. Bingham, As a graduate school student in the field of environmental sciences, I was thrilled to reply to your call for undergraduate research interns to join your team. My previous experience in environmental research has helped to develop my methodology, data analysis, and research expertise in this field. I’m confident that I have the necessary skills to be a great addition to your research team and the Environmental Research Project you’re conducting. During my time in graduate school, I gained exposure to research in environmental science fields, including extensive study in environmental chemistry. My studies and research in these areas give me a strong foundation with which to carry out the tasks of the environmental science intern. A few of my past achievements include: Worked to improve the chemical makeup of a brand of compressed natural gas resulting in a 37% reduction in air pollution. Collected and identified the chemical structures of over 150 soil samples from outdoor ecosystems to address nutrient issues in order to enable fertile land for local farmers. Studied and wrote my dissertation on pollution prevention by researching undesired components and how to efficiently replace them. As a student, I am incredibly proud of these accomplishments and feel that, if given the opportunity to join your research team, that I could provide that same value, focus, and attention to detail for Sample Company. Thank you for the opportunity to apply and I look forward to our next conversation, where I hope I can provide even more detail on why my experience makes me a great candidate for this research internship. Sincerely, Jessie Marten
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Are Markups Driving the Ups and Downs of Inflation?

Sylvain Leduc

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FRBSF Economic Letter 2024-12 | May 13, 2024

How much impact have price markups for goods and services had on the recent surge and the subsequent decline of inflation? Since 2021, markups have risen substantially in a few industries such as motor vehicles and petroleum. However, aggregate markups—which are more relevant for overall inflation—have generally remained flat, in line with previous economic recoveries over the past three decades. These patterns suggest that markup fluctuations have not been a main driver of the ups and downs of inflation during the post-pandemic recovery.

In the recovery from the pandemic, U.S. inflation surged to a peak of over 7% in June 2022 and has since declined to 2.7% in March 2024, as measured by the 12-month change in the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index. What factors have been driving the ups and downs of inflation? Production costs are traditionally considered a main contributor, particularly costs stemming from fluctuations in demand for and supply of goods and services. As demand for their products rises, companies need to hire more workers and buy more intermediate goods, pushing up production costs. Supply chain disruptions can also push up the cost of production. Firms may pass on all or part of the cost increases to consumers by raising prices. Thus, an important theoretical linkage runs from cost increases to inflation. Likewise, decreases in costs should lead to disinflation.

Labor costs are an important factor of production costs and are often useful for gauging inflationary pressures. However, during the post-pandemic surge in inflation, nominal wages rose more slowly than prices, such that real labor costs were falling until early 2023. By contrast, disruptions to global supply chains pushed up intermediate goods costs, contributing to the surge in inflation (see, for example, Liu and Nguyen 2023). However, supply chains have more direct impacts on goods inflation than on services inflation, which also rose substantially.

In this Economic Letter , we consider another factor that might drive inflation fluctuations: changes in firms’ pricing power and markups. An increase in pricing power would be reflected in price-cost markups, leading to higher inflation; likewise, a decline in pricing power and markups could alleviate inflation pressures. We use industry-level measures of markups to trace their evolving impact on inflation during the current expansion. We find that markups rose substantially in some sectors, such as the motor vehicles industry. However, the aggregate markup across all sectors of the economy, which is more relevant for inflation, has stayed essentially flat during the post-pandemic recovery. This is broadly in line with patterns during previous business cycle recoveries. Overall, our analysis suggests that fluctuations in markups were not a main driver of the post-pandemic surge in inflation, nor of the recent disinflation that started in mid-2022.

Potential drivers of inflation: Production costs and markups

To support households and businesses during the pandemic, the Federal Reserve lowered the federal funds rate target to essentially zero, and the federal government provided large fiscal transfers and increased unemployment benefits. These policies boosted demand for goods and services, especially as the economy recovered from the depth of the pandemic.

The increase in overall demand, combined with supply shortages, boosted the costs of production, contributing to the surge in inflation during the post-pandemic recovery. Although labor costs account for a large part of firms’ total production costs, real labor costs were falling between early 2021 and mid-2022 such that the increases in prices outpaced those in nominal wages. This makes it unlikely that labor costs were driving the surge in inflation.

Instead, we focus on another potential alternative driver of inflation that resulted from firms’ ability to adjust prices, known as pricing power. As demand for goods surged early in the post-pandemic recovery, companies may have had a greater ability to raise their prices above their production costs, a gap known as markups. Following a sharp drop in spending at the height of the pandemic, people may have become eager to resume normal spending patterns and hence more tolerant to price increases than in the past. In fact, growth of nonfinancial corporate profits accelerated in the early part of the recovery (see Figure 1), suggesting that companies had increased pricing power. Some studies have pointed to the strong growth in nonfinancial corporate profits in 2021 as evidence that increased markups have contributed to inflation (see, for example, Weber and Wasmer 2023). However, the figure also shows that growth in corporate profits is typically volatile. Corporate profits tend to rise in the early stages of economic recoveries. Data for the current recovery show that the increase in corporate profits is not particularly pronounced compared with previous recoveries.

Figure 1 Profit growth for nonfinancial businesses

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More importantly, corporate profits are an imperfect measure of a firm’s pricing power because several other factors can drive changes in profitability. For instance, much of the recent rise in corporate profits can be attributed to lower business taxes and higher subsidies from pandemic-related government support, as well as lower net interest payments due to monetary policy accommodation (Pallazzo 2023).

Instead of relying on profits as a measure of pricing power, we construct direct measures of markups based on standard economic models. Theory suggests that companies set prices as a markup over variable production costs, and that markup can be inferred from the share of a firm’s revenue spent on a given variable production factor, such as labor or intermediate goods. Over the period of data we use, we assume that the specific proportion of a company’s production costs going toward inputs does not change. If the share of a firm’s revenue used for inputs falls, it would imply a rise in the firm’s price-cost margin or markup. In our main analysis, we use industry-level data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) to compute markups based on the share of revenue spent on intermediate inputs. Our results are similar if we instead use the share of revenue going toward labor costs.

We compare the evolution of markups to that of prices, as measured by the PCE price index, since the recovery from the pandemic. In constructing this price index, the BEA takes into account changes in product characteristics (for instance, size) that could otherwise bias the inflation measure by comparing the prices of inherently different products over time. Similarly, based upon standard economic theory, our markup measure implicitly captures changes in those characteristics (see, for example, Aghion et al. 2023).

The post-pandemic evolution of markups

We examine the evolution of markups in each industry since the third quarter of 2020, the start of the post-pandemic recovery. Figure 2 shows that some sectors, such as the motor vehicles and petroleum industries, experienced large cumulative increases in markups during the recovery. Markups also rose substantially in general merchandise, such as department stores, and for other services, such as repair and maintenance, personal care, and laundry services. Since the start of the expansion, markups in those industries rose by over 10%—comparable in size to the cumulative increases over the same period in the core PCE price index, which excludes volatile food and energy components. However, the surge in inflation through June 2022 was broad based, with prices also rising substantially outside of these sectors. Thus, understanding the importance of markups for driving inflation requires a macroeconomic perspective that examines the evolution of aggregate markups across all sectors of the economy.

Figure 2 Cumulative changes in markups for salient industries

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The role of aggregate markups in the economy

To assess how much markup changes contribute to movements in inflation more broadly, we use our industry-level measurements to calculate an aggregate markup at the macroeconomic level. We aggregate the cumulative changes in industry markups, applying two different weighting methods, as displayed in Figure 3. In the first method (green line), we match our industry categories to the spending categories in the core PCE price index for ease of comparison; we then use the PCE weights for each category to compute the aggregate markup. Alternatively, we use each industry’s cost weights to compute the aggregate markup (blue line). Regardless of the weighting method, Figure 3 shows that aggregate markups have stayed essentially flat since the start of the recovery, while the core PCE price index (gray line) rose by more than 10%. Thus, changes in markups are not likely to be the main driver of inflation during the recovery, which aligns with results from Glover, Mustre-del-Río, and von Ende-Becker (2023) and Hornstein (2023) using different methodologies or data. Markups also have not played much of a role in the slowing of inflation since the summer of 2022.

Figure 3 Cumulative changes in aggregate markups and prices

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Moreover, the path of aggregate markups over the past three years is not unusual compared with previous recoveries. Figure 4 shows the cumulative changes in aggregate markups since the start of the current recovery (dark blue line), alongside aggregate markups following the 1991 (green line), 2001 (yellow line), and 2008 (light blue line) recessions. Aggregate markups have stayed roughly constant throughout all four recoveries.

Figure 4 Cumulative changes of aggregate markups in recoveries

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Firms’ pricing power may change over time, resulting in markup fluctuations. In this Letter , we examine whether increases in markups played an important role during the inflation surge between early 2021 and mid-2022 and if declines in markups have contributed to disinflation since then. Using industry-level data, we show that markups did rise substantially in a few important sectors, such as motor vehicles and petroleum products. However, aggregate markups—the more relevant measure for overall inflation—have stayed essentially flat since the start of the recovery. As such, rising markups have not been a main driver of the recent surge and subsequent decline in inflation during the current recovery.

Aghion, Philippe, Antonin Bergeaud, Timo Boppart, Peter J. Klenow, and Huiyu Li. 2023. “A Theory of Falling Growth and Rising Rents.”  Review of Economic Studies  90(6), pp.2,675-2,702.

Glover, Andrew, José Mustre-del-Río, and Alice von Ende-Becker. 2023. “ How Much Have Record Corporate Profits Contributed to Recent Inflation? ” FRB Kansas City Economic Review 108(1).

Hornstein, Andreas. 2023. “ Profits and Inflation in the Time of Covid .” FRB Richmond Economic Brief 23-38 (November).

Liu, Zheng, and Thuy Lan Nguyen. 2023. “ Global Supply Chain Pressures and U.S. Inflation .” FRBSF Economic Letter 2023-14 (June 20).

Palazzo, Berardino. 2023. “ Corporate Profits in the Aftermath of COVID-19 .” FEDS Notes , Federal Reserve Board of Governors, September 8.

Weber, Isabella M. and Evan Wasner. 2023. “Sellers’ Inflation, Profits and Conflict: Why Can Large Firms Hike Prices in an Emergency?” Review of Keynesian Economics 11(2), pp. 183-213.

Opinions expressed in FRBSF Economic Letter do not necessarily reflect the views of the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco or of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. This publication is edited by Anita Todd and Karen Barnes. Permission to reprint portions of articles or whole articles must be obtained in writing. Please send editorial comments and requests for reprint permission to [email protected]

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Dear Colleague Letter: NSF-NIH Pathfinder Supplements on Quantum Sensors for Biomedical Science

May 06, 2024

Encourages supplemental funding requests from current NSF recipients to support research activities in quantum sensors and biomedical science.

Dear Colleagues:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have a mutual interest in innovative research on quantum technologies that can advance biomedical science. This shared interest aligns with the National Quantum Initiative as described in the National Science and Technology Council's strategy on Bringing Quantum Sensors to Fruition ( 2022/03/BringingQuantumSensorstoFruition.pdf ). In particular, the NSF Directorate for Engineering (ENG), the NSF Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), the Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO), and the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) of the NIH are collaborating to promote the advancement of quantum sensors for biomedical research in clinical settings.

This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) announces an opportunity for researchers currently supported by NSF to request supplemental funding to extend their research on quantum sensing in a direction that may be of joint interest to NSF and NIH. Following consultation with a cognizant NSF program officer, supplemental funding may be requested to support postdoctoral fellows or graduate research associates to perform research that integrates developers of new quantum technologies with potential end-users for the anticipated sensors and devices.

Priority will be given to supplemental funding requests that identify meaningful research collaborations that connect current NSF-funded teams with researchers in biomedical or clinical research settings. Joint efforts on research, development, and demonstration of quantum sensing and imaging tools, or other instantiations of quantum technology are sought. The nature of existing or proposed partnerships should be articulated in the description of the supplemental funding request and can be substantiated with letters of collaboration consistent with the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG).


The National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Act calls for coordinated efforts to accelerate quantum information science (QIS) and technology research in the United States. The National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science, with input from NSF and NIH, identified a need for deliberate collaborations to combine fundamental and applied research on quantum technologies, for example on use-cases for quantum sensors.

Quantum sensing is broadly defined as fundamental sensing and imaging science based on quantum phenomena. Due to the unique and peculiar properties of various quantum states, quantum sensors have the potential to exhibit sensing and imaging capabilities beyond current classical limitations. Such highly sensitive quantum sensors are greatly needed in various applications, including but not limited to national security, communication, and defense. In addition, the impact of such sensors on biomedical applications may result in breakthroughs in medicine and health care. However, there is a significant gap between quantum sensing research and its clinical application in biomedical technologies due to limited opportunity and support to foster collaborations between researchers from science and engineering, and forefront clinicians. This DCL intends to bridge such a gap by supplemental funding mechanisms to establish collaboration between those communities. This DCL seeks to encourage the submission of supplemental funding requests for existing NSF awards to promote convergence between quantum sensing research and clinical research to demonstrate advances in biomedical science and promote new collaborations, cross-training, and exchange of expertise via:

  • the support for postdoctoral researchers and/or graduate students currently working on developing quantum sensors to co-design and test prototype quantum sensors in building collaboration with identified biomedical or clinical researchers, such as, but not limited to research supported by past or current NIH grants; or
  • the initiation of new collaborative research between quantum sensing researchers and clinicians including the development of workshops or collaboration-building events that promote convergence in quantum sensing and imaging in biomedical research and health science.


Before submitting a supplemental funding request, PIs are strongly encouraged to consult the NSF Program Directors for their current award. Details of a proposed collaboration should be discussed in advance with the identified collaborator. All supplemental funding requests will be subject to NSF's merit review process, as described in the PAPPG.

1. Concept Outline

1.1. Prior to submission of a supplemental funding request, PIs must submit a brief 1-page Concept Outline (CO) . The Concept Outline for case (i) should include 1) Project Title, 2) Parent award number and title,3) identified (potential) collaborators supported by NIH or NIH-funded facilities, 4) a summary of the proposed research, outlining specific aims/objectives, methods, intended clinical application in biomedical research, and anticipated outputs. The Concept Outline for case (ii) should be similar to case (i), except item 4) should provide a summary of the proposed theme and activities of workshop or collaboration-building events.

1.2. The Concept Outline must be submitted via email to [email protected] and include the Program Director on the parent award in the email. For FY24 funding consideration, the Concept Outlines must be received by June 3, 2024 . In future years, the Concept Outline must be submitted by the first Monday in May for consideration for that fiscal year.

1.3. Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NSF and NIH and a management agreement that covers the sharing of information about funding priorities and areas of mutual interest, the submitted Concept Outline will be shared with the group of NSF and NIH Program Directors to provide an initial topic alignment assessment to determine the invitation to submit a formal supplement funding request. Supplemental funding requests can only be submitted after invitation by the cognizant NSF Program Officer. The email inviting submission must be included in the supplemental funding request. Uninvited requests for supplemental funding will be returned without review.

2. Supplement Funding Request

Supplemental funding requests should be submitted after invitation by the cognizant Program Directors.

2.1 All NSF supplemental funding requests must follow the guidance specified in PAPPG Chapter VI.E.5. The supplemental funding requests must include a description of the proposed work, including details on how to establish the collaboration and a detailed scientific or engineering justification of clinical application. A detailed work plan for supporting postdoctoral fellows and graduate students should be included, if appropriate. In addition, it should include a brief description of the mentoring plan for the collaborating PI's postdoctoral researchers and/or graduate students. The request must include, as a supplementary document, a copy of the email inviting submission of the supplemental funding request.

2.2. Details of a proposed collaboration should be discussed in advance with the identified collaborators supported by current NIH grants, or any training program through NIH-funded facilities. The collaboration plan should be clearly stated, with an emphasis on the translation of the quantum sensors to clinical application. Submitted supplemental funding requests may be shared with Program Directors at NIH.

2.3. For option (ii), the supplemental funding requests must also include details of the following information: objective, scheduling, intended participants, and expected outcome. The request should provide a clear and detailed description of the planned activities. Emphasis should be placed on the collaborative nature of these activities, aligning them closely with the central theme of the workshop or collaboration-building events. The focus should be on exploring and elucidating the significant impact of quantum sensors in clinical applications. This approach will ensure that the workshop's objectives are directly addressed and that participants are engaged in meaningful discussions and explorations related to this cutting-edge topic.

2.4. At least one full year on the current NSF award to be supplemented must remain at the time of submission. Projects in a no-cost extension period are not eligible for this funding opportunity. It is not allowed to increase the salaries of existing staff on a project with a supplement.

2.5. Supplement budget requests must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project and should not exceed 20% of the of the total funding for the original award. Funding is subject to limitations of available funds for supplemental funding, and requests will be subject to the NSF's merit review process, as described in the PAPPG.


The Concept Outline is to be submitted by June 3, 2024 , and every first Monday of May thereafter.

NSF Program Directors will send invitations for formal supplement requests based on the received Concept Outlines and provide a due date at that time.

Questions about this DCL may be directed to [email protected]

C Denise Caldwell Acting Assistant Director Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences (MPS) Susan Margulies Assistant Director Directorate for Engineering (ENG) Susan Marqusee Assistant Director Directorate for Biological Sciences (BIO)

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UND and NDSU collaborative research projects announced

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Five research projects based in North Dakota have been awarded grants through the University Research Collaboration Program (URCP), funded by the Economic Diversification Research Funds (EDRF) appropriated during the 2023 North Dakota Legislative session.

The URCP funds Level 1 proposals up to $25,000 of the combined total budget and Level 2 proposals up to $50,000.

For FY2025, $200,000 was made available for the program. The program requires projects  to foster research collaboration across institutions in activities such as data collection, materials, experimental or instrumentation needs. Projects were also required to have collaborators at both of the state’s research universities, North Dakota State University (NDSU) and the University of North Dakota (UND), in addition to faculty or students from a third institution in the state, such as a predominantly undergraduate institution, a polytechnic institution or a Tribal college or university. The two research universities contributed funds equally, but the third partnering institution was not required to provide funding.

The purposes of the EDRF funds include stimulating economic activity across the state through new technology, concepts and products as well as promoting job creation and career and wage growth while providing experiential learning opportunities for students.

Casey Ryan serves on the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) and chairs its Research and Governance Committee. He believes the collaborative nature of the program sets a positive example moving forward.

“This program is an innovative way to enlist some of the best minds in our state on research projects that will be transformative for the state,” Ryan said. “We appreciate the research stewardship that the North Dakota Legislature has made with this investment, and I am excited to learn about the results of our North Dakota researchers’ work.”

The URCP was designed by the vice presidents for research at NDSU and UND to promote and foster collaborations that reflect the broad portfolio of institutions in North Dakota in a way that fuels existing research priorities and investments.

“Funded projects led by UND represent collaborations which align well with our research priorities, particularly our Grand Challenges in energy and sustainability and human health,” said Scott Snyder, UND vice president for research & economic development. “Building on existing strengths will generate results that drive current knowledge forward. I am very excited about these collaborations.”

NDSU Vice President for Research and Creative Activity Colleen Fitzgerald agreed with Snyder.

“Leveraging our key strategic priority areas to spark big ideas has been our focus with this program, so it will, in turn, generate new research funds coming into the state,” Fitzgerald said. “These projects reflect NDSU’s expertise and key priorities in life and computational sciences. This initiative enables us to work collectively to advance the state to create impact and for both NDSU and UND to advance campus priorities.”

“It is rewarding to see the range of projects that result from a collaborative call such as this,” said Mark Hagerott, chancellor for the North Dakota University System. “The leadership shown by North Dakota State University and the University of North Dakota in driving these projects is an example of the excellence that real collaboration can deliver.”

“Our institutions are answering a call made by the North Dakota Legislature to help solve big problems while growing workforce,” said NDSU President David Cook. “This fits in our mission as North Dakota’s land grant institution of delivering value across the state and beyond.”

UND President Andrew Armacost said, “Through this funding, university research can certainly help diversify the economy in the state of North Dakota. Strong college and university research activity provides the critical foundation in every high-tech area of economic development — especially at the leading edge of technology.”

Funded projects also may be required to provide monthly summaries of project progress. Additional annual reporting deadlines could be aligned with SBHE approved timelines, currently under consideration.

A second call for URCP-funded proposals is currently underway, with a deadline of June 5, 2024.

URCP Level 1 Proposals

  • UND, NDSU, and United Tribes Technical College: “Electrocatalyst Development for Oxygen Evolution from Water Splitting” (N. Oncel, R. Kirshna Hona, D. Kilin, A. Azure)
  • UND, NDSU, Valley City State University, and Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College: “Carbon Quantum Dots from Kraft Lignin: Novel Bacterial Antidote?” (M. Goriacheva, U. Burghaus, S. Eliazer, H. van Gijssel, A. LaVallie)

URCP Level 2 Proposals

  • UND, NDSU, and Dickinson State University: “Ammines for Energy Storage and Ammonia Production Enhancement” (J. van der Watt, A Mohammed, A. Gladen, J. Hewage)
  • NDSU, UND, and Mayville State University: “Examining the Role of a Honey-Pomegranate Supplement on Muscle Health in Older Adults” (R. McGrath, Y. Rhee, M Berg, S Paessler, D Jurivich, C. Smith, T. Gonnella)
  • NDSU, UND, and Cankdeska Cikana Community College: “A 3D printed scaffold sensor using novel functionalized 2D MXene for advanced stage cancer monitoring” (D. Wang, K. Katti, J. Zhao, N. Bittner)

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Hhs halts grants for nonprofit ecohealth that funded gain-of-function research in wuhan.

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The Department of Health and Human Services suspended all federal grants Tuesday to the controversial Manhattan nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, which funded gain-of-function virus research in Wuhan, China in advance of the COVID-19 pandemic.

HHS deputy assistant secretary for acquisitions Katrina Brisbon informed EcoHealth President Dr. Peter Daszak in a Wednesday letter released by a House subcommittee investigating the outbreak that there was “adequate evidence” to recommend the nonprofit be cut off from future government contracts, writing “immediate action is necessary to protect the public interest.”

“Debarment is generally for a period not to exceed three years; however, regardless of whether EHA contests this action or responds to this Notice, I may impose debarment for a longer period or shorter period as the circumstances warrant,” Brisbon added.

EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak arrives for a House Select Subcommittee hearing on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Capitol Hill on May 1, 2024 in Washington, DC. The hearing is part of an investigation into Daszak, who's organization is a non-profit whose goal is to prevent pandemics and was involved in investigations into the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an accompanying memo, Brisbon said that EcoHealth had been “more than two years late” with one of its reviews of a grant proposal for its Wuhan project, which had for a time operated around a government-wide moratorium on the practice .

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), which permitted the grant, gave EcoHealth several opportunities to disprove that its experiments constituted gain-of-function research — but the group “failed to do so,” according to Brisbon.

That research also “likely violated protocols of the NIH regarding biosafety,” she added, with experiments conducted at biosafety level 2 — which according to Rutgers University molecular biologist Dr. Richard Ebright is comparable to the standards of safety at a typical dentist’s office .

Alarmingly, Brisbon revealed that NIH has yet to receive several materials from EcoHealth about its novel bat coronavirus research at the now-notorious Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) or from the Chinese lab itself.

Daszak, in sworn congressional testimony earlier this month, said he had not even asked Wuhan researchers — including longtime collaborator and WIV deputy director Shi Zhengli — for viral sequences since before the pandemic began.

Brisbon’s memo also referenced an internal probe of “allegations that WIV released the coronavirus that was responsible for the COVID-19 global pandemic,” though no EcoHealth or other US-funded grant has been tied yet to the outbreak.

Security personnel stand guard outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan as members of the World Health Organization (WHO) team investigating the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus make a visit to the institute in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on February 3, 2021.

“EcoHealth Alliance is disappointed by HHS’ decision today and we will be contesting the proposed debarment,” a spokesperson said in a statement. “We disagree strongly with the decision and will present evidence to refute each of these allegations and to show that NIH’s continued support of EcoHealth Alliance is in the public interest.”

“EcoHealth Alliance provably defrauded the US government, provably breached contractual terns of US-government grants, and, through the reckless gain-of-function research it conducted in Wuhan, probably caused the COVID-19 pandemic, killing 20 million and costing $25 trillion,” Ebright told The Post.

“Nevertheless, EcoHealth Alliance was awarded more than $50 million in new US-government funding since the start of the pandemic with most of that funding earmarked for the same kinds of reckless virus discovery and virus enhancement research that likely caused pandemic.”

Shi Zhengli works with other researchers in a lab at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan in central China's Hubei province. A 10-member team of international researchers from the World Health Organization hopes to find clues as to the origin of the coronavirus pandemic in the central Chinese city of Wuhan where the virus was first detected in late 2019.

The memo attached to the letter notes EcoHealth received a grant of more than $4 million from the NIH titled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

More than half a million dollars of that funding flowed to the WIV between 2014 and 2021, a Government Accountability Office report found last year, to conduct “genetic experiments to combine naturally occurring bat coronaviruses with SARS and MERS viruses, resulting in hybridized (also known as chimeric) coronavirus strains.”

The grant was initially suspended in April 2020, with NIH’s then-principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak revealing in October 2021 that EcoHealth had violated the terms of its grant by performing the gain-of-function research.

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The project had modified novel bat coronaviruses and made them 10,000 times more infectious for research on lab mice — but EcoHealth “failed to report” that to NIH.

Tabak stressed that the bat coronaviruses studied on the taxpayers’ dime in Wuhan could not have caused the COVID-19 pandemic because the “sequences of the viruses are genetically very distant.”

But other EcoHealth grant proposals have since come under scrutiny from experts like Ebright, who said “the evidence provided by the genome sequence” from another 2018 grant proposal project submitted to US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency was a “ smoking gun .”

Appearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on May 1, Daszak repeatedly denied that his group helped fund the gain-of-function experiments.

“EcoHealth Alliance and Dr. Peter Daszak should never again receive a single penny from the US taxpayer,” said COVID subcommittee chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), who had recommended a criminal investigation of Daszak before the hearing.

EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak appears during a House Select Subcommittee hearing on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Capitol Hill on May 1, 2024 in Washington, DC. The hearing is part of an investigation into Daszak, who's organization is a non-profit whose goal is to prevent pandemics and was involved in investigations into the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Only two weeks after the Select Subcommittee released an extensive report detailing EcoHealth’s wrongdoing and recommending the formal debarment of EcoHealth and its president, HHS has begun efforts to cut off all US funding to this corrupt organization,” Wenstrup added.

“EcoHealth facilitated gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China without proper oversight, willingly violated multiple requirements of its multimillion-dollar National Institutes of Health grant, and apparently made false statements to the NIH,” he went on.

“EcoHealth’s immediate funding suspension and future debarment is not only a victory for the US taxpayer, but also for American national security and the safety of citizens worldwide.”

The HHS letter to Daszak also drew attention to other NIH grants it received to study viruses in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian nations, all of which are “uniquely focused on either emerging infectious disease, highly transmissible pathogens, or novel viruses.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Peter Daszak

The Wuhan Institute of Virology was barred for 10 years from receiving any HHS grants in July 2023, months after both the FBI and US Energy Department determined a lab leak was the most likely cause of the COVID pandemic.

Wenstrup in his statement added that his subcommittee’s “investigation into EcoHealth and the origins of COVID-19 is far from over,” with high-profile public hearings planned in the coming weeks to question Tabak and former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“There must be full accountability, both civil and criminal, for EcoHealth and EcoHealth’s officers — particularly its president, Peter Daszak,” Ebright declared.

“And there must be full accountability for the US-government officials who enabled, abetted, and covered up EcoHealth’s misdeeds and who obstructed investigation of EcoHealth’s misdeeds.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that EcoHealth Alliance was restricted from receiving HHS grants for 10 years in July 2023. In fact, the Wuhan Institute of Virology was barred from access to the grants.

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EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak arrives for a House Select Subcommittee hearing on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Capitol Hill on May 1, 2024 in Washington, DC. The hearing is part of an investigation into Daszak, who's organization is a non-profit whose goal is to prevent pandemics and was involved in investigations into the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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  • May 8, 2024

The CMP Team presented at the 10th Annual CREATE for STEM Mini-Conference at The STEM Teaching and Learning Center on May 6, 2024.

It was a great day to showcase our CMP4 and NSF projects. Learning and connecting with other Spartans and hearing an inspirational talk by Shirley Malcom were just a few of the highlights from the day.

CREATE for STEM 2024

Read about the posteres presented below:

Connected mathematics4 : a contextualized, problem-based middle grades mathematics curriculum for students and teachers  .

Authors : Elizabeth Phillips, Glenda Lappan, James Fey, Susan Friel, Yvonne Slanger-Grant, & Alden J. Edson   CMP Staff : Elizabeth Phillips, Alden J. Edson, Taren Going, Elizabeth Lozen, Sunyoung Park, & Chris Waston   CMP Graduate Assistants : Ashley Fabry, Ahmad Wachidul Kohar, Sasha Rudow, & Samantha Wald  

For over thirty years the team at Michigan State University has been designing, field-testing, and evaluating four revisions of the Connected Mathematics Project’s curriculum, Connected Mathematics . CMP4 is a contextualized, problem-based mathematics curriculum. Important mathematical ideas are identified and embedded in a sequence of contextual problems. This poster reports on the design features, development, field testing, professional learning, and feedback from over 500 teachers and their students.  

CMP4 A Contextualized, Problem-Based Math Curriculum

Enhancing the Teacher-Curriculum Relationship in Problem-Based Mathematics Classrooms by Connecting Teacher and Student Digital Collaborative Environments   

  PIs : Elizabeth Phillips, Alden J. Edson, Kristen Bieda, Chad Dorsey, Nathan Kimball   Research Team : Ashley Fabry, Taren Going, Ahmad Wachidul Kohar, Sunyoung Park, Sasha Rudow, and Samantha Wald  

The project is extending a digital collaborative platform for networks of teachers to create, use, and share resources for planning, teaching, and reflecting. The resources online include problem-based curriculum, classroom artifacts from students, and resources created by teachers. This poster reports on our research efforts to examine the extent to which teachers and students use the digital collaborative platform as a resource during the whole-class summary discussions.  

Enhancing the Teacher-Curriculum Relationship

Using Problem-Based Learning Analytics to Investigate Individual and Collaborative Mathematics Learning in a Digital Environment Over Time   

  PIs : Elizabeth Phillips, Alden J. Edson, Kristen Bieda, Chad Dorsey, Nathan Kimball   Research Team : Ashley Fabry, Taren Going, Ahmad Wachidul Kohar, and Sunyoung Park  

The project aims to understand how engagement in learning proportional reasoning is enhanced by a digital collaborative platform with an embedded problem-based curriculum and a digital mathematics notebook. This poster reports on our research efforts to use artificial intelligence/machine learning techniques to provide teachers with (1) real-time information on evidence of students’ mathematical thinking, (2) interactive features for using evidence of students’ thinking during whole-group summary discussions, and (3) artificial intelligence suggestions of student thinking.  

Using Problem-Based Learning Analytics

Latest News

CREATE for STEM Mini Conference

Letters: Flora-Bama must stop tossing real mullets and use PETA-provided rubber fish

Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of our readers and not the Pensacola News Journal. In order for letters to be considered for publication, they must be 250 words or less and include name, a full address and phone number. Only your name and city of residence will be published. Email submissions to [email protected] .

Flora-Bama must stop tossing real mullets

If department store mannequins were made of rotting human corpses, there’d most likely be a huge upswing in online shopping. Throwing around rubber fish — bought and paid for by PETA — would keep the Flora-Bama mullet tradition alive , while “tossing” out the icky parts.

Fish might not look like us, but they are intelligent, empathetic, and playful beings who deserve consideration, compassion, and dignity. Throwing around their dead bodies belittles and devalues both fish and humans alike.

Hopefully, event organizers will take PETA up on its offer to donate fake fish for throwing and delicious vegan fish sandwiches for eating. Together, we can end cruelty and keep the party going!

Scott Miller, research specialist, Fishing & Waterways, The PETA Foundation

Readers don't hold back: Letters: Downtown Pensacola doesn’t need more housing; Trump flip-flopping in the wind

Stop the rush to build on Innerarity Point

In the name of Earl Bowden, Native Americans and people of all races, creeds and genders, as well as their children and grandchildren.

I am 68 years old. My grandparents, Ish and Stubby Wilson, were early pioneers of Innerarity Point. There used to be a very special, quiet energy on the Point. Next door was a very unique, original log cabin. It had a carport type building as well as a guest house. Soon it was destroyed to create “Oaks by the Sea”. No one tried to save it. Since then, it has only gotten worse on Innerarity; especially the new development west of the entrance to Theo Baars Bridge.

When the next hurricanes hit, all of the traffic from the Point and Perdido will flood into Warrington. Then, everyone will be stuck on the road. All of the Gulf Beach Highway residents and business occupants will be stuck as well. Thanks again for such planning and foresight.

Now, they are coming to ruin Warrington. All of the beautiful trees and weird-shaped lots will be lost. Our grandchildren, and their children will wonder, “Why?”

Please help stop the rush to build!

Peter Crocker, Innerarity Point and Warrington

Quoting Trump out of context blurs his intentions

In a letter regarding Trump's Constitution statement, the writer fails to cite the entire quote which reads, "A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

In this context it is clear the intent is that if you're willing to cheat in a presidential election, you may as well shred the Constitution because you obviously don't care about it. Fraud occurred in the 2020 election, as evidenced by the video of Fulton County workers repeatedly scanning the same stack of ballots.

You can't pick and choose a few words or one line because the context then becomes blurred. This applies to statements Biden or anyone else has made too.

This nation will never come together when one side is intent on selective memory or just an inability to read full sentences. If you listen to the morons at Morning Joe or any of the others on cable news you will lose the ability to comprehend simple verbiage. Bless your little hearts!

Delta Hixon, Pace

Don’t fault Israel for fighting back when we did the same

Almost 33,000 children were killed or maimed in Afghanistan over the course of the 20-year American war on terror/and or terrorists. This is an average of one child every five hours. Dear Columbia University, where was your protest when America was defending your freedom? Israel is fighting the same war on terrorism. All I hear from you is hypocrisy. This is the cost of war no one wants to pay. And yet we did.

George Sellers, Foley, Alabama

Hear from our readers: Letters: Joe Biden has done wonders for our economy; What is happening with U.S. 98?

Migrant crisis ‘buck’ stops at Joe Biden’s desk

Do you remember many years ago - maybe in the 50s - that there used to be a TV ad up north advertising how cheap land was in Florida? At the end of the ad the fellow used to say, “Come on down, be my guest.”

Two lawyers took him up on that. Came to Florida and charged everything to him. They sued the lawyers and the lawyers won.

Biden is doing the same as that ad. More or less he's saying, “Come on over. Be my guest.” The migrants get free housing, free hospitalization, free education, and in some states a free debit card. Can we sue the president?

Because of this open invitation, millions have entered into our country. Drugs are coming in and many thousands of Americans have died from overdoses.

This is the fault of Biden’s policies. President Truman had a sign on his desk that said, “The buck stops here.” Well, President Biden, I think it stops at your desk.

Herbert Kerrigan, Pensacola

Trump is a jerk, yet he’ll still get my vote

Let’s be honest, Trump is a jerk!

The Democrats think he is. I think he is. Many Republicans think he is, and we all want him to just shut up. Trump is not easy to like much of the time.

But come November, I will vote for him as will millions of other American citizens.

We’ll vote for him because the Democrats in power, the liberal media and our weaponized justice system have aligned against its own citizens.

We witness criminals rob and assault peaceful citizens to only to be turned lose and repeatedly commit the same crimes.

We witness our citizens condemned, cancelled, and ridiculed for speaking opinions that are contrary to those of the woke Democrats and media personalities. How many died from COVID, because anyone who dared disagreed with the “I Am Science” crowd were scorned and silenced?

We witness millions pouring across our borders absorbing billions of dollars meant to educate our children and provide medical care for our citizens.

We witness buildings burned while our law enforcement officers are mocked and attacked by organized lawless thugs. You know, the ones the Democrats tell us do not exist.

Yes, I will vote for freedom and Trump.

Jerry Henderson, Pensacola

Remember Gaetz voted against Infrastructure Act

Good news that Pensacola Energy received $10 million to replace old and dangerous gas lines thanks to the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Act. I wonder how many people remember that our representative, Matt Gaetz, voted against that bill?

Miles Davis, Pensacola

Where is this ‘terrible’ economy everyone speaks of

Our representatives are telling us the economy is in terrible condition. They should drive to Cordova Mall on a Saturday and try to find a parking space. They should go out to dinner at 6 p.m. on a Saturday and count the lines of people waiting for a table.

Dave Walby, Midway

Too many cooks in Escambia development kitchen

Would the Escambia Development Review Committee please stop approving all these building/subdivision/housing projects! My gosh you're taking away why folks live in this area.

We are being overbuilt! This is stressing the already insufficient utilities, roads and emergency services. Use some common sense. If you can't do that then at least put a moratorium on new projects until a more up to date county survey can be completed.

Listen to the people! Not the developers who could care less what their projects do to our communities as long as they make their profits.

A concerned Escambia County resident since 2002

Harold Sanders, Pensacola

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    First, they can probably figure out your name. You don't need that to be in the first sentence (or any of the sentences—the closing is an obvious enough spot). Next, "the open position" and "your company" are too generic. That sounds like the same cover letter you sent to every single employer in a hundred mile radius.

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  22. Research Assistant Cover Letter Example and Template for 2024

    Closing paragraph: To close the cover letter, you can reiterate your interest in the position and the research project, while thanking the hiring manager for considering your application. You can also include a statement about a career goal you have if you're chosen for the role. 6. Include a signature.

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  27. HHS halts grants for EcoHealth that funded gain-of-function research in

    The US Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday suspended all federal grants for the controversial nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) that funded gain-of-function virus research in ...

  28. The CMP Team Shares Research at the 2024 CREATE for STEM Mini-Conference

    CMP Staff, Graduate Students, and Undergraduate Students presented at the 10th Annual CREATE for STEM Mini-Conference at The STEM Teaching and Learning Center on May 6, 2024. It was a great day to showcase our CMP4 and NSF projects. Learning and connecting with other Spartans and hearing an inspirational talk by Shirley Malcom were just a few of the highlights from the day.

  29. Letters: Flora-Bama must stop tossing real mullets and use PETA

    Scott Miller, research specialist, Fishing & Waterways, The PETA Foundation. Readers don't hold back:Letters: Downtown Pensacola doesn't need more housing; Trump flip-flopping in the wind Stop ...