market research automation tools

Try Out These 8 AI Tools for Market Research Automation

  • June 28, 2023

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Welcome to the future of market research!

With the advancements in AI technology, we are witnessing a transformative shift in how businesses gather data, turn them into insights and make informed decisions.

This blog post will introduce you to a handpicked selection of AI tools that can supercharge your market research workflows.

By harnessing the power of AI, you can now collect vast amounts of data, analyze it with precision, and extract valuable insights faster than ever before.

Whether you’re looking to conduct surveys, analyze social media sentiment, or identify emerging market trends, these AI-powered solutions have got you covered.

Further, most of these tools are free to start with.

Let’s embark on an AI-powered market research journey together without further ado.

8 AI tools that can supercharge your market research tasks

With these cutting-edge solutions, you can streamline data collection, analyze it at scale, and uncover valuable insights in record time.

1. Hotjar AI for Website Surveys

Hotjar AI website promotional banner

ChatGPT  is a phenomenal tool that needs no introduction thanks to its novel capabilities powered by the advent of large language models (LLMs). You can leverage ChatGPT and its browsing plugin to carry out some significant market research tasks in significantly lower time.

  • Advanced natural language understanding for comprehensive market research queries.
  • Powerful data analysis to extract valuable insights from large datasets.
  • Competitive analysis support for understanding competitors and market positioning.
  • Consumer sentiment analysis to gauge preferences, trends, and feedback.
  • Trend identification to stay ahead of market shifts and make informed decisions.

G2 rating:  4.6/5 (255 ratings)

  • Has a generous free plan.
  • Upgrading to a paid plan (ChatGPT Plus) gives you access to the latest model and useful plugins like the web browsing plugin. Price is $20/month.

3. Browse AI

Browse AI website promotional banner

Browse AI  is an AI-powered web data extraction tool. Its user-friendly, no-code approach efficiently facilitates data extraction and monitoring from any website, catering to individuals, startups, and SMBs.

  • User-friendly robot training in just 2 minutes, no coding required.
  • Extract specific data from any website into an auto-filling spreadsheet.
  • Schedule data extraction and receive notifications for changes.
  • Utilize prebuilt robots for common use cases.
  • Capability to extract data behind login screens.
  • Handles pagination and scrolling for thorough data collection.

G2 rating:  4.6/5 (23 ratings)

  • Freemium plan available.
  • Paid subscription plans start from $19 per month when billed annually.

4. Poll the People

Poll the People website promotional banner

Poll the People  is a robust online survey platform designed to enable data-backed decision-making in a fast and affordable way. Leveraging the power of LLM models, it offers swift market research with instant, precise insights.

  • Utilizes ChatGPT-powered analysis to provide critical insights from survey responses, saving time and resources.
  • Facilitates digital ad testing for platforms like Google and Facebook.
  • Enables content testing, offering feedback on headlines, copy, images, and other content elements.
  • Provides immediate access to an extensive human panel of over 500,000 panelists.

G2 rating:  4.5/5 (10 ratings)

  • Paid subscription starts from $50 per month.

5. Canvs AI

Canvs AI website promotional banner

Canvs AI  is an AI-integrated platform that interprets open-ended text from various sources into actionable insights. It’s a powerful tool for those seeking to elevate their customer experience and gain meaningful understanding from their data.

  • Utilizes AI to classify and analyze text, saving considerable research time.
  • Identifies key patterns in text data, deepening user understanding and analysis confidence.
  • Provides an easy-to-use dashboard for data exploration, visualization, and export.

G2 rating:  4.3/5 (66 ratings)

  • Available on request.

Awario website promotional banner

Awario  is a comprehensive social listening tool designed to provide brands with crucial data about their customers, market trends, and competitors. It’s committed to making social media analytics and competitive intelligence affordable for businesses of all sizes.

  • Real-time monitoring of your keywords’ web mentions provides immediate knowledge about critical conversations.
  • In-built analytics to track mention growth, sentiment analysis, top influencers, and comparative alerts.
  • Supports global and local monitoring with language versatility, catering to businesses of any size.
  • Features ‘Awario Leads’ for lead generation and social selling, providing a real-time feed of sales opportunities.
  • Offers customizable email alerts for daily or weekly summaries of new mentions.
  • Includes Boolean search for flexible and highly relevant search queries.

G2 rating:  4/5 (39 ratings)

  • 7-day free trial available. No credit card is required.  Sign up here .
  • Paid subscription starts from $29 per month when billed annually.

7. Speak Ai

Speak Ai website promotional banner

Speak Ai  is a no-code transcription and natural language processing platform designed to assist researchers and marketers in extracting critical insights from media content. Trusted by over 50,000 users and teams, it provides a comprehensive solution for media analysis.

  • Supports easy individual and bulk uploading of audio, video, and text data.
  • Offers automated transcription to convert audio and video to text and allows for CSV imports for bulk analysis.
  • Features ‘Speak Magic Prompts’ for generating powerful answers using recommended or user-created prompts.
  • Provides custom shareable media repositories equipped with professional transcription, sentiment analysis, and other advanced technologies.
  • Includes integrations with Zapier, Google Chrome, Zoom, Vimeo, and others to automate your workflow.

G2 rating:  5/5 (5 ratings)

  • 14-day free trial available. No credit card is required.  Try now .
  • Paid subscription starts from $59 per month when billed annually.

Remesh website promotional banner

Remesh  is a cloud-enabled platform for gathering feedback. It employs artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and sophisticated algorithms to initiate real-time dialogues with participants while collating, exhibiting, and evaluating their responses.

  • Analyzes live opinions and interactions of up to 1,000 participants, identifying the most representative responses in minutes.
  • Quick setup with expert-built templates, or options to create custom conversations.
  • Allows inclusion of open-ended questions, polls, and stimuli such as images or videos to elicit detailed responses.
  • Identifies common trends and themes during the conversation, with capabilities to compare and contrast responses across audience segments.
  • One-click data export after the conversation, including segments, stimuli, spread of opinion, and participant responses.

G2 rating:  4.2/5 (12 ratings)

  • Pricing available on request.  Contact now.

Conclusion: Research your market with the power of AI

As we’ve seen, AI technology is bringing transformative changes to market research, offering a new world of fast, efficient, and insightful data analysis.

The eight AI tools we’ve explored can supercharge your workflows and help you gain deeper insights faster.

But, the true power of these AI tools lies not merely in their capabilities but in the transformative potential they unlock when harnessed together as part of your broader market research strategy.

Integrating these tools into your workflow allows you to orchestrate a symphony of insights that speak directly to your business needs.

So, lead the way, let AI light your path, and confidently explore the uncharted territories of your market.

Chirag Jain

Content Marketing Strategist | Building Content Destinations | Work Tech Evangelist | Co-founder at SmartScale Marketing

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How to leverage AI for market research in 2024: top 7 tools, use cases, and best practices.

In this article, I'll walk you through the benefits of AI for market research , the best AI tools, the use cases we use at Predictable Innovation and concrete prompts for customer, competitor, and market research.

Imagine, as a strategist, founder, innovator, or product marketer, if you could transform internet and interview data into actionable insights in record time without tedious manual processing.

Today, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), this is possible.

AI-powered tools for market research can scrape large amounts of data on the web, perform data analysis, and deliver it through easy-to-digest formats thanks to natural language processing models, marking a new era for market research.

"AI tools are not just assisting on decision making, they're making Predictable Innovation's team save up to 40% of time when conducting market research."

Let's get started!

Table of contents: best 7 tools in AI for market research

  • Fathom or Grain for customer interview transcript and research
  • for competitor research
  • Perplexity for generalist market and competitor research.
  • Aomni as an agent to create industry or market research reports.
  • The Gigabrain for audience research at Reddit
  • ChatGPT for interview transcript research and customer research, including jobs-to-be-done.
  • ChatGPT for positioning research and strategy idea generation by using it as a team member.
  • Notion AI to have all in one place and automate AI prompts with database content.

1.Best AI-powered market research tools

‍ Perplexity is a market research tool that provides a clean and easy-to-use interface. Its key advantage over traditional models like ChatGPT is its ability to deliver more precise, context-aware responses.

This is achieved by integrating direct internet browsing capabilities within its system. Consequently, Perplexity offers users up-to-the-minute information, expanding their research capabilities beyond pre-trained data limits.

This feature makes it exceptionally useful for market researchers seeking the most current data and insights.

Perplexity AI for market research

Aomni is an innovative AI agent for B2B sales. It excels in aggregating extensive internet data points to provide comprehensive reports, saving significant research time for sales professionals.

market research automation tools

It is designed for sales, but the way it provides research reports is excellent for gaining a general market or industry understanding quickly.

The advantage of Aomni is that it executes an internal dialogue with different research queries related to your topic; this saves you the time to think on your own when using other tools like ChatGPT or Perplexity.

For this type of broader market research, aomni .com is an excellent solution. The pros of this solution are:

  • The sources have up-to-date results from performing live research.
  • Understanding the internal monologue of the agent to perform the research.
  • The structure of the result is fantastic. Similar to what a human researcher would deliver in a document.

Aomni AI for market research

ChatGPT for Market Research

‍ I don't think I have to introduce you to ChatGPT, right? Its advantage over the other two tools is straightforward: developing a conversation and getting more profound, specific insights is excellent because of the conversational ability.

That makes ChatGPT an excellent tool for use cases that require back-and-forth questions to dig deeper into specific market challenges, customer pains, or competitor strengths.

ChatGPT for market research example

Last, but not least, ChatGPT can also help build your market ecosystem map by finding key players in your target industry or markets. This step is very helpful to find people to interview and build relationships with to improve your go-to-market strategy .

The Gigabrain

‍ Here's what' Gigabrain claims to be: "GigaBrain finds the most useful discussions on Reddit and other communities . We sift through the noise and analyze billions of comments for you.". And that's precisely what they provide.

That makes this tool excellent for understanding market perceptions, beliefs, and challenges based on real-world conversations with prospective customers rather than internet articles or databases.

Gigabrain AI tool for market research

Head-to-head comparison of best AI for market research tools

Comparison of best AI tools for market research

Practical use cases and prompts in AI for market research

For the scenario of industry and market research, the concrete use cases and prompts to apply these tools are:

  • Discovering market stats
  • Discovering potential research sources
  • Discovering market category differences and market perceptions
  • Discovering barriers to product success (risks of adopting your product category)
  • Discovering the perceived market risks of adopting a tech or product
  • Understanding customer's behavioral change and the learning curve of adopting a new tech
  • Researching inside a PDF (with ChatGPT)
  • Understanding market maturity (stage of the innovation adoption curve)
  • Exploring opportunities and potential targets
  • Understanding challenges by [AUDIENCE] in [CATEGORY]
  • Discovering problems for a target market from the perspective of the client
  • Discovering problems your tech/product can solve from a product perspective
  • Discovering potential segments and applications to target
  • Prioritizing segments and applications to target (Bowling Pin Strategy)

2.Best AI tools for customer research

Fathom Video is an automated meeting assistant tool. It offers functionalities like recording, transcribing, and summarizing video meetings.

A standout feature is its ability to highlight and automatically summarize vital parts of a call, allowing users to focus on the conversation without worrying about taking notes.

One of the features that we love about Fathom is the ability to use templates to extract information from the calls. Grain offers a better feature as you can create your prompts to extract information. However, we use fathom because extracting information from the transcripts works better by uploading the transcript to ChatGPT (in private mode) and asking ChatGPT to extract the information we seek.

Examples of data you can extract with AI are competitors' names, pain points, struggles, points of frustration, jobs-to-be-done, technology adoption frictions, and or hesitations to buy. AI for customer interview analysis

We already talked about this tool. Its ability to scrape and understand information from real-world conversations makes it a great tool to uncover specific pains of your audience as soon as they are in publicly available forums like Reddit.

ChatGPT is a killer when it comes to researching customers or audiences.

Its conversational interface makes ChatGPT great for narrowing down discussions and getting to better, more specific points and angles about customer journeys, jobs to be done examples , pain points, or end-user workflows.

Also, its ability to learn as the conversation evolves is key to getting better answers because it uses the conversation to enrich its contextual information, which gives it a better understanding of the customer's or audience's context.

Regarding pure AI reasoning and reach power, Notion AI is over performed by the other tools.

However, if you are a Notion user and want all the use cases in one place, Notion is the best all-in-one solution to avoid interface switching and paying multiple subscriptions. As said, this comes with a lower reach, quality, and reasoning power for AI.

Notion AI example for customer research

Practical use cases and prompts in AI for customer research

For the scenario of customer research, the concrete use cases and prompts to apply the previous AI toolset are:

  • Extracting pain points from customer/prospect interviews
  • Extracting jobs to be done from customer/prospect interviews
  • Extracting  outcomes from customer/prospect interviews
  • Summarizing patterns from multiple market and customer interviews
  • Understanding budgets (is there a budget allocated to solve the problem my product solves?)
  • Exploring pain points starting with an audience and category of product
  • Assisting in a discussion of potential targets
  • Discovering the customer's journey
  • Exploring the economic penalties for an audience for not adopting a specific type of product/solution
  • Discovering the end-user's workflow impact of implementing a given solution/tech
  • Customer scenario discovery (before, after, bridge)
  • Discovering buying trigger events

3.Best AI tools for competitive research is an AI platform that transforms qualitative customer feedback and competitor reviews into actionable insights. It focuses on guiding businesses to prioritize their product roadmap based on customer needs and competitive analysis.

This tool identifies customer pain points and feature requests.

Additionally, aids in making informed marketing decisions by analyzing customer and prospect feedback and brand sentiment from various sources. It's especially useful for quickly producing insightful customer or competitor intelligence reports, saving significant research time.

This tool could also be situated in the customer research bucket because it helps uncover customer needs from the reviews scraped or analyzed.

AI for competitor analysis

Yes, ChatGPT is in all the buckets! And it's because of its versatility. ChatGPT is excellent for creating lists of potential competitors and performing a SWOT analysis. Head to the practical use cases section to get prompt examples.

Practical AI cases for competitive research

The concrete use cases and prompts to apply the previous AI toolset for competitive research are:

  • Discovering competitor (or your company) whitespaces and weaknesses with and G2 reviews
  • Discovering competitors in existing categories
  • Discovering competitors in categories in formation or unknown
  • Create a competitor table by providing a product/company URL
  • Discovering perceptions about a competitor (or your company)
  • Discover why competitors win
  • Creating a SWOT analysis
  • Getting an AI opinion on your product/company going head to head against XYZ competitor
  • Understanding the market perception of your company or a competitor

How Predictable Innovation Strategy uses AI for market research

Predictable Innovation has completely embedded AI in its market research workflow to provide clients with quicker results while keeping the same high quality. We've found 25-40% time savings thanks to using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for market research and other use cases.

The role of AI in market research has been transformative for our business and competitiveness, providing our team with different benefits:

👀 Gaining analysis efficiency

‍ We were analyzing tons of Reddit posts, call transcripts, reading entire analysts' PDFs, or hundreds of G2 competitor feedback answers.

That's gone, using AI-powered market research. AI makes data collection from these sources almost automatic. It is a great tool for finding patterns, summarizing information, and extracting data from text or videos. We use all this to gather market intelligence faster.

🧠 Gaining a second brain and new perspectives

AI gives us fresh angles for product positioning and go-to-market strategies that are not biased by our beliefs. It's tough to get out of your own head. AI can help with this.

🔍 Getting broader research insights

AI tools can identify sources and reach internet corners we could not or did not have the time. We've gained more research findings, insights, understanding, and angles about the market, customers, and competitors we analyze.

🚀 Taking off research projects at light speed

With traditional market research methods, we had to conduct secondary internet research and analyze interviews. It would take around two weeks to warm up a market analysis or strategy project.

Now, by using AI-powered market research tools, we get up to speed on new client projects in just one day by using AI tools for market research.

🏎️ Faster market feedback loops & strategy development

Given the speed at which we can now analyze the information, we can deliver faster market testing and feedback loops, leading to a competitive edge.

Market learning speed is often an advantage.

😮‍💨 Overcoming the blank-page syndrome

We won't have to feel the pain of starting from 0 anymore to fill in our templates and create strategies. AI is helping us with a fresh starting point.

What is the business impact of using AI for market research for Predictable Innovation

We've measured the impact of integrating AI for market research and other use cases in our workflow. Here's what we've found:

→ 25-40% margins increase

Depending on the project's complexity, we've measured 25-40% working time savings in market/customer research, innovation, positioning strategy, messaging, and sales tasks.

P&L IMPACT: All that goes directly into Predictable Innovation's P&L bottom line .

→ x2 productivity

In strategy projects for clients from the kick-off to deliverables. An average project was three months; with AI, it takes 6 to 8 weeks. Most of the productivity gains are coming from AI market research use cases.

STRATEGIC IMPACT: Speed-to-delivery is now a key feature of Predictable Innovation . We now deliver high quality with more speed to results.

→ New research eyes and strategic angles

We spent tens of hours analyzing Reddit posts, interview transcripts, analysts' PDFs, google results, and G2 user interviews. That's now gone with all the AI tools in this article.

TEAM IMPACT: The AI is working as their team assistant to provide angles for their strategy team. These are new strategic angles that are not biased by preconceived human beliefs.

FAQs about AI for market research

What are the different ways to use ai in market research.

AI tools like ChatGPT, Aomin, or can help with a large number of use cases like extraction of pain points from interview transcripts, sentiment analysis of interviews, create SWOT analysis, scraping G2 reviews to finding competitor whitespaces, discovering customer journeys and jobs-to-be-done or assess market opportunities.

At Predictable Innovation, we've identified and documented 67 use cases in which AI can be used for customer, competitor, and market research. Some of them have been detailed in this article.

What are the best practices for using AI in market research?

We've created a list of quick tips when approaching the use of AI for market research:

1. When using ChatGPT, create new chats whenever your questions require a new skill set or context

Think of ChatGPT the same way as hiring an employee. You won't hire someone who is an expert in car manufacturing to work on healthcare. That's a scenario in which you want to start a new ChatGPT conversation. Every time you switch contextual needs like skillset required (ex. think copywriting vs research vs positioning strategy), industry or product category, you have to start a new conversation.

2. The more specific you are, the more specific ChatGPT's answer

‍ AI is as good as the question you're asking and the context you're providing. Think of ChatGPT as talking to a child. You must be clear, specific, and relevant if you want specific and relevant answers.

3. AI is your assistant; you're the brain

‍ Let AI provide you with data, angles, and analysis. But you and your team MUST double-check it and make informed decisions.

4. AI is NOT a replacement for customer or market interviews

‍ What you'll find in a single customer interview, or even an interview with your sales team, will be way more detailed, specific, and relevant than what you'll find with AI research over the internet.

5. Protect sensitive data

When using proprietary data or interviews in ChatGPT, protect your data by turning off the Chat history & training under set, and carefully read the terms of service and privacy policy of AI tools.

6. Follow-up questions are a must to discover more specific answers

Think of ChatGPT as one more team member. Make the curiosity drive your questions to discover more and dig more deeply and more specifically into ChatGPT answers. You won't just take the first answer and use it; get curious, keep asking, and go deeper.

7. Push ChatGPT

If the answer is not what you expect, make your question / prompt more precise, specific, and relevant. You can also try tricks like pushing ChatGPT to provide new insights, angles, or ideas with this prompt:

What are the potential challenges when implementing AI in market research?

Data quality.

AI models are only as good as the data they are trained with. The model will produce unreliable results if the data is incomplete or inaccurate.

When using the previous SAAS tools, always double-check the results, find the sources of truth, and make sense of them.

If you have your own models, ensure that the data is cleaned and preprocessed before training the model.


This is often referred to as the 'black box'. It is difficult to understand how these models are making their outputs, which can lead to mistrust and resistance from stakeholders.

The solution to this challenge is to use explainable AI techniques, start with pilots, and showcase the value of AI for market research.

Job displacement

‍ The solution to this problem is not easy. The best you can do is to focus on using AI to augment your team's capabilities rather than replace them.

This means freeing up your team to focus on more complex and strategic tasks while they use AI for the use cases I described today. As said, artificial intelligence is the assistant; human intelligence is the decision-maker.

If the data used to train the AI is biased, the predictions or analyses will also be biased.

This can lead to inaccurate market research results and potentially harmful decisions. To combat this, it's important to use diverse and representative data sets for training AI. Regular audits of AI systems can also help identify and correct any biases.

Rapid pace of AI development

AI technology constantly evolves, making it difficult for organizations to stay up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques. The solution to this challenge is to invest in continuous learning and development. This could involve attending industry conferences, participating in online courses, partnering with AI experts, or subscribing to AI newsletters like the Neuron or Superhuman .

Change management needs

Implementing AI may require significant changes to workflows and processes, and there can be resistance from employees who are comfortable with existing research approaches.

To overcome this, start with small pilots, communicate the benefits of AI clearly, and provide ample training and support during the transition. Involving employees in the implementation process and addressing their concerns can also help ensure a smooth transition.

While challenges are associated with implementing AI for market research, these can be overcome with the right strategies and approaches.

By focusing on data quality, transparency, ethical considerations, and continuous learning, you can successfully leverage AI to enhance your market research efforts. Just like we did!

Continue learning AI for market research with Predictable Innovation

Check this video on how Predictable Innovation uses AI to streamline for the concrete use case of Ideal Customer Analysis:

→ Take back 40% of your time in just 3h with my AI for market research online course

→ Try our custom ChatGPT tools ‍

Get free advice and angles by GPTs trained with our knowledge and strategy frameworks. Just bear in mind that they are experimental!

Jobs-To-Be-Done Template Canvas ChatGPT

B2B Customer Journey Map Discovery ChatGPT

Positioning Statement Generator ChatGPT

Product & Go-to-market strategy ChatGPT Advisor

High-Tech Positioning Strategist ChatGPT

Ecosystem Map ChatGPT

Author Photo

Thanks for reading my thoughts! I bring 16 years of experience selling and marketing B2B tech products. I'm a thinker on the impact of human behavior on innovation adoption, marketing strategy, go-to-market, and business leadership in B2B high-tech. Armed with this knowledge, I help B2B high-tech leaders accelerate traction by aligning their strategy with what buyers want as coach, speaker, and workshop leader.

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Market research automation: A marketer’s guide for 2024

Market research automation uses AI to simplify and enhance traditional research. AI helps interpret data, create data visualizations, pull insights, and more.

Woman presenting findings on market research.

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Typeform    |    05.2024

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You’re probably well aware of the AI buzz that’s been taking the world by storm—and maybe even wondering how you can keep up with this rapidly evolving technology. There’s a lot of confusion about AI’s role in marketing and how to harness its power effectively. 

The good news? Market research automation has come a long way, and using AI to help you collect and interpret data has never been simpler. 

Imagine handling your marketing tasks in just a few clicks. No more mindless time spent filling out a spreadsheet—automation takes that off your plate so you can focus on what you do best.

Automation also allows marketers to automatically collect data about their audiences, improving accuracy and freeing up time and resources for other tasks. In this guide, we’ll cover the latest capabilities of market research automation, some of its limitations, and how Typeform can help you stay ahead of the AI curve. 

What is market research automation?

According to Tessian, over 80% of data breaches are from human error. Using automation can reduce that risk.

Market research automation is the practice of using AI to collect and analyze market research data. Traditionally, marketers send out surveys via mail, email, phone calls, or other forms of communication, collecting and analyzing the data with their teams. It certainly gets the job done, but it’s expensive and prone to human error.

Research suggests that over 80% of data breaches are caused by human error. Using automation can reduce that risk, improve accuracy, and provide new insight into collected data that marketers might miss. 

Another key advantage is the flexibility. In traditional market research, marketers need to evaluate the data before adjusting their collection methods or surveys. However, generative AI can suggest changes to make research more effective earlier, saving time and resources. For example, if it becomes clear early on that young adults aren’t a good fit for your product, AI can spot this and suggest devoting resources to reaching other age groups.

Time is money, and traditional research can take a long time to complete. Previously, marketers would work with other teams for data collection and analysis. With automation, marketers merely supervise as AI conducts those processes, making market research more engaging and giving marketers full visibility at every step of the process. 

Common AI concerns are related to creativity, bias, and privacy.

However, there are still some concerns about the limitations of automating market research. AI has advanced significantly over the past few years, but there are some key concerns you shouldn’t ignore:

Creativity: AI can help pull key insights from datasets, but you still need a human touch to properly interpret and present these insights.

Bias: AI models can be trained by imperfect or biased data, which means it replicates these biases. Professionals should be wary of AI bias and QA automated outputs.

Privacy: AI models require large amounts of data to train the technology, raising concerns over where that data comes from. 

The role of automation in market research

Automation is all about making things more efficient. Here are some common solutions AI can provide for marketers:

Parses data: AI automatically sorts and interprets responses based on set filters and research goals, so you can wave goodbye to wasted time sorting through responses.

Reduces human error: AI is less likely to make mathematical errors than people, making your data more accurate.

Eliminates bottlenecks: AI reduces the back and forth needed to move traditional research along, keeping your schedule on track. 

Creates data dashboards: AI creates automatic dashboards and data visualizations from the most important insights to guide decision-making and make sharing these insights with stakeholders easier.

Improves time to value: AI turbocharges your data processing compared to traditional market research, streamlining and speeding up the entire process.

Image recaps the role of market research automation.

These capabilities translate to saving your company time and resources while letting marketers focus on the more creative (and dare we say—more fun) aspects of market research.

Take Avocode, a small tech startup that helps turn design into code, as an example. It was difficult for the company to know what customers needed because it had to conduct qualitative research to find out. 

Typeform helped Avocode launch a one-two-punch survey, asking smaller pools of respondents for qualitative responses and then validating those insights. This validation process used quantitative options, such as Likert scales, distributed to thousands of users. Typeform’s ability to help Avocode create these surveys enabled the company to launch more new features while spending less on market research.

Survey routing

Dynamic surveys are essential to getting the most data from respondents while reducing dropoff rates. Surveys on Typeform use conditional and skip logic, so you can change what questions your survey asks based on prior responses. For example, if your first question asks for the respondent’s age, you can route them to a specific survey based on their age group.

Typeform’s conditional logic allows you to create more personalized surveys with fewer resources. This simplifies the survey creation process, improves respondent experience, and allows users to create endlessly with their surveys.

For a prime example of how survey routing creates endless possibilities, let’s take a look at how an educational resource app called Modulo harnessed Typeform to create its prototype. Manisha Snoyer demonstrated Modulo's value by using a conditional- and skip logic-based Typeform as her prototype. This prototype simultaneously collected data to show potential investors that there was a real demand for her app while demonstrating how the app would work, providing different resources to educators depending on how they responded to the Typeform.

Automating data collection

As you collect more data, you’ll find that people submit responses that don’t answer your questions, submit multiple responses, or make other errors that negatively impact your final dataset. Data cleaning is the process of filtering out these responses and translating your data to an easily interpretable format, like a spreadsheet.

Traditionally, this would take a long time, with someone manually sifting through the data to clear out invalid responses and create a usable dataset. Advances in automation allow AI to do this as data is collected, saving time and resources so you can immediately put responses to use.

Typeform has over 120+ integrations , so you can decide where your data goes. You may have heard of SwagUp, a company that creates custom swag packs. SwagUp uses over 80 Typeforms to let users build their orders. This feature has generated over $4 million in revenue for SwagUp.

But where do all those orders collected on Typeform go? Well, Typeform’s integration with Trello ensures that each order gets automatically added to SwagUp’s to-do list so the team can get straight to work.

Automating data analysis

AI can look at datasets and pull big-picture takeaways to help marketers interpret and analyze data more effectively. This helps you identify which findings to dive deeper into and streamline market research so you’re not wasting time evaluating insights that aren’t as valuable.

Benefits and disadvantages

Chart recaps the pros and cons of market research automation.

Automating market research is a relatively new process, so there are some key factors to consider when deciding if it’s the right move for you. Here’s what you should know:

Streamlines the data collection process: AI can launch surveys, collect responses, and record data automatically, reducing effort on your end while maximizing impact.  

Simplifies collaboration between teams: AI can perform several steps of the market research process so you can focus on higher-level market research tasks.

Automatically segments respondents: AI can create different survey paths for respondents so you can get more specific data with less effort.

Creates reports automatically: AI can translate qualitative responses to other formats for easier interpretation.

Frees up time to edit reports and deliverables for stakeholders: AI frees up your time to work on front-facing tasks so reports are more thorough and well-rounded.

Speeds up the research process: AI reduces the overall time needed to conduct market research by minimizing the time between data collection and analysis.

May need to edit for bias: AI is trained on large datasets and replicates any biases that those sets may contain.

Can be less flexible depending on AI limitations: The more advanced an AI tool is, the more flexibility it offers.

May have difficulty onboarding: There’s still a learning curve to new AI tools—some teams might need a more intensive AI training period.

It may seem like a daunting task to set up, but Typeform’s intuitive interface, user-friendly features, and 120+ integrations make it easy to benefit from the best of market research automation—while keeping everything simple enough to onboard without a hitch.

Connect with project management apps to dive into analytics as response data comes in and keep everyone in the loop. Typeform makes it easy to create dynamic surveys that change as people respond, so you leave no rock unturned while launching your research.

Automated market research allows marketing professionals to delegate time-consuming data collection and cleaning. This frees up time and resources for marketers to dive into the data AI has collected and create higher-impact reports for stakeholders.

To effectively implement automation, consider ways to mitigate the disadvantages. Adding bias QAs and properly onboarding your new AI tools are just two strategies to help make the transition easier and reduce friction with your current marketing team.

Automate your market research with Typeform

Typeform harnesses automation to level up your market research and create striking yet effective surveys. Our simple interface makes it easy, all while using the latest AI to gather the data you need.

Embraces conditional, branching, and skip logic: These features tailor each respondent’s experience in real-time without coding, so your surveys always get right to the good part.

Automates workflows: Send data to integrated apps as it’s collected so you can enjoy hands-off project management and email follow-ups. 

Creates reports: Showcase key data from respondents on a clear dashboard so you’re not stuck wondering what the big data trends are.

Customizes respondent experience: No two respondents are the same. With dynamic triggers, no two surveys will be either.

Maximizes privacy: Typeforms are HIPAA, PCI, and GDPR compliant. No more sleepless nights worrying about data leaks.

Provides first-class survey experience: Typeforms walk respondents through one question at a time and even recall past answers, giving everyone the star treatment.

In addition to these features, Typeform is a no-code tool that still offers high levels of design customization, so you can create well-branded surveys without the hassle of coding. Our customers boast higher response rates and a better respondent experience compared to surveys they’ve created independently.

Are you ready to dip your toes into market research automation? Start with Typeform for dynamic surveys that get the job done.

The author Kevin Branscum

About the author

Kevin Branscum is a seasoned brand marketer, content marketer, and writer with over 10 years of experience working with B2B and B2C brands.

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9 Top AI Market Research Tools (2024)

market research automation tools

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can help you conduct market research—and understand your data—faster than ever before.

Check out these seven AI market research tools to better understand your industry and customers this year.

1. Exploding Topics: Best For Discovering Trends

Exploding Topics is a trend-spotting and social listening platform.


We use AI to source our data—and then verify its accuracy and relevance with the help of human data analysis experts.

This AI+ human combo allows us to source data about new and growing trends quickly, while also ensuring only the most relevant information enters our database.

Plus, we update our data sets daily. This means that Exploding Topics users are often the first to know about trends affecting their business and customers.

By using Exploding Topics as part of your market research activities, you can easily gather reliable information about:

  • Trending products, services, and companies
  • Trend popularity across different social media platforms
  • Changes in topic popularity over the past 15 years
  • Typical e-commerce product prices
  • Emerging startups


You can even discover the ways market trends relate to each other—and how we’re forecasting their popularity levels may change.

Who Should Use Exploding Topics?

Exploding Topics is a useful tool for anyone conducting market research activities.

It's great for use early in the research process and can help you narrow down the topics you need to focus on during your focus panels, interviews, and more.

How Much Does Exploding Topics Cost?

Exploding Topics is free to use. You can browse a portion of our database right now—no login required.

To unlock our full database and more features that are useful for market research you'll want to subscribe to an Exploding Topics Pro plan. Options start at just $39, billed annually.

You can give Exploding Topics Pro a try before committing, too—it's just $1 for your first week of access.

2. Gong: Best For Transcribing Customer Interviews

Gong is an advanced AI-powered call recording and customer intelligence platform.


Sales, marketing, and research teams can use Gong to record video and audio from calls with customers or survey participants.

Gong will automatically transcribe your calls and produce AI-generated summaries that include:

  • Key highlights
  • Contextual insights and discussion points
  • Keywords that appear frequently during the call
  • Valuable insights including references to meetings and times
  • Actions for each person on the call

It works in multiple languages as well!

Who Should Use Gong?

Gong is a good choice for marketers and researchers that intend to do a lot of multilingual audience interviews. You'll need to regularly plan, schedule, and hold calls with Gong in order to make the tool worthwhile.

If you're seeking a service that conducts research for you, though, you'll want to try a top market research firm .

How Much Does Gong Cost?

Gong prices its licenses per user; you'll need to get in touch with the company to discuss a customized quote.

3. Speak: Best For Data Visualization

Speak is a data visualization service.


The platform uses natural language processing (NLP) to extract data and actionable insights from video, audio, or text files.

Like Gong, Speak can automatically record and transcribe your customer interviews. However, it's not limited to content captured directly through Speak.

You can upload files from any source, including public URLs, and have Speak extract data using AI.

From there, Speak can turn the data points into shareable visualizations. You can even ask the Speak AI questions about your data and get responses in a conversational format.

Who Should Use Speak?

Speak is a good choice if you plan to capture research data in multiple mediums, including text-based surveys and pre-recorded video responses.

It's also worth looking at Speak if you're interested in using AI to examine and report on your data using prompts—similar to how you interact with an AI chatbot.

How Much Does Speak Cost?

You can use Speak's basic AI transcription service on a pay-as-you go basis. To unlock everything that Speak offers, including chatting with the AI, you'll need to subscribe to a monthly paid plan.

Options start at $29 per month or $278.40 per year.

4. SurveyMonkey Genius: Best For Building Research Surveys

SurveyMonkey Genius is an AI-powered survey builder.


The team at SurveyMonkey trained their AI on data gleaned from over 25 years' worth of surveys hosted on the platform.

You can start the process by describing your goals for the survey, or by using one of SurveyMonkey's prepared prompts.

From there, the AI will generate an entire editable survey for you to review and tweak.

SurveyMonkey Genius can also:

  • Suggest the best type of question to use for a topic
  • Prepare balanced multiple choice answer options that help to remove bias
  • Conduct sentiment analysis on open-ended question responses
  • Highlight trends in your survey responses
  • Evaluate the quality of each response and eliminate any that aren't readable or aren't in line with your quality standards

When we gave the Genius feature a try, we could create a complete survey in less than five minutes.

If you find that the SurveyMonkey AI doesn't perform as expected, though, you can give feedback directly in the app. SurveyMonkey will then use this feedback to continue training the AI.

Who Should Use SurveyMonkey Genius?

If you're already a SurveyMonkey user, it's worth checking out Genius to see if it can accelerate your workflow.

New users interested in an easier way to make surveys might also want to check out SurveyMonkey Genius, as it may help you launch market research initiatives (and get results) faster.

How Much Does SurveyMonkey Genius Cost?

You can use SurveyMonkey Genius as part of a free SurveyMonkey account.

5. Poll the People: Best For Finding Survey Respondents

Poll the People is a panel analysis program.


If you like the AI-powered aspect of SurveyMonkey Genius, but don’t have an audience to survey, then Poll the People is a solid alternative.

The platform uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology to help users create, distribute, and analyze the results of market research surveys.

You can use Poll the People to:

  • Build surveys using prepared templates
  • Select a panel from the platform’s pool of over 500,000 respondents
  • View, filter, sort, and analyze results with the help of ChatGPT

As with Speak, you can chat with Poll the People's AI about your survey results and get direct answers that reference the data.

Who Should Use Poll the People?

Poll the People is a good choice for anyone who wants to collect primary research data from groups of people like their target audience.

It’s a particularly good fit if you don’t already have access to a survey panel.

How Much Does Poll the People Cost?

Poll the People offers a pay-as-you-go plan. It’s free to sign up—you just pay $1 per response, and get access to all of the platform’s features.

If you plan to run multiple large surveys, then you may prefer the Plus plan. It costs $50 monthly and lets you run up to 10 surveys with 500 responses each every month.

6. Remesh: Best For Running Online Focus Groups

Remesh is an AI-powered focus group platform.


You can use Remesh to:

  • Establish a focus group schedule
  • Build a discussion guide
  • Upload media to share with your groups
  • Create questions to ask each participant
  • Ask participants open-ended and multiple-choice questions about your content
  • Have participants vote on how closely they agree with statements made by other focus group members

While you run the focus group, the Remesh AI works to analyze feedback, find common themes, and highlight key points for your review.

This AI analysis happens at the same time you talk to your target audience. If you see specific consumer behavior reflected in the findings and want to learn more about it, you can change your discussion questions on the fly.

Remesh also lets you export ready-to-share slide decks and CSV files with your data once the focus group ends.

Who Should Use Remesh?

Remesh is a good choice for teams that plan to run their own focus groups. The included AI features can help you get a better understanding of your results in real time, without waiting for the session to end.

How Much Does Remesh Cost?

Unfortunately, Remesh doesn't publish their pricing publicly, so you'll need to schedule a demo to get a custom quote.

7. Lexalytics: Best For Custom Research Applications

Lexalytics is a text analytics platform.


The service uses NLP to evaluate text based documents and extract information including:

  • Sentiment and intent
  • Names of people, places, dates, products, and companies
  • Common factors to create groups of related text

It's suitable for use when conducting all kinds of market research—even for pharmaceuticals, finance, and other heavily regulated industries.

Plus, you can incorporate Lexalytics technology into your own applications—giving it great versatility when compared to other AI analysis programs.

Who Should Use Lexalytics?

Lexalytics is a nice choice for any research teams that plan to develop their own custom survey, panel, or focus group platform.

If you're already paying to use a full-featured tool like Speak or Remesh, though, you might find Lexalytics to be an unnecessary add-on.

How Much Does Lexalytics Cost?

Lexalytics plans are customized based on your needs, so you'll have to get in touch with the company and get a price quote.

8. Claude: Best For Exploring Research Findings

Claude is a self-contained conversational AI chatbot.


Claude doesn't access the internet, so it can't conduct research for you. You can feed your own data files into it, though, and use the AI as a data analysis assistant.

When you share data with Claude, you can ask the AI a variety of questions about the content of your data upload. You can even have it create summaries and customer personas based on your research.

During a test, we fed a CSV file with 95 lines of data into Claude. Within a few seconds, Claude could start answering questions about our findings—eliminating the need to read through each data point ourselves.

Who Should Use Claude?

Claude is a useful tool for anyone who spends a lot of time reading data-rich reports and spreadsheets.

How Much Does Claude Cost?

It's free to try out Claude, though you're limited in the number of questions you can ask it each day.

To increase your usage limits, you'll need to sign up for Claude Pro—it costs $20 per month.

9. YouScan: Best For Social Media Market Research

YouScan is a social media analysis tool.


The platform uses AI to extract data from images and text shared across social media platforms like Instagram.

It doesn’t rely on post captions and hashtags, either—YouScan can recognize text and subjects depicted in images.

Use the tool to:

  • Evaluate how frequently a brand or product appears in social media pictures
  • Assess the sentiment of social media posts made by your target audience
  • Compare brands and products that appear together in users’ photos
  • Discover the platforms that attract discussions or posts about specific brands

And, as with Poll the People and Claude, YouScan includes a chatbot you can use to gather insights into your data. Simply ask it a question about the information you're looking for, and YouScan's AI will respond.

Who Should Use YouScan?

Companies that have a very social media friendly product line can use YouScan to learn more about how and where their brand is depicted on social media.

How Much Does YouScan Cost?

YouScan plans start at $299 per month, billed annually, and include unlimited user seats.

Deciding to use AI tools is a great way to streamline your market research process—and how you interpret related metrics. While each of the tools on this list still requires some human involvement, each service can help you find and understand data faster.

Whether you’re uncovering new trends to research with Exploding Topics, conducting surveys with Remesh and Poll the People, or exploring your data in depth with Claude, the nine AI-powered tools on this list are some of the best options for conducting market research this year.

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The 19 Best Market Research Tools Of 2023

Market research is a crucial component of any business strategy. Here are some of the best tools you can use in your market research efforts.

market research automation tools

Building a successful business is no easy feat, especially in a world where consumers have more options – and distractions – than ever before.

That’s why market research is essential to any business marketing plan and marketing strategy .

Market research lets you learn more about our target consumers and their behavior, spot emerging trends, uncover important data, and make informed business decisions.

But with so many target consumers out there and so many places and methods to reach them, where should you start?

In this article, we’ll cover some of the best market research tools available to you across a variety of tactics and approaches.

Let’s get started.

1. SurveyMonkey


One of the more well-known survey tools, SurveyMonkey offers a broad list of features and capabilities for creating audience surveys.

Whether you want to create your own survey or choose from one of its 250+ expert-created templates, SurveyMonkey offers a user-friendly interface that enables you to customize your surveys to your needs.

It also offers a suite of helpful features, including AI-powered knowledge to help you pose the right questions, as well as built-in reporting and analytics.

  • SurveyMonkey offers a free Basic tier with unlimited surveys featuring up to 10 questions and 25 responses per survey.
  • Individual plans start at $39/month with unlimited surveys and questions, and up to 15,000 responses per year.
  • Team plans start at $25/user/month, starting at three users. This level also gives you unlimited surveys and questions, but offers 50,000 responses per year.

2. Typeform


Typeform is an easy-to-use tool focused on helping users create intuitive and engaging forms, surveys, quizzes, polls, and more. Its selling point is the ability to create truly conversational, beautiful forms.

With Typeform, you can create slick surveys with customizable interactive elements, such as images and videos, that encourage your audience to take action. Its focus on interactivity makes it an appealing tool for market research.

Typeform offers plenty of useful features – from conditional logic to creating dynamic surveys – that adapt based on answers to real-time data analytics and integrations with tons of popular tools, from Slack to Google Analytics.

The company even offers a standalone video tool, VideoAsk, where users can create “video forms” to prompt responses.

  • Typeform offers a Free plan with unlimited typeforms and 10 responses per month.
  • Paid plans start at $25/month billed annually for Basic, $50/month billed annually for Plus, and $83/month billed annually for Business.
  • The company also offers an Enterprise plan.

3.  BuzzSumo


BuzzSumo is a content research and analysis tool that can help you gather some powerful market insights.

Regarding market research, BuzzSumo can help you understand the content landscape in your industry (and beyond), find out what’s resonating with your target consumers, identify influencers in your niche, and track how your content is performing vs. your competitors’.

The BuzzSumo tool analyzes articles (over 5 billion!) and social media posts across the internet to identify top-performing content. It allows you to comb through five years of data so that you can discover the right content ideas for your audience.

  • 30-day free trial (no credit card required).
  • Membership tiers start at $159/month billed yearly for Content Creation (individual) plan, $239/month billed yearly for PR & Comms plan, $399/month billed yearly for the Suite plan, and $999/month billed yearly for the Enterprise plan.

4. Qualaroo


Want to capture user feedback and deepen your understanding of market trends? Qualaroo might be the tool for you.

Qualaroo is a customer and user feedback tool that claims to be “10X more valuable than email surveys.” Using Qualaroo, you can add a survey to a page on your website or integrate it into your product.

The tool uses behavioral triggering to show surveys or feedback prompts in response to specific user behavior, so you know you’re targeting the right people with the most relevant questions.

Qualaroo also offers visual customization so you can get the branding right, automatic language translation, a library of survey templates, audience targeting, and IBM Watson Sentiment Analysis to help you organize your results.

  • 15-day free trial (no credit card required).
  • Plans start at $69/month billed annually for Essentials, $149/month billed annually for Premium, and $299+/month billed annually for Business tier.


SpyFu is a great choice if you’re looking to conduct competitive analysis as part of your market research efforts.

It allows you to effectively “spy” on your competitors by viewing their marketing strategies, advertising history, what keywords they’ve bought on Google Ads, and more – which can help you find gaps in the market and optimize your own approach.

You can feed the SpyFu tool a URL, and it will instantly show you its results for SEO topics like organic keywords, top pages, backlink analysis, total traffic, competition, and more.

Not only can SpyFu help you gain an understanding of the SEO landscape for your industry and gain a competitive advantage, but it can also tell you how hard it might be to dominate a specific niche.

  • SpyFu offers paid plans starting at $16/month for Basic, $36/month for Professional, and $149/month for Team (billed annually).


Another great tool for SEO and competitive analysis, Ahrefs is a popular choice of many marketers for good reason.

Using Ahrefs, you can learn more about the search landscape of your market, discover what keywords your customers are searching for, track your competitors, and analyze content in your industry to inform your own strategies.

With its keyword and content capabilities, Ahrefs will help you find gaps and opportunities in the market so that you can improve your content, your site, and your search visibility.

  • Website owners can sign up for Ahrefs Webmaster Tools for free limited access to its Site Explorer and Site Audit tools.
  • Paid plans start at $83/month for Lite, $166/month for Standard, $333/month for Advanced, and $833/month for Enterprise (billed annually).

7. Delve AI

Delve AI

User personas are a crucial facet of an effective marketing strategy – and as such, developing them is a common step in any market research process.

Thanks to tools like Delve AI , it’s easier than ever to build user personas.

Delve AI offers a suite of persona-building tools based on your needs and the data available to you. Depending on what stage your business is in, you can generate:

  • Competitor personas using Delve AI’s data.
  • Social personas based on your social audience.
  • Customer personas using your customer information.
  • Live personas for your website based on Google Analytics data.

Beyond its multi-channel capabilities, Delve AI uses AI algorithms for accuracy in personas, offers behavioral insights, real-time updates to your personas, and more.

  • The company offers a free Lite plan.
  • Business plans start at $71/month for Standard, $159/month for the Growth tier, and $439/month for Pro (billed annually).
  • Agency plans start at $167/month for Standard, $343/month for Growth, and $687/month for the Pro tier (billed annually).

8. Sprout Social

Sprout Social

We don’t need to tell you about the importance of social media when it comes to connecting with your audience and driving business success. It can also play a major role where market research is concerned.

Sprout Social offers a robust suite of social media management features. Perhaps the most useful for market research are social listening features – which allow you to track market trends, industry keywords, and social conversations – and its competitor analysis capabilities.

It also provides insights into audience demographics, behavior, and interests, which you can use to inform your marketing approach.

  • Free 30-day trial.
  • Plans start at $249/month for Standard, $399/month for Professional, and $499/month for Advanced.
  • Sprout Social also offers an Enterprise tier plan.

9. Google Trends

Google Trends

How can you supercharge your market research efforts? Look to search data.

Google Trends is an incredible tool that enables you to analyze real-time and historical search data to discover market trends, up-to-date consumer insights, and more.

By using this tool to access the latest information on how people search on Google, you can spot emerging interests and opportunity areas, and keep an eye on what consumers are most interested in.

It also offers location filtering so that you can see what’s trending in any given market.

10. Statista


If you’re looking for data and statistics on pretty much anything in the world of business and marketing, you might want to check out Statista.

It’s a business intelligence platform that provides “statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.” This means that if you’re looking for specific market research insights, Statista most likely has something to fit your needs.

From in-depth reports to data visualizations and industry forecasts, Statista can give you reliable insights into what’s happening in markets around the world, and highlight market and consumer trends.

  • Free Basic account available.
  • Paid accounts start at $149/month for Starter and $490/month for Personal (billed annually), with more options available.

11. Qualtrics


If you’re looking for something extremely robust, Qualtrics ’ market research platform is an all-in-one, AI-powered solution for your market research needs.

It offers a suite of features and capabilities, including:

  • Panel Management : Enables you to create research panels from email lists, site visitors, social followers, and more.
  • On-Demand Respondents : Companies can pay for access to survey respondents that match their target demographic.
  • Product Development : Get access to early feedback on your new products and services from customers.
  • Purchase Behavior : Explore data on what is fueling purchase decisions among your target customers.

While it requires a more dedicated investment, Qualtrics’ software is scalable and powerful. It comes with automation and integration with many other tools, and customers have access to a support team.

  • Qualtrics offers a free survey maker tool with up to 500 responses.
  • For pricing details, reach out to the Qualtrics team.


It’s important to stay on top of how your customers feel about your business, services, and products – and Temper provides a super simple way to do just that.

The concept is simple: Come up with a simple question you want to ask your question, and your customers can respond by clicking a smiley face that corresponds to how they feel.

You might want to ask your customers, “How do you feel about our new product?” or “Please rate your experience with our customer support team.” With just a little bit of code, you can place a Temper widget on your webpage, in a blog post, or in an email footer and get quick feedback on audience sentiment.

  • Plans start at $12/month for Hobby tier, $49/month for Pro, $89/month for Business, and $199/month for White Label.
  • Temper offers a 60-day risk-free, money-back guarantee.

You’ve likely heard of the question-and-answer site Quora , but have you considered its potential as a market research tool?

Quora is an online community where real people can go to ask questions about anything they’d like, and share their experiences and opinions with others via answers.

It offers a unique opportunity for brands to conduct market research within their specific industry or area by connecting with Quora’s diverse community of consumers, professionals, and others.

Try searching Quora for topics related to your business or niche, and look at what types of conversations are trending. Or, you could ask a question yourself!

It’s a great tool for engaging your audience , keeping an eye on your competitors, and even developing new ideas for content, product development, and more.

  • Quora is free to use, though it also offers separate business solutions.

14. Crunchbase


Crunchbase is a handy tool for getting a good picture of your industry landscape and how your competitors are faring.

It’s a database of companies that includes information like funding round data, investors, and financial information for each business. It also includes information such as employee headcount, leadership data, and more.

You can search Crunchbase by region or industry, allowing you to see how other companies in your niche are growing, and who is deciding to fund them. This can help you identify investment opportunities and market gaps, or even just gauge the overall health of your industry.

  • Crunchbase offers a Free plan where you can preview profile pages at no cost.
  • Paid options start at $29/month for Starter and $49/month for Pro (billed annually).
  • An Enterprise option is also available with custom billing.

15. Google Market Finder

Google Market Finder

Another excellent market research tool from Google is Market Finder . This free, interactive tool is focused mostly on researching target markets – so you can use it to discover which markets might have the most potential for your company, monitor demand for your products or services, and more.

There are two primary features within Market Finder:

  • Test your export readiness.  By providing your company’s URL and completing a short quiz, the tool will grade your “readiness” to expand into new markets abroad.
  • Dive into new markets. You can take another short quiz that will suggest new market recommendations based on the information you provide, as well as external data like search volume and Google Ads.

Market Finder can also integrate with your Google Analytics data for more accurate information.

16. Semrush

Market Explorer

Semrush is a one-stop marketing tool that can be leveraged to gain incredibly useful market research insights.

The company offers features dedicated to this type of research, such as its Market Explorer tool, which enables you to get quick information on your specific industry, conduct an analysis of market share, and benchmark your business against your competitors. You can also use the tool to analyze the potential of a new niche or market region for your business.

You might also find Semrush’s traffic analytics tool useful, as it allows you to go deeper with competitive analysis and target consumer demographics.

  • Semrush offers a free account with limited capabilities.
  • Paid accounts start at $108.33/month for Pro, $208.33/month for Guru, and $416.66/month for Business (billed annually).

17. Pew Research Center

Pew Research Center

While not a traditional marketing tool, the Pew Research Center is a widely known and respected resource that can be super effective when it comes to market research.

The site hosts a robust catalog of reports, surveys, and research covering everything from tech and digital media to politics, cultural trends, and more. The data is unbiased and credible, offering a unique perspective into what today’s consumers think and feel on various topics.

You can use the Pew Research Center as a tool to further hone your market research efforts, providing you with insights into the attitudes and behaviors of your target consumer, as well as the various factors that are impacting their desires and purchasing decisions.

18. Exploding Topics

Exploding Topics

We all know the saying, “I liked it before it was popular” – well, with Exploding Topics , your business can be the one to say this.

Exploding Topics helps you spot trends before they become super popular by analyzing searches, mentions, and conversations across the web to identify products, topics, and industries that are on the rise.

You can use Exploding Topics as a resource to help you predict shifts in the market and consumer interests, which can inform everything from your product design and strategy to your marketing approach.

It’s a lot like Google Trends, with some key differences; it pulls in data from a variety of sources and is focused on highlighting emerging trends before they take off.

  • Exploding Topics offers a free version of its Trend Database.
  • Paid tiers begin at $39/month for Entrepreneur, $99/month for Investor, and $249/month for Business (billed annually).


In today’s day and age, you can’t build a successful business without an effective website. But how can you know whether your website will resonate with your target consumer?

You can use Loop11 , a usability testing platform that helps facilitate user testing of your products.

Loop11 makes it simple to create a usability test and secure participants.

It enables you to view the user’s experience through video, audio, and screen recordings. Then, it presents you with in-depth insights and UX metrics to help you understand what’s working with your website, app, or product and what’s preventing people from converting.

  • Free 14-day trial with full capabilities.
  • Paid plans start at $179/month for Rapid Insights, $358/month for Pro, and $533/month for Enterprise (billed annually).

Market research is key to any business plan, no matter what industry you’re in, what stage of growth your business is at, or what customers you’re serving.

From competitive analysis to keyword research, user feedback, and more, focusing on your market research efforts will pay dividends to your business in the long run.

And while there are plenty of different ways to approach market research, these represent some of the best tools available to you – and can be a great jumping-off point for you to get started.

More Resources: 

  • How To Calculate Your Total Addressable Market (TAM) For SEO
  • Market Intelligence: What It Is & How To Use It
  • Competitor Mapping: What Is It & How To Do It

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AI and Automation for Small Business

Ultimate Guide to Market Research Automation: Strategies, Tools, and Benefits

Staying ahead of the curve is essential in today’s fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape. Market research continues to play a core role in business development, and one way to gain a competitive edge is through market research automation. In this guide, we will explore market research automation’s strategies, tools, and benefits, helping you harness its power to drive your business forward.

Typical Market Research Activities

Small businesses often have limited resources, both in terms of budget and manpower. As a result, you will likely need to prioritise certain market research activities that align with your goals and capabilities. Here are some of the market research activities that you might realistically undertake:

  • Consumer Demographics and Psychographics Analysis :   Understanding your target audience’s basic characteristics and preferences to tailor marketing efforts.
  • Competitor Analysis:   Conducting basic research to identify key competitors and your strengths/weaknesses.
  • Customer Feedback and Satisfaction Surveys:   Collecting feedback from existing customers to improve products and services.
  • Market Segmentation:   Segmenting your target market based on simple criteria, such as age or location.
  • Trend Analysis:   Monitoring industry trends through online sources and trade publications.
  • SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats):   Conducting an internal assessment of your business’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Price Sensitivity Studies:   Gauging how customers react to pricing changes for your products or services.
  • Geographic Analysis: Analysing local customer preferences and tailoring strategies accordingly.
  • Usability Testing:   Gathering feedback on your website or product usability from a small sample of customers.
  • Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews: Organising informal focus groups or interviews with a handful of customers for qualitative insights.
  • Data Mining and Big Data Analysis: Utilising basic data analysis tools to draw insights from your own sales and customer data.
  • Media and Advertising Effectiveness Analysis:   Tracking the performance of your marketing campaigns through basic analytics tools.

Small businesses like yours need to focus on research activities that align with their specific objectives, budget, and available resources. Leveraging online tools and platforms can often make these activities more accessible and affordable.

Understanding Market Research Automation

Before diving into the strategies and tools, it’s important to understand what market research automation is and how it differs from traditional market research. Unlike traditional market research methods that rely heavily on manual data collection and analysis, automation leverages advanced technologies to gather, analyse, and interpret data more efficiently.

Market research automation is the use of technology and software to streamline and automate various aspects of the market research process. 

The field of market research automation has evolved significantly in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and the increasing demand for real-time insights. With the rise of big data and the proliferation of digital platforms, businesses now have access to vast amounts of data that can be harnessed through automation to gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour, market trends, and competitor activities.

The evolution and growth of market research automation have been driven by the need for businesses to keep up with this increasing volume and complexity of data. With automation, businesses can collect and analyse data in real-time, enabling them to make informed decisions faster than ever before.

Key Strategies for Implementing Market Research Automation

To successfully implement market research automation, you need to adopt the right strategies and use the most appropriate tools. Let’s explore key strategies to help you make the most of market research automation.

Data Collection and Analysis

Automated data collection is a fundamental aspect of market research automation. With the right tools, businesses can collect data from various sources, such as online surveys, social media platforms, and customer feedback forms. Automation streamlines the data collection process, ensuring that data is collected consistently and in a timely manner.

Automated data collection methods, such as web scraping and API integrations, can help gather large datasets quickly and efficiently. Analysing these datasets using automation tools like data visualisation software and statistical analysis software allows businesses to extract actionable insights and identify patterns and trends. This eliminates the need for manual data analysis, saving time and reducing the risk of human error.

Survey Automation

Surveys are a common method used in market research to gather customer feedback and insights. Automated survey tools enable businesses to design and deploy surveys effortlessly, and customise survey questions and options to gather specific information from your target audience.  

Automated survey tools can collect and interpret survey responses in real-time, providing businesses with immediate insights. to gain valuable insights into customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and market trends. This enables businesses to make data-driven decisions and respond quickly to changing market dynamics.

Social Media Listening and Sentiment Analysis

Social media platforms have become a treasure trove of information for businesses. Market research automation allows businesses to monitor brand mentions, track customer sentiment, and analyse social media data for market trends. Sentiment analysis tools can be incorporated to gauge customer sentiment towards a brand, product, or service.

By leveraging social media listening and sentiment analysis, businesses can better understand their target audience, identify emerging trends, and make informed marketing and product development decisions.

Competitor Analysis through Automation

Understanding the competitive landscape is crucial for any business. Market research automation enables businesses to track competitors’ online activities, analyse their strengths and weaknesses, and identify potential opportunities and threats.

Automated competitor analysis tools can monitor competitors’ websites, social media profiles, and online advertising campaigns. This gives businesses valuable insights into their competitors’ strategies, allowing them to adjust their strategies accordingly and stay one step ahead.

Automated Customer Feedback Analysis

Customer feedback is a goldmine of insights that can drive business growth. Market research automation simplifies the process of gathering and categorising customer feedback. Automated tools can collect feedback from various channels, such as online reviews, customer surveys, and support tickets.

By analysing customer feedback automatically, businesses can identify areas for improvement, enhance customer satisfaction, and make data-driven decisions to drive business growth.

Data Visualisation and Reporting Automation

Communicating insights effectively is crucial for driving action within an organisation. Market research automation tools offer data visualisation and reporting capabilities that make it easy to create visual reports and dashboards. These visual representations of data help stakeholders understand complex information quickly and make informed decisions.

Automated reporting processes save time and resources, allowing you to generate reports on a regular basis and keep stakeholders informed about market trends, customer preferences, and competitive insights.

Predictive Analytics and Forecasting

Predictive analytics and forecasting are powerful tools in market research. Market research automation allows businesses to leverage predictive modeling techniques to forecast market trends and customer behavior. Businesses can make accurate predictions about future market conditions by analysing historical data and applying predictive algorithms.

These predictions can inform business planning and strategy, enabling businesses to allocate resources effectively, identify new market opportunities, and mitigate potential risks.

Choosing the Right Tools

There are numerous market research automation tools available in the market, each with its own set of features and capabilities. When evaluating different tools, consider factors such as data collection methods, data analysis capabilities, integration with other systems, and user-friendliness.

Popular market research automation tools include SurveyMonkey , Qualtrics, and SPSS. These tools offer a range of features, from survey automation to data visualisation and reporting, making them suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries.

Integration with Business Systems

Integrating automated research with your customer relationship management (CRM) database and other business systems enhances overall efficiency. You can streamline processes and improve collaboration by centralising data and enabling data-driven decision-making across departments.

Potential Issues with Automated Data Collection and How to Overcome Them

While market research automation offers numerous benefits, there are potential issues to be aware of. One concern is data security and privacy. With the automation of data collection, you must ensure that customer data is handled securely and in compliance with data protection regulations. Implementing robust data security measures and obtaining customer consent is essential to address these concerns.

Another potential issue is the presence of biases in automated analysis. Automated algorithms may inadvertently introduce biases into the analysis process, leading to skewed results. To overcome this, you should regularly review and validate the automated analysis outputs, ensuring that the algorithms are producing accurate and unbiased insights.

Future Trends in Market Research Automation

The field of market research automation is constantly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer behaviors. The future of market research automation holds exciting possibilities. Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning advancements will enable more sophisticated analysis and prediction capabilities. Personalisation through automated data segmentation will allow businesses to tailor their strategies and offerings to individual customers, enhancing customer experiences and loyalty.

Ethical considerations in automated market research will also play a significant role. Businesses will need to ensure that data collection and analysis methods are transparent, fair, and respectful of privacy. Striking the right balance between automation and human involvement will be crucial to maintain ethical standards.

Market research automation offers businesses a powerful tool to gain insights, make data-driven decisions, and stay competitive in the modern business landscape. By implementing the strategies discussed in this guide and leveraging the right tools, businesses can streamline their market research processes, extract valuable insights, and drive business growth. Embracing market research automation is not just a trend but a necessity for businesses looking to thrive in the future. So, take the leap and embrace the power of market research automation to shape the future of your business.

4 responses to “Ultimate Guide to Market Research Automation: Strategies, Tools, and Benefits”

[…] consumer demographics and psychographics is pivotal to your market research and in designing effective marketing strategies.  However, traditional methods of data collection, […]

[…] you’re a startup or a small business looking to gain an edge in your market, market research is essential. However, gathering data can be a time-consuming process that takes away from other […]

[…] Market research is a valuable tool for gaining insights into customer motivations. It involves gathering and analysing data about your customers, competitors, and industry trends. […]

[…] market research to identify your ideal customer profile and understand their needs, preferences, and pain […]

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AI Market Research Tools

Ibrahim Oladigbolu

Introduction to AI Market Research Tools

Understanding market dynamics and consumer behaviour is of increasing importance in today's fast-paced business environment, and traditional market research methods cannot keep up with rapid changes to consumer preferences or market trends.

Artificial Intelligence market research tools offer businesses an innovative solution for gathering and analyzing data more quickly. AI market research tools, developed by leading AI design agencies , leverage the power of artificial intelligence to automate data collection, analysis, and interpretation, transforming vast amounts of data into actionable insights. AI market research tools not only enhance market research processes but also increase the accuracy of insights gained quickly to enable business decision-making with confidence.

market research automation tools

These AI tools offer marketers a competitive advantage by providing deeper, data-driven insights. Tools like SurveyMonkey Genius , powered by OpenAI’s technology, optimize survey processes to collect consumer insights more efficiently than ever before. Platforms such as SEMRush Market Explorer and AI Persona Builder offer advanced capabilities in market trend analysis and customer persona creation to address marketing professionals' diverse needs.

As we explore the capabilities and benefits, including the latest AI UX research trends of AI market research tools, it's clear that their adoption is crucial for any business looking to succeed in the digital age. The next sections will outline how AI has revolutionized market research processes; showcase top AI tools available now; as well as offer guidance on selecting suitable tools for your specific business requirements.

market research automation tools

The Evolution of Market Research: The AI Revolution

The journey of market research from traditional methodologies to the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) encapsulates a remarkable evolution in gathering and analyzing consumer insights. This shift signifies a paradigm change, marking the dawn of a new era where data becomes the linchpin of strategic business decisions, powered by AI's unparalleled capabilities.

Traditional Methods to AI Integration

Initially, market research was synonymous with surveys, focus groups , and field observations—methods that, while effective, were labour-intensive and constrained by the limitations of human capacity and bias. The digital revolution offered some respite, introducing online surveys and social media analytics into the mix, but the true transformation was heralded by the advent of AI.

Today, AI market research tools are redefining the landscape, utilizing algorithms and machine learning to sift through vast datasets, deciphering patterns and preferences with a precision and speed that was once beyond reach.

Transformative Impact of AI on Market Research

AI's influence on market research is multifaceted and profound:

Accelerated Data Processing: AI tools analyze data at a pace no human team could match, enabling real-time insights and rapid response strategies.

Forward-Looking Insights: Through predictive analytics, AI not only interprets existing data but forecasts future trends, providing a competitive edge in market anticipation.

Deeper Consumer Understanding: By employing sentiment analysis, AI digs beneath surface-level data to unearth intricate consumer emotions and opinions, offering a richer, more nuanced understanding of the market.

Operational Efficiency: Automating routine data analysis tasks, AI frees researchers to concentrate on strategic aspects, enhancing productivity and innovation.

Enhanced Personalization: AI facilitates highly targeted marketing by identifying specific consumer preferences, leading to improved engagement and loyalty through personalized content and offers.

market research automation tools

Understanding AI Market Research Tools

AI market research tools are sophisticated software solutions that leverage algorithms, machine learning, and natural language processing technologies to perform tasks traditionally carried out by human researchers - like data collection, sentiment analysis, trend forecasting and consumer behaviour prediction. By processing large amounts of information at incredible speeds these tools deliver actionable insights more efficiently than traditional methods.

7 Key Features and Functionalities of AI Tools

Automated Data Collection: These tools enable the collection of data from various sources such as social media platforms, websites and online forums automatically - greatly decreasing the time and effort needed for data gathering.

Sentiment Analysis: By analyzing customer feedback, social media posts, and online reviews AI tools can gauge public sentiment towards brands, products, or services.

Predictive Analytics: AI's predictive capabilities allow it to forecast future market trends, consumer behaviours, and potential growth opportunities; helping businesses make informed strategic decisions with confidence.

Value Proposition: AI market research tools offer businesses tremendous value because of their rapid ability to convert raw data into strategic insights quickly. For businesses, this means:

Reduced Research Time : By shortening market research process times businesses can react swiftly to market changes or consumer trends more rapidly.

Increased Accuracy: AI is capable of uncovering patterns or trends which would otherwise remain hidden to humans - yielding greater insights that could otherwise go unseen or remain hidden by humans alone - leading to overall better decision-making processes.

Cost Efficiency: Automating data collection and analysis processes reduces the need for large market research teams, saving companies considerable resources.

Benefits of Using AI for Market Research

AI's integration into market research methodologies has heralded a new era in data analysis and consumer insight gathering. By employing AI, businesses can unlock many benefits that streamline operations and enhance the accuracy and depth of market insights. Let's take a look at some of these benefits.

Accelerated Data Analysis : One of the primary advantages of AI market research tools is their ability to process vast datasets swiftly. Unlike traditional methods that can be time-consuming and prone to human error, AI tools analyze data with remarkable speed, enabling businesses to react to market changes with agility. This rapid analysis facilitates quicker decision-making processes, a critical factor in maintaining competitive advantage in fast-paced industries.

Enhanced Consumer Insights: AI tools excel in dissecting complex consumer data to provide detailed insights into customer behaviour and preferences. Through techniques like sentiment analysis and natural language processing, AI can uncover nuanced consumer sentiments and trends that might be overlooked by traditional analysis. This depth of insight allows businesses to tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies more effectively to meet consumer demands.

Predictive Capabilities: Perhaps one of the most transformative aspects of AI in market research is its predictive analytics capability. By analyzing historical data, AI tools can forecast future trends, enabling businesses to anticipate market movements and consumer behaviours. This foresight allows companies to strategize proactively, optimizing product development and marketing campaigns to meet future demands.

Cost Efficiency: Implementing AI in market research can significantly reduce operational costs. Automation of data collection and analysis processes minimizes the need for extensive manpower, thereby lowering research expenses. Moreover, the increased accuracy and efficiency of AI tools can lead to more effective marketing and product development strategies, further enhancing return on investment.

The benefits of using AI for market research are multifaceted, offering businesses accelerated data analysis, deeper consumer insights, predictive capabilities, and cost efficiency. These advantages underscore the transformative potential of AI, positioning it as an indispensable tool for businesses aiming to navigate the complexities of the modern market landscape effectively.

market research automation tools

Top AI Market Research Tools

The landscape of AI market research tools is rich and varied, offering a range of solutions designed to cater to diverse business needs. In recent years, several tools have risen to prominence, each distinguished by its unique capabilities and advantages.

ChatGPT: An All-in-One Market Researcher

ChatGPT emerges as a game-changer in market research, thanks to its ChatGPT API and prompt engineering capabilities. This tool allows researchers to craft tailored prompts to delve into consumer insights, trends, and behaviours with precision. Through engaging, human-like interactions, ChatGPT can extract detailed qualitative data, offering businesses a deeper understanding of their audience. Its real-time response generation facilitates efficient and scalable market analysis, making ChatGPT an indispensable asset for innovative market research strategies.

market research automation tools

Quantilope : Comprehensive Insights Generation

Quantilope stands out for its end-to-end automated research platform, facilitating advanced analytics and agile market research processes. It's designed to streamline complex research tasks, offering tools for survey creation, data collection, and in-depth analysis. These insights help businesses understand consumer preferences and market trends, making it a go-to solution for companies looking to make data-backed decisions swiftly.

market research automation tools

Crayon : Competitive Intelligence Mastery

Crayon excels in competitive intelligence by monitoring market activities across various digital landscapes. It uses AI to track competitors' online footprints, from website changes to social media activity, providing businesses with real-time alerts and insights. This enables companies to stay ahead in their marketing strategies and product development initiatives by understanding the competitive landscape in depth.

market research automation tools

SEMRush Market Explorer : Strategic Market Analysis

SEMRush's Market Explorer is an integral part of the SEMRush offering comprehensive market analysis and competitor strategy insights. It allows businesses to identify growth opportunities and understand the demographic and psychographic profiles of their target audience. With its vast database, SEMRush is invaluable for businesses seeking detailed market trend analysis and competitor intelligence.

market research automation tools

SurveySparrow : Engaging Survey Platform

SurveySparrow brings an engaging twist to traditional surveys by offering an AI-assisted platform that simplifies survey creation, distribution, and analysis. Its conversational interface enhances response rates, while real-time analytics provide immediate insights into market sentiments and customer preferences. This tool is ideal for businesses aiming to gather feedback efficiently and deepen their market understanding.

market research automation tools

Speak : Audio and Video Insight Extraction

Speak specializes in transforming unstructured audio and video feedback into actionable insights through natural language processing. This tool is handy for analyzing consumer interviews, digital recordings, and social media content, offering businesses a unique perspective on consumer sentiments and behaviours.

market research automation tools

Pecan : Predictive Analytics Simplified

Pecan leverages AI to turn data into predictive insights, such as customer retention rates and demand forecasts, without the need for complex data science expertise. It integrates with existing business tools to analyze data sets and deliver predictions, making it an essential tool for businesses focused on future-proofing their strategies.

market research automation tools

How to Choose the Right AI Market Research Tools

Choosing the right AI market research tool for your business involves carefully considering various factors to ensure the tool aligns with your business needs, size, and industry.

1. Understanding Your Business Needs

Assess your business objectives. Are you looking to understand consumer behaviour, track market trends, or monitor your competition? Different tools specialize in various aspects of market research, so identifying your primary goals is crucial.

2. Business Size and Scalability

For small businesses, affordability and ease of use might be the primary concerns. Look for tools that offer essential features without a steep learning curve. Medium to large enterprises might prioritize scalability and integration capabilities, ensuring the tool can grow with the business and seamlessly work with existing systems.

3. Industry-Specific Features

Certain industries might require specialized tools. For example, a business in the retail sector could benefit from a tool that offers detailed consumer sentiment analysis. At the same time, a tech company might need a tool that provides competitive intelligence with technological advancements.

4. Integration and Scalability

When searching for the ideal tool to meet your business needs, ensure it can integrate smoothly into your current tech stack while having enough scalability to accommodate expansion over time.

5. Cost/Value Analysis

Carefully consider how a tool's pricing translates to the value it brings for you and how it fits within your budget, taking into account efficiency gains, insights quality improvements, and actionable results as considerations for making a purchasing decision.

6. Support and Training

Evaluate the level of customer support and training that is offered, with proper resources for onboarding and troubleshooting the tool significantly increasing its value.

Ideal tools should provide a balance of functionality, ease of use and cost-effectiveness to help businesses unlock valuable market insights with precision and efficiency.

Evaluating the Effectiveness and ROI of AI Research Tools

Trial and Demo: Most AI market research tools offer free trials or demos. Utilize these to test the tool’s effectiveness in meeting your specific needs.

User Reviews and Case Studies: Look for reviews from businesses similar to yours. Case studies can provide insight into how the tool has been applied successfully in your industry.

Support and Training: Consider the level of customer support and training provided. A tool with accessible support and comprehensive training resources can significantly enhance its effectiveness.

Cost vs. Benefit Analysis: Evaluate the tool's cost against the potential benefits. Consider not just the subscription price but also the potential return on investment through improved market insights, increased efficiency, and better decision-making.

The Future of AI in Market Research

As we are at the threshold of a new age, the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into market research is a revolutionary shift that could revolutionize how businesses perceive their customers and markets. Let's look at the major trends and developments making way for the exciting future.

Seamless Integration and Sophistication : AI technologies are being increasingly integrated into market research methods. Future tools will carry out complex analyses on their own which will significantly decrease the necessity for human intervention and simplify the research process.

Predictive Analytics and Consumer Information:  The use of AI in predictive analytics will increase by providing companies with a better understanding of trends in the market and consumer habits. This will enable businesses to take proactive steps and stay ahead of the competition.

Advancements In Qualitative Research:  As we improve the efficiency of Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, AI's use for qualitative studies will grow and provide deeper insight into the motivations and feelings of consumers.

Ethical Data Collection and Analysis:  When AI instruments for market research improve the focus is going to be put on ethical handling of data and making sure that the data is handled by ethics and privacy laws.

The future for AI for market research isn't just an indication of technological advancement but an evolution towards a more nimble flexible and ethical approach to uncovering the intricacies of consumer behavior and markets. As we explore this exciting future the potential for AI to alter market research landscapes is becoming more evident, signalling the beginning of a new era of business intelligence.

market research automation tools

Embracing AI market research tools offers a transformative pathway for businesses seeking deep insights and a competitive edge. By leveraging AI's predictive analytics, automated data collection, and advanced sentiment analysis, companies can navigate the complexities of modern markets with precision. The journey into AI-driven market research is not just about adopting new technologies -it's about reshaping the future of business intelligence .

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You are here: Influencer Marketing Hub » AI Marketing » Top 28 AI Marketing Tools to Grow Your Business in 2024

Top 28 AI Marketing Tools to Grow Your Business in 2024

Geri Mileva

In 2023, McKinsey forecasted that artificial intelligence (AI) could contribute $25.6 trillion to the global economy in the future. The estimate seems plausible, considering the AI market size was valued at $208 billion in 2023, and could go up to $2 trillion by 2030 . 

The interesting thing about AI is that it doesn't only impact industrial settings or high-technology sectors but will also reinvent the way businesses operate. 

Something as traditionally tech-free as marketing, the process of promoting and selling products or services, has also adopted AI . 

The market is filled with AI marketing tools that automate tasks, conduct predictive analysis, analyze data, and enhance the customer experience. Here's our list of AI marketing tools that can help grow your business in 2024 and beyond.

What Is an AI Marketing Tool?

An AI marketing tool is software that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate and optimize marketing strategies. 

For example, an AI customer sentiment analysis tool scans through thousands of social media posts and reviews to gauge how people feel about your brand. Similarly, an image generation tool creates thumbnails for your videos or product posts. 

AI marketing tools aim to take the burden off your shoulders by automating manual tasks. According to PwC, 73% of companies in the US started using generative AI in 2023, just a year after ChatGPT was released. 

The research also suggests that generative AI will be the "missing link" for companies. Plus, it will give rise to new products and services. 

PwC predictions about generative AI

PwC predictions about generative AI

Going forward, AI marketing tools will be instrumental to businesses' success. Paul Daugherty , the chief of technology and innovation at Accenture, says,

"The playing field is poised to become a lot more competitive, and businesses that don't deploy AI and data to help them innovate in everything they do will be at a disadvantage."

If you plan to stay competitive, give the following tools a try in your marketing strategy.

1. Brand24 ni_get_link(394 , "title_id_169924", "Brand24")


Price (Monthly): $79 for Individual / $149 for Team / $199 for Pro / $399 for Enterprise

Brand24 is an AI social listening tool that uses machine learning to monitor and analyze conversations about your brand. It scans through social media platforms, forums, podcasts, videos, news sites, blogs, and review sites to track mentions of your brand, products, or industry keywords.


Loved by over 4,000 brands, including Uber, Samsung, McCann, and Stanford University, Brand24’s features keep you posted about what your customers are saying about you. The tool collects insights from 25 million online sources in real time. 

Its built-in sentiment analysis feature tells you if the conversations around your company are positive, negative, or neutral. Then, you can create reports to share with your sales or customer service teams.

Brand24 customer sentiment analysis

Brand24 customer sentiment analysis

It is due to Brand24’s excellent features and customer service that the tool was named as the top social media management software at Tekpon for Q1 2024.

🎉 Big news! Brand24 just got picked as the top social media management tool by Tekpon for Q1 2024! Thanks to all of you who support us – you rock! 🌟 Check out what makes us a favorite and see how we can help boost your brand online 👉 — Brand24 (@brand24) May 10, 2024

Notable Features

Since Brand24 automates reporting, you don’t have to spend hours sifting through social media channels to obtain the data. The tool evaluates your marketing efforts and lets you benchmark them against your competitors. 

That’s what most companies love about the platform. Sujan Patel , the co-founder at Mailshake, says,

“I’ve been using Brand24 for the last few years, and it is by far the best monitoring tool on the market. I’ve compared it against others, and they don’t even come close.”

Brand24 doesn’t limit you to analyzing comments customers leave on your posts. You can also track hashtags, and measure their reach. 

Brand24 sentiment analysis

Brand24 sentiment analysis

For example, if a hashtag has a lot of mentions, this could be an opportunity to find brand advocates or small brand ambassadors to collaborate with. 

While most other social listening tools only collect data from popular social media platforms, Brand24 also monitors niche forums, such as AppStore, TripAdvisor, Telegram, and even Reddit . 

Brand24 social listening sources

Brand24 social listening sources

Even better, these mentions are not only tracked for English-speaking customers. Brand24’s AI supports 108 languages, letting you analyze global consumer sentiment. 

The multi-lingual support is suitable for brands that operate worldwide. Uber is one such example. 

Krzysiek Radoszewski , the marketing lead in the company’s European region, said ,

“At Uber, we use social listening on a daily basis, which allows us to understand how our users feel about the changes we’re implementing.” 

In 2016, when Uber released its new rider app, the company wanted to understand how the customers felt about it. Uber used Brand24 to monitor its social media accounts and online forums, resulting in a 250% increase in number of shares and 100% growth in discussion volume. 

Uber social listening case study

To provide better context for the conversation, the AI distills multiple mentions into an easy-to-digest cloud of words. The tool also has top-notch customer service , with over 80 specialists at your service.

Brand reputation score

Brand reputation score

You can also use Brand24 to conduct market research , especially in a new niche. The tool lets you keep an eye on your competitors’ social mentions. Plus, it shows you the keywords customers are using to talk about brands in your industry. 

If you want to learn more about leveraging social listening and measuring customer sentiment, the tool also has a dedicated resource center. Brand24 also hosts free webinars that you can learn about on its X page . 

🚀 Do you want to up your social listening game? Join our free webinar and become a certified internet monitoring expert! 🌟 💡 Benefits: – Expert guidance on Brand24 features – Live Q&A – Practical tips Register here: — Brand24 (@brand24) April 8, 2024

Success Stories

Appwrite, a tech startup, used Brand24 to track its mentions. Laura Du Ry , the growth manager at the brand explains,

“Sometimes, we know why our numbers go up because of a campaign we’re running, but there have been times when we’re left wondering, ‘What just happened here?’ Without tools like Brand24, we wouldn’t know why we’re doing well. So, we’ve used this, and it’s been pretty interesting to see.” 

With Brand24’s Topic Analysis, the company was able to choose what to talk about. 

Appwrite topic analysis

Appwrite topic analysis

Appwrite also monitored how its competitors were interacting with brand mentions and customer comments. The company then used this information to make more informed decisions when it came to marketing strategies and customer service. 

Another success story comes from Global66, a fintech brand that converted 18% of its negative reviews to positive feedback with Brand24’s social listening features.

Global66 social mentions

Global66 social mentions

The fintech company also conducted hashtag and mention analysis to find brand ambassadors. María Camila Segura Matiz , the head of strategic communications at the company, said that this approach helped the brand find many ambassadors that it wasn’t even aware of. 

Global66 ambassador search

Global66 ambassador search

“Interestingly, some ambassadors who shared their links with their followers eventually became influencers for us.” 

Brand24’s AI-generated reports further helped Global66 summarize the weekly developments in its influencer collaborations. 


2. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) ni_get_link(237 , "title_id_87873", "Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)")

Brevo (formerly Sendinblue)

Price (Monthly): Free plan / $25 for Starter / $65 for Business / Custom Pricing for BrevoPlus

Brevo is an all-in-one platform for brands to manage their customer relationships. Over 500,000 customers, including Tissot, Stripe, eBay, and Louis Vuitton, use Brevo to run their multichannel marketing campaigns . 

Brevo AI tool

Brevo AI tool

Kevin Yen , the head of growth at AI Camp, says that the tool

“gives us the functionality and flexibility we need to manage our marketing engagement as well as our sales pipeline while saving us $30,000 annually compared to HubSpot.”

He’s not alone in this sentiment. Many businesses, both small and large, have switched to Brevo from other marketing automation tools due to its affordable pricing and integration with tools like Zendesk, Stripe, Zoom, etc. 

Brevo’s marketing platform facilitates multichannel marketing with a focus on email marketing . Brands can create personalized email campaigns to captivate their audiences. 

At the same time, they can add SMS and WhatsApp marketing to the mix by sending the right messages to the right customers at the right time. 

Brevo marketing campaigns

Brevo marketing campaigns

Since Brevo automates marketing, you don’t have to send emails manually. The tool sends welcome, cart abandonment, and other emails on your behalf. It also grows your email lists by allowing you to create easy-to-embed email request forms. 

With Brevo’s AI, you can create better email content and optimize the time for maximum open rates. Since the tool shows you deliverability statistics, you can see trends in your emailing strategy. 

Brevo AI

With more than 50 free email templates and a drag-and-drop editor, it’s super easy to design professional campaigns for different devices and screens. 

In the sales department, Brevo automates repetitive tasks in your workflow so that you can focus on making and receiving important phone calls and keeping up with your inbox. The tool also gives you sales reports that cover win rates, team performance, sales revenue, and other metrics. 

Brevo sales

Brevo sales

You can also use Brevo to collect customer data from different sources and aggregate it into a single platform. It allows you to configure deduplication rules to eliminate redundancy. 

The no-code recipes make it easy to create automated workflows. Further, you can apply scores like Lifetime Value (LTV) and Recency, Frequency, and Monetary (RFM) to find your most valuable customers.

Brevo analytics

Brevo analytics

Brevo’s chatbot takes over customer support by answering frequently asked questions and collecting feedback. The tool gives you a universal inbox where all teams can manage conversations from social media, live chat, email, and WhatsApp in the same place. 

With Brevo’s AI, teams can summarize the whole live chat with a single click. They can also create responses using AI, changing the tone and length as desired.

Brevo AI responder

Brevo AI responder

If you need any more assistance, the Brevo Academy has a selection of courses on marketing automation, email marketing, and similar topics to help you get familiar with these tactics. 

Hi-Rez Studios, a gaming platform , used Brevo to keep up with its user base of millions of gamers. The company creates game-specific workflows and personalized campaigns on a granular level with Brevo’s features. 

Its refer-a-friend campaign was also run on Brevo, resulting in a 210% increase in new players on the platform. Prarthana Ramesh , the marketing specialist a the brand said,

“Brevo has made it easier to engage players. Whether it’s game updates or referral campaigns, players who see the content we make with Brevo have 10% greater engagement with our games.” 

Zinatt Technologies, another Brevo customer, used the platform to automate some of the customer interactions. 

Brevo case study review

Brevo case study review

Previously, Zinatt Technologies had a fragmented campaign since different groups handled individual channels. Brevo helped merge all the customer interactions into a single platform, resulting in a “very positive” outcome for the company. 

market research automation tools

3. TIDIO ni_get_link(407 , "title_id_182345", "TIDIO")


Price: $29 for Starter / $59 for Growth / $499 for TIDIO+ / Free plan available

Customer service is paramount to the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns . However, manual customer service is prone to errors and can be time-consuming. That’s where Tidio comes in with AI-assisted customer support. 

With Tidio, you can answer 70% of your customer inquiries with ultimate ease. Tidio’s conversational AI, Lyro, ”talks” to your audience in 7 languages and answers their questions in 6 seconds using the data you’ve trained it on. 

Tidio Lyro chatbot

Tidio Lyro chatbot

The platform’s research shows that Lyro has a 70% resolution rate. With the chatbot in action, 76% of customers do not need to talk to a human agent. 

Tidio not only helps you resolve customer queries but also improves your personalization efforts . You can use the tool to track users across your website and keep an eye on the pages they’re browsing. 

Tidio customer support

Tidio customer support

You can then send them custom messages and offers based on their behavior, making your marketing efforts more targeted. Tidio also lets you handle messages from all communication channels in the same dashboard, resulting in a 59% decrease in waiting time and a 29% decrease in the average response time. 

The ticket filtering feature lets you assign different tickets to different team members. You can also prioritize tickets based on how urgent they are. 

Tidio Flows are plug-and-play workflows that help handle missed conversations, recover abandoned carts, recommend products, offer discounts, and more. There are more than 40 templates you can choose to automate your sales process . 

Tidio Flows

Tidio Flows

Since Flows support a drag-and-drop interface, you don’t need to have any coding experience. Flows help improve conversion rates by 27% and have an overall helpfulness rate of 88%.

Flows effectiveness

Flows effectiveness

You can also connect Tidio to your existing tech stack. Tidio integrates with popular tools like Shopify, Zendesk, WordPress, HubSpot, and others. With over 120 integrations, you’re spoilt for choice. 

Tidio integrations

Tidio integrations

The best part about Tidio is that it’s not totally AI-based. Instead, it offers a balanced combination of human efforts and automation. 

Lorenzo Colucci , the co-founder of Ad Hoc Atelier, says that

”we were searching for something that would give us the possibility to use automation as well as human interactions – and Tidio was the best solution for that.” 

Tidio is also available as a Shopify app . On the e-commerce platform, you can use it to communicate with your customers on live chat, integrate Lyrics into your workflows, preview carts, recommend products to customers in chat, and check order history. 

Tidio Shopify app

Tidio Shopify app

You can also find the Tidio app on the Google Play Store , where it has over 2.6k reviews, the majority of which are positive.

Tidio Play Store app

Tidio Play Store app

Tidio has been used by brands in a wide range of industries with positive outcomes. Eye-OO, a luxury designer wear brand, needed a comprehensive platform to close sales and build trust with its consumers. 

The company used Tidio to manage its customer service. As a result, Eye-OO generated €100k in revenue and a 25% increase in sales. The company’s customer service waiting time also went down by 86%, with Tidio’s Flows handling 82% of all inquiries.

Here’s how Tidio became Eye-OO’s secret weapon: 🔵 Increase in sales. 25% sales increase, with €100K Tidio-assisted revenue growth in 2023. 🔵 Decreased waiting time by 86%. 🔵 Improved customer service automation. Tidio’s chat flows handle 82% of inquiries + generate leads. — Tidio (@tidiochat) May 8, 2024

Ad Hoc Atelier, a fashion e-commerce brand, uses Tidio’s live chat feature to tackle its issue of cart abandonment. With 4 out of 5 customers leaving the website before completing a purchase, Ad Hoc Atelier needed a solution to engage with these customers and offer help. 

Tidio’s live chat feature came as the

”best solution because you can talk to the consumer at the exact moment they want to buy your product or customize it,”

according to the company’s co-founder. 

The live chat feature helped the company increase its conversion rate from 0.35% to 9%. Plus, the cart abandonment rate also went down by 10%, and the conversion rate for people who engaged with the brand through live chat increased to over 50%. 

Ad Hoc Atelier live chat chatbot

Ad Hoc Atelier live chat chatbot


4. Flick ni_get_link(363 , "title_id_153197", "Flick")


Price (Monthly): 7-day Free Trial / £11 for Solo /£24 for Pro / £55 for Agency

Flick is an AI-powered social media platform that helps you handle everything from content scheduling and hashtag selection to copywriting and detailed analytics. The platform is so successful that Meta has mentioned it in its case studies for Instagram performance. 

Meta Flick case study

Meta Flick case study

Flick’s AI Social Assistant lends you a hand in brainstorming ideas, writing content , and repurposing existing content. You can delegate your time-consuming tasks to the app, allowing you more time to engage with your audience and grow your brand.

With Flick, you can find and manage hashtags for Instagram. The tool lets you search for hashtags for the platform with a single keyword search. You can also check the competition and average likes for a hashtag before using it in your content. 

The hashtag checker gives you 40 suggestions per search. Since the tool finds hashtags in more than 20 languages, you can localize your global marketing strategies.

Flick hashtag checker

Flick hashtag checker

You don’t have to gather all these hashtag ideas in your Notes app. Flick has a dedicated mobile app to store all your Collections. You can create lists for different campaigns and track their performance separately.

Flick hashtag tool

Flick hashtag tool

Apart from hashtag research, you can also plan your content calendar in Flick. Scheduling content for different platforms has never been easier; you can either draft your posts loosely or plan them in full. 

The drag-and-drop calendar is supplemented with an AI hashtag and caption generator to create a full post that you simply have to publish with a single click. 

Flick’s content calendar

Flick’s content calendar

With Flick, you don’t have to worry about creative blocks. The platform helps you create social posts ten times faster, thanks to AI creation tools and content ideation. 

Apart from written blog posts, you can also generate video scripts and write engaging captions for any of your marketing material. 

Flick further ensures that your posts are getting the traction you want them to get. The platform’s Scheduler analyzes your Instagram audience analytics to find the best time to post. 

Flick analytics

Flick analytics

Flick’s mobile app lets you make changes to your content on the go. You can upload new content to your Media Library or edit scheduled posts even when you’re out of the office.

Flick mobile app

Flick mobile app

Flick also lets you track more than 20 key performance indicators (KPIs) in real time. You can check how many people your content is reaching and what the engagement patterns look like. 

Flick also lets you compare your posts so that you can see which content formats and hashtags are performing well. The analytics work for both story and feed posts.

Flick analytics

Flick’s benchmarking tool shows you how you stack up against other accounts like yourself. The data is presented after comparison with over 55,000 accounts to help you understand where you stand in the market. 

For additional help, you can head over to the Flick Academy to take courses on social media marketing.

Flick academy

Flick academy

While Flick is also used by larger businesses, small companies seem to make the most of this platform. On the company’s Apple app page, a small business owner mentioned that the platform helped him

“get more followers organically. I’ve only had it for 3 days, and I have already ranked on more than 50% of my hashtags, most of them in the top 10 each time. Today my post absolutely blew up because of successful hashtag use, getting 4x the amount of likes I typically do.” 



Price (Monthly): $40 for Starter (20,000 words) / $82 for Boss Mode (50,000 words) started as an AI writing tool but has since become a comprehensive marketing tool with an AI copilot that helps you in every stage of content creation, from brainstorming to image generation.

The tool is useful in a wide range of industries, including but not limited to e-commerce, retail, technology, insurance, real estate, and healthcare. Its solutions include blog writing, copywriting , social media marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) . 

Jasper’s social media marketing features include a selection of over 50 templates that you can use to write high-converting content for multiple platforms. You can also use the tool to remix content to create new content. 

Jasper templates

Jasper templates

Since Jasper also has a Google Chrome extension , you can use it to optimize your content on the go. The extension helps you write titles, meta descriptions, and other content. 

Plus, the tool’s chatbot assists you with tasks such as quick research. If you have any questions about Jasper’s functionality, the chatbot helps you in that case, too. 

Jasper’s features are made for integrated marketing campaigns . For example, the Campaigns feature lets you generate assets for your whole campaign by uploading the brief created by your team. 

Jasper also allows easy and quick collaboration. Your team members can share documents with each other and apply status labels to ensure the right assets pass the review and approval processes. 

Jasper collaboration

Jasper collaboration

Jasper might be an AI-assisted tool, but it’s not generic since it allows you to use your own brand tone to create content. The platform lets you create a Knowledge Base for your brand by uploading information about your company.

Jasper Knowledge Base

Jasper Knowledge Base

Once you do that, the AI writes on-brand content using that information.  

The tool’s integration marketplace includes tools like Google Docs, Google Sheets, Make, Zapier, SurferSEO, and more to make your AI content creation experience even more seamless. 

Jasper integrations

Jasper integrations

When you create content with Jasper, you can rest assured that the tool does not train third-party AI models with your information. All your data is encrypted. Other data privacy features in the tool include GDPR compliance , SOC2 compliance, and PCI compliance. 

It’s due to these features that Dave Gerhardt , the founder of Exit-Five, says,

“ I recommend Jasper to every marketer in my B2B SaaS community because it’s the best AI tool for creating campaigns.”

As a bonus, Jasper has also introduced its art feature . Now, you don’t have to go to Dall-E to create the perfect visual element for your content. Jasper’s art feature lets you create images just as you write your content. 

Jasper art

Jasper is being used by marketers and businesses across different industries. For example, Steve Bendt , the chief marketing officer at Morningstar, says,

“It’s not just about faster content, but about higher audience engagement. Jasper has helped us build quality social media content that’s driving double-digit growth in downloads.”

Best Places, a website that provides location-based information, used Jasper to experience an 800% increase in website traffic. The company also saved 1,000,000+ hours in content creation time. 

Best Places case study results

Best Places case study results

Health Triangle, a healthcare company, reduced its marketing spend by 95% with Jasper. The Vice President of marketing at the company says,

“Jasper was a perfect investment for the company to start creating thriving content.”

6. DeepBrain AI ni_get_link(386 , "title_id_163046", "DeepBrain AI")

DeepBrain AI

Price (Monthly): starting from $30

Best Features:

  • AI Video Generator: Convert text to video in minutes.
  • Photo-realistic AI Avatars: Custom-made avatars that fit your brand.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Reduce video production time and costs by up to 80%.
  • PPT to AI Video Conversion: Automatically create content from a PPT file.
  • One-Click Subtitle Generation: Automatic and manual subtitle editing options.

DeepBrain AI Studios is a leading AI video creation platform that offers a seamless experience in converting text to video. With its intuitive tool, even beginners can easily create high-quality videos without the need for actors, filming teams, or expensive equipment. The platform boasts photo-realistic AI avatars that can be customized to resonate with your brand’s identity.

Businesses can benefit from the platform’s feature of converting PPT files directly into videos, making it hassle-free to produce course materials or presentations. Additionally, the automatic subtitle generation ensures that your content is accessible to a wider audience. With accolades like the CES Innovation Awards and a vast number of AI patents, DeepBrain AI Studios stands as a testament to the power of AI in revolutionizing video content creation.

Whether you’re looking to explain car features, introduce your company, or even create a pitch, DeepBrain AI Studios has a solution tailored for you. Dive into the world of AI video creation and experience the future of content generation.

DeepBrain AI

7. Rapidely ni_get_link(381 , "title_id_161727", "Rapidely")


Price (Monthly): All plans come with a 5-day free trial

  • Creator Plan: $29
  • Social Pro Plan: $69
  • Enterprise Plan: Starting from $89
  • Agency Plan: Starting from $129
  • Collaborate, Plan & Post
  • Monthly Calendar Generator
  • Carousel Maker
  • Captivating Content Generation
  • Trending Audios

Rapidely is an advanced tool hinging on the powerful GPT-4 technology, which aims to revolutionize social media content creation. Conceived by two tech enthusiasts who understood the need for efficiency and automation, Rapidely caters to entrepreneurs and social media professionals looking to streamline their content generation process.

With key features such as the ability to manage multiple accounts, collaborate with teams, and maintain a seamless workflow, Rapidely significantly enhances the social media management experience. The platform also offers a Monthly Calendar Generator, creating engaging and customized posts effortlessly. Additionally, the Carousel Maker allows users to create on-brand carousels quickly, aiming to improve social media engagement.

One of the standout features is the Captivating Content function, which crafts compelling captions using advanced AI tools tailored to your brand voice. Moreover, the platform also provides the latest sound trends for Reels, allowing users to stay relevant and on top of the game.


8. Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence ni_get_link(349 , "title_id_145389", "Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence")

Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence

Price: Custom Quote

  • Automated Reports
  • Report Customizability
  • Follower Analysis
  • Influencer Identification
  • Email Alerts

Brandwatch offers two main solutions in its suite: consumer intelligence and social media management. These two solutions can be applied for an array of uses cases that include market research, brand management, content marketing, crisis management, and influencer marketing.

Not only does it offer various use cases, but as it has been around for more than a decade, you can look forward to a wealth of data. However, the area where it really shines is helping you to put all that data to good use. Its consumer intelligence (CI) platform is an AI-powered solution that will generate actionable insights that will help you to understand your consumers better as well as your brand and where it fits into the current market. It offers an in-depth understanding of how customers perceive their brands, products, and industry trends. Then, to help you make sense of all the data, you can use its flexible user interface or select one of its dozens of live visualizations to analyze the data for you. With its detailed insights and timely analysis, Brandwatch CI Platform helps organizations remain agile and responsive in today’s rapidly evolving marketplace.

Brandwatch Consumer Intelligence

9. Trellis ni_get_link(383 , "title_id_162798", "Trellis")


Price (Monthly): The pricing tiers start from $299/month up to $1,499/month, all with an additional sales tier fee based on annual revenue. For businesses with an annual revenue over $10M, there’s a “Custom” pricing option for which you need to contact the company.  

  • AI-Powered Pricing Module  
  • Advertising Automation for Bid Optimization  
  • ROI Prediction for Promotion Campaigns  
  • Inventory Consideration in Pricing  
  • Contextual Ad Decision Analysis  

Trellis emerges as a robust AI marketing tool, primarily tailored for e-commerce platforms such as Amazon. One of its key offerings is the Pricing Module, which employs artificial intelligence to test a range of product prices. This ensures sellers not only maximize profits but also remain competitively priced daily. One unique aspect of this feature is its consideration of low inventory, ensuring sellers avoid stock shortages.

For Amazon sellers diving into the intricate world of ad optimization, Trellis’ Advertising Automation Module proves invaluable. By suggesting and periodically updating bids on high-impact keywords, the tool capitalizes on cross-campaign data. Its ability to weave different contexts, from ad creative to seasonality, ensures informed, profit-driven decisions on advertising campaigns.

Lastly, predicting ROI for promotions on Amazon can be tricky, but Trellis simplifies this with its Promotions Module. By using historical data on prices and previous promotions, sellers can now anticipate the ROI before initiating a campaign. This aids them in discerning the potential sales velocity a promotion might offer. With AI at its core and a focus on automation, Trellis is a quintessential tool for e-commerce advertisers seeking a streamlined and efficient marketing experience.


10. Beacons AI ni_get_link(384 , "title_id_161154", "Beacons AI")

Beacons AI

Price (Monthly): $10 as part of the Link in Bio Pro plan

  • Pitch Crafting
  • Brands Database
  • Tone of Voice Customization
  • Editing feature
  • High-quality AI-generated Content

The Beacon’s AI Outreach Tool was born from the fusion of technology and passion, with a clear objective to redefine brand outreach for creators. Co-founded by former creators and tech entrepreneurs, John and Lisa, the tool capitalizes on their knowledge of the creative industry and their technological expertise.

The tool provides a simple way for creators to generate personalized and compelling pitch emails to brands, streamlining what was once a daunting task into an effortless endeavor. All that is required from the user is the selection of a brand, defining the desired tone, and the length of the pitch. The AI engine then quickly generates a professional and personalized pitch, which can be further fine-tuned using the editing feature.

One of its standout features is the Brands Database – a vast reservoir that allows for outreach to any brand a creator may want to pitch to. This coupled with the tone of voice customization feature ensures every pitch is genuinely reflective of the creator.

Beacons AI

11. HeyOrca ni_get_link(307 , "title_id_129374", "HeyOrca")


Price (Monthly): Free plan available. Free trial available. 

  • Basic: $50.15 
  • Standard: $80.15
  • Pro: $125.65
  • Optimal Posting Time Insights
  • Comprehensive Social Media Reporting
  • In-depth Analytics

HeyOrca emerges as a distinctive player among AI Marketing tools, catering specifically to the nuanced needs of social media teams and agencies. At its core, HeyOrca facilitates a seamless collaboration and approval process.

HeyOrca’s highlight feature is its AI Caption Writer, which is designed to craft engaging captions automatically for social media posts. Further personalization is achieved through Client-Specific Calendars. These calendars enable the creation of content and scheduling tailored to each client’s unique requirements.

HeyOrca also tracks key metrics like follower growth, engagements, and top posts, offering valuable insights into a social media strategy’s effectiveness. HeyOrca positions itself as a powerful yet user-friendly tool in the AI Marketing landscape, making it an invaluable asset for optimizing social media management.


12. GrowthBar


Price (Monthly): $29 for Standard / $79 for Pro / $129 for Agency

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Meta Generator
  • AI Blogging Tools

GrowthBar uses GPT-3 AI to automate content generation. It can suggest keywords, exact word count, links, images, and more. The tool is capable of providing extensive backlinking as well as creating blog post content outlines. There’s also a Chrome extension available. 

GPT-3 AI technology was developed by OpenAI, a company co-founded by Elon Musk. It’s the first AI tech that has passed the Turing Test, which ensures that the written copy would sound as humanlike as possible. 


13. Phrasee


Price:   Custom Quote

  • Content Management
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Dynamic Content
  • Engagement Metrics

Phrasee is an AI tool that focuses on “brand language optimization.” This AI powered marketing platform works by boosting the brand language used by companies in their copies. It can generate a copy for emails, Instagram, Facebook, or even push notifications using a natural language generation system together with a machine learning algorithm. The result is a human-sounding copy that is brand compliant and effective. It counts Virgin and Domino’s as among its clients. 


Price (Monthly): $49 for Basic / $124 for Popular / $299 for Pro

  • LinkedIn Chrome Extension
  • Personalised LinkedIn Outreach
  • Personalised Cold Emails
  • Deep Enrichment assists in automating your email outreach. This AI tool generates a personalized email, including a personal subject line to pique the interest of customers. It also provides backlink generation, Shopify product title and description creation, and even personalized cold email outreach. 

It also allows for integration with other third-party tools and platforms to improve your cold email outreach process. 

15. Optimove


  • Campaign Insights
  • Hyper-segmentation
  • A/B Testing
  • Multichannel Tracking

Optimove is a customer data platform with AI-based marketing functions. It helps collect data from different platforms to provide a unified view of all the information in one dashboard. Businesses can analyze or share the information as well as decide marketing strategies with ease. 

Optibot, their AI tool, scours and analyzes all the customer data provided to generate actionable insights. It can suggest which campaigns to drop based on loss or let you know which customers may be too exposed to company communication.

Optimove’s clients include John Hardy, Sweaty Betty, and the New York Racing Association Inc. (NYRA).  

AI Content Marketing Tools

16. acrolinx.


  • Access Controls/Permissions
  • Full Text Search
  • Version Control
  • Approval Process Control

This AI-powered marketing software improves the quality of content, so it meets brand parameters. Big companies like Google and Amazon, use this tool to make sure all their marketing content aligns with their brand. You can set style, tone, grammar, and even add in company-specific wording. Its AI will go through the content and offer suggestions for improvements.

17. InstaText


Price (Monthly): $11.99 for Single Users / Custom Quote for Business and Scholar

  • Sentence Formatting
  • Sentence Rephraser
  • Tone Checker

InstaText is an online AI-powered writing tool similar to Grammarly. It performs basic functions like grammar and spell checks but goes a step further by rewriting sentences, so it reads better. Its most important feature is its capacity to ensure the tone and style of the writer is preserved despite the rewrite. This is important for brands that want to maintain their authentic voice in all of their communications. 

Another great InstaText feature is it lets you specify multiple keywords. When you use the program, it preserves the keywords as is, saving you time when editing the copy. 

18. Grammarly


Price:   Free for Basic / Custom Quote for Premium and Business  

  • Clear Communication
  • Real-time Feedback
  • Tone Adjustments
  • Formality Level
  • Plagiarism Checker

Grammarly is one of the  best free marketing tools  for any business. This powerful AI content marketing platform allows businesses to double check their written copy to make sure it’s polished and professional. 

It features highly accurate AI that checks spelling and grammar in real time online. However, you can also install it as an extension for Google Chrome. More powerful functions like checking for tone, clarity, and style are available in Premium and Business options. 

19. Seventh Sense

Seventh Sense

Price (Monthly): Starts at $64 for Hubspot / Starts at $360 for Marketo

  • Campaign Analytics
  • Reporting/Analytics
  • Email Campaign Management
  • Event Triggered Actions

An AI email marketing campaign tool, Seventh Sense ensures your emails get delivered at the right time for each customer. This personalized service allows marketers to engage with their audience better, knowing they will be opening their emails at the most optimal time. 

The smart platform also helps with increasing email deliverability, which improves the sender score. This is an important parameter for companies who send out hundreds or thousands of emails a week. Seventh Sense is designed to work with Hubspot and Marketo only. 

20. MarketMuse


Price (Monthly): Free for Single User / $7.200 for Standard / $12.000 for Premium

  • Categorization/Grouping
  • SERP Rank Tracking
  • Data Visualization
  • Competitor Analysis

MarketMuse prides itself for using AI technology in all of its services. The tool is designed for businesses needing help in crafting optimized long-form content like emails, sales copies, landing pages, or articles. 

It starts by conducting deep AI research about the topic. Then, it creates a first draft based on the chosen subject to help users get started with the copy. It also includes KPIs and a content brief to serve as a guide. Users can continue editing the copy using the built-in editor and shape it according to the AI’s suggestions. 


Price (Monthly): $8.74 for Starter / $28.74 for Advanced / $57.49 for Ultimate

  • Whole Document Translation
  • Auto-Detect Language
  • Browser Application

If you’re a business serving a global market, it’s beneficial to offer accurate translations of your marketing content or copy. DeepL is a powerful AI tool that translates documents and files into several popular languages of your choosing. It not only translates the text word for word, but it adds subtle nuances and words that some of the biggest translation tools like Google and Microsoft, have difficulty grasping. The end result is fluent text that is accurate and easy to read. 

22. Chatfuel


Price (Monthly):  $11.99 for Business / $199 for Enterprise

  • Multi-Channel Marketing
  • Template Management
  • Lead Database Integration
  • Pipeline Management

Chatfuel is among the most used chatbots in the market. It assists in automating FAQs as well as qualifying leads before they are directed to a live sales agent if they are ready to purchase.

It also provides integrations to various third-party tools like Calendly, Shopify, or Google Sheets. They even have an API in case you need a customized integration for your system. 


  • Customization Interface
  • Sales Conversion
  • Automated Outreach Funnels is a multi-platform chatbot creator that enables businesses to easily manage their marketing chat content with ease. It has a Unified Chat Inbox including a toolbox of integrations for easy scaling of any campaign. They also offer InstaChamp, a great marketing chatbot designed for IG businesses.

24. ManyChat


Price (Monthly): Free / $15 for Pro

  • Marketing Lead Database
  • Multi-Channel Communication
  • Real-time Consumer-facing Chat

Manychat has proven itself a prominent fixture in the world of AI chatbots. It’s easy to use and cleverly designed for sales and marketing. ManyChat focuses mainly on Facebook Messenger, but they do have support for Instagram Direct as well. The AI tool can be used without any coding knowledge, promising users that they can set up a bot in as little as 20 minutes. 

AI SEO Tools

25. surfer seo.

Surfer SEO

Price:   $49 for Basic / $99 for Pro / $199 for Business

  • Free Outline Generator
  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Keyword Surfer
  • Content Editor

Designed to optimize blog posts, articles, and other copies, SEO Surfer is an easy-to-use AI online tool. It’s created for more technical SEO, allowing users to fully audit existing copy and compare it with the competition. Surfer also has the capacity to evaluate keywords using Google’s BERT method and has over 500 ranking metrics to analyze content.  


Price (Monthly): $14.99 for Solo / $44.99 for Basic / $114.99 for Team

  • Idea Recommendation
  • Content Optimization
  • Technical SEO lets you create SEO optimized content better and faster. Once you enter a topic, Frase automatically compares and pulls data from the top sites with the same keyword. This artificial intelligence marketing tool then generates an SEO-friendly outline, so you can write content that would rank higher on search results. 

As you create your content, Frase will score your work. The higher your score, the better your content will rank against competitor sites. 

AI Social Media Tool


  • Campaign Dashboard
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Enterprise Scalability
  • Performance Metrics is an AI-based ad marketing tool that lets teams plan, test, and launch only the best performing ads to their target audience. It integrates with various major platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, and Instagram, letting businesses handle all of their ad marketing on a single dashboard. 

One of its strengths is it allows for modular ad testing across different channels. This lets businesses see which ad designs are performing best. 


  • Social Publishing
  • Engagement Tracking
  • Influencer Tracking is a social media management AI marketing tool that helps manage all of your social media profiles in one dashboard. You can use it for tracking campaigns to see how they performed. 

Its best use, however, is to keep track of your influencer marketing. The unified dashboard lets you find, vet, and keep in touch with your influencers. It also offers insight analytics and even allows you to schedule posts to get the best results.   

This tool is used by large companies like McDonald’s, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube for their marketing as well.

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Why Use AI-Powered Marketing Tools?

Speed is the number one reason why artificial intelligence marketing tools should be present in every business, especially when you're looking to start an agency. AI tech crunches huge chunks of information taken from platforms like social media, email, and the Web. It also bridges the gap between the data and the actionable solutions you can implement to improve your marketing and sales campaigns.

Key AI Marketing Tools for Effective Strategies

  • Content Generation and Ideation : Tools like are ideal for generating ideas, crafting first drafts, and editing content across social media, PPC, and blogging. 
  • SEO and Strategy Optimization : Surfer SEO provides valuable insights for improving search engine optimization, analyzing top-ranking pages and competitor data. 
  • Customer Engagement and Chatbots : Drift enhances customer engagement with AI-powered chatbots, optimizing real-time interactions on websites. 
  • Market Intelligence and Competitor Analysis : Brandwatch offers in-depth market intelligence and competitive analysis, tracking competitors' digital footprints. 
  • Influencer Marketing Platforms : Grin specializes in influencer marketing, identifying the most suitable influencers for brand campaigns.
  • Automated Email Marketing : Seventh Sense optimizes email marketing campaigns by analyzing recipient behavior to determine the best time for email delivery. 
  • Social Media Content Generation : Platforms like Brandwatch Social Media Platform help in creating personalized social media content quickly.

The Benefits of Using AI in Marketing

Benefits of Using AI in Marketing

Automates decisions

One of the biggest benefits of AI marketing technology is it can automate data-based decisions in an instant. Data is everything in marketing. It can show you how your customers would react to your message or tell you the best strategy to use for your email marketing campaigns.

For example, Seventh Sense automates key email marketing tasks, such as sending emails. The tool uses a data-based approach that automatically delivers emails to recipient’s inboxes based on optimal engagement times. 

Moreover, the tool can automatically adjust the frequency of emails sent to each customer, using engagement-based segmentation to tailor communication to individual preferences, ensuring optimal relevance and response rates.

Similarly, Brevo enhances email automation by not only optimizing send times based on individual user behaviors, like open and click rates, but also by crafting more effective emails through AI-suggested subject lines and content. This predictive sending capability allows for even greater personalization and efficiency compared to tools like Seventh Sense, pushing the boundaries of AI in marketing technology.

The below images show Brevo’s AI capabilities in action. Just write about your campaign and let Brevo create subject lines for you. You can also use prepositions to personalize your subject lines even more. 

Brevo AI capabilities

Saves time and money

Every business wants to save money when running marketing campaigns. An AI marketing tool may require an initial investment, but it pays in dividends by giving you cost savings. It allows businesses to work fast and efficiently without paying for staff to do the manual work. Instead of hiring a full team, you can focus on recruiting employees to perform critical tasks. AI tech also lessens human error.

Creates real-time personalization

Customers expect you to know what they want. One way AI marketing tools can help out is by adapting your sales and marketing strategy to generate a personalized experience for any specific customer. Artificial intelligence can use predictive analysis to gain a better understanding of the customers' behavior and buying habits. 

This is the same thing Google, Netflix, and Instagram use to give you recommendations to watch or suggest posts. Imagine the possibility of being able to guide customers to a specific product or service based on their previous interactions with the company. Creating a personalized experience allows them to build a relationship with your brand. In fact, today’s consumers expect brands to offer a tailored message instead of a generic one.

Increases return of investment (ROI)

Smart marketing tools allow marketers to maximize the information produced without wasting money on other campaigns. In addition, AI technology provides deep customer insight and shows you what your buyers want. It also groups warm leads and guides them to move forward, ultimately leading to a sale and an increased ROI for your business.

How to Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Marketing

From forecasting sales, generating content, to improving the customer experience, there are countless ways to use top AI marketing tools for your business. Here are a few suggestions:

How to Use AI in Marketing

Content generation

The main driving force for digital marketing is content. Without it, it would be hard for companies to sell their products or convince consumers to make a purchase. Writing and generating content can take several hours a day. Marketers need to plan their targets, write the copy, edit, then distribute it at just the right time to create maximum impact.

AI marketing tools can help in this regard by streamlining the content generation process. It can automate messages or improve engagement using various social media marketing platforms .

We already mentioned as a leading content generation and ideation tool capable of supplying enterprise marketing teams with everything they need to kickstart their marketing campaigns. 

Its AI-assisted content capabilities extend the ability of marketing teams to produce high-quality, relevant content at a faster pace. can generate blog posts, social media updates, email newsletters, and more, all tailored to specific audiences and optimized for search engines. This tool leverages advanced algorithms and natural language processing to create compelling and engaging content that resonates with target audiences. / blog posts

Automated email marketing campaigns

The best AI email marketing tools allow marketers to produce effective emails that engage customers and maintain brand relationships without effort. Emails are one of the most repetitive tasks in marketing. With an AI tool, businesses can cut back on the time spent researching, creating, and testing email content.

One such popular AI email marketing tool is Mailchimp. Mailchimp uses AI and machine learning to automate various aspects of email marketing campaigns, including audience segmentation, abandoned cart contacting, personalized content creation, and optimal send-time predictions. This enables businesses to deliver highly targeted and relevant emails to their subscribers, resulting in improved open rates and engagement. 

AI email marketing tool Mailchimp

Another powerful AI email marketing tool is HubSpot. While Mailchimp is known for its user-friendly interface and extensive templates, HubSpot offers a more integrated approach by combining email marketing with CRM and sales tools. HubSpot's AI-driven features include advanced email personalization, predictive lead scoring, and detailed analytics, allowing marketers to create more cohesive and data-driven email campaigns.

HubSpot data-driven email campaigns

Unlike Mailchimp, which is often favored by small to medium-sized businesses, HubSpot's robust suite of tools makes it a preferred choice for larger enterprises seeking a comprehensive marketing solution. By comparing both, businesses can choose the tool that best fits their needs based on the scale and complexity of their marketing efforts.

An AI chatbot is perfect for nurturing a lead. When set up correctly, a chatbot can create a better customer service experience. These bots can answer repetitive questions like price or the availability of a product or service. If more complicated answers are required, they can be forwarded to a customer service agent. Chatbots also help ensure that customers won’t feel ignored when they want to reach out to you.

We already mentioned Tidio’s Lyro AI Chatbot and its impressive 70% resolution rate. Utilized by industry giants such as Uber, Netflix, Klarna, and Patagonia, the chatbot helps you understand customer experiences with precise analytics. What’s most impressive about Lyro is that you can update its knowledge base to offer even better and more accurate customer support.

Tidio Lyro AI Chatbot

Control dynamic pricing

Dynamic pricing happens when the price of a product or service is changed based on the market condition and the supply or demand of the item. 

AI-powered tools can use this pricing strategy to gain better margins, as it allows retailers to update their prices several times a day. Dynamic pricing is best exemplified in hotel booking websites or airline companies where the prices go up or down depending on availability.

One highly recommended AI tool for dynamic pricing is Dynamic Yield. This tool uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze real-time data on customer behavior, market trends, and competitor pricing. By leveraging this data, Dynamic Yield can automatically adjust prices to maximize revenue and profitability. It helps marketers set optimal prices by considering various factors such as inventory levels, demand fluctuations, and customer segments.

Another powerful tool is Prisync. Prisync offers a robust solution for e-commerce businesses by continuously monitoring competitors' prices and market conditions. Its AI-driven engine provides real-time insights and recommendations on price adjustments to stay competitive. 

Unlike Dynamic Yield, which offers a broader range of personalization features, Prisync focuses specifically on price optimization, making it a specialized tool for businesses that need to maintain a competitive edge in pricing. Prisync's dynamic pricing features enable marketers to react quickly to market changes, ensuring that their products are always priced appropriately to capture market share and drive sales.

Prisync dynamic pricing features

Forecasting sales

To thrive, businesses need to have target revenues and find a way to ensure this goal is achieved throughout their campaign period. The application of AI marketing programs lets marketers understand and estimate possible sales based on their customer data and their past shopping behavior. 

This predictive insight allows businesses to know which products will become a top seller, how many they should stock to avoid inventory issues, or which items they need to promote further.

Wrapping Up

AI is not going anywhere. It's better if you jump on the bandwagon right now to reap the rewards of this adoption down the line. Statista data shows that companies see an average increase of 6% to 10% after adopting AI . 

The technology not only increases revenue generation but also saves money. In fact, 24% of companies in the US using ChatGPT have saved anywhere from $50,000 to $75,000 using the AI chatbot. 

Keeping these figures in mind, you should plan for incorporating AI tools into your marketing pipelines to drive greater results for your business while saving money and boosting sales. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an ai marketing tool.

AI marketing tools are software, or platforms, that use artificial intelligence technology to make automated decisions. The decisions come from collected data that has been analyzed and interpreted with the market trends.

How AI is used in digital marketing?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is used when marketers use Ai to forecast demand for products, develop customer profiles, ad buying and more. Marketers use AI to improve customer experience, building brands and growing sales.

Which is the best AI tool?

These are the 10 best AI tools for modern day marketing:

  • Seventh Sense

What are some examples of AI in marketing today?

3 key examples of AI in marketing:

  • Using AI to improve overall customer experience and satisfaction
  • Using AI for dynamic and competitive product pricing
  • Analyzing social media influencer messaging with prior brand partnerships

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26 Tools & Resources for Conducting Market Research

Jami Oetting

Published: April 30, 2024

Conducting market research pulls details together to help you choose new products or services to launch. They also help identify your audiences and best marketing strategies so you are ready to act without the guesswork.

market research tools: displayed on top of laptop

Businesses use market research software to minimize risk and make more data-driven choices.

I own a small business, and by gathering facts and opinions, I can better predict whether new products or features — and for more prominent companies, even locations — will succeed before investing.

Here are 25 of the best tools for conducting market research, including a few recommendations directly from HubSpot market researchers and bloggers who use them.

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Helpful Market Research Tools & Resources

1. similarweb.


Image Source

Similarweb is probably the highest quality, most well-known, and most convenient way to get and compare traffic information about any website you land on — short of having an expert analyst whispering in your ear, which could get awkward. Their free suite of products — including the Chrome extension — is worth exploring and gives you useful, high-level information. The deep insights come from taking advantage of their database of real-world information on global website performance gathered over time, which they’ve already been building for over 10 years. They have their finger on the pulse of online business worldwide, from sales to sites to stocks.

Microsoft, Amazon, and even Google use Similarweb and the insights they provide on other enterprise-level operations down to small businesses. If you want to know how your company stacks up and then initiate a robust research and marketing campaign, these are serious tools that can help you grow.

What I like: One of their add-ons is called App Intelligence, and it can benchmark your growth and track your progress against millions of apps — for both iOS and Android — and provide daily insights on app rankings, engagement, retention, and more.

Pricing : Starter plans cost $125 per month paid annually; professional plans cost $333 per month billed annually; team and enterprise plans have custom pricing.


For Max Iskiev , market research analyst at HubSpot, one research tool stands out from the rest: Glimpse.

He told me, “Glimpse is my favorite research tool. It’s quick and easy to use, allowing me to design and launch short surveys for real-time insights on trending topics.”

Writers for the HubSpot Marketing Blog have also used Glimpse to run short, 100-person surveys for articles (case in point: Are Sales Reps Rushing Back to the Office? ).

Not only is Glimpse valuable for doing quick pulse-checks on the latest trends, but it also leverages the power of AI for even deeper insights.

“Glimpse really shines when it comes to open-ended questions, using natural language processing and AI to analyze emotion and sentiment, saving time, and offering invaluable insights,” Iskiev shared.

Best for: Those who can invest in AI tools for their businesses but don’t need a decade’s deep dive like users of Similarweb might.

Pricing : Starter Plan - Free; Professional - $500/month; Advanced - $1,000/month; Enterprise - custom pricing.

3. BuzzSumo


BuzzSumo offers several highly useful tools that work best as a content research tool for mid-size businesses and up. If you need many ideas for a whole lot of content, BuzzSumo is likely a good fit for your company.

Their monitoring tools can alert you to new content that relates to your keywords of choice.

This is smart for writers, content strategists, and those who manage writers and content strategists to stay on top of trends in what consumers want to know more about within your industry — so you’re right there to provide it.

BuzzSumo also gives you access to reporting tools that stream various sources of information to your dashboard, making it easy to keep up with developments and build visual assets to communicate about them.

You can find major influencers — worldwide — through BuzzSumo that fit your brand to sponsor and collaborate with.

Unfortunately, BuzzSumo doesn’t integrate well with Instagram, so you’ll want to focus on influencers that use other social channels unless you’re willing to do IG work on the side.

What I like: Their Chrome extension is a nice addition to their offerings for companies that work with freelancers and remote workers to take the work on the move.

Pricing: Free 30-day trials are available. Content creation plans cost $199 per month; PR and comms plans cost $299 per month; suite plans cost $499 per month; and Enterprise plans cost $999 per month.

4. Answer the Public


Answer the Public is a sister product to UberSuggest, both being brainchildren of Neil Patel.

Answer: the Public watches what people are searching for and lets you keep track of how things change over time. By studying the changes, you can be at the front of trends — positive or negative — so you can respond to the changes quickly.

It’s billed as an excellent tool for public relations professionals to give them a heads-up on how their company is faring in the public eye.

If you fall on the wrong side of public sentiment, you can be right on top of salvaging the situation and making improvements to regain trust.

If you’re doing something right and see gains in positive engagement, you know to keep up what you’re doing and may even want to expand upon it.

Great examples of what organizations have done with information like this include Wendy’s ongoing roasts and savage clapbacks on social media.

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s hilarious insistence on not bringing mountain lions in the house also nabbed engagement by the truckloads (of corgis).

What I like: I like that Masterclass videos are available. They make sure to include lots of opportunities to learn how to best use their products and get maximum value from the suite.

Pricing : Individual plans cost $9 per month; pro plans cost $99 per month; expert plans cost $199 per month. Lifetime Pricing is available. Individual lifetime plans cost $99, pro lifetime plans cost $199; and expert lifetime plans cost $1,990.

5. GrowthBar SEO

growth bar

GrowthBar SEO is all-in for AI. If your leadership wants a slice of the AI action at work in the company’s market research, this might be the tool to reach for.

It uses ChatGPT-4, and the peer-to-peer review site G2 ranked it the #1 AI writing tool for SEO in 2022 and 2023.

What sets it apart is that the AI writing assistant doesn’t just compile and give word to information it finds online.

It offers selections of relevant keywords, titles, headings, industry standard word counts, and link suggestions that you can choose from as you move through the outline.

They also include tools for keyword research, keyword ranking, and information about your keyword competitors. And because Google search is incorporated into the suite, you can do most, if not all, of your writing work on one screen.

Pro tip: As with all AI content, you’ll need a writer to bring the content to life by fact-checking information, adding unique or inside perspectives, meaningful quotes, and many other values that make the content rich to read.

GrowthBar SEO knows this, and you can source freelance writers there as well!

Pricing : A seven-day free trial is available. Standard plans cost $36 per month; pro plans cost $74.25 per month; and agency plans cost $149.25 per month.

6. Statista


Statista is a data visualization website that takes data from reputable reports across the web and makes them easy and digestible for researchers, marketers, and product creators just like you.

“Statista is like my market research sidekick, giving me all the data I need without the endless search. No more digging through the haystack. With Statista, I can spot trends and make informed decisions with ease," Icee Griffin , market researcher at HubSpot, told me.

One neat aspect of using Statista is that the same chart is updated as the years pass. Say that you want to allude to the value of the beauty market in your proposal.

If your investor accesses that same graph a year from now, it will reflect updated numbers. Statista finds the most recent research to update their visualizations.

Pro tip: Statista doesn’t carry out original research, but does have around 100 analysts who seek out gaps in their resources to provide ever more useful, trending data.

Pricing : Basic plans are free. Starter plans cost $199 per month, billed annually. Professional plans cost $959 per month, billed annually.

7. Think With Google Research Tools


Wish you had information on your product’s likelihood of success?

Think With Google’s marketing research tools offer interesting insights on whether anyone is looking for your product ( Google Trends ), which markets to launch to ( Market Finder ), and what retail categories rise as the months and seasons pass ( Rising Retail Categories ).

If you’d like to market your product through YouTube, the Find My Audience tool allows you to investigate what your potential viewers are interested in and what you should discuss on your brand’s YouTube channel.

What I like: Free and incredibly useful in my experience, small and newer businesses really benefit from having tools like this to conduct market research and get their growth rolling.

Pricing : Free

8. Census Bureau

explore census data

The Census Bureau offers a free resource for searching U.S. census data.

You can filter by age, income, year, and location. You can also use some of its shortcuts to access visualizations of the data, allowing you to see potential target markets across the country.

If you’re considering a highly competitive product or service, you can easily find out where your target industry is most popular — or where the market has been oversaturated.

Another helpful tool is the Census Bureau Business and Economy data , where you can also target premade tables depending on your industry.

Pro tip: The text information on each screen can be overwhelming, so here’s a shortcut for you. One of the best ways to use this tool is by finding the NAICS code for your business.

Then, access the " Tables “ tool, click ”Filter" on the sidebar, and search for your industry.

9. Make My Persona

explore my persona

HubSpot’s Make My Persona tool allows you to create a buyer persona for your potential new product. In this tool, you pick a name for the persona, choose their age, identify their career characteristics, and identify their challenges.

This allows you to pinpoint both demographic and psychographic information.

Creating a buyer persona is an early step in the marketing process but an important one to avoid scope creep.

If you’re unsure about details like these and how to use market research tools for your business, let me recommend Hubspot’s Market Research Kit .

It’s completely free and helps you build a strong foundation for data-driven decision-making in your future marketing strategies.

Best for: Make My Persona is best suited to B2B product launches because you’ll be prompted to document your buyer persona’s career objectives and role-specific challenges.

Ideally, your product would solve a problem for them in the workplace or help their company achieve revenue goals.

10. Tableau


Tableau is a business intelligence suite of products that allows you to “connect to virtually any data source.” But the data isn’t presented in unreadable tables.

Rather, Tableau helps you visualize this data in a way that helps you glean insights, appeal to external stakeholders, and communicate the feasibility of your product to potential investors.

You can visualize data on anything from corn production in tropical climate zones to office product sales in North America. With Tableau’s tools, you can take as granular or as general a look you’d like into potential marketplaces and supplier regions.

What I like: Visual information for humans and pure data for the machines all in one. Tableau integrates well with spreadsheets and databases so that you can export Tableau data to Excel , back up records in Amazon Redshift, and more.

Pricing : Tableau Viewer plans cost $14 per user each month when billed annually. Tableau Explorer plans cost $42 per user each month when billed annually. Tableau Creator plans cost $75 per user each month when billed annually.

11. Mentionlytics


Mentionlytics is a web and social media monitoring tool that allows businesses to discover people's thoughts about their brands, campaigns, products, or services.  Users can create and customize reports and get data-driven insights that will help them make informed decisions. They can also filter results by language, location, and social media channel to personalize results.  Analyzing sentiment and emotion lets you easily understand what will work for your brand and industry and what you should avoid.  The Share of Voice report allows you to benchmark against your direct competitors and industry. You can also identify trends and discover influencers in your niche and area to boost your next steps.

Best for: Mentionlytics is great for competitor analysis and crisis detection. Their Social Intelligence Advisor (SIA) turns large volumes of data into understandable knowledge to offer custom advice on crisis detection and brand growth.

Pricing: A 14-day free trial is available for most plans. Basic plans cost $69 per month; Essential plans cost $139 per month; Advanced plans cost $249 per month; Pro plans cost $399 per month; Agency plans cost $599 per month; Enterprise plans cost $950 per month. Annual billing options offer discounts.

12. Paperform


A market research survey is an effective way to better understand your target audience and their needs by asking them directly.

This step is integral to understanding your dream customers’ problems, so you want to ensure the process is as interactive as possible and gathers objective, accurate responses.

With its free-text interface, Paperform is as simple as writing a Word document. You can make your survey stand out by customizing colors, fonts, layouts, and themes to create your unique look and feel.

There are 27+ question field types, such as ranking, matrix, or scale fields. Use several to create visually engaging surveys that collect more information and see higher completion stats.

If you’re unsure where to start, you can use one of their expertly-made questionnaires or market research survey templates to get you started.

Best for: In my experience, Paperform is able to efficiently incorporate multiple customer personas. It uses conditional logic to show or hide questions or whole sections of content to create fully personalized paths.

These interactive forms lower drop-off rates and boost customer interaction.

Pricing: Essentials plans cost $29 per month. Pro plans cost $59 per month. Business plans cost $199 per month. For enterprise pricing, contact Paperform’s sales team.


GWI is an on-demand consumer research platform that makes audience research a breeze. Powered by the world’s largest study on the online consumer base, GWI provides insights into the lives of over 2.8 billion consumers across 50+ markets.

With 250k+ profiling points, you can find your unique customers and learn everything you need to know about who they are, what’s on their minds, and what they’re up to.

One user-friendly platform makes it quick and easy to become an expert on your audience and capture the answers you need to succeed.

Pro tip: GWI even has features to compare markets and create customized and shareable charts in seconds, helping you distribute critical information as quickly as you find it.

Pricing : Explore Interactive Demo for free; Flexible and custom pricing with discounts available.

14. SurveyMonkey


SurveyMonkey is a powerful tool for creating in-depth market research surveys that will help you understand your market and consumer preferences.

With this tool, you can create targeted, uber-specific surveys that help you collect answers that pertain specifically to your product.

While using a data source can give you a general overview of your target audience and market, SurveyMonkey can help you get more granular insights from real consumers.

SurveyMonkey offers dedicated market research solutions and services and a reporting dashboard option that allows you to easily parse through the results.

What I like: I like that SurveyMonkey is a good fit for exploring markets beyond your shores. It includes a global survey panel and survey translation service for international research.

  • Individual plans: Advantage annual plans cost $39 per month. Premier annual plans cost $119 a month. Monthly plans cost $99 per month.
  • Team plans: Team advantage plans cost $29 per person each month. Team premier plans cost $75 per person each month.
  • Enterprise pricing is available upon request.

15. Typeform


Like SurveyMonkey, Typeform allows you to run research surveys to get direct answers from your target consumers. It’s an easy-to-use, mobile-optimized form-builder that’s great for market research.

Typeform’s distinguishing factor is that it shows viewers one form field at a time. In its templates, Typeform encourages a more conversational, casual approach (like in its market research survey template ).

You can create a wide range of question types, and other features include the ability to recall answers from previous questions and create logic jumps.

In a survey, you’d want to collect both demographic and psychographic information on your customers to understand their purchasing behaviors and the problems they encounter.

The goal is to find out if your product is the solution to one of those problems — and whether, before launching, you should add more features or rethink your product positioning strategy .

Best for: I think Typeform is best for product launches that target a younger demographic.

If you’re targeting C-suite executives at established firms, consider a more formal option, such as SurveyMonkey, or keeping your tone more formal in your questions.

Pricing : Free plans are available. Basic plans cost $29 per month. Plus plans cost $59 per month. Business plans cost $99 per month. Enterprise plans are available upon request.

16. PureSpectrum Insights (Previously Upwave Instant Insights )


PureSpectrum acquired Upwave Instant Insights in 2021 and rebranded as PureSpectrum Insights.

As before, this platform is primarily a consumer research tool. While it isn’t advertised as a survey creation tool, it allows you to launch market research surveys specifically to get consumer insights.

PureSpectrum allows you to perform customer and market segmentation and also to visualize your data for easy scanning by key stakeholders and investors. They’ve grown to include A/B testing, brand tracking, and customer sentiment.

Pro tip: PureSpectrum distributes your survey to real people. Take a look at their marketplace profile to get a sense of where and from whom you can collect valuable data.

Pricing : Schedule a demo for more information.

17. Claritas MyBestSegment


Claritas MyBestSegment provides product researchers with tools to understand a specific area’s demographic information as well as the lifestyle habits of those who live there.

Their audience segments give you information gleaned from tens of thousands of data points, giving you insight into much more than just household income, employment, and education levels.

By finding out what a segment of the population does — without having to go out and survey them — you can find out which areas would be most receptive to a campaign or launch.

You can also discover which competitors are located nearby and which lifestyle trends have shifted or are on the rise.

What I like: I like that they are able to do some of the leg work for you. Syndicated Audiences is a tool available from Claritas for finding an organized audience of consumers who are more likely to be interested in your products or services.

Pricing : Pricing is available upon request.


Loop11 is a user experience testing platform that allows you to test the usability of your website, study user intent, test the information architecture of your site, and examine how the user experience changes based on the device they’re using.

Loop11 tests your site on any device by making users perform tasks. They then complete a short question about how easy or difficult the task was to complete.

Your product may be phenomenal, but unless consumers can actually buy it through your site, your launch won’t be successful.

You can use Loop11’s participants for niche demographics or bring in your own to learn more about your current customers.

Best for: Market research for your site development. You can find out whether your target consumers find your site easy to navigate and also identify snags that prevent conversions.

Pricing : Rapid Insights plans cost $199 monthly or $179 per month, billed annually. Pro plans cost $399 per month or $358 per month, billed annually. Enterprise plans cost $599 per month or $533 per month, billed annually.

19. Userlytics


Like Loop11, Userlytics allows you to test the usability of your website, mobile app, and site prototype. You can target different devices, define a buyer persona, and disqualify participants based on screening questions.

Testing is based on tasks that your test-takers carry out. They then answer a simple question about the difficulty of the task. You can structure the question in various ways:

You can leave it open-ended, provide multiple choices, or ask for a rating. Other formats you can use include System Usability Scale (SUS) questions, Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions, and Single Ease Questions (SEQ).

What I like: Userlytics performs both a webcam and a screen recording. You can compare the user’s answers with their reactions on video to understand how they feel when they’re interacting with your assets.

Pricing : Schedule a free demo for more information.


Sometimes, you need a no-frills test to take the pulse of consumers. Temper allows you to create a question and pop it onto your website, into your emails, etc.

The smiley face, “meh” face, and frowny face make it easy for viewers to share their feelings — and for you to read their minds.

You can also add it to a product page or a landing page, tailoring the questions to fit your offerings.

As for what you see, there are three options for receiving the feedback: in a tab on each page you are monitoring, embedded in the web page itself to narrow in on aspects within the page, or at the bottom of emails so you can get real-time information as the interaction unfolds.

Pro tip: One great way I’ve seen this used is by adding it to a blog post announcing the launch of a new product. You can find out general sentiment toward the product before it even launches!

Pricing : Hobby plans cost $12 per month. Pro plans cost $49 per month. Business plans cost $89 per month. White label plans cost $199 per month.

21. NielsenIQ (NIQ)


NielsenIQ (NIQ) is a retail and consumer intelligence consultant that works with you to collect consumer insights, identify the best distribution channels for your product, and create a range of products to address the needs of your target buyers.

This service helps you look at your product launch from all angles, delivering forecasting data that predicts how your sales will perform upon launch. NielsenIQ can also run consumer insights surveys on their list of panelists and partners.

NIQ now offers a service called Byzzer to help small businesses with fewer resources. It opens a door for market research reporting, in-person events, and consulting at a lower cost than the full NIQ suite.

Best for: I think Byzzer can be a helpful and affordable option for smaller businesses, but because NielsenIQ operates like a consultant and not as a self-service software, it is a better option for established firms with a bigger product launch budget.

Pricing : Pricing is available on request.

22. Ubersuggest


Don’t be intimidated by the visually text-heavy Ubersuggest. It really is an easy tool for doing keyword and content research. You just input a phrase, and it’ll create a list of keyword suggestions.

You can also see top-performing articles and pages to better understand the types of content that rank for those keywords.

This tool is useful for market research because you can see who your top competitors are, how often your product is searched for, and whether there’s enough space in the market for the type of product you’re launching.

You can also find out the questions your target audience asks in relation to the product. Each of these questions can be turned into an informative blog post that can guide your audience, increase your brand authority, and drive conversions.

Pro tip: If you want a quick look at the results you can get, head to their website and do a search — just know that you only get one glimpse before they make you register. Alternatives to Ubersuggest include Moz , Ahrefs , and SEMRush .

Pricing : Free seven-day trials are available for all three tiers. Individual plans cost $29 per month. Business plans cost $49 per month. Enterprise and agency plans cost $99 per month. Add-ons are available at $5 each. Lifetime memberships are also available.

23. Pew Research Center


From economic conditions to political attitudes, social media usage to food science, the Pew Research Center website has loads of free research that you can use to better understand your target markets.

Be careful with your curiosity, though. It’s a gorgeous trap of interesting information that can drain your day away — but so happily.

I that Pew Research Center integrates visual data directly into the text — and we’re not talking about a chart or image spliced in.

The site has hundreds of interactive articles that allow you to filter and sift through the data for more granular, targeted insights while also making dense information easier to understand.

Their research topic selection is delightfully vast. Click the top left tab for “ Research Topics.” Then, there is a link to their “ Full Topic List .” Once there, each topic cluster has a “ More ” option.

What I like: As a writer in digital marketing, I am always on the hunt for targeted and nutritious quotes and insights. I love that you have access to what research participants actually had to say below the Pew Research articles.

It’s a stellar feature for building compelling presentations. The quotes are tagged, too, so you can sort quotes more specifically on various concepts or groups related to the research.

Here’s an example article — scroll to the In Their Own Words section at the bottom to check it out.

24. SocialMention (Part of BrandMentions)


SocialMention is a part of BrandMentions focused on social media monitoring. The platform helps you understand what your prospective customers are buzzing about online.

Search for a keyword, and SocialMentions will show you recent social posts that contain that keyword, along with the context of its usage.

After subscribing to the platform, you’ll also get other metrics such as Reach (how many people view the keyword per day), Performance (how many people engage with the keyword per day), and Mentions by Weekday (when people mention the keyword).

One way to use this tool for market research is by finding out what time of day or night people are looking for your product on social media sites.

Let’s say you’ve developed a sleeping aid app and learn through SocialMention that most people look for sleeping aid apps at 2:00 AM. When you start announcing your product, you will need to schedule your post around 2:00 AM.

Pro tip: Another useful tool you’ll have access to is sentiment analysis on your keywords. It allows you to find out how people are generally feeling about the type of product you’re launching.

That way, you can refine the tone of your campaigns.

Pricing : Growing business plans cost $79 per month. Company plans cost $249 per month. Enterprise and agency plans cost $399 per month. All prices are billed annually.

25. Qualtrics Market Research Panels


Qualtrics takes away the hassle of finding respondents for your market research surveys. They provide an online sample service so you can access real, live human thoughts without having to actually manage any humans.

It’s an introverted marketer’s dream come true!

Once you’ve identified your target audience, head on over to Qualtrics and sign up to access a representative sample.

You can then use Qualtrics’ built-in platform to start gathering insights and information from the people whose pain points you might be able to help solve.

Pro tip: You can actually choose between Qualtrics’ built-in platform or using your own chosen survey software . Sometimes, you’re already familiar and comfy with one system or need to hustle with a program you know — Qualtrics lets you pick.

26. ProProfs Qualaroo


Qualaroo is an advanced user and market research tool that helps you understand your specific market with targeted surveys.

You can run surveys on over six channels at once — such as website, app, product, social media, and email — to get a 360-degree view of your existing and potential customers.

It comes packed with features like question branching, 12+ answer types, automatic survey language translation, in-depth audience targeting, pre-built survey templates, and an extensive repository of professionally designed questions.

You can create various market research surveys in minutes to collect data on the demographic, psychographic, and behavioral traits of your target audience.

It can help you map customers’ expectations and preferences, create customer personas, and perform audience segmentation.

Qualaroo also promotes quick feedback analysis. Its in-built AI-based sentiment analysis and text analytics engine automatically categorizes the responses based on user moods.

It also highlights the key phrases and words in real time, saving hours of manual work.

What we like: In my experience, you can get an awful lot done with just this one source for conducting market research. I like it for its rare combination of tool inclusivity and affordable pricing — it’s definitely a solid source to start with.

Pricing : Omni channel plans for up to 50 responses are free. Omni channel plans for businesses up to 100 responses cost $19.99 per month, billed annually. Email surveys up to 50 responses are free.

Email surveys for businesses up to 100 responses cost $9.99 per month, billed annually.

Conduct Market Research for a Successful Product Launch

Conducting market research is essential to a successful product launch to market.

With the tools I’ve just introduced you to, you can find out who’s looking for your product, why they need it, and how you can better market whatever you’re looking to launch.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in April 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Free Guide & Templates to Help Your Market Research

Marketing software that helps you drive revenue, save time and resources, and measure and optimize your investments — all on one easy-to-use platform

Illustration showing a large desktop computer with several icons and graphs on the screen. A large purple magnifying glass hovers over the top right corner of the screen. Market research tools blog post.

The 13 Best Market Research Tools

Jan 3, 2024

10 min. read

The 328 million terabytes of data we create each day can be very telling about your target audience’s preferences and buying habits. This same data can also be inaccurate and low quality, depending on the source. That’s why the market research tools you choose matter — you need to be able to get the most up-to-date insights and trust what the data is telling you.

While traditional manual methods of market research and secondary research (aka desk research or complementary research ) still have a time and place in the digital world, marketers are supplementing them with market research platforms and software that do most of the heavy lifting.

Astronomical amounts of market-related data are created at lightning speed, far outpacing our ability to consume it all. To help find, filter, sort, and make sense of all this information, we’ve chosen 13 of the best market research tools to streamline and improve the process :

Meltwater Radarly

Think with google, ubersuggest, surveymonkey, answer the public, brandmentions, heartbeat ai, u.s. census bureau.

Tip: Also take a look at the top secondary research companies out there.

A leader in AI market research tools, Radarly is Meltwater’s AI-powered market research platform that provides real-time insights into consumer preferences . This always-on consumer intelligence suite uses a combination of data science, AI, and human market research expertise to surface insights about customers based on online conversations and activities.

Meltwater Radarly market research tool Consumer Intelligence Dashboard

Most of the world’s data is unstructured ( about 90% , by some estimates), making it harder to act on and understand its significance. Radarly brings structure to the unknown by detecting patterns and understanding audience sentiments.

Also, Meltwater for market research continuously sources new information and works in real-time. This gives marketers an advantage by working with the latest data so they can make informed decisions when it matters most.

See Meltwater Radarly live in action by requesting a free tour of our platform. Simply fill out the form at the bottom of this post and we'll be in touch.

Statista offers data trends and reports on a wide range of topics and interests, from Facebook’s monthly active users to leading beer brands based on sales. In total, the market research platform spans more than 170 industries and 150 countries .

What sets this resource apart is its visualizations — all of Statista’s stats have been compiled into neat and tidy graphs that are ready to publish or share in your own reports. This makes it easy to see trends over time or gain quick insights about consumer preferences.

Statista screenshot as one of the best online market research tools

There’s a chart for just about anything, and they’re updated on a regular basis. In many cases, Statista will include a brief explanation of the chart’s findings and recommend related charts for further research.

Google’s status as the world’s most popular search engine makes it a great resource for market research. Google has access to billions of first-party data points based on what people are searching for online. 

For market research purposes, users can tap into Google Trends to see the popularity of searches over time. See the terms that are trending on a daily or weekly basis, or check out shopping-related trends to predict the hot new products of the season ( trend prediction ).

Google’s Market Finder can also pinpoint new markets that might be a great fit for your product or service. Learn how various markets compare to each other and how your business might fit in.

Think With Google screenshot as a market research tool

And if you’re selling physical products, you can see how sales trends might impact your business using Google’s Rising Retail Categories . Retailers use this tool often to predict hot-selling holiday items and right-size their inventory.

Attest brings old-school focus groups and surveys into the digital era with its rapid-response approach. In the past, organizing interviews and focus groups took weeks or even months. Once the research activities were finished, analysts required additional time to compile the results. No more.

Attest market research tool screenshot

With Attest, you can hear directly from consumers who fit your audience profiles, with ready-made questions and respondents at your fingertips. All responses are recorded in the Attest platform, and the market research software analyzes results and collects consumer insights on your behalf.

Users pay per response, so you can scale your market research as needed.

A popular survey tool, Typeform offers a mobile-friendly way to collect market research insights . It’s unique in that it only shows users one field at a time to limit distractions. The look and feel lend to a more casual, conversational approach, which may encourage survey takers to be more candid in their responses. (We can’t prove it, though.)

Typeform survey market research templates screenshot

Users can create various question types, including multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, and scale ratings. It’s intuitive and makes basic market research a breeze.

Ubersuggest, a popular k eyword research tool , also has market research capabilities packed into its user-friendly interface . That’s because keyword research is a form of market research , giving you a glimpse of what people are actively searching for online.


Let’s say you’re launching a new facial cleaning device for your beauty brand . By using Ubersuggest for keyword research, you can also uncover:

  • Other brands selling facial cleaning devices
  • Publications talking about facial cleaning devices
  • The popularity of online searches for facial cleaning devices
  • Competition for related keywords
  • Questions related to the keyword “facial cleaning device”
  • Cost per click to rank for the keyword via paid ads
  • Search volume (and interest) over time

This is a great tool to help you see who your top competitors are online, what type of content ranks well for a keyword, and how crowded a market is for a particular product or service.

Market research doesn’t always have to be a costly, complex beast, and SurveyMonkey is a great example. This easy-to-use survey tool can create simple or in-depth surveys sent to targeted audiences for feedback. 

SurveyMonkey market research tool screenshot

For example, you might have one-off questions to ask customers who made a purchase to learn more about their buying habits. Or, you might want to send longer surveys to customers to help develop a new product. No matter your use case, you can customize surveys to reach highly specific audiences and compile their answers instantly. 

SurveyMonkey also offers turnkey market research solutions, including a global panel survey, translation services, and a reporting dashboard. These services can help you reach more people and get more use from your data.

Answer the Public is a free search listening tool that compiles the questions people are asking online. These questions can serve as a starting point for new product development, product improvements, and content marketing .

Answer The Public market research software screenshot

This market research software uses autocomplete data from Google . When you start typing a search, Google will try to guess what you’re looking for based on what other people have searched for. You can do this manually, but it’s time-consuming and relies only on your ideas.

Answer the Public makes life easier by compiling related questions in an easy-to-understand graphic. And since the data comes from Google, market researchers can trust its reliability and quality.

Ever wonder what it is about a brand (including yours) that people love? The things that get people talking? BrandMentions can help provide some context.

BrandMentions market research tool

Specializing in social media monitoring , BrandMentions takes the next step into showing why a particular keyword is buzzing. Type in a keyword and you’ll see recent social media posts that also contain that keyword.

You can also see the keyword’s Reach, Performance, and Number of Mentions — all of which can come in handy when you’re planning a new product launch. You can use these insights to plan your launch-related posts to generate the most buzz.

Tip: Learn more about brand monitoring , brand tracking , brand reputation measurement , about the best brand tracking software , and understand why your brand mentions are spiking .

AI market research tools like Heartbeat AI allow you to put market research on autopilot , or at least close to it. Using sentiment analysis , this market research tool recognizes themes and trends in qualitative text data.

HeartBeat AI market research software screenshot

No more poring through pages and pages of text — Heartbeat AI can quickly surface insights about how your audience feels regarding your brand or products (or your competitors). What’s more, it can turn these insights into attractive visuals for simpler understanding or sharing with other stakeholders.

Qualitative research can be more difficult to sort and analyze because it contains more variables. Unlike quantitative research, which deals with specific, measurable data, qualitative research involves the complexities of human behavior and perception. The results are subjective in nature, and it involves more work to extract their value.

Discuss market research tool screenshot

Discuss aims to change the narrative with AI-powered insights . Offering video capabilities, built-in note-taking, and auto-generated highlight reels, marketers can capture the “Aha!” moments without losing efficiency.

The market research platform makes it easy to refer back to conversations and keep their audience engaged throughout the process, leading to more complete data.

One of the oldest but most trusted market research sources , the U.S. Census Bureau offers basic demographic information about U.S. citizens. This platform gives you instant insight into America’s people , including things like family sizes, income levels, and populations.

U.S. Census Bureau American market research tool

Beyond demographics, the market research platform has thousands of tables and maps to bring your research to life. You can customize your own maps and tables using any of the data available.

Another option is to find your business’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code , and then filter the Tables tool to focus on your industry. This allows you to see where your industry is most popular and where it might be over- or under-saturated.

Tableau from Salesforce is a business intelligence platform that connects to all of your data sources, making it easier to connect the dots between disparate systems. It excels at transforming unstructured data into visualizations to streamline decisions.

Tableau market research tool screenshot

Their goal is to democratize data and make it more accessible and user-friendly. It accomplishes its mission with a user-friendly interface, visual data transcriptions, and a community of more than a million members who share how-tos and best practices.

Make Your Market Research Tools Work for You

Online market research tools aren’t replacing the traditional survey or focus group — they’re enhancing them by providing an always-on approach to speed up results. By tapping into the wealth of data people are openly sharing online, businesses can gain more insights than ever before, on demand.

Meltwater offers some of the best tools for market research that are accurate, reliable, and easy to use. By tapping into billions of data points and analyzing them in the context of your business, you can make valuable data-driven decisions to move your company forward.

Learn more when you request a demo by filling out the form below:

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Top Secondary Market Research Companies | Desk Research Companies

Top 6 Market Research Software in 2024 Based on +250 Reviews

market research automation tools

Cem is the principal analyst at AIMultiple since 2017. AIMultiple informs hundreds of thousands of businesses (as per Similarweb) including 60% of Fortune 500 every month.

Cem's work focuses on how enterprises can leverage new technologies in AI, automation, cybersecurity(including network security, application security), data collection including web data collection and process intelligence.

Top 6 Market Research Software in 2024 Based on +250 Reviews

In today’s data-driven age, businesses need sharp insights to succeed. Market research tools are essential for decoding audience preferences and market trends. Companies use market research software to conduct market research surveys , collect feedback from users , and get insights to drive growth. With so many market research tools out there, finding the right one can be a challenge.

This guide provides:

  • a benchmarking on the top market research software in the market
  • lists the benefits of leveraging market research
  • examines the essential features of market research tools.

Top 6 market research software benchmarking

VendorRatings*Employee size**Audience size***Selection criteria for target audienceData quality controlCustomizable reportsReal-time resultsMedia file addition (i.e., audio, image, video)
5.0 out of 2 reviews9965M+AI-powered bot & fraud detection
AYTM (Ask Your Target Market)4.7 out of 56 reviews1100M+AI-powered bot & fraud detectionVideo
quantilope4.5 out of 2 reviews200✖️✖️✖️
Kantar Marketplace4.4 out of reviews34,183160M+Not mentionedNot mentioned✖️✖️
Make Opinion4 out of 20 reviews2847M+Not mentioned✖️Image only
Voxco4.3 out of 151 reviews7510MDuplication check✖️

* Based on the reviews on software review platforms.

** Based on LinkedIn.

*** Based on vendor claims.

Vendor selection criteria

Given the high number of vendors providing market research platforms, we streamlined our benchmarking process using specific, transparent criteria to ensure objective evaluation. Our focus was on metrics that are both public and can be easily validated either through the vendors’ official channels or trusted third-party platforms. Consequently, we centered our attention on companies with:

  • At least 4 out of 5 star ratings on software review platforms such as G2 & Capterra
  • more than 20 employees, as stated on LinkedIn


The data is gathered from the websites of vendors or the software review platforms (i.e., ratings). Please keep in mind that some vendors provide a variety of services (e.g., advertising), while some are only focused on market research. That’s why, both their company size and the number of reviews may differ. If you believe we have missed any vendor or any feature, please contact us so that we can consider adding it to our article.

7 benefits of conducting market research

Market research is more than just gathering data—it’s the key to understanding your market and making informed decisions. From startups to seasoned businesses, every stage benefits from it. Here are the benefits of market research in different stages of a company:

1- Validation

Before allocating time, money, and effort, entrepreneurs must discern whether their vision matches the market’s needs. Validation involves preliminary data gathering through surveys, focus groups, or prototype testing. This gives insights into questions such as: Do people resonate with the concept? Is there genuine interest, or is the market already oversaturated?

2- Audience profiling

It’s insufficient to say “everyone” will use your product. Businesses must define their target customer segments. Audience profiling is about specifics: age ranges, pain points, purchasing habits, online platforms preferred, and even sentiments . With this insight, you can tailor your product design, features, and marketing strategies to resonate deeply with the target group.

3- Risk mitigation

Risk mitigation is about proactively identifying potential roadblocks in your business path. These could inlcude financial risks, regulatory challenges, potential supply chain disruptions, or evolving consumer behaviors. A proactive approach allows businesses to prepare alternative strategies, ensuring a smoother process.

4- Product refinement

Even with a solid idea, there’s always room for improvement. It is critical to gather specific feedback on your product or service from your identified target audience. This phase might involve beta testing, sample distributions, or trial services. Feedback can reveal crucial adjustments needed, enhancing user experience, functionality, or addressing overlooked pain points.

To learn more, check out our article on customer feedback tools .

5- Pricing strategy

Instead of arbitrarily setting a price, businesses should analyze competitor pricing, understand the audience’s willingness to pay, and factor in production or service delivery costs. Setting the right price can dictate profitability and market penetration speed.


6- feedback loop.

Markets are ever-changing landscapes with shifting demands. Utilizing a tool for market research to regularly capture reviews, conduct surveys, or facilitate direct engagements enables businesses to adapt their offerings in tune with these shifts. This not only ensures the product or service remains relevant but also paves the way for sustained success in a dynamic marketplace.

7- Growth pathways

Expansions are inevitable for companies wanting to broaden their horizon. These can be geographical, demographical, or even product-based expansions. With a combination of market insights, customer feedback, and business analytics, companies can identify areas ripe for growth. Whether it’s launching in a new city, targeting a new age group, or diversifying the product range, informed decisions pave the path to sustained growth.

Features to look for in a market research software

Audience size.

Leading market research tools go beyond data collection ; they also provide access to survey participants . This built-in feature eliminates the need for third-party recruitment platforms. Instead of just offering the tools to gather insights, these solutions directly supply a curated pool of respondents. The larger the pool, the more likely you can find your target audience. For businesses, this means streamlined research, ensuring both efficiency and relevance in feedback collection.

If you want to know more about survey participant recruitment, check out our comprehensive guide .

Selection criteria for the target audience

Sometimes, you need insights from a specific subset of the population. For instance, if your product is tailored for senior citizens, then feedback from teenagers might not be as valuable. The software should allow users to define and select their target audience based on various criteria like age, location, purchasing habits, etc., ensuring that the research is focused on the relevant demographic.

Data quality control

The software should have mechanisms to filter out unqualified participants, detect inconsistencies in responses, and ensure that you’re getting genuine, high-quality feedback. This might involve features like

  • AI-powered fraud detection
  • response validation
  • attention-check questions
  • duplicate response prevention.

If interested, here is  our data-driven list of survey participant recruitment services and survey tools .

Customizable reports

Customizable reports allow businesses to view data in various formats, highlight specific insights, and tailor the presentation based on the audience (be it internal teams, stakeholders, or clients).

Real-time results

Instead of batch-processing at the end, some vendors offer businesses to get a live feed of their market research. This instantaneous data stream can be a boon for marketers, product developers, or strategists, allowing them to catch early indicators, respond to concerns, or capitalize on positive feedback immediately.

Media file addition (i.e., audio, image, video)

Modern market research isn’t limited to just textual feedback. It often involves multimedia elements to capture comprehensive responses. Whether it’s a respondent uploading a video review of a product, attaching images to highlight an issue, or including audio feedback, the ability to handle and integrate various media types in the research process enriches the data collected.

Further Reading

  • Top 4 Qualtrics Competitors
  • Top 5 Pollfish Alternatives
  • B2B Marketing Survey: An In-Depth Guide

For those interested, here is our data driven list of market research tools .

Transparency statement: AIMultiple serves numerous emerging tech companies, including resonio by Clickworker .

Reach us if you need help in your vendor selection process:

market research automation tools

Cem's work has been cited by leading global publications including Business Insider, Forbes, Washington Post, global firms like Deloitte, HPE, NGOs like World Economic Forum and supranational organizations like European Commission. You can see more reputable companies and media that referenced AIMultiple.

Cem's hands-on enterprise software experience contributes to the insights that he generates. He oversees AIMultiple benchmarks in dynamic application security testing (DAST), data loss prevention (DLP), email marketing and web data collection. Other AIMultiple industry analysts and tech team support Cem in designing, running and evaluating benchmarks.

Throughout his career, Cem served as a tech consultant, tech buyer and tech entrepreneur. He advised enterprises on their technology decisions at McKinsey & Company and Altman Solon for more than a decade. He also published a McKinsey report on digitalization.

He led technology strategy and procurement of a telco while reporting to the CEO. He has also led commercial growth of deep tech company Hypatos that reached a 7 digit annual recurring revenue and a 9 digit valuation from 0 within 2 years. Cem's work in Hypatos was covered by leading technology publications like TechCrunch and Business Insider.

Cem regularly speaks at international technology conferences. He graduated from Bogazici University as a computer engineer and holds an MBA from Columbia Business School. Traffic Analytics, Ranking & Audience , Similarweb. Why Microsoft, IBM, and Google Are Ramping up Efforts on AI Ethics , Business Insider. Microsoft invests $1 billion in OpenAI to pursue artificial intelligence that’s smarter than we are , Washington Post. Data management barriers to AI success , Deloitte. Empowering AI Leadership: AI C-Suite Toolkit , World Economic Forum. Science, Research and Innovation Performance of the EU , European Commission. Public-sector digitization: The trillion-dollar challenge , McKinsey & Company. Hypatos gets $11.8M for a deep learning approach to document processing , TechCrunch. We got an exclusive look at the pitch deck AI startup Hypatos used to raise $11 million , Business Insider.

To stay up-to-date on B2B tech & accelerate your enterprise:

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Market research automation creates time and cost efficiencies but there are misconceptions surrounding its use. We explore the truth behind these myths.

With thousands of new products being released each year, product innovation should be of paramount concern for businesses looking to stand out and remain competitive in the market.

Market research is an indispensable asset for such businesses, providing valuable consumer insights that drive successful product development. As competition increases, so does the strain placed on insights and marketing teams, who must now deliver more results at a faster pace to align with today’s level of demand. This, combined with the rapid pace of digital transformation has seen automated market research emerge, enabling faster, more efficient processes with higher accuracy.

Market research automation is the use of technology to complete research tasks that are usually performed by humans to reduce or eliminate the amount of tasks performed manually, speeding up the research process. Automating research is undoubtedly the way of the future, eliminating time wasted on menial tasks to be better spent on developing superior products and services to the market.

However, automation tools have few perceived challenges surrounding their use. This article explores the nature of market research automation, addressing common misconceptions and the truth behind them.

Misconception 1: Not customisable enough for my needs

Some researchers may object to automated tools as they feel they do not offer the breadth of functionality required for their research.

Whilst complex projects will inevitably require customisation, for most everyday research categories such as claims testing , pricing, and packaging selection, automation actually enhances their effectiveness. For example, Conjointly has refined the methodologies used for such projects to create a range of tools with specialised purposes, improving the accuracy and quality of results and outputs.

Misconception 2: Difficult to use a new platform

As many automated research tools are DIY or “self-serve”, many users may be discouraged towards leaving their research in the hands of a machine. Whilst automation removes the human element from many repetitive tasks during the research process, it does not remove the researcher’s role entirely. In fact, it allows researchers to redirect their efforts to more meaningful tasks such as idea generation, feedback alignment, and product development. Automation tools may be slightly difficult to adapt to at first but once realised as reliable, ultimately allow for more in-depth research.

Misconception 3: Losing control over the sample

Automation of the sampling process can be cause for concern due to risks of fraud, known as “ghost completes”. Ghost completes occur when a respondent identifies the survey completion redirect link and can bypass the survey to receive the incentive. Whilst this is a legitimate issue for panel platform providers , there are solutions in place to combat its prevalence. AI is used to help identify suspicious behaviour, mitigation methods such as server-to-server callbacks and link encryption help to detect and mitigate redirect link fraud.

Misconception 4: Many tools needed for one project

There are many specific tools available for different research purposes such as data collection, data analysis, and data visualisation and the researcher can quickly be overwhelmed by the abundance of standalone solutions. It can also be difficult to link each of these elements together to work fluidly. End-to-end platforms like Conjointly offer a seamless experience, enabling researchers to perform tasks including finding respondents, survey design and launch, and analysis through a single tool, which speeds up each process and is more cost-effective.

Misconception 5: High upfront costs

The upfront costs involved with research automation tools can be a deterrent for potential users if they do not see the value. It is important to understand that automation tools save a great deal of time and money by allowing researchers to focus on more valuable tasks and by speeding up the research process. The sign-up costs for automated research tools can also prove to be relatively much less than additional costs associated with manual research such as design, collection, and analysis.

Misconception 6: No one around when things go wrong

Using market research automation tools shifts control over certain aspects of the data collection and analysis process from the researcher to software, which can be stressful if something goes wrong. For example, if the researcher makes an input error or is unsure of certain software features, this could cause project delays. However, research automation platforms such as Conjointly provide readily available user support and training and constantly update and tweak tools for user-friendliness and bug-free experiences. As with traditional research, ongoing user feedback is the most useful way of improving processes for future research.

Automate your research with us

Let us guide you through our automated tools to conduct successful research.

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How to automate your market research.

market research automation tools

With rapid advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), AI is transforming market research practices. A paper by researchers from OpenAI and the University of Pennsylvania projects more than 50% of work done by most survey researchers can be automated. 

Market research companies can gain a significant competitive advantage by leveraging AI tools. To enjoy the potential productivity gains, market research companies should be investing in figuring out how to use AI to improve performance. Market researchers should be exploring how to automate their jobs and prepare for the disruption to come. 

For market research, AI streamlines data collection, cleaning, and analysis, reduces instances of human error, and provides more affordable and timely insights. Notably, an AI-powered tool can generate a research report within minutes or even seconds, while a human analyst on their own may take days or weeks to analyze and summarize the data manually. Using ChatGPT, I:

  • Generated a sample study with 12 respondents
  • Analyzed it
  • Got key findings from the study
  • Generated business recommendations based on those findings

→ All in less than 5 minutes. 

See here:  

In fact, many research tasks we once had to do manually are now outsourceable to Large Language Models (LLMs). Here are a few examples with ChatGPT:

  •  See here:  
  • See here:  
  • See here:  
  • See here:  

Thanks to automation, researchers can spend less time on tedious tasks and more time making strategic decisions. We’re now able to focus instead on designing effective research studies, collaborating with clients to understand their objectives, and analyzing and communicating insights from data.

The current capabilities of AI are already impressive, and this is just the beginning. The speed of innovation in AI is unprecedented and yet still accelerating. 

There are now experiments testing GPT-4’s ability to develop and manage entire businesses autonomously . While achieving this will take more time, experimentation, and optimization, a potential trend we’re already seeing is using AI Agents for various business functions: “Agents are going to be extremely popular, and extremely focused. You’ll have one for marketing, one for sales, etc, etc” ( Twitter ). See the following demonstration of an AI agent designed to autonomously conduct market research for given topics:

market research automation tools

These ideas are exciting; however, using AI-powered software to aid in research is only effective if proper steps are taken to hedge the risk of pulling inaccurate answers. LLM-powered software are not yet a panacea and there’s a lot on the line for market researchers. To hedge that risk, researchers should use human oversight to review or validate AI-generated insights to ensure they are accurate and aligned with business objectives.

If we utilize AI tools effectively, the increases in our efficiency as market researchers will be profound.

Some fear that generative AI will disrupt businesses and replace jobs. 

It will. 

It will allow for startups to beat out incumbents . It will replace the jobs of those who do not utilize tech to aid their human performance. But more importantly, it will supercharge what humans can do if we learn to leverage AI well.

Whether we like it or not, generative AI is here. We’ll be faced with a choice: to rage against the machine or collaborate with it. 

Author Image

Author: Kalyn Stockman

Kalyn Stockman is a Marketing Manager at Fuel Cycle, where she leads the social media and content strategy. With a degree in Business Administration (Marketing) from the University of the...

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  • A/B Monadic Test
  • A/B Pre-Roll Test
  • Key Driver Analysis
  • Multiple Implicit
  • Penalty Reward
  • Price Sensitivity
  • Segmentation
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  • Competitive Landscape
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quantilope is the Consumer Intelligence Platform for all end-to-end research needs

How To Improve Your Market Research With Automation

mrx glossary improve with automation

In this blog post, learn how to improve your market research process with quantilope's end-to-end Insights Automation platform.

Table of Contents: 

  • What is automation and how is it used in market research?

When to use market research automation

  • Customization in automated market research
  • Benefits of market research automation
  • Does automated market research work? 

Automate your research quickly with quantilope

What is dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightactiveterm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearactiveterm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation and how is it used in dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightactiveterm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearactiveterm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081403" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">market research .

Market research automation is the use of computer technology to take care of processes in market research that were previously done manually by humans. 

The nature of market research is changing quickly, much to the benefit of insights managers. This rapid change in the industry is largely due to automation. As a researcher or insights manager, why spend time manually sifting through data files when AI-driven computer programs can analyze data automatically and often more accurately?

Rather than taking business issues to a dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081403" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">market research agency and having them design a survey, find the sample , collect data, analyze findings, and provide a report, automated research dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081407" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">providers are now placing the research into the hands of clients themselves. In transitioning the dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081411" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research process from many department teams or point solutions to a single client team, the process becomes much more time and cost-effective. Further, the closer clients are to the actual dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081411" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research process , the more invested they become in the results and the more actionable it is to dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081440" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">stakeholders , with client teams able to speak closely to the data and methods used.

Many dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081403" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">market research agencies have been using dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation in one way or another for some time, but with dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081442" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">machine learning and dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081426" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities opening new doors for insights, dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation is more versatile than ever - especially with regard to dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081425" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">DIY dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081403" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">market dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081414" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081414" data-dropdown-placement-param="top"> tools .

The survey design, programming, sampling, dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081412" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">data collection , analysis, and reporting are all built into end-to-end platforms that can handle the full scope of research needs. This creates a ‘ dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081430" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">self-serve ’ dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081427" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">workflow for dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081425" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">DIY clients, starting surveys whenever they’re ready, and without worrying about bottlenecks from various teams typically part of the traditional dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081411" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research process .

Beyond the simple fact of accelerating the time to insights, dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation offers specific key benefits throughout the entire dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081411" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research process that are worth mentioning as well:

Survey Routing

Any dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081421" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research project starts with programming a survey, and dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation makes it much simpler to tailor that survey to individual dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081406" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">respondents by way of routing. Routing in a survey can be thought of as a hidden map - navigating a particular individual through the survey based on each respective answer choice (i.e. not showing every participant the same list of questions or answer options). For example, if a dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081406" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">respondent selects they know of Brand A, they may then be asked follow-up questions about Brand A, while another dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081406" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">respondent might only know (and be asked about) Brand B.

Routing is possible without dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation , though at the expense of very detailed programming notes that are sent to programming teams (and hopefully) interpreted as intended. However, in this day and age where insights are expected faster than ever, dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation makes the routing process much simpler for researchers, removing the need for complex written logic statements such as ‘If yes, go to question two, If no skip to question three’ which can quickly become messy. Automated platforms apply routing logic with a few clicks of a mouse, and typically with guardrails in place.

Automated Advanced Methods

dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081403" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">Market research comes in many forms, with countless different business questions to be addressed. Automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081419" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">methodologies are just as varied, but many are quite complex - requiring a detailed background in research or statistics in order to leverage them.

With dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation , technology takes over the processing and verification of advanced method data, meaning clients of any skill level can apply advanced methods to their research studies on their own (or with little help). This opens new doors for clients who previously could only run basic usage and attitude studies. For example, automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081408" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">segmentation can split target groups into actionable consumer profiles, automated Key Driver Analysis can help explore the reasons behind dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081432" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">decision-making , and automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081413" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">pricing methods such as dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081413" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">Price Sensitivity Meter or Conjoint Analysis can help better understand dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081413" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">price perceptions - all without any statistical background required.

Automated data collection

Online panels are abundant these days, making it easy to find the right dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081424" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">target audience from available panel dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081406" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">respondents . Not only is it easy to find the appropriate dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081406" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">respondents for your survey, but it’s also easy to send out and capture data through dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081417" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automated tools . End-to-end dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081435" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research platforms have embedded panel sections where researchers can set up their sample and watch dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081412" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">data collection as it progresses in field.

As researchers monitor field, they can apply automated data cleaners so that dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081406" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">respondents are filtered out as needed - removing the need for manual data checks or back-and-forth communications with a data processing team.

Having direct access to data with automated data cleaners means brands can capture customer dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081450" data-dropdown-placement-param="top"> data anytime, anywhere, on any device with an internet connection (such as a dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081452" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">smartphone ) - with responses immediately recorded and analyzed through automated survey platforms.

Automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081415" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">data analysis

dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081442" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">Machine learning programs have the power to combine large amounts of data very quickly, categorizing responses, subjecting them to statistical analysis, and cutting the data in whichever way is most useful for a client’s story. Compare this with a traditional research dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081407" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">provider ’s process of sending the final data to a data processing team, validating the results, sending it back to the client team for review, and undergoing several rounds of tabulation requests, only to then start on the analysis.

With dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081415" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">data analysis dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation , clients can begin analyzing the results before the fielding process even concludes, thus expediting the time to a final dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081405" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">dashboard or report for dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081440" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">stakeholders .

Automated, flexible reporting

Every stage of a dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081411" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research process holds an important weight, but what dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081440" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">stakeholders really care about are the final consumer dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081428" data-dropdown-placement-param="top"> insight deliverables. Automated reporting processes quickly bring data to life through live, interactive functionalities - such as dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081405" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">dashboards .

Instead of charts containing findings set in stone in a slide deck from a particular point in time, automated deliverables with live charts are created at the touch of a button, updated automatically with new data, and can be shared across the organization with dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081440" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">stakeholders .

This automated way of reporting reduces the time needed to build charts from scratch, as well as the close attention needed to manually apply statistical testing; instead, dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation takes care of it behind the scenes, allowing the researcher to focus on the actual story and insight from the data. Learn more about quantilope's use of AI for automated survey setup, analysis, and reporting: 

AI webinar

It's pretty hard to avoid automation in market research these days, particularly in quantitative research. There may be times with qualitative research when it is preferable to meet respondents face-to-face - for example in focus groups, or when conducting spontaneous research at events - but as a rule of thumb, automation makes research quicker, more reliable, and more flexible.

Self-service automated research brings a greater level of autonomy to the research experience. Using an online platform, clients can take more control of their research studies, using automated processes to gain insights that make a real difference to their business. There's no need to contact a research agency, brief researchers, or discuss survey design in length; clients can take their business knowledge straight to the online research tool and input their survey questions, select a sample, and view the research findings in real-time. This is particularly useful when time is of the essence, with a quick turnaround needed for a business decision to be made. 

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Customization in automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightactiveterm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearactiveterm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081403" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">market research.

‘For some, ‘ dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation ’ might bring to mind a standardized one-size-fits-all offer, when in reality automated platforms are anything but. Automated platforms actually make it easier than ever to tailor and customize a research survey.

With direct access to automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081414" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research tools , researchers can make customized changes up until the moment of launch. Throughout field, researchers can also begin to customize their reporting using (for example) brand colors and personalized logos so that the final deliverable is unique and reflective of their organization. Compare this to templated surveys and report decks from traditional agencies, which are much more difficult to adjust on the fly.

Benefits of dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081416" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">market research dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081416" data-dropdown-placement-param="top"> dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation

Summarizing the benefits of automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081403" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">market research , it comes down to accuracy, productivity, and agility.

dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">Automation in research means insights are delivered faster and with a higher degree of accuracy. This is due to forgone dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081436" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">time-consuming manual processes during survey programming, data cleaning, chart creation, and reporting - all of which can lead to human eye oversights (things automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081442" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">machine-learning algorithms don’t miss when it comes to dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081429" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">data quality ).

Productivity and efficiency

Moving to an automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081411" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research process allows researchers to get more done, faster. Time is valuable in the research space in order to keep up with the rapid pace of change in the market. In shifting to dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081404" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation , researchers can streamline their dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081427" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">workflows to focus on crafting an actionable insights story for their dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081440" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">stakeholders , not on mining through data files and building charts.

Sometimes objectives of a research study can change rather abruptly, and having an automated end-to-end platform allows researchers to adjust their research findings with agility. With direct access to a survey, researchers can quickly add new questions or answer options before going live - without the need to communicate back and forth with a middle-man. The reporting process also become much more agile, with live interactive dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081405" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">dashboards updating automatically as new data comes in, and with the ability to continually add new charts to a dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081405" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">dashboard without having to send around versions of a file.

Back to Table of Contents Does automated market research work?

Automated market research does work - just asked anyone who has used it! The extensive development of automated processes over the past couple of years takes all the great practices of traditional, manual research for efficient, accurate, and reliable research projects. Many companies today wouldn't be able to do the level of insights work they do without automation.   Beyond the technical capabilities of automated methods and processes, automated market research simply makes sense for the way businesses operate these days. Designing products and services, bringing them to market, and advertising all happen at a faster pace than they used to, so market research has to keep up. That's where automation comes in, quickly gathering consumer views and feedback to shape how products are created and marketed. Businesses can no longer wait weeks to know if they should add an idea to their product lineup or go with a certain advertising campaign. Automated surveys can now be launched at the drop of a hat, and are flexible enough to be amended at short notice. The convenience and versatility of automated market research has been a real game changer for the industry. Back to Table of Contents

quantilope offers an end-to-end dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081448" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automation dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081448" data-dropdown-placement-param="top"> platform that is transforming the dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081439" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">market research dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081439" data-dropdown-placement-param="top"> industry with a variety of automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081443" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">survey tools . The user-friendly platform offers features such as comment tagging, a live field progress view, dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081410" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">real-time charting, and live dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081420" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">data visualizations that update automatically with any new changes. Each client’s study through quantilope’s Insights dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081448" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">Automation dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081448" data-dropdown-placement-param="top"> Platform is unique to them - including a customizable library of survey questions and methods as well as customizable dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081405" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">dashboard reports.

quantilope’s intuitive, automated features make it so that users of any research background can run dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081425" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">DIY studies, yet always with direct access to a team of certified research consultants for questions and guidance as needed. For users who are more comfortable and actually prefer raw data exports, quantilope’s platform is also equipped for dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081423" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">excel and dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081451" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">SPSS data downloads.

Beyond a wide array of quantitative dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081417" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">automated tools , quantilope also offers its new qualitative video solution: inColor . inColor leverages video communication, asking participants to respond with videos answering survey questions. Automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081442" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">machine learning algorithms then transcribe these video results and automatically categorize a respondent’s emotion, dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081444" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">sentiment analysis , and keyword trends.

Be it automated quantitative or qualitative research, quantilope’s certified consultants are your strategic partners through any research need. Check out quantilope’s automated dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081411" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">research process to learn more on how to leverage the platform’s quick, dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081418" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">cost-effective , agile research that puts researchers in control of key dropdown#toggle show.dropdown->optimize#highlightActiveTerm hide.dropdown->optimize#clearActiveTerm" data-dropdown-target-param="#dropdown_term_222081437" data-dropdown-placement-param="top">business decisions .

To talk more about how quantilope's end-to-end automated platform can improve your market research efforts, get in touch with us below: 

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The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value

If 2023 was the year the world discovered generative AI (gen AI) , 2024 is the year organizations truly began using—and deriving business value from—this new technology. In the latest McKinsey Global Survey  on AI, 65 percent of respondents report that their organizations are regularly using gen AI, nearly double the percentage from our previous survey just ten months ago. Respondents’ expectations for gen AI’s impact remain as high as they were last year , with three-quarters predicting that gen AI will lead to significant or disruptive change in their industries in the years ahead.

About the authors

This article is a collaborative effort by Alex Singla , Alexander Sukharevsky , Lareina Yee , and Michael Chui , with Bryce Hall , representing views from QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, and McKinsey Digital.

Organizations are already seeing material benefits from gen AI use, reporting both cost decreases and revenue jumps in the business units deploying the technology. The survey also provides insights into the kinds of risks presented by gen AI—most notably, inaccuracy—as well as the emerging practices of top performers to mitigate those challenges and capture value.

AI adoption surges

Interest in generative AI has also brightened the spotlight on a broader set of AI capabilities. For the past six years, AI adoption by respondents’ organizations has hovered at about 50 percent. This year, the survey finds that adoption has jumped to 72 percent (Exhibit 1). And the interest is truly global in scope. Our 2023 survey found that AI adoption did not reach 66 percent in any region; however, this year more than two-thirds of respondents in nearly every region say their organizations are using AI. 1 Organizations based in Central and South America are the exception, with 58 percent of respondents working for organizations based in Central and South America reporting AI adoption. Looking by industry, the biggest increase in adoption can be found in professional services. 2 Includes respondents working for organizations focused on human resources, legal services, management consulting, market research, R&D, tax preparation, and training.

Also, responses suggest that companies are now using AI in more parts of the business. Half of respondents say their organizations have adopted AI in two or more business functions, up from less than a third of respondents in 2023 (Exhibit 2).

Gen AI adoption is most common in the functions where it can create the most value

Most respondents now report that their organizations—and they as individuals—are using gen AI. Sixty-five percent of respondents say their organizations are regularly using gen AI in at least one business function, up from one-third last year. The average organization using gen AI is doing so in two functions, most often in marketing and sales and in product and service development—two functions in which previous research  determined that gen AI adoption could generate the most value 3 “ The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier ,” McKinsey, June 14, 2023. —as well as in IT (Exhibit 3). The biggest increase from 2023 is found in marketing and sales, where reported adoption has more than doubled. Yet across functions, only two use cases, both within marketing and sales, are reported by 15 percent or more of respondents.

Gen AI also is weaving its way into respondents’ personal lives. Compared with 2023, respondents are much more likely to be using gen AI at work and even more likely to be using gen AI both at work and in their personal lives (Exhibit 4). The survey finds upticks in gen AI use across all regions, with the largest increases in Asia–Pacific and Greater China. Respondents at the highest seniority levels, meanwhile, show larger jumps in the use of gen Al tools for work and outside of work compared with their midlevel-management peers. Looking at specific industries, respondents working in energy and materials and in professional services report the largest increase in gen AI use.

Investments in gen AI and analytical AI are beginning to create value

The latest survey also shows how different industries are budgeting for gen AI. Responses suggest that, in many industries, organizations are about equally as likely to be investing more than 5 percent of their digital budgets in gen AI as they are in nongenerative, analytical-AI solutions (Exhibit 5). Yet in most industries, larger shares of respondents report that their organizations spend more than 20 percent on analytical AI than on gen AI. Looking ahead, most respondents—67 percent—expect their organizations to invest more in AI over the next three years.

Where are those investments paying off? For the first time, our latest survey explored the value created by gen AI use by business function. The function in which the largest share of respondents report seeing cost decreases is human resources. Respondents most commonly report meaningful revenue increases (of more than 5 percent) in supply chain and inventory management (Exhibit 6). For analytical AI, respondents most often report seeing cost benefits in service operations—in line with what we found last year —as well as meaningful revenue increases from AI use in marketing and sales.

Inaccuracy: The most recognized and experienced risk of gen AI use

As businesses begin to see the benefits of gen AI, they’re also recognizing the diverse risks associated with the technology. These can range from data management risks such as data privacy, bias, or intellectual property (IP) infringement to model management risks, which tend to focus on inaccurate output or lack of explainability. A third big risk category is security and incorrect use.

Respondents to the latest survey are more likely than they were last year to say their organizations consider inaccuracy and IP infringement to be relevant to their use of gen AI, and about half continue to view cybersecurity as a risk (Exhibit 7).

Conversely, respondents are less likely than they were last year to say their organizations consider workforce and labor displacement to be relevant risks and are not increasing efforts to mitigate them.

In fact, inaccuracy— which can affect use cases across the gen AI value chain , ranging from customer journeys and summarization to coding and creative content—is the only risk that respondents are significantly more likely than last year to say their organizations are actively working to mitigate.

Some organizations have already experienced negative consequences from the use of gen AI, with 44 percent of respondents saying their organizations have experienced at least one consequence (Exhibit 8). Respondents most often report inaccuracy as a risk that has affected their organizations, followed by cybersecurity and explainability.

Our previous research has found that there are several elements of governance that can help in scaling gen AI use responsibly, yet few respondents report having these risk-related practices in place. 4 “ Implementing generative AI with speed and safety ,” McKinsey Quarterly , March 13, 2024. For example, just 18 percent say their organizations have an enterprise-wide council or board with the authority to make decisions involving responsible AI governance, and only one-third say gen AI risk awareness and risk mitigation controls are required skill sets for technical talent.

Bringing gen AI capabilities to bear

The latest survey also sought to understand how, and how quickly, organizations are deploying these new gen AI tools. We have found three archetypes for implementing gen AI solutions : takers use off-the-shelf, publicly available solutions; shapers customize those tools with proprietary data and systems; and makers develop their own foundation models from scratch. 5 “ Technology’s generational moment with generative AI: A CIO and CTO guide ,” McKinsey, July 11, 2023. Across most industries, the survey results suggest that organizations are finding off-the-shelf offerings applicable to their business needs—though many are pursuing opportunities to customize models or even develop their own (Exhibit 9). About half of reported gen AI uses within respondents’ business functions are utilizing off-the-shelf, publicly available models or tools, with little or no customization. Respondents in energy and materials, technology, and media and telecommunications are more likely to report significant customization or tuning of publicly available models or developing their own proprietary models to address specific business needs.

Respondents most often report that their organizations required one to four months from the start of a project to put gen AI into production, though the time it takes varies by business function (Exhibit 10). It also depends upon the approach for acquiring those capabilities. Not surprisingly, reported uses of highly customized or proprietary models are 1.5 times more likely than off-the-shelf, publicly available models to take five months or more to implement.

Gen AI high performers are excelling despite facing challenges

Gen AI is a new technology, and organizations are still early in the journey of pursuing its opportunities and scaling it across functions. So it’s little surprise that only a small subset of respondents (46 out of 876) report that a meaningful share of their organizations’ EBIT can be attributed to their deployment of gen AI. Still, these gen AI leaders are worth examining closely. These, after all, are the early movers, who already attribute more than 10 percent of their organizations’ EBIT to their use of gen AI. Forty-two percent of these high performers say more than 20 percent of their EBIT is attributable to their use of nongenerative, analytical AI, and they span industries and regions—though most are at organizations with less than $1 billion in annual revenue. The AI-related practices at these organizations can offer guidance to those looking to create value from gen AI adoption at their own organizations.

To start, gen AI high performers are using gen AI in more business functions—an average of three functions, while others average two. They, like other organizations, are most likely to use gen AI in marketing and sales and product or service development, but they’re much more likely than others to use gen AI solutions in risk, legal, and compliance; in strategy and corporate finance; and in supply chain and inventory management. They’re more than three times as likely as others to be using gen AI in activities ranging from processing of accounting documents and risk assessment to R&D testing and pricing and promotions. While, overall, about half of reported gen AI applications within business functions are utilizing publicly available models or tools, gen AI high performers are less likely to use those off-the-shelf options than to either implement significantly customized versions of those tools or to develop their own proprietary foundation models.

What else are these high performers doing differently? For one thing, they are paying more attention to gen-AI-related risks. Perhaps because they are further along on their journeys, they are more likely than others to say their organizations have experienced every negative consequence from gen AI we asked about, from cybersecurity and personal privacy to explainability and IP infringement. Given that, they are more likely than others to report that their organizations consider those risks, as well as regulatory compliance, environmental impacts, and political stability, to be relevant to their gen AI use, and they say they take steps to mitigate more risks than others do.

Gen AI high performers are also much more likely to say their organizations follow a set of risk-related best practices (Exhibit 11). For example, they are nearly twice as likely as others to involve the legal function and embed risk reviews early on in the development of gen AI solutions—that is, to “ shift left .” They’re also much more likely than others to employ a wide range of other best practices, from strategy-related practices to those related to scaling.

In addition to experiencing the risks of gen AI adoption, high performers have encountered other challenges that can serve as warnings to others (Exhibit 12). Seventy percent say they have experienced difficulties with data, including defining processes for data governance, developing the ability to quickly integrate data into AI models, and an insufficient amount of training data, highlighting the essential role that data play in capturing value. High performers are also more likely than others to report experiencing challenges with their operating models, such as implementing agile ways of working and effective sprint performance management.

About the research

The online survey was in the field from February 22 to March 5, 2024, and garnered responses from 1,363 participants representing the full range of regions, industries, company sizes, functional specialties, and tenures. Of those respondents, 981 said their organizations had adopted AI in at least one business function, and 878 said their organizations were regularly using gen AI in at least one function. To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP.

Alex Singla and Alexander Sukharevsky  are global coleaders of QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, and senior partners in McKinsey’s Chicago and London offices, respectively; Lareina Yee  is a senior partner in the Bay Area office, where Michael Chui , a McKinsey Global Institute partner, is a partner; and Bryce Hall  is an associate partner in the Washington, DC, office.

They wish to thank Kaitlin Noe, Larry Kanter, Mallika Jhamb, and Shinjini Srivastava for their contributions to this work.

This article was edited by Heather Hanselman, a senior editor in McKinsey’s Atlanta office.

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Instagram automation: Strategy and tools to do it right

Written by by Chloe West

Published on  November 29, 2023

Reading time  6 minutes

Automation is a close friend of any social media marketing strategy—Instagram included. This is because automation can help take care of mundane tasks, like scheduling, compiling reports and even responding to common questions asked in DMs.

However, there still needs to be a human element to your Instagram strategy . Instagram automation can alleviate some of the repetitive tasks while allowing your social mean more time to develop creative campaigns. To help you find the right balance, we’ve put together a guide discussing what Instagram automation is, what can be automated and several tools to help you get started.

Let’s dig in.

What is Instagram automation?

Instagram automation refers to the use of third-party social media automation tools to manage your account, carry out tasks and/or interact with users without a human present.

Simply put, Instagram automation tools can be put into two buckets:

  • Services that effectively “take control” of your front-facing interactions with users such as likes and comments
  • Tools that automate Instagram behind the scenes, taking care of tasks such as publishing, reporting and analytics

But does Instagram automation make your business look lazy? We say no—but only if you do it right. As with any other tool or strategy, there are pros and cons to weigh in how your team will implement automation.

Here are some pros and cons to help you decide if you want to start automating certain tasks on Instagram.

  • Save time on smaller, tedious tasks. Growing an Instagram presence organically definitely requires a combination of time and strategizing. Instagram automation tools can pick up some of the slack trimming, down time spent on tedious tasks.
  • Grow your follower count faster. Automation undoubtedly helps you boost your follower count. Simply spending time on the platform and interacting with accounts in any way, shape or form will set you up for more engagement by default.
  • Uncover important insights about your audience. There’s no doubt that automation tools help you learn more about your target audience. From breaking down what hashtags people use to suggesting accounts to follow, bots encourage you to take a deeper dive into your audience’s preferences.
  • Instagram isn’t a fan of automation “hacks.” Instagram has a history of taking action against  tools that they consider spammy. The platform wants its users to engage authentically and organically, so Instagram put together limits and penalties for tactics they see as potentially gaming their algorithm. More on this in the next section.
  • Poor automation looks spammy. People can spot a bot at a glance. Automating likes and comments is a recipe for a potential social media crisis. Brand accounts should emphasize human interactions and avoid anything that looks spammy.
  • Potentially miss out on important customer interactions. The more you automate on Instagram, the fewer opportunities you have to interact with followers and customers. You can’t provide personalized service with purely automated interactions. Instead, only automate aspects of your Instagram account that encourage you to spend more time with your followers.

Is Instagram automation allowed?

As we’ve discussed, there are pros and cons, but those are subjective. Let’s talk about legalities—or at least, what abides by Instagram’s Community Guidelines —so your account doesn’t get penalized.

The short answer is  yes, Instagram automation is allowed . The long answer is that certain types of automation cheapen the experience and make your business look bad online. And some types of automation can even get your account banned.

First, let’s talk about the good kinds of automation—the kinds of automation that can assist your social team and improve your strategy.

What can be automated on Instagram?

If you’re interested in using automation to your advantage, here are a few tasks on Instagram that you can get some robot help with.

  • Likes: Set up a bot with a group of hashtags so the bot can like posts you say are relevant to your brand.
  • Comments: Similarly, a bot can also leave social media comments —on your posts and others. Sprout Social’s Saved Replies and Asset Library are a perfect example of this.
  • Follows and unfollows: Follow and unfollow relevant and irrelevant accounts, respectively. This can help you grow your own follower count .
  • Direct messages: Send and respond to DMs with the help of a bot. You can even set bots up to send messages to people who comment on your posts with a trigger word.
  • Scheduling and publishing: Scheduling Instagram posts is a form of automation—an essential form that every social media team needs.
  • Reporting: Automation tools can also help you monitor your Instagram analytics with insights and reports showcasing your performance.

Things you need to be wary of are engaging too much too quickly—faster than a human typically could—or Instagram could put a limit on your account. Buying likes and followers is also frowned upon. And you’ll want to avoid working with bots and tools that don’t have access to Instagram’s API as they’re not considered legitimate Instagram partners.

9 Instagram automation tools to streamline your work

Want to get started with basic—and allowed—Instagram automation? These nine tools can help give you a head start.

1. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is an all-in-one social media management tool that helps with a number of automation aspects and making Instagram management as seamless as possible for your team. Sprout can assist with a number of tasks, like publishing, response management, productivity tools and analytics. Through automation and other Sprout features, your team can effectively plan, post and manage your Instagram campaigns.

A screenshot of Instagram automation tool integration webpage on Sprout Social's website.

Instagram automations available:

  • Scheduling and publishing
  • Auto-responders and suggested replies in DMs
  • Hashtag discovery
  • Sourcing UGC

2. SocialPilot

SocialPilot is an Instagram automation and analytics tool that helps brands streamline their Instagram strategies . Access features that help you publish content, engage with your audience, view analytics and more. This software allows you to schedule up to 500 posts at once, whether on Instagram or another platform. And the option to save evergreen content and responses for frequent reuse helps social teams respond faster.

A screenshot of SocialPilot's website.

  • AI caption generation
  • Watermarking

Kicksta is an AI-based tool dedicated to helping Instagram users grow their followers. Its AI tool focuses on leaving authentic comments and engagement on other Instagram accounts in order to help you grow your following—without buying followers. You provide the guidelines for who to engage with based on a list of competitors, brands and influencers with similar audiences, then Kicksta does the hard work.

A screenshot of Instagram automation tool Kicksta's website.

Nitreo is another Instagram automation tool focused on helping brands get more followers on Instagram. Nitreo’s tool also engages with real accounts, helping you to keep up Instagram engagement and remain an authentic online presence without ending up with thousands of bot (or bought) followers.

A screenshot of Instagram automation tool Nitreo's website.

  • Story views
  • Profile visits

5. Tailwind

Tailwind is an Instagram automation tool that focuses more on scheduling and publishing—but takes a unique approach. This tool is only available for Instagram and Pinterest, ensuring its services are catered to specific needs in the market.

A screenshot of automation tool Tailwind's website.

  • Post idea generation
  • Copy generation
  • Graphic and design generation
  • Publishing and scheduling

6. NapoleonCat

NapoleonCat is a social media management tool focused on helping brands engage with and support their online customers. Get this tool’s help with moderating and responding to comments and messages, scheduling out your content in advance and generating useful analytics reports.

A screenshot of automation tool NapoleonCat's website.

  • Comment moderation
  • Auto-responses for both comments and DMs

Inflact provides an entire suite of tools that can be used for Instagram automation. From interacting with other accounts to publishing content, Inflact offers an intuitive dashboard for accessing all of its useful features.

A screenshot of Instagram automation tool Inflact's website.

  • Send bulk DMs
  • Follow and unfollow

8. Iconosquare

Iconosquare is another option for social media managers looking for a range of features dedicated to Instagram automation. Use this tool for scheduling, monitoring analytics, social listening and more.

A screenshot of automation tool Iconosquare's website.

  • Unread comment/mention discovery

9. OnlySocial

OnlySocial is another useful option for Instagram automation and management. One of its top features in regards to automations is the ability to create Instagram messenger chatbots so that followers can message you and easily get helped by a customer service or sales chatbot.

A screenshot of automation tool OnlySocial's website.

  • RSS feed auto-publishing
  • Instagram messaging chatbot

Are you using Instagram automation the right way?

There’s plenty to automate on Instagram, granted you let a human take the reins.

If you’re looking to speed up your Instagram growth via automation, your head is in the right place. After all, marketers should always look to add tools to their toolbox in order to engage with more customers.

To learn more about how Sprout Social can help with your Instagram automation journey, request a free demo .

  • Other Platforms

How to use Instagram Threads in your brand strategy

  • Social Media Strategy

How to manage multiple Instagram accounts for one brand

  • Social Media Scheduling

7 Instagram scheduling tools for your brand in 2024

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  • Now on slide

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  26. Instagram automation: Strategy and tools to do it right

    1. Sprout Social. Sprout Social is an all-in-one social media management tool that helps with a number of automation aspects and making Instagram management as seamless as possible for your team. Sprout can assist with a number of tasks, like publishing, response management, productivity tools and analytics.