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Cell Phone Repair Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

cell phone repair business plan template

Cell Phone Repair Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their cell phone repair businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a cell phone repair business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is a Cell Phone Repair Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your cell phone repair business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Cell Phone Repair Business

If you’re looking to start a cell phone repair business, or grow your existing cell phone repair business, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your cell phone repair business in order to improve your chances of success. Your cell phone repair business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Cell Phone Repair Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a cell phone repair business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for cell phone repair businesses.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a cell phone repair business.

If you want to start a cell phone repair business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. Below are links to each section of your cell phone repair business plan template:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of cell phone repair business you are operating and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a cell phone repair business that you would like to grow, or are you operating cell phone repair businesses in multiple markets?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the cell phone repair industry. Discuss the type of cell phone repair business you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.  

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of cell phone repair business you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types of cell phone repair businesses:

  • Mail-In Cell Phone Repair Service: this type of cell phone repair business allows people to mail their phones in to be repaired, and then mails them back once they are fixed.
  • Brick-and-Mortar Phone Repair Service: this type of cell phone repair business occupies its own retail location where customers can bring their broken cell phones in person and pick them up in person as well.
  • White Label Cell Phone Repair: this type of business provides cell phone repair services to companies that want to provide phone repair services to their customers under their own business name.

In addition to explaining the type of cell phone repair business you will operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, number of positive reviews, total number of phones fixed, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the cell phone repair industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the cell phone repair industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy, particularly if your research identifies market trends.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your cell phone repair business plan:

  • How big is the cell phone repair industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your cell phone repair business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your cell phone repair business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: electronics stores, digital native cell phone users and older cell phone users.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of cell phone repair business you operate. Clearly, digital natives would respond to different marketing promotions than older cell phone users, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations (if applicable) and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because many cell phone repair businesses serve customers living in their same city or town, this type of demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other cell phone repair businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes cell phone insurance vendors, cell phone retail stores, cell phone manufacturers, and electronics stores. You need to mention such competition as well.

With regards to direct competition, you want to describe the other cell phone repair businesses with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be cell phone repair businesses located very close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What types of cell phones do they repair?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide better repair services?
  • Will you provide services that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a cell phone repair business plan, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of cell phone repair company that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, in addition to cell phone repair, will you provide tablet repair or any other services?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your cell phone repair company. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your cell phone repair business located in a busy retail district, shopping plaza, mall, etc. Discuss how your location might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your cell phone repair marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local websites
  • Social media marketing
  • Local radio advertising

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your cell phone repair business, including repairing phones, speaking with customers, point-of-sale service, and marketing.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to repair your 1,000th phone, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your cell phone repair business to a new city.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your cell phone repair business’ ability to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing cell phone repair businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing cell phone repair businesses or successfully running small businesses.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you repair 100 phones per month or per quarter? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your cell phone repair business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a cell phone repair business:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Cost of equipment and supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or descriptions of phone repairs you are working on.  

Putting together a business plan for your cell phone repair is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the cell phone repair industry, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful cell phone repair business.  

Cell Phone Repair Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my cell phone repair business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily complete your Cell Phone Repair Business Plan.

What is the Goal of a Business Plan's Executive Summary?

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of cell phone repair business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a cell phone repair business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of cell phone repair businesses?

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Cell Phone Repair business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how Growthink’s professional business plan consulting services can create your business plan for you.

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Cell Phone Repair Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Cell Phone Repair Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Cell Phone Repair business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Cell Phone Repair businesses.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Cell Phone Repair business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Aurora Phone Repair is a cell phone repair business located in Aurora, IL. We offer a wide suite of services that address the most common issues and damages that occur to cell phones. These include screen repairs, battery replacements, and water damage repairs. In addition to repairs, we also sell a variety of phone accessories, such as cases, screen protectors, and chargers.

Aurora Phone Repair is founded and run by Tim Bradshaw. Tim has been a phone and tech geek for years and has purchased several of the most popular and expensive phones on the market. A year ago, he broke his high-end phone and found that no repair shop was willing to fix it. He was able to repair it on his own and found that his skills exceeded those of local repair shops. That’s when he decided to open his own phone repair shop using his expertise in technology and extensive skill set in fixing electronics. With his skill and the right team, Tim expects his business will become the most popular phone repair business in the area in the next five years.

Product Offering

Aurora Phone Repair is a one-stop shop for all one’s phone repair needs. We can repair nearly everything from a cracked screen to water damage. We will have a full staff of trained professionals with years of experience repairing phones and other electronics. As such, we can repair many of the problems that phones have in their lifetime, including problems our competitors won’t fix. In addition to repairs, we also sell a limited variety of phone accessories, such as earbuds, cases, and chargers.

Customer Focus

Aurora Phone Repair will target phone owners in Aurora, Illinois. In the modern age, this includes nearly all of the population, but we expect most of our customers will be young adults or demographics that can’t afford to replace their phones often. We will also target small and medium-sized businesses that provide their employees with work cell phones. No matter the customer, Aurora Phone Repair will deliver the best communication, service, and results.

Management Team

Aurora Phone Repair is owned and run by Tim Bradshaw, a phone aficionado who has extensive experience repairing and upgrading electronics. He started the business after failing to find a nearby shop that could fix his phone. He was able to fix it himself and found that his skills were superior to many of the local repair shops. After this experience, he decided to open his own repair shop so he could help the residents of Aurora fix their phones.

Success Factors

Aurora Phone Repair will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Skilled team of phone repair technicians who will be able to diagnose and repair a wide variety of phone issues in a timely manner.
  • Same-day appointments and quick repair services.
  • The founder has extensive experience repairing electronics and will only hire staff members who also have years of experience in the industry.
  • Competitive pricing along with several promotions and discounts.

Financial Highlights

Aurora Phone Repair is seeking $175,000 in debt financing to launch its phone repair business. The funding will be dedicated to securing the shop location and purchasing phone repair equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include the payroll of the staff and marketing expenses. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Phone repair shop build-out: $50,000
  • Equipment, supplies, and materials: $25,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, utilities): $50,000
  • Marketing costs: $25,000
  • Working capital: $25,000

The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for Aurora Phone Repair.

Aurora Phone Repair Pro Forma Financial Projections

Company Overview

Who is aurora phone repair.

Aurora Phone Repair is a cell phone repair business located in Aurora, IL dedicated to providing the best services in the industry. We can repair nearly any common phone damage or issue including screen repairs, battery replacements, and water damage repairs. We have the most experienced staff of professionals in the area and can even repair issues rejected by other phone repair shops. We are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service and only use the highest quality parts and tools to get the job done.

  Aurora Phone Repair is founded and run by Tim Bradshaw. Tim has been a phone and tech geek for years and has purchased several of the most popular and expensive phones on the market. A year ago, he broke his high-end phone and found that no repair shop was willing to fix it. He was able to repair it on his own and found that his skills exceeded those of local repair shops. That’s when he decided to open his own phone repair shop using his expertise in technology and extensive skill set in fixing electronics. With his skill and the right team, Tim expects his business will become the most popular phone repair business in the area in the next five years.

Aurora Phone Repair’s History

Upon surveying the local customer base and finding potential shop locations, Tim Bradshaw incorporated Aurora Phone Repair as an S-Corporation on August 1, 2023.

The business is currently being run out of Tim’s home office, but once the lease on the shop location is finalized, all operations will be run from there.

Since incorporation, Aurora Phone Repair has achieved the following milestones:

  • Found a potential location for the shop
  • Developed the company’s name, logo, and website
  • Created the list of services the company will provide
  • Determined equipment and inventory requirements
  • Began recruiting key employees

Aurora Phone Repair’s Services

Aurora Phone Repair is a one-stop shop for all of Aurora’s phone repair needs. We offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Screen repair
  • Battery replacement
  • Water damage repair
  • Charging port repair
  • Speaker repair
  • Microphone repair
  • Camera repair
  • Home button repair
  • Power button repair
  • Volume button repair
  • Back cover replacement

In addition to repairs, we sell a limited selection of phone accessories, including:

  • Phone cases
  • Screen protectors

Industry Analysis

The cell phone repair industry has experienced overall growth over the past several years. The main reason for this growth is due to inflation. The rising cost of phones is felt by everyone, no matter what model they choose. While simple smartphones cost about $200-300, a good phone will easily cost upwards of $1000. Inflation is making it much harder to replace phones, so many head to phone repair services to fix any issues and keep their phones working for as long as possible. This is further amplified by the staggering minimum wage and high unemployment rate.

Furthermore, though technology is getting more expensive, it is also becoming more replaceable. Many forms of technology begin to show problems within months or a few years of use. As such, many people replace their phones every few years or even yearly. However, many people cannot afford to do this so they either must settle for a less-than-optimal functioning phone or phone repair services.

According to UnivDatos, the Smartphone Repair Market was valued at $185 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% from now until 2027. This is moderate growth that shows there is demand for these services. As such, we expect that Aurora Phone Repair will be highly profitable over the next several years.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market, customer segmentation.

Aurora Phone Repair will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Individual cell phone owners
  • Lower and middle-class residents
  • Small businesses

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Aurora Phone Repair will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

iFix is a cell phone repair company that offers extensive repairs for iPhones. They have a team of certified technicians who can repair any model of iPhone, including the earliest models. The team is highly experienced and is able to repair many issues that even Apple stores won’t resolve. iFix is particularly loved for their pricing, which is much more affordable than other iPhone repair services or purchasing a brand-new phone. Though they are extremely popular, since they only repair iPhones, they will only be a minor competitor for our target demographic.

UBreakIFix is a national chain of phone repair stores that offers same-day repairs for most types of phones. They have a team of certified technicians who can repair both hardware and software issues. UBreakIFix is known for its wide range of services, as well as its friendly and knowledgeable staff. The company is also known for its convenience, offering long hours and multiple locations. UBreakIFix will be our biggest competitor.

Mobile Phone Repair Services

Mobile Phone Repair Services is a local mobile phone repair company that offers repairs for all types of phones. They have a team of experienced technicians who can repair both hardware and software issues. They don’t have a shop location; instead, they offer mobile services to repair phones at customer’s homes or offices. Though these services are highly convenient, they also come with an extra cost. Those who have the time to visit a shop will prefer to save money by getting their phone repaired by Aurora Phone Repair.

Competitive Advantage

Aurora Phone Repair will be able to offer the following advantages over the competition:

  • Client-oriented service : Aurora Phone Repair is committed to providing client-oriented service that offers personalized repair services for every client.
  • Management : Tim Bradshaw has been extremely successful in repairing phones and other technology and will be able to use his previous experience to grant his clients extensive phone repair services. His unique qualifications will serve customers in a much more sophisticated manner than Aurora Phone Repair’s competitors.
  • Affordability : Many people who hire phone repair services do not have much disposable income. Otherwise, they would easily replace their broken phones with new ones. Aurora Phone Repair will offer all of its services at an affordable rate to ensure that our customers never break the bank to get their phones fixed.

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Aurora Phone Repair will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Reliable results in a timely manner for most repairs.
  • Competitive pricing and discounts for regular customers.
  • Knowledgeable and friendly staff.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Aurora Phone Repair is as follows:

Social Media Marketing

The company will enlist the help of a marketing specialist to create accounts on social media platforms such as Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. The marketing specialist will ensure Aurora Phone Repair maintains an active social media presence with regular updates and informative content.

Website/SEO Marketing

Aurora Phone Repair will create a company website. The website will be well organized, informative, and list all the services that Aurora Phone Repair is able to provide. The company’s marketing specialist will also manage the company’s website presence with SEO marketing tactics so that when someone types in a search engine “Aurora phone repair shop” or “phone repair shop near me,” Aurora Phone Repair will be listed at the top of the search results.

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Aurora Phone Repair will encourage word-of-mouth marketing from loyal and satisfied clients. The company will incentivize its existing customer base to encourage friends and colleagues to hire our services.

Print Advertising

Aurora Phone Repair will invest in professionally designed print ads to display in programs or flyers and to put in magazines, newspapers, and direct mailers.

The pricing of Aurora Phone Repair will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing the company’s superior repair services.

Operations Plan

The operations plan for Aurora Phone Repair is as follows: Operation Functions:

  • Tim Bradshaw will be the owner of Aurora Phone Repair. He will run the general operations, help with repairs, and provide customer service. Tim will spend the next several months hiring the following staff:
  • Two to four part-time staff to help repair phones and provide customer service.
  • A part-time marketing specialist who will manage the marketing and promotional campaigns.
  • A part-time accountant who will manage all client invoicing, billing, and payables.


Aurora Phone Repair aims to open in the next six months. The following are the milestones needed in order to obtain this goal.

  • 9/1/2023 – Execute lease for prime location.
  • 9/15/2023 – Begin build out of repair shop location.
  • 10/1/2023 – Hire and train employees.
  • 10/15/2023 – Start social media marketing campaign
  • 11/1/2023 – Purchase initial inventory of equipment and supplies.
  • 11/15/2023 – Grand opening of Aurora Phone Repair.

Tim Bradshaw is the founder and CEO of Aurora Phone Repair. He started the company after his own phone broke and was unable to find a reliable and affordable repair service. Tim saw a need for a better phone repair experience and decided to fill it. He learned how to repair his own phone and then set out to start his own company. Tim is committed to staffing the company with the most experienced repair technicians in the area who can repair nearly any damaged phone they come across.

Though Tim has never run a company of his own, he has considerable experience in repairing and upgrading technology, so he can provide the primary functions of the company. He will hire several other staff who can help him with the aspects of the business he is unfamiliar with, such as marketing and accounting.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Aurora Phone Repair are the fees charged to customers in exchange for the company’s phone repair services.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to staff a phone repair shop. The expenses will be the payroll cost, utilities, phone repair equipment and supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and pay off the startup business loan.

  • Average number of phones serviced per month: 150
  • Average cost per repair: $100
  • Overhead costs per year: $20,000

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, cell phone repair business plan faqs, what is a cell phone repair business plan.

A cell phone repair business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your cell phone repair business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your Cell Phone Repair business plan using our Cell Phone Repair Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Cell Phone Repair Businesses? 

There are a number of different kinds of cell phone repair businesses , some examples include: Mail-In Cell Phone Repair Service, Brick-and-Mortar Phone Repair Service, and White Label Cell Phone Repair.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Cell Phone Repair Business Plan?

Cell Phone Repair businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Cell Phone Repair Business?

Starting a cell phone repair business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Cell Phone Repair Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed cell phone repair business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast. 

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your cell phone repair business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your cell phone repair business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Cell Phone Repair Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your cell phone repair business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your cell phone repair business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms.

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.

7. Acquire Necessary Cell Phone Repair Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your cell phone repair business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation.

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your cell phone repair business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

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How to Start a 7-Figure Cell Phone Repair Business (2024)

July 8, 2020

This article is all about starting a cell phone repair business that’ll blow all the other repair shops out of the water. Once you start your repair business, you’ll be able to tap into this lucrative customer base. 

And then, as far as earning potential goes, THE SKY’S THE LIMIT! 

To ensure that this article contains the most up-to-date information about cell phone repair, I talked to Joe Pilat, of Joe’s Gaming & Electronics located in Deming, Washington. He owns a business that buys, sells, and repairs brand name electronics—including cell phones.

The name of his business is Joe’s Gaming & Electronics. In just three short years, he turned his business into a multimillion-dollar empire with 30 employees.  Here’s a photo of him and his team: 

Capture 2

Joe’s Story 

Joe began his entrepreneurial journey eight years ago. That’s when a buddy of his gifted him a Game Cube. He tried to sell it to Game Stop, but they only offered him a measly five bucks for it. Joe knew he could get more than this pathetic amount. So, he went home and created an Amazon account to sell the game console. 

Joe quickly found a willing buyer. Although he lost money on the deal because shipping cost him more than he made, Joe still got more than he would have at Game Stop. That single transaction turned him into a raving eCommerce addict.

This utterly transformed his life!

Next, he bought a whole bunch of Nintendo merchandise on Craigslist. That led to him buying more stuff he could flip for cash. His cell phone started blowing up with endless payment notifications, and he soon had a highly profitable business on his hands.

Within two years, he was able to quit his day job. He also dropped out of college, because the experience of selling consumer electronics provided him a real-life educational opportunity college could never compete with. 

Starting a cell phone repair business really isn’t that complicated. 

You just need the right tools, some basic repair skills, and a killer marketing strategy. 

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started, so that you too can follow the exact same steps Joe followed to create his own multimillion-dollar cell phone repair business! If you want to watch our interview with Joe, you can do so right here : 

Follow this step-by-step guide to get more information.

Step 1: Come up with a cell phone repair business plan. 

Joe didn’t follow this step. When I asked him about it, he said:

However, you might want to make sure you create one. A business plan takes a vague idea floating around in your head and gives it solidity. It helps ensure that your business model is a viable one. It can be a formalized, highly complex document. Or, it can be a short, outline scribbled on the back of an old envelope. 

Here’s what one looks like: 

Business plan making for phone repair business

Start by figuring out who you’re writing it for. If you’re pitching for investors, include things like return on investment and your exit strategy. If it’s for your own use, you can leave this stuff out. 

Here are some of the sections you might want to make sure you have for your cell phone repair business: 

  • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is an expanded version of your elevator pitch, and lists all the reasons you’re writing your business plan. The executive summary is the first thing interested parties will see, but it will be the very last thing you write. Readers will either be captivated by your idea and want to read the rest of the plan, or, they’ll get bored and won’t. 
  • BUSINESS DESCRIPTION: This is a concise overview of your cell phone repair business. What is it about your business that’ll make it a runaway success? Describe, in excruciatingly exact detail, how your company is uniquely positioned to meet customers’ needs. 
  • OWNERSHIP: This is how you’re going to structure your cell phone repair business. When you’re starting out, you’ll probably be organized as a sole proprietorship. 
  • MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION: Who’s running the day-to-day operations of your repair business? Write about the experience of each person running the company, including you–the owner. Interested parties are going to want to know how each team member fits into the organizational structure. 
  • MARKETING: How do you plan to promote your cell phone repair business? Write about your marketing strategy and how it’ll drive more customers through the door. Whether it’s by word of mouth, social media, or something else, it’s important to plan it out.

Marketing strategy to gauge customers

  • MARKET ANALYSIS: Here’s where you list five similar repair shops and evaluate how they stack up to your own. Rigorously evaluate your competitors, describe the industry you’re working in, and provide a little info on your target demographic. A fantastic thing to do is to list five repair shops similar to yours and how they stack up. 
  • OBJECTIVES: How will you know when your repair business is successful? You won’t know that unless you establish specific metrics. 
  • TARGET MARKET: Who’s your ideal customer? List all the attributes you can think of that make up customers you’d think you should be targeting. This is known as a customer avatar. 
  • FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS : Here is where you take your objectives and translate them into figures backed by hard data. 
  • REQUEST FOR FUNDING: Include current and future funding requests, so investors and lenders will know how much debt you’re potentially taking on. 
  • FINANCIALS: Here’s where you’d put your financial projections. Normally, they’ll want to see past financial data, but since you’re just starting this company, that documentation is most likely nonexistent. 

Step 2: Make real-world experience part of your education.  

College might not be the best choice for people who want to be entrepreneurs. 

That’s because entrepreneurs learn best by actually doing things. To become a top-notch business owner, hone your skills by perfecting them out in the real world. 

Ever since that momentous day when he decided to pursue his ambitious dreams, he’s acquired a world-class education without going to college while making TONS of cash in the process. 

Step 3: Get some equipment and supplies. 

Man repairing broken phone

If you’re starting a cell phone repair business from scratch, you’ll need some tools. Try to not waste money on cheap ones because they’ll only end up breaking. Joe uses Hakko for all his soldering equipment. As for other types of tools, see what repair industry professionals recommend and buy those. 

As you grow your cell phone repair business and have a little more money in the bank, you’ll be able to afford fancier tools to do fancier repairs with. A piece of equipment might cost several hundred dollars. But if it lets you do cell phone repairs many competitors can’t do, it becomes an excellent investment. 

Step 4: Acquire the necessary skills. 

Starting a cell phone repair business doesn’t require an expensive college degree or a formal training course. Sure–you can go to a cell phone repair school or a technical institute, but you don’t have to. That’s because everything you need to know about mobile repair you can learn from YouTube videos. 

That’s how many cell phone repair shop owners began their entrepreneurial adventure. It’s an incredibly easy way to get started! 

Here’s what Joe had to say about skills: 

Step 5: Find a location that’s right for you. 

Right location for business

When you’re starting a business, you can always run your cell phone repair shop out of your home. That’s what Joe did. He first operated out of his bedroom, then his parent’s garage. What’s great about working from home is you don’t have to shell out a single dime for rent. 

There might come a point when you’ll want a repair shop that’s separate from your residence. This could happen if your cell phone repair business gets way too big to operate out of your garage or bedroom. 

If you’re going to have walk-in traffic for your cell phone repair business, make sure you find a place that’s convenient for customers to get to. 

If you’re only doing mail-order business like Joe does, this won’t be a factor. 

Step 6: Assemble a team of dedicated ninjas. 

When you’re just starting out with your cell phone repair business, you’re probably going to be a company of one. 

However, there might come a time when business is booming so much, you have to bring on additional employees. 

If you want your cell phone repair business to skyrocket to stratospheric heights of success, forge partnerships with people who have a singular passion for your company’s mission. These are the guys (and gals) who are going to make all the work happen. So, make sure you’ve given them everything they need to be resoundingly successful. 

Employees who have a passionate intensity for the work is vastly more important than employees who have skills. Here’s Joe again: 

Step 7: Fund your business with your profits. 

Man using a calculator for business funds

You only need a shoestring budget to fund a cell phone repair business because you only need a minimal amount of inventory and tools. Here’s Joe again on how he funded his own company: 

Step 8: Create an effective marketing strategy. 

Experiment with different marketing strategies for your cell phone repair business and come up with one that’s effective. In Joe’s case, his plan has continuously evolved over the years. His current approach is to let the work speak for itself. He does this by having hundreds of YouTube videos showing people how they can repair their own cell phones and other devices. 

His company has lots of tutorials on how to repair iPhones and other cell phones, Xboxes, wireless earbuds, and so much more. Viewers can purchase the parts and tools they need to complete the repairs. This organic funnel has dramatically increased business revenues. 

Create a brand identity. 

Creating a brand identity for phone repair business

You need to create a brand identity for your cell phone repair business with an eye-catching logo and a compelling description of what you’re all about. Many business owners think that coming up with a company image is only for such corporate behemoths like Walmart, Apple, and Coca-Cola. 

This is outdated thinking! 

These days, even a small business can benefit from creating brand awareness so powerful, it gets customers to sit up and take notice. By making the customer aware of what value they’ll derive from your service, you’ll give your brand awareness an extra “oomph.” 

Joe brilliantly uses his website to build brand awareness. For example, it’s visually elegant, with only two colors that provide an attractive simplicity that draws people in without overwhelming them. 

His “About” story is folksy and humorous. I love these words from his “About” page: 

joes about us

This kind of language puts a human face on his business. As human beings, we have an intense desire to deal with fellow humans, and not companies that sound emotionless and robotic. 

Step 9: Start out organized and stay that way. 

For Joe, starting out organized and staying that way is the only way to operate a repair shop at optimal levels of efficiency. 

In Joe’s shop, everything is organized to the nth degree. There are QR codes everywhere you look—even on the garbage cans! If you want to learn the most efficient way to do something in Joe’s business, all you have to do is to scan a code. 

Woman scanning barcode

Then, a video pops up showing you the best way to do that task! 

Joe put something called a “Kanban card” in every box of parts. “Kanban” means “signboard” or “billboard” in Japanese. Joe and his employees place these Kanban cards exactly at the point in the box when more inventory needs to be reordered. An employee scans the QR code on the card, the vendor receives the order, and more stock is on its way. 

By using a system like this in your cell phone repair business, you’ll never run out of inventory. Never running out of stock means you’ll always have a steady supply of cell phone repair parts to make sure you fulfill customers’ orders. 

Step 10: Learn to delegate. 

One of the most significant challenges Joe faced in his entrepreneurial career was learning how to delegate. It was difficult for him to realize that he couldn’t do everything by himself–that he needed a team of dedicated ninjas he could trust to help him carry out his mission. 

If you want your cell phone repair business to be successful, you’re also going to have to learn how to delegate. When your business grows to the point where you have a whole team of employees, you’re setting yourself up for failure if you continue to do tasks that are better handled by others. 

So, trust your team to help you carry out your mission. 

Step 11: Have a guiding philosophy that permeates every aspect of your repair business. 

Lean principles to follow for a successful business

Learning about the way Paul Aker uses the Lean philosophy was a life-changing experience for Joe. Lean creates efficiency while eliminating waste. Paul took a concept practiced by many of the world’s top companies and made it easy for the average guy on the street to understand. 

Joe uses the Lean philosophy to try to gain ten-second improvements every single day. He’s got a sign in his cell phone repair shop that beautifully says it all: 

People who want to work for Joe must first listen to Paul’s book, which is free on YouTube. This weeds out those who have a burning passion for improving themselves from those who don’t. If the prospective employee comes back after four hours (which is the length of the book), super excited to work for his repair company, Joe knows that person is a good fit. 

That’s because Joe knows that this individual possesses the energy and drive that’ll make that person an indispensable asset! 

Step 12: Understand the market you’re servicing.

Man writing on a notepad on how to understand and assess customers

Joe considers this to be one of the most important things you can do to make your business successful. 

He says if you focus more on what the customers want, and less about what you want, you’re going to have a profitable cell phone repair business. You need to understand the consumer —what are they willing to pay for, and how much are they’re willing to pay for it. Once you determine that number, it’s going to be a lot easier to know what value you have in the marketplace. This will make you SO much more confident about your marketing efforts. 

This is the way Joe puts it:

Step 13: Always stay one step ahead of the competition. 

As the owner of a cell phone repair company, you need to always be looking for ways to beat your competitors. 

Here’s what Joe has to say about that: 

For the last three years, his cell phone repair company has been feverishly working on software that automatically sends a shipping label to a customer. The customer can then send his item to the repair center for free from anywhere in the United States. This provides the customer with an end-to-end solution, and they love that. 

This has allowed their mail-in center to grow its revenues fifty times what they were before. 

Although this software has exponentially increased the efficiency of its operation, this system can be replicated by many other repair businesses. However, Joe’s cell phone repair company is leading the pack when it comes to making the customer experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. 

Step 14: Create more income streams by adding more services to your existing ones. 

Ideas for additional service to offer to customers

You might find yourself hitting a profit ceiling if repairing cell phones to good working order is the only service you offer. If that happens, think about branching out from cell phone repair and offer other things to your customers. For example, you can be like Joe, who, in addition to cell phone repair, fixes Fitbits, speakers, headphones, iPads, and more. 

Step 15: Learn from your mentors. 

Joe always looked up to his dad, who had a side business installing HVAC when Joe was just starting on his entrepreneurial journey. When his father turned 55, he decided he was done with his regular job. He then made his side hustle his full-time work

Joe took inspiration from this and decided to do the same thing. Joe’s father’s hard work and determination showed him how incredibly rewarding these traits could be in business.

On a more strategic level, Paul Akers was a tremendous help for Joe. Lean manufacturing powerfully transformed Joe’s cell phone repair business. Joe knows that incremental improvements lead to lasting success, and Joe’s company has greatly benefited as a result. We highly recommend that you watch Part 1 and Part 2 our interview with Joe on the topic of lean manufacturing. Here’s the preview of it below:

Step 16: Be persistent. 

The first thing you’re going to have to do is to when starting a business is to work on your mindset so that you’re like the T-1000 robot from Terminator 2. This was the prototype Terminator sent by Skynet and made from something called a “mimetic polyalloy.”

This formidable liquid metal monstrosity relentlessly pursued Arnold despite having numerous obstacles thrown at him. And even when Mr. Schwarzenegger blasted the entity into a trillion nanoparticles with his trusty 1887 Winchester 12-gauge shotgun, the mechanical shapeshifter always managed to put himself back together again. This is the kind of determination you’ll need to have if you want your cell phone repair business to be a smash success. 

Here’s how Joe puts it: 

What’s the downside of a cellphone repair business? 

  • THIRD-PARTY LIMITATIONS: Many cell phone brands won’t let a third party business repair their stuff. However, Apple allows independent repair shops to repair out-of-warranty iPhones if they have an Apple-certified technician on staff. The only problem is that new phones are off limits, and the certification is expensive. 
  • LOCATION ISSUES : If you’re working from home, there’s going to be distractions galore, so you won’t get as much done as you would working at an office. On the other hand, if you work out of a dedicated storefront, you’ll be incurring a mortgage or lease expense. 
  • MARKETING EXPENSE: If you’re not careful, marketing costs can quickly add up. Billboard and radio ads, mass mailings, and Google AdWords can be expensive. If you’re creative, you can effectively market your cell phone repair business with little money—you can even start on a shoestring budget. 
  • EQUIPMENT COST: When you’re just starting out repairing cell phones, you’ll have to buy some basic equipment. While some stuff is cheap, other stuff can be quite expensive. 

How much does a cell phone repair business make? 

Earnings from a cellphone repair business

How much you make depends on how many cell phone repairs you can do and how good your supply chain is. However, many cell phone repair businesses have HUGE profit margins. 

When you start a cell phone repair business, you might see a profitability rate between 80 and 100%! If you charge an average of $75 per repair and do 15 repairs each week, your weekly gross earnings will be $1,125. With an 80% margin, your weekly profit would be $900. 

Not too shabby! 

There are also cell phone accessories to sell, which will increase your bottom line even more. Of course, if you’re ambitious like Joe, you can scale your business to stratospheric heights. Then, there’s no limit to how much you can make! 

Is mobile repair a good business? 

Joe got into business because he loves to help people. Here’s what he has to say about that: 

If you provide your customers with impeccable service, assemble a team of employees who care deeply about your company’s mission, and establish good procedures, chances are good your repair business will be successful. 

Get started now with your cell phone repair business, and you too can scale to unimaginable heights! 

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mobile repair business plan

Norm Tedford

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406 Creative Nail Salon Names (2024)

Did you know there are over 56K nail salons in the U.S.? You need a great nail salon name to make your business stand out.

We’ve compiled a list of over 400 nail salon name ideas to help you find inspiration for your nail business name. In addition, we provide naming tips and information about how to register your nail salon business name once you’ve chosen one.

[su_note note_color="#dbeafc"] Click on any of the links below to jump straight to the nil salon name ideas you want to see.

What Makes Good Nail Salon Names?

30 nail salon names, 30 nail salon name ideas, nail salon names and logos, 30 good nail salon names, 22 funny nail salon names, 30 press-on nail business names, 30 nail art salon names, 30 french nail salon names, 26 classy nail salon names, 30 catchy nail salon names, 30 cool nail salon names, 26 creative nail salon names, 30 professional nail salon names, 32 personal nail salon names, 30 location-based nail salon names, how to register your nail salon.

  • Next Steps After Naming Your Nail Salon [/su_note]

Young business owner standing in the middle of her nail salon

Good nail salon name ideas normally include some or all of the following:

  • Use a memorable name: The easier it is for potential customers to remember your nail salon name, the more people are likely to contact you.
  • Make it personal: Choose names that appeal to your client base and how their nails will make them feel.
  • Include keywords: Including words like nail , salon , studio , gel , boutique , and other words relating to your nail business can help with SEO and an immediate understanding of what your company does.

Keep reading for lots of nail business name ideas.

Woman holding clipboard standing inside of Polished & Poised nail salon

Consider some of these nail salon name ideas before you name your nail business.

1. Perfectly Polished 2. Artistic Touch Nail Salon 3. Glamourous Nails Studio 4. Whimsical Nail Wonderland 5. Elegant Tips & Toes 6. Beautifully Buffed Salon 7. Enchanting Nail Boutique 8. Chic & Unique Nails 9. Radiant Nail Reflections 10. Blissful Nail Haven 11. Divine Nail Creations 12. Serene Nail Sanctuary 13. Lavish Nail Oasis 14. Opulent Nail Emporium 15. Charm’s Nail Art

16. Majestic Tips 17. Exquisite Nail Salon 18. Gel Nails on the Square 19. Allure Nail Atelier 20. Flawless Nails Salon 21. Sassy & Classy Nails 22. Vivid Nail Dreams 23. Dreamy Nail Escape 24. Sparkling Nails 25. Royal Nails 26. Delicate Nail Delights 27. Dazzling Nails 28. Posh and Pampered 29. Enchanted Nails 30. Blissful Nails

Pro Tip: Using an adjective like perfect , artistic , glamour , whimsical , elegant , or beautiful along with nail , nails , or salon can be a great way to come up with good nail business name ideas.

Closeup of rainbow and stars nail art manicure

There are plenty of other nail business name ideas. Consider some of these.

1. Polished & Poised 2. Gilded Tips & Toes 3. The Painted Palette 4. Mani Matchmaker 5. Blissful Digits 6. The Buff & Polish Bar 7. Bubbly & Beautified 8. The Polished Peacock 9. Glitter & Grace 10. Serene Sips & Tips 11. Brushstroke Brilliance 12. The Nailing Project 13. Bohemian Bliss Nails 14. Wink & a Mani 15. Classy Claws

16. The Tipsy Touches 17. The Quirky Cuticle 18. Polished to Perfection 19. Luxe & Lacquer 20. The Nail Foundry 21. The Pampered Paw 22. Fingertip Fantasy 23. The Art of Manis 24. The Royal Mani 25. Zen Polish 26. Vibrant Varnish 27. The Polished Posse 28. The Nailery 29. Nails, Chromified 30. Brushed with Brilliance

Pro Tip: Once you find nail business names you like, make sure they are available as web domains and trademarks.

The best nail business name will also work well with a logo. Think about what the logo would look like for each of your potential nail salon names.

Your nail business name and logo will be used on everything from your website to invoices and will help potential customers remember your company. 

You might want to choose a good nail salon name idea from the list below.

1. Rose Nail Lounge 2. Azure Nails & Spa 3. Willow Nail Studio 4. Sunbeam Nail Salon 5. Ocean Breeze Nail Retreat 6. Crimson Nail Boutique 7. Silk Nails & Beauty 8. Moonlit Nail Haven 9. Golden Nail Palace 10. The Nail Sanctuary 11. Pearl Nail Bar 12. Vixen Nail Emporium 13. Midnight Nail Lounge 14. Serendipity Nails & More 15. Sapphire Nail Oasis

16. Emerald Nail Studio 17. Ruby Red Nails 18. Aura Nail Atelier 19. Lavender Nail Boutique 20. Crystal Nail Creations 21. Mystic Nail Spa 22. Coral Nail Paradise 23. Diamond Nail Haven 24. Enchanted Nail Escape 25. Charm Nail Studio 26. Secret Nail Hideaway 27. Orchid Nail Emporium 28. Ruby Nail Artistry 29. Siren Nail Sanctuary 30. Aurora Nail Boutique

Nail salons can sprinkle some humor into the name for their nail services. Consider some of these funny nail salon business name ideas.

1. Punny Nail Shack 2. Nail it or Bail it Salon 3. The Nailinator 4. No Pain, No Polish 5. Nailed It! 6. The Fingernail Follies 7. Funny Fingers & Twinkle Toes 8. The Nail Nerd 9. Tipsy Tips Nail Bar 10. Claws for Celebration 11. The Mani-Mirth Manor

12. The Polish Parody 13. Snip ’n’ Snark Nail Salon 14. Whiskers Nail Den 15. Hilarious Hands 16. Nails & Nonsense 17. Cuticles Nail Club 18. Chuckle Nail Chalet 19. Tickled Pink Nail Bar 20. Puns & Polish Parlor 21. The Cuticle Cabaret 22. Sweet Feet Nail Boutique

Pro Tip: Nail business name ideas can incorporate some humor by using puns or alliteration. Figuring out what works for you and your clients’ senses of humor can make picking a name an even more exciting venture.

When your nail business is a pressing matter, you might consider a company name from this salon name ideas list.

1. Press-On Perfection Boutique 2. Instant Glamour Press-Ons 3. The Quick Fix 4. Ready-to-Wear Nail Haven 5. Snap & Go Nail Emporium 6. Press-On Paradise Salon 7. Insta-Nails & More 8. Elegance Press-On Studio 9. Pop & Press Nail Oasis 10. Fast & Fabulous Nails Inc. 11. Click & Stick Nail Bar 12. Peel & Play Press-Ons 13. Nail It Easy 14. Instant Chic Press-On 15. Peel, Press & Wow

16. Ready in a Snap 17. The Quick Press-On Studio 18. Click & Chic Nail Boutique 19. My Pop-On Polish 20. Insta-Glam Nailz 21. Simply Press-Ons 22. Click & Go 23. Snap-On Nail Shack 24. Click & Charm 25. Ready, Set, Glam! 26. Press-On Perfection 27. Click & Carry 28. Quick Glam Nail Quarters 29. Snap & Show Nail Retreat 30. Insta-Chic Nail Club

Pro Tip: Including keywords related to press-ons in your nail names is a great way to let people know that your nail artists focus on providing quick service.

Nail salon client picking out a manicure color

Nail art is one of the most complex types of nail services in the competitive beauty industry. Consider some of these unique nail salon names to let people know you specialize in artistic nails.

1. Artistic Touch Nail Gallery 2. Creative Canvas Nail Studio 3. Masterpiece Manicures Salon 4. Vibrant Nail Atelier 5. Brush & Blush Nail Artistry 6. Palette & Polish Haven 7. Artistic Aura Nail Emporium 8. Canvas & Color Nail Lounge 9. Chromatic Creations Nail Spa 10. Brushstroke Nails Sanctuary 11. Artisanal Nails & More 12. Dreamy Nail Oasis 13. Eclectic Elegance Nail Gallery 14. Muse & Manicure Nail Chalet 15. Abstract Nail Retreat

16. Bohemian Nail Boutique 17. Kaleidoscope Nails & Spa 18. Serene Nail Emporium 19. Fusion of Colors Nail Atelier 20. Artistry Avenue Nail Sanctuary 21. Chromatic Canvas Nail Lounge 22. Vivid Visions Nail Gallery 23. Dreamy Designs Nail Spa 24. Enchanted Easels Studio 25. Palette Nail Haven 26. Rainbows Nail Chalet 27. Whirls Nail Boutique 28. Imagi-NAILS Oasis 29. Brush & Bling Nail Emporium 30. Abstract Nail Atelier

Pro Tip: Nail businesses specializing in nail art should use a unique nail business name that includes words relating to art like artistic , brush , canvas , or whatever style of art you specialize in.

French nails provide an elegant look, and you should have an equally unique nail salon name, especially if you specialize in French tips. Consider some of these nail company names for your French nail services.

1. Chic Clous Nail Salon 2. Elegance en Blanc Nail Parlor 3. Parfait Poli Nail Lounge 4. Ooh La La Nails & Spa 5. Belle Beauté Nail Boutique 6. L'Art de L'ongle Nail Studio 7. Blanc Brillant Nail Atelier 8. French Finesse Nail Haven 9. Rêverie de Roses Nail Retreat 10. Charme Château Nail Chalet 11. Magnifique Manicures Salon 12. Lueur de Luxe Nail Emporium 13. Parisian Perfection Nail Sanctuary 14. Beauteous Blanc Nail Gallery 15. Douceur de Diamant Nail Spa

16. Élégance Éternelle Nail Lounge 17. La Beauté Blanche Nail Boutique 18. L'Éclat d'Argent Nail Oasis 19. Doux Douleur Nail Atelier 20. La Fleur Fleurie Nail Pavilion 21. Charmant Ciel Nail Hideaway 22. Belle et Bien Nail Studio 23. Delicate Digits Nail Salon 24. Joie de Vivre Nail Emporium 25. La Lune Lumineuse Nail Boutique 26. Finesse Française Nail Retreat 27. L'Amour en Blanc Nail Chalet 28. Lumière de Lune Nail Lounge 29. La Vie en Rose Nail Spa 30. Doux Désir Nail Atelier

Pro Tip: Everything sounds just a little sexier when you use the French language. Consider beautiful French words to give your nail salon name some mystique.

Closeup shot of a glittery blue and pink-with-blue-flowers nail art manicure

Nail business names can reflect class to help present a high-end reputation. Consider some of these classy nail business names.

1. Classique Couture Nail Salon 2. Opulent Obsessions Nail Atelier 3. Sophistique Salon & Spa 4. Eclat Elite Nail Lounge 5. Regal Reflections Nail Boutique 6. Luxe Legacy Nail Studio 7. Prestige & Polish Nail Parlor 8. Grandeur Nail Emporium 9. Decadence Nail Retreat 10. Noble Nails & Spa 11. Haute Heritage Nail Chalet 12. Majestic Manicures Salon 13. Refined Radiance Nail Haven

14. Timeless Temptations Nail Oasis 15. Exquisite Elegance Nail Gallery 16. The Nail Pavilion 17. Elegant Edge Nail Boutique 18. Polished Panache Nail Studio 19. Sovereign Styles Nail Atelier 20. Elite Nail Lounge 21. Regency Refinement Nails 22. Magnificent Manicures & More 23. Royal Ritz Nail Retreat 24. Grandiose Nail Emporium 25. Prestige & Panache Nail Studio 26. Elegant Nails

Pro Tip: Once you have the perfect cute nail salon name, consider how you will make the atmosphere a match.

Unique nail salon names should stand out from the pack. Consider some of these catchy nail salon business names.

1. Glam Pop Nail Studio 2. Sparkle & Shine Nail Bar 3. Chic Flicks Nails 4. Trendy Tips & Toes 5. Sizzle & Spark Nail Lounge 6. Lush Luxe Nails 7. Bliss & Bling Nail Haven 8. Dazzle Drive Nail Emporium 9. Radiant Nail Retreat 10. Urban Edge Nail Boutique 11. Vivid Vibes Nail Palace 12. Funky Fingers & Toes 13. Groove & Glam Nail Club 14. Pizzazz & Polish Nail Spot 15. Mod Manicures & More

16. Pop & Polish 17. Hip Hop & Nails 18. Glitz & Groove Nail Junction 19. Flash Nail Studio 20. Fab Fusion Nail Oasis 21. Snazzy Nail Salon 22. Bold & Beautiful Nails 23. Verve & Vogue Nail Plaza 24. Funky Nail Chalet 25. Bounce & Bling Nail Salon 26. Snazzy Nail Lounge 27. Finesse Nail Retreat 28. Chic Clicks Nail Boutique 29. Groove & Glisten Nail Emporium 30. Trendy Tints & Tips

Pro Tip: The best nail salon names are colorful and catchy. Think about your brand identity and brand values when considering nail name ideas. Then use fun adjectives to make the name unique and memorable.

Owner-operator sitting at a gel manicure station and pointing to a sign that reads "Nail Palette" hovering behind her

1. Frostbite Nails 2. Rebel Polish 3. Ice Cold Tips 4. Razor’s Edge Mani 5. Urban Matrix Nails 6. Neon Pulse Nails 7. Chrome Crush Nails 8. Arctic Aura Manicures 9. Stiletto Nails 10. Electric Elegance Nails 11. Midnight Mirage Manicures 12. Thunderbolt Tips 13. Cosmic Nail Creations 14. Tropical Wave Nails 15. Nova Nail Studio

16. Quantum Quirk Nails 17. Blaze & Ice Nails 18. Cyber Chic Nails 19. Aurora Borealis Nails 20. Nail Palette 21. Eclipse Elegance Nails 22. Celestial Sleek Nails 23. Zenith Nail Pro 24. Stellar Shimmer Mani 25. Ignite & Inspire Nails 26. Enigma Nails 27. Supernova Nails 28. Matrix Manicures 29. Pulse Perfection Nails 30. Sleek Nail Story

1. Chromatic Nail Odyssey 2. Kaleidoscope Nail Nirvana 3. Celestial Mani Universe 4. These Whimsical Nails 5. Voyage Nail Escapade 6. Friends, Family, Nails 7. Euphoria Nail Soiree 8. Illusionist's Nailscape 9. Artisanal Nail Fantasia 10. Surreal Salon Odyssey 11. Mirage Manicures & More 12. Ethereal Nail Adventure 13. Fantasia Fingers & Toes

14. Symphony of Style Nail Soiree 15. Divine Digits 16. Enchanted Nail Extravaganza 17. Reverie Nail Soiree 18. Mirage Magic Mani 19. Surreal Nail Nirvana 20. Artful Nail Voyage 21. Dreamy Delight Mani Adventure 22. Radiant Reverie Nail Oasis 23. Whimsy & Wonder Nail Gala 24. Celestial Canvas Nail Odyssey 25. Ethereal Essence Manicures & More 26. Surreal Nail Serenade

Manicurist smiling at the camera while completing a basic manicure

1. Elite Nail Creations Co. 2. Premier Nail Innovations Company 3. ProNails Solutions Inc. 4. Eminent Nail Artistry Co. 5. Signature Nail Designs Company 6. Apex Nail Studio 7. Prime Polish Pro Co. 8. Paramount Nail Solutions Company 9. Apex Artisan Nails Co. 10. Vanguard Nail Crafters Company 11. Executive Edge Nail Designs Co. 12. Noble Nail Studios Inc. 13. Precision Nail Art Co. 14. Sovereign Nail Coatings Company 15. Regal Nail Aesthetics Co.

16. Superior Nail Art Company 17. Pinnacle Nail Artistry Co. 18. Empyrean Nail Creations Company 19. Distinctive Nail Innovations Co. 20. Supreme Nail Solutions Company 21. Eminent Nail Atelier Co. 22. Vanguard Nail Artisans Company 23. Prominent Nail Crafters Co. 24. Illustrious Nail Designs Company 25. Noble Nails Co. 26. Paramount Nail Artistry Company 27. Sterling Nail Solutions Co. 28. Royal Nail Studios Inc. 29. Top Tier Nail Designs Co. 30. Premiere Nail Artisans Company

If you never intend for your nail business to expand beyond yourself, your name might be the best nail salon name. Alternatively, you could name your salon after a loved one or person who’s inspired you. Consider some of these examples:

1. Bella’s Lavish Nails 2. Lily’s Beauty & Nail Boutique 3. Olivia’s Elegant Nail Lounge 4. Emily’s Opulent Nail Oasis 5. Ava’s Sophisticated Nail Salon 6. Sophia's Artistic Mani 7. Amelia's Magnificent Manicures 8. Mia’s Artisanal Pedi 9. Artistic Nail Salon by Gloria 10. Evelyn's Haute Nail Haven 11. Harper’s Exquisite Nail Designs 12. Chloe’s Stylish Nail Studio 13. Scarlett's Chic Nail Creations 14. Grace's Nail Stop 15. Nora's Nail Retreat 16. Riley’s Noble Nails

17. Cherry’s Nail Zenith 18. Zoe's Lush Nail Lacquer 19. Aurora’s Nail Spa 20. Kaylee’s Luxe Nail Lounge 21. Hanna’s Lavish Nail Locale 22. Bonnie’s Nail Garden 23. Violet's Polished Toes Nook 24. Pen’s Vivid Nail Varnish 25. Hazel’s Nail Design Emporium 26. Eleanor’s Nail Hideaway 27. Luna's Luminous Nail Nook 28. Brooke’s Stylista Nail Salon 29. Savanna’s Blissful Nail Boutique 30. Carly’s Nail Palace 31. The Nail Pallete by Muriel 32. Bobby’s Manicure Addicts

Pro Tip: Nail shop names with your first or last name in them might create an expectation that you’ll be working with all the clients. If you intend to sublet to other nail technicians, you might not want to use your own name.

Good names for nail salons can be as simple as providing a location indicator. Just be careful when choosing a name for nail business operations. If you get too specific you might have to change the name if your shop front moves to another location.

1. Central Park Nails 2. Sunset Strip Salon 3. Broadway Beauty Co. 4. Golden Gate Glamour 5. Beverly Hills Nails 6. Magnificent Mile Manicures 7. Hollywood Hills Nail Studio 8. Times Square Tips 9. Rodeo Drive Nails 10. Mile High Mani-Pedi 11. Miami Beach Manicures 12. Vegas Strip Salon 13. SoHo Chic Nails 14. Napa Valley Nail Retreat 15. Santa Monica Shoreline Salon

16. Sunset Boulevard Nails 17. Alamo City Artistry 18. Windy City Nails 19. Bourbon Street Beauty Co. 20. Silicon Valley Salon 21. Riverwalk Nail Studio 22. Music City Manicures 23. Emerald City Elegance 24. Rocky Mountain Retreat 25. Key West Kanvas 26. Palm Beach Polish Co. 27. Ocean Drive Oasis 28. Liberty Bell Nails 29. Painted Lady on the Promenade 30. Hollywood Boulevard Beauty

Pro Tip: Including the city, county, or references to local landmarks can be a good way to indicate your new nail salon is a local business. Make sure to check keyword volumes to see what people are searching for before choosing the best local indicator.

UpFlip’s Start Your Business blog on a laptop

After you have found some unique nail business names, you’ll need to:

  • Perform a Name Check: Check for available domain names, trademarks, and social media accounts.
  • Get an LLC: You’ll want to register your creative name as an LLC.
  • Get Your Business License: Your business will need a license to operate legally.

Learn more about starting a business .

Next Steps After Naming Your Nail Salon

There’s still a ton to do after brainstorming and choosing from your favorite nail names. You’ll want to make sure you’re licensed and insured, find a great location, and start marketing to your target audience.

What kind of nail name ideas do you like?

How to Calculate Profit Margins (and Improve Profitability)

  • Where to find industry profit margins
  • The seven most common equations for calculating profit margins
  • Calculating industry profit margins
  • Improving your business results by comparing your profit margin ratio to industry averages

What profit margins should you expect?

  • IBIS World : Here’s their list of highest margin businesses . Their paid reports are phenomenal and are what is used in most blogs to help you get an idea of what your expenses should look like.
  • NYU STERN : Analyzes 7,229 publicly owned businesses and publishes 17 different margins and percentages of revenue for each. They update the documents annually.
  • UpFlip Featured Businesses : Our YouTube Channel and blog are full of business owners sharing how they run their businesses and where their costs go.

What is the profit margin?

  • Gross profit margin
  • Net profit margin
  • Operating profit margin
  • EBIT margin
  • EBITDA margin
  • Product margin
  • Sales margin

What is gross profit margin?

Gross profit margin formula

Why are restaurant profit margins so low?

What is net profit margin.

  • Cost of Goods Sold
  • Administrative and Marketing
  • Depreciation
  • Amortization

Net profit margin formula

Is a profit margin of 20% good?

What is operating profit margin.

  • Interest income or interest expenses
  • Returns and costs from investment in other companies
  • One-time costs or gains like lawsuits
  • Costs of Sales, General, and Administration (SG&A)
  • Overhead Costs (OC)
  • Depreciation (Dep) (how much your equipment and buildings go down in value based on their expected life)
  • Amortization (Am) (lowering the book value of a non-physical asset)

Operating profit margin formula

What is EBIT margin?

EBIT margin formula

What is EBITDA?

EBITDA margin formula

What is product margin?

  • Which new products should a business carry?
  • What products are best for upselling?
  • Should you consider getting rid of an offering?

Product margin equation

What is sales margin?

Sales margin equation

Net Profit vs Gross Profit

How to calculate profit margins.

  • Find the revenue attributable to the type of profit margin.
  • Calculate the expenses attributable to the profit margin.
  • Use the formula in the picture below:

How to find profit margin

What are good profit margins?

  • Gross Margin : 38.44% is average, but the range is from 1.41% for air transport to nearly 100% for money centers. 
  • Net Margin : 9.84% is average, but it ranges from a high of 32.61% for money centers to a low profit margin of -28.57% for hotel and gaming. The gaming losses were due to light travel and shutdowns during the pandemic.
  • Operating Margin : 10% to 14% is the average, depending on whether you want to include stock payments and taxes in the numbers. Like other margins, the range varies from -23% to as high as 45% operating margins. 

How can you improve profit margins?

  • Increase the revenue.
  • Decrease the total expenses as a percentage of revenue.
  • Make more net income, a byproduct of the first two.

Increase Revenue

Gadgets and office supplies on the table

  • SG&A or Advertising Budgets : If your marketing percentage is less than the industry average, you may have an opportunity to increase your sales revenue through marketing. A higher SG&A is a sign of inefficiencies in your processes.
  • High Current Price : Consider lowering it to meet the industry average margins. It might stimulate sales.
  • Low Current Price : Increase the profit margin to where you make more money per product.
  • Labor Cost Percentage : If the labor cost percentage is really low, you may need to hire more people to provide a better service and create more revenue. If you aren’t working at capacity, you may want to add new products or services also.
  • Sales Returns : If you experience lots of sales returns, you may want to figure out why. It will improve your efficiency and lead to more profit because returns still cost you money from transaction fees.

Reduce Expenses

  • Returns : Shopify estimates that returns are typically 10.6% of purchases. This reduction would increase gross income and net income to better than average percentages and make the business nearly $75K more after-tax profit. You’d need to find patterns that are causing returns and figure out how to correct them.
  • COGS : Reducing the material costs to 20% , which is a common recommendation for restaurants, would create a similar change as the returns. This would require finding lower-cost but comparable-quality vendors. 
  • Rent & Utilities : Using the final column of the NYU Sterns sheet, you can see that most industries would have 1.62% of their revenue dollar going to the lease. If you use that number for utilities too, it would increase the profit by nearly $70,000.

Improve your profit margins for greater business success

  • What are profit margins?
  • How to find profit margin using the profit margin equation?
  • What is a good profit margin?
  • How do you find products with high-profit margins using the product and sales margin?
  • How can I decrease sales expenses?
  • How to improve net sales with an income statement comparison?

How to Become an Entrepreneur in 13 Steps

Want to be your own boss and quit your day job?

We’ve got you covered with our guide to connect entrepreneurs with their goals. We’ll show you how to become an entrepreneur with advice from five business owners who have turned their ideas into multi-million dollar businesses and opened up even more opportunities.

How to become an entrepreneur

Becoming an entrepreneur requires wearing many hats. You’ll have all kinds of responsibilities, including marketing, human relations, inventory, legal compliance, and more. You’ll want to follow these steps to join the ranks of successful entrepreneurs:

  • Identify your passion and expertise.
  • Generate and validate business ideas.
  • Create a business plan.
  • Develop necessary skills.
  • Network with successful entrepreneurs.
  • Consider the legal structure.
  • Secure funding.
  • Create a minimum viable product (MVP).
  • Build a brand and online presence.
  • Market your business.
  • Provide exceptional customer service.
  • Manage finances and operations.
  • Scale your business.

Read from start to finish to learn all about becoming an entrepreneur, from identifying a good business idea to building a brand. Or click on any of the links above to jump straight to the section you need to learn more about right now.

Smartly dressed man posing in front of city skyline

Identify your passion and expertise

To become an entrepreneur, you need to find the intersection of what you’re good at, what makes money, and what people will pay you to do. Start by writing down your hobbies, skills, and experiences. Here’s an example of what mine look like:

As you can see, my combination of skills, hobbies, and work experience hints that I need to be doing something that uses lots of skills and covers a variety of industries. Writing for UpFlip fits that bill.

Also write down things you don’t want to do or would find inconvenient. For instance, if you’re not a morning person, you might not want to start a construction company.

Try writing yours down and see if you learn something about yourself. You can also take an interest and aptitude test to find businesses you might do extraordinarily well in.

Next, you’ll want to find a business idea to pursue.

Generate and validate business ideas

Next, you’ll want to come up with a business idea that fits well with your life.

We have a vast selection of ideas for you to consider when you decide to start a business. We’ve got you covered for a side business , companies that generate passive income , or a business idea that requires eCommerce .

Check out some ideas from Paul Akers:

After you’ve listed businesses you are interested in starting, it’s time to conduct market research to determine whether there's a demand for your product or service. You’ll want to research information like:

  • How much does the industry make?
  • What is the growth forecast?
  • What are the emerging trends?
  • Who are the market players?
  • How much does the average business make?
  • How many employees does the average business need?

Check out our blog about market research to learn more.

You’ll want to save your answers, and where you got them, because you’ll need them for the next step.

Create a business plan

A well-structured business plan helps you clarify your goals and strategies. Outline your business concept, target market, competition, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

Small business owners have different ways of writing a business plan . Some just write a one-page business plan to keep themselves on track, while others write a 100-page plan and pursue venture capital money or loans.

It’s important to note that the majority of successful entrepreneurs have a business plan. You should also be flexible, as 93% of Harvard graduates who chose to become an entrepreneur pivoted from their original strategy to increase success.

Check out our interview with Mike Andes to learn how he writes a business plan.

Develop necessary skills

Entrepreneurs need skills like:


Problem-solving, persistence.

Consider taking courses, reading books, or attending workshops to develop these skills.

Making something out of nothing requires creativity. Just like an artist with a blank canvas, a successful entrepreneur will take an idea and paint a picture with their business plan.

Screenshot of SessionLab article on effective leadership activities and games

Successful businesses are teams, and the business owner is the coach. In today’s world, the old model where you could abuse your employees and they’d stay doesn’t work.

A successful entrepreneur looks to find people with aligned interests and empower them to achieve their goals while helping the company achieve its goals.

SessionLab has a great blog on exercises aspiring entrepreneurs can do to improve their leadership skills .

Successful entrepreneurs know how to communicate. You’ll have to talk to customers, investors, and employees. Everyone has different ways of communicating, and with all the lines of communication available, learning how to communicate with each stakeholder can be a challenge.

Email, video conferencing, in-person, and other methods are consistently used, and each of them has its own challenges. Try some of these exercises to build communication skills .

Neel smiling playfully while holding a laptop in one hand and international currency in the other

Many entrepreneurs struggle with this element of starting a business. You can always outsource, but it helps to have a solid understanding of marketing, and particularly digital marketing.

There are tons of free certifications you can take to learn about marketing. Some of my favorites are:

  • HubSpot Digital Marketing Certification: This covers SEO, website speed, social media, email marketing, and paid ads. Take it through HubSpot Academy .
  • Google Certifications: You can get certified on Google Analytics 4 and Google Ads through Skillshop .

While you don’t have to have these certifications, successful entrepreneurs need to understand the “language” of the people they supervise.

The point of a business is to make money. It will be hard to be a successful entrepreneur without a basic understanding of accounting.

Consider taking a course or two so you can better discuss your financial strategies with a certified public accountant.

Successful entrepreneurs are good at solving problems. Some ways to improve your problem-solving skills include:

  • Practicing puzzles and brain teasers regularly
  • Engaging in critical thinking activities and games
  • Reading business books

Mike pointing to a residential property in the background

One of my favorite quotes is from John Maxwell: “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

You’ll deal with constant change on your path to become an entrepreneur. Employees will come and go, and market trends will evolve, but will you?

If you aren’t adaptable, you’ll probably find running your own business tedious. Many entrepreneurs spend most of their days jumping from one task to another and need to know how to shift gears.

The best way to learn adaptability is to go through trials and tribulations. When something challenges you, take a minute, center yourself, and ask why it evokes a response. Once you understand the emotional response, tackle the problem.

A new business venture rarely becomes immediately successful. It can take years for entrepreneurs to find the right combination of product, pricing, and marketing strategies to get the market interested in what it creates.

The best you can do is learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

For inspiration, read about Thomas Edison’s persistence when creating the lightbulb.

Murphy’s Law states that what can go wrong will go wrong.

A successful entrepreneur needs to be prepared for things to go wrong when they own a business. How quickly they gain composure and find a way to fix it will dramatically impact their success.

Network with successful entrepreneurs

Smartly dressed woman in the foreground and UpFlip’s email newsletter subscription page in the background

Connect with other entrepreneurs, join business associations, and attend networking events. A support network can provide valuable advice, mentorship, and potential partnerships.

We’re creating a mentorship program that will help you network with other successful entrepreneurs. Sign up for our newsletter to be one of the first to join.

Consider the legal structure

You’ll need to choose a legal structure for your business. It’s best to consult with a lawyer or legal advisor to understand the implications of the different business structures, but the most common business structures are:

  • Sole proprietorships
  • Limited liability companies
  • Corporations

Sole proprietorship

Mike gesturing to the porch and open door of a small home while holding a stack of hundreds in one hand

The business owner and the business are the same entity, which means if someone sues your business, they could take your personal assets.

Limited liability company (LLC)

An LLC makes your business a separate entity and provides liability protection—as long as you have a separate bank account, do not personally cause an incident, and do not sign away the protection (beware: lenders try to get you to).

LLCs require less paperwork and compliance work than a corporation, too.


Man reading UpFlip’s business structures blog post on a laptop

A corporation also offers liability protection and also the issuance of shares, but there are numerous compliance issues that may occur.

Learn more in our blog about business structures .

Secure funding

You’ll need money to become a successful entrepreneur. That doesn’t mean it has to be your money, but it’s easier to build a successful business if it is your money.

To fund a business you’ll need to:

  • Create a five-year budget.
  • Establish how much money you need to follow the budget.
  • Decide how to fund the business.

Create a five-year budget

A key step to becoming an entrepreneur is calculating how much money you’ll need to make before your business becomes profitable.

Early-stage companies can become successful within a few months, depending on the business model, but Tesla took 17 years to have a profitable year.

Your financial projections should be made with the following figures in mind:

  • How much you need to maintain your lifestyle
  • Your current startup funds
  • The reasonably expected revenue
  • Expenses associated with the small business

We’ve created a startup cost estimator to help you establish how much you’ll need to make to break even.

Establish how much money you need to follow the budget

Mike smiling while holding hundred dollar bills and a house key

Once you have a budget, you need to establish whether you have the money or need to find funding. The funding you’ll need for the small business needs to be high enough to cover you through the time when the business model is not making an operating profit.

You may also want to add wiggle room because many businesses fail when they run out of money. Assuming an additional 20% should cover unexpected expenses.

Decide how to fund the business

You can get business funds from numerous sources, including:

Personal savings

Potential business partners, venture capitalists, angel investors, small business investment company (sbic) financing, crowdfunding.

Let’s discuss how to become an entrepreneur using each of these funding sources.

Many entrepreneurs start by self funding. This is the most common way to start a small business. You might use your own money from working, savings accounts, or rollover business start-ups (ROBS).

A ROBS allows a business owner to own company shares with their retirement account. The small business then has funds and doesn’t pay a penalty for early withdrawals.

When you become an entrepreneur, it may be beneficial to have a partner.

Business leaders will often want additional sources of revenue and agree to be a business partner and mentor to other people. Whether the partner is a silent partner or active in the business model can be negotiated.

Venture capital firms look for startup entrepreneurs who have ideas that could make them millions or billions of dollars.

The firms help promising business models get the funds they need to make it through the startup grind, and they effectively manage these businesses until the company qualifies to go public. The venture capitalists gain massive wealth in the process.

Learn how Keith McCall raised millions of dollars for Pollen Systems through venture capital firms.

Angel investors are similar to venture capitalists, but there are some major differences:

  • Angel investors do not manage others’ funds, while venture capital companies do.
  • Venture capitalists tend to invest in more established companies than angel investors.
  • An angel investor tends to invest less than a venture capital firm.
  • Venture capital tends to be less hands on than angel investors.

You can take out personal loans or small business loans to become an entrepreneur, but unless the company is an online business with a business model that is likely to scale, you may find it difficult to get funding until after you don’t really need it.

You can learn more about small business loans on the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) website .

The SBA also licenses SBICs. They’re a cross between venture capitalists and banks, where they offer both debt and equity options. For every dollar the SBIC provides you, the Small Business Administration provides two.

Learn more about SBICs here .

Another way to start an entrepreneurial career is crowdfunding, which is when new entrepreneurs list offerings to potential investors on a website in exchange for debt, equity, rewards, or donations.

Check out our interview with Jason Hernandez. He started Pooch Selfie by fundraising on Kickstarter.

Create a minimum viable product (MVP)

An MVP is a basic version of your product or service that allows you to test the market and gather feedback. This might be a prototype of a physical product that people test before mass production, or it might be a less sophisticated version of the intended software.

You’ll want to follow these steps to create an MVP:

  • Define your idea and objectives: Clearly articulate your product idea and identify the core problem it solves or value it provides users.
  • Identify key features: Determine the features that are essential to addressing the core problem or delivering the primary value proposition. Avoid adding unnecessary features at this stage.
  • Prioritize features: Rank the identified features based on their importance. Focus on the must-have features that are critical for the MVP's functionality.
  • Design user interface (UI) and user experience (UX): Create a basic design for the user interface. It should be intuitive and user-friendly. You can use wireframes or mockups to visualize the layout.
  • Select the technology stack: Choose the appropriate technology and tools for development. Consider factors like programming language, frameworks, and databases.
  • Build the MVP: Develop the basic version of your product with the selected features. Keep the development process lean and focused on the core functionality.
  • Test and assure quality: Thoroughly test the MVP to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Ensure that the product functions reliably.
  • Launch the MVP: Make the MVP accessible to a small group of early users. This could be through a closed beta test or a limited release to a select audience.
  • Gather user feedback: Encourage users to provide feedback on their experience with the MVP. This feedback is invaluable for refining and improving the product.
  • Analyze metrics and user behavior: Use analytics tools to track user interactions, engagement, and other relevant metrics. This data will help you understand how users are using the MVP.
  • Iterate and refine: Based on the feedback and data gathered, make necessary improvements and iterate on the MVP. Focus on enhancing existing features and possibly adding new ones.
  • Continue testing and iterating: Keep testing and iterating based on user feedback and data. Continue to refine the product to meet user needs and expectations.
  • Scale and expand: Once you have a solid foundation and a validated product, you can start thinking about scaling and adding more features to meet broader market demands.

Remember, the key to a successful MVP is to keep it simple, focused, and aligned with solving a specific problem or delivering a clear value proposition. It's about learning from real user interactions and using that knowledge to guide the development of your product.

Learn more in our blog on product development .

Build a brand and online presence

Neel cleaning a laptop with Windex

After you spend money creating your product, it’s time to build your brand. You’ll need to complete the following tasks to build a winning brand:

  • Design a logo.
  • Create a website.
  • Create social media accounts.
  • Get packaging for any physical products.
  • Design uniforms, building, and vehicle signs (if applicable).
  • Write your brand guidelines.

Design a logo

Your logo can be basic or elaborate. Most companies try to keep at or below three colors and want the logo to help explain what they do.

MaidThis is an online business that focuses on booking Airbnb and home cleaning jobs. Hear how Neel made the logo and has turned the remote cleaning business into a $2M per year company.

Create a website

Entrepreneurial success normally relies on digital marketing, and the center of any digital marketing strategy should be your website. It’s where new customers find you after typing something relevant into a search engine.

Learn more in our blog on website creation .

Create social media accounts

You’ll probably want to at least have a small presence on every popular social media platform. Make sure your business’s profile fits its company culture.

You’ll want to research best practices for each one and start building a following. We’ll talk about that more in the marketing section.

As you gain traction on several platforms, you can focus on the ones that help you get more satisfied customers.

Get packaging for any physical products

Companies selling physical products need to have packaging that matches the brand image they want to portray.

Check out Packlane’s blog about custom packaging to get your creative juices flowing.

Design uniforms, building, and vehicle signs (if applicable)

Many local businesses find success, and part of what plays into that success is how they use their vehicles, buildings, and uniforms to convey a brand message.

Mike Andes started a lawn care business that is one of Entrepreneur’s top 500 franchises. He discusses elements of branding in the video below.

Write your brand guidelines

Your brand guidelines will provide information to employees and marketers about how to use your brand assets. Check out the brand guideline example below.

Market your business

Hand holding a megaphone surrounded by cash and social media icons including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and X

Develop a marketing strategy to promote your business. You should include:

Content marketing

Social media marketing.

  • Search engine optimization

Email marketing


A profitable business focuses on finding ways to bring people to its website. Content marketing focuses on creating content that people will remember and find useful—and hopefully develop a positive relationship with your brand in turn.

You’ll want to share all the content you create on social media platforms. You want to use that content to encourage actions, including:

  • Following your page
  • Going to your website
  • Providing an email or phone number
  • Downloading a useful product
  • Buying a product
  • Leaving a review
  • Referring friends

Notice that each of these steps is building a closer relationship with your audience and will help you get closer to your goal of becoming a profitable business.

Not all entrepreneurs have the patience to go through this process on their own. You may find it easier to hire a marketing team with experience in your product category if you are hoping to be an overnight success.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Semrush registration page on a laptop

SEO works amazingly alongside content marketing and social media marketing.

The goal with SEO is to identify the intent and questions that search engine users have, then provide them the information they want to know. When you successfully help answer questions better than other websites, you may rank higher in the search results.

You can use software like Semrush and SurferSEO to identify the best strategy for answering searchers’ questions and ranking highly in search engine results.

After you have collected a person’s email, you can use email marketing tools like MailChimp to separate people into email lists and automate when you send them emails.

This helps you keep your customers and followers informed about new developments in the company and can increase their lifetime value.

Paid advertising still has a place in marketing, but it is extremely costly if you don’t narrow your target market.

For instance, just by narrowing their ads to people who live in New York City, local businesses can get nearly 40 times better results than if they allow the ads to be shown nationally, and almost 1,000 times better results than if they showed globally.

Given New York City has over eight times the population of most U.S. cities, that means you can market to almost any city for less than $4,000.

Reduce your target market even further, and you can start making it so locals think about your company when they need the service you offer.

Provide exceptional customer service

Customer support professional wearing a headset and working at a desktop computer

Providing exceptional customer service is crucial for building customer loyalty and a positive reputation for your business. Here are some steps you can take to deliver outstanding customer service:

  • Understand your customers’ needs: Take the time to truly understand what your customers are looking for. Listen actively to their concerns, questions, and feedback.
  • Be responsive: Respond to customer inquiries, messages, and feedback promptly. This shows that you value their time and are committed to assisting them.
  • Practice active listening: Pay close attention to what your customers are saying. This helps you address their specific needs and concerns more effectively.
  • Empathize and show understanding: Put yourself in the customer's shoes and understand their perspective. Acknowledge their feelings, frustrations, or excitement.
  • Maintain a positive attitude: Stay positive, even when dealing with challenging or difficult situations. A positive attitude can help diffuse tension and create a more pleasant interaction.
  • Personalize interactions: Use the customer's name, refer to previous interactions, and tailor your responses to their specific situation. This shows that you value them as an individual.
  • Provide clear and accurate information: Ensure the information you provide is accurate and easy to understand. Avoid jargon that the customer may not be familiar with.
  • Go the extra mile: Take initiative to exceed customer expectations. This could be by offering additional assistance, providing special discounts, or offering solutions beyond what was initially requested.
  • Admit mistakes and take responsibility: If your business makes a mistake, acknowledge it, apologize, and take steps to rectify the situation. Customers appreciate honesty and transparency.
  • Follow up and follow through: After providing assistance, follow up with the customer to ensure that their issue was resolved to their satisfaction. This demonstrates your commitment to their well-being.
  • Provide multi-channel support: Offer various communication channels, such as phone, email, chat, and social media. This allows customers to reach out in the way that is most convenient for them.
  • Solicit feedback: Ask customers for feedback about their experience. Use this information to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.
  • Train your customer service team: If you have a team, ensure they are well-trained in customer service skills and have a thorough understanding of your products or services.
  • Monitor and measure customer service performance: Use metrics and customer satisfaction surveys to evaluate the effectiveness of your customer service efforts, and make improvements as needed.
  • Foster a customer-centric culture: Ensure that everyone in your organization understands the importance of exceptional customer service and is committed to delivering it consistently.

Remember, exceptional customer service is an ongoing effort that requires dedication and a customer-centric mindset. By prioritizing your customers' needs and consistently delivering high-quality service, you can build strong, lasting relationships with your customer base.

Manage finances and operations

Keep track of your finances, manage cash flow, and ensure you have efficient operational processes in place. Most companies use QuickBooks to manage their finances.

Scale your business

Concept of a business man in a suit and tie presenting an upward-trending graph hovering between his fingertips

Once you've established a solid foundation, consider ways to grow and expand. This could involve hiring more employees , entering new markets, or offering additional products or services. Check out our blog about how to grow a business .

Remember, becoming an entrepreneur is a journey that requires continuous learning and adaptability. Stay open to new ideas, seek feedback, and never stop refining your business.

Become a successful entrepreneur: Start your own business

Now you know how to become an entrepreneur. We’ve discussed everything from choosing an idea to finding funding and building your brand.

Want instant access to business models that work? Skip the formal education and join our global community of young entrepreneurs by taking one of our online courses. Learn more here .

What kinds of businesses do you want to start?

mobile repair business plan

I would like to own a business, but I have no experience.

mobile repair business plan

Going to a technical institute or a phone repair school would be best to acquire technical skills needed for phone repairs. YouTube is a great place to learn but most people are practical learners not visual learners.

mobile repair business plan

I agree most people are practical learners, but they can learn the practical skills via YouTube by repairing their own phones or friends phones before starting a business.

mobile repair business plan

What Joe has been able to achieve is nothing short of amazing! He's is probably one in a million whos been able to grow his company and build such large team in electronics repair niche in just 3 years. With a little bit of persistence and perspiration anything could be achieved!

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mobile repair business plan

How to Start a Cell Phone Repair Business

A cell phone repair business focuses on repairing broken or damaged cell phones and tablets.

You may also be interested in additional low cost business ideas .

Learn how to start your own Cell Phone Repair Business and whether it is the right fit for you.

Ready to form your LLC? Check out the Top LLC Formation Services .

Cell Phone Repair Business Image

Start a cell phone repair business by following these 10 steps:

  • Plan your Cell Phone Repair Business
  • Form your Cell Phone Repair Business into a Legal Entity
  • Register your Cell Phone Repair Business for Taxes
  • Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card
  • Set up Accounting for your Cell Phone Repair Business
  • Get the Necessary Permits & Licenses for your Cell Phone Repair Business
  • Get Cell Phone Repair Business Insurance
  • Define your Cell Phone Repair Business Brand
  • Create your Cell Phone Repair Business Website
  • Set up your Business Phone System

We have put together this simple guide to starting your cell phone repair business. These steps will ensure that your new business is well planned out, registered properly and legally compliant.

Exploring your options? Check out other small business ideas .

STEP 1: Plan your business

A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. It will help you map out the specifics of your business and discover some unknowns. A few important topics to consider are:

What will you name your business?

  • What are the startup and ongoing costs?
  • Who is your target market?

How much can you charge customers?

Luckily we have done a lot of this research for you.

Choosing the right name is important and challenging. If you don’t already have a name in mind, visit our How to Name a Business guide or get help brainstorming a name with our Cell Phone Repair Business Name Generator

If you operate a sole proprietorship , you might want to operate under a business name other than your own name. Visit our DBA guide to learn more.

When registering a business name , we recommend researching your business name by checking:

  • Your state's business records
  • Federal and state trademark records
  • Social media platforms
  • Web domain availability .

It's very important to secure your domain name before someone else does.

Want some help naming your cell phone repair business?

Business name generator, what are the costs involved in opening a cell phone repair business.

Depending on the location of your shop, most of the costs involved for the startup will be rent and utilities. Some cell phone repair shops operate as kiosks in a mall or other heavily trafficked consumer center. These can be more cost effective, but may not have the storage area needed for your business, as it expands and grows.

Some businesses operate out of a home and reduce much of the overhead associated with a brick and mortar location. There will be some loss of walk in customer business, but most customers will find your business online through a website or webpage via social media. There are a few options and configurations for how you will set up your business, so consider them carefully and think about what will work best, both currently and for the future.

What are the ongoing expenses for a cell phone repair business?

Other than rent and utilities, if you have a brick and mortar, most costs will be generated from buying parts and supplies for the actual repairs. And you should be able to recoup these costs, once the repairs are completed. As you grow as a business, you may find additional costs pertaining to advertising or hiring additional staff, but this business tends to have a relatively low overhead.

Who is the target market?

Your target market is technology consumers. To be specific, you’re gunning for the savvy tech user, who understands how a repair can save them time and money. Especially as cell phones and other devices become more expensive and more powerful, the owners will want to stay with their tried and trusted choices for tech connectivity.

Another smaller, yet growing, target market is the environmentally conscious tech consumer. As more people become aware of the growing problem of added tech waste to our landfills, there are more and more consumers who wish to keep a device as long as possible, with repairs and upgrades keeping their device working and out of a dump pile. Appeal to both of these aesthetics to increase your overall business bottom line.

How does a cell phone repair business make money?

Revenue is generated through the fees customers pay to have their cell phone or other mobile device repaired or upgraded.

Repair and upgrade prices will vary, depending on the make and model of the device. An average cost for a broken screen, for instance can start around $75 but can climb to as much as $300. As stated before, make sure your prices are competitive, but remember that a repair on a $1000 phone will still be much more affordable than replacing the phone all together.

How much profit can a cell phone repair business make?

An average cell phone repair business could net profits in the range of $50-65,000, with greater earning potential, as you continue to become more well-known and successful.

How can you make your business more profitable?

Many cell phone repair businesses expand to include repairs on all kinds of tech gadgets. Gaming systems and music production equipment may also be good fits for your repair business. You can also offer customers phone and data plans through third-party service providers. As the technology surrounding our lives increases, as it is sure to, there will be more avenues to explore and include in your business plan.

Want a more guided approach? Access TRUiC's free Small Business Startup Guide - a step-by-step course for turning your business idea into reality. Get started today!

STEP 2: Form a legal entity

The most common business structure types are the sole proprietorship , partnership , limited liability company (LLC) , and corporation .

Establishing a legal business entity such as an LLC or corporation protects you from being held personally liable if your cell phone repair business is sued.

Form Your LLC

Read our Guide to Form Your Own LLC

Have a Professional Service Form your LLC for You

Two such reliable services:

You can form an LLC yourself and pay only the minimal state LLC costs or hire one of the Best LLC Services for a small, additional fee.

Recommended: You will need to elect a registered agent for your LLC. LLC formation packages usually include a free year of registered agent services . You can choose to hire a registered agent or act as your own.

STEP 3: Register for taxes

You will need to register for a variety of state and federal taxes before you can open for business.

In order to register for taxes you will need to apply for an EIN. It's really easy and free!

You can acquire your EIN through the IRS website . If you would like to learn more about EINs, read our article, What is an EIN?

There are specific state taxes that might apply to your business. Learn more about state sales tax and franchise taxes in our state sales tax guides.

STEP 4: Open a business bank account & credit card

Using dedicated business banking and credit accounts is essential for personal asset protection.

When your personal and business accounts are mixed, your personal assets (your home, car, and other valuables) are at risk in the event your business is sued. In business law, this is referred to as piercing your corporate veil .

Open a business bank account

Besides being a requirement when applying for business loans, opening a business bank account:

  • Separates your personal assets from your company's assets, which is necessary for personal asset protection.
  • Makes accounting and tax filing easier.

Recommended: Read our Best Banks for Small Business review to find the best national bank or credit union.

Get a business credit card

Getting a business credit card helps you:

  • Separate personal and business expenses by putting your business' expenses all in one place.
  • Build your company's credit history , which can be useful to raise money later on.

Recommended: Apply for an easy approval business credit card from BILL and build your business credit quickly.

STEP 5: Set up business accounting

Recording your various expenses and sources of income is critical to understanding the financial performance of your business. Keeping accurate and detailed accounts also greatly simplifies your annual tax filing.

Make LLC accounting easy with our LLC Expenses Cheat Sheet.

STEP 6: Obtain necessary permits and licenses

Failure to acquire necessary permits and licenses can result in hefty fines, or even cause your business to be shut down.

State & Local Business Licensing Requirements

Certain state permits and licenses may be needed to operate a cell phone repair business. Learn more about licensing requirements in your state by visiting  SBA’s reference to state licenses and permits .

Most businesses are required to collect sales tax on the goods or services they provide. To learn more about how sales tax will affect your business, read our article, Sales Tax for Small Businesses .

A cell phone repair business is generally run out of your home or a storefront. Businesses operating out of a physical location typically require a  Certificate of Occupancy  (CO).  A CO confirms that all building codes, zoning laws and government regulations have been met.

  • If you plan to lease a location :
  • It is generally the landlord’s responsibility to obtain a CO.
  • Before leasing, confirm that your landlord has or can obtain a valid CO that is applicable to a cell phone repair business.
  • After a major renovation, a new CO often needs to be issued. If your place of business will be renovated before opening,  it is recommended  to include language in your lease agreement stating that lease payments will not commence until a valid CO is issued.
  • If you plan to purchase or build a location :
  • You will be responsible for obtaining a valid CO from a local government authority.
  • Review all building codes and zoning requirements for your business’ location to ensure your cell phone repair business will be in compliance and able to obtain a CO.

STEP 7: Get business insurance

Just as with licenses and permits, your business needs insurance in order to operate safely and lawfully. Business Insurance protects your company’s financial wellbeing in the event of a covered loss.

There are several types of insurance policies created for different types of businesses with different risks. If you’re unsure of the types of risks that your business may face, begin with General Liability Insurance . This is the most common coverage that small businesses need, so it’s a great place to start for your business.

Another notable insurance policy that many businesses need is Workers’ Compensation Insurance . If your business will have employees, it’s a good chance that your state will require you to carry Workers' Compensation Coverage.

FInd out what types of insurance your Cell Phone Repair Business needs and how much it will cost you by reading our guide Business Insurance for Cell Phone Repair Business.

STEP 8: Define your brand

Your brand is what your company stands for, as well as how your business is perceived by the public. A strong brand will help your business stand out from competitors.

If you aren't feeling confident about designing your small business logo, then check out our Design Guides for Beginners , we'll give you helpful tips and advice for creating the best unique logo for your business.

Recommended : Get a logo using Truic's free logo Generator no email or sign up required, or use a Premium Logo Maker .

If you already have a logo, you can also add it to a QR code with our Free QR Code Generator . Choose from 13 QR code types to create a code for your business cards and publications, or to help spread awareness for your new website.

How to promote & market a cell phone repair business

Your biggest concern for success will be making sure customers are aware of your business and the services you can offer. Therefore, advertising and marketing are critical pieces to this puzzle. And, in order to keep costs low, you should consider all of the inexpensive, yet effective methods for getting your name known among consumers.

To start, business cards, flyers, and brochures or handouts explaining your prices and areas of expertise are still effective, especially if you’re able to leave them in places where customers will see them and pick them up. Some non-competitive tech stores will let you leave your information on their counters or in storefront windows. You can also hand out cards and flyers during social gatherings in your city or region. You’d be surprised how many people will refer to the tangible items they casually receive.

Next, look to set up a website or start a social media page on Facebook or Instagram. Many customers will do a Google search first, when looking for a cell phone repair shop. You want to be their top result, so use keywords to push your business to the top of these searches. You may also be able to join social clubs, groups, or organizations, specifically related to technology and even device repairing and modifications.

Finally, make sure that you make a connection with your customers. Word of mouth referrals and positive reviews are great marketing tools. When a friend refers another friend, they’re often going to follow up on the recommendation, as it’s coming from a trusted source. Remember, the main goal is to become known and trusted and then continually live up to your positive reputation.

How to keep customers coming back

As mentioned previously, customer reviews and referrals can be some of the most important aspects of a healthy business. Develop business relationships with your customers. Don’t over-promise what you can’t deliver. And don’t make your prices too low, simply to attract customers. You have to be competitive, but you should also be comparable to your competition. You can offer specials now and then, especially for repeat customers. And you may want to offer plans for future service visits. These incentives will help customers think of you first, when deciding on a repair business.

STEP 9: Create your business website

After defining your brand and creating your logo the next step is to create a website for your business .

While creating a website is an essential step, some may fear that it’s out of their reach because they don’t have any website-building experience. While this may have been a reasonable fear back in 2015, web technology has seen huge advancements in the past few years that makes the lives of small business owners much simpler.

Here are the main reasons why you shouldn’t delay building your website:

  • All legitimate businesses have websites - full stop. The size or industry of your business does not matter when it comes to getting your business online.
  • Social media accounts like Facebook pages or LinkedIn business profiles are not a replacement for a business website that you own.
  • Website builder tools like the GoDaddy Website Builder have made creating a basic website extremely simple. You don’t need to hire a web developer or designer to create a website that you can be proud of.

Recommended : Get started today using our recommended website builder or check out our review of the Best Website Builders .

Other popular website builders are: WordPress , WIX , Weebly , Squarespace , and Shopify .

STEP 10: Set up your business phone system

Getting a phone set up for your business is one of the best ways to help keep your personal life and business life separate and private. That’s not the only benefit; it also helps you make your business more automated, gives your business legitimacy, and makes it easier for potential customers to find and contact you.

There are many services available to entrepreneurs who want to set up a business phone system. We’ve reviewed the top companies and rated them based on price, features, and ease of use. Check out our review of the Best Business Phone Systems 2023 to find the best phone service for your small business.

Recommended Business Phone Service: is our top choice for small business phone numbers because of all the features it offers for small businesses and it's fair pricing.

Is this Business Right For You?

Individuals possessing an attention to detail, technical proficiency, specifically regarding electronics, as well as small business acumen, will find a rich market for their services.

Want to know if you are cut out to be an entrepreneur?

Take our Entrepreneurship Quiz to find out!

Entrepreneurship Quiz

What happens during a typical day at a cell phone repair business?

Since most cell phone repair shops and businesses make the majority of their money from the repairs performed on cell phones and similar devices, this is where the majority of the time is spent. There is also time allotted for ordering new supplies, planning advertising and marketing plans, returning customer phone calls and e-mails and cleaning and organizing the shop.

What are some skills and experiences that will help you build a successful cell phone repair business?

Fortunately for entrepreneurs looking to make cell phone repair a successful business venture, there is very little overhead or start-up cost involved. The skills needed for performing the repairs are also fairly manageable to learn and execute, as well. If you have a knack for working with your hands, especially on smaller or delicate items, you will be well-suited for this profession. If you also have experience or knowledge with small business management, you will equally have an advantage for this career. The last piece of the puzzle becomes communicating with customers and making sure their cell phones and devices are repaired and returned to them in a timely manner.

What is the growth potential for a cell phone repair business?

Cell phones are very popular and useful items for most people. They are fast becoming a necessity for most, no matter where you reside. We manage both our business and personal lives with these pint-sized technical powerhouses. When one breaks or is no longer working properly, many individuals find themselves in a situation in which they must quickly find a replacement.

But, not every person has the money or access to pick up a new phone or device, when there’s trouble with their current one. Because of this new dynamic, repairing a cell phone becomes another necessity for remaining connected and able to navigate the web, make calls, send and receive emails, texts, etc. Repairing a cell phone, then, becomes the best option for many, both economically and location-wise. And, with cell phone sales continuing to skyrocket, there will be many more devices requiring repairs in the coming days, months, and years. The cell phone repair business is poised to become one of the larger facets of the technology industry, with even more individuals opting for a repair, especially as the price of cell phones continues to skyrocket, as well.

TRUiC's YouTube Channel

For fun informative videos about starting a business visit the TRUiC YouTube Channel or subscribe to view later.

Take the Next Step

Find a business mentor.

One of the greatest resources an entrepreneur can have is quality mentorship. As you start planning your business, connect with a free business resource near you to get the help you need.

Having a support network in place to turn to during tough times is a major factor of success for new business owners.

Learn from other business owners

Want to learn more about starting a business from entrepreneurs themselves? Visit Startup Savant’s startup founder series to gain entrepreneurial insights, lessons, and advice from founders themselves.

Resources to Help Women in Business

There are many resources out there specifically for women entrepreneurs. We’ve gathered necessary and useful information to help you succeed both professionally and personally:

If you’re a woman looking for some guidance in entrepreneurship, check out this great new series Women in Business created by the women of our partner Startup Savant.

What are some insider tips for jump starting a cell phone repair business?

Since this business thrives on customer recognition and your repair and service reputation, its important to make sure you’re sharing success stories and connecting customers with your website, webpage, or logo and business name. Social media can be quite helpful, and we detail how to achieve the recognition and return customers in the marketing and promotion section below.

You also want to make sure you have a strong relationship with your parts supplier. Your ability to repair and return devices to customers in a timely manner requires you to have the replacement materials shipped quickly, if not already on hand

How and when to build a team

Part of the draw of this business is that it can be operated by one or two people for a very long time. Your business will have to be extremely successful and isolated from other competitors in order to think about having a team of repair people working for you. You may want to have one other person in the front of the shop to greet and qualify customer needs, as your business grows. This will help you to focus on the repairs and making sure the customers are reunited with their devices as soon as possible. It would be ideal to have a partner who can do both, so either of you can handle front of house, as well as repairs, in order to maximize your effectiveness.

Useful Links

Industry opportunities.

  • Cell Phone Repair — franchise opportunity

Real World Examples

  • A2 Phone Repair Ann Arbor, MI
  • Digital Doc Repair Ann Arbor, MI

Further Reading

  • How Much Does Cell Phone Repair Pay?

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Financial Model, Business Plan and Dashboard Templates - FinModelsLab

How To Write a Mobile Device Repair Business Plan: Checklist

By alex ryzhkov, resources on mobile device repair service.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan

Are you looking to start a mobile device repair service? With the growing reliance on smartphones, tablets, and laptops in today's society, the demand for convenient and reliable repair services is skyrocketing. In fact, the mobile device repair industry is expected to reach a staggering $XX billion by 2025, according to industry research . If you are considering venturing into this profitable field, it is crucial to have a well-crafted business plan in place. In this blog post, we will guide you through the 9 essential steps to writing a successful business plan for your mobile device repair service.

Research The Market And Target Audience.

Before starting a mobile device repair service, it is crucial to conduct thorough research on the market and target audience. This research will provide valuable insights into the demand for such services, the competition in the industry, and the preferences and needs of potential customers.

To research the market, begin by gathering information on the current state of the mobile device repair industry. Look for industry reports, market trends, and statistics that can provide a comprehensive overview of the market size, growth potential, and key players.

Tip: The Internet, libraries, and trade publications can be excellent sources of industry information.

Next, identify the target audience for your mobile device repair service. Determine who your ideal customers are, including individuals and businesses that are most likely to need your services. Consider factors such as age, income level, geographical location, device preferences, and common technological issues they may face.

Tip: Conduct surveys or interviews to gather information directly from potential customers. This will help you gain valuable insights into their pain points and expectations.

In addition to understanding the market and target audience, analyze your competitors' strengths and weaknesses. Identify their pricing strategies, service offerings, customer reviews, and any unique selling propositions they have. This will help you position your mobile device repair service effectively and differentiate yourself in the market.

Tip: Visit competitors' websites, read customer reviews, and visit their physical locations to gain a better understanding of their operations and customer experience.

Identify The Competition And Analyze Their Strengths And Weaknesses

When starting a mobile device repair service, it is crucial to analyze the competition in the market. By identifying their strengths and weaknesses, you can learn valuable insights and make informed decisions to differentiate your business and gain a competitive advantage.

Research: Begin by researching the local market to identify existing mobile device repair service providers. Take note of their years of operation, reputation, and customer reviews.

Strengths: Analyze the strengths of your competitors to understand their key advantages. This may include factors like a well-established brand, a wide range of services offered, or a large customer base.

Weaknesses: Identify the weaknesses of your competitors. These may include limited service offerings, poor customer service, or high pricing. Recognizing their weaknesses can present opportunities for your mobile device repair service to offer superior solutions.

  • Tip 1: Look for gaps in the competition's service offerings. If they do not provide on-site repairs or have limited device coverage, consider focusing on these areas to attract more customers.
  • Tip 2: Assess the quality of their repairs. If their work is subpar or leaves customers dissatisfied, emphasize the high-quality repairs your service will provide.
  • Tip 3: Consider the pricing strategy of your competitors. If they are significantly more expensive, you can highlight your competitive pricing while still offering top-notch repairs.

By conducting a thorough analysis of your competition, you can identify their strengths and weaknesses. This allows you to develop strategies that position your mobile device repair service as a superior choice for customers.

Determine The Demand For Mobile Device Repair Services In The Chosen Location.

When starting a mobile device repair service, it is crucial to assess the demand for such services in the chosen location. This will help you understand the potential customer base and the level of competition in the area.

To determine the demand, start by conducting thorough market research. Analyze the demographics of the area, including the population size, age groups, and income levels. This information will give you insights into the potential customer base and their affordability for mobile device repairs.

Additionally, consider conducting surveys or interviews with individuals and businesses in the area to gather feedback on their current experiences with mobile device repairs. Find out how often they require repairs, what types of devices they own, and their willingness to pay for convenient on-site repair services.

  • Look for areas with a high concentration of businesses, as they may require frequent repairs for their employees' devices.
  • Consider partnering with local schools or colleges to provide repair services for students and staff.
  • Research the level of competition in the area. If there are already several established repair shops, evaluate their customer reviews and ratings to identify potential gaps in their services.
  • Consider offering additional services such as device pickup and drop-off, which can attract busy professionals or individuals who prefer convenience.

By analyzing the demand for mobile device repair services in the chosen location, you can assess the viability and potential success of your business. This step will help you understand the target market's needs and preferences, enabling you to tailor your services accordingly and differentiate yourself from competitors. Remember to periodically reassess the demand as market conditions may change over time.

Conduct A Thorough Financial Analysis, Including Projected Costs And Revenue.

Conducting a thorough financial analysis is crucial when developing a business plan for a mobile device repair service. It involves assessing the potential costs and revenue projections to ensure the financial viability of your venture. Here are the key components to consider:

  • Start-up costs: Determine the initial expenses required to establish your mobile device repair service. This includes purchasing equipment, obtaining licenses and permits, leasing a van, setting up a website, and marketing materials.
  • Operating expenses: Calculate the ongoing costs necessary to run your business on a daily basis. This may include technician salaries, van maintenance, insurance, utilities, and marketing expenses.
  • Revenue streams: Identify the different sources of revenue for your mobile device repair service. This may include service fees for on-site repairs, maintenance packages, additional charges for specific repairs or services, and potential partnerships with businesses or institutions.
  • Projected revenue: With a clear understanding of your revenue streams, create realistic projections of your expected income over a specific period of time, usually in the form of monthly or annual forecasts. Consider market demand, competition, and customer behavior when establishing these projections.
  • Profit margin: Determine the profit margin for each repair or service you offer. This will help you assess the profitability of your business and make informed decisions regarding pricing strategies.
  • Break-even point: Calculate the break-even point, which is the point at which your total revenue equals your total costs. This will help you determine how many repairs or services you need to complete to cover all your expenses.
  • Conduct thorough market research to understand the demand for mobile device repair services in your chosen location. This will help you estimate the volume of repairs and potential revenue.
  • Consult with industry experts or experienced professionals to gather insights and advice on financial analysis for mobile device repair businesses.
  • Consider different scenarios and potential risks when projecting costs and revenue. This will help you anticipate challenges and develop strategies to mitigate them.
  • Regularly review and update your financial analysis as market conditions, competition, and customer preferences evolve over time.

Define The Unique Selling Proposition And Key Differentiators.

Defining a unique selling proposition (USP) is essential for any business, as it sets you apart from your competitors and clearly communicates why customers should choose your service over others. In the case of our mobile device repair service, it is crucial to identify what makes us unique and how we stand out in the market.

One key differentiator is our strong emphasis on convenience. By offering on-site repairs, we eliminate the need for customers to visit a physical store and endure long wait times. Instead, our customers can simply schedule an appointment, and our team of skilled technicians will come to their location and fix their devices on the spot. This level of convenience sets us apart from traditional repair shops and positions us as a time-saving solution in a fast-paced world.

Another key differentiator is our expertise and specialization in various types of mobile devices. Our technicians are trained to repair not only smartphones but also tablets, laptops, and other portable devices. This broader range of expertise allows us to provide comprehensive solutions for all types of technological malfunctions, giving us an edge over competitors who may specialize in only one or two device types.

  • Research the competition to understand their unique selling points and determine how to differentiate your service accordingly.
  • Consider conducting surveys or focus groups to gather feedback from potential customers and identify their pain points and desires in the mobile device repair market.
  • Use the information gathered to develop a compelling USP that resonates with your target audience.

In addition to convenience and expertise, we differentiate ourselves through our commitment to exceptional customer service. We understand that having a broken mobile device can be stressful, which is why we prioritize quick turnaround times and open communication with our customers. From the moment they schedule an appointment to the completion of the repair, we strive to provide a smooth and transparent experience, ensuring our customers feel valued and supported throughout the process.

By combining convenience, expertise, and outstanding customer service, we establish our unique selling proposition as a mobile device repair service that offers reliable, fast, and hassle-free solutions to individuals and businesses in the US. This USP will not only attract customers in need of prompt repairs but also foster long-term relationships and positive word-of-mouth referrals, ultimately driving the success and growth of our business.

Develop A Comprehensive Marketing Strategy And Advertising Plan

Once you have identified your target audience, analyzed the competition, and determined the demand for your mobile device repair services, it's time to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy and advertising plan that will effectively promote your business and attract customers. Here are some important steps to consider:

  • Define your marketing goals: Clearly outline what you want to achieve through your marketing efforts. This could include increasing brand awareness, driving more leads and conversions, or expanding your customer base.
  • Identify your unique selling proposition: Determine what sets your mobile device repair service apart from the competition and emphasize these unique features in your marketing materials. Whether it's your quick turnaround time, competitive pricing, or exceptional customer service, highlight these key differentiators.
  • Research the most effective marketing channels: Explore different advertising platforms and mediums that will reach your target audience. Consider online channels such as social media advertising, search engine marketing, and email marketing, as well as offline strategies like print advertisements or local partnerships.
  • Investigate the potential of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to target mobile-savvy customers and build brand awareness.
  • Consider partnering with local businesses or influencers to promote your services and generate referrals.
  • Create engaging and informative content, such as blog posts or tutorials, to establish yourself as a trusted authority in the mobile device repair industry.

Create a budget: Determine how much you're willing to spend on marketing and advertising activities. Allocate your budget strategically across different channels based on their potential return on investment.

Craft compelling marketing messages: Develop clear and persuasive messaging that communicates the value of your services to your target audience. Use concise and impactful language that resonates with potential customers.

Implement tracking and analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. Track key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer retention to assess the success of your advertising efforts.

Remember, a comprehensive marketing strategy and advertising plan will help you reach and attract customers while effectively promoting your mobile device repair service. By investing time and effort into developing and executing a well-thought-out plan, you can position your business for success in the competitive mobile device repair industry.

Establish Partnerships With Suppliers And Negotiate Favorable Terms.

One of the key aspects of running a successful mobile device repair service is establishing partnerships with reliable suppliers and negotiating favorable terms. By doing so, you can ensure a steady supply of high-quality parts and accessories while minimizing your operational costs. Here are some important considerations when entering into supplier partnerships:

Begin by researching potential suppliers who specialize in providing the parts and accessories you will need for your mobile device repair service. Look for suppliers that offer a wide range of products, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service. Reading customer reviews and testimonials will give you insights into their reputation and reliability.

While local suppliers can offer convenience in terms of faster delivery and lower shipping costs, online suppliers may provide a wider selection and better pricing. Consider a combination of both, depending on your specific needs. Make sure to evaluate the reliability of online suppliers and their shipping and return policies before making any commitments.

  • Contact multiple suppliers to compare prices and terms.
  • Ask for samples or trial orders to assess the quality of the products.
  • Consider joining industry associations or forums to connect with other professionals and get recommendations for reliable suppliers.

Once you have identified potential suppliers, it's crucial to negotiate favorable terms that align with your business objectives. Factors to consider during negotiations include pricing, payment terms, delivery schedules, and return policies. Aim to establish long-term relationships based on mutual trust and benefit.

If your mobile device repair service expects a high volume of repairs, consider negotiating bulk purchasing agreements with your suppliers. Bulk purchasing can lead to discounted prices and improved profit margins. However, ensure that you have the necessary storage capacity and demand to justify the bulk purchases.

  • Regularly review your supplier relationships to ensure that they continue to meet your quality and delivery expectations.
  • Consider offering loyal suppliers exclusive partnerships or incentives to strengthen your relationship.

By establishing partnerships with reliable suppliers and negotiating favorable terms, you can ensure a smooth supply chain and efficient operations for your mobile device repair service. Regularly monitoring and evaluating your supplier relationships will help you adapt to any market changes and maintain high-quality repairs for your customers.

Create A Detailed Operational Plan, Including Necessary Equipment And Resources.

Once you have conducted thorough market research, analyzed your competition, and determined the demand for mobile device repair services, it is crucial to create a detailed operational plan. This plan will outline the necessary equipment and resources needed to successfully run your mobile device repair service.

To start, consider the infrastructure requirements for your business. This includes finding a suitable location for your operation, whether it's a storefront or a dedicated workshop. Ensure that the space allows for efficient workflow and provides a comfortable environment for your technicians and customers.

Next, identify the equipment you will need to carry out repairs. This can include specialized tools, diagnostic devices, replacement parts, and hardware/software resources. It's essential to invest in high-quality equipment that meets industry standards and can handle a variety of repair tasks effectively.

Consider establishing partnerships with suppliers to source your equipment and replacement parts at competitive prices. Negotiating favorable terms with suppliers can help reduce costs and ensure a steady supply of necessary resources.

Staffing is another vital aspect of your operational plan. Determine how many technicians you will need to meet the demands of your customers and hire individuals with relevant experience and certifications. Provide necessary training to keep your team updated on the latest repair techniques and technology advancements.

To ensure smooth operations, create efficient workflows and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the repair process. This includes guidelines for device intake, diagnostic procedures, repair methods, and quality control. Implementing SOPs will help maintain consistency and ensure that repairs are carried out efficiently and effectively.

Additionally, consider the software systems you will need to manage appointments, track inventory, handle customer data, and process payments. Invest in reliable, user-friendly software that can streamline these administrative tasks and enhance customer experience.

Creating a detailed operational plan, including the necessary equipment and resources, is essential for the successful implementation of your mobile device repair service. By carefully considering all aspects of your operations, you can ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction throughout your business.

Conduct A Feasibility Study To Assess The Potential Risks And Challenges

Before launching a mobile device repair service, it is crucial to conduct a feasibility study to assess the potential risks and challenges that may arise. This study will help you identify any potential obstacles that could hinder the success of your business and allow you to develop appropriate strategies to mitigate them.

A feasibility study should begin by evaluating the local market and the demand for mobile device repair services in your chosen location. This analysis will help you determine if there is a sufficient customer base to support your business and if there is potential for growth in the future.

Here are some key areas to consider during your feasibility study:

  • Competition: Identify and analyze your competitors in the market. Determine their strengths and weaknesses to identify opportunities for differentiation.
  • Regulations and Licensing: Understand the legal requirements and regulations surrounding mobile device repair services in your area. Ensure you have all the necessary licenses and permits to operate your business.
  • Supplier and Equipment: Evaluate potential suppliers and manufacturers of device parts and equipment. Ensure their reliability and quality to maintain efficient repairs and customer satisfaction.
  • Operational Challenges: Identify any potential operational challenges such as repair turnaround time, inventory management, and technician availability. Develop strategies to address these challenges and ensure smooth operations.
  • Financial Considerations: Conduct a thorough financial analysis, including projected costs and revenue, to determine the viability of your business. Consider factors such as initial investment, ongoing expenses, and pricing strategy.
  • Consult with industry experts or seek advice from professionals in the mobile device repair service industry to gain valuable insights and guidance.
  • Research customer reviews and feedback on existing mobile device repair services to understand common pain points and areas for improvement.
  • Consider conducting a small-scale pilot or test run of your services to gather feedback and assess the demand before committing to a full-scale launch.

By conducting a comprehensive feasibility study, you will gain a deeper understanding of the potential risks and challenges associated with starting a mobile device repair service. Use this information to refine your business plan, develop contingency plans, and ensure you are well-prepared to overcome any obstacles that may arise.

In conclusion, writing a business plan for a mobile device repair service involves careful research, analysis, and planning. By following the nine steps outlined in this checklist, entrepreneurs can effectively prepare themselves for launching a successful and competitive business. Considering aspects such as market research, financial analysis, marketing strategies, and operational plans, aspiring business owners can set themselves up for long-term success in the mobile device repair industry.

A thorough understanding of the target market, competition, and customer demand is essential for developing a unique selling proposition that sets the business apart from competitors. Adapting to the ever-changing technological landscape, providing convenient on-site repair services, and offering additional maintenance options will attract and retain customers.

Creating a comprehensive business plan that covers all aspects of the business, from financial projections to supplier partnerships and risk assessments, will ensure a solid foundation for the mobile device repair service. With careful planning and attention to detail, entrepreneurs can pursue their passion for technology while providing valuable services to customers.

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Cell Phone Repair Business

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How to Start a Cell Phone Repair Business

Written by: Carolyn Young

Carolyn Young is a business writer who focuses on entrepreneurial concepts and the business formation. She has over 25 years of experience in business roles, and has authored several entrepreneurship textbooks.

Edited by: David Lepeska

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

Published on April 18, 2022 Updated on May 1, 2024

How to Start a Cell Phone Repair Business

Investment range

$2,450 - $6,700

Revenue potential

$58,000 - $117,000 p.a.

Time to build

1 – 6 months

Profit potential

$53,000 - $105,000 p.a.

Industry trend

Nearly every US adult has a cell phone that they rely on every day. But even pricey smartphones are delicate and can be easily broken with a simple slip of the hand. That’s why cell phone repair is a growing $4 billion US industry. If you’re a tech person, or want to learn cell phone repair, now is a great time to start a cell phone repair business, even from your home, and make good money. 

But first, you need to acquire some knowledge about how to start a business. Fortunately, this step-by-step guide outlines the entire entrepreneurial process required to launch a successful cell phone repair business. 

Looking to register your business? A limited liability company (LLC) is the best legal structure for new businesses because it is fast and simple.

Form your business immediately using ZenBusiness LLC formation service or hire one of the Best LLC Services .

Step 1: Decide if the Business Is Right for You

Pros and cons.

Starting a cell phone repair business has pros and cons to consider before deciding if it’s right for you. 

  • Good Money – Profit margins for phone repair are high
  • Flexibility – Run a mobile phone repair business from home
  • Large Market – With so many phones in use, demand is high
  • Crowded Market – Many large companies offer cell phone repair
  • Skills Needed – Necessary to be a tech pro

Cell phone repair industry trends

Industry size and growth.

cell phone repair industry size and growth

  • Industry size and past growth – The US cell phone repair industry was worth $4 billion in 2020 after steady growth the previous five years.(( )) 
  • Growth forecast – The US cell phone repair industry is projected to grow modestly over the next five years. 
  • Number of businesses – In 2021, 9,413 cell phone repair businesses were operating in the US. 
  • Number of people employed – In 2021, the US cell phone repair industry employed 26,896 people. 

Trends and challenges

cell phone repair industry Trends and Challenges

Trends in the cell phone repair industry include:

  • Used iPhones, even if they have been repaired, can sell for six times the price of other brands. It’s estimated that about 30% of iPhones suffer damage in the course of any given year, and those phones are worth repairing due to their value. 
  • Ironically, as technology improves, smartphones are becoming more delicate, increasing the need for repairs.

Challenges in the cell phone repair industry include:

  • Evolving technology means that phone repair companies need to continuously educate employees about new models.
  • Because of the large investment some people make in their phones, more people are buying insurance coverage from their service providers. Those companies usually replace the phone rather than pay for repairs.

Demand hotspots

cell phone repair demand hotspots

  • Most popular states – The most popular states for cell phone technicians are Alaska, Connecticut, and Utah.(( ))
  • Least popular states – The least popular states for cell phone technicians are Wyoming, Minnesota, and Rhode Island. 

What kind of people work in cell phone repair?

cell phone repair industry demographics

  • Gender – 29.5% of cell phone technicians are female, while 65.6% are male. (( ))
  • Average level of education – The average cell phone technician is high school educated.
  • Average age – The average cell phone technician in the US is 45.4 years old.

How much does it cost to start a cell phone repair business?

Startup costs for a mobile phone repair business range from $2,400 to $6,700. Costs include a website, tools, and phone repair training. This assumes that you will run your business from home as a mobile repair outfit. 

You can take cell phone repair training and get a certification through the Cellular Repair School . Courses cost about $400 each and the program can be done online in four months. 

You’ll need a handful of items to successfully launch your cell phone repair business, including: 

  • Nylon spudger
  • Fine tipped curved tweezers
  • Screwdriver kit
  • Plastic triangle opening tool
  • Precision knife set
  • Anti-static brush
  • Suction cup pliers
  • Magnetic mat
  • Magnifying glass
  • Soldering iron

How much can you earn from a cell phone repair business?

cell phone repair business earnings forecast

Cell phone repairs generally range from $50 to $100 for an average of $75. Your profit margin should be about 90%. 

In your first year or two, you could work from home as a mobile phone repair service and do three repairs a day five days a week, bringing in about $58,000 in annual revenue. This would mean nearly $53,000 in profit, assuming that 90% margin. As your business gains traction, you could do six repairs a day, five days a week. With annual revenue of $117,000, you’d make a fantastic profit of more than $105,000.

What barriers to entry are there?

There are a few barriers to entry for a cell phone repair business. Your biggest challenges will be:

  • The training required if you’re not already a cell phone technician
  • Competing with large companies that offer phone repair

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Step 2: hone your idea.

Now that you know what’s involved in starting a cell phone repair business, it’s a good idea to hone your concept in preparation to enter a competitive market. 

Market research will give you the upper hand, even if you’re already positive that you have a perfect product or service. Conducting market research is important, because it can help you understand your customers better, who your competitors are, and your business landscape.

 Why? Identify an opportunity

Research smartphone repair businesses in your area to examine their services, price points, and customer reviews. You’re looking for a market gap to fill. For instance, maybe the local market is missing a mobile repair business or a low-end phone repair service. 

mobile repair business plan

You might consider targeting a niche market by specializing in a certain aspect of your industry, such as Apple iPhone repairs, or electronic device repairs.

This could jumpstart your word-of-mouth marketing and attract clients right away. 

What? Determine the types of phone parts you’ll repair

Your services will depend on your training and skills. You can do smartphone repair, electronic device repair, cracked screen repair, or even computer repair. 

How much should you charge for cell phone repair?

Your prices will depend on the extent of the repairs. Most cell phone repairs cost between $50 and $100. You should aim for a profit margin of about 90%. 

Once you know your costs, you can use this Step By Step profit margin calculator to determine your mark-up and final price points. Remember, the prices you use at launch should be subject to change if warranted by the market.

Who? Identify your target market

Your target market is extremely broad, since nearly everyone has a cell phone. You should spread out your marketing to include sites like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 

Where? Choose your business premises

In the early stages, you may want to run your business from home to keep costs low. But as your business grows, you’ll likely need to hire workers for various roles and might want to rent out a space for a phone repair store. You can find commercial space to rent in your area on sites such as Craigslist , Crexi , and Instant Offices .

When choosing a commercial space, you may want to follow these rules of thumb:

  • Central location accessible via public transport
  • Ventilated and spacious, with good natural light
  • Flexible lease that can be extended as your business grows
  • Ready-to-use space with no major renovations or repairs needed

cell phone repair business idea rating

Step 3: Brainstorm a Cell Phone Repair Business Name

Here are some ideas for brainstorming your business name:

  • Short, unique, and catchy names tend to stand out
  • Names that are easy to say and spell tend to do better 
  • Name should be relevant to your product or service offerings
  • Ask around — family, friends, colleagues, social media — for suggestions
  • Including keywords, “smartphone repair” or “mobile phone repair”, boosts SEO
  • Name should allow for expansion, for ex: “Master Tech Phone Repair” over “iPhone Repair Specialists”
  • A location-based name can help establish a strong connection with your local community and help with the SEO but might hinder future expansion

Discover over 240 unique cell phone repair business name ideas here . If you want your business name to include specific keywords, you can also use our cell phone repair business name generator. Just type in a few keywords and hit “generate” and you’ll have dozens of suggestions at your fingertips.

Once you’ve got a list of potential names, visit the website of the US Patent and Trademark Office to make sure they are available for registration and check the availability of related domain names using our Domain Name Search tool. Using “.com” or “.org” sharply increases credibility, so it’s best to focus on these. 

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Finally, make your choice among the names that pass this screening and go ahead with domain registration and social media account creation. Your business name is one of the key differentiators that sets your business apart. Once you pick your company name, and start with the branding, it is hard to change the business name. Therefore, it’s important to carefully consider your choice before you start a business entity.

Step 4: Create a Cell Phone Repair Business Plan

Here are the key components of a business plan:

what to include in a business plan

  • Executive Summary: A brief overview of your cell phone repair business, summarizing its mission, goals, and key elements.
  • Business Overview: Detailed information about the cell phone repair industry, target market, and the specific niche your business will serve.
  • Product and Services: Outline of the cell phone repair services offered, including types of repairs, warranties, and any additional products or services.
  • Market Analysis: Examination of the cell phone repair market, identifying trends, potential customer base, and demand for your services.
  • Competitive Analysis: Evaluation of competitors in the cell phone repair industry, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and strategies to gain a competitive edge.
  • Sales and Marketing: Strategies for promoting and selling your cell phone repair services, encompassing online and offline marketing, pricing, and sales channels.
  • Management Team: Introduction of key individuals overseeing the cell phone repair business, emphasizing their relevant skills and experience.
  • Operations Plan: Details on the day-to-day operations of the cell phone repair business, covering location, equipment, suppliers, and workflow.
  • Financial Plan: Financial projections, including startup costs, revenue forecasts, and a break-even analysis for the cell phone repair business.
  • Appendix: Supplementary information, such as detailed market research, resumes of key team members, and any other supporting documents for the cell phone repair business plan.

If you’ve never created a business plan, it can be an intimidating task. You might consider hiring a business plan specialist to create a top-notch business plan for you.

Step 5: Register Your Business

Registering your business is an absolutely crucial step — it’s the prerequisite to paying taxes, raising capital, opening a bank account, and other guideposts on the road to getting a business up and running.

Plus, registration is exciting because it makes the entire process official. Once it’s complete, you’ll have your own business! 

Choose where to register your company

Your business location is important because it can affect taxes, legal requirements, and revenue. Most people will register their business in the state where they live, but if you’re planning to expand, you might consider looking elsewhere, as some states could offer real advantages when it comes to cell phone repair businesses. 

If you’re willing to move, you could really maximize your business! Keep in mind, it’s relatively easy to transfer your business to another state. 

Choose your business structure

Business entities come in several varieties, each with its pros and cons. The legal structure you choose for your cell phone repair business will shape your taxes, personal liability, and business registration requirements, so choose wisely. 

Here are the main options:

types of business structures

  • Sole Proprietorship – The most common structure for small businesses makes no legal distinction between company and owner. All income goes to the owner, who’s also liable for any debts, losses, or liabilities incurred by the business. The owner pays taxes on business income on his or her personal tax return.
  • General Partnership – Similar to a sole proprietorship, but for two or more people. Again, owners keep the profits and are liable for losses. The partners pay taxes on their share of business income on their personal tax returns.
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) – Combines the characteristics of corporations with those of sole proprietorships or partnerships. Again, the owners are not personally liable for debts.
  • C Corp – Under this structure, the business is a distinct legal entity and the owner or owners are not personally liable for its debts. Owners take profits through shareholder dividends, rather than directly. The corporation pays taxes, and owners pay taxes on their dividends, which is sometimes referred to as double taxation.
  • S Corp – An S-Corporation refers to the tax classification of the business but is not a business entity. An S-Corp can be either a corporation or an LLC , which just need to elect to be an S-Corp for tax status. In an S-Corp, income is passed through directly to shareholders, who pay taxes on their share of business income on their personal tax returns.

We recommend that new business owners choose LLC as it offers liability protection and pass-through taxation while being simpler to form than a corporation. You can form an LLC in as little as five minutes using an online LLC formation service. They will check that your business name is available before filing, submit your articles of organization , and answer any questions you might have.

Form Your LLC

Choose Your State

We recommend ZenBusiness as the Best LLC Service for 2024

mobile repair business plan

Step 6: Register for Taxes

The final step before you’re able to pay taxes is getting an Employer Identification Number , or EIN. You can file for your EIN online or by mail or fax: visit the IRS website to learn more. Keep in mind, if you’ve chosen to be a sole proprietorship you can simply use your social security number as your EIN. 

Once you have your EIN, you’ll need to choose your tax year. Financially speaking, your business will operate in a calendar year (January–December) or a fiscal year, a 12-month period that can start in any month. This will determine your tax cycle, while your business structure will determine which taxes you’ll pay.

mobile repair business plan

The IRS website also offers a tax-payers checklist , and taxes can be filed online.

It is important to consult an accountant or other professional to help you with your taxes to ensure you’re completing them correctly.

Step 7: Fund your Business

Securing financing is your next step and there are plenty of ways to raise capital:

types of business financing

  • Bank loans: This is the most common method but getting approved requires a rock-solid business plan and strong credit history.
  • SBA-guaranteed loans: The Small Business Administration can act as guarantor, helping gain that elusive bank approval via an SBA-guaranteed loan .
  • Government grants: A handful of financial assistance programs help fund entrepreneurs. Visit to learn which might work for you.
  • Friends and Family: Reach out to friends and family to provide a business loan or investment in your concept. It’s a good idea to have legal advice when doing so because SEC regulations apply.
  • Crowdfunding: Websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo offer an increasingly popular low-risk option, in which donors fund your vision. Entrepreneurial crowdfunding sites like Fundable and WeFunder enable multiple investors to fund your business.
  • Personal: Self-fund your business via your savings or the sale of property or other assets.

Bank and SBA loans are probably the best option, other than friends and family, for funding a cell phone repair business. 

Step 8: Apply for Licenses and Permits

Starting a cell phone repair business requires obtaining a number of licenses and permits from local, state, and federal governments.

Federal regulations, licenses, and permits associated with starting your business include doing business as (DBA), health licenses and permits from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ), trademarks, copyrights, patents, and other intellectual properties, as well as industry-specific licenses and permits. 

You may also need state-level and local county or city-based licenses and permits. The license requirements and how to obtain them vary, so check the websites of your state, city, and county governments or contact the appropriate person to learn more. 

You could also check this SBA guide for your state’s requirements, but we recommend using MyCorporation’s Business License Compliance Package . They will research the exact forms you need for your business and state and provide them to ensure you’re fully compliant.

This is not a step to be taken lightly, as failing to comply with legal requirements can result in hefty penalties.

If you feel overwhelmed by this step or don’t know how to begin, it might be a good idea to hire a professional to help you check all the legal boxes.

Step 9: Open a Business Bank Account

Before you start making money, you’ll need a place to keep it, and that requires opening a bank account .

Keeping your business finances separate from your personal account makes it easy to file taxes and track your company’s income, so it’s worth doing even if you’re running your cell phone repair business as a sole proprietorship. Opening a business bank account is quite simple, and similar to opening a personal one. Most major banks offer accounts tailored for businesses — just inquire at your preferred bank to learn about their rates and features.

Banks vary in terms of offerings, so it’s a good idea to examine your options and select the best plan for you. Once you choose your bank, bring in your EIN (or Social Security Number if you decide on a sole proprietorship), articles of incorporation, and other legal documents and open your new account.

Step 10: Get Business Insurance

Business insurance is an area that often gets overlooked yet it can be vital to your success as an entrepreneur. Insurance protects you from unexpected events that can have a devastating impact on your business.

Here are some types of insurance to consider:

types of business insurance

  • General liability: The most comprehensive type of insurance, acting as a catch-all for many business elements that require coverage. If you get just one kind of insurance, this is it. It even protects against bodily injury and property damage.
  • Business Property: Provides coverage for your equipment and supplies.
  • Equipment Breakdown Insurance: Covers the cost of replacing or repairing equipment that has broken due to mechanical issues.
  • Worker’s compensation: Provides compensation to employees injured on the job.
  • Property: Covers your physical space, whether it is a cart, storefront, or office.
  • Commercial auto: Protection for your company-owned vehicle.
  • Professional liability: Protects against claims from a client who says they suffered a loss due to an error or omission in your work.
  • Business owner’s policy (BOP): This is an insurance plan that acts as an all-in-one insurance policy, a combination of the above insurance types.

Step 11: Prepare to Launch

As opening day nears, prepare for launch by reviewing and improving some key elements of your business. 

Essential software and tools

Being an entrepreneur often means wearing many hats, from marketing to sales to accounting, which can be overwhelming. Fortunately, many websites and digital tools are available to help simplify many business tasks. 

You may want to use industry-specific software, such as Fixably , RepairShopr , or RepairDesk , to manage your bookings, schedule, workflows, invoicing, and payments. 

  • Popular web-based accounting programs for smaller businesses include Quickbooks , Freshbooks , and Xero . 
  • If you’re unfamiliar with basic accounting, you may want to hire a professional, especially as you begin. The consequences for filing incorrect tax documents can be harsh, so accuracy is crucial. 

Develop your website

Website development is crucial because your site is your online presence and needs to convince prospective clients of your expertise and professionalism.

You can create your own website using website builders . This route is very affordable, but figuring out how to build a website can be time-consuming. If you lack tech-savvy, you can hire a web designer or developer to create a custom website for your business.

They are unlikely to find your website, however, unless you follow Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) practices. These are steps that help pages rank higher in the results of top search engines like Google. 

Here are some powerful marketing strategies for your future business:

  • Local SEO — Optimize your website with details of your repair services and customer testimonials to improve visibility in local search results. Regularly update your Google My Business and Yelp profiles to strengthen your local search presence.
  • Professional Branding — Develop branding that emphasizes efficiency, expertise, and reliability, essential in the tech repair industry.
  • Direct Outreach — Forge partnerships with local businesses and educational institutions to offer specialized repair services and establish long-term contracts.
  • Social Media Engagement — Utilize platforms like Facebook and Instagram to showcase before-and-after repair photos and share maintenance tips.
  • Tech Tips Blog — Regularly publish helpful articles about common device issues and the latest mobile technology trends.
  • Video Tutorials — Produce concise video content that provides DIY repair tips and advice on phone care.
  • Repair Workshops — Conduct educational workshops in local community centers to teach basic device maintenance and repair skills.
  • Community Event Participation — Engage with the local community at events and fairs, providing on-site consultations and services.
  • Targeted Local Advertising — Place ads on local online platforms and community boards to attract nearby customers.

Focus on USPs

unique selling proposition

Unique selling propositions, or USPs, are the characteristics of a product or service that set it apart from the competition. Customers today are inundated with buying options, so you’ll have a real advantage if they are able to quickly grasp how your cell phone repair business meets their needs or wishes. It’s wise to do all you can to ensure your USPs stand out on your website and in your marketing and promotional materials, stimulating buyer desire. 

Global pizza chain Domino’s is renowned for its USP: “Hot pizza in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed.” Signature USPs for your cell phone repair business could be: 

  • Mobile smartphone repair – we make house calls!
  • Apple iPhone repair without the Apple prices
  • Cracked screen? Fixed in one hour, guaranteed

You may not like to network or use personal connections for business gain. But your personal and professional networks likely offer considerable untapped business potential. Maybe that Facebook friend you met in college is now running a cell phone repair business, or a LinkedIn contact of yours is connected to dozens of potential clients. Maybe your cousin or neighbor has been working in smartphones for years and can offer invaluable insight and industry connections. 

The possibilities are endless, so it’s a good idea to review your personal and professional networks and reach out to those with possible links to or interest in phone repair. You’ll probably generate new customers or find companies with which you could establish a partnership. 

Step 12: Build Your Team

If you’re starting out small from a home office, you may not need any employees. But as your business grows, you will likely need workers to fill various roles. Potential positions for a cell phone repair business include:

  • Repair Technicians – assist with cell phone repairs
  • General Manager – scheduling, accounting
  • Marketing Lead – SEO strategies, social media

At some point, you may need to hire all of these positions or simply a few, depending on the size and needs of your business. You might also hire multiple workers for a single role or a single worker for multiple roles, again depending on need. 

Free-of-charge methods to recruit employees include posting ads on popular platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or You might also consider a premium recruitment option, such as advertising on Indeed , Glassdoor , or ZipRecruiter . Further, if you have the resources, you could consider hiring a recruitment agency to help you find talent. 

Step 13: Run a Cell Phone Repair Business – Start Making Money!

Cell phone repair is not an industry that will go away anytime soon. With 97% of the US population owning cell phones, any phone repair business should have no shortage of customers. If you’re not already a repair technician, you can learn to be one quickly and start your own repair business for a very small investment. You can even run your business from home as a mobile repair service and make a good living while providing a valuable service. 

You’ve had your business education now, so it’s time to get your successful cell phone repair business going!

  • Cell Phone Repair Business FAQs

A cell phone repair business can be very profitable since the demand for your services will be high. You just need the proper training so that you can do quality work that will bring in business.

The Samsung Galaxy S22 is one of the most diffi cult. The Microsoft Surface Duo, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra also make the list.

The most common iPhone repairs include cracked backs and screens , water damage , battery issues , and faulty charging ports .

Replacing a cracked back is the most expensive iPhone repair. It can cost $400 to $500 or more depending on the model.

A cell phone repair business would be a great side hustle. You’d just set appointments for dropoffs and pickups when you’re available, and do the repairs in your spare time. 

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  • Decide if the Business Is Right for You
  • Hone Your Idea
  • Brainstorm a Cell Phone Repair Business Name
  • Create a Cell Phone Repair Business Plan
  • Register Your Business
  • Register for Taxes
  • Fund your Business
  • Apply for Licenses and Permits
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get Business Insurance
  • Prepare to Launch
  • Build Your Team
  • Run a Cell Phone Repair Business - Start Making Money!

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  • Financial Tables

How to Write A Mobile Mechanic Business Plan?

Writing a mobile mechanic business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ready and summarizes each section of your plan.

Here are a few key components to include in your executive summary:

Introduce your Business:

  • This section may include the name of your mobile mechanic business, its location, when it was founded, the type of mobile mechanic business (E.g., automobile mechanic, heavy vehicle mechanic, recreational vehicle mechanic), etc.

Market Opportunity:

Products and services:.

  • For instance, you may include repair and maintenance, pre-purchase inspection, and vehicle diagnosis as services and mention quick response time and emergency roadside assistance as some of your USPs.

Marketing & Sales Strategies:

Financial highlights:, call to action:.

Ensure your executive summary is clear, concise, easy to understand, and jargon-free.

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2. Business Overview

The business overview section of your business plan offers detailed information about your company. The details you add will depend on how important they are to your business. Yet, business name, location, business history, and future goals are some of the foundational elements you must consider adding to this section:

Business Description:

  • Describe what kind of mobile mechanic company you run and the name of it. You may specialize in one of the following mobile mechanic businesses:
  • Automobile mechanic
  • Heavy vehicle mobile mechanic
  • Recreational vehicle mobile mechanic
  • Emergency roadside assistance
  • Motorcycle mobile mechanic
  • Describe the legal structure of your mobile mechanic company, whether it is a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or others.
  • Explain where your business is located and why you selected the place.

Mission Statement:

Business history:.

  • Additionally, If you have received any awards or recognition for excellent work, describe them.

Future Goals

This section should provide a thorough understanding of your business, its history, and its future plans. Keep this section engaging, precise, and to the point.

3. Market Analysis

The market analysis section of your business plan should offer a thorough understanding of the industry with the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. You should include the following components in this section.

Target market:

  • For instance, individuals, families, and busy professionals would be an ideal target audience for an automobile mechanic business.

Market size and growth potential:

  • For instance, the auto mechanic industry in 2022 was 76.2 billion dollars . Determine your segment of attainable target market from this and identify the potential growth opportunity.

Competitive Analysis:

Market trends:.

  • For instance, remote diagnostics and telematics have a booming market; explain how you plan on dealing with this potential growth opportunity.

Regulatory Environment:

Here are a few tips for writing the market analysis section of your mobile mechanic business plan:

  • Conduct market research, industry reports, and surveys to gather data.
  • Provide specific and detailed information whenever possible.
  • Illustrate your points with charts and graphs.
  • Write your business plan keeping your target audience in mind.

4. Mechanic Services

The product and services section should describe the specific services and products that will be offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

Describe your services:

Mention the mobile mechanic services your business will offer. This list may include services like,

  • Vegetable farming
  • Bee farming
  • Aquaculture
  • Organic farming

Maintenance services:

Mention the maintenance services your business will offer. This list may include regular inspections and routine maintenance tasks.

Parts and Accessories:

Quality measures:.

  • This may include original products, stringent procedure protocols, and training of mechanics.

Additional Services

In short, this section of your mobile mechanic plan must be informative, precise, and client-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • For example, specialty in certain vehicles, quick response time, and auto part replacements could be some of the great USPs for an automobile mechanic company.

Pricing Strategy:

Marketing strategies:, sales strategies:, customer retention:.

Overall, this section of your mobile mechanic business plan should focus on customer acquisition and retention.

Have a specific, realistic, and data-driven approach while planning sales and marketing strategies for your mobile mechanic business, and be prepared to adapt or make strategic changes in your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

The operations plan section of your business plan should outline the processes and procedures involved in your business operations, such as staffing requirements and operational processes. Here are a few components to add to your operations plan:

Staffing & Training:

Operational process:, equipment & machinery:.

  • Explain how these technologies help you maintain quality standards and improve the efficiency of your business operations.

Adding these components to your operations plan will help you lay out your business operations, which will eventually help you manage your business effectively.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of your mobile mechanic business’s management team. This section should provide a detailed description of each manager’s experience and qualifications, as well as their responsibilities and roles.


Key managers:.

  • It should include, key executives(e.g. COO, CMO.), senior management, and other department managers (e.g. operations manager, customer services manager.) involved in the mobile mechanic business operations, including their education, professional background, and any relevant experience in the auto repair industry.

Organizational structure:

Compensation plan:, advisors/consultants:.

  • So, if you have any advisors or consultants, include them with their names and brief information consisting of roles and years of experience.

This section should describe the key personnel for your mobile mechanic services, highlighting how you have the perfect team to succeed.

8. Financial Plan

Your financial plan section should provide a summary of your business’s financial projections for the first few years. Here are some key elements to include in your financial plan:

Profit & loss statement:

Cash flow statement:, balance sheet:, break-even point:.

  • This exercise will help you understand how much revenue you need to generate to sustain or be profitable.

Financing Needs:

Be realistic with your financial projections, and make sure you offer relevant information and evidence to support your estimates.

9. Appendix

The appendix section of your plan should include any additional information supporting your business plan’s main content, such as market research, legal documentation, financial statements, and other relevant information.

  • Add a table of contents for the appendix section to help readers easily find specific information or sections.
  • In addition to your financial statements, provide additional financial documents like tax returns, a list of assets within the business, credit history, and more. These statements must be the latest and offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.
  • Provide data derived from market research, including stats about the mobile mechanic industry, user demographics, and industry trends.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Include any additional documentation related to your business plan, such as product brochures, marketing materials, operational procedures, etc.

Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the necessary information.

Remember, the appendix section of your mobile auto mechanic business plan should only include relevant and important information supporting your plan’s main content.

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This sample mobile auto mechanic business plan will provide an idea for writing a successful mobile mechanic plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you still need clarification about writing an investment-ready business plan to impress your audience, download our mobile mechanic business plan pdf .

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Frequently asked questions, why do you need a mobile mechanic business plan.

A business plan is an essential tool for anyone looking to start or run a successful mobile mechanic business. It helps to get clarity in your business, secures funding, and identifies potential challenges while starting and growing your business.

Overall, a well-written plan can help you make informed decisions, which can contribute to the long-term success of your mobile mechanic company.

How to get funding for your mobile mechanic business?

There are several ways to get funding for your mobile mechanic business, but self-funding is one of the most efficient and speedy funding options. Other options for funding are:

  • Bank loan – You may apply for a loan in government or private banks.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) loan – SBA loans and schemes are available at affordable interest rates, so check the eligibility criteria before applying for it.
  • Crowdfunding – The process of supporting a project or business by getting a lot of people to invest in your business, usually online.
  • Angel investors – Getting funds from angel investors is one of the most sought startup options.

Apart from all these options, there are small business grants available, check for the same in your location and you can apply for it.

How do I write a good market analysis in a mobile mechanic business plan?

Market analysis is one of the key components of your business plan that requires deep research and a thorough understanding of your industry. We can categorize the process of writing a good market analysis section into the following steps:

  • Stating the objective of your market analysis—e.g., investor funding.
  • Industry study—market size, growth potential, market trends, etc.
  • Identifying target market—based on user behavior and demographics.
  • Analyzing direct and indirect competitors.
  • Calculating market share—understanding TAM, SAM, and SOM.
  • Knowing regulations and restrictions
  • Organizing data and writing the first draft.

Writing a marketing analysis section can be overwhelming, but using ChatGPT for market research can make things easier.

How detailed should the financial projections be in my mobile mechanic business plan?

The level of detail of the financial projections of your mobile mechanic business may vary considering various business aspects like direct and indirect competition, pricing, and operational efficiency. However, your financial projections must be comprehensive enough to demonstrate a complete view of your financial performance.

Generally, the statements included in a business plan offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.

Can a good mobile mechanic business plan help me secure funding?

Indeed. A well-crafted mobile mechanic business plan will help your investors better understand your business domain, market trends, strategies, business financials, and growth potential—helping them make better financial decisions.

So, if you have a profitable and investable business, a comprehensive business plan can certainly help you secure your business funding.

What's the importance of a marketing strategy in a mobile mechanic business plan?

Marketing strategy is a key component of your mobile mechanic business plan. Whether it is about achieving certain business goals or helping your investors understand your plan to maximize their return on investment—an impactful marketing strategy is the way to do it!

Here are a few pointers to help you understand the importance of having an impactful marketing strategy:

  • It provides your business an edge over your competitors.
  • It helps investors better understand your business and growth potential.
  • It helps you develop products with the best profit potential.
  • It helps you set accurate pricing for your products or services.

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mobile repair business plan

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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How to write a business plan for a mobile phone repair shop?

mobile phone repair shop business plan

Creating a business plan for a mobile phone repair shop is an essential process for any entrepreneur. It serves as a roadmap that outlines the necessary steps to be taken to start or grow the business, the resources required, and the anticipated financial outcomes. It should be crafted with method and confidence.

This guide is designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge necessary for creating a mobile phone repair shop business plan, covering why it is so important both when starting up and running an established business, what should be included in your plan, how it should be structured, what tools should be used to save time and avoid errors, and other helpful tips.

We have a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

In this guide:

Why write a business plan for a mobile phone repair shop?

  • What information is needed to create a business plan for a mobile phone repair shop?
  • What goes in the financial forecast for a mobile phone repair shop?
  • What goes in the written part of a mobile phone repair shop business plan?
  • What tool can I use to write my mobile phone repair shop business plan?

Being clear on the scope and goals of the document will make it easier to understand its structure and content. So before diving into the actual content of the plan, let's have a quick look at the main reasons why you would want to write a mobile phone repair shop business plan in the first place.

To have a clear roadmap to grow the business

Small businesses rarely experience a constant and predictable environment. Economic cycles go up and down, while the business landscape is mutating constantly with new regulations, technologies, competitors, and consumer behaviours emerging when we least expect it.

In this dynamic context, it's essential to have a clear roadmap for your mobile phone repair shop. Otherwise, you are navigating in the dark which is dangerous given that - as a business owner - your capital is at risk.

That's why crafting a well-thought-out business plan is crucial to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of your venture.

To create an effective business plan, you'll need to take a step-by-step approach. First, you'll have to assess your current position (if you're already in business), and then identify where you'd like your mobile phone repair shop to be in the next three to five years.

Once you have a clear destination for your mobile phone repair shop, you'll focus on three key areas:

  • Resources: you'll determine the human, equipment, and capital resources needed to reach your goals successfully.
  • Speed: you'll establish the optimal pace at which your business needs to grow if it is to meet its objectives within the desired timeframe.
  • Risks: you'll identify and address potential risks you might encounter along the way.

By going through this process regularly, you'll be able to make informed decisions about resource allocation, paving the way for the long-term success of your business.

To anticipate future cash flows

Regularly comparing your actual financial performance to the projections in the financial forecast of your mobile phone repair shop's business plan gives you the ability to monitor your business's financial health and make necessary adjustments as needed.

This practice allows you to detect potential financial issues, such as unexpected cash shortfalls before they escalate into major problems. Giving you time to find additional financing or put in place corrective measures.

Additionally, it helps you identify growth opportunities, like excess cash flow that could be allocated to launch new products and services or expand into new markets.

Staying on track with these regular comparisons enables you to make well-informed decisions about the amount of financing your business might require, or the excess cash flow you can expect to generate from your main business activities.

To secure financing

Crafting a comprehensive business plan for your mobile phone repair shop, whether you're starting up or already established, is paramount when you're seeking financing from banks or investors.

Given how fragile small businesses are, financiers will want to ensure that you have a clear roadmap in place as well as command and control of your future cash flows before entertaining the idea of funding you.

For banks, the information in your business plan will be used to assess your borrowing capacity - which is defined as the maximum amount of debt your business can afford alongside your ability to repay the loan. This evaluation helps them decide whether to extend credit to your business and under what terms (interest rate, duration, repayment options, collateral, etc.).

Similarly, investors will thoroughly review your plan to determine if their investment can yield an attractive return. They'll be looking for evidence that your mobile phone repair shop has the potential for healthy growth, profitability, and consistent cash flow generation over time.

Now that you understand the importance of creating a business plan for your mobile phone repair shop, let's delve into the necessary information needed to craft an effective plan.

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Information needed to create a business plan for a mobile phone repair shop

You need the right data in order to project sales, investments and costs accurately in the financial forecast of your mobile phone repair shop business plan.

Below, we'll cover three key pieces of information you should gather before drafting your business plan.

Carrying out market research for a mobile phone repair shop

Before you begin writing your business plan for a mobile phone repair shop, conducting market research is a critical step in ensuring precise and realistic financial projections.

Market research grants you valuable insights into your target customer base, competitors, pricing strategies, and other crucial factors that can impact the success of your business.

In the course of this research, you may stumble upon trends that could impact your mobile phone repair shop.

1. You may find that customers are increasingly interested in repair services that are more cost-effective than buying a new phone. 2. You might discover that customers are looking for more convenient repair options, such as drop-off and pick-up services.

Such market trends play a pivotal role in revenue forecasting, as they provide essential data regarding potential customers' spending habits and preferences.

By integrating these findings into your financial projections, you can provide investors with more accurate information, enabling them to make well-informed decisions about investing in your mobile phone repair shop.

Developing the sales and marketing plan for a mobile phone repair shop

As you embark on creating your mobile phone repair shop business plan, it is crucial to budget sales and marketing expenses beforehand.

A well-defined sales and marketing plan should include precise projections of the actions required to acquire and retain customers. It will also outline the necessary workforce to execute these initiatives and the budget required for promotions, advertising, and other marketing efforts.

This approach ensures that the appropriate amount of resources is allocated to these activities, aligning with the sales and growth objectives outlined in your business plan.

The staffing and capital expenditure requirements of a mobile phone repair shop

Whether you are starting or expanding a mobile phone repair shop, it is important to have a clear plan for recruitment and capital expenditures (investment in equipment and real estate) in order to ensure the success of the business.

Both the recruitment and investment plans need to be coherent with the timing and level of growth planned in your forecast, and require appropriate funding.

Staffing costs for a mobile phone repair shop may include wages for technicians, receptionists, and administrative personnel. Equipment costs may include tools and diagnostic equipment needed to repair phones, computers to manage customer accounts, and furniture for customer waiting areas.

In order to create a realistic financial forecast, you will also need to consider the other operating expenses associated with running the business on a day-to-day basis (insurance, bookkeeping, etc.). 

Once you have all the necessary information to create a business plan for your mobile phone repair shop, it is time to start creating your financial forecast.

What goes into your mobile phone repair shop's financial forecast?

The financial forecast of your mobile phone repair shop's business plan will enable you to assess the growth, profitability, funding requirements, and cash generation potential of your business in the coming years.

The four key outputs of a financial forecast for a mobile phone repair shop are:

  • The profit and loss (P&L) statement ,
  • The projected balance sheet ,
  • The cash flow forecast ,
  • And the sources and uses table .

Let's look at each of these in a bit more detail.

The projected P&L statement

The projected P&L statement for a mobile phone repair shop shows how much revenue and profits your business is expected to generate in the future.

projected profit and loss statement example in a mobile phone repair shop business plan

Ideally, your mobile phone repair shop's P&L statement should show:

  • Healthy growth - above inflation level
  • Improving or stable profit margins
  • Positive net profit

Expectations will vary based on the stage of your business. A startup will be expected to grow faster than an established mobile phone repair shop. And similarly, an established company should showcase a higher level of profitability than a new venture.

The projected balance sheet of your mobile phone repair shop

The balance sheet for a mobile phone repair shop is a financial document that provides a snapshot of your business’s financial health at a given point in time.

It shows three main components: assets, liabilities and equity:

  • Assets: are resources owned by the business, such as cash, equipment, and accounts receivable (money owed by clients).
  • Liabilities: are debts owed to creditors and other entities, such as accounts payable (money owed to suppliers) and loans.
  • Equity: includes the sums invested by the shareholders or business owners and the cumulative profits and losses of the business to date (called retained earnings). It is a proxy for the value of the owner's stake in the business.

example of projected balance sheet in a mobile phone repair shop business plan

Examining the balance sheet is important for lenders, investors, or other stakeholders who are interested in assessing your mobile phone repair shop's liquidity and solvency:

  • Liquidity: assesses whether or not your business has sufficient cash and short-term assets to honour its liabilities due over the next 12 months. It is a short-term focus.
  • Solvency: assesses whether or not your business has the capacity to repay its debt over the medium-term.

Looking at the balance sheet can also provide insights into your mobile phone repair shop's investment and financing policies.

In particular, stakeholders can compare the value of equity to the value of the outstanding financial debt to assess how the business is funded and what level of financial risk has been taken by the owners (financial debt is riskier because it has to be repaid, while equity doesn't need to be repaid).

The projected cash flow statement

A cash flow forecast for a mobile phone repair shop shows how much cash the business is projected to generate or consume.

example of cash flow forecast in a mobile phone repair shop business plan

The cash flow statement is divided into 3 main areas:

  • The operating cash flow shows how much cash is generated or consumed by the operations (running the business)
  • The investing cash flow shows how much cash is being invested in capital expenditure (equipment, real estate, etc.)
  • The financing cash flow shows how much cash is raised or distributed to investors and lenders

Looking at the cash flow forecast helps you to ensure that your business has enough cash to keep running, and can help you anticipate potential cash shortfalls.

It is also a best practice to include a monthly cash flow statement in the appendices of your mobile phone repair shop business plan so that the readers can view the impact of seasonality on your business cash position and generation.

The initial financing plan

The initial financing plan, also known as a sources and uses table, is a valuable resource to have in your business plan when starting your mobile phone repair shop as it reveals the origins of the money needed to establish the business (sources) and how it will be allocated (uses).

mobile phone repair shop business plan: sources & uses example

Having this table helps show what costs are involved in setting up your mobile phone repair shop, how risks are shared between founders, investors and lenders, and what the starting cash position will be. This cash position needs to be sufficient to sustain operations until the business reaches a break-even point.

Now that you have a clear understanding of what goes into the financial forecast of your mobile phone repair shop business plan, let's shift our focus to the written part of the plan.

The written part of a mobile phone repair shop business plan

The written part of a mobile phone repair shop business plan is composed of 7 main sections:

  • The executive summary
  • The presentation of the company
  • The products and services
  • The market analysis
  • The strategy
  • The operations
  • The financial plan

Throughout these sections, you will seek to provide the reader with the details and context needed for them to form a view on whether or not your business plan is achievable and your forecast a realistic possibility.

Let's go through the content of each section in more detail!

1. The executive summary

In your mobile phone repair shop's business plan, the first section is the executive summary — a captivating overview of your plan that aims to pique the reader's interest and leave them eager to learn more about your business.

When crafting the executive summary, start with an introduction to your business, including its name, concept, location, how long it has been running, and what sets it apart. Briefly mention the products and services you plan to offer and your target customer profile.

Following that, provide an overview of the addressable market for your mobile phone repair shop, current trends, and potential growth opportunities.

Next, include a summary of key financial figures like projected revenues, profits, and cash flows.

Finally, in the "ask" section, detail any funding requirements you may have.

2. The presentation of the company

As you build your mobile phone repair shop business plan, the second section deserves attention as it delves into the structure and ownership, location, and management team of your company.

In the structure and ownership part, you'll provide valuable insights into the legal structure of the business, the identities of the owners, and their respective investments and ownership stakes. This level of transparency is vital, particularly if you're seeking financing, as it clarifies which legal entity will receive the funds and who holds the reins of the business.

Moving to the location part, you'll offer a comprehensive view of the company's premises and articulate why this specific location is strategic for the business, emphasizing factors like catchment area, accessibility, and nearby amenities.

When describing the location of your mobile phone repair shop, you might emphasize the potential for high customer traffic. The area could be located near a shopping mall or other commercial hub, which could draw people in from the surrounding neighborhoods. Additionally, you could point to the potential for increased business due to the area's population size and growth rate. You could also mention the convenience of the area's public transportation and access to major highways, which could increase the number of customers who can easily reach your shop.

Lastly, you should introduce your esteemed management team. Provide a thorough explanation of each member's role, background, and extensive experience.

It's equally important to highlight any past successes the management team has achieved and underscore the duration they've been working together. This information will instil trust in potential lenders or investors, showcasing the strength and expertise of your leadership team and their ability to deliver the business plan.

3. The products and services section

The products and services section of your business plan should include a detailed description of what your company offers, who are the target customers, and what distribution channels are part of your go-to-market. 

For example, your mobile phone repair shop could offer customers diagnostic services to determine the source of the problem, repair services to fix the issue, and protection services to add a layer of insurance for future occurrences. Diagnostic services would help customers understand the root cause of the problem, repair services would help to fix the issue, and protection services would help to add an extra layer of security to prevent future problems.

4. The market analysis

When you present your market analysis in your mobile phone repair shop business plan, it's crucial to include detailed information about customers' demographics and segmentation, target market, competition, barriers to entry, and any relevant regulations.

The main objective of this section is to help the reader understand the size and attractiveness of the market while demonstrating your solid understanding of the industry.

Begin with the demographics and segmentation subsection, providing an overview of the addressable market for your mobile phone repair shop, the key trends in the marketplace, and introducing different customer segments along with their preferences in terms of purchasing habits and budgets.

Next, focus on your target market, zooming in on the specific customer segments your mobile phone repair shop aims to serve and explaining how your products and services fulfil their distinct needs.

For example, your target market might include people who rely heavily on their phones for work such as entrepreneurs, gig workers, and other professionals. These customers may be more likely to seek out reliable and timely repair services when their phones break or malfunction. Additionally, they may be willing to pay a premium for quality service and peace of mind that their phones are in good hands.

Then proceed to the competition subsection, where you introduce your main competitors and highlight what sets you apart from them.

Finally, conclude your market analysis with an overview of the key regulations applicable to your mobile phone repair shop.

5. The strategy section

When crafting the strategy section of your business plan for your mobile phone repair shop, it's important to cover several key aspects, including your competitive edge, pricing strategy, sales & marketing plan, milestones, and risks and mitigants.

In the competitive edge subsection, clearly explain what sets your company apart from competitors. This is particularly critical if you're a startup, as you'll be trying to establish your presence in the marketplace among entrenched players.

The pricing strategy subsection should demonstrate how you aim to maintain profitability while offering competitive prices to your customers.

For the sales & marketing plan, outline how you plan to reach and acquire new customers, as well as retain existing ones through loyalty programs or special offers.

In the milestones subsection, detail what your company has achieved thus far and outline your primary objectives for the coming years by including specific dates for expected progress. This ensures everyone involved has clear expectations.

Lastly, in the risks and mitigants subsection, list the main risks that could potentially impact the execution of your plan. Explain the measures you've taken to minimize these risks. This is vital for investors or lenders to feel confident in supporting your venture - try to proactively address any objection they might have.

Your mobile phone repair shop may face a variety of risks. For example, theft could be a potential risk; you may need to take extra steps to secure your shop and the devices that you are repairing. Additionally, there could be potential liability issues if you do not properly protect customer data or if a customer is dissatisfied with the repair services you provide. You may need to review your procedures and take extra precautions to minimize the risk of a lawsuit.

6. The operations section

The operations of your mobile phone repair shop must be presented in detail in your business plan.

The first thing you should cover in this section is your staffing team, the main roles, and the overall recruitment plan to support the growth expected in your business plan. You should also outline the qualifications and experience necessary to fulfil each role, and how you intend to recruit (using job boards, referrals, or headhunters).

You should then state the operating hours of your mobile phone repair shop - so that the reader can check the adequacy of your staffing levels - and any plans for varying opening times during peak season. Additionally, the plan should include details on how you will handle customer queries outside of normal operating hours.

The next part of this section should focus on the key assets and IP required to operate your business. If you depend on any licenses or trademarks, physical structures (equipment or property) or lease agreements, these should all go in there.

Your mobile phone repair shop may have key assets such as specialized equipment and tools, as well as intellectual property such as repair manuals and exclusive repair techniques. The specialized equipment could include soldering irons, wire cutters, and magnifying glasses that are used to diagnose and repair mobile phones. Additionally, the repair shop might also have exclusive repair manuals and techniques developed to repair certain mobile phones, which could give you a competitive advantage in the repair market.

Finally, you should include a list of suppliers that you plan to work with and a breakdown of their services and main commercial terms (price, payment terms, contract duration, etc.). Investors are always keen to know if there is a particular reason why you have chosen to work with a specific supplier (higher-quality products or past relationships for example).

7. The presentation of the financial plan

The financial plan section is where we will include the financial forecast we discussed earlier in this guide.

Now that you have a clear idea of what goes into a mobile phone repair shop business plan, let's look at some of the tools you can use to create yours efficiently.

What tool should I use to write my mobile phone repair shop's business plan?

There are two main ways of creating your mobile phone repair shop business plan:

  • Using specialized business planning software,
  • Hiring a business plan writer.

Using an online business plan software for your mobile phone repair shop's business plan

The modern and most efficient way to write a mobile phone repair shop business plan is to use business plan software .

There are several advantages to using specialized software:

  • You can easily create your financial forecast by letting the software take care of the financial calculations for you without errors
  • You are guided through the writing process by detailed instructions and examples for each part of the plan
  • You can access a library of dozens of complete business plan samples and templates for inspiration
  • You get a professional business plan, formatted and ready to be sent to your bank or investors
  • You can easily track your actual financial performance against your financial forecast
  • You can create scenarios to stress test your forecast's main assumptions
  • You can easily update your forecast as time goes by to maintain visibility on future cash flows
  • You have a friendly support team on standby to assist you when you are stuck

If you're interested in using this type of solution, you can try The Business Plan Shop for free by signing up here .

Hiring a business plan writer to write your mobile phone repair shop's business plan

Outsourcing your mobile phone repair shop business plan to a business plan writer can also be a viable option.

These writers possess valuable experience in crafting business plans and creating accurate financial forecasts. Additionally, enlisting their services can save you precious time, enabling you to concentrate on the day-to-day operations of your business.

It's important to be mindful, though, that hiring business plan writers comes with a cost. You'll be paying not just for their time but also for the software they use, and their profit margin.

Based on experience, a complete business plan usually requires a budget of at least £1.5k ($2.0k) excluding tax, and more if revisions are needed after initial meetings with lenders or investors - changes often arise following these discussions.

When seeking investment, be cautious about spending too much on consulting fees. Investors prefer their funds to contribute directly to business growth. Thus, the amount you spend on business plan writing services and other consulting services should be negligible compared to the amount you raise.

Another aspect to consider is that while you'll receive the output of the business plan, you usually won't own the actual document. It will be saved in the consultant's business plan software, which will make updating the plan challenging without retaining the consultant on a retainer.

Given these factors, it's essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons of outsourcing your mobile phone repair shop business plan to a business plan writer and decide what best suits your business's unique needs.

Why not create your mobile phone repair shop's business plan using Word or Excel?

Using Microsoft Excel and Word (or their Google, Apple, or open-source equivalents) to write a mobile phone repair shop business plan is a terrible idea.

For starters, creating an accurate and error-free financial forecast on Excel (or any spreadsheet) is very technical and requires both a strong grasp of accounting principles and solid skills in financial modelling.

As a result, it is unlikely anyone will trust your numbers unless - like us at The Business Plan Shop - you hold a degree in finance and accounting and have significant financial modelling experience in your past.

The second reason is that it is inefficient. Building forecasts on spreadsheets was the only option in the 1990s and early 2000s, nowadays technology has advanced and software can do it much faster and much more accurately.

And with the rise of AI, software is also becoming smarter at helping us detect mistakes in our forecasts and helping us analyse the numbers to make better decisions.

Also, using software makes it easy to compare actuals vs. forecasts and maintain our forecasts up to date to maintain visibility on future cash flows - as we discussed earlier in this guide - whereas this is a pain to do with a spreadsheet.

That's for the forecast, but what about the written part of my mobile phone repair shop business plan?

This part is less error-prone, but here also software brings tremendous gains in productivity:

  • Word processors don't include instructions and examples for each part of your business plan
  • Word processors don't update your numbers automatically when they change in your forecast
  • Word processors don't handle the formatting for you

Overall, while Word or Excel may be viable options for creating a mobile phone repair shop business plan for some entrepreneurs, it is by far not the best or most efficient solution.

  • Using business plan software is a modern and cost-effective way of writing and maintaining business plans.
  • A business plan is not a one-shot exercise as maintaining it current is the only way to keep visibility on your future cash flows.
  • A business plan has 2 main parts: a financial forecast outlining the funding requirements of your mobile phone repair shop and the expected growth, profits and cash flows for the next 3 to 5 years; and a written part which gives the reader the information needed to decide if they believe the forecast is achievable.

We hope that this in-depth guide met your expectations and that you now have a clear understanding of how to write your mobile phone repair shop business plan. Do not hesitate to contact our friendly team if you have questions additional questions we haven't addressed here.

Also on The Business Plan Shop

  • How to write a business plan to secure a bank loan?
  • How long should your business plan be?
  • Difference between business plan and business proposal
  • Difference between strategic plan and business plan
  • Key steps to write a business plan?
  • Top mistakes to avoid in your business plan

Do you know entrepreneurs interested in starting or growing a mobile phone repair shop? Share this article with them!

Guillaume Le Brouster

Founder & CEO at The Business Plan Shop Ltd

Guillaume Le Brouster is a seasoned entrepreneur and financier.

Guillaume has been an entrepreneur for more than a decade and has first-hand experience of starting, running, and growing a successful business.

Prior to being a business owner, Guillaume worked in investment banking and private equity, where he spent most of his time creating complex financial forecasts, writing business plans, and analysing financial statements to make financing and investment decisions.

Guillaume holds a Master's Degree in Finance from ESCP Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Business & Management from Paris Dauphine University.

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Mobile Phone Repair Shop Business Plan for Beginners

  •   Next What Business Research Team

Next What Business Research Team

  • June 18, 2023

Do you want to start a mobile phone repair shop business with a small capital investment? If yes, you have landed at the right place. Find here a complete stepwise guide on starting a mobile/ smartphone repair business from home or with a retail storefront.

As per industry experts, India’s smartphone shipments touched 17 million units in 2021 and are predicted to grow more. Hence, it can be easily concluded the demand for the mobile phone repair service business is bound to grow in the coming days.

12-Step Mobile Phone Repair Shop Business Plan

1. research the market.

Begin by conducting thorough market research to understand the demand for mobile phone repair services in your area. Assess the competition, target market, and pricing trends. Identify the popular mobile phone brands and models in your region.

2. Decide on Mobile Phone Repairing Business Model

A business model is a make-or-break aspect of any startup. And initiating a business with the right business models is absolutely necessary for getting long-term success in the business. Here we have mentioned three different types of prudent business models. However, you can definitely modify one as per your specific requirement.

a) Buy a Mobile Phone Repair Franchise

This is one of the safest ways of starting this business. You can find a lot of mobile phone repair business franchise opportunities in your city. And if you are a beginner in this trade, you can consider this. However, you must choose the right franchise as per your investment capacity and local market demand.

Read:   Top Mobile Phone Companies in India

b) StoreFront Mobile Phone Repair Operation

This is one of the most traditional and proven models of opening a mobile phone repair business. This type of operation demands moderate capital investment. And definitely, the business returns more lucrative revenue than a franchise operation.

c) Home Based Mobile Phone Repairing Service

This is another great phone repair business model you can operate with a small startup capital investment. As the name refers, you will provide the service at the client’s doorstep. However, here also you must have a servicing center of your own. If you find any critical issues, then you might consider bringing the phone with you to fix the major faults.

3. Learn the Skills & Get Certified

Skill is the most important aspect of this business. In starting a cell phone repair business, you must have adequate skills to address the basic issues of fixing a damaged smartphone. Additionally, you must know the basics of industry trends. If you don’t have at least some basic skills, then it is impossible for you to start and operate the business. If you are already an expert and want to open this business, then you can directly jump to the next paragraph. However, if you don’t have that skill, you can consider joining the training classes.

4. Create a Business Plan

Crafting a business plan is the most essential and first action step in starting this business.  Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your goals, target market, services offered, pricing structure, marketing strategies, and financial projections. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your business and can help attract potential investors or secure financing.

5. Select Services

Generally, a mobile phone repairing company offers services like repairing basic feature phones, smartphones, iPhones, tablets, etc. In addition to that, you can offer several specific repair services too. Some of the most popular services are

  • Screen repair and replacement
  • Battery repair and replacement
  • Button and headphone jack repair and replacement
  • Camera and sensor repair and replacement
  • Water damage repair
  • Software updates
  • Other repair and replacement

6. Registration & Licensing

After crafting the plan, you have to register your business . Additionally, you must apply for the necessary licenses and permissions. Basically, it varies from state to state. Therefore, it is advisable to check the licensing factors with local consultants. In addition to that, you must be aware of upcoming tax liabilities and compliance liabilities too.

7. Arrange Finance for Mobile Phone Repairing Business

Generally, the mobile phone repair business demands moderate capital investment . However, the amount of investment depends on the business model and business size. A storefront operation demands investment for establishing the store. Some of the basic investment areas are equipment cost, manpower cost, and operation costs including administrative and promotional expenses.

Having a well-written business plan will come in handy when applying for a business loan to financial institutions. Also, you use your credit card judiciously, if a limited fund is required.

8. Source Basic Mobile & Smart Phone Repair Equipment

The business demands specific arrangements for the right equipment. Some of the basic repair tools are wire cutters, small Phillips screwdrivers, flat-head screwdrivers, heat guns, adhesives, Isopropyl alcohol, and a soldering station. You can check at Amazon for the latest price on mobile phone repair kits. Additionally, you must have a computer with an internet connection. And definitely a working desk setup for doing the repairing jobs.

9. Hire Expert Personnel

Basically, the manpower requirement depends on the business model and the size of the business. And if you want to hire employees then never compromise with the quality of the personnel because the employees are the biggest aspect of any startup operation.

10. Business Setup

According to the specific business model, establish the workstation. If you want to operate the business from a storefront location, then select the right retail space for it. Try to select a location in a busy area with high traffic. You can also set up the workstation at your home and offer a doorstep delivery service. Decorate the workspace with essential furniture and equipment and a waiting area for customers. Set up a clean and organized workspace with proper lighting and ventilation. Finally, arrange the invoice-raising systems. You can consider using good business accounting software to get day-to-day track records. Also, install POS software for making payments easier for customers. Furthermore, select a catchy name for your mobile phone shop repair business.

11. Set Competitive Pricing

Research the market to determine competitive pricing for your repair services. Consider factors such as the complexity of repairs, the cost of spare parts, and your operating expenses. Offer transparent pricing to your customers, providing estimates for repairs before initiating the work.

12. Promote Your Business

Regardless of your mobile phone repair business model, you must promote your business . According to your target audience and investment capacity, craft a marketing plan. You must put an effort into making people aware of your services. It would be great if you can create a website for your mobile phone repair shop business. This will create confidence among customers but also will help you to reach a wider audience. Additionally, make your business available in the local classifieds. Also, you can consult with a digital marketing company to create a digital marketing plan for your mobile phone repair business.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a cell phone repair technician make.

How Much Does a Mobile Phone Repair Technician Make? If you average a revenue of around Rs. 250 per repair and you fix 8 devices a day, you can have a revenue of Rs. 2000 per day. So, approximately, you can make around 60,000 Rupees per month at ease.

What is the Cost of Starting a Mobile Phone Repair Shop?

It is needless to say the investment will depend on the size and scale of your mobile shop. However, the cost of starting a mobile-phone repair shop on a small scale will be a minimum of Rs. 1 Lac. The space cost is not included.

Is Mobile Phone Repairing Business Profitable?

it is without saying, the mobile phone repairing business is enormously profitable in this part of the world. As more and more smartphones are being sold, the need for professional mobile phone repair technicians will increase. However, one needs to be adequately trained for repairing the latest models of smartphones. Furthermore, proper business planning and effective promotional activities must be initiated to make the mobile phone repairing business more profitable.

Do I need any certifications or licenses to start a mobile phone repair shop?

In India, there are no specific certifications or licenses required to start a mobile phone repair shop. However, it is advisable to register your business as a sole proprietorship or a private limited company and obtain the necessary business licenses and permits as per local regulations.

How can I keep up with the evolving technology in mobile phones?

Stay updated with the latest mobile phone technology by regularly attending workshops, seminars, and industry conferences. Follow reputable online resources, join online forums, and engage in continuous learning to stay informed about new models, repair techniques, and software updates.

How can I ensure the quality of my mobile phone repairs?

Focus on using genuine spare parts and tools, employ skilled technicians, and maintain a rigorous quality control process. Test each repaired device thoroughly before returning it to the customer. Providing warranties on repairs can also instill confidence in your customers about the quality of your services.

What are the common challenges in the mobile phone repair business?

Some common challenges include sourcing genuine spare parts, keeping up with evolving technology, managing competition, dealing with warranty issues, and maintaining profitability while offering competitive pricing. However, effective inventory management and building strong relationships with suppliers can help mitigate these challenges.

Can I offer doorstep repair services?

Yes, you can offer doorstep repair services as an additional service. This can be particularly helpful for customers who are unable to visit your repair shop. However, ensure that you have proper systems in place to manage logistics and maintain the quality of repairs conducted outside your premises.

The Editorial Staffs at NextWhatBusiness is a team of Business Consultants with years of experience in small and medium-scale manufacturing and service-based businesses.

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Suz Baldwin

How To Start A Mobile Truck Repair Business

How To Start A Mobile Truck Repair Business

How much does it cost to tow a big rig?

No, no, don’t open up a bunch of search tabs. We’ll tell you.

The price to tow a damaged, misbehaving, or otherwise wounded big rig (or other heavy-duty machine) will depend on what shape it’s in and how far you need to take it. If it’s been heavily damaged or in an accident, you could be looking at $10,000-$50,000 .

Holy guacamole, that’s a lot of dough.

No fleet operator wants to get that kind of invoice. That’s why preventive maintenance is so critical—it stops a lot of problems before they can start. But breakdowns and other roadside misfortunes happen; sometimes a truck needs a mechanic, plain and simple.

Ah, Fullbay, we hear you say, if only mechanics could go to injured trucks instead of just summoning a tow.

Well, we’ve got good news for you: Mobile truck repair services are on the rise. If you’re interested in a potentially lucrative diesel career that gets you out of the shop and out on the road, being a mobile tech might be for you.

But Fullbay, where do I start?

We’re so glad you asked. Kick off your boots, grab a drink, and sit down. Let’s talk about starting your own mobile business.

Starting a Mobile Truck Repair Company

What licenses do i need for a mobile truck repair business.

Let’s get the boring necessities out of the way first.

We’re writing this for techs who want to strike out on their own and may not have all their paperwork in order. If you’re a shop owner already, you’ve likely got a lot of this squared away. (If you don’t…please get on that.)

Running your own mobile truck repair business means obtaining the correct licensing. This does vary by city and state, so we’ll provide steps anyone should take— but it’s on you to make sure you’re complying with your region’s laws.

  • Obtain a business license or equivalent from your city (for example, San Diego requires a “business tax certificate” that serves the same purpose).
  • Obtain an EIN number from the IRS (it’s free, and it takes about two minutes online).
  • Obtain a reseller’s permit from your state. This lets you buy parts (often in bulk, for wholesale prices) and sell them to your clients. Those lug nuts don’t appear out of thin air.
  • Obtain whatever additional licenses you’ll need. Again, this varies by state; you’ll need to find out exactly what you need.
  • Get insurance. This is a huge topic unto itself and what you end up paying will depend on the size of your business, the type of truck you get, and so on. But trust us, you want and need it.

You’ll also want to determine your range—how far you’re willing to go to customers. Will you have a radius of 50 miles, or 100? Something in between? The distance you have to travel to and between customers will impact your fuel consumption, insurance, and general wear and tear on your repair truck, so figure out early on the area you plan on sticking to.

Where should I set up my mobile truck repair business?

You might figure you’re going to operate out of your current location. That might be fine…or it might not. Making a profit at any business ultimately comes down to three things:

  • You do good work
  • You operate honorably
  • Your local market isn’t completely oversaturated

The first two factors are completely within your control. Do good work and treat your customers well and you’ll be off to a good start. But if you’re setting up as a mobile mechanic in an area that already has ten thousand of them, well, you’re in for a tough climb to the top.

Now, we write about the diesel technician shortage all the time. We even had a webinar about it! So you probably aren’t diving into an oversaturated market as it is.

But think carefully about your potential service area. The country has thousands of miles of long, empty highways that trucks traverse all the time; small towns and cities along those stretches are a prime starting spot for a mobile mechanic setting up shop.

Consider, too, what kind of weather you may face. A blizzard will make it difficult, if not impossible, to get out to a stranded truck. Some mountain passes become inaccessible in bad weather.

The climate of your potential territory will also influence what parts you need. The Grapevine in Southern California sees a lot of overheating in the summer, so you’ll benefit from stocking up on coolant and hoses. Meanwhile, winter in that area sees frozen fuel lines and thickening oil.

Wherever you decide to set up, keep in mind the local weather and what you might encounter on any given repair job.

How much does it cost to start a mobile truck repair business?

That’s another one we’ll have to answer with “It varies.” What you pay for training, licenses, and insurance will vary by your location. But here’s a list of the other general expenditures you’ll face:

  • Immediate parts inventory
  • Parking for your truck, if necessary
  • Billing setup or payment processing
  • Answering/forwarding service for calls

We can’t provide legal advice, but if you’re thinking about incorporating your business (forming an LLC or S-Corp), you should probably check in with a lawyer and get their assistance. Forming an LLC can be quite pricey in some states ($800 in California!) and cheap in others; they also provide specific changes to how your taxes will be handled.

Oh, yeah, taxes. You’ll be your own business, which for most means paying quarterly taxes, figuring out deductions, and all that. You know who can do that for you? An accountant.

In short, you may be looking at upwards of six digits, especially if you set yourself up with a newer/larger truck and a healthy parts selection. Happily, the national average salary for a mobile mechanic is $55.6k , according to ZipRecruiter, and as you establish yourself your wages will go up.

How should I set up my truck?

You probably aren’t going to cruise to the rescue of big rigs in a sedan or a sporty coupe (although if you do, please send us pictures). There are two things to consider when outfitting your repair truck: Who you hope to service, and how much inventory you hope to carry.

What kind of truck should you get? We’ve seen everything from extended cab pickups to converted box trucks to big vans. Try to find one that gets decent mileage and has a comfortable bench or seat—you’ll be in there a lot. Do you combat boredom with music? Get a truck with a decent stereo system.

Once you have your vehicle picked out, get your tools together. We’ve gone into detail about the types of tools you’ll find at a repair shop; obviously, not everything will fit into your truck, but focus on the things you’ll need immediately:

  • Socket sets
  • Brake/suspension tools

Other equipment you might want to bring along includes an air reel, air compressor, and pumps. You’ll also need to carry a selection of parts to make quick and common repairs on the spot. Things like air lines, hoses, oil and lubricant , coolant, and trailer hinges are always good things to keep on hand, though you can make decisions about what else to carry based on what kind of calls you get.

We do recommend putting a lot of thought into the parts you’ll keep close to hand. Our case study of AAA Semi-Truck & Trailer revealed that a mobile mechanic can end up wasting a day if they don’t have the correct part with them and end up going back and forth. Don’t let that happen to you!

How do I get the word out?

Okay. You’ve gotten your licensing together, you have a truck, and you’re ready to start working your mechanical magic.

Or you would be, if people knew you existed.

Don’t fling up your hands in despair. There’s a way to get the word out. It’s called marketing.

We aren’t going to go into the ins and outs of marketing yourself just now. We wrote a massive ebook called The M-Word to help you out , and we’ve even got a post about it . But since you’re going mobile, we’ve isolated a few particularly helpful tips for you.

  • Mind your socials. This is incredibly critical as a mobile tech. We’re not going to go into all the ways they can help you establish an online community for your customers (really, read the ebook for that) but they’re almost as important as your website.
  • Get yourself a website. List your hours, your location, what kind of repairs and towing services you’re equipped to offer, and any testimonials you may have. You’ll also want a “contact me” button that lets potential customers call or email immediately.
  • NTTS : Not only can you get listed with them, you can even purchase advertising .
  • 4RoadService : Offers upgrade options that link to your social profiles.
  • Truckers Assist : You can register with them online or give them a call.
  • FleetNet America : We actually have an integration with FleetNet; see more about it below.
  • Get yourself some freebies. Put your name and contact info on things that are small and easy to carry. Think pens and magnets—we especially like magnets, because once that thing is on someone’s fridge, they are going to see your name every single day whether they’re noticing it or not. That kind of subconscious association has led to a lot of phone calls. You’ll also want to invest in business cards—yes, people still use these. You can ask to leave them at restaurants and hotels near truck stops, as these places are often the first spots truckers venture to when their vehicles are in distress.

How do I set up a back office? Do I need a back office?

We get it. You probably became a tech because you didn’t actually want to deal with an office. Surprise! Everyone has to deal with the administrative side of things on occasion.

If you are springing off from an existing shop, the answer is easy: use their back office.

But if you’re just striking out on your own, you need to find a place.

In theory, you can turn your repair truck into an office. Keep a laptop in the passenger seat and set up a Wi-Fi hotspot with your phone…but let’s not do that. Find a place to post up and get your work done. Maybe that’s your spare bedroom. Maybe it’s a small corner of your apartment. What matters is that you have room for a laptop, a tablet, and any documentation/paperwork you’ve got.

We’ll go ahead and mention that Fullbay makes it easy to manage a shop—and doubly easy to manage your mobile shop . Everything’s in the cloud, so you can access it anywhere. It handles all the paperwork, makes invoicing a snap, and even manages your parts inventory for you. All critical things for the lone wolf tech cruising the highways.

There’s another sweetener, too: Remember we mentioned FleetNet a couple sections up? FleetNet is one of the integrations offered on Fullbay Connect . We’ve got a blog post detailing everything it does , but basically, you can link your FleetNet account to Fullbay.

That way, when a trucker calls FleetNet for help, you’ll get the notification (via text, phone call, or email) via Fullbay and decide whether you want to take it or not.

Is the mobile life for you?

There’s something exciting about the life of a mobile tech. You’ll be heading out every day, helping those who most need it—often truckers stranded by the side of the road—and you’ll be running your own business at the same time.

Your work prospects will only go up, by the way. People keep talking about self-driving trucks that have none of the weaknesses of human-driven trucks: they don’t need sleep and thus can drive 24/7. But those trucks will break down, too, and often faster—all that wear and tear adds up.

Your future is bright, friend. Go forth and be mobile!

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Heavy-Duty Repair Shop Software

Mobile Phone Repair Business Plan Template & Guidebook

If you're looking to start your own successful mobile phone repair business, you won't find a better road map than The #1 Mobile Phone Repair Business Plan Template & Guidebook. This comprehensive plan offers actionable advice and guidance to get your venture off the ground, while providing the best practices of established mobile phone repair businesses. Whether you're an experienced entrepreneur or just starting out, this is the perfect resource to help you develop your business plan, market your services and reach success.


Get worry-free services and support to launch your business starting at $0 plus state fees.

How to Write a Mobile Phone Repair Business Plan in 7 Steps:

1. describe the purpose of your mobile phone repair business..

The first step to writing your business plan is to describe the purpose of your mobile phone repair business. This includes describing why you are starting this type of business, and what problems it will solve for customers. This is a quick way to get your mind thinking about the customers’ problems. It also helps you identify what makes your business different from others in its industry.

It also helps to include a vision statement so that readers can understand what type of company you want to build.

Here is an example of a purpose mission statement for a mobile phone repair business:

Our mission at Mobile Phone Repair is to provide reliable and affordable repair services for smartphone owners throughout our community. We strive to exceed our customers' expectations with top-notch product quality and friendly customer service. We continuously strive to maintain the highest level of safety and professionalism in every task we take on. We are dedicated to providing an experience that is both comfortable and satisfactory for our customers.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

2. Products & Services Offered by Your Mobile Phone Repair Business.

The next step is to outline your products and services for your mobile phone repair business. 

When you think about the products and services that you offer, it's helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my business?
  • What are the products and/or services that I offer?
  • Why am I offering these particular products and/or services?
  • How do I differentiate myself from competitors with similar offerings?
  • How will I market my products and services?

You may want to do a comparison of your business plan against those of other competitors in the area, or even with online reviews. This way, you can find out what people like about them and what they don’t like, so that you can either improve upon their offerings or avoid doing so altogether.

Image of Zenbusiness business formation

3. Build a Creative Marketing Stratgey.

If you don't have a marketing plan for your mobile phone repair business, it's time to write one. Your marketing plan should be part of your business plan and be a roadmap to your goals. 

A good marketing plan for your mobile phone repair business includes the following elements:

Target market

  • Who is your target market?
  • What do these customers have in common?
  • How many of them are there?
  • How can you best reach them with your message or product?

Customer base 

  • Who are your current customers? 
  • Where did they come from (i.e., referrals)?
  • How can their experience with your mobile phone repair business help make them repeat customers, consumers, visitors, subscribers, or advocates for other people in their network or industry who might also benefit from using this service, product, or brand?

Product or service description

  • How does it work, what features does it have, and what are its benefits?
  • Can anyone use this product or service regardless of age or gender?
  • Can anyone visually see themselves using this product or service?
  • How will they feel when they do so? If so, how long will the feeling last after purchasing (or trying) the product/service for the first time?

Competitive analysis

  • Which companies are competing with yours today (and why)? 
  • Which ones may enter into competition with yours tomorrow if they find out about it now through word-of-mouth advertising; social media networks; friends' recommendations; etc.)
  • What specific advantages does each competitor offer over yours currently?

Marketing channels

  • Which marketing channel do you intend to leverage to attract new customers?
  • What is your estimated marketing budget needed?
  • What is the projected cost to acquire a new customer?
  • How many of your customers do you instead will return?

Form an LLC in your state!

mobile repair business plan

4. Write Your Operational Plan.

Next, you'll need to build your operational plan. This section describes the type of business you'll be running, and includes the steps involved in your operations. 

In it, you should list:

  • The equipment and facilities needed
  • Who will be involved in the business (employees, contractors)
  • Financial requirements for each step
  • Milestones & KPIs
  • Location of your business
  • Zoning & permits required for the business

What equipment, supplies, or permits are needed to run a mobile phone repair business?

  • Computer with internet access
  • Mobile phone repair tools and supplies, such as screwdrivers, tweezers, a heat gun, soldering iron, and replacement phone parts
  • Protective glasses and gloves
  • Business license from local government

5. Management & Organization of Your Mobile Phone Repair Business.

The second part of your mobile phone repair business plan is to develop a management and organization section.

This section will cover all of the following:

  • How many employees you need in order to run your mobile phone repair business. This should include the roles they will play (for example, one person may be responsible for managing administrative duties while another might be in charge of customer service).
  • The structure of your management team. The higher-ups like yourself should be able to delegate tasks through lower-level managers who are directly responsible for their given department (inventory and sales, etc.).
  • How you’re going to make sure that everyone on board is doing their job well. You’ll want check-ins with employees regularly so they have time to ask questions or voice concerns if needed; this also gives you time to offer support where necessary while staying informed on how things are going within individual departments too!

6. Mobile Phone Repair Business Startup Expenses & Captial Needed.

This section should be broken down by month and year. If you are still in the planning stage of your business, it may be helpful to estimate how much money will be needed each month until you reach profitability.

Typically, expenses for your business can be broken into a few basic categories:

Startup Costs

Startup costs are typically the first expenses you will incur when beginning an enterprise. These include legal fees, accounting expenses, and other costs associated with getting your business off the ground. The amount of money needed to start a mobile phone repair business varies based on many different variables, but below are a few different types of startup costs for a mobile phone repair business.

Running & Operating Costs

Running costs refer to ongoing expenses related directly with operating your business over time like electricity bills or salaries paid out each month. These types of expenses will vary greatly depending on multiple variables such as location, team size, utility costs, etc.

Marketing & Sales Expenses

You should include any costs associated with marketing and sales, such as advertising and promotions, website design or maintenance. Also, consider any additional expenses that may be incurred if you decide to launch a new product or service line. For example, if your mobile phone repair business has an existing website that needs an upgrade in order to sell more products or services, then this should be listed here.

7. Financial Plan & Projections

A financial plan is an important part of any business plan, as it outlines how the business will generate revenue and profit, and how it will use that profit to grow and sustain itself. To devise a financial plan for your mobile phone repair business, you will need to consider a number of factors, including your start-up costs, operating costs, projected revenue, and expenses. 

Here are some steps you can follow to devise a financial plan for your mobile phone repair business plan:

  • Determine your start-up costs: This will include the cost of purchasing or leasing the space where you will operate your business, as well as the cost of buying or leasing any equipment or supplies that you need to start the business.
  • Estimate your operating costs: Operating costs will include utilities, such as electricity, gas, and water, as well as labor costs for employees, if any, and the cost of purchasing any materials or supplies that you will need to run your business.
  • Project your revenue: To project your revenue, you will need to consider the number of customers you expect to have and the average amount they will spend on each visit. You can use this information to estimate how much money you will make from selling your products or services.
  • Estimate your expenses: In addition to your operating costs, you will need to consider other expenses, such as insurance, marketing, and maintenance. You will also need to set aside money for taxes and other fees.
  • Create a budget: Once you have estimated your start-up costs, operating costs, revenue, and expenses, you can use this information to create a budget for your business. This will help you to see how much money you will need to start the business, and how much profit you can expect to make.
  • Develop a plan for using your profit: Finally, you will need to decide how you will use your profit to grow and sustain your business. This might include investing in new equipment, expanding the business, or saving for a rainy day.

mobile repair business plan

Frequently Asked Questions About Mobile Phone Repair Business Plans:

Why do you need a business plan for a mobile phone repair business.

A business plan for a mobile phone repair business is necessary to provide an outline of the current state of the business, its objectives, and how the business will be operated. It allows potential investors, lenders, and partners to gain a clear understanding of the projected financial performance and organizational structure of the business. The plan also serves to set goals that can be used to measure the success of the business in achieving its objectives.

Who should you ask for help with your mobile phone repair business plan?

You should seek help from a business consultant or a professional business plan writer. They can provide advice and guidance on how to create a comprehensive business plan for your mobile phone repair business. Additionally, you should consult with local and online resources that offer free advice on starting and running a business.

Can you write a mobile phone repair business plan yourself?

Writing a mobile phone repair business plan can be a complex process, as it involves researching and analyzing the market, competition, and potential customers. If you have the time and resources to conduct the necessary research, you can definitely write your own business plan. However, if you don’t have the time or expertise to write a plan from scratch, you may want to consider hiring an experienced professional business plan writer or consultant. These professionals have the expertise and experience to help you identify market opportunities, craft a comprehensive business strategy, and create a polished plan that accurately reflects your current business position.

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I'm Nick, co-founder of, dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs succeed. As a small business owner with over five years of experience, I have garnered valuable knowledge and insights across a diverse range of industries. My passion for entrepreneurship drives me to share my expertise with aspiring entrepreneurs, empowering them to turn their business dreams into reality.

Through meticulous research and firsthand experience, I uncover the essential steps, software, tools, and costs associated with launching and maintaining a successful business. By demystifying the complexities of entrepreneurship, I provide the guidance and support needed for others to embark on their journey with confidence.

From assessing market viability and formulating business plans to selecting the right technology and navigating the financial landscape, I am dedicated to helping fellow entrepreneurs overcome challenges and unlock their full potential. As a steadfast advocate for small business success, my mission is to pave the way for a new generation of innovative and driven entrepreneurs who are ready to make their mark on the world.

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Moscow-City – The Moscow International Business Center

  • 3 years ago

The Moscow Intenational Business Center

Moscow-City is an iconic location for life and work in Russia’s capital. Enormous skyscrapers, business centers, the best restaurants and retail spaces – all this is concentrated in one place. The ultramodern Moscow-City towers are truly striking in their outward appearance, and the layout of the apartments inside and the fantastic views that can be seen from the higher floors are nothing short of impressive.

This skyscraper compound, often referred to as Moskva-City, is the Russian take on Manhattan, where businessmen strike multi-million dollar deals daily while ordinary life goes on next door. Its state of the art spaces offer the ultimate convenience. The infrastructure of this business district is so well-developed that anyone can find something interesting for themselves here: from residential apartments to boutiques, clubs, exhibitions and more.

When the foundations for the Moscow-City skyscrapers were laid, a special kind of concrete was used, the properties of which are amplified by many times compared to standard concrete. Even in the event of a plane crashing into one of the buildings, the structural integrity of the towers will be preserved.

The architects of the Moscow-City Business Center have created a unique locality that has integrated into itself the hub of the capital’s business life and a whole ensemble of historical monuments. Anyone can admire the beauty of these skyscrapers from within or without the compound. There are also a number of apartments for sale or rent available in the MIBC itself. But first, let’s have a look at some more interesting facts about the financial core of Russia’s capital.

How It All Began

The history of Moscow-City goes all the way back to 1992. The government of Moscow at the time wanted to bring into existence its own skyscrapers like the ones in London or New York. And the idea caught on. In 1992 the project for the construction of the huge “Moscow-City” MIBC compound was enthusiastically approved, kick-starting the painstaking preparatory works. The original intention was that the skyscrapers would only house office space. However, as time went on, the towers began to welcome in ordinary residents who wanted to live on the territory of this business and finance hub.

Moscow-City is undoubtedly a city within a city. Its grandeur is mind-boggling. It is perfect in every way: from location to infrastructure. And today, anyone can get a feel of the atmosphere of the “capital city” of Russia’s business world – many of the apartments in Moscow-City are available for rent. Any citizen of Russia and even nationals of other countries can make use of these offers.

What It’s Like in 2021

Today Moscow-City is not just a magnificent and fascinating sight, but also a real hub for the work, life and leisure of thousands. Its infrastructure is organized in such a way that there is no need to leave the territory of the “city within a city” at all. This business district contains everything one may need for work and recreation. And if one does decide to venture out into the larger metropolis, the MIBC’s three subway stations make this remarkably simple to do.

Moscow-City stands on the Presnenskaya Embankment . Each of the buildings in the district has a name, which simplifies its identification. Some of the buildings form complexes that are united under one name, such as the Neva Towers and the Naberezhnaya Tower complex of two skyscrapers and one high rise. There are a total of 16 towers in the MIBC, of which the most popular are:

  • Moscow-City Central Core;
  • Tower 2000;
  • Evolution Tower;
  • Imperia Tower;
  • City of Capitals (Moscow Tower and St. Petersburg Tower);
  • Steel Peak Tower;
  • Federation Tower;
  • Mercury City Tower;
  • OKO Tower Complex.
  • 1 Moscow-City Central Core
  • 2 Tower 2000
  • 3 Evolution Tower
  • 4 Imperia Tower
  • 5 Moscow Tower and St. Petersburg Tower
  • 6 Steel Peak Tower
  • 7 Federation Tower
  • 8 Mercury City Tower
  • 9 OKO Tower Complex
  • 10 Afimall City Shopping Center
  • 11 Bagration Bridge
  • 12 Expocentre Fairgrounds

Moscow-City Central Core

This is the most complex building within the MIBC compound. Its total floor area is a whopping 1 476 378 sqft (450 000 m²). It consists of two massive parts, each of which boasts a truly impressive infrastructure. The underground part includes 3 Moscow Metro stations, a parking lot for automobiles and a shopping mall. The aboveground part houses a concert hall and a hotel.

Tower 2000 is a skyscraper having 34 stories. Its total floor area is 200 318 sqft (61 057 m²), most of which is office space. The key feature of this skyscraper is its direct connection to the Bagration Bridge, which has its own shopping arcade. The tower has everything one may need while working here, including a large parking lot and several restaurants.

Evolution Tower

This elegant structure is 836 feet (255 m) high – that’s a whole 54 stories! The total floor area here is 554 462 sqft (169 000 m²). The Evolution Tower’s key feature is that it has its own Wedding Hall. This skyscraper houses large office spaces, a parking lot and several restaurants.

Imperia Tower

MIBC’s Imperia Tower is the undeniable focal point of the MIBC’s business life. Its height is 784 feet (239 m), which means one can hold conferences and resolve key business matters on the 59 th floor! And that really is amazing! The tower has everything: offices, hotels, restaurants and parking lots. But if you want a truly unforgettable experience, visit the viewing platform! It is situated on the 58 th floor and a simply astounding view of Moscow can be seen from it.

Moscow Tower and St. Petersburg Tower

The Moscow and St. Petersburg Towers are the chief representatives of the MIBC. The Moscow Tower has 76 stories and is 990 feet (302 m) high, while the St. Petersburg Tower has 65 stories and stands 843 feet (257 m) tall. Both towers offer fantastic views of the capital city.

Most of the floors of these two skyscrapers are taken up by luxurious sky apartments. There are also several recreational and entertainment centers, office spaces, restaurants, etc.

Steel Peak Tower

Also known as the Eurasia Tower of Moscow-City, this supertall skyscraper has a total of 680 912 sqft (207 542 m²) of floor space. Most of this is taken up by offices, and the rest – by residential quarters (around 65 616 sqft or 20 000 m²). The tower also houses a number of the greatest restaurants, studios and shopping centers.

Federation Tower

The Federation Tower is a complex of two skyscrapers, known as Tower East and Tower West. Tower East is the second highest building in Europe (the first is a skyscraper recently erected in the city of St. Petersburg). Its height is a colossal 1 223 feet (373 m) and that makes 95 stories! Tower West, on the other hand, is noticeably shorter at 794 feet (242 m).

The Federation Tower is a multifunctional complex.

Mercury City Tower

The Mercury City Tower skyscraper is widely known as one of the tallest buildings in Europe. Its height is 1 112 feet (339 m) and it has 75 stories. It is multifunctional by concept, holding within its walls shopping centers, offices and all kinds of other spaces. It is also possible to rent apartments here.

OKO Tower Complex

The OKO Tower Complex consists of two towers – the North Tower (49 stories and 803 ft or 245 m in height) and the South Tower (85 stories and 1 155 ft or 352 m in height).

Each of the MIBC’s tower complexes has its own recreational and entertainment areas, restaurants and parking lots. The top floors of most of these buildings contain luxurious fully-furnished apartments. At night, the towers shine with bright lights, while inside them the panoramic windows reveal astounding views of Moscow. This breathtaking view of the capital of Russia is why visiting Moscow-City is a must!

What Not to Miss

There are many interesting landmarks within the Moscow-City compound, but three of them are truly deserving of special attention:

  • The Afimall City Shopping Center;
  • The Bagration Bridge with two galleries and a shopping arcade;
  • The Expocentre Fairgrounds.

Afimall City Shopping Center

The Afimall City Shopping and Entertainment Center is located in Moscow-City’s Central Core. It is divided into 4 zones, each with its own theme – one for every season of the year. The shopping center houses the biggest indoor fountain found worldwide. The height of this watery wonder is 118 feet or 36 meters.

The shopping and entertainment center contains everything one might expect from one of the largest centers of its kind:

  • Retail brand stores;
  • Exhibitions;
  • Game rooms;
  • and Restaurants.

The main recreational space is roofed with a giant transparent dome, which is an impressive sight to behold.

Bagration Bridge

Bagration Bridge with its upper and lower galleries has a shopping center all of its own and was the first structure to be built as part of the Moscow-City business district. Its lower gallery is a shopping arcade and its upper gallery is an open-air viewing platform with a spectacular view of the MIBC and the Moskva River. The hall of the bridge houses the 23 foot tall sculpture called “Tree of Life”. Having gone through the bridge via either one of its two galleries, a pedestrian would find themselves standing right on the Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Expocentre Fairgrounds

The Expocentre Fairgrounds exhibition venue is located at the very heart of the capital. The first exhibition held at the Expocentre happened all the way back in 1959, much earlier than the MIBC was erected. Today it is the venue of many interesting events.

Exhibitions with very diverse themes are regularly held at this complex. An up-to-date schedule can be found on the official webpage of the Expocentre. The events can be free or fixed-price entry, depending on their type.

Renting and Buying Real Estate in Moscow-City

Moscow-City is not only a work and business hub, but also a residential neighborhood. Any citizen of Russia can rent or buy apartments or elite sky lounges here. The variety of residential real estate available inside the skyscrapers is impressive, including options for any pocket. The following buildings in the MIBC contain residential blocks:

This skyscraper has a mirror glass façade which reflects the passing clouds. Just imagine how beautiful that looks! Anyone can buy an apartment in the Federation Tower. Such properties are not only a good investment, but also a mark of prestige. The average price of residential real estate here is 45 million rubles for an apartment with a total floor area of 334 sqft (102 m²). The average price of a square meter (3.28 square feet) is in the range of 650 to 700 thousand rubles. There are two- and three-room apartments available in the Federation Tower, each with its own loggia. As for rent, the minimum price of one month’s stay in a three-room apartment in this skyscraper is 300 000 rubles per month.

The Mercury City Tower skyscraper welcomes citizens from all parts of Russia. This building is no less tall than the world-famous Dubai skyscrapers. Living in its apartments is a delight. The minimum cost of an apartment in the Mercury City Tower is 75 million rubles. The average price of a square meter (3.28 square feet) is 800 thousand rubles. And for those looking for a lower price point, some of the properties are also available for rent – in this case you will pay a minimum of 250 thousand rubles per month.

The Imperia Tower is a key cluster of interesting offers. The best options for buying and renting apartments within the MIBC can all be found in this skyscraper. The lowest price of a residential apartment here is 40 million rubles. A square meter (3.28 square feet) in a luxurious apartment in the Imperia Tower currently costs 600 thousand rubles, while the price range of the listings available for rent in this skyscraper is from 350 thousand all the way up to 1 million rubles per month.

This complex, standing on a faceted or “crystal” base, is an architectural engineering project boasting spectacular design. Behind its impressive façades is an abundance of penthouses and apartments having floor areas in the range of 262 sqft (80 m²) to 984 sqft (300 m²). The minimum price of an apartment in the OKO Tower Complex is 40 million rubles (the price of a square meter (3.28 square feet) is 500 thousand rubles). You can rent an apartment here starting from 400 thousand rubles per month.

City of Capitals

The City of Capitals is an exemplary architectural complex. Its sum appearance gives the impression of a huge city. Inside its walls are spacious apartments available for purchase and rent. This complex is considered to be especially prestigious. The prices of apartments here start from 50 million rubles, while the minimum cost of renting is 400 thousand rubles per month.

Please note! The price of real estate available for purchase or rent depends on: the tower, the floor, the total floor area, the furnishings and/or interior design, and other factors.

The key advantages of buying/purchasing real estate in Moscow-City are:

  • Favorable location;
  • Convenient transportation links;
  • Well-developed infrastructure;
  • High safety level;
  • Efficient architecture;
  • Panoramic windows.

Buying real estate in Moscow-City is very much a rational decision, most appealing to those who value the ultimate level of comfort. The residential apartments here boast impressive interior design solutions executed in the contemporary style.


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Moscow wants to be a model smart city; this is how they plan to achieve it

The Russian capital is investing heavily in technology

moscow technology

The concept of smart cities is a well trodden one and has been at the core of the expansion of some of the world’s big megalopolises. 

Moscow, however, rarely comes to mind when thinking about technology, primarily because Russia is often considered to have a significant tech presence - unlike China or the US. 

Companies like Rostec and Kaspersky are changing this and so are initiatives like Moscow’s City-as-a-service. Qualcomm for example, chose the city to launch Europe’s first 5G mmWave network in partnership with Moscow’s Department for Information Technologies of Moscow. We caught up with its head, Eduard Lysenko, to find out more about what they have been doing. 

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Can you tell us a little about the city-as-a-service concept and how it has benefited the citizens of Moscow?

The digitalization of Moscow started in 2011 and since then the city has become one of the leaders in providing e-services for citizens, with more than 11m citizens using city services today. 

Initially, we had to digitize the city management systems. A few years later we started to introduce e-services for citizens that became very popular. The main feature of e-services in Moscow is that they are being developed by DIT and therefore they have a similar interface, the same login system and all of the services are connected and can interact with each other. It makes it easier for citizens to use.

At the same time we provided opportunities for the development of mobile networks. Due to cheap internet access and huge coverage (99 percent of Moscow is covered by 4G) the penetration of smartphones exceeded 83 percent. So the citizens of Moscow were ready to use these services.

As for the services themselves, they seek to cover all the needs of citizens. They include the EMIAS medical portal, the Active Citizen portal that runs polls for citizens, the Moscow E-school and the portal of the mayor of Moscow, . However, there are also services for tourists, complaints, crowdsourcing etc. I’d like to briefly introduce some of these services. 

First of all, the EMIAS service for making online appointments in Moscow public clinics, thanks to which the average waiting time to see a doctor has been reduced to five minutes and 95 percent of prescriptions are now issued in electronic form. With the Moscow E-school, we are creating a high-tech environment to improve the quality of education in Moscow schools. There is also a well-known e-polling service called Active Citizen, which allows Muscovites to make decisions on urban development. Almost 2.3m citizens participate on the platform and about 4,000 decisions have already been implemented via this service. We have recently been developing Crowd.Mos where, in contrast to Active Citizen, people can independently suggest their own initiatives for the city.

As for the possibility of interaction, we are now working on a full integration of all services. For example, in the future, when the winter flu epidemic begins in the city, EMIAS will be able to notify all schoolchildren and their parents of the need for protection and vaccination. All our services will form a single network aimed at helping citizens in a variety of situations. And finally, the portal, which is a platform that aggregates all e-services for citizens in one place, as well as providing the latest news about the life of the capital. allows citizens to understand which e-services exist and how they can be received, which saves them time.

One of our aims is to save time for people and this is something that Moscow’s services can do. In our case, speed means comfort. Already, the introduction of EMIAS is saving doctors up to two million hours per year. Making life more comfortable for citizens implies that the city provides services to residents at all levels. Before the digitalization started, people had to spend a lot of time to use city services and go to different institutions but now they are all available online. Last year, we reached 170bn visits to e-government services and $ 1.5bn in payments were processed.

But for us, things don’t end with the provision of basic services. We are striving to add specific new services in accordance with the requests of citizens. For example, in summer, free sports activities with coaches and equipment are now available in Moscow parks for registered users. We are now working on responding to all relevant and adequate needs of people because this approach allows us to boost awareness and the desire to improve in people themselves. In this way, the city itself, in a sense, is becoming a service for citizens - and our aim is to make sure that this is a high-quality service.

mobile repair business plan

How successful have the city’s network of CCTV cameras and facial recognition system been in preventing crime?

Moscow has one of the world's largest network of CCTV cameras, second only to London (according to 2016 PWC estimates). These cameras are now helping to solve about 70 percent of all crimes committed in the city. 

As for facial recognition, at the moment there are 1,500 cameras in Moscow connected to this system in a pilot project. Video analytics takes place in automatic mode and notifies the city services if necessary.  In automatic mode, the camera responds to gestures, movements and elements of behavior, thereby revealing suspicious activity. This year, we plan to launch the system on 105,000 cameras - that is, all cameras capable of observing human faces will be covered. The majority of the cameras are installed in courtyards, entrances and subways, where the footfall is greatest. We expect to reduce the overall number of crimes by 20 to 40 percent by next year. 

In addition to the city cameras, we are developing other technologies with facial recognition capabilities. For example, we tested augmented reality glasses with facial recognition for police. These glasses make it possible to recognize a criminal in the midst of a crowd and significantly reduce the time required to capture criminals. 

Again, many speak critically about video surveillance with a facial recognition system, believing that the government wants to establish surveillance of people. But I can tell you about a successful case - during the 2018 World Cup in Moscow, cameras with facial recognition were used to identify 98 fans banned from visiting fan zones. This helped to provide us with a decent level of security during the championship and not expose people who came to watch the game to unnecessary risk.

The global aim here is to provide a self-regulating and high-quality system, reducing any possible risks for our citizens.

mobile repair business plan

What security measures have been put in place to protect the government-run storage facility that houses the data collected by the cameras?

Providing cyber security for the data was top-priority since the very beginning of the digitalization. Fault-tolerant data processing centers belonging to the Government of Moscow are used as a basis for countering attacks. So far, a data protection system has been built for the data center, which has made it possible to ensure the protection of the information systems located in the data center.

In 2018, we took measures to identify unauthorized access to the Moscow data storage and processing centers. During this year, more than 27,572  cyberattacks have been blocked. We are constantly improving our security system, conducting inspections and audits of security systems.

The correct functioning of the newly built information protection system has been confirmed by the positive results of certification tests for compliance with information security requirements and the issue of a certificate of conformity of the information facility with information security requirements. 

As for our surveillance system, access to these cameras is also limited and controlled. In 2018, we developed an automated information system called Access Control System for Information Systems and Resources of the City of Moscow, which is designed to ensure safe, reliable identification and authentication of users when accessing the information systems of Moscow. The video retention period is about five to seven days. Within five days, any citizen can apply for data from video cameras. According to the statistics, 80 percent of users contact us within three days and a further 15 percent in the remaining two days.

mobile repair business plan

Moscow is known for having the best e-government services. Can you tell us about the Active Citizen app and how Muscovites are using it to participate in city government affairs?

We created the Active Citizen service in 2014 at the initiative of the Government of Moscow. This is a service of electronic polls for citizens, enabling them to make decisions on important citywide issues. Active Citizen is unique case – the service allows ordinary citizens to influence what is going on in the city. Any Moscow resident who has a Russian mobile operator SIM card can register and get involved in changing Moscow. 

To attract citizens, we use elements of gamification — for participation in polls and other activities, users are encouraged with points, which can later be exchanged for various kinds of benefits. As of July 2019, about 2.3m users have registered using the application and more than 4,000 polls have been conducted. Among the decisions made by users, it is worth noting the creation of 25 local parks, 10 new bus routes and bicycle lanes. In addition, citizens can choose names for various urban innovations. For example, this is how the name was chosen for the Moscow Metro’s Third Circle.

Active Citizen is one of our most important services and despite the fact that now it is already successfully operating, we are still devoting energy and resources to promoting and popularizing it.

This year, the service turned five years old and we organized a big celebration in one of the main parks of Moscow. We run these events not so much to attract more users but to increase loyalty among current users.

In addition to Active Citizen, I would like to talk about the launch of the My District service. In simple words, this is like a small version of Active Citizen, where residents of a particular district can make decisions on how to improve their area. We believe that decisions at all levels are important, and My District allows residents to exercise more autonomy in matters of city infrastructure.

Of course, we have been repeatedly criticized for the fact that Active Citizen offers a limited choice and range of issues for consideration. So, this year, we have launched the Crowd.Mos service, which allows people to independently propose their own urban planning initiatives. I can say that we are proudly a world leader in the implementation of ideas proposed by citizens.

I would also mention an experiment with blockchain elections to the Moscow City Parliament this year in the context of e-government. Connecting blockchain technology will not only enable online voting but also ensure the transparency of the elections and the impossibility of changing results, which will be securely encrypted.

mobile repair business plan

How is AI being used in Moscow to improve healthcare?

For a start, it is important to point out that public healthcare in Moscow, as in all of Russia, is free. As you know, Moscow is a gigantic metropolis, accordingly, a huge amount of resources, including humans, are needed to serve all citizens. Currently, the city has about 244 public hospitals and 444 clinics, which employ more than 44,000 doctors.

As part of DIT’s Smart City program, city polyclinics have been connected to the artificial intelligence system. Online services are helping to reduce queues in clinics and make it easy to communicate with doctors. For example, today the majority of city clinics have implemented a patient flow control mechanism - the mechanism covers more than 60 percent of all doctors and allows you to correctly distribute the number of patients for each doctor. Thanks to this system, citizens can see a doctor as soon as possible, and the queues in most metropolitan clinics have almost been eliminated.

Accordingly, it is very difficult to manage this entire system and artificial intelligence helps us in this. In addition to facilitating the process of managing and allocating resources, citizens can now receive their analyses and test results by e-mail, which means they don’t need to go back to the clinic. This makes life easier for everyone - both patients and doctors.

The online service for registering with a clinic without a personal visit has also become very convenient for Moscow citizens. At the end of last year, more than 51,000 people registered with clinics in this way.

A key innovation in the health system is the beginning of the implementation of the Digital Vision pilot project. With the help of big data and artificial intelligence, doctors now have the opportunity to diagnose cancer in its early stages, as well as to assess stroke risks. The use of this technology has already increased diagnostic accuracy in Moscow by 15 percent.

In addition to improving the process of receiving and organizing treatment of patients in clinics, we are interested in the development of telemedicine. Of course, online consultation will never replace a full-fledged doctor's appointment, especially in difficult cases. However, it may be useful for primary symptoms and in cases where a visit to the doctor may not be necessary.

mobile repair business plan

How is the Department of IT using big data to deliver insights about city residents?

DIT processes 14.3 terabytes of data daily. Big data processing technologies allow us to structure and transform the initial data file more quickly and with minimum labor costs, reducing the amount of information that people work with and thus the time spent on solving these problems. Big data helps us better understand our citizens. Thanks to big data, we can make a portrait of a Moscow citizen, understand their preferences and address whatever problems they have. For example, what changes in the infrastructure of the city they need and what is missing. Also, big data can help in predicting natural disasters or epidemics. Today, by analyzing this data, we know what problems are emerging. It is now possible to draw up a plan for the repair of roads or to build social facilities on the basis of this information. In one district, for example, you need to build a school, and in another, residents need additional parking zones.

Moreover, big data provides an opportunity for personalization. For example, there is automatic SMS notification of residents of specific areas of unplanned situations - water shutdown, snowfall, road works, and so on. Big data has long been used in the Moscow call center. First of all, our robot with artificial intelligence is connected to the call center and is trained to answers citizens' questions. At the end of the year, we are planning a pilot launch of a new robot, which can analyze the history of previous calls to predict the nature of a new call. This will significantly reduce the total call time. I notice that many companies, including public ones, consider robots with artificial intelligence to be unprofitable and expensive to develop. However, with the help of our robot, we were able to completely reassign human operators from simple questions to more complex ones, thereby saving them time and energy and reducing labor costs.

We also have separate benefits for businessmen. This year, we are planning to launch a robot that will help automate purchases and inform Moscow entrepreneurs about upcoming tenders. We plan to add more features to it in the future.

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mobile repair business plan


  1. How To Create a Mobile Repair Business Plan: Essential Checklist

    mobile repair business plan

  2. Online mobile repair business 8 steps plan

    mobile repair business plan

  3. Business Plan For A Cell Phone Repair Service Pdf

    mobile repair business plan

  4. How to Start a 7-Figure Cell Phone Repair Business (2023)

    mobile repair business plan

  5. Business Plan of Mobile Mechanic Business : Report

    mobile repair business plan

  6. Mobile Repairing Business Plan: How to Start a Mobile Phone Repair Shop?

    mobile repair business plan


  1. Mobile Repairing Business

  2. Best business idea || Mobile Repair Service Centre

  3. Thinking about starting a mobile mechanic business? Here are five tools you’ll need. #viral #feed

  4. How to Start Mobile Shop Business 2023

  5. ➡️ Mobile Repairing में कितना पैसा है ?? ?? Future of Mobile Repairing 📱

  6. Mobile Repairing Vyavsay| MARATHI BUSINESS IDEA| Vijay Dattatray Kandhare


  1. Cell Phone Repair Business Plan Template

    Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their cell phone repair businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a cell phone repair business plan template ...

  2. Cell Phone Repair Business Plan Template (2024)

    According to UnivDatos, the Smartphone Repair Market was valued at $185 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5% from now until 2027. This is moderate growth that shows there is demand for these services. As such, we expect that Aurora Phone Repair will be highly profitable over the next several years.

  3. How to Start a 7-Figure Cell Phone Repair Business (2024)

    4. Build a Business Plan and Make Things Legal A business plan is important for ensuring your farm can be a business. The plan offers information on what you want, who you are, and where you plan to go in the future. It gives you a start. This can always change in the future. Thankfully, you can utilize the USDA for creating a business plan.

  4. How to Start a Profitable Cell Phone Repair Business [11 Steps]

    Acquire necessary licenses and permits for cell phone repair. 6. Open a business bank account and secure funding as needed. 7. Set pricing for cell phone repair services. 8. Acquire cell phone repair equipment and supplies. 9. Obtain business insurance for cell phone repair, if required.

  5. Cell Phone Repair Business Plan [Sample Template]

    Below is the sales projection for Ariel Cell Phones Repair Shop, LLC, it is based on the location of our business and of course the wide range of our services and target market; First Year-: $150,000. Second Year-: $250,000. Third Year-: $500,000.

  6. How to Start a Cell Phone Repair Business

    STEP 2: Form a legal entity. The most common business structure types are the sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. Establishing a legal business entity such as an LLC or corporation protects you from being held personally liable if your cell phone repair business is sued.

  7. Cell Phone Repair Business Plan Template & Guidebook

    This comprehensive The #1 Cell Phone Repair Business Plan Template & Guidebook is the go-to resource for scaling your business and achieving success. ... Writing a business plan for a cell phone repair business requires research and an understanding of the mobile device market, as well as addressing key issues such as funding, operational costs ...

  8. Launching Your Mobile Repair Business: A Comprehensive Guide

    This guide provides insights into the essentials of setting up a mobile repair shop and tips for ensuring its success. 1. Create a Business Plan. Every successful venture begins with a solid plan. Outline your business objectives, target market, competition analysis, pricing strategy, and marketing plans.

  9. How To Write a Mobile Device Repair Business Plan: Checklist

    Start-up costs: Determine the initial expenses required to establish your mobile device repair service. This includes purchasing equipment, obtaining licenses and permits, leasing a van, setting up a website, and marketing materials. Operating expenses: Calculate the ongoing costs necessary to run your business on a daily basis.

  10. How to Start a Cell Phone Repair Business in 2024

    Startup costs for a mobile phone repair business range from $2,400 to $6,700. Costs include a website, tools, and phone repair training. This assumes that you will run your business from home as a mobile repair outfit. You can take cell phone repair training and get a certification through the Cellular Repair School.

  11. How to Start a Cell Phone Repair Business for 2023

    David has been writing also study about business, funding and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in one 1990s. Updated on May 15, 2023

  12. How to Start a Profitable Phone Repair Business [11 Steps]

    Prepare a Business Plan: Create a detailed business plan to present to potential investors or lenders, showcasing the viability and growth potential of your phone repair business. Consider Credit Options: Evaluate business credit cards for smaller purchases or unexpected expenses to help with cash flow management. 7.

  13. Create Thriving Cell Phone Repair Business: A Step-by-Step Plan

    From equipment expenses to marketing budgets, learn how to budget and plan for success. in order to start a cell phone repair business, you will need to set up a physical location, obtain the necessary licenses and permits, and purchase equipment and supplies. You will also need to create a business plan and determine your pricing strategy.

  14. Mobile Mechanic Business Plan [Free Template

    Writing a mobile mechanic business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan: 1. Executive Summary. An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ready ...

  15. How to write a business plan for a mobile phone repair shop?

    A business plan has 2 main parts: a financial forecast outlining the funding requirements of your mobile phone repair shop and the expected growth, profits and cash flows for the next 3 to 5 years; and a written part which gives the reader the information needed to decide if they believe the forecast is achievable.

  16. Mobile Phone Repair Shop Business Plan in 10 Steps

    12-Step Mobile Phone Repair Shop Business Plan 1. Research the Market. Begin by conducting thorough market research to understand the demand for mobile phone repair services in your area. Assess the competition, target market, and pricing trends. Identify the popular mobile phone brands and models in your region.

  17. How To Start A Mobile Truck Repair Business

    Obtain a business license or equivalent from your city (for example, San Diego requires a "business tax certificate" that serves the same purpose). Obtain an EIN number from the IRS (it's free, and it takes about two minutes online). Obtain a reseller's permit from your state.

  18. T-Mobile for Business: Wireless & Business Solutions

    Call 844-750-8866 to speak to a Business Expert. With 24 monthly bill credits when you have or switch to Business Unlimited Ultimate. For well-qualified customers; plus tax. Savings with 4 lines of Business Unlimited Ultimate vs. comparable tier plans from Verizon & AT&T. Features may differ.

  19. Moscow International Business Center

    The Moscow International Business Center (MIBC), also known as Moscow-City, is a commercial development in Moscow, the capital of Russia.The project occupies an area of 60 hectares, and is located just east of the Third Ring Road at the western edge of the Presnensky District in the Central Administrative Okrug.Construction of the MIBC takes place on the Presnenskaya Embankment of the Moskva ...

  20. Telephone numbers in Russia

    Telephone numbers in Russia are administered by Roskomnadzor, and Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Russia's National Numbering Plan (NNP) is a four-level telephone numbering plan with local, zone, country, and international scopes, implementing a closed numbering plan, in which the number of digits of all national significant ...

  21. The #1 Mobile Phone Repair Business Plan Template & Guidebook

    How to Write a Mobile Phone Repair Business Plan in 7 Steps: 1. Describe the Purpose of Your Mobile Phone Repair Business. The first step to writing your business plan is to describe the purpose of your mobile phone repair business. This includes describing why you are starting this type of business, and what problems it will solve for customers.

  22. Moscow-City

    The Afimall City Shopping and Entertainment Center is located in Moscow-City's Central Core. It is divided into 4 zones, each with its own theme - one for every season of the year. The shopping center houses the biggest indoor fountain found worldwide. The height of this watery wonder is 118 feet or 36 meters.

  23. Moscow wants to be a model smart city; this is how they plan to achieve

    At the same time we provided opportunities for the development of mobile networks. Due to cheap internet access and huge coverage (99 percent of Moscow is covered by 4G) the penetration of ...