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Chair of Hydrology and Water Resources Management

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  • Dresden Booklets of Hydrology
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A list of all PhD Theses sorted according to date of publication.

Orduna Alegría, María Elena (2021) : Optimization of Agro-Socio-Hydrological Networks Under Water Scarcity Conditions. Online on Qucosa

Khaddam, Issam (2021): Optimal Layout and Salinity Management of Drip Irrigation Systems. Online on Qucosa

Gosses, Moritz (2020) : Model-based data worth analysis for groundwater systems with the use of surrogate models. Online on Qucosa

Dias, Subasinghe Nissanke Chamila Madurangani (2018) : A Novel Strategy to Improve Water Productivity in Rice Cultivation. Online on Qucosa

Gadedjisso-Tossou, Agossou (2018) : Impact of Climate and Soil Variability on Crop Water Productivity and Food Security of Irrigated Agriculture in West Africa. Online on Qucosa

Al Dhuhli, Hamed (2018): Optimal irrigation scheduling under water quantity and quality constraints accounting for the stochastic character of regional weather patterns. Online on Qucosa

Al Khatri, Ayisha (2018): Behavior Analysis and Modeling of Stakeholders in Integrated Water Resource Management with a Focus on Irrigated Agriculture: A Case Study for an Agricultural Coastal Region in Oman. Online on Qucosa

Kloß, Sebastian (2015): Simulation-Optimization of the Management of Sensor-Based Deficit Irrigation Systems. Online on Qucosa

Tinh, Pham Van (2015): A simulation-based multi-criteria management system for optimal water supply under uncertainty. Online on Qucosa

Subagadis, Yohannes Hagos (2015): A New Integrated Modeling Approach to Support Management Decisions of Water Resources Systems under Multiple Uncertainties. Online on Qucosa

Müller, Ruben (2014): Eine neue Strategie zur multikriteriellen simulationsbasierten Bewirtschaftungsoptimierung von Mehrzweck-Talsperrenverbundsystemen. Online on Qucosa

Gerner, Alexander (2013): A novel strategy for estimating groundwater recharge in arid mountain regions and its application to parts of the Jebel Akhdar Mountains (Sultanate of Oman). TU Dresden. ISBN 978-3-86780-374-8. Online on Qucosa

Philipp, Andy (2013): Novel Analytical Hydrodynamic Modeling for Evaluating and Optimizing Alluvial Recharge. TU Dresden. ISBN 978-3-86780-382-3. Online on Qucosa

Krauße, Thomas (2013): Robust parameter estimation - chances for hydrologic modelling in uncertain conditions. TU Dresden. Online in Booklet 11 of the IHP/HWRP booklet series.

Wagner, Michael (2012): Regionalisierung von Hochwasserscheiteln auf Basis einer gekoppelten Niederschlag-Abfluss-Statistik mit besonderer Beachtung von Extremereignissen. TU Dresden. ISBN 978-3-86780-280-2. Online on Qucosa

Seidel, Sabine (2012): Optimal simulation based design of deficit irrigation experiments. TU Dresden. ISBN 978-3-86780-282-6. Online on Qucosa

Grundmann, Jens (2009): Analyse und Simulation von Unsicherheiten in der flächendifferenzierten Niederschlags-Abfluss-Modellierung. TU Dresden. ISBN 978-3-86780-164-5. Online on Qucosa

Morgenstern, Yvonne (2008): Analyse und Konzeption von Messstrategien zur Erfassung der bodenhydraulischen Variabilität. TU Dresden. ISBN 978-3-86780-050-1. Online on Qucosa

Peters, Ronny (2008): Künstliche neuronale Netze zur Beschreibung der hydrodynamischen Prozesse für den Hochwasserfall unter Berücksichtigung der Niederschlags-Abfluss-Prozesse im Zwischeneinzugsgebiet. TU Dresden. ISBN 978-3-86780-076-1. Online on Qucosa

Cullmann, Johannes (2007): Online flood forecasting in fast responding catchments on the basis of a synthesis of artificial neural networks and process models. TU Dresden. ISBN 978-3-86005-568-7. Online on Qucosa

Schütze, Niels (2005): Neue Methoden zur Steuerung der Wassergabe mit Neuronalen Netzen in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft. TU Dresden. ISBN 3-86005-502-X.

Wöhling, Thomas (2005): Physically based modeling of furrow irrigation systems during a growing season. TU Dresden. ISBN 3-86005-481-3.

Hartung, Alexander (2003): Konzept zur Ermittlung langfristiger hydrologischer Standortbedingungen von Fluss und Grundwasser in Auenwäldern. TU Dresden

Puhlmann, Heike (2003): Die Modellierung des langfristigen stochastischen Bodenwasserregimes zur Ermittlung hydrologischer Standortbedingungen für Auenwälder entlang der Mittelelbe. TU Dresden.

Baurmann, Martin (2001): Modellierung des Transports eines idealen Tracers im ungesättigten Boden unter Berücksichtigung der natürlichen Bodenvariabilität. TU Dresden.

Müller, Gabriele (1998): Zur räumlichen Variabilität der Abflußbildung im Mittelgebirge - Prozeßstudien für eine Flächenklassifikation nach typischen Abflußbeiträgen. TU Dresden.

Reinstorf, Frido (1995): Der Einfluss atmosphärischer Stoffeinträge, insbesondere von Stickstoff, auf die Abflussbeschaffenheit bewaldeter Flächen, dargestellt am Beispiel eines Wassereinzugsgebietes im Mittleren Erzgebirge. TU Dresden.

Münch, Albrecht (1994): Wasserhaushaltsberechnungen für Mittelgebirgseinzugsgebiete unter Berücksichtigung einer sich ändernden Landnutzung. TU Dresden.

Hamad, Mounzer (1990): Überflutungssicherheit von Talspeichern im Bemessungsfall der Hochwasserentlastung. TU Dresden.

Schleicher, Jutta (1990): Zur Flächendifferenzierten Ermittlung der realen Evapotranspiration geneigter Gebiete. TU Dresden.

Van Chu, La (1990): Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Untersuchung der HW-Veränderungen infolge Urbanisierung. TU Dresden.

Herata, Mazen (1989): Bestimmung der potentiellen Verdunstung als Grundlage für die Bemessung der Bewässerung in ariden und semiariden Gebieten. TU Dresden.

Pfützner, Bernd (1989): Verallgemeinerungsfähige Techniken zur rechnergestützten Entwicklung, Anpassung und Praxisanwendung von Einzugsgebietsmodellen. TU Dresden.

Walther, Jörg (1989): Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen, Entwicklungsstand und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der landwirtchaftlichen Flächennutzug in Trinkwasserschutzgebieten. TU Dresden.

Luckner, Karin (1988): Beitrag zur kombinierten stochastischen und deterministischen Modellierung von hydrologischen Prozessen. TU Dresden.

Miegel, Konrad (1988): Erfassung hydrologischer Prozesse innerhalb eines entscheidungsstützenden Programms zur monats- und schlagbezogenen Modellierung von Wasser- und Stickstoffhaushalt in Gewässereinzugsgebieten. TU Dresden.

Oppermann, Reinhard (1988): Eindimensionale Simulation der allmählich veränderlichen instationären Fließvorgänge in Gewässernetzen. TU Dresden.

Domröse, Jürgen (1986): Beitrag zur Modellierung der Stickstoffauswertung aus Agroökosystemen. TU Dresden.

Kozerski, Dieter (1986): Entwicklung eines verallgemeinerten Modells zur Monte-Carlo-Simulation von Wassermengenbewirtschaftungsprozessen in Flußgebieten (Porgrammsystem GRM). TU Dresden.

Dunger, Volkmar (1985): Zur Prozessbezogenen Modellierung des Wasserhaushaltes in der belüfteten Bodenzone. TU Dresden.

Schwarze, Robert (1985): Gegliederte Analyse und Synthese des Niederschlags-Abfluss-Prozesses von Einzugsgebieten. TU Dresden.

Thiele, Wolfram (1984): Untersuchung eines neuen Verfahrens zur Speichervorentlastung mit Hilfe von Simulationsmethoden. TU Dresden.

Kranawettreiser, Jörg (1983): Vorzugslösung für das Hochwasser-Schutzsystem im Flachland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der unteren Elbe. TU Dresden.

Naumann, Florian (1983): Zur Testung und Anwendung neuer Infiltrationsmodelle. TU Dresden.

Wernecke, Gabriele (1983): Beitrag zur Beschreibung von Wasser- und Stoffhaushaltsprozessen in Einzugsgebieten am Beispiel der TW-Talsperren Saidenbach und Neunzehnhain II und den Pflanzennährstoffen Phosphor und Stickstoff. TU Dresden.

Schumann, Andreas (1981): Untersuchungen zu den Möglichkeiten der Berücksichtigung der Urbanisation (Pegel Göritzhain). TU Dresden.

Golf, Walter (1980): Prinzipien der Bilanzierung des Wasserhaushaltes mit einem Anwendungsbeispiel. TU Dresden.

Recknagel, Frieder (1980): Systemtechnische Prozedur zur Modellierung und Simulation von Eutrophierungsprozessen in stehenden und gestauten Gewässern. TU Dresden.

Finke, Walter (1979): Beitrag zur mehrdimensionalen Simulation von hydrologischen und meteorologischen Prozessen auf der Basis von Monatswerten. TU Dresden.

Ngo-trong, Thuan (1979): Beitrag zur Entwicklung praktisch nutzbarer Verfahren für die Abflussvorhersage und -simulation in Flüssen. TU Dresden.

Haas, Jiri (1978): Die Regulierung des wasserwirtschaftlichen Systems. TU Dresden.

Schramm, Michael (1978): Zur Anwendung stochastischer Methoden bei der Modellierung wasserwirtschaftlicher Systeme. TU Dresden.

Baumert, Helmut (1977): Untersuchungen zur Berücksichtigung von Vermischungsprozessen in Modellen der Ökosysteme und Wasserbschaffenheit in Fließgewässern. TU Dresden.

Krippendorf, Hans (1977): Ein Beitrag zur Einbeziehung einer mittelfristigen Zuflussvorhersage in die Speicherbewirtschaftung. TU Dresden.

Enderlein, Reiner (1976): Beiträge zur Modellierung der Feuchtigkeitsdynamik in homogenen Böden und ihre Anwendung auf Standorte im Flachlandbereich der DDR mit flurnahem und flurfernem Grundwasserstand. TU Dresden.

Engelmann, Dietmar (1976): Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung hydrologischer Verfahren und Modelle zur Ermittlung von Bemessungsganglinien für komplexe Hochwasseruntersuchungen im Flussgebiet der Großen Röder. TU Dresden.

Clausnitzer, Eckart (1975): Beiträge zur komplexen Bewirtschaftung des Grundwasser- und Oberflächenwasserdargebotes am Beispiel des Parthegebietes unter Berücksichtigung einer Muldenwasserüberleitung. TU Dresden.

Dittrich, Ingo (1975): Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Erfassung der Evapotranspiration und der Bodenfeuchteänderung in einem bewaldeten Mittelgebirgs-Einzugsgebiet. TU Dresden.

Müller, Andrea (1975): Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Modellierung des Infiltrationsprozesses in bewaldetem geneigtem Gelände. TU Dresden.

Gurtz, Joachim (1973): Zur Simulation des Wasserhaushaltes von Flussgebieten. TU Dresden.

Weber, Erich (1973): Modellgerechte Einbeziehung von Wasserhaushaltsgrössen in die Speicherrechnung dargestellt am Beispiel der Müritzseen. TU Dresden.

Krause, Wolfgang (1972): Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Infiltration von Regen im Einzugsgebiet der Schwarzen Pockau/Pegel Zöblitz. TU Dresden.

Theile, Klaus (1972): Untersuchungen zur Abflussbildung für vorwiegend bewaldetes und geneigtes Gelände. Entwurf eines Infiltrationsmodells. TU Dresden.

Schramm, Michael (1972): Ein Beitrag zur Darstellung und Simulation des natürlichen Durchflussprozesses. TU Dresden.

Arnold, Karl-Heinz (1971): Einfluss physisch-geographischer Faktoren auf den Nährstoffeintrag aus landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen in die Gewässer. TU Dresden.

Büchner, Horst (1971): Untersuchungen zur Starkniederschlags-Abfluss-Beziehung auf statistischer Grundlage. TU Dresden.

Grünewald, Uwe (1971): Zur Anwendung objektiver Methoden der Parameterschätzung auf Modellkonzepte der Abflusskonzentrationsphase. TU Dresden.

Bauer, Dieter (1969): Die hydrologische Rayonierung des Großeinzugsgebietes Mittlere Elbe-Sude-Elde. TU Dresden.

Schaake, Ulrich (1969): Wasserbereitstellung, Abwasserbehandlung und Hochwasserschutz im System der gebietlichen Standortbedingungen. TU Dresden.

Spahn, Ilse (1969): Methoden zur Auswahl sommerlicher Hochwassersituationen im MIttelgebirge und deren meteorologische Analyse. TU Dresden.

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  • Master and PhD-theses
  • Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment (WAU)
  • Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG)

This page is available under these URLs:

  • https://boku.ac.at/en/wau/ihg/aktuelles/masterarbeiten-dissertationen
  • https://short.boku.ac.at/q8zqqg

Master Thesis

The sound of rivers – a trigger for riverine biota, benthic invertebrate communities in hydrologically undisturbed mountainous rivers, hydropeaking - impacts on aquatic macroinvertebrates and monitoring, 2 master thesis 2021/2022, master thesis - glyphosate, master thesis 2018/2019, the role of macrophytes in the nutrient cycling of austrian lowland rivers., organic carbon cycling in streams: effects of agricultural land use, impact of hydropeaking on benthic invertebrates, topics for master thesis at the bioframes working group at boku ihg and wassercluster lunz, new master thesis at wassercluster lunz, new master theses at wcl-lunz, master thesis: impact of hydropeaking on drift & colonization of benthic invertebrates, new master thesis at hytec-lunz, master thesis mars (eu funded project), master thesis hydropeaking.

phd thesis on hydrobiology

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Research topics

The focus of our research and educational activities.

phd thesis on hydrobiology

  • the development of strategies and pilot projects for qualitative and quantitative groundwater and drinking water protection
  • the expansion of our understanding of hydraulic, geochemical and biogeochemical processes in the unsaturated and saturated zone
  • Development of new numerical and experimental methods for sustainable management of our water and soil resources, taking into account aspects of climate change and land use change

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Reactive transport modeling

Transport and biodegradation of organic contaminants in the hyporheic zone

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Water & climate change

Influence of longtime climate change on groundwater resource and groundwater recharge in arid areas

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Tomographic methods in hydrogeology

Classic hydrogeological investigation methods consider aquifers as single units.

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Stochastic inversion methods for aquifer characterization

In hydrogeology, most physical processes we are interested in take place below the surface hidden from our eyes and measurement tools.


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Dutch hydrology

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  • Groundwater modelling course

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management
  • TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Student Theses

We are really glad to integrate students into our current research projects within the scope of bachelor theses, master's theses or study projects. You can contact directly the staff members working on your field of interest for inquiring or discussion about perspective topics or in general to our chair via [email protected]

CLIMATE-SMART WATER ALLOCATION : Demonstrating a Next-Generation Decision Support System (DSS) for Climate-Resilient Management in Central Asia's Transboundary Rivers Contact:   Dr. Jingshui Huang ,  M.Sc. Timo Schaffhauser ,  M.Sc. Lucas Alcamo  

UNMANNED AIRBORNE WATER OBSERVING SYSTEM : Airborne and contactless hydrometric sensing technology to inform climate change adaptation, flood risk assessment and surveillance/management of extreme hydrologic events in remote, hard-to-reach and poorly monitored rivers. Contact :  Prof. Dr. Markus Disse ,  Prof. Dr. Gabriele Chiogna ,  M.Sc. Fabian Merk


REsilienT water gOvernance Under climate CHange within the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus : Promotion of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus as a multi-level and cross-sectoral approach that advocates the EU water economy and relies on ecological and social considerations. Contact :  Dr. Jingshui Huang ,  M.Sc. Nicole Tatjana Scherer

Impact of surface water management on groundwater quality in Alpine catchments : Investigates how surface water management in Alpine catchments are affected by strong anthropogenic impacts controls subsurface flow at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Contact :  Dr.-Ing Monica Basilio Hazas

Sensitivity of high Alpine geosystems to climate change since 1850 . Impact of climate change on groundwater storage in high Alpine catchments: from observation to model predictions. Contact :  Prof. Dr. Gabriele Chiogna , Prof. Dr. Bettina Schaefli,  Dr.-Ing. Florentin Hofmeister ,  Dipl.-Geoökol. Michael Tarantik

RObust Conceptualisation of KArst Transport : Development a coupled robust conceptualization of discharge and transport in karst systems based on the representation of the hydrological processes in the different karst compartments, i.e. epikarst, matrix and conduit system. Contact :  M.Sc. Beatrice Richieri

Innovative Engineering Injection Extraction systems for in-situ groundwater remediation : From model- and laboratory-based evidence to stakeholder involvement. Contact :  M.Sc. Francesca Ziliotto

Current and future risks of urban and rural flooding in West Africa – An integrated analysis and eco-system-based solutions : Extreme precipitation and flooding is a major hazard in West Africa, particularly in the densely populated Guinea coastal zone. Contact :  M.Sc. Fabian Merk

TUM Sustainable Energies, Entrepreneurship and Development (TUM SEED) Center : Sustainable Water Resources Management. Irrigation development is one key factor within IWRM, it is seen as a major leverage to rural development, food security, livelihoods, and agricultural and economic growth, particularly in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region. Contact :  M.Sc. Pablo Sarmiento

Comparison of surface runoff, nutrient and material mobilization and erosion through heavy precipitation of agricultural areas:  Designing an innovative, long-term, high-resolution measurement field at the Bavarian Agricultural Institute in Lower Bavaria. Contact :  M.Sc. Johannes Mitterer

Improved groundwater formation and water quality through solar parks.  Contact :  Prof. Dr. Markus Disse ,  Prof. Dr. Gabriele Chiogna

General Bachelor's Theses/Study Projects/Master's Theses

Available student thesis  here :

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Research topics

Our research topics are as diverse as the researchers at our chair. Nevertheless, there are some areas of special interest to us...

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Sediment transport in the landscape

Radar-supported precipitation remote sensing.

Understanding and predicting flash floods

Climate change and extreme hydrological events

Terrestrial precipitation radar

"It rains, it rains, the earth gets wet..." and often not only that: Especially during heavy precipitation and in areas with little vegetation, "the earth" (more precisely, sediments) sets off on its own way! Sometimes only a few centimetres to the field boundary, but also to the next watercourse and from there also further stretches, e.g. to the next reservoir. This not only results in soil loss on site, but can also cause a whole range of other problems (e.g. transport of pollutants, threat to habitats and infrastructure, loss of storage space in reservoirs, ...). At our chair we measure erosion and sediment transport in different regions. We use the understanding gained in this way in order to map  these processes in  simulation models  for complete river regions.

Especially for sensitive regions, human influence - e.g. due to climate change or changes in land use - can have critical consequences. High mountain landscapes are particularly sensitive: In the Alps, we are investigating how the water cycle is changing and will change in the future at different altitudes and eco-zones. This involves the complex interplay of evaporation and regional warming, runoff formation in glaciated or snow-dominated areas and increasing sediment discharge as a result of melting glaciers and thawing permafrost soils.

Contact: Dr. Till Francke , Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert


How do you measure precipitation? What at first glance does not sound like a research question of the 21st century is still one of the most burning issues in hydrometeorology. Beyond the conventional approach of placing a collecting vessel in the field, a variety of technologies are available for exploring the atmosphere with high spatial coverage and resolution. Radar remote sensing - whether terrestrial or satellite-based - is of particular importance here. With the free and open source software library  wradlib  , we have co-developed a product that enables researchers and users all over the world to use these technologies efficiently and effectively.

Contact: Dr. Maik Heistermann

Nach der Sturzflut - Braunsbach, 2016

Flash floods occur as a reaction to short and violent extreme precipitation. They are among the most damaging events and can occur anywhere where runoff quickly concentrates in the landscape. However, their prediction still poses one of the greatest challenges for hydrological and hydrometeorological research. This concerns the causal convective precipitation as well as the runoff processes and the associated mass transport of debris and sludge. This is why we try to reconstruct flash floods as accurately as possible - and to understand them in this way... hydrological forensics, so to speak!

SecaVista - Echtzeit-Dürreprognosesystem für Nordost-Brasilien

How a changing climate influences our life on earth can be observed in the last few years in the news: Weather extremes such as storms, heavy precipitation or heat waves are increasing in frequency and severity in many parts of the world. We try to analyze whether and to what extent this is the case in specific areas with the help of long-term climatological and hydrological time series. The simulation results of global climate models (GCMs) can also be downscaled to regions using suitable methods, so that seasonal hydrometeorological predictions (e.g. changes in the occurrence of snowmelt in high mountain regions, the severity of the next rainy season in semi-arid regions) or forecasts on a longer time scale are possible.

SecaVista Web-Applikation

Contact: Prof. Dr. Axel Bronstert , Dr. Till Francke

Earth Sciences - PhD (Water) at Waterloo

Program information.

Watch the How to apply to Waterloo graduate studies video

What does it take to get in?

Minimum admission requirements.

  • The program is open to students who have completed a Master of Science (MSc) degree with a 75% average and who have outstanding academic credentials and a demonstrated ability to do original scholarly work.
  • A normal requirement is a background in geology or geological engineering, but other experience relevant to a candidate's research interests will be considered. Candidates will be evaluated on an individual basis.
  • Before applying to the program, students are strongly advised to establish contact with potential supervisors. It is a good strategy to identify whether the potential supervisors that students would like to undertake research with have available positions and funding.
  • Admission from the BSc degree to the Doctoral program: in exceptional cases where a student demonstrates academic excellence including: research potential, scientific maturity and good writing skills, they may be allowed, at the discretion of the Graduate Committee, to proceed directly to the PhD degree from the BSc, without the completion of the MSc.


  • Review the finding a supervisor resources

Application materials

  • The SIF contains questions specific to your program, typically about why you want to enrol and your experience in that field. Review the  application documents web page for more information about this requirement
  • If a statement or letter is required by your program, review the  writing your personal statement resources  for helpful tips and tricks on completion


  • Three academic  references are required
  • TOEFL 90 (writing 25, speaking 25), IELTS 7.0 (writing 6.5, speaking 6.5)

How much will it cost?

  • Use the student budget calculator to estimate your cost and resources
  • Visit the  graduate program tuition page  on the Finance website to determine the tuition and incidental fees per term for your program
  • Review the  study and living costs
  • Review the funding graduate school resources for graduate students

What can you expect at Waterloo?

  • Review the degree requirements in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar, including the courses that you can anticipate taking as part of completing the degree
  • Check out profiles of current graduate students to learn about their experience at Waterloo
  • Check out Waterloo's institutional thesis repository - UWspace to see recent submissions from the department of Earth and Environmental Sciences graduate students
  • Check out the Waterloo campus and city tours
  • Review the  Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences  website to see information about supervisors, research areas, news, and events

This program page is effective September 2023; it will be updated annually.  Any changes to the program page following this date will be indicated with a notation. 

We strive to provide you with the necessary information on each of our program pages.  Was there something you found helpful?  Was there anything missing?  Share your thoughts .

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Program Contact

Sue Fisher at  [email protected] 519-888-4567, ext. 35836

Related programs

  • Applied Mathematics - PhD (Water)
  • Biology - PhD (Water)
  • Chemical Engineering - PhD (Water)
  • Civil Engineering - PhD (Water)
  • Economics - PhD (Applied Economics - Water)
  • Geography - PhD (Water)
  • Public Health and Health Systems - PhD (Water)
  • Social and Ecological Sustainability - PhD (Water)

Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA)

Needles Hall, second floor, room 2201

Graduate Studies Academic Calendar

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The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is co-ordinated within the Office of Indigenous Relations .

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MAJOR: Hydrobiology

CODE: 9420101.08

(Issued under the Decision No. 4555/QĐ-ĐHQGHN, on August 20, 2018 by

the Rector of the VNU- University of Science)


  • Summary of programme curriculum requirements

1.1. For PhD students not holding master’s degree

Students must complete the courses of the master’s programme and the doctoral programme

Total credits for graduation: 136 credits :

– Part 1: Supplementary courses (of the master’s programme): 39 credits

+ General knowledge:                                      3 credits

+ Basic and specialised knowledge:                 36 credits

– Part 2: Courses, seminars and overview assay of the doctoral programme: 17 credits

+ Courses:                                                        9 credits

  • Compulsory : 3 credits
  • Elective : 6 credits

+ Seminars:                                                      6 credits

+ Overview Essay:                                           2 credits

– Part 3: Scientific research (Being compulsory for PhD students but not account for the credits of the Doctoral programme).

– Part 4: Participating in professional activities, assissting teaching and supporting training activities (Being compulsory for PhD students but not account for the credits of the Doctoral programme). 

– Part 5: PhD dissertation:                                                  80 credits.

1.2. For PhD students holding master’s degree in related discipline

Total credits for graduation: 112 credits :

– Part 1: Supplementary courses (of the master’s programme):    15 credits

+ Compulsory :                                                  6 credits

+ Elective :                                                        9 credits

+ Courses:                                                        9 credits

  • Compulsory :           3 credits
  • Elective :           6 credits

+ Seminars:                                                    6 credits

+ Overview Essay:                                                   2 credits

1.3. For PhD students holding master’s degree in relevant discipline

Total credits for graduation:                                       97 credits :

– Part 1: Courses, seminars and overview assay of the doctoral programme: 17 credits

  • Compulsory :                     3 credits
  • Elective :                     6 credits

+ Seminars:                                                    6 credits

+ Overview Essay:                                                   2 credits

– Part 2: Scientific research (Being compulsory for PhD students but not account for the credits of the Doctoral programme).

– Part 3: Participating in professional activities, assissting teaching and supporting training activities (Being compulsory for PhD students but not account for the credits of the Doctoral programme). 

– Part 4: PhD dissertation:                                                  80 credits.

  • Programme curriculum

2.1. For PhD students not holding master’s degree

2.2. For PhD students holding master’s degree in related discipline

2.3. For PhD students holding master’s degree in relevant discipline

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  • Hydrobiology SG
  • Hydrobiology PNG

Hydrobiology was incorporated in 2001 by Andy Markham and Ross Smith who met in Papua New Guinea in 1991. By 2002 we had moved from home offices to a Milton, Brisbane premises where staff levels, turnover and global exporting activities expanded. In 2006 Hydrobiology established a Perth office, which reflected our geographic project spread across tropical and sub-tropical Australia. An office in Papua New Guinea closely followed in 2010. In 2018 we opened an office in Singapore to better service the Southeast Asian market.

Early company projects were a mixture of Local and State Government work in Queensland, Ports and resource projects in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. This diversification continued over time which has resulted in an extensive client base of high profile clients with a geographical reach that exceeds most of our peers. Our company works locally near the office bases, and in distant and remote areas where our expertise is required. These services are underpinned by investment in state-of-the-art monitoring equipment and support systems, and by ensuring senior staff are heavily involved in providing client services.

Dr Andy Markham is a Fluvial Geomorphologist, Surface Water Hydrologist and Chartered Environmental Scientist. He has a PhD in fluvial geomorphology from London University, over 30 years of experience and has worked on consulting assignments worldwide.

Dr Andy Markham

Director Queensland

Dr Ross Smith has over 30 years’ experience as an aquatic ecologist/ecotoxicologist. He has specialist experience in responses of populations and communities of aquatic biota to environmental changes in a wide variety of freshwater and estuarine habitats, and possesses significant skills in univariate and multivariate statistical analysis techniques.

Dr Ross Smith

Phil has over 20 years of experience in the field of environmental impact assessment, study design and project management. He is a Chartered Chemist with the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (MRACI CChem #32216) who specialises in environmental chemistry in both marine and freshwater environments. Phil has worked across Australia and internationally in the field including at some of the world’s major contaminated sites.

Phil Whittle

Director of Technical Services Western Australia

Simon is a consulting ecologist with extensive experience in research and environmental consulting. His field of expertise includes aquatic, marine and terrestrial ecology with an emphasis on rigorous statistical designs. Simon also has experience in broader aspects of environmental management and approvals processes, and a healthy exposure to contaminated land management – both above and below the water.

Simon Drummond

Regional Manager Southeast Asia

Dr Ben Pearson is an experienced geomorphologist, environmental consultant and advisor, with 15 years of industry experience. In his current role, Ben manages the Land and Water Management group at Hydrobiology, focusing on fluvial and coastal geomorphology, water quality, sediment transport processes and impact assessments.

Dr Ben Pearson

Technical Lead Queensland

Dustin Hobbs is an environmental professional with 12 years’ consulting experience. In his current role, Dustin manages the Environmental Risk Assessment group at Hydrobiology, is a project manager for Australian and overseas clients and assists clients to understand their environmental obligations and develop and implement plans to achieve those goals in an environmentally and financially sustainable fashion.

Dustin Hobbs

Shirley is a Principal Marine Scientist with over 18 years post-graduate experience in environmental consulting. Her field of expertise includes marine and aquatic Ecology and Oceanography. Shirley is experienced in leading key technical studies required for environmental impact assessment and ongoing management of these projects to international standards.

Shirley Dawe

Regional Manager Western Australia

Trang is an Environmental Chemistry Scientist with 10+ years’ experience in research and implementation research outcomes for resource industries. Her field of expertise includes analytical chemistry, geochemistry, bioavailability and metal/loid speciation studies. She has gained significant experience and knowledge on a number of projects focusing on the chemistry process of inorganic pollutants in water, sediment, tailings, soil and air. Trang’s works has focussed on understanding the impacts of pollutants associated with mining activities to aquatic ecosystem and human health.

Dr Trang Huynh

Justin is an environmental management and assessment professional with over 13 years of experience consulting to a wide range of industries. He has a proven track record delivering water resource projects for infrastructure, energy and mining industries in Queensland, the wider Australia-Pacific, South-east Asia and South America. His vast experience has allowed him to develop a sound understanding of legislative requirements relevant to environmental management and systems, environmental monitoring, and impact assessment. Justin also leads the Ecology and Biodiversity Management group.

Justin Cutajar

Principal Scientist & Team Lead Queensland

Frances is a Senior Environmental Scientist with over nine years of experience in ecology and ecotoxicology. Her experience involves a wide range of projects from the tropics to polar environments in ecotoxicology, environmental risk assessment, impact assessment, critical habitat assessment, ecology and water quality. She has also completed a PhD in hydrocarbon ecotoxicology, focusing on the management of marine fuel spills in Antarctica.

Dr Frances Alexander

Senior Scientist Queensland

Nadeeka is an Environmental Chemistry Scientist with 10+ years’ experience in research in the fields of Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry. She has a PhD in Environmental Analytical Chemistry, a Master of Science majoring in Environmental Science Specialisation in Water Quality Management and a Bachelor of Science Honours degree in Chemistry. She has worked across Australia and internationally in the wide range of research projects in Environmental and Geochemical Investigations. Nadeeka is highly experienced in designing and implementing research projects to investigate the dynamic of trace metals, nutrients and other inorganic pollutants in water and sediment of coastal, marine, and freshwater ecosystems.

Dr Nadeeka Rathnayake

Scientist Queensland

James Keating is a Principal Consultant with Hydrobiology with 15 years’ postgraduate experience including offshore renewable energy, ports, fisheries, mining, construction and oil & gas. James is responsible for environmental scoping, EIA and designing and implementing marine monitoring programs, ensuring the outputs meet the highest standard required for state and federal approvals.

Dr James Keating

Team Lead – Marine, Principal Marine Scientist Western Australia

Josh is part of the ecology and biodiversity management team and has over 10 years of professional experience in the ecological consulting industry after completing his BSc in Marine Biology from Swansea University. Josh has extensive experience in conducting ecological surveys, having collected samples from a range of different freshwater, estuarine, coastal and offshore environments. He has worked internationally on projects involving mines, ports and harbours, renewables, oil and gas, marine aggregates, fisheries, research and governmental work.

Josh Hatton

Dr Sander Scheffers has over 25 years’ experience in marine and aquatic ecology, coastal geomorphology, physical/chemical oceanography, and coral reef biology. Sander has worked on most continents researching natural and human impacts on various marine/estuarine and freshwater habitats and organisms. Sander has extensive experience in monitoring and mapping (sub-)tropical benthic environments and water quality parameters. Sander has a portfolio of over 70 peer-reviewed papers and books.

Dr Sander Scheffers

Senior Technical Consultant Western Australia

Nicole is a highly qualified geomorphologist who has been working in the environmental industry for the past 2 years. Nicole has a Masters in Geography specialising in fluvial geomorphology and has extensive experience in geomorphic assessments, River StylesTM catchment assessments, environmental monitoring programmes, UAV surveying, applied GIS spatial analysis and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry. She has worked on projects in Australia, New Zealand, China and Brazil.

Nicole Wheeler

Scientist | Geomorphologist Queensland

Woan Feei is currently pursuing her BSc (Hons) degree in Biological Sciences in Nanyang Technological University. Her academic background lies in environmental microbiology, microbes in natural ecosystems and environmental sustainability whilst majoring in tropical, marine and aquatic ecology. She is currently an Assistant Scientist with Hydrobiology and will be supporting the local office with ongoing aquatic ecology work. Her interest in nature spurs her into developing a career in this industry.

Woan Feei Liew

Environmental Consultant Singapore

Jorja is a marine scientist with a background in marine ecology and fisheries science. She holds a BSc. (Honours) in marine science and applied statistics. Jorja has worked on a range of projects including marine environmental monitoring, impact assessments and renewable energy development.

Jorja Claybrook

Scientist Western Australia

Amanda has over 19 years of Office Administration and Executive Assistance experience, providing high-level, overall office administration and business services support. Amanda’s areas of expertise include; Executive Administrative Assistance, Business Process and Improvement Development, Document Management, Formatting & Quality Assurance, Stakeholder Engagement, Schedule Management, Human Resources, Events Coordination, Front Office Management and Reception.

Amanda Sillman

QLD Lead- Business Promotions & Culture Queensland

Sam is an aquatic scientist with a background in aquaculture, aquatic faunal surveys, and water quality monitoring. He has worked on numerous wetland and catchment water quality projects. His current PhD thesis at Murdoch University and the University of Western Australia focuses on investigating the change in the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage in the Swan Canning Estuary in relation to changing hydrological and biogeochemical conditions.

Sam Robinson

Aquatic Scientist Western Australia

Patricia is an Oceanographer with a MSc degree in Animal Biology. While in University, she actively participated in the activities of the Benthic Ecology Laboratory, focusing on the conservation, diversity, and dynamics of coastal benthic ecology. She works on multiple survey investigations of marine environments, particularly regarding water and sediment quality impacts and provides logistics and technical support to Hydrobiology programs as required.

Patricia Stelzer

Project Coordinator | Scientist Brazil

Kesia is a Marine Biologist with a Master of Research in Environmental Science, where she investigated best practices for use of photogrammetry in turbid water environments. Kesia has experience in marine environmental monitoring, marine ecology and structure-from-motion photogrammetry in marine environments.

Kesia Savill

Environmental Scientist Western Australia

Pusparani is currently pursuing her Diploma in Human Resources and Psychology and her academic background lies in Business Administration. Pusparani has over 16 years Office Administration and Executive Assistance experience, providing high level, overall office administration management. Her experience also includes ISO & Risk Assessment Management representation, Business Process and Improvement Development, Human Resources, Event Coordination and accounts.

Pusparani Anbanathan

Administrative Officer Singapore

Chamantha is an Environment Scientist specialising in catchment science. Chamantha has strong technical skills in GIS and remote sensing in the field of environment and catchment management. Chamantha is a part of Land and Water Management Team and is involved with projects related to waterway processes and management, locally and internationally.

Chamantha Athapaththu

Elisa has a Master’s in Human Resources Management and over 20 years of experience as a Human Resources Manager and Office Administrator in Spain and Australia, working in the IT, educational, and consultancy industries.

Elisa Fuentes

Health and Safety Lead WA Office Systems Coordinator Western Australia

Jack Clothier is an experienced geomorphologist and geospatial scientist. He has a Bachelor of Science (Hons), specialising in fluvial geomorphology and geospatial sciences with >3 years of industry experience across Australia & New Zealand. Jack has extensive experience in applied fluvial geomorphology, drawing on techniques such as remote sensing, hydrological model interpretation, and in-situ field interpretation of landforms.

Jack Clothier

Scientist – Fluvial Geomorphologist Queensland

Matthew has a unique background in marine science and finance which has given him a comprehensive understanding of environmental science as well as the socio-economic and cultural significance of effective management of natural systems. Matthew has diverse industry experience, having developed a range of technical environmental skills and contributing to projects involving Natural and Nature Based Design, sustainability, and ESG.

Marine Scientist Western Australia

Ophelia is an Assistant Scientist pursuing her undergraduate Bachelor of Environmental Studies in National University of Singapore. She has a strong academic background in environmental geography, covering aspects like environmental science, geomorphology, applied biogeography and GIS. She had her research project carried out in Chek Jawa, Pulau Ubin, on mangrove ecological engineering.

Ophelia Ong

Assistant Scientist Singapore

Newton Barbosa, a PhD in Ecology with a Bachelor’s in Veterinary, is an experienced environmental and sustainability expert. He boasts a diverse portfolio of biotic surveys, monitoring, and risk analysis projects. Skilled in data analysis and ecological modeling, he’s renowned for innovative contributions. His proficiency in ESG enhances his ability to provide holistic solutions, supported by substantial teaching experience.

Dr Newton Barbosa

LATAM Lead Brazil

Vee is an environmental scientist with a background in environmental monitoring and management planning and hydrographic surveying. His professional experiences include environmental impact research and working on dredging/reclamation projects. His academic background is in the earth sciences and he holds a master’s degree in hydrogeology.

Maddison is an early career Ecologist with a terrestrial background within the EBM Team. She has completed a Bachelor of Advanced Science with Honours and for the last two years, Maddison has been working in the environmental industry. She has been involved in threatened species and ecological monitoring projects, aquatic and terrestrial baseline assessments and environmental impact assessments.

Maddison Stuart

Yusof Arshad is an environmental consultant with a background in marine ecology and ecosystems. He has worked on coral propagation and reef monitoring projects in the SEA region. Having completed his degree in Business and Environmental Science at James Cook University, one of his research projects was studying the role seagrass had on fish communities in Singapore.

Yusof Arshad

Yannis has over 4 years of Office Administration experience and has mainly worked within non-government funded organizations in Hong Kong.  She has previously worked within financial based companies and has provided assistance with business communication services, through the implementation of online marketing channels. Yannis obtained her Bachelor of Arts Major in Communication Studies from UWA.  She also has expertise in liaising with stakeholders and providing overall administration support.

Administration Assistant Queensland

Matt is an Aquatic Scientist in the Ecology and Biodiversity Management team and holds an Honour’s degree in Environmental Science from UQ. Matt comes from a research background, where he focussed on evaluating herbicide tolerance of native and invasive macrophytes. He has also previously worked as an environmental consultant, dealing with environmental approvals and compliance for many large mining and renewable projects.

Aquatic Scientist Queensland

With 15 years in aquatic ecology, Brad excels in leading surveys across freshwater, estuarine, and coastal regions in Australia and Papua New Guinea. His expertise includes ecological and physicochemical assessment methods, real-time water quality monitoring, sediment analysis, and skill in univariate and multivariate ecological data analysis..

Scientist – Aquatic Ecologist Queensland

Melisa is an Aquatic scientist in the Ecology and Biodiversity Management team and holds a Bachelor of Science with majors in wildlife and marine biology. Melisa also holds a certification in veterinary nursing and previously worked as a junior ecologist and fauna spotter across multiple projects including large mining projects, waterway restoration and endangered species monitoring.

Melisa Iglic

Astri is an environmental consultant with a background in marine ecology and environmental management. She has a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies with a minor in Aquatic Ecology and a master’s degree in marine conservation. She also has experience carrying out urban ecology research. Her passion and strengths lie within conducting field research surrounding tropical marine ecosystems, and marine conservation planning, management, and monitoring.

Astri Noorbaini

Professional associations.

Hydrobiology and staff maintain professional affiliations and associations with leading peak representative bodies, and regularly present at international conferences. One of our Directors was 2015 President of Science and Technology Australia, another is an Assessor for the Royal Geographic Society of London. Staff members are active in a variety of forums, including sitting on society management committees.

  • Australia – PNG Association
  • Singapore Water Association
  • Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
  • PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum
  • Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
  • Royal Geographic Society of London & Queensland
  • Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ)
  • European Geosciences Union
  • International Mine Water Association
  • International Society of Trace Element Biogeochemistry
  • Ecological Society of Australia
  • Royal Australian Chemical Institute
  • Australian Society for Limnology
  • Australian Marine Sciences Association
  • Environmental Consultants Association (WA)
  • Society of Conservation Biology
  • Australian Water Association
  • River Basin Management Society
  • Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group
  • Australian Institute of Biology
  • Australian Society for Fish Biology
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science

Staff - Department of Hydrobiology | Institute of Biology and Ecology

Staff - department of hydrobiology.


Prof. Dr. István Grigorszky

phd thesis on hydrobiology

  • Google Schoolar
  • ResearchGate

Main research area:  algology, hydrobiology

Dr. Teszárné Dr. Mariann Nagy PhD

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Prof. Dr. György Dévai

phd thesis on hydrobiology

  • Publikációk

Main research area:  ecology, hydrobiology, water qualification, zoology (Odonata and Chironomidae)

Dr. László Antal

phd thesis on hydrobiology

  • Google Scholar

Main research area: hydrobiology, fish- and fisheries biology

Dr. István Bácsi

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Main research area: algology, hydrobiology

Dr. Csaba Berta

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Main research area: zooplankton, macrophytes, hydrobiology

Dr. István Gyulai

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Main research area: hydrobiology, zooplankton, paleolimnology, subfossil Cladocera

Kaszáné Dr. Magdolna Kiss

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Main research area: hydrobiology, applied ecology, zoology (zooplankton)

Dr. Sándor Alex Nagy

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Main research area: hydrobiology, aquatic ecology, fish- and fisheries biology

Dr. Krisztián József Nyeste

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Dr. Imre Somlyai

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Main research area: hydrobiology, algology

Dr. Nagyné Klaudia Bota

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Aranyné Rózsavári Anikó

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Eduárd Csépes

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Kamilla Márton

phd thesis on hydrobiology

Anikó Kovácsné Gábor

phd thesis on hydrobiology

PhD students

  • Department Overview
  • Administration
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Prospective Students
  • Courses and Facilities
  • Special Programs
  • Internship and Career Exploration
  • Prospective Ph.D. Students
  • Master of Science and Graduate Certificate Programs
  • About Our Ph.D. Students
  • Geospatial-Information Science and Remote Sensing
  • Human Dimensions of Global Change - Coupled Human and Natural Systems
  • Land Cover - Land Use Change
  • Carbon, Vegetation Dynamics and Landscape-Scale Processes
  • Center for Geospatial Information Science
  • Faculty: A Historic Look
  • The Department of Geographical Sciences Alumni
  • Land Acknowledgement
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism in GEOG
  • Beyond GEOG: Resources and Learning
  • GEOG and UMD Reporting Mechanisms
  • Program Overview
  • High School Awards
  • High School Internship Program (HIP)
  • Terp Young Scholars Summer Program

Highlighting the New Wave of PhD Graduates in Geographical Sciences

Fjallsárlón, SE Iceland - May 2018

2024 PhD Graduates Address Climate Change, Urban Dynamics, and Technological Advances

The field of geographical sciences continues to evolve, with new research shedding light on critical environmental, social and spatial issues. This year, a fresh cohort of PhD graduates has emerged, bringing innovative perspectives and research to the forefront. 

Here, we share some of 2024’s dissertation defenses. 

Abdul Qadir, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-Based Generalized Approach for Sunflower Mapping and Area Estimation”

Elisabeth Powell, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Revealing the Impact of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Forest Structure in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Using Lidar”

Guimin Zhu, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Spatiotemporal Analysis of Vehicle Mobility Patterns Using Machine Learning Approaches”

Jamis M. Bruening, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Advances in Mapping Forest Biomass and Old-Growth Conditions Using Waveform Lidar”

Tuo Feng, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Characterizing the Multi-scale Post-fire Forest Structural Change in North American Boreal Forests Using Air- and Space-borne Lidar Observations”

Jiaming Lu, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Integrated Monitoring of Disturbance and Forest Attributes”

Mengyu Liang, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Monitoring Aboveground Biomass in Forest Conservation and Restoration Areas Using GEDI and Optical Data Fusion”

Noel Dyer, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Visualization, Data Quality, and Scale in Composite Bathymetric Data Generalization ”

Ruohan Li, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Deep Learning Approaches for Estimating and Forecasting Surface Downward Shortwave Radiation From Satellite Data”

Samuel M. Jantz, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Multiscale, Multitemporal Assessment of Chimpanzee (Pan Troglodytes) Habitat Using Remotely Sensed Datasets”

Xin Xu, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Topology-Based Individual Tree Mapping From Lidar Point Clouds”

Xueyuan Gao, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Exploring and Assessing Land-Based Climate Solutions Using Earth Observations, Earth System Models, and Integrated Assessment Models”

Yunting Song, Ph.D ‘24 Dissertation Title: “Efficient Terrain Analysis of Point Cloud Datasets on a Decomposition-Based Data Representation”

As these scholars embark on the next phase of their careers, their contributions will undoubtedly continue to make a significant impact on the world.

Main image: photo collage of the dissertation defenses of Elisabeth Powell, Yunting Song, Noel Dyer, Tuo Feng and Mengyu Liang. Courtesy of Geographical Sciences students and professors.

collage of defenses

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phd thesis on hydrobiology

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    PDF | On Jan 1, 2020, Pablo Acuña Paolo Torres published Thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Advanced Studies in Sustainable Water Resources "MODELING THE HYDROLOGICAL RESPONSE OF A ...

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    THESIS ENHANCED WATERSHED MODELING AND DATA ANALYSIS WITH A FULLY COUPLED HYDROLOGIC MODEL AND CLOUD-BASED FLOW ANALYSIS Submitted by Tyler Wible Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Degree of Master of Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Summer 2014

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    Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on HYDROBIOLOGY. Science topics: Biological Science Aquatic Science Hydrobiology. Science topic.


    Ph.D. Thesis A FULLY DISTRIBUTED INTEGRATED HYDROLOGIC MODEL FOR INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN A HIGHLY REGULATED RIVER FLOODPLAIN Submitted to University of Pecs in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Earth sciences By Ali Mohammed Mohammed Salem Supervised by Assistant Prof. Dr. Jozsef Dezső 2022

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    To con­clude, in this thesis we present a new model for dif­fuse and loc­al­ized soil erosion on the hill­slopes and in the chan­nels, and for the rout­ing of such eroded sed­i­ment to the basin out­let. The model is used to gain in­sights into the sus­pen­ded sed­i­ment dy­nam­ics of pre- Alpine basins.

  9. PhD Thesis

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    Analyzing communities in river-floodplain systems of the Danube - fish (1. thesis) and amphibians (2. thesis) (04.11.2020) Master Thesis - Glyphosate Bioaccumulation of Glyphosate and its degradation products in aquatic snails -Effects on growth, survival, activity and metabolism *Experimental flume approach *

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    Marloes Mul (2009); PhD thesis, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, 144 pp. Ungauged catchments can be found in many parts of the world, but particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Information collected in a gauged catchment and its regionalisation to ungauged areas is crucial for water resources assessment. Especially farmers in semi ...

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    the expansion of our understanding of hydraulic, geochemical and biogeochemical processes in the unsaturated and saturated zone. Development of new numerical and experimental methods for sustainable management of our water and soil resources, taking into account aspects of climate change and land use change.

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    Gabriela Guimarães Nobre (2019), PhD thesis, VU University, Amsterdam, 286 pp. The main objective of this thesis is to improve the understanding on links between climate variability and weather-related impacts of both floods and droughts. This relationship is investigated from global to regional scales, and at different lead times, with the ...

  14. Thesis Topics

    Teaching. Thesis Topics. Student Theses. We are really glad to integrate students into our current research projects within the scope of bachelor theses, master's theses or study projects. You can contact directly the staff members working on your field of interest for inquiring or discussion about perspective topics or in general to our chair ...

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    Selected topics in sustainable aquaculture research: Current and future focus. July 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7032804. Authors: Brian Austin. University of Stirling. Addison Lee Lawrence. Erkan ...

  17. Earth Sciences

    Program information Department/School Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty Faculty of Science Admit term(s) Fall (September - December) Winter (January - April) Spring (May - August) Application and document submission deadline(s) February 1 (for admission in September) June 1 (for admission in January of the following year) October 1 (for admission in May of the following

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    THE DOCTORAL PROGRAMME MAJOR: Hydrobiology CODE: 9420101.08 (Issued under the Decision No. 4555/QĐ-ĐHQGHN, on August 20, 2018 by the Rector of the VNU- University of Science) PROGRAMME STRUCTURE Summary of programme curriculum requirements 1.1. For PhD students not holding master's degree Students must complete the courses of the master's programme and the

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  21. About

    Hydrobiology was incorporated in 2001 by Andy Markham and Ross Smith who met in Papua New Guinea in 1991. By 2002 we had moved from home offices to a Milton, Brisbane premises where staff levels, turnover and global exporting activities expanded. ... His current PhD thesis at Murdoch University and the University of Western Australia focuses on ...

  22. Staff

    Thesis topics. Gallery. Contact. MAGYAR/ENGLISH. Prof. Dr. István Grigorszky. ... Institute of Biology and Ecology, off-site Department of Applied Hydrobiology, KÖTIVIZIG Regional Laboratory - Head of Laboratory. Központi telefonszám +36 56 501 900. 20350. Közvetlen telefonszám +36 56 501 900. ... PhD students. Haithem Aib

  23. Highlighting the New Wave of PhD Graduates in Geographical Sciences

    This year, a fresh cohort of PhD graduates has emerged, bringing innovative perspectives and research to the forefront. Here, we share some of 2024's dissertation defenses. Abdul Qadir, Ph.D '24 Dissertation Title: "A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-Based Generalized Approach for Sunflower Mapping and Area Estimation"

  24. Chicago teen Dorothy Tillman graduates, earns doctorate from ...

    Chicago teen earns doctoral degree at age 17. Link Copied! Dr. Dorothy Jean Tillman speaks at the Arizona State University College of Health Solutions convocation on May 8, 2024. By age 14 ...

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  26. Rutgers PhD student delivers dissertation hours after giving birth

    Rutgers PhD student, Tamiah Brevard-Rodriguez, gave birth to her son and then hours later defended her dissertation to a committee over Zoom.