10 Presentation Ideas For Leadership Teams and Training

10 Presentation Ideas For Leadership Teams and Training

Leadership teams shape organizations for better or for worse. They’re responsible for guiding teams and moving things— big or small— forward. So what makes a great leader versus one that causes employees to leave a company?

When you think of a great leader, it’s probably a specific characteristic that comes to mind. Qualities like respect, self-awareness, trust, influence, collaboration, and strong communication skills can set extraordinary managers apart from mediocre ones. But how leaders listen, learn, and communicate with their employees is just as important. Because of that, leaders— regardless of the industry— need to hold themselves accountable and continuously seek out ways to grow as a manager.   

It’s not uncommon for companies to host offsites or retreats to bring the leadership team together for brainstorming, planning, and training. This helps align leaders across various departments, teams, and offices, while offering them the tools they need to be more successful in their role. 

When preparing a presentation for leadership teams and training, it's crucial to focus on content that resonates with the audience's strategic mindset and their role in guiding the organization. Here are some leadership presentation ideas to help inspire your own content.

Leadership presentation ideas

Presentations can act as a platform to encourage learning and collaboration among different leaders. Do you have a leadership retreat coming up? Here are 10 leadership presentation ideas to help train and motivate your own leadership team. 

Effective leadership strategies

As a recurring training, you might share effective leadership strategies with your executive team. This presentation would act as a refresher of the latest trends and best practices in leadership. This could include insights on empathetic leadership, fostering a positive company culture, and embracing diversity and inclusion.

Change management

How should managers and leadership teams address the challenges and opportunities associated with change within the organization? A change management presentation would provide strategies for how leaders can navigate transitions successfully, with the least amount of disruption to the team.

Strategic planning and decision-making

A strategic planning and decision making presentation will offer insights into the process of setting achievable goals and making informed decisions. Organizations might also use a strategic planning presentation to lead their own company brainstorming sessions at a leadership all-hands meeting. 

Team development and engagement

Team development and engagement is important for the overall success of the team. In this presentation you might share techniques for fostering a high-performing and engaged team, including methods for providing feedback, coaching, and creating a supportive work environment.

Communication skills

Communication skills can make or break a leader. A training session on effective communication in leadership roles could be beneficial for both managers and executives of all levels. Here you could offer practical tips for clear, transparent, and empowering communication.

Leading through uncertainty

Given the current business landscape and layoffs happening across various industries, leadership teams need to know how to handle hard situations. This presentation idea for leadership teams would discuss strategies for navigating uncertainty and ambiguity, including how to maintain resilience and inspire confidence in a team concerned about job security. 

Embracing innovation and creativity

It’s no secret that AI is here to stay, and teams are having to pivot to accommodate new technology. Use a thoughtful presentation to encourage leaders to embrace innovation and promote a culture of creativity within the organization. The slides in this deck could showcase the benefits of adopting innovative approaches and thinking outside the box.

Building high-performance teams

Leaders need the right tools and knowledge to be able to guide positive performance. Employers might offer a training “how-to” on best practices for assembling and nurturing high-performance teams. This deck should include strategies for fostering collaboration, trust, and accountability among teammates. 

Data-driven decision making

As a leader, leveraging data to make more informed decisions should be top of mind. This leadership presentation idea can highlight the importance of leveraging data and analytics in decision-making processes, and offer guidance on how to incorporate data-driven insights into leadership strategies. This could include ways to implement KPIs, OKRs, or other effective ways to track the performance of individual contributors and campaigns. 

Ethical leadership

A wildly important leadership topic is ethics. Upper management should be well-educated in ethical leadership, and how that impacts the success of the team. An ethical leadership presentation could include the significance of ethics, the impact it has on organizational culture, employee morale, and long-term success, and how to ensure it’s top of mind in each department on a daily basis.

Beautiful presentations to drive your message home

You have a presentation topic, now what? The hardest part of presentation design is going from idea to deck with little design skills to back you up. Thankfully, there's a presentation software for that. Insert: Beautiful.ai. Beautiful.ai helps leadership teams create beautiful presentations so they can pack a bigger punch with their message and inspire their audience. Presenters can use one of Beautiful.ai's customizable pre-built presentation templates — like the training presentation — or leverage our AI-assistant to create a presentation from scratch specific to their topic. By creating beautiful decks you can engage your audience, drive your message home, and leave your leadership team feeling inspired to make a difference.

Jordan Turner

Jordan Turner

Jordan is a Bay Area writer, social media manager, and content strategist.

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The 2022 Staff Picks: Our favorite Prezi videos of the year

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Michael Lee December 14, 2022

The 2022 Prezi Staff Picks are here! We selected our favorite videos of the year — all created with Prezi Video — from business professionals, speakers, and educators. We specifically looked for a variety of factors, including presentation design, quality of content, and how well they used the medium. 

Before we showcase each video, Prezi’s Content Editor, Naba Ahmed, has a few words to share about why each video was selected: 

Without further ado, here are our Staff Picks for 2022!

Videos with moving visuals that get your attention  

With so many things competing for your audience’s attention these days, you want to make sure you can keep them focused on your presentation. And when many presentations are happening virtually now, using moving visuals like GIFs and videos is one of the most effective ways of capturing attention and keeping it. 

Just look at this Prezi video from Paula Rizzo, a best-selling author, LinkedIn Learning Instructor, and speaker, on how to get your message across quickly in the hybrid workplace:

In it, she stresses the importance of “soundbites” when sharing your message, and she does the same thing visually with her fun GIF usage, which complements her points while drawing your eye to the video content. She also used the Quick Record functionality in Prezi Video to create her presentation, so she was able to create her tips on using quick soundbites…quickly! 

“It’s hard to keep people’s attention with so many distractions around us, so it’s important that my videos have interesting visuals, text, and some fun too,” explains Paula. “Prezi makes that easy to do in a snap.” 

Similarly, Salina Yeung , a LinkedIn personal branding expert and coach, as well as a LinkedIn Learning Instructor, also used GIFs in her video about using LinkedIn videos to drive sales:

In her case, she used Prezi Present to create a clear structure and strong imagery to tell her story, and chooses to use GIFs more sparingly. As a result, whenever an animated visual pops up on screen, it really stands out and she can use it to point your attention to a particularly important point. 

“Having an interactive visual presentation tool like Prezi really helps me connect with clients and keep them engaged throughout my video content,” adds Salina. “Prezi cuts through the sea of video content out there because it looks polished, professional, and sophisticated, all while managing to be FUN.”

Paul Teske , Prezi’s Teacher in Residence, takes a slightly different approach. His video is about how to work with visuals, and the importance of relevance, meaning, and focus. To convey his point, he expands his visual usage over the course of the video: 

He starts with images, then moves on to animated GIFs, and then finally video to bring his concepts to life in an easily understandable way. 

These videos show off the power of moving visuals (in addition to staying on screen next to your content). 

Videos with story-driven imagery 

Not every video needs moving visuals to be compelling. With the right images, you can tell a captivating story from start to finish. 

Let’s start with Nikhil Paul , the founder and Leadership Team Coach at We R Human, who shares tips on navigating office politics in the remote workplace in his Prezi video:

This is a complex topic to broach, but Nikhil does an exceptional job thanks in part to the imagery he uses. He uses text to keep his main point on the screen, but then cleverly swaps out images to illustrate each aspect of remote office politics as he speaks. 

“As a leadership team coach, I’m always looking for ways to engage and delight my audiences with my content,” says Nikhil. “Prezi’s video recording tool is a very unique way to capture the visual flow of a PowerPoint while also having the feeling of a professional video editor.”

Brittany Hodak , a keynote speaker and author, uses a different (but equally clever) style of visuals to get her point across. Take a look at her video on creating superfans: 

She introduces her “SUPER” model, which outlines five key ways to turn customers into fans. Notably, she color codes each section and uses unique icons, resulting in a subtle but impactful way of helping viewers remember the information. 

“I speak on customer experience, so I’m always looking for ways to make the experience of virtual events more engaging,” says Brittany. “I LOVE using Prezi because I’ve found it to be unrivaled in keeping attendees’ attention in virtual meetings. Plus, the end results always look elegant and beautiful with minimal effort.”

When conveying a new concept, it’s also helpful to use visuals in a step-by-step manner. Elizabeth Knox , the Principal at MatchPace, exemplifies this in her video on the PaceSync scheduling method:

To illustrate this concept, she starts with an initial suggestion to block out your time, along with an image next to her on screen. Then, she layers on more time blocks in the image to help you better understand PaceSync at a glance.

“I made the video because I wanted to verbally and visually communicate how organizations can bring clarity to hybrid scheduling — something that is often pretty murky,” added Elizabeth. “Prezi allowed my personality and IP to be evident to potential customers!”

With the right visuals, you can make your videos even clearer to follow and help bring your story to life. 

Videos that bring in real-life examples

One of the benefits of using Prezi Video is you don’t have to switch away from your content to your camera. Academic coach Jennifer Luarca shows off this benefit in her video on time management: 

Instead of sharing her screen and then switching back and forth, Jennifer shows off her actual calendar on screen to exemplify the content that’s being displayed. In this way, she helps solidify her advice with a real-life example that feels seamless and natural. 

“I was excited to be able to use Prezi to show my personality and my face during the presentation, hopefully setting students at ease with the fun formatting,” says Jennifer. “The videos have been so well received that we are still hosting them on our web page though we have returned to on-campus learning.”

Even without real-life items, you can still bring examples into your video for clarity. In his Prezi video about designing surveys, Professor Dan Richard uses screenshots of survey questions as he shares his tips:

By using actual questions and zooming in to focus in on them, Dan gives his students something concrete to look at while they try to absorb the information. “Prezi has exceptional templates that allow me to quickly pull together ideas and present them in an organized way,” Dan states. “Prezi takes care of the formatting, and I can focus on the ideas.”

Videos that make a human connection 

Ultimately, video — especially in a virtual-first world — is all about making a human connection. If you’re talking behind a shared screen the entire time, your audience is going to miss out on crucial eye contact, facial expressions, and gestures, which are all key for keeping them engaged. 

Vincent D’Ettorre , an Adult Education Supervisor at Michigan Works! Southeast, demonstrates this in his vision of learning statement video, which he created using a Prezi template : 

In going over topics like attendance and engagement goals and the shared process he hopes to achieve, he maintains eye contact with the camera (aka the audience) and stays on screen the entire time. This ensures that his audience can see his sincerity as he explains his reasoning behind each point. 

On the other hand, librarian Kacey Reynolds takes a slightly different approach in her video highlighting her book picks of the month: 

While she doesn’t stay on screen the entire time — she devotes the bulk of her video to featuring each book cover as she discusses them — she wisely bookends her video with her on the screen. Instead of providing a simple list of books for kids to read, they can now see Kacey and connect with her as the librarian before she dives into the book summaries. 

Share your story with Prezi 

No matter what kind of content you’re looking to share, Prezi makes it easy to create memorable presentations and videos that help you connect with and engage your audience. We hope you found some inspiration and helpful tips for your own presentations by watching our Staff Picks of 2022 — we can’t wait to see what you create!

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Executive Presentation Training Programs

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Master the Art of Exceptional Presentations

For decades, Speakeasy has been at the forefront of transforming leaders into captivating speakers. Our executive presentation training programs are meticulously crafted to give professionals the tools they need to create compelling narratives, design powerful presentations, and deliver them with unmatched conviction.

With a focus on storytelling techniques, impactful slide design, executive presence , and assertive delivery, we bring out the unique speaker in every leader. We go beyond just technique – we help you find your voice, and ensure it resonates in any boardroom.

Increased confidence among presenters when using a well-designed slide - TechSmith

More persuasiveness for presentations paired with visual aids over those without. - Management Information Systems Research Center

of employed Americans believe presentation skills are critical for workplace success. - Prezi

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At Speakeasy, we understand that life is filled with diverse commitments and schedules can vary greatly. That’s why we offer a comprehensive array of programs to accommodate every professional’s unique circumstances. Whether you prefer the traditional in-person classroom experience, the convenience of live online virtual sessions, or the autonomy of self-administered digital courses, we have the perfect fit for you.

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What to Expect From Executive Presentation Training

A commanding presentation can be the defining factor in clinching deals, influencing stakeholders, and propelling your career forward. Here are five compelling reasons to invest in executive presentation training:

  • Enhanced Presentation Skills: Our training polishes your ability to design striking slides, narrate compelling stories, and deliver with a clear, confident voice.
  • Masterful Storytelling: Learn the techniques to weave stories that engage, captivate, and drive your message home.
  • Robust Audience Engagement: Grasp how to read and respond to your audience, ensuring active participation and lasting impact.
  • Strategic Slide Design: Make every slide count. Learn the art of creating visual aids that complement and amplify your message.
  • Preparedness for Varied Scenarios : Be it boardrooms, webinars, or international

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At Speakeasy Inc., we’re dedicated to helping high-potential professionals rediscover the art of conversation, create lasting connections, and elevate their personal communication style. In today’s fast-paced digital world, authentic, face-to-face communication is more important than ever before. Here’s why you should choose Speakeasy:

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Leadership and Management Differences Workshop

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What do leaders have that differentiate them from managers? Perhaps a different vision or set of objectives. A leader might be great at encouraging their co-workers, but a manager might be better at instructing them. Prepare a workshop on the differences between "leadership" and "management" to educate future leaders and managers. What a responsibility! Let us help you with this template for slideshows. It might seem like it uses a Memphis style, but it's more retro than you think. It might seem that it's mainly gray, but there are other colors that will surprise you when you least expect them!

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  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
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