resource assignment variable

Learn more about resource units

Sometimes it takes one resource to complete a task, but other times you need more. Sometimes a resource can only work part time. To account for these differences, Microsoft Project uses units to calculate the exact amount of time resources can work on a task.

In this article

What exactly are units, how do i use maximum units for work resources, how do i use assignment units for work resources, how do i use maximum units for material resources, how do i use assignment units for material resources, what are peak units, how do assignment units and calendars affect the schedule.

Units indicate the percentage of a work resource's time that is assigned to a task. There are two types of units in Project: maximum units and assignment units.

Maximum units      When you want to specify how much time a work resource has available for work on all tasks in a project, you specify maximum units in a resource view. This total is used to calculate how much time a work resource can spend on each task assignment.

Assignment units      When you want to specify how much of a work resource's time is dedicated to a specific task, you enter assignment units. You also specify assignment units for material resources to indicate the quantity of material being used for the assignment.

Note:  Cost resources, such as airfare or lodging, do not use units because they do not depend on depend on the amount of work performed.

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Use the Max. Units field in a resource view to indicate whether the work resource is full time or part time on this project, or whether multiples of this resource are consolidated into one. For example:

This percentage (the units value) is based on the availability shown in the resource calendar. By default, the resource calendar is the Standard project calendar, which specifies a 40-hour work week. But if you've assigned a different base calendar to a resource or customized the resource calendar the maximum units value is based on that calendar instead. By using a percentage for units instead of an hour value, project and task calculations remain accurate, even if the calendar changes.

You can indicate the level of effort for a work resource on a specific assignment in two places:

In the Resource tab, click on Assign Resources . Enter information in the Units field.

In the Task tab, click Information and then click the Resources tab. Enter the information in the Units field.

Assignment units indicate how much of the resource's available time, according to the resource calendar, is being used to work on a particular task. For example:

Specify 100% if the resource is to work full-time on the assignment. This is the default for all assignments.

Specify 50% if the resource is spending half the available time on this assignment. Even if the resource is a full-time resource, some assignments may require only a part-time effort, leaving the remaining time available for another assignment.

Specify 300% if three full-time equivalent resources are working on this assignment. You can specify 250% if two full-time resources and one half-time resource are working on this assignment.

This percentage (the units value) is based on the availability shown in the resource calendar. By default, this is the Standard project calendar, which specifies a 40-hour work week. But if you assign a different base calendar to a resource or customize the resource calendar, the assignment units value is based on that calendar instead.

The Max. Units field is not available for material resources because material resources are not associated with calendars or other indications of availability. The amount of material used depends on the specific assignment the material is assigned to and is set with the assignment units.

For material resources, the Units (or Assignment Units) field indicates the material consumption rate, that is, the number or rate of units of material being used for the assignment. There are two types of material assignment units: fixed and variable.

Fixed material consumption indicates that regardless of the task duration, the quantity of materials used is the same.

Variable material consumption indicates that as the task duration changes, the quantity of materials used changes proportionally. Variable consumption is indicated with a time label added to the material label in the Assignment Units field. While fixed consumption of steel might have an assignment units value in tons, variable consumption might have an assignment units value in tons/day or tons/d. Time labels and abbreviations are indicated the same as other durations: in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

For example, if the assignment units value for steel is 80 tons on a 2-day task, the total consumption (or the material work value) for steel is 80 tons. However, if the assignment units value for steel is 80 tons/day on a 2-day task, the total consumption is 160 tons.

Note:  While assignment units for work resources can be expressed as percentages or decimals, material resource consumption rates are always expressed as decimals.

Peak units are the highest level at which a resource is scheduled for all assigned tasks during a given period of time. Like maximum units, peak units are expressed as percentages or decimals for work resources. For material resources, peak units are expressed as a decimal together with the material label (for example, 40 tons/week).

Reviewing peak units can help you determine whether a work resource is underallocated or overallocated during a certain period of time.

For material resources, you can compare the peak units (the largest consumption rate needed during a certain period of time) with the rate at which the supplier can deliver the material.

Add the Peak field to the table part of the Resource Usage view to see the total peak units for the resource for all assigned tasks. Add the Peak Units field to the timesheet part of the Resource Usage view to see peak units for the selected timescale. You can also see peak units in the Resource Graph view.

For material resources, variable assignment units can affect the schedule. Variable material consumption indicates that as the task duration changes, the quantity of materials used changes proportionally. Likewise, if only variable material resources are assigned to a task, and if you change quantity, the task duration can change accordingly. Variable consumption is indicated with a time label added to the material label in the Assignment Units field. While a fixed consumption of steel might have an assignment units value in tons, variable consumption might have an assignment units value as tons/day or tons/d.

For work resources, task schedules can also expand or contract based on the working time calendars of assigned work resources. Use the project calendar to set the standard working and nonworking times and days for all resources in the project. Use a resource calendar to set exceptions to working times (such as days off or vacations) for individual resources. To access the project and resource calendars, click Change Working Time on the Tools menu and then select the appropriate calendar from the For calendar list.

Resource calendars and assignment units interact to determine assignment scheduling. For example, if Betty's resource calendar is set for 8 hours of working time on Thursdays, and she's scheduled 100% on a task for Thursday, this equates to 8 hours. However, if Betty's resource calendar is set for 4 hours on Friday, and she's scheduled 100% on a task for Friday, she is scheduled to work for 4 hours.


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Assigning Resources



After you enter tasks and resources, you start assigning tasks to resources. That is when the fun begins! The duration of some tasks may change, and you may start to see evidence of people who are overbooked on several tasks that happen around the same time. Understanding how these results occur is the key to making intelligent assignments and balancing the project scope with your milestone obligations and resource availability.

In fact, assigning resources, balancing scope, schedule and cost, and replanning is an ongoing process throughout a project. As usual, Project provides the tools to help you manage the resource assignment process so you can arrive at an optimal solution.

Finding the Right Resource

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resource assignment variable

Create Resource Assignments

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About this lesson

Learn to add resources to a task and identify how much time each resource will require for that task.

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Quick reference

There are two ways to refer to resources in a project schedule. If you are talking about resources , you are referring to the people, generic, or things in the resource sheet . If you are talking about resource assignments , you are referring to assigned resources on a task.

In this lesson, you add resources to a task and identify how much time each resource will require for that task.

Further Discussion

It is very simple to assign resources to tasks by simply selecting the resource names picklist and select the resource(s). Assuming you are using the standard calendar , a resource assignment for a 10-day task will calculate as 80 hours (8 hours a day * 10 days).

Very often, people do not work as many hours as they estimate for the duration. For example, if I ask you to meet with your manager to make an important decision, that meeting might take 2 hours. However, you know your manager is very busy and might even be on vacation for a week, so you will ask the project manager for a total of 10 days in duration . The project manager will create a task in their project schedule for 10 days to make the decision, and then assign you for a total of 2 hours of work.

To assign resources to your project, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Gantt chart view.
  • Click the View tab, and then select the Details checkbox.
  • The task form split view will appear at the bottom of the window.
  • Click a task in the Gantt chart view, and then assign one or more resources in the task form .
  • Click the OK button and then adjust the Work column for each resource.
  • Click the Next button to go to the next task and continue assigning resources.

Note: Rather than click the OK and Next buttons, you can use the Enter (return) key on your keyboard.

  • 00:04 Now that we've built a resource pool, we can now assign resources.
  • 00:09 These resource assignments can be done in a number of different ways.
  • 00:14 One way to do it is to come over here to the resource names column,
  • 00:18 locate the resource, and choose the resource.
  • 00:21 In this case, acquire land can be done by the home owner and we check that box.
  • 00:26 You can see over here on the right hand side of the screen,
  • 00:30 home owner shows up in the Gantt chart as well.
  • 00:33 Now, this is one approach to adding the resource.
  • 00:37 But there's a few other approaches that I'm going to cover.
  • 00:40 So I'm going to do Ctrl Z, and undo the addition of that resource.
  • 00:46 Another method for assigning resources to a task is to locate
  • 00:50 the resource tab, and then click the assign resources icon,
  • 00:55 which is located in the assignment section.
  • 00:59 So click the assign resources button, now a dialog appears, and
  • 01:04 you can move this out of the way.
  • 01:06 So you can see the resource names column, and
  • 01:09 then select a resource, and click the assign button.
  • 01:13 You can see I've just assigned this resource to a task.
  • 01:17 Now I'm not going to recommend you use this approach either.
  • 01:21 So click the close button, and
  • 01:24 perform an undo Ctrl Z to remove that resource from the task.
  • 01:29 The recommended method for assigning resources to tasks
  • 01:34 is to use the split view, also called the details view.
  • 01:38 To get there, click the view tab at the top of the page,
  • 01:43 locate the split view section, and then click the details checkbox.
  • 01:50 Now you can see we have the Gantt chart at the top, and
  • 01:54 we have the split view called the task form at the bottom.
  • 01:59 So, you'll notice that I have acquire land selected up here, and so
  • 02:03 you can see acquire land listed below.
  • 02:06 If I click on create architectural design,
  • 02:09 you can see the bottom part of the screen adjusts.
  • 02:12 So I'll go back up here to acquire land, and
  • 02:15 I'm going to choose the resource home owner, and click the OK button.
  • 02:21 So what's happened now is I've assigned the home owner to this task.
  • 02:25 Microsoft Project by default,
  • 02:27 does what I like to refer to as peanut butter spreading.
  • 02:32 The number of hours that someone needs to work on a project task,
  • 02:36 by the number of days.
  • 02:38 So since a home owner is 100% on this 30 day task,
  • 02:42 it's saying the home owner is going to spend 240 hours.
  • 02:46 Well, actually acquiring the land includes waiting for certain things to happen,
  • 02:51 talking to banks, things of that nature.
  • 02:54 So it's actually not a whole lot of that person's time, it's actually much less.
  • 02:58 So what we're doing is a little bit of what we might call resource leveling,
  • 03:04 so that we don't show someone as over extended on a particular task.
  • 03:09 So the process that you follow when you're working with your resources
  • 03:14 is to ask them, how much time are you going to need to spend on each task?
  • 03:18 And so here for acquire lands, the home owner is probably only going to work maybe
  • 03:24 over these 30 days, probably only spend three full days worth of their time.
  • 03:29 So we just type 24 and that's hours, and that will equate to three days.
  • 03:36 Now, we just click the next button, and we can go to the next task.
  • 03:41 This create architectural design, well, that will be done by the architect.
  • 03:46 The architect will do that task.
  • 03:48 We'll click OK, and once again 20 days, full time.
  • 03:53 Well, the architect may only need about a smaller portion of that,
  • 03:59 so maybe about half, so we can type in 80 hours, 80h, and press Enter.
  • 04:05 Pressing Enter is the same thing as pressing the OK button.
  • 04:08 And then we can just press an Enter again and go to the next task.
  • 04:14 And we'll just continue adding resources as needed.
  • 04:19 Now, this acquiring loan piece is going to be done by home owner.
  • 04:25 However, the home owner might want some help from the project manager.
  • 04:29 I'll choose these two and click the OK button.
  • 04:33 And now part of this acquiring the loan over 10 days.
  • 04:37 Now, that will include let's say 16 hours, four days of the homeowner
  • 04:42 meeting with the bank, going back and forth to offices, signing paperwork.
  • 04:47 And then the project manager coordinate everything else, and
  • 04:51 the project manager will have 24 hours.
  • 04:53 And so I just keep pressing the Enter key until I move to the next one.
  • 04:57 Now you'll see here up at the top of the screen under resource names,
  • 05:02 we have both resources listed.
  • 05:04 And if I stretch out the Gantt chart view, you can see home owner, project manager.
  • 05:09 So you can add as many resources as you'd like to each task.
  • 05:13 Now the duration for this task has not changed,
  • 05:17 because we set this test to be a fixed duration and not effort driven.
  • 05:22 And so what this is saying is, I don't care how many hours someone needs to work,
  • 05:28 the duration should never change.
  • 05:30 So now what we'll do is continue filling out the resources for
  • 05:35 each one of these tasks.
  • 05:37 After we've assigned all of our resources, you can see there might be these little
  • 05:42 red people, and if you mouse over, they're showing as over-allocated.
  • 05:47 We'll talk about that in future lessons.
  • 05:49 The next step for us is to build what's called a work breakdown structure, and
  • 05:54 that's what we'll do in the next lesson.

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resource assignment variable

Managing Project Resources and Assignments

  • First Online: 30 April 2020

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  • Gus Cicala 2  

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Cicala, G. (2020). Managing Project Resources and Assignments. In: The Project Managers Guide to Microsoft Project 2019 . Apress, Berkeley, CA.

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Published : 30 April 2020

Publisher Name : Apress, Berkeley, CA

Print ISBN : 978-1-4842-5637-4

Online ISBN : 978-1-4842-5635-0

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Resource.Assignments property (Project)

  • 5 contributors

Gets an Assignments collection representing the assignments for the resource. Read-only Assignments .

expression . Assignments

expression A variable that represents a Resource object.

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Resource Scheduling in Project Management: Best Practices & Tips

Are you struggling to optimize resource scheduling in project management, leading to project delays and inefficiencies? Mastering the art of resource scheduling is crucial for successful project completion. By effectively allocating resources, you can enhance productivity, meet deadlines, and boost overall project performance. Stay tuned to discover how you can achieve optimal resource utilization and drive project success.

Key Takeaways

  • Resource scheduling in project management is crucial for optimizing resources and ensuring project success.
  • Key reasons for resource scheduling include maximizing resource utilization, preventing bottlenecks, and meeting project deadlines.
  • Pre-scheduling considerations such as resource availability, skill sets required, and dependencies must be carefully evaluated before creating a schedule.
  • Utilize various resource scheduling methods like Gantt charts, critical path method, and Kanban boards to effectively allocate resources.
  • Best practices for efficient scheduling involve clear communication, regular updates, flexibility to handle changes, and prioritizing tasks based on importance and urgency.
  • Efficient scheduling brings benefits like improved productivity, cost savings, better time management, and enhanced overall project performance.

Resource Scheduling Explained

Resource scheduling in project management involves allocating resources to tasks based on availability and skill sets. It entails identifying resource needs for each project phase, ensuring the right people are assigned to the right tasks. Effective resource scheduling is crucial for maximizing efficiency and meeting project deadlines.

Resource scheduling directly impacts project constraints such as time, cost, and quality . Proper allocation of resources ensures that projects are completed within stipulated timelines and budget constraints. Conversely, inadequate resource scheduling can lead to delays, cost overruns , and compromised quality, affecting overall project success.

  • Organizational benefits of resource scheduling include optimized workforce utilization .
  • Improved resource allocation through scheduling helps in preventing bottlenecks and optimizing task completion.
  • Smart capacity planning enhances productivity by ensuring that resources are utilized efficiently.

Key Reasons for Resource Scheduling

Project success.

Resource scheduling plays a crucial role in ensuring project success by effectively managing the allocation of resources. It helps in optimizing resource utilization to meet project requirements efficiently. By assigning tasks based on availability and expertise, projects can be completed within set timelines.

Efficient resource scheduling directly impacts project outcomes by ensuring that the right resources are available at the right time. This leads to smoother workflow processes and minimizes delays, ultimately enhancing project delivery. Proper resource allocation contributes significantly to achieving project goals by maximizing productivity and minimizing bottlenecks.

Efficiency Boost

Resource scheduling enhances project efficiency by streamlining resource allocation based on project needs and priorities. It enables teams to work cohesively towards common objectives by ensuring that each member is assigned tasks according to their skills and availability. This systematic approach minimizes idle time and improves overall project efficiency.

Efficient resource allocation has a direct impact on project timelines as it reduces delays caused by resource shortages or mismanagement. By having a clear overview of resource availability and workload distribution, project managers can optimize schedules to meet deadlines effectively. This proactive approach results in improved project performance and timely deliverables.

Conflict Avoidance

Resource scheduling serves as a critical tool in avoiding conflicts within project teams by proactively managing resource allocation . By assigning tasks based on individual strengths and availability, potential conflicts arising from overburdening or underutilization of resources can be mitigated. This approach fosters a harmonious work environment conducive to collaboration and teamwork.

Effective resource scheduling prevents resource-related issues such as overallocation or double booking , which can lead to conflicts among team members. By maintaining a balanced workload distribution, organizations can prevent burnout and ensure equitable task assignments. Proactive conflict management through resource scheduling not only enhances team dynamics but also boosts overall project morale.

Pre-Scheduling Considerations

Resource availability.

Resource availability plays a crucial role in project scheduling, determining the pace and efficiency of tasks. It ensures that the right resources are allocated at the right time, optimizing productivity. Inadequate resource availability can lead to delays and bottlenecks in project execution.

Effective resource availability directly impacts project timelines by ensuring that tasks are completed within the set deadlines. When resources are readily available , it minimizes downtime and keeps the project on track. Conversely, resource shortages or conflicts can result in project delays and cost overruns.

The relationship between resource availability and project success is undeniable. Adequate resources ensure smooth workflow and timely completion of tasks, leading to successful project outcomes. Insufficient resources, on the other hand, can hinder progress and jeopardize project success.

Project Scope

Resource scheduling directly influences project scope by determining the allocation of resources based on task requirements. Proper resource allocation ensures that all project activities are adequately supported, preventing scope creep and ensuring project goals are met within defined parameters.

Aligning resource scheduling with project scope is essential for maintaining project alignment with objectives. By matching resources to specific tasks, projects stay focused on delivering intended outcomes without unnecessary deviations. This alignment enhances efficiency and prevents scope-related issues.

Effective resource scheduling positively impacts project deliverables by ensuring that resources are optimally utilized throughout the project lifecycle. Well-planned scheduling helps prevent resource conflicts and ensures that deliverables are produced according to quality standards and timelines.

Constraints Identification

Identifying constraints in resource scheduling involves recognizing limitations such as budget constraints, skill shortages, or equipment availability issues. This process allows for proactive mitigation strategies to address potential bottlenecks before they impact project progress.

Recognizing constraints improves resource allocation by enabling teams to allocate resources effectively based on identified limitations. By understanding constraints , teams can adjust schedules, reallocate resources, or acquire additional support to overcome challenges and maintain project momentum.

Addressing constraints in project management is crucial for mitigating risks and ensuring successful project delivery. By proactively identifying and addressing constraints, teams can minimize disruptions, optimize resource utilization, and enhance overall project performance.

Resource Scheduling Methods

Work breakdown structure.

A work breakdown structure (WBS) plays a crucial role in resource scheduling by breaking down project tasks into manageable components. This breakdown helps identify the resources needed for each task, facilitating efficient resource allocation. A clear WBS ensures that all project activities are accounted for and assists in determining the specific resources required for each task. The relationship between a well-defined WBS and efficient resource scheduling is evident as it enables project managers to allocate resources accurately based on the project’s scope and timeline.

Resource Smoothing Resource smoothing in project management involves redistributing resources to resolve any peaks and valleys in resource demand throughout a project. By optimizing resource utilization , this technique ensures a more balanced workload distribution among team members. Implementing resource smoothing techniques results in improved productivity, reduced bottlenecks, and enhanced overall efficiency in project execution.

  • Enhances team morale by preventing overloading or underutilization of resources.
  • Minimizes project delays by maintaining a consistent workflow.
  • Improves resource efficiency by aligning resource availability with project requirements.

Resource Leveling

Resource leveling is essential in project management as it aims to avoid resource shortages or surpluses by adjusting the project schedule accordingly. This process balances the demand for resources with their availability, ensuring that no resource is overworked or underutilized during the project lifecycle. By managing resource demand and supply , resource leveling contributes to smoother project execution and reduces the risk of schedule disruptions due to resource constraints.

  • Prevents burnout among team members by distributing work evenly.
  • Enhances project flexibility by adapting to changing resource constraints.
  • Optimizes resource utilization by aligning workload with available resources.

Best Practices for Effective Scheduling

Software utilization.

tware plays a crucial role in scheduling by streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. Utilizing software tools enables project managers to automate project scheduling tasks, reducing manual errors. These tools provide real-time visibility into resource availability and allocation, aiding in making informed decisions promptly.

Effective scheduling software enhances resource allocation by optimizing utilization levels and preventing over or underallocation of resources. By utilizing these tools, project managers can assign tasks based on resource availability, skills, and workload capacity accurately. This ensures a balanced distribution of work among team members, leading to improved productivity and project outcomes.

The benefits of using software for efficient scheduling are manifold. It allows for better coordination among team members by providing a centralized platform for communication and task monitoring. Moreover, it enables real-time updates on project progress, facilitating quick adjustments to schedules based on changing priorities or unforeseen circumstances.

Wise Resource Assignment

Assigning resources wisely is paramount in ensuring the success of projects. Strategic resource assignment involves matching the right resources with the appropriate tasks based on their expertise and availability. By assigning resources strategically, project managers can optimize productivity levels and minimize bottlenecks in project workflows.

Strategic resource assignment directly impacts project outcomes by ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently within set timelines. When resources are allocated wisely, it leads to smoother workflow processes, reduced delays, and improved overall project performance. It fosters a sense of accountability among team members, promoting a culture of ownership and commitment towards project goals.

Wise resource assignment plays a pivotal role in determining the success of projects. It involves evaluating each team member’s strengths and weaknesses to assign tasks that align with their skill sets effectively. By leveraging individual capabilities through strategic resource assignment, project managers can maximize efficiency and drive successful project delivery.

Controlling Availability

Controlling resource availability is essential for maintaining project timelines and ensuring smooth execution. Managing resource availability involves monitoring each team member’s workload capacity and adjusting schedules accordingly to prevent burnout or overextension. By controlling availability effectively, project managers can avoid conflicts arising from resource shortages or overcommitment.

Managing resource availability directly impacts project timelines by preventing delays caused by inadequate resources or conflicting priorities. By implementing strategies such as capacity planning and workload balancing, project managers can ensure that resources are utilized optimally throughout the project lifecycle. This proactive approach minimizes risks associated with resource constraints and enhances overall project efficiency.

Effective control of resource availability involves establishing clear communication channels within the team regarding task assignments and deadlines. By fostering transparency around resource availability, team members can collaborate more effectively and prioritize tasks based on shared objectives. This collaborative approach promotes synergy within the team and enables smoother project execution.

Benefits of Efficient Scheduling

Time management.

Efficient resource scheduling plays a crucial role in time management by ensuring tasks are completed within set deadlines. By allocating resources effectively, projects can adhere to timelines and milestones, avoiding delays. Improved resource scheduling directly impacts project timeframes, enhancing overall efficiency.

In project management, the correlation between resource scheduling and time management is evident. When resources are allocated appropriately, tasks are completed promptly, leading to timely project delivery. Effective time management through resource scheduling involves prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency.

Cost Reduction

Resource scheduling significantly contributes to cost reduction by optimizing resource utilization and preventing wastage. Efficient allocation of resources minimizes unnecessary expenses, thereby positively impacting project budgets. Through strategic planning and allocation, costs can be minimized without compromising project quality.

When projects are managed efficiently through effective resource scheduling , the impact on project budgets is substantial. By aligning resources with project requirements, unnecessary expenses are reduced, leading to cost savings. Strategies such as resource leveling and critical path analysis help in identifying cost-saving opportunities.

Enhanced Productivity

Effective resource scheduling enhances project productivity by ensuring that resources are utilized optimally. Proper resource allocation leads to improved team performance and output, ultimately boosting overall productivity levels. The direct relationship between efficient resource management and enhanced team productivity is undeniable.

The link between resource allocation and team productivity is clear – when resources are allocated strategically, teams can work more efficiently towards achieving project goals. Improved productivity through proper resource scheduling results in faster task completion and higher-quality deliverables. By streamlining processes and eliminating bottlenecks, projects can achieve greater productivity levels.

Tips for Success in Scheduling

Know resource needs.

Understanding resource needs is crucial in project management as it ensures the right resources are available. Knowing requirements aids in planning resource allocation efficiently, preventing shortages or overallocation issues. Accurate assessment of resource needs directly impacts project success , ensuring tasks are completed on time.

Assigning resources wisely is essential for project success. Matching resources with tasks effectively improves productivity and quality. Wise resource assignment leads to better task performance, reducing delays and enhancing overall project efficiency. Strategies for optimizing resource assignment include considering skill sets, availability, and task requirements.

Be Aware of Constraints

Being aware of constraints in resource scheduling is vital for successful project completion. Recognizing constraints helps in making informed decisions regarding resource allocation , avoiding bottlenecks or underutilization. Addressing constraints promptly enhances project efficiency by ensuring resources are utilized effectively and obstacles are mitigated.

Implementing a Resource Schedule

Creating a template.

Using a resource scheduling template offers structure and consistency to the scheduling process. Templates provide a clear framework for assigning resources to tasks efficiently. They ensure that all necessary information is included, minimizing errors and confusion.

Templates streamline resource scheduling by standardizing the format and layout, making it easier to input and track data. This simplifies the process, saving time and reducing the risk of oversights or double bookings. By having a predefined format, teams can quickly understand schedules without extensive explanations.

Customized resource scheduling templates cater specifically to the project’s requirements and team preferences. Tailoring templates allows for the inclusion of specific fields or details crucial to the project’s success. This customization enhances clarity and ensures that all relevant information is captured accurately.

Assigning Tasks and Resources

Assigning tasks involves matching project activities with available resources based on skills, availability, and priority. Effective task assignment ensures that each team member receives clear instructions on their responsibilities within the project timeline. Aligning tasks with available resources prevents bottlenecks and delays in project delivery.

In project management, aligning tasks with resources is crucial for maximizing efficiency and productivity. It ensures that resources are utilized effectively, preventing under or overallocation. Strategies such as capacity planning, resource leveling, and skill-based assignments help optimize task allocation for better outcomes.

Effective task and resource assignment involve considering factors like resource availability, skill sets required for tasks, dependencies between activities, and deadlines. Proper alignment ensures that projects progress smoothly without unnecessary delays or resource constraints.

Tracking and Adjustments

Tracking resource allocation throughout a project provides insights into resource utilization rates, identifying any potential issues early on. Monitoring resource usage helps in identifying bottlenecks or areas where additional resources may be required to meet project deadlines effectively.

Continuous tracking of resource allocation enables project managers to make timely adjustments based on real-time data. By monitoring actual resource usage against planned allocations, teams can address discrepancies promptly to prevent schedule disruptions or budget overruns. This proactive approach enhances overall project performance.

Optimizing resource scheduling requires ongoing monitoring of resource utilization trends, identifying patterns that may impact future projects positively or negatively. Continuous tracking facilitates informed decision-making regarding resource allocation adjustments to maintain project timelines and quality standards.

Advanced Tools and Software

Management software benefits.

Utilizing management software for resource scheduling offers numerous advantages. These tools automate processes, increasing efficiency. By integrating legacy tools into modern software, project managers enhance resource allocation accuracy. Skills are optimized through user-friendly interfaces, simplifying complex scheduling tasks.

One key benefit of management software is its ability to streamline the resource allocation process. This advanced tool enables quick identification of available resources, reducing time-consuming manual checks. With a click, managers can assign tasks based on availability and expertise, ensuring optimal resource utilization.

Another advantage lies in the efficiency boost provided by management software. These tools facilitate collaboration among team members, enhancing communication and coordination. Project timelines are met more effectively as schedules are dynamically updated in real-time, keeping everyone informed and aligned.

Real-Time Tracking Features

Real-time tracking features play a crucial role in enhancing resource scheduling accuracy. By providing instant updates on resource availability and task progress, these features enable swift adjustments to schedules. Managers can make informed decisions promptly, preventing delays and optimizing project timelines.

The importance of real-time tracking cannot be overstated in effective resource allocation. With this feature, project managers have a clear view of the entire project landscape at any given moment. They can identify bottlenecks, redistribute resources as needed, and maintain project momentum seamlessly.

Utilizing real-time tracking offers various benefits for efficient resource scheduling. Managers gain visibility into project status instantly, allowing them to address issues proactively. Team productivity increases as resources are allocated optimally based on real-time data, fostering a collaborative work environment.

Closing Thoughts

In mastering resource scheduling in project management, you’ve learned the crucial role it plays in optimizing workflows, enhancing productivity, and ensuring project success. By understanding the importance of effective scheduling methods, considering key factors beforehand, and implementing best practices, you’re equipped to navigate the complexities of resource allocation with finesse. Leveraging advanced tools and software can further streamline your scheduling processes, leading to more efficient project outcomes.

Now that you have a comprehensive grasp of resource scheduling strategies and their benefits, it’s time to put your knowledge into action.

Now that you have a comprehensive grasp of resource scheduling strategies and their benefits, it’s time to put your knowledge into action. Start implementing these insights into your project management approach to witness tangible improvements in efficiency and results. Embrace the power of strategic resource scheduling to drive your projects towards success and achieve your goals effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is resource scheduling in project management.

Resource scheduling in project management involves allocating and managing resources like people, equipment, and materials to ensure tasks are completed efficiently within the project timeline.

Why is Efficient Scheduling Important for Project Success?

Efficient scheduling ensures optimal resource utilization, timely task completion, cost control, and overall project success by minimizing delays and maximizing productivity.

What Are Some Pre-Scheduling Considerations to Keep in Mind?

Before creating a resource schedule, consider factors like resource availability, skill requirements, task dependencies, and potential risks to develop a realistic and effective schedule.

What Are the Benefits of Using Advanced Tools and Software for Resource Scheduling?

Advanced tools and software streamline scheduling processes, offer real-time visibility into resource allocation, enhance collaboration among team members, and provide data-driven insights for informed decision-making.

How Can Best Practices Improve Resource Scheduling Efficiency?

Adhering to best practices such as setting clear priorities, regular communication with team members, monitoring progress consistently, and adapting to changes promptly can significantly enhance resource scheduling efficiency.

to witness tangible improvements in efficiency and results. Embrace the power of strategic resource scheduling to drive your projects towards success and achieve your goals effectively.

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  • Selection of the resources that are needed to establish a network access, portal access, or application access session, including a webtop and any ACLs.
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  • Overriding the pool assignment made in a virtual server.
  • Replacing the value of one configuration object, such as a subnet, with another configuration object of the same type.
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  • Taking a value from an AAA attribute (which must be already available in the session, retrieved by another item), and assigning the attribute value to a variable.
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What is resource leveling? (Techniques and examples)

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Resource leveling requires solid resource management skills and a thorough understanding of what each project needs. To help you get a better handle on this technique, we break down the resource leveling process with examples and best practices for you to follow. 

What is resource leveling?

Resource leveling is a project management technique that involves resolving overallocation or scheduling conflicts to ensure a project can be completed with the available resources. Resources include the time, materials, or tools needed to complete a project. 

[inline illustration] What is resource leveling? (infographic)

The purpose of resource leveling is to get the most out of available resources while working within the project’s time, cost, and scope constraints. 

Resource leveling can be challenging for project managers as it requires balancing the demand for the same resources across multiple projects . 

Depending on your team needs, here are possible outcomes:

If the goal is to keep the current project deadline, more resources may need to be made available. 

If the goal is to run the project with currently available resources, the deadline of the project may be extended. 

Resource leveling adjusts resource allocation or project schedules to keep resources from being overextended. This can help maintain the quality of project outputs.

When to use resource leveling

Resource leveling prevents resources from being spread too thin while ensuring projects still have what they need to succeed. This technique contributes to not only project management, but also helps maintain work-life balance for the team. Here are some reasons why your team can benefit from resource leveling. 

To optimize your resources

Resource leveling lets you get the most out of the resources you have on hand. It helps you assess which projects should receive additional resources and which ones are flexible in terms of deadlines. 

To minimize deficits

Resource leveling prevents significant project delays, thereby minimizing the losses in costs and labor. This technique allows you to manage the resource demand without exceeding the company’s current capacity and financial resources. 

To prevent task overloading

Overallocation of resources leads to overwork , which can be overwhelming for team members. Resource leveling prevents this by resolving overallocation issues and adjusting deadlines to ensure team members don’t have too much on their plates.

To ensure the quality of a project output

Leveling allows you to manage both resources and client expectations by maintaining the same level of quality for project deliverables. In general, resource leveling can be a useful technique for resolving budget issues, resource overallocation, and project delays.

Resource leveling examples

To help you get a better understanding of how resource leveling can be applied across your team, here are some examples: 

Example one: Delaying a project start date

A project requires a designer to create mock-ups for the client, but the designer was double-booked, and the rest of the design team is occupied as well. They decide to start the project two days later when the designer is available. Since the designer works fast, the project end date remains the same. 

Example two: Obtaining additional resources 

The IT team has been responding to a large number of IT requests to deal with a virus that infected company computers. Since the company’s current antivirus software isn’t robust enough to handle the virus, the team decides to invest in new antivirus software so they’re able to fix the computers.

Example three: Postponing a project end date 

The marketing team is launching a new social media campaign and they’re waiting for approval from the social media manager, who is currently out of the office due to illness. Since the campaign isn’t time-sensitive, they decide to push the launch date back by a few days so the manager has time to review. 

Whether you lead a marketing, sales, or IT team, resource leveling can come in handy for resolving resource conflicts. Once you decide on a solution, let the rest of your team know your plan. You can use a meeting template to plan the agenda. 

Project resource leveling

Adding project resource leveling to your arsenal of skills will help you become a more effective leader. Here are some resource leveling strategies you can apply to your team.

[inline illustration] Resource leveling strategies (infographic)

Critical Path Method (CPM)

The critical path method is a common resource leveling technique that’s used to calculate project duration without taking resource limitations into account.

This technique involves linking dependent project activities in a logical sequence in order to calculate the earliest and latest possible dates that each activity can start and finish by. The “critical path” refers to the sequence of tasks with the longest duration that needs to be completed in order to successfully close out a project. 

Once you figure out the activities on the critical path, you can determine their “float,” or scheduling flexibility:

Total float refers to how long tasks can be delayed from the earliest start date without impacting the project completion date

Calculation: (Late finish date) – (early finish date) or (Late start date) - (early start date)

Free float refers to the number of days that tasks can be delayed without impacting the start date of subsequent activities

Calculation: (Early start date of next task) – (early finish date of current task)

Tasks on the critical path have a float of zero, meaning that if one task is delayed, the rest of the project is delayed as well. 

For example, let’s say the IT team is working on replacing the current security system, and they identify two critical and two noncritical tasks:

Discontinue the use of current security software across the company within two days

Install and test the new software on all company devices within four days

Noncritical :

Finalize purchase details with the software vendor within a day

Create how-to guide for using new software within two days

Based on this example, the shortest project duration is six days, since the critical path activities are crucial to complete the project, whereas noncritical tasks may be optional.

Fast tracking

There are times when projects must be delivered on or before the deadline to satisfy client requirements. In those cases, you can use fast tracking to run multiple parallel tasks to speed up the project. This schedule compression technique can only work if the activities can be overlapped with one another to a certain extent. 

For instance, activities with dependencies can be staggered and activities without dependencies can occur in parallel. 

An example of fast tracking is when the software development team starts building the back end of a website while the design team is finishing up the website mock-up. With the fast tracking technique, the work gets done on time and on budget, but there’s also a higher possibility of reworks. 

When fast tracking can’t be applied or it’s not effective enough, you can implement the crashing technique. This is where additional resources are allocated to a project to shorten the timeline. In this case, you have to assess the needs of high-priority tasks and look for resource options that provide the most value at the least cost. 

For example, the marketing team needs two more writers since their deadline was moved up by two days. With no spare team members, the project manager decides to hire two freelancers they’ve worked with before rather than spend time looking for new writers. 

Before you decide to use crashing to compress project schedules, be sure to get approval from your manager or client about obtaining additional resources. 

Critical chain method

The critical chain method is an updated version of the critical path method. Unlike the critical path method, the critical chain method takes resource limitations into account. In this case, the critical chain refers to the longest path of tasks, taking into account both task and resource dependencies. A resource can only be allocated to one task at a time. 

Project scheduling using this method involves listing required resources for tasks and reassessing their availability when needed. 

The critical chain method includes a buffer period, which is placed between the last task and the project finish date, acting as a contingency for the critical chain activities. Tasks that finish early increase the buffer. Conversely, delays in critical chain activities use up this buffer but won’t affect the project completion date.

For example, to publish a piece of content on time, the manager determines the resources needed: a writer, editor, designer, and developer. They set a buffer of five days in case there are delays between content or design reviews. 

The critical chain method aims for realistic estimates of project duration and resources so that projects finish on time without overextending resources.

Resource leveling tools

Resource leveling will become easier with more experience. As you practice this technique, here are some tips and tools you can use to your advantage. 

Use Gantt charts: A Gantt chart is a bar chart that visualizes a project schedule and can be ideal for identifying and planning the critical path. You can easily get a high-level overview of the task dependencies, start and finish dates, and project duration. As the project progresses, you’ll be able to rearrange the chart and adjust dates as needed. 

Leverage project management software: Some project management software comes with resource leveling algorithms that can help resolve overallocation conflicts. Project management software also gives greater visibility into team members’ schedules, which will assist in preventing scheduling conflicts and double-booking ahead of time. 

Draw network diagrams: A network diagram is another type of visual representation of a project’s schedule. It’s shown as a chart with sequences of boxes and arrows to depict the chronology of tasks. It can be used to plan the schedule as well as track project progress. When you connect the series of boxes, each representing a task with its duration, you’ll be able to identify the noncritical and critical paths. 

Use previous projects as a reference: Keep an archive of past project plans and schedules so that you can reference them when doing a similar project to come up with a more accurate project plan . Looking at past successful or unsuccessful projects will give you a better idea of how much leeway to give each task and approximate which resources are required so you can gauge resource availability before the project starts.   

Make realistic estimations of resource needs: Resource leveling efforts have a better chance of succeeding if you clearly define the project scope up front and make realistic estimates of resource needs. 

Here are some tips for making more precise estimates:

Make estimations in a team to reduce personal biases 

Include potential project risks in the estimation process

Estimate in ranges rather than specific values to cover a wider set of possibilities

Use the same estimation technique each time to yield more consistent estimates

The better the initial resource estimates, the less drastic the resource leveling will be if issues occur later on. 

Resource leveling vs. smoothing

Both resource leveling and resource smoothing can be considered resource management techniques .

[inline illustration] Resource leveling vs. smoothing (infographic)

The primary difference between the two is the project constraint that’s prioritized: Resource smoothing prioritizes time constraints whereas resource leveling focuses on the availability of resources. 

Here’s an example: Say you’re booked to work on a task for eight hours for five days, but you only need 30 hours to finish the task, so you redistribute the schedule to six hours a day. By doing so, you have more leeway to work on other tasks without affecting the project deadline.

Resource leveling is used when there’s resource overallocation, whereas resource smoothing is used when there’s an uneven allocation of resources. Resource leveling comes with the flexibility of moving project dates around, but project dates are set when you use resource smoothing. 

After using resource leveling to resolve overallocation conflicts, you can use resource smoothing to even out the project schedule. 

Level up your resource leveling skills

To make the most out of limited resources, you can use the resource leveling technique to distribute available resources to help projects finish on time. 

Use this strategy in tandem with customized templates for your team, such as IT templates or marketing templates , to plan and schedule your projects.  

Resource leveling relies on having solid resource management skills, but work management software can help you take your project coordination to the next level.  

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  • Using Project Execution Management

Variable Hours Assignment for Resource Requests

If you don't need the resource to work on the project full-time, you can request or assign one or more resources for variable hours on a project.

You can assign the resource to work various hours some or all days of the week (including non-working days) or request for number of hours per week with flexible days to meet the schedule requirements. This helps you schedule resources better.

Specify variable hours in the requested hours to create or update a resource request, assign resources for weekly pattern that's repeated for the duration of the assignment or the request. You can also adjust resource assignment schedule to add variable hours or weekly hours.

If you request for a particular number of hours per week, the resource managers can review available capacity based on the resource's total weekly hours available. For example, if a request is for 25 hours each week, they can assign any resource that has 25 hours of remaining capacity for each week to fulfill the request.

Available capacity calculation is based on the requested hours. If the request is for weekly hours, the available capacity is based on the total remaining available hours a resource has each week of the requested duration. If the requested hours specifies using the project calendar hours, hours per day, or variable hours, the available capacity is based on the resource's available hours each day of the requested duration.

If you want to update the requests or assignments in group, you could adjust the hours by calendar or by working days in case the hours of the variable hours fall on non-working days.

Consider these examples:

Within a single assignment, a resource may work Mondays and Tuesdays for 8 hours each day, Thursdays and Fridays for 4 hours each day and not work any hours on Wednesdays. A project manager can request for such a resource assignment.

A project needs a system administrator to work once each week on Tuesday or Thursday to handle weekly builds. The project manager requests a resource for Thursdays 4 hours per day for the duration of the project. The resource manager adjusts the daily hours to Tuesday and assigns the resource.

A project manager raises a request for a DBA analyst for 5 hours every week. The resource manager knows that there is a flexibility of days and assigns resource whose availability score is at least 5 hours every week.

A resource manager created several assignments for a project where the work is scheduled to start on a Saturday, which is a non-working day on the project calendar. The project gets delayed by two weeks. To adjust these assignments, she can select all the impacted assignments on the Change Assignment Schedule page and adjust the start and finish dates by 14 calendar days to ensure the assignments start on the Saturday again but 2 weeks later than originally planned.


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  18. Variable Hours Assignment for Resource Requests

    Specify variable hours in the requested hours to create or update a resource request, assign resources for weekly pattern that's repeated for the duration of the assignment or the request. You can also adjust resource assignment schedule to add variable hours or weekly hours. Note: You can update a resource request in Open status only.

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