Importance of Statistics in Daily Life Essay

In order to explore the use of statistics in everyday life, the essay should start with a debatable statement. On a daily basis, people collect and analyze a lot of information presented in numbers, and it is closely associated with different aspects of their lives. Thus, it is typical to apply the elementary statistical approaches to examining the learned material about everyday activities. It can help to get the average results in relation to actual events or phenomena.

However, many people do not guess that they use such principles as the base for their knowledge. So, to reveal the importance of statistics in daily life, this essay will provide different real-life examples and explain the application of various data analysis methods.

Moreover, when persons have to present the solution to this or that question or decide how to act in the definite situation they also use the statistical data on the issue as one of the main arguments which can influence the further development of the case. That is why statistics can be defined as the science which deals with the data’s collection and its interpretation according to the certain task, and the results of the research can be effectively used in many spheres. From this point, the relative value of statistics for the everyday life is in the fact that people have the opportunity to plan their actions according to the statistical data with references to those results which can satisfy or not their expectations.

People are usually interested in the average temperature and the weather forecasts, in the amount of people who prefer this or that product which they usually purchase. These persons listen to the economical news in which the data of statistics on the state’s development are presented and pay attention to the risks of the transport incidents before going out the house. The statistical data influence all the aspects of the people’s life during the whole day.

When an individual wants to learn about the latest news he concentrates on the information which is interesting for him personally, and these facts are often given in the form of numbers. The average results in different fields and areas from the average level of incomes in the country and the average level of attendance the local library till the average data on the consumers’ preference of brands and services can provide the basics for the people’s choices and usual decisions which are made as a part of the daily rituals and routines.

One more effective advantage of statistics is the possibility to offer the prognoses of the development of definite situations and processes. People are inclined to use the statistical prognoses when they plan such significant changes in their life as the search of the new job, new investments in companies, travelling, and long-term projects. Statistics as the science is based on the strict mathematical calculations and formulas (Bluman, 2009). That is why its methods can be discussed as the effective ways of interpreting the collected quantitative information on any aspect of the life.

It is possible to analyze the tendencies of the world’s development with references to the statistical approach and use this approach as the means to organize the everyday life according to these trends. Furthermore, many people focus on the results of the statistical researches not only at the elementary level in their daily life but also as the part of their work. Thus, accounting, economics, logistics, and many other spheres of the knowledge use statistics (Black, 2009). Moreover, working with their computers, people often refer to the statistical analysis of the data in order to receive the average result or form the picture of the process’s development (Mann, 2010).

Today, it is not necessary for people to examine and test a lot of material to get the information about its appropriateness for the people’s everyday activity or about tendencies of the phenomenon’s progress because all these data can be taken in the form of the statistical graphs or percentages. There are many daily questions the answers to which are hidden in the statistical data.

Black, K. (2009). Business statistics: Contemporary decision making . USA: Wiley.

Bluman, A. G. (2009). Elementary statistics: A step by step approach. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Mann, P. S. (2010). Introductory statistics . Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 16). Importance of Statistics in Daily Life Essay.

"Importance of Statistics in Daily Life Essay." IvyPanda , 16 July 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Importance of Statistics in Daily Life Essay'. 16 July.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Importance of Statistics in Daily Life Essay." July 16, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Importance of Statistics in Daily Life Essay." July 16, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Importance of Statistics in Daily Life Essay." July 16, 2020.

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Michigan Technological University

Every Number Counts: The Importance of Applied Statistics in Our Daily Lives

graphic of statistical symbols and text reading "Every Number Counts"

In today’s data-driven world, the application of statistics in everyday life is an ever-present reality that touches all aspects of society. Though the field of statistics originated centuries ago, the impact has exploded in recent years as modern statisticians have advanced applications of statistics through innovative, problem-solving approaches.

This blog will explore contemporary uses of statistics in everyday life, and the infographic following highlights vital examples.

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The Evolution of Statistics in the Real World

The technologies powering many of the products we buy, shows we watch, and devices we use today were developed and perfected through the efforts of mathematicians, demographers and statisticians — long before tech companies entered the picture. 

The idea of a census is a prime example of statistical progress over time. Historically, governments have used censuses to track population size. For instance, English demographers John Graunt and William Petty applied mathematical techniques to estimate population changes in the 1600s. In the United States, the first census dates back to 1790. 

The process and ramifications of the U.S. census have continued to expand, covering an increasingly broad range of demographic and economic information. Today’s U.S. census determines vital areas of government that significantly impact daily life, such as allocation of public funding, congressional representation and delineation of school districts.

The role of statistics in the real world extends far beyond the census, however. The federal government now operates 13 statistical agencies that manage critical information related to labor trends, health, education and more. Statistics also influence the operations of industries, markets and even nonprofits.

The Scope of Statistics in Everyday Life

"Many fields use statistics for different purposes, such to help keep us safe, improve our health, and advance our knowledge.

The practice of applied statistics plays a role in every realm of life today. The application of statistics most often happens in the background, as statisticians are continuously at work to discover and implement world-shaping developments.

Applying statistics in the real world extends to every aspect of government in countries around the world. The United Nations Statistics Division describes the role of official statistics as an “indispensable element in the information system of a democratic society.”

Politicians and campaign managers use statistics to target specific voter demographics, gauge rates of constituent approval, and predict elections. Additionally, law enforcement agencies track data about fraud and crime that is then used to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies and tactics.

Government statistics also affect daily life in many less obvious ways. These are some examples from the U.S. government of statistics in everyday life:

  • Economic numbers related to production, investment and trade affect financial policies and taxes. Governments, market leaders and other statisticians depend on this information to understand how the national economy is performing and how this affects their interests.
  • Federal science research advances scientific and engineering discovery and integrates this work into education. Leading-edge federal research supports the nation’s security and international leadership.
  • The collection and analysis of educational data inform leaders on key indicators concerning the condition of education. The scope of information includes findings in areas such as technological trends, public health, and educational methods. 

Health Care

Statisticians are big participants in pharmacology, as they’re involved with the discovery, testing, approval and marketing of a drug. They may also work in public health for government agencies, where they help to educate on community health matters and to develop preventative treatments and control.

Additionally, statisticians often take on roles in epidemiology, working in fields like nutrition and environmental science to help monitor and report on health-related data. For the World Health Organization, statistical data is considered a “core WHO activity” essential for advocacy and delivery of health initiatives.

Statistics often inform the development of legislation and may also guide in the interpretation of laws. Statisticians may provide expert testimony to court cases involving details such as salary discrepancies, DNA testing, disease clusters, and consumer surveys.

Statistical organizations serving state and federal courts synthesize information that serves to guide policy and procedural matters. For example, the National Center for State Courts has recently addressed questions related to the collection of race and ethnicity data . Data projects like this equip legal systems with critical information to promote equity and accountability.

Applications of statistics affect finance at many levels on a personal and global scale. Individuals use statistics to make decisions in financial planning and budgeting, while organizations are guided by statistics in financial policy decisions.

Banks use statistics to lower risk in lending operations, analyze activity in the financial market, and predict the impact of economic crises. Investors also use stats to understand the risk and potential of certain stocks, which helps them make informed investing decisions.

Digital Marketing

Applied statistics is a driving force in transforming contemporary marketing approaches. The advent of “big data” means that companies are collecting phenomenal amounts of information from consumers. Proactive companies utilize this information to predict sales, glean customer interests, and analyze the effectiveness of marketing initiatives. Applying statistics in everyday life provides a highly targeted, data-driven strategy.

Advertisers in the form of paid search managers monitor ad campaigns based on key performance indicator targets and baselines and analyze data to continually optimize a campaign’s performance. SEO specialists guide companies in understanding how to read and interpret website analytics.

Social Media Analytics

The rise of social media has created an environment where huge numbers of people and organizations are connected in a complex technological framework. In the Netflix film “The Social Dilemma,” statistics experts share what goes on behind social media screens. Everything users are doing online is “being watched,” the documentary explains.

Social media managers monitor organic and paid traffic to social media profiles and analyze data to grow followers, increase engagement and drive conversions. Companies use the data for microtargeting, measuring trends and watching competitors.

Learn More About Our Applied Statistics Program

What Are Applications of Statistics for Your Career?

The role of statistician is one of today’s fastest-growing professions and rated by U.S. News & World Report as #6 in its “100 Best Jobs” list.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of positions for statisticians in the United States is expected to increase by 35% from 2019 to 2029. Salary is commensurate with demand, and the latest BLS numbers show that statisticians earned a median salary of $91,160 in 2019.

"Statistician jobs are expected to grow 35% from 2019-2029, and the 2019 median pay was $91,160 per year."

Job responsibilities for a statistician include:

  • Using statistics to solve problems
  • Analyzing and interpreting data
  • Developing mathematical and statistical theories

Statistics careers can be found in almost any industry , covering a wide range of positions. Some of today’s top jobs include:

  • Statistician
  • Data scientist
  • Computer and information research scientist
  • Senior data analyst
  • Data engineer
  • Business intelligence analyst
  • Senior financial analyst
  • Statistics professor

What Are Educational Requirements for a Statistician?

Though stats are used across many fields, specialized positions are only open to individuals with an education in mathematics or statistics, with most requiring a master’s degree. Professionals who earn a master’s degree in applied statistics gain a deeper understanding of how statistical solutions are applied in an organizational context for any industry.

The Michigan Tech online Master of Science in Applied Statistics equips students with expertise such as:

  • Advanced statistical methods like predictive modeling, statistical data mining, parametric estimation, model diagnostics and forecasting.
  • Integration of statistical tools into emerging technologies.
  • Effectively communicating results of statistical analysis.

The MTU applied statistics program is ideal for working professionals, with 100% online coursework. There is no application fee and no GRE/GMAT requirement. There are three start dates each year, and the program is completed with 10 seven-week courses.

How Will You Apply Statistics in Everyday Life?

The importance of data analysis and applied statistics is relevant to nearly every area of our lives. As the field of applied statistics continues to evolve, professionals qualified to lead organizations and governments with data insights will make a significant impact on the lives of generations to come.

Take the next step toward your Master of Science in Applied Statistics at Michigan Tech.

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In today’s data-driven world, the application of statistics in everyday life is an ever-present reality that touches all aspects of society. Learn more in this infographic from <a href=" ">Michigan Tech Online</a>.<br /><br /><a href="//"><img style="width:100%;" src="//"></a>

This article is adapted from one originally published March 15, 2019.

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person working on statistics

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Statistics in Everyday Life: the Pervasive Role and its Far-reaching Implications

This essay will explore the role and implications of statistics in everyday life, highlighting how statistical data and analysis pervade various aspects of modern living. It will discuss how statistics inform decisions in fields like healthcare, business, politics, and social sciences, emphasizing their importance in evidence-based decision-making. The piece will also touch on the basics of statistical thinking, including concepts like averages, probability, and correlation, and how they help in understanding trends and patterns in everyday phenomena. Additionally, it will address the challenges and misinterpretations that can arise from statistical data, advocating for statistical literacy as a crucial skill in today’s data-driven world. The overview aims to illuminate the often unnoticed but significant impact of statistics on daily life and societal progress. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Learning.

How it works

Many of us think about why we are studying statistics and our uses of statistics in real life. They also want to understand the importance of the use of statistics. In this text, I will show you the benefits of statistics in real life. They also pay attention to the jobs provided in statistics. To know the job scope in statistics, we first need to know about the term statistics.

Statistics are not just facts and figures; they are something more than that.

In the broadest sense, statistics relates to various methods and procedures for examining, interpreting, publicizing, and making choices based on data. A statistician analyzes data. A thorough understanding of statistical analysis enables you to gather the correct data, conduct the proper analyses, and present the results correctly. Making scientific discoveries is based on statistics, as are predicting the future and making decisions based on data. Understanding a subject more thoroughly can benefit from statistics.

  • 1.1 Weather Forecast
  • 1.2 Political Campaigns
  • 1.3 Research
  • 1.4 Use of Statistics in Education
  • 1.5 Prediction
  • 1.6 Quality Testing
  • 1.7 Government
  • 1.8 Conclusion
  • 1.9 References

Top 7 Uses of Statistics in Our Real Life

Weather forecast.

What do you think of weather forecasting? Have you done any research on government weather forecasting? A lot of the forecasting process relies on statistics. Statistical functions are used to forecast the weather through computers. Using these statistics, you can compare the current climate with the previously recorded seasons and conditions. These statistics are helpful to the government.

Political Campaigns

A campaign’s success depends on stats. There is no such thing as a perfect election campaign without statistics. This gives them an indication of their chances of winning an election in a particular area. It also helps them to predict the winner. A specific voting zone provides information about how many candidates are in the party’s support. On the other hand, it helps predict the future government.

Statisticians are crucial to the work of researchers. The statistical method can be applied to data acquisition, analysis, interpretation, and presentation. Using statistics in research can be used to summarize, characterize, describe, and perform research effectively. In addition, there would be a decrease in the effectiveness of medical treatment without research to determine which drugs or interventions work the best. Researchers also conduct studies on the health consequences of age, race, or country to identify the effects of these factors.

Use of Statistics in Education

It is advantageous to educators to use statistics in their classrooms to observe which educational techniques work on which students and to understand why. It is also necessary to determine test details so that they can determine whether students are performing as expected, statistically speaking. Studying student achievement at all levels of testing and education, from kindergarten to undergraduate and graduate study, is an analytical process.

It helps us predict the future when we factor in the figures. Our daily lives are what let us make predictions. Whether it is accurate will depend on many factors. To make a prediction, we must consider the external and internal factors that could affect our future. The same statisticians apply statistical techniques in estimating an event. Statistics are used by doctors, engineers, artists, as well as practitioners to forecast the future.

Quality Testing

Statistics are used in every aspect of life for quality testing. Day-to-day, we conduct quality tests to ensure that our purchase is correct and that our investment will yield the best results. We test a sample of what we intend to purchase for the best results. We want to buy the piece if the quality test passes.

Making decisions about the health of the population, educational status, and much more can be influenced by statistics that are used in government. The government may use a vaccine that can assertively protect citizens against Coronavirus. After vaccination, what are the outcome reports? Do vaccines prove useful or not? In this way, by using polls, the government can find out where vaccinations are practiced, where they should focus their efforts, or where cases are increasing each day. To vaccinate their citizens, the governments of different nations use statistical data. With the data, the availability of vaccines can also be monitored.

The purpose of this blog has been to present information on the uses of statistics in everyday life, as well as statistical problems. Now you know what statistics are used for and how they provide our daily lives and help us make informed decisions. A sound understanding of statistics will help you collect the correct data, apply the proper analyses, and present your findings effectively. Using statistics is essential to making discoveries in science, analyzing data, and making predictions.

  • Albright, L. (2018). Weather Mysteries: The Role of Statistics in Predicting the Future. New Haven Press.
  • Denton, F. (2017). Classroom Chronicles: The Impact of Statistics on Education. Educator’s Editions.
  • Everett, S., & Hughes, L. (2021). Predictions: An Intimate Look into the World of Statistical Forecasting. Century Publications.


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Statistics in Everyday Life: The Pervasive Role and Its Far-reaching Implications. (2023, Sep 02). Retrieved from

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"Statistics in Everyday Life: The Pervasive Role and Its Far-reaching Implications.", Sep 02, 2023. Accessed May 17, 2024.

"Statistics in Everyday Life: The Pervasive Role and Its Far-reaching Implications," , 02-Sep-2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-May-2024] (2023). Statistics in Everyday Life: The Pervasive Role and Its Far-reaching Implications . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 17-May-2024]

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The Importance of Statistics

Everyone might have heard the term “Statistics” at some point in your life. But do you know the essence and significance of Statistics in our lives? Statistics is basically a branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data.

importance of statistics

Statistics plays a very pivotal role in our day-to-day lives. It is what helps us in predicting what might happen in the future and also to understand what has happened in the past. Today statistics is used in a wide range of areas. The population growth, the rate of unemployment, climate, etc., are determined with the help of this branch of science . In the current scenario, people have to be well-informed about the likelihood of various achievements, changes in the environment and other predicaments in advance. This information can be retrieved only after the necessary statistical studies.

Application of Statistics in Various Fields:

  • Weather Forecast – The likelihood of rain, snowfall, etc. are predicted with the help of weather models. These models are built on the basis of statistics which help to compare the past and current weather conditions and hence to predict the future weather. Statistics also help in predicting the time of occurrence of catastrophes like hurricanes and flood and thus helps to prepare the people in advance to take the necessary precautions.
  • Medical field – Statistics is the basic foundation of medical science. The effectiveness of a medicine on a patient is determined using these studies. The impact of a disease on the health of a person also requires necessary statistics to be analyzed accurately.
  • Genetics – Nowadays, the probability of a disease in a child is diagnosed way before his birth. This would not have been possible if not for the statistical studies.
  • Business – The role of statistics in the field of business is inevitable. The profit of an organization depends on the quality and quantity of the products supplied to the clients. It is also essential to be aware of the current requirements of the consumers before launching a product in the market. A well-maintained statistical approach is the only way to achieve these targets. It is, hence, clear that a business cannot sustain without statistics.
  • Education – The necessary teaching aids or practices required to be adopted to help the students understand their subjects better, the progress of each and every student in a class, all require the help of statistics. The effectiveness of all the academic sessions can also be determined easily with this process.
  • Government – The data on the current population growth, unemployment, health, etc., are all collected and analyzed using statistics.
  • Media – The probability theories put forward by the media are based on Statistics. The possibility of a political leader to win the elections or the information on which team might win in a sport and so on are included in this study.
  • Stock Market – Similar to the weather models, statistical computer models are used to collect and interpret the current situation of our economy.
  • Astronomy – The exact measurements and masses of heavenly bodies cannot be determined without any error. Hence, to receive a comparatively better result, astronomers make use of the statistical science.
  • Government – The expected revenue and expenditure from the various sources are estimated by the administrative authorities using statistics. It is with the help of these studies that the government decides on raising the pay scale of employees and implementing new strategies. Almost all the administrative decisions and government policies are based on this science.
  • Psychology – The widely seen human behaviors in our society are also analyzed with the help of statistics. It helps the psychologists to deal with their patients in an effective way.

The aforementioned applications do not cover the entire areas in which the statistics are applied. This branch of mathematics is used in almost all the human activities. Wherever a collection of data and interpretation are required, statistics are made use of. Almost all the fields we work rely on the science of statistics. It is not possible to predict anything with precision. Hence, statistics provide the most reliable method to base a prediction on.

This, in fact, can be seen as the keystone of all the advancements happening in the world. All the analyses today are done on the basis of the most authentic source which is known as the statistics. The areas of application of this branch of science are increasing day-by-day. The science of statistics is likely to show more progress in the generations yet to come and hence its significance in our lives cannot be ignored.

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Essay Samples on Statistics

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statistics in daily life essay


Statistics in Daily Life: Uses and Misuses

Nov 29, 2021 | General

statistics in daily life essay

(Lies, damned lies, and statistics)

“Lies, damned lies, and statistics,” a phrase popularized by Mark Twain and variously ascribed to different public personalities, describes the persuasive power of statistics to convince, rightly or wrongly, and to prop up not only serious science but also alternative facts and fake news.

In the seventh of the PACES Lecture Series held on Friday, 26 November 2021, Dr. Cornelia C. Soto explained the basic concepts of statistics to a virtual audience in Austria and the Philippines composed of members and supporters of PACES.

Dr. Soto is a specialist in Statistical Studies. She was the Chair of the Education Department at Ateneo de Manila University from 2010 to 2018. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of the Philippines. A professional lecturer who is in demand in the Philippines, she explained in layman’s terms how the study of statistics need not be feared, although it has a reputation of being a difficult study.

Statistics deals with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data in order to describe or to draw inferences. Interestingly the word “statistics” is derived from the German “ Statistik, ” which itself comes from the Latin word “ statisticus ” or “status” meaning “condition or circumstances of a country.” It shares the the same root as the modern English word “state” referring to a political entity.

Dr. Soto gave examples of how statistics appears in our daily lives such as in describing the efficacy of vaccines (now a much-talked about topic), in sales & marketing of products and services, in sporting achievements, popularity ratings in politics, as well as to describe features of population groups related to gender, race, age, income levels, height/weight. There seems to be no end to the uses of statistics. She explained various concepts that are useful to properly appreciate the meaning of statistical numbers, such as averages, statistical deviation and margins of error. She also demonstrated how methods of sampling can lead to false or favorable statistics. Dr. Soto explained that statistics are interesting not only for what they can reveal to us, but also what they can cover up.

– by Dr. Efren Abaya

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Statistics In Every Day Life Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Management , Finance , Information , Business , Company , Economics , Industry , Life

Published: 12/05/2019


Management with Statistics in Life and Business

Statistical information is used in every area of life as we know it. Since life and business is all about management, we must be able to determine the value of our decisions. Statistics is used to measure the results of our decisions. Starting with one point in time and continually looking back to gauge our results, we are able to determine whether the path we are on is one of success or if we need to, possibly, change our approach. A review of where we have been is crucial since no one has the ability to forecast the future. We estimate our future outcome based on past performance.

Statistical information is used in every industry in every part of the world as well as a variety other disciplines. Here are a few that we will look at more closely later. Statistics are used by governments and all businesses including financial institutions. This list demonstrates the variety of disciplines that use statistics: economics, banking, accounting and auditing, natural and social sciences, and astronomy. Each of these areas needs to measure past performance so that future behaviors can be managed in order to give success a better probability of happening. An example from today’s news headlines is how statistical information is being gathered to use in order to correct negative behaviors created by bad regulatory governance and recession.

The international information provided to us in the data sets represents every major industry in our society to date. The top forty-eight economic countries based on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) includes every country that is a member of the Group of 20 (G20). The G20 is a group of twenty finance ministers and central bank governors from twenty major economies which contribute about 85% of the world’s economic growth based on GDP. What you see represented are categories such as petroleum producers, population measurements in 1000s, and percentage of population age 65 and over, average life expectancy, literacy rate, GDP per capita, labor force, unemployment rate, exports, imports, and cell phones. Analysis of the data in these categories helps measure economic feasibility as well as economic contribution by each country.

Real estate information provided here represents the average size and type of homes, including rooms and amenities, as well as how much the real estate was acquired for in price paid in thousands. The measurements here should be used against price. For example, in the first data set you see that this class represents a measure of how many bedrooms, square footage, pool or no pool, distance, township, garage, and number of bathrooms, against how much money you paid for that particular home. In this way you find the statistical average of what you should expect when purchasing a home in that particular area. An average is used since size in area is not easily comparable. If this tool was used as a measurement you would quickly determine if you were getting the deal of a lifetime or if you were being led to one of the worst financial decisions of your life.

Lastly we will look at the global financial data set provided. This information takes into account features about different companies, the economic sector and industry they occupy, their employees by the thousands, their sales in millions, cost of sales in millions, gross profit in millions, gross profit margin in percentage, total taxes in thousands, net income in thousands, return on assets in percentage, and return on investment in percentage. With this data set we are able to look at an array of variables to measure each company against either each other or against one of its competitors which lies within the same sector or industry, based on any one of the variables listed above. Then this could be used as a measurement for industry average or for the strength of a particular sector among a variety of industries.

Each of these data sets is vital to the measurement they represent. The measurement, usually displayed through visuals such as histograms, can portray the performance of variables against one common denominator. This common denominator is usually the point that one is trying to prove or push forward. For example, say you wanted to show the success rate based on production for each of the companies listed in the last data set versus the industry average. The industry average is the common denominator and the company’s performance is shown in relation to that common denominator.

Statistical information is a measurement from a starting point which passes through degrees of measurements moving forward; day, week, month, quarter, or even annual. These measurements are used daily in every part of our lives to evaluate the past and give the best prediction of what the future holds.

Balle, L. 2011. " Decision-Making & Management." n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. Bartholomew, D. J. 1995.What is Statistics? Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society).158 (1) 1-20. G20 France 2011. New World of Ideas. n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. "Importance of Statistics in Different Fields." EMathZone n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2011. Stiefel, L. 1990. Statistical Analysis for Public and Nonprofit Managers. NY: Praeger pg.169.


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Century of statistical ecology reviewed

Crunching numbers isn't exactly how Neil Gilbert, a postdoctoral researcher at Michigan State University, envisioned a career in ecology.

"I think it's a little funny that I'm doing this statistical ecology work because I was always OK at math, but never particularly enjoyed it," he explained. "As an undergrad, I thought, I'll be an ecologist -- that means that I can be outside, looking at birds, that sort of thing."

As it turns out," he chuckled, "ecology is a very quantitative discipline."

Now, working in the Zipkin Quantitative Ecology lab, Gilbert is the lead author on a new article in a special collection of the journal Ecology that reviews the past century of statistical ecology .

Statistical ecology, or the study of ecological systems using mathematical equations, probability and empirical data, has grown over the last century. As increasingly large datasets and complex questions took center stage in ecological research, new tools and approaches were needed to properly address them.

To better understand how statistical ecology changed over the last century, Gilbert and his fellow authors examined a selection of 36 highly cited papers on statistical ecology -- all published in Ecology since its inception in 1920.

The team's paper examines work on statistical models across a range of ecological scales from individuals to populations, communities, ecosystems and beyond. The team also reviewed publications providing practical guidance on applying models. Gilbert noted that because, "many practicing ecologists lack extensive quantitative training," such publications are key to shaping studies.

Ecology is an advantageous place for such papers, because it is one of, "the first internationally important journals in the field. It has played an outsized role in publishing important work," said lab leader Elise Zipkin, a Red Cedar Distinguished Associate Professor in the Department of Integrative Biology.

"It has a reputation of publishing some of the most influential papers on the development and application of analytical techniques from the very beginning of modern ecological research."

The team found a persistent evolution of models and concepts in the field, especially over the past few decades, driven by refinements in techniques and exponential increases in computational power.

"Statistical ecology has exploded in the last 20 to 30 years because of advances in both data availability and the continued improvement of high-performance computing clusters," Gilbert explained.

Included among the 36 reviewed papers were a landmark 1945 study by Lee R. Dice on predicting the co-occurrence of species in space -- Ecology's most highly cited paper of all time -- and an influential 2002 paper led by Darryl MacKenzie on occupancy models. Ecologists use these models to identify the range and distribution of species in an environment.

Mackenzie's work on species detection and sampling, "played an outsized role in the study of species distributions," says Zipkin. MacKenzie's paper, which was cited more than 5,400 times, spawned various software packages that are now widely used by ecologists, she explained.

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  • Computer Modeling
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Origin of Life
  • Early Climate
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  • Albert Einstein
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  • Mathematical model
  • Water turbine
  • Numerical weather prediction

Story Source:

Materials provided by Michigan State University . Original written by Caleb Hess. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference :

  • Neil A. Gilbert, Bruna R. Amaral, Olivia M. Smith, Peter J. Williams, Sydney Ceyzyk, Samuel Ayebare, Kayla L. Davis, Wendy Leuenberger, Jeffrey W. Doser, Elise F. Zipkin. A century of statistical Ecology . Ecology , 2024; DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4283

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Labour force survey, april 2024.

Released: 2024-05-10

April 2024


(monthly change)

0.0 pts


Employment increased by 90,000 (+0.4%) in April, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 6.1%. The employment rate held steady at 61.4%, following six consecutive monthly declines.

In April, employment rose among core-aged men (25 to 54 years old) (+41,000; +0.6%) and women (+27,000; +0.4%) as well as for male youth aged 15 to 24 (+39,000; +2.8%). There were fewer women aged 55 and older employed ( -1 6,000; -0 .8%), while employment was little changed among men aged 55 and older and female youth (aged 15 to 24).

Employment gains in April were driven by part-time employment (+50,000; +1.4%).

Employment increased in April in professional, scientific and technical services (+26,000; +1.3%), accommodation and food services (+24,000; +2.2%), health care and social assistance (+17,000; +0.6%) and natural resources (+7,700; +2.3%), while it fell in utilities ( -5 ,000; -3 .1%).

Employment increased in Ontario (+25,000; +0.3%), British Columbia (+23,000; +0.8%), Quebec (+19,000 +0.4%) and New Brunswick (+7,800; +2.0%) in April. It was little changed in the other provinces.

Total hours worked rose 0.8% in April and were up 1.2% compared with 12 months earlier.

Average hourly wages among employees increased 4.7% (+$1.57 to $34.95) on a year-over-year basis in April, following growth of 5.1% in March (not seasonally adjusted).

In the spotlight: Over one in four workers (28.4%) have to come into work or connect to a work device at short notice at least several times a month.

Employment rises in April

Employment rose by 90,000 (+0.4%) in April, following little change in March.

The employment rat e—t he proportion of the population aged 15 and older who are employe d—w as unchanged at 61.4% in April, following six consecutive months of declines. On a year-over-year basis, the employment rate was down 0.9 percentage points, as growth in the population aged 15 and older in the Labour Force Survey ( LFS ) (+3.3%; +1.1 million) outpaced employment growth (+1.9%; +377,000).

Employment gains in April were driven by part-time employment (+50,000; +1.4%). On a year-over-year basis, part-time employment was up by 2.9% (+104,000) in April, while full-time employment was up by 1.7% (+273,000).

Chart 1  Employment rate holds steady in April after six consecutive monthly declines

Chart 1: Employment rate holds steady in April after six consecutive monthly declines

Gains in April driven by private sector employees

Private sector employment rose in April (+50,000; +0.4%) following four consecutive months of little change. There were also more people employed in the public sector (+26,000; +0.6%). On a year-over-year basis, public sector employment was up by 208,000 in April (+4.9%), outpacing growth in the private sector (+190,000; +1.4%).

Self-employment was little changed in April, both in the month and on a year-over-year basis.

Employment rises among core-aged men and women as well as male youth

Employment rose among core-aged men in April (+41,000; +0.6%), the third consecutive monthly increase. Gains in April were driven by full-time work (+45,000; +0.7%). The employment rate for core-aged men was 87.3% in April, little changed in the month but down 0.5 percentage points on a year-over-year basis.

Among core-aged women, employment increased by 27,000 (+0.4%) in April, driven by part-time work (+22,000; +2.2%). Despite the increase in part-time employment in the month, more core-aged women worked full-time compared with 12 months earlier (+148,000; +2.8%), while the number working part-time was little changed. The employment rate for core-aged women was 81.4%, virtually unchanged in April but down 0.4 percentage points on a year-over-year basis.

Employment among youth aged 15 to 24 rose by 40,000 (+1.5%) in April, reflecting an increase among young men (+39,000; +2.8%). This was the first monthly increase for youth employment since December 2022. The youth employment rate in April (55.5%) was up 0.5 percentage points from March, but was down 3.7 percentage points compared with the same month in 2023. On a year-over-year basis, the employment rate was down 4.9 percentage points to 55.2% for young women in April 2024 and down 2.7 percentage points to 55.7% for young men.

There were fewer women aged 55 and older employed in April ( -1 6,000; -0 .8%), lowering their employment rate 0.3 percentage points to 29.8%. For men aged 55 and older, employment was little changed and their employment rate was virtually unchanged at 39.9%.

Unemployment rate holds steady in April

The unemployment rate was unchanged at 6.1% in April, following an increase of 0.3 percentage points in March. The rate in April was up 1.0 percentage points compared with 12 months earlier.

There were 1.3 million unemployed people in April, little changed from the previous month (+17,000; +1.3%). This follows a cumulative increase of 96,000 (+7.8%) in February and March. Compared with 12 months earlier, the number of unemployed people was up by 256,000 (+23.7%) in April.

The labour force participation rat e—t he proportion of the population aged 15 and older who were employed or looking for wor k—r ose 0.1 percentage points to 65.4% in April. This was the first increase since June 2023.

Chart 2  Unemployment rate unchanged at 6.1% in April

Chart 2: Unemployment rate unchanged at 6.1% in April

Unemployment rates up across all major demographic groups over the previous 12 months

While the overall unemployment rate was unchanged from March to April 2024, it decreased by 0.1 percentage points among people aged 25 to 54 and rose 0.2 percentage points among people aged 55 and older. The unemployment rate was little changed among youth.

Compared with 12 months earlier, unemployment rates were higher among all major demographic groups. The largest increase was among youth; their rate increased 2.9 percentage points to 12.8%, marking the highest unemployment rate for youth since July 2016, excluding 2020 and 2021, during the COVID -1 9 pandemic. On a year-over-year basis, the unemployment rate was up for both young women (+3.5 percentage points to 12.6%) and young men (+2.3 percentage points to 13.0%).

Compared with 12 months earlier, the unemployment rate in April for those in the core-aged group was up by 0.9 percentage points to 5.4% among men and up by 0.7 percentage points to 4.9% among women.

The unemployment rate also increased among people aged 55 and older on a year-over-year basis. It rose more for women aged 55 and older (+1.0 percentage points to 4.7%) than for men (+0.4 percentage points to 4.7%).

Unemployment rates up on a year-over-year basis among largest racialized groups

In each of the three largest racialized groups in Canada, the unemployment rates for those of core working age (25 to 54 years old) were up on a year-over-year basis.

In the 12 months to April, the unemployment rate rose by 4.4 percentage points to 11.2% for core-aged Black Canadians, by 2.1 percentage points to 6.8% for core-aged South Asians, and by 1.3 percentage points to 7.5% for core-aged Chinese Canadians. In comparison, the unemployment rate rose by 0.3 percentage points to 4.2% over the same period among non-racialized core-aged people (three-month moving averages; not seasonally adjusted).

Employment increases in service-producing industries, led by professional, scientific and technical services

In professional, scientific and technical services, employment increased by 26,000 (+1.3%) in April, following a decrease in March ( -2 0,000; -1 .0%). Over the past 12 months, employment in this industry rose by 88,000 (+4.7%).

There were more people working in accommodation and food services (+24,000; +2.2%) in April, largely offsetting a decrease in March ( -2 7,000; -2 .4%). On a year-over-year basis, employment in this industry was little changed in April and remains below the average employment level observed from 2017 to 2019 ( -9 9,000; -8 .1%).

Employment in health care and social assistance increased by 17,000 (+0.6%) in April 2024, building on an increase of 40,000 (+1.5%) in March. Over the past 12 months, the fastest employment growth has been among people working in hospitals (+9.8%), followed by social assistance (+8.6%) and nursing and residential care facilities (+8.3%) (not seasonally adjusted).

Chart 3  Employment increases the most in professional, scientific and technical services in April

Chart 3: Employment increases the most in professional, scientific and technical services in April

Employment up in Ontario, British Columbia, Quebec and New Brunswick in April

Employment in Ontario increased by 25,000 (+0.3%) in April, building on a cumulative increase of 57,000 (+0.7%) from December 2023 to March 2024. Despite the employment gains, the employment rate in Ontario was little changed in April at 60.6%, and was down 1.6 percentage points on a year-over-year basis. The unemployment rate in Ontario was little changed at 6.8% in April, following increases of 0.3 percentage points in February and 0.2 percentage points in March.

In British Columbia, employment rose by 23,000 (+0.8%) in April, the first significant increase since December 2023. The unemployment rate fell 0.5 percentage points to 5.0% in April 2024. The employment rate in British Columbia was 62.0%, up 0.3 percentage points in the month, and little changed on a year-over-year basis.

Employment in Quebec increased by 19,000 (+0.4%) in April, offsetting the decline in the previous month. This increase was the first significant gain since September 2023. In the 12 months to April 2024, employment in Quebec was little changed, while the working-age population grew by 2.2%. As a result, the employment rate in Quebec fell 0.9 percentage points during the period to 61.4% in April.

Following five months of little change, employment in New Brunswick increased (+7,800; +2.0%) in April and the employment rate rose 0.9 percentage points to 56.9%. The unemployment rate fell 0.8 percentage points in April to 7.0%.

While employment in Alberta was little changed in April, there were more people searching for work, pushing the unemployment rate up 0.7 percentage points to 7.0%.

Map 1  Unemployment rate by province and territory, April 2024

Thumbnail for map 1: Unemployment rate by province and territory, April 2024

Unemployment rate in Canada continues to trend higher than in the United States

By adjusting Canadian data to US concepts, comparisons can be made between the labour market situation in Canada and in the United States. For more information, see " Measuring Employment and Unemployment in Canada and the United States – A comparison ."

The unemployment rate, adjusted to US concepts, was 5.1% in Canada in April, 1.2 percentage points higher than in the United States (3.9%). On a year-over-year basis, the unemployment rate increased 1.0 percentage points in Canada, while in the United States it rose 0.5 percentage points.

Also adjusted to US concepts, the employment rate was 62.0% in Canada and 60.2% in the United States in April. The employment rate, defined as employment as a percentage of the working-age population, has historically been higher in Canada, but the gap has narrowed in the past year. From April 2023 to April 2024, the employment rate, adjusted to US concepts, fell by 0.8 percentage points in Canada while it was little changed in the United States over the same period.

In the spotlight: More than one in four workers have to come into work, or connect to a work device at short notice at least several times a month

Working time and work-life balance are key dimensions of quality of employment that can impact workers' health, well-being and quality of life.

Some scheduling arrangements, such as flexible start and finishing times , can support the balancing of work and family commitments, while other schedules, such as long working hours , can be more challenging to navigate. An additional dimension of working tim e—t he need to come into work or connect to a work device at short notice to address work demand s—c an put pressure on workers and affect work-life balance.

In April 2024, more than one in four workers (28.4%; population aged 15 to 69) indicated that they had to come into work or connect to a work device at short notice at least several times a month. Proportionally more men (30.5%) reported having to do so than women (26.2%).

Self-employed workers can have a greater ability to choose when they work. However, in April, they were more likely than employees to have to work or connect to a work device at short notice several times a month or more (43.8% compared with 26.3%).

Workers in management occupations, including legislative and senior managers (59.8%) and specialized middle management occupations in health care (55.9%), were particularly likely to have to go into work or connect to a work device at short notice at least several times a month.

In health care occupations, more workers may be expected to physically travel to their work site when called upon to work at short notice. In April, 39.2% of health treating and consultation services professional s—w hich includes physicians and dentist s—h ad to come into work or connect to a work device at short notice several times a month or more. Among paid employees, 30.3% of registered nurses had to come to work or connect to a work device at short notice at least several times a month, a proportion higher than the average for all employees (26.3%).

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Download our mobile app and get timely access to data at your fingertips! The StatsCAN app is available for free on the App Store and on Google Play .

Sustainable Development Goals

On January 1, 2016, the world officially began implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development —the United Nations' transformative plan of action that addresses urgent global challenges over the next 15 years. The plan is based on 17 specific sustainable development goals.

The Labour Force Survey is an example of how Statistics Canada supports the reporting on the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. This release will be used in helping to measure the following goals:

statistics in daily life essay

  Note to readers

The Labour Force Survey ( LFS ) estimates for April are for the week of April 14 to 20, 2024.

The LFS estimates are based on a sample and are therefore subject to sampling variability. As a result, monthly estimates will show more variability than trends observed over longer time periods. For more information, see " Interpreting Monthly Changes in Employment from the Labour Force Survey ."

This analysis focuses on differences between estimates that are statistically significant at the 68% confidence level.

LFS estimates at the Canada level do not include the territories.

The LFS estimates are the first in a series of labour market indicators released by Statistics Canada, which includes indicators from programs such as the Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours ( SEPH ); Employment Insurance Statistics; and the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey. For more information on the conceptual differences between employment measures from the LFS and those from the SEPH , refer to section 8 of the Guide to the Labour Force Survey ( Catalogue number 71-543-G ).

Face-to-face personal interviewing resumed in November 2022. Telephone interviews continued to be conducted by interviewers working from their homes rather than Statistics Canada's call centres, as they have since March 2020. About 50,100 interviews were completed in April 2024 and in-depth data quality evaluations conducted each month confirm that the LFS continues to produce an accurate portrait of Canada's labour market.

The employment rate is the number of employed people as a percentage of the population aged 15 and older. The rate for a particular group (for example, youths aged 15 to 24) is the number employed in that group as a percentage of the population for that group.

The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed people as a percentage of the labour force (employed and unemployed).

The participation rate is the number of employed and unemployed people as a percentage of the population aged 15 and older.

Full-time employment consists of persons who usually work 30 hours or more per week at their main or only job.

Part-time employment consists of persons who usually work less than 30 hours per week at their main or only job.

Total hours worked refers to the number of hours actually worked at the main job by the respondent during the reference week, including paid and unpaid hours. These hours reflect temporary decreases or increases in work hours (for example, hours lost due to illness, vacation, holidays or weather; or more hours worked due to overtime).

In general, month-to-month or year-to-year changes in the number of people employed in an age group reflect the net effect of two factors: (1) the number of people who changed employment status between reference periods, and (2) the number of employed people who entered or left the age group (including through aging, death or migration) between reference periods.

Information on racialized groups

Data on " racialized groups " are derived from the "visible minority" variable. "Visible minority" refers to whether or not a person belongs to one of the visible minority groups defined by the Employment Equity Act . The Employment Equity Act defines visible minorities as "persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour." The visible minority population consists mainly of the following groups: South Asian, Chinese, Black, Filipino, Latin American, Arab, Southeast Asian, West Asian, Korean and Japanese.

Seasonal adjustment

Unless otherwise stated, this release presents seasonally adjusted estimates, which facilitate comparisons by removing the effects of seasonal variations. For more information on seasonal adjustment, see Seasonally adjusted data – Frequently asked questions .

Population growth in the Labour Force Survey

The LFS target population includes all persons aged 15 years and older whose usual place of residence is in Canada, with the exception of those living on reserves, full-time members of the regular Armed Forces and persons living in institutions (including inmates of penal institutions and patients in hospitals and nursing homes).

The LFS target population includes temporary resident s—t hat is, those with a valid work or study permit, their families, and refugee claimant s—a s well as permanent residents (landed immigrants) and the Canadian-born.

Information gathered from LFS respondents is weighted to represent the survey target population using population calibration totals. These totals are updated each month, using the most recently available information on population changes, including changes in the number of non-permanent residents. LFS population calibration totals are derived from Canada's official population estimates using similar sources and methods, with minor adjustments being made to reflect exclusions from the LFS target population.

Next release

The next release of the LFS will be on June 7. May data will reflect labour market conditions during the week of May 12 to 18.

More information about the concepts and use of the Labour Force Survey is available online in the Guide to the Labour Force Survey ( Catalogue number 71-543-G ).

The product " Labour Force Survey in brief: Interactive app " ( Catalogue number 14200001 ) is also available. This interactive visualization application provides seasonally adjusted estimates by province, sex, age group and industry.

The product " Labour Market Indicators, by province and census metropolitan area, seasonally adjusted " ( Catalogue number 71-607-X ) is also available. This interactive dashboard provides customizable access to key labour market indicators.

The product " Labour Market Indicators, by province, territory and economic region, unadjusted for seasonality " ( Catalogue number 71-607-X ) is also available. This dynamic web application provides access to labour market indicators for Canada, provinces, territories and economic regions.

The product Labour Force Survey: Public Use Microdata File ( Catalogue number 71M0001X ) is also available. This public use microdata file contains non-aggregated data for a wide variety of variables collected from the Labour Force Survey. The data have been modified to ensure that no individual or business is directly or indirectly identified. This product is for users who prefer to do their own analysis by focusing on specific subgroups in the population or by cross-classifying variables that are not in our catalogued products.

Contact information

For more information, or to enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact us (toll-free 1-800-263-1136 ; 514-283-8300 ; [email protected] ) or Media Relations ( [email protected] ).

To the moms all alone on Mother's Day, I see you and you are enough.

statistics in daily life essay

Most of my 14 years of motherhood felt like Mother’s Day was spent alone, including some of the years I was married.

Every May, when the second Sunday in May comes around, I think of the women who are where I was in multiple places of my mother journey: scared, alone and envious of the moms with a supportive partner at home.

This year, I've written a letter to every single mother struggling to celebrate herself today, who feels inferior to the other families she sees.

When the flowers don't come, when there are no "thank yous," when there is no one posting our picture, I want us to remember where our gift truly lies.

To our kids, this is the life and this love is enough. So, we can raise our glass.

Dear, single mom on Mother's Day

Maybe you woke up a little early today to give yourself the gift of solitude. There is no one to tag in at the end of the day. It’s exhausting.

You might get a few minutes before feelings of inadequacy come flooding in. You are reminded of all the things you can't do, never seeing all that you have. You wonder how a single-parent home is affecting your kids, who will be down in a matter of moments.

Then, the day will begin just like any other day.

Maybe there were once flowers waiting for you. Maybe there were never flowers at all. You may find crumpled up Mother's Day art in your kids' backpack today, but they may not recognize that there should be anything to celebrate.

You will prepare every meal, answer every request, create every moment, wipe every tear and calm every fear. But your requests will be left unmet, your moments 60 seconds at a time, your tears wiped by your own hand and your fears, ever ponding.

Yet every day you show up and you do it, maybe with a little envy for the two-parent home down the street, because it's hard to be a full-time parent and a full-time provider. You can't possibly do either perfectly well.

If you're feeling discouraged today, seeing only your lack, look inside.

You are the creator of all the good that you see.

Tonight, when you tuck in your kids, witness your gifts.

There may have not been anything on the table this morning, you may have cleaned up the house and cooked every meal, but there is peace in the room. There is joy on their faces. There is a tangible love providing security like the blanket wrapped around their feet.

Your family is not inferior.

You are enough. Your kids know it, and some day someone else will too.

But it has to start with you.

My son was feeling left behind: What kids with autistic siblings want you to know.

Your married friend may be struggling, too

Single mothers should know that married mothers aren't necessarily better supported. Sure, they may have flowers, but just like you, they have learned how to water themselves.

There were Mother's Days when all I felt was hollow. There were flowers, photos, dinners and lots of hugs, but it obscured a darker reality. Presence doesn't equal support. Lonely doesn't equal alone.

Knowing my "enoughness" led me back into singleness and back to the mother I've always been. So, cherish where you are and never trade your peace for support. Recognize yourself and celebrate this day.

Last year, I bought myself a bouquet of wildflowers, and this year, I bought myself a few.

My gift is this home I've created and the peace I feel at night. Sure, it may be a little messy, but it is far from inferior.

When I release my kids into the world, they will take this love that they've been given and begin planting it in places of their own, definitely better than if they had grown up in our broken two-parent home.

Yet I know that you, like me, may have a desire to share your life with someone. Just make sure that they are a seer too, a seer of your worth and your "enoughness," on more than just this special day.

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Guest Essay

I Don’t Write Like Alice Munro, but I Want to Live Like Her

A blurry photo of a woman, the author Alice Munro, smiling.

By Sheila Heti

Ms. Heti is the author of the novels “Pure Colour,” “How Should a Person Be?” and, most recently, “Alphabetical Diaries.”

It is common to say “I was heartbroken to hear” that so-and-so died, but I really do feel heartbroken having learned about Alice Munro, who died on Monday.

As a writer, she modeled, in her life and art, that one must work with emotional sincerity and precision and concentration and depth — not on every kind of writing but on only one kind, the kind closest to one’s heart.

She has long been a North Star for many writers and was someone I have always felt guided by. We are very different writers, but I have kept her in mind, daily and for decades, as an example to follow (but failed to follow to the extent that she demonstrated it): that a fiction writer isn’t someone for hire.

A fiction writer isn’t someone who can write anything — movies, articles, obits! She isn’t a person in service to the magazines, to the newspapers, to the publishers or even to her audience. She doesn’t have to speak on the political issues of the day or on matters of importance to the culture right now but ought first and most to attend seriously to her task, which is her only task, writing the particular thing she was most suited to write.

Ms. Munro only ever wrote short stories — not novels, though she must have been pressured to. She died in a small town not too far from where she was born, choosing to remain close to the sort of people she grew up with, whom she remained ever curious about. Depth is wherever one stands, she showed us, convincingly.

Fiction writers are people, supposedly, who have things to say; they must, because they are so good with words. So people are always asking them: Can you say something about this or about this? But the art of hearing the voice of a fictional person or sensing a fictional world or working for years on some unfathomable creation is, in fact, the opposite of saying something with the opinionated and knowledgeable part of one’s mind. It is rather the humble craft of putting your opinions and ego aside and letting something be said through you.

Ms. Munro held to this division and never let the vanity that can come with being good with words persuade her to put her words just everywhere, in every possible way. Here was the best example in the world — in Canada, my own land — of someone who seemed to abide by classical artistic values in her choices as a person and in her choices on the page. I felt quietly reassured knowing that a hundred kilometers down the road was Alice Munro.

She was also an example of how a writer should be in public: modest, unpretentious, funny, generous and kind. I learned the lesson of generosity from her early. When I was 20 and was just starting to publish short stories, I sent her a fan letter. I don’t remember what my letter said. After a few months, I received a handwritten thank-you note from her in the mail. The fact that she replied at all and did so with such care taught me a lot about grace and consideration and has remained as a warmth within me since that day.

She will always remain for me, and for many others, a model of that grave yet joyous dedication to art — a dedication that inevitably informs the most important choices the artist makes about how to support that life. Probably Ms. Munro would laugh at this; no one knows the compromises another makes, especially when that person is as private as she was and transforms her trials into fiction. Yet whatever the truth of her daily existence, she still shines as a symbol of artistic purity and care.

I am grateful for all she gave to the world and for all the sacrifices she must have made to give it. I’m sorry to be here defying her example, but she was just too loved, and these words just came. Thank you, Alice Munro.

Sheila Heti is the author of the novels “Pure Colour,” “How Should a Person Be?” and, most recently, “Alphabetical Diaries.”

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