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  • Save Water Save Life Essay


Essay on Save Water Save Life

Water is the most important and valuable natural resource on Earth. It sustains all life. There is no life without water. Water is not only important for human beings but for the entire ecosystem. Without enough water, the existence of humans, as well as animals, is next to impossible. After fresh air, water is the second most important natural resource for the survival of any living being. 

Water is necessary for the survival of each living creature on this planet, be it a small worm, plant, or full-grown tree.  Animals and plants  cannot survive without water. About 71% of Earth’s surface is covered with water. Unfortunately, only 3% of the water available  is freshwater. About two-thirds of the freshwater lies in the form of frozen glaciers and ice caps. The rest of the small portion is available in the form of groundwater and surface water. 

We totally depend on water for multiple purposes. Water is used in agriculture for the irrigation of crops. We use water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, and other domestic purposes. Water is used for recreational activities. In industries, water is used as a coolant, solvent and also used in other manufacturing purposes. Hydroelectricity is generated with the help of water. Water is also used for navigation and transportation of goods. This tells us how water is the most essential component of life and every drop of water is vital for sustenance. Therefore, water conservation is important to save life on this planet.

Importance of Water:

The basic use of water is drinking, bathing, agriculture, irrigation, hospitality, factories, etc.

Water helps in blood circulation and improves metabolism in the human body

The entire aquatic ecosystem is located in water. It is a home for all the aquatic animals

Water is a major source of transportation after land and air.

Water aids in saliva secretion and oxygen delivery to our bodily cells.

 Some countries have abundant water resources for their residents and serve        the people, whereas others lack natural resources even for survival.

Depletion of fresh water has become a threat to our existence. According to some scientists, the quantity and the quality of water are degrading day by day. Although Earth is covered with almost 71% of water, the quality is that we cannot use it in day-to-day life for domestic purposes. Water quality is so poor that people in some places are prone to several water-borne diseases such as Eluru, caused by contaminated water. 

These instances are eye-opening examples and should be taken seriously for better living conditions for us and our future generation.

Below are the Reasons for Shortage of Fresh Water:

Growth of population leads to excessive consumption of water. 

Daily excessive wastage of water.

The rapid growth of industries has increased the problem of proper disposal of waste material from them. The waste products from these industries contain extremely poisonous elements that are polluting the rivers and other water bodies. 

Pesticides and chemical fertilisers that are used to treat crops also pollute the fresh water. 

Sewage waste that is dumped into the rivers is making the water unsuitable for drinking and washing causing several water-borne diseases like cholera, jaundice and typhoid.  

Use of plastics and disposing them carelessly in the water bodies are affecting aquatic life and further disturbing the entire ecosystem.

Global warming is another major reason for the scarcity of water on earth. According to several types of research, because of global warming, the world will face more stress for water scarcity till the year 2050.

 We now need to be aware of the depletion of fresh water and take adequate    measures to stop this. 

Saving Water: Need of the Hour

Many places face extreme water scarcity due to extremely bad weather conditions, leading to less rainfall and groundwater depletion. In other parts of the world, groundwater is either unusable or overused. As the world's population is growing, so increase in industries and globalisation, causing groundwater to be overused and resulting in water scarcity.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) data shows that many people on this planet don't have access to clean and fresh drinking water. These situations are becoming worse day by day, and we need an immediate plan to control this situation. Various collective measures have to be taken by every individual on this planet and the government of every country to control water scarcity.

Government should impose some strict rules for the conservation of water. The government and the citizens have to take the initiative to create awareness and promote the “conservation of water.” One such initiative taken by the Modi government in India was “JANSHAKTI FOR JALSHAKTI.” This programme began as a means of working toward a brighter future.

Initiatives taken by Some State Governments:

The Punjab government contributed to saving water resources by avoiding waterlogging and fixing the drain  leakage.

The Rajasthan government has taken the initiative to construct small ponds, which  helped the local people of Rajasthan in many ways.

Villages of Telangana have constructed water tanks to conserve rainwater for future use.

These states are an inspiration, and others should also take a step forward to conserve and clean the water, water bodies, and groundwater.

Water saving should be and is the universal responsibility of every human being, living on this Earth.

There are many ways in which we can save water and reduce their pollution:

Be responsible to save water daily. Use only the required amount of water and avoid wastage. We should use water wisely.

We should use a washing machine to full capacity for washing clothes. 

We should not let the tap run while washing hands and face. 

We should water plants in the evening or early morning to minimise evaporation.

We should make provisions to store rainwater on rooftops and reuse the water for household purposes.

Bigger Communities and farmers should adapt to the practice of Rainwater harvesting. 

The industrial waste should be treated properly instead of dumping it into rivers.

We should stop using plastics and dispose of them in an adequate way.

We can make people aware about water problems by means of social campaigns and other ways.

 We should educate our children about water saving from an early age. 

Reusing the water is an important way to save and prevent the scarcity of water. Bathing water can be recycled and used for planting or cleaning.

Rainwater harvesting is the method of collecting rainwater and conserving them for future use.

Conservation of groundwater is another important method in the preservation of groundwater and using it in the future.

 Prevention of waterlogging.

We cannot imagine our lives without water. It is unfortunate that mankind has neglected this precious gift from God. Conservation of water is a necessity to save life. All living organisms on this planet need water to survive. If we do not give importance to saving or conservation of water then our future generations will face water scarcity.


FAQs on Save Water Save Life Essay

1. How to minimise wasting water?

We can minimise wasting water by using only the required amount of water.    We should not let the tap run while washing hands and face. Furthermore, checking for leaks in pipelines and getting them resolved in time and taking shorter baths and reducing the use of showers can also help.

2. When is World Water Day celebrated and why?

World Water Day is celebrated on 22nd March every year. It is celebrated to remind us of the importance of water and how we should minimise wastage of water.

3. Why is it important to save water?

It is important to save water because only 3% of available water is freshwater. Water is vital for the sustenance of living beings on this planet. If we don’t use water properly then our future generations will face the scarcity of water.

4. What methods should farmers adopt for irrigation?

The farmers should stop using pesticides and chemical fertilisers to minimise    pollution in water and adapt to the method of Rainwater harvesting.

5. How to save water daily?

We should close the tap tightly after use, use the required amount of water, check the water level in the tanks, and stop them from overflowing, making rainwater harvesting tunnels to save and reuse rainwater after its purification. These are some basic steps to save water at an individual level.

6. Where can I find more information on water and how to save water?

You can find more information, along with answers to your commonly asked questions, on the Vedantu website and mobile app. So, browse through them to get all your questions answered easily.

Essay on Water

Water is a colourless and odourless substance that is essential for the survival of the living beings. It is derived from various sources including rivers, lakes, oceans and streams and has several uses.

Water constitutes of almost 71% of the Earth’s surface. On earth, it moves constantly via water cycle. This is the cycle of evaporation and transpiration, precipitation, condensation and runoff. Water is used in numerous ways and is vital to all living beings. Here are essays on water of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any water essay according to your need:

Long and Short Essay on Water in English

Water essay 1 (200 words).

Water, known to be the universal solvent, plays a key role in the survival of various forms of life on earth. It is used for various purposes such as drinking, cleaning, cooking, washing and bathing. Besides these domestic uses, major amount of water is used in the agricultural sector mainly for the purpose of irrigation. A substantial amount of this substance is also used in the industrial sector.

However, unfortunately despite being aware about the importance of water in our lives, people around the world are leaving no stone unturned in wasting water and deteriorating its quality. The techniques used for irrigation in many parts of the world including India are old and mundane and often cause immense loss of water. Several industries make use of a good amount of water however they end up throwing their waste in water bodies without realizing that the deterioration of water will ultimately lead to their own loss.

Many areas around the world are facing water deficit and many more are likely to face this problem in the times to come. It is time the government must take effective measures to store and save water and channelize it properly for appropriate distribution. The general public must also be sensitized on efficient use of water.

Water Essay 2 (300 words)


Water is one such substance without which we cannot imagine our life. Besides, quenching our thirst, this transparent chemical substance is used for several other purposes. It is used to accomplish several household tasks. Water is also used for agricultural purpose and is needed for industrial use. Here is a brief look at how it is used at different places.

Agricultural Use

It accounts for around 70% of the water used around the world. In agriculture, water is mainly used for the purpose of irrigation. In addition to this, it is also used for the raring of the livestock. Most of the water used for irrigation is extracted from rivers. Groundwater is also used for this purpose.

Rivers are thus said to be of great importance for the farmers. Not only do they provide water for irrigation but they also play a vital part in the water cycle.

Industrial Use

Industrial use of water includes water used for the purpose of washing, diluting, cooling, transporting, fabricating, manufacturing and processing of various products. Thermal power plants, engineering and pulp and paper industries are among the one that consume the maximum amount of water.

Domestic Use

At home water is used for many purposes. This mainly includes drinking, cooking, bathing, washing utensils, washing clothes, cleaning houses, cars and other vehicles, watering plants and for the purpose of sanitation.

Each country has its own system of water supply to ensure water reaches every household so that the aforementioned basic needs of its citizens are met. While water is used as it is for cleaning, washing and bathing purpose, it needs to be purified before drinking as well as prior to using it for the purpose of cooking.

Water is vital for the survival of the mankind. However, unfortunately it is being wasted at a rapid speed around the world. Everyone should contribute his/her bit towards saving water.

Water Essay 3 (400 words)

Water is derived from various sources. Rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and rain are known to be some of the main sources of water. This free flowing and readily available colourless, odourless substance is needed for domestic, agricultural as well as industrial use.

Sources of Water

The sources of water are mainly divided into two categories – Surface Water and Ground Water. Rain water pours and collects on earth in the form of surface water as well as ground water. Here is a brief look at both these sources of water:

  • Surface Water : It is found in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, streams, seas and other such sources. The water in lakes and rivers comes from rain and the melting of snow. The river water flows into the sea.
  • Ground Water : It is found under the land. Water travels under the surface of the land by way of soil on the non-porous rocks and fills the opening in these rocks. The rocks that store and send out groundwater are known as aquifers. At times, the water stored in these rocks bursts in the form of springs due to high pressure. Ground water is also extracted by digging wells and tube wells.

Water Available for Human Use

Our planet is rich in water with around three-fourth of its surface being covered with water. However, only a small part (just about 2.7%) of the total resources of water is available for the human use.

Around 97.3% of water on earth forms a part of the oceans. It is salty and cannot be used for the purpose of irrigation or any other agricultural use. It is not even good for industrial or domestic use. Out of the 2.7% fresh water available on earth, the inland surface water that is the water available from sources such as rivers, lakes and ponds accounts for just about 0.02%. This water is crucial for the growth and survival of all forms of terrestrial and freshwater aquatic beings.

It is thus important to use it wisely. This point is emphasized time and again. However, its criticality is not yet recognized by the people. It is essential to understand the importance of saving water else we will have to learn it the hard way.

Many areas around the world get sufficient water supply. However, several others, especially those that are a part of the developing countries, face water deficit. The government of such countries must ensure proper supply of water to various areas and the people must use water wisely and avoid any kind of wastage to ensure the flow.

Water Essay 4 (500 words)

Water (chemical formula H 2 O) is a transparent chemical substance. It is one of the basic necessities for every living being be it plants or animals. Just as air, sunlight and food, water is needed for the proper growth and development of life on earth. Besides quenching our thirst, water is used for numerous other activities such as cleaning, washing and cooking to name a few.

Properties of Water

Water is mainly known for five of its properties. Here is a brief about these properties:

  • Cohesion and Adhesion

Cohesion, also referred to as water’s attraction to other water molecules, is one of the main properties of water. It is the polarity of water by way of which it is attracted to other water molecules. The hydrogen bonds present in water hold the water molecules together.

Adhesion is basically water’s attraction between molecules of varied substances. This substance bonds with any molecule it can form hydrogen bonds with.

  • Lower Density of Ice

The hydrogen bonds of water turn into ice when cooled down. The hydrogen bonds are stable and maintain their crystal like shape. The solid form of water which is ice is comparatively less dense as its hydrogen bonds are spaced out.

  • Water’s High Polarity

Water has high level of polarity. It is known to be a polar molecule. It is attracted to other polar molecules and ions. It can make hydrogen bonds and is thus a powerful solvent.

  • Water’s High-Specific Heat

Water can moderate temperature owing to its high specific heat. It takes a long time when it comes to heating up. It holds its temperature for long when heat is not applied.

  • Water’s High Heat of Evaporation

This is another property of water that renders it the ability to moderate temperature. As the water evaporates off a surface it leaves a cooling effect on the same.

Avoid Wastage of Water

Water is required for most of the activities we indulge in our day-to-day life. It is necessary for us to conserve it else our planet will be devoid of fresh water in the years to come. Here are a few ways in which water can be conserved:

  • Fix leaking taps immediately to avoid wastage of water without any delay.
  • Avoid the use of shower while bathing.
  • Keep your tap off while brushing your teeth. Turn it on only when required.
  • Wash full loads of laundry instead of half. This will not only save water but save a substantial amount of electricity too.
  • Do not leave the water running while washing dishes.
  • Use rainwater harvesting system.
  • Avoid using water hose for cleaning gutters. You can use brooms or other techniques instead.
  • Use the right size of pans and other dishes while cooking and eating food. Avoid using those bigger than your requirement.
  • Try to water your plants by hand rather than using sprinklers.
  • Cover the pools so as to avoid water loss due to evaporation.

We must not waste water and contribute our bit towards its conservation. We must practice and promote activities and plans that help in conserving water and protecting its sources to meet the current and future demands of living beings.

Water Essay 5 (600 words)

Water is the most common liquid found on our planet. It is vital for the survival of every living being. Around 71.4% of Earth is covered with water. However, while most part of our planet is covered with water, fresh water that can actually be used for drinking, cooking and other activities is quite less. It is thus important to use this substance wisely.

Different Forms of Water

Water is present in three different forms on Earth – Solid, Liquid and Gas. Here is a brief look at these forms:

Solid : Water freezes at 0 degree to form ice which is its solid state. As water freezes, its molecules move apart and this makes ice less dense compared to water in its liquid state. This means that ice is lighter than the same volume of water in its liquid state. It can thus float on water.

Liquid : This is the most common form of water. Water in its liquid state is used in several ways including drinking, washing, cleaning, cooking, irrigating fields and processing and preparing various products in industries.

Gas : As water boils, it changes from liquid to gas, often referred to as water vapour. Vapours are always present around us. When the water vapours cool, they form a cloud.

What is Water Cycle?

Water cycle is the term given to the circulation of water on, below or above the Earth’s surface. It is the process wherein water circulates between land, oceans and atmosphere. This involves precipitation, snowfall, drainage in rivers, lakes and streams and its return to atmosphere by way of evaporation and transpiration. Water cycle is also referred to as hydrological cycle.

Water Scarcity in India

Like most of the other developing countries, many parts of India also face scarcity of water. People in the country do not get clean water for drinking and there is water deficit for the purpose of sanitization as well. None of the cities in the country receives piped water 24/ 7. It is supplied for just a few hours each day mostly for a couple of hours in the morning and an hour or two in the evening. The quality of water has deteriorated in most of the water bodies in the country. This is because of the discharge of industrial and domestic waste in water.

The scarcity of fresh water in the country is often attributed to lack of proper planning at the government’s end, corruption, increased rate of corporate privatization and increasing amount of human and industrial waste that is discarded into water. The situation is expected to worsen in the times to come as the population of the country is likely to increase to 1.6 billion by 2050.

Here is a look at some of the other causes of water scarcity in India:

  • Traditional techniques of irrigation employed in our country cause a lot of water loss.
  • Lack of proper planning and distribution of water among domestic consumers, agricultural sector and industrial sector.
  • Decline in traditional water recharging areas.
  • Urban development has choked the ground water resources.
  • Increasing number of recreational activities associated with water.

While water is available on earth in abundance, it needs to be understood that the amount that can be put to use for various domestic, agricultural and industrial use is limited. It is essential to use it wisely so as to ensure it reaches every one and is also available in abundance for our coming generations. The government must employ effective techniques to save water and distribute it evenly in various areas across the country. The general public on the other hand must use it wisely to ensure that it is not wasted.

Related Information:

World Water Day

Article on Save Water

Slogans on Save Water

Slogans on Water

Slogans on Rainwater Harvesting

Speech on Save Water

Speech on Water

Speech on Rainwater Harvesting

Rain Water Harvesting Essay

Save Water Essay

Paragraph on Water

Paragraph on Save Water

Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting

Essay on Save Water Save Life

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Essay on Water

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water”. A well saying from W.H. Auden shows the importance of water in our life. “Water” is a word we all are familiar with but only a few of us know its importance. Water is a clear liquid that doesn’t have a taste, smell, or color. It can be available in different states like solid (ice), liquid (water), or gas (vapors). One of the precious gifts from god on this earth is water. To understand water, its importance, and uses more clearly, today we will discuss Water in detail.

Short and Long Water Essay in English

Here, we are presenting short and long essays on Water in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Water will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Water Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) One of the most important things for life is water.

2) Water is used to clean and cook at home.

3) The amount of water in the ground is now going down.

4) Water is the only thing that makes farming possible.

5) Water is used for things around the house every day.

6) We need water to grow food, plants, and other crops that we need to live.

7) We should save water to make life on Earth better.

8) Water is also used to produce electricity.

9) People should be made aware how to save water.

10) We can get water from rivers, oceans, lakes, streams, groundwater, rain, etc.

Short Essay on Water (250 – 300 Words)


Water is really one of the most important things we need to live and grow. However, it is also known as the universal solvent. Thinking of life is directly proportional to saving water.

Importance of Water

Water is essential to the survival of every living thing on this earth. Water is essential for many things, like drinking, cooking, washing, farming, and so on. For maintaining a good health, we need pure and fresh water. The industrial sector needs water a lot. Big dams store water so that it can be used to make electricity for homes, businesses, and other uses. It helps keep your body temperature stable, helps your body digest food, keeps your skin healthy, and can even help you lose weight.

Reasons for Water Shortage

With more industrial and scientific progress, this valuable resource is unfortunately, becoming less available. It is thought that 3 out of 5 people on the planet do not have access to safe drinking water or proper sanitation, which causes illness and death every day. The water is getting dirty because trash is being dumped into the reservoirs. If people don’t use water well, there may not be enough clean water in the future. It is very important to save water in order to save lives.

Water is a gift from nature that people have used to support their lives and make progress and development. It has never been more important to the world’s people than it is today. Water needs to be used in a way that won’t harm the next generation. So, it’s important to save water and use it in the right way.

Long Essay on Water (500 Words)

Our planet has a lot of water. 70% of the surface of our planet is covered with water. However, only 3% of all water is fresh water. Out of which, two-thirds are frozen in glaciers or in other places where we can’t use it. Water is one of the most valuable things in nature. Throughout history, water has had a big effect on people’s lives in many ways.

Water: The Precious Resource

Only Earth has water, which is the main thing that makes life possible. There are many sources of water on Earth, such as the ocean, rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. Organisms can survive without food, but not without water. Apart from drinking water, we can use it for many other things. It helps to get rid of waste and toxins and helps prevent diseases like kidney, heart, and liver disease. Different plants need different amounts of water. Even animals need water to live.

Uses of Water

Water can be used for many other things like cooking, cleaning, bathing, and drinking. It can be used as a way to use for transportation. Besides this, water is also used for things like washing cars, building homes, putting out fires, etc. Electricity is also produced with the help of water. Irrigation purposes also require huge amount of water. These are used in the business world to make the economy grow. Water is also used for fun things like swimming, surfing, boating, water parks, and many others.

Need to Save Water

Many of the water sources that keep ecosystems healthy are under stress. Because of too much use, rivers, lakes, and aquifers are drying up and getting too dirty to use. Due to more people living in cities, production and manufacturing units need more and more water. Wastes from factories and other businesses are getting into the water sources. In recent years, there has been a lack of water. It is important to protect the sources of freshwater that can be used for drinking.

How to Save Water

Reducing water pollution is an important step toward making clean water easier to get. Using new technologies like wastewater recycling, nanofiltration, solar and UV water filtration, and rainwater harvesting systems can also help a lot with the problem of water scarcity.

One of the easiest and best ways to save water is to collect rainwater and put it back into the ground. You can save water at home in many ways, such as by taking shorter showers and reusing water. To save water, wash your clothes and dishes in a machine that uses less power. Government should take necessary steps to prevent water wastage.

Water is a basic need that everyone should be able to get. We can’t make water, so it’s a valuable resource that we should all use with care. Without water, nothing can live. By saving water, we can make sure that our children and grandchildren will live on this planet and be safe and healthy.

I hope the above provided essay on Water will be helpful in understanding the importance and ways to save water in our life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Water

Ans. World Water Day is celebrated on 22 March every year.

Ans. On average, humans should drink approximately 3 liters of water every day.

Ans. It prevents constipation, and dehydration, keeps us energized, helps to reduce weight, improves mood, etc.

Ans. A water cycle is a process by which water evaporates from the water bodies and rises into the air as a vapor to form clouds.

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Essay on Importance of Water in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Importance of Water: Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must have water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. Water is a major part of the earth’s surface, covering about 70%. It is important to maintain the quality of surface water, because it is a major source of drinking water for humans and animals.

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Target Exam ---

Water is a limited resource. Although it is constantly being recycled, there is a finite amount of water on earth. It is important to use water wisely and conserve this valuable resource.

Long and Short Essay on Importance of Water in English

Here are essay on Importance of Water of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam.

After going through these Importance of Water essay you will know a good deal about importance of water for us as well as the environment, various uses of water, different sources of water, water cycle, how to conserve water etc.

You can go with the one of your choice:

Short Essay on Importance of Water (200 words)

Water is available in abundance on Earth. It is present on the surface of Earth as well as beneath it. The water bodies present on Earth’s surface include rivers, ponds, seas and oceans. The surface water evaporates due to the excessive heat of Sun. It is circulated in the atmosphere and forms clouds that burst and reach the Earth’s surface in the form of rain. Thus, the water that evaporates gets replenished by the natural process of water cycle which occurs continuously. This helps in maintaining the eco system and makes our planet worth living.

While Earth is filled with plenty of water, fresh water is very small part of it and its amount is only decreasing by the day. It is sad but true that due to various human activities and human negligence, the water present on Earth is getting polluted. Fresh water is getting depleted as the water bodies are being polluted due to industrial as well as domestic waste.

It is high time we must understand the importance of water in our lives and the necessity to save it. There are many simple ways in which we can avoid wastage of water such as bathing with less water, watering plants with waste water from RO, cleaning the car with a wet cloth rather than pipe, etc. We must also use the method of rain water harvesting to collect rain water. This way we can contribute our bit to save water.

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Essay on Important Uses of Water (300 words)


Water is available in abundance on Earth. It is one of the main reasons which make life possible on our planet. Available from different sources, water is an essential requirement for all the living beings. It is used for various purposes by human beings. Here are some of the important uses of water.

Different Uses of Water

  • Drinking: Drinking water is vital for the survival of living beings. So, one of the main uses of water is drinking.
  • Cooking: Water is also used for the purpose of cooking. Many recipes such as lentils, rice, soups, etc require water. Besides, even the vegetables and fruits that do not require added water for preparation need to be washed thoroughly before eating/ cooking.
  • Cleaning: Whether it is cleaning a house, office, car, machinery or anything for that matter, it is not possible without using water. All the cleaning tasks require water.
  • Washing: Water is also required for the purpose of washing clothes, utensils and various other things.
  • Sanitation: Water is also required for the purpose of sanitation. It helps in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene.
  • Agriculture: A major share of water on Earth is used for the purpose of agriculture. It mainly used for irrigating the farms to keep the land fertile and ensure adequate supply to the crops. It also used for rearing the livestock.
  • Industries: Industries use water for various purposes. The manufacturing of many products require water. It used in the transportation, fabrication and processing of various products. Some of the industries that need good amount of water include pulp and paper and engineering industries.

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Water used for different purposes in homes and offices. It is as much essential for other living beings as it is for the humans. Therefore it is one of the main reasons we are alive. Is impossible to imagine life without water.

Essay on Importance of Water: Water Cycle (400 words)

Water is present in solid, liquid and gaseous forms on Earth. All three forms of water are essential to maintain our planet’s ecological balance. Water is in high demand as it used for various purposes. Fortunately, we have many sources of water including seas, rivers, oceans and rain. Water replenishes itself naturally and constantly by way of water cycle thereby maintaining balance in the atmosphere.

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Why is Water Cycle Important?

Water needed for the survival of the living beings. Be it plants, animals or human beings – all three require water. While plants and animals mainly require water for the purpose of drinking or as habitat, human beings use water for several purposes. Water would have long vanished from the face of Earth if the process of water cycle hasn’t existed.

The process of water cycle involves different steps. These are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation and surface run off. Water evaporates from different sources including oceans, seas and rivers due to sun’s heat. Water vapours rise into the atmosphere. Slowly these vapours cool down and condense to form clouds.

When large amount of vapours join together, the cloud becomes heavier and falls in the form of rain. This way the water falls back on the surface of Earth. It gets accumulated in rivers, lakes, oceans, layers of rocks and soil. This completes the process of water cycle. The water collected in oceans and other water bodies once again evaporates and the entire cycle reoccurs. This is an ongoing process. Water cycle also impacts the weather condition on Earth. The cycling of water in the atmosphere regulates the weather patterns.

Important Sources of Water

Sources of water have broadly divided into two categories:

  • Surface Water: This found in rivers, lakes, streams, seas, oceans and also reservoirs. The downpour from the clouds and the melting of snow from the mountains fill the rivers and the lakes. Rivers flow continually and also meet the sea. The sea water flows into the ocean. Surface water evaporates and enables the water cycle process.
  • Ground Water: Ground water is present under the Earth’s surface. Water seeps under the land via porous rocks and soil. This water gets stored under the Earth’s surface and extracted by digging wells and also constructing tube wells.

Water cycle makes sure the lost water replenished on the planet and is available in abundance for all the living beings. If this process did not occur naturally we would not have sufficient water on our planet.

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Essay on Importance of Water – An Essential Part of Our Life (500 words)

Water is an essential part of our ecological system. It is one of the main substances that make our planet fit for living. Water is essential for the growth and development of plants and animals. However we use water directly as well as indirectly for many of our needs.

Water – An Essential Part of the Human Body

Research shows that up to 60% of the human body made of water. Our lungs are around 83% water, our muscles and kidneys are 79% water, our brain and heart are 73% water, our skin contains 64% water and our bones have 31% water. Water helps in several functions of the body including blood circulation, digestion, regulating body temperature, protecting tissues and joints and also excreting waste via perspiration, defecation and urination.

Our body continually uses water to perform these functions. So, we need to provide a continuous supply of water to our body to help it function well. It is important to replenish the lost water timely.

Water – Vital for Plant Growth

Plants prepare their food by way of photosynthesis. Water forms an essential part of this process. As we water the plants, it enters their stem and moves up to their leaves. However it draws nutrients from the soil and carries them to the leaves. Photosynthesis takes place in the leaves. The water present in the leaves evaporates and exchanged for carbon dioxide.

Without proper supply of water, the plants do not get enough nutrients and photosynthesis cannot take place. As a result, the plants begin to droop and fall. Different kinds of plants require different amount of water at different times. While some plants need to watered twice a day others require water once a week while there are yet others that can go weeks without water especially during cold and moist season.

Water – Habitat for Marine Creatures

Water serves as home for the marine creatures. Wide variety of fishes, turtles, frogs, crabs and other marine creatures live in seas, oceans and rivers. These water bodies are their habitat. Most marine creatures live solely in water and cannot survive on land. They add to the biodiversity and also are an essential part of the eco system.

The increase in the level of water pollution is causing a threat to these beautiful and innocent creatures. Many species of the beautiful marine creatures have either gone extinct or endangered. Water pollution caused due to various human activities. It needs to controlled in order to provide a safe and healthy habitat for the marine creatures.

Water is vital to the survival of living beings. Even as water recycles naturally, the amount of fresh water on Earth is depleting fast. This is all because of the negligence of human beings. We use water for several purposes throughout the day. But we aren’t using it efficiently. We waste it more than we use it. This is the reason why water is decreasing at a rapid speed. It is high time we must use water wisely and limit the activities that pollute it.

Long Essay on Importance of Water (600 words)

Water is among the most essential substances on Earth. Two third of Earth covered with water; however, only a small part of it fresh water which is fit for human use. The growing pollution is polluting the fresh water too, thereby making it unfit for any kind of use. Besides, fresh water available for use often wasted during various activities. This has become a global cause of concern. It is time we should understand the importance of water and also try to save it.

Conversation of Water

In this era of growing water pollution, we need to watch out our activities. Fresh water is getting scanty mainly due to two reasons. One of these is the increasing level of water pollution caused due to industrial waste and various other human activities and the other is the continuous wastage of water by people around the world.

We must conserve water otherwise it will become difficult for us to survive on Earth in the times to come. Water is essential to maintain the ecological balance and create an atmosphere which is appropriate for us to survive. It also needed for drinking, cooking, cleaning, irrigating the fields and various other activities. We need to save water and put it to correct use.

Methods to Conserve Water

There are many ways in which we can conserve water. Several activities that we indulge in our daily lives can done differently to save water. Here is a look at these:

  • We often keep the tap on while we brush our teeth. This results in a lot of wastage of water. Turn the tap on only when you require it, else keep it off. A lot of water that goes down the drain unnecessarily will saved this way. Practice the same while washing your hands as well.
  • It is best to use bucket while bathing as a lot of water wasted while taking shower. Or you can keep a tub under the shower when you don’t require water while taking shower. This water can used for watering the plants or flushing.
  • The waste water from RO can collected in a bucket and used to water the plants or for cleaning purpose. You can also do the same with the water left after boiling potatoes, noodles and pasta. This water is hot and can very well used for cleaning oily and greasy utensils.
  • Water the plants during evening or early morning hours so that the water absorbed properly and does not get evaporated fast. This way you will require less water for watering the plants.
  • Do not make use of water to defrost food items.
  • Instead of using a pipe to wash your car, it suggested to use a bucket and wet cloth. You can also get it washed regularly from a car wash service that uses recycled water for this purpose.
  • Rainwater harvesting is a good way to store water and to put it to good use.
  • Install water efficient appliances such as low flow bathroom fixtures, sink systems, dish washers and washing machines and use them wisely to save water. For instance, make sure your washing machine and dish washer completely loaded before you turn them on.
  • Do not neglect any leakage in your kitchen, bathroom or any other part of your house. Get it fixed immediately to avoid wastage of water.
  • Using less electricity is an indirect way to save water. This is because power plants use several gallons of water.

Conservation of water must taken seriously. The government of every country should restrict activities that result in water pollution and wastage of fresh water and the citizens must provide complete support in this direction. Each one of us should realize the importance of water and take it as our responsibility to use the simple ways mentioned above to conserve water.

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MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water A Precious Resource with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource with Answers

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Water: A Precious Resource Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Water: A Precious Resource Class 7 MCQs Questions with Answers

Choose the correct option.

Question 1. Water is found in (a) solid form (b) liquid form (c) gaseous form (d) all of these

Answer: (d) all of these

Water A Precious Resource with Answers

Question 2. Water day is celebrated on (a) 21st March (b) 23rd March (c) 22nd March (d) None of the above

Answer: (c) 22nd March

Water A Precious Resource Questions with Answers

Question 3. Our body contains ………… % portion of water. (a) 75 (b) 65 (c) 95 (d) 85

Answer: (a) 75

Question 4. Which one of the following is the cause of the depletion of water table? (a) Increasing population (b) Agricultural activities (c) Increasing industries (d) All of these

Answer: (d) All of these

Question 5. …………. represents the solid form of water. (a) water vapour (b) snow (c) lake water (d) well water

Answer: (b) snow

Question 6. The process of seeping of water into the ground is called (a) aquifer (b) infiltration (c) water cycle (d) all of these

Answer: (b) infiltration

Question 7. The water below the ground is known as (a) groundwater (b) pure water (c) polluted water (d) none of these

Answer: (a) groundwater

Question 8. The large well like structure which is used in olden times for rainwater harvesting is called (a) well (b) bawris (c) johad (d) check-dams

Answer: (b) bawris

Question 9. Which of the following doesn’t show water shortage? (a) Taps running dry (b) Long queues for getting water (c) Marches and protests for demand of water (d) Three buckets of water per person per day

Answer: (d) Three buckets of water per person per day

Question 10. ‘Every drop counts’ is a slogan related to (a) counting of drops of any liquid (b) counting water drops (c) importance of water (d) importance of counting

Answer: (c) importance of water

Question 11. Rainwater harvesting is one of the ways to conserve (a) fresh water (b) sea water (c) potable water (d) rainwater

Answer: (d) rainwater

Question 12. How many forms of water are there? (a) Only one (b) Only two (c) Only three (d) None of those

Answer: (c) Only three

Question 13. Water is found in (a) solid form (b) liquid form (c) gaseous Form (d) in all the above forms

Answer: (d) in all the above forms

Question 14. Water on the earth has been maintained due to (a) groundwater (b) oceans (c) rivers (d) water cycle

Answer: (d) water cycle

Question 15. The upper limit of the layer of the earth in which water is found is called (a) infiltration (b) aquifer (c) water table (d) groundwater

Answer: (c) water table

Question 16. Water from which of the following sources is clean and safe to drink? (a) Groundwater (b) Lake water (c) River water (d) Ocean water

Answer: (a) Groundwater

Question 17. Which one of the following is responsible for water shortage? (a) Drip irrigation (b) Over-population (c) Heavy rainfall (d) Infiltration

Answer: (b) Over-population

Question 18. Which one of the following is not a technique to conserve water? (a) Rainwater harvesting (b) Bawris (c) Drip irrigation (d) Evaporation

Answer: (d) Evaporation

Question 19. International year of freshwater is (a) 2002 (b) 2003 (c) 2004 (d) 2005

Answer: (b) 2003

Question 20. The water bearing layer of the earth is called (a) conifer (b) hydrosphere (c) aquifer (d) water table

Answer: (c) aquifer

Fill In the Blanks

Question 1. The groundwater stored between layers of hard rocks below the water table is known as an ……………..

Answer: aquifer

Question 2. …………….. is the purest form of water.

Answer: Rainwater

Question 3. The water which is fit for human use is called ……………..

Answer: freshwater

Question 4. In India …………….. was the traditional way of collecting water.

Answer: bawris

Question 5. …………….. % of earth’s surface is covered with water.

Question 6. …………….. is the process which maintains the amount of water on the earth.

Answer: Water cycle

Question 7. The water found below the water table is called ……………..

Answer: groundwater

Question 8. The water which is fit for drinking is called …………….. water.

Answer: potable

Question 9. Sea and ocean water is not fit for drinking because they are ……………..

Answer: saline

Question 10. Only …………….. % of water on earth is available for use by humans.

Answer: 0.006

Question 11. Clouds release the water through the process of ………………….

Answer: precipitation

Question 12. Excessive rains may cause ………………….

Answer: floods

Question 13. No rainfall for a year or more may lead to …………………. in that region.

Answer: drought

Question 14. The process of changing water vapour into water is called ………………….

Answer: condensation

Question 15. The process of water seepage into the ground is called ………………….

Answer: infiltration

Question 16. The water bearing layer of the earth is called ………………….

Question 17. Water that is fit for human consumption is called ………………….

Question 18. The process of changing of water into its vapour is called ………………….

Answer: evaporation

True or False

Question 1. Ice is liquid form of water.

Answer: False

Question 2. Water is not essential for all living beings.

Question 3. Water exists in its gaseous form as water vapour above 100°C only.

Question 4. Rainwater harvesting is one of the ways to conserve water.

Answer: True

Question 5. The minimum amount of water recommended by UN per person per day is 20 L.

Question 6. Groundwater will not be depleted due to afforestation.

Question 7. March 26 is celebrated as World water day.

Question 8. The water bearing layer of the earth is called hydrosphere.

Question 9. Year 2003 was observed as International Year of Freshwater.

Question 10. Water present on the surface of the earth is called surface water.

Question 11. As a solid, water exists as ice-caps at the poles.

Question 12. The water found above the water table is called ground water.

Question 13. Sometimes, ground water accumulates between layers of hard rocks. This is known as an aquifer.

Question 14. Plants use ground water and release it in the form of water vapour during transpiration.

Question 15. Water table is constant at every place on the earth.

Question 16. All animals and plants contain large amount of water.

Question 17. The three states of water are interchangeable.

Question 18. In nature, water exists only as liquid water.

Match the Following

Hope the information shed above regarding NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science Chapter 16 Water: A Precious Resource with Answers Pdf free download has been useful to an extent. If you have any other queries of CBSE Class 7 Science Water: A Precious Resource MCQs Multiple Choice Questions with Answers, feel free to reach us so that we can revert back to us at the earliest possible.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography Social Science Chapter 5 Water

Ncert book solutions class 7 geography chapter 5.

Our Earth’s surface is covered with 71 percent of water. Water cycle is the process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land. The major sources of freshwater are the rivers, ponds, springs and glaciers. The movements that occur in oceans can be broadly categorised as waves, tides and currents. These NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Geography contain comprehensive step-by-step descriptions using proper explanations, solved examples, etc of all the exercises given in the NCERT textbook of Geography.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Science

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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Studies (Geography) Chapter 5 – Water

1. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is precipitation?

Answer: The sun’s heat vaporises water into vapour. This vapour cools down and condenses to become clouds. This may then fall on the surface of Earth in the form of rain, snow or sleet. This phenomenon of water falling back onto the surface of the earth in the form of rain, snow or sleet is called precipitation.

(ii) What is the water cycle?

Answer: The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land is known as the water cycle.

(iii) What are the factors affecting the height of the waves?

Answer: The factors affecting the height of the waves are as follows:

  • Speed of the wind
  • Earthquake, volcanic eruptions or underwater landslides

(iv) Which factors affect the movement of ocean water?

Answer: The factors affecting the movement of ocean water are as follows:

  • Temperature
  • The gravitational pull of sun and moon
  • Warm and cold currents

(v) What are tides and how are they caused?

Answer: The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water, twice in a day, is called a tide. Tides are caused by the gravitational force exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth’s surface.

(vi) What are ocean currents?

Answer: The streams of water flowing constantly on the ocean surface in a definite direction are called ocean currents. The ocean currents may be warm or cold.

2. Give reasons.

(i) Ocean water is salty.

Answer: Ocean water is salty because it contains a large amount of salt dissolved in it. The salt present in ocean water is mostly sodium chloride or the common salt that we consume.

(ii) The quality of water is deteriorating.

Answer: The water quality is deteriorating because of human activities like

  • Deforestation
  • Throwing garbage and other waste in water bodies
  • Chemicals released from industries
  • Increased use of fertilisers and pesticides

3. Tick the correct answer.

(i) The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and land

(a) Water cycle

(c) Ocean currents

(ii) Generally, the warm ocean currents originate near

(b) Equator

(c) None of these

(iii) The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice in a day is called

(b) Ocean current

4. Match the following.

Water Summary

Chapter 5 – Water from the NCERT geography book comprises:

  • Water Cycle
  • Distribution of Water Bodies
  • Ocean Circulation
  • Ocean Currents

Our Environment is the NCERT Geography book for students in Class 7. For NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Social Sciences , visit the linked article.

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Essay On Water Management

500 words essay on water management.

Water management refers to activities that plan, develop, distribute and manage the optimum use of water resources. Everyone can do this from local authorities to individuals at home. Good water management allows access to safe water for everyone. Through an essay on water management, we will go through it in detail.

essay on water management

Importance of Water Management

Water management impacts various aspects of our lives. As water is common, we do not think much of its management. But, if we ask the deprived people, they will know the importance of water management very well.

As we require drinking water, clean drinking water is a necessity. No human can survive without water. Further, we also need water management for cleaning and washing. For instance, we bathe, wash our clothes and utensils to maintain hygiene .

Further, agriculture requires water for growing the food that we eat every day. Thus, a good water supply becomes essential. Moreover, we also enjoy swimming, boating and other leisure activities in the water.

For instance, swimming pools and more. Thus, water needs to be managed so people can enjoy all this. Most importantly, water management ensures that our rivers and lakes do not contaminate. Thus, it helps maintain biodiversity.

Ways of Water Management

There are various ways available through which we can manage water. The major ways of water management include recycling and treating wastewater. When we treat wastewater , it becomes safe to be piped back to our homes.

Thus, we use it for drinking, washing and more. In addition, an irrigation system is a very good way of water management. It involves a good quality irrigation system which we can deploy for nourishing crops in drought-hit areas.

By managing these systems, we can ensure water does not go to waste and avoid unnecessarily depleting water supplies. Most importantly, conserving water is essential at every level.

Whether it is a big company or a small house, we all must practise water management. The big industries use gallons of water on a daily basis. At homes, we can conserve water by using it less.

Further, it also applies to our way of consumption of products. A large amount of water goes into the production of cars or a simple item like a shirt. Thus, we must not buy things unnecessarily but consciously.

It is also essential to care for natural supplies like lakes, rivers , seas and more. As you know, these ecosystems are home to a variety of organisms. Without its support, they will go extinct. Thus, water management becomes essential to ensure we are not polluting these resources.

It is also crucial to ensure that everyone gets access to enough water. Some parts of the world are completely deprived of clean water while some have it in abundance. This is unfair to those who do not get it which also causes many deaths. Thus, we need water management to avoid all this.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Water Management

If we look at the current situation of water depletion, it is evident that we are in dire need of water management. We must come together to do our best to ensure that everyone is getting access to safe water daily so that we can lead happy lives.

FAQ of Essay on Water Management

Question 1: What is meant by water management?

Answer 1: Water management refers to the control and movement of water resources for minimizing damage to life and property. Moreover, it is to maximize effective beneficial use.

Question 2: What are the ways of water management?

Answer 2: There are numerous ways of water management. Some of them are the treatment of wastewater, deploying good irrigation methods, conserving water whenever possible. Further, we must also care for natural sources of water like rivers, seas, lakes and more.

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