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Book review: the last wish (the witcher, #1) by andrzej sapkowski, march 25, 2022 petrik leo comments 0 comment.

Review copy was provided by Gollancz in exchange for an honest review.

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Cover art illustrated by Tommy Arnold

Cover designed by Lauren Panepinto

The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Series:   The Witcher (Book #0.5 of 5)

Genre:  Fantasy, Epic Fantasy, High Fantasy

Pages : 352 pages (Illustrated edition)

Published: 7th December 2021 by Orbit (US) and Gollancz (UK)

The Last Wish made me feel like I was reading Geralt doing his side quests in the game.

Similar to millions of gamers—now readers—around the world, I heard about The Witcher book series through the video games adaptation. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt remains one of the best open-world role-playing games I’ve played, and even though it has been years since I finished the game, I still think about my 100+ hours of adventure with the game. More than six years have passed since I first finished The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , and I’ve wanted to know more about the characters, magic, and world I felt invested in. It’s not until The Last Wish Illustrated Edition published by Orbit Books and Gollancz came out a few months ago that I finally took the plunge to start reading the series. As someone who loves the game a LOT, and considering that this is a different medium of storytelling compared to the books, I honestly don’t expect the books (this time) would be able to live up to the satisfaction and escapism I got from playing the games. I’m not saying the books can’t achieve that; from my experience, books (original material) are often superior to their adaptations. But compared to Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , I don’t think the books can match the quality of storytelling and experience from playing the game. However, the video games adaptation is supposedly a continuation of the books series. And I fully expect I would love reading the books, too. If not, why even bother reading, right? I will be reviewing The Last Wish based on my thoughts on the overall book instead of a specific review for each short story. And at the end, I will also be giving my thoughts on the illustrated edition and whether you should buy it or not.

Picture: The Last Wish by Navar

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The Last Wish is—chronologically—the first set of short stories in The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski, but publication wise, The Last Wish was published after Sword of Destiny . It has frequently been mentioned, The Last Wish worked so well as an introduction to the characters and world of The Witcher Saga , and as far as a reading-guide goes, I think The Last Wish indeed worked nicely as—technically—the first book of the series. There are seven short stories in The Last Wish , and one of the short stories, titled The Voice of Reason , takes place in the present timeframe. Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher. After being injured in battle, he’s resting in a temple during the present timeframe. He’s recounting some of the recent events he encountered, and these flashbacks are told in a short story format, but there’s one exception. The present timeframe is a short story/novella interspersed throughout the novel. I read Hyperion by Dan Simmons last month, and the relatively unconventional format of The Last Wish reminded me of that.

“People,” Geralt turned his head, “like to invent monsters and monstrosities. Then they seem less monstrous themselves. When they get blind-drunk, cheat, steal, beat their wives, starve an old woman, when they kill a trapped fox with an axe or riddle the last existing unicorn with arrows, they like to think that the Bane entering cottages at daybreak is more monstrous than they are. They feel better then. They find it easier to live.”

If you know my reading taste, then you’ll probably know that I’m not a fan of short stories in fantasy. I tend to find them underwhelming due to their short length. The Last Wish , and probably Sword of Destiny , have this working against their favor. Or at least that’s what I thought, but that’s certainly not the case. I’ve watched the two seasons available so far in the TV series adaptation of The Witcher , this means I knew the events in this collection of short stories already. That’s why it’s so surprising to me that I still found myself intrigued by the narrative. Other than The Edge of the World , which was underwhelming, I enjoyed every other short story here. My thoughts on the characters are, undoubtedly, influenced by my feelings on the characters of the games. I don’t think I can change this no matter how hard I try. I read this collection of short stories, my thoughts and imagination treat the narrative as a prequel to the video games. Whether they’re actually canon or not, at this moment, they are canon in my head. And because of this, I am slightly more receptive and biased towards the characters and the world. Even if we only get to see glimpses and an introduction to them here, it felt like I was reading the origin story of The Witcher video games characters I came to love. A Grain of Truth , The Lesser Evil , and A Question of Price , were my favorite short stories in The Last Wish .

“Evil is evil, Stregobor,” said the witcher seriously as he got up. “Lesser, greater, middling, it’s all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I’m not a pious hermit. I haven’t done only good in my life. But if I’m to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.”

I didn’t have much of an issue reading The Last Wish . Themes of morality and ambiguous characters’ actions were discussed well in a relatively short novel. That being said, as I mentioned earlier, having watched the TV series already definitely decreased my satisfaction. Only alternate reality Petrik could confirm this, but I would’ve enjoyed The Last Wish more if I hadn’t watched the TV series adaptation. Also, this has been talked about many times, but prose-wise, some sentences here and there felt a bit awkward. I personally didn’t mind them too much. Plus, I heard from many sources that this issue is caused due to the quality of translation rather than Sapkowki’s prose. Other than these, I think this is a solid collection of short stories. It somehow felt like I was watching Geralt doing side quests in the game. I had a great time reading it, and I look forward to reading Sword of Destiny next month.

“They weren’t lying. They firmly believed it all. Which doesn’t change the facts.”

Now, I will review the illustrated edition. Published by Orbit Books in US and Gollancz in the UK, I am more than fortunate enough to receive both US and UK editions of the book to make a comparison. But as far as the comparison between the two goes, the illustrated edition looks almost exactly the same. The new cover art by Tommy Arnold looks gorgeous, and the stunning hardcover edition featured a special naked hardcover appearance with a quote from the book. Both editions have a slight difference in the design of the naked hardcover, and the color on the cover art looks different as well; the US edition is red, the UK edition is maroon. Also, the US edition has a thinner paper than the UK edition, but the US edition is floppier than the UK edition.

Picture: The Last Wish Illustrated Edition by Tommy Arnold Plus the Naked Hardcover

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That’s pretty much where the differences between the two ended. In addition to the beautiful red and black hardcover, the illustrated edition also featured beautiful endpapers, AND the main course of it all, eight exquisite interior illustrations by a range of award-winning artists. The artists involved in this edition (in order of appearances for their work) are Tommy Arnold, Kiri Østergaard Leonard, Bruce Brenneise, Jeremy Wilson, Jen Bartel, Allen Williams, Martina Fačková, and Winona Nelson. I think every artist did a spectacular job for the story they got to do, but my favorites will have to be Tommy Arnold’s art on The Grain of Truth , Bruce Brenneise’s art on The Lesser Evil , and Martina Fačková’s art on The Last Wish .

Picture: The Last Wish by Martina Fackova

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How to Read the Witcher Books in Order (2024 Update)

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Blog – Posted on Wednesday, Dec 18

How to read the witcher books in order (2024 update).

How to Read the Witcher Books in Order (2024 Update)

Since the release of Netflix’s 2019 adaptation of The Witcher, everyone's been buzzing with the same age-old question: are the books better?

We're biased towards books ourselves, of course. But we'll let you decide for yourself — and we'll be here to help you the entire way with the best reading order for The Witcher books.

But first, for anyone new to the series, here's a quick refresher: the origins of The Witcher books actually go all the way back to the 1980s, when Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski entered a short story called The Witcher into a contest run by the magazine Fantastyka . Placing third, that entry spawned a collection of short stories that then inspired the publication of a five-novel series, the Witcher Saga — which then became an entire franchise.

The Witcher focuses on Geralt of Rivia, a man with supernatural abilities that enable him to fight beasts and monsters . The novels primarily revolve around his goal to protect Ciri, a young princess of a recently conquered country who has a great prophecy hanging over her head — but the series is also so much more than that. These are stories that hit hard , by turns sweeping you up in the adventure of slaying monsters, wringing you through the epic tragedy of war, and breaking your heart with the perfect redemption romance.

Here’s a quick look at the series in their recommended reading order, so that you know what you’re in for:

  • The Last Wish (2007)
  • Sword of Destiny (2015)
  • Blood of Elves (2008)
  • The Time of Contempt (2013)
  • Baptism of Fire (2014)
  • The Tower of Swallows (2016)
  • The Lady of the Lake (2017)
  • Seasons of Storms (2018)

Without further ado, let's dive in!

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1. The Last Wish

While it may be tempting to jump straight into the novels, you should really start here. This short story collection contains the roots of the Witcher books, and will provide you with background information and character details that will be important once you get into the full-length books.

The Last Wish contains seven stories. The first one serves as a framing device, showing an injured Geralt seeking shelter in a temple; as such, it’s actually broken up into smaller sections and scattered between all the other stories. The remaining six are memories that he flashes back to while recuperating, each one with its own narrative arc. Together, they allow us to really get to know Geralt in all his complexity. The stories are clever, epic, and daring — perfectly setting the stage for the novels to come.

2. Sword of Destiny

While the English edition of Sword of Destiny was published after the first few novels were released in English, the stories within actually take place before the events of the series. That’s why we’d recommend you pick up this one next.

Unlike the first collection, Sword of Destiny follows a much more straightforward timeline: we’re treated to six more amazing stories in roughly chronological order. Many of them provide context for major characters in the main Witcher Saga, including the introduction of Ciri. In fact, one of the stories serves as a direct prequel to Blood of Elves , showcasing events from shortly before that book begins. If you’re looking for a full picture of the Witcher storyline, this is a vital book to add to your list.

3. Blood of Elves

With Blood of Elves, the main saga begins in earnest. Blood of Elves is set about a year after the downfall of Ciri’s kingdom. This tragedy sets off a hunt for the missing princess, with factions on all sides vying to get their hands on her. Unfortunately for them, young princess Ciri has fallen under the protection of one of the most famous witchers alive.

Taken to safety to learn how to hone her skills, the rambunctious and headstrong Ciri wants nothing more than to follow in the footsteps of Geralt, the man she admires so much. But as her powers grow, Geralt is compelled to mend bridges with his long-lost love, Yennefer of Vengerburg, for help. Yennefer’s skills as a witch are exactly what Ciri needs to hone the power she’s destined to wield — but as Yennefer and Ciri’s bond grows, so too does the evil that seeks Ciri out.

After the breakneck pace of the short story collections, some readers might find this book a bit of a slow start — but don’t let that fool you. There is plenty of adventure to be found in Ciri’s struggle to grow up, and in the subsequent books, the payoff for all this setup will absolutely be rewarded.

4. The Time of Contempt

Time of Contempt picks up where Blood of Elves left off. Ciri and Yennefer set off for the city of Gors Velen. Yennefer hopes to enroll Ciri in a magical academy there — but of course, even the best-laid plans can go awry. Between an incident involving a Wyvern, Ciri’s own rebellious escapades, and a long-overdue reunion with Geralt, there’s more than enough for Yennefer to keep track of as she attempts to protect the wayward princess.

But the book is also much larger than that. Here, the pace of the series jumpstarts, as all the major plot threads in the rest of the series ignite. This huge book is a wild ride, with everything from spies and betrayals, to seductive sorceresses and unicorns, to the very real danger of a war erupting. It’s a story about vulnerability and control, about humility, about chaos breaking out across the world. The pacing leaves you breathless, unable to escape the need to find out what happens next.

5. Baptism of Fire

This is the midpoint of the series, and Geralt is certainly in the thick of things by now. In Baptism of Fire, war continues to rage on, and all sides are growing increasingly determined. In the aftermath of events from the previous book, Geralt is recovering from injuries — but how can a protector protect if he’s unable to fight?

Geralt’s determination drives much of this book, as he rallies and gathers allies in an effort to reach Ciri before the rumors of her impending marriage can come true. It’s a complex, nuanced book that explores what it means to be a “monster.” It tears old bonds apart as Ciri takes a turn down a darker path, and it throws Yennefer against terrible odds as she’s imprisoned and struggling to reunite with her family. The slow tension draws you along, never once allowing you to let your guard down.

6. The Tower of Swallows

Ciri returns to center stage in The Tower of Swallows. Everyone is hunting her, but she’s retreated into an anonymous life of banditry and killing... until fate intervenes, and her life is changed once again.

Much of Ciri’s recent story is told in recalled flashback, similar to the framing story of The Last Wish . Some of what she experiences at the hands of a chilling new villain may be difficult to read, but they’re important to understand the depths of her torment and the lengths she will later go to for exacting revenge.

Meanwhile, Yennefer and Geralt deal with situations on their own: she’s seeking out old allies in her quest to find Ciri, and he ends up seduced by someone he probably shouldn’t have allowed himself to fall for. The pacing here returns to the slower setup of a few of the previous novels, building for the payoff of the final book. But it’s still thoroughly engrossing, as Ciri processes her recent past and learns what she’ll need to in order to strike out at those who’ve caused her pain.

7. The Lady of the Lake

All good things must come to an end. For many authors, it’s a struggle to figure out how to write an ending to such an epic fantasy series, but Sapkowski is more than up to the task.

The Lady of the Lake finds Ciri trapped on an elven world, alone and cut off from the people she loves. But where others may fall into desperation, Ciri faces her challenge with the determination we’ve grown to expect from the former princess. Meanwhile, Geralt and Yennefer continue in their adventures as they search for the young woman they’ve grown to see as a daughter. Readers will ache to see if the “family” will ever be reunited and get the happy ending they so richly deserve.

We’re not going to say more for risk of spoiling the many surprises this concluding book takes. What we will say is that it’s loaded with cleverly plotted twists and turns, and features appearances by pretty much every character that’s been introduced so far. This book is a thrilling wrap-up to a beloved series.

8. Season of Storms

Although Season of Storms was one of the last Witcher books to be published, it actually takes place after most of the stories in the first collection, but before the novels.

So why did we list it last? Simple: although the timeline is earlier, it ties directly into a major conflict that takes place in the previous five novels. Reading it beforehand will be less interesting without the context — and it spoils several moments from the other books.

For those who have read the rest of the series, however, this standalone prequel will be a welcome dip back into the world of The Witcher , as we follow Geralt on a quest to regain his lost signature weapons. A satisfying dessert to follow the incredibly rich meal that was the rest of the Witcher books.

9. Bonus: The comics adaptations!

Last, in addition to the Netflix series and video game franchise, The Witcher has also been adapted into graphic novels. A couple of times, in fact! And while the earlier series have not been translated to English, Dark Horse Comics started a Witcher series in 2014 based on the storyline from the video games.

Written by Paul Tobin, with art by Joe Querio, this comic series has covered four different story arcs so far. They’re currently available in a trade pub bind up (as well as a single-volume collection of the first three arcs), and make the perfect addition if you finish the books and find yourself wishing to spend just a little more time in the Witcher universe.

The Witcher Volume 1: House of Glass

The Witcher Volume 2: Fox Children

The Witcher Volume 3: Curse of Crows

The Witcher Library Edition Volume 1

The Witcher Volume 4: Of Flesh and Flame

And there you have it — everything you need to know to dive into the rich and engrossing world of the Witcher books. Pick them up today, and you’ll be ready to laud your spoilery knowledge over all your friends as they wait for season two to drop on Netflix.

Can’t get enough fantasy stories? We’ve got you covered! Check out our list of the Best Fantasy Books of All Time , or find a new favorite with our guide to all the different Fantasy Subgenres .

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Have you binged all eight episodes of  The Witcher  on Netflix yet? If not, there's still time to stay ahead of the cultural touchstone the show is about to become. If you have seen the show and are confused, clarity is available in the books. If you want more details than the show already provided information is available, in the books. If your impatient and don't want to wait until the next season comes out to find out what happens to Geralt, Ciri, and Yennefer, there are the books.

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There are eight books, now all translated from Polish into English, available. Two of the books are short story collections following all your favorite characters, one is a standalone about Geralt, and five are the greater overarching story of Geralt and Ciri and their destiny. Reading the books in chronological order always makes the most sense (even if the show didn't really go in chronological order) but below we look at the books in order of their popularity from least loved to most adored.

Season of Storms - 3.95 Stars

Season of Storms  is the most recent  The Witcher  novel and, according to Goodread, the least beloved.  Season of Storms  is the least connected of the eight novels, being a standalone story all about Geralt and the loss of his weapons. Chronologically the novel is set sometime during the short story collection  The Last Wish (so about the same time as the first season of the show on  Netflix ), but its plot leaves it sitting off on a shelf by itself in a way none of the other books seem to. Part of  The Witcher 's popularity comes from how its sometimes disparate storylines later come together, and this book (while still popular) can't quite compete with its siblings.

Blood of Elves - 4.17 Stars

Blood of Elves is technically the third book in  The Witcher  series, but it is the first sort of saga novel, its two chronological predecessors being the short story collections (along with the new  Season of Storms ). It is very impressive that of eight books all but one in the series are rated at four stars or higher. This story is really where Geralt and Ciri's relationship actually takes off (so connected in its way to the first season of the Netflix show).

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It is well-loved though, obviously as an early book in the series, has to do a lot of heavy lifting in terms of setting up the story, which may explain its lower rating.

The Last Wish - 4.19 Stars

The Last Wish  may sound familiar to Netflix viewers as the short story for which this first collection is named does make up one of the most prominent episodes in season one (where Geralt and Yennefer first meet). If you are looking for some of the major source material for the first season of  The Witcher  on television, this is the book for you. One of the two short story collections in  The Witcher  series, this book is home not only to Geralt and Yennefer's first meeting, but also the season premiere episode in which viewers are introduced to Geralt as the Blaviken.

Lady of the Lake - 4.24 Stars

The Lady of the Lake  is the final book in  The Witcher  series by Andrzej Sapkowski, though it's the last book chronologically, which means there could still be other Geralt and Ciri stories to tell in other collections. Anyway, the grand finale of the sage comes in right in the middle of the list. It obviously means the ending to the long story is at least satisfactory to most, though not their favorite adventure overall. If you're a Ciri fan this book gives you the most Ciri screentime, no contest, so that's something to look forward to if you are planning to take on all of the books.

The Time of Contempt - 4.26 Stars

The Time of Contempt  i s the second book in the saga (so again, behind two short story collections as well as The Blood of Elves ). Having set up the world already it seems readers enjoy being able to slip right back into the war on the continent rather than having to learn about it as they go. This is where things get serious and scary (not that there wasn't action and chaos in  The Blood of Elves ). Here Geralt and Ciri really begin to understand how unstable the world around them really is and what being important to the fight might actually mean for them.

The Tower of Swallows - 4.32 Stars

The Tower of Swallows  again puts the reader right in the middle of the Geralt/Ciri story. War is real and spreading and (spoiler alert) Ciri has disappeared. She's not dead, but she's certainly not at Geralt's side, or even with Yennefer. Here the stories of the main trio once again diverge, though they desperately fight to find one another again. The Tower of Swallows  is the penultimate book in the saga series and, it seems, does such an excellent job setting up for the finale of the series that it is a more well-loved story.

Baptism of Fire - 4.34 Stars

Baptism of Fire  is the third novel in  The Witcher  saga stories: Blood of Elves, Time of Contempt, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of Swallows, and Lady of the Lake . That means it is the very center of the saga story and, apparently, the most popular of all five books. Again, Ciri and Geralt are separated, and rumor has it Ciri has finally been taken by Nilfgaard and resides in its court.

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Geralt will try and rescue her. She may be his destiny, but Ciri is also far from Geralt's only problem. These problems make  Baptism of Fire  all the more popular as a story.

Sword of Destiny - 4.35 Stars

Just squeaking by to take the top spot from  Baptism of Fire  is  Sword of Destiny,  the second of  The Witcher  short story collections, after  The Last Wish . This collection is actually where Ciri first appears (chronologically) in the pages of the series. The fall of the Kingdom of Cintra, as seen in season one of the Netflix show, appears in this collection.  The Sword of Destiny  may be a favorite because it does an excellent job setting up the wider world of  The Witcher  while also introducing characters and plot points that will play large roles in the greater saga to follow.

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Geralt (Henry Caill), Ciri (Freya Allan), and Yen (Anya Chalotra) in 'The Witcher' on Netflix.

All ‘The Witcher’ Books, Ranked Worst To Best

Image of Faith Katunga

I’m still salty about  Henry Cavill’s departure from  The Witcher . It’s hard to picture anyone else being the perfect Geralt of Rivia (sorry, Liam Hemsworth). Looking on the sunny side, when we jump back into the pages of  The Witcher  books, we can effortlessly conjure up the image of Cavill gallantly vanquishing those awful beasts. And for those who had the audacity to watch the TV adaptation before reading the books (myself included), I highly recommend embarking on the literary adventure, too. It’s like upgrading from a microwave dinner to a gourmet feast for your imagination. 

Author Andrzej Sapkowski meticulously shapes  the tale of Geralt of Rivia, a monster-slaying witcher  who trades his sword for some shiny coins, only to discover that life’s moral dilemmas are far more twisted than any creature he’s encountered. The stories hit home because they are more than just adventures in swordplay; they are perceptive explorations of the human (and non-human) psyche.  As impressive as all  The Witcher  novels are , some are unquestionably better than others. To determine which of these works deserves to be called “the best,” we’ve ranked them from worst to finest. 

8. Blood of Elves  ( The Witcher Saga Book 1)

Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski

Blood of Elves , the inaugural full-length novel in Andrzej Sapkowski’s enchanting  Witcher  series, steps out of the shadow of its short story predecessors with the grace of a cat and the occasional stumble of a newborn fawn. This book marks the transition from the episodic escapades of Geralt of Rivia, our beloved monster-slaying hero with a heart as golden as his eyes, to a more expansive narrative. 

In this installment, Sapkowski invites us to the illustrious halls of Kaer Morhen, where witchers are brewed stronger than their potions, and then sweeps us across the richly imagined Continent from the bustling streets of Oxenfurt to the enigmatic ruins of Shaerrawedd. Unfortunately, the pacing of  Blood of Elves  sometimes resembles a wagon navigating a cobblestone road—jarring yet determined. And yes, the ending might leave readers feeling like guests at a banquet where dessert was promised but not served. 

7. Season of Storms  ( The Witcher Saga Book 6)

Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski

Season of Storms  is a prequel that playfully gambols around the timeline. Here, we rendezvous with Geralt in his vibrant, younger years, when his silver hair had a few less battle-worn tangles. The familiar and the novel coexist in this book, which serves up a delicious medley of Witcher staples like corrupt mages, horrific encounters, and social commentary served over a bed of medieval fantasy. 

Still,  Season of Storms  saunters along its own winding path, meandering through lengthy dialogues that sometimes stretch like a lazy cat in the sun. Sapkowski’s penchant for, shall we say, an appreciative eye towards his female characters takes a front-row seat, at times eliciting an eye-roll or two. Though it may lack the deep connective roots that intertwine the other books,  Season of Storms  is a nice enough detour offering a glimpse into the untold chronicles of our favorite silver-haired Witcher.

6.  Baptism of Fire  ( The Witcher  Saga Book 3)

Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski

The third installment is where the plot thickens. Here, Geralt of Rivia embarks on a quest reminiscent of an epic road trip, minus the cheery sing-alongs but brimming with enough swordplay and sorcery to keep things lively. In this volume, Geralt, ever the reluctant hero, assembles a crew—a hansa, if you will— including a sharp-shooting archer, a philosopher vampire, and the ever-loquacious bard Dandelion. Together, they traverse the Continent, which is rife with political intrigue.

Sapkowski writes a story rich in character development and ideological debate. The conversations among Geralt’s crew are full of wit and wisdom, often diving into the deeper end of life’s pool. Yet, not all is smooth sailing;  Baptism of Fire , like a spirited steed, occasionally bucks and rears, particularly when it shifts to Ciri’s less compelling escapades with the Rats. 

5.  Sword of Destiny  ( The Witcher  Short Stories Book 2)

Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski

Sword of Destiny  is   the second scintillating string of short stories in Andrzej Sapkowski’s  Witcher  universe. Like a well-aged potion, this collection effectively combines the bizarre and the philosophical without letting go of its sense of humor. Here, Geralt of Rivia finds himself entangled in various twisted scenarios. Sapkowski writes tales ranging from dopplers in distress to melancholic mermaids, each story highlighting a more decadent backdrop to the Witcher’s world. 

Sword of Destiny  is less about slicing through beasts and more about dissecting the complexities of fate, love, and the often-blurry line between monsters and men. Here, the relationship between Geralt and Yennefer dances with the instability of a cyclone. Ciri’s destiny also entwines with that of our stoic hero in a turn of events that is as inevitable as a prophecy. 

4.  The Tower of Swallows  ( The Witcher  Saga Book 4)

The Tower of Swallows by Andrzej Sapkowski

The Tower of Swallows  takes a sharp turn into the darker corridors of the series, where the shadows are as deep as the lore and just as intriguing. Here, we find our protagonist, Geralt of Rivia, a knight not so much in shining armor as in weathered leather and sarcasm, continuing his search for Ciri, his protégé. 

The story revolves around Ciri’s ordeal, which is both terrifying and thrilling in equal measure. Her journey, hampered by meetings with the heartless mercenary Leo Bonhart, unfolds with a storm’s intensity. Amid everything, Geralt’s quest swirls like a river, sometimes strong, other times slow, replete with close encounters and near misses that leave the reader perched on the edge of their seat.

3.  The Last Wish  ( The Witcher  Short Stories Book 1)

The Last Wish- Introducing the Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski

With a fusion of the magical and the satirical, Andrzej Sapkowski’s  The Last Wish , his initial foray into the world of Geralt of Rivia, serves as an entrée to the magnificent banquet that is  The Witcher  series. This collection of short stories introduces us to our silver-haired, monster-hunting hero. 

Each story carries dark humor and moral complexity, all written in Sapkowski’s inimitable style. Within these pages, we see Geralt tangling with not just creatures of the night but also the often more perplexing intricacies of human (and inhuman) nature. The tales, from a morally ambiguous altercation with a Striga to the titular “Last Wish,” showcasing a budding, tumultuous romance with the enigmatic Yennefer, are as varied as the potions in Geralt’s kit. 

2.  The Time of Contempt  ( The Witcher  Saga Book 2)

The Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski

The story really starts to heat up in  The Time of Contempt , where tensions rise like steam from a dragon’s nostrils. In this installment, Geralt of Rivia must face terrible creatures, sorcery, and politics, a challenge that may be even greater than taking on a basilisk without his silver blade.  The Time of Contempt  is the series’ culminating novel, and its characters and plots go all out for the ball by engaging in a dangerous dance of intrigue and betrayal.

Sapkowski, like a master chef of storytelling, knows just how to spice up a tale. The Isle of Thanedd coup, a centerpiece of the novel, unfurls, revealing layers of conspiracy and shifting allegiances. Amid this, we witness the young Ciri, Geralt’s ward, stepping into her power, an arc as compelling as it is full of danger. It’s a book where every character, from sorcerers to kings, plays a high-stakes game, and Geralt, the reluctant participant, finds himself at the heart of the storm. 

1.  The Lady of the Lake  ( The Witcher  Saga Book 5)

The Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski

With all the magic of a climactic scene in a big play, Andrzej Sapkowski’s  The Lady of the Lake  shines as the crowning jewel of his Witcher saga. This installment is where the fates of Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri culminate. Ciri’s ability to navigate space and time takes center stage, and the journey is bursting with tales, from the serene Duchy of Toussaint to the climactic face-offs that fans have eagerly awaited. 

The Lady of the Lake  isn’t just an ending; it’s a culmination of myth, a convergence of paths long traveled. The resolution is as satisfying as a well-timed spell, tying up loose ends with the precision of a master witcher’s blade. Yet, in true Sapkowski fashion, it leaves room for pondering.

(featured image: Netflix)

Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington and Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton in Bridgerton season 3

The Witcher Books: Which Should You Read First


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The witcher fans get a sneak peak at liam hemsworth's geralt look (with a catch), the witcher 4 shouldn’t be afraid to take liberties with an iconic feature.

The Witcher mania is in full effect. Although the IP has been popular amongst video game fans for years now, Geralt of Rivia's popularity has reached new heights thanks to the Netflix adaptation. The Henry Cavill-led series has inspired memes, cover songs, and helped bring a ton of new and old players into the world of The Witcher 3 this winter.

As new and old fans become obsessed with Geralt, Yen, Ciri, and the rest of the crew; many people are interested in visiting the original source material for the first time. The Witcher was introduced in a series of novels and short stories by Andrzej Sapkowski before the games were created and many of the stories from the games and from the first season of the show are lifted directly out of those works. The cliffhangers at the end of season one also nicely setup a few stories from the source material that have only been hinted at so far.

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Unlike many other book series that follows an easy reading order, there are actually some options for where and when to jump into The Witcher's  written stories. Geralt was introduced in a series of short stories which are now available in novel form, so the book titles aren't as simple as The Witcher Vol. 1, The Witcher, Vol. 2, etc... With that in mind, there are still a handful of options that would be the best place for readers who are new to the series to start.

Before we go any further, here is our recommended reading order. This puts a book that is chronologically first (in universe) in the final spot, but it's best to read Season of Storms last or it will be very hard to follow anything that is happening.

Recommended Reading Order

The Last Wish (1993/2007; a reprint of The Witcher, released in 1990, with new material)

Sword of Destiny (1992/2015)

Blood of Elves (1994/2008)

Time of Contempt (1995/2013)

Baptism of Fire (1996/2014)

The Tower of Swallows (1997/2016)

The Lady of the Lake (1999/2017)

Season of Storms (2013/2018)

The Last Wish

The Last Wish is definitely the best place to begin reading about Geralt's adventures. The collection of short stories may seem like the second entry in the franchise, since the Sword of Destiny was released a year earlier, but story wise this is the much more logical jumping on point.

The collection, originally released in 1993, introduces many of the characters who will be primary players in the seven books to follow and also is the best crash course on the rules of this universe and its magic systems. Fans of both the games and the Netflix series may be excited about The Last Wish because it kicks off with a familiar adventure, as well. Get ready to see a slightly different take on that familiar Princess Striga story...

Geralt is a Witcher, a man whose magic powers, enhanced by long training and a mysterious elixir, have made him a brilliant fighter and a merciless assassin. Yet he is no ordinary murderer: his targets are the multifarious monsters and vile fiends that ravage the land and attack the innocent. But not everything monstrous-looking is evil and not everything fair is good...and in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth.

Functionally, The Last Wish ends up reading like an essential prequel to Sword of Destiny . The novel is fairly short and also has a great audiobook available through Audible. Readers will likely fly through this introductory adventure and be ready to jump right into Sword of Destiny .

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Sword of Destiny

Sword if Destiny is the second collection that readers will want to tackle before diving into the proper Witcher saga. This second novel (again, which was released first) is the other piece of the franchise stories that (so far) closely ties in with the direction that the show is heading.

This is a collection of short stories, following the adventures of the New York Times bestseller, The Last Wish. Join Geralt as he battles monsters, demons and prejudices alike...

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The Witcher Saga

After finishing The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny , readers can decide if they want to give deeper into the world of Geralt and his friends and enemies. The following novels are also a great read, but do take place roughly a decade before the in-game universe is meant to be established. The saga offers a ton of details about Geralt and Ciri's relationship , in addition to plenty of other stories about Yennefer, Triss, and the rest of the core cast of characters.

Fans ready for the next step can start the saga by picking up Blood of Elves ...

"For over a century, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves have lived together in relative peace. But times have changed, the uneasy peace is over, and now the races are fighting once again. The only good elf, it seems, is a dead elf. Geralt of Rivia, the cunning assassin known as the Witcher, has been waiting for the birth of a prophesied child. This child has the power to change the world -- for good, or for evil. As the threat of war hangs over the land and the child is hunted for her extraordinary powers, it will become Geralt's responsibility to protect them all. And the Witcher never accepts defeat."

The Witcher novels are incredibly popular and fans who enjoy either the Netflix series or the video games will likely enjoy diving into this closer look at Geralt's original adventures.

The Witcher  season two is scheduled to begin filming soon, so fans will likely learn more about what is next for Geralt and company in the near future. Be sure to check back for updates and, until then, don't forget to toss a coin to your Witcher.

The Witcher  television series can be streamed now on Netflix, and  The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt  can be played on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE:  Witcher and Mandalorian Crossover in 'Toss a Coin to Your Bounty Hunter' Image

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Geeks Under Grace

Geralt of Rivia

Author : Andrzej Sapkowski Publisher : Orbit Genre : Fantasy

It is no small secret among the staff in the video game department at Geeks Under Grace that I am incorrigible in my Witcher fandom. The  first game alerted me into the franchise’s universe despite its jank; the second game utterly enthralled me; the thir d   put to rest my vacillating when asked what is the greatest game of all time. As CD Projekt RED escalates its marketing for Cyberpunk 2077, so too have I scheduled my life in anticipation of its release. I invested 120 hours of blissful gameplay with Witcher 3, yet never played its two expansions, Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine, despite purchasing them, not wanting the excellence of the chronicles to end. Therefore, I decided to prolong my enjoyment by reading the Witcher novels first!

As usual with fans of fiction based upon a book series, they would claim the literature’s superiority. At the time that I learned of a Witcher novel series, they had yet to be translated from Polish to English. Still feeling the burn of reading through George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire (pun intended) with no conclusion to that series in the foreseeable future, I waited for the entirety of the Witcher saga to be translated before reading.  As of 2017, all seven of Andrzej Sapkowski’s books have been translated, and I have spent the second quarter of 2018 reading all but the newly-released Season of Storms . Thus, I am able to produce reviews in case there are others interested in reading these excellent manuscripts.

Content Warning

Readers sensitive to mature content should approach the literary Witcher series with caution equitable to how one would approach the video games. Whereas The Chronicles of Narnia is written with children in mind, the target audience for the Witcher series is adults. As each book in the series is over 300 pages, I will leave certain details undisclosed both intentionally and unintentionally; an exhaustive catalog of all content worth mentioning in every novel would warrant this guide extending to a full-page alone! To supplement potential gaps, I recommend reading the content guides of our reviews of   The Witcher ,  The  Witcher 2 ,  and  The Witcher 3   for additional insight concerning the mature nature of this franchise.

“Tell that to Hereward. No, not Hereward. Tell that to his wife, the noble Ermellia, adding that if she wants to continue receiving an uninterrupted supply of aphrodisiacs from my pharmacy, she’d better calm her duke down. Let her curb his humors and whims, which look ever more like symptoms of idiocy. ” (84)

Sexuality : “…with a light but decisive movement of her hips…”  The Last Wish opens with a sex scene within its first four pages.   Therefore, expect sex to be a topic far removed from taboo. It is so frequent, in fact, that every story includes a reference to sexuality, including incest (9), rape (60), one-night stands (2, 120), virgins “popping cherries” (185), and some casual, likely post-coital, nudity (257).  

And as far as bed is concerned, well…Pox on it, virtue is rarer today than a rock dragon” (66).

Language and Crude Humor : To the credit of Sapkowski, the language in this book adapts according to the audience and speaker. This means that at a king’s court, one is admonished for using coarse language. But among commoners, uncouthness is the common tongue.  The full gamut of four-letter bombs can be experienced here, though they are placed strategically through the narrative so as to tread into excessive vulgarity. E uphemisms are also popular. For example, one character says that “I became a man,” to describe his first sexual encounter, which is a rape. “Pox on it,” as quoted above, is a popular curse from the Middle Ages. Alcohol and Drug Use : Beer in the world of the unnamed continent is more plentiful than water on earth. Verily, I found myself googling how harmful diuretics could be, wondering if characters would perish from dehydration, for no one seems interested in any other beverage, with the exception of one who demands juice.  Geralt himself consumes special elixirs to enhances his combat abilities. Though I would consider neither combat enhancers nor the ancient medicinal techniques practiced in the temple of Melitele a content concern , they are nevertheless worth mentioning here. Spirituality : The world of the Witcher acknowledges pagan influences. Prominent here is the cult of  Melitele  (41), where “The Voice of Reason” takes place.  Phrases such as “by the gods!” are popular . Note that when a character says “god d—n it!” they are not referencing any of the trinitarian godhead, but pagan ones. Earthly religions are completely absent here; fatalism, in fact, is more popular, peddled in the form of a “destiny” motif. Still, despite Geralt’s devout atheism, Sapkowski provides this dialogue as a punchline:

     “Don’t you think” — he smiled — “that my lack of faith makes such a trance pointless?” “No. I don’t. And do you know why?” “No.” Nenneke leaned over and looked him in the eyes with a strange smile on her pale lips. “Because it would be the first proof I’ve ever heard of that a lack of faith has any kind of power at all.” (44)

This text was written before “mic drops” became a thing.

Violence : Usually, violence is the first category in our content warnings here at GUG, but I am listing it here because though it is pervasive in the text, it is positioned as a necessity for survival rather than a means to an end—the natural end result of the character and plot mechanisms deployed up to that moment. Of course, this runs alongside Geralt’s vocation to slay monsters to make a living, he also acknowledges that some monsters are actually human (132).  Expect descriptions of disembowelment, decapitations, and the like during finales as this is an adventure series. In the event that the blood is spilled, it will come in the form of a flood.

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Everyone agrees that the US covers of the Witcher saga suck, to put things plainly. Publishers thought it would be a good idea to generate hype for the literature by using imagery from the video games. For the GUG reviews, I will be using the artwork Alejandro Colucci curated for the editions published in the United Kingdom.

The Last Wish is the first of a long series of texts in the Witcher saga, a collection of seven short stories. The first, “The Voice of Reason,” functions as a Frame Story, whose chapters appear between each non-chronological short story as a lead-in. The first whole story, “The Witcher,” is the text that inspired the introductory cutscene to The Witcher video game. No other tale in the entire Witcher franchise is as cogent as this introduction of Geralt of Rivia as a deadly machine mutated via alchemy for the purpose of hunting monstrosities. As King Foltest accurately points out, he is capable of suppressing thuggery without lethal force (24), but he arguably does so as a demonstration of his lethal skill. Importantly, “The Witcher” reveals that Geralt is not invulnerable, and it is in fact, necessary that he heals faster than humans because frequent mortal injuries are an occupational hazard. 

“This talking has made me tired, Geralt. Briefly: there were two after Primula, Ilka, and Venimira. Everything happened in the same way, to the point of boredom. First, a mixture of fear and reserve, then a thread of sympathy they reinforced by small but precious gifts, then ‘Bite me, eat me up,’ Daddy’s return, a tender farewell and an increasingly discernible depletion of the treasury.” (65) 

The Last Wish returns to “The Voice of Reason” and Geralt during his stay at the Temple of Meli tele , where he recovers from his wounds from battling the striga in “The Witcher.” He debates with, or rather entertains a lecture from, head priestess Nenneke on the grounds that his lack of faith in anything is a weakness. This makes sense after reading “A Grain of Truth,” a story where Sapkowski showcases his mastery of hospitality, decorum, and good conversation, but not before exhibiting Geralt’s forensic skills which set him on the path to encounter a creature that is monstrous, but does not transgress his code as to what qualifies to be slain. This narrative reveals some limitations in Geralt’s abilities as a monster hunter and tops things off with a Disney-like ending.

X-Men fans will remember the Friends of Hu manity , and not for good reason. The Order of the White Rose is the Witcher saga’s equivalent, and two knights show up at the Temple of Melitele to give Geralt the boot from town in the next segment of “The Voice of Reason.” By this time, readers will have grown wise to the fact that Sapkowski likes to directly reference the titles to his stories; here Geralt explicitly requests that the knights listen to the voice of reason (83) and leave, but they only heed Nenneke’s threats. This frame story appropriately leads to “A Lesser Evil,” where Geralt is asked to choose between two evils: murder and murder. Geralt regretfully chooses murder; it is here where Geralt earns epic epithet, the Butcher of Blaviken, after where this story takes place.

“Evil is evil, Stregobor,” said the witcher seriously as he got up. “Lesser, greater, middling, it’s all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I am not a pious hermit. I haven’t done only good in my life. But if I’m to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer to not choose at all.” (104)

In the next “Voice of Reason” segment, Geralt decides to speak to Iola, the girl who seduces him in The Last Wish ’s introduction. While the entire book provides glimpses into Geralt and the lifestyle of a witcher, he lays things out plainly to the girl who has taken a vow of silence, particularly why he practices a code of neutrality in the matters of politics and everyday human life. This code is challenged in “A Question of Price,” the first short story in this collection that I found taxing to read. Admittedly, this might be attributed to the fact that the conflict here is resolved without violence even though Queen Calanthe of Cintra enlists Geralt as an enforcer to ensure that her daughter Pavetta chooses the correct suitor at a feast. Though this is my least favorite story in The Last Wish , it is arguably the most important in the entire Witcher saga, for it is here where Geralt evokes the Law of Surprise, where in six years he will return for a child who has yet to be born, setting in motion his perpetual struggle with destiny, a theme persistent all the way through even the Witcher games. I was only able to appreciate “A Question of Price” after several additional reads.

“I visited towns and fortresses. I looked for proclamations nailed to posts at the crossroads. I looked for the words ‘Witcher urgently needed.’ And then there’d be a sacred site, a dungeon, necropolis or ruins, forest ravine or grotto hidden in the mountains, full of bones and stinking carcasses. Some creature which lived to kill, out of hunger, for pleasure, or invoked by some sick will. A manticore, wyvern, fogler, aeschna, ilyocoris, chimera, leshy, vampire, ghoul, graveir, werewolf, giant scorpion, striga, black annis, kikimora, vypper…so many I’ve killed. There’d be a dance in the dark and a slash of the sword, and fear and distaste in the eyes of my employer afterward.” (133)

Sapkowski unleashes come comic relief through infamous poet and unfaltering  friend Dandelion in the next segment in the fifth chapter of “The Voice of Reason.” He appears coincidentally, as many encounters take place in the Witcher saga; here, however, Dandelion arrives to the chagrin of Nenneke, but to the delight of Geralt. Lifting the spirits of the latter, who had been wrestling with the existential crisis of being a sterile mutant who hunts monsters for a living where if there are fewer monsters, he has less work, and thus his existence becomes unnecessary if not terminal. They recall how they became friends, and traveled together to the Valley of Flowers, where “At the Edge of the World” takes place. In this misadventure, Geralt is recruited to discourage a trickster sylvan from dwelling near a hovel, but he and Dandelion end up in a situation where they suddenly find their very lives at the mercy of a certain race on the brink of extinction.

“Coodcoodak, on his knees, was strangling Draig BonDhu’s bagpipes with his hands, while, with his head thrown back, he shouted over the monstrous sounds emerging  from the bag, wailed and roared, cackled and croaked, bawled and squawked in a cacophony of sounds made by all known, unknown, domestic, wild, and mythical animals.” (171)

In the sixth chapter of “The Voice of Reason,” Geralt tries to leave the temple, but Nenneke calls his bluff and says that he need not try and avoid his lover, who had already visited earlier. She eventually asks how they met, which prompts the book’s titular short story, “The Last Wish.” This begins with another blunder where Dandelion and Geralt are fishing for lack of food and money—their everlasting poverty being a common theme. Rather than a fish, they catch a jar resembling an amphora, and within lives a djinn, who strikes down Dandelion and escapes after Geralt exclaims to it a certain “incantation.” Riding post-haste to the nearest town, Geralt demands to see the wizard living there so that he may heal his troubadour friend. The wizard turns out to be a sorceress named Yennefer of Vengerberg, who, after Geralt relays the story to her, formulates her own plans for the djinn. Things get out of hand, necessitating an unconventional solution, but one that will have a lasting impact throughout the Witcher saga.

“She leaned over him, touched him. He felt her hair, smelling of lilac and gooseberries, brush his face and he suddenly knew that he’d never forget that scent, that soft touch, knew that he’d never be able to compare it to any other scent or touch.” (306)

The Last Wish concludes with the seventh and final chapter of “A Voice of Reason.” As Geralt prepares to leave the temple, the knights of the Order of the White Rose await him, with the offended knight prepared for a duel. The caveat is that if Geralt defeats him, he will be arrested; if he refused the duel, he will be hanged. Well, this short story collection has by now taught the reader that conflict resolution in the Witcher series is often not what one will expect, and things are no different here. I will confess that The Last Wish is my second-favorite text in the Witcher saga, but important to potential readers is how it molds its world filled with towns, kings, and even metaphysical properties that the priest Neville reluctantly but pridefully denotes in The Last Wish . Sapkowski avoids overburdening the reader with his worldbuilding; he devotes a whole chapter to Cintra while barely mentioning is geographical position compared to other important places in the northern kingdoms such as Vizima, Temeria, or Skellige, but there is enough to establish that these are important places to keep in mind for later texts.

There are no throw-away characters to be found in this book. Fans of the video games will recall Dandelion and Yennefer, of course. But even the members of Shrike’s band in “The Lesser Evil” can be remembered for their joke about Geralt’s maternity. Characters who play bigger roles, such as Neville or Nivellen, contribute substantially in ways that one will be able to recall for years. The parallel Sapkowski draws between the Aen Seidhe and Native Americans could hardly be more poignant.

I wish to remain objective in all media I consume—digital, or in this case, hard copy. However, it is nigh impossible to not descend completely into “fanboy mode” over this outstanding collection of short stories. Mark my words: by the time the  Witcher series on HBO is done filming, Sapkowski will be a household name like C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, or George R. R. Martin, and J. K. Rowling. The shows (plural because The Hexer was once a thing), the games, and everything else, however, all begins here with The Last Wish .

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Stay tuned for further reviews of our adventures with Geralt of Rivia.

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The Bottom Line

Maurice pogue.

I’m wondering how you reconcile the sexual aspect of this book with your faith. Doesn’t reading it cause you to think sinful thoughts? In the games you can just skip over the nudity and don’t have easy access to it, with a book it’s always there. Just wanted to know how you’re able to read it as a Christian.

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Are The Witcher Books Good? A Comprehensive Review

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Are the Witcher books good? This is a question that has been asked by many fans of the popular series, especially since the release of the Netflix adaptation in 2019. The Witcher books were written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski and have been translated into several languages. They follow the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter known as a witcher, as he navigates a world filled with political intrigue, magic, and danger.

The Witcher books have gained a cult following over the years, with many fans praising Sapkowski’s writing style, world-building, and character development. However, some readers have criticized the books for their pacing, structure, and sometimes convoluted plotlines. So, are the Witcher books good? The answer is not a simple one, as it depends on your personal preferences and what you’re looking for in a book series. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Witcher books and their impact on popular culture, as well as some of the key differences between the books and the Netflix series.

Key Takeaways

  • The Witcher books have gained a cult following over the years, with many fans praising Sapkowski’s writing style, world-building, and character development.
  • Some readers have criticized the books for their pacing, structure, and sometimes convoluted plotlines.
  • Whether or not the Witcher books are good is subjective and depends on personal preferences, but they are worth checking out if you’re a fantasy fan and enjoy complex, character-driven stories.

Overview of The Witcher Books

If you are a fan of fantasy novels, you may have heard of the popular book series The Witcher , written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. The series follows the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter known as a witcher who travels through a world filled with magic, elves, and monsters.

The Witcher series consists of eight books, including two collections of short stories and six novels. The first book, The Last Wish , is a collection of short stories that introduce the main character, Geralt of Rivia, and his world. The second collection of short stories, Sword of Destiny , delves deeper into Geralt’s relationships with the sorceress Yennefer and the young princess Ciri.

The six novels in the series, Blood of Elves , Time of Contempt , Baptism of Fire , The Tower of Swallows , T he Lady of the Lake , and Season of Storms , continue Geralt’s journey as he protects Ciri, who is believed to be the key to the world’s destiny.

The Witcher books are known for their complex characters, intricate world-building, and morally ambiguous themes. The series explores topics such as family, destiny, and the consequences of one’s actions. The books also contain a diverse cast of characters, including sorceresses, knights, and elves, each with their own unique backstory and motivations.

If you are interested in reading The Witcher books, starting with The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny is recommended, as they provide a foundation for the rest of the series. However, the books can be read in chronological order as well.

Overall, The Witcher books offer a captivating and immersive reading experience for fans of fantasy novels. The series has also inspired a popular video game franchise and a Netflix television series.

The Witcher Books and Their Impact

If you’re wondering whether The Witcher books are worth reading, you might be interested in their impact on popular culture. Written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher series has become a cultural phenomenon, inspiring video games, a Netflix adaptation, and graphic novels published by Dark Horse Comics.

The books are set in a fantasy universe and follow the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter with supernatural powers. The series begins with two short story collections, The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny , which introduce Geralt and his world. The following novels, starting with Blood of Elves , focus on Geralt’s quest to protect Ciri, a young princess with a prophecy hanging over her head.

One of the strengths of the series is its characters. Geralt is a complex and flawed hero, and the supporting cast includes memorable figures like Yennefer, a powerful sorceress, and Ciri, a fierce and determined young woman. The books also explore themes like love, morality, and destiny, making them more than just straightforward adventure stories.

The success of The Witcher books has led to a wider appreciation of Polish fantasy literature, and the series has been translated into numerous languages. The books have also had a significant impact on the video game industry, with CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt becoming one of the most acclaimed games of all time.

Overall, The Witcher books are a must-read for fans of fantasy fiction. They offer a rich and detailed world full of memorable characters, and their impact on popular culture cannot be overstated. Whether you’re a fan of the video games or the Netflix series, reading the books will give you a deeper appreciation for the world of The Witcher.

Character Analysis in The Witcher Books

The characters in The Witcher books are complex and multi-dimensional, which is one of the reasons why they are so beloved by readers. Here are some of the key characters in the series and what makes them unique:

Geralt is the titular character of the series, a Witcher who is known for his white hair and yellow eyes. He is a skilled fighter and monster hunter, but he is also a deeply introspective character who often questions his own actions and beliefs. Geralt is a man of few words, but his actions speak volumes. He is often torn between his duty as a Witcher and his desire to do what is right.

Yennefer is a powerful sorceress who is also Geralt’s love interest. She is a complex character who is often seen as cold and calculating but who also has a vulnerable side. Yennefer is fiercely independent and is not afraid to stand up for herself or others. She is also a master of manipulation, which sometimes puts her at odds with Geralt.

Ciri is a young princess who is also a key player in the series. She is a strong-willed character who is not afraid to speak her mind. Ciri is also a skilled fighter and has been trained in the ways of the Witcher. She has a close relationship with Geralt, who sees her as a surrogate daughter.

Dandelion (Jaskier)

Dandelion, also known as Jaskier, is a bard who is often seen as comic relief in the series. He is a flamboyant character who loves to sing and tell stories. Dandelion is also a loyal friend to Geralt and often accompanies him on his adventures.

Family is a major theme in The Witcher books, and many of the characters have complex relationships with their families. Geralt, for example, was taken from his family at a young age to become a Witcher. Ciri is also separated from her family and is forced to navigate a dangerous world on her own.

Overall, the characters in The Witcher books are well-developed and multi-dimensional. They each have their own unique personalities and motivations, which makes for a compelling read.

The Witcher Books vs. The Witcher Series

If you’re a fan of The Witcher, you may be wondering how the books compare to the Netflix series. While the show is based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski, there are some key differences between the two.

Geralt of Rivia

The main character, Geralt of Rivia, is fairly consistent between the books and the series. However, there are some notable differences. In the books, Geralt is portrayed as more of a lone wolf, while in the series he has a close relationship with both Yennefer and Ciri. Additionally, Geralt’s backstory is explored more in the books, particularly his time at Kaer Morhen.

Yennefer and Ciri

Yennefer and Ciri are both major characters in both the books and the series, but their stories differ somewhat. In the books, Yennefer is portrayed as more ruthless and ambitious, while in the series she is more vulnerable and emotional. Ciri’s story is also somewhat different between the two. In the books, she spends more time with the dryads in Brokilon Forest, while in the series she is taken in by a group of bandits.

The Witcher series has also spawned a successful video game franchise, and the games have had an impact on both the books and the series. For example, the design of Geralt’s armor in the series is based on the armor from the games. Additionally, some of the characters from the games, such as Triss Merigold, have a larger role in the series than they do in the books.

The Netflix Adaptation

Overall, the Netflix adaptation of The Witcher is fairly faithful to the books, but there are some differences. Some of these differences are due to the limitations of the medium – for example, the books can explore Geralt’s internal monologue in a way that the series cannot. Additionally, the series has made some changes to the timeline of events in the books.

The Witcher Season 2

The second season of The Witcher has been highly anticipated, and fans of the books are eager to see how the series will adapt the events of the books. While it’s likely that there will be some differences between the two, fans can rest assured that the series will remain true to the spirit of the books.

In conclusion, while there are some differences between the books and the series, both are excellent in their own right. If you’re a fan of The Witcher, you owe it to yourself to check out both the books and the series.

The Witcher Books and Video Games

If you are a fan of The Witcher, you may have wondered which is better – the books or the video games? The answer is not straightforward, as both have their own unique strengths and weaknesses.

The Witcher series began as a collection of short stories by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, which were later compiled into novels. The books follow the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, a skilled monster hunter known as a Witcher, as he navigates political intrigue and battles supernatural creatures. The books are known for their complex characters, mature themes, and detailed world-building.

CD Projekt Red, a Polish video game developer, adapted the books into a series of critically acclaimed video games, including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . The games follow Geralt as he completes quests, battles monsters, and makes choices that affect the game’s story and ending. The games are praised for their immersive world, engaging story, and memorable characters.

While the books and video games share many similarities, there are also significant differences between the two. The books offer a more in-depth exploration of Geralt’s character and the world he inhabits, while the video games offer a more interactive and immersive experience.

One of the main differences between the two is the level of player choice. While the books offer a fixed narrative, the video games allow players to make choices that affect the story and ending. This means that players can experience different outcomes based on their decisions, which adds to the replay value of the games.

Another difference is the pacing of the story. The books are slower-paced and more focused on character development and world-building, while the video games are more action-packed and focused on completing quests and battling monsters.

Overall, whether you prefer the books or the video games will depend on your personal preferences. If you enjoy immersive worlds and player choice, the video games may be more your style. If you prefer character development and detailed world-building, the books may be more up your alley.

Reading Order of The Witcher Books

If you’re looking to read the Witcher books, it’s important to know the correct reading order. The books were originally written in Polish, but have since been translated into many languages, including English. Here are the books in the order they should be read:

  • The Last Wish : This is a collection of short stories that introduce the world of the Witcher and its characters. It’s recommended to start here to get a good understanding of the world and its inhabitants before diving into the novels.
  • Sword of Destiny : This is also a collection of short stories that continue to introduce the world and characters of the Witcher. It’s recommended to read this book after The Last Wish.
  • Blood of Elves : This is the first full-length novel in the series and continues the story of Geralt of Rivia, the main character. It’s recommended to read this book after the two short story collections.
  • Time of Contempt : This is the second full-length novel in the series and continues the story of Geralt and his companions. It’s recommended to read this book after Blood of Elves.
  • Baptism of Fire : This is the third full-length novel in the series and continues the story of Geralt and his companions as they navigate a war-torn world. It’s recommended to read this book after Time of Contempt.
  • The Tower of the Swallow : This is the fourth full-length novel in the series and continues the story of Geralt and his companions as they face new challenges and enemies. It’s recommended to read this book after Baptism of Fire.
  • The Lady of the Lake : This is the final full-length novel in the series and concludes the story of Geralt and his companions. It’s recommended to read this book after The Tower of the Swallow.
  • Season of Storms : This is a standalone novel set between the short story collections and the first full-length novel. It’s recommended to read this book after The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny.

It’s important to note that while it’s recommended to read the books in this order, it’s not necessary to strictly follow it. Some readers prefer to read the books in chronological order, starting with Season of Storms and then moving on to the rest of the series. However, this can be confusing as the events of Season of Storms take place before The Last Wish .

Overall, it’s up to you to decide which reading order works best for you. Just make sure to read The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny before diving into the full-length novels to get the full experience of the world of the Witcher.

In conclusion, the Witcher books by Andrzej Sapkowski are a must-read for fans of fantasy literature. With its richly developed world, complex characters, and enthralling narratives, the Witcher saga has gained a dedicated following.

While some readers may find the books challenging due to their nonlinear structure and complex plotlines, the payoff is well worth it. The Witcher books offer a unique and immersive reading experience that will keep you engaged from beginning to end.

Moreover, the books offer a different perspective on the characters and the world of the Witcher than the popular TV series and video games. The books delve deeper into the history and mythology of the world, providing a richer and more nuanced understanding of the characters and their motivations.

Overall, if you are a fan of the Witcher franchise, or just looking for a new fantasy series to dive into, we highly recommend giving the Witcher books a chance. With their intricate world-building, complex characters, and gripping storylines, they are sure to provide hours of entertainment and leave you eager for more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the reading order for the witcher books.

The Witcher books should be read in the following order:

  • The Last Wish
  • Sword of Destiny
  • Blood of Elves
  • Time of Contempt
  • Baptism of Fire
  • The Tower of Swallows
  • Lady of the Lake

Do The Witcher books improve as the series goes on?

Many readers believe that The Witcher books get better as the series goes on. The first two books are collections of short stories, while the rest of the series is a continuous narrative. Some readers may find the short story format less engaging than the novels, but the series as a whole is highly regarded.

Are The Witcher books available in English?

Yes, all of The Witcher books have been translated into English. They were originally written in Polish by Andrzej Sapkowski.

Are The Witcher books appropriate for all ages?

The Witcher books are not appropriate for all ages. They contain violence, sexual content, and mature themes. They are intended for a mature audience.

Have all The Witcher books been published?

Yes, all of The Witcher books have been published. The series consists of eight books in total, including seven novels and a collection of short stories.

Why are The Witcher books so popular?

The Witcher books are popular for a variety of reasons. They feature complex characters, intricate world-building, and a unique take on traditional fantasy tropes. The series has also gained a wider audience thanks to the success of the video games and the Netflix adaptation.

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Victoria Cornell

Victoria Cornell helps women adopt a positive mindset even when the struggles of motherhood feel overwhelming. On her sites, Motherhood Life Balance, Neon Moon and Bookworm Era she writes about ways to reduce stress with mindset, manifesting, goal planning, productivity, and more.

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The Cosmic Circus

The Witcher Book Review: ‘The Last Wish’ by Andrzej Sapkowski

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In a world where fairy tales are born and monsters are real, lives a man who denies the first and kills the second. His name is Geralt and he is a witcher. From childhood he has been raised with one purpose: to destroy monsters at every turn. But just because something looks like a monster doesn’t make it evil, and appearing to be good is no guarantee of kindness. It’s up to Geralt to determine what is right or wrong and protect the world from the real monsters. Meet this last great warrior in Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Last Wish (Translated into English by Danusia Stok ).

[ Warning : My review of The Last Wish contains some spoilers !]

The beginning of the witcher’s tale

Witchers are taken from their families at a young age and trained to be ruthless assassins. They are subjected to horrible magical and medicinal transformations to make them into the perfect killing machines. Few candidates (the safe way of saying children) make it through the trials alive to become witchers.

Of those that have made it, none have undergone as many mutations as Geralt of Rivia (played by Henry Cavill in Netflix’s The Witcher series). He executes his work with amazing grace and skill. Songs are sung about him throughout the land. 

Yet most of the time he is alone. Most people are afraid of witchers. Not only are they highly skilled fighters but the many trials they go through also rob them of their emotions. This is supposed to make them better warriors. But something went wrong with Geralt. He claims to have no emotions, and he doesn’t seem to have quite the responses that most humans have, but there is no denying that he does have some feelings and attachments.

the witcher geralt and ciri

The Last Wish shows attachments aren’t weaknesses

One of these attachments is to his friend Dandelion. Dandelion is a wandering troubadour. He and Geralt have many chance meetings during their travels. And whenever they meet up they travel together for a while. Dandelion helps to bring some humanity to Geralt, and mischief. Geralt always seems to end up in some kind of trouble when Dandelion is around. Sometimes it is the poet’s fault and sometimes he just seems to attract trouble.

Geralt’s other attachment is to Yennifer (yes with a Y). Yennifer is a sorceress. Like Geralt, she underwent numerous magical changes to become what she is. Those changes left deep scars that can’t be seen. But Geralt sees them. And he falls in love with her, although he denies even being able to feel love. Their weird on-again off-again romance is heartbreaking. Both are so afraid that they aren’t enough and that they can’t really be happy that they sabotage their own best chance at happiness before they can really even get started.

A different style for this Andrzej Sapkowski novel

The Last Wish isn’t your normal adventure book with one large exciting story tying the chapters together. It’s more of an anthology or even just an accounting of Geralt’s life. There is no overarching goal that Geralt is trying to achieve. No big adventure, war, treasure hunt, or promise to fulfill. Even the title doesn’t come in until the last story, and it is only related to that one story.

It’s also interesting to me that each story didn’t fit neatly into one chapter. Some stories had multiple chapters, some stories shared chapters. It was almost more of a journal but presented as a normal, third-person narrator novel. 

The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski

What it really reminded me of is a monster-of-the-day television show. Fans of early Supernatural seasons or X-Files will enjoy and appreciate the format. I actually enjoyed the lack of a higher purpose. I’ve always wondered something about heroes that have big adventures: what do they do when it’s over? I mean you save the world and then what? I felt like The Last Wish gave me a glimpse of the answer. They just keep going. 

Now Geralt doesn’t save the world (that’s the point I was making a couple of sentences ago) but he does have some really harrowing battles. And he just gets up the next day and goes to the next village and does it all over again. This made him seem more real because The Last Wish was just his daily grind. He wasn’t someone fantastic who did something incredible and then disappeared. He was there day in and day out just working to make things better when he was. It was a really different approach to the hero genre and I really enjoyed the change.

Multiple media forms try to tell Geralt of Rivia’s tale

Geralt’s exploits as a witcher are so exciting that one form of media just wasn’t enough for them. The Witcher has been transformed into a video game and a Netflix series of the same name. The first season of The Witcher was based on The Last Wish and Sapkowski’s second book Sword of Destiny (that review is coming soon). The second season was based on The Blood of Elves. The newest season, coming out June 29th and July 27th will be based on Time of Contempt. And hypothetically the fourth season will be based on Baptism by Fire when it is released. The video game is set in the future after the books and is its own story.

Now all these adaptations are fine. Plenty of people like them (I enjoyed the Netflix series). But for me, the best form will always be the books. The detail is so much richer and the internal thoughts are just too difficult to translate to the screen. So if you already have experience with The Witcher  through these other outlets, I highly recommend checking out the source material. 

The Last Wish has a bunch of exciting mini-adventures. Part of what made the book so fun to read was the number of fairy tales that Sapkowski weaves into Geralt’s exploits. I have always loved fairy tales so seeing Sapkowski’s twists on these stories made my day. As he says “in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth” and it was fun to see the “truth”. 

My Rating: 8/10

The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski (Translated into English by Danusia Stok )   is available now!  Will you be checking this novel out? Let us know on Twitter or in The Cosmic Circus Discord.

Review: The Witcher: Blood Origin

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Luna Gauthier

I've always been a bookworm and fantasy is my favortie genre. I never imagined (okay, I imagined but I didn't think) that I could get those books sent to me for just my opinion. Now I am a very happy bookworm! @Lunagauthier19 on Twitter

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Book Review: The Witcher - an engaging fantasy series

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Andrzej Sapkowski’s The Witcher series is coming to Netflix starring Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia, so now is the time to get caught up with the books.

The Witcher’s world is a collision of ancient European history and a fantasy world filled with monsters and magic. Literally so, humans have somehow crossed into the magical world and have to contend with beasts and magic all rooted in eastern European myth.  Our hero, Geralt of Rivia, is the product of this collision.  A ritual performed on select young men mutates them and gives them special magical abilities.  These men are called “witchers”, and their job is to battle creatures and protect those who need protecting, but only if they can pay.  They are a sort of mercenaries, shunned and reviled by the same communities that hire them for protection, a sort of necessary evil.

Blood of Elves  is the first full-length novel and comes after the lead character, Geralt of Rivia, has already been established in a previous series of short stories. Those stories are a great setup for an epic like Game of Thrones, but really reveals itself to be a much smaller and more personal story. This isn’t an action story despite being filled with magic and grand conflicts. The appeal really lies in the characters themselves. Geralt is a pragmatic man, a mercenary who tries not to get too involved in other people’s trouble.  Ciri is young girl stuggling to cope with a life thrown into chaos when her parents are killed and falls into the care of an unprepared Geralt.  She’s young but shows potential to be a major disruptive force, both magically and politically. 

Blood of Elves  has two action scenes in its 400-page run.  Everything else is conversation.  The writing, the characters, and the translation all make it worth while.  This is a deep, complicated world, but its story is told by the individuals and the setting as much as any action that does or doesn’t happen in it.   

Andrzej Sapkowski’s Witcher series was well-established in his native Poland when a Polish video game company created a game to follow up on the novels.  The game’s popularity propelled the series to great heights with 2015’s The Witcher 3, a gaming masterpiece.  But make no mistake, the books came first and deserve their acclaim in their own right. 

Steven McCreedy is a library technician at the Cambie Branch of the Richmond Public Library

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7 Great Reasons to Read the Witcher (Best Book Ever?)

The Witcher Saga by Andrzej Sapkowski has been one of the best selling books out there to this date.

With the Netflix and game adaption, it has been of the most popular topics in recent years.

The question is, is it worth to read the Witcher?

It’s definitely worth to read “the Witcher”. The plot is interesting, the book is easy to read and it conveys universal values.

What's Included in This Post

Is it worth reading the Witcher?

Yes, the novels’ story is a very quest journey based on complicated and exciting plot lines.

Many reviews back up the answer sharing their thrilling experience when reading the Witcher’s saga.

To give you a quick backstory, the Witcher are humans who underwent mutations and rough training when they were children; they overcame the pain to unlock superhuman abilities that can be used to hunt monsters.

The witcher saga follows Geralt of Rivia a Witcher and his ward Ciri who is also trained to be a witcher. Siri is the heir to the throne of Sintra which the Nilfgaardian Empire has recently taken over.

The Northern kingdoms and the Nilfgaardian Empire both want Ciri for their political gains. Luckily with the help of our main protagonist Geralt, sorceress Yennefer, as well as many other fantastic secondary characters will do anything possible to keep Ciri out of their clutches.

7 great reasons to read The Witcher

The main characters and their motivations.

The Witcher books are full of great characters, take Geralt, for example.

Geralt being one of the main characters he has so much philosophy in his personality, his moral compass is always present, making him a character you can look up to.

All of the characters are complex and have their own backstories and motivations, which drive them and make them behave the way they do.

Many of these characters are conflicted either internally or externally, but all for good reasons, in ways that don’t make them pathetic or overly broody.

The fantastic writing of the female characters

The female characters in Sapkowski books are fantastic, which is rare to see in fantasy books, especially from male authors.

Usually, female characters in fantasy stories are portraits as either angry personalities that want to kill everything or love interests which helps the main character form decisions.

However, the female characters play a significant role in Sapkowski’s books . Yennifer is a sorceress love interest that Geralt has had in a long time; she’s an incredibly developed badass character with emotions.

For Ciri, the reader gets the chance to see Ciri grow up and trained to be a Witcher. Ciri becomes involved in the novel’s political plots, which gets Geralt involved, this modifies Geralt’s personality; usually, he would be natural to political not wanting to be on anyone’s side.

Ciri drives the plot forward more than Geralt does.

There are so many relationships in this book, from romantic to parental relationships. All of them are very integrate and very well thought-out. The relationships between our main cast of characters are full of quarrels and imperfections, which makes them humans.

The LGBT representation

There’s an LGBT representation in The Witcher, which you don’t see much in fantasy books.

There’s a bisexual female character, although the relationship she enters is slightly sketchy; nonetheless, I’m proud The Witcher has an LGBT representation.

The fantastic build-up of the world

The world is fantastic; it has many European folklore influences, the world is also very dark, and the map is massive, which you can explore within each book in the series.

The world also has a lot of islands, forests and wilderness. The many places in this huge land are made for the reader to explore freely.

Destiny also plays a big part in this universe, seeming some sort of outer force governing everything around the world. There’s no real way to escape it, even if our characters still try to. Different bounds of destiny make the characters even more enjoyable.

Netflix and games adaptations

Netflix and games are an adaptation of the book series.

Everything mentioned in the series and the games are much more revealed and informative in the books, from the characters’ point of view to the more in-depth understanding of the political schemes that exist between the kingdoms.

The book also seems more gut-wrenching than the adaptations, throwing some eerie vibes of what’s going on with our characters.

The books build suspense and informs the readers

Political schemes within the world are easier to understand. The game series lacks in showing the gamer what’s going on in the political stage of The Witcher, it’s very unclear, and most gamers were left in doubt.

The books do an excellent job informing the reader of the political schemes, from showing the turmoils between Novigrad, Temeria and Cintra to the society that non-human races faces.

Everything is expanded within the books, going to great lengths of ensuring that the reader understands each information given.

How Andrzej Sapkowski is an excellent writer

The books are excellent. From the references to folklore, the battles and the characters, the book includes multiple layers that are suspenseful, gut-wrenching, inspiring and loveable.

Everything is explained immensely well, and the best bit is that the story is finished. If the adaptations don’t explain or inform the most crucial points in the plotline, the novels do, any questions you might ask you can always read the books to find out.

Should you play the game or read the books first?

It’s suggested that you read the books; first, the reason for this is that Witcher 3 reveals significant plot points relatively quickly within the game.

These plot points are withheld from the reader throughout the book series and not revealed until the final book Lady Of The Lake, showing these plot points relatively quickly removes any suspense from the story.

How long will it take to read the Witcher?

Depending on how fast you read, roughly it will take you to read The Last Wish in 12 days, Sword Of Destiny, 13 days, Blood Of Elves 11 days, Time Of Concept 11 days, Baptism Of Fire 13 days, The Tower of Swallows 15 days and The Lady Of The Lake 18 days.

Is the Witcher an easy read?

It’s relatively easy to pick up the tone in the Witcher books, the dialogue being modern.

Although there’s some information that readers might find challenging to gather, a few words need to be translated due to authenticity. Still, overall The Witcher can be recommended to any book lovers out there.

In what order should you read the Witcher?

The first book in the series is The Last Wish ; this book is a short story anthology that you should read first before reading the novels. The Last Wish is a perfect introduction to Geralt, the world and how the Witcher concept functions. This book is highly recommended to read first.

The second book in the series is The Sword Of Destiny, a short story anthology collection. The Sword Of Destiny has a great story that introduces Ciri, one of the main characters alongside Geralt.

The third book is The Blood of Elves . The novel sprawls into the state of the world and politics, while interesting is slightly overdone, there’s not enough tension. Geralt in this book is moving Ciri from various refuges, trying to protect her no matter what cost. In this novel, you get to meet new great characters, and you get to see Geralt in action.

The fourth book is the Time Of Contempt, which picks up after Blood Of Elves’ end. This novel centres around the beginning of the Geralt and Ciri, which gets quite dark. The development of the main characters are hard to see, and this book gives a tone for the characters future choices. Geralt goes through a lot in this book, although he has less of a storyline than Ciri. Ciri’s character is excellent in this book, a lot of character use Ciri, but with the help of Geralt, Ciri is a badass.

The fifth book Baptims Of fire , Geralt, has the main storyline in this book. Unaware of Ciri’s location Geralt sets out to rescue Ciri. This novel is dark and complex, with lots of violence and chaos.

The sixth book is The Tower Of The Swallow . This book begins with Ciri and her recovery from being very close to death. Much has happened to Ciri and Geralt in this book, and the overall structure is impressive.

The Lady Of The Lake is the last book of The Witcher saga. This novel is focused on bringing conflicts, battles, schemes and confrontations to and end. There are plot twists in this novel with explained prophecies, showing the reader the consequences of the political scheming.

Is the Witcher the best book ever?

The Witcher delivers an epic fantasy, full of romance, quests and intricate plot lines. I can’t say it’s the best book ever written, but it’s one of the top 10’s. Andrzej Sapkowski is a fantastic author, and I would recommend The Witcher for any book, game or series lover out there.

These novels have layers of political schemes, epic characters, Slavic Folklore, great battles and suspenseful plot lines. Each layer is created with unique elements that pull the reader in to continue reading.

At the end of the day, you should read what intrigues you and I can definitely say The Witcher does just that.

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Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota speaking at a lectern in front of a large American flag.

By Chris Cameron

  • May 7, 2024

In one sense, Kristi Noem has had a wildly successful rollout of her new book: America can’t stop talking about it.

But all the chatter is not for the reasons Ms. Noem, the conservative governor of South Dakota, might have expected when she finished “No Going Back,” a memoir that recounts her political career. The book appears aimed at raising her profile as a MAGA loyalist while former President Donald J. Trump weighs his choices for running mate . Just a month ago, Ms. Noem had been widely seen as a contender.

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Ms. Noem’s account of her time in office — first as South Dakota’s sole House representative and then as governor — includes many stories that broadly criticize Republicans for their electoral failures, while also targeting figures who have drawn the ire of Mr. Trump.

She describes a phone conversation she had with Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor who dropped out of the Republican presidential primary race in March, claiming that Ms. Haley had threatened her because they were both prominent Republican women. Chaney Denton, a spokeswoman for Ms. Haley, has said Ms. Noem’s account of the conversation was inaccurate, and “just plain weird.”

Ms. Noem also blames Ronna McDaniel, the former chairwoman of the Republican National Committee , for the poor performance of Republican candidates in the 2022 midterms, and criticizes her for not supporting Mr. Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen — though Ms. Noem herself writes in that section that “Trump lost in 2020.”

“We got lazy, and no one was held accountable,” she says, adding that Mr. Trump was wrongly blamed for Republicans’ underperforming. She also called out the National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign arm of House Republicans, though she says she has hope for 2024 and is “willing to help.”

Ms. Noem devotes a section of the book to RINOs — Republicans in Name Only — a favorite pejorative of Mr. Trump that he has deployed against critics within the party.

“In many ways, these political creatures are worse than some donkeys,” Ms. Noem wrote, referring to Democrats in that section as “donkeys.”

But Ms. Noem also takes a swipe at some Republicans on the far right in her party, saying that they have contributed to recent election losses.

“Losing sucks. But Republicans happen to be great at it,” she writes in one section, adding: “Candidates talk like crazy people, make wild claims, and offer big promises. And they lose. Of course, there are some crazy candidates, but I’m not talking about them. This is about good folks who choose the wide path of bomb throwing and parroting whatever’s on social media, as opposed to speaking rationally and humbly offering solutions.”

Noem says shooting her dog was a “difficult” choice, and suggests one of President Biden’s dogs should be put down, too.

Ms. Noem has repeatedly defended her decision to kill her dog , Cricket, and her politically baffling choice to include the anecdote in her memoir.

In the book, she describes an incident where Cricket killed a neighbor’s chickens and says the dog tried to bite Ms. Noem as she sought to restrain her. After taking Cricket home and shooting her, Ms. Noem writes, “I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done. Walking back up to the yard, I spotted our billy goat.”

The goat, Ms. Noem writes, “was nasty and mean,” smelled terrible and often chased her children around. So she dragged him out to the gravel pit, too — but didn’t kill him with the first shot, and had to go back to her truck for more ammunition to finish the job.

In an interview with Sean Hannity last week, Ms. Noem said she had included the story in the book to illustrate the “tough, challenging decisions that I’ve had to make throughout my life.”

In an interview on “Face the Nation” on CBS on Sunday, Ms. Noem called attention to another part of the book in which she suggested that one of President Biden’s dogs, a bite-prone German shepherd named Commander, should also be put down.

In a section of the memoir discussing what Ms. Noem would do on her first day in office as president, she wrote that “the first thing I’d do is make sure Joe Biden’s dog was nowhere on the grounds (‘Commander, say hello to Cricket for me’).” Ms. Noem made a similar suggestion in her interview on Sunday.

“You’re saying he should be shot?” asked the CBS host Margaret Brennan.

“That what’s the president should be accountable to,” Ms. Noem replied.

The print edition of the book includes a false anecdote about Noem meeting Kim Jong-un.

Ms. Noem writes in the memoir that she met with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean dictator, while serving on the House Armed Services Committee.

“I had the chance to travel to many countries to meet with world leaders — some who wanted our help, and some who didn’t,” she writes. “I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor, after all). Dealing with foreign leaders takes resolve, preparation, and determination.”

This was an error, according to Ian Fury, the chief of communications for Ms. Noem. Ms. Noem has said in later interviews that she takes “responsibility for the change,” but has not explained why the anecdote was included or whom she could have been referring to, if not Mr. Kim. She has also pushed back when the false anecdote has been characterized as a mistake.

“This is an anecdote that I asked to have removed, because I think it’s appropriate at this point in time,” Ms. Noem said in her interview on “Face the Nation.” “But I’m not going to talk to you about those personal meetings that I have had with world leaders.”

Noem gives a glowing portrait of Trump, and alludes to her future aspirations.

Ms. Noem heaps praise on the former president in her memoir, describing him as “a breaker and a builder,” writing, “He was relentlessly attacked for personal failures — and fictional ones — but stayed in the race and never wavered.”

She also reminds readers that she defended Mr. Trump in a speech the day after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, “regardless of the fact that what unfolded on January 6 was undeniably ugly.”

At one point, she also says that Mr. Trump, “in some funny ways,” is similar to her young granddaughter.

“I see similarities between Trump and my granddaughter, Miss Addie (that’s what I call her),” Ms. Noem writes. “She’s almost three years old and, in my unbiased view, one of the most brilliant human beings I’ve ever met (tied for first place with my grandson, of course!)”

But while Ms. Noem may be angling for a place at Mr. Trump’s side as his running mate, she insists in the memoir that if she is picked, it should not be because she’s a woman.

“I’m often asked by the national media if I think Donald Trump should pick a woman to be vice president,” Ms. Noem writes. “My answer is always about choosing the best people for the job.”

The final chapter of the book focuses not on any vice-presidential aspirations, but rather on what she would do on “Day 1” if elected president herself. It begins with a quote from Mr. Trump saying in December that if elected as president, he wouldn’t be a dictator, “except for Day 1.”

Along with putting federal property up for sale and convening a bipartisan working group on immigration, Ms. Noem writes, she would invite the Obamas and Bidens over to the White House for a screening of “The Grey,” a Liam Neeson film about battling wolves that she describes earlier in the book as among her favorites.

Noem offers a somewhat exaggerated account of protests outside the White House in 2020.

In the book’s introduction, Ms. Noem writes that a chaotic protest outside Mr. Trump’s 2020 nomination for re-election , held at the White House in August, was a pivotal moment for her — and inspired her to “live a life of significance — no matter where that commitment took me.” She wrote of a Washington under siege.

“We could hear explosions and screams in the distance,” she wrote. “On the other side of the fence, sounds of shouting and chaos. I smelled what we guessed was tear gas. We were trapped.”

But her account of a “massive and, at times, violent protest” doesn’t align with contemporaneous reports.

There was a significant demonstration outside the White House during Mr. Trump’s renominating event — one that tried to disrupt his acceptance speech by making noise . Reports from the time described the demonstration as “generally peaceful” and “significantly smaller” than the demonstrations that were forcibly dispersed by Mr. Trump earlier in the spring . There is also no evidence that tear gas was deployed that night.

Chris Cameron covers politics for The Times, focusing on breaking news and the 2024 campaign. More about Chris Cameron

Our Coverage of the 2024 Election

Presidential Race

Donald Trump leads President Biden in five crucial battleground states, a new set of polls shows , as young and nonwhite voters express discontent with the president over the economy and the war in Gaza.

Biden’s campaign brushed off the findings of the new polls , dismissing their significance and arguing that the president still has six months left before Election Day to persuade voters to support him.

The new polls showed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is polling stronger than any third-party candidate has in decades , sapping support from both Biden and Trump.

Trade War With China:  Biden ran for the White House as a sharp critic of Trump’s crackdown on trade with China. In office, though, he has escalated Trump’s trade war  with Beijing, albeit with a very different aim .

A Return to Normal?:  Biden has argued for years that he is the politician to restore normalcy to American politics. But a subset of American voters, have argued that they do not want his version of it .

Trump’s Exaggerated   Emails:  Trump’s campaign has sent supporters a steady stream of fund-raising solicitations that depict a highly dramatized account of his actions at his criminal trial .

Split Over Israel:  Democrats’ divisions over the war in Gaza flared in New York as a tense debate between Representative Jamaal Bowman and his primary opponent, George Latimer, exposed sharp divisions in their party .


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  1. What are your thoughts on The Witcher books? : r/Fantasy

    I enjoyed the both the short story collection and the novel series immensely. I found the underlying theme of fatherhood/parenthood to be really inspiring as a relatively new parent (at the time that I read them). There was a slow book or two, but overall I found the story (especially Ciri's) to be quite the fun romp.

  2. Should I buy and read the Witcher books? : r/Fantasy

    Long answer: yes. The short stories and the five-novel Saga both accomplish two very different things in telling the story of Geralt and Yennefer and Cirilla. The two volumes of short stories are a dark-fantasy reimagining of classic fairy-tales, and mostly tell the story of Geralt, the witcher.

  3. The Last Wish

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