Hero’s Journey Example with Harry Potter

using the heros journey archetype platform

The Hero’s Journey is a popular writing framework that outlines a main character’s journey from zero to hero. Famous movies and stories have been shown to fit the narrative pattern of the Hero’s Journey. One of those titles is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

Given the fame of the story and the series in general, and other stories following the framework, there is success in the Hero’s Journey. In this article, we’ll dissect the first of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novel series, and see how Rowling wrote the Hero’s Journey for Harry. 

Quick Recap: Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey can be best seen as a writing guide, formulated after success stories of heroic protagonists. First described by Joseph Campbell and then later revised by Christopher Vogler, the Hero’s Journey outlines the basic recipe for a main character’s adventures.

Campbell introduced 3 main acts, further broken down into 17 finer stages. Vogler, 50 years after Campbell’s version, published a refined version with only 12 stages. These are as follows:

Ordinary Adventure

Call to adventure, refusal of the call, meeting with the mentor, crossing the first threshold, tests, allies, enemies, approach to the inmost cave, reward (seizing the sword), the road back, resurrection, return with the elixir.

We’ll be using Vogler’s version in going through the novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

The Story Choice

heros journey with harry potter cover

We will be studying Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. The first of seven fantasy novels in the Harry Potter series, this novel enjoyed great success upon its release in 1997. So much, so that the entire series has been adapted into equally critically acclaimed films.

We didn’t choose a Harry Potter title for this study because it has all the stages of the Hero’s Journey. In fact, this book does not have all of the stages, with some a bit more subtle than others. 

However, showing a story with a missing piece or two of the framework would help you understand that the Hero’s Journey is not a rigid guide. It is simply a tool to help writers write the kind of story that their main character deserves. Plus, we deem that a popular book would be perfect for helping you understand the Hero’s Journey.

With that out of the way, let’s go into the discussion! 

The First Act – Departure

Similar to the Three-Act Structure , the first act, Departure, is a pretty short section of the novel. The Departure covers Chapters 1 to 6 of the book, starting from the introduction of Harry to his, well, departure from Privet Drive to Hogwarts.

The first chapter couldn’t have been more of a perfect fit for this stage, where the introduction of the Dursleys enforces that they are normal, thank you very much . However, the entire first chapter also introduces the “special” or magical world, with Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, and Hagrid dropping off baby Harry.

hero's journey with harry potter snake

The second chapter then comes back to show the ordinary life of the Dursleys with Harry. Harry is special, that much is clear to Petunia and Vernon. However, they’ve come to shrug him off as weird, then treat the “weird things” happening around Harry as a consequence of him being weird.

The call comes swiftly in the form of an oddly specific mail for Harry. Of course, the weird-averse Dursleys snatch this letter and hamper the succeeding mail from ever reaching their true recipient. 

hero's journey with harry potter island

More calls to adventure come through for Harry, to the point that the mails even come through the fireplace, plus the hundred letters sent to the hotel that the Dursleys and Harry moved to. Not even a rocky island accessible only by boat can stop the ultimate call for Harry…

The story is unique in the sense that the three consecutive stages — Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, and Meeting the Mentor — all condense into a single scene.


As Hagrid arrives at the dilapidated house, delivering the final invitation, the Dursleys vehemently try to stop Harry. In this case, Harry was not the one refusing the call, but rather the Dursleys. (Although one can say that Harry’s self-doubt about his capability is also a refusal.)

heros journey with harry potter hagrid

Hagrid’s introduction can be seen as Harry’s first meeting with the long line of mentors that he will gain throughout the story. Hagrid tells Harry of his true nature as a wizard, giving him the much-needed confidence boost to accept the Hogwarts invitation.

Later on, Harry will meet more mentors, most prominently Professor Dumbledore, but Hagrid kicks off this stage.

hero's journey with harry potter diagon alley

In this stage, the threshold is presented quite literally. Hagrid brings Harry to Diagon Alley through a magical wall in the Leaky Cauldron. Entering the Leaky Cauldron is part of the threshold, already showing contrasting differences between the special world and the ordinary world.

In the ordinary/Muggle world, Harry is but a normal boy with nothing to his name. However, in the magical world, Harry’s name is celebrated as the Boy Who Lived, as patrons in the pub hurriedly greet him.

Diagon Alley is where Harry first crosses the threshold, with the magical wall serving as the literal threshold. There, Harry experiences his first exposure to magic. It befits its role as an introduction to the magical world; a marketplace is common enough in the ordinary world, but its contents are magical.

Second Act: Initiation

Following a similar cadence with the Three-Act Structure again, the second act, Initiation, comprises the greater bulk of the story. In the novel, this act covers so much of the book; from Chapter 6 up until a part of Chapter 17, half a chapter shy of the end of the novel.

The culprit for the big composition of the second act lies in this stage, running for almost the entirety of the Second Act. Multiple minor trials, important allies that become life-long friends, and difficult enemies prop up in every chapter. Harry, despite being a neophyte at all this magic stuff, is tested at every corner.

hero's journey with harry potter mirror of erised

The very first test that Harry encountered would be the Sorting Hat and his possible entry as a Slytherin student. Other prominent trials include the alluring temptations of the Mirror of Erised (which, fun fact, is spelled the reverse of desire), and his admission into the varsity Quidditch team while juggling the usual 12-year-old school problems.

In this novel, we are also introduced to the iconic trio that would be called the main characters of the series. We meet Ronald Weasley and his family of redhead wizards at Platform 9 ¾, while Hermione Granger, the genius Muggle-born witch, appears shortly during the train ride.

hero's journey with harry potter voldemort

The first enemy that manifests in the novel would be Draco Malfoy, who Harry initially meets in Diagon Alley and his squad with Crabbe and Goyle. Harry also views Professor Snape as a villainous character, although in the end his name is cleared. In Chapter 15, where Harry and company venture out to the Forbidden Forest for detention, Voldemort is also confirmed to be alive, enforcing his role as the series’ main antagonist.

Chapter 16 makes full use of the allies that Harry made from the previous stage for the descent to the inmost cave or descent to the trapdoor underneath Fluffy. Neville even attempts to hinder their plan, yet is bound by Hermione’s spell.

The approach toward the final battle place is cleverly designed, as each trap in the dungeon requires specific talents, talents that the three protagonists excel at individually.

hero's journey with harry potter devil's snare

Hermione’s time with the books becomes well-spent after she realizes the proper spell to neutralize the Devil’s Snare. Harry’s Quidditch seeker skills come in handy as he catches a very specific flying key. Ron’s smugness at wizard chess is tested against a human-sized chessboard, where he even has to sacrifice himself. Lastly, Hermione’s intellect solves the logic puzzle with potions, but the final ordeal can only be faced by the main character himself.

Now proceeding to the last trial of the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry meets Professor Quirrell, previously a jumpy and nervous character, revealing his true nature. We get to meet a disembodied Voldemort, residing inside Quirrell’s body for support. Harry also sees the final trial, the Mirror of Erised.

hero's journey with harry potter stone

Realizing that Harry can decode the secret of the Mirror, Professor Quirrell urges him to reveal it to him. However, when Harry lies, Quirrell (and by extension, Voldemort) attacks him. With a little bit of mum’s magic, Harry successfully defeats Professor Quirrell and Voldemort (by smothering said mum’s magic all over them).

This stage is effectively weaved in the Ordeal stage, where it was revealed to Harry by the Mirror of Erised that he has the Philosopher’s Stone. Later on, when Harry gains consciousness after the fight, Professor Dumbledore reveals to him the enchantment tied to the Stone and the Mirror: only those searching but not intending to use the Stone gets it.

Third Act: Return

The third act is very short in the novel; it comprises less than a chapter and does not even have one of the stages in this act. 

This stage is completely skipped, as the story jumps right into the hospital wing after the fight in the dungeon. 

using the heros journey archetype harry on hospital

Although Harry does not die and get reborn, the end of the Ordeal and his eventual awakening in the hospital wing can serve as a symbolic resurrection.

In this stage, Harry’s ‘Elixirs’ are physical and intangible. Harry (and the Gryffindor House) wins the House Cup and gains a photo album containing images of his parents.

Dumbledore also explains the protection that Harry’s mother granted to him upon her death. Finally, Harry gets the assurance that despite being the boy who lived in the cupboard under the stairs, he is destined for something far greater.

(A goofy bonus: Harry gets to mess around with the Dursleys, specifically Dudley, using magic.)

Harry’s Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey is an amazing framework to write stories of unknown characters pushing through the mud to gain heroic recognition. We can see that successful stories, like Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone , follow the general narrative pattern well, and we can attribute the beauty of such stories to this pattern.

Of course, if you also want to write a hero’s story with the Hero’s Journey, LivingWriter’s got you! With a fitting template to get you started on the Hero’s Journey and a slew of features for authors, LivingWriter has got everything you’ll need to write a fantastic hero’s journey.

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The Harry Potter Books: Analyzing The Hero’s Journey Narrative

Get ready to dive into the magical world of the Harry Potter books! In this article, we will take a closer look at the captivating narrative structure of the series and analyze how it follows the Hero’s Journey. From the moment Harry receives his acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, to his epic battles against the dark forces of Voldemort, each book takes readers on an exhilarating adventure filled with twists, turns, and a whole lot of magic. So, grab your broomstick and join me as we unravel the secrets behind the hero’s journey in the enchanting world of Harry Potter.

When it comes to storytelling, J.K. Rowling has masterfully crafted a narrative that captivates readers of all ages. The Hero’s Journey, a concept popularized by Joseph Campbell, is a common narrative structure found in many epic tales throughout history. It follows the path of a hero as they embark on a transformative quest, facing challenges, discovering their true potential, and ultimately emerging victorious. In the Harry Potter books, this narrative structure is skillfully woven into the fabric of the story, creating a gripping and immersive reading experience. So, let’s grab our wands and delve into the magical realm of Harry Potter to uncover the intricacies of the hero’s journey narrative.

The Harry Potter Books: Analyzing the Hero's Journey Narrative

Table of Contents

The Harry Potter Books: Analyzing the Hero’s Journey Narrative

The Harry Potter series, written by J.K. Rowling, has captivated readers of all ages with its magical world and compelling characters. One of the reasons for its immense popularity is the hero’s journey narrative that underlies the story. In this article, we will delve into the hero’s journey narrative in the Harry Potter books and analyze its impact on the overall storytelling.

The Call to Adventure: Harry’s Introduction to the Wizarding World

The hero’s journey begins with the call to adventure, where the protagonist is introduced to a world beyond their ordinary existence. In the case of Harry Potter, this occurs when he receives his acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This pivotal moment sets Harry on a path that will forever change his life.

From the moment Harry steps onto Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, he enters a world filled with magic, wonder, and danger. He is thrust into a society that he never knew existed, where he learns about his true heritage and the powers he possesses. This introduction to the wizarding world serves as the catalyst for his extraordinary journey.

The Mentor: Dumbledore’s Guidance and Wisdom

Every hero needs a mentor to guide them through their journey, and Harry finds this mentor in Albus Dumbledore, the wise and enigmatic headmaster of Hogwarts. Dumbledore plays a crucial role in Harry’s development, providing him with guidance, support, and valuable life lessons.

As Harry navigates the challenges and obstacles that come his way, Dumbledore is always there to offer advice and encouragement. He helps Harry understand the significance of his role as the Chosen One and teaches him the importance of love, friendship, and sacrifice. Dumbledore’s presence in Harry’s life is instrumental in shaping him into the hero he becomes.

The Trials and Tribulations: Overcoming Challenges

No hero’s journey is complete without trials and tribulations that test the protagonist’s strength and resolve. In the Harry Potter books, Harry faces numerous challenges, both physical and emotional, that push him to his limits.

From battling deadly creatures to facing off against the dark wizard Lord Voldemort, Harry must confront his deepest fears and find the courage to overcome them. These trials not only shape his character but also highlight the themes of bravery, resilience, and the power of good triumphing over evil.

The Ultimate Sacrifice: Harry’s Selflessness

In the final stages of the hero’s journey, the protagonist is often called upon to make a great sacrifice for the greater good. Harry exemplifies this selflessness when he willingly gives his life to protect his friends and defeat Voldemort.

This ultimate sacrifice showcases Harry’s unwavering loyalty and love for those he cares about. It also demonstrates the transformative power of selflessness and the importance of making choices that prioritize the well-being of others. Harry’s willingness to lay down his life for the greater good is a defining moment in his hero’s journey.

The Return: Harry’s Newfound Wisdom and Growth

After completing the hero’s journey, the protagonist returns to their ordinary life but forever changed by their experiences. For Harry, this return occurs after the Battle of Hogwarts, where he emerges victorious and brings an end to Voldemort’s reign of terror.

Despite the immense loss and grief he experiences, Harry emerges from his journey with newfound wisdom and maturity. He learns the value of love, friendship, and the power of unity. The hero’s journey has not only transformed Harry but also the entire wizarding world.

In conclusion, the Harry Potter books beautifully weave the hero’s journey narrative throughout the story, taking readers on a captivating adventure filled with magic, friendship, and self-discovery. From Harry’s call to adventure to his ultimate sacrifice, each stage of the hero’s journey contributes to the rich and compelling storytelling that has made the series a beloved classic. The Harry Potter books remind us of the power of resilience, love, and the ability to overcome even the darkest of challenges.

Key Takeaways: The Harry Potter Books – Analyzing the Hero’s Journey Narrative

  • Harry Potter’s journey follows the classic hero’s journey narrative structure.
  • He starts as an ordinary boy, but discovers he is a wizard and enters the magical world.
  • Harry faces challenges, overcomes obstacles, and grows stronger throughout the series.
  • He is guided by mentors like Dumbledore and faces a powerful antagonist, Lord Voldemort.
  • The Harry Potter books teach us about friendship, bravery, and the power of love.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how does the hero’s journey narrative structure apply to the harry potter books.

The hero’s journey is a narrative structure that follows the journey of a hero as they face challenges, grow, and ultimately transform. The Harry Potter books, written by J.K. Rowling, beautifully embody this narrative structure. Harry Potter, the protagonist, begins as a young orphan living with his neglectful relatives. As he discovers his magical abilities and enters the wizarding world, he is called to embark on a journey to defeat the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort.

Throughout the series, Harry faces various trials and tribulations, encountering allies, enemies, and mentors along the way. He undergoes personal growth, learns valuable lessons, and ultimately fulfills his destiny as the chosen one. The hero’s journey structure can be seen in the challenges Harry faces, the stages of his development, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

2. What are some key stages of the hero’s journey narrative in the Harry Potter books?

The hero’s journey narrative in the Harry Potter books can be divided into several key stages. The first stage is the “Call to Adventure,” where Harry receives his invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This sets him on the path of his magical journey. The next stage is the “Threshold Crossing,” where Harry enters the wizarding world and leaves behind his ordinary life.

As the series progresses, Harry goes through stages such as “Tests, Allies, and Enemies,” where he faces various challenges, forms alliances, and encounters enemies. He also experiences the “Ordeal,” a moment of intense conflict or crisis that tests his strength and resolve. Finally, there is the “Return and Transformation,” where Harry returns to Hogwarts to face the ultimate battle against Voldemort and undergoes a transformation that solidifies his role as the hero.

3. How does the hero’s journey narrative impact character development in the Harry Potter books?

The hero’s journey narrative structure greatly impacts character development in the Harry Potter books. As the characters go through the various stages of the hero’s journey, they undergo personal growth, face their fears, and learn important life lessons.

For example, Harry Potter starts off as a timid and unsure young boy, but through his journey, he gains confidence, learns to trust his instincts, and discovers his true identity as the chosen one. Other characters, such as Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, also experience their own growth and transformation as they face challenges and contribute to Harry’s journey.

4. How does the hero’s journey narrative create suspense and tension in the Harry Potter books?

The hero’s journey narrative in the Harry Potter books creates suspense and tension by presenting the protagonist, Harry Potter, with formidable challenges and obstacles. Each stage of the hero’s journey brings new dangers and uncertainties, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.

As Harry faces tests, encounters enemies, and confronts his fears, the stakes are raised, and the tension builds. The reader becomes invested in Harry’s journey and eagerly follows along to see how he will overcome each obstacle and progress towards his ultimate goal of defeating Voldemort.

5. How does the hero’s journey narrative in the Harry Potter books resonate with readers?

The hero’s journey narrative in the Harry Potter books resonates with readers because it taps into universal themes and emotions. The journey of the hero, with its ups and downs, triumphs and setbacks, mirrors the challenges and growth that individuals experience in their own lives.

Readers can relate to the struggles and successes of Harry Potter and the other characters, finding inspiration in their resilience, bravery, and determination. The hero’s journey narrative provides a framework for understanding personal growth and transformation, making it a compelling and relatable story for readers of all ages.

The Harry Potter Books: Analyzing the Hero's Journey Narrative 2

The Life of Harry Potter: The Hero’s Journey Explained (Video Essay / Theory Video)

Final Summary: Unleashing the Magic of the Hero’s Journey

As we delve into the enchanting world of Harry Potter, it becomes clear that J.K. Rowling’s masterful storytelling follows the timeless structure of the hero’s journey. From the humble beginnings of a young wizard at Privet Drive to the epic battles fought at Hogwarts, Harry’s path mirrors that of countless legendary heroes throughout literature. By analyzing the hero’s journey narrative in the Harry Potter books, we gain a deeper understanding of the universal themes and archetypes that captivate readers of all ages.

Throughout the series, Harry embarks on a transformative adventure, facing trials, meeting allies, and ultimately confronting the forces of darkness. Just like the hero’s journey framework suggests, Harry’s journey follows a cyclical pattern of departure, initiation, and return. From the moment he receives his acceptance letter to Hogwarts, to his encounters with mentors like Dumbledore and his final confrontation with Voldemort, each step of his journey shapes him into the true hero he was destined to become.

What makes the hero’s journey narrative in the Harry Potter books so compelling is its ability to resonate with readers on a profound level. We see ourselves in Harry’s struggles, his triumphs, and his growth. Rowling’s meticulous attention to detail and her ability to craft relatable characters breathe life into the hero’s journey, making it a timeless tale that continues to capture the hearts and imaginations of readers around the world.

So, grab your wand, don your robes, and immerse yourself once again in the magical world of Harry Potter. As you journey alongside the Boy Who Lived, you’ll discover that the hero’s journey is not just a narrative structure, but a reflection of the human experience itself. Through the power of storytelling, Rowling has bestowed upon us a gift that will continue to inspire and transport us to a realm where magic and heroism reign supreme.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 93 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/

"93 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '93 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "93 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "93 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "93 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/harry-potter-essay-topics/.

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Harry Potter Hero Essay

A numerous amount of parents see the Harry Potter books as adventurous tales and only tales allowing their children to have a taste of Rowling’s books. Many know that with every hero must come a villain. What is the hero to do when he has nothing to save? This in turn makes this series a childish cliché book that is just for entertainment and an alternate distraction. Numerous amounts of books have a hero and a villain and contains an adventurous journey with it. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter is just the same fantasy journey for many readers. With its outgoing wizard magic, parents believe that this is only a fake story that is based on real life. Because parents believe that this story is artificial, the good parts of the story can be used as a beneficial lesson for children. Harry Potter himself is a good role model for all children because he has overcome all the hardships that has come his way. Harry Potter can also be a person to sympathize with as he lost his parents to Voldemort at such a young age. He faced his fears, believed in his friendship, and the pure in the world. Reading the Rowling’s books lured children away from technology making them focus on the story itself with all its humor, adventure and friendship. But Harry Potter is not the only person who has made an impact in this series. Hermione and Ron are the two best friends of Harry Potter. With these three they have performed very heroic actions that no one can question. Each of them using their own different abilities to help one another. This in turn helps children have a positive mindset that if they put …show more content…

Rowling’s Harry Potter series is one of the bestsellers all around the world. With her first book already out, there was hate, love and more. From Satanic claims to just a fiction book, Rowling has taken it all and created more. The Harry Potter books is a series mixed with a variety of spells, goodness, and wickedness, so it would be understandable for the readers to be split in

Comparing Three Characters In Elie Wiesel's 'Harry Potter'

  Harry Potter was forced to endure many hardships of death and still needed to face the killer of his loved ones, who was known as the embodiment of evil.   These three individuals had to endure many hardships to reach their goal.

Essay On Hero's Journey

Jesus' journey on earth can be related to hero’s journeys. There are many common patterns in hero stories. One man studied and picked out the patters, this man was names Joseph Campbell. After years of study on this he finally found the several basic stages that almost every hero has to go through. A popular film, Star Wars, was found on the basic hero stages says the creator George Lucas.

The Importance Of Adversity In Harry Potter Novels

J.K Rowling, the author of the well-received Harry Potter novels, shapes her 3 main characters around adversity. One particular character that perseveres through unimaginable hardship is Hermione Granger. In the first novel, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone”, Granger is revealed to be to a “mudblood,” one who has non-magical parents.

Harry Potter Keeping It Simple Essay

Keeping It Simple You would be hard pressed to find anyone who does not live under a rock that has not at least heard of Harry Potter, if not read a book or seen a movie. The series has become a cultural phenomenon that has people of all ages as loyal fans worldwide. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was the first book in the series by J. K. Rowling that had to have some qualities to capture audiences. Sure, it is a book about magic and adventures, but there are plenty of books about magic in the fantasy genre that never will have the following that Harry Potter does, so what did Rowling do to make this a meaningful story?

Percy Jackson Hero Essay

Percy Jackson was told he would not be the hero at the end of this and if he tried to be the hero everyone would end up dead. This is due to the fact that Luke was taken over by Kronos and was being used as a vessel. The only way to kill Kronos would be to give Luke a dagger and make him stab himself while he is able to suppress Kronos and make him stab and kill himself. At first, Percy doesn 't like the fact that he would have to trust Luke to kill himself but he decide to trust him and give him the dagger and Luck did kill himself. But the fact that Kronos did sense the danger and try to take over him and stop him he did nothing and watch as he died.

Rhetorical Analysis Of Jk Rowley Speech

Rhetorical Analysis – J.K. Rowling “The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination” The author of the famous Harry Potter series - J.K. Rowling held this speech during a graduation ceremony at Harvard University. The speech was to the Harvard graduates from June 5, 2008 and was held outside in the famous ‘Old Harvard Yard’ as a tradition. The purpose of the speech was to celebrate and congratulate the graduating class.

Harry Potter Magical Realism

They learn magic as much as experience and knowledge as possible to prepare for the future and defeat the bad witches and bad people. They involve themselves in adventures in the hope that they will obtain the happiness. In addition to Harry Potter, the successful novel and film adaptation and merchandise are ranging from toys to games to clothes, a wealth of popular and academic works discussing the phenomenon that is Harry Potter has been published over recent years- to varying degrees of acclaim. Some critics praise potter author J.K.Rowling for successfully negotiating the fine line between being ‘both utterly original and part of a literary lineage’ (caselli,

Compare And Contrast Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

The film of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is an uncommon critical movie in the arrangement. Like the book, this film is vital in setting up a perception for the straggling leftovers of the course of action. It is essential that the film supplements the novel however much as could sensibly be normal. Using one of the critical features of a movie; visual imagery, the film change of the fourth novel is a better than average reinforcement to the novel. The visual similarity in this film complements sentiments and reactions that we can't in any capacity, shape or form get from the book.

Harry Potter Family

Harry Potter and the philosiphers stone by J.k Rowling, portrays many themes during Harry’s years at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. For example, the power of choice and its impact on our wellbeing, on our lives, and on the lives of others. The vital importance of friendship, and family. Family is a very important theme throughout Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Harry only wishes for the family he never knew – his parents – and hates the one he's stuck with – the Dursleys.

Harry Potter Literary Analysis

literary analysis: Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets I’ve read Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, a book written by J.K. Rowling. It’s the second book in a series of 7. The book is about Harry Potter, a 12-year-old wizard going to Hogwarts. This year, people are getting stupefied without anyone knowing the reason behind it.

Hamlet Vs Harry Potter Analysis

Throughout the entirety of the movie, Harry yearns to be like the others around him, who have family to love and provide for them. This makes the audience feel sorrow and empathy for the young boy and the hardships he is experiencing. Harry also has a supernatural experience with his parents. Harry discovers a room with a mirror called The Mirror of Erised. This magical artifact shows will show whoever is looking at it, what they desire the most in life.

The Role Of Epic Heroism In The Odyssey

Harry Potter is a modern-day character that infuses the historical importance of epic heroism with contemporary

Gender Roles In Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone

The Harry Potter series have been an interesting series for me ever since I have enrolled in Professor Fox’s class. I personally have not read any of the Harry Potter series during my childhood, but once I have enrolled in Professor Fox’s class I have recently just finished Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Throughout my readings of these two books I have had many observations on certain aspects of the story that I would not have noticed when I was younger. These three aspects that I can’t imagine as a child noticing is how the Dursleys abused Harry, the stance on gender, and prejudgement based on appearance.

Qualities Of A Hero Essay

A hero exhibits many qualities. Responsibility, bravery, and loyalty are just a few on many qualities that can be found in heroes. But to me, some of the most important qualities a hero needs are recognizing one's flaws and weaknesses, listening to others, and selflessness. With recognizing one's flaws and weaknesses, a person, a hero, can learn what they need to do to better themselves. They know the limit of their abilities and can work to improve themselves.

Harry Potter Movie Review Essay

Sukripa Ranjit Professor Tiffany Schubert English 1302 2nd November 2017 Evaluation paper on “Harry Potter” movies Harry Potter series was written by British novelists J.K Rowling in seven books and eight movies. The first movie “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was released on November 14, 2001. Harry Potter is one of the iconic heroes in the movie industry with a remarkable impact on people. Harry Potter is a young lad who finds out on his eleventh birthday that he is the orphaned child of two great magicians and has distinct magical powers of his own.

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Harry Potter Hero Essay

In the book and movie series Harry Potter, the famous boy wizard goes through his many years of schooling at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, making new friends like his best friends, Ron and Hermione, as well as creating enemies like Draco Malfoy. Along with his friends Ron and Hermione, Harry continuously puts an end to the many different forms of the evil Lord Voldemort that tries to attack Harry each year. It is later on in the series when the interactions with Lord Voldemort become more frequent and more deadly. This is when Albus Dumbledore , the famous Headmaster of Hogwarts, teaches, instructs, and guides Harry to his ultimate goal of defeating Lord Voldemort, finally bringing peace to their world once again. In relation to the Jungian Literary Archetypes, Harry Potter represents the Hero, Albus Dumbledore represents the Wise Old Man, and Lord Voldemort represents the Witch or Sorceress. Harry Potter is the main character of all seven stories in the series, he represents a hero in many different ways. When he was born, Lord Voldemort went to his home and tried to murder him. Harry’s parents defended against Voldemort, but they didn’t stand a chance. It was because of Harry’s mother’s love that saved his life when she cast herself in between Voldemort and Harry. This unusual …show more content…

Harry Potter is an amazing book and movie series that has many great examples of literary archetypes. At the end of the series, Harry finally defeats Voldemort, ending his terror on the magical world. Nineteen years after the battle that ended it all, Harry now works in the Ministry for Magic along with his best friends, Ron and Hermione (who is now the Minister for Magic, or Prime Minister in our world). They all have children who now attend Hogwarts, starting their own journey. Who knows where their journey will take

Why Harry Potter Should Be Banned

The first Harry Potter was published in 1997, the rest of the books were published between then and 2007. Harry Potter is about a boy who a powerful wizard named Voldemort wanted to kill but instead of killing Harry he killed Harry’s parents. Harry went and lived with his nasty aunt and uncle until he was 11. When he was 11 he got a letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which told him he was a wizard. Each book is a year at Hogwarts that Harry goes through with his best friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Throughout the books Harry learns why Voldemort wanted to kill him, why he survived and how he can prepare for another attack.

Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Hero Essay

Harry Potter at first didn’t know anyone and didn’t know anything about Hogwarts. His goal was to fit in. Throughout Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Harry seems to make new goals for himself. Then one of his quests/goals is to go and stop who he thought was Snape but it was actually Professor Quirrell and Voldemort. Harry Potter’s quest changed from fitting into saving Hogwarts from Voldemort, or as they say He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named. In trying to fulfill his quest he met some friends and of course some

Developmental Psychology Of Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a fictional character invented by J.K Rowling in the series of seven books starting with Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone and ending with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Wikipedia, 2015). Harry is the main character in this series whose parents died when he was young and he was brought up by his aunt and uncle (Philosopher’s Stone, 1997, p.5). Harry was neglected by his aunt and uncle (Philosopher’s Stone, 1997, p.27). Harry is presented a whole new reality when he goes to the zoo one day and his integration into the magical world changes him from the foundation. These changes within him will be analysed using the developmental psychology theories of Lawrence Kohlberg and Erik Erikson to explain how the environment aided or obstructed Harry’s development.

Harry Potter Informative Speech

Born onto a mortal mother, son of the mighty God Zeus, Heracles developed super strength since birth and proved his demigod status. He spent the greater portion of his life trying to show himself worthy of the title of a God.) Harry feels apprehensive about this new life and the legend that he must now live up to. The entire wizarding community is "expecting great things" from Harry. Harry says to Hagrid, "Everyone thinks I'm special, ... but I don't know anything about magic at all. How can they expect great things of me?." (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Rowlings, Pg.86) Harry's thoughts and feelings are dominated by this ample need to prove himself worthy of his own name. His actions while at his new school, Hogworts, are directly related to the need for Harry to affirm his legacy. I see this as a shining example of ancient heroism.

The Epic Hero : Harry Potter

How do you define a hero? Some may define a hero with the ability to fly, or run fast; to others a hero may be saving someone who is in dangers; others may define a hero as one who is able to help another in various ways. Harry Potter is a orphan boy who find out he is a wizard and goes to a magic school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While he is at Hogwarts, he develops his supernatural qualities, goes on a journey, and defeats evil. Although Harry Potter is not a Epic hero in the same way as Odysseus, Harry Potter still fulfills the stages of epic hero cycle and proves that he is a hero by overcome obstacles and showing his bravery, and selflessness.

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It is clear that the Harry Potter series has taken a journey on the Hogwarts Express to the road of international success. The “Harry Potter” series is the story of the eponymous boy, orphaned at birth and left in the care of the aunt and uncle along with the ill mannered son who make up the Dursley family who are known as “Muggles” (non-magical people). On Harry's eleventh birthday, Harry receives a letter from Hogwarts, a school that grooms young wizards and witches, and promptly enters a world of wonder and mystery. At Hogwarts, he meets his two closest friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger who begin there adventure together through love, friendship and learning about magic. Harry learns very soon that the death of his parents was no

Symbolism, Imagery, and Motif of Harry Potter Essay

  • 8 Works Cited

Harry Potter is a fascinating tale of sorcerers, wands, broomsticks, dragons, and magic. The story begins with a young boy named Harry Potter who lives at number four Privit Drive, Surray, England. His journey begins after the death of his parents at the hands of the evil Lord Voldemort. Harry learns of his past and his future as a wizard from Hagrid, the keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He travels to Hogwarts where he learns spells and enchantments, makes new friends, finds enemies, and discovers fantastic secretes. J.K. Rowling weaves a web of impeccable storytelling with this critically acclaimed novel. In the tale of Harry Potter imagery, symbolism, and motif take central focus.

Essay on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

     Harry Potter is a twelve-year-old boy whose parents were killed by Voldemort. Harry has a scar shaped like a lighting bolt on his forehead. He has black hair, like his father, and green eyes, like his mother. Ron Weasley is a red haired, freckled faced boy. Ron is Harry’s best friend. He is very poor and has five older brothers and a younger sister. Hermione Granger is Harry and Ron’s other friend. She has muggle parents. She has bushy brown hair. She is

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is the eighth book in the Harry Potter series written by J.K Rowling, Jack Thorne, and John Tiffany. More accurately, it is the script for the play that is currently playing in London's West End and is set to open on Broadway in April. The story follows Harry Potter nineteen years later after the end of the 7th book. The story focuses on Albus Potter, the middle child of the Potter Family, who are often bullied and made an outcast for being the only Potter to be sorted into Slytherin. The main plot of the cursed child is about Albus and Scorpius (the son of Draco Malfoy) using a time-turner to go back and bring back Cedric Diggory, a student who died in Harry’s fourth year during the Triwizard tournament. While the action in this story takes up most of the book, another recurring theme of the story is Albus’ broken and almost nonexistent relationship with his father. Harry throughout the majority of the book is emotionally and verbally abusive towards his son. (PG)

Comparing Jesus Christ and Harry Potter as Heroes Essay

  • 2 Works Cited

If there are two names that can be recognized anywhere in the world, one would definitely be Harry Potter, and the other would surely be Jesus Christ. On one hand, Harry Potter is known as the protagonist of the best-selling Harry Potter book series, which was written by JK Rowling. He is a boy wizard who encountered many different trials and tribulations during his stay in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The seven books have been read by millions of children and adults all over the world, and its popularity was evident when four books in the series were on the New York Times bestseller list all at the same time (Brown 32). On the other hand, Jesus Christ is one of the main religious figures of Christianity,

Why Is Jk Rowling Influential

Rowling’s most popular characters. The inspiration for Harry was her childhood friend and neighbor Ian Potter (Meister). Ronald, also known as Ron, was inspired by Seán Harris and his turquoise Ford Anglia was the inspiration for the flying car in the books (Pollack). Finally Hermione was a mere image of herself. This shows how her childhood friends played a big role in her becoming a writer and having something to write about. According to the article “Inside the Magical World of ‘Harry Potter’ author” because she experienced “the absence of any meaningful relationship with her father and the loss her mother” she has obtained a great influence for her writing. This allowed her to create stung father figures for Harry Potter such as Rubeus Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, and Sirius Black. This evidence illustrated that with hard times can appear a beautiful creation. While writing, she fell into a “deep depression [which] inspired the creation of the dementor (Inside the Magical World of ‘Harry Potter’ author).” This shows that it is possible to find the light in the darkness no matter how much that may not seem possible. Her childhood experiences were the creation of many of the characters we meet along the way throughout her book

Themes In Harry Potter's The Goblet Of Fire

Albus Dumbledore, the Hogwarts Headmaster. Voldemort, the antagonist of Harry Potter. Alaster (Mad-eye) Moody, Professor of the Defense Against the Dark Arts. Severus Snape, the Potions Master. Ludo Bagman, the Head of the Department of Magical Games & Sports. Sirius Black, the godfather of Harry Potter. Fleur Delacour, the competitor of the Triwizard Tournament. Cedric Diggory, the second competitor of the Triwizard Tournament. As well as

Essay on My Hero

What is a hero? In my view a hero is someone that you admire. You may

Hero Cycle Harry Potter

Harry Potter is living in the ordinary world with his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin who treat him with very little respect. He begins to receive mysterious letters which are addressed explicitly to him. His aunt and

Harry Potter Character Analysis

In the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling Harry starts of in the unfamiliar wizarding world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After lord Voldemort killed Harry’s parents he is sent of to his aunt and uncle's house as a baby. Harry does not like living with them but eventually at age 12 he gets a letter to attend hogwarts which he will soon find out that he is a wizard. After being sorted into one of the four houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, ravenclaw and slytherin)he gets sorted into gryffindor and finds friends in his house(Ron and Hermione). They have to stick together and work together to defeat him. This leads to one of the themes for this book series being that “You are much stronger when with friends”.

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Harry Potter Hero's Journey Essay

harry potter hero essay

Show More Joseph Campbell’s concept of the Hero’s Journey has made it into the plot of almost every story. From the call to adventure to the boon, a main character of a story often follows this traditional path on their journey of adventure. This proves to be no different for the renowned Harry Potter in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Letter after letter, the people of Hogwarts were desperately trying to get Harry to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, Vernon and Petunia Dursley, Harry’s Uncle and Aunt kept hiding these letters from Harry, so he had no idea what the world of magic was or the fact that Hogwarts eagerly wanted him to attend. Once the amount of letters arriving at their home became too much, …show more content… At this point, Ron and Hermione serve as Harry’s additional helpers. They all decide to take on the challenge of finding the stone together. However, this challenge comes along with a multitude of obstacles. Just to pass the gate into the chamber where the stone is stored, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had to get passed Fluffy, the three-headed dog. In order to do this, they needed to play soothing music, causing Fluffy to go to sleep, so they were able to get passed the guarded gate. Next, they all encountered a deadly plant called Devil’s Snare. Luckily, with Hermione’s intellect, they were all able to survive the wrath of this severely dangerous plant. This only led them to one of the next obstacles, the room full of flying keys. In order to make it to the next door, one of them had to use a broom to catch the key that would unlock the door. Harry’s superior broom skills allowed him to successfully complete this challenge, bringing them to the next challenge, Wizard Chess. Though it was extremely difficult, Ron’s chess skills allowed Harry to make it through to the final stage where the Stone …show more content… All along, Harry thought that Snape was trying to steal the Stone of immortality, but it was truly Quirrell. Soon after, Quirrell reveals his true self as Voldemort. Up to this point, Voldemort was using Quirrell’s body to stay alive until he could retrieve the Sorcerer's Stone, so he would be able to return back to himself and become immortal. When Quirrell unravels his turban, the face of Voldemort is revealed and it leaves Harry in complete and utter shock. Thus far, Harry only heard gruesome stories about this infamous person who killed his parents and tried to kill him. This leaves Harry at his lowest point, the flight, as he realizes that he will have to go against the one and only Voldemort to ensure that he never gains possession of the

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Why harry potter is a hero

harry potter hero essay

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The Best Quote From Each Harry Potter Movie

The Boy Who Quoted.

The Harry Potter books and films are wonderfully written, practically overflowing with imagination and enchanting details. The dialogue is frequently memorable, from humorous lines ("Follow the spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies'?") to chilling ones ("There is no good and evil. Only power, and those too weak to seek it.") Beyond their magic, these stories have a genuine emotional core at its center, which always shined through the dialog.

At their best, Harry Potter quotes are smart, mature, catchy, and striking. They flesh out the world of the story, provide insight into a character, or neatly express a fascinating truth. Dumbledore, being the series' font of wisdom, gets most of the choice lines. Each of the Potter movies contains a wealth of great lines, and these are the finest of each, standing out because of their surprising depth, charm, wittiness, and overall memorability.

8 "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies but a great deal more to stand up to your friends."

Albus dumbledore (richard harris) - 'harry potter and the philosopher's stone' (2001).

The first film ends with Dumbledore ( Richard Harris ) awarding Harry ( Daniel Radcliffe ) 60 points for his heroics and Ron ( Rupert Grint ) and Hermione ( Emma Watson ) with 50 each. This puts Gryffindor and Slytherin in a tie. However, what finally puts Gryfindor over the edge and clinches them the victory is the 10 points Dumbledore hands to Neville ( Matthew Lewis ) for trying to stop his friends from leaving the common room after hours.

Dumbledore praises Neville for having the guts to disagree with his friends over what he believes is right. Interestingly, the Headmaster saves seemingly the least notable achievement for last. In other words, Dumbledore is stressing the importance of living by one's values and not going along with the crowd, even if they're close friends. It's a valuable lesson, especially for children, and one that many Harry Potter characters fail to take heed of. Additionally, it's a way for Dumbledore to acknowledge Neville, especially since he could also have been the Chosen One, had things panned out differently.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

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An orphaned boy enrolls in a school of wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world.

7 "You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."

Albus dumbledore (richard harris) - 'harry potter and the chamber of secrets' (2002).

Yet more words of wisdom from Albus Dumbledore, still played by the late Richard Harris . This time, he makes this statement as he is suspended from his post as Headmaster, summing up the Hogwarts ethos: that support and assistance are available for all students. However, he stresses that one must be humble enough to request it. He's saying that a young witch or wizard must swallow their pride and acknowledge that they need help; this is the only way they'll learn and grow.

It's a quality that Tom Riddle sorely lacked, making for a contrast between him and Harry. The words also ring true literally later on when Dumbledore sends Fawkes the phoenix into the Chamber of Secrets to assist Harry. The sword of Gryffindor then appears in the Sorting Hat, providing him with the exact help he needs. However, Dumbledore revises his statement in the last movie. "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who deserve it," he says instead. It's an intriguing distinction, implying that if one is a good person first, then they will receive what they need to succeed .

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

The second installment of boy wizard Harry Potter's adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A mysterious elf tells Harry to expect trouble during his second year at Hogwarts, but nothing can prepare him for trees that fight back, flying cars, spiders that talk and deadly warnings written in blood on the walls of the school.

6 "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Multiple characters - 'harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban' (2004).

The Marauders' Map is a key plot device in the third Harry Potter movie . It lists Hogwarts's secret entrances and contains the location of every person in the castle. The map becomes incredibly relevant, as it allows Harry to sneak off-campus and alerts him to the fact that Peter Pettigrew ( Timothy Spall ) is still alive. The map, created by his dad ( Adrian John Rawlins ), Sirius ( Gary Oldman ), Lupin ( David Thewlis ), and Wormtail, also tells the viewer about the friends' rule-breaking spirit, showing that Harry inherited this trait from his father.

The only way to use the map is to utter the phrase "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," which has become one of the most iconic lines in the entire franchise . It appears on countless Harry Potter merchandise and scores of people have even gotten it as a tattoo. It's a fantastic motto for Harry , as he routinely flouts authority when it stands in the way of what he thinks is right. This quality gets him into all kinds of trouble, but it's also a key part of what makes him a hero.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year of study, where they delve into the mystery surrounding an escaped prisoner, Sirius Black, who poses a dangerous threat to the young wizard.

5 "Soon, we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy."

Albus dumbledore (michael gambon) - 'harry potter and the goblet of fire' (2006).

Dumbledore ( Michael Gambon ) delivers this line after Voldemort ( Ralph Fiennes ) returns to full power, even as much of the Wizarding World refuses to believe it. On the one hand, it simply foreshadows the conflict to come and shows that Dumbledore is keenly aware of the threat Lord Voldemort poses . But it's also a psychologically sophisticated observation that demonstrates the series' mature understanding of human nature.

This quote insists that most people don't do bad things out of malice but rather out of convenience . Here, Dumbledore hits on one of the key problems of the human condition: the average person isn't evil; they're just scared and vulnerable, and often, doing the right thing comes at a great cost. Any student of history can see that this is the case. Time and time again, people have allowed terrible things to take place not because they support them but because standing up to them would have made their lives far more difficult.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The fourth movie in the Harry Potter franchise sees Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) returning for his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, along with his friends, Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson). There is an upcoming tournament between the three major schools of magic, with one participant selected from each school by the Goblet of Fire. When Harry's name is drawn, even though he is not eligible and is a fourth player, he must compete in the dangerous contest.

4 "We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on."

Sirius black (gary oldman) - 'harry potter and the order of the phoenix' (2007).

Sirius says this to Harry after the boy wizard confesses that he fears he may share many traits in common with Voldemort. Rather than deny it, Sirius admits that this is true but stresses that being a good person isn't about being totally pure. Rather, he says that even the best of us are flawed and have many awful qualities: what counts are the choices a person makes. Morality requires that everyone acknowledges their shadow while striving to cultivate positive attributes.

This issue of choice runs through every Harry Potter movie . Audiences see this perhaps most notably in the first film, where the Sorting Hat tells Harry that he has many Slytherin qualities and that he might even become great were he to join that House. But Harry asks not to be placed there, and the Hat obliges. As Harry later tells his son Albus in the epilogue of the last book: "The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account." Put another way, a person's decisions, not their nature, determine their fate .

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

With their warning about Lord Voldemort's return scoffed at, Harry and Dumbledore are targeted by the Wizard authorities as an authoritarian bureaucrat slowly seizes power at Hogwarts.

3 "Once again, I must ask too much of you, Harry."

Albus dumbledore (michael gambon) - 'harry potter and the half-blood prince' (2009).

The sixth Harry Potter film is the most humorous , but that doesn't mean it's not remarkably dark. Whereas in the past, Dumbledore withheld most of the key information from Harry, in this movie, he shares with him his plans to deal with Voldemort and asks Harry to join him in exploring the Dark Lord's past. This approach culminates in Dumbledore bringing Harry with him to the cave where they believe Voldemort's locket, a Horcrux, is hidden.

Dumbledore puts Harry through a lot during this mission, including forcing the boy to make Dumbledore drink the poison that protects the locket, even as the Headmaster begs him to stop. This line hints at the many sacrifices Harry must commit on his journey as the Chosen One, including the most profound request Dumbledore will make: that Harry eventually sacrifices his own life to destroy the Horcrux within him so that Voldemort can be defeated. Dumbledore acknowledges that this request is too much, and yet he makes it anyway. In other words, Dumbledore is willing to die in the fight against the Dark Lord and expects Harry to do the same. It's a grim and sobering quote that highlights the heavy price of war and the sacrifices necessary to take down a great evil.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

As Harry Potter begins his sixth year at Hogwarts, he discovers an old book marked as "the property of the Half-Blood Prince" and begins to learn more about Lord Voldemort's dark past.

2 "I want to bury him. Properly, without magic."

'harry potter and the deathly hallows: part 1' (2010).

There is a lot of death in the last two movies: Hedwig, Mad-Eye Moody ( Brendan Gleeson ), Fred Weasley ( Oliver Phelps ), and Lupin, to name a few. However, the murder of beloved house-elf Dobby at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange ( Helena Bonham Carter ) is perhaps the most painful. He is felled after rescuing Harry and his allies from Malfoy Manor, and his funeral is the film's concluding scene.

The heroes give Dobby a proper farewell, and Harry digs the grave himself. His grief is palpable, and the scene is deeply moving; notably, he sets his wand aside and does it by hand. Rather than using magic to bury Dobby in seconds, Harry takes his time and puts in effort as if to experience the pain before releasing it. The quote summarizes Harry's nature and his reaction to the countless losses he endures throughout the last books. It's also a way of showing respect to a friend who saved him multiple times. The house-elves were forced to do labor for wizards, a highly problematic aspect of the saga that has aged like milk. Here, Harry performs labor for Dobby, honoring him with "every drop of his sweat and every blister," as the book reveals.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

As Harry, Ron and Hermione race against time and evil to destroy the Horcruxes, they uncover the existence of the three most powerful objects in the wizarding world: the Deathly Hallows.

1 "Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic."

Albus dumbledore (michael gambon) - 'harry potter and the deathly hallows: part 2' (2011).

After Harry "dies" at the climax of the last movie, he ends up in an ethereal limbo-like place, where he meets Dumbledore, and the two talk, discussing all that has happened. Dumbledore has many wonderful lines in the scene, especially this one. The quote feels meta : not only is Dumbledore speaking about the power of words shared amongst people, but it's also a way of commenting on the power of the books themselves . After all, the Harry Potter series began as just words on paper, but they conjured up an immersive world that captured the hearts of tens of millions of people.

This links up with something else Dumbledore says in the scene. When Harry asks if this is real or just happening in his head, Albus replies, "Of course, it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" This line also seems like a reference to the series itself. The stories are fictional, but the emotions contained in them have a tangible impact. It's a beautiful way to bring the fantastic Harry Potter saga to a close.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2

Harry, Ron, and Hermione search for Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes in their effort to destroy the Dark Lord as the final battle rages on at Hogwarts.

NEXT: The Best Quote From Every Batman Movie

harry potter hero essay

10 DC Characters Harry Potter Stars Could Play In The DCU

  • Harry Potter alumni like Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint could bring new life to DCU detective roles.
  • Ralph Fiennes embodying Darkseid would bring a regal air of cruelty, perfect for the ultimate alien tyrant in the DC universe.
  • Emma Watson's emotive depth as Barbara Gordon could bring legitimacy to Batgirl's journey from caped crusader to Oracle's support role.

The DCU still has a lot of critical characters to fill out for its roster, and looking to the iconic Harry Potter films may reveal some good casting choices. With the latest film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - Part 2 being 13 years old now, many former wizards and witches are free to join a new blockbuster franchise. The cast of the Harry Potter movies have gone on to do some incredible work, whether they were already household names by the time of the series or child actors that cultivated their talent while starring in the films.

James Gunn's nascent DCU will need plenty of talented actors and actresses to add to its ranks, and actors experienced with carrying big franchises like the Harry Potter cast would be a true boon. Some Harry Potter alumni have already had noteworthy brushes with films based off of DC Comics, with Gary Oldman starring as Commissioner Gordon and Robert Pattinson turning in one of the best live-action Batman performances . That being said, a definitive place in the DCU would be a true feather in the cap of any former Hogwarts student looking to get back into a major movie series.

Every Harry Potter Movie, Ranked Worst To Best

Daniel radcliffe as nightwing, originally played harry potter.

The Boy Who Lived himself, Daniel Radcliffe needs no introduction as the face that carried the Harry Potter films into wild success. Many may still remember him as the scrawny Hogwarts student, but Radcliffe's physical transformation in recent years puts the image of a lean Dick Grayson in the mind of a hopeful DCU . Though too old to entertain the idea of a younger Damian Wayne Robin at this point in his career, the 34-year-old Radcliffe would be perfect for an adult graduated sidekick striking out on his own.

Ralph Fiennes As Darkseid

Originally played voldemort.

A true chameleon, it's easy to forget that Voldemort was a huge part of Ralph Fiennes' prestigious acting career , the ophidian wizard sneaking his way in among a varied cast of characters. When it comes to DC, Fiennes could don an inhuman face once again to serve as an interesting take on Darkseid, able to channel his many villainous roles into the ultimate alien tyrant. He may seem like an unconventional choice for the ruler of Apokolips, but Fiennes could give the Omega-beam wielding warlord a certain regal air of remorseless cruelty.

Fiennes could don an inhuman face once again to serve as an interesting take on Darkseid, able to channel his many villainous roles into the ultimate alien tyrant.

Emma Watson As Batgirl/Oracle

Originally played hermione.

Excelling as Hermione across the seven Harry Potter films, Emma Watson is known for playing characters that are smart, self-assured, and kind . These traits couldn't find a better home in the DC Comics mythology than Barbara Gordon, better known as Batgirl, who goes on to become the supporting heroine Oracle. Watson could bring an emotional depth to Barbara Gordon while depicting her journey from one identity to another, lending legitimacy to the hardships she endures along the way at the hands of Gotham's most notorious villains.

Rupert Grint As The Question

Originally played ron weasley.

Outside of his role as Harry Potter's cowardly best friend, Rupert Grint has recently made a name for himself as TV's Inspector Crome in The ABC Murders. Grint would be perfect as another detective in the DCU, The Question, who dyes his ginger hair and wears a featureless mask to hide his identity during his escapades of intrigue and espionage. In Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities , Grint managed to put on a great American accent while nailing a similarly obsessive character, making him perfect for the mystery-unraveling hardboiled hero.

Robert Pattinson As Constantine

Originally played cedric diggory.

Though he only appeared in a single film in the franchise, Robert Pattinson's charming performance as Cedric Diggory was one to remember against the larger cast of the Harry Potter movies. In recent years, Pattinson has become more well-known for playing characters with a certain morose or dour quality , from his moody Bruce Wayne to The Lighthouse 's troubled protagonist, Winslow. From his dirty blonde hair to his dry sense of humor shown off in interviews, Robert Pattinson would be the perfect John Constantine, native British accent and all.

While Robert Pattinson plays Batman in Matt Reeve's The Batman , that version of the character has been confirmed to take place in a sepearte universe from the DCU.

Tom Felton As Doctor Fate

Originally played draco malfoy.

Another Harry Potter veteran who would do great in a similarly magical role, Tom Felton could bring order to the DCU as Dr. Kent Nelson, better known as Dr. Fate. Appearing briefly in the cast of the DCEU's Black Adam , Dr. Fate is a powerful hero made up of a human vessel and the cosmic entity Nabu, keeping the universe in balance with awesome arcane powers. Felton already had a brush with the DC universe with a recurring role in CW's The Flash , in which he played a similarly by-the-book character that would translate excellently to Dr. Fate.

Helena Bonham Carter As Roulette

Originally played bellatrix lestrange.

Fond of immersing herself in the roles of quirky villainesses, Helena Bonham Carter made for an unforgettably wild witch as Bellatrix Lestrange. The DC Comics lore has no shortage of similar characters, and the criminal mastermind Roulette would perfectly fit the bill. An entrepreneur, power-broker, and gambler, Roulette is known for organizing underground superhero death-matches , something that could serve as an excellent hook for a team-up movie later down the line in the DCU. James Gunn has already proven to not be afraid to branch out to lesser-known characters like the Creature Commandos , meaning Roulette could be on the table.

Gary Oldman As The Scarecrow

Originally played sirius black.

An actor with an impressive range, Gary Oldman has played both vile antagonists and relatable heroes in equal measure, but seeing him finally come to the silver screen as Scarecrow would be one of his most hotly-anticipated roles yet. Once upon a time, Gary Oldman was going to play Scarecrow in Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins , only to lose the role to frequent Nolan collaborator Cilian Murphy. While Oldman's Commissioner Gordon was a fantastic take on the Gotham PD's faithful leader, seeing the DCU finally unleash his Scarecrow in theaters would be a prospect too good to pass up on.

10 Actors Who Were Almost Cast In Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy

Jason isaacs as count vertigo, originally played lucius malfoy.

One of the most deliciously evil obstacles Harry Potter ever had to deal with in the original films, Lucius Malfoy was a snide, conniving manipulator with a signature air of superiority. From his luscious mane of platinum blonde hair to his pride in his lineage, Jason Issacs' Lucius Malfoy would be a spot-on inspiration for Count Vertigo , one of Green Arrow's most prominent villains. The dizzying noble thief could be a great reason to finally introduce Green Arrow with his own movie in the DCU, one of the few Justice League members to never get a live-action feature release.

Toby Jones As The Ventriloquist

Originally played dobby the house-elf.

While Harry Potter fans may be more familiar with his squeaking voice as Dobby the elf, Toby Jones has actually amassed quite an impressive repertoire of live-action appearances, including as MCU villain Arnim Zola. The DCU could combine his voice-over talents with his experience as a veteran actor to create the perfect Ventriloquist, a Batman rogue with a split personality who commits his crimes through the medium of puppetry. Beyond having a spot-on look for the character, Toby Jones' vocal range could give distinct performances as both The Ventriloquist and his puppet, Scarface, helping to fill out the DCU 's ranks.

Key Release Dates

Joker: folie a deux, superman (2025), the batman part ii.

10 DC Characters Harry Potter Stars Could Play In The DCU


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    In J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the protagonist, Harry, is today's modern hero. It is noticeably apparent that Harry is a hero, using the guideline, "the Hero's Journey" developed by Joseph Campbell in his novel, The Hero With a Thousand Faces. In Campbell's book, he breaks down multiple hero's tales ...

  4. Heroes at Hogwarts: The Journey of the Hero in the Harry Potter Series

    Consider Harry Potter's journey in light of the hero's journey. Concealed and neglected for 10 years in Little Whinging, for his own safety, his identity concealed, he is yanked away by avalanching owl-borne letters and Hagrid's strength. His Muggle relatives vociferously try to refuse the call for him. Hagrid (fulfilling the role of ...

  5. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's

    Harry Potter. Harry Potter is the hero of the story. Orphaned as a baby, he is brought up by his aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, maltreated by them, and tormented by their obnoxious son, Dudley. Neglected and disdained, Harry grows up to be a timid boy unsure of his abilities. His sudden fame as a wizard at Hogwarts comes not just as a total ...

  6. Hero's Journey Example with Harry Potter

    10 Min Read. The Hero's Journey is a popular writing framework that outlines a main character's journey from zero to hero. Famous movies and stories have been shown to fit the narrative pattern of the Hero's Journey. One of those titles is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Given the fame of the story and the series in general ...

  7. Open at the Close: Literary Essays on Harry Potter on JSTOR

    Tasked with expelling gnomes from the Weasley garden in Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter reaps a vital lesson on interspecies relationships in the magical world. Although his best friend insists that hurling the gnomes "doesn't hurt them," Harry is at first "shocked" by the violence and reluctant to participate.

  8. The Harry Potter Books: Analyzing The Hero's Journey Narrative

    The Hero's Journey, a concept popularized by Joseph Campbell, is a common narrative structure found in many epic tales throughout history. It follows the path of a hero as they embark on a transformative quest, facing challenges, discovering their true potential, and ultimately emerging victorious. In the Harry Potter books, this narrative ...

  9. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: Mini Essays

    Mini Essays. Throughout most of the story, we share Harry's point of view. We see what he sees and experience what he experiences. In the first chapter, however, we are shown Mr. Dursley's point of view as he drives to work, sees a cat reading a map, and encounters oddly dressed people on the streets.

  10. Hero's Journey in "Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone"

    The essay examines how J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" aligns with the hero's journey narrative structure. The writer successfully identifies and discusses key stages of the hero's journey that Harry Potter undergoes, such as the Call to Adventure, Crossing the Threshold, Tests, Allies, Enemies, and the Return with the Elixir.

  11. The Harry Potter Generation: Essays on Growing Up with the Series

    Finally, we hear voices from the Harry Potter generation itself, delivered to us by Lauren Hammond and Linda Pershing, who have collaborated with a number of students in an essay asking how Harry Potter changed their lives (186). It is an uplifting ending which denotes a kind generation, unafraid of its own emotions and keen to add a personal ...

  12. Success Of The Harry Potter Series: [Essay Example], 636 words

    At the heart of the Harry Potter series' success lies J.K. Rowling's exceptional storytelling ability. Through her richly crafted world, Rowling manages to transport readers into a realm where magic exists alongside the mundane. Her intricate plotlines, filled with twists and turns, keep readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly turning each ...

  13. 93 Harry Potter Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The Book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" by J. K. Rowling. He incessantly faces one problem after another in the course of his life Petunia and Vernon consider Harry's magic a threat and decide not to tell him about his magical powers. Influence of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.

  14. The Life of Harry Potter: The Hero's Journey Explained (Video Essay

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MovieFlameProdPersonal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/morgan_ross18/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MovieFlame/I'm very...

  15. Harry Potter Hero Essay

    Harry Potter Hero Essay. 440 Words2 Pages. A numerous amount of parents see the Harry Potter books as adventurous tales and only tales allowing their children to have a taste of Rowling's books. Many know that with every hero must come a villain.

  16. Harry Potter Hero Essay

    Harry Potter Hero Essay. In the book and movie series Harry Potter, the famous boy wizard goes through his many years of schooling at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, making new friends like his best friends, Ron and Hermione, as well as creating enemies like Draco Malfoy. Along with his friends Ron and Hermione, Harry continuously ...

  17. Harry Potter Epic Hero Essay

    The Harry Potter series is an extenuation of Harry's life and his epic tale in the school of Hogwarts. His story begins when he was only a babe, and a horrible man named Voldemort tried to kill him to fulfill a prophecy that he had overheard a witch spout. However, when Voldemort attempted to murder the innocent baby, his mother, Lily, used ...

  18. Critical Essay on Harry Potter

    Critical Essay on Harry Potter. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Myth is an important stage in the human experience. Without you, the world would be a terrible place. Thought is essential to human wisdom and happiness.

  19. Essay On Harry Potter Hero's Journey

    Essay On Harry Potter Hero's Journey. All great Wizards started as a student, as did Harry Potter. He started his journey clueless about the wizard world, but now he is known as a great wizard in fact a hero, but Harry Potter reached the point of becoming a hero by going through the 5 stages of a hero's journey; departure, Initiation, the ...

  20. Essays on Harry Potter

    When choosing a topic for your Harry Potter essay, consider what aspect of the series you are most passionate about. Whether it's the themes of friendship and bravery, the complex characters, or the world-building, there are plenty of topics to explore. ... Harry Potter Hero's Journey Literature Review . 2 Success of The Harry Potter Series ...

  21. Harry Potter Hero's Journey Essay

    Joseph Campbell's concept of the Hero's Journey has made it into the plot of almost every story. From the call to adventure to the boon, a main character of a story often follows this traditional path on their journey of adventure. This proves to be no different for the renowned Harry Potter in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer ...

  22. Free Essay: Why harry potter is a hero

    A genuine hero learns from their experiences, and matures spiritually. Harry Potter does just that, so accordingly he possesses the characteristics of a traditional hero. By putting the aforementioned traits into consideration, one must agree that Harry Potter possesses and display's the characteristics of a classic Greek hero.

  23. The Best Quote From Each Harry Potter Movie

    Stream on Peacock. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year of study, where they delve into the mystery surrounding ...

  24. J.K. Rowling says 'Harry Potter' stars who've criticized her anti-trans

    After Rowling penned a personal essay in June 2020 detailing her beliefs about "trans activism" and young people experiencing gender dysphoria eventually outgrowing them, several "Harry Potter ...

  25. Harry Potter and The Last Unicorn: Analysing The Concept of Heroism

    In fantasy, the hero is traditionally depicted as a singular entity; however it is rare that a hero stands alone. Harry Potter and the Unicorn may be heroes by definition, but if the preconceived notion and definition of a 'hero' is ignored, it is clear that the supporting characters — being Ron, Hermione, Schmendrick, and Molly — show ...

  26. Harry Potter: 10 Incredibly Questionable Storylines

    The Harry Potter franchise follows the adventure of a young boy introduced a whole new world of magic, mayhem and darkness. Traversing the obstacles in his path, young Harry's rise to heroics pits ...

  27. 10 DC Characters Harry Potter Stars Could Play In The DCU

    Emma Watson As Batgirl/Oracle Originally played Hermione. Excelling as Hermione across the seven Harry Potter films, Emma Watson is known for playing characters that are smart, self-assured, and kind.