Impact of Technology on Business Essay

Past impact, future impact, works cited.

If you’re wondering how digital technology changes society in the area of business, this essay will help you figure it out. You’ll consider its positive and negative impacts on global organizations and the overall environment.

Technology has had a transformative effect on businesses, which, so far, has been revolutionary. Organizations, both small and large, use technologies such as the World Wide Web (WWW), computers, websites, Artificial Intelligence (AI), servers and even personal digital devices to make their work easier. These tools can give them the invaluable competitive advantage that all businesses strive to achieve.

Future technology will indubitably revolutionize business once again. It has grown to become an inseparable part of any company. So that you see all the real and possible impacts of technology on business, this essay will analyze how electronics and other machinery have already affected the field and are expected to affect it in the future.

One aspect of technology that has been harnessed well for use in businesses is Artificial Intelligence (AI). For the last ten years, virtually all businesses have had their processes automated though the use of AI in Management Information Systems (MIS). This automation function is also found in various computer applications that are used by contemporary businesses. Examples of the latter include word-processing software, spreadsheets etc.

The aforementioned automation features in programs and software have enabled businesses to achieve goals that were difficult to achieve before the advent of technology. For instance, automation has enabled businesses to avoid errors, process more information and achieve efficiency in their processes (Vitez 1).

In addition to the automation function, technology has revolutionized communication in businesses. In today’s business world, Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are common. The use of the WWW has introduced easy means of communication that include texting, use of “apps” in personal digital devices, use of interactive websites, etc.

These features of ICTs have eased communication within businesses, communication with various stakeholders and communication with customers. The latter is perhaps the most important for businesses.

This is because it gives businesses a chance to advertise their products and services in a cost-effective way, identify target markets, compare the popularity of their products with the popularity of other competing products in the market and receive customer feedback about their products and services (Vitez 1). Generally, all these communication opportunities give a business a chance to expand its market, which will lead to more profitability for the business.

For instance, instead of concentrating in the local markets, businesses use retail websites to reach national, regional and international markets. Business organizations have also developed websites in which their customers and various stakeholders can access the information they require. This has led to reduced communication costs for businesses.

The communication aspect of technology has also enabled businesses to utilize the local and international business environment by outsourcing their functions. This has helped businesses in concentrating on their core business leading to reduced costs, more productivity and more profitability in the long run. The most common functions that organizations choose to outsource include customer service and technical support (McGrath 2), which are obviously support services for business organizations.

Another way in which technology has revolutionized business in the past is in records management. In the past, documents and records were kept in cabinets and drawers. In contemporary businesses however, businesses use computer storage hardware such as hard disks, flash disks, Compact Disks (CDs), memory cards, Digital Video Disks (DVDs), etc.

The use of internet by businesses has also made it easier to transfer stored information from one department to another, or even to an external entity like a customer or even a supplier (McGrath 1).

The future of business technology will indubitably involve service-oriented systems designed to serve a decentralized business organization. This is because many businesses will be decentralized with an aim of increasing “collaboration across the enterprise with partners and customers” (“The future of business technology”, par. 5). This will especially be the case due to the convenience brought about by ICTs.

It is now possible to work from home or from a remote location using tablets, smart phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), etc. To exemplify the paradigm shift to service-oriented organizations, Information Technology (IT) providers will have to operate according to client needs as opposed to the conventional identification of a technological idea and the subsequent fitting of problems to the idea (“The future of business technology”, par. 5).

Another technological advancement that is likely to be harnessed for more opportunities in businesses particularly those dealing with medical issues is the combination of Computed Tomography (CT) with holography to solve health problems that have been a nightmare to the human race for a long time.

The use of CT together with holography gives an opportunity to construct internal organs in computers in order to perform pre-surgical evaluations to determine how a surgery can be successfully carried out. This will be resourceful for businesses dealing with health provision. The idea of holography can also be combined with Artificial Intelligence to create virtual humans who will be useful in performing risky functions like operating machinery or even being involved in war activities (Enzer 1).

Due to the increase in networked personal devices, there is a possibility of developing sensor networks that will use Artificial Intelligence to give sensitive information. For instance, the network could allow queries to know if a person is asleep, if a person is travelling at a high speed on a highway or even to establish if it is an appropriate time to make a video call to a certain person (Enzer 1).

If the current technological efforts succeed, it will be possible for a car to listen to conversations. This feature, combined with existent networking features, will make it easy for an organization to monitor its cars and know when they are being misused (Blum 1). In addition to this, machines may be able to communicate to humans in words and in writing in the future. This will ease operations in the manufacturing industry (Blum 1).

Future technology will come with knowledge demands for business managers. Managers in the Information Technology field will have to fully understand how they can integrate the ideas of Artificial Intelligence in new systems and mainstream Artificial Intelligence in technological inventions and innovations. In the medical field, managers will have to fully understand the applications of CT and how best they can use the information produced by applications and devices.

As evidenced in the discussion above, technology has had a revolutionary effect on businesses. In fact, technology can be considered as part and parcel of business operations. It is therefore expected that future technologies will have a more transformative effect on businesses than past technologies. Future managers will also have to acquaint themselves with future technology so that they do not lose their relevance in the market.

Blum, Jonathan. 10 Tech Trends Defining the Future of Small Business 2012 . Web.

Enzer, Georgina. Cisco predicts future technologies 2012 . Web.

McGrath, Jane. How has technology changed the way we conduct business? 2012 . Web.

The future of business technology 2011 . Web.

Vitez, Osmond. The Impact of Technological Change on Business Activity , 2012 . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2023, October 29). Impact of Technology on Business Essay.

"Impact of Technology on Business Essay." IvyPanda , 29 Oct. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Impact of Technology on Business Essay'. 29 October.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Impact of Technology on Business Essay." October 29, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Impact of Technology on Business Essay." October 29, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Impact of Technology on Business Essay." October 29, 2023.

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Feb 13, 2023

200-500 Word Example Essays about Technology

Got an essay assignment about technology check out these examples to inspire you.

Technology is a rapidly evolving field that has completely changed the way we live, work, and interact with one another. Technology has profoundly impacted our daily lives, from how we communicate with friends and family to how we access information and complete tasks. As a result, it's no surprise that technology is a popular topic for students writing essays.

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This blog post aims to provide readers with various example essays on technology, all generated by These essays will be a valuable resource for students looking for inspiration or guidance as they work on their essays. By reading through these example essays, students can better understand how technology can be approached and discussed in an essay.

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The Impact of Technology on Society and Culture


Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and has dramatically impacted how we interact, communicate, and carry out various activities. Technological advancements have brought positive and negative changes to society and culture. In this article, we will explore the impact of technology on society and culture and how it has influenced different aspects of our lives.

Positive impact on communication:

Technology has dramatically improved communication and made it easier for people to connect from anywhere in the world. Social media platforms, instant messaging, and video conferencing have brought people closer, bridging geographical distances and cultural differences. This has made it easier for people to share information, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Positive impact on education:

Students and instructors now have access to a multitude of knowledge and resources because of the effect of technology on education . Students may now study at their speed and from any location thanks to online learning platforms, educational applications, and digital textbooks.

Negative impact on critical thinking and creativity:

Technological advancements have resulted in a reduction in critical thinking and creativity. With so much information at our fingertips, individuals have become more passive in their learning, relying on the internet for solutions rather than logic and inventiveness. As a result, independent thinking and problem-solving abilities have declined.

Positive impact on entertainment:

Technology has transformed how we access and consume entertainment. People may now access a wide range of entertainment alternatives from the comfort of their own homes thanks to streaming services, gaming platforms, and online content makers. The entertainment business has entered a new age of creativity and invention as a result of this.

Negative impact on attention span:

However, the continual bombardment of information and technological stimulation has also reduced attention span and the capacity to focus. People are easily distracted and need help focusing on a single activity for a long time. This has hampered productivity and the ability to accomplish duties.

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies has been one of the most significant technological developments of the past several decades. These cutting-edge technologies have the potential to alter several sectors of society, including commerce, industry, healthcare, and entertainment. 

As with any new and quickly advancing technology, AI and ML ethics must be carefully studied. The usage of these technologies presents significant concerns around privacy, accountability, and command. As the use of AI and ML grows more ubiquitous, we must assess their possible influence on society and investigate the ethical issues that must be taken into account as these technologies continue to develop.

What are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines designed to think and act like humans. Machine learning is a subfield of AI that enables computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed.

The impact of AI and ML on Society

The use of AI and ML in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and retail, has brought many benefits. For example, AI-powered medical diagnosis systems can identify diseases faster and more accurately than human doctors. However, there are also concerns about job displacement and the potential for AI to perpetuate societal biases.

The Ethical Considerations of AI and ML

A. Bias in AI algorithms

One of the critical ethical concerns about AI and ML is the potential for algorithms to perpetuate existing biases. This can occur if the data used to train these algorithms reflects the preferences of the people who created it. As a result, AI systems can perpetuate these biases and discriminate against certain groups of people.

B. Responsibility for AI-generated decisions

Another ethical concern is the responsibility for decisions made by AI systems. For example, who is responsible for the damage if a self-driving car causes an accident? The manufacturer of the vehicle, the software developer, or the AI algorithm itself?

C. The potential for misuse of AI and ML

AI and ML can also be used for malicious purposes, such as cyberattacks and misinformation. The need for more regulation and oversight in developing and using these technologies makes it difficult to prevent misuse.

The developments in AI and ML have given numerous benefits to humanity, but they also present significant ethical concerns that must be addressed. We must assess the repercussions of new technologies on society, implement methods to limit the associated dangers, and guarantee that they are utilized for the greater good. As AI and ML continue to play an ever-increasing role in our daily lives, we must engage in an open and frank discussion regarding their ethics.

The Future of Work And Automation

Rapid technological breakthroughs in recent years have brought about considerable changes in our way of life and work. Concerns regarding the influence of artificial intelligence and machine learning on the future of work and employment have increased alongside the development of these technologies. This article will examine the possible advantages and disadvantages of automation and its influence on the labor market, employees, and the economy.

The Advantages of Automation

Automation in the workplace offers various benefits, including higher efficiency and production, fewer mistakes, and enhanced precision. Automated processes may accomplish repetitive jobs quickly and precisely, allowing employees to concentrate on more complex and creative activities. Additionally, automation may save organizations money since it removes the need to pay for labor and minimizes the danger of workplace accidents.

The Potential Disadvantages of Automation

However, automation has significant disadvantages, including job loss and income stagnation. As robots and computers replace human labor in particular industries, there is a danger that many workers may lose their jobs, resulting in higher unemployment and more significant economic disparity. Moreover, if automation is not adequately regulated and managed, it might lead to stagnant wages and a deterioration in employees' standard of life.

The Future of Work and Automation

Despite these difficulties, automation will likely influence how labor is done. As a result, firms, employees, and governments must take early measures to solve possible issues and reap the rewards of automation. This might entail funding worker retraining programs, enhancing education and skill development, and implementing regulations that support equality and justice at work.

IV. The Need for Ethical Considerations

We must consider the ethical ramifications of automation and its effects on society as technology develops. The impact on employees and their rights, possible hazards to privacy and security, and the duty of corporations and governments to ensure that automation is utilized responsibly and ethically are all factors to be taken into account.


To summarise, the future of employment and automation will most certainly be defined by a complex interaction of technological advances, economic trends, and cultural ideals. All stakeholders must work together to handle the problems and possibilities presented by automation and ensure that technology is employed to benefit society as a whole.

The Role of Technology in Education


Nearly every part of our lives has been transformed by technology, and education is no different. Today's students have greater access to knowledge, opportunities, and resources than ever before, and technology is becoming a more significant part of their educational experience. Technology is transforming how we think about education and creating new opportunities for learners of all ages, from online courses and virtual classrooms to instructional applications and augmented reality.

Technology's Benefits for Education

The capacity to tailor learning is one of technology's most significant benefits in education. Students may customize their education to meet their unique needs and interests since they can access online information and tools. 

For instance, people can enroll in online classes on topics they are interested in, get tailored feedback on their work, and engage in virtual discussions with peers and subject matter experts worldwide. As a result, pupils are better able to acquire and develop the abilities and information necessary for success.

Challenges and Concerns

Despite the numerous advantages of technology in education, there are also obstacles and considerations to consider. One issue is the growing reliance on technology and the possibility that pupils would become overly dependent on it. This might result in a lack of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, as students may become passive learners who only follow instructions and rely on technology to complete their assignments.

Another obstacle is the digital divide between those who have access to technology and those who do not. This division can exacerbate the achievement gap between pupils and produce uneven educational and professional growth chances. To reduce these consequences, all students must have access to the technology and resources necessary for success.

In conclusion, technology is rapidly becoming an integral part of the classroom experience and has the potential to alter the way we learn radically. 

Technology can help students flourish and realize their full potential by giving them access to individualized instruction, tools, and opportunities. While the benefits of technology in the classroom are undeniable, it's crucial to be mindful of the risks and take precautions to guarantee that all kids have access to the tools they need to thrive.

The Influence of Technology On Personal Relationships And Communication 

Technological advancements have profoundly altered how individuals connect and exchange information. It has changed the world in many ways in only a few decades. Because of the rise of the internet and various social media sites, maintaining relationships with people from all walks of life is now simpler than ever. 

However, concerns about how these developments may affect interpersonal connections and dialogue are inevitable in an era of rapid technological growth. In this piece, we'll discuss how the prevalence of digital media has altered our interpersonal connections and the language we use to express ourselves.

Direct Effect on Direct Interaction:

The disruption of face-to-face communication is a particularly stark example of how technology has impacted human connections. The quality of interpersonal connections has suffered due to people's growing preference for digital over human communication. Technology has been demonstrated to reduce the usage of nonverbal signs such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and other indicators of emotional investment in the connection.

Positive Impact on Long-Distance Relationships:

Yet there are positives to be found as well. Long-distance relationships have also benefited from technological advancements. The development of technologies such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and social media has made it possible for individuals to keep in touch with distant loved ones. It has become simpler for individuals to stay in touch and feel connected despite geographical distance.

The Effects of Social Media on Personal Connections:

The widespread use of social media has had far-reaching consequences, especially on the quality of interpersonal interactions. Social media has positive and harmful effects on relationships since it allows people to keep in touch and share life's milestones.

Unfortunately, social media has made it all too easy to compare oneself to others, which may lead to emotions of jealousy and a general decline in confidence. Furthermore, social media might cause people to have inflated expectations of themselves and their relationships.

A Personal Perspective on the Intersection of Technology and Romance

Technological advancements have also altered physical touch and closeness. Virtual reality and other technologies have allowed people to feel physical contact and familiarity in a digital setting. This might be a promising breakthrough, but it has some potential downsides. 

Experts are concerned that people's growing dependence on technology for intimacy may lead to less time spent communicating face-to-face and less emphasis on physical contact, both of which are important for maintaining good relationships.

In conclusion, technological advancements have significantly affected the quality of interpersonal connections and the exchange of information. Even though technology has made it simpler to maintain personal relationships, it has chilled interpersonal interactions between people. 

Keeping tabs on how technology is changing our lives and making adjustments as necessary is essential as we move forward. Boundaries and prioritizing in-person conversation and physical touch in close relationships may help reduce the harm it causes.

The Security and Privacy Implications of Increased Technology Use and Data Collection

The fast development of technology over the past few decades has made its way into every aspect of our life. Technology has improved many facets of our life, from communication to commerce. However, significant privacy and security problems have emerged due to the broad adoption of technology. In this essay, we'll look at how the widespread use of technological solutions and the subsequent explosion in collected data affects our right to privacy and security.

Data Mining and Privacy Concerns

Risk of Cyber Attacks and Data Loss

The Widespread Use of Encryption and Other Safety Mechanisms

The Privacy and Security of the Future in a Globalized Information Age

Obtaining and Using Individual Information

The acquisition and use of private information is a significant cause for privacy alarm in the digital age. Data about their customers' online habits, interests, and personal information is a valuable commodity for many internet firms. Besides tailored advertising, this information may be used for other, less desirable things like identity theft or cyber assaults.

Moreover, many individuals need to be made aware of what data is being gathered from them or how it is being utilized because of the lack of transparency around gathering personal information. Privacy and data security have become increasingly contentious as a result.

Data breaches and other forms of cyber-attack pose a severe risk.

The risk of cyber assaults and data breaches is another big issue of worry. More people are using more devices, which means more opportunities for cybercriminals to steal private information like credit card numbers and other identifying data. This may cause monetary damages and harm one's reputation or identity.

Many high-profile data breaches have occurred in recent years, exposing the personal information of millions of individuals and raising serious concerns about the safety of this information. Companies and governments have responded to this problem by adopting new security methods like encryption and multi-factor authentication.

Many businesses now use encryption and other security measures to protect themselves from cybercriminals and data thieves. Encryption keeps sensitive information hidden by encoding it so that only those possessing the corresponding key can decipher it. This prevents private information like bank account numbers or social security numbers from falling into the wrong hands.

Firewalls, virus scanners, and two-factor authentication are all additional security precautions that may be used with encryption. While these safeguards do much to stave against cyber assaults, they are not entirely impregnable, and data breaches are still possible.

The Future of Privacy and Security in a Technologically Advanced World

There's little doubt that concerns about privacy and security will persist even as technology improves. There must be strict safeguards to secure people's private information as more and more of it is transferred and kept digitally. To achieve this goal, it may be necessary to implement novel technologies and heightened levels of protection and to revise the rules and regulations regulating the collection and storage of private information.

Individuals and businesses are understandably concerned about the security and privacy consequences of widespread technological use and data collecting. There are numerous obstacles to overcome in a society where technology plays an increasingly important role, from acquiring and using personal data to the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches. Companies and governments must keep spending money on security measures and working to educate people about the significance of privacy and security if personal data is to remain safe.

In conclusion, technology has profoundly impacted virtually every aspect of our lives, including society and culture, ethics, work, education, personal relationships, and security and privacy. The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning has presented new ethical considerations, while automation is transforming the future of work. 

In education, technology has revolutionized the way we learn and access information. At the same time, our dependence on technology has brought new challenges in terms of personal relationships, communication, security, and privacy. is an AI tool that can help students write essays easily and quickly. Whether you're looking, for example, for essays on any of these topics or are seeking assistance in writing your essay, offers a convenient solution. Sign up for a free trial today and experience the benefits of AI-powered writing assistance for yourself.

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essay writing on business and technology

How to Write a Business Essay for Impactful Communication and Analysis

essay writing on business and technology

So, you've got a business essay coming up, and you're feeling a mix of excitement and a tad bit overwhelmed, right? Totally get it. Writing a business essay might sound boring, but trust me, it's a skill that's gonna come in handy when you're out there in the real world.

In this article, we're dishing out some awesome tips just for you. Think of it as your secret weapon to tackle those business essays like a pro. We'll keep it real, easy, and super practical – no fancy jargon or complicated theories. Let's dive into the world of business essay writing, where your words can make a big impact. In case you lack time or motivation to finish your assignment, use our business essay writing service to streamline the process.

What Is a Business Essay

Business essays are written pieces that explore and analyze various aspects of business-related topics, often focusing on management, marketing, finance, or entrepreneurship. They provide a platform for students and professionals to articulate their understanding of business concepts, theories, and real-world applications. Typically written in a formal and structured manner, a business essay requires critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. Whether delving into case studies, discussing industry trends, or evaluating business strategies, the essay aims to provide insights, draw conclusions, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamic world of business.

What Is a Business Essay

How to Write an Introduction for a Business Essay

A business essay introduction sets the tone for the entire paper and captures the reader's attention. Here are some steps and tips to help you write an effective introduction for a business essay:

  • Understand the Purpose of the Introduction

Clearly understand the purpose of your essay. Are you providing an overview of a business concept, analyzing a case study, or arguing a specific point? Tailor your introduction accordingly.

  • Start with a Hook

Grab the reader's attention with a compelling hook. This could be a relevant quote, a surprising fact, a rhetorical question, or a thought-provoking statement. The goal is to make the reader want to continue reading.

  • Provide Context

After the hook, provide some background or context related to the topic of your essay. Help the reader understand the significance and relevance of the subject matter in the business world.

  • Thesis Statement

Clearly state your thesis or the main argument of your essay. This should be a concise and focused statement that outlines what the reader can expect from the rest of the essay. Make sure it is specific and reflects the purpose of your writing.

  • Outline the Scope

Briefly outline the main points or areas that your essay will cover. This gives the reader a roadmap of what to expect and helps them understand the structure of your essay.

  • Use Clear and Concise Language

Keep your introduction clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex language that might confuse the reader. Aim for clarity and precision.

  • Be Relevant

Ensure that every sentence in your introduction is directly related to the topic of your essay. Avoid going off on tangents or providing excessive information that doesn't contribute to the main points.

  • Consider the Tone

Choose a tone that is appropriate for your audience and the nature of your essay. Business essays can vary in tone, from formal and academic to more conversational, depending on the context.

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Business Essay Introduction Example

Here’s an example of an introduction for an essay titled “The Rise of E-commerce: Shaping the Future of Retail”:

The retail landscape is undergoing a seismic shift as e-commerce continues to redefine the way consumers shop. In this essay, we explore the profound implications of this digital transformation on traditional retail models and analyze the key strategies businesses are employing to thrive in this dynamic environment. From changing consumer behaviors to the strategic use of technology, the impact of e-commerce on the retail sector is undeniable, prompting businesses to adapt or face the risk of obsolescence.

How to Write a Business Essay

Working on a business essay might seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. In this guide, we'll break down the process into simple steps to help you navigate through it smoothly. In this next section. We’ll be breaking down the essentials of drawing up a business essay from start to finish. From defining your main argument to structuring your points effectively, let's explore the key strategies that will set you on the path to success. 

How to Write a Business Essay

Analyze the Prompt

Start by carefully reading and understanding the essay prompt. This involves breaking down the question to grasp what it's asking for, identifying the main topics, and recognizing any specific tasks or points to cover. This step helps you set the stage for a focused and relevant essay by ensuring you address all aspects mentioned in the prompt. You can hire a business essay writer to expedite the process if you want.

Think of a Thesis Statement

When writing a business essay, think of the thesis statement as the essay's compass. It should be a concise, strong sentence that lays out your main argument or viewpoint on the topic. Your thesis guides the entire essay, so make sure it's specific, debatable, and gives readers a clear idea of what to expect in your writing.

Create an Outline

We’ve already shared tips on how to write an introduction for a business essay, so let’s move on to the next stages. Organize your thoughts by outlining the main points and structure of your essay. This doesn't have to be too detailed; just a roadmap that helps you see how different ideas connect. An outline ensures a logical flow in your writing and prevents you from going off track. By the way, have you already picked business essay topics ? If not, here’s a list of great ideas you can use!

Provide Topic Background

Before diving into your main points, the business essay writing format implies giving your reader some context about the topic. Briefly introduce the key concepts, relevant facts, or historical background that will help readers understand the importance and relevance of your essay.

Write the Main Body

Start developing your essay by expanding on the main points outlined in your thesis. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or argument supported by evidence or examples. Be clear and concise, ensuring a smooth transition between paragraphs. It’s the most difficult part of the assignment, meaning you can use our college essay service to simplify it.

Write a Conclusion

Summarize your key points and conclusively restate your thesis. The conclusion should tie up the loose ends and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Avoid introducing new information but rather reinforce your main argument. For more details about how to write a conclusion for an essay , please refer to our guide.

Add a Bibliography

List all the sources you used in your research. Be meticulous about citing your references properly, following the chosen format (APA, MLA, etc.). This adds credibility to your essay and avoids plagiarism issues.

Edit and Proofread

As you’ve learned how to write a business essay, it’s time to master the art of self-revising. Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammatical errors. Editing ensures that your ideas flow smoothly, and proofreading catches any overlooked mistakes. It's a crucial step to polish your essay and present a professional piece of writing. Do you have another assignment on business management ? This guide will help you!

Choose the Writing Format

Reiterate the importance of selecting and adhering to the chosen writing format throughout the essay. Consistency in formatting, citations, and other style elements contributes to the overall professionalism of your work.

Business Essay Example

Business essay examples offer practical assistance to students tackling assignments by showcasing the application of essential writing principles in a real-world context. As a tangible reference, it demonstrates an effective essay structure and how to formulate a clear thesis statement and provide coherent arguments. By examining examples, students can glean insights into research techniques, proper citation practices, and overall essay organization, empowering them to approach their business assignments with increased confidence and proficiency.

Example 1: “The Impact of Technological Advancements on Modern Business Operations”

This essay explores the multifaceted impact of technology on operational efficiency, innovation, customer relations, and global connectivity. From integrating automation and artificial intelligence for streamlined processes to facilitating global expansion through digital platforms, technology emerges as a driving force shaping the success and sustainability of contemporary enterprises. While acknowledging the numerous benefits, the essay also highlights the challenges and ethical considerations inherent in adopting these technologies, emphasizing the need for businesses to navigate these complexities responsibly for long-term growth and competitiveness.

Example 2: “Sustainable Business Practices: A Strategic Imperative for Corporate Success”

This essay explores the pivotal role of sustainable business practices as a strategic imperative for corporate success in the contemporary entrepreneurship scene. Addressing environmental concerns, social consciousness, and economic viability, the essay delves into the multifaceted benefits of adopting sustainable approaches. It discusses how businesses can align profitability with responsible practices, emphasizing environmental stewardship, social impact, and community engagement. The essay underscores the importance of regulatory compliance and risk mitigation in business by examining the economic advantages and innovation opportunities arising from sustainable initiatives.

Final Considerations

Students engage in writing business essays to develop essential skills and knowledge crucial for success in the professional world. These essays serve as a platform for honing critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills, allowing students to articulate and analyze complex business concepts. Through the process of researching, organizing thoughts, and constructing coherent arguments, students gain a deeper understanding of business principles and practices. Business essays also cultivate the ability to synthesize information, evaluate various perspectives, and present well-reasoned conclusions. If you find with task troublesome, you can always tell us, ‘ write my research paper ,’ and one of our wordsmiths will fulfill the assignment quickly.

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essay writing on business and technology

Argumentative Essay on Technology

Technology influences every aspect of our lives. From the way we communicate to the way we work, the impact of technology is undeniable. Writing an argumentative essay about technology offers an opportunity to explore and dissect this multifaceted subject. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the steps of creating an impactful argumentative essay on technology. 

Argumentative Essay on Technology

Let’s try to grasp the fundamentals of this type of essay.

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires you to take a stance on a particular topic, provide evidence to support your position, and refute counterarguments. It aims to persuade the reader to adopt your point of view.

Choosing a Topic | Argumentative Essay on Technology

Selecting the right topic is the first step in creating a compelling argumentative essay. When it comes to technology, there are numerous subjects to explore:

  • Privacy Concerns in the Digital Age: Discuss the implications of surveillance and data collection in the modern world.
  • Impact of Social Media: Analyze the effects of social media on individuals and society.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Delve into the benefits and drawbacks of AI and automation in the workplace.
  • Digital Divide: Explore the disparities in technology access and its consequences.
  • Cybersecurity: Investigate the importance of safeguarding data and personal information in the digital realm.

The Essay Structure | Argumentative Essay on Technology

To present your arguments effectively, you must follow a well-structured essay format. Here’s a classic structure that works for most argumentative essays:

1. Introduction

The introduction is your opportunity to grab the reader’s attention. Start with a compelling hook related to technology and state the issue you’ll be discussing. Provide some context and background information, and conclude with a clear thesis statement that outlines your stance on the topic.

The body of your essay is where you present your arguments and evidence. Divide this section into several paragraphs, each focusing on a single point. Remember to use topic sentences to guide the reader through your essay. Let’s take the example of discussing the impact of social media on society:

  • Paragraph 1: Social Media and Communication   Discuss how social media has revolutionized communication and connection among people.
  • Paragraph 2: The Influence on Mental Health Explore the potential negative effects of excessive social media use on mental well-being.
  • Paragraph 3: Fake News and Misinformation Address the issue of misinformation and its impact on society through social media.
  • Paragraph 4: Privacy Concerns Discuss the privacy implications of sharing personal information on social media platforms.
  • Paragraph 5: The Power of Social Media in Activism   Highlight the positive aspects, such as its role in social and political movements.

3. Counterarguments and Refutation 

To strengthen your essay, acknowledge opposing viewpoints and provide a counterargument. After presenting the counterargument, offer a compelling refutation to demonstrate the weaknesses in the opposing view.

4. Conclusion

Summarize your main points, restate your thesis, and leave the reader with a compelling closing thought. Encourage them to think critically about the topic.

Evidence and Support | Argumentative Essay on Technology

To make your argument persuasive, you need strong evidence and support for each point you make. Here are some ways to gather evidence:

  • Statistics: Utilize relevant statistics to back up your claims. For instance, if you’re discussing the impact of social media, you can cite statistics on the number of people using social platforms or the time spent on them.
  • Expert Opinions: Quote experts and scholars in the field to lend credibility to your arguments. Their insights can provide valuable support for your claims.
  • Anecdotes and Examples: Share real-life stories or examples that illustrate the points you’re making. Personal anecdotes can make your essay more relatable to the reader.
  • Research Studies: Incorporate findings from reputable research studies. These studies can offer in-depth analysis and provide a solid foundation for your arguments.

Addressing Counterarguments

To create a well-rounded argument, it’s crucial to address counterarguments. Anticipate what the opposition might say and offer a counterpoint. For example, when discussing social media’s positive impact on activism, acknowledge that some critics argue it can be a source of division. Then, provide evidence to refute this perspective.

Revise and Edit

Writing is a process, and revision is an integral part of it. After completing your initial draft, take the time to revise and edit your essay. Look for clarity, coherence, and ensure that your arguments flow logically. Pay attention to grammar and style to present a polished final product.

To Remember

Writing an argumentative essay about technology needs knowledge on essay structure and deep understanding about the topic. By following the structure, providing strong evidence, addressing counterarguments, and revising diligently, you can craft a compelling essay that engages readers and leaves a lasting impact. 

As technology continues to shape our world, the need for thoughtful discourse on its effects and implications becomes increasingly important. Your argumentative essay can contribute to this ongoing conversation, shedding light on the complexities of technology in the modern age.

Argumentative Essay on Technology Example

In today’s rapidly evolving world, technology plays an extremely important role. It has become an integral part of our lives, reshaping how we work, communicate, and live. Nobody can free themselves from the influence of this. The role of technology is really indispensable for three key reasons: facilitation of communication, efficiency and automation in business, and advancement in health care and research.

One of the most significant advantages of technology is its role in enhancing communication and connectivity. The rise of the internet and smartphones has revolutionized how people interact. Instant messaging, social media platforms, and video conferencing enable people from different corners of the world to stay connected effortlessly. This is particularly important for businesses that can now collaborate with partners and clients globally. In online retail business, technology, specially information technology, has made online malls increase their business transaction significantly. For example: Tokopedia made a huge number of transaction in 2019 which was around US $ 1,3 billion. Moreover, technology has brought distant family members closer and allowed friends to maintain their relationships across borders. In a world that increasingly values global connections, technology has proven to be indispensable.

Efficiency and Automation in Business Technology has vastly improved business operations and efficiency. The automation of tasks that once required substantial human effort has not only reduced labor costs but also minimized errors. For example, manufacturing industries now use robotic systems for repetitive tasks, increasing precision and output. In the service sector, customer relationship management software streamlines operations, providing valuable insights and enhancing customer satisfaction. This efficiency boosts profitability and competitiveness, making technology an essential element of modern business.

The importance of technology extends to the field of healthcare and research. Medical technology has saved countless lives through advancements in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. From cutting-edge surgical robots to telemedicine services, technology has improved the accessibility and quality of healthcare. Additionally, technology aids in scientific research by enabling complex simulations, data analysis, and collaboration among researchers worldwide. Without it, we would not have made groundbreaking discoveries or developed life-saving treatments. Technology, therefore, plays a pivotal role in improving the quality of human life.

At some points, we know that technology has negative consequences, such as privacy concerns, job displacement, and over-dependence. While these concerns are valid, they do not negate the overall importance of technology. Instead, they highlight the need for responsible and ethical use of technology. For instance, privacy concerns can be addressed through regulations and user education. Job displacement, while real in some sectors, is often counterbalanced by new opportunities created by technology. Over-dependence on technology can be mitigated through fostering digital literacy and promoting a balanced lifestyle. In essence, these challenges do not diminish the fundamental significance of technology but emphasize the necessity of responsible integration.

To sum up, technology is undeniably important in our modern world. It enhances communication, boosts efficiency in business, and contributes to advancements in healthcare and research. While concerns exist, they can be addressed responsibly. Embracing technology and harnessing its potential is not only inevitable but also essential for our continued progress and well-being in the 21st century. Can you live your life without technology?

See also short argumentative essay sample for middle school here.

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Essays on Technology in Business

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Essay on Information Technology in 400 Words

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  • Dec 2, 2023

Essay on Information Technology

Essay on Information Technology: Information Technology is the study of computer systems and telecommunications for storing, retrieving, and transmitting information using the Internet. Today, we rely on information technology to collect and transfer data from and on the internet. Say goodbye to the conventional lifestyle and hello to the realm of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

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Scientific discoveries have given birth to Information Technology (IT), which has revolutionized our way of living. Sudden developments in technology have given a boost to IT growth, which has changed the entire world. Students are taught online using smartboards, virtual meetings are conducted between countries to enhance diplomatic ties, online surveys are done to spread social awareness, e-commerce platforms are used for online shopping, etc.

Information Technology has made sharing and collecting information at our fingertips easier. We can learn new things with just a click. IT tools have enhanced global communication, through which we can foster economic cooperation and innovation. Almost every business in the world relies on Information Technology for growth and development. The addiction to information technology is thriving throughout the world.

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  • Everyday activities like texting, calling, and video chatting have made communication more efficient.
  • E-commerce platforms like Amazon and Flipkart have become a source of online shopping.
  • E-learning platforms have made education more accessible.
  • The global economy has significantly improved.
  • The healthcare sector has revolutionized with the introduction of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and telemedicine.
  • Local businesses have expanded into global businesses. 
  • Access to any information on the internet in real-time.

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Apart from the above-mentioned advantages of Information Technology, there are some disadvantages also.

  • Cybersecurity and data breaches are one of the most important issues.
  • There is a digital divide in people having access to information technology.
  • Our over-relying attitude towards the IT sector makes us vulnerable to technical glitches, system failures and cyber-attacks.
  • Excessive use of electronic devices and exposure to screens contribute to health issues.
  • Short lifecycles of electronic devices due to rapid changes in technological developments.
  • Challenges like copyright infringement and intellectual property will rise because of ease in digital reproduction and distribution.
  • Our traditional ways of entertainment have been transformed by online streaming platforms, where we can watch movies and play games online.

The modern world heavily relies on information technology. Indeed, it has fundamentally reshaped our way of living and working, but, we also need to strike a balance between its use and overuse. We must pay attention to the challenges it brings for a sustainable and equitable society.

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Paragraph on Information Technology

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Ans: Information technology is an indispensable part of our lives and has revolutionized the way we connect, work, and live. The IT sector involves the use of computers and electronic gadgets to store, transmit, and retrieve data. In recent year, there has been some rapid changes in the IT sector, which has transformed the world into a global village, where information can be exchanged in real-time across vast distances.

Ans: The IT sector is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world. The IT sector includes IT services, e-commerce, the Internet, Software, and Hardware products. IT sector helps boost productivity and efficiency. Computer applications and digital systems have allowed people to perform multiple tasks at a faster rate. IT sector creates new opportunities for everyone; businesses, professionals, and consumers.

Ans: There are four basic concepts of the IT sector: Information security, business software development, computer technical support, and database and network management.

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20 Most Prominent Technology Essay Topics And Writing Hints

Benjamin Oaks

Table of Contents

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So it goes without saying that the scope of technology is an endless sphere to examine. What’s more, as the topic is super wide, you can personalize your essay to make it enjoyable to work on.

Nevertheless, it may be a challenge for you to make up your mind on how and what to write about. In this case, I hope the following hints will be of great help to you!

How to choose a topic about technology for a research paper?

First of all, to write a technology essay , you need to come up with a topic that will not be too wide, yet not too narrow.

Also, remember that it will be much more entertaining and easier for you to work on the questions you actually enjoy.

If you have troubles composing the topic for your research paper, try some o the following guidelines:

  • Think of the aspects of technology you’re interested in.
  • Choose issues that are up-to-date and newsworthy .
  • Examine credible sources ; find out which questions are best covered with relevant information.
  • Write down some keywords for the remaining questions, – they will be the basis of the topic. In case you’ve got too many aspects to cover, try choosing 2-3 of them.
  • Try crafting a couple of topics . In case of emergency… find some ready-to-use ideas.
  • Look through your final ideas and pick the one you like most.
  • Do some preliminary research . Correct your topic if needed.

TOP 20 technology essay topics

Can’t come up with the idea for your perfect topic? How about choosing one from a brilliant list we’ve created for you?

  • To what extent technology has changed the way people communicate?
  • Pick up one technological invention (Internet/television/electro cars/mobile phones, etc.) and describe how it affected people’s lives.
  • History of technological progress: the first technological discoveries.
  • What would life be without modern technology?
  • Do technologies have more pros or cons? Why?
  • Is the Internet bringing people closer to each other or separating them?
  • Examine the role of technologies in your own life: to what extent you are dependent on them, can you give up using?
  • Think of the things we are losing with technological progress.
  • Choose one gadget and describe its pros and cons.
  • What technology awareness needs to be given to children nowadays?
  • Describe a new technology you consider the most prominent. Explain your choice.
  • The role of technology in globalization.
  • Technology and work: what are the advantages and disadvantages of technology in workplaces?
  • Imagine the future of technology: what life will be like in 20 years?
  • Human vs computer: who wins?
  • Reproduction technologies.
  • Health technologies that have changed the world.
  • Technology advance in genetic engineering.
  • Correlation between technological progress and human identity.
  • How has technology changed the rules of war?

Prominent topics about technology for writing

Didn’t like any of the topics above? Well, we’ve got Well, we’ve got another custom Writing list of technology topics. The following topics are more specific, but all of them are definitely thought-provoking.

  • The use of technology in education.
  • Stunning technology developed currently.
  • The most shocking modern technology inventions the majority of people still aren’t aware of.
  • Enumerate some technologies that you consider completely destructive and harmful. Explain your choice.
  • Technology and space studies.
  • The impact of technology on people’s health and values.
  • Can robots replace humans completely on the workplaces? Why?
  • Specific country and its contribution to the development of modern technology.
  • Technology and safety of transport.
  • Nanotechnologies and the scopes of their use.
  • The use of technologies in medicine.
  • Which technologies may influence people’s mental health? How?
  • Technologies that have changed our lives.
  • Do technologies have a positive or negative effect on personal safety?
  • Does modern technology help improve the educational process?

Writing about technology: the what and the why

After you’ve chosen the topic, it’s a perfect time to start working on it.

Remember… To write a successful essay or a research paper on technology, you need to organize it all well.

This means you need a plan! Here are some hints for a perfect structure:

  • Search for relevant information . You have to rely on credible sources to have up-to-date and newsworthy data. Remember that some websites may contain fakes!
  • Note some crucial aspects of your question. Later you may use them as ideas to highlight.
  • Start writing. To make it easier to cope with a lot of information you now encounter, you’d need to craft an outline . Write down a table of contents for your essay, it will be your soil to push off.
  • Start with the introduction to give the reader some understanding of the issue. Here you include some background information on the topic, historical aspect, or some definitions if needed.
  • Write the main body . Mention all your statements and support them with decent evidence. Remember that the main body should be split into paragraphs to make it readable. As a rule, one paragraph is for one idea or statement.
  • End up with a conclusion – an inference of everything said before. It has to be laconic and logical. New ideas aren’t needed here.
  • After you’ve written the paper, you may want to check it for grammar and typos . There are lots of websites and programs for this purpose. Even better, leave it for a couple of days and give it a fresh look.

The use of a technology essay example

To reassure you that writing a technology essay isn’t the end of the world, here is a free sample of the essay. It fits all the general recommendations, but you should always keep in mind that your teacher may have own vision on how the essay should be completed!

Still, it’s always great to grab some ideas!

Overall, writing an essay on technology is an incredibly valuable experience. Moreover, the topic is so wide; you most definitely will find something interesting to talk about!

Stick to the structure and don’t hesitate to discover something very specific. Technology is getting more and more stunning every day!

No time to complete your brilliant copy? We’ve got a bunch of writers, who’d be more than happy to write it for you! Any topic, tightest deadline, complete confidentiality. Hit the button to learn more.

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Business Essay and the Best Way of Its Writing

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Business is an essential aspect of today’s evolving world. It is a lucrative industry that impacts many sectors, including education. Business-related courses are popular as many students are pursuing the programs. There are many branches in the business field, from business management to finance. College tutors often give students different business papers to test their knowledge as part of the assessment.

A business essay is an academic assignment that involves writing a paper that responds with a strategic and analytical approach to specific situations occurring in the market. Each business essay has a different topic that students tackle. However, the primary purpose of such essays is to collect relevant facts that align with the research question and analyze the data to get solutions.

Writing a business essay might seem simple, but it requires impressive writing skills and extensive research. You must be familiar with the topic to know the paper’s direction. Topic selection is a tricky section that affects the entire writing process. It is essential to identify a relevant topic to assist you in crafting a remarkable paper. You have to write a well-structured and compelling paper to get good grades. Presenting accurate arguments with supporting examples from reliable sources is an essential research aspect. Thus, a business essay must follow the required academic standards and theoretical frameworks.

However, writing is not everyone’s cup of tea, and incorporating logical arguments can be challenging. If you are stuck, you can check any business essay example online to understand the format. You will know how to structure the paper and relate it to the relevant themes.

That is why our writing service is here to help needy students craft exceptional essays. We will connect with a proficient business essay writer to help with the research and writing process. Get flawless documents from us and earn the best score in your class.

Business Essay Format

Most learners often overlook the importance of having a business essay format. It is imperative to use a format to help you outline your work. Proper thought organization and articulation are essential aspects that translate into a well-written business essay.

Below is an example of the format:

  • Introduction
  • Background information
  • Introduce main topics
  • Thesis statement
  • Topic sentence
  • Research explanation
  • Restate points
  • Significance of the study

The above outline is a map that will guide you to know what to include in each section. In addition, you will understand what the assignment requires you to do from the introduction to the conclusion.

If you still find it challenging to get the proper format, you can study a relevant business essay example from our site and jumpstart your paper. Whether you need a business school essay or a business plan essay, we have you covered.

Write Business Essay In 5 Steps

While writing might seem challenging, with the proper format and topic familiarity, you are on the right track. It is imperative to understand the writing process before composing your business essay. You need to read the prompt carefully to know what you are supposed to research and write about.

Here is an overview of the writing process in 5 simple steps:

  • Topic Selection

Choosing a good topic is mandatory in crafting an excellent paper. You must select a theme that aligns with the research question. Additionally, ensure you select a familiar topic you are passionate about to avoid writing mistakes and illogical paragraphs.

  • Extensive Research

Conduct extensive research to get facts and supporting evidence. Narrow down your theme and include only good points. Avoid broad topics because you will waste time during research.

  • Essay Outline

Make sure you use a proper outline to organize your thoughts and line of arguments. Follow the format essay

Start writing your paper while using the required academic format. Organize your work and include the introduction, main body paragraphs, or conclusion.

  • Editing and Proofreading

Finally, edit and proofread your essay to eliminate grammatical and spelling mistakes.

The above steps will help you during business essay writing to craft remarkable papers. It would be best to plan your time adequately to avoid rushing through the process. However, you must select an appropriate topic for your paper. It could be a business management essay or a marketing paper. No matter the subject discipline, ensure you follow the correct procedure.

Business Essay Topics

popular business topics

Our experts have compiled a list of different business essay topics to inspire your writing:

  • Discuss the importance of bookkeeping in a business.
  • Evaluate the impact of value addition in products.
  • An analysis of income and expenditure transactions.
  • Analyze the supply-chain industry.
  • The effects of product promotion in business growth.
  • How to develop an effective marketing strategy.
  • Impact of policymaking in enhancing company productivity.
  • What is multilevel marketing?
  • Impact of technology in the business world.
  • Discuss the challenges affecting entrepreneurship.
  • Significance of human resource management.
  • Explore the importance of budget analysis.
  • How does technology impact advertising?
  • The importance of a financial strategy.
  • How to start an online business.
  • How can organizations profit from sustainable practices?
  • How to develop a positive organizational culture.
  • The importance of employee diversity in an organization.
  • Effective ways of fraud prevention in a company.
  • Explore the communication channels in an organization.

Let us look at interesting argumentative business essay topics

  • Discuss the influence of cultural differences on international companies.
  • A comprehensive analysis of cryptocurrencies.
  • Discuss the ethical dilemmas in international organizations.
  • The influence of globalization on the business community.
  • Should large organizations have a social media presence?
  • Causes and effects of economic recession.
  • Impact of politics on business growth.
  • Discuss the effective strategies of negotiating cross-cultural business deals.
  • Explore the integrity of online entrepreneurship.
  • The impact of corporate social responsibility in an organization.

The field is quite diverse with various course programs. You can derive different topics from these programs to get logical arguments. So, get inspiration from the compelling business school essay examples and craft exceptional papers.

business management essay topics

How To Start A Business Essay

Knowing how to start a business essay is essential for academic writing. The first step entails topic selection because it will determine the essay’s direction. Identifying a relevant topic is vital, and you need to ensure you get the suitable theme. It will also help save you time during research and simplify the writing process.

When it comes to essay writing service , business papers are among the assignments that require extensive research and analysis. Read the essay prompt carefully to understand the tutor’s expectations. Then, make sure you conduct a comprehensive brainstorming session to get the major points for your paper. Having the right points will help you compose logical arguments in a flawless manner.

Moreover, it would help to read previous essays and publications from reliable essays widely. You will get essential data to support your arguments. Besides, the sources will help you cite your essay correctly.

Start your essay with an insightful introduction and include your perspective regarding the topic. Incorporate a powerful thesis statement that informs your readers of the paper’s direction and the major points you will discuss.

Proceed to write the body paragraphs with a topic sentence that captures all significant arguments. Each paragraph should have well-explained arguments that flow logically.

Finally, conclude your business essay by restating your main points and the significance of the study.

Still, need help with your paper? Worry no more. Our competent business essay writers are on standby, ready to assist you with any academic paper. Stop wasting time and reach out to us. We will help you score top-of-the-class grades within no time.

The paper “Enterprises Resource Planning Success and Failure” is an outstanding example of a business essay. An Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system according to Aslan et al. (2012, p.693) is a management system within an organization that has sets of connected inclusive software, which may be used when espoused and put into practice effectively, to oversee and connect every organizational function. Basically, ERP systems may be employed as a tool for helping to improve the supply chain network as well as the level of performance by helping in decreasing cycle times.

Besides that, ERP systems have been utilized routinely in capital-intensive industries like building, construction, manufacturing, as well as defence. Latterly, ERP systems have advanced further and nowadays they are prevalent in industries such as education, health care, finance, hospitality, and telecommunications. Fundamentally, the benefits of ERP systems are hard to realise not unless a strong disposition, as well as participation, is established within the organisation; so, the article seeks to critically analyse ERP success and failure experienced by organisations.

BodyAs mentioned by Hellens et al. (2005, p.283), ERP systems are built upon a single database and application, as well as a coordinate that is unified in the whole organization. For that reason, every application serving different departments such as HR, accounting, and supply chain are integrated firmly under a single ERP system. Al-as observed by Al-Masha et al. (2003, p.354), ERP systems are useful when successfully implemented because they accelerate the process of decision-making. So, the success of ERP systems depends on the ability of an organisation’s managers to efficiently oversee the operation of a business, given that ERP systems can help them reduces operation costs.

Success drivers of ERP systems can be categorised into two: operational and technological drivers. In this case, operational drivers are associated with ways of improving organisational performance, supporting business strategies, as well as cutting production costs. On the other hand, technological drivers are predominantly associated with compliance with existing rules and regulations. The notion of success varies as the process of implementation continues, in that for planning and implementation (the first two stages of the cycle) success is mainly rooted in completing the ERP project to the standards that are acceptable within the budget as well as a time limit.

As pointed out by Hanafizadeh et al. (2010), stabilization as well as Improvement (the last two stages of the cycle) success is founded on the seeming impact of the ERP system on the performance of the organization. As indicated in Hanafizadeh et al. (2010) study, there are scores of factors vital for the success of ERP systems; support is top management one of the factors, and it involves encouraging commitment, positivity, and support of top management in the ERP project. Another factor is the utilization of knowledge as well as experience of system and technology consultants.

Additionally, the balanced project team is crucial for the success of ERP systems because it includes the integration of employees and information technology with the broad knowledge of the processes in the organization. As evidenced in Hellens et al. (2005) study, the accuracy of the information is crucial to the success of ERP project, so, data loaded from accessible legacy systems must at all times be of high quality. ERP project cannot succeed if the project management teams do not have a well-defined, detailed project plan related to the goals of the project.

Change management is also a success factor in the implementation of ERP project; so, careful attention has to be offered to this, considering that several changes in business processes are experienced during ERP systems implementation. Training and education are also important given that technical expertise regarding the ERP system, its reference model, and facts regarding its working are useful in the process of implementation. Other factors crucial for success consists of, availability of experts who aside from being in top management will frequently help the organization realize ERP system benefits.

Failure of ERP projects has been prevalent, and this has continued to bite worldwide across all business platforms. As pointed out in Xue et al. (2005, p.279) study, ERP poise substantial benefits like improving customer service, reducing manufacturing costs and boosts productivity, but these benefits are only realised after successfully implementing the ERP systems. Nevertheless, statistics show that implementation of ERP systems is still a failure amongst scores of companies. Statistically, 90 per cent of ERP systems implementations in Asia countries, especially China are either completed late or use more money and resources than those stipulated in budget.

In Xue et al. (2005) study, where they differentiated implementation success of ERP system in China as well as western countries, they noted that China had a higher percentage of failure which was attributed mainly to lack of support from top management as well as data inaccuracy. Other factors that led to ERP failure include poor participation, education and training, insignificant time ensuing from a minimal understanding of cross-operational organisational processes (Dechow & Mouritsen, 2005, p.691). Furthermore, ERP systems are exceedingly expensive, and also the need for the organisation to hire consultants to assist in the configuration as well as implementation, results in further escalation of price; thus, creating a high possibility of failure.

The cost used on consultants is almost thrice the cost of an ERP system; this negatively affects the productivity of the company and can lead also to the failure of the ERP system. ConclusionIn conclusion, it has been argued that ERP systems are beneficial because they improve the flow of information between every function of the company and also manages the connections to external stakeholders. Currently, the key basis of competitive advantage is the capability of a business to improve the processes of the supply chain.

This necessity has created the need for more advanced information systems like ERP systems. The articles have heightened numerous factors critical to the success of ERP, and which have allowed companies to efficiently plan their resources resulting in business efficient functionality and increased productivity. Failures as discussed in the article are caused by lack of support from top management, data inaccuracy, and lack of sufficient education and training.

The paper “New iPhones Show a Hit For Apple as Quarterly Profit Fluctuate 13 Percent” is an outstanding example of a business literature review. Yao (2014) explains that China is expected to provide information about its weakest growth since the occurrence of the global financial crisis within the third quarter while the property downturn is assessed based on manufacturing and investment. As a result, more pressure has been put on Beijing to unveil new stimulus measures. According to Yao (2014), the market assumes that the Communist Party leader will be able to adjust to the gradual slowdown. This will happen only in circumstances where there are no possibilities of experiencing a potentially destabilizing fluctuation in unemployment. However, anything weaker would lead to more speculations of key stimulus measures, for instance, an interest rate cut. Although the leadership has consistently provided steady aid specifically to vulnerable sectors of the economy, it has been noted that several stimuli have been ignored because China is still struggling to pay a huge local government debt (Yao 2014).

Article 2: New iPhones show a hit for Apple as quarterly profit fluctuate 13 percent

Due to strong demand for APPLE’s new larger-screen iPhones released in September, its quarterly profit increased by 13 percent. This also enabled APPLE to overcome the sluggish iPad sales (Jones 2014). Despite the more intensifying competition felt by Samsung Electronics as APPLE’s leading Smartphone competitor, Jones (2014) points out that the iPhone is attracting more consumers who are also ready to pay high prices particularly for cutting-edge handsets. Through its latest phones, Apple is profitably catching with its major competitors, such as, Samsung that have from time to time managed to post attractive sales of larger phones. It has also been noted that the marketing strength that iPhone has gained stands in contrast to sluggish iPad sales and the issues affecting Samsung’s Smartphone business (Jones 2014).

Article 3: Coal not the solution for poverty

Couchi (2014) examines that cheap coal-fueled electricity is highly considered by miners and politicians as the best alternative way out of poverty, particularly for developing nations. However, Africa has not considered this. In the business report provided by Couchi (2014) about the U.S financial group Citi, it can be noted that the booming market for African electricity has been a result of the coal approach. In the attempt to reinforce coals bearish outlook, Couchi (2014) reports that Citi discovered that a new International Energy Agency (IEA) outlook on the commodity is in contrast with the idea of BHP, the US coal producer Peabody as well as the Minerals Council of Australia which maintains that coal would play an integral role in minimizing energy poverty, particularly for developing countries. Despite its metallurgical and thermal forms, coal is considered the second-biggest mineral exported from Australia after iron ore (Couchi 2014).

Article 4: Ebola could be in the headlines, but tobacco is yet another killer in Africa

Research conducted by The Guardian (2014) shows that although Ebola dominates the headlines, there is yet another killer pandemic of great importance that continues to kill many people in the African continent unnoticeably. It is has been noted that tobacco kills at least one between two long term smokers. Currently, it is anticipated to kill 1 billion people globally before 2100. This is relatively more compared to the current number of people who die of Ebola. The Guardian (2014) terms this global issue as injustice and inequality because Transnational Tobacco Companies (TTCs), such as UK-based British American Tobacco (BAT) earn humungous profits yet they cause economic damage worthy over half a trillion dollars each year. Besides, TTCs contribute more to environmental degradation and thus create risks that compromise the health as well as the sustainability of populations. To earn more profits, TTCs are currently shifting and expanding their business to untapped markets in regions with unrestricted opportunities for growth (The Guardian 2014).

Article 5: NAB, ANZ lead pack in building home-lending share

The home loan is still considered the major driving force in recovering credit growth for banks. In this case, National Australian Bank (NAB) and ANZ are on the frontline to encourage the big banks in taking the advantage of the mortgage market, while home and business lending are sustainably becoming strong. Therefore, NAB and ANZ have put on media their fastest growth out of the big in all the past three months (Yeates 2014). Despite the faster growth and expansion made by NAB compared to their rivals in home lending, Yeates (2014) notes that analysts see business lending as a bigger concern because the bank has lost shares and faced more pressure, particularly on its margins. Generally, the home loan market is considered a major driving force that enables banks to recover from credit growth regardless of the risks associated with life specifically in business lending (Yeates 2014).

The paper “Globalization and Culture” is an outstanding example of a business essay. Today, it is common to hear people refer to the world as ‘a global village’. This has been a result of the process of globalization. This process has opened up and improved trade across regional and national borders. Not only has globalization enhanced economic interactions across nations but also improved access to information and uplifted the fight for human rights, among other benefits. Recent technological and communication developments along with improved road networks have been the key drivers of globalization. However, critics of globalization say that these benefits have been realized at a very high price: that of surrendering regional and national cultural values, mainly, for Western morals (Kwame, 2007).

Regarding this debate, two key schools of thought emerge. From one angle critics argue that globalization spreads out any and every culture all over the realm, leading to cultural heterogeneity and deeper understanding between diverse groups. This is mainly defined through the global production and distribution of commodities such that people in different parts of the world have access to commodities they would otherwise have never seen. A case in point is the cultural interaction between the United States and Japan. Teens in the U.S interact with the Japanese culture through their comic books, animations and video games, while teens in Japan interact with the American culture through watching TV shows and Hollywood movies produced in the U.S (Kwame, 2007).

On the flip side, critics argue that globalization erodes the regional and national cultural identity through cultural homogeneity. This leads to a cohesive global culture constituting diluted varieties of regional and national cultural nuances. For instance, French pastries, ‘American’ fried chicken, and Japanese sushi can be eaten in almost any part of the world. Restraint chains such as MacDonald’s and Starbucks have influenced traditions and behaviors in different countries. Even though champions of globalization claim that this merely affects consumer goods and media broadcasting, critics contend that it deteriorates customary culture ((Kwame, 2007; Czinkota, 2003).

Culture is a prevalent aspect in business whether it is in marketing, production, or human resource management. It is a key variable in the function of success in new markets (Czinkota, 2003). People’s purchasing decisions are based on a product’s design, style or color that supports their religious beliefs and practices. Empirical evidence shows that the success or failure of a company, especially, in a foreign market is reliant upon the effective managerial exercise of local religious beliefs and practices. Therefore, managers ought to be on familiar terms with their market’s religious differences given that religion influences people’s attitudes. For instance, Asians have a different attitude toward authority and women that differs from Western beliefs and practices. Whereas many parts of the world, including Asia, South America, and Africa, value collectivism very much, Americans are more individualistic. Chinese, Latin Americans and Koreans take time casually even as Americans are more proactive.

Failing to appreciate the religious beliefs and practices of the market will often lead to lots of inadvertent mistakes, such as being socially violent, cultural mix-ups, tarnished interpersonal relations, poor negotiations. As a consequence, the company’s future performance dwindles as profits decline. Lack of religious competence, or religious dogmatism, can easily put at risk millions of dollars through fruitless negotiations, lost purchases or sales, and pitiable customer relationships (Czinkota, 2003).

Cultural Literacy

Culture is a broad system that includes traditions, beliefs, attitudes, values, institutions and social interactions. This system reflects the global crunch facing the human race, and so it is a cultural catastrophe (UNESCO 1997). Dealing with such a cultural diversity calls for an important skill referred to as cultural competence. Chrisman (2007) defines cultural competence as ‘attitudes, practice skills, and system savvy for cross-cultural conditions’. The key force in work involving cultural competence is the people’s flexibility and ability to appropriately consider and treat the general public politely and in a proper way fitting their culture. Cultural literacy takes account of cultural competence plus the capacity to analytically mirror, and if needed institute change in, one’s a specific culture. Cultural literacy also comprises the capacity to examine the actions of central cultures measured against other cultures. This becomes very much useful in business. A case in point is the understanding of the effect of globalization or cross-cultural businesses on indigenous cultures all over the world.

Cultural literacy has been likened to an iceberg, through the iceberg model of culture. This is due to the expanse contextual material one requires to understand the culture. Cultural literacy often involves much more than the information essentially spoken. In other words, to understand the meaning of a cultural term, one has got to have much information that is not revealed by the bare meaning of that term. The clear cultural meaning of the term is like the ‘tip of an iceberg’ meaning that the deeper understanding lies below the casual meaning of the term and it constitutes a person’s own applicable information. It is known that 15 per cent or less of an iceberg can be seen above the water surface, 85 per cent or more of the iceberg is submerged below the water surface. This means that there is quite a different picture depicted shallowly from that which is the actual translation in the literature, giving the imprint that implied information comprises relatively tiny bits and pieces of information, left out by the correspondent due to dismissal or suitability (Hawkes, 2001).

Figure 1: Iceberg Model of Culture

It has been stated earlier that culture is a broad system that among other aspects involves religion. The world is very diverse in terms of culture as well as religion. Each culture embodies a creation in itself and yet it is not closed. Cultures give religious convictions semantics, and religions provide decisive connotation to each culture. Religion is a way of life for numerous cultures saturating every one human action. In other cultures, it characterizes the utmost ambitions of human life, and for others, religion is an institution that claims to convey a meaning of deliverance (Hawkes, 2001).

The paper “The Different Communications ” is an outstanding example of a management assignment. Phone: 23 rd August: the communication was made to remind that the bill for the mobile phone is outstanding and if not paid within the date will have a fine imposed on it. The communication was successful as it helped to fulfill my need and acted as a reminder. Further, the call also ensured that it was complete and all the details like outstanding amount, due date, late fine, and other details were provided. The call was complete and highlighted the important aspect which if ignored could have an impact on my usage.

Radio: 24 th August: The communication was made regarding the areas which are having huge traffic and showed the roads which should be avoided. The communication was successful as it helped to fulfill my requirements by highlighting the different roads which need to be avoided and which need to be used. The communication was further clear and loud regarding the different roads and path which should be avoided. This method acted as one where proper guidance was provided and acting in the correct way was highlighted so those correct decisions can be taken.

Communications that were unsuccessful

Television: 24 th August: The communication was made regarding the sale of women’s garments. The communication was ineffective because in the first instance it didn’t meet my needs and requirements as I was not looking to shop. Secondly, the message was not constructed properly as it didn’t speak about the brands which were available on sale, the different garments which were available, and also didn’t highlight the date when the sale would end.

Phone: 25 th August: The communication was made regarding the mobile bill payment which has already been made. The call was ineffective because it was not required as the payment has been made and I had the required receipt. The call was instead a wastage of time. In addition to it, the call was not constructed properly and required to focus on areas through which a message would have been enough as a source of communication to ensure that the payment was correctly entered.

Reasons for communication not to be successful

The communication process can be improved in the following ways

Firstly, ensuring that the communication which is made is required and is addressed properly so that the person who receives the communication gains from it (Nicholas, 2013)

Secondly, providing complete information is essential as it will serve as a benchmark to evaluate the manner in which different information is passed (Anne & Bochner, 2007). It will also help to understand the important matter which has been spoken and will help to highlight the manner in which changes can make so that proper communication and message is passed

Thirdly, the targeted audience was wrong and it is important to correct the audience (Mehrabian and Susan, 2007). This will help to improve the validity and reliability of the communication and will ensure that the process of communication becomes effective and is directed towards the correct person

Fourthly, the process of communication needs to be improved and changed so that the message is correctly interpreted and passed with the same intention (Imahori & Lanigan, 2012). This will help the listeners to evaluate the message in the correct form and will help to ensure maximum response.

Fifthly, the media which are used needs to be chosen wisely as the usage of a message instead of a phone call for bill paid confirmation would have been more helpful and could have caught the attention of the audience in a better way. This would have multiplied the effectiveness of communication and would have helped to understand the important points and issues.

The process of communication thereby requires working on the smaller and important aspect so that the overall process of communication improves and helps to provide the required dimensions through which effectiveness can be gained in the manner messages are passed.

The paper “Why Did Telefonica Initially Focus on Latin America” is a perfect example of a business assignment. Based on Telefonica’s objectives of rapidly increasing shareholder value, profits and achieving growth, it had to take advantage of location economies. Hence, the company initially focused on Latin America, as it must have perceived FDI to be a means for circumnavigating trade barriers. Indeed, the reasons why Telefonica initially focused on Latin America are perceivable through the lens of the Uppsala Model Theory.

According to the theory, the internalisation of a company across many foreign markets is correlated to psychic distance, where the first entry is to foreign markets that are familiar and closer in regards to the psychic distance of the host country, before making subsequent entries in foreign markets with greater psychic distance. Psychic distance comprises the differences in culture, language and political systems (Falvo & Parshad 2005).

Within the perspective of Uppsala Model Theory, it should be argued that companies tend to gradually increase their activities in international markets through a series of incremental stages, where the succeeding steps are anchored in learning and adapting to foreign markets (Pandian & Sim 2002).

This implies that the firms fast gain experience from the markets, where they have closer cultural ties before expanding to foreign markets. For instance, Telefonica had to first gain experience as a telecoms operator in Latin America, since the region has deep cultural ties with Spain, where it is headquartered.

Strategic competitive advantages

The company’s decision to slowly expand to Europe appeared opportunistic as well as strategic. Europe had initially possessed trade barriers that lowered the chances of successful entries. Essentially, there is a correlation between culture and national competitive advantage, where countries that are likely to impose trade barriers, in terms of competition are bypassed in preference to those that are less competitive (Enu & Attah-Obeng 2010). This argument is based on Dunning’s Eclectic Theory, which hypothesises that a company will always seek to leverage their specific advantages, including marketing, knowledge, skilled personnel, technology and information (Dunning 2001).

In this case, the Latin American markets were growing rapidly. They also experienced an increased high adoption rate and usage of mobile phones and internet connections. Additionally, after the Spanish government privatised Telefonica and deregulated the Spanish telecommunications market, the company’s core objective became increasing shareholder value, profits and achieving growth.

This implies that profit maximisation is a major drive to foreign direct development; through the use of particular advantages the company has (Glesem et al. 1990). It, therefore, had to select a region that would enable it to achieve higher profits. The company selected Latin America over Europe. Latin America had few entry barriers, such as competition and government regulations, while Europe had greater barriers due to more competitors. This implies that imperfect competition within the marketplace is a key incentive for expanding abroad. Besides, European mobile telecommunications operators had agreed they would not invade each other’s markets. However, after the entry of America Movil into Latin America, Telefonica faced a stronger competitor, forcing it to expand to Europe.

Commenting on other student’s post:

Why did Telefonica initially focus on Latin America?  Why was it slower to expand in Europe, even though Spain is a member of the European Union?

While the student hinted at the growth of multinational enterprises, a brief outline detailing why the company expanded and reasons for expansion could have provided a more relevant backdrop. Additionally, the reference to the Socialist Party by Popular Part in the general election of 1996 was irrelevant and out of context. The student’s decision to link the factors for the European Union to the opening of the telecommunications sector was misplaced. Rather, the student should have selected reasons why Telefonica selected to begin operating in Latin America before making headway to Europe. However, reference to high competition in the sector in Europe was justified.

Accordingly, the student should have explored the close cultural ties between Spain and Latin America, as the major drivers that triggered Telefonica to first launch in the region before expanding to Europe. In supporting the argument, a reference to a relevant theory, such as the Uppsala Model Theory could have pointed to the reasons why internationalisation of a company across many foreign markets is correlated to psychic distance (Uhasselt. be 2005). This includes why the initial entry is mostly made in foreign markets that are familiar and closer in regards to the psychic distance of the host country. Afterward, an explanation of what this meant to Telefonica based on the theory could have been appropriate (Gustafsson & Zasada 2011). For instance, the student should have stated that firms get to fast gain experience from the markets where they have closer cultural ties before expanding to foreign markets.

The student should have based his arguments on Dunning’s Eclectic Theory, which proposes that firms tend to use their peculiar advantages such as marketing, knowledge, skilled personnel, technology and information (Rugman 2010). Further, he should have stated that companies view FDI as a means to circumnavigate trade barriers before going forth to describe the correlation between culture and national competitive advantage, where countries that are likely to impose trade barriers in terms of competition are bypassed in preference to those that are less competitive.

While the student was also justified in arguing that the company sought to maximise profitability and to increase shareholder value, no basis was provided to support the argument, based on the case study. At this stage, the student should have suggested a theory to support his argument (Morgan & Katsikeas 1999). Later, the student should have provided examples from the case study to defend the choice of the theory he selected. However, the student provided examples outside the case study, such as “Telefonica has been able to establish footprints in 24 countries and having an average of 120,000 professionals with consolidated revenues of 24,957 million euros in January-June 2014 and more than 315.7 million customers at June 2014”

Additionally, the reasons the student outlined as the likely motivators for Telefonica to launch first in Latin America before making entries in Europe cannot be justified, as they have not been argued appropriately. For instance, in suggesting political developments, taking policy advantage and the fact that the markets shared a common language, the student should have discussed the concept of psychic distance and the related theory, such as the Uppsala Model Theory.

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How Technology Influences Essay Writing: The Pros and Cons

  • Ingenium Web

How Technology Influences Essay Writing: The Pros and Cons

Technology has led to many changes around the world. Many people are experiencing the influence of technology in business, education, workplaces, essay writing, and more.

It has transformed how people do things, think, or act. In writing, authors have changed how they used to write in the past. They have altered how they would think over a topic or theme when it comes to compiling an article for their readers. Even in class, the current generation of students has a new experience in writing their essays because of the latest technology, as does every professional essay and  paper writer from USA . Writing essays, articles, academic papers, and other materials is procedural. The author needs to adhere to certain rules as he or she writes. Despite these procedures, technology makes essay writing easier than it was in the past. Many people can complain that writing is tedious. This is because they are required to go to the library, read multiple books, take notes, and compare written articles before composing their essays. Other tasks, such as editing the text, would be done manually. Today, all these things have changed. With the inception of new machinery and tools, writing has become simple. There are tools to help the writer in editing, checking plagiarism, and monitoring the word count. There are advantages and disadvantages of technology in writing. While some people enjoy the new machines, others have a negative perception of the same. Here are some pros and cons of technology as related to writing:

Improves Written Communication

Through Google, authors gain a lot of knowledge to apply in their writing practice. Students have graduated from novices to skilled writers. The same applies to bloggers and other commercial writers. Their writing has improved greatly through their frequent interaction with the online materials written by other experts.

Increased Speed

Unlike the old style of writing, technology has made writing faster and easier in terms of finding the necessary material as well as typing. With the new models of computers with wide keyboards, essay writing has become swift; hence, saving a lot of time. People can also read articles online and find references fast. You only need to write a specific word on Google, and the result will be available within seconds.

Easier Editing

Professional writers know that editing a text is important. Sometimes it is not easy, and writers would spend long hours, many days, weeks, and months editing a manuscript. Thanks to the new technology that has made it easier through tools such as Turnitin and Grammarly. Besides, with the modern word processor, auto-correct typing is possible.

Enhanced Innovation

When people read texts from other authors, they are challenged to think and invent something new in their papers. You can learn different things such as styles of writing, grammar, sentence structure, and the general presentation of the essay. This helps one to be creative in their work instead of sticking to the past glory.

Improved Research Skills

The online library is extensive; there are many resources that one can refer to when it comes to online research. This makes essay writing easier. It improves the writer’s research skills as he or she delves into intensive reading and online consultation.

Risk of Plagiarism

The biggest challenge of technology is the risk of plagiarizing a text. It has affected most students because of their inexperience or limited research skills. They unprofessionally copy the content and cite their phrases wrongly which leads to plagiarism. You could be tempted to copy information from the internet, especially when you are running out of time. If you are not careful, you can quickly plagiarize your papers.

The new technology has made many people forsake physical libraries with rich books to rely on online libraries. Some research can be done best in physical libraries where one refers from one book to the other. This is difficult with the new technology because people would prefer the speed and efficiency of researching online instead or perusing voluminous books. This has led to a dependency on online sites. In a way, it decreases one’s ability to expound the ideas and opinions they have on a particular topic.

Reduced Thoughtfulness

It is difficult for students and other commercial writers to take time to think when they know they can access some information easily from the internet. They will turn to Google even with simple topics that one would write out of creativity. There have been many changes in the writing sector due to the new technology. Google, social media, innovative software, and mobile apps have all contributed to the evolution that writers feel today. You have read the pros and cons of this technology. The pros outweigh the cons. You only need to be careful as you explore it to avoid the negative implications.

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Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane for Students

500+ words essay on technology for students.

In this essay on technology, we are going to discuss what technology is, what are its uses, and also what technology can do? First of all, technology refers to the use of technical and scientific knowledge to create, monitor, and design machinery. Also, technology helps in making other goods that aid mankind.

Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane?

Experts are debating on this topic for years. Also, the technology covered a long way to make human life easier but the negative aspect of it can’t be ignored. Over the years technological advancement has caused a severe rise in pollution . Also, pollution has become a major cause of many health issues. Besides, it has cut off people from society rather than connecting them. Above all, it has taken away many jobs from the workers class.

Essay on technology

Familiarity between Technology and Science

As they are completely different fields but they are interdependent on each other. Also, it is due to science contribution we can create new innovation and build new technological tools. Apart from that, the research conducted in laboratories contributes a lot to the development of technologies. On the other hand, technology extends the agenda of science.

Vital Part of our Life

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Negative Aspect of Technology

Although technology is a good thing, everything has two sides. Technology also has two sides one is good and the other is bad. Here are some negative aspects of technology that we are going to discuss.

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With new technology the industrialization increases which give birth to many pollutions like air, water, soil, and noise. Also, they cause many health-related issues in animals, birds, and human beings.

Exhaustion of Natural Resources

New technology requires new resources for which the balance is disturbed. Eventually, this will lead to over-exploitation of natural resources which ultimately disturbs the balance of nature.


A single machine can replace many workers. Also, machines can do work at a constant pace for several hours or days without stopping. Due to this, many workers lost their job which ultimately increases unemployment .

Types of Technology

Generally, we judge technology on the same scale but in reality, technology is divided into various types. This includes information technology, industrial technology , architectural technology, creative technology and many more. Let’s discuss these technologies in brief.

Industrial Technology

This technology organizes engineering and manufacturing technology for the manufacturing of machines. Also, this makes the production process easier and convenient.

Creative Technology

This process includes art, advertising, and product design which are made with the help of software. Also, it comprises of 3D printers , virtual reality, computer graphics, and other wearable technologies.

Information Technology

This technology involves the use of telecommunication and computer to send, receive and store information. Internet is the best example of Information technology.

essay writing on business and technology

FAQs on Essay on Technology

Q.1 What is Information technology?

A –  It is a form of technology that uses telecommunication and computer systems for study. Also, they send, retrieve, and store data.

Q.2 Is technology harmful to humans?

 A – No, technology is not harmful to human beings until it is used properly. But, misuses of technology can be harmful and deadly.

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413 Science and Technology Essay Topics to Write About [2024]

Would you always go for Bill Nye the Science Guy instead of Power Rangers as a child? Were you ready to spend sleepless nights perfecting your science fair project? Or maybe you dream of a career in science?

Our specialists will write a custom essay specially for you!

The picture shows the definitions of science and technology.

Then this guide by is perfect for you. Here, you’ll find the following:

  • lists of excellent science and technology topics;
  • essay prompts;
  • scientific essay outline;
  • bonus tips.
  • 🔝 Top 10 Science & Technology Topics
  • 🔬 Scope of Research
  • 🤖 Modern Technology Topics
  • 🧪 Science Essay Topics
  • 🔭 Space Exploration Topics
  • 💡 Other Topics
  • 📝 Essay Prompt
  • ✍️ Step-by-Step Guide

🔍 References

🔝 top 10 science and technology topics.

  • ICT use in healthcare
  • Consent in biobanking
  • Pros and cons of NFTs
  • Fintech and healthcare accessibility
  • Widening of the global digital skills gap
  • Ways to identify gaps in health research
  • Changes in Mid-Atlantic regional climate
  • Transforming public health data systems
  • Workings of the online extremist ecosystem
  • Ways of improving statistical computing practices

🔬 Science and Technology: Scope of Research

Now you can start looking for an essay idea in our topics list. But first, have a look at the following fields of research in science and technology that our topics cover:

  • Modern technology includes the newest advances in engineering, hardware, systems, and organization methods. You can write about robotics, computer science, and more.
  • Science is knowledge about the universe in the form of testable explanations. In your paper, you can cover different areas of science such as biology, physics, etc. For more ideas, check out our list of topics in science .
  • Space explorations began in the ancient world and eventually allowed people to build a spaceship, arrange the first space trip, and step on the Moon.
  • In a technology essay on space exploration , you may write about the most up-to-date technologies in the sphere of space traveling and exploration.
  • Space exploration essays can also be devoted to the period of the Cold War . One of its aspects was a space race between the United States and the USSR.
  • Finally, you can assess the importance of various space innovations . Many people tend to condemn spending vast sums of money on space exploration. You may give your viewpoint on this question in an essay. Check out our list of topics in astrophysics for more ideas.

🤖 Modern Technology Essay Topics

  • Increasingly powerful 3D computer chips
  • Technology and the rise of the leisure class
  • Luddism as the most radical opposition to the use of technology
  • Technological inventions that have a destructive power
  • How does nuclear technology affect the global economy?
  • Mobile video communication from any mountaintop
  • Using technology to reinvent identification documents
  • The history of the computer viruses and their current examples
  • Does technology provide for a better life, or is it a bane?
  • Did people reinvent texting to express the full range of emotions?
  • How did pop-up advertisements appear and evolve on the Internet?
  • The technology behind the most famous instances of hacking in history
  • The future privacy risks in the world fully connected to the Internet
  • What are the possible future developments in cloud storage ?
  • Dancing robots : why is it important to teach robots to dance?
  • Should there be censorship on the Internet?
  • What self-driving cars can and cannot do at present
  • Which features can increase the popularity of self-driving cars among people?
  • 19 th -century discoveries versus recent technological developments
  • The positive and negative impacts of communication technology
  • The printing press , the telephone, and the Internet: their contribution to global communications
  • Philosophical debates about the present and future use of nuclear technology
  • The potential dangers of virtual reality replacing real-life experiences
  • Transhumanism and techno-progressivism and their positive views of technology
  • The history, benefits, and drawbacks of cloud technology
  • Voice-commanded robot wheelchair (that will bring you to any location stored in its memory)
  • Cameras that can determine your age just by looking at your face: how do they work?
  • Innovative technologies in Antarctica that are speeding up polar research
  • Technology and the development of daily living aids for chronic diseases. People who have chronic diseases always need to monitor their well-being. However, science has moved towards developing special devices that help people in their daily lives. For instance, you can write about stairlifts, wheelchairs, or other appliances.
  • The history and technological evolution of prosthetics. People have been using prosthetic limbs from ancient times. Now, these items are much more functional, and their innovation continues. Wood and metal have been replaced by novel materials such as carbon fiber. Robotics also allows controlling prosthetic limbs better.
  • Disability technology : how science invented hearing aids , text-to-speech programs, and more. Today, disabled people can get access to aids that enhance their living. For example, hearing aids were developed as far as 1898. But they became small only after World War II. Now they are enhanced by the technology of Bluetooth .
  • How has the clothing industry evolved with the development of new technology? In the past, all clothes were hand-made. After the sewing machine was introduced, people’s fashion also changed. Now, technology can create items of clothing that a human cannot produce. But many people still seek hand-made items and see the automatization of manufacturing process as a disadvantage.
  • Gardening for the 21st century: vertical gardening for tiny city spaces. As the world population grows, people have much less room for farming and recreational gardening. New concepts such as vertical gardening are innovative and environmentally conscious. They create small green spaces in urban areas and bring humans back to nature.
  • Hydroponic systems and other approaches to agriculture without soil. It can be hard to find enough place for soil planting in big crowded cities. Hydroponic gardening is a way to get fresh local vegetables that can be grown indoors. Such approaches, nonetheless, have their advantages and disadvantages.
  • The importance of sustainable farming for the environment. Food production is a vital part of people’s lives. Science has shown that agriculture contributes to pollution. Now, climate change concerns raise the question—how can humans grow food without damaging the environment? Sustainable principles may be the answer to this question.
  • Genetically modified foods: history, benefits and drawbacks, and common misconceptions. Many discussions surround the topic of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are crops whose DNA was changed artificially. Some people believe that bioengineered fruits and vegetables pose risks to people’s health. Others say that genetic engineering improves harvest and food quality.
  • Can GMOs solve world hunger ? Food shortage is among the biggest problems in the world. Genetic modification may introduce crops that ripen faster, stay fresh longer, and yield a better harvest. However, these GMOs may not grow as well as natural plants. These issues are at the center of the debate around bioengineering.

🧪 Science Topics to Write About

Science Essay Topics for Middle School

  • How did humans learn to measure speed and velocity?
  • Everyday life examples of Newton’s 2 nd law of motion
  • Current differences in various measurements of distance
  • How and why are miles different from nautical miles?
  • The concept of time from antiquity to modern clocks
  • How were measurements of distance developed?
  • How gravity explains most of the natural phenomena on Earth
  • The history of Einstein’s theory of gravity and people who opposed it
  • The history of the 3 different systems of measuring temperature
  • Which temperature unit is easier to use in daily life: Fahrenheit or Celsius?
  • How can Newton’s laws of motion be explained by using household objects?
  • Experimental design : how to improve the results of an experiment
  • Is safety important in scientific experimentation, or does it get in the way of discovery?
  • How the Earth was shaped: tectonic plates’ movement. A long time ago, the continents used to be shaped differently. Their shape depended on the direction of tectonic plates. It is believed that they once formed Pangaea—a supercontinent that broke into many pieces and created the modern continents.
  • Can humans create new continents and change the existing ones? Humans contribute to shaping the planet in many ways. Agriculture and the search for resources change the terrain, while urban development leads to climate change. Also, various islands are constructed by people from natural and artificial materials.
  • What is the air that we breathe made out of? The air in the Earth’s atmosphere is unique. It allows nature to thrive and live. Air contains more than just various gases. It also holds water and particles that affect pollution, climate, and nature’s health.
  • The layers of the atmosphere : why mountain air is different. The Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere with layers. Each of them has a different composition and pressure level. That is why people say that the air on the top of a mountain feels different. This variety affects many aspects of the natural world.
  • How the Earth is shaped today: volcanoes , earthquakes, and tsunamis. Different natural phenomena contribute to changing the shape of the planet. For example, volcanic eruptions make lava spill onto land and water. Over time, this lava hardens and turns into rock. These events can create whole new landforms or destroy existing ones.
  • Which animals can live in the outer layers of the atmosphere? Almost all living beings on Earth require oxygen to survive. However, some of them may need less oxygen than others. Interestingly, a small group of creatures needs almost no air. Various microorganisms can even be found as high as the troposphere.
  • The dangers of oxygen. Everybody knows that oxygen is a source of life on Earth . But it is also a part of many dangerous chemical reactions. For example, breathing in pure oxygen is harmful for the body.
  • The internal layers of Earth: their chemical composition and state. Earth’s inner structure is as layered as its atmosphere. Each component has unique properties and a different physical state. The movement of one layer can result in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes .
  • What are the purpose and special status of navigational stars? Celestial navigation means finding one’s location using stars. It is an ancient practice that is still used today. Some stars, however, play a more important role than others. They serve as marks for easy navigation. The most well-known navigational star is the Polaris, but there are many more.
  • The history of weather forecasting in ancient cultures. Today, people can look at a weather forecast for weeks ahead. In ancient times, different cultures searched for the best ways of predicting the weather . Some interesting sources of information were the stars, the color of the sky, the lunar phases, and animal behavior.

Science Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Printing food: will you be able to download a pizza?
  • Why are there so many programming languages ?
  • Can computers create meaningful and original art?
  • The place of creative professions in an AI-powered future
  • Is distance learning effective, or does it hinder studying?
  • Are there any alternatives to plastic that benefit the environment?
  • Can everyone stay inside forever with the help of technology?
  • The common mistakes that AI continues to make to this day
  • Enhancing the quality of school education with virtual reality
  • The effect of social media on building relationships and making friends
  • The research of artificially produced foods and its environmental impact
  • Which devices do students and teachers need to introduce into the classroom ?
  • The rise of distance learning : the best methods of studying remotely
  • Is translation software equally developed for all languages of the world?
  • How people in small communities can find each other with social media
  • The impact of unrecyclable materials on oceans. Pollution is on the minds of many scientists today. Ocean animals are often injured or killed by plastic debris . Coral reefs and vegetation also struggle with materials that cannot be recycled. You may suggest ways of cleaning the ocean and making it a better environment for its flora and fauna.
  • The use of big data in predicting people’s everyday choices. Big data refers to collecting enormous amounts of information. The data is taken from open online sources. It is then analyzed for different industries to use. How can companies use big data to predict what people need?
  • How does marketing use Internet-of-Things? Marketing specialists are always searching for new technologies to explore. They want to surprise their clients and make them interested in their company’s product. The Internet-of-Things connects devices and saves valuable data. Advertisements may use this interconnectedness to their advantage.
  • The differences between traditional and digital art . Many of today’s artists are skilled in using software to create art. They use digital painting programs to produce unique works. But how does digital art differ from traditional methods? What negative and positive sides does it have?
  • Why do search engines show different results for the same search term? When entering a keyword into Google , Bing, or other search engines, one can get an array of different responses. This essay can explore different companies’ strategies to provide the best answers to their users’ queries.
  • What are the disadvantages of clean energy sources ? With the issue of climate change on the rise, many scientists suggest using eco-friendly energy sources . Such options have many benefits for the world. However, they also pose some risks.
  • The history of global nuclear energy development. Nuclear energy is a controversial topic among scientists. On the one hand, it is an alternative to fossil fuel use. On the other, the devastating effects of nuclear plant catastrophes expose many risks of this option. This energy source is an excellent topic for an exploratory or argumentative science essay.
  • Benefits and drawbacks of wind and solar power for everyday use. Comparisons between solar and wind power are at the center of many debates about clean energy. Both options are considered environmentally friendly, but they are very different. A compare-and-contrast essay on this topic is sure to provide many points of discussion.
  • Is it possible for people to produce more freshwater than there currently is? The freshwater supply is limited, and science searches for new ways to produce it. Some organizations collect rainwater and make it safe for consumption. Others try to invent more effective seawater filters. The goal of this search is to support the growing water demand.
  • Can science prolong our lives or even let us live forever? Many people think about mortality and try to prolong their lives. Some researchers may believe that there are ways to make people live longer by slowing down aging. A scientific essay can explore people’s search for life extension strategies.

🔭 Space Exploration Essay Topics: Science and Technology

Science and Technology Topics in Space Studies

  • What is the role of NASA in space research?
  • How relevant is the problem of space debris?
  • Describe the dynamics of space flights
  • What is the role of dogs in space travel ?
  • History and evolution of space research
  • What is the purpose of planetary science ?
  • The first man to travel into space
  • Top 10 interesting facts about space
  • Explain the concept of wormholes
  • Ecological problems of space exploration
  • Exploration and effects of dark matter
  • Discuss the process of human adaptation to space conditions
  • What have we learned from space research over the last decade?
  • How do you understand and define spacetime?
  • How does the James Webb Space Telescope work?
  • What are some of the most prominent contributors to space research?
  • Discuss possibilities of manned trips to other planets
  • The evidence that proves the existence of black holes
  • What is significant about the Solar System?
  • What are gravitational waves , and how can we measure them?
  • Describe the first 50 years of the space age
  • Compare and contrast different space exploration techniques
  • Discuss Space Exploration Day, its origin, and relevance
  • The effect of space weather on the planet Earth
  • Current trends and news about space exploration
  • Who are the most famous American astronauts and researchers?
  • What are the benefits of space research for society?
  • The use of standard candles in measuring distance in space
  • What are the economic benefits of space exploration?
  • What are the space programs of major countries ?
  • The history of non-human animals in spacecraft testing. Before the first human was sent into space, many animals were used to test spacecraft. Some of them successfully reached their goals and returned home. Countries such as the US and USSR sent various animals into space, ranging from dogs to chimpanzees.
  • What is the connection between a planet and its moons ? Many planets, including the Earth, have one or several moons. In total, there are more than 200 moons in the Solar System . These natural satellites orbit their planets and influence their weather. Although Earth has only one natural satellite, the Moon , it plays a significant role in its climate.
  • The biological effects of space travel and its long-term outcomes. Astronauts who spend time in space report changes in their behavior. For example, they get accustomed to the lack of gravity on the spaceship. Their health is also affected—even a short trip leads to “space adaptation syndrome.”
  • What are the prospects of exploring space beyond the Solar System? Currently, human-led expeditions aim for nearby space segments. However, robotic spacecraft and powerful telescopes help people see beyond the Solar System. Voyagers 1 and 2 are the only NASA’s spacecraft that can cross interstellar limits. They still have enough power to collect more data.
  • Gravity on Earth and in the Solar System. The role of gravity on Earth is vital for every system and occurrence. A gravitational pull that keeps planets in their orbits, but gravity can do much more—it creates stars, moves matter, and heats planetary cores.
  • How far have the scientists reached in their exploration of space? People’s view of the universe has expanded dramatically since the first theories about space. Now, it appears endless, and people use the best technology to see its remotest corners. The Solar System is no longer the limit of exploration, and many vital discoveries contributed to this knowledge.
  • The history of exoplanet research. Extrasolar planets (or exoplanets) move through space outside the Solar System. The first evidence of their existence appeared as early as the 1910s. However, it was confirmed scientifically only in the 1980s. Since then, researchers have discovered more than 4000 exoplanets.
  • Why is Mars the primary goal of many missions? Mars is the center of space exploration news. Since 1933, NASA has led the Mars Exploration Program (MEP) to investigate the planet’s resources. It also has a solid surface that allows exploration robots to roam Mars in search of life.
  • The international legacy of space exploration. During the Cold War , space exploration was a part of the US and the USSR competition. Since then, astronauts from many countries have participated in missions. Space programs have a national purpose, but cooperation between countries leads to better results.

Technology Essay Topics about Space Exploration

  • History of space telescopes
  • How is a sub-orbital rocket constructed?
  • Describe any type of modern spacecraft
  • How does a rocket engine work?
  • Discuss the relevance of space weapons
  • How does an artificial satellite work?
  • The Cassini mission and its legacy
  • The cultural impact of Curiosity rover
  • What are safety measures on spacecrafts?
  • What are the modern targets of space exploration?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of uncrewed spacecraft?
  • Can space technology help to combat the avian influenza virus ?
  • How long will it take for a spaceship to get to a nearby planet?
  • Prospects for the development of space technologies
  • Who are the pioneers of rocket and space technology?
  • Spacecraft classification according to their missions
  • What happens at the International Space Station ?
  • Can space technology solve the energy crisis ?
  • Project Orion: origin, challenges, and its impact
  • The journeys of NASA’s robotic spacecraft around and beyond Earth’s atmosphere. NASA’s history of space exploration includes many exciting expeditions. Human-led missions were grand and are remembered in history. However, unmanned probes have brought lots of information about space to NASA. They were able to collect samples for investigation and photograph remote planets.
  • Why is gravity important in space explorations? Everyone knows that astronauts live in space with no gravity . Weightlessness is an issue that affects the human body. Some space objects have gravity, but it is different from Earth’s. Understanding this aspect of space exploration is vital for designing future missions.
  • Elon Musk’s dream of building a rocket. The whole world follows the news of how scientists at Space X tried to reinvent spacecraft. They failed many times, but only to succeed and partner with NASA. Explore the timeline of their innovations in your essay.
  • What is the role of experimentation in space travel improvement? Space exploration is a complicated field where a slight miscalculation can lead to dangerous results. Many space ships and probes have failed in decades of testing. That is why experimentation is a core part of exploration. Without failure, success cannot be achieved.
  • How did the safety of spacecraft evolve over the years? Human spaceflights pose many dangers to the ship’s crew. People cannot survive in outer space, so the spacecraft must be safe from radiation and hostile environments. Moreover, astronauts who go into outer space or step on the surface of other planets have to be equipped to handle the harsh conditions.
  • The history of communication in space. Communication between astronauts and Earth is crucial for all space missions. It is also a remedy for space travelers’ isolation from their families and loved ones. A special Space Network was developed to connect the researchers on Earth with the astronauts.
  • The successes and failures of “space gardens.” Aboard the International Space Station , astronauts have entire gardens for various vegetables and flowers. However, the process of finding how to grow these plants was long. Space researchers had to solve problems with gravity, water delivery, fertilizer intake, and much more.
  • Which technologies allowed people to mimic their daily activities in space? Even in space, people have to eat, sleep, and keep up with their hygiene. However, the lack of gravity turns these simple daily tasks into a challenge. Much of the space-related research was dedicated to creating freeze-dried food, no-rinse shampoo, and other interesting inventions to resolve this issue.
  • The differences and similarities between types of spacecraft. Robotic spacecraft have unique characteristics that correspond with their missions. For example, flyby spacecraft explores the Solar System without landing. Some probes are designed to land on a planet and send data back to Earth . Others are made to penetrate the surface of a comet to measure its properties.
  • How did crewless spacecraft evolve? The creation of uncrewed spacecraft has changed with the world’s technological advancement . At first, spacecraft only left the Earth’s atmosphere to observe space. Robots and rovers were eventually designed to land on other planets . These machines need to survive harsh environments to collect data.

Space Race Essay: Scientific Topics

  • Cold War , space research, and diplomacy
  • What were the consequences of the space race?
  • Was the space race a result of the Cold War ?
  • The failures and successes of the US in the space race
  • Soviet vs. American rocket development
  • Compare and contrast Sputnik and Explorer satellites
  • How were space discoveries affected by the Cold War ?
  • Timeline of space investigation during the Cold War
  • How did the space race affect other spheres of scientific development?
  • The state of US and USSR’s space programs after the end of the Cold War
  • Why was the Moon chosen as the destination for both nations during the space race?
  • The role of US/Soviet spacecraft cooperation in reducing Cold War tensions
  • Planned trips to other planets of the Solar System during the space race
  • What are the positive and negative consequences of the space race for the countries?
  • How did the competition between the US and the USSR start? In the early 20 th century, the tensions between the United States and the USSR were combat-based. However, the arms race after World War II transformed it into a space race. Both nations wanted to be the first in achieving space exploration milestones.
  • Was the creation of NASA a consequence of the Cold War? NASA was established in 1958. Its earlier projects show that the space race influenced the organization. For instance, the operation Man in Space Soonest (MISS) name reveals the competitive nature of early space exploration.
  • The influence of the USSR’s space exploration achievements on American politics . The US was the first country to put a man on the Moon. Nevertheless, the USSR made several important discoveries as well. This fact undoubtedly affected American politics during and after the Cold War . It inspired political ideas rooted in scientific superiority and academic achievement.
  • What did the Apollo missions achieve? The Apollo program lasted from 1968 until 1972, including six successful missions. Some spacecraft were launched to orbit the Moon and photograph its surface. During the Apollo 11 mission, two astronauts landed and walked on the Moon .

The picture shows a fact about the Moon landings.

  • Did the space race contribute to other tensions between the US and USSR ? The competition surrounding space exploration led to many domestic and foreign political changes. Both countries set ambitious goals and cultivated a sense of pride in their achievements. It may be argued that the space race was a continuation of a long tradition of seeking leadership in technology .
  • The first woman in space and the history of female astronauts. The story of the first man in space is well-known to most people. However, the USSR also sent the first woman, Valentina Tereshkova, into space in 1963. After that, no flights included women up until the 1980s. Nowadays, female astronauts come from many countries, but men on spacecraft crews still outnumber them.
  • The role of Germany in the advancement of rocket technology in World War II . The space race usually mentions two key players—the US and the USSR. However, Germany also affected this competition during and after World War II. Missiles created in Nazi Germany showed that sub-orbital spaceflight was possible. Soviet and American rocket engineers used their military knowledge and transferred it into spacecraft design.
  • The Apollo-Soyuz Test Project. In 1972, the US and USSR leaders decided to push for cooperation rather than competition in the space race. As a result, the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) began its development. It was the first international mission; in 1975, two spacecraft docked in space to symbolize unity.
  • How did the first men in space contribute to space exploration? Both the US and the USSR were able to send people to space. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first human to fly in Earth’s orbit. In 1969, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon. Both events significantly contributed to the countries’ national development and interest in space exploration.

Science and Technology Essay Ideas in Space Innovations

  • Why should we continue space exploration ?
  • How much money is spent on space research today?
  • What are the future perspectives of space investigation?
  • What are the major challenges in geodesy?
  • The main types of space telescopes
  • Is colonization of the Solar System possible?
  • Should more money be invested in spacecraft innovations?
  • What space innovations do you think will be invented in the future?
  • Do you think humanity can survive an asteroid impact?
  • Compare and contrast the colonization of outer space planets in 2 science fiction novels
  • What can the previous crashes of spacecraft teach engineers? Many of the space missions failed across the globe. Crewless probes, drones , and spacecraft with a crew can fail at any stage of the flight. However, previous unsuccessful efforts are very useful for scientists.
  • The potential for recreational space travel. Millions of people dream of going into space, but the astronaut profession is not for everyone. Recreational travel is a chance for tourists to experience space. It is a question of whether it will be possible.
  • Key participants in space exploration innovations in the 21st century. In the last century, the US and USSR were the key countries in space exploration. Now, many nations contribute to innovations and develop new technologies. For example, the International Space Station (ISS) program includes Japan, Canada, Germany, and other countries.
  • Elon Musk’s reusable rockets. Currently, most spacecraft cannot be reused for space missions. Many factors lead to aircraft degradation, making it dangerous for second use. One of the goals of Space X, created by Elon Musk , is to develop fully-reusable spacecraft.
  • The ideas of space colonization in movies: are any of them realistic? Films such as The Martian , Interstellar , and Alien introduce exciting ideas about space travel. Although they are fictional, they may depict certain devices or scenarios that will be real in the future.
  • What are the reasons behind people’s renewed interest in space travel? The end of the Cold War also marked diminished interest in space exploration. For some years, people didn’t pay much attention to it. However, now it appears that the passion for exploration has been sparked again. Many countries are currently working on their own spacecraft, and people see Mars as the new destination to conquer.
  • Space drones and other crewless spacecraft for interplanetary exploration. Scientists were able to create various spacecraft to go beyond the limits of the Solar System. One of the latest ideas is to make interplanetary drones that will leave the Earth and gather information in a new way.
  • Does the Moon present any potential for travel and colonization? Historically, the Moon landings are considered to be outstanding achievements. Now, the Moon is again the center of discussions. You can explore interesting concepts for colonizing the Moon.
  • Technological advancements in creating safe and comfortable spacesuits for different environments. Space travel requires scientists to develop spacesuits that protect people from various harsh environments. For example, landing on Mars would require a suit that withstands great and rapid temperature changes.

💡 Science and Technology Essay Topics: Other Ideas

  • The new Face ID technology: is it a revolutionary invention?
  • What will technical schools look like in the future?
  • Is the human brain more productive than a computer?
  • The temperature on the surface of exoplanets
  • Thomas Edison’s contribution to technological advancements
  • How do sun rays affect people’s health?
  • Revolutionary technologies and famous inventions from Japan
  • Technologies that make driving safer
  • How will people study exact sciences in the future?
  • New technologies in modern architecture
  • Stephen Hawking’s black holes hypothesis
  • Is there a possibility that people’s manual labor might not be necessary for any manufacturing processes in the future?
  • Do new technologies influence people’s appearance ? How do they do it?
  • What would today’s world be like without cellphones and computers?
  • What could Leonardo da Vinci possibly invent in the 21 st century?
  • Will professions that don’t require the human factor remain in demand in several decades?
  • What impact do new technologies have on people’s beliefs and personal philosophies ?
  • New technologies and equipment that helps farmers during the wheat harvest
  • Will hover drones replace helicopters in the future?
  • What are the top 5 alternative energy sources?
  • What technologies should be implemented to stop pollution on Earth?
  • Social media’s  impact on the populations of different countries
  • If people colonize Mars , what means of communication between two planets might be fast enough to share information?
  • How can the problem of lack of Internet connection in some parts of the world be solved?
  • A scientific approach to the problem of alcoholism
  • NASA’s space projects that will be realized in the next decade
  • Spheres in which computer technologies cannot replace human workers
  • The history of computers: how was the first computer invented?
  • A scientific approach to global warming: the most efficient methods of the catastrophe prevention
  • Useful features in the new generation of computers and smartphones
  • Ernest Rutherford’s scientific career and achievements
  • The most technologically advanced country in the world
  • Technologies implemented for cleaning the oceans from garbage
  • Innovative methods of charging electronic devices
  • Scientific research in spaceships: are travels at light speed possible?
  • Modern automobiles and technologies that help drivers control their vehicles
  • The furthest object that humanity managed to observe with the help of a telescope
  • Is teleportation possible, or should people stop spending money on its development?
  • The most ridiculous and useless scientific experiments
  • The human brain and a  computer : differences and  similarities
  • Gravity, temperature, and living conditions on the Moon
  • What can be possibly found at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean? Will humanity ever reach its deepest point?
  • Technologies used in nursing for delivering appropriate medication to patients in hospital settings
  • Scientific research on the topic of protecting nature and the environment: ecologic technologies and policies
  • Does the popular minimalist movement contribute to new technologies in any way?
  • The tallest plants on Earth and where they grow
  • Innovative technologies in  producing and reserving electricity  all over the world
  • New technologies that prevent ships from falling over during storms
  • Apple’s approach to the safety of their clients’ personal data
  • How will the Solar System’s planets’ orbits change in the next century?
  • The universe: how big can it possibly be?
  • Nanotechnologies used in medicine to heal people with AIDS and cancer
  • Earth’s collision with an asteroid in approximately 600 years: actual threat or a hoax?
  • Is it ever going to be possible for humanity to travel outside the limits of our galaxy?
  • Will humans terraform Mars instead of saving the Earth from an ecological catastrophe?
  • Use of nanotechnologies in reducing the amount of garbage on the planet
  • New technologies in sports and how will they influence people’s health
  • Modern bicycles with reduced risk of accidents on the roads
  • The safest means of transport in the world
  • Virtual reality  and its use in art
  • Can disabled people live a full life with the help of virtual reality?
  • The best way to travel across the universe and galaxies
  • Robots and their use in the mining industry
  • Is there a possibility of human clones’ production?
  • The most impressive innovations that people expect scientists to develop in the next century
  • Nanotechnologies in biology: Is it possible that people might install microchips in their heads to record every memory and valuable data?
  • Is it necessary to support human brain activities with the help of technology?
  • Social media vs. television : will people stop watching TV altogether?
  • New technologies in education: what new methods of teaching and studying might be helpful in colleges and universities?
  • How does the world of electronic devices influence people’s relationships with one another?
  • A new trend in Japan : marriages with virtual characters
  • The effectiveness of physical exercises supported by new technologies
  • How long does it take scientists to develop a vaccine against a virus that emerged unexpectedly?
  • The diffusion of the Ebola virus and various methods of its prevention in healthy people
  • Benefits of the 3D printing technology in healthcare
  • In what ways did computers change people’s lives?
  • Products that make people’s night rests healthier and their daily activities more productive
  • The  environmental pollution’s impact on people’s health: toxic gases, dirty water, and GMO foods
  • New technologies that help pilots control and land the aircrafts
  • The role of drones in the modern world: how can people use this technology to save finances and prevent traffic jams?
  • Vehicles of the future: how will people travel in several decades?
  • What technologies should scientists develop for people to survive on Mars ?
  • New technologies’ impact on people’s health, lifestyle, and values
  • The technology of controlling computers and mobile phones using only brain activity
  • New technologies that balance people’s nervous systems and prevent stresses
  • Nanotechnologies in ophthalmology : helping children with visual impairments
  • People’s mental health and how modern devices influence it
  • New technologies in sustainability: recycling methods
  • China’s rapid development : technologies that the country uses for its economic system’s growth
  • Ways of producing oxygen on Mars in the future

The picture shows a quote by Elon Musk.

  • Technologies that filter water and make it suitable for consumption
  • Apps and programs for effective remote work
  • Oil drilling technologies and their impact on the environment
  • How will the Internet change in 100 years, and what technology might replace the World Wide Web in the future?
  • Apps and programs that help students in accomplishing and organizing scientific research
  • The advantages of using the cloning technologies in household cares
  • Undesirable outcomes of people’s dependency on their electronic devices: computers, mobile phones, and gaming consoles
  • New technologies in language learning: innovative methods to expand one’s vocabulary
  • New technologies used for transplanting vital organs
  • The role of video games in people’s lives
  • The possible harm that robots might cause to humanity
  • Is it possible to travel through time, and what technologies might help develop a time machine ?
  • How ecological fuel that might replace  natural gas , petrol, and diesel
  • Perpetual motion machine: attempts of different scientists to create an engine with endless resources of energy
  • Technologies that Americans use daily
  • Scientific inventions or decisions that might save the world from an ecological catastrophe
  • How far can people travel from Earth in outer space ?
  • Automobiles’ aerodynamic qualities and how they have changed since the 1950s
  • How do technologies change people’s mentalities and cultures?
  • What is the purpose of inventing new warfare technologies if some countries have enough power to destroy our planet?
  • The impact of new technologies on military establishment and relationships among countries
  • Does the Internet make people more intelligent, or is it the other way round?
  • Technologies restricted by law in the territory of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • Do Internet search engines such as Google , Ask, and Bing make people less attentive to what they learn?
  • If new software requires more memory space on computers, how many terabytes will an average user need to work online in 20 years?
  • How can robots help humanity to increase people’s daily productivity?
  • New Apple devices that can change people’s lives
  • Alternative ways of finding and sharing necessary information in the future
  • Will robots coexist with people in 100 years?
  • Will translation software ever be able to replace professional interpreters?
  • How can robots and other programmed machines provide medical treatment to hospital patients?
  • New technologies in the taxi business
  • Is technological progress a good thing, or should we deliberately slow it down?
  • What technologies cause harm to the environment, Earth’s population, and the oceans?
  • Technologies in the tattoo business: the most effective methods of putting colored pigments under the skin
  • Does the US government use any technologies that allow them to wiretap people’s private calls? Is it ethical?
  • What technologies should be implemented to create wireless access to the Internet worldwide?
  • Do values of contemporary people focus on new technologies more than on everything else?
  • What technologies should be implemented to reduce the possibility of overpopulation on Earth?
  • Are  electric cars  more cost-effective and productive than vehicles that run on gasoline, diesel, and natural gas?
  • Do Face ID and Touch ID technologies protect people’s data from hackers?
  • Can any technology reduce the time required for night rests?
  • How intelligent are dolphins and whales ?
  • Newly emerged research areas and branches of science
  • The role of synthetic biology in medicine
  • Bionics: the main principles and purposes of the new science
  • Nutrigenomics: food values and other factors that influence people’s health
  • The main principles and objectives of the memetics study
  • Neuroeconomics: the ability of the human brain to make wise decisions
  • Sonocytology: the study of the sounds and impulses that the human cells make
  • Technologies that help people socialize and rehabilitate after long-term
  • How can zero gravity in outer space be used for people’s benefit?
  • Which countries are known for their achievements in the sphere of chemistry ?
  • Leading countries in the sphere of technology.
  • How long will it take Earth to restore all its resources and energy consumed by humanity?
  • Machine learning in restaurant and hotel businesses: Improved methods of cooperating with clients
  • The ethics of implanting microchips in animals
  • AI in online shopping : is it cost-efficient regarding both time and money?
  • New technologies that reduce various health risks in polluted areas
  • Innovative methods of completing medical operations are more accurate and reduce the possibilities of unfortunate outcomes
  • Process automation aimed at cleaning eggs and removing bacteria from the natural products’ surfaces
  • How can the implantation of microchips in the human brain help paralyzed individuals?
  • Autopilot installed in heavy trucks
  • Payment systems that require people’s eye or face scans: is this technology safer than ordinary passwords ?
  • Camera options that allow people to film in the 360-degree mode
  • Solar batteries and their significance in the modern age
  • Smart computers that don’t require a person’s intervention to complete tasks or collect information
  • Robotic chefs: the device’s functions and other options that make cooking easier
  • The technology of modular phones: why did the idea of creating a phone that consists of multiple blocks fail?
  • VR technology that might allow people to feel and touch virtual objects
  • Water recycling technology that filters the water people use for showering
  • Advanced fishing technologies: sensors, drones, and artificial intelligence
  • Gyroscope and various devices based on its working principle
  • New technologies in web design
  • Newton circle and its spheres of use
  • Scientific facts that prove the existence of other life forms in the outer space
  • Active volcanoes that can erupt at any moment: preventative technologies and safety measures
  • Technologies that make people healthy and fit without effort: are they possible?
  • Augmented reality use in the cosmetics business
  • Potential branches of science that might lead to the creation of new occupations in the future
  • The most valuable resource on Earth and technological methods of its extraction
  • Internet-of-Things: how is it used in agriculture ?
  • Synthetic foods: do they contain any nutritional components?
  • What technologies can help people reduce the cost of utilities ?
  • Entertainment: how will VR technologies influence people’s hobbies in the future?
  • How long will it take people to travel between Earth and Mars?
  • The temperature on Mars: is it possible for humans to survive on the Red Planet without additional heating devices?
  • What will people eat on Mars, and how will they get their food?
  • Professions that humanity might need on Mars during colonization
  • Messages sent by society in outer space: will they ever be answered?
  • If there are other forms of life in different galaxies, how will humans understand and contact them?
  • Satellites on our planet’s orbit: what do these devices do, and why are they important for people?
  • Is it possible for a human being to stay in a deep freeze for an extended period?
  • What do cosmonauts research and observe in the orbit of Earth?
  • The main problems of modern science: what issues are scientists trying to solve?
  • How dangerous can new technologies be for our environment?
  • How do different professions change and improve due to technological development ?
  • Ethical aspects of genetic engineering for humans
  • Egyptian pyramids : technologies that ancient Egyptians used to build their pharaohs’ graves
  • Contemporary achievements in genetics
  • How have helicopters developed since the 1950s?
  • Controversial issues of stem cell research
  • German technologies in road building: how is it possible to build a high-quality road for decades?
  • Wireless technologies that maternity hospitals use
  • What is antimatter, and how can it be used in the medical field?
  • How has  technology changed our lives compared to people living a century ago?
  • The technology you cannot live without
  • What are  the advantages  and disadvantages of genetic engineering?
  • Experiments on humans: can they be justified for the sake of science development?
  • Can alternative energy technologies provide humanity with sustainable energy resources?
  • What technologies can limit the adverse human impact on the environment ?
  • Smart devices that can help you reduce your carbon footprint
  • Is there a connection between human activity and natural disasters ?
  • Military technology advancement: a way to safety or a global threat?
  • Robot army: a scene from a movie or our near future?
  • Science and technology for personal safety
  • Advances in science and technology for  cybersecurity
  • Development of technologies for safe online purchases

📝 Science and Technology Essay Prompts

Writing science and technology essays might be a challenging task. Our essay prompts are here to inspire you. Keep reading to make your essay writing even more effortless.

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Science in Everyday Life Essay Prompt

Every day we are surrounded by marvelous inventions that can be described in your paper:

  • Anything made of plastic. Today numerous industries rely on the production of plastic, from packaging and electronics to aerospace and industrial engineering.
  • Anything charged with electricity. The work of people like Alessandro Volta or Andre-Marie Ampere lies at the foundation of the electrical industry.
  • Any food item in front of you. Science has revolutionized our approach to food cultivation and raised agricultural productivity to a new level.
  • Any modern medicine. At the end of the 18th century, scientist Edward Jenner established that vaccination works. And in the 19th century, the germ theory of disease emerged, which saved millions of lives over two hundred years.

Technology in the Future Essay Prompt

If you choose to write a paper about technology in the future, you can consider describing the following technologies:

  • Vision-improving technology . Artificial cornea or iris can provide vision to people with impairments.
  • Small living robots . These robots can deliver medicine to different body parts or collect microplastic from the oceans.
  • Internet everywhere . Companies such as Google or Facebook use helium balloons, drones, microsatellites, and other technology to provide the Internet to inaccessible areas.
  • Dairy products made in a lab . Biotech companies are searching for a way to make dairy products more available and less damaging to the environment. There are already some lab-made dairy products available in the US.

Interest in Science Essay Prompt

If you wish to tell about your interest in science or make your reader interested in it, take a look at these ideas:

  • Factors that influence one’s attitude towards science. You can analyze reasons for students’ interest or indifference towards science.
  • Parents’ role in children’s attitude towards science. Discuss how parents, their social status, or education level affect their children’s interests.
  • How does one’s faith affect their perception of science? Some religious beliefs don’t support scientific ideas about life and the universe.

Importance of Science Essay Prompt

Science is essential for our society, environment, and many other parts of our lives. In your essay about the importance of science, you can include the following points:

  • Science is solving the mysteries of our universe. One of the main goals of science is to gain knowledge about the world. It helps us understand different phenomena and find solutions to numerous problems.
  • How science benefits society . Science is also used to improve our life quality. Education and knowledge allow us to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.
  • The way science helps solve global challenges . Health, agriculture, and other spheres rely on science. Governments also use science to combat issues, such as climate change.

✍️ How to Write a Scientific Essay

To achieve academic prowess in science and technology studies, you will need to get good at writing scientific essays. Here are the general principles of essay writing:

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Essay on Science and Technology Outline

The structure of a science and technology essay remains the same as basically any other essay type. It includes the following points:

The picture shows the structure of a science and technology essay.

Science & Technology Essay Introduction

In your introduction, you should make your reader interested in your topic. Start with a hook, and don’t forget to include some background information. You can consult our article about writing a good introduction for more info.

An introduction of a science and technology essay about the disadvantages of space exploration can look like that:

Space exploration’s contribution to environmental science is impossible to deny. However, it might also be damaging to the environment itself. Space exploration produces hydrochloric acid and carbon dioxide that contribute to global warming.

Thesis Statement about Technology & Science

Close your introduction with a thesis to state the main point of your essay. Make sure to support your point with evidence throughout the text.

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There should be ways to make space exploration less damaging to the environment since the pollution caused by it is getting worse every year.

Science and Technology Essay Body

The body paragraphs are the central part of your essay. There you show your investigation results and support them with solid arguments. Don’t forget to open each of the paragraphs with a topic sentence that can let your reader know the main idea of the passage (you can learn more from this article about topic sentences by Rochester Institute of Technology.)

Aluminum oxide particles produced during rocket launches absorb the radiation and contribute to global warming. NASA uses fuel that consists of aluminum powder and ammonium perchlorate in their solid booster rockets. They form aluminum oxide when combined. As a result, these rocket launches are damaging to the environment and are one of the causes of climate change and global warming.

Science and Technology Essay Conclusion

The conclusion closes your essay by restating your thesis statement and making your reader want to dive further into your topic. Keep in mind that just saying that “more research on the subject is required” is not what the conclusion should be about. Make sure to include plenty of details in addition to summarizing the articles.

To sum up, although space exploration allows us to know more about our universe and makes our life easier, it also negatively affects the environment. Less damaging ways are needed in order for us to continue gaining knowledge and improving our life quality without hurting our planet.

Choosing Topics Related to Science and Technology

The field of science and technology is so broad that it is not very easy to decide on good science and technology topics right away. That is why we will explain the main issues to pay attention to while picking out a topic for your scientific essay:

  • It must be interesting for you as a writer;
  • It should be of current importance for readers;
  • It has to shed light on some scientific innovations.

If you consider these three points, you’ll have an excellent opportunity to succeed in writing your essays on science and technology.

If you feel lost and unsure what is a worthy topic, try thinking about something down-to-earth and present in our daily lives. For more tips on choosing good topics, check out some brainstorming techniques in our Guide to Academic Writing or use our topic generator .

Scientific Essay: Bonus Tips

  • Be sure you correctly understand the chosen problem.
  • Formulate your sentences well.
  • Use linking phrases within paragraphs and the text as a whole.
  • Ensure that your text is cohesive and logical.
  • Write in a language that would be clear even to an audience of non-professionals.
  • Mind the tone and wording of your technology essay.
  • Be careful not to make mistakes in spelling, grammar, style, and format.
  • Sound formal but not moralizing.
  • Foresee possible questions from your readers and answer them beforehand.
  • Call your readers to action and push them toward an adequate response.

Although essays might be one of the most common writing assignments, our free tips are here to make your studies even more enjoyable! We hope the information presented here will help you create an excellent scientific essay. Let us know what you think about our guide in the comments below!

Further reading:

  • Funny Informative Speech Topics and Ideas for Presentation
  • A List of Informative Speech Topics: Best Creative Topic Ideas
  • Good Informative Speech Topics: How to Get Thunders of Applause
  • Social Studies Topics for Your Research Project
  • Satirical Essay Examples and Best Satire Essay Topics
  • Evidence: UNC Writing Center
  • What Is STS: Harvard University
  • An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies: London’s Global University
  • What is the Study of STS? Stanford University
  • Science and Technology: Gale
  • Essay Structure: Ashford Writing Center
  • 100 Technology Topics for Research Papers: Owlcation
  • A CS Research Topic Generator: Purdue University
  • Research Topics List: NASA
  • 11 of The Biggest Innovations Shaping The Future of Spaceflight Today: Insider
  • Space Exploration Timeline: ALIC
  • Science and Technology: Academia
  • Modern Technology: ScienceDirect
  • Are Space Launches Bad for the Environment?: Science Focus
  • The Future of Space Exploration: University of Central Florida
  • The Space Race: Digital History
  • Sputnik, 1957: United States Department of State
  • Space Exploration and Innovation: UNOOSA
  • Benefits of Science: University of California, Berkeley
  • Technology in Space Exploration and Beyond: Experimental College
  • US Views of Technology and the Future: Pew Research Center
  • The Development of Interest in Science: NCBI
  • Science for Society: UNESCO
  • Science and Technology: RAND
  • The Relationship between Science and Technology: ScienceDirect
  • Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) and Culture for Sustainable Development and The MDGs: United Nations
  • Religion and Science: The Atlantic
  • Writing the Scientific Paper: Colorado State University
  • International Space Station: Facts, History & Tracking: NASA, Space Exploration and Astronomy News
  • Screaming Yeast: Sonocytology, Cytoplasmic Milieus, and Cellular Subjectivities: University of Chicago
  • What is Nanotechnology?: University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • 5 Influential NASA Inventions: Ohio University
  • GMO Crops, Animal Food, and Beyond: US Food and Drug Administration
  • Hydroponics: Oklahoma State University
  • The Science of Virtual Reality: The Franklin Institute
  • How Important Is Technology in Education? Benefits, Challenges, and Impact on Students: American University, Washington, DC.
  • What was Pangea?: USGS
  • Renewable Energy Explained: US Energy Information Administration
  • Deep Space Communication and Navigation: European Space Agency
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Well, I like your tips and suggestions, but please give us some topics that are related to our issues nowadays. Also, give us some specific and eye-catching title to help us with our article. Thank you : )

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Thanks for the advice, Barbie, I’ll keep that in mind 🙂

Excellent post. I’m going through a few of these issues as well.

I hope to write my Science and Technology essay successfully. I read your post and think to complete my essay on Science and Technology without any problems.

Fascinating topics for my essay on Science and Technology! Hm, don’t know which one to choose for my paper… but now this is not a big problem) Thanks!

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In Latest A.I. War Escalation, Elon Musk Releases Chatbot Code

Mr. Musk’s move to open up the code behind Grok is the latest volley in a war to win the A.I. battle, after a suit against OpenAI on the same topic.

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Elon Musk with his hand on his chin.

By Kate Conger and Cade Metz

Reporting from San Francisco

Elon Musk released the raw computer code behind his version of an artificial intelligence chatbot on Sunday, an escalation by one of the world’s richest men in a battle to control the future of A.I.

Grok, which is designed to give snarky replies styled after the science-fiction novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” is a product from xAI, the company Mr. Musk founded last year. While xAI is an independent entity from X, its technology has been integrated into the social media platform and is trained on users’ posts. Users who subscribe to X’s premium features can ask Grok questions and receive responses.

By opening the code up for everyone to view and use — known as open sourcing — Mr. Musk waded further into a heated debate in the A.I. world over whether doing so could help make the technology safer, or simply open it up to misuse.

Mr. Musk, a self-proclaimed proponent of open sourcing, did the same with X’s recommendation algorithm last year, but he has not updated it since.

“Still work to do, but this platform is already by far the most transparent & truth-seeking (not a high bar tbh),” Mr. Musk posted on Sunday in response to a comment on open sourcing X’s recommendation algorithm.

The move to open-source chatbot code is the latest volley between Mr. Musk and ChatGPT’s creator, OpenAI, which the mercurial billionaire sued recently over breaking its promise to do the same. Mr. Musk, who was a founder and helped fund OpenAI before departing several years later, has argued such an important technology should not be controlled solely by tech giants like Google and Microsoft, which is a close partner of OpenAI .

OpenAI has said it will seek to dismiss the suit .

(The New York Times sued OpenAI and Microsoft in December for copyright infringement of news content related to A.I. systems.)

The controversy over open sourcing generative A.I. — which can create realistic images and videos and recreate humanlike text responses — has roiled the tech world over the past year after the explosion in the popularity of the technology. Silicon Valley is deeply divided over whether the coding underlying A.I. should be publicly available, with some engineers arguing that the powerful technology must be guarded against interlopers while others insist that the benefits of transparency outweigh the harms.

By publishing his A.I. code, Mr. Musk planted himself firmly in the latter camp, a decision that could enable him to leapfrog competitors who have had a head start in developing the technology.

The publication of the code will allow other companies and independent software developers to modify and reuse it as they build their own chatbots and other A.I. systems. Meta, the parent company of both Facebook and Instagram, has also open sourced its A.I. technology, called LLaMA . Google and a prominent French start-up, Mistral, have also done some open sourcing.

Last year, Mr. Musk — who also owns X and SpaceX, and is chief executive officer of Tesla — formed xAI, stating its mission was to “understand reality.” In November, he said investors in his $44 billion take-private deal for X would own a 25 percent stake in xAI.

Mr. Musk has said that no topic should be off-limits for chatbots, criticizing companies that steer their technology to avoid controversy as “woke.”

“If an AI is programmed to push for diversity at all costs, as Google Gemini was, then it will do whatever it can to cause that outcome, potentially even killing people,” Mr. Musk said in a post on Friday .

But at least some of the posturing around open sourcing is closely tied to business interests. Because OpenAI is the market leader, offering the most powerful and arguably the most popular chatbot, it has little reason to open source its code.

Mr. Musk and xAI, on the other hand, are working to catch up and could help level the playing field by open sourcing their code and inviting others to improve the technology.

Subbarao Kambhampati, a professor of computer science at Arizona State University, has argued that open sourcing today’s A.I. technology is the safest approach. But he added that companies like xAI and Meta were not necessarily open-sourcing the technology for that reason.

“Elon Musk and Yann LeCun are not the best messengers for this argument,” he said, referencing Meta’s chief A.I. scientist.

Kate Conger is a technology reporter based in San Francisco. She can be reached at [email protected]. More about Kate Conger

Cade Metz writes about artificial intelligence, driverless cars, robotics, virtual reality and other emerging areas of technology. More about Cade Metz

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

Gov. Bill Lee of Tennessee signed a bill  to prevent the use of A.I. to copy a performer’s voice. It is the first such measure in the United States.

French regulators said Google failed to notify news publishers  that it was using their articles to train its A.I. algorithms, part of a wider ruling against the company for its negotiating practices with media outlets.

Apple is in discussions with Google  about using Google’s generative A.I. model called Gemini for its next iPhone.

The Age of A.I.

When it comes to the A.I. that powers chatbots like ChatGPT, China lags behind the United States. But when it comes to producing the scientists behind a new generation of humanoid technologies, China is pulling ahead .

By interacting with data about genes and cells, A.I. models have made some surprising discoveries and are learning what it means to be alive. What could they teach us someday ?

Covariant, a robotics start-up, is using the technology behind chatbots  to build robots that learn skills much like ChatGPT does.

When Google released Gemini, a new chatbot, the company quickly faced a backlash. The episode unleashed a fierce debate  about whether A.I. should be guided by social values.

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Newly sworn in US citizens celebrate and wave US flags during a naturalization ceremony at the ... [+] Lowell Auditorium, where 633 immigrants became U.S. citizens on January 22, 2019, in Lowell, Massachusetts. Research shows the benefits to taxpayers of immigrants, which contradicts an argument made for imposing new immigration restrictions. (Photo by JOSEPH PREZIOSO/AFP via Getty Images)

Research shows immigrants benefit U.S. taxpayers. The findings contradict an argument made for imposing new immigration restrictions. The research, from various sources, has become more relevant with the news about short-term costs experienced in cities after migrants have arrived unannounced as part of the Western Hemisphere political and economic refugee crisis . The costs are due for reasons that include city rules on housing, migrants lacking work authorization and the absence of coordination among government entities. Economists say the issues with cities do not negate findings on the overall fiscal benefits of immigrants.

The Congressional Budget Office

The Congressional Budget Office concluded that the increased labor supply fueled by immigration produces enormous fiscal benefits for U.S. taxpayers.

“In our projections, the deficit is also smaller than it was last year because economic output is greater, partly as a result of more people working,” according to CBO Director Phillip L. Swagel . “ The labor force in 2033 is larger by 5.2 million people, mostly because of higher net immigration . As a result of those changes in the labor force, we estimate that, from 2023 to 2034, GDP will be greater by about $7 trillion and revenues will be greater by about $1 trillion than they would have been otherwise .” (Emphasis added.)

Swagel said CBO will continue to assess the impact of immigration on the budget.

Mainstream economists support more liberalized immigration, viewing it as positive for labor force growth—an essential element of economic growth—and as a moderating influence on inflation by increasing the supply of workers. “Strong job creation has been accompanied by an increase in the supply of workers, particularly among individuals aged 25 to 54, and a continued strong pace of immigration,” said Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome Powell in Congressional testimony .

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In the past, the Congressional Budget Office has produced analyses that underestimate the fiscal benefits of immigration. Former CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf (now Dean at Harvard Kennedy School) and Dartmouth economics professor Heidi Williams explain the Congressional Budget Office has used three different models to assess the budget impacts of immigration legislation: conventional, population-change and dynamic.

Elmendorf and Williams used the Penn Wharton Budget Model to estimate the vast difference in the budgetary estimates if CBO used the “population-change” approach rather than the less accurate “conventional” model. The analysis used a section of the House-passed version of what became the CHIPS Act. The provision was dropped in a House-Senate conference committee after Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) blocked including it in the bill.

The legislative language would have exempted from employment-based green card limits foreign nationals with a Ph.D. in a science, technology, engineering and math field or a master’s degree in a “critical” industry.

“We report estimates from the Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) that exempting employment-based green cards from statutory limits for applicants (and their families) who have earned a doctoral or master’s degree in a STEM field—similar to Section 80303 in H.R. 4521—would reduce federal budget deficits by $129 billion from 2025 to 2034,” according to Elmendorf and Williams. “In contrast, a conventional budget estimate, which would include projected increases in federal spending but not the effect of a larger population on federal tax revenues, shows an increase in federal deficits of $4 billion.”

The difference between the two approaches grows with the time measured. “Over the following decade, the difference between the conventional approach and population-change approach estimates is even larger: swinging from a $74 billion increase in the budget deficit to a $634 billion decrease,” write Elmendorf and Williams.

CBO estimates carry real-world consequences. In July 2022, CBO declared that an amendment on green cards for individuals with Ph.D.’s in science and engineering would cost $1 billion over ten years. The amendment was not added to the FY 2023 defense authorization bill .

Under the “conventional approach,” CBO counts “the number of people who claim government benefits” but assumes gross domestic product will remain unchanged. That means it fails to account for increases in workers.

However, under the “population-change approach,” CBO does not “incorporate all of the effects on the economy” it expects would occur but does include “all of the direct budgetary effects of changing the number of people in the United States—in particular, the effects on taxable compensation and therefore on income and payroll tax revenues,” note Elmendorf and Williams.

When it uses the “dynamic approach,” CBO estimates “reflect the budgetary impact of all of the economic changes that CBO expects would occur.”

Elmendorf and Williams write, “At various times in the past decade, the House of Representatives has adopted a rule that CBO and JCT [Joint Committee on Taxation] provide dynamic estimates for ‘major’ legislation. However, no immigration proposal during that period has met the criteria to be designated as ‘major,’ and therefore no dynamic budgetary estimates have been produced in the past decade.” They note this approach was used for two immigration bills S. 744 ( CBO 2013b ) in 2013 and for S. 2611 ( CBO 2006a ) in 2016, “although not as the basis for official budget estimates.”

Fiscal Estimates By Economist Michael Clemens

The reason most people immigrate to America is to work and build a better future for their families. However, fiscal estimates have overlooked the capital investments employers make when employing immigrants.

In a paper for the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration at University College London, Michael Clemens, an economics professor at George Mason University , produced estimates that challenged past efforts to measure the fiscal impact of immigrants.

According to Clemens, the traditional method “omits substantial indirect, dynamic effects of immigration,” and the most influential method “simply counts the direct fiscal flows to and from individual immigrants by education level.”

Clemens made a “simple adjustment” to these estimates by including conservative estimates of tax revenue from capital income caused by an immigrant worker’s presence in the economy.” (Emphasis added.)

“Omitting tax revenue from capital contradicts economic theory if the firms that employ immigrants are profit-maximizing,” writes Clemens. “Intuitively, after a firm has set its demand for labor and capital to maximize profits, suppose it raises its labor demand by one to hire an immigrant. Without general-equilibrium shifts in prices or productivity, this increase in labor demand would by definition reduce profits if it occurred without also hiring capital—such as buying an additional computer or renting additional retail space for the worker to use.”

Economist Mark Regets, a senior fellow at the National Foundation for American Policy, said Clemens’s approach makes sense by assuming companies would invest in computers, machines and office space when they hire immigrants. By pursuing profits, employers would pay more taxes to governments after hiring immigrants.

After taking into account tax revenue from capital income, Clemens found that an average recent immigrant without a high school degree causes a lifetime positive net fiscal balance of $128,000 . “Including the expected children and grandchildren of the average immigrant without a high school degree, the lifetime positive net fiscal effect is $326,000.” (Emphasis added.)

By omitting capital tax revenue, an estimate by Blau et al. in 2017—produced as part of a National Academy of Sciences panel—underestimated the positive impact of an average recent immigrant without a high school degree by $381,000, according to Clemens.

Clemens, Elmendorf, Williams and the Congressional Budget Office show that economists must use real-world assumptions to capture the fiscal benefits of immigration.

Stuart Anderson

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