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  • Look Before You Leap Essay


Essay on Look Before You Leap

Looking before you leap does not actually mean to think and then jump. But it means one must think of the consequences and then act. Humans at times without thinking take hasty decisions that are ill-advised.

They come with disastrous results. Before jumping into the river, one must know how to swim. More importantly, one must know the depth and current of the water. The essay Look Before You Leap Essay seeks to shed light on the importance of living one's life safely. 

Long Essay On Look Before You Leap

The long essay on look before you leap highlights the fact that it is always necessary to think deeply about every step in one's life. This avoids unnecessary problems. When one acts without thinking hard about their actions, several problems can haunt until death.

One must understand that the greatest gift God has given is life. Life is a bottomless pit that comes with no second chances. During childhood, one must have heard their grandparents often telling them; haste is waste.

They try to say that rushing into anything without proper planning, is a sheer waste of one's time and energy. Because the results are most likely going to end badly.

The look before you leap paragraphs will help one understand the phrase. In life, it is always better to look before you leap, or else there is a great danger of falling into the wrong place and that may ruin your life. To act without prior thinking will lead us into endless troubles and a waste of time and energy in all possible ways. Elderly people and many great successful people often say that haste always makes waste so plan whatever you do. Rushing into things without prior thinking and a proper plan will definitely lead to a waste of time, resources, and energy.

In life, humans make rash decisions. Then they end up filled with lifelong regret. All this can be avoided if one thinks before concluding. This never means that one must delay the actions and take their own time.

But think a few times about how the action can be done differently or avoided entirely. Decisions that are taken smartly and with intelligence helps in the long run. One must have heard about how Napoleon Bonaparte failed when he decided to take on Russia.

The simple reason being, he did not consider the weather. It not only destroyed his army but his confidence. An emperor whose attacking his enemies could never fathom skills was now a broken man.

It brought out the foolishness that many people tend to live on at times. They act without exercising good reasons and let their emotions guide them. On the other hand, people who tread with reason, logic, and understanding view the larger picture.

They visualize the harms and dangers before embarking on the journey. Such individuals know how to differentiate between the good and the bad.

Short Essay on Look Before You Leap

Life is full of ups and downs. The end depends on how one acts to it. This makes it extremely necessary for one to walk carefully and know the consequences of the actions beforehand. Doing so enables the person to avoid facing any problems later on.

Before the problem can surround them, they come to a wise decision and solve it effortlessly. With that being said, one must not act carelessly. Before one scales a wall or a boundary, they need to know the length and width.

One must not begin working before knowing everything about it. The foolish people tend to hurry up things without using their minds. This leads to unwanted problems in the end. The tasks do not get completed on time and have to be redone from scratch.

One must use caution because anything can happen in life. Successful people are known for their planning and caution. Pilots having a backup plan succeed in landing their plane safely, despite engine trouble.

At times, one has to make quick decisions in a split second, but these circumstances rarely come in life.


Acting with proper thought never fails, and one can see that in occupations like pilots and train drivers. The essay on look before you leap suggests those who value their life, make wise decisions only after immense thought.


FAQs on Look Before You Leap Essay

1. What is the meaning of the famous saying look before you leap?

Looking before you leap actually means that you should think of the consequences before you get into the act. For example, You will not just step into a store to get any appliances before doing market research and scanning all the reviews for the product so for instance, you will check out all the costs and features before you buy a mobile phone. Hence we should plan things accordingly then jump into action.

2. Where did this Look before you leap saying actually come from?

The saying look before you leap is based on a story for kids, which was a fable written by author Aesop in the 500s B.C called The Fox and the Goat, and is actually derived from that moral story. In that short story, a fox falls into a well and cannot get out after trying so hard and a thirsty goat happens to pass by that well, and the fox actually talks sweetly and mesmerizes the goat by leaping into the well to get a drink. Finally, the goat will be in danger since it just jumped into the well without thinking.

3. What is the type of essay writing involved in English academics?

An academic essay is always focused on a type of piece of writing that develops an idea or argument using proper evidence, research, analysis, and original interpretation. There are many types of essays you might write as a student in your school and college. The content, area, or topic of interest and the length of an essay depends on your level of fluency of the language and subject of study, and course requirements. However, most essays at the university level are argumentative because they aim to persuade the reader of a particular position or try to convey the original perspective on any particular topic chosen.

4. What are the steps involved in writing an essay effectively?

Pick a topic that you think will have a greater impact on the reader or any topic in your area of interest. Mostly, it is better to choose something that interests you and your mind so that you will do more research and Brainstorm many unique ideas to present them well. Write down any idea that comes to your mind regarding that topic about the things you'd like to include, including the key points, examples, and illustrations which will make your essay more interesting. Finally, organize, put them into proper words and revise as many times as possible before you submit them.

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Essay on Look Before You Leap For Students & Children

We are Sharing an Essay on Look Before You Leap in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short Essay on Look Before You Leap for Classes 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 in 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700 words.

Look Before You Leap Essay in 300 words

When one has to jump from one place to another, one has to be sure beforehand that there is nothing hard and uncomfortable on the other side. If there is something like that, it has first to be removed or set right.

Similar is the case in our life. If we keep sitting in one place without making any effort, we can make no progress.

It is for the sake of progress which is the essential condition even for existence, we have to take jumps and leaps.

However, when we have to take a leap in life, we must be sure about ourselves what we are going to do, where we are going, and what we hope to achieve.

A student first studies in a school. There he has to study the subjects which are prescribed, all the subjects being compulsory up to the tenth class.

Thereafter, the student has a choice. He may choose the arts, the science, or the commerce stream, or any other stream which is available in that particular institution or school board.

This choice or option has to be exercised very judiciously since a wrong choice can mar an otherwise brilliant student’s career.

This choice has to be made keeping in view one’s aptitude, the kind of guidance available, and the prospects of employment or vocation later in life.

The same principle continues to apply in going in for higher studies and, indeed, in all walks of life, including employment in a particular company, joining a particular technical or vocational course, immigration into another country, making matrimonial alliance, etc. So, we must look before we leap.

Long Essay on Look Before You Leap in 700 to 800 words

Look before you leap is a proverb that means that one should give thoughtful consideration before doing anything. In fact, every action should be governed by recognizing its consequences for oneself and others: for every action is bound to have a reaction: and if the reaction may be harmful to anyone, then that fiction itself should be avoided.

This applies to every sphere of activity in the life of man. A simple action like crossing the road can have fatal consequences if one does not look at both sides of the road carefully. One should be very careful even if one is in a great hurry.

Again, important decisions in life, which may appear simple, may require deep thought before taking action. For example. choosing subjects in school, on the surface may seem to be easy enough, but it is a very important decision because it is going to affect one’s future career and life as a whole. A wrong decision, for instance, choosing science instead of humanities if one does not really have an aptitude for it. may spoil one’s whole life. One may not do well in it, and lose interest in studies. Sometimes students are tempted to choose particular, subjects because their friends have taken them, or they are forced by their parents to take up a particular branch of learning. This is a pitfall one should avoid by considering the consequences of such an action.

Again, another major decision in life is taking up professional studies. This again is a difficult decision. Sometimes, students opt for a particular professional course because they might have got good marks in a subject but without really enjoying working at it. Thus, a student might opt for medical studies because he might have done well in math and biology but might hate going to the hospital and not have the temperament of mind and heart to look after patients. Such a student would do well to see if his aptitude lies more towards engineering. architecture. commerce or any other profession.

It is the same thing where taking up a job is concerned. One should look for a job that would give one mental satisfaction instead of taking up the first one that comes one’s way. For example, I have a friend who accepted a job as a lecturer in a college because that happened to be the first one he got. However, he hated teaching and found himself to be very unhappy. He found fault with the students, the environment, the other staff members, and so on. Later he quits the job for banker’s job, handling finance, and was very happy with it. He had found his niche, but only after losing a few years which, had he opted for the bank job earlier, would have taken him ahead by promotion.

In fact, look before you leap, in other words, to give careful consideration before acting is very relevant to our daily life. For instance, even if we promise to help a friend we should be sure that we would be able to fulfill it; otherwise failure to do it might not only mean loss of face, but also a valuable friend who might feel totally let down.

Thus, every act in life and every decision, however, major or minor should be given careful thought of the consequences to oneself and others. This would lead one to be sure of oneself and be confident in whatever one does. Thus, to look before you leap is a wise maxim to follow in life.

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Look before you leap – Proverb Meaning, Expansion And Story

The proverb “look before you leap” advises individuals to exercise caution and consider the potential consequences or risks before taking action. It emphasizes the importance of thoughtful decision-making and encourages people to gather information, assess the situation, and weigh the possible outcomes before proceeding. By adopting a measured approach, one can avoid impulsive or hasty choices that may lead to unfavorable outcomes or regrets. The proverb serves as a reminder to pause, evaluate, and make informed decisions, acknowledging that a moment of reflection can prevent unnecessary mistakes and ensure a more successful and fulfilling path forward.

Understanding The Idea :

The proverb “look before you leap” embodies the wisdom of careful consideration and thoughtful analysis before taking action. It urges individuals to exercise prudence and evaluate the potential risks, consequences, and alternatives before making decisions or embarking on a new endeavor.

In a fast-paced world filled with distractions and pressures, the proverb reminds us of the importance of pausing, reflecting, and gathering information before leaping into action. It emphasizes the value of foresight and planning, rather than succumbing to impulsive choices that may have unintended or adverse outcomes.

Looking before leaping involves assessing the situation, understanding the potential challenges, and weighing the potential benefits against the risks. It encourages individuals to evaluate the feasibility, viability, and potential impact of their decisions. By taking the time to analyze the various factors at play, one can make more informed choices, minimizing the likelihood of regret or detrimental consequences.

The proverb is particularly relevant in situations where the stakes are high or the outcomes are uncertain. It advises against hasty or reckless behavior, urging individuals to consider long-term implications and potential obstacles that may arise along the way. By engaging in careful planning and foresight, individuals can anticipate potential pitfalls, make contingency plans, and increase their chances of success.

Moreover, looking before leaping encourages individuals to seek advice, guidance, or insights from others who may have experience or expertise in the relevant field. Consulting with trusted mentors, professionals, or knowledgeable individuals can provide valuable perspectives and help in making well-informed decisions.

The proverb extends beyond individual decision-making and applies to various aspects of life, such as personal relationships, financial matters, career choices, and even societal issues. It advocates for prudence, diligence, and a measured approach to ensure that actions align with personal values, goals, and long-term aspirations.

However, it is essential to strike a balance between thoughtful consideration and analysis paralysis. Overthinking or excessive hesitation can hinder progress and prevent one from seizing opportunities. Therefore, while it is crucial to look before leaping, it is equally important to recognize when a reasonable level of risk is necessary for growth and advancement.

In summary, the proverb “look before you leap” promotes a mindset of prudence, forethought, and careful evaluation. It encourages individuals to embrace a measured approach, considering the potential risks and rewards before making decisions or taking actions. By adopting this mindset, individuals can enhance their decision-making skills, minimize regrets, and navigate life’s challenges with greater confidence and success.

Story 1: A Beautiful Story on “Look before you Leap”

In the bustling city of Mumbai, a young woman named Aisha aspired to break societal norms and pursue her dreams. Despite the traditional expectations placed upon her, she yearned to become an accomplished artist.

Aisha possessed an innate talent for painting and a boundless imagination that breathed life into her artwork. However, her conservative family held reservations about her unconventional career choice. They insisted she follow a more traditional path, urging her to prioritize stability and security over her passion.

Determined to forge her own path, Aisha sought solace in the vibrant streets of the city, where she discovered a community of like-minded artists who supported one another. Encouraged by their camaraderie, Aisha gathered her courage and decided to showcase her artwork at a local art exhibition.

As the day of the exhibition approached, Aisha’s excitement mingled with nervousness. The bustling gallery overflowed with diverse paintings, sculptures, and installations. Aisha’s collection, inspired by the rich cultural heritage of India, narrated stories of resilience, harmony, and diversity.

To her surprise, Aisha’s artwork garnered attention from art enthusiasts, critics, and even renowned collectors. Her vibrant strokes and unique storytelling captivated the audience, leaving an indelible impression on their hearts. Amidst the admiration, a prominent art gallery owner, Mr. Kapoor, approached her, expressing interest in representing her and showcasing her work in an upcoming exhibition.

Aisha’s family, initially skeptical of her artistic pursuits, witnessed her success and newfound recognition. They slowly realized the depth of her passion and the impact she was making through her art. With hearts brimming with pride, they wholeheartedly supported her, breaking free from the constraints of societal expectations.

As Aisha’s career soared, she never forgot her roots. She used her artwork to shed light on societal issues, gender equality, and cultural preservation. Her paintings became a medium for change, inspiring conversations and sparking a sense of unity among diverse communities.

Aisha’s journey became an inspiration to countless aspiring artists across the country. She established an art foundation to provide scholarships and resources to talented individuals from underprivileged backgrounds, ensuring that financial constraints would not limit their artistic endeavors.

Through her artistry, Aisha not only transformed her own life but also contributed to the rich tapestry of India’s cultural landscape. She proved that one could transcend societal expectations, embrace their passion, and create a profound impact.

Her story echoes the spirit of countless individuals in India who challenge societal norms and pursue their dreams, leaving an indelible mark on society. Aisha’s journey exemplifies the resilience, determination, and creativity that characterize the diverse tapestry of Indian culture, demonstrating that pursuing one’s passion can lead to personal fulfillment and positive change for the world around them.

Story 2: A Beautiful Story on “Look before you Leap”

In a small village nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, lived a young boy named Arjun. The village, untouched by modernization, thrived on age-old traditions and a close-knit community. Arjun, brimming with curiosity and a thirst for adventure, yearned to explore the vastness of the world beyond their village.

One day, a group of travelers arrived in the village, sharing tales of a hidden treasure buried deep in a mystical forest. The mere mention of treasure sent a wave of excitement through the villagers, and whispers of untold riches filled the air.

Arjun, captivated by the prospect of adventure and wealth, decided to embark on a quest to find the legendary treasure. He bid farewell to his family and friends, promising to return with unimaginable riches that would transform their lives forever.

Armed with a worn-out map passed down through generations, Arjun ventured into the dense forest, braving treacherous terrains and unpredictable weather. Along his journey, he encountered wild animals, navigated through winding rivers, and faced moments of doubt and exhaustion.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as Arjun delved deeper into the heart of the forest. The villagers back home grew anxious, fearing they had lost their beloved Arjun to the perils of the unknown. However, their faith in his determination and bravery kept their hopes alive.

In the midst of his arduous journey, Arjun stumbled upon an ancient temple hidden in the forest. Drawn to its mysterious aura, he entered the temple, only to be greeted by a wise sage who resided within its walls. The sage, perceiving Arjun’s quest for material wealth, spoke with compassion and wisdom.

He revealed that the true treasure lay not in gold or jewels, but in the experiences, relationships, and knowledge gained along the journey. He urged Arjun to reflect on the values he held dear and the impact he desired to make in the world.

Arjun, humbled by the sage’s words, realized the depth of his misguided pursuit. He understood that the true wealth was found in the love of his family, the bonds of friendship, and the richness of his village’s culture.

With newfound clarity, Arjun decided to abandon the search for the mythical treasure. Instead, he returned to his village, where he dedicated himself to preserving their traditions and uplifting his community. He shared the wisdom he had gained from the sage, encouraging the villagers to cherish their heritage and nurture the bonds that held them together.

Over time, Arjun’s village transformed into a vibrant hub of cultural preservation and community development. They celebrated their unique traditions, organized festivals that attracted visitors from far and wide, and empowered the younger generation to embrace their roots while pursuing their dreams.

Arjun’s journey became legendary in the village, not for the riches he found, but for the wisdom he brought back. His story taught the villagers that the true treasure lies in the intangible aspects of life — love, compassion, and the bonds that tie us to our roots.

From that day forward, the villagers embraced the proverb “the real treasure is in our hearts,” cherishing the invaluable wealth of their traditions, community, and the joy found in simple moments shared with loved ones. And in the heart of the Himalayas, the village thrived, reminding the world that true wealth is not measured in gold, but in the richness of the human spirit.

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Essay on Look Before You Leap

write a creative writing on look before you leap

We should think carefully before we do something. We should take precautions and do deep thinking. Then only we should decide to do something. Some people are impulsive by nature.

They do not think before doing a thing. They act rashly and then repent. We should do thorough calculations and also we should do a thorough survey. We should invest money in business only if we have experience in the business.

If we do not have the knowledge we can take guidance from experienced persons in business. We should make a thorough study before starting a business. Similarly, if we want to swim across a river, we should first see whether we can cross or not.

We should not start swimming without thinking about our experience and depth of the river. If we take action rashly or foolishly, it may ruin us.

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The meaning and origin of the expression: Look before you leap


Look before you leap

  • The proverbs of John Heywood

What's the meaning of the phrase 'Look before you leap'?

Check that you are clear what is ahead of you before making a decision that you cannot go back on.

What's the origin of the phrase 'Look before you leap'?

The intuitive notion that this phrase derives from the undeniable wisdom of checking a fence before jumping over it on horseback appears to be misguided. Such behaviour is and was common enough amongst riders to have been given a name, that is, 'craning'. Nevertheless, the proverb as first recorded refers specifically to the rashness of leap unpreparedly into marriage. This proverb is first recorded in John Heywood's A Dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the Prouerbes in the Englishe tongue , 1546:

And though they seeme wives for you never so fit, Yet let not harmfull haste so far out run your wit: But that ye harke to heare all the whole summe That may please or displease you in time to cumme. Thus by these lessons ye may learne good cheape In wedding and all things to looke ere ye leaped

The Miracles brought the idea up to date in 1960 with Smokey Robinson's Shop Around :

Just because you've become a young man, now, There's still some things that you don't understand, now. Before you ask some girl for her hand, now, Keep your freedom for as long as you can, now. My mama told me, "You better shop around".

See also: the List of Proverbs .

Gary Martin - the author of the website.

By Gary Martin

Gary Martin is a writer and researcher on the origins of phrases and the creator of the Phrase Finder website. Over the past 26 years more than 700 million of his pages have been downloaded by readers. He is one of the most popular and trusted sources of information on phrases and idioms.

Gary Martin, author of the website.


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English Short Story and English Moral Story ”Look Before You Leap” Complete Story for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and other classes.

Look Before You Leap

Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a well. He tried his level best to come out but all in vain. So, he had no other alternative but to remain there till the next morning.

The next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw the fox there. The goat asked “what are you doing there, Mr. Fox?”

The sly fox replied, “I came here to drink water. It is the best I have ever tasted. Come and see for yourself.”

Without thinking even for a while, the goat jumped into the well, quenched her thirst and looked for a way to get out. But just like the fox, she also found herself helpless to come out.

Then the fox said, “I have an idea. You stand on your hind legs. I’ll climb on your head and get out. Then I shall help you come out too.”

The goat was innocent enough to understand the shrewdness of the fox and did as the fox said and help him get out of the well.

While walking away, the fox said, “Had you been intelligent enough, you would never have got in without seeing how to get out.”

That’s why we say, “Look before you leap”.

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Look before you leap English moral story

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Look Before You Leap – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Would you like a phrase that tells someone that they should use careful consideration or thought before they proceed with something? The phrase 'look before you leap' is a common English saying that can be used to mean just that. This post unpacks the meaning, origin, and commmon use of the expression.

The phrase 'look before you leap' is a common figurative saying in the English language, which can be used to mean that someone should consider or plan something more carefully before they act on it.

'Looking before you leap' implies that someone should put thought or consideration before action.

Often the phrase 'look before you leap' is said as a caution from one person to another.

The phrase can also be used to have sarcastic implications , or to jokingly imply that someone acted without planning or foresight.

Context of the phrase is usually made apparent from the rest of the discussion, or by one of the speakers.

Someone who 'looks before they leap' is assumed to be prepared before action , whereas someone who does ' not look before they leap' is implied to mean the opposite.

Example Usage

“If you don't look before you leap, you're going to end up with no idea what the fuck you're doing in Chicago in the middle of the winter as an accountant.”

“You should look before you leap, or you're going to end up like that guy in the office who drilled a hole in the side of his head when he turned thirty-two.”

“Look before you leap, or you're going to be divorced before you know it. Marriage isn't for everyone, and I don't think it's for you.”

“If you don't look before you leap, you're going to be absolutely clueless about what to do at work in the next week. Just read the manual, that's what it's there for.”

The origin of the phrase 'look before you leap' is often disputed by language resources, because nobody is exactly sure when or where the first usage of the phrase might have happened.

A common myth about the phrase and its origin is that it might have come from horseracing, though this is not accepted to be the case and the origin story is debunked by most serious language resources.

In horseracing, the term of looking at potential obstacles is referred to as 'craning' and 'look before you leap' is not said in horseracing as a serious term nor ever was.

'Look before you leap' is a phrase that was in common use as a figurative saying by the 1800s, and the figurative meaning of the saying has continued well into modern times.

The website Urban Dictionary lists the phrase 'look before you leap' from 2008, even though early use of the saying is obvious and documented.

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  • Look before you leap
  • Looking before you leap

Ways People May Say Look Before You Leap Incorrectly

There are several ways in which someone can use the phrase 'look before you leap' in the wrong way, or misunderstand the meaning of the phrase in a discussion.

The phrase is not used as 'looks before you leap' as it would render an incorrect phrase

The saying might not necessarily translate well to all languages, especially ones that do not have a direct equivalent of the phrase.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Look Before You Leap

There are several correct way to use the phrase 'look before you leap' in conversation.

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Fables of Aesop

A complete collection of Aesop's Fables

The Two Frogs

Aesop Fables / 4 July 2016 by DaBoss

Two Frogs had to leave their dry pond and encountered a well. One said they should live there; the other cautioned about getting out if they needed to. Look before you leap.

Townsend version

Two frogs dwelt in the same pool. When the pool dried up under the summer’s heat, they left it and set out together for another home. As they went along they chanced to pass a deep well, amply supplied with water, and when they saw it, one of the Frogs said to the other, “Let us descend and make our abode in this well: it will furnish us with shelter and food.” The other replied with greater caution, “But suppose the water should fail us. How can we get out again from so great a depth?’

Do nothing without a regard to the consequences.

Samuel Croxall

Samuel Croxall

Croxall - Two Frogs

ONE hot sultry summer, the lakes and ponds being almost every where dried up, a couple of Frogs agreed to travel together in search of water. At last they came to a deep well, and sitting upon the brink of it, began to consult whether they should leap in or no. One of them was for it; urging, that there was plenty of clear spring water, and no danger of being disturbed. Well, says the other, all this may be true; and yet I cannot come into your opinion for my life; for, if the water should happen to dry up here too, how should we get out again?


The moral of this fable is intended to put us in mind to look before we leap. That we should not undertake any action of importance, without considering first, what the event of it is like to prove, and how we shall be able to come off upon such and such provisos. A good general does not think he diminishes any thing of his character, when he looks forward beyond the main action, and concerts measures, in case there should be occasion, for a safe retreat. How many unfortunate matches are struck up every day for want of this wholesome consideration! Profuse living, and extravagant gaming, both which terminate in the ruin of those that follow them, are mostly owing to a neglect of this precaution. Wicked counsellors advise, and ignorant princes execute those things which afterwards they often dearly repent. Wars are begun by this blind stupidity, from which a state is not able to extricate itself, with either honour or safety; and projects are encouraged by the rash accession of those, who never considered how they were to get out, till they had plunged themselves irrecoverably into them.

Thomas Bewick

Thomas Bewick (The Two Frogs)

Bewick - 0233 - Two Frogs

One hot sultry summer, the lakes and ponds being almost every where dried up, a couple of Frogs agreed to travel together in search of water. At last they came to a deep well, and sitting upon the brink of it, began to consult whether they should leap in or not. One of them was for it, urging that there was plenty of clear spring water, and no danger of being disturbed. Well, says the other, all this may be true, and yet I cannot come into your opinion for my life; for if the water should happen to dry there too, how should we get out again?


We ought never to change our situation in life, nor undertake any action of importance, without first duly and deliberately weighing the consequences that may follow, in all their different bearings. It is commonly owing to the neglect of such wholesome precautions, that numbers of young people are led into unfortunate matches, suddenly made up; and others are from the same causes led into a round of profuse living, or into gaming and other extravagant conduct, which is sure to terminate in ruin. To look before we leap, is a maxim worthy of being remembered by all ranks and conditions of men, from the lowest to the highest: even kings may reap benefit by it; for when they inconsiderately execute those schemes which their wicked counsellors advise, they have often abundant reason to repent. By this blind stupidity, wars are commenced, from which a state cannot be extricated either with honour or safety; and unwise projects are encouraged by the rash accession of those who never considered the consequences, or how they were to get out, till they had plunged themselves irrecoverably into them.

Bewick - 0234 - Two Frogs Bottom

Jefferys Taylor

Taylor - Two Frogs 0071

THE day was hot,—the heat was dire, Enough to make a post perspire; The ponds were empty, pumps were dry, The ducks were thirsty, so was I.

Two frogs resolved (quite right I think) To take a tour in search of drink; And long they sped them on their way, And many a dangerous leap had they;

But there appear’d a well at length, Which both approach’d with failing strength; But when they gave an anxious peep, Alas! ’twas twenty fathoms deep!

“Well,” said the youngest, “let’s descend;” “No,” said the other, “youthful friend; For should the water dry here too, I ask thee what we then should do?”

Deep was the well, not quite so deep Our moral lies,—” look ere you leap .”

L’Estrange version

Upon the drying up of a lake, two frogs were forc’d to quit, and to seek for water elsewhere. As they were upon the search, they discover’d a very deep well. Come (says one to t’other) let us e’en go down here, without looking any further. You say well, says her companion; but what if the water should fail us here too? How shall we get out again?

‘Tis good advice to look before we leape.

JBR Collection

JBR Collection

One hot summer, the lake in which two Frogs lived was completely dried up, and they were obliged to set off in search of water elsewhere. Coming to a deep and deliciously cool well, one of the Frogs proposed that they should jump in at once. “Wait a bit,” cried the other: “if that should dry up, how could we get out again?”

Two Frogs

Gherardo Image from 1480

Gherardo 043 Frogs and Dry Pond

Ranae Duae et Puteus

Ranae duae in palude quadam degebant. Aestivis autem diebus cum arefacta palus esset, ea relicta, sibi aliam quaesiverunt. Nec longius progressae, profundum puteum invenere. Altera itaque, ut eo una descenderent, proponebat; sed altera “Verum,” inquit, “si hic etiam aqua defecerit, quonam pacto remeare poterimus?”

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Look Before You Leap Meaning with Examples, Synonyms

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  • Jun 28, 2023

look before you leap

The phrase “look before you leap” is an idiomatic expression that advises someone to carefully consider the possible consequences or risks before taking action.

It suggests that it is wise to assess the situation or gather information before making a decision or embarking on a new endeavor.

Also Read: Back Against the Wall Meaning, Examples, Synonyms

Usage with Examples

The meaning of the idiom is basically to think before taking action. Also, be aware of the consequences of one’s action considering the situation.

Essentially, it emphasizes the importance of caution and forethought.

Mentioned below are some examples where you can use the idiom look before you leap:

  • Look before you leap into a new job without knowing what you’re getting into.
  • Remember, Susan, look before you leap and ensure you can afford the mortgage payments for this year.
  • Look before you leap and make sure you thoroughly analyze the risks and projected returns before committing your funds.

Also Read: Fish Out of Water Meaning with Examples, Synonyms

Synonyms and Similar Words to Look Before You Leap

However, mentioned below are a few synonyms and related words to look before you leap:

  • Think before you act
  • Measure twice, cut once
  • Look before you jump
  • Consider the consequences
  • Take heed before proceeding

Fish Out of Water Meaning Quiz

Before investing in a new business venture, it’s essential to:

  • look for answers
  • research thoroughly
  • look before you leap

Answer: look before you leap and thoroughly research the market and potential risks involved.

Also Read: Useful Idioms

This was all about the idiom look before you leap meaning and examples. Hope you understood the concept where it’s used. For more such blogs, follow  Leverage Edu .

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Vaishnavi Shukla

Vaishnavi has 2+ years of experience in SEO and Content Marketing. She is highly proficient in English, possessing exceptional language skills and a deep understanding of English grammar and communication. Currently working on Ed Tech, Finance, Lifestyle, and other niches. All her works are infused with love for writing!

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Look before you leap

This page is about the saying "Look before you leap"

Possible meaning: This saying advises us to think carefully before any action. Don't jump without looking where you are jumping.

"Look before you leap" is good advice for

See Saying of the Day today

Contributor: Josef Essberger

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Oswald Letter

write a creative writing on look before you leap

In the heat of the moment, it’s best to look before you leap

Updated: Jan 7, 2018

5 thoughts on “In the heat of the moment, it’s best to look before you leap”

Agree whole heartedly!

I agree 100%. Thanks,

What about trust? The reason so many of us “converse” in e-mail is the ability to have a record of what was said. The face to face or phone call eliminates this record. If you do not trust the person you are talking to e-mail takes some of the risk out. Do you trust everyone you work with?

I agree with the author, but you raise an excellent point, Don. Who can afford NOT to CYA?

Don – I know exactly what you are saying. For me, I would have the conversation and then follow up with an email. I have had several situations where I have had to keep a paper trail, however one on one is the best way to go!

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Look Before You Leap (Worm)

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Being a superhero was the only thing Victoria ever wanted to be, but after a patrol gone wrong, Glory Girl realizes she's fallen far from her ideal. All is not lost, however, and with her sister's help, Glory Girl decides to become the hero of her dreams, no matter what. Last edited: Dec 18, 2021

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  • Nov 1, 2021

Chapter 1: Think Before You Leap Whenever there wasn't any crime to stop or criminals to catch, patrolling the mean streets of Brockton Bay was boring with a capital B. Nothing against good ol' Brockton, but seeing the same damaged roads every time I went out wasn't exactly my idea of a good time. If I didn't get the chance to fly, I'd find a more productive use of my time. Aunt Sarah was always busy with New Wave's PR or some other job, so I could just say that I wanted to learn more about the administrative side of the family business. It'd be cake: the fat-free kind. But that would mean spending less time on my favourite hobby. I loved the feel of the wind rushing through my hair and clothes, the exhilarating thrill that coursed through my veins when I flew faster than a freeway speed limit, the fact that I could defy gravity with just a thought and soar through the afternoon sky. Most of the time, flying more than made up for the boredom I felt on patrols where nothing really happened very often. My forcefield was the main reason – the only reason – I could experience that. With it, I didn't have to worry about getting hurt. Even if it was penetrated, it took no time at all for it to come back. I breathed out deeply, letting the cold air pass over me before I flew on, hurtling through the air. That was another reason why I loved my power: I didn't have to worry about the cold or bugs or anything like that. My forcefield was my greatest asset, more than my looks or brains or even my other powers. It kept me safe, made me powerful. Glorious . Without it... A scream of mortal terror tore my train of thought in half. As awful as it sounded, some innocent person's pain kept me from thinking about that and gave me something to focus on. I dropped down like an anvil and crushed the gravel beneath me, sending chunks of it flying around. Naturally, my forcefield kept me from getting hurt, but it didn't keep dust from clinging onto my cape and dress. Apparently, I needed to practice some more before I got that damn landing right: my leg extended too far out and the heel of my palm scraped against the ground. Fortunately, I was able to steady myself on my other leg and stand up, dusting myself off to find the source of that bloodcurdling scream. He staggered backwards and fell on his ass, unable to keep the swarm of bugs from stinging and biting him. Judging from the group of innocent folks surrounded by those bugs, he wasn't the only one that was suffering from the swarm. I saw someone in a gray and black bodysuit move into the black swarm, sneaking towards another guy like they came straight out of a horror movie. Great: I just found my villain. I loved fighting crime. It was my duty to defend the weak and fight the criminals who left chaos and misery in their wake. That went double for villainous capes. Since this villain was a Master, all I had to do was catch them off-guard while avoiding their minions. Time to do my thing. I kicked off the ground and flew parallel to the ground. The bug controller turned to meet me, unflinching, and I nearly shivered when some of the bugs followed their master's lead. The other bugs continued to attack the last man struggling against them. "Wait!" she said. The Master was a girl? Didn't matter, she was still a villain. Her bugs splattered against my forcefield, powerless to prevent me from slamming into her chest, shoving her away from her swarm. She bounced off the floor once, and didn't move. I focused on the scene in front of me. The man the Master attacked had joined his partner in dreamland, while the other two civilians were terrified of me. No, that couldn't be right. "You have nothing to worry about," I said, trying to instill confidence in them. The woman was quivering, probably from the spring chill. Her friend was shaking as well, struggling to find his feet. My smile slipped a bit. I had the strangest feeling that they didn't want to be around me, but I wasn't sure why. I beat the villain. I saved them from being stung by bees or bitten by spiders. Instead, they ran away the second the guy got up. I wanted to call out to them, but the Master climbed to her feet. Good: the civilians were running to safety, so I could force some answers out of that Master. Her swarm was buzzing as I caught up to her. I touched the ground in front of her with the ball of my foot, landing as softly as a feather. "Where do you think you're going?" I asked, staring at her mask and sending more waves of emotion outwards. I didn't need to see her face to know how she reacted to my power. If she was with me, my aura of awesomeness would give her courage and soothe her fears. But she wasn't, so she'd be more frightened than a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck. "Leave me alone!" she said, staggering backwards. Before I tackled her, her posture was menacing, a conductor orchestrating her symphony of pain. But now, she was so small. "Why did you attack those innocent people?" The girl kept quiet, clasping her back and straightening out. Her hair draped around her shoulders, curling outwards. It was... surprisingly well-kept. "Answer me!" My power intensified, but instead of making her back down like before, the swarm of bugs around us began to stir, buzzing violently. That was this power's one disadvantage: it affected each person differently. "I was attacking criminals, you fucking asshole!" the girl said, voice dripping with venom. "What the fuck is your damage?" I smirked at her. She thought she had some footing to stand on, but I ate criminals for breakfast and fought off monsters at lunch. "If you really were fighting crime, you won't mind repeating what you just said to the police, won't you?" She clenched her free fist. "Fuck that. You attacked me for no fucking reason! Maybe you should be talking to the police!" I flinched, but only for a moment. "Hey, you were the one who had the brilliant idea of dressing like a villain and assaulting innocent people. Don't be surprised if a real hero takes you down." Seriously. Her hair wouldn't look out of place on a hero or even a glamorous villain, but her costume had armour plating sewn from a carapace or bug exoskeleton, and she wore a mask with mandibles on it. Sheesh. She took another step back as her swarm arrived, ready to swallow her. Oh no, oh hell no. "Fuck you. You're no hero." Then her bugs smothered me. None of them could get past my forcefield, but they were a black fog blocking my sight. First, she started talking shit to me, then she did this? She was going down . I flew above the swarm and saw her hobbling away. The bugs tried to follow me, but I was too fast, reaching their master in seconds. She swung her fist at me, but it was too wild to be effective. I grabbed her wrist and squeezed until it broke. Her scream tore itself into my brain, but somehow, she didn't buckle. I threw her against the wall. Something cracked, and it wasn't the bricks she hit. She slumped down, not moving an inch. Her hair slumped against her shoulders, curly and glossy, split ends nowhere to be seen. I still couldn't get over how strange it looked on her. I flew away from the disturbing sight and checked the so-called criminals she was trying to stop. One of them was holding a pistol and his hand was covered in sickly welts. Similarly shaped bruises were visible on his face, his arms. No part of his skin had been spared from her wrath, and the man next to him wasn't faring much better. Shit. Was she actually right? Even if these guys were criminals, this might have been some gang skirmish. But then why didn't she attack those two civilians? Why were they afraid of me? It could be because she saved them, but there was no way that was true. What kind of hero had bug control for a power? Why would she dress up like a villain? Black and gray was only heroic on Alexandria. "Fuck," I whispered. "Fuck!" No, no, no, this couldn't be happening. I wanted to scream, but no one would hear me wail. I had to keep it together, had to fix this, fast. And I couldn't do that while the bugs were trying to eat my face, so I flew away and pulled out my phone, calling my sister. No one was going to run away while I waited, trying not to think about what I just did. A few minutes later, my sister arrived. I joined her at the edge of the alley and greeted her with a smile. "How's it going, Amy?" Amy pulled down her scarf, revealing a frown and freckles sprinkled across her cheeks. Sometimes, I wondered why she bothered hiding behind a mask. Seemed like a waste to me. "Let me guess, you hurt someone. Again." My smile was sheepish, which made her pinch the bridge of her nose. "When are you going to learn, Victoria? I can't clean up your messes forever." I shrugged, and my cape fluttered behind me. That really should have happened just after I introduced the bug girl to the ground. Now, it wouldn't intimidate anyone. "Hey, I fought a Master, and she's the only one who got hurt." "Is that right?" Amy sighed deeply, but I knew she would help me. She always did. "Let's get this over with." I beamed and gave her a tight hug. "Thank you." Amy pulled away. Her mouth had curled into a shy smile for just a moment. "Thank me later." I escorted her to the bug girl's victims and watched her worked her magic. And with how well she could heal, it really was magic. It was the main reason why Amy called herself Panacea when she was on the job. "Bee stings and spider bites, non-lethal," Amy reported. "Who was responsible for this?" "The Master I mentioned," I said, pointing at the girl in question. Amy grabbed her hood and tugged it down, revealing her frizzy brown hair. Now I knew why she covered up: to hide that mess. "Is that why those bugs are trying to attack you?" "I guess?" More like she was totally right. She shook her head. "Well, these guys will be fine, but I made it so that they'll wake up in a few minutes." "Why don't you just let them go?" I asked, playing dumb. "I want to check something first." Amy walked towards the bug girl, and I kept a bit of distance so the bugs wouldn't irritate her. The bug girl's chest was rising and falling evenly, at least. Amy bent down and searched for skin, finding some at the base of the wrist that wasn't broken, pulling the glove. The second she examined her, she groaned out loud and cradled her face with her hand. "What's the damage?" I asked. I winced when she told me. It was pretty bad, but I took some solace in the fact that it could've been a lot worse. At least there was no concussion. She woke the girl up, and when she came to, she started to scream. "Shh, it's okay," Amy said. "You're safe." "What's going on?" the bug girl asked, backing further against the wall, only to groan from pain. "It's Panacea. I'm here to help you. Deep breaths, please. You're going to be okay." The Master listened, stopping herself from shivering. Once she calmed down, Amy continued speaking. "Do I have your consent to heal you?" "Yes!" Amy focused and got to work, fixing her wrist and everything else, retracting her hand once she was done. She gave her a smile, one that could flake away in a second. "How do you feel?" "Better," she replied, pulling on her glove. She examined her formerly broken wrist. "Thank you." Amy's strained smile tightened. "It's nothing. Just get some rest and you'll be fine." The bug girl nodded, before standing up. "Thanks again, Panacea. I can't thank you enough." "Do me a favour and call off your swarm." She looked around, then she noticed me and pulled her arms up. "Why the fuck is she still here?" "What's the matter?" Amy asked, frowning. The bug girl thrust her finger at me. "Your sister attacked me because she thought I was a villain!" Amy's eyes narrowed. "Is this true, Victoria?" I held my hands up. "I made a judgement call. I couldn't assume – " "Bullshit!" the bug girl screamed. "You didn't listen to a fucking word I said!" "Calm down," Amy said. "I want to get to the bottom of this, but you're not helping." The bug Master whirled on Amy, looming over her with tall, spindly limbs. "Then shut up and let me talk!" "Don't talk to her like that!" I shouted. "You're lucky she didn't make you horribly fat or fuck up your ability to taste or feel things. Ever think of that, you ungrateful – !" The swarm's buzzing symphony grew in volume, drowning out my voice. Even though I was hovering in the air, it felt like that bug girl was towering over me. "I swear on my oath that I didn't mess with your body," Amy said, brow furrowed. "Now, talk." Instead of doing that, the bug girl balled her hand into a fist. "Am I the first person Glory Girl tried to cripple?" "That doesn't matter. Why did she – " "It does matter! The only reason why your sister isn't rotting in jail is because you enable this shit!" She glared at both of us through those yellow lenses. "You can't get away with this. You won't." She didn't know a damn thing about me. My methods might have been brutal, but they worked. Someone needed a reality check. A dark scowl formed on Amy's mousy, freckled features. "You called me an enabler, right? Well, if I have to choose between protecting my sister and letting some girl destroy our family's reputation, I'll pick my sister every single time." The girl began to shiver, but she wasn't calling her swarm. "You know who Brandish is, do you? She's a lawyer when she's not being a hero, so if you try to get even, you'll be the one that pays the price." The girl seemed to fold into herself, stricken from Amy's threat. "I can't... I wanted to do this hero thing to get away from assholes like you. And now this happens. Fuck this." She turned around, started walking away. "Wait," Amy said. The girl did, surprisingly enough. "Who were those people you stung?" Seconds passed, although it felt a lot longer than that. "Criminals. They wanted to rob a couple and I saved them." She walked away, head bowed and shoulders slumped, taking all her bugs with her. That sinking feeling returned, because she was right. Amy and I bullied her into keeping quiet. I wanted to say sorry when she woke up, but it wouldn't help when it came from a fucking hypocrite. She didn't deserve that. "I knew it." I blinked. "What do you mean?" Amy stood up and approached me. When I saw her glare, my heart skipped a beat. If she was angry before, that didn't matter because now, she was apoplectic. "If I wasn't around, that girl would have been up to her eyeballs in hospital bills. It's like all the advice anyone gives you goes through one ear and out the other. This is the sixth time I've seen you fuck up like this. The sixth! What's wrong with you, Victoria?" "Nothing!" I was frowning now, more annoyed at the girl than Amy for... petty reasons, like how she just had to be a hero dressed up like a villain, too stubborn to listen to reason. Thoughts like those made me feel twice as bad. "She looks like a villain. If she was a villain and I didn't attack her, she might have hurt innocent people. I made the right decision." Amy sighed from clear exasperation. "I doubt that. The fact that she wants to be a hero and isn't actually a villain proves my point. If you waited to see how that encounter went, none of this would have happened! I wouldn't have needed to threaten her and you wouldn't have needed to knock her out." "Don't you think I know that?" "Do you?" "Yes, I do! I tried talking to her, but she wasn't willing to co-operate, and I had to do something. If I didn't, who knows what would happen?" Amy clicked her tongue. "She wouldn't co-operate because you weren't listening to her, Victoria!" She took a step forward, an inch away from my personal space. I was always the taller one, even when I was on the ground, but Amy's glare made me shrink from guilt. "I know you mean well, but think with this." She jabbed my forehead with her finger. "Not this." She touched my bicep. "I mean it. We have to be held accountable for everything. That's why New Wave exists. We'd be fortunate if this doesn't blow back on us!" "I know!" This was going nowhere. I knew I fucked up. I didn't need Amy to tell me that. "Then don't let me remind you again. If you screw up and I'm not around, Mark and Carol and everyone else connected to New Wave are gonna suffer because of you. Understand?" Amy had a point, like she always did. I wanted to be a superhero more than I wanted to breathe, but l lived in my parents' shadow, expected to continue their legacy just because my mom and dad were Brandish and Flashbang. My powers were the best thing to happen to me, but compared to pretty much every other parahuman in existence, I was pretty damn lucky. I got fouled during a basketball game, and yeah, it was the last straw on a back broken by crushing pressure, but Amy had to watch me bleed out before she triggered. Ever since then, she always looked out for me, trying to get me to be a better person and hero. When I triggered, I vowed to do things my way, and my way got results, but when I fucked up, Amy covered it up, and it was hurting her to do it. "Yeah, I understand. If I listened to that bug girl instead of assuming the worst, we probably wouldn't be in this mess." Amy smiled, one that reached her eyes. "Now we're getting somewhere. But next time this happens, you're handling this on your own." "Don't worry, I won't screw up again. I promise." All I could hope for was that Amy's empty threat scared that bug girl enough that she didn't tell anyone about our fight. I didn't deserve that sort of luck, but Amy definitely did, because she tried her best to keep people from getting hurt. The least I could do was try and listen to her so this never happened ever again.  

  • Reader mode

Chapter 2: Good Vibes Through Bad Times I hated getting trapped in dark thoughts. If I spent too long wallowing in the mire, I would go and do something fun. If I couldn't do that, then I'd go and do something productive. It didn't matter what I channelled all my power into as long as I did something that kept me happy. It was far too easy to just let go and do nothing, or let my mistakes get to me. I could spend all day thinking of examples if I wanted to, but I didn't. I couldn't do that to myself. I knew what would happen to me if I did. Fortunately for everyone, it didn't take too long for a police officer to arrive on the scene. I waited at the edge of the alley, both criminals at my feet. Seeing how their hands were bound behind them with the zip ties I had with me brought a smile to my face, but not because it was a funny sight or because I did a good job. I thought they were innocent, but the actual innocents were afraid of me. I attacked the girl who saved them, someone I assumed was a villain. The actual criminals weren't dead or even seriously poisoned, just knocked out by a girl who really needed a good image consultant. And what did that girl, that hero get for trying to save some lives? I maimed her because I couldn't wait to kick some cape ass. "Glory Girl," the police officer said as he got out of his car. I flashed him a winning smile, recognizing the voice almost immediately. "Officer Ryder, how's it going?" Officer Ryder smiled. He had gone without his usual police cap, revealing short, dark brown hair. "Not too bad, but making an arrest would make my day better." "Well, today's your lucky day. Got a couple of criminals gift-wrapped for you." Once I showed him where the detained criminals were, I helped Officer Ryder replace my zip ties with proper handcuffs and haul them inside the back of his car. Not really engaging, but it was easy enough to do. In a way, I was sort of glad that I was dealing with a cop instead of an officer from the PRT. If the criminals I arrested had superpowers, my... mishaps would, somehow, be brought under the attention of the local director. That was a clusterfuck I didn't want to deal with. Instead, Brockton Bay's finest dealt with more mundane offenses. The police were supposed to work with the PRT to keep the city under control, developing a more specialized skillset that let them tackle a wider range of situations. In practice, they were the PRT's glorified errand boys, since the majority of Brockton Bay's crime involved capes. More often than not, the boys – and girls – in blue carried a bit of resentment because of that, and I didn't blame them. I didn't have this problem for obvious reasons, but if it meant that they could get some work done, I could play along and have some fun in the process. It felt kind of like throwing a dog a bone or something. Nah, that was too patronizing. It was more like giving a fellow crimefighter a helping hand. And if it meant that Miss Piggy wouldn't get an excuse to shove me and Amy into the Wards, then that was just a bonus. I didn't mind the Wards. Dean was there, obviously. But I wanted to choose to join on my terms. "Now that that's done, I need you to tell me what happened," Officer Ryder said, holding the notepad and pen he got from his car in his hands. "Sure. I found these two being apprehended by a cape with the ability to control bugs." Officer Ryder stopped writing. "Bug powers, huh? Pretty interesting. Why isn't this cape here?" "I said that I'd handle this for her." It wasn't exactly a lie, though it would be much better if what happened stayed secret. "She stopped those two from robbing a woman and her friend, and knocked them out. All I really did was tie them up." "Does she have a name?" "I didn't ask." He stopped writing again. "Well, it'll have to remain a mystery. Even if I could, I don't get paid to name capes." I chuckled. "Same here." Whether the bug girl had a name or not, there was a good chance that she would be given a name by the PRT if she didn't choose a name for herself. He smiled, briefly. "You mentioned witnesses, didn't you? Did you speak to them?" "They ran away before I could, but they weren't injured." He nodded, scribbling some more in his notepad. "Anything else you'd like to add?" I shook my head. He closed the notepad and tucked his pen in his shirt pocket. "Then that's that. Thanks for rounding these two up and making these streets safer." "Not a problem. I beat them up, you lock them up." "That's right." We shared a laugh after that. Moments like these were nice, and I tried my best to savour them whenever they came along. One thing my mom taught me was to let service workers like police officers know they were appreciated. Simple things like remembering their names or thanking them for a job well done were easy to do, but being genuine always did the trick. I cheated, of course, but knowing how to win friends and influence people made my job a whole lot easier. "If you see that bug cape, tell her not to be so shy next time. 'Till next time, Glory Girl." I smiled. "Bye, Officer." He looked past me and nodded once. "Panacea, it's good to see you." "Sure," she said. Amy had chosen to hang back while I got everything ready, which made me wonder why she decided to join me now. Maybe she got bored or something. She didn't look bored, at least. "You all right, Ames?" My sister blinked as if she was in a daze, before she smiled at me. I couldn't help but return it. "I've been worse. We're done here, right?" Now that we were the only ones left in this alley, it was just like all the other alleyways in this city: boring and unremarkable. "Definitely." She smiled again, but this one didn't have the energy the last one did. "Great, now you can take me back to the hospital. Haven't finished my shift yet." I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. It was the best position I could keep Amy in: slinging her over my shoulder or holding her in a fireman's carry would be too uncomfortable, flying side-along was too troublesome and bridal carry was just... no. Hell no. "You're lucky, you know that?" "Why?" "Because you get free transport on demand." "Oh? You're lucky too." "Why, 'cause I've got you on speed-dial?" "Among other things. But that is a perk only you get to enjoy. How does that feel?" A rush of cold air hit me just then, masking the full-body shudder that came over me. "Like I don't deserve it." Amy's little nose scrunched up. "Where did that come from?" I took in a deep breath. I didn't like showing weakness, not one bit, but Amy was my confidant, the one person I could trust without fail. I didn't want to bottle up these thoughts and explode at someone who didn't deserve it, not any more. So I had to get this right. "I force you to take time off the hospital to fix any mistakes I make. That's time you could spend healing more people, but you never really complain when I call you. All you do is tell me to learn some restraint. I might not listen to your advice all the time, but I do appreciate you helping me out. I really do." Amy ducked her head, almost like she was hiding a blush. Maybe she was pink with pride. The police weren't the only ones who needed a show of support, and I was glad to do my part in giving it. For the next minute or so, I just enjoyed the flight. Flying with a passenger wasn't quite as fun as flying alone was, but that was mostly because I couldn't pull off any stunts. Although, soaring through the air with someone to talk to was an experience that had its own allure. "Not that I don't appreciate the gratitude, but you didn't force me to do anything," Amy said, breaking the silence. "I chose to help you." I frowned. "Because you knew what would happen to us, didn't you?" Amy looked at me with those brown eyes of hers, eyes that were so deep, yet barren and empty. "I..." She looked ahead, away from me. My first instinct was to prod her into answering, but she gave me time to speak. Now was my chance to return the favour. "I wanted to help you. I'm not saying that you were right, because you weren't. You definitely weren't. But you didn't force me to do anything I didn't want to do." I tightened my hold on my sister. Giving someone a hug from my current position wasn't difficult, but it was really easy to make it awkward. "Thanks." "You're welcome." Amy leaned towards me, trying to return my hug as well as she could. That would have been the awkward part, if she did it wrong. Luckily, she didn't. "There's just one thing that's bothering me." I didn't have to see her face to know she was frowning. "It's what that bug master said." I stared ahead, trying to figure out what my sister was getting at. "You mean how we get away with criminal shit?" "That too, but she said she was trying to get away from assholes like us. Do you think she's still going through personal stuff? It seemed like she was depressed or –" My hold on Amy suddenly went from a comfortable clutch to a vice-like grip. It only lasted for a second, but that was one second too long. At least I didn't snap my sister like a twig. "Wait!" she said, putting her hands over mine. "It's not what you're thinking. I'm just speculating, and I don't know if she is depressed in the first place because I didn't focus on her brain when I was healing her, but happy isn't a word I would use to describe her." It wasn't as bad as I thought. That still wasn't what I wanted to hear. "Fuck." "Yeah," she agreed. I blew out some hot air, taking in my surroundings. I wasn't anywhere near the hospital. Maybe I passed it or something, being so focused on Amy's little bombshell. "Why would you tell me that?" "She chose to be a hero and fight crime, even when she was dealing with a bunch of other issues." I frowned. "Just like Dad." "But with the way she is now, it'd be easy for some gang to sink their claws into her and make her a villain. And if that happens..." "It'd be our fault." My lips twisted into a wry little smile. "Kind of figured it would be a possibility." Then I remembered how Amy put down that girl after trying to help her. It wasn't often that Amy snapped at someone. "But if you knew that, then why –" "I fucked up," Amy said, bowing her head. "She was shouting at you and I wanted her to shut up and then I overreacted and... I fucked up." "I know what you mean," I said, my tone a lot flatter than I thought it would be. "... Yeah." She paused, almost like she was searching for the right words. "It felt good at the time, just cutting loose. But then... anything bad can feel good until you step back and think about what you did, right?" "It feels great. Just don't beat yourself up over it. What matters is that you knew where you went wrong without needing anyone to point it out. I certainly can't say the same!" I tried to laugh, but I quickly trailed off when Amy didn't join me. "I know you're worried about her, Amy. I am, too, but you can't dwell on this. It isn't healthy." It was the only way I kept myself sane. There was far too much shit in the world to get gloomy over, and I didn't need to add any more things onto the grief pile. "But we can do something, can't we?" I wasn't sure. "If push comes to shove, we'll handle whatever happens together." Amy sighed. "Okay. In the meantime, try not to make any more of these mistakes, all right?" "Totally. You won't have to worry about me crippling a criminal from now on." And I meant every word. It wasn't going to be easy to break this habit of mine, but putting in the effort would definitely be worth it if it meant I could be the hero I craved and dreamed of being. Amy smiled that nice, pleasant smile of hers. "Awesome. But I am going to hold you to that." I returned her smile with one twice as bright. "I wouldn't have it any other way." It didn't take too long for me and Amy to reach the hospital once I focused on flying there. As we came closer to our destination, our conversation drifted towards lighter topics. I needed the distraction. That bug girl was stuck in my head, ensnaring the memory of our encounter with every web she wove. "I'll think about doing my hair once I'm done here," Amy said, after I brought up the idea of going to a hair salon and splurging on a full-on treatment. She was doing an amazing job taking care of everyone who needed her help, but it was obvious that she wasn't taking care of herself. At least she didn't give me some crappy excuse this time. It was like she thought she didn't deserve a reward for doing so much. I knew that being a hero was its own reward, but sometimes you just had to go out and spoil yourself. "Okay, but you know I'm gonna ask when we're done." Amy smirked. "I'd be shocked if you didn't." Once I touched down on the roof, I set Amy down and she let go of my hands a couple seconds later. I could have dropped her off on the ground floor, but it would just draw unwanted attention. I didn't have a problem with that, but Amy did. "You want to stick around?" she asked, pulling up her white hood and red scarf. "I should be done in an hour or so." What could I do in that hour? I already finished my homework back on Friday. I got into the habit of doing it early, or else I'd be forced to do it while I was tired or under pressure. There wasn't anything waiting for me at home this afternoon and Dean was still busy with the Wards. That sucked, but I could always speak to him at school. "Vicky?" "Oh, yeah. I'll stick around." Amy hunched her shoulders together. "You don't have to, if you don't want to. I know you'd rather do something else than spend time in a boring hospital and –" "Ames, please." I grinned at her. "You should know better by now. Family always comes first." "Always?" I knew that Amy wasn't really as confident as I was, but that's why I was here. She helped me fix my mistakes, and I'd help her work on her flaws. That was what family did for one another. And even if Amy wasn't related to me by blood, she was my sister in every way that mattered. "Always."  



Person who is completely fine.

Dr. Mercurious

Dr. Mercurious

Of two minds about everything. compliant Vicki. Cannot WAIT for her to get a reality check. My guess is that the bank is going to go VERY bad. EDIT. Yes, I'm aware of Ward's attempts at whitewashing. I do not feel obligated to count such Bad Canon as gospel, thatnk you.  


Well, I'm currently hoping that Taylor does ignores the threat and tells someone that Glory Girl attacked her. Now, that isn't to say I want to see Taylor taking revenge on New Wave. I just want Vicky to actually have to deal with the consequences of her actions. P.S. Vicky is aware of Emma, right? I remember something about Vicky seen Emma and her friends picking on a crippled girl. So if Taylor ever gets outed, I really want Taylor to say Vicky is just like Emma.  

Lambert Kipling

Lambert Kipling

I like anime boat-girls. fight me..

Amy? You are the kind of asshole Taylor wanted to leave behind right now, like it or not. New Wave often act more like villains with good PR.  



Vicky gets away with a lot of shit. An early on reality check is good for her  

Dr. Mercurious said: compliant Vicki. Cannot WAIT for her to get a reality check. My guess is that the bank is going to go VERY bad. EDIT. Yes, I'm aware of Ward's attempts at whitewashing. I do not feel obligated to count such Bad Canon as gospel, thatnk you. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
McLoggernaut said: Love the writing for Vicky and Amy. Really got Taylor's frustrated anger at GG Looking forward to their next meeting. Is the focus on the hair going to play apart in a out-of-costume situation that spirals?? Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Cj1of4 said: Well, I'm currently hoping that Taylor does ignores the threat and tells someone that Glory Girl attacked her. Now, that isn't to say I want to see Taylor taking revenge on New Wave. I just want Vicky to actually have to deal with the consequences of her actions. P.S. Vicky is aware of Emma, right? I remember something about Vicky seen Emma and her friends picking on a crippled girl. So if Taylor ever gets outed, I really want Taylor to say Vicky is just like Emma. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SpiralAK said: Don't forget, Taylor's coming off a long history of being ignored and belittled by authority. Getting smashed in by Victoria and threatened by Amy just reinforces that fear, but you never know, Taylor's kind of a wild card. Vicky is aware of Emma. As for consequences, the main goal of this story is to make her into a better hero. It's a fanfic I wanted to read when I first read Worm. I look forward to showing you all Vicky's quest in being a hero worthy of the name. Click to expand... Click to shrink...



I wonder if Taylor got a camera with her. Then post the entire scene on PHO. Now that's would be funny? But let's be honest, Taylor is pretty dumb in all situations except fighting. No way she thinks to bring a camera with her  



What about the lady the guys were trying to mug? What if she goes and starts telling her story. She wasn't threatened and did seem to be worried about Taylor?  



Slava ukraini.

slightlydisgruntledghosts said: What about the lady the guys were trying to mug? What if she goes and starts telling her story. She wasn't threatened and did seem to be worried about Taylor? Click to expand... Click to shrink...



Night_stalker said: Eh, some rando nobody can't get a good enough public traction vs a "heroine", her adored sister, and their lawyer mom. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
KingMajorWolf said: True, but for the first time their were witnesses to Glory Girl's usage of excessive force (not to mention unprovoked attack) on someone, with those witnesses also not receiving the Panacea threats to mess with their biology. Click to expand... Click to shrink...

Time Paradox

Time Paradox

SpiralAK said: "Hey, you!" I said, unleashing the reins on my emotional power. "I'm giving you until the count of three to stop what you're doing!" The bug controller swivelled to face me, and I nearly shivered when some of the bugs followed their master's lead. The other bugs continued to attack the last man struggling against them, all while their master stared at me, unflinching. "One. Two." The Master didn't respond. Paralyzed by fear? It didn't matter; once they ignored my order, they made their stance clear. "Three! What's it gonna be?" "W-wait!" she said, almost struggling to talk. The Master was a girl? I wasn't expecting that. "I just need more time!" "Didn't you hear me? Time's up, bug girl. Don't say I didn't warn you." I dived downwards, changing direction on a dime so that I was parallel to the ground and charged through the bugs that splattered against my forcefield, slamming into her chest with my shoulder. She bounced off the ground once, twice, three times – like a rock would skid against the water – before rolling to a stop, just as I arced upwards and hovered in midair. The Master didn't get up. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SpiralAK said: I dropped down like an anvil and crushed the gravel beneath me, sending chunks of it flying around. Naturally, my forcefield kept me from getting hurt, but it didn't keep dust from clinging onto my cape and dress. Apparently, I needed to practice some more before I got that damn landing right: my leg extended too far out and the heel of my palm scraped against the ground. Fortunately, I was able to steady myself on my other leg and stand up, dusting myself off to find the source of that bloodcurdling scream. He staggered backwards and fell on his ass, unable to keep the swarm of bugs from stinging and biting him. Judging from the group of innocent folks surrounded by those bugs, he wasn't the only one that was suffering from the swarm. Floating upwards for a birds-eye view, I saw someone in a gray and black bodysuit move into the black swarm, sneaking towards another guy like they came straight out of a horror movie. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
A scream of mortal terror tore my train of thought in half. As awful as it sounded, some innocent person's pain kept me from thinking about that and gave me something to focus on. Flying in the direction I heard the scream originating from. I came across a swarm of insects stinging and biting a man. At a closer look I noticed, he wasn't the only one that was suffering from the swarm. Others were also surrounded by bugs given their number and the bad light in that street it was hard to make out details of what happened. I came to a stop floating above them which gave me a perfect bird's eye view, that's when I saw someone in a gray and black bodysuit move into the black swarm, sneaking towards another guy. They looked like they came straight out of a horror movie and I couldn't suppress a shudder running down my spine. Seeing the man stagger to the ground I decided it was time to act. I dived down right into the swarm and for the person in the black bodysuit which I was certain was the one controlling those insects hoping that by taking her by surprise I could end this fast and decisive before somebody else got hurt. Entering the Swarm I charged the villain flying parallel to the ground right through the swarm swirling around them. Bugs splattered ineffectual against my forcefield and a moment before I was able to make contact with the body of the villain the bugs condensed right in front of my face blinding me for just an instant. Which was long enough for her to evade me. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the villain scrambling to their feet after successfully rolling out of the way. I ignored the wall I ran into crumbling under the force of my impact and pushed myself free. Pushing my aura output, I kept on a least during my sneak attack, to the max I turned on a dime when I saw the bugs coalesce right behind me in an attempt to obfuscate the villain from my view again. Having learned my lesson this time I didn't come straight at them instead I first flew two meters to the side, the bugs too slow to keep up with me revealed the villain crouched on the floor. Undoubtedly the effect of my aura, grinning I charged again. This time I wouldn't miss. "Wait," a female voice cried out as I made contact with the villain who was in the process to raise their hand. The body-check I gave the villain, slamming into her chest with my shoulder made them bounce off the ground once, twice, three times before rolling to a stop, just as I arced upwards and hovered in midair. The Master didn't get up. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Ambassador of Ass kicking

  • Nov 2, 2021

I always wish for someone to be taping Amy and Victoria. I think only in one fic out of the hundreds I've read have they been held accountable, usually Taylor lets them get away because they're hero's and agree to cover up for them. Different from how someone can have someone like Coil hold a gun to their head but get roasted because they're a villain. And its worse because Victoria is a human Master and is pretty and white and everyone covers up for her. The town has to be littered with people she's wrecked because they're acceptable targets, never mind what would happen to Amy if it got out that she was covering up her sister's crimes. Seems like they're getting away again sucked the joy right out of this, Worm exists to show that most people in authority are assholes with badges or get out of jail free cards like Sophia and Victoria.  

Time Paradox said: Then there is the thing that Taylor IMO got taken out too easy. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
Time Paradox said: That way Taylor doesn't go down that easy - and at the same time, the whole IMO awkward attempt at the conversation that wasn't reciprocated by Taylor for some reason didn't take place because there was no time for it. So that it is more a Vicky was misjudging the situation than a miscommunication since she gave Taylor no time to put the record straight. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Well, that was some way to meet your heroes. Somehow I doubt either Skitter or New Wave end up having things go well.  

SpiralAK said: It depends on who she and the other guy she was with tries to contact. It'd have to be someone willing to take on New Wave as a whole. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SpiralAK said: They still seemed unsure, but a voice resonated through the alley. "It's fine." The Master's voice was rough, wheezing out the words. "Go." Reluctantly, the woman and her friend left us, sparing glances at the crippled villain as they did. The Master was still sprawled out on the ground where I left her, arms and legs bent at odd angles. It wasn't a pretty sight. Damn it. Click to expand... Click to shrink...


Verified non-smoker

Definitely one of the most original of Worm alternative beginnings.  


I did find the lack of incoherent screaming a little odd. This isn't post-pain-bomb Taylor that can barely feel pain and determination her way through anything. She just had several limbs broken, and I'm not sure the fear aura would be enough to keep her quiet. EDIT: The lack of need for Vicky or Amy to shush Taylor so they could get a word in before healing her is what felt weirdest.  

Chapter 3: Creeping Through the Cracks Fucking PHO. I spent two whole days trawling through that cesspit of a website, and for all my trouble, the only thing I found was a gratitude post from the pair of civilians that bug girl saved. Sure, there was a lot of gossip about me breaking up with Gallant just to hook up with Dean, and people pitting me against Aegis in their versus debates (I'd kick his ass easily ), but I couldn't find anything else about that elusive master. I wasn't mentioned at all, so there was nothing to worry about, right? It should've been great news, but I wasn't sure if Amy's threat stuck, if someone was planning to rat me out, or if that bug girl got into trouble. Or worse. Anything could happen out in the unknown. Right now, though, there wasn't much I could do, so I got my head together and focused on the lecturer's lesson. Apparently, telepathy was impossible because the brainpower it'd take to analyze a human being's unique neural patterns would require this telepath's head to be five times as big to contain all this information. Why was this important? Because the class I was taking was called Parahumans 103: Theories and Patterns, where scientists and scholars tried to make sense of the weird and bizarre patterns that powers brought with them. It was really interesting to me, all cape stuff was, but it was kind of hard to wrap my head around the more esoteric theories in a class that emphasized critical thinking. Unfortunately, I was kind of lost; thanks a lot, Parahumans Online. I tried to follow along and take notes where I could, but it was a big fat mess by the end. Damn it. I loved these classes and I knew I could handle the workload, that's why I pushed to take them. I aced Parahumans 101 and 102. I couldn't fall behind, I couldn't let myself down. When class ended, I took a deep breath. I could salvage this. But I didn't have to call Amy when my saviour was sitting next to me. "Can I take a look at your notes for a sec, Sabah?" Sabah stopped packing her bag and faced me. "Here, but please be quick." Once I got her notes, I snapped some pictures with my smartphone. Turns out that a hypothetical telepath wouldn't need to have a giant head after all, but that just meant that physics-breaking brainpower came from somewhere else. Like I said, it was really interesting. Next time, I'd listen to everything. After I was done, I returned the notes, happier than a clam. "Thanks, you're a lifesaver!" Sabah smiled, just a little bit flustered. "You're welcome, Victoria." Her dark eyes lingered on mine for a moment before she put away her stuff. Sabah was this fashion student I met in Parahumans 101, and her cream cardigan and flared jeans reflected that sense of style. We hit it off after she asked me about New Wave and our mission. Not too many people asked about that, so I was totally stoked to answer all her questions. She also had this sense of diligence I really appreciated. Lots of people had some talent, but the best of the best didn't settle, they worked super hard to be great. "Are you feeling well?" Sabah asked, after we left the lecture hall. I nodded. "Yep, just kinda distracted." "I noticed. May I ask why?" It'd be really easy to just blow her off; my work as Glory Girl was my business. But, like, why? "Hero stuff, that's all." She pursed her full lips. "Distractions are usually nuisances that haven't been addressed. Put whatever might be bothering you out of mind." I wouldn't call my distraction a nuisance, but the idea as a whole sounded pretty neat. "That, I can do. But you know, I can't even think about getting distracted by fashion. All those pretty clothes, getting to meet awesome designers, it sounds amazing." Sabah bit her lip. "It's hard work. Lots of repetition." "But..." I smiled at her, eager for any juicy tidbits. She had this deadpan stare going on, but eventually, she caved. "I've learned to enjoy it. I can express myself through the fabric." While she sounded sincere, she also seemed kind of detached. I got that people fell into taking university degrees, but for fashion? "Honestly, I assumed that you were a budding fashionista, but I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." "As am I." She smoothed out her long black hair. "It's more of a means to an end, if I'm being honest." "What's that end?" Her eyes narrowed. "One I'll discover," she said, suddenly terse. I didn't like where this was going. Amy liked to make these types of half-statements when she wanted to shut down a conversation she didn't like. One time, I asked Amy why she was sneaking out of the house late at night, and she froze me out. It wasn't personal, but it really irritated me because she always came back dead tired. Still, Sabah wasn't my sister, she was just a friend. It wasn't my place to pry. "If you do, I'll definitely be your first customer," I said, all smiles. "Or even your muse." A small smile graced her face, highlighting her sharp cheekbones. "That would be nice." I didn't have any other classes today, so I was looking forward to revising today's lesson and spending some time at the hospital. Last time, I got to hang out at the pediatrics ward and put some smiles on kids' faces. Being a hero didn't just mean fighting crime... even if that was the best part. Before I could do anything, there was a crowd blocking my way. Naturally, everyone let me through. They were surrounding this woman, and... fuck, she wasn't looking good. There wasn't a single part of her face that wasn't a bruise, and her teeth were knocked out of her bleeding mouth. My plans could wait. "Who did this?" I asked, speaking with the full authority of a powerful superhero. "We just found her here," some guy said. "I think she collapsed," another girl added. "I saw some blood on the concrete, like a trail." I frowned, searching the crowd as I heard ambulance sirens coming closer. Someone violated this woman. They were fortunate that they weren't stupid enough to stick around, because I would make them pay for their crime. Then I saw a white guy – white dress shirt, blue jeans, bald as the moon – smiling. His knuckles were swollen, spattered with blood as he backed through the rising crowd, gleefully triumphant in beating down an innocent black woman. Anger rose up my throat, making my body tremble. "What's her name?" I asked, forcing my voice to stay level. "Andrea Young," Sabah said, right behind me. She must've followed me through the crowd. "She's an engineering student. Find the person who hurt her, Glory Girl." I scowled. "It'll be my honour." That scumbag got a head start; I made sure the paramedics were taking care of Andrea before I left. He got even more time to scurry away because I couldn't spin into my costume like Wonder Woman or Sailor V. But I changed fast, and tracked him down to a thin alleyway in no time at all. I dove to the ground and landed hero style, kneeling down with my arm extended forward. The asphalt parted to herald my entrance. Finally! And I couldn't have stuck the landing at a better time. The skinhead noticed me and bolted. I rose, ran my fingers through my hair and grinned, righteous anger transforming into excitement. He thought he was so slick, but compared to me, this Nazi was nothing but a rat. I flew past him and turned on a dime, the wind catching my hair and costume with a flourish that flushed away all the colour on his face. Perfect. Just perfect. That was why I practiced, that's why I dressed up. I wanted him to know that it was Glory Girl who was going to arrest him. "You attacked Andrea Young," I said, giving him a taste of my power to drive every word into his thick skull. "She was defenseless, she was innocent, and you assaulted her for no reason!" The Nazi spat. "I don't know nothing 'bout what you're talking about." "Bullshit! You beat her! You knocked out her teeth! I bet you were so proud of yourself, weren't you?" He sneered, but he couldn't even look me in the eye. "You got no proof. I didn't do anything." So he wasn't just a lowlife criminal, he was also a fugly coward. "Then why are your knuckles bloody?" He tried to make a break for it, but I wrapped my fists around his collar and flew above the buildings, directly over an open dumpster. I saw the beads of sweat tricking down his forehead, the sliver of fear he desperately tried to hide. "You part of Empire Eighty-Eight? A wannabe? Either way, here's what's gonna happen. You're going to spill everything you know about your little club, and maybe I won't shatter every bone in your body." He started to squirm under my grip. "Fuck that, you can't touch me. It's illegal. I'll sue!" "You're a criminal. I can hurt criminals." I ramped up my awesome aura, flooding emotional current into him to make him beg for mercy. "Last chance." He dug in his heels and clenched his jaw, refusing to break. "Eat my nuts, you fucking cunt." But he was high in the air, with nowhere to land. Did he seriously think he'd get away with this after calling me a cunt? I wanted to drop him into the dumpster, or better yet, 'miss'. Then, I could watch this worm go splat on the asphalt and bounce around like a basketball. It'd be the least this Nazi fuck deserved. No, that wouldn't work. I had a better idea. I threw him about thirty yards away, and before long, gravity took its hold and drove him towards an unforgiving crash. He wasn't going to land, though. I caught up to him and cushioned his fall as much as possible. He was going to pay... but I didn't have to break him to gain justice for Andrea Young. I wouldn't forget the pain that I inflicted on the innocent. "The f-fuck?" he squealed. I pushed him against the wall, digging my knuckles into his collarbone. "Tell me what you know and I won't use you to break the world shotput record." His eyes were wider than dinner plates, spittle flecked across his cracked lips. "You're batshit crazy. What the fuck kinda hero are you?" "The hero you deserve. Is that a yes?" He threw his arm at me, but I shoved it against the hard brick. "Don't test me. For your sake." "Okay, okay!" he screamed. Good thing he listened. He took his sweet time answering, but that was fine, he was seconds away from being paralyzed. I could wait. "You, you'll get me a break with the feds if I squeal. You can do that, I'd be an informant!" I restrained my aura to a manageable level, but it still was there, a quiet threat. "Start squealing." He had to relax first, but he calmed himself down as fast as he could. "Lung was after the Undersiders Sunday night; they escaped him by a hair. Now he's out for blood, ramping up his bid to conquer the Docks and weed them out. He's pushing into Empire territory, and it's got Kaiser worried since he isn't making much progress downtown." "Why's that?" "This guy Coil's got a private army with laser rifles that cut through steel and armour tougher than kevlar. Not only that, they can outgun most Empire men. But they can't beat Empire capes, so they're in a stalemate that's been going on for months." I clicked my tongue. I knew about Coil; rich guy, probably a cape, but if he was, nobody knew his power. Unknowns were dangerous because they were unpredictable. "Are the triple-E's planning to strike the ABB?" "Don't know, but they'll have to respond. As for the Undersiders, I bet they lay low for a spell, wait it out until Lung's hands become full. But trust me, any sign of weakness and the whole city'll come down to take the Docks for themselves. And if that happens, shit's gonna hit the fan for you heroes. I'm talking war like the bad old days." Bad was almost an understatement. I heard war stories about the monsters that took root in Brockton Bay from my mom and dad, Uncle Neil and Aunt Sarah, how they were driven out through bloody sacrifice after bloody sacrifice. It left me cold from fear that it could happen again if everything went to hell... But I knew what to expect. I'd be ready. "A brain like yours, and you choose to be a racist fuckhead." I shook my head. "God, you're pathetic." He smiled, empty of any joy. "Nothing pathetic about wanting to win." Shit. He wasn't actually wrong, and it made my skin crawl. That didn't mean I was gonna give this Nazi the satisfaction of my agreement. Instead, I left the alley behind, flying towards the university with the skinhead in my grip. The ambulances were still there even though most of the crowd had dispersed, so I descended for a swift landing. All the while, my captive was powerless to stop his fate. Andrea Young was awake, and not only was she not bleeding, her face was completely unblemished. Amy was in costume at her side, scarf around her neck as she spared a glance at the Nazi. I looked her in the eye, seeing her wariness, and shook my head. She nodded once in response, so I pulled him up by the scruff of his collar and faced Andrea. "Is this the guy who assaulted you?" Fear struck Andrea the moment she saw the skinhead, but as it dawned on her that he was at my mercy, she grew defiant, baring her perfect teeth. "That's him." I smiled. "Thanks, Andrea. He won't hurt you again." "What about my break?" he asked. Fucking idiot. "I never promised anything, loser. Hope you have a good lawyer." I shoved his head into the concrete and locked his hands behind his back with zip-ties. Amy already had her phone out, talking to the police. Meanwhile, Andrea stomped to the Nazi and kicked him squared in his ribs. He groaned, and she spat at his head. "Fuck you!" she shouted. "Fucking bastard!" She kicked him again for good measure. Amy could heal him up, but I didn't want Andrea to get into any trouble, even though she absolutely deserved to vent. "You got him," I said. "It's okay. He'll get much worse in jail." "She's right, Andrea," Amy said, catching up to us. "The police are coming. You won't have to see him again." Andrea breathed hard, squeezing her face. "Are you sure? I don't even know who this fucker is!" She looked like she was about to kick him again, tear out her pound of flesh. "We'll find out who he is," I said. "Promise." I wasn't sure what I'd do if she wouldn't listen; her head was swivelling between all three of us. But she stood up straight and cooled off her fury bit by bit, giving Amy the chance to check the Nazi. "He's a bit bruised, but that's easy to fix," she said. She looked up at me and smiled, filled with relief. "Good work, Glory Girl." I beamed. "Thanks, Ames." True to her word, the police arrived and booked this Nazi immediately after we gave our testimony. Good riddance. I fucking hated Nazis of all stripes, always had: some wannabe Empire Eighty-Eight kid killed my aunt in her own bed and ruined our whole movement. He was lucky that he got to rot in jail, luckier than he deserved. Heroes weren't murderers, though. We had ways to restrain even the strongest capes. But a little reminder never hurt. "How are you feeling, Andrea?" I asked. Andrea sucked in another deep breath, exhaling. "Better. Much better." My cheeks grew tight from warmth. "What about your injuries? You're looking great." Her eyes flickered towards my sister. "Panacea fixed up everything, no questions asked." "All the bruises and scrapes, all her missing teeth," Amy added. "I gave her a tune-up, too." "And now, I feel like a billion bucks. I... I... thank you. Thank you both. You've given me more than I could ever ask for." I smiled. "You're welcome, Andrea." "It's the least we could do," Amy said, quiet. A smile bloomed on Andrea's face, a dazzling gleam so bright that she could barely contain it. Seeing her smile free and unrestrained filled my heart with joy. Days like these made being a hero worth all the trouble. And best of all? I didn't have to cripple a criminal to seize justice.  


The Day Shall Come Again

SpiralAK said: SNIP Click to expand... Click to shrink...
SpiralAK said: And best of all? I didn't have to cripple a criminal to seize justice. Click to expand... Click to shrink...
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write a creative writing on look before you leap

Writing prompts are one way to work your creative-writing muscles — and while scenario-based prompts can help you practice creative leaps, images can sometimes open the door even wider.

A fabulous part of great fiction is a “creative leap” that launches the story into an unexpected direction.

But it’s an art form. It can’t be shocking or random just for effect. It has to be both imaginative and believable. It has to hit the mark. It has to open new doors and move the story forward.

Fortunately, the art of creative leaps can be practiced. One way is by imagining what happens before or after a photograph is taken. Make it something extraordinary.

Writing prompts

Writing prompts are all over the Internet. Here is a “what if” scenario generator , such as: “You are forging someone’s signature but it’s for a good reason. What is that reason?” Or try three randomly chosen words . Practice a writing prompt assignment every day with 365 writing prompts . Or explore endless options at Daily Writing Tips .

Scenario-based prompts can help you practice creative leaps, but images can sometimes open the door even wider. Here is a set of 160 photographic prompts courtesy of the New York Times . Can you think up creative leaps that contextualize?

Creative leaps

A writing prompt is a hook. It’s a promise. It is the first link in a chain of events. The more original, the fresher the story.

A book-length story has a chain per storyline and perhaps side chains for one or more subplots. Phases of a story also play out in hooks and chains. The movie Forrest Gump tells the protagonist’s life in chains of causal events — i.e. joining the army, becoming ping pong champion, starting up shrimp fishing, and in the end, marrying Jenny.

With a writing prompt, you don’t have to write a story. Just imagine one exquisite turn. Do it just for fun. Be wild. Explore. Let loose when it comes to creative leaps.

Imagine any photo and then give it some context. What if it were:

  • The last photo taken by a famous photographer and he clutched it on his deathbed, but no one knows why?
  • A clue to a murder that police used to put an international crime syndicate boss in jail for life?
  • A wedding present from a husband to his wife?
  • Taken by a blind woman?
  • The last photo on a roll of film found at the site where a famous journalist disappeared?
  • The only thing found in a sealed envelope on a dead spy?

Now what? Where does the chain go? Creative leaps imbue a story with motion. They transport us to a new place.

snowy pier creative leap writing prompt

What creative leaps can you imagine for the picture above of a tranquil, snowy pier? Perhaps exactly because of its serenity, the best leap is in the opposite direction.

What if just before this picture:

  • A sea monster rose up out of the water and then settled again?
  • A vast school of fish started jumping out of the water?
  • The periscope of a submarine surfaced?
  • A huge flash of lightning shot across the sky?

Or just after:

  • A huge explosion occurs just off the pier sending a plume of water sky high?
  • All the snow melts in 30 seconds?
  • The pier goes up in flames, or falls into the water, or dissolves into dust?
  • The water turns bright purple?
  • A man shouting “Help!” runs into the water and disappears below the surface?
  • A bunch of ice-swimmers appear in bathing suits shouting, “It’s never too cold for us!”?

Of course, you can also add a before or after that might be more expected. You might make it a romantic place and have a couple walk into the frame bundled up and holding hands. This is also great storytelling, where the setting is doing the heavy lifting, but it’s not a creative leap, per se. You need both and at the right times.

What creative leaps can you imagine? Can you get one to lead to another in a chain?

As the story turns

A creative leap is one turn of a story. The fun thing with writing prompts is that you can stop there. It’s more about doing lots of them to work your creative writing muscles, to see new connections between things.

Try this technique when cruising the Internet. See a picture of a music festival at an open-air auditorium? Imagine if an alien ship fills the airspace above the concert.

Look around your house. Any mental snapshots you can twist into story material? Is there a treasure buried under the tree by the doorstep? Could the window by your desk open by itself to let in a wind that spreads flower petals at your feet? Practicing creative leaps this way is as simple as forming a single sentence that totally changes the obvious meaning of a picture.

If you can do one great turn of a story, you can do many.

[…] Creative Leaps Are The Lifeblood Of Great Writing […]

[…] where writing starts. Beth van der Pol tells us creativity is making mistakes, and Dawn Field says creative leaps are the lifeblood of great writing, while Donald M. Rattner argues that silence might not be golden for […]

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write a creative writing on look before you leap

Cambridge Dictionary

  • Cambridge Dictionary +Plus

Meaning of look before you leap in English

Look before you leap.

  • an abundance of caution idiom
  • attentively
  • conservatively
  • due diligence
  • meticulously
  • meticulousness
  • semi-conservative

Translations of look before you leap

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write a creative writing on look before you leap

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  1. Look Before You Leap Essay Example

    write a creative writing on look before you leap

  2. look-before-you-leap-story

    write a creative writing on look before you leap

  3. Look Before You Leap Essay

    write a creative writing on look before you leap

  4. Look Before You Leap Meaning with Examples, Synonyms |Leverage Edu

    write a creative writing on look before you leap

  5. 143 Word Essay on Look Before You Leap

    write a creative writing on look before you leap

  6. look before you leap expansion of idea

    write a creative writing on look before you leap


  1. Look Before You Leap Essay for Students in English

    The saying look before you leap is based on a story for kids, which was a fable written by author Aesop in the 500s B.C called The Fox and the Goat, and is actually derived from that moral story. In that short story, a fox falls into a well and cannot get out after trying so hard and a thirsty goat happens to pass by that well, and the fox ...

  2. Look Before You Leap Essay

    The second essay is a short essay on Look Before You Leap of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below. Long Essay on Look Before You Leap Story 500 Words in English. Below we have given a long essay on Look Before You Leap Story of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam ...

  3. Essay on Look Before You Leap For Students & Children

    Look Before You Leap Essay in 300 words. When one has to jump from one place to another, one has to be sure beforehand that there is nothing hard and uncomfortable on the other side. If there is something like that, it has first to be removed or set right. Similar is the case in our life. If we keep sitting in one place without making any ...

  4. Look before you leap

    Meaning: The proverb "look before you leap" advises individuals to exercise caution and consider the potential consequences or risks before taking action. It emphasizes the importance of thoughtful decision-making and encourages people to gather information, assess the situation, and weigh the possible outcomes before proceeding.

  5. 143 Word Essay on Look Before You Leap

    Essay on. Look Before You Leap. We should think carefully before we do something. We should take precautions and do deep thinking. Then only we should decide to do something. Some people are impulsive by nature. They do not think before doing a thing. They act rashly and then repent. We should do thorough calculations and also we should do a ...

  6. The saying 'Look before you leap'

    Nevertheless, the proverb as first recorded refers specifically to the rashness of leap unpreparedly into marriage. This proverb is first recorded in John Heywood's A Dialogue conteinyng the nomber in effect of all the Prouerbes in the Englishe tongue, 1546: That may please or displease you in time to cumme. The Miracles brought the idea up to ...

  7. "Look Before You Leap" Meaning

    Look before you leap. "Look before you leap" is a common English proverb. It's used to remind someone to take their time before making a decision. The proverb uses a metaphor, comparing making a decision to physically jumping into the unknown. But, after taking the time to "look," that jump becomes far less dangerous.

  8. English Short Story and English Moral Story "Look Before You Leap

    Look Before You Leap. Once a fox was roaming around in the dark. Unfortunately, he fell into a well. He tried his level best to come out but all in vain. So, he had no other alternative but to remain there till the next morning. The next day, a goat came that way. She peeped into the well and saw the fox there.

  9. What does the proverb "look before you leap" mean?

    In both cases, the proverb means that one should check out a situation carefully before getting involved in it so as to not get hurt. Proverbs try to give us a message without explicitly saying ...

  10. Look before you leap English moral story

    Look before you leap English moral story. January 06, 2023 1st Year , English , Stories. Here is a short English story with the moral lesson Look before you leap. The story is for 1st year students. The story is about the fox and the goat. The fox was very cunning and the goat was foolish who jumped into the well without thinking.

  11. 'Look Before You Leap' Meaning

    Meaning: This idiom means that you should think carefully about the possible results or consequences before doing something. All idioms have been editorially reviewed, and submitted idioms may have been edited for correctness and completeness. « Previous: Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.

  12. Look Before You Leap

    The phrase 'look before you leap' is a common figurative saying in the English language, which can be used to mean that someone should consider or plan something more carefully before they act on it. 'Looking before you leap' implies that someone should put thought or consideration before action. Often the phrase 'look before you leap' is said ...

  13. The Two Frogs

    Aesop Fables / 4 July 2016 by DaBoss. Two Frogs had to leave their dry pond and encountered a well. One said they should live there; the other cautioned about getting out if they needed to. Look before you leap. Townsend version. Two frogs dwelt in the same pool. When the pool dried up under the summer's heat, they left it and set out ...

  14. Look Before You Leap Meaning with Examples, Synonyms

    The phrase "look before you leap" is an idiomatic expression that advises someone to carefully consider the possible consequences or risks before taking action. It suggests that it is wise to assess the situation or gather information before making a decision or embarking on a new endeavor. Also Read: Back Against the Wall Meaning, Examples ...

  15. Look Before You Leap…

    Becca, I used to write in 15-min bursts with the kids were babies adn toddlers. It's amazing what good stuff you can write even in small amounts. I'm still debating all the things I need to improve … but simply writing more is one of my goals. So I'm off to ponder and write some more.

  16. Look before you leap

    This page is about the saying "Look before you leap". Possible meaning: This saying advises us to think carefully before any action. Don't jump without looking where you are jumping. Note: leap (verb) = jump.

  17. In the heat of the moment, it's best to look before you leap

    My mother often said to me, "Look before you leap.". She was warning me to stop for a second and think before I threw myself headlong into whatever it was I was considering. That's because out of her four children, I was probably the most impulsive. Let me reword that—I was the most impulsive. I can remember a time when I couldn't ...

  18. Look Before You Leap (Worm)

    Creative Writing. Worm . Look Before You Leap (Worm) ... Chapter 1: Think Before You Leap ... It's a fanfic I wanted to read when I first read Worm. I look forward to showing you all Vicky's quest in being a hero worthy of the name. 30 Cj1of4. Nov 1, 2021 #9 SpiralAK said:


    LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP definition: 1. to check that something is not going to cause problems or have a bad result before you do it…. Learn more.

  20. Leap Before You Look: The Magic of Writing Now and Tweaking Later

    Embarking on a writing journey can feel like standing at the edge of a cliff. The blank page stares back at you, daring you to jump. Many aspiring writers freeze at this moment, plagued by the ...

  21. Creative Leaps Are The Lifeblood Of Great Writing

    A Writers' Guide to Self-editing Fiction. Lisa Taylor-February 20, 2024. 2. The sense of completion and elation when you finish the first draft of your story is often followed by a sense of uncertainty. Establish a systematic self-editing process and be confident your story is ready to share. Editing.

  22. Story: Look before you Leap

    Story: Look before you Leap | English handwriting | English story | story | writing | Eng Teach Basic strokes of this handwriting:

  23. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP definition

    LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP meaning: 1. to check that something is not going to cause problems or have a bad result before you do it…. Learn more.