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Write SOQL Queries

  • Write SOQL queries in Apex.
  • Execute SOQL queries by using the Query Editor in the Developer Console.
  • Execute SOQL queries embedded in Apex by using Anonymous Apex.
  • Query related records.


Some queries in this unit expect the org to have accounts and contacts. Before you run the queries, create some sample data.

  • In the Developer Console, open the Execute Anonymous window from the Debug menu.
  • Insert the below snippet in the window and click Execute .

The Name field of the Contact sObject is a  compound field . It's a concatenation of the FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, and Suffix fields of Contact. Object Manager in Setup lists only the compound Name field. But our sample Apex code in this unit references the individual fields that make up the compound field.

Use the Query Editor

The Developer Console provides the Query Editor console, which enables you to run your SOQL queries and view results. The Query Editor provides a quick way to inspect the database. It is a good way to test your SOQL queries before adding them to your Apex code. When you use the Query Editor, you must supply only the SOQL statement without the Apex code that surrounds it.

Let’s try running the following SOQL example:

  • In the Developer Console, click the Query Editor  tab.
  • Copy and paste the following into the first box under Query Editor, and then click Execute .

All account records in your org appear in the Query Results section as rows with fields.

This is the syntax of a basic SOQL query:

The WHERE clause is optional. Let’s start with a very simple query. For example, the following query retrieves accounts and gets Name and Phone fields for each account.

The query has two parts:

  • SELECT Name,Phone : This part lists the fields that you would like to retrieve. The fields are specified after the SELECT keyword in a comma-delimited list. Or you can specify only one field, in which case no comma is necessary (e.g. SELECT Phone ).
  • FROM Account : This part specifies the standard or custom object that you want to retrieve. In this example, it’s Account. For a custom object called Invoice_Statement, it is Invoice_Statement__c.

Beyond the Basics

Unlike other SQL languages, you can’t specify * for all fields. You must specify every field you want to get explicitly. If you try to access a field you haven’t specified in the SELECT clause, you’ll get an error because the field hasn’t been retrieved.

You don’t need to specify the Id field in the query as it is always returned in Apex queries, whether it is specified in the query or not. For example: SELECT Id,Phone FROM Account and SELECT Phone FROM Account are equivalent statements. The only time you may want to specify the Id field if it is the only field you’re retrieving because you have to list at least one field: SELECT Id FROM Account . You may want to specify the Id field also when running a query in the Query Editor as the ID field won’t be displayed unless specified.

Filter Query Results with Conditions

If you have more than one account in the org, they will all be returned. If you want to limit the accounts returned to accounts that fulfill a certain condition, you can add this condition inside the WHERE clause. The following example retrieves only the accounts whose names are SFDC Computing. Note that comparisons on strings are case-insensitive.

The WHERE clause can contain multiple conditions that are grouped by using logical operators (AND, OR) and parentheses. For example, this query returns all accounts whose name is SFDC Computing that have more than 25 employees:

This is another example with a more complex condition. This query returns all of these records:

  • All SFDC Computing accounts
  • All accounts with more than 25 employees whose billing city is Los Angeles

Instead of using the equal operator (=) for comparison, you can perform fuzzy matches by using the LIKE operator. For example, you can retrieve all accounts whose names start with SFDC by using this condition: WHERE Name LIKE 'SFDC%' . The % wildcard character matches any or no character. The _ character in contrast can be used to match just one character.

Order Query Results

When a query executes, it returns records from Salesforce in no particular order, so you can’t rely on the order of records in the returned array to be the same each time the query is run. You can however choose to sort the returned record set by adding an ORDER BY clause and specifying the field by which the record set should be sorted. This example sorts all retrieved accounts based on the Name field.

The default sort order is in alphabetical order, specified as ASC. The previous statement is equivalent to:

To reverse the order, use the DESC keyword for descending order:

You can sort on most fields, including numeric and text fields. You can’t sort on fields like rich text and multi-select picklists.

Try these SOQL statements in the Query Editor and see how the order of the returned record changes based on the Name field.

Limit the Number of Records Returned

You can limit the number of records returned to an arbitrary number by adding the LIMIT n clause where n is the number of records you want returned. Limiting the result set is handy when you don’t care which records are returned, but you just want to work with a subset of records. For example, this query retrieves the first account that is returned. Notice that the returned value is one account and not an array when using LIMIT 1 .

You can combine the optional clauses in one query, in the following order:

Execute the following SOQL query in Apex by using the Execute Anonymous window in the Developer Console. Then inspect the debug statements in the debug log. One sample account should be returned.

Access Variables in SOQL Queries

SOQL statements in Apex can reference Apex code variables and expressions if they are preceded by a colon (:). The use of a local variable within a SOQL statement is called a bind .

This example shows how to use the targetDepartment variable in the WHERE clause.

Query Related Records

Records in Salesforce can be linked to each other through relationships: lookup relationships or master-detail relationships. For example, the Contact has a lookup relationship to Account. When you create or update a contact, you can associate it with an account. The contacts that are associated with the same account appear in a related list on the account’s page. In the same way you can view related records in the Salesforce user interface, you can query related records in SOQL.

To get child records related to a parent record, add an inner query for the child records. The FROM clause of the inner query runs against the relationship name, rather than a Salesforce object name. This example contains an inner query to get all contacts that are associated with each returned account. The FROM clause specifies the Contacts relationship, which is a default relationship on Account that links accounts and contacts.

This next example embeds the example SOQL query in Apex and shows how to get the child records from the SOQL result by using the Contacts relationship name on the sObject.

You can traverse a relationship from a child object (contact) to a field on its parent (Account.Name) by using dot notation. For example, the following Apex snippet queries contact records whose first name is Carol and is able to retrieve the name of Carol’s associated account by traversing the relationship between accounts and contacts.


The examples in this section are based on standard objects. Custom objects can also be linked together by using custom relationships. Custom relationship names end with the __r suffix. For example, invoice statements are linked to line items through the Line_Items__r relationship on the Invoice_Statement__c custom object.

Query Record in Batches By Using SOQL For Loops

With a SOQL for loop, you can include a SOQL query within a for loop. The results of a SOQL query can be iterated over within the loop. SOQL for loops use a different method for retrieving records—records are retrieved using efficient chunking with calls to the query and queryMore methods of the SOAP API. By using SOQL for loops, you can avoid hitting the heap size limit.

Both   variable and   variable_list must be of the same type as the sObjects that are returned by the   soql_query .

It is preferable to use the sObject list format of the SOQL for loop as the loop executes once for each batch of 200 sObjects. Doing so enables you to work on batches of records and perform DML operations in batch, which helps avoid reaching governor limits.

  • SOQL and SOSL Reference
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Record types in salesforce: what they are and how to use them efficiently.

 on February 13, 2024

minute read

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Many customer data management tasks are repetitive, time-consuming, and even downright boring. Plus, the more data you generate, the more difficult it becomes to maintain.  

Fortunately, Salesforce —the world’s leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform––offers a variety of features to help streamline your data and enhance your user experience. Among these features, Record Types play a pivotal role. 

Below, we’ll delve deep into Salesforce Record Types: what they are, how to customize them, and how to use them effectively.

What is a Record Type in Salesforce?

Short answer: A Salesforce Record Type is a way to group records within a specific object.

Longer answer: Imagine you have a form to fill out, but the information you need to put in changes depending on the situation. Record types let you have multiple versions of this form, each with different fields and options, all within the same category. This way, you can choose the right object for each specific situation. Some examples of standard objects include Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Products, Users, Contracts, Reports, and Dashboards but users can create custom objects as well.

When to use Record Types in Salesforce

Say, you use an Opportunity object to track potential sales. A Record Type allows you to have different versions of an Opportunity record for different sales processes (for example: retail versus wholesale sales). Each Record Type can have its own set of fields, Page Layouts, and logic, tailored to the specific needs of your business processes.

In terms of how many record types are in Salesforce, while technically the sky’s the limit, Salesforce recommends no more than 200 record types per Object (more on why later).

Types of records in Salesforce

As previously stated, Salesforce Record Types are used to manage different aspects of the business effectively. The following Record Types, for example, are tailored to handle specific data and processes relevant to the retail and ecommerce sector:

  • Customer accounts: Record types built against this object might be used to store information about your customers, such as contact details, purchase history, and preferences. These will be  crucial for managing customer relationships, personalizing marketing efforts, and providing effective customer service.
  • Orders: Record types built against this object are used to manage the details of customer purchases, including products ordered, quantities, prices, and delivery status. In other words, they’re essential for tracking sales, inventory, and fulfillment processes.
  • Products: Record types built against this object will typically store information about the products you sell, such as descriptions, pricing, and inventory levels. These will help facilitate sales and inventory management.
  • Opportunities : Record types built against this object will likely be used to track potential sales and revenue and are key for sales forecasting and managing the sales pipeline.
  • Cases: Record types built against this object will be used for customer service and support, tracking customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback. They’re especially important for resolving customer issues and maintaining high customer satisfaction.
  • Leads: Record types built against this object will be used to track potential customers who have shown interest but have not yet made a purchase. This information is vital for lead generation and conversion efforts.

Remember, not only can you create custom Record Types but each of these Record Types can be further customized with specific fields, Page Layouts, and picklist values to suit the unique needs of your business.

5 key benefits of SF Record Types

As you can imagine, using Record Types in Salesforce offers several benefits for businesses of all sizes (but especially those managing large amounts of data).

  • Enhanced user experience (UX): Record types allow you to tailor the information you collect and how it’s displayed based on different scenarios. Customized Record Types help streamline workflows by presenting users with the appropriate options and fields, reducing clutter and confusion.
  • Improved data quality: By guiding users to enter specific information for different situations, Record Types help maintain consistency and accuracy in the data. This leads to better data quality , which is crucial for reliable reporting and analysis.
  • Controlled access: Record types can be used in combination with profiles and permission sets to control who can view and edit certain types of records. This helps in enforcing security and privacy policies within the organization.
  • Simplified reporting: By categorizing records into different types, it becomes easier to segment and analyze your data. This level of segmentation can be invaluable for generating targeted reports and gaining insights specific to different areas of your business.
  • Scalability: As your business evolves, Record Types provide the flexibility to add new categories or modify existing ones without affecting the underlying structure of your Salesforce instance. This adaptability is key for businesses that need to scale or change their processes over time.

What is the Record Type ID?

When you create a Record Type in Salesforce, the system automatically assigns it a unique ID. This unique code allows Salesforce to link data, configure Page Layouts, and control which users can access certain Record Types based on their permissions.

In simple terms, the Record Type ID is like a label or tag that helps Salesforce know exactly which version of a form or layout to use for a particular record. 

Knowing the Record Type ID is useful in situations such as:

  • Automation : When setting up automation rules, knowing the Record Type ID ensures the correct application of these rules.
  • Data migrations : The ID is crucial for correctly mapping data during migrations or integrations with other systems.
  • Complex reporting : For generating detailed reports where data needs to be segmented by Record Type.

Managing Record Types in Salesforce

Managing Record Types in Salesforce is relatively simple. Below is a step-by-step guide covering how to create, edit, and delete Record Types based on different needs.

Creating Record Types

For establishing new Record Types tailored to specific business needs.

  • Log in to Salesforce.
  • Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner, and select Setup . Then, find and click Object Manager.
  • Choose the object (ex. Account, Contact, Opportunity ) for which you want to create a new Record Type.
  • Click on Record Types in the sidebar, then click the New button.
  • Fill in the necessary details like Record Type Label, Record Type Name, and Description . Select the Active checkbox to make it available for use.
  • Choose the Page Layouts that will be used for this Record Type.
  • Decide which user profiles will have access to this Record Type. Select the profiles and save your changes.
  • Click the “Save” button to create the new Record Type.

Editing Record Types

For modifying existing Record Types to align with evolving processes.

  • Go to the Object Manager , select the object, and click on Record Types .
  • Find the Record Type you want to edit and click on it. Then, click the Edit button.
  • Update whichever details you wish (ex. label, name, description, or associated Page Layouts).
  • Click the “Save” button to apply your changes.

Deleting Record Types

To remove obsolete Record Types and maintain data integrity.

  • As before, go to the Object Manager , select the object, and click on Record Types .
  • Locate the Record Type you wish to delete. Click on the drop-down menu next to the Edit button, and select Delete . Salesforce will prompt you for confirmation. Note that deleting a Record Type is a significant action that can affect data and users. Ensure that it’s no longer needed and backup your data before proceeding.
  • Complete the deletion:
  •  Click OK or Delete to confirm and complete the deletion process.

Remember, when working with Record Types, it’s important to understand how they’re being used in your Salesforce environment. Changes to Record Types can have wide-ranging effects on how users interact with data, so it’s best to make changes carefully and with a clear understanding of the implications. There are plenty of technologies that can help with this— elements.cloud is one popular example.

Record Types and Page Layouts in Salesforce

Earlier we explained that Record Types let you have multiple versions of a form, complete with different fields and options, all within the same category.

Well, Page Layouts, aligned with specific Record Types, allow you to dictate how data is displayed and interacted with.

How to customize Page Layouts using Record Types

Customizing Page Layouts is what enables you to tailor the UX to your specific needs. However, to customize them, you must already have an associated Record Type created. Beyond that, here’s how to get customizing:

  • Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Setup .
  • In the Setup menu, find and click on Object Manager .
  • Select the Object for which you want to customize the Page Layout.
  • Click on Record Types in the sidebar for your chosen object. 
  • Click on the name of the Record Type you want to customize the Page Layout for.
  • Scroll down to Page Layouts and click Edit next to the profile whose Page Layout assignment you want to change.
  • If you don’t have a custom Page Layout yet, go back to the object’s main page, click on Page Layouts , and create a new layout by cloning an existing one or starting from scratch.
  • Once you have the desired Page Layout, assign it to the appropriate Record Type for each profile. You can do this by selecting the new layout from the dropdown menu next to each profile in the Edit Page Layout Assignment page.
  • After assigning the Page Layouts to the Record Types for the desired profiles, click Save .
  • Test the Record Types by creating or editing records. Ensure that the correct Page Layout appears for each Record Type and profile combination.

Customizing Page layouts for different Record Types allows you and other users to see the most relevant information based on the specific context of the record. This further enhances user experience and ensures data consistency throughout your Salesforce implementation. 

Remember, changes to Page Layouts can significantly impact how users interact with Salesforce, so it’s important to plan and test these changes thoroughly.

6 Salesforce Record Types best practices 

Salesforce data management can be tricky for even the most experienced users but the following best practices will help you make the most of your SF records.

  • Clearly define business processes: Understand the different business processes within your organization and how they map to Salesforce Record Types. This clarity will help you create Record Types that align with specific business needs.
  • Limit the number of Record Types: Avoid creating too many Record Types for a single object. Having too many can lead to confusion and complexity. Instead, create Record Types only when they serve a distinct purpose.
  • Use detailed names and descriptions: Give each Record Type a clear, descriptive name and a detailed description. This practice helps users understand the purpose of each Record Type and choose the right one.
  • Customize Page Layouts thoughtfully: Tailor Page Layouts for each Record Type to include only the fields and sections necessary for that particular business process. This customization reduces clutter and makes data entry more efficient.
  • Train users thoroughly: Ensure that users understand the purpose of different Record Types and how to use them. Proper training can significantly improve Salesforce data quality and increase user adoption.
  • Regularly review and update: Business processes evolve, so regularly review and update your Record Types and Page Layouts to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Turn your Salesforce data woes into wins

When used correctly and strategically, Record Types can transform your CRM processes. From setting up automation to customizing user interfaces, understanding and leveraging Record Types is key to effective Salesforce data management. Remember, the aim is to enhance productivity without compromising data integrity or user experience.

Wondering how your CRM stacks up against the rest? Check out our benchmark guide for users and stakeholders, Today’s Top 7 Data Management Challenges . 

Read the guide!  

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Monday, july 16, 2018, how to check page layout assignment using soql query.

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Salesforce Connector: Retrieve Attachment From ContentVersion

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Assign Custom Record Types in Permission Sets

  • From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission Sets , and then select Permission Sets .
  • Select a permission set, or create one.
  • On the permission set overview page, click Object Settings , then click the object you want.
  • Click Edit .
  • Select the record types you want to assign to this permission set.
  • Click Save .
  • How Is Record Type Access Specified? Assign record types to users in their profiles or permission sets (or permission set groups), or a combination of these. Record type assignment behaves differently in profiles and permission sets.


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  1. Finding if which users have a record type available to them using SOQL

    27. This is possible through Apex, but not SOQL --- and no Metadata API required. To determine whether a given SObject's RecordType is available to a given user's profile, you will need to use the Apex DescribeSObjectResult getRecordTypeInfos () call on that SObject ( see the docs here ). This returns a list of RecordTypeInfo objects ...

  2. Assign Record Types to Profiles

    From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Profiles, and then select Profiles. Select a profile. For example, if you want to assign a territory manager status record type, select a profile with the role of territory manager assigned to it. Under Record Type Settings, for Shifts, click Edit. From the Available Record Types list, select a record type.

  3. Complete Guide to Salesforce Record Types

    Step 5: Create Record Types. Now you can create your record types. You will need to enter the details about this record type, and don't forget to select the correct Process, if needed (from Step 2). Make sure you add a description - this will help your users decide which record type to choose.

  4. RecordType

    Use this metadata type to create, update, or delete record type definitions for a custom object. For more information, see Tailor Business Processes to Different Record Types Users in Salesforce Help. This type extends the Metadata metadata type and inherits its fullName field. Don't use record types as an access control mechanism.

  5. Write SOQL Queries

    Let's try running the following SOQL example: In the Developer Console, click the Query Editor tab. Copy and paste the following into the first box under Query Editor, and then click Execute. SELECT Name,Phone FROM Account. Copy. All account records in your org appear in the Query Results section as rows with fields.

  6. How Is Record Type Access Specified?

    The record type assignment simply specifies that the user can use that record type when creating or editing a record. Assign record types to users in their profiles or permission sets (or permission set groups), or a combination of these. Record type assignment behaves differently in profiles and permission sets.

  7. Record Types in Salesforce: What They Are and How to Use Them

    Select an Object: Click on the gear icon in the top-right corner, and select Setup. Then, find and click Object Manager. Choose the object (ex. Account, Contact, Opportunity) for which you want to create a new Record Type. Create a New Record Type : Click on Record Types in the sidebar, then click the New button.

  8. How Is Record Type Access Specified?

    Assign record types to users in their profiles or permission sets (or permission set groups), or a combination of these. ... Create a SOQL Query. Create a Custom Object for a Report. Identify Locales in Use by User. Identify Changes to Your Locales with ICU. ... Assign the Salesforce Backup License and Permission Set.

  9. Record type profile assignments

    You can follow below steps if Record Type is already moved without profile settings: Go To Setup-> Manage Users-> Profiles. Open appropriate profile/profiles which should have access to new Record Type. Go To Record Type setting section and click edit near the object to which new Record Type belong. You can now choose Record Type available for ...

  10. Assign Record Types to Profiles in the Original Profile ...

    Assign Record Types and Page Layouts in the Enhanced Profile User... Login IP Ranges in the Enhanced Profile User Interface; Assign an Approver to Complete a Self-Service Quote with DocuSign; Administrators and Separation of Duties; Manage Profile Lists; Assign Page Layouts in the Original Profile User Interface; Role and Territory Sharing Groups

  11. Salesforce Code Crack: How To Check Page Layout Assignment Using SOQL Query

    This post explains how to check page layout assignment using SOQL. 1. We can see the Page Layout is assigned to any profile or not. 2. We can see the RecordTypeId also, means we can See the Record Type assignment also. Note: Use Tooling API to Query, Please Select Tooling API while Querying. If you are using Developer Console to query.

  12. Assign Record Types and Page Layouts in Profiles

    Assign Record Types and Page Layouts in Profiles. Configure the record type and page layout assignment mappings that are used when users view records. Available in: both Salesforce Classic ( not available in all orgs) and Lightning Experience. Record types available in: Professional , Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions.

  13. Assign Page Layouts to Profiles or Record Types

    Tailor Business Processes to Different Record Types Users. Manage Your Translations. Set Up Your Data Your Way. Build Your Own Salesforce App. Lightning App Builder. Manage Your Notifications with Notification Builder. Custom Domains. Extend the Reach of Your Organization. After defining page layouts, assign which page layouts users see.

  14. Getting Page Layout associated to a Profile/RecordType

    It is possible to make Tooling API ProfileLayout Object Query. [ select Layout.Name from ProfileLayout where ProfileId = :UserInfo.getProfileId() AND RecordTypeId = :record.RecordTypeId ] To make it possible to use in Apex Code you need preparation step. 1) Allow Self-Callout.

  15. 5 Advanced Flow Concepts for Salesforce Professionals

    Use "recordId" Record Variable Instead of a Query. Did you know that Flow now supports the ability to receive an entire record using recordId? Instead of parsing just the Id of a record and then needing to query it, you can simply create a record variable called "recordId" and enable that for input. The whole record will be parsed instead.

  16. Retriving all Active picklist values of all recordtypes

    8. Unfortunately, picklist + record type information has very uneven coverage across Salesforce APIs. You can retrieve all picklist values without record type information using either Apex or the Tooling API (a single query, in the latter case). You can retrieve picklist values with record type information, for a single record type at a time ...

  17. Assign Record Types to the System Admin Profile

    To complete the setup for this profile, assign record types to the Case and Account objects. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Profiles, and then select Profiles. In the Profiles table, click System Administrator. Under Apps, click Object Settings. Search for and select Accounts, and then click Edit. Under Record Types and Page Layout ...

  18. RecordTypeInfo Class

    The following are methods for RecordTypeInfo. All are instance methods. getDeveloperName () Returns the developer name for this record type. getName () Returns the UI label of this record type. The label can be translated into any language that Salesforce supports. getRecordTypeId () Returns the ID of this record type.

  19. Object Reference for the Salesforce Platform

    Represents a record type. Skip Navigation. Close. Login. Products. Salesforce; Marketing Cloud; Experiences ... Join in-person and online events across the Salesforce ecosystem. Videos. Explore new features, tools, tips, tutorials, and more with on-demand and live stream videos. Community.

  20. how to get the picklist values by record type in salesforce?

    Here are the steps you need to follow! Click: Setup > Create> Objects> Section_2_Balance_Sheet_c> Record Types > then click on each of the record types you need to add the picklist value to. On the record type detail page you will find a section called Picklists Available for Editing. From that list locate your picklist field and click Edit.

  21. Salesforce Connector: Retrieve Attachment From ContentVersion

    As per the Salesforce document SOAP API Developer Guide, Attachment content can be retrieved via ContentVersion object, field VersionData(base64). The ContentVersion object has a field FirstPublishLocationId, which is the ID of the location. In this case, it is the Case record Id.

  22. Get Values for All Picklist Fields of a Record Type

    Use this resource to get the values for all the picklist fields of a specific record type. This resource is especially useful for getting dependent picklist values. For example, if an object has a tree of dependent picklists (Continents__c, Countries__c, Cities__c), use this resource to get all the values for each picklist in one request.

  23. Assign Custom Record Types in Permission Sets

    User Permissions Needed. To assign record types in permission sets: Manage Profiles and Permission Sets. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission Sets, and then select Permission Sets. Select a permission set, or create one. On the permission set overview page, click Object Settings, then click the object you want. Click Edit.