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Using the Web Speech API

Speech recognition.

Speech recognition involves receiving speech through a device's microphone, which is then checked by a speech recognition service against a list of grammar (basically, the vocabulary you want to have recognized in a particular app.) When a word or phrase is successfully recognized, it is returned as a result (or list of results) as a text string, and further actions can be initiated as a result.

The Web Speech API has a main controller interface for this — SpeechRecognition — plus a number of closely-related interfaces for representing grammar, results, etc. Generally, the default speech recognition system available on the device will be used for the speech recognition — most modern OSes have a speech recognition system for issuing voice commands. Think about Dictation on macOS, Siri on iOS, Cortana on Windows 10, Android Speech, etc.

Note: On some browsers, such as Chrome, using Speech Recognition on a web page involves a server-based recognition engine. Your audio is sent to a web service for recognition processing, so it won't work offline.

To show simple usage of Web speech recognition, we've written a demo called Speech color changer . When the screen is tapped/clicked, you can say an HTML color keyword, and the app's background color will change to that color.

The UI of an app titled Speech Color changer. It invites the user to tap the screen and say a color, and then it turns the background of the app that color. In this case it has turned the background red.

To run the demo, navigate to the live demo URL in a supporting mobile browser (such as Chrome).


The HTML and CSS for the app is really trivial. We have a title, instructions paragraph, and a div into which we output diagnostic messages.

The CSS provides a very simple responsive styling so that it looks OK across devices.

Let's look at the JavaScript in a bit more detail.

Prefixed properties

Browsers currently support speech recognition with prefixed properties. Therefore at the start of our code we include these lines to allow for both prefixed properties and unprefixed versions that may be supported in future:

The grammar

The next part of our code defines the grammar we want our app to recognize. The following variable is defined to hold our grammar:

The grammar format used is JSpeech Grammar Format ( JSGF ) — you can find a lot more about it at the previous link to its spec. However, for now let's just run through it quickly:

  • The lines are separated by semicolons, just like in JavaScript.
  • The first line — #JSGF V1.0; — states the format and version used. This always needs to be included first.
  • The second line indicates a type of term that we want to recognize. public declares that it is a public rule, the string in angle brackets defines the recognized name for this term ( color ), and the list of items that follow the equals sign are the alternative values that will be recognized and accepted as appropriate values for the term. Note how each is separated by a pipe character.
  • You can have as many terms defined as you want on separate lines following the above structure, and include fairly complex grammar definitions. For this basic demo, we are just keeping things simple.

Plugging the grammar into our speech recognition

The next thing to do is define a speech recognition instance to control the recognition for our application. This is done using the SpeechRecognition() constructor. We also create a new speech grammar list to contain our grammar, using the SpeechGrammarList() constructor.

We add our grammar to the list using the SpeechGrammarList.addFromString() method. This accepts as parameters the string we want to add, plus optionally a weight value that specifies the importance of this grammar in relation of other grammars available in the list (can be from 0 to 1 inclusive.) The added grammar is available in the list as a SpeechGrammar object instance.

We then add the SpeechGrammarList to the speech recognition instance by setting it to the value of the SpeechRecognition.grammars property. We also set a few other properties of the recognition instance before we move on:

  • SpeechRecognition.continuous : Controls whether continuous results are captured ( true ), or just a single result each time recognition is started ( false ).
  • SpeechRecognition.lang : Sets the language of the recognition. Setting this is good practice, and therefore recommended.
  • SpeechRecognition.interimResults : Defines whether the speech recognition system should return interim results, or just final results. Final results are good enough for this simple demo.
  • SpeechRecognition.maxAlternatives : Sets the number of alternative potential matches that should be returned per result. This can sometimes be useful, say if a result is not completely clear and you want to display a list if alternatives for the user to choose the correct one from. But it is not needed for this simple demo, so we are just specifying one (which is actually the default anyway.)

Starting the speech recognition

After grabbing references to the output <div> and the HTML element (so we can output diagnostic messages and update the app background color later on), we implement an onclick handler so that when the screen is tapped/clicked, the speech recognition service will start. This is achieved by calling SpeechRecognition.start() . The forEach() method is used to output colored indicators showing what colors to try saying.

Receiving and handling results

Once the speech recognition is started, there are many event handlers that can be used to retrieve results, and other pieces of surrounding information (see the SpeechRecognition events .) The most common one you'll probably use is the result event, which is fired once a successful result is received:

The second line here is a bit complex-looking, so let's explain it step by step. The SpeechRecognitionEvent.results property returns a SpeechRecognitionResultList object containing SpeechRecognitionResult objects. It has a getter so it can be accessed like an array — so the first [0] returns the SpeechRecognitionResult at position 0. Each SpeechRecognitionResult object contains SpeechRecognitionAlternative objects that contain individual recognized words. These also have getters so they can be accessed like arrays — the second [0] therefore returns the SpeechRecognitionAlternative at position 0. We then return its transcript property to get a string containing the individual recognized result as a string, set the background color to that color, and report the color recognized as a diagnostic message in the UI.

We also use the speechend event to stop the speech recognition service from running (using SpeechRecognition.stop() ) once a single word has been recognized and it has finished being spoken:

Handling errors and unrecognized speech

The last two handlers are there to handle cases where speech was recognized that wasn't in the defined grammar, or an error occurred. The nomatch event seems to be supposed to handle the first case mentioned, although note that at the moment it doesn't seem to fire correctly; it just returns whatever was recognized anyway:

The error event handles cases where there is an actual error with the recognition successfully — the SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent.error property contains the actual error returned:

Speech synthesis

Speech synthesis (aka text-to-speech, or TTS) involves receiving synthesizing text contained within an app to speech, and playing it out of a device's speaker or audio output connection.

The Web Speech API has a main controller interface for this — SpeechSynthesis — plus a number of closely-related interfaces for representing text to be synthesized (known as utterances), voices to be used for the utterance, etc. Again, most OSes have some kind of speech synthesis system, which will be used by the API for this task as available.

To show simple usage of Web speech synthesis, we've provided a demo called Speak easy synthesis . This includes a set of form controls for entering text to be synthesized, and setting the pitch, rate, and voice to use when the text is uttered. After you have entered your text, you can press Enter / Return to hear it spoken.

UI of an app called speak easy synthesis. It has an input field in which to input text to be synthesized, slider controls to change the rate and pitch of the speech, and a drop down menu to choose between different voices.

To run the demo, navigate to the live demo URL in a supporting mobile browser.

The HTML and CSS are again pretty trivial, containing a title, some instructions for use, and a form with some simple controls. The <select> element is initially empty, but is populated with <option> s via JavaScript (see later on.)

Let's investigate the JavaScript that powers this app.

Setting variables

First of all, we capture references to all the DOM elements involved in the UI, but more interestingly, we capture a reference to Window.speechSynthesis . This is API's entry point — it returns an instance of SpeechSynthesis , the controller interface for web speech synthesis.

Populating the select element

To populate the <select> element with the different voice options the device has available, we've written a populateVoiceList() function. We first invoke SpeechSynthesis.getVoices() , which returns a list of all the available voices, represented by SpeechSynthesisVoice objects. We then loop through this list — for each voice we create an <option> element, set its text content to display the name of the voice (grabbed from SpeechSynthesisVoice.name ), the language of the voice (grabbed from SpeechSynthesisVoice.lang ), and -- DEFAULT if the voice is the default voice for the synthesis engine (checked by seeing if SpeechSynthesisVoice.default returns true .)

We also create data- attributes for each option, containing the name and language of the associated voice, so we can grab them easily later on, and then append the options as children of the select.

Older browser don't support the voiceschanged event, and just return a list of voices when SpeechSynthesis.getVoices() is fired. While on others, such as Chrome, you have to wait for the event to fire before populating the list. To allow for both cases, we run the function as shown below:

Speaking the entered text

Next, we create an event handler to start speaking the text entered into the text field. We are using an onsubmit handler on the form so that the action happens when Enter / Return is pressed. We first create a new SpeechSynthesisUtterance() instance using its constructor — this is passed the text input's value as a parameter.

Next, we need to figure out which voice to use. We use the HTMLSelectElement selectedOptions property to return the currently selected <option> element. We then use this element's data-name attribute, finding the SpeechSynthesisVoice object whose name matches this attribute's value. We set the matching voice object to be the value of the SpeechSynthesisUtterance.voice property.

Finally, we set the SpeechSynthesisUtterance.pitch and SpeechSynthesisUtterance.rate to the values of the relevant range form elements. Then, with all necessary preparations made, we start the utterance being spoken by invoking SpeechSynthesis.speak() , passing it the SpeechSynthesisUtterance instance as a parameter.

In the final part of the handler, we include an pause event to demonstrate how SpeechSynthesisEvent can be put to good use. When SpeechSynthesis.pause() is invoked, this returns a message reporting the character number and name that the speech was paused at.

Finally, we call blur() on the text input. This is mainly to hide the keyboard on Firefox OS.

Updating the displayed pitch and rate values

The last part of the code updates the pitch / rate values displayed in the UI, each time the slider positions are moved.


Speech to Text Converter using HTML, CSS and JavaScript


Introduction :

This project is a Speech to Text Converter , which allows users to convert spoken words into written text . It consists of an HTML page with a textarea to display the converted text and a button (represented by an image) to trigger the speech recognition functionality. The project uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to achieve this functionality. The HTML structure establishes a visually appealing and accessible interface. The inclusion of a strategically positioned textarea within a dedicated form element ensures a user-friendly display of the converted text. The design, further enriched by CSS styles, fosters a cohesive and responsive layout suitable for various devices. At the core of this innovation lies the JavaScript logic, orchestrating the entire speech-to-text conversion process. The speechToTextConversion function serves as the linchpin, orchestrating the setup and configuration of the SpeechRecognition object. This function not only dynamically toggles between the microphone and stop button but also actively listens for speech input events. The real-time feedback provided in the textarea, coupled with intelligent error handling, ensures a robust and seamless user experience.

Explanation :

Html structure :.

  • <h1> : Heading displaying “Speech to Text Converter.”
  • <div id="wrapper"> : Container for the textarea.
  • <form id="paper"> : Form containing the textarea for displaying converted text.
  • <div class="container"> : Container for the play button and instructions.
  • <img id="playButton"> : Image acting as the play button.
  • <span class="instruction"> : Text with instructions.

JavaScript Logic :

  • Variable i is declared and initialized to 0.
  • speechToTextConversion function is defined:
  • It checks for SpeechRecognition support and initializes a new SpeechRecognition object.
  • Sets various properties like language, continuous recognition, etc.
  • Defines a textarea element as diagnostic .
  • Defines an onclick event for the play button image:
  • If i is 0, it changes the image source to “record-button-thumb.png,” starts recognition, and updates i to 1.
  • If i is 1, it changes the image source to “mic.png,” stops recognition, and updates i to 0.
  • Sets up event listeners for recognition events ( onresult , onnomatch , onerror ).
  • onresult : Updates the textarea with the recognized text.
  • onnomatch : Updates the textarea with a message for unmatched speech.
  • onerror : Updates the textarea with an error message.

Purpose of Functions:

speechToTextConversion Function: 

  • Initialization: Checks browser support and creates a SpeechRecognition object.
  • Configuration: Sets properties for continuous recognition, language, etc.
  • Element Retrieval: Retrieves the textarea element for displaying converted text.
  • Button Click Handling: Toggles between starting and stopping recognition when the button is clicked.  

Recognition Events Handling:

  • onresult : Updates the textarea with the recognized text and logs confidence to the console.

Variable i :

  • Keeps track of the state of the button (whether it’s the first or second click). This helps in determining whether to start or stop the speech recognition process.


Join our telegram for free coding ebooks & handwritten notes, html (index.html), speech to text converter.

speech to text html

CSS (style.css)

Javascript (script.js), also download the media files used in this project by clicking on the following button, conclusion :.

Your project effectively combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a simple Speech to Text Converter with a clean and user-friendly interface. Users can click the microphone button to start/stop speech recognition, and the recognized text is displayed in a textarea. The JavaScript logic ensures proper handling of recognition events and user interactions.

output 1

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How To Convert Voice To Text Using JavaScript

This article shows how Real-Time Speech Recognition from a microphone recording can be integrated into your JavaScript application in only a few lines of code.

How To Convert Voice To Text Using JavaScript

Developer Advocate at AssemblyAI

Real-Time Voice-To-Text in JavaScript With AssemblyAI

The easiest solution is a Speech-to-Text API , which can be accessed with a simple HTTP client in every programming language. One of the easiest to use APIs to integrate is AssemblyAI, which offers not only a traditional speech transcription service for audio files but also a real-time speech recognition endpoint that streams transcripts back to you over WebSockets within a few hundred milliseconds.

Before getting started, we need to get a working API key. You can get one here and get started for free:

Step 1: Set up the HTML code and microphone recorder

Create a file index.html and add some HTML elements to display the text. To use a microphone, we embed RecordRTC , a JavaScript library for audio and video recording.

Additionally, we embed index.js , which will be the JavaScript file that handles the frontend part. This is the complete HTML code:

Step 2: Set up the client with a WebSocket connection in JavaScript

Next, create the index.js and access the DOM elements of the corresponding HTML file. Additionally, we make global variables to store the recorder, the WebSocket, and the recording state.

Then we need to create only one function to handle all the logic. This function will be executed whenever the user clicks on the button to start or stop the recording. We toggle the recording state and implement an if-else-statement for the two states.

If the recording is stopped, we stop the recorder instance and close the socket. Before closing, we also need to send a JSON message that contains {terminate_session: true} :

Then we need to implement the else part that is executed when the recording starts. To not expose the API key on the client side, we send a request to the backend and fetch a session token.

Then we establish a WebSocket that connects with wss://api.assemblyai.com/v2/realtime/ws . For the socket, we have to take care of the events onmessage , onerror , onclose , and onopen . In the onmessage event we parse the incoming message data and set the inner text of the corresponding HTML element.

In the onopen event we initialize the RecordRTC instance and then send the audio data as base64 encoded string. The other two events can be used to close and reset the socket. This is the remaining code for the else block:

Step 3: Set up a server with Express.js to handle authentication

Lastly, we need to create another file server.js that handles authentication. Here we create a server with one endpoint that creates a temporary authentication token by sending a POST request to https://api.assemblyai.com/v2/realtime/token .

To use it, we have to install Express.js , Axios , and cors :

And this is the full code for the server part:

This endpoint on the backend will send a valid session token to the frontend whenever the recording starts. And that's it! You can find the whole code in our GitHub repository .

Run the JavaScript files for Real-Time Voice and Speech Recognition

Now we must run the backend and frontend part. Start the server with

And then serve the frontend site with the serve package :

Now you can visit http://localhost:3000 , start the voice recording, and see the real-time transcription in action!

Real-Time Transcription Video Tutorial

Watch our video tutorial to see an example of real-time transcription:

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Posted on May 19, 2023

Speech to Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript With Source Code

Welcome to The Codewithrandom blog. This blog teaches us how we create a Speech To Text Using JavaScript. We use Html for creating a Structure for the project and use Css for styling Speech To Text and finally, we add JavaScript for Speech To Text functionality.

We use SpeechRecognition's inbuilt JavaScript API to get speech. then write code for Show Speech To Text that we Speak. Then Use If/Else to move div with our voice that is captured by Voice Api and add That Functionality to detect what we speak Like Left or right and div moves according to voice.

HTML Code For Speech To Text

There is all the Html code for the Speech To Text. Now, you can see output without Css and Javascript. then we write Css and JavaScript for the Speech To Text.

CSS Code For Speech To Text

Javascript code for speech to text.

Now that we have completed our Speech To Text. Our updated output with Html, Css, and JavaScript. Hope you like the Speech Text Project. you can see the output video and project screenshots. See our other blogs and gain knowledge in front-end development.

This post teaches us how to create a Speech To Text using simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If we made a mistake or any confusion, please drop a comment to reply or help you in easy learning.

Written by - Code With Random/Anki

Code By - DM For Credit

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JavaScript Speech Recognition Example (Speech to Text)

With the Web Speech API, we can recognize speech using JavaScript . It is super easy to recognize speech in a browser using JavaScript and then getting the text from the speech to use as user input. We have already covered How to convert Text to Speech in Javascript .

But the support for this API is limited to the Chrome browser only . So if you are viewing this example in some other browser, the live example below might not work.

Javascript speech recognition - speech to text

This tutorial will cover a basic example where we will cover speech to text. We will ask the user to speak something and we will use the SpeechRecognition object to convert the speech into text and then display the text on the screen.

The Web Speech API of Javascript can be used for multiple other use cases. We can provide a list of rules for words or sentences as grammar using the SpeechGrammarList object, which will be used to recognize and validate user input from speech.

For example, consider that you have a webpage on which you show a Quiz, with a question and 4 available options and the user has to select the correct option. In this, we can set the grammar for speech recognition with only the options for the question, hence whatever the user speaks, if it is not one of the 4 options, it will not be recognized.

We can use grammar, to define rules for speech recognition, configuring what our app understands and what it doesn't understand.

JavaScript Speech to Text

In the code example below, we will use the SpeechRecognition object. We haven't used too many properties and are relying on the default values. We have a simple HTML webpage in the example, where we have a button to initiate the speech recognition.

The main JavaScript code which is listening to what user speaks and then converting it to text is this:

In the above code, we have used:

recognition.start() method is used to start the speech recognition.

Once we begin speech recognition, the onstart event handler can be used to inform the user that speech recognition has started and they should speak into the mocrophone.

When the user is done speaking, the onresult event handler will have the result. The SpeechRecognitionEvent results property returns a SpeechRecognitionResultList object. The SpeechRecognitionResultList object contains SpeechRecognitionResult objects. It has a getter so it can be accessed like an array. The first [0] returns the SpeechRecognitionResult at the last position. Each SpeechRecognitionResult object contains SpeechRecognitionAlternative objects that contain individual results. These also have getters so they can be accessed like arrays. The second [0] returns the SpeechRecognitionAlternative at position 0 . We then return the transcript property of the SpeechRecognitionAlternative object.

Same is done for the confidence property to get the accuracy of the result as evaluated by the API.

We have many event handlers, to handle the events surrounding the speech recognition process. One such event is onspeechend , which we have used in our code to call the stop() method of the SpeechRecognition object to stop the recognition process.

Now let's see the running code:

When you will run the code, the browser will ask for permission to use your Microphone , so please click on Allow and then speak anything to see the script in action.


So in this tutorial we learned how we can use Javascript to write our own small application for converting speech into text and then displaying the text output on screen. We also made the whole process more interactive by using the various event handlers available in the SpeechRecognition interface. In future I will try to cover some simple web application ideas using this feature of Javascript to help you usnderstand where we can use this feature.

If you face any issue running the above script, post in the comment section below. Remember, only Chrome browser supports it .

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How to convert speech to text using JavaScript?

To convert the spoken words to the text we generally use the Web Speech API’s component that is “SpeechRecognition” . The SpeechRecognition component recognizes the spoken words in the form of audio and converts them to the text. The spoken words are stored in it in an array which are then displayed inside the HTML element on the browser screen.

The basic syntax used in is −

We can also use SpeechRecognition() instead of webkitSpeechRecognition() as webkitSpeechRecognition() is used in chrome and apple safari browser for speech recognition.

Step 1 − Create a HTML page as given below, create a HTML button using <button> tag. Add an onclick event in it with the function name “runSpeechRecog()”. Also create a <p> tag with id “action” in it.

Step 2 − Create a runSpeechRecog() arrow function inside a script tag as we are using internal javascript.

Step 3 − Select the “p” tag of HTML using Document Object Model (DOM) as document.getElementById(). Store it in a variable.

Step 4 − Create an object of a webkitSpeechRecognition() constructor and store it in a reference variable. So that all the methods of webkitSpeechRecognition() class will be in the reference variable.

Step 5 − Use “recognition.onstart()“, this function will return the action when the recognition is started.

Step 6 − Now use recognition.onresult() to display the spoken words on the screen.

Step 7 − Use the recognition.start() method to start the speech recognition.


When the “runSpeechRecog()” function is triggered the webkitSpeechRecognition() is initialized and all the properties of this are stored in the reference and shows the below output as the browser is ready to listen to the user's spoken words.

When the user has stopped speaking the sentence, the result is stored in the form of an array of words. Then these words are returned as a transcript of a sentence on the user browser screen. For example a user runs this speech to text program on its browser and presses the speech button and start speaking as “tutorialpoint.com”, as user stops speaking the speech recognition program will stop and will display the transcript on the browser as “tutorialpoint.com”.

The Web Speech API of JavaScript is used in many types of applications. As the web speech api has two different components as SpeechRecognition API which is used for speech-text conversion and SpeechSynthesis API which is used for text-speech conversion. The above SpeechRecognition is supported for the browser Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera.

Aman Gupta

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Speech to text in the browser with the Web Speech API

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Speech to text in the browser with the Web Speech API

The   Web Speech API  has two functions,   speech synthesis , otherwise known as text to speech, and   speech recognition , or speech to text. We previously investigated text to speech  so let's take a look at how browsers handle recognising and transcribing speech with the SpeechRecognition API.

Being able to take voice commands from users means you can create more immersive interfaces and users like using their voice. In 2018, Google reported that 27% of the global online population is using voice search on mobile . With speech recognition in the browser you can enable users to speak to your site across everything from a voice search to creating an interactive bot as part of the application.

Let's see how the API works and what we can build with it.

What you'll need

We're going to build an example app to experience the API, if you want to build along you will need:

  • Google Chrome
  • A text editor

And that's it, we can do this with plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Once you have those prepared, create a new directory to work in and save this  starter HTML  and CSS  to that directory. Make sure the files are in the same directory and then open the HTML file in the browser. It should look like this:

A browser window with a heading saying "Browser speech recognition" and a button ready to "start listening".

With that in place, let's see how to get the browser to listen to and understand us.

The SpeechRecognition API

Before we build speech recognition into our example application, let's get a feel for it in the browser dev tools. In Chrome open up your dev tools. Enter the following in the console:

When you run that code Chrome will ask for permission to use your microphone and then, if your page is being served on a web server, remember your choice. Run the code and, once you've given the permission, say something into your microphone. Once you stop speaking you should see a SpeechRecognitionEvent posted in the console.

There is a lot going on in these 3 lines of code. We created an instance of the SpeechRecognition API (vendor prefixed in this case with "webkit"), we told it to log any result it received from the speech to text service and we told it to start listening.

There are some default settings at work here too. Once the object receives a result it will stop listening. To continue transcription you need to call start again. Also, you only receive the final result from the speech recognition service. There are settings we'll see later that allow continuous transcription and interim results as you speak.

Let's dig into the SpeechRecognitionEvent object. The most important property is results which is a list of SpeechRecognitionResult objects. Well, there is one result object as we only said one thing before it stopped listening. Inspecting that result shows a list of SpeechRecognitionAlternative objects and the first one includes the transcript of what you said and a confidence value between 0 and 1. The default is to only return one alternative, but you can opt to receive more alternatives from the recognition service, which can be useful if you are letting your users select the option closest to what they said.

In dev tools, as you dig into the SpeechRecognitionEvent you will eventually find the transcript and confidence.

How it works

Calling this feature speech recognition in the browser is not exactly accurate. Chrome currently takes the audio and sends it to Google's servers  to perform the transcription. This is why speech recognition is currently only supported in Chrome and some Chromium based browsers .

Mozilla has built support for speech recognition into Firefox, it is behind a flag in Firefox Nightly while they negotiate to also use the Google Cloud Speech API . Mozilla are working on their own DeepSpeech engine , but want to get support into browsers sooner so opted to use Google's service too.

So, since SpeechRecognition uses a server side API, your users will have to be online to use it. Hopefully we will see local, offline speech recognition abilities down the line, but for now this is a limitation.

Let's take the starter code we downloaded earlier and the code from dev tools and turn this into a small application where we live transcribe a user's speech.

Speech Recognition in a web application

Open the HTML you downloaded earlier and between the <script> tags at the bottom we'll start by listening for the DOMContentLoaded event and then grabbing references to some elements we'll use.

We'll test to see if the browser supports the SpeechRecognition or webkitSpeechRecognition object and if it doesn't we'll show a message as we can't carry on.

If we do have access to SpeechRecognition then we can prepare to use it. We'll define a variable to show whether we are currently listening for speech, instantiate the speech recognition object, and three functions to start, stop and respond to new results from the recogniser:

For the start function, we want to start the speech recogniser and change the button text. We'll also add a class to the main element which will start an animation that shows the page is listening. For the stop function we'll do the opposite.

When we receive a result we will use it to render all results to the page. In this example we'll do so with straight DOM manipulation. We'll take the SpeechRecognitionResult objects we saw earlier and add them as paragraphs into the result <div> . To show the difference between final and interim results, we'll add a class to any results that are marked as final.

Before we run the speech recogniser we need to prepare it with the settings we'll use in this app. For this version we will continuously record the results instead of finishing after it detects the end of speech, this way we can keep transcribing it to the page until we press the stop button. We will also ask for interim results which will show us what the recogniser comes up with as we speak (much like you can do with speech to text during a Twilio phone call with <Gather> and partialResultCallback ). We'll also add the result listener:

Finally, we'll add a listener to the button to start and stop recognition.

Reload the browser and try it out.

You can now say several sentences and see them written to the page. The recogniser is pretty good at words, but less so at punctuation. There'd be a bit more work to do here if we wanted to turn this into dictation, for example.

Now we can talk to the browser

In this post you've seen how we can talk to the browser and have it understand us. In a previous post we also saw how the browser can speak to us . Putting these together along with a Twilio Autopilot powered assistant  could make for a very interesting project.

If you want to play with the example from this post you can check it out on Glitch here . And if you want the source code, it's available in my web-assistant repo on GitHub .

There are all sorts of opportunities for interesting user interfaces using speech. I recently saw a great example of a voice based game in the browser . Let me know if you are working on something interesting with speech recognition in browsers either in the comments below or on Twitter at @philnash .

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HTML5 Speech Recognition API

Kai Wedekind

Kai Wedekind

by Kai Wedekind

“I don’t see any reason why we would(n’t) use the Speech Recognition API, we could use other API’s also, there are a lot of API’s out there.” — D.T.

Did you have ever wonder, if it is possible to use and navigate a website with only voice commands? — No? — Is that possible? — Yes!

In year 2012 the W3C Community introduced the Web Speech API specification . The goal was to enable speech recognition and -synthesis in modern browsers. It is July 2018, and the WebSpeech API is still a working draft and only available in Chrome and Firefox (Not supported by default, but can be enabled).

You can almost say that Chrome is the only browser that has implemented the W3C specification, using Google’s speech recognition engines.

As a web developer I was excited about the specification, as it opens up a whole new world of opportunities for web apps and new interaction features in existing apps. And since Google opened its own speech recognition engine to support that API, we are able to incorporate one of the best speech recognition technologies out there. At this point — the API is free in conjunction with Google, but there is no guarantee it will continue to be in the future.

The HTML5 Speech Recognition API allows JavaScript to have access to a browser’s audio stream and to convert it to text. I’m going to show you how to use the web speech API so that you can invite your users to talk with your current or future web application.

Basic usage

The speech recognition interface lives on the browser’s window object as SpeechRecognition in Firefox and as webkitSpeechRecognition in Chrome.

Start by setting the recognition interface to SpeechRecognition (regardless of the browser) using:

After that, make sure that the speech recognition API is supported by your browser.

The next step is to create a new speech recognition object.

This recognition object has many properties, methods and event handlers.


  • recognition.grammars
  • recognition.lang
  • recognition.continuous
  • recognition.interimResults (default: false)
  • recognition.maxAlternatives (default: 1)
  • recognition.serviceURI
  • recognition.abort()
  • recognition.start()
  • recognition.stop()

Event handlers:

  • recognition.onaudiostart
  • recognition.onaudioend
  • recognition.onend
  • recognition.onerror
  • recognition.onnomatch
  • recognition.onresult
  • recognition.onsoundstart
  • recognition.onsoundend
  • recognition.onspeechstart
  • recognition.onspeechend
  • recognition.onstart

With that in mind, we can create our first speech recognition example:

This will ask the user to allow the page to have access to the microphone. If you allow access you can start talking and when you stop, the onresult event handle will be fired, making the results of the speech capture available as a JavaScript object.

The onresult event handler returns a SpeechRecognitionEvent with a property results which is a two-dimensional array. I took the first object of this matrix which contains the transcript property. This property holds the recognized speech in text format. If you haven’t set the properties interimResults or maxAlternatives then you will get only one result with only one alternative back.

The first dimension are the interim results, so when the recognizer is recognizing the speech while you are speaking, it captures the partial parts of that recognition.

Streaming results

You have two choices for capturing results; you can either wait until the user has stopped talking or have results pushed to you when they are ready. If you set the recognition.interimResults = true , then your event handler is going to give you a stream of results back, until you stop talking.

This means you can start to render results before the user has stopped talking. With the same sentence like above “Welcome to Frontend developer meetup” I got the following interim results back.

The last streamed interim result has an isFinal = true flag, that indicated that the text recognition has finished.

The other flag is maxAlternatives (default: 1), which gives you the number of alternatives of the speech recognition back.

Each speech recognition result and alternative has a confidence value which tells you how confident the recognition was. In my experience, the first alternative always had the highest confidence.

If you’ve tried the examples above, you probably noticed that when you stopped speaking, the recognition engine stopped recognizing. That’s because there is a flag, recognition.continuous which is set to false by default. If you set recognition.continuous = true , the recognition engine will treat every part of your speech as an interim result.

Because of this, I changed the onresult event handler so that it read the elements of the results array each time I said something. As a result the onresult event handler will be called every time I finished a sentence.

Handling accents and languages

If your users are speaking a language other than English, you can improve their results by specifying a language parameter with recognition.lang . To recognize German you’d use recognition.lang = "de-DE" or for a British accent recognize.lang = "en-GB" . The default language is en-US .


What if you want to add voice commands to your website? Sometimes it is just easier to say what you want to do. Speech recognition therefore can help you with searching the web, dictating emails, controlling the navigation through your app. Many people with physical disabilities who cannot use the keyboard or mouse rely on speech recognition to use the computer. To make that possible, websites and applications need to be properly developed to do that. Content must be properly designed and coded so that it can be controlled by voice. Labels and identifiers for controls in code need to match their visual presentation, so that it is clear which voice command activates a control. Speech recognition can additionally help lots of people with temporary limitations too, such as an injured arm.

Speech recognition can be used to fill out form fields, as well as to navigate to and activate links, buttons, and other controls. Most computers and mobile devices nowadays have built-in speech recognition functionality. Some speech recognition tools allow complete control over computer interaction, allowing users to scroll the screen, copy and paste text, activate menus, and perform other functions.

It is not an easy task, but not impossible. You have to manage all callbacks, starting, and stopping of the speech recognition, and the handling of errors in the event that something goes wrong.

To handle all speech commands and actions, I’ve decided to write a library with the name AnyControl . AnyControl is a small JavaScript SpeechRecognition library that lets you control your site with voice commands. It is built on top of Webkit Speech API.

AnyControl has no dependencies, just 3 KB small, and is free to use and modify.

AnyControl is a small JavaScript SpeechRecognition library that lets your users control your site with voice commands…



Github is where people build software. more than 28 million people use github to discover, fork, and contribute to over….

If your are using the Speech Recognition API, it is most likely that your browser is going to ask you for permission to use your microphone. With pages hosted on https you are only asked once; you don’t have to repeatedly give access. When you use the http protocol the browser is going to ask you every single time it wants to make an audio capture.

This seems like a security vulnerability in the sense that an application can record audio on an https hosted page once a user has authorized it. The Chrome API interacts with Google’s Speech Recognition API, so all of the data is going to Google and whoever else might be listening.

In context of JavaScript the entire page has access to the output of the audio capture, so if your page is compromised the data from the instance could be read.

The Speech Recognition API is very useful for data entry, website navigation and commands. It is interesting to see that it is possible to capture a conversation to have something like an instant transcript. There are definitely some security concerns with this API where a HTTPS Web Application could start listening at any time after you have approved access. Therefore, if you use the speech recognition API, use it with caution.

If you would like to see more, check out my website www.kaiwedekind.com

Full-Stack Developer and Developer Advocate based in Karlsruhe, Germany, who loves clean, simple design solutions


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Kai Wedekind

Written by Kai Wedekind

Software Engineer. Entrepreneur. Lifetime Learner.

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Build a Text to Speech Converter using HTML, CSS & Javascript

A text-to-speech converter is an application that is used to convert the text content entered by the user into speech with a click of a button. A text-to-speech converter should have a text area at the top so that, the user can enter a long text to be converted into speech followed by a button that converts the entered text into speech and plays the sound on click to it. In this article, we will build a fully responsive text-to-speech converter using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Preview Image:


Preview of text-to-speech converter

  • Create a folder with the project name and create the required HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files as shown in the project structure.
  • Now, use the HTML tags like textarea, button, div, head, body etc. to define the structure of the website.
  • Add the styles to the HTML tags used to define the structure by selecting them with the help of given IDs and Classes.
  • Utilise the speechSynthesis API of the global window object and the SpeechSynthesisUtterance to create a utteraance of the entered text.
  • Next, use the speak() method of the speechSynthesis API to speak or play the created utterance as a speech.
  • Handle the errors efficiently if user have not provided any text to convert.

Example: The below example will help you to understand the process of creating an text-to-speech converter using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:

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Text To Speech Converter in HTML CSS & JavaScript

Hey friends, today in this blog, you’ll learn how to create a Text To Speech Converter in HTML CSS & JavaScript. In the earlier blog, I have shared how to Build A Dictionary App in JavaScript , and now it’s time to create a Text To Speech Converter Web Application.

Text To Speech (TTS) is a technology that enables your text to be converted into speech sounds. In this project (Text To Speech Converter App), you can convert your text into speech on different voices. A pause and resume option is also available if your text character length is more than 80.

You can watch a demo or full video tutorial of this JavaScript project (Text To Speech Converter App – TTS).

Video Tutorial of Text To Speech Converter in JavaScript

  In the video, you have seen a demo of the Text To Speech Converter App and knew how I made it using HTML CSS & Vanilla JavaScript. No external JavaScript libraries or APIs are used to make this TTS App and I hope you have liked this project.

If you liked it and want to get source codes of this Text To Speech Converter App then you can copy or download coding files from the bottom of this page. But before you go to download the codes, let’s understand the main JS codes and concepts behind creating this project.

In the JavaScript code, first, I got the user text and call a function textToSpeech() with passing user text as an argument. Inside this function, using the speech synthesis property of the window object, I converted the entered text to speech. Speech Synthesis is a web speech API that controls the speech service.

After this, I got all available voices from the user device using the getVoices() method of Speech Synthesis and insert it into HTML select tag. That’s all and I request you to watch the full video where I have explained each JavaScript line with a written comment so you can understand the codes more easily.

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Text To Speech Converter in JavaScript [Source Codes]

To create this Text To Speech Converter App (TTS). First, you need to create three Files: HTML, CSS & JavaScript File. After creating these files just paste the given codes into your file. You can also download the source code files of this Text To Speech App from the given download button.

First, create an HTML file with the name of index.html and paste the given codes in your HTML file. Remember, you’ve to create a file with .html extension.

Second, create a CSS file with the name of style.css and paste the given codes in your CSS file. Remember, you’ve to create a file with .css extension.

Last, create a JavaScript file with the name of script.js and paste the given codes in your JavaScript file. Remember, you’ve to create a file with .js extension.

That’s all, now you’ve successfully created a Text To Speech Converter App in HTML CSS & JavaScript. If your code doesn’t work or you’ve faced any problem, please download the source code files from the given download button. It’s free and a .zip file will be downloaded then you’ve to extract it.


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Speech-to-Text on an AMD GPU with Whisper

Speech-to-text on an amd gpu with whisper #, introduction #.

Whisper is an advanced automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, developed by OpenAI. It employs a straightforward encoder-decoder Transformer architecture where incoming audio is divided into 30-second segments and subsequently fed into the encoder. The decoder can be prompted with special tokens to guide the model to perform tasks such as language identification, transcription, and translation.

In this blog, we will show you how to convert speech to text using Whisper with both Hugging Face and OpenAI’s official Whisper release on an AMD GPU.

Tested with GPU Hardware: MI210 / MI250 Prerequisites: Ensure ROCm 5.7+ and PyTorch 2.2.1+ are installed.

We recommend users to install the latest release of PyTorch and TorchAudio as we are continually releasing optimized solutions and new features.

Getting Started #

First, let us install the necessary libraries.

Now that the necessary libraries are installed, let’s download a sample audio file of the Preamble of the United States Constitution that we will use later for transcribing.

We are now ready to convert speech to text with Hugging Face Transformers and OpenAI’s Whisper codebase.

Hugging Face Transformers #

Let us import the necessary libraries.

Then we setup the device and pipeline for transcription. Here, we’ll download and use the Whisper medium weights released by OpenAI for English transcription in the pipeline.

To convert speech to text, we pass the path to the audio file to the pipeline

This is the correct transcription of the Preamble of the United States Constitution.

OpenAI’s Whisper #

Similarly, we can perform transcription using OpenAI’s official Whisper release. First, we download the medium English model weights. Then, to perform transcription, we again pass the path to the audio file that we would like to transcribe.

Conclusions #

We have demonstrated how to transcribe a single audio file using the Whisper model from the Hugging Face Transformers library as well as OpenAI’s official code release. If you’re planning to transcribe batches of files, we recommend using the implementation from Hugging Face since it supports batch decoding. For additional examples on how to transcribe batches of files or how to use a Hugging Face Dataset see the official pipeline tutorial .

Disclaimer #



You are currently viewing Speech to Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript With Source Code

Speech to Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript With Source Code

  • Post author: admin
  • Post published: February 10, 2023
  • Post category: clone project / HTML & CSS / Html & CSS Project / javascript project / Project
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Speech To Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Welcome to The Codewithrandom blog. This blog teaches us how we create a Speech To Text Using JavaScript. We use Html for creating a Structure for the project and use Css for styling Speech To Text and finally, we add JavaScript for Speech To Text functionality.

We use SpeechRecognition’s inbuilt JavaScript API to get speech. then write code for Show Speech Text that we Speak. Then Use If/Else to move div with our voice that is captured by Voice Api and add That Functionality to detect what we speak Like Left or right and div moves according to voice.

50+ HTML, CSS & JavaScript Projects With Source Code

Table of Contents

HTML Code For Speech To Text

There is all the Html code for the Speech To Text. Now, you can see output without Css and Javascript. then we write Css and JavaScript for the Speech To Text.

Ecommerce Website Using Html Css And Javascript Source Code

Only HTML Code Output

Speech to Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript

CSS Code For Speech To Text

50+ Html ,Css & Javascript Projects With Source Code

HTML + CSS Updated output

Speech to Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript

JavaScript Code For Speech To Text

Final output of speech to text using javascript.

Speech to Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Now that we have completed our Speech To Text. Our updated output with Html, Css, and JavaScript. Hope you like the Speech Text Project. you can see the output video and project screenshots. See our other blogs and gain knowledge in front-end development.

100+ JavaScript Projects With Source Code ( Beginners to Advanced)

This post teaches us how to create a Speech To Text using simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. If we made a mistake or any confusion, please drop a comment to reply or help you in easy learning.

Written by – Code With Random/Anki

Code By – DM For Credit

Which code editor do you use for this Speech to Text coding?

I personally recommend using VS Code Studio, it’s straightforward and easy to use.

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Yes! this is a responsive project

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Grab an API key in Google AI Studio , and get started with the Gemini API Cookbook

Less than two months ago, we made our next-generation Gemini 1.5 Pro model available in Google AI Studio for developers to try out. We’ve been amazed by what the community has been able to debug , create and learn using our groundbreaking 1 million context window.

Today, we’re making Gemini 1.5 Pro available in 180+ countries via the Gemini API in public preview, with a first-ever native audio (speech) understanding capability and a new File API to make it easy to handle files. We’re also launching new features like system instructions and JSON mode to give developers more control over the model’s output. Lastly, we’re releasing our next generation text embedding model that outperforms comparable models. Go to Google AI Studio to create or access your API key, and start building.

Unlock new use cases with audio and video modalities

We’re expanding the input modalities for Gemini 1.5 Pro to include audio (speech) understanding in both the Gemini API and Google AI Studio. Additionally, Gemini 1.5 Pro is now able to reason across both image (frames) and audio (speech) for videos uploaded in Google AI Studio, and we look forward to adding API support for this soon.

Gemini API Improvements

Today, we’re addressing a number of top developer requests:

1. System instructions : Guide the model’s responses with system instructions, now available in Google AI Studio and the Gemini API. Define roles, formats, goals, and rules to steer the model's behavior for your specific use case. Set System Instructions easily in Google AI Studio 2. JSON mode : Instruct the model to only output JSON objects. This mode enables structured data extraction from text or images. You can get started with cURL, and Python SDK support is coming soon. 3. Improvements to function calling : You can now select modes to limit the model’s outputs, improving reliability. Choose text, function call, or just the function itself.

A new embedding model with improved performance

Starting today, developers will be able to access our next generation text embedding model via the Gemini API. The new model, text-embedding-004 , (text-embedding-preview-0409 in Vertex AI ), achieves a stronger retrieval performance and outperforms existing models with comparable dimensions, on the MTEB benchmarks .

These are just the first of many improvements coming to the Gemini API and Google AI Studio in the next few weeks. We’re continuing to work on making Google AI Studio and the Gemini API the easiest way to build with Gemini. Get started today in Google AI Studio with Gemini 1.5 Pro, explore code examples and quickstarts in our new Gemini API Cookbook , and join our community channel on Discord .

Premiere Pro feature summary (March 2024 release)

Now in Premiere Pro, Speech to Text is GPU-accelerated and over 15% faster. Plus, with new marker filtering options, label color presets, and more, it’s the perfect time to update.

Learn about  best practices for updating Premiere Pro.

Faster, GPU-accelerated Speech to Text

Speech to Text is now GPU-accelerated and over 15% faster for speedier automatic transcription and Text-Based Editing workflows. With additional changes under the hood, accuracy has also been improved across 18 languages.

The Speech to Text and Captions interface with transcription, and captions highlighted.

Improved marker behavior with powerful new filtering options

The Marker panel now includes filter options to  Show All Markers ,  Show Sequence Markers , and  Show Clip Markers . Choose any one filter to view the markers most relevant to your current work. Select  Ignore Selection in Timeline  to filter markers regardless of which track items are selected in the timeline.   With these behaviors, it’s easier to stay organized and find exactly what you need.  

UI shows the Markers panel menu with new Show All Markers, Show Sequence Markers, Show Clip Markers and Ignore Selection in Timeline options added to the menu.

Revamped text styling for captions and graphics

An all-new overhaul of text styling within Premiere Pro introduces thumbnails and a fresh style browser . Seamlessly reuse your favorite styles across multiple projects for a streamlined editing experience like never before.

UI shows Local Styles and Open Project styles in a single window.

Label Color Presets and Swatches

Use  label color presets   to select, name, and share your project’s unique label colors. Associate colors to label defaults and create a preset you can share with your whole team so you can stay organized together. Plus, when you right-click on an item to apply a new label color, you’ll see a color swatch next to the name.

To access new label color presets, go to Settings > Labels . Adjust your label colors and defaults, then select  Save label color preset .  To import someone’s preset, select  Import label color preset .

You can click on the folder icon to navigate to where your label color presets are saved on disk.  You’ll find those presets in:

  • macOS:  /Users/<username>/Documents/Adobe/Common/Assets/Label Color Presets 
  • Windows at  Users\<username>\Documents\Adobe\Common\Assets\Label Color Presets

 Aside from  Default ,  Classic , and  Vibrant   presets, you’ll also find an  Editorial preset  created by TV and film editors with colors named for assets frequently used by post-production teams.

UI shows the Labels preferences panel with different lable colors and lable defaults.

Additional updates

  • Expand or collapse media location selections in Import  mode to focus on the most used folders while hiding the rest.
  • We’ve added the capability to export 8mm film at 16 or 18 frames per second.
  • Added a new sequence contextual menu option called Multi-Camera Follows Nest Setting , allowing users to decide if the option to cut in sequences as nests or individual clips should be applied to Multi-Camera sources as they are cut into a sequence.

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When you select Help or Provide Feedback inside Premiere Pro, you’ll automatically log in to the Adobe Support Community Forums .

Fixed issues

We have been working hard at making Premiere Pro even better. Here are the important  fixes , performance improvements, and more.

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Japanese PM Fumio Kishida addresses U.S. 'self-doubt' about world role in remarks to Congress

WASHINGTON — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida asserted in an address to a joint meeting of Congress on Thursday that his country stands with the U.S. at a time when history is at a turning point.

Kishida said the U.S. held a certain reputation decades ago that "shaped the international order" and "championed freedom and democracy."

"You believed that freedom is the oxygen of humanity," he said. "The world needs the United States to continue playing this pivotal role in the affairs of nations. And yet, as we meet here today, I detect an undercurrent of self-doubt among some Americans about what your role in the world should be."

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Addresses Joint Meeting Of Congress

Kishida said that is happening when the world is "at history's turning point" as "freedom and democracy are currently under threat around the globe," climate change is causing natural disasters, and technology such as artificial intelligence is advancing.

Japan faces "an unprecedented and the greatest strategic challenge" from China," he said. He also spoke about the threats from North Korea and from Russia in Ukraine.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as the United States’ closest friend, tomodachi, the people of Japan are with you, side by side, to assure the survival of liberty," he said. "Not just for our people, but for all people."

He continued: "I am here to say that Japan is already standing shoulder to shoulder with the United States. You are not alone. We are with you."

Kishida shared that he has felt a special connection to the U.S. since he attended his first three years of elementary school in Queens.

"We arrived in the fall of 1963, and for several years my family lived like Americans," he said. "My father would take the subway to Manhattan, where he worked as a trade official. We rooted for the Mets and the Yankees and ate hot dogs at Coney Island. On vacation, we would go to Niagara Falls or here to Washington, D.C."

It was only the second time a Japanese prime minister has formally delivered remarks to Congress. The first time in 2015, when Shinzo Abe spoke with Kishida in attendance as a foreign minister. Abe was assassinated in 2022. The last foreign leader to address lawmakers was Israeli President Isaac Herzog, in July.

Thursday's address also marked the first joint meeting with a foreign leader since Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., took the gavel. Vice President Kamala Harris also presided over the chamber during the speech.

Congressional leaders had invited Kishida to speak to both chambers in early March, with Johnson saying in a statement that it was part of an effort to lay "the foundation for collaboration in the years to come."

Before the address, Kishida met in a room just off the House chamber floor with the Big Four congressional leaders: Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. They didn't take any questions; Johnson joked to Kishida that he had brought along a large media corps from Japan.

"Japan is a close ally — critical to both our national and economic security," Schumer said. "This visit will continue to deepen the diplomatic and security relationship between our two countries and build on the strength of decades of cooperation.”

The visit is notable as Republicans, especially those in the House, resist providing foreign aid to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and other places; countering China has been a big focus of Kishida's visit to the U.S.

"China's current external stance and military actions present an unprecedented and the greatest strategic challenge, not only to the peace and security of Japan, but to the peace and stability of the international community at large," Kishida said.

He added: "Russia's unprovoked, unjust and brutal war of aggression against Ukraine has entered its third year. As I often say, Ukraine of today may be East Asia of tomorrow."

Before Kishida was invited, the Republican and Democratic leaders on the House Foreign Affairs Committee urged Johnson to formally ask him to speak to Congress, saying in a letter that it would "signal congressional support for this critical alliance and help Members of Congress understand [Japan's] importance to the economic and strategic interests of the United States."

After the address, Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken hosted a luncheon with Kishida at the State Department.

In the late afternoon, Kishida participated in the inaugural U.S.-Japan-Philippines trilateral summit at the White House, meeting with President Joe Biden and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

During that meeting, Biden said the U.S. defense commitments to Japan and the Philippines are “ironclad.”

“Any attack on Philippine aircraft, vessels or armed forces in the South China Sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty,” he said.

Biden also highlighted technology and clean energy as areas for the “deepening ties” among the three countries.

“We’re securing our semiconductor supply chain,” he said, adding that the U.S. is expanding telecommunications in the Philippines.

In a joint statement after the meeting, the three leaders voiced concerns over what they called China’s “dangerous and aggressive behavior.”

“We steadfastly oppose the dangerous and coercive use of Coast Guard and maritime militia vessels in the South China Sea, as well as efforts to disrupt other countries’ offshore resource exploitation,” their statement said.

They also expressed opposition to efforts that “seek to undermine Japan’s longstanding and peaceful administration of the Senkaku Islands” in the East China Sea.

On Wednesday, Biden and Kishida announced plans to improve the U.S. military command structure in Japan, which hosts about 54,000 U.S. personnel. The two countries will also form a military-industrial council to explore the kinds of weapons they can produce jointly.

The White House hosted a state dinner for Kishida in the evening. Guests included former President Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton, as well as Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Apple CEO Tim Cook.

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Rebecca Shabad is a politics reporter for NBC News based in Washington.

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Scott Wong is a senior congressional reporter for NBC News.

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Biden to Call for Tripling Tariffs on Chinese Steel Products

In a speech to union steelworkers in Pittsburgh, the president will announce several new measures meant to raise new barriers against floods of Chinese imports.

President Biden, wearing a blue suit and no tie, descending the stairs from an airplane.

By Jim Tankersley and Nicholas Nehamas

Reporting from Washington and Scranton, Pa.

President Biden on Wednesday will call on his trade representative to more than triple some tariffs on steel and aluminum products from China, as part of a series of moves meant to help cushion American manufacturers from a surge of low-cost imports.

Speaking to the United Steelworkers Union in Pittsburgh, Mr. Biden will ask the U.S. trade representative, Katherine Tai, to increase tariffs to 25 percent on certain Chinese products that currently face tariffs of 7.5 percent — or no tariffs at all — U.S. officials said.

Mr. Biden will also announce a new trade representative investigation into China’s aggressive support for shipbuilders and other related industries, in response to a union complaint. And he will announce new initiatives to work with Mexican officials to block China from evading American steel tariffs by routing its exports through Mexico.

The moves represent an escalating effort by Mr. Biden and his aides to stop a flood of low-cost Chinese exports from undermining made-in-America products — and jeopardizing a central focus of Mr. Biden’s economic agenda.

Those exports, which often enjoy heavy subsidies from Beijing and low-cost labor, propelled the Chinese economy to higher-than-expected growth in the opening months of the year. But they have raised alarms in the United States and other nations that trade heavily with China, with leaders of those countries accusing Chinese officials of flouting international trade law and disrupting their own domestic manufacturing.

“China is simply too big to play by its own rules,” Lael Brainard, who heads Mr. Biden’s National Economic Council, told reporters.

U.S. officials have increasingly complained about China’s manufacturing overcapacity, contending that its subsidies of clean energy products and other factory goods are giving Chinese factories an unfair advantage and distorting global markets.

“With these subsidies, the amount of capacity exceeds global demand and what it’s likely to be even over the next decade,” Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen said on Tuesday, in remarks accusing the International Monetary Fund of insufficient focus on the issue.

“When the markets weaken, prices fall and it’s our firms who go out of business, and those that are our allied countries,” she said. “Chinese firms continue to receive support so that they remain.”

The Biden administration has balanced those critiques with diplomatic outreach — and pressure. Ms. Yellen traveled to China last week for several days of meetings with leaders there. On Tuesday, according to news reports, Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III talked with his Chinese counterpart for the first time in more than a year.

Late last week, Mr. Biden convened a White House security summit with the leaders of Japan and the Philippines, which was intended as a show of unity against China’s military actions in the South China Sea.

Countering China has also become a central issue in Mr. Biden’s presidential rematch with former President Donald J. Trump. Both men are pitching tariffs and other trade restrictions to factory workers, labor groups and other key voting blocs in the industrial Midwest.

“When a country just rips us off like China, then what I did is that the tariffs, and the tariffs were forcing companies back to the United States,” Mr. Trump told CNBC in March.

The tariffs Mr. Biden will propose raising on Wednesday were initially imposed by Mr. Trump when he was president. Mr. Biden’s trade representative is conducting a four-year review of those tariffs. U.S. officials have said for months that the review is nearing completion, a position they reaffirmed in a call with reporters on Tuesday.

Mr. Biden’s stop in Pittsburgh is part of a three-day swing through Pennsylvania, a crucial battleground state that he narrowly won in 2020 and has visited more than any other. The president’s campaign is hoping to mobilize support from organized labor, a traditionally Democratic constituency from which Mr. Trump has pulled some support.

On Tuesday, Mr. Biden spoke at the local union of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners in Scranton, Pa., his hometown.

He also delivered a flurry of attacks against Mr. Trump during a campaign address on taxes earlier in the day, asserting that the former president was a pawn of billionaires, not a friend of the working class, and citing his roots in Scranton.

“Donald Trump looks at the world differently than you and me,” Mr. Biden said in a speech that signaled his campaign’s intention to make the 2024 election a referendum on Mr. Trump. “He wakes up in the morning at Mar-a-Lago thinking about himself — how he can help his billionaire friends gain power and control, and force their extreme agenda on the rest of us.”

Alan Rappeport and Michael D. Shear contributed reporting.

Jim Tankersley writes about economic policy at the White House and how it affects the country and the world. He has covered the topic for more than a dozen years in Washington, with a focus on the middle class. More about Jim Tankersley

Nicholas Nehamas is a Times political reporter covering the re-election campaign of President Biden. More about Nicholas Nehamas

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Trump goes after the judge and prosecutors in his hush money case in last rally before trial begins

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event in Schnecksville, Pa., Saturday, April 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign event in Schnecksville, Pa., Saturday, April 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)

Former U.S. President Donald Trump walks to the podium during a campaign event in Schnecksville, Pa., on Saturday, April 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)

Attendees gather as former U.S. President Donald Trump holds a campaign event in Schnecksville, Pa., on Saturday, April 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)

FILE - Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally, July 29, 2023, in Erie, Pa. Trump plans to hold a rally Saturday, April 13, 2024, in northeast Pennsylvania, his last before his criminal hush money trial begins on Monday. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki, File)

Former U.S. President Donald Trump greets attendees during a campaign event in Schnecksville, Pa., on Saturday, April 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)

Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a news conference with Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, R-La., Friday, April 12, 2024, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

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SCHNECKSVILLE, Pa. (AP) — Former President Donald Trump on Saturday lit into New York prosecutors and the criminal hush money case they brought against him during his last rally before what he called a “communist show trial” begins Monday.

“I will be forced to sit fully gagged. I’m not allowed to talk. They want to take away my constitutional right to talk,” said Trump, who has been barred from publicly discussing potential witnesses and jurors but not the judge or prosecutors.

“I’m proud to do it for you,” Trump told a crowd in northeast Pennsylvania. “Have a good time watching.”

Trump spoke as Israel was fighting off a retaliatory drone attack from Iran that threatened to tip into a regional war in the Middle East. After a short mention of the attack, which he claimed wouldn’t have happened if he were president, Trump turned to an extended tirade against his own legal troubles.

What to know about Trump’s hush money trial:

  • Follow our live updates .
  • Trump will be first ex-president on criminal trial. Here’s what to know about the hush money case.
  • A jury of his peers: A look at how jury selection will work in Donald Trump’s first criminal trial .
  • Donald Trump is facing four criminal indictments, and a civil lawsuit. You can track all of the cases here.

He went after Judge Juan M. Merchan, whom he called “corrupt,” and District Attorney Alvin Bragg, declaring himself a victim of Democrats bent on blocking his return to the White House.

Trump is navigating four separate criminal prosecutions while running to avenge his loss to President Joe Biden, creating an unprecedented swirl of legal and political chaos.

Jury selection starts Monday in New York in his trial where he is charged with seeking during his 2016 campaign to bury stories about extramarital affairs by arranging hush money payments.

It will be the first criminal trial ever of a former U.S. president. And it will limit Trump’s availability on the campaign trail, though he is expected to speak to the media after court often and has for months fundraised and campaigned on the felony charges he faces.

Trump spoke at the Schnecksville Fire Hall in Lehigh County, where a long line formed outward three hours before Trump’s planned appearance. It was Trump’s third visit this year to the vital swing state , one that could decide who wins this year’s presidential race. He also plans to attend a fundraiser in nearby Bucks County before the event.

Pennsylvania is a critical battleground in the rematch between Trump and Biden, with both candidates expected to visit the state frequently through November. Trump flipped the state to the Republican column in 2016 but lost it four years after to Biden, who was born in the northeast city of Scranton and has long talked about his roots in the city. Biden plans to deliver a major address Tuesday in Scranton on tax fairness.

Bob Dippel, 69, retired after working as a chief financial officer for several small businesses. He said he didn’t think the upcoming trial “would matter too much” to independent voters because “people are starting to see the mockery being made” of the legal system.

Biden has argued Trump’s lies about losing the 2020 election are dangerous for the country. He has said Trump poses a fundamental threat to democracy and U.S. alliances abroad — rhetoric that Trump has argued applies to Biden.

“We’re going to win in the biggest landslide in history, because we’re the ones who are fighting to save our democracy and Joe Biden is a demented tyrant,” Trump said.

Iran’s attack on Israel, in apparent retaliation for a strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus that killed 12 people, may once again push foreign policy and the Middle East into the center of the presidential campaign.

It marked the first time Iran has launched a direct military assault on Israel, where officials have vowed to strike Iran directly in response to any attack from Iranian soil.

Prior to Saturday, Trump has recently said Israel needs to “ finish up ” its offensive in Gaza, warning the country is “absolutely losing the PR war ” as deaths mount and images of mass destruction proliferate. Israeli forces are going after Hamas after militants staged an Oct. 7 attack in which they killed an estimated 1,200 people and took 250 hostages.

“Get it over with, and let’s get back to peace and stop killing people. And that’s a very simple statement,” Trump said in an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt earlier this month. “They have to get it done. Get it over with, and get it over with fast because we have to — you have to get back to normalcy and peace.”

Trump recently said that any Democratic-leaning voters who support Israel should back him instead, as Biden has criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s actions in his war against Hamas. The Republican said Wednesday that “any Jewish person who votes for a Democrat or votes for Biden should have their head examined.”

During his presidency, he moved the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and facilitated the normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states through a series of agreements known as the Abraham Accords. He pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal negotiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama, a move that Israel welcomed.

The deal lifted sanctions on Iran, which agreed in exchange to limit its nuclear program and allow inspections. Trump said it was too generous to Iran, while supporters of a deal said it was the best option to forestall a nuclear-armed Iran.

FILE - Former President Donald Trump, center, appears in court for his arraignment, Tuesday, April 4, 2023, in New York. Trump’s history-making criminal trial is set to start Monday, April 15, with a group of 12 jurors and six alternates chosen to decide whether Trump is guilty of a crime. The idea is to get people who are willing to put their personal opinions aside and make a decision based on the evidence. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, Pool)

Cooper reported from Phoenix.



  1. Text To Speech Converter in HTML CSS & JavaScript

    speech to text html

  2. JavaScript Text To Speech Converter

    speech to text html

  3. JavaScript Text to Speech using SpeechSynthesis Interface

    speech to text html

  4. Speech to Text Conversion using JavaScript

    speech to text html

  5. Text To Speech Converter Using HTML ,CSS & Javascript

    speech to text html

  6. Your Smart Speech Synthesizer: HTML5 Text-to-Speech

    speech to text html


  1. Text To Speech Converter

  2. How to build Screen Reader (Text Speech) with JavaScript

  3. How to Do Text to Speech on CapCut Tutorial Ai

  4. Text to speech Converter #html #CSS #coding #javascript #frontend

  5. how to add text to speech in our video || #capcut#tutorials#shorts

  6. Text-to-Speech Convertor Using Only JavaScript


  1. Using the Web Speech API

    Speech recognition involves receiving speech through a device's microphone, which is then checked by a speech recognition service against a list of grammar (basically, the vocabulary you want to have recognized in a particular app.) When a word or phrase is successfully recognized, it is returned as a result (or list of results) as a text string, and further actions can be initiated as a result.

  2. Building a Speech-to-Text Web App using HTML and JavaScript

    Creating the HTML Structure. Let's start by setting up the HTML structure for our Speech-to-Text web application. Create an HTML file and name it index.html. Open the file and add the following ...

  3. Speech to Text Converter with HTML CSS JS

    Introduction : This project is a Speech to Text Converter, which allows users to convert spoken words into written text. It consists of an HTML page with a textarea to display the converted text and a button (represented by an image) to trigger the speech recognition functionality. The project uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to achieve this ...

  4. How to convert speech into text using JavaScript

    Learn how to use the Web Speech API to convert speech into text using JavaScript in this tutorial from GeeksforGeeks. You will also find well-written articles, quizzes and interview questions on various topics related to computer science and programming.

  5. How To Convert Voice To Text Using JavaScript

    Step 1: Set up the HTML code and microphone recorder. Create a file index.html and add some HTML elements to display the text. To use a microphone, we embed RecordRTC, a JavaScript library for audio and video recording. Additionally, we embed index.js, which will be the JavaScript file that handles the frontend part.

  6. Speech to text in the browser with the Web Speech API

    The Web Speech API has two functions, speech synthesis, otherwise known as text to speech, and speech recognition, or speech to text. ... And that's it, we can do this with plain HTML, CSS and ...

  7. Building an Audio to Text with Real-Time Speech Recognition Using HTML

    Building a Real-Time Audio Chat with OpenAI: Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Integration In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating a real-time audio chat ...

  8. Building a Speech to Text App with JavaScript

    In the code above, we designed the user interface for our speech-to-text application using HTML and CSS. However, for simplicity, we are going to use Bootstrap to ease the designing process. We also created a button that will trigger the speech-to-text converter code, and the result is shown in the textarea we created above.

  9. Convert Speech to Text Using Web Speech API in JavaScript

    Photo by Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash. Some time back, I wrote an article where we learned how to convert text to speech using Web Speech API.You can read that article here.. We can use Web Speech API to convert text into speech and speech/voice to text. Today, we are going to learn how we can do that.

  10. Speech to Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript With Source Code

    We use Html for creating a Structure for the project and use Css for styling Speech To Text and finally, we add JavaScript for Speech To Text functionality. We use SpeechRecognition's inbuilt JavaScript API to get speech. then write code for Show Speech To Text that we Speak. Then Use If/Else to move div with our voice that is captured by Voice ...

  11. JavaScript Speech Recognition Example (Speech to Text)

    With the Web Speech API, we can recognize speech using JavaScript. It is super easy to recognize speech in a browser using JavaScript and then getting the text from the speech to use as user input. We have already covered How to convert Text to Speech in Javascript. But the support for this API is limited to the Chrome browser only. So if you ...

  12. How to convert speech to text using JavaScript?

    Algorithm. Step 1 − Create a HTML page as given below, create a HTML button using <button> tag. Add an onclick event in it with the function name "runSpeechRecog ()". Also create a <p> tag with id "action" in it. Step 2 − Create a runSpeechRecog () arrow function inside a script tag as we are using internal javascript.

  13. Speech to text in the browser with the Web Speech API

    Twilion. The Web Speech API has two functions, speech synthesis, otherwise known as text to speech, and speech recognition, or speech to text. We previously investigated text to speech so let's take a look at how browsers handle recognising and transcribing speech with the SpeechRecognition API. Being able to take voice commands from users ...

  14. html

    I have built a code for "speech to text" and of course I've created an input type text BUT when I speak (to my computer) the words don't go into the input type text. ... Text-To-Speech with jquery API HTML. 4. Using speech-to-text in non-WebKit browsers. 2. Speech to text button in textbox on a webpage. 2.

  15. HTML5 Speech Recognition API. by Kai Wedekind

    With that in mind, we can create our first speech recognition example: const recognition = new window.SpeechRecognition(); recognition.onresult = (event) => {. const speechToText = event.results[0][0].transcript; } recognition.start(); This will ask the user to allow the page to have access to the microphone.

  16. html

    How to do speech to text using javascript or html5,i have done it in chrome using x-webkit-speech,but its not supported in other browsers.So is there any api's or libraries to do speech recognition.any answers will be appreciated.Thank you. javascript. html.

  17. Speech to text Converter

    About HTML Preprocessors. HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug. Learn more · Versions

  18. Web Speech API

    About HTML Preprocessors. HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write a loop in Pug. Learn more · Versions

  19. Build a Text to Speech Converter using HTML, CSS & Javascript

    A text-to-speech converter should have a text area at the top so that, the user can enter a long text to be converted into speech followed by a button that converts the entered text into speech and plays the sound on click to it. In this article, we will build a fully responsive text-to-speech converter using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Preview ...

  20. Text to speech example

    Basic text to speech player using HTML5 SpeechSynthesis API and Materialize... Pen Settings. HTML CSS JS Behavior Editor HTML. HTML Preprocessor About HTML Preprocessors. HTML preprocessors can make writing HTML more powerful or convenient. For instance, Markdown is designed to be easier to write and read for text documents and you could write ...

  21. Text To Speech Converter in HTML CSS & JavaScript

    Text To Speech (TTS) is a technology that enables your text to be converted into speech sounds. In this project (Text To Speech Converter App), you can convert your text into speech on different voices. A pause and resume option is also available if your text character length is more than 80.

  22. Speech-to-Text on an AMD GPU with Whisper

    In this blog, we will show you how to convert speech to text using Whisper with both Hugging Face and OpenAI's official Whisper release on an AMD GPU. Tested with GPU Hardware: MI210 / MI250. Prerequisites: Ensure ROCm 5.7+ and PyTorch 2.2.1+ are installed. We recommend users to install the latest release of PyTorch and TorchAudio as we are ...

  23. Speech to Text Using HTML,CSS and JavaScript (Source Code)

    We use Html for creating a Structure for the project and use Css for styling Speech To Text and finally, we add JavaScript for Speech To Text functionality. We use SpeechRecognition's inbuilt JavaScript API to get speech. then write code for Show Speech Text that we Speak. Then Use If/Else to move div with our voice that is captured by Voice ...

  24. Gemini 1.5 Pro Now Available in 180+ Countries; With Native Audio

    Additionally, Gemini 1.5 Pro is now able to reason across both image (frames) and audio (speech) for videos uploaded in Google AI Studio, and we look forward to adding API support for this soon. ... The new model, text-embedding-004, (text-embedding-preview-0409 in Vertex AI), achieves a stronger retrieval performance and outperforms existing ...

  25. Premiere Pro feature summary (March 2024 release)

    Speech to Text is now GPU-accelerated and over 15% faster for speedier automatic transcription and Text-Based Editing workflows. With additional changes under the hood, accuracy has also been improved across 18 languages. Use the power of AI to match the pacing of the spoken dialog with Speech to Text.

  26. Japanese PM Fumio Kishida addresses U.S. 'self-doubt' about world role

    By Rebecca Shabad and Scott Wong. WASHINGTON — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida asserted in an address to a joint meeting of Congress on Thursday that his country stands with the U.S. at a ...

  27. Trump suffers setbacks in efforts to shut down two of the ...

    Former President Donald Trump was dealt two major setbacks Thursday in his efforts to derail the criminal cases against him, with judges in the Georgia election interference case and in the ...

  28. Biden to Call for Tripling Tariffs on Chinese Steel Products

    Reporting from Washington and Scranton, Pa. April 17, 2024, 5:04 a.m. ET. President Biden on Wednesday will call on his trade representative to more than triple some tariffs on steel and aluminum ...

  29. Trump goes after judge, prosecutors in his last rally before hush money

    Updated 6:23 PM PDT, April 13, 2024. SCHNECKSVILLE, Pa. (AP) — Former President Donald Trump on Saturday lit into New York prosecutors and the criminal hush money case they brought against him during his last rally before what he called a "communist show trial" begins Monday. "I will be forced to sit fully gagged.