New Year's Eve, by Charles Lamb

'I am content to stand still at the age to which I am arrived'

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An accountant in India House in London for more than 30 years and caregiver for his sister Mary (who, in a fit of mania, had stabbed their mother to death), Charles Lamb was one of the great masters of the English essay .

The most intimate of the early-19th-century essayists, Lamb relied on stylistic artifice ("whim-whams," as he referred to his antique diction and far-fetched comparisons ) and a contrived persona known as "Elia." As George L. Barnett has observed, "Lamb's egoism suggests more than Lamb's person: it awakens in the reader reflections of kindred feelings and affections" ( Charles Lamb: The Evolution of Elia , 1964).

In the essay "New Year's Eve," which first appeared in the January 1821 issue of The London Magazine , Lamb reflects wistfully on the passage of time. You may find it interesting to compare Lamb's essay with three others in our collection:

  • "At the Turn of the Year," by Fiona Macleod (William Sharp)
  • "Last Year," by Horace Smith
  • " The New Year," by George William Curtis
  • "January in the Sussex Woods," by Richard Jefferies

New Year's Eve

by Charles Lamb

1 Every man hath two birth-days: two days, at least, in every year, which set him upon revolving the lapse of time, as it affects his mortal duration. The one is that which in an especial manner he termeth his . In the gradual desuetude of old observances, this custom of solemnizing our proper birth-day hath nearly passed away, or is left to children, who reflect nothing at all about the matter, nor understand any thing in it beyond cake and orange. But the birth of a New Year is of an interest too wide to be pretermitted by king or cobbler. No one ever regarded the First of January with indifference. It is that from which all date their time, and count upon what is left. It is the nativity of our common Adam.

2 Of all sounds of all bells--(bells, the music nighest bordering upon heaven)--most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the Old Year. I never hear it without a gathering-up of my mind to a concentration of all the images that have been diffused over the past twelvemonth; all I have done or suffered, performed or neglected--in that regretted time. I begin to know its worth, as when a person dies. It takes a personal colour; nor was it a poetical flight in a contemporary, when he exclaimed

I saw the skirts of the departing Year.

It is no more than what in sober sadness every one of us seems to be conscious of, in that awful leave-taking. I am sure I felt it, and all felt it with me, last night; though some of my companions affected rather to manifest an exhilaration at the birth of the coming year, than any very tender regrets for the decease of its predecessor. But I am none of those who--

Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest.

I am naturally, beforehand, shy of novelties; new books, new faces, new years, from some mental twist which makes it difficult in me to face the prospective. I have almost ceased to hope; and am sanguine only in the prospects of other (former) years. I plunge into foregone visions and conclusions. I encounter pell-mell with past disappointments. I am armour-proof against old discouragements. I forgive, or overcome in fancy, old adversaries. I play over again for love , as the gamesters phrase it, games, for which I once paid so dear. I would scarce now have any of those untoward accidents and events of my life reversed. I would no more alter them than the incidents of some well-contrived novel. Methinks, it is better that I should have pined away seven of my goldenest years, when I was thrall to the fair hair, and fairer eyes, of Alice W----n, than that so passionate a love-adventure should be lost. It was better that our family should have missed that legacy, which old Dorrell cheated us of, than that I should have at this moment two thousand pounds in banco , and be without the idea of that specious old rogue.

3 In a degree beneath manhood, it is my infirmity to look back upon those early days. Do I advance a paradox , when I say, that, skipping over the intervention of forty years, a man may have leave to love himself , without the imputation of self-love?

4 If I know aught of myself, no one whose mind is introspective--and mine is painfully so--can have a less respect for his present identity, than I have for the man Elia. I know him to be light, and vain, and humorsome; a notorious ***; addicted to ****: averse from counsel, neither taking it, nor offering it;--*** besides; a stammering buffoon; what you will; lay it on, and spare not; I subscribe to it all, and much more, than thou canst be willing to lay at his door--but for the child Elia--that "other me," there, in the back-ground--I must take leave to cherish the remembrance of that young master--with as little reference, I protest, to this stupid changeling of five-and-forty, as if it had been a child of some other house, and not of my parents. I can cry over its patient small-pox at five, and rougher medicaments. I can lay its poor fevered head upon the sick pillow at Christ's, and wake with it in surprise at the gentle posture of maternal tenderness hanging over it, that unknown had watched its sleep. I know how it shrank from any the least colour of falsehood. God help thee, Elia, how art thou changed! Thou art sophisticated. I know how honest, how courageous (for a weakling) it was--how religious, how imaginative, how hopeful! From what have I not fallen, if the child I remember was indeed myself, and not some dissembling guardian, presenting a false identity, to give the rule to my unpractised steps, and regulate the tone of my moral being!

5 That I am fond of indulging, beyond a hope of sympathy, in such retrospection, may be the symptom of some sickly idiosyncrasy. Or is it owing to another cause; simply, that being without wife or family, I have not learned to project myself enough out of myself; and having no offspring of my own to dally with, I turn back upon memory and adopt my own early idea, as my heir and favourite? If these speculations seem fantastical to thee, reader (a busy man, perchance), if I tread out of the way of thy sympathy, and am singularly-conceited only, I retire, impenetrable to ridicule, under the phantom cloud of Elia.

6 The elders, with whom I was brought up, were of a character not likely to let slip the sacred observance of any old institution; and the ringing out of the Old Year was kept by them with circumstances of peculiar ceremony. In those days the sound of those midnight chimes, though it seemed to raise hilarity in all around me, never failed to bring a train of pensive imagery into my fancy. Yet I then scarce conceived what it meant, or thought of it as a reckoning that concerned me. Not childhood alone, but the young man till thirty, never feels practically that he is mortal. He knows it indeed, and, if need were, he could preach a homily on the fragility of life; but he brings it not home to himself, any more than in a hot June we can appropriate to our imagination the freezing days of December. But now, shall I confess a truth? I feel these audits but too powerfully. I begin to count the probabilities of my duration, and to grudge at the expenditure of moments and shortest periods, like miser's farthings. In proportion as the years both lessen and shorten, I set more count upon their periods, and would fain lay my ineffectual finger upon the spoke of the great wheel. I am not content to pass away "like a weaver's shuttle." Those  metaphors  solace me not, nor sweeten the unpalatable draught of mortality. I care not to be carried with the tide, that smoothly bears human life to eternity; and reluct at the inevitable course of destiny. I am in love with this green earth; the face of town and country; the unspeakable rural solitudes, and the sweet security of streets. I would set up my tabernacle here. I am content to stand still at the age to which I am arrived; I, and my friends: to be no younger, no richer, no handsomer. I do not want to be weaned by age; or drop, like mellow fruit, as they say, into the grave. Any alteration, on this earth of mine, in diet or in lodging, puzzles and discomposes me. My household-gods plant a terrible fixed foot, and are not rooted up without blood. They do not willingly seek Lavinian shores. A new state of being staggers me.

7  Sun, and sky, and breeze, and solitary walks, and summer holidays, and the greenness of fields, and the delicious juices of meats and fishes, and society, and the cheerful glass, and candle-light, and fire-side conversations, and innocent vanities, and jests, and  irony itself --do these things go out with life?

8  Can a ghost laugh, or shake his gaunt sides, when you are pleasant with him?

9  And you, my midnight darlings, my Folios! must I part with the intense delight of having you (huge armfuls) in my embraces? Must knowledge come to me, if it come at all, by some awkward experiment of intuition, and no longer by this familiar process of reading?

10  Shall I enjoy friendships there, wanting the smiling indications which point me to them here,--the recognisable face--the "sweet assurance of a look"--?

11  In winter this intolerable disinclination to dying--to give it its mildest name--does more especially haunt and beset me. In a genial August noon, beneath a sweltering sky, death is almost problematic. At those times do such poor snakes as myself enjoy an immortality. Then we expand and burgeon. Then are we as strong again, as valiant again, as wise again, and a great deal taller. The blast that nips and shrinks me, puts me in thoughts of death. All things allied to the insubstantial, wait upon that master feeling; cold, numbness, dreams, perplexity; moonlight itself, with its shadowy and spectral appearances,--that cold ghost of the sun, or Phoebus' sickly sister, like that innutritious one denounced in the Canticles:--I am none of her minions--I hold with the Persian.

12  Whatsoever thwarts, or puts me out of my way, brings death into my mind. All partial evils, like humours, run into that capital plague-sore. I have heard some profess an indifference to life. Such hail the end of their existence as a port of refuge; and speak of the grave as of some soft arms, in which they may slumber as on a pillow. Some have wooed death--but out upon thee, I say, thou foul, ugly phantom! I detest, abhor, execrate, and (with Friar John) give thee to six-score thousand devils, as in no instance to be excused or tolerated, but shunned as a universal viper; to be branded, proscribed, and spoken evil of! In no way can I be brought to digest thee, thou thin, melancholy  Privation , or more frightful and confounding  Positive!

13  Those antidotes, prescribed against the fear of thee, are altogether frigid and insulting, like thyself. For what satisfaction hath a man, that he shall "lie down with kings and emperors in death," who in his life-time never greatly coveted the society of such bed-fellows?--or, forsooth, that "so shall the fairest face appear?"--why, to comfort me, must Alice W----n be a goblin? More than all, I conceive disgust at those impertinent and misbecoming familiarities, inscribed upon your ordinary tombstones. Every dead man must take upon himself to be lecturing me with his odious truism, that "such as he now is, I must shortly be." Not so shortly, friend, perhaps, as thou imaginest. In the meantime I am alive. I move about. I am worth twenty of thee. Know thy betters! Thy New Years' Days are past. I survive, a jolly candidate for 1821. Another cup of wine--and while that turn-coat bell, that just now mournfully chanted the obsequies of 1820 departed, with changed notes lustily rings in a successor, let us attune to its peal the song made on a like occasion, by hearty, cheerful Mr. Cotton.--

"Hark, the cock crows, and yon bright star Tells us, the day himself's not far; And see where, breaking from the night, He gilds the western hills with light. With him old Janus doth appear, Peeping into the future year, With such a look as seems to say, The prospect is not good that way. Thus do we rise ill sights to see, And 'gainst ourselves to prophesy; When the prophetic fear of things A more tormenting mischief brings, More full of soul-tormenting gall, Than direst mischiefs can befall. But stay! but stay! methinks my sight, Better inform'd by clearer light, Discerns sereneness in that brow, That all contracted seem'd but now. His revers'd face may show distaste, And frown upon the ills are past; But that which this way looks is clear, And smiles upon the New-born Year. He looks too from a place so high, The Year lies open to his eye; And all the moments open are To the exact discoverer. Yet more and more he smiles upon The happy revolution. Why should we then suspect or fear The influences of a year, So smiles upon us the first morn, And speaks us good so soon as born? Plague on't! the last was ill enough, This cannot but make better proof; Or, at the worst, as we brush'd through The last, why so we may this too; And then the next in reason shou'd Be superexcellently good: For the worst ills (we daily see) Have no more perpetuity, Than the best fortunes that do fall; Which also bring us wherewithal Longer their being to support, Than those do of the other sort: And who has one good year in three, And yet repines at destiny, Appears ungrateful in the case, And merits not the good he has. Then let us welcome the New Guest With lusty brimmers of the best; Mirth always should Good Fortune meet, And renders e'en Disaster sweet: And though the Princess turn her back, Let us but line ourselves with sack, We better shall by far hold out, Till the next Year she face about."

14  How say you, reader--do not these verses smack of the rough magnanimity of the old English  vein? Do they not fortify like a cordial ; enlarging the heart, and productive of sweet blood, and generous spirits, in the concoction? Where be those puling fears of death, just now expressed or affected? Passed like a cloud--absorbed in the purging sunlight of clear poetry--clean washed away by a wave of genuine Helicon, your only Spa for these hypochondries--And now another cup of the generous! and a merry New Year , and many of them, to you all, my masters!

"New Year's Eve," by Charles Lamb, was first published in the January 1821 issue of  The London Magazine  and was included in  Essays of Elia , 1823 (reprinted by Pomona Press in 2006).

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Essay on Happy New Year: Its Celebration, New Year Eve & Importance

Essay on Happy New Year (Celebration, New Year Eve, Importance)

In this article, we have published an essay on happy new year and its celebration, new year eve & importance for students and children.

Table of Contents

Essay on Happy New Year 2021 for Students and Children

New Year is a time where everybody thinks of treasuring the cheerful spirit of the moment. There are unique ways to experience and explore more about the story of the New Year.

As the day approaches, college students and even school going children get indulged in writing essays on the relevance of New Year that they can celebrate this day with so much beatitude and hopefulness. 

In traditional times, it was a Roman calendar which had only ten months and designated 1st March as the New Year. However, in the Gregorian calendar, there are 12 months in every year and the New Year falls on 1st January, and this date is widely accepted and celebrated. 

Also Read – 60+ Best New year Resolution which will change your life

Happy New Year Celebration

New Year is celebrated worldwide with the utmost excitement and fun. It is a special day for everyone, and many celebrate the coming year in their way. You can see many buying various things like clothes and sweets from the market.

Even these days the shops are very crowded. 1st Jan New Year celebration in India is full of rituals and food. People celebrate it with dance and music, and children are happy because they get different food to eat and enjoy the tour with friends and family. 

Various communities in India celebrate their New Year on different dates as per their calendars. But, overall, it is a festival that brings happiness in people and spreads it everywhere. Indians celebrate this day on 1st Jan, but as per the Hindu scriptures, this day falls between March and April.

We celebrate a New Year of January as per the English calendar. So, every religion has its calendar; for instance, the Chinese celebrate this day in February. Also, the most country celebrates it on December 31st after midnight i.e. on 1st Jan. 

People congrats with each other and do fireworks at the same time. This day is one festival that are considered as the oldest holiday to date. The date of the celebration and how it is celebrated in various regions has changed over the years.

In traditional days, it relates the celebration to fetish. Christian celebrates it as the festival of Sunnah. 

The day reflects a fresh beginning and always teaches one to move forward. Whatever we did in the old year, learned successful or unsuccessful, learn from the past, and proceed to the future with a new hope is the significance of this celebration.

Just we are not sad at the end of the old year but welcome the New Year with great happiness & enthusiasm. Similarly, we shouldn’t be sad about the last time in life instead, look forward to thinking about passaging time and welcome fresh opportunities and try to improve life through them. 

On this day, you can see parties being held in many places in the celebration’s joy. It entertains one through delicious dishes, fun games, songs, and dances.

Some people also organise some religious programs and remember God and welcome the New Year. Even special programs are broadcasted on television and radio. You can see a loved one’s giving and taking greetings cards, gifts, and flowers from one another. 

You can see Indian streets full of New Year Shayari and greetings are written on roads with colours. Jan 1 is one of the most famous picnic days of India, so all the tourist places are filled everywhere. So, this way, we celebrate the Happy New Year. 

New Year Eve 2021

New Year Eve is one of the largest global celebrations because it marks the last day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, December 31; the day before the New Year. So, count down to the New Year no matter where you are in the world. 

What Do People Do in Happy New Year Eve?

Happy New Year Eve is a day mixed with feelings for many individuals. This is a time to celebrate the end of the year welcome what is in store in the New Year.

Also, this is a time where much experience a sense of nostalgia as they reflect on the events that took place in their lives in the past 12 months. Many start thinking about New Year’s resolution at this time of the year. 

Some people celebrate by attending midnight church services, while others gather around in public venues to count down for the closing seconds of the old year. Many hold parties to bid farewell to the finishing year and celebrate the day. The size of festive events can vary along with the themes.

You will find some people attending masquerade balls while others have costume parties. Some people also hold small gatherings or parties at their homes. Further, you will see firework displays highlight this special day Eve celebration. 

Public Life in New Year Eve

New Year Eve is a public holiday wide range of places among the countries. It is also a holiday for banks as it is a government holiday.

This is not a nationwide public holiday, but some businesses close early, schools are closed, and even many people may have a half-day off work. Those traveling through public transport must check with the local transport authorities on public transport schedules for this day. 

New Year Eve is the last day of the year and the day before New Year. This marks the beginning of a new year as per the Gregorian calendar. Pope Gregory XIII introduced this in 1582 and was adopted in some regions of Europe but was not used in different countries until even centuries later. 

New Year Eve festive can be traced back to celebrations in Europe that date back before Christianity spread. When many people in Europe converted to Christianity , they merged these festivals with Christian beliefs and then marked holidays like New year Eve & New Year celebration. 

It is crucial to record that not all culture follows the Gregorian calendar in observing New Year Eve & New year Day. For instance, the New Year in Islamic, Jewish, Coptic, Chinese, Hindu differs from that of the Gregorian calendar. 

Importance of Happy New Year 2021

New Year day is celebrated worldwide with great enthusiasm and zeal. This day is the festival when an entire community spreads joy everywhere and shares their feeling of happiness. Both children and youth are delighted on this special day.

They dance and enjoy together and are so happy for a moment that they forget any sorrows exists in their life. All enjoy 31st Dec night with full of energy. People exchange gifts and greetings cards with each other and there is a lot of crowds in the shops as people enjoy this day with frolic and fun. 

You will find a lot of celebration programs telecasting on TV and radio on 31st Dec night to give accord welcome of New Year. All the people celebrate on 31st Dec night and remember all the moments of the last year they enjoyed together. Even many countries rework on this special day at the stroke of midnight. 

You will find families who switch off their mobile at midnight and gather to enjoy the eve together. They will cut the pie and play traditional cards or do some more enjoyable things. You will find, on this day, much rework at midnight.

There is a lot of security and watch night services by government authorities on this day. You will also find articles been published by reputed companies in newspapers and magazines. They hope that next year brings a lot of expected changes that they hoped for last year.  

On this very day, youths are more concerned with enjoying meals with friends, exchanging gifts, shopping as they consider this festival as the source of the holiday rather than practicing religion. 

To cap it all, in the modern era, people celebrate New Year for enjoyment and ignore the value and importance of different festivals, so it is a duty of parents, Government and school authorities to educate children by giving proper info about this festival. I wish you a superb new year again. Hope you liked this essay on happy new year..

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Essays About New Year: 5 Examples and Prompts

The new year marks a new beginning for everyone. If you are writing essays about new year, you can start by reading some essay examples. 

On new year’s day, everything resets. The calendar returns to January, the year’s first month, and the year starts anew. In the same way, most people see the start of a new year as the start of something better for themselves.

They want to improve themselves in specific ways by picking up good traits, being kinder, and trying to get out of bad habits and mannerisms; they set new year’s resolutions to attempt to break these habits. New year’s eve and new year’s day are undoubtedly some of the most important days of the year.

If you are writing an essay about new year, start by reading these examples. 

Are you looking for more? Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays

1. The New Year: A Time for Reflection and a Time to Move Forward by Susanne Carlson

2. my new year’s resolution by francisco sáez, 3. my lonely new year’s eve party will consist of sadness, hope, and life-changing gratitude by dawn bevier, 4. the psychology of new years eve reflection by ben farrell, 5. why is new year’s eve so depressing by leila ettachfini, 1. what is the importance of new year’s resolutions, 2. different new year celebrations, 3. is new year a new beginning, 4. why some people find new year’s celebrations depressing, 5. are new year’s resolutions a waste of time.

“With reflection and attention to positive change, taking note of what we have learned on our journey up until now, can give us the opportunity to apply it to the future, to take with us what is helpful and to leave behind what is not.”

Carlson writes about the importance of reflection and learning from one’s mistakes for the new year ahead. She sees the new year as a time for new beginnings; she wants it to be the start of positive change for others, just as it has been for her. Reflection is essential, as it allows us to see what we can improve on and do better in the coming year. 

“According to Goleman, the link between attention and excellence is behind almost all our achievements. Attention is needed not only to understand, learn or remember, but also to read the emotions of others, generate empathy and build good relationships. It is an asset that, despite being little known and despised, has great relevance in how we face life.”

Sáez briefly explains his new year’s resolution: to be more attentive. He wants to improve his attention and focus on forming better relationships with others, healthily using technology, and better his mental health. By reading the book Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence , he hopes to hone his attention for the new year and do better in the future. You might also be interested in these essays about celebration .

“And yes, I know this pandemic is not done with its destruction, but I also know we’re fighting back like hell and making progress. And that long-awaited day of celebration is now coming sooner rather than later. And when that day comes, I can’t help but believe that the world will be a better place. I know I will be a better person and millions of you will be as well.”

In this solemn piece, Bevier laments new year’s celebrations during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed millions. She is sad for those she has lost and the loss of the pre-pandemic life she loved. However, she hopes the next new year will not be like the last, and she has learned to be grateful for the more minor things in life. The pandemic has taught her a lot, but most importantly, to be optimistic for the future and to look ahead to the new year with hope, kindness, and gratitude. 

“In reality, new years eve is no different to any other night of the year yet; we can’t help but assign some special meaning to the 31st of December. The psychological significance of the night can be a good thing, but it can also create tremendous anxiety for us.”

Farrell explains the psychological pressure of New Year’s Eve. This one night is no different from any other, but since it is the last one of the year, people feel the need to reflect not only on the day but the entire year. The imagery of big parties and “new beginnings” further add to the pressure, as people feel the need to have the “picture-perfect” new year. He says that while it can be helpful to use the beginning of the year as the start of positive change, it is more important to learn from one’s mistakes, no matter what time of the year. 

“‘Anytime you let social convention dictate what you do rather than doing what feels best for you, you run the risk of anxiety, depression, and so on,’ says Dr. Kubiak. New Year’s Eve leaves this group with a tough choice: go out even though you really don’t want to or deal with the uncomfortable task of telling your friends that you’re going to sit this one out.”

Ettachfini explains new year’s eve from the perspective of those who get anxious or depressed during this time. Failure during the year, social anxiety, and the feeling of having to say goodbye to the year are all contributing factors. She cites information from Dr. Larry Kubiak, who says that depression and anxiety are normal, but it is essential to talk about them with a loved one to prevent their consuming of your life. 

Top 5 Prompts on Essays about New Year

Essays about New Year: What is the importance of new year’s resolutions?

What is the importance of setting a new year’s resolution? In this essay, explore why people create new year resolutions and what a resolution aims to achieve. You can include your reasoning, interview others, or use online sources. Perhaps you can argue whether new years resolutions are helpful or not in achieving goals. Think about the resolutions you have set, and whether or not it has helped you achieve a goal. 

Different cultures and religions celebrate the new year differently, sometimes even having different dates. Write about how the new year is celebrated in different parts of the world, including dates, activities, and any local traditions. Use research to support your findings, this can be found in history books, interviews, statistical data or news articles online. 

Many think of the new year as a “rebirth” of some sort; however, it can be argued that the new year would be better used as an instrument of continuity, particularly that of the good things that happened in the previous year. You might also be interested in these essays about Christmas .

Some see new year as something to be sad about. In your essay, you can discuss the darker side of new year and write about anxiety and depression during this time, similar to Ettachfini’s essay. In your essay, include the reasons for, behaviors displayed, and possible remedies to sadness during the new year’s holidays.

Some say that it is unrealistic to make new year’s resolutions. Discuss if you believe new year’s resolutions are a waste of time or not. Create a compelling argumentative essay by stating your position and providing research, statistics, or interview data to back up your arguments.

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing ?

narrative essay about new year's eve

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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  • New Year Essay


New Year Essay for Students in English

New Year's Eve is a joyous festival celebrated all over the world. According to the Gregorian calendar, it marks the start of a new year (which contains 12 months and January 1 is counted as the first day of a new year). People all over the world begin making plans for new year's resolutions and preparations one month in advance.

New Year's Eve is a universal celebration that transcends cultural and caste boundaries, bringing joy to people worldwide. Celebrated with enthusiasm, people of all ages engage in various activities. Many schools and educational institutions observe a winter break, starting from Christmas Eve and extending until New Year's (January 1). The significance of New Year's lies in its representation of a fresh start, ushering in happiness as people bid farewell to the past year. This festive occasion symbolises hope and optimism, uniting individuals in the shared anticipation of new beginnings and the possibilities the upcoming year holds.  

The New Year is a time for people to put all of their bad experiences behind them and take a positive step into the future. Everyone wishes for their own and their loved ones' happiness, health, and prosperity in the coming New Year. For children, a new year is incomplete without three things: a Christmas tree, a New Year's Eve party with new dresses, and the required New Year's essay as part of their winter vacation homework).

How do People Around the World Celebrate?

A unique custom has been followed these days in every household – a New Year tree. In order to define this, it is nothing but the Christmas tree that gets decorated during the festive season and year-end. All the family members take part in decorating the Christmas tree/ New Year tree with various kinds of toys, bells, stars, candies, mistletoe, and colourful fairy lights.

New Year’s day is followed by different other customs and traditions in every household across the globe. Each culture celebrates this day in its own unique way. Some people start planning for a mini-vacation beforehand while some plan to spend quality time with their loved ones. The preparation begins with buying gifts, decorating houses, and purchasing new clothes.

India's New Year's Eve Celebration 

Everyone in India celebrates New Year on different days depending on their religion. Nonetheless, due to the influence of Western civilization, most people now celebrate New Year's Day on January 1 st as well. 

The advent of the New Year in India is marked by vibrant and diverse celebrations that resonate with cultural richness. It is a time when people extend heartfelt congratulations to their friends and family, sharing the joy of a fresh beginning. Hindus, in particular, embark on a tradition of thorough house cleaning, adorning their homes with saffron flags that symbolize auspiciousness.

The religious fervor escalates as bhajans echo in temples, creating a serene atmosphere. Special prayers are offered, fostering a spiritual ambiance across various religious sites. The New Year becomes a canvas for cultural expression, with events like Kavi Sammelan, Bhajan Sandhya, and Kalash Yatra captivating audiences in different locations. These festivities underscore the unity in diversity as India welcomes the promise of a new year with enthusiasm and reverence. 

January 1 as New Year’s Day

The early Roman Calendar has 10 months and 304 days, and each new year begins on the spring equinox; according to tradition, it was created by Romulus, the founder of Rome, in the eighth century B.C. Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome, later added the months of Januarius and Februarius to the Roman Calendar in 1713 B.C.

Over the centuries, the calendar has been out of sync with the Sun. The emperor Caesar then decided to solve the mystery in 46 B.C. by consulting with the most prominent astronomers and mathematicians of the time. Caesar introduced the Julian calendar, which was very similar to the modern Gregorian calendar, which is still used by the majority of countries around the world.

Caesar established January 1 as the first day of the year, partly to honour Janus, the Roman god of beginnings (whose two faces allowed him to seem back to the past and forward into the longer term which was a part of his reforms). To commemorate the New Year, the Romans exchanged gifts and offered sacrifices to God Janus. They also went to loud parties and adorned their homes with laurel branches.

Traditions for the New Year

Many countries celebrate New Year from the evening of December 31 (also known as New Year's Eve) until the early hours of January 1 st , often with several meals and snacks to bring good fortune in the coming year. Grapes are known as a symbol of hope for the coming months and are thus used by people in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.

Legumes, such as lentils in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southern United States, have been a traditional New Year's dish in many countries and places because they are thought to resemble coins and future financial success. Pork is also a popular New Year's dish in some countries, including Austria, Hungary, Cuba, and Portugal, and it is believed that pigs represent progress and prosperity.

Rice pudding with an almond hidden inside it is served on New Year's Eve in many countries, including Sweden and Norway. It is said that whoever finds the almond will be blessed with 12 months of good fortune. In contrast, ring-shaped cakes and pastries are served during the New Year in the Netherlands, Greece, Mexico, and other countries. It denotes that the year has completed a full circle.

The Importance of the New Year

New Year's Eve is like a big, happy party that everyone in the world joins! It's a special time when we say goodbye to the old year and welcome the brand-new one with excitement. The New Year is like a magical reset button; it encourages us to start fresh, try new things, and bring more happiness into our lives.

In the New Year, we look back at the things we did in the past year and learn from them. If we make any mistakes, it's okay because the New Year gives us a chance to do better. We make promises to ourselves, called resolutions, to be kind, work hard, or learn something new. It's like setting goals for ourselves.

The New Year is a bit like a festival, but instead of lights and decorations, it's full of positive vibes and energy. This energy helps us tackle challenges and reach our goals. So, New Year's Eve is not just a date on the calendar; it's a special time that fills us with enthusiasm and makes our lives even more exciting!

New Year’s Short Essay

On New Year's Day, everyone puts on new clothes and congratulates one another. On the occasion of the New Year, many different types of programmes are held in schools. The event of the New Year retains various fireworks, dance competitions, singing competitions, and so on. At New Year's, the market is ablaze with colour, with colourful lights, and other decorative items adorning every surface. On the occasion of the New Year, some countries have a state holiday, so people go on picnics. The New Year brings with it new hopes; we should always be happy in any situation, good or bad.

On this day, everyone reflects on the significant events of the previous year and evaluates the circumstances under which the entire year was spent. And, to make amends for the shortcomings of the previous year, take a new oath on the auspicious occasion of the New Year and get involved in doing that work for the coming year with full hard work and dedication. The Western Civilization's New Year was celebrated in Babylon 4000 years ago, but it was held on March 21 st at the time. However, since the introduction of the Julian calendar, New Year's Day has been celebrated on January 1 st every year. Every year has 365 days, at the end of which the New Year is celebrated with great zeal. Because of the influence of Western civilization throughout the world, everyone now celebrates January 1 as New Year's Day.


FAQs on New Year Essay

1. Why is New Year's Eve considered special?

New Year's Eve is special because it marks the end of the old year and the beginning of a fresh one. It's a time for reflection, celebration, and setting new goals.

2. What do people do on New Year's Eve?

People celebrate New Year's Eve by organizing parties, sending greetings to friends and family, and participating in various events. It's also a time for making resolutions for self-improvement.

3. Why is the New Year compared to a festival?

The New Year is compared to a festival because, like festivals, it brings joy and a sense of new beginnings. People often celebrate with enthusiasm, similar to how they celebrate festivals.

4. How do people prepare for the New Year?

Preparations for the New Year often include cleaning homes, decorating, and planning special activities. Many also reflect on the past year and make plans for the future.

5. Why do people make New Year's resolutions?

Making resolutions is a way for people to set goals and make positive changes in their lives. It symbolizes a fresh start and a commitment to self-improvement in the coming year.

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100 New Year’s Eve writing prompts

December 26, 2023 by Richard Leave a Comment

100 New Year’s Eve Writing Prompts

Here are 100 New Year’s Eve writing prompts, the clock striking midnight on December 31st and here are holds a symbolic power unlike any other, representing both the closing of one chapter and the tantalizing blank page of another soon to unfold. As writers, this singular holiday possesses a unique creative pull – calling us to capture the wild revelry of parties and celebrations unfolding amid the intimate contemplations of those alone on this night. It compels us to explore the strange intermingling of nostalgia and hope that infuses the year’s final hours. Whether one is an aspiring writer searching for writing inspiration or an experienced pen simply longing to limber up with a few quick exercises before the new year arrives, these 100 eclectic New Year’s Eve prompts promise to ignite the imagination.

Covering a colorful spectrum of genres from tender romance to family drama to quirky magical realism, the prompts offer narrative springboards rather than restrictive rules – showing off the holiday’s supple storytelling potential. We’re encouraged to inhabit a diversity of perspectives as the fateful midnight countdown nears, chronicling crowded celebrations through the eyes of servers, volunteers and revelers while also giving voice to the solitary soul welcoming 2024 from an empty apartment or airport terminal’s uncomfortable chair.

Despite vastly different backdrops, each vignette allows writers to illuminate the unique blend of nostalgia and tentative optimism that inflects this night, stitching a fragmented year together with memories even as our dreams threaten to rend fresh seams. Whether grappling with endings or beginnings, these prompts give writers the chance to capture the bittersweet essence of New Year’s Eve in all its messy glory before launching their own blank pages into whatever 2024 may hold.

Here are 100 writing prompts about New Year’s Eve 2023:

  • You wake up on December 31st realizing this will be the first New Year’s you spend completely alone. How do you feel? What do you do?
  • You have an opportunity to attend a glamorous New Year’s Eve party this year. Write about getting ready, what you wear, who you meet at the party, and how you feel ringing in 2024.
  • The ball is just about to drop in Times Square. Write a story from the perspective of one of the police officers securing the event.
  • You have tickets to see your favorite band play a New Year’s Eve show. Describe the night – the music, the countdown to midnight, the celebration with friends.
  • You’ve just been hired to work as a server at an upscale restaurant on New Year’s Eve. Write a story about your hectic but exciting night.
  • Write a story about a married couple whose New Year’s Eve plans get unexpectedly cancelled. How do they end up salvaging the night?
  • You decide to get together with childhood friends on New Year’s Eve. Write about reminiscing over old memories and catching up.
  • A busy single mom scrambles to find a babysitter on NYE so she can finally have a night out. Write this story.
  • You have to work the New Year’s Eve night shift. Write a story about the colorful characters and conversations you encounter.
  • Your flight gets cancelled on December 31st due to bad weather. You end up spending New Year’s Eve with complete strangers in an airport.
  • Write a story about someone who finds out devastating news right before midnight on New Year’s Eve.
  • A family gathers at the grandparents’ house for a New Year’s Eve celebration full of games, laughter and hope for 2024.
  • Best friends reunite for their annual New Year’s Eve slumber party – write about their traditions, goals for the upcoming year, and secrets shared.
  • Your character lives on the West Coast and video chats their family on the East Coast at midnight on New Year’s Eve to ring in 2024 together.
  • Write about someone who has to work the night shift on NYE, but finds small, special ways to celebrate.
  • Your most fun, dependable friend has to cancel your NYE plans last minute. You have to scramble to make new ones.
  • Write about someone who usually hates NYE, but decides to have an epic, magical one this year – what do they do?
  • Your character volunteers to work at a children’s hospital handing out treats and celebration favors to sick kids on NYE.
  • Your character decides to spend NYE reflecting on their personal growth and setting meaningful goals for 2024. Describe their thoughtful night.
  • The power goes out just before midnight on New Year’s Eve. Write about how your characters improvise and end up having more fun.
  • A busy college student decides to throw a small NYE party in their tiny apartment for all their friends who couldn’t make it home this year.
  • Write a story about someone whose flight gets cancelled on the 30th, forcing them to spend NYE stuck in an unfamiliar city. What adventures ensue?
  • Your character finds themselves working the drive-thru window at a fast food place on a busy NYE – describe the madness and mayhem you see.
  • Write a story about someone who finds themselves spending NYE with someone they have complicated romantic feelings for. How does the night unfold?
  • A group of longtime friends creates extravagant costumes every year for NYE. This time the theme is sci-fi/alien invasion – describe each outfit.
  • Your main character goes out to their favorite bar alone on NYE, hoping to meet someone interesting. Do they? What’s the interaction like?
  • Write about an introverted character who decides to push themselves by attending a huge NYE costume party this year. Describe their costume and experience.
  • Your character orders Chinese food and watches the NYE celebrations in Times Square alone in their PJs. Tell the story of a cozy, happy night.
  • Write about an elderly character reflecting on past New Year’s Eves – maybe from the 1920s, 50s, and 80s – compare celebrations and traditions.
  • An unexpected blackout leads your characters to have an old-fashioned New Year’s Eve by candlelight and fireplace. Describe this cozy night.
  • Your character finds a magic camera on NYE that shows them snapshots of their upcoming year. Describe 5+ significant images it reveals.
  • The family dog inadvertently eats the edibles intended for the adults’ NYE party leading to a strange, chaotic night. Tell this story from the dog’s perspective.
  • On a whim your character takes a trip to New York City to experience the NYE ball drop in Times Square. Describe crowds, sights and their experience.
  • Your character is tasked with creating fun games, activities and entertainment for a children’s NYE party. Describe several of their ideas.
  • Your protagonist decides to go bar-hopping alone on NYE, determined to find new friends/love. Tell the quirky story of their night out.
  • Your character has plans to celebrate NYE with their partner, but wakes up with no memory of them or the past year of their life. What happens on this strange night?
  • Your character finds a spot with a perfect view of a local NYE fireworks show. While there alone, a stranger joins them and they form an unexpected connection.
  • Your protagonist volunteers at a homeless shelter serving food and passing out donations on NYE. Write about the conversations and connections they make.
  • Your character’s NYE plans fall through so they wander their city taking polaroids of strangers. Write quick stories about 5+ images/people that stand out.
  • A meet-cute on an elevator that gets stuck for 2 hours on NYE leads to more. Write this romance short story.
  • Your character goes to a fortune teller on NYE that gives them eerie but accurate predictions for the next year. Describe 5+ fortunes she sees.
  • Write a story about friends stuck at the world’s worst NYE party who sneak away to have their own celebration.
  • Your character goes through a bad breakup right before NYE. Their friends swoop in to take them on fun adventures all night to lift their spirits.
  • Your protagonist babysits their little cousin on NYE. Write about the silly games, kid’s champagne toast, midnight celebration, etc.
  • Your character’s resolution is to be more helpful this year so they decide to volunteer on NYE. Write about who they help and how it impacts them.
  • A grumpy character gets trapped overnight in an airport with an annoyingly upbeat person on NYE. Write their odd couple story.
  • Your protagonist gets invited to a glitzy NYE wedding with a group of wild college friends. Describe the celebration and after party shenanigans.
  • Your character meets someone at a masquerade NYE ball and spends the night falling in love though they never see each other’s faces. What happens at midnight when they unmask?
  • NYE superstitions say to wear polka dots, smash plates, etc at midnight. Write a story about friends trying these rituals all night for good luck.
  • Your character returns to their hometown for nostalgic celebrations on NYE including a visit to their favorite childhood haunts. Describe this trip down memory lane.
  • The big NYE storm fills up the homeless shelter with new people in need. Your character (volunteer or person staying there) connects with someone unexpectedly.
  • Your protagonist finally decides to stand up to their abusive partner during the NYE party. Write about this scene and the fallout after.
  • A character’s long lost friend suddenly shows up on their doorstep to celebrate NYE. Write about their emotional reunion.
  • Your protagonist signs up for a medical trial that pays well but requires staying in a facility over NYE. Describe their surreal holiday experience.
  • Your character manages a fancy hotel. Describe the over-the-top celebrations, crazy requests, mishaps and more that happen working NYE.
  • Your protagonist visits a psychic right before NYE who tells them they’ll meet their spouse soon. Write the story of their hopeful year.
  • Your character plans for a dying relative’s last perfect NYE celebrating their life/legacy. Write heartfelt goodbyes as 2023 ticks away.
  • Your protagonist finally decides to make a move on their crush as the ball drops on New Year’s Eve. Will they find romance?
  • Write about neighbours who barely know each other alone on NYE banding together for a meal when they lose power during a storm.
  • Your protagonist’s seemingly perfect NYE night ends with them making an embarrassing mistake going viral before midnight. What happens?
  • A grumpy character stuck working at a fast food joint on NYE ends up having surprisingly heartfelt conversations with customers.
  • Write a story about a character who vows to move overseas in 2024 buying their plane ticket as a symbolic NYE act.
  • Your protagonist accidentally invites two dates to their NYE party, leading to hilarious mishaps trying to keep them apart.
  • Your protagonist rediscovers a beloved childhood memory just before midnight (old toy, song, etc). Write about how this impacts their 2023 reflections.
  • On a whim, your protagonist takes a solo trip to Monte Carlo to gamble and celebrate lavishly on NYE. Describe this fancy story.
  • The flight your protagonist is piloting gets quarantined on the tarmac over NYE due to a passenger illness scare. Write this drama.
  • Your protagonist parties too hard on NYE and wakes up New Year’s Day to a surprise tattoo, marriage certificate, or in another state. What surprise is in store?
  • A random power outage strands people in an elevator together missing the epic NYE parties they had planned. Write this odd story.
  • Your protagonist finds a sparkly gown at a thrift shop the day before NYE that seems to be magic. What mystical adventures unfold on NYE when they wear it?
  • The ball your protagonist ordered for NYE is delivered broken days before. Write a funny story about them scrambling to re-plan a dropped ball celebration on a budget.
  • Your protagonist promised their kids a perfect NYE so when the babysitter cancels last minute, hijinks ensue trying to salvage it.
  • Write about unexpected romances sparking at a hospital on NYE. (Nurse/doctor, patient/visitor).
  • Your protagonist gets called in to work the night shift on NYE. Write a story featuring colorful coworkers, conversations and midnight countdown antics.
  • Your character’s estranged best friend from childhood shows up unexpectedly on NYE. They spend the night catching up and reconciliation unfolds.
  • Your protagonist reluctantly goes to a holiday costume party and ends up having a profound, life-changing experience. What happens?
  • Your protagonist finally has enough money to celebrate NYE at their dream destination – tell the story of their perfect international holiday trip.
  • Your protagonist is tasked with keeping a wealthy family’s very spoiled children happy on NYE for a big bonus. Write funny stories of chaos and mayhem.
  • Your protagonist accidentally gets on the wrong cruise ship for a NYE vacation. Write a comedy about their wacky nautical vacation gone wrong.
  • Your protagonist meets someone in the final moments of 2023. You flash forward to show glimpses of their life together over the next year.
  • On NYE your protagonist finds a wallet outside a party with no ID, only a photograph. Tell the story of them sleuthing to find the owner.
  • A character is contemplating ending their life on NYE but a stranger notices them crying on a bridge and compassionately intervenes. Write this emotional story with a hopeful ending.
  • Your protagonist plans a fancy NYE party but their apartment gets destroyed in a pre-celebration mishap. Show them rallying friends for an impromptu street celebration.
  • Your character can’t afford their dream NYE celebration so their thoughtful partner secretly recreates aspects of it with DIY touches. Write this heartwarming story.
  • Your protagonist wakes up with amnesia on NYE slowly regaining memories showing how they will fall in love with their kindly caretaker through flashbacks.
  • Your protagonist finally decides to make their career dreams come true and quits their unfulfilling job on NYE. Write about starting 2024 following their passion.
  • Your protagonist’s eccentric relative dies right before NYE leaving behind elaborate funeral instructions including arriving via parade float. Describe this funny memorial service.
  • Your protagonist needs closure so they travel to reconnect with a past love on New Year’s Eve. Do they find the answers and resolution they hoped for?
  • Write a powerful scene where your character makes a New Year’s resolution to leave their abusive partner during a NYE party among cheering friends.
  • Your protagonist’s best friend goes into unexpected labor at a fabulous NYE costume party. Chaos and hilarity ensue!
  • While your protagonist is celebrating NYE, Death pays them a visit to reveal troubling secrets about the year ahead. What news must they now wrestle with?
  • Your protagonist accidentally gets trapped in a bank vault over New Year’s Eve with a handsome stranger. Over the course of the night romantic sparks fly.
  • On a whim your protagonist travels to New York City alone for NYE. Write funny stories about their adventures navigating the big crowds and celebrations.
  • Your protagonist was supposed to propose to their partner on NYE but the ring gets lost amid comical mishaps. Does it work out in the end?
  • Write about unexpected romances blossoming at a hospital on December 31st between patients, staff, strangers waiting for news.
  • Your protagonist attends a 1920s speakeasy-themed NYE costume party. Describe their elaborate flapper outfit and the glamorous celebrations full of mobster intrigue.
  • Your character’s critical client unexpectedly goes into labor on NYE so they heroically manage both the high stakes birth and keeping their client happy.
  • Your character goes into 2023 not believing in love but a meet-cute with a stranger as the New Year dawns changes everything. What 2024 visions suddenly seem possible?
  • A grumpy concierge’s whole perspective on life changes over the course of one unforgettable NYE shift spent listening to guests’ stories.
  • Your character finds a magical radio on NYE at midnight playing songs from their upcoming year hinting at what’s ahead. Describe 5 songs and their meaning.
  • Your protagonist celebrates an incredible NYE that they find out years later their guardian angel orchestrated behind the scenes. Flashback to show the miracles.

Whether used as a daily warm-up over the final days of December or simply savored as a one-time exercise on the last night of the year, engaging with these evocative prompts promises to spark creativity amid the reflective mood unique to December 31st. Some may inspire short sketches dashed off in the hours leading to midnight, while others may plant narrative seeds that blossom into fully formed short stories with the new year now in bloom. Whatever the final written destination, this eclectic collection of 100 story ideas celebrates the rich inspirational territory the transitional holiday offers all writers. As fresh dreams and declarations hover on our tongues, these prompts give us the nudge we need to capture the magic of New Year’s Eve and launch our writing into exciting uncharted territory when the gleaming ball drops at last. Whether used to bid a dramatic farewell to 2023 or determine adventures ahead in 2024, let these vivid prompts serve as your writerly life raft as you sail into the thrilling unknown future that awaits on January 1st. The blank page of another year is all yours – let your writing spirit soar. 

If you enjoyed these prompts, please leave us a comment, and we have many more writing prompts on our site .

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About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

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How to write ten sentences about New Year’s Eve

How to write ten sentences about new year’s eve in english.

We can write ten sentences about New Year’s Eve for many reasons. 

  • Writing about New Year’s Eve.
  • Inviting people over New Year’s Eve.
  • Writing a letter to a friend.
  • Writing for family.
  • Describing New Year’s Eve.
  • What people do on New Year’s Eve?
  • Celebrating New Year’s Eve.
  • Writing about your holidays.
  • Writing an assignment or homework about New Year’s Eve.

Here are some examples on how to write ten sentences about New Year’s Eve or a paragraph in English.

New Year’s Eve in simple words

narrative essay about new year's eve


  • Then, next, after that
  • And, or, because, so
  • In, on, at, above, under
  • Always, usually, often
  • First, second, finally

It is your turn now.

You can print this page at the top, or simply copy it into your word pad.

Write ten sentences about New Year’s Eve in English:


More writing topics and short paragraphs: 

  • Write ten sentences about your job in English. Read more
  • Write ten sentences about your school in English. Read more 
  • Write ten sentences about yourself in English. Read more
  • Write ten sentences about your daily routine in English. Read more
  • Write ten sentences about your favorite food in English. Read more
  • Write ten sentences about your favorite country. Read more

You can write about any celebration or holiday in a similar way.

You can increase your writing skills level by looking at other types of writings like

  • Free writing
  • Process writing
  • Independent writing
  • Technical writing
  • Narrative writing and many other types of writing

Like some examples, Take a look at a presentation on writing skills. Read more

Get help, English essay writing with The Pensters for professional assignment. Read more

Recommended books on how to write in English

narrative essay about new year's eve

  • The more you write, the easier it gets.
  • It will make you a better writer.
  • People who write regularly get more ideas than people who don’t.
  • It helps build confidence in your writing skills.
  • If you want to make a living as a writer, writing every day will put you on the right track.

This book teaches you how to write about anything.

narrative essay about new year's eve

  • An easy-to-apply and use book to good writing, very simple and focuses on the important writing skills .
  • This book deals with problems in grammar, punctuation, usage, styles and many other issues related to writing.
  • This book will not only teach you but also show you how to write in English.

narrative essay about new year's eve

The new year means new beginnings — and new resolutions. Whether your students hope to become stronger readers or aim to be more compassionate toward one another, the new year is the perfect time to help them reflect upon what they need to do to achieve their goals.

These 31 new year writing prompts will inspire your students to reflect on the past year, set realistic goals and resolutions, and look ahead to a bright future to make 2024 even more successful!

1. What are your resolutions for this new year?

2. Why is it important to make new year’s resolutions?

3. What was the best thing that happened to you this past year?

4. What are you most looking forward to this new year?

5. This year will be a year of…

6. In what ways were your kind to your friends, family, and teachers this past year?

7. What can you do this new year to be a good friend?

8. What can you do this new year to show gratitude for your friends, family, and teachers?

9. This new year, I’m grateful for…

10. This new year, I can’t wait to…

11. What new adventures would you like to go on this year?

12. Can you describe your most memorable new year?

13. Why is the new year important to you?

14. Have you made a new year’s resolution before? What was it?

15. Does your family have any new year’s traditions? What are they?

16.  What can you do to make this new year even more special than last?

17.  Before this year ends, I will…

18.  The best book I read last year was ________ because…

19.  The book I’m most looking forward to reading this year is ________ because…

20.  This new year, I can’t wait to learn about…

21.  This new year, I hope I’m able to…

22.  What will you need to do to achieve your goals and keep your resolutions in the new year?

23.  What can we do as a class this new year to be more kind to one another?

24.  How can your classmates and teachers help you achieve your goals and resolutions?

25.  How can you help your classmates and teachers achieve their goals and resolutions?

26.  In what ways can you practice empathy this year?

27.  Describe a time when you helped a classmate or teacher. How did you feel afterward?

28. What was the most fun part of the year in class for you?

29. What are you most excited to do in class next year?

30. What can you do next year to be helpful at home and at school?

31. What was the most interesting thing you’ve learned this year?

Combining daily writing exercises with extended class or small-group discussion will help your students set realistic, yet meaningful, goals to make the new year even more successful than the last. By encouraging your students to really reflect on the new year and what it means to make and keep resolutions, they’ll be prepared to overcome any challenge they may encounter along the way — and help their friends and classmates do the same!

Shop workbooks that encourage writing skills below. You can find all books and activities — including writing workbooks and other writing resources — at  The Teacher Store .

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New Year's Eve by Charles Lamb (Summary & Analysis)

New Year's Eve

by Charles Lamb

(Summary & Analysis)  

narrative essay about new year's eve

Charles Lamb (1775-1834) was an English essayist, poet, and critic. He is best known for his witty and engaging essays, which often combined personal anecdotes with literary criticism and social commentary. Lamb was born in London and spent much of his life there. He worked as a clerk at the East India Company, but his true passion lay in writing.

Lamb's essays were published under the pseudonym "Elia" and were highly regarded for their distinct style and charm. His essays covered a wide range of topics, including literature, art, philosophy, and everyday life. Lamb's writing showcased his deep knowledge of English literature and his ability to connect with readers through his wit and warmth.

In addition to his essays, Lamb also wrote poems and plays. His poetry reflected his melancholic and introspective nature, often exploring themes of love, loss, and the complexities of human emotions. Lamb's plays, on the other hand, were more lighthearted and showcased his talent for comedy.

Although Lamb achieved some recognition during his lifetime, his work gained greater appreciation and popularity in the years following his death. He has since been recognized as one of the greatest essayists in the English language, admired for his unique perspective, insightful observations, and engaging prose style.

"New Year's Eve" is an essay written by Charles Lamb, a renowned English writer and essayist, in which he reflects upon the passing of time and the significance of New Year's Eve. The essay presents a contemplative and introspective account of the author's thoughts and emotions on the eve of a new year.

Lamb begins by describing the sense of nostalgia that pervades the atmosphere on New Year's Eve. He portrays it as a time when people reflect on the events of the past year and anticipate the possibilities of the year to come. He delves into the introspective nature of the occasion, highlighting how individuals tend to evaluate their accomplishments, failures, and personal growth during this transitional period.

The author then shifts his focus to the concept of time and its fleeting nature. He expresses a profound sense of melancholy, acknowledging the inevitability of aging and the passage of time. Lamb contemplates the transitory nature of life and ponders the significance of the brief moments of happiness and joy that punctuate our existence.

Throughout the essay, Lamb weaves personal anecdotes and observations, providing glimpses into his own experiences and thoughts. He explores the theme of mortality and the impact it has on one's perspective on life. He contemplates the loss of loved ones and the memories that linger long after their departure.

In his musings, Lamb also touches upon the themes of friendship, solitude, and the importance of human connections. He emphasizes the value of companionship and the solace it brings, especially during times of reflection and transition.

Ultimately, "New Year's Eve" by Charles Lamb is a thoughtful and introspective essay that explores the emotions and reflections associated with the turning of the year. It invites readers to contemplate the passage of time, the fleeting nature of life, and the significance of personal growth and human connections.

"New Year's Eve" by Charles Lamb is a deeply introspective and contemplative essay that explores themes of time, mortality, and human connections. Lamb's analysis of the significance of New Year's Eve goes beyond the surface-level celebration and delves into the profound emotions and reflections associated with the turning of the year.

One of the central themes in the essay is the passage of time and its transitory nature. Lamb expresses a sense of melancholy and nostalgia as he contemplates the fleeting moments of happiness and joy that punctuate our lives. He acknowledges the inevitability of aging and the bittersweet reality that time brings both change and loss. Through his reflections, Lamb invites readers to confront their own mortality and consider the preciousness of each passing year.

Another key theme in the essay is the importance of personal growth and introspection. Lamb highlights the introspective nature of New Year's Eve, where individuals engage in self-evaluation and reflect upon their accomplishments and failures. He emphasizes the significance of taking stock of one's life and striving for personal improvement.

Lamb also explores the theme of human connections and the value of friendship. He recognizes the solace and companionship that relationships bring, particularly during times of reflection and transition. By discussing the loss of loved ones and the memories that endure, Lamb underscores the impact that human connections have on shaping our experiences and perspectives.

In terms of writing style, Lamb employs a mix of personal anecdotes, observations, and philosophical musings to engage the reader. His prose is rich with emotion and introspection, evoking a sense of nostalgia and contemplation. Through his storytelling, Lamb creates a relatable and poignant account of the emotions and thoughts that arise during the transition into a new year.

Overall, "New Year's Eve" is a thought-provoking essay that prompts readers to reflect on the passage of time, the brevity of life, and the significance of personal growth and human connections. Lamb's introspective exploration of these themes offers readers an opportunity to contemplate their own experiences and emotions associated with the turning of the year.

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Essay on New Year

Every year begins with new hopes, desires, expectations and New Year resolutions. These also give us an edge and excitement going into the New Year, a fresh start.

Therefore, it is no surprise that people want to celebrate the beginning of the New Year with joyful celebrations with their loved ones.

This is what is like the New Year celebrations. It is a modern form of festivals which has become a ritual performed by the urban areas is particular.

Closing off the week-long celebrations starting with Christmas Eve, New Year comes as the exclamation point. People of all ages and from different walks of life come together, to usher in a year of prosperity and health.

The fact that New Year is usually the last day before returning to work, people try extra hard to enjoy the festivities. Often kids are instructed to report their experiences and present the same when the school reopens after the winter holidays.

This is a time of the year to mend old broken bridges and forgive past mistakes of the passing year. It offers a new chance of gratitude and forgiveness.

It is also a widow to invite new people and experiences in our lives. People want to move away from the bad experiences or hurt of the past year and begin with a new slate.

Many people also form New Year resolutions as possible milestones to reach in the upcoming year. They want to translate their excitement and energy into new goals and outcomes and improve their efforts to become better at various things, both personally and professionally.

Often, people resolve to try new fitness regiments in order to shed those extra kilos gained due to holiday eating and drinking, much like Christmas, many people also decide to plant and decorate New Year trees in order to symbolize their hopes and aspiration for the twelve months ahead. Elements that are often added to the decorations are the mistletoe, candies, bright lights, etc.

New Year has not many fixed or uniform rituals and people from different cultures tend to innovate and enjoy in their own unique ways. Thus it allows diversity and freedom to express your joy.

People can exchange gifts, host dinner parties, wear new clothes or just spread New Year cheer and help extend the holiday spirit.

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How To Write An Essay On ‘The New Year’ For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Note: Essay On The New Year For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the new year in english, short paragraph on the new year, new year essay in english for class 3 – long essay, what will your child learn from the ‘new year’ essay.

The New Year is an exciting time, full of joy and celebration worldwide! People and families get together on the last night of December to celebrate and bring in the New Year. As an essay topic, the New Year is something most children can relate to and write about. Almost all families plan a holiday or even a party, so there’s always so much that the child can think and write about. Here, we show you how to write an essay on the New Year, on both short and long-form essay styles. 

Remember these points when writing an essay on the New Year:

  • The New Year is a creative topic, so you can use plenty of ideas from your imagination to enrich the write-up.
  • One-line essays on the topic can be limited to general facts about the New Year and different ways to celebrate it.
  • A short paragraph on the New Year can focus on how you celebrate it with your family and friends.
  • A long essay on the subject can touch upon many points about the New Year without getting too detailed.

One-line essays are simple to write. When writing about this topic, stick to basic facts and write as many different things as possible. Here is how to write a 10-line essay on the New Year for classes 1 and 2:

  • January 1st is the first day of the New Year. According to the calendar, there are 12 months in a year.
  • The celebration of the New Year occurs on December 31st, which is the last day of the year.
  • On New Year’s eve, people celebrate with a lot of enthusiasm.
  • We all get together as a family on the last day of the year and wish each other well for the new year! 
  • At midnight, when January 1st begins, we enter the new year.
  • People all around the world celebrate this day with parties and fireworks.
  • Our schools have Christmas vacation, and January 1st is a holiday.
  • On New Year, people make new resolutions.
  • The New Year is a fresh beginning for all people, where they can hope for something better in the future. 
  • The New Year is my favourite time because my family goes on a short vacation every year!

A short essay is typically 100 to 150 words long. You can talk about various aspects of the New Year that you like in a short piece such as this one. Here is an example for a short essay on the New Year:

The New Year starts on January 1st of every year. It is the time to start over, make new resolutions, and look forward to a great future ahead. The New Year is a special time for all people as they feel a renewed sense of responsibility in their lives. However, the first day of the New Year always starts a bit slow for everyone as they are still tired from the party from the last day of the previous year. On the other hand, children happily look forward to the reopening of the school from the Christmas vacation. To conclude, every New Year is a step further to what can be a bright and prosperous future.

A long essay for class 3 on the topic of the New Year is an opportunity to get creative and put different ideas together. It is important to maintain a narrative to keep it coherent. Here is an example of a long essay on the New Year:

The New Year starts on January 1st of every year. However, the celebration for the New Year starts on December 31st – the last day of the year. Most people attend parties on New Year’s eve. The working people have gatherings at their workplace. Some take the evening off to attend events, while most families get together to celebrate. As the clock strikes 12 at midnight and the dials jump numbers to display a new date, people welcome the New Year with cheers and wishes. Many places also have amazing firework displays to entertain people who attend the parties.

What makes New Year special is the rejuvenating freshness it brings to everyone’s life. The calendar resets, giving everyone a year to plan their studies, jobs, and assignments. People feel like they can let go of the past and move on to a brighter future. The New Year is also a time for people to make resolutions. Whether aiming to score a distinction in the exam or exercise regularly and maintain a healthy body, the New Year is when everyone feels inspired.

Although different cultures have different calendars, the English calendar’s New Year is what is celebrated all around the world. Different cultures also have their own New Year. For example, the Chinese celebrate their New Year in February, while many Hindus in India celebrate it towards the end of March or the beginning of April. The dates may vary across different cultures, but the theme of New Year remains the same, which is renewal.

On the New Year, our family has a get-together. I get to meet my cousins and talk about the Christmas holidays and all the fun in store for the upcoming year. We buy new clothes in preparation for the day and even a big cake for the family. The cake is cut after midnight when the New Year commences.

The New Year is an opportunity for us to bring changes to our lives and make the best out of its opportunities. My goal every New Year is to concentrate more on my studies and hobbies and become better than I was before.

The New Year essay is almost always asked as an assignment or a writing activity in class when schools reopen during the first week of January. This essay is to help prepare your child to write a New Year essay on their own. They will find plenty of ideas in the essays mentioned above and examples for different types of essays.

An essay on the New Year is a topic children would enjoy writing. As essay writing is an important skill, this is the right topic to begin with. To write a great essay, you can use some of the ideas presented in the examples above and add some of your own.

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Writing a strong new year's eve descriptive essay.

The eve of the New Year is normally one of the most anticipated days of the year. It is the last day of the year, and in a few hours the world will be ushering in a brand new year. There is so much anticipation, so much excitement, lots of things to wish for. This is perhaps one of the busiest days of the year. Writing about this auspicious day is not supposed to be hard, because we have all been through it. We have all managed to take part in the excitement that surrounds this day at some point in life, or even every other year. Because of this reason therefore you need to make sure that you do not leave anything to chance when you are working on this task.

The following are some things that you need to make sure you take into consideration when you are writing a descriptive paper on this particular task.

You must not forget to describe some if not all of the people that are engaged in making this day a success. When writing the descriptive paper, make sure that you give them a special highlight, so that whoever is reading will be able to know who you are referring to, and also get their importance to your life or their role in your story.

There will certainly be a number of events going on in this day. There are so many people who will be working round the clock to make sure that the day goes according to plan. Ensure that you shed some light on the events that are planned for the day.

Where are you writing from? Do not get so carried away that you forget to discuss your position, the place where you are having this good experience. Describe it in as few words as possible but make sure that you leave a strong impression while you are doing the same

The importance of this day

Indeed the day of the eve of the New Year is an important one and for different reasons. Make sure that you highlight this to your readers. They need to know why all the glamor and activities are necessary, they have to understand why everyone is so excited and most importantly they should understand from your readings how magnificent this day is.

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