Prohibition Research Paper Topics

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In this page dedicated to Prohibition research paper topics , we delve into the captivating era of alcohol prohibition in the United States. This abstract provides an overview of the content and aims of the page, offering students a glimpse into the comprehensive list of research paper topics, an insightful article on Prohibition, and valuable guidance on how to choose and write a research paper on this intriguing subject. Whether you are fascinated by the social, cultural, or political aspects of Prohibition, this page will serve as your guide in unleashing your potential to uncover its historical significance.

100 Prohibition Research Paper Topics

The Prohibition era in the United States, spanning from 1920 to 1933, was a transformative period marked by the nationwide ban on the production, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. This comprehensive list of Prohibition research paper topics is designed to provide students with a wide array of subjects to explore and analyze within this captivating historical context. Organized into ten categories, each consisting of ten topics, these research paper ideas will inspire students to delve into various aspects of Prohibition, including its social, political, economic, legal, and cultural dimensions.

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Origins and Impact of Prohibition

  • The Temperance Movement: Pioneers and Influential Figures
  • Prohibition Amendments: From the 18th to the 21st
  • Prohibition and Social Change: Women’s Suffrage and Beyond
  • Bootlegging and Organized Crime During Prohibition
  • The Repeal of Prohibition: 21st Amendment and Its Aftermath
  • Prohibition’s Influence on American Society and Culture
  • Prohibition and Public Health: Impact on Alcohol Consumption
  • The Volstead Act: Legislation and Enforcement Challenges
  • Prohibition’s Legacy: Long-term Effects on Alcohol Regulation
  • Prohibition and the Great Depression: Economic Ramifications

Prohibition and Law Enforcement

  • Prohibition Agents: Roles, Challenges, and Successes
  • The Rise of Gangsters and Mobsters During Prohibition
  • Prohibition Raids and Their Impact on Speakeasies
  • Corruption and Bribery in Law Enforcement During Prohibition
  • The Temperance Movement’s Role in Shaping Law Enforcement
  • Prohibition and the Creation of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics
  • Prohibition and the Formation of the Coast Guard’s Rum Patrol
  • The Role of Informants and Undercover Agents in Prohibition
  • Prohibition Agents’ Surveillance Techniques and Strategies
  • The Decline of Prohibition Agents after Repeal

Prohibition and Politics

  • Political Figures and Their Stance on Prohibition
  • The Anti-Saloon League: Prominent Advocates and Achievements
  • Prohibition Party: Formation, Objectives, and Influence
  • Prohibition and Presidential Elections: Voting Patterns and Impact
  • The Dry vs. Wet Debate: Political and Social Ideologies
  • Prohibition Advocacy in the Media: Newspapers and Magazines
  • Prohibition’s Influence on Political Campaigns and Propaganda
  • Prohibition’s Effect on Local and State Politics
  • The Women’s Christian Temperance Union: Grassroots Advocacy
  • The Role of Religious Groups in Prohibition Advocacy

Prohibition and Public Opinion

  • Public Perception of Prohibition: Support and Opposition
  • Prohibition and the Temperance Movement’s Public Relations
  • The Impact of Prohibition on Alcohol Consumption Patterns
  • Media Portrayal of Prohibition: Cartoons, Posters, and Advertisements
  • Prohibition’s Effect on Public Health and Social Welfare
  • Prohibition and Public Demonstrations: Rallies and Protests
  • Prohibition and Public Discourse on Individual Liberties
  • Public Sentiments Toward Bootleggers and Speakeasies
  • The Media’s Role in Shaping Public Opinion on Prohibition
  • Prohibition’s Impact on Immigrant Communities and Ethnic Groups

Prohibition and Culture

  • Prohibition’s Influence on Art, Literature, and Music
  • The Roaring Twenties: Cultural Expression and Rebellion
  • Prohibition and the Harlem Renaissance: Cultural Contributions
  • Flappers and the Changing Roles of Women During Prohibition
  • Prohibition and the Evolution of American Cuisine
  • Prohibition’s Influence on Film and Theater
  • The Birth of Jazz Age Culture and Its Connection to Prohibition
  • Cultural Icons and Personalities During Prohibition
  • Prohibition’s Effect on Sports and Entertainment
  • Cultural Significance of Prohibition in Modern America

Prohibition and Organized Crime

  • The Rise of Al Capone: Chicago’s Crime Boss
  • Bootlegging: Production, Distribution, and Supply Chain
  • The Role of Speakeasies in Prohibition Culture
  • Prohibition and the Mafia: Organized Crime Syndicates
  • The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: Infamous Crime Event
  • Prohibition and the Rise of Gang Warfare
  • The Beer Wars: Rivalries and Conflicts Among Bootleggers
  • The Prohibition and Moonshine Trade in Rural Areas
  • Gangland Murders and Assassinations During Prohibition
  • Prohibition and the Formation of Crime Families

Prohibition and Social Reform

  • Prohibition and Women’s Empowerment: Changing Roles
  • The Impact of Prohibition on African American Communities
  • Prohibition’s Effect on Native American Reservations
  • Prohibition and LGBTQ+ Communities: Hidden Histories
  • The Temperance Movement’s Educational Efforts
  • Prohibition and the Promotion of Health and Hygiene
  • Prohibition’s Influence on Public Morality and Ethics
  • Prohibition and the Spread of Religious Revivalism
  • The Intersection of Prohibition and Social Justice Movements
  • Prohibition’s Legacy: Impact on Minority Rights

Prohibition’s International Impact

  • Prohibition in Other Countries: Global Perspectives
  • Prohibition and International Alcohol Trade
  • Prohibition’s Influence on Global Alcohol Policies
  • Smuggling and Bootlegging Across International Borders
  • International Temperance Movements and Prohibition Advocacy
  • Prohibition’s Effect on Cross-Border Relations
  • Prohibition and International Diplomacy
  • Prohibition’s Legacy in Global Alcohol Regulation
  • Prohibition’s Influence on Alcohol Consumption Worldwide
  • The Aftermath of Prohibition: Lessons for International Alcohol Policy

Prohibition and Economic Consequences

  • Prohibition’s Impact on the Brewing Industry
  • The Economic Costs of Enforcing Prohibition Laws
  • Prohibition and the Creation of New Industries
  • The Decline of Saloons and Bars During Prohibition
  • Prohibition and the Loss of Government Revenue
  • Prohibition and the Growth of Bootlegging Economies
  • The Economic Impact of Repealing Prohibition
  • Prohibition’s Effect on Consumer Spending
  • Prohibition’s Influence on Agricultural Practices
  • The Economic Legacies of Prohibition in Modern Times

Prohibition and Legal Perspectives

  • Supreme Court Cases and Prohibition: Legal Challenges
  • The Constitutionality of Prohibition: Legal Debates
  • Prohibition and the Right to Privacy: Fourth Amendment Issues
  • The Role of Lawyers and Judges in Prohibition Cases
  • Legal Loopholes and Workarounds During Prohibition
  • Prohibition’s Effect on Criminal Sentencing and Punishment
  • Legal Opposition and Advocacy Groups During Prohibition
  • Prohibition and Civil Liberties: First Amendment Concerns
  • Prohibition’s Influence on Due Process and Fair Trials
  • The Prohibition Era and Its Impact on Modern Legal Thought

This comprehensive list of Prohibition research paper topics provides students with a diverse range of subjects to explore within the complex and fascinating era of Prohibition. By examining various aspects of Prohibition’s origins, impact, politics, economics, social dynamics, and cultural expressions, students can develop insightful research papers that shed light on this transformative period in American history. The ten categories and their respective Prohibition research paper topics offer a wealth of opportunities to investigate the complexities and consequences of Prohibition, ensuring that students can choose a research area that aligns with their interests and objectives.

Exploring Prohibition Research Paper Topics

Prohibition, also known as the Prohibition Era, was a significant period in American history that lasted from 1920 to 1933. It was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. The 18th Amendment, which officially established Prohibition, aimed to address social issues, promote public health, and reduce crime rates associated with excessive alcohol consumption. This era saw the rise of speakeasies, bootlegging, and organized crime, along with heated debates over individual liberties and government intervention. In this article, we will delve into the multifaceted aspects of Prohibition, exploring its origins, impact, social dynamics, cultural expressions, and eventual repeal.

The Temperance Movement and the Push for Prohibition

The roots of Prohibition can be traced back to the Temperance Movement, a social reform movement that gained momentum in the 19th century. Advocates of temperance believed that alcohol consumption led to moral decay, domestic violence, and a range of social issues. Led by organizations like the Anti-Saloon League and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, the movement campaigned for alcohol restrictions and ultimately influenced the passage of the 18th Amendment. The Temperance Movement’s influence extended beyond advocating for Prohibition, as it also shaped public perceptions of alcohol and its impact on society.

The 18th Amendment

Prohibition Becomes Law: In 1919, the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified, officially prohibiting the manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors. This marked the beginning of the Prohibition Era, a time when the government attempted to regulate personal behavior through legislation. The amendment was a result of growing concerns about the negative effects of alcohol on American society and public health. It represented a significant shift in the role of government in shaping the behaviors and choices of citizens.

Social Impact of Prohibition

Prohibition had far-reaching effects on American society. It gave rise to speakeasies, illegal drinking establishments that flourished in urban areas, as well as an underground economy driven by bootlegging. Organized crime syndicates, like those led by figures such as Al Capone, profited immensely from the illegal alcohol trade. The enforcement of Prohibition led to unintended consequences, as it created new opportunities for criminal activity and corruption among law enforcement officials.

The Volstead Act and Enforcement Challenges

To enforce the 18th Amendment, the Volstead Act was passed, defining intoxicating liquors and providing guidelines for enforcement. However, the Act faced numerous challenges, including corruption among law enforcement officials, inadequate resources, and the difficulty of monitoring vast illicit networks. The limitations of the Volstead Act contributed to the rise of a black market for alcohol and the growth of organized crime, leading to increased violence and public safety concerns.

Cultural Responses to Prohibition

The Prohibition Era gave rise to a unique cultural expression, as people found ways to circumvent the law and continue consuming alcohol. Jazz-age culture and the emergence of the flapper persona embodied the spirit of rebellion against societal norms. Speakeasies became hubs of social life, where people gathered to enjoy music, dance, and camaraderie while defying the restrictions on alcohol consumption.

Opposition and Repeal of Prohibition

As the negative consequences of Prohibition became apparent, opposition to the ban grew. Economic hardships during the Great Depression further fueled calls for repeal. In 1933, the 21st Amendment was ratified, officially ending Prohibition. The repeal of Prohibition marked a significant moment in American history, as it reflected a shift in public sentiment and recognition of the limitations of alcohol prohibition as a social policy.

Legacy and Lessons of Prohibition

The Prohibition Era left a lasting impact on American society. While it did not achieve its intended goals of reducing crime and improving public health, it sparked discussions on the balance between individual freedoms and government intervention. The era also highlighted the potential consequences of enacting sweeping social policies without proper consideration of their implications. The lessons learned from Prohibition continue to resonate in modern debates over social and public health policies, as well as discussions on the role of government in regulating personal behaviors.

Prohibition in the Context of Modern Alcohol Regulation

Today, the Prohibition Era serves as a historical reference point in debates over alcohol regulation, drug policies, and individual liberties. The lessons from Prohibition have influenced subsequent approaches to alcohol regulation, with a greater emphasis on harm reduction, public health, and education. Understanding the complexities and failures of Prohibition has informed modern-day efforts to address alcohol-related issues through evidence-based policy-making.

The Prohibition Era remains a captivating and complex period in American history, characterized by its impact on society, culture, and politics. This article has explored the origins of Prohibition, the impact of the 18th Amendment, social and cultural responses, the challenges of enforcement, and the eventual repeal. By understanding the multifaceted aspects of Prohibition, we gain valuable insights into the complexities of public policy, individual liberties, and the role of government in shaping society. The Prohibition Era serves as a reminder of the importance of thoughtful and evidence-based approaches to social reforms. As we reflect on this chapter of American history, we recognize the significance of learning from past mistakes and successes to inform present and future decision-making.

How to Choose Prohibition Research Paper Topics

Selecting the right research paper topic is crucial for a successful and engaging academic project. When it comes to studying Prohibition, a fascinating and transformative period in American history, the abundance of potential research topics may seem overwhelming. In this section, we will provide you with practical guidance on how to choose Prohibition research paper topics that are compelling, relevant, and capable of offering fresh insights into this historical era.

  • Understand the Context and Significance : Before choosing a research paper topic on Prohibition, it is essential to understand the historical context and significance of this period. Familiarize yourself with the events leading up to the enactment of the 18th Amendment, the temperance movement, and the societal attitudes towards alcohol consumption. Understanding the broader historical context will help you identify specific areas of interest and potential research questions.
  • Identify Gaps in Existing Literature : Conducting a thorough literature review is a crucial step in choosing a research paper topic. Look for existing studies, books, and articles related to Prohibition to identify gaps in the current scholarship. These gaps can serve as valuable entry points for your research, allowing you to contribute to the existing body of knowledge and offer new perspectives on the subject.
  • Consider Different Perspectives : Prohibition is a complex and multi-faceted historical event that impacted various aspects of American society. Consider exploring the topic from different perspectives, such as political, social, economic, and cultural. For example, you could examine the role of women in the temperance movement or the economic implications of Prohibition on industries and businesses.
  • Focus on Local or Regional Impact : Prohibition had varying effects across different regions of the United States. Consider narrowing your research to focus on the local or regional impact of Prohibition in specific cities or states. This approach will enable you to delve deeper into the unique experiences and challenges faced by different communities during this era.
  • Examine Resistance and Opposition : Prohibition was met with significant opposition, with many individuals and groups openly defying the law. Investigate the resistance to Prohibition, including the rise of bootlegging, speakeasies, and the involvement of organized crime. Exploring the reasons behind the widespread non-compliance with the ban can provide valuable insights into the limitations of social policies.
  • Analyze the Role of Media and Popular Culture : The Prohibition Era had a profound impact on popular culture, influencing music, literature, and film. Investigate how the media portrayed Prohibition and its consequences, and how popular culture both reflected and shaped public perceptions of this historical period.
  • Explore the Repeal of Prohibition : The repeal of Prohibition in 1933 marked a significant turning point in American history. Consider exploring the events and factors that led to the repeal of the 18th Amendment, such as the role of interest groups, the economic impact of the Great Depression, and changing societal attitudes towards alcohol.
  • Incorporate Primary Sources : To add depth and authenticity to your research, utilize primary sources from the Prohibition Era. These may include newspaper articles, government documents, personal diaries, photographs, and oral histories. Analyzing primary sources can offer firsthand accounts and insights into the experiences of people living during Prohibition.
  • Consult with Your Instructor or Advisor : If you are struggling to choose a research paper topic, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your instructor or academic advisor. They can provide valuable feedback, suggest additional resources, and help you refine your research question.
  • Stay Passionate and Curious : Finally, choose a research paper topic that genuinely interests you. Staying passionate and curious about the subject will motivate you throughout the research process and ensure that your work is engaging and insightful.

Choosing the right Prohibition research paper topic is an essential step in crafting a compelling and impactful academic project. By understanding the historical context, identifying gaps in existing literature, considering different perspectives, focusing on local impact, examining resistance and opposition, analyzing the role of media and popular culture, exploring the repeal of Prohibition, incorporating primary sources, and seeking guidance from instructors, you can select a topic that sparks your curiosity and contributes to the broader understanding of this transformative period in American history. Remember to stay passionate and committed to your research, and your exploration of Prohibition will yield valuable insights and a meaningful academic contribution.

How to Write a Prohibition Research Paper

Writing a research paper on Prohibition requires careful planning, rigorous research, and effective organization. This section will guide you through the step-by-step process of writing a compelling and well-structured Prohibition research paper. From formulating a strong thesis statement to presenting your findings coherently, we will provide you with valuable tips to ensure your paper is engaging and academically sound.

  • Develop a Strong Thesis Statement : A strong thesis statement is the foundation of your research paper. It should clearly and concisely state the main argument or central theme of your paper. In the case of a Prohibition research paper, your thesis statement should highlight the specific aspect of Prohibition that you will be exploring and the main conclusions you intend to draw from your research.
  • Conduct In-Depth Research : Prohibition is a multifaceted and historically rich topic, so conducting in-depth research is crucial. Utilize a variety of reputable sources, including books, academic journals, government documents, and primary sources from the Prohibition Era. Be sure to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of each source to ensure the accuracy of your information.
  • Create an Outline : Organize your research and ideas by creating a detailed outline for your research paper. An outline will serve as a roadmap for your writing, helping you maintain a logical flow of information and a coherent structure throughout the paper. Divide your research into sections and subsections, each focusing on a specific aspect of Prohibition.
  • Introduction : Begin your research paper with an engaging introduction that provides background information on Prohibition and its historical context. Introduce the significance of the topic and its relevance to contemporary issues. End your introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement that sets the direction for the rest of the paper.
  • Body Paragraphs : In the body of your research paper, present your arguments and findings in a systematic manner. Each body paragraph should focus on a single idea or argument supported by evidence from your research. Use topic sentences to introduce the main point of each paragraph and provide smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain the coherence of your paper.
  • Incorporate Primary Sources : To enrich your Prohibition research paper, incorporate primary sources from the Prohibition Era. Primary sources, such as newspaper articles, letters, speeches, and photographs, offer firsthand accounts and perspectives from individuals who lived during that time. Analyzing primary sources can add authenticity and depth to your research.
  • Analyze and Interpret Data : If your research paper includes data or statistical information, take the time to analyze and interpret the data accurately. Use charts, graphs, and tables to present your data visually and draw meaningful conclusions from your analysis. Ensure that your data is properly sourced and cited.
  • Address Counterarguments : A well-rounded research paper acknowledges counterarguments and addresses potential criticisms of your thesis. Anticipate opposing viewpoints and use evidence and logical reasoning to refute them. This will strengthen your argument and demonstrate the depth of your research.
  • Conclusion : Conclude your research paper by summarizing your main findings and restating your thesis statement. Reflect on the significance of your research and its implications for understanding Prohibition’s impact on American history and society. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and focus on leaving a lasting impression on your readers.
  • Citations and References : Properly cite all the sources you have used in your research paper, following the appropriate citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, etc.). Create a comprehensive list of references at the end of your paper to give credit to the authors and researchers whose work you have referenced.

Writing a successful Prohibition research paper requires careful planning, thorough research, and effective organization. By developing a strong thesis statement, conducting in-depth research, creating a well-structured outline, and presenting your findings coherently, you can craft an engaging and academically rigorous paper. Remember to incorporate primary sources, analyze and interpret data, address counterarguments, and provide proper citations and references to support your arguments and give credit to the original sources. By following these steps, you will be well on your way to creating a compelling and insightful research paper on Prohibition.

iResearchNet’s Writing Services

At iResearchNet, we understand the challenges students face when tasked with writing a Prohibition research paper. The intricacies of this historical era, coupled with the need for in-depth research and coherent organization, can be overwhelming. As your trusted partner in academic writing, we are here to assist you every step of the way. Our team of expert writers holds advanced degrees in history and other related disciplines, making them well-equipped to handle any Prohibition research paper topic you may have. With our custom writing services, you can unleash your potential and achieve academic excellence.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers : At iResearchNet, we take pride in our team of writers who are experts in the field of history, including Prohibition studies. Each writer holds an advanced degree from reputable universities, and their expertise ensures that your research paper will be well-researched, insightful, and of the highest academic standard.
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  • Custom Formatting : Formatting your research paper according to the required citation style can be time-consuming and tedious. Let our expert writers take care of the formatting for you. Whether it’s APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, or any other style, we will ensure that your paper adheres to the prescribed guidelines.
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iResearchNet is your ultimate partner in crafting outstanding Prohibition research papers. Our team of expert writers, in-depth research capabilities, and commitment to delivering top-quality and customized solutions make us the perfect choice for students seeking academic excellence. With our support, you can unleash your potential and achieve success in your academic journey. Place your order today and experience the difference our professional writing services can make in your Prohibition research paper.

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Are you struggling to find the right research paper topic on Prohibition? Do you need expert assistance in crafting a high-quality and well-researched paper? Look no further than iResearchNet’s Prohibition Writing Services! As a leading provider of academic writing solutions, we are committed to helping you unleash your potential and achieve academic excellence.

Don’t let the challenges of writing a Prohibition research paper hold you back. Unleash your potential and achieve academic success with iResearchNet’s Prohibition Writing Services. Place your order today and experience the difference our professional writing can make in your academic journey. Let us be your trusted partner in crafting a remarkable Prohibition research paper that will impress your professors and elevate your academic performance. Your success is our success!


thesis statement prohibition

thesis statement prohibition

22 Winning Topics For An Argument Essay On Prohibition

The prohibition in the United States was repealed after just thirteen years. In that time, however, a number of topics were developed worth exploring in an argument essay. Here are 22 worth consideration:

  • Do you think the prohibition amendment was ratified in response to women activists who were seeking equal voting rights?
  • How did the estimate and apparent rise of alcohol consumption across the nation in the 1850s encourage the debate about prohibition?
  • How did prohibition lead to the rise of organized crime in major cities across the United States and could it have been prevented?
  • Do you think the United States should reintroduce prohibition or tax alcohol with a higher rate as a means to lower the amount being consumed?
  • Do you believe a prohibition law similar to the law passed in the early 20th century work today in your state?
  • Would prohibition or a similar law regulating the consumption of alcohol have a different effect in today’s society?
  • What are the biggest similarities and differences between prohibition and the War on Drugs? Do you think the U.S. learned from the results of prohibition?
  • What were the greatest social and economic effects of prohibition in the early 20th century? Did it influence the following decades in any way?
  • Why do think the Federal Government decided to regulate the consumption of alcohol anyways rather than impose higher taxes?
  • Did prohibition give rise to America’s bootleggers and moonshiners counter-culture in the United States?
  • Do you think the very act of prohibiting alcohol distribution and consumption promoted curiosity in people?
  • Was organized crime the biggest factor behind the bringing about the end to the prohibition era or were there other pressures?
  • What were the immediate societal and economic effects of repealing prohibition in the early 20th century?
  • How did F. Scott Fitzgerald deal with the issue of prohibition in his classic American novel “The Great Gatsby”.
  • Did prohibition lead to rise to other types of crime? And if so why do you think congress didn’t consider the relationship before passing the amendment?
  • Do you think the repeal of prohibition paved the way for the United States’ current societal push to legalize marijuana?
  • Do you think that if there had been a greater emphasis on enforcement of prohibition then the amendment would have been a success?
  • Do you think the amendment was repealed because of the rise of crimes or because of public pressures from normal citizens?
  • Do you think that the thirteen years in which prohibition was in effect was a failure largely because of lack of enforcement?
  • Do you think the lessons learned from prohibition posit support for legalization of all types of drugs in the U.S.?
  • Do you think that prohibition was destined to fail right from the start and that it may have only been a political ploy to gain voting support?
  • Which political group was the most responsible for the repeal of the prohibition amendment and did it lead to future success?

Once the writing is done, the student has just a rough draft. For this rough draft to become a final draft, the student needs to edit it first. Students may want to change the font size for a larger one so that the writing seems new. This will make it easier to spot errors as the student reads through their work. The student may also want to ask a teacher or friend for help so that they can catch every error that occurs in their writing.

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Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime Essay

Introduction, works cited.

In the 1920s, the United States was facing worrying rates of crime that called for the intervention of the Congress to avert the situation. Different ways of ensuring control of the society and effective prevention of crime were tried. The attempts were faced with numerous challenges that needed to be addressed.

It was a time when the rate of crime was increasing and a solid solution grounded on the established legal mechanisms was sought. The United States Congress had long been consulting to remedy the situation. The solutions were triggered by the fact that gangs at the time looked more organized than the government. In 1920s, a considerable number of the American citizens sought refuge from crime.

An extensive evaluation of the situation and the viable solutions were submitted to the Congress. Prohibition was proposed and an amendment to the constitution was thereby proposed. Subsequently, the Eighteenth Amendment of the United States constitution was put into place. The rationale of having the amendment effected was to control and completely manage crimes related to alcohol.

To further strengthen the Amendment, the Volstead Act was enacted, which imposed stiff penalties to those who disobeyed the Eighteenth Amendment (Cressey and Finckenauer 15). The prohibition period is one of the remarkable eras in the history of organized crime, having sowed the seeds of some of the most infamous crimes today as crime networks proved stronger than state agencies. This essay will show how prohibition encouraged the rise of organized crime.

The period of prohibition derived authority from the United States constitution and the Volstead Act. From the strict wording of the amendment, the rate of alcohol consumption was anticipated to go down. The period of prohibition simply meant that the manufacture, transportation, export, and import of alcohol were unconstitutional and subsequently illegal.

The law was geared towards creating an environment of low crime and corruption. In addition, prohibition was thought to be a clear solution towards massive reduction of social problems. The country was facing high rates of taxes that were used in supporting prisons. Health care and hygiene was expected to improve with the establishment of the prohibition.

It was a strategy to reduce overcrowding in jails by people suspected to have committed alcohol related offences. The effects of prohibition were not imagined during the time of the amendment. The duration preceding the enactment of the Volstead Act and the Eighteenth Amendment had less demand for alcohol. The prohibition eventually increased the demand for alcohol and a chain reaction became inevitable. Vertical monopolies were created by the growing number of mobsters.

These monopolies were mainly set up to control the production and distribution of alcohol. Throughout time, the monopolies became powerful and much of the income earned in the distribution of alcohol was channeled to both legal and illegal businesses. The markets for selling alcohol were largely controlled by the mobsters. Crime rate took a different turn. Groups would gang up and form mobs that were very popular in urban areas (Woodwiss 8).

Crimes were left in the hands of able gangs. Consistent wars between the gangs in the streets were evident fighting to maintain control. The fights would focus on affirming control in the markets. It occurred that the new gangs would license people to sell illegal drugs and alcohol. A set tax would be paid by the seller to the gangs.

The control of urban centers and other key places of interest questioned the authority of the United States. There are states that were notoriously known for mobsters, for instance in Chicago whereby Al Capone used to manage a big gang that controlled alcohol markets. On the same vein, it should be noted that prohibition was inadequately managed, and it directly fostered the rise of organized crimes.

The rise of organized crimes occurred at a time when there were many temperament groups seeking to better the society. The movement had taken shape since 1800. Their founding goals were to reform several aspects of the society. The issue of alcohol being a source of social instability was part of the movement’s aim. Though its leadership was mainly religious, the Temperance society had a distinct mission from that of religious leaders.

The most notable aim was to support the society from the rate of insecurity and other crimes in that period. The prohibition period was largely ineffective since Americans continued to access the prohibited alcohol. Organized crimes took over legitimate saloons; hence stamping their authority in bigger areas than the neighborhoods they controlled.

The mobsters made policies of selling alcohol, which were directly against the prohibition promoted by the government. In other cities, some of the well known leaders enriched themselves during the time of prohibition by supplying liquor in areas with high demand. Smuggling of alcohol from other parts of the world was equally evident. The situation aggravated to a worse situation than it was before. Crimes unknown before such as smuggling were rampant (Woodwiss 8).

Prohibition prepared the ground for the significant increase in violent crimes. One of the famous violent crimes that was committed in the infamous incident of St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, whereby the quest for territory led to death of many individuals.

The Valentines Massacre was one among many crimes that took place in major cities in the United States. The increase of crimes in America hit a thirteen percent mark. This was contrary to what supporters of prohibition had expected. Though the prohibition efficacy was highly questioned, other crimes such as swearing and vagrancy were dealt with.

Prohibition was geared towards reducing the number of people serving in prisons; to the contrary, prisons ended up being congested. State prisons received enormous number of prisoners. The financial burden was heavily felt in all levels of government. More tax revenues were needed than before. The economic situation in 1920s was affected by the prohibition period.

The response to prohibition led to certain establishments that served alcohol illegally. Though the operation of the said establishments was illegal, it was clear that corruption in the police department aided these establishments. In some instances, the police department was used by gangs, whereby the police informed the gangs in advance during raids. Doctors’ prescription of whiskey as a medicine triggered a million gallons of liquor in a year.

The prohibition law stated that alcohol was permitted three miles off the coast, which was capitalized on by state-owned shipping agencies. The state-owned agencies served alcohol over water since the law did not prohibit such a practice. Brewing of alcohol was rampant in homes. The practice was largely illegal. Prohibition lacked a moral backing since many public officials disregarded prohibition (Lyman and Potter 16).

The prohibition campaign failed in its entirety since it created a worse state, instead of controlling alcohol consumption. Its attempt to stop consumption of alcohol was met by maximum resistance. Both national and federal governments were affected in a way that they did not anticipate.

The Volstead Act is said to have had a direct contribution towards crime prevalence in the United States. The organized crimes evidenced after the prohibition were placed in different categories. The most dominant of all was bootlegging. This involved the sale of black market alcohol.

It became a booming business that became remarkable with profits. The bootleggers hiked the price of alcohol to gain vast amounts of profits in a short duration. The bootleggers were extremely vigilant in making sure that they were not caught by authorities. The competition between the mobs was untamed, making it very unhealthy and dangerous. The wars over control of liquor markets were fought in the streets with sophisticated weapons (Cressey and Finckenauer 12).

The acts of the gangs in the 1920s fit in the confines of the definition of an organized crime. In its definition, organized crime entails a systematic illegal or unlawful activity by an individual or a group of individuals. The crime could be in a city, interstate, and in some instances at an international scale.

The aim of organized crime unlike other types of crimes is that it is for profit making. The profit making element introduces the modern day crimes on corporate criminal organization. In the criminal organization arena, the essence of keeping secrets in illegal operations is encouraged.

The gangs in organized crimes have to be systematically organized for them to be termed organized. The structuring of the groups for criminal intents is known as racketeering. Supporters of the prohibition had overlooked the fact that criminal organization has major support from the society. In the society that the organization exists, rooted support helps in keeping the group.

It has been established that the law did not make it a point to set strict offences for those who aided or abetted operations of gangs. It was a miscalculation of the law drafters, whereby they were not alive to the fact that mob groups were part of the society. With time, the groups were committing crimes under the watchful eyes of the police. The police were paid to look away, and in some instances they benefited directly from the illegal activities (Woodwiss 8).

Members of the judiciary and the legislature were compromised through blackmail or bribery, giving birth to a situation where the gangs were powerful and deeply rooted. There were mutual beneficial relationships through illegal businesses that were created by leaders of the gangs and public officials. It was extremely impossible to anticipate prosecuting corrupt official since law societies closely shielded them.

The gangs were integrated in the government, whereby revenue from narcotics and extortion was accepted in the revenue. In addition, organized crimes such as labor racketeering were inevitable. There was a rampant organized labor that introduced exploitation to the laborers. Lack of reasonable working conditions was very evident. Employers were subjected to bullying, whereby they were forced to pay employees who did not work.

Money was paid to the corrupt officials to guarantee labor peace. The mobsters were paid more retirement incomes than other employees. The organized crimes in the labor sector were widely used to exercise control. Crimes would recur, whereby labor officials who did not go as per the orders of the gang were killed. The period was marred with a lot of blood shed and unlawfulness (“Prohibition: As Bad Now As It Was During The 1920’S” 3).

There are other crimes related to immigration that emerged during the time of prohibition. Immigration groups that did not trust the police and other authorities formed powerful groups to further their mission. These groups mainly engaged in crimes such as drugs and corruption.

Several organizations in the United States were formed. Federal agents lacked the right mechanisms to use in fighting the growing number of crimes. The raiding of speakeasies was met with an equal measure of resistance since the crime syndicate had both national and international connections.

The formation of the 1930 Wickersham Commission inquiry was to investigate why the crime rate was going on. The inquiry showed that there was political corruption in the institutions. The environment created during the prohibition period was felt later. In 1933, the law prohibiting sale of alcohol was repealed, which made the gangs to choose other means to continue exercising control. Trafficking of narcotics became very pronounced in 1920s to supplement the repealing of the Prohibition Act.

Gangs still remained intact and major differences in suppressing them made it hard to do away with the crime rate. Major crime kingpins had sufficient political connections, which made it easy for them to draw demarcations based on the control of some cities. The move by the Congress to neutralize the crime rate had profound effects on the national economy. Various commissions were set up to investigate the prevailing situation of organized crimes.

In 1972, the Knapp Commission indicated that there was a very close link between the kingpins of organized crimes in New York and the department of police. There were severe economic effects witnessed as a result of the gangs’ operations in key cities in America. Another report conducted in 1988 showed that massive bribing was taking place in the public service sector. The interstate links to organized crimes played an increasing role in defining the modern forms of organized crimes (Casper 837).

The rebirth of a moment whereby organized crime could not be stopped has been explained through different ways. There are those who have averred that the Prohibition Act aided the eradication of public consumption of alcohol. Prohibition era was an intervention intended to deal with the problem of alcoholism in America.

Its repercussions were a direct contrary situation from the government. It was in that era that organized crimes unknown before started to surface. The critics of the Prohibition Act and the era have observed that the situation was created by the drafters of the Act.

Crimes such as setting forests on fire became common. The twists evidenced in the crime cycles today have greatly borrowed from the period after the Prohibition period. The seeds of organized crime sowed during the era have continued to blossom everyday in the world. The failed intentions of the Prohibition have formed a golden age of crime. New ways of evading tax and black mail were adopted. It should be noted that organized crimes are committed in various ways, but they are based on the same theory (Abadinsky 12).

The theory developed after the prohibition era clearly explained the reasons why crime rate increased after the prohibition was passed. The cause of organized crimes has been based on the basis of supply and demand. It has been observed that demand for illegal goods makes it impossible to rule out criminal syndicates.

The syndicates are geared towards maintaining a constant supply. In most cases, the market is confined to small powerful syndicates who protect it at all costs. The power in the criminal syndicates is based on the ability to suppress public morals, while at the same time neutralizing the law enforcement agencies.

The syndicates depend on using corrupt means that are intended to blackmail public officials. Infiltration of the legal economy is the most appropriate weapon developed after the prohibition period. The countermeasures taken to avert organized crime have often been met by enormous weaknesses, making it hard to deal with the criminal syndicates in the world today.

There are four components that are imperative in dealing with organized crimes. The four components can be effective in dealing with organized crimes if well managed. They include government, society, illegal markets, and availability of readily organized markets. The issue of organized crimes can be ably addressed with proper coordination of the government and the society.

The main stumbling block is the fact that criminal syndicates are well funded, and in many instances they get support from the societies that they are established in. With support of the society, it becomes clear that the government may not find it easy to deal with such a group. The fact that the criminal syndicates are well grounded makes them an organizational entity that uses many resources to maintain their status quo. The government should put in place strict measures to deal with the criminal syndicates.

Illegal markets that are widespread should be dealt with before the government can competently handle organized crimes. In advanced cases, patron client networks have been defined to help in organization of the crimes. The networks have remained in interconnected social and economic environments. Organized crimes largely depend on the existing systems. They employ effective communication to counter the enforcement agencies (“The Wine of Violence” 20).

The prohibition era was a period when laws were introduced to deal with alcoholism. The period was backed with the constitution amendment famously known as the Eighteenth Amendment. The amendment outlawed importation, production and distribution of alcohol.

The rationale of the laws was not realized, thus several consequences came up. The period was marked with organized crimes, with crime groups taking control of major cities in America. The groups operated in a time whereby law agencies were marred with rampant corruption. State agents were either bribed or black mailed.

Control of illegal markets was the main interest of every group. The authority and control used to be through street fights, whereby the group that won would control the market at that time. The dynamics of demand and supply used to play a critical role in keeping one group stronger than the other. The popularity of each group was essential in affirming authority. Undoubtedly, the prohibition era was a period when organized crimes took shape and many illegal transactions took place at the time.

“Prohibition: As Bad Now As It Was During The 1920’S.” Electronic Ardell Wellness Report (E-AWR) 351 (2006): 3-3. Print.

“The Wine Of Violence.” Saturday Evening Post 204.46 (1932): 20-20. Print.

Abadinsky, Howard. Organized Crime . Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

Casper, Juliet M. “Organized Crime–United States.” Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology 85.3 (1995): 837-837. Print.

Cressey, Donald Ray, and Finckenauer James. Theft of the Nation: The Structure and Operations of Organized Crime in America . New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2008. Print.

Lyman, Michael, and Potter Gary. Organized Crime. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010. Print.

Woodwiss, Michael. “Capone to Kefauver: Organised Crime in America.” History Today 37.6 (1987): 8-8. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 26). Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime.

"Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime." IvyPanda , 26 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime'. 26 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime." November 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime." November 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Prohibition and the Rise of Organized Crime." November 26, 2023.

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How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

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You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved April 5, 2024, from

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Trump falsely attacks Biden over Easter coinciding with Transgender Day of Visibility

The former president and supporters invoke false claims in a political war of words.

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Donald Trump , his campaign and his allies invoked religion in a flurry of political grievances this weekend, including by attacking President Biden for acknowledging International Transgender Day of Visibility — which happened to fall this year on Easter Sunday — and by making false claims that Biden newly prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs to a White House Easter art contest.

The attacks follow Trump’s announcement that he is selling $60 Bibles , which attracted criticism from Democrats and some religious leaders . Trump fired off dozens of social media posts Sunday that targeted his political rivals and railed against his legal troubles.

The latest salvo began Friday, after the White House issued a proclamation recognizing Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility and called on Americans to “join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.”

The acknowledgment was not new. Since 2009, International Transgender Day of Visibility has been held annually on March 31, and the Biden administration has marked the day every year since Biden was elected. The date of Easter, meanwhile, changes from year to year, falling on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the spring equinox.

Trump and Republicans, however, immediately cast the coincidence as an attack on Easter. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) accused the White House of having “betrayed the central tenet of Easter — which is the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

“Banning sacred truth and tradition — while at the same time proclaiming Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Day’ — is outrageous and abhorrent. The American people are taking note,” Johnson wrote in a post on X .

In a statement Saturday, Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt claimed that declaring Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday was “blasphemous” and called on Biden “to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only — the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

It is unclear why the statement distinguished between Catholics and Christians, since the former are Christians as well.

When asked Sunday, Leavitt did not address the issue but again repeated the false claim that Biden “chose” Easter to recognize Transgender Day of Visibility, even though it has fallen on March 31 since 2009. “The Biden Administration has spent years appeasing left-wing activists and disrespecting the Christian faith,” Leavitt said in a statement to The Washington Post.

Biden, a devout Catholic, speaks often about his faith and attends church every weekend. He is the second Catholic to be U.S. president. On Sunday morning, he issued a statement celebrating Easter observances.

“As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities,” Biden said. “And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.”

Leavitt also blasted Biden for supposedly having “prohibited children from submitting religious egg designs for their Easter Art Event,” referring to a long-running Easter tradition in which children of National Guard members submit decorated eggs to be displayed at the White House.

The American Egg Board, which administers the contest, said rules dictating what is allowed in the Easter egg decorating contest have remained consistent for more than 45 years — including during the Trump administration. Contest guidelines state that eggs “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements.”

“The Egg Board and other commodity boards are prohibited from discriminating in all programming and activities on the basis of religion, political beliefs and all other stated categories,” Emily Metz, president and CEO of the American Egg Board, said in a statement.

That did not stop Republicans and conservative outlets — including South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem , former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee , former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and Fox News — from playing up the restrictions, suggesting that they were new to the Biden administration.

On CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, Sen. Raphael G. Warnock (D-Ga.), a senior pastor at historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, defended Biden, pointing out that the date for Easter changes every year.

“Apparently the speaker finds trans people ‘abhorrent,’ and I think he ought to think about that,” Warnock said. “This is the opposite of the Christian faith. Jesus centered the marginalized, he centered the poor. And in a moment like this, we need voices, particularly voices of faith who would use our faith not as a weapon to beat other people down, but as a bridge to bring all of us together.”

In a statement Sunday, White House spokesman Andrew Bates expressed similar sentiments, while knocking Trump for hawking $60 Bibles and for his rhetoric over Easter weekend.

“As a Christian who celebrates Easter with family, President Biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American,” Bates said. “Sadly, it’s unsurprising politicians are seeking to divide and weaken our country with cruel, hateful, and dishonest rhetoric. President Biden will never abuse his faith for political purposes or for profit.”

Trump also posted an article to his social media network on Saturday that likened his legal troubles to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

In another all-caps post to his social media network Sunday, Trump invoked the holiday to claim without evidence that those prosecuting him were politically motivated.

On Friday, Trump shared on social media an image of Biden with his hands and feet tied , the latest example of the Republican candidate’s use of increasingly violent imagery this campaign season.

Last week, Trump urged his supporters to buy his Bibles that included a handwritten chorus to “God Bless the USA” by singer and supporter Lee Greenwood. Trump licensed his name, likeness and image to sell the Bibles through CIC Ventures LLC , for which Trump serves as “manager, president, secretary and treasurer.”

The former president has sold other Trump-branded items since leaving office, including digital trading cards, cologne and $399 “Never Surrender” sneakers . Some of Trump’s pitches are designed to benefit his campaign, but most appear to be designed to enrich him personally at a time when he faces a cash crunch amid his legal woes.

Hannah Knowles, Azi Paybarah and Philip Bump contributed to this report.

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    The popularity of each group was essential in affirming authority. Undoubtedly, the prohibition era was a period when organized crimes took shape and many illegal transactions took place at the time. Works Cited "Prohibition: As Bad Now As It Was During The 1920'S." Electronic Ardell Wellness Report (E-AWR) 351 (2006): 3-3. Print.

  5. PDF 2019 APUSH DBQ Sample Responses Political Reform in the Progressive Era

    Doc 7 - Prohibition Propaganda OE - 18 Amendment, Organized Crime, and Repeal Scientific Principles I generally recommend only three groups, but in this case, I laid out my argument in the format in which I teach the Progressive Era, as I wanted to see how my framework for teaching Progressivism would fit into a DBQ. This would

  6. Prohibition Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Prohibition quickly produced bootleggers, speakeasies, moonshine, bathtub gin, and rum runners smuggling supplies of alcohol across state lines. In 1927, there were an estimated 30,000 illegal speakeasies -- twice the number of legal bars before Prohibition. Many people made beer and wine at home.

  7. PDF consumption across the nation in areas such as Washington DC.

    Thesis Statement: The Prohibition of alcohol was intended to solve social problems, lower crime rates and improve overall health in the United States, but instead commenced organized crime and illegal consumption across the nation in areas such as Washington DC. ANNOTATED SOURCES: Barnett, Richard. "3." The Book of Gin. ...

  8. Thesis Statement For Prohibition In The 1920's

    Why Prohibition was Repealed in 1933 On the 16th January 1920 the prohibition law was introduced, yet almost immediately people began to question whether or to this law would work. People were finding it too easy to break these laws as secret saloons called speakeasies opened in cities everywhere.

  9. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Step 2: Write your initial answer. After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process. The internet has had more of a positive than a negative effect on education.

  10. Prohibition Essay

    Prohibition and the war on drug were agendas in an attempt to control deviant behavior deemed to be violations of social norms. The era of prohibition although considered a failure, did have a lasting positive social change. For instance, after repealing the 18th amendment in 1933, alcohol consumption remind relatively low until 1970s.

  11. Write a thesis statement on the research question of what role

    Thesis Statement. The Prohibition era, a period in American history when the production, sale, and transportation of alcohol were banned, played a significant role in the rise of organized crime. This period, spanning from 1920 to 1933, inadvertently created a lucrative black market for illegal alcohol, providing an opportunity for criminal ...

  12. Thesis Statement on prohibition

    Category: / Law & Government / Government & Politics. Length: 16 pages (4352 words) deals with the Prohibition that was in effect in the United States between 1920 and 1933. The essay focuses on the reasons that the Eighteenth Amendment, which put Prohibition into effect, was eventually repealed. The thesis is that though the `Noble Experiment ...

  13. Prohibition by Sheila Olasiman on Prezi

    Prohibition. Thesis statement: In 1920, the United States passed the 18th amendment, which banned the transportation and manufacture of alcohol in the United States. Alcohol was banned because alcohol consumption was getting out of hand and it didn't have any good effect on people. So as a result, Prohibition led to more violence, poverty ...

  14. Process Paper and Thesis Statement

    Thesis statement. Prohibition was put together by the Eighteenth Amendment in 1920. Prohibition wouldn't let anyone make liquor. Once the Prohibition was set the crime rate went down and so did the abusive part. The immidiate impact of Prohibition was that everyone couldn't drink anymore. Everyone, every where went dry.

  15. Paraphrasing Thesis Statements: A Strategic Skill

    A thesis statement is a single sentence that succinctly sums up the main point of the work, such as the topic of an essay or the hypothesis of a research paper. Typically, thesis statements come in the introductions of academic writing, as well as in abstracts. They're usually placed in the first paragraph as a way to prepare the reader for ...

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