How to create a consultant business plan

  • Nirit Braun
  • Oct 30, 2023
  • 12 min read

How to create a consultant business plan

When launching your consulting business, one of the essential first steps is crafting a well-structured and detailed business plan. Your consulting business plan is like a strategic playbook that lays out your goals, tactics and financial projections. It not only steers you toward success but also equips you to adapt and thrive in the dynamic world of consulting.

Keep reading for tips on how to build a strong business plan for your business. Use the template provided at the end to get started on your own plan.

Looking to kick off your consultancy business? Create a business website today with Wix.

Why create a consultant business plan? Top benefits to consider

A business plan forces entrepreneurs to thoroughly evaluate their business idea, target audience and competitive landscape. This process clarifies their vision and mission, ensuring that they have a clear understanding of how their consultancy will provide value to clients. A business plan helps you in the following ways:

Create a business blueprint : With a business plan in place, entrepreneurs looking to start a business can make informed decisions based on a solid foundation of research and analysis. They can choose the most effective strategies for marketing, pricing and service delivery, enhancing their chances of success. Your business plan can also be used to explain what type of business you'll start - whether that's an LLC, Corporation or something else. Learn more about how to start an LLC .

Secure funding : The cost to start a consultancy business can range from around $60 to several thousand dollars . For those seeking external funding, a well-developed business plan demonstrates credibility and professionalism. Investors and lenders are more likely to support a venture with a thought-out plan that showcases its potential for growth and profitability.

Set measurable goals : A business plan sets measurable goals and performance metrics, which is vital with this type of business . This allows entrepreneurs to track their progress, adapt strategies as needed and celebrate milestones along the way.

Want to remind yourself of the basics? Learn more about how to start a service business .

How to create a successful consultant business plan in 6 steps

In this section, we'll break down the key components involved in crafting a successful consultant business plan in six steps.

Executive summary

Business and domain names

Market analysis and research

Operations plan

Marketing and advertising plan

Financial plan

01. Executive summary

An executive summary serves as a concise overview of the consultant's business plan, providing a snapshot of the key components and the business' essence. It's usually the first section investors, lenders and stakeholders read, so it must encapsulate the business' value proposition, objectives, strategies and projected growth. To write a clear executive summary for a consultant business make sure to keep it succinct yet informative. Clearly state the purpose of the business, the services offered, the target market and the unique value proposition. Avoid technical jargon that may confuse readers.

Then you can mention the business' strengths, such as the expertise of the consultants, unique methodologies or specialized services. Emphasize factors that set your consultancy apart from competitors.

Briefly discuss the market need for your services and how your consultancy plans to fulfill it. It’s worth noting that strategy and management consulting, as well as technology consulting, financial consulting and HR consulting are in high demand . Highlight any trends or changes in the industry that your business can capitalize on.

Remember to include a snapshot of your financial projections, indicating expected revenue, costs and profitability. This provides a glimpse into the business' potential financial success.

Example of an executive summary for a consultant business

"XYZ Consulting is a boutique consultancy firm specializing in digital transformation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With a team of seasoned professionals, we offer tailored solutions to help businesses harness the power of technology for growth. Our unique approach blends strategic consulting with hands-on implementation, ensuring tangible results. In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, XYZ Consulting is poised to be the partner SMEs need to thrive. Our financial projections forecast a steady growth trajectory, with a focus on achieving profitability within the first two years. With a proven track record and a finger on the pulse of industry trends, XYZ Consulting is well-equipped to guide businesses toward digital success."

02. Business and domain names

Knowing how to name a business is crucial for a consultancy venture and a key step before you register your business . It's the foundation of your brand and influences how clients perceive your services. With Wix , you can use a free business name generator or consulting company name generator as helpful tools for brainstorming unique and memorable names. Ensure the name reflects your expertise and the services you offer.

Similarly, the domain name for your business website is vital. It should be easy to remember, relevant to your services and ideally, match your company name. Check the domain's availability using domain registration platforms. Ensure the domain name aligns with your consultancy's focus and services. Generally, this means keeping it short and easy to spell and pronounce.

Learn more: How to make a consulting website

03. Market analysis and research

Incorporating a thorough market analysis within your consultant business plan is essential. Understand the competitive landscape, target audience and market trends. Research your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, pricing strategies and client base. This information will shape your business strategies and help you identify gaps in the market that your consultancy can fill.

04. Operations plan

The operations plan outlines the logistical aspects of your consultancy. It covers location, premises, equipment and staffing requirements. Determine whether your consultancy will be home-based, have a physical office or operate virtually. Define the equipment and software needed to deliver services effectively. Outline your staffing needs, including the roles and expertise required.

05. Marketing and advertising plan

Your marketing and advertising plan outlines how you will promote your consultant business. Identify the most effective strategies to reach your target audience. Consider content marketing, social media campaigns, networking events and speaking engagements to showcase your expertise. Emphasize how your marketing efforts will build brand awareness and attract clients.

You’ll need to develop a suite of brand assets to use in your marketing as well, starting with a company logo. You can use a free logo maker to get a professional logo in minutes.

06. Financial plan

The financial plan is a critical component of any business plan. It outlines how you will raise money for your business initially and provides a timeline for reaching profitability. Detail your startup costs, including equipment, marketing expenses and personnel. Present your revenue projections, taking into account different pricing models and growth scenarios. Highlight your break-even point and the strategies you'll employ to achieve profitability.

By addressing each part of their plan, entrepreneurs can create a robust business plan that guides them toward achieving their business goals and building a reputable consulting brand.

steps to developing a business plan

Consultant business plan examples

These templates illustrate two hypothetical consultant business plans, each tailored to a specific niche. These are just templates and should be adapted to your specific business goals and industry dynamics.

Consultant business plan template #1 : XYZ Digital Consultants

XYZ Digital Consultants is a pioneering consultancy firm focused on digital transformation for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age. Our team of experienced professionals offers strategic guidance and hands-on implementation to drive growth through technology adoption. With projected profitability within two years and a commitment to excellence, XYZ Digital Consultants is poised to lead businesses into a successful digital future.

Company and domain name

Company name: XYZ Digital Consultants

Domain name:

Market opportunity: The rapid shift toward digital operations has created a substantial demand for expert guidance. Our analysis reveals a gap in the market for holistic digital transformation solutions tailored to the needs of SMEs.

Competitor research: We've identified key competitors and their strengths, which informs our strategy to emphasize personalized service and comprehensive implementation.

Location: Primarily virtual, with occasional in-person consultations as needed.

Premises: Home-based setup with access to modern communication tools.

Equipment: High-speed internet, latest software tools and virtual meeting platforms.

Staffing: Founder and lead consultant, supported by contract specialists as projects demand.

Content marketing: Regular blog posts on digital transformation trends, case studies and client success stories.

Social media campaigns: Active presence on LinkedIn and X to engage with potential clients and share valuable insights.

Networking events: Participation in industry webinars, seminars and local business events to showcase expertise.

Speaking engagements: Leveraging speaking opportunities at conferences and workshops to establish authority in the field.

Startup costs (equipment, website development, marketing materials): $15,000

Revenue projections (year one): $150,000

Revenue projections (year two) : $300,000

Break-even point: Achieved by the end of year one

Funding: Initial investment and savings from the founder

Consultant business plan template #2 : LeadersEdge Consultants

LeadersEdge Consultants is a dynamic consultancy dedicated to leadership development and organizational excellence. Our experienced team offers customized programs that empower leaders to drive positive change. With a projected growth trajectory and a commitment to fostering impactful leadership, LeadersEdge Consultants is poised to transform organizations and elevate their success.

Company name: LeadersEdge Consultants

Domain name:

Market opportunity: Our analysis reveals a growing need for leadership development programs in diverse industries.

Competitor research: We've identified competitors' offerings and recognized an opportunity to provide a unique blend of coaching, training and strategy implementation.

Location: Virtual consultations, with the option for on-site workshops

Premises: Virtual office setup with video conferencing capabilities

Equipment: High-quality audiovisual tools, assessment software and learning platforms

Staffing : Founder will serve as the lead consultant, supported by certified leadership coaches

Customized workshops: Designing tailored leadership development programs for individual organizations.

Webinars: Hosting webinars on leadership best practices to showcase expertise and engage potential clients.

Thought leadership content: Publishing whitepapers, eBooks and video content on leadership topics.

Collaborations: Partnering with HR and talent development professionals to expand reach.

Startup costs ( making a website , training materials) : $10,000

Revenue projections (year one): $120,000

Revenue projections (year two): $250,000

Break-even point: Achieved within the first six months

Funding: Initial investment from the founder.

How much should you be charging as a consultant?

The amount you charge as a consultant will depend on a number of factors, including:

Your experience and expertise

The type of consulting services you offer

The value you provide to your clients

The market rate for consulting services in your field

In general, consultants charge between $100 and $500 per hour. However, some experienced and highly specialized consultants can charge upwards of $1,000 per hour.

To determine your consulting rate, you can use the following formula:

Consulting rate = Hourly rate * Value multiplier

Your hourly rate should reflect your experience and expertise, as well as the type of consulting services you offer. For example, if you have 10 years of experience and you offer specialized consulting services, you can charge a higher hourly rate than a consultant with less experience and who offers more general consulting services.

Your value multiplier should reflect the value you provide to your clients. For example, if you can help your clients to achieve significant results, you can charge a higher value multiplier.

Here is an example of how to use the formula:

Consultant: Experienced consultant with 10 years of experience offering specialized consulting services

Hourly rate: $200 per hour

Value multiplier: 2

Consulting rate: $200 per hour * 2 = $400 per hour

Can a consulting business be profitable?

Yes, a consulting business can be profitable. In fact, consulting is one of the most profitable industries in the world. According to a report by IBISWorld, the average profit margin for consulting businesses is 20%. This means that for every $100 in revenue, consulting businesses generate $20 in profit.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the profitability of consulting businesses. First, consultants are able to charge high fees for their services. Second, consulting businesses have relatively low overhead costs. Third, the demand for consulting services is high, and it's only expected to grow in the coming years.

Of course, not all consulting businesses are successful. Some consultants struggle to find clients or to charge high enough fees. Others may not be able to deliver the results that their clients expect. However, for consultants who are able to overcome these challenges, the potential rewards are great.

Here are some tips for increasing your chances of success as a consultant:

Specialize in a high-demand area of consulting. This will allow you to charge higher fees and attract more clients.

Build a strong reputation and network of clients. This will help you to generate word-of-mouth referrals and land new clients.

Market your services effectively. Make sure that potential clients know about your services and how you can help them.

Deliver high-quality results. This is the most important thing you can do to ensure that your clients are satisfied and that they continue to use your services in the future.

How much does it cost to start a consulting business?

The cost to start a consulting business can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of consulting services you offer, the size of your business and your location. However, in general, you can expect to spend between $10,000 and $50,000 to start a consulting business.

Here is a breakdown of some of the typical start-up costs for a consulting business:

Business formation: $100 to $1,000

Website and domain name: $100 to $2,500

Marketing and advertising: $500 to $5,000

Office equipment and supplies: $500 to $5,000

Professional liability insurance: $500 to $1,000

Other miscellaneous expenses: $500 to $5,000

Total start-up costs: $10,000 to $50,000

You can reduce your start-up costs by working from home, using free or low-cost marketing tools and purchasing used equipment. You can also start your consulting business part-time while you continue to work your full-time job. This will give you a chance to generate revenue and build a client base before you leave your full-time job.

If you need financial assistance to start your consulting business, you may be able to qualify for a loan from a bank or credit union. You may also be able to find investors who are willing to invest in your business.

Which clients to avoid and which to take on?

Here are some tips on which clients to avoid and which to take on in a consulting business:

Clients to avoid

Clients who aren't willing to pay your rates. If a client isn't willing to pay your rates, it's a sign that they don't value your services.

Clients who are unrealistic about their expectations. If a client has unrealistic expectations about what you can achieve, you're likely to set yourself up for failure.

Clients who are difficult to work with. If a client is demanding, rude or disrespectful, it's best to avoid them.

Clients who aren't a good fit for your business. If a client isn't in your target market or if their business isn't aligned with your values, it's best to decline working with them.

Clients to take on

Clients who are willing to pay your rates. This shows that they value your services and are committed to working with you.

Clients who have realistic expectations. This makes it more likely that you will be able to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

Clients who are easy to work with. This will make the consulting process more enjoyable and productive for both of you.

Clients who are a good fit for your business. This means that they're in your target market and that their business is aligned with your values.

In addition to the above, here are some other factors to consider when deciding which clients to take on:

Your own skills and experience. Make sure that you have the skills and experience to help the client achieve their goals.

The client's budget. Make sure that the client has a budget that's sufficient to cover your fees.

The client's timeline. Make sure that you have the time and resources to meet the client's timeline.

Your gut feeling. If you have a bad feeling about a client, it's best to trust your gut and decline working with them.

It's important to be selective about the clients you take on. By avoiding difficult clients and focusing on good-fit clients, you can set yourself up for success in your consulting business.

Consultant business plan FAQ

What qualifies you as a consultant.

To qualify as a consultant, you need to have the expertise and experience in the area that you're consulting in. You also need to be able to communicate your ideas effectively and build relationships with clients.

How do you start off as a consultant?

How to make 6 figures as a consultant, how do you pay yourself as a consultant, do consultants pay their own taxes, want to create another business plan.

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Business Consulting Business Plan

Start your own business consulting business plan

Growth Management and Strategies

Executive summary executive summary is a brief introduction to your business plan. it describes your business, the problem that it solves, your target market, and financial highlights.">.

Growth Management and Strategies (GMS) is an ambitious innovative new company that is attempting to turn the small business consulting business on its head. With an experienced consultant at the helm as President, GMS intends to grow at more than 50% per year through solid customer service, a great sales plan, proven competitive strategies, and a group of people that bring dynamic energy to the company and the sales process.

The goal for this plan is financial: GMS needs a Small Business Adminstration (SBA) loan, and this document is one step in the process. It is also a road map for the company. The document gives all present and future employees, as well as the owner a sense of purpose that may exist without the business plan, but becomes more relevant after the business plan is written, reviewed, shared, and edited by all. It is a living document that will last far beyond the SBA loan purpose, or if that doesn’t occur, to bring an investor on board.

GMS’s financials are realistic, and based on very conservative sales figures relative to the industry as a whole. That is because one of the goals of GMS is to build the business one client at a time, and to serve each client as if it were the last. This is how loyalty is generated, and cultivated. Customer service is what GMS will do best, and is a large part of the company’s overall mission.

Business consulting business plan, executive summary chart image

1.1 Objectives

The objectives for Growth Management and Strategies are:

  • Gain access to an SBA loan upon start up.
  • Grow the company from 2 employees in Year 1, to over 10 by Year 5.
  • Increase revenue to over $3 million by Year 3.
  • Increase client base by 450% in three years.
  • Maintain job costing that keeps margins above 70%.

1.2 Mission

The company mission is to serve small business clients that are in need of logistical, technical, and business strategy services. All projects will be chosen based on the availability of human resources, and each individual employee will be given the respect of a contract worker, and will share in profits for each job. Politics have no place at Growth Management and Strategies, and to limit the affects of favoritism, the company will implement and clearly communicate a performance review policy that applies to those at the bottom as well as the top of the leadership ladder. Credit will be given to the person who performed and/or innovatively modified a project, and compensation will be both financial and in the form of commendation.

Growth Management and Strategies is a company that respects the needs and expectations of its employees and clients. If either is compromised, adjustments will be made so that the company culture may remain intact.

1.3 Keys to Success

Our keys to success are:

  • To maintain client satisfaction of at least 90%.
  • To keep overhead low.
  • To ensure professional marketing and presentation of services.
  • To provide an active and functional website.

Company Summary company overview ) is an overview of the most important points about your company—your history, management team, location, mission statement and legal structure.">

Growth Management and Strategies was established as a C corporation. The company’s headquarters are located in Boston, MA, near Copely Place. The company was established as a result of the efforts of its owner, Bill Dawson, and his experience in leading small businesses into prolonged periods of growth and innovation. Dawson worked for McKinsey before being hired away to Bain and Company. A Harvard graduate, Dawson spent hundreds of hours each week for nearly a year, slowly building the company to where it is now.

The company has had numerous successes this year, including one client that was purchased by a major multinational conglomerate, and another that experienced product sales growth of over 700% the first year.

2.1 Start-up Summary

This start-up summary table lists all the costs associated with establishing a lease, purchasing office equipment, and pulling together the other resources necessary to get the business off the ground. Furniture, LAN lines, and additional technology purchases are a must in order to properly communicate with clients, and to establish a website.

Other services included in the start-up summary are legal consulting fees, kept to a minimum thanks to resources provided by Nolo. Incorporation fees are included in the legal fees line item.

The free cash flow (cash balance) appearing in this start-up table is high relative to other small consulting businesses of its size. The owner is preoccupied with maintaining positive cash flow, and is risk averse enough to understand that during months in which contracts are not available, the corporation must sustain itself.  With this said, planned debt leverage is low, therefore risk to the lender is relatively low as well.

Business consulting business plan, company summary chart image

2.2 Company Ownership

Growth Management and Strategies is wholly owned by Bill Dawson, and is classified as an LLC.

Growth Management and Strategies offers a variety of services to the small business client. Many of the services are customized for each client, and a bidding process is observed. The company also offers a traditional fixed rate sheet for its services.

Market Analysis Summary how to do a market analysis for your business plan.">

The target customer owns a small business, and is generally dissatisfied with the revenue that the business is generating, or is dissatisfied with the daily management of their business. The customer is likely to operate a business worth between $200K and $10 million, with growth rates of between 1-10%, or even a negative growth rate.

Market growth, that is, the predicted growth in the small business sector within the Boston/Cambridge Metro area is expected to be around 3% per year. This may increase due to additional SBA lending programs designed to match the strengths of research and faculty grant work with the needs of the market and small businesses willing to take new products to market. Regardless of the market growth, the company’s customer base is far more dependant upon service needs, and a solid reputation. Mr. Dawson is well respected within the community, and has built a number of relationships with high profile individuals, and is a frequent contributor to the business section of the Boston Herald.

The corresponding market analysis table below breaks the potential market down into tactical sub-markets.

4.1 Market Segmentation

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  • Debt of more than 30% yearly revenue.
  • Free cash flow frequently in the negative, requiring deep pocket borrowing or investment.
  • Long-term growth underperforming relative to competitors.
  • Management discord and performance issues.

These are not the only differentiators used to determine the market potential for a client, they are simply a starting point for the sales team as they reach out to this group of small businesses, owners and investors.

Business consulting business plan, market analysis summary chart image

4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

The target market strategy involves isolating potential customers by revenue, then drilling down to very specific needs via the sales team’s needs analysis methodology.

The first tier customers, businesses with over $3 million in revenue, is more experienced in outsourcing and may find themselves more comfortable hiring Growth Management and Strategies on retainer. Strategically, a retainer helps maintain consistent cash flow, even if during some months these customers will require more services than what they have paid for that month. This issue will be addressed in the Personnel topic.

The second tier customers, those businesses operating at revenue levels of $501K – $3 million, typically are very excited to have moved out of the home office stage, and into a new level of stability. If they are self-funded, these businesses can be the most challenging to work with because they are often not willing to part with company shares, and don’t yet have a sense of what kind of marketing investment is necessary to grow a business at this stage. The company will serve these small businesses based on a bid cycle, and needs analysis.

The third tier customers are easier to identify, and more ubiquitous than the rest. These small businesses are operating on $200K – $500K in revenue, often are operating out of a home, and have a firm sense of their market and potential, yet have trouble executing their plans effectively, or following through on growth strategies that generate wealth. Again, the strategy is to provide these businesses with a short needs analysis, and focus on the quantity of such customers to maintain a solid revenue stream.

4.3 Service Business Analysis

This industry is split up between a variety of players, including small businesses advising small businesses, such as the case with Growth Management and Strategies, to large conglomerate multinational consulting firms that send in newbie MBAs and use their name recognition to convince their clients that every one of these MBAs will generate over $300K a year in value. Sometimes they do, but when they don’t, GMS plans to be there.  

At the other end of the spectrum, there are a wide variety of mom and pop consulting firms owned by very talented people who simply don’t have the marketing resources or expertise to reach a broader spectrum of customer.

GMS is somewhere in between. With years of guerrilla marketing experience, and a long-term plan for success, Mr. Dawson is determined to build the company each client at a time, and to focus on a sales team that outperforms all the competitors.

GMS is planning to grow exponentially within the first two years, to over $2 million in consulting revenue. At this point the service business analysis will be re-evaluated from the outside in.

4.3.1 Competition and Buying Patterns

Typically small business clients will learn about the consulting services market through word-of-mouth experience passed on through a friend or contemporary. Still, outbound sales teams dominate this category, and the stronger your sales team and name recognition, the greater your odds of finding clients willing to place your company on retainer or accept your company’s bid. The most competitive players in this market tend to have some of the best sales teams in the industry, that is, people who know not only how to communicate the technical needs analysis in a non-technical way, but in addition, are able to follow through and execute on promises and provide accurate, industry specific information that is useful to the client even before the deal is made.

Price is also important, and operates on a complex tiered system that is dependant upon the effectiveness of a particular salesperson, the word-of-mouth (WOM) advertising already in the mind of the potential client, and the ability of the client to reform the way they think about their own business. The demands of turning a business around, or pushing it to the limits of its potential are in direct proportion to the price of each bid. GMS must be careful not to be lured into out bidding a competitor, only to find that the customer has no plans to modify their business plan, and are seeking a “magic bullet” that may or may not exist. Competition in this industry leads to frustration and burnout for many people, and it takes a strong sense of purpose to push the business beyond the realm of the high-intensity, low-return client.

Strategy and Implementation Summary

GMS will pursue a strategy in line with the experience of the owner, and implementation will be performance based and follow a clear path. Milestones are important to the implementation of this plan, and so is the vision and the will of the company’s owner, Mr. Dawson. The overall company strategy is tied very closely with the sales strategy, that is, with the front lines of the business. One of the biggest threats to any strategy is that they can become too high-minded, and not literal enough to translate into action. This will not be the case with GMS, a solid company that hires top talent and achieves it’s goals on time and on budget.

5.1 Competitive Edge

GMS has a significant competitive edge in the following areas:

  • Customer service mobility – As a customer-centric firm, GMS offers no hold phone lines, same day email responses, and callbacks within one hour. In addition, the phone technology is set up in such a way as to provide salespeople with all databased information about the customer before they say “hello”. 
  • “Needs Analysis” service – Possibly the best competitive edge in an industry fraught with agressive outbound sales teams and your run of the mill ego-centric, customer alienating, consultants.
  • A considerable network of contacts – Mr. Dawson is well connected in the area of general consulting, and his Harvard degree opens doors via simple bragging rights, and an extensive alumni network.

5.2 Marketing Strategy

GMS’s marketing strategy revolves around a three-tiered focus. At the top of pyramid one, imagine a customer service ideal. This ideal is also included in the competitive comparison.

Pyramid three has at the top a team-centric company culture. Tactics revolve around building this culture from the ground up so that it rewards innovation and determination, and management shows no personal bias or favoritism except when a salesperson or consultant is outperforming the mean. Although this strategy appears to be an internal management goal or company summary object, it is highly relevant to marketing’s performance because without integrity standards and a consistent company culture, GMS’s marketing will feel disconnected and unsupported, and will suffer as a result. A more detailed breakdown of tactics and programs related to this strategy is available in the full marketing plan. 

5.3 Sales Strategy

GMS plans to develop and train 5-6 new salespeople by year two. Upon start up, the primary sales contact will be Mr. Dawson, but this will change as the revenues increase, and the company is able to invest in human capital.

GMS has a sales strategy that focuses on an initial needs analysis. Once the results of the needs analysis has been forwarded or described over the phone to a potential client, the salesperson will ask for a personal interview, a chance to sit down and discuss specifics. At no time should this be perceived by the potential client as “pushy” or “agressive.” 

The goal of this sales process is to get behind the numbers, and the business successes, to identify where the client’s needs lie. Once this is mapped out, GMS will decide how these problems can be best addressed, and will offer both a bid and some action points. If the client wants to use the action points to move forward on their own, this is very acceptable. GMS’s research has in fact shown that the clients that choose this path, often come back to seek additional information, and more often than not, accept the bid.

This strategy differs from the course often taken by large consulting firms in that the customer is not condescended to, or treated as if the knowledge isn’t right there in their own heads. Often, consulting companies will send a large ego to clean up a client’s mess, and find that the strategy backfires when the client only chooses to give the consultant the chance to bid. GMS’s sales strategy revolves around customer service and empowerment, not condescension and sales “closers.”

5.3.1 Sales Forecast

Sales forecast is based on the assumption that most of the revenue will be the result of consulting bids. The growth in retainer revenue is about 30% lower than the expected yearly growth in consulting bids of 80%/year. This may seem like an agressive number at first glance, but this is not a large company being discussed in this business plan. The smaller the company, often the larger the opportunity for exponential sales growth, and especially if the firm uses sound sales and marketing strategies to take share from the larger, less nimble consultancies.

The Needs Analysis service is listed only to highlight the fact that some outside information gathering firms/consultants will be used to compile the necessary information. This poses some risk because there are no costs associated with the Needs Analysis efforts. Nevertheless, GMS is confident that this product will set the company apart from the competition, and generate sales far in excess of the costs incurred.

Business consulting business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

5.4 Milestones

The milestones table includes one listing each for the business plan and the marketing plan. Each of these are crucial to the long-term and short-term success of GMS. The other milestones are also important, but most are simply tasks necessary in starting up almost any business. Nevertheless, the most important milestone in this table is financial. The SBA loan will determine whether this company will have the working capital to operate for 5-12 months with little or no immediate revenue. If GMS cannot find the working capital to meet the minimum cash flow expectations set forth in this document, the company will dissolve and the owner will turn his talents elsewhere. Therefore, it is possible that the line item for “SBA Loan” may be changed to acquire family or friends as investors. Ideally it will not come to that and Mr. Dawson will be able to retain full control of the company, and direct it entirely based on his vision.

Business consulting business plan, strategy and implementation summary chart image

Management Summary management summary will include information about who's on your team and why they're the right people for the job, as well as your future hiring plans.">

The management team will initially consist of Bill Dawson. A Harvard MBA, and world-renowned consultant for major Fortune 500 companies, Mr. Dawson has built a reputation based his customer-centric approach to consulting, a relative anomaly in the world of high profile consulting. Many consultants are trained to believe they are right and the client was put on this earth to learn from the consultant. That is not the case for GMS, as the management team (Dawson) takes a different tact. The consultant acts as an interviewer, learning all that is possible to learn about the client in a one or two week period. As a management tool, this approach is very effective because it gives the sales team flexibility in dealing with potential customers, and relieves the uncomfortable pressure to close the sale.

Mr. Dawson’s approach to managing customers is also the approach he will take in dealing with his salespeople. GMS doesn’t need a hefty management structure, or administrative overhead. Many of those processes may be handled through outsourcing and Internet technology. On the contrary, the management structure at GMS is designed to reward the performer and educate the underperformer. Each salesperson is given a battery of psychological and rational tests, and most importantly, are screened based on how well they will fit into the Dawson management style. This leaves little to chance, and encourages a team atmosphere that remains light-hearted and fun.

6.1 Personnel Plan

This table demonstrates how GMS plans to start acquiring clients. One salesperson will be trained initially, and that person will later head a team of salespeople as the company expands. The promise of growth, and chance to work for a strategically positioned consulting business is enough to have three major players bidding for the job. Although each will see a major cut in salary from their current position, the chance to share in company profits (10%) and growth is enough to draw them to a low base, high commission position that offers no guarantees.

Financial Plan investor-ready personnel plan .">

The Financial Plan is based on a pending SBA loan, and a corresponding cash flow amount held in a highly liquid account.

7.1 Important Assumptions

7.2 break-even analysis.

The Break-even Analysis table is based on the assumption that each hour worked can be billed at approximately $70 per unit, and the employees will start at approximately $25/hour. This doesn’t include the cost of the payroll burden, however the assumptions are fairly accurate. Fixed costs are related to the lease and other monthly costs.

Business consulting business plan, financial plan chart image

7.3 Projected Cash Flow

The following table and chart show the Projected Cash Flow figures for Growth Management and Strategies.

Business consulting business plan, financial plan chart image

7.4 Projected Profit and Loss

The following table and charts are the Projected Profit and Loss and Gross Margin figures for Growth Management and Strategies.

Business consulting business plan, financial plan chart image

7.5 Projected Balance Sheet

The following table is the Projected Balance Sheet for Growth Management and Strategies.

7.6 Business Ratios

Business ratios for the years of this plan are shown below. Industry profile ratios based on the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code 8742, Business Management Consultants, are shown for comparison.

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Top 10 Consulting Business Plan Templates with Samples and Examples (Editable Word Doc, Excel, and PDF included)

Top 10 Consulting Business Plan Templates with Samples and Examples (Editable Word Doc, Excel, and PDF included)

Mohammed Sameer


Time is your most precious resource. With enough time, any challenge can be conquered, any goal achieved, and any venture successful. But here's the catch: Time is also your most elusive asset. It slips through your fingers, leaving behind missed opportunities and unrealized potential.

In the competitive world of consulting, where precision and foresight are non-negotiable, every moment counts. This is a reality that businesses face daily. Often, they find themselves at crossroads, seeking innovative ways to seize opportunities, increase efficiency, and drive growth. This is where a fresh perspective and expert guidance can make all the difference.

Consider the story of Colgate, a household name in oral care. When faced with the challenge of boosting toothpaste sales, they turned to their own employees for solutions. In a stroke of genius, one employee suggested increasing the size of the brim of the toothpaste tube to encourage users to squeeze more paste out. This simple yet effective idea had a profound impact on their sales.

Just like Colgate, organizations need help from consultants who can provide them with innovative ideas for growth, efficiency, and success. That's where our Consulting Business Plan Templates step in, offering you a lifeline to use the power of time to your advantage. Why should you download these templates? The answer is crystal clear: Efficiency and Effectiveness. These PPT presentations are your roadmap to building a successful consulting practice or taking your existing one to new heights.

In business consulting, where strategy meets execution, our templates are your secret weapon. They're the result of years of industry expertise, distilled into actionable blueprints that will save you time, streamline your processes, and enhance your consultancy's impact.

Are you ready to unlock your potential, make every moment count, and chart your path to consulting success? Let's dive in right away.

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Company Overview
  • Industry Analysis
  • Customer Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Swot Analysis and Porter’s Competitive Analysis
  • Operational Plan
  • Financial Plan
  • Management Summary
  • Exit Strategy 

Section 1: Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is the heart of your consulting business plan. It's your elevator pitch, a concise yet compelling snapshot of your consulting venture. Our PPT Set is designed to make this crucial section a breeze to create. You can use our sample executive summaries as inspiration, ensuring that they convey their consulting services, target market, and financial outlook in a concise yet persuasive manner. This section is where potential investors, partners, or clients get their first impression of your business, so it's essential to make it impactful.

Reasons to download this template:

1.    Efficiency:  It simplifies the creation of an impactful executive summary, saving users time and effort.

2.    Clarity:  Sample executive summaries provide a clear structure to convey key business details.

3.    Engagement:  You can make a strong first impression on investors, partners, or clients, increasing their plan's chances of success.

Executive Summary

Download this business plan

Section 2: Company Overview

Crafting a Company Overview that defines your consulting niche, mission, and vision is essential for setting the tone of your business plan. With this PPT Layout, you can effectively communicate their consulting focus, the overarching purpose of their venture, and the guiding principles that drive their mission and vision. This section helps establish credibility and aligns stakeholders with the core values of the consulting business.

1.    Structure:  It offers a structured framework to define the consulting niche, mission, and vision.

2.    Alignment:  Users can align stakeholders with their business values, enhancing credibility.

3.    Communication:  Communicate the unique aspects of consulting business to potential partners and investors.

Company Overview

Section 3: Industry Analysis

Our industry analysis section provides valuable insights into market trends, opportunities, and challenges specific to the consulting sector. Use this PPT Design to gather data, assess market dynamics, and gain a competitive edge. This section helps users identify niches, untapped markets, and emerging trends within the consulting industry, enabling them to make informed strategic choices.

1.    Insights:  It offers insights into market trends and opportunities.

2.    Competitive Edge:  Users gain a competitive edge by identifying untapped markets and emerging trends.

3.    Informed Decisions:  Data-driven decisions are facilitated, enhancing the consulting business's strategic choices.

Industry Analysis

Section 4: Customer Analysis 

Targeting the right clients is pivotal to consulting success. Our customer analysis templates help users create detailed buyer personas, allowing them to tailor their services to meet specific needs. Using this PPT Framework, you can delve deep into their target audience's demographics, preferences, and pain points. This section helps craft personalized services and marketing strategies that resonate with potential clients, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

1.    Precision:  It helps tailor services and marketing precisely to client needs.

2.    Personalization:  Deep insights into target demographics lead to personalized experiences.

3.    Loyalty:  Crafting strategies that resonate with clients boosts satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer Analysis

Section 5: Competitor Analysis

Staying competitive in the consulting industry requires an understanding of your rivals. Our PowerPoint Template guides you through a comprehensive analysis of competitors, helping them identify strengths and weaknesses. Users can glean insights from competitors' offerings, pricing strategies, and customer feedback. Armed with this data, users can refine their value propositions, differentiation strategies, and pricing models. This section is essential for creating a competitive advantage and devising strategies to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

1.    Competitive Advantage:  Users gain a competitive advantage by understanding rivals' strengths and weaknesses.

2.    Refined Strategies:  Insights from competitors' offerings help refine value propositions and pricing models.

3.    Market Positioning:  Effective stand-out strategies are devised in a crowded marketplace.

Customer Analysis

Section 6: SWOT Analysis and Porter’s Competitive Analysis

Performing SWOT and Porter's analyses efficiently is essential for strategic planning. Our PPT Sets simplify the process and guide users to identify internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. You can use these to create a well-informed roadmap, align your business with market trends, minimize risks, and maximize resource utilization. SWOT and Porter's analyses provide you with strategic insights needed to thrive in the consulting industry.

1.    Holistic View:  It guides users to assess internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats.

2.    Risk Mitigation:  SWOT and Porter's analyses minimize risks and maximize resource utilization.

3.    Strategic Insights:  Informed decisions and alignment with market trends are facilitated.

SWOT Analysis and Porter’s Competitive Analysis

Section 7: Marketing Plan

A well-crafted marketing plan is crucial for reaching and engaging the target audience. This PPT Preset offers a structured approach to developing effective marketing strategies. It helps you explore methods to create awareness, reach the audience, and communicate your consulting business's unique value proposition. You can demonstrate your understanding of market dynamics and consumer behavior, instilling confidence in stakeholders and potential investors. 

1.    Structured Approach:  It offers a structured approach to developing effective marketing strategies.

2.    Confidence:  Demonstrating an understanding of market dynamics instills confidence in stakeholders.

3.    Client Engagement:  Strategies focus on creating awareness, reaching the target audience, and communicating value.

Marketing Plan

Section 8: Operational Plan

Our operational plan slide provides you with a clear roadmap. It covers staffing, facility management, processes, technology, and more. Using this PPT Design, you can ensure optimal resource allocation, streamline processes, and demonstrate the practical feasibility of their consulting business.

1.    Efficiency:  Users can manage consulting operations with a clear roadmap.

2.    Resource Allocation:  Templates ensure optimal resource allocation and streamline processes.

3.    Feasibility:  Practical feasibility of the consulting business is demonstrated to stakeholders.

Operational Plan

Section 9: Financial Plan

The Financial Plan is the backbone of a consulting business. The PPT Set below offers stakeholders clarity on revenue projections, cost structures, and funding requirements. It details startup costs, revenue forecasts, break-even analysis, and return on investment. The plan assesses the feasibility of the business, instills confidence in stakeholders, and informs decisions about funding and investment.

1.    Clarity:  Financial plan templates clarify revenue projections, cost structures, and funding needs.

2.    Informed Decisions:  Stakeholders make informed decisions about funding and investment.

3.    Financial Health:  Users assess the business's financial health and viability.

Financial Plan

Section 10: Management Summary

Highlighting the expertise of the management team is essential for building trust and credibility. Our management summary design enables you to showcase the roles and contributions of their team members. Using it, provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the management team's qualifications and their significance in driving the consulting business's success. This section reassures stakeholders that the business is led by capable and experienced individuals.

1.    Trust and Credibility:  Expertise is highlighted, building stakeholder trust and credibility.

2.    Roles Defined:  Roles and contributions of team members are showcased.

3.    Capable Leadership:  Stakeholders are assured that capable and experienced individuals lead the business.

Management Summary

Section 11: Exit Strategy

In your business journey, a graceful exit is crucial. This PPT Set helps you craft a comprehensive exit strategy. It provides a structured framework to consider exit options, timing, financial aspects, and contingency plans. Whether it's selling your business, succession planning, or going public, our templates ensure clarity and confidence in this critical aspect.

1.    Structured Framework:  It provides a structured approach to consider exit options, timing, and financial aspects.

2.    Clarity and Confidence:  Users can plan their business exit with a clear timeline. 

3.    Contingency Planning:  Contingency plans for exit scenarios are facilitated, ensuring a graceful exit.

Exit Strategy

Templates Transforming Tomorrow: Your Consulting Odyssey

Our Consulting Business Plan Templates are more than documents; they're blueprints for transformation. With them, you're not just crafting a plan but shaping destiny. These presentation slides bridge vision to reality, empowering entrepreneurs to script their narratives of success. As you undertake your consulting journey, they pledge commitment to your future, a testament to determination. 

FAQs on Consulting Business Plan

What is a consulting business plan.

A consulting business plan is a comprehensive document outlining the strategy, goals, and operational details of a consulting venture. It serves as a roadmap, helping consultants define their vision, target market, services, marketing strategies, and financial projections. It includes sections like an executive summary, company overview, industry analysis, customer and competitor analysis, marketing plan, operational plan, financial plan, and often, a management summary. The plan provides a structured framework for decision-making and helps secure funding, attract clients, and guide the consulting business toward success.

How do I start a consulting business plan?

To start a consulting business plan, follow these steps:

  • Define Your Business Concept:  Clearly articulate the consulting services you'll offer and the problem you aim to solve.
  • Research Your Market:  Analyze the consulting industry, target market, and competition.
  • Create a Structured Outline:  Organize your plan with sections like Executive Summary, Company Overview, and more.
  • Set Goals and Objectives:  Define specific, measurable goals for your consulting business.
  • Develop Strategies:  Outline how you'll attract clients, market your services, and operate efficiently.
  • Financial Projections:  Estimate your startup costs, revenue projections, and funding needs.
  • Write and Revise:  Start writing each section, seeking clarity and brevity.
  • Review and Refine:  Seek feedback from mentors or advisors and revise.
  • Formatting and Design:  Ensure your plan is professional, organized, and easy to read.

Is a consulting company profitable?

Yes, a consulting company can be highly profitable. However, success in consulting depends on factors like expertise, niche specialization, marketing, and effective client management. Profitability often comes from charging competitive rates, delivering exceptional value, and maintaining a strong client base. Consultants with a unique skill set, excellent reputation, and effective marketing strategies have the potential to generate substantial profits. Additionally, low overhead costs, such as not needing physical office space, can contribute to higher profitability.

How do consultants get their first clients?

Consultants can acquire their first clients through several strategies:

  • Leverage Your Network:  Tap into your professional and personal network to spread the word about your consulting services.
  • Offer Free Workshops or Seminars:  Hosting free events on topics related to your consulting niche can attract potential clients.
  • Online Presence:  Create a professional website, optimize it for search engines, and use social media platforms to showcase your expertise.
  • Content Marketing:  Write blogs, create videos, or share insights through webinars to establish yourself as an industry expert.
  • Attend Networking Events:  Attend conferences, industry meet-ups, and local business events to connect with potential clients.
  • Cold Outreach:  Reach out to businesses directly through emails or calls, highlighting the value you can bring.
  • Partnerships:  Collaborate with complementary businesses or agencies to cross-promote services.
  • Online Marketplaces:  Join consulting marketplaces or platforms where clients seek consulting services.

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Free PDF Business Plan Templates and Samples

By Joe Weller | September 9, 2020

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We’ve gathered the most useful collection of business plan PDF templates and samples, including options for organizations of any size and type.

On this page, you’ll find free PDF templates for a simple business plan , small business plan , startup business plan , and more.

Simple Business Plan PDF Templates

These simple business plan PDF templates are ready to use and customizable to fit the needs of any organization.

Simple Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Business Plan Template

This template contains a traditional business plan layout to help you map out each aspect, from a company overview to sales projections and a marketing strategy. This template includes a table of contents, as well as space for financing details that startups looking for funding may need to provide. 

Download Simple Business Plan Template - PDF

Lean Business Plan Template PDF

Lean Business Plan Template

This scannable business plan template allows you to easily identify the most important elements of your plan. Use this template to outline key details pertaining to your business and industry, product or service offerings, target customer segments (and channels to reach them), and to identify sources of revenue. There is also space to include key performance metrics and a timeline of activities. 

Download Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template PDF

Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

This template is designed to help you develop and implement a 90-day business plan by breaking it down into manageable chunks of time. Use the space provided to detail your main goals and deliverables for each timeframe, and then add the steps necessary to achieve your objectives. Assign task ownership and enter deadlines to ensure your plan stays on track every step of the way.

Download Simple 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

PDF | Smartsheet

One-Page Business Plan PDF Templates

The following single page business plan templates are designed to help you download your key ideas on paper, and can be used to create a pitch document to gain buy-in from partners, investors, and stakeholders.

One-Page Business Plan Template PDF

business consultant business plan pdf

Use this one-page template to summarize each aspect of your business concept in a clear and concise manner. Define the who, what, why, and how of your idea, and use the space at the bottom to create a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) for your business. 

Download One-Page Business Plan Template

If you’re looking for a specific type of analysis, check out our collection of SWOT templates .

One-Page Lean Business Plan PDF

One Page Lean Business Plan Template

This one-page business plan template employs the Lean management concept, and encourages you to focus on the key assumptions of your business idea. A Lean plan is not stagnant, so update it as goals and objectives change — the visual timeline at the bottom is ideal for detailing milestones. 

Download One-Page Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

One Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

Use this business plan template to identify main goals and outline the necessary activities to achieve those goals in 30, 60, and 90-day increments. Easily customize this template to fit your needs while you track the status of each task and goal to keep your business plan on target. 

Download One-Page 30-60-90 Day Business Plan Template

For additional single page plans, including an example of a one-page business plan , visit " One-Page Business Plan Templates with a Quick How-To Guide ."

Small Business Plan PDF Templates

These business plan templates are useful for small businesses that want to map out a way to meet organizational objectives, including how to structure, operate, and expand their business.

Simple Small Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Small Business Plan Template

A small business can use this template to outline each critical component of a business plan. There is space to provide details about product or service offerings, target audience, customer reach strategy, competitive advantage, and more. Plus, there is space at the bottom of the document to include a SWOT analysis. Once complete, you can use the template as a basis to build out a more elaborate plan. 

Download Simple Small Business Plan Template

Fill-In-the-Blank Small Business Plan Template PDF

Simple Fill In The Blank Business Plan Template

This fill-in-the-blank template walks you through each section of a business plan. Build upon the fill-in-the-blank content provided in each section to add information about your company, business idea, market analysis, implementation plan, timeline of milestones, and much more.

Download Fill-In-the-Blank Small Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page Small Business Plan Template PDF

One Page Business Plan For Small Business Template

Use this one-page template to create a scannable business plan that highlights the most essential parts of your organization’s strategy. Provide your business overview and management team details at the top, and then outline the target market, market size, competitive offerings, key objectives and success metrics, financial plan, and more.

Download One-Page Business Plan for Small Business - PDF

Startup Business Plan PDF Templates

Startups can use these business plan templates to check the feasibility of their idea, and articulate their vision to potential investors.

Startup Business Plan Template

Startup Business Plan Template

Use this business plan template to organize and prepare each essential component of your startup plan. Outline key details relevant to your concept and organization, including your mission and vision statement, product or services offered, pricing structure, marketing strategy, financial plan, and more.

‌Download Startup Business Plan Template

Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup

Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup

Startups can use this sample 30-60-90 day plan to establish main goals and deliverables spanning a 90-day period. Customize the sample goals, deliverables, and activities provided on this template according to the needs of your business. Then, assign task owners and set due dates to help ensure your 90-day plan stays on track.

‌Download Sample 30-60-90 Day Business Plan for Startup Template 

For additional resources to create your plan, visit “ Free Startup Business Plan Templates and Examples .”

Nonprofit Business Plan PDF Templates

Use these business plan PDF templates to outline your organization’s mission, your plan to make a positive impact in your community, and the steps you will take to achieve your nonprofit’s goals.

Nonprofit Business Plan Template PDF

Fill-in-the-Blank Nonprofit Business Plan Template

Use this customizable PDF template to develop a plan that details your organization’s purpose, objectives, and strategy. This template features a table of contents, with room to include your nonprofit’s mission and vision, key team and board members, program offerings, a market and industry analysis, promotional plan, financial plan, and more. This template also contains a visual timeline to display historic and future milestones.

Download Nonprofit Business Plan Template - PDF

One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organization PDF 

One Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organizations Template

This one-page plan serves as a good starting point for established and startup nonprofit organizations to jot down their fundamental goals and objectives. This template contains all the essential aspects of a business plan in a concise and scannable format, including the organizational overview, purpose, promotional plan, key objectives and success metrics, fundraising goals, and more.

Download One-Page Business Plan for Nonprofit Organization Template - PDF

Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF Templates

Use these fill-in-the-blank templates as a foundation for creating a comprehensive roadmap that aligns your business strategy with your marketing, sales, and financial goals.

Simple Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF

The fill-in-the-blank template contains all the vital parts of a business plan, with sample content that you can customize to fit your needs. There is room to include an executive summary, business description, market analysis, marketing plan, operations plan, financial statements, and more. 

Download Simple Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan Template - PDF

Lean Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan PDF

Fill-in-the-Blank Lean  Business Plan Template

This business plan is designed with a Lean approach that encourages you to clarify and communicate your business idea in a clear and concise manner. This single page fill-in-the-blank template includes space to provide details about your management team, the problem you're solving, the solution, target customers, cost structure, and revenue streams. Use the timeline at the bottom to produce a visual illustration of key milestones. 

Download Fill-In-the-Blank Lean Business Plan Template - PDF

For additional resources, take a look at " Free Fill-In-the-Blank Business Plan Templates ."

Sample Business Plan PDF Templates

These sample business plan PDF templates can help you to develop an organized, thorough, and professional business plan.

Business Plan Sample 

Basic Business Plan Sample

This business plan example demonstrates a plan for a fictional food truck company. The sample includes all of the elements in a traditional business plan, which makes it a useful starting point for developing a plan specific to your business needs.

Download Basic Business Plan Sample - PDF

Sample Business Plan Outline Template

Simple Business Plan Outline Template

Use this sample outline as a starting point for your business plan. Shorten or expand the outline depending on your organization’s needs, and use it to develop a table of contents for your finalized plan.

Download Sample Business Plan Outline Template - PDF

Sample Business Financial Plan Template

Business Financial Plan Template

Use this sample template to develop the financial portion of your business plan. The template provides space to include a financial overview, key assumptions, financial indicators, and business ratios. Complete the break-even analysis and add your financial statements to help prove the viability of your organization’s business plan.

Download Business Financial Plan Template

PDF  | Smartsheet

For more free, downloadable templates for all aspects of your business, check out “ Free Business Templates for Organizations of All Sizes .”

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  3. Consulting Business Plan Template [Free PDF]

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  1. Basic Business Plan Example by Paul Borosky, MBA

  2. Consulting Business Plan Template: How To Be A Consultant Online (Digital Agency)

  3. Start A Consulting Business From Scratch (Full Plan)

  4. What Do Business Consultants Do

  5. How to use a BAR AND LOUNGE Business Plan Template by Paul Borosky, MBA

  6. The Perfect Consulting Business Startup Checklist


  1. PDF Free Version of Growthinks Consulting Business Plan Template

    The real version of Growthink's Ultimate Consulting Business Plan Template is much more than a fill-in-the-blanks template. That template professionally guides you step-by-step so you can quickly, easily and expertly complete your business plan. Perhaps most importantly, it includes complete financial projections.

  2. Consulting Business Plan: Complete Consultant Template & PDF

    Consulting Business Plan: Complete Consultant Template & PDF. This consulting business plan contains a detailed operating and marketing plan for starting and growing a successful business as a consultant. This consulting business plan is a comprehensive copy/paste example that includes an operating and marketing plan for any kind of consulting ...

  3. PDF A Guide to Starting and Running a Consulting Business

    Before you begin your consulting business, there are many things to be considered . Ask yourself a series of questions, and be thoughtful in your responses to them . • Do I have what it takes to start a consulting business? Running a consulting business requires more than merely providing consulting to clients . Whether I have

  4. Sample Consulting Firm Business Plan

    The Consulting Firm industry in the United States, currently valued at over $250 billion, exhibits a robust demand across various sectors, including healthcare, technology, and finance. With an expected annual growth rate of 3-4%, the industry is on a trajectory of steady expansion. A notable trend is the emergence of specialized niche ...

  5. How to Write a Consulting Business Plan + Free Template

    Download our management consulting business plan pdf and start writing. Our intuitive and modern consulting business plan template offers a step-by-step guide with relevant examples to speed up your process of writing an effective business plan. It will get your actionable plan ready while ensuring that you add all the crucial details to it.

  6. How To Create A Consulting Business Plan (Incl. Free Template)

    Step 4: Integrate your ideal schedule into the one-page consulting business plan. With step number 3, you've mapped out what you want to include in your business plan in terms of client type and nature of consulting work. In step number 4, we will build your ideal schedule into the business plan for the next 12 months.

  7. How To Write a Consultant Business Plan (+Templates)

    In this section, we'll break down the key components involved in crafting a successful consultant business plan in six steps. 01. Executive summary. An executive summary serves as a concise overview of the consultant's business plan, providing a snapshot of the key components and the business' essence.

  8. Consulting Business Plan Template

    Consulting Business Plan Template. Written by Dave Lavinsky. Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their consulting businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of the business planning process.

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    Consultant Business Plan Template . Used 4,999 times . An example of a document outlining your strategy for launching or expanding your consulting firm is a Consultant Business Plan Template. The essential elements include a summary of the company, team, sector, rivals, target audience, and an operations and marketing strategy.

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    Get the most out of your business plan example. Follow these tips to quickly develop a working business plan from this sample. 1. Don't worry about finding an exact match. We have over 550 sample business plan templates. So, make sure the plan is a close match, but don't get hung up on the details. Your business is unique and will differ from ...

  11. Business Consulting Business Plan Example

    The objectives for Growth Management and Strategies are: Gain access to an SBA loan upon start up. Grow the company from 2 employees in Year 1, to over 10 by Year 5. Increase revenue to over $3 million by Year 3. Increase client base by 450% in three years. Maintain job costing that keeps margins above 70%.

  12. Top 10 Consulting Business Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

    Download this business plan . Section 9: Financial Plan . The Financial Plan is the backbone of a consulting business. The PPT Set below offers stakeholders clarity on revenue projections, cost structures, and funding requirements. It details startup costs, revenue forecasts, break-even analysis, and return on investment.

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    Choose professional, creative cover pages to make your business plan stand out. 5. Share easily with anyone. Upmetrics plans are easily shareable in pdf and word documents. And if either doesn't work, you can share it with a quick link too and track the reader's activity! 2.

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    Balance Sheet. The projected balance sheet for Sample Plan 5 is shown in the table below. To view the full projected balance sheet, click here. Our free real sample business plan pdf will show you how to write a plan that looks as elegant and professional as this one. Click here to view an example of consulting business plan for consulting firm.

  15. Consulting Business Plan: 5-Step Plan For A Successful Firm

    Picking a niche and defining your ideal client is the foundation on which you'll build your business — and get clients. You shouldn't move on with your consulting business plan until you've defined your ideal client. Once you've done that, you can move on to the next part: Magnetic Messaging. 3. Magnetic Messaging.

  16. Consulting Business Plan Template (2024)

    Starting a consulting business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.. 1. Develop A Consulting Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed consulting business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and ...

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    Consulting Business Planning Template. This layout for consultants contains in-depth information until construction your own version. Simply modify the show at this consulting project to fit owner definite line of work and you can quickly creating a plan for industries such as (but of course cannot limited to): (PDF) Paramount Bricolage Consulting economic plan - consulting firm specialized in ...

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    Lean Business Plan Template PDF. This scannable business plan template allows you to easily identify the most important elements of your plan. Use this template to outline key details pertaining to your business and industry, product or service offerings, target customer segments (and channels to reach them), and to identify sources of revenue.

  19. Business Consulting Business Plan

    1. Determine the scope of your services. The first step in making an effective business plan for your consulting business is to determine the scope of the services you offer. This means that you need to clearly set the boundaries or extent for the services you offer to your clients.

  20. Business Consulting Firm Business Plan Sample

    Step1: Create Business Consulting Marketing Plan. The first step would be to develop a business plan for business consulting. Since this business demands huge responsibility, you'll need a skilled team, experienced management, and a proper plan to run it. It is recommended to study some directives of a business consulting firm consultant firm ...

  21. FREE 8+ Consultant Business Plan Samples in PDF

    2. Research. You may have an idea in your head, but writing a wedding consultant business plan or any consultant business plan will need specific information to complete. Thus, you will have to gather the necessary information through research. Target market analysis and cost analysis are a few of the research methods that you may have to conduct.

  22. How to Be a Small Business Consultant 18 Step Checklist PDF

    Read the article below, or click here to download the same checklist as a PDF. The Coach-Consultant Concept. A small business consultant needs both a business model plan and a marketing plan. Consultants work with clients on strategy, planning, and problem-solving, assisting clients to develop business skills and knowledge. ...


    Business Plan of Data Driven Engineering Business Consultancy.pdf ... CAMERBOURSES BUSINESS CONSULTING FIRM Business Plan Mission Statement Camerbourses is a business consulting startup established in Cameroon that propose consulting and solution services in Digital Marketing, sustainable development, Project Management and Foreign Trade. ...