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The 30-Day Writing Challenge: An Alternative to NaNoWriMo for Writers Who Fear Commitment


I don't know about you, but I'm afraid of commitment.

I find it difficult to choose a movie because I think two hours is too long to focus on the same story. I've had three separate Facebook accounts, over 10 different email addresses (five of which are currently active), and I've dyed my hair more colors than I could count on both my fingers and my toes. I'm the person who researches the restaurant ahead of time and still stares at the menu long after everyone has decided what to order.

Time Commitment

Okay, so I know the idea is that even moms and full-time employees can find time, that prioritizing writing over other things is important to nurture your artistic self, and that fitting writing into your day every day is what makes a writer, well, a writer. I get it, I do. I get all of it.

Even so, I would like to see my family for more than 30 minutes after I get home from work, and— sue me— but going to new restaurants with my friends is, like, the Olympic sport of my life. I'd still like to write every day; it's just that producing such a high volume in such a short amount of time is what sends single girls like me running and screaming. So what's a whiny writer like me to do?

Luckily, the ability to produce a high volume of good writing doesn't just happen overnight. In reality, writing doesn't have to be so intense. It's all about baby steps. (Like, I guess one date wouldn't hurt, and it might be fun to post that I'm "in a relationship" on Facebook.)

Writing for a few minutes every day doesn't sound so scary, does it? The trick is that it all adds up. That's why we've created a less intense alternative to 50,000 words in 30 days. This is the 30-Day Writing Challenge, where we've provided creative writing exercises for every day of the month. The best part is that you can write as much or as little as you'd like without pressure and without having to feel bad about it. After all, it's all about creation in any volume, right?

The 30-Day Writing Challenge

Take us through a written walk down your street and to your favorite place through the eyes of somebody else.

Think of three people in your life. Give your character the hair and laugh of person 1, the face and bedroom of person 2, and the wardrobe and mannerisms of person 3. This is your new protagonist. Feel free to give him or her any other characteristics you'd like. Give us an idea of who your character is by describing only the first 60 seconds of the character's day.

Now send your character to his or her grumpy grandmother's house for a visit. Write the scene of your character's arrival.

Imagine that your protagonist has just turned into a statue. Describe his or her thoughts.

The last liquid you drank has turned your protagonist into a superhero. What do your character's new powers allow him or her to do?

Think of your favorite food. Try to make it sound as disgusting as possible.

Spoil the ending of your favorite movie without any context.

Take a nondescript sentence such as, "How are you?" Write the same line from at least five different points of view.

Turn a Tweet into a haiku .

Try to convince your reader that the mythological creature of your choosing exists.

You are now a dragon. Describe your hoard.

Take the first line of your favorite novel. Remove and replace the nouns and verbs, and write a story that begins with your new line. Delete the first line.

Think of the worst pain you've ever felt. Now give your protagonist a papercut and over-exaggerate the pain using your own descriptions.

Your character meets somebody new on the bus. His or her opinion about the person is changed by the end of the bus trip. How did this change occur?

Characterize the second-last app on your phone or the last website you've visited (before this one). Send this new character to the supermarket.

The last thing you touched (other than the keyboard, mouse, screen, etc.) is trying to kill your protagonist. Explain why.

A magic trick involving cards has gone horribly wrong. What are the consequences?

Free write about your first protagonist (from Day 1) meeting the new character from Day 15.

Cross an item off your bucket list by doing it in your writing.

Ask somebody you know how his or her day was. Make any kind of poem out of their answer.

Your character's skeleton is trying to escape his or her body. Describe what happens.

Find a cliché you absolutely hate. Rewrite it while keeping the intended meaning intact.

Make an existing protagonist into an antagonist by changing one small thing about him or her. Write a pitch that sells this antagonist's story.

Put your favorite poem through a translator into a different language and then back again. Do this until the poem is no longer recognizable. Rewrite it and turn it into lyrics for a song.

One of your characters has been mistaken for somebody else. Write what happens next.

Write the log line for a mockumentary.

Tell the story of a man who lives in a motel.

Your character picks up a locket or a frame. Explain its contents and their significance.

Think of your greatest fear. If it's an object, person, or place, make it sound loveable. If it's some kind of experience, make it sound fun.

Finish a story with the line, "Nothing ever felt easier to say."

That wasn't so scary, was it?

Which prompts from the 30-Day Writing Challenge were your favorites? Did anything surprise you about your writing? We hope that you've come out of this month no worse for wear than when you started. After all, writing is work, but it's also supposed to be good for the soul. Even if you didn't do all of the challenges, you've written more than you would have if you hadn't taken part in these writing exercises at all. Like I said, it's all about taking baby steps. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some email accounts to close once and for all . . .

Image sources: Nathan Walker/, obpia30/

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30 day creative writing prompts

One Full Year’s Worth Of 30-Day Writing Challenges For 2024

30 day creative writing prompts

Alana Chase

With over 10 years’ experience in editing and editorial team management, Alana serves as Eleven's Head of Editing, aiding editors in creating top-quality content and overseeing recruitment to ensure only the best of the best join Eleven’s ranks. A seasoned digital journalist and writer, Alana holds an MA in Creative Writing and is accomplished in spearheading content strategy at high-growth media startups.

At Eleven, we’re big fans of 30-day writing challenges. Our writers, editors, and account managers all have their favorites — from the National Novel Writing Month challenge (which our Head of Editing has completed three times!) to the month-long microblogging challenge (which captivated our Head of SEO). 

The beauty of these challenges is that they each target different skills and push you in different ways. And they all help you become a stronger, more self-assured, more consistent writer.

In this article, we’ve rounded up our favorite 30-day writing challenges — 12 total so you can complete one ‌each month of the year. You’ll find challenges to clear the creative cobwebs in your mind, refine your persuasive writing skills, experiment with new genres and styles, master narrative structure, and more. 

Let’s dive in!

List of challenges 

  • ‍ January : That’s So Random! ‍
  • February : Devil’s Advocate ‍
  • March : Microblogging Madness ‍
  • April : A Poem a Day ‍
  • May : First and Last Lines ‍
  • June : Journaling Challenge ‍
  • July : Parrot Challenge ‍
  • August : Paragraph-a-Day AcWriMo ‍
  • September : Writing in Reverse ‍
  • October : Facing Fears ‍
  • November : NaNoWriMo Challenge ‍
  • December : Rewriting Challenge

Tips and best practices

Thirty-day writing challenges are marathons, not sprints. Follow these tips to finish challenges without burning out:

  • Warm up with writing exercises before the challenge begins . For ideas, check out our favorite writing exercises .
  • Schedule writing time into your calendar so you’re more likely to commit to the challenge each day.
  • Eliminate distractions by decluttering your writing space and turning off all device notifications. 
  • Have the right mindset. Writing coach and author Nina Amir calls this the “secret sauce” that turns good writers into great ones . Be willing to commit, go outside your comfort zone, and remain optimistic and determined.
  • Write how and where you’re most comfortable — in your bedroom, on the couch, or out in nature, using a notebook and pencil, your computer, or even your phone or tablet. 
  • Get support. Let your friends and family know you’re completing a writing challenge so they can cheer you on — and not interrupt during writing time. Also, consider joining an online writing community like Eleven’s (coming soon!) to seek advice from other writers.
  • If you miss a day, jump back in the next. Life happens, but don’t let one interruption derail your goal.

30-day writing challenges for 2024

January: that’s so random.

Skills it targets: Creativity and improvisation.

For January’s challenge, you’ll write in response to random prompts, incorporate random words into your writing, and use existing text as a jumping-off point for new work. 

Aim to write 500 words each day — about any topic you’d like — and follow this schedule:

  • January 1-10: Learn The New York Times ’ Word of the Day and write in response to it or use it in your writing each day.
  • January 11-20: Use Semrush’s Free Title Generator to generate headlines based on a topic or keyword you input — like “Everything You Need to Know About Flower Care.” Each day, write an article based on a headline Semrush suggests. 
  • January 21-31: Choose a piece of writing — a book, blog article, short story, academic paper, etc. — and select a random line from it. Use that as the first line of your new work each day.

February: Devil’s Advocate

Skills it targets: Using persuasion, argumentation, and logic effectively in your writing.

Each day, take an opinion and write a piece that argues against it. For example, write 500 words on why pepperoni isn’t the tastiest pizza topping or why making your bed every morning isn’t actually necessary. 

The point of this challenge is to get you thinking about topics from new perspectives and refine your ability to create convincing arguments. 

Choosing a subject you feel passionate about and then writing a persuasive argument from the opposite side of the debate is also a great way to understand others’ perspectives and see the world in new ways. This is a wonderful exercise, not just for writing, but also for personal growth. 

March: Microblogging Madness

Skills it targets: Writing concisely and capturing readers’ attention quickly. 

In March, challenge yourself to write a microblog post each day. Pick any topic you’d like (use BlogSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator if you need inspiration) and explain it in 100 words or fewer. 

If the 100-word limit sounds too daunting, try the “Ship 30 for 30” Challenge instead. Each day, you’ll write an “Atomic Essay”: an essay focused on a single idea, written in under 250 words, and able to fit into a smartphone screenshot.

And if blogging isn’t your style but creative writing is, modify this challenge to a microfiction one: Write a new 100-word story each day in March. ServiceScape has a fantastic prompt generator (based on dozens of genres), and Reedsy can give you a plot outline, if you get stuck.

April: A Poem a Day

Skills it targets: ​​Using imagery and metaphorical expressions and conveying emotion in your writing.

​​​​Celebrate National Poetry Month by writing a poem every day in April. 

Write about whatever you want, in whatever poetic form — anything goes! Just challenge yourself to use strong imagery, metaphors, and emotions in your poems.

Even if you don’t plan to become the next poet laureate, improving your poetry can make you an all-around better writer in many unexpected ways. 

If you’re new to poetry or want more guidance throughout this challenge, check out these resources:

  • Escapril on Instagram . Created by best-selling poet and novelist Savannah Brown, Escapril is a 30-day poetry writing challenge with unique daily prompts. 
  • Squibler’s list of 132 poetry prompts .
  • Reedsy’s poetry writing prompts .
  • Jericho Writers’ list of 100 poetry prompts . 
  • The Poetry Society UK’s National Poetry Writing Competition writing prompts .

May: First and Last Lines

Skills it targets: ​​Crafting memorable beginnings and endings and experimenting with narrative structures.

On May 1, you have total freedom: write anything you want in as many words as you like. Then, on May 2, you’ll use the last line of your writing from May 1 as the first line of a new piece of writing. Continue this method each day for the rest of the month.

June: Journaling Challenge

Skills it targets: Injecting personality and authenticity into your writing.

​​For June, you’ll focus on self-expression by writing a daily journal entry. Reflect on your emotions, experiences, thoughts, and opinions. Write in your own unique voice, and be as authentic as possible. 

By the end of the month, you’ll have done what prolific writer Joyce Carol Oates has for decades. She’s ‌kept a journal since her early 20s and recommends regular journaling to writers of all levels . 

July: Parrot Challenge

Skills it targets: Understanding tone of voice and adapting your writing for various audiences.

Each day in July, pick any topic you'd like, choose a random author, and write about your chosen topic in their tone of voice. You can even explore new genres. 

The goal is to “parrot” the writing you’ve chosen each day. For example, if you mainly write horror stories, pick a romance novelist and emulate their tone of voice in a new piece of writing. Or, if you do most of your writing in an academic setting, try writing in a casual tone for a digital audience.

August: Paragraph-a-Day AcWriMo

Skills it targets: Academic writing, research skills, and communicating ideas clearly. 

Academic Writing Month (AcWriMo) takes place in November, but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate it early. (We have something else lined up for November!)

AcWriMo’s central premise is simple: Set a daily goal for your academic writing project and share progress updates on social media using #AcWriMo. For more structure, though, the University of Oxford runs a Paragraph-a-Day AcWriMo challenge . 

Complete the challenge by selecting a topic that interests you, researching it, and writing one paragraph (200-300 words) about it per day. 

Craft 30 paragraphs on the same topic, or shake things up by writing 30 paragraphs on 30 different topics. Either way, use a formal, academic tone and explain your ideas clearly. 

September: Writing in Reverse

Skills it targets: Structuring your writing well and ensuring all your ideas support your main narrative.

Start by choosing something you’d like to write: a short story, an essay, a blog article, etc. On September 1, write the last paragraph of your new writing project. Then, move backward until you pen the first paragraph on September 30. 

Pay attention to how each new paragraph builds on the ones before it and how they all contribute to your overall story or argument. 

October: Facing Fears

Skills it targets: Writing in different genres and using different forms.

Embrace the spooky season by writing about a different fear — yours, someone else’s, or one totally new to you — every day in October. ( Forbes has a master list of common phobias to help you brainstorm.)

Write about each fear differently. For example, one day, craft a short story featuring a character with aquaphobia (a fear of water). The next, pen a 500-word article explaining the history of bathmophobia (the fear of escalators). You could even get meta and write something on graphophobia — the fear of writing!

November: NaNoWriMo Challenge

Skills it targets: Novel writing and maintaining a daily writing habit with a high word count goal.

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) tasks writers with penning a 50,000-word novel in November. That amounts to 1,667 words per day. 

Many best-selling books were drafted during NaNoWriMo — including Sara Gruen’s Water for Elephants , Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus, Hank Green’s An Absolutely Remarkable Thing , Emily X.R. Pan’s The Astonishing Color of After, and many more.

To participate, sign up for an account on the NaNoWriMo website , enter details about your novel-in-progress, and log your word count at the end of each day. You can even connect with other participants and attend in-person and virtual NaNoWriMo events with writers in your area. 

If you hit 50,000 words by November 30, you’ll earn a colorful badge and certificate of completion.

Novels not your thing? No problem. Simply write 1,667 words per day every day in November. (That’s close to novelist Stephen King’s daily commitment of 2,000 words !) You’ll still end up with 50,000 words by the end of the month, just like regular NaNoWriMo participants.

December: Rewriting Challenge

Skills it targets: Self-editing, self-critique, using different perspectives, and writing concisely. 

December’s challenge is all about reworking your drafts. It’s split into two parts:

  • Each day from December 1-17 , rewrite a draft from another point of view. For example, if you originally wrote your draft in the second person (using you/your/yours pronouns), rewrite it in the first person with yourself as the narrator (using I/me/my pronouns). 
  • Each day from December 18-31 , focus on concision. Take something you’ve written and cut its word count in half — without sacrificing clarity or meaning.

Month-long writing challenges are a great way to establish consistency and discipline, unleash your creativity, and steadily improve your writing. 

You have plenty of challenges to choose from, but our top recommendations are compiled in this guide. Mix and match the ones that interest you most, or complete all 12 in a year to really test (and impress) yourself.

For more info on leveling up as a writer, check out our writing and editing guides , visit our Grammar Hub , and sign up for our Freelance Writing Mastery course .

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Want To Write Something New Every Day? Here Are 30 Writing Prompts To Spark Your Creativity

Here’s what happened when I challenged myself to write every day: I became one of the most-read life advice and entrepreneurship writers on the internet.

30 day creative writing prompts

At the beginning of July, I challenged myself to write something new every day : 30 articles, 30 days in a row.

This was a writing exercise I started doing when I was 24 years old. I had just graduated from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in fiction writing, and I was determined to make writing my full-time career. I asked myself where I should begin writing on the internet to build my name and personal brand as a writer/author, and that’s when I stumbled onto a site called Quora .

I decided that I was going to write an answer per day, every single day, for a year straight. This was my way of “testing” both the platform and my own skills as a writer. If my volume-approach to writing led to any amount of success, great. And if it didn’t, well, at least all those hours spent writing could be chalked up as “practice.”

Here’s what happened when I challenged myself to write every day:

  • Within 3 months (2014) I had my first Quora answer go viral, accumulating over 100,000 views.
  • The next month, I had one of my Quora answers land on the front page of Reddit, accumulating over 1M views in a matter of days.
  • By the 6-month mark, over a dozen of my Quora answers had been republished in Inc Magazine, TIME, Forbes, Fortune, Business Insider, and many more.
  • By the 9-month mark, I had accumulated several million views on my work and become the fastest user ever to go from new account to Top Writer.
  • After 1 year of writing online every single day, I had effectively become one of the most-read writers on all of Quora.

I firmly believe that in today’s day and age, “volume” is what wins on the internet when it comes to content creation—especially writing.

Obviously you want the work you do to uphold some level of quality, but the digital landscape today is so noisy that the only way to stand out is by writing and publishing something new on a regular basis. Not once per year. Not even once per month. I encourage everyone who uses the written form to think about publishing something new at least once per week—ideally multiple times per week.

For a lot of people, the thought of putting out this much content is overwhelming. In fact, it feels downright impossible.

To date, I’ve written over 3,000 articles on the internet (under my own name), and ghostwritten 1,000+ articles for other people.

Volume isn’t impossible. It’s a habit.

So, if you want to write something new every day, here are 30 writing prompts to spark your creativity.

Let’s touch on the general categories first:

1. Mistakes

What mistakes have you made—in your career, working on your craft, in your life, your relationship, in business, in your pursuit for success, the list goes on and on. Writing about your “mistakes” is a never-ending category, but more than that, it’s ripe for terrific stories.

Everyone loves a good “I made this mistake and here’s how I overcame it.”

Take a moment to reflect.

What lessons have you learned along your own journey? Which lessons do you come back to, time and time again? When in your day do you think about something you learned in the past? What do you think about? What is it about that particular lessons that stuck with you? Who taught you this lesson? And when (specific moments are great) have you forgotten it?

3. Principles / Laws

Everyone has certain principles or laws they live by. What are yours?

What are you non-negotiables? What are your unwavering “pillars” that help you make decisions? Who inspired these pillars within you? Where do they come from? Your family? Friends? Mentors?

How do you do <insert anything in the entire world> ?

Every single person on earth is looking for information on How To do SOMETHING. Maybe it’s tactical, like How To Bake A Cake . Maybe it’s philosophical, like How To Find Your Life’s Purpose . Take anything you know, and if you can explain it in detail while simultaneously telling the story of how you yourself learned how to do the very thing you’re explaining, you’ve got something compelling to write about.

We’re always looking for new ways to approach our everyday lives.

What are your habits? What are good habits? What are bad ones? How do habits impact your daily life? How do they impact the way you make decisions?

Habits are a terrific category to write about, because as long as we’re human, we’re going to have (and want to improve) our habits.

Why do things work the way they do?

What’s the reason? How come? Writing about “reasons” is like formulating a great debate. The more you explain why something happens, the deeper you’ll draw the reader into your world and point of view.

7. Measures For Success

Everyone wants to learn how to become successful.

It doesn’t matter what “thing” you’ve become successful at, so much as how you became successful at it in the first place. What was the process like? How did you get better and better at it? What was the story arc: goal, conflict, achievement, result? Paint the picture of how you started from ground zero and climbed to the first, second, third peak of success—and what actions, habits, and mindset shifts others can take away to replicate the same.

8. Tips/Hacks

Quick tips. Small shifts. Little-known hacks.

Life’s “shortcuts” are easy ways to hook people’s attention and get them interested in whatever it is you have to say. Even if what you’re trying to explain or talk about is a deeper subject, framing it as an “easy” solution can help get people in the door. Then, once they’ve started reading, you can say what it is you really want to say.

After all, which would you rather read: a few quick tips on how to change your life for the better, or a headline that makes you feel like change is hard, long, and difficult?

When you run out of things to say (for the time being), curate wise words from other people who have mastered the same topic.

Quotes (and lists of quotes) can be incredibly effective at providing a fast-paced but all-inclusive perspective on a topic. And sometimes, that’s what a reader is looking for: they want to know what all the fish in the sea think about a given subject, rather than what one fish (you) has to say about the topic.

Quotes can also be a great way to bring credibility to the table. So, even if you’re writing about your own thoughts and opinions, a quote or two from a subject matter expert can add another layer of depth to your material.

10. Strategies

People love strategy guides.

In life, we’re all looking for guidance, all the time. So if you can walk someone through the journey they’re currently on (or thinking about beginning), start to finish, they’ll see you as their guide—an “expert.”

Strategy guides can be applied to everything from workout routines to habit building, dating to video games. It’s just another form of writing.

The above are the 10 general categories I return to again and again when I think about how to write something new every day.

Now let’s look at some of the more specific forms you can use to inspire new ideas, usually executed within one of the above (or multiple) general categories.

11. Opinions

Everyone loves a good opinion.

Whatever your passion is in life, a solid opinion article can attract a significant amount of attention (if executed well). Here’s the recipe:

  • Popular/current topic (news, trending topics, upcoming world event, viral moment, etc.)
  • Approach the topic using an easily recognizable form (usually one of the general topics listed above)
  • Combine synopsis of the event, a couple outside sources/credible perspectives, and your own personal opinion.
  • Takeaway from the opinion piece has to be attention-grabbing enough for someone to think to themselves, “I know exactly who would agree (or disagree) with this opinion).

Obviously, if you have expertise in the subject matter you’re writing about, that adds another layer of depth and trustworthiness. But the truth is, anyone can write an opinion piece, because you can always “borrow” credibility from other sources/people if you aren’t the expert yourself.

12. Stats/Studies

When in doubt, build off a recent statistic or study published by a journal to inspire your next piece.

The more unique, mind-blowing, unconventional, controversial, or just little-known the statistic(s), the better. People are inherently fascinated by the data behind the way the world worlds—and want to know that the perspective they’re hearing is validated by something.

There’s actually a whole “form” for these types of pieces published by major publications. Titles almost always look something like this: Why 87% Of Human Beings Can’t XYZ (According To Science)

There’s something thought-provoking about someone saying, “I know where things are going to head.”

Trends are a popular topic to write about because it’s a way of nodding toward the future. And this form is fairly easy to execute:

  • Pick an industry (hopefully one you know a thing or two about).
  • Research what’s happening in it.
  • Draw a conclusion—and anticipate what could come next.
  • Build your argument.
  • Cite a few relevant sources.

That’s about it.

14. Case Studies

People love reading about “how things happened.”

Don’t think of case studies as boring documents you read in an MBA program, and see them more as in-depth, well-researched stories. You could write a case study on how a company went public, became a huge success story, and then fell into bankruptcy a few years later. You could write a case study about an Instagram influencer that rose to internet fame in record time. You could write a case study about how your favorite author became an self-published success story, or how your city became a hotbed for startups.

You can write a case study about literally anything—as long as it teaches the reader something, and (ideally) is entertaining.

15. Competitors

Every industry is a “business.”

Which means there is competition—and where there is competition, there is ripe material to write about. You could either write about a competitor of your own (a competing business, artist, industry, genre, etc.), and what they’re doing well or not well. Or you could write, as a 3 rd -party observer, what you see watching a handful of competitors go after each other from afar—like a columnist writing about Uber v.s. Lyft, for example.

Competition makes for terrific stories, and this is a form not very many people think about when they sit down to write.

16. The News

One of the most common “forms” of content.

When in doubt, you can always write about what’s happening in the world. News could be everything from what’s happening on a global scale, to a specific industry, all the way down to your local town. Now, will a story about an event at your local grocery store “go viral” and attract widespread attention? Maybe. Maybe not.

All depends on how you choose to execute it. (Aka: are you just sharing the facts? Boring . Or are you writing it so vividly that someone at Netflix thinks to themselves, “This could absolutely be a TV series…” .)

A little-known topic area, but considering the entire world is made up of “jobs,” there is a lot of potential to be an educational voice here.

Write about different jobs in your industry. Take writing, for example. What jobs are available to someone who loves to write? What do they pay? How do you go about landing the good ones? What are the most lucrative ones? Which jobs give you the most freedom to travel? What are some unique ways to stand out when applying for a job? What advice would you give to someone who hates their job and wants to find a new one?

See, once you start to think through all the potential questions someone might have, you start to realize how much material there is to write about.

18. Trends /Trending Topics

People forget though how powerful “trends” and “trending topics” can be in terms of attracting attention. It’s human nature to want to pay attention to what currently has other people’s attention too. So by latching on to conversations already circling, you’re one step ahead and moving with momentum.

19. Interviews

One of the most common, yet poorly executed, writing forms in the world is the staple “interview” format.

A lot of writers rely on the person their interviewing to be the main attraction. They think name recognition is enough to warrant someone else paying attention—and sometimes it is. But finding new and unique ways to make “interviews” compelling, asking more original (and depth-oriented) questions, and drawing unlikely takeaways from the guest is how you ultimately stand out from the crowd.

What are you reading?

More importantly, what should you be reading if you want to… and then fill in the blank. For example:

  • Books that will make you more creative
  • Must-reads for maximum summer relaxation
  • Timeless tales
  • Quick page-turners with unforgettable plots
  • Books that will change the way you think about life

There’s a reason book lists are so popular, and it’s because readers see them as a starting place when searching for new material. The secret is to drill your book list down to a hyper-specific point or takeaway, and then curate the best of the best.

Now let’s look at some of the most thought-provoking questions you can ask yourself, as a writer, that will prompt stories, topics, memories, moments, and actionable takeaways for your readers.

21. when was the first time.

Pick anything in the world: when was the first time it happened?

What was it like? What did you feel? What were you thinking about? What scared you about it? What part of that memory has stuck with you the longest? How did that experience shape you?

The “first time” anything happens is a story.

22. When was the last time?

Same as the above, except think of this as the other book end.

When was the last time, the very last time? What did you feel? Did you know this was the end? How did you know? What did you think about after the fact? What was the final result? Did it end the way you wanted? Why or why not?

23. What is your favorite?

Your favorite ice cream. Your favorite movie.

Your favorite place to vacation. Your favorite childhood memory. Your favorite dessert. Your favorite birthday card of all time. Your favorite car, house, restaurant, or college story.

And most importantly, how come?

24. What do you hate?

Opposite of your favorite, what bothers you to no end?

What gets you riled up? What makes your blood boil? What drives you crazy, keeps you awake at night, makes it hard to breathe? What causes more conflict in your life than anything else? What do you despise?

And, the real question is, where does that come from?

25. What inspires you?

Where does your motivation come from?

Who did you look up to as a child? What was your childhood dream? When was the first time you thought to yourself, “This is what I want to aspire to?” What gets you more excited than anything else on the planet?

Who was your first role model?

26. What are you afraid of?

Where does all your fear come from?

Growing up, who else around you had these same fears? What moments made this fear worse? In order to overcome it, what do you have to do? What would your life be like if you did overcome your greatest fear? What is hiding on the other side?

27. Why do you believe you’re on earth?

What is your purpose?

Or, more importantly, what is everyone’s purpose? Why are we all here—and where do you fit into the puzzle?

28. What are you working on in yourself?

What do you want to change?

What are you currently doing to spark that change? What habits are you trying to change in your own life? What inspired you to create this change? Who are you really doing it for?

And, what can others take away from your own journey?

29. What kind of relationships do you value?

What do you value in a partner?

In a friend? In a family member? In a co-worker? In a boss? In a mentor?

Every relationship in life has significance—if look close enough.

30 . What are you feeling?

And of course, when in absolute doubt of what to write about, just ask yourself, “What am I feeling right now?”

That’s never a bad place to start.

30 day creative writing prompts

Nicolas Cole is the founder of Digital Press, a content marketing agency that turns founders, executives, and entrepreneurs into world-renowned thought leaders. As an author, Cole is a 4x Top Writer on Quora and Top 30 Columnist for Inc Magazine with over 50 million views on his work. His writing has appeared in TIME, Forbes, Fortune, Business Insider, CNBC, The Chicago Tribune, and more.

30 day creative writing prompts

How To Reduce Costs Without Sacrificing Quality

30 day creative writing prompts

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Develop a Daily Writing Habit with the Write Now! 30-Day Challenge By Jennifer Onorati

30 day creative writing prompts

Want to strengthen your writing?

Start with a daily routine.

This 30-day challenge is perfect for starting small … and sticking to it!

Get started below … and move one step closer to banishing blank page blues.

For added accountability … post about your daily practice on social media! Remember to tag us @AmericanWritersArtistsInstitute on Facebook and @awaicopywriting on Instagram to show us how you’re doing and to give us permission to re-share your amazing progress!

Write Now! 30-Day Challenge

Day 1: try a before-and-after approach by heather robson.

When writing persuasive copy, you must convince your reader that your product will change his life.

Day 2: Write the Next Chapter of Your Life By Lori Allen

Take control of your life by being responsible for every moment. If you do, each chapter will end the way you want.

Day 3: You Know More Than You Think You Do By Christina Gillick

We’re all full of interesting information and hungry to learn more. Learn something new today and share it wide.

Day 4: Become an Email Subject Line Machine By Pam Foster

Practice writing stronger email subject lines with this video from Pam Foster, Director of Copywriter Training at AWAI.

Day 5: Email a Story with Good Advice By Pam Foster

Collect 7 pieces of advice to share with a college graduate and write a story email. Do the same for a client.

Day 6: Decide When You Really Like to Write By Casey Demchak

Build a strong writing habit by choosing the best time of day for you and sticking to it.

Day 7: Where Do You Generate Your Best Ideas? By Casey Demchak

Like all writers, you must determine when and where you usually come up with your best ideas.

Day 8: Get Unstuck by Going in Reverse By Marcia Yudkin

Trick your mind out of writer’s block by writing deliberately bad copy… you’ll be surprised how many good ideas will grow.

Day 9: Ask Your Prospect 20 Questions By Jim Wright

Have a list of 20 or more questions to ask prospects about your product … both prospects that love it and those that find it useless.

Day 10: How Do You Want to Be Remembered? By Ted Capshaw

Another exercise to build up your storytelling chops… this time doing some soul-searching to define what people will remember about you.

Day 11: Describe Your Perfect Childhood Day By Jen Adams

To build up your storytelling chops, reminisce about your favorite day as a child, teenager, and adult, and write down your stories.

Day 12: Write a Vacation Postcard By Christy Goldfeder

In this exercise from Christy Goldfeder, get your imagination going and create a picture by vividly describing a vacation memory.

Day 13: Interview a Famous Person By Pam Foster

Practice your interview skills by writing a question script for someone you admire.

Day 14: Powerful Proofing Tips By Nick Usborne

Use Nick’s techniques for making your copy stronger.

Day 15: Your Major Marker Event By Ted Capshaw

Ted Capshaw, leader, coach, facilitator encourages all writers to be in touch with their feelings. Listen to Ted’s Truth on how to do that.

Day 16: Your Most Powerful Tool: The Verb By Jen Stevens

Good verbs infuse your writing with more spunk. Listen to copywriter and editor, Jennifer Stevens, and practice using your most powerful tool.

Day 17: Jumpstart Your Headline Writing By Elizabeth Blessing

Copywriter Elizabeth Blessing shows you a simple technique to stimulate your headline writing.

Day 18: Put Your Most Important Word Last By Gordon Graham

It’s a proven fact that people tend to remember the first and last items in a series best. And, the words in the middle always get lost. When writing copy, always save your strongest words for last.

Day 19: Write from Emotion By Carline Anglade-Cole

Spinning yarns and telling stories is an art. And being able to make others get caught up in your story by writing from emotion is a gift.

Day 20: Copy Your Hero’s Copy By Steve Slaunwhite

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned copywriter, practice is the key to long-term success. Steve Slaunwhite, B2B marketing guru, shares a fun and easy way to do just that.

Day 21: Solve a Problem By Li Vasquez-Noone

Murphy’s Law says ‘Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.’ And, it seems to happen most often on vacation or away from home. These events trigger emotions. Learning how to get past those emotions to solve the problem and then telling the whole story makes for strong copy.

Day 22: Tell Me Your Biggest Fear By Christina Gillick

Fear can be paralyzing and brings strong emotion to the heart and mind. Write about your biggest fear and how it makes you feel. Emotions sell and fear is one of the biggest. Practice writing stronger copy with this tip from Christina Gillick.

Day 23: Paint a Vivid Picture By Charlotte Hicks

The 4 P’s of copywriting are vital to the success of any copy. Use this prompt from Charlotte Crockett to develop your skills to help prospects picture your product benefits.

Day 24: List Your Prospect’s Pain and Pleasure Points By Brian Kurtz

In this writing prompt from Brian Kurtz, you’ll dig deep to discover what motivates your prospect.

Day 25: Your Favorite Childhood Storybook By Rebecca Matter

Take a playful approach to your writing practice by describing your favorite childhood story. Watch this video by Rebecca Matter, President, AWAI, to see how you can strengthen your copywriting by writing about the sweet memories that come from recalling a favorite childhood book.

Day 26: Write About Your Best Date Ever By Mindy McHorse

Think about the best date you ever had – or maybe the worst – and write a story about it. Watch this video by copywriter Mindy McHorse, Managing Editor of Barefoot Writer, and turn a great date – or a lousy one – into a compelling story that delves into all the senses.

Day 27: Assessing Your Assets By Brian Kurtz

Put on your thinking cap to figure out what makes your product or service unique. Watch this video by master marketer, Brian Kurtz, to get on your way to writing strong copy.

Day 28: Write a Story About an Object By Heather Robson

Pick an ordinary object and create a story about it … so you can connect with your reader’s senses. Watch this video by Heather Robson, web copywriter and Managing Editor of Wealthy Web Writer, to see how you can get creative and write about an “object d’art” — bringing it to life through a story.

Day 29: Make Benefits Irresistible By Sandy Franks

In this Write Now! exercise, you’ll discover a new way to take ordinary benefits and make them extraordinary … one of the secrets to strengthening the results of your copywriting. Watch this video by Sandy Franks, Copy Chief at AWAI, to see how you can create irresistible benefits and get someone to say yes to your sales letter.

Day 30: Write Every Day By Will Newman

Practice makes perfect in most skills, and writing is no exception.

Congrats! You’ve reached the end of the Write Now! 30-day Challenge!

Tell us how you did below!

Professional Writers’ Alliance

Write Now! Persuasive Writing Prompts are presented by The Professional Writers’ Alliance (PWA) — a professional association just for direct-response industry writers. Learn about the many benefits of a PWA membership.

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4 Responses to “Develop a Daily Writing Habit With the Write Now! 30-Day Challenge”

Writing a short paragraph or two about a goal you have set for the day Your content will include a subject and as many details you can spell to best describe your pathway

Dominic Guisti – over a year ago

I have set a new goal to spend time everyday reading, writing, and learning to be a freelance writer, copywriter, and content writer over the next 30 days. My display name is my nickname and the word play with the year to remind me that i am not "working", i am "playing" as writing will be fun and enjoyable to me as I continue following my dream to be a freelance from home writer.

katsplay23 – 10 months ago

I wrote in my journal every single day when I was younger. I remember having stacks of notebooks. I have many notepads and journals to this very day. I know this is my true happy place. Now I get to learn how to write content persuasively and professionally for others. I'm elated to embark on such a profound journey that brings much restoration and peace. And to think this could be a main source of income for generations to come! I'm truly grateful. I'm truly thankful. I'm glad to have AWAI!

MajorFilexServicesLLC – 4 months ago

I've never had a journal, and instead, I always listed what I needed to do in my calendar book. Because of injuries, I took it upon myself to keep track of everything for specific reasons. I could write a book from the written information saved over the years. I started, or should I say, I tried to do that some ten years ago, but unfortunately, my wife became ill, and all my time was taken up in seeing to her needs. She has passed, and I am ready to continue my education through AWAI.

Johnboy5484 – 1 month ago

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30 Day Writing Challenge:The Complete Beginner’s Guide

  • Post author By Onyemechi Nwakonam
  • Post date January 3, 2021
  • No Comments on 30 Day Writing Challenge:The Complete Beginner’s Guide

My writing life was a dream I had that never seemed to come true.

It was all filled with a mirage.

The lofty projections I had in every new year resolution.

Still, the goals crumbled from inaction.

Doing a personal 30 day writing challenge was the turning point for me.

I built a writing routine after years of struggling.

Now, I can focus on improving my craft and actionable tips to apply to my writing.

This is what happens when you build a routine.

Maybe you are like me and you want to nail in your writing goals with a thirty day writing challenge.

In this blog post we would look at:

  • What is a 30-day Writing Challenge?
  • Why you should do a thirty day challenge?
  • Types of thirty day challenges
  • How to do a thirty day challenge( with tips for starting and finishing)

Let’s get started.

What is a thirty day Writing Challenge?

A 30-day writing challenge is a type of writing challenge that spans over thirty days.

Consistent writing in thirty days.

Keep in mind that some 30 day writing challenge would involve writing a specific 

  • Number of works (poetry, short stories, etc)
  • Length of work(word count, lines for Poetry)

Why do a 30 day Writing Challenge?

There are many reasons why you should be doing a thirty day challenge

1.Build a writing habit

Research has shown that it takes 18-254 days to build a habit.

This depends on the complexity of the task to the person.

Simple tasks like drinking water at a certain time of the day take less time compared to going to the gym daily.

When getting started as a writer a thirty-day challenge can help you write over a consistent amount of time to allow the task to get ingrained into you.

If your goal is to build a writing habit your focus is different.

What do I mean?

I said earlier that a Writing habit is doing a task regularly.

It could be every day, every week days, etc.

For the purpose of the thirty days challenge, I would take the writing habit as daily Writing.

Your main goal is to show up every day to write not fretting too much about the quality/quantity of work.

Yeah, you have goals, word count targets, and other writing parameters but writing every day is more important than meeting a word count.

Here’s what I mean.

Let’s say your goal in doing a NaNoWriMo challenge is to write a 50000 words novel.

You can reach this target in different ways.

First, you can decide to do long writing sprints to come up with ten thousand words.

With this approach, you would reach your goal with five writing sprints.

But if your goal is to build a habit.

You will be obsessed with writing every single day of the challenge rather than meeting the word count.

What is a writing habit?

A writing habit is writing on a regular or consistent basis.

It is when showing up to write becomes automatic.

It gives you the time to work on tasks that are not automatic like practicing writing tips on craft.

Build your willpower

One of the most common causes of writer’s block is procrastination.

Mr procrastination is the child of low will power.

If you succeed in the challenge emphasis on “If”, you build that willpower that allows you to show up and chase your goals.

This is closely related to habits and routines.

In the grand scheme of things they all connect to help you reach your writing goals.

Produce more works

If you have plans of writing a collection of short stories, full-length poetry books, novels, or a nonfiction piece.

Doing a challenge would help you get the words down so you can focus on rewriting your vomit draft.

For me, writing is more prone to writer’s block compared to rewriting.

In writing, you are working with a scary yet powerful blank page or screen.

While in rewriting you already have something concrete you are working on.

Let me know which ( Writing vs Rewriting ) is more difficult for you and often leads to procrastinating.

If you do a storyaday challenge.

The challenge requires you to write a short story every day for thirty days.

That is about three collections of short stories.

Keep in mind that is if you are using  12 short stories per collection.

Improve craft

While writing a lot over 30 days whether it’s creative writing or nonfiction.

You become better while testing and trying out new ideas.

When Ray Bradbury was asked for his writing advice for young writers he advised them to write a short story weekly as all can’t be that terrible.

In the worst-case scenario, you have a piece of work to edit to life.

It depends on the challenge you are doing. 

If you are doing a poetry 30 day challenge you would have written 30 poems.

Most of the poems will suck.

You can always edit them.

Types of 30 day Writing Challenge

There are many types of 30 day writing challenges depending on the type of work you are writing during the thirty days.

1.Journal Writing Challenge

Journalling is an interactive recording of affairs causing you to reflect and review them.

When the term journalling is used it is often for spiritual/stoic journal.

But that’s just one of the numerous types of journals out there.

I think it’s because a stoic/spiritual journal is one that’s common to many persons.

Compared to a writing journal that only writers keep.

There are also other specific journals like

  • Reading Journal

To track your Reading goals and adventures. Using this journal you can also record your action plan from a book you have read.

  • Writing Journal(Notebook)

Those ideas that come and go can be trapped in this journal.

It is meant to help you grow your writing skills.

Things you can record are :

  • Snippets of dialogues
  • Brain dump 
  • Sketches of story

It is not written with the intent of publication.

Depending on the specific skills and area of your life you which to grow in you can have a journal to record your progress as well as frustrations, mistakes and lessons learnt.

Poetry Writing Challenge

There are many online 30 day poetry challenge.

The most popular is the national poetry writing month in April.

There is also another one in October called octopowrimo. 

They all work on the same rule. You write a poem daily for thirty days.

The websites post prompts to help you write.

Note: you don’t have to use the Prompts.

Your poem is not restricted to any length. 

You can write short poems and gigantic poems.

Short story Writing Challenge

In this challenge, you write a complete short story in a day.

From planning to putting out the first draft.

Storyaday challenge is a popular writing challenge where you write thirty short stories in a month.

If you fail to write a short story for whatever reason.

You don’t carry the incomplete short story to the next day.

I know I mentioned writing challenges hosted online.

Nothing stops you from doing a personal 30 day challenge. 

Novel Writing Challenge

The most popular example of the 30 day novel writing challenge is the NaNoWriMo challenge.

It is held in November every year.

Where you set out to write 50,000 words in thirty days.

You can set your personal goal.

You don’t have to wait for Nanowrimo in November.

Novella Writing Challenge

I made this one up but it can be done.

Not everyone can write a novel in thirty days.

How about a novel instead.

Instead of 50,000 words, we write 15,000-30,000 words.

Which is achievable for most people.

Nonfiction Writing Challenge

There are various types of nonfiction challenge.

Using the types of nonfiction we can further break the nonfiction writing challenge into:

This is a piece of work that tells the story of one’s life around a particular theme.

It isn’t the recording of one’s entire life like the autobiography.

2.Self help books

In self-help books, you can write a business book, a motivational book,

We have looked at the types of 30-day writing challenge let’s look at how you can do one.

How to do a thirty-day writing challenge?

In November 2020 while the NaNoWriMo buzz was going on I decided to do a writing challenge instead of word count.

I chose to build a writing habit.

I missed some days but I learnt a lot.

All the lessons I will share with you.

Before doing this writing challenge I have had a series of writing challenges I wanted to do.

I never started some.

For others, I started but never completed it.

This might sound silly but in some of the writing challenges, I forgot that I decided to do a writing challenge until the end of the month.

What was the magic approach?

You want to be clear and what you are writing. 

The type of genre of writing.

This doesn’t mean you can’t do a thirty-day creative writing challenge.

Of course, you can but in that case, it would be good if you know what you are doing.

2.Know your why 

Earlier on I talked about the various reasons for doing this challenge.

Find out yours. Your goals.

This would influence how you plan out your challenge.

3.Plan and Prepare

Nothing scares me most as wondering what to write as the writing time draws near.

You want to save your brain the labor of thinking of what to write so you can sit and write.

Having a plan helps you to always move on even if the Muse doesn’t show up.

If inspiration comes overflowing you can go the path.

But if nothing comes you are not stuck wondering what to do.

For the ideas, you can use writing prompt generators.

If you are doing an online challenge most of them would post prompts.

You don’t have to use it.

But you have an idea you can always fall back on when nothing comes.

If you are doing a journalling challenge there are journal prompts to get you writing.

4.Set a time

When it comes to doing a challenge it is not enough to say you are going to write.

Goals without a plan are just mere wishes.

When are you going to be writing most of the time?

But when is the best time to write.

This largely depends on you.

If you are a morning or evening person.

Enough of that.

Let’s be practical.

Do you have the time to show up consistently at that time you have set(chosen)?

The mistake I made when doing those challenges is I set my writing time as though I have just one life, The Writing Life.

The short and simple answer is….

The time you would always have to show up.

5.Prepare for Obstacles

When  I decided to do a writing challenge.

I envisage a smooth ride to that goal.

Well, that’s not often the case.

List out the things, activities, people that might stop you from showing up.

The next step is to think of how you are going to deal with those obstacles.

” We all have a plan until we are punched in the face” – Mohammed Ali

With these obstacles prepared for you won’t be caught off guard as already know they would come.

6.Test challenge

A test challenge is a challenge you do to check, verify your assumptions, and adjust based on real-time feedback.

In the previous step, you have written out the obstacles and how you wish to deal with them.

I bet there are obstacles you didn’t write about.

Solutions that are not practical.

It’s simply because you don’t know of them.

With a testing challenge, you are revealed to those shortcomings.

Let’s say you want to do a 30-day writing challenge where you write for two hours every day.

I will put it in another way.

You want to write a novel in a month and you estimated you would have to write 2,000 words every day to reach this goal.

You estimated it would take you two hours every day to reach this word count.

The test challenge would be to write to that stipulated time and see if you reached the word count.

When you do a testing challenge it would help you see if you are correct with your estimation.

Whether you are underestimating or overestimating.

And you can adjust accordingly.

This saves you the resentment from not reaching your goals because you underestimated what was required.

For me when I saw I couldn’t reach my set goal instead of continuing I gave up.

Here’s why it’s magic.

Your brain knows it’s not the main challenge so if you flop.

It wouldn’t fill your heart with discouraging thoughts.

Simply because it knows that the goal of the test challenge is not to reach your writing goals but to evaluate them.

7.Have a backup (alternate plan)

For me, my set time for writing is 7 pm

but it’s not every day I would have that time to write.

With this understanding I set an alternate plan on what to do so I can reach my daily goal no matter what.

I write before the time.

Sometimes it’s in the morning or later into the night depending on what type of obstacle.

8.Measure progress.

Look our brain loves and craves instant gratification.

This part is a life-changing lesson for me.

To measure your progress you can use a habit tracker or word counter depending on your goal.

What’s a habit tracker?

A habit tracker is a digital or physical tool you use to log in your progress every day.

A word count tracker is what you use to keep track of your daily word count.

What I want you to do is to take an old calendar 📅 and draw out boxes for the month.

You can use the forest app or habitify habit tracker for digital options.

Post the calendar where you can see it without having to go through the stress of looking at it.

For each day you complete you mark a chain that will come together as you complete more days.

There two rules

  • Don’t break the chain
  • If you ever break the chain don’t break it twice.

For a word count tracker, you can use a spreadsheet to log in the word count daily.

You can also use a physical sheet to do it.

Ilys app is an online app that will give you statistics on word count and time spent.

Seeing the chains gives me an immediate reward to work cause I don’t want to break the chain.

When you start the first day you won’t see the magic until the third and fourth day when the chain starts to connect.

A simple way to trick your brain with instant gratification.

We have talked about a lot of thirty-day challenges.

I believe that action is easy if the steps are not so complex.

Now it’s your turn what is your reason for doing a 30day challenge.

Which of the tactics are you going to apply next.

Let me know in the comments section 🤔.

Thank you for reading this post.

Try these tips out and let me know how it went.

Make sure you don’t miss a post from me by subscribing to my blog for free.

30 day creative writing prompts

By Onyemechi Nwakonam

Hi ,I write poetry and short prose. I am excited to help you organise your writing journey.

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 105 creative writing prompts to try out.

General Education


The most common advice out there for being a writer is, "if you want to write, write." While this is true (and good advice), it's not always that easy, particularly if you're not writing regularly.

Whether you're looking for help getting started on your next project, or just want to spend 20 minutes being creative, writing prompts are great ways to rev up your imagination. Read on for our list of over 100 creative writing prompts!

feature image credit: r. nial bradshaw /Flickr

10 Short Writing Prompts

If you're looking for a quick boost to get yourself going, these 10 short writing prompts will do the trick.

#1 : Write a scene starting with a regular family ritual that goes awry.

#2 : Describe exactly what you see/smell/hear/etc, right now. Include objects, people, and anything else in your immediate environment.

#3 : Suggest eight possible ways to get a ping pong ball out of a vertical pipe.

#4 : A shoe falls out of the sky. Justify why.

#5 : If your brain were a tangible, physical place, what would it be like?

#6 : Begin your writing with the phrase, "The stage was set."

#7 : You have been asked to write a history of "The Summer of [this past year]." Your publisher wants a table of contents. What events will you submit?

#8 : Write a sympathetic story from the point of view of the "bad guy." (Think fractured fairy tales like Wicked or The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! , although the story doesn't have to be a fairy tale.)

#9 : Look at everyday objects in a new way and write about the stories one of these objects contains.

#10 : One person meets a stranger on a mode of transportation. Write the story that ensues.


11 Writing Prompts for Kids

Any of these prompts can be used by writers of any age, but we chose the following 11 prompts as ones that would be particularly fun for kids to write about. (Most of them I used myself as a young writer, so I can vouch for their working!)

#1 : Include something falling in your writing.

#2 : Write a short poem (or story) with the title, "We don't know when it will be fixed."

#3 : Write from the perspective of someone of a different gender than you.

#4 : Write a dumb internet quiz.

#5 : Finish this thought: "A perfect day in my imagination begins like this:"

#6 : Write a character's inner monologue (what they are thinking as they go about their day).

#7 : Think of a character. Write a paragraph each about:

  • An important childhood experience that character had.
  • The character's living situation.
  • Two hobbies or things the character likes to do.
  • The room where the character sleeps.
  • An ambition of the character.
  • Two physical characteristics of the character.
  • What happens when a second person and this character meet.
  • Two important defining personal traits of this character.

#8 : Start a story with a quote from a song.

#9 : Begin a story with, "It was the summer of ______ when ______"

#10 : Pretend everyday objects have no names. Think about what you would name them based on what they do, what you can use them for, and what they look like.

#11 : Start a story with the phrases "My grandparents are/were," "My parents are/were," or "My mother/father/parent is/was."


15 Cool Writing Prompts

#1 : List five issues that you're passionate about. Write about them from the opposite point of view (or from the perspective of a character with the opposite point of view).

#2 : Walk around and write down a phrase you hear (or read). Make a story out of it.

#3 : Write using no adjectives or adverbs.

#4 : Write a character's inner dialogue between different aspects of a character's self (rather than an inner monologue).

#5 : Write a true story from your past that involves light or darkness in some way.

#6 : "Saying goodbye awakens us to the true nature of things." Write something in which someone has to say goodbye and has a realization.

#7 : Begin by writing the end of the story.

#8 : Write a recipe for an intangible thing.

#9 : Write a horror story about an ordinary situation (e.g., buying groceries, going to the bank, listening to music).

#10 : Write a story from within a bubble.

#11 : Write down 2-3 short character descriptions and then write the characters in conversation with one another.

#12 : Write a story in second person.

#13 : Write a story that keeps contradicting itself.

#14 : Write about a character with at least three big problems.

#15 : Write something that takes place on a Friday, the 13th (of any month).


15 Funny Writing Prompts

#1 : Write a story which starts with someone eating a pickle and potato sandwich.

#2 : Write a short script where the plot has to do with evil dolls trying to take over something.

#3 : Write about writers' block.

#4 : List five election issues that would be ridiculous to includes as part of your election platform (e.g. outlawing mechanical pencils and clicky pens, mandating every person over the age of 30 must own an emergency last rites kit). Choose one of the ridiculous issues and write a speech in favor of it.

#5 : Write a children's story that is insanely inappropriate but can't use graphic language, curses, or violence.

#6 : List five careers. Write about someone with one of those careers who wants to quit it.

#7 : Write down a list of murder methods. Choose one at random from the list to use in a story.

#8 : Write a romance story in which the hero must have a last name corresponding with a physical characteristic (e.g. Jacques Hairyback or Flora Dimple).

#9 : Come up with 10 different ways to:

  • order a pizza
  • congratulate someone on a job well done
  • return to the store something that's broken

#10 : Search for "random Renaissance painting" (or any other inspirational image search text you can think of) on any online internet image search engine. Picking one image, write half a page each of:

  • Statements about this image (e.g. "I meant bring me the BREAD of John the Baptist").
  • Questions about this image (e.g. "How many of those cherubs look like their necks are broken?").
  • Explanations of this image (e.g. "The painter ran out of blue paint halfway through and had to improvise for the color of the sky").
  • Commands said by people in this image or about this image (e.g. "Stop telling me to smile!" or "Bring me some gasoline!").

#11 : Write starting with a word that sounds like "chute" (e.g. "chute," "shoot," "shooed").

#12 : Write about a character named X "The [article of clothing]" Y (e.g. Julie "The Yellow Darted Skirt" Whyte) or simply referred to by their clothing (e.g. "the man in the brown suit" or "the woman in black").

#13 : Write down a paragraph each describing two wildly different settings. Write a story involving both settings.

#14 : Think of a fictional holiday based around some natural event (e.g. the Earth being at its farthest point from the sun, in memory of a volcanic eruption, that time a cloud looked like a rabbit riding a bicycle). Write about how this holiday is celebrated.

#15 : Write a "Just-So" type story about a fictional creature (e.g. "how the dragon got its firebreath" or "how the mudkip got its cheek gills").


54 Other Writing Prompt Ideas

#1 : Borrow a character from some other form of media (or create your own). Write from that character's perspective.

#2 : Write for and against a non-consequential controversy (e.g., salt vs. pepper, Mac vs. PC, best kind of door).

#3 : Choose an ancestor or a person from the past to write about or to.

#4 : Write a pirate story with a twist.

#5 : Have a character talk about another character and their feelings about that other character.

#6 : Pick a season and think about an event in your life that occurred in that season. Write a creative nonfiction piece about that event and that season.

#7 : Think of something very complicated and long. Write a page about it using short sentences.

#8 : Write a story as a dream.

#9 : Describe around a food without ever directly naming it.

#10 : Write a monologue (one character, talking to the audience/reader) (*not* an inner monologue).

#11 : Begin a story with the phrase, "It only took five seconds to..."

#12 : List five strong emotions. Choosing one, write about a character experiencing that emotion, but only use the character's actions to convey how they are feeling (no outright statements).

#13 : Write a chapter of the memoir of your life.

#14 : Look through the (physical) things you're currently carrying with you or wearing. Write about the memories or emotions tied with each of them.

#15 : Go be in nature. Write drawing your story from your surroundings (both physical, social, and mental/emotional).


#16 : Write from the perspective of a bubble (or bubble-like creature).

#17 : A person is jogging along an asphalt road. Write a story.

#18 : Title your story (or poem, or play, etc) "Anti-_____". Fill in the blank and write the story.

#19 : Write something that must include an animal, a mineral, and a vegetable.

#20 : Begin your writing with the phrase, "6 weeks later..."

#21 : List 5-10 office jobs. Pick one of them and describe a person working in that job as if you were a commentator on an Olympic sporting event.

#22 : Practice your poetic imagery: overwrite a description of a character's breakfast routine.

#23 : Write about a character (or group of characters) trying to convince another character to try something they're scared of.

#24 : Keep an eye out in your environment for examples of greengrocer's apostrophes and rogue quotation marks. Pick an example and write about what the misplaced punctuation implies (e.g., we have the "best" meat or we have the best "meat" ).

#25 : Fill in the blank with the first word that comes to mind: "_______ Riot!" Write a newspaper-style article describing the events that that took place.

#26 : Write from the point of view of your most-loved possession. What does it think of you?

#27 : Think of five common sayings (e.g., "An apple a day keeps the doctor away"). Write a horror story whose plot is one of those common sayings.

#28 : Write a scene in which two characters are finally hashing out a long-standing misunderstanding or disagreement.

#29 : You start receiving text messages from an unknown number. Tell the story of what happens next.

#30 : Write one character bragging to another about the story behind their new tattoo.

#31 : Superheroes save the world...but they also leave a lot of destruction in their wake. Write about a normal person in a superhero's world.

#32 : Sometimes, family is who we are related to; sometimes, family is a group of people we gather around ourselves. Write a story about (some of) a character's found family and relatives meeting for the first time.

#33 : Write a story that begins in the middle of the plot's action ( en media res ).

#34 : Everyone says you can never have too much of a good thing. Write a story where that isn't true.

#35 : What do ghosts do when they're not creating mischief? Write about the secret lives of ghosts.


#36 : Every year, you dread the last week of April. Write a story about why.

#37 : Write a story about what it would be like to have an animal sidekick in real life.

#38 : Heists don't just have to be black-clad thieves stealing into vaults to steal rare art or money. Write about a group of people (adults or children) who commit a heist for something of seemingly little monetary value.

#39 : "Life is like a chooseable-path adventure, except you don't get to see what would have happened if you chose differently." Think of a choice you've made and write about a world where you made a different choice.

#40 : Write a story about a secret room.

#41 : You find a message in a bottle with very specific directions. Write a story about the adventure you embark upon.

#42 : "You'll always be okay as long as you know where your _______ is." Fill in the blank and write a story (either fictional or from your life) illustrating this statement.

#43 : Forcing people into prolonged proximity can change and deepen relationships. Write about characters on a road trip together.

#44 : In music, sonata form includes three main parts: exposition, development, and recapitulation. Write a short story that follows this format.

#45 : Begin writing with a character saying, "I'm afraid this simply can't wait."

#46 : Write a story with a happy ending (either happily-ever-after or happy-for-now).

#47 : Write about a character before and after a tragedy in that character's life.

#48 : Choose an object or concept you encounter in everyday life (e.g. tables, the feeling of hot or cold, oxygen) and write an infomercial about it.

#49 : "Life is a series of quests, whether important or mundane." Write about a quest you've gone on (or would like to go on, or will have to go on).

#50 : List 10 different ways to learn. Choose one (or more) and write a story where a character learns something using that one (or more) method.

#51 : You've been called to the principal's office for bad behavior. You know what you did. Explain and justify yourself.

#52 : A character discovers their sibling owns a cursed object. Write about what happens next.

#53 : Write a character description by writing a list of items that would be on a scavenger hunt about them.

#54 : The slogan for a product or service you're advertising is, "Kid-tested, _____." Fill in the blank and write the copy for a radio or podcast advertisement for your product.


How to Use Creative Writing Prompts

There's no wrong way to use a creative writing prompt (unless it's to harass and hurt someone)—the point of them is to get you writing and your imagination flowing.

To help you get the most out of these writing prompts, however, we've come up with the six tips below. Try them out!

#1: DON'T Limit Yourself to Prose

Unless you're writing for a particular assignment, there's no reason everything you write in response to a writing prompt has to be prose fiction . Instead of writing your response to a prompt as a story, try writing a poem, nonfiction essay, play, screenplay, or some other format entirely.

#2: DON'T Edit as You Write

The purposes of writing prompts is to get you writing, typos and weird grammar and all. Editing comes later, once you've finished writing and have some space from it to come back to what you wrote.

It's OK to fix things that will make it difficult to read what you've written (e.g., a weird autocorrect that changes the meaning of a sentence), but don't worry too much about typos or perfect grammar when you're writing; those are easy enough to fix in edits . You also can always insert asterisks or a short note as you're writing to remind yourself to go back to fix something (for instance, if as you're writing it seems like you want to move around the order of your paragraphs or insert something earlier).

#3: DO Interpret the Prompt Broadly

The point of using a writing prompt is not to write something that best exemplifies the prompt, but something that sparks your own creativity. Again, unless you're writing in response to an assignment with specific directions, feel free to interpret writing prompts as broadly or as narrowly as you want.

For instance, if your prompt is to write a story that begins with "The stage was set," you could write about anything from someone preparing to put a plan into motion to a literal theatre stage constructed out of pieces of old sets (or something else entirely).

If you're using a writing prompt, it doesn't have to be the first sentence of your story or poem, either; you can also use the prompt as a goal to work towards in your writing.

#4: DO Try Switching Up Your Writing Methods

If it's a possibility for you, see if you write differently in different media. Do you write the same kind of stories by hand as you would typing at a computer? What about if you dictate a story and then transcribe it? Or text it to a friend? Varying the method you use to write can affect the stories you're able to tell.

For example, you may find that it's easier for you to tell stories about your life to a voice recorder than to try to write out a personal essay. Or maybe you have trouble writing poetry, but can easily text yourself or a friend a poem. You might even find you like a writing method you've not tried before better than what you've been doing!


#5: DO Mix and Match Prompt Ideas

If you need more inspiration, feel free to combine multiple prompts (but don't overwhelm yourself with too much to write about).

You can also try switching genres from what might be suggested in the prompt. For instance, try writing a prompt that seems funny in a serious and sad way, or finding the humor in something that otherwise seems humorless. The categories we've organized the prompts into are by no means limiters on what you're allowed to write about.

#6: DO Try to Write Regularly

The more regularly you write, the easier it will be to write (with or without writing prompts).

For some people, this means writing daily; for others, it means setting aside time to write each weekend or each month. Set yourself an achievable goal (write 2x a week, write 1000 words a month) and stick to it. You can always start small and then ramp your wordcount or frequency up.

If you do better when you have something outside yourself prompting to write, you may also want to try something like morning pages , which encourages you to write at least 750 words every day, in any format (story, diary entry, social media postings, etc).


What's Next?

Thinking about attending college or grad school for creative writing? Our articles on whether or not you should major in creative writing and the best creative writing programs are there for you! Plus, if you're a high schooler, you should check out these top writing contests .

Creative writing doesn't necessarily have to be fiction. Check out these three examples of narrative writing and our tips for how to write your own narrative stories and essays .

Just as writing prompts can help give form to amorphous creative energy, using specific writing structures or devices can be great starting points for your next story. Read through our discussion of the top 20 poetic devices to know and see if you can work at least one new one into your next writing session.

Still looking for more writing ideas? Try repurposing our 100+ easy drawing ideas for characters, settings, or plot points in your writing.

Laura graduated magna cum laude from Wellesley College with a BA in Music and Psychology, and earned a Master's degree in Composition from the Longy School of Music of Bard College. She scored 99 percentile scores on the SAT and GRE and loves advising students on how to excel in high school.

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30 Day Writing Challenge

30 Day Writing Challenge

The best way to make your writing stronger is to do it every day

Many people dream of “being a writer.” They picture a published book with their name on it, or an article they wrote going out to the masses. But so many of us have difficulty actually putting pen to paper (or, fingers to keyboard) to write. The number one thing a writer needs to do is write. And yet, it can be so challenging for so many of us.

One of the best ways to combat writer’s block is to engage in a writing challenge. For example, each summer, the author Jami Attenberg hosts “1,000 Words of Summer,” a challenge to writers to write 1,000 words every day for two weeks.

Here, you’ll find a 30-day writing challenge. This is 30 short prompts for you to do, doing one a day per day for 30 days.

You don’t have to set aside too much time for these, nor do you have to set a daily word count for yourself, unless a specific prompt calls for it. The most important thing is that you write. No matter how much you produce each day, after a month, you’ll be surprised at how much writing you’ll have done.

  • Pick a color, any color. Write about that color as if it were a person. What are its good personality traits? Bad? What’s its name?
  • Write about a place you visited yesterday. If you went out, write about somewhere you visited. If you stayed in, focus on one room you spent time in. Describe it in detail.
  • Who was your favorite teacher? Why? Write about them.
  • Who was your least favorite teacher? Why? Write about them.
  • Write at least one page, uninterrupted, about absolutely anything that comes to mind. If nothing at all comes to mind, write about your thoughts on emptiness.
  • Grab a book off a bookshelf. Open it to a random page. Close your eyes and point to a random passage. Type up that passage. Now, write something about that passage. Maybe it’s whatever happens next (though, it shouldn’t follow whatever really happens next in that book), or maybe it’s whatever would be the complete opposite of what you’ve just read.
  • When was the last time you cried? Why? Write about it.
  • Go to Wikipedia’s random article generator page . Read whatever comes up, and then write something short based on it. Maybe a main character comes from the article, or maybe a scenario. You’ll have to see what pops up, but use it as inspiration in some way.
  • Write a story that begins with this line: “I kicked off my boots. My socks were wet, my feet were frozen. The fireplace was dark.”
  • What is the stupidest argument you’ve ever been a part of? Who was stupider, you or the other person? Write about it.
  • In a small town, there’s a dog that keeps getting into a chicken coop and eating the chickens. The owner of the chicken coop is threatening to shoot the dog. Write a story about the conversation that happens between the chicken owner and the dog owner.
  • The owner of the dog called the town government on the chicken coop owner. There’s a hearing about it. Write the story of that hearing.
  • Imagine a family experience you had. Maybe it’s a holiday, or a vacation, or something more mundane. Pick a family member other than yourself, and write a scene from that memory from their perspective instead of your own.
  • Write a story where the first line is: “The sun was burning his nose, and all he could think about was chicken nuggets.”
  • Write 200 words about the room you’re sitting in right now.
  • Write 400 words about the room you wish you were sitting in right now.
  • Disregard whatever you know about the history of PopTarts . Imagine a board meeting where the concept of PopTarts is proposed. Write the scene.
  • Who is your favorite movie character? Who is your favorite book character? They just ran into each other. Write the scene.
  • Opening line: “She’d never seen a dead body before, but, there he was.”
  • Write a scene where Person A wants to get through a door that Person B is on the other side of. How does Person A try to convince Person B? Write the scene.
  • Write a scene from the perspective of a fish.
  • Write 500 words about a person who means a lot to you. Focus on one or two personality traits the person has, and how they’ve used those traits in a way that’s made you happy.
  • Write a scene from the perspective of a toddler who really, really, REALLY wants some fruit snacks. How do you convince the gatekeeper of the fruit snacks to give them to you?
  • Opening line: “The moon was bright. Not that he could see it.”
  • Closing line: “They’d miss each other, but hey, at least it happened.”
  • A famous couple is on their way to an awards show, but they’re in a fight. Write what happens on their limo drive.
  • Look through what you’ve written over the past 26 days and pick one prompt that you want to expand upon. Write at least 400 more words about whatever it is.
  • Write a scene between a mentor and a mentee in which the mentee has to stand up for him or herself because the mentor isn’t giving him/her enough credit.
  • Opening line: “He woke up to the sound of someone breathing, which was startling enough. Things didn’t get less startling when he rolled over to see who was asleep next to him.”
  • Opening line: “As they walked through the forest, they heard a branch snap under the weight of a boot. But it was too far away to have been caused by either of them.”

When you finish this 30 days, applaud yourself. You just created 30 pieces of writing that could now be turned into any number of new projects. You wrote. You are a writer. Good job, friend.

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Lauren Harkawik

Lauren Harkawik

Lauren Harkawik is a journalist, essayist, and fiction writer based in Vermont. You can read her writing on her website.

Visit Lauren Harkawik 's website

Creative Primer

25 Creative Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Creativity

Brooks Manley

Creative writing is a vast and dynamic field that offers a platform for individuals to express their ideas, emotions, and stories in an imaginative and original way.

It plays a crucial role in enhancing communication skills, fostering empathy, and also promoting a deep understanding of the human experience. If you’re not sure how to get started, consider these helpful writing prompts – let’s get creative!

The Importance of Creative Writing

In the realm of literature and beyond, creative writing holds a pivotal role. It not only allows for personal expression but also:

  • fosters critical thinking
  • enhances vocabulary
  • improves writing skills
  • conveys complex ideas and emotions
  • serves as a therapeutic medium
  • enhances empathy

From short stories and poetry to novels and screenplays, creative writing spans a wide array of genres and styles, and offers endless opportunities for exploration and expression.

In the professional realm, creative writing skills are highly valued. They can lead to various creative writing jobs in fields like publishing, advertising, journalism, and content creation. For those interested in pursuing higher education in this field, you might want to explore whether a degree in creative writing is worth it .

Understanding Creative Writing Prompts

When it comes to igniting creativity and fostering unique ideas, creative writing prompts play an invaluable role. They provide a starting point, a spark that can lead to a flame of inspiration for writers.

How Prompts Can Ignite Creativity

While creative writing is an exciting field, it can sometimes be challenging to kickstart the creative process. This is where creative writing prompts come into play. These prompts are designed to ignite the imagination and inspire writers to create original and compelling pieces.

They help to overcome writer’s block , encourage experimentation with different styles and genres. So, whether you’re a seasoned writer or a beginner, creative writing prompts can be an invaluable tool to spark creativity and enhance your writing skills.

What are Creative Writing Prompts?

Creative writing prompts are essentially ideas, questions, or topics that are designed to inspire and stimulate the creative writing process. They serve as a catalyst, helping to ignite the writer’s imagination and encourage them to explore new themes, concepts, or perspectives.

These prompts can take a myriad of forms. They might be a single word, a phrase, a sentence, or even an image. Remember, regardless of the format, the goal of a creative writing prompt is to trigger thought and also encourage writers to delve deeper into their creative psyche, producing unique and compelling pieces of writing.

For more understanding of what creative writing entails, read our article on what is creative writing .

Types of Creative Writing Prompts

There are various types of creative writing prompts, each tailored to stimulate different forms of writing, cater to various genres, or inspire certain ideas. For example, you might encounter:

  • Fiction Writing Prompts : These prompts are designed to inspire stories. They might provide a setting, a character, a conflict, or a plot point to kick-start the writer’s imagination.
  • Non-Fiction Writing Prompts : These prompts are geared towards non-fiction writing, such as essays, memoirs, or journalistic pieces. They might pose a question, present a topic, or propose a perspective for the writer to explore.
  • Poetry Writing Prompts : These prompts are tailored for writing poetry. They could suggest a theme, a form, a line, or a poetic device to be used in the poem.
  • Dialogue Writing Prompts : These prompts focus on conversations and are designed to inspire dialogue-driven pieces. They generally provide a line or a snippet of conversation to act as a starting point.
  • Story Starter Writing Prompts : These prompts serve as the opening line or the first paragraph of a story. The writer’s task is to continue the narrative from there.

Understanding the different types of creative writing prompts is essential to making the most of them. For example, when you choose the right type of prompt, you target specific writing skills , push boundaries of creativity, and provide the necessary spark to bring your ideas to life.

25 Creative Writing Prompts

Using creative writing prompts is a great way to jumpstart your creativity and get the ideas flowing. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a beginner, these prompts can help inspire your next piece. Here, we’ve broken down 25 prompts into five categories: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, dialogue, and story starters.

Fiction Writing Prompts

Fiction allows writers to flex their imaginative muscles. The following prompts can help to stir up new ideas for a unique storyline:

  • Write a story where the main character finds an old, mysterious letter in the attic.
  • Imagine a world where animals can talk.
  • Create a tale where a character discovers they have a superpower.
  • Write about a character who wakes up in a different era.
  • Write a story set in a world where money doesn’t exist.

Non-Fiction Writing Prompts

Non-fiction writing can help you explore real-life experiences and lessons. Here are some prompts to get you started:

  • Write about a time when you faced a significant challenge and how you overcame it.
  • Describe the most influential person in your life.
  • Share a moment when you learned a valuable lesson.
  • Write about an unforgettable trip.
  • Discuss a current event that has impacted you personally.

Poetry Writing Prompts

Poetry allows for artistic expression through words. These prompts can inspire new verses:

  • Write a poem about a dream you can’t forget.
  • Create a sonnet about the changing seasons.
  • Write about an emotion without naming it directly.
  • Craft a poem inspired by a piece of art.
  • Pen a haiku about nature’s power.

Dialogue Writing Prompts

Dialogue writing can help you improve your dialogue creation skills. Try these prompts:

  • Write a conversation between two people stuck in an elevator.
  • Describe a heated argument between a character and their best friend.
  • Create a dialogue where a character reveals a deep secret.
  • Write an exchange between a detective and a suspect.
  • Craft a conversation between two people who speak different languages.

Story Starter Writing Prompts

Story starters are great for sparking an idea for a story. Here are some to try:

  • “When she opened the door, she couldn’t believe her eyes…”
  • “He’d waited his whole life for this moment, and now…”
  • “It was a town like no other, because…”
  • “She was the last person on earth, or so she thought…”
  • “The letter arrived, marked with a seal she didn’t recognize…”

These creative writing prompts are designed to challenge you and spark your creativity. Remember, the goal is not to create a perfect piece of writing but to ignite your imagination and hone your writing skills. Also, don’t forget, you can always revise and refine your work later .

For more on the art of writing, check out our article on what is creative writing .

Making the Most of Your Creative Writing Prompts

Now that you have a list of creative writing prompts at your disposal, it’s important to understand how to utilize them effectively. The value of a prompt lies not just in the initial idea it provides, but also in how it can be expanded and developed into a full-blown piece of writing.

How to Use Creative Writing Prompts Effectively

Using creative writing prompts effectively requires an open mind and a willingness to explore. Here are some strategies to make the most of your prompts:

  • Brainstorming: Allow yourself to brainstorm ideas after reading the prompt. Jot down whatever comes to mind without self-judgment or censorship.
  • Freedom: Give yourself the freedom to interpret the prompt in your own way. Remember, prompts are starting points, not rigid guidelines.
  • Experimentation: Experiment with different genres, perspectives, and writing styles. A prompt can be turned into a poem, a short story, or even a script for a play.
  • Consistency: Try to write regularly. Whether you choose to do this daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, consistency can help develop your writing skills.
  • Reflection: Finally, reflect on the prompt and your writing. Consider what worked, what didn’t, and also what you would like to improve in your next piece.

In addition to this, check out our article on what is creative writing .

Tips to Expand on a Prompt

Expanding on a prompt involves transforming a simple idea into a fully developed narrative. Here are a few tips:

  • Character Development: Flesh out your characters. Give them backgrounds, motivations, and flaws to make them more relatable and interesting.
  • Plot Building: Develop a coherent plot. Consider the key events, conflicts, and resolutions that will drive your story forward.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Show the reader what’s happening through vivid descriptions and actions rather than simply telling them.
  • Dialogue: Use dialogue to reveal character traits and advance the plot. Make sure it’s natural and adds value to your story.
  • Editing: Finally review and revise your work. Look for areas where you can improve clarity, tighten your prose, and also eliminate any inconsistencies or errors.

Editor’s Note : Don’t get rid of old ideas or unfinished works – you never know when looking back over these might spark inspiration or two ideas might mesh to form something cohesive and new!

The Right Prompts Grow Your Skills

By using these strategies, you can take full advantage of creative writing prompts and improve your writing skills. So, whether you’re pursuing a career in creative writing or just looking for a new hobby, these tips can help you unlock your full creative potential.

For more insights on creative writing, check out our articles on creative writing jobs and what you can do with a creative writing degree and how to teach creative writing .

Also, don’t miss our master list of more than 250 journal prompts .

Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

30 day creative writing prompts

Creative Primer  is a resource on all things journaling, creativity, and productivity. We’ll help you produce better ideas, get more done, and live a more effective life.

My name is Brooks. I do a ton of journaling, like to think I’m a creative (jury’s out), and spend a lot of time thinking about productivity. I hope these resources and product recommendations serve you well. Reach out if you ever want to chat or let me know about a journal I need to check out!

Here’s my favorite journal for 2024: 

the five minute journal

Gratitude Journal Prompts Mindfulness Journal Prompts Journal Prompts for Anxiety Reflective Journal Prompts Healing Journal Prompts Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Journal Prompts Mental Health Journal Prompts ASMR Journal Prompts Manifestation Journal Prompts Self-Care Journal Prompts Morning Journal Prompts Evening Journal Prompts Self-Improvement Journal Prompts Creative Writing Journal Prompts Dream Journal Prompts Relationship Journal Prompts "What If" Journal Prompts New Year Journal Prompts Shadow Work Journal Prompts Journal Prompts for Overcoming Fear Journal Prompts for Dealing with Loss Journal Prompts for Discerning and Decision Making Travel Journal Prompts Fun Journal Prompts

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Join (probably?) the world's largest writing contest. Flex those creative muscles with weekly writing prompts.

Showing 2124 prompts

The great unknown, write a narrative about a group of scientists exploring the deepest parts of the ocean..

LIVE – Adventure

Imagine a world where exploration is forbidden, and write a story about a character who defies this rule to satisfy their innate curiosity.

LIVE – Dystopian

Center your story around a character’s personal exploration, whether it's trying a new hobby, visiting an unfamiliar place, or learning something completely new.

LIVE – Character

Set your story on a spaceship exploring the far reaches of space when something goes wrong.

LIVE – Science Fiction

Write a story in the form of diary entries, written by an explorer as they make their way through what they thought was an untouched location.

Write about a character who treats everything like a game and struggles to be serious when they most need to, or vice versa., write a story about someone who takes a joke way too far., write a story about someone participating in a seemingly innocent game that suddenly takes a turn., set your story in a playground: two characters are having a serious conversation while on the seesaw/in the jungle gym/on the swings., write a story that includes the phrase “it’s all fun and games…”, set your story in a world where astrology and the movements of celestial bodies deeply impact the lives of inhabitants., people have gathered to witness a once-in-a-lifetime natural phenomenon, but what happens next is not what they expected., imagine an origin myth that somebody might use to explain an eclipse, or some other celestial event., write a story in which a character navigates using the stars., set your story during a total eclipse — either natural, or man-made., begin or end your story with a character taking a selfie., write about a character who sees a photo they shouldn’t have seen., write a story about a character who risks their life to take a photo., start your story with a character staring at a picture they don’t remember taking., center your story around a photo that goes viral., win $250 in our short story competition 🏆.

We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Respond with your short story and you could win $250!

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#246 – All Fun and Games

#245 – Heavenly Bodies

#244 – Oh Snap!

#243 – Re-Imagining Our World Through Speculative Fiction with Alice McIlroy

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#2 Deidra Whitt Lovegren

28700 points

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22416 points

#4 Graham Kinross

14463 points

#5 Scout Tahoe

13196 points

#6 Chris Campbell

11158 points

#7 Thom With An H

10610 points

#8 Rayhan Hidayat

10212 points

#9 Michał Przywara

9885 points

#10 Deborah Mercer

9610 points

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Character Writing Prompts ⭢

Christmas Writing Prompts ⭢

Dark Writing Prompts ⭢

Dialogue Writing Prompts ⭢

Dramatic Writing Prompts ⭢

Dystopian Writing Prompts ⭢

Fall Writing Prompts ⭢

Fantasy Writing Prompts ⭢

Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Fluff Writing Prompts ⭢

Funny Writing Prompts ⭢

Halloween Writing Prompts ⭢

High School Writing Prompts ⭢

Historical Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Holiday Writing Prompts ⭢

Horror Writing Prompts ⭢

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Romance Writing Prompts ⭢

Sad Writing Prompts ⭢

Science Fiction Writing Prompts ⭢

Short Story Writing Prompts ⭢

Spring Writing Prompts ⭢

Summer Writing Prompts ⭢

Teens Writing Prompts ⭢

Thanksgiving Writing Prompts ⭢

Thriller and Suspense Writing Prompts ⭢

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99 Creative Writing Prompts For Overcoming Writer’s Block


I want to start writing fiction this year. It’s a goal I’ve had on my mind for a while now, but as an essayist and nonfiction writer, I’ve been getting in my head about it. I have no idea how to create stories or characters. But it’s something I want to learn.

In preparing to make this pivot, I’ve discovered that writing prompts are invaluable. They can help us think about stories and subject matter in new ways and serve as a source of inspiration. Even for writers who aren’t looking to explore a new genre, prompts can be useful when we’re in a rut or need some creative magic. Instructions and parameters can help get the words flowing.

While these writing prompts are organized by month, they are designed to be used at your leisure. Feel free to follow it weekly or jump around. You may need to take breaks throughout the year or come back in the summer when you have more time to write—that’s okay, too! Use this list however it works for you and your creative flow!

For further inspiration and encouragement, here are some tips for starting a writing practice .

1. The human spirit is strong. Write about an experience in your life that has made you more resilient .

2. Releasing resolutions can be as important as reaching them. Write an essay in which you reflect on a resolution you didn’t keep.

3. Martin Luther King Jr. said , “I am not interested in power for power’s sake, but I’m interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.” Write a story in which your main character uses their power for good. End it with a time jump showing the long-term ripple effects. 

4. Craft a story where your main character gets caught outside in a winter storm. How do they find their way home?

5. The darker months can sometimes feel lonely, but moments alone often shape us in powerful ways. Write a lyrical essay about your own isolation experiences and what you’ve discovered about yourself through these seasons.

6. Write a story about a group of friends who travel somewhere warm for a winter holiday.

7. Imagine a group of strangers meeting while trapped in an airport for 24 hours due to flight delays. Who are they? What types of conversations do they have? How will these new relationships evolve and shape the rest of their lives?

8. Begin a short story in which your main character accepts an important award.

9. What does it mean to say, ‘I love you?’ Write an essay that includes an anecdote about the first time you remember feeling loved.

10. Write a comedic story from the perspective of a restaurant server on Valentine’s Day.

11. Who was your childhood best friend? Write an essay using the second-person (try crafting it as a letter ) about what that friendship meant to you. 

12. Think about a favorite story or fairytale from your childhood. Rewrite it with an alternative ending.

13. Begin a short story in which your main character is at a coffee shop with their love interest on a winter day.

14. Write about a time you did something that scared you.

15. Imagine a world in which the days are getting progressively shorter. How will your characters stop this countdown and save humanity before it’s too late?

16. Create a story in which two friends meet at a Lunar New Year celebration.

17. Write a scene based on a recent encounter with a stranger. 

18. For International Women’s Day (March 8), write a first-person story that takes place at a protest during the women’s liberation movement .

19. In an essay, reflect on the women who’ve helped you become who you are today.

20. Craft a poem from the sun’s perspective in honor of the spring equinox (March 20). 

21. In spring, there is a turning. Write an essay about how seasonal changes mirror a transformation in your own life.

22. Try your hand at an allegory using natural elements to convey a larger message about humanity.

23. Your main character just came home from a trip to find their house has disappeared and been replaced with a supermarket. It’s like it was never even there. What happens next?

24. Consider the meaning of beauty and how it has shifted and evolved with time. Write an essay about this.

25. Write a poem about the power of music. Use these playlists for inspiration. 

26. Create a short story that begins with you waking up on a train destined for somewhere tropical.

27. For Earth Day 🌎 (April 22), write an essay about sustainable living . What does it mean to you? If you need help getting started, try opening the piece with an anecdote about the first time you thought about climate change and sustainability. 

28. In the circle of life, beginnings are preceded by endings. Write about an ending that has led to a new beginning in your life. 

29. Begin a story in which your main character wakes up with a superpower.

30. What was the last great novel you read? Try your hand at a book review, writing as if you’re a famous critic for a publishing house or magazine.

31. Imagine a famous chef loses their sense of taste and serves an overly salted meal to eager patrons. What happens next?

32. Write an essay about your childhood home.

33. Write a third-person story about two friends playing in the rain. Rather than focusing on creating climax, aim to capture their feelings of pure love and friendship. 

34. What is something you’ve always been scared of? Write a future-tense essay about when and how you will overcome this fear. 

35. Toni Morrison once wrote , “Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined.” Write an essay defining yourself, starting with the sentence, “To others, I may seem…but that is not who I am.”

36. Write a poem about your first pet. If you’ve never had a pet, write about your plants or something else you’ve cared for.

37. Write an essay about the day you got your driver’s license.

38. Creativity can be a tool for processing our heartaches. Craft a personal essay about the last time you felt grief—and be gentle with yourself as you get the words on the page.

39. Your main character is on a rooftop in New York City, escaping the crowd of a party. What happens next?

40. Write a summer scene that begins with dialogue. 

41. In a personal essay, describe your last vacation, but write about the trip in present tense . 

42. Write a short story from an inanimate object’s perspective, either in nature or in your home.

43. The main characters in your story have gone on a camping trip. But when they return from the woods, their city is no longer there. In fact, they can’t find any sign of civilization. Write a suspenseful thriller about what happens next. 

44. Craft a poem using the word “citrus.” 

45. A couple is sharing a picnic lunch on a beach. By the end of the story, one of them is walking away in tears. What happens? Focus on building tension and the backstory that leads to this moment.

46. Write an essay about a time you worked tirelessly for something, and it didn’t turn out as you hoped or planned.

47. Create a story in which your main character is experiencing profound joy.

48. In a personal essay, revisit a moment when you learned to take your own advice .

49. Using this list of instrumental covers , rewrite the lyrics to a hit song. 

50. Write a story in which you’re a tourist and visiting your home city for the first time.

51. Two friends take out a boat on the lake and discover the water has magic powers. Write a fantasy scene about their adventure.

52. Learn about your Enneagram number , then write a personal essay with anecdotes that exemplify your basic desire and basic fear.

53. You and your best friend are on a sailboat off the coast of Italy when suddenly the captain disappears. What happens next?

54. Write a story about an encounter with a sea creature.

55. Create a lyrical essay in which the main character is “summer heat.”

56. Write an essay through the lens of your childhood self about your first year at school. Try to be as specific as possible, including the names of friends and teachers. You can use old photos or talk to your parents for reference if needed. 

57. Write a story that begins with your main character swimming in a lake.

58. Sometime this week, spend a few minutes sitting outside or staring out your window to observe another person. Write about what you notice that can help to sketch them as a character. 

59. Make a case for one of your favorite traditions —whether it be celebrating a recognized holiday or a personal ritual. 

60. Write a short story that begins with the ending. For example, perhaps your story is about a girl who gets lost at sea and then captured by pirates—only to become a pirate herself. Begin the story with the girl as a pirate, and then show the readers how she got there. 

61. What is the happiest you’ve ever been?

62. Create a short story that starts with your main character going off to college.

63. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned this year?

64. Lidia Yuknavitch says , “There is so much to learn from the edge of things, from the cracks and cuts and fissures of the earth, of our hearts.” Write a lyrical essay about the cuts and fissures in your own heart and how they’ve led you to this very moment.

65. Write a sensory essay about nature without naming the objects you’re writing about. For example, “The towering giants boast cherry-ripe foliage at this time of year.” 

66. Craft a short story about the final day of summer (September 22). 🍂

67. Try your hand at children’s lit by creating a story for a younger audience. Have your main character learn a valuable life lesson, and use these stories for inspiration if you need help!

68. When was the last time you felt most alive?

69. Write an essay about a change you knew was coming and how you prepared for it.

70. Create a story where the main character is a caregiver for a loved one.

71. Write a poem about shadows. 

72. On Indigenous People’s Day (October 10), write a historical nonfiction essay about the native land you’re living on . For guiding questions, use the Catalyst Project’s worksheet and Resource Generation’s Land Reparations Toolkit and Indigenous Solidarity Toolkit .

73. Write a story in which a “monster” turns out to be a “hero,” or vice versa. This can be either nonfiction or fiction. 

74. You and your significant other are at home watching a scary movie when the power goes out. Create a spooky story about what happens next!

75. Create a spooky children’s story that takes place in a magical forest.

76. Write a story that begins with a girl making her own Halloween costume.

77. Write a persuasive essay about an unconventional fear. Make a case for why more people should consider this fear.

78. A group of friends escapes to a private island for an end-of-year holiday. But when they arrive, the hotel is deserted, and the boat has already left the dock. What happens next?

79. Write about the last time you felt hopeful.

80. In preparation for losing an hour of daylight this month, write a poem about all your favorite cozy things. 

81. Write a story that begins with your main character dreaming.

82. In “ Braiding Sweetgrass ,” Robin Wall Kimmerer writes, “In some Native languages the term for ‘plants’ translates to ‘those who take care of us.’” In an essay, write about how the earth cares for humanity. Begin with a personal anecdote about a time you felt nurtured by nature.

83. Write a first-person essay that revolves around food or a family recipe.

84. Practice shifting between past and present tense by writing an essay about a childhood experience that impacts who you are today.

85. Write a letter to your younger self.

86. Create a story based on a time you went on a spontaneous adventure.

87. Your main characters are at a college football game when, suddenly, the sky goes black. What happens next?

88. How do you overcome self-doubt? Write a how-to essay.

89. What are you most grateful for this year?


90. Write a poem about your favorite sound.

91. Reflect on winter pastimes. What do you love most about this season? Write a short essay about it.

92. Make up your own holiday poem reminiscent of “Night Before Christmas” (or the equivalent for your celebrated traditions).

93. Your main character is a ballerina performing in The Nutcracker, but secretly, they wish to be a teacher. Write a story about this.

94. Who is someone you admire in your life? Write a tribute essay to them.

95. To get in the spirit, create a Hallmarkesque script for a cheesy holiday film.

96. Write an essay that begins with your favorite holiday memory.

97. Your main character is a flight attendant working the holiday season. Write about a strange encounter they have on the plane.

98. What is the importance of rest, and why is it such a necessary practice for our lives?

99. In your final prompt of the year, write an essay about time and forward motion. Begin by reflecting on the past, write about the importance of mindfulness and living in the present moment, and then welcome whatever comes next.

If you write a story with one of these writing prompts and you’d like to share, feel free to link or paste it in the comments below! 💛

Kayti Christian (she/her) is the Managing Editor at The Good Trade. She has a Master’s in Nonfiction Writing from the University of London and is the creator of Feelings Not Aside , a newsletter for sensitive people.


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My 30 Day Writing Challenge: A NaNoWriMo Alternative

My 30 Day Writing Challenge: A NaNoWriMo Alternative

August 23, 2019 By Brendan Leave a Comment

Not long ago, I took a break from social media for 30 days.

A social media detox , if you will.

The goal, to sum it up in four words, was: create more, consume less.

I didn’t detox to give my brain a break. Quite to the contrary. I did it to get my creative juices flowing in ways they can’t when I’m distracted by social media. I did it to get my brain working in ways that mattered more to me.

That’s why it was important for me to make sure that these 30 days of freedom didn’t go to waste. I would be a fool to detox from social media and spend that time sleeping or watching TV or browsing the web.

Developing a Daily Writing Habit

So, I gave myself a 30-day challenge. I would complete a daily writing challenge for all 30 days. Journaling, blogging, creative writing, writing a short story…nothing was off the table. I had no minimum word count, no set writing process. I would sit down, start writing, and see what came out.

I needed results. I needed to create things that matter. I needed to leave an imprint on my world that didn’t fade into irrelevance after 24 hours. Writing gives you something Snapchat stories don’t: permanence. With permanence comes a special kind of fulfillment. After all, it’s the things you create that stay on this Earth a lot longer than you do.

If you follow me, it’s no secret that I write. I write a lot. That being said, I think I reached a sort of creative peak during these 30 days, writing for nobody but myself, with no social media to suck my time away. You don’t have to pursue nanowrimo (national novel writing month) to partake in this challenge, either. It wasn’t all gold, but I wanted to share a few highlights that epitomize, to me, what you can create without the constraints of social media distraction.

Three Entires From My 30-Day Writing Challenge:

Take from these what you will. Use them as writing prompts, if necessary. I think they speak for themselves.

Entry 1: Of Entrepreneurs and Rhinos

The rhino is a dangerous creature.

It’s easy to look at a rhino and think about the things they can do. They have thick, protective skin. They can grow to weigh over 1000 lbs. They can run upwards of 30 miles per hour.

But they can’t see very far ahead of themselves.

I remember the first time I felt like a rhino. I was six years old, staying at my grandparents’ house in upstate New York, riding my bike down a hill at a speed I like to call “scary fast.” Nope, not normal fast, scary fast; the speed where you realize your safety is no longer in your hands, where everything gets–you guessed it—scary.

It might have been 30 miles per hour.

It was also the first time I saw stars. I remember the moment I lost control; the bike, no longer supporting my weight, slid from under me. I had no choice but to release myself, to fling myself on the ground with no idea where I would end up. Before I knew it, I was dazed, wallowing in the pain from my skinned knee, but thanking God that my grandma made me wear a helmet.

Since becoming an entrepreneur, there were times I almost felt like a rhino. When everything is moving “scary fast”, when I feel like the skies the limit, the last thing I want to do is look ahead.

Then I remind myself, just because rhinos get to live in blissful ignorance, doesn’t mean I do.

Just because you work your face off, doesn’t mean you can’t fall flat on it if you’re too shortsighted. Don’t just look a few feet in front of you. Look at where everything is going. Start moving intentionally.

If you find yourself among a pack of rhinos–hustling to no end, reveling in the danger, living in the moment to the point where you lose control of your future—abandon them. After all, there’s a reason why a group of rhinos are called a “crash.”

Entry 5: Work Harder, Not Smarter

Thought leaders have a penchant for telling people that it’s not about how hard you work, it’s about how smart you work.

It’s not a bad message if you interpret it right. But people rarely do.

Just because you “work smart” for a bit doesn’t give you an excuse to spend the rest of your time bouncing around useless crevices of the Internet, consuming content that has nothing to do with your current goals.

Working smart only applies to those who know what they’re doing. If you haven’t achieved your goals and you think you can afford the luxury of wasting time…sorry, you’re just not working hard enough.

The reason I hate when people say “work smarter” is that nobody knows what smart work is until they watch it take them to where they need to go. There is no rulebook on how to “work smarter”.

Working hard is different. The results you get are directly correlated with the hours you put in. Sure, if you’re working hard and not smart, you might be wasting your time. But every hour you spend chasing your goals will get you closer to them, whether it has a direct impact, or it teaches you what not to do.

Give yourself the time to be better. If you interpret “smart” as “lazy”, you’re only hurting yourself.

Take a look at where you are now and weigh that against where you want to be. The only thing you can change is the effort you put in. Nobody is coming to teach you how to do it right, to whisper the secret to success in your ear. You need to outwork everyone around you. Then, and only then, will you get where you want to be.

Once you get there, don’t you dare coast. As soon as you coast because you think you have the lead, someone will come and snatch it from you. Good luck.

Entry 30: Don’t Break the Chain

It’s been a month since I set out to publish an article every day for 30 days. And boy, have I come a long way.

I’ve watched the discipline I’ve cultivated in this practice bleed over onto the rest of my life. Not only have my writing skills improved. I’m eating smarter. I’m sleeping better. I’m exercising regularly.

It’s confirmed what I’ve thought for some time: life is momentum based.

Now I understand what people mean when they tell you to start the day with a cold shower. Even though it is hard to sacrifice comfort, if you train yourself to make one sacrifice as soon as you wake up, everything else becomes easier. On the other hand, if you spend your life doing what makes you comfortable, it will take a mountain of effort to break out of that comfort zone.

This is what I call “the chain”. The chain is why, when I force myself to sit down and write out of habit, everything else in my life that requires discipline becomes easier to do. It’s because I’m not reveling in hedonism. My happiness does not need to correlate with pleasure. Instead, it must correlate with fulfillment, specifically the fulfillment I get from making the sacrifices that make me a better version of myself.

It’s why I don’t believe in cheat days. Once you take a day to rest, you break the chain. Once the chain is broken, all the work you’ve put in to stretch it out for as long as you did is undermined. You have to start from scratch. Fuck that.

Writing is great in that it forces me to flesh out my thoughts, to expand them beyond the constraints of a Tweet or a Facebook post, to get to the bottom of why I feel the way I do. It also keeps me working hard, cultivating the habit of being better to feel better. In that sense, it keeps the chain going.

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300 Creative Writing Prompts to Spur Your Creativity

Cover Image for 300 Creative Writing Prompts to Spur Your Creativity

Every good story begins with a spark—an idea that engages, intrigues, and inspires. But what happens when you're facing the dreaded blank page without a flicker of inspiration? The solution lies in writing prompts—effective tools that ignite your creativity and kickstart your storytelling journey. Here are 300 writing prompts that can steer you toward fresh narratives and unexplored themes.

These prompts focus on the personal. They lead you to introspect and narrate your experiences. Prompts like "The most challenging decision I've ever made...", or "The time I faced my worst fear…" encourage self-reflection.

This batch involves prompts that revolve around hypothetical situations. For example - "If I were the last person on Earth...", or "The day I woke up as a millionaire...". These prompts provoke your imagination, pulling your story into unexpected territories.

101 to 150:

Geared toward exploring new perspectives, these prompts offer characters, settings, or situations for you to develop. Imagine prompts like "A day in the life of a time-traveler..." or "Persuade someone to move to Mars...". They challenge you to step into other people's shoes and invent new worlds.

151 to 200:

These prompts dip into genres. Whether it's "Write a ghost story set in an ice cream shop..." or "Your protagonist can read minds, but...". Here, you can explore and experiment with different storytelling styles and themes.

201 to 250:

Taking a poetic turn, these prompts suggest themes for verses. Prompts like "A sonnet about a sunset..." or "a haiku about the four seasons..." provide an opportunity to practice and perfect your rhythm and rhyme.

251 to 300:

Lastly, these prompts focus on the macro, inviting big-picture ideas like "The future of humanity in a technology-dominated world...". They can be deeply thought-provoking, encouraging you to develop intricate plots and complex characters.

So, next time you're stuck or need a writing warm-up, delve into these prompts. You'll find that they not only inspire fresh ideas but also encourage you to write outside your comfort zone. Each prompt is a new adventure in your writing journey, pushing you to explore different characters, situations, and styles, ultimately helping you grow as a writer.

Remember, these are only starting points—the magic happens when you let your creativity take over. Let the prompts guide you, but don't be afraid to deviate and follow where your creativity leads you. And don't forget to make use of Chapterly's AI-assisted content creation to enhance your creative process. Discover new words, narrative styles, and storytelling elements with the help of our intuitive authoring platform.

Personal Introspection Prompts:

1. "The moment I felt most alive..." 2. "The time I had to stand up for what I believed in..." 3. "My greatest achievement and how it changed me..." 4. "A lesson I've learned the hard way..." 5. "How my biggest failure shaped me..." 6. "A chance encounter that affected me deeply..." 7. "A choice I made that defined my life..." 8. "The person who has had the most influence over me..." 9. "A dream that had a profound impact on my waking life..." 10. "What I missed the most during quarantine..." These exciting prompts invite you to harness your emotions, recall your memories, and reflect on life's pivotal moments. This in-depth self-exploration can lead to profound insights and beautiful stories that genuinely resonate with readers. Remember, the magic lies not only in the exercise of writing but also in the journey of self-discovery it sparks. Enjoy this special kind of magic and watch how your writing transforms as you evolve.

11. "The most unique place I've ever visited..." 12. "How the pandemic changed my lifestyle..." 13. "An act of kindness that changed my perspective..." 14. "My perspective on body positivity..." 15. "The most daring thing I've ever done..." 16. "How a hobby can transform into a passion..." 17. "An event that shaped my cultural perspective..." 18. "My journey to self-love and acceptance..." 19. "An unexpected friendship that changed my life..." 20. "What I wish I knew as a teenager..."

These personal introspection prompts can lead to self-discovery while also enabling you to craft relatable narratives that strike a chord with your readers. Remember, writing prompts not only draw out stories, but they allow us to explore parts of ourselves and gain clarity about who we are. So, take these prompts as an invitation to look within, and simultaneously, to step out of your comfort zone and into uncharted territories in your writing process.

21. "A defining cultural experience from my travels..." 22. "How a particular book or film significantly influenced my perspective..." 23. "The role of nature in my personal wellbeing..." 24. "An experience in my childhood that defines who I am today..." 25. "A moment when I felt completely helpless..." 26. "The role spirituality plays in my life..." 27. "The hardest lesson I’ve learned from a past relationship..." 28. "An episode in my life when I had to take a leap of faith..." 29. "A special tradition in my family..." 30. "Recovering from a personal trauma..."

These prompts act as mirrors, providing you opportunity to reflect on your life experiences and weave them into captivating tales. Writing from personal experience not only enhances relatability but also authenticity in your narrative. Ultimately, the journey with these prompts can deepen your understanding of yourself and your craft, enriching the stories you tell and how you tell them. 31. "When I challenged a belief that I grew up with..." 32. "A moment when I truly appreciated solitude..." 33. "How I overcame the greatest obstacle in my life..." 34. "A relationship that taught me tolerance and understanding..." 35. "A time when I stood against the majority..." 36. "When I realized the value of a simple life..." 37. "A situation when I chose to be a leader rather than a follower..." 38. "When I chose family over a life ambition..." 39. "My encounter with a stranger that left a lasting impression..." 40. "The role of failure in sculpting my current success..."

These prompts help you illuminate the corners of your own life experiences, allowing you to tap into the reservoir of your personal growth. Writing about these instances not only provides therapeutic value but also creates an emotional connection with your readers. So, don't shy away from baring your soul, for it's these raw and authentic narratives that truly touch people's hearts.

41. "A hobby that impacted my professional career..." 42. "A moment when I had to confront my own bias..." 43. "When I chose to forgive someone who deeply hurt me..." 44. "The impact of a major public event on my personal life..." 45. "How I rebuilt my life after a major setback..." 46. "A moment of genuine bonding with a person from a different culture..." 47. "The time I had to give up something I loved for greater good..." 48. "An encounter with a mentor that altered my life course..." 49. "The time when I chose silence over reaction..." 50. "A surprising coincidence that changed my life..."

These prompts invite you to explore your past, reflect on your experiences, and articulate them into evocative narratives. Real-life episodes resonate with readers as they often find common ground or learn lessons from your experiences. So, take a deep dive into these prompts and use them as a compass to navigate the contours of your life and creativity.

The Hypothetical "What If" Prompts:

51. "If I could switch lives with anyone for a day..." 52. "If I were to write a letter to my future self..." 53. "If I could master any skill instantly..." 54. "The day I found a door to a parallel universe..." 55. "If I were granted three wishes..." 56. "If I could change one historical event..." 57. "The day I realized everyone can hear my thoughts..." 58. "If I could go back in time and meet any historical figure..." 59. "If I woke up one day and discovered I was famous..." 60. "The day I realized the world I was living in was just a simulation..."

These hypothetical prompts propel you beyond the parameters of reality, setting your imagination free to wander and invent new narratives. They challenge you, stretching your thinking and creativity—an excellent opportunity to flex your writing muscles and build unique and engaging stories.

61. "If I could choose any era to live in..." 62. "The day I woke up ten years into the future..." 63. "If I could communicate with animals..." 64. "If I found a magic lamp in my attic..." 65. "The day I first discovered my superpower..." 66. "If I could revisit any moment in my past..." 67. "The day the world lost the concept of time..." 68. "If I were stranded on an island..." 69. "If I were to wake up as my favorite book's character..." 70. "The day I discovered the secret to eternal youth..."

These 'What If' prompts push your creative boundaries, inviting your imagination to roam across limitless possibilities. Harness these prompts to construct uniquely compelling narratives that breathe life into your ideas. Remember, stretching your creativity injects depth and dynamism into your writing, making your stories mesmerizing and distinct.

71. "If I were to become an overnight billionaire..." 72. "The day my favorite fictional world became real..." 73. "If I could turn any dream or nightmare into reality..." 74. "The day I got the ability to time travel..." 75. "If I could eradicate any one vice from the world..." 76. "The day the Internet disappeared..." 77. "If I had the power to make people read my mind..." 78. "If I were given the chance to colonize a new planet..." 79. "The day I got a front-row seat to an alien encounter..." 80. "If my life was a movie, which actor would play me..."

These hypothetical scenarios can be a fun way to stretch your creative muscles and imagine life from vastly different perspectives. So, prepare to let your imagination run wild and pen down narratives that are nothing short of fantastic. Trust the process and let the scenarios you conjure invoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and inspire your storytelling prowess.

81. "If I became the leader of a new country..." 82. "The day machines gained consciousness..." 83. "If I suddenly got the ability to teleport to any place in an instant..." 84. "The day I realized I could speak every language..." 85. "The day I woke up in my favorite video game..." 86. "If I could instantly solve one world problem..." 87. "The day everyone in the world went mute..." 88. "If I got the chance to script my life's ending..." 89. "The day humans acquired the ability to fly..." 90. "If I were to wake up in a world without color..."

These prompts challenge you to imagine wildly different realities and scenarios. Use them as a launchpad to push your creativity and shape extraordinary narratives that defy the conventional bounds of reality. Remember, it's in these unexplored realms that you can truly unleash the full potential of your imagination, leading to stories that captivate and thrill in equal measure.

91. "If I were to wake up as a character in a painting..." 92. "The day humanity discovered it was not alone in the universe..." 93. "If I suddenly became invisible for a day..." 94. "The day gravity ceased to exist..." 95. "If I could bring a fictional character to life..." 96. "The day everyone's dreams began to come true..." 97. "If I could erase any species of animal from existence..." 98. "The day humans gained the ability to breathe underwater..." 99. "If I could see the outcome of every choice I make..." 100. "The day science found a way to reverse aging..."

These hypothetical prompts invite you to brainstorm innovative scenarios, testing your abilities to craft enticing narratives that stretch the reader's imagination. So dive into these prompts and let them propel you into other worldly scenarios and far-flung possibilities. Remember, your writing journey relies not only on realistic stories but also on your ability to imagine the unimaginable, creating narratives that thrill, inspire, and captivate.

Exploring New Perspectives:

101. "My first day as a Martian settler..." 102. "Life through the eyes of a butterfly..." 103. "A day in the life of a World War II soldier..." 104. "Experiencing the world as a person of the opposite gender..." 105. "My life as a nomadic traveller in the Sahara Desert..." 106. "Perspective of a discarded toy in a thrift store..." 107. "A conversation between the sun and the moon..." 108. "Life as a lone tree in an urban cityscape..." 109. "Imagine being the only human left in a world of AI..." 110. "The mindset of an astronaut embarking on a one-way mission to Pluto..."

These prompts open the door to new worlds and unique viewpoints. They allow you to perceive life from different angles, encouraging empathy and fostering creativity. By adopting unusual perspectives and diving into uncharted territories, you can generate compelling narratives full of depth and insight.

111. "The world as seen from the eyes of a bee..." 112. "Struggles of a child prodigy..." 113. "Walking a mile in the shoes of a homeless individual..." 114. "A day in the shoes of an elderly person experiencing life in a new era..." 115. "Seeing the world through the eyes of a rescue dog..." 116. "The contemplations of a lone lighthouse keeper..." 117. "Chronicles of a soldier returning home after years of service..." 118. "The exhilarating first flight of a baby bird..." 119. "The world from the perspective of an AI robot..." 120. "The daily life of a centuries-old vampire coping with the modern world..."

These prompts invite you to step outside your typical frame of reference and explore diverse perspectives. This endeavours not only enrich the depth and scope of your stories, but also nurture empathy and open-mindedness in your writing. By challenging yourself to depict varying viewpoints, you also enhance your creative versatility - an invaluable asset in the world of storytelling.

121. "A day in the life of the President..." 122. "The struggles of being invisible, from an invisible person's point of view..." 123. "Guiding the lost as a self-aware GPS system..." 124. "Survival insights from a polar bear in a melting Arctic..." 125. "Witnessing a volcanic eruption as a local bird..." 126. "Turmoil of a book as it sees its own pages being torn out..." 127. "Adventures from the perspective of an ancient explorer's map..." 128. "Observations of a guardian angel assigned to a reckless teenager..." 129. "First impressions of Earth, as detailed by a curious alien visitor..." 130. "Self-reflections of a mirror in a busy hat shop..."

These prompts should encourage you to delve deep into perspectives you typically wouldn't imagine. There's an astounding amount of narrative potential in telling a story from a fresh viewpoint. Embrace the challenge to write from an unfamiliar standpoint—it's a fabulous way to stretch your creativity and produce truly original content.

131. "Experiencing the ocean depths as a deep-sea diver..." 132. "Profiling a city from the perspective of a local street artist..." 133. "Living life at a snail's pace, as a snail..." 134. "Journaling the journey of a package from an online store..." 135. "The thoughts and experiences of a cloud on a windy day..." 136. "A year in life of a football from a Premier League club..." 137. "Roman Colosseum: Revisiting historical spectacles from the view of a stone seat..." 138. "Experiencing a volcanic eruption as a native plant..." 139. "A day in life in an alien civilization from the point of view of an Earth visitor..." 140. "Environmental abuse from the perspective of mother nature..."

By exploring perspectives outside your own, not only do you broaden your narrative horizons, but also gain a richer understanding of the world. So the next time you're in search of fresh material, try out these role-reversal prompts and see where your creativity takes you. This paradigm shift might just lead to your most exciting story yet.

141. "The secrets held by a forgotten diary in an attic..." 142. "The journey of a coin from mint to being lost in a sofa..." 143. "The perceptive shift of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly..." 144. "Witnessing human evolution as a timeless ancient tree..." 145. "The shifting world of a chameleon..." 146. "The evolution of music as seen by a Stradivarius Violin..." 147. "Experiencing history from the perspective of a museum artifact..." 148. "Experiencing a snowfall for the first time as an African elephant in a zoo..." 149. "The journey of a mail carrier in a rural mountain town..." 150. "A day in the life of your favourite fictional character if they lived in our world..."

These prompts push your creativity and empathy to the limits as they require you to think and feel from perspectives that drastically differ from your own. Remember, every new perspective is a chance to create an unexpected narrative. So go ahead, step into someone else's shoes (or paws, or roots, or wings), and discover an entirely new story waiting to unfold.

Diving into Different Genres:

151. "Write a spine-chilling horror story set in an abandoned amusement park..." 152. "Craft a romantic plot that starts with people stuck in an elevator..." 153. "A gripping mystery about a death in a family reunion..." 154. "Narrate a thrilling chase between a master thief and a determined detective..." 155. "Write a Sci-Fi story about an AI taking the Presidential office..." 156. "Create an epic fantasy tale about a magical kingdom underneath the ocean..." 157. "Conjure a time-travel mishap filled with hilarious consequences..." 158. "A dystopian world, where reading has been outlawed..." 159. "Portrait a compelling romance between two superheroes..." 160. "Weave a chilling ghost story set within an old, desolate library..."

These genre-based prompts introduce you to different styles of narrative storytelling. By experimenting with various genres, you’ll not only diversify your writing capabilities but will also discover what style resonates with you the most. Remember, trying different genres is not about fitting into a particular box, but about expanding your toolbox as a writer.

161. "Construct an adventure tale of a treasure hunt in a haunted jungle..." 162. "Narrate a powerful human drama set in the backdrop of a civil war..." 163. "Spin a humour-filled tale about a day when pets switched roles with their owners..." 164. "Craft a suspense-thriller about a journalist uncovering corporate wrongdoings..." 165. "Pen a Sci-Fi narrative about humans existing as digital entities..." 166. "Write a historical fiction piece based around the first moon landing..." 167. "Unravel a tale of romance blooming in an old-age home..." 168. "Create a hilarious story set in an office where every day is opposite day..." 169. "Weave a tale of supernatural events occurring in a quiet suburban neighbourhood..." 170. "Write an engaging fantasy tale about a knight who is afraid of the dark..."

Whether it's sparking intrigue with a suspense thriller, captivating hearts with a romance narrative, or tickling funny bones with a humor-filled tale, genre-specific prompts can elevate your storytelling skills. Exploring a variety of genres can also offer a refreshing break, fuelling your creativity further. Remember, these prompts are to not only help diversify your writing but also to explore which genre best complements your storytelling style!

171. "Envision a futuristic world where emotions can be bought and sold..." 172. "Develop an engaging Western about a lawman who can't use a gun..." 173. "A humorous misadventure of a clumsy time-traveller..." 174. "Write a heartbreaking tale of a World War II separated love affair rekindling in the 21st century..." 175. "Spin a paranormal story of a psychic detective solving a murder..." 176. "Write a cyberpunk tale set in a post-apocalyptic city..." 177. "A romance blossoming between two rival chefs in a cooking reality show..." 178. "Craft an adventure story of a pirate with a phobia of water..." 179. "A Gothic horror narrative set in a centuries-old castle..." 180. "Weave a dramatic tale about a rockstar's downfall and eventual redemption..."

Experimenting with different genres not only challenges your writing skills but broadens your understanding of diverse narrative styles. Genre-based prompts help you explore a wide range of themes and settings —from suspenseful mysteries to heartwarming romance— while encouraging creativity within these contexts. So, embrace the challenge, step out from your comfort zone, and see where your writing prowess leads you!

181. "Pen a suspenseful whodunit set in an underwater research facility..." 182. "Write a post-apocalyptic narrative about a group of children trying to rebuild society..." 183. "Craft a magical realism story of a small town where everyone has the same dream every night..." 184. "Weave a romantic comedy set amidst the ruins of an alien invasion..." 185. "A war drama from the perspective of a war correspondent..." 186. "Craft a noir tale set in a city where every person has a clone..." 187. "Narrate an epic fantasy about a reluctant prince saving a cursed kingdom..." 188. "A steamy romance that sparks in the cold corridors of a space station..." 189. "Spin a historical fiction about a secret society in Victorian England..." 190. "A Sci-Fi murder mystery on a ship traveling beyond the solar system..."

Engaging with different genres allows you to explore distinct narrative styles, settings, and tropes, enhancing your storytelling arsenal. From the grim streets of noir tales to the spectral spookiness of ghost stories, each genre lends its unique flavor to your narratives. Remember, as a writer, versatility is a strength, and exploring different genres helps in expanding your narrative range.

191. "Write an espionage thriller set in Cold War era Berlin..." 192. "Craft a romantic tragedy between a human and an alien being..." 193. "Create a dystopian tale about a world where asking questions is forbidden..." 194. "Weave a psychological thriller about a man who sees people's darkness..." 195. "Write a Gothic horror story centered around an antique mirror with a sinister past..." 196. "Narrate a soulful romance blooming amidst the competitive world of ballet dancers..." 197. "Pen an action-packed adventure about a historian tracking down a lost civilization..." 198. "Develop a chilling horror narrative about a haunted toy factory..." 199. "Write a gripping detective story about a series of art heists..." 200. "Weave a stirring drama about a family living in a lighthouse on a deserted island..."

Venturing into different genres of storytelling is a fantastic way to challenge your creative boundaries and expand your narrative prowess. From suspense and horror to romance and fantasy, each genre introduces unique elements that help in crafting engaging narratives and developing diverse storytelling skills. Remember, creative growth lies in exploring new territories and pushing your comfort zone. Happy genre-hopping!

Getting Poetic:

201. "A sonnet expressing love for the simple pleasures of life..." 202. "Write an ode to a moment that changed your life forever..." 203. "A free verse detailing a poignant encounter with a stranger..." 204. "Craft a quatrain exploring the whims of the weather..." 205. "A haiku to capture the serenity of a silent snowfall..." 206. "Pen a concrete poem in the shape of a key, narrating the unlocking of a secret..." 207. "Compose a ballad telling the story of an unsung hero..." 208. "Write a limerick about an unusual journey..." 209. "A poem capturing the essence of a city that never sleeps..." 210. "A triolet exploring the cyclical nature of life..."

Poetry prompts open the floodgates of expression. Poems can distill powerful emotions and vivid imagery into just a few lines, crafting narratives that hook readers at a visceral level. Whether you're already an experienced poet or you're just getting your feet wet, these prompts can lead to a deeper understanding of this profound art form.

211. "Free verse inspired by a whirlwind romance..." 212. "Compose a sonnet about a spectacular sunrise..." 213. "A haiku about the loneliness of the moon..." 214. "Craft an elegy for a crumbling historical monument..." 215. "Skinny poem interpreting the flight of a bird..." 216. "Tanka about the anticipation of a long-awaited reunion..." 217. "A triolet celebrating the beauty of a summer's day..." 218. "Write a ghazal about an unrequited love..." 219. "A concrete poem in the shape of a mountain depicting a daunting challenge..." 220. "Compose a cinquain describing the fleeting beauty of autumn..."

Poetry lets you experiment with rhythm, rhyme, and form, allowing you to beautifully articulate emotions, ideas, and narratives. Whether you're a novice poet or an experienced lyricist, these prompts are designed to inspire and facilitate your poetical efforts. Remember to relax, enjoy, and let your pen dance to the rhythm of your thoughts.

221. "A dazzling ode to the night sky..." 222. "Write an acrostic poem using the word "serenity"..." 223. "Compose a ballad recounting a myth from ancient Greece..." 224. "A sonnet that captures the wonder of a rainbow after a storm..." 225. "A limerick inspired by the antics of a house cat..." 226. "Create a haiku that captures the spirit of a bustling marketplace..." 227. "A blank verse about the quiet beauty of an underwater kingdom..." 228. "A rhymed quatrain exploring the mystery of dreams..." 229. "Compose a pantoum about the changing of seasons..." 230. "Write a lyric poem about falling in love at first sight..."

While poetry often concisely conveys stories, it has a unique ability to emotionally resonate with readers. These poetic prompts encourage you to showcase your creativity, using a rich array of language and an exploration of intricate emotions and nuanced subtleties. Regardless of your familiarity with verse, delving into poetry can enhance your narrative skills and evoke a deep sense of personal reflection.

231. "Craft an English sonnet about a battle between good and evil..." 232. "A free verse on the duality of human nature..." 233. "Explore the serenity of a forest at dawn through a haiku..." 234. "Create a sestina about the complexities of a writer's mind..." 235. "Write a pantoum centered on the theme of reincarnation..." 236. "A villanelle about the beauty and pain of growing old..." 237. "An epigram summarizing the essence of childhood innocence..." 238. "A sonnet expressing one's turmoil amidst societal expectations..." 239. "Craft a ghazal that encapsulates the magic of falling in love..." 240. "A narrative poem telling the tale of an orphan who becomes a hero..."

These poetry prompts allow you to tap into a wide array of emotions, observations, and experiences- turning them into a rhythmic medley of words. Poetry writing can be a deeply rewarding practice, enabling you to play with language and form while conveying profound sentiments. Remember, writing poetry is a beautiful expression of the soul; the more you pour into it, the more rewarding it becomes.

241. "A ghazal that paints the paradox of love and loss..." 242. "Write a concrete poem in the shape of a heart, describing an intense love affair..." 243. "A limerick about a playful encounter with the wind..." 244. "Compose a haiku that captures the essence of a quiet winter morning..." 245. "An ode celebrating the free spirit of a bird in flight..." 246. "Craft an Italian sonnet about the struggle and triumph of a musician..." 247. "A pantoum poem mirroring the relentless ebb and flow of the sea..." 248. "A dramatic monologue poem voiced by a lighthouse keeper witnessing a shipwreck..." 249. "Write a ballad about a ghost haunting an old castle..." 250. "Create a lyric poem inspired by the melody of a lullaby..."

For many writers, poetry is an exercise in vulnerability, authenticity, and striking language use. These prompts encourage you to take a deep dive into a myriad of feelings and situations, spinning them into verses that resonate with readers. Whether you're looking to bare your soul or simply paint a vivid picture with eloquent words, embrace the beauty and catharsis that poetry writing brings.

Exploring Big Picture Ideas: 251. "The future of humanity in a technology-dominated world..." 252. "A world where money doesn’t exist – how would that change society?" 253. "The impact of climate change on future generations..." 254. "Imagine if humans could instantly teleport anywhere - what would be the implications?" 255. "The prospect of humans living forever: is it a utopia or dystopia?" 256. "The consequences of a world where everyone has superpowers..." 257. "If animals could talk, how would society change?" 258. "The ramifications of making contact with an alien civilization..." 259. "How would society evolve if memories could be traded like commodities?" 260. "An essay on education in a world where everyone has access to all of human knowledge..."

These macro-themes compel you to consider bigger picture issues and reflect on their implications. Such prompts help you to think critically and philosophically. Remember, exploring these large-scale themes is not only about surfacing problems but also about imagining solutions—or even questioning whether solutions we take for granted are comprehensive or effective.

261. "The evolution of language in an increasingly digital world..." 262. "A world without the concept of countries, what would that entail..." 263. "The moral implications of genetically modifying human DNA..." 264. "Gender roles in a world where gender doesn't exist..." 265. "How different would society be if there was no concept of race?" 266. "The impacts and influences of artificial intelligence on human relationships..." 267. "Predictions for religion in a world where definitive proof of extraterrestrial life exists..." 268. "The consequences of immortality on human relations and societal structure..." 269. "How would society change if animals held equal rights with humans?" 270. "An exploration of the future of work in a post-automation society..."

These prompts tackle larger narratives about society, technology, and human nature. The goal here is less about predicting the future, and more about thinking from an alternative perspective. Developing your thoughts on such wide-ranging topics helps not only to improve your writing skills but also to refine your critical thinking abilities. It's an opportunity to contemplate, hypothesize, reason, and imagine. So, let your thoughts flow and see where they take you.

271. "How would a world function if everything was shared equally?" 272. "Imagination into a future where every lifestyle choice is environmentally sustainable..." 273. "Ambitions for humanity in a world where no one ages..." 274. "The impact on society if all diseases were cured..." 275. "Prospects of crime in a world where mind reading is achievable..." 276. "The foreseeable effects of time travel on world history..." 277. "The societal implications of a world without scarcity..." 278. "Emotions in a world where humans can control their feelings at will..." 279. "Phenomenal love in a world devoid of physical appearances..." 280. "Gender dynamics in a world where everyone can change their gender at will..."

These prompts open broader perspectives on some of society's most pressing issues or open the gateway into the world beyond our imagination. Interrogating significant, macro-level themes pushes your boundaries of thought and creativity, compelling you to scrutinize intricate, layered aspects of human existence. Use this exercise to mold and refine your perspective and elevate the quality of your writing.

281. "Privacy in an age where every thought gets uploaded on the internet..." 282. "Leisure in a future where robots have taken all the jobs..." 283. "What would a world look like where physical money is redundant?" 284. "The role of governments in a world where population size can be controlled..." 285. "Music in a future where we can taste sounds..." 286. "The prospect of justice in a world where crimes can be predicted before they happen..." 287. "Rethinking reproduction in a world where humans are immortal..." 288. "Exploring human behavior and society in a world without the concept of lying..." 289. "The future of food in a world with no animals..." 290. "The impact on communication if telepathy was possible..."

These high-concept prompts invite you to stretch your creativity, challenge your assumptions and think deeply about various aspects of human life. Such speculation offers an exciting opportunity to dream, to question, and to envision radically different possibilities for the future. Each topic can generate countless exciting narratives, giving you a vast playground to explore theories, possibilities and their implications.

291. "The future of space exploration and the possibility of colonizing other planets..." 292. "The prospect of peace in a world without borders and nations..." 293. "The future of humanity in a world where physical human form is replaced by digital avatars..." 294. "Potential of human adaptability in a world under constant ecological shifts..." 295. "The possibility of equality in a world where social hierarchies are determined by knowledge instead of wealth..." 296. "Creativity in a futuristic world dominated by artificial intelligence..." 297. "Tackling depression in a world where everyone's life is perfect..." 298. "The interplay of truth and propaganda in a world where everyone can read minds..." 299. "The future of sports in a world where humans have gained superhuman abilities..." 300. "The evolution of human relationships in a technically advanced alien society..."

The beauty of macro-based prompts is that they enable you to think beyond the immediate. They challenge you to widen your vision, explore different contexts, and delve into the heart of complex themes. In exploring these big picture ideas, you not only refine your analytical abilities but also expand your narrative horizons. The exercise could lead to interesting revelations about your worldview, enabling you to craft narratives that resonate on a deeper level.

So, next time you find yourself struggling for inspiration, dig into these prompts. Let them be the springboard that catapults you into new dimensions of creativity. From personal introspection to exploring other perspectives, dipping into genres, getting poetic, or wrestling with big-picture ideas, there's a world of imagination waiting to be discovered.

Remember, these writing prompts are only the starting point. They're intended to ignite the spark of your creativity. Use them as they are, twist them, or simply let them inspire your unique ideas. And remember, the most crucial part of storytelling is not merely coming up with an idea. It's what you do with that idea that counts!

Enjoy the creative process and see the magic that happens when you let your creativity run wild. Use this as an opportunity to grow and evolve, both as a writer and as an individual. Let the process inspire you, motivate you, and ultimately, lead you to find your unique storytelling voice.


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    Day 12: Take a random book off your shelf. Flip to any page and take a look at the first sentence. Use that sentence to start a short story or poem. Day 13: Pick an emotion you feel strongly about (no pun intended). Write it at the top of your page, then write a piece of flash fiction about that feeling.

  14. 105 Creative Writing Prompts to Try Out

    15 Funny Writing Prompts. #1: Write a story which starts with someone eating a pickle and potato sandwich. #2: Write a short script where the plot has to do with evil dolls trying to take over something. #3: Write about writers' block.

  15. Diarly

    Here, you'll find a 30-day writing challenge. This is 30 short prompts for you to do, doing one a day per day for 30 days. You don't have to set aside too much time for these, nor do you have to set a daily word count for yourself, unless a specific prompt calls for it. The most important thing is that you write.

  16. 25 Creative Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Creativity

    Creativity. 25 Creative Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Creativity. Ignite your creativity with 50 unique creative writing prompts, designed to inspire your next masterpiece. Brooks ManleySeptember 1, 2023March 7th, 2024. Creative writing is a vast and dynamic field that offers a platform for individuals to express their ideas, emotions, and ...

  17. 1800+ Creative Writing Prompts To Inspire You Right Now

    How to Write a Novel. and finish your first draft in 3 months. Browse through hundreds of creative writing prompts — and enter our free short story contest to WIN $250 and publication. Kickstart your writing now! - Page 1.

  18. How to Complete a 30-Day Writing Challenge

    How to Complete a 30-Day Writing Challenge. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 • 2 min read. Many writers struggle with finding the time to actually sit down and write. A 30-day writing challenge is one method for getting on the right track.

  19. 60 Daily Creative Prompts for Inspired Writing

    60 Absolutely Awesome Daily Creative Prompts. 129 More Daily Creative Prompts Lists for You. A Few Closing Thoughts. In the first 45 prompts, you'll write short stories, poems, dialogue-based scenes, brief memoirs, or personal essays, and reflect on topics through the lens of an object. You'll really be challenged to flex your creative ...

  20. 30 Day Writing Prompt Challenge To Reignite My Creativity

    After attempting the original 30-day challenge in March, struggling with burnout, and failing on my 30-day challenge in May, I am going to attempt a new 30-day writing challenge. However, this…

  21. 99 Creative Writing Prompts For Overcoming Writer's Block

    18. For International Women's Day (March 8), write a first-person story that takes place at a protest during the women's liberation movement. 19. In an essay, reflect on the women who've helped you become who you are today. 20. Craft a poem from the sun's perspective in honor of the spring equinox (March 20). 21.

  22. My 30 Day Writing Challenge: A NaNoWriMo Alternative

    Developing a Daily Writing Habit. So, I gave myself a 30-day challenge. I would complete a daily writing challenge for all 30 days. Journaling, blogging, creative writing, writing a short story…nothing was off the table. I had no minimum word count, no set writing process. I would sit down, start writing, and see what came out. I needed results.

  23. 30 Days Of Writing Prompts

    11. Write a love story from end to beginning. 12. Pick a person you can't stand and write a letter describing every wonderful thing about them. 13. Write a love scene from the point of view of your character's hands. 14. Turn the thing that makes you the angriest into a poem. 15.

  24. 300 Creative Writing Prompts to Spur Your Creativity

    Here are 300 writing prompts that can steer you toward fresh narratives and unexplored themes. 1 to 50: These prompts focus on the personal. They lead you to introspect and narrate your experiences. Prompts like "The most challenging decision I've ever made...", or "The time I faced my worst fear…".

  25. The Busy Writer 30 Day Writing Challenge: September

    The Busy Writer's 30 Day Writing Challenge For September. Following in the tracks of #listersgottalist (The Reset Girl), and the Boho Berry Challenge, I give you (and myself) a list of writing prompts, which are then to be used in one page (or more) of your journal, notebook, or bullet journal; a prompt which will give you a beautiful page in ...