How to create a consultant business plan

  • Nirit Braun
  • Oct 30, 2023
  • 12 min read

How to create a consultant business plan

When launching your consulting business, one of the essential first steps is crafting a well-structured and detailed business plan. Your consulting business plan is like a strategic playbook that lays out your goals, tactics and financial projections. It not only steers you toward success but also equips you to adapt and thrive in the dynamic world of consulting.

Keep reading for tips on how to build a strong business plan for your business. Use the template provided at the end to get started on your own plan.

Looking to kick off your consultancy business? Create a business website today with Wix.

Why create a consultant business plan? Top benefits to consider

A business plan forces entrepreneurs to thoroughly evaluate their business idea, target audience and competitive landscape. This process clarifies their vision and mission, ensuring that they have a clear understanding of how their consultancy will provide value to clients. A business plan helps you in the following ways:

Create a business blueprint : With a business plan in place, entrepreneurs looking to start a business can make informed decisions based on a solid foundation of research and analysis. They can choose the most effective strategies for marketing, pricing and service delivery, enhancing their chances of success. Your business plan can also be used to explain what type of business you'll start - whether that's an LLC, Corporation or something else. Learn more about how to start an LLC .

Secure funding : The cost to start a consultancy business can range from around $60 to several thousand dollars . For those seeking external funding, a well-developed business plan demonstrates credibility and professionalism. Investors and lenders are more likely to support a venture with a thought-out plan that showcases its potential for growth and profitability.

Set measurable goals : A business plan sets measurable goals and performance metrics, which is vital with this type of business . This allows entrepreneurs to track their progress, adapt strategies as needed and celebrate milestones along the way.

Want to remind yourself of the basics? Learn more about how to start a service business .

How to create a successful consultant business plan in 6 steps

In this section, we'll break down the key components involved in crafting a successful consultant business plan in six steps.

Executive summary

Business and domain names

Market analysis and research

Operations plan

Marketing and advertising plan

Financial plan

01. Executive summary

An executive summary serves as a concise overview of the consultant's business plan, providing a snapshot of the key components and the business' essence. It's usually the first section investors, lenders and stakeholders read, so it must encapsulate the business' value proposition, objectives, strategies and projected growth. To write a clear executive summary for a consultant business make sure to keep it succinct yet informative. Clearly state the purpose of the business, the services offered, the target market and the unique value proposition. Avoid technical jargon that may confuse readers.

Then you can mention the business' strengths, such as the expertise of the consultants, unique methodologies or specialized services. Emphasize factors that set your consultancy apart from competitors.

Briefly discuss the market need for your services and how your consultancy plans to fulfill it. It’s worth noting that strategy and management consulting, as well as technology consulting, financial consulting and HR consulting are in high demand . Highlight any trends or changes in the industry that your business can capitalize on.

Remember to include a snapshot of your financial projections, indicating expected revenue, costs and profitability. This provides a glimpse into the business' potential financial success.

Example of an executive summary for a consultant business

"XYZ Consulting is a boutique consultancy firm specializing in digital transformation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With a team of seasoned professionals, we offer tailored solutions to help businesses harness the power of technology for growth. Our unique approach blends strategic consulting with hands-on implementation, ensuring tangible results. In a rapidly evolving tech landscape, XYZ Consulting is poised to be the partner SMEs need to thrive. Our financial projections forecast a steady growth trajectory, with a focus on achieving profitability within the first two years. With a proven track record and a finger on the pulse of industry trends, XYZ Consulting is well-equipped to guide businesses toward digital success."

02. Business and domain names

Knowing how to name a business is crucial for a consultancy venture and a key step before you register your business . It's the foundation of your brand and influences how clients perceive your services. With Wix , you can use a free business name generator or consulting company name generator as helpful tools for brainstorming unique and memorable names. Ensure the name reflects your expertise and the services you offer.

Similarly, the domain name for your business website is vital. It should be easy to remember, relevant to your services and ideally, match your company name. Check the domain's availability using domain registration platforms. Ensure the domain name aligns with your consultancy's focus and services. Generally, this means keeping it short and easy to spell and pronounce.

Learn more: How to make a consulting website

03. Market analysis and research

Incorporating a thorough market analysis within your consultant business plan is essential. Understand the competitive landscape, target audience and market trends. Research your competitors' strengths and weaknesses, pricing strategies and client base. This information will shape your business strategies and help you identify gaps in the market that your consultancy can fill.

04. Operations plan

The operations plan outlines the logistical aspects of your consultancy. It covers location, premises, equipment and staffing requirements. Determine whether your consultancy will be home-based, have a physical office or operate virtually. Define the equipment and software needed to deliver services effectively. Outline your staffing needs, including the roles and expertise required.

05. Marketing and advertising plan

Your marketing and advertising plan outlines how you will promote your consultant business. Identify the most effective strategies to reach your target audience. Consider content marketing, social media campaigns, networking events and speaking engagements to showcase your expertise. Emphasize how your marketing efforts will build brand awareness and attract clients.

You’ll need to develop a suite of brand assets to use in your marketing as well, starting with a company logo. You can use a free logo maker to get a professional logo in minutes.

06. Financial plan

The financial plan is a critical component of any business plan. It outlines how you will raise money for your business initially and provides a timeline for reaching profitability. Detail your startup costs, including equipment, marketing expenses and personnel. Present your revenue projections, taking into account different pricing models and growth scenarios. Highlight your break-even point and the strategies you'll employ to achieve profitability.

By addressing each part of their plan, entrepreneurs can create a robust business plan that guides them toward achieving their business goals and building a reputable consulting brand.

steps to developing a business plan

Consultant business plan examples

These templates illustrate two hypothetical consultant business plans, each tailored to a specific niche. These are just templates and should be adapted to your specific business goals and industry dynamics.

Consultant business plan template #1 : XYZ Digital Consultants

XYZ Digital Consultants is a pioneering consultancy firm focused on digital transformation for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age. Our team of experienced professionals offers strategic guidance and hands-on implementation to drive growth through technology adoption. With projected profitability within two years and a commitment to excellence, XYZ Digital Consultants is poised to lead businesses into a successful digital future.

Company and domain name

Company name: XYZ Digital Consultants

Domain name:

Market opportunity: The rapid shift toward digital operations has created a substantial demand for expert guidance. Our analysis reveals a gap in the market for holistic digital transformation solutions tailored to the needs of SMEs.

Competitor research: We've identified key competitors and their strengths, which informs our strategy to emphasize personalized service and comprehensive implementation.

Location: Primarily virtual, with occasional in-person consultations as needed.

Premises: Home-based setup with access to modern communication tools.

Equipment: High-speed internet, latest software tools and virtual meeting platforms.

Staffing: Founder and lead consultant, supported by contract specialists as projects demand.

Content marketing: Regular blog posts on digital transformation trends, case studies and client success stories.

Social media campaigns: Active presence on LinkedIn and X to engage with potential clients and share valuable insights.

Networking events: Participation in industry webinars, seminars and local business events to showcase expertise.

Speaking engagements: Leveraging speaking opportunities at conferences and workshops to establish authority in the field.

Startup costs (equipment, website development, marketing materials): $15,000

Revenue projections (year one): $150,000

Revenue projections (year two) : $300,000

Break-even point: Achieved by the end of year one

Funding: Initial investment and savings from the founder

Consultant business plan template #2 : LeadersEdge Consultants

LeadersEdge Consultants is a dynamic consultancy dedicated to leadership development and organizational excellence. Our experienced team offers customized programs that empower leaders to drive positive change. With a projected growth trajectory and a commitment to fostering impactful leadership, LeadersEdge Consultants is poised to transform organizations and elevate their success.

Company name: LeadersEdge Consultants

Domain name:

Market opportunity: Our analysis reveals a growing need for leadership development programs in diverse industries.

Competitor research: We've identified competitors' offerings and recognized an opportunity to provide a unique blend of coaching, training and strategy implementation.

Location: Virtual consultations, with the option for on-site workshops

Premises: Virtual office setup with video conferencing capabilities

Equipment: High-quality audiovisual tools, assessment software and learning platforms

Staffing : Founder will serve as the lead consultant, supported by certified leadership coaches

Customized workshops: Designing tailored leadership development programs for individual organizations.

Webinars: Hosting webinars on leadership best practices to showcase expertise and engage potential clients.

Thought leadership content: Publishing whitepapers, eBooks and video content on leadership topics.

Collaborations: Partnering with HR and talent development professionals to expand reach.

Startup costs ( making a website , training materials) : $10,000

Revenue projections (year one): $120,000

Revenue projections (year two): $250,000

Break-even point: Achieved within the first six months

Funding: Initial investment from the founder.

How much should you be charging as a consultant?

The amount you charge as a consultant will depend on a number of factors, including:

Your experience and expertise

The type of consulting services you offer

The value you provide to your clients

The market rate for consulting services in your field

In general, consultants charge between $100 and $500 per hour. However, some experienced and highly specialized consultants can charge upwards of $1,000 per hour.

To determine your consulting rate, you can use the following formula:

Consulting rate = Hourly rate * Value multiplier

Your hourly rate should reflect your experience and expertise, as well as the type of consulting services you offer. For example, if you have 10 years of experience and you offer specialized consulting services, you can charge a higher hourly rate than a consultant with less experience and who offers more general consulting services.

Your value multiplier should reflect the value you provide to your clients. For example, if you can help your clients to achieve significant results, you can charge a higher value multiplier.

Here is an example of how to use the formula:

Consultant: Experienced consultant with 10 years of experience offering specialized consulting services

Hourly rate: $200 per hour

Value multiplier: 2

Consulting rate: $200 per hour * 2 = $400 per hour

Can a consulting business be profitable?

Yes, a consulting business can be profitable. In fact, consulting is one of the most profitable industries in the world. According to a report by IBISWorld, the average profit margin for consulting businesses is 20%. This means that for every $100 in revenue, consulting businesses generate $20 in profit.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the profitability of consulting businesses. First, consultants are able to charge high fees for their services. Second, consulting businesses have relatively low overhead costs. Third, the demand for consulting services is high, and it's only expected to grow in the coming years.

Of course, not all consulting businesses are successful. Some consultants struggle to find clients or to charge high enough fees. Others may not be able to deliver the results that their clients expect. However, for consultants who are able to overcome these challenges, the potential rewards are great.

Here are some tips for increasing your chances of success as a consultant:

Specialize in a high-demand area of consulting. This will allow you to charge higher fees and attract more clients.

Build a strong reputation and network of clients. This will help you to generate word-of-mouth referrals and land new clients.

Market your services effectively. Make sure that potential clients know about your services and how you can help them.

Deliver high-quality results. This is the most important thing you can do to ensure that your clients are satisfied and that they continue to use your services in the future.

How much does it cost to start a consulting business?

The cost to start a consulting business can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of consulting services you offer, the size of your business and your location. However, in general, you can expect to spend between $10,000 and $50,000 to start a consulting business.

Here is a breakdown of some of the typical start-up costs for a consulting business:

Business formation: $100 to $1,000

Website and domain name: $100 to $2,500

Marketing and advertising: $500 to $5,000

Office equipment and supplies: $500 to $5,000

Professional liability insurance: $500 to $1,000

Other miscellaneous expenses: $500 to $5,000

Total start-up costs: $10,000 to $50,000

You can reduce your start-up costs by working from home, using free or low-cost marketing tools and purchasing used equipment. You can also start your consulting business part-time while you continue to work your full-time job. This will give you a chance to generate revenue and build a client base before you leave your full-time job.

If you need financial assistance to start your consulting business, you may be able to qualify for a loan from a bank or credit union. You may also be able to find investors who are willing to invest in your business.

Which clients to avoid and which to take on?

Here are some tips on which clients to avoid and which to take on in a consulting business:

Clients to avoid

Clients who aren't willing to pay your rates. If a client isn't willing to pay your rates, it's a sign that they don't value your services.

Clients who are unrealistic about their expectations. If a client has unrealistic expectations about what you can achieve, you're likely to set yourself up for failure.

Clients who are difficult to work with. If a client is demanding, rude or disrespectful, it's best to avoid them.

Clients who aren't a good fit for your business. If a client isn't in your target market or if their business isn't aligned with your values, it's best to decline working with them.

Clients to take on

Clients who are willing to pay your rates. This shows that they value your services and are committed to working with you.

Clients who have realistic expectations. This makes it more likely that you will be able to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

Clients who are easy to work with. This will make the consulting process more enjoyable and productive for both of you.

Clients who are a good fit for your business. This means that they're in your target market and that their business is aligned with your values.

In addition to the above, here are some other factors to consider when deciding which clients to take on:

Your own skills and experience. Make sure that you have the skills and experience to help the client achieve their goals.

The client's budget. Make sure that the client has a budget that's sufficient to cover your fees.

The client's timeline. Make sure that you have the time and resources to meet the client's timeline.

Your gut feeling. If you have a bad feeling about a client, it's best to trust your gut and decline working with them.

It's important to be selective about the clients you take on. By avoiding difficult clients and focusing on good-fit clients, you can set yourself up for success in your consulting business.

Consultant business plan FAQ

What qualifies you as a consultant.

To qualify as a consultant, you need to have the expertise and experience in the area that you're consulting in. You also need to be able to communicate your ideas effectively and build relationships with clients.

How do you start off as a consultant?

How to make 6 figures as a consultant, how do you pay yourself as a consultant, do consultants pay their own taxes, want to create another business plan.

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How to Write a Consulting Business Plan + Free Template

business plan template for consulting business

2. Company Overview

This section of a business plan helps the reader get a thorough understanding of your consulting firm.

The company overview offers a detailed description highlighting what type of consultancy you would run, its physical location, legal structure, mission objectives, history, and all such related information.

Begin by clearly stating the concept and niche of your consulting firm. Further, highlight whether you would be running a sole proprietorship or partnership, and if it’s the latter discuss the profit-sharing ratio.

Don’t forget to mention your business structure and whether or not will you run a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

This section is your chance to introduce your business objectives, core value proposition, and mission objectives. Highlight any milestones you plan to achieve or have already achieved and make this section insightful.

Refer to this example describing the short-term objectives of a consulting firm from an Upmetrics plan.

Consulting Business Plan company overview example

3. Competitor and Market Analysis

An in-depth analysis of the consulting industry, market, and competitors is essential to build a successful consulting business. This is the most crucial part of your consultancy business plan helping you identify your target market, emerging trends, competitors, and your advantage over them.

Market analysis

The market analysis section of your consultant business plan will help you evaluate the market condition, target market, and business growth opportunities for your consultancy business.

Begin by researching and analyzing the consultancy market size and the serviceable obtainable market of your specific consultancy.

Further, determine your target audience by creating a buyer’s persona of your ideal customer. In this customer analysis section, determine their demographic and psychographic details to get a clear understanding of who your customer would be.

Refer to this buyer’s persona written using Upmetrics AI assistant:

Lastly, identify the emerging market trends within your industry, potential risks, and the shifts in consumer behavior likely to influence your business.

Competitors analysis

In the competitive analysis section of your plan, identify the consulting firms and other businesses that offer direct or indirect competition to your business.

Your direct competitors are other consultants in your local market, while your indirect competitors are in-house experts, software solutions, and an industry-specific business community extending resourceful help.

Conduct a SWOT analysis of your key competitors and analyze them based on their service offerings, target demographics, pricing, and other relevant factors.

Highlight your competitive advantage over these firms, suggesting that there are ample opportunities for you to succeed despite the competition.

competitive advantage example for consulting business

Here’s an example of a competitive advantage for a consultancy business using Upmetrics.

4. Service Offerings

Consulting businesses offer a variety of consulting services. In this section of your consulting business plan, you will create a clear list of all the services you will be offering.

The list can include various business consulting services such as:

  • Strategy consulting
  • Operation consulting
  • Human resources consulting
  • IT Consulting
  • Risk and compliance consulting

Now, elaborate on these services to help your readers understand what it truly entails. Refer to this example of legal and compliance services brief description:

As part of our risk and compliance service, the company will offer:

  • Draft, negotiate, and conclude ‘Joint Venture Agreements’, and ‘Memoranda of cases for one of our key clients. 
  • Legal Advice & Consultation
  • Case Litigation & Pleading
  • Legal Translation
  • Business Start-up Advice
  • Management Consultancy
  • Representation and Attorney Services
  • Legal Compliance

Determine the pricing of these services and place it alongside your service list. Ideally, you should create differential and tiered pricing plans for your services to cater to different target audiences.

All in all, make this section an informative read for your readers helping them understand your unique business offerings.

5. Marketing Plan

A well-defined marketing plan is among the most important components of your consulting firm’s business plan. Well, It’s time to design your marketing strategies using your market research about the target customers and the potential clients.

Multifarious marketing efforts are essential to make your new business visibly famous in the market. Well, here are a few strategies that a successful consultant follows religiously:

Social media marketing

Choose different social media platforms to build your consultancy brand online. LinkedIn can be a good choice for a consultancy business followed by FaceBook and Instagram. Create your marketing plans for different platforms and be consistent with your posting there.

Informative website

Build an informative website for your consulting business and enhance its ranking on search engines by creating a dedicated content marketing program.

Email marketing

A well-defined email marketing program to attract new clients, newsletters for subscribed customers, and promotional services offer to convert a potential customer base.

Targeted advertising

Running a paid ads program to reach targeted small businesses and potential clients.

Refer to this example of marketing and promotion programs for your consultancy from Upmetrics.

example of marketing and promotion programs for consultancy

In this section of your consulting business plan, also highlight your marketing budget and its allocation to different marketing activities.

6. Management Consulting Team

Introduce your managerial team in this section of your consultant business plan by showing how you have the right people to run a successful consultancy.

Begin by introducing the people at top managerial positions and offer a brief description depicting their skills, expertise, and experience in offering specific consulting services.

Refer to this example introducing the managing director of a consulting agency.

Mr. Ashton will serve as the Managing Director of CCI. A highly motivated and dynamic individual, Thomas boasts vast experience in the field of aesthetics having spent a career spanning 14 years essaying various white-collar roles for aesthetic companies across America. His ability to multi-task and expertly weave through operational pitfalls equips him with exceptional management and administrative skills. The US operations include sourcing, interacting, and building client relations across the industry value chain involving professional salons and end-user clientele. Mr. Ashton’s expert management and industry-specific skills will play an instrumental role in achieving the parent company’s goal of establishing a sustainable and reliable aesthetic brand in the US.

Don’t limit this section to the introduction of owners and managers. Instead, introduce every person who’s an asset to your business and can contribute significantly to your business goals.

In this section, you will also highlight the organizational design to offer a clear understanding of the hierarchy in your consulting firm. And lastly, don’t forget to add the salaries and wages of these people alongside their roles while creating your management plan.

7. Operational Plan

The operations plan shows that you don’t only have the means but also the knack to operate the consulting business efficiently.

This section of your business plan highlights the processes and procedures essential to run the everyday operations of your consulting business and the milestones you wish to achieve.

Confused what should you include in your operations plan? Let’s check this out:

Hiring plan

Mention the number of project managers, analysts, BD, administrative, and support workers needed for your business. Briefly describe the qualifications, skill sets, and experience for these roles and lay your hiring plan to hire employees.

Refer to this example of a hiring plan for a consultancy by Upmetrics.

hiring plan example for a consultancy business

Operational processes

Briefly explain the different processes and procedures of your business in the consulting industry. This includes processes for client acquisition, service delivery, project management process, quality assessment, and client retention.

Tools and equipment

Mention all the equipment you will require to deliver quality consulting services to the clients. Also, include the pricing of these equipment and how you plan to source them from the market.

Overall, think of smaller nuances and make this section as brief and detailed as possible. Consider it as a guidebook that will answer all the operational queries that arise while running the business.

8. Financial Outlook

A comprehensive financial plan is the most crucial component of your business plan and sometimes it is the only section investors or readers might be interested in.

So work on putting together a well-detailed financial plan with realistic financial forecasts to increase the weight of your consulting plan.

The projections in a financial plan are important because they help the readers gauge the financial viability of your business idea. They offer a clear picture of the profitability, growth potential, and cash-generating capacity of your consulting business.

To create a befitting plan, begin by offering a detailed insight into your startup costs, revenue streams, profit margins, operational costs, and cash flow projections. Gather these projections to work on your key reports.

Refer to different business plans to see what more could you add to your financial section apart from these key essentials:

  • Balance sheet
  • Profit and loss statement/ Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Break-even analysis
  • Investment plan

While making a financial plan, ensure that you figure out the calculations for the next 3-5 years. And yes, we agree that calculating all these financial projections from scratch can get overwhelming. However, with this financial forecasting tool from Upmetrics , the entire task of creating a detailed plan will get much easier and more effective.

Simply enter the details in the tab and let the tool undertake all the manual calculations and create engaging visual reports to add to your plan.

Get Your Free Management Consulting Business Plan

Need help writing the contents of your management consulting business plan? Well, here you go. Download our management consulting business plan pdf and start writing.

Our intuitive and modern consulting business plan template offers a step-by-step guide with relevant examples to speed up your process of writing an effective business plan. It will get your actionable plan ready while ensuring that you add all the crucial details to it.

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And here we are. Now that you are aware of how to write an effective business plan using our consulting business plan template, you are one step closer to starting your business with a bang.

But that’s not it. What if we tell you that your business planning process can be made easier and more efficient with a few cutting-edge tools? Well, the Upmetrics business planning app is here at your service.

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Frequently asked questions, what are the key components of a management consulting business plan.

While there are no fixed rules regarding what to include in your consulting business plan, you can ensure that you don’t miss adding these key components to your plan:

  • Executive summary
  • Company overview
  • Market and competitor analysis
  • Service offerings
  • Management team
  • Operations plan
  • Financial plan

What financial projections should be included in the business plan?

While making your consulting business plan, ensure that you add the financial forecasts for startup costs, expenses, revenue, cash flow, sales, and expected profitability to your plan.

How often should I update my Management Consulting Business Plan?

Ideally, you should update your business plan at least once a year since you operate in a highly dynamic industry. However, if you feel that the yearly updates are insufficient, you can also review and update your plan every quarter.

How should I approach the funding section of my business plan?

Begin by calculating your startup costs and the actual monetary situation to evaluate the funding needs for your business. Thereafter check the potential funding sources and their application procedure to avail required funding.

As a consulting business, you can choose one of these funding sources:

  • Private loan
  • SBA approved loans
  • Angel Investors
  • Venture Capitalist firms
  • Crowdfunding

Can the business plan help in securing funding or investments?

Absolutely it does. Investors, credit lenders, and banks will look after your business plan before accepting the funding request for your business. This is because a business plan offers a clear understanding of your business idea while simultaneously vouching for the financial feasibility of your plan.

What legal considerations should I include in my business plan?

Here are a few of the legal considerations you should make while writing your business plan:

  • Business licenses and permits
  • Health safety compliance
  • Insurance coverage
  • Legal business structure
  • Employment laws

About the Author

business plan template for consulting business

Vinay Kevadiya

Vinay Kevadiya is the founder and CEO of Upmetrics, the #1 business planning software. His ultimate goal with Upmetrics is to revolutionize how entrepreneurs create, manage, and execute their business plans. He enjoys sharing his insights on business planning and other relevant topics through his articles and blog posts. Read more

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How to write a consulting business plan

If you want to work as a consultant, you'll need a plan. Here's how to create one just for you.

A consulting business plan written up in a notebook

Consultants do things differently

If you’re a self-employed consultant your work isn't like other forms of business. Unlike retailers or manufacturers, you're not making and/or selling tangible products. And unlike service companies, you're not employing a team of people to provide solutions.

Remember you’re not not just selling your time. As a consultant, you will be paid for the skills, knowledge and abilities you've developed over your career.

We have some useful background reading about the benefits of becoming a consultant or contractor , which will help explain how such businesses work. But having decided to become a consultant, what's the next step?

Like all new small businesses, you'll need a plan. That plan will have to cover funding, growth, pay rates, expenses, marketing, equipment costs, training and qualifications. It will also have to cover your goals, and the strategy you'll use to reach them.

Consulting business plans are a little different to other business plans. Here's what you need to know to get your consulting career off the ground.

Who are you writing the plan for?

This is an important question to ask yourself before you start. For most conventional businesses the answer will be "For the bank and investors." That's because small businesses usually need startup funding to get off the ground.

But consultants setting up their own business might not need much funding – if any. It's still important to have a business plan though – not only to clarify the details in your own mind, but also to help you understand the potential risks and rewards.

A good business plan will combine elements of both finance and strategy, but the contents will vary depending on the target audience. We'll take a look at the options next.

A business plan for banks and investors

You may not need funding for capital equipment expenses or office rent. But you might need a loan to tide you over for the first few months, until you have a regular cash flow. The initial period for any new business can be a tough time – money worries will just make it tougher.

You may also decide that you want to make more of an impression by hiring office space, perhaps in a shared office environment. Or you might want funds to spend on marketing and advertising, particularly if you're offering consulting services in a competitive market.

For all of this, you'll need money. You could apply for a bank loan, look for grants, or try other forms of capital-raising such as crowdfunding. Whichever method you choose, any potential investors will want to see the important numbers. That means you'll need to cover the following points in your business plan:

  • target market and sector analysis
  • business objectives and USP (unique selling proposition)
  • startup expenses and assets, including equipment
  • overheads and fixed costs
  • marketing strategy and budget
  • funding requirements, loan collateral and cost of interest
  • pay rates, revenue and cash flow projections
  • sales forecasts in monthly intervals
  • ongoing expenses
  • growth projections and strategy

Some of this information will be difficult for you to estimate. It might be even harder for you to present clearly. Use your accounting software to help with figures and to produce professional tables and charts. Then, an accountant can help you include the right information in your plan.

A business plan for you

Of course, you might not need any funding. Perhaps you have enough savings to keep you going for a few months and clients already lined up. Or you may be starting your consulting career after an inheritance or unexpected windfall.

If money isn't an immediate concern, you can afford to be less formal when drafting your plan. That means making sensible predictions and setting goals for yourself, not just financial targets – though you should include those too.

This isn't an exercise in creative writing. The purpose of creating a plan is to help you concentrate on what you want to achieve. Some points to consider include:

Reasons for being a consultant

Why are you doing this? It's important to answer honestly. If the answer is “to make more money” or “because I'm good at what I do” then write that down. Write down all the reasons you can think of, then read them back. Do they sound convincing? Make sure you know your true motivation, as it will help you focus on your goals.

Consulting can mean you have an irregular income. Sometimes you might be busy, other times less so. It makes sense to keep some money in savings accounts, especially if you'll be paying tax at the end of the year instead of while you're earning.

Relationship risks

Think about the impact of consulting on your family or friends. Consultants often work irregular hours, sometimes from home, and they might be working at weekends. That can put a strain on relationships. Be realistic about this and set boundaries around when and where you will work.

Which clients to avoid and which to take on

You will already have an idea of the types of client you don't want to work for, because you know the industry you work in. For example, known late-payers can damage your cash flow so it's sensible to avoid them where possible. Look for clients who are reliable, as they’ll help make your business a success. Know that you can let go of clients who are more trouble than they're worth.

Training and certification

In many industries, especially IT, it's important to keep your skills up to date. But your clients are unlikely to pay for you to go on training courses – that's an expense you'll have to cover yourself. How will you stay up to date? Think about industry magazines, websites, forums, news feeds, conferences, courses, distance learning, peer groups and self-teaching strategies.

Personal goals

Perhaps you're planning to be a consultant for the rest of your working life. Maybe you want to do it for a couple of years and then move back in-house as an employee. Or you might want to start employing other consultants at some stage and build up an agency – maybe even sell it. It doesn't matter what your personal goals are, as long as you have some. Write them down and bear them in mind when making big decisions.

What to do with your profits

This is a good opportunity to think about how much money you want to make . Consider how much you will charge and what you will do with your commission. For example you may decide to use 50% to cover costs, pay yourself with 30% and put 20% back into your business.

Some of this information would be inappropriate to include in a financial business plan for banks or investors. But it can be very helpful in guiding you through the early part of your consulting career.

Five top tips for writing a good consulting business plan

Business plans can be difficult documents to write. If you've never done it before, thinking clearly and logically about your business strategy may not be easy. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

1. Write the first draft

Don't worry about grammar, structure or neatness. Just get the thoughts out of your head and onto the paper or screen. Some people find this easier to do in an informal setting, such as a library or café.

2. Do your research

Understand the market you're going to be working in. Get to know all the details, as it'll help you write a more effective consulting business plan.

3. Identify your USP

That's your unique selling proposition. Why should companies hire you and not one of your competitors? Think carefully about what you're particularly good at, then use that as a basis for marketing yourself.

4. Get feedback

Talk to your peers, friends, previous business associates and potential customers. Show them your plan and listen to their feedback.

5. Keep it simple

Don't write dozens of pages. You'll bore the investors and your plan will end up on a pile where nobody will ever look at it again – including you. Stick to the important points.

Update your business plan regularly

A business plan isn't a static document. It should change and evolve over time as your business grows. You will learn a great deal in your first few months working as a consultant, and that knowledge should be applied to your business plan. It's a good idea to review your plan every month.

You may find that some of what you initially wrote turns out to have been misguided, inaccurate or just plain wrong. That's normal. Nobody can predict every step a business will take. The important thing is to learn as you go along – and make use of that knowledge to improve your plan.

Plan for consulting success

A consulting business plan is written as much for you, the consultant, as for anyone else. The point of writing it is to concentrate on what's important. That clarity is what will help you succeed.

So don't look at a business plan as just another box to be ticked. It's a fundamental process when starting any business, particularly a consulting business where you will need initiative and drive to succeed.

Take the time to write a proper business plan, and keep it regularly updated as your business grows. You can use our free business plan template . You'll find it an invaluable guide to becoming a successful consultant.

Xero does not provide accounting, tax, business or legal advice. This guide has been provided for information purposes only. You should consult your own professional advisors for advice directly relating to your business or before taking action in relation to any of the content provided.

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Consulting Business Plans

Agricultural consultants business plan.

O'Connor & Partners offers management consulting to industrial-biotechnology, chemical,utility, and agricultural companies producing chemicals and energy from annually renewable feedstocks.

Architectural Engineering Business Plan

Pyramid Engineering brings four experienced engineers together to form a complete design team, offering services to governments, developers, and architects throughout the Northeast.

Auditing and Consulting Business Plan

Artemide Auditing & Consulting AG, an established Swiss company, provides specialized auditing, consulting, and investigative business services to individuals, investors, and small and medium business

Business Analysis Publishing Business Plan

The Wonderkind offers subscribers business/investment analysis from motivated business students via Internet forums and hard-copy publications.

Business Consulting Business Plan

Growth Management and Strategies serves the needs of small business clients that are in need of logistical, technical, and business strategy services.

Business Support Insurance Business Plan

Ideal Business Support Services is an outsource provider of support services to Insurance Agents.

Computer Consulting Business Plan

Calico Computer Consulting is a start-up sole proprietorship consulting business that provides technical assistance to local business, small office, and home office computer users.

Consulting Planning Business Plan

Business Solutions Consulting, is a start-up business offering full-cycle, business-to-business planning consulting.

Consulting Seminars Business Plan

Seminars is a start-up consulting company offering business planning training.

Engineering Consulting Business Plan

StructureAll Ltd. is a home office start-up consulting firm in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, that specializes in structural engineering services.

Human Resources Consulting Business Plan

Human Capital Maximizers is a human resources consulting company, serving emerging companies market.

Import Export Business Plan

Visigoth Imports will provide complete import/export brokerage services including purchase contracts, shipping, warehousing, and delivery scheduling.

Integrated Communications Business Plan

Aero Technologies, Ltd., is a start-up company that offers high-tech communications systems to businesses in Botswana.

Investment Consulting Business Plan

Vista Investors is a start-up investment management firm, whose hallmark investment product will be the Vista Total Market Equity strategy, which will initially be offered through a mutual fund.

Management Consulting Business Plan

Coaching Company is a new start-up of a national management consulting franchise. The owner/operator will run seminars and one-on-one coaching for small business leaders with help from the national or

Office Consulting Business Plan

Office Space Solutions is a consulting firm specializing in the setup, or restructuring, of office space utilization, and work flow efficiency.

Scholarship Consulting Business Plan

ScholarshipAssist is a start-up business that assists college-bound students with their search for scholarship money.

Seminar Business Plan

Advanced Linguistic Pontificators are presenters of reading and time/stress management seminars and training.

SOHO Computer Consulting Business Plan

Creative Concepts Computer Design offers consulting services focused on the computer system needs of small business offices and home office users.

Personal Shopping Services Business Plan

Buy the Time is a start-up personal shopping service based in Seattle, Washington.

Technology Investment Business Plan

The Center for Technology and Investment is devoted to bringing investment in technology within reach of rural small business owners.

UK High Tech Consulting Business Plan

Acme Consulting--UK is a start-up company in the United Kingdom that provides consulting services to companies marketing high-technology products in international markets.

Wedding Consultant Business Plan

TLC Wedding Consultants will offer an all-inclusive, one-stop wedding planning service.

Life Coaching Business Plan

SummitRise Coaching helps mid-career professionals find their purpose and navigate career transitions. Our tailored coaching programs provide the insights, confidence, and strategies to transform your life and open doors to new experiences.

Consultants need business plans too! Check out these sample business plans for consultants and consulting related businesses. They’ll help you format your plan, get the details right, and give your business the best possible chance for success.

If you’re looking to develop a more modern business plan, we recommend you try LivePlan . It contains the same templates and information you see here, but with additional guidance to help you develop the perfect plan.

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business plan template for consulting business

Business Plan Template for Consultants

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Subcategory
  • Get started in seconds

slide 1

Starting your own consulting business can be an exciting and rewarding journey. But without a solid plan, it can quickly become overwhelming. That's where ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Consultants comes in!

Our template is specifically designed to help independent consultants and consulting firms outline their goals, target market, services offered, marketing strategies, financial projections, and more. With this template, you can:

  • Clearly define your consulting business objectives and strategies
  • Identify and understand your target market to attract the right clients
  • Create a comprehensive marketing plan to reach your audience effectively
  • Develop accurate financial projections for a sustainable business

Whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your consulting business, our Business Plan Template for Consultants will guide you every step of the way. Get started today and set yourself up for success!

Business Plan Template for Consultants Benefits

When consultants utilize the Business Plan Template, they can reap a variety of benefits, including:

  • Providing a clear roadmap for their consulting business, helping them stay focused and organized
  • Attracting potential clients and investors by showcasing their expertise, market analysis, and unique value proposition
  • Guiding decision-making on pricing, marketing strategies, and service offerings
  • Assisting in financial planning and projecting revenue and expenses
  • Identifying potential risks and challenges, allowing consultants to develop contingency plans
  • Boosting credibility and professionalism, making it easier to establish trust with clients and stakeholders

Main Elements of Consultants Business Plan Template

When it comes to creating a successful consulting business, ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Consultants has got you covered.

With this List template, you can easily organize all the essential elements of your business plan, including:

  • Custom Statuses: Track the progress of each section of your business plan with statuses like Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do.
  • Custom Fields: Use custom fields such as Reference, Approved, and Section to add additional details to your business plan and keep everything organized.
  • Custom Views: Utilize different views like Topics, Status, Timeline, Business Plan, and Getting Started Guide to easily navigate and visualize your business plan from various perspectives.
  • Collaboration: Collaborate with your team members, clients, or investors by assigning tasks, leaving comments, and attaching files directly within the template.

With ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Consultants, you can streamline your planning process and set yourself up for success in the consulting industry.

How To Use Business Plan Template for Consultants

If you're a consultant looking to create a comprehensive business plan, you're in the right place. Follow these steps to effectively use the Business Plan Template in ClickUp:

1. Define your value proposition

Start by clearly articulating the unique value you provide to your clients. What sets you apart from other consultants in your industry? Identify your target market, the specific problems you solve, and the benefits your clients will receive by working with you. This will form the foundation of your business plan.

Use the Docs feature in ClickUp to outline and refine your value proposition.

2. Conduct market research

To build a successful business, you need to understand your industry, competition, and target market. Research industry trends, analyze your competitors, and gather data on your potential clients. This will help you identify opportunities and develop strategies to position yourself effectively in the market.

Utilize the Table view in ClickUp to organize and analyze your market research findings.

3. Develop your marketing and sales strategy

Now that you have a deep understanding of your market, it's time to create a marketing and sales plan. Define your target audience, determine the best channels to reach them, and outline your pricing and sales strategies. Identify key metrics to measure the success of your marketing efforts and set goals for lead generation and client acquisition.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your marketing and sales activities.

4. Create a financial forecast

A solid financial plan is crucial for the success of your consulting business. Estimate your startup costs, project your revenue and expenses, and create a cash flow projection. Consider factors such as pricing, payment terms, and operating expenses. This will help you understand the financial viability of your business and make informed decisions.

Utilize the Dashboards feature in ClickUp to create visual representations of your financial forecast and track your progress over time.

By following these steps and utilizing the Business Plan Template in ClickUp, you'll be well-equipped to create a comprehensive business plan that will guide your consulting business towards success.

Get Started with ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Consultants

Independent consultants or consulting firms can use the ClickUp Business Plan Template to create a comprehensive and professional business plan that outlines their goals, target market, services offered, marketing strategies, financial projections, and more.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a solid business plan:

  • Use the Topics View to organize and outline different sections of your business plan, such as Executive Summary, Market Analysis, Services, Marketing Strategy, Financial Projections, etc.
  • The Status View will help you track the progress of each section, with statuses like Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do.
  • The Timeline View will give you a visual representation of the project timeline and deadlines for each section of the business plan.
  • The Business Plan View will provide a comprehensive overview of your entire business plan, allowing you to review and edit all sections in one place.
  • The Getting Started Guide View will provide step-by-step instructions and tips on how to use the template effectively.
  • Use the custom fields Reference, Approved, and Section to add additional information, track approvals, and categorize different sections of your business plan.
  • Update statuses and custom fields as you progress through each section to keep team members informed and ensure timely completion.
  • Monitor and analyze the progress of your business plan using the different views to ensure maximum productivity and alignment with your goals.
  • Business Plan Template for Makeup Artists
  • Business Plan Template for Legal Advisors
  • Business Plan Template for Jaguar Land Rover
  • Business Plan Template for Photographers
  • Business Plan Template for Philanthropists

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Consulting Business Plan Template [Updated 2024]


Consulting Business Plan

If you want to start a consulting firm or expand your current consulting business, you need a business plan. The following consulting business plan template gives you the key elements to include in a winning business plan. A consultant business plan template can be used to create a business plan for any type of consulting business including but not limited to: business consulting, management consulting, IT consulting, and Human Resources consulting.

You can download the consulting business plan template (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

Sample Consulting Business Plan

Below are links to each of the key sections of a successful consulting business plan:

  • Executive Summary – The Executive Summary should provide an overview of your business plan. It should include an introduction of you and your consulting firm, a brief description of the consulting services you provide, your target market, and a summary of your financial projections.
  • Company Overview – In the Company Overview section, you should provide a description of your consulting business, its business model, its legal structure, its mission and goals, the services you will offer, and the type of potential clients you plan to serve.
  • Industry Analysis – There are many industries where consultants are needed. When writing your Industry Analysis, you should provide detailed information about your specific industry and its current trends and future forecasts.
  • Customer Analysis – The Customer Analysis section of your consulting business plan should provide detailed demographic and psychographic information for your target customers to give readers a clear understanding of who your services are designed for.

You can download the consulting business plan template in Word (including a full, customizable financial model) to your computer here.

  • Competitive Analysis – It is important to understand who your competition is and how you plan to differentiate yourself from other consulting businesses. The Competitive Analysis section should provide information on the key competitors in your industry, their offerings, their advantages, and any potential threats they may pose to your business.
  • Marketing Plan – In your Marketing Plan, you should outline the marketing strategies you plan to use to reach your target audience, such as advertising and promotional campaigns or attending networking events. You should also include the pricing strategies you will use to attract more clients.
  • Operations Plan – The Operations Plan should provide a detailed description of how you plan to run and manage your consulting business. This should include information on staff, equipment, processes, and any other resources that will be necessary.
  • Management Team – The Management Team section should provide information on the key players in your consulting business and their qualifications.
  • Financial Plan – The Financial Plan section should include the 5-year financial statements including an income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement.

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Consulting Business Plan Outline

consulting business plan template

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Consulting Firm Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Business Plan Outline

  • Consulting Firm Business Plan Home
  • 1. Executive Summary
  • 2. Company Overview
  • 3. Industry Analysis
  • 4. Customer Analysis
  • 5. Competitive Analysis
  • 6. Marketing Plan
  • 7. Operations Plan
  • 8. Management Team
  • 9. Financial Plan

Start Your Consulting Firm Plan Here

Consulting Business Plan

If you need a business plan for your consulting business, you’ve come to the right place. Our consulting business plan template below has been used by countless entrepreneurs and business owners to create business plans to start or grow their consulting businesses.

Important note: If you are looking for a business plan consultant , specifically, a consultant to help you write your business plan, we recommend Growthink who offers a business plan consultation service here.

Sample Consultant Business Plan & Template

Below are links to each section of your consulting business plan template:

  • Executive Summary
  • Company Overview
  • Industry Analysis
  • Customer Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Marketing Plan
  • Operations Plan
  • Management Team
  • Financial Plan

Next Section: Executive Summary >

Consulting Business Plan FAQs

What is a consulting business plan.

A consulting business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your consulting firm. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan, and details your financial projections.

You can  easily complete your consulting firm business plan using our Consulting Firm Business Plan Template here .

What Are the Main Types of Consulting Firms?

There are many types of consulting firms. Most consultant companies are in business concentrations such as Management, Strategy, Operations, IT, Human Resources, Financial Advisory, and Marketing/Sales. There are also firms that are singularly focused such as those that offer business plan consulting.

What Are the Main Sources of Revenue and Expenses for a Consulting Business?

The primary source of revenue for consulting firms are fees paid by the client. The client will either sign a contract or agreement of the services it will choose and the pricing for those services beforehand.

The key expenses for a consulting business are the cost of leasing the office, employee cost, marketing/advertising costs, and any office technology or software.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Consulting Business?

Consulting businesses are most likely to receive funding from banks. Typically you will find a local bank and present your consulting business plan to them. Angel investors and other types of capital-raising such as crowdfunding are other common funding sources.

What are the Steps To Start a Consulting Business?

Starting a consulting business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Consulting Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed consulting business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your consulting business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your consulting business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Consulting Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your consulting business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your consulting business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Consulting Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your consulting business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your consulting business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful consulting business:

  • How to Start a Consulting Business

Where Can I Get a Consulting Business Plan PDF?

You can download our free consulting business plan template PDF here . This is a sample consulting business plan template you can use in PDF format.

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8 Consulting Templates To Help Streamline Your Consulting Business

Looking for consulting templates to become more efficient with your clients?

The right consulting templates will help you close new business, deliver your work, and streamline your operations.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a library of consulting templates that our clients have used to help build high 6 and 7-figure consulting businesses.

Ready? Let’s dive in…

( NOTE : This article is for informational purposes. It is not legal advice. Consult with an attorney before drafting and sending any formal agreements with your clients.)

Consulting Templates: Quick Links

  • Consulting Proposal Template
  • Consulting Agreement Template
  • Consulting Website Template
  • Consultant Invoice Template
  • Consultant Statement Of Work Template
  • Consulting Report Template
  • Consulting Business Plan Template
  • Consulting Presentation Template

(For more in-depth examples, check out our Clarity Coaching Program )

1. Consulting Proposal Template

A consulting proposal is a document that you send to a potential client, outlining your understanding of the client’s problem based on the conversation(s) you’ve had with them, the proposed solution or strategy to address that problem, and the value, results and fee associated with the engagement. It serves as a formal way for you, the consultant, to get formal written acceptance that you and the client are on the same page and agree to move forward with the project.

Consulting Proposal Template: Best Practices

  • The consulting proposal isn’t meant to win the business. The business should have already been won before sending the proposal.
  • Present your consulting proposal live on a Zoom call. That way, you can handle objections live on the call with the client, and get their confirmation to move forward or agree to any changes or adjustments on the call together.
  • Keep legalese out of your proposal. Keep it simple and clear. It’s a way for you to formalize what you’ve spoken about with the client and finalize the deal.

Further Reading : The WINNING Consulting Proposal Template (& 7 Proposal Writing Tips)

Questions about how to use these templates? Check out our frequently asked questions section of this article. 

2. Consulting Agreement Template

A formal consulting agreement is a comprehensive document that covers key aspects of the project, including: the responsibilities, deliverables, payment schedule, terms and more.

People often wonder if you need a Consulting Agreement if you are using a consulting proposal. The answer is, it depends. We’ve worked with hundreds of consultants that have used the consulting proposal by itself to secure six-figure engagements.

That being said, many organizations and projects will require a longer-form, more detailed Agreement. A consulting agreement is the same thing as a consulting contract. They are interchangeable: use whichever language you prefer.

Consulting Agreement Template: Best Practices

  • Parties: who the agreement is made by and between.
  • Services Provided: the services you’ll be providing the client.
  • Term: when the agreement begins, and when the project is completed.
  • Fees: what you will be paid for your work, and when.
  • Expenses: who’s responsible for the expenses of the project.
  • Intellectual Property: who owns the project deliverables.
  • Confidentiality: what information is not to be made public.
  • Termination: what would cause the project to be terminated.
  • Keep your consulting agreement as short as possible. Only include the key details necessary in order to move the project forward.
  • The longer and more complex your agreement is, the higher chance your client will want to get lawyers or their legal team involved.

Further Reading : Consulting Agreement: Template, Best Practices, & Examples

3. Consulting Website Template

consulting website template kit homepage

A “consulting website” is a website designed to promote your consulting services. An effective consulting website is more than a digital brochure: it speaks to your reader’s problems and desired future state, provides them with helpful information, and prompts them to sign up for your newsletter or book a consultation with you.

Consulting Website Template: Best Practices

  • Instead of making your website about you, make it about your client . Talk about them: their challenges, their objections, their frustrations, the results they want, and their desired future state. Make it read like a page out of their diary. Show your ideal clients you understand them, what they’re dealing with now, and where they want to be. Once you’ve accomplished that, then you can talk about yourself as the “bridge” that can take them from where they are now, to where they want to be.
  • Your consulting website is more than a mere digital brochure. When we tell consultants to actually USE their website, we mean for them to use it to share what they know . We’ve been publishing in-depth content on our blog for over 13 years. And that’s why we’re known as the go-to source for useful information on starting, growing, and scaling a consulting business. Why not do the same in your business? What could you become the go-to consultant for?
  • What do you want your website to do for you? If you’re like most consultants, you’d love it if your website could send you just a couple of calls per month. If you want it to do that, make it simple for prospects to book a call . Forget about the complex contact form with no clear directions or instructions. Create a page where you offer a free consultation that makes it easy for them to book a call at a time that works best for them in a few clicks. And sell them on why they should take 30 minutes out of their day to have that call with you.

Further Reading: Best Consulting Websites (& How They Use Them)

4. Consultant Invoice Template

consulting invoice template using bonsai

A consulting invoice is a bill sent by a consultant to a client for services rendered. It specifies what services have been provided, how much they cost, and how the client should pay. It’s an important part of managing finances and ensuring that you get paid on time and in full.

Consulting Invoice Template: Best Practices

  • Hire an administrative assistant to handle invoicing. A common mistake that consultants make is not staying on top of their invoicing. They drag their feet. They delay sending invoices. Cashflow is king so it’s key you have a good process for invoicing. If you are a one-person show, you will either have to tackle this yourself or hire an assistant, or outsource the task.
Make sure your consulting fees and how they are calculated are crystal clear from day one. If you aren’t clear on setting your fees effectively you may end up making significantly less than you should. Doing this right will also help you avoid scope creep.
  • Keep track of time spent on a project — specifically, if there is more than one consultant on a project or if you are being paid per hour. Not charging for billable hours could cost you a lot of money. We don’t recommend hourly fees , but you should still have a sense of how much time you are spending on each project so that you can run project and client profitability analysis.

Further Reading : Consulting Invoice Template (& 10 Invoicing Best Practices)

5. Consultant Statement Of Work Template

A statement of work is a document used to describe what will be done in order to complete a consulting project. In some cases, a statement of work is included in your consulting proposal. In other cases, it can also serve as a contract. In your statement of work, you’ll write the deliverables (and their due date), expenses, the scope of work, and more (see the template below for the full list). It organizes the key aspects of a project into a 1-2 page document. Thus, your statement of work should make both you and your client’s lives easier.

Consultant Statement Of Work: Best Practices

  • In our Clarity Coaching Program , some of our clients use statements of work, and some don’t. Whether or not you use one depends on the nature of your services and your relationship with the client. They are not always required.
  • Writing a statement of work can eat up your time, so it’s best to systematize and delegate them as soon as possible. Therefore, it’s a task you should outsource to someone on your team.
  • You can use ChatGPT or another tool to help speed up the process of writing your SOWs. AI can help you generate parts of the document, such as the business terms, deliverables schedule, project details, and more.

Further Reading : Statement Of Work Template (Consulting): Use This For Managing Projects

6. Consulting Report Template

A consulting report is a document you send your consulting clients to report on your progress for a consulting project. Your consulting report can come in many formats. They can be a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation, an Excel spreadsheet, a Google Analytics dashboard, or even a simple email. It depends on the nature of your project and the information your client would like to see.

Consulting reports are helpful for your clients because they allow them to see the progress that you’re making on a consulting project. They are helpful to you because you keep a pulse on how your project is going by creating them. And they help you organize your thinking and possible next steps to make improvements to the project.

Consulting Report Template: Best Practices

  • A valuable consulting report is succinct, clear, and leads to more action and more progress. After reading your report, your client should be thinking “Excellent, that’s what I needed to know. The project is moving forward. Please continue.”
  • Only report on what is important to the client. Ask them what they’d like to see in your report and be sure to focus on what is most important to cover in the report. Avoid sending a bunch of data or notes that have little impact on the project. Your report should keep the project moving forward — not drown your client in endless facts and data.
  • If you do have suggestions on how to improve the results in your report, write those suggestions in your report. And prompt the client for a call if a discussion is needed about how to progress.

Further Reading : Consulting Report Template (For Any Type Of Consultant)

7. Consulting Business Plan Template

Traditional consulting business plans are long, drawn-out business plans full of projections and predictions. A consulting business plan, in our way of thinking, is a 1-3 page document to cover the foundations of your business. Those are:

  • Your Consulting Business Model
  • Your Ideal Client
  • Your Magnetic Messaging
  • Your Strategic Offers
  • Your Marketing Engine & Pipeline

Once you’ve brainstormed on these foundations, it’s time to stop planning and start taking action. Your plan will change as you engage with the market and receive feedback.

Consulting Business Plan Template: Best Practices

  • If your business plan is more than 5 pages, every extra page you write is almost certainly wasting your time.
  • For every hour you spend on planning, you should spend 4 hours on putting your plan into action.
  • Join a community of consultants who are also actively building their consulting businesses. This is one of the best ways to get feedback from those who are where you want to be.

Further Reading : Consulting Business Plan: 5-Step Plan For A Successful Firm

8. Consulting Presentation Template

A consulting presentation is a verbal presentation prepared and delivered by consultants for their clients. This is typically done in the context of a consulting engagement. The presentation allows you to share your findings, ideas, strategies, or suggestions with your clients. It’s similar to the consulting report template, but instead, you deliver via a slideshow instead of a written document.

Consulting Presentation Template: Best Practices

  • Your consulting presentations should be simple and clean. Avoid clutter and ensure that there is a lot of white space on each slide to make your points clear and easy to digest. Consistency in fonts, color schemes, and layout reinforces your professional brand, and makes the presentation feel cohesive for your clients.
  • Clients often respond better to visual information than to text. Use charts, diagrams, infographics, and other visual aids to represent complex data or ideas. This makes it easier for clients to understand your point and remember the information.
  • Your presentations should provide a clear and logical progression from one point to the next. Each section should be clearly defined, and transitions between sections should be smooth and logical. Each slide should also have a clear main point. A common rule is to have one main point per slide.

Consulting Templates: Frequently Asked Questions

1. how can i customize the consulting templates mentioned in the article to fit the unique needs of my consulting business and my clients’ industries .

Customizing consulting templates to fit the unique needs of your consulting business and clients’ industries involves a detailed understanding of both your business processes and your client’s specific challenges and goals.

To tailor these templates effectively, you should start by analyzing your past and current projects to identify patterns, specific requirements, and feedback from clients.

This analysis will help you understand the modifications needed to make the templates more relevant.

For example, a consulting agreement template can be adjusted to include industry-specific terms and conditions, while a consulting report template might need customization to reflect the metrics and outcomes most relevant to a particular client’s sector.

It’s also beneficial to have a flexible mindset, allowing for adjustments as you receive more client feedback over time.

2. What are the common pitfalls or mistakes to avoid when implementing these consulting templates into my business operations?

Avoiding common pitfalls when implementing these consulting templates into your business operations requires a proactive approach.

One major mistake is using a template rigidly without considering the unique aspects of each project or client relationship.

Templates should serve as a starting point, not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Another pitfall is failing to update the templates based on evolving best practices or legal requirements. To prevent these issues, regularly review and revise your templates to ensure they remain effective and compliant.

It’s also wise to solicit feedback from clients and peers to identify areas for improvement.

3. Can these consulting templates be integrated with project management or CRM software , and if so, how?

Integrating consulting templates with project management or CRM software can significantly enhance efficiency and streamline operations.

Many modern software platforms offer the capability to import templates and customize them within the system. This integration allows for automatic data population, task assignments, and progress tracking, saving time and reducing manual errors.

To achieve this, you should first identify which templates are most frequently used and assess the compatibility of your project management or CRM software with these documents.

Then, work with your IT team or software provider to set up the templates within the system, ensuring they can be easily accessed and utilized by your team.

This process might involve some initial setup time and potentially some customization work, but the long-term benefits in terms of efficiency and data accuracy can be substantial.

Get Access To Our Repository Of Proven Consulting Templates & More

These consulting templates will help you reduce friction in terms of selling engagements, getting projects going, and delivering your offers.

However, there’s no “one-size-fits-all” agreement that works for every type of consultant on every type of project.

You’ll need to create one (or work with an attorney to create one) that works for your unique consulting business model , consulting offers , fee structure , etc.

These consulting templates are a great starting point. But eventually, you’ll get to a point where you create your own consulting templates — one that fit your unique offers, fee structures, and business model.

If you’d like our help creating bulletproof consulting proposals that help you win consulting projects at the highest rate and ensure you don’t leave money on the table, and develop strong relationships with your clients, our customized Clarity Coaching Program is for you.


We’ll work hands-on with you to develop a strategic plan and then dive deep and work through your ideal client clarity, strategic messaging, consulting offers, fees and pricing, business model optimization, and help you to set up your marketing engine and lead generation system to consistently attract ideal clients.

Schedule a FREE growth session today to apply for our limited capacity Clarity Coaching Program by clicking here .

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12 Top Startup Consulting Firms To Improve Your Business

Paige Bennett

Updated: March 11, 2024

Published: September 06, 2023

New businesses are often limited in their resources. When challenges arise, entrepreneurs may struggle with how to respond. 

magnifying glass looking at laptop

Startup consulting firms can assist young companies as they learn and grow, whether they need help with branding or guidance on their marketing strategies. These firms can provide insights, connections, and resources to startups who don’t have the funding to handle everything in-house.

Startup teams may wonder where they can find this support. By turning to any of the following consulting firms — which include startup consulting firms and more general firms that can help startups — companies can trust they are getting the help they need.

What Is Startup Consulting?

Maybe you’re familiar with career or business coaches, who can help individuals or teams work through problems, ignite their passions, build skills, and achieve their goals. 

Similarly, startup consulting is a process where third-party consultants who have experience and connections in an industry work with startups, reviewing certain aspects of the business and helping the startup solve specific challenges.

What Do Startup Consulting Firms Do?

Startup consulting firms can review the business’s procedures, management structures, policies, finances, marketing strategies, and more. 

Since these firms offer a variety of services, startup teams should look for firms with services that best align with their needs. 

The consulting firm will analyze information regarding specific business areas and provide feedback and advice to make improvements. Firms may also help identify market competition, provide training, or build strategies for lead generation and customer acquisition.

12 Best Startup Consulting Firms

The best startup consulting firms should have proven success in helping startups address pain points and achieve their goals. Finding the right startup consulting firm will depend on each startup’s industry and the services it needs, but researching the following list of startup consulting and general consulting companies is a good place to start.

1. GrowthRocks

GrowthRocks is a marketing agency that aims to help startups grow quickly. It focuses on growth in four main areas: acquisition, activation, retention, and revenue. 

Startups can work with GrowthRocks on an hourly or per-project basis, getting help with everything from brand strengthening to SEO to marketing. The CEO, Theo Moulos, also gives free 30-minute consulting sessions for potential clients.

Industry: Early-stage startups, B2B, B2C, SaaS, ecommerce, real estate, tech

Location: London, England

Services: Growth hacking, UX, SEO, marketing, social media, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance, branding

2. IBM Garage

IBM Garage is a consulting service by IT giant IBM. The Garage helps companies adopt new technologies to improve customer experience and make businesses more resilient, particularly to the effects of climate change. 

Startups work with multidisciplinary experts to identify and solve challenges in their businesses. Although not specifically for startups, IBM Garage consulting can help young businesses develop new ideas or adopt technology to improve their operations. 

Clients can access services to help integrate artificial intelligence (AI), automate workflows, and improve digital infrastructure for security and privacy. The program boasts a 102% return on investment (ROI).

Industry: Tech, IT, sustainability, automotive, retail, insurance, banking, government, health care

Location: Armonk, New York

Services: Automation, AI, talent management, security, analytics, supply chain resiliency, asset management

3. GrowthGirls

A female-founded company, GrowthGirls is dedicated to growth marketing consulting for startups. From optimizing content for search engines and managing social media accounts, to utilizing UX and net promoter scores (NPS), GrowthGirls offers a wide range of consulting services. 

Interested startups can also access free resources, including ebooks on brainstorming and SEO strategizing.

Industry: B2B, B2C, SaaS, ecommerce

Services: Growth marketing, SEO, UX, social media, advertising, outreach, analytics

4. Nielsen Innovate

Nielsen is a global data and insights company, and its incubator and fund for early-stage startups, called Nielsen Innovate , also serves as a startup consulting firm. 

Startups can apply to the Innovate program, where founders will receive advice on strategy and scaling from idea to market. Participants also gain access to Nielsen’s network, including Fortune 1000 companies. 

Industry: Tech, marketing, retail, research

Location: Caesarea, Israel

Services: Business development, access to emerging markets, customer and market insights, funding

5. Deloitte Catalyst

Deloitte, a global professional services company, has a startup consulting firm known as Deloitte Catalyst . Its services are designed to help startups meet the needs of their clients. 

Its consulting services focus on business operations, marketing, technology, customer experience, analytics, and strategy. Startup clients in Israel can also access services such as advice and strategy for audit, tax, and fundraising readiness.

Industry: Government, tech, health care, retail, energy, financial services

Location: Headquartered in London, England

Services: Marketing, talent management, core business operations, analytics, technology

6. Solutionery

Solutionery focuses on tech companies. The firm offers startups access to top developers and cutting-edge software to boost their businesses. 

The firm can help startups develop high-end prototypes into market-ready products and even assists in project management and subcontracting. Solutionery also offers guidance on IoT (Internet of Things), AI, digital marketing, and technology review.

Industry: Tech

Location: Kuopio, Finland

Services: Digital marketing, technology review, project management, prototype and product development, and AI adoption

7. Business Consulting Agency

As a full-service consulting firm, this organization can help startups at every stage. Clients work with consultants and can receive guidance on strategizing, choosing and setting up the right legal business structures, and finding the right vendors. 

What makes this startup consulting firm unique is that it offers prepaid plans, so startups can work with the consultants on an as needed basis, rather than signing on to long-term contracts.

Industry: Early-stage startups

Location: Portland, Oregon

Services: Branding, marketing, legal, sales strategy, business formation assistance

8. Elysian Fields

Elysian Fields is a startup-focused consultancy that helps founders define their brand, improve pitches, gather research and insights for marketing, and more. The firm specializes in improving marketing and sales, and also provides expertise on fundraising. 

You can either submit certain materials, like your marketing plan or pitch deck, to receive an analysis, or you can participate in four- to eight-week consulting programs focused on various topics, like brand messaging, value proposition, and marketing.

Industry: Cybersecurity, sustainability, SaaS, AI, deep tech

Services: Marketing, pitching, fundraising

9. ScienceSoft

ScienceSoft , a software development and IT company, has decades of experience in IT and now offers consulting services for startups. 

Its consulting team focuses on cybersecurity, infrastructure, IT consulting, and design services. Past clients include IBM, Deloitte, eBay, NASA, and Walmart.

Industry: Software, IT

Location: McKinney, Texas

Services: Software development, IT consulting, UX design, cybersecurity, testing, help desk services

10. Bain & Company

Bain & Company is one of the world’s most respected management consulting firms and can be helpful for startups looking to find their place in the world. 

Its Innovation Exchange connects startups to other startups and investors, so founders can see where opportunities exist and which ideas are already in motion. 

Consultants help startup founders create a business strategy and model. The company also helps uncover trends in your industry, and open up opportunities for partnerships.

Industry: Tech, retail, health care, private equity, aerospace, energy, automotive, education, financial services

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Services: DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), customer experience, operations, talent management, private equity, sales, marketing, strategy, sustainability

11. L.E.K. Consulting 

L.E.K. Consulting is a global strategy and management consulting firm that services a variety of industries. This startup consulting firm relies heavily on data, from research to modeling to analysis, to help guide businesses to find new opportunities and establish sustainable and scalable strategies. 

The firm’s services depend on industry; for instance, tech companies can get assistance with optimal SaaS pricing, while retail startups can receive guidance on pricing and promotions.

Industry: Retail, education, finance, tech, health care, private equity, transportation, B2B

Services: Marketing, product consulting, facilities management, legal ops, talent management, pricing

12. SocialSEO

Businesses today have to know the latest SEO best practices if they want to reach potential clients online. SocialSEO helps startups create and implement an effective SEO strategy to rank highly in search engine results. 

This startup consulting firm can also help with content strategy and marketing. Whether you’re wanting to learn the ins and outs of influencer marketing or you need help with video production, SocialSEO can help boost your brand and its products online.

Industry: Ecommerce, or any company with an online presence

Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado

Services: SEO, social media, marketing, paid search, content strategy

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