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Hypothesis Testing – A Deep Dive into Hypothesis Testing, The Backbone of Statistical Inference

  • September 21, 2023

Explore the intricacies of hypothesis testing, a cornerstone of statistical analysis. Dive into methods, interpretations, and applications for making data-driven decisions.

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In this Blog post we will learn:

  • What is Hypothesis Testing?
  • Steps in Hypothesis Testing 2.1. Set up Hypotheses: Null and Alternative 2.2. Choose a Significance Level (α) 2.3. Calculate a test statistic and P-Value 2.4. Make a Decision
  • Example : Testing a new drug.
  • Example in python

1. What is Hypothesis Testing?

In simple terms, hypothesis testing is a method used to make decisions or inferences about population parameters based on sample data. Imagine being handed a dice and asked if it’s biased. By rolling it a few times and analyzing the outcomes, you’d be engaging in the essence of hypothesis testing.

Think of hypothesis testing as the scientific method of the statistics world. Suppose you hear claims like “This new drug works wonders!” or “Our new website design boosts sales.” How do you know if these statements hold water? Enter hypothesis testing.

2. Steps in Hypothesis Testing

  • Set up Hypotheses : Begin with a null hypothesis (H0) and an alternative hypothesis (Ha).
  • Choose a Significance Level (α) : Typically 0.05, this is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it’s actually true. Think of it as the chance of accusing an innocent person.
  • Calculate Test statistic and P-Value : Gather evidence (data) and calculate a test statistic.
  • p-value : This is the probability of observing the data, given that the null hypothesis is true. A small p-value (typically ≤ 0.05) suggests the data is inconsistent with the null hypothesis.
  • Decision Rule : If the p-value is less than or equal to α, you reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative.

2.1. Set up Hypotheses: Null and Alternative

Before diving into testing, we must formulate hypotheses. The null hypothesis (H0) represents the default assumption, while the alternative hypothesis (H1) challenges it.

For instance, in drug testing, H0 : “The new drug is no better than the existing one,” H1 : “The new drug is superior .”

2.2. Choose a Significance Level (α)

When You collect and analyze data to test H0 and H1 hypotheses. Based on your analysis, you decide whether to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative, or fail to reject / Accept the null hypothesis.

The significance level, often denoted by $α$, represents the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.

In other words, it’s the risk you’re willing to take of making a Type I error (false positive).

Type I Error (False Positive) :

  • Symbolized by the Greek letter alpha (α).
  • Occurs when you incorrectly reject a true null hypothesis . In other words, you conclude that there is an effect or difference when, in reality, there isn’t.
  • The probability of making a Type I error is denoted by the significance level of a test. Commonly, tests are conducted at the 0.05 significance level , which means there’s a 5% chance of making a Type I error .
  • Commonly used significance levels are 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10, but the choice depends on the context of the study and the level of risk one is willing to accept.

Example : If a drug is not effective (truth), but a clinical trial incorrectly concludes that it is effective (based on the sample data), then a Type I error has occurred.

Type II Error (False Negative) :

  • Symbolized by the Greek letter beta (β).
  • Occurs when you accept a false null hypothesis . This means you conclude there is no effect or difference when, in reality, there is.
  • The probability of making a Type II error is denoted by β. The power of a test (1 – β) represents the probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis.

Example : If a drug is effective (truth), but a clinical trial incorrectly concludes that it is not effective (based on the sample data), then a Type II error has occurred.

Balancing the Errors :

data project hypothesis testing

In practice, there’s a trade-off between Type I and Type II errors. Reducing the risk of one typically increases the risk of the other. For example, if you want to decrease the probability of a Type I error (by setting a lower significance level), you might increase the probability of a Type II error unless you compensate by collecting more data or making other adjustments.

It’s essential to understand the consequences of both types of errors in any given context. In some situations, a Type I error might be more severe, while in others, a Type II error might be of greater concern. This understanding guides researchers in designing their experiments and choosing appropriate significance levels.

2.3. Calculate a test statistic and P-Value

Test statistic : A test statistic is a single number that helps us understand how far our sample data is from what we’d expect under a null hypothesis (a basic assumption we’re trying to test against). Generally, the larger the test statistic, the more evidence we have against our null hypothesis. It helps us decide whether the differences we observe in our data are due to random chance or if there’s an actual effect.

P-value : The P-value tells us how likely we would get our observed results (or something more extreme) if the null hypothesis were true. It’s a value between 0 and 1. – A smaller P-value (typically below 0.05) means that the observation is rare under the null hypothesis, so we might reject the null hypothesis. – A larger P-value suggests that what we observed could easily happen by random chance, so we might not reject the null hypothesis.

2.4. Make a Decision

Relationship between $α$ and P-Value

When conducting a hypothesis test:

We then calculate the p-value from our sample data and the test statistic.

Finally, we compare the p-value to our chosen $α$:

  • If $p−value≤α$: We reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. The result is said to be statistically significant.
  • If $p−value>α$: We fail to reject the null hypothesis. There isn’t enough statistical evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.

3. Example : Testing a new drug.

Imagine we are investigating whether a new drug is effective at treating headaches faster than drug B.

Setting Up the Experiment : You gather 100 people who suffer from headaches. Half of them (50 people) are given the new drug (let’s call this the ‘Drug Group’), and the other half are given a sugar pill, which doesn’t contain any medication.

  • Set up Hypotheses : Before starting, you make a prediction:
  • Null Hypothesis (H0): The new drug has no effect. Any difference in healing time between the two groups is just due to random chance.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The new drug does have an effect. The difference in healing time between the two groups is significant and not just by chance.

Calculate Test statistic and P-Value : After the experiment, you analyze the data. The “test statistic” is a number that helps you understand the difference between the two groups in terms of standard units.

For instance, let’s say:

  • The average healing time in the Drug Group is 2 hours.
  • The average healing time in the Placebo Group is 3 hours.

The test statistic helps you understand how significant this 1-hour difference is. If the groups are large and the spread of healing times in each group is small, then this difference might be significant. But if there’s a huge variation in healing times, the 1-hour difference might not be so special.

Imagine the P-value as answering this question: “If the new drug had NO real effect, what’s the probability that I’d see a difference as extreme (or more extreme) as the one I found, just by random chance?”

For instance:

  • P-value of 0.01 means there’s a 1% chance that the observed difference (or a more extreme difference) would occur if the drug had no effect. That’s pretty rare, so we might consider the drug effective.
  • P-value of 0.5 means there’s a 50% chance you’d see this difference just by chance. That’s pretty high, so we might not be convinced the drug is doing much.
  • If the P-value is less than ($α$) 0.05: the results are “statistically significant,” and they might reject the null hypothesis , believing the new drug has an effect.
  • If the P-value is greater than ($α$) 0.05: the results are not statistically significant, and they don’t reject the null hypothesis , remaining unsure if the drug has a genuine effect.

4. Example in python

For simplicity, let’s say we’re using a t-test (common for comparing means). Let’s dive into Python:

Making a Decision : “The results are statistically significant! p-value < 0.05 , The drug seems to have an effect!” If not, we’d say, “Looks like the drug isn’t as miraculous as we thought.”

5. Conclusion

Hypothesis testing is an indispensable tool in data science, allowing us to make data-driven decisions with confidence. By understanding its principles, conducting tests properly, and considering real-world applications, you can harness the power of hypothesis testing to unlock valuable insights from your data.

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Hypothesis Testing in Data Science: It's Usage and Types

Hypothesis Testing in Data Science is a crucial method for making informed decisions from data. This blog explores its essential usage in analysing trends and patterns, and the different types such as null, alternative, one-tailed, and two-tailed tests, providing a comprehensive understanding for both beginners and advanced practitioners.


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Table of Contents  

1) What is Hypothesis Testing in Data Science? 

2) Importance of Hypothesis Testing in Data Science 

3) Types of Hypothesis Testing 

4) Basic steps in Hypothesis Testing 

5) Real-world use cases of Hypothesis Testing 

6) Conclusion 

What is Hypothesis Testing in Data Science?  

Hypothesis Testing in Data Science is a statistical method used to assess the validity of assumptions or claims about a population based on sample data. It involves formulating two Hypotheses, the null Hypothesis (H0) and the alternative Hypothesis (Ha or H1), and then using statistical tests to find out if there is enough evidence to support the alternative Hypothesis.  

Hypothetical Testing is a critical tool for making data-driven decisions, evaluating the significance of observed effects or differences, and drawing meaningful conclusions from data, allowing Data Scientists to uncover patterns, relationships, and insights that inform various domains, from medicine to business and beyond. 

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Importance of Hypothesis Testing in Data Science  

The significance of Hypothesis Testing in Data Science cannot be overstated. It serves as the cornerstone of data-driven decision-making. By systematically testing Hypotheses, Data Scientists can: 

Importance of Hypothesis Testing in Data Science

Objective decision-making 

Hypothesis Testing provides a structured and impartial method for making decisions based on data. In a world where biases can skew perceptions, Data Scientists rely on this method to ensure that their conclusions are grounded in empirical evidence, making their decisions more objective and trustworthy. 

Statistical rigour 

Data Scientists deal with large amounts of data, and Hypothesis Testing helps them make sense of it. It quantifies the significance of observed patterns, differences, or relationships. This statistical rigour is essential in distinguishing between mere coincidences and meaningful findings, reducing the likelihood of making decisions based on random chance. 

Resource allocation 

Resources, whether they are financial, human, or time-related, are often limited. Hypothesis Testing enables efficient resource allocation by guiding Data Scientists towards strategies or interventions that are statistically significant. This ensures that efforts are directed where they are most likely to yield valuable results. 

Risk management 

In domains like healthcare and finance, where lives and livelihoods are at stake, Hypothesis Testing is a critical tool for risk assessment. For instance, in drug development, Hypothesis Testing is used to determine the safety and efficiency of new treatments, helping mitigate potential risks to patients. 

Innovation and progress 

Hypothesis Testing fosters innovation by providing a systematic framework to evaluate new ideas, products, or strategies. It encourages a cycle of experimentation, feedback, and improvement, driving continuous progress and innovation. 

Strategic decision-making 

Organisations base their strategies on data-driven insights. Hypothesis Testing enables them to make informed decisions about market trends, customer behaviour, and product development. These decisions are grounded in empirical evidence, increasing the likelihood of success. 

Scientific integrity 

In scientific research, Hypothesis Testing is integral to maintaining the integrity of research findings. It ensures that conclusions are drawn from rigorous statistical analysis rather than conjecture. This is essential for advancing knowledge and building upon existing research. 

Regulatory compliance 

Many industries, such as pharmaceuticals and aviation, operate under strict regulatory frameworks. Hypothesis Testing is essential for demonstrating compliance with safety and quality standards. It provides the statistical evidence required to meet regulatory requirements. 

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Types of Hypothesis Testing  

Hypothesis Testing can be seen in several different types. In total, we have five types of Hypothesis Testing. They are described below as follows: 

Types of Hypothesis Testing

Alternative Hypothesis

The Alternative Hypothesis, denoted as Ha or H1, is the assertion or claim that researchers aim to support with their data analysis. It represents the opposite of the null Hypothesis (H0) and suggests that there is a significant effect, relationship, or difference in the population. In simpler terms, it's the statement that researchers hope to find evidence for during their analysis. For example, if you are testing a new drug's efficacy, the alternative Hypothesis might state that the drug has a measurable positive effect on patients' health. 

Null Hypothesis 

The Null Hypothesis, denoted as H0, is the default assumption in Hypothesis Testing. It posits that there is no significant effect, relationship, or difference in the population being studied. In other words, it represents the status quo or the absence of an effect. Researchers typically set out to challenge or disprove the Null Hypothesis by collecting and analysing data. Using the drug efficacy example again, the Null Hypothesis might state that the new drug has no effect on patients' health. 

Non-directional Hypothesis 

A Non-directional Hypothesis, also known as a two-tailed Hypothesis, is used when researchers are interested in whether there is any significant difference, effect, or relationship in either direction (positive or negative). This type of Hypothesis allows for the possibility of finding effects in both directions. For instance, in a study comparing the performance of two groups, a Non-directional Hypothesis would suggest that there is a significant difference between the groups, without specifying which group performs better. 

Directional Hypothesis 

A Directional Hypothesis, also called a one-tailed Hypothesis, is employed when researchers have a specific expectation about the direction of the effect, relationship, or difference they are investigating. In this case, the Hypothesis predicts an outcome in a particular direction—either positive or negative. For example, if you expect that a new teaching method will improve student test scores, a directional Hypothesis would state that the new method leads to higher test scores. 

Statistical Hypothesis 

A Statistical Hypothesis is a Hypothesis formulated in a way that it can be tested using statistical methods. It involves specific numerical values or parameters that can be measured or compared. Statistical Hypotheses are crucial for quantitative research and often involve means, proportions, variances, correlations, or other measurable quantities. These Hypotheses provide a precise framework for conducting statistical tests and drawing conclusions based on data analysis. 

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Basic steps in Hypothesis Testing  

Hypothesis Testing is a systematic approach used in statistics to make informed decisions based on data. It is a critical tool in Data Science, research, and many other fields where data analysis is employed. The following are the basic steps involved in Hypothesis Testing: 

Basic steps in Hypothesis Testing

1) Formulate Hypotheses 

The first step in Hypothesis Testing is to clearly define your research question and translate it into two mutually exclusive Hypotheses: 

a) Null Hypothesis (H0): This is the default assumption, often representing the status quo or the absence of an effect. It states that there is no significant difference, relationship, or effect in the population. 

b) Alternative Hypothesis (Ha or H1): This is the statement that contradicts the null Hypothesis. It suggests that there is a significant difference, relationship, or effect in the population. 

The formulation of these Hypotheses is crucial, as they serve as the foundation for your entire Hypothesis Testing process. 

2) Collect data 

With your Hypotheses in place, the next step is to gather relevant data through surveys, experiments, observations, or any other suitable method. The data collected should be representative of the population you are studying. The quality and quantity of data are essential factors in the success of your Hypothesis Testing. 

3) Choose a significance level (α) 

Before conducting the statistical test, you need to decide on the level of significance, denoted as α. The significance level represents the threshold for statistical significance and determines how confident you want to be in your results. A common choice is α = 0.05, which implies a 5% chance of making a Type I error (rejecting the null Hypothesis when it's true). You can choose a different α value based on the specific requirements of your analysis. 

4) Perform the test 

Based on the nature of your data and the Hypotheses you've formulated, select the appropriate statistical test. There are various tests available, including t-tests, chi-squared tests, ANOVA, regression analysis, and more. The chosen test should align with the type of data (e.g., continuous or categorical) and the research question (e.g., comparing means or testing for independence). 

Execute the selected statistical test on your data to obtain test statistics and p-values. The test statistics quantify the difference or effect you are investigating, while the p-value represents the probability of obtaining the observed results if the null Hypothesis were true. 

5) Analyse the results 

Once you have the test statistics and p-value, it's time to interpret the results. The primary focus is on the p-value: 

a) If the p-value is less than or equal to your chosen significance level (α), typically 0.05, you have evidence to reject the null Hypothesis. This shows that there is a significant difference, relationship, or effect in the population. 

b) If the p-value is more than α, you fail to reject the null Hypothesis, showing that there is insufficient evidence to support the alternative Hypothesis. 

6) Draw conclusions 

Based on the analysis of the p-value and the comparison to the significance level, you can draw conclusions about your research question: 

a) In case you reject the null Hypothesis, you can accept the alternative Hypothesis and make inferences based on the evidence provided by your data. 

b) In case you fail to reject the null Hypothesis, you do not accept the alternative Hypothesis, and you acknowledge that there is no significant evidence to support your claim. 

It's important to communicate your findings clearly, including the implications and limitations of your analysis. 

Real-world use cases of Hypothesis Testing  

The following are some of the real-world use cases of Hypothesis Testing. 

a) Medical research: Hypothesis Testing is crucial in determining the efficacy of new medications or treatments. For instance, in a clinical trial, researchers use Hypothesis Testing to assess whether a new drug is significantly more effective than a placebo in treating a particular condition. 

b) Marketing and advertising: Businesses employ Hypothesis Testing to evaluate the impact of marketing campaigns. A company may test whether a new advertising strategy leads to a significant increase in sales compared to the previous approach. 

c) Manufacturing and quality control: Manufacturing industries use Hypothesis Testing to ensure product quality. For example, in the automotive industry, Hypothesis Testing can be applied to test whether a new manufacturing process results in a significant reduction in defects. 

d) Education: In the field of education, Hypothesis Testing can be used to assess the effectiveness of teaching methods. Researchers may test whether a new teaching approach leads to statistically significant improvements in student performance. 

e) Finance and investment: Investment strategies are often evaluated using Hypothesis Testing. Investors may test whether a new investment strategy outperforms a benchmark index over a specified period.  

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To sum it up, Hypothesis Testing in Data Science is a powerful tool that enables Data Scientists to make evidence-based decisions and draw meaningful conclusions from data. Understanding the types, methods, and steps involved in Hypothesis Testing is essential for any Data Scientist. By rigorously applying Hypothesis Testing techniques, you can gain valuable insights and drive informed decision-making in various domains. 

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Hypothesis Testing – A Complete Guide with Examples

Published by Alvin Nicolas at August 14th, 2021 , Revised On October 26, 2023

In statistics, hypothesis testing is a critical tool. It allows us to make informed decisions about populations based on sample data. Whether you are a researcher trying to prove a scientific point, a marketer analysing A/B test results, or a manufacturer ensuring quality control, hypothesis testing plays a pivotal role. This guide aims to introduce you to the concept and walk you through real-world examples.

What is a Hypothesis and a Hypothesis Testing?

A hypothesis is considered a belief or assumption that has to be accepted, rejected, proved or disproved. In contrast, a research hypothesis is a research question for a researcher that has to be proven correct or incorrect through investigation.

What is Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing  is a scientific method used for making a decision and drawing conclusions by using a statistical approach. It is used to suggest new ideas by testing theories to know whether or not the sample data supports research. A research hypothesis is a predictive statement that has to be tested using scientific methods that join an independent variable to a dependent variable.  

Example: The academic performance of student A is better than student B

Characteristics of the Hypothesis to be Tested

A hypothesis should be:

  • Clear and precise
  • Capable of being tested
  • Able to relate to a variable
  • Stated in simple terms
  • Consistent with known facts
  • Limited in scope and specific
  • Tested in a limited timeframe
  • Explain the facts in detail

What is a Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis?

A  null hypothesis  is a hypothesis when there is no significant relationship between the dependent and the participants’ independent  variables . 

In simple words, it’s a hypothesis that has been put forth but hasn’t been proved as yet. A researcher aims to disprove the theory. The abbreviation “Ho” is used to denote a null hypothesis.

If you want to compare two methods and assume that both methods are equally good, this assumption is considered the null hypothesis.

Example: In an automobile trial, you feel that the new vehicle’s mileage is similar to the previous model of the car, on average. You can write it as: Ho: there is no difference between the mileage of both vehicles. If your findings don’t support your hypothesis and you get opposite results, this outcome will be considered an alternative hypothesis.

If you assume that one method is better than another method, then it’s considered an alternative hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis is the theory that a researcher seeks to prove and is typically denoted by H1 or HA.

If you support a null hypothesis, it means you’re not supporting the alternative hypothesis. Similarly, if you reject a null hypothesis, it means you are recommending the alternative hypothesis.

Example: In an automobile trial, you feel that the new vehicle’s mileage is better than the previous model of the vehicle. You can write it as; Ha: the two vehicles have different mileage. On average/ the fuel consumption of the new vehicle model is better than the previous model.

If a null hypothesis is rejected during the hypothesis test, even if it’s true, then it is considered as a type-I error. On the other hand, if you don’t dismiss a hypothesis, even if it’s false because you could not identify its falseness, it’s considered a type-II error.

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How to Conduct Hypothesis Testing?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to conduct hypothesis testing.

Step 1: State the Null and Alternative Hypothesis

Once you develop a research hypothesis, it’s important to state it is as a Null hypothesis (Ho) and an Alternative hypothesis (Ha) to test it statistically.

A null hypothesis is a preferred choice as it provides the opportunity to test the theory. In contrast, you can accept the alternative hypothesis when the null hypothesis has been rejected.

Example: You want to identify a relationship between obesity of men and women and the modern living style. You develop a hypothesis that women, on average, gain weight quickly compared to men. Then you write it as: Ho: Women, on average, don’t gain weight quickly compared to men. Ha: Women, on average, gain weight quickly compared to men.

Step 2: Data Collection

Hypothesis testing follows the statistical method, and statistics are all about data. It’s challenging to gather complete information about a specific population you want to study. You need to  gather the data  obtained through a large number of samples from a specific population. 

Example: Suppose you want to test the difference in the rate of obesity between men and women. You should include an equal number of men and women in your sample. Then investigate various aspects such as their lifestyle, eating patterns and profession, and any other variables that may influence average weight. You should also determine your study’s scope, whether it applies to a specific group of population or worldwide population. You can use available information from various places, countries, and regions.

Step 3: Select Appropriate Statistical Test

There are many  types of statistical tests , but we discuss the most two common types below, such as One-sided and two-sided tests.

Note: Your choice of the type of test depends on the purpose of your study 

One-sided Test

In the one-sided test, the values of rejecting a null hypothesis are located in one tail of the probability distribution. The set of values is less or higher than the critical value of the test. It is also called a one-tailed test of significance.

Example: If you want to test that all mangoes in a basket are ripe. You can write it as: Ho: All mangoes in the basket, on average, are ripe. If you find all ripe mangoes in the basket, the null hypothesis you developed will be true.

Two-sided Test

In the two-sided test, the values of rejecting a null hypothesis are located on both tails of the probability distribution. The set of values is less or higher than the first critical value of the test and higher than the second critical value test. It is also called a two-tailed test of significance. 

Example: Nothing can be explicitly said whether all mangoes are ripe in the basket. If you reject the null hypothesis (Ho: All mangoes in the basket, on average, are ripe), then it means all mangoes in the basket are not likely to be ripe. A few mangoes could be raw as well.

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Step 4: Select the Level of Significance

When you reject a null hypothesis, even if it’s true during a statistical hypothesis, it is considered the  significance level . It is the probability of a type one error. The significance should be as minimum as possible to avoid the type-I error, which is considered severe and should be avoided. 

If the significance level is minimum, then it prevents the researchers from false claims. 

The significance level is denoted by  P,  and it has given the value of 0.05 (P=0.05)

If the P-Value is less than 0.05, then the difference will be significant. If the P-value is higher than 0.05, then the difference is non-significant.

Example: Suppose you apply a one-sided test to test whether women gain weight quickly compared to men. You get to know about the average weight between men and women and the factors promoting weight gain.

Step 5: Find out Whether the Null Hypothesis is Rejected or Supported

After conducting a statistical test, you should identify whether your null hypothesis is rejected or accepted based on the test results. It would help if you observed the P-value for this.

Example: If you find the P-value of your test is less than 0.5/5%, then you need to reject your null hypothesis (Ho: Women, on average, don’t gain weight quickly compared to men). On the other hand, if a null hypothesis is rejected, then it means the alternative hypothesis might be true (Ha: Women, on average, gain weight quickly compared to men. If you find your test’s P-value is above 0.5/5%, then it means your null hypothesis is true.

Step 6: Present the Outcomes of your Study

The final step is to present the  outcomes of your study . You need to ensure whether you have met the objectives of your research or not. 

In the discussion section and  conclusion , you can present your findings by using supporting evidence and conclude whether your null hypothesis was rejected or supported.

In the result section, you can summarise your study’s outcomes, including the average difference and P-value of the two groups.

If we talk about the findings, our study your results will be as follows:

Example: In the study of identifying whether women gain weight quickly compared to men, we found the P-value is less than 0.5. Hence, we can reject the null hypothesis (Ho: Women, on average, don’t gain weight quickly than men) and conclude that women may likely gain weight quickly than men.

Did you know in your academic paper you should not mention whether you have accepted or rejected the null hypothesis? 

Always remember that you either conclude to reject Ho in favor of Haor   do not reject Ho . It would help if you never rejected  Ha  or even  accept Ha .

Suppose your null hypothesis is rejected in the hypothesis testing. If you conclude  reject Ho in favor of Haor   do not reject Ho,  then it doesn’t mean that the null hypothesis is true. It only means that there is a lack of evidence against Ho in favour of Ha. If your null hypothesis is not true, then the alternative hypothesis is likely to be true.

Example: We found that the P-value is less than 0.5. Hence, we can conclude reject Ho in favour of Ha (Ho: Women, on average, don’t gain weight quickly than men) reject Ho in favour of Ha. However, rejected in favour of Ha means (Ha: women may likely to gain weight quickly than men)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 types of hypothesis test.

The 3 types of hypothesis tests are:

  • One-Sample Test : Compare sample data to a known population value.
  • Two-Sample Test : Compare means between two sample groups.
  • ANOVA : Analyze variance among multiple groups to determine significant differences.

What is a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation or prediction about a phenomenon, often based on observations. It serves as a starting point for research or experimentation, providing a testable statement that can either be supported or refuted through data and analysis. In essence, it’s an educated guess that drives scientific inquiry.

What are null hypothesis?

A null hypothesis (often denoted as H0) suggests that there is no effect or difference in a study or experiment. It represents a default position or status quo. Statistical tests evaluate data to determine if there’s enough evidence to reject this null hypothesis.

What is the probability value?

The probability value, or p-value, is a measure used in statistics to determine the significance of an observed effect. It indicates the probability of obtaining the observed results, or more extreme, if the null hypothesis were true. A small p-value (typically <0.05) suggests evidence against the null hypothesis, warranting its rejection.

What is p value?

The p-value is a fundamental concept in statistical hypothesis testing. It represents the probability of observing a test statistic as extreme, or more so, than the one calculated from sample data, assuming the null hypothesis is true. A low p-value suggests evidence against the null, possibly justifying its rejection.

What is a t test?

A t-test is a statistical test used to compare the means of two groups. It determines if observed differences between the groups are statistically significant or if they likely occurred by chance. Commonly applied in research, there are different t-tests, including independent, paired, and one-sample, tailored to various data scenarios.

When to reject null hypothesis?

Reject the null hypothesis when the test statistic falls into a predefined rejection region or when the p-value is less than the chosen significance level (commonly 0.05). This suggests that the observed data is unlikely under the null hypothesis, indicating evidence for the alternative hypothesis. Always consider the study’s context.

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Hypothesis Testing Steps & Examples

Hypothesis Testing Workflow

Table of Contents

What is a Hypothesis testing?

As per the definition from Oxford languages, a hypothesis is a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation. As per the Dictionary page on Hypothesis , Hypothesis means a proposition or set of propositions, set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide investigation (working hypothesis) or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts.

The hypothesis can be defined as the claim that can either be related to the truth about something that exists in the world, or, truth about something that’s needs to be established a fresh . In simple words, another word for the hypothesis is the “claim” . Until the claim is proven to be true, it is called the hypothesis. Once the claim is proved, it becomes the new truth or new knowledge about the thing. For example , let’s say that a claim is made that students studying for more than 6 hours a day gets more than 90% of marks in their examination. Now, this is just a claim or a hypothesis and not the truth in the real world. However, in order for the claim to become the truth for widespread adoption, it needs to be proved using pieces of evidence, e.g., data.  In order to reject this claim or otherwise, one needs to do some empirical analysis by gathering data samples and evaluating the claim. The process of gathering data and evaluating the claims or hypotheses with the goal to reject or otherwise (failing to reject) can be called as hypothesis testing . Note the wordings – “failing to reject”. It means that we don’t have enough evidence to reject the claim. Thus, until the time that new evidence comes up, the claim can be considered the truth. There are different techniques to test the hypothesis in order to reach the conclusion of whether the hypothesis can be used to represent the truth of the world.

One must note that the hypothesis testing never constitutes a proof that the hypothesis is absolute truth based on the observations. It only provides added support to consider the hypothesis as truth until the time that new evidences can against the hypotheses can be gathered. We can never be 100% sure about truth related to those hypotheses based on the hypothesis testing.

Simply speaking, hypothesis testing is a framework that can be used to assert whether the claim or the hypothesis made about a real-world/real-life event can be seen as the truth or otherwise based on the given data (evidences).

Hypothesis Testing Examples

Before we get ahead and start understanding more details about hypothesis and hypothesis testing steps, lets take a look at some  real-world examples  of how to think about hypothesis and hypothesis testing when dealing with real-world problems :

  • Customers are churning because they ain’t getting response to their complaints or issues
  • Customers are churning because there are other competitive services in the market which are providing these services at lower cost.
  • Customers are churning because there are other competitive services which are providing more services at the same cost.
  • It is claimed that a 500 gm sugar packet for a particular brand, say XYZA, contains sugar of less than 500 gm, say around 480gm.  Can this claim be taken as truth? How do we know that this claim is true? This is a hypothesis until proved.
  • A group of doctors claims that quitting smoking increases lifespan. Can this claim be taken as new truth? The hypothesis is that quitting smoking results in an increase in lifespan.
  • It is claimed that brisk walking for half an hour every day reverses diabetes. In order to accept this in your lifestyle, you may need evidence that supports this claim or hypothesis.
  • It is claimed that doing Pranayama yoga for 30 minutes a day can help in easing stress by 50%. This can be termed as hypothesis and would require testing / validation for it to be established as a truth and recommended for widespread adoption.
  • One common real-life example of hypothesis testing is election polling. In order to predict the outcome of an election, pollsters take a sample of the population and ask them who they plan to vote for. They then use hypothesis testing to assess whether their sample is representative of the population as a whole. If the results of the hypothesis test are significant, it means that the sample is representative and that the poll can be used to predict the outcome of the election. However, if the results are not significant, it means that the sample is not representative and that the poll should not be used to make predictions.
  • Machine learning models make predictions based on the input data. Each of the machine learning model representing a function approximation can be taken as a hypothesis. All different models constitute what is called as hypothesis space .
  • As part of a linear regression machine learning model , it is claimed that there is a relationship between the response variables and predictor variables? Can this hypothesis or claim be taken as truth? Let’s say, the hypothesis is that the housing price depends upon the average income of people already staying in the locality. How true is this hypothesis or claim? The relationship between response variable and each of the predictor variables can be evaluated using T-test and T-statistics .
  • For linear regression model , one of the hypothesis is that there is no relationship between the response variable and any of the predictor variables. Thus, if b1, b2, b3 are three parameters, all of them is equal to 0. b1 = b2 = b3 = 0. This is where one performs F-test and use F-statistics to test this hypothesis.

You may note different hypotheses which are listed above. The next step would be validate some of these hypotheses. This is where data scientists will come into picture. One or more data scientists may be asked to work on different hypotheses. This would result in these data scientists looking for appropriate data related to the hypothesis they are working. This section will be detailed out in near future.

State the Hypothesis to begin Hypothesis Testing

The first step to hypothesis testing is defining or stating a hypothesis. Before the hypothesis can be tested, we need to formulate the hypothesis in terms of mathematical expressions. There are two important aspects to pay attention to, prior to the formulation of the hypothesis. The following represents different types of hypothesis that could be put to hypothesis testing:

  • Claim made against the well-established fact : The case in which a fact is well-established, or accepted as truth or “knowledge” and a new claim is made about this well-established fact. For example , when you buy a packet of 500 gm of sugar, you assume that the packet does contain at the minimum 500 gm of sugar and not any less, based on the label of 500 gm on the packet. In this case, the fact is given or assumed to be the truth. A new claim can be made that the 500 gm sugar contains sugar weighing less than 500 gm. This claim needs to be tested before it is accepted as truth. Such cases could be considered for hypothesis testing if this is claimed that the assumption or the default state of being is not true. The claim to be established as new truth can be stated as “alternate hypothesis”. The opposite state can be stated as “null hypothesis”. Here the claim that the 500 gm packet consists of sugar less than 500 grams would be stated as alternate hypothesis. The opposite state which is the sugar packet consists 500 gm is null hypothesis.
  • Claim to establish the new truth : The case in which there is some claim made about the reality that exists in the world (fact). For example , the fact that the housing price depends upon the average income of people already staying in the locality can be considered as a claim and not assumed to be true. Another example could be the claim that running 5 miles a day would result in a reduction of 10 kg of weight within a month. There could be varied such claims which when required to be proved as true have to go through hypothesis testing. The claim to be established as new truth can be stated as “alternate hypothesis”. The opposite state can be stated as “null hypothesis”. Running 5 miles a day would result in reduction of 10 kg within a month would be stated as alternate hypothesis.

Based on the above considerations, the following hypothesis can be stated for doing hypothesis testing.

  • The packet of 500 gm of sugar contains sugar of weight less than 500 gm. (Claim made against the established fact). This is a new knowledge which requires hypothesis testing to get established and acted upon.
  • The housing price depends upon the average income of the people staying in the locality. This is a new knowledge which requires hypothesis testing to get established and acted upon.
  • Running 5 miles a day results in a reduction of 10 kg of weight within a month. This is a new knowledge which requires hypothesis testing to get established for widespread adoption.

Formulate Null & Alternate Hypothesis as Next Step

Once the hypothesis is defined or stated, the next step is to formulate the null and alternate hypothesis in order to begin hypothesis testing as described above.

What is a null hypothesis?

In the case where the given statement is a well-established fact or default state of being in the real world, one can call it a null hypothesis (in the simpler word, nothing new). Well-established facts don’t need any hypothesis testing and hence can be called the null hypothesis. In cases, when there are any new claims made which is not well established in the real world, the null hypothesis can be thought of as the default state or opposite state of that claim. For example , in the previous section, the claim or hypothesis is made that the students studying for more than 6 hours a day gets more than 90% of marks in their examination. The null hypothesis, in this case, will be that the claim is not true or real. The null hypothesis can be stated that there is no relationship or association between the students reading more than 6 hours a day and they getting 90% of the marks. Any occurrence is only a chance occurrence. Another example of hypothesis is when somebody is alleged that they have performed a crime.

Null hypothesis is denoted by letter H with 0, e.g., [latex]H_0[/latex]

What is an alternate hypothesis?

When the given statement is a claim (unexpected event in the real world) and not yet proven, one can call/formulate it as an alternate hypothesis and accordingly define a null hypothesis which is the opposite state of the hypothesis. The alternate hypothesis is a new knowledge or truth that needs to be established. In simple words, the hypothesis or claim that needs to be tested against reality in the real world can be termed the alternate hypothesis. In order to reach a conclusion that the claim (alternate hypothesis) can be considered the new knowledge or truth (based on the available evidence), it would be important to reject the null hypothesis. It should be noted that null and alternate hypotheses are mutually exclusive and at the same time asymmetric. In the example given in the previous section, the claim that the students studying for more than 6 hours get more than 90% of marks can be termed as the alternate hypothesis.

Alternate hypothesis is denoted with H subscript a, e.g., [latex]H_a[/latex]

Once the hypothesis is formulated as null([latex]H_0[/latex]) and alternate hypothesis ([latex]H_a[/latex]), there are two possible outcomes that can happen from hypothesis testing. These outcomes are the following:

  • Reject the null hypothesis : There is enough evidence based on which one can reject the null hypothesis. Let’s understand this with the help of an example provided earlier in this section. The null hypothesis is that there is no relationship between the students studying more than 6 hours a day and getting more than 90% marks. In a sample of 30 students studying more than 6 hours a day, it was found that they scored 91% marks. Given that the null hypothesis is true, this kind of hypothesis testing result will be highly unlikely. This kind of result can’t happen by chance. That would mean that the claim can be taken as the new truth or new knowledge in the real world. One can go and take further samples of 30 students to perform some more testing to validate the hypothesis. If similar results show up with other tests, it can be said with very high confidence that there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the students studying more than 6 hours a day and getting more than 90% marks. In such cases, one can go to accept the claim as new truth that the students studying more than 6 hours a day get more than 90% marks. The hypothesis can be considered the new truth until the time that new tests provide evidence against this claim.
  • Fail to reject the null hypothesis : There is not enough evidence-based on which one can reject the null hypothesis (well-established fact or reality). Thus, one would fail to reject the null hypothesis. In a sample of 30 students studying more than 6 hours a day, the students were found to score 75%. Given that the null hypothesis is true, this kind of result is fairly likely or expected. With the given sample, one can’t reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between the students studying more than 6 hours a day and getting more than 90% marks.

Examples of formulating the null and alternate hypothesis

The following are some examples of the null and alternate hypothesis.

Hypothesis Testing Steps

Here is the diagram which represents the workflow of Hypothesis Testing.

Hypothesis Testing Workflow

Figure 1. Hypothesis Testing Steps

Based on the above, the following are some of the  steps to be taken when doing hypothesis testing:

  • State the hypothesis : First and foremost, the hypothesis needs to be stated. The hypothesis could either be the statement that is assumed to be true or the claim which is made to be true.
  • Formulate the hypothesis : This step requires one to identify the Null and Alternate hypotheses or in simple words, formulate the hypothesis. Take an example of the canned sauce weighing 500 gm as the Null Hypothesis.
  • Set the criteria for a decision : Identify test statistics that could be used to assess the Null Hypothesis. The test statistics with the above example would be the average weight of the sugar packet, and t-statistics would be used to determine the P-value. For different kinds of problems, different kinds of statistics including Z-statistics, T-statistics, F-statistics, etc can be used.
  • Identify the level of significance (alpha) : Before starting the hypothesis testing, one would be required to set the significance level (also called as  alpha ) which represents the value for which a P-value less than or equal to  alpha  is considered statistically significant. Typical values of  alpha  are 0.1, 0.05, and 0.01. In case the P-value is evaluated as statistically significant, the null hypothesis is rejected. In case, the P-value is more than the  alpha  value, the null hypothesis is failed to be rejected.
  • Compute the test statistics : Next step is to calculate the test statistics (z-test, t-test, f-test, etc) to determine the P-value. If the sample size is more than 30, it is recommended to use z-statistics. Otherwise, t-statistics could be used. In the current example where 20 packets of canned sauce is selected for hypothesis testing, t-statistics will be calculated for the mean value of 505 gm (sample mean). The t-statistics would then be calculated as the difference of 505 gm (sample mean) and the population means (500 gm) divided by the sample standard deviation divided by the square root of sample size (20).
  • Calculate the P-value of the test statistics : Once the test statistics have been calculated, find the P-value using either of t-table or a z-table. P-value is the probability of obtaining a test statistic (t-score or z-score) equal to or more extreme than the result obtained from the sample data, given that the null hypothesis H0 is true.
  • Compare P-value with the level of significance : The significance level is set as the allowable range within which if the value appears, one will be failed to reject the Null Hypothesis. This region is also called as Non-rejection region . The value of alpha is compared with the p-value. If the p-value is less than the significance level, the test is statistically significant and hence, the null hypothesis will be rejected.

P-Value: Key to Statistical Hypothesis Testing

Once you formulate the hypotheses, there is the need to test those hypotheses. Meaning, say that the null hypothesis is stated as the statement that housing price does not depend upon the average income of people staying in the locality, it would be required to be tested by taking samples of housing prices and, based on the test results, this Null hypothesis could either be rejected or failed to be rejected . In hypothesis testing, the following two are the outcomes:

  • Reject the Null hypothesis
  • Fail to Reject the Null hypothesis

Take the above example of the sugar packet weighing 500 gm. The Null hypothesis is set as the statement that the sugar packet weighs 500 gm. After taking a sample of 20 sugar packets and testing/taking its weight, it was found that the average weight of the sugar packets came to 495 gm. The test statistics (t-statistics) were calculated for this sample and the P-value was determined. Let’s say the P-value was found to be 15%. Assuming that the level of significance is selected to be 5%, the test statistic is not statistically significant (P-value > 5%) and thus, the null hypothesis fails to get rejected. Thus, one could safely conclude that the sugar packet does weigh 500 gm. However, if the average weight of canned sauce would have found to be 465 gm, this is way beyond/away from the mean value of 500 gm and one could have ended up rejecting the Null Hypothesis based on the P-value .

Hypothesis Testing for Problem Analysis & Solution Implementation

Hypothesis testing can be applied in both problem analysis and solution implementation. The following represents method on how you can apply hypothesis testing technique for both problem and solution space:

  • Problem Analysis : Hypothesis testing is a systematic way to validate assumptions or educated guesses during problem analysis. It allows for a structured investigation into the nature of a problem and its potential root causes. In this process, a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis are usually defined. The null hypothesis generally asserts that no significant change or effect exists, while the alternative hypothesis posits the opposite. Through controlled experiments, data collection, or statistical analysis, these hypotheses are then tested to determine their validity. For example, if a software company notices a sudden increase in user churn rate, they might hypothesize that the recent update to their application is the root cause. The null hypothesis could be that the update has no effect on churn rate, while the alternative hypothesis would assert that the update significantly impacts the churn rate. By analyzing user behavior and feedback before and after the update, and perhaps running A/B tests where one user group has the update and another doesn’t, the company can test these hypotheses. If the alternative hypothesis is confirmed, the company can then focus on identifying specific issues in the update that may be causing the increased churn, thereby moving closer to a solution.
  • Solution Implementation : Hypothesis testing can also be a valuable tool during the solution implementation phase, serving as a method to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed remedies. By setting up a specific hypothesis about the expected outcome of a solution, organizations can create targeted metrics and KPIs to measure success. For example, if a retail business is facing low customer retention rates, they might implement a loyalty program as a solution. The hypothesis could be that introducing a loyalty program will increase customer retention by at least 15% within six months. The null hypothesis would state that the loyalty program has no significant effect on retention rates. To test this, the company can compare retention metrics from before and after the program’s implementation, possibly even setting up control groups for more robust analysis. By applying statistical tests to this data, the company can determine whether their hypothesis is confirmed or refuted, thereby gauging the effectiveness of their solution and making data-driven decisions for future actions.
  • Tests of Significance
  • Hypothesis testing for the Mean
  • z-statistics vs t-statistics (Khan Academy)

Hypothesis testing quiz

The claim that needs to be established is set as ____________, the outcome of hypothesis testing is _________.

Please select 2 correct answers

P-value is defined as the probability of obtaining the result as extreme given the null hypothesis is true

There is a claim that doing pranayama yoga results in reversing diabetes. which of the following is true about null hypothesis.

In this post, you learned about hypothesis testing and related nuances such as the null and alternate hypothesis formulation techniques, ways to go about doing hypothesis testing etc. In data science, one of the reasons why one needs to understand the concepts of hypothesis testing is the need to verify the relationship between the dependent (response) and independent (predictor) variables. One would, thus, need to understand the related concepts such as hypothesis formulation into null and alternate hypothesis, level of significance, test statistics calculation, P-value, etc. Given that the relationship between dependent and independent variables is a sort of hypothesis or claim , the null hypothesis could be set as the scenario where there is no relationship between dependent and independent variables.

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Hypothesis Testing in Data Science [Types, Process, Example]

Home Blog Data Science Hypothesis Testing in Data Science [Types, Process, Example]

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In day-to-day life, we come across a lot of data lot of variety of content. Sometimes the information is too much that we get confused about whether the information provided is correct or not. At that moment, we get introduced to a word called “Hypothesis testing” which helps in determining the proofs and pieces of evidence for some belief or information.  

What is Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing is an integral part of statistical inference. It is used to decide whether the given sample data from the population parameter satisfies the given hypothetical condition. So, it will predict and decide using several factors whether the predictions satisfy the conditions or not. In simpler terms, trying to prove whether the facts or statements are true or not.   

For example, if you predict that students who sit on the last bench are poorer and weaker than students sitting on 1st bench, then this is a hypothetical statement that needs to be clarified using different experiments. Another example we can see is implementing new business strategies to evaluate whether they will work for the business or not. All these things are very necessary when you work with data as a data scientist.  If you are interested in learning about data science, visit this amazing  Data Science full course   to learn data science.    

How is Hypothesis Testing Used in Data Science?

It is important to know how and where we can use hypothesis testing techniques in the field of data science. Data scientists predict a lot of things in their day-to-day work, and to check the probability of whether that finding is certain or not, we use hypothesis testing. The main goal of hypothesis testing is to gauge how well the predictions perform based on the sample data provided by the population. If you are interested to know more about the applications of the data, then refer to this  D ata  Scien ce course in India  which will give you more insights into application-based things. When data scientists work on model building using various machine learning algorithms, they need to have faith in their models and the forecasting of models. They then provide the sample data to the model for training purposes so that it can provide us with the significance of statistical data that will represent the entire population.  

Where and When to Use Hypothesis Test?

Hypothesis testing is widely used when we need to compare our results based on predictions. So, it will compare before and after results. For example, someone claimed that students writing exams from blue pen always get above 90%; now this statement proves it correct, and experiments need to be done. So, the data will be collected based on the student's input, and then the test will be done on the final result later after various experiments and observations on students' marks vs pen used, final conclusions will be made which will determine the results. Now hypothesis testing will be done to compare the 1st and the 2nd result, to see the difference and closeness of both outputs. This is how hypothesis testing is done.  

How Does Hypothesis Testing Work in Data Science?

In the whole data science life cycle, hypothesis testing is done in various stages, starting from the initial part, the 1st stage where the EDA, data pre-processing, and manipulation are done. In this stage, we will do our initial hypothesis testing to visualize the outcome in later stages. The next test will be done after we have built our model, once the model is ready and hypothesis testing is done, we will compare the results of the initial testing and the 2nd one to compare the results and significance of the results and to confirm the insights generated from the 1st cycle match with the 2nd one or not. This will help us know how the model responds to the sample training data. As we saw above, hypothesis testing is always needed when we are planning to contrast more than 2 groups. While checking on the results, it is important to check on the flexibility of the results for the sample and the population. Later, we can judge on the disagreement of the results are appropriate or vague. This is all we can do using hypothesis testing.   

Different Types of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing can be seen in several types. In total, we have 5 types of hypothesis testing. They are described below:

Hypothesis Testing

1. Alternative Hypothesis

The alternative hypothesis explains and defines the relationship between two variables. It simply indicates a positive relationship between two variables which means they do have a statistical bond. It indicates that the sample observed is going to influence or affect the outcome. An alternative hypothesis is described using H a  or H 1 . Ha indicates an alternative hypothesis and H 1  explains the possibility of influenced outcome which is 1. For example, children who study from the beginning of the class have fewer chances to fail. An alternate hypothesis will be accepted once the statistical predictions become significant. The alternative hypothesis can be further divided into 3 parts.   

  • Left-tailed: Left tailed hypothesis can be expected when the sample value is less than the true value.   
  • Right-tailed: Right-tailed hypothesis can be expected when the true value is greater than the outcome/predicted value.    
  • Two-tailed: Two-tailed hypothesis is defined when the true value is not equal to the sample value or the output.   

2. Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis simply states that there is no relation between statistical variables. If the facts presented at the start do not match with the outcomes, then we can say, the testing is null hypothesis testing. The null hypothesis is represented as H 0 . For example, children who study from the beginning of the class have no fewer chances to fail. There are types of Null Hypothesis described below:   

Simple Hypothesis:  It helps in denoting and indicating the distribution of the population.   

Composite Hypothesis:  It does not denote the population distribution   

Exact Hypothesis:  In the exact hypothesis, the value of the hypothesis is the same as the sample distribution. Example- μ= 10   

Inexact Hypothesis:  Here, the hypothesis values are not equal to the sample. It will denote a particular range of values.   

3. Non-directional Hypothesis 

The non-directional hypothesis is a tow-tailed hypothesis that indicates the true value does not equal the predicted value. In simpler terms, there is no direction between the 2 variables. For an example of a non-directional hypothesis, girls and boys have different methodologies to solve a problem. Here the example explains that the thinking methodologies of a girl and a boy is different, they don’t think alike.    

4. Directional Hypothesis

In the Directional hypothesis, there is a direct relationship between two variables. Here any of the variables influence the other.   

5. Statistical Hypothesis

Statistical hypothesis helps in understanding the nature and character of the population. It is a great method to decide whether the values and the data we have with us satisfy the given hypothesis or not. It helps us in making different probabilistic and certain statements to predict the outcome of the population... We have several types of tests which are the T-test, Z-test, and Anova tests.  

Methods of Hypothesis Testing

1. frequentist hypothesis testing.

Frequentist hypotheses mostly work with the approach of making predictions and assumptions based on the current data which is real-time data. All the facts are based on current data. The most famous kind of frequentist approach is null hypothesis testing.    

2. Bayesian Hypothesis Testing

Bayesian testing is a modern and latest way of hypothesis testing. It is known to be the test that works with past data to predict the future possibilities of the hypothesis. In Bayesian, it refers to the prior distribution or prior probability samples for the observed data. In the medical Industry, we observe that Doctors deal with patients’ diseases using past historical records. So, with this kind of record, it is helpful for them to understand and predict the current and upcoming health conditions of the patient.

Importance of Hypothesis Testing in Data Science

Most of the time, people assume that data science is all about applying machine learning algorithms and getting results, that is true but in addition to the fact that to work in the data science field, one needs to be well versed with statistics as most of the background work in Data science is done through statistics. When we deal with data for pre-processing, manipulating, and analyzing, statistics play. Specifically speaking Hypothesis testing helps in making confident decisions, predicting the correct outcomes, and finding insightful conclusions regarding the population. Hypothesis testing helps us resolve tough things easily. To get more familiar with Hypothesis testing and other prediction models attend the superb useful  KnowledgeHut Data Science full course  which will give you more domain knowledge and will assist you in working with industry-related projects.          

Basic Steps in Hypothesis Testing [Workflow]

1. null and alternative hypothesis.

After we have done our initial research about the predictions that we want to find out if true, it is important to mention whether the hypothesis done is a null hypothesis(H0) or an alternative hypothesis (Ha). Once we understand the type of hypothesis, it will be easy for us to do mathematical research on it. A null hypothesis will usually indicate the no-relationship between the variables whereas an alternative hypothesis describes the relationship between 2 variables.    

  • H0 – Girls, on average, are not strong as boys   
  • Ha - Girls, on average are stronger than boys   

2. Data Collection

To prove our statistical test validity, it is essential and critical to check the data and proceed with sampling them to get the correct hypothesis results. If the target data is not prepared and ready, it will become difficult to make the predictions or the statistical inference on the population that we are planning to make. It is important to prepare efficient data, so that hypothesis findings can be easy to predict.   

3. Selection of an appropriate test statistic

To perform various analyses on the data, we need to choose a statistical test. There are various types of statistical tests available. Based on the wide spread of the data that is variance within the group or how different the data category is from one another that is variance without a group, we can proceed with our further research study.   

4. Selection of the appropriate significant level

Once we get the result and outcome of the statistical test, we have to then proceed further to decide whether the reject or accept the null hypothesis. The significance level is indicated by alpha (α). It describes the probability of rejecting or accepting the null hypothesis. Example- Suppose the value of the significance level which is alpha is 0.05. Now, this value indicates the difference from the null hypothesis. 

5. Calculation of the test statistics and the p-value

P value is simply the probability value and expected determined outcome which is at least as extreme and close as observed results of a hypothetical test. It helps in evaluating and verifying hypotheses against the sample data. This happens while assuming the null hypothesis is true. The lower the value of P, the higher and better will be the results of the significant value which is alpha (α). For example, if the P-value is 0.05 or even less than this, then it will be considered statistically significant. The main thing is these values are predicted based on the calculations done by deviating the values between the observed one and referenced one. The greater the difference between values, the lower the p-value will be.

6. Findings of the test

After knowing the P-value and statistical significance, we can determine our results and take the appropriate decision of whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the facts and statistics presented to us.

How to Calculate Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing can be done using various statistical tests. One is Z-test. The formula for Z-test is given below:  

            Z = ( x̅  – μ 0 )  / (σ /√n)    

In the above equation, x̅ is the sample mean   

  • μ0 is the population mean   
  • σ is the standard deviation    
  • n is the sample size   

Now depending on the Z-test result, the examination will be processed further. The result is either going to be a null hypothesis or it is going to be an alternative hypothesis. That can be measured through below formula-   

  • H0: μ=μ0   
  • Ha: μ≠μ0   
  • Here,   
  • H0 = null hypothesis   
  • Ha = alternate hypothesis   

In this way, we calculate the hypothesis testing and can apply it to real-world scenarios.

Real-World Examples of Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing has a wide variety of use cases that proves to be beneficial for various industries.    

1. Healthcare

In the healthcare industry, all the research and experiments which are done to predict the success of any medicine or drug are done successfully with the help of Hypothesis testing.   

2. Education sector

Hypothesis testing assists in experimenting with different teaching techniques to deal with the understanding capability of different students.   

3. Mental Health

Hypothesis testing helps in indicating the factors that may cause some serious mental health issues.   

4. Manufacturing

Testing whether the new change in the process of manufacturing helped in the improvement of the process as well as in the quantity or not.  In the same way, there are many other use cases that we get to see in different sectors for hypothesis testing. 

Error Terms in Hypothesis Testing

1. type-i error.

Type I error occurs during the process of hypothesis testing when the null hypothesis is rejected even though it is accurate. This kind of error is also known as False positive because even though the statement is positive or correct but results are given as false. For example, an innocent person still goes to jail because he is considered to be guilty.   

2. Type-II error

Type II error occurs during the process of hypothesis testing when the null hypothesis is not rejected even though it is inaccurate. This Kind of error is also called a False-negative which means even though the statements are false and inaccurate, it still says it is correct and doesn’t reject it. For example, a person is guilty, but in court, he has been proven innocent where he is guilty, so this is a Type II error.   

3. Level of Significance

The level of significance is majorly used to measure the confidence with which a null hypothesis can be rejected. It is the value with which one can reject the null hypothesis which is H0. The level of significance gauges whether the hypothesis testing is significant or not.   

P-value stands for probability value, which tells us the probability or likelihood to find the set of observations when the null hypothesis is true using statistical tests. The main purpose is to check the significance of the statistical statement.   

5. High P-Values

A higher P-value indicates that the testing is not statistically significant. For example, a P value greater than 0.05 is considered to be having higher P value. A higher P-value also means that our evidence and proofs are not strong enough to influence the population.

In hypothesis testing, each step is responsible for getting the outcomes and the results, whether it is the selection of statistical tests or working on data, each step contributes towards the better consequences of the hypothesis testing. It is always a recommendable step when planning for predicting the outcomes and trying to experiment with the sample; hypothesis testing is a useful concept to apply.   

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We can test a hypothesis by selecting a correct hypothetical test and, based on those getting results.   

Many statistical tests are used for hypothetical testing which includes Z-test, T-test, etc. 

Hypothesis helps us in doing various experiments and working on a specific research topic to predict the results.   

The null and alternative hypothesis, data collection, selecting a statistical test, selecting significance value, calculating p-value, check your findings.    

In simple words, parametric tests are purely based on assumptions whereas non-parametric tests are based on data that is collected and acquired from a sample.   


Gauri Guglani

Gauri Guglani works as a Data Analyst at Deloitte Consulting. She has done her major in Information Technology and holds great interest in the field of data science. She owns her technical skills as well as managerial skills and also is great at communicating. Since her undergraduate, Gauri has developed a profound interest in writing content and sharing her knowledge through the manual means of blog/article writing. She loves writing on topics affiliated with Statistics, Python Libraries, Machine Learning, Natural Language processes, and many more.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Hypothesis Testing in Business

Business professionals performing hypothesis testing

  • 30 Mar 2021

Becoming a more data-driven decision-maker can bring several benefits to your organization, enabling you to identify new opportunities to pursue and threats to abate. Rather than allowing subjective thinking to guide your business strategy, backing your decisions with data can empower your company to become more innovative and, ultimately, profitable.

If you’re new to data-driven decision-making, you might be wondering how data translates into business strategy. The answer lies in generating a hypothesis and verifying or rejecting it based on what various forms of data tell you.

Below is a look at hypothesis testing and the role it plays in helping businesses become more data-driven.

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What Is Hypothesis Testing?

To understand what hypothesis testing is, it’s important first to understand what a hypothesis is.

A hypothesis or hypothesis statement seeks to explain why something has happened, or what might happen, under certain conditions. It can also be used to understand how different variables relate to each other. Hypotheses are often written as if-then statements; for example, “If this happens, then this will happen.”

Hypothesis testing , then, is a statistical means of testing an assumption stated in a hypothesis. While the specific methodology leveraged depends on the nature of the hypothesis and data available, hypothesis testing typically uses sample data to extrapolate insights about a larger population.

Hypothesis Testing in Business

When it comes to data-driven decision-making, there’s a certain amount of risk that can mislead a professional. This could be due to flawed thinking or observations, incomplete or inaccurate data , or the presence of unknown variables. The danger in this is that, if major strategic decisions are made based on flawed insights, it can lead to wasted resources, missed opportunities, and catastrophic outcomes.

The real value of hypothesis testing in business is that it allows professionals to test their theories and assumptions before putting them into action. This essentially allows an organization to verify its analysis is correct before committing resources to implement a broader strategy.

As one example, consider a company that wishes to launch a new marketing campaign to revitalize sales during a slow period. Doing so could be an incredibly expensive endeavor, depending on the campaign’s size and complexity. The company, therefore, may wish to test the campaign on a smaller scale to understand how it will perform.

In this example, the hypothesis that’s being tested would fall along the lines of: “If the company launches a new marketing campaign, then it will translate into an increase in sales.” It may even be possible to quantify how much of a lift in sales the company expects to see from the effort. Pending the results of the pilot campaign, the business would then know whether it makes sense to roll it out more broadly.

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Key Considerations for Hypothesis Testing

1. alternative hypothesis and null hypothesis.

In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis that’s being tested is known as the alternative hypothesis . Often, it’s expressed as a correlation or statistical relationship between variables. The null hypothesis , on the other hand, is a statement that’s meant to show there’s no statistical relationship between the variables being tested. It’s typically the exact opposite of whatever is stated in the alternative hypothesis.

For example, consider a company’s leadership team that historically and reliably sees $12 million in monthly revenue. They want to understand if reducing the price of their services will attract more customers and, in turn, increase revenue.

In this case, the alternative hypothesis may take the form of a statement such as: “If we reduce the price of our flagship service by five percent, then we’ll see an increase in sales and realize revenues greater than $12 million in the next month.”

The null hypothesis, on the other hand, would indicate that revenues wouldn’t increase from the base of $12 million, or might even decrease.

Check out the video below about the difference between an alternative and a null hypothesis, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more explainer content.

2. Significance Level and P-Value

Statistically speaking, if you were to run the same scenario 100 times, you’d likely receive somewhat different results each time. If you were to plot these results in a distribution plot, you’d see the most likely outcome is at the tallest point in the graph, with less likely outcomes falling to the right and left of that point.

distribution plot graph

With this in mind, imagine you’ve completed your hypothesis test and have your results, which indicate there may be a correlation between the variables you were testing. To understand your results' significance, you’ll need to identify a p-value for the test, which helps note how confident you are in the test results.

In statistics, the p-value depicts the probability that, assuming the null hypothesis is correct, you might still observe results that are at least as extreme as the results of your hypothesis test. The smaller the p-value, the more likely the alternative hypothesis is correct, and the greater the significance of your results.

3. One-Sided vs. Two-Sided Testing

When it’s time to test your hypothesis, it’s important to leverage the correct testing method. The two most common hypothesis testing methods are one-sided and two-sided tests , or one-tailed and two-tailed tests, respectively.

Typically, you’d leverage a one-sided test when you have a strong conviction about the direction of change you expect to see due to your hypothesis test. You’d leverage a two-sided test when you’re less confident in the direction of change.

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4. Sampling

To perform hypothesis testing in the first place, you need to collect a sample of data to be analyzed. Depending on the question you’re seeking to answer or investigate, you might collect samples through surveys, observational studies, or experiments.

A survey involves asking a series of questions to a random population sample and recording self-reported responses.

Observational studies involve a researcher observing a sample population and collecting data as it occurs naturally, without intervention.

Finally, an experiment involves dividing a sample into multiple groups, one of which acts as the control group. For each non-control group, the variable being studied is manipulated to determine how the data collected differs from that of the control group.

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Learn How to Perform Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a complex process involving different moving pieces that can allow an organization to effectively leverage its data and inform strategic decisions.

If you’re interested in better understanding hypothesis testing and the role it can play within your organization, one option is to complete a course that focuses on the process. Doing so can lay the statistical and analytical foundation you need to succeed.

Do you want to learn more about hypothesis testing? Explore Business Analytics —one of our online business essentials courses —and download our Beginner’s Guide to Data & Analytics .

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9 Types of Hypothesis Testing for Six Sigma Data Analysis

Table of content, hypothesis testing and steps involved in it, why is hypothesis testing needed in six sigma, benefits of using hypothesis testing in six sigma, how to choose a hypothesis test for six sigma data analysis.

Hypothesis testing is a statistical technique that tells us whether the tests of our experiment have shown any meaningful results. After hypothesis testing, you can tell whether the test results have happened due to pure chance or a significant intervention. If it is down to chances, it will be difficult or impossible to replicate the results. However, if it is due to a particular instance, knowledge of that will enable us to replicate the results time and again.

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Source:   Medium

In hypothesis testing steps, the person conducting the test states these two hypotheses. Since both are opposites, only one of the two hypotheses can be correct. The alpha and beta risks are also identified as a part of this statistical data analysis. Alpha risk is the risk of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. Beta risk, on the other hand, is the risk of not rejecting an incorrect null hypothesis. 

The next step is to formulate the plan to evaluate the available data to arrive at the correct hypothesis. The tester carries out the plan and analyzes the sample. The tester then summarizes the result from the data analysis tools to find out which of the two hypotheses stands. Based on the data, the tester may reject the null hypothesis or the testing may fail to reject it. This, in short, answers   what hypothesis testing is.

Using statistical techniques and formulae is a part of a Six Sigma manager’s work profile. In a Six Sigma project, the manager makes key decisions based on statistical test inferences. Hypothesis testing allows a greater degree of confidence in these decisions because they are not merely the mathematical differences between two samples.

Let us assume that a Six Sigma project produces thermal power. The quality of coal used as a raw material may influence the wattage of power generated. As the Six Sigma project manager, you want to establish whether there is a statistically significant relationship between the coal grade used and the power generated. With hypothesis testing, you can frame the proper null hypothesis, identify the alpha risk and the beta risk, and calculate the test statistic or p-value. This will help you to arrive at a more informed conclusion on your coal quality and power generation theory.


Hypothesis testing is useful in   measuring the progress of your project   as you strive to improve your product or service. Since it’s a test of significance, hypothesis testing helps you prove whether the data is statistically significant. In terms of Six Sigma hypothesis testing examples, it could be decisive in spotting the improvements in your product or service or the lack of them. 

In a decision made based on a sample study, there is a probability that non-representative samples may flaw the decision. However, a hypothesis test converts a practical problem into a statistical problem, consequently giving us an estimate of the probability of a non-representative sample. 

A process may face problems with centering or problems with spread. In other words, the mean of two processes may be different, or the variances of the two processes may be different. Both are instances of differences in distribution. Hypothesis testing can help us analyze whether the difference between the two data sets is statistically significant.

1) Normality –   Normality tests whether the sample distributes normally. Here the null hypothesis states that the population is normally distributed, while the alternative hypothesis states otherwise. If the p-value of the test is less than the defined significance level, the tester can reject the null hypothesis. 

The sample size is crucial in normality testing. If the sample size is large, a small deviation can project a statistically significant p-value, which will be difficult to detect in case of a small sample size. A Six Sigma project manager would consider the sample size before relying on the normality test result. 

2) T-test –   A T-test compares the respective means of two data groups. In a project, it is useful to find out whether two data sets are different from one another or whether a process or treatment has an effect on the population. In a T-test, the data has to be independent and normally distributed to an aggregable degree. The data groups should have a similar amount of variance. These assumptions are part of the T-test as it is a parametric test of difference. T-tests will make the pairwise comparison only, and other types of hypothesis testing are for more than two groups.

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4) Homogeneity of Variance (HOV) –   HOV tests the homogeneity of variances between populations. With an assumption that variances among different groups are equal, you can pool such groups together to estimate the population variance. With HOV you get a better assurance of this variance homogeneity, which can encourage you to use smaller sample sizes or make better interpretations from the same sample size. 

In the case of two groups, you can assume that the variance would be one (the null hypothesis). Anything other than a variance of one, i.e., equal, would be in support of the alternative hypothesis. In the case of three or more populations, the alternative hypothesis would be that one population variance is different.

5) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) –   ANOVA compares the means of different groups to test if they significantly vary from one another. For instance, in a project, ANOVA can check whether there are multiple approaches to solving a particular problem. The mean, in this case, time taken to solve the problem, of all these approaches will help us find out the effectiveness of each approach. If there are only two groups, T-test and ANOVA will show the same result. The null hypothesis in ANOVA is that no sample means have any significant difference. Any difference in even one sample means would mean rejection of the null hypothesis.

6) Mood’s Median –   Mood’s Median tests the similarity of medians across two or more populations. It is a non-parametric test, which means that it doesn’t make any assumption based on normally distributed data, unlike ANOVA, for instance. Non-parametric tests are a better failsafe against wrong inferences. Nevertheless, it has a null hypothesis as it should, which is that there are no significant differences between the medians under consideration.

7) Welch’s T-test –   Also known as Welch’s Test for Unequal Variances, it checks two sample means for significant differences. The null hypothesis is that the means are equal while the alternative hypothesis is that the means are not equal. In Welch’s test, there is a modification in the degrees of freedom over the student’s T-test. Unlike the T-test, it doesn’t assume equal variances. It is more reliable when both the groups have unequal sample sizes and variances. But statisticians don’t recommend Welch’s T-test for small sample sizes. 

8) Kruskal-Wallis H Test –   Like Mood’s Median, Kruskal-Wallis H Test is a non-parametric variation of ANOVA. The two hypotheses in it are that the population medians are or are not equal. To run this test, the tester uses ranks of the data value, rather than the data values themselves. While Kruskal-Wallis will find out the significant differences between the populations, it doesn’t tell you which groups are, in fact, different. This test assumes there is one independent variable with two or more levels. The observations should be independent, with no relation among data points in different groups. Besides, all the tested groups must have s\distributions of similar shape.   

9) Box-Cox Power Transformation –   Box-Cox Power Transformation allows a broader test diameter, with normality not being a required assumption. It is known as power transformation because it transforms non-normal dependent variables into a normal shape. Box-Cox Power transformation uses an exponent called lambda. Its test value can vary from -5 to 5. Of all the test values of the lambda, the one that’s optimal value has the best approximation of a normal distribution curve.

As can be seen in the different types of hypothesis testing, the purpose of most of these tests are different, or should we say – significantly different. Even in the case of tests that are similar in mechanism and technique, smaller differences are there, whether it’s in the assumptions or the inclusion of an additional element.

Therefore, if you want to compare a population mean with a given standard, or two different population means, a T-test is the test to use. On the other hand, if means of more than two populations need comparing, Six Sigma project managers often use the ANOVA test.

If you are doing a comparison among the variances of two or more populations, the HOV is one of the appropriate tests. On the other hand, comparing the medians of two or more populations can be appropriate for the Mood’s Median test. To compare the differences in output between two or more sub-groups, a Chi-Square Test of Independence is the way to go. 

The choice of the hypothesis depends on the   needs of the Six Sigma data analytics. The broader goal in Six Sigma remains that we have to move the process mean and restrict the standard deviation to a minimum. The decisions are based on sample data because of the cost-effectiveness, rather than an exhaustive study of the total population. Hypothesis testing enables Six Sigma teams to decide whether there are different population parameters, or the difference, if any, is due to sample variations. 

Once the Six Sigma team understands the problem it can correlate the practical difference in outcomes with the statistical differences found in testing. The hypothesis testing identifies the difference. The selection of the test type, in turn, will depend on underlying factors. Is the difference a change in the mean or the variance, for instance?

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Meet Raktim Sharma, a talented writer who enjoys baking and taking pictures in addition to contributing insightful articles. He contributes a plethora of knowledge to our blog with years of experience and skill.

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  • Choosing the Right Statistical Test | Types & Examples

Choosing the Right Statistical Test | Types & Examples

Published on January 28, 2020 by Rebecca Bevans . Revised on June 22, 2023.

Statistical tests are used in hypothesis testing . They can be used to:

  • determine whether a predictor variable has a statistically significant relationship with an outcome variable.
  • estimate the difference between two or more groups.

Statistical tests assume a null hypothesis of no relationship or no difference between groups. Then they determine whether the observed data fall outside of the range of values predicted by the null hypothesis.

If you already know what types of variables you’re dealing with, you can use the flowchart to choose the right statistical test for your data.

Statistical tests flowchart

Table of contents

What does a statistical test do, when to perform a statistical test, choosing a parametric test: regression, comparison, or correlation, choosing a nonparametric test, flowchart: choosing a statistical test, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about statistical tests.

Statistical tests work by calculating a test statistic – a number that describes how much the relationship between variables in your test differs from the null hypothesis of no relationship.

It then calculates a p value (probability value). The p -value estimates how likely it is that you would see the difference described by the test statistic if the null hypothesis of no relationship were true.

If the value of the test statistic is more extreme than the statistic calculated from the null hypothesis, then you can infer a statistically significant relationship between the predictor and outcome variables.

If the value of the test statistic is less extreme than the one calculated from the null hypothesis, then you can infer no statistically significant relationship between the predictor and outcome variables.

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You can perform statistical tests on data that have been collected in a statistically valid manner – either through an experiment , or through observations made using probability sampling methods .

For a statistical test to be valid , your sample size needs to be large enough to approximate the true distribution of the population being studied.

To determine which statistical test to use, you need to know:

  • whether your data meets certain assumptions.
  • the types of variables that you’re dealing with.

Statistical assumptions

Statistical tests make some common assumptions about the data they are testing:

  • Independence of observations (a.k.a. no autocorrelation): The observations/variables you include in your test are not related (for example, multiple measurements of a single test subject are not independent, while measurements of multiple different test subjects are independent).
  • Homogeneity of variance : the variance within each group being compared is similar among all groups. If one group has much more variation than others, it will limit the test’s effectiveness.
  • Normality of data : the data follows a normal distribution (a.k.a. a bell curve). This assumption applies only to quantitative data .

If your data do not meet the assumptions of normality or homogeneity of variance, you may be able to perform a nonparametric statistical test , which allows you to make comparisons without any assumptions about the data distribution.

If your data do not meet the assumption of independence of observations, you may be able to use a test that accounts for structure in your data (repeated-measures tests or tests that include blocking variables).

Types of variables

The types of variables you have usually determine what type of statistical test you can use.

Quantitative variables represent amounts of things (e.g. the number of trees in a forest). Types of quantitative variables include:

  • Continuous (aka ratio variables): represent measures and can usually be divided into units smaller than one (e.g. 0.75 grams).
  • Discrete (aka integer variables): represent counts and usually can’t be divided into units smaller than one (e.g. 1 tree).

Categorical variables represent groupings of things (e.g. the different tree species in a forest). Types of categorical variables include:

  • Ordinal : represent data with an order (e.g. rankings).
  • Nominal : represent group names (e.g. brands or species names).
  • Binary : represent data with a yes/no or 1/0 outcome (e.g. win or lose).

Choose the test that fits the types of predictor and outcome variables you have collected (if you are doing an experiment , these are the independent and dependent variables ). Consult the tables below to see which test best matches your variables.

Parametric tests usually have stricter requirements than nonparametric tests, and are able to make stronger inferences from the data. They can only be conducted with data that adheres to the common assumptions of statistical tests.

The most common types of parametric test include regression tests, comparison tests, and correlation tests.

Regression tests

Regression tests look for cause-and-effect relationships . They can be used to estimate the effect of one or more continuous variables on another variable.

Comparison tests

Comparison tests look for differences among group means . They can be used to test the effect of a categorical variable on the mean value of some other characteristic.

T-tests are used when comparing the means of precisely two groups (e.g., the average heights of men and women). ANOVA and MANOVA tests are used when comparing the means of more than two groups (e.g., the average heights of children, teenagers, and adults).

Correlation tests

Correlation tests check whether variables are related without hypothesizing a cause-and-effect relationship.

These can be used to test whether two variables you want to use in (for example) a multiple regression test are autocorrelated.

Non-parametric tests don’t make as many assumptions about the data, and are useful when one or more of the common statistical assumptions are violated. However, the inferences they make aren’t as strong as with parametric tests.

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This flowchart helps you choose among parametric tests. For nonparametric alternatives, check the table above.

Choosing the right statistical test

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Measures of central tendency
  • Correlation coefficient
  • Null hypothesis


  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Types of interviews
  • Cohort study
  • Thematic analysis

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Survivorship bias
  • Availability heuristic
  • Nonresponse bias
  • Regression to the mean

Statistical tests commonly assume that:

  • the data are normally distributed
  • the groups that are being compared have similar variance
  • the data are independent

If your data does not meet these assumptions you might still be able to use a nonparametric statistical test , which have fewer requirements but also make weaker inferences.

A test statistic is a number calculated by a  statistical test . It describes how far your observed data is from the  null hypothesis  of no relationship between  variables or no difference among sample groups.

The test statistic tells you how different two or more groups are from the overall population mean , or how different a linear slope is from the slope predicted by a null hypothesis . Different test statistics are used in different statistical tests.

Statistical significance is a term used by researchers to state that it is unlikely their observations could have occurred under the null hypothesis of a statistical test . Significance is usually denoted by a p -value , or probability value.

Statistical significance is arbitrary – it depends on the threshold, or alpha value, chosen by the researcher. The most common threshold is p < 0.05, which means that the data is likely to occur less than 5% of the time under the null hypothesis .

When the p -value falls below the chosen alpha value, then we say the result of the test is statistically significant.

Quantitative variables are any variables where the data represent amounts (e.g. height, weight, or age).

Categorical variables are any variables where the data represent groups. This includes rankings (e.g. finishing places in a race), classifications (e.g. brands of cereal), and binary outcomes (e.g. coin flips).

You need to know what type of variables you are working with to choose the right statistical test for your data and interpret your results .

Discrete and continuous variables are two types of quantitative variables :

  • Discrete variables represent counts (e.g. the number of objects in a collection).
  • Continuous variables represent measurable amounts (e.g. water volume or weight).

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Bevans, R. (2023, June 22). Choosing the Right Statistical Test | Types & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/statistics/statistical-tests/

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Hypothesis testing involves formulating assumptions about population parameters based on sample statistics and rigorously evaluating these assumptions against empirical evidence. This article sheds light on the significance of hypothesis testing and the critical steps involved in the process.

What is Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method that is used to make a statistical decision using experimental data. Hypothesis testing is basically an assumption that we make about a population parameter. It evaluates two mutually exclusive statements about a population to determine which statement is best supported by the sample data. 

Example: You say an average height in the class is 30 or a boy is taller than a girl. All of these is an assumption that we are assuming, and we need some statistical way to prove these. We need some mathematical conclusion whatever we are assuming is true.

Defining Hypotheses


Key Terms of Hypothesis Testing


  • P-value: The P value , or calculated probability, is the probability of finding the observed/extreme results when the null hypothesis(H0) of a study-given problem is true. If your P-value is less than the chosen significance level then you reject the null hypothesis i.e. accept that your sample claims to support the alternative hypothesis.
  • Test Statistic: The test statistic is a numerical value calculated from sample data during a hypothesis test, used to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis. It is compared to a critical value or p-value to make decisions about the statistical significance of the observed results.
  • Critical value : The critical value in statistics is a threshold or cutoff point used to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test.
  • Degrees of freedom: Degrees of freedom are associated with the variability or freedom one has in estimating a parameter. The degrees of freedom are related to the sample size and determine the shape.

Why do we use Hypothesis Testing?

Hypothesis testing is an important procedure in statistics. Hypothesis testing evaluates two mutually exclusive population statements to determine which statement is most supported by sample data. When we say that the findings are statistically significant, thanks to hypothesis testing. 

One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Test

One tailed test focuses on one direction, either greater than or less than a specified value. We use a one-tailed test when there is a clear directional expectation based on prior knowledge or theory. The critical region is located on only one side of the distribution curve. If the sample falls into this critical region, the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis.

One-Tailed Test

There are two types of one-tailed test:

\mu \geq 50

Two-Tailed Test

A two-tailed test considers both directions, greater than and less than a specified value.We use a two-tailed test when there is no specific directional expectation, and want to detect any significant difference.

\mu =

What are Type 1 and Type 2 errors in Hypothesis Testing?

In hypothesis testing, Type I and Type II errors are two possible errors that researchers can make when drawing conclusions about a population based on a sample of data. These errors are associated with the decisions made regarding the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.


How does Hypothesis Testing work?

Step 1: define null and alternative hypothesis.


We first identify the problem about which we want to make an assumption keeping in mind that our assumption should be contradictory to one another, assuming Normally distributed data.

Step 2 – Choose significance level


Step 3 – Collect and Analyze data.

Gather relevant data through observation or experimentation. Analyze the data using appropriate statistical methods to obtain a test statistic.

Step 4-Calculate Test Statistic

The data for the tests are evaluated in this step we look for various scores based on the characteristics of data. The choice of the test statistic depends on the type of hypothesis test being conducted.

There are various hypothesis tests, each appropriate for various goal to calculate our test. This could be a Z-test , Chi-square , T-test , and so on.

  • Z-test : If population means and standard deviations are known. Z-statistic is commonly used.
  • t-test : If population standard deviations are unknown. and sample size is small than t-test statistic is more appropriate.
  • Chi-square test : Chi-square test is used for categorical data or for testing independence in contingency tables
  • F-test : F-test is often used in analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare variances or test the equality of means across multiple groups.

We have a smaller dataset, So, T-test is more appropriate to test our hypothesis.

T-statistic is a measure of the difference between the means of two groups relative to the variability within each group. It is calculated as the difference between the sample means divided by the standard error of the difference. It is also known as the t-value or t-score.

Step 5 – Comparing Test Statistic:

In this stage, we decide where we should accept the null hypothesis or reject the null hypothesis. There are two ways to decide where we should accept or reject the null hypothesis.

Method A: Using Crtical values

Comparing the test statistic and tabulated critical value we have,

  • If Test Statistic>Critical Value: Reject the null hypothesis.
  • If Test Statistic≤Critical Value: Fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Note: Critical values are predetermined threshold values that are used to make a decision in hypothesis testing. To determine critical values for hypothesis testing, we typically refer to a statistical distribution table , such as the normal distribution or t-distribution tables based on.

Method B: Using P-values

We can also come to an conclusion using the p-value,


Note : The p-value is the probability of obtaining a test statistic as extreme as, or more extreme than, the one observed in the sample, assuming the null hypothesis is true. To determine p-value for hypothesis testing, we typically refer to a statistical distribution table , such as the normal distribution or t-distribution tables based on.

Step 7- Interpret the Results

At last, we can conclude our experiment using method A or B.

Calculating test statistic

To validate our hypothesis about a population parameter we use statistical functions . We use the z-score, p-value, and level of significance(alpha) to make evidence for our hypothesis for normally distributed data .

1. Z-statistics:

When population means and standard deviations are known.

z = \frac{\bar{x} - \mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}

  • μ represents the population mean, 
  • σ is the standard deviation
  • and n is the size of the sample.

2. T-Statistics

T test is used when n<30,

t-statistic calculation is given by:


  • t = t-score,
  • x̄ = sample mean
  • μ = population mean,
  • s = standard deviation of the sample,
  • n = sample size

3. Chi-Square Test

Chi-Square Test for Independence categorical Data (Non-normally distributed) using:

\chi^2 = \sum \frac{(O_{ij} - E_{ij})^2}{E_{ij}}

  • i,j are the rows and columns index respectively.


Real life Hypothesis Testing example

Let’s examine hypothesis testing using two real life situations,

Case A: D oes a New Drug Affect Blood Pressure?

Imagine a pharmaceutical company has developed a new drug that they believe can effectively lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Before bringing the drug to market, they need to conduct a study to assess its impact on blood pressure.

  • Before Treatment: 120, 122, 118, 130, 125, 128, 115, 121, 123, 119
  • After Treatment: 115, 120, 112, 128, 122, 125, 110, 117, 119, 114

Step 1 : Define the Hypothesis

  • Null Hypothesis : (H 0 )The new drug has no effect on blood pressure.
  • Alternate Hypothesis : (H 1 )The new drug has an effect on blood pressure.

Step 2: Define the Significance level

Let’s consider the Significance level at 0.05, indicating rejection of the null hypothesis.

If the evidence suggests less than a 5% chance of observing the results due to random variation.

Step 3 : Compute the test statistic

Using paired T-test analyze the data to obtain a test statistic and a p-value.

The test statistic (e.g., T-statistic) is calculated based on the differences between blood pressure measurements before and after treatment.

t = m/(s/√n)

  • m  = mean of the difference i.e X after, X before
  • s  = standard deviation of the difference (d) i.e d i ​= X after, i ​− X before,
  • n  = sample size,

then, m= -3.9, s= 1.8 and n= 10

we, calculate the , T-statistic = -9 based on the formula for paired t test

Step 4: Find the p-value

The calculated t-statistic is -9 and degrees of freedom df = 9, you can find the p-value using statistical software or a t-distribution table.

thus, p-value = 8.538051223166285e-06

Step 5: Result

  • If the p-value is less than or equal to 0.05, the researchers reject the null hypothesis.
  • If the p-value is greater than 0.05, they fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Conclusion: Since the p-value (8.538051223166285e-06) is less than the significance level (0.05), the researchers reject the null hypothesis. There is statistically significant evidence that the average blood pressure before and after treatment with the new drug is different.

Python Implementation of Hypothesis Testing

Let’s create hypothesis testing with python, where we are testing whether a new drug affects blood pressure. For this example, we will use a paired T-test. We’ll use the scipy.stats library for the T-test.

Scipy is a mathematical library in Python that is mostly used for mathematical equations and computations.

We will implement our first real life problem via python,

In the above example, given the T-statistic of approximately -9 and an extremely small p-value, the results indicate a strong case to reject the null hypothesis at a significance level of 0.05. 

  • The results suggest that the new drug, treatment, or intervention has a significant effect on lowering blood pressure.
  • The negative T-statistic indicates that the mean blood pressure after treatment is significantly lower than the assumed population mean before treatment.

Case B : Cholesterol level in a population

Data: A sample of 25 individuals is taken, and their cholesterol levels are measured.

Cholesterol Levels (mg/dL): 205, 198, 210, 190, 215, 205, 200, 192, 198, 205, 198, 202, 208, 200, 205, 198, 205, 210, 192, 205, 198, 205, 210, 192, 205.

Populations Mean = 200

Population Standard Deviation (σ): 5 mg/dL(given for this problem)

Step 1: Define the Hypothesis

  • Null Hypothesis (H 0 ): The average cholesterol level in a population is 200 mg/dL.
  • Alternate Hypothesis (H 1 ): The average cholesterol level in a population is different from 200 mg/dL.

As the direction of deviation is not given , we assume a two-tailed test, and based on a normal distribution table, the critical values for a significance level of 0.05 (two-tailed) can be calculated through the z-table and are approximately -1.96 and 1.96.

(203.8 - 200) / (5 \div \sqrt{25})

Step 4: Result

Since the absolute value of the test statistic (2.04) is greater than the critical value (1.96), we reject the null hypothesis. And conclude that, there is statistically significant evidence that the average cholesterol level in the population is different from 200 mg/dL

Limitations of Hypothesis Testing

  • Although a useful technique, hypothesis testing does not offer a comprehensive grasp of the topic being studied. Without fully reflecting the intricacy or whole context of the phenomena, it concentrates on certain hypotheses and statistical significance.
  • The accuracy of hypothesis testing results is contingent on the quality of available data and the appropriateness of statistical methods used. Inaccurate data or poorly formulated hypotheses can lead to incorrect conclusions.
  • Relying solely on hypothesis testing may cause analysts to overlook significant patterns or relationships in the data that are not captured by the specific hypotheses being tested. This limitation underscores the importance of complimenting hypothesis testing with other analytical approaches.

Hypothesis testing stands as a cornerstone in statistical analysis, enabling data scientists to navigate uncertainties and draw credible inferences from sample data. By systematically defining null and alternative hypotheses, choosing significance levels, and leveraging statistical tests, researchers can assess the validity of their assumptions. The article also elucidates the critical distinction between Type I and Type II errors, providing a comprehensive understanding of the nuanced decision-making process inherent in hypothesis testing. The real-life example of testing a new drug’s effect on blood pressure using a paired T-test showcases the practical application of these principles, underscoring the importance of statistical rigor in data-driven decision-making.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what are the 3 types of hypothesis test.

There are three types of hypothesis tests: right-tailed, left-tailed, and two-tailed. Right-tailed tests assess if a parameter is greater, left-tailed if lesser. Two-tailed tests check for non-directional differences, greater or lesser.

2.What are the 4 components of hypothesis testing?

Null Hypothesis ( ): No effect or difference exists. Alternative Hypothesis ( ): An effect or difference exists. Significance Level ( ): Risk of rejecting null hypothesis when it’s true (Type I error). Test Statistic: Numerical value representing observed evidence against null hypothesis.

3.What is hypothesis testing in ML?

Statistical method to evaluate the performance and validity of machine learning models. Tests specific hypotheses about model behavior, like whether features influence predictions or if a model generalizes well to unseen data.

4.What is the difference between Pytest and hypothesis in Python?

Pytest purposes general testing framework for Python code while Hypothesis is a Property-based testing framework for Python, focusing on generating test cases based on specified properties of the code.

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What we know about the xz utils backdoor that almost infected the world, malicious updates made to a ubiquitous tool were a few weeks away from going mainstream..

Dan Goodin - Apr 1, 2024 6:55 am UTC

What we know about the xz Utils backdoor that almost infected the world

On Friday, a lone Microsoft developer rocked the world when he revealed a backdoor had been intentionally planted in xz Utils, an open source data compression utility available on almost all installations of Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. The person or people behind this project likely spent years on it. They were likely very close to seeing the backdoor update merged into Debian and Red Hat, the two biggest distributions of Linux, when an eagle-eyed software developer spotted something fishy.

Further Reading

Researchers have spent the weekend gathering clues. Here's what we know so far.

What is xz Utils?

xz Utils is nearly ubiquitous in Linux. It provides lossless data compression on virtually all Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. xz Utils provides critical functions for compressing and decompressing data during all kinds of operations. xz Utils also supports the legacy .lzma format, making this component even more crucial.

What happened?

Andres Freund, a developer and engineer working on Microsoft’s PostgreSQL offerings, was recently troubleshooting performance problems a Debian system was experiencing with SSH, the most widely used protocol for remotely logging in to devices over the Internet. Specifically, SSH logins were consuming too many CPU cycles and were generating errors with valgrind , a utility for monitoring computer memory.

Through sheer luck and Freund’s careful eye, he eventually discovered the problems were the result of updates that had been made to xz Utils. On Friday, Freund took to the Open Source Security List to disclose the updates were the result of someone intentionally planting a backdoor in the compression software.

It's hard to overstate the complexity of the social engineering and the inner workings of the backdoor. Thomas Roccia, a researcher at Microsoft, published a graphic on Mastodon that helps visualize the sprawling extent of the nearly successful endeavor to spread a backdoor with a reach that would have dwarfed the SolarWinds event from 2020.

data project hypothesis testing

What does the backdoor do?

Malicious code added to xz Utils versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 modified the way the software functions. The backdoor manipulated sshd, the executable file used to make remote SSH connections. Anyone in possession of a predetermined encryption key could stash any code of their choice in an SSH login certificate, upload it, and execute it on the backdoored device. No one has actually seen code uploaded, so it's not known what code the attacker planned to run. In theory, the code could allow for just about anything, including stealing encryption keys or installing malware.

Wait, how can a compression utility manipulate a process as security sensitive as SSH?

Any library can tamper with the inner workings of any executable it is linked against. Often, the developer of the executable will establish a link to a library that's needed for it to work properly. OpenSSH, the most popular sshd implementation, doesn’t link the liblzma library, but Debian and many other Linux distributions add a patch to link sshd to systemd , a program that loads a variety of services during the system bootup. Systemd, in turn, links to liblzma, and this allows xz Utils to exert control over sshd.

How did this backdoor come to be?

It would appear that this backdoor was years in the making. In 2021, someone with the username JiaT75 made their first known commit to an open source project. In retrospect, the change to the libarchive project is suspicious, because it replaced the safe_fprint funcion with a variant that has long been recognized as less secure. No one noticed at the time.

The following year, JiaT75 submitted a patch over the xz Utils mailing list, and, almost immediately, a never-before-seen participant named Jigar Kumar joined the discussion and argued that Lasse Collin, the longtime maintainer of xz Utils, hadn’t been updating the software often or fast enough. Kumar, with the support of Dennis Ens and several other people who had never had a presence on the list, pressured Collin to bring on an additional developer to maintain the project.

In January 2023, JiaT75 made their first commit to xz Utils. In the months following, JiaT75, who used the name Jia Tan, became increasingly involved in xz Utils affairs. For instance, Tan replaced Collins' contact information with their own on oss-fuzz, a project that scans open source software for vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Tan also requested that oss-fuzz disable the ifunc function during testing, a change that prevented it from detecting the malicious changes Tan would soon make to xz Utils.

In February of this year, Tan issued commits for versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 of xz Utils. The updates implemented the backdoor. In the following weeks, Tan or others appealed to developers of Ubuntu, Red Hat, and Debian to merge the updates into their OSes. Eventually, one of the two updates made its way into the following releases, according to security firm Tenable:

There’s more about Tan and the timeline here .

reader comments

Promoted comments.

data project hypothesis testing

It should be noted that the attack only works because Debian and Redhat added functionality to sshd that is not present in it as distributed by its developers. The extra functionality adds systemd interaction, which requires libsystemd which requires liblzma, a component of the (compromised) xz package. One should be wary of distributions adding functionality. Often it increases the attack surface, not only because of the modifications/additions themselves, but also by adding dependencies.
So a prime reason this became potentially exploitable is libsystemd in OpenSSH. Need I say more.
The prime reason is a very well funded and capable attacker looked for a way in. if not xz or systemd then they would have attacked via the next candidate weak point.

data project hypothesis testing

"This developer persona has touched dozens of other pieces of open-source software in the past few years.". Well, I guess the Opensource community have some codes to review. Maybe the xz incident is only the tips of the iceberg.

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Title: vulcan: retreading a tired hypothesis with the 2024 total solar eclipse.

Abstract: The number of planets in the solar system over the last three centuries has, perhaps surprisingly, been less of a fixed value than one would think it should be. In this paper, we look at the specific case of Vulcan, which was both a planet before Pluto was a planet and discarded from being a planet before Pluto was downgraded. We examine the historical context that led to its discovery in the 19th century, the decades of observations that were taken of it, and its eventual fall from glory. By applying a more modern understanding of astrophysics, we provide multiple mechanisms that may have changed the orbit of Vulcan sufficiently that it would have been outside the footprint of early 20th century searches for it. Finally, we discuss how the April 8, 2024 eclipse provides a renewed opportunity to rediscover this lost planet after more than a century of having been overlooked.

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    We study the computational limits of the following general hypothesis testing problem. Let H=H_n be an \\emph{arbitrary} undirected graph on n vertices. We study the detection task between a ``null'' Erdős-Rényi random graph G(n,p) and a ``planted'' random graph which is the union of G(n,p) together with a random copy of H=H_n. Our notion of planted model is a generalization of a plethora of ...

  19. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing with Examples

    Likelihood ratio. In the likelihood ratio test, we reject the null hypothesis if the ratio is above a certain value i.e, reject the null hypothesis if L(X) > 𝜉, else accept it. 𝜉 is called the critical ratio.. So this is how we can draw a decision boundary: we separate the observations for which the likelihood ratio is greater than the critical ratio from the observations for which it ...

  20. What we know about the xz Utils backdoor that almost infected the world

    Getty Images. 130. On Friday, a lone Microsoft developer rocked the world when he revealed a backdoor had been intentionally planted in xz Utils, an open source data compression utility available ...

  21. Vulcan: Retreading a Tired Hypothesis with the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

    The number of planets in the solar system over the last three centuries has, perhaps surprisingly, been less of a fixed value than one would think it should be. In this paper, we look at the specific case of Vulcan, which was both a planet before Pluto was a planet and discarded from being a planet before Pluto was downgraded. We examine the historical context that led to its discovery in the ...