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13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family

13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family

5 Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family

8 advantages of living in a joint family.

In India, the system of a joint family hails from the Vedic times and was popular even when the kings ruled this land. Living in a joint family means adjusting with all the uncles, aunts, and cousins. But, growing up with a set of different individuals, sacrificing your needs for the happiness of a loved one, and fighting over little things, pretty much makes you ready for the world. Joint families still prevail in India, but the number has depleted. Let’s find out what are the pros and cons of living in a joint family.

A family is that ‘umbrella’ whose value is not realised until the stormy clouds loom over you. But, when you look up with a hope that someone will come to your rescue, the first silent approaching steps will be of your family members. This is ‘FAMILY’. You grow up together, learn together; agree-disagree; fight and make-up, move on in your lives, but in the end, when you need someone, you know your siblings and your family will be right there.

India has always been known for its rich culture, various languages, and for the system of living in a joint family. A joint family does not only mean a group of people living together, it means that these people are tied with a blood relation and choose to live in a single household for many reasons – sometimes out of will and sometimes because of compulsion. Although the tradition of living in a joint family is shrinking with time, if you go in small cities and village of the country, where the roots of westernisation have still not touched, you will find many families living together as ‘one’ with a Basil/Tulsi plant in their yard. It might seem that you are watching a ’90s movie but it will be there.

With time the culture of living in a joint family is certainly plummeting in huge numbers, but why is that? Have you ever wondered why people now prefer living in nuclear families over a joint family? It is not just about privacy…there are many factors responsible, but are these reasons really justified? Does living alone or with just 2 people make you any happier?

Nuclear families are the deal of the day, there are many reasons for that. Let’s get you acquainted with the cons of living in joint family. It will present a better picture to let you decide if you want to settle for it or not:

1. Privacy is Compromised

Lack of privacy is a common complaint among people who live in a joint family. You are never alone. If you are distressed and want to be alone and cry to let it out, you’d prefer crying in your bed and telling your sad stories to your pillow. But that’s not possible if you are living in a joint family. Everyone knows everything about all the members of the family and this leads to interference in daily matters. More often than not, this interference is not appreciated and people end up hiding things so that others mind their own business. You will always be surrounded by people and they will try to help you for your sake, but sometimes it gets too much.

2. A small Decision Runs by Everyone

The problem of living in a joint family is even a small decision has to go through and get a green signal by every member of the family, particularly the head of the family. Whether it is about going out after 7 at night or a sleepover at a friend’s place. Sometimes, even trivial matters are given so much attention that it annoys you.

3. Financial Responsibility

In a joint family, it is about ‘us’. When it comes to financial responsibility, usually, the ‘Karta’ (the head of the family) handles financial matters while other male members of the family contribute. However, many times it happens that the burden of 2 or more families is on the ‘Karta’ of the family, and other members become idle and the burden on one person only increases.

4. Interference in Parenting

Living in a joint family sometimes deprives you of taking right decisions for your child. As a mother, you might not get to parent your child the way you want to, because there will be others in the house who will keep teaching you about what to do and what not to do. This may create hindrance in your style of parenting and ultimately it fuels your anger.

5. Woes of a Common Kitchen

Generally, in a joint family, all female members cook together and for all. When it comes to food, everyone has different choices and catering to the demands of all often makes them tired. Also, people cannot cook what they want and they have to strictly adhere to the rules of the family. If the family is a vegetarian one, then it will be very difficult to cook an egg or non-vegetarian food in the same kitchen.

These were certain cons of living in a joint family. Of course, living together is difficult because in a joint family you have to put someone else’s needs before yours, you have to compromise but all these situations make you a better person.

Your privacy will be compromised but there is a lot more than it that you will receive living in a joint family that you will always want to live in one. Here are some pros of growing up in a joint family that you would always cherish them:

1. A child is Never Lonely

If you are a working mom living in a joint family, you can rest assured of your child’s daily needs. If you are worried about who will serve him food or take care of him when he is sick, you need not. As you know in a joint family, there will always be people to take good care of him.

2. Happiness Doubles

If you have ever lived in a joint family, you must have experienced that sharing little joys and achievements with your family members makes them so happy. Even small achievements are rejoiced by one and all. And in the moments of sorrow, your family is always there to support you.

3. You Learn The Art of Sharing

If you notice a child raised in a nuclear family and the one raised in a joint family, you will observe difference in their behaviour. A kid brought up with many people is obviously more social but he also has a habit of sharing. Living in a joint family inculcates the habit of sharing from childhood. If your child has a chocolate, he will know that he has to distribute it among his siblings and cousins. As a kid, he might not like to share it, but it only prepares him for the future. The habit of giving and sharing makes you a person who is liked by all. Living in a joint family makes you focus on ‘we’ than on ‘me’.

4. You Learn to Respect

Growing up in a family with so many elders develops a sense of respect for others. Keeping your tongue in check around elders, respecting them, and obeying their commands…somehow shapes your personality. And a person who shows respects and treats others with respect is always appreciated.

5. Education Beyond Books

The education of a child living with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents is not only restricted to academics and school but the horizon of his education is much wider. Living with grandparents, a child gets acquainted with the world of their times. With aunts and uncles, he gets familiar with their struggles. All in all, living in a joint family makes one understand that there is more to education than just school books.

6. Love and Care

The amount of love and care that one receives in a joint family cannot be uttered in words. If you are sick or sad, you will never find yourself alone. There will always be people to take care of you. It is the major benefit of living in a joint family; the love you receive is immeasurable and something you can never pay off.

7. The Feeling of Togetherness

If you live in a joint family, you can be sure that your child will never be bored or feel alone. He will always have cousins as his partners in crime. He will never be deprived of friends as he will always have his cousins to play with. As he grows, his bond with his cousins will only get better. In the lonely crowded world, your child will always have someone to share his problems.

8. One Becomes Socially Adept

A person coming from a joint family knows how to communicate with people of different age groups. Living with elders, siblings/cousins, nephews and nieces moulds his personality. All these basic elements of communication which are necessary for living happily in a society are inculcated in him right from the start when he lives in a joint family.

So, there were some benefits of growing up in a family with different individuals. If you have lived in a nuclear family adjusting with many people will be hard. But, choose wisely. It’s not as bad as you think it to be.

In this modern world, where a family is restricted to just 4 members, living in a joint family will obviously pose a challenge. But, if you want to make your life fun and experience the joy of togetherness, consider living in a joint family. There will be feuds, compromises, sacrifices, but at the end of the day, you will have a lot more people to depend on.

So, make a wise decision and remember that you can always overcome pitfalls with patience and love. After all, a joint family also has some wonderful benefits, especially for your kids whose grandparents adore them!

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Here Are The Many Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family

Growing up in a joint family can have a significant influence on a child. So, is a joint family setup the right choice? Examine the characteristics of a joint family and take an informed decision.

Here Are The Many Advantages And Disadvantages Of Joint Family

The joint family is a beautiful institution—most of us have grown up listening to this idea and believing in it as well. Our movies portray a joint family as one where everyone eats together, laughs together, and supports each other during both good and bad times.

Like every other social system, the joint family system also has its share of advantages and disadvantages. But, the importance of a joint family is still acknowledged by many. Even in this age of the nuclear family, the joint family system exists and remains relevant.

What is a joint family?

In India, a joint family is usually a large undivided family where members of more than one generation live together under one roof (grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, and their children).

As with every system, the family structure is also evolving. Some reasons for this change are scarcity of living space, an increase in the number of households where both partners work, a jump in the number of single parents, and so on. But, even with changing times, a sizable number of Indians still seem to be inclined towards the joint family system.

So, is the joint family a good or bad system? Let's delve deeper to understand what is keeping this old system alive, evolving, and relevant.

Characteristics of a joint family

  • The family is usually headed by the eldest member of the family.
  • The responsibility of making decisions rests with the head of the family, although family members can give suggestions.
  • The family members share a single kitchen
  • All the members are expected to contribute financially towards running the family.
  • All the members have to share the household chores.
  • They should cooperate with and support each other, making the system have its share of both merits and demerits.
  • After marriage, the children also live in the same house along with other family members.

Advantages of a joint family

  • Togetherness : Growing up with cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents gives children the opportunity to connect with everyone and forge close bonds. Especially, the bond with grandparents, which almost every child cherishes. This feature is among the key characteristics of a joint household.
  • Imbibing family values : Many values that parents want to teach children are taught well in the joint household. Growing up together, children learn to share, care for and respect everyone. They also learn how to empathize with those around them.
  • Shared support system : For working parents, who need someone trustworthy to be around their children, this family system is a boon. With uncles, aunts, or grandparents around, who care for children and have their best interest in mind, parents feel less worried. Thus, they have the freedom to make time to socialize, catch up with each other at a private dinner, or hang out with friends.
  • Division of labor : A big family works as a big team, especially when it comes to doing household chores like cooking or cleaning. Family members get together and ensure that tasks are done on time and, sometimes, even before time. As a result, no family member ever feels stressed about work.
  • Financial security : All the earning family members contribute to the common fund for household expenses. This system also acts as a security net. When a member suffers monetary loss or loss of job, others get together to ensure that his or her daily needs are taken care of.

Importance of the joint family

The joint family:

  • Teaches cooperation and optimum use of resources
  • Helps members understand and bond with each other
  • Teaches the concept of "one for all and all for one"
  • Makes elders feel wanted and supported

Disadvantages of a joint family

  • Lack of together time/privacy : With many family members around, the lack of privacy and/or together time, can become an issue. If a particular family member is called up frequently to shoulder responsibilities, it can lead to disharmony in married life. Also, in a joint household, a couple always has to be mindful about being watched and heard when they want to exchange a compliment or a gesture or engage in a discussion or an argument.
  • Decreased freedom to express : A couple, especially a woman, might struggle with finding her comfort zone outside her room. She might not have a say in many aspects like deciding on food choices, decorating the house or even, wearing something that is comfortable for her and stepping out of her room. At times, her ideas may also be dismissed by other family members.
  • Disagreement on finances : Contributions towards running the household and how the money should be spent is a major issue in joint households. While everyone is expected to contribute money towards running the house, it is the head of the family who controls the funds and decides on how the money will be spent. Sometimes, the decisions taken by the head of the family may not go down well with some family members, leading to disagreements and arguments.
  • Conflicts over parenting styles : Parenting becomes a challenge in a big family. Many adults with differing styles may bombard parents with advice on what to do and what not. There might be interference in almost everything related to childcare and upbringing, right from the use of diapers to food to disciplining. For a new mom, such intrusions can prove to be even more confusing and upsetting.
  • Discontent and distress : Over a period, all or some of the above factors might lead to discontent and unhappiness among members of the family. Along with these, even trivial issues like not being able to make a dish as per one's own recipe or inviting a friend over for a birthday bash can snowball into a confrontation. At times, a family member may try to take undue advantage of others, which can also cause immense frustration. Also, those who earn more than others may try to dominate, leading to friction among family members.

The HUF Act

The relevance of the joint family is supported by the HUF (Hindu Undivided Family) Act in India. This law states that a Hindu family can come together and create a HUF. However, all the members of a HUF should descend from a common ancestor. Along with other advantages, a HUF also enjoys tax benefits. Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs can also form a HUF.

Preferred family structure

No family system in the world is perfect, and the same is true for a joint family. However, there are families that make the system work by demarcating responsibilities and duties, respecting each other, and being generous and helpful. In the end, it boils down to what we want for ourselves and our children, and what is feasible.

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Joint Family | Advantages & Disadvantages | Essay

December 10, 2017 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Joint family can be defined as a place or unit where the grandparents, father, mother, sons, daughters, grandchildren, uncles, aunts stay together. Family is very important in our life. It means everything to us. Our needs are fulfilled by our family. They support us during both our happy and sad times.

No matter what happens our family will always be there beside us. They take care of us every day. We grow and develop with the different values taught in our family. When we are small children, our parents and elders sacrifice for us so that our needs are fulfilled and we stay happy.

They do a lot for us. So, we should always respect our family and love them. We should take care of them when needed and always obey them. We should always remain united with the family and help any of the members in need.  

Family may of different forms. Some of them are joint family, nuclear family, extended family, single parent family etc. These days all of them are popular.  

Table of Contents

What is joint family?  

Joint family is very rare in the present day. Its existence is decreasing with time. But we can still see some joint families in a few areas. Joint family refers to the family where three or more generations stay together. Like the family includes the grandparents, their children and their grandchildren.

Everyone stay under the same roof with a common property, rights and obligations. In a joint family, all the members eat, pray and celebrate together. They are always there for each other. In a joint family, the grandfather or the eldest male member is the head. He is the one who takes all the major decisions of the family. His decision is always taken into consideration.   

Why is joint family important?  

A joint family has several advantages. In a joint family, the wealth is distributed equally among all the members. Even if any of the members earn more than the other, still the wealth is given equally to all. There is economy and expenditure in this type of family.

This means that all the necessary items and resources that the family needs is bought as a whole not for a single person. All the members contribute equally for the expenditures. Only one member who earns the highest does not take the burden of paying for everyone.   

There is social security in a joint family. For example: If a member of the family falls sick or meets with accident or is disturbed by any problem, the entire family takes care of the member. Only one person is not responsible to take care of that person.

Or if the eldest member of the family is retired, he does not have to worry anymore because the family is there to take care. As there are three or more generations in a joint family, the children get to learn different values and culture from everyone.

This way even the culture of the family is carried forward. The children are loved and taken care of equally. The parents do not have to worry about their children when they go to work because the grandparents are there to take care of them. If any one member from the family need financial help or suggestions for job or to start a business, all the members contribute to solve the problem. All the works are divided equally.  

Staying in a joint family everyone learns to share things rather than being selfish and helping each other in need. The family celebrates together during the festivals. They enjoy and have fun together. The children get to study and play together. The family is always there to support. They spend quality time together.  

Disadvantages of a joint family  

Every single thing on this earth will have disadvantages along with its advantages. So, even a joint family has many disadvantages. There is no individuality. Due to this a member cannot focus to develop one’s own personality. The personal development is hindered.

There is no privacy. They do not have much freedom. In a joint family, all the members contribute equally for the family. But some of the members may become lazy to contribute and work hard. They know even if they do not work hard, still they will get everything in front of them.

Every person has different personality, opinions and the way to understand things which may create conflict. The members of the family earn different.

Some may have a high income while some may earn less. Due to this there are chances of being jealous with each other. In most of the joint families, women are not allowed to work outside. Their life is just about the household chores.   

As there are three or more generations staying together, there is age difference among the members of the people. Due to this age difference there are changes of conflict to take place.

This might happen because the elders or the old members of the family may not be ready to adapt the changes like the young people. Sometimes a single person is burdened with a lot of work. As the eldest male member of the people takes all the major decisions, the members may start to fight because they do not support a particular decision.

Sometimes the parents feel that their children are not able to get sufficient love, care and necessary facilities. The reason behind this is that there are so many people to take care due to which the children are suffering.  

Does joint family still exist?  

The visibility of joint family in the present day is very less compared to before. There are many reasons to the less visibility of joint family. The family might have separated due to urbanization, search for proper education and job, to get all the necessary facilities etc.

There must have been troubles in the family due to which they had to settle somewhere else. Due to over population there might be less space for everyone to stay and live. This is another reason contributing to disintegration of the family.

The members of the family do not like to make adjustment for someone else. In most of the joint families, women are allowed to study further or even if they study it is of no importance. But her education is necessary for the upbringing of the children. So, the women of today after marriage are staying separately with their husband.   

As the number of joint families is decreasing, this is giving birth to other forms of family like nuclear family, single parent family etc. These forms of family might be a benefit for some but the advantages which a joint family has can never be replaced.  

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family  

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Joint families are like music with high and low notes. If you want to know the advantages and disadvantages of a joint family, this post will help. One of the plus points for children who grow up in joint families is to make close bonds with their family members besides their siblings and parents.

Despite the recent trend of nuclear families and growing urbanization, many still prefer joint families for various reasons . In this post, we talk about some advantages and disadvantages of a joint family.

10 Advantages Of Being In A Joint Family

A joint family has more people than a nuclear family, and hence, the perks and benefits are multiplied. Listed here are a few benefits you can reap by being part of a joint family.

1. Shared chores

A family is like a big team, a collaboration where everyone plays their part. You don’t have to do everything on your own. Household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, washing, or buying groceries, will be shared by family members, thereby lessening the burden on one individual.

Growing up together in a joint family , children learn the division of labor and work together to achieve a common goal . In the long run, working together as a team is an upside as it will help children hone social skills and learn teamwork, a crucial aspect of their overall personality development.

2. Sharing becomes a habit

In a joint family, one learns to accommodate others and share what they have. In a joint family, people do things together. They share the expenses, groceries, household appliances, and furnishings with the rest of the family. Kids are encouraged to share whatever they get with their siblings as well as cousins . The concept of ’sharing is caring’ becomes the norm in a joint family, it leads to one’s betterment, making every individual less self-centered and more generous.

3. Less financial stress as everyone contributes

One of the ground rules in a joint family system is that members should share the financial expenses equally . This is one of the bonus points of living in a joint family. Every earning member contributes to the family’s larger goals, including house maintenance, grocery spending, rents, monthly power, and water bills so that a single individual does not feel the burden. Each member tries their best to provide all they can for the people in their family financially.

4. Stronger emotional bond

In a nuclear family, you may rarely meet your cousins, grandparents, or even parents and siblings with whom you share a strong bond. One of the positives of living in a joint family is that you get to spend a lot of time together, strengthening the relationships among all members. A joint family system creates a strong bond of unity at an early age.

5. Family values

Image: IStock

In a joint family, the value system becomes the core. Elders follow certain principles, and children may naturally inherit the value system. Children learn the lessons of ethics and morality under the guidance of the elders. Another merit of a joint family is if something goes against the family values, the elders correct it immediately, ensuring that the family’s values are not compromised.

6. Good support system

For many, home is not just a place; it’s an emotion. It’s their comfort zone, their go-to destination at the end of a day. A joint family home is filled with people who love and support you, giving you the strength for all your endeavors. All individuals are committed to safeguarding each other’s welfare. A home with compassionate aunts, uncles, and grandparents can be comforting and helpful when dealing with a financial or emotional crisis. An added feature of a joint-family home is the sense of community and belonging it provides.

7. Improved social skills

No two people are the same, even though they belong to the same family. You will find members with different personalities, likes, dislikes, and temperaments in a joint family. You cannot deal with every member of the family in the same manner. You adapt yourself to communicate or work together with each individual according to their style. This also gives you a unique perspective towards life and people, thus improving your social skills and acumen, which are essential when you have to deal with others outside your home.

An important social skill is teamwork. Ankur Kashyap, in his blog ’My experience of growing up in a joint family’, says “I have apple orchards at my hometown in Shimla. I remember we all family members together used to do all apple related work by ourselves. Your work gets divided when you work together. No matter how tough or complicated the work is, if you work as a team, you can easily complete that work ( i ).”

8. Practical lessons

Elders of the family can be the repository of knowledge and wisdom, and their usefulness cannot be overstated. When you live in a joint family, the insight you gain from the elders is something that you may not even find in self-help books. Grandparents with vast experience, judgment, and knowledge can guide you in transforming your life.

9. Quality time with the family

The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us to value life, family, and health. Mother Nature pushed us back to where we belong – our home and our family. More people could spend quality time with their families, as they went back to their hometowns owing to the lockdown. Children couldn’t go to school, but they learned a lot from their parents.

In a joint family, the learning multiplies as children get to spend such quality time with their parents and their grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. Joint families let you have good times and create memories every day, with or without the pandemic.

10. Love and bonding

When you’re living in a joint family, your kids are never alone, which means you don’t have to rely on babysitters to take care of them while you go to work. They are always in safe hands and will be taken care of with love and affection.

10 Disadvantages Of Living In A Joint Family

The joint family system comes with certain disadvantages too. Discussed here are a few negative sides of living in a joint family.

1. Lack of privacy

In a joint family, privacy could be the biggest causality. A newlywed couple may not get enough space and time to talk, considering the many people around them. People who love their independence may feel claustrophobic living with so many new people.

A personal matter could become the entire family’s business, and there could be too many interventions or interference than one may like. Younger family members may not get TV privileges, with the older ones always around. You might miss sharing the same couch to binge watch TV shows during your weekends; you may not be able to cook together and eat alone.

2. Personal preferences may take a back seat

You may want to decorate the home as per your taste. You may want new furniture or home appliances, but you may not have the freedom to get what you want or deck the house as you wish. Even a simple thing like wanting something specific to eat could become difficult when you have to consider what the rest of the family members like or don’t like.

3. Single point of control

The head of the family is usually in charge of everything in a joint family. In such a set-up, you may feel dependent on others and that others are controlling your life . Living in a joint family could be difficult if you are an independent person.

4. Parenting style issues

Although children learn from the wisdom and knowledge of elders, there could be some interference in your parenting style. Members of the family could interfere with your choice of food for the children. A lot of advice, do’s, and don’ts may come your way. This could make you feel uncomfortable if you prefer to bring up your children in your own way.

5. Difference of opinion

Clash of ideas or opinions could be quite common when you’re surrounded by different individuals. Every individual has an opinion, and it may be hard to convince everyone in the family to agree with it. If your idea is not valued, you may feel offended. This could lead to conflict, misunderstanding and may add some edge between you and the members of the family.

6. No preference for individual decisions

Individual decisions have no place in a joint family. You have to heed to the family’s collective decision, which can sometimes mean that you have to sacrifice your personal choices or preferences.

7. Financial differences

Differences may crop up over the earning potential of family members as one individual may earn more than the other. Consequently, the member who makes less contributes less to the family’s expenses, which could lead to conflict in who has a say in these matters and eventually, lead to differences.

8. Less modern approach

Joint families are often a mix of individuals with conservative and modern outlook. In a joint family, it is not uncommon to witness a clash between the orthodox opinions of the elderly versus the modern perspective of the younger generation. Often, the older people in the family have the last word, and they hold on to their set approach, giving little chance for the younger members to express their viewpoint. This could be a source of disturbance in the family.

9. Not everyone feels responsible

A joint family works on the basis of collective or shared responsibility. Unemployed members can put pressure on family expenses. Some members may not be responsible enough to contribute to the family’s larger goals, and the earning family members could feel its pinch. The shifting of the financial burden to one or a few individuals could create some disturbance and conflict in the family.

10. Might affect the personality

There is little scope for independent thinking as the elders of the family take a call on everything. As a result, individuals who follow the elders’ diktat may remain mere followers and could never get a chance to unlock their true potential or follow their passion.

Due to the need for more independence and addressing their own needs, people tend to move out of joint families while still keeping in touch with them. This has led to the growth of nuclear families, with more and more joint families disintegrating due to various factors, including migration for jobs and better living.

The choice of living in a joint family mostly depends on how well you can adjust. This type of family set up works well for individuals who can adapt to any situation and accommodate all kinds of people. If you believe in greater independence and self-sufficiency, then a nuclear family may work well for you.

Why Are People Moving From Joint Families To Nuclear Families?

Several factors influence the transition to nuclear families:

1. Urban employment opportunities: Better job opportunities attract individuals to move away from joint families and pursue their careers in growing cities. 2. Individual independence: The desire to establish independence is one key factor. Many individuals choose nuclear families to pursue personal interests, careers, or businesses, deviating from traditional family professions. 3. Equality in nuclear families: Nuclear families often promote gender equality, allowing both men and women to make decisions and lead independent lives. This contrasts with traditional setups where roles may be predefined. 4. Autonomy and decision-making: In nuclear families, individuals are free to make decisions without interference from extended family members. This autonomy is valued as people seek to live life on their own terms. 5. Personal lifestyle choices: People desire the freedom to shape their lifestyles according to their preferences. Living in nuclear families allows them to make choices without external imposition.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the characteristics of a joint family?

Some of the characteristics of a joint family are a shared kitchen, joint property, and large family size with at least three generations living together. Joint families also generally have common worship, a firm head of the family, shared responsibilities, and a common and shared wallet for household expenses.

2. How do you introduce a joint family?

When introducing a joint family to a new person, begin by introducing the heads of the family, generally the grandparents, followed by the parents, other elders, and then siblings and cousins.

3. How can I address issues related to privacy and personal space in a joint family?

Have a respectful and open conversation to communicate your concerns and privacy needs. Call for a family meeting and discuss different options to help everyone have their personal space within the home, such as designated private zones and time when the members can engage in independent activities. Additionally, use dividers or curtains to enhance privacy and go for walks to have some me-time.

4. What are some strategies for effective communication in a joint family

One way to communicate effectively in a joint family is by having daily meals together while sharing each other’s experiences of the day. You may also host family meetings to discuss vacation plans, upcoming birthdays, and anniversaries. Furthermore, take time to sit and talk with each other at least once a day to create a comfortable environment for each other to seek and provide support in times of need.

5. How can I adjust to living in a joint family, especially if I am used to living in a nuclear family?

You may begin with understanding the dynamics of the members in the joint family and gradually get to know each one. Try to understand their perspectives and respect their values and traditions. However, you should also respectfully establish your personal boundaries to avoid arguments and misunderstandings. Although it may seem difficult initially, be adaptable and try to find common ground to spend quality time and foster closer relationships.

Families play a crucial role in our lives. Unfortunately, as people become more isolated and disconnected from even their closest relatives, joint families have become a rare occurrence. In contrast to nuclear families, joint families are larger in size and live together under one roof.

Infographic: Ways To Strengthen Bonds In A Joint Family

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Get the high-quality PDF version of this infographic.

Key Pointers

  • Compared to a nuclear family, a joint family nurtures an emotional bond and teaches sharing between the members.
  • Staying in a joint family could compromise privacy and financial insecurities.
  • Knowing the pros and cons could help you decide about living in a joint family.

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

Personal Experience: Sources

i. My experience of growing up in a joint family;

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Joint Family: Meaning, Advantages and Disadvantages

Category: Indian Society On October 21, 2013 By Sanjoy Roy

The meaning, advantages and disadvantages of joint family has been discussed in this article. Hope that you will find it useful.

What is the meaning of Joint Family?

A joint family (also undivided family, joint household, extended family system) is a large undivided family where more than one generation live together in a common house.

A joint family is a form of family where the grand-parents, father, mother, and children live unitedly under one roof. In such form of family system, every member:

  • is expected to make some financial contribution to the common fund,
  • share common rights in the household property,
  • make efforts to safeguard the common property,
  • co-operate, respect, and support each other,
  • eat the food made at the common kitchen, and
  • make their daily expenditure from common fund.

In such form of families, the son doesn’t distant himself after getting married. Instead, he lives with his wife and children in the same house along with his other family members.

The eldest male member is usually the head of the joint family. His power and functions are like that of a trustee. He is entitled to take economic and social decisions on behalf of the family.

Also read:  Importance of Joint Family

Advantages of Joint Family

The advantages of a joint family are more than one can count.

  • It is the best pattern of living that is most conducive to the growth.
  • It is based on a principle of fair economy. It holds it as a rule of creation that all men are not equal. Naturally it imposes a kind of unwritten discipline that those who are more able economically shall share some of the burden of those who are not.
  • The joint mess, naturally, runs on an understanding of mutual adjustment. Naturally those who are benefited by the generosity of others remain obliged and grateful.
  • Similarly in a big joint family the study groups of boys and girls are formed according to their age matching. Naturally the cousins study together, play together, quarrel together and are even punished together. As a result there grows in them a feeling of camaraderie that is free from any discrimination of one being a full brother or a cousin.
  • In marriages also the grooms for marriageable girls become a concern for all the elders in the family. Even if a daughter of a junior brother is selected by someone because of her beauty or brilliance, he would not agree to her marriage until her senior cousin sister is married.
  • The basic necessities of all the family members are taken care of. Each member is guaranteed the minimum subsistence for living.
  • It supports all the members of the family. Old and elderly people are respected. Proper care is taken for old, widowed, physically weak and disabled family members.
  • As such the disciplines in a joint family are self-imposed on its members. The head of the big family almost becomes its patriarch. The family prospers squarely if the patriarch and the other constituents observe the norms soundly and healthily.
  • Joint Family is an empowered form of family. The unity among its members is a great strength to face and remove any obstacles with sheer courage.
  • Finally, the spirit of oneness prevails in a Joint family system.

Disadvantages of Joint Family

But it has disadvantages too.

  • It often creates parasites who love to feed on other’s income. They exploit the goodness and principled behaviour of its partners.
  • Sometimes some crooked member of the family plot to torture and exploit another innocent member of the family.
  • High earning members often insults the low earning members.
  • The cost of education has gone up high. The high earning members often want their children to study in costly schools but they don’t want to share the burden of the children of the other members of the family.
  • In large families, most of important decisions are made by the head of the family. Since, all the individuals within the family doesn’t get the opportunity to participate in major decisions of the family, they often feel lost or develop a feeling of inferiority complex.

The separation of families was evident in the joint families themselves. It happens when feelings of generosity, charity, and fellow-feeling are not balanced by strong moral line, character and farsightedness. Joint family can be run successfully if the members remain committed to each other. The felling of togetherness and selflessness is the essence of joint family.

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Joint Family Advantages and Disadvantages

15 Joint Family Advantages and Disadvantages (Real Experience)

I personally lived in a joint family for 21 years until I joined my job and moved to a different city. Hence, this article on Joint family advantages and disadvantages is written with practical experiences, not a theoretical write-up like hundreds of articles available on the internet.

I request you post your opinion in the comments – it helps me and other readers to understand if the details shared in this article are true or not. Feel free to criticize if you think there is something wrong.

Article Contents

A Brief About My Joint Family

My father has 3 brothers and he is the 3rd son of my grandparents. Each couple has 2 children. So, it’s a total of 4 couples of 8 children plus my grandparents (a total of 18 people) living together in a big house for over 20 years.

The joint family concept is very popular in India. People are following this concept since the Vedic times. It was even popular when the British were ruling our land. Joint families have various advantages and disadvantages . Not everything suits everyone. If you are living in a joint family, then you need to adjust with your aunts, uncles, and cousins.

However, there can be many advantages to living with different individuals. You need to sacrifice your needs. Also, you can fight over small things with your cousins. Joint families are still very popular in India. However, the number of joint families is decreasing very rapidly.

A family is very important for everyone. We don’t understand the value of family until we are going through tough times . If someone will come to your rescue, then it will be your family members first. You grow up with your cousins. Sometimes you might even fight with time. After some time you will eventually move on with your lives. However, you know that your family and cousins will always help you in tough times.

Happy Family

India is famous due to its rich culture. Many people think that a joint family only means that a group of people is living under the same roof. However, these people are actually tied by blood relations. The tradition of the joint family is decreasing with time.

You will find that many families in the villages are still living together. However, this concept is slowly shrinking in urban areas . There are various factors behind this phenomenon. Sometimes people want to live alone. However, can you stay happy if you are not living with your family? In this article, we are going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Joint family

Joint Family vs Nuclear Family LinkedIn Survey Results

We have conducted a survey on LinkedIn to understand what people prefer between a joint family and a nuclear family. The results are interesting – 60% preferred joint family and 40% preferred nuclear family.

  • More women preferred the nuclear family than women who preferred a joint family.
  • More men preferred joint family than the men who preferred nuclear family.

Joint Family vs Nuclear Family LinkedIn Survey Results

Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Family – Comparison List

10 advantages of joint family.

There are many advantages to living in a joint family. Some of the benefits of living in a joint family are:

1. Your child will never feel lonely

A joint family is perfect for children. You can easily go to work without worrying about your child’s needs. Your family will serve him food. Also, they will take good care of them. Your child can also play with his cousins. Thus, he will never feel lonely in your house. He will always have permanent friends.

2. You will learn the importance of sharing

Kids Sharing and Caring Each Other

You will notice many differences between the children that are raised in a joint family and in a nuclear family. If your child is raised in a joint family, then he will be more social. Also, he will have a very good habit of sharing things. They share their things with their cousins. Thus, they have a habit of sharing since childhood.

Your child will share his chocolate with his siblings before eating it. He might not like sharing things with his cousins. However, this will prepare him for the real world. If you are sharing your things, then people will automatically like you. The joint family will help you in understanding the importance of “we”.

3. You will respect everyone

If you are growing up in a joint family, then you will automatically start respecting everyone. You will live with so many elders. Thus, you will have a habit of keeping your tongue in check. Also, you will obey their commands and respect them. This will shape your overall personality. Everyone likes people who respect them.

4. Togetherness

If you are living in a joint family, then you will never feel alone. Your children will also never feel bored. They can always play with their siblings. Your children will never feel alone. They will always have their cousins. In this big world, your children will always have a best friend. They can easily share their problems with their cousins. Also, their cousins will always have their back.

5. Family Values

Values are very important for every child. Every parent wants to teach good value to their children. However, this can be very hard if you are living in a nuclear family. You need to attend the office for earning money. Thus, you won’t have time to spend with your children.

If you are living with a joint family, then your children will automatically learn family values. They will learn important values like caring and sharing. Also, they will respect everyone.

old joint family photo

6. Education Beyond textbooks

Your children will learn many amazing things from their aunts, cousins, grandparents, and uncles. They will not be restricted to academic books only. These books will only help them in scoring good marks . However, these books won’t help them in real life.

If your children are living with your parents, then they will learn about their time. They will learn about their struggles. Thus, they will understand that school books are not everything. There are many things that matter in life.

7. Support System

If you are a working parent, then the joint family is a boon for you. You will always have someone trustworthy in your house. They will take care of your children. Your uncle, parents, and aunts will take care of your child. Thus, you don’t need to worry about their safety.

This will give more freedom to parents. They can socialize with other people. Also, they can go for a private dinner without worrying about their child.

8. Financial Security

If you are living in a joint family, then all the earning members will help you in handling the household expenses. Thus, you don’t need to worry about paying all the bills. Also, this system will act as a security net. If someone is suffering monetary loss, then other family members will help them.

9. Care and Love

You will receive a lot of love and care if you are living in a joint family. If you are feeling sad, then your family members will help you. You will never feel alone. Your family members will act as your support system.

If you are sick, then your family members will take care of you. You can never experience this if you are living alone. The amount of love that you will receive in a joint family is immeasurable.

joint family walking on grass

10. You will become Socially Adept

If you are living in a joint family, then you will automatically learn how to communicate with other people. Your cousins, nephews, and elders will mold your child’s personality. They will know how to effectively communicate with other people. Thus, your children will easily mold into society. They can easily make new friends.

5 Disadvantages of Joint Family

Nuclear families are becoming more common with time. There are some disadvantages to living in a joint family. Thus, many people are living in nuclear families now. We are going to talk about the biggest disadvantages of a joint family.

1. Lack of privacy

This is the biggest disadvantage of living in a joint family. If you are living in a joint family, then your privacy will be compromised. You will never be alone in your house. If you are feeling lonely, then you might want to cry on your bed. However, this is not possible in a joint family.

couple walking on beach

Every family member knows everything about other family members. Thus, they might sometimes interfere in your daily matters. Most people don’t want any interference in their daily matters.

People don’t want to share every secret with their family members. Your family members will always try to help you. However, this can be annoying sometimes.

2. Interference in Parenting

If you are living in a large family, then parenting will be a difficult task for you. Your family members might interfere with your parenting style. They will advise you about what to do. This can be very annoying for new moms. They might become confused due to these tips.

3. Disagreement on finances

There can also be disagreement on finances. Everyone will contribute to the household fund. However, the head of your family will control these funds. They will decide on how to spend this money.

Sometimes other members don’t like the decisions of the head of the family. Thus, this might lead to arguments and disagreements. Also, sometimes the head of the family has to handle the burden of 2 families. Thus, they need to deal with a lot of financial pressure.

4. Disagreement on Cooking and Shopping Matters

In almost all joint families, all women cook together for all the family members. Everyone has their own preferences because of tastes, cooking style,s and health reasons. This would create some discussions and disagreements among the women.

Also, shopping matters would also create differences among the family members, especially women. You cannot create an equal budget for all women to buy whatever they like. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. The gender, generation, and education gaps play a very important role.

5. Collective Decision Making

Collective decision-making has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is very beneficial if all the family members sit together and take everyone’s opinion for any important event like marriage, new business etc.

At the same time, it would be frustrating if this has to be done for small things like movie, picnic etc. Do you think this is a real disadvantage of a joint family?

Infographic : Tips for Love and Bonding in Joint Families

I have created a simple infographic to show you some tips to increase love and bonding in joint families.

Tips for Love and Bonding in Joint Families

Why are Joint Families Declining?

Joint families are declining in most cultures across the world due to two main reasons – employment opportunities in other places and independent thought processes.

Urban Employment Opportunities:

The increased number of employment opportunities in urban areas is one of the main reasons why people leave their ancestors and their properties to live in small rented apartments in the growing cities.

Individual Thought Process:

The thought process of proving themselves as an independently successful person is also a reason for many to part ways from their joint families. This could be because of their individual interests in jobs, business, etc. They may not be interested in continuing their traditional family professions.

joint family advantages and disadvantages

Joint Families in USA

Surprisingly, according to the results of a study by  Pew Research Center  , the number of joint families in the USA is increasing in this century as compared to the previous century. The main reasons for this are the availability of social security for elders, increased unemployment in the younger generation, and rising costs. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are around 3 million grandparents raising their grandchildren in the USA.

These were the advantages and disadvantages of living in a joint family. If you are living in a nuclear family, then it will be very difficult to adjust to a joint family. Most families are restricted to only 4 members only. However, many families are still living together in small villages and cities.

There are many advantages to living in a joint family. Your children will never feel alone in a joint family. There will be many sacrifices and arguments. However, you can always depend on your family.

The disadvantages of joint families are also discussed in detail above. It is an individual’s thought process and choice.

Humans are social animals and dependent beings. The question is about how much social and how much dependent. With each generation and financial independence, we are becoming less social and less emotionally dependent on others. We are learning to cherish individuality. This is leading to nuclear families.

Please let me know what advantages and disadvantages of joint families you agree with and do not agree with. We can have a great discussion on this very important topic.

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Very detailed information given. It is individual’s choice but we live in a society. Families are the pillars of society.

Information has been given in a very concise manner. I personally am from a nuclear family and feel that it has its equal pros too.

Hey, to be honest, I loved the way you’ve shaped this post. It is not only written in simple language that can be understood by people who have not done their Masters in English Literature but also in a friendly style. I have always loved to read your blog posts and hence I keep coming back for more. Everytime I visit your website, I am always welcomed with a new interesting post. Thanks. Keep them coming!

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Essay on Joint Family in 500+ words in English

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  • Jan 4, 2024

Essay on Joint Family

Essay on Joint Family: The well-known expression ¨A family that eats together stays together¨ defines the warmth of emotions among the family members. This bond is strengthened in a joint family. Also, in a joint family relationships are interdependent allowing for a support system and encouraging emotional bonds. 

Furthermore, living in a joint family environment gives members a sense of being understood, valued, and secure. This security helps in the mental well-being of an individual. Moreover, cooperation and mutual understanding in joint families, promote a harmonious atmosphere.

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This Blog Includes:

Definition and explanation, cultural importance of joint family , benefits of joint family , potential challenges of joint family, different family dynamics around the world.

A joint family is a social unit which is composed of multiple generations, such as grandparents, parents, and children. They all live together under the same roof. Also, they divide responsibilities and resources and often have a common kitchen. The structure of the joint family facilitates strong familial bonds among its members. Also, it promotes mutual decision-making. 

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Moreover, joint families help preserve culture, values, traditions and customs. For example, elders in a blended family transfer the traditional way of cooking and customary ways of praying to youngsters. Also, grandparents teach their children and grandchildren about folklore, festivals, nature, social structure, and moral values important to lead a wholesome life. 

By sharing their experiences and customs, elders help create a culture of sharing and collective learning. 

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Undivided or extended families hold significance in different cultures and social environments. Among all benefits, the primary benefit is the emotional support system that is available in a joint family. The members of a joint family, share a strong bond and are always there for each other either in joy or in sorrow. Such close relationship encourages a sense of belonging and security among the family members.

Living in a joint family helps promote cooperation and unity among the family members. Helping each other in daily activities where on the one hand encourages family members to work together as a team and become responsible people. Therefore, children who grow up in such an environment of togetherness develop strong social skills and learn to work cooperatively.

Additionally, financial stability is another benefit of living in a joint family. Family members share their expenses and also make financial plans collectively for their future well-being. The financial collaborations help the household deal with any financial crisis effectively. 

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It is said, that where there is a crowd there is a quarrel. While joint families have many advantages, similarly it too have some challenges.

Personal space or lack of privacy is one of the significant drawbacks of a joint family. There is always a presence of another person around and one is never left alone. The lack of personal time and space can sometimes make the situations challenging. Personal space and a set of boundaries in terms of personal matters should be ensured so that one can have time for oneself and an opportunity for self-reflection.

Another challenge in a joint family is the difference of opinion due to the generation gap. Different generations in the family might have their perception and point of view. Different perspectives on career choices, views on life, favourites, and social values of the young and the old generation can lead to misunderstandings and sometimes contradictions too. To balance the generational gap, it is necessary to have a healthy discussion on the viewpoints of each family member.

As financial security is one of the strongest advantages of a joint family nevertheless it can be the biggest drawback of the undivided family too. Disputes related to financial matters such as habits of spending money, investment modes, and financial goals are some of the issues that create tension among family members. Thus, the practice of open discussions and transparency in money matters will help in building a conducive financial environment in joint families.

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Unlike India, the USA, and European countries do not prefer living in joint families. They prefer having their personal space. The decisions that are for the betterment of the family are taken by the spouse instead of the elders of the family. Apart from betterment and financial decisions, household matters are handled by independent family members. Altogether, every member of the family in the USA and European countries is independent enough to pursue a career, follow traditions, and make decisions.

In conclusion, the dynamics of a joint family may vary according to traditions, culture, gender roles, and changes in living standards. Living in a joint family in a country like India helps youngsters share responsibilities and value familial bonds.

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Ans. A joint family is an undivided family that consists of great-grandparents, grandparents, children, aunts, uncles, husbands, and wives. These families generally consist of two or more generations living under the house of the same roof.

Ans. A joint family helps in taking care of family members and emotions such as joy and sorrow. Also, sharing of responsibilities and cultural protection are some of the importance of living in a joint family. 

Ans. The different types of families are nuclear families, single-parent families, extended families, and stepfamilies. 

Ans. Some of the disadvantages of living in a joint family can be a lack of privacy, interference from parents, disagreements regarding financial decisions, and lack of independence. 

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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