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Essay About Giving And Sharing: The Joy of Generosity Explored

Aurora Simon

Essay About Giving And Sharing

Welcome to our essay about giving and sharing. In this article, we will explore the joy that comes from giving and sharing, and the positive impact it has on both the giver and the receiver. Giving and sharing are essential human virtues that have been practiced for centuries and play a vital role in building strong relationships and communities.

Table of Contents

Through our discussion, we hope to highlight the importance of generosity and inspire more people to incorporate giving and sharing into their lives. So, let’s dive in and explore the many benefits of this powerful act.

Examples of Giving and Sharing Essays Online Free

Here are some example essays to give you an idea of where to start. As time goes on, I will make updates to this section.

Importance of Giving and Sharing

Giving and sharing bring about a multitude of benefits that positively impact our lives in countless ways. These actions enhance our well-being and improve our relationships with others. Let’s examine some of the benefits that come with giving and sharing.

By incorporating giving and sharing into our lives, we create a positive impact on ourselves and those around us. These actions not only benefit us personally but also have a broader impact on society as a whole.

Cleaning up the freeway volunteering

Impact of Giving and Sharing

When we give and share, we not only impact ourselves and those we directly help, but we also have a positive impact on the community as a whole. By promoting giving and sharing, we can create a culture of generosity that spreads kindness and compassion.

There are many reasons why promoting giving and sharing is important. For one, it fosters a sense of community and togetherness. When we give and share, we show that we care about others and their wellbeing. This creates a sense of connection and belonging that can bring people together and strengthen relationships.

Additionally, giving and sharing can have a ripple effect. When we give to someone, that person may be more likely to give to someone else in the future. This can create a chain reaction of kindness that spreads far beyond our immediate community.

Finally, giving and sharing can also help to address societal issues and inequalities. By donating to charities or volunteering our time, we can support causes that aim to help those who may be struggling or marginalized. This can help to create a more just and equitable society for everyone.

How To Give Back To Your Community

Fostering a Culture of Giving and Sharing

Encouraging a culture of giving and sharing can have a powerful impact on both individuals and society as a whole. Here are some practical ways to promote these values in your community:

Lead by Example

One of the most effective ways to foster a culture of giving and sharing is to lead by example. Show others how much joy and fulfillment can come from generosity by volunteering your time or resources and sharing your experiences with others.

Promote Volunteerism

Encourage others to get involved in volunteer work by promoting local organizations and events. Highlight the benefits of volunteering, such as the opportunity to make a positive impact, gain new skills, and meet like-minded people.

Start a Sharing Community

Consider starting a sharing community in your neighborhood or workplace, where members can share resources and talents with each other. This can include everything from sharing garden produce to offering to teach a skill or trade.

Create a Giving Circle

A giving circle is a group of individuals who come together to pool their resources and collectively donate to a particular cause or organization. This can be a great way to make a bigger impact and build community at the same time.

Support Local Businesses

Supporting local businesses is a great way to give back to your community and stimulate the local economy. Look for opportunities to shop at local stores, restaurants, and other establishments, and spread the word about your favorites.

By promoting a culture of giving and sharing, we can create a more compassionate and connected society. Start with small actions and watch as they grow into a ripple effect of kindness and generosity.

How Giving Back Can Improve Your Social Life

Teaching Children about Giving and Sharing

Teaching children about giving and sharing is essential in developing their social skills and empathy towards others. Children who are taught to be generous and empathetic at a young age grow up to be more caring and compassionate individuals in their adult life.

There are various ways to incorporate giving and sharing values into children’s upbringing:

  • Lead by Example: Children learn best by observation. When parents engage in acts of kindness and generosity, it sets a positive example for children to follow.
  • Volunteer Together: Volunteering together as a family is a great way to teach children about the importance of giving and sharing. It also provides an opportunity for families to bond over a shared experience.
  • Encourage Sharing: Encouraging children to share their toys and belongings with others teaches them about the importance of giving and sharing.

Teaching Empathy

Teaching empathy is another essential aspect of developing generosity and compassion in children. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Children who learn empathy at a young age tend to exhibit greater kindness and generosity towards others.

Parents can teach empathy by:

  • Encouraging children to express their emotions and feelings
  • Listening to and acknowledging children’s emotions and feelings
  • Encouraging children to identify and express their understanding of other people’s emotions and feelings

Teaching children about giving and sharing at a young age sets them up for a lifetime of being compassionate and generous towards others. As parents, it is important to instill these values in children and encourage them to use their generosity to make the world a better place.

The Joy of Giving

While giving and sharing may have positive impacts on others, it also brings personal fulfillment to the giver. The joy of giving cannot be understated, as it provides a sense of purpose and happiness that is difficult to replicate in other ways.

When we give to others, it creates a sense of connection and empathy that is hard to find in other areas of our lives. It’s an opportunity to put our own worries aside and focus on the needs of others, which can be incredibly rewarding.

Whether it’s a small gesture like buying a cup of coffee for a coworker, or a larger donation to a charity, the act of giving provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It reminds us that we have the power to make a positive impact on the world around us, and that is a truly powerful feeling.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Gandhi

The joy of giving can also extend beyond just the act itself. When we give to others, it can inspire them to do the same for someone else. It creates a ripple effect of kindness that can spread far beyond our initial action.

In short, giving is not only good for the receiver, but for the giver as well. It provides a sense of purpose, happiness, and personal fulfillment that is hard to find elsewhere. So next time you have the opportunity to give or share, remember the joy it can bring.

The Joy of Giving, man volunteering his time

The Power of Sharing

Sharing is a powerful act that can have a profound impact on both the giver and the receiver. It shows empathy, compassion, and generosity, and can create a ripple effect of kindness that extends far beyond the initial act. Here are some reasons why sharing is so important:

  • It builds trust and strengthens relationships: When we share with others, we show that we trust and care about them. This can help to build stronger, more meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and support.
  • It promotes a sense of community: Sharing can bring people together by fostering a sense of belonging and connectedness. It helps us to recognize that we are all part of a larger community and that we have a responsibility to care for one another.
  • It encourages reciprocity: Sharing can often lead to a cycle of giving and receiving. When we share with others, they are more likely to share with us in return, creating a culture of generosity and mutual support.

Overall, sharing is a powerful way to create positive change in the world. By showing compassion and generosity towards others, we can help to build a stronger, more connected community and create a ripple effect of kindness that extends far beyond ourselves.

Giving and Sharing in the Workplace

Giving and sharing are not only reserved for personal relationships and community involvement. They can also have a powerful impact in the workplace.

When employees are encouraged to give and share, it can lead to improved team building and a stronger sense of community within the company. Giving back to the community as a team can also boost employee morale and engagement.

One way to foster a culture of giving in the workplace is to offer volunteer opportunities for employees to participate in. This can be anything from a company-sponsored volunteer day to offering time off for employees to volunteer at their preferred organization.

Another way to encourage giving and sharing in the workplace is to lead by example. When leaders show their commitment to giving back to the community, it can inspire employees to do the same.

Finally, companies can promote a culture of giving and sharing by incorporating charitable initiatives into their business model. For example, a company can donate a portion of their profits to a chosen charity or offer a matching program for employee donations.

By promoting giving and sharing in the workplace, companies can not only make a positive impact in their community but also improve employee satisfaction and foster a strong sense of teamwork.

Giving back to the community garden

Giving and Sharing During Difficult Times

During difficult times, giving and sharing can be a powerful way to connect with others and create a sense of empathy and support. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a personal loss, or a global crisis, giving and sharing can help bring people together and provide hope and comfort.

One way to give during difficult times is to donate to organizations that are working to provide assistance and support. This can include charities that provide food, shelter, and medical care, as well as organizations that focus on mental health and emotional support.

Sharing resources and support with friends and family can also be an effective way to give during difficult times. This can include offering to help with practical tasks, such as grocery shopping or childcare, as well as providing emotional support and a listening ear.

“Giving to others can help us focus on something beyond our own struggles and find meaning and purpose in difficult times.” – Dr. Emma Seppala

By giving and sharing during difficult times, we not only help those in need, but we also foster a sense of community and connection that can bring us closer together and help us navigate challenging situations with greater resilience and strength.

Impact of Technology on Giving and Sharing

The rise of technology has significantly impacted the way we give and share. Online giving, crowdfunding, and social media have all contributed to the increased ease and convenience of donating to charities and causes important to us.

One of the benefits of online giving is that it allows people to easily donate to their favorite causes from the comfort of their own homes. This can be especially helpful for those with busy schedules or mobility issues. Additionally, online giving platforms often have lower overhead costs, meaning that more of the donations can go directly to the cause instead of administrative expenses.

Crowdfunding has also become a popular way to support specific individuals or projects. With crowdfunding, individuals can create a campaign to raise money for a specific need or cause, and share the campaign on social media to reach a wider audience. This has been particularly useful for medical expenses, education costs, and disaster relief efforts.

The Power of Social Media

Social media has become a powerful tool for sharing information and promoting causes. Nonprofits and charities can use social media to share their mission and accomplishments, as well as to fundraise and attract volunteers. Social media has also made it easier for individuals to share information about causes they care about and to gather support from their network.

One notable example of the power of social media is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which went viral on social media in 2014 and raised over $115 million for ALS research. The challenge involved individuals dumping a bucket of ice water on their heads, posting a video of it on social media, and challenging others to do the same or donate to the ALS Association.

Technology for Good

Technology has also led to the development of innovative ways to give back. For example, some apps allow users to donate to their favorite charities or causes simply by shopping at participating stores. In addition, many companies now offer employee giving programs, where employees can donate to charities of their choice directly from their paychecks.

The Future of Giving and Sharing

As technology continues to evolve, there will likely be even more ways to give and share. From virtual reality experiences that allow donors to see the impact of their donations firsthand to new social platforms that connect volunteers with causes, the possibilities are endless. However, it is important to remember that technology should not be a replacement for personal connections and relationships. Giving and sharing are ultimately about making a positive impact on others, and technology should be used as a tool to further that goal.

FAQ on Essay About Giving And Sharing

Q: Why is giving and sharing important?

A: Giving and sharing fosters a sense of community and creates positive relationships. It can also lead to greater happiness and personal fulfillment.

Q: What are some benefits of giving and sharing?

A: Giving and sharing can reduce stress, improve relationships, and create a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It can also have a positive impact on the community as a whole.

Q: How can I encourage a culture of giving and sharing?

A: Leading by example and promoting volunteerism are great ways to encourage giving and sharing. You can also organize community giving events and support local charities.

Q: How can I teach my children about the importance of giving and sharing?

A: Encouraging your children to volunteer, donating to charity and modeling the behavior yourself are great ways to teach children about giving and sharing.

Q: What is the joy of giving?

A: The joy of giving is the personal fulfillment that comes from helping others without expectation of reward or recognition.

Q: How can giving and sharing benefit the workplace?

A: Giving and sharing can improve team building and create a positive company culture. It can also boost employee morale and productivity.

Q: How can giving and sharing create empathy during difficult times?

A: Giving and sharing can create a sense of connection with others, bringing people together in times of need and fostering empathy and understanding.

Q: How has technology impacted giving and sharing?

A: Technology has made it easier to give and share, with online giving platforms and other innovative ways to contribute to charitable causes.

Q: What are some simple ways to give and share?

A: Donating to charity, volunteering your time, and sharing your skills and resources are all great ways to give and share with others.

About the author

Aurora Simon profile picture

With an enduring passion for human potential, I have dedicated my life to learning, growing, and most importantly, empowering others to discover their own unique paths to self-improvement. As a personal development blogger, I distill the wisdom gathered from various life experiences, books, seminars, and thought leaders to provide you with actionable insights and tools for your own growth. I believe that each one of us is capable of extraordinary things, and my mission is to help you unlock that potential. Join me on this journey of self-discovery, and together let’s cultivate a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and joy. You can contact us here.

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essay on joy of sharing and caring

Embracing Generosity: The Power of Sharing and Caring

n a world often characterized by individualism and self-interest, the concept of sharing stands as a beacon of compassion and interconnectedness. For children, understanding the joy of sharing is not only a valuable lesson in empathy and generosity but also a fundamental building block for fostering positive relationships and cultivating a sense of well-being. By exploring the various facets of sharing and its profound impact on both the giver and the receiver, we empower children to embrace a spirit of sharing and caring that extends far beyond material possessions.

At its essence, sharing is the act of giving something to someone else so that they too can enjoy it.

Understanding Sharing

At its essence, sharing is the act of giving something to someone else so that they too can enjoy it. Whether it’s toys, snacks, or time, sharing embodies the essence of generosity and selflessness. By introducing children to the concept of sharing, we lay the groundwork for understanding the importance of considering others’ needs and fostering a spirit of cooperation and empathy.

Understanding the significance of sharing goes beyond the mere exchange of material possessions; it encompasses the cultivation of empathy and the recognition of the interconnectedness of humanity. When children grasp the concept of sharing, they begin to recognize that their actions have an impact not only on themselves but also on those around them. This understanding forms the basis for developing a sense of responsibility and compassion towards others, laying the foundation for building strong and meaningful relationships in the future.

essay on joy of sharing and caring

Understanding the significance of sharing goes beyond the mere exchange of material possessions; it encompasses the cultivation of empathy and the recognition of the interconnectedness of humanity.

essay on joy of sharing and caring

Feeling Joy in Giving

Delving into the joy and satisfaction that comes from sharing with others unveils the transformative power of generosity. When children experience the happiness that accompanies sharing, they not only cultivate a sense of altruism but also forge deeper connections with those around them. By recognizing the reciprocal nature of sharing, where both the giver and the receiver experience joy and connection, children learn to appreciate the profound impact of their actions on others’ lives.

Feeling joy in giving is not merely about the act of sharing itself but also about the sense of fulfillment and connection that arises from it. When children witness the positive impact their generosity has on others, whether through a smile, a heartfelt thank you, or a sense of relief, they internalize the intrinsic value of sharing. This joy becomes a driving force for continued acts of kindness and compassion, fostering a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their lives.

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Cultivating a spirit of sharing and caring involves creating a supportive and nurturing environment where children feel encouraged to express kindness and empathy towards others.

Practicing Sharing

Exploring practical ways to incorporate sharing into daily life provides children with tangible opportunities to exercise empathy and kindness. From sharing toys with friends to taking turns and offering assistance to those in need, these acts of sharing foster a sense of community and belonging. By engaging in sharing practices, children learn to navigate social interactions with grace and compassion, laying the groundwork for meaningful relationships built on mutual respect and support.

Practicing sharing is not confined to specific actions but encompasses a mindset of openness, generosity, and consideration towards others. It involves not only sharing tangible items but also sharing time, attention, and emotional support. Through these shared experiences, children learn the value of cooperation, collaboration, and compromise, essential skills for navigating the complexities of interpersonal relationships. Moreover, practicing sharing cultivates a sense of reciprocity and mutual trust, strengthening the bonds of friendship and fostering a culture of kindness and compassion.

Cultivating a Spirit of Sharing and Caring

As children embark on their journey of understanding the joy of sharing, it is essential to nurture and reinforce these values through positive reinforcement and role modeling. By celebrating acts of sharing and highlighting the positive impact they have on individuals and communities, we instill in children a deep appreciation for the value of generosity and compassion. Moreover, by fostering an environment that prioritizes empathy and interconnectedness, we empower children to become agents of positive change in their communities and beyond.

Cultivating a spirit of sharing and caring involves creating a supportive and nurturing environment where children feel encouraged to express kindness and empathy towards others. It requires modeling these behaviors through our own actions and interactions, demonstrating the importance of generosity, compassion, and inclusivity. By fostering a culture of sharing and caring, we not only nurture the social and emotional well-being of children but also lay the foundation for a more compassionate and interconnected society.

essay on joy of sharing and caring

n a world often marked by division and disparity, the act of sharing serves as a powerful antidote, bridging gaps and fostering connections that transcend boundaries. By instilling in children a deep appreciation for the value of sharing and its profound impact on relationships and well-being, we equip them with the tools to navigate life with empathy, generosity, and compassion. Together, let us nurture a generation of individuals who embrace the joy of sharing, embody the spirit of caring, and uplift others through acts of kindness and generosity.

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essay on joy of sharing and caring

THE JOY OF GIVING: The more you give of yourself, the more you find of yourself

flower of life mandala

We all know how great it feels to receive gifts. However, the joy of getting is short-lived. Our lives are richer when we share, and that great inner joy comes from helping others to better their lives.

Truly giving from the heart fills your life with joy and nourishes your soul. Giving provides an intrinsic reward that’s far more valuable than the gift. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “To find yourself, lose yourself in the service of others.”

Giving takes you out of yourself and allows you to expand beyond earthly limitations. True joy lies in the act of giving without an expectation of receiving something in return.

Academic research and thousands of years of human history confirm that achieving meaning, fulfillment, and happiness in life comes from making others happy, and not from being self-centred. Mother Teresa is a famous example. She found fulfillment in giving of herself to others. She helped change the expression on dying people’s faces from distress and fear to calmness and serenity. She made their undeniable pain a little easier to bear.

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When people are asked why they give, the readiest answers include: God wants me to; I feel better about myself; others need, and I have; I want to share; it’s only right. The question I would ask is how did you feel? I imagine you felt very pleased with yourself and happy inside.

It has been my experience that when you’re focused on giving to others you’re less likely to become consumed by your own concerns and challenges. Giving provides an opportunity to look beyond our own world and see the bigger picture.

A great perspective can be achieved by stepping out of our own world and venturing into the world of other people. Your worries and challenges may not seem as significant when compared to other people’s situations.

The act of giving kindles self-esteem and brings happiness. Scientists have discovered that happiness is related to how much gratitude you show. After several years of soul searching, I discovered that my unhappiness was due to my want for things to fill the void of loneliness.

My search for inner happiness led me towards gratitude. During this process of self-realization, I also discovered “ The Purpose of Living.” Yes, I believe that giving thanks makes you happier. But don’t take my word for it—try it out for yourself.

The power of giving and the joy of helping others

Giving is one of the best investments you can make towards achieving genuine happiness. True giving comes from the heart, with no expectation of reciprocation. You’ll find that the more you give, the more you’ll receive.

Frog giving another frog flowers - The joy of giving

The power of giving is manifested in the kindness and generosity that you bestow on someone else. When you give to another unselfishly, the vibrational energy emitting from your subconscious is at its strongest. The power of giving, according to neuroscience, is that it feels good.

A Chinese proverb says: “If you always give, you will always have.” A famous American author and management expert, Ken Blanchard, declared “The more I give away, the more comes back.”

If you find yourself feeling unhappy, try making someone else happy and see what happens. If you’re feeling empty and unfulfilled, try doing some meaningful and worthwhile work and see how you feel. The catch is that you must do this work with passion and enthusiasm.

There are many organizations, institutions and people who are engaged in exemplary works of giving. Narayanan Krishnan is a management graduate from Madurai, India who gave up his career as chef with a five-star hotel when he saw a man so hungry that he was feeding on his own excreta. From there on Krishnan started his noble initiative to feed thousands of destitute and homeless people in his state—free of cost.

Another example of giving is Sanjit “Bunker” Roy, founder of the Barefoot College . Since graduating from college in 1965, Mr. Roy has committed his life to serve the poor and to help rural communities become self-sufficient. The Barefoot College education program encourages learning-by-doing, such as training grandmothers from Africa and the Himalayan region to be solar engineers so they could bring electricity to their remote villages.

It’s the joy and love that we extend to others that brings true happiness or union with God. When we give, we reap the joy of seeing a bright smile, laughter, tears of joy and gratitude for life . We know that if people give just a little more—of their time, skills, knowledge, wisdom, compassion, wealth and love—the world would be a more peaceful and healthier place.

The rewards of giving are priceless. If you want to have happiness, you need to give happiness. If you want love, you need to give love. It is only in giving that you receive. No matter what your circumstances in life, you have the ability to give.

I encourage you to look for opportunities where you can give and help others. The gift of joy will come to you when you give of yourself to others. That’s what life is all about. Let’s practice and commit our lives to giving joy. Try it!  It works!

Recommended reading

I Like Giving: The Transforming Power of a Generous Life

Rich with inspiring stories and practical suggestions, I Like Giving  helps you create a lifestyle of generosity. Written by Brad Formsma.  Learn more about the book»

The Giving Book: Open the Door to a Lifetime of Giving

This spiral-bound, book combines colorful illustrations and entertaining narrative with fun learning activities, inspiring youngsters to give back to the world. Learn more about the book»

[su_note note_color=”#f2f2f2″ text_color=”#000000″ radius=”0″]Darshan Goswami has over 40 years of experience in the energy field. He is currently working as a Project Manager for Renewable Energy and Smart Grid projects at the United States Department of Energy (DOE) in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Darshan is a registered Professional Electrical Engineer with a passion and commitment to promote, develop and deploy renewable energy resources and the hydrogen economy.[/su_note]

image: Carnie Lewis via Compfight cc ; image 2: Pixabay ; image 3: Pixabay

Pretty! This was a really wonderful article. Thanks for supplying these details.

Great submissions… It all boils down to love. Giving is work onto where it’s received. It’s easy to give off from what you love doing and it’s your foundation for a lifestyle of giving. God started it all by giving His only begotten which cost him everything yet free. This means He did not put a sale tag on Him, that whosoever believes must then buy with the prevailing currency. But gave all that He had to gain all of Himself in us. Love is a command so He has no option but to give His all for all without preference, to tribes, tongues, colour, race, people etc and this He had joy in… Thus when we want to be joyful in life we must first see Love as a command to do to live, as our lives depended on it, then all of its variables fall under it in our obedience to do

Thanks for so much explanation!!! Would like u to add some examples so that they can be used in daily life

A great article. Very inspiring.

Can you give main points to me i have to give a speech on it and its impossible to learn all this.

Dear Darshan Goswami, Thank you for the article, in general very inspiring. I just have one recommendation regarding Mother Teresa example. There is a book and also a BBC documentary that doesn?t agree with your comments about her. Please, review Aroup Chatterjee?s book 2003, indian doctor that investigated her and her homes. Also . the 1994 program presented by writer and journalist Christopher Hitchens, “Hell’s Angel: Madre Teresa”. Best regards. JA

Hitchins had to defame Mother Teresa. She was an obstacle to his understanding, and he could not rest satisfied until he tried to destroy her reputation.

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essay on joy of sharing and caring

Emma Seppälä Ph.D.

The Science Behind the Joy of Sharing Joy

How sharing your good news increases well-being..

Posted July 15, 2013 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

Positive experiences happen to us every day, yet we don't always take full advantage of them. Have you ever noticed that it could be a great day (you had eight hours of sleep , it’s the weekend, had a great conversation with a friend etc.), but that it takes just one harsh word from someone or one piece of bad news to ruin the day? Research by Shelley Gable and Jonathan Haidt suggests that we actually have three times more positive experiences than negative. What keeps us from fully capitalizing on all the good in our lives, making us a slave to the bad?

Researchers have identified two main tendencies that keep us from experiencing, extending, and expanding our joy: the negativity bias and habituation. The negativity bias refers to our mind's innate tendency to give more weight to the negative; Roy Baumeister has shown that we tend to remember and focus more on negative experiences. Habituation, discussed in research on the hedonic treadmill , refers to the fact that while we receive boosts of happiness from new positive experiences, over time, we get used to these experiences and they no longer have the same effect.

How can we counter this tendency to assign greater weight to the negative experiences in our life? A recent study by Nathaniel Lambert and colleagues at Brigham Young University gives us a clue. Their research shows that discussing positive experiences leads to heightened well-being, increased overall life satisfaction, and even more energy.

This research may seem surprising because we are often reluctant to talk about our good fortune. We don't want to show off. Sometimes we don't want to "jinx" ourselves. Or we may feel guilty that good things are happening to us in the face of the suffering that exists in other people's lives. Bonding over complaints, commiseration, or even gossip somehow feels more proper, realistic, and grounded. However, Lambert and colleague’s research suggests that describing our happy experiences to close friends and romantic partners is a better idea.

A number of studies have shown that making daily lists of the things you feel grateful for—which helps draw our attention to the positive experiences in our lives—improves our psychological and physical health and well-being. For example, gratitude improves our ability to connect with others, boosts our altruistic tendencies, makes us optimistic and happier, decreases envy and materialism , and even improves health for people with physical ailments (neuromuscular disorder, in one study ). Lambert's new study, however, extends research on gratitude to show that verbally expressing the gratitude we feel to people close to us helps increase and sustain our well-being above and beyond simply feeling or writing down gratitude. Great literary figures have long known that happiness grows in sharing. In one of her letters, Charlotte Brontë observes “Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste.” In The Common Reader, Virginia Woolf writes "Pleasure has no relish unless we share it.” Lambert’s research provides empirical validation of their wisdom .

The researchers found that people who habitually tend to talk to people they are close with about the good things that are happening to them also tend to feel happier and more satisfied with life. They also found that, the more these people shared their happiness with someone on a given day, the happier and more satisfied they were on that particular day. To actually determine whether sharing happiness caused this boost in well-being, the researchers then invited participants into a laboratory with a romantic partner or friend. Participants were asked to write down a positive experience or a neutral experience like a fact they had learned in class and either share it with their partner or not. Those that shared a positive experience with their partner experienced a greater boost in well-being than those who did not share their experience with their partner or who shared a neutral experience with their partner. These findings suggest that it is the act of sharing happiness (and not of just thinking about happiness but not sharing it, or of sharing neutral information) that boosts well-being.

Next, the researchers investigated the effects of regularly sharing happiness over a longer period of time (four weeks in this case). New participants were asked to write daily in a journal about experiences they felt grateful for, or about neutral subjects they had learned in class. They were then either given no further instructions or were instructed to share these with a partner twice a week. Those who shared their grateful experiences with a partner reported greater satisfaction with life, happiness, and vitality (level of energy and zest for life).

One reason that the study asked participants to share their experience with close friends or romantic partners may come from the fact that these people may be more likely to support us. In the study’s last experiment, the researchers noticed that participants that received constructive, encouraging, enthusiastic, and positive messages after a successful experience (high achievement on a test) showed greater signs of happiness, love, and appreciation. We’ve all experienced sharing an exciting event or plan with someone who did not respond in kind or, worse, criticized our idea and left us deflated. When sharing a positive experience, it is important to select a supportive listener.

The bottom line: sharing our joy increases joy. Telling people about our happiness has far greater benefits than just remembering it or writing it down for ourselves. This research may also help partially explain research by Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler has shown that our well-being influences that of those around us, up to three levels of separation. To try and be happy may seem like a selfish endeavor but it is actually a worthwhile goal to pursue not just for oneself but for our community. In turn, we can help support others’ joy by encouraging them to share their most positive experiences, and the things they feel grateful for. Supporting a friend or acquaintance's well-being in turn may impact not only ourselves but the well-being of all the people connected to that friend. Albert Schweitzer, a German physician and Nobel Peace Prize winner, was right when he said “Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when you share it.”

essay on joy of sharing and caring

To stay updated on the science of happiness , health, and social connection, see .

I am the founder of Fulfillment Daily , science-based news for a happier life. Watch my TEDx talk .

© 2014 Emma Seppala, Ph.D.

Emma Seppälä Ph.D.

Emma Seppälä, Ph.D. , is a Lecturer at the Yale School of Management and is the author of SOVEREIGN: Reclaim your Freedom, Energy & Power in a Time of Distraction, Uncertainty & Chaos.

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Why is Sharing So Important When it Comes to Happiness?

Jenny Many Editorial Team

“Happiness is only real when shared”
- Chris McCandles

Traveler and vagabond Chris McCandles came to this conclusion at the far end of his journey across America. He scribbled this onto a page of his copy of Doctor Zhivago in a trailer that he was living out of, deep into the Alaskan wilderness. He died months after, of starvation, without ample resources to keep him sustained.

The old adage goes – "A problem shared is a problem halved." Sharing our successes and positive experiences uplift our mood and keep us happier for longer. Now research has proved that sharing truly brings us happiness.

How Can Sharing Make Us Happy?

Let’s discuss how sharing and happiness is correlated.

Sharing is Fundamental to Human Relationships

We have shared with others since the beginning of civilization and interaction. It is one of the primary ways we learn to communicate. As kids, we are taught to share by our parents and are resistant to this act as we are instinctively territorial. However, we learn to share when we notice the kind of joy that it brings to the person we choose to share ourselves and our belongings with. 

Some cultures more than others, encourage sharing. People from these cultures open up their homes to traveling visitors and those curious about learning of their cultural practices. However, sharing doesn't always need to be this grand gesture. It can be as fundamental as exchanging compliments or pleasantries. Simple acts like these can also brighten up a person's day and make them feel more positive.

It Releases Oxytocin, the Wellness Hormone

When a person shares or feels grateful, their brains release Oxytocin. Oxytocin helps build trust, relieve stress and anxiety, improve immune function and benefit your overall wellbeing as a result. When an individual is in possession of generous levels of Oxytocin in his/her body, they are more empathetic towards others and feel more generous than they would in normal circumstances.

Giving is contagious. So when a person high on Oxytocin starts this chain of generosity, they help foster the sentiment of giving in the community which makes the community happier as a whole. You can gain Oxytocin even by making online donations, you need not have to physically share in person to experience the benefits of the hormone.

Sharing Helps Build Trust

When you share your belonging with another person, you are expressing trust in their capability to keep your possession safe and out of harm’s way. You are taking a chance on them. If your trust pays off in this individual, you experience a sense of happiness. We tend to be more emotionally satisfied and happy when we are able to foster trust in our relationships. Trust and happiness are closely intertwined experience. In fact, trust is almost a prerequisite for happiness. You cannot be happy in a relationship if you cannot share trust with the person you're involved in this relationship with.

Sharing Inspires Gratitude Which Translates to Happiness

The act of giving and receiving both invokes gratitude in the participants of the exchange. The receiver is thankful for the gift and the giver feels gratitude for being able to have that exchange. Gratitude, as we all know, contributes to a person's ability to feel happiness. When a person is able to feel gratitude for all that he/she has been blessed with, they are more inclined to feel happy and content. When you cultivate a sense of gratitude in your everyday life, you keep happier. Sharing this gratitude with others not only makes you feel happy but the person on the receiving end of this gratitude too. It inspires that person to keep being kind and giving. Additionally, it also solidifies further the bond that you both share – contributing to happiness for both parties involved. 

Sharing Helps Build You a Social Network

Humans are social animals. Our happiness depends to a large extent on the presence of social support. If we happen to have encouraging and supportive friends and family to rely on, we are less prone to anxiety and depression. However, if we tend to lack a reliable social support system in our lives, our happiness can suffer. Sharing helps build new relationships. Say, you are at a supermarket, and you see the person in queue standing before you struggling to fish out change from their purse. If you have ready change and are willing to help them, you are at a place to start a dialogue with this person. Sharing helps initiate positive social interactions. If you found this other person to be reciprocating of your communication, then you could perhaps interact further and grow into acquaintances. Social isolation takes away from the longevity of your life while social interaction adds to it. Social interactions advance your health, wealth and general wellbeing.

Sharing Encourages Cooperation

When you share your responsibilities with others, you open up space for others to cooperate and collaborate with you. Such cooperation received from another helps you feel connected to this person. Feeling connected to another human being can do wonders for an individual seeking to feel and experience happiness . Cooperation is the foundation for community welfare. A happy community automatically means that the active and participating members of the community must be happy too.

We’ve all been taught from the time of our birth that sharing is caring. Science verifies this truth. The more we share, the happier we make ourselves. Sharing need not be practiced in terms of material. Sharing can be equally immaterial. You can share embraces, smiles, pleasant words, experiences, stories and so much more. You can even share tasks and responsibilities. No matter in which capacity you choose to share, sharing inspires positive feelings in our mind. It builds trust in others and helps us build better relationships, which in turn sustain us socially for the rest of our lives. Still, want to be like Joey? Go share that sandwich!

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The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education

Stanford School of Medicine

The Science Behind the Joy of Sharing

April 12, 2013 by Dr. Emma Seppala

Written By Dr. Emma Seppala

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  • psychology today

essay on joy of sharing and caring

Positive experiences happen to us everyday yet we don’t always take full advantage of them. Have you ever noticed that it could be a great day (you had 8 hours of sleep, it’s the weekend, had a great conversation with a friend etc…) but that it takes just one harsh word from someone or one piece of bad news to ruin the day. Research by Shelley Gable and Jonathan Haidt suggests that we actually have three times more positive experiences than negative. What keeps us from fully capitalizing on all the good in our lives, making us a slave to the bad? Researchers have identified two main tendencies that keep us from experiencing, extending, and expanding our joy: the negativity bias and habituation. The negativity bias refers to our mind’s innate tendency to give more weight to the negative; Roy Baumeister has shown that we tend to remember and focus more on negative experiences. Habituation, discussed in research on the hedonic treadmill, refers to the fact that while we receive boosts of happiness from new positive experiences, over time, we get used to these experiences and they no longer have the same effect.

How can we counter this tendency to assign greater weight to the negative experiences in our life? A  recent study  by Nathaniel Lambert and colleagues at Brigham Young University gives us a clue. Their research shows that discussing positive experiences leads to heightened well-being, increased overall life satisfaction and even more energy.

To read the entire blog post, click here .


About Dr. Emma Seppala

Emma Seppälä, Ph.D, is Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and the author of The Happiness Track (HarperOne, 2016).

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importance of Sharing and Caring

Importance of Sharing and Caring – Why It Matters

Importance of sharing and caring.

Nowadays every individual on the planet is super busy because of the several personal, work, and educational responsibilities they have. Although it makes it convenient for all of us to always stay active and energetic, it also makes it challenging to stay connected to others. This factor causes a massive impact, so much so that we often forget to check up on our loved ones. 

If you wish to avoid this and be more compassionate, you should learn more about the importance of caring and sharing . It does not matter how old you are, you should always ensure you are caring about others in the best possible. Not just that, but if you have children, you should also start teaching them the value of these aspects at a young age. Let us now take a detailed look at the reasons why sharing and caring are crucial:

  • Sharing And Caring Enables You To Create Bonds

One of the main reasons why you should know more about sharing and caring is because it will enable you to create bonds without any difficulty. You should always keep in mind that the more you share your things, emotions, and problems with others, the easier it will be for you to make friends . 

To survive on this planet, we need the assistance and presence of friends. And the best way to create strong bonds is by opening yourself up to others. Hence, it is one of the most relevant sharing and caring points you should know about if you wish to live a fulfilling life. 

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  • Sharing And Caring Enables You To Boost Your Emotions

The second reason why sharing and caring are important is that it makes it convenient for you to know about your emotions without any difficulty. When you learn how to share and care, it teaches you how to use your emotions appropriately and effectively, highlighting the importance of sharing and caring.

Several individuals on the planet do not show their emotions and try to be as silent as possible because they were neglected once upon a time. You may be one of them as well, but by embracing the importance of sharing and caring , you can strive to change this pattern. By practicing sharing and caring, you can develop a greater understanding of your own emotions and foster healthier relationships with others.

It is crucial to keep in mind that life is significantly better when you genuinely care about things and actively engage in sharing and caring behaviors.

  • Sharing And Caring Gives You A Sense Of Purpose 

The third reason why you need to learn more about sharing and caring is that it gives you a purpose in life. Buying things, achieving objectives, acquiring new jobs, etc., can make you happy . However, this type of happiness will be fleeting in the long run. 

Moreover, it can sometimes also make you feel lonely and separated from the world. Once you start doing things for others, you will be blessed with love and appreciation by a wide margin. This aspect will make you feel like your life has meaning and purpose without any difficulty. Not just that, but the benefits of sharing will also enable you to be a better person effortlessly. 

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  • Sharing And Caring Will Help You Learn More About Others

The fourth reason why you should try your best to know more about sharing and caring is that it will allow you to learn more about others effortlessly and effectively, emphasizing the importance of sharing and caring.

When you actively engage in conversations and make an effort to be there for people, it creates a convenient environment for them to trust you without any difficulty. By demonstrating genuine care and empathy, you can build meaningful connections and gain valuable insights into the lives and experiences of others.

Understanding and appreciating the perspectives and emotions of those around you enriches your own understanding of the world and promotes a sense of interconnectedness.

Therefore, embracing the principles of sharing and caring not only benefits others but also facilitates personal growth and fosters a more compassionate and empathetic society.

Several individuals on the planet feel isolated and unwanted, which makes it challenging for them to open. As a result, you should always try your best to care for others and share your things with them.

This factor will make them feel appreciated and wanted by a wide margin. Not just that, but it will also provide you with a sense of satisfaction. You may also lookup sharing and caring quotes to understand how you can improve yourself. 

  • Sharing And Caring Also Helps You Improve Your Skills 

The fifth reason why sharing and caring are relevant is that it also allows you to boost your skills as much as possible, highlighting the importance of sharing and caring. When you actively engage in helping others and extend your support in various aspects of life, it provides you with ample opportunities to practice and develop your own skills. Volunteering, for instance, enables you to cultivate beneficial skills and habits effortlessly.

By assisting others, you can refine your communication, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities. Moreover, engaging in acts of sharing and caring promotes personal growth, empathy, and adaptability, all of which are valuable skills in today’s interconnected world.

Therefore, by embracing the principles of sharing and caring, you not only contribute to the well-being of others but also enhance your own skills and character, fostering a sense of fulfillment and personal development.

Not just that, but this aspect also assists you in getting out of your comfort zone and exploring new fields. It is one of the main aspects why so many people on the planet today try to learn more about what is sharing and caring . You may also lookup this aspect on any search engine if you wish to know more about it. 


  • What is the moral of sharing?

The moral of sharing is that we should be willing to share what we have with others, particularly those in need. Sharing promotes generosity, kindness, and empathy, which are all important values that help us build strong relationships with others and make the world a better place.

  • What does sharing caring mean?

Sharing caring means that when we share something with others, we are showing that we care about their well-being and happiness. Sharing can be an act of kindness and generosity, and it helps us build stronger relationships with others.

  • How do you develop sharing and caring skills?

To develop sharing and caring skills, it’s important to practice empathy, kindness, and generosity. This can be done by volunteering, donating to charity, helping others in need, and showing compassion and understanding towards others.

  • What are benefits of sharing?

The benefits of sharing include building strong relationships with others, fostering a sense of community and belonging, promoting empathy and kindness, and reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  • Why is sharing important in life?

Sharing is important in life because it helps us build strong relationships with others, promotes empathy and kindness, and fosters a sense of community and belonging. Sharing also helps us reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation and makes the world a better place.

  • How do you share you care?

You can share you care by showing empathy, kindness, and generosity towards others. This can be done by volunteering, donating to charity, helping others in need, and showing compassion and understanding towards others.

  • How do you teach sharing is caring to students?

To teach sharing is caring to students, you can use stories, games, and activities that emphasize the importance of sharing and caring for others. You can also model these behaviors yourself and encourage students to practice empathy, kindness, and generosity.

  • What activities promote sharing?

Engaging in activities like group projects, team-building exercises, volunteering, and community service promotes the value of sharing and caring.

These experiences foster empathy, kindness, and generosity, while creating a sense of community and belonging.

  • Why is sharing important in the classroom?

Sharing in the classroom builds strong relationships, promotes empathy and kindness, fosters community, and teaches effective collaboration, emphasizing the value of sharing and caring.

  • Why is sharing important to teach?

Sharing is important to teach because it helps students develop empathy, kindness, and generosity towards others, which are important values that can help them succeed in life. Teaching sharing also helps students learn how to work together and collaborate effectively.

  • What is the benefit of helping others?

The benefits of helping others include building strong relationships with others, fostering a sense of community and belonging, promoting empathy and kindness, and reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Helping others can also improve our mental and physical health and make us feel good about ourselves.


If you want to have a successful and healthy life, you should learn more about the importance of sharing and caring. You may not know what this aspect entails and how it can assist you in different ways. However, in situations like these, this blog will be able to provide you with appropriate information effortlessly. Hence, you will be able to acquire the most relevant outcomes while reducing problems significantly. 

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essay on joy of sharing and caring

The Joy of Caring for Others

By Ross Gay

It started with a mask.

A month or so back, at the beginning of mask wearing out here in Bloomington, Ind., I was taking a walk and a friend pulled up in her little Toyota pickup truck. We chatted a bit from a distance (we usually hug, so many friends, so many beloveds we no longer touch, that touching being one of the ways we know each other, a sensorium bereft, and let us figure out how to mourn this properly), and then she told me she was on her way to drop off some masks she’d made for her nephew, who’s about my age, at the jail.

“Here’s an extra,” she said, holding a mask out the window, where it dangled from her finger. It was pretty, kind of floral and quilt-y, and homemade as hell. I reached toward the mask, toward my friend, trying to keep away from her at the same time — both of us a little bit nervous, a little bit scared (I’ve never before noticed that “scared” and “sacred” are so close), making that by-now-familiar I-hope-we-are-not-infecting-each-other face.

That gesture, and the thousands of such gestures these past several weeks I have been a partner in the dance of, the clumsy and beautiful and awkward and elegant and nervous and tender figuring-out-how-to-reach-toward-while-staying-away dance, the reaching toward despite , the million gestures that carry all the figuring it out, all the wondering how to be close without touching, which is also to say, how to be together in our sorrow, how to be together in our need, our need for one another, which is profound, and good , for each other’s touch, really, how to hold one another, in these forms and labors of care, some of which we’ve always kind of done, some of which are emergent, we are inventing, they are becoming, to me anyway, differently luminous these days, these days of need, forms and modes of care utterly quotidian and utterly novel (though care is never quotidian), forms and modes minuscule and grand (though care is never minuscule), forms and modes and acts and events of care that become practices of care, and structures of care, witnessing this, studying this, trying to join this, the light that radiates from the dreaming and need and labor, I mean, despite the sorrow, in the midst of the sorrow, with the sorrow, brings me to what is there always if sometimes I forget, and I do, and when it takes me in I often nearly weep, I feel something breaking a little bit inside, and I think this is joy.

Ross Gay is the author of the poetry collection “ Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude .” His collection of essays, “ The Book of Delights ,” was published in 2019, and his book-length poem, “ Be Holding ,” will be published in September.

Doodles by Andrew Sondern. Andrew is an art director at The Times.

14 ways we’re getting through these terrible times … and even finding joy.

T h e . J o y . o f . J o g g i n g . V e r y , . V e r y . S l o w l y .

T h e . J o y . o f . H a v i n g . P l a n s . C a n c e l . T h e m s e l v e s .

T h e . J o y . o f . T h e . H a t e - W a t c h .

T h e . J o y . o f . C i r c l i n g . T h e . B l o c k .

T h e . J o y . o f . P e r f e c t i n g . t h e . S e x y . S e l f i e .

T h e . J o y . o f . a . J u n k y . O l d . N i n t e n d o .

T h e . J o y . o f . D e l e t i n g . M y . M a n y . M e d i o c r e . P h o t o s .

T h e . J o y . o f . R e g r o w i n g . M y . S c a l l i o n s . — . Y e s , . R e g r o w i n g . M y . S c a l l i o n s .

T h e . J o y . o f . P i c k i n g . a . F i g h t . W i t h . a . F r i e n d .

T h e . J o y . o f . L o o k i n g . a t . t h e . L i v e s . o f . S t r a n g e r s .

T h e . J o y . o f . C o n s u m i n g . A n . O b s c e n e . N u m b e r . O f . C a l o r i e s . B e f o r e . N o o n .

T h e . J o y . o f . G e t t i n g . L o s t . a n d . F i n d i n g . Y o u r . W a y .

T h e . J o y . o f . I m a g i n a r y . H o m e s t e a d i n g . i n . L o s . A n g e l e s .

T h e . J o y . o f . C a r i n g . f o r . O t h e r s .

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Sharing is Caring Quotes: Inspiring Generosity and Compassion in Our World

Sharing is Caring Quotes: Inspiring Generosity and Compassion in Our World

Human beings are social creatures by nature, and one of the most wonderful aspects of human nature is our ability to share with and care for one another. Sharing is not just about giving material things but extending love, care, empathy, and support to those around us. In the process, we create a more abundant living experience for everyone involved. This blog post will explore some of the most inspiring sharing is caring quotes, and how their meanings can help us to embrace the wonderful aspects of human nature and how they can significantly benefit our lives.

Famous Sharing is Caring Quotes

sharing is caring quotes

There are countless sharing is caring quotes from historical figures, celebrities, public figures, literature, and movies that remind us of the deepest significance of sharing and caring in our lives. Let’s explore a few of these quotes and the wonderful wisdom they carry.

1. Mahatma Gandhi : “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

2. Mother Teresa: “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”

3. Martin Luther King Jr.: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'”

4. Oprah Winfrey: “To move forward, you have to give back.”

5. Ellen DeGeneres: “When you share your light, you make more room for your own brightness to shine.”

6. Bill Gates: “If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction.”

The Meaning Behind Sharing is Caring Quotes


Each of these sharing is caring quotes highlights the power of generosity and empathy, reminding us of the importance of community and connection. By sharing what we have – be it material possessions, time, or emotional support – we create a ripple effect that can reach far beyond our immediate circle. In turn, this fosters a sense of abundance and joy not only in our own lives but in the lives of others as well.

These quotes also encourage us to act with kindness and compassion, understanding that even the smallest act of sharing can make a difference. As Mother Teresa said, “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” This sentiment is echoed in the words of Margaret Mead, who stated, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

How to Incorporate Sharing is Caring Quotes into Daily Life

As a human being, it is essential to take the time to reflect on sharing is caring quotes and how we can incorporate the messages within into our daily lives. To fully embrace the spirit of sharing and caring, it’s important to incorporate these quotes into our daily lives. Here are a few ways to do so:

1. Use quotes as personal reminders or mantras: Choose a few of your favorite sharing is caring quotes and repeat them to yourself throughout the day as a reminder to practice generosity and empathy. For example, Mary Anne Radmacher’s quote, “I can no longer be of service to anyone else, I must be the change I wish to see in the world.”

2. Share quotes on social media to inspire others: Use your online presence to spread the message of sharing and caring. Post quotes, images, or stories that highlight the importance of generosity and compassion, and encourage your followers to do the same.

3. Create art or crafts featuring sharing is caring quotes: Express your creativity by designing artwork, jewelry, or other crafts that incorporate your favorite quotes. This not only serves as a personal reminder of the values you hold dear but can also inspire others when they see your creations.

Stories of Sharing and Caring in Action

Person Holding a Stress Ball

To truly understand the impact of sharing and caring, it’s essential to hear stories of these principles in action. Here are a few examples of how sharing and caring have made a difference in the lives of individuals and communities:

1. A small group of friends decided to pool their resources and create care packages for homeless individuals in their city. They spent an afternoon assembling the packages, which included essentials like toiletries, warm clothing, and non-perishable food items, and then distributed them to those in need. The recipients were grateful for the help, and the friends felt a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that their small act of sharing had made a difference.

2. After witnessing the devastating effects of a natural disaster, a young woman felt compelled to help. She organized a fundraising event, gathering donations from local businesses and community members, and used the funds to purchase much-needed supplies for the affected region. Her efforts not only provided tangible support to those in need but also demonstrated the power of sharing and caring on a larger scale.

3. A school teacher noticed that several of her students were struggling with reading and comprehension. She decided to start an after-school reading program, where more advanced students would help their peers improve their skills. Over time, the program grew, and the students not only improved their reading abilities but also formed lasting friendships based on their shared experiences.

In each of these stories, the act of sharing and caring made a significant impact on the lives of others. By embracing the principles expressed in sharing is caring quotes, we can all make a difference in our world, one small act at a time.

In Conclusion

Sharing is caring quotes serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of generosity, empathy, and compassion in our lives. By incorporating these quotes into our daily routines and sharing them with others, we can inspire a more abundant living experience for ourselves and those around us.

As the Dalai Lama once said, “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.” Let us all strive to be more mindful of the sharing person inside us and work towards creating a world where caring and compassion are the cornerstones of our collective human experience.

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Be Happy by Sharing and Caring

Be Happy by Sharing and Caring

“ If you have a candle, the light won’t glow any dimmer if I light yours off of mine. ” – Steven Tyler

Happiness… How do you relate to this word? What does it mean to you and what gives you happiness? Happiness is a broader term and its connotation differs from one to another. For some of you happiness would be in making yourself happy, while for others it’s in making others feel good. Sometimes success, contentment, peace, gains, etc define happiness. While, at other times happiness is experienced through higher philosophies of life. The major question is why do we need happiness in life? Have you asked this question to yourself? An interesting question to ponder over, isn’t it? Try to think about it at least once. I am sure you will definitely come up with answers that will be a life-changing moment for you!

Happiness is a significant motivating factor to help us survive in this world, to inspire us towards worthwhile actions and to propel us towards the higher and deeper meaning of life. There are manifold ways to attain happiness in life. Some ways are based on the microcosmic worldly aspects, while some are based on the aspects that drift us to higher realms of understanding, empathy, love, faith, hope and so on. Amongst these various en routes to happiness… Sharing and caring are also great ways to attain happiness. Have you experienced how it feels after you have helped a needy, fed a hungry person or taken care of the ailing? It makes you feel very peaceful, contended and blissful, right? Sharing and caring are high virtues and values that not only make you feel good but also help your fellow-beings in the process too. How can you inculcate sharing and caring in your daily life or practical life is the major question here. Let us look into different ways through which we can share, through which we can care, attain and spread happiness in the progression:

“ Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ” – Dalai Lama XIV

Know yourself:

The more you know yourself, the more you can know what you are – what you have – what you can offer to the world at large. Knowing yourself is an art. It gives you an insight about your strengths and weaknesses, values and virtues, and so on. It also shows you a definite direction in life. Spending time with yourself, meditation and reflective thinking will help you a lot in the process of knowing yourself.

Be empathetic and understanding towards yourself and others:

There is a thin line between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy is something that you show to others. But, empathy is literally feeling what others are feeling. So in order to foster a sharing and caring nature you need to be understanding and empathetic towards yourself first. Then these will automatically reflect onto others.

Reach out to help the needy:

Someone somewhere in some part of the world is leading life amid great difficulties, hunger, poverty, etc. He/she must be struggling hard to make a living, someone might be emotionally hurt and might be looking for a shoulder to lean on… Life is never fair always. It is a blend of sun and shade. If you look around yourself you will find many people either silently or yelling out or a helping hand from you. Doing even a small thing to help others will take you a long way in expressing your care and concern. This will give you a lot of happiness in return.

Serve the ailing:

Nursing a sick person, taking care of the sick is yet another sterling way of attaining internal happiness and at the same time sharing ‘n’ caring. You need not be a medical professional or a doctor for it. Just by giving someone a “get well soon” card or by sitting beside him/her will enkindle a bright flame of health, well-being and happiness beyond compare.

Charity begins at home:

´Sometimes we become mere bystanders in different situations. It is not that we cannot do something it’s just that we cannot grab up all the resources and courage to do something. We expect others to be taking a stand and doing it. So folks, come on… Let’s try to inculcate strength within ourselves and take a stand wherever we are needed.

Love unconditionally and learn to forgive-forget:

Sharing, caring and ultimate happiness comes through the pearls of love, forgetting and forgiving too. It is sometimes difficult to get over things and bitter memories. It is even more difficult to forgive someone who has given you immense pain. But, it is silently killing you from within. The more negative things you think or feel the more harm you would be doing to yourself. So, no matter how difficult it is to forgive and forget, just give it a try at least. You will be the one who will be the happiest person on the Earth after doing it.

Meaningful social and community services:

We often celebrate and party with our family, friends and acquaintances. This is really a great way of spreading and sharing happiness around. However, sometimes you can make it more meaningful through a vision or ideal – oriented gathering. For example: Meeting or assembling together and planning to help someone or a community that needs you. Orphans, the elderly, the sick and ailing, the poor and needy… There are manifold ways in which you can create sunshine of positivity and prosperity through community service.

Praise and celebrate:

Hmmm… if you have done at least one of the above things that I have said above, if you have done something to share or care in some or the other form, then its time to praise yourself and celebrate guys!!!!

Your biggest strengths and values are your potentialities to share and care; to attain and radiate happiness. If you are already doing it or already thinking of doing it, then you are indeed one of the best creations on Earth.

“ This life is for loving, sharing, learning, smiling, caring, forgiving, laughing, hugging, helping, dancing, wondering, healing, and even more loving. I choose to live life this way. I want to live my life in such a way that when I get out of bed in the morning, the devil says, ‘aw shit, he’s up! ” – Steve Maraboli,  Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

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Sharing And Caring (Essay Sample)

Sharing and caring.

Sharing is an act that equates to caring. This is very true in how we build and function within our social relationships. When we share, we are also imparting part and parcel of ourselves in order to signify that we are secured enough to give to others. When we share things that we have to others, we showcase a sense of humility and empathy to those in need. The simple phrase “sharing is caring” speaks in volumes for it illustrates a trait that everyone understands and that seems pleasing to all.

In the society, being able to give to others is sometimes tagged as “charity” but it is so much more than that. Being able to share is being able to understand the situation that others are in and through sharing, we are able to do more than just give; we take part in the experience of others. The social environment we are in also clearly dictates the current condition of the society which goes to show which communities share more compared to others.

As a trait and virtue, sharing can also be riddled with negative implications. Sometimes, people see sharing as merely generosity but it is much more than that. Sharing is cultivating a mutual relationship; both the one who gives and the one who receives shares but only in different ways. As individuals, learning how to share also means learning how to more efficient members of a community.

Sharing happens in different levels. To start off, it is important to understand how sharing automatically presents itself within the familial setting. In a family, sharing happens naturally because the familial bond implicates a deep sense of connection. In the family, sharing is more about emotions and values rather than material things. This strengthens the bond within the family for this highlights the value of collective understanding which is where the act and virtue of sharing is anchored on.

Aside from family, we also build social relationships through especially in significant friendships. Important friendships in our lives are all about sharing life experiences. The more we share, the stronger the bonds of friendship become. Once we share, we are able to show our full capacity to others with how we can care more about others than ourselves. In truth, sharing to more than our family and friends is the measure if we can truly share. It already takes a lot to give part of ourselves but to give this part to people that we don’t fully know takes a lot of us. In the community we are in, the act of sharing can sometimes be seen as a necessary activity but the real challenge is in knowing how to share at times that may not be convenient for us. In light of this, we should know that sharing is not about convenience or feeling better about ourselves, it’s all about being emphatic in a society that tends to selfish to many.

As an individual, it is much easier to share material things rather than intangible things like the values that we hold close to ourselves. This is why sharing would always be equated to caring; it is not a passive activity. It takes strength for many of us to share things that are dear to us. Through this, we are also able to measure how we are as members of the society, from our family to the community that we are members of. Sharing is not simply giving away things that we don’t need; rather it is a way of sharing things that we need to people who also need them because we understand them.

essay on joy of sharing and caring

essay on joy of sharing and caring

Written by : Autumn Melcer  • October 11, 2013 • --> --> -->

Sharing Brings Happiness

Girl offering to share her apple

Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.” —Bernard Meltzer (Radio Host, 1916-1998)

Have you ever shared a story because it made you smile? Ever find yourself walking by a stranger and flashing a smile? What about watching someone dig for change and giving some of your own to cover the rest of their purchase?

Research proves that sharing in all its forms is a truly powerful way to bring happiness. You can share things that are special to you—like a book, a tool or even a recipe. Or you can share a smile, a special event in your life, or even your affection.

Sharing is fundamental to the development of all human relationships and civilizations. We begin learning to share as soon as we are able to communicate. Often it begins with our parents teaching us the importance of sharing a toy with a friend. In the mind of a toddler, this idea seems absurd at first. They are thinking, “Why would I want to give up this awesome thing I’m playing with?” But even at that young age, they quickly realize the payoff. And what is it? It is the joy they feel when they see the happiness they have brought someone else.

Not only does sharing bring us joy, it teaches us the importance of taking care of others. In many cultures, it is quite common to share your home with your elders. But sharing doesn’t have to be a grand gesture to be appreciated. It can be as simple as sharing something you feel with someone, like a compliment. “You look so pretty today,” is one example. Those simple words can often make someone feel special and cared for, and in return, make the one who said them happy. Sharing is truly a win-win!

One of the best things you can share with others is your own happiness. Tell them what made you happy and why. Your story just might inspire a change in them.

A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships determined that sharing our good news provides us with an extra dose of positive emotion, more than merely recalling it or writing about it. The research also determined other benefits of sharing a positive experience, such as making it easier to remember, the opportunity to learn new positive implications of our news from another’s perspective, and the extra joy we feel when making another person happy through our good news.

The next time something good happens to you, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it—because just like smiling, happiness can be contagious!


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essay on joy of sharing and caring


Paragraph on Sharing is Caring

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Sharing is Caring in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Sharing is Caring in 100 Words

Sharing is like giving a part of your joy to someone else. When you share, you show that you care. Imagine you have a big chocolate bar. If you eat it all alone, only you will be happy. But if you share it with your friends, everyone gets a taste and everyone is happy. This is the magic of sharing! Sharing can be with things, like toys, or even with feelings, like happiness or sadness. Remember, when you share, you make the world a better place to live. So, always share and show you care!

Paragraph on Sharing is Caring in 200 Words

Sharing is Caring is a simple phrase that carries a lot of meaning. It means that when we share things with others, we show them we care. For example, if you have two candies and your friend has none, you can share one with them. This act of sharing doesn’t only give your friend a candy, but also a smile. It’s like spreading happiness around. Sharing is not just about things we can touch or eat, it’s also about feelings, knowledge and time. If your friend is sad, you can share your time and listen to them. This makes them feel better. If you know a fun fact, share it with your classmates. This will make learning more fun for everyone. So remember, each time you share, you are telling someone that you care about them. This simple act makes our world a happier and kinder place. So, let’s all try to share more and spread love and care around us.

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Paragraph on Sharing is Caring in 250 Words

Sharing is Caring is a well-known phrase that teaches us about the importance of sharing in our lives. When we share, we show kindness and generosity to others. This could be sharing our things, like toys or books, or it could be sharing our time, like helping a friend with homework or a family member with chores. Sharing also helps us to make friends and build strong relationships. When we share with someone, we offer them a part of ourselves. It tells them that we trust them and we want to help them. It makes them feel special and valued. It also makes us feel good. We get a warm, happy feeling inside when we share. It’s a feeling of love and joy that only comes from doing something kind for someone else. Sharing also helps to spread happiness. When we share, we make others happy. Their happiness then spreads to others, creating a ripple effect of joy. Sharing can even help to make the world a better place. When people share, there’s less need for greed and selfishness. Instead, there’s more room for love and kindness. So, remember to share. It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, what matters is the love and kindness in the act. After all, sharing is not just about giving away things, but it’s about spreading love, joy, and kindness to those around us.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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essay on joy of sharing and caring

Study Paragraphs

Sharing Is Caring Paragraph Writing Example In English For Students

The following paragraph on topic sharing is caring will provide meaningful full information among students. Read and let us know your thoughts about this article.

Table of Contents

Sharing Is Caring Paragraph Example For Students

Sharing means taking care that students share their essays with others and help them with their needs and get a positive outcome through those actions. This is the only path to success and prosperity because it makes us strong, courageous, and open-minded people. Sharing means taking care of everyone who has ever achieved something they wanted to achieve at least once in a lifetime.

We all remember our childhood when we were full of happiness, joy, desires, and longings that we wanted to fulfill immediately. We used to blame our parents for not giving us what we wanted or buying less than we needed. Then came the time when we had children ourselves and realized that there are some things you can’t buy, no matter how much money you have.

They come from the heart, they are given with love. We make our children understand that sharing is important, keeping track of the things you have at home and not using them without permission. It’s honest because even if the little kid doesn’t tell you what they did to your phone or favorite t-shirt, that person will later start lying to you about everything else too.

It is difficult for adults to share their belongings because we often think that none of us need to be generous and generous. And one day, when life throws something unusual across our path, all these material goods will no longer play a major role . Then these words will repeat in our head, sharing is caring again.

Conclusion paragraph

Sharing is caring means that we should help and share our things with others without expecting anything in return. We should remember that this is the best way to be happy and content as a person.

There are too many people these days who just don’t care about their surroundings. They don’t think about their family members or friends , they only think about themselves. This selfish behavior puts a person into a circle of loneliness and robs them of happiness. Instead, you should work on your relationships and improve them every day as this makes you and other people around you happier.

essay on sharing is caring for class 6

Essay On Sharing is Caring For Class 6 Students


Sharing, a simple yet significant act of kindness, is a cornerstone of human interaction. ‘Sharing is caring’ is a timeless phrase that teaches us about the importance of sharing and its effects on our relationships with others.

The Concept of Sharing

Sharing is not merely limited to tangible goods or material possessions. It encompasses sharing of emotions, experiences, knowledge, and time. When we share, we are offering a part of ourselves to others, demonstrating our compassion and empathy. Sharing fosters trust and mutual understanding, strengthening our social bonds.

Benefits of Sharing

Sharing helps inculcate positive values and shapes our character. It teaches us to be generous and selfless, reducing our tendencies towards greed and selfishness. For instance, when we share our lunch with a friend who forgot theirs, we experience a sense of fulfillment and happiness that can’t be matched by keeping the entire meal to ourselves.

Sharing in Various Aspects of Life

Sharing plays a crucial role in various aspects of life. In education, sharing of knowledge and resources promotes cooperative learning and mutual growth. In families, sharing chores and responsibilities creates a harmonious environment. In communities, sharing resources can alleviate poverty and promote equality.

In conclusion, ‘sharing is caring’ is more than just a phrase; it’s a way of life. By embracing this principle, we can create a caring society where everyone feels valued and supported. Sharing can bring about a positive change in our lives and the world at large, one kind act at a time.

Sharing Is Caring – 300 Words Essay for Class 5

Sharing is an act that equates to caring. This is a very simple and straightforward fact that we should teach our kids. Share things with others and you’ll notice a sense of joy inculcate within you. For instance, sharing your sandwich at lunchtime with your friend who forgot theirs will make you feel happier. Sharing is a divine virtue, a key to true happiness and fulfilling life. It teaches us empathy and opens up our hearts toward others. So remember, every little act of sharing, adds up to a big pile of caring!

Sharing Is Caring – 250 Words Essay for Class 4

The phrase ‘sharing is caring’ is a vital one in our life. It refers to the act of contributing what we have for the benefit of others. It does not necessarily mean sharing materialistic things. We can share emotions, knowledge, and experiences as well. When we share things with others, we show them that we care. Sharing also helps to build strong relationships and foster a sense of community. It’s a great way to show kindness and make the world a better place.

Sharing Is Caring – 200 Words Essay for Class 3

‘Sharing is Caring’ is a well-known saying that has a profound meaning. It means that when we share things with others, we are showing our concern for them. Sharing can be about anything – toys, books, food, feelings, and much more. When we share, not only do we make others happy, but it also gives us a sense of satisfaction. So, always remember, sharing is not only caring but also making the world a happier place to live.

Sharing Is Caring – 150 Words Essay for Class 2

We have all heard the saying, ‘Sharing is caring.’ It means when we share things with others, it shows that we care about them. We can share many things like toys, food, and even our time. When we share, it makes us happy and it makes the person we are sharing with happy too. It is a good thing to do and it makes the world a nicer place.

Sharing Is Caring – Ten Lines Essay for Class 1

  • Sharing is a good thing to do.
  • It shows we care about others.
  • We can share many things.
  • We can share our toys.
  • We can share our food.
  • We can also share our time.
  • When we share, it makes us happy.
  • It also makes the person we are sharing with happy.
  • Sharing helps to make friends.
  • Sharing is caring. Let’s share and care.

Best Speech On Sharing Is Caring for Students

Good day everyone,

Today, I’d like to talk about a simple yet powerful phrase we’ve all heard: “Sharing is caring.” But what does this truly mean? At its core, it means that when we share, we show that we care about others. This transcends the mere act of giving away material things. Sharing is about empathizing with others, understanding their needs, and acting for the betterment of everyone involved.

Think about when you share a chocolate bar with a friend. You’re not just splitting a treat; you’re creating a bond, a moment of happiness that you both can enjoy. It’s a small act, but it shows that you care about your friend’s happiness just as much as your own.

Now, imagine if we applied this principle on a larger scale, like sharing knowledge or resources with those who lack them. The impact could be enormous. We could help lift others out of poverty, foster a sense of community, and create a more equitable world.

So, let’s remember, sharing is not just about distributing what we have; it’s a way to show we care. It’s a means to foster relationships, build stronger communities, and make a significant difference in the world. So, the next time you have something—be it a chocolate bar, a piece of knowledge, or a resource—think about how sharing could make a difference, and just remember, sharing is indeed caring. Thank you.

In conclusion, the phrase “sharing is caring” is not just a catchy saying, but an ethos we should strive to instill in our daily lives. When we share our possessions, our time, and our hearts with others, we give a gift far more valuable than material possessions — we impart a sense of belonging, love, and community. Truly, sharing creates a caring world where empathy and understanding thrive, building bridges of compassion that connect us all.

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Tips for Happy Life.

Essay on Joy of sharing is caring

Essay on Joy of sharing is caring is written in continuation Sharing is caring essay . There are two main things in a life of an individual, one is health and second one is respect.  Both of these things, certainly,  have a link with happiness and joy. Surely, good health’s compulsory factors are good environment and happiness.  Likewise, happiness comes due to sharing, once you share something with to whom you love, then automatically you find a way to joy and inner satisfaction. One of the universal truth is that “happiness flourishes by sharing”.

Essay on joy of sharing is caring

Health and respect can only be get when there is peace of mind. Peace and prosperity are the tools that multiply happy and joy. Harmony and joy are the only good items that flow smoothly individual life.

No one is perfect in this mortal world.  If, someone is a carpenter, then he can only do work related to furniture and wood, while rest of his work and task of life are to be completed by other professional shares.

Bees made honey, but there share is obtained by all. So sharing begets joy and happiness.

Industry of world is running on idea of sharing, professional share their findings with nonprofessional, teachers share their knowledge with students, skillful person share their skills with non skillful, thinkers share their thinking with non thinker, researcher show and share their research with whole world.

Blessings of Almighty Allah share by all creatures. Thankfully, Oxygen, water, environment, sea, rivers, sky and earth is to be used on idea of sharing.

Now, imagine if a member of family does not allow other members to use and share his belongings then inevitably it will lose its relations gradually.

Sharing is first principle of love. If, you want to give someone happiness and want to show your affection. Then sharing of your bits and bobs will be a practical and authentic idea.

Happiness of sharing in visual you can see on the face of a mother after feeding her kids and caring her family.

Happiness prevails on the face of a father after providing shelter and livelihood to his family.

Joy of sharing is visible on the face of kindness companion after helping his friend.

But all of the above examples are just for trigger. Therefore, don’t wait for others. Quickly, take start from your side. As a result,  see how sharing will create joy and happiness in your mind and heart. Thus, you will see how you have been covered with sheet of love and joy after either you have shared something or one of your friend has shared something with you. However, It does not matter what you or they have shared, it may be words, secrets, talks, conversations, belongings, tools, goods, money and love.

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Sharing is caring essay

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    4. Oprah Winfrey: "To move forward, you have to give back.". 5. Ellen DeGeneres: "When you share your light, you make more room for your own brightness to shine.". 6. Bill Gates: "If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction.".

  15. Be Happy by Sharing and Caring

    Love unconditionally and learn to forgive-forget: Sharing, caring and ultimate happiness comes through the pearls of love, forgetting and forgiving too. It is sometimes difficult to get over things and bitter memories. It is even more difficult to forgive someone who has given you immense pain.

  16. Sharing And Caring (Essay Sample)

    Sharing is an act that equates to caring. This is very true in how we build and function within our social relationships. When we share, we are also imparting part and parcel of ourselves in order to signify that we are secured enough to give to others. When we share things that we have to others, we showcase a sense of humility and empathy to ...

  17. Sharing Brings Happiness

    Research proves that sharing in all its forms is a truly powerful way to bring happiness. You can share things that are special to you—like a book, a tool or even a recipe. Or you can share a smile, a special event in your life, or even your affection. Sharing is fundamental to the development of all human relationships and civilizations.

  18. Joy of Caring and Sharing

    Edit. Tools. Settings. Filter Results. "JOY OF CARING AND SHARING". Sharing, taking, earning, losing, stealing, squandering, hoarding. These are all human impulses, and very natural otherwise we wouldn't be human without them. Yet on this list only one item — sharing — appears in the world's wisdom traditions.

  19. Paragraph on Sharing is Caring

    Paragraph on Sharing is Caring in 100 Words. Sharing is like giving a part of your joy to someone else. When you share, you show that you care. Imagine you have a big chocolate bar. If you eat it all alone, only you will be happy. But if you share it with your friends, everyone gets a taste and everyone is happy. This is the magic of sharing!

  20. The joy of sharing

    So sharing gives the giver joy and fulfilment. My mother would often tell me, quoting a vernacular sentiment that said, "If you have to offer a piece of gold but cannot, at least place a flower ...

  21. Sharing is Caring Essay, Paragraphs & Speech

    Essay On Sharing is Caring For Class 6 Students. Sharing Is Caring - 300 Words Essay for Class 5. Sharing Is Caring - 250 Words Essay for Class 4. Sharing Is Caring - 200 Words Essay for Class 3. Sharing Is Caring - 150 Words Essay for Class 2. Sharing Is Caring - Ten Lines Essay for Class 1. Best Speech On Sharing Is Caring for Students.

  22. Essay on Joy of sharing is caring

    Essay on Joy of sharing is caring is written in continuation Sharing is caring essay . There are two main things in a life of an individual, one is health and second one is respect. Both of these things, certainly, have a link with happiness and joy. Surely, good health's compulsory factors are good environment and happiness.

  23. Essay On Joy Of Sharing And Caring

    Essay On Joy Of Sharing And Caring Essay On Joy Of Sharing And Caring 2. Alzheimer s A Progressive And Fatal Disease Of The Brain According to, forty four million people, worldwide, are diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease. In the United States, one out of nine people over the age of 65 are diagnosed with this disease, and it ranks ...