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International Baccalaureate (IB)


IB students around the globe fear writing the Extended Essay, but it doesn't have to be a source of stress! In this article, I'll get you excited about writing your Extended Essay and provide you with the resources you need to get an A on it.

If you're reading this article, I'm going to assume you're an IB student getting ready to write your Extended Essay. If you're looking at this as a potential future IB student, I recommend reading our introductory IB articles first, including our guide to what the IB program is and our full coverage of the IB curriculum .

IB Extended Essay: Why Should You Trust My Advice?

I myself am a recipient of an IB Diploma, and I happened to receive an A on my IB Extended Essay. Don't believe me? The proof is in the IBO pudding:


If you're confused by what this report means, EE is short for Extended Essay , and English A1 is the subject that my Extended Essay topic coordinated with. In layman's terms, my IB Diploma was graded in May 2010, I wrote my Extended Essay in the English A1 category, and I received an A grade on it.

What Is the Extended Essay in the IB Diploma Programme?

The IB Extended Essay, or EE , is a mini-thesis you write under the supervision of an IB advisor (an IB teacher at your school), which counts toward your IB Diploma (learn more about the major IB Diploma requirements in our guide) . I will explain exactly how the EE affects your Diploma later in this article.

For the Extended Essay, you will choose a research question as a topic, conduct the research independently, then write an essay on your findings . The essay itself is a long one—although there's a cap of 4,000 words, most successful essays get very close to this limit.

Keep in mind that the IB requires this essay to be a "formal piece of academic writing," meaning you'll have to do outside research and cite additional sources.

The IB Extended Essay must include the following:

  • A title page
  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • References and bibliography

Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories , or IB subject groups, which are as follows:

  • Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language Acquisition
  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies
  • Group 4: Sciences
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The Arts

Once you figure out your category and have identified a potential research topic, it's time to pick your advisor, who is normally an IB teacher at your school (though you can also find one online ). This person will help direct your research, and they'll conduct the reflection sessions you'll have to do as part of your Extended Essay.

As of 2018, the IB requires a "reflection process" as part of your EE supervision process. To fulfill this requirement, you have to meet at least three times with your supervisor in what the IB calls "reflection sessions." These meetings are not only mandatory but are also part of the formal assessment of the EE and your research methods.

According to the IB, the purpose of these meetings is to "provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their engagement with the research process." Basically, these meetings give your supervisor the opportunity to offer feedback, push you to think differently, and encourage you to evaluate your research process.

The final reflection session is called the viva voce, and it's a short 10- to 15-minute interview between you and your advisor. This happens at the very end of the EE process, and it's designed to help your advisor write their report, which factors into your EE grade.

Here are the topics covered in your viva voce :

  • A check on plagiarism and malpractice
  • Your reflection on your project's successes and difficulties
  • Your reflection on what you've learned during the EE process

Your completed Extended Essay, along with your supervisor's report, will then be sent to the IB to be graded. We'll cover the assessment criteria in just a moment.


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What Should You Write About in Your IB Extended Essay?

You can technically write about anything, so long as it falls within one of the approved categories listed above.

It's best to choose a topic that matches one of the IB courses , (such as Theatre, Film, Spanish, French, Math, Biology, etc.), which shouldn't be difficult because there are so many class subjects.

Here is a range of sample topics with the attached extended essay:

  • Biology: The Effect of Age and Gender on the Photoreceptor Cells in the Human Retina
  • Chemistry: How Does Reflux Time Affect the Yield and Purity of Ethyl Aminobenzoate (Benzocaine), and How Effective is Recrystallisation as a Purification Technique for This Compound?
  • English: An Exploration of Jane Austen's Use of the Outdoors in Emma
  • Geography: The Effect of Location on the Educational Attainment of Indigenous Secondary Students in Queensland, Australia
  • Math: Alhazen's Billiard Problem
  • Visual Arts: Can Luc Tuymans Be Classified as a Political Painter?

You can see from how varied the topics are that you have a lot of freedom when it comes to picking a topic . So how do you pick when the options are limitless?


How to Write a Stellar IB Extended Essay: 6 Essential Tips

Below are six key tips to keep in mind as you work on your Extended Essay for the IB DP. Follow these and you're sure to get an A!

#1: Write About Something You Enjoy

You can't expect to write a compelling essay if you're not a fan of the topic on which you're writing. For example, I just love British theatre and ended up writing my Extended Essay on a revolution in post-WWII British theatre. (Yes, I'm definitely a #TheatreNerd.)

I really encourage anyone who pursues an IB Diploma to take the Extended Essay seriously. I was fortunate enough to receive a full-tuition merit scholarship to USC's School of Dramatic Arts program. In my interview for the scholarship, I spoke passionately about my Extended Essay; thus, I genuinely think my Extended Essay helped me get my scholarship.

But how do you find a topic you're passionate about? Start by thinking about which classes you enjoy the most and why . Do you like math classes because you like to solve problems? Or do you enjoy English because you like to analyze literary texts?

Keep in mind that there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing your Extended Essay topic. You're not more likely to get high marks because you're writing about science, just like you're not doomed to failure because you've chosen to tackle the social sciences. The quality of what you produce—not the field you choose to research within—will determine your grade.

Once you've figured out your category, you should brainstorm more specific topics by putting pen to paper . What was your favorite chapter you learned in that class? Was it astrophysics or mechanics? What did you like about that specific chapter? Is there something you want to learn more about? I recommend spending a few hours on this type of brainstorming.

One last note: if you're truly stumped on what to research, pick a topic that will help you in your future major or career . That way you can use your Extended Essay as a talking point in your college essays (and it will prepare you for your studies to come too!).

#2: Select a Topic That Is Neither Too Broad nor Too Narrow

There's a fine line between broad and narrow. You need to write about something specific, but not so specific that you can't write 4,000 words on it.

You can't write about WWII because that would be a book's worth of material. You also don't want to write about what type of soup prisoners of war received behind enemy lines, because you probably won’t be able to come up with 4,000 words of material about it. However, you could possibly write about how the conditions in German POW camps—and the rations provided—were directly affected by the Nazis' successes and failures on the front, including the use of captured factories and prison labor in Eastern Europe to increase production. WWII military history might be a little overdone, but you get my point.

If you're really stuck trying to pinpoint a not-too-broad-or-too-narrow topic, I suggest trying to brainstorm a topic that uses a comparison. Once you begin looking through the list of sample essays below, you'll notice that many use comparisons to formulate their main arguments.

I also used a comparison in my EE, contrasting Harold Pinter's Party Time with John Osborne's Look Back in Anger in order to show a transition in British theatre. Topics with comparisons of two to three plays, books, and so on tend to be the sweet spot. You can analyze each item and then compare them with one another after doing some in-depth analysis of each individually. The ways these items compare and contrast will end up forming the thesis of your essay!

When choosing a comparative topic, the key is that the comparison should be significant. I compared two plays to illustrate the transition in British theatre, but you could compare the ways different regional dialects affect people's job prospects or how different temperatures may or may not affect the mating patterns of lightning bugs. The point here is that comparisons not only help you limit your topic, but they also help you build your argument.

Comparisons are not the only way to get a grade-A EE, though. If after brainstorming, you pick a non-comparison-based topic and are still unsure whether your topic is too broad or narrow, spend about 30 minutes doing some basic research and see how much material is out there.

If there are more than 1,000 books, articles, or documentaries out there on that exact topic, it may be too broad. But if there are only two books that have any connection to your topic, it may be too narrow. If you're still unsure, ask your advisor—it's what they're there for! Speaking of advisors...


Don't get stuck with a narrow topic!

#3: Choose an Advisor Who Is Familiar With Your Topic

If you're not certain of who you would like to be your advisor, create a list of your top three choices. Next, write down the pros and cons of each possibility (I know this sounds tedious, but it really helps!).

For example, Mr. Green is my favorite teacher and we get along really well, but he teaches English. For my EE, I want to conduct an experiment that compares the efficiency of American electric cars with foreign electric cars.

I had Ms. White a year ago. She teaches physics and enjoyed having me in her class. Unlike Mr. Green, Ms. White could help me design my experiment.

Based on my topic and what I need from my advisor, Ms. White would be a better fit for me than would Mr. Green (even though I like him a lot).

The moral of my story is this: do not just ask your favorite teacher to be your advisor . They might be a hindrance to you if they teach another subject. For example, I would not recommend asking your biology teacher to guide you in writing an English literature-based EE.

There can, of course, be exceptions to this rule. If you have a teacher who's passionate and knowledgeable about your topic (as my English teacher was about my theatre topic), you could ask that instructor. Consider all your options before you do this. There was no theatre teacher at my high school, so I couldn't find a theatre-specific advisor, but I chose the next best thing.

Before you approach a teacher to serve as your advisor, check with your high school to see what requirements they have for this process. Some IB high schools require your IB Extended Essay advisor to sign an Agreement Form , for instance.

Make sure that you ask your IB coordinator whether there is any required paperwork to fill out. If your school needs a specific form signed, bring it with you when you ask your teacher to be your EE advisor.

#4: Pick an Advisor Who Will Push You to Be Your Best

Some teachers might just take on students because they have to and aren't very passionate about reading drafts, only giving you minimal feedback. Choose a teacher who will take the time to read several drafts of your essay and give you extensive notes. I would not have gotten my A without being pushed to make my Extended Essay draft better.

Ask a teacher that you have experience with through class or an extracurricular activity. Do not ask a teacher that you have absolutely no connection to. If a teacher already knows you, that means they already know your strengths and weaknesses, so they know what to look for, where you need to improve, and how to encourage your best work.

Also, don't forget that your supervisor's assessment is part of your overall EE score . If you're meeting with someone who pushes you to do better—and you actually take their advice—they'll have more impressive things to say about you than a supervisor who doesn't know you well and isn't heavily involved in your research process.

Be aware that the IB only allows advisors to make suggestions and give constructive criticism. Your teacher cannot actually help you write your EE. The IB recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE.

#5: Make Sure Your Essay Has a Clear Structure and Flow

The IB likes structure. Your EE needs a clear introduction (which should be one to two double-spaced pages), research question/focus (i.e., what you're investigating), a body, and a conclusion (about one double-spaced page). An essay with unclear organization will be graded poorly.

The body of your EE should make up the bulk of the essay. It should be about eight to 18 pages long (again, depending on your topic). Your body can be split into multiple parts. For example, if you were doing a comparison, you might have one third of your body as Novel A Analysis, another third as Novel B Analysis, and the final third as your comparison of Novels A and B.

If you're conducting an experiment or analyzing data, such as in this EE , your EE body should have a clear structure that aligns with the scientific method ; you should state the research question, discuss your method, present the data, analyze the data, explain any uncertainties, and draw a conclusion and/or evaluate the success of the experiment.

#6: Start Writing Sooner Rather Than Later!

You will not be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in just a week and get an A on it. You'll be reading many, many articles (and, depending on your topic, possibly books and plays as well!). As such, it's imperative that you start your research as soon as possible.

Each school has a slightly different deadline for the Extended Essay. Some schools want them as soon as November of your senior year; others will take them as late as February. Your school will tell you what your deadline is. If they haven't mentioned it by February of your junior year, ask your IB coordinator about it.

Some high schools will provide you with a timeline of when you need to come up with a topic, when you need to meet with your advisor, and when certain drafts are due. Not all schools do this. Ask your IB coordinator if you are unsure whether you are on a specific timeline.

Below is my recommended EE timeline. While it's earlier than most schools, it'll save you a ton of heartache (trust me, I remember how hard this process was!):

  • January/February of Junior Year: Come up with your final research topic (or at least your top three options).
  • February of Junior Year: Approach a teacher about being your EE advisor. If they decline, keep asking others until you find one. See my notes above on how to pick an EE advisor.
  • April/May of Junior Year: Submit an outline of your EE and a bibliography of potential research sources (I recommend at least seven to 10) to your EE advisor. Meet with your EE advisor to discuss your outline.
  • Summer Between Junior and Senior Year: Complete your first full draft over the summer between your junior and senior year. I know, I know—no one wants to work during the summer, but trust me—this will save you so much stress come fall when you are busy with college applications and other internal assessments for your IB classes. You will want to have this first full draft done because you will want to complete a couple of draft cycles as you likely won't be able to get everything you want to say into 4,000 articulate words on the first attempt. Try to get this first draft into the best possible shape so you don't have to work on too many revisions during the school year on top of your homework, college applications, and extracurriculars.
  • August/September of Senior Year: Turn in your first draft of your EE to your advisor and receive feedback. Work on incorporating their feedback into your essay. If they have a lot of suggestions for improvement, ask if they will read one more draft before the final draft.
  • September/October of Senior Year: Submit the second draft of your EE to your advisor (if necessary) and look at their feedback. Work on creating the best possible final draft.
  • November-February of Senior Year: Schedule your viva voce. Submit two copies of your final draft to your school to be sent off to the IB. You likely will not get your grade until after you graduate.

Remember that in the middle of these milestones, you'll need to schedule two other reflection sessions with your advisor . (Your teachers will actually take notes on these sessions on a form like this one , which then gets submitted to the IB.)

I recommend doing them when you get feedback on your drafts, but these meetings will ultimately be up to your supervisor. Just don't forget to do them!


The early bird DOES get the worm!

How Is the IB Extended Essay Graded?

Extended Essays are graded by examiners appointed by the IB on a scale of 0 to 34 . You'll be graded on five criteria, each with its own set of points. You can learn more about how EE scoring works by reading the IB guide to extended essays .

  • Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points maximum)
  • Criterion D: Presentation (4 points maximum)
  • Criterion E: Engagement (6 points maximum)

How well you do on each of these criteria will determine the final letter grade you get for your EE. You must earn at least a D to be eligible to receive your IB Diploma.

Although each criterion has a point value, the IB explicitly states that graders are not converting point totals into grades; instead, they're using qualitative grade descriptors to determine the final grade of your Extended Essay . Grade descriptors are on pages 102-103 of this document .

Here's a rough estimate of how these different point values translate to letter grades based on previous scoring methods for the EE. This is just an estimate —you should read and understand the grade descriptors so you know exactly what the scorers are looking for.

Here is the breakdown of EE scores (from the May 2021 bulletin):

How Does the Extended Essay Grade Affect Your IB Diploma?

The Extended Essay grade is combined with your TOK (Theory of Knowledge) grade to determine how many points you get toward your IB Diploma.

To learn about Theory of Knowledge or how many points you need to receive an IB Diploma, read our complete guide to the IB program and our guide to the IB Diploma requirements .

This diagram shows how the two scores are combined to determine how many points you receive for your IB diploma (3 being the most, 0 being the least). In order to get your IB Diploma, you have to earn 24 points across both categories (the TOK and EE). The highest score anyone can earn is 45 points.


Let's say you get an A on your EE and a B on TOK. You will get 3 points toward your Diploma. As of 2014, a student who scores an E on either the extended essay or TOK essay will not be eligible to receive an IB Diploma .

Prior to the class of 2010, a Diploma candidate could receive a failing grade in either the Extended Essay or Theory of Knowledge and still be awarded a Diploma, but this is no longer true.

Figuring out how you're assessed can be a little tricky. Luckily, the IB breaks everything down here in this document . (The assessment information begins on page 219.)

40+ Sample Extended Essays for the IB Diploma Programme

In case you want a little more guidance on how to get an A on your EE, here are over 40 excellent (grade A) sample extended essays for your reading pleasure. Essays are grouped by IB subject.

  • Business Management 1
  • Chemistry 1
  • Chemistry 2
  • Chemistry 3
  • Chemistry 4
  • Chemistry 5
  • Chemistry 6
  • Chemistry 7
  • Computer Science 1
  • Economics 1
  • Design Technology 1
  • Design Technology 2
  • Environmental Systems and Societies 1
  • Geography 1
  • Geography 2
  • Geography 3
  • Geography 4
  • Geography 5
  • Geography 6
  • Literature and Performance 1
  • Mathematics 1
  • Mathematics 2
  • Mathematics 3
  • Mathematics 4
  • Mathematics 5
  • Philosophy 1
  • Philosophy 2
  • Philosophy 3
  • Philosophy 4
  • Philosophy 5
  • Psychology 1
  • Psychology 2
  • Psychology 3
  • Psychology 4
  • Psychology 5
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 1
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 2
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 1
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 2
  • Visual Arts 1
  • Visual Arts 2
  • Visual Arts 3
  • Visual Arts 4
  • Visual Arts 5
  • World Religion 1
  • World Religion 2
  • World Religion 3


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Trying to figure out what extracurriculars you should do? Learn more about participating in the Science Olympiad , starting a club , doing volunteer work , and joining Student Government .

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As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography.

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April 22, 2022

IB Extended Essay Guide 2022: Deadlines And Requirements

IB 2022 exams are fast approaching. This means that many IB students around the world are already working double time to be able to study enough for the exams, comply with all the IB requirements, and meet all their deadlines. And one of such is the most important IB component that students need to get ready for – their Extended Essay (EE) .

EE is a component of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) that students are required to write and submit before a given deadline. It is a structured essay containing no more than 4,000 words on a particular topic chosen by the student, which assesses their research ability and communication skills. The 4000-word essay is then accompanied by a reflection form that should contain a maximum of 500 words.

If you are currently in the process of writing your extended essay, or if you are an upcoming IB student who wishes to understand more about this IB requirement, this article is right for you. Here are some of the most important pieces of information you should know about the 2022 IB EE.

What should your extended essay include?

The extended essay is basically a mini-thesis that you write with the help of and under the supervision of your IB advisor. To begin your EE, you first need to decide on a research question as your topic, conduct independent research, and then write an essay on the findings of your research.

When writing your EE, you should always keep in mind that the IB requires the essays to be a formal academic piece. This means that you need to do outside research, cite sources properly, and follow the writing requirements set by the IB. Here are the parts that your IB EE should include:

  • A page for your title
  • A table of contents page
  • Introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • Bibliography and references

When it comes to formatting, your essay should be written in a readable 12-point font with double spacing. Using an easy-to-read font is important, so you can help the examiners read and evaluate your essay more easily. The IB also does not require any specific citation or referencing format, so you can pick whichever system you are comfortable with. Just make sure to follow your chosen citation style consistently throughout your essay.

What is the process for writing your extended essay?

The first step to writing your extended essay is choosing your research topic, which must fall into one of the six approved IB subject groups or categories: Mathematics, Sciences, Language and Acquisition, Studies in Language and Literature, Individuals and Societies, and the Arts.

Once you have already decided on your research topic, you need to come up with a topic proposal and meet with your IB advisor for approval and consultations. As of 2018, the IB already mandates that the EE supervision process of each student should include a “reflection process,” under which you are required to meet with your advisor in “reflection sessions” at least thrice.

According to the IB, the objective of the reflection meetings is to provide students with an opportunity to contemplate their engagement with the research process and to allow the advisors to offer feedback and evaluation of the students’ research process.

At the end of the EE process, a final reflection session called the “viva voce” will then take place. It is a quick 10- to 15-minute interview between the student and the advisor, which will help the latter write a report that will contribute to the student’s EE grade. The things usually covered in a viva voce are a plagiarism check, a reflection on your success and difficulty, and an overview of your learning during the EE process.

How to prepare a topic proposal for your extended essay?

As mentioned, coming up with a topic proposal is one of the first and most important steps in your EE writing process. Your topic proposal will basically provide an overview of what your essay will look like and how you will go about your research process. It is to be submitted to your advisor and a DP coordinator, who will read your proposal and decide on whether your chosen topic can be used for your extended essay.

Before handing in your topic proposal, it is important to consider every aspect of your research topic first to make sure you will obtain the approval of your academic advisor. Here are some of the questions you should ask when preparing your topic proposal:

  • What is your research area, and why have you selected it?
  • What is your research question all about?
  • What is the importance of your topic?
  • What background information do you know about your chosen topic?
  • What research methods will you use, and what processes will you undergo?
  • What primary and secondary sources are you planning to use for your research?
  • Have you found any reading material for your topic already?

What are the deadlines for the EE submission?

Generally, the due dates for the submission of all extended essays this 2022 are on the 15th of March for the May exam session and on the 15th of September for the November session. However, the IB gives schools the freedom to set earlier due dates and internal deadlines for the various stages of producing the EE.

It is basically the schools’ responsibility to make sure all the works of their candidates are received by the IB on or before the submission date. To learn more about the EE submission deadlines, it is best to contact your IB school directly.

The extended essay is one of the most important components of IB that you should really prepare for. This requirement will not only demonstrate your research, communication, and self-management skills, but it will also reflect how much you have learned from your IB journey. To achieve a grade of D or higher on your IB EE, be sure to always follow the requirements and stick to the deadlines set by the IB and your school.

If the upcoming IB exams (particularly the hard ones like math and chemistry) are stressing you out, do not hesitate to seek the help of an IB maths tutor now. Here at QE, we have expert and experienced IGCSE and IB maths tutors in Singapore who will help you improve your study schedule and prepare better for the upcoming IB exams. To find out more about our reliable programs or tuition classes, get in touch with any of our educators and advisers today.

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Extended Essay Timeline

The success with your Extended Essay is not only determined by the quality of your writing and the solidity of your research. It also depends greatly on how organized you are. For this reason, the following deadlines have been set by the IB Coordinator to ensure that all students are keeping a steady pace with the Extended Essay.

 The Extended Essay Timeline at a glance

Following are the different steps that you will be going through from the inception of your EE Proposal to the completion of the entire process. It unrolls over a year with different cornerstones set at specific moments of this journer to help you scaffold appropriately. Class time is also dedicated to helping you complete specific portions of the Extended Essay. 

For all the various steps, you will be responsible for their completion. The only exception is for the feedback provided by your EE supervisor on your EE full draft: the supervisor is responsible for reaching back to you within an acceptable amount of time (within one or two weeks) so that you would receive substantial written feedback on your draft , allowing you to work on it prior to the final submission deadline. Ideally, you should have four weeks (about one month) to work on your final version after you receive feedback. The deadlines set by the IB Coordinator do take this aspect into account. 

extended essay timeline 2022

The EE Proposal

The EE Proposal consists in a Google Form that you will be requested to fill in by the end of November. Before this date, you are invited to approach different teachers and ask them questions about the EE and whether they would recommend you choose this or that subject to research.

extended essay timeline 2022

EE-RPPF #1 (First Reflection)

You have been paired with a Supervisor and you know now which of the two subjects you will be researching. It is time for you to set up the first mandatory meeting with your supervisor and discuss your topic so that both of you have an idea of what you will be researching about. In all likelihood, your topic will need to be refined. After the meeting, you must record your reflection on Managebac in the appropriate section.

extended essay timeline 2022

Research Question finalized

At this stage, you should have explored several sources related to your topic and have a clearer idea where your Extended Essay is likely to take you. It is time to formulate a Research Question (RQ). You should meet with your supervisor and take the time to find the accurate formulation together so that your research is fruitful and well oriented.

extended essay timeline 2022

EE Outline Completed

At this stage of the process, you have gathered enough information to start building up an outline for your Extended Essay. It should take the form of a detailed bullet points list with key words and ideas as well as clear references to be used when you start writing later.

extended essay timeline 2022

Summer Plans + First elements

Before you leave for the Summer break, it is a good idea to meet once with your Supervisor and inform them of your plans for the summer (about the EE, of course). At this stage, you should have a first version of the introduction and the conclusion of your Extended Essay: you should know where you are starting from and where you are going.

EE-RPPF # 2 ( Interim Reflection)

It is time for you to contact your EE Supervisor and to set up a meeting time to discuss your progress. You are encouraged, as you did for the First Meeting, to prepare your answers to the guiding questions so that both  you and your supervisor make the best out of this second mandatory meeting.

extended essay timeline 2022

Full Draft completed (First submission)

The complete draft of your Extended Essay is due. Follow properly the instructions of the Extended Essay Coordinator on the EE Google Classroom and make sure that your essay can easily be found by your Supervisor. If needed, send it to them by email too.

Your EE Supervisor is responsible for reaching back to you about your draft within a reasonable amount of time (within one or two weeks).

extended essay timeline 2022

Final Version (Final submission)

Well… that’s pretty much what it says, right? It is now time to send your Extended Essay. No changes will be made to this submitted version so check that it is the right version (and not your draft, for instance). Follow the instructions to be posted on Google Classroom by the EE Coordinator.

EE-RPPF # 3 ( Viva voce Reflection)

You are responsible for reaching out to your Supervisor and set up a meeting time for the last mandatory meeting. This meeting is supposed to focus on the whole process and the Supervisor must have read your final version of the EE. It is not time for them to suggest edits as the final version can not be edited anymore.

After this viva voce interview, you must record your last reflection on Managebac to conclude the whole process.

extended essay timeline 2022


Your Extended Essay is complete and ready for submission. It is now time to focus on the remaining assessments to complete for the Diploma.

extended essay timeline 2022

Deadline Calendar

Th is is a summary of the deadlines for the Extended Essay ( Class of 2024 ). 

Contact the EE Coordinator


Extended Essay: Step 6. Create a Timeline

  • Extended Essay- The Basics
  • Step 1. Choose a Subject
  • Step 2. Educate yourself!
  • Using Brainstorming and Mind Maps
  • Identify Keywords
  • Do Background Reading
  • Define Your Topic
  • Conduct Research in a Specific Discipline
  • Step 5. Draft a Research Question
  • Step 6. Create a Timeline
  • Find Articles
  • Find Primary Sources
  • Get Help from Experts
  • Search Engines, Repositories, & Directories
  • Databases and Websites by Subject Area
  • Create an Annotated Bibliography
  • Advice (and Warnings) from the IB
  • Chicago Citation Syle
  • MLA Works Cited & In-Text Citations
  • Step 9. Set Deadlines for Yourself
  • Step 10. Plan a structure for your essay
  • Evaluate & Select: the CRAAP Test
  • Conducting Secondary Research
  • Conducting Primary Research
  • Formal vs. Informal Writing
  • Presentation Requirements
  • Evaluating Your Work

Plan, Plan, Plan!

You are expected to spend approximately  40 hours  on the whole extended essay process.   You will have to be proactive in organizing and completing different tasks during those stages.  

Using the  Extended Essay Timeline  you should prepare your own  personal  timeline for the research, writing, and reflection required for your EE.

Extended Essay

Twelve-step Plan for Researching the Extended Essay - Step 6

6. Draw up an outline plan for the research and writing process. This should include a timeline. 

extended essay timeline 2022

  • << Previous: Step 5. Draft a Research Question
  • Next: Step 7. Identify & Annotate Sources >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 12, 2024 2:56 PM
  • URL:


Gr. 11-12 Extended Essay

What is the extended essay.

  • The York School Extended Essay Handbook 2021/2022

IB Extended Essay Guide (updated November 2023)

Student responsibilities, tips for a successful ee journey, extended essay workshops 2022-2023, extended essay workshops 2021-2022, support for the extended essay.

  • Reflections
  • Choose a Subject
  • Choose a Topic
  • Draft a Research Question
  • Develop Your Search Strategy
  • Computer Science
  • Visual Arts
  • World Studies
  • Introduction
  • Academic Integrity
  • Common Questions
  • For Supervisors
  • EE Examples

EE Coordinator

Profile Photo

MS/SS Librarian

What is the significance of the extended essay.

The extended essay provides:

  • practical preparation for undergraduate research
  • an opportunity for students to investigate a topic of personal interest to them, which relates to one of the student's six DP subjects, or takes the interdisciplinary approach of a World Studies extended essay.

Through the research process for the extended essay, students develop skills in:

  • formulating an appropriate research question
  • engaging in a personal exploration of the topic
  • communicating ideas
  • developing an argument. 

Participation in this process develops the capacity to analyze, synthesize and evaluate knowledge.

An extended essay can also be undertaken in world studies , where students carry out an in-depth interdisciplinary study of an issue of contemporary global significance, across two IB diploma disciplines.

How is study of the Extended Essay structured?

Students are supported throughout the process of researching and writing the extended essay, with advice and guidance from a supervisor who is usually a teacher at the school.

Students are required to have three mandatory reflection sessions with their supervisors. The final session, a concluding interview, is also known as  viva voce .

The extended essay and reflection sessions can be a valuable stimulus for discussion in countries where interviews are required prior to acceptance for employment or for a place at university.

How is the Extended Essay assessed?

All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IB. They are marked on a scale from 0 to 34.

The score a student receives relates to a band. The bands are:

A – work of an excellent standard. B – work of a good standard. C –work of a satisfactory standard. D – work of a mediocre standard. E – work of an elementary standard.

Find out how points awarded for the extended essay contribute to a  student’s overall diploma score .

IB Diploma Points Matrix (TOK + EE)

IB DP matrix

Source: International Baccalaureate. (n.d.).  What is the extended essay? 

International Baccalaureate

Regarding the EE in general:

  • Observe the extended essay regulations as set by the school and the IB
  • Meet all EE deadlines
  • Practice Academic Integrity by careful note-taking and proper referencing & citation of information sources used
  • Maintain and update the Extended Essay workspace in ManageBac

Regarding subject choice:

  • Choose a subject in which you are already enrolled,   and which you thoroughly understand and are comfortable with
  • READ the subject-specific requirements for your chosen subject

Regarding your supervisor:

  • Initiate regular communication with your supervisor & respond to their communications
  • Attend  3 mandatory   reflection sessions with your supervisor

Start EARLY! 

Talk to diploma subject teachers. Ask questions!

Map out a timeline of deadlines, research days, writing days. Allow for unforeseen delays. 

Plan your information sources. Keep track of what you've used through a working bibliography. 

ALWAYS proofread your drafts before submitting them

Get a Toronto Public Library card (free access to their databases & resources)

What strategies can students use to discuss the extended essay in their university application?

  • Intro to EE Research Resources Presentation from November 2022 sessions.
  • Choosing & Refining a Topic / Identifying Sources Presentation from December 2022 sessions.
  • Annotating & Evaluating Sources Presentation from January 2023 sessions.
  • Rocking the Research Question Workshop Presentation from April 6, 2022 EE Research Day.
  • Identifying & Accessing Sources Workshop Presentation from April 6, 2022 EE Research Day.
  • Evaluating Sources Workshop Presentation from April 6, 2022 EE Research Day.
  • Structure & Formatting for the EE Workshop Presentation from May 3, 2022 EE Research Day.
  • Awesome Editorial Techniques Workshop Presentation from May 3, 2022 EE Research Day.

Librarians can provide important and additional support in some of the fundamental research and information literacy skills. These skills can include:

extended essay timeline 2022

  • Next: Timeline >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 5, 2024 8:17 AM
  • URL:

Submission deadline

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) sets a submission date for the extended essay, which is communicated to schools.

It is each school’s responsibility to ensure that all candidate work is received by the IB, with the required paperwork received by the submission date set.

Schools should set internal deadlines

It is strongly recommended that schools set internal deadlines for the different stages of producing an extended essay, keeping in mind the IB’s submission date.

If you wish to find out more about the deadline for a particular school, please contact that school directly .

Further information on deadline setting

There is further information on the requirements for meeting external deadlines in the Diploma Programme Assessment Procedures .

Educators in IB World Schools can access the relevant parts of the handbook on the IB’s programme resource centre , using their existing log-in details.

extended essay timeline 2022


  The Extended Essay (EE)

The extended essay offers the opportunity for IB students to investigate a topic of special interest, in the form of a 4,000-word piece of independent research. Students select an area of research from Diploma Programme subjects and become acquainted with the independent research and writing skills expected at university. This leads to a major piece of formally presented, structured writing, in which ideas and findings are communicated in a reasoned and coherent manner, appropriate to the chosen subject. It is intended to promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity. As an authentic learning experience, the extended essay provides students with an opportunity to engage in personal research on a topic of choice, under the guidance of a supervisor.

Aims & Components of the Extended Essay


engage in independent research with intellectual initiative and rigour

develop research, thinking, self-management and communication skills

reflect on what has been learned throughout the research and writing process.


The extended essay is compulsory for all students taking the Diploma Programme and is an option for course students.

A student must achieve a D grade or higher to be awarded the Diploma.

The extended essay is externally assessed and, in combination with the grade for theory of knowledge, contributes up to three points to the total score for the IB Diploma.

The extended essay process helps prepare students for success at university and in other pathways beyond the Diploma Programme.

When choosing a subject for the extended essay, students must select from the DP content taught at Bogan and cross-consult the list of available Diploma Programme subjects published in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme .

The extended essay is a piece of independent research on a topic chosen by the student in consultation with a supervisor in the school.

It is presented as a formal piece of sustained academic writing containing no more than 4,000 words accompanied by a reflection form of no more than 500 words.

It is the result of approximately 40 hours of work by the student.

Students are supported by a supervision process recommended to be 3–5 hours, which includes three mandatory reflection sessions.

The third and final mandatory reflection session is the viva voce , which is a concluding interview with the supervising teacher.

Class of 2022 Extended Essay Timeline

Quarter 4 Junior Year 2021

The following Extended Essay assignments will be taken for a grade in ToK I.

Summer Workshops

Quarter 1 Senior Year 2022

The following Extended Essay assignments will be taken for a grade in Q1 ToK II.

IB CompSci Hub

Extended Essay

Extended Essays in Computer Science are not easy to do. Computer Science is counted as an experimental science by the IB and thus requires you to do some kind of experiment in the realm of computer science and then report your findings.

As so few students attempt a CS EE every year, coming up with a ‘good’ CS EE topic will be half your struggle.

IB guidance on EEs

General IB Extended Essay

Specific IB EE Guidance on Computer Science

Topic guidance for Computer Science

EE mark scheme (new)

EE mark scheme guidance

EE mark scheme guidance (specifically for Computer Science)

RPPF form (must be included in final submission)

Examples of Topics 

Below are some examples of what topics our students have been doing recently (including the grade they received from the IB). Obviously, you cannot take any of these topics as it would flag as cheating; they are posted to give you an idea of the TYPE of topic that gets a good grade.

Past essays  

Because of plagiarism concerns, we cannot share any essays from past students on this site, but you are welcome to visit LD Anderson’s CS EE world site:  CS EE World

  • Support Sites

Extended Essay Support Site

Grade boundaries.

After marks are awarded for all five assessment criteria , they are converted into letter grades using 'grade boundaries'. Grade boundaries are not subject specific. In theory these boundaries can change from year to year. In practice they usually stay the same. The following boundaries can be applied to sample Extended Essays. They can also be used as a tool to determine a candidate's 'predicted grade'. Please note, however, that the 'official' boundaries are not published by the IB until after each exam session.

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Here's how you know

The .gov means it's official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site.

The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

What the New Overtime Rule Means for Workers

Collage shows four professionals in business casual clothing.

One of the basic principles of the American workplace is that a hard day’s work deserves a fair day’s pay. Simply put, every worker’s time has value. A cornerstone of that promise is the  Fair Labor Standards Act ’s (FLSA) requirement that when most workers work more than 40 hours in a week, they get paid more. The  Department of Labor ’s new overtime regulation is restoring and extending this promise for millions more lower-paid salaried workers in the U.S.

Overtime protections have been a critical part of the FLSA since 1938 and were established to protect workers from exploitation and to benefit workers, their families and our communities. Strong overtime protections help build America’s middle class and ensure that workers are not overworked and underpaid.

Some workers are specifically exempt from the FLSA’s minimum wage and overtime protections, including bona fide executive, administrative or professional employees. This exemption, typically referred to as the “EAP” exemption, applies when: 

1. An employee is paid a salary,  

2. The salary is not less than a minimum salary threshold amount, and 

3. The employee primarily performs executive, administrative or professional duties.

While the department increased the minimum salary required for the EAP exemption from overtime pay every 5 to 9 years between 1938 and 1975, long periods between increases to the salary requirement after 1975 have caused an erosion of the real value of the salary threshold, lessening its effectiveness in helping to identify exempt EAP employees.

The department’s new overtime rule was developed based on almost 30 listening sessions across the country and the final rule was issued after reviewing over 33,000 written comments. We heard from a wide variety of members of the public who shared valuable insights to help us develop this Administration’s overtime rule, including from workers who told us: “I would love the opportunity compensated for time worked beyond 40 hours, or alternately be given a raise,” and “I make around $40,000 a year and most week[s] work well over 40 hours (likely in the 45-50 range). This rule change would benefit me greatly and ensure that my time is paid for!” and “Please, I would love to be paid for the extra hours I work!”

The department’s final rule, which will go into effect on July 1, 2024, will increase the standard salary level that helps define and delimit which salaried workers are entitled to overtime pay protections under the FLSA. 

Starting July 1, most salaried workers who earn less than $844 per week will become eligible for overtime pay under the final rule. And on Jan. 1, 2025, most salaried workers who make less than $1,128 per week will become eligible for overtime pay. As these changes occur, job duties will continue to determine overtime exemption status for most salaried employees.

Who will become eligible for overtime pay under the final rule? Currently most salaried workers earning less than $684/week. Starting July 1, 2024, most salaried workers earning less than $844/week. Starting Jan. 1, 2025, most salaried workers earning less than $1,128/week. Starting July 1, 2027, the eligibility thresholds will be updated every three years, based on current wage data.

The rule will also increase the total annual compensation requirement for highly compensated employees (who are not entitled to overtime pay under the FLSA if certain requirements are met) from $107,432 per year to $132,964 per year on July 1, 2024, and then set it equal to $151,164 per year on Jan. 1, 2025.

Starting July 1, 2027, these earnings thresholds will be updated every three years so they keep pace with changes in worker salaries, ensuring that employers can adapt more easily because they’ll know when salary updates will happen and how they’ll be calculated.

The final rule will restore and extend the right to overtime pay to many salaried workers, including workers who historically were entitled to overtime pay under the FLSA because of their lower pay or the type of work they performed. 

We urge workers and employers to visit  our website to learn more about the final rule.

Jessica Looman is the administrator for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division. Follow the Wage and Hour Division on Twitter at  @WHD_DOL  and  LinkedIn .  Editor's note: This blog was edited to correct a typo (changing "administrator" to "administrative.")

  • Wage and Hour Division (WHD)
  • Fair Labor Standards Act
  • overtime rule


Collage. Black-and-white photo from 1942 shows a Black woman holding a mop and broom in front of the US flag. Black-and-white photo from 1914 shows union women striking against child labor. Color photo from 2020s shows a Black woman holding a sign reading I heart home care workers.


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  6. IB Extended Essay Guide: Topics and Tips

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  1. How to make your essay instantly longer 😎🤫

  2. EUIV Extended Timeline Mod 58 AD Start 3

  3. What is Extended Essay? (Conclusion)

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  6. Extended Essay


  1. The Complete IB Extended Essay Guide: Examples, Topics, and Ideas

    References and bibliography. Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories, or IB subject groups, which are as follows: Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature. Group 2: Language Acquisition. Group 3: Individuals and Societies. Group 4: Sciences. Group 5: Mathematics.

  2. Extended essay

    The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for ...

  3. PDF Ib Dp Extended Essay: Student Guide 2022-24

    2. Aims of the Extended Essay The aims of the extended essay are to provide students with the opportunity to: • pursue in-depth independent research on a focused topic. • develop research and communication skills. • develop the skills of creative, analytical, evaluative and critical thinking and reasoning.

  4. Extended Essay: Extended Essay- The Basics

    February - May, 2024. This timeline applies to students submitting Extended Essays or Senior Essays. Completion of an Extended Essay or Senior Essay is required for graduation from West Sound Academy. EE grade for Semester 2, 2022-2023, is ¼ credit Pass/Fail grade. February 2, 2024:

  5. IB Extended Essay Guide 2022: Deadlines And Requirements

    What are the deadlines for the EE submission? Generally, the due dates for the submission of all extended essays this 2022 are on the 15th of March for the May exam session and on the 15th of September for the November session. However, the IB gives schools the freedom to set earlier due dates and internal deadlines for the various stages of ...

  6. The IB Extended Essay Guide

    Extended Essay Timeline. The Extended Essay Timeline at a glance. The EE Proposal. EE-RPPF #1 (First Reflection) ... The success with your Extended Essay is not only determined by the quality of your writing and the solidity of your research. It also depends greatly on how organized you are. ... St.Mary's International School, Tokyo, 2022. Page ...

  7. PDF Quick Starter Guide Ib Extended Essay

    The extended essay (often called the EE) is a 4000-word structured essay on a topic of your choice, which can take many different forms. Ultimately, what your EE ends up looking like depends on the topic that you choose. Some students choose to write their extended essay on an aspect of literature or

  8. Extended Essay: Step 6. Create a Timeline

    Create a Timeline - Extended Essay - LibGuides at West Sound Academy. Extended Essay: Step 6. Create a Timeline. A guide to the research and writing process required for students completing the IB Extended Essay. Step 1. Choose a Subject. Step 2. Educate yourself! Step 3.

  9. Extended Essay

    Learn about the Extended Essay and how to manage your time so you can write the most effective one possible! How to Tackle the EE. This article will outline the entire timeline of writing your extended essay! Breaking Down the EE Rubric: Criterion A. Most essays you will write for the IB Organization are graded based on 5 criterion A-E.

  10. PDF International Baccalaureate Extended Essay Guide

    The EE is presented as a formal piece of sustained academic writing containing no more than 4,000 words, with a minimum of 3,750. This is accompanied by a reflection of no more than 500 words. The EE is the result of approximately 40 hours of work by the student over the course of a year.

  11. PDF Part B Extended Essays Guidance Notes

    Part B Extended Essays Guidance Notes Version 2022/23 Contents 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Timeline for extended essays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 2 Why choose to o er a project? 4 3 The amount of work involved 5 4 How to choose an extended essay topic 5 5 Finding a Supervisor 6 6 Applying to o er an extended essay 6

  12. PDF Extended Essay Timeline 2021-2022

    Extended Essay Timeline 2021-2022 General Guidelines • The Extended Essay - an independent research essay: as such, students are expected to own their learning process, planning time to complete research and writing. While students may and should discuss their essay with others, supervisors must be able to attest that work submitted is

  13. The York School Library: Gr. 11-12 Extended Essay: Home

    The extended essay provides: an opportunity for students to investigate a topic of personal interest to them, which relates to one of the student's six DP subjects, or takes the interdisciplinary approach of a World Studies extended essay. Through the research process for the extended essay, students develop skills in:

  14. IB CLASS of 2023

    December 12, 2022—. January 27, 2023. June 9, 2022. To the Parents and Students of the International Baccalaureate class of 2023, As we finish the first year of the International Baccalaureate program and prepare to enter the final year, we would like to inform you of some very important information regarding the IB Extended Essay ("EE").

  15. Deadline

    Schools should set internal deadlines. It is strongly recommended that schools set internal deadlines for the different stages of producing an extended essay, keeping in mind the IB's submission date. If you wish to find out more about the deadline for a particular school, please contact that school directly.

  16. PDF International Baccalaureate Diploma Program Extended Essay Student

    7) Extended Essay Due Dates Timeline for Extended Essay: Class of 2022-2023 NOTE TO STUDENTS: Students will choose a desired supervisor based on the existing list of supervisors provided by the EE coordinator. Available supervisors are as follows: Mohamed Gamal (Physics) Mary Botros (Chemistry) Mona El Afdel (Economics, Business Management)

  17. Class of 2022 Extended Essay (EE)

    The Extended Essay (EE) The extended essay offers the opportunity for IB students to investigate a topic of special interest, in the form of a 4,000-word piece of independent research. ... Class of 2022 Extended Essay Timeline. Quarter 4 Junior Year 2021. The following Extended Essay assignments will be taken for a grade in ToK I. Task. Due Date.

  18. PDF IB Dates M23

    Major IB Deadlines 2022-23: Student Version. Meeting deadlines is an important key to success in IB courses. Failure to submit work by the deadline will result in the student being assigned to a supervised study hall &/or academic intervention sessions. Failure to submit a final, authentic piece of work will result in a mark of "N" being ...

  19. Extended Essay

    Extended Essay. Extended Essays in Computer Science are not easy to do. Computer Science is counted as an experimental science by the IB and thus requires you to do some kind of experiment in the realm of computer science and then report your findings. As so few students attempt a CS EE every year, coming up with a 'good' CS EE topic will ...

  20. PDF SON IBDP Extended Essay Supervisor's Handbook The role of an extended

    The role of an Extended Essay Supervisor is the same as the supervisor described in all documents published by the IBO regarding the Extended Essay. This role is similar to that of a mentor who provides appropriate guidance to the student regarding their extended essays. The extended essay supervisor has these principal responsibilities: 1.

  21. PDF Utica Academy for International Studies: Extended Essay Timeline 1

    EE Student Training Session # 3 Monday, October 10, 2022 • Overview of internal UAIS timeline and process • UAIS Research site, Managebac & Schoology Group • Turnitin - register • Subject preference begins ... Assignment: Full quality draft of Extended Essay and Quality . Summer 2023 .

  22. PDF Student Extended Essay Guide

    6 Timeline 2022/2023 ... 6 Timeline 2023/2024 16 March (week 1 1) Information session Introduction to the EE (Prorektor Michael Näf) Start thinking about potential topics and discuss ideas with sub- ... Extended Essay Guide 2023 Kantonsschule am Burggraben St.Gallen 5

  23. Extended essay: Grade boundaries

    Grade boundaries. After marks are awarded for all five assessment criteria, they are converted into letter grades using 'grade boundaries'. Grade boundaries are not subject specific. In theory these boundaries can change from year to year. In practice they usually stay the same. The following boundaries can be applied to sample Extended Essays.

  24. What the New Overtime Rule Means for Workers

    The Department of Labor's new overtime regulation is restoring and extending this promise for millions more lower-paid salaried workers in the U.S.

  25. PDF FACT SHEET: U.S. Department of Education's 2024 Title IX Final Rule

    proposed regulations in July 2022, the Department received and reviewed more than 240,000 comments from the public to inform this rulemaking. The final regulations will help to ensure that all persons, including students and employees, receive appropriate support if they experience sex discrimination in schools and that schools'