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The Story Behind the film "Kindness Boomerang": Part I

  • The Story Behind the film “Kindness Boomerang”: Part I

In the words of Margaret Mead: “ Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has .”

I’ve always believed in the good of others and the potential of each person to make a great difference in this world. Some call me naïve, some call me a dreamer, some call me foolish. They ask me how after reading the news headlines, witnessing the pain, tragedy and destruction that occurs on an every day basis brought about by the greed and hatred of fellow human beings, that I can even attempt to believe in the good of all people. To those people I say, YES there are bad actions, but there is no such thing as a bad person.

If you really look at each person as individual you will find that they too once believed in the good of others. But, you will also find that somewhere along the road of their life they got burned, they got hurt because of their belief and slowly but surely they became cynical and eventually they became afraid to believe. To insure that we protect ourselves, sometimes we create walls, masks, barriers. On the outside we have a rough exterior, sometimes to the point where we begin to believe that the facade is our reality. But, deep down in our heart the belief still flickers, it may not be as bright, we may not even see it, maybe we don’t want to see it.

Kindness is something we all know to be important, but we tend to forget it somewhere along the way. Until one day, when we feel as though things can’t get much worse, we bump into someone else and for no reason whatsoever they touch us with kindness. Tat small touch ignites the feeling hidden deep within us once again and we begin to feel something we haven’t felt in a long time and it feels so good. If we’re lucky we take a moment to notice these precious moments and allow those moments peel off a layer of cynicism, allowing some light to enter. Perhaps, the next steps we venture will be with a new perspective, one that makes us more aware of those around us, one that makes us even for a fleeting moment to believe once again in the good of others, to trust.

The Kindness Boomerang was my attempt to remind the child within each of us, the innocence we once had, to remember that change is possible – to remember that kindness is possible and within our very reach. Open your eyes, become aware of your surroundings and you will be surprised by the amazing opportunities that lay before you . Your act may propel others to follow because kindness, like the domino effect has the power to spread rapidly. Who knows perhaps the kindness you perform today will magically find its way back. So put your heart out there and touch the life of another with kindness.

Each scene was taken from a real life experience that I’ve had with complete strangers. Little do they know the effect and impact they have had on me. Go and create your own scenes, stand back and watch how magically one kindness leads to another. Over the next week I will share some of those stories with you and hope you share some of your own.

But most importantly remember that kindness is not about the big things, it’s about the small things that are right in front of us every moment. So get out there and seize the day – because there is no day but TODAY!

So, what “If everyone cared”? – let’s try it out and see where it takes us. I’m rooting for all of us!

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Love the way you think!! I try to pay something forward each day…thanks for the inspiration! 🙂

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Thank you so much for spreading your message. There is so much grief in the world, even without cruelty. We will always need each other to fan the flames of kindness that lies in our hearts.

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I bumped into your website… Guess how? Yep, looking for words and acts of kindness. I found the “boomerang video”, and now I’ve got you “liked” on Facebook, bookmarked, and in the permanent links of my blog. You know? Sites, blogs and posts as these of yours are like a cup of spring water for the thirsty soul, that suddenly realizes its inner kindness can surely bloom again. And now, regarding the present post, I would like to remark that in my experience it is not so much the possibility of kindness “boomerang-ing” back to me what gives me the boost, but the very kind act and disposition itself. Anyway, great idea, great mission and… Well, what can I say? I’m totally there with you! 🙂

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I just wondered if you have ever heard of Rachel’s Challenge? ”I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion then it will start a chain reaction of the same.” ~Rachel Scott http://www.rachelschallenge.org/LearnMore/WhatIsRC.php (BTW – read her essay – Meet Rachel tab:-)

The concept of your film and now reading your words make me realize/feel that You and Rachel Joy Scott are kindred spirits…On the day that RC visited our school one of our teachers found your film and sent it to all faculty/staff – and many showed to students…I had the privilege and opportunity to show it to our RC Presenter, Larry Scott (Rachel’s Uncle), he was deeply moved and asked me to send to him (which I did and also to RC directly)…Also watching with Larry Scott was our Drama Director, D.J. (who heard about RC and brought it to the school)…as we are watching he says, “This looks a lot like the street my Salon was on.” Towards the end – as the camera makes a full circle he says, “That was it!” You filmed on the same street that he had previously owned a business – and we watched in Savannah, GA! I believe in “Everything Happens For A Reason” and sometimes we understand why…and sometimes we don’t…But From The Bottom Of My Heart I Want To Thank You! This film has touched my heart and I am going to share your “Making Of” story with my faculty tomorrow (and the link to watch again as well:-) “What goes around comes around – let’s make what goes around be something good!”

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Donna! Your message truly just made my day and brought such a big smile to my face and warmth to my heart – Thank You! Unfortunately, I never heard of Rachel Challenge – but her philosophy is so much in sync with Life Vest Inside’s message and the way I strive to live my life.

I am so happy that one of the teachers managed to stumble upon the film and shared it with you. I greatly appreciate your support in passing it forward and sharing it with RC and others. I would normally say, “I can’t believe how amazing it is that his Salon was on!” But if there is anything I’ve learned from life experiences as well as working on this organization and interacting with people on a day to day basis, it’s that everything happens for a reason and we are all so connected in more ways than we know. I absolutely love uncovering the magical ways in which our lives connect so seamlessly – it’s like watching a work of art in action!

Once again, thank you for your encouraging words and support! I also wanted to let you know about the Educational Aspect of Life Vest Inside. I am visiting schools across the country, giving workshops and lectures about the organization. One of the workshops is based upon the film and it’s quite amazing. If your school is interested, I would absolutely love to address the student body. Feel free to reach out and I can give you more information. My email address: [email protected] . If not, feel free to give a call regardless:)

Together we will most certainly make something GREAT come around:)

With kindness and gratitude, Orly Wahba

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50 Days of Kindness Logo which has a blue circle with an open hand holding a heart.  Instagram account listed as @50daysofkindness.

  • Dec 29, 2020
  • 13 min read

Lessons From the 'Kindness Boomerang' Effect

For Orly Wahba, a highly respected educator, author and public speaker, teaching others about the power of kindness has become more than a mission. It’s a way of life.

kindness boomerang essay

“If kindness is done right, if we’re able to empower people to recognize their value, then they are going to become more productive. There is going to be more innovation in the world, greater connection. That is my goal with this movement,” she says.

A former middle school teacher turned entrepreneur, Orly learned from her students just how impactful immersing yourself in acts of kindness, compassion and empathy can be. She realized that incorporating these values into her lesson plans holistically could help to engage and empower young people in a way that she could never have imagined.

That experience motivated her to start Life Vest Inside , a non-profit organization dedicated to ‘inspiring, empowering and educating people of all backgrounds to live a life of kindness.’

They do this through inspirational media such as films, educational projects (many of which have been incorporated into school curriculum), technology and live events.

At the heart of Orly’s belief is the understanding that self-love and self-compassion is the first step to being able to practice kindness in a genuine and impactful way.

“When you take a look at all of the vast social issues plaguing society today and you continuously ask the question of “WHY?” – what you find is that it all stems from a lack of self value, self worth and the feeling of lacking purpose,” says Orly. “The mission of Life Vest Inside is to prevent these issues from coming into existence. If you don’t see your own value, how can you possibly see the value in another?”

In Orly’s lesson-a-day book ‘ Kindness Boomerang ,’ she lists dozens of ideas for how to incorporate kindness into your everyday life.

Click here to watch the amazing film ‘ One Day ,' part of the Kindness Boomerang initiative, which currently has more than 34 million views on YouTube!

kindness boomerang essay

Orly truly believes that acts of kindness can change the world and once you hear more about her inspiring story in our Q&A below, you will too.

Orly, you began your career as a teacher. How did that experience inspire your journey to become a kindness advocate?

My seven years teaching were by far the most amazing, transformative years of my life. I loved my students very very much and I loved going to school everyday. For me as a teacher, my main goal was inspiring the students to see the beauty within themselves so that they could begin to then see the beauty within others. I was a teacher for middle schoolers - 7th & 8th grade students - which is a really challenging time. Those are very pivotal years, especially as you venture into high school, where you’re trying to figure out who you are or what everybody is telling you you should be.

So for me, it wasn’t just about teaching the facts and the figures, it was about incorporating kindness, compassion, empathy into every single classroom discussion. These were things we were working on on a daily basis and I embedded them into the curriculum, it wasn’t like a once-a-month thing where we were going to talk about kindness. Working with my students and helping them to become the best version of themselves actually helped me to become the very best version of myself because as a teacher, the most important thing you can do is model the behaviour that you’re expecting from your students.

So for me, character development, values, building myself up, always working to improve who I am, it’s always been very important to me ever since I was a child. It was basically thrown into hyper gear during my years teaching because I knew the way that I acted, the way that they saw me act, actually influenced them more than what I would tell them.

My years teaching were in a sense, the stepping stone for me to create this global organization and global movement called Life Vest Inside. My students told me, 'You have to take this message to the world' and that gave me the courage to take this leap of faith. I left my job teaching. It was supposed to be just for a year, just to see what would happen if I put my whole heart into this dream, this goal I had of really impacting change in the world. And this was a goal I had way before I became a teacher. This was a goal I had ever since I was a four year-old kid who dreamed of changing the world. It was a very big passion and a lot of it came from hardships and adversity that I personally faced in my adolescent years after there was a fire in my house when I was 15 years-old. It was a very devastating time. It was one of those years when everything that could go wrong, went wrong. My dad had lost his job and one thing after the next continued to go downhill. And when you see your family in suffering mode, in a problem situation, you don’t want to be a burden on them. So I would hide my emotions from them. My friends didn’t know what to say to me, so I hid my emotions from them too. Until one day when I just sort of broke down, and I fell into a very scary and a very, very dark depression. Really dark. I felt very alone.

I was home from school for several months, sleeping most of the day, crying the rest of it. And during that time I was home, not one person came to visit. Not one person called to see if I was ok. And that made me feel like, well, if I wasn’t here tomorrow, would that really make a difference to anybody? I felt like the answer was no. And that scared me more than anything. I felt so alone. I didn’t feel like I deserved to be here and I wanted everything to end. I’ll never forget that feeling and after several months, I went back to school, but I wasn’t the same kid. Then, one morning I woke up and I was getting ready to go to school and I was in the bathroom, I was looking at myself in the mirror and the craziest thing happened. I didn’t see that four-year old Orly that wanted to change the world looking back at me. It was like she was gone, like someone had taken her. It was in that moment that I made a promise to myself. And it’s my belief that it’s that promise that led me to my years teaching and it’s that promise that led me to the work I’m doing with Life Vest Inside and it’s that promise that wakes me up every morning and that has guided me to all other projects and initiatives that I’m doing or will continue to do in my life.

It was a promise to be there for people the way I wished somebody had been there for me. To see people the way I wished somebody had seen me.

Those next couple of years of high school were really tough, I was sort of walking alone. But the greatest thing happened to me, I got to fall in love with me, for me. Not because I wanted to impress this person or the other. And I got to find my voice - a voice that was always there inside of me begging to get out, but I was so shy as a kid, I had so little confidence. I didn’t love me enough. I was expecting to get my validation from outside. But it doesn’t work that way. Only once you value who you are, when you love who you are, then can others truly love you for who you are.

And so, for me, wanting to become a teacher was about making sure that no student felt the way I did in those years. I guess it’s that sense of empathy. When you go through that hardship in life, you develop a much deeper sense of empathy. And so the way in which you see people, the way in which you feel their pain is very different, and being a middle schooler can be very challenging. You’re in this in-between phase. You’re not an adult, but you’re not a kid. For me, it was always about giving voice to my students. I would put myself in their shoes and I’d speak to them from that perspective. And I believe it was that ‘training’ (without me knowing it was training) that really was part of my journey.

I did many kindness activities and initiatives with my students in class, many of which developed into how I built the organization. By seeing their reactions to the conversations about kindness that we would have in class, I began to recognize just how powerful the medicine of kindness really is, that it’s an anecdote to so many hardships and issues in the world.

With your website, book and films, what do you hope to achieve? What is your ultimate goal with the Life Vest Inside movement?

With Life Vest Inside, our mission is to inspire, empower and educate people from all backgrounds to lead a life of kindness. But our goal is not actually kindness, it’s empowerment - empowering people to recognize their value, that they matter, that they’re unique and significant. But kindness is the tool that gets us there. What do I mean by that? When a person is engaged in an act of kindness, or an act of giving, they feel this amazing sense of self value, because in that moment of kindness, you don’t need to be the smartest or the wealthiest or the prettiest to make a difference. You just need to be YOU.

The biggest issue that I feel our society is facing - both with children and adults alike - is when people feel a lack of self value, or self worth, wanting to be the ‘other’ guy, always looking and comparing and feeling like we’re not enough. As opposed to looking in the suitcase that has been specifically designed for us. What is in our suitcase? Which talents? Which skills? Which tools? Which resources? We need to learn to use them to make the world a better place, as opposed to looking in other peoples’ suitcases and wondering why don’t I have what they have?

We’re meant to utilize those things to advance the world and to advance ourselves, to develop our skills and our character. My goal with this movement is, if kindness is done right, if we’re able to empower people to recognize their value, then people are going to become more productive. There is going to be more innovation in the world, greater connection. If people recognize that they matter, then as a result, they recognize that their choices matter, and so they are more likely to make better choices. But if they don’t think that they matter, then they don't feel that their choices matter, that affects the world at large. So if we can simply empower people to understand their power in this world to impact change, we can really shift things in a tremendous way.

But more than that, where does unkindness come from? For me, it stems from an inability to recognize your own value because, again, if you don’t love you, how can you possibly love somebody else for who they are? If you can’t embrace yourself, how can you truly embrace another? If you embrace yourself with your flaws and your mistakes and your mishaps, and you’re secure in who you are, you can now embrace others for who they are.

In today’s world, dialogue has gone out the window. Difference of opinion is no longer there. If you don’t agree, suddenly you’re just bad. But in this world, there are different people with different perspectives and different ideologies. Everybody is different. Everyone has a different fingerprint on this world. We can’t expect everybody to be like us. All we can do is respect ourselves and embrace ourselves, so we can then embrace others for who they are.

kindness boomerang essay

So my ultimate goal with this LifeVestInside movement is to spread our message through inspiration media like film, through education by developing and implementing curriculum, through technology such as our Project Hope Exchange initiative, through leadership training programs and through international on-the-ground events like Dance for Kindness , these are the ways we look to achieve our goal.

And our goal is simple - it’s to help people recognize how interconnected we all are in this world and to recognize our value. To recognize that we are each here with a very specific purpose, something that we - and only we - are meant to give to the world. If we are not going to give our best selves, then something is going to be missing - a piece of the puzzle will not be put in place and therefore the puzzle will not be complete.

I love that you describe yourself as a lover of people. With your optimism, do you feel that kindness comes more easily for you, or do we all have the capacity to be kinder?

Great question. It’s my belief that we all have the capacity to be kinder because it’s my belief that human beings are inherently good. In our core, we are good. But somewhere along the way, we get hurt. Sometimes we lose trust, we lose faith in people, we lose faith in ourselves. It can make us become bitter or cynical. But my belief is that every pessimist is really a closet optimist, waiting and hoping for someone to prove to them that the world really is as good as they once hoped. We’ve all made mistakes, but if we constantly hold on to those mistakes and allow them to define us, or to define who other people are, we’ll never be able to advance. It’s not easy to trust after being hurt. It’s not easy to be vulnerable. But by learning to trust and have faith in one another, by opening ourselves up to potentially get hurt, we’re able to create a better world.

Kindness has been a part of me ever since I was a child. But does that mean that I’m always the kindest person, or that I don’t make mistakes? Of course not. We all do. We’ve all said things we didn’t mean to say, we’ve all done things that we didn’t mean to do. That doesn’t mean that we’re bad people. But if we define ourselves only by our actions, then we can never grow to become something better than what we were.

I’ve had many hardships in my life, many discouragements. I’ve definitely been hurt. But I always say, if I let that hurt and that pain change me, then they’ve won and I’ve lost. I cannot stop believing in the good of people. People tell me, ‘You’re too trusting, Orly. You’re so naive.’ Well if that means that I’m going to look at the world with fresh eyes everyday as though I’m a kid, then great. Bring it on! Because the minute that I lose that ability to see the world through the eyes of a child, then I’ve lost my essence of who I am.

We all have the capacity to be kinder, but it stems from our ability to trust, to have faith in each other even though we’ve been hurt. That doesn’t mean that you should be a door mat. Being kind doesn’t mean that you cannot be firm. Being kind doesn’t mean that you can’t stand up for yourself. Kindness begins first & foremost with ourselves, it stems more from the recognition of our own value. But I do believe we can grow that.

What do you hope children take away from your message?

I love kids. I see myself as a big kid. The biggest message I have for young people is to believe in yourself. That may seem simple, but it’s not. It’s probably one of the hardest things that you can do, recognizing that you matter. Every day when you wake up and you have air in your lungs, remember, that is on purpose. There is something that you are meant to do in this world that nobody else can do. And it doesn’t matter what mistakes you made yesterday and the day before, you are here for a reason and that’s to make the world a better place.

So have faith in yourself, believe in yourself. If you have a dream to achieve great things, don’t ever let it go. I know I haven’t. There have been many people who have tried to discourage me and there have been many times when I wanted to throw in the towel, but if you believe enough in your dreams, there’s nothing that you can’t achieve. We each have the capacity to do great things in this world. Sometimes the greatest things are the simplest things. Sometimes it’s a smile, or the advice that we give, or a shoulder that we allow somebody to lean on.

So seek out opportunities to engage in kindness on a daily basis, to be there for others. But don’t forget that it’s very important to be there for yourself.

What are some practical ideas particularly in this challenging time, that family members can do to teach kindness in their circles?

I think that this time has offered us an amazing opportunity, as crazy as that sounds. My heart goes out to all those that have been lost and I’m not saying this is a positive thing. But from every negative thing, it’s our responsibility to look for the message that we can take from it. Suddenly, from a world where we go so quick, where everything is at the speed of light, suddenly we’ve been forced to stop. We’ve been forced to slow down. We’ve been forced to stay home.

We generally can keep ourselves busy, with the busy work of life. But very often, we forget to do the hardest work, and that’s the work of the heart. It’s very easy sometimes to do kindness or to do charity for people outside of our home. But often times, we lose sight of the people who are sitting right next to us. We think we know what’s going on in their lives, but you never know what’s going on in a person’s life. We need to take the time to look inward, as opposed to just doing outward things.

kindness boomerang essay

Kindness isn’t about an action. It’s about a way of life. I suggest reading my book 'The Kindness Boomerang,' for practical tips on everyday kindness. But specifically to this time we're in living in, try to listen - to friends, to family, especially those within your own home. Give them your time. Everybody is experiencing these challenging times in a different way. Simply by sharing allows a person to feel that they’re not alone. To me, this is a huge act of kindness. Call or send a virtual message to someone - Ask them how they’re doing, what they need or how you can help.

How important is it to be kind to ourselves?

If you’re going to be unkind to yourself, then the kindness that you put out into the world is coming from a place of sacrifice, not from a place of abundance. And giving from sacrifice is very dangerous because if you don’t give enough to yourself and you’re giving from a place of depletion, you may very well come to resent that same giving.

That sounds crazy, but there are two types of giving in this world. There’s giving from strength and giving from weakness. From strength, this comes from a place of abundance, recognizing your own value. Understanding that but knowing your limits. Knowing that sometimes saying ‘no’ isn’t unkind, it’s necessary. When you go on an airplane, they always tell you in case of an emergency, to put your own life vest first. Now that may seem selfish, but it couldn’t be further from the truth, because if you drown, how can you possibly help somebody else?

So I say, being kind to ourselves is key. It’s not always easy, especially for those givers out there in the world. It’s probably one of the hardest things. But it’s important to set limits and boundaries for ourselves, to put aside times within our day, or within our week, that are solely for us. Because they rejuvenate us in a huge way. They put air in our life vest to become strong enough not only to lift you, but to then lift another.

Related links:

kindness boomerang essay

Orly's TED Talk about Kindness

Orly's TED Talk about Choices

Orly's TED Talk about the Power of Kindness

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The Phenomenon of the Kindness Boomerang

Bernadette Logue

  • Posted on 22:02, September 17 2013
  • | Updated 9 months ago

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In a world often characterized by division and discord, the concept of a “kindness boomerang” offers a refreshing perspective. The term, coined by the non-profit organization Life Vest Inside, is beautifully illustrated in their viral video titled “Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang – ‘One Day'”. This inspiring video, which has garnered over 37 million views, captures the essence of the kindness boomerang phenomenon, demonstrating how a single act of kindness can create a ripple effect, touching lives and making a significant impact.

The video begins with a simple act of kindness: a man helps a young boy retrieve his lost ball. This seemingly small gesture sets off a chain reaction, with each recipient of kindness turning around to help someone else. The acts of kindness vary, from helping a stranger carry heavy bags to comforting a distressed individual. Each act, regardless of its size, carries a profound impact, illustrating the power of the kindness boomerang.

The kindness boomerang concept is based on the belief that kindness, like a boomerang, comes back to you. The video beautifully encapsulates this idea, showing that the man who initiated the chain of kindness is eventually on the receiving end of a kind act himself. This powerful narrative underscores the message that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

The video’s soundtrack, “One Day” by Matisyahu, complements the visual narrative perfectly. The lyrics speak of hope, unity, and the desire for a world where people choose peace over conflict. This aligns seamlessly with the kindness boomerang concept, reinforcing the idea that kindness has the power to unite us and make the world a better place.

The kindness boomerang phenomenon is not just a concept for a viral video; it’s a philosophy that can be applied in our daily lives. It encourages us to be kind without expecting anything in return, knowing that our actions can have a far-reaching impact. It’s about understanding that every act of kindness contributes to a larger narrative of compassion and empathy.

In conclusion, the “Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang – ‘One Day'” video serves as a powerful reminder of the impact our actions can have. It shows us that kindness is not just a virtue but a powerful force that can transform lives. The kindness boomerang is a phenomenon that we should all strive to be a part of, for in a world where you can be anything, be kind. After all, as the video beautifully illustrates, what goes around comes around, especially when it comes to acts of kindness.

Be kind to everyone you meet, no matter who they are or how they are behaving.  You have no idea what another person is experiencing in the world inside their head and heart, and who knows… perhaps the Universe put you in their path so you could be a light that would lift them up.

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Bernadette Logue

Bernadette Logue

  • Relationships , Society

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The Boomerang Effect of Kindness

See how far an act of goodness can go [video].

kindness boomerang essay

It doesn't take much to smile at a stranger, say thank you to the cashier or hold the door open for someone - these small acts of kindness can brighten up anyone's day and take minimal effort. Perpetuated moments of thoughtfulness and consideration exemplify the concept of paying it forward, resulting in a ripple effect of goodwill. Created by the nonprofit  Life Vest Inside , this inspiring video demonstrates how far the power of kindness can go, in the end boomeranging back to where it began. RELATED: Happiness, the Movie  Put Your Mind to Being Kind Think Good, Speak Good, Do Good 

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Gina Vild

The Astonishing Power of Kindness

Try this single act to transform hate into harmony..

Posted December 8, 2021 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • Kindness has ripple effects and can breed benevolence.
  • Research shows that generous acts can result in dramatic health benefits.
  • The butterfly effect of kindness demonstrates how a single act can have dramatic consequences.

“My religion is kindness.” –The Dalai Lama

We live at a time when families and neighbors have become polarized by dueling political views. Misinformation cements the chasm that divides us. The pandemic refuses to abate, leaving illness, death, and budding variants in its wake. An astounding 838 organized hate groups operate nationwide and use social media as their amplifiers.

In the context of such rabid dissension, what can a single person do to foster harmony, compassion, and joy? How does one live with this turmoil as a backdrop yet remain healthy and happy?

Here’s a proven recipe: Contribute a single act of kindness.

When I reflect on the transformative nature of kindness, this immediately comes to mind.

Years ago, when I was newly single and trying to create out of whole cloth a complicated Christmas season, I attempted to decorate a 10-foot tree in a valiant effort to convey to my children that despite the newly altered state of our family, life must go on. It was my hope that the holiday lights, garland, and bulbs would shore up our spirits.

The adorned tree was beautiful … briefly. In the wee hours of the morning, the alarm system alerted us of trouble. Our not-so-little tree had lost its balance and crashed to the floor smashing my family’s treasured ornaments, along with the gilded angel that had graced our treetop for three decades.

Yes, it was only a tree, but I cried. I saw the fallen tree and the shards of glass and glitter littering the floor as a metaphor for my broken marriage . I viewed it as emblematic of the many losses we had experienced that year.

Unduly distraught, I arrived home from work that day to find two heroes in my living room. There, perched high on a ladder wiring the fallen tree to the wall was Brendon Cox, a contractor who was working on home repairs, while his assistant Dave was perched on a chair, delicately trying to glue tiny fragments of the angel's face back into place. These two men intuitively understood the fallen tree represented something much greater, and they wanted to ameliorate my sadness by surprising me and restoring it.

 Gina Vild

My eyes filled with tears for a second time that day, but this time tears of joy. These two generous men could have been grouting tile or relaxing at home, but there they were, wire and superglue in hand, in a magnificent act of kindness.

This sweet memory has resonated throughout the years, reminding me of how compassion can transform despair and resurrect hope. Kindness is a powerful and life-changing force.

The ripple effect of kindness

There’s an interesting theory called the butterfly effect. It describes how the flap of a butterfly’s wing can lead to a cyclone in another part of the world. It is a mathematical construct that explains how small changes can have large consequences.

So it is with kindness. A single, simple kind act can have enormous consequences.

Studies show how kind acts radiate goodwill by incentivizing the benefactor to, in turn, generate kind acts. For example, a study in Science Daily showed that goodwill is contagious and that thoughtful acts have a domino effect. One person’s generosity will spread to three people. Those three people will each pay forward the kind act to three others, benefiting nine in all. Those nine will continue to multiply the kindness. This leads to a ripple effect and subsequent waves of kindness. It is not hard to see how a single act contributes to a kinder, gentler world.

No act is too small.

  • When at a restaurant, ask for the name of your server. Write “thank you” using the person’s name when you leave a tip.
  • Surprise someone who appears stressed and let them in front of you in the grocery or pharmacy line.
  • When you have waited for an interminable amount of time to reach a customer call center only to find the representative unhelpful or curt, ask for the person’s name and say, “You must be really busy today. Thank you for taking the time to help me with this.”
  • Remember compliments are free, and true compliments shine a bright light onto others. Use them with abundance.
  • Surprise someone by sending a favorite book, poem, or small gift through the mail.
  • Bring flowers to an elderly neighbor.
  • Send a hand-written note of appreciation to someone who makes your life better.

kindness boomerang essay

Kindness begins by remembering we all struggle

It’s especially important to remember the powerful nature of kindness when someone’s aggressive or thoughtless action threatens to upend your day. Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle. So, whether you are navigating a personal slight—a curt customer service rep, a driver cutting you off in traffic, or unexpected sarcasm from an associate—rather than lashing out in response, remember this simple truth. It can be life-changing: Be kind, and remember everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

We can never know what hardship those we encounter are experiencing—marital woes, a cancer diagnosis, a sick child, a financial setback. But what we can know with certainty is that any generous, forgiving act on our part will be met with gratitude and understanding, and our kind response to someone’s thoughtless act can transform that person’s day.

The boomerang effect

And there’s this surprising benefit—kindness boomerangs. Studies have found that your kind acts can make you healthier.

Here’s how it works: Good deeds produce oxytocin, commonly known as the love hormone . Oxytocin has significant and long-term benefits, as David Hamilton reports in his book The Five Side Effects of Kindness . Oxytocin protects the cardiovascular system, serves as an antioxidant eliminating free radical damage, and reduces systemic inflammation. Studies show that oxytocin also speeds wound healing, may slow the aging process, and is a mood elevator.

These findings are bolstered by a study published by the NIH National Library of Medicine that examined kind acts performed over seven consecutive days. The findings show that the initiator of the kind acts reports increased happiness . It further found that the happiness was boosted regardless of whether the benefactors were strangers, friends, or acquaintances. What mattered was only that they infused the world with good thoughts and good deeds.

Happy people are those who do for others

In summary, random acts of kindness, goodwill toward others, and generous deeds can lead to your being both healthier and happier. As Booker T. Washington said, “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.”

It has been six years since my Christmas tree fell. Yet I recall with great joy how my sadness was transformed into joy by two men who understood that the most important thing we can do in life is to let others know they are not alone. Their gift transformed my mishap into a blaze of loving-kindness that has resonated throughout the years.

Yes, it is the worst of times, but it is also the best of times, as they say.

Juxtaposed with the strife we're experiencing, scientists have worked tirelessly to give us access to lifesaving vaccines that are reliably combating a menacing disease. Corporations and individuals have stepped up and increased their charitable giving to those in need. When a record-breaking storm wreaked havoc in Texas earlier this year, strangers pitched in delivering generators, opening their homes, and delivering food. Shelters have been emptied as dogs and cats have been given loving homes.

So, during this season of light, go forth by remembering that, as Thich Nhat Hanh said, “Compassion is a verb.”

Southern Poverty Law Center report on organized hate groups

Science of spreading generosity https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100308151049.htm

David Hamilton: The Five Side Effects of Kindness



Gina Vild

Gina Vild , the co-author of Two Most Important Days, How to Find Your Purpose, and Live a Happier Healthier Life, is a former Associate Dean and Chief Communications Officer at Harvard Medical School.

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Tamara Letter

Tamara Letter

Lead, Love, and Learn

Kindness Boomerang

kindness boomerang essay

A common question I receive about my acts of kindness is, “Do you ever hear back from the people who receive your RAKs (random acts of kindness)?”

When I began my kindness journey six years ago, it was with intentional purpose to share the stories with others while also providing a way for kindness recipients to get an “insider’s view” of what led up to their specific kindness or why it had meaning to me. It’s a fun way to keep the conversation going, keep the kindness spreading, and also becomes a living journal of my adventures.

I also LOVE surprises and nothing beats the surprise of having someone reach out to let you know they received your kind act! It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it can transform an ordinary day into a magical moment!

While I share several of these heartfelt “kindness boomerangs” in my new book, A Passion for Kindness , (which will be released in February – just around the corner!), I had another one happen on Christmas Day and it made my heart soar once again.

As many of you know, one of my favorite kindness days of the year is RAK Friday , where I go out in the crowds of Black Friday shoppers and do lots of little acts of kindness wherever I go. One of the RAKs I completed was jotting down a note of affirmation and encouragement and leaving it inside of a “Be Kind” purse at a local store.

kindness boomerang essay

I took a photo of the note, tucked it inside the bag, said a little prayer that whoever would find it would be blessed, and went on about my day.

This is the message I received on Christmas Day – a comment posted to my website:

kindness boomerang essay

The next day I received an email from the mom, Rita, that included these photos:

kindness boomerang essay

Rita shared that the purse was a gift from her childhood friend for her daughter, Maria, who is “known for her kindness to others.” It was such a thrill to hear how this RAK was discovered and to know another seed of kindness will scatter to others!

Have you received a surprise act of kindness this holiday season? I would love to hear your stories, too! Comment below and let’s keep the kindness going!

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Published by Tamara

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Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts

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Orly Wahba

Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts Paperback – January 3, 2017

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  • Print length 384 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Flatiron Books
  • Publication date January 3, 2017
  • Dimensions 5.08 x 1.01 x 7.26 inches
  • ISBN-10 125006693X
  • ISBN-13 978-1250066930
  • See all details

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Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts

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Editorial Reviews

"We are powerful beyond measure when we are kind―when, through simple kind acts extended to others we help a fellow human feel better and they in turn pay it forward. No one knows this better than kindness guru Orly Wahba. Her inspiring daily guide Kindness Boomerang is the tool we all need to tap into our goodness, unlock our kindness, and unleash that kind self upon a suffering world." -Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of the New York Times bestseller How to Raise an Adult “ Kindness Boomerang is filled with fun tips and ideas for finding happiness in everyday activities.” -Tony Hsieh, author of the New York Times bestseller Delivering Happiness and CEO of Zappos.com, Inc. " Kindness Boomerang is a little book that will make a big change, a little bite-sized bible of reminders for those who want to stay on the path of compassion.” -Amanda Palmer, author of the New York Times bestseller The Art of Asking "Orly Wahba's book Kindness Boomerang is more than good philosophy, it is a box of spiritual tools - it is full of heart and decent thoughts, good will, and makes available a ready course of action for any given day. This is the work of a beautiful and evolved human being. When I grow up, I hope to be more like Orly Wahba. Get this book! Change the world a little bit at a time, and you yourself can change.” -Peter Scolari "Orly Wahba has composed a modern day bible. These lessons of kindness are desperately needed by a world that has lost its way." -David Horgan, author of When Your Parent Moves In "Orly Wahba has produced a treasure trove of kindness. This little book can help change the world for the better, one person at a time. It's wonderful." -Myron Kandel, CNN Founding Financial Editor "The world's greatest untapped resource? The kindness in each of us. And it's free! Imagine if we all practiced Orly's 365 daily acts of kindness. Everything would change." -Nancy Lublin, founder of Crisis Text Line " Kindness Boomerang fills a gap in the literature, giving youth and adults the gift of renewed kindness every day. Orly Wahba shares her gift of living kindness with authenticity that helps all readers see how easy it is to truly make the world a better place. You can read it day by day, or you can imagine sitting with a friend and a cup of tea while reading and growing inspired; either way, you'll find kindness really is like a boomerang. It always comes back to you and that is beautiful." -Dr. Lydia Criss Mays "Orly has written the definitive guide to life. Kindness is what it's ALL about." -Dan Lythcott-Haims "If you’re looking for inspiration, motivation, or action, this book will 'kindly' get it done. Go ahead and open to today’s date. It will make your day, and maybe even change your life. You will quickly realize, there’s no one quite like Orly." -Race Taylor, 95.5 WPLJ Radio NY host

About the Author

Excerpt. © reprinted by permission. all rights reserved., kindness boomerang, how to save the world (and yourself) through 365 daily acts, flatiron books.

January 1st

Act: Create a list of goals for the day, the week, the year. You have an immense amount of potential and can achieve more than you can imagine. First step is reminding yourself of that!

Quote: "Your past is not your future. You have the power to make new decisions for your life starting today." ~Deb Sofield

Reflection: The greatest mistake we can make is allowing the guilt of what we haven't yet achieved consume us. Working off of negativity will never get you very far. Instead of looking at the gap between where you are and where you want to be, stop for a moment and look behind you at how far you've come and the small goals you've achieved. Use that momentum to propel you forward so that you can reach your next goal, your next achievement. Here's a tip: It's better to create smaller, more attainable goals than one larger-than-life goal. Break things down into their steps and climb the ladder one rung at a time.

January 2nd

Act: Make today "Judgment Free" in words, and, most important, in thought. Let's work on altering the way we think about others. The way we judge others is often the way the world will judge us.

Quote: "By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are." ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Reflection: What is judgment but fear of admitting our flaws and insecurities in our beliefs? Simple introspection and acknowledgment that we are all human and, at times, make errors in judgment equips us with the ability and know-how to see the other side of the coin.

January 3rd

Act: Get into the habit of saying "yes!" to the small favors and requests your family members make of you.

Quote: "Never underestimate the difference you can make in the lives of others. Step forward, reach out, and help." ~Pablo

Make-a-Choice Reflection

Scenario #1:

Your friend: "Can you pick me up from the train?"

Your response: "Sure! Let me know when you're a stop away and I'll be ready for you."

Scenario #2:

Your sister: "Can you pick me up from the train?"

Your response: "Can't you just walk? It's freezing outside?"

Sound familiar?

Family members are like friends you keep forever. Why is it so much harder to do kindness with those closest to us? We know in our hearts they will be there regardless of our mistakes or if we disappoint them. Isn't that a reason to celebrate our family? A reason to say yes when given an opportunity to give back to them knowing that they will have our back through thick and thin? Make it a point to give a second thought to the way you respond to your family today. Once you see the impact, you won't have it any other way.

January 4th

Act: Memories can re-create special moments. Reach out to an old friend and reminisce about a time you both shared together.

Quote: "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart." ~Helen Keller

Reflection: Why do we fear reaching out? Perhaps the thing we fear most is that we've been forgotten, that the memories we so fondly recall are only significant to us. Remember this: If those moments meant a great deal to you, the likelihood is that they meant a great deal to the person you shared them with. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

Life gets busy on all ends, so be mindful not to place blame or point fingers as to why you haven't kept in touch. Feelings of anger, hurt, and resentment will prevent you from reconnecting with those people in your life that you've drifted from.

So, get those photo albums out and take a stroll down memory lane until the memories become so strong that they appear before your very eyes. When you open your heart you may be surprised to find a piece of yourself that you have lost sight of.

January 5th

Act: Be polite on the phone today!

Quote: "Life is short but there is always time for courtesy." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Reflection: From telemarketers, to your spouse or friend, to employees, your distant aunt, or your mom calling for the twentieth time to see what you'd like for dinner, be mindful of how your words impact the day of another. You may not be able to chat for long, but communication is never about the words, it's about the tone, the inflections of the voice, and the way in which those words are said. It will take the same amount of time to utter them in kindness or frustration, but one will leave a person feeling uplifted while the other may change the trajectory of their entire day.

January 6th

Act: Our environment needs a little loving. Start becoming mindful of recycling. It may take you an extra moment to find a garbage can or recycling bin, but think of the impact. Let's take a step toward a cleaner world for us all.

Quote: "Love the world as you love yourself." ~Lao Tzu

Reflection: Ever wonder why the cleanest places stay clean, while the extra dirty places seem to get dirtier? Our actions or lack of action is often a reflection of our surroundings and environment. Here's something to consider: Are you more or less likely to throw trash on the ground in a city whose streets are immaculate as opposed to one whose streets are decorated in an assortment of waste? The cleaner the space, the more likely we are to want to keep it that way. The problem arises in a space where recycling is out of the norm. Let's break the habit and do our part, recognizing that if each and every person made a small effort, the job would be done. Instead of speaking words of kindness for the environment, let's live it and be a model for others to follow.

January 7th

Act: Before you leave class, thank your teacher for a great lesson. Two small words with a big impact.

Quote: "Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." ~Mother Teresa

Reflection: As a teacher, there are times when I question myself. Did I have an impact? Did I even make the slightest change? Did I leave a mark? It's quite curious and equally wonderful that a simple "thank you" infuses a teacher with the endurance to overcome the tough days and wake up the very next day ready to open her heart and give of herself wholeheartedly.

January 8th

Act: Donate old books to the library. It may very well become someone else's all-time favorite.

Quote: "Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world." ~Malala Yousafzai

Reflection: Rarely in life do you find an object that retains its ability to continuously impact regardless of how many times it has been used. A book may first appear as a collection of pages filled with information, knowledge, and stories yet to be told. But in between the lines lie endless opportunities, possibilities, and dreams for the unsuspecting reader still discovering who they are as they contemplate the next chapter waiting to be written in their very own book of life. A good book can inspire one person to change their world, thereby changing the world as a whole.

January 9th

Act: Take a moment to offer words of gratitude to a bus or taxi driver and let them know how much you appreciate their service.

Quote: "A compliment is something like a kiss through a veil." ~Victor Hugo

Reflection: "I see you." Three simple words we all crave to feel. They don't need to be uttered or shouted from the rooftops. They simply need to be felt in a smile or a warm greeting. There's beauty in the moment when two sets of eyes connect and an energy is magically transferred. To see beyond the labels, beyond the titles, beyond the collars. And suddenly what's left is the person: their heart, their soul, and their essence.

January 10th

Act: Find yourself waiting in a line today? Break the ice and engage in a few minutes of conversation with others. Not only will the time go by faster, you may come out of it with a new friend.

Quote: "Courage is the power to let go of the familiar." ~Raymond Lindquist

Reflection: I will always recall one short interaction I had with a complete stranger while waiting in line in a crowded restaurant. Long lines, big crowds, and wait times often cause instant irritation but when I think of this particular situation, I can't help but smile. We could've complained like so many others. Instead we made light of the situation, shared some words back and forth, and transformed the mood and agitation of all those waiting around.

The way I see it, each person we come in contact with has something they are meant to offer us and something we are meant to offer them. It may not be measurable in money, connections, success, or the like. You may gain a new friend but you're more likely to gain a new perspective. We all have something unique to give, to teach, to inspire, to instill. It's not always communicated through words, but it still exists. Shed the labels, shed the fear, shed the insecurity, and take a chance.

January 11th

Act: Know someone looking for a job? Lend a hand and assist them with their job search or résumé writing. Your guidance could help them land an opportunity of a lifetime.

Quote: "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." ~John Wooden

Reflection: Procrastination, fear, and uncertainty are what I like to call the enemies of progress, preventing us from pursuing our dreams and achieving the goals we set for ourselves. Often all we need is a little push. A friend of mine, Jacq, needed this push when she decided that the time had come for her to leave her job. Working as an executive assistant was never meant to be her endgame, but like so many of us she became comfortable. She was ready to take the leap and begin the daunting task of rewriting her résumé, but, naturally, the "enemies of progress" reared their ugly heads. Jacq wasn't fighting them alone, though. We jumped on a call and together took the first step in starting a new chapter of her life. She didn't know where it would lead, and neither did I, but I knew I couldn't be happier to receive the opportunity to get her one step closer to her goal.

January 12th

Act: Know someone who is struggling with the ups and downs of life? Gift them an inspirational book that has uplifted you and given you hope in times of need.

Quote: "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Reflection: It can be found in a beautiful sunset, the smell of the grass on a spring day, the laughter of a child, an inspiring story, a hug, or a smile. For me hope was found in the words of a favorite book. Reflecting on all of the advice I had given throughout the course of my years, I came to realize that dispensing advice is far simpler than heeding it. Sometimes we need to take a step back to have the courage and strength to take the next steps forward. We may be unaware of where they will go, but we can be content in knowing that at least we have the hope they will go somewhere.

January 13th

Act: Dream big! It's the dreamers of the world that save us all — so never stop dreaming.

Quote: "Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." ~Paul Brandt

Reflection: There will inevitably be days when you don't feel you can conquer the world, when perhaps you feel as though the world has conquered you. But remember, it is precisely in those moments of weakness when you are given an opportunity to find a great strength within yourself that you never knew you had. Have courage and be strong — because you're worth it and no one can take that from you if you don't let them.

This goes out to all those who need a reminder that someone out there is betting on them, even if they've stopped betting on themselves for the time being. Remember, hope is never lost.

January 14th

Act: Be confident. Be brave. Use your voice! Stick up for someone even if they aren't around.

Quote: "True character is what you say and do when no one is looking." ~John Wooden

Reflection: Choices don't simply dictate the lives we lead, they impact the lives of those who choose to follow us. It's one thing to choose the right path when others have treaded that path before you; it's another thing to create your own. So when you're faced with a choice, choose to inspire, choose to empower, choose to stand for those who have lost the will to stand for themselves. Who you are isn't determined by the amount of people watching you, but rather by your choices when no one is there to judge. Doing the right thing is not always easy, but then again the things in life that are worthwhile never are.

January 15th

Act: Have a family member that is starting out on a new venture or perhaps contemplating pursuing their dream? Encourage them to push full speed ahead. Don't allow your fears to dissuade them from taking the leap.

Quote: "Everyone needs a house to live in, but a supportive family is what builds a home." ~Anthony Liccione

Reflection: When I decided to leave my teaching job after seven amazing years to start a nonprofit with the sole mission of spreading kindness in the world, everyone thought I was crazy. I didn't have the funding or the experience, but I did have the dream. I had the passion and the conviction to answer the question of "why," knowing full well that if my heart was in the right place the "how" would find its way to me. Often discouraging words are simply a reflection of one person's inability to envision their dream being actualized. If a person lacks the belief that they can achieve their dream, how can they possibly presume to think anyone else can believe it? A few encouraging and supportive words have the power to make what was once impossible possible. You may think someone is just a "dreamer" with the inability to actualize their dream, but a little support from your end can tip the scales in their favor.

January 16th

Act: Love someone for who they are. By doing so you may realize that they are already what you need.

Quote: "Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look past the imperfections." ~Gerard Way

Reflection: It's once we see a person for who they are that we can begin falling in love with the qualities that make them unique. No one is perfect. It was never meant to be that way. The challenge is seeing beyond the imperfections and uncovering the hidden gem that lies within them. I've found that the more we learn to see the hidden gems within ourselves, in spite of our tendency for self-criticism, the easier it becomes to spot them in others.

January 17th

Act: Take a genuine interest in a friend's culture and background. What a great way to find the beauty within our differences.

Quote: "Be curious, not judgmental." ~Walt Whitman

Reflection: Our differences are reasons to celebrate. A picture painted with various shades of the same color is far less appealing than combining many colors and their various tints, hues, and shades, each color giving the painting greater depth, meaning, and beauty.

January 18th

Act: Share the acts of kindness, courage, and bravery that you have committed in an effort to protect our planet, the animals, and the people that afford it meaning.

Quote: "A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions." ~Amelia Earhart

Reflection: Purity of heart mixed with genuine humility ensures that when we share our wins we are doing so for the right reasons. In today's world of digital media, one person can easily turn into thousands — i.e., one person has the power, through a single post, to impact millions. Now, more than ever, we need not question the validity and life span of our efforts. Every positive action has the potential to inspire, motivate, and empower someone that you may have never met and may never meet to make a change, give back, and contribute something positive to the world. Someone out there is waiting for the inspiration that you alone can provide. The only question that's left to ask is what are you waiting for?

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Flatiron Books (January 3, 2017)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 384 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 125006693X
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1250066930
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.31 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.08 x 1.01 x 7.26 inches
  • #8,575 in Happiness Self-Help
  • #18,579 in Personal Transformation Self-Help
  • #29,490 in New Age & Spirituality

About the author

Orly Wahba is an author, educator, entrepreneur, speaker and community activist passionate about inspiring and motivating people to be the best that they can be. Orly began her career in Kindness as a Middle School educator at the Yeshivah of Flatbush in Brooklyn, NY, teaching the children to embrace unity, build their self-esteem, and use the power they have to influence the world for good. Yearning to make a larger impact with her philanthropic work Orly founded Life Vest Inside in 2011, a non-profit organization with a mission to inspire, empower and educate people of all backgrounds to lead a life of kindness.

Life Vest Inside gained international acclaim when Orly’s award-winning film Kindness Boomerang went viral. Orly has spoken at TED and has been featured on The Today Show, CBS, NBC, Bloomberg TV, Adweek, IBTimes, Parade Magazine and many more.

Orly was recently appointed as the CEO of Kindness USA, whose goal is to increase kindness perception within the US from 25% to 80% by the year 2027.

Ever since childhood, Orly Wahba had a deep passion to unite people in a way like never before; to truly change the world. To help people see beyond the labels and connect with the heart of one another; recognizing that each person is in fact a piece of the same puzzle. Like pieces of a puzzle we all may be different shapes and different colors, but each and every piece is the same size; no one being more or less important than the other.

“It is my belief that we are all unique, significant and special in our own way; each of us with something to contribute to this wonderful world that only we can give.” ~Orly Wahba

In her spare time Orly enjoys playing drums and piano, listening to music, watching movies, playing sports, figure skating, and spending time with family. She's also been said to be one of the biggest Disney fans out there!

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Kindness Boomerang The Book

How to save the world (and yourself) through 365 daily acts..

Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts is an awesome lesson-a-day book on the power of kindness, giving you a guide to incorporate kindness into your daily life . For each day of the year you’ll find an act of kindness, inspirational quote and short reflection from my own life about the power of paying it forward! The book provides tangible steps to change your outlook on life and is broken down into 12 categories of kindness that repeat throughout the book.   Learn more and see what others are saying about the book!

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With 25 Million Views of Her Kindness Boomerang Video

The author and Founder of the wellness organization Life Vest Inside offers a guide for kind living.

“The greatest mistake we can make is allowing the guilt of what we haven’t yet achieved consume us.” ~Orly Wahba

“instead of looking at the gap between where you are and where you want to be, stop for a moment and look behind you at how far you’ve come and the small goals you’ve achieved.” ~orly wahba, “when you open your heart you may be surprised to find a piece of yourself that you have lost sight of.” ~orly wahba, “a teacher is not simply a person who hands over facts and figures, but rather knowledge of life, of the endless possibilities awaiting his or her students.” ~orly wahba, “i see you.” three simple words we all crave to feel. ~orly wahba, “we all have something unique to give, to teach, to inspire, to instill.” ~orly wahba, “procrastination, fear, and uncertainty are what i like to call the enemies of progress, preventing us from pursuing our dreams and achieving the goals we set for ourselves.” ~orly wahba, “sometimes we need to take a step back to have the courage and strength to take the next steps forward.” ~orly wahba, “choices don’t simply dictate the lives we lead, they impact the lives of those who choose to follow us.” ~orly wahba, “it’s one thing to choose the right path when others have treaded that path before you; it’s another thing to create your own.” ~orly wahba, “when you’re faced with a choice, choose to inspire, choose to empower, choose to stand for those who have lost the will to stand for themselves.” ~orly wahba, “it’s once we see a person for who they are that we can begin falling in love with the qualities that make them unique.” ~orly wahba, “i’ve found that the more we learn to see the hidden gems within ourselves, in spite of our tendency for self-criticism, the easier it becomes to spot them in others.” ~orly wahba, “our differences are reasons to celebrate.” ~orly wahba.

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Author and Founder of the wellness organization, Life Vest Inside, offers a guide to incorporating kindness into your daily life.

Author and Founder of the wellness organization, Life Vest Inside , offers a guide to incorporating kindness into your daily life.

Orly Wahba is an educator, entrepreneur, speaker and community activist passionate about motivating people to make the world a kinder place. Orly began her career as a Middle School educator empowering children to see their power to influence the world for good. In 2011, Orly founded Life Vest Inside, a non-profit organization with a mission to empower and unite the world with kindness.

Life Vest Inside gained international acclaim when Orly’s award-winning film Kindness Boomerang went viral. Orly has spoken at TED and has been featured on The Today Show.

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What People Are Saying

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Amanda Palmer

Orly has put together a little gift box of 365 reminders; each one a digestible, practical little to-do item that will spark a change in the world. Kindness Boomerang is a little book that will make a big change, a little bite-sized bible of reminders for those who want to stay on the path of compassion.

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NY Times bestselling author of “Delivering Happiness” and CEO of Zappos.com, Inc.

Kindness Boomerang is filled with fun tips and ideas for finding happiness in everyday activities.

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Peter Scolari

Emmy Award Winning Actor

Orly Wahba's book 'Kindness Boomerang' is more than good philosophy, it is a box of spiritual tools - it is full of heart and decent thoughts, good will, and makes available a ready course of action for any given day. This is the work of a beautiful and evolved human being. When I grow up, I hope to be more like Orly Wahba. Get this book! Change the world a little bit at a time, and you yourself can change...

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Essay on Kindness

500 words essay on kindness.

The world we live in today has been through a lot of things from world wars to epidemics, but one thing which remained constant throughout was resilience and kindness. Moreover, it was the spirit to fight back and help out each other. Kindness must be an essential and universal quality to make the world a better place. Through an essay on kindness, we will go through it in detail.

essay on kindness

Importance of Kindness

Kindness towards nature, animals and other people has the ability to transform the world and make it a beautiful place for living. But, it is also important to remember that kindness towards you is also essential for personal growth.

Kindness is basically being polite, compassionate and thoughtful. Every religion and faith teaches its followers to be kind. Most importantly, kindness must not limit to humans but also to every living creature.

Even nature has its own way of showing kindness. For instance, the trees grow fruits for us and provide us with shade. One must not see kindness as a core value but as a fundamental behavioural element. When you are kind to your loved ones, you create a stable base.

As people are becoming more self-centred today, we must learn kindness. We must try to integrate it into ourselves. You might not know how a small act of kindness can bring about a change in someone’s life. So, be kind always.

Kindness Always Wins

There is no doubt that kindness always wins and it has been proven time and again by people. Sid is a greedy man who does not share his wealth with anyone, not even his family members.

He also does not pay his workers well. One day, he loses his bag of gold coins and loses his temper. Everyone helps him out to search for it but no one finds it. Finally, his worker’s little son finds the bag.

Upon checking the bag, he sees all the coins are there. But, his greed makes him play a trick on the poor worker. He claims that there were more coins in the bag and the worker stole them.

The issue goes to the court and the judge confirms from Sid whether his bag had more coins to which he agrees. So, the judge rules out that as Sid’s bag had more coins , the bag which the worker’s son found is not his.

Therefore, the bag gets handed to the worker as no one else claims it. Consequently, you see how the worker’s son act of kindness won and paid him well. On the other hand, how Sid’s greediness resulted in his loss only.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Kindness

It is essential for all of us to understand the value of kindness. Always remember, it does not cost anything to be kind. It may be a little compliment or it can be a grand gesture, no matter how big or small, kindness always matters. Therefore, try your best to be kind to everyone around you.

FAQ of Essay on Kindness

Question 1: Why is it important to be kind?

Answer 1: It is important to be kind because it makes one feel good about oneself. When you do things for other people and help them with anything, it makes you feel warm and that you have accomplished something. Moreover, you also get respect in return.

Question 2: Why is kindness so powerful?

Answer 2: Kindness has a lot of benefits which includes increased happiness and a healthy heart . It slows down the ageing process and also enhances relationships and connections, which will indirectly boost your health.

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Student ‘How To’ Contest Winner

How to Be a Kid Forever

A winning essay by Raniya Chowdhury, age 17.

photo illustration of a wooden ring stacking toy; the rings are primary colors; a shadow of an adult's face and tiny butterfly extends from the right hand side of the toy

By The Learning Network

This essay, by Raniya Chowdhury, 17, of Mississauga, Ontario, is one of the Top 11 winners of The Learning Network’s new “How To” Informational Writing Contest for Teenagers .

We are publishing the work of all the winners over the next several days, and you can find them here as they post.

“The best part of being a kid is getting candy when you’re sad,” says eight-year-old Lolia Almasri, who is a Mickey Mouse-loving third grader living in the sleepy suburbs of southern Ontario, and a leading expert on all things kid-related. For many teenagers like myself who dance on the cusp of “adulthood” — in the legal sense, anyway — grappling with growing up has felt like an impending apocalypse of responsibilities. To those counting down the doomsday clock of turning 18, you might be hoping to hold onto the feeling of youth and postpone the inevitable. Or maybe you’ve already been a grown-up for some time and long to reclaim that balmy, magical, wide-eyed wonder of childhood.

Well, according to Lolia, it’s not hard to keep being a kid, as it revolves around the core tenets of remembering the value of kindness and having fun. Empathy is the bedrock of her ethos and she expresses its importance through a personal anecdote: “When my friend needed scissors, I gave him mine and got another one.” The economy of kids is barter-based (e.g. if you give me your Pokémon card, I’ll give you my strawberry-scented eraser). Their transactions are exchanges of happiness, so a good place for you to start is by sharing things with others, even though that grows difficult with age.

Once you’ve mastered this, it’s time for the fun part. “Kids have to behave nice and also play,” Lolia says, which is a facet of childhood that I wonder why we ever let go of. A return to playing outdoors is imperative. Suspend your disbelief. Instead, make-believe! Don your light-up sneakers and search the woods for fairies, play hopscotch in the backyard, kick a ball around — allow yourself to sincerely enjoy it, the little things.

But, truly, what strikes me most about Lolia’s philosophy on living life like you’re in Neverland is her final step: a gentle reminder that “even if you’re a grown-up, if you’re scared at night you can still snuggle your parents.” After all, in Lolia’s world, there is no reality in which there won’t be someone to console her after a nightmare. To her, unicorns and dragons exist, and so does love, always. Ultimately, the best advice Lolia gives on being a kid forever is to have faith that you aren’t alone in life and to turn to someone when you’re afraid of the dark.

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✍️Essay on Kindness: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

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  • Nov 2, 2023

Essay on kindness

Research says that being kind to someone or vice versa can positively rewire your brain. Kindness is when one is generous to another person. Well, in today’s world, it is very difficult. We can hardly find anyone. Do you wish to bring a change in your lifestyle ? Well, you have come to the right place. Today, we will be talking about kindness in depth. Here, in this article, we have compiled several sample essays on kindness which describe this topic in depth. 

This Blog Includes:

Importance of kindness, essay on kindness in 100 words, essay on kindness in 150 words, essay on kindness in 200 words.

Kindness is an effortless yet powerful gesture which put a very positive impact on someone’s life. In the academic community, this gesture is seen as an attitude that can create a huge impact on one’s achievement. 

Speaking in a bit of a medical language, being kind to someone boosts serotonin and dopamine. These brain chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, are what light up your reward and pleasure centres and give you a sense of fulfilment.

This doesn’t end here. Kindness has been shown to have cardioprotective effects. It can lower blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn affects stress levels. 

Speaking of which, here, we have compiled an essay on kindness which will provide you with more information on this topic. Let’s dive in. 

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Being kind is a basic virtue which is very important for humankind to create a world that is more peaceful and compassionate. It is one of the most straightforward acts which can be shown by anyone to others without expecting anything in return. When it comes to showing kindness, there are many ways by which one can show it. These include opening doors for others giving your time to support a good cause or simply being with them during their hard times. 

Always remember that even showing a tiny act of kindness can create a huge impact in someone’s life or simply make their day better. 

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Kindness is a feeling of being generous, friendly and considerate. In a world full of hatred and cruelty, kindness is what one can spread. You never know whom you might someone from a having bad day. One can simply start spreading kindness in the community they are living in. 

One of the best examples to describe the word kindness would be Mother Teresa . She devoted her entire life to caring for the destitute and dying in the slums of Calcutta (Kolkata). She is considered to be one of the greatest humanitarians the world has ever produced.

Speaking of kindness, doing little things such as opening a door for someone. Helping an elderly person cross the street, or holding things of someone are some basic things which can be done.

To conclude, kindness is contagious. It can spread like wildfire. Therefore, in a world where there is so much hatred, and cruelty, where people are fighting. One can be kind which will provoke others to do the same. 

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Kindness is one of the most important qualities which people should have. This is very important to create a more compassionate and harmonious world. The simple act of being considerate towards others and not expecting anything in return is kindness. The word ‘kindness’ can be expressed in many different ways. From helping someone during tough times to helping an old lady cross the street is what best describes this word. 

Other than this, kindness is also beneficial for our well-being. Studies show that people who are kind to people around them tend to be more happy than others. This is because of the endorphins which are released. They contribute towards mood-boosting and pain-relieving effects. Not only this, kindness has also proved to have reduced stress levels and improved cardiovascular health.

To conclude, I would like to leave you all with a thought. In today’s times, we hardly come across kind people. Consider ourselves, we may feel for others around us going through the bad phase but how often do we reach out and assist them? It is our responsibility to nurture kindness in ourselves before we can ask others to do the same for us.

Related Articles 

We hope after reading some of these essays on kindness, your perspective on kindness would have changed. Always remember, everyone is fighting their own battles, so the best you can do is be a little kind and bring a smile to their face. Signing off!

There are certain advantages to our happiness and general well-being for those of us who are kind and caring. Perhaps we will live longer. Additionally, kindness lowers stress and enhances mental health.

These expressions describe persons who are kind, considerate, and considerate of others’ feelings.

Kindness belongs to the human virtue category and is one of the 24 universal character strengths.

For more information on such interesting topics, visit our essay-writing page and follow Leverage Edu ! 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Why China Offered Earthquake Aid to Taiwan—and Why Taiwan Quickly Rejected It

T aiwanese authorities have yet to estimate how much it will cost to recover from the damage caused by the massive, deadly earthquake that struck the island on Wednesday, which collapsed buildings , felled water towers , and caused landslides that damaged roads and other infrastructure. Repair costs for the last earthquake of such a scale— in 1999 and albeit much bigger—reached near $10 billion .

A quarter century ago, Taiwan rejected help from its estranged neighbor in China, and when an offer to help came from across the strait again this week, Taiwan speedily rebuffed it.

“It’s not real kindness because you are constantly threatened in conflict,” Lev Nachman, an assistant professor of political science at National Chengchi University in Taipei, tells TIME of China’s offer and Taiwan’s quickness to see through it.

Read More: Photos of the Devastation After the Earthquake in Taiwan

“We express our gratitude to the Chinese side for their concern,” Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council said in a statement shortly after the Taiwan Affairs Office of mainland China’s State Council reacted to the disaster on Wednesday. “There is no need for the Chinese side to assist in disaster relief due to this earthquake.”

Earlier, Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, said : “Relevant parties in the mainland are highly concerned and express their sincere condolences to the Taiwan compatriots affected by the disaster. They will pay close attention to the disaster situation and follow-up situations, and are willing to provide disaster relief assistance.”

Chinese state media referred to the quake having taken place in “ China’s Taiwan ,” and by offering aid, says Ja Ian Chong, associate professor of political science at National University of Singapore, it “is trying to push again this line that it is doing something for what it deems to be for its own domestic purposes.”

Taiwan’s quick rejection likely stemmed, experts say, from lingering bitterness over how the 1999 earthquake was handled. At the time, Taiwanese authorities described Beijing’s attempted oversight of relief efforts as “ extremely inappropriate .” China also stood in the way of the U.N.’s ability to give quake-related aid in 1999, and it continues to exercise influence over international arenas to hold Taiwan back from recognition and full participation with other governments and organizations.

“Aid from China is always conditional,” Chong tells TIME, explaining the Taiwan government’s understandable resistance to letting China get involved in current recovery efforts. He also pointed to broader distrust of China among the Taiwanese public based on Beijing’s insistence, which has ramped up in recent years, that the island is part of the republic and that the two will soon be united, by force if necessary.

“There is a lot of skepticism towards the intent of [China], because of this military intimidation,” Chong says, pointing to the near-constant People’s Liberation Army flyovers and military vessels around the island , “because of its unwillingness to move away from the threat of using force to extend control over Taiwan.”

Taiwan recently reaffirmed its desire for independence when its people voted for four more years of leadership by the China-skeptical Democratic Progressive Party. William Lai , the president-elect who takes office in May, said as voters headed to the polls in January, “Our door will always be open to engagement with Beijing under the principles of equality and dignity,” while adding: “While aspiring for peace, we harbor no illusions.”

Read More: Taiwan’s Election Isn’t a Disaster for Xi—Unless He Makes It One

As for China, it likely expected Taiwan’s reaction, says Nachman. In making its offer that would almost certainly be rejected, China was “not really so much offering a kindness but setting Taiwan up to look bad, essentially … Then [China] can say, ‘Look, Taiwan rejects our kindness.’”

Ultimately, observers say the cross-strait back-and-forth over assistance is an unwelcome distraction. “Taiwan’s focus in the coming days must be on the welfare of its people,” Karishma Vaswani, a Bloomberg Opinion writer focused on politics in Asia, wrote in a recent column . “If China is genuine about efforts to help, then it should simply stay out of Taipei’s way.”

Taiwan’s response to China’s offer of help this week is notably different from its response to Japan’s similar offer. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida took to social media platform X on Wednesday to express condolences to the earthquake victims, adding that Japan “stands ready to provide necessary assistance to Taiwan, our maritime neighbor, in times of hardship”—to which Lai, responded in Japanese : “Your words warm our hearts and symbolize the strong bond between Taiwan and Japan. Let us continue to help each other and join hands to overcome these difficult times.”

Correction, April 4 The original version of this story misnamed Taiwan’s governing party. It is the Democratic Progressive Party, not the Democratic People’s Party.

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    Kindness Boomerang contains 365 daily acts, one for each day of the year, accompanied by inspirational quotes, personal stories on the power of paying it forward, and tangible steps to change your outlook on life. ... Genres Self Help Nonfiction Inspirational Essays Amazon. 384 pages, Kindle Edition. First published January 3, 2017. Book ...

  14. Kindness, like a boomerang always returns

    Kindness is a complex time period to realize but handiest to understand. Showing kindness toward others offers a sense of pleasure and mirth to the recipient. The doer is also satiated by the ...

  15. Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365

    Kindness Boomerang contains 365 daily acts, one for each day of the year, accompanied by inspirational quotes, personal stories on the power of paying it forward, and tangible steps to change your outlook on life. This book empowers you to bring positivity into your everyday life and the lives of those around you. Wahba invites you to practice kindness in relationships, kindness with yourself ...

  16. Kindness Boomerang by Orly Wahba

    Overall, Kindness Boomerang is a powerful and uplifting book that reminds readers of the transformative power of kindness. Through personal stories, practical tips, and scientific research, Orly Wahba encourages readers to embrace kindness and create a positive ripple effect in their own lives and the lives of others. 1. The Power of Small Acts ...

  17. Home

    Kindness Boomerang: How to Save the World (and Yourself) Through 365 Daily Acts is an awesome lesson-a-day book on the power of kindness, giving you a guide to incorporate kindness into your daily life.For each day of the year you'll find an act of kindness, inspirational quote and short reflection from my own life about the power of paying it forward!

  18. Essay On Kindness in English for Students

    500 Words Essay On Kindness. The world we live in today has been through a lot of things from world wars to epidemics, but one thing which remained constant throughout was resilience and kindness. Moreover, it was the spirit to fight back and help out each other. Kindness must be an essential and universal quality to make the world a better place.

  19. How to Be a Kid Forever

    After all, in Lolia's world, there is no reality in which there won't be someone to console her after a nightmare. To her, unicorns and dragons exist, and so does love, always. Ultimately, the ...

  20. Kindness Boomerang Essay

    Kindness Boomerang Essay: 1513 Orders prepared. Ask the experts to write an essay for me! Our writers will be by your side throughout the entire process of essay writing. After you have made the payment, the essay writer for me will take over 'my assignment' and start working on it, with commitment. We assure you to deliver the order before ...

  21. Essay on Kindness: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words

    Essay on Kindness in 200 Words. Kindness is one of the most important qualities which people should have. This is very important to create a more compassionate and harmonious world. The simple act of being considerate towards others and not expecting anything in return is kindness. The word 'kindness' can be expressed in many different ways.

  22. Kindness Boomerang Essay

    Kindness Boomerang Essay, Essays On Australian Foreign Policy, Popular Critical Thinking Editing Service Online, Business Plan Auditing Firm, Essay Contest May 2009, Sample Api Testing Resume, Explain The Role Of Literature Review In Research Process ...

  23. Kindness Boomerang Essay

    Kindness Boomerang Essay. Rating: Definitely! It's not a matter of "yes you can", but a matter of "yes, you should". Chatting with professional paper writers through a one-on-one encrypted chat allows them to express their views on how the assignment should turn out and share their feedback. Be on the same page with your writer!

  24. Taiwan Earthquake: Why Taiwan Doesn't Want China's Help

    Repair costs for the last earthquake of such a scale— in 1999 and albeit much bigger—reached near $10 billion. A quarter century ago, Taiwan rejected help from its estranged neighbor in China ...