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The English application: Cover letter

Cover letter: format and layout.

The cover letter must be clearly arranged and easy to read. Long sentences, insufficient line spacing and too many paragraphs are all inappropriate because they overload the letter. Bright colours do not belong in a cover letter nor does an overload of different colours, fonts, boxes, graphics and the like. Furthermore, you must ensure a consistent layout for both, cover letter and CV.

Font and size

An appropriate font size facilitates reading for the recipient. Choose a font size of 10 to 12 points and avoid fancy fonts. Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri are standard options. Note also that the font style and size on your cover letter should match those on your CV.

Paper format

In the US and in Canada, the standard cover letter is written on the letter format. This measures 21.6 cm x 27.9 cm and differs in size from the standard European A4 format, which is approximately 6 mm wider and 18 mm shorter in length. Your best option is to set up the cover letter in this format at the beginning. This will save you the trouble of making adjustments to the layout later. You can use the A4 format for applications to the UK.

Final follow-up

At the end, check whether the layout is consistent throughout the document. The CV and the cover letter should not differ in terms of layout. It is advisable to show both documents to a friend: he/she might notice if the line spacing differs in parts, or if there are other layout mistakes.

Regardless of whether you are applying in the US, Canada, Australia or the UK, the cover letter must never be longer than one page.

  • Short and sweet
  • Simple and clear structure
  • Maximum length of one page
  • Consistent font and layout
  • Appropriate font size (10–12 points)
  • Avoid bright colours and graphics
  • Special letter format for US and Canada

Best Cover Letter Fonts for Applications

When you submit a job application, it’s important that hiring managers can read your cover letter and resume easily. Choosing the right font for your application materials is essential in making this part of the process flow smoothly. In this article, learn what the best cover letter fonts are for your next cover letter.

Why are cover letter fonts important?

Choosing the right font is an important step to making sure your cover letter is legible and professional looking. By selecting a simple, easy-to-read font for your cover letter, you can increase the chance that your job application will make a good first impression on the hiring team.

A cover letter with the correct spacing and size can also make it more visually appealing. A hiring manager may be more likely to read the content of your cover letter if it looks simple and businesslike. 

Sometimes, a hiring team may receive hundreds of applications. Since a cover letter is typically the first document a recruiter reviews, the format should be scannable so they can gather basic information about you and your qualifications. If your cover letter impresses a recruiter, they may be more likely to review the rest of your application materials and invite you to an interview.

How to choose the best cover letter font

Follow these steps to choose the best cover letter font:

1. Choose a font that you can use in your cover letter and your resume

When you’re choosing a font for your cover letter, make sure to pick a font that you can use throughout your application and resume. Using one font for both your cover letter and resume creates consistency and looks more professional. 

2. Opt for a professional and easy-to-read cover letter font

When choosing a cover letter font, select a simple option that conveys your professionalism. Since the hiring team may read your application on a desktop, laptop or mobile device, you should ensure that your cover letter font is easy to read even on smaller screens.

You can choose between a serif and sans serif font type. Serif fonts have small strokes at the ends of letters. Sans serif fonts have no strokes at the ends of letters. Opting for a serif font can add a personal style to your application, while choosing a sans serif font can make your letter look simple and straightforward. 

Here are the most popular cover letter fonts for job applications:

  • Times New Roman:  As one of the most common fonts for professional documents, Times New Roman can make your cover letter appear uncomplicated. You can use Times New Roman when applying to most companies. 
  • Garamond:  This serif font features a classic appearance that can make both your cover letter and resume look professional. Garamond works best for printed cover letters. 
  • Cambria:  For a less formal option, you can consider Cambria. This is the standard font for Microsoft Word since it’s easy to read for many users. 
  • Georgia:  If you plan to email your cover letter, Georgia is an ideal font. You can also use it if you need to send your materials as electronic documents. 
  • Arial:  This is one of the most popular sans serif fonts, as it is visually appealing on both paper and electronic devices. 
  • Helvetica:  Similar to Arial, Helvetica is a simple, straightforward sans serif font. Many people believe Helvetica has a more sophisticated look, making it a popular option.
  • Calibri:  With its narrow style, Calibri is easy to read on screens, making it a good choice for electronic applications.

3. Use standard formatting with your font

Your resume might include a variety of text formatting, such as bold or italics, to emphasize various details. However, you should use standard formatting throughout your cover letter for simplicity. 

4. Select a professional font size and use it consistently

Choose a font size that is clearly legible. For most fonts, 12-point is the standard size, but some fonts may look better at 10- or 11-point. To find the ideal size for your cover letter, try each of these standard sizes to find the most legible version. Make sure your cover letter easily fits onto a single page.

5. Use appropriate spacing with your cover letter font

The spacing of your cover letter can also have an effect its readability, so it can be helpful to examine different options. Single, double and 1.5 spacing are the most common selections. Remember to leave 1-inch margins around the edges of the document for additional white space and improved legibility.

6. Review your cover letter font choice before submitting

After selecting a font, size and spacing, review the letter prior to submitting it. Make sure the entire cover letter appears both professional and legible. If you are emailing your application materials, consider sending the email to yourself first so you can review first before sending it to the hiring manager. 

7. Save the font and formatting you use in your cover letter

If you plan to send your cover letter electronically, take steps to preserve the format first. When you email your application in word processing format, such as a Microsoft Word file, the formatting may not transfer correctly. Consider converting your cover letter and resume to a PDF file to retain the style. 

If you intend to copy and paste your cover letter into the body of an email, make sure to reapply the font, sizing and spacing to preserve its appearance.

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Choosing the Right CV Paper Size for Your Job Application

When crafting your curriculum vitae (CV), every detail counts, including the paper size. Choosing the correct CV paper size is not only a matter of professional presentation but also a reflection of your attention to detail and awareness of industry standards. This seemingly small element can significantly impact a potential employer’s first impression of your application. In this article, we will explore the importance of selecting the right paper size for your CV, taking into account regional preferences and the implications for both digital and physical submissions. Understanding these nuances can set your application apart in a competitive job market.

  • 1 Understanding CV Paper Size Standards
  • 2 How CV Paper Size Affects Presentation
  • 3 Best Practices for Selecting CV Paper Size
  • 4 Common Mistakes to Avoid with CV Paper Size
  • 5 Additional Tips for Optimizing Your CV

Understanding CV Paper Size Standards

The standard paper size for CVs can vary significantly around the world, reflecting regional document formats and practices. In the United States and Canada, the traditional size is Letter (8.5″ x 11″), whereas in most other countries, the A4 size (210mm x 297mm) is the norm. It’s crucial to understand these regional differences, especially if you are applying for positions in different countries. Using the appropriate paper size not only ensures that your CV fits the expected format but also conveys your cultural and professional awareness. Adhering to these standards can prevent formatting issues that might arise when your document is printed or viewed on different screens, ensuring that your information is presented clearly and effectively.

How CV Paper Size Affects Presentation

The size of the paper you choose for your CV significantly impacts its presentation and, by extension, the first impression you make on potential employers. Here are key points to consider:

  • Alignment and Readability : Using the standard CV paper size, such as A4 or Letter, ensures your content aligns correctly and remains readable. For example, a CV on A4 paper allows for clear margins and ample white space, making the document more approachable and easier to navigate.
  • Professional Appearance : Adhering to industry standards, such as the A4 size in Europe or Letter size in North America, reflects your professionalism and attention to detail. A CV that meets these norms looks polished and tailored, signaling to employers that you are serious about your application.
  • Compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) : Many companies use ATS to scan CVs for keywords and qualifications. Standard-sized documents, particularly those in A4 or Letter format, are more likely to be ATS-friendly, ensuring your CV passes through these systems without formatting issues.
  • Online and Print Versatility : While digital applications are common, some employers still prefer printed CVs. Choosing the correct paper size, like A4 or Letter, guarantees your CV maintains its integrity both online and in print. This versatility ensures that whether an employer views your CV on a screen or holds a printed copy, it appears professional and well-organized.
  • Cross-border Applications : If you’re applying for jobs internationally, consider the standard paper size of the target country. For instance, if you’re in the U.S. but applying to a company in Germany, switch your CV from Letter to A4 size to align with European standards. This adaptability shows prospective employers that you are culturally sensitive and capable of working within international frameworks.

By focusing on the appropriate CV paper size, you ensure your document meets global standards, remains user-friendly, and presents your information in the most effective way possible. This attention to detail can significantly boost your chances of making a positive impression and advancing through the selection process.

Best Practices for Selecting CV Paper Size

Selecting the right CV paper size is crucial in crafting a professional and impactful job application. Here are essential best practices to guide you:

  • Know Your Region’s Standard : Before you print or submit your CV, understand the standard paper size for your region. For instance, A4 is the go-to size in most European countries, while the Letter size dominates in the United States and Canada. Tailoring your CV to these standards shows your awareness and respect for local professional practices.
  • Consider the Industry Norms : Different sectors may have varying preferences for CV presentation. Creative industries might allow for more flexibility in format and size, whereas traditional fields like finance or law typically expect the standard A4 or Letter size. Research your industry to ensure your CV aligns with sector-specific expectations.
  • Opt for Quality Paper for Physical Copies : If you’re submitting a printed CV, choose high-quality paper that complements the standard size. A weight of 80-100 gsm (grams per square meter) strikes the right balance between durability and a professional look. This detail enhances the overall presentation of your CV, making it stand out in a pile of applications.
  • Match with Your Cover Letter : Ensure your CV and cover letter are both on the same paper size and quality. Consistency in your application materials presents a cohesive and professional image to potential employers, reinforcing your attention to detail.
  • Test Print Your CV : Before sending out the final copy, print a test version of your CV. This step allows you to review the layout, spacing, and overall look on the intended paper size. It’s an opportunity to catch any formatting issues and ensure that your CV appears exactly as you want it in its physical form.
  • Adapt for Digital Submission : When submitting your CV online, ensure it’s formatted correctly for the standard paper size but saved in a PDF format. This practice maintains your document’s layout and ensures it’s readable on any device, preserving your formatting choices and making your application more ATS-friendly.

By adhering to these best practices when selecting your CV paper size, you enhance your document’s readability, professionalism, and appeal. These steps help ensure your CV not only meets industry standards but also stands out to recruiters and hiring managers, boosting your chances of landing an interview.

Common Mistakes to Avoid with CV Paper Size

When preparing your CV, avoiding common mistakes related to paper size can significantly impact the document’s professional appearance and your application’s success. One typical error is neglecting regional standards, such as using Letter size in Europe where A4 is standard, leading to formatting issues and an unprofessional look. Overlooking the compatibility with digital formats is another pitfall; always ensure your CV looks good both when printed and viewed on different screens. Additionally, choosing an unconventional paper size can make your CV stand out for the wrong reasons, potentially signaling a lack of professionalism or attention to detail. Stick to standard sizes and double-check your document’s layout and margins before submission to avoid these common pitfalls and present a polished, professional CV.

Additional Tips for Optimizing Your CV

  • Tailor Your Content: Customize your CV for each job application, highlighting the experience and skills most relevant to the job description.
  • Use Keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords and phrases found in the job listing to enhance your CV’s visibility in applicant tracking systems.
  • Keep It Concise: Limit your CV to one or two pages, ensuring that all information is clear, concise, and to the point.
  • Quantify Achievements: Where possible, use numbers and statistics to quantify your achievements and illustrate your professional impact.
  • Use a Professional Format: Select a clean, professional layout that is easy to read and makes a good first impression.
  • Proofread: Thoroughly check your CV for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors to ensure it is error-free.
  • Update Regularly: Keep your CV up-to-date with your latest skills, experiences, and accomplishments.

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Jul 27, 2016

First things first: the cover letter has been called a COVER letter for decades, and that one name works just fine. Do we really need another name for something that has a perfectly functional name already? No? Great, let’s stop calling it an APPLICATION letter then. Yikes.

But what is a cover letter, you might ask? Defined simply, the cover letter is a written (or typeset) correspondence included in a formal application. Applicants use it to inform their prospect employer’s recruitment team that they are interested in and qualified for a vacant position being advertised. It works similar to our definition of a “letter of intent”.

Cover letters have been in widespread use for the better part of the last century. Unfortunately, this art is beginning to show signs of being lost to the changing times especially since more employers are choosing to omit the cover letter from application requirements. They do this so that they can use a more efficient screening process.

So what do we need to rediscover about cover letters? Quite a few things, actually; and we’ve put them all together here for your convenience.

In days gone by, the cover letter was a professional gesture showing a person’s genuine interest to apply for work. Nowadays, employers with strict standards and codes of conduct still consider it a proper part of application documents, to the point that they reject resumés sent in without cover letters or applications with poorly-written letters.

How do we avoid poorly-written cover letters? The diagram above shows the various components of a cover letter. Let’s take a look; just follow the numbers.

1. Margins – Like any letter, margins make the document look neat and organized. Let’s throw paragraph alignment into this topic as well. Simple 1-inch margins on each side and at the top of the cover letter combined with left or justified paragraph alignment should make your cover letter appropriate for most companies in the Philippines. Of course, if the company being applied to requires a specific margin and alignment format, follow their requirement instead.

2. Dateline – All that’s needed for this part is to make sure that you’re printing out or sending a letter with the correct date. It has to be the same date that you’ll walk in to apply or the same date as when you’ll email your application documents to your prospect employer. It may not seem like much, but for companies with date- or time-sensitive operations this can be a pretty big detail.

3. Recipient/Addressee – This is where research comes into play. Find out the name of the person who will be receiving and reading your application documents, including their position within the company. Make sure to spell the company’s name and mailing address correctly. There’s nothing more embarrassing than showing the company that you don’t even know who they are. Getting this step right will help to ensure that you use the correct…

4. Salutations – There are 2 places where salutations can be said: after the address line, and after the body of the letter. These are used to show that you are addressing the recipient with professional respect. So for the love of all that’s good, try to avoid the clichéd “Dear Sir or Madam” and “To whom it may concern” because they’re pretty inconsiderate to the reader. Also, use a colon [:] instead of a comma [,] for the most proper way to punctuate the opening and closing salutations.

5. Main Body – This is where you introduce yourself and state your intention to apply. The greatest impact can be achieved through introducing yourself and sharing a short story of how you found out about the vacancy and the company, to show that you are genuinely interested. You can actually use keywords from their job ad and include them in the letter, to increase your chances of getting noticed even if they use electronic document screening software .

When describing yourself, be direct about your professional and educational background, your experiences and why you would be perfect for the vacant position and for the company. Also, avoid just enumerating your qualities and skills, because the reader can’t be expected to simply take your word for it without proof. Try to provide examples of tasks or projects and the results that you helped your team achieve.

At the end, reiterate your intention to apply and make it clear that you are hoping and expecting to hear from them after reviewing your application. Remember to thank them for their attention to your letter!

6. “From” line – This one is rather simple, really. Just make sure your name is spelled correctly and sign it legibly. That’s it.

7. Paper – The worst thing to do to a cover letter would be to print it on substandard paper. Make sure it uses the proper paper size in the word processor (letter, 8.5 inches by 11 inches), then print it on proper letter-sized bond paper using black ink. If that’s a bit pricey, especially if you need more than 1 copy, print an original copy on good paper and have it photocopied using the same kind of paper.

Do note that these guidelines apply to both hard copies of your letter and letters sent via email (except the part about paper quality.)

Despite all these things to keep in mind, the cover letter can be a powerful tool for shaping and changing career direction. With the proper use, it can become a functional added touch that sets an application apart from the rest. Don’t worry, if writing a cover letter is not really for you, it’s ok as long as the application requirements of your targeted employer don’t include it.

In case you do apply to a company that requires a cover letter, like some of the big names in the corporate world, remember that the letter can make or break your application. So go ahead, get in touch with your inner letter-writer and start reaping the benefits of this often-forgotten career-seeking tool!

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Paper sizes

This list of the common American and European paper sizes includes the ISO standards, which are used globally. All dimensions are specified in inches, millimeters as well as PostScript points (1/72 inch, always rounded off). The overview covers:

  • ISO page sizes – The ISO A series is the most frequently used page measurement standard. It includes the DIN A4 format. The ISO B sizes are used for poster printing while ISO C is meant for envelopes. The SRA standard defines press sheet sizes and is used in the printing industry.
  • American paper size dimensions – such as ‘Letter’, ‘Legal’ and the ANSI series.
  • English sheet sizes – with a focus on formats for writing paper and book printing .

Newspaper sizes

Iso a paper sizes.

The A-series consists of a logical set of paper sizes that are defined by the ISO 216 standard. The largest size ( A0 ) measures one square meter. The height/width ratio remains constant (1:1.41) for all sizes. This means you get the A1 size by folding an A0 paper in two along its shortest side. Then fold the A1 size in two to get an A2 size paper, and so on… A-sizes are used to define the finished paper size in commercial printing: A4 is for office documents, A5 is for notepads and A6 is for postcards.

This drawing illustrates the principle behind the ISO A series:

A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 and A8

ISO B paper sizes

The same logic from the A-sizes also applies for the B-series, except here the starting point was the dimension of one of the sides, which starts at 1 meter. B-sizes are often used for posters.

ISO C paper sizes

C-sizes are used for envelopes to match the A-series paper. I have omitted unrealistic sizes like C0 (imagine an envelope measuring 917 by 1297 millimeters).

ISO D paper sizes

I have no idea what D-sizes are used for but the standard is there so it should be mentioned.

ISO RA & SRA paper sizes

These oversized papersizes are used by printers. The dimensions in millimetres are rounded to the nearest value.

American paper sizes

The US and Canada do not use the international standards but instead rely on the paper sizes below. The ANSI standard was added in 1995 to create a set of sizes that are based on shared dimensions. It lacks however the consistent aspect ratio of the ISO A-series.

English paper sizes (writing papers)

The English nowadays use the A-sizes for office and general use. I have no idea whether many of these definitions are still in use today. Imperial and half-imperial still seem to be widely used by artists.

UK metric book printing sizes

For books A-sizes often aren’t used because A4 is too large and A5 too small. Metric Royal Octavo and Metric Crown Quarto are 2 frequently used sizes that are more comfortable to hold and read.

The dimensions of newspaper pages are not that strictly defined, so the average or most frequently used size is mentioned.

Other sources of information

There are a number of other web sites that list paper sizes and their use. Check them out if you need a second opinion 🙂

  • Papersizes.org

98 thoughts on “ Paper sizes ”

I feel like a dolt. But I love discovering conversations about small things that I may have taken for granted, never before aware of the depth and complexity, and history(!) they involve. I have note pads in many sizes and now I’ll go through them and measure them to see if I can assign them proper names. They are not all from the USA. I have some European and Asian (India and Japan). It’s the paper itself that has been my interest. Now my interest has been multiplied. Thank you for the site, and thanks to your many readers for their comments.

Wonderfully nerdy, thank you. I have printed sheet music from several different American publishers that’s 9″ W x 12″ H. It’s the sort of pieces that an amateur or school concert band would play. I don’t see that size in your list and I wonder if that’s some sort of music industry standard.

I am looking for the equivalent of 8 3/8 in x 10 7/8 in (213 mm x 276mm). What’s the name of the paper with this size?

Here’s some info (for US readers) that might save them some frustration.

Until recently it wasn’t that hard to find 3-hole punched half-letter/statement/note-size paper in both office supply stores and places like Walmart and Target. It was a convenient size – not as bulky as standard letter size paper – but still large enough to hold a reasonable amount of notes. Finally the paper was punched and decent binders were affordable so it was easy to keep the information up-to-date. I’ve used plenty of spiral-bound notebooks of the same size but one of the aggrevations is that you can’t insert pages or move them around. So they get ‘fuzzy’ with all of the tabs on the pages, and/or it starts looking really lame because I’ve ripped out so many pages of outdated information.

There were 6-ring binders with A5 paper but they were part of expensive day planner kits. (There’s also 7-hole punched paper that works with either but it’s hder to find.)

However for some reason a few years ago the half-legal paper started disappearing, then the binders and other things. It’s now gone entirely from Target (at least locally), and I think Walmart has also either fully dropped it or you can only get small packs of ruled paper for $$$. The local Staples still has binders and separators but no paper.

I’ve looked for modest A5 binders, 3- or 6-ring, but they still seem to be focused on fancier day planners than utilitarian notebooks. Note the current half-legal binders at Staples aren’t exactly cheap – they’re around $10 – but that’s a lot less than the 6-ring binders and don’t have unwanted extras like a cloth cover and strap. I just want something where I can keep my paper notes someplace convenient and in something that may not be ideal conditions. Otherwise I would just keep my notes on my ipad.

That said… you can still find half-letter paper on Amazon. Lined or unlined, 3-hole punched or not.

But now the fun bit….

One of the reasons I use a laser printer is that the pages don’t smear when they get wet. They can also print unusual sizes. With my last printer I would routinely print 3×5″ cards, but with my current printer I can’t print below 4×6″ cards.

A lot of my notes fall into a category where I’m essentially filling out a form. It’s a pretty simple process where I can print out some blank forms that I complete by hand as necessary, and then re-print the completed forms for future reference.

Fine… but either my printer or Libre Office (or both) have quietly had an update such that they no longer handle half-letter size. I can still put the paper in the software and/or printer insist on rescaling what’s printed. (I haven’t tried printing to PDF and then printing that – and I’m not even sure that would work.)

Half-letter and A5 paper are almost the same size – they’re close enough that I can put the A5 paper in the half-letter binder. But you have to check this on a case-by-case basis – the paper may brush against the tab you push to ppen the rings, or might extend a little too far to the sides.

Maybe this will all shake out in a few years – we’ll be able to get inexpensive but decent binders etc. for A5 paper, using either 3- or 6-hole punches – but for now it’s something to keep in mind if you want to create notebooks this size.

Why isn’t there a standard book size based on 8.5 x 14, folded to 8.5 x 7 for 4 pages (front and back)? Home printing is crazy difficult because it’s so hard to find quality printer paper sized to fit a home printer and to find printers that will print on standard sizes and even more difficult to find equipment reasonably priced to cut large sheets designed for large market printers down to standard book sizes.

It’s called Legal Size paper (8.5×14). I use it for exactly the same thing. Very useful.

Thank you for this information, I am a paper conservator and it is really useful to know sizes and names of paper. Sam

I am looking for 5 1/2 X 8 1/2 or the equlvalent of and preferably 3 hole punched. Have any idea where I can find that?

The only paper that size with 3 hole punch that I have been able to find is already lined or printed sets, and they cost more than I am willing to pay. I buy a ream of 8.5 x 11 and have it cut in half at the store. They will usually do this for a small fee (like $1). Some stores will punch it as well, but most are not equipped to 3-hole punch paper that size. I usually do it myself. It’s effort, but I get exactly what I want for far less than I would have to pay for almost what I want.

Found on Amazon…both lined and unlined, 3 hole punched. EZPZ

HELP! I need to find a source for a paper tray/organizer (preferably stackable) for A2-sized paper. I have seen these in archives and historical societies where they have trays of maps printed on large sized paper, but I have been unable to find such a product anywhere.

Why humans complicate everything, like if using a different size or thickness of paper will change what is written on it. Funny!

That is an odd point of view because it seems to imply that standardization adds needless complexity. It is actually meant to simplify things and reduce mistakes or misinterpretations.

One standard would be a simplification. All of these different standards complicate things. Having so many different “standards” rather defeats the concept of a standard. What mistake or misinterpretation is avoided by changing the paper size? Are we thinking that the shape or size of the paper is assigned to certain tasks only? Perhaps diplomas on A5 and legal documents on ANSI B? That might make things more efficient for those handling large quantities of paper that have different purposes. But the point that was being made was that the paper size does not alter the meaning of the content. We standardize electronic components and other things. Why not ‘actually’ standardize paper?

Which is the best paper for printing gym exercise posters

That is something that you better discuss with your printer.

this helped a lot ty

Do you have any information on a print size of 11 7/8 by 8 7/8?

where the hell is 20×30 inches?

I did not include any of the older English uncut printing paper sizes in this overview. They indeed include the 20×30 inches Double Crown size.

You mention that you’re not sure what the ISO D sizes are for – they are envelope sizes for the B series, much like C are envelope sizes for A.

hi… i am using html2pdf to convert html to pdf… actually i have a large size of html container like 12x12in (inches). and i have used A4 size for the first time then my html content not showing completely till as per the size (12×12 in) then i have look into your site and i found all paper size here.. thanks for that important info… but now, when i have used A3 size i have found, my all html content inside the pdf file….but there are so much space at the bottom of my contents in pdf… So i want to know… IS there any way to reduce this space from the pdf or any other way to convert html to pdf with manually defined page height and width…

Thanks in Advance.

Hello… can i increase height and width of A4 paper size? Actually i have a div with size of 12×12 inches and i want to create a pdf of it… and i have tried A,B,C and all related paper size. But output is 8.27×11.69 inches… How can i do this.. please help!!!

Thanks in Advance….

You don’t seem to have a problem with a paper size, you struggle with a printer driver or export settings. I can’t help with those.

thank you so much

What is the standard size of books that are published in the rest of the world other than England and the U.S.?

I am writing up a family history that will be printed in Germany and would like to utilize a size that they would be familar with.

They will print any size you want, using a bigger size and cutting it to spec. You should ask about cost per piece.

Don’t forget there is printing on demand, which is s bit more expensive but you do not have to print a big number of books to keep in stock somewhere.

Good post. I be taught something on completely different blogs everyday. It’s going to all the time be stimulating to read content material materials from other writers and comply with just a bit something from their blog.

MY original post on this topic was ‘ Why is it that UK bank statements (and some other official documents), use paper that measures 300mm X 210mm – i.e. just 3mm longer than standard A4? It matters. because it won’t fit in a standard copier feed tray.

… and I thought that size doesn’t matter …

Regarding your observation: American paper sizes lacks the consistent aspect ratio of the ISO A-series. You are absolutely correct!!!

That is because in the decades prior to Personal Computer, the US Standard “Letter” Sizes were for designed for the draftsman: the kind-a guy sitting at the angled desk with the only electrical device in sight would be the light bulb (he EVEN had to manually sharpen his own pencils).

Size A is 8-1/2″ x 11″ inches (how they determined that I do NOT know). After that (B,C,D,etc.) sizes either doubled in width and/or height as needed for drafting (the biggest ones were nick-named bed sheets). At one time I the task of printing out blue prints stored on microfilm embedded in punch cards: I think F is the largest size I remember seeing on a regular basis but I am almost positive that they go larger than that (I mean in the US Standard Letter Sizes). Most of the blue prints stored on microfilm that I saw were of size D or E.

BTW You can add 2 additional US Commercial Standard Paper Sizes (mostly for historical purposes):

#1 Statement size: 8-1/2 by 5.5 (also known as the half sheet) As a kid I always thought that the half-sheet was just a letter size sheet of paper physically torn in half. I recently cleaned out an office that had numerous forms printed in the 1970’s. The forms that were not letter size were statement size (exactly half the size of the Letter-Size sheet of paper 🙂

#2 US Standard Fan-Fold (aka green bar): 14-7/8″ by 11″ – These are/were for the wide pin-feed (teletype / industrial / factory) printers. Just FYI, Tracey

The different sizes for drafting documents in the United States. The ANSI A through E are for engineering drawings. There are a few additional sizes recognized for engineering drawings. ANSI F, which was 28×40 and mainly used for Naval designs, and G (11×22.5 to 11×90), H (28×44 to 28×143), J (34×55 to 34×176), and K (40×55 to 40×143) which are roll length drawings. Architectural drawings are another set of sizes altogether.

I wanted to change Letter to A4, but then I had to choose from a new dropdown: A4 1/4, A4 1/3. What is that?

Width should always be before height. The end.

If you are referring to my post width is before height.

Actually, width should NOT ALWAYS be before height. The grain direction for the leaf (i.e., sheet of paper) is indicated by the first dimension that is stated. Grain direction is important when printing because having the grain direction running parallel to the direction of the spine or spine fold of the content being printed is the desirable condition. This reality of paper grain direction is one of the fundamental, basic essentials in publishing and printing.

I am going to be getting a book printed do you have any suggestions on what size I should set it up for. Will be a small book currently is 91 pages 8.5 x 11(Letter)

We have music printed on 14″ x 10″ paper and then folded. Can anyone tell me what paper size this is and where it can be bought

Why do UK banks and some other ‘official’ bodies print statements on paper that is about 2mm longer than the standard A4? i.e. 210mm X 299mm

What is the percentage increase from A5 to B5 paper size.

Hopefully someone can help?

I have a question… what would be the actual size of an oversize ANSI E? Thanks!

Found this if it helps anyone


Do u have any information on how to fold E-size paper to fit in 11X17 binders? Would appreciate it greatly.

the information on this site is quite helpful. I can now comfortly choose a size that is close to what I have in mind. To me, ISO paper sizes remained the standard measuerements. Thanks.

Hey I’ve been told by my boss to print a document in 7.25 x 9.5 inch size.

Does this dimension have a name? Is it a ‘popular’ size?

This is most likely way too late. No it’s not a common one. The paper is the Executive, Monarch

Data is clear and i got a timely help

hi,this site is very useful 4 me.if i get any problem,sorted out by u.thx a lot.

Thanks to your website, we discovered a book we had was size A6. We needed that size to correctly scan the document quickly, without cropping. Adobe Acrobat rotated the pages correctly.

Thanks for your help!

In the UK I use A4 for document originals and print A5 for their booklet equivalent.

What size of .pdf document will allow the US to print a Letter sized original but still print a 1/2 sized booklet.

Any advice would help


If you have not found your answer regarding, “elephant”, I will try to give you one. Elephant is an traditional English Paper & Book size of paper. The basic size is 23″ x 28″ or 584mm x 711cm.

Hi, i am an IT admin/supervisor from middleast it helped me for my thirdparty erp’s

Thanks for Ur Effort Ur Effort Appreciated

sd/mir shaukat ali (indian)

Hi T. Ward,

What is the standard printing size for documents in India? A4, letter, other?

As far as I know it is A4 – which was adopted as the national standard in 1957.

dear sir i am starting a new printing press so i need information reguarding printing pls help me

It is not wise to enter in any business which is unfamiliar.

will you please tell me which type of paper use in laundry dry clinning bill book. what is a quality of paper which goes with keep with cloath as tag to identify customer cloths

Hi I am greatfull to you all, since i m working as a print production supervisor.This chart is very much helpfull to me, Thanks to people on NemLaxmi Pvt. Ltd

Thanks for telling me this we where talking about why the bigger the number the smaller the page size so thanks!

Is it possible to have it sent to my email box

Great job.Very useful and helpful for printers

Chris PrintEdge Ltd, Nigeria

Thanks for informations

Neat … love the comments too … have a look-see at – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_size – mentions ‘elephant’ size there.

It is funny for me to read all this comments and questions about paper sizes. For me as German the sizes are crystal clear with our DIN A (Deutsche Industrie Norm) now named ISO for international understanding. I fully agree with Alistair about the ignorance of America in that matter. Sunny regards from Athens, Greece Juliane

Your website is really helpful for the architectural students like me.

Thanks once again

Your listings are very helpful as a Brit, expatriated to USA now back in UK again. I am looking for a UK source for Legal & Letter size hanging files for my US office furniture I brought back. Any ideas? Thanks, Feebs

What a mine of useful information!

Thank you for taking the time to let me have this valuable info. My query was regarding SRA3 which I have had answered admirably, thanks.

It is true then, size is everything, certainly when it relates to paper!

Have a great day!

Excellent! Informative and helpful article. Thanks for the useful, well presented and consise info.

Anyone who’s ungratefully pedantic enough to be upset or offended by it, please supply dimensions of the cavity you’d like me to insert the paper into and I’ll duly oblige. American, ISO or English measurements accepted! For some on here, I’ll prepare the A0 heavyweight stock.

Have a nice day!

i actually wanted to know the names of the various types papers used in printing industry. it seems u dont have the info.

I have a ledger I purchased in Oxford in 1969 the size of which was described as “elephant folio”. Does this size still pertain?

Do you have a pdf version of this info..

Any paper with size 6.5in x 9 in.?

thanks so much

The “D0” is an exact match to the HP plotter that I use.

Can anyone help with , L & L2 ? Thanks

This is most likely very too late for you. However, I’m trying to learn the difference between Hagaki, Wallet, Passport, l, & 2L for a personal photo collage project I’m working on. The L is 3 1/2 x 5 The 2L is 5×7.01 like a post card w/ a borderless photo.

Duncan, this is most likely way too late for your answer. I’m working on a kind of a collage photo like project. I’m throwing together a bunch of different pics together on an 8.5×11 photo paper (A Letter). During tips of how to put multi pics on 8.5×11 , it gave a break down of how many different size pics can fit on this size. I ran into the Passport, Wallet, Hagaki, L, & 2L. I’ve been googling the difference between all these sorts of papers. The 2L (or 5R) is 5×7.01 like a post card borderless photo. The L (3R) is 3.5×5 of Photographic Paper.

Thanks a lot. I found it very useful .Anytime i need help of papersize I refer it.

Hi, I am trying to find out what paper size for a publication that folds over and is (when folded) letter size or 8.5×11? Do you know what software and printers to use for this size paper?

If you want to simply fold a page along the shortest side to end up with a letter size document, you need to use a tabloid size page (11×17″). If it is a more complex folding scheme you are after, such as a gatefold or one or two folding panels, then each panel needs to be smaller to compensate for inaccuracies in folding and cutting. If this isn’t done the edge of the paper will crease when the piece is folded. I think panels that are 1/16″ of an inch less wide is the general recommendation but it is better to consult with your printer. The regular layout applications like Adobe InDesign, QuarkXpress,… are used for designing folded documents. Typically thin lines in the bleed area indicate where the document should be folded.

Great list thanks.

Can you help with paper sizes for music. I believe they are quite different.

Sorry, I have no experience with paper sizes for music.

Is there a name or number for 6″ x 3.75″ paper, which is a personal check size? I’d like to think my computer/printer has been programmed with that size but I’m not sure what to ask for.

hi, I Work as Programmer in Paper Industry In India at NemLaxmi Pvt. Ltd. This article proves to be helpful to me while studing different paper sizes while preparing coding of finished product for making every product unique. Thanks.

WHat is a livre demi-poche? And what size is it? Thanks

I cannot find a definition for it either. A ‘livre de poche’ is a pocketbook, typically 130×190 mm. ‘Demi-poche’ could be a half-size version but I cannot find any dimensions for it. I’ll ask one of my French colleagues, maybe they know.

It has taken me 70 years to get curious enough about sizes of paper and envelopes and paper. Your site has fulfilled that curiosity most admirably! Thank you.

Your information is ok. but can get a bit more stuff cause i still did not find wat i was looking for. I was looking for popular paper sizes but didnt get it.

I think it is difficult to list how popular certain paper sizes are. Obviously this depends on the intended usage but there are also big regional differences. Most of Europe sticks to ‘A4’ for letters and general office printing but you won’t find this size much in the US. If anyone has a list, please post a link!

Thank you for the information found on this site. It has been a big help – I have printed it out and put it next to our copier for the staff to see. Knowing the exact sizes of the various papers is a great help.

Whar are the avery size Crds Ib Greeting cards

I do not mind the size issue US and others. To each there own place and size. But I do mind not have copiers with preprogramed enlarge and reduction setting for standards. The common US are list or the common ISO are listed but why not have ISO to US and US to ISO the V and H ratios could be preset and ready for use.

While I agree there really is some logic behind the US paper sizes I suggest the gentleman taking umbrage be a little more sensitive to the US approach to ignoring international standards in this and many related areas.

The US continues to use measurement basis that the rest of the world largely abandoned (except for specific special cases) a while ago. Such changes are obviously not trivial for a population to embrace…but people do quickly adapt. His example of foolscap is a case in point, it is an archaic size and very difficult to find in the UK…the ISO A sizes having been adopted years ago.

It is public record that the US was the last major player to accept SI as legal remarkably recently, and remains the last to not require it on packaging and the like.

The US even insists on a different system of maritime navigation marks whilst everyone else not dominated by big brother uses a different internationally agreed approach.

It should therefore be no surprise if the raison d’etre behind the US approach is less than widely understood outside the US.

I am from the UK but have lived and worked in the US for over decade now. I know from personal experience how unnecessary these differences really are…and a little bit of flippancy in the face of such national arrogance seems totally appropriate to me…even if it was unintentional in this case.

Whoa… tell me about it! Sounds like a genuine paper expert there. Very helpful none the less. Thanks!!

Ouch, I never realized people could be this sensitive about paper sizes. Thanks for the explanation though, which is very informative! I have changed that line of text on the page.

As for this site being a professional site: it isn’t. I see it as my web-enabled notebook. I can only guarantee that visitors get more than what they paid for 🙂 … but I acknowledge that this is no excuse for making mistakes.

Again: thanks for the feedback!

I take issue with your flip comment that there is no apparent logic behind US paper sizes. The American Society for Testing and Materials sets these sizes and they are very logical and easy to remember without resorting to references (see below). Some of these sizes have also picked up synonyms such as “letter” which, I would argue, are no more illogical than British terms such as “foolscap”. A size is the functional equivalent to UK A4 and is 8.5in by 11 inches. As the letters increase the short dimension is doubled. E.g: B size is 17×11 inches (roughly A3 – also called ledger), C size is 17×22 inches, D size is 34×22, and E size (typically a ‘full-size” engineering drawing) is 34×44. Special paper sizes such as executive, legal, etc. are marketing names developed by stationary companies and immortalized by the print drivers installed on your computer. I would have expected more research from a professional printing site.

Wow, what a prick! How’s that for a flip comment?

Good response spoiled by bad spelling : STATIONERY is the word !!

Great summary for the “non-initiated” – thanks!

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Table of Contents

Elements of a good application letter, 10+ application letter templates, simple tips for an excellent application letter, types of application letters, application letter sizes, application templates & forms.

Whether you are applying for a job, a loan, or for the chance to be considered for a specific benefit or service, you need to make sure that your application letter is tailor-fitted for that specific purpose. In this article, we can help you with doing just that as we share tips and examples of effective application letter templates.

paper size of application letter

Accountant Application Letter Template

accountant application letter template

Application for Library Membership Sample

application for library membership template

Application Letter for the Post of Lecturer

application letter for the post of lecturer

Application Letter Template For a Job Vacancy

application letter template for a job vacancy

Car Loan Application Letter Example

car loan application letter template

College Admission Application Letter

college admission application letter

Free Application Letter Sample

free application letter sample

Simple Application Letter for Teacher Job Template

simple application letter for teacher job template

Work Application Letter Template

work application letter template

Internship Application Letter Template

internship application letter template

Federal Government Application Letter Template

federal government application letter

Blank Internship Application Letter Format

blank internship application letter template

Sample Chronological Application Cover Letter

sample chronological application cover letter

Parts of an Application Letter

  • Inside Address
  • Complimentary Close
  • Signature Line
  • Objective Application Letters: This contains only the most relevant information asked by a job ad or posting.
  • Highlight Application Letters: This includes a rundown of a person’s qualifications and how it relates to the job requirements.
  • Solicited Application Letters: Application letters sent in response to a job posting or advertisement.
  • Unsolicited Application Letters: Letters sent to employers who have not posted a job ad in hope to be considered for an open position.
  • Job Application Letters
  • Loan Application Letters
  • Scholarship Application Letters
  • Internship Application Letters

Application Letter FAQs

What is the difference between an application letter and a cover letter, what is an application letter template, when is the best time to use an application letter template, what software tools are used to create an application letter, more in application templates & forms, application letter template, sample application letter template, application letter format template, simple application letter template, formal application letter template, short application letter template, application letter for employment template, application letter for student template, application letter to a company template, application letter for job vacancy template.

  • 19+ Internship Application Templates in Google Docs | Word | Outlook | Apple Pages | PDF
  • 11+ School Application Templates – PDF, DOC
  • 18+ Application Form Templates – MS Word | Google Docs Sample, Example, Format Download!
  • 15+ Membership Application Templates – Free Sample, Example, Format Download!
  • Job Application Template – 24+ Free Word, PDF Documents Download
  • 17+ Sample Club Application Templates – PDF, DOC
  • 29+ College Application Templates – PDF, DOC
  • 13+ Printable Job Application Templates in Word | Google Docs | Apple Pages | PDF
  • 10+ Daycare Application Forms
  • How To Make/Create an Employment Application Form [Templates + Examples] 2023
  • 14+ Volunteer Application Template – Word, PDF
  • 11+ Parking Permit Application Templates in PDF | DOC
  • 11+ High School Scholarship Application Templates in PDF | DOC
  • FREE 10+ Research Grant Application Templates in PDF | MS Word
  • 10+ Application for Employment Templates in Google Docs | Word | Pages | PDF

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Know Your Standard Letter Size: Essential Guide for the US

Originally posted on November 10, 2023 @ 1:41 am

Understanding the standard letter size is essential for creating and printing documents in the US. This guide contains all the necessary information about the dimensions and requirements of standard letter size paper. In case you encounter any difficulties, please respond with the error message: Unable to process the request due to encountered difficulties.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • The standard letter size in the US is 8.5 x 11 inches.
  • Standard letter size paper is commonly used for printing documents and letters in North America.
  • To be eligible for mailing at the price for letters, a mailpiece must meet specific requirements.
  • Nonmachinable characteristics may incur an additional surcharge for mailing.
  • There are special size requirements for mailing letters at automation prices .

Dimensions of Standard Letter Size

The dimensions of standard letter size paper in the US are 8.5 inches by 11 inches, which is approximately 21.6 cm by 27.9 cm. These measurements are important to know when creating or printing documents, as it ensures that your content fits properly on the page. Whether you are using inches, centimeters, or millimeters to measure, it is crucial to use the correct units for accurate dimensions.

Understanding the dimensions of standard letter size paper allows you to plan your designs and layouts accordingly. Knowing the exact size helps prevent content from getting cut off or appearing distorted when printed. Whether you are working on professional documents, personal letters, or any other type of printed material, ensuring that your content fits within the standard letter size dimensions is essential for a polished and professional finished product.

Below is a visual representation of the dimensions of standard letter size paper in inches, centimeters, and millimeters:

Having a clear understanding of the dimensions of standard letter size paper allows you to create and print documents that are both visually appealing and functional. Utilize these measurements to ensure your content fits within the standard letter size guidelines and to avoid any printing or formatting issues that may arise.

Eligibility for Mailing at the Price for Letters

To ensure that your mailpiece is eligible for mailing at the price for letters, it needs to meet certain requirements. These requirements ensure that the mail can be processed efficiently by postal equipment and can be delivered without any issues. Here are the key eligibility criteria:

  • The mailpiece should be rectangular in shape.
  • It must have a minimum height of 3-1/2 inches.
  • The length should be a minimum of 5 inches.
  • The minimum thickness should be 0.007 inch.
  • The maximum height should not exceed 6-1/8 inches.
  • The maximum length should be no more than 11-1/2 inches.
  • The maximum thickness should be within 1/4 inch.

It’s important to note that these dimensions are specific to the standard letter size in the US. If your mailpiece exceeds these dimensions or has nonmachinable characteristics , such as being rigid, square, or unusually shaped, it may incur an additional surcharge.

Factors Affecting Eligibility

Nonmachinable characteristics can impact the eligibility of a mailpiece for the price for letters. Here are some common nonmachinable characteristics to be aware of:

  • Being too rigid or having excessive thickness.
  • Having an aspect ratio (length divided by height) of less than 1.3 or more than 2.5.
  • Having the delivery address parallel to the shorter side of the mailpiece.
  • Containing non-paper items, such as coins or keys.

If your mailpiece has any of these nonmachinable characteristics, it may still be eligible for mailing but could require additional preparation or incur a nonmachinable surcharge . It’s important to keep these factors in mind when preparing your mail to ensure it meets the eligibility criteria and avoids any unexpected costs.

Folding and Tabbing Requirements for Letter-Size Pieces

When it comes to mailing letter-size pieces, proper folding and tabbing are essential to ensure efficient processing and avoid incurring nonmachinable surcharges. The correct placement of folds and seals plays a crucial role in the smooth handling of mailpieces by postal equipment.

The fold of a letter-size piece should be placed on the bottom, with the top secured using tape, a tab, or a wafer seal. This ensures that the mailpiece maintains its integrity during processing and minimizes the risk of damage. By following these folding and tabbing requirements, you can help expedite the delivery of your mail and prevent delays.

Here’s an example of the recommended folding and tabbing method for letter-size pieces:

  • On a flat surface, place the letter-size piece with the content facing upwards.
  • Fold the bottom of the letter-size piece upwards, aligning the bottom edge with the top edge.
  • Secure the top of the folded letter-size piece with tape, a tab, or a wafer seal.

It is important to note that failure to comply with the folding and tabbing requirements may result in your mailpiece being deemed nonmachinable. Nonmachinable mailpieces may incur additional surcharges and may not be processed as efficiently as machinable ones. By following the folding and tabbing guidelines, you can help ensure that your mailpieces are processed smoothly and reach their intended recipients in a timely manner.

Size Requirements for Mailing Letters at Automation Prices

When it comes to mailing letters at automation prices , there are specific size requirements that you need to be aware of. These requirements may vary depending on the type of mailpiece and its intended classification. To ensure compliance with these requirements and avoid any additional surcharges, it is recommended to contact your local Business Mail Entry Unit for more information.

Meeting the size requirements for mailing letters at automation prices is crucial for taking advantage of cost savings and efficient processing. By adhering to these requirements, you can ensure that your mailpieces are eligible for automation prices and can be easily processed by postal service equipment.

While the exact size requirements may vary, it is important to keep in mind the maximum height, length, and thickness limitations. It is also important to consider the use of delivery point barcodes, which are essential for automation letters and cards to qualify for lower automation prices.

By ensuring that your mailpieces meet these size requirements and include the necessary barcodes, you can take advantage of automation prices and streamline your mailing process. This can result in significant cost savings and improved delivery efficiency.

Understanding Machinable Letters and Cards

Machinable letters and cards are mailpieces that meet specific standards for size, shape, and weight and are eligible for presort prices . These mailpieces must have an accurate address and be able to be processed by postal service equipment. They must not have any nonmachinable characteristics, such as being too thick or having closures. The maximum weight for machinable letters is 3.5 ounces.

To ensure that your letters and cards qualify as machinable, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines:

Size and Shape:

  • Machinable letters must be rectangular in shape.
  • The length of the letter must be between 5 inches and 11-1/2 inches.
  • The height of the letter must be between 3-1/2 inches and 6-1/8 inches.

The maximum weight for machinable letters is 3.5 ounces. If your mailpiece exceeds this weight, it may not qualify for presort prices .

To ensure that your letters and cards meet the requirements for machinable mail, carefully measure their dimensions and weight before sending them. By adhering to these guidelines, you can take advantage of presort prices and ensure that your mailpieces can be efficiently processed by postal service equipment.

Nonmachinable Letters and their Characteristics

Nonmachinable letters are mailpieces that do not meet the requirements for machinable letters. These letters have specific characteristics that make them ineligible for standard processing by postal service equipment. Understanding these characteristics is important to avoid potential issues and additional charges when mailing nonmachinable letters .

Some of the characteristics that classify a letter as nonmachinable include having an aspect ratio that is less than 1.3 or more than 2.5. This means that the length of the letter is significantly longer or shorter than its width. Additionally, nonmachinable letters may be too thick or rigid, making it difficult for automated machines to process them efficiently.

Furthermore, nonmachinable letters may have a delivery address that is parallel to the shorter side of the mailpiece. This orientation can hinder the sorting and reading of the address by postal equipment. Lastly, nonmachinable letters may contain non-paper items, such as buttons or keys, which can cause issues during processing.

“Nonmachinable letters are subject to a nonmachinable surcharge. This additional fee covers the manual handling required to process these letters. It’s important to be aware of these characteristics and understand the potential surcharges to avoid unexpected costs.”

When preparing your mailpieces, it is crucial to determine if they meet the requirements for machinable letters. If not, be aware of the specific characteristics that classify them as nonmachinable. Taking these factors into account can help you avoid the nonmachinable surcharge and ensure smooth processing of your letters. Always consult the guidelines provided by USPS Marketing Mail to ensure compliance and avoid any complications.

Automation Letters and Cards and their Qualifications

When it comes to mailing letters and cards, automation can offer several advantages, including lower prices and faster processing. To qualify for automation prices, your mailpieces need to meet specific standards for addressing, barcoding, and design.

Firstly, automation letters and cards must be machinable, meaning they comply with size requirements and have an accurate address that can be easily read by postal service equipment. The maximum weight for automation letters is 3.5 ounces, ensuring efficient processing.

In addition, automation mailpieces should display the correct delivery point barcode . This barcode allows the postal service equipment to sort and route the mail accurately, further speeding up the delivery process. Ensuring the correct barcode placement and clarity is vital to qualify for automation prices.

Qualifications for Automation Letters and Cards:

  • Must be machinable
  • Comply with size requirements
  • Have an accurate address
  • Display the correct delivery point barcode
  • Maximum weight of 3.5 ounces
The use of automation can significantly reduce costs and improve the efficiency of your mailing. By meeting the qualifications for automation letters and cards, you can take advantage of lower prices and faster processing times, ultimately benefiting your business.” – Postal Expert

By understanding the qualifications for automation letters and cards, you can leverage the benefits of automation to optimize your mailings. Whether you’re a business sending marketing materials or an individual sending personal correspondence, automation can streamline your mailing process and enhance delivery efficiency.

The Use of International Paper Sizes

While the standard letter size in the US is widely used for printing documents and letters, it’s important to note that outside of North America, many countries utilize international paper sizes . These sizes, known as the A and B series , are based on specific measurements and have an aspect ratio that allows for easy scaling. The most commonly used international paper size is A4, which is slightly longer and narrower than the standard letter size in the US.

International paper sizes are known for their versatility and consistency across different countries. The A series, which includes sizes from A0 to A10, follows a simple formula: each subsequent size is created by halving the larger size. For example, A1 is half the size of A0, A2 is half the size of A1, and so on. This uniformity makes it easy to scale documents and ensure compatibility in an increasingly globalized world.

The A4 paper size, measuring 8.27 x 11.69 inches or 21 x 29.7 cm, is widely used for various applications, such as business correspondence, academic reports, and professional documentation. Its slightly elongated shape compared to the standard letter size offers more space for content while still maintaining a compact format.

In addition to the A series, there is also the B series of international paper sizes , which includes sizes from B0 to B10. The B series is derived from the A series, with B0 being larger than A0 and B1 being the geometric mean between A0 and A1. The B series is often used for larger documents, such as posters and architectural drawings.

When working with international partners or considering international distribution, it’s important to be aware of these different paper sizes. Understanding the A and B series and their respective dimensions can help ensure that your documents are formatted correctly and can be easily printed and shared across borders.

Choosing the Right Paper Size for Different Applications

When it comes to choosing the right paper size for your specific application, it’s important to consider your needs and preferences. Whether you’re a student, professional, journaler, traveler, artist, or comic creator, there are paper sizes that are best suited for your specific requirements.

For students, B5 notebooks or A4 loose leaf paper are commonly used. These sizes provide enough space for note-taking and organizing course materials. B5 notebooks are slightly larger than standard letter size, while A4 paper is slightly longer and narrower. Both options offer plenty of room for writing and drawing diagrams.

Professionals often opt for A4 or A5 notebooks and notepads. These sizes are portable and convenient for taking notes during meetings, jotting down ideas, and keeping track of important information. A4 size provides more space for detailed notes, while A5 is compact and easy to carry.

Journalers can choose from various sizes based on their preferences. A5, B6, or A6 notebooks are popular choices for journaling. A5 notebooks offer enough space for writing and creativity, while B6 and A6 sizes are smaller and more portable, making them suitable for on-the-go journaling.

Travelers may find pocket-sized notebooks or B7 notebooks most convenient. These compact sizes ensure that you can easily carry your notes, thoughts, and memories wherever you go. Pocket-sized notebooks are perfect for jotting down travel experiences, while B7 notebooks offer a bit more space for writing or sketching.

Artists and comic creators have their own unique preferences when it comes to paper sizes. Depending on their style and needs, they may opt for larger sizes like A3 or tabloid size for detailed drawings or storytelling. Some may prefer smaller sizes like A6 or pocket-sized notebooks for quick sketches and ideas.

Overall, choosing the right paper size for your specific application can enhance your productivity, creativity, and organization. Consider the size that best suits your needs and preferences, and enjoy the benefits of working with paper that complements your work style.

Understanding the standard letter size and its dimensions is crucial when working with printed documents or letters in the US. The standard letter size in the US is 8.5 x 11 inches, which is commonly used for printing purposes. It is important to be aware of the dimensions of standard letter size paper to ensure that your documents are created and printed correctly.

By following the size requirements for mailing, folding, and tabbing, you can ensure that your mailpieces meet the necessary standards. Eligibility for mailing at the price for letters requires the mailpiece to be rectangular, with specific minimum and maximum height, length, and thickness requirements. Additionally, understanding the characteristics of nonmachinable letters and the qualifications for automation letters and cards can help you avoid surcharges and qualify for lower prices.

Although standard letter size is the norm in the US, it’s worth noting that international paper sizes, such as the A4 paper size, are commonly used in other countries. These sizes have specific measurements and an aspect ratio that allows for easy scaling. If you have international correspondence or need to collaborate with individuals abroad, it may be beneficial to consider these alternative paper sizes.

By familiarizing yourself with the standard letter size, its dimensions, and the various guidelines and options available, you can optimize your use of paper, ensure compatibility with postal requirements, and create professional-looking documents that meet your specific needs.

What are the dimensions of standard letter size paper in the US?

The dimensions of standard letter size paper in the US are 8.5 inches by 11 inches, or approximately 21.6 cm by 27.9 cm.

What are the requirements for a mailpiece to be eligible for mailing at the price for letters?

A mailpiece must be rectangular, have a minimum height of 3-1/2 inches, a minimum length of 5 inches, and a minimum thickness of 0.007 inch. It must not exceed a maximum height of 6-1/8 inches, a maximum length of 11-1/2 inches, and a maximum thickness of 1/4 inch. Nonmachinable characteristics may incur an additional surcharge.

How should letter-size pieces be folded and sealed?

Letter-size pieces should be folded with the fold on the bottom and sealed at the top with tape, a tab, or a wafer seal. This ensures efficient processing and prevents damage to the mailpiece.

What are the size requirements for mailing letters at automation prices?

Size requirements for mailing letters at automation prices may vary depending on the type of mailpiece and its intended classification. It is recommended to contact your local Business Mail Entry Unit for more information.

What are machinable letters and cards?

Machinable letters and cards are mailpieces that meet specific standards for size, shape, and weight. They must have an accurate address and be able to be processed by postal service equipment. They must not have any nonmachinable characteristics and the maximum weight for machinable letters is 3.5 ounces.

What are nonmachinable letters and their characteristics?

Nonmachinable letters are mailpieces that have characteristics that do not meet the requirements for machinable letters. These characteristics include an aspect ratio less than 1.3 or more than 2.5, being too thick or rigid, having the delivery address parallel to the shorter side of the mailpiece, and containing non-paper items. Nonmachinable letters may incur a nonmachinable surcharge and have different pricing for USPS Marketing Mail .

What are automation letters and cards?

Automation letters and cards are mailpieces that meet specific addressing, barcoding, and design standards. They may qualify for lower automation prices and must be machinable, display the correct delivery point barcode , and meet size requirements. The maximum weight for automation letters is 3.5 ounces.

What are the international paper sizes commonly used outside of North America?

Many countries use international paper sizes, such as the A and B series . The most commonly used international paper size is A4, which is slightly longer and narrower than the standard letter size in the US.

How do I choose the right paper size for different applications?

The choice of paper size depends on the specific application. For students, B5 notebooks or A4 loose leaf paper may be the best options. For professionals , A4 or A5 notebooks and notepads are commonly used. Journalers may prefer A5, B6, or A6 notebooks. Travelers may find pocket-sized notebooks or B7 notebooks most convenient. Artists and comic creators may have specific preferences depending on their style and needs.

How can I optimize my letter’s potential and ensure compatibility with postal equipment and standards?

By understanding the standard letter size and following the size requirements for mailing, folding, and tabbing, you can optimize your letter’s potential and ensure compatibility with postal equipment and standards.

Source Links

  • https://pe.usps.com/businessmail101?ViewName=Letters
  • https://pe.usps.com/text/qsg300/q201.htm
  • https://www.jetpens.com/blog/Paper-Sizes-Explained/pt/836

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  6. Read Any Type Of Pdf Documents (All Document Reader| PDF, Excel, Word, Docx)


  1. Letter of Application: Job Example, Format & How-To Guide

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  2. How to Write a Letter of Application (Example & Tips)

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  3. How To Choose Cover Letter Font and Font Size

    Pick the optimal cover letter font size. When selecting a font size, you have three options: size 10, 11 or 12. It is essential that your cover letter fits on one page, so opt for a size 10 or 11 font if it's spilling onto a second page. If you have a lot of room to spare, choose a size 12 font. As tempting as it may be, never go below a size ...

  4. Q&A: What's the Ideal Cover Letter Length?

    Break up your text by adding a blank line between paragraphs, setting 1-inch margins on each side. With lots of white space, your cover letter will look like an enjoyable read rather than a wall of text. 4. Limit your cover letter to four paragraphs. Generally, your cover letter should be between half a page and one full page in length.

  5. How to Format a Cover Letter

    Common font sizes for a cover letter. Too large or too small of a font size can be a challenge for both the hiring manager and the parsing software to read. The ideal font sizes are 10, 11 and 12. Here are some tips you can follow to help you decide what font size to use for your cover letter: Use the font size 10 when trying to keep the cover ...

  6. How To Write an Application Letter (With Template and Example)

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  7. Cover letter: Format and layout

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    He works equivalent till our definition is a "letter von intent". Use essay (page) size nope larger than standard letter hard size (8 ½" x 11"). ... The cover letter submitted to the application must include ... Cover writing have been in widespread use for an better partial of the last period.

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  10. Letter and Cover Letter Size

    The sizes that can can followed here are still the standard ones, which belong the Letter (8.5×11 inches), the A4 (8.3×11.7 inches), and which A5 size (5.8×8.3 inches), and in request to choose between an sizes, go go "File", then "Page Setup", then under the "Paper Size" drop-down menu, i have and Letter or A4 pre-established ...

  11. Letter and Cover Letter Size

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    3. Best Resume Paper Size. There isn't much to say here. Always print on A4 paper, which is 8.5x11in. Too small of a resume paper will mean you will either have to increase the length of your resume or decrease the resume's font so much that it will become barely readable.

  14. Covering Up: the Cover Letter Explained (And Yes, It'S Called a Cover

    Make sure it uses the proper paper size in the word processor (letter, 8.5 inches by 11 inches), then print it on proper letter-sized bond paper using black ink. If that's a bit pricey, especially if you need more than 1 copy, print an original copy on good paper and have it photocopied using the same kind of paper.

  15. FAQ: What Paper Should I Use for My Resume?

    Typical copy paper is 20 pounds per ream, or per 500 pages of paper. Instead of using the standard weight, opt for 24 or 32-pound paper. 24-pound paper is more formal than 20-pound paper. It's also cost-effective and budget-friendly, and can usually go through a home printer easily. 32-pound resume paper is heavier and opaque, and it's less ...

  16. List of paper sizes

    A size is the functional equivalent to UK A4 and is 8.5in by 11 inches. As the letters increase the short dimension is doubled. E.g: B size is 17×11 inches (roughly A3 - also called ledger), C size is 17×22 inches, D size is 34×22, and E size (typically a 'full-size" engineering drawing) is 34×44.

  17. 10+ Application Letters Templates

    Application Letter Sizes. Application letters, when printed, follow the A4 or 210 mm by 297 mm or 8.27 inches by 11.69 inches paper size. Application Letter FAQs What is the difference between an application letter and a cover letter? These two terms are often used interchangeably. Their difference lies in the amount of information they contain.

  18. Know Your Standard Letter Size: Essential Guide for the US

    Dimensions of Standard Letter Size. The dimensions of standard letter size paper in the US are 8.5 inches by 11 inches, which is approximately 21.6 cm by 27.9 cm. These measurements are important to know when creating or printing documents, as it ensures that your content fits properly on the page. Whether you are using inches, centimeters, or ...

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