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basics of fire safety

Basics of Fire Safety

Mar 16, 2019

9.72k likes | 17.55k Views

Basics of Fire Safety. Aims. To give you an understanding of : The nature of Fire Fire hazards and risk Fire Prevention at work Local Fire procedures How to select and use a portable fire extinguisher safely. Objectives. At the end of the course you will Have an understanding of Fire

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Presentation Transcript

Aims To give you an understanding of : • The nature of Fire • Fire hazards and risk • Fire Prevention at work • Local Fire procedures • How to select and use a portable fire extinguisher safely

Objectives At the end of the course you will • Have an understanding of Fire • Be able to reduce Fire risk at Work • Know what to do when the Fire Alarm sounds • Know what to do if you find a fire • Be able to correctly and safely select and use a fire extinguisher

Why do we do this training • Because management care about your safety • Because many people are unnecessarily injured by fire at work each year • Because the law specifically requires larger employers to train its staff in Fire Safety • Because Fire Risk assessment flagged a need to train staff in Fire Safety

Lesson Plan • Pre - course assessment • Fire Hazards and Risk • Disaster - A case study • The Nature of Fire • Fire Procedures • Fire Extinguishers • End of course assessment

To Begin : Pre-course knowledge • 1. What three things are needed for fire to exist • 2. What do you think is the most common cause of fire in industrial premises? • 3. What would you think is the average maximum time allowed for fire evacuation? • 4. What colour is a modern CO2 Extinguisher? • 5. What extinguisher would you use if your computer caught fire?

Fire Hazards and Risk Question : What is the difference between a hazard and a risk ? Answers : A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm or loss. A risk is the likelihood that the hazard will actually cause that harm or loss.

Fire at Bradford11th May 1985 • Time : first flame - well alight? • How many died? • Why? • 2-3 Minutes • 56 people lost their lives • Very Poor standards of Fire Safety

School of Chemistry, 2007

Faculty of Engineering Queen’s Building, 2008

What is Fire? • The rapid oxidation of a fuel evolving heat, particulates, gases and non-ionizing radiation

Sources of Ignition • Smoking • Electrical equipment • Heaters • Contractors tools and equipment • Arson

Fuels • Paper & Boxes etc. • Expanded polystyrene beads • Plastics • Solvents • Carpets • Furniture • Waste materials

Classes of Fire - BS EN 2 • A - Free burning materials, paper, wood, plastics etc. • B - Flammable liquids, petrol, meths, solvents etc. • C - Flammable gases, methane, hydrogen etc. • D - Metals, potassium, sodium, magnesium etc. • F - Cooking fats • Electricity can be involved in any class of fire

Fire Prevention • Be mindful of Fire Safety • Don’t block fire exits, call points or extinguishers • No smoking policy • Take care when cooking • Observe good security • Don’t wedge Fire Doors open

Fire Procedure - Fire Alarm • Leave the building immediately • Use the nearest exit • Walk quickly but don’t run closing doors behind you • Do not delay your exit to collect your belongings • Attend the Fire Assembly Point and report to the Fire Warden • Do not return until told to do so

Fire Procedure - Finding a Fire • Sound the fire alarm • Fight the fire if you are competent and you consider it safe to do so • Evacuate as per normal fire procedure • Inform the Fire Warden

Fighting a Fire -Do not fight the fire if : - • It is bigger than a waste paper bin • One extinguisher is not enough • Smoke is affecting your breathing • You cannot see the way out • Gas cylinders or chemicals are involved • Your efforts are not reducing the size of the fire

Extinguishers - European Changes

Fire Extinguishers - Water • Red body • Suitable for use on Class A Fires, wood and paper etc. • Not suitable for combustible liquids, cooking fats etc. • Not safe to use on fires involving electricity • Extinguishes by cooling

Fire Extinguishers - Foam • Cream body (Old type) or Red Body with Cream label • Suitable for Class A and B Fires. • Not suitable for use on fires involving electricity • Extinguishes by cooling and sealing the surface of a burning liquid

Fire Extinguishers - Powder • Blue body (Old type) or Red body with blue label. • Best on Class B fires but safe to use on any type of fire. • Works by chemically interfering with the combustion reaction

Fire Extinguishers -Carbon Dioxide • Black body (Old type) or red body with black label (New type) • Best on Class B and C fires but safe to use on any type of fire • Safe to use on fires involving electricity • Extinguishes by reducing oxygen levels and cooling

Fire Extinguishers - Blanket • Any colour body or label but they are usually red or white • For use on any type of fire but best on small contained class B fires and people on fire. • Extinguishes by asphyxiating

Fire Safety at Home • Fit and maintain a smoke detector • Bin the chip pan • Fit MCBs in fusebox • Check round at night • Close doors at night • Don’t smoke in bed • Prepare an escape plan

The Main Causes of Fire: Smoking/Matches Misuse of Electricity Defects in Heating Systems Spontaneous Ignition Improper Rubbish Disposal Arson Prevention of Fatal Fires: Fire Extinguishers Smoke Detectors Sprinkler Systems Prevention

The Acronym RACE is useful inFighting a Fire: • R: Rescue: Move all pt to safe area • A: Activate the alarm :location and type of fire. • C: Confine the fire: close windows/doors, shut of electrical equipment • E: Extinguish the fire • always remain calm amd make sure you are aware of your facilited fire plan, where the extinguishers are, and the evacuation plan for your area.

Each of these three elements must be present at the same time to have a fire. A fire will burn until one or more of the elements is removed. Fuel Any combustible material – solid, liquid or gas Heat The energy necessary to increase the temperature of fuel to where sufficient vapors are given off for ignition to occur Oxygen The air we breathe is about 21% oxygen – fire needs only 16% oxygen

There are 4 classes of fire: Class A Ordinary combustibles or fibrous material, such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and some plastics. Class B Flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline, kerosene, paint, paint thinners and propane. Class C Energized electrical equipment, such as appliances, switches, panel boxes and power tools. Class D Certain combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium, and sodium.

To Prevent Fires Class  Ordinary Combustibles: • Keep storage and working areas free of trash. • Place oily rags in covered containers.

Class  Flammable liquids or gases: • Don’t refuel gasoline-powered equipment in a confined space, in the presence of an open flame, or while the equipment is hot. • Keep flammable liquids stored in a tightly closed container and away from spark producing sources. • Use flammable liquids only in well ventilated areas.

Class  Electrical Equipment: • Never install a fuse rated higher than specified for the circuit. • Investigate any appliance or electrical equipment that smells strange. Unusual odors can be the first sign of a potential fire. • Utility lights should always have some type of wire guard over them.

Class  Flammable metals: • Knowledge of the properties of the metals and using good judgment and common sense will assist you in controlling or avoiding potential fires/reactions.

Be prepared for a fire emergency • Check the location of fire alarms and know how they work. • Learn your building evacuation plan. • Know where your two nearest exits are located. Learn how doors swing and where stairs lead. • Make sure nothing blocks fire pulls, extinguishers and emergency exits. • Learn the sound of your building fire alarm. • Post emergency numbers (including security and first aid) near your telephone. • Make sure you know what to do if the fire alarm sounds. Plan your escape.

Dial 911 Emergency Number OR Alternate Emergency Number When you notice a fire: • Pull the nearest fire alarm “pull station” while exiting the floor. • If there is no pull station: • Do not assume that anyone else has already called the fire department. • Stay calm and be prepared to answer the operator’s questions regarding the emergency. • EVACUATE !

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What is Fire?.

Published by Aino Palo Modified over 4 years ago

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Strategies For Workplace Fire Prevention And Emergency Response Training Ppt

The PPT Training Module on Strategies for Workplace Fire Prevention and Emergency Response covers the essential elements of fire prevention such as Staff Training, Fire Marshals and their Duties, Fire Drills, Fire Safety Checks, and Fire Safety Maintenance Checklists. Next, the PowerPoint Module guides employees through crafting a foolproof Fire Evacuation Plan, covering Fire Evacuation Strategy, Alarm Systems, Evacuation Routes and Strategies, Appropriate Signage, Firefighting Equipment, Fire Wardens and Trained Personnel, Alarm Testing and Fire Drills, and Business Continuity Measures. It even provides a Sample Fire Evacuation Plan to give employees a practical understanding of how these strategies are brought to life. As the PPT Deck progress, Employees learn what to do during a Fire Emergency, with easy-to-follow Dos and Do nots and handy Fire Safety Tips. Understanding the Responsibilities of Employers and Employees in Fire Safet, along with the Duties of a Responsible Person, makes this PwerPoint Training Module an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It also has Key Takeaways and Discussion Questions related to the topic to make the training session more interactive. The Deck, too, contains PPT slides on About Us, Vision, Mission, Goal, 30-60-90 Days Plan, Timeline, Roadmap, Training Completion Certificate, Energizer Activities, Client Proposal, and Assessment Form.

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Presenting Training Deck on Strategies for Workplace Fire Prevention and Emergency Response. This deck comprises of 105 slides. Each slide is well crafted and designed by our PowerPoint experts. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts, and every slide consists of appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Not just this, you can also make the required changes in the charts and graphs. Download this professionally designed business presentation, add your content, and present it with confidence.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

This slide gives the definition of Fire Prevention and Protection. Fire prevention means eliminating the possibility of starting a fire. Fire protection is a plan that mitigates the damage when a fire occurs.

This slide discusses the importance of fire safety training for employees in a workplace. Staff actions in case of a fire are crucial to their safety and that of other people in the building. All staff members should receive basic fire safety training and attend refresher sessions at regular intervals

This slide talks about fire marshals in a workplace and also lists their responsibilities. A fire marshal or warden is mainly responsible for identifying potential fire hazards in a building.

This slide discusses the execution of an evacuation plan by fire marshals in case of a fire emergency. When the evacuation alarm sounds, each fire marshal must check the area (if safe to do so) which they are responsible for, to ensure it has been evacuated and report to the emergency coordinator for further instructions from the fire officer.

Instructor’s Notes: 

  • Roll call system:  In this, it is made sure that everyone has left the building and reached a safe place 
  • Fire marshal system:  In this, the building is split into small manageable areas

This slide talks about the importance of conducting regular fire drills for staff to prevent fires. Once an emergency plan has been created and the staff has been trained in fire safety, it is essential to evaluate its effectiveness. You can do this by performing a fire drill, and these drills must be carried out at least once annually, depending on your fire risk assessment and the number of employees.

This slide discusses the importance of fire safety checks by fire marshals to help in prevention of fires. A fire inspection should be performed by fire marshals appointed from within the employees of your organization. Any favorable or unfavorable results should be documented in writing on a form created for that purpose.

Slide 10 to 14

These slides contain daily, weekly, monthly, six-monthly, and annual checklist for Fire Safety Maintenance at a Workplace. 

This slide introduces the concept of devising a fire evacuation plan for your workplace. It also talks about its importance. A fire evacuation plan consists of a series of instructions and guidelines that staff members must adhere to in the case of a fire.

Instructor’s Notes:  The specifics of a fire evacuation plan will vary depending on the logistical issues and environmental factors specific to your business.

This slide lists the steps to create a fire evacuation plan for your workplace. The steps include devising an overall fire evacuation strategy, the installation & regular servicing of alarm systems, evacuation routes, appropriate signage, firefighting equipment, fire wardens & trained personnel, alarm testing & fire drills, and business continuity measures.

This slide discusses Step 1 of creating a fire evacuation plan. The first step of devising a fire evacuation plan for your business includes discussing an overall strategy that all employees must adhere to in the case of a fire.

This slide talks about Step 2 of creating a fire evacuation plan. This step focuses on having a good alerting or alarm system. It is important to have a proper setup to alert you of a fire as soon as possible. You must have an operational fire alarm system that is frequently serviced and maintained.

This slide discusses Step 3of creating a fire evacuation plan. It entails forming proper evacuation routes and procedures. Your workplace's fire evacuation protocols should comprise a detailed strategy for how and when individuals should leave the building and what they should do afterward.

This slide talks about Step 4 of creating a fire evacuation plan. This step discusses the importance of having proper signage. You should ensure that there is additional relevant signage in addition to the evacuation map, such as clear designated exits or sign.

This slide illustrates signs and symbols that are used in the making of a fire evacuation plan.

This slide discusses Step 5 of creating a fire evacuation plan. This step entails the importance of having proper firefighting equipment in your workplace. Staff members must have access to fundamental firefighting tools such as fire extinguishers, fire hose reels, and fire blankets. In certain instances, a fire can be quickly put out before it spreads.

This slide talks about Step 6 of creating a fire evacuation plan. This step discusses about fire wardens and trained staff members. Based on the size of your company and structure, it can be helpful to have fire wardens at every location responsible for evacuations in case of a fire emergency. 

Instructor’s Notes:  A warden may be required for each floor in organizations that are spread across many levels of an office building.

This slide discusses Step 7 of creating a fire evacuation plan. This step ensures testing of fire alarms and talks about the importance of fire drills. To make sure that your staff knows what to do in the event of a fire, you should conduct practice drills, where employees go through a mock evacuation and become familiar with what they need to do and where they have to go.

This slide talks about the last step of creating a fire evacuation plan. This is considering your business continuity measures. Your company will have specific requirements for continuing operations in the case of a fire. In general, you should create contingency plans based on scenario analysis. 

This slide displays a sample fire evacuation plan that can be implemented in a workplace. 

This slide talks about action in case of a fire emergency at the workplace. The first step is to raise an alarm, followed by fighting the fire (if possible and safe), and evacuating the building

This slide highlights the dos and don’ts in case of a fire emergency. You must raise an alarm, immediately go to the nearest exit, gather at an assembly point and remain calm. You must not use the lifts, hide under furniture, block the exits.

This slide shows some tips for fire safety in case of emergency. It is essential to stay calm during a fire emergency and evacuate immediately.

This slide informs us about action in the event of a fire. It depicts a fire safety acronym, RACE, which is short for Remove, Alarm, Contain, and Evacuate.

This slide showcases a fire action plan that can be put up at workplaces. This a sample notice format that is completely editable. Modify it according to your office’s geographical location and requirements. It tells people what do in case of a fire emergency. 

This slide talks about what action is required from people on hearing the fire alarm and if trapped by fire. This a sample notice format that is completely editable. Modify it according to your office’s geographical location and requirements. It tells people what do in case of a fire emergency.

This slide depicts an action plan that tells people what to do in case of a fire emergency. This a sample notice format that is completely editable. Modify it according to your office’s geographical location and requirements.

This slide depicts a sample action plan poster for a workplace that tells people what to do in case of a fire emergency. This is a sample notice format that is completely editable. Modify it according to your office’s geographical location and requirements

This slide highlights the responsibilities of an employer. An employer must provide a safe working environment, provide necessary information, instruction, training, and supervision.

This slide talks about the role and responsibilities of a employee. They must take care of their safety and that of others, comply with safety instructions and procedures.

This slide introduces the concept of a responsible and relevant person. A responsible person is someone with the final responsibility for fire safety. Anybody legally permitted to be on the property, as well as anyone nearby (even outside) who could be at risk from a fire inside the structure, is considered a relevant person.

This slide lists the duties of a responsible person. The duties include conducting a fire risk assessment to identify possible hazards and risks, taking general fire precautions, applying principles of fire prevention, and more.

Slide 59 to 74

These slides contain energizer activities to engage the audience of the training session.

Slide 75 to 102

These slides contain a training proposal covering what the company providing corporate training can accomplish for the client.

Slide 103 to 105

These slides include a training evaluation form for instructor, content and course assessment.

Strategies For Workplace Fire Prevention And Emergency Response Training Ppt with all 110 slides:

Use our Strategies For Workplace Fire Prevention And Emergency Response Training Ppt to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

Strategies For Workplace Fire Prevention And Emergency Response Training Ppt

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A fire in an office or store can be devastating to your community. In addition to potential deaths and property loss, people may lose their jobs and the community may lose a vital service provided by the businesses.

Did you know:

There were 16,500 office and store fires in the United States in 2020 that caused $932 million in direct property damage.

Source: National Fire Incident Reporting System

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Presentation to share

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Messages to share with employees

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social media card: workplace fire safety

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A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire that burns in wildland vegetation, often in rural areas.

Biology, Ecology, Conservation

Wildfire in Malibu

Wildfires scorch the land in Malibu Creek State Park. As the wind picks up, the fire begins to spread faster.

Photograph by David McNew/Stringer

Wildfires scorch the land in Malibu Creek State Park. As the wind picks up, the fire begins to spread faster.

A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire that burns in the wildland vegetation , often in rural areas. Wildfires can burn in forests, grasslands, savannas, and other ecosystems , and have been doing so for hundreds of millions of years. They are not limited to a particular continent or environment.

Wildfires can burn in vegetation located both in and above the soil. Ground fires typically ignite in soil thick with organic matter that can feed the flames, like plant roots. Ground fires can smolder for a long time—even an entire season—until conditions are right for them to grow to a surface or crown fire . Surface fires , on the other hand, burn in dead or dry vegetation that is lying or growing just above the ground. Parched grass or fallen leaves often fuel surface fires . Crown fires burn in the leaves and canopies of trees and shrubs.

Some regions, like the mixed conifer forests of California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range, can be affected by different types of wildfires . Sierra Nevada forest fires often include both crown and surface spots.

Wildfires can start with a natural occurrence—such as a lightning strike—or a human-made spark. However, it is often the weather conditions that determine how much a wildfire grows. Wind, high temperatures, and little rainfall can all leave trees, shrubs, fallen leaves, and limbs dried out and primed to fuel a fire. Topography plays a big part too: flames burn uphill faster than they burn downhill.

Wildfires that burn near communities can become dangerous and even deadly if they grow out of control. For example, the 2018 Camp Fire in Butte County, California destroyed almost the entire town of Paradise; in total, 86 people died.

Still, wildfires are essential to the continued survival of some plant species. For example, some tree cones need to be heated before they open and release their seeds; chaparral plants, which include manzanita, chamise ( Adenostoma fasciculatum ), and scrub oak ( Quercus berberidifolia ), require fire before seeds will germinate. The leaves of these plants include a flammable resin that feeds fire, helping the plants to propagate. Plants such as these depend on wildfires in order to pass through a regular life cycle. Some plants require fire every few years, while others require fire just a few times a century for the species to continue.

Wildfires also help keep ecosystems healthy. They can kill insects and diseases that harm trees. By clearing scrub and underbrush, fires can make way for new grasses, herbs, and shrubs that provide food and habitat for animals and birds. At a low intensity, flames can clean up debris and underbrush on the forest floor, add nutrients to the soil, and open up space to let sunlight through to the ground. That sunlight can nourish smaller plants and give larger trees room to grow and flourish.

While many plants and animals need and benefit from wildfires , climate change has left some ecosystems more susceptible to flames, especially in the southwest United States. Warmer temperatures have intensified drought and dried out forests. The historic practice of putting out all fires also has caused an unnatural buildup of shrubs and debris, which can fuel larger and more intense blazes.

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Freeze, Floods, and Fire: Extreme Weather of 2023 and Community Solutions

A late spring freeze, summer floods, wildfire smoke, and hurricane-like winter storms are just some of the extreme weather events to impact the Granite State in 2023. Last year‘s weather cost the state millions in crop losses and damaged infrastructure, but the full costs of lost time, revenue, and property to residents are still being calculated. New Hampshire state climatologist, Mary Stampone, joined us on April 10 to review the extreme weather events of 2023 and discuss how these events relate to climate change and what New Hampshire communities are doing to build resilience to severe weather.

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Access Mary Stampone's presentation on Freeze, Floods, & Fire: Extreme Weather of 2023 & Community Solutions . 

About the Speaker

mary stampone

Dr. Mary Stampone is an Associate Professor of Geography at the University of New Hampshire where she teaches undergraduate courses on weather, climate, and natural hazards. As an applied climatologist, her research focuses on monitoring and modeling variability and change in regional-scale climate system processes with an emphasis on hydroclimatic hazards (i.e., drought, flooding, severe weather). Dr. Stampone also serves as the State Climatologist for New Hampshire, providing citizens, educators, and government agencies with weather and climate information in support of environmental management and adaptation activities. She co-authored the "Northeast" chapter of the 2018 4th National Climate Assessment and the New Hampshire Climate Assessment, 2021 . She also served on the 2018–2019 NH Coastal Flood Risk Science and Technical Advisory Panel and continues to serve as a member of the NH Drought Management Team.

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What is Eid al-Fitr? 6 questions about the holiday and how Muslims celebrate it, answered

By Ken Chitwood

Updated on: April 9, 2024 / 8:03 AM EDT / The Conversation

Ken Chitwood  is a senior research fellow, Muslim Philanthropy Initiative at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis and journalist-fellow at the Dornsife Center for Religion and Civic Culture at the  University of Southern California Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences .

Eid al-Fitr, one of Islam's principal festivals, will be celebrated April 9, 2024, according to the Fiqh Council of North America . At the middle of June, Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Adha. Ken Chitwood, a scholar of global Islam, explains the two Islamic festivals.

1. What is Eid?

Eid literally means a "festival" or "feast" in Arabic. There are two major eids in the Islamic calendar per year – Eid al-Fitr earlier in the year and Eid al-Adha later.

Eid al-Fitr is a three-day-long festival and is known as the "Lesser" or "Smaller Eid" when compared to Eid al-Adha, which is four days long and is known as the "Greater Eid."

Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia

2. Why is Eid celebrated twice a year?

The two Eids recognize, celebrate and recall two distinct events that are significant to the story of Islam.

Eid al-Fitr means "the feast of breaking the fast." The fast, in this instance, is Ramadan , which recalls the revealing of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad and requires Muslims to fast from sunrise to sundown for a month.

3. How do Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr?

Eid al-Fitr features two to three days of celebrations that include special morning prayers. People greet each other with "Eid Mubarak," meaning "Blessed Eid" and with formal embraces. Sweet dishes are prepared at home and gifts are given to children and to those in need. In addition, Muslims are encouraged to forgive and seek forgiveness. Practices vary from country to country.

In many countries with large Muslim populations, Eid al-Fitr is a national holiday. Schools, offices and businesses are closed so family, friends and neighbors can enjoy the celebrations together. In the U.S. and the U.K., Muslims may request to have the day off from school or work to travel or celebrate with family and friends.

In countries like Egypt and Pakistan, Muslims decorate their homes with lanterns, twinkling lights or flowers. Special food is prepared and friends and family are invited over to celebrate.


In places like Jordan, with its Muslim majority population, the days before Eid al-Fitr can see a rush at local malls and special "Ramadan markets" as people prepare to exchange gifts on Eid al-Fitr.

In Turkey and in places that were once part of the Ottoman-Turkish empire such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Azerbaijan and the Caucasus, it is also known as the, "Lesser Bayram" or "festival" in Turkish.

4. How do Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha?

The other festival, Eid al-Adha, is the "feast of the sacrifice." It comes at the end of the Hajj , an annual pilgrimage by millions of Muslims to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia that is obligatory once in a lifetime, but only for those with means.

Eid al-Adha recalls the story of how God commanded Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail as a test of faith. The story, as narrated in the Quran, describes Satan's attempt to tempt Ibrahim so he would disobey God's command. Ibrahim, however, remains unmoved and informs Ismail, who is willing to be sacrificed.

But, just as Ibrahim attempts to kill his son, God intervenes and a ram is sacrificed in place of Ismail. During Eid al-Adha, Muslims slaughter an animal to remember Ibrahim's sacrifice and remind themselves of the need to submit to the will of God.

5. When are they celebrated?

Eid al-Fitr is celebrated on the first day of the 10th month in the Islamic calendar.

Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of the final month in the Islamic calendar.

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar, and dates are calculated based on lunar phases. Since the Islamic calendar year is shorter than the solar Gregorian calendar year by 10 to 12 days, the dates for Ramadan and Eid on the Gregorian calendar can vary year by year.

6. What is the spiritual meaning of Eid al-Fitr?

Eid al-Fitr, as it follows the fasting of Ramadan, is also seen as a spiritual celebration of Allah's provision of strength and endurance.

Amid the reflection and rejoicing, Eid al-Fitr is a time for charity, known as Zakat al-Fitr. Eid is meant to be a time of joy and blessing for the entire Muslim community and a time for distributing one's wealth.

Charity to the poor is a highly emphasized value in Islam. The Quran says ,

"Believe in Allah and his messenger, and give charity out of the (substance) that Allah has made you heirs of. For those of you who believe and give charity – for them is a great reward."

This piece incorporates materials from an article first published on Aug. 28, 2017. The dates have been updated. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

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Bonita fire department offering hurricane preparedness presentations.

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The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox.

With hurricane season on the horizon, it may be time for you to schedule a hurricane preparedness presentation for your neighborhood.

Your community can benefit from the lessons learned during Hurricanes Irma and Ian with customized hurricane safety information based on hazards prone to your area.

Learn how to prepare and the actions to take before, during and after the storm. Information on evacuation plans, sheltering in place and emergency kits is also discussed.

Presentations can occur at your location of choice, or offered at 27701 Bonita Grande Drive.

If you are interested, Bonita Fire is asking that you email them at [email protected] or call 239-949-6200.

For more information, click here .

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  • CBS To Rebroadcast Billy Joel Concert After ‘Piano Man’ Debacle

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Billy Joel at 100th show at Madison Square Garden

CBS just announced that the network will rebroadcast Billy Joel : The 100th – Live at Madison Square Garden special in its entirety this Friday, April 19, after Sunday’s presentation cut out in some parts of the country as the singer was in the middle of his signature hit “ Piano Man .”

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“Due to the overwhelming demand from his legion of fans,” the statement continues, “ Billy Joel: The 100th – Live at Madison Square Garden will be rebroadcast in its entirety on CBS on April 19th at 9:00PM ET/PT.”

Sunday’s broadcast of the special in Eastern and Central zones cut away to local news at 11 p.m. shortly before the song’s final “la la la de de das.” The end came something like: “And the piano, it sounds like a carnival/And the microphone smells like a beer/And they sit at the…”

Billy Joel: The 100th – Live at Madison Square Garden special had started a half-hour late Sunday evening due to the 2024 Masters Tournament coverage running overtime.

Fans expressed their outrage on social media. “You couldn’t produce a worse product than CBS just did on the Billy Joel special,” tweeted one. “Way too many commercials, didn’t play some of his best songs, went extremely out of order in his set list, and then cuts away to the local news in the middle of Piano Man?!? A total flop by CBS.”

Wrote another, “@CBS You just might to re-schedule Billy Joel’s concert that your affiliates cut short to go to local late night news. We fans are not happy. And there are a lot of TV, etc viewing options other than you….You need to bring him back.”

And another: “Are you kidding me? I recorded it for 3 hours because I knew it was running late. They seriously cut to the news??? That’s terrible.”

Barstool Sports, which shared a clip of the truncated song, wrote, “How do you cut a Billy Joel Concert in the Middle of Piano Man?!”

In addition to the CBS rebroadcast, the concert special is available – in full – on Paramount+.

And in the unlikely case you can’t recall: “…bar and put bread in my jar/And say, “Man, what are you doin’ here?”

How do you cut a Billy Joel Concert in the Middle of Piano Man?! — Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) April 15, 2024

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Guatemala’s president issues natural disaster declaration as 44 forest fires rage on

Mountains of garbage continue to burn at a landfill in Villa Nueva outside Guatemala’s capital. The fire is one of more than 40 that continue to burn across the Central American country. President Bernardo Arévalo has issued a natural disaster declaration to free up funding for fire fighting efforts and said that 80% of the fires were started by people. Authorities have canceled classes across three central provinces to protect students from the prevailing smoke.

A waste picker walks past clouds of smoke generated by a fire at a garbage dump in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, Tuesday, April 9, 2024. According to the Guatemalan emergency agency CONRED, 60 percent of the fire has been controlled as the poor air quality in the country's capital caused schools to close for two days. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

A waste picker walks past clouds of smoke generated by a fire at a garbage dump in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, Tuesday, April 9, 2024. According to the Guatemalan emergency agency CONRED, 60 percent of the fire has been controlled as the poor air quality in the country’s capital caused schools to close for two days. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

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Piles of waste continue to burn at a garbage dump in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, Tuesday, April 9, 2024. According to the Guatemalan emergency agency CONRED, 60 percent of the fire has been controlled as the poor air quality in the country’s capital caused schools to close for two days. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

Firefighters work to extinguish a fire at a garbage dump in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, Tuesday, April 9, 2024. According the Guatemalan emergency agency CONRED, 60 percent of the fire has been controlled as the poor air quality in the country’s capital caused schools to close for two days. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

A soldier directs a bulldozer during a firefighting operation at a garbage dump in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, Tuesday, April 9, 2024. According to the Guatemalan emergency agency CONRED 60 percent of the fire has been controlled as the poor air quality in the country’s capital caused schools to close for two days. (AP Photo/Moises Castillo)

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — Guatemala’s president issued a natural disaster declaration Wednesday as 44 forest fires continue to burn across the Central American country.

President Bernardo Arévalo said that 80% of the fires were started by people. Farmers often burn stubble and grass in their fields around this time of year in preparation for planting.

“The current situation is not a coincidence, 80% of those fires were set,” Arévalo said.

Authorities canceled classes across three central provinces to protect students from the prevailing smoke. One of the largest fires is near a suburb of Guatemala City, the capital.

The declaration frees up funding for fire fighting efforts.

Guatemala is more accustomed to dealing with its restive volcanoes than forest fires.

Follow AP’s coverage of Latin America and the Caribbean at

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    Eid al-Fitr, one of Islam's principal festivals, will be celebrated April 9, 2024, according to the Fiqh Council of North America.At the middle of June, Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Adha.

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    Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. Every year, we have to lament the loss of hundreds of hectares of forests due to wildfire. Taking prevention measures is simply a must! Don your ranger hat and download this template so that you prepare an informative slideshow on this topic. The design is simple: brown backgrounds, a small ...

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  28. What to know for the total solar eclipse: Time, path of totality ...

    Sky-gazers across North America are in for a treat on April 8 when a total solar eclipse will pass over Mexico, the United States and Canada. The event will be visible to millions — including 32 ...

  29. Fire Action Warning Evacuation Procedure Presentation

    Try to locate the fire exit and make sure to move as close to the ground as possible (to avoid the smoke). Or, even better, follow the evacuation procedure established by the premises. Or even better than that, inform about that procedure so that people know it! Get this template and customize the slides and the placeholder text!

  30. Fire Department

    Fire siren sounds Calling all available units! We have a fire! I repeat: WE HAVE A FIRE AT SLIDESGO! They have designed a template so creative that it is ON FIRE. It's such an amazing design that features a very original font that alternates between italic and round in an ideal way, WordArt text to highlight important phrases and a dark style, although some images of different fires light up ...