Creating the Best Tech Resume: Guide With Tips and Examples

The good news? Tech professionals are in high demand. But with so much talent competing for the best jobs, a standard resume won’t cut it. So what are recruiters looking for in a tech resume, and what’s the best way to highlight your skills?

A tech resume should be more than a document listing your skills and experience in bullet points. With hundreds of applications to wade through, recruiters often only have a few minutes to get a sense of your personality, creativity, and ability. 

For tech-newcomers who have recently graduated from a tech bootcamp, your resume is also a chance to show off your transferable skills—and demonstrate how you’ll apply them in your new role. 

If you’re staring at a blank page, unsure of where to start, you’re not alone. So we’re here with tips, tricks, and examples to help you get your foot through your dream company’s door.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • Tech resume dos and don’ts 
  • Building and formatting a tech resume
  • How to highlight tech skills on your resume
  • Tech resume examples
  • Final thoughts

Let’s get into it!

1. Tech resume dos and don’ts

Creating a tech resume can be a nerve-racking endeavor, especially for career changers . In the absence of years of experience in the field, your resume is often your one shot to convince recruiters you’re the right fit for their company. 

It can be challenging to showcase everything you have to offer in a one-page document, but a tech resume doesn’t have to be all-singing, all-dancing. It simply has to quickly and efficiently communicate what you bring to the table. 

It’s also important to note your resume often won’t even be seen by a human first. With the high amount of resumes being uploaded to job application sites, many companies rely on automatic AI software to filter the resumes before they go to hiring managers or recruiters.

If your resume doesn’t include keywords, isn’t readable, or isn’t formatted correctly —the hiring managers may never see it. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s important to know what you’re up against before you start firing resumes off. 

To help get your application seen by the right people, let’s go through some quick-fire dos and don’ts: 

  • Tailor it to specific companies. When recruiters scan a tech resume, they look for the specific keywords listed in the job description. To boost your chances of standing out, tweak your resume for each application and make sure these keywords are highlighted. 
  • Talk about tools. In today’s remote-first tech landscape, proficiency with certain tools is a distinct advantage. You’ll want to highlight your stack on your resume, and your proficiency with more common remote working tools like Jira, Hubspot, Asana, and so on.
  • Get friends, family, and colleagues to proofread it. Nothing says sloppy more than a typo or grammatical error. Get a second, a third, or even a fourth pair of eyes on it before you start sending it to companies. 
  • Have big blocks of text. Your resume needs to be scannable, with a highlights reel of your key experiences, skills, and the tools you work with. Stick to bullet points and lists—you can elaborate in your tech cover letter . 
  • Make it longer than one page. Likewise, anything longer than two pages is at risk of being disregarded for another’s.
  • Make it too design-heavy. For new designers especially, it’s tempting to want the design of the document the star of the show. While a tech resume can certainly include creative elements, above all else it should be easy and quick to read—by both humans and AI software. 

Remember: If you get through to the interview stage, the hiring manager will use your resume as a reference point for the questions they ask. It’s crucial to highlight skills and experience that you’d be comfortable expanding on in a conversation. 

To find out more, check out our guide to the recruiter phone screen . 

2. Building and formatting a tech resume 

Now that we know what not to do, we can move on to actually compiling your resume. 

To make things as clear as possible, we’ll break this section up into two parts: What to include in your tech resume, and how to format a tech resume. 

What to include in your tech resume

Your resume should include eight key sections: 

  • Name and contact information. You don’t need to include an address unless the role you’re applying for is location-specific.  
  • Personal summary. This is 1–2 sentences summarizing who you are as a tech professional. This can include your title, the sector you’re currently working in (or are looking to work in), key skills and credentials, and an overview of your experience. 
  • Relevant links. Here’s where you link out to your website, portfolio, and any professional networking profiles. 
  • Relevant education. Emphasis on the relevant—no one needs to know where you went to elementary school! Stick to highlighting your university education, bootcamp programs, or relevant courses and classes.
  • Tools. As mentioned earlier, highlighting your proficiency in the tools used by the team or company you’re applying for is a great way to boost your chances of getting noticed. If you’re a whiz in Figma or a GitHub guru—highlight it.
  • Skills. This is arguably the most crucial part of your resume, and what recruiters want to know about in particular. We’ll talk a little more about this in the next section. 
  • Work experience. Don’t have any? No problem: If you’re a bootcamp graduate, emphasize the skills you learned on the projects you worked on for your portfolio. You can also highlight work experience in your previous career if it’s relevant for the role.
  • Other cool things about you. Your tech resume doesn’t need to be devoid of your personality; it’s a good chance to tell your potential employers some cool (but relevant) facts. Do you speak other languages, run a blog, or own a business? Include any noteworthy features that make you stand out from the competition.

We know what you’re thinking: All that on just one page?

Not necessarily. Depending on the role you’re applying for, you can sacrifice one section to place emphasis on another. What’s most important is relevancy.

How to format a tech resume

Get the format right. A tech resume is more likely to be well-received if it’s a word document or PDF, but whichever you prefer, make sure it’s presented in the document type required by the uploading tool. Be sure to double-check the job description too, as this often lists a preferred format.

Embellish elsewhere. Already noted, but it can’t be overstated: When it comes to tech resume design formats, the simpler and clearer the better. The creativity, storytelling, and design can shine through in your cover letter and portfolio. 

The differences between them can help shape your approach for each:

A tech cover letter is a longer-form document than your resume (but still no longer than a few paragraphs) that introduces yourself as a candidate, expands on your relevant experience, and details your motivations for applying to a specific role. 

A tech portfolio showcases your skills in action. It’s a collection of the real-world projects you’ve worked on that demonstrate your competency in your chosen field. Portfolios are usually embellished with videos, images, additional files, and so on. 

Both of these should be linked to in your resume, and vice versa.

Use tools and software to spice it up. There are plenty of tools and software out there that can help you design and format a beautiful tech resume, like Canva , , and CakeResume .

But keep in mind that over-designed resumes will sometimes be automatically rejected by candidate-tracking AI software. Vibrant colors and branding are great, but don’t get carried away: a UX/UI design resume in particular needs to be simple, clear, and quickly scannable .

We know—it’s tricky to toe the line between a creative resume that showcases your unique personality, and a clear resume that cuts through the fluff to quickly communicate your value.

But once you see how it’s done, your life will be a lot simpler: you’ll find some great examples to help you further on.

3. How to highlight tech skills on your resume

Emphasizing your tech skills on your resume is vital. Ultimately, it’s these that recruiters are most interested in. 

There’s definitely a right and wrong way to showcase these. More than simple bullet points suggesting you’re proficient in X skill, recruiters want the proof in the pudding. Provide evidence of how you’ve put said skills into practice. 

There are also two different types of skills to highlight, hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills refer to the technical skills you need to actually perform the role’s basic duties. For a UI designer , this might be wireframing or animation. For a web developer , this might be documentation or specific coding languages. For a digital marketer , this might be tracking and reporting campaign metrics using a CMS. 

Soft skills refer to the interpersonal skills that make someone a great employee, such as effective communication, project management, leadership skills, and so on. While the word “soft” might suggest these skills are not as important to tech recruiters—many of these soft skills are actually in incredibly high demand. Your ability to be a great team player or manager could be the difference between getting an interview and being overlooked. 

So you’ll want to highlight both your hard and soft skills—especially if you’re a career changer on the hunt for your first tech role. The transferable skills  you’ve picked up from your previous careers will help you stand out among more experienced candidates. 

Here are a few best practices for highlighting tech skills on your resume: 

  • Quality over quantity. An endless laundry list of everything you can do isn’t going to get you noticed. It’s better to focus on a few key skills that are directly relevant to the role you’re applying for. 
  • Use the right language . Mirror the language used in the job description. Where possible avoid repetition of generic terms like “experience with” or “proficient in”.
  • Provide relevant examples . It’s one thing to say you’re good at something, but employers want to know how you’ve put it into practice. Definite bonus points for real-world projects! 

4. Tech resume examples 

Now that we know the elements that form an awesome tech resume, we’ll take a look at some people who got it right. 

Here are tech resume examples for five of the most popular tech jobs: 

Data analyst resume example

Via Beamjobs

What works? 

  • A clear, simple overview of everything a recruiter needs to know, in grayscale—meaning it’s far more likely to be accepted by resume-scanning AI.
  • A career progression, which gives us some insight into Derek’s career goals and motivations as an entry-level data analyst.
  • Specific projects that showcase Derek’s skills in action, with metrics demonstrating the impact of the work he did. 

To learn more, check out our guide to writing a great data analyst resume. 

Web developer resume example

Via ResumeKraft

What works?  

  • A creative way to display key skills and competencies, with bars and dots to break up the text.  
  • Richard chose a bullet-pointed summary for added scannability—a great move.
  • The theme is bright and colorful, while still being clear and simple. The best of both worlds.

UX designer resume example

Via Coursera  

  • Winona has struck the perfect balance between information and personality. There’s a pop of color and a unique logo that showcases creative flair, but it doesn’t take away from the key pieces of information. 
  • Winona’s personality shines through in the “ask me about” section, but Winona has prioritized information—so it doesn’t sit above skills, tools, or education. 

UI designer resume example

Via Mockplus  

  • This sleek, professional tech resume by Michelle Flacks is simple enough to pass through any AI software, but the effort that’s gone into the design is still clear. A bespoke logo and slanted lines make it unique, without distracting from the words themselves. 
  • Michelle has kept it simple with three key sections which, in this case, is more than enough. 

Digital marketing manager resume example 

Via VisualCV

  • A more in-depth look into each skill, with a scannable graphic that quickly lets the recruiter know the competency level—with the option to learn more. 
  • A clean, sleek feel overall, with an enjoyable but subtle contrast between the two colors.
  • A succinct personal summary that touches on qualifications, skills, and experience. 

Learn more with our digital marketing resume guide.

5. Final thoughts

The best way to make sure your tech resume is up to scratch? Get eyes on it.

More specifically, eyes from someone well established in your field. That way, they can guide you on whether or not your resume would make the cut in their teams—and you can make the necessary changes before it lands on the desk of a prospective employer. 

So there we have it: Your ultimate guide to writing a stand-out tech resume.

With so much to include, it’s all too easy to overthink it to the point of paralysis. But as long as you follow the industry-standard tech resume best practices, you’ll have an interview for your first tech role in no time. Of course, be sure to be sure to craft the best career change cover letter to accompany any application and get ready for the interview with the most common interview questions.

To learn more, we recommend giving these articles a read: 

  • Ten big signs it’s time for a career change—which applies to you?
  • How to successfully change careers in 2024: Your step-by-step guide
  • How to get a UX design job with no industry experience
  • Software Engineering
  • Data Science
  • Data Analytics
  • UX / UI Design
  • Digital Marketing
  • Technical Project Management
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The Ultimate Tech Resume Guide

Breaking Into Tech

The Ultimate Tech Resume Guide

By stephen greet.

It’s no secret that jobs in tech are high paying with top-notch benefits at companies that are solving some of the most challenging problems of our time. It’s no wonder that tech jobs are highly sought after. How can you get your foot in the door and land an interview at one of these companies?

First things first, you need to convince the hiring manager that you deserve an interview with your resume. This guide is built to do just that. We’ll go through each section of your resume to help you showcase your skills and land a coveted job in tech.

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Tech Resume Examples & Tips

When you’re creating your resume, nothing is more intimidating than staring at a blank page. To that end we’ll walk you step-by-step to help you put your best foot forward in your resume and land your dream tech job.

In short, here’s what you need to do to ensure you resume will help you land interviews with tech companies:

  • Format your resume correctly. This means keeping it simple and easy to read, limiting it to one page, and correcting all spelling and grammar errors .
  • Convince the hiring manager you’re the right fit for the role by quantifying the impact of your past work or projects.
  • When it comes to technical skills on your resume, it’s better to be a master of a few skills as opposed to a jack of all trades.
  • If you’re an entry level tech candidate then it’s important you highlight projects you’ve worked on in your resume.

To get the creative juices flowing, let’s start with an example of an effective tech resume.

resume samples for tech jobs

Source: BeamJobs Software Engineer Resume Examples

Why this resume works:

  • It’s visually pleasing and easy to read.
  • No matter where the recruiter or hiring manager looks, they will see that this software engineer had a demonstrable impact in all of their work experience and projects.
  • The skills section is not a laundry list. It’s a concentrated skill-set that would appeal to an experienced hiring manager in tech.
  • This candidate included all relevant personal links to their LinkedIn and Github profiles.

Formatting Your Tech Resume

Recruiters spend 6 seconds on average reviewing a given resume. This means you have to very quickly make your case that you deserve an interview for the tech role you’re applying to. Before anything else, a recruiter will see the layout of your resume. In light of this, it’s your job to make your resume as consumable as possible. Here’s how to do that:

  • Keep your formatting simple and easy to read. Don’t include fancy graphs or images that take time to parse.
  • Avoid big blocks of text. Break up your writing into small, self-contained bullet points.
  • Keep your resume to one page . Nothing discourages a hiring manager more than a 5 page resume.
  • Your resume needs to be a highlight reel, so no matter where the tech recruiter or hiring manager looks, they’re convinced that you deserve an interview.
  • This one bears repeating: fix all spelling and grammar errors. Triple check your resume and have a friend review it. A typo should never be the reason you don’t get the job!

All of these tips are in service of a singular goal: make the recruiter’s job as easy as humanly possible. No matter what bullet point they read, they should come away convinced that they are missing out if they don’t interview you for the role.

Quantify Your Impact

You’re a (soon-to-be) tech professional, so you know that the best way to make your case in any discussion is through numbers. Numbers speak louder than words and this is especially true in a tech resume. To make it clear why, let’s look at an example.

The following bullet points describe the work experience for the same data analyst. Which do you think is more convincing to a hiring manager?

Work experience with measurable impact:

August 2016 - May 2018, New York NY

Data Analyst

  • As the first data hire worked directly with the executive team to formulate and report on KPIs across their web properties that get 200 million visitors annually using SQL and Google Sheets
  • Built a logistic regression model to help the SEO team decide which keywords to target resulting in a 13% lift in YoY site visitors in 2018
  • Worked with product managers to perform cohort analysis that identified an opportunity to reduce pricing by 25% for a segment of users to boost yearly revenue by $720,000

Work experience without measurable impact:

  • As the first data hire worked directly with the executive team to formulate and report on KPIs across their web properties that get millions of visitors annually using SQL and Google Sheets
  • Built a logistic regression model to help the SEO team decide which keywords to target
  • Worked with product managers to perform cohort analysis that identified an opportunity to reduce pricing for a segment of users to boost yearly revenue

Source: BeamJobs Data Analyst Resume Examples

Remember, the hiring manager or recruiter tasked with reviewing your resume will only be doing so for about six seconds. This means they’ll be skimming what you wrote. The most effective way to draw their attention is through quantifiable metrics. It’s easy to say that you had a big impact in a past role, but it’s much more convincing if you can quantify the size of that impact.

“When I look for a technical hire I want to interview candidates who will have a measurable impact on my business” says Neal Taparia, the founder of Imagine Easy Solutions and Solitaired . “The quickest way to make that determination is by assessing whether they’ve had a measurable impact in their past roles or projects.”

Highlight Your Technical Skills

When it comes to landing a job in tech, technical skills aren’t everything . But they are a crucial aspect of  your resume. Keep in mind that there are generally two review stages that your resume undergoes before getting an interview:

  • Companies use an automated filter called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that filters resumes based on whether they contain certain keywords.
  • Either the recruiter or hiring manager in charge of the role will review your resume.

To appease the automated ATS filters, you need to include relevant skills from the job description. Conversely, to satisfy the hiring manager, you should avoid having a laundry list of skills. Instead, demonstrate your expertise in a handful of skills, languages, and frameworks.

How can you walk this fine line with your tech resume? As a rule of thumb, only include skills on your resume that you would be comfortable talking about in an interview . The only sure-fire way to get blacklisted from working at a tech company is by lying on your resume. It’s just not worth it. You deserve to find a job that you love and are qualified for.

What kind of skills should you actually include in your resume? That depends on the kind of role you’re applying for:

  • Data scientists: Include programming skills, SQL knowledge, and modeling techniques.
  • Data analysts: Talk about your SQL ability, your data visualization skills using a BI tool like Tableau, and data wrangling in Python or R.
  • Web developers: Focus on your programming ability in 1-2 languages and any front-end or back-end frameworks you are familiar with in that language.
  • Product management: You’ll need to demonstrate your command of a web analytics tool like Google Analytics as well as your basic programming skills and data analysis ability.
  • Technical project management: Mention your familiarity with a project management tool like Jira as well as your comfort level in a project management methodology like Agile.
  • Digital marketing: Highlight your ability with a web analytics framework like Google Analytics as well as your comfort with a CRM. Mention your skills with paid ad platforms like Facebook or AdWords.

Tips for Entry Level Technical Resumes

Quantifying your work experience is straightforward if you have a relevant background. But if you’re an entry level data scientist or UI designer looking to break into the tech industry for the first time, you might need to get creative.

Center your resume around your projects. You’ll want to demonstrate a few characteristics to a potential employer:

  • You’re passionate about the role you’re applying for
  • You understand what is required of the role
  • You have the required skills necessary to succeed in that role

Let’s walk through a sample project for a prospective entry level data analyst. Data analysts are tasked with turning messy data into actionable insights for their company. In 2020, data is everywhere. So to build a project for a data analyst resume, all you have to do is ask questions that you’ve always wanted to answer. Here are a few sample questions that an entry level data analyst might answer in a self-directed project:

  • As a runner, is there a strong correlation between where you train and your race performance?
  • As a fantasy football enthusiast, does the draft order matter in determining the quality of a team?
  • As a foodie, does the quality of a restaurant vary based on the price of the menu?

Once you have a question in mind, you can creatively go about gathering the data necessary to answer that question. Finally, you can put together a write-up with your conclusions. Link to this write-up in your resume and there you have it: a project demonstrating your ability as a data analyst.

This kind of scrappy can-do attitude can be applied to any tech role you can imagine. If you’re a designer, you can build a UI for an app you’ve always envisioned. As a web developer, build a web app to solve a nagging problem you’ve always had. Data scientists can build predictive models to answer their burning questions.

If you need to level up your skills before applying for a job in tech, browse our range of full-time and part-time courses . All of our tech tracks are project-based, helping you build a portfolio and get hired. You’ll learn side by side with mentors, technical experts, and experienced instructors who all support your end goal: a lasting career.

Employers in tech value job candidates who are innately curious, ask questions, and find the resources to answer those questions. Demonstrate this ability in your projects as an entry level candidate and you should have no trouble getting interviews.

Optimizing Your Tech Resume

Breaking into tech can seem like an insurmountable mountain to climb, but we know you can land a job you love, even with no previous experience. The first step is building a resume that catches the attention of the hiring manager. This guide was designed to help you do just that.

Before you know it, it’ll be time to start preparing for job interviews . Applying to jobs can be overwhelming at times, so congrats on  taking a big first step and completing your tech resume.

This article was written by Stephen Greet, Co-Founder of Beam Jobs .

Which Tech Career is Right for You?

Ready to change your career and join the world’s next workforce? At Thinkful, we’ve got your back with various tech programs to get you equipped with in-demand skills.

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Technical Resume Example for 2024 [W/ Template & Step-by-Step Guide!]

Background Image

So, you’re looking for your next big gig in the tech industry. 

You have the work experience, tech skills, qualifications, and the right education to go after any opportunity you see fit, but your resume-writing skills are not the best. 

And, like it or not, it does take an exceptional technical resume to stand out in such a competitive industry.  

Well, there’s actually no reason to worry. With the right guidance, you can leverage all your experience, skills, and other qualifications to effectively create a memorable tech resume that will get recruiters hooked!

This is exactly what this article is here to help you with, including: 

  • Technical Resume Example

How is a Technical Resume Different?

8 steps to ace your technical resume.

  • 58 In-Demand Tech Skills

And much more! Let’s dive in! 

Technical Resume Example Done Well

First thing’s first - you’re probably wondering what an effective technical resume looks like, right?

Here’s a rock-solid tech resume crafted with the Novorésumé resume builder :

technical resume

Here are all the things this tech resume does right:

  • Relevant information section. In addition to the essential information, like their email, phone number, and location, the applicant has added their GitHub profile and personal website on their tech resume. 
  • Memorable resume summary . The profile summary in the tech resume above is short but effectively highlights the applicant’s experience and relevance for the role.  
  • Reverse-chronological order. This format allows recruiters to see a candidate’s most recent and relevant work experience first. 
  • Achievement-focused work experience . The applicant has focused their work experience section around their achievements instead of their responsibilities, which he’s also backed up with numbers and hard data. This is something most tech resumes don’t do, so definitely something that can help you stand out.
  • Brief education section. With so many relevant skills and work experience to show, the applicant has kept their education section short and sweet, with only their Bachelor’s Degree listed. 
  • In-demand tech skills. The applicant has only included tech skills that are relevant to the position and in-demand within the industry.  
  • Valuable optional sections. By adding optional sections such as awards, certifications, and languages, the applicant has a better chance of standing out from other applicants with the same work experience and education. 
  • Optimal resume length . The tech resume above fits perfectly on one page, which is the gold standard in terms of resume length.

Want more tailored tips for building a specific type of technical resume? Check out some of our more niche guides below:

  • Computer Science Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • DevOps Engineer Resume
  • Engineering Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Web Developer Resume

Click here for a complete list of all our resume examples .

Tech positions are quite different than normal jobs, as they require plenty of hard skills and expertise, so it’s only normal for your tech resume to be different too. 

Specifically, here are the most important differences between conventional resumes and tech resumes that you should know about: 

  • To highlight your tech experience from the get-go, include your GitHub profile in your contact information section and maybe even Stack Overflow if you’re an active contributor.
  • Focus more on your hard skills instead of soft skills. The employer will assess your soft skills during the interview after they’ve made sure you have the right set of hard skills for the job.
  • If you have any certifications, including them will definitely be helpful, especially if you’re applying for a corporate job.
  • Do you code in your free time? That’s definitely something that will work in your favor. Hiring managers see this as a sign that you’re actually passionate about coding, and aren’t just in it for the money. So, include a “Personal Projects” section in your resume to stand out from the competition.
  • If you’re new to coding, (e.g. a recent graduate), you can make your tech resume pop either by including information/links to the projects you’ve worked on during university, at a Bootcamp, or even in your spare time. 

You’ve seen what the end product should look like. 

Now let’s go through the steps you need to follow to write the perfect tech resume fast and easy!

#1. Choose the Appropriate Format

Your tech resume’s format is just as important as its contents. 

If you do it wrong, your resume risks looking messy and completely unreadable at worst, which can mess up your chances of getting hired. 

So, the first thing you should pay attention to is choosing the right format for your tech resume. Here are the three most popular options out there: 

  • Reverse-chronological resume format. As the name suggests, this format lists your work experience and skills in reverse chronological order, from the most to least recent ones. 
  • Functional resume format . This resume format focuses on skills over work experience and is the perfect choice for recent graduates or entry-level applicants who don’t have a lot of experience to add to their resume. 
  • Combination resume format . As a combination of the reverse-chronological and functional resume formats, this format aims to showcase both your experience and skills. 

While all three formats are beneficial in their way, we recommend that you choose the reverse-chronological format for your tech resume. It’s recruiters’ favorite resume format and that’s for good reasons: 

  • It’s easy to skim through. 
  • It draws attention to your most recent professional experience. 

Here’s what the reverse-chronological format looks like: 

reverse-chronological format

Once you get the formatting out of the way, you can start focusing on your tech resume’s design and layout. 

Here are the most essential resume layout tips to keep in mind: 

  • Set the right margins. To make your tech resume visually appealing and easy to read, provide ample white space by setting the margins at 1 pt on all sides. 
  • Choose a professional font. It goes without saying that a font like Comic Sans shouldn’t even cross your mind when picking a font for your tech resume. We recommend going for something catchy and professional, such as Ubuntu, Roboto, or Overpass. 
  • Take advantage of bullet points. Bullet points are another great way to save some space and organize the information on your resume in a reader-friendly way. 
  • Keep your resume under one page. As we already mentioned, it’s important that your resume is one-page long (or around 475-600 words). Recruiters are busy people who probably won’t be too excited if they have to go through a 3-page long autobiography of your life.  
  • Choose the right file format. Unless you’re asked otherwise, save your tech resume as a PDF file . This ensures an impeccable design no matter the device or OS the recruiter uses to open it. 

Want to Avoid the Hassle? Use a Tech Template Instead

If you’re in the tech industry, chances are your design and writing skills aren’t your strongest point.

Not to mention, you probably have more important projects to spend your time on than wasting hours tinkering with the resume design and layout, only to end up with a result you’re not particularly fond of. 

Well, what if we told you there’s a way to avoid this part altogether? 

By using one of our resume templates , you’re going to skip this entire process altogether - all YOU have to do is fill in your resume contents.

And the best part? All our resume templates are:

  • Created in collaboration with the very best recruitment professionals 
  • Applicant Tracking System-friendly
  • Aesthetically pleasing and eye-catching

novoresume vs traditional resume

Want to speed up your resume creation process? Pick a template and start writing your resume as you read!

#2. Add Your Personal Information 

The contact information is one of the easiest sections to write, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook its importance. 

After all, what’s the point of putting in the hours to create the perfect tech resume, only to never get an interview callback because of a small typo in your phone number or email?

As such, double and triple-check to make sure this section is completely error-free.

As for what to include in this section, here are the essentials for a technical resume:

  • Professional title
  • Phone number
  • Social profiles such as LinkedIn, GitHub, etc. (optional) 
  • Link to personal website (optional)

And here’s an example of a tech resume’s contact information section done right:

Thomas Shelby


[email protected]

Birmingham, UK 

Make sure your email address is professional (e.g. [email protected]) and not your childhood email address, such as [email protected]. An unprofessional email address just makes it seem like you’re not serious about the job.

#3. Write a Captivating Resume Summary/Objective

According to an eye-tracking study , recruiters only spend 6 seconds reviewing a resume during the initial screening. 

This means you have very limited time to grab the recruiter’s attention and get them to take a deeper look at your resume.

The most effective way to do that? Write a captivating resume summary or objective. 

These are short (2 or 3-sentence-long paragraphs) that go at the top of your resume, just under your contact information, and their main goal is to give the hiring manager a quick introduction to you as a candidate. 

  • A resume summary is a 2-to-4-sentences-long summary of your professional experience, including the years you’ve worked in the industry, your professional title, and your most noteworthy accomplishments and relevant skills. 
  • A resume objective is a snapshot of your career aspirations and goals. Perfect for entry-level professionals or recent graduates, the resume objective can also highlight academic achievements and skills acquired through other activities, such as internships and volunteer work. 

Here’s an example of what a tech summary should look like: 

  • Experienced IT Manager with 8+ years of experience in providing impeccable technical support to our clients and effectively managing in-house IT teams. Skilled in using my analytical skills to prioritize tasks, identify technical and managerial issues, and lead my team to provide timely and effective solutions to internal and external problems. Great communication and leadership skills as well as wide expertise in complex problem solving and hardware and software support. 

And here’s an example of a captivating tech resume objective: 

  • Hard-working Computer Science graduate seeking to work as a junior IT analyst. Passionate about building software that perfectly meets the needs of end-users and revolutionizes the industry. Skilled in databases, system security, and troubleshooting, with an analytical mindset. Looking to apply my newly acquired knowledge and passion in practice and help your company carry out in-depth evaluations of system capabilities. 

#4. List Relevant Work Experience

Your work experience can make or break your resume . 

First thing’s first, you need to start with the formatting. To list your work experience section in your tech resume, do this:

  • Start with your most recent/current position and go backward in time from there. 
  • Add your title, the company name, its location, and the years you’ve worked there. 
  • Include 3-5 bullet points with your achievements and responsibilities under each work entry (with fewer bullet points for older/less relevant positions). 

Simply listing your work experiences, though, is not enough. You also need to make them compelling and achievement-oriented.

See, the hiring manager knows your responsibilities for the role. After all, they’re the ones hiring for it!

Instead, they want to know how you stand out from the rest of your peers, and the best way to show that is by including achievements instead of responsibilities.

Compare these 2 examples:

  • Improved client websites on a weekly basis.
  • Improve 100+ client website speed by a range of 25% to 60%.

The first example is too vague - the hiring manager does not know what “improve” means, nor do they know whether you improved the site speed by 10% or 60%.

The second, on the other hand, is way more achievement-oriented and helps the hiring manager really understand the impact of your work.

That makes sense, right? Now let’s review what a work experience section would look like on a technical resume:

IT Specialist 

03/2018 - 02/2022

  • Increased UX scores by 40% by improving applications so that they deliver an overall better user experience. 
  • Decreased website load time by 42%, effectively improving SEO results and increasing the number of monthly website visitors by 15%. 
  • Monitored installation, integration, configuration, and maintenance of the IT system for minimal downtime. 
  • Trained over 30 staff members in internal website functions.

What If You Don’t Have Work Experience?

If you’re a Computer Science graduate looking for work after college or if you’re going for a career change , chances are you don’t have a lot of relevant work experience to put on your resume. 

Nonetheless, recruiters will need to see some proof that you can actually do the job, be it through your coding skills, or your portfolio. 

The good news? There are plenty of ways to build a tech portfolio, even without work experience. Here are the top ways to do it: 

  • Get freelance gigs through websites like Upwork
  • Mention projects you’ve coded in the university
  • List personal projects you’ve worked on in your free time
  • List the tech coursework you’ve attended at the university

#5. Don’t Forget Your Education

Including some details about your education is an essential part of a well-done tech resume. 

That said, you don’t need to go to lengths for a good education section. On the contrary, you’re better off keeping it brief and to the point in order not to take up too much space for other, more valuable sections, such as your hard skills and your achievements. 

So, to nail this section, simply list the following elements: 

  • Your degree name
  • The institution’s name and its location
  • Your years of attendance
  • Relevant academic achievements and coursework (optional, in case you don’t have a lot of work experience) 

Here’s an example of what the education section of a tech resume should look like: 

B.A. in Computer Science 

University of Birmingham, UK

08/2009 - 05/2013

For a job in the tech industry, you only need to mention your most recent (and higher) degree. That means you can leave out your high-school degree and even your Bachelor’s if you hold a Master’s degree or a Ph.D. in the field. 

#6. Add Technical Skills

Industry-related skills on your resume can improve your chances of standing out by as much as 59% . This fact alone makes the skills section one of the most essential sections of any resume. 

When it comes to the tech industry, however, your skill-set - with emphasis on your hard skills - is all the more important and can be a deciding factor on whether you’ll get called for an interview or not.

You may be a software engineer with 10+ years of experience in Python and still get instantly disqualified if the job needs someone who knows how to code in Java. 

This doesn’t mean, though, that soft skills aren’t important in a tech resume; it only means recruiters are more likely to assess your soft skills during the interview and focus more on your hard skills when they’re reviewing your resume. 

To figure out what hard skills are required for the position, simply check the job description. For most tech jobs, the employer will provide a comprehensive list of all the necessary hard skills to make sure only relevant candidates apply. 

So, when creating your Skills section, do this:

  • First, include the essential skills mentioned in the job description.
  • Second, list skills that aren’t listed in the job description, but that you think would help you perform well in the role you’re applying for.
  • Finally, if you still have space on your resume, you can use it to include your soft skills.

Not sure what technical skills to include in your resume? Here’s a list of the 58 most in-demand tech skills this year!

Hard Skills for Tech Resume

  • Lean manufacturing
  • Multivariate analysis
  • Linear regression
  • Prototyping
  • Workflow development
  • STEM skills
  • Payment processing 
  • Automated Billing Systems
  • CRM Platforms
  • Troubleshooting
  • Computer Hardware/Software Knowledge
  • Internet Applications
  • Operating Systems
  • Internet Security
  • Data Privacy
  • Programming Languages
  • Agile Development
  • Database Administration
  • Front-End & Back-End Development
  • Cloud Management
  • Data Synchronization
  • Social Media Experience
  • Project Management
  • Technical Writing
  • Network Architecture
  • Quality Assurance
  • Technical Support
  • Software Installation
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Maintaining servers, routers, and PCs
  • Configuring, managing, and maintaining networks
  • Backup management
  • LAN technology

Soft Skills for Tech Resume

  • Attention to Detail
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Multitasking
  • Customer service
  • Organization
  • Decision Making
  • Working under pressure
  • Time Management
  • Analytical Skills

#7. Take Advantage of Additional Sections

So, you’re done with all essential resume sections . If you’ve already hit the one-page mark, then you’re ready to start applying for jobs with your tech resume.

If, on the other hand, you still have some extra space that you’d like to fill up, we’ve got you covered. 

Here are some optional resume sections you could leverage to get rid of the extra white space and stand out from other applicants even more effectively: 

  • Awards and certifications. Have you won an award that showcases your talents or completed any courses to hone your skills? That’s definitely something to mention on your resume! (E.g. Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) or Certified Cloud Technology Professional (CCTP)).
  • Languages . If you’re multilingual, make sure to add your languages to your resume. They’re very useful for technical support roles, and they’re always a nice-to-have addition for other types of IT roles. 
  • Interests and hobbies . Your hobbies and interests reveal a more personal aspect of your character and can help you connect with your interviewer on a more personal level. Sure, they’re looking for a highly-skilled tech guy, but the hiring manager is a lot more likely to pick a candidate with that they have more in common than someone who’s all about work-work-work. 
  • Publications. The tech industry isn’t all about practical work. If you’ve done any theoretical or research work that got published, you’re bound to impress recruiters by adding your publications to your resume. 

Here’s what these sections should look like on a tech resume: 


  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)
  • CompTIA A+ Technician

English - Native

Spanish - Full Professional Proficiency 

French - Full professional proficiency 

  • Solving crossword puzzles

#8. Include a Cover Letter

Last but not least, don’t forget to add a cover letter to your tech job application.

In case you were wondering, the cover letter is a must for any industry. Not only do recruiters expect to receive one, but they might not consider you altogether if you fail to submit one. 

So, dedicate some time to writing a cover letter that will give recruiters more detailed insight into who you are and what you can offer the company.

Not to mention, you can use the extra space to explain anything you didn’t have space to explain on your resume, such as a career gap or how you achieved a particularly noteworthy accomplishment. 

Here is the best structure to follow to create an effective tech cover letter: 

  • Header - Add your full and correct contact details, as well as the name and contact information of the hiring professional the cover letter is addressed to.   
  • Greeting - If possible, try to greet the recruiter by their name to show you went the extra mile researching the company and the people doing the hiring. The recruiter will usually be the head of the department you are applying to and you can almost always find their name listed on the company website or the company’s social media platforms. 
  • Opening paragraph - Use your cover letter’s opening paragraph to grab the recruiter’s attention by listing some of your biggest achievements or most relevant skills. 
  • The second paragraph - This is where you should let recruiters know what skills or experience you can bring to the table and why you’re more qualified than other applicants. 
  • Third paragraph - Here you can mention why you’ll fit in well with the company and why you’re passionate to work there. 
  • Closing - The closing of your cover letter is the last thing the recruiter will read and will probably be what stays with them the longest. So, you want to leave a memorable impression and give them a reason to call you back. 

Check out our guides on cover letter tips and common cover letter mistakes to take your cover letter to the next level. 

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap! You should now be ready to write a killer technical resume from scratch or build one in the blink of an eye using our fast-and-easy resume builder. 

Before you go on to do that, here are the main points we covered in this article: 

  • Choose the reverse-chronological format to build your tech resume. It effectively highlights your most recent experiences and it is also recruiters’ favorite worldwide. 
  • Make sure your contact information has no errors or typos, and that you add relevant details like your personal website or GitHub profile. 
  • To stand out from the crowd, make your work experience as achievement-focused as possible and back up those accomplishments with hard data whenever it’s possible. 
  • Keep the education section of your tech resume short and to the point, and only list your higher and most recent degrees. 
  • Focus on your hard skills instead of your soft skills on your technical resume. 
  • Don’t overlook the importance of the cover letter for a successful job application. 

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IT Technician Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the it technician job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Performing fast and efficient network support including troubleshooting, help desk functions, and correction of NT-related problems on servers and workstations
  • Assist with providing system support services, including service outage diagnosis, troubleshooting and restoration of service, virus protection management
  • Assist in Server infrastructure management, performance monitoring, Operating System upgrades and troubleshooting
  • Provide technical assistance on enterprise e-mail system to assist new and existing users at all locations
  • Create & manage users, computer accounts and their access to network resources in Active Directory
  • Perform network management to include allocating, deploying, coordinating and monitoring of customer systems
  • Prepare tests and applications for monitoring desktop performance, and then provide performance statistics and reports
  • Provide support to customers on a variety of IT issues by identifying, researching and resolving technical problems
  • Assist users with backing up computer data on network file shares or CDRW drives
  • Support facility infrastructure and network hardware cabling
  • Assist users with backing up computer data on network file shares or external media
  • Responsible for providing Tier II computer desktop support to field locations in accordance with established policies and procedures
  • Provide on-site support and troubleshooting of network equipment – router, switch and firewalls
  • Responsible for providing post-Help Desk support to field locations in accordance with established policies and procedures
  • Assist employees via telephone, email, helpdesk tickets, and in-person requests
  • Installation and support for game development consoles
  • Working with Corporate IT to resolve issues
  • Install, upgrade, troubleshoot and repair desktop computers and peripherals in a networked environment
  • Manage physical stock and inventory
  • Work with third party companies and Blizzard’s partners to resolve issues
  • Creating and supporting user accounts & maintenance
  • Strong professional and interpersonal skills with the ability to interact with co-workers and users in a respectful and professional manner
  • Working knowledge of PC / LAN hardware troubleshooting and basic knowledge of workstation software
  • Basic knowledge of Windows XP Professional
  • Demonstrates strong computer skills including a good working knowledge of MS Office
  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Office suite software
  • Good time management skills with ability to prioritise effectively and work to deadlines
  • Knowledgeable of networking fundamentals
  • Being good with difficult callers and good customer care skills
  • Strong demonstrated knowledge of and experience with Windows desktop Operating Systems and Mac OSX
  • Strong demonstrated knowledge of and experience with Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

15 IT Technician resume templates

IT Technician Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Serve as first point of contact for desktop computer hardware, software, printers and Active Directory users and groups
  • Work with users to resolve issues as they arise
  • Administration of network resources across all departments
  • Monitor health of critical computer systems
  • Maintain up-to-date documentation of computer systems
  • Interface with vendors to resolve issues
  • Provide basic software training to users
  • Microsoft Server and Windows 7 certification is a plus
  • Experience with LAN administration
  • Knowledge of Cisco switches
  • Experience with Avid Interplay

Junior IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Practical knowledge and problem-solving strategies
  • Able to work with senior management level and international business
  • Working knowledge MAC OS and Outlook email

Entry Level IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshoot technical issues reported via phone and helpdesk email system
  • Troubleshoot any hardware / software issues in a efficient and timely manner
  • Logs calls into the helpdesk system, assigning priority level and follow up
  • Determines high priority calls as deemed necessary and ensures high priority attention
  • Escalate high priority issues reported using established guidelines
  • Take on misc projects in addition to regular helpdesk tasks
  • Document the various Helpdesk procedures into the various support knowledge bases
  • Excellent written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills
  • Highly self-motivated, self-directed, and attentive to detail
  • Ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a fast paced environment
  • Able to work in a team-oriented, collaborative environment
  • Good understanding and technical knowledge of current network and PC operating systems, hardware, protocols, and standards
  • Ability to learn quickly, and adapt to new situations and new scenarios
  • Strong orientation toward customer service
  • Microsoft Office suite
  • Microsoft Dynamics AX is a plus
  • Experience with routers, switches, TCP/IP, networking
  • Experience in troubleshooting LaserJet & thermal printers
  • Experience with Microsoft AD & Exchange
  • Experience with RFID Equipment
  • Associates degree in Computer Information Systems/Computer Science or related field or or equivalent data center operations experience
  • 2+ years of technical support experience in Data Center or office compute systems
  • Experience with Linux/Windows Operating systems
  • Experience with server and/or client hardware repair
  • Experience with asset management and inventory systems
  • Some manual labor involved; ability to lift and move equipment up to 50 lbs
  • Availability to work extra hours when needed (including weekends)
  • A+ or Network+ certifications a plus

Associate IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Interact comfortably and professionally with colleagues and customers
  • Install and maintenance of Windows and Mac OS
  • Support IT needs for public Blizzard Entertainment events
  • Move and replace hardware on a regular basis (e.g. PC’s, printers, monitors)

Senior IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong problem solving, organization and analytical skills
  • Outstanding people skills are crucial and ability to deal with big personalities
  • Excellent verbal and good written communication skills
  • Ability to prioritize and multitask in a fast paced growing environment

Field Service IT Technician Mumbai Resume Examples & Samples

  • Installing and servicing equipment and software at customer sites
  • Knowledge of router installations and networking topologies
  • Experience with WAN/LAN infrastructure (cabling, cat5, rj45, rj48x, etc.)
  • Knowledge and experience supporting Windows Operating Systems and Microsoft Office applications
  • Arranging delivery and removal of equipment
  • Administrative transactions
  • Supporting the company’s internal computing infrastructure, including all network and workstation hardware, software, and physical connections, ensuring network is secure and efficient
  • Ensuring that software licensing is adequate and not violated
  • Assisting with the maintenance of technical drawings and descriptions of all networks and architecture
  • Assisting with the Design and implementation of IT security-related systems and procedures
  • Configuring routers, switches, and infrastructure hardware
  • Assisting in backup procedures, access permissions, file serving, domains, and remote access
  • Recommending software packages and/or technology services to facilitate the operation of the company
  • Minimum of an associate’s degree in Computer Information Systems or related field required
  • Minimum of 1 year of experience in this area, or combination of education and experience
  • Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Vista Certification or higher certification n
  • Knowledge of Windows 7 or 8 and/or Certification in OSX
  • Knowledge of Microsoft networking technologies
  • Knowledge of Microsoft web service technologies
  • Intermediate knowledge of Microsoft PC operating systems and office productivity tools
  • Intermediate knowledge of computer hardware
  • Ability to grow with the role as it evolves
  • Self-motivated individual to ensure that deadlines and objectives are achieved in a timely fashion
  • Good communication, time management and project management skills
  • Administer, support and troubleshoot all studio hardware (computers, printers, monitors etc.) , software and network operating system
  • Create & manage users, computer accounts and their access to network resources in Active Directory
  • Install Windows 7 and all software packages remotely by using Microsoft deployment server SCCM
  • Coordinate with Ubisoft Global Network Services (GNS) for IT infrastructure needs & IT related issues
  • Deploy security software on all company’s computers e.g. Winmagic SecureDoc encryptions or Bitlocker for complete computer hard drive security
  • Unbox and install PC hardware components such as graphics cards, SSD’s and HDD’s as part of PC deployment process
  • Setup and Support conference rooms with Cisco Video Conference Systems, Polycom Phone, Projector, Projector Screen, TV, Audio system, and video surveillance system
  • Manage hardware and software inventory and generated inventory reports for software licenses, hardware and network equipment
  • Monitor and maintain technology to ensure maximum user support
  • Train and provide recommendation for staff on existing technology
  • Maintain current and accurate inventory of technology hardware, software and resources
  • Research and make recommendations about purchase of technology resources
  • Maintain log and/or list of required repairs and maintenance
  • Perform other related duties as required by the Team Lead
  • Minimum 1-2 years’ experience in user support (computer populations of 50 – 200+ users)
  • In-depth technical experience with PC’s, laptops and tablets
  • Excellent knowledge of Windows 7 or higher and Microsoft Office suite 2010
  • Knowledge of the TCP/IP communication protocols, Active Directory, and latest PC and video boards
  • Knowledge of MAC Hardware and OSX an asset
  • Knowledge of scripts an asset (batch files, VBScript)
  • A+, MCSE, MCSA, or MCP certification an asset
  • Team spirit and able to work autonomously
  • Ability to lift up to 30 lbs
  • Ability to multi-task and manage stressful situations
  • Offer on-site support to end users on hardware (workstation and printing) and standard softwares (Windows OS, office pack)
  • Ensure Security team best practices application for workstation
  • Ensure proper meeting room configuration
  • Gather employee satisfaction through ticket survey
  • Be proactive, identify and communicate potential improvement to its manager
  • 2+ years of experience in technical support to end users
  • Good dexterity and ability to perform manual labor
  • Ability to work effectively in a fast paced changing environment
  • Serve as firstpoint of contact for desktop computer hardware, software, printers and ActiveDirectory users and groups
  • Work with users toresolve issues as they arise
  • Administration ofnetwork resources across all departments
  • Monitor health ofcritical computer systems
  • Maintain softwarepatches and desktop/server Antivirus software
  • Maintain up-to-datedocumentation of computer systems
  • Interface withvendors to resolve issues
  • Provide users withbasic software training
  • Bachelor’s or Associate’s Degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or related field
  • 1-2 years of prior help desk and customer service experience, preferably with a background in the architecture or engineering industry
  • Strong knowledge and experience with Windows 7, 8 or 10; Microsoft Office 2013 and Office 365; Internet Explorer; and Outlook
  • Knowledge and experience with Mac OS X in a corporate environment
  • Knowledge of basic networking concepts and desktop troubleshooting
  • Knowledge of VoIP-based telephones, and iPhone and Android mobile phones
  • A+ Certification in desktop support
  • Certification in Cisco, Windows Desktop or Server, Mac, VMWare, or ITIL
  • Familiarity with using design tools like Adobe Creative Suite and Autodesk products (ex. Revit, AutoCAD, etc.)
  • Experience with automation scripting such as KiXtart, PowerShell, batch file, and Robocopy

Senior AV / IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Point person for integration and implementation of new AV and all technical tools/resources within the Briefing Center. Responsible for set up and tear down of Briefing Center equipment prior to and after engagements. Track and maintain updates and version changes to all AV and content management systems
  • Work closely with other departments and vendors that support engagement operations (Facilities, IT, Security, outside vendors). Source and manage all supporting outside technical services to the Briefing Center
  • Technical support for Board of Directors meetings and other executive engagements
  • Ensure the briefing center meets expectations with regard to appearance, cleanliness, organization, functionality and overall quality experience
  • Assist with the A/V logistics for the Innovation Center buildouts in other locations
  • Technical skills focused on Audio Visual, content management systems and digital signage
  • Knowledge and understanding of Crestron, Extron, Scalars and Digital Media systems
  • Ability to support and interact with VIPs, Executives and Company leaders
  • In-depth understanding of complex Audio / Visual implementations
  • Understanding of briefing management process at a high level
  • Attention to detail in all areas; spelling and writing are of particular importance
  • Strong interpersonal and customer service skills
  • Intermediate Microsoft Office Suite skills – Word, Excel, Outlook
  • 5+ years supporting Windows PCs, Servers
  • 3+ years supporting a user base >75 people
  • 2+ years basic IP networking
  • Able to follow defined procedure and processes
  • Exhibits sound and accurate judgment and logical reasoning
  • Troubleshoots and repairs existing personal computer software and hardware. Provides problem-solving support to organization's computer users by repairing problems reported through electronic mail or voice mail systems. Follows up on outstanding project issues
  • Installs new and/or expands existing personal computer based software. Programs or selects suitable software to meet user requirements
  • Prioritizes jobs and determines required software and hardware in conjunction with end users
  • Consults with vendors regarding personal computer support issues
  • Updates production computing database
  • Receives parts, equipment, hardware, software, etc. and maintains inventory as necessary
  • Understand your responsibility for health and safety in the workplace. Cooperate with OSHA MIOSHA inspectors. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment. Follow all safety rules. Report unsafe conditions immediately. Report injuries, accidents, illnesses, near misses, property damage immediately. Will not remove or make ineffective any protective device such as a guard, light curtain, etc. Will not use or operate any machine or equipment that the employee is not trained to operate. Will not use or operate any machine or equipment in a manner that may endanger any employee including themselves
  • Demonstrated knowledge of safety hazards in order to perform job duties safely and effectively
  • Demonstrated good communication and interpersonal skills in order to work with users at various levels within the Company. Must be able to express technical idiom in a non-ambiguous manner
  • Demonstrated ability to perform work, such as installation and repair, which may involve driving, lifting, bending, twisting, climbing, etc
  • Demonstrated strong understanding of personal computer work stations and technologies to be able to install equipment and systems safely and effectively
  • Associate's degree
  • One year experience in personal computer repair; or equivalent preferred
  • Communicating directly in person
  • Communicating over the phone/remote sessions/chat to resolve issues
  • Delivering standardized IT orientation and training to new and existing staff on existing or planned deployments/roll outs
  • Coordinate and work with outside stakeholders to resolves issues or contribute to effective inter-organization collaboration
  • SCCM software distribution
  • OS Imaging/Re-imaging for trouble resolution and planned deployments
  • Assisting/Maintaining accurate inventory of all software
  • Assisting procurement of office funded software
  • Account creation /disable /lock out /reset
  • Setup and maintaining distribution lists and security groups (may require coordination with other IT staff)
  • College diploma or university degree in a related field
  • Minimum of 3 years experience directly supporting technology for end users (preferably in the AEC industry)
  • Resolving technical issues remotely
  • Understand capabilities and typical use of company’s application portfolio

IT Technician H/F Resume Examples & Samples

  • TCP/IP and networking knowledge is mandatory
  • Strong knowledge of current Microsoft Applications as Windows desktop Operating Systems, MS Office, Windows Server; MS Exchange and Active Directory
  • Good Knowledge in Hotels application, such as PMS, POS, PBX, guest technology solutions
  • Academic IT background with at least 3 years of recent experience in IT, preferably within the Hotel industry or similar business
  • Be able to tailor technical language appropriately for the audience
  • Proactively identify issues and propose potential solutions
  • Staying in touch with latest innovations in IT
  • Ability to work in a team but also independently
  • Excellent level of spoken and written, German, English and French
  • Good interpersonal skills and self-confident
  • Guest oriented and service minded, with attention to quality
  • Organized Methodical and solutions oriented
  • A thorough and organized approach
  • Coordinate IT projects from budget proposals, project planning & schedule, implementations, documentation and follow-up for hotels or as instructed by IT Management
  • Coordinate new hotels opening including, offer and agreed in the IT service catalogue, present and approve proposals, define and manage the schedule plan, report and follow the evolution and be in charge of full IT solution implementation
  • Rollout of new technologies as approved by AccorHotels
  • Implement new hardware and software solutions, upgrades, testing and documenting the full changing management process
  • Provide second level support to internal users and external helpdesks
  • Create documentation for any new procedures
  • Strong involvement in technologies for guest services
  • Audit IT installations –hardware, software and company standards
  • Setup networks, servers, workstations and laptops
  • Extensive IT technical support skills with superior knowledge of operating systems and software
  • Customer focused with strong customer service skills and the ability to apply sensitivity and discretion when required
  • Capable of managing multiple tasks at once and meeting commitments; positive attitude even in a stressful situations
  • Strong sensitivity for cultural differences and significant global acumen
  • At least three years hands-on experience in enterprise IT infrastructure support and service delivery
  • Ideally you will hold a Computing or engineering degree
  • Professional technical certifications highly desirable
  • Previous experience working in a global IT team highly desirable
  • Experience working with SOW
  • Knowledge of principles and processes involved in operating and supporting IT related functions at an overseas facility
  • Must have the ability to be innovative and be an agent for change
  • Expert communication skills to facilitate and disseminate information
  • Must successfully complete and pass the medical and dental examinations as required by PAE and our customer for deployment to Iraq. Must maintain physical and dental requirements for duration of deployment
  • Delivering on existing or planned deployments/roll outs
  • Use P+W Service infrastructure services to log/resolve issues and further improve the collective knowledge base
  • PC hardware, components and operating systems, and demonstrate technical proficiency and understanding of base operating systems and applications (Office, Acrobat Pro, Lync or Skype of Business, Adobe Creative Suite
  • Must be and be perceived by staff as service oriented and effective in resolving end user issues
  • Exhibit positive and effective communication skills and a natural desire to share knowledge in a collegial, collaborative and relevant fashion
  • Must be open to and demonstrate learning new skill sets and advancing current skill sets
  • Applicants must possess a working knowledge of PC hardware, components and operating systems
  • Administration, security, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of all site hardware and software
  • Develop and maintaining documentation of all hardware, systems and software licensing
  • Technical on site project assistance for installations and upgrades of property systems and hardware
  • Communicate and enforce adherence to all company IT security standards, practices and requirements
  • Technology implementer partnering with site departments to develop criterion for software system implementation, upgrades and enhancements
  • 2+ years work experience in technical capacity providing end user support and/or supporting & managing a networked computing environment
  • Good analytical and problem solving skills, effective strategic planning and organization, ability to multi-task and prioritize
  • Self motivated and capable of working unsupervised
  • Willing to have a flexible schedule – this job will require regular hours on the weekends
  • Excellent communication and customer service skills. Ability to interact with hotel guests as required
  • Hospitality/resort experience, familiarity with Springer-Miller Systems, Micros, Delphi, SpaSoft, etc
  • Experience working in a compliant and audited IT environment (PCI-DSS, SOX, HIPAA, etc.)
  • Working knowledge of Windows Servers/Clients, Active Directory, Group Policy, MS Office
  • Experience in networking design and implementation
  • Associates or Bachelor’s Degree in Management of Information Systems or related field
  • Technical certifications a plus: MCSE, CCNA, CompTIA, A+, etc
  • Basic user support and training on common systems (such as Microsoft office)
  • Server disk space management
  • ESX/VMWare Management
  • SQL administration
  • Work with other members of IT Shared Services to provide solutions to user issues
  • Basic Network Troubleshooting and Support. Cisco support preferred

IT Technician Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide support for all computers, printers, scanners and other peripherals as required
  • Responsible for installing miscellaneous software as required
  • Support IT issues with office and manufacturing systems (Level 1-2 Troubleshooting)
  • Keep IT management up to date with local and system changes
  • Desktop/Laptop setup, configuration, support and distribution
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the plant leadership and the IT Region Leader
  • Must be pursuing a Bachleors degree in IT or related program
  • Required to have familiarity with software and hardware of Personal Computers and Network Servers
  • Required to have familiarity with Microsoft Operating Systems (XP, Windows 7) and Microsoft Server 2003-8
  • Required to have familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite 2003, 2010 products
  • Required to have familiarity with software and hardware of PCs and network servers
  • Required to have a team player with the ability to work independently
  • Required to have an ability to work with a diverse population and a demonstration of good interpersonal skills
  • An Associate Degree is recommended for this position but not required
  • A+ COMPTIA Certification is also recommended
  • Setup, configure and maintain shop floor Manufacturing Execution Systems
  • Setup, maintain and troubleshoot windows based servers (hardware and software)
  • Setup, distribute and troubleshoot windows based computers (desktops/laptops)
  • Configure, install and troubleshoot network hardware
  • Configure, install and troubleshoot printers (laser and thermal)
  • Support users with MS Office or other PC subjects in response to a Stratos Help Desk ticket
  • Create and escalate support tickets using the Stratos Help Desk system
  • Execute failover/failback of shop floor systems on a periodic basis
  • Ensure backup systems are properly working
  • Procure quotes for hardware, software and services
  • Engage L2 or L3 support when beyond location support capability or access
  • Work with other members of the IT organization to provide solutions to user issues
  • Communicate daily with plant management. Be part of the plant management daily meetings
  • Basic user support and training on common systems (such as Microsoft Office)
  • Remote support skills required
  • Must be able to travel (25%)
  • Associates/Bachelor degree in Information Technology, applicable certifications, or 5 years experience in the function
  • Excellent troubleshooting skills and understanding of when to escalate issues
  • Ability to communicate effectively with a diverse population and demonstrate good interpersonal skills
  • Excellent customer service skills. Customer service skills training and experience in or out of IT preferred
  • Experience in a production environment preferred
  • Requires familiarity with Microsoft Operating Systems,and Microsoft Server Operating Systems
  • Requires familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite
  • Requires familiarity with software and hardware of PCs and network servers
  • Cisco VOIP and Networking experience and/or training preferred
  • Assist with hardware and software installation and reconfiguration
  • Resolve basic hardware, network, and site reliability issues, escalating when appropriate
  • Assist with development environment configuration and problem issues
  • Assist with basic server network services configuration and management including: user account. management and network access to servers, perform server backup and restore procedures, and system monitoring and server/services availability
  • Assist with asset management and inventory control of workstations
  • Assist with facilities management
  • Assist with basic server network services configuration and management including: user accountmanagement and network access to servers, perform server backup and restore procedures, and system monitoring and server/services availability
  • College coursework to include: CSC 103, CPE 129, and CPE 229 required. Fundamentals of Computer Science III (or equivalent) preferred
  • CSC/CPE 315 also preferred [Digital Design, Computer Design and Assembly Language Programming, Computer Architecture]
  • Or an Associate’s degree with coursework in Computer Science or related technical field. Experience with Unix/Linux servers, Windows server and workstation environments, and knowledge of networking protocols, monitoring, and troubleshooting are all preferred
  • Prepare documentation such as system specifications, network topology, physical rack elevation, operating instructions, technical manuals and power usage distribution
  • Maintain Windows Active Directory, Group policies, OU design, DNS, DHCP support, RADIUS, network storage, and VMware infrastructure
  • Maintain server room, racks, cabling, power monitoring and possible external generator support
  • Maintain Access control, configuration and perform troubleshooting of network devices routers, L2 and L3 switches, Open Source firewalls, ASA firewalls
  • Create and maintain user access, password resets
  • Maintain anti-virus and anti-malware software
  • Network Support end users, Windows laptops, network printers, video equipment
  • Maintain physical inventory
  • Analyze equipment and perform repair as needed
  • Run physical network connections as needed
  • Environmental monitoring of lab and server for HVAC issues
  • Incident responses investigation
  • Maintain backup of lab infrastructure
  • Associate’s degree, trade school certification, or other verifiable training in a relevant technical field
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related discipline with an IT focus is preferred
  • 3+ years of experience in a data center or equivalent technical training
  • Solid foundation in managing Microsoft Active Directory to include, DNS, Group Policy
  • Experience with LAN/WAN technologies and infrastructure
  • Experience with Cisco IOS and programing routers a plus
  • Ability to work on multiple projects and tasks simultaneously
  • Experience working with VLANs, VTP domains and trunks
  • Knowledge of network monitoring tools
  • Some level of manual labor required including lifting heavy objects

AV Technician / AV / IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Set up audio, video and lighting to meet requirements
  • Work closely with the Conference and Banqueting team
  • Committed to delivering high levels of customer service
  • Preferable Bachelor Degree in IT related courses (Computer Science, Computer Applications, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Telecommunications, etc.) or certificate in IT courses
  • PC OS professional knowledge (Windows XP, Windows 7, …)
  • Programming skills
  • IT industrial networks professional knowledge (e.g. ethernet; profibus...)
  • Administrative skills in patching, backup and antivirus protection of small computer domain
  • SQL database maintenance (overview)
  • PC Hardware professional know how
  • Knowledge of HS&E requirements and procedures
  • Technically oriented in automation
  • Technical diploma or equivalent required
  • PC programming knowledge
  • Fanuc control systems
  • Observes functioning of installed equipment to detect hazards, problems, and the need for service, repair and/or replacement of electrical, electronic and mechanical components
  • Reads and understands electronic and electrical schematics
  • Install computers and software as need in a manufacturing environment. Maintain all manufacturing systems and software in use at the facility
  • Recommends changes in circuitry of installation specifications to simplify assembly and maintenance. Coordinate IS/IT projects related to the technology in use at facility
  • Support the LAN and related hardware as needed by Corporate
  • Required to maintain backups of programs from all electrical devices
  • Understands and is able to trouble-shoot and repair computer-based controllers
  • Can maintain and operate software systems related to plant security, access control, and video systems
  • Has working knowledge of enterprise systems and can perform troubleshooting for user-related connection and access issues
  • Sets up standard test apparatus or contrives test equipment and circuitry; conducts functional and operational tests to evaluate performance and reliability of prototype or production models
  • Must be able to check newly installed equipment to evaluate system performance under actual operating conditions
  • Troubleshoot hardware, software and network operating systems
  • Be familiar with all hardware and software in use at the plant and be able to troubleshoot situations as needed
  • Provide orientation to new users of existing technology
  • Train staff about potential uses of existing technology
  • Provide recommendations about accessing information and support
  • Provide accounts and passwords as required for legacy systems and networks
  • Identify and prepare hardware for disposal when appropriate
  • Knowledge of PCs, LAN and computer technology
  • Highly adaptable; must be able to work in a team environment
  • Highly organized accurate and precise in work functions
  • Min. 2 years of experience in a support call center or IT technical support position

Local IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Good English skills (spoken and written)
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft operating systems
  • Excellent knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite
  • Good knowledge of printing materials
  • Good knowledge of SMS, Active Directory
  • Knowledge of multimedia equipment is an asset
  • Scripting ability (batch files, VBScript, PowerShell) is an asset
  • Knowledge of agile methodologies is an asset
  • Mac OS X knowledge is an asset
  • Great team spirit
  • Develops understanding of business processes being supported by operational unit
  • Demonstrates ability to interact with business customers and reacts accordingly to changing environments and business needs
  • Supports the organization’s project management policies, practices, and methodology. Follows operational standards for reporting, monitoring, troubleshooting, and documenting issues
  • Participates in assigned project teams including system upgrades and other local IT Field Operations initiatives
  • Analyzes and resolves incidents and problems of low complexity ensuring ARs are updated accurately and in a timely manner. Communicates with IT teams and vendors to resolve local incidents and problems; participates in turnover meetings
  • Takes corrective actions and/or escalates issues appropriately to achieve timely recovery with minimum impact to customer
  • Assesses issue and recommends alternative actions for incident and problem resolution
  • Assists in installation, customization, implementation, and maintenance of operations and PC LAN related equipment involving physical exertion or lifting up to 50lbs of material, tools, equipment or machines
  • Provides technical support for issues of low to medium complexity; including installation, set-up, maintaining, cabling and replacing of all standard PC/LAN systems
  • Performs other related tasks as assigned
  • Technical Institute/Associate Degree in Computer Science or Info Systems; equivalent formal training
  • Basic aptitude for logical thinking and analytical processes
  • Good communication skills, written and verbal and sharing of ideas
  • Basic partnering and teamwork skills
  • Performs assigned tasks with supervision; manages tasks within allotted time
  • Serial tasking
  • Working knowledge of Windows networking and operating system
  • Working knowledge of Unix operating systems
  • Ability to use Change Control and Problem Management software
  • Work experience with IT support, PC/LAN and other related hardware/software
  • Support & Maintenance of I.T. infrastructure including telecommunications
  • Implement technology-related processes, systems and telecommunications
  • Installation of software/hardware upgrades in compliance with Fairmont Hotels & Resorts corporate policies & legal requirements
  • Responsible for daily backup and restores
  • Monitor technology and telecom mailbox and ensure call resolutions within the service levels
  • Maintain up-to-date detailed knowledge and records of all system changes, updates, enhancements
  • Escalate technical issues with LAN administrator
  • Ensure compliance with established procedures, systems security, contingency plans, internal controls and standards
  • Perform routine daily clerical functions regarding integrity of computer systems
  • Excellent organizational, follow-through, and communication skills
  • Exceptional problem resolution abilities
  • Strong guest interaction skills
  • Must be committed to teamwork and achieving team successes
  • Enthusiastic, driven, and self-motivated
  • Strong technical background, with specific requirements as follows
  • Detailed knowledge of operating systems including Win7
  • Knowledge in management & operations of PMS (Micros-Fidelio), PABX/Voicemail/Call Accounting, RIS, Sales & Catering
  • 1 - 2 years’ experience in an IT role in a fast-paced luxury hotel/conference environment
  • Microsoft Certified Software Engineer
  • Understanding of Cisco Networking Equipment
  • Familiarity with software and hardware of Personal Computers and Network Servers
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Operating Systems (XP, Windows 7) and Microsoft Server 2003-8
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite 2003, 2010 products
  • Familiarity with software and hardware of PCs and network servers
  • A team player with the ability to work independently
  • An ability to work with a diverse population and a demonstration of good interpersonal skills
  • Computing or engineering degree
  • To tailor the professional development and skills development plans
  • To assign the resolution of particularly complex problems to technicians with the closest areas of specialization
  • To create succession plans and career growth paths for other specialized technical roles in the Boeing IT organization

IT Technician Level Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working hours: The IT Technician (Level I) is expected to be able to be on duty during normally accepted working hours and whenever his/her presence is required. The IT Technician (Level I) adapts his/her working hours to the corporate office’s operating hours
  • Language: The IT Technician (Level I) is required to speak English (with fluency in other languages preferred)
  • Education/Experience:The minimum education is a high school diploma and at one year of experience working with a computer in a business or professional environment
  • Conduct: Must be able to work safely, effectively and efficiently
  • Abilities: Strong oral and written communication skills are required to interact with end-users. Must be able to interact with all levels of employees to promote the Global Helpdesk and IT Services operation to insure perception is positive. Strong organizational skills are required to produce and maintain records
  • Uniforms: Rosewood Hotels and Resorts observe a business attire dress code
  • Remote Support: This position does not include requirements for remote support
  • Travel: This position does not include requirements for travel
  • Assist with the research, analysis, implementation, support, and troubleshooting of third-party applications including HR, Payroll, Safety, MES, door controls, CMMS, etc. Evaluate new hardware, software, and systems and assist in setting and enforcing company standards
  • Perform daily monitoring and troubleshooting of 3rd-party applications; install and configure patches and upgrades
  • Help train and support users on new applications, changes, and upgrades and/or recommend external training resources and co-ordinate effective training schedules. Write technical documentation and manuals, and assist with end user training
  • Participate in and facilitate departmental cross training on a day-to-day basis to provide the best possible support and protection of Presstran’s operations by fostering a learning environment of sharing knowledge with fellow team members
  • Advanced ability to operate Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows Operating Systems and other complex TCP/IP networks
  • 1-2 years information systems experience, preferably in a manufacturing environment
  • Extensive hands on experience with the analysis, design, evaluation, implementation, and support of hardware, software and security systems
  • Strong technical background, with an emphasis on the administration of Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows Operating Systems, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft SQL Server
  • Experience in administering, configuring and using Matrix42
  • Experience implementing and supporting third-party applications including server, client, and upgrades
  • Valid Driver’s License and your own vehicle for occasional travel to another Presstran site in St. Thomas for IT support
  • Resolve all level one and two end-user problems
  • Build, install, upgrade, troubleshoot and repair desktop computers and peripherals in a network environment
  • Desktop software support
  • Creating and supporting user account maintenance
  • 1 year of experience in technical support to end users
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft operating systems
  • Good knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite
  • Responsible for providing highly complex technical support to assigned areas, such as research, design, development, testing, and/or installation process improvement
  • Provides hardware support to systems
  • Responsible for testing, troubleshooting and repairing complex problems
  • Responsible for installation and maintenance of computer systems, including upgrades
  • Diagnoses and corrects equipment and system malfunctions which fail to respond to standard corrective measures
  • May be responsible for assisting others, including customers, in using audio/video equipment or other special equipment which may be somewhat complex in nature
  • May assist in engineering testing and/or experimental testing
  • May assist in research work
  • Undergraduate degree in Information Technology or related field or equivalent experience
  • Minimum 2 to 16 years of related work experience
  • Experience with Windows 7 operating systems and related networking (TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS)
  • Security+ or other IAT level II 8570 compliant certification or higher required (Candidates must have completed and be enrolled in Continuing Education (CE) with a Security+ certification)
  • Must be able to work from schematics, diagrams, written/verbal descriptions or from defined plans
  • Currently active DoD SECRET security clearance required
  • Working knowledge of Sun OS/2 or other associated computer programs
  • Microsoft Certification(s) MCTS (669, 680 and/or 681) and MCITP (680 and 685 or 686) certifications a plus
  • CompTIA Certification(s) A+, NET+, and SEC+. Experience using Remedy software (Action Request System)
  • Scripting: Power Shell, VBscript, or JavaScript a plus
  • TS/SCI preferred
  • Polytechnic or University Degree in Information Systems or equivalent related experience
  • 2+ years of experience in a technical support to end user position
  • Technical certifications an asset (CCNA/MTA/MSCA/CompTia/etc)
  • ITIL certification an asset

IT Technician, Associate Senior Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide customers with a personal, professional experience when requesting IT services and support
  • Establish, maintain, and execute standard operating procedures to leverage efficiencies and best practices
  • Study incident reports and complete trend analyses to identify opportunities for continuous improvement
  • Engage with technical service team leads to ensure effective support for these services and to consult on process issues and improvement
  • Technical certifications, such as Microsoft Certified Processional (MCP), Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), Comp TIA A+, HDI Support Center Analyst and HDI Desktop Support Technician, are preferred but not required
  • Experience installing and troubleshooting operating systems, device drivers, and software applications
  • Experience providing customer service and technical support, both on-site, remote and via the telephone
  • Exceptional communicator with both technical and nontechnical audiences
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to team and collaborate effectively as a team player
  • Able to deliver results with the highest level of professionalism and integrity
  • Mobile device administration in a BYOD environment
  • Manage your work and schedule to meet customer expectations and within service levels
  • Establish, maintain, and execute standard operations procedures to leverage efficiencies and best practices
  • Use exceptional communication skills when interacting with both technical and non-technical audiences
  • Installs and maintains hardware/software systems, including workstations, and multiple thin and thick client technologies, supports all things technological for our research customers
  • Provide support on an as needed basis for a variety of projects
  • Network, wired and wireless support including switches, routers and hotspot configurations and support
  • Provides support for Mac, Windows PC, Linux/Unix, Android, and iOS
  • Manages work in Maximo Ticketing system
  • Demonstrated experience in managing enterprise desktop and mobile device environment
  • Experience with OS X, iOS, Windows and Android management highly desirable
  • Experience with VMware and Citrix desktop management and virtualization products
  • Ability to self-direct, prioritize, and manage multiple tasks and priorities
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to collaborate effectively in cross-functional teams
  • Thorough understanding of Windows and Mac based personal computers, current operating systems, TCP/IP networking and office automations and productivity software such as the Microsoft Office suite (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, MS Project and Access)
  • Expertise in principles and concepts of customer service and support
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to team and collaborate effectively, a team player
  • Demonstrated troubleshooting and creative problem solving ability
  • Customer Satisfaction oriented
  • Ability to be self-sufficient
  • Ability to pay attention to details
  • Ability to deal with stressful situations
  • Ability to manage customer expectation while on-site
  • Experience with Epic Ambulatory (EpicCare) EMR software preferred but not required
  • Strong understanding of healthcare business process and technology preferred
  • Basic understanding of physician office operations, clinical workflows and terminology preferred

IT Technician, Project Hire Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshooting, researching, and resolving complex technical issues
  • Perform work with the reliability, efficiency, and customer service orientation required to provide support from initial request to close-out
  • Use cutting edge technology to perform proactive incident management
  • Provides support for Mac
  • Ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks and priorities
  • Technical certifications, such as Microsoft Certified Processional (MCP), Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, HDI Support Center Analyst and HDI Desktop Support Technician, are preferred but not required
  • Customer service oriented and approachable
  • Able to deliver results with highest level of professionalism and integrity
  • Demonstrated ability to solve challenging technical problems with innovative solutions

Lead IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support of end user, infrastructure, back office and guest environments
  • Vendor communication
  • Liaison for communication of DH&R IT requirements, practices and standards to site
  • Provide on call 24x7 error resolution for site hardware and systems
  • Administration, security, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of all Micros hardware
  • Support of multiple F&B outlets menu and program modifications and movement of system technology to accommodate operational needs
  • Develop and maintaining documentation of all programming changes for each F&B outlet to ensure database integrity
  • Work with F&B managers and directors to ensure menu items and pricing are consistent with the outlets requirements

Peripatetic IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience of the configurations, set-up and day-to-day operations of a broad range of current hardware devices – PCs, laptops, netbooks, printers and other peripherals
  • Good understanding of current Windows O/S and iOS
  • Good understanding of backup solutions
  • An understanding of Internet and email systems
  • Experience of troubleshooting networked devices; ability to identify causes and apply solutions
  • Sound knowledge of common PC applications including Microsoft Office
  • Good knowledge of Active Directory and Group Policy is desirable but not essential
  • Good understanding of Network LANs and WANs is desirable but not essential
  • Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology or equivalent relevant experience
  • Excellent diagnostics and problem solving skills
  • Excellent sense of customer service in a technical support environment
  • Excellent English skills (spoken and written)
  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Windows OS (7, 10)
  • Good understanding of SCCM, Active Directory and MMC
  • Good understanding of networking and server concepts
  • Good dexterity and ability to perform manual labor with IT Hardware (components, workstations, rvers)
  • Familiarity with datacenter (rack, cooling, UPS) and IT security (antivirus, firewalls, proxy) concepts
  • Familiarity with Unix-based operating (Redhat/CentOS, Ubunbu/Debian, OSx)
  • Familiarity with mobile technologies (Android, iOS, Windows 10 mobile, Blackberry)
  • Familiarity with multimedia equipment (TV, console, projectors, video conference)
  • Familiarity to video game industry, its methodologies and processes
  • Familiarity with technology industry, news and trends
  • Ability to work autonomously and effectively in a fast-paced environment
  • A good team spirit
  • Troubleshoot, diagnose, and repair computer hardware, software, printer, networking, and file shares
  • Installation of computer hardware/software
  • Assist in the setup of office telephones and laptops for new-hires
  • Bend, lift, and carry equipment as needed
  • Train and mentor subordinates. Successful transfer of knowledge will be a key component of success
  • Assist IT Manager in any additional tasks
  • Job is physically demanding. Candidate will be required to traverse a 320,000 square foot facility, multiple times, on a daily basis
  • Provide a consolidated point of contact for providing Tier I technical support to Kiewit employees
  • Respond to trouble tickets via phone and email in a timely manner
  • Determine the scope of the trouble ticket and the responsible department
  • Research and resolve Tier 2 trouble tickets
  • Immediately notify appropriate individuals of any issues that could potentially impact production activities and follow escalation to keep impact minimal
  • Document all trouble tickets with clear, concise explanations in a timely and accurate manner ensuring adherence to department policies and procedures
  • Remote client support of various enterprise and desktop applications
  • Establish and maintain a professional relationship with customers, team members and department contacts
  • Cooperate with team members to provide the best customer experience possible
  • Provide quality customer service that exceeds customer expectations
  • Escalate to supervisor any situation outside the employee's control that could adversely impact the services being provided
  • 95%- Installs, repairs, conducts preventive maintenance, modifies and tests information technology related equipment and systems to ensure efficient and reliable operation
  • Demonstrated TCP/IP knowledge and troubleshooting abilities a must
  • Must be fluent in English verbal and written communications
  • A thorough knowledge of operating systems, networking, hardware and software
  • Excellent IT problem-solving skills
  • Responsible and must follow IT Security and Compliance Policy
  • Performs a variety of basic/developmental tasks and activities that are appropriate for the IT function
  • Researches and analyzes appropriate information technology practices, processes, and procedures. May also gain a high-level understanding of basic financial services/banking practices and processes
  • Attends appropriate training that will facilitate gaining appropriate knowledge and understanding of essential subject matter appropriate for the IT function
  • Basic knowledge of network and computing devices, operating systems, systems development, and/or information systems architecture that is appropriate for the IT function
  • Willingly seeks and shares relevant technical and/or industry knowledge and expertise with others
  • Basic decision-making, problem-solving, team building, and time management skills
  • Ability to learn and utilize appropriate equipment, tools, software, and methods
  • Is resourceful and proactive in gathering information and learning new subject matter
  • Additional skills, knowledge, and experience may be required based on the type of functions the incumbent will perform
  • Providing support to IT users on current operating systems and applications including installation, upgrades, troubleshooting, and training on a variety of hardware
  • Working with servers to provide resources to users, including file storage, email, security, backups etc
  • Setting up and maintaining networks, both software and hardware

IT Technician, Level Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to communicate professionally in English
  • Bilingualism (an asset)
  • Qualifications: Client and IP network computer hardware and peripherals, operating systems, TCP/IP communication protocols, security systems and software, software and suites
  • Enthusiasm and team spirit
  • Sound judgment, meticulous attention to a job well done
  • Commitment to service, courtesy, professional appearance
  • Provides technical support for end user computers, applications, printers, phones, time clocks, key control devices, network and application connectivity, and cell phones/radio devices
  • Resolves and tracks end user software/hardware computer problems and work with end users to identify technology needs that will help streamline their business processes
  • Assists with the remote access process when vendors need to provide support for upgrades and troubleshooting issues
  • Troubleshoots network connectivity for property systems and maintain network wire management
  • Completes profile request administration for network and property systems; Add/change/modify end user access according to department and regulatory policy
  • Keeps work area clean and free of safety hazards, debris and litter
  • Responsible for ensuring the compliance with all regulatory compliance within area of responsibility and reporting potential issues to management
  • Perform all job duties in a safe and responsible manner
  • Other duties may be assigned
  • Must be highly proficient in all Microsoft applications
  • Must have comprehensive knowledge of networking fundamentals and Microsoft active directory administration
  • Must possess excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Bachelor's degree from four-year College or university; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • One to two years related experience and/or training
  • Working knowledge of current Windows operating system
  • Experience supporting current Microsoft Office suite
  • Experience troubleshooting computer hardware, software and operating systems
  • Experience performing computer imaging and restoration preferred
  • Knowledge of Microsoft active directory administration
  • Cisco IP phones, Micros POS, AS/400, and Bally ACSC support experience is a plus
  • Must be able to acquire and maintain appropriate gaming license
  • Knowledge of all gaming laws and regulations which apply to the functions and duties of the Information Technology Department
  • Ensures that high quality support and services are provided to Cast Members using the network and desktop computers
  • Provides assistance to Cast Members (by phone or in person) with desktop computer problems requiring troubleshooting and problem analysis skills
  • Write system documentation and standard Operating Procedures for systems installation, operation, and maintenance to submit to the Information Technology Manager for approval
  • Serve on project teams and perform systems analysis for various company-wide hardware and software projects
  • Maintain and update the help desk ticket system as issues are reported by Cast Members and resolved by I.T. personnel
  • Acts as a technical liaison to assist Cast Members with complex desktop computer hardware and software problems
  • Recommends items for purchase. Develops and utilizes systems / procedures to monitor and maintain the computer network
  • Maintains documentation of the network systems, computing hardware and software; including installations, problems, fixes and upgrades
  • Installs and maintains network components, system and desktop software and hardware
  • Installs and/or moves computers from one location to another
  • Sets up and tests new computer hardware configurations, performs diagnostics on desktop and network systems, pulls and connects/terminates various data and other communications cables, disassembles and replaces parts as needed
  • Cisco networking experience and strong familiarity with audio/visual equipment and support highly recommended
  • Mentors, junior members of the team
  • Analyze and resolve Technical problems in field, dealing with hardware and software applications
  • Work independently with customers and peers to design and build solutions with documentation
  • Coordinate new installations associated with EMR implementations and upgrades
  • Develop strong relationships with end user communities, clients and vendors
  • Required to have a valid driver's license and be able to drive between Client offices
  • Ability to work independently and as a team member across multiple teams
  • Ability to develop, document and ensure adherence to technical standards
  • Ability to independently research and perform analysis to resolve complex issues
  • Must be able to maintain professionalism and react to customers appropriately while exhibiting the highest level of customer service
  • Expert knowledge of Windows operating systems and proficient in the use of Microsoft Office tools (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, SharePoint etc.)
  • Minimum 3-5 years' experience in Customer Services, as well as hardware, deployment across diverse environments
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate with Office Manager and Administration
  • Basic understanding various applications including EMR's, and VPN networks
  • Experience with system and application monitoring tools with ability to present examples of successful participation in large complex installations
  • Basic understanding of hospital and physician office operations, clinical workflows and terminology
  • Secondary education or training/certificate program related to information technology
  • Four (4) years of information technology experience such as Windows Active Directory administration or backups
  • Four (4) years of providing customer or technical support in information technology
  • A letter of interest explaining how you meet the qualifications (preferably no more than two pages),
  • A current resume, and
  • Minimum of three (3) professional references with your application
  • Extensive knowledge and experience across multiple technology disciplines including Windows desktop and server operating systems, desktop and server hardware maintenance, Active Directory, Email, Vmware, NetApp Storage, Cisco networks and backup technologies
  • Experience within a mature Shared Service or Commercial IT Services operation
  • Excellent customer focus with a service-orientated approach
  • Strong communicator both written and verbal
  • An eye for technical detail and a “completer/finisher”
  • Methodical and self-disciplined with flexibility and a willingness to learn new skills
  • Basic Health and Safety awareness to ensure a safe working environment at all times
  • Experience of creating technical documents and Knowledge base solutions
  • Willingness to travel to other Interserve/Customer sites
  • Must already possess or meet criteria to obtain MOD SC
  • Professional (MCSA or MCSE) Certification or equivalent in the relevant field of expertise
  • ITIL trained to Foundation level as a minimum
  • Experience operating in a change control, configuration management and secure environments
  • Ability to competently act as the technical point contact of escalation for incidents
  • The ability to investigate potential future technologies and solutions that may be of benefit
  • Experience of using Project Management, Time Recording and Service Management Toolsets
  • Identifies and initiates resolutions to client problems and concerns associated with hardware and software
  • Deploys new desktops, laptops, printers, scanners, office phones, smart phones and other misc. hardware
  • Coordinate desktop and laptop hardware lease refreshes including data migration
  • Assists/participates with special projects – including office relocations, new office openings and departmental moves
  • Some travel when required for office relocations, new office openings and troubleshooting
  • Maintain current expertise with rapidly changing technology
  • Assist in limited server-side type issues – adds network printers on server, maintain folder permissions, etc
  • Create support documentation for other technicians as needed
  • Provide continual evaluation of the tech support processes and procedures, making recommendations for improvement
  • Coordinate with management on projects and additional tasks as assigned
  • Assists in the technical evaluation of hardware and software before implementation
  • Bachelor's degree (B. A.) from four-year college or university; or one to two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • CompTIA A+ and MCP desirable
  • Undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Science, Accounting, Business Analysis or Mathematics
  • 4 + years in a PC/LAN environment
  • Experience with problem solving (hardware and software), customer support and installation knowledge of DHIFS standard software and hardware
  • Must be knowledgeable of most PC and LAN products supported by DHIFS - IT
  • 50 + user LAN/WAN experience preferred
  • Must be service-oriented and enjoy working with both technical and people related issues

Engineering / IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain creams & ointments manufacture, filling, and packaging equipment
  • First point of contact for production equipment IT & Networking issues
  • Problem solving/root cause analysis and proactive development of plant within a demanding production environment
  • Delivery of Continuous Improvement (CI) projects
  • Enjoy working in a ‘team’ environment and be able to communicate effectively
  • Knowledge of pharmaceutical process and packaging equipment
  • Working knowledge of industrial IT systems including Serialisation, specifically PIMMS
  • Knowledge of IEE regulations, LV electrical distribution and electrical maintenance strategies
  • Knowledge of measurement and control techniques applicable to temperature, pressure, flow etc
  • Experience within a highly regulated production or packaging environment (eg clean-industry, FMCG, food, electronics or similar)
  • Process incoming new computers, users and prepare for OS install and configuration
  • Setup new computer OS, baseline software and must have hard drive imaging expertise
  • Move new computers to employee office and setup
  • Transfer employee data between old and new PC. Use profile transfer software
  • Repair computers where components have failed or coordinate warranty services with DELL
  • Provide application help desk support using Ticketing system
  • Install Microsoft productivity software and setup email profile
  • Install other software as required
  • Solve issues utilizing troubleshooting skills
  • Setup network printers on workstations
  • Use remote access tools such as remote desktop or DameWare Remote Control to perform help desk / repair activities
  • Ability to be on-call 95% of time after normal business hours
  • Requires 2 year minimum experience working and troubleshooting problems in network environments
  • Troubleshooting of complex technical issues. Conducts extensive research
  • Excellent people skills to include collaborating in a multi-disciplinary, diverse, and dynamic team environment
  • Outstanding work ethic and commitment to organizational success
  • Proficient with Microsoft Office products
  • Excellent communication skills (written, verbal, & presentation)

IT Technician Intern ­ Summer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides first­ level support the client computing environment of I.T., primarily focused on, but not limited to, personal computing desktops, laptops, and office peripheral devices
  • Answer, evaluate, and resolve incidents, problems, or requests reported by end­users. Escalate to second and third level I.T. support personnel, I.T. management, and other support teams, as required. Deploy I.T. client hardware and applications to support the end­user community and business environment
  • Input and update systems or documents to maintain data and accuracy for I.T. objectives, such as service calls, asset management, warranty claims
  • Order client hardware and peripherals as requested by end­users and I.T. management
  • Participate in I.T. projects as required
  • Normal scheduled work day is Monday­ Friday 8am­4:30pm (40hrs a week) but Intern must be available for shift rotation for 24/7 production operation
  • Must be in good standing and currently enrolled in an accredited university degree program
  • Must currently have a GPA of 2.8 or higher to be considered
  • Must be a currently enrolled student working towards a Bachelors or Masters degree at an accredited college or university
  • Must be eligible to work in the United States without sponsorship by the company
  • All students must provide their own housing and transportation for the duration of the internship
  • Must be able to stand/climb/stoop/bend/carry up to 28 pounds
  • Must be able to present scope of project
  • Answer, evaluate, and resolve incidents, problems, or requests reported by end¬users. Escalate to second and third level I.T. support personnel, I.T. management, and other support teams as required. Deploy I.T. client hardware and applications to support the end¬user community and business environment
  • Validate specifications for hardware and peripherals as requested by end¬users and I.T. management
  • Additional Functions: (Individual tasks, duties and responsibilities of the position of lesser importance or frequency)
  • 1-3 years’ experience working in Desktop Support or Service Desk with the following experience
  • Troubleshooting various manufacturers of laptops and desktops
  • Windows 7,8,10
  • MS Office 2007
  • Mobile Devices including iPhone, iPad and Android
  • Printer Troubleshooting
  • A+ Certification preferred but not required
  • Associate or Bachelors preferred but not required
  • *This position will not offer relocation or visa sponsorship.***

TGU IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Installs, repairs, and conducts preventive maintenance of personal computers and related systems
  • Sets up, coordinates and monitors the operation of electronic computer equipment for end users in a network environment
  • Modifies repairs and conducts preventative maintenance on telecommunication equipment and related systems
  • Resolves minor network issues
  • Applies images to computers
  • 2+ years desktop support and troubleshooting experience preferable
  • 2+ year experience supporting users of Windows OS, MS Office preferable
  • Demonstrated Network equipment knowledge and troubleshooting
  • The ability to explain problems and solutions clearly to non-technical users
  • The ability to prioritize, multitask and work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Bachelor’s in Computer Science, related field or equivalent experience
  • Fluent in English language, spoken and written
  • ITIL foundation holder preferred (v.2 or v.3) or ITIL Service Desk and Incident management process awareness
  • 5 years + of general experience in one or more of an IT functions
  • General understanding in one of the commonly used IT technologies including PC support, Networking, Applications, Programming Languages, Databases, Server Technologies, etc is required
  • In-depth knowledge of PC hardware and software in particular the Installation, configuration and troubleshooting of Windows 7 and above
  • Experience in hardware installation and maintenance of laptops and desktops, processes and methodologies
  • Ensure desktop computers interconnect seamlessly with diverse systems including associated validation systems, file servers, computer conferencing systems, printers, application servers and administrative systems
  • The candidate should have a good understanding of network fundamentals relevant to desktop
  • Participates with Server and Network teams, the Global Infrastructure Services team, and Service Delivery to support the standard operating environments and approved hardware for a large manufacturing enterprise system
  • Provides support within the context of IT Service Management and ITIL processes
  • Ensures proper implementation and support for enterprise hardware and software, according to plans and designs
  • Responsible to maintain operations, security, compliance, and customer satisfaction
  • Helps to identify solutions to maximize efficiency, solve operational problems, and minimize operational costs
  • Serves as a 2nd level escalation point for complex technical support issues
  • Assists architecture team in the development and refinement of future client technology solutions
  • Collaborates with Information Security, Network Services, Server Services, Global Infrastructure Services, Service Desk, and internal customers to ensure efficient operation of client devices
  • Technical Certification or Associate Degree

New Opportunity for an IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for leading the timely installation and service of client connectivity products in the Client offices. This includes
  • Managing the timely installation, training, upgrade, relocation or removal of the products, Coordination and implementation of
  • Effective verbal and written communications with technical and non-technical individuals
  • Knowledge of Medical field strongly preferred
  • A+ and N+ certification desired
  • Must have a working technical knowledge of network and server operating systems, including Linux and Windows
  • Must have extensive application support experience with Microsoft, VMware and Citrix
  • Must have a working technical knowledge of current network hardware, protocols, and standards, including TCP/IP
  • Must be able to operate network component analyzers, scanners, and testers
  • Must have hands-on hardware troubleshooting experience
  • Must have knowledge of applicable data privacy practices and laws
  • French speaking and writing is an asset
  • Operating system and application installation/configuration
  • Providing innovative solutions for complex problems, forward thinking
  • Support hardware, software, applications, printers
  • Respond to inquiries from clients and help them resolve issues
  • Have excellent judgment skills to be able to properly evaluate situations and immediately provide effective solutions
  • Maintain a high degree of Customer First focus for all support queries
  • Help facilitate a proactive IT environment
  • Provide quality written communications and details of customer issues, by updating tickets and internal support system
  • Support users in the use of computer equipment by providing necessary training/advice
  • Evaluate more complex calls and determine when to escalate to support team
  • Create, maintain, update, escalate and close tickets within ticketing system
  • Install software applications and provide training as needed
  • Answer user inquiries regarding computer software or hardware operation to resolve problems
  • Set up equipment for employee use, performing or ensuring proper installation of cables, operating systems, or appropriate software
  • Upgrade PC hardware and software, including but not limited to hard drives, memory, peripheral devices, operating systems, app. Software
  • Assists staff with the installation, configuration, and ongoing usability of desktop computers, peripheral equipment, printers, phones and software within established standards and guidelines
  • Handle any troubleshooting and technical support issues which may arise
  • Perform duties in a safe manner including assembly of IT equipment electric power supplies
  • 2 years’ experience in a related field or equivalent work experience
  • Requires working knowledge of fundamental operations of relevant software, hardware and other equipment (MS Windows, MS Office)
  • The ability to train users on software applications
  • Familiarity with typical desktop computer operating systems ( Windows 7, 8, 10 and Android ) used by business end users
  • Must be able to communicate with other employees and read and write at a level that will enable to perform the work in a safe and efficient manner
  • Must be able to use and acquire knowledge of a variety of computer software applications in word processing, spreadsheets, database and presentation. Must be proficient in MS word, Excel, Power Point and use of the Internet
  • Must be able to operate a vehicle in a safe manner
  • Sets up coordinates and monitors the operation of electronic computer equipment
  • Modifies, repairs, and conducts preventative maintenance on telecommunication equipment and related systems
  • Installs, repairs and conducts preventative maintenance of personal computers and related systems
  • Configure and install servers
  • Create users in Active Directory
  • File permission for network locations
  • Knowledge of GOP (Group Policy Objects)
  • Knowledge of DFS (Distributed File Systems)
  • Knowledge of server security including firewall and anti-virus
  • Applying security patches
  • Scheduled maintenance of the server including performance monitoring and tuning
  • Working knowledge of TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, WINS
  • Basic knowledge of Exchange and SharePoint
  • Resolving file and print server issues
  • Minimum 3 years of related experience
  • Must be well organized and have great problem solving skills
  • Good understanding of various Microsoft operating systems and software
  • Ability to gather, document and evaluate information that will lead to outstanding solutions
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks in a time-critical production environment
  • IT related qualifications
  • Ability to work on own initiative and make decisions
  • Ability to work within a pressurised environment
  • Effective listening and communication skills
  • Flexibility is essential due to occasional travel and weekend work
  • Out Of Hours Support on a Rota basis (additional allowance paid)
  • Ability to work under pressure and to strict deadlines
  • Certification in MCP, MCSA, MCSE, MCSD, A+, or systems currently used at property preferred
  • Experience with Microsoft software required
  • Experience in a networked computer environment
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills required
  • Knowledge of wireless (Wi-Fi) systems
  • Previous Hotel or Resort experience desired
  • 4+ years of experience in technical support to end users
  • Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced changing environment
  • Good knowledge in Mobile support
  • Good knowledge of passive networking, cabling
  • Good knowledge of work with active network equipment (switches, routers, network configurations)
  • Good knowledge of SCCM, Active Directory
  • Linux knowledge is an asset

IT Technician, Derby & York Resume Examples & Samples

  • Zero-Touch-Installation (local support for the initiation of the ZTI, first user login, completion of software installation/configuration). Assisted PC handover
  • Migration of user data/configuration from old to new hardware
  • Patch/upgrade hardware related software (drivers, BIOS, applications), where permitted by Standard Services
  • Assisted installation, configuration, user advice/guidance, troubleshooting, diagnosing of peripherals including 3G network cards and printers
  • Assisted installation, configuration, user advice/guidance, troubleshooting, diagnosing of Mobile Devices (All Corporate standard models; Smart Mobile)
  • Assisted installation, configuration, user advice/guidance, testing, troubleshooting, diagnosing of software
  • Any reasonable requests within the Onsite Services remit and technician skill set. Service Requests will be raised through the agreed mechanism
  • Express Exec support within the time and geographical limitations of the service
  • RED network and client support
  • Backup support for tapes and servers
  • Rail AD support
  • Out of hours/commissioning support
  • New site setup
  • Project based work eg Audits
  • Manage multiple engagements and be able to prioritize tasks to ensure deadlines are met
  • Work collectively to define, plan and implement technology needs
  • Install and configure new systems according to best practices
  • Provide technical support to team members
  • Develop, implement, maintain and deliver on desktop support processes
  • Implement and maintain desktop standards and policies
  • Provide technical support relating to desktop, laptop, printer/scanner configuration and mobile devices (Blackberry, iPhone and Android devices)
  • Support team members with hardware and software issues
  • Perform data backup and recovery operations
  • Previous experience working in a call center providing customer support
  • Certification in Microsoft Office products
  • A letter of interest, describing their specific qualifications for the position
  • A current resume detailing experience, education, and current salary
  • Carefully review your application for accuracy, spelling and grammar before submitting
  • You may not reapply to this posting for 30 days
  • The initial screening of applications will be solely based on the contents and completeness of the "work experience" and "education" sections of your application in, completeness of the application material submitted, and responses to the supplemental questionnaire
  • A resume will not substitute for completing the "work experience" section of the application
  • All information may be verified and documentation may be required

IT Technician, Field Services Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understands basic user technology issues and provides solutions based upon basic proven methods
  • Researches, evaluates, and provides technical solutions to address defined business requirements. Identifies alternatives and present recommendations that meet user needs and comply with established standards
  • Interacts with clients to process basic service requests or resolve basic technical problems
  • Replaces and rebuilds hardware components as needed
  • Installs/removes/configures basic software applications
  • User account administration
  • Procurement in accordance with corporate guidelines
  • Compliance with purchasing licensing guidelines
  • Coordinate local support vendor relationships
  • Ensures compliance with system patching & AV requirements
  • General site application support & troubleshooting
  • General network, telecom, and server support
  • Ensures all tickets are updated and closed in a timely manner. Escalates calls to Team Leader, Field Service and/or other teams as required
  • Understands and complies with relevant Standard Operating Procedures
  • Effectively communicates clear, concise, and accurate status as required
  • Provide updates of specific site requirements
  • Associates degree in Computer Science or related discipline. Equivalent work experience will be considered
  • Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) or Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) certification is desired
  • Minimum of 3 to 5 years relevant direct technical support experience
  • Individual may be required to sit, stand, walk regularly and occasionally lift 0-50 pounds. Be accessible to general office, laboratory & manufacturing areas and use required office equipment. Specific vision requirements include reading of written documents and frequent use of computer monitors
  • Must be able to work non-standard hours (weekends, evenings, nights) as required
  • Travel 0-10%

Hub IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Clean Driving License
  • Fluency in English – written and oral (concise and accurate)
  • Professional & presentable manner
  • Good customer relationship skills (Internal & External)
  • Ability to work on own initiative and prioritize
  • Flexibility - this position may involve large amounts of travel and staying away overnight, including weekend work
  • Outlook Client, Internet, Intranet
  • Fundamentals of data communication and networking topologies
  • · Hands-on experience with desktop and laptop hardware troubleshooting as well as installation and ordering of hardware accessories
  • · Software application support which includes working knowledge of Microsoft ® Office 365 (Office 2016) as well as for our many Vilter custom programs
  • · Document approved procedures and other system processes as they are formalized and established
  • · Advanced knowledge (certification preferred) of Microsoft ® Windows operating systems, in particular Windows 7 and Windows 10 is required in order to support the business and its users. Some basic Windows 2008 Server knowledge preferred
  • · Basic skills and working knowledge of networking from both a hardware and software standpoint
  • · Act as front-end liaison with end users for administering basic training and answering general inquiries for help with their equipment such as printers/copiers or conference room equipment
  • · Follow all housekeeping procedures and security protocols. Comply with all quality and safety regulations
  • Position will maintain multiple locations; Valid Driver's License and reliable transportation are required
  • On occasion this position will be required to work outside of normal working hours including weekends and holidays
  • This position participates in a compensated On Call rotation, including weekends and rotating holidays
  • A minimum of 5 years' experience in troubleshooting, maintaining and installing IT Infrastructure Systems
  • Associates Degree in Information Technology, related field, or equivalent
  • Certification in Avaya (Red or Blue) Communications Systems
  • Experience with Cisco Port Administration
  • Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology or related field, or equivalent
  • Maintain harmonious and professional relationship with all departments and Home Office
  • Comply with and enforce Four Seasons’ Category One and Category Two Work Rules and Standards of Conduct
  • Must have good interpersonal skills and be able to relate to all levels of staff
  • Must be able to assist hotel guests with technical requirements and issues
  • Must be able to provide high levels of service and support to admin users as per contracted Service Level Agreement
  • Assist in other areas of the accounting office as needed
  • Assist in ensuring critical systems, specifically Front Office Property Management System, Call Accounting, HSIA, PABX and Food & Beverage Point of Sales computer systems are available twenty-four (24) hours per day
  • Assist with establishing and maintaining user procedures and hardware familiarization for all systems
  • Assist with providing Systems Administration, including maintaining user/group accounts, user configuration, trouble-shooting access problems and completion of on-site documentation
  • Assist with ensuring effective support for other systems, including back office, sales and catering and human resources applications and any other at the property
  • Assist with maintaining and promoting Four Seasons core technology standards as outlined in the Four Seasons IT Core Standards
  • Assist in the co-ordination of new acquisitions and major projects as required
  • Participate in property-level, corporate-initiated technology implementations as required
  • Good knowledge and support for Desktop OS and applications including patches
  • Provide direct guest support and quality support to function rooms and conference services
  • Assist with administration of Lotus Notes, connection to global VPN and other communication tools
  • Assist in the process of systems backup and recovery procedures
  • Assist in management of third party vendors
  • Assist with providing 24 / 7 support for mission critical systems
  • Assist at network support and security of Hotel network, Active Directory maintenance, Server Infrastructure maintenance, Network Infrastructure maintenance – wired & wireless, Network protection and failover tools implementation (Firewall, web security, multi-homing devices, etc
  • Perform any additional duties as assigned by the Director of Finance and IT Manager

Controls & IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Install well-functioning LAN/WAN and other networks and manage components (servers, IPs etc.)
  • Able to repair, adjust and replace control and IT system components
  • Manage security options and software in computers, networks and process control systems to maintain privacy and protection from attacks
  • Create and perform scheduled maintenance programs for controls and IT systems
  • Maintain backup and revision documentation for control systems and IT system
  • Provide technical support to the site for new control/automation/IT systems including operating procedures, preventative maintenance, and spare parts requirements
  • Inspect and test the operation of controls and IT systems to diagnose faults
  • Keep records of repairs and fixes for future reference in accordance to GMP standards
  • Responsible for driving multiple improvement programs through to implementation and following-up on the results achieved, including: Quality Monitoring and Actions, Production Efficiency, Validate and Implement Approved Changes in accordance with Medical Device and Pharmaceutical regulatory requirements
  • Maintain various process computer-based control systems
  • Install, maintain and repair computers and networks
  • May be part of project team on Continues Improvement and Cost Improvement Projects
  • Responds to user requests to ensure that they are thoroughly resolved in a timely manner, meeting or exceeding the terms published in the IT service level agreement, and that proper call ticket documentation is completed
  • Carries out duties and responsibilities as assigned and prioritized by the Help Desk Manager
  • Configures and installs or upgrades workstations to company specifications as necessary
  • Provides front-line response to problems related to e-mail, network access, user difficulties with standard software applications, and installation of standard PC-based hardware and software applications
  • Provides technical support for all CCMG-supported remote locations as directed
  • Manages backup server, data backup jobs and disaster recovery backups for offsite storage
  • Other duties and responsibilities as assigned
  • Exceptional customer service understanding and orientation, and the ability to work effectively with all levels of the organization
  • 3-5 years experience in PC support or related position
  • Support IT issues and users with shop floor/Manufacturing Execution Systems (Level 1 Troubleshooting)
  • Engage L2 or L3 support
  • Server disk space management and OS patching
  • Support users for MS Office or other PC subjects as a result of escalation of a Stratos Help Desk system ticket
  • Desktop/Laptop setup and distribution
  • Basic Network Troubleshooting and Support
  • Ensure back up of systems is properly working
  • Manage local IT budget
  • Communicate on a daily basis with plant management. Be part of the plant management daily meetings
  • Associates degree in Information Technology, applicable certifications, or 5 years experience in the function
  • Experience in a manufacturing environment preferred
  • Good understanding of/interest in shop floor systems (sequencing, traceability etc.)
  • Requires familiarity with Microsoft Operating Systems; Win7, Server 2008 and Server 2012
  • Requires familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite 2010 products

Av / IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Co-ordinates, supervises and executes the prompt efficient and courteous service of Audio/ Visual services and Food & Beverage to assigned areas/ Station
  • Greets guests at meeting places, presents services, explain about Audio/ Visual services and facilities, answers questions regarding the audio visual in the banquet function venue
  • Read the Banquet event orders and relays the same to the Service Staff or direct to kitchen
  • Ensures that menu item, as per the event request are available from the kitchen and the stores
  • Ensures that service should be with established standards and efficiency and that orders are properly executed
  • Ensures that Audio/Visual service station is fully stocked and in clean condition at all times
  • All the Audio/ Visual services should be registered, services, maintained and audited every month and a report to be forwarded to the Banquet operations office
  • Ensures that tables are set up in accordance with established standards and as specified in the function sheet and in good condition
  • Maintain the Audio/ Visual equipment is always in the good Situation responsible for the par stock of Bqt. Operations Audio/Visual equipment
  • Ensures that all Audio/ Visual Equipment required of the market are upgraded report to Bqt. Operations Office
  • Ensures that personal grooming of self and state of uniform is to required standard
  • Complies with Hotel’s Health, Safety and Hygiene Policy
  • Co-operate with the company to achieve compliance with FLS legislation
  • Not undertake any activity which compromises their personal FLS, or the FLS of others
  • Report all accidents, dangerous occurrences, or hazards, no matter how minor, to the supervisor or Heads of Department
  • Provide support and advanced troubleshooting on computers, servers and networking equipment at campus/office locations
  • Configure, and maintain Cisco VoIP Phones
  • Conduct preventive maintenance as needed
  • Work on campus project-based tasks as assigned by IT Management (e.g., software rollout, facilities additions and rearrangement) as requested
  • Provide wireless device/remote user support (iPads, laptops, VPN, mobile phone, air card)
  • Provide login account and user mailbox maintenance; set up new users
  • Complete other projects and duties as assigned
  • Associate’s degree in a technical field preferred
  • IT related professional certifications desired
  • Minimum of 2 years technical experience
  • Minimum 1 years of experience with Active Directory in a large network environment required
  • Experience supporting users and equipment in an academic environment preferred
  • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft applications, Server and Desktop Operating Systems. Basic understanding of TCP/IP networking, router configuration, VOIP telecommunications
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication (oral and written) and problem solving skills required
  • Customer-centric attitude desired
  • You must be able to show steady employment with excellent attendance at your previous employers
  • Minimum one year of tech-support experience
  • You must have a High School Diploma or GED; Secondary Degree preferred
  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • Hands-on experience with desktop and laptop hardware troubleshooting as well as installation and ordering of hardware accessories
  • Software application support which includes working knowledge of Microsoft ® Office 365 (Office 2016) as well as for our many Vilter custom programs
  • Document approved procedures and other system processes as they are formalized and established
  • Advanced knowledge (certification preferred) of Microsoft ® Windows operating systems, in particular Windows 7 and Windows 10 is required in order to support the business and its users. Some basic Windows 2008 Server knowledge preferred
  • Basic skills and working knowledge of networking from both a hardware and software standpoint
  • Act as front-end liaison with end users for administering basic training and answering general inquiries for help with their equipment such as printers/copiers or conference room equipment
  • Follow all housekeeping procedures and security protocols. Comply with all quality and safety regulations
  • Imaging software for devices
  • Past experience working in an IT ticketing environment
  • High School Diploma required with at least 1-3 years of experience in computer maintenance and support or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Technical IT certifications preferred
  • Provide overall direction in hardware and software selection and maintenance
  • Provide interface with vendors including both analytical and technical support
  • Hold vendors accountable for agreed upon installations and support
  • Good understanding of Internet and how property can use it to generate revenues
  • Isolate and expedite repairs in a multi-vendor environment to minimize effect on customer service
  • Develop and provide systems training, in laymen terms, to operating departments
  • Closely interface with Corporate/Franchise IS staff
  • Experience with multiple networks
  • Research and recommend systems upgrades
  • Ability to analyze complex technical information, present it simply, and then sell recommendations
  • Answer routine to moderately complex questions and resolve end-user computer and networking problems to ensure end-user productivity. May do this via telephone, email, or desk-side (in person). Escalate issues to the next level of support as needed
  • Follow-through to ensure resolution in situations where standard procedures have failed to isolate or fix problem equipment or software installations
  • Assist with moves and configuration changes
  • Assist in the evaluation, implementation and testing of new PC packages/prototypes
  • Provide in-house assistance to all users on PC basics, back-up techniques, and anti-virus software
  • Perform restorative and maintenance actions either remotely or at the end user’s location to resolve problems, using routine troubleshooting and technical skills
  • Provide training and support to new and existing users on enterprise software packages and upgrades
  • Consult with IT management and staff regarding unusual or unforeseen PC and LAN systems and equipment problems or malfunctions and recommend solutions
  • Record, identify and diagnose IT performance issues reported by either users or monitoring systems. Maintain accurate information and data regarding end-user issues within specified tracking system(s) and according to policies and standards
  • Provide Local Area Network (LAN) administration support and assist with Computer Operations functions as required
  • Restore services quickly through investigation and resolution of routine to complex problem issues related to the desktop computing hardware and software environment
  • Produce and maintain technical information, IT standards, service policies, and request forms both online and in print formats to contribute to a managed workplace
  • Create, maintain, and delete user accounts for accessing CRL IT resources as needed to ensure a secure information sharing environment
  • Ensure compliance with work processes
  • Education: High school diploma, General Education Degree (G.E.D.) or equivalent
  • Experience: At least 5 to 7 years experience in technical support and troubleshooting desktop client hardware and software issues, such as operating systems, MS Office suite, Internet Explorer, and other desktop applications in an enterprise environment
  • Other:Technical Knowledge/Experience
  • Ability to support, maintain, and troubleshoot MS Office suite of productivity tools, and hands-on experience of Internet Explorer and other CRL core applications such as anti-virus software, MS Outlook, Veritas Netbackup, Remote Access technologies/VPN utilities, Lotus Notes, AS/400 Client Access, Adobe Acrobat and other Adobe products
  • Ability to plan and organize work schedules and coordinate schedules to meet work priorities and service levels
  • Working knowledge of MS Windows compatible desktop and laptop hardware and use required
  • Knowledge and experience in various LAN technologies, such as: TCP/IP, Fast Ethernet, Hubs, Switches, and Routers
  • Good interpersonal skills to deal with customers, colleagues, and other technical staff in a courteous and friendly manner

Field IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develops and maintains a scheduling system for onsite support fulfillment
  • Coordinates on-call after hours support
  • Provides specialist competence within the computer systems function in order to maximize efficiencies across all departments and meet the identified customer demand
  • Maintains a high level of proficiency in store systems, PC skills, and awareness of technology
  • Diagnoses system problems and recommends resolutions
  • Completes general routines and ensures housekeeping of all IT areas is of the highest standard
  • Communicates co-worker or customer issues/concerns that cannot be resolved to managers
  • High School Diploma, GED or Equivalent
  • Experience of IKEA retailing, distribution, trading and IT organizations, including IKEA strategies, processes and working methods
  • Experience of software, hardware, IP networks and voice communications
  • Experience of IKEA applications, business processes and routines and their influence on IT in IKEA organizations
  • Experience of project management and co-ordination skills
  • Knowledge of managing suppliers
  • Experience of applicable policies, laws and regulations
  • 25-50% Travel (2 days per week on avg.)
  • Research questions using available information resources
  • Follow standard help desk procedures
  • Log interactions and administer help desk software (GLPI and C2)
  • Identify and escalate situations to IT Analysts if technically complex or if it requires urgent attention
  • Maintain the IT inventory by ordering and receiving the materials
  • Maintain the division’s printers fleet
  • Create and maintain user accounts
  • Configure VHF/UHF radios
  • Configure Cisco IP phones and mailboxes
  • Develop and implement standard operating procedures and training with regards to IT operations
  • College degree in Information Technology
  • 5 to 7 years of experience in IT Customer Support
  • Mastering of MS Windows and MS Office Suites
  • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft SCCM
  • Excellent knowledge of Xerox and HP printers
  • Strong knowledge of radio communications and pagers
  • Strong knowledge of networking and VLAN configuration
  • Strong knowledge of PC hardware and software
  • Strong knowledge of FM radio broadcasting, CATV distribution and satellite communication
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to communicate professionally with clients
  • Strong organizational skills, self-governing and ability to work under pressure
  • C2, ERP System (J.D. Edwards), amateur radio certification and knowledge in audio/video installation are considered valuable assets
  • Must be able to communicate effective in English
  • Bachelor's degree in a business or technical field
  • 2+ years marketing or sales experience in related technology field
  • Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills including strong negotiating and selling skills
  • Outstanding attention to detail, organizational and project management skills
  • Proven team player who can work collaboratively and interface with all levels of organization
  • Self-directed, requires minimal supervision
  • Proficient use of relevant business systems (Microsoft Office, JDE, Business Objects, etc.)
  • Demonstrated leadership capabilities
  • Logs, prioritizes, and routes problems and questions to appropriate IT staff
  • Tracks problems through resolution and notifies users of final disposition
  • Initiates escalation procedures when required
  • Maintains problem/resolution database
  • Communicates status to users
  • Provide notifications to users as required
  • Develop user documentation and publication
  • Performs related duties and special projects as assigned
  • Two to four years personal computer experience
  • Willing to work to schedule as required by volume and projects
  • Strong organizational skills and technical writing ability
  • Customer service driven with an enthusiastic, positive attitude
  • Proven ability to work independently as well as multi-task
  • Proficient computer skills and abilities with Microsoft Office products (Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, etc)
  • Knowledge of TI Automotive systems
  • Network experience
  • Associate degree or equivalent in data processing or related studies
  • Technical writer training

Site IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Tertiary qualification in Information Technology and / or equivalent experience in a similar role
  • At least 2 - 5 years relevant experience in a business IT environment
  • Strong English written and oral communication skills
  • The ability to solve problems with many variables and unique situations
  • The ability to organize and prioritize personal tasks to meet deadlines and service level objectives
  • Coordinate the configuration and installation of all personal computers, terminals, and thin clients within the assigned business unit locations according to established company guidelines and standard operating procedures and assist with the performance of on-site preventative maintenance, routine repair and calibration after installation as needed
  • Maintain, analyze, and troubleshoot computer systems, hardware, printers, and computer peripherals
  • Document equipment location and complete software upgrades when necessary
  • Coordinate hardware repairs with the appropriate warranty vendors
  • Provide support to end users on a variety of computer hardware and software issues by identifying, researching, and resolving technical problems, then track and monitor the problems utilizing Remedy and Support Magic to ensure a timely resolution
  • Participate in the testing and approval of images for desktop and laptop computers to be deployed to FMS locations in accordance to established company guidelines and standard operating procedures
  • Utilize an understanding of antivirus policy and process for detecting and removing viruses
  • Educate users on FMCNA and FMS IT policies and procedures as necessary
  • Ensures the integrity of all electronic data records by following FMS quality standards and the practice of Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Local and remote desktop support for Kiewit employee end users
  • Imaging and software set up
  • Configure user security access
  • Troubleshoot application issues
  • Assist with jobsite technology set up
  • Assist with process mapping and process improvement
  • Web and SharePoint set up and design

Group IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Amazing customer service skills
  • A friendly and professional phone manner
  • An eagerness to work hard and be a valuable member of a small, busy support team
  • A strong desire to learn and teach
  • A basic knowledge of modern IT systems (mainly Windows Operating Systems and Microsoft Office products)
  • Self-motivated to deliver results and able to work to deadlines
  • Assists in all aspects of deploying technology in a production environment, including coordinating with third-party vendors for required go-live components
  • Sets up and installs computer hardware and software on site. Ensures proper operation of the computer equipment, troubleshooting hardware or software issues while on site
  • Maintains continuity of technology by documenting and communicating actions, irregularities, and ongoing needs that pertain to implementations
  • Remains abreast of changes in user, system software and hardware requirements
  • Develops and maintains documentation/procedures for the configuration and maintenance of hotel-based systems and other regular activities related to this job
  • Hospitality/Hotel work experiences a plus
  • Knowledge of POS and PMS systems is a plus
  • Knowledge of Spa Systems is a plus
  • Education or training in Information Technology or related or equivalent work experience
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft environment including Windows operating systems & office related products
  • Working knowledge of non-Microsoft software applications in a pc environment, i.e. Antivirus, Reporting Software, third party tools, and remote control software
  • Individual must be skilled in the purpose, procedures and requirements of basic networking
  • Maintain DH&R IT audit compliance
  • Maintain PCI compliance
  • Communicate and enforce adherence to all DH&R IT security standards, practices and requirements
  • Elevate issues as appropriate to senior IT resources after due diligence and review
  • Consultancy requests
  • Maintain open and timely communication with relevant business, supplier and IT personnel
  • Risk & Security Management (including Risk Analysis, Gap Analysis, Remediation planning)
  • Monitor, follow-up on and assess the resolution of audit issues
  • HP NonStop Support
  • Tandem Utilities (FUP & SCF, SPOOLCOM, SAFECOM etc.)
  • Encryption Toolsets, preferably Comforte
  • Practical knowledge of Barclays Security Standards
  • Practical knowledge of Barclays Information Risk Management Policy
  • Skilled in using tools like RSAM, Sentinal, ServiceNow, CyberArk, OneCert
  • Familiarity with banks critical services like SOLD, SMS, GBS, BCBS, ATM, PDQ will be preferable
  • Ability to provide technical guidance to company employees regarding PC problems
  • Good communication, interpersonal, organizational and planning skills
  • Able to lift up to 40 pounds
  • Candidate will be highly motivated having a strong sense of urgency, high detail
  • Candidate will also be a team player with strong organizational skills, have a
  • General knowledge of PC maintenance
  • General knowledge of commonly used PC operating systems
  • Windows 7 experience is required
  • MCTS certification in Windows 7 operating system a plus but not a requirement
  • Equivalent of an Associate’s Degree in Information Systems or related field
  • 1+ years of experience in a Windows support position (Help Desk)
  • Windows, Linux, OSX operating systems
  • Office 2010/2013/2016
  • Exchange Management 2013
  • Citrix and Virtual PC environments
  • Phone system experience preferred but not required
  • Mobile phone support and administration
  • Strong decision making and analytical abilities
  • Produce thorough and effective end user and technical documentation
  • Self-driven
  • Solve problems quickly and automate processes
  • Remain organized
  • Ability to communicate clearly and professionally, both verbally and in writing
  • Demonstrated passion for excellence with respect to treating and caring for customers
  • 1 – 2 years’ related experience including networking & desktop support
  • Comptia A+ Certification
  • MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)
  • Must possess problem-solving skills, the ability to work independently, and have self-initiative
  • Ability to read, analyze, and interpret technical procedures
  • Ability to write reports, business correspondence, user instructions, and procedure manuals
  • Ability to present complex technical information to non-technical users in an understandable and concise format
  • Effective and cooperative team member
  • Employee will be required to obtain certification from computer manufacturer to demonstrate competence with computer hardware that is purchased by FMS locations. Certification must be obtained within three months of date hired into the position and must remain active at all times while employed in this position (FMS will fund the initial exam fee and will fund annual re-examination fees)
  • Respond to and resolve help desk requests in a timely manner, providing solutions for technical issues with in user community
  • Effectively manage and utilize the organization’s trouble ticket system to log calls, update statuses, and document troubleshooting steps and resolutions
  • Assist with moves and setups of user technical equipment
  • Communicate effectively and professionally with end users
  • Handle escalated cases from Tier 1​
  • Test and image laptops​
  • Perform other duties as required and assigned by manager and upper management
  • MS Active Directory
  • Systems Troubleshooting
  • Windows Support
  • Mac Support
  • Outlook and Exchange Server
  • Fundamental Networking Knowledge
  • Excellent Professional Written and Oral Communications
  • Microsoft Windows 2008, 2012, 7, 8, Active Directory
  • Microsoft Office 365, Lync and One Note
  • Basic Networking (TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, VLAN, Wifi networks, routing)
  • Network, wireless, and systems security and administration
  • Excellent and courteous customer service
  • Analyze, configure, and support client applications; liaise with users to perform acceptance testing
  • Design, develop, and deploy common computer systems and processes across facilities
  • Select, test, and deploy client hardware solutions to satisfy business user and plant operation needs
  • Perform preventative maintenance and build proactive solutions to preempt issues
  • Report on project status, travel activities, and issue status and resolution
  • Develop technical and user documentation and provide training on computer use procedures
  • Identifies and implements process improvements in areas of responsibility
  • Provide on-call after hours support as part of team rotation
  • 2 – 4 years computer hardware/software experience including building and troubleshooting
  • Experience managing Windows Systems and Network Users in Active Directory
  • Willing to travel as needed
  • Knowledge of Windows systems internals and strong debugging and troubleshooting skills
  • BS/BA in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or Information Systems, or related field
  • At least 2 years directly related IT experience
  • Maintain thorough and accurate data including entry into electronic laboratory notebook
  • Calibrate and perform routine laboratory maintenance on several pieces of equipment
  • Assist construction of experimental rigs
  • Troubleshoot faulty equipment and initiate repairs or repair process
  • Demonstrates expertise on at least one piece of laboratory equipment
  • Proactively maintain inventory levels for laboratory consumables
  • Promptly and effectively communicates issues to Leadership
  • Learn to write computer scripts and macros to facilitate data collection and manipulation
  • Actively participate in safety and work group meetings
  • Coordinates activities with clerks from other floor areas, the customer and/or other suppliers as needed
  • Using the location's WMS system updates area or shift metrics as needed
  • Generates daily, weekly or monthly reports, memos, and summaries often of a technical and/or confidential nature
  • Floor work and additional duties as assigned
  • Performs basic administrative tasks for area or shift
  • Maintains filing systems and documents
  • Gathers from and provides information to floor employees in his/her area of support
  • Coordinates activities / meetings / communication for the specific area or shift
  • Ability to identify and resolve basic hardware and software configuration problems
  • Ability to work independently and prioritize multiple tasks
  • Basic understanding of network concepts
  • Performs back administration, including performing regular backups
  • Monitors daily system log files and works with Systems Administration/Software Developers to identify and resolve exceptions. Maintains software and hardware inventory and licensing information including monthly Preventive Maintenance
  • Performs quarterly and year­ end system procedures. Develops and runs reports based upon unique user requirements
  • Related Associates Degree or an equivalent combination of formal education, training, and experience
  • 3 years of related work experience in basic system administration (monitoring systems function, assisting in determining equipment settings and operating instructions, user maintenance and systems backup)
  • Knowledge of systems and applications software such as: Oracle, SQL, *Plus, UNIX and working knowledge of Microsoft Windows operating systems
  • Able to trouble shoot and accurately characterize systems problems with minimal assistance
  • Systematic analytical trouble shooting ability
  • Personal organizational skills which ensure that job tasks are completed accurately and on time
  • Interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work in a team environment
  • Ability to complete assignments with minimal supervisory intervention
  • Ability to lift up to 28 pounds
  • The IT Technician II works as a member of the Desktop Support Services team under minimal direction and often independently while serving as member of a team
  • The IT Technician II position provides a single point of contact for technology-related problem resolution at NYITCOM. The incumbent will receive technology-related problem calls and provide problem diagnosis, resolution, or escalation to second or third tier technicians
  • The IT Technician II position is responsible for accurately logging calls, understanding and interpreting the problem or question
  • The incumbent will coordinate with and escalate to the NYITCOM-ATG group for all NYITCOM specific application support
  • The incumbent will use existing system documentation to diagnose a situation, solve the problem, and document the solution or actions taken
  • The incumbent will perform advanced installation and configuration on desktop computers; provide advanced support services for such items as network interface cards, network drivers, printers, personal data assistants, business productivity applications, Internet applications, specialty applications, and in-house developed applications
  • The incumbent will assist users in selecting the proper software applications for their needs; develop complete hardware and software solutions to various user requirements; evaluate related hardware and software products and make recommendations for adoption
  • Coordinate with staff from ITI computing personnel and other NYITCOM technology staff
  • Assist Academic Computing staff in maintenance of computer laboratories during exigencies and special projects as required
  • Interface with hardware and software vendors and other related third parties
  • Provide problem identification, development of a set of possible solutions, identification of the optimum solution, implementation of this solution as related to desktop hardware and software
  • Provide on-call coverage outside of business hours as necessary
  • Recommend products and strategies related to user needs for computing and specific problems
  • Contribute to the maintenance of the information technology asset database
  • Contribute to the maintenance of the call tracking system, including logging all service requests and other projects
  • Bachelor's Degree required, and at least 2 years of related experience/ certifications/advanced training in the IT support field
  • Experience with computer hardware and software installation and configuration in a support related area
  • Strong communication skills to explain/educate technical details to non-technical clients
  • Strong commitment to timely resolution and responsiveness to clients
  • Previous help desk, call center, or customer service experience is required
  • Excellent decision-making and problem solving skills
  • Experience with writing effective end-user training and documentation
  • Web and mobile device experience a plus
  • Strong PC and/or Mac background and significant hands-on experience with business productivity applications and internet applications are required
  • Advanced experience and proficiency with Windows 7/8.1/10 and MAC OS X+ maintenance and administration is highly desirable
  • A thorough understanding and experience in networking principles, including TCP/IP protocols and stacks
  • Demonstrated analytical and troubleshooting skills
  • Demonstrated proactive approach and self-initiative is a strong plus
  • Ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of users with different computing requirements and backgrounds
  • Experience and ability to interact with senior management is required
  • Managing projects and priorities in a dynamic, fluid environment
  • Excellent decision making and problem solving skills and effectiveness in getting things done collaboratively
  • Previous experience in a higher education environment is desirable
  • Must be able to work on holidays, weekends and evenings
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills along with ability to work independently are required
  • Excellent customer service skills are required
  • Achieve goals/targets defined as IT KPIs and Global Service Desk specific KPIs or indicators
  • Resolve Incidents, Service Requests, and other tasks within their deadlines
  • Good relationship with business partners and co-workers
  • Show strong performance and development in all objectives planned
  • Receive, register and work on user requisitions by Phone, Email and other channels acting as first and second lines of support
  • Responsibility for administration of users, systems and user rights in accordance with Danfoss Standards
  • Work and follow-up on Incidents, Service Requests, Problems and other tasks that may be assigned
  • Advise, guide and/or instruct users in the usage of products, systems and technology (software & hardware)
  • Ensure proper escalation and handover of cases from second line to the correct expert (third line)
  • Provide general local on-site and hands-on IT support at our facilities in Rockford, also assisting in the resolution of IT infrastructure incidents
  • Identify errors and use root cause analysis to deliver high quality IT solutions, create high quality documentation of systems, processes, and error resolutions
  • Exceptional Service and Customer mind-set
  • Problem Solver / Good troubleshooting skills
  • Ability to work in a global and ever changing environment
  • Able to work independently (self-driven) but also a good team player
  • In-depth understanding of PC architecture and basic understanding of IT infrastructure concepts
  • Knowledge and experience in ITIL
  • Technical experience supporting users globally in first and second line support
  • Technical experience supporting IT hardware and software including but not limited to Microsoft products and solutions such as Windows OS, Office and Outlook in a Microsoft Exchange environment, Lync, Cisco Unified Communications, Mobile Management solutions, network connectivity and infrastructure
  • Able to analyze and solve problems in a systematic way
  • Install and repair low voltage cabling in large manufacturing environments
  • Install, troubleshoot, and repair low voltage devices, fixtures, and systems
  • Systems include but not limited to voice, data, security, fire alarm, and HVAC
  • Adhere to all quality and safety standards
  • Install cable pathway systems (cable trays, cable racks, J-hooks or D-rings, and conduits)
  • Install, terminate, test, label and document work as required
  • Route cables into data communication closets, modular furniture and other work areas
  • Build out data communication and equipment rooms
  • Coordinate with Facilities and Production Teams
  • Ability to Manage to a deadline and communicate status
  • Must have a minimum of 1-5 years of experience in structured cabling
  • Must be able climb ladders and tolerate heights reaching a minimum of 12-32 feet or higher using man-lifts
  • A technical understanding of voice, data, and fiber optic systems is required
  • Required experience with Category 5, Category 6, Multimode, and Singlemode fiber cables
  • Additional experience with power limited tray cable, standard and solid conductor low voltage cables is a plus
  • Ability to interpret schematics, blueprints, and manuals
  • Familiarity with cabling equipment and hand tools
  • Strong problem solving, communication, and critical thinking skills
  • Installs and maintains PC, mobile phone, desk phone, printer, and other hardware and software
  • Establish, maintain and evangelize technical standards and guidelines to local IT support throughout the company
  • Effectively works with employees at all organization levels and computer literacy for IT technical support requirements
  • Maintains a working knowledge of networking, user and file security, phones, servers, backups, group policies, login scripts, software distribution technology, remote connectivity, remote client support, etc
  • Work with vendors in providing service support for installations, repairs, etc
  • First-level support for core business systems across all CSA facilities
  • Support external customers/suppliers as well as internal employees in managing user security access and use of Intranet/Extranet applications and websites
  • Ensure privacy of highly confidential information or documents while performing IT services support
  • May, on occasion, be required to perform duties other than those specified in this description
  • Bachelor’s Degree in an IT business related discipline and/or 2 years of experience in a related position
  • Must be able to perform new PC setups, per established guidelines and industry standards, as well as troubleshoot and fix PC hardware/software problems
  • Must be available for after-hours support as necessary in supporting critical business systems
  • Knowledge base of personal computers and computer networking concepts
  • Prior experience with Microsoft Office Suite in a professional setting
  • General knowledge base of computer operating systems, including Windows PC OS, Microsoft Server OS and IBM iSeries
  • General knowledge base of major software systems, including SAP, JDE One World, BPCS, Vanguard, and Hyperion
  • Willingness and ability to travel, as necessary
  • Provide technical support and maintain classroom/conference room audio/visual systems and media hardware systems, perform repairs/updates/upgrades as needed
  • Provide technical support to students, faculty, and staff with their computing needs, printing, copying, faxing, resolve service requests submitted via Altiris system, and document results
  • Recruit and train student workers in classroom media and support technology, collaborate with IT staff at NYIT, NYITCOM at Old Westbury, and A-State University
  • Bachelor’s degree required in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, or closely related field
  • Computer hardware & software, classroom audio/video technologies, video conferencing, computer networks, Apple devices and apps
  • Project Management, A+, ITIL, Microsoft, Apple
  • Excellent interpersonal, organizational, oral and written communication skills is required
  • Computer networks, servers, virtual environments, Microsoft and Apple hardware and software
  • Experience in audio/visual wiring, set-ups, Extron/Crestron programming, and other programs/platform communications
  • Manages the hardware life cycle. Procures, configures and installs new desktop computers, laptops, peripherals and mobile devices as required for new and existing users. Supports and repairs existing devices. Receives, tracks and disposes of out-of-service hardware in accordance with established policy and procedure
  • Provides support to VOIP and POTS based phone systems
  • Maintains clear documentation and status of reported problems within IT project/problem tracking systems and within associated vendor tracking systems
  • Installs and configures desktop/laptop computer software using standard procedures
  • Develops and recommends procedural changes to improve departmental and organizational efficiency
  • Works with and coordinates vendors to troubleshoot and resolve issues
  • Tracks inbound and outbound hardware inventory. Maintains inventory of equipment available for re-use as required
  • Establishes project timelines, communicates status, oversees user testing, and writes training materials as required
  • Oversees small and intermediate sized projects
  • Guides end users through troubleshooting procedures; develops troubleshooting scripts for the help desk
  • Researches, evaluates and provides recommendations to management on software and hardware being considered for use by Compassus
  • Writes, reviews and collaborates on documents written by others that describes installation and operating procedures
  • Trains end users or technical support staff in a classroom environment and using Webinar and remote control software in use and support of hardware, software and telephony platforms
  • Performs testing of upgrades and enhancements
  • Maintains strict privacy standards when handling sensitive company data accessed during operational duties
  • May involve infrequent travel in conjunction with satellite office support requirements
  • Participates in the Help Desk on-call rotation
  • Minimum of 2 years experience in technical support with strong technical troubleshooting and problem diagnosis skills
  • A degree or diploma in Computer Science or a related field is a plus
  • Industry Certifications preferred, such as ITIL, Network+, A+, Security+, Microsoft Technology Associate (MTP), Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP), Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST), VMware Certified Associate (VCA), and/or Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT)
  • In depth knowledge of Desktop Operating System deployment, configuration, and administration
  • Working knowledge of Windows Server technologies (Exchange, Terminal Server, Active Directory, etc.)
  • In depth knowledge of Microsoft Office applications and configuration
  • Working experience with network configuration and troubleshooting including but not limited to DHCP, LAN, WAN, DNS, IP routing
  • IP and POTS Telephony administration, configuration and troubleshooting experience (ShoreTel, VCE, Nortel/Avaya)
  • Experience supporting and troubleshooting enterprise software/hardware including Audio Visual, projection and CCTV systems
  • Achieve goals/targets defined as IT KPIs and Global Service Desk KPIs
  • Show strong performance and development in all planned objectives
  • Provide general local on-site and hands-on IT support at our facilities in Ames, also assisting in the resolution of IT infrastructure incidents
  • High School Diploma plus 3-5 years of hands-on experience, in similar role (Associates Degree or Bachelor’s Degree preferred – will consider 2 to 4-year degree in lieu of hands-on experience
  • Performs a combination of the following technical IT support activities with minimal supervision
  • Exceed customer expectations when fulfilling tickets
  • Ensure that recycling of expired equipment is not exceeding designated storage area
  • Understands and executes defined IT process and standards, including change/incident management, software installation, configuring, etc
  • Support Apple Mobile Devices
  • May be required to lift/move technical equipment
  • Valid Driver/Operator License is required
  • Excellent Customer Service experience
  • Travel Requirements: 15% between buildings
  • The incumbent performs these essential duties and responsibilities
  • Monitor data center facilities, networks, systems and telephony infrastructure
  • Install compute, storage, and network infrastructure into cages and racks in data centers and co-location facilities
  • Coordinate with remote technicians
  • Upgrade software/firmware on production hardware during maintenance windows, some afterhours work required
  • Conduct conference calls
  • Follow documented procedures
  • Respond to support requests via email, tickets, chat, phone, etc
  • Periodically and rhythmically inspect graphs and charts in real-time
  • Participate in rotation of afterhours on-call responsibilities
  • Other tasks as assigned, both on-site and in other locations
  • Some packing and shipping; breaking down of boxes
  • Provide modified afternoon shift desktop and CMS/ERP support in a fast-paced three shift manufacturing environment
  • Evaluate, prioritize and respond to staff requests for technical assistance
  • Provide technical support to ensure timely resolution of problems
  • Assist the System Administrator to maintain all means and measures to ensure integrity, reliability and security of information systems (WAN/LAN)
  • Maintain network printers and troubleshoot printing equipment
  • Install and implement desktop hardware and software
  • Diagnose damaged equipment and repair in-house when appropriate
  • Maintain a positive working relationship with all users seeking out ways to improve their productivity by meeting their technology needs
  • Demonstrate the ability to use the Internet as a resource for research and troubleshooting
  • Demonstrate the ability to learn multiple and custom applications quickly and apply that knowledge
  • Degree in related field of study
  • Knowledge of Hardware, Networking and Network Operating Systems
  • Strong knowledge of desktop Windows 7, 10 and Microsoft Office applications. Familiarity with Microsoft Windows server environments is helpful
  • Thorough knowledge of English (both verbal and written)
  • 5+ years experience in supporting desktop, LAN and ERP
  • Experience with AS400
  • Experience with LAN support
  • ERP (EpiCore CMS) systems experience an asset
  • Demonstrates clear and respectful communication skills in all situations
  • Ability to analyze and resolve problems quickly, as well as work independently
  • Identifies and adjusts priorities, ensuring that work flow is conducted efficiently. Aptitude for systems support and development
  • Ability to work flexible hours as required including shift work
  • Recommendations for improvements and enhancements to existing systems
  • Technical on site project lead for installations and upgrades of property systems and hardware
  • Management of warranties, replacements and upgrades of all hardware and infrastructure
  • Plan and budget all aspects of IT environment
  • Maintain IT audit compliance
  • Technical project manager partnering with site departments to develop criterion for software system implementation, upgrades and enhancements
  • Associate of Arts Degree in Information Technology or equivalent levels of certification and/or demonstrated on-the-job skills required
  • Must be able to work flexible days/hours – some on-call duty is required
  • Minimum of 3 years of professional experience in a similar role, ideally in a manufacturing environment
  • Knowledge of MS Office 10 or higher, Lotus Notes, Junos Pulse, iPhone/iPad
  • A highly motivated and dedicated team player though also capable of working independently
  • Possessing a high sense of responsibility and service orientation, you will be responsive to business needs while ensuring alignment with divisional and corporate standards
  • Ideally an understanding of web based solutions that support a manufacturing environment
  • Excellent, appropriate and fluent communication skills in German and English
  • Naturally flexible, professional and personable and able to take ownership through to resolution" with an interest in supporting continuous process improvement
  • Valid German Driving Licence will be required
  • Installation and maintenance of PC hardware, software, and printers
  • Resolve IT incidents and complete IT requests as assigned
  • Utilize a ticketing system to document work on incidents and requests
  • Assist in resolution of IT infrastructure incidents as directed by system specialist or engineer
  • Identify errors and use root cause analysis to deliver high quality solutions to IT incidents
  • Provide IT consultation services to business users by identifying user requirements and delivering solutions that meet business needs while maintaining Danfoss standards
  • Use IT systems for change control and project management
  • Create high quality documentation of systems, processes, and error resolutions
  • Perform off hours support as needed to maintain production performance
  • Expect to travel (1-3 times a year) to other Danfoss locations for support, training, etc
  • Ensure compliance with security policies as described in Danfoss Corporate Standards as related to PC clients, and other Danfoss IT systems and report any breaches to Danfoss Security
  • Communication systems (PBX, Video Conferencing systems, messaging systems))
  • Support of non-standard systems related to specific business applications or production lines
  • Associates Degree in Computer Science or related field plus 5 years of experience in an IT client or manufacturing support role OR
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related field plus 3 years of experience in an IT client or manufacturing support role
  • Customer Focus: Develop and maintain strong relationships with the customer and user
  • Provide incident & problem resolution, root cause analysis and technical support for the systems
  • Ensure equipment is built, tested and delivered within the SLAs
  • Monitor system performance to support availability management, capacity planning, backup and disaster recovery planning
  • Maintain security of the network by ensuring backups, anti virus, firewall rules and crypto management tasks are current
  • Administration duties of a Crypto custodian ensuring the correct policies and procedures are followed
  • Plan and coordinates system changes
  • Actively participate in continual service improvement initiatives
  • Some travel within the UK is expected, and occasionally overseas travel may be necessary
  • Evaluates, acts and communicates providing technical support to end users for PC, hardware, server or mainframe applications, as required
  • Performs root cause analysis and assists in developing methodology for typical client technology problems by identifying problems, researching, isolating issues and taking necessary action to resolve problems
  • Proactively, is available to handle issues that the first and second tier of help desk support is unable to resolve
  • Assists in the maintenance and tracking of document configuration standards for all hardware, operating systems and application software utilized by the company. By accomplishing this, ensures excellent communication with IT resources, internal/external customers, consultants and support resources
  • Monitors/initiates orders, ships and receives equipment, monitoring warranties, schedules maintenance, and performs other service related items while ensuring documentation is updated at all times
  • Provide professional and appropriate verbal and written information to users ensuring issues are completed in a timely manner
  • Manages the tracking as well as performs post-resolution follow-ups to help requests
  • Prioritizes the assignments at hand even in less structured situations
  • Effectively handles multiple projects or tasks at the same time and completes them within a set time frame
  • Understands personal strengths and development needs; initiates self-development actions; seeks and shares job-relevant learning, developmental experiences and feedback to enhance performance; encourages others to take personal responsibility for continual learning and skill growth; shares knowledge with team
  • Fosters cross-functional and cross business teamwork; builds and promotes morale; works efficiently and effectively on teams to meet customers’ needs; meets all team commitments; consistent and intense commitment and willing to go above and beyond as necessary but also willing to do low profile, non-challenging work to get the project completed
  • Builds strong working relationships with other IT Technicians to ensure seamless service, and builds strong working relationships with internal service groups to provide the highest quality service to end users
  • Regularly communicate with supervisor work progress, concerns and questions
  • 3+ years of experience in a help desk, service desk or desktop support environment; experience in installation and configuration of Windows networking; basic knowledge of LAN/WAN and related experience in Ethernet, TCP/IP, etc
  • Expert in Windows Server 2003/2008 in an enterprise domain environment, intermediate TCP/IP support knowledge, configuration in Windows clients, troubleshooting as well as networking and telecom skills a plus
  • Experience supporting Office 2010, Active Directory, Intel-based desktop/laptop hardware, MS Windows operating systems on workstations, laptops, mobile devices, VPN, Network Devices, LAN connectivity, etc
  • Demonstrates strong logical thinking, problem solving skills; comes to a good solution quickly and accurately
  • Ability to effectively multi-task in a high-activity, high performance atmosphere
  • Strong organizational, time management and the ability to build rapport and elicit problem details from customers
  • Displays strong report writing, business correspondence and suggests policy/procedures in a clear and concise manner
  • Experience working in a team-oriented, collaborative environment with strong customer orientation as well as possess ability to work independently and remain calm during periods of high stress and challenging situations.
  • Must be self-motivated and willing to set realistic aggressive goals and timelines with a willingness to do whatever it takes for client satisfaction
  • Availability for on-call support of on-site and remove users at any time, if necessary
  • Fluent in English, oral and written
  • Ability to adjust schedule and travel to meet business needs
  • Responds to telephone calls. Remedy tickets and emails for technical support
  • Records all problems reported and resolutions within the Remedy tracking system
  • Deploys new desktops, laptops, printers, phones, and other hardware
  • Evaluates PC software
  • Install/Update PC software and hardware (i.e. McAfee virus scanning software)
  • Images existing machines for redeployment
  • Troubleshoots all user-end type problems
  • When needed, consults with Level II IT Technicians
  • Is part of the Help Desk Team and may be required to answer incoming telephone calls to the DHIFS Help Desk
  • Associate's degree (A. A.) or equivalent from two-year college or technical school; or six months to one year related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Undergraduate degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or Business. Experience may be substituted on a year for year basis. A+ certification a plus
  • Two or more years of PC hardware and software experience
  • Must be knowledgeable of Windows 2000
  • Must be PC and LAN literate, detail oriented with good analytical and organizational skills

Branch IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct on-site repairs for internal customers in a Windows and MAC environment
  • System imaging and deployment, refresh and upgrade projects
  • Basic networking support, i.e., Cat-5 cabling, router and switches
  • Leverages advanced skills to resolve moderately complex technical issues
  • Participates in problem resolution, data entry, data tracking and issue follow-up
  • Produces solutions that fulfill requirements within budget and schedule constraints
  • Serves as point of escalation for IT Technicians and escalates issues to senior members of the team
  • Works with project stakeholders to gather, document and maintain project requirements, scope, project schedules and implementation plans
  • Analyzes, interprets and reports system status and problem issues
  • Evaluates, analyzes, and addresses the technical and organizational impacts of new service deployments and changes to existing infrastructure services
  • Responds to, resolves and minimizes adverse impacts to the business caused by errors in the IT
  • Participates in the development of end user training materials
  • Provides after-hours support as required and/or on call as required
  • Travel to Ministry sites
  • Other Duties as requested or required
  • Healthcare experience
  • Coordinates the configuration and installation of all hardware/ software for all departments. This activity includes vendor interface for the delivery of equipment
  • Make on the spot decisions as to the location of equipment
  • Coordinates the training of field-level key personnel in the use of all equipment and problem determination procedures associated with the equipment
  • Coordinates the installation of all "in-field" computing equipment
  • Coordinates the installation or de-installation of all equipment in existing remote sites per requests from field operations
  • Onsite and remote installation and configuration of all IT hardware and perform on-site preventive maintenance, according to established company guidelines and standard operating procedures
  • Maintain appropriate equipment inventory
  • Coordinate IT repairs with approved third party vendors
  • Utilize current ticket system to document work efforts and ensure timely resolution of all issues
  • Follow appropriate policy and procedure to configure the desktop environment for all field equipment
  • Troubleshoot mobile devices and IOS devices
  • Detect and remediate viruses and malware on IT hardware
  • 1 – 2 years’ related experience including networking & IT support
  • CompTIA A+ Certification preferred
  • Adhere to company policies for Infection Control
  • Install/maintain third-party software packages as required
  • Responsible for diagnosing and responding to customer service and technical support issues in-person, telephonic and e-mail discussions with customers
  • Conduct problem identification, troubleshooting, research, isolation, resolution, documentation and follow-up to the customer’s satisfaction
  • Assists engineers in the building, deploying and maintaining of customer systems nationally
  • Performs some after-hours emergency technical support via telephone and computer systems
  • Experience with SQL Server database is a plus
  • Experience with Firewall/Router configuration of Sonicwall equipment is a plus
  • Installation of Windows Server 2008R2/2012, Windows 7/10 in domain environments
  • Installation and configuration of SQL Server 2008 or 2012 or 2014
  • Hardware and software problem resolution across all client services
  • Telephony: mobile and fixed
  • Video Conferencing
  • New software installation
  • Equipment performance issue
  • Support business applications to ensure compliance with corporate standards
  • Maintain/Update Business Unit hardware inventory to comply with asset management standards
  • Handle incoming IT Service Requests to ensure computer user inquiries are addressed in a timely manner
  • Support the use of printers, fax machines, copiers and multi-function machines to maintain operational readiness
  • Build out new laptop and desktop systems to comply with asset rotation and retention policy
  • Install appropriate business applications in compliance with corporate standards
  • Physical setup and deployment of computer systems, monitors, printers and other peripherals to ensure seamless operation of business function
  • Train and orient users on use of hardware and software to maintain an educated and efficient workforce
  • Utilizes an automated Service Request Tracking System to maintain assigned tasks and priorities. #LI-ML1
  • Minimum 0 to 1 year relevant experience in network and/or PC support environment
  • Learns to use professional concepts. Applies company policies and procedures to resolve routine issues
  • Works on problems of limited scope. Follows standard practices and procedures in analyzing situations or data from which answers can be readily obtained
  • Normally receives detailed instructions on most work
  • Working knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Outlook
  • Good Organizational skills
  • Excellent Customer service and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to abide by Granite’s Code of Conduct on a daily basis
  • Commitment to conduct Branch IT operations in a manner consistent with Corporate IT policies, procedures and standards
  • Practical knowledge of standard business practices
  • Ability to work both collaboratively as a team player and independently as required
  • Demonstrate a high degree of patience with an ability to work with all levels of management and staff
  • Ability to learn new technologies and systems quickly
  • Demonstrate strong time management skills and consistent follow through
  • Travel to plants, satellite offices and job sites may be required occasionally with some extended daily and weekend hours
  • Resolving level one and two end-user problems
  • Creating and supporting user accounts & maintenance
  • Supporting Central Tech groups in their endeavors
  • Receive, record, resolve and follow up on end-user problems or system malfunctions with desktop and portable computers and peripheral equipment and application software
  • Maintain records of problem reports, resolution and follow-up in the IT helpdesk software application
  • Must be a minimum of 21 years of ag
  • Bachelor's degree (B.A. /B.S.) in computer technology or related field from four-year college or university; one to two years related experience or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience, preferred
  • Must be highly proficient in all Microsoft applications (Excel, Access, Word)
  • Three years of work related experience in desktop computer support in a large network environment
  • Relevant technical certifications or documented vendor training is preferred
  • Additional demonstrable knowledge or experience in other IT related areas is preferred, such as IBM iSeries/AS400 operations; Microsoft SQL Server; Cisco LAN/WAN administration; and converged voice/data networks (VOIP)
  • Strong customer service and interpersonal skills are required
  • Must be a highly motivated self-starter who is eager to contribute to overall departmental and company success
  • Must be willing to share night-and-weekend on-call duty as part of the IT department team
  • Ability to define problems collects data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions
  • Employee must be able to qualify for licenses and permits required by federal, state and local regulations
  • Employee could be exposed to an environment containing unrestricted second hand tobacco smoke
  • Physically mobile with reasonable accommodations including ability to push, pull, carry and lift up to 25 lbs., and the ability to push, pull, reach, bend, twist, stoop, stack, crouch, kneel and balance when performing job duties in varying work areas such as confined spaces
  • Maintain the process and implementation of the IT system for maximum efficiency and effectiveness
  • Define future requirements and coordinate with the Maintenance Manager for installing system improvements on the basis of technological developments
  • Maintains system with provision for continuity of operations during any disaster recovery if other emergency situations
  • Maintain, implement and commission software on PLC and PC based automation systems with particular focus on Advanced Process Technologies and Automation Systems networks
  • Provide engineering skills to support the development of processes, networks and network management systems
  • Provide technical computing skills to assist the implementation of intranet strategies
  • Maintain an up to date personal engineering knowledge of advances and trends in technologies
  • Willingness to be on call and to work long hours if necessary in case of serious network malfunction
  • Good understanding of existing network programs and capabilities
  • Ability to work side-by-side with maintenance
  • Display a willingness to learn
  • Computer Science Degree preferred but not required
  • Drug testing / background must be cleared
  • Attains exposure and knowledge of Sirius’ Service Desk, IT Operations & Infrastructure, Application Development, and Application Administration and Support areas
  • As directed, assists with tasks in the above areas
  • Develops and demonstrates traits consistent with business-focused IT Services that is customer-driven
  • Performs other duties and projects as needed to support the team

Junior Shipboard IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform diagnostics on local and shipboard Active Directory Replication
  • Conduct server maintenance, backup and restore as required
  • Perform documented troubleshooting and disaster recovery of all servers
  • Maintain domain accounts for local and remote users
  • Perform remote diagnostics on shipboard servers
  • Provide assistance to shipboard personnel in response to trouble calls assigned by the MSC Global helpdesk
  • Support MSC Integrated Ship Network System (ISNS) Common PC Operating System Environment (COMPOSE) equipped ships in the importing and exporting of comma separated value (CSV) files, e.g. SimpleSync

Entry IT Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working knowledge within IT
  • Education in IT related field , passion for new technology
  • Desire to work with cutting edge technology and hardware

IT Technician OVO Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support all tour employees with incidents, requests and IT requirements
  • Act as technical reference with regard to all Cirque computer systems
  • College-level diploma in IT or a related field
  • Minimum five years’ relevant experience, preferably in a touring environment
  • Excellent proficiency using Microsoft Windows XP and 7, Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010, and Symantec Antivirus
  • Knowledge of a server environment and management of its components (routers, access points, switches, VLAN, VPN, DHCP and DNS)
  • Flexibility, self-reliance and good team spirit
  • Ability to quickly adapt to unexpected situations, variable schedules and tight deadlines
  • Fluency in English, spoken and written, essential; fluency in French an asset
  • Availability to tour full time and work in foreign countries
  • 2+ years practical experience in hardware/software technical support position
  • Networking and communication understanding
  • Microsoft Windows operating systems (Win7, Win10) software installation, configuration and troubleshooting
  • Apple MACOS systems
  • Autonomous, organized, teamwork spirit
  • Good English (spoken and written)
  • Provides support to all retail locations and departments to include technical computer related problems, networking and peripheral communication issues reported by store managers and/or district managers. This includes fuel dispensers, computer hardware, EPOS hardware, networking hardware as well as the operating systems and back office PDI/RMS software. Requires working directly with store and Retail Accounting personnel in all levels. Travel required on an as needed basis. Monitoring store network connectivity and addressing outages. Will be subject to on-call scheduled and unscheduled events
  • Assists in projects, work, to include new locations by installing hardware and software on all equipment needed to create a complete store. Assist in software upgrades to EPOS equipment and back office PC's at over 260 retail locations. Travel required on an as needed basis
  • Performs other related duties as assigned or requested. Must have strong organizational skills in order to maintain equipment inventory, rotate stock and track mileage
  • Must be able to learn and complete certification on all Gilbarco EPOS equipment and peripheral equipment as needed
  • Will need to be able to quickly and effectively trouble shoot and correct all revenue generating issues in order to minimize impact to retail locations in a 24/7 environment
  • Minimum one week after hours on-call and one weekend a month on-call required
  • Good understanding of desktops, pc and laptop
  • Good analytical skills and ability to solve technical problems across different platforms
  • Team player and excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to demonstrate effective communication skills, both written and verbal, to all levels within the organisation
  • ‘A’ level or equivalent in a related field e.g. Information Technology
  • Ideally certified industry courses e.g. MCP, MCSA or similar
  • Ideally experience in remote deployment technologies (SCCM, LANDesk etc)
  • Ideally experience in Supporting users in a Citrix environment
  • Experience of supporting Microsoft Office, Outlook or Lotus Notes
  • Full UK driving License
  • Resolve computer related problems reported by Retail SBU including hardware, software, and as well as the operating system
  • Make decisions on personnel actions hiring, terminations and promotions, etc. Assign personnel to project and direct their activities. Reviews and evaluates work and prepares performance reports. Confers with and advises subordinates on administrative policies and procedures, technical problems, priorities and method
  • Support all Retail I/S equipment from simple repair to complex solutions using individual talents/or those of various vendors. Work on all moderately complex systems and software
  • Provide input to policy level directions regarding standards for Retail PC hardware and software products and applications. Study and project Retail IS PC and POS resources and allocations needed
  • Monitor and maintain appropriate inventory levels of hardware to support service calls and projects
  • Perform tasks, trouble shoots and repairs computer systems, peripheral equipment and POS systems located at sites in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, California, and Minessota
  • Assist in managing, troubleshooting and repairing credit card network issues software and hardware
  • Travel required to upgrade software and/or hardware on an as needed basis
  • Ensure all Retail IS Technicians are properly trained on all Retail applications and hardware

Related Job Titles

resume samples for tech jobs

  • • Assisted customers with purchases, technical issues, and general questions/concerns while ensuring a positive customer experience.
  • • Reviewed customer accounts and sought sales opportunities, upgrading hosting services and adding on products to existing core products.
  • • Maintained a dynamic and changing environment, quickly learning and adapting to new processes and systems.
  • • Developed strong rapport with customers through effective communication and product knowledge.
  • • Demonstrated exceptional sales skills, including closing effectively and overcoming objections.
  • • Worked collaboratively with the sales team to identify and pursue new business opportunities.
  • • Answered customer inquiries and provided product information.
  • • Resolved customer complaints and issues in a timely and professional manner.
  • • Maintained accurate and up-to-date customer records and communicated customer feedback to the management team.

5 Tech Sales Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Customize this resume with ease using our seamless online resume builder.

All resume examples in this guide

resume samples for tech jobs

Resume Guide

How to write a tech sales resume experience section, top tech sales skills for your resume, tech sales resume header: tips, red flags, and best practices, tech sales resume format 101.

Tech Sales resume example

Top Tech Sales sections that make the best resume

  • Professional summary
  • Experience (with numbers & results)
  • Relevant skills
  • Certifications

what to write in your resume experience section

Perfecting Your Tech Sales Resume Experience Section:

  • Focus on results, not responsibilities;
  • Use 4-6 bullet points per position;
  • List only positions that are relevant to what you’re applying for;
  • Include at least some form of quantitative data – it can be linked to the number of people you’ve managed or the - percentage decrease in costs that’s followed from your work - you decide;
  • Choose action verbs over buzzwords.

If you prefer to be led by example, check out some great Tech Sales resume experience section snippets below!

  • Developed and executed a product roadmap that resulted in a 15% increase in revenue over six months.
  • Built and managed a pro-active sales program that removed barriers to conversion, resulting in a 20% increase in sales leads.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to build digital experiences that improved customer satisfaction by 25%.
  • Analyzed and optimized chat and messaging programs to improve customer and business value, resulting in a 10% increase in customer engagement.
  • Managed end-to-end customer journeys and made data-driven decisions to improve the customer service experience.
  • Established and maintained strong relationships with key internal and external partners.
  • Achieved 95% customer satisfaction rating through effective communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Managed a portfolio of 10 enterprise-level clients, resulting in a 30% increase in revenue over two years.
  • Developed and executed onboarding and training programs that increased customer satisfaction by 20%.
  • Monitored customer usage and identified upsell opportunities, resulting in a 25% increase in upsell revenue.
  • Provided timely and effective resolution to customer issues, achieving a 90% resolution rate within 24 hours.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to improve product features and functionality based on customer feedback.
  • Established and maintained strong relationships with key stakeholders at client organizations.
  • Received multiple commendations from clients for outstanding service and support.
  • Increased sales revenue by 30% through strategic sales planning and execution
  • Developed and implemented a new sales process that led to a 25% increase in conversion rates
  • Trained new hires on sales techniques and product knowledge resulting in an average 15% increase in sales within their first month
  • Consistently exceeded individual sales targets by an average of 20%
  • Collaborated with product development team to provide customer feedback on product enhancements
  • Identified and secured new partnerships with clients resulting in a 25% increase in revenue
  • Created and executed successful sales strategies to achieve monthly sales targets
  • Conducted market research and analysis to identify new business opportunities
  • Managed and maintained relationships with existing clients resulting in a 90% retention rate
  • Developed and delivered presentations to clients to showcase company services and product offerings
  • Assisted customers with purchases, technical issues, and general questions/concerns while ensuring a positive customer experience.
  • Reviewed customer accounts and sought sales opportunities, upgrading hosting services and adding on products to existing core products.
  • Maintained a dynamic and changing environment, quickly learning and adapting to new processes and systems.
  • Developed strong rapport with customers through effective communication and product knowledge.
  • Demonstrated exceptional sales skills, including closing effectively and overcoming objections.
  • Worked collaboratively with the sales team to identify and pursue new business opportunities.
  • Answered customer inquiries and provided product information.
  • Resolved customer complaints and issues in a timely and professional manner.
  • Maintained accurate and up-to-date customer records and communicated customer feedback to the management team.

In writing your Tech Sales resume, you will no doubt want to list your previous duties - as you should. But steer clear of just listing your duties, instead of your achievements. Make your resume stand out by communicating what you have done, and not merely what the job needed you to do.

Action Verbs for your Tech Sales Resume

Target Illustration

Recommended reads:

  • Resume Without Work Experience: 6+ Sections to Demonstrate Impact
  • Resume Job Description: Samples & Tips To Help You Enhance Your Application

The Ultimate Tech Sales Skills Section Checklist:

  • Balance between all kinds of hard skills – technical, analytical, etc.
  • When it comes to technical skills, match them to the job description;
  • Add keywords present in the job advert to pass ATS;
  • Don’t forget to list transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, work ethic, and presentation skills.

Top skills for your tech sales resume

Product Knowledge

Salesforce Management

Lead Generation

CRM Software

Data Analysis

Market Research

Negotiation Skills

Closing Techniques

Time Management

Technical Aptitude

Communication Skills

Relationship Building

Active Listening

Problem Solving

Presentation Skills


Positive Attitude

When describing your experience, don’t go too far from its terminology. Recruiters use ATS systems to filter resumes based on them having certain keywords, so make sure you use at least a few keywords mentioned in the job description.

  • Hard Skills on Resume: Top Hard Skills by Industry Sector

what to write in your resume header

Things to include in your Tech Sales resume summary:

  • Your total years of experience in the industry;
  • 2-3 of your most remarkable achievements so far;
  • How your experience relates to the position you’re applying for;
  • A very brief description of your strengths.

Resume summary formula:

You’re not going to get hired simply because of a good summary or objective. However, your recruiter can bump you up in front of similarly experienced candidates who didn’t demonstrate such passion and drive.

  • How To Write An Effective Resume Profile (With Examples)

If a couple of years ago Tech Sales resumes could be text files with no graphic elements, today’s recruiters need a bit more to remember you.

And yet, you can still choose between three basic resume formats:

  • Reverse-chronological resume format ;
  • Functional skills-based resume format ;
  • Combination (or Hybrid) resume format .

But when it comes to choosing the right format for your Tech Sales resume, there are two factors to keep in mind: your experience and whether you’re looking for an industry change.

The reverse-chronological format is the most common one. That being said, it gives recruiters exactly what they’re used to in terms of order and information. However, it’s not suitable for applicants with employment gaps or not enough experience.

We at Enhancv suggest the functional skills-based resume format for people with limited work experience who find reverse-chronological resumes irrelevant. This format showcases the applicant’s most significant accomplishments, skills, and strengths.

hybrid (combination) resume format built on Enhancv platform

Here’s our resume format and style checklist:

  • Choose a traditional resume font sized 12p;
  • Go for standard 1-inch resume margins ;
  • Match the length of your Tech Sales resume with your experience – choose a one-page template if you have less than 10 years of experience, and be careful with two-page templates ;
  • Send your resume in PDF – in this way, you’ll avoid formatting issues and potential editing from third parties.

And in case you want to go the extra mile, check out our guide for crafting a resume that stands out .

tech sales resume example

Looking to build your own Tech Sales resume?

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  • Resume Examples

Here's What You Need To Know Before Your Next Job Interview

A breakdown of a successful one page resume – and how to write yours, a guide to finding a headhunter, does a cv include a cover letter, 23 creative resume examples for 2024, part-time job on resume: how to include it.

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  • IT Technician Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on IT Technician Resumes:

  • Installing and configuring computer hardware, software, systems, networks, printers, and scanners
  • Monitoring and maintaining computer systems and networks, ensuring they run efficiently
  • Responding in a timely manner to service issues and requests, providing technical support across the company
  • Repairing and replacing equipment as necessary, potentially working with external suppliers
  • Setting up accounts for new users and assisting with password or login problems
  • Providing support, including procedural documentation and relevant reports
  • Setting up and managing backups and restoring systems when necessary
  • Ensuring security through access controls, backups, and firewalls
  • Testing new technology and providing feedback to IT managers or project leaders
  • Conducting electrical safety checks on computer equipment to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations
  • Training staff members on how to use various hardware and software
  • Participating in the planning and implementation of new IT projects and initiatives

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

IT Technician Resume Example:

  • Technical support and troubleshooting
  • IT service management (ITSM)
  • Knowledge of ticketing systems
  • Network administration and performance tuning
  • Security protocols and cybersecurity measures
  • Data backup and disaster recovery planning
  • System monitoring and proactive maintenance
  • Software and hardware upgrades
  • IT project management
  • Vendor management and negotiation
  • Training and staff development
  • Process automation and optimization
  • Operating system deployment and management
  • Cost reduction and budget management
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Adaptability and continuous learning

Top Skills & Keywords for IT Technician Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Hardware Troubleshooting and Repair
  • Software Installation and Configuration
  • Network Administration
  • Operating System Installation and Configuration
  • Server Administration
  • IT Security and Data Protection
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Virtualization Technologies
  • IT Documentation and Reporting
  • IT Project Management
  • IT Help Desk Support
  • Remote Desktop Support

Soft Skills

  • Problem Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Attention to Detail
  • Customer Service and Interpersonal Skills
  • Communication and Documentation
  • Time Management and Organization
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Analytical and Critical Thinking
  • Technical Aptitude
  • Patience and Empathy
  • Continuous Learning and Self-Development
  • Professionalism and Ethics

Resume Action Verbs for IT Technicians:

  • Troubleshot
  • Implemented
  • Collaborated
  • Troubleshooted

Generate Your Resume Summary

resume samples for tech jobs

Resume FAQs for IT Technicians:

How long should i make my it technician resume, what is the best way to format a it technician resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a it technician resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a it technician, compare your it technician resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the IT Technician job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for IT Technicians:

Desktop support technician, it support specialist, it support analyst, it system administrator, it desktop support, it service manager, it support manager, technical support specialist.


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    24 Great Free Technical Resume Templates. If you need resumes for specific tech jobs, see the 10 great tech resume examples and guides below: Technical Support Resume Example. Technical Writer Resume Sample. Technical Program Manager Resume. Technical Project Manager Resume. Information Technology Resume Samples.

  2. Creating the Best Tech Resume: Guide With Tips and Examples

    Your resume needs to be scannable, with a highlights reel of your key experiences, skills, and the tools you work with. Stick to bullet points and lists—you can elaborate in your tech cover letter. Make it longer than one page. Likewise, anything longer than two pages is at risk of being disregarded for another's.

  3. Technical Resume: 15+ Examples, Template, & Writing Tips

    Resume Genius and its authors' career and resume advice have been featured in major publications such as CNBCs, Forbes, Yahoo, NBC News, and USA Today. Secure the best tech job by writing a strong technical resume. We'll show you how with our 18 technical resume examples, template, and writing tips.

  4. The Ultimate Tech Resume Guide

    Keep your resume to one page. Nothing discourages a hiring manager more than a 5 page resume. Your resume needs to be a highlight reel, so no matter where the tech recruiter or hiring manager looks, they're convinced that you deserve an interview. This one bears repeating: fix all spelling and grammar errors.

  5. 5 Tech Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    But no one wants to read a list of 50+ skills that you've acquired over your career. Here are some tips to make your skills section more engaging and impactful: Put the tech that the company uses higher on your list. Group your tech skills for better readability, e.g. "Programming languages", "Platforms", "Services".

  6. Technical Resume Samples

    Technology resumes are your ticket to nabbing the most sought-after tech jobs.No matter what level you're at in your career—entry, mid-level, or experienced—we have loads of free technology resume samples that can help guide you when you're writing or updating your resume.

  7. Technical Resume Example for 2024 [W/ Template & Step-by-Step Guide!]

    Once you get the formatting out of the way, you can start focusing on your tech resume's design and layout.. Here are the most essential resume layout tips to keep in mind: . Set the right margins. To make your tech resume visually appealing and easy to read, provide ample white space by setting the margins at 1 pt on all sides.

  8. Technical Resume Writing: Tips and Examples

    Some technical jobs will have hundreds of applicants, so standing out is important in this field. You will need a technical resume when applying for a job in engineering, IT, computer science, programming, software engineering, web development or design, DevOps or network or system administration.Each field and position may have its own unique requirements, so customizing your tech resume ...

  9. Technical Resume: 30+ Examples, Templates and Writing Tips

    Work with resume fonts like Georgia or Lato in 10-12pt. Use white space as a buffer, and 1-inch margins. Deliver a one-page resume to most technical job openings. Cover these resume sections: Header, Summary, Experience, Education, Skills, and "Additional.". Expert Hint: Save your technical skills resume as a PDF file.

  10. Tech Resume Samples

    Gcis Tech Lead Resume Examples & Samples. Rapidly learn applications in the Credit Risk technology environment. Work with the development lead to design & implement appropriate technical solutions. Work with testers to verify the solution. Rework defects & take part in defect analysis.

  11. 6 Great IT Technician Resume Examples

    Good example: " Experienced IT Technician with over 5 years of experience in troubleshooting, installing, and maintaining computer systems and networks. Adept at providing technical support to users and ensuring system uptime and reliability. Possess strong problem-solving skills and knowledge of networking protocols and security standards.".

  12. Customize 49+ Tech Resume Templates Online

    Purple White Modern CEO Company Tech Resume. Resume by Habilitats Art. Blue modern minimalist Resume. Resume by Olmos Carlos. White Green Modern Designer Resume A4. Resume by Selectinvert. Purple and Pink Gradient Neon Programmer Freelance Resume. Resume by Ondo Studios.

  13. IT Technician Resume—Sample, Job Description & Writing Tips

    How to write a job description for IT technicians: Re-read the job ad. Flag the IT technician skills and duties in it. Retrieve from memory times you used those skills to wow employers. Write resume bullet points that describe and quantify those times. These IT technician resume examples show how:

  14. How To Write an IT Technician Resume (With Template and Example)

    Here are some steps you can use to write a resume as an IT technician: 1. Begin with your personal details. The first section to create in an IT technician resume is one for your personal details, such as your name and your location. This can allow hiring managers to identify you quickly and learn about where you live.

  15. IT Technician Resume Samples

    IT Technician Intern Resume Examples & Samples. Familiarity with software and hardware of Personal Computers and Network Servers. Familiarity with Microsoft Operating Systems (XP, Windows 7) and Microsoft Server 2003-8. Familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite 2003, 2010 products.

  16. 5 Tech Sales Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Here's our resume format and style checklist: Choose a traditional resume font sized 12p; Go for standard 1-inch resume margins; Match the length of your Tech Sales resume with your experience - choose a one-page template if you have less than 10 years of experience, and be careful with two-page templates; Send your resume in PDF - in ...

  17. Resume Samples and Examples

    Warehouse Clerk. Warehouse Delivery Driver. Warehouse Supervisor. Warehouse Worker. Welder. X-Ray Technician. Write an engaging resume using Indeed's library of free resume examples and templates. Customized samples based on the most contacted resumes from over 700 resumes on file.

  18. Technician Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024) ·

    Technician Resume example Complete guide Create a Perfect Resume in 5 minutes using our Resume Examples & Templates. Resume Cover Letter Blog FAQ. ... Many medium and large companies now use Applicant Tracking Systems or ATS to scan resumes and filter out candidates before their applications are even seen by human eyes. Luckily, you can take ...

  19. 2024 IT Technician Resume Example (+Guidance)

    Common Responsibilities Listed on IT Technician Resumes: Installing and configuring computer hardware, software, systems, networks, printers, and scanners. Monitoring and maintaining computer systems and networks, ensuring they run efficiently. Responding in a timely manner to service issues and requests, providing technical support across the ...

  20. Technician Resume Examples and Template for 2024

    Medical technician salary. According to Indeed data, a medical technician earns a national average salary of $44,668 per year. Typically, those in this role work in a full-time capacity. This specific income amount may vary based on several factors, such as company size and your education, location and experience.

  21. Technician Resume Examples: Guide and Writing Tips

    View Template. 1 / 3. Technician must prove their attention to detail to hiring managers. Your cover letter is a better place to show your enthusiasm and personality than your resume alone. A cover letter gives you an entire page to explain a little about yourself and what motivates you to want to be a Technician.