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16 Short Speeches About Life

At first, I set out to craft a speech about life . But as I delved deeper into the topic, I realized that summing up the vast tapestry of life in a single speech is a tall order. Life is not just one color or a single note; it’s a vibrant spectrum, a rainbow of experiences, moments, highs, lows, lessons, and memories. Each hue represents a different chapter, emotion, or milestone that contributes to our unique stories.

I also recognize that high school students might come across these words. I fondly recall my own school days when teachers would challenge us to pen down our thoughts on life. Such assignments, seemingly simple on the surface, often pushed us to self-reflection and growth.

With these memories and audiences in mind, I present to you not just one, but multiple speeches on life. Through these, I aim to touch upon the myriad facets of our existence, hoping that each reader, regardless of their age or journey, finds a sliver of resonance, a hint of inspiration, or a moment of reflection.

Speeches About Life

Speeches about life resonate with all of us because life, in its vastness and complexity, is the shared journey we all navigate. It’s filled with rainbows of experiences, highs and lows, and tales of courage, fear, triumphs, and setbacks.

Through these speeches, we get a window into the varied perspectives, learnings, and stories of others. They offer a mirror to our own experiences, sometimes teaching us, sometimes validating our feelings, and often inspiring us to see our path in a new light.

Moreover, life speeches bridge the gap between generations.

From a teenager in high school to a professional in their prime, everyone can find a piece of wisdom or an echo of their own story in these words.

By discussing life, we unite in our shared human experience, finding solace in the thought that we’re not alone in our struggles or joys. This universality, this binding thread, is what makes speeches about life timeless and impactful.

I have delivered these speeches in Toastmasters . I share these speeches when I teach about life and leadership. I have written them in the hope that you too will be inspired to write your speech about life and be an inspiration to others.

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A speech about life aims to provide insights, share personal experiences, motivate the audience, or encourage introspection about the various aspects of human existence.

They can be both. Some speakers draw from their personal journeys and lessons learned, while others tap into universal truths and shared human experiences.

No, everyday experiences can provide profound insights. It’s about the message and the perspective, not necessarily the drama of the events.

Using storytelling, anecdotes, humor, and asking thought-provoking questions can make your speech more engaging. Ensure that the content resonates with the audience’s experiences and emotions.

Focus on authenticity, clarity of message, and audience engagement. Also, incorporating relatable stories or analogies can make the content memorable.

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About the author.

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Jef Menguin

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speech about life 800 words

The Power of Words: Inspiring Speeches for Personal Growth

by admin | Nov 4, 2023

Discover the transformative power of inspiring speeches for personal growth. Unleash your full potential, cultivate resilience, and embrace self-discovery with the power of words.

Have you ever been moved to take action or make positive changes in your life simply by listening to a powerful speech? The Power of Words: Inspiring Speeches for Personal Growth is a collection of captivating and thought-provoking speeches that have the ability to ignite a spark within you. Each speech is carefully crafted to inspire, motivate, and empower individuals to reach their full potential. Whether you’re seeking inspiration in your career, relationships, or personal development, this collection is sure to leave a lasting impact on your life. Get ready to be inspired, uplifted, and motivated like never before as you delve into the power of words.

Importance of Inspirational Speeches

Inspirational speeches play a crucial role in personal growth. They have the power to ignite a spark within us, motivating us to overcome obstacles, pursue our passions, and cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves. These speeches can act as a guiding light, providing us with the necessary inspiration and guidance to embark on a journey of self-improvement and transformation. Words have the ability to uplift our spirits, instill positivity, and spark a sense of determination within us. By listening to inspirational speeches, we can tap into our true potential and unleash a world of possibilities.

Understanding Personal Growth

Before delving into the impact of inspiring speeches on personal growth, it is essential to have a clear understanding of what personal growth entails. Personal growth refers to the continuous process of self-improvement, wherein individuals strive to become the best version of themselves. It involves developing new skills, expanding knowledge, and embracing personal and professional challenges. Personal growth is a lifelong journey that requires self-reflection, commitment, and the willingness to step out of one’s comfort zone. It encompasses various aspects of our lives, including physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being.

The Role of Words in Personal Growth

Words are not merely a combination of letters; they possess the power to influence and inspire. In the realm of personal growth, words act as catalysts for change. They have the ability to shape our beliefs, drive our actions, and impact our mindset. Inspiring speeches are a powerful tool in personal growth as they provide encouragement, guidance, and motivation. They have the potential to awaken our innermost desires, instill confidence, and foster a sense of resilience within us. By internalizing the words spoken in these speeches, we can harness their transformative power and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal development.

Speeches That Ignite Personal Growth

1. overcoming obstacles.

One of the most common themes in inspiring speeches is overcoming obstacles. Life is full of challenges, and these speeches help us develop the mindset and resilience required to overcome them. They teach us that setbacks and failures are not roadblocks but opportunities for growth. Through these speeches, we learn the importance of perseverance, determination, and staying committed to our goals, even in the face of adversity. By internalizing the message conveyed in these speeches, we can develop a mindset that empowers us to turn obstacles into stepping stones on our path to personal growth.

2. Pursuing Passion and Purpose

Inspiring speeches focused on pursuing passion and purpose remind us of the significance of aligning our actions with our innermost desires. These speeches encourage us to identify our passions, explore our interests, and pursue a path that brings us fulfillment and joy. They emphasize the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones and taking risks in order to pursue our dreams. By listening to these speeches, we are inspired to embrace our passions wholeheartedly, follow our dreams, and create a life that is aligned with our true purpose.

3. Building Self-Confidence

Self-confidence is a crucial attribute required for personal growth, and inspiring speeches can be instrumental in building it. These speeches remind us of our inherent worth and potential, encouraging us to believe in ourselves and our abilities. They instill confidence by emphasizing the importance of embracing our strengths and celebrating our achievements. By internalizing the messages delivered in these speeches, we can develop a strong sense of self-confidence that empowers us to take on new challenges, overcome self-doubt, and seize opportunities for personal growth.

4. Embracing Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges, and it is an essential quality for personal growth. Inspiring speeches focused on resilience remind us that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success. They highlight the importance of embracing failure as a valuable learning experience and bouncing back stronger than ever. By listening to these speeches, we gain the strength and determination to face adversity head-on, learn from our mistakes, and continue moving forward on our personal growth journey.

5. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Inspiring speeches centered around cultivating a growth mindset encourage us to embrace challenges, view setbacks as opportunities for growth, and persist in the face of obstacles. They remind us that intelligence, talent, and success are not fixed traits but can be nurtured and developed. By internalizing the teachings of these speeches, we can foster a growth mindset that propels us towards personal growth and achievement.

6. Fostering Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence involves the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as empathize with the emotions of others. Inspiring speeches focused on emotional intelligence guide us towards nurturing this essential skill. They emphasize the importance of self-awareness, emotional regulation, and interpersonal relationships. By listening to these speeches, we are inspired to develop a deeper understanding of our emotions, cultivate empathy towards others, and build meaningful connections that contribute to our personal growth.

7. Cultivating Positive Relationships

Relationships have a significant impact on our personal growth, and inspiring speeches on cultivating positive relationships highlight this fact. They emphasize the importance of surrounding ourselves with supportive and uplifting individuals who encourage our growth and inspire us to be our best selves. These speeches emphasize the power of collaboration, effective communication, and building authentic connections. By internalizing the wisdom shared in these speeches, we can cultivate positive relationships that foster personal growth and create a supportive network of individuals who uplift and inspire us.

8. Enhancing Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one’s own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Inspiring speeches centered around enhancing self-awareness guide us towards introspection and self-reflection. They encourage us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, identify our strengths and weaknesses, and embrace our authentic selves. By listening to these speeches, we gain insight into our own thoughts and behaviors, which in turn allows us to make more informed choices, set meaningful goals, and continually strive for personal growth.

9. Overcoming Fear and Taking Risks

Fear often holds us back from reaching our full potential, and inspiring speeches on overcoming fear and taking risks address this common obstacle to personal growth. These speeches encourage us to step out of our comfort zones, embrace uncertainty, and confront our fears head-on. They remind us that growth and transformation occur outside of our comfort zones and that taking calculated risks is essential for personal growth. By internalizing the messages of these speeches, we can break free from the grip of fear, embrace new opportunities, and propel ourselves towards personal growth and success.

10. Finding Balance and Inner Peace

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding balance and inner peace is crucial for personal growth. Inspiring speeches on finding balance and inner peace emphasize the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and living in the present moment. They encourage us to prioritize our well-being, create space for self-reflection, and cultivate a sense of inner calm. By listening to these speeches, we are reminded to slow down, reconnect with ourselves, and foster a balanced and peaceful lifestyle that facilitates personal growth.

Analyzing Iconic Speeches

1. martin luther king jr.’s ‘i have a dream’.

Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech is one of the most iconic and influential speeches in history. In this powerful speech, King delivers a message of hope, equality, and social justice. His words inspire individuals to believe in the possibility of a better future and encourage them to take action towards achieving racial equality. King’s speech is a testament to the power of words in mobilizing individuals and igniting social change. By analyzing this speech, we gain insight into the impact that a well-crafted and passionate message can have on personal growth and societal transformation.

2. Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Speech

Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Speech is a memorable and thought-provoking speech that encourages individuals to follow their passions and embrace the uncertainties of life. He shares personal anecdotes and life lessons, urging graduates to pursue their dreams and have the courage to make unconventional choices. Jobs’ speech highlights the importance of staying true to oneself, embracing failure, and finding purpose in our work. By examining this speech, we can learn valuable lessons about personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of our dreams.

3. J.K. Rowling’s Harvard Commencement Speech

J.K. Rowling’s Harvard Commencement Speech is a testament to the power of resilience and failure in personal growth. She speaks candidly about her own experiences with failure and the lessons she learned along the way. Rowling’s speech reinforces the idea that failure is not something to be feared but a necessary stepping stone towards success. She inspires individuals to embrace their failures, learn from them, and persevere in the pursuit of their dreams. By analyzing this speech, we gain valuable insights into the role of resilience, determination, and embracing failure in personal growth.

4. Oprah Winfrey’s Harvard Commencement Speech

Oprah Winfrey’s Harvard Commencement Speech is a powerful and inspiring speech that encourages individuals to live a life of purpose and meaning. She shares personal anecdotes and reflections, detailing the transformative power of embracing one’s true self and following one’s passions. Winfrey’s speech highlights the importance of authenticity, gratitude, and service in personal growth. By examining this speech, we can gain valuable insights into the power of self-discovery, embracing our authentic selves, and making a positive impact on the world.

5. Ellen DeGeneres’ Tulane University Commencement Speech

Ellen DeGeneres’ Tulane University Commencement Speech is a heartfelt and humorous speech that encourages individuals to embrace kindness, compassion, and authenticity. She shares personal stories and anecdotes, highlighting the importance of being true to oneself and spreading positivity in the world. DeGeneres’ speech reinforces the value of embracing diversity, celebrating individuality, and finding joy in everyday moments. By analyzing this speech, we can gain valuable insights into the power of kindness, authenticity, and embracing our unique selves in personal growth.

Strategies to Apply the Power of Words

1. practicing self-affirmation.

Self-affirmation involves consciously and positively reaffirming our own worth and abilities. By practicing self-affirmation, we can counter negative self-talk and cultivate a positive mindset. This strategy involves repeating positive affirmations, such as “I am capable and deserving of success,” to ourselves regularly. By incorporating self-affirmation into our daily routine, we can harness the power of words to boost our self-confidence and drive personal growth.

2. Visualization and Manifestation Techniques

Visualization and manifestation techniques involve creating vivid mental images of our desired outcomes and beliefs. By visualizing ourselves achieving our goals and embodying the qualities we aspire to possess, we can program our minds for success. This strategy involves creating vision boards, meditating on our goals, and visualizing ourselves in the future we desire. By utilizing visualization and manifestation techniques, we can align our thoughts and actions with our aspirations, paving the way for personal growth.

3. Writing and Reflecting on Personal Mantras

Personal mantras are short, powerful statements or affirmations that reflect our values and aspirations. By writing and reflecting on personal mantras, we can remind ourselves of what is truly important to us and anchor ourselves in our values. This strategy involves identifying key principles or beliefs that resonate with us and crafting affirmations around them, such as “I am resilient, adaptable, and capable of overcoming any challenge.” By incorporating personal mantras into our daily practice, we can reinforce positive beliefs and foster personal growth.

4. Daily Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk

Daily affirmations and positive self-talk involve consciously choosing to speak to ourselves in a supportive and uplifting manner. By replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations, we can reframe our mindset and cultivate a greater sense of self-belief. This strategy involves incorporating positive statements, such as “I am confident and capable,” into our daily routines. By consistently practicing daily affirmations and positive self-talk, we can reshape our self-perception and unlock our full potential for personal growth.

5. Seeking Motivational and Educational Resources

Motivational and educational resources, such as books, podcasts, and videos, can provide valuable guidance and inspiration on our journey of personal growth. By seeking out these resources, we expose ourselves to new ideas, perspectives, and insights. This strategy involves actively seeking out motivational speeches, self-help books, and educational content that resonate with our interests and goals. By immersing ourselves in these resources, we can infuse our lives with fresh perspectives and knowledge, fueling our personal growth.

6. Surrounding Yourself with Positive Influences

The people we surround ourselves with have a significant impact on our personal growth. By intentionally cultivating relationships with positive and supportive individuals, we create an environment that nurtures our growth. This strategy involves identifying individuals who inspire us, motivate us, and uplift us, and actively seeking to spend time with them. By surrounding ourselves with positive influences, we create a support system that encourages our personal growth and provides us with the necessary motivation and guidance.

7. Participating in Public Speaking and Toastmasters

Public speaking and Toastmasters provide opportunities to practice and refine our communication skills, boost our self-confidence, and inspire others through our words. By participating in public speaking events and joining Toastmasters clubs, we can develop our ability to deliver impactful speeches and connect with an audience. This strategy involves seeking out public speaking opportunities, enrolling in Toastmasters clubs, and actively participating in speaking engagements. By honing our public speaking skills, we can harness the power of words to inspire personal growth in ourselves and others.

8. Joining Supportive Communities

Joining supportive communities can provide a sense of belonging, encouragement, and accountability on our personal growth journey. By connecting with like-minded individuals who are also striving for personal development, we create a network of support that empowers us. This strategy involves seeking out communities, such as mastermind groups or online forums, where individuals come together to support and motivate each other. By joining these communities, we can share our experiences, gain valuable insights, and receive the encouragement we need to continue growing.

9. Reading and Sharing Inspirational Stories

Reading and sharing inspirational stories can have a profound impact on personal growth. By immersing ourselves in stories of triumph, resilience, and personal transformation, we gain valuable insights and inspiration. This strategy involves seeking out biographies, memoirs, or personal development books that resonate with our interests. By reading and sharing these stories, we can tap into the power of words to ignite personal growth and motivate others on their own journeys.

10. Incorporating Inspirational Quotes into Daily Life

Inspirational quotes serve as powerful reminders of our capabilities and aspirations. By incorporating inspirational quotes into our daily lives, we can infuse our days with positivity and motivation. This strategy involves selecting meaningful quotes that resonate with us and displaying them in places where we will see them frequently, such as on our desks or as phone wallpapers. By immersing ourselves in these quotes, we create a constant reminder of our potential and the path of personal growth that lies ahead.

The Impact of Words on Personal Growth

1. shaping beliefs and mindset.

Words have the power to shape our beliefs and mindset. By internalizing positive and empowering messages, we can cultivate a growth-oriented mindset that propels us towards personal growth. The words we speak and listen to can reshape our perception, challenge limiting beliefs, and open up new possibilities.

2. Encouraging Action and Motivation

Inspiring speeches and words have the ability to spark action and motivation within us. They awaken our inner drive, fuel our ambitions, and propel us towards taking positive steps on our personal growth journey. By hearing the right words at the right time, we can find the courage and motivation to pursue our dreams and overcome obstacles.

3. Boosting Confidence and Self-Esteem

The power of positive words is undeniable when it comes to boosting confidence and self-esteem. Inspirational speeches and affirmations have the ability to remind us of our inherent worth and potential, instilling a sense of belief in ourselves and our abilities. By internalizing empowering words, we can cultivate a strong sense of self-confidence and self-love that serves as a foundation for personal growth.

4. Cultivating Optimism and Resilience

Optimism and resilience are essential qualities for personal growth, and words can play a crucial role in cultivating these attributes. Inspirational speeches and positive self-talk help us reframe challenges, see setbacks as opportunities for growth, and foster a mindset of perseverance. By embracing the power of positive words, we can build resilience, bounce back from adversity, and maintain an optimistic outlook on our personal growth journey.

5. Fostering Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Words have the power to foster empathy and emotional intelligence within us. Inspiring speeches and stories of human experiences help us connect with the emotions and experiences of others, fostering a deeper understanding and empathy. By internalizing the words spoken in these speeches, we can develop our emotional intelligence, strengthen our interpersonal relationships, and cultivate a greater sense of compassion on our personal growth journey.

6. Strengthening Relationships and Connections

The words we use in our interactions with others can strengthen relationships and connections. By speaking uplifting and supportive words to our loved ones, we can build trust, understanding, and a sense of connection. By actively listening to others’ words, we show empathy and create a space for meaningful connections that contribute to our personal growth.

7. Expanding Knowledge and Perspective

Words are the vehicle for knowledge and perspective. By listening to inspiring speeches, reading books, and engaging in thought-provoking conversations, we expand our knowledge, broaden our perspective, and gain valuable insights that contribute to our personal growth. By embracing the power of words, we can continuously grow intellectually and cultivate a thirst for knowledge.

8. Overcoming Fear and Limiting Beliefs

Fear and limiting beliefs often hinder personal growth, but the right words can help us overcome them. Inspirational speeches and positive self-talk offer a new perspective, challenging the fear and self-doubt that hold us back. By internalizing empowering words, we can break free from the grip of fear, challenge our limiting beliefs, and step into our full potential for personal growth.

9. Nurturing Personal Development and Transformation

Personal growth is a continuous process of development and transformation. Words can serve as guideposts along this journey, offering wisdom, guidance, and motivation to keep progressing. By immersing ourselves in inspiring speeches and transformative words, we create an environment that nurtures personal development and supports our ongoing transformation.

10. Inspiring Others and Creating a Ripple Effect

Finally, the power of words extends beyond ourselves. When we share our own experiences, deliver inspiring speeches, or simply speak words of encouragement and support to others, we have the ability to inspire and catalyze personal growth in those around us. By harnessing the power of our own words, we create a ripple effect, making a positive impact on the lives of others and collectively fostering a culture of personal growth.

speech about life 800 words

  • Speech about Life for Students and Children

Speech about Life

Good morning one and all present here. I am standing before you all to share my thoughts through my speech about life. Life is a continuous ongoing process that has to end someday. Life is all about adoring yourself, creating yourself. A quote for you that life can be only understood backward but it must be lived forwards. Life itself is a golden opportunity to live a meaningful life and support others to do so. It doesn’t matter how many years you live. But it matters how well you live a quality life.

Speech about Life


The fear of death always threatens our lives. Every person has to face death sooner or later, but that doesn’t mean that it should discourage us from living life to the fullest or achieving our goals. A person is wise only when he/she is ready to meet destiny when it comes, but until that time enjoys every bit of it. It is a sense of readiness. It is a journey in everyone’s life wherein we have to cross the bridge of death to be able to wake up to a life eternal.

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Human life – A very Precious Gift

Human life is truly a very precious gift. Each moment of human life carries us an opportunity, to act to develop and express our virtues. Every moment unlocks the path to us to receive blessings. This is the truth that life gives us both positive and negative situations. What is really important is how we react.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives. But, do they realize that this life itself is precious? If we make it worth living and work hard towards positivity.

Life is a Journey, not a Destination

Life is nothing but a journey with lessons, hardships, heartache and special moments. It will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be a plane; in fact, throughout our travels, we will face many challenges.

These challenges will always test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along our way, we may encounter obstacles that will come between the paths and we are destined to take.

In order to be on the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don’t understand that at the time. The secret of life is best known to those who are not attached to anything deeply so much.

Therefore, they remain out of touch with worries and shifting fortunes of their lives. They are the people who do not measure their lives in terms of materialistic possessions, but by measuring their lives in terms of people they cannot live without.

Lastly, I will conclude that we should make life worthwhile. It should be with the love of our family and friends that life can be made beautiful. Life can be more beautiful and purposeful by discharging our duties in our family, at work, society and the world at large.

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Speech for Students

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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Very much helpful and its well crafted and expressed. Thumb’s up!!!

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16 Inspirational Speeches for Career and Life Lessons (+ Speaker Traits)

Erika Giles

Erika Giles | July 9, 2020 | Inspiration | 11 min read

The Most Inspirational Speeches of All Time

  • 1.  J.K. Rowling – Harvard University
  • 2.  Jim Carrey – Maharishi University
  • 3.  Steve Jobs – Stanford University
  • 4.  Al Pacino – Any Given Sunday
  • 5.  Tony Robbins – TED Talk
  • 6.  Will Smith – The Pursuit of Happiness
  • 7.  Matthew McConaughey – University of Houston
  • 8.  Sylvester Stallone – Rocky Balboa
  • 9.  Denzel Washington – University of Pennsylvania
  • 10.  Yoda – The Empire Strikes Back
  • 11.   Elizabeth Gilbert – TED Talk, 2009
  • 12.   Michelle Obama – Eastern Kentucky University
  • 13.   David Goggins – Driven
  • 14.   Peter Dinklage – Bennington College
  • 15.   John Roberts – Cardigan Mountain School
  • 16.  Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - LA Lakers

Being motivated at work and in life is crucial for your performance. This is true when you have an approaching deadline, an important meeting, or customers depending on you.

The power of words can physically and emotionally rejuvenate you. Inspirational speeches can guide you to keep performing at your best and drive your team to achieve their goals . The right words at the right time can change you and challenge you.

No matter what is thrown at you in life, you can use these speeches to stay motivated. 

How Inspiration Impacts People

Inspiration helps propel people forward. It pushes apathy away and awakens people to new and exciting possibilities. They're able to transcend their limitations and mundane lives. 

It can help all people to become more creative and help them to progress toward their goals if they are open to it. 

Although inspiration impacts people in several meaningful and often magical ways, it is not something as elusive as it seems. Inspiration is everywhere, and it can be captured, activated, and manipulated. 

Most often, inspiration is found in others who say something or do something thought provoking and meaningful. 

What Makes a Speech Inspirational?

Great inspirational speeches all include one key thing – emotions . Emotions motivate actions and beliefs in any given aspect of life. Inspirational speeches are often loaded with tales of struggle, resilience, trials, endurance, and breakthroughs. All things that most people can relate to.

The philosopher, Aristotle, once said that people tend to believe in people who can be perceived as trustworthy or in those who have proper values and morals. This means that speakers who understand the concerns their audience has and empathizes with them are more likely to connect with their audience and gain their trust. 

Speakers who select emotional themes and talking points that people can relate to are more likely to inspire those in the audience with their stories. 

The key to this is making others feel as though they aren’t alone, and that they too can overcome the roadblocks in their way because someone else has. Hope is one of the most powerful emotions that sparks inspiration. 

Next, comes an excellent oral delivery. Facial expressions, tone of voice, and appropriate pausing all help to make a speech that much more effective and inspirational. 

7 Qualities of the Best Motivational Speakers

Here are seven traits, qualities, and characteristics that some of the best motivational speakers have.

1. They Tell Great Stories.

The ability to tell a great story is one of the core qualities that a motivational speaker needs to help add value to the lives of listeners. Motivational speakers tell original stories to provide the audience with fresh and relevant information. 

More importantly, the best motivational speakers paint a picture that lets the audience put themselves into the story so they can feel the emotions to understand the lesson better. 

2. They Are Passionate About What They Do.

Great speakers are often passionate about wanting to change others for the better, and the amount of passion a speaker has translates into their presentation. The audience can tell when a speaker is passionate about their subject matter because it will reflect in the speaker’s enthusiasm and excitement when they perform. 

Passion is infectious, and when a great speaker is passionate, it inspires the audience to cultivate passion as well. 

3. They Are Confident.

It is essential that motivational speakers have confidence in themselves and in their message.

Audience members can tell when speakers are nervous or unsure about what they are doing or saying. This automatically causes the audience to doubt the speaker, and it may invalidate the message. 

Great speakers have confidence that reflects in their speech and gestures while they are on stage, which in turn inspires confidence in the audience. It helps to engage them and makes them believe in what the speaker is saying. 

4. They Are Self-Aware.

A great motivational speaker understands who they are and knows exactly what they stand for. They are also aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

They use their strengths to make a speech more effective, and they work on improving their weaknesses.

5. They Show Empathy.

A defining mark of a great motivational speaker is their ability to put themselves in the shoes of those in their audience. They do their best to understand their audience’s motivation, fears, hopes, challenges, and worries. 

This helps them tailor their speech to appeal to and inspire their audience. Empathetic speakers are also individuals who have gone through what they talk about. 

They have been where the audience is, and they understand what that is like, which helps make a pure connection with them.

6. They Possess Knowledge.

Any motivational speaker must remain up to date and knowledgeable in their area of expertise. Motivational speakers aren’t born; they are made.

This means that they must grow and learn to become an expert with great knowledge and insight to share with others. 

7. They Have a Sense of Humor.

Motivational speeches tend to discuss serious topics, and great speakers know how to add fun anecdotes or jokes when it is appropriate to do so. 

Humor often makes a speech more memorable. Plus, it enthralls listeners, and everyone likes someone with a good sense of humor. 

16 of the Best Inspirational Speeches of All Time

We all need some inspiration from time to time. If you are in need of inspiration, look no further than these 16 best inspirational speeches of all time. 

1. J.K. Rowling – Harvard University

It's well known that J.K. Rowling's famous Harry Potter series was turned down by several publishers before it was finally accepted. But before her success, she was in a dire situation and was on the brink of bankruptcy.

Despite constant rejection, she kept trying and finally her efforts paid off. Her Harvard speech delivered some valuable life lessons about not fearing failure and persevering no matter how bad things get.

2. Jim Carrey – Maharishi University 

Actor/comedian Jim Carrey gave one of the most unique and emotional commencement speeches ever at Maharishi University in Iowa.

In his speech , he offered the students powerful and inspiring words about life, the future, and urged them never to settle for anything less than what they want. His message: Never give up and follow your dreams!

3. Steve Jobs – Stanford University 

This is one of the greatest inspirational speeches! In his commencement speech , Jobs discussed how he dropped out of college after six months, then took another 18 months to figure out what his life's work would be.

He quit college because his parents were struggling financially, and he couldn't see the value in an education that was draining his parents life savings.

His speech talked of the setbacks in life, including death, and how being aware of death can help you make better choices in life. At the time, Jobs was dying of pancreatic cancer, and his inspirational words on the importance of acquiring knowledge and following your dreams was the best life lesson he could bestow upon the graduates.

4. Al Pacino – Any Given Sunday

This movie features an inspirational speech about how even the simplest things can inch you closer to your dream.

Pacino's speech motivated the players on his football team to do whatever it takes to win. The takeaway? The little things you do every day will lead you to success.

5. Tony Robbins – TED Talk

Tony Robbins is one of the most famous motivational speakers around. This TED talk is particularly inspirational. It's topic, “Why We Do What We Do,” asks two key questions: What drives you? What motivates you to do your daily tasks?

By asking these questions, we're able to explore ourselves and appreciate others. The takeaway? We are our own path to success!

6. Will Smith – The Pursuit of Happiness

Considered one of the best motivational speeches in film, this scene starts with Smith and his son playing basketball. When his son shouts “I'm going pro,” Smith decides to try and temper his son's expectations, telling him he never excelled at basketball, so he shouldn't expect to.

His son is visibly disappointed, and Smith launches into his speech proclaiming, “Don't ever let somebody tell you that you can't do something, not even me.” He tells his son, “You got a dream, you gotta protect it. You want something, go get it. Period.”

The takeaway? Only you can decide to chase a dream. No one can stop you besides yourself. 

7. Matthew McConaughey – University of Houston

McConaughey delivered some pertinent points in his speech to the graduating class, but the one that really stuck out was "joy being a constant approach." He said, ”Joy is always in process; it's always under construction."

He spoke of how he takes everything one step at a time when he's making a film, and how when he truly enjoys his craft, things just fall into place. The takeaway? “Define success for yourself.” Figure out what you want to achieve and enjoy the entire journey.

8. Sylvester Stallone – Rocky Balboa

In the sixth film in the Rocky franchise, Stallone gives one of the most inspirational speeches of all time. He starts with, “The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows,” and goes on to talk about the value of hard work and commitment.

“It ain't about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” The takeaway? Even when your back is up against the wall, winners never give up!

9. Denzel Washington – University of Pennsylvania

In this commencement speech, Denzel Washington speaks about how nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks, adding that when you fall in life, fall forward . He speaks of embracing failure and using it as a chance to learn.

This is especially true when it comes to being an entrepreneur. The most important thing isn't winning or losing, it's getting out there and giving it everything you've got!

10. Yoda – The Empire Strikes Back

Ok, you can't have a list of inspirational speeches without at least one offering from Yoda!

In this speech from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back , Yoda is teaching Luke about the ways of the force. The key teaching? Whether or not something can or can't be done is all in your head and your heart. If you believe in yourself, anything is possible!

The takeaway? In the words of Yoda, “Do or do not. There is no try.”

11. Elizabeth Gilbert – Ted Talk

Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the bestselling book Eat, Pray, Love , gave an inspiring Ted Talk about the "genius" in all of us.

In her speech, she mentions that everyone can be a creative genius in their work and that the best years of our work and creativity are never behind us if we think of creative genius as something we borrow. 

The key takeaways from Gilbert's speech are to not be daunted or afraid of success. Just keep showing up and doing the work that you love without the anguish of what it will turn into. 

12. Michelle Obama – Eastern Kentucky University

In 2013, Michelle Obama addressed the graduating class of Eastern Kentucky University. She encouraged them to continue learning to challenge their perspectives, and she told them to find a way to turn their weaknesses into strengths. 

The key takeaway from her speech is that the defining moments in your life will not be the moment you get the promotion or breakthrough to a classroom. They will be the days that you have to claw through to keep going.

As long as you keep working and pick yourself up when you fall down, then you will develop skills to apply to anything you do in life. And your resilience can be used in service to others. 

13. David Goggins – Driven

David Goggins is a former Navy Seal and Army Ranger who participates in ultra-marathons. In his talk, he discusses suffering and how you can turn hurt into strength. He talks about how you can still be successful and happy without guidance if you just stay true to who you are because you define greatness. 

The takeaway from Goggins' talk is that we all have greatness no matter what. You just have to find the courage through hard work and discipline. 

14. Peter Dinklage – Bennington College

Peter Dinklage is an actor who is known for his role as Tyrion Lannister on Game of Thrones . He gave the 2012 commencement address at Bennington College.

In his address to the graduates, he discusses persistence and doing whatever it takes to get to where you want to be. He also mentions that you shouldn't wait until you are ready to do what you love. 

The key lesson from his speech was to give yourself permission to fail early instead of waiting for permission. Show the world you're ready by doing it. 

15. John Roberts – Cardigan Mountain School

John Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States, gave the commencement address at his son's high school in 2017. In his speech, he wishes the graduates bad luck instead of good luck.

He tells them that he hopes they will be lonely, fail, and lose from time to time. He says all of this to say that these things are the greatest teachers of compassion, true friendship, and sportsmanship. 

The key takeaway from Roberts' speech is that there is always a message in your misfortunes, and you should not be afraid to fail. If you fail, you should get up and try again. 

16. Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson - LA Lakers

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, tenured WWE superstar & mega Hollywood performer, gave an incredible speech to the Los Angeles Lakers in 2019.

He speaks from the heart, about remembering where you came from, and letting that fuel the hard work you will put in to become successful. 

Per usual, pure gold from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

These 16 inspirational speeches touch on three main themes. It's important to love what you're doing. Failure is only bad if you don't learn and continue to move forward. And finally, you need to want it!

Life is hard. If you want something bad enough, whether it's a job, a relationship, or a successful business, you need to prove it!

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General FAQ

An inspirational speech will create a positive emotional experience for the audience that will resonate with them. Similarly, a motivational speech can inspire an audience by motivating them to take action on something.

What Are the Qualities of an Inspirational Speaker?

To be a great inspirational speaker, you should have:

  • A strong speaking voice
  • A good story to tell

How Do You Write an Inspirational Speech?

It's important to know who your audience is and what your message is going to be when writing an inspirational speech. Use should also employ storytelling techniques to evoke emotion into your speech.

Who Is the Most Motivational Speaker in the World?

It is often said that Tony Robbins is the most motivational speaker. Tony Robbins is known best for his TED talks and self-help books.

Erika Giles

Erika Giles

Erika is a Marketing Copywriter at Bluleadz. She is a huge fan of houseplants and podcasts about conspiracy theories. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, and enjoying the outdoors.

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Writing and Delivering Spectacular Short Speeches (A-Z guide)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics , Speech Writing

A man making his point while 2 other men listen to him.

Short speeches are bite-sized speeches . Unlike other speeches, short speeches try to provide consolidated and on-point information.

How long should short speeches be?

Short speeches are about 1 minute to 15 minutes long depending on the situation. Its duration is also dependent on the audience.

Human speech roughly comprises the ability to speak 100-150 words per minute . Depending upon the appropriate duration for a short speech in a situation, one can calculate how many words would be required.

It is advisable to keep at least a 15 seconds buffer while writing your short speech. As When you speak you may emphasize a point, make a joke, or give time to the audience to let a point sink in, all of which take up time, probably around 15 seconds to half a minute.

You are free to add more words depending on your speed of speaking and pace.

At the end of the day, the idea behind giving a speech is to convey a message to your audience

Things to keep in mind while writing ,

1-2 minute speeches.

One-minute speeches don’t leave you enough time to put forth many points, even in their most condensed form. Keeping one unexpected message in mind and making it the central point of your speech can prove to be effective in delivering your speech to your audience.

Quoting stories, anecdotes, facts, and figures to support your idea further can make your speech more impactful.

Lastly, having a simple opening line and restating your main idea in your conclusion should be sufficient to put your idea across.

A short speech for your Facebook audience works best when they are 1-3 minutes long.

5-minute speeches

A 600-800 words speech would be sufficient for a 5-minute speech.

5-minute speech gives you enough time to introduce your topic and elaborate on it. You can even add a minute to conclude your topic rather than just restating the main takeaway.

Ideally, the initial 1 minute is dedicated to the introduction. It can be an introduction to yourself or to your topic. Having more points can make your speech a little messy . Allocating a minute to each point and then concluding your speech can be an effective way of presenting your 5-minute speech.

Can a speech be too short?

Have you ever looked at a speaker and complained about their speech being too short? Rather opposite, we tend to like the speaker more for having the ability to fit all the relevant information in a short time.

But if you are looking for a specific word count or time duration, then it can be as short as George Washington ‘s second inaugural address which was 135 words long.

The idea behind giving any speech is to cover all the important points and not just to keep a check on the timer. It is the quality of your speech that reaches the audience. While the quantity of your speech , i.e., how long or short it is, comes secondary .

If you have been questioning how to create a short speech? and How to write good short speeches? the section below might guide you on how to do so.

Writing spectacular short speeches

A spectacular speech is one that has credibility, an emotional element, and logic.

Writing spectacular short speeches involves the following stages:

To make the process of writing short speeches easier for you to understand, Let’s take the example of making a cake . Might as well bake one later!

1. Ideation Stage

A man in deep thought with his laptop in front of him

Before starting to make any cake, you’d first decide on which flavor of the cake you want to make, right?

In speech writing, this stage is concerned with deciding a topic for your speech .

If you have been given a broad topic, you might have to take a deeper look at what elements you wish to add. It is advisable to go for a topic that interests you the most and the one that the audience would like as well.

You can decide upon the information you want to add to your speech by answering the following questions:

What ? includes what the topic is, ie, its definition. What is the problem that you want to highlight? What is the situation in which the speech is to be given?

Who? is concerned with which section of people you will be talking about.

Why? Is concerned with reasoning as to why the topic is to be included and what the audience will gain from introducing this information to them. Hence, this forms your takeaway from the speech.

All these Who? What? Why? questions form the core of the ideation stage.

2. Collection stage

A man researching some information on his laptop.

The next step in making a cake is getting all the ingredients we require.  

In speech writing, this is the collection stage . Once you have a broad idea of what points you want to add to your speech, you can then go and research those specific topics.

Research plays a very important role when it comes to public speaking. A well-researched speech would be more credible for the audience, making it easier for them to trust your information and you. It also frees us of any biases or stereotypes we may be carrying as a speaker.

Ways to conduct your research

Depending on the purpose of your speech, you can choose any one research methodology or a combination of those given below.

a. Conducting Primary research

Primary Research is when you collect the data yourself . You can do it through surveys or interviews or any other means that is convenient for you.

Suppose you are giving a speech on success and want to add that grades do not affect your likelihood of succeeding in life. You can circulate a small survey asking people who are doing well in their fields about their grades and check for the results yourself.

b. Through secondary research

Secondary research is when you adopt the information or results from someone else’s research.

A plethora of freely available books, newspapers, and other sources online, make the task easier.

However, it is important to check for the credibility of these resources before committing to them in your speech.

A couple of websites that provide resources for free that you can use in your speech are:

  • Research Papers: Google Scholar , Shodhganga
  • Books: BookBub , Zlibrary
  • Youtube: Bloomberg Quicktake , TED

The more diverse your research sources, the broader will be your perspective on your speech topic.

3. Structuring the information

Once you have collected all the information that you need, you might want to give it a proper structure.

The most basic format of writing a speech is:

Flow chart of structuring information from introduction to body to conclusion.

The introduction includes basic information about the topic like its definition. You can also introduce a problem here.

In short speeches you don’t necessarily have to allot a lot of time introducing your topic, Hence keeping it short is always a good idea.

The body comprises a major part of your speech. It involves a detailed explanation of your topic. It may have a few subtopics that you may want to highlight. If you had introduced a problem in the introduction, then the body would include some solutions to that problem .

The conclusion is the summary of your speech .

While this is a structure we have learned since the day we were taught about speech writing, Another technique to structure and enhance your speech is the one given by Aristotle . It is a persuasive speech technique that includes the use of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Ethos is the credibility element, Pathos means emotion , and Logos is the logical component .

I believe a lot of us here grew up privileged. When i say priveleged, we mean you had clothes to wear, a house to live in and food to eat, most probably you also had choices. Now try to imagine a life without those facilities (pathos) . About 689 million people today live under poverty (logos) . As a social activist and privleged citizen (Ethos) , I would like to address the issue of poverty today.

4. Enhancing Stage

The next step in making our cake is to get the right quantity of our ingredients in a bowl and mix them well.

This is the enhancing stage in speech writing, where you add a few things that would enhance your speech overall.

The use of literary techniques conveniently enhances any speech, no matter how mundane it may be. A few literary techniques that you can use are:

a. Tripling

A technique in which you take 3 words and group them together for maximum impact. The use of alliteration while tripling can make it even more impactful.

An example would be “His only philosophy of a fulfilling life was to love, laugh, and live .

The repetition of words in threes can also be used to exaggerate or evoke a particular emotion in the audience. This is called a Diacope . An example of Diacope that can be used in your speech on global warming could be: “With global warming on a rise, it is only going to get hotter and hotter and hotter with time.”

b. Cohesive ideas

Cohesive ideas refer to things that help in connecting two ideas . In simple terms, it includes the use of proper connectors like although, hence, and, because, furthermore, and so on.

Although it may seem irrelevant, It brings a sort of structure to your speech by connecting the ideas and forming a link.

An example of using cohesive ideas in your speech is given below:

According to the Evans Data Corporation, there are about 4.4 million software developers in North America. Although Washington, California, and Oregon are the top three recruiters for software developers in the USA; California has more software development positions which could be because of the famous silicon valley being located in North California. The average salary is expected to be around $126937 per year. However , Washington offers the highest salary at 164,000 per year.

c. Taking pauses

Taking necessary pauses is an effective way of getting across your information. It guides the audience on the ideas that you want them to focus on. Hence, It gives due emphasis to important sub-topics in your speech.

This is also an effective way to make your speech longer.

To learn ways in which you can harness the power of taking a pause in your speech, check out the video below.

5. Evaluation stage

Once we have mixed all the ingredients well, the next step in making our cake would be to pour the batter into a pan and keep it in the oven to cook, right?

 In speech writing, this step can be called the Evaluation stage .

As you already have the first draft of your speech ready what you can do next is to see where your speech requires improvements. Keeping a timer can help you understand if there is time to add more information to your speech or if you need to compress it a little more.

This is when you decide on your pace of speaking.

After evaluation, If the speech is too short , you might want to add a few more points . Adding in a few stories can also prove to be helpful while engaging the audience at the same time. You can also open yourself up for a question-and-answer session after your speech. This would make your contribution longer with no change that would be required in your speech

For more ways to lengthen your speech, check out Ways to Make a Speech Longer .

And if the speech is too long you jump to the next step.

A man cutting the edges of  a paper with scissors.

What do you do when you realize that the top layer of your cake is burnt? Most possibly you will trim that layer while making sure that it doesn’t ruin the shape of your cake.

Similarly, after a few evaluations of your speech, you can start editing it. The idea is to remove anything extra, repetitive, and even flowery words . In case any idea is going off the topic, it can be dropped.

You might also want to change passive voice to active voice.

Other aspects of your speech can be edited depending on the areas that need improvement.

An example of how you can edit your speech is given below

Climate change is here and the issue is only going to escalate quickly with time. 17% of Bangladesh is predicted to be submerged underwater by 2050. A lot of other cities like Mumbai in India, Tokyo in Japan, and New York City in the USA have been predicted to meet a similar fate.

An edited version of it could be:

Climate change is here and the issue is only going to escalate quickly with time. 17% of Bangladesh is predicted to be submerged underwater by 2050. A lot of other famous cities have also been predicted to meet a similar fate.

7. Final touch

Once we have given our cake a good shape, it is time for frosting and sprinkles!

Hence it is time for the Final touch in speech writing.

A few things you can use in your speech to enhance it more are:

a. Jokes : A little joke here or there would help lighten the mood of the audience. However, you must make sure that it is by no means derogatory to anyone.

It is okay if you are not confident in coming up with a joke yourself, You can even quote someone else’s joke.

An example of quoting someone to make your speech humorous is given below:

If in the first go you are not able to succeed in achieving your goals, do not give up right away. After all, it is your resilience and persistence that would eventually help you succeed and achieve your goals. But if at first, you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you .” (Steven Wright)

A light-hearted and humorous story can also be added to your speech, provided it doesn’t make the speech unnecessarily long.

Ted talk by Vinay Menon is the best example of how you can casually add humor to your speech. He opens the speech by introducing himself when he says that he is both a lecturer and a stand-up comedian. He follows it by saying “ So most of you might be complaining about having a poorly-paying job; I’ve got two.”

Self-directed jokes would be a better option than targeting someone else or a community.

b. Quotes : Inserting quotes helps to enhance your credibility, especially if you are quoting some renowned personality.

If for example, your speech is about What is happiness? You might want to add a few quotes by personalities like Dalai Lama or even Buddha to your speech. One such quote could be:

Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. Dalai Lama

c. Props :  Props make any concept easier to understand. It can also increase the likelihood of the audience believing in what you are saying.

While using props, you should make sure to use the prop early in your speech to not distract the audience and have them wondering what the prop is for.

In the video below, would you have believed if Lauren Singer simply said she lived a zero-waste lifestyle? probably not until you see all the waste she has collected in 3 years.

8. Practicing stage

The last thing to do with your cake before you munch on it is to let it set in the refrigerator for some time.

The practicing stage in speech writing is when we evaluate our final speech and practice it so that it sets perfectly for the day when we have to present.

You can practice using any technique that you are comfortable with. A few techniques you can use are:

  • Recording : You can practice your speech by recording it on your phone. This will give you an opportunity to go back and check how you did. It would also help in a comparative analysis of your progress. You can compare your first video recorded to your most recent one, to see your improvements.
  • Visualizing : Visualizing is a technique that involves visualizing or imagining as if you were giving a speech in front of a crowd. If convenient you can also go to the place where you will be presenting your speech and practice there while visualizing the place to be filled with a crowd.
  • Look for a volunteer crowd : If possible you can also look for people who might be happy to help you practice. This volunteer crowd could even be your friends and family members.

Now you don’t need to follow the same steps in speech writing. You may skip a few or even go back and forth, as per your convenience. The thing you need to understand is that there are no set rules for speech writing .

The last step would be to enjoy your cake or in our case, the delivery of your speech.

Delivering spectacular short speeches

The delivery of short speeches can be different depending on the situation. Two broad differences are when you have presented the topic on the spot, that is an impromptu speech. And the second case is when you are given enough time to prepare for your speech.

Delivery of a Prepared Speech

A. make sure that the audience can hear you..

At times your voice may not reach the ones sitting far behind. It is better to make sure that everyone can hear you before you start your speech. As it will give you time to rectify that limitation at the beginning itself.

This can prove to be helpful especially if the situation doesn’t give you enough time to clarify the audience’s doubts later through a questions and answers session.

b. Simple speech opener

When it comes to short speeches, we often do not have a lot of time to form an initial rapport with the audience.

What you can do is start with an open-ended question. Such rhetorical questions require the speaker to ask a question and pause for some time to let the audience think. It also helps in setting enough curiosity among the audience members to make them listen to what you have to say.

You can also start by adding some humor through jokes as we discussed.

You can further start by bringing the audience’s attention to some fact or statistical information . An example would be “Did you know an estimated 5.6 million people die each year due to poor countries’ lack of access to proper healthcare?”

If you are looking for more opening lines for your short speech, consider watching the video below.

c. Storytelling

Again, while we know that there is no set time for short speeches, it still doesn’t have the flexibility of elongated time to explain the concept in detail.

Stories are one of the best ways to get the audience engaged. In short speeches, stories can be used to explain a concept. You can structure your speech in a way that conveys a story as well.

Delivery of an Impromptu Speech

While delivering impromptu speeches, you might not have enough time to spare and structure the information in a sequential manner. In these cases, you can follow a few models that might make the task of giving the speech easier for you.

a. PREP Model

Point, Reason, Example and Point

The idea is to make a point, and give a reason that supports the point. The reason shall be followed by an example which would then introduce another point.

An example of using the PREP model when giving a best man speech could be

Hello everyone, I am XYZ, the best man of this amazing man who just got married (Point). All it took for me to get this title today was 10 years of ubering this fellow who is 32 and yet sits there proudly with no driving license (Reason). I still remember the first day of college when he made me wait for 2 hrs (Example). This day brings me immense joy as I gladly hand over my driver duties to (Bride’s name) (Point).

b. WWW model

speech about life 800 words

The idea is to start by sharing who you are followed by some information on what you do. This shall be followed by answering the third question, that is, where are you going from here?

An example of the WWW model from a farewell speech could be:

Hello, I am XYZ (Who are you). I had been working as a product manager in this organization for the past 6 years (What do you do) and I’m grateful to all of you who have contributed to my journey here. I realized a few months ago that my contribution towards the work here and that my own venture was not meeting its mark. That was when I realized that it was the right time for me to bid goodbye so as to give my 100% to my own venture (Where you are going from here ) . Thank you again for such a wonderful working experience; I shall cherish them with me forever.

Short speeches by famous personalities

While there are a number of short speeches by famous personalities, 3 of the most hard-hitting short speeches we would like to take a look at are given below.

These are also some of the most inspiring short speeches of all time.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio

The speech given by Leonardo DiCaprio at the opening of the Climate Summit 2014 is an amazing example of a short 3-minute speech .

The way his speech has been structured is worth nothing. In the initial 1 minute, he introduces how humans have conveniently ignored the issue of climate change as if it were a work of fiction. He then proceeds to explain the grave effects of climate change that have already been observed. Thus establishing the need to take action Now.

He emphasizes the word “Now” to indicate the urgency of taking some action for climate change. This also forms his one takeaway.

He concludes by restating his takeaway in a very impactful manner by saying,

The time to address humnakind’s greatest challenge is Now .

2. Denzel Washington

One of the most motivating speeches of all time was given by Denzel Washington while receiving his image award for outstanding actor in Motion Picture.

The way he uses repetition to emphasize the phrase “Ease is a greater threat than progress,” and the use of tripling in “Keep moving, keep growing, keep learning” is commendable.

Another noteworthy feature of the speech is how he takes pauses and slows down when he wants to audience to focus on the word or the idea that he is talking about.

3. Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai who is well known for advocating education for girls, during her speech at the 2015 Nobel Concert showed some excellent skills that must be noted and if possible adopted in your speech.

She gracefully observes the room and starts with humor , when she says

Please have a seat, I know you have been standing a lot and clapping and people get tired.

She quotes statistics when she mentions that there are about 57 million children who are out of school , thus establishing her credibility and at the same time making people aware of the grave reality.

Lastly, she establishes one clear takeaway , when she urges the audience,

I want you to think about how can you help, how can you help these children to go to school

Short speech topics

Here is a list of unique short speech topics that you can make use of. The list also caters to short speech topics for students.

Final words

Writing and delivering short speeches don’t have any specific rules. You are free to choose a way that suits best for you and your speech.

The only idea is to make the content precise and to the point with little chance of drifting from the topic. Stories, jokes, and props can help in effectively delivering your speech to the audience.

No speech is too short, but it can be short of a meaningful takeaway.

Hrideep Barot

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800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide

Are you wondering how to write an 800-word essay that will leave your reader wanting more? You’ve come to the right place! This article will equip you with helpful writing strategies and inspire you with lots of engaging topics and paper examples.

An 800-word essay usually contains an introduction of 100 words, three body paragraphs of 600 words in total, and a conclusion of 100 words. Thus, it forms a standard 5-paragraph essay. It’s a typical assignment for students, shorter than a more profound research paper but longer than most personal statements.

In this article, you’ll learn all the secrets of crafting an 800-word essay and find the most thought-provoking topics! And if you want to explore more paper examples, check out our extensive essay database .

📝 800 Words Essay Examples

  • 🏭 Environmental Pollution Prompts
  • 🖊️ Topics & Paper Examples
  • 💡 Article Topic Examples

📚 600-800 Word Essay Examples

✍️ how to write an 800 word essay.

  • 📱 Effects of Social Media: Essay Examples
  • 📍 Freedom Day Essay Topics
  • 🎭 Dr Faustus as a Tragic Play
  • 📔 Personal Narrative Essay
  • 🍟 Growing Culture of Junk Food
  • Movie Grave of the Fireflies Seita and Setsuko are represented as the victims of the war because they need to struggle with the oppressive conditions each day of their life.
  • Gambling Should Be Illegal Furthermore, gambling leads to lowering reputation of the city in question as a result of the crimes associated. The government is forced to spend a lot of money in controlling crime and rehabilitating addicted gamblers.
  • Rhetorical Analysis of an Image The audience of this cartoon is difficult to define, because it can include every person who is interested in the political, social, and economic life of the country.
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy The synthesis of the analyzed information is the fifth level of the classification and the final one is the evaluation of the data on the basis of the previous five levels of skills.
  • Rhetorical Analysis of Patricia Ryan’s Speech “Don’t Insist on English” The main idea Patricia Ryan’s wants to deliver to the audience in her speech is that the globalization of English language does not give an opportunity for English-speaking countries to notice the entire knowledge of […]
  • Fromm’s Humanistic Psychoanalysis In regard to the frame of orientation, Jeff and Ann view the natural world as a place that requires more development. Jeff and Ann have to assimilate and accommodate living in a new environment that […]
  • Why Does Our Behavior Affect Our Attitudes? For example, the case of person who feels that the poor are poor because they do not think on ways they can use to gain wealth, then the person may be shooting a certain film […]
  • Immortality of Soul From the perspective of the Opposites Arguments, if the physical body is mortal and physical, the soul is immortal and, therefore, it should not die.
  • How Can Societal Marketing Concept Be Used to Influence Children to Eat a Healthier Diet? Parents and other interested groups have a responsibility in ensuring that societal marketing is done as claimed by the food marketers and that those that are not doing so are pressured to adopt better promotion […]
  • The Implications and the Effects of Confusion Sometimes, we find ourselves in a constant state of shock from the moment we wake up to the time we retire to bed at the day’s end.

🏭 800 Words Paper on Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution might be one of the most relevant and important topics to write about. For your inspiration, we’ve collected the top essay prompts on this topic!

📃 Renewable energy essay 800 words.

In an essay about renewable energy, you can explore various aspects of this sustainable power source. Delve into the different types of renewable energy , such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal, and discuss their benefits for the environment and the economy. The essay can also explore the latest advancements in renewable energy technologies, the challenges faced in its implementation, and potential solutions to accelerate its adoption worldwide.

📃 Impact of environmental pollution on public health: essay 800 words.

When examining the impact of environmental pollution on public health, you can explore various pollutants present in our surroundings and their detrimental effects. It would be essential to discuss air pollution, water contamination, hazardous waste, and their direct and indirect health consequences. You can also investigate how environmental pollutants contribute to respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular problems, developmental issues, and even increased cancer risks.

📃 Green energy for carbon neutral ecosystem: essay 800 words.

In an 800-words paragraph exploring green energy for a carbon-neutral ecosystem , you can focus on the different forms of green energy, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power. Additionally, consider exploring the benefits of green energy in achieving a carbon-neutral ecosystem, including increased energy efficiency, improved air quality, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

📃 Essay on “Beat plastic pollution” 800 words.

Suppose you decide to write an essay about ways to beat plastic pollution . In that case, explore the importance of reducing single-use plastics, promoting recycling and waste management infrastructure, and encouraging the use of alternative materials. Also, you can discuss the role of government regulations, corporate responsibility, and individual actions in combating plastic pollution.

If you need some more inspiration, check out the top examples of an 800-word paper on environmental pollution:

  • Air and Water Pollution in the Modern World The high number of vehicles in the city has greatly promoted air pollution in the area. Poor sewerage system, high pollution from industries and automobiles are among the major causes of air and water pollutions […]
  • Environmental Pollution and Its Effect on Health In climate change, due to air pollution, the main force to prevent environmental disasters need to change the approach to the production of substances from fossil fuels.
  • Air Pollution and Its Impact on Human Health Community needs assessment is a systematic process in which the health educator, the nurse and other health care professionals together with the members of the community determine the health problems & needs of the community […]
  • Coca-Cola India and Water Pollution Issues The first difficulty that the representatives of the Coca-Cola Company happened to face due to their campaign in the territory of India was caused by the concerns of the local government.
  • Air Pollution and Lung Disease To design a study in order to explore the link between lung disease and air pollution, it would be possible to follow a four-step process started by identifying the level or unit of analysis.
  • Equipment to Monitor Pollution Emissions In assessing the situation, the vital aspects are: the quality of the decision, the commitment of the subordinates, the knowledge of the leader, the structure of the problem, the probability of subordinates’ commitment, sharing the […]
  • Simply Green Products Firm: Pollution Allegations The natural decomposition is the surety that the company to the environmentalist organizations and the citizens. There is considerable proof that the company has been the primary producer of the packaging materials for the orchards […]
  • Air Pollution and Ecological Perspectives of the Atmosphere The major contributors to CO2, one of the main pollutants in the atmosphere, are the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
  • Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Health Effects It emphasizes the fact that air contamination has a negative influence on the health of the representatives of the general public.
  • The Knoxville City’s Environmental Pollution It is necessary to address some pollution management issues and think about the measures to reduce pollution rates and help people survive any kind of environmental problems.
  • China’s Air Pollution Is Not Unique China and the United States of America have adversely been mentioned to be the leading polluters of the atmosphere. The recent statistics indicate that the gap between the level of pollution by China and that […]
  • Water Pollution and Its Challenges Water pollution refers to a situation where impurities find way into water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and ground water. This is a form of pollution where impurities enter water bodies through distinct sources such […]
  • Chloramine in Drinking Water: When the Threat of Pollution Emerges One of the most notable researches in the given field, the one conducted by Shang & Lo allows to see where the problem of chlorine starts from and what exact factors enhance the increase of […]

🖊️ 800-Word Essay Topics & Paper Examples

  • Bureaucratic and Non-bureaucratic Organizations The organization should be structured and organized in such a way that efficiency is attained through the exercise of power and decisiona making.
  • The Process of Getting a Job The process of getting a job remains one of the most challenging tasks for many job seekers in the United States.
  • Argumentative Paper on the Pros of the Death Penalty The survival of any civilization hinges on the establishment of laws and codes of conduct and the subsequent obeying of the same by the society’s members.
  • Lessons from Fredrick Douglass’s Life Douglass believed that the greatness of the master could not be transferred to the slaves. Education would empower the people to fight for their rights and overcome any form of slavery.
  • Zora Neale Hurston & Langston Hughes: The Dispute That Ruined Their Relationship First, Hughes claims that he developed the plot of this play, did some characterizations and dialogues, whereas Hurston was supposed to recreate the atmosphere of Southern life as the action of Mule Bone took place […]
  • The Major Challenges Faced by Street Children This paper looks into the challenges that street children go through, highlights some of the reasons why children go to the streets, and suggests measures that can be taken to reduce the number of street […]
  • Boeing Company Organizational Structure One can argue that the operations of the company can be viewed as the main force that determines the organizational structure of this company. This is one of the issues that can be distinguished.
  • Ethical Issues in Interior Design Lastly, is the issue of honesty and an interior designer should always be honest as this principle forms the core of customer relations in any business.
  • An Overview of the Work Done by Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor In operations management, Herzberg, McGregor and Maslow works provide insight on harnessing effectiveness and efficiency in business operations. This is in reference to how operations managers can harness efficacy and efficiency in business operations by […]
  • “Lost in Translation” by Sofia Coppola: Film Analysis In the same scene, a confused Bob is placed in the middle of the lift surrounded by his colleagues in line with the movie title Lost in Translation.
  • “Educating Rita” by Willy Russell: Literature Analysis The author presents a solution to this question by demonstrating through the main character, Rita, that education can upgrade the diminished position and status of women in society. Education is Rita’s expedition of self-realization to […]
  • Pricing and Distribution Strategy: Blizzard From Dairy Queen It is the structures for distribution channels, patterns for the design, choices of distributors, and the factors affecting the choice and management of the channels of distribution.
  • The Farmers’ Market Analysis For the farmers the benefit lies in the cost saving of the production transportation and in the ability of the wholesale with the large grocery companies.
  • Balancing Studies, Work, and Family Life As result of the numerous responsibilities that may come with these three aspects of life, it is advisable for an individual to set small, realistic, and attainable targets, be it in their work, studies, or […]
  • Elasticity and Its Importance for Business To locate the price elasticity of demand, one will have to divide the change in quantity by the change in the price of a product or a commodity.
  • Should the CCTV System Be Used? CCTV cameras are also used in places of work to aid employers to monitor their employees’ activities, improve productivity and security, and reduce theft.
  • Bicycle Business: Trends, Threats, and Opportunities Additionally, it is regarded as fashionable to own certain makes of bikes, which is a very effective factor that might see this retail shop make large profits in the course of the next five years.
  • Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide Another difference between the two terms is that genocide is the systematic and widespread destruction of particular segment of the population or specific group of people, ethnic cleansing on the other hand is understood as […]
  • Policymaking Process The meeting is one of the occasions when policymaking is a core business of the day. This is the final stage of a policy making process.
  • Cultural Clash in the Board Room: An Ethical Dilemma Among Top Management in Almond China The first option he has is to resign from the company because he says that one of the reasons that motivated him to join the company is the values and standards the company up holds.

💡 800 Word Article — Topic Examples

Looking for topics for your 800-words article? Check out our list of best ideas:

  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the job market.
  • Globalization and its effects on income inequality.
  • The role of social media in shaping public opinion.
  • Public health challenges in urban environments.
  • The ethics of animal testing in scientific experiments.
  • Mental health awareness and its impact on society.
  • The effects of climate change on marine life.
  • The role of social media influencers in consumer behavior.
  • The opportunities and challenges of global governance in the 21st century.
  • The role of public health campaigns in preventing chronic diseases.
  • Bias and fairness in artificial intelligence algorithms.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling.
  • Climate change and its impacts on biodiversity.
  • The pros and cons of telemedicine in healthcare.
  • The effects of globalization on cultural identity.
  • UAE Stock Markets: ADX and DFM Performance Comparison ADX was established on November 15, 2000, with the goal of trading the shares of local UAE companies. Dividend Yield was used to assess the performance of all the companies over a 5-year period from […]
  • Technology for Crime Prevention With the modern computer technology and advanced software, criminal justice system has been in a capacity to compile data and store it as well as share its analysis with other agencies both in and out […]
  • Adidas and Marketing Communication It reflects the quality of the product, acts as a sales agent and advertising In conclusion, consumers are important to an organization and Adidas Corporation has ensured that it achieves consumer satisfaction and loyalty. To […]
  • Face-to-Face Communication: Why It Is Better Than Other Types of Communication Thesis It is argued in this paper that personal face-to-face communication is better than any other types of communication, particularly in light of engaging with others and observing verbal and non-verbal behavioral styles, occurrence […]
  • History of Aviation The idea of the airscrews, propellers and parachutes contributed to great heights in the aviation industry. Kites were used in testing aerodynamics and the stability of the flight.
  • H&M Company Merchandise and Product Mix Analysis Organization and presentation of the merchandize classification in H&M retail channel The main merchandise classification that H&M supplies in the market includes clothing, accessories, and shoes for men, women, teenagers, and children.
  • History: Plutarch’s Vision of Alexander the Great One of the greatest strengths of Alexander’s character is his vision, ambition, and thirst to succeed. The same corruption leads to Philotus disrespecting the king by claiming that he is enjoying the fruits of his […]
  • Effects of Abiotic and Biotic Factors on a Deer’s Population The biotic factors affecting the deer’s population include human conservation measures, building a highway, the influx of cougars, diseases, and deforestation, while the abiotic factors are temperature, water, rocks, soils, acidity, and humidity.
  • Chemistry: Expansion Processes of a Perfect Gas The purpose of the experiment was to examine the expansion of a perfect gas by determining the specific heat ratio through an adiabatic process and the ratio of volume using an isothermal process.
  • Product Lifecycle Phases and Their Importance In this phase, the focus of the business is to retain the market share captured. In conclusion, it can be indicated that the product lifecycle is important to understand the growth of a firm.
  • Definition of Religion as a Form of Diversity The major religion beliefs in the world are the Judaism, Christianity and Islamic. The role of religion is commonality to citizens and uniformity in cultures.
  • Aging as a Social Problem The social challenges of the old people are further worsened by the economic constrains, and labeling. Ageism is another social challenge and it refers to a situation where people look down upon the elderly people […]
  • Comparison of Gandhi’s and Hitler’s Leadership The primary direction of Gandhi’s political and social work was the fight against the nationalist movement of the British rule of India.
  • Business Ethics: Reflective Essay Various decision-making procedures right from the time of recruitment of employees, defining the goals and objectives of the organization, designing the appropriate organizational structure, developing the organizational strategies, and integration of the strategies in the […]
  • Analysis of “Gramsci’s Relevance to the Study of Race and Ethnicity” by Stuart Hall Stuart is of the opinion that Gramsci did not provide adequate theoretical foundations towards the analysis of social phenomena in the context of equity.
  • Explaining Communication Principles These include Communication can be intentional or unintentional, communication is irreversible, it is impossible not to communicate, communication is unrepeatable as well as communication has a content and a relational dimension.
  • The Invention of Development On being sworn in as the president of the United States, Rist notes, Truman introduced the term, underdevelopment, as a new concept of regarding the impoverished regions of the world.
  • Computer-Based Learning and Virtual Classrooms E-learning adds technology to instructions and also utilizes technologies to advance potential new approaches to the teaching and learning process. However, e-learners need to be prepared in the case of a technology failure which is […]
  • Sina’s Story: Multidimensional Approach to Understanding of Human Behavior An ideal case to analyze using multidimensional approach is the story of Sina, a woman who survived through the changing conditions of the time and the environment owing to her excellent personal characteristics.
  • Leadership in the Australian Context On the other hand, technical leadership entails use of already known solutions to problems that occur and the people in authority do the work in this type of leadership.

How long does it take to write 800 words? Well, the essay of this length usually takes 3-4 hours to complete. And what does 800 words look like? Read on to find out! In this section, we’ll cover the 800-word essay structure, length, and the number of references.

This image shows the 800-word essay structure.

800 Word Essay Length

An 800-word essay typically includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You can use the following breakdown to structure your paper:

  • The introduction should provide background information on the subject and present the thesis statement. It should be concise, around 3-5 sentences long, or 100 words.
  • The body paragraphs should focus on specific points related to your topic. Each body paragraph should be 5-7 sentences long, or 150-100 words. In total, the whole main body should be 600 words.
  • The conclusion should summarize the paper’s central points and restate the thesis statement. Like the introduction, it usually consists of 3-5 sentences or 100 words.

How long is an 800-word essay? The number of pages for an 800-word paper varies depending on the font size, line spacing, and margins. If you use standard formatting guidelines (12-point font size, one-inch margins), an 800-word essay would be about 3 double-spaced or 1.5 single-spaced pages long.

If you need help dividing all this word count between different sections and composing a well-developed outline, check out our outline generator .

800-Word Essay Introduction

Overall, your introduction should be around 3-5 sentences long and effectively set up the rest of the essay. Here’s how you write it:

  • Begin the introduction with a hook that captures readers’ attention, such as a thought-provoking question or a surprising statistic.
  • Next, provide some background information on the topic to give context and establish the issue’s importance.
  • End with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the central argument or point of the essay. It should be specific and focused.

If you need inspiration to craft a compelling opening paragraph, use our free research introduction maker . You can also try our essay hook generator and thesis generator to make your introduction stand out.

800-Words Essay Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs should be well-structured and carefully organized, each around 5-7 sentences long. When writing the essay’s main body, ensure each paragraph focuses on a single idea or argument and begins with a clear topic sentence related to the thesis statement. The body should include specific examples, evidence, and analysis to support the main idea. It is also essential to use transitional phrases and sentences to connect paragraphs and create a cohesive flow throughout the essay.

800-Word Essay Conclusion

In the essay’s conclusion, you should summarize the paper’s main points and restate the thesis statement concisely. This part should also provide a sense of closure by emphasizing the significance of the topic and its implications.

Avoid introducing new ideas or evidence in the conclusion, as this will confuse the reader and take a lot of extra words. Additionally, consider ending the essay with a strong and memorable statement that leaves the reader with something to think about or ponder further.

Check out our closing sentence generator to make a conclusion that has a lasting impression on your readers!

How Many References Should I Use in an Essay of 800 Words?

The number of references required in an essay of 800 words can vary depending on the topic and the specific requirements of your assignment. However, as a general guideline, having at least 3-4 credible sources for an essay of this length is recommended. These references should support your arguments, provide evidence, and add credibility to your work.

Remember that the actual number of references may depend on the complexity of the topic, the depth of research required, and the specific formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution.

Also, references are typically not required for an 800-word essay-personal statement or an autobiographical essay. These types of essays focus more on your personal experiences and insights than on external sources.

If you need help citing your resources, you can use our works cited generator .

📱 Effects of Social Media on Youth Essay 800 Words

  • Social Media and Interpersonal Relationships This has made some of the relations blossom It can be concluded that social media has both positive and negative effects on relationships.
  • Social Media: Negative and Positive Impacts It is evident that social media has negative and positive impacts on the lives of many people. Social media has enabled many people to get connected in many parts of the world.
  • Gender Inequality in Social Media Research shows that teenagers from the age of thirteen use social media to discuss the physical appearances of girls and exchange images with sexual content.
  • Social Media and Teenagers’ Mental Health This book highlights the impact of social media on adolescent mental health and offers several solutions to this problem. 1, 2020, pp.
  • Social Media and the Health Sector This work is going to conclusively address the role of the social media in healthcare, its effects on the implementation of the mandates of the sector.
  • Fake Trends on Social Media Platforms: Twitter Data collection tools can be used to trace the roots of disinformation and ultimately to stunt such activity and to meliorate the toxicity of the media environment.
  • Social Media in Enhancing Social Relationships and Happiness Social media and technology assist to foster and maintain relationships where the people live in different geographical regions. There is a major concern that social media and technology poses a threat to the traditional fabric […]
  • How Social Media Could Threaten Democracy The next paragraph of this law will state that an organization must prove that it is based in the country to run a politically related ad on social media.
  • How Do Social Media Influencers Convey the Message of Body Positivity? The first platform that comes to mind and has a direct impact on self-image is Instagram which is now the main spot to convey the message of body positivity.
  • Developing Intercultural Competence via Social Media Engagement The scientific objectives of the study [1] are the provision of genuine, exciting, and motivational experiences and resources, the use of cross-cultural communication experiences, and the opportunity to reflect, compare, open, and accept other cultures.
  • Social Media Platforms and Sports The theme ideal is efficient communication with today’s Athletes due to the increasing prominence of reality programs and the prevalence of difficulties relating to achievement and failure on reality showcases.
  • Effect of Social Media on Junior and High School Despite both the positive and negative effects of TikTok, in can be used to a benefit of junior and high school students.
  • Do Social Media Algorithms Lead to Harmful Social Polarization? Thus, despite all the sponsors and funds that are allocated by political parties to traditional information distribution channels, social media have started to dominate the formation of public opinion.
  • Social Media Promotes the Pursuit of the Thin Ideal Amongst Teens Social media is a means that promote the thin ideal and, as a result, teenagers begin to engage in some risky behaviors involving changing their diet.
  • Social Media and Credible Sources of Information This source has two points of influence, the first one being the fact that at the time of the post, Trump was still the President of the United States.
  • Psychology: Social Media and Bullying The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue of social media and bullying and express the author’s opinion on the matter.
  • Creating Social Norms: Gender Depiction in Media Sources Among all types of information and misinformation presented in the media, the issue of gender roles is the most damaging of all.
  • Social Media Users’ Personality and Mental Health The use of social media has impacted people’s mental health by both contributing to their anxiety and creating a stressful and competitive platform on which people have to perform.
  • Social Media Implementation as a Pedagogical Tool As the initial research question is focused on retrieving Saudi teachers’ attitudes and opinions about the implementation of social media technologies in the classroom, the survey appears to be the most suitable method.
  • Social Media: Blogging for a Benefit The blog will be helpful as people will learn more about one of the popular products and their impact on the world. The blog can influence the marketing strategy of the company.

📍 Freedom Day Essay 800 Words

  • The history of Freedom Day in South Africa.
  • The significance of Freedom Day in South Africa’s journey towards democracy.
  • The life and legacy of Nelson Mandela, a key figure in South Africa’s struggle for freedom.
  • The African National Congress (ANC) and South Africa’s fight for democracy.
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s role in the fight for freedom and equality in America.
  • The role of Freedom Day in India’s struggle for independence from British colonial rule.
  • The impact of apartheid on South Africa’s social, economic, and political landscape.
  • The challenges and achievements of South Africa’s post-apartheid democracy.
  • Civil society and activism promoting freedom and democracy in South Africa.
  • The contributions of women to South Africa’s freedom struggle and independence.
  • The role of music, art, and culture in promoting freedom and unity in South Africa.
  • The future of America’s democracy and the challenges ahead.
  • The importance of Freedom Day in Algeria’s revolution against French colonial rule.
  • Freedom Day in Nigeria as a symbol of the fight against military dictatorship.
  • The celebration of Freedom Day in Tunisia after the Arab Spring uprising.
  • The importance of education and knowledge in building a democratic society.
  • The celebration of Freedom Day and its continued importance in South Africa.
  • The role of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa’s Freedom Day.
  • The influence of Freedom Day on national identity and unity.

🎭 Dr Faustus as a Tragic Play — in 800 Words

  • Symbols in Marlowe’s “Faustus” and Milton’s “Paradise Lost” The purpose of the paper is to compare the use of symbolic roles of blood in the former and the wreath as the symbol of love and admiration in the latter.
  • The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Dr. Faustus The appearance of Angels on the stage is exciting – in the scenery of bookshelves, on both sides of the set contain niches with statues of angels, slots turn, and actors appear.
  • Interpretation of “Faust” by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Faust by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe is not just the discussion of a simple story about a man who has decided to sell his soul to the devil and has managed to save at the […]
  • Comparing Dr. Faustus and Hamlet Hamlet kills numerous characters in the play and this goes to show his excessive pride or in other words his sin of pride.
  • Marlowe’s “Doctor Faustus” and Tale’s “Redemption” The characters are dressed in funny nonconventional regalia and the performance crosses the bound of normal day to day life, the fact that the roles played by the characters are nonexistent combined with the use […]
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s “Faust”: Character Analysis The portrayal of Faust is a new form of rebellion that presents a sense of apprehension to the reader. He signs a pact with the devil in order to pursue his goals.

📔 Personal Narrative Essay 800 Words

Writing a personal narrative essay might be one of the most exciting tasks in high school or college. This essay tells a story from the writer’s own point of view. It aims to share a meaningful experience or event with the reader and offer insights into the writer’s thoughts, feelings, and perspectives.

Here are some excellent 600-800 word essay topics for your personal narrative:

  • How a childhood event shaped my outlook on life.
  • Learning to embrace my cultural heritage.
  • How I overcame a fear of public speaking.
  • The moment I realized the importance of kindness.
  • A memorable family vacation and the lessons learned.
  • Dealing with a difficult breakup and finding strength within myself.
  • The impact of a significant teacher or mentor on my life.
  • A life-changing volunteering experience.
  • How a friendship shaped who I am today.
  • My journey to self-acceptance and self-love.
  • Coping with the loss of a loved one and finding healing.
  • The role of sports in personal growth and development.
  • How I learned to prioritize self-care and mental well-being.
  • The influence of a memorable book or film on my perspective.
  • How social media has impacted my relationships and sense of self.
  • The lessons learned from a failed or unsuccessful venture.
  • The impact of growing up with a unique hobby or talent.
  • The role of faith or spirituality in my life.
  • Reflecting on the most significant decision I ever had to make.
  • The moment I realized the value of forgiveness and letting go.

🍟 Growing Culture of Junk Food Essay 800 Words

  • Fast Food Restaurants: Classification Most restaurants offer these services at their premises, whereby customers come, have their meals and leave for example the Deising’s chain of restaurants, while others especially the well-established ones offer take-out services and delivery services […]
  • The Negative Consequences of Employing High School Students in Fast Food Restaurants In addition, high school students should be advised that education and their careers are more important as compared to working at fast food restaurants.
  • Fast Food Effects on Human Health The phenomenon results in the ideological perspectives of increased obesity and the emergence of lifestyle diseases. The popularity and consumption rate of fast-food restaurants is one of the trending issues in cities and towns.
  • The Reasons Behind the Popularity of Fast Food in the Context of the Lebanese Market Nowadays, in Beirut, the variety of traditional dishes which can be prepared quickly and served as fast food is amazing, from the kebab, to the falafel; most dishes are represented.
  • Fast Food Industry in the US This paper will discuss the fast food industry in the US with an emphasis on the positive as well as the negative impacts it has on American economy.
  • Fast Food, Fat Profits: Obesity in America With the current trends in the consumption of foods, statistics show that, by the year 2015, a third of America will be obese.
  • Fast-Food Restaurants’ Social Impact in the US The emphasis on efficiency, predictability, and calculability in the fast-food industry is based on the creation of a structured division of labor that requires employees to accomplish a set goal by the company.
  • Blame It on Fast-Moving Food Industries or Personal Irresponsibility The other reason that David Zinczenko gives why it is not prudent to blame the eater is a lack of information. People need to be responsible and accountable for the decisions that they make.
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  • Environmental Analysis for a New Fast Food Chain in Australia The viability of the restaurant will depend, in a large part, on the stability of the host government as well as the strength of the host country’s political system.
  • Fast Food Epidemic: The Dark Side of American Meal Various reports and studies signify the trends of huge marketing campaigns of fast food chains and the significant correlation this has with fast food consumption.
  • Technology in the British Fast Food Industry The use of modern smartphones and apps is an emerging trend that will continue to dictate the performance of business organizations.
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  • Should Fast Food Qualify As “Food”? Nowadays, it became a commonplace practice among many people to suggest that fast food cannot be considered areal.’ This, of course, implies that the consumption of fast food can hardly be considered beneficial to the […]
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📌 800 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 800 words double spaced.

How many pages is 800 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 800-word essay will be 4 pages. If you make it single-spaced, it will take 2 pages.

📌 How Much Is 800 Words in Paragraphs?

How much is 800 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 800-word essay will consist of 6-9 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 800 Words?

How many sentences is a 800-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 800 words are not less than 40-43 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 800-Word Essay?

An essay of 800 words is an extensive piece that requires a serious approach to researching, outlining, and writing. The three parts of a 800-word essay are the introduction (15% of the total volume), body (70%), and conclusion (15% of the total volume). The exact number of paragraphs will depend on how many arguments you have. Note that a typical paragraph contains 100-200 words on average.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 800 Words?

How long does it take to write a 800-word essay? It will take you 16-32 minutes to type 800 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend a little more than 2 and a half hours for a 800-word paper.

📌 How Long Should an Introduction Be in a 800 Word Essay?

A typical introduction in a 800 words essay contains about 120 words. However, it might be a good idea to ask your professor to provide you with the exact requirements.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 26). 800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide.

"800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide." IvyPanda , 26 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide'. 26 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide." November 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide." November 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "800 Words Essay Examples + How-to-Write Guide." November 26, 2023.

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  • Speech on Life


Speech on Life for Students in English

Life is a precious gift. It is the sum of one's work, journey, dreams, joys, sorrows, successes, and battles for change. Life is more of a journey than a destination. It must be lived peacefully and happily. Seeking the meaning and purpose of life is the biggest search in the life of a man, and the questions about the meaning of human life are age-old. Life, however, still has some attractive elements, offering one a ray of hope and positivity, each passing day.

We have individuals, families, relatives, and friends who make our lives unique, worth living, and make us feel that our lives are special. Our lives are challenging, but those challenges are what make it worth living.

Short One Minute Speech On Life Is A Gift

God has given us the most precious gift; it is life. It is up to us how to use it. It depends on us, or it depends on our behavior. Therefore, this is a very relevant topic to be discussed in schools, universities, workplaces or public places. We are of course worried that our young people are now wasting their lives and time-consuming reckless behavior. Every day, we should thank God for giving us this life and another day to achieve our goals. No one is like you and will never be there, so cherish your uniqueness.

What surprises me is that I often hear people blaming God for what they don’t have and cursing their liveliness, but they do not know that their lives are valuable if they work hard to make it worthwhile. The value of life comes from such thinking. Only through the love of family and friends can life become better. We also make our lives more beautiful and fulfilling by completing our responsibilities in our family, work, community and the whole world.

Long and Short English Speech About Life for Students and Children

Long speech on life in english for students.

Good morning to all of you present here. Today, I am here to share my views on Life. Life is a continuous phase that will have to stop someday. It is all about building yourself and encouraging yourself. It is only possible to grasp life backward, so it must be lived forward. Life itself is a golden chance to inspire others while you live and also get inspired by others too. It is not the number of years you live but how well you live that matters. Our lives are still threatened by the fear of death. Sooner or later, every person has to face death, but that doesn't mean it should stop us from living life to the fullest or achieving our goals. An individual is only wise when he/she is ready to meet destiny when it comes, but he/she enjoys every little bit before that moment. Human life is an incredibly precious gift.

Every snapshot of human life provides us with an opportunity to act to build and connect. Every second opens the way for us to receive presents. The truth is that life presents us with both positive and negative situations. What is extremely important is the way we respond to it. No one, like you, is born into the universe, and no one will ever be, so honor your freedom. With lessons, struggles, heartache, and special moments, life is nothing but a journey. In the end, it will get us to our destination, our meaning in life. The road isn't always going to be a plane; in fact, we're going to face many challenges along our journeys.

Our bravery, talents, vulnerabilities, and confidence will always be checked by these challenges. We may meet obstacles along our way that will come between the paths, and we are doomed to take them. We must overcome these barriers to be on the right path. Perhaps these barriers are simply gifts in disguise, but at the moment we don't understand that. The secret of life is better understood by those who are not so intensely attached to something. The best way to cherish life is with our family and friends. Our family was the first set of people who were present since the beginning of our journey and nourished us.

Our friends are the people who chose us, out of several others, to care for and enjoy moments with. It is ultimately the affection we give and the affection we receive from our loved ones that makes life beautiful and joyous. I'll say, eventually, that we can make life worthwhile. That life can be made beautiful with the help of our family and friends. By discharging our duties in our families, at work, community and the world at large, life can be more beautiful and purposeful.

Short Speech About Life for Children 

Good morning to all of you present here. Today I am here to deliver a Speech on Life. Life is valuable. It is a gift to you from God. It's so special that there's no one else like you on Earth.   Existence, again, is a chance. It is a chance for good to be achieved. Therefore, it does not matter how long you live; how well you live is all that counts. And how many lives you, with love and encouragement, will affect.

Another idea is that death still shadows life. Everybody has to face it. He or she is a wise man or woman who, when it comes, is prepared to meet death. The secret of life is, surprisingly, best revealed to those who are not bound by their possessions. They are unaffected by worry and life's changing fortunes. They are individuals who do not live by adding things to life, but by weighing their lives by things they can do without.

Life is stewardship above all. It is a belief that is entrusted to you. Such an understanding of life makes you keenly aware that for all the time, talent, treasure, and opportunity you are blessed with. It is this hope which makes living life worth it. And it's family and friendships nurtured in loving relationships that make life beautiful. By understanding one's role in one's family, or one's place of work, or society at large; and playing that role well, life is also made purposeful.

Life is a journey, not a destination

Life is not a destination, but it is a journey that involves lessons, hardships, and some special moments. It will take us to our final destination, our life's purpose. The road will not always be a plane; we will face numerous challenges throughout our journey.

These difficulties will always put our bravery, strengths, flaws, and faith to the test. Along the way, we may come across obstacles that stand in the way of the path we are meant to follow.

We must overcome these challenges to stay on the right path. Sometimes these roadblocks are blessings in disguise, but we do not realize it at the time. The secret of life is best understood by people who are not extremely connected to anything.

As a result, people are clueless about their worries and changing fortunes in life. They are those who do not measure their lives in terms of materialistic stuff, but rather in terms of the people they cannot live without.

10 Lines for English Speech About Life

Life is a very precious gift granted to us by God, and we must be grateful to him for giving us such a precious gift.

Challenges are part of life, and our lives will become dull and uneasy without them.

God has given us plenty of positive things in our lives, including the beauty of nature.

We are granted positivity and satisfaction in life by trees, animals, plants, sunshine, etc.

Nature tells us that, against all the odds, we can be happy and hopeful.

We need to set certain targets and try hard and faithfully to accomplish them to make our lives valuable.

To earn blessings and good wishes from our elders and mates, we must do something good very often.

Family is an integral part of our lives, and we need to take care of them and always respect them.

Secondly, our friends are an important part of our lives, apart from family, as they support us without any conditions.

We must always acknowledge the positive things in our lives that are happening.


FAQs on Speech on Life

1. How to feel satisfied with your Life?

When one knows the meaning of life, that is, that life is not about winning or losing, but rather about living one's life to the fullest, one can be satisfied.

2. What do you mean by a decent life?

A decent life is when you see life as a gift rather than a burden, and you have more good days than bad days. 

3. Why is meaningful life important?

A meaningful life ties people to a greater sense of purpose and value, allowing them to contribute positively not only to their own personal and spiritual development but also to society and human civilization as a whole. As a result, a meaningful life inspires wise choices and provides a sense of purpose.

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Speech about Life for Students & Children

January 17, 2024 by Sandeep

Speech about Life: Life is beautiful but is full of roller-coaster rides. Life can be challenging, yet we learn to face the world strongly. It’s a divine gift from God, and we must instill a purpose and a path to success. Life is full of surprises and unexpected pitfalls. With inner strength, we should face life with a pinch of a smile. Life provides us with opportunities to succeed and accomplish heights of success in the world.

Short Speech About Life

Below we have provided 2 minutes short speech about life, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 students.

Good morning to all of you present here. Today, I am going to deliver a speech on life. Life is an opportunity to contribute positively to the world. God gifts us all life. Life comes with an end, i.e., death. All people, regardless of being knowledgeable or less knowledgeable, have to face it someday. Someone who is not worried about death but lives life to the fullest is counted as one of the wisest individuals on earth. It is never essential how long we live our life, but it is always vital how well we live our moments, how many lives we touch, and what we achieve in our lifetime.

Understanding life to the fullest brings satisfaction and happiness. On the other hand, those who cannot grasp the meaning of life often find themselves complaining. Life is a process that includes happiness, sorrow, hardships, relationships, and lessons stored for all of us. We are the ones who make a difference to all these. A person who learns to be satisfied is always happy, no matter what he has or has achieved. Someone who embraces struggles and obstacles to become a better person is always successful.

A positive attitude and lively approach always make a difference in life. Life is always full of hope, and we all must make every moment of this life memorable. We all must be thankful to God for this glorious opportunity. It is a treasure for us, making everyone’s journey unique and distinct. We must strive to make everything possible, creating a life worth living.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak on this topic.

Speech on Life

Below, we have provided a motivational speech about life, written in easy and simple words for classes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. This life speech is helpful for school students who are preparing for a speech writing competition.

Good morning to one and all present here. I am here to share my thoughts on life. So, what is life? Life is a miracle or a gift given by God. It is a process that has to end someday. Life is all about living yourself. It is unique for every individual; no two people born in this world are the same. Every person carries their personality and character. Life is like a sea of opportunity to create and adore things around you.

Every human life is a blessing, which has the power to build and rebuild things. Life gives us plenty of moments where we express, create, love, help, and experience many more things. It shows us the path of success and brings happiness with time. However, we must remember that life is not always about positive things or happiness. There are sorrows, hardships, and hurdles, but what matters is how we react to such situations.

We all must learn to make this life meaningful by doing whatever is possible. We must carry positive thoughts and attitude. None of us must curse life, as it is an opportunity we got by God’s grace. We must cherish and live every day of our life. We are blessed with many relationships in this world; it is the loving family and caring friends who make our life beautiful. Family, friends, and people around us give us a purpose to live in this world.

The trust, care, and love keep us going for the rest of our lives. They all make our life worth living. Understanding our near and dear ones is vital in our lives. Life is like a trust entrusted to you. It gives you the hope to keep moving. It is like the faith in God, as we all understand that we are answerable to Him for our deeds.

Life is a journey full of ups and downs. It leads us to paths full of happiness, challenges, lessons, hardship, and special moments. We all need to keep in mind that life will not always be easy; it will have a few things to test us or challenge us. We need to accept all those and keep moving on our way. We all must know that it is the only life we got; we must ensure that we do the right things. I would like to conclude my speech with this beautiful quote:

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”


English Speech About Life [1,2,3 Minutes]

Short Speech About Life- Life is a gift of God and the most mysterious phenomenon for humanity. Scientists are not completely sure about what life is. There is a lot of poetry and literature work around the globe. Here below are given some speeches About life. Choose the best one for you.

Short Speech About Life- 1 Minute

Before starting my speech, I would like to wish greetings to all the people present here. It is a pleasure for me to deliver a speech about life. I hope you will like the words I formulated in my speech.

“Life” – The word contains only four alphabets but no one can assess its vastness in reality. In fact, most scientists are not pretty sure what life is. Every human has a different life story. Some of us experience a lot of good happenings in life whereas others experience the exact opposite.

But it is necessary for anyone to understand the fact that “life is full of joy, sorrow, ecstasy, difficulties, happiness , sorrow, victory, defeat etc. All of these elements are vital parts of a good life.

I use to experience every moment of my life whether it is a positive or a negative one. Because experiences make you bold and strong compared to the previous version of you.

-Thank you all

Short Speech About Life

2 minute Speech About Life Challenges

Life is an element that makes a being “living” making it possible to be called “ A Living Being “. Everyone’s life is full of good experiences and bad challenges. Good experiences are loved by all and bad challenges are not. But Bad they also are necessary for us because they make us a better person compared to the previous version of us.

Furthermore, sometimes life is full of difficulties and most people don’t like difficulties and hurdles. But A person who has not encountered challenges in life can never achieve success. In fact, one should be always ready to face adversity and challenges in life as they are the reason behind one’s personal growth .

So, I live my life to the fullest. I use to experience every moment of my life whether it is a positive or a negative one. Because experiences make you bold and strong compared to the previous version of you.

-Thank you all.

Short Speech About Life- 3 Minute

Before I deliver my speech. I would like to thank you all for having me a chance at this great opportunity. And also I wish you all the best greetings.

There is no doubt that life is wonderful and so it’s every moment. Philosophers say that life is a journey where we are encountered sorrow, joy, hurdles, happiness, success, failures etc. Definitely, it is a beautiful journey with a lot of good and bad experiences.

For me, life is a celebration of being alive, but one should always be active to face adversity and difficulties. A person who has not faced difficulties in life can never achieve success. There is no human being on earth who has not experienced struggle, difficulty or failure.

I personally believe that life becomes the way one thinks about it. I remember a proverb that can be perfectly fitted here- “ When you change the way you look at things, The things you look at change “. The same goes for life- When you change the way you look at your life , life changes the way you want. This single line of words can turn your point of view about life upside down.

But hardships and challenges in life are also essential for growth. In fact , The difficult times or the bad experiences are the best teachers for oneself. They teach us life lessons that are taught by none.

You can use some Quotes About life to make this speech more personalised.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many words are there in a 1 minute speech.

Based on the average speed of speech, there are 150 words in a 1 minute speech.

How many words are there in a 2 minute speech?

There are 300 words per minute in a 2 minute speech. 2 minutes isn’t a long time so when you speak, you could endure the average speaking rate.

How many words are there in a 3 minute speech?

On average there are 450 words in a 3 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. At the 3 minute mark, even a novice speaker could keep going at the rate they started – with some practice.

How many words are there in a 4 minute speech?

On average there are 600 words in a 4 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. Still, even a novice speaker could maintain the 150 words per minute rate. Try it in the Soundbite above. Set your words per minute and speak along to see if you could endure consistency over 4 minutes.

How many words are there in a 5 minute speech?

On average there are 750 words in a 5 minute speech. This is based on the average speech rate of 250 words per minute. While this is simple math, we after all are humans and 5 minutes can be pushing the boundaries of a consistent speech tempo and words per minute.

How many words are there in a 10 minute speech?

In a 10 minute speech aim for 1000 words. The math might tell you 1,500 words but consider your speech. You might need pauses, rest for your voice, dramatic effects, and perhaps even audience interaction. Also, it becomes quite difficult to endure a consistent 150 words per minute speech rate for 10 minutes. Consider your listeners. We doubt very few people would want to listen to a precisely 150 words per minute speech for 10 minutes. It wouldn’t be engaging. And in a speech, you should engage and communicate.

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speech about life 800 words

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Free 800 Words Essay Examples

An 800-word essay is commonly assigned in middle and high school. A paper of 800 words is a great way for a student to quickly demonstrate their knowledge of a particular topic. One can be assigned an 800-word essay on linguistics, marketing, natural sciences. The typical genres are argumentative essay, assessment, book review.

As a rule, you won’t need to conduct an in-depth analysis to write a paper of 800 words. The keys to success are a solid outline, a clear thesis, conciseness, and originality. Check free 800-word essay examples on this page to get inspired!

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800-Word Essay FAQ

How long is an 800 words essay.

An 800 words essay would typically be about 3,5 pages long, assuming it is double-spaced and written with a standard font (Arial or Times New Roman) in 12-point size. If the text is single-spaced, it will be twice shorter. Other factors that influence the 800-word essay length are formatting and paragraph structure.

How Many Paragraphs Is an 800 Words Essay?

How many paragraphs are there in an 800 words essay? A paper of such a length would contain 8 to 9 paragraphs. This works for an academic writing assignment because a typical paragraph there is about 100 words long.

How Long Does It Take to Write an 800 Words Essay?

It usually takes 16 to 27 minutes to type a text of this length on your keyboard at an average speed. However, if you are assigned an 800 words essay, it is going to take much more time, as you will need to conduct research, study the sources, and plan your paper. Writing a solid essay of 800 words will take about 2 hours and 40 minutes.

How Many Lines Are 800 Words?

At a rough estimate, 800 words would take up about 80 to 85 lines. However, the exact number of lines in your 800-word essay depends on a number of factors such as the spacing, the font size, and the margins.

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Speech on Social Media for Students and Children in 800+ Words

Speech on Social Media for Students and Children in 800+ Words

Here on this post you will read a Speech on Social Media for Students and Children in 800 Words. This speech educate people about social media advantages and disadvantages.

Speech on Social Media in 800+ Words

Dear Principal Teachers, our colleagues and guest. Good morning to all of you. Today on this day, I am going to share my thoughts through a short speech on Social Media. In our daily life, we see that advanced & new applications and platform are coming in use.

I am going to talk about them by name until we find that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and other apps which are connecting people in a very short time. Everybody, whether he is a child or adult everyone, is collected with these platforms. As a group, we all say these apps and websites as social media.

Web-based life is fundamentally the biggest methods for correspondence today. It has likewise become a significant piece of the present human life. It is a substantial method for keeping individuals associated.

Online networking attempts to make any episodes occurring in the nation and abroad right away. Online networking can be utilised utilising any methods, for example, PC, versatile, tablet, PC and so forth.

WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and so on is the significant foundation of internet-based life. Through this, any news can be spread the nation over and abroad in a second.

Online networking is utilised to perform numerous sorts of errands. Through this, any important news can be sent to many individuals in a moment, and data can be given to them.

Today, innovation has expanded in a great amount of that by sitting in one corner of one nation; we can converse with our relatives or companions living in another nation and cooperate.

These days, many sorts of instructive channels are being run on YouTube for training and information, through which anybody can get any kind of information as to offer his insight with others. These days through this, any individual can without stretch play out any undertaking by sitting at home.

Through this, any individual can learn things effectively by filling a structure, sending cash, sending or accepting messages, conversing with individuals, and so forth. On prior occasions, when there was no web and internet-based life, individuals get numerous data after months or after some time.

Earlier, individuals used to send a letter in the event of any occurrence; at that point some other individual would get data, which took a great deal of time. A significant number of the assignments that are done in seconds these days were done in the months.

Individuals run and advice about their business through web-based life, and this individual likewise gets the chance to gain cash on the web. These days, the web-based experience is progressively preferred by youngsters and educators.

Kids can gain so much from home, and instructors can spread their data to others through internet-based life while sitting at home. They can likewise win some cash through it. Individuals can likewise accomplish social work by sharing their data. 

These days, all individuals show their ability via web-based networking media and win cash from it. These days, if you need to get somebody’s photograph, video and so on., it very well may be acquired effectively through online life.

Online networking stays an intriguing diversion for all individuals nowadays. Individuals are associated with their family members and so on through it and appreciate it.

Dear listener, everything has its benefits or advantages and having some negative impacts or disadvantages in the world. Same social media has its advantages and disadvantages .

If we see from the student’s point of view, we find that all these networking sites and platforms now have become a big source of distractions for youngers and students. Teens also are getting the addition of these and busy on Facebook, Instagram day and night.

This habit affects the student’s life and career as well. Most of the time, students are busy with friends on social media tools. The new-age phone and fast internet connection played a critical role in this addition. The students and young waste their precious time thoughtlessly on these social media websites. To access these platforms is so easy for boys and girls.

Nowadays, students and youngers are more worried about their internet connections. They are so concerned about adding their network on Facebook than being familiar with their studies and education and other educational activities.

One worse thing which is increasing through these websites is an obscenity. In a young age, the minds of youngsters are so soft, and these sites affect the minds set of teens and leading them astray.

Dear listener, at the end of my speech, I can say that many individuals get addicted via web-based networking media. Because of this, they get apart from their reality and utilise online life over and over, which they likewise become mobile mania, and they escape from their reality.

This is the most noticeably terrible impact of web-based life.  We all should use this for our advantage and not waste our precious time unnecessarily.

2 thoughts on “Speech on Social Media for Students and Children in 800+ Words”


i just wanted to say that are you able to make a good benefits of social media if thats ok just saying.😊

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Middle East latest: Aid ships to turn back from Gaza - as Israeli PM says 'unintended strike' killed charity workers

The IDF has expressed its "sincere sorrow" for the deaths of seven aid workers, including one from the UK, in a strike it launched on Gaza. A spokesman insisted the IDF was "committed to international law" after the attack, and vowed to share findings of an investigation.

Tuesday 2 April 2024 13:24, UK

  • Israel-Hamas war

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Aid workers killed

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Israel's prime minister has acknowledged that Israeli forces carried out the strike that killed seven aid workers in Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu said: "Unfortunately over the last day, there was a tragic incident of an unintended strike of our forces on innocent people in the Gaza Strip."

He said officials are "checking this thoroughly" and "will do everything for this not to happen again".

He was speaking after being released from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem after a successful hernia operation.

"It happens in war, we check it to the end, we are in contact with the governments, and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again," he said.

Earlier, we reported that World Central Kitchen was suspending its operations in Gaza after the killings of seven of its aid workers in an Israeli strike.

Three aid ships from Cyprus arrived on Monday carrying hundreds of tonnes of food and supplies organised by the charity and the UAE.

Around 100 tonnes had been unloaded before the charity suspended operations but now Cypriot foreign ministry spokesman Theodoros Gotsis says the remaining 240 tonnes will be sent back to Cyprus.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, says a new Gaza truce and hostage release proposal has been drafted by negotiators in Cairo and sent to Hamas.

The prime minister's office said a delegation of Mossad, the Shin Bet and the IDF will return this afternoon from Cairo following the talks.

"As part of the talks, with the helpful mediation of Egypt, the mediators formulated an up-to-date proposal for addressing Hamas," he said.

"Israel expects the mediators to work harder with Hamas to promote negotiations in favour of a deal.

"The State of Israel continues to make all necessary efforts to free the abductees from Hamas and return them to Israel."

Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman has told Sky News the building hit in Damascus was not a consulate, contradicting news reports.

The attack, which killed two Iranian generals and five military officers, has been blamed on Israel, with Iran vowing revenge.

Mr Hyman told Sky News: "The building hit was not a consulate, it was not an embassy, not a diplomatic mission, and I dare say that the Iranian individuals in that building were likely not there to distribute Easter eggs."

He was also questioned about the difficulty of getting aid to Gaza, in light of the deaths of seven aid workers confirmed earlier today.

He said: "There have been a number of reports, written reports coming out from various organisations suggesting there is imminent famine and that type of thing.

"We do not believe that to be the case."

He said reports of famine were "based on old, out-of-date information".

"These are based on Hamas figures, Hamas health ministry figures," he said.

"Hamas not long ago was killing babies, was killing children in front of their parents, parents in front of their children, burning whole families alive.

"So we take anything that comes out of Hamas-run Gaza with a spoon of salt, not just a pinch of salt."

One Briton is confirmed dead in an Israeli strike that killed seven aid workers earlier but there are reports that as many as three Britons may have been killed.

The Associated Press cites hospital records as saying the dead include three Britons, an Australian, a Pole and an American-Canadian dual citizen.

Sky News has been unable to verify these reports.

The workers were volunteers for World Central Kitchen travelling in a three-car convoy when they were killed.

They had just unloaded more than 100 tonnes of humanitarian food aid brought to Gaza by sea, the charity said.

Rishi Sunak says he is "shocked and saddened" by reports that seven World Central kitchen aid workers, including one Briton, were killed in Gaza last night.

Speaking during a visit to the North East of England, Mr Sunak said: "We are asking Israel to investigate what happened urgently, because clearly there are questions that need to be answered.

"My thoughts are with their friends and family.

"They are doing fantastic work bringing alleviation to the suffering that many are experiencing in Gaza.

"They should be praised and commended for what they are doing.

"They need to be allowed to do that work unhindered and it is incumbent on Israel to make sure they can do that."

His comments echo those by Lord Cameron, the foreign secretary, earlier.

In words reported by state media, Ali Khamenei has said Israel would regret its attack on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian city of Damascus.

An adviser to Khamenei said the US has responsibility, whether Washington was aware of the attack or not.

The strike killed two Iranian generals and five officers.

Israel rarely acknowledges strikes against Iranian targets and said it had no comment on the latest attack in Syria.

The Kremlin has also weighed in, saying the strike was an act of aggression.

Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said such attacks violated all the foundations of international law.

Lord Cameron says news of the deaths of seven aid workers is "deeply distressing".

The aid workers were working in Gaza for charity World Central Kitchen.

The charity said earlier that one Briton was among the dead but Lord Cameron's statement talks about news of "British nationals" being killed in the attack.

"British nationals are reported to have been killed, we are urgently working to verify this information and will provide full support to their families," he said.

"These were people who were working to deliver life-saving aid to those who desperately need it. It is essential that humanitarian workers are protected and able to carry out their work.

"We have called on Israel to immediately investigate and provide a full, transparent explanation of what happened."

Al Shifa is no longer able to function as a hospital in any shape or form, the World Health Organisation has said.

Earlier today, Israel ended its two-week raid on Gaza's largest hospital, leaving it mostly gutted.

The WHO said the destruction amounted to "ripping the heart out" of the Palestinian health system.

WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris said: It was the place people go to for the kind of care that a really good health system provides, that we in all our societies expect to have, should we be in need."

Israel said it launched the raid because senior Hamas operatives had regrouped there and were planning attacks.

Some 200 militants were killed in the operation, the IDF said, although the claim that all of them were militants has not been independently confirmed. Palestinians found civilian bodies at the site, according to a report by the Associated Press.

Israel has commented on the strike that killed seven aid workers in Gaza earlier.

IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari offered "deepest condolences" to the founder of the charity World Central Kitchen over the "tragic" deaths of its aid workers.

"We also express sincere sorrow to our allied nations who have been doing and continue to do so much to assist those in need," he added.

Mr Hagari insisted the IDF is "a professional military committed to international law", adding that the incident is being reviewed "at the highest levels to understand the circumstances of what happened and how it happened".

He praised World Central Kitchen as doing "critical work... on the frontlines of humanity", also noting the charity had been among the first to help Israelis after the massacre of 7 October.

"We will get to the bottom of this and we will share our findings transparently," he said.

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Ronna McDaniel, TV News and the Trump Problem

The former republican national committee chairwoman was hired by nbc and then let go after an outcry..

This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email [email protected] with any questions.

From “The New York Times,” I’m Michael Barbaro. This is “The Daily.”


Today, the saga of Ronna McDaniel and NBC and what it reveals about the state of television news headed into the 2024 presidential race. Jim Rutenberg, a “Times” writer at large, is our guest.

It’s Monday, April 1.

Jim, NBC News just went through a very public, a very searing drama over the past week, that we wanted you to make sense of in your unique capacity as a longtime media and political reporter at “The Times.” This is your sweet spot. You were, I believe, born to dissect this story for us.

Oh, brother.

Well, on the one hand, this is a very small moment for a major network like NBC. They hire, as a contributor, not an anchor, not a correspondent, as a contributor, Ronna McDaniel, the former RNC chairwoman. It blows up in a mini scandal at the network.

But to me, it represents a much larger issue that’s been there since that moment Donald J. Trump took his shiny gold escalator down to announce his presidential run in 2015. This struggle by the news media to figure out, especially on television, how do we capture him, cover him for all of his lies, all the challenges he poses to Democratic norms, yet not alienate some 74, 75 million American voters who still follow him, still believe in him, and still want to hear his reality reflected in the news that they’re listening to?

Right. Which is about as gnarly a conundrum as anyone has ever dealt with in the news media.

Well, it’s proven so far unsolvable.

Well, let’s use the story of what actually happened with Ronna McDaniel and NBC to illustrate your point. And I think that means describing precisely what happened in this situation.

The story starts out so simply. It’s such a basic thing that television networks do. As elections get underway, they want people who will reflect the two parties.

They want talking heads. They want insiders. They want them on their payroll so they can rely on them whenever they need them. And they want them to be high level so they can speak with great knowledge about the two major candidates.

Right. And rather than needing to beg these people to come on their show at 6 o’clock, when they might be busy and it’s not their full-time job, they go off and they basically put them on retainer for a bunch of money.

Yeah. And in this case, here’s this perfect scenario because quite recently, Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee through the Trump era, most of it, is now out on the market. She’s actually recently been forced out of the party. And all the networks are interested because here’s the consummate insider from Trump world ready to get snatched up under contract for the next election and can really represent this movement that they’ve been trying to capture.

So NBC’S key news executives move pretty aggressively, pretty swiftly, and they sign her up for a $300,000 a year contributor’s contract.

Nice money if you can get it.

Not at millions of dollars that they pay their anchors, but a very nice contract. I’ll take it. You’ll take it. In the eyes of NBC execs she was perfect because she can be on “Meet the Press” as a panelist. She can help as they figure out some of their coverage. They have 24 hours a day to fill and here’s an official from the RNC. You can almost imagine the question that would be asked to her. It’s 10:00 PM on election night. Ronna, what are the Trump people thinking right now? They’re looking at the same numbers you are.

That was good, but that’s exactly it. And we all know it, right? This is television in our current era.

So last Friday, NBC makes what should be a routine announcement, but one they’re very proud of, that they’ve hired Ronna McDaniel. And in a statement, they say it couldn’t be a more important moment to have a voice like Ronna’s on the team. So all’s good, right? Except for there’s a fly in the ointment.

Because it turns out that Ronna McDaniel has been slated to appear on “Meet the Press,” not as a paid NBC contributor, but as a former recently ousted RNC chair with the “Meet The Press” host, Kristen Welker, who’s preparing to have a real tough interview with Ronna McDaniel. Because of course, Ronna McDaniel was chair of the party and at Trump’s side as he tried to refuse his election loss. So this was supposed to be a showdown interview.

From NBC News in Washington, the longest-running show in television history. This is “Meet The Press” with Kristen Welker.

And here, all of a sudden, Kristin Welker is thrown for a loop.

In full disclosure to our viewers, this interview was scheduled weeks before it was announced that McDaniel would become a paid NBC News contributor.

Because now, she’s actually interviewing a member of the family who’s on the same payroll.

Right. Suddenly, she’s interviewing a colleague.

This will be a news interview, and I was not involved in her hiring.

So what happens during the interview?

So Welker is prepared for a tough interview, and that’s exactly what she does.

Can you say, as you sit here today, did Joe Biden win the election fair and square?

He won. He’s the legitimate president.

Did he win fair and square?

Fair and square, he won. It’s certified. It’s done.

She presses her on the key question that a lot of Republicans get asked these days — do you accept Joe Biden was the winner of the election?

But, I do think, Kristen —

Ronna, why has it taken you until now to say that? Why has it taken you until now to be able to say that?

I’m going to push back a little.

McDaniel gets defensive at times.

Because I do think it’s fair to say there were problems in 2020. And to say that does not mean he’s not the legitimate president.

But, Ronna, when you say that, it suggests that there was something wrong with the election. And you know that the election was the most heavily scrutinized. Chris Krebs —

It’s a really combative interview.

I want to turn now to your actions in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

And Welker actually really does go deeply into McDaniel’s record in those weeks before January 6.

On November 17, you and Donald Trump were recorded pushing two Republican Michigan election officials not to certify the results of the election. And on the call —

For instance, she presses McDaniel on McDaniel’s role in an attempt to convince a couple county commissioner level canvassers in Michigan to not certify Biden’s victory.

Our call that night was to say, are you OK? Vote your conscience. Not pushing them to do anything.

McDaniel says, look, I was just telling them to vote their conscience. They should do whatever they think is right.

But you said, do not sign it. If you can go home tonight, do not sign it. How can people read that as anything other than a pressure campaign?

And Welker’s not going to just let her off the hook. Welker presses her on Trump’s own comments about January 6 and Trump’s efforts recently to gloss over some of the violence, and to say that those who have been arrested, he’ll free them.

Do you support that?

I want to be very clear. The violence that happened on January 6 is unacceptable.

And this is a frankly fascinating moment because you can hear McDaniel starting to, if not quite reverse some of her positions, though in some cases she does that, at least really soften her language. It’s almost as if she’s switching uniforms from the RNC one to an NBC one or almost like breaking from a role she was playing.

Ronna, why not speak out earlier? Why just speak out about that now?

When you’re the RNC chair, you kind of take one for the whole team, right? Now, I get to be a little bit more myself.

She says, hey, you know what? Sometimes as RNC chair, you just have to take it for the team sometimes.

Right. What she’s really saying is I did things as chairwoman of the Republican National committee that now that I no longer have that job, I can candidly say, I wished I hadn’t done, which is very honest. But it’s also another way of saying I’m two faced, or I was playing a part.

Ronna McDaniel, thank you very much for being here this morning.

Then something extraordinary happens. And I have to say, I’ve never seen a moment like this in decades of watching television news and covering television news.

Welcome back. The panel is here. Chuck Todd, NBC News chief political analyst.

Welker brings her regular panel on, including Chuck Todd, now the senior NBC political analyst.

Chuck, let’s dive right in. What were your takeaways?

And he launches right into what he calls —

Look, let me deal with the elephant in the room.

The elephant being this hiring of McDaniel.

I think our bosses owe you an apology for putting you in this situation.

And he proceeds, on NBC’S air, to lace into management for, as he describes it, putting Welker in this crazy awkward position.

Because I don’t know what to believe. She is now a paid contributor by NBC News. I have no idea whether any answer she gave to you was because she didn’t want to mess up her contract.

And Todd is very hung up on this idea that when she was speaking for the party, she would say one thing. And now that she’s on the payroll at NBC, she’s saying another thing.

She has credibility issues that she still has to deal with. Is she speaking for herself, or is she speaking on behalf of who’s paying her?

Todd is basically saying, how are we supposed to know which one to believe.

What can we believe?

It is important for this network and for always to have a wide aperture. Having ideological diversity on this panel is something I prided myself on.

And what he’s effectively saying is that his bosses should have never hired her in this capacity.

I understand the motivation, but this execution, I think, was poor.

Someone said to me last night we live in complicated times. Thank you guys for being here. I really appreciate it.

Now, let’s just note here, this isn’t just any player at NBC. Chuck Todd is obviously a major news name at the network. And him doing this appears to just open the floodgates across the entire NBC News brand, especially on its sister cable network, MSNBC.

And where I said I’d never seen anything like what I saw on “Meet the Press” that morning, I’d never seen anything like this either. Because now, the entire MSNBC lineup is in open rebellion. I mean, from the minute that the sun comes up. There is Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski.

We weren’t asked our opinion of the hiring. But if we were, we would have strongly objected to it.

They’re on fire over this.

believe NBC News should seek out conservative Republican voices, but it should be conservative Republicans, not a person who used her position of power to be an anti-democracy election denier.

But it rolls out across the entire schedule.

Because Ronna McDaniel has been a major peddler of the big lie.

The fact that Ms. McDaniel is on the payroll at NBC News, to me that is inexplicable. I mean, you wouldn’t hire a mobster to work at a DA’s office.

Rachel Maddow devotes an entire half hour.

It’s not about just being associated with Donald Trump and his time in the Republican Party. It’s not even about lying or not lying. It’s about our system of government.

Thumbing their noses at our bosses and basically accusing them of abetting a traitorous figure in American history. I mean, just extraordinary stuff. It’s television history.

And let’s face it, we journalists, our bosses, we can be seen as crybabies, and we’re paid complaining. Yeah, that’s what we’re paid to do. But in this case, the NBC executives cannot ignore this, because in the outcry, there’s a very clear point that they’re all making. Ronna McDaniel is not just a voice from the other side. She was a fundamental part of Trump’s efforts to deny his election loss.

This is not inviting the other side. This is someone who’s on the wrong side —

Of history.

Of history, of these moments that we’ve covered and are still covering.

And I think it’s fair to say that at this point, everyone understands that Ronna McDaniel’s time at NBC News is going to be very short lived. Yeah, basically, after all this, the executives at NBC have to face facts it’s over. And on Tuesday night, they release a statement to the staff saying as much.

They don’t cite the questions about red lines or what Ronna McDaniel represented or didn’t represent. They just say we need to have a unified newsroom. We want cohesion. This isn’t working.

I think in the end, she was a paid contributor for four days.

Yeah, one of the shortest tenures in television news history. And look, in one respect, by their standards, this is kind of a pretty small contract, a few hundred thousand dollars they may have to pay out. But it was way more costly because they hired her. They brought her on board because they wanted to appeal to these tens of millions of Americans who still love Donald J. Trump.

And what happens now is that this entire thing is blown up in their face, and those very same people now see a network that, in their view, in the view of Republicans across the country, this network will not accept any Republicans. So it becomes more about that. And Fox News, NBC’S longtime rival, goes wall to wall with this.

Now, NBC News just caved to the breathless demands from their far left, frankly, emotionally unhinged host.

I mean, I had it on my desk all day. And every minute I looked at that screen, it was pounding on these liberals at NBC News driving this Republican out.

It’s the shortest tenure in TV history, I think. But why? Well, because she supports Donald Trump, period.

So in a way, this leaves NBC worse off with that Trump Republican audience they had wanted to court than maybe even they were before. It’s like a boomerang with a grenade on it.

Yeah, it completely explodes in their face. And that’s why to me, the whole episode is so representative of this eight-year conundrum for the news media, especially on television. They still haven’t been able to crack the code for how to handle the Trump movement, the Trump candidacy, and what it has wrought on the American political system and American journalism.

We’ll be right back.

Jim, put into context this painful episode of NBC into that larger conundrum you just diagnosed that the media has faced when it comes to Trump.

Well, Michael, it’s been there from the very beginning, from the very beginning of his political rise. The media was on this kind of seesaw. They go back and forth over how to cover him. Sometimes they want to cover him quite aggressively because he’s such a challenging candidate. He was bursting so many norms.

But at other times, there was this instinct to understand his appeal, for the same reason. He’s such an unusual candidate. So there was a great desire to really understand his voters. And frankly, to speak to his voters, because they’re part of the audience. And we all lived it, right?

But just let me take you back anyway because everything’s fresh again with perspective. And so if you go back, let’s look at when he first ran. The networks, if you recall, saw him as almost like a novelty candidate.

He was going to spice up what was expected to be a boring campaign between the usual suspects. And he was a ratings magnet. And the networks, they just couldn’t get enough of it. And they allowed him, at times, to really shatter their own norms.

Welcome back to “Meet the Press,” sir.

Good morning, Chuck.

Good morning. Let me start —

He was able to just call into the studio and riff with the likes of George Stephanopoulos and Chuck Todd.

What does it have to do with Hillary?

She can’t talk about me because nobody respects women more than Donald Trump.

And CNN gave him a lot of unmitigated airtime, if you recall during the campaign. They would run the press conferences.

It’s the largest winery on the East Coast. I own it 100 percent.

And let him promote his Trump steaks and his Trump wine.

Trump steaks. Where are the steaks? Do we have steaks?

I mean, it got that crazy. But again, the ratings were huge. And then he wins. And because they had previously given him all that airtime, they’ve, in retrospect, sort of given him a political gift, and more than that now have a journalistic imperative to really address him in a different way, to cover him as they would have covered any other candidate, which, let’s face it, they weren’t doing initially. So there’s this extra motivation to make up for lost ground and maybe for some journalistic omissions.

Right. Kind of correct for the lack of a rigorous journalistic filter in the campaign.

Exactly. And the big thing that this will be remembered for is we’re going to call a lie a lie.

I don’t want to sugarcoat this because facts matter, and the fact is President Trump lies.

Trump lies. We’re going to say it’s a lie.

And I think we can’t just mince around it because they are lies. And so we need to call them what they are.

We’re no longer going to use euphemisms or looser language we’re. Going to call it for what it is.

Trump lies in tweets. He spreads false information at rallies. He lies when he doesn’t need to. He lies when the truth is more than enough for him.

CNN was running chyrons. They would fact check Trump and call lies lies on the screen while Trump is talking. They were challenging Trump to his face —

One of the statements that you made in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms that —

Here we go.

That — well, if you don’t mind, Mr. President, that this caravan was an invasion.

— in these crazy press conferences —

They’re are hundreds of miles away, though. They’re hundreds and hundreds of miles away. That’s not an invasion.

Honestly, I think you should let me run the country. You run CNN. And if you did it well, your ratings —

Well, let me ask — if I may ask one other question. Mr. President, if I may ask another question. Are you worried —

That’s enough. That’s enough.

And Trump is giving it right back.

I tell you what, CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn’t be working for CNN.

Very combative.

So this was this incredibly fraught moment for the American press. You’ve got tens of millions of Trump supporters seeing what’s really basic fact checking. These look like attacks to Trump supporters. Trump, in turn, is calling the press, the reporters are enemies of the people. So it’s a terrible dynamic.

And when January 6 happens, it’s so obviously out of control. And what the traditional press that follows, traditional journalistic rules has to do is make it clear that the claims that Trump is making about a stolen election are just so abjectly false that they don’t warrant a single minute of real consideration once the reporting has been done to show how false they are. And I think that American journalism really emerged from that feeling strongly about its own values and its own place in society.

But then there’s still tens of millions of Trump voters, and they don’t feel so good about the coverage. And they don’t agree that January 6 was an insurrection. And so we enter yet another period, where the press is going to have to now maybe rethink some things.

In what way?

Well, there’s a kind of quiet period after January 6. Trump is off of social media. The smoke is literally dissipating from the air in Washington. And news executives are kind of standing there on the proverbial battlefield, taking a new look at their situation.

And they’re seeing that in this clearer light, they’ve got some new problems, perhaps none more important for their entire business models than that their ratings are quickly crashing. And part of that diminishment is that a huge part of the country, that Trump-loving part of the audience, is really now severed from him from their coverage.

They see the press as actually, in some cases, being complicit in stealing an election. And so these news executives, again, especially on television, which is so ratings dependent, they’ve got a problem. So after presumably learning all these lessons about journalism and how to confront power, there’s a first subtle and then much less subtle rethinking.

Maybe we need to pull back from that approach. And maybe we need to take some new lessons and switch it up a little bit and reverse some of what we did. And one of the best examples of this is none other than CNN.

It had come under new management, was being led by a guy named Chris Licht, a veteran of cable news, but also Stephen Colbert’s late night show in his last job. And his new job under this new management is we’re going to recalibrate a little bit. So Chris Licht proceeds to try to bring the network back to the center.

And how does he do that?

Well, we see some key personalities who represented the Trump combat era start losing air time and some of them lose their jobs. There’s talk of, we want more Republicans on the air. There was a famous magazine article about Chris Licht’s balancing act here.

And Chris Licht says to a reporter, Tim Alberta of the “Atlantic” magazine, look, a lot in the media, including at his own network, quote unquote, “put on a jersey, took a side.” They took a side. And he says, I think we understand that jersey cannot go back on him. Because he says in the end of the day, by the way, it didn’t even work. We didn’t change anyone’s mind.

He’s saying that confrontational approach that defined the four years Trump was in office, that was a reaction to the feeling that TV news had failed to properly treat Trump with sufficient skepticism, that that actually was a failure both of journalism and of the TV news business. Is that what he’s saying?

Yeah. On the business side, it’s easier call, right? You want a bigger audience, and you’re not getting the bigger audience. But he’s making a journalistic argument as well that if the job is to convey the truth and take it to the people, and they take that into account as they make their own voting decisions and formulate their own opinions about American politics, if tens of millions of people who do believe that election was stolen are completely tuning you out because now they see you as a political combatant, you’re not achieving your ultimate goal as a journalist.

And what does Licht’s “don’t put a jersey back on” approach look like on CNN for its viewers?

Well, It didn’t look good. People might remember this, but the most glaring example —

Please welcome, the front runner for the Republican nomination for president, Donald Trump.

— was when he held a town hall meeting featuring Donald J. Trump, now candidate Trump, before an audience packed with Trump’s fans.

You look at what happened during that election. Unless you’re a very stupid person, you see what happens. A lot of the people —

Trump let loose a string of falsehoods.

Most people understand what happened. It was a rigged election.

The audience is pro-Trump audience, was cheering him on.

Are you ready? Are you ready? Can I talk?

Yeah, what’s your answer?

Can I? Do you mind?

I would like for you to answer the question.

OK. It’s very simple to answer.

That’s why I asked it.

It’s very simple. You’re a nasty person, I’ll tell you that.

And during, the CNN anchor hosting this, Kaitlan Collins, on CNN’s own air, it was a disaster.

It felt like a callback to the unlearned lessons of 2016.

Yeah. And in this case, CNN’s staff was up in arms.

Big shakeup in the cable news industry as CNN makes another change at the top.

Chris Licht is officially out at CNN after a chaotic run as chairman and CEO.

And Chris Licht didn’t survive it.

The chief executive’s departure comes as he faced criticism in recent weeks after the network hosted a town hall with Donald Trump and the network’s ratings started to drop.

But I want to say that the CNN leadership still, even after that, as they brought new leadership in, said, this is still the path we’re going to go on. Maybe that didn’t work out, but we’re still here. This is still what we have to do.

Right. And this idea is very much in the water of TV news, that this is the right overall direction.

Yeah. This is, by no means, isolated to CNN. This is throughout the traditional news business. These conversations are happening everywhere. But CNN was living it at that point.

And this, of course, is how we get to NBC deciding to hire Ronna McDaniel.

Right. Because they’re picking up — right where that conversation leaves off, they’re having the same conversation. But for NBC, you could argue this tension between journalistic values and audience. It’s even more pressing. Because even though MSNBC is a niche cable network, NBC News is part of an old-fashioned broadcast network. It’s on television stations throughout the country.

And in fact, those networks, they still have 6:30 newscasts. And believe it or not, millions of people still watch those every night. Maybe not as many as they used to, but there’s still some six or seven million people tuning in to nightly news. That’s important.

Right. We should say that kind of number is sometimes double or triple that of the cable news prime time shows that get all the attention.

On their best nights. So this is big business still. And that business is based on broad — it’s called broadcast for a reason. That’s based on broad audiences. So NBC had a business imperative, and they argue they had a journalistic imperative.

So given all of that, Jim, I think the big messy question here is, when it comes to NBC, did they make a tactical error around hiring the wrong Republican which blew up? Or did they make an even larger error in thinking that the way you handle Trump and his supporters is to work this hard to reach them, when they might not even be reachable?

The best way to answer that question is to tell you what they’re saying right now, NBC management. What the management saying is, yes, this was a tactical error. This was clearly the wrong Republican. We get it.

But they’re saying, we are going to — and they said this in their statement, announcing that they were severing ties with McDaniel. They said, we’re going to redouble our efforts to represent a broad spectrum of the American votership. And that’s what they meant was that we’re going to still try to reach these Trump voters with people who can relate to them and they can relate to.

But the question is, how do you even do that when so many of his supporters believe a lie? How is NBC, how is CNN, how are any of these TV networks, if they have decided that this is their mission, how are they supposed to speak to people who believe something fundamentally untrue as a core part of their political identity?

That’s the catch-22. How do you get that Trump movement person who’s also an insider, when the litmus test to be an insider in the Trump movement is to believe in the denialism or at least say you do? So that’s a real journalistic problem. And the thing that we haven’t really touched here is, what are these networks doing day in and day out?

They’re not producing reported pieces, which I think it’s a little easier. You just report the news. You go out into the world. You talk to people, and then you present it to the world as a nuanced portrait of the country. This thing is true. This thing is false. Again, in many cases, pretty straightforward. But their bread and butter is talking heads. It’s live. It’s not edited. It’s not that much reported.

So their whole business model especially, again, on cable, which has 24 hours to fill, is talking heads. And if you want the perspective from the Trump movement, journalistically, especially when it comes to denialism, but when it comes to some other major subjects in American life, you’re walking into a place where they’re going to say things that aren’t true, that don’t pass your journalistic standards, the most basic standards of journalism.

Right. So you’re saying if TV sticks with this model, the kind of low cost, lots of talk approach to news, then they are going to have to solve the riddle of who to bring on, who represents Trump’s America if they want that audience. And now they’ve got this red line that they’ve established, that that person can’t be someone who denies the 2020 election reality. But like you just said, that’s the litmus test for being in Trump’s orbit.

So this doesn’t really look like a conundrum. This looks like a bit of a crisis for TV news because it may end up meaning that they can’t hire that person that they need for this model, which means that perhaps a network like NBC does need to wave goodbye to a big segment of these viewers and these eyeballs who support Trump.

I mean, on the one hand, they are not ready to do that, and they would never concede that that’s something they’re ready to do. The problem is barring some kind of change in their news model, there’s no solution to this.

But why bar changes to their news model, I guess, is the question. Because over the years, it’s gotten more and more expensive to produce news, the news that I’m talking about, like recorded packages and what we refer to as reporting. Just go out and report the news.

Don’t gab about it. Just what’s going on, what’s true, what’s false. That’s actually very expensive in television. And they don’t have the kind of money they used to have. So the talking heads is their way to do programming at a level where they can afford it.

They do some packages. “60 Minutes” still does incredible work. NBC does packages, but the lion’s share of what they do is what we’re talking about. And that’s not going to change because the economics aren’t there.

So then a final option, of course, to borrow something Chris Licht said, is that a network like NBC perhaps doesn’t put a jersey on, but accepts the reality that a lot of the world sees them wearing a jersey.

Yeah. I mean, nobody wants to be seen as wearing a jersey in our business. No one wants to be wearing a jersey on our business. But maybe what they really have to accept is that we’re just sticking to the true facts, and that may look like we’re wearing a jersey, but we’re not. And that may, at times, look like it’s lining up more with the Democrats, but we’re not.

If Trump is lying about a stolen election, that’s not siding against him. That’s siding for the truth, and that’s what we’re doing. Easier said than done. And I don’t think any of these concepts are new.

I think there have been attempts to do that, but it’s the world they’re in. And it’s the only option they really have. We’re going to tell you the truth, even if it means that we’re going to lose a big part of the country.

Well, Jim, thank you very much.

Thank you, Michael.

Here’s what else you need to know today.


Over the weekend, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in some of the largest domestic demonstrations against the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since Israel invaded Gaza in the fall.


Some of the protesters called on Netanyahu to reach a cease fire deal that would free the hostages taken by Hamas on October 7. Others called for early elections that would remove Netanyahu from office.

During a news conference on Sunday, Netanyahu rejected calls for early elections, saying they would paralyze his government at a crucial moment in the war.

Today’s episode was produced by Rob Szypko, Rikki Novetsky, and Alex Stern, with help from Stella Tan.

It was edited by Brendan Klinkenberg with help from Rachel Quester and Paige Cowett. Contains original music by Marion Lozano, Dan Powell, and Rowan Niemisto and was engineered by Chris Wood. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly.

That’s it for “The Daily.” I’m Michael Barbaro. See you tomorrow.

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  • April 1, 2024   •   36:14 Ronna McDaniel, TV News and the Trump Problem
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Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Jim Rutenberg

Produced by Rob Szypko ,  Rikki Novetsky and Alex Stern

With Stella Tan

Edited by Brendan Klinkenberg ,  Rachel Quester and Paige Cowett

Original music by Marion Lozano ,  Dan Powell and Rowan Niemisto

Engineered by Chris Wood

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music

Ronna McDaniel’s time at NBC was short. The former Republican National Committee chairwoman was hired as an on-air political commentator but released just days later after an on-air revolt by the network’s leading stars.

Jim Rutenberg, a writer at large for The Times, discusses the saga and what it might reveal about the state of television news heading into the 2024 presidential race.

On today’s episode

speech about life 800 words

Jim Rutenberg , a writer at large for The New York Times.

Ronna McDaniel is talking, with a coffee cup sitting on the table in front of her. In the background is footage of Donald Trump speaking behind a lecture.

Background reading

Ms. McDaniel’s appointment had been immediately criticized by reporters at the network and by viewers on social media.

The former Republican Party leader tried to downplay her role in efforts to overturn the 2020 election. A review of the record shows she was involved in some key episodes .

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Jim Rutenberg is a writer at large for The Times and The New York Times Magazine and writes most often about media and politics. More about Jim Rutenberg



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