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Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

  • Updated On March 10, 2024
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

The IELTS exam tests how well-versed you are in the English language. It consists of 4 papers: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Essay writing can be daunting if you’re not conversant in its framework and concept. This blog will assist you in writing Nuclear Power Essay IELTS and guide you on how to crack IELTS writing task 2.

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We’ll focus more on the nuclear power essay during this blog and walk you through the process. For guidance and reference on other topics and any other help regarding the IELTS exam , you can look through our website’s collection of blogs and obtain the assistance you need.

nuclear power essay ielts

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS Sample Answer

Nuclear power is a very debated topic in every convention and has always been questioned for the bad it does rather than its good. In my opinion, nuclear power needs to be used, and the user should also be controlled and hedged with renewable energy sources as they are the only viable solution. Nuclear plants currently provide 11% of the world’s electricity. With an ever-increasing demand for electricity being seen everywhere and the fossil fuels reducing each day, it is now more important than ever that major decisions should be made. In the upcoming decades, energy consumption will only increase and meet the rising demand; nuclear power plants will be required as they are the best source of traditional energy-producing sources. Although nuclear power plants are required, it is also necessary to gradually push renewable energy sources and promote them to create a sustainable future for future generations. Nuclear power plants’ waste disposal and radioactivity are the concerning factors that have been the hot topic of most debates at conventions and meetings. In addition to that, a single misuse of this tremendous power can result in the disruption of life for all mankind. Striking a balance between the two will be crucial in the coming time as global warming and the energy crisis are on a constant rise. If nothing is done in the near time, countries could get submerged underwater within the coming decades, and the entire world will have to fight for survival.

Writing Task 2

The writing section of the IELTS exam consists of two sections. Writing task 2 is an essay writing task that requires deep thinking and coherence. This task will be our focus for this blog, as the rules and guidelines of the IELTS exam can be confusing for students appearing for the first time. Writing task 2 has the subsequent guidelines:

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Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

  • The essay should have a minimum of 250 words. An essay written in less than 250 words will be penalised and negatively marked. There is no penalty for writing a longer essay, but it will cause you to stray off-topic and waste time.
  • 40 minutes is a good enough time to complete this task and will leave you with time to recheck your answer.
  • The essay’s contents should be written with perfect grammar and solely focused on the topic.
  • You can be penalised if you stray off-topic while writing your essay. All the sentences must be related and formed to provide a clear view and information.
  • The content must be well structured to fetch the best results and have proper cohesion between the sentences.
  • The tone of your answer must be academic or semi-formal and should discuss the given topic at length and focus on proper and sophisticated language.
  • Using bullet points and notes is not allowed in the IELTS exam . The real answer must be written together and broken into paragraphs to better examine your writing style and structure.

Structure of Essay in Writing Task 2

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

The structure of the essay in writing task 2 is the base of your essay, and a clear idea of the structure will make it much easier for you to finish the essay on time. The structure of the essay can be broken down in the following way:

  • First Paragraph
  • Second Paragraph
  • Third Paragraph
  • Fourth Paragraph

The first paragraph of your essay should provide a small introduction to the topic and provide an opinion of yours about what side you are on about the topic. The first paragraph should be minimal and to the point. A clear and concise introduction leaves a good impression on the examiner. The second paragraph should begin with your stance on the topic. The first sentence should provide clarity on your stance. The second sentence should build on that idea and delve deeper into the specifics. The next sentences are suitable for providing an example and developing it in detail. You can make up research studies and quote them in your essay to support your point. At the end of the paragraph, end with a statement that sums up the overall idea of the paragraph and supports the idea you started with. The third paragraph is very similar in structure to the second paragraph. The main objective of this paragraph is to provide either the opposite view of the topic or discuss new ideas that touch on a different perspective of the topic but ultimately support your opinion. The structuring is the same as in the second paragraph, with minute changes. The fourth paragraph is the conclusion of your essay and, just like the introduction, should be minimal. Summing up your essay with a statement supporting your opinion and overall idea is best advised.

Nuclear Power Essay IELTS

Score well on IELTS Nuclear Essay by understanding the Writing task 2 structure above. Add Brownie points for writing answers with facts, examples and evidence. For more related content, head on to LeapScholar blogs. Avail of one-on-one guidance from India’s top IELTS educators from the Leap Scholar Premium course .

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the pros and cons of nuclear power.

Ans: Nuclear energy is a widely used method of production of electricity. The benefits of nuclear technology and the main advantages of nuclear power are: a. No production of harmful gases that cause air pollution b. Clean source of energy c. Low cost of fuel d. Long-life once constructed e. A massive amount of energy produced f. Unlike most energy production methods, nuclear energy does not contribute to the increase in global warming

Disadvantages: a. Very high cost of construction of the facility. b. Waste produced is very toxic and requires proper and safe disposal, which is costly. c. If any accident happens, it can have a major impact on everyone and can be devastating. d. Mining of uranium 235, which is nuclear fuel, is very expensive.

2. Does Japan have a plan for dealing with its own nuclear waste problem?

Ans: As per the latest news and research, Japan does not have a proper nuclear waste dumping structure even after the Fukushima disaster in 2011. The Fukushima disaster was caused by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in 2011 and caused meltdowns and hydrogen explosions at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor. It was the worst recorded nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. Japan is said to have enough nuclear waste to create nuclear arsenals. In April 2021, Japan declared they would be dumping 1.2 million tonnes of nuclear waste into the sea. This is the same Japan that called the 1993 ocean dumping by Russia “extremely regrettable.” The discharges are bound to begin by 2023, and various legal proceedings and protests have been going on inside Japan against this inhuman decision that would destroy marine life.

3. How many countries have nuclear power plants?

Ans : Currently, 32 countries in the world possess nuclear power plants within their boundaries.

4. Why do people oppose nuclear power?

Ans: Opposition to nuclear power has been a long-standing issue. It is backed by a variety of reasons which are as follows:Nuclear waste is hard to dispose of, and improper disposal affects the radioactivity levels and can disrupt the normal life of people as well as animals. Nuclear technology is another concern of people as the usage of nuclear power plants leads to deeper research into the nuclear field. In today’s world, anything can be weaponised, and the threat of nuclear weapons is one of the drawbacks of nuclear power. This brings the threat of nuclear war and disruption of world peace. Any attack on nuclear power plants by terrorist organisations can result in a massive explosion that can disrupt and destroy human life and increase radioactivity to alarming levels around the site of the explosion.

5. What is the best way to dispose of nuclear waste?

Ans: Nuclear waste needs to be disposed of properly to prevent radioactive issues in the environment. The best methods to dispose of nuclear waste are as follows: a. Incineration : Radioactive waste can be incinerated in large scale incinerators with low production of waste. b. Deep burial: Nuclear waste can be buried deep into the ground as the radioactivity of nuclear waste wears off over time. This method is used for waste that is highly radioactive and will take a longer time to lose its radioactivity. c. Storage: Nuclear waste with low radioactivity is stored by some countries in storage. This is because their radioactive decay takes lesser time and can be disposed of safely once the radiation wears off.

6. Is it possible to produce electricity without using fossil fuels?

Ans: At the moment, 11% of the world’s electricity is produced by nuclear power plants alone. Replacing fossil fuel-based energy with renewable needs to be done gradually and properly. Renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro, and wind will have to be promoted and pushed to create a sustainable future. Renewable energy sources provide cheap energy, do not use up natural resources and fossil fuels and are much cheaper to construct than a nuclear power station.

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Nuclear Power Essays

by Edgars (Basel, CH)

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IELTS Essay Band 7: Nuclear Threats and Benefits

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.

The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Task Achievement

The essay provides a balanced view on the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear technology, which is commendable. However, the essay could benefit from more specific examples and evidence to support the claims. The ideas presented could also be further developed, and the connections between the points could be made clearer. Overall, the essay demonstrates a good understanding of the topic, but there is room for improvement in terms of depth and clarity.

  • Provide more specific examples and evidence to support the claims.
  • Explore more about the potential of nuclear technology in other fields.
  • Discuss more about the potential solutions to the hazards posed by nuclear technology.
  • Provide more clear connections between the points.
  • Explain more about how the benefits of nuclear technology outweigh its disadvantages.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

You have demonstrated a good understanding of grammatical range and accuracy in your essay. Your use of a variety of sentence structures, including complex sentences, is commendable. However, there were a few grammatical errors, including a spelling mistake and a missing article. These errors did not significantly impede the readability or meaning of your essay, but they should be addressed in future essays. I suggest that you proofread your essays carefully to catch and correct these errors.

  • Use a wider variety of sentence structures to demonstrate your grammatical range.
  • Proofread your essay to catch and correct spelling errors.
  • Ensure that you use articles correctly in your sentences.

Coherence and Cohesion

You have written a well-structured essay with a clear argument and good use of evidence. Your ideas are organized logically and your paragraphing is well managed. However, there is room for improvement in your topic sentences and in the clarity of your conclusion. Keep practicing and refining your writing skills.

  • The introduction could be improved by providing a brief overview of the points that will be discussed in the essay.
  • The body paragraphs could be improved by having a clearer topic sentence at the start of each one.
  • The conclusion could be improved by summarizing the main points of the essay more clearly.

Lexical Resource

You have demonstrated a strong command of vocabulary in your essay. Your word choice is precise and you have used a wide range of vocabulary to express your ideas. However, there was one spelling error and one inappropriate word choice. Please pay attention to these details in your future writing. Overall, your lexical resource is impressive.

  • Replace 'Empire of Japan' with 'Japan'.
  • Correct the spelling of 'beneefited' to 'benefited'.
  • Try to use more complex and less common words to further enhance your vocabulary range.

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Nuclear Power Essay IELTS 2024: Writing Task 2 Latest Samples

Looking for samples of Nuclear Power Essay IELTS Click here for tips on how you can write an essay in writing task 2 find out examples for reference!

8/25/2023 3 min read

advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

Nuclear power has been a subject of both fascination and controversy since its inception. As the global energy landscape evolves, the role of nuclear power in providing clean and sustainable energy solutions has come into focus. In this essay, we will explore the latest samples and perspectives on nuclear power in the context of IELTS Writing Task 2. From its benefits to its potential drawbacks, we'll delve into various aspects to provide a comprehensive overview.


Nuclear power, often hailed as a promising solution to the world's energy needs, involves harnessing the energy released during nuclear reactions to generate electricity. As the demand for clean energy sources rises, the examination of nuclear power's advantages, challenges, and its potential role in shaping our energy future becomes crucial.

Understanding Nuclear Power

What is nuclear power.

Nuclear power is a form of energy obtained by altering the structure of atomic nuclei through nuclear reactions. The most common nuclear reaction involves splitting the nucleus of an atom, a process known as nuclear fission.

The Science Behind Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear reactions release an immense amount of energy in the form of heat. This heat is used to produce steam, which drives turbines connected to generators, ultimately producing electricity.

Advantages of Nuclear Power

Low greenhouse gas emissions.

Unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power generation produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions. This characteristic makes it a potentially valuable tool in mitigating climate change.

High Energy Output

Nuclear reactions release a vast amount of energy from a small amount of fuel, resulting in high energy output compared to other energy sources.

Continuous Power Generation

Nuclear power plants can operate continuously for long periods without interruption, providing a stable source of electricity to the grid.

Challenges of Nuclear Power

Radioactive waste management.

One of the most significant challenges is the proper disposal of radioactive waste generated during nuclear reactions. Long-term storage solutions are essential to prevent environmental contamination.

Safety Concerns

Safety is a primary concern with nuclear power. Accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima have raised questions about the reliability of safety measures in nuclear facilities.

High Initial Costs

Building and commissioning nuclear power plants require substantial upfront investment, which can deter many countries from adopting this technology.

Nuclear Power and the Environment

Comparison with fossil fuels.

Nuclear power's low emissions make it a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels like coal and oil, which are major contributors to air pollution and global warming.

Mitigating Climate Change

The consistent power output of nuclear plants can contribute significantly to reducing the use of fossil fuels, thus helping in the fight against climate change.

Global Perspective on Nuclear Power

Leading nuclear energy producers.

Countries like the United States, China, and Russia are leading producers of nuclear energy, contributing to a substantial portion of their electricity generation.

International Regulations and Agreements

International bodies like the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) play a critical role in setting standards and guidelines for the safe use of nuclear power globally.

Nuclear Safety Measures

Design of nuclear reactors.

Modern reactor designs incorporate passive safety features that can help prevent or mitigate accidents without human intervention.

Emergency Protocols

Nuclear power plants have strict emergency protocols in place to ensure rapid responses to any unforeseen situations, minimizing the potential for widespread disasters.

The Future of Nuclear Power

Advanced reactor technologies.

Research into advanced reactor designs aims to enhance safety, reduce waste, and make nuclear energy more accessible.

Fusion as a Clean Energy Source

Fusion, the process that powers the sun, holds immense promise as a clean and virtually limitless energy source, although practical implementation remains a challenge.

Public Opinion and Nuclear Power

Addressing misconceptions.

Public perception often includes misconceptions about nuclear power's safety and environmental impact. Education and accurate information dissemination are crucial in addressing these concerns.

Building Public Trust

Transparency in operations, rigorous safety standards, and community engagement are vital in building public trust and acceptance of nuclear power projects.

Nuclear Power and Developing Countries

Energy security and economic growth.

For developing countries, nuclear power can provide a reliable energy source, reducing dependence on imports and fostering economic development.

Capacity Building Challenges

However, establishing nuclear infrastructure requires substantial resources, technical expertise, and stringent regulatory frameworks.

Nuclear power stands at a crossroads in the global pursuit of sustainable energy. Its potential to generate large amounts of clean energy comes with significant challenges that need to be addressed collectively. As technology advances and safety measures improve, nuclear power could play a pivotal role in shaping a greener future.

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Nuclear Power and Society: Topic ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

Nuclear Power and Society: Topic ideas, Grammar, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

July 13, 2023 By Ben W

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In this tutorial, we discuss   nuclear power and society IELTS Topic ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers.

Table of Contents

Introduction, grammar point covered, pros and cons regarding nuclear power, topic specific vocabulary collocations and phrases, model sentences using the nuclear power phrases and conjunctions, model essay about nuclear power, speaking part 3 questions and model answers, further reading.

Nuclear power, a controversial yet pivotal topic, has significant implications for society. This article will explore the pros and cons of nuclear power, provide vocabulary and grammar points related to the topic, and offer model answers for IELTS-style questions.

Conjunctions are words that connect clauses or sentences. They include coordinating conjunctions such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘so’, ‘yet’, and ‘for’; and subordinating conjunctions like ‘although’, ‘because’, ‘since’, ‘unless’, and ‘while’.

  • Nuclear power is a reliable source of energy.
  • It has a lower carbon footprint compared to fossil fuels.
  • Nuclear power plants require less land than renewable energy sources.
  • It provides a significant contribution to the energy mix of many countries.
  • Nuclear power can meet large energy demands.
  • It has the potential for technological advancements and innovations.
  • Nuclear power can help countries achieve energy independence.
  • It can contribute to economic growth and job creation.
  • Nuclear power can be used for purposes other than electricity generation, such as medical treatments.
  • It can play a role in combating climate change.
  • Nuclear power plants can pose significant safety risks, including nuclear accidents.
  • The disposal of nuclear waste is a major environmental concern.
  • Nuclear power plants have high upfront costs for building and decommissioning.
  • There are concerns about nuclear weapons proliferation.
  • Nuclear power plants are not renewable and rely on finite resources.
  • construction times.
  • There are potential health risks for plant workers and local residents.
  • Public perception of nuclear power is generally negative.
  • Nuclear power plants are vulnerable to security threats.
  • Nuclear fission
  • Radiation exposure
  • Nuclear reactor
  • Uranium enrichment
  • Radioactive decay
  • Nuclear waste disposal
  • Thermal power
  • Control rods
  • Nuclear proliferation
  • Energy independence
  • Although nuclear fission provides a significant amount of energy, it also produces harmful radioactive waste.
  • While radiation exposure can be harmful, safety measures in nuclear power plants aim to minimise this risk.
  • Nuclear reactors are complex systems, and they require careful management and maintenance.
  • Uranium enrichment is a crucial process in the production of nuclear energy, but it also raises concerns about nuclear proliferation.
  • Radioactive decay is a natural process, yet it is harnessed in nuclear power plants to produce energy.
  • Because nuclear waste disposal is a significant challenge, research into safer and more efficient methods is ongoing.
  • Thermal power plants, including nuclear ones, contribute significantly to the global energy mix.
  • Control rods in a nuclear reactor regulate the fission process, and they are crucial for safety.
  • Although nuclear proliferation is a concern, international treaties and inspections aim to prevent it.
  • Energy independence can be achieved with nuclear power, but it requires significant investment and infrastructure.

Question: What are the implications of nuclear power for society, and how should it be managed?

Introduction: Nuclear power, a significant source of energy, has profound implications for society. It offers potential benefits such as energy independence and low greenhouse gas emissions, yet it also presents challenges like radioactive waste disposal and the risk of nuclear accidents.

Body Paragraph 1: On the positive side, nuclear power can contribute to energy independence. By harnessing the power of nuclear fission, countries can produce a large amount of energy from a small amount of uranium. This can reduce reliance on foreign energy sources and contribute to national security. Furthermore, nuclear power produces very low amounts of greenhouse gases, making it a cleaner energy source compared to fossil fuels. This can contribute to efforts to combat climate change.

Body Paragraph 2: However, nuclear power also presents significant challenges. The disposal of radioactive waste is a major environmental and health concern, and the risk of nuclear accidents, although low, can have devastating and long-lasting impacts. Furthermore, the construction and decommissioning of nuclear power plants require high initial investments, and the supply of uranium, which is used as fuel in nuclear reactors, is limited and non-renewable.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while nuclear power offers potential benefits, it also presents significant challenges. It is crucial that nuclear power is managed responsibly, with stringent safety measures, effective waste disposal methods, and careful consideration of the economic and environmental implications.

Question 1: Why is nuclear power a controversial issue? Answer: Nuclear power is a controversial issue mainly because of the risks associated with it. While it provides a significant amount of energy, the disposal of radioactive waste and the potential for nuclear accidents are major concerns. Furthermore, there are also concerns about nuclear weapons proliferation.

Question 2: Should countries invest more in nuclear power? Answer: This is a complex issue and depends on a variety of factors. On one hand, nuclear power can provide a stable source of energy and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, the challenges and risks associated with nuclear power, such as waste disposal and the potential for accidents, cannot be ignored.

Question 3: What are the alternatives to nuclear power? Answer: There are several alternatives to nuclear power, including renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. These sources are sustainable and have a much lower environmental impact compared to nuclear power. However, they also have their own challenges, such as variability and storage issues.

Question 4: How has the use of nuclear power changed over time? Answer: The use of nuclear power has changed significantly over time. In the early days of nuclear power, there was a lot of optimism about its potential, and many countries invested heavily in it. However, after several high-profile accidents, public opinion shifted, and many countries began to move away from nuclear power. Today, the debate continues, with some advocating for a nuclear renaissance, while others argue for a transition to renewable energy sources.

Question 5: Is nuclear power common in your country? Answer: In my country, nuclear power is not very common. While there are a few nuclear power plants, the majority of our energy comes from fossil fuels and renewable sources. However, there is ongoing debate about whether to invest more in nuclear power.

  • BBC: Climate change: Should we be scared of nuclear power?
  • International Atomic Energy Agency
  • World Nuclear Association
  • Wikipedia: Nuclear Power
  • U.S. Department of Energy: Office of Nuclear Energy

Why don’t nuclear scientists ever play hide and seek?

Because good luck hiding when you’re always glowing!

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advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

परमाणु ऊर्जा के फायदे और नुकसान: एक महत्वपूर्ण आईईएलटीएस लेखन कार्य 2 विषय

Nuclear energy improves air quality by providing large quantities of carbon-free energy. It empowers people in 28 States in the u.s. and leads to many non-electric projects, ranging from the healthcare profession to space research.

The US Department of Energy’s Nuclear Energy Office or DOE conducts its studies mainly on sustaining the current reactor fleet, creating innovative modern reactor technology, and enhancing the nuclear fuel cycle to improve the reliability of our energy supplies and boost the US economy.

Below are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy in the format of nuclear energy task 2 of the आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा .

IELTS Sample: Nuclear Energy Advantages and Disadvantages

Producing energy from nuclear plants significantly increases the risk but promises great benefits. In action, a relatively small volume of nuclear fuel can reliably create a very large amount of energy and contain very little polluting content. Nevertheless, the financial costs of constructing and decommissioning a nuclear power plant are extremely high and the waste generated will stay radioactive hazardous to people and the environment for hundreds of years.

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस में सहमत और असहमत निबंध कैसे लिखें? उत्तम निबंध लिखने की युक्तियाँ

Nuclear Energy Advantages and Disadvantages: Tabular Form

Benefits of nuclear energy, great energy capacity.

Upon full combustion, 1 kg of enriched uranium by up to 4 per cent (which is used in reactor material) discharges equivalent energy to that collected by burning about 100 tonnes of high-quality coal combustion or 60 tonnes of oil.


The fission component (Uranium-235) is not totally burned in nuclear fuel and can be recycled after regeneration. A total transition to a closed fuel cycle is possible in the near future which means that no waste will be generated.

Reducing Greenhouse Gases

Intensive production of nuclear technology can be used as a way of countering global warming. Each year, nuclear power stations in Europe emit 700 million tonnes of CO2 and those in Japan cause 270 million tonnes of CO2 to be avoided. Per year, operating Russian nuclear power plants prohibit the release of 210 million tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Russia ranks 4th in the world

यह भी पढ़ें: आईईएलटीएस निबंध लेखन कार्य 2: यहां बताया गया है कि इसे अच्छी तरह से कैसे व्यवस्थित किया जाए

Economic Development

The construction of nuclear power plants stimulates economic prosperity and new jobs. 1 position in nuclear power plant building generates 10 to 15 positions in associated industries. The creation of nuclear technology leads to the growth of science and to national cognitive capacities.

IELTS Opinion Essay Topic: Nuclear Energy is a Better Choice for Meeting the Increasing Demand

The option of nuclear energy as a resource is questionable. Presently, this energy is recommended as a favoured alternative to satisfy the immense need. Many people believe that nuclear technology is the safest form of electricity generation since it is less fragile than others. They are expected to emit less carbon dioxide than other forms of sources used to create the current.


अनुच्छेद तोड़ो

As there is less development of greenhouse emissions, there is reduced risk to the atmosphere due to the elimination of acid rain, global warming, etc. As an example, before using this source to generate the new, China’s emission rate was unmanageable, but after using it, it decreased by 80 per cent. Previously, China used fossil fuels, which emitted a large number of greenhouse emissions, and in the process, they became very dangerous both to the atmosphere and to humans.

In contrast, it is very clear that the nuclear power plant offers multiple advantages to the public in terms of noise, energy supply and therefore does not conflict with the daily lifestyle of the local region.

In the next five decades, humanity will require more energy than has been used in the whole intervening period. Early forecasts about the rise of energy demand and the advancement of alternative energy technology have not come true: the pace of consumption is increasing even faster, although new energy sources will become readily available at reasonable rates no later than 2050. The shortage of fossil fuels is now more and more important than ever.

Keep your eyes here to keep learning about more such IELTS topics and keep yourself a step ahead of other IELTS aspirants. Best of luck!

यह भी पढ़ें: समाज में कला का महत्व: आईईएलटीएस लेखन कार्य 2 के लिए आईईएलटीएस निबंध नमूना, बैंड 8 के लिए समझाया गया


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advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

आपके परिवार में रखी गई किसी महत्वपूर्ण चीज़ का वर्णन करें: आईईएलटीएस बोलने के लिए एक क्यू कार्ड नमूना विषय

IELTS Exam Score

आईईएलटीएस कैलकुलेटर का उपयोग कैसे करें? अपने समग्र आईईएलटीएस परीक्षा स्कोर की गणना करें

advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

एक अच्छा आईईएलटीएस स्कोर क्या है? क्या 7.5 एक अच्छा आईईएलटीएस स्कोर है? यहां वह सब कुछ है जो आपको जानना आवश्यक है

अन्य कहानियाँ, बढ़ती मांग को पूरा करने के लिए परमाणु ऊर्जा एक बेहतर विकल्प है: आईईएलटीएस विषय, कनाडा स्थायी निवासी वीज़ा: कनाडा पीआर वीज़ा प्रक्रिया के बारे में तथ्य जो आपको नहीं भूलना चाहिए.


Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Advantages and disadvantages of electricity produce with nuclear energy

Nowadays, it is important to produce electrics ways such as natural gas, hydroelectricity, hard coal and lignite, imported coal, wind, liquid fuels, diesel, geothermal, biogas and solar energy. In addition, nuclear power is one of them. While nuclear energy clearly has both advantages and disadvantages, it seems that the risk outweigh the benefits. Nuclear power […] Read More Band 5+

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Nuclear Energy is advantage or disadvantage

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IELTS essay Nuclear Energy is advantage or disadvantage

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Exercise

I recently gave the question below to a group of students, most of whom made at least one major mistake that lowered their overall mark.

I thought it would be a good exercise to discuss and analyse this question to help you with future questions and raise your awareness about what examiners expect in the real test.

Please do the three exercises below without looking at the sample question and then watch the video below.

Exercise 1- Question Analysis

Look at the question below and simply think about how you might answer it. Think about what the examiner wants you to do. This should take you around 1-2 minutes.

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Exercise 2- Ideas

Look at the question again and think about relevant main ideas that you could use in your article. These will be your main points. Again this should only take you 1-2 minutes.

Exercise 3- Structure

Try to fit your ideas into the general structure below.

Paragraph 1- Introduction

Paragraph 2- Main Body 1

Paragraph 3- Main Body 2

Paragraph 4- Conclusion

Common Mistakes

After doing these three exercises, most people have already made at least one crucial mistake that lowers their mark. Below is a video highlighting the key mistakes people make in this question.

advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

Sample Answer

It is often argued that nuclear arsenals keep the world safe and that nuclear energy is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly power source. This essay totally disagrees that these benefits outweigh the drawbacks because the downsides are the eradication of mankind and the destruction of the planet.

Believing that major powers having nuclear warheads pointed at one another is a good thing because it ensures superpowers will not go to war is foolish. This is because it only takes one mistake or a rogue commander to trigger a nuclear conflict, and this is a conflict most of us would not survive. For example, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States and the USSR came extremely close to launching their missiles. This demonstrates that they are not the ultimate deterrent and nuclear war is possible.

The idea that nuclear fission is a clean energy source has been dispelled by numerous high-profile accidents at nuclear power plants. These disasters show just how harmful and long-lasting a nuclear material leak can be, and the contamination is not worth it when other energy sources are available. For example, the Fukushima disaster has polluted huge parts of the Pacific Ocean, and it has been reported that fish as far away as California have dangerous radiation levels. To make matters worse, solar and wind energy could replace nuclear energy tomorrow if there was the political will to do so.

In conclusion, this essay disagrees with the opinion that nuclear technology is beneficial rather than dangerous because the consequences of using nuclear energy in the wrong way are so catastrophic to both our species and the Earth itself.

advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

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My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

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Nuclear Energy is a Better Choice for Meeting Increasing Demand – IELTS Writing Task 2

Ann Smith

Updated On Jan 17, 2024

advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

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Nuclear Energy is a Better Choice for Meeting Increasing Demand – IELTS Writing Task 2

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It is usually important to agree or disagree with a certain fact or piece of information in opinion essays. Your argument must support one of two opposing views in the essay.

Given below is an example of an IELTS Writing task 2 opinion essay. Let’s understand how to frame the essay from the ideas we have.

Nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand. Do you agree or disagree?

Essay Type: Opinion Essay (Agree or Disagree)


Sentence 1: Introduction of nuclear energy.

Sentence 2: State whether nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand.

Paragraph 1: One of the best substitutes for fossil fuels is Nuclear energy. It generates a lot of energy from a very small amount of fuel and emits very little Co2 and other harmful pollutants.

Paragraph 2: One of the major risks of using nuclear power is the creation of radioactive wastes that might be an environmental issue.

Restate your opinion with a clear and direct sentence (totally agree).

Sample Essay

Nuclear energy is the all-powerful alternative to fossil fuels, and it is the finest choice to satisfy the rapidly increasing demand across the world. In my opinion, I completely agree with the fact that Nuclear energy is a pretty appropriate choice and a good replacement for fossil fuels. I will explain my views on why nuclear energy is a superior option in the subsequent paragraphs.

One of the best substitutes for fossil fuels is Nuclear energy. It generates a lot of energy from a very small amount of fuel and emits very little Co2 and other harmful pollutants. It also has a very good safety record as hundreds of nuclear power plants worldwide have been operating for more than fifty years without any serious accidents. Moreover, several nations are using nuclear energy as an alternative source to generate electricity as they don’t emit harmful gases that lead to acid rain or global warming. In fact, nuclear energy has saved many lives in the past, which may have been lost if we had built fossil-fuel plants instead of nuclear reactors.

One of the major threats of using nuclear power is the creation of radioactive wastes that might be an environmental issue. The radioactive materials might also be fatal. However, these nuclear power plants are built very carefully to prevent such releases. As a result, even the two worst nuclear accidents in history (Chernobyl and Fukushima) have harmed very few people in number compared to fossil fuel pollution.

Although nuclear fuel is not renewable like fossil fuels, they have high productivity with no geographical limitations. The sustainability of nuclear power is a very big concern as it will be an environmental tragedy if a dangerous crash occurs.

To reiterate, nuclear energy is a reliable and powerful source of electricity with zero emissions. Besides, nuclear energy is still more viable than fossil fuels and is relatively safe.

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Band 9 Sample Essay

There is no denying the fact that nuclear power comes with massive potential that can be used positively to improve mankind. Nuclear technology has become one of the potent resources and fulfills the demands of people accordingly. In my opinion, nuclear power has demonstrated more benefits for constructive purposes for varying factors of life. I shall illustrate my perspective in the below paragraphs.

To begin with, there are plenty of advantages that can be gained by developing more nuclear stations. First and foremost, nuclear technology is extensively used in the fields of science and medicine, such as X-rays, to diagnose significant internal fractures and injuries. Another noteworthy example is radiotherapy that is universally used to cure patients suffering from deadly diseases, such as malignant cancerous tumours, and more.

In addition to this, the green power stations, being eco-friendly, do not have any contribution to air pollution. Moreover, it can be used to produce electricity without wasting any restricted natural resources, be it gas or coal. To represent it better, everybody knows that nuclear gas is a renewable resource and that it cannot go extinct; hence, it can be effortlessly used in diverse major sectors. With this gas, there will be no issues of carbon emission. Furthermore, this way, there will be no issues of climate change, or the air quality will not further deteriorate. Consequently, a lot of countries are comprehending to integrate nuclear power as the solution to high demands of gas, oil, electricity and decrease the issues with climate changes as well as pollution.

While it is true nuclear power is being used for negative factors too, such as nuclear bombs, the benefits it offers evidently surpass the drawbacks.

Conclusively, nuclear technology definitely has a lot of positive uses and provides a promising future. From my point of view, it would be better if this power is used for its true benefits and the betterment of the world.

  • All-powerful

Meaning : having a complete or sole power

Eg : The older man was the all-powerful leader in the village.

Meaning : obtain something from (a specified source).

Eg : The English word “Rice” is derived from the Latin word “Oryza Sativa”.

Meaning : to make a choice especially

Eg : Since Mary scored less marks, she opted for arts courses.

Meaning : consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted.

Eg : I was looking for a reliable source of learning material to prepare for the GRE exam.

Meaning : to introduce (an atom or group) as a substituent also or to take place of

Eg : The baker used chocolate sauce as a substitute for cocoa powder.

Meaning : higher in rank, status, or quality

Eg : The shopkeeper suggested purchasing a superior product.

  • Appropriate

Meaning : suitable or proper in the circumstances.

Eg : I couldn’t find any appropriate website for the online preparation of IELTS.

Meaning : coming after something in time; following.

Eg : The Apple Manufacturers will introduce a new series of iPhones in the subsequent years.

Meaning : a person or thing likely to cause damage or danger.

Eg : Jack’s pet dog seemed to be a threat to his new born baby.

Meaning : capable of working successfully; feasible.

Eg : The new agricultural proposal is a viable solution to the farmers’ woes

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Ann Smith


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advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

Posted on Dec 12, 2023

Nuclear power is a good choice for meeting demand in now a day. In my opinion, I completely agree with the fact that nuclear energy is a pretty appropriate choice and a good replacement for fossil fuels. I will explain my views on why nuclear energy is a superior option in the subsequent paragraphs. Nuclear energy is one of the best substitutes for fossil fuels. It generates a lot of energy from small amount of fuel and emits very little co2 and other harmful pollutants. Fossil fuels are extracted in vast quantity, so it may be extinct somewhere in time .so, alternate source of energy is nuclear energy. Nuclear power is found in vast amount. One of the major disadvantages of using nuclear power is the creation of radioactive wastes that may be an environmental issue. The other problems of usage of nuclear power are the accidental explosion caused from it. The radioactive materials might also be fatal. However, the nuclear plants are very carefully to prevent such releases. As a result, even the two worst nuclear accidents in history (Chernobyl and Fukushima) have harmed very few people in number compared to fossil fuel pollution. To reiterate, nuclear energy is a reliable and powerful source of electricity with zero emissions. Besides, nuclear energy is still more viable than fossil fuels and is relatively safe. While it is true nuclear power is being used for negative factors too, such as nuclear bombs, the benefits it offers evidently surpass the drawbacks. Conclusively, nuclear technology definitely has a lot of positive uses and provides a promising future. From my point of view, it would be better if this power is used for its true benefits and the betterment of the world .

IELTS Expert

IELTS Expert

Posted on Dec 13, 2023

Overall Band: 6 Cohesive devices are used to some good effect but cohesion within sentences is mechanical. The meaning is generally clear in spite of a rather restricted range and a lack of precision in word choice.

To increase your IELTS Writing Band Score, Avail a FREE IELTS WRITING demo with our Band 9 Expert here.

advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

Posted on Nov 10, 2021

One of the most popular way to produce energy are the nuclear power stations and some people think that, considering the high request of energy, is better than other sources. I disagree with this idea because I believe there are greenest solutions. There are several reasons why nuclear energy is not the best possibility to cover the demand. While it is true that the amount of energy produced is higher compared to other sources, it is also true that nuclear power stations cause different problems. Residues are radioactive, this means that they are toxic and it is very difficult to dispose of them. If something goes wrong while disposing of toxic waste serious and dangerous consequences will verify. The other huge issue is the possible explosion of a nuclear reactor. It is still stick in our mind the disaster of cernobyl and what it caused, the radioactivity was spread in all Europe and a vast quantity of people died in that occasion. There are other ways to provide the right amount of energy sufficient for the entire world. The scientific progress went so far that now we can produce energy from sea plants. Now with the renewable sources we can have the energy we need, however politicians should do more about it. It is possible to produce energy with the waves of the oceans for example. Another way is using the wind or the solar energy absorbed by solar panels around the world, also geothermal stations can provide energy. In conclusion, my view is that with the combined use of these green sources of energy we would see a sustainable planet without the risk of others explosion of nuclear power stations.

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Overall band score: 5

Concentrate on grammatical numbers, prepositions, tenses and degrees of comparison

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the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy

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IELTS essay the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

Since the first nuclear plant started operations in the 1950s, the world has been highly divided on nuclear as a source of energy. While it is a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels, this type of power is also associated with some of the world’s most dangerous and deadliest weapons, not to mention nuclear disasters . The extremely high cost and lengthy process to build nuclear plants are compensated by the fact that producing nuclear energy is not nearly as polluting as oil and coal. In the race to net-zero carbon emissions, should countries still rely on nuclear energy or should they make space for more fossil fuels and renewable energy sources? We take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy. 

What Is Nuclear Energy?

Nuclear energy is the energy source found in an atom’s nucleus, or core. Once extracted, this energy can be used to produce electricity by creating nuclear fission in a reactor through two kinds of atomic reaction: nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. During the latter, uranium used as fuel causes atoms to split into two or more nuclei. The energy released from fission generates heat that brings a cooling agent, usually water, to boil. The steam deriving from boiling or pressurised water is then channelled to spin turbines to generate electricity. To produce nuclear fission, reactors make use of uranium as fuel.

For centuries, the industrialisation of economies around the world was made possible by fossil fuels like coal, natural gas, and petroleum and only in recent years countries opened up to alternative, renewable sources like solar and wind energy. In the 1950s, early commercial nuclear power stations started operations, offering to many countries around the world an alternative to oil and gas import dependency and a far less polluting energy source than fossil fuels. Following the 1970s energy crisis and the dramatic increase of oil prices that resulted from it, more and more countries decided to embark on nuclear power programmes. Indeed, most reactors have been built  between 1970 and 1985 worldwide. Today, nuclear energy meets around 10% of global energy demand , with 439 currently operational nuclear plants in 32 countries and about 55 new reactors under construction. In 2020, 13 countries produced at least one-quarter of their total electricity from nuclear, with the US, China, and France dominating the market by far. 

World nuclear electricity production, 1970-2020 (Image: World Nuclear Association)

Fossil fuels make up 60% of the United States’ electricity while the remaining 40% is equally split between renewables and nuclear power. France embarked on a sweeping expansion of its nuclear power industry in the 1970s with the ultimate goal of breaking its dependence on foreign oil. In doing this, the country was able to build up its economy by simultaneously cutting its emissions at a rate never seen before. Today, France is home to 56 operating reactors and it relies on nuclear power for 70% of its electricity . 

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Advantages of Nuclear Energy

France’s success in cutting down emissions is a clear example of some of the main advantages of nuclear energy over fossil fuels. First and foremost, nuclear energy is clean and it provides pollution-free power with no greenhouse gas emissions. Contrary to what many believe, cooling towers in nuclear plants only emit water vapour and are thus, not releasing any pollutant or radioactive substance into the atmosphere. Compared to all the energy alternatives we currently have on hand, many experts believe that nuclear energy is indeed one of the cleanest sources. Many nuclear energy supporters also argue that nuclear power is responsible for the fastest decarbonisation effort in history , with big nuclear players like France, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and South Korea being among the countries that recorded the fastest decline in carbon intensity and experienced a clean energy transition by building nuclear reactors and hydroelectric dams.

Earlier this year, the European Commission took a clear stance on nuclear power by labelling it a green source of energy in its classification system establishing a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. While nuclear energy may be clean and its production emission-free, experts highlight a hidden danger of this power: nuclear waste. The highly radioactive and toxic byproduct from nuclear reactors can remain radioactive for tens of thousands of years. However, this is still considered a much easier environmental problem to solve than climate change. The main reason for this is that as much as 90% of the nuclear waste generated by the production of nuclear energy can be recycled. Indeed, the fuel used in a reactor, typically uranium, can be treated and put into another reactor as only a small amount of energy in their fuel is extracted in the fission process.

A rather important advantage of nuclear energy is that it is much safer than fossil fuels from a public health perspective. The pro-nuclear movement leverages the fact that nuclear waste is not even remotely as dangerous as the toxic chemicals coming from fossil fuels. Indeed, coal and oil act as ‘ invisible killers ’ and are responsible for 1 in 5 deaths worldwide . In 2018 alone, fossil fuels killed 8.7 million people globally. In contrast, in nearly 70 years since the beginning of nuclear power, only three accidents have raised public alarm: the 1979 Three Mile Island accident, the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Of these, only the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine directly caused any deaths.

Finally, nuclear energy has some advantages compared to some of the most popular renewable energy sources. According to the US Office of Nuclear Energy , nuclear power has by far the highest capacity factor, with plants requiring less maintenance, capable to operate for up to two years before refuelling and able to produce maximum power more than 93% of the time during the year, making them three times more reliable than wind and solar plants. 

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Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

The anti-nuclear movement opposes the use of this type of energy for several reasons. The first and currently most talked about disadvantage of nuclear energy is the nuclear weapon proliferation, a debate triggered by the deadly atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War and recently reopened following rising concerns over nuclear escalation in the Ukraine-Russia conflict . After the world saw the highly destructive effect of these bombs, which caused the death of tens of thousands of people, not only in the impact itself but also in the days, weeks, and months after the tragedy as a consequence of radiation sickness, nuclear energy evolved to a pure means of generating electricity. In 1970, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons entered into force. Its objective was to prevent the spread of such weapons to eventually achieve nuclear disarmament as well as promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy. However, opposers of this energy source still see nuclear energy as being deeply intertwined with nuclear weapons technologies and believe that, with nuclear technologies becoming globally available, the risk of them falling into the wrong hands is high, especially in countries with high levels of corruption and instability. 

As mentioned in the previous section, nuclear energy is clean. However, radioactive nuclear waste contains highly poisonous chemicals like plutonium and the uranium pellets used as fuel. These materials can be extremely toxic for tens of thousands of years and for this reason, they need to be meticulously and permanently disposed of. Since the 1950s, a stockpile of 250,000 tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear waste has been accumulated and distributed across the world, with 90,000 metric tons stored in the US alone. Knowing the dangers of nuclear waste, many oppose nuclear energy for fears of accidents, despite these being extremely unlikely to happen. Indeed, opposers know that when nuclear does fail, it can fail spectacularly. They were reminded of this in 2011, when the Fukushima disaster, despite not killing anyone directly, led to the displacement of more than 150,000 people, thousands of evacuation/related deaths and billions of dollars in cleanup costs. 

Lastly, if compared to other sources of energy, nuclear power is one of the most expensive and time-consuming forms of energy. Nuclear plants cost billions of dollars to build and they take much longer than any other infrastructure for renewable energy, sometimes even more than a decade. However, while nuclear power plants are expensive to build, they are relatively cheap to run , a factor that improves its competitiveness. Still, the long building process is considered a significant obstacle in the run to net-zero emissions that countries around the world have committed to. If they hope to meet their emission reduction targets in time, they cannot afford to rely on new nuclear plants.

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Who Wins the Nuclear Debate?

There are a multitude of advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy and the debate on whether to keep this technology or find other alternatives is destined to continue in the years to come. Nuclear power can be a highly destructive weapon, but the risks of a nuclear catastrophe are relatively low. While historic nuclear disasters can be counted on the fingers of a single hand, they are remembered for their devastating impact and the life-threatening consequences they sparked (or almost sparked). However, it is important to remember that fossil fuels like coal and oil represent a much bigger threat and silently kill millions of people every year worldwide. Another big aspect to take into account, and one that is currently discussed by global leaders, is the dependence of some of the world’s largest economies on countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq for fossil fuels. While the 2011 Fukushima disaster, for example, pushed the then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel to close all of Germany’s nuclear plants, her decision only increased the country’s dependence on much more polluting Russian oil. Nuclear supporters argue that relying on nuclear energy would decrease the energy dependency from third countries. However, raw materials such as the uranium needed to make plants function would still need to be imported from countries like Canada, Kazakhstan, and Australia. The debate thus shifts to another problem: which countries should we rely on for imports and, most importantly, is it worth keeping these dependencies?

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advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

Martina Igini

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Writing Ielts task 2: advantages and disadvantages of nuclear technology

advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy ielts essay

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  • Essay Task 2

Guide to Advantage Disadvantage IELTS Essay Type

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  • Advantage Disadvantage
  • Problem Solution
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ielts essay advantage disadvantage type

IELTS advantage/disadvantage essays ask you to write about the benefits and drawbacks of a topic as well as (sometimes) asking for your opinion.  This guide covers everything you need to know to complete an Academic IELTS advantage/ disadvantage essay. Let’s start preparing with Benchmark IELTS!

Table of Contents

1.1 understanding the question, 1.2 example advantage/disadvantage questions, 2.1 essay structure 1, 2.2 essay structure 2.

  • 3.1 Identify key words and phrases

3.2 Organise your ideas

3.3 identify vocabulary, 4.1 introduction, 4.2 main body paragraphs, 4.3 conclusion, 5.1 complete the sample advantage/disadvantage essay, 5.2 advantage/disadvantage sample essay, 1. advantage/ disadvantage essay overview.

This section of the guide will show you how to identify an IELTS advantage/disadvantage question.

Remember, there are five main types of writing task 2 questions:

  • Advantage/disadvantage
  • Double question
  • Problem/solution

It is very important to understand what type of question you are given in the exam so you can respond in an appropriate way: different question types will require different responses.

Advantage/disadvantage essay questions can be presented in several different ways.

Here are some examples of the way an advantage/disadvantage question may be worded:

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of _____ and give your opinion.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of _____?

You may also see questions using synonyms for advantage and disadvantage, for example:

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of…?

Be careful, the question itself might not always use words or phrases relating to advantage/disadvantage and they could be hidden in the statement,  as seen here:

  • Some people believe that using a bicycle as your main form of transport has a lot of advantages , whereas others believe that it has many disadvantages . Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Here is another example of a question where you are asked to give your opinion:

  • Do the advantages of … outweigh the disadvantages

After you have identified the essay type , you need to understand what you are being asked to do. To do well in the Task achievement marking component, you need to ‘ address all parts of the task’ .

This type of essay question will always be split into two parts:

  • The IELTS statement
  • The question

You must always write about both the advantages and disadvantages of the given topic. As we can see in example questions 1-6, sometimes you are asked to give your opinion on the question, and sometimes you are not. Let’s compare the following questions:

You are not being asked to give your opinion

Here are some example advantage/disadvantage essay questions:

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more of an opportunity to study abroad.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Today children spend a lot of their free time watching TV.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this practice?

Also, read the following IELTS Essay Writing Guides

  • IELTS Discussion Type Questions
  • Double Question IELTS Essay Topics
  • Opinion-based Task 2 IELTS Guide
  • Problem Solution IELTS Writing Task Statement

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.

The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have the opportunity to study abroad.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

More and more people prefer to read news online rather than on paper.

Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

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2. Essay Structures for Advantage/Disadvantage Essays

There is more than one way to structure your advantage/disadvantage essay. You could take a thesis-led (opinion in the introduction) or an evidence-led (opinion in your conclusion).

You could also choose to focus on one or more than one advantage/disadvantage in each of your main body paragraphs.

The next two sections will give you two possible ways that you could structure your essay using four clearly organized paragraphs.

Thesis-led approach

Evidence-led approach

3. Planning your Advantage/Disadvantage Essay

Before you start writing your essay, you should give yourself 5 minutes to analyze the question and organize your ideas . Follow the tips below to create a well-planned essay!

3.1 Identify keywords and phrases

It sounds simple, but it is very important that you read the question carefully and understand what you are being asked to write about. To analyze the question, first, identify any keywords and phrases .

You should first identify the topic of the essay. If you do not write about the correct topic, you will score poorly in Task achievement . The general topic can always be found in the IELTS statement.

Let’s take a look at one of the previous examples:

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace . Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy .

The topic words are underlined and show the general topic of this essay question in nuclear weapons/power/technology .

After you have identified the general topic, you need to locate other keywords that give you more detail about the topic. In this question, the words world peace and cheap and clean energy in bold give you more information about the general topic. Therefore, your essay should only relate to these aspects of nuclear weapons/power/technology .

Now take a look at the question for our model answer at the end of this guide. Can you identify the general topic?

This is an important step that is often skipped by test-takers. By quickly writing down your key ideas, you will avoid repeating or missing any points and improve your score in both Task achievement and Coherence and cohesion .

You could use bullet points , columns , or another preferred method of writing down ideas . Here is an example for our sample essay:

Take a look at our Master Guide for a more in-depth look at idea generation and organizing your ideas.

Taking a moment to write down more uncommon vocabulary related to the essay topic will not only make you feel more relaxed in the exam but will also help you to improve your score in Lexical resources .

This doesn’t have to be a long list, just a few ideas that come into your mind. Here are some examples of the topic of studying abroad:

  • Culture shock
  • Language barrier
  • Broaden one’s horizons

4. Writing your Advantages/Disadvantages Essay

Your introduction should be the shortest paragraph in your essay (about 40-60 words is perfect).

You need to rephrase the IELTS statement in your own words. This is known as paraphrasing (a key skill to develop for the IELTS exam).

Take a look at our example:

You can also briefly state what your essay will be about in one clear sentence. For instance:

This essay will discuss both points of view and then I will give my opinion.

If you are taking a thesis-led approach, you can use one of the following sentence starters to briefly give your opinion:

  • I believe that…
  • It is my belief that…
  • In my opinion,…

A note on the use of the first person ‘I’: Unlike writing task 1, it is appropriate to use the first person in your writing task 2 essay. In fact, it is unavoidable when giving your opinion. But , you should not overuse ‘I’ in your essay and we recommend you limit your use to your introduction and conclusion.

Topic sentences Usually, the first sentence of your main body paragraph will be a topic sentence . The purpose of your topic sentence is to introduce the main idea of your paragraph .

You should include one topic sentence for each advantage/disadvantage . This means that, if your main body paragraphs focus on two advantages/disadvantages , then you should have two topic sentences per paragraph.

Here’s an example: One advantage of studying abroad is that students can improve their language skills.

Here are some other sentence starters you can use for your essays (you can replace the underlined words with vocabulary linked to your topic):

  • One advantage of studying abroad is that ….
  • Another benefit of studying abroad is that…
  • One downside of studying abroad is that…
  • Another downside of studying abroad is that…

Supporting sentences You should then expand on your topic sentence with a supporting sentence/sentences . Your sentence(s) could either describe a result of the advantage/disadvantage, go into more detail , or explain the reason(s) why these benefits/drawbacks occur.

Our example supporting sentence describes a result of the advantage given in the topic sentence.

Topic sentence – One advantage of studying abroad is that students can improve their language skills.

Supporting sentence – This means that when the students return to their home countries, they will have more employment opportunities.

Here are some sentences starters you can use to begin your supporting sentences:

  • This is because…
  • The result/consequence/reason is that…
  • This means that…
  • As a result/consequence,…
  • In other words,…  

Giving examples For all writing task 2 essay types , you must support your response with examples. Do not personalize your examples and link them to your life instead, Keep your examples more general . Also, do not refer to made-up statistics .

Here are some instances of suitable and non-suitable examples:

Suitable For example, many young people who study in an English-speaking country for a few years develop strong communication skills and have the confidence to work in an international company when they return home.

Not suitable My cousin spent three years in an English-speaking country and they got an excellent job with an international country when they came back to Spain. ( this example is too personal as it refers to the writer’s family ) ❌

According to statistics, international students are 30% more likely to get a job in an international company when they study overseas. ( this example contains a made-up statistic )

You must include a conclusion to achieve a good score in Task achievement . Your conclusion does not have to be very long, but it needs to be clear and do two main things:

  • Paraphrase yourself : summarise the key points in your body paragraphs
  • Give your opinion : It depends if you have taken an evidence-led or thesis-led approach, you will either be re-stating the opinion given in your introduction or giving your opinion for the first time.

Make your conclusion easy to identify for the examiner by starting with linking phrases such as:

  • To sum up,…
  • To summarise,…
  • In conclusion,…

When you are paraphrasing the main points of your essay, you need to state that you have examined both sides of the argument (as that is what the question has asked you to do). To do this, consider using a phrase like:

In conclusion, having looked at this topic in detail, it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad .

You would need to replace the underlined section with your essay topic.

To give your opinion, you need to use a range of cohesive devices to introduce each example such as:

  • From my perspective,…
  • In my view,…

You then need to clearly state which side of the argument you agree with (advantage or disadvantage). Remember, your actual opinion does not matter, it is how you present your opinion using English that is important.

Here are some example sentences to do this effectively:

  • In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
  • From my perspective, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits .

5. Example Advantage/Disadvantage Essay and Exercise

Now you’ve taken a look at how to write an advantage/disadvantage essay, let’s look at a model answer.

We have removed some of the words so you can put your knowledge to the test.

Select the correct missing words and complete the model answer.

In recent years, it has become much more common for students to complete their degree overseas instead of their house country. Many persons believe that there are significant benefits of doing this, while others argue that there are also drawbacks connected to studying abroad. This essay will discuss both points of mind and then I will give my opinion.

One advantage of study abroad is that students can improve their employee skills. This means that when the students return to their home countries, they will have more employment opportunities. An example, many young people who study in an English-speaking country for a few years develop strong communication skills and have the confidence to work in an international company when they return home. On the other hand benefit of studying abroad is that you can develop a better understanding of other cultures, Example , learning about a country’s customs, traditions and cuisines. The consequence of this is that people become more open-minded.

In the other hand, there are some disadvantages of studying abroad. One backdraw is that students may miss their friends and family and feel homesad. They may also find it difficult to connect with other students and make friends due to a language barrier . Another disadvantage is that students can experience a real culture shock when moving to another country. This is because the culture and language may be different which could lead to frustration for the student and dissatisfaction with their study experience.

To overall , it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. In my thought, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Although it is true that the experience may be challenging at first, on balance , if you study abroad you will have an enriching experience that will broaden your horizons and increase your future prospects.

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