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What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy?

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy?

In the race to reach net-zero emissions, countries around the world are looking to scale up and eventually depend on renewable energy to substitute polluting fossil fuels. Solar is the most abundant, fastest, and cheapest energy source on Earth, and it generates minimal greenhouse gas emissions. Although this renewable energy is rapidly growing across the globe, with an increasing number of countries investing in it, there are some factors that could hinder its growth. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of solar energy and how does this valuable renewable resource work and w?

What Is Solar Energy and How Does It Work?

The vital role in which the sun plays in life on Earth has been celebrated since ancient times. Egyptians in Africa were the first people known to use solar energy on a large scale to heat their homes, designating them in a way that could store up the sun’s heat during the day and release it at night. Fast forward to today, societies around the world have developed innovative technologies that allow us to turn the sun’s energy into electricity that powers heating and cooling systems, transportation, lighting, and ventilation, just to name a few. 

This energy source is growing fast: between 2010 and 2019, solar rose from 0.06% to 1.11% of the global energy mix. In 2020, it recorded a record growth of 22% as installations experienced a boom. Among the countries that have poured the most money into solar energy are China – by far the largest investor, the United States, Japan, Australia, and India. The latter aims to be a global leader in solar energy, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi committing to increase energy from renewable sources up to 50% by the end of 2030 . In Europe, Spain is one of the first countries to deploy large-scale solar photovoltaics and the largest producer of solar-powered electricity on the continent. 

advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Before we move on to some of the advantages and disadvantages of solar, it is worth answering a question: how does solar energy work? 

When sunlight strikes the Earth’s surface, human-made innovative technologies capture their light and heat and convert these into electrical energy. This conversion happens through photovoltaic (PV) panels, which contain cells that can capture the sunlight’s energy. This energy generates electrical charges that move around the cell, causing electricity to flow. An alternative to PV is solar thermal panels: as opposed to PV generating electricity, thermal panels create heat. When installed on a roof facing the sun, they capture the hot sun rays which are used to heat water stored in a cylinder.  

While many nations are starting to recognise the vast potential of solar energy – a powerful and extremely beneficial renewable source – there are still some downsides to it. We explore the main advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. 

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5 Advantages of Solar Energy

1. solar is a renewable energy source.

As the name suggests, solar power is a resource that never runs out. Unlike fossil fuels, the production of which requires huge efforts, time, and expensive heavy machinery, renewables convert a natural resource – in the case of solar power, sunlight – directly into electricity. Another big factor that makes renewable energy much more attractive than coal, oil, and natural gas is the significant difference in emissions, namely fossi fuels being one of the world’s largest contributors to the generation of greenhouse gases. Renewable energy sources are not only cleaner but also cheaper and easier to produce than any fossil fuel. But what makes solar energy particularly advantageous over other sources of renewable energy?

2. Solar Energy is Immensely Abundant

In fact, solar is the most abundant energy source on the planet and throughout the years, we managed to develop innovative technologies that could allow us to depend entirely on solar for the rest of our existence. Another huge advantage is that just a tiny fraction of the sunlight we get every day can provide a huge amount of energy. Indeed, the US Department of Energy argues that an hour and a half of sunlight that reaches the planet’s surface generates enough power to meet all of humanity’s energy consumption for an entire year.

3. Solar Technologies Are Getting More Efficient

Over the years, scientists have made some important advances in the development of solar technologies, notably improving the efficiency of solar panels and battery storage systems as well as their overall durability over time. According to Rhone Resch , President of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the global PV sector has been growing at an average of over 40% in the last eight years and major advances in automation, manufacturing, and throughput have considerably improved this technology. Most panels today are between 15% and 20% efficient , meaning that they are able to convert 15% to 20% of the amount of sunlight they absorb into electricity. Panels’ efficiency has improved consistently over the past decade, a promising factor and one that contributes to continued cost reduction. Furthermore, their resistance to extreme weather has been drastically improved, bringing their average durability to about three decades with little to no loss in efficiency. 

Improvements have also been made in battery storage systems , which are emerging as a key solution to effectively integrate solar renewables in global power systems on a large scale. Most of the world’s utility-scale storage systems are being deployed in Australia, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Small islands and off-grid communities have invested in large-scale battery storage systems to store excess energy. However, an increasing number of small-scale batteries are also being produced and they are expected to complement utility-scale applications by 2030.   

4. Solar Panels Are Getting Cheaper

In the list of the advantages of solar energy, price is an important point. In its World Energy Outlook 2020 report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) confirmed that solar power schemes now offer the cheapest electricity in history. In its 2021 report, the Agency predicted that by 2050, renewable energy generation will keep growing, with solar power production skyrocketing and becoming the world’s primary source of electricity . Solar energy is indeed praised for the relatively marginal operation and maintenance costs of panels. While the cost of panels itself is the most critical part of the overall equation, solar is definitely a cheap source of power that can considerably lower the electricity bill in the long run. 

advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

5. Solar Life Cycle Generates Minimal Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

Lastly, solar energy generation’s minimal contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions is one of the main benefits of this renewable energy source. Indeed, solar power produces no emissions during generation itself and studies demonstrate that it has a considerably smaller carbon footprint than fossil fuels over its life cycle. Even though PV modules and other components are made of materials that are mined and processed and thus generate some levels of emissions, solar is still undoubtedly a carbon-smart energy source whose lifetime emissions are insignificant when compared to coal and natural gas. In fact, a coal power plant releases on average 25 times more emissions than the ones produced by a solar power system. Similarly, a natural gas power plant, despite being less polluting than coal, still generates 10 times the amount of emissions generated by a solar array. 

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3 Disadvantages of Solar Energy

1. solar energy is still expensive for households.

Did we not just say that solar energy is getting cheaper? Well, it is true. However, there are some aspects of solar technology that are still quite expensive. Indeed, purchasing a solar system requires a significant initial investment to cover the costs of panels, inverter, batteries, wiring, and the installation of the system itself. One of the most expensive parts of the system is the batteries used for solar power storage, which can cost upwards of USD$5,000. When solar energy started being commercialised 40 years ago, the price of panels was also incredibly high. Nevertheless, solar technologies are constantly developing and this is contributing to a significant decrease in prices. Statistics show that the average global cost of solar PV modules has gone down drastically in the first two decades of commercial solar power production and it has been slowly but consistently decreasing ever since. Just a decade ago, an average 6-kilowatt hour residential solar system could cost USD$50,000 or more. However, the price has gone down by an annual average of 62% and nowadays, a typical home installation rarely exceeds UDS$20,000. 

advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

2. Solar Energy is Weather Dependent  

An undoubted disadvantage of solar energy is that this technology is not equally efficient around the world. While solar power can be generated on a cloudy day, some level of daylight is still required in order to harness the sun’s energy, and the amount of energy that can be produced varies greatly depending on many factors, such as the amount and quality of direct sunlight that the panels receive as well as the size, number, and locations of the panels themselves. Thus, in countries that receive limited sunlight throughout the year, alternative renewable resources like geothermal energy and hydropower might work better. In Iceland, an area with little sunlight and wind, for example, these two energy sources make up 27% and 73% respectively, allowing the country to generate 100% of its energy from renewables . 

3. Solar Power Plants Are Not the Most Environmentally Friendly Option

As we said before, the carbon footprint of solar energy is minimal. However, this renewable still has some aspects, mainly related to land use and waste generation, that can still harm the environment. First and foremost, solar power plants require space. For example, a solar power plant to provide electricity for 1,000 homes would require 32 acres of land . This means that, in order to meet the US energy consumption needs, nearly 19 million acres, equivalent to 0.8% of the entire country, would be necessary. 

Another factor to consider is the management and disposal of hazardous materials such as metals and glass needed to build some components of solar infrastructure that are energy-intensive to produce and thus responsible for the generation of carbon emissions. Building PV cells and panels also requires some hazardous chemicals and heavy metals. To avoid harming the environment, such materials necessitate careful management and disposal procedures once the solar plant’s life comes to an end. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) projects that by 2050, solar energy systems could be responsible for up to 78 million tonnes of waste. 

Should We Still Invest in Solar Energy? 

The short answer is yes. There is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ energy source. From nuclear and fossil fuels to renewable resources, all of them have many advantages but also some disadvantages, solar energy included. However, as we are quickly running out of time in the race to reach zero emissions, it is crucial that all countries begin to seriously evaluate which sources of energy can bring the most benefits. While solar energy might not be the best solution for northern countries for the lack of sunlight they receive throughout the year, and some of its disadvantages such as the extensive land use that the installation of solar panels requires might not make it the best candidate for everyone, this renewable resource, along with all others, certainly has undeniable potential and it still a better alternative to environmentally unfriendly fossil fuels, beyond being the best chance we have at stopping global warming. 

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disadvantages of solar energy essay

Martina Igini

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Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages

Green technologies are dominating the global community’s discussion of sustainable energy generation. Renewable energy sources, with solar energy being one of the most feasible and affordable, are being supported and invested into by governments to instigate a new environment-friendly technology for sustainable energy (Iravani et al., 2017). One of the advantages of solar energy is its capacity to meet the demands of the whole world. As Figure 1 demonstrates, solar energy is dominating other sources of non-hydro renewable power in terms of capacity.

Comparison of non-hydro renewable energy capacities between countries

Besides, the Earth’s territory exposed to solar irradiation is extensive, with particular areas being the most potentially favorable for generating the most solar power. As Figure 2 demonstrates, these areas are marked with black dots.

Annual average solar irradiance distribution over the surface of the Earth

The abundance of technologies available from solar energy generation allows for developing diverse approaches to sustainable power production. For example, photovoltaic solar energy technology is designed to utilize the capacity of a photovoltaic cell to generate electricity. Figure 3 demonstrates the principle of this technology, which is non-harmful to the environment.

Photovoltaic cell

As for the possible disadvantages of solar energy, one of them is the necessity to invest in the invention, development, and implementation of new technologies, which are currently lacking. In addition, the inconsistent distribution of solar irradiance across different continents might impose insufficiency in the solar energy supply.

Future Outlook

Solar energy has the potential to occupy a solid place in green technology due to its availability, affordability, and the advancement of research related to the alternative use of solar power for energy generation. One of the most significant contributions the use of solar power is likely to make is reducing climate change impact due to fossil fuel use (Creutzig et al., 2017). Moreover, the concept of solar cities seems to be realistic and feasible. This idea holds that urban areas might be transferred to complete use of renewable solar energy for electricity to eliminate the use of conventional plants (Byrne et al., 2017). Thus, solar energy is a promising alternative power source capable of shifting humanity toward green technology.

Byrne, J., Taminiau, J., Seo, J., Lee, J., & Shin, S. (2017). Are solar cities feasible? A review of current research. International Journal of Urban Sciences, 21 (3), 239-256.

Creutzig, F., Agoston, P., Goldschmidt, J. C., Luderer, G., Nemet, G., & Pietzcker, R. C. (2017). The underestimated potential of solar energy to mitigate climate change. Nature Energy, 2 (9), 1-9.

Iravani, A., Akbari, M. H., & Zohoori, M. (2017). Advantages and disadvantages of green technology; goals, challenges and strengths. International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications, 6 (9), 272-284.

Kabir, E., Kumar, P., Kumar, S., Adelodun, A. A., & Kim, K. H. (2018). Solar energy: Potential and future prospects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82 , 894-900.

Sampaio, P. G. V., & González, M. O. A. (2017). Photovoltaic solar energy: Conceptual framework. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 74 , 590-601.

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StudyCorgi . "Solar Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages." January 30, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/solar-energy-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

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disadvantages of solar energy

10 Biggest Disadvantages Of Solar Energy

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Tim Rhodes

A quick look at the disadvantages of solar energy may just show that with everything in life, nothing is perfect.

To everything, there are always advantages and disadvantages, but the decision to forge ahead with a thing is usually from the realization that the good outweighs the bad.

Discussions on alternative sources of energy have always been there for the last couple of years.

Companies like Tesla are presenting quality solar solutions designed and developed for day to day uses, but these products are quite expensive.

There are some downsides to solar energy that demand your attention before considering them as a replacement for the currently used energy sources today.

First and foremost, solar energy is produced from nature and it depends on many factors that are not consistent and reliable.

Most of the companies that offer solar energy solutions haven’t reached that quality benchmark.

So, let’s have a close look at the 10 biggest disadvantages of solar energy.

1. Lack of Reliability

Solar energy is far from being reliable compared to other energy sources like nuclear, fossil fuels, natural gas, etc.

Since solar energy depends on sunlight, it can only produce energy in the daytime.

Solar panels can’t produce energy at night so some systems can store energy ultimately making the system more expensive.

Another method used by some solar panel systems is to use a backup from other non-renewable energy sources.

These types of systems, however, cannot be considered as purely environment-friendly.

Dependence On Sunlight

The dependence on sunlight restricts the output potential of solar plants to 35% – 40%.

Solar energy is heavily dependent on government subsidies, so this questions the economic reliability of the industry.

Reducing the cost of solar energy systems with subsidies using taxpayer money is not exactly reducing anything.

The cost of these systems must be reduced by advancement in the technology behind these systems and investment in R&D on solar energy.

The output of solar panels varies according to changing seasons getting more sunlight in summer and less in winter.

That’s not an attribute of a reliable system.

Large scale industries that demand steady reliable power supply can’t rely on such energy sources.

2. Pollution

One of the factors that make solar energy more interesting is the environmentally friendly benefits it brought with it.

The real question is beyond theory when watching from a practical standpoint how environmentally friendly can it be when implemented in a company or house.

Since solar energy is not 100% reliable, we’ll certainly need backup generators to maintain the energy supply which runs on the same fossil fuels which are considered bad for the environment.

The manufacturing, installation, transportation, and maintenance of solar panels produce 0.18 pounds of CO2 for every kW hour.

While considering these factors, we can’t say solar panel systems are entirely free from CO2 emissions.

Toxicity Of Solar Panels

Solar panels have toxic metal components containing cadmium and lead.

The manufacturing of solar panels uses hazardous and toxic elements like hydrochloric acid, gallium arsenide, sulfuric acid, copper-indium-gallium-diselenide, etc.

In 2016, The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) came up  with a study that reveals that there were 250,000 metric tonnes of solar panel waste at the end of that year.

Another study by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) concluded that the disposal of solar panels is a major issue since toxic materials from these panels will leach into the soil.

Also, there is the question of what happens to these large numbers of solar panels containing toxic elements at the end of their life span.

Recycling of solar panels is a costly process, so solar panel installation companies just leave dumping to clueless consumers which will lead to a huge pile of toxic solar waste in the future.

All the toxic waste would finally fall into the lap of governments who will be responsible for protecting the environment and will be forced to use taxpayer’s money to recycle or dispose of them.

3. Installation Area

In comparison with other energy sources, solar energy utilizes a very large area for set up.

Usually, rooftops are considered for solar panels the structure or shape of the house can be an issue for installation.

The world’s  largest solar farm in Morocco which produces 580 MW power has the size of 35,000 football fields.

Tamilnadu in India has a solar farm that covers 10 square km which produces only 600 megawatts of energy.

For a normal house, a 9.45 kW system will need an area of 1,862 square foot roof.

In some cases, when the rooftop area is not enough to place panels that are needed to meet the energy requirements ground-based panels are used.

To generate power for big companies that consume a lot of power, they will need a very large unused area to install solar panels.

Large Installation Areas

Large installation areas will be an issue in inner cities and areas with limited space.

When we compare this with the space required for other energy sources like nuclear power plants, the space needed is quite large.

In a time when the devices and batteries are getting smaller in size with the fast development in science and technology, a solar farm with a large number of giant solar panels doesn’t look like an energy source for the future.

Houses of middle-class people who can benefit from a cheap source of electricity cannot afford a large space for solar panel installation on their rooftops.

With the fast increase in population in developing countries, the land prices will get higher in the future further adding cost to the already expensive solar panels.

4. Inefficiency

The efficiency of a solar panel is usually measured by how much solar energy a panel converts to usable power.

To get an idea of how efficient solar panels are, let’s take a look at some of the top solar panels and their efficiency below:

  • REC Solar (21.7%)
  • SunPower (22.8%)
  • Solaria (20.5%)
  • CSUN (21.2%)

The efficiency rating of old solar panels installed in the 2000s is below 15%.

Even the modern ones are only able to convert 30% of solar energy to usable power.

If we consider the most efficient solar energy systems which rotate with the sun’s position, theoretically, even they only have an efficiency rating of 85%.

To get a clear picture of the scale of this inefficiency, we just need to compare this to 91% efficient Nuclear plants in the United States.

According to a study by the Qualitative Reasoning Group of Northwestern University, solar panels installed on the roofs of houses only convert 14% of available solar energy into power.

According to the laws of thermodynamics, solar panels can never achieve 100% efficiency.

The best solar panels can come up with is 85% efficiency which is only possible when all other factors are perfect.

Most of the commonly used solar panels won’t track the sun’s position.

These types of solar panels only have an efficiency of 55% when we look into it from a theoretical standpoint.

The intensity of sunlight is not consistent round the clock.

It will vary with time and this will eventually affect the efficiency of a solar energy system.

Efforts To Improve Efficiency

It’s good to see the efficiencies of these systems are improving with the development of the technology behind solar energy.

But for solar energy systems, even if we improve efficiency by technological advancement, there are natural factors involved which we won’t be able to improve.

Companies like Tesla Powerwall are advancing fast in the technology behind battery storage.

Efficient affordable battery storage can improve the efficiency of solar panels in the future.

5. Expensive Energy Storage

The huge installation cost of solar energy systems has been a major discussion for a long time now.

Energy storage cost is making the already expensive solar energy systems more expensive.

The solar battery is a new technology just like solar panels.

Its cost depends on the materials used in its manufacturing and how much power it can generate.

Solar cells need some rare materials like copper indium gallium selenide and cadmium telluride.

This will keep the prices of solar panels high even though the installation costs have been reduced over the years.

Solar panels needed to power a typical home would cost thousands of dollars which makes the power they produce more expensive than existing energy sources.

Governments are providing heavy subsidies to bring down the cost of solar panels, but this would just add to the burden of taxpayers.

Another thing to be considered is that the expensive batteries these solar panels use as a backup won’t come under the warranty offered by the company.

So, the replacement of those batteries will be a huge expense for the homeowner in the future.

An interesting fact to consider here is that using energy from the grid at night and solar energy in the day will be a more cost-effective idea than spending money on expensive batteries for solar panels.

How Expensive Are These Batteries?

According to a recent  post in electrek.co , Tesla is charging $64,634 for a 1,862 square foot solar roof which generates 9.45kW of power.

This price would go up after adding the cost of Powerwall and roof repair expenses which are estimated to be roughly $10,050, and $10,630

The cost of just the Tesla solar rooftop is around $35 per square foot.

A Tesla Powerwall 14kWh battery will cost around $7,100, including installation charges.

These batteries are best in the market, but very expensive.

LG’s 9.3 kWh Chem RESU battery costs $6,000 to $7,000 without including the cost of an inverter.

For a normal four-bedroom house, it would need three Tesla Powerwall batteries for storing power for a single day which would cost around $18,000 in total.

Even though the installation cost has been reduced with technological advancement over the years, it still has not reached that level where we can consider it as an affordable energy source.

6. Weather Dependence

It is a fact, that solar energy can’t be converted to power during rainy and cloudy days.

We also know that solar panels are completely dependent on sunlight to function efficiently.

Considering these facts, it is obvious that the efficiency of solar energy systems falls considerably low on cloudy and rainy days.

In habitually foggy areas, the production of solar energy will be reduced as well.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory has postulated that solar resource during foggy or low-cloud conditions is approximately 10% of the value under clear-sky conditions.

Rainy states in the United States like Hawaii or Louisiana won’t be a good choice for solar panel installation.

Power generation from solar panels depends on seasons as well.

In summer, the panels would get more sunlight and can produce more power while in winter, panels won’t be able to generate enough energy to meet needs.

Factors That Affect Solar Panels

Factors like temperature variations, snow, and wind can affect solar panels badly.

Some studies show that after temperature rises above 87 degrees Fahrenheit, each one-degree rise in temperature will lead to a decrease in solar panel efficiency by 1%.

According to some studies, it shows that the efficiency of solar panels goes down by 50% if there is more cloud cover to block the sunlight.

Thermodynamic panels are considered as a solution to generate power at night and in winter as it depends on temperature rather than sunlight.

The solar panel installation team should be well aware of the wind patterns and weather conditions in the area.

This is necessary for determining the solar panels suitable for installation in those conditions, otherwise, it won’t give the expected efficiency.

It’s good news, that some solar panels are tested under extreme weather conditions and certified by Underwriter Laboratories .

This will certainly help homeowners or companies interested in installing solar panels on their property.

7. Difficulty In Finding A High-Quality Local Installer

There aren’t many popular companies in the solar energy sector.

It would be difficult to find even one reputable solar panel installation company in most communities.

Lack of competition in the solar energy sector gives customers fewer options to choose from.

Most homeowners have to depend on pushy salesmen from new solar panel companies who might not have enough knowledge of what they are doing and this might lead homeowners to bad deals which they regret later.

Marketplaces like SolarSage are good initiatives to help homeowners choose from multiple quotes on a single platform.

The report by the U.S Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory suggests that homeowners need to compare as many solar energy options as possible before picking one.

Customers are more likely to go for big companies when choosing a company for their solar panel installation which mostly leads to disappointment in the solar sector.

The quotes offered by large solar installers and small ones have a huge difference of $2000 to $5000.

Leading consumers to pay more for the service than its worth.

These few companies are asking for long term commitments like 10 to 20 years which is too long for a homeowner.

Certifications like  NABCEP  will help consumers find better companies to purchase solar energy products with confidence.

8. The Lifespan Of Solar Panels

In a perfect scenario, if correct inspections and care have been done, the lifespan we can expect is around 35 years.

The average life span most customers may get is around 25 years.

Usually, solar panel manufacturers give a warranty of 25 years.

However, it’s a fact that the power output of solar panels drops by 0.5% every year.

Since solar panels have a large surface area, chances for physical damages are high.

Heavy wind, snow, or other extreme climatic conditions can also increase the degradation rate.

Homeowners will need to do frequent maintenance and cleaning to get a better lifespan for their solar panels.

Solar panel degradation can happen by small cracks in silicon on solar panels causing issues in electrical connections.

When we compare these facts, with the expected life span of 80 – 100 years of some nuclear plant facilities in the United States, we can confidently say that the solar energy sector needs more research and development to be considered as a better alternative.

9. Difficult To Transfer

A solar panel can be transferred to another house when we consider this from a theoretical standpoint.

In reality, however, the transfer of solar panels is never advised and nearly impossible for a house or business.

Dismantling and refitting of solar panels is a very complicated process.

This process can cause extensive damage to the roof and panels.

Transferring solar panels will need huge installation, maintenance, and transportation cost.

Since solar panels use a lot of space and are tailored for a specific rooftop, chances are low that it can be installed properly on a new rooftop.

Subsidies won’t be considered for the re-installation of solar panels.

So, chances are that the consumer will lose a lot of money in the process of transferring solar panels to a new house.

Solar panels are installed considering wind patterns, energy requirements, and many other factors.

These considered parameters may not match the new location of installation.

For homeowners who move around a lot, solar panels don’t seem like a good investment.

10. Usage Of Water

Too much water is used in running solar energy systems.

Water is needed for cleaning collectors or concentrators of solar panels.

Some solar energy systems use water to cool down the turbine generators as well.

Since the locations of many large scale solar farms are in deserts, these farms can exploit the water resource to a high extent which may affect the plant and animal life in that area.

Solar farms that use cooling towers may use up to 650 gallons of water for every megawatt-hour produced.

Usage of water can be reduced by using Dry-cooling technology, but in that case, we will need to compromise on the efficiency of the solar energy system.

Dry cooling tech is not as effective as it is supposed to be when the temperature goes up above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Nevada Solar One parabolic plant near Las Vegas consumes about 300,000 gallons per acre yearly.

In India, the government set an ambitious target to be a leader in the solar energy sector by producing 20 GW by 2022 to meet the domestic energy needs and challenges in climate change.

But some studies estimate the water requirements for operation and maintenance of these solar farms to be between 7,000, and 20,000 liters per MW per wash if the solar panels are cleaned weekly.

For a country that already uses too much water for farmers, it is nearly impossible to use that much amount of water to produce solar energy.

Final Thoughts

Considering the above-mentioned disadvantages of solar energy, it is safe to say solar energy is inefficient and unreliable.

The solar energy sector is not ready to be considered as a replacement for widely used energy sources like nuclear, coal, etc.

The cost of solar panels may seem reduced over the years, but we must look at the fact that the solar industry is standing tall on subsidies and mandates from governments.

Limited environmental benefits do not make solar energy an alternative energy source, it must be consistent and reliable.

Solar energy still needs backup systems which are not a good attribute of a better energy source for companies or industries that need a consistent reliable power supply.

Having said that, the concept of solar energy as an alternative source of energy is encouraging for someone who looks to the future.

With companies like Tesla investing heavily in R&D in solar energy, there are strong chances to see solar energy come out as a strong replacement soon.

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Solar Energy Essay

500 words essay on solar energy.

Solar energy is the energy which the earth receives from the sun which converts into thermal or electrical energy. Moreover, solar energy influences the climate of the earth and weather to sustain life. It has great potential which we must use to our advantage fully. Through the solar energy essay, we will look at this in detail and know more about it carefully.

solar energy essay

Importance of Solar Energy

Solar energy is very important as it is a clean and renewable source of energy. Thus, this means it will not damage the earth in any way. In addition, it is available on a daily basis. Similarly, it does not cause any kind of pollution.

As it is environment-friendly, it is very important in today’s world. It is so much better than other pollution sources of energies like fossil fuels and more. Further, it has low maintenance costs.

Solar panel systems do not require a lot of solar power energy. Moreover, they come with 5-10 years of warranty which is very beneficial. Most importantly, it reduces the cost of electricity bills.

In other words, we use it mostly for cooking and heating up our homes. Thus, it drops the utility bills cost and helps us save some extra money. Further, solar energy also has many possible applications.

A lot of communities and villages make use of solar energy to power their homes, offices and more. Further, we can use it in areas where there is no access to a power grid. For instance, distilling the water is Africa and powering the satellites in space.

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Uses of Solar Energy

In today’s world, we use solar energy for a lot of things. Firstly, we use solar power for many things as small as calculators to as big as power plants which power the entire city. We use the most common solar power for small things.

For instance, many calculators use solar cells to operate, thus they never run out of batteries. Moreover, we also have some watches which run on solar cells. Similarly, there are also radios which run on solar cells.

Thus, you see so many things run on solar power. All satellites run on solar power otherwise they won’t be able to function. Moreover, large desalinization plants make use of solar power if there is little or no freshwater.

In addition, many countries have solar furnaces. We also use solar power commercially and residentially. You will find its uses in transportation service too. In fact, soon, solar powers will also be out on the streets.

Conclusion of Solar Energy Essay

To sum it up, solar energy is a cost-effective means of energy which is quite useful for people that have huge families. When we install solar panels, we can get solar energy which will reduce electricity costs and allow us to lead a sustainable lifestyle. Thus, we must all try to use it well to our advantage.

FAQ of Solar Energy Essay

Question 1: What is solar energy in simple words?

Answer 1: Solar energy is basically the transformation of heat, the energy which is derived from the sun. We have been using it for thousands of years in numerous different ways all over the world. The oldest uses of solar energy are for heating, cooking, and drying.

Question 2: What are the advantages of solar energy?

Answer 2: There are many advantages of solar energy. Firstly, it is a renewable source of energy which makes it healthy. Moreover, it also reduces the electricity bills of ours. After that, we can also use it for diverse applications. Further, it also has low maintenance costs.

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Pros and cons of solar energy: It's usually worth it

The pros generally outweigh the cons when it comes to solar energy, but that doesn't mean it's perfect.

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disadvantages of solar energy essay

For most homeowners, going solar is a no-brainer. It lowers your electric bills and reduces your carbon footprint. It will often boost your home value and can protect you from blackouts when you pair solar panels with an energy storage system. If you finance your solar panel installation with a zero-down loan, you can even start saving right away. 

But like most things in life, solar energy isn't perfect. If your roof faces north or it's angled too steeply, you probably shouldn't get solar panels. If you're about to move, you likely won't save enough to fully recover the upfront costs. And because solar panels require sunlight, they don't work at night.

Before you take the plunge, we'll help you decide if solar is worth it for your home.

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Key Takeaways

Rooftop solar panels aren't the perfect fit for everyone , but that's okay. Like any other home electrification product, solar panels provide clear benefits to homeowners needing energy upgrades and electricity bill reduction.

The pros of solar outweigh the cons in most situations . For most solar shoppers, savings on energy bills make solar worth it.

Solar panels can add home value and protect against rising energy costs .

Top solar energy pros and cons

Whether you want to raise your home value, reduce your carbon footprint, or combat rising electricity costs, going solar is a great choice. A solar panel system provides energy independence and will often pay for itself in electricity bill savings. Incentives like the federal tax credit also help reduce your up-front cost and increase your return on investment.

On the other hand, solar energy doesn't work for every roof, it's not ideal if you're about to move, the upfront cost can be expensive, and finding a local installer can sometimes be difficult.

Here are the primary pros and cons of solar energy you should weigh before deciding if it's right for you:

Top pros and cons of solar energy

The advantages of solar energy: why solar's worth it for most homeowners.

You can reap many benefits by installing a solar panel system at your home or business:

1. Solar drastically reduces, or even eliminates your electric bills

The top benefit of solar panels is pretty straightforward. When you install solar panels at your home, you generate your own electricity, become less reliant on your electric utility, and reduce your monthly electricity bill. A solar panel system typically has a 25- to 35-year lifespan, meaning you can cut your electricity costs for decades by going solar.

Most homeowners will save $20,000 to $80,000 over 25 years with solar.

2. Solar often increases your home value

Many homeowners are interested in solar panels but don't understand how they will impact their homes. Recent studies indicate that installing a solar system can increase your home's value by about 4% . Even if you're not in your forever home, you could earn back your solar panel investment and then some when you sell your house. Whether you've been there for years or just moved into a new home, installing solar is a good investment for most homeowners.

3. Solar reduces carbon emissions

When you go solar, you lower your contribution to climate change. Solar is a renewable source of clean energy that helps reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike traditional fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas, solar energy doesn't directly release pollutants into the atmosphere and water supply. Even compared to nuclear energy, solar comes out on top in terms of environmental impact.

4. Solar protects against rising energy costs

As long as you buy, rather than lease, your solar panel system, you'll lock in electricity costs for the next 25+ years. Once you recover the initial cost of your system in bill savings, you'll generate your own electricity for free. With the federal solar tax credit , you'll also get back 30% of your equipment and installation costs as a credit toward your federal tax bill.

5. You can sometimes earn money with solar

In some states, solar panels can turn a profit in addition to generating bill savings that pay off the cost of the system. Solar renewable energy credits (SRECs) compensate you for the electricity that your solar panel system generates. If you live in a state where this incentive applies, you can expect both immediate and long-term returns from your solar investment.

6. Solar works well in most environments

Some alternative energy, like wind and hydroelectric power, need wide open spaces with ample wind changes and large water sources. Solar is a source of energy that can work in almost every environment. While output is lower on cloudy days or in climates without as much regular sun exposure, solar panels still make sense in most climates.

7. You can sometimes "sell" extra solar energy back to your utility company

Depending on where you live, you could be eligible for a solar incentive called net metering . With net metering, you can use the electric grid to "store" excess energy that your solar panel system produces. As you send this energy to the grid, your utility company will net it against any electricity you pull from the grid at night or when the sun isn't shining. Essentially, you get to "sell" this excess energy to your utility company in exchange for reduced utility bills. You get more energy independence without going completely off-grid.

8. Solar typically requires very little maintenance

As long as you choose a quality solar company to properly install your solar panels, they should require very little maintenance compared to other forms of energy production. With no moving parts, your panels might only need an occasional cleaning after snow or inclement weather.

Disadvantages of solar energy: Things to double-check before going solar

Solar isn't perfect. You'll want to understand solar's disadvantages before deciding if it's right for you:

1. Solar panels don't work for every roof

If you have a south-facing roof sloped between 15 to 40 degrees, you're in great shape for solar. Even with an east- or west-facing roof, or one that's flat , solar's likely still worth it. If you can only install solar panels on the north side of your roof, we don't recommend it.

Similarly, solar works well with asphalt shingle or metal roofs. But certain roofing materials used in older or historical homes, such as slate or cedar tiles, can be challenging for solar installers to work with. Some homes have skylights or rooftop additions like roof decks, which can also make installing solar too expensive or difficult.

If your home doesn't qualify for a rooftop solar installation, you still have options. If you have enough open space, you can install ground-mounted solar panels , or if your state has open projects, you can subscribe to a local community solar farm .

2. Solar isn't ideal if you're about to move

It takes time to break even on a solar panel system: The average solar panel payback period in the U.S. is around eight to nine years. Even though going solar will likely increase your home's value, if you plan to move in the next three years or so, it's probably not worth it.

3. If your electricity costs are low, your solar savings will be too

The ultimate benefit of solar energy is that it saves you money every month. If you live in a state like Louisiana, though, where the cost of electricity is often 30% lower than the national average , it will take a long time to save with solar. On the other hand, installing a solar panel system in Hawaii makes a lot of sense: Electricity costs more than double the national average!

4. If you can't access financing, up-front solar costs can be intimidating

Your upfront cost of solar depends on tax credits, rebates, and the terms of your financing. If you don't qualify for a zero-down solar loan , the disadvantage of solar energy here is clear: Not everyone has the cash to purchase solar upfront.

Several solar financing options can help, such as state-backed loan programs, leases , and power purchase agreements . To understand what solar will cost you, get a quick estimate of the average cost of solar in your state or even a personalized estimate for your home .

5. Solar panels don't work at night

Solar panels require sunlight to produce energy. At night or during inclement weather, you'll need to pull electricity from the grid. If you live in a state with net metering, this isn't a big deal. But if your utility won't compensate you for the excess electricity you send to the grid, you'll need a battery for solar to be worth it.

By pairing your solar energy system with energy storage , you can store excess electricity in your battery. At night, you can pull electricity directly from your battery instead of the grid. While batteries increase the cost of your system quite a bit, they're well worth it in states like California that don't have net metering.

6. Solar panels are sometimes made with toxic materials

Solar panels are made up of silicon solar cells, a metal frame, and a glass sheet . But depending on the brand and model, they can also contain toxic heavy metals like lead and cadmium. While some solar panel manufacturers are starting to phase out these heavy metals, the EPA considers most old solar panels hazardous, so you need to dispose of them properly.

If sustainable solar panels are important to you, make sure to let your installer know so they only include models without heavy metals in your quotes. These panels may cost a bit more, but they are better for the environment.

7. Finding quality solar installers can seem difficult

Many homeowners associate solar panels with pushy door-to-door solar sales reps. Solar is one of the fastest-growing markets in the world, and plenty of companies use aggressive sales tactics. As a result, shopping for solar can feel stressful and confusing.

Today, there are easier ways to shop for solar that put you in control. The EnergySage Marketplace is a free online comparison-shopping platform that allows you to compare solar quotes from vetted installers in your area.

So are solar panels worth the cost?

Going solar is worth it for most homeowners with eligible properties. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions and saves you considerable money on your electric bills.

As you consider investing in solar energy, though, make sure to weigh the pros and cons as they relate to your home, geography and climate, and unique needs. If your roof isn't a good fit, you plan to move soon, or your electricity costs are already low, you may want to hold off on installing solar panels.

Go solar with confidence through EnergySage

Get the best deal on solar panels by comparing quotes. On the EnergySage Marketplace , you'll receive up to seven free quotes from installers in your area. You can easily compare your options, allowing you to find a system that meets your needs at the right price. Want a quick estimate of what a solar installation will cost? Check out our Solar Calculator .

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Solar Energy: An Overview

The advantages of solar energy, the disadvantages of solar energy, solar energy examples, solar energy vs. wind energy, pros and cons of solar energy faqs.

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Solar Energy: Benefits and Drawbacks

disadvantages of solar energy essay

Katrina Ávila Munichiello is an experienced editor, writer, fact-checker, and proofreader with more than fourteen years of experience working with print and online publications.

disadvantages of solar energy essay

With the growing threat of climate change due to the excessive release of carbon emissions, many nations are looking to clean energy alternatives to replace traditional fossil fuels .

Of all the clean energy alternatives, solar has arguably been the most expensive though prices have been declining. However, after considering the pros and cons along with the expectation that prices will continue to decline , the future of solar energy is looking rather bright.  

The pros of solar energy include that it is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and has a low impact on the environment and the potential for any country to produce it. The cons are that it only produces energy when the sun is shining, needs a significant amount of land, and that certain solar technologies require rare materials.

Key Takeaways

  • Solar energy is becoming an increasingly cost-competitive alternative to fossil fuels.
  • Solar energy is a sustainable energy source, has a low environmental impact, and promotes energy independence.
  • On the other hand, it is limited by how long the sun is out, may cause a scarcity of materials, and contains hazardous materials similar to electronics.
  • Pricey disadvantages of solar energy may be rendered negligible by technological advances that increase efficiency and storage capacity.
  • Increasing the incentives for the development of solar energy may be worthwhile.


The advantage of solar energy is that it is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. While fossil fuels have an expiration date that may be fast approaching, the sun is likely to be around for at least a few billion years.

Low Environmental Impact

Solar energy has a substantially reduced impact on the environment compared to fossil fuels. Its greenhouse gas emissions are inconsequential as the technology does not require any fuel combustion. Also, although concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP) are comparatively inefficient in their water usage depending on the type of technology being used, the right technology significantly increases efficiency while photovoltaic (PV) solar cells do not require any water when generating electricity.  

Solar energy technology is becoming an increasingly cost-competitive alternative to fossil fuels, though it remains somewhat expensive in certain markets.

Energy Independence

Since the sun shines across the globe, it makes every country a potential energy producer, thus allowing for greater energy independence and security. Solar energy doesn’t only promise to bring security and independence at the national level; solar panels can be installed on individual homes, providing power that does not depend on being connected to a larger electrical grid.


One of the biggest problems that solar energy technology poses is that energy is only generated while the sun is shining. That means nighttime and overcast days can interrupt the supply. The shortage created by this interruption would not be a problem if there were low-cost ways of storing energy as extremely sunny periods can actually generate excess capacity. As the global capacity for solar power continues to rise, nations like Japan and other global leaders in solar energy technology are focusing on developing adequate energy storage to deal with this issue.

Another concern is that solar energy may take up a significant amount of land and cause land degradation or habitat loss for wildlife. While solar PV systems can be fixed to already existing structures, larger utility-scale PV systems may require up to 3.5 to 10 acres per megawatt and CSP facilities require anywhere from 4 to 16.5 acres per megawatt. However, the impact can be reduced by placing facilities in low-quality areas or along existing transportation and transmission corridors.

Scarcity of Materials

Certain solar technologies require rare materials in their production. This, however, is primarily a problem for PV technology rather than CSP technology. Also, it is not so much a lack of known reserves as much as it is the inability of current production to meet future demand: Many of the rare materials are byproducts of other processes rather than the focus of targeted mining efforts. Recycling PV material and advances in nanotechnology that increase solar-cell efficiency could both help boost supply , but perhaps finding material substitutes that exist in greater abundance could play a role.

An Environmental Downside

The one environmental downside to solar technology is that it contains many of the same hazardous materials as electronics. As solar becomes a more popular energy source, the problem of disposing the hazardous waste becomes an additional challenge. However, assuming the challenge of proper disposal is met, the reduced greenhouse gas emissions that solar energy offers make it an attractive alternative to fossil fuels.

Lower impact on environment

Helps countries become more energy independent


Occupies large amount of land

Technology not yet widely available

Can still create some harm to environment

The approximate number of terawatts of solar energy that shine on the Earth each day—10,000 times the daily global energy use.

The largest solar energy plant in the entire world is located in Rajasthan, India. The Bhadla Solar Park, which was completed in April 2020, boasts some impressive statistics. The plant occupies 10,000 acres and has an installed capacity of 2,245 megawatts. The total investment in the project is estimated to be around $1.4 billion.

The largest solar park in the United States is known as the Solar Star park near Rosamond, California. The power station consists of two separate installations named Solar Star-1 and Solar Star-2, with respective capacities of 314MW and 265MW. Like the plant in India, the location was selected due to its large exposure to the sun and minimal rain.

Both wind and solar energy are two of the fastest-growing sources of renewable energy . Both energy sources help to cut down pollution and offer alternatives to fossil fuels, however, there are notable differences between the two.

The turbines that power wind energy are less harmful to the environment than solar panels. Furthermore, they produce more electricity than solar panels and can be installed offshore. Unlike solar, wind energy can be harnessed both day and night. However, wind is an unpredictable energy source. Turbines are also quite noisy, and, like solar panels, require a lot of land space thus don't make sense for densely populated areas.

Ultimately, solar panels are the more powerful and predictable source of energy. They require less space, are less noisy, and can be installed on rooftops, etc. in densely populated areas.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Using Solar Energy for Your Home?

Using solar energy for your home will save you money, increase your home value, help you become energy independent, and will decrease your carbon footprint. However, the large solar panels may alienate potential buyers. Furthermore, some HOA agreements may not allow you to install solar panels on your home.

Do Solar Panels Increase Your Property Taxes?

Because installing solar panels increase the value of your home, they can also increase your property taxes. However, many states offer exemptions for residents. Check your county clerk's website for the most accurate, up-to-date information.

Can You Still Have a High Electric Bill With Solar Panels?

In nearly every case, installing solar panels will lower your monthly electric bill.

Are There Tax Benefits for Solar Panels?

Yes. The federal solar investment tax credit, enacted in 2006, provides a 26% tax credit for solar panels installed on residential and commercial properties.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. " Annual Technology Baseline Electricity Data Overview ."

Solar Energy Industries Association. " Water Use Management ."

Union of Concerned Scientists. " Environmental Impacts of Solar Power ."

National Renewable Energy Laboratory. " Land Use by System Technology ."

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. " Shining Brightly ."

NS Energy. " Bhadla Solar Park, Rajasthan ."

NS Energy. " Solar Start Projects, California ."

SEIA. " Solar Investment Tax Credit ."

disadvantages of solar energy essay

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Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Solar energy is one of the most beneficial sustainable forms of energy that human beings can use for a variety of purposes. It is a thoroughly renewable form of energy and can be used by the entire human race till the end of time. There are several different uses of solar energy in our day to day life, such as cooking food in solar cookers, using solar energy for generating electricity as well as heating waters in large reservoirs for saving electricity and resources. It is a very simple technology which can cut short on the cost of energy consumption and make the earth a better place for us to live in.

Pros and cons of solar energy:

Advantages of solar energy.

  • Solar energy is available for absolutely free of cost. Even though there are equipment and devices required for the generation of solar energy from the rays of sun, the cost is very low as compared to what we spend on fulfilling our energy needs.
  • One of the advantages of solar energy is that it can be used in the rural and remote areas as well. In these places, it is usually very expensive to deploy the electricity power grids and solar energy can be generated in ample amount here.
  • Solar energy can be extensively used for the purpose of charging devices which consume very little amount of energy, such as calculators and solar cell batteries.
  • This is probably the greatest benefit of using solar energy that it does not cause any kind of pollution. Even though the equipment, collectors and devices used are manufactured in big factories, there is no pollution generated during the process of generating solar energy from the heat coming from the rays of sun.
  • Solar energy is an infinite source of energy and we will never run out of it till the end of the world. On the other hand, other resources and oil reserves will last for as long as 40-50 years from now.
  • Solar energy is a renewable source of energy which can never get out of stock.

Also read: Biotechnology: pros and cons

Disadvantages of solar energy

  • Solar energy can only be harnessed for various activities during the daytime when there is ample sunlight available.
  • The cost of deploying panels, collectors as well as solar cells for the generation of solar energy is very high and the manufacturing cost of the collectors and devices is also quite high.
  • Even though solar power stations are easy to build but the amount of energy harnessed here is very less in output as compared to the conventional power stations of the same capacity.
  • There are large acres of land required for the deployment of solar energy plants and for capturing the energy coming from sun. Large collectors are arranged together with each other so as to gather huge amount of energy.
  • In places when there is no ample amount of solar energy available, it is very difficult to produce electricity from sun’s energy.


As we can see, solar energy is really the future for us. Although it has few cons, but these can be overcome easily with the advancement in technology. Our governments need to invest more in solar energy so that new technologies like smaller panels and collectors which won’t require much space could be invented.

Essay submitted by high school student Maria.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic

Solar energy is becoming more and more popular as a source of household energy in many countries around the world. What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer :

One of the greatest threats  to modern day living is the depletion of the sources that provide us the energy to maintain our lives. Most of the world’s current energy needs get fulfilled from fossil fuels. However, fossil fuels like petroleum and coal come at a price. They do not only cost us money but also degrade our environment by polluting it. Moreover, these sources of energy are nowhere close to being renewable and according to some scholars, are pushing us to the brink of extinction. Because of these issues, renewable sources of energy like solar power are getting popularised at an unprecedented rate.  

Using solar power as a source of household energy has its own unique advantages. Once harnessed, solar energy has virtually no operational cost; this makes it a cheaper option as compared to the other sources of energy. Secondly, the process of harnessing energy from the sun does not result in any harm to the environment ; it is completely pollution free.    

disadvantages of solar energy essay

However, every coin has two sides. There are some disadvantages of using solar power as a source of domestic energy too.  Firstly, the semiconductors used in converting solar power into electricity are made up of expensive metals, thus making it costlier to install a solar power system. Secondly, solar power systems are hard to maintain because they are made up of glass. Any dust on them obstructs the reflection of sunlight and consequently makes the solar power systems inefficient to run. Lastly, solar power systems can only productively work at  locations where there is plenty of sunshine all year round.

In conclusion, generating energy from sunlight has several benefits and drawbacks. In my opinion, both arguments have their merits. On balance, however, I tend to believe that solar energy is the only sustainable solution for our energy needs.   

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The mechanisms of solar energy, the benefits of embracing solar energy, challenges to overcome, looking towards a solar-powered future.

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Essay on Solar Energy

List of essays on solar energy in english, essay on solar energy – essay 1 (250 words), essay on solar energy – essay 2 (300 words), essay on solar energy – essay 3 (400 words), essay on solar energy – essay 4 (500 words), essay on solar energy – uses and methods – essay 5 (750 words), essay on solar energy – essay 6 (750 words), essay on solar energy – advantages and disadvantages – essay 7 (1000 words).

Solar energy is a form of renewable energy that is available without any limit and can be used for our need. Over decades and centuries, this type of energy is being used by living beings in one way or another to lead a smooth life.

Sun is the source of solar energy and this energy cannot be destroyed. This non-conventional form of energy does not pollute or affect any other things, which is also the reason to promote the use of solar energy in every field.

Uses of Solar Energy:

Solar energy is being used by the plants to make food through the process photosynthesis. This a natural process where plants along with carbon dioxide, water etc., prepare food using solar energy. This, in turn, will help us in getting healthier and tastier food for consumption. This is the natural way in which solar energy is utilized.

This growing world of technology and development has made the possibility of using this abundant form of energy in different technologically benefitting ways. Initially, the energy from the sun is trapped inside a cell called solar cell and is stored in them for using it as a replacement for electricity and other purposes.

This solar energy in the cell can be used to heat water, as a mode of energy to power up different equipment, etc., which are readily accessible in the market.

An advantage of this form of energy is that it is cost effective to use such products. Even though the initial installation costs are comparably higher, their maintenance and other expenses are very low.

Promoting the use of solar energy in replacement with many other technologies will help in the reduction of pollution as well as the destruction of many other non-renewable energies.

Solar energy is a renewable form of energy gotten from the sun that can be utilized for numerous purposes by humans. We can use solar energy in many different ways in our daily life, like for producing electricity, cooking food, as well as heating water.

Solar energy involves a very simple technique that reduces the expenses of energy consumption in comparison to the other sources of energy. It is available free of cost for all the people on earth.

Benefits of using Solar Energy:

The following are the benefits of using solar energy:

i. Solar energy is obtainable to use without any cost. Although you can buy devices and equipment for producing solar energy through sunrays, still its cost is quite less in comparison to our cost of energy requirements.

ii. Solar energy can be utilized in the remote and rural regions also where it is generally quite costly to set up an electric power grid.

iii. Solar energy might be widely utilized for charging equipment like solar cell batteries and calculators that need very less amount of energy.

iv. Solar energy does not create any type of pollution.

v. It is an unlimited renewable energy’s source that will never end.

Drawbacks of using Solar Energy

The following are the drawbacks of using solar energy:

i. You can use it during the daytime when there is abundant sunlight obtainable.

ii. The expenses of setting up panels and solar cells for producing solar energy are quite high.

iii. The quantity of energy produced in the solar power grid is quite less in comparison to the current power grids.

iv. You need big size land for setting the plants of solar energy for seizing the energy arriving through the sun.

The utilization of solar energy can become a boon to lots of people. However, the high cost of its equipment and devices stop people from using it. The government should take some steps to reduce the cost of solar energy’s equipment so that people can make the best use of it for their benefits.

The Sun is an almost endless source of energy that radiates over the Earth every day. This great heat lamp in the sky can help us gather the solar energy we need to further humanity towards their new goals. The frontier for our use of solar energy has opened up and every day brings a new idea or invention.

Being a student, I get my fair share of information from the faculty professors about the current state of our solar energy consumption and it brings me comfort to know that people have created several new inventions and concepts for the gathering of this endless source of heat and light. Since I am all for the “green revolution” in technology and architecture I will promote some of those concepts in this essay.

Photovoltaic Systems:

The photovoltaic systems for gathering solar energy uses several components in its arrangement. The most notable feature of this system is the solar panel. The panel collects the solar energy and turns it into DC current and then the solar energy converter transforms this into usable AC current. The system is practical and it has appeared on many households and businesses all over the world.

Concentrated Solar Power:

This system is for transforming solar energy into electricity utilizes the heath in sunlight. The system is based around the use of many reflective mirrors that concentrate the solar energy into one beam of light that is then used to power a classical power plant with turbines. This system is implemented in large-scale operations and it is effective in producing vast amounts of electricity like conventional power plants.

Solar Water Heating:

Solar water heating is one of those systems for solar energy collection that has been around for ages. Well, at least as long as we have been using different types of vessel, like black barrels, to heat up the water for every- day use. The new systems have gone through a technological remake and they are successfully utilized in many homes to heat all the water for the household. The solar energy is collected through solar heat transformers that then heat up water in the system.


Solar energy is a blessing from the sky that can help us transform urban life and make more sustainable houses and families. The systems mentioned here are the main principles behind our use of solar energy and they are being worked on and transformed every day so we can use the power of the sun to its full potential.

The energy which we receive from the Sun in the form of heat and light is called solar energy. It is the driver of everything from the Earth’s climate to all forms of life on the Earth. Since the ancient times, we have been using solar energy for our own use. However, the researchers feel that we are yet to optimally use the solar energy.

Use of Solar Energy in Ancient Era:

The ancient people known to have executed the utilization of solar energy on a substantial scale were the Ancient Egyptians, who utilized it to warm their homes. They structured and assembled their homes with the goal that the structures hid away the sun’s warmth amid the day and afterwards discharged it around evening time. Their building procedures kept their homes hotter during the evening, as well as controlled a cooler temperature inside on hot days. Romans and Native Americans both utilized comparable innovations to warm their homes using solar energy, and additionally different sorts of structures like Roman bathhouses.

In the third century B.C., the Greeks left a mark on the world not for utilizing solar energy for local solace, but rather, supposedly, as a weapon of mass destruction. As per the researchers, a Roman maritime power was cruising to remove the Greek bastion of Syracuse. With the assistance of the Archimedes, the inventor, the Greeks are accounted for to have utilized exceptionally cleaned metal shields as mirrors to enhance and centre the beams of the sun and set fire to the propelling boats.

Advantages of Solar Energy:

The major advantage of solar energy is that it is a renewable source. It is available to us as long as the Sun is present which is expected to be for another 5 billion years. Hence it can be used abundantly for the benefit of everyone.

Secondly, the use of solar energy can also help us reduce our electricity bills. Moreover, the use of solar energy can help us reduce our dependency on non-renewable sources of energy such as coal and petroleum. Also, solar energy can be utilized for different purposes. You can produce electricity as well as heat. Solar energy can be utilized to create power in regions without the requirement of an electricity grid. Solar energy can likewise be coordinated into the materials utilized for structures.

Another advantage of solar energy is that it is a clean fuel. Use of solar energy does not cause any pollution and hence it is not harmful to the environment. Use of solar energy can help us reduce air pollution which for India, is a primary concern as on date. Also, India is a country having abundant sunlight all-round the year, hence, tapping of sunlight is not an issue. Of late, there has been an increase in the use of solar energy by the government as well as individuals. Efforts are on to reduce the setup costs of solar plants so as to help people move towards this clean and efficient fuel. Solar energy is the future of the country as it is the only energy which can help us overcome the environmental and energy-related issues our country has been facing since the last few years.

What is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is the energy contained in the sunlight in the form of photons. Life on earth is not possible without solar energy. All the microorganisms and single-celled organisms came into existence with the help of solar energy.

Plants have been using solar energy since the beginning. The leaves trap the solar energy and use it in the process of photosynthesis to prepare food. In this way, solar energy plays an essential role in the functioning of the food pyramid.

Solar energy is used by all the organisms, including both plants and animals. And human beings are no exceptions. First of all, the daylight brought in by the solar energy drives away the darkness and helps us finish all the chores easily.

Solar energy produces enough heat to dry out the washed clothes. It keeps us warm in the winters. Solar energy also plays an important role in diminishing the humidity and killing the harmful germs. Morning sunlight is known to strengthen our bones, improve our immunity, and help control many skin ailments.

On a larger level, solar energy has multiple other uses. For instance, concentrated solar power allows us to cook food. By converting the sunlight into accumulated solar energy, we can also produce electricity and charge our electrical devices.

Plus Points of Using Solar Energy:

But why prefer solar power when we have other sources of energy? The reasons are quite convincing actually. To begin with, the sun is a ball of fire. This fire is a result of the fusion reaction. That means, it is not going to burn out for millions of years to come.

Solar energy is a renewable form of energy which keeps getting replenished. So, it is safe to say that, depending on solar power would not deplete the earth of its natural resources. Moreover, using solar energy is an eco-friendly option for all of us, as it doesn’t cause any kind of pollution.

Solar energy offers as a great substitute to the other non-renewable resources, such as coal, wood, mineral oils, fossil fuels, etc. This puts a lesser load on the planet earth in various ways. Non-renewable sources are already getting exhausted at a rapid rate. They also cause pollution and hamper the life of all the living beings.

Most of all, meeting the needs with solar power also costs less. It is a cheaper and economical source of energy when compared to other conventional forms of energy. This is the reason why many developed countries are finally adopting a lifestyle based on solar power.

Methods to Use Solar Energy:

Solar energy can be trapped in several ways. One of the most effective technology is the use of solar power plants. These power plants are specifically designed for the purpose of electricity production on a larger level. Other appliances and technologies that work on solar energy are solar cookers, solar heaters, and solar cells. All these three types of solar appliances would be discussed one by one.

Starting with the solar cookers, these are the most revolutionary methods of cooking nowadays. Instead of using conventional fuels, such as gas, kerosene, or wood, solar cookers plainly work with the help of sunlight. These cookers have a glass lid which captures and concentrates all the sun rays to produce heat and cook food. Solar cookers are eco-friendly and economical means of cooking.

Solar heaters are the appliances that help in heating the water with solar energy. These devices work on the fluid-based technology. That means, either air or an anti-freezing fluid is put into the collector so that the water can be heated without any electricity.

The last and the third form is solar cells. These solar cells directly convert the solar light into electricity. Solar cells are especially popular in the areas where the supply from the power grid is less available. Many calculators, wrist watches, and similar systems work with this technology. Not only that, but the electricity produced by solar panels can also be stored in rechargeable solar batteries.

Solar energy is the future of the next generation. It is a safer, greener, and economical way of living life. It can be replenished and is a renewable source of energy which causes no pollution in the atmosphere. Solar energy also puts less burden on the other forms of non-renewable resources and protects the earth from various types of pollutions. As much as possible, we should all switch to using appliances based on solar power and save our planet earth.


Solar energy can simply be said to be the radiant heat and light that the sun produces and is harnessed through the use of a variety of technologies that are ever-evolving like photovoltaic, solar heating, solar architecture, thermal energy, artificial photosynthesis and power plants of molten salt. Solar energy is one very vital renewable energy source and the technologies of solar energy are widely categorized as either active solar or passive solar based on the manner of capture and distribution of the solar energy and how the solar energy is converted to solar power.

The techniques of active solar include using water heating that is solar, solar power that is concentrated and photovoltaic systems to harness solar energy. The techniques of passive solar include the design of space that will circulate air naturally, selection of materials that have light dispersing or thermal mass properties that are favourable and the orientation of a building towards the sun. Solar energy is a very appealing electricity source because solar energy is readily available in large magnitude. Research has shown that while the total consumption of energy all over the world annually is 559.8 EJ, the potential energy generation of solar energy is 1.575 EJ to 49,837 EJ which is a lot more than what is needed.

Potential of Solar Energy:

The potential of solar energy which can be used is quite different from the quantity of solar energy that is present close to the planet earth’s surface as a result of different factors like time variation, geography, available land and cloud cover, all limit the quantity of energy that can be acquired through solar sources.

The potential of solar energy is affected by geography because all the areas very close to equator get a greater quantity of radiation from the sun. The potential of solar energy can be greatly improved following the sun’s position through using photovoltaic in the areas that are not close to equator.

The potential of solar energy is affected by time variation because there is usually little or no solar radiation during the night on the earth’s surface that the solar panels can absorb. The potential of solar energy is also affected by cloud cover because incoming light can be blocked by clouds preventing it from reaching the earth’s surface from sun and this goes a long way in the reduction of the available light that solar cells can use.

The potential of solar energy is also affected by land availability because we can only set solar panels up for use on the land usually not in use and very suitable for the foxing of solar panels. It has been discovered that very suitable place to fix solar cells are roofs, since a lot of people have come to the realization that they also can directly collect energy from their houses through this means. We can also establish solar plants on areas of land which are not in use for business or other things.

Urban Planning and Architecture:

The design of buildings has been greatly influenced by sunlight ever since architectural history began. Methods of urban planning and solar architecture that is advanced were first used by the Chinese and Greeks; they made the orientation of the buildings they constructed to the south so that warmth and light can be provided.

Features of solar architecture like compact proportion ( ratio of surface area and volume), orientation, thermal mass and selective shading are all tailored to that particular environment and local climate so that spaces that are well can be produced and the building remains in a temperature range that is very comfortable. Ventilation systems, heating and solar lighting are all tied together in the solar design.

In the times of global warming and climate change as a result of the pollution of the atmosphere through the emission of smoke from the burning of fossil fuels, it is very important that alternative sources of energy that are renewable are gotten. Solar energy is one energy source that does not negatively affect the environment and cannot be exhausted.

When we develop solar energy and its technologies that are clean, inexhaustible and affordable, we are bound to enjoy benefits that are huge and long-term. Solar energy can go a very long way in increasing the energy security of a country as a result of reliance on inexhaustible, indigenous and largely non-import resource, reduce pollution, enhance sustainability, lower the prices of fossil fuels and lower the price and cost of curbing global warming. All of these advantages of solar energy are global.

Solar energy is basically energy from the sun and is received on earth and can be transformed into other forms of energy. Solar energy is usually used to generate electric or thermal energy. The sun provides energy that influences the climate on earth and enables the sustenance of all forms of life. It is a natural source of energy and is freely available. Research into solar energy has been done in attempts to discover methods of harvesting energy from the sun and utilizing it. Some forms of energy that are already in use are in existence due to the sun. An example is wind energy, which is derived from the wind yet in nature, wind develops due to the highs and lows in temperature. The sun plays a central role in terms of energy that is being used in the world.

Applications of Solar Energy:

In the modern world, there are important applications of solar energy that are being used. Applications of solar energy are both domestic and industrial. Domestic uses of solar energy do not require harvesting large amount of solar energy compared to the industrial uses. Domestic applications include solar cookers, solar hot water systems and air conditioners whereas industrial applications of solar energy include electricity production.

Solar cooking is one of the applications in which solar energy is harvested and redirected to produce heat energy for cooking purposes. Solar water heaters have become common application that is being used everywhere. Water heating systems have been designed such that they harvest heating energy from the sun. The same principles have been applied in air conditioning, space cooling and heating and in solar vehicles. There has been generation of electricity from solar energy that enables lighting and other functions.

With the constantly growing advancements in technology and industrialization, there will be increased discovery in the applications of solar energy. Solar energy can pretty much be important in everything it is just that we do not know how to apply it.

Solar energy has been used widely across the world and its importance has been realized. Solar energy is inexhaustible and renewable. Solar energy will never get depleted at any point in life and that is why it is an important source of energy in the world. The applications of solar energy continually use energy that is renewable without much struggle.

Solar energy is free of expenses because it is naturally acquired. The only costs incurred are those related to the applications and structuring. However, the cost of these equipment is lower compared to the cost of using other sources of energy.

Solar energy does not cause any form of environmental pollution. The process of generating solar energy does not involve any chemicals or products that may cause the pollution of the environment. It is a clean form of energy and its use promotes environmental cleanliness.

Due to the ease of availability of solar energy, it can be used in both rural and urban areas. In rural areas, people are usually challenged because installation of electricity is a problem but with the use of solar energy, most people have an access to electricity and saves on the cost.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy:

In as much as solar energy is important and advantageous, there are some factors that render it disadvantageous. One of those factors is the limitation to daytime use. Solar energy can only be maximized during the day because the sun shines at daytime. Also, the equipment used to harvest solar energy are expensive and delicate. Thee equipment include panels, solar collectors and solar cells. All these equipment are very delicate and require much care to avoid damaging them because the replacement costs are high.

Solar energy require large spaces to collect enough energy for use in various solar applications. The collection of solar energy has to cover a large area through the use of large solar panels, solar collectors and cells so that more adequate energy can be collected.

Solar energy is dependent on the sun and cannot be deployed where there is minimal sunshine. This means that solar energy is limited to areas with ample amounts of sun energy. During seasons like winter, the use of solar energy is totally impossible and therefore other forms of energy have to be sought.

Solar energy can never be an independent source of energy in the world. It is basically an alternative source of energy upon convenience i.e., during summer, specifically during the day. In your summer house you can opt to use solar energy and then use electricity during the rest of the seasons. For those countries who do not experience seasonal changes in climate, it is very convenient and it can be an independent source of energy for them.

The use of solar energy is specific to devices that do not consume large amounts of current e.g., in calculators.

Solar energy is an important source of energy. Advancements in technology has led to innovations of applications of solar energy that are of great help to human beings. It has been a great era of modern society whereby solar energy has been appreciated through its applications. The uses of solar energy are similar to those of other sources of energy. Everything has its pros and cons and solar energy is no different. The pros of solar energy outweigh the cons and that is why its use has been maintained over the years. However, the limitations of solar energy should not be ignored. These limitations are somehow disrupting the expansion of solar energy use in the world. It is important that solar energy is used widely as a form of energy because of its environmental-friendly characteristic. Other forms of energy especially fuels highly pollute the environment. Not only does saving the environment a priority in using solar energy but also the fact that solar energy is free, renewable and inexhaustible. What a great deal?

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