What Is the Fish Model?

What Is the Fish Model?

fish model presentation

Since the Biblical story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale, it’s been clear that being stuck inside a fish is less than ideal. Similarly, many companies are “stuck in a fish” while transitioning to a subscription sales model. In this blog, you’ll learn about the SaaS fish model and discover strategies to navigate it successfully.

As a professional navigating the shift from traditional sales to a subscription-based model, you must focus on long-term planning and managing stakeholder expectations. Understand and prepare for the initial dip in financial performance, often illustrated by the “Fish Model.” By strategically positioning your company, you can achieve sustained growth and profitability in the subscription economy. The key to an effective transition lies in surviving this dip and thriving beyond it, which requires a thoughtful strategy and clear communication with your stakeholders.

Understanding the Fish Model

Over the years, industries like technology, software, industrial automation, and medical equipment have increasingly adopted the subscription sales model. Several key factors drive this shift:

  • Your customers value the flexibility that subscriptions provide.
  • Subscriptions offer you a consistent stream of recurring revenue.
  • If you adopt subscriptions, you avoid falling behind your competitors.

Despite these advantages, many companies are hesitant to embrace the subscription model . The reason is simple: transitioning from capital asset transactions to a subscription framework requires adopting a new financial model.

This new financial landscape can be challenging for you as a leader. It means that your future economic performance will not mirror past successes and may initially appear worse. Explaining this financial downturn to shareholders and other stakeholders is a task no one looks forward to.

Having monitored the journey of numerous companies toward subscription selling, TSIA has identified clear patterns in financial trajectories. When mapping these patterns, they resembled a familiar shape—the “ fish model .” Today, this model is a concrete reality for many businesses operating with subscription models like yours.

Related: The Fish Model and Digital Transformation

fish model presentation

The two lines that form the shape of a fish in the model represent your revenue and costs. Naturally, the difference between these two is your profit, depicted as the white space between the lines—the fish’s body.

Typically, your company starts on the left side of the fish, having built its business on a capital asset transaction model that has traditionally been quite profitable.

Now, if you’re considering offering subscriptions , your objective is to navigate to the right side of the fish. We refer to this process as “swallowing the fish.” Once your subscription model is fully operational, your SaaS company stands to gain significant benefits:

  • Revenue growth will accelerate.
  • Labor costs will be reduced.
  • Efficiency will enhance as your operations shift toward a cloud-based model.
  • Profits will eventually return.

However, the most challenging part of this journey is getting through the middle of the chart, transitioning from the left side of the fish to the right side. This phase involves crucial adjustments and careful management.

Navigating the Middle of the Fish Model

You’ll notice that revenue and costs diverge significantly in the middle section of the fish model. Costs increase while revenues decrease—but why does this happen?

Focusing on the revenue line, when your company shifts from up-front revenue recognition to recognizing multi-year subscriptions, your comparable revenue performance will inevitably dip. As your new subscription offerings cannibalize the old ones, these revenues may appear even worse.

Simultaneously, your company must invest to support the new subscription business. For success in a SaaS business, you must build teams for customer success and analytics, establish data centers, and more. These investments contribute to your rising costs.

So, you find yourself in the middle of a fish, where expenses are climbing, and comparable revenues and profits are falling. This segment of the fish represents a challenging phase and is not an ideal place to be stuck.

Essentially, the core issue depicted by the fish model revolves around expectations. Stakeholders are accustomed to sure profits, revenue, and costs and expect the company to maintain these levels. Any significant deviation from these levels can disrupt these expectations.

Swallowing the Fish

The transition the fish represents is only possible if your company was initially established as a cloud-based subscription business . The goal is to navigate the middle part of the fish as efficiently as possible, minimizing the gap between rising costs and falling revenues. You don’t want a fat fish, so keep this transition phase as lean as possible.

The key to successfully swallowing the fish lies in careful planning. You must know crucial tactical issues to prepare for a successful transition. These issues, commonly faced by many businesses, include adjustments your company must make as you shift to the subscription model and manage through this challenging phase.

Related: Five Steps to Solidifying an XaaS Strategy and The Fish Model

Issue #1 – Compensating Your Sales Team

First, consider how you plan to compensate the team selling your subscriptions . You need to establish a compensation plan that effectively incentivizes the sales team and is sustainable for your bottom line.

Many companies run into trouble by offering huge incentives to encourage the sales team to prioritize the new subscription offers over the old capital asset offers. As you can imagine, significant incentives inflate costs. Increased costs, of course, mean a fatter fish.

Nevertheless, you need to consider how you will encourage your salespeople to embrace the new subscription model. If you don’t, the salespeople will likely stick to the old offers, which they now offer upfront compensation for.

As you switch to subscription sales, consider how you will get your sales team on board. For the transition to succeed, your salespeople must have a vested interest in subscription offers beyond the initial contract.

Related: Swallowing Half the Fish

Issue #2 – Focusing on Subscription Renewals

Renewals are another major issue to consider when switching to a subscription model. The subscription business model is built on renewals, and customer churn rates determine whether a recurring revenue business succeeds or fails.

A subscription-based company with high churn will experience low growth, high costs, and a negative reputation in the marketplace. Conversely, a subscription-based company with high renewal rates will gain market share and experience growth .

Customer success is the team responsible for ensuring customers fully adopt the product. Adoption leads to renewals and reduces churn. Thus, adding a customer success team is imperative when moving to a subscription model.

Adding new personnel will increase costs and further bloat the fish, but the payoff should justify the investment. Once you get to the right side of the fish, the additional customer success personnel will help increase revenue.

By committing to a plan to develop a customer success team, the cost and revenue lines on the fish chart will cross again. Once revenue begins to outpace costs, you have successfully navigated into the fish’s tail.

Key Takeaways:

  • Expect Initial Challenges: Transitioning to a subscription model often results in a temporary financial dip as initial costs rise and revenues appear to decline. This is a critical period where businesses must manage cash flow carefully and communicate clearly with stakeholders to set realistic expectations.
  • Invest in Key Resources: As you navigate the middle of the fish, strategic investments in crucial areas such as customer success and analytics teams are essential. These resources not only support the operational shift but also play a pivotal role in enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing churn, which are fundamental to the success of the subscription model. ‍
  • Plan for Long-term Success: The journey through the fish model requires meticulous planning and a clear focus on long-term gains. Companies should prepare for and prioritize actions that enhance subscription renewals and customer loyalty, as these elements will drive future revenue growth and stabilize the business once the initial transition challenges are overcome.

Need Help Swallowing the Fish? 

The trip through the SaaS fish model can be challenging, but it is ultimately worth it. When a company swallows the fish, it will be poised to reap the benefits of the subscription model and, more importantly, the benefits of renewals for years to come.

Tailored to your specific needs, the TSIA Portal gives you access to proprietary and proven research across every service-driven area of your company, from revenue growth to compelling offer development to service delivery. Uniquely equipped with this research, you’ll have the necessary data and insights to help your career and company thrive.

Learn more about navigating The Fish Model and Digital Transformation in the TSIA Portal.

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Overview of Fish SDLC Model

Prerequisite: Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It refers to the methods of developing quality software by clearly defining the processes involved in the development.  

SDLC is usually divided into several phases(stages) for developing software. One of the popular SDLC is the FISH Model. In the Fish Model, verification and validation are done parallelly at each phase by two different teams.  

Verification means “reviewing” a whole phase, and Validation means “testing” a whole phase. Except for the deployment and maintenance phases, those two processes are done by separate teams and then reports are generated, by the end of the phases.  

Note: Fish model is preferred for developing secure & supreme quality software. This SDLC is expensive in terms of cost & time since it involves verification as well as validation on almost all the phases and it is not suitable for small projects and projects that might need a requirement change in the middle of development. Apart from that, the Fish Model is easy to implement and all the documents are created one by one as the phases are completed. So, full documentation of the software being developed is at hand by the end.

The structure of the model looks like a skeleton of a fish and that’s why this SDLC is known as Fish Model.  

Phases of Fish Model:

Now, We will see the phases involved in the Fish Model. There are 7 phases in Fish Model and they are,  

  • Requirements Gathering & Planning
  • Development / Coding
  • Maintenance

The below picture represents an overview of the FISH Model.

fish model presentation

1. Requirements gathering and Planning: At first, a contract is signed between both parties (client & organization) to kickstart the project. Then the client’s expectation is thoroughly understood by a business analyst from the organization to prepare a Business Requirement Specifications(BRS) document.  

Once the requirements are gathered and reviewed; the following processes will be performed.  

  • Planning of project execution.
  • Choosing the software model for expressing software designs.
  • Resource planning.
  • Feasibility tests are conducted to evaluate the success ratio of delivering the proposed project. This is where whether to do or drop the proposed project decision is made.
  • Risk identification of the project.
  • Allocation of members for the project by the project manager.
  • So, here’s where all the preparation part of proceeding with the project is done.

2. Analysis: In this phase, Software Requirement Specifications(SRS) document is prepared from the Business Requirement Specifications(BRS) document. Different members like business analysts, software architects, subject-matter experts & team leaders have a great role in preparing the SRS. After the document is prepared it is reviewed by a team and then it will be forwarded to the client for getting approval. Once the client approves the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document, the design phase BEGINS.  

3. Design: In this phase, the developers or technical architect(s) create a document called Design Document Specification (DDS) with the help of the SRS document analyzed in the previous phase.  

In this document; the prototype of the proposed project, rough designs, and the looks & workings of the software are designed as well as defined clearly. The designs are primarily categorized into two. They are,  

  • High-Level Design (HLD): It consists of the basic outlook DESIGN of the software architecture
  • Low-Level Design (LLD): LLD has in-depth designs of the overall software architecture.

Once the Design Document Specification is ready, a team will review it. Then it will be forwarded to the client and stakeholders (people involved in the project & its outcome). The DDS document usually has several approaches, the ideal one would be chosen and taken to the next phases.  

4. Development / Coding: In this phase, the actual development of the project takes place where developers start writing code as per the decided standards. That’s why it is also called as Coding phase. The codes are usually written as small chunks and then they are integrated into a whole.  

After the completion of coding, the codes will be compiled into the machine-readable language (0s1s) and then run to see if the software works as expected without showing errors. Developers are the main characters in this phase. Eventually, codes are documented as Source Code Documents (SDC).  After the compilation & running of the code, the code will be tested in several ways for different purposes.  

5. Testing: As the development phase is completed, the code gets tested. Developers test the small chunks(units) of code individually, this testing is known as unit testing. Then the code will be combined and tested to check whether the code works as a whole and renders the desired output. This test is known as integration testing.  

After the developers finish those tests, the code will be given to the testing team. They will do various tests and check if everything works as expected in Business Requirement Specifications (BRS). If they find anything unexpected or find errors, they will notify the developers to fix them within a specified time. After that, two more tests will be done i.e. Alpha Testing and Beta Testing .

6. Deployment: By this time, the software is completely developed & tested. The test results are reviewed by the stakeholders for the deployment. It is all set to roll out! In general, the client might perform a test before launching in this phase and that’s known as Release Testing.  

7. Maintenance: After releasing the software to the end-users, many issues might pop up. Those need to be fixed ASAP. If the issue is bigger, then a new feature might be updated in the software to bring the desired functionality. Thus, the phase of doing the needful after the deployment(launching) of the software is known as the Maintenance phase.  

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In this topic, we described about the below sections -


Fish Model is one of the software development methodologies in which both the verification(Review) and Validation(Testing) would be done parallel by separate team in each phase of the model. The structure of this model looks like skeleton between two parllel lines looks like Fish. So named it as Fish Model. This model is an expensive and time-consuming model.

Fish Model verification and validation generates two different reports at the end of each phase. Because all the phases covered by two different teams except Deployment and Maintenance phases.

All phases of the software development life cycle used in fish model. The phases are associated by the verification and validation process to achieve the development of application are -

  • Planning & Requirement Phase.
  • Analysis Phase.
  • Design Phase.
  • Development or Implementation Phase.
  • Testing Phase.
  • Deployment Phase.
  • Maintenance Phase.

SDLC Fish Model

Planning and Requirements Phase -

Planning is the first and foremost phase in SDLC. The senior members of the project like Manager, Delivery Manager, Domain Experts, Sales Managers etc involves in this phase. At the first step, the requirement idea and the inputs explains the overview of the estimates to everyone. Based on the inputs, the project execution approach, model used to develop the system would be decided. It also helps to do feasibility study economic and other operational aspects. In this, the overall project planning, resource planning, risk identification and overall project execution planning discussed and finalized. Risk identifying is generally done in this phase. A feasibility study is conducted on the Technical aspects which help to decide and describe the approach which could be followed to implement the project successfully with a low risk.

Requirement Gathering is the most important and first phase of SDLC. In this phase, business analyst and project manager participate in the meetings with client to gather the requirements.

  • Client is the owner of the product and provides the information about what to build, who will use it or purpose of it to all the participants.
  • Business analyst is the person who gathers the high level requirements from the client and document them in the form of business requirements
  • Project Manager can located at onshore/offshore who is going to handle the project.

Business requirements are generally documented in Business Requirement Document (BRS). Note that the BRS document name may gets changed based on the naming conventions defined in the project and name varies from project to project.

Examples - Business Specification (BS), Customer Requirement Specification (CRS), etc, and many more.

Analysis Phase -

Once the requirements gathering phase completed, Business Analyst (BA) converts the business requirements into technical requirements with the help senior team members like SMEs (Subject-matter experts) and team leads. The technical requirements documented in a document called SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document. SRS consists of all the technical requirements for all system involved (that includes cross-applications if exists). SRS document should send for approval from the client or SMEs from client side to proceed with the next phases.

Note that SRS document name varies from project to project based on the naming standard defined. Examples - Requirement Specification Document (RSD), Project Specification Document (PSD), etc, and many more.

Design Phase -

Design phase turns the requirements from SRS into a design plan called the Design Document Specification (DDS). Developers takes the requirements from SRS and creates their rough designs, working models, specifies how the software works, how the new design looks, how the control flow from screen to screen etc,. Design phase also models the design that includes - architecture, user interface, platforms, programming, communications and security etc,. In another words, overall system architecture is designed by defining their functionality of each module that includes their interaction with cross-systems.

The Design Document Specifications that are two types based on their level of design. Those are -

  • High-level Design (HLD) - HLD contains the high-level architecture changes or design changes. Senior developers or architects creates HLD.
  • Low-level Design (LLD) - LLD constans very detailed level architecture or design changes. Senior developers or developers creates LLD.

These two documents contain only design and sometimes code as well. The architects usually provide more than one approach in a Design Document Specification. This DDS sent for review to all the stakeholders and the best approach would be selected based on the features such as robustness, budget and timing constraints.

Once the architecture is selected, the stakeholders would then propose the modules design, data flow diagrams etc.

Development or Implementation Phase -

Once the DDS gets approved, Development phase gets started. Developers start programming with the code by following organization coding standards. Once coding completed, the programmers uses the programming tools to compile and debug the programs to verify weather new code is working or not.

Developers from all levels in the team involves in this phase. The code is documented as Source Code Document (SCD). Developers has many responsibilities in this phase namely - coding and compilation of source code to make error free.

Testing Phase -

Once the coding completed, the code gets tested to check whether it is working as expected or not. The developer performs the initial testing that are unit testing (UT) and/or Application Integration Testing (AIT) before handover the code to the testing team. If everything is fine, code gets migrated to the testing environment. Testing team will perform the testing from that point. The various testings the testing team performs are - quality testing, system testing, acceptance testing and approval testing.

In this phase, testing team follows the BRS document to verify the new changes or working fine or not. If anything not working, testing team raises the defect and development team has to fix it before the specified time.

Testing team thoroughly tests for the defects by follwing the process defined in STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) to make sure that each and every component or module is working fine.

  • Alpha Testing - Alpha Testing is a type of testing that is performed to identify every possible issues or bugs before releasing the product to market. The focus of this testing is to stimulate end users with white box and black box testing. The aim is to proceed with the tasks that a typical user might perform. Alpha testing would be carried out in an environment such as lab and usually the testers are the internal employees of the Organization. In simple words, it is the testing that is known as Alpha because it is done early at the end of software development and done before the beta testing.
  • Beta Testing - Beta Testing is performed by the actual users of the software application. It is considered as User Acceptance Testing. It is considered as the final test that is done before shipping a product to customers. Direct customer feedback is a big advantage of Beta Testing. This testing would help to test the product in customer's environment. Beta version of software would be released to a very less number of end-users of the product to get feedback on the quality of the product. Beta testing would reduce the product failure risk and would increase the product quality through customer validation. Ex: - Google Pay application.

Deployment Phase -

Once the software is fully tested and has no defects or errors, then the test results and articrafts gor reviewed by the client and provides approval for deployment. Once the software got deployed to production, then the new functionality available to the end-users who are currently using the system.

Deployement might be complex based on the system design if it is integrated with multiple systems.

Maintenance Phase –

Once the end-user starts using the newly deployed sofotware, there might be a possibility that the real-time issues starts coming up. The team has to fix these issues to avoid the loss in business if the issue has less priority or less impact. If the issue has high priority and has huge impact, client can take a decision to roll out or backout new changes and refine the functionalities as required. This process of taking care for the finished product is called as maintenance.

  • Fish model is an SDLC model to develop software with maximum quality.
  • Fish model is for more secured projects as well as it is more expensive.
  • Verification (Quality Assurance (QA)) - It is a process-oriented to avoid defect and to enhance the development process, therefore design review is part of the verification. It done with no program execution.
  • Validation (Quality Control (QC)) - It is product-oriented to gets the defect as well as enhances the product quality, therefore product testing is part of the validation. It done with program execution.
  • This model has a parallel arrangement of quality assurance as well as quality control.
  • This model creates two reports at the conclusion of every phase, one for verification as well as one for validation.
  • Easy to implement.
  • Full documentation for the application gets created.
  • Used for the complex and secured projects.
  • Delivers high quality product.
  • Every phase of the model is tested by a separate team for correctness and completeness of the application.
  • Costly development methodology.
  • Not suitable for small projects.
  • Time consuming model to develop the product.
  • Failure in development would cause lot of damage and loss as it is an expensive model.
  • Risks are not identified at the initial stage and they can't be prevented.
  • Requirements can't be changed in the middle of the process.


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Icon Of Fish Aquarium Healthcare Remedy Underwater

Their merger with your presentation is easy and effortless. They make sure to convey an accurate message. Their customization can be done by any user in a short span of time. They are reliable and extremely flexible. They come with pre-defined simple instructions for modification.

Fishbone style 2 powerpoint presentation slides db

Each graphic in very Fishbone PowerPoint slide background is vector based. 100% editable. Each and every property of any slide - color, size, shading etc can be modified to build an effective PowerPoint presentation. Use these slides to convey complex business concepts in a simplified manner. Any text can be entered at any point in the PowerPoint slide. Impressive high resolution visuals. Compatible with multiple format options and software options. Used by business analysts, strategists, managerial team and MBA students.

Fishbone Diagram For Conducting Issue Analysis

This slide covers the analysis of a specific problem through fishbone diagram high employee turnover rate, along with its main cause and sub causes. The purpose of this template is to help the audience understand the problems components and key takeaways for addressing it. Introducing our Fishbone Diagram For Conducting Issue Analysis set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Conducting, Issue, Analysis. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Aquarium Tuna Fish Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This coloured powerpoint icon features a realistic image of a tuna fish. It is ideal for presentations on topics such as fishing, seafood, ocean life, and more. The icon is bright and vibrant, making it a great addition to any project.

Aquarium Tuna Fish Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone PowerPoint icon depicts a can of tuna fish, a nutritious and delicious source of protein. Perfect for presentations on nutrition, health, and sustainability, this icon is a simple yet powerful visual aid.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Fish Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This colourful PowerPoint icon features a Clown Fish, perfect for adding visual interest to presentations. The icon is bright and cheerful, and is sure to draw the attention of viewers. It can be used to represent a variety of topics, including marine life, the ocean, and the beauty of nature.

Clown Fish In Ocean Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This Monotone PowerPoint icon features a clown fish with black and white stripes, a red and white nose, and a bright yellow tail. It is perfect for presentations, websites, and other documents, and will add a fun, playful touch to any project.

Clown Fish In Sea Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This colourful PowerPoint icon features a detailed illustration of a shrimp, perfect for presentations about seafood, ocean life, or marine biology. The icon is bright and vibrant, sure to draw attention and add interest to any presentation.

Shrimp Fish Animal Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone powerpoint icon depicts a cooked shrimp with its tail curled up. It is perfect for presentations about seafood, nutrition, or the food industry. It is a simple yet eye-catching design that will add a touch of sophistication to any presentation.

Stingray Fish Animal Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Home Collections Education Animals Fish Templates

Attractive Fish Presentation And Google Slides Templates


Fish Presentation Slides

Features of the template.

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  • The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the colors of the slide quickly.
  • Well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • It has captivating HD images.
  • Content-ready deck with 21 unique slides.
  • Fish Designs
  • Aquatic Animals
  • Fishing Gear
  • Fishing Techniques
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The FISH Model

Jul 31, 2012

290 likes | 865 Views

Modular Modelling. Models should be developed in a modular fashion. Not only does this simplify the modelling, but it also makes it easier to maintain and update the model.Modelling of aquaculture impact especially calls for a modular approach.. Modelling Heirarchy. Start with a model of a single f

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1. The FISH Model Developed by William Silvert and Peter Strain

2. Modular Modelling Models should be developed in a modular fashion. Not only does this simplify the modelling, but it also makes it easier to maintain and update the model. Modelling of aquaculture impact especially calls for a modular approach.

3. Modelling Heirarchy Start with a model of a single fish, represented by a module called FISH. Outputs of the FISH module are integrated in a module representing all stocks in a fish farm, called FARM. The outputs of FARM are inputs to a suite of separate modules describing environmental impact.

  • More by User

The FISH! Philosophy

The FISH! Philosophy

The FISH! Philosophy. Catch the energy. Release the potential. • Play • Make Their Day • Be There • Choose Your Attitude.

2.08k views • 13 slides



THE FISH STORY. Connect to Your Life. Have you ever had a job that you messed up? What happened? What lesson did you learn?. CONFLICT. a problem that the characters in a story must face. A struggle between one character & another.

536 views • 23 slides

ATLSS Fish Functional Group Dynamics Model

ATLSS Fish Functional Group Dynamics Model

ALFISH. ATLSS Fish Functional Group Dynamics Model. Holly Gaff, Rene’ Salinas, Louis Gross, Don DeAngelis, Joel Trexler, Bill Loftus and John Chick. ALFISH.

314 views • 21 slides

The Blue Fish

The Blue Fish

The Blue Fish. Once upon a time, there was a girl called Céline, who live with her parents and her brothers . She could have been happy if her mother had loved her more, but she preferred her son. Everyday , Céline’s mother used to send her for some spring water.

350 views • 11 slides

ATLSS Landscape Fish Model

ATLSS Landscape Fish Model

ALFISH FLOW CHART. Fish Cell Layout. Fish as Prey. Example of Small Fish Least Killifish Heterandria formosa. ALFISH. Approach. Fish provide the prey-base for endangered wading bird species such as Great Egret ( Casmerodius albus).

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The Fish Philosophy

The Fish Philosophy

The Fish Philosophy . By: Marcus Herring & Romerio Caldwell. “ Catch The energy Release the potential ”. There Are Four Rules!. Be There Choose Your Attitude Play Make Their Day. BE THERE!. Be There!.

5.83k views • 17 slides

The Puffer Fish

The Puffer Fish

The Puffer Fish. By:Eden Sharon Noam Nisani May 2012. Contents. What does the Fat Puffer Fish look like? Why is it called Puffer? What do Puffer Fish eat? Is the Puffer Fish tasty?. The Fat Puffer. What is the Fat Puffer?. Called Fat Puffer or Puffer Fish. The Puffer is a fish.

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The Fish

The Fish. By Elizabeth Bishop. Elizabeth Bishop February 8, 1911 – October 6, 1979. 1929 Entered Vassar College 1933 Co-founded Con Spirito , a rebel literary magazine at Vassar, with writer Mary McCarthy , Margaret Miller, and the sisters Eunice and Eleanor Clark.

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The Angler Fish

The Angler Fish

The Angler Fish. By: Nayeem Baksh. Introduction. The Angler fish is a truly amazing animal that is often recognized for its luminescent organ, an esca, and in the movie Finding Nemo 3 of these Angler characteristics are: the esca, the Angler’s skin, and male Anglers attaching to females.

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The Cartilaginous Fish

The Cartilaginous Fish

The Cartilaginous Fish. Class: Condrichthyes Sharks, Rays, Skates, and Chimaeras. Michael Slonkosky Kyle Moran Matt Gregory. Cartilaginous Characteristics. Jawed Fish Paired Fins Paired nostrils Two Chambered Heart Cartilage Skeleton. External Anatomy of Shark. External Anatomy of Ray.

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THE FISH . THE FISH . Geography. Math. English. World Language. Science. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 3 00. 3 00. 3 00. 3 00. 3 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 5 00. 5 00. 5 00. 5 00. 5 00. Math 100. Gameboard. Answer. Evaluate.

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The Miracle Fish

The Miracle Fish

The Miracle Fish. 3-26-12. 3-26-12 Bell Work:. What do you think would happen if all the big fish in a lake ate all the little fish in the lake. Explain your answer. . Daily Review:. What does a food chain show you?. Review:. If you do not want a pet anymore, what should you do with it?

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The Rainbow Fish

The Rainbow Fish. Marcus Pfister. Introduction. Do you like to share? A fish with beautiful shiny scales learns how to care about others as he shares his scales in the story, The Rainbow Fish. Your quest is to learn about sharing and caring while you discover different sea creatures. .

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The Rainbow fish

The Rainbow fish

The Rainbow fish. By, Marcus Pfister Illustrated by, Marcus Pfister. Summary .

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Ichthyes: The Fish. What is a Fish? Aquatic vertebrate, usually with paired fins, scales and gills. -fins for movement -scales for protection -gills for respiration -Very diverse group composed of many classes of fish. -. Evolution of Fish -Fish were the first vertebrates

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THE FAO FISH AND SEAFOOD MODEL. Pierre Charlebois 5 th ad-hoc fish price index workshop Ischia, Italy, 3 rd & 4 th October 2013. CONTEXT. Rising food security concerns Growing demand for higher value food including fish by many developing countries

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Pisces, The Fish. By Sarah Miller. The Legend. The Greek Gods of love, Aphrodite and Eros had been fleeing from the monster Typhon that had forced the Gods of Olympus to flee, frightened they leapt into the river and assumed the forms of fish.

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The Fish Tale

The Fish Tale

The Fish Tale. Summary By Ms. Czekanski. Story Map. Ingrid asks Travis and Sam if she could go fishing with them. Travis and Sam say “No!” because they have made a vow that no one other than them can use their fishing spot.

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Pisces “The Fish”

Pisces “The Fish”. http://www.flickr.com/photos/9679168@N02/2088782133/page2. Two Fish Swimming in Opposite Directions Connected by Their Tails. Aphrodite and Eros both disguised themselves as fish and swam up the Nile to escape the monster. http://www.dibonsmith.com/psc_con.htm.

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Fishbone Infographics

Free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

Fishbone diagrams, also known as Ishikawa diagrams, are powerful visual representations. More than often, they help to identify the possible causes of an issue. The problem is placed as the head of the fishbone, while the spines represent the roots of the obstacle. They can be used to prevent risks.

We have created some cool fishbone diagrams for you! There are different designs for you to choose. Some of them resemble fish, others look like arrows. Aren’t they great? As usual, you’ll find different icons and colors (red, blue, yellow, green) to meet your needs. Of course, you can edit them!

Features of these infographics

  • Templates with plenty of fishbone diagrams
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 30 different infographics to boost your presentations
  • Include icons and Flaticon’s extension for further customization
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Include information about how to edit and customize your infographics

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How to attribute the infographics?

Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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How to Create A Fishbone Diagram on Powerpoint

fish model presentation

The fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram is a cause-and-impact diagram that encourages managers to find the explanations behind flaws, variations, deformities, or disappointments.,nbsp;

The diagram looks like a fish's skeleton. The main issue at its head and the causes for the issue taking care of into the spine. When all the reasons that underlie the issue have been recognized, managers can begin searching for answers to guarantee that the item doesn't turn into a repetitive one.

Fishbone diagram distinguishes and composes the potential causes of a business issue. It uses a simple and justifiable format that helps to identify the wellsprings of procedure variety. It is also called the Ishikawa Diagram and Cause and Effect Diagram.

Concept maps work very well for classes or substances with visual components or when it is critical to see and comprehend connections between various things. They can likewise be utilized to dissect data and thoroughly analyze.,nbsp;

  • Fishbone also recognizes the causes of a bothersome impact of an issue;
  • It is additionally conceivable to recognize the chain of command of causes, including the likely root causes;
  • Points out the essential variables influencing the quality of a product or administration.,nbsp;

These components should be enhanced to decrease the measure of procedure variety. The result can give introductory information to later critical thinking devices.

how to create fishbone diagam on powerpoint

Source: Pinterest

1.1 The Usages of Fishbone Diagram

The diagram format is used in:

  • Venture presentations to grandstand root cause investigation;
  • Meeting to generate new ideas for growing new product design;
  • Review meetings for Quality deformity counteraction and so forth.,nbsp;

The device's fundamental advantage is that it encourages you to investigate all the potential causes for an occasion without inclinations. It is a diagram you should have available to you if you make vital or authority related presentations.

If you've attempted to make diagrams in PowerPoint, you presumably realize how disappointing it tends to be—we certainly do. That is the reason we've separated the procedure for you. To figure out how to make a fishbone diagram in PowerPoint, follow the steps beneath. Or then again, for a more natural, productive arrangement, jump to the following area to find out going to make a,nbsp; fishbone diagram PowerPoint.

  • Find PowerPoint's shape library

PowerPoint doesn't offer any fishbone diagram PowerPoint templates, so you'll need to begin without preparation. The entirety of the shapes that you'll need can be found in PowerPoint's shape library, situated on the supplement tab. Choose "Shapes" to open the library.

To embed a shape or line, select it starting from the drop library, at that point snap, and drag your cursor to draw it on your slide.,nbsp;

how to create fishbone diagam on powerpoint

Source: Microsoft PowerPoint

  • Draw the "fish head" and "fish spine" of your diagram

Fishbone diagrams are named for their shape, which takes after a fish skeleton, and every component of the diagram is named in like manner.,nbsp;

The head of a fishbone diagram PowerPoint —the furthest right rectangle—contains the diagram's focal problem articulation. Select a rectangle from the shape library and add it to the correct side of your slide. Single-tick the box and start composing to include text (for the present, you can type "Problem" as a placeholder).

When you've included the head, draw an even line reaching out from it to one side—this is your diagram's spine.

how to create fishbone diagam on powerpoint

  • Include causes and subclauses

Next, draw extra lines stretching out from the middle border at an edge. (These are the "ribs" of the skeleton.) Each of these lines speaks to a cause adding to your problem explanation. Commonly, a fishbone diagram incorporates six of these cause lines.,nbsp;

At the tip of each line, including a little rectangle—these will fill in as labels. Single-tick the rectangle and start composing to include text. As in the past, use a conventional placeholder for the present.,nbsp;

Include flat lines (a few, contingent upon your need) reaching out from each cause line. These lines speak to subclauses.,nbsp;

Now, the structure of your fishbone diagram is finished. On the off chance that you'd prefer to leave it clear to print or save as a template, save your PowerPoint with no guarantees—you can feel free to avoid the rest of the steps.,nbsp;

how to create fishbone diagam on powerpoint

  • Label your fishbone diagram PowerPoint

Since you've completed the structure of your diagram, it's an ideal opportunity to tailor it to your tending problem. Supplant any content placeholders with real substance—this incorporates your particular problem articulation, just as contributing causes.,nbsp;

To label your subclauses, you'll have to include text boxes. On the home tab, select "Text Box." Click and drag to draw and size the content box. Position these labels over each subclause line. (Tip: Once you've included one content box, you can save time by utilizing reorder to add more.),nbsp;

how to create fishbone diagam on powerpoint

  • Format and style your fishbone diagram PowerPoint

As you add shapes to your report, they are styled by Microsoft's presets. In case you're content with how your diagram looks, you can save it and skirt this progression.,nbsp;

To adjust the fill color, murkiness, or other elaborate parts of a shape, double-tap it. It opens the shape formatting sheet. Hold Shift as you click on shapes to choose different—along these lines, they can be altered at the same time. Adjust the visual components of your diagram until you're happy with its look. When you've completed, you're prepared to save your finished fishbone diagram PowerPoint !

how to create fishbone diagam on powerpoint

Making a fishbone diagram in PowerPoint requires you to invest substantially more energy in drawing the principal structure. Likewise, it requires numerous extra steps to fabricate a total fishbone diagram PowerPoint .

Contrasted and that, utilizing the professional diagram maker - MindMaster is exactly the software you need to make a fishbone diagram without wasting so much time with user-friendly features. With different templates and different images for various diagrams, MindMaster can assist you with making top-notch fishbone diagrams with less time. The following are the steps to create a fishbone diagram in MindMaster.

Step 1: open MindMaster online or MindMaster software, and choose fishbone left or fishbone right template.,nbsp;

fishbone diagram

Source: MindMaster

Step 2: Double-tap the template to participate in the drawing interface, and you will see the image library will spring up on the left side with the goal that you can choose whatever you like and include it into the diagram.

fishbone diagram

Step 3: Save and export diagrams in multiple formats, including Graphs, PS, PDF, MS Office, etc. You can export in Graph format, then attached to PowerPoint or other reports.

fishbone diagram

Making the fishbone diagram on PowerPoint is one of the most time-consuming, and looking at the steps above, it can be tricky for the beginners to start building one from scratch. Even more, if someone is meeting deadlines, the best way to not only make a useful fishbone diagram but with little to no time with MindMaster . All one had to do is select a fishbone template and put the information in it.

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FISH! Philosophy Training Logo

Catch the Energy

Of the world-famous video that transforms business culture..

Disengaged Employees

Gallup says 70% of people are not engaged at work. The result? Productivity plunges. Absenteeism and turnover soar. It’s costing us up to half a Trillion Dollars ($500,000,000,000) a year.

Quiet Quitting

Fully 80% of employees report they would look for another job after just one bad day at work. That attitude leads to resentment, bad morale, and lower revenue. It can spread through an organization like cancer.

Retention Trouble

At least 50% of employee turnover comes from burnout. People have needs beyond a salary. If those needs aren’t met, they’re likely to leave for another job, which is costly.

Discover how to build a culture where your team can excel. In Business, Education, Healthcare, or Government. Over 100,000 FISH! Philosophy fans can’t be wrong.

The FISH! Philosophy helps:

  • Build trust and teamwork in your culture
  • Increase employee engagement, retention, and productivity
  • Avoid awful reviews on Glassdoor and Google

Where to Start

Build a culture that improves morale and engagement, teamwork, customer service and employee retention.

Provide a compassionate, respectful patient experience, delivered by staff that lives your mission and values.

Create positive, cooperative classrooms, allowing teachers and students to focus on learning.

Create a culture that can empower your team to feel engaged in their work and reduce employee turnover.

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Home PowerPoint Templates Shapes Fishing Shapes PowerPoint Templates

Fishing Shapes PowerPoint Templates

Fishing Rod PowerPoint Template

The Fishing Shapes PowerPoint Templates are four slides of business metaphors that involve fishing activities. Here, the PowerPoint templates contain illustration for planning and procedures of fishing. Such as bait, reel, spinner, hook that metaphorically depict various organizational activities. These may include taking risks, strategies to acquire new business or client, and successful execution of a project. All four slides of fishing template contain a complete scene of ocean waves, providing more realistic view. It further enables viewers to visualize business concepts and terminologies with the help of easy-to-understand graphics. For example, the first two slides representing reeling-in, fish, catch as gaining business, client or customer. Whereas, hand holding the rod can depict individuals or team behind bait (pitching sales) to hook on project. There is an additional slide of baits with fish and prawn bait clipart icons.

The Fishing Shapes PowerPoint Templates are high-quality flat vector images that are also easy to customize. For instance, the last slide shows fish bait for fishing which could be replaced by pink prawn bait. Furthermore, change the colors, sizes, element effects of PowerPoint shapes in quick few clicks. The semi-transparent text placeholders enable users to insert presentation title or project keynotes. These slides are suitable to display project proposals or marketing strategies since fishing illustrate potential clients. Alternatively, download a creative business template of fish metaphors in SlideModel premium gallery, Mergers and Acquisitions PowerPoint .

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Reporting by Jaspreet Singh in Bengaluru, additional reporting by Zaheer Kachwala; Editing by Anil D'Silva, Shinjini Ganguli and Shailesh Kuber

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. New Tab , opens new tab

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U.s. chip bans not meant to hobble china's growth, blinken says.

U.S. export controls on sending advanced computing chips to China are not meant to hold back China's economy or technological development, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during an interview with National Public Radio on Friday.

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2023 Kentucky Freshwater Mussel Meeting

waves back and blue

On Monday staff traveled to the 2023 Kentucky Freshwater Mussel Meeting held at the Salato Center in Frankfort, KY. State Malacologist, Monte McGregor led the meeting giving updates on mussel projects at the Center for Mollusk Conservation followed by presentations by various partners/individuals involved with mussel propagation statewide.

Biological Science Technician, Makenzie Foster, gave a presentation detailing Wolf Creek's freshwater mussel work and how the program has grown since it's beginning in 2015. Updates were shared including the progress made since acquiring the boathouse in 2020 as well as the plans for the 2023 mussel season.

Presentations were followed by a tour of the Center for Mollusk Conservation (CMC) where the propagated mussels get their start! Staff were able to see the preliminary stages of the propagation process including the equipment and manpower it takes to get the mussels to the juvenile stage before they are transferred to Wolf Creek. CMC staff grow their own algae cultures to feed the juveniles, mix their own water, and operate the lab where the juvenile mussels (glochidia) are grown via in vitro or infested onto host fish, and measured before their stay at the hatchery. All partners are excited to get the 2023 mussel season underway!

USFWS employee giving a presentation

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Trees in northern Minnesota turn to fall colors along the water’s edge.

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The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission met in Riverton April 16-17 to discuss and approve the annual hunting season regulations and quotas. After hearing season presentations and reviewing public comments, the Commission passed the 2024 hunting season regulations and quotas.

The finalized season information is available on the Wyoming Game and Fish Department website . Hunters who have already applied are encouraged to  check the hunt areas they applied for to see if any changes occurred during the season-setting process. The department's Hunt Planner tool will be updated with the approved seasons by the beginning of May.

Game and Fish personnel provided the Commission with an update on trapping, the Speas Fish Hatchery cool/warm-water facility and landowner licenses. Additionally, the department and partners provided a presentation on the Dubois U.S. Highway 26 construction project. The Commission also listened to significant public comment on the Sublette County wolf incident.

A full recording of the Commission meeting is available online .

The next Commission meeting is May 21-22 in Dubois and will coincide with the Wyoming Sportsperson Conservation Forum that will be held at the National Museum of Military Vehicles. 

Breanna Ball

Related news.

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Game and fish opens public comment on chapters 46 and 47, want the latest updates.

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  1. What Is the Fish Model?

    The two lines that form the shape of a fish in the model represent your revenue and costs. Naturally, the difference between these two is your profit, depicted as the white space between the lines—the fish's body. Typically, your company starts on the left side of the fish, having built its business on a capital asset transaction model that ...

  2. Templates about fish for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Blue Tang Fish. Download the Blue Tang Fish presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources.... Multi-purpose.

  3. Free Fish PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    SlidesCarnival templates have all the elements you need to effectively communicate your message and impress your audience. Download your presentation as a PowerPoint template or use it online as a Google Slides theme. 100% free, no registration or download limits. Make a splash with these fish templates and create captivating presentations that ...

  4. Fishbone diagram slide in PowerPoint

    [Download link provided below]:The Fishbone Diagram Template for PowerPoint is a cause and effect template with the fish illustration. The visual graphics of...

  5. Overview of Fish SDLC Model

    It refers to the methods of developing quality software by clearly defining the processes involved in the development. SDLC is usually divided into several phases (stages) for developing software. One of the popular SDLC is the FISH Model. In the Fish Model, verification and validation are done parallelly at each phase by two different teams.

  6. SDLC Fish Model

    Fish Model is one of the software development methodologies in which both the verification (Review) and Validation (Testing) would be done parallel by separate team in each phase of the model. The structure of this model looks like skeleton between two parllel lines looks like Fish. So named it as Fish Model.

  7. What Is a Fishbone Diagram?

    A fishbone diagram is a problem-solving approach that uses a fish-shaped diagram to model possible root causes of problems and troubleshoot possible solutions. It is also called an Ishikawa diagram, after its creator, Kaoru Ishikawa, as well as a herringbone diagram or cause-and-effect diagram. Fishbone diagrams are often used in root cause ...

  8. Fish PowerPoint Templates

    The Fish templates are a collection of flat vector shapes and backgrounds for various business and informal presentations. The fish shapes in PowerPoint are metaphors for business concepts such as big fish, acquisition, fishing, and leadership ideas. Moreover, the Fish PowerPoint Templates include various fishbone concept diagrams. These fishbone slides are helpful for professionals to ...

  9. Fish PowerPoint Presentation and Slides

    Stingray Fish Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format. This colourful PowerPoint icon features a vibrant illustration of a Stingray, perfect for use in presentations or other digital projects. It is available in a variety of sizes and formats, making it easy to customize and use. Slide 1 of 10.

  10. Attractive Fish Presentation And Google Slides Templates

    Features of the template. 100% customizable slides and easy to download. The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats. Easy to change the colors of the slide quickly. Well-crafted template with an instant download facility. Highly compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides. It has captivating HD images. Content-ready deck with 21 unique slides.

  11. 518 Best Fish-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

    518 Best Fish-Themed Templates. CrystalGraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 518 best fish templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text.

  12. Best Free Fishbone Diagram PowerPoint PPT Templates to Download

    Business Tool With Fishbone Diagram PPT. Cause and effect diagrams are also known as Ishikawa diagrams. This premium fishbone PPT template comes with 150 slides, including a fishbone diagram PPT template. Identify its root causes with any one of these blank fishbone diagrams.

  13. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. 1. The FISH Model Developed by William Silvert and Peter Strain. 2. Modular Modelling Models should be developed in a modular fashion. Not only does this simplify the modelling, but it also makes it easier to maintain and update the model. Modelling of aquaculture impact especially calls for a modular approach.

  14. Aquaculture & Fisheries Thesis

    Premium Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template. What is aquaculture? It is the activity of cultivating and producing aquatic organisms in their natural environment, in a sustainable and controlled manner. Of course, it is an activity that cannot be captured in just a small definition and even has enough content to be the subject of a thesis.

  15. Zebra fish model

    Jan 21, 2021 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 3 likes • 1,013 views. Aditya Singh. Follow. Zebra fish utilization in drug discovery. Health & Medicine. 1 of 14. Download now. Zebra fish model - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  16. Free Fishbone Infographics for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Fishbone diagrams, also known as Ishikawa diagrams, are powerful visual representations. More than often, they help to identify the possible causes of an issue. The problem is placed as the head of the fishbone, while the spines represent the roots of the obstacle. They can be used to prevent risks. We have created some cool fishbone diagrams ...


    ZEBRAFISH : AS A MODEL ORGANISM. Nov 20, 2017 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 30 likes • 21,893 views. Namrata Singh. A presentation on Zebrafish's history, taxonomy , genetics, life cycle and future prospects of zebrafish and some of its medical implications in human life. Most importantly the major interest is to investigate those particular ...

  18. How to Create a Fishbone Diagram on PowerPoint

    Find PowerPoint's shape library. PowerPoint doesn't offer any fishbone diagram PowerPoint templates, so you'll need to begin without preparation. The entirety of the shapes that you'll need can be found in PowerPoint's shape library, situated on the supplement tab. Choose "Shapes" to open the library. To embed a shape or line, select it ...

  19. Improve Company Culture Today!

    Release the human potential of your team with FISH! Our FISH! Philosophy inspires and teaches business leaders to create company cultures that keep employees invested for years to come. The FISH! Philosophy strengthens trust, teamwork and engagement—the foundation your team needs to excel. People are more engaged when they're having a good ...

  20. 28 Best Fish Farm-Themed Templates

    Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 28 best fish farm templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text. The fish farm-related image or video you'll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your fish ...

  21. Fish Farming PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    Download Free and Premium Fish Farming PowerPoint Templates. Choose and download Fish Farming PowerPoint templates, and Fish Farming PowerPoint Backgrounds in just a few minutes.And with amazing ease of use, you can transform your "sleep-inducing" PowerPoint presentation into an aggressive, energetic, jaw-dropping presentation in nearly no time at all.

  22. Zebrafish model

    3. General Features Benefits Appearance -Dimension ~4 cm -Salient distinguishable features of male and female -Often transparent adult bodies Large number can be kept easily and cheaply in lab Good model for visualization of cellular activity Habitat -Fresh water fish - Tropical fish Universally available Feeding -Omnivorous Low cost of maintenance Reproduction -Female spawns every 2-3 days ...

  23. Fishing Shapes PowerPoint Templates

    The Fishing Shapes PowerPoint Templates are high-quality flat vector images that are also easy to customize. For instance, the last slide shows fish bait for fishing which could be replaced by pink prawn bait. Furthermore, change the colors, sizes, element effects of PowerPoint shapes in quick few clicks. The semi-transparent text placeholders ...

  24. Native Plant Presentation

    Native Plant Presentation. Download . Thumbnail (130 x 130) 16.0K; Medium (650 x 488) 218.9K; Large (1300 x 975) 721.3K; Extra Large (2048 x 1536) 1.1M; Original (2048 x 1536) 356.8K ... Domain. Image. Stantec Senior Biologist, Wes Cunningham, giving a presentation about native plants at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery's 2023 Native Plant ...

  25. Apple announces event on May 7 amid reports of launch of new iPads

    April 23 (Reuters) - Apple (AAPL.O) will hold an event on May 7, the company said on Tuesday, amid reports that it would roll out the long-anticipated revamped versions of iPad Pro and iPad Air ...

  26. 2023 Kentucky Freshwater Mussel Meeting

    Apr 24, 2023. Written By. Makenzie Foster. On Monday staff traveled to the 2023 Kentucky Freshwater Mussel Meeting held at the Salato Center in Frankfort, KY. State Malacologist, Monte McGregor led the meeting giving updates on mussel projects at the Center for Mollusk Conservation followed by presentations by various partners/individuals ...

  27. Wyoming Game and Fish Commission approves 2024 hunting seasons

    News. The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission met in Riverton April 16-17 to discuss and approve the annual hunting season regulations and quotas. After hearing season presentations and reviewing public comments, the Commission passed the 2024 hunting season regulations and quotas. The finalized season information is available on the Wyoming Game ...