Intan Aulia Husnunnisa

February 19, 2024 • 18 minutes read

Recount text

Kamu hobi bercerita tentang pengalaman masa lalu? Sudah tahu belum, kalau ternyata hobi tersebut bisa jadi sebuah cerita dalam bentuk recount text? Hmm, apa tuh recount text? Yuk, simak penjelasannya di artikel ini! —

Guys , jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia ternyata cukup banyak, loh . Kamu masih ingat nggak? Di English Academy, kita sudah pernah membahas beberapa macam teks. Mulai dari teks eksplanasi , narrative text , dan juga descriptive text .

Kali ini, materi bahasa Inggris yang akan dikupas tuntas adalah mengenai recount text . Buat kamu yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah, pasti familiar dengan jenis teks yang satu ini, kan ?

Itu loh , teks yang erat hubungannya sama pengalaman seseorang. Kuy , scroll sampai bawah untuk pembahasan lebih lanjut, mulai dari pengertian hingga contohnya!

Apa yang Dimaksud dengan Recount Text? (What is Recount Text)

Apa pengertian recount text? Definisi r ecount text adalah jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan kembali kejadian atau peristiwa di masa lampau. Cerita tersebut dapat berupa aksi atau aktivitas sebelum seseorang menuliskan teks.

Kalau dalam bahasa Inggris, r ecount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Tanpa disadari, kita pasti sering menceritakan pengalaman lampau dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Misal, bercerita tentang aktivitas berlibur seperti di artikel 11 Cerita Liburan Bahasa Inggris Singkat dan Artinya , mengikuti perlombaan, sampai cerita saat momen perayaan ulang tahun.

Tujuan Recount Text (Purpose of Recount Text)

Ada beberapa tujuan dari teks  recount , yaitu:

1. Memberikan informasi pada pembaca

Recount text dapat digunakan untuk memberikan informasi tentang suatu kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu pada orang lain. Dalam hal ini, informasi tersebut bisa berupa laporan perjalanan, pengalaman pribadi, atau laporan tentang suatu acara.

2. Menghibur pembaca

Seperti kebanyakan teks lain, recount text juga berfungsi untuk menghibur pembaca. Pasalnya, jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang satu ini umumnya ditulis untuk menceritakan sesuatu yang menyenangkan.

3. Merefleksikan suatu hal

Dalam beberapa kasus, teks recount bisa dijadikan sebagai media untuk merefleksikan dan menganalisis peristiwa atau pengalaman tertentu. Inilah alasan mengapa diary dan jurnal pribadi termasuk sebagai recount text .

4. Mendokumentasikan pengalaman penting

Selain melalui foto dan video, kamu juga dapat mengabadikan pengalaman penting di masa lalu melalui teks  recount.

5. Mempelajari sejarah

Dalam konteks pendidikan, recount text sering digunakan untuk mempelajari dan memahami peristiwa sejarah.

Generic Structure of Recount Text (Struktur Recount Text)

Guys , perlu kita ketahui bahwa teks apapun umumnya memiliki struktur penulisan. Pada teks recount pun tentu ada struktur yang harus kita ikuti.

generic structure of recount text

Generic structure of recount text ada tiga, yaitu  orientation  berupa pengenalan,  series of event yang berisi rangkaian cerita, serta  re-orientation yang menuangkan rangkuman dan ending dari keseluruhan isi cerita .

Ayo simak pembahasan struktur dan contoh teks  recount  dengan saksama!

1. Orientation

Kamu sadar nggak, kalau sebagian besar teks akan diawali dengan orientation . Dalam bahasa Indonesia, artinya orientasi alias pengenalan. Sudah pasti, isi dari orientation adalah informasi mengenai tokoh atau karakter, lokasi, waktu kejadian, etc .

Melalui orientation , harapannya pembaca dapat memahami jalan/alur cerita dari penulis. Contoh orientation dalam recount text :

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to go on a vacation to one of my dream countries, Turkey. I went there with my husband. We departed from Soekarno-Hatta Airport in Tangerang. We had a very long flight for around 12 hours by Turkish Airlines and we landed at Istanbul Airport, Istanbul.

Beberapa tahun lalu, aku berkesempatan untuk pergi berlibur ke salah satu negara impian saya, Turki. Aku pergi ke sana dengan suamiku. Kami berangkat dari Bandara Soekarno-Hatta di Tangerang. Kami memiliki penerbangan yang sangat panjang selama sekitar 12 jam dengan Turkish Airlines dan kami mendarat di Bandara Istanbul, Istanbul.

Dapat kita lihat dari potongan paragraf di atas, bahwa penulis mengenalkan tokoh, lokasi, dan juga waktu peristiwa yang akan diceritakan.

Jangan skip kabar penting di bawah ini guys ! Penasaran dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris-mu sekarang? Kira-kira ada di level mana ya? Tenang, ada Free Placement Test dari English Academy yang bisa bantu cari tau . Bersertifikat, loh !

[IDN] CTA Placement Test English Academy

2. Series of Events

Kamu familiar dengan kata events ? Yes, event adalah kejadian, sedangkan series berarti rangkaian. Dalam bagian ini, penulis akan menuliskan rangkaian mengenai peristiwa/kejadian yang mereka alami (inti dari recount text ).

Selain itu, biasanya para author mengungkapkan personal remarks on the events , alias pernyataan pribadi mengenai cerita yang ditulis. Contoh paragrafnya seperti ini:

On the first day, due to exhaustion, we just stayed at the hotel near Hagia Sophia to rest. The next day, we left for Taksim to visit one of the popular destinations, Galata Tower. We saw a lot of shopping centers and local authentic cafes there. After that, we visited one of the Malaysian restaurants that I really wanted to visit in the Blue Mosque area.

Pada hari pertama, karena kelelahan, kami hanya menginap di hotel dekat Hagia Sophia untuk beristirahat. Keesokan harinya, kami berangkat menuju Taksim untuk mengunjungi salah satu destinasi populer, Galata Tower. Kami melihat banyak pusat perbelanjaan dan kafe otentik lokal di sana. Setelah itu, kami mengunjungi salah satu Restoran Malaysia yang sangat ingin kami kunjungi di area Blue Mosque .

3. Re-orientation

Dalam membuat recount text , akhir dari sebuah cerita disebut dengan re-orientation . Pada bagian ini, penulis akan menuangkan rangkuman dan kesimpulan dari keseluruhan cerita sekaligus memberitahu ending -nya ( sad/happy ) . Jika ada, author juga akan menambahkan kesan dan pesan untuk pembaca. Contoh sederhana dari re-orientation :

A trip to Turkey a few years ago was an experience I will never forget for the rest of my life. The bonus, two weeks after arriving in Indonesia, God trusts us to have the child. We think that having quality time with a partner is very important.

Perjalanan ke Turki beberapa tahun yang lalu adalah pengalaman yang tidak akan pernah saya lupakan seumur hidup. Bonusnya, dua minggu setelah tiba di Indonesia, Tuhan mempercayakan kami untuk memiliki anak. Kami berpikir bahwa memiliki waktu yang berkualitas dengan pasangan sangat penting.

Baca Juga : 15 Cerpen Bahasa Inggris, Lengkap dengan Struktur dan Ciri-Cirinya

Ciri-Ciri Recount Text (Characteristics of Recount Text)

Recount text memiliki dua ciri utama, yaitu:

1. D alam recount text tidak ada konflik yang diceritakan oleh penulis , berbeda dengan teks naratif bahasa Inggris yang memiliki  conflict pada strukturnya.

2. Selalu ada urutan cerita secara kronologis , misal ada cerita di hari pertama, hari kedua, dan seterusnya.

Language Features of Recount Text (Kaidah Kebahasaan Recount Text)

Saat akan membuat recount text , tentu ada beberapa kaidah kebahasaan yang perlu kamu perhatikan. Hal ini bertujuan untuk membedakan recount text dengan jenis teks yang lain.

Language features of recount text

Mengutip dari berbagai sumber, terdapat 10 language features of   recount text :

1. Using simple past tense

Kamu masih ingat dengan tenses ini, kan ? Yap , dalam recount text bahasa inggris, sebagian besar cerita diisi menggunakan kalimat simple past tense untuk menunjukkan aktivitas di masa lampau.

Pola kalimatnya terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu ada verbal sentence dengan rumus subject + verb 2 + complement dan nominal sentence yang rumusnya subject + be + complement . Kalau lupa, cek lagi artikel Simple Past Tense: Pengertian, Rumus, Fungsi, dan Contoh Kalimat ya! Ini contoh kalimatnya:

Last week , my friends and I went to Jogja. ( Minggu lalu , saya dan teman-teman pergi ke Jogja.)

Went merupakan bentuk simple past tense dari go .

2. Using specific participant

Recount text juga erat hubungannya dengan specific participant , yaitu sesuatu yang memiliki objek tertentu, tidak bersifat umum, dan unik (hanya ada satu).   Contohnya antara lain Istanbul Airport , Borobudur Temple,  Muara Angke, Geusan Ulun Museum,   etc .

3. Using personal participant

Personal participant contohnya seperti I, my group, my friends, my husband, etc . Dalam recount text , biasanya personal participant akan muncul di bagian orientation sebagai pengenalan tokoh ataupun karakter dalam cerita.

4. Using action verb

Mengutip dari artikel 11 Tipe Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris (Verb) Beserta Contohnya , action verb adalah kata kerja yang merujuk pada tindakan yang kamu lakukan dan bisa terlihat oleh orang lain. Verb ini dikenal juga dengan dynamic verb . Contoh kalimatnya:

First, we visited Parangtritis beach. (Pertama, kami mengunjungi pantai Parangtritis.)

Visited adalah kata kerja yang bisa terlihat oleh orang lain.

5. Using linking verb

Masih soal kata kerja, sebagai teks yang menceritakan rangkaian peristiwa tentu tak lepas dari linking verb , yaitu kata kerja yang menghubungkan antara subjek dan keterangan. 

Tapi, yang harus digarisbawahi adalah, linking verb digunakan untuk memberi keterangan deskriptif dan identitas dari subjek. Jadi, bukan merujuk pada tindakan yang dilakukan oleh subjek. 

Beberapa contoh yang termasuk linking verb adalah be, become, seem, appear, grow. Be terdiri dari  is , am , dan a re untuk simple present tense . Sementara itu, yang berlaku pada recount text adalah bentuk simple past tense – nya, yaitu was dan were . Contoh kalimatnya:

Yesterday, I was busy towards the end of the month and I had to work late. (Kemarin, saya sibuk menjelang akhir bulan dan saya harus bekerja lembur.)

Di sana, was berfungsi untuk menghubungkan antara I dan busy towards the end of the month.

6. Using chronological connection/sequence connective

Chronological connection atau yang dikenal juga sebagai c hronological connector/connector of sequence adalah kata sambung yang digunakan untuk menyatakan urutan terjadinya peristiwa. Tentunya kaidah ini sejalan dengan definisi dari recount text itu sendiri.

Chronological connector berguna untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang terjadi lebih dulu dan mana yang terjadi selanjutnya. Kata sambung ini memudahkan pembaca untuk memahami urutan peristiwa secara keseluruhan. Contoh c hronological connector adalah then, next, in the end, in addition, dan lain sebagainya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then , we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. (Kami melihat-lihat di Kebun Binatang itu, dan juga memotret binatang-binatang itu. Kemudian , kami merasa lapar, jadi kami pergi ke restoran.)

7. Using conjunction

Conjunction adalah bagian dari part of speech yang tugasnya adalah menghubungkan dua kata, frasa, atau kalimat. Contoh-contoh conjunction dalam recount text adalah and, or, until, although, while, but, and many more . Begini jika diaplikasikan dalam kalimat:

One of my friends warned me that Samyang was very spicy, but I didn’t want to listen to her. (Salah satu teman saya memperingatkan saya bahwa Samyang sangat pedas, tetapi saya tidak mau mendengarkannya.)

8. Using adverbs

Secara sederhana, adverbs adalah kata keterangan. Ia memberikan lebih banyak informasi atau mendeskripsikan lebih detail dari kata kerja, kata sifat, dan kata lainnya. Contoh extremely, carefully, slowly , etc . Kalau dalam kalimat, contohnya adalah:

She walked carefully. (Dia berjalan dengan hati-hati .)

Carefully berperan untuk menerangkan kata kerja walked .

9. Using adverb(ial) phrase 

Loh, apa bedanya adverbial phrase dan adverb ? Sekilas memang sulit untuk membedakannya, guys .  Adverbial phrase adalah frasa yang bersifat adverb , alias frasa yang fungsinya menjelaskan. Kalau adverb adalah bagian kalimat yang fungsinya menjelaskan keseluruhan kalimat, verb, adjective, atau adverb lain.

Nah , adverbial phrase adalah bagian dari adverb , tapi nggak selalu satu kata dan biasanya merupakan bagian dari klausa atau frasa.  Adverbial phrase itu sendiri jenisnya beragam, tapi yang paling banyak digunakan dalam teks recount  adalah adverb phrase of time dan adverb phrase of place yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan waktu dan tempat kejadian. Yuk, simak baik-baik contoh di bawah ini:

  • Adverb phrase of time : Camelia found her book in the classroom . (Camelia menemukan bukunya di kelas.)
  • Adverb phrase of place : My team won the volleyball tournament last week . (Tim saya memenangkan turnamen bola voli minggu lalu.)

10. Using time connectives and sequence connective

Jadi guys , connectives ini adalah kata atau frasa yang menghubungkan bagian kata, frasa, klausa atau kalimat. Kalau kamu lihat lagi di point nomor 6 dan 7, mereka adalah bagian dari connectives . Adapun time connectives contohnya adalah in the meantime, the next day, dsb. 

Selain itu, ada juga sequence connective untuk mengurutkan sebuah informasi berdasarkan langkahnya . Contoh: before, after, then, first, second, third, finally, at last.

Baca Juga : 5 Cara Memahami Teks Bahasa Inggris dengan Cepat

Macam-Macam Recount Text (Types of Recount Text)

Selanjutnya yang perlu diketahui adalah recount memiliki beberapa jenis, nih .

Macam-macam recount text

Jenis  recount text terdiri dari  personal recount, factual recount, imaginative recount,  serta  historical recount . Berikut penjelasannya:

1. Personal Recount Text

Personal recount text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menceritakan mengenai pengalaman pribadi penulis. Personal recount adalah jenis paling umum yang sering ditemukan dalam penulisan recount .

2. Factual Recount Text

Sudah pernah dengar jenis teks ini? Factual recount text merupakan cerita untuk menyajikan laporan terkait peristiwa yang terjadi berdasarkan fakta (benar-benar terjadi).

Jadi, ini tidak terpaku pada kejadian personal, bisa juga kejadian orang lain. Contohnya seperti laporan mengenai percobaan sains a.k.a ilmu pengetahuan ataupun   laporan kepolisian.

3. Imaginative Recount Text

Bukan cuma teks naratif, recount text juga memiliki jenis imaginative . Imaginative recount adalah teks yang biasa digunakan seseorang sebagai cerita dari peristiwa imajinatif yang dialami oleh seseorang. Contohnya recount text yang menceritakan pengalaman penulis mengenai khayalan yang ia dapat dari mimpi.

4. Historical Recount Text

Historical recount text adalah bentuk recount text yang isinya menceritakan peristiwa sejarah. Intinya, teks ini adalah cerita sejarah dalam bahasa Inggris. Eits, tapi bedakan dengan narrative ya.

Kalau di narrative , sifatnya adalah khayalan. Sementara itu dalam recount text , sejarah yang diceritakan memang benar-benar terjadi di masa lampau. Contohnya tentang proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Berikut berbagai contoh judul teks recount :

  • Summer Vacation in Bali
  • My First Time Riding a Bike
  • Experience in an English Debate Competition
  • An Amazing Journey to the Summit of Everest
  • When I Met My Idol
  • Valuable Lessons from My First Business Failure
  • First Day of School in America
  • Memorable Moments at a Rock Music Concert
  • Scuba Diving Experience in Raja Ampat Island
  • A Spiritual Journey to Mecca for Hajj

Examples of Recount Text (Contoh Recount Text)

Last but not least , ini dia beberapa contoh teks  recount bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu baca dan pelajari dengan lebih detail:

Contoh Personal Recount Text Singkat Tentang Liburan

A Trip to the National Zoo and Aquarium

Yesterday, my family and I went to the National Zoo and Aquarium to visit the new Snow Cubs and the other animals. In the morning, when we got to the Zoo and Aquarium there was a great big line, so we had to wait awhile to get in.

After we entered the zoo, we went straight to the enclosure for the Snow Cubs. My brother and I were so excited to see them. They were so cute and playful. At lunchtime Dad decided to cook a bbq. He cooked sausages so we could have sausage sandwiches. My Mom forgot the tomato sauce so we had to eat them plain. In the afternoon, we visited the aquarium. My brother was excited to see the sharks and the tropical fish. At the end of the day when we left we were going to go and get ice cream but we decided we were too tired so we drove straight home, but of course I was very happy.

Personal Recount Text Mengikuti Lomba

A Memorable Choir Competition in Thailand

Last year, my school choir team and I had an unforgettable opportunity to participate in an international choir competition held in Bangkok, Thailand. It was a thrilling experience that I will always cherish.

We began our journey with rigorous training and rehearsals in our school for months. Under the guidance of our dedicated choir master, we improved our vocal abilities and learned a wide range of songs in various languages, including a beautiful traditional Thai song.

Upon arriving in Bangkok, we were captivated by the city’s vibrant culture and welcoming people. Despite the nerves, we managed to enjoy sightseeing and tasting delicious Thai cuisine.

The competition day was intense. Choirs from various countries showcased their talent, and the level of competition was high. The grand auditorium was filled with anticipation and the harmonious melodies of different songs echoed throughout the room.

When it was our turn, I remember feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. We walked on the stage, took a deep breath, and began to sing. Our voices soared through the auditorium, harmonizing and hitting every note perfectly. The Thai song we had practiced so diligently was met with applause and appreciation from the audience.

Although we didn’t win the first prize, the experience was rewarding. We received commendable feedback from the judges and a thunderous applause from the audience. The trip taught us about teamwork, resilience, and the beauty of music that transcends language barriers. Participating in the choir competition in Thailand was truly a memorable experience.

Contoh Factual Recount Text

Empowering Underprivileged Children Through Technology on Children’s Day 1999

On Children’s Day in 1999, a technology company treated more than 200 underprivileged children to a ‘high-tech’ experience. They were given training on information technology. The company wanted to provide opportunities for these children to learn more about the Internet and the latest technology. They wanted to help the less fortunate in the community.

The children had an enjoyable and educational experience that day. They were exposed to the new technology for the first time and they were very interested. The company hoped to conduct many more such training sessions for these children. They felt that the skills the children had would be useful to them when they grew up.

The company was very active in caring for the less fortunate. They even put aside one day a year for their employees to do volunteer work to help the needy. They also donated money to many charitable organizations. Many people had benefited from their efforts. Many also praised the company for being so generous towards the needy.

Contoh Imaginative Recount Text 

Being a Spiderman

I dreamed of being a superhero when I was a teenager. I imagined myself as Spiderman. 

One day, when I was fishing at the river I was bitten by a spider and luckily I was not dying. At first I felt cold for 24 hours and I was alone in my room. Nobody knew about it. I didn’t tell my family because I was afraid they would be angry with me. After that, something had happened in my body and I still did not recognize it. I lived as I did usually, went to school, went home, ate, did some activities and so on. 

I realized at the first time that I had a superpower was when I was in an accident. I rode a motorcycle and suddenly a bus crashed into me. I bounced out of the road and my motorcycle was totally broken. But in that case, I did not feel any pain. There was no blood out of my body. I was angry at that time because the bus did not stop and escaped. I ran after it and I didn’t know why I could run so fast and jump so high.

I jumped to the back of the bus and climbed it like a spider. I went to the front, stopped the bus and took the driver out of the bus door. I knew that I was no longer a normal human being. I did nothing more to the bus driver. I went back home and decided what to do after that.

I did nothing like Spiderman in the movie that helped people to catch the criminals. I was an opportunist super hero. I was afraid of killing people so that I hid my power from anybody else. I used my power only when I or my family and friends got into danger. 

Contoh Historical Recount Text

Indonesia’s Reformation

For more than 30 years, Indonesia was governed by Suharto as the president after the era of President Soekarno. As the people started to feel injustice, several cracks emerged that shook the political condition. Political tensions in the capital city increased by the numerous riots that occurred in several cities and violent ethnic clashes.

The government became unstable and struggled as a monetary crisis hit Asia in the second half of 1997. Indonesia suffered the most. Prices rose massively and many businesses went bankrupt. As the economy fell down, people got angry and protests occurred everywhere. The protests became bigger and riots started in many parts of Indonesia.

During the monetary crisis, Suharto could maintain his position as president when he was re-elected in March 1998. However, Suharto did not do anything that could help the economy. As the government seemed helpless in bringing the economy back, people demanded President Suharto to step down.

Demonstrations were held everywhere and it became the peak with the Trisakti incident on 12 May 1998. Four students were shot to death when demonstrating at Trisakti University at Jakarta and 9 students were killed at Semanggi. The incident led to huge riots in Jakarta and various cities all over Indonesia.

Finally, Suharto was pushed to step down and the reformation era began in Indonesia.

Baca Juga : Mengenal Jenis-jenis Teks Bahasa Inggris Beserta Struktur & Contohnya

Yap , kalau membaca sampai akhir artikel, berarti pengetahuanmu tentang teks recount sudah bertambah.

Selain itu, kamu juga secara tidak langsung belajar lebih banyak tentang kosakata bahasa Inggris. Plus ada beberapa pembahasan terkait beberapa jenis part of speech dalam bahasa Inggris juga. Siap menulis  recount text ?

Next , kamu bisa berlatih writing dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menulis cerita dalam recount text .  Nah , kalau butuh bimbingan lebih, selalu ingat English Academy ya!

Ada native speaker alias pengajar internasional berpengalaman yang siap membantu. Kamu bebas untuk ajukan pertanyaan apapun. Pengajar akan menjawab pertanyaan murid dengan interaktif, loh .  Yuk , pilih jenjang yang cocok untukmu!

IDN CTA English Academy Mainsite

Gate English Now. 5 Examples of Recount Text in Historical Events with Generic Structure. Online. Available at [Accessed 16 June 2022]

P5C Writing. Examples of Factual Recount. Online. Available at [Accessed 16 June 2022]

SalisBuryHigh. Example: Recount. Online. Available at [Accessed 16 June 2022]

Scholars English. Macam-Macam Recount Teks: Contoh dan Penjelasannya. Online. Available at [Accessed 16 June 2022]

fungsi recount text biography

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fungsi recount text biography

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Gramedia Literasi

Pengertian Biography Text: Contoh, Rumus, Soal dan Jawabannya

biography text

Biography Text – Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu “ Bios” yang berarti Hidup dan “ Graphia” yang bermakna Tulisan. Teks Biografi sendiri biasanya menggambarkan riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata dan ditulis dari sudut pandang yang lain. Simak penjelasan lebih lengkapnya mengenai Biografi Text berikut ini:

A. Pengertian Biography Text

Biografi merupakan kisah kehidupan seseorang yang lebih kompleks dari sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaanya. Umumnya, biografi bercerita lebih dalam lagi tentang perasaan yang dihadapi oleh seseorang dalam menghadapi suatu kejadian atau kehidupan seseorang.

Dalam biografi dijelaskan mengenai kehidupan seorang tokoh sejak kecil hingga ia beranjak dewasa, bahkan hingga akhirnya meninggal dunia. Semua jasa, karya, dan hal-hal yang dihasilkan oleh seorang tokoh juga diperjelas. Teks biografi sendiri disusun bukan oleh diri sendiri. Tipe life history Text diantaranya Short life history dan Long life history.

Salah satu contohnya yang dapat kamu lihat pada buku An Illustrated Biography: Geogrge Soros yang merupakan seorang investor dengan julukan “orang yang menggerakkan pasar” yang ada dibawah ini.

fungsi recount text biography

B. Rumus Biography Text

Sebuah Biography Text umumnya menggunakan nama spesifik orang-orang yang terlibat dalam suatu biografi yang kemudian dituliskan dalam bentuk lampau.

Sebuah Biography text juga dapat menggunakan kata yang kemudian berhubungan dengan waktu. Catatan biografi umumnya menggambarkan kejadian, jadi lebih banyak menggunakan action verb. Sebuah Biography Text sendiri terdiri dari tiga bagian:

1. Orientation

Orientasi memberi pembaca informasi tentang latar belakang mengapa biografi tersebut ditulis. Paragraf pembuka harus menjawab pertanyaan: siapa, apa, dimana, kapan, dan bagaimana caranya.

Biasanya berisi biodata yang dinarasikan seperti nama lengkap serta tempat dan tanggal lahir. Beberapa informasi umum juga dapat disajikan pada bagian ini sebagai pengenalan para tokohnya.

Pada tahap eventa adalah tahap suatu peristiwa atau kejadian dialami oleh tokoh. Berisi penjelasan suatu cerita baik berupa pemecahan masalah, proses lain, dan berbagai peristiwa yang telah dialami oleh tokoh hingga mengantarkannya pada sebuah kesuksesan. Event sendiri biasanya diceritakan secara kronologis yang merujuk pada waktu tertentu.

3. Re-Orientation (Closing)

Pada bagian ini berisi pandangan penulis pada tokoh yang dikisahkan. Reorientasi bersifat pilihan sehingga penulis dapat memberi pandangan pribadinya tentang tokoh yang diceritakan. Reorientasi juga terdiri dari jenis kesimpulan dengan komentar tentang kontribusi yang kemudian diringkas pada suatu kesimpulan atau jalan cerita yang menarik.

C. Contoh Kalimat Biography Text

1. contoh 1: thomas alva edison.

Thomas Alva Edison as Inventor who was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. Thomas Edison was the youngest of seven children Samuel and Edison. His father was an exiled political activist, while his mother was an accomplished school teacher and had a great influence on Thomas’ early life. Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor, his inventions include the telegraph, the phonograph, the first practical incandescent electric light bulb, alkaline storage batteries and the Kinetograph (camera for film).

During his lifetime, Edison received many patents. His first patent was obtained from the Electrographic Vote-Recorder on October 13, 1868, at the age of 21. His last patent was for equipment used to hold objects during the electroplating process. While the artificer wasn’t the inventor of the first light bulb, he did find the technology that helped bring it back in time.

Edison was driven to perfect the commercially practical incandescent light bulb after the British inventor invented the first early electric arc lamp in the early 1800s. Thomas Edison later died of complications from his illness on October 18, 1931, at his home, “Glenmont,” in West Orange, New Jersey.

Thomas Alva Edison sebagai Penemu yang lahir pada tanggal 11 Februari 1847, di Milan, Ohio. Thomas Edison sebagai anak bungsu dengan tujuh bersaudara Samuel dan Edison. Ayahnya adalah seorang aktivis politik yang diasingkan, sementara ibunya adalah seorang guru sekolah rule berprestasi dan memiliki pengaruh besar dalam kehidupan awal Thomas. Thomas Alva Edison adalah seorang penemu Amerika, penemuannya meliputi telegraf, fonograf, bola lampu listrik pijar praktis pertama, baterai penyimpanan basa dan Kinetograph (kamera untuk film).

Selama masa hidupnya, Edison menerima banyak hak paten. Hak paten pertamanya sendiri didapat dari Electrographic Vote-Recorder pada tanggal 13 Oktober 1868, di usianya yang masih 21. Hak Paten terakhirnya adalah untuk peralatan yang digunakan memegang benda selama proses lempeng listrik. Sementara artificer bukanlah penemu bola lampu pertama, Ia menemukan teknologi yang membantu membawanya pada masa.

Edison didorong untuk menyempurnakan bola lampu pijar praktis secara komersial setelah penemu Inggris penemuan lampu busur listrik awal pertama di awal tahun 1800 an. Thomas edison kemudian meninggal karena komplikasi penyakit yang dialaminya pada tanggal 18 Oktober 1931, di rumahnya, “Glenmont,” di West Orange, New Jersey.

Untuk lebih memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan biography text, Grameds juga dapat membaca berbagai buku biografi tokoh-tokoh ternama di dunia. Salah satu contohnya adalah buku An Illustrated Biography: Warren Buffett yang ada dibawah ini.

fungsi recount text biography

2. Contoh 2: Ki Hadjar Dewantara

Ki Hadjar Dewantara, was born on May 2, 1889 in Yogyakarta. He came from a Yogyakarta aristocratic family and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but failed to complete the course. Ki Hadjar Dewantara was the founder of the Taman Siswa school system, and having had a widespread influence, he also pushed for modernization but also promoted Indonesian culture. He feels that education is the best way to strengthen Indonesian society.

The first Taman Siswa school was established in Java in July 1922. Instruction, conducted informally, emphasized the traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly in music and dance. Ki Hadjar Dewantara later died on April 26, 1959, in Yogyakarta. After his death, Ki Hadjar Dewantara was named one of the national heroes in the field of education.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara, lahir pada tanggal 2 Mei 1889 di Yogyakarta. Ia berasal keluarga bangsawan Yogyakarta dan menghadiri sekolah kedokteran yang disponsori Belanda namun gagal menyelesaikan kursus. Ki Hadjar Dewantara adalah pendiri sistem sekolah Taman Siswa, dan memiliki pengaruh yang tersebar, ia juga mendorong modernisasi namun juga mempromosikan budaya Indonesia. Ia merasa bahwa pendidikan adalah cara terbaik untuk memperkuat masyarakat Indonesia.

Sekolah Taman Siswa pertama didirikan di Jawa pada bulan Juli 1922. Instruksi, dilakukan secara informal, dengan menekankan keterampilan dan nilai tradisional kehidupan masyarakat Jawa, terutama pada musik dan tarian. Ki Hadjar Dewantara kemudian meninggal pada tanggal 26 April 1959, di Yogyakarta. Setelah wafat, Ki Hadjar Dewantara dinobatkan sebagai salah satu pahlawan nasional di bidang Pendidikan.

Super ITP TOEFL Tricks Skor 600++

Super ITP TOEFL Tricks Skor 600++

D. Latihan Soal Biography Text dan Jawabannya

Soal biography text.

BJ Habibie Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie called BJ. Habibie was born on twenty five Gregorian calendar months 1936. He was the Third President of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia (1998–1999). Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Giambattista Marino Poespowardojo. His father was a grower from Gorontalo of Bugis descent and his mother was a Javanese peeress from Yogyakarta. His elders met while learning in Bogor.

Once he was fourteen years old, Habibie’s father died. Following his father’s death, Habibie continued his studies in the national capital then in 1955 moved to Germany. In 1962, Habibie came to the Republic of Indonesia for 3 months on leave. Throughout this point, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the girl of R. Mohamad Besari. The 2 married in 1962, returning to Germany shortly later. Habibie and his mate settled in Aken for a brief amount before moving to Oberforstbach. In 1963 they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie.

1. Where was bj habibie born?

a. BJ Habibie was born in Bogor b. BJ Habibie was born in Gorontalo c. BJ Habibi was born in Yogyakarta d. BJ Habibie was born in Parepare

2. What happened to BJ Habibie when he was fourteen years old?

a. His father died b. He graduated from university c. He married d. He continuing his study

3. When did BJ Habibie get married?

a. He got married in 1955 b. He got married in 1962 c. He got married in 1963 d. He got married in 1936

4. Who is the first son of BJ Habibie?

a. Hasri Ainun b. Thareq Kemal Habibie c. R. Mohamad Besari d. Ilham Akbar Habibie

5. “In 1963 that they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie.” (paragraph 2) The word “they” supported the text on top of refers to…

a. BJ Habibie b. Ilham Akbar Habibie and Thareq Kemal Habibie c. BJ Habibie and his wife d. Alwi Abdul Jalil Habibie and R.A. Tuti Giambattista Marino Poespowardojo

General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military personnel throughout the Indonesian national revolution. He was the primary commander-in-chief of the Indonesian defense force, he continues to be widely revered within the country. On twelve November 1945, at AN election to come to a decision, the military’s commander-in-chief in YogyakartA. The twenty four years previous Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a very close votE. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered AN assault on British and Dutch forces in Ambarawa.

The following battle and British withdrawal strongly supported Sudirman’s well-liked support, and he was ultimately confirmed on eighteen Dec. General Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, together with a show of force in Yogyakarta on one March 1949. Once the Dutch began retreating, in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and verboten to fight any. In late 1949 Sudirman’s infectious disease came, and he retired to Magelang, wherever he died slightly quite a month when the Dutch recognised Indonesia’s independencE. he’s buried at Semaki Heroes’ burying ground in Yogyakarta

6. What’s the monologue about?

a. A life of General Soedirman b. The family of General Soedirman c. The death of General Soedirman d. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian defense force e. The military forces commanded by General Soedirman

7. What will we tend to infer from the monologue?

a. His uncle’s name was conjointly Soedirman b. Gregorian calendar month is that the month of Maulud c. Soedirman was shot and died within the military war d. Soedirman died once he was comparatively young e. Soedirman died on one March 1949

Mastering English Tenses, Grammar, Vocabulary: Belajar Autodidak Bahasa Inggris

Mastering English Tenses, Grammar, Vocabulary: Belajar Autodidak Bahasa Inggris

Beli Buku di Gramedia

Kunci Jawaban Biography Text

1. Kunci Jawaban No.1 adalah D. BJ Habibie was born in Parepare

Pembahasan: Pertanyaan di atas adalah tentang “where”, dimana BJ Habibie lahir? Pada paragraf pertama kalimat ketiga, tertulis “Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province…”. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

2. Kunci Jawaban No.2 adalah A. His father died.

Pembahasan: Di atas menanyakan tentang “what happened”, apa yang terjadi pada BJ Habibie saat berumur 40 tahun? Kita lihat pada paragraf terakhir, tertulis “When he was fourteen years recent, Habibie’s father died” berarti Ketika ia berumur 14 tahun ayahnya meninggal. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A “His father died”.

3. Kunci Jawaban No.3 adalah B. He got married in 1962.

Pembahasan: Di atas menanyakan “when”, kapan BJ Habibie menikah? Pada paragraf ketiga, kalimat ke four rule tertulis, “The 2 married on twelve could 1962,…” artinya mereka (BJ Habibie dan Ainun) menikah 12 Mei 1962. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah BJ Habibie menikah pada 12 Mei 1962 atau He got married in 1962, jawaban yang tepat yaitu B.

4. Kunci Jawaban No.4 adalah D. Ilham Akbar Habibie.

Pembahasan: Di atas menanyakan tentang “who”, siapa anak pertamanya BJ Habibie? Pada paragraph a pair of kalimat terakhir tertulis, “In could 1963 that they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, …” berarti pada tahun 1963 mereka memiliki anak pertama, yaitu Ilham Akbar Habibie,..”. Maka jawabannya yang tepat adalah anak pertama BJ Habibie adalah Ilham Akbar Habibie. Jawaban yang tepat adalah “D”.

5. Kunci Jawaban No.5 adalah C. BJ Habibie and his wife.

Pembahasan: “They” artinya adalah mereka. Maka, kata “they” itu menggantikan kata apa? Untuk menjawab jenis soal ini, kita bisa lihat di kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu kalimat “Habibie and his mate settled for a brief amount before moving to Oberforstbach. In could 1963 that they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq Kemal Habibie”. Di kalimat pertama tertulis “Habibie and his mate settled in Aachen…”. Maka “they’ itu merujuk atau menggantikan kata “Habibie and his wife”. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah “they” mengacu kepada “Habibie and his wife”, jawabannya yang tepat adalah C.

6. Kunci Jawaban No.6 adalah A biography of General Soedirman

7. Kunci Jawaban No.7 adalah D. Soedirman died when he was relatively young

Kategori Ilmu Berkaitan Bahasa Inggris

  • Buku Kamus Bahasa Inggris
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11
  • Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12
  • Novel Best Seller
  • Novel Romantis Cinta

Materi Bahasa Inggris

  • Simple Present Tense
  • Simple Past Tense
  • Simple Future Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense
  • Past Continuous Tense
  • Past Perfect Continuos Tense
  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Present Continuous Tense
  • Future Perfect Tense
  • Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Future Continuous Tense
  • Past Future Perfect Continuous: Rumus dan Contohnya
  • Past Future Tense
  • Past Future Perfect Tense: Rumus dan Contohnya
  • Direct Indirect Speech
  • Conditional and Subjunctive Sentence
  • To Invinitive and Gerund
  • Part Of Speech
  • Phrasal Verb
  • Subject Verb Agreement
  • Modal AUxiliary Verb
  • Linking Verb
  • Regular Verb
  • Action Verb
  • Intransitive Verb
  • Adjectve Clause
  • Adverb Clause
  • Verb Phrase
  • Expressing Intention
  • Report Text
  • Recount Text
  • Narrative Text
  • Advertisement Text
  • Caption Text
  • Contoh Soal TOEFL
  • Explanation Text
  • Descriptive Text
  • Discussion Text
  • Announcement Text
  • Review Text
  • Analytical Exposition text
  • Cara memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa inggris
  • Hortatory Exposition
  • Kata Benda Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Pengumuman Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh penggunaan pm dan am.

  • Motivation Letter
  • Business Letter

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Space to find reference of english, recount text; definition, purposes, generic structures, language features.

August 13, 2017 British Course Explanation of Text Genre 12

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh😊


Adek-adek pernah jalan jalan, ke kebun binatang atau ke pantai misalnya. Atau mengalami suatu kejadian yang menyenangkan atau menyedihkan, pernah? Cerita mengenai sebuah pengalaman ke suatu tempat, atau mengalami kejadian yang menyedihkan atau menyenangkan itu namanya Recount Text . Jadi recount itu adalah sebuah cerita tentang pengalaman yang dialami seseorang dimasa lampau. Do you understand?

Definition of Recount Text

Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. (sebuah teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita, aksi ataupun aktifitas. Tujuan recount text adalah untuk menghibur atau memberi informasi kepada pembaca)

Recount is a text which retells event or experiences in the past. (sebuah teks yang menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lampau)

Generic Structure of Recount Text

# Orientation : It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened. # Events : A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence. # Re-orientation : A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.

Purpose of Recount Text

– To retell past experience

The Characteristics / Language Feature of Recount Text

– Using the simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense, and past perfect continuous tense. – Using temporal sequence, e.g. On Saturday. On Monday, On Sunday – Focus on specific participant, e.g. I (the writer) – Using the conjunctions, such as: then, before, after, etc. – Using action verd, e.g. went, stayed

Example of Recount Text

Read text carefully and see the translation

Last morning, Dinar, my roommate woke up late and she had to go to campus.

When she wanted to take her motorcycle, in fact she couldn’t move it because there were some motorcycles that blocked up her motorcycle.

She tried to move all of the motorcycles, so that her motorcycle could move from the garage. But she couldn’t do it.

Then, she called Adel who had that motorcycle which blocked it up. After that, her friend who had that motorcycle helped her. Finally, she could move her motorcycle and rode it to go to campus.

Pagi yang lalu, Dinar, teman sekamar saya bangun terlambat dan dia harus pergi ke kampus.

Ketika dia ingin mengambil sepeda motornya, pada kenyataannya dia tidak bisa menggerakan motornya karena ada beberapa sepeda motor yang menghalangi sepeda motornya.

Dia mencoba untuk memindahkan semua sepeda motor itu, sehingga sepeda motornya bisa pindah dari garasi. Tapi ia tidak bisa melakukannya.

Kemudian, dia menelepon Adel yang memiliki sepeda motor yang yang menghalanginya itu. Setelah itu, temannya yang memiliki sepeda motor itu membantunya. Akhirnya, ia bisa menggerakkan sepeda motor dan menaikinya untuk pergi ke kampus.

Contoh Recount Text tentang Jalan-jalan ke Jogjakarta

A beautiful day at jogja.

ditulis oleh Arsianti Dewi

Last week, my friends and I went to Jogja. We visited many places.

First, we visited Parangtritis beach. The sun shone brightly and the scenery was very beautiful there. We felt the wind blew across to us. We also saw a lot of people in that beach. There were many birds flew in the sky. Also, there were many sellers who sold many kinds of souvenirs. Second, we visited Gembira Loka Zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there such as monkeys, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, etc. We looked around in that Zoo, and also took pictures of those animals. Then, we felt hungry, so we went to a restaurant. As soon as we finished our lunc, we decided to go home.

For me, that was a beautiful day though I could not visit Malioboro. We really enjoyed it, and I hope I could visit Jogja again.

Hari yang Indah di Jogja

Minggu lalu, teman-teman dan saya pergi ke Jogja. Kami mengunjungi banyak tempat.

Pertama, kami mengunjungi pantai Parangtritis. Matahari bersinar terang dan pemandangannya sangat indah disana. Kami merasakan angin bertiup ke arah kami. Kami juga melihat banyak orang di pantai itu. Ada banyak burung terbang di langit. Selain itu, ada banyak penjual yang menjual berbagai macam cinderamata. Kedua, kami mengunjungi Kebun Binatang Gembira Loka. Kami melihat banyak jenis binatang di sana seperti monyet, harimau, buaya, ular, dan lain-lain. Kami melihat-lihat di Kebun Binatang itu, dan juga memotret binatang-binatang itu. Lalu, kami merasa lapar, jadi kami pergi ke restoran. Begitu kami selesai makan siang, kami memutuskan untuk pulang.

Bagi saya, itu adalah hari yang indah meski saya tidak bisa mengunjungi Malioboro. Kami sangat menikmatinya, dan semoga bisa mengunjungi Jogja lagi.

Contoh Recount Text tentang  Diary Seorang Gadis

A page from a girl’s diary.

ditulis oleh Pratama Lysa Hapsari

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

It was takbiran night. It was also my birthday, and nothing happened. Or I had thought nothing would happen, but I was wrong.

That night, I was watching television with my family when I heard someone lit fireworks in my front yard. I peeped through my window glass but could see nothing. It was very dark outside. Then I thought it had to be my cousins who lit the fireworks. Then I plopped down on my sofa again and tried to concentrate on the television since my mind raced with disappointment that no one gave something special on my birthday.

I shrugged, it was almost the end of the day and I became pessimist. Five minutes later my mobile beeped. It was a text from my friend asking me to come out. Wondering what was going on, I grabbed my jacket and hurried to the front door. I was surprised to see her bring a bag full of firework and fire drills. Next I was surprised to see my other friend come out from the darkness. She brought a beautiful birthday cake on her hands. Oh my God! I shrieked. Then they gave the cake to me who was too stunned to say anything. I realized I was blushing furiously because my whole family was watching. Not to mention my neighbors too!

A plain day, or I thought it was before, turned out to be one of the greatest moment in my life. I didn’t even know how to describe what I felt. Happy was the simplest word.


Halaman dari Buku Harian Seorang Gadis

ditulis oleh Pratama Lysa Hapsari Selasa, 30 September 2008

Itu malam takbiran. Itu juga hari ulang tahunku, dan tidak ada yang terjadi. Atau saya pikir tidak ada yang akan terjadi, tapi saya salah.

Malam itu, saya menonton televisi bersama keluarga saya ketika saya mendengar seseorang menyalakan kembang api di halaman depan saya. Aku mengintip melalui kaca jendela tapi tidak melihat apa-apa. Di luar sangat gelap. Lalu kupikir pastilah sepupuku yang menyalakan kembang api. Kemudian saya menjatuhkan diri ke sofa lagi dan mencoba berkonsentrasi di televisi karena pikiran saya berpacu dengan kekecewaan karena tidak ada yang memberi sesuatu yang spesial pada hari ulang tahun saya.

Aku mengangkat bahu, hampir akhir hari dan aku menjadi pesimis. Lima menit kemudian ponsel saya berbunyi. Itu adalah teks dari teman saya yang meminta saya untuk keluar. Bingung apa yang terjadi, aku meraih jaketku dan bergegas ke pintu depan. Saya terkejut melihat dia membawa tas penuh kembang api dan latihan api. Selanjutnya saya kaget melihat teman saya yang lain keluar dari kegelapan. Dia membawa kue ulang tahun yang indah di tangannya. Ya Tuhan! Jeritku. Kemudian mereka memberikan kue itu kepada saya yang terlalu tertegun untuk mengatakan apapun. Saya menyadari bahwa saya tersipu malu karena seluruh keluarga saya menonton. Belum lagi tetangga saya juga!

Suatu hari yang polos, atau saya pikir itu sebelumnya, ternyata merupakan momen terbesar dalam hidup saya. Aku bahkan tidak tahu bagaimana menggambarkan apa yang kurasakan. Bahagia adalah kata yang paling sederhana.

Baca juga : Narrative Text : Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features

Demikianlah Penjelasan dari British Course tentang Recount Text. Semoga dengan membaca penjelasan dari kami di atas dapat menambah pemahaman tentang materi ini. Oke cukup sekian, dan trimakasih atas kunjungannya. Jika ada pertanyaan atau komentar mengenai materi ini silahkan tinggalkan komentar..

Reference : Rudi Hartono, Genre of Texts, (Semarang: English Department Faculty of Language and Art Semarang State University, 2005). Mark Andersons and Kathy Andersons, Text Type in English 1-2, Australia: MacMillanEducation, 2003.

Related posts:

  • Recount Text
  • Procedure Text (Materi Dan Contoh)
  • Commentary Text; Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features
  • Narrative Text; Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features


Menurut saya pengertian nya ga benar

Udh bener itu… Disitu ada 2 Pengertian

Singkat tetapi kurang jelas

Kurang jelas

Di bagian mana yang kurang jelas Agis 🙂

hello kak,, kak maaf sebelum nya saya mau tanya,, ada ngak journal yang ngebahas tentang Generic structure, purpose sama characteristics? soal nya gini kak kebanyakan journal yang saya temukan hanya membahas tentang generic structure dan purpose saja kak tapi kalau characteristics ngk ada kak. Soal nya saya mahasiswa akhir yang lagu nyusun tentang recount text ini kak, mohon amat sangat bantuan nya kak, terima kasih kak

Dek Nurhadia tinggalnya dimana? Mungkin bisa cari di perpus UGM atau UI atau Unes. Semoga bisa menemukan jurnal tersebut. Thanks 🙂🙏

Kak tolong inti nya aja dari pertanyaan kami biar kami mudah paham nya.. 🙏


thank you D2kbi 🙂

Thank you so much

You are welcome Jekti Aju Pambudi 🙂

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An Analysis of Biography Recount Texts in English Textbooks for Senior High School Grade 10th : Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspective

Ibrahim, Fina Aufar Laela (2015) An Analysis of Biography Recount Texts in English Textbooks for Senior High School Grade 10th : Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspective. S1 thesis, Univeritas Pendidikan Indonesia.

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This study focused on the analysis of Biographical Recount texts in English textbooks and the relevancy of the English textbook to the criteria ofagood source for teaching and learning Biographical Recount text. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method utilising document analysis technique, especially using Transitivity analysis of SFL Framework. The primary data of this study were 4 Biographical Recount texs from Pathway to English for General Program textbook for grade X textbook and Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas X SMA, SMK-MA textbook implemented 2013 curriculum. The data was analysed following several steps, including explaining the aspects of Biographical Recount texts, such as social purposes, schematic structure and linguistic features. The study reveals two findings. Firstly, almost all of Biographical Recount texts analysed are relevant to the criteria of their purposes; Secondly, the schematic structures of all Biographical Recount texts are consistent with the structures suggested by Knapp & Watkin, (2005), Nafisah & Kurniawan (2007), Hattingh (2011), Emilia & Christie(2013).In terms of linguistic features, the Transitivity analysis finds out that the texts possess the criteria of a good Biographical Recount seen from the frequent use of material processes, and adverbs or adverbial groups. Apart from the findings of schematic structures and linguistic features, there are also some limitations found in the texts e.g. no distinction among the stages, the use of simple present tense and the differences of orientation stage in second text. In spite of the limitations found, it can be derived from the findings that the Recount texts in both textbooks are suitable to be used as sources for learning and teaching English, but somehow it is also suggested to find other sources which provide more explanations, more examples, and more exercises. Keywords : Transitivity analysis, Biographical Recount texts, English textbooks

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Jenis Recount Text: Pengalaman Pribadi Dan Biografi

Function of recount text, generic structure, orientation, re-orientation, language feature.

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Kinds of Text, Biography Text: Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language Features -

Definition of biography text, the function of biography text (social function/purpose of biography text).

  • To know a person’s story about his/her life outside of any accomplishments this person may be known for.
  • To give many information easily and educate the readers.

Types Of Biography Text

1. autobiography, 2. biography, the structure of biography text, orientation (description), re-orientation (closing), biography text features / language features of biography text, use of simple past tense, temporal sequence and temporal conjunction, focus on specific person, use of action verbs., examples of biography text, short biography text about albert einsten, long biography text of jokowi, biography text of national heroes, biography text of cut nyak dhien, biography text of ir. soekarno, biography text exercise, handy 2022-05-15 tags: english , kinds of text.

fungsi recount text biography

7 Contoh Biography Text Beserta Penjelasan dan Rumusnya dalam Bahasa Inggris!

  • Fatimatuzuhroh
  • April 10, 2022

Biography text

Apakah kamu pembelajar bahasa Inggris, fellas ? Artikel ini akan membahas contoh-contoh biography text bahasa Inggris beserta penjelasan dan rumusnya. Sehingga, nantinya kamu akan jauh lebih mudah dalam menulis biography text dalam bahasa Inggris lho . Simak 7 contoh biography text beserta penjelasannya di sini!

Pengertian Biography Text

Secara harafiah, Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu “ Bios ”  artinya hidup dan “ Graphia ”  artinya tulisan . Teks biografi itu menggambarkan riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata, biasanya ditulis melalui sudut pandang yang lain.

Biografi adalah sebuah teks yang bercerita mengenai kisah kehidupan seseorang yang lebih kompleks dari sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaanya. Biasanya, teks biografi menceritakan lebih dalam lagi tentang perasaan yang dihadapi oleh seseorang dalam menghadapi suatu kejadian atau kehidupan seseorang.

Bagian-Bagian Biography Text

1. orientation.

Pada tahap orientasi, bagian ini akan memberi pembaca informasi tentang latar belakang mengapa biografi ditulis. Paragraf pembuka menjawab pertanyaan 5w+1h.

Pada tahap events ini akan mengisahkan peristiwa atau kejadian yang dialami tokoh yang akan ditulis biografinya. Bagian ini berisi penjelasan suatu cerita seperti pemecahan masalah, proses lain, dan berbagai peristiwa yang dialami tokoh sebelum mencapai kesuksesan. Pada intinya, diceritakan secara kronologis yang merujuk pada waktu tertentu.

3. Re-Orientation (Closing)

Pada bagian ketiga ini berisi pandangan penulis tentang tokoh yang dikisahkan. Namun, tahap ini opsional artinya penulis bisa memberi pandangan pribadinya tentang tokoh yang diceritakan yang terdiri dari jenis kesimpulan tentang kontribusi sehingga menjadi cerita yang menarik untuk dibaca.

Baca juga: Biografi BJ.Habibie, Mimpi dan Kenangan

Contoh Biography Text

Raden Dewi Sartika.jpg

Short Biography of Dewi Sartika Dewi Sartika was the leading figure for the education for Indonesia women. She was born on 4 December 1884 and died on 11 September 1947. The most important acts she made were when she founded the first school for women. Because of it, she was acknowledged formally as National Hero in 1966. Dewi Sartika was born in Cicalengka on 4 December 1884 in the aristocratic Sundanese family. Her father is R. Rangga Somanegara and her mother is R. A. Raja pemas. According to some biographies, as a child, Dewi Sartika often pretended to be a teacher. He studied in the Dutch School. She lived with her uncle after her father died and then received Sundanese education culture there. In 1899 she decided to move to Bandung. She founded Sekolah Isteri on 16 January 1904 in Bandung. The school took place at Badung Regency’s Pendopo but then relocated to Ciguriang Street. In the new location, the name of the school was changed to Sekolah Kaoetamaan Isteri. In 1912, the school became so popular and had nine branches in West Java. In 1920, all cities in West Java have one school. However, the school changed its name in September 1929 to Sekolah Raden Dewi.

Leonardo self.jpg

Short Biography of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath who was born in 15 April 1452 and died 2 may 1519. He was famous because of his interest on many areas, including architecture, sculpting, music, science, engineering, mathematics, anatomy, literature and many more. He is also the man who has been called as the father of iconology, architecture and paleontology. Some experts on aeronautic said that Leonardo da Vinci was the man who firstly put the foundation of helicopter, parachute and tank. Many scholars and historians regard the Italian man as the prime exemplar of the Renaissance man, unquenchable curiosity, feverishly inventive imagination and Universal Genius. Leonardo da Vinci was educated in the studio belonged to Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence. Much of his life was spent in Milan to serve Ludovicoil Moro. Later, he them moved to Rome, Venice and Bologna and spent his last years in France. Many people recognized Leonardo da Vinci as a great painter. Mona Lisa is the most popular portrait he made and maybe the most expensive art collection in the world. Besides creating portrait and invented many things, Leonardo also creating religious painting, the most famous is of course The Last Supper. There are no such genius artists in the world who can replace Leonardo da Vinci.

Einstein 1921 by F Schmutzer - restoration.jpg

Short Biography of Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born near the end of the 1800s in Ulf, Germany. He graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland at age 26. That was also when he did his famous work in physics. Fourteen years later he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. For the next ten years he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists. Then in the early 1930s he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi party. He moved to the United States. From that time until his death he lived in Princeton, New Jersey. He died at the age of 74.

Presiden Sukarno.jpg

Biography of Sukarno, Indonesian First President Sukarno was the first president of Indonesia. He was born in 6 June 1901 and died in 21 June 1970. He led his country to fight against Netherlands and the man who proclaimed the independence. Sukarno was a prominent leader of nationalist movement during the colonial period. He spent more than a decade under the detention before released by the Japanese force. Ir. Sukarno and all his nationalist fellows collaborated to collect support in spreading nationalist ideas. When Japan surrender the Indonesian independence was declared by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta on 17 August 1945. At the same time, Sukarno was appointed as the president and Mohammad Hatta as vice president. After became president, Sukarno had to fight once again against resisting Dutch re-colonization efforts. After parliamentary democracy chaos in 1957, Sukarno put an autocratic system called Guided Democracy. It successfully ended the rebellions and instability which were threatening the country. In the early 1960s, Sukarno brought the country to the Soviet by giving protection and support to the Indonesian Communist Party. Unfortunately, the 30 September movement in 1965 ended the communist era and Sukarno’s position as president was replaced by Suharto, the man who became president for 32 years. After Suharto in charged, Sukarno was exiled to Bogor and spent the rest of his life there.

Walt Disney 1946.JPG

Biography of Biography of Walt Disney Walt Disney was born with the name Walter Elias Disney on December 5th, 1901 at Chicagos Hermosa Community Area. His father was Elias Charles Disney and his mother was Flora Call Disney. Walt Disney was Irish-Canadian descendant from his father and German-English descendant from his mother. Walt Disney is well known as co-founder of The Walt Disney Company and as cultural icon that hardly matched by others. He was the animator who created Mickey Mouse and many others Disney famous characters. He was also successful film producer, voice actor, and entrepreneur. His voice acting works were including the original voice of Mickey Mouse. Disneyland and Disney resort were started from his innovation. Walt Disney was very influential person in entertainment industry, especially Hollywood animation industry. His works in American animation and entertainment industry brought him 59 nominations in Academy Awards that he won 22 of them and 4 honorary Academy Awards. He also won 7 Emmy Awards and much more awards. Walt Disney died on December 15, 1966 in Burbank, California after long fight with lung cancer, leaving myriad legacy. Many of his legacies are still remembered and enjoyed by people, including hundreds of animated films, theme parks, animation studio, and the company. Cal Arts (California Institute of the Arts) is also the legacy of Walt Disney.

VP Hatta.jpg

Biography of Bung Hatta Bung Hatta is one of “The Proclamators” of Indonesia Independence. Born with full name Mohammad Hatta on 12 August 1902 at Fort de Kock, West Sumatra, Dutch East Indies, and Bung Hatta played important roles in Indonesian strive for Independence. He is well-educated person that strive not with physical power but used intelligent instead. After the independence day of Indonesia, Mohammad Hatta became the first vice president of the country and became prime minister later on. He continued to build the country with his efforts and thoughts. Bung Hatta died at the age 77 on 14 March 1980 at Jakarta, Indonesia. He was buried at Tanah Kusir public cemetery at Jakarta. To honor his name and Soekarno as the independence proclamators, Indonesia’s biggest airport at Cengkareng is named Soekarno-Hatta.

refer to caption

Biography of Marion Barber Marion Barber was born on June 9, 1983, and growing up in Minnesota. He attended Wayzata High School in Minnesota, and excelled in football, baseball, and track. Then, he attended the University of Minnesota, where he majored in Business Marketing. In his college football career, Marion Barber would earn myriad honors and broke numerous records to boot. Marion Barber’s 3,276 yards and 14 100-yard rushing games ranked third in Minnesota Golden Gophers history. Marion Barber hit the big time when the Dallas Cowboys selected him as the fourth round of the 2005 NFL Draft. Fans with Dallas Cowboys tickets watched Marion Barber emerge as a starter, rushing for 95 yards against the Seattle Seahawks and 127 yards against the Arizona Cardinals, which was the first 100-yard rushing game of the season for the Dallas Cowboys. He and the Dallas Cowboys agreed to a six-year contract extension worth $45 million. His stats will continue to improve and impress his teammates, coaches, and fans with Dallas Cowboys tickets.

Itulah 7 contoh biography text yang bisa kamu jadikan sebagai referensi belajar cara membuat biography text sendiri ya, fellas . Jika memahami materi ini masih terasa sulit, kamu bisa bergabung di Kelas Academic Writing untuk mendapat arahan dari pengajar yang profesional di bidangnya. Yuk daftar sekarang!


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fungsi recount text biography

Recount Text Adalah? Begini Definisi, Ciri, Struktur, dan Contoh Teksnya

Kamus bahasa Inggris

Definisi Recount Text

Ciri-ciri recount text, struktur recount text, contoh recount text.

Recount text merupakan salah satu jenis teks narasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Secara sekilas, teks ini membahas tentang peristiwa seseorang yang pernah terjadi.

Seperti teks narasi pada umumnya, recount text memiliki ciri-ciri dan struktur general sebagai pedoman dalam menulis teksnya. Informasi mengenai recount text tersebut secara lengkap dapat disimak pada ulasan di bawah ini.

Teks dalam bentuk recount atau recount text merupakan teks yang menceritakan tentang kisah atau kegiatan seseorang di masa lalu kepada para pembaca, bersumber dari buku Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Inggris Recount Text oleh Hetty Dwi Agustin.



Recount text ini berisikan narasi yang berdasarkan pada pengalaman seseorang yang pernah dilakukan. Dikutip dari buku Textual Reading oleh Magdalena Marpaung, dalam menceritakan atau menggambarkan pengalaman pada recount text harus dijelaskan secara kronologis dari awal hingga akhir.

Model recount text ini termasuk dalam genre penulisan faktual karena menceritakan kembali peristiwa di masa lampau yang berisi serangkaian fakta, sebagaimana dikutip dari artikel Berkenalan dengan Recount oleh Dwi Budiyanto dari Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Dengan begitu tujuan recount text adalah berbagai informasi mengenai pengalaman dan kejadian yang mungkin berguna bagi pembaca.

Recount text tidak hanya identik dengan penggambaran peristiwa yang pernah terjadi di masa lalu, tetapi juga memiliki ciri-ciri lainnya. Beberapa ciri recount text adalah:

  • Menggunakan bentuk lampau, dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan bentuk past tense.
  • Memiliki fokus pada peristiwa tertentu.
  • Memiliki fokus pada partisipasi individu.
  • Berisi informasi yang pernah terjadi sebelumnya.
  • Menjelaskan peristiwa secara kronologis dengan konjungsi then, first, second, before, dan lainnya.
  • Menggunakan adverb dan adverbial phrase untuk mengungkapkan waktu, tempat, dan cara, seperti last month, on the second day, dan lainnya.

Recount text dalam penulisannya harus memperhatikan struktur generalnya atau generic structure. Dikutip dari buku Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Inggris Recount Text oleh Hetty Dwi Agustin, Textual Reading oleh Magdalena Marpaung.


Struktur bagian ini menceritakan tentang pendahuluan atau latar belakang yang memberikan informasi tentang siapa, dimana, kapan, dan terjadinya peristiwa. Bagian ini terletak di awal teks sebagai perkenalan awal sebelum masuk pada inti teks.

Bagian ini berisi penjelasan mengenai serangkaian peristiwa yang terjadi sesuai dengan urutan kejadian atau secara kronologis. Pada penjelasan urutan kejadian peristiwanya, digunakan konjungsi untuk menghubungkan peristiwa satu dengan lainnya.


Struktur ketiga ini menjadi bagian penutup atau berisi kesimpulan cerita yang telah dijelaskan. Pada bagian ini penulis juga bisa menambahkan opini pribadi mengenai teks recount tersebut. Reorientation ini memiliki sifat opsional, sehingga tidak harus selalu ada dalam teks.

Setelah mengetahui definisi dan ciri dari recount text, maka selanjutnya adalah mengetahui langsung bagaimana bentuk recount text tersebut. Untuk menambah wawasan kalian mengenai recount text, simak contoh bentuk teksnya dalam ulasan berikut.

Recount Text 1

On Saturday last week, I went to Osaka castle and the Garden of hanami. Hanami is a Japanese word. It literally means seeing flowers. I went there with my friends, Akiko and Tomoko, to enjoy the cherry blossom.

I left home early around 7 o'clock. First, I took a bus to the train station, our meeting spot. From there, we took a train to Osaka and changed to the subway to get to Osaka Castle Station. After we got off, we walked at a leisurely speed to the castle. We stopped a couple of times to enjoy scenery and take pictures.

Finally, around four o'clock, we decided to go home. We really had a good time and we promised to visit the garden again next spring.

Recount Text 2

Monica was a college student. She was the eldest in her family. She was loved very much by her family and she want to her hometown twice a month met her family. That was a bright morning, suddenly a crowd happened at the first floor of her dormitory. Many people were gathering and eating something. Monica has a visitor and it was her mother. Monica was looked very surprised and happy. They were laugh and enjoying eating what Monica's mother brought them.

Then, Monica's mother asked Monica to go to a place. Monica agreed and they were accompanied by some of her friends. They went to a cellular phone shop. Monica was surprised and very happy. She didn't know that her mother planned it. Monica's mother asked her to choose one of the cellular phones and she chose the silver one. Monica was very happy, that was one of unforgettable beautiful day in her life ever.

Pengertian Possessive Pronoun Lengkap dengan Tipe, Fungsi, dan Contohnya

Offering help dalam bahasa inggris: jenis, contoh, dan responsnya, arti 'how are you doing' sekaligus cara menjawabnya sesuai konteks, perbedaan am dan pm, cara penulisan, serta contoh penggunaannya, self reward artinya apa ini dia pengertian dan contohnya, 40 ucapan hari ibu bahasa inggris yang bermakna dan menghibur, kenalkan buana, mantan guru bahasa inggris yang jadi satpam perempuan, ganjar ngaku siap debat capres pakai bahasa inggris.

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Recount Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur dan Unsur Kebahasaannya

fungsi recount text biography Skola

  • Program PINTAR
  • Belajar Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Recount Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur dan Unsur Kebahasaannya

Serafica gischa.

Ilustrasi recount text

Oleh: Irmayanti Swastika Nasution, Guru SMPN 3 Kisaran, Asahan, Sumatera Utara - Setiap mengalami kejadian, baik itu menyenangkan atau sedih tentu kita ingin menceritakan hal tersebut kepada kawan. Terlebih pengalaman ketika berlibur atau berpetualang. 

Mengungkapkan atau menceritakan pengalaman yang kita alami dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan recount text . 

Dikutip dari buku Teaching English as a Second Language (2004) oleh Derewianka,  recount adalah pengungkapan urutan peristiwa atau waktu.

Fokus teks recount adalah untuk merekonstruksi pengalaman masa lalu pada suatu rangkaian peristiwa, yang kesemuanya berhubungan dengan peristiwa tertentu. 

Tujuan dari recount text adalah untuk menghibur atau menginformasikan. Secara fungsi sosial, recount text merupakan menceritakan suatu pengalaman atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan tujuan untuk menghibur pembaca. 

Fungsi sosial recount text adalah menceritakan suatu pengalaman atau kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan tujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.

Baca juga: Ucapan Hari Guru dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Struktur recount text  

Dalam penulisan recount teks harus memperhatikan struktur ( generic structure of recount text ) berikut ini: 

  • Orientation Pada bagian ini berisikan pengenalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat kejadian
  • Series of events Pada bagian ini berisikan rangkaian kejadian atau peristiwa yang diceritakan secara berurutan.
  • Re-orientation Bagian penutup ini berisikan rangkuman dari kejadian atau peristiwa. Penulis juga mencantumkan pendapat serta kesan terhadap kejadian atau peristiwa tersebut.

Unsur kebahasaan recount text  

Unsur kebahasaan recount text ( language feature of recount text ) yang harus digunakan adalah: 

  • Menggunakan subjek I, My friends and I, We , dan lain-lain
  • Menggunakan Simple Past Tense
  • Menggunakan kata koneksi kronologis ( chronological connection ), seperti then, first, finally, after that , dan lainnya. 

Jenis-jenis recount text

Berikut beberapa jenis recount text, yaitu: 

  • Personal Recount Text

Menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi si penulis.

  • Factual Recount Text

Menyajikan laporan kejadian/peristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi, misalnya laporan hasil percobaan, kecelakaan lalu lintas ataupun laporan kejadian yang dibuat kepolisian.

Menceritakan pengalaman berdasarkan imajinasi atau daya hayal seseorang.

Baca juga: Singkatan dan Akronim Populer dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh recount text

Berikut contoh dari recounte text sekaligus struktur teksnya, sebagai berikut:

Travelling to Berastagi

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Program PINTAR Belajar Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

Tag materi bahasa inggris kelas 8 recount text struktur recount text unsur kebahasaan recount text .


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E-Modul Recount Text

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2021, Dayana Rebecca & Ovi Putri

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Cari blog ini, recount text: biography of famous people.

  Recount - Biography Text

Tujuan Pembelajaran: Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recout lisan dan tulis dalam bentuk biografi tokoh terkenal; dan mampu menangkap makna serta menyusun tek s recount lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk biografi terkait tokoh terkenal sesuai konteks.

Learning goals:

  • Students will be able to differentiate a social function, the structure of the text, and the language features of several texts. 
  • Students will be able to understand meaning get a new understanding of famous people's life.
  • Students will be able to arrange a recount biography text about their precious people
  • Orientation : It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.
  • Events : A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence.
  • Re-orientation :A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.

fungsi recount text biography

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fungsi recount text biography

Dhiyaa NW (11) X IPS 3 I came to know what a text biography is and about Barack Obama's biography.

Irgan Sugriansyah (17) X IPS 3 I came to know the biography of a former president of America, Barrack Obama

Chantika APF (09) X IPS 3 learning the recount biography text, we can know about someone's actions and previous values that make him/her famous. And for example that is Barack Obama biography the 44 President of the United States of America.

Annisa Tsuraya Haifa (04) X IPS 3 I came to find out what barack Obama's biographies, biographical structures, and biographies are.

Sania Elfarini Rahmalia X IPS 3 (29) What I can learn is that I know what a biographical text is along with an example of a biographical text, I also know the biography of an American president, Barack Obama.

Najwa Zultan X IPS 3 In studying this material I can find out about biography text, how it relates to a text recount. Language feature for writing biography text, and then, structure for making biography text.

Syabilla Alfatiya (33) X IPS 3 This article is good and useful as well, the information is very complete. I came to know what is biography text, structure, languange feature, etc. And the text biography Barac Obama, i came to know about her backround, and his life journey.

I came to know the biography text, I can know about someone's experience, action. I came to find biographic structures.

M Dika Salman Fikry X IPS 3 By studying this material I know what a text biography is, the structure of the biography, and the language features of the biography.

Name: Gusdi Rianto N Class: X IPS 3 I can learn a biography text starting from its structure and characteristics, and also I can learn from someone's life in a biography text such as the example above, the life of Barack Obama.

NAME :Felinda Class : X IPS 2 learn about recount text biographies. and I understand a little about compiling oral and written Recount Text and there

Name: MUHAMMAD RIFKI FAUZAAN SETIADI Class: X IPS 2 Absent: 21 in this blog I can learn / see about biographical texts, how to change them with telling texts. Features language for biographical texts, then structure for making biographical texts.

Name: Nalairta Naurah Absent: 23 Class: X - IPS 2 I came to know the biography of Barack Obama, I also came to understand the shape of the biographical text as well as the structure of the text and the language in the biographical text

Najwa Aulia Suwandini (22) X IPS 2 In this material, we can find out about the biographical text, how it relates to the recount text. such as social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements of several oral and written recout texts in the form of biographies of famous figures.

M.Aghisna Alghifari Sudrajat (16) X IPS 2 Thank you, because I can learn more about the biographical text and Obama's way of life

Name :Indam Syaharani P (14) Class : X IPS 2 I came to know what recount text, biographical text, recount text structure, recount text language and also about Barack Obama's biography.

name: akasyah amalia putri absent: 02 class: x ips 2 know more clearly about the biographical text

fungsi recount text biography

Name: Widya Amelia Rahma (32) Class: X Ips 2 In this lesson, Widya learned about biographical texts, starting from the structure and features of language. Widya also read about Barack Obama's biography.

I came learn a text biography. And i know what is a text biography, structure, and characteristics . And also about Barack Obama's Biography

Name:Ananda M Farel F Class: X IPS 2 Absent: 06 When i read this material, now i learn alot about biographical texts, like language Features, structure text and more.

Name: Maharani Fairuz Class: X IPS 2 Absent: 18 I know about Barack Obama from the biographical text and know the structure of the biographical text

Alda sri aprijah X ips 2 I came to know about Recount Text and Biographical Text, then about Definition, Characteristics of biographical texts and biographies Barack obama president american

Alda sri aprijah (04) X ips 2 I came to know about Recount Text and Biographical Text, then about Definition, Characteristics of biographical texts and biographies Barack obama president american

Name : m falah putra dewi Class : X-IPS 2 Absent number: 17 In this blog I can get to know more about the biographical text, as well as a biography about Barack Obama

Name: Rahma Camelia (26) Class: X-IPS 2 After studying it, I know what a biographical text, recount text, and its structure.

Name: Nyimas Siti N Class: X IPS 2 I've learn a text biography. And i know what is a text biography, structure, and characteristics . And also about Barack Obama's Biography

Name: Diva Aulia Bintang Class: X IPS 2 After studying biographical texts, I came to know what a biographical text is, the structure, the language features of the text and Barack Obama's biography

Name : Eva fauziah Class : x ips 4 Absen : (10) I can learn a biography text starting from its structure and characteristics, and also I can learn from someone's life in a biography text such as the example above, the life of Barack Obama.

Name:Feby Febrianti Class: X IPS 4 I can learn a biography text starting from its structure and characteristics, and also I can learn from someone's life in a biography text such as the example above, the life of Barack Obama.

NAMA : KHALIL MARVIAWAN KELAS : X-IPS 4 No Absen : 14 After reading this material I know what a biographical text is, its text structure, and its linguistic characteristics. Besides that I can find out the biography of the 44th US President

Name: Syeira Salsabila Sepgireinata Class: X IPS 4 What I can learn from this material is that I know what a biographical text is, its relation to recount text, the structure of the biographical text, the language features it uses and examples of biographical texts. I also learned about Barack Obama's biography.

Name : Anisa Fuji Rahayu Class : X IPS 4 learn about biographical texts, and I understand what is the meaning of a bography, its structure, and a biography of the Barack Obama

Argyo X IPS 4 dari materi ini saya pdalah mengetahui apa itu teks biografi, kaitannya dengan teks recount, struktur teks biografi, ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan dan contoh teks biografi . Sy jg jadi tau tentang biografi Barack Obama

Ijin tulis ulang karena ada salah penulisan dari materi ini saya dapat mengetahui apa itu teks biografi, kaitanny dengan teks recount, struktur biografi, ciri-ciri bahasa yang digunakan dan contoh teks biografi. Sy jg jadi tau tentang biografi Barack Obama

Name:Argyo Maynath Class:X IPS 4 From this material I can find out what a biographical text is, its relation to recount text, biographical structure, characteristics of the language used and examples of biographical texts I also came to know about Barack Obama's biography

Name : Salma Rahimatunnisa Class : X IPS 3 I learned that Barrack Obama had lived in Indonesia, and made him a role model for me in the future

Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

Name:Kayla Putri Class:XIPS 2 i know what is biography text ,structure from biography,Language features in biography text ,and i can take good information to apply to my life from that character

Name : Eva fauziah Class : X IPS 4 This article is good and useful as well, the information is very complete. I came to know what is biography text, structure, languange feature, etc. And the text biography Barac Obama, i came to know about her backround, and his life journey.

Name : Dava Adira class : X IPS 4 I came to know the biography of Barack Obama, I also came to understand the shape of the biographical text as well as the structure of the text and the language in the biographical text

Name : Siti Zahra Nurfitri Mulyadi Class : X IPS 4 after I studied the biographical text, I came to know what a biographical text is, the structure of the biography and the language features of the biographical text and also know the biography of Barack Obama.

Name: Ratna Fanny Devi Class: X IPS 4 After I read this blog, I know what the biographical text. I know the constituent structure and the language feature of the biographical text. And there is also a sample biographical text about Barack Obama, and I definitely understand.

What I can learn is that I know what a biographical text is along with an example of a biographical text, I also know the biography of an American president, Barack Obama. Yushiana end a ng X IPS 3

Calista Rizky Pratiwi (08) X IPS 3 After I read this article, I came to know about the structure and languange feature of recount biography text, that include the example of Barack Obama biography text.

I came to know what recount text, biographical text, recount text structure, recount text language and also about Barack Obama's biography. ALVIN HASAN HAQIKI X IPS 3

In recount biography, i was able to learn more about and know more about any of the positive behavior or things that motivated us, that include the example of Barack Obama biography text. M Deryl Maulana Rustandy X IPS 4

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Penjelasan Dan Contoh Biography Text Terlengkap

Penjelasan Dan Contoh Biography Text Terlengkap

Definition of  Biography  Text

Purpose of  biography  text, generic structures of biography text.

  • Orientation 
  • Re-Orientation (Closing)

Grammar Used

  • Menggunakan Past Tense. Misalkan we went to Bukittinggi zoo, I was happy, etc
  • Menggunakan Conjunction dan Time Connectives untuk mengurutkan peristiwa atau kejadian. Misalnya and, but, the, aftar that, etc.
  • Menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk mengungkapkan tempat, waktu dan cara. Misalkan yesterday, at my house, slowly, etc.
  • Menggunakan Action Verbs. Misalkan went, slept, run, brought, etc.

Example and Translate

General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military officer during the Indonesian national revolution. He was the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, he continues to be widely respected in the country. On 12 November 1945, at an election to decide the military’s commander-in-chief in YogyakartA. The 24 years old Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a close votE. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered an assault on British and Dutch forces in AmbarawA. The ensuing battle and British withdrawal strengthened Sudirman’s popular support, and he was ultimately confirmed on 18 December. eneral Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, including a show of force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the Dutch began withdrawing, in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman’s tuberculosis returned, and he retired to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a month after the Dutch recognised Indonesia’s independencE. He is buried at Semaki Heroes’ Cemetery in Yogyakarta.
Nelson Rohihlahla Mandela, b. July 18, 1918, was the first South African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. Trained as an attorney, he helped form the Youth League of the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944. In 1961 he abandoned peaceful protest and became head of the ANC’s new military wing. Sentenced to life imprisonment in 1964, Mandela came to symbolize black political aspirations and was named head of the ANC after his release on Feb. 11, 1990. He and F. W. de Klerk shared the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating South Africa’s peaceful transition to multiracial democracy. After the ANC victory in the April 1994 elections, Mandela worked to ease racial tensions, court foreign investment, and provide services to the victims of apartheid. Mandela has announced that he will not run for reelection in 1999, and in December 1997 Thabo Mbeki succeeded him as ANC party leader.


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Paja Tapuih


  1. Recount Text: Definisi, Struktur, Jenis-Jenis, dan Contohnya

    fungsi recount text biography

  2. Biography Recount Text

    fungsi recount text biography

  3. Pengertian Recount Text, Struktur, Jenis, Kebahasaan & Contoh

    fungsi recount text biography


    fungsi recount text biography

  5. Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris: Pengertian, Fungsi, Struktur Umum

    fungsi recount text biography

  6. Language Features of Recount Text Biography

    fungsi recount text biography


  1. Text Biography Group Dor


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  5. Recount Text #bahasainggris #tugassekolah

  6. Recount Text “Study Tour Experience”


  1. Recount Text: Definisi, Struktur, Jenis-Jenis, dan Contohnya

    Recount text memiliki dua ciri utama, yaitu: 1. Dalam recount text tidak ada konflik yang diceritakan oleh penulis, berbeda dengan teks naratif bahasa Inggris yang memiliki conflict pada strukturnya. 2. Selalu ada urutan cerita secara kronologis, misal ada cerita di hari pertama, hari kedua, dan seterusnya.

  2. How to Tell Biographical Recount

    Untuk penulisan biographical recount sendiri, ada beberapa langkah yang perlu dilakukan. Melansir wikiHow yang dituliskan bersama oleh Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA, berikut cara menuliskan biographical recount atau biography: 1. Gunakan struktur kronologis. Untuk menuliskan biografi, penting untuk menulis riwayat hidup tokoh secara urut.

  3. Contoh Recount Text tentang Riwayat Hidup Seseorang dan Terjemahannya - Recount text adalah tulisan yang memuat peristiwa di masa lampau.. Tujuan recount text adalah menceritakan kembali peristiwa masa lalu seseorang atau pengalaman dengan rincian kronologis.. Biography recount text. Biografi merupakan salah satu jenis recount text.Biography recount text biasanya menceritakan seorang pahlawan dengan kata ganti orang ketiga (she/he).

  4. 50 Contoh Soal Recount Text Biography dan Jawaban

    Recount Text Biography 9. Victoria Caroline Beckham is an English singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and business woman. She was born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, EnglanD. She became famous in the 1990's with the pop group "The Spice Girl"and was known as Posh SpicE.

  5. Pengertian Biography Text: Contoh, Rumus, Soal dan Jawabannya

    Pengertian Biography Text: Contoh, Rumus, Soal dan Jawabannya. Written by Ahmad. Biography Text - Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu " Bios" yang berarti Hidup dan " Graphia" yang bermakna Tulisan. Teks Biografi sendiri biasanya menggambarkan riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata dan ditulis dari sudut pandang yang lain.

  6. Recount Text; Definition, Generic Structures, Purposes, Language

    Purpose of Recount Text. The purpose of a recount is to list and describe past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened. Recounts are written to retell events with the purpose of either informing or entertaining their audience (or both). In a simple word the purpose of recount text is to retell past experience.

  7. Personal Recount Text: Pengertian, Fungsi Sosial, Struktur, Kebahasaan

    Struktur teks. Sebagaimana struktur teks recount pada umumnya, teks recount pengalaman pribadi juga mempunyai struktur sebagai berikut: 1. Orientation. Bagian ini menceritakan latar belakang ceritanya. Misalnya siapa (yang terlibat), di mana peristiwa atau kejadian berlangsung, dan kapan itu terjadi. Informasi tentang siapa, di mana, dan kapan ...

  8. The recount Text Social function, Definition, Generic structures

    A recount text has an orientation, a series of events in chronological order, personal remarks on the events, and a reorientation that "rounds off" the sequence of events. Generic Structures of the recount text: Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past.

  9. Recount Text; Definition, Purposes, Generic Structures, Language

    Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. (sebuah teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita, aksi ataupun aktifitas. Tujuan recount text adalah untuk menghibur atau memberi informasi kepada pembaca) Or (atau) Recount is a text which retells event or ...

  10. An Analysis of Biography Recount Texts in English Textbooks for Senior

    This study focused on the analysis of Biographical Recount texts in English textbooks and the relevancy of the English textbook to the criteria ofagood source for teaching and learning Biographical Recount text. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method utilising document analysis technique, especially using Transitivity analysis of SFL Framework.

  11. Jenis Recount Text: Pengalaman Pribadi Dan Biografi

    Soal Latihan Report Text. Terima kasih telah mampir di Dimensi Bahasa Inggris. tetap "Semangat menebar manfaat." Recount text memiliki dua jenis yaitu recount text yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dan recount text yang menceritakan perjalanan hidup seseorang tokoh terkenal. Jenis recount text yang kedua dikenal juga sebagai biography.

  12. Kinds of Text, Biography Text: Definition, Purposes ...

    Biography Text Features / Language Features of Biography Text Use of Simple Past Tense A simple form of events that occurred in the past. Use the second verb form (verb 2). ... Recount Text Biography 7. Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5, 1985, in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Manchester United paid £12 million to sign him in 2003 - a ...

  13. 7 Contoh Biography Text Beserta Penjelasan Dan Rumusnya

    Sehingga, nantinya kamu akan jauh lebih mudah dalam menulis biography text dalam bahasa Inggris lho. Simak 7 contoh biography text beserta penjelasannya di sini! Pengertian Biography Text . Secara harafiah, Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu " Bios " artinya hidup dan " Graphia " artinya tulisan. Teks biografi itu menggambarkan ...

  14. Pengertian Recount Text, Struktur, Jenis, Kebahasaan & Contoh

    4. Menghibur Pembaca. Seperti layaknya jenis teks yang lain, recount text juga berfungsi untuk menghibur pembaca. Karena recount text, bisa menceritakan pengalaman yang menyenangkan, contohnya cerita liburan. Baca Juga: Yuk, Pahami Pengertian Narrative Text, Struktur, dan Contohnya.


    Penggunaan bahasa harus benar-benar jelas diaplikasikan dalam sebuah teks biografi. Denagn maksud menghindari kesalahan dalam informasi yang disajikan. 4 Generic Structure Orientation (Introduction) It is the opening paragraph, gives the readers the background information of the person. Biasanya berisi tentang biodata yang dinarasikan seperti ...

  16. Example of Recount Text Biography

    Biography of Marion Barber - Example of Recount Text. Marion Barber was born on June 9, 1983, and growing up in Minnesota. He attended Wayzata High School in Minnesota, and excelled in football, baseball, and track. Then, he attended the University of Minnesota, where he majored in Business Marketing.In his college football career, Marion ...

  17. Recount Text Adalah? Begini Definisi, Ciri, Struktur, dan ...

    Begini Definisi, Ciri, Struktur, dan Contoh Teksnya. Recount text merupakan salah satu jenis teks narasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Secara sekilas, teks ini membahas tentang peristiwa seseorang yang pernah terjadi. Seperti teks narasi pada umumnya, recount text memiliki ciri-ciri dan struktur general sebagai pedoman dalam menulis teksnya.

  18. PDF BSE : 3.5/4.5/1/1.1 Identity

    recount lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk biografi terkait tokoh terkenal. 4.5.2 menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk biografi, terkait tokoh terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks. RECOUNT TEXT: BIOGRAPHY, and PAST AND PAST PERFECT TENSES Subject: ENGLISH

  19. Recount Text: Pengertian, Tujuan, Struktur dan Unsur Kebahasaannya

    Unsur kebahasaan recount text. Unsur kebahasaan recount text ( language feature of recount text) yang harus digunakan adalah: Menggunakan subjek I, My friends and I, We, dan lain-lain. Menggunakan Simple Past Tense. Menggunakan kata koneksi kronologis ( chronological connection ), seperti then, first, finally, after that, dan lainnya.

  20. (PDF) E-Modul Recount Text

    A recount retells past events or experiences in the order they happened. Communicative Purpose: to retell something happen in the past; to reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they have occurred. 2. Types of Recount Text a. Personal Recount : tell about the author's personal experience b.

  21. Lesson Plan Recount Text Grade X

    4.5.2 Recreating recount text related to prominent figure's biography with propper vocabulary. fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks. ... C. Learning Materials Recount Text Related To Prominent Figure's Biography. Biographical recount is a text that informs the reader about a person's life by ...

  22. Recount Text: Biography of Famous People

    Recount - Biography Text. Tujuan Pembelajaran: Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran, siswa diharapkan mampu membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks recout lisan dan tulis dalam bentuk biografi tokoh terkenal; dan mampu menangkap makna serta menyusun tek s recount lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk biografi terkait tokoh terkenal sesuai konteks.

  23. Penjelasan Dan Contoh Biography Text Terlengkap - Penjelasan Dan Contoh Biography Text Terlengkap. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai Biography Text. ... 15 Contoh Soal Recount Text dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru Labels. Expression 29; Test 78; Text 34; Vocabulary 68 English Test. 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Article A, An, The; Soal Bahasa Inggris Persiapan UN SMP 2016;