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Climate change IELTS essay model answer

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How can you get a high band score in lexical resource in IELTS writing task 2?

If you need a high band score in IELTS writing, then you first need to understand how IELTS examiners grade this part of the IELTS test .

IELTS examiners do not give you one grade, they give you four grades that you do not see and these are added together to create an overall band score in IELTS Writing.

The four areas that they grade you on are:

  • Task achievement
  • Cohesion and coherence
  • Lexical resource
  • Grammatical range and accuracy

In this article I will look at :

  • What is lexical resource?
  • What can you do to improve your band score in this area?

As lexical resource is 25% of the overall score, it is very important that you choose your vocabulary carefully. Many IELTS candidates focus on answering the question and do not pay enough attention to the vocabulary and then get 5.0 for Lexical Resource and this lowers their overall band score.

To get a 6.0 or above in Lexical Resource, IELTS examiners are looking for use of a range of less common words and phrases.

Let’s see how you can do this with an IELTS essay about global warming – a popular IELTS Writing topic!

First of all, before focusing on the vocabulary, you must read and understand the question…

It is the job of governments and companies to deal with the huge environmental problems which we face. Individuals on their own can do little or nothing’. What is your opinion about this statement?

In this question, you need to focus on governments, companies and individuals so the best way to write your answer would be using separate paragraphs for each group. The essay below is divided into three main topic paragraphs; however, you will see that I bring ‘individuals’ into each paragraph to say how they can help the situation.

Ok, so now you understand the question, before writing the essay, it is ESSENTIAL that you note down some complex words/phrases that you could use in your answer. If you do not do this, you will probably not think of using them in the answer and then you get a low Lexical Resource score.

What vocabulary could you use to improve your lexical resource band score in this task?

Take a look through the climate change essay below and you can see that all the words underlined are connected to climate change.

They are words/phrases that would show the IELTS examiner that you can use a range of less common words and complex language.

In addition, there are examples of collocations – these are words that go together and are used naturally by native speakers, but are often not widely known by non-native speakers. These can impress the examiner.

Here are some examples of collocations I have used in this essay:

  • To tackle climate change = to deal with climate change
  • A pressing problem = a problem that needs dealing with urgently
  • A moral responsibility = a duty to behave in a way that is right
  • The key players = the most important people

It cannot be disputed that the world is experiencing an environmental crisis . According to recent research, if nothing is done to tackle climate change in the near future, our planet will face the devastating consequences of global warming . Undoubtedly, it is the role of governments and corporate organisations to take action, however I strongly feel that individuals need to make a contribution to deal with this pressing problem as well.

Politicians could certainly invest public finances in order to research the issues connected with climate change and, furthermore, could pass laws in relation to industrial pollution , which is making a major contribution to the greenhouse effect . Nevertheless, it requires constant pressure from citizens, either alone or in environmental pressure groups, on our leaders to make this happen. The general public can protest, lobby their politicians or vote for a political party who proposes introducing green policies if elected.

Similarly, corporate businesses should be adopting more sustainable working practices , for instance, by switching to more environmentally-friendly ways of manufacturing using renewable energy such as solar panels . Likewise, the individual as consumer can play a role here too, by refusing to purchase products which have been manufactured in a way that damages the environment.

It must also be acknowledged that individuals have a moral responsibility to care for our planet . For example, reducing consumption of fossil fuels whenever possible, becoming self-sufficient by growing their own vegetables and switching off lights when they are not needed. Although some of these actions may seem minor, the cumulative effect of everyone taking such actions would be enormous.

It is probably certainly the case that governments and international companies are the key players with responsibility for protecting our planet . Nonetheless, I am still convinced that ordinary people, either individually or cooperatively, can help to make the changes necessary to have a significant impact on our future.

As previously mentioned, the environment is a frequently used topic in both IELTS Speaking and Writing so if you need a high band score in IELTS, write a practice essay on this topic now.

Re-orientate the topic to climate change / industrial pollution 600

Global warming essay

This global warming IELTS essay lesson is mostly about the need to vary your vocabulary when you write. This means thinking about the topic of the question of course but also thinking about what the question asks you to do – i.e. talk about causes etc.

Read and understand the question – structuring the essay

Research shows that global warming is caused by human activity. What are the possible effects of climate change and what can governments and individuals do to reduce these?

This is a two part question. To answer it, you must write about both

the causes of climate change

what can be done about it by both governments and individuals

The sensible approach is to use separate paragraphs for each point. My essay below is divided into two main topic paragraphs. You could use three if you wanted to write a separate paragraph for government and individual actions.

Choosing the language

You should see that you need this language for the essay:

  • climate change vocabulary

cause and effect vocabulary

suggestion vocabulary

My suggestion is that you do not start writing too quickly but plan and think about what words you need to use.

Cause and effect vocabulary .

This is key area of language and you want to vary the word “effects” in the question. Look at the red words below to see how I do this. You will find a lot more words on my lesson cause and effect vocabulary.

  • cause and effect

Climate change vocabulary.

This is the topic vocabulary of the essay. If you need more, take a look at my vocabulary lesson on this:

Suggestion language .

Don’t forget this. You have options here too. The mistake is to go “must” “must” “must”. English had lots of words for this. Think of

There is now little doubt that global warming and climate change are the result of human activity. This has happened because of a failure in environmental policy by governments and a lack of concern for wasted energy by individuals.

It is almost universally accepted that climate change is the consequence of a number of environmental failings. Perhaps the most important of these is how fossil fuels such as gas and coal are still the main source of power. This is a problem because their use means that a large amount of CO2 is released into the atmosphere causing the greenhouse effect. Another serious issue is how illegal logging continues in rainforests and the Amazon Basin in particular. It should also not be forgotten that there is a connection between global warming and the inefficient use of energy by consumers in the home.

While governments must take prime responsibility for reducing climate change, individuals too can play a part. Political leaders across the globe need to cooperate so that research into renewable forms of energy such as wind and solar power is properly funded and the use of coal and gas in power stations is phased out.

They must also of course ensure that regulations against logging are properly enforced. Consumers of energy can help by insulating their homes properly and using solar panels where possible so that less energy is required and wasted. These actions should limit the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and so reduce the greenhouse effect.

In conclusion, while global warming is a serious threat to humanity, there are a number of steps that can be taken to reduce its effects.

(274 words)

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 517 - global warming is one of the most serious issues, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. what are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue  .

global warming ielts essay

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Global Warming) – Band 7

IELTS Writing Task 2 Analysis (Global Warming) – Band 7

Let us find out what band score a candidate deserves by doing complete analysis of his IELTS writing task 2 below.

Global warming is increasing day by day. What are the causes of global warming and what can be done to eradicate this global problem.

Candidate’s Response:

Nowadays, existance of human being is threatened by a serious environmental cause know as global warming. The causes of global warming are multifactorial, thus needs a systematic approach from government organizations and individuals to tackle the issue.

To begin with, the important causes of current globalwarming are, firstly, the industrial revolution in the modern times has led to an increased release of gases into the atmosphere like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, to name a few, these gases are known to increase the temperature of the atmosphere by trapping ultraviolet rays into the earth’s atmosphere. Moreoover, population explosion has resulted in excessive dependence on fossil fuels for cars, public transport and railways, these machines emit a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

In addition, deforestation done by the humans for their habitat and agriculture has resulted in huge loss of trees who are the cleaners of combustion gases from the atmosphere. Furthermore, ozone layer is depleted from many parts of earth, thus allowing harmful rays of sun to enter the earth’s surface. The measures that government needs to take to solve or to reduce the global warming are, first of all, conserving the forest area by implementing strict norms and encouraging to plant more tree in the cities. Secondly, release of gases from industries should be reduced by instaling pollution control filters. Thirdly, discouraging use of fossil fuels for vehicles and promoting usage of renewable source of energy such as solar energy, tidal power and wind power.

To conclude, global warming is a very serious issue, which needs to be addressed at the priority. The government and all the individuals should join hands to reduce this eminent threat and save earth and future generations.

Let us try now do thorough analysis of the IELTS writing task 2 response as below:


Paraphrasing of question is written well along with good use of vocabulary (multifactorial, systematic approach, tackle).

Corrected Erroneous Statement:

“existance” should be “existence”, “know as” should be “known as”, “thus needs a” can be “and thus it needs a”

Body Para 1

Sentence connectors (to begin with, moreover) are used, complex structures are used with good use of vocabulary (industrial revolution, excessive dependence) and causes are well explained.

“globalwarming” should be “global warming”, “like” can be written as “such as”, “these gases are known” should be “which are known”, “increase the temperature of the atmosphere” should be “increase the temperature of atmosphere”, “moreoover” should be “moreover”, “these machines emit” should be “which emit”

Body Para 2

Sentence connector (In addition, furthermore, secondly etc.) are used with good sign of coherence and solutions are also listed well.

“who are”should be “which are”, “earth, thus allowing” should be “earth, thus, allowing”, “instaling” should be “installing”, “discouraging use of fossil fuels” should be “discouraging the use of fossil fuels”, “and wind power” should be extended further to complete sentence as “and wind power can be the possible solutions”

Sentence connector (to conclude) is used, vocabulary (addressed, eminent threat) usage is good.

“save earth and future generations” should be “save earth as well as future generations”

Expected Band Score: Band 7

The candidate is writing free from errors of grammar or tense. But there are some mistakesof spelling, punctuation and others, to name a few.

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Global Warming is One of The Biggest Threats to Our Environment- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Dec 18, 2023

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Global Warming is One of The Biggest Threats to Our Environment-  IELTS Writing Task 2

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The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic:

Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment. What causes global warming? What solutions are there to solve this problem?

Cause and solution Essay


Paragraph 1 : ( State your understanding ) Global warming is a universal concern which has gained worldwide attention.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1: ( cause statements ) The main causes of global warming are man-made. First, it is due to greenhouse gases often produced by power plants.

Paragraph 2 : (solution statements ) Fortunately, there are several measures that could be implemented to mitigate the problems arising from global warming.

Overall summary of your answers

Sample Essay

Global warming is a universal concern that has gained worldwide attention. A number of causes have led to this life-threatening phenomenon, the most conspicuous among them being human activities. This problem can be controlled to a certain extent by implementing certain environment-friendly practices.

The main causes of global warming are man-made. First, it is due to greenhouse gases often produced by power plants. When coal is burnt to make electricity, it releases a large amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. The second greatest source of carbon dioxide emissions comes from the petrol burning in motor vehicles which have led to increased toxicity and pollution of the atmosphere. Another reason is deforestation for farmland, wood and paper that contributes to higher temperatures which lead to the melting of polar ice caps and the rising of sea levels.

Fortunately, there are several measures that could be implemented to mitigate the problems arising from global warming. Firstly, the government should encourage power stations and plants to use more environmentally-friendly sources of energy such as renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Secondly, raising social awareness of environmental protection should be high on the agenda. For instance, television programmes could be used to incentivize people to participate in environmental protection campaigns. Further, the governments of each country should implement stringent laws and rules to control the exploitation of resources and pollution of the environment by various organizations or common people.

In a nutshell, it is clear that there are various reasons for global warming, and steps need to be taken to tackle this problem.

Band 9 Sample Essay

Environmental issues are increasingly burgeoning worldwide, and one of the most pressing problems is global warming which has become humanity’s greatest threat. This phenomenon has several causes, and human actions are the most obvious cause. However, these problems can be tackled by following specific measures. Therefore, the following essay will discuss the causes and possible solutions.

Without a doubt, global warming has a number of negative implications, and the primary causes of this phenomenon are man-made due to their inadequate knowledge and reckless exploitation of natural resources. Firstly, the excessive consumption of fossil fuels that are burnt to produce electricity and run cars results in the release of CO₂ into the atmosphere. Secondly, increased emissions of green house gases have occurred from deforestation and the release of industrial pollutants into the atmosphere. Thirdly, the significant cause behind global warming is the increase in the population resulting in air pollution. As a result, global warming has a higher impact on human health than it does on the environment, water resources, regional sea-level rise, agriculture, natural vegetation, etc.

Global warming can not be blamed on humanity. But it can be addressed and prevented from worsening through human efforts. The state government and world leaders should design and execute concrete plans and programmes to ensure that the environment is not harmed further. The government should implement severe orders requiring industries, power plants, and power stations to use ecologically beneficial practices instead of fossil fuels. Similarly, instead of running gasoline-powered vehicles, consumers can switch to electric and hybrid vehicles, which will reduce pollution and congestion. Since students are future citizens, they should be taught about afforestation, planting saplings, using public transport, and minimising plastics. Even the elders can watch environmental TV shows to engage themselves in environmental conservation campaigns.

To sum up, there are a number of factors that contribute to global warming, some of them are under human control. Although t aking  efforts  to  mitigate  global  warming  may  appear challenging at first, it is not impossible. Global warming can be controlled with concerted efforts, in which individuals and governments can team up and take appropriate efforts to attain it. Every small step counts and makes a difference in the fight against global warming.

Meaning : make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task). Eg. The police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crime

Meaning : (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. Eg. There has been stringent guidelines on air pollution issued by the government

  • Exploitation 

Meaning : the action of making use of and benefiting from resources. Eg. The migrant workers were exploited by the government

  • Incentivize 

Meaning : motivate or encourage (someone) to do something; provide with an incentive. Eg. the company is likely to incentivize the management to find ways to start savings

Meaning : a plan of things to be done or problems to be addressed. Eg . They vowed to put jobs at the top of the agenda

Meaning : the quality of being very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way. Eg. There has been various reports about the toxicity caused due to global warming

Meaning : make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful. Eg. There has been schemes that has helped to mitigate the problem of climate change

  • Conspicuous 

Meaning : clearly visible. Eg. The cause of global warming is conspicuous by the increase in temperature

  • Phenomenon 

Meaning : a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question. Eg. glaciers are interesting natural phenomena

Meaning : Phrase used to describe in the fewest possible words. Eg. “she put the matter in a nutshell”

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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global warming ielts essay

Trần Hoàng Phi Long

Posted on May 11, 2022

Can you give me feedback on my essay? I really appreciate.

In recent years, it is believed that the Earth is in danger due to the damage of climate change. As a result, human beings will have no place to live when the amount of sea level is continuously increasing throughout the time. Therefore, scientists and environmentalists are putting effort in stopping global warming. According to scientists, there are obviously three causes of global warming. First of all, there has been research that shows deforestation has a massive impact on how the climate has changed. With the need for land, human beings themselves have destroyed most of the trees which are believed to be the lungs of the Earth. Day after day, the more trees cut down the more carbon dioxide produced. Besides, the more carbon dioxide produced the more ozone harmed. As a consequence, the ozone will be massively affected by the light spectrum, which will lead to a climate apocalypse. Second, using fossil fuels are also the causes of climate change. Fossil fuels have been used for decades; Moreover, with their low cost and effectiveness, they still play a vital role in most countries around the world, especially poor and low-income countries. However, using fossil fuels means producing more and more carbon dioxide. According to scientists, whenever people use fossil fuels, they can create a heavy amount of carbon dioxide which puts a heavy strain on our environment. Finally, industrialization also plays a part in creating climate change. Most of the countries nowadays are focusing on developing industries. However, with the heavy amount of toxic gas emitted from places such as factories, industrial zones or cities, not only is the climate affected but also people’s health. Against global warming, many countries in the world are doing their best in order to find solutions to stop this issue. According to EU Action on how to deal with climate change, using alternative energy or renewable energy such as the wind, sun or water flow,… is the most efficient way to stop global warming. Renewable energy is limitless, easy to use, and most important, it is carbon dioxide free and friendly to the environment. Another solution is planting more trees. In order to encourage people to plant more trees, arbor day was established on the twenty-fifth of April in America. Arbor Day was soon responded to widely and became an important day when people started to grow more and more trees. Last but not least, it was the government’s responsibility to reduce the toxic gas caused by industrialization; in other words, the industrial zones and factories as well as cities should have a plan on how to minimize the effect of toxic gas before constructing. In short, the causes of global warming can be solved if we keep following the solutions. We need to give our best shot so that the Earth can be save and clean, unless we will have nowhere else to live.


Band Score – 5.5

Concentrate on the correct usage of articles, subject-verb agreement, tense, prepositions and punctuation.

Since this is a direct question essay, you will have to answer the two questions asked in separate paragraphs. There is no need to create separate paragraphs for each point.

Pay attention words used in a content and keep the word limit within 350.

Use C2 level of words.

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