best motivational speeches

13 Best Motivational Speeches for Entrepreneurs (2024)

Who couldn’t use a few of the best motivational speeches for entrepreneurs?

Business can be hard. Heck, life can be hard.

We’re all on a journey, and we’ve all been down in the dumps before, wondering if what we’re doing is really worth it.

Wondering if what we’re doing is really making an impact.

But, it’s important that we’re always moving forward. This is a lesson that I learned early in life.

I remember I was around 4 years old, and I was learning to ride my bike with my uncle and my father.

Of course, I fell off multiple times while I was learning to cycle, and I remember the time I cut my knee pretty badly.

At that point I really just wanted to quit and go home. But, my family told me: “you can’t quit now, you’re almost there. Just try it once more!”

You’ve probably heard that before too, right?

So, I got back on that bike. I didn’t want to, but you just need to power through and face your challenges head-on.

Sure enough, that was the first time that I rode that bike without any help.

After that, I was so glad I kept moving forward and that I never gave up.

Now, that probably wasn’t the motivational speech that you expected when you clicked on this article, but it’s evidence that we can do so much more than we think we’re capable of when we’re spurred on by others.

And that’s exactly why we’ve created this article – we’ve listed all of our favorite motivational speeches here, because we already know how much more you can achieve with a little bit of extra motivation .

So, let’s jump into it!

Post Contents

Will Smith – Pursuit of Happiness

Al pacino – any given sunday, steve jobs – 2005 stanford commencement speech, matthew mcconaughey – university of houston speech, sheryl sandberg – harvard business school motivational speech, sylvester stallone – balboa speech, arnold schwarzenegger – famous motivational speech, richard st.john – 8 secrets of success, eric thomas – i can, i will, i must, denzel washington – fall forward, key takeaways, want to learn more.

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13 Best Motivational Speeches for Entrepreneurs

Considered one of the best motivational speeches, this famous motivational speech from the 2006 film, Pursuit of Happyness , features Will Smith and his son playing basketball.

At the start of the clip, you’ll see Smith’s son (his actual son, Jaden Smith) playing around with a basketball, and he shouts out, “I’m going pro!”

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After hearing this, Smith decides to try and level his son’s expectations, mentioning that he himself never really excelled at basketball, so his son shouldn’t expect to either.

His son is visibly disappointed by this comment, and Smith notices this.

Smith then proclaims: “don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something, not even me.”

“You got a dream, you gotta protect it. You want something, go get it. Period.”

This motivational speech is a special one. Even though both Will and Jaden Smith are acting, they’re still father and son, and you can see how this scene reflects their own family dynamic.

It’s a short motivational speech, but it’s one of the best motivational speeches of all time, in our opinion.

Al Pacino’s speech from the American Football drama, Any Given Sunday, is next up on our list.

This famous motivational speech really gets your blood flowing – perfect for watching before you tackle a difficult day .

The motivational speech revolves around the idea of inches being so important in American Football, even if we have the tendency to overlook them.

He talks about the different ways that his team can gain advantages over their opponents, even if it’s only an inch at a time.

He proclaims: “when we add up all those […] inches, that’s what makes the difference between winning and losing”.

This point is applicable throughout life, too – it’s the people who go the extra mile who tend to find success more often than not.

And sometimes, you won’t notice it at first, but like Pacino mentions, it’s the sum of all the small parts which lead you to victory.

Motivational speeches like this one pump you up when you need it most.

Steve Jobs, one of the key figures behind tech giant Apple’s success, is next up on our list of the best motivational speeches of all time.

In his 2005 Stanford commencement speech, the former Apple CEO dives deep into his own journey as an entrepreneur , and he speaks openly about the issues that he’s faced along the way and how he overcame them.

During this classic motivational speech, Jobs talks about how he was actually a college dropout and that this was one of the most important times of his life. 

He mentioned that he dropped out of college to take classes that he was truly interested in, rather than studying topics he wasn’t deeply passionate about.

One of those classes that he took up after dropping out was calligraphy. He was so compelled by the high standard of handwriting.

To many, this might seem like a strange choice, but he connects the experience that he gained from that class to the font choices that he installed on Apple computers.

If Jobs had never taken that calligraphy class, he wouldn’t have cared so much about a seemingly small detail, like fonts, but Apple was the first company to add different typefaces to their operating systems. 

He goes on to say: “You can’t connect the dots if you’re looking forward, you can only do it looking backwards. So, you need to keep moving forward and hope that the dots align somehow.”

The key message from this famous motivational speech is that we’re always learning. We’re always growing and finding out new information. It’s all about what we choose to do with that information that really defines us.

As Jobs said: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Next up on our list of motivational speeches is Matthew McConaughey, with his commencement speech at the University of Houston.

The Oscar-winning actor delivers some very pertinent points during his speech, but the one that stuck out for me was how he spoke of joy being a “constant approach”.

McConaughey said: “Joy is always in process, it’s always under construction.”

He spoke of how he was previously judging his success on metrics that he thought were important to him, like the number of academy awards he won, or the amount of money his films grossed.

But, it was only when he decided to focus on the whole process of creating a film, and enjoying every aspect of it, that he found true success in those metrics.

It turned out that, when he took everything one step at a time, and truly enjoyed his craft, he found that things just fell into place.

“Define success for yourself.”

Find what you want to achieve, and enjoy the entire journey – not just the high points, but the lows too.

Matthew McConaughey ended up delivering one of the best motivational speeches from the past few years.

Sheryl Sandberg, the American entrepreneur, tech executive, author, and current COO of Facebook, is the next addition to our list of the best motivational speeches with her talk at the Harvard Business School in 2012.

Besides talking about her own experiences as an entrepreneur, and her work at Facebook with Mark Zuckerberg, Sandberg mentions a very pertinent idea. One that we can all do well to remember.

“Motivation comes from working on things that we care about.”

This is certainly true for entrepreneurship – those who are running businesses and working to tackle problems that engage them are more likely to find success.

And, according to Sandberg, it’s so important that we continue to work, because that’s the most important thing.

All in all, this is one of the best motivational speeches for students that we’ve seen.

Rocky Balboa , played by Sylvester Stallone, is a famed character best known for his courage, hard work, and determination.

In Rocky Balboa, the sixth film in the Rocky franchise, Stallone delivers one of the hardest-hitting motivational speeches of all time.

Stallone starts off the motivational speech by saying: “The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.”

He goes on to talk about the value of hard work and commitment and emphasizes that “it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”

As an entrepreneur, this motivational speech really hits home. There will be struggles on your journey to success , but as Stallone says, it’s all about “how much you can take and keep moving forward, that’s how winning is done.”

Remember this when your back is up against the wall – winners never give up!

This is one of the most iconic motivational speeches. You’ll often find it in motivational speech mashup videos on YouTube or even on Spotify.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Austrian-American actor, entrepreneur, politician, and former My Olympia, is next up on our list of the most famous motivational speeches for entrepreneurs.

He starts his motivational speech with a simple, powerful message.

“Work your ass off.”

Schwarzenegger then discusses how having a goal was so pivotal for him on his journey to success in a variety of fields.

He also talks about how “only a quarter of people really enjoy what they’re doing in life.”

Schwarzenegger also believes that everybody should be constantly working to get closer to their main goal and properly utilize every hour of their day.

“Imagine if you worked on a business every day for an hour . Imagine how further along you would get.”

This is perhaps the most important message from this motivational speech – it’s down to us to make the most of our limited time on earth. And this message, which everybody can get behind, is why we believe this is one of the best motivational speeches of all time.

Next up on our list, we’ve got an infamous TED talk from Richard St.John – also one of the shortest motivational speeches that we’ve ever seen, but it sure is impactful.

St.John mentions at the start of the video that this talk is a condensed version of 7 years of research (including research from more than five hundred interviews with successful professionals).

One of the most interesting points that St.John mentions is that if you want to be successful at something, you need to “put your nose down in something and get damn good at it.”

But, the most motivational part of St.John’s speech for us was where he talks about passion.

He said: “if you do something you love then the money comes along later.”

This section of the motivational speech is especially relevant for entrepreneurs – if you’re building a brand , then try and be invested in it as much as possible – a commitment to the cause will really help you find success in the long run. 

When you’re trying to find success, you need to love what you do!

Eric Thomas is a fantastic speaker, and in this classic motivational speech, he empowers us to believe that we can always get through adversity, no matter what the challenge is.

Thomas repeats this line throughout the speech: “I can get through this. I will get through this. I must get through this.”

He also cleverly uses our loved ones as a source of inspiration in this motivational speech.

He asks us to focus on the 3 people we love the most and challenges us to question our own decisions regarding motivation.

“You gotta think about those people every day.”

“You have some days when you think about hitting the snooze button? […] The days you don’t feel like getting up, just think about them.”

Instead of being lazy and complacent, we need to think about our loved ones and question what they’d think if we were procrastinating 24/7 .

Honestly, it’s fine doing something for yourself, but knowing that you’ve made your loved ones proud just makes everything feel 10 times better. This is one of the main messages from this motivational speech. 

And that’s why this is one of the best motivational speeches of all time. It takes the onus away from working for yourself and instead focuses on putting in the work for people you couldn’t bear to let down.  

Elon Musk – USC Commencement Motivational Speech

Elon Musk is an icon of inspiration for countless people worldwide. Known for his out-of-the-box thinking and visionary technology, Musk shows us that anything is possible if we put our minds to it.

In the USC Commencement motivational speech, Elon immediately demonstrates his tendency to break away from the status quo. He tells us he was advised to stick to 3 items that he wanted to mention, but he’s going to share four.

Elon tells his listeners that they need to work proportionally to the accomplishments they want to achieve. “If you want to start a company, you need to work super hard.”

Elon’s speech here is compelling because it’s so authentic. He doesn’t talk about being lucky or following your gut instinct. Musk tells us that great things come from an equally astronomical amount of work.

Musk also acknowledges the power of great people, “all a company is, is a group of people that have gathered together.” Elon says that if you want a great company, you need a great team.

Musk’s third point is to “focus on signal over noise.” In other words, concentrate on developments that make the product better, “don’t just follow the trend.”

The final piece of advice from Elon’s speech? “Take risks.” Jump into new opportunities and pursue different things.

Ed Shereen – Being Weird is a Wonderful Thing

Ed Sheeran might not be the first person you think of when you visualize the world’s greatest thought leaders. Yet, he constantly moves millions of people with his music and his words.

At the 9 th Annual American Institute for Stuttering Benefit Gala, Sheeran talked about how Eminem helped him overcome his speech impediment.

Sheeran admits to being a “very, very weird child” with a birthmark on his face, large glasses, and no eardrum on one side of his head. He says that “stuttering was actually the least of my problems when I went to school,” but he found it extremely difficult.

Sheeran notes that not being able to express himself in the right way was his biggest concern with his stutter. However, when his dad bought him an Eminem CD when he was young. Listening to it helped him to learn how to speak fast and accomplish his stutter.

Ed’s insights are a great source of inspiration for entrepreneurs learning how to deal with the stress of public speaking and believing in themselves.

Now, Ed believes that “being weird is a wonderful thing”. He asks us to “embrace yourself, embrace your quirks, and embrace your weirdness.”

Jim Carrey – Maharishi University Commencement Motivational Speech

Jim Carrey’s commencement speech at the Maharishi University is filled with so much wisdom it’s difficult to decide which to focus on.

Perhaps the most important statement Jim made for entrepreneurs and business leaders was that “fear” will always be a big player in our lives. However, Jim notes, “you get to decide how much.” You can spend your life in fear, or you can follow your heart.

Jim says that countless people choose their path out of fear. They stick to what’s safe and easy because they’re afraid to ask, “what if?” However, Carrey says that the only way to live is to ask the universe for what you need.

Jim Carrey invites his listeners to “risk being seen in all of your glory.” He says that our job isn’t to figure out how we’re going to reach success, but to simply “open the door in your head” and walk through it when the time is right.

“You will fail at something. Accept it.”

In the last entry on our list of the best motivational speeches, Denzel Washington discusses failure.

But, Washington doesn’t shirk away from failure ; he embraces it.

He says that “every failed experiment is one step closer to success.”

This is certainly true when it comes to entrepreneurship . You learn so much from everything you do, whether it’s a win or a loss.

But, the most important thing isn’t necessarily winning or losing. It’s about getting out there and giving it everything you’ve got. That’s why this is one of our favorite motivational speeches about life. 

“Never be discouraged. Never hold back. And when you fall in life, remember this: fall forward.”

So, that’s our list of the best motivational speeches for entrepreneurs.

We hope you enjoyed those clips. We just want to highlight a couple of key points present across all of these motivational speeches.

  • It’s important that you love what you do . Be invested. Be present. And be the best you can be.
  • Failure isn’t a bad thing . If you learn from it, and continue to move forward, it can lead to great things.
  • You need to want it. Entrepreneurship, along with many things in life, can be tough. You want it bad? Prove it.

Okay, that’s all from me today. Did I miss any motivational speeches off from this list? Let me know in the comments section – I read them all!

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Motivational Speech from CEO to Employees

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Inspiring people and keeping them motivated is one of the most important attributes of a leader. It’s not always easy to motivate your employees. But as a leader, it’s your job to do so—and you should never give up on that mission. Here are some tips for giving the best motivational speech as a CEO to employees for inspiring people.

3 Tips to write the best Motivational Speech from CEO to Employees

If you’re here, you’re probably looking for motivation or preparing to inspire your team on a big day. Let’s look at some of the influential and persuasive tools used by these CEOs.

1. Inspire your team members by acknowledging and celebrating wins, big and small.

  • It helps to establish a culture where everyone who works for your company feels like they are part of something bigger than themselves.
  • If a project succeeds, it’s important to recognize that success and give credit where credit is due. Celebrate small wins along with big ones.
  • Be sure to recognize any employee who goes above and beyond their job description or makes an effort to help others out of the kindness of their heart.

2. Building a culture of recognition is an effective means of motivating employees to regularly exceed their goals.

  • Recognition is a powerful motivator. It’s not just about patting someone on the back, but rather it involves letting people know that their efforts are valued.
  • In order for recognition to be effective, it should be done in a public way, in a timely fashion, and be meaningful. Use your speech to recognize the efforts of your employees.

3. Inject wit, humor, and empathy into your words to build trust, create bonds, repair relationships, and create joy in the workplace.

  • As you know, humor is a great way to connect with people . It builds trust, creates bonds, repairs relationships, and creates joy in the workplace.
  • It can also motivate your employees and make them feel good about themselves. And if you want to make someone feel special or important—or even just lighten the mood at a tense moment—a joke is often just what’s needed!
  • Telling personal stories also works wonders.

Best CEO speeches to employees

Great CEOs rely on various communication tools to inspire their teams and influence others to take action. Here are some of the CEOs who have successfully found the courage to show their true selves through inspirational speeches added to their presentations.

1. Howard Schultz:

 Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks gives a great motivational speech to his employees

If you go and ask any presentation expert about who, according to them, is one of the best storytelling executives in the business currently, they’ll probably say former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

  • Schultz often returned to his story about how he rose from rags to riches, from being a child of often unemployed parents in Brooklyn public housing to becoming the CEO of the world’s most successful coffeehouse chain. He’d use the story as a starting point to describe the history and mission of Starbucks and to explain many decisions he made regarding the company.
  • He mentioned in his speeches how he took inspiration from his father , who was injured and unable to work, which gave him the urge to launch a company that took care of its workers and provided them with benefits, like insurance and adequate time-off.
  • By framing his business goals in a personal story about his values , Schultz made his corporate mission understandable and described his strategic decisions in a way that made sense to anyone.
  • Check his complete speech here .
I love Starbucks. Many of you do, too. We all have a stake in our future. It is something we all share. And this serves as an invitation to come build it. Howard Schultz:

2. Sheryl Sandberg:

Sheryl Sandberg is known for her motivational speeches to employees.

Not everyone is comfortable sharing their stories from their struggling period, just like Sheryl Sandberg once felt reluctant to share her tale of tragedy in her public speeches.

  • Today, the Facebook COO masterfully reveals deeply personal stories in her talks, and these make her messages powerful and brings hope.
  • One of Sandberg’s most effective uses of personal storytelling happened during her 2016 UC Berkeley commencement speech after tragically and suddenly losing her husband Dave Goldberg in 2015. Sandberg chose not to mourn but to harness that painful tragedy to deliver a talk that was profoundly affecting and inspiring. She described her experience of losing her husband, then explained how she was able to rise from her unbearable grief into a stronger, more resilient person.
When life sucks you under, you can kick against the bottom, break the surface, and breathe again…you can choose joy and meaning.” Sheryl Sandberg:

Sandberg’s exhortation was powerful and uplifting despite its origin in a tragedy. She figured out how to unlock the power of a personal setback story for a presentation message that fosters endurance and drives the forward movement.

3. Rowan Trollope:

Check Rowan Trollope motivational speech given to employees.

Five9 CEO Rowan Trollope never fails to use firsthand anecdotes in his speeches. These stories make him feel relatable rather than like an untouchable executive who seems significantly snobbish and highly professional, not having a moment to listen to his employees’ needs and impulses.

  • As a leading SVP at Cisco, he delivered the 2016 Cisco Keynote at Enterprise Connect. He opened the speech with the story of his first experience with weightlessness at the “Zero-G Experience” when his instructor warned him he would laugh when he was finally weightless (all people do), he resolved to remain stoic. However, once he got up into the air and floated, he burst out laughing uncontrollably—reminding him that he was human, just like everyone who’d been weightless before him (even professional astronauts).
  • Trollope’s story not only showed his humanity but also endeared him to the audience , giving him an understandable jumping-off point to explain to listeners what he wanted to do with Cisco products. He wanted to create products and devices that delighted users, whether they were professionals in the industry or just picking up the technology for the first time.

Like his weightlessness story, most of Trollope’s tales are entertaining and full of humility. They work to demonstrate his “humanness”—taking him down off any “executive pedestal” and making him approachable and accessible. This results in a message that feels relevant and understandable to everyone listening. Read Trollope’s complete speech and be inspired.

“Organizations are spending $275B a year as an industry to deliver an experience that a lot of times, most people don’t like. That feels like an opportunity to me.”  Rowan Trollope

Motivation is something that everyone needs, and it’s up to you as a leader to inspire your employees. If you want people to surround themselves with positive energy every day, then you have to do the same for them. It’s easy for leaders to get caught up in their own personal issues and forget about the people who rely on them for support. Remember: it’s all about building relationships with others because without them, what would we have?

Motivational Speech from CEO to Employees

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15 Inspirational Speeches to Share with Your Team

These days, you might be feeling on the edge of burnout. Finding the time and mental energy to get everything done is simply overwhelming.

Whether you’re managing fine or barely holding on, this is a great time to reflect on your well-being and build habits that bring you long-term success.

If you’re ready to take it to the next level and make 2021 your year, start by inspiring yourself and your team with a mind-expanding talk. We’ve put together 15 inspirational speeches ranging from educational to motivational that are sure to get you ready to grow yourself in 2021.

1. Are you an ideal team player?-  Patrick Lencioni

Best-selling author and team dysfunction expert Patrick Lencioni breaks down the questions every member of your team can ask themselves to improve their teamwork.

2. Developing a Growth Mindset-  Carol Dweck

Developing a growth mindset is critical for successful advancement in life. Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck explains why growth mindsets are so powerful and how to develop one in this Ted Talk classic.

3. The Art of Stress-Free Productivity – David Allen

Productivity guru David Allen explains his simple method for ensuring you get things done. This is a must-watch for any team struggling with procrastination and prioritization.

4. The power of vulnerability-  Dr. Brené Brown

Pioneering vulnerability researcher Brené Brown shares her findings on the impact embracing emotional transparency can have on teams and relationships. This is a must-watch for any team looking to improve their communication and teamwork.

5. The 3 Most Important Things for Every Entrepreneur-  Verne Harnish

Verne Harnish, EO Founder and best-selling author of Scaling Up , is a popular speaker at business conferences around the world, as well as the host of his own . His message resonates with entrepreneurs and business leaders with entrepreneurial mindsets.

6. These Are Not Unprecedented Times – Simon Sinek

Delivered over Zoom at the start of the pandemic, popular speaker Simon Sinek gives an optimistic message for anyone stuck in the dark tunnel of coronavirus quarantines and lockdowns. The Start with Why  Author’s message also resonates with those emerging from the tunnel and motivating themselves for what’s ahead.

7. The Science of Habits – Marco Badwel

Harvard researcher Marco Badwel shares the secrets of forming successful habits as explained by science. If you or you’re team is trying to adopt a new habit, this talk is for you.

8. The 5 hindrances to self-mastery – Master Shi Heng Yi

Shaolin Master Shi Heng Yi shares lessons for a fulfilling life and from his time as a traditionally educated monk living in the west. “The universal law of being successful and happy at the same time means finding the balance”, says master Yi.

9. What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness-  Robert Waldinger

Looking to motivate your team to find fulfillment in their work-life harmony? Look no further than this classic ted talk on the research of what’s important to life-long happiness.

10. The habits of happiness-  Matthieu Ricard

Former molecular biologist and Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard explains how to develop habits of well-being to generate a true sense of serenity and fulfillment. This is a great watch for anyone working to find balance and peace in their lives.

11. Oprah Winfrey- Spelman College Commencement Address 2012

Among the greatest commencement addresses ever, Oprah Winfrey’s 2012 speech lays out a motivational path to success anyone can connect with.

12. 2005 Stanford Commencement Address-  Steve Jobs

This classic speech by the famous Apple CEO makes a lasting impact on all that listen to it. Steve Jobs pushes the listener to aim high with their goals and take advantage of every setback.

13. Darkest Hour (2017) – We Shall Fight on the Beaches Scene

Nothing stirs the soul like Sir Winston Churchill’s timeless words that roused a nation to arms against a great evil. During tough times, a little cinematic and historic motivation may rouse your team.

14. A Pep Talk from Kid President to You

If you’re looking for a feel-good pick-me-up, look no further than this viral classic from Kid President.

15. Van Down By The River – Saturday Night Live

When you’re sick and tired of motivational speeches, watch the greatest parody of motivational speakers ever made. Chris Farley gives a legendary performance in this video that is just to delight and inspire change.

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80+ Rewards and Recognition Speech Examples for Inspiration

Discover impactful rewards and recognition speech example. Inspire your team with words of appreciation. Elevate your recognition game today!

Jan 25th 2024 • 26 min read

In today's competitive corporate landscape, where employee motivation and engagement are crucial for success, rewards and recognition speech examples have emerged as powerful tools to inspire and appreciate the efforts of employees. Whether it's to celebrate milestones, acknowledge outstanding performance, or simply boost morale, a well-crafted rewards and recognition speech can leave a lasting impact on the recipients.

If you're searching for the perfect blend of words to uplift and motivate your team, look no further. In this blog, we will delve into the art of rewards and recognition speeches, exploring examples that encapsulate the essence of appreciation and inspire employees to reach new heights of success.

Whether you're a team leader, manager, or someone looking to express your appreciation to a colleague, our blog will provide you with a treasure trove of rewards and recognition speech examples that are sure to captivate and inspire. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let us guide you through the world of appreciation and recognition in the workplace.

What Is A Rewards and Recognition Speech?

A rewards and recognition speech is a formal address given to acknowledge and appreciate individuals or groups for their exceptional achievements or contributions. It serves as a platform to publicly recognize the efforts and accomplishments of deserving individuals , boosting morale, and fostering a positive work culture. This type of speech is commonly delivered during award ceremonies, employee appreciation events, or annual gatherings where appreciation and recognition are key objectives.

A well-crafted rewards and recognition speech celebrates the recipients' accomplishments, highlights their impact on the organization, and inspires others to strive for similar success. In essence, it is an opportunity to acknowledge, motivate, and express gratitude towards individuals who have made a significant difference in their field or organization.

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How Rewards and Recognition Impact Employee Motivation and Engagement

Employee motivation and engagement are crucial factors in determining the success of a company. One effective way to enhance motivation and engagement is through rewards and recognition. By acknowledging and appreciating employees' efforts and accomplishments, organizations can create a positive work environment that encourages productivity and fosters loyalty. We will explore how rewards and recognition can impact employee motivation and engagement.

1. Increased Job Satisfaction

Rewarding and recognizing employees for their hard work not only boosts their confidence but also increases their overall job satisfaction. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to enjoy their work and feel a sense of fulfillment in their roles . This satisfaction translates into higher motivation and engagement, as employees are more committed to their tasks and strive to exceed expectations.

2. Improved Performance

Rewards and recognition serve as powerful motivators that drive employees to perform at their best. When employees know that their efforts will be acknowledged and rewarded, they are more likely to go the extra mile and demonstrate exceptional performance. As a result, organizations witness improved productivity, increased efficiency, and higher quality outputs. By recognizing and rewarding outstanding performance, companies can create a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

3. Enhanced Employee Morale

Recognition plays a significant role in boosting employee morale. When employees receive acknowledgment for their achievements, it reinforces their belief in their capabilities and contributions. This positive reinforcement not only motivates employees to continue performing well but also creates a supportive and encouraging work environment. High employee morale leads to increased job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and a stronger sense of belonging within the organization.

4. Strengthened Employee Engagement

Rewards and recognition contribute to higher levels of employee engagement. Engaged employees are those who are fully committed to their work and actively contribute to the success of the organization. When employees feel recognized and valued, they develop a stronger emotional connection to their work and the company's goals. This emotional investment drives their engagement, leading to increased productivity, creativity, and innovation.

5. Retention and Attraction of Talent

An effective rewards and recognition program can significantly impact employee retention and attraction. Recognized and rewarded employees are more likely to remain loyal to their organization and less likely to seek employment elsewhere. In addition, a positive work culture that emphasizes rewards and recognition becomes an attractive selling point for potential candidates. By showcasing a commitment to employee motivation and engagement, organizations can attract top talent, reduce turnover costs, and maintain a highly skilled workforce.

Rewards and recognition have a profound impact on employee motivation and engagement. By implementing a comprehensive program that appreciates and acknowledges employees' efforts, organizations can create a work environment that fosters satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty. Investing in rewards and recognition not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to the long-term success of the organization as a whole.

• Words Of Appreciation For Good Work Done By Team • How To Recognize Employees • Recognition Examples • How Do You Like To Be Recognized • Recognizing A Coworker • Reward And Recognition Ideas • Fun Employee Recognition Ideas • Formal Recognition • Team Member Recognition • Performance Recognition • Reasons To Recognize Employees • Reward And Recognition Strategies • Recognition For Leadership • How To Recognize Employees For A Job Well Done • Reasons For Rewarding Employees • Employee Wall Of Fame Ideas

1. Celebrating Team Milestones

Recognizing and rewarding the achievements of individual team members or the entire team when they reach significant milestones, such as completing a project, meeting a target, or reaching a certain number of sales.

2. Employee of the Month

Recognizing outstanding employees by selecting one as the Employee of the Month, based on their exceptional performance, dedication, and positive impact on the organization.

3. Sales Contest Winners

Acknowledging the top performers in sales contests and rewarding them with incentives, such as cash bonuses, gift cards, or extra vacation days.

4. Most Improved Employee

Recognizing employees who have shown significant improvement in their performance, skills, or productivity, and highlighting their dedication to personal growth and development.

5. Customer Service Heroes

Acknowledging employees who have gone above and beyond to provide exceptional customer service, resolving challenging situations, and ensuring customer satisfaction.

6. Leadership Excellence

Recognizing managers or team leaders who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, inspiring and motivating their team members to achieve outstanding results.

7. Innovation Champions

Celebrating employees who have introduced innovative ideas, processes, or solutions that have had a positive impact on the organization, encouraging a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

8. Outstanding Team Player

Recognizing individuals who consistently contribute to the success of their team, displaying a collaborative mindset, and supporting their colleagues in achieving common goals.

9. Safety Initiatives

Acknowledging employees who have taken proactive measures to ensure a safe working environment, promoting safety protocols, and reducing accidents or injuries.

10. Excellence in Problem-Solving

Recognizing employees who have demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills, showcasing their ability to analyze complex situations and find effective solutions.

11. Mentorship and Coaching

Celebrating individuals who have dedicated their time and expertise to mentor and coach their colleagues, supporting their professional growth and development.

12. Going the Extra Mile

Recognizing employees who consistently go above and beyond their regular duties, displaying exceptional commitment and dedication to their work.

13. Team Building Champions

Acknowledging individuals who have organized and led successful team-building activities, fostering a positive team spirit and enhancing collaboration within the organization.

14. Employee Wellness Advocates

Recognizing employees who have actively promoted and contributed to the well-being of their colleagues, encouraging a healthy work-life balance and creating a positive work environment.

15. Community Service

Celebrating employees who have actively participated in community service initiatives, volunteering their time and skills to make a positive impact on society.

16. Outstanding Project Management

Recognizing individuals who have demonstrated exceptional project management skills, successfully leading and delivering complex projects on time and within budget.

17. Customer Appreciation

Acknowledging employees who have received positive feedback or testimonials from customers, highlighting their exceptional service and dedication to customer satisfaction.

18. Quality Excellence

Recognizing employees who consistently deliver high-quality work, ensuring that the organization maintains its standards of excellence and customer satisfaction.

19. Team Spirit

Celebrating the unity and camaraderie within a team, acknowledging their strong bond and collaborative efforts in achieving shared goals.

20. Creativity and Innovation

Recognizing employees who have shown creativity and innovative thinking in their work, introducing new ideas, and driving positive change within the organization.

21. Initiative and Proactivity

Acknowledging employees who take the initiative and demonstrate a proactive approach to their work, identifying opportunities for improvement and taking action to implement them.

22. Cross-Functional Collaboration

Celebrating individuals who have successfully collaborated with colleagues from different departments or teams, fostering a culture of teamwork and achieving synergy in their projects.

23. Learning and Development Champions

Recognizing employees who have shown a commitment to their own learning and development, actively seeking opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge.

24. Outstanding Customer Retention

Acknowledging employees who have played a crucial role in ensuring customer loyalty and retention, consistently delivering exceptional service and building strong relationships with customers.

25. Adaptability and Flexibility

Celebrating employees who have demonstrated adaptability and flexibility in their work, successfully navigating through change and embracing new challenges.

26. Continuous Improvement

Recognizing individuals who consistently seek ways to improve processes, systems, or workflows, contributing to the organization's overall efficiency and effectiveness.

27. Employee Engagement Advocates

Acknowledging employees who have actively promoted employee engagement initiatives, creating a positive and motivating work environment.

28. Exceptional Time Management

Recognizing employees who have demonstrated exceptional time management skills, effectively prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines.

29. Resilience and Perseverance

Celebrating individuals who have shown resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges or setbacks, inspiring others to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

30. Teamwork in Crisis

Acknowledging the teamwork and collaboration displayed by employees during a crisis or challenging situation, highlighting their ability to work together under pressure.

31. Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion

Recognizing leaders who have actively promoted diversity and inclusion within the organization, fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment.

32. Outstanding Problem-Solving

Celebrating employees who consistently demonstrate exceptional problem-solving skills, showcasing their ability to analyze complex situations and find innovative solutions.

33. Excellence in Customer Retention

Recognizing employees who have played a crucial role in ensuring customer loyalty and satisfaction, consistently delivering exceptional service and building strong relationships.

34. Inspirational Leadership

Acknowledging leaders who have inspired and motivated their team members to achieve outstanding results, displaying exceptional leadership qualities.

35. Customer Service Excellence

Celebrating employees who consistently provide exceptional customer service, going above and beyond to meet customer needs and exceed expectations.

36. Collaboration and Teamwork

Recognizing individuals or teams who have demonstrated outstanding collaboration and teamwork, achieving common goals through effective communication and cooperation.

37. Employee Empowerment

Acknowledging employees who have actively empowered their colleagues, fostering a culture of autonomy, trust, and accountability within the organization.

38. Sales Achievement Awards

Celebrating top performers in sales, acknowledging their exceptional sales skills, and their contribution to the organization's growth and success.

39. Learning and Development Pioneers

Recognizing employees who have taken the initiative in their own learning and development, actively seeking opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge.

40. Innovation and Creativity

Celebrating individuals who have introduced innovative ideas, processes, or solutions that have had a positive impact on the organization, encouraging a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

41. Leadership in Crisis

Acknowledging leaders who have displayed exceptional leadership skills during a crisis or challenging situation, guiding their team members and making effective decisions under pressure.

42. Outstanding Customer Service

Recognizing employees who consistently provide exceptional customer service, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction and building strong customer relationships.

43. Collaboration Across Departments

Celebrating individuals or teams who have successfully collaborated with colleagues from different departments, fostering cross-functional synergy and achieving shared goals.

44. Employee Growth and Development

Acknowledging employees who have shown dedication to their own growth and development, actively seeking opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.

45. Quality Excellence

46. resilience and adaptability.

Celebrating individuals who have demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges or change, inspiring others to overcome obstacles and embrace new opportunities.

47. Leadership in Employee Engagement

Acknowledging leaders who have actively promoted employee engagement initiatives, creating a positive and motivating work environment.

48. Outstanding Problem-Solving

Recognizing employees who consistently demonstrate exceptional problem-solving skills, showcasing their ability to analyze complex situations and find innovative solutions.

49. Customer Appreciation

Celebrating employees who have received positive feedback or testimonials from customers, highlighting their exceptional service and commitment to customer satisfaction.

50. Teamwork in Crisis

51. leadership in diversity and inclusion, 52. inspirational leadership.

Celebrating leaders who have inspired and motivated their team members to achieve outstanding results, displaying exceptional leadership qualities.

53. Exceptional Time Management

Acknowledging employees who have demonstrated exceptional time management skills, effectively prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines.

54. Continuous Improvement

55. employee empowerment.

Celebrating employees who have actively empowered their colleagues, fostering a culture of autonomy, trust, and accountability within the organization.

56. Sales Achievement Awards

Recognizing top performers in sales, acknowledging their exceptional sales skills, and their contribution to the organization's growth and success.

57. Learning and Development Pioneers

Celebrating employees who have taken the initiative in their own learning and development, actively seeking opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge.

58. Innovation and Creativity

Acknowledging individuals who have introduced innovative ideas, processes, or solutions that have had a positive impact on the organization, encouraging a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

59. Leadership in Crisis

Recognizing leaders who have displayed exceptional leadership skills during a crisis or challenging situation, guiding their team members and making effective decisions under pressure.

60. Outstanding Customer Service

Celebrating employees who consistently provide exceptional customer service, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction and building strong customer relationships.

61. Collaboration Across Departments

Recognizing individuals or teams who have successfully collaborated with colleagues from different departments, fostering cross-functional synergy and achieving shared goals.

62. Employee Growth and Development

Celebrating employees who have shown dedication to their own growth and development, actively seeking opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.

63. Quality Excellence

Acknowledging employees who consistently deliver high-quality work, ensuring that the organization maintains its standards of excellence and customer satisfaction.

64. Resilience and Adaptability

Recognizing individuals who have demonstrated resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges or change, inspiring others to overcome obstacles and embrace new opportunities.

65. Leadership in Employee Engagement

Celebrating leaders who have actively promoted employee engagement initiatives, creating a positive and motivating work environment.

66. Outstanding Problem-Solving

Acknowledging employees who consistently demonstrate exceptional problem-solving skills, showcasing their ability to analyze complex situations and find innovative solutions.

67. Customer Appreciation

Recognizing employees who have received positive feedback or testimonials from customers, highlighting their exceptional service and commitment to customer satisfaction.

68. Teamwork in Crisis

Celebrating the teamwork and collaboration displayed by employees during a crisis or challenging situation, highlighting their ability to work together under pressure.

69. Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion

Acknowledging leaders who have actively promoted diversity and inclusion within the organization, fostering an inclusive and equitable work environment.

70. Inspirational Leadership

Recognizing leaders who have inspired and motivated their team members to achieve outstanding results, displaying exceptional leadership qualities.

71. Exceptional Time Management

Celebrating employees who have demonstrated exceptional time management skills, effectively prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines.

72. Continuous Improvement

Acknowledging individuals who consistently seek ways to improve processes, systems, or workflows, contributing to the organization's overall efficiency and effectiveness.

73. Employee Empowerment

Recognizing employees who have actively empowered their colleagues, fostering a culture of autonomy, trust, and accountability within the organization.

74. Sales Achievement Awards

75. learning and development pioneers.

Acknowledging employees who have taken the initiative in their own learning and development, actively seeking opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge.

76. Innovation and Creativity

Recognizing individuals who have introduced innovative ideas, processes, or solutions that have had a positive impact on the organization, encouraging a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

77. Leadership in Crisis

Celebrating leaders who have displayed exceptional leadership skills during a crisis or challenging situation, guiding their team members and making effective decisions under pressure.

78. Outstanding Customer Service

Acknowledging employees who consistently provide exceptional customer service, demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction and building strong customer relationships.

79. Collaboration Across Departments

80. employee growth and development, the importance of a rewards and recognition speech.

In the business world, rewards and recognition play a crucial role in motivating employees and fostering a positive company culture. While giving a gift with a note may be a thoughtful gesture, delivering a rewards and recognition speech adds a personal touch and amplifies the impact of the recognition. This is especially significant for major employee rewards, such as a 10-year anniversary or other significant recognition events.

1. Personal Connection and Appreciation

A rewards and recognition speech allows the business owner to personally connect with the employee and express gratitude for their dedication and achievements. By taking the time to deliver a speech, the business owner demonstrates that they genuinely value and appreciate the employee's contributions. This personal touch fosters a deeper sense of connection and appreciation within the company culture.

2. Public Acknowledgment and Inspiration

When a rewards and recognition speech is delivered in a public setting, such as a company-wide event or meeting, it not only acknowledges the efforts of the individual employee but also inspires and motivates others. Seeing their colleagues being recognized and appreciated encourages other employees to strive for excellence and contribute to the success of the company. It creates a positive competitive environment where employees are motivated to perform their best.

3. Reinforcement of Company Values

A rewards and recognition speech provides an opportunity for the business owner to reinforce the company's values and goals. By highlighting the employee's achievements and how they align with the company's mission, vision, and values, the speech emphasizes the importance of these core principles. This reinforcement helps to solidify a positive company culture that is built on shared values and a sense of purpose.

4. Celebration and Team Building

Delivering a rewards and recognition speech creates a celebratory atmosphere that brings employees together as a team. It showcases the collective achievements of the company and encourages a sense of camaraderie and unity. Celebrating accomplishments through a speech allows employees to feel proud of their individual and team successes, which further strengthens the bonds within the organization.

5. Emotional Connection and Employee Engagement

A rewards and recognition speech taps into the emotional aspect of recognition. It goes beyond a simple gift and note, as it allows the business owner to communicate genuine appreciation and admiration for the employee's contributions. This emotional connection enhances employee engagement and makes them feel valued and invested in the company's success. Engaged employees are more likely to be loyal, productive, and committed to the organization.

Delivering a rewards and recognition speech is a powerful way for business owners to show appreciation and reinforce a positive company culture. It establishes a personal connection, inspires others, reinforces company values, builds team spirit, and fosters employee engagement. By recognizing and celebrating employees through a speech, business owners can create a work environment that thrives on recognition, motivation, and a shared sense of purpose.

How To Implement A Successful Rewards and Recognition Program

Creating and implementing a rewards and recognition program in a company can have numerous benefits, such as increasing employee motivation, improving performance, and enhancing employee satisfaction. It is essential to approach the implementation strategically to ensure its effectiveness. Here are some effective strategies for implementing a successful rewards and recognition program:

1. Define Clear Objectives and Goals

Before designing your rewards and recognition program, it is crucial to define clear objectives and goals. What do you want to achieve with the program? Are you aiming to boost employee morale, increase productivity, or enhance teamwork? Clearly defining your objectives will help you tailor the program to meet specific needs and ensure that it aligns with the company's overall goals.

2. Involve Employees in the Process

To make your rewards and recognition program truly effective, involve employees in the process. Conduct surveys or focus groups to gather their input and preferences. By involving employees, you can ensure that the program resonates with them, making it more meaningful and valuable. Involving employees in the decision-making process can foster a sense of ownership and engagement.

3. Develop a Variety of Recognition Initiatives

To cater to the diverse needs and preferences of your employees, it is essential to develop a variety of recognition initiatives. Consider implementing both formal and informal recognition programs. Formal recognition may include annual awards ceremonies or performance-based bonuses, while informal recognition can involve small gestures like personalized thank-you notes or shout-outs during team meetings. By offering a range of initiatives, you can ensure that different types of accomplishments are acknowledged and valued.

4. Make the Program Transparent and Equitable

Transparency and equity are crucial in a rewards and recognition program. Clearly communicate the criteria for receiving recognition and the rewards associated with it. Ensure that the criteria are fair, consistent, and unbiased . This transparency will promote a sense of fairness and prevent any perception of favoritism or inequality within the organization.

5. Create a Culture of Appreciation

Implementing a rewards and recognition program is not enough; it must be supported by a culture of appreciation. Encourage managers and leaders to regularly acknowledge and appreciate their team members' efforts. Foster a work environment where recognition is not limited to the formal program but becomes a natural part of everyday interactions. This culture of appreciation will amplify the impact of the formal program and create a positive and motivating work atmosphere.

6. Evaluate and Refine

Continuous evaluation and refinement are essential for the long-term success of a rewards and recognition program. Regularly collect feedback from employees and managers to identify areas of improvement. Analyze the effectiveness of different initiatives and adjust them as necessary. By regularly evaluating and refining the program, you can ensure that it remains relevant, impactful, and aligned with the evolving needs of the organization.

Implementing a rewards and recognition program requires thoughtful planning and execution. By following these strategies, you can create a program that not only rewards and recognizes employees' contributions but also inspires and motivates them to achieve their best.

10 Reasons for Rewards and Recognition & How To Determine Who To Reward

1. boost employee morale.

Rewarding and recognizing employees for their hard work can significantly boost morale. It shows employees that their efforts are valued and appreciated, which in turn motivates them to continue performing at their best.

2. Improve Employee Engagement

When employees feel recognized and rewarded, they are more likely to be engaged in their work. Engaged employees are more productive, creative, and willing to go above and beyond to achieve company goals.

3. Increase Employee Retention

Recognizing and rewarding employees for their contributions can help increase employee retention. Employees who feel valued are more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover rates and the associated costs of hiring and training new employees.

4. Foster a Positive Work Culture

Implementing a rewards and recognition program can help foster a positive work culture. When employees see their peers being acknowledged for their achievements, it creates a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone strives for success.

5. Reinforce Desired Behaviors

Rewards and recognition can be used to reinforce desired behaviors and values within the organization. By publicly acknowledging and rewarding employees who exemplify these behaviors, it encourages others to follow suit.

6. Encourage Continuous Improvement

Recognizing employees for their good work encourages a culture of continuous improvement. It motivates employees to seek out opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge, leading to personal and professional growth .

7. Enhance Team Collaboration

Rewarding and recognizing the efforts of individuals within a team can strengthen team collaboration. It fosters a sense of camaraderie and encourages teamwork, as employees understand the importance of supporting one another to achieve common goals.

8. Increase Customer Satisfaction

When employees feel recognized and appreciated, they are more likely to provide excellent customer service. Happy and engaged employees create positive interactions with customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

9. Drive Innovation

Rewards and recognition can also drive innovation within an organization. When employees are acknowledged for their innovative ideas or problem-solving skills, it encourages a culture of creativity and encourages others to think outside the box.

10. Attract Top Talent

A well-established rewards and recognition program can help attract top talent to the company. By showcasing the company's commitment to valuing and rewarding its employees, it becomes an attractive proposition for potential candidates.

How To Determine Who To Reward as a Business Owner

1. performance metrics.

Use performance metrics such as sales targets, customer satisfaction ratings, or project completion rates to identify employees who have consistently exceeded expectations.

2. Peer Feedback

Seek feedback from colleagues and team members to identify individuals who have made significant contributions to the team or have gone above and beyond their assigned duties.

3. Customer Feedback

Consider customer feedback when determining who to reward. Look for employees who have received positive feedback or have gone the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

4. Quality of Work

Consider the quality of work produced by employees. Reward those who consistently deliver high-quality work and attention to detail.

5. Leadership and Initiative

Identify employees who display leadership qualities and take initiative in solving problems or improving processes. These individuals often have a positive impact on the team and deserve recognition.

6. Innovation and Creativity

Recognize employees who have demonstrated innovation and creativity in their work. These individuals contribute fresh ideas and solutions that drive the company forward.

7. Collaboration and Teamwork

Acknowledge employees who excel at collaboration and teamwork. These individuals build strong relationships with their colleagues and contribute to a positive and productive work environment.

8. Longevity and Seniority

Consider rewarding employees based on their longevity and seniority within the company. This recognizes their loyalty and commitment to the organization over the years.

9. Going Above and Beyond

Identify employees who consistently go above and beyond their job responsibilities. Reward those who have taken on additional tasks, volunteered for extra projects, or contributed to the company's success in exceptional ways.

10. Personal Development and Growth

Recognize employees who actively seek opportunities for personal development and growth. Reward those who have acquired new skills or certifications that benefit both themselves and the company.

By considering these factors, business owners can fairly determine who to reward and ensure that recognition is given to those who truly deserve it.

Potential Challenges To Avoid When Implementing A Rewards and Recognition Program

1. lack of clarity and consistency in criteria.

The success of a rewards and recognition program depends on clearly defined and consistent criteria for determining who is eligible for recognition and what types of rewards are available. Failing to establish and communicate these criteria can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction among employees . It is essential to ensure that the criteria are fair, transparent, and aligned with organizational goals.

2. Inadequate communication and feedback

Effective communication is crucial when implementing a rewards and recognition program. Employees need to understand the purpose of the program, how it works, and what is expected of them to be eligible for recognition. Regular feedback is also vital to ensure that employees understand why they are being recognized and to reinforce positive behaviors. Without proper communication and feedback, employees may feel undervalued or uncertain about the program's objectives.

3. Limited variety and personalization of rewards

Offering a limited range of rewards or failing to personalize them to individual preferences can diminish the impact of a rewards and recognition program. Different employees may value different types of rewards, whether it's financial incentives, professional development opportunities, or public recognition. It is important to consider individual preferences and offer a variety of rewards that align with employees' needs and aspirations.

4. Lack of alignment with organizational values

A rewards and recognition program should align with the core values and goals of an organization. If the program does not reflect the organization's values or reinforce behaviors that contribute to its success, it may be perceived as inauthentic or disconnected from the broader objectives. It is essential to design a program that supports the desired culture and drives employee engagement and performance in a way that aligns with the organization's mission and values.

5. Failure to recognize team efforts

While recognizing individual achievements is important, it is equally crucial to acknowledge and reward team accomplishments. Neglecting to recognize the contributions of teams can create a sense of competition and undermine collaboration, which are essential for overall organizational success. Incorporate team-based rewards and recognition initiatives to foster a sense of camaraderie and motivate collective efforts.

6. Inconsistent and infrequent recognition

Recognition should be timely and consistent to be effective. Delayed or infrequent recognition can diminish its impact and may lead to a decrease in employee motivation. Establish a regular cadence for recognition and ensure that it is provided promptly when deserved. Consistency in recognizing achievements will help reinforce positive behaviors and maintain employee engagement.

7. Lack of management support and involvement

The success of a rewards and recognition program relies heavily on the support and involvement of management. If leaders do not actively participate or demonstrate enthusiasm for the program, employees may perceive it as insignificant or insincere. It is crucial to engage managers at all levels and empower them to recognize and reward employees' achievements. Managers should serve as role models and champions of the program to foster a culture of appreciation and recognition.

Implementing a rewards and recognition program can be a powerful tool for motivating employees, increasing engagement, and driving organizational success. By addressing and avoiding these potential challenges and pitfalls, organizations can create a program that effectively recognizes and rewards employees for their contributions and accomplishments.

Best Practices for Implementing A Rewards and Recognition Program

Implementing a rewards and recognition program is a crucial step in fostering employee engagement, motivation, and loyalty within an organization. It requires careful planning and execution to ensure its effectiveness. We will explore the best practices for implementing a successful rewards and recognition program.

1. Clearly Define Program Objectives

Before implementing a rewards and recognition program, it is essential to define clear objectives. This involves identifying the behaviors, achievements, or contributions that will be rewarded, as well as the desired outcomes of the program. By clearly defining program objectives, organizations can align the program with their overall business goals and ensure its relevance and effectiveness.

2. Align Rewards with Employee Preferences

To ensure the success of a rewards and recognition program, it is important to align the rewards with the preferences and aspirations of employees. Conducting surveys or focus groups can help gather employee feedback and identify the types of rewards that would motivate and resonate with them the most. This could include monetary incentives, non-monetary rewards, or a combination of both.

3. Make the Recognition Timely and Specific

Recognition should be timely and specific to have a lasting impact on employee motivation and morale. It is important to recognize and reward employees promptly after they have achieved the desired behaviors or accomplishments. Recognition should be specific, highlighting the specific actions or contributions that led to the recognition. This helps reinforce desired behaviors and demonstrates the value placed on those actions.

4. Foster a Culture of Peer-to-Peer Recognition

In addition to formal recognition from managers or supervisors, organizations should encourage peer-to-peer recognition. This creates a positive and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated by their colleagues. Implementing a platform or system for employees to easily recognize and appreciate each other's efforts can enhance teamwork, collaboration, and overall employee satisfaction.

5. Communicate and Promote the Program

Effective communication and promotion of the rewards and recognition program are essential for its success. Organizations should clearly communicate the program's objectives, eligibility criteria, and rewards to all employees. This can be done through email announcements, intranet postings, or even in-person meetings. Regular reminders and updates about the program can help maintain awareness and encourage participation.

6. Ensure Fairness and Transparency

A successful rewards and recognition program should be perceived as fair and transparent by employees. The criteria for eligibility and selection of recipients should be clearly communicated and consistently applied. To build trust and credibility, it is important to ensure that the program is free from favoritism or bias. Regular evaluations of the program's effectiveness and fairness can help identify any areas for improvement.

7. Measure and Track Results

To evaluate the effectiveness of a rewards and recognition program, it is important to measure and track its results. This can be done through employee surveys, performance metrics, or feedback sessions. By analyzing the data, organizations can identify any gaps or areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance the program's impact.

By following these best practices, organizations can implement a rewards and recognition program that effectively motivates and engages employees. This, in turn, leads to increased productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational success. Implementing a well-designed program that aligns with the organization's goals and employee preferences is crucial for achieving these desired outcomes.

Find Meaningful Corporate Gifts for Employees With Ease with Giftpack

In today's world, where connections are made across borders and cultures, the act of gift-giving has evolved into a meaningful gesture that transcends mere material objects. Giftpack , a pioneering platform in the realm of corporate gifting, understands the importance of personalized and impactful gifts that can forge and strengthen relationships.

Simplifying the Corporate Gifting Process

The traditional approach to corporate gifting often involves hours of deliberation, browsing through countless options, and struggling to find the perfect gift that truly resonates with the recipient. Giftpack recognizes this challenge and aims to simplify the corporate gifting process for individuals and businesses alike. By leveraging the power of technology and their custom AI algorithm, Giftpack offers a streamlined and efficient solution that takes the guesswork out of gift selection.

Customization at its Best

One of the key features that sets Giftpack apart is their ability to create highly customized scenario swag box options for each recipient. They achieve this by carefully considering the individual's basic demographics, preferences, social media activity, and digital footprint. This comprehensive approach ensures that every gift is tailored to the recipient's unique personality and tastes, enhancing the overall impact and meaning behind the gesture.

A Vast Catalog of Global Gifts

Giftpack boasts an extensive catalog of over 3.5 million products from around the world, with new additions constantly being made. This vast selection allows Giftpack to cater to a wide range of preferences and interests, ensuring that there is something for everyone. Whether the recipient is an employee, a customer, a VIP client, a friend, or a family member, Giftpack has the ability to curate the most fitting gifts that will leave a lasting impression.

User-Friendly Platform and Global Delivery

Giftpack understands the importance of convenience and accessibility, which is why they have developed a user-friendly platform that is intuitive and easy to navigate. This ensures a seamless experience for both individuals and businesses, saving them time and effort in the gift selection process. Giftpack offers global delivery, allowing gifts to be sent to recipients anywhere in the world. This global reach further reinforces their commitment to connecting people through personalized gifting.

Meaningful Connections Across the Globe

At its core, Giftpack's mission is to foster meaningful connections through the power of personalized gifting. By taking into account the recipient's individuality and preferences, Giftpack ensures that each gift is a reflection of thoughtfulness and care. Whether it's strengthening relationships with employees, delighting customers, or expressing gratitude to valued clients, Giftpack enables individuals and businesses to make a lasting impact on those who matter most.

In a world where personalization and meaningful connections are highly valued, Giftpack stands out as a trailblazer in revolutionizing the corporate gifting landscape. With their innovative approach, vast catalog of global gifts, user-friendly platform, and commitment to personalized experiences, Giftpack is transforming the way we think about rewards and recognition.

• Modern Employee Recognition Programs • Employee Award Programs • Recognizing Employee Contributions • Employee Recognition Program Best Practices • Rewards And Recognition System • How To Create An Employee Recognition Program

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About Giftpack

Giftpack's AI-powered solution simplifies the corporate gifting process and amplifies the impact of personalized gifts. We're crafting memorable touchpoints by sending personalized gifts selected out of a curated pool of 3 million options with just one click. Our AI technology efficiently analyzes each recipient's social media, cultural background, and digital footprint to customize gift options at scale. We take care of generating, ordering, and shipping gifts worldwide. We're transforming the way people build authentic business relationships by sending smarter gifts faster with gifting CRM.

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10 Of The Greatest Leadership Speeches Of All Time

The world may be dominated by social media these days, but we should never underestimate the power of a great speech..

In fact, despite the prevalence of Facebook and Twitter, videos of some of the  greatest leadership speeches are still immensely popular. Here are 10 examples of fantastic, motivational speeches that will show you why.

1.    Martin Luther King: I have a dream

Any article featuring inspirational speeches must include this ground-breaking speech. 

On 28th August 1963, Martin Luther King addressed a crowd of over 250,000 . In it, he calls for an end to racism and equality for all. In 1999, this speech was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century in a 1999 poll of scholars of public address.

2.    Steve Jobs: How to live before you die

In 2005, Steve Jobs gave a Commencement Address to Stanford University that will leave you with goosebumps. It’s a brilliant speech, and also a great lesson from one of the most influential presenters in history.

3.    President Obama: Seeking a new beginning

In June 2009, President Obama gave a rousing speech at Cairo University . This speech shows Obama at his best, building a fantastic rapport with his audience.

4.    Randy Pausch: The last lecture

Carnegie Mellon Professor, Randy Pausch, gave his last lecture to a crowded auditorium. 

This presentation is about achieving your childhood dreams and it’s a great one to study for tips on building a connection with your audience and really getting them on your side.

5.    Rosalinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader

In this incredibly inspirational speech, Torres describes 25 years of observing great leaders at work and then shares ways to learn how to lead .  

6.    Bill Clinton: 2008 Speech to the Democratic National Convention

If you’re looking for an example of fantastic communication skills, look no further than this former US President . This speech shows how great content, teamed with exceptional delivery, can really bring the house down.

7.    J.K. Rowling: Harvard Commencement

Commencement addresses are always very inspirational speeches and this is no exception. Rowling immediately gets her audience on side, inspiring and delighting as she goes.

8.    John Wooden: The difference between winning and succeeding

As the coach of UCLA basketball team, John Wooden led his team to record wins that remain unbeaten. In this speech, he redefines success with incredible simplicity.

9.    Richard St. John: 8 secrets of success

In this amazing TED Talk, Richard St. John delivers an incredibly motivational speech asking why people are successful. Is it because they’re clever, or lucky ?

10.    Nelson Mandela: Inauguration speech

When you’re thinking about leadership speeches, Nelson Mandela’s inauguration speech in 1994 must be on the list. Mandela was the first democratically elected president of South Africa. He led his country through the end of apartheid and into a united history they had never seen before. 

These 10 examples of leadership speeches show you just how powerful the spoken word can be. These speakers are all experts in their field and captivate their audiences to give incredible, motivational speeches, which lift and inspire . 

Want more inspiration? Get motivated by other brilliant famous team leaders here . 

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11 actually great elevator pitch examples and how to make yours

Hero image with an icon of two people shaking hands on an elevator

There's a trope in late '90s movies where a motivated, ambitious main character does everything they can to get on the same elevator ride as the CEO of some powerful company.

It usually ends the same way. Our protagonist makes a nervous, fast-paced speech that the CEO ignores while repeatedly pressing the elevator button, and we get a five-second scene with sad music of our main character watching them walk away.

That nervous, fast-paced speech is an elevator pitch example—a bad one, because otherwise, those movies would be nine minutes long and uninspiring. In the real world, an elevator pitch can make a powerful impression and pave the way for business ventures, employment opportunities, and networking. It won't get you a corner office and a fancy title one week into your new job, but it can be an important step in the right direction. 

To highlight that difference—and to really dismantle "The Pursuit of Happyness" as a plot—I've put together some elevator pitch examples and a guide on how to write one that actually works.

Table of contents:

Components of an elevator pitch

11 elevator pitch examples

How to write an elevator pitch

What is an elevator pitch.

An elevator pitch is a concise speech in which you introduce yourself and a few key points about what you're pitching, whether it's to acquire investors, promote a product, advertise a business, or even sell yourself as a potential employee. If it takes longer than a minute to get the point across, it's getting too long.

Elevator pitches were originally exclusively spoken—used in business conversations and investor pitches—but have since grown into a written format used for things like websites, social media, video ads, marketing outreach, and media pitches . 

You're not trying to convey your entire business strategy or all your selling points. Your goal here is to raise interest, make a connection, and facilitate an opportunity for business in the future.

Let's say you're in the fintech industry and are attending a networking event full of bank representatives and decision-makers. Instead of spending an hour going through your company's history and how it's aiming to be carbon-neutral by 2157, you'd find more success introducing it concisely, pointing out one or two key features and how they could serve your audience's interests. 

The pitch begins with a hook to draw your audience in, veers into the value you offer, provides some proof to support your statement, and wraps it all up with a display of what makes you different.

It's relatively easy to incorporate these elements into a short pitch. The difficulty lies in choosing a good hook and phrasing your proposition in a way that appeals to the other side of the conversation.

The hook: This element doesn't need to be fancy or complicated. Make it simple and get straight to the point. For example, if you're pitching a time management tool, your hook can be a personal story like: "When I first started my business, it felt like there was too much to do and not enough time to do it." It can also be a statistic. If you're pitching an online collaboration tool, your hook can be something like: "73% of all teams will have remote workers by 2028."

The value proposition : This is where you provide an overview of the value you're bringing to the table. Discuss what you're pitching and what it does, research your listener's unique needs beforehand, and prepare a compelling argument for how you can meet them. 

The evidence: The person you're talking to may be nodding, but that doesn't necessarily mean your point is getting across. Some proof of past success or stats that speak to your success could make that nodding a lot more genuine.

The differentiator: Let them know that you're different—that your product or service isn't just another iteration of what came before. You get brownie points for originality and not quoting any movies.

The call to action: Make sure you're inviting your audience to take action. They have all the details, and they might be interested. It's time to bring it home with a clear call to action . Ask them to connect with you on LinkedIn, invite them for a coffee chat, share contact information, and make sure there's an opportunity to follow up on the conversation.

Example elevator pitch with the different components identified by color: the hook is highlighted in purple, value is highlighted in orange, evidence is highlighted in green, the differentiator is highlighted in yellow, and the call to action is highlighted in teal

11 elevator pitch examples done right

I rewatched "The Pursuit of Happyness" to see if there was anything I could salvage, but all I walked away with was frustration at the misleading lesson that passion can overcome anything. Passion cannot, in fact, overcome a busy decision-maker who can't wait for you to stop talking.

If you're at all like me, you'll find the following examples a much better use of your time.

1. Startup pitch example

Everyone's got ideas for [shared goal] . But ideas aren't enough.

We took [shared goal] and turned it into a reality.

We developed [solution] at [company name] that's [list of qualities] . We made it possible for [target audience] to [shared goal] .

What sets us apart is our [differentiator, followed by brief overview] .

If you're passionate about [high-level goal] and interested in [benefit of collaborating with you] , let's connect.

An example elevator pitch for startup companies, with the hook, value, evidence, differentiator, and call to action highlighted in different colors

This elevator pitch example demonstrates how to approach potential business partners and investors with a clean energy project. The hook is simple. It leans on the issue and the harsh reality of how little the world does to achieve utopian sustainability. Then it introduces the solution as the company's proactive effort to change the status quo. It pitches efficiency, reduced costs, and access to a larger customer base. Finally, it addresses how ease of use sets the solution apart from the competition and invites further collaboration. 

This example is ideal for startups in that it focuses more on the product, what makes it unique, and the features that set it apart, rather than the company's past achievements, success stories, or revenue metrics. It can easily be used to pitch investors and potential clients alike.  

You can follow this example by making the problem the centerpiece of the hook. Open with the issue, and position your company's service or product as the solution.

2. Job seeker pitch example

It took me [period of time] to [achieve goal] .

It's always been my priority to deliver [high-level result] , but I want to put my [expertise] to use making [high-level goal/impact] .

At [company name] , I [past experience] that [measureable results] .

I love what I do. But I [differentiator, high-level goal] .

If you're looking for a [position/title] who's [differentiator] , let's chat. I'm eager to explore how I can help your organization achieve its [field] objectives.

Example of an elevator pitch for a job seeker, with the hook, value, evidence, differentiator, and call to action highlighted in different colors

Since tropes are only a good idea when I propose them, I've decided that our job seeker would be making a pitch to GreenCorp, the company from our previous example. Will Smith will not be playing this role.

In this example, the author of the pitch isn't trying to sell a company or a product; they're trying to sell themselves. The hook addresses their background, expertise, and goals. It then veers into past performance results and highlights the key skill set. The uniqueness factor here speaks to GreenCorp's mission, showcasing that the author shares the company's grand goals, empathetic mindset, and desire to help build something positive. 

If you're ever job hunting, open your pitch with a concise and direct overview of your background, share your most impressive achievements, and do your research into the company you're pitching.

3. Sales pitch example

Most people [relevant statistic, followed by explanation] . 

At [company name] , we've taken the [pain point] out of the equation. 

Our [products] are designed for [value proposition] .

They're more than just [product] . They're [differentiator, followed by supporting evidence] . 

We're not just salespeople; we're [differentiator] .

So, are you ready to find [product selling point] ? Let's [CTA] .

Example of an elevator sales pitch, with the hook, value, evidence, differentiator, and call to action highlighted in different colors

In this example, a guitar shop is pitching its unique guitar design to potential customers. It recognizes a very common problem and ties it to a feeling that most guitar enthusiasts know all too well: giving up too soon. It later positions the author as an expert and fellow musician and utilizes customer reviews as supporting evidence.

A sales pitch will always depend on your industry, product, and customer base. Approach your audience by speaking to their greatest pain points .

4. Networking pitch example

I'm a [position/title] at [company name] , and I've worked on [past experience] . 

Over the past [period of time] , I've had the privilege of working with diverse industries, from [industry] to [industry] , and what truly excites me is [shared interest] . 

I'm here to connect with other professionals who share my enthusiasm for creative and innovative [field] ideas. I really want to explore new [differentiators and shared interests] .

Let's connect on [communication channel] . I have quite a few compelling [field] resources to share and talk through.

Example of an elevator pitch for someone who wants to network, with the hook, value, evidence, differentiator, and call to action highlighted in different colors

This networking pitch resembles the job seeker pitch with one major difference: the audience shifts from an employer to a colleague. The objective changes, and that affects the entire approach. 

In this example, the author isn't trying to convey their efficiency or results in percentages or measurable performance points. They're sharing aspects of their industry that they're passionate about and are interested in discussing. The point here is to make a memorable introduction at a networking event and gather connections .

Ahead of your next networking event, tailor your pitch so that it speaks to your expertise and knowledge without going into too much detail.

5. Investor pitch example

At [company name] , we [business concept offer] , plain and simple.

We [value proposition] .

Our portfolio contains [supporting evidence] .

Why us? Well, we [differentiator] .

We roll up our sleeves and get involved. 

We're currently prospecting [target audience] to join us on our journey. If you're ready to be part of the next [field] disruption, let's talk about how [company name] can help.

Example of an elevator pitch for someone looking for investors, with the hook, value, evidence, differentiator, and call to action highlighted in different colors

Investors have heard it all a million times over. It's why their faces are so hard to read—set in unimpressed silence. So it's best to make your hook short and to the point. "We do X to achieve Y" can be a breath of fresh air when your job is listening to entrepreneurs pitch their ideas five days a week.

In this example, YZTech Ventures aims to secure investors for promising companies. The hook is straightforward and simple, slowly veering into an overview of the company and why it works.

6. Nonprofit pitch example

Every day, [pain point] .

[Company name] is working to change that.

We're a nonprofit dedicated to [high-level goal] . We've already provided [supporting evidence/achievements] .

We don't want to treat the symptoms; we want to face the root cause of [pain point] . But this will be a losing battle if we're fighting it on our own.

We're always looking for individuals who share our vision and drive to build a better world where [high-level goal] .

If you're ready to make a difference, let's discuss how you can be part of the solution.

Colorful nonprofit pitch example for Hope Unlimited Foundation

Empathy is the name of the game here, and charities and nonprofits can use it as a unique selling point. The good news is there's very little risk of doing this wrong. The example outlines the cause, its aim, and the efforts being made to find a solution. 

If you're pitching a nonprofit or a charity to potential donors, lean heavily on the charity's message and accomplishments.

7. Personal branding pitch example

I'm [name] , and I'm a dedicated [title] . I've helped [past expertise and achievments] .

I do what I do by [value proposition, followed by differentiator] .

I'm here to [offered value] .

There's " [position] " in the title, but I'll be [differentiator] .

Let's schedule a meeting and discuss what you can do.

Colorful personal branding pitch example for John, a dedicated life coach

Personal branding comes into play when you're pitching yourself, the individual. Just as companies share their unique idea, proposition, and values, the life coach does the same at a personal level. 

If you're ever writing a personal branding pitch, approach it as you would a business. The key difference is to showcase your values and what makes you unique as a person rather than as a corporate entity.

8. Product launch pitch example 

I'm very excited to share with you [product selling point] .

At [company name] , [products] aren't just a [basic nature of product] . We see them as a game-changer in [selling point] .

This is why we developed our [product] , a cutting-edge [product overview] .

Imagine all of your [value proposition, followed by key features] .

Our product has already received rave reviews during beta testing, with users reporting [survey results] .

[Product] is now available for preorders! [CTA].

Colorful product launch pitch example for TechCo's GloVision glasses

This example focuses less on the company and more on the newly revealed product. The new release speaks for itself and the business at the same time.

The hook immediately positions the product as the future or "the next best thing." The pitch dives into what makes the new product unique, utilizing a hypothetical to paint a picture of what it can achieve.

If you're writing a product launch elevator pitch, focus on the product and let it speak for the company.

9. Rebranding pitch example

We've done great things as [company name] . We've helped businesses [services and past achievements] .

We've since been on a journey of transformation, and it's time for a fresh start.

Our company has grown, adapted, and innovated in response to changing market dynamics. We've [outlined change] . Now, [company name] is about to become [new company name] .

Why the change? We've rebranded to [rebranding reasons] .

With [new company name] , you can expect the same quality, expertise, and dedication you've come to trust. But now, we're adding a fresh perspective and a dynamic spirit to our brand.

We invite you to join us in this exciting phase of our journey. [New company name] is ready to [service/value proposition] .

Let's schedule a meeting and explore how our renewed brand can better serve your evolving needs.

Colorful rebranding pitch example for ProjectX

In this example, the hook immediately delivers the reasoning behind the change. 

Instead of a value proposition, the pitch offers an assurance that the rebranding won't have detrimental effects. It's designed to address stakeholders and clients as well as provide context.

10. Consulting services pitch example

At [company name] , we specialize in [value proposition] .

With a team of seasoned experts in [field of expertise] , we've successfully guided organizations to [high-level goal] .

Our approach is all about partnership. We take the time to deeply understand your unique market and audience. From there, we [differentiator] .

[Company name] can be the catalyst for your business's transformation. Whether you're looking to [goal] or [goal] , we're here to help.

Let's schedule a virtual meeting to discuss where your company stands and where we can take it.

Colorful consulting services pitch examples for  StratEdge Advisors

This pitch is designed to attract clients for a consulting service. It takes a collaborative tone in its approach and focuses on areas of growth that pretty much every decision-maker worries about. It makes the solution the centerpiece of its hook instead of the problem, and goes on to briefly outline how the firm's process is structured. 

11. Technology solution pitch example

[Relevant statistic].  

That's how it goes for your [pain point] .

Imagine you didn't have to worry about [pain point] .

Our [product] is designed to enhance [process] . We help businesses [value proposition] .

One of our recent success stories includes helping a [supporting evidence] .

The thing is, [differentiator] ; we make sure our [product] is specifically customized for your organization's needs. 

Are you available to meet next week for a personalized demo?

Colorful example of a tech solution pitch example for cutting-edge automation software

In this example, the hook is a statistic that lays the foundation for the problem and the value proposition. It's a powerful hook that captures the audience's attention and helps you transition into what you really want to say.

You can be an optimist and decide to improvise an elevator pitch. But you'll likely end up taking too many pauses under the guise of sipping your water, and stumbling over your words mid-pitch might waste a precious conversation.

It pays to be prepared, and writing an elevator pitch beforehand can make a big difference.

1. Outline a clear objective

Before you start writing the elevator pitch, focus on your objective . Are you introducing yourself to grow your personal network, pitching a service or product, prospecting investors, or trying to acquire a new client?

Your objective will help you pinpoint the information you want to mention in your pitch. 

Tip: Establish success metrics relevant to your objective. Investors will want to know how much revenue your business can generate, while potential clients will want to know the benefits of your product or service. Make sure your success metrics speak to your audience's concerns.

2. Define your audience

One speech won't work across the board. Hollywood says the up-and-coming manager likes to be impressed with a Rubik's cube, while the CEO likes to hear your heartfelt speech about how much this job means to you and how you're expertly overcoming odds. 

Both those things are wrong, but the point remains that identifying who your listener is and what matters to them is a nice way to tailor your pitch so that it speaks to their concerns, needs, and bigger pain points. The more you resonate with your audience, the more impactful your pitch will be, and the closer you'll get to a tearful Will Smith movie ending.

Defining your audience goes beyond knowing the name and nature of what might make a potential client. 

Tip: Conduct in-depth audience research by diving into your chosen market, competitors, user data, and digital marketing analytics. Then comb through that information to define your audience's pain points and how you're uniquely positioned to address them.  

3. Craft a hook

You know what you want to say and why. Now you need an opening statement—a hook that grabs their attention and gets them invested in the rest of your pitch. You want to set the stage for the elements that come next. Make it clear and engaging, but keep it concise. The goal here is to get an attentive listener, not a bored one.

The hook needs to spark the audience's interest. You need to speak their industry's language, show knowledge and expertise, and put your audience research data to good use by pointing out the difficulties and issues they face.

Tip: Use a personal story, a statistic, a fact, or an interesting hypothetical to draw your audience in.

4. Explain your value proposition

Once your audience is paying attention, it's time to dive into the proposition and the value within. What do you and your idea bring to the table? What problems do you solve, and how does that make your listener's life better? How does your solution differ from those they've heard pitched a thousand times before?

Point out the differentiating factors that make you and your business unique, whether it's the groundbreaking tech you've patented or the better pricing options your competitors can't keep up with. 

Tip: Write down all the aspects that make your business different, and choose the most compelling ones for the pitch.

5. Support your pitch with evidence

Who doesn't like real-life measurable data? Well, Hollywood doesn't, but that's just because no amount of Hans Zimmer music can make your 325% ROI cinematically engaging. You can be confident that your audience will want to hear success stories that support your proposition.

Have a few successful case studies from former and current clients ready to drive the point home and turn a semi-interested listener into an engaged party.

Tip: Draw on your own expertise, and use performance statistics and relevant metrics from previous projects. 

6. Keep it concise

It's called an elevator pitch for a reason. You have under a minute to get your entire pitch across to a busy decision-maker who doesn't have all day. Cut the fluff, and only say what you feel certain will convince your recipient to take your side.

Tip: Practice reading your pitch out loud in the mirror. Use a timer to measure how long it takes to deliver it comfortably.

7. End with a clear call to action

Since the point of an elevator pitch is to generate interest, you'll want to end it with a clear call to action—one that evokes a response and maybe a more in-depth conversation.

If you're pitching a service, you can offer to schedule a meeting to further outline your services and how they can help the listener. If you're pitching a product, you could offer to schedule a demo to prove it can improve their business. Get creative here, and aim to turn that interest into a meeting.

Tip: Lead your audience to connect with you beyond the pitch. Schedule a meeting or a coffee chat, exchange contact information, and make sure there's room for a longer discussion.

8. Prepare to answer questions

You can't just deliver your pitch and then hit the open bar at the networking event. Be ready to answer questions.

Questions at this stage mean your listener is intrigued, curious, and interested. At this point, feel free to provide as much context in your answers as you'd like. The elevator pitch has already ended, and it served its purpose. Go in-depth and provide context.

Tip: Write down a few questions based on your own market research. Ask yourself what your customers, investors, and audience might be curious about. Prepare your answers so you're never surprised.

Make a unique first impression

Elevator pitches exist because humans have shorter attention spans than goldfish, and we really need a leg up on our aquatic competition.

Opportunities are fleeting, especially when businesses are launching every day. In an oversaturated environment, an elevator pitch can help you make an impression that lasts. And who knows, you might just have what it takes to inspire a 50-million dollar movie that Will Smith can "misty-eye" his way through.

Related reading:

How to pitch your small business to the press

How to use personalized sales pitches to convert clients and sell more 

ChatGPT prompts that will generate great sales emails

Email etiquette: How to ask people for things and actually get a response

How to create a project plan (with project plan templates)

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Hachem Ramki picture

Hachem Ramki

Hachem is a writer and digital marketer from Montreal. After graduating with a degree in English, Hachem spent seven years traveling around the world before moving to Canada. When he's not writing, he enjoys Basketball, Dungeons and Dragons, and playing music for friends and family.

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Write a company Christmas party speech

Help for leaders, managers, CEOs, with their annual office party speech 

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 10-01-2023

The season of tinsel, jingle bells and silly Santa hats is rapidly approaching. If you're a CEO, boss, or leader in a senior management position, they're signs you'll soon be called on to give the annual company Christmas party speech.

Are you ready for it? Have you started your preparations?

What's on this page?

Two short, sincere and effective office Christmas party speeches samples that you are welcome to use as a basis for writing your own speech.

  • Company Christmas party speech example 1
  • Company Christmas party speech example 2
  • More resources for Christmas speeches : a free printable step-by-step template, themes, quotes... and another speech to read.

Image: Colorful Christmas background of bells, holly, presents and Santa hats with label. Text: 2 company Christmas party speeches

Company Christmas party speech example | 1

This is an example of a genuinely sincere, short speech * that a boss or manager might give to kick off the annual company Christmas party.

It's upbeat, brief, acknowledges the challenges that were faced throughout the year and most importantly, how they were met.

The employees/staff of Betham's Enterprises are left in no doubt about who the real heroes in the room are. It's themselves.

* The speech is 394 words long. Delivered, that's between 2-3 minutes. (For more see: How many words per minute in a speech : a useful quick reference guide for the number of words needed for 1 - 10+ minute speeches.)

Here's what they say... 

"Ladies and gentlemen of Betham's Enterprises, it's great to see you all here. Truly! I am not exaggerating.

This is a wonderful time of year: one we all look forward to. Especially me! You just get a holiday. While I am privileged and lucky enough to get a holiday, and to make this speech!

I know many are terrified of public speaking. They'd rather run a thousand miles barefoot across a desert full of mean, prickly cacti. But not me!

Do you know why?

It's because before I can actually make the speech, I've got to think about what I'm going to say. And doing that leads me straight to you. All of you - whatever part of the company you are in. And I'm grateful.

Have you ever wondered what the secret to the enduring success of a business is? It’s not rocket science.

Look around you. It’s Mark in Accounts, Carol from Deliveries, Sally and the rest of the gang in Research and Development, Pip and company in Info. Tech...

It's you guys, all of you - the people we're proud to collectively call our 'team'.

Now, we all know it's been a year like no other. A challenging time is a good and positive way to describe it. There's been the increasing and ongoing impacts of climate change on the supply chain, and rising costs. Then in June we had a dreaded data breach.

The last 12 months have been tricky.

However, the best way to appreciate and understand who we truly are is to look at what we do in the face of challenges.

You stepped up. Big time. You were nimble, creative and committed.

I'm filled with gratitude and respect for the way you problem solved, for the way you worked cooperatively and collaboratively. It's thanks to your innovation, dedication and resilience that the company is moving toward an increasingly sustainable and rewarding future. Now that's worth celebrating! I could not be more proud or more thankful.

So, before we swing into Christmas karaoke and the best-ever renditions of ‘Jingle Bells’, let's raise a toast to our shared successes, our learned lessons, and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead!

And one more thing - Thanks to Betsy and her team of busy elves who have transformed the cafe. It's more than beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"

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Company Christmas party speech example | 2

My second example is also * short.  Like the first it covers the year's major happenings and is principally focused on the staff. It expresses sincere gratitude not only for their work but for how they've done it. 

* The speech is 368 words long. It will take between 2-3 minutes to say. (For more see: How many words per minute in a speech .) 

Here's the text...

"OK, let's be honest; who thought we'd be gathered together for a heigh-ho-merry-old-time back in August? Remember? How can we possibly forget?!

  • Martin and Co, one of our more significant customers, downsized their regular order by more than 50% - a move that caught us on the hop and had has us scrambling for a bit.
  • There was a little more of that, when an opportunistic phishing expedition by some very clever clowns threatened to hold us to ransom.

I think it's fair to say this year has thrown us some curveballs. It's been a rollercoaster ride filled with challenges and uncertainties.

But guess what? We've weathered the storms together, emerged stronger and more resilient than ever.

The contract we've been working on with Little & West has been finalized, and there's exciting news just in from Cranshshaw Enterprises. From January we'll be supplying them 35% more product.

That, my friends, is the magic of teamwork, dedication, and unwavering loyalty.

Success is never just about pivoting, diversifying, hitting targets or achieving milestones; it's also about mutual respect and collaboration.

In a world that sometimes seems increasingly divided, we have shown that unity and teamwork are the keys to survival and progress. The support and encouragement you give to your colleagues, the willingness to lend a helping hand, that's what sets us apart.

You have my sincerest gratitude for your hard work, dedication, and the trust you place in our company.

Terri and your amazing sales team, Monica and the crew in tech support, your voluntary after-hours work during the worst of the cyber attack is legendary, Tom, Ed and Julie in product development, Liz in HR..., the list is very long. 

In short, you, all of you, are the heart and soul of this organization, and I am deeply honored to work alongside such wonderful people.

I wish you all a joyful and peaceful holiday season. May you find time to laugh, time to relax, and time to cherish being with the folk you love.

Let's come back in the new year, re-energized, and ready to tackle new challenges with the same spirit of togetherness and determination that makes us unique."

More resources for Christmas speeches

  • Download and use the printable step-by-step template/outline for preparing an office party speech that's available here: Christmas speeches . (Along with full guidelines for using the template, you'll also find 6 theme suggestions and a collection of Christmas quotations that may help you with what you want to say.)

Image: background of stylized Christmas trees. Label with retro Santa. Text: How to give stunningly awesome Christmas speeches.

  • Read a sample office party Christmas speech that was prepared following the steps in the printable mentioned above.

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Hamas Took Her, and Still Has Her Husband

The story of one family at the center of the war in gaza..

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Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Produced by Lynsea Garrison and Mooj Zadie

With Rikki Novetsky and Shannon Lin

Edited by Michael Benoist

Original music by Marion Lozano ,  Dan Powell ,  Diane Wong and Elisheba Ittoop

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

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Warning: this episode contains descriptions of violence.

It’s been nearly six months since the Hamas-led attacks on Israel, when militants took more than 200 hostages into Gaza.

In a village called Nir Oz, near the border, one quarter of residents were either killed or taken hostage. Yocheved Lifshitz and her husband, Oded Lifshitz, were among those taken.

Today, Yocheved and her daughter Sharone tell their story.

On today’s episode

Yocheved Lifshitz, a former hostage.

Sharone Lifschitz, daughter of Yocheved and Oded Lifshitz.

A group of people are holding up signs in Hebrew with photos of a man. In the front is a woman with short hair and glasses.

Background reading

Yocheved Lifshitz was beaten and held in tunnels built by Hamas for 17 days.

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We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

Fact-checking by Susan Lee .

Additional music by Oded Lifshitz.

Translations by Gabby Sobelman .

Special thanks to Menachem Rosenberg, Gershom Gorenberg , Gabby Sobelman , Yotam Shabtie, and Patrick Kingsley .

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

Remarks by President   Biden at the Gridiron Club and Foundation Dinner (March 16,   2024)

Grand Hyatt Washington Washington, D.C.

(March 16, 2024)

10:32 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, thank you, thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, thank you. I think I should sit down. (Laughter.)

Good evening.

AUDIENCE: Good evening.

THE PRESIDENT: It’s great to be here at the Gridiron dinner, though it’s six hours past my bedtime. (Laughter.)

What I love about the Gridiron are the opportunities for young people, like Dan Balz and Al Hunt. (Laughter.) But it was tough to see Mitch McConnell announce he’s stepping down as GOP leader. I hate to see a friend give up in his prime. (Laughter.)

Look, it’s been a long night. So, I’ll keep my remarks just a few minutes less than my State of the Union. (Laughter.) Kamala will stand up 83 times, because even the press has to admit: I crushed it. (Laughter and applause.) Granted, your expectations were so low, I just had to show up and remember who the president is. (Laughter.) That’s the press, always underestimating me.

But Kamala and I and the members of the administration here tonight are proud — proud of our accomplishments on behalf of the American people: record job growth, wages rising, rigging the Super Bowl for Taylor Swift. (Laughter.)

There have been some bright spots in the media. I heard Wordle website is actually doing news now. You get that? (Laughter.) The New York Ti- — anyway — (laughter).

We know not everyone is feeling the progress we’re making. We’re committed to helping the little guy. Ron DeSantis, though, won’t take our calls. (Laughter and applause.)

Our big plan to cancel student debt doesn’t apply to everyone. Just yesterday, a defeated-looking man came up to me and said, “I’m being crushed by debt. I’m completely wiped out.” I said, “Sorry, Donald, I can’t help you.” (Laughter and applause.)

But we’re lucky to have great partners, including Governor Whitmer of Michigan. She did a great job tonight. (Applause.) Gretchen and I both joined the picket line of UAW workers.

A strong union can make a corporation quiver, at least that’s what Jeff Bezos has been telling me at dinner. (Laughter and applause.) Jeff is a big supporter of journalism. He’s the richest man in the world, and that’s even with owning The Washington Post. (Laughter.)

Believe it or not, Republican Governor Cox of Utah is a good friend. He also did a great job tonight — a really great job tonight. (Applause.) He’s smart, he’s civil, he’s willing to stand up to extremists — or, as we call that, he’s a good Democrat. (Laughter.) God bless you, man. I hope I don’t get you in too much trouble. (Laughter.)

I heard House Republicans were going to do a skit tonight, but they couldn’t get a speaker. (Laughter.)

And the biggest joke of the night: an impeachment inquiry. Imagine believing something so baseless that has a zero chance of succeeding. But Republicans would rather fail at impeachment than succeed at anything else. (Laughter.)

They want a secure border — bor- — border, but they block it. We had the strongest border bill ever that we’ve c- — come up with. They take credit for one of the biggest infrastructure laws, but voted against it. And I’m the one confused? (Laughter and applause.)

Hell, my good friend, the Taoiseach of Ireland, is here tonight to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow. He took one look at Congress, and he asked for another Guinness. (Laughter.)

Of course, the big news this week is two candidates clinched their parties’ nomination for president. One candidate is too old and mentally unfit to be president. The other is me. (Laughter and applause.)

Look, I’m running against the same guy that I beat in 2020. But don’t tell him. He thinks he’s running against Barack Obama. (Laughter.) That’s what he said.

And another big difference between us: I know what I value most. I’m Jill Biden’s husband, and I know her name. (Laughter and applause.)

In the coming months, Kamala and I will be making the case how Americans are better off than four years ago, how we got so much through the pandemic, turned around the economy, reestablished America’s leadership in the world. All without encouraging the American people to inject bleach. (Laughter.) All without destroying the economy, embarrassing us around the world, or — or itching for insurrection.

Look, I wish these were jokes, but they’re not. As I said in my State of the Union Address, we live in an unprecedented moment in democracy, an unpre- — and an unprecedented moment for history. Democracy and freedom are literally under attack.

Putin is on the march in Europe. My predecessor bows down to him and says to him, “Do whatever the hell you want.” A former American president actually said that.

Joining us tonight is the prime minister of Estonia and the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States. I say — (applause) — I say to Putin and told him in person we will not — we will not bow down. They will not bow down, and I will not bow down. Period. (Applause.)

Here at home, our basic freedom is under assault — the freedom to vote, the freedom to choose, and so much more.

The lies about the 2020 election, the plots to overturn it, to embrace the January 6th insurrectionists pose the gravest threat to our democracy since the American Civil War.

In 2020, they failed. But you all know the threat remains, a poison cours- — coursing through the veins of our democracy. Disinformation everywhere. There’s a toxic cycle of anger and conspiracy. Massive — massive changes in the media industry, with pursue, with pursue, with pursue. Pursuing what? Pursuing heat and pursuing — instead of light.

All the while, the other guy calls you the free press. Well, he calls you the enemy of the people, even as many of you risk your lives to do your job and sometimes even give your lives to do your jobs.

I made clear we’re doing everything we can to bring Evan and Austin home and all Americans wrongly detained around the world. (Applause.) And we’ll not give up.

Folks, every single one of us has a role to play in making sure American democracy endures. This year, you, the free press, have a bigger role than ever.

Let me state the obvious. You’re not the enemy of the people. You are a pillar of any free society. And I may not always agree with your coverage or admire it, but I do admire your courage.

Good journalism holds a mirror up to a country for us to reflect the good, the bad, the truth about who we are.

This is not hyperbole: We need you. We need you. Democracy is at risk, and the American people need to know. In fractured times, they need a context and a perspective. They need substance to match the enormity of the task.

As a result, the choices you make really matter. And each story you make makes democracy stronger.

I know it’s possible because I know the American story. We’re a great nation. We’re good people, defined by core values of honesty, decency, dignity, light over darkness, courage over fear, and truth over lies.

These are also the bedrock principles of good journalism.

So, tonight, I’d like to toast the free press and toast to the American people and the enduring causes of democracy and freedom.

May God bless you all. And may God protect our troops.

Thank you. (Applause.)

10:41 P.M. EDT

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Supreme Court wary of restricting government contact with social media platforms in free speech case

By Melissa Quinn

Updated on: March 18, 2024 / 8:43 PM EDT / CBS News

Washington — The Supreme Court on Monday appeared wary of limiting the Biden administration's contacts with social media platforms in a closely watched dispute that  tests how much the government can  pressure social media companies to remove content before crossing a constitutional line from persuasion into coercion.

The case, known as Murthy v. Missouri, arose out of efforts during the early months of the Biden administration to push social media platforms to take down posts that officials said spread falsehoods about the pandemic and the 2020 presidential election. 

A U.S. district court judge said White House officials, as well as some federal agencies and their employees, violated the First Amendment's right to free speech by "coercing" or "significantly encouraging" social media sites' content-moderation decisions. The judge issued an injunction restricting the Biden administration's contacts with platforms on a variety of issues, though that order has been on hold.

During oral arguments on Monday, the justices seemed skeptical of a ruling that would broadly restrict the government's communications with social media platforms, raising concerns about hamstringing officials' ability to communicate with platforms about certain matters.

"Some might say that the government actually has a duty to take steps to protect the citizens of this country, and you seem to be suggesting that that duty cannot manifest itself in the government encouraging or even pressuring platforms to take down harmful information," Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson told Benjamin Aguiñaga, the Louisiana solicitor general. "I'm really worried about that, because you've got the First Amendment operating in an environment of threatening circumstances from the government's perspective, and you're saying the government can't interact with the source of those problems."

The Supreme Court is seen on March 18, 2024.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett warned Aguiñaga that one of the proposed standards for determining when the government's actions cross the bound into unlawful speech suppression — namely when a federal agency merely encourages a platform to remove problematic posts — "would sweep in an awful lot." She questioned whether the FBI could reach out to a platform to encourage it to take down posts sharing his and other Louisiana officials' home addresses and calling on members of the public to rally.

Aguiñaga said the FBI could be encouraging a platform to suppress constitutionally protected speech.

The legal battle is one of five that the Supreme Court is considering this term that stand at the intersection of the First Amendment's free speech protections and social media. It was also the first of two that the justices heard Monday that involves alleged jawboning, or informal pressure by the government on an intermediary to take certain actions that will suppress speech.

The second case raises whether a New York financial regulator  violated the National Rifle Association's free speech rights  when she pressured banks and insurance companies in the state to sever ties with the gun rights group after the 2018 shooting in Parkland, Florida. Decisions from the Supreme Court in both cases are expected by the end of June.

The Biden administration's efforts to stop misinformation

The social media case stems from the Biden administration's efforts to pressure platforms, including Twitter, now known as X, YouTube and Facebook, to take down posts it believed spread falsehoods about the pandemic and the last presidential election.

Brought by five social media users and two states, Louisiana and Missouri, their challenge claimed their speech was stifled when platforms removed or downgraded their posts after strong-arming by officials in the White House, Centers for Disease Control, FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

The challengers alleged that at the heart of their case is a "massive, sprawling federal 'Censorship Enterprise,'" through which federal officials communicated with social media platforms with the goal of pressuring them to censor and suppress speech they disfavored.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty found that seven groups of Biden administration officials violated the First Amendment because they transformed the platforms' content-moderation decisions into state action by "coercing" or "significantly encouraging" their activities. He limited the types of communications agencies and their employees could have with the platforms, but included several carve-outs.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit then determined that certain White House officials and the FBI violated free speech rights when they coerced and significantly encouraged platforms to suppress content related to COVID-19 vaccines and the election. It narrowed the scope of Doughty's order but said federal employees could not "coerce or significantly encourage" a platform's content-moderation decisions.

The justices in October agreed to decide whether the Biden administration impermissibly worked to suppress speech on Facebook, YouTube and X. The high court temporarily paused the lower court's order limiting Biden administration officials' contact with social media companies.

In filings with the court, the Biden administration argued that the social media users and states lack legal standing to even bring the case, but said officials must be free "to inform, to persuade, and to criticize."

"This case should be about that fundamental distinction between persuasion and coercion," Brian Fletcher, principal deputy solicitor general, told the justices. 

Fletcher argued that the states and social media users were attempting to use the courts to "audit all of the executive branch communications with and about social media platforms," and said administration officials public statements are "classic bully pulpit exhortations."

But Aguiñaga told the justices that the platforms faced "unrelenting pressure" from federal officials to suppress protected speech.

"The government has no right to persuade platforms to violate Americans' constitutional rights," he said. "And pressuring platforms in in backrooms shielded from public view is not using the bully pulpit at all. That's just being a bully."

The oral arguments

Several of the justices questioned whether the social media users who brought the suit demonstrated that they suffered a clear injury traceable to the government or could show that an injunction against the government would correct future injuries caused by the platforms' content moderation, which much be shown to bring a challenge in federal courts.

"I have such a problem with your brief," Justice Sonia Sotomayor told Aguiñaga. "You omit information that changes the context of some of your claims. You attribute things to people that it didn't happen to. ... I don't know what to make of all this because I'm not sure how we get to prove direct injury in any way."

Aguiñaga apologized and said he takes "full responsibility" for any aspects of their filings that were not forthcoming.

Justice Elena Kagan asked Aguiñaga to point to the piece of evidence that most clearly showed that the government was responsible for his clients having material taken down.

"We know that there's a lot of government encouragement around here," she said. "We also know that the platforms are actively content moderating, and they're doing that irrespective of what the government wants, so how do you decide that it's government action as opposed to platform action?"

The justices frequently raised communications between the federal government and the press, which often involve heated discussions.

Justice Samuel Alito referenced emails between federal officials and platforms, some of which he said showed "constant pestering" by White House employees and requests for meetings with the social media sites.

"I cannot imagine federal officials taking that approach to the print media, our representatives over there," he said, referencing the press section in the courtroom. "If you did that to them, what do you think the reaction would be?"

Alito speculated that the reason why the federal officials felt free to pressure the platforms was because it has Section 230, a key legal shield for social media companies, and possible antitrust action "in its pocket," which he called "big clubs available to it." 

"It's treating Facebook and these other platforms like they're subordinates," Alito said. "Would you do that to the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal or the Associated Press or any other big newspaper or wire service?"

Fletcher conceded that officials' anger is "unusual," but said it's not odd for there to be a back-and-forth between White House employees and the media.

Kavanaugh, though, said that he "assumed, thought, experienced government press people throughout the federal government who regularly call up the media and berate them." He also noted that "platforms say no all the time to the government."

Chief Justice John Roberts — noting that he has "no experience coercing anybody" — said the government is "not monolithic, and that has to dilute the concept of coercion significantly." Roberts said one agency may be attempting to coerce a platform one way, while another may be pushing it to go the other direction.

The NRA's court fight

In the second case, the court considered whether the former superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services violated the NRA's free speech rights when she pushed regulated insurance companies and banks to stop doing business with the group.

Superintendent Maria Vullo, who left her post in 2019, had been investigating since 2017 two insurers involved in NRA-endorsed affinity programs, Chubb and Lockton, and determined they violated state insurance law. The investigation found that a third, Lloyd's of London, underwrote similar unlawful insurance products for the NRA.

Then, after the Parkland school shooting in February 2018, Vullo issued guidance letters that urged regulated entities "to continue evaluating and managing their risks, including reputational risks" that may arise from their dealings with the NRA or similar gun rights groups.

Later that year, the Department of Financial Services entered into consent decrees with the three insurance companies it was investigating. As part of the agreements, the insurers admitted they provided some unlawful NRA-supported programs and agreed to stop providing the policies to New York residents. 

The NRA then sued the department, alleging that Vullo privately threatened insurers with enforcement action if they continued working with the group and created a system of "informal censorship" that was designed to suppress its speech, in violation of the First Amendment.

A federal district court sided with the NRA, finding that the group sufficiently alleged that Vullo's actions "could be interpreted as a veiled threat to regulated industries to disassociate with the NRA or risk DFS enforcement action."

But a federal appeals court disagreed and determined that the guidance letters and a press release couldn't "reasonably be construed as being unconstitutionally threatening or coercive," because they "were written in an even-handed, nonthreatening tone" and used words intended to persuade, not intimidate.

The NRA appealed the decision to the Supreme Court, which agreed to consider whether Vullo violated the group's free speech rights when she urged financial entities to sever their ties with it.

"Allowing unpopular speech to form the basis for adverse regulatory action under the guise of 'reputational risk,' as Vullo attempted here, would gut a core pillar of the First Amendment," the group, which is represented in part by the American Civil Liberties Union, told the court in a filing .

The NRA argued that Vullo "openly targeted the NRA for its political speech and used her extensive regulatory authority over a trillion-dollar industry to pressure the institutions she oversaw into blacklisting the organization."

"In the main, she succeeded," the organization wrote. "But in doing so, she violated the First Amendment principle that government regulators cannot abuse their authority to target disfavored speakers for punishment."

Vullo, though, told the court that the insurance products the NRA was offering its members were unlawful, and noted that the NRA itself signed a consent order with the department after Vullo left office after it found the group was marketing insurance producers without the proper license from the state.

"Accepting the NRA's arguments would set an exceptionally dangerous precedent," lawyers for the state wrote in a Supreme Court brief. "The NRA's arguments would encourage damages suits like this one and deter public officials from enforcing the law — even against entities like the NRA that committed serious violations."

The NRA, they claimed, is asking the Supreme Court to give it "favored status because it espouses a controversial view," and the group has never claimed that it was unable to exercise its free speech rights.

  • Biden Administration
  • Supreme Court of the United States
  • Social Media
  • Free Speech

Melissa Quinn is a politics reporter for She has written for outlets including the Washington Examiner, Daily Signal and Alexandria Times. Melissa covers U.S. politics, with a focus on the Supreme Court and federal courts.

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Cash-strapped Trump is now selling $60 Bibles, U.S. Constitution included

Rachel Treisman

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Then-President Donald Trump holds up a Bible outside St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., during a controversial 2020 photo-op. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

Then-President Donald Trump holds up a Bible outside St. John's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C., during a controversial 2020 photo-op.

Former President Donald Trump is bringing together church and state in a gilded package for his latest venture, a $60 "God Bless The USA" Bible complete with copies of the nation's founding documents.

Trump announced the launch of the leather-bound, large-print, King James Bible in a post on Truth Social on Tuesday — a day after the social media company surged in its trading debut and two days after a New York appeals court extended his bond deadline to comply with a ruling in a civil fraud case and slashed the bond amount by 61%.

"Happy Holy Week! Let's Make America Pray Again," Trump wrote. "As we lead into Good Friday and Easter, I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible."

Why Trump's Persecution Narrative Resonates With Christian Supporters

Consider This from NPR

Why trump's persecution narrative resonates with christian supporters.

The Bible is inspired by "God Bless the USA," the patriotic Lee Greenwood anthem that has been a fixture at many a Trump rally (and has a long political history dating back to Ronald Reagan). It is the only Bible endorsed by Trump as well as Greenwood, according to its promotional website .

The Bible is only available online and sells for $59.99 (considerably more expensive than the traditional Bibles sold at major retailers, or those available for free at many churches and hotels). It includes Greenwood's handwritten chorus of its titular song as well as copies of historical documents including the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Pledge of Allegiance.

"Many of you have never read them and don't know the liberties and rights you have as Americans, and how you are being threatened to lose those rights," Trump said in a three-minute video advertisement.

"Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country, and I truly believe that we need to bring them back and we have to bring them back fast."

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'You gotta be tough': White evangelicals remain enthusiastic about Donald Trump

Trump critics on both sides of the aisle quickly criticized the product, characterizing it as self-serving and hypocritical.

Conservative political commentator Charlie Sykes slammed him for "commodifying the Bible during Holy Week," while Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota critiqued him for "literally taking a holy book and selling it, and putting it out there in order to make money for his campaign."

Trump says the money isn't going to his campaign, but more on that below.

Klobuchar added that Trump's public attacks on others are "not consistent with the teachings of the Bible," calling this "one more moment of hypocrisy." Tara Setmayer, a senior adviser for anti-Trump Republican PAC the Lincoln Project, called it "blasphemous ."

And former Rep. Liz Cheney, a Republican from Wyoming, trolled Trump with a social media post alluding to his alleged extramarital affairs.

"Happy Holy Week, Donald," she wrote. "Instead of selling Bibles, you should probably buy one. And read it, including Exodus 20:14 ."

Christianity is an increasingly prominent part of his campaign

Trump has made a point of cultivating Christian supporters since his 2016 presidential campaign and remains popular with white evangelicals despite his multiple divorces, insults toward marginalized groups and allegations of extramarital affairs and sexual assault.

And his narrative of being persecuted — including in the courts — appears to resonate with his many Christian supporters.

Trump has increasingly embraced Christian nationalist ideas in public. He promised a convention of religious broadcasters last month that he would use a second term to defend Christian values from the "radical left," swearing that "no one will be touching the cross of Christ under the Trump administration."

He made similar comments in the Bible promotional video, in which he warned that "Christians are under siege" and the country is "going haywire" because it lost religion.

What to know about the debut of Trump's $399 golden, high-top sneakers

What to know about the debut of Trump's $399 golden, high-top sneakers

"We must defend God in the public square and not allow the media or the left-wing groups to silence, censor or discriminate against us," he said. "We have to bring Christianity back into our lives and back into what will be again a great nation."

Trump himself is not known to be particularly religious or a regular churchgoer. He long identified as Presbyterian but announced in 2020 that he identified as nondenominational .

A Pew Research Center survey released earlier this month found that most people with positive views of Trump don't see him as especially religious, but think he stands up for people with religious beliefs like their own.

Trump said in the promotional video that he has many Bibles at home.

"It's my favorite book," he said, echoing a comment he's made in previous years. "It's a lot of people's favorite book."

The Impact Of Christian Nationalism On American Democracy

Trump's relationship to the Bible has been a point of discussion and sometimes controversy over the years.

In 2020, amid protests over George Floyd's murder, he posed with a Bible outside a Washington, D.C., church, for which he was widely criticized. U.S. Park Police and National Guard troops had tear-gassed peaceful protesters in the area beforehand, seemingly to make way for the photo-op, though a watchdog report the following year determined otherwise .

That same year, a clip of a 2015 Bloomberg interview, in which Trump declines to name his favorite — or any — Bible verse resurfaced on social media and went viral.

Bible sales are unlikely to solve Trump's financial problems

An FAQ section on the Bible website says no profits will go to Trump's reelection campaign.

" is not political and has nothing to do with any political campaign," it says.

However, the site adds that it uses Trump's name, likeness and image "under paid license from CIC Ventures LLC."

Trump is listed as the manager, president, secretary and treasurer of CIC Ventures LLC in a financial disclosure from last year.

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Here's what happens if Trump can't pay his $454 million bond

Trump's sales pitch focuses on bringing religion back to America.

"I want to have a lot of people have it," he said at one point in the video. "You have to have it for your heart and for your soul."

But many are wondering whether Trump has something else to gain from Bible sales while facing under mounting financial pressure.

There's his presidential reelection campaign, which has raised only about half of what Biden's has so far this cycle. Trump acknowledged Monday that he "might" spend his own money on his campaign, something he hasn't done since 2016.

There's also his mounting legal expenses, as he faces four criminal indictments and numerous civil cases. Trump posted bond to support a $83.3 million jury award granted to writer E. Jean Carroll in a defamation case earlier this month, and was due to put up another $454 million in a civil fraud case this past Monday.

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Trump is on the verge of a windfall of billions of dollars. Here are 3 things to know

His lawyers had said last week that they had approached 30 companies for help making bond, but doing so was a "practical impossibility" — prompting New York's attorney general to confirm that if Trump did not pay, she would move to seize his assets . On Monday, the appeals court reduced the bond amount to $175 million and gave Trump another 10 days to post it.

Trump has evidently been trying to raise money in other ways.

The day after the civil fraud judgment was announced, he debuted a line of $399 golden, high-top sneakers , which sold out in hours . The company behind his social media app, Truth Social, started trading on the Nasdaq exchange on Tuesday, which could deliver him a windfall of more than $3 billion — though he can't sell his shares for another six months.

  • Donald J. Trump
  • sales pitch
  • Christianity


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  6. The Best Motivational Speech in Lethal Company


  1. The 24 Best Motivational Speeches Our Employees Have Ever Heard

    Elon Musk's word serves as an upbeat reminder that perseverance, patience, and the desire to attempt things repeatedly in the face of difficulty are essential for success. "If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it." 2.

  2. 13 Best Motivational Speeches for Entrepreneurs (2024)

    Elon's speech here is compelling because it's so authentic. He doesn't talk about being lucky or following your gut instinct. Musk tells us that great things come from an equally astronomical amount of work. Musk also acknowledges the power of great people, "all a company is, is a group of people that have gathered together."

  3. Motivational Speech from CEO to Employees

    Use your speech to recognize the efforts of your employees. 3. Inject wit, humor, and empathy into your words to build trust, create bonds, repair relationships, and create joy in the workplace. As you know, humor is a great way to connect with people. It builds trust, creates bonds, repairs relationships, and creates joy in the workplace.

  4. 10 Inspirational Speeches and Emails by Leaders

    Here are some examples of excellent speeches that inspire. - "Tryst with Destiny" by Jawaharlal Nehru. - Narayan Murthy's speech on the role of Western values in Indian society. - The Stanford commencement address by Steve Jobs. - "Go kiss the world" by Subroto Bagchi. - Kiran Bedi's speech on visionary leadership. 2.

  5. Use These Employee Appreciation Speech Examples (2024)

    Here at [company name] we [insert core competency: e.g. build nonprofit websites], but we really [insert the big-picture outcome of your work: e.g. change the world by helping amazing nonprofits live up to their inspiring visions.] ... An appreciation speech is a great first step to showing your employees that you care. The SnackNation team ...

  6. 15 Inspirational Speeches to Share with Your Team

    3. The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - David Allen. Productivity guru David Allen explains his simple method for ensuring you get things done. This is a must-watch for any team struggling with procrastination and prioritization. 4. The power of vulnerability- Dr. Brené Brown.

  7. 25 Best Speeches of 2020

    13. Dwayne The Rock Johnson's eulogy for father Rocky Johnson, 'The show must go on'. Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson was the source of two of the great speeches of 2020, one political, his 'where are you' critique of Trump in the aftermath of George Floyd's death, and one personal, an emotional tribute to father Rocky.

  8. How to Write a Great Motivational Business Speech in 2022

    Step 3. Have a Vision. Know what you want your audience to do after hearing your motivational speech and plan your speech accordingly. Your entire speech should be focused on moving your audience in the direction you want them to take. Explain why the subject of your speech is important to your audience.

  9. How To Make A Memorable Executive Speech: 14 Expert Tips

    8. Bring The Right Energy. The most important thing to make a speech memorable, aside from a clear, concise message, is energy. The energy you exude while giving a speech transfers to the audience ...

  10. 80+ Rewards and Recognition Speech Examples for Inspiration

    This reinforcement helps to solidify a positive company culture that is built on shared values and a sense of purpose. 4. Celebration and Team Building. Delivering a rewards and recognition speech creates a celebratory atmosphere that brings employees together as a team.

  11. 15 Key Elements Of A Memorable And Compelling Executive Speech

    7. Connectivity, Honesty, Excitement And Wisdom. When it comes to striking the right chord with an audience, it's all about connectivity and honesty. You need to remember that you're speaking ...

  12. Famous Speeches: A List of the Greatest Speeches of All-Time

    Famous Speeches and Great Talks. This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. Click the links below to jump to a specific speech. On each page, you'll find a full transcript of the speech as well as some additional background information. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, "The Danger of a Single Story"

  13. 30 Motivational Speeches To Get You Moving Forward Now

    In terms of motivational speeches about life, a great speaker knows who they are and what they stand for. Empathetic: Great motivational speakers can put themselves in the shoes of people in their audience, distinguishing quality. Knowledgeable: To become a successful motivational speaker, one must be current and informed in their field.

  14. 10 Of The Greatest Leadership Speeches Of All Time

    5. Rosalinde Torres: What it takes to be a great leader. In this incredibly inspirational speech, Torres describes 25 years of observing great leaders at work and then shares ways to learn how to lead. 6. Bill Clinton: 2008 Speech to the Democratic National Convention.

  15. The Secret Behind Authentic And Persuasive CEO Speeches

    Here are some of the CEOs who have most successfully found the courage to show their true selves in talks in order strengthen their presentations and inspire their organizations. Howard Schultz ...

  16. 11 actually great elevator pitch examples and how to make yours

    The pitch dives into what makes the new product unique, utilizing a hypothetical to paint a picture of what it can achieve. If you're writing a product launch elevator pitch, focus on the product and let it speak for the company. 9. Rebranding pitch example. We've done great things as [company name].

  17. 40 Most Famous Speeches In History

    Eventually against all odds, she led England to victory despite their underdog status in the conflict with her confident and masterful oratory. 3. Woodrow Wilson, address to Congress (April 2, 1917) "The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty.

  18. A Company Party Speech from MySpeechwriter: over 25 years

    The key ingredients of a successful company party speech. Positive feedback can often fall to the wayside amidst the day-to-day business stresses. But words of praise or appreciation work wonders, increasing staff motivation and encouraging creativity and initiative. "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working ...

  19. Company Christmas party speech

    Company Christmas party speech example | 1. This is an example of a genuinely sincere, short speech * that a boss or manager might give to kick off the annual company Christmas party. It's upbeat, brief, acknowledges the challenges that were faced throughout the year and most importantly, how they were met.

  20. Hamas Took Her, and Still Has Her Husband

    Fact-checking by Susan Lee.. Additional music by Oded Lifshitz. Translations by Gabby Sobelman.. Special thanks to Menachem Rosenberg, Gershom Gorenberg, Gabby Sobelman, Yotam Shabtie, and Patrick ...

  21. Fed Rate Decision March 2024: 5 Takeaways From Meeting, Powell Speech

    Here are the key takeaways for the Federal Open Market Committee's rate decision and Fed Chair Jerome Powell's news conference Wednesday.

  22. Remarks by President Biden at the Gridiron Club and Foundation Dinner

    Grand Hyatt WashingtonWashington, D.C. (March 16, 2024) 10:32 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, thank you, thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, thank you. I think I ...

  23. Supreme Court wary of restricting government contact with social media

    The Supreme Court heard a free speech case involving the Biden administration's efforts to pressure social media companies to remove what it said was false information.

  24. 100 Happy Easter Wishes, Greetings & Messages 2024

    100 Happy Easter Wishes, Greetings and Messages. 1. Joining you in gratitude for Christ's sacrifice and the joyful renewal it brings to all God's children this Easter season.

  25. Old Xi Speech on China's Monetary Tools Catches Trader Eyes

    A line from a 172-page book citing President Xi Jinping's comments on the nation's monetary tools became a hot talking point among stock and bond traders Thursday. China should enrich its ...

  26. King Charles speaks of 'great sadness' at missing Maundy Thursday ...

    King Charles III has spoken of his "great sadness" at missing the traditional Maundy Thursday service.

  27. Donald Trump is selling a 'God Bless the USA' Bible for $60 : NPR

    Former President Donald Trump is bringing together church and state in a gilded package for his latest venture, a $60 "God Bless The USA" Bible complete with copies of the nation's founding documents.

  28. The great pension reckoning is coming

    The great pension reckoning is coming Years of complacency have pushed Britain into a hole from which it will be extremely expensive to escape Neil Record 28 March 2024 • 6:00am

  29. Federal judge tosses Elon Musk's case against hate speech ...

    A federal judge on Monday threw out a lawsuit by Elon Musk's X that had targeted a watchdog group for its critical reports about hate speech on the social media platform. In a blistering 52-page ...

  30. LLC "TFN" Company Profile