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Pay it forward, gratitude may seem like a simple emotion, but robert emmons argues that it inspires kindness, connection, and transformative life changes. and he’s done the research to prove it..

Elizabeth Bartlett is a professor of political science at a Midwestern university. At the age of 42, her irregular heartbeat had become life-threatening. A heart transplant was her last hope, and she was fortunate to receive one. In a book chronicling her journey, she writes that she felt thankful for her new lease on life—but simply feeling thankful wasn’t enough.

I have a desire to do something in return. To do thanks. To give thanks. Give things. Give thoughts. Give love. So gratitude becomes the gift, creating a cycle of giving and receiving, the endless waterfall. Filling up and spilling over… perhaps not even to the giver but to someone else, to whoever crosses one’s path. It is the simple passing on of the gift.

What Bartlett describes is true gratitude. As this brief passage illustrates, gratitude is more than a pleasant feeling; it is also motivating. Gratitude serves as a key link between receiving and giving: It moves recipients to share and increase the very good they have received. Because so much of human life is about giving, receiving, and repaying, gratitude is a pivotal concept for our social interactions. The famed sociologist Georg Simmel declared that gratitude is “the moral memory of mankind.” If every grateful action, he went on to say, were suddenly eliminated, society would crumble.

pay it forward essay examples

Yet gratitude’s benefits are rarely discussed these days; indeed, in contemporary American society, we’ve come to overlook, dismiss, or even disparage the significance of gratitude.

Part of the problem, I think, is that we lack a sophisticated discourse for gratitude because we are out of practice. The late philosopher Robert Solomon noted how relatively infrequently Americans talk about gratitude. Despite the fact that it forms the foundation of social life in many other cultures, in America, we usually don’t give it much thought—with a notable exception of one day, Thanksgiving. On the other hand, we tend to scrutinize anger, resentment, happiness, and romantic love.

It has been argued that males in particular may resist experiencing and expressing gratefulness insomuch as it implies dependency and indebtedness. One fascinating study in the 1980s found that American men were less likely to regard gratitude positively than were German men, and to view it as less constructive and useful than their German counterparts. Gratitude presupposes so many judgments about debt and dependency that it is easy to see why supposedly self-reliant Americans would feel queasy about even discussing it.

We like to think that we are our own creators and that our lives are ours to do with as we please. We take things for granted. We assume that we are totally responsible for all the good that comes our way. After all, we have earned it. We deserve it. A scene from The Simpsons captures this mentality: When asked to say grace at the family dinner table, Bart Simpson offers the following words: “Dear God, we paid for all this stuff ourselves, so thanks for nothing.”

In one sense, of course, Bart is right. The Simpson family did earn their own money. But on another level, he is missing the bigger picture. The grateful person senses that much goodness happens independently of his actions or even in spite of himself. Gratitude implies humility—a recognition that we could not be who we are or where we are in life without the contributions of others. How many family members, friends, strangers, and all those who have come before us have made our daily lives easier and our existence freer, more comfortable, and even possible? It is mind boggling to consider.

Indeed, contemporary social science research reminds us that if we overlook gratitude, it will be at our own emotional and psychological peril. After years of ignoring gratitude—perhaps because it appears, on the surface, to be a very obvious emotion, lacking in interesting complications—researchers have found that gratitude contributes powerfully to human health, happiness, and social connection.

I first started studying gratitude 10 years ago. While the emotion initially seemed simplistic to me, I soon discovered that gratitude is a deep, complex phenomenon that plays a critical role in human happiness. My research partnership with Michael McCullough at the University of Miami has led to several important findings about gratitude. We’ve discovered scientific proof that when people regularly work on cultivating gratitude, they experience a variety of measurable benefits: psychological, physical, and social. In some cases, people have reported that gratitude led to transformative life changes. And even more importantly, the family, friends, partners, and others who surround them consistently report that people who practice gratitude seem measurably happier and are more pleasant to be around. I’ve concluded that gratitude is one of the few attitudes that can measurably change peoples’ lives.

The science of gratitude

At the outset of our research, Mike McCullough and I assumed that regularly practicing gratitude should enhance people’s psychological and social functioning; we then based a series of experiments on that assumption.

In our first study, Mike and I randomly assigned participants one of three tasks. We decided to encourage some participants to feel gratitude and others to be negative and irritable. We also created a third, neutral group by which to measure the others. Once a week for 10 weeks, the study’s participants kept a short journal listing five things that had occurred over the past week. They either briefly described, in a single sentence, five things for which they were grateful (“the gratitude condition”), or they did the opposite, describing five hassles that displeased them (“the hassles condition”). The neutral control group was simply asked to list five events or circumstances that had affected them each week, and they were not told to accentuate the positive or negative aspects of those circumstances.

To give a flavor for what participants wrote about, examples of gratitude-inducing experiences included “waking up this morning,” “the generosity of friends,” “God for giving me determination,” and “the Rolling Stones.” Examples of hassles were: “hard to find parking,” “messy kitchen no one will clean,” “finances depleting quickly,” and “doing a favor for friend who didn’t appreciate it.”

Although I believed we’d see the benefits of gratitude, I wasn’t sure this result would be inevitable or unequivocal. To be grateful means to allow oneself to be placed in the position of a recipient—to feel indebted, aware of one’s dependence on others, and obligated to reciprocate. An exercise like ours might remind people that they need to repay the kindness of others, and they may resent these obligations and even report strong negative feelings toward their benefactors.

So I was surprised at how dramatically positive our results were. At the end of the 10 weeks, participants who’d kept a gratitude journal felt better about their lives as a whole and were more optimistic about the future than participants in either of the other two conditions. To put it into numbers, according to the scale we used to calculate well-being, they were a full 25 percent happier than the other participants. Those in the gratitude condition reported fewer health complaints and even spent more time exercising than control participants did, and significantly more time exercising than those in the hassles condition (nearly 1.5 hours more per week). This is a massive difference. The gratitude group participants also experienced fewer symptoms of physical illness than those in either of the other two groups.

In a second study, we asked participants to keep journals every day for two weeks. People assigned to express gratitude again showed an impressive array of benefits: On surveys we gave all study participants, people who kept a gratitude journal reported feeling more joyful, enthusiastic, interested, attentive, energetic, excited, determined, and strong than those in the hassles condition. They also reported offering others more emotional support or help with a personal problem—supporting the notion that gratitude motivates people to do good. And this was not limited to what they said about themselves. We sent surveys to people who knew them well, and these significant others rated participants in the gratitude group as more helpful than those in the other groups (these friends were not aware of which experimental condition the participants were in).

We got similar results in a study of adults with neuromuscular disorders, many of whom suffered from fatigue, slowly progressive muscle weakness, muscle and joint pain, and muscular atrophy. Little is known about factors affecting the quality of life among people with neuromuscular disorders. This study gave us a unique opportunity to determine if the gratitude intervention could help improve the well-being of these people coping with a chronic physical disease.

Participants in the gratitude condition showed significantly more positive emotions and satisfaction with life than a control group, while also showing fewer negative emotions. They also felt more optimism about the upcoming week and felt closer and more connected to others, even though many lived alone and did not increase their actual contact time with others. Remarkably, these positive emotional and psychological changes weren’t only apparent to the participants themselves: Based on reports we received from the spouses of study participants, people in the gratitude condition seemed outwardly happier than people in the control group.

Participants in the gratitude condition also reported getting more hours of sleep each night, spending less time awake before falling asleep, and feeling more refreshed upon awakening. This finding is enormous, in that sleep disturbance and poor sleep quality have been identified as central indicators of poor overall well-being, as well as increased risk for physical disease and premature death. It may sound simplistic, but the evidence cannot be ignored: If you want to sleep more soundly, count blessings, not sheep.

One of the important features of all of these studies is that we randomly assigned participants to conditions. Many people who tend toward pessimism may have been placed in the gratitude group, just as optimists may have been in the other conditions. Plus, few studies have been able to successfully create interventions to increase happiness or well-being; we were able to do so with an exercise that required minimal effort.

Other studies have corroborated our findings and further testified to gratitude’s benefits, especially for social connections. For example, additional research Mike and I conducted has shown that individuals who report habitually experiencing gratitude engage more frequently in kind or helpful behaviors than do people who experience gratitude less often.

We’ve also identified people with strong dispositions toward gratitude and asked their friends to tell us about them. We then compared their friends’ responses to feedback we received from the friends of less grateful people. According to their friends, grateful people engaged in more supportive, kind, and helpful behaviors (e.g., loaning money, providing compassion, sympathy, and emotional support) than did less grateful people.

Some particularly informative research has been conducted by David DeSteno and Monica Bartlett at Northeastern University. In their creative studies, participants worked on a computer-generated task; when they were about to receive their score, the screen suddenly went blank. Another person in the room—a “confederate,” someone secretly working with the researchers—“discovered” that the monitor’s plug had been pulled partially out of the power strip and then helped display the participant’s scores. Upon leaving the laboratory, the participant was asked if they would volunteer to assist in another, ostensibly unrelated experiment, which involved completing a tedious and taxing survey.

Compared to people who didn’t receive the favor, including some who were put in a good mood by watching a funny video clip, the people who received the favor and felt grateful toward the confederate were more likely to go through the trouble of filling out the survey. This suggests the unique effects of gratitude in motivating helping behavior, more so than the general effects of simply being in a positive mood.

Why is gratitude good?

So why is gratitude good? For two main reasons, I think. First, gratitude strengthens social ties . It cultivates an individual’s sense of interconnectedness. This was beautifully illustrated in a story by Roger, a man we interviewed in our research on patients with chronic neuromuscular disease.

Faced with escalating medical bills and an extended period of unemployment, Roger was on the verge of losing his home—until friends organized a benefit party to raise money for him. He wrote in his gratitude journal:

Well the big day came after much anticipation. About two hundred people showed up, bought raffle tickets, drank, danced, partied and ate til 1 a.m. closing! We went up on stage to thank everyone amid joy, tears, and hugs. My manager cut me a check for over $35,000 the next week! Without that check my house/car would have been on the market…. We saw so many friends and co-workers it was truly a great night. The $1,000 first prize was donated back to us by the winner (a stranger!). My doctor and nurse also attended and our priest stopped by for a few beers—I keep thinking of more highlights as I write. I truly felt like George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life! I feel myself almost tearing up as I write. My heart warms as I see the people that attended. I also feel a need to help or reach out to others whenever I can help by speaking or just listening.

In Roger’s response to that evening, and his desire to help others as a result, we can see how gratitude truly serves as “the moral memory of mankind.” A second reason supporting the power of gratitude is that gratitude increases one’s sense of personal worth. When we experience gratitude, we understand that another person wishes us well, and in turn, we feel loved and cared for. If someone has incurred a personal cost by helping me out, then how can I not conclude that I have value in that person’s eye?

It might be this link that explains why gratitude can be a powerful antidote to a depressed view of life. One of the reasons gratitude makes us happier is that it forces us to abandon a belief that may accompany severe depression—that the world is devoid of goodness, love, and kindness, and is nothing but randomness and cruelty. By recognizing patterns of benevolence, the depressed person may change their self-perception (“I guess I’m not such a loser after all”). By feeling grateful, we are acknowledging that someone, somewhere, is being kind to us. And therefore, we can see not just that we are worthy of kindness, but that kindness indeed exists in the world and, therefore, that life may be worth living.

We are receptive beings, dependent on the help of others, on their gifts and their kindness. As such, we are called to gratitude. Life becomes complete when we are able to give to others what we ourselves received in the past. In one of our studies, a 33-year-old woman with spinal muscular atrophy captured this dynamic:

All of my life, people have been involved to assist me in getting dressed, showered, to work/school, etc. It was my hope that one day, I would be able to do something really significant for someone else, like others have always done for me. I met a man who was married and very unhappy. He and his wife had a little boy born to them and then die at seven months of age. For 10 years they remained married, trying to have another baby. They were never able to have a child again. They divorced and he became my friend and lover. He told me of his life’s dream of having another child. I got pregnant from him and had a miscarriage. I got pregnant again and had an ectopic pregnancy. (No loss of my tube, thank God!) A shot took care of the problem. I got pregnant a third time; our beautiful son was born on 12/20/98. I have never felt as grateful for anything in my life. I was actually able to give something back to someone. Me, who was supposed to die before I was two years old.

It is gratitude that enables us to receive and it is gratitude that motivates us to return the goodness that we have been given. In short, it is gratitude that enables us to be fully human.

About the Author

Robert Emmons

Robert Emmons

University of california, davis.

Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D. , is the world's leading scientific expert on gratitude. He is a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, and the founding editor-in-chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology . He is the author of the books Gratitude Works!: A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity and Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier .

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Nicely done.  One simple way to express gratitude is to give credit where it’s due.  For example, what is the title of Dr. Bartlett’s book?  Where did the phrase, “Pay It Forward” come from?  How about a citation for the DeSteno and Bartlett work?

Robert E. Alberti, Ph.D. | 12:08 pm, December 13, 2011 | Link


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Essays on Pay It Forward

Pay it forward is a global movement that celebrates the kindness of others. This act of kindness can reduce stress and depression. It can also help relieve financial burdens. This is a great cause to promote in our society, and one that you can take part in. Here are a...

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Pay it forward.

[pey it fawr -werd]

What does pay it forward mean?

Pay it forward is an expression for when the recipient of an act of kindness does something kind for someone else rather than simply accepting or repaying the original good deed.

Where does pay it forward come from?

pay it forward

The concept of pay it forward is ancient. We can find it explored in literature ranging from Ancient Greek comedies to Benjamin Franklin’s letters. Ralph Waldo Emerson, for one, developed a theory of it in his 1841 essay “Compensation”: “In the order of nature we cannot render benefits to those from whom we receive them, or only seldom. But the benefit we receive must be rendered again, line for line, deed for deed, cent for cent, to somebody.”

The actual phrase pay it forward , however, was most likely coined in 1916 by author Lily Hardy Hammond in her novel In the Garden of Delight, where she wrote a bit of wordplay: “You don’t pay love back; you pay it forward .” Celebrated sci-fi author Robert Heinlein is credited with popularizing the term in his 1951 book Between Planets. Heinlein later started a humanitarian organization, the Heinlein Society, known for abiding by a pay it forward philosophy. It is dedicated to teaching it to others.

The phrase and concept inspired an award-winning 1999 novel by Catherine Ryan Hyde, which features a young protagonist who launches a pay it forward campaign. Hyde then established the Pay It Forward foundation, committed to spreading various acts of kindness around the globe. Her novel was adapted into a major motion film in 2000, further helping to make pay it forward a household phrase and inspiring Pay It Forward Day, April 28th, organized since 2007.

Some also consider the pay it forward philosophy as a basis for the theoretical economic model called “the gift economy,” where commodities and services are traded without explicit contracts or debts.

Examples of pay it forward

Who uses pay it forward.

Pay it forward is used by the general population in both oral speech and writing. While mostly in its original sense, the phrase is used to suggest a more general passing-along rather than a specific act of service.

Pay it forward is often used as an imperative appeal or encouragement, with doing it referred to as paying it forward or and having done it paid it forward .

This is not meant to be a formal definition of pay it forward like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of pay it forward that will help our users expand their word mastery.

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Pay It Forward by Kayley

Kayleyof Naples's entry into Varsity Tutor's January 2017 scholarship contest

Pay It Forward by Kayley - January 2017 Scholarship Essay

“Only a life lived in the service to others is a life worth living,” -Albert Einstein. I believe that service is the most significant way to change the world. At the end of our time, we are not measured by our successes, but by our service to others. I want to be remembered as a person who was most willing to lend a helping hand and spread joy to the world.

The act of giving to others is contagious. It creates a positive chain reaction that prompts others to “pay it forward”. The feeling of doing good for others is what makes service worthwhile. With over two hundred and fifty community service hours, service is a significant part of my life and who I am. The time when I felt like I had made the most difference in the world was when I was chosen to spend two summers tending to those suffering from poverty. I dedicated over sixty hours to a nearby migrant town where people struggled to meet their daily needs. While I was there, I participated in working for Habitat for Humanity, I cooked and served food at the Guadalupe Social Services food pantry, I helped children with homework at the Immokalee Child Care Center, and assisted the migrant workers in the fields. When I look back on the service I dedicated, I feel blessed knowing that I made an impact by touching the lives of a struggling community.

After this service opportunity, I have continued to demonstrate my service to others by aiding the poor and helping students in my school community. On a weekly basis, I provide my own materials to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Every Monday, I along with my peers from the National Honor Society, gather together to create 100-120 sandwiches which are then donated to a local homeless shelter. I also volunteer twice a week to help students who struggle academically with homework or standardized test practice. My compassion for less fortunate animals is also a large part of my service in the community. I have donated over eighty hours to various cat rescue organizations to control and protect the feline population in my county. By working at the no-kill shelters and caring for injured felines, I was able to support and promote organizations that show compassion for their lives.

My time in high school is coming to an end and as I move to my next chapter in life, I know my love for service and caring for others in need will always define me. I love bringing joy to others and through community service I can accomplish that. It starts with one person paying it forward to bring joy and change the world.


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Words: 611 |

Published: Jun 9, 2021

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Works Cited

  • Hyde, C. R. (2000). Pay it forward. Simon & Schuster.
  • Leder, M. (Director). (2000). Pay it forward [Film]. Warner Bros.
  • Ebert, R. (2000, October 20). Pay it forward.
  • Holden, S. (2000, October 20). A seventh-grader's big idea: Can it save a troubled world? The New York Times.
  • Pay it forward (2000). IMDb.
  • Scott, A. O. (2000, October 20). An improbable tale about changing the world. The New York Times.
  • Roeper, R. (2000, October 20). Pay it forward. Ebert & Roeper.
  • Foundas, S. (2000, October 20). Pay it forward. Variety.
  • Puig, C. (2000, October 20). 'Pay It Forward' more moving than manipulative. USA Today.
  • Travers, P. (2000, October 23). Pay it forward. Rolling Stone.

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  4. Pay It Forward Movie: Analysis of Trevor Mckinney's Self-concept

    Typically when someone does us a favor we always pay it back in some way and then that be it. But, instead of paying it back main character Trevor McKinney has the idea of paying it forward.

  5. ≡Essays on Pay It Forward. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics

    A Critique of Pay It Forward, a Movie by Mimi Leder. Carol Rogers, an American psychologist, believes every child is the center of their changing world; that for are the strategist working towards becoming self-actualized. The cognitive process is important, and this is the evidence of Trevor's assignment which is given by his Social Studies ...

  6. Paying It Forward by Justin

    Paying It Forward by Justin - March 2014 Scholarship Essay. Paying it forward is defined as an expression for describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to others instead of to the original benefactor. To me doing any good or random acts of kindness is the definition of this phrase. In school we are told that we have to meet the ...

  7. Reflections on the Movie 'Pay It Forward'

    This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples. Cite this essay ... 'Pay it Forward' is a theme that encourages people to give and love one another and respect and forgive. The movie follows two story lines at the same time: one follows the boy ...

  8. Pay It Forward

    The "pay it forward" meaning is simply doing good deeds and not expecting anything in return; no motives, no scheming, no selfish reasons, etc. Instead, others are encouraged to pay it forward to someone else. The idea behind it is that a single act of kindness creates a ripple effect that spreads far beyond your initial good deed.

  9. Pay It Forward Essay Topics

    Essay Topics. 1. Who do you perceive as the main character of the novel? Defend your answer using examples from the text. 2. In the 2000 film adaptation of the novel, two changes are made to the character of Reuben: he is white, and his face was severely burned by his father as a child, instead of mutilated in the Vietnam War.

  10. Propaganda Awareness: Pay It Forward.

    Pay it Forward is about a boy who is given an assignment that creates a movement, where he helps 3 people with something they cannot do themselves. The recipient cannot return the favor and must "pay it forward" by helping 3 other people. Scott describes it as a chain letter "a game whose essentially coercive nature -- you've typically ...

  11. Free Essays on Pay It Forward, Examples, Topics, Outlines

    Essays on Pay It Forward. Pay it forward is a global movement that celebrates the kindness of others. This act of kindness can reduce stress and depression. It can also help relieve financial burdens. This is a great cause to promote in our society, and one that you can take part in.

  12. Why It's Important to 'Pay It Forward'

    Ten examples of paying it forward include simple acts like holding the door/elevator for others, create a Facebook fundraiser, donate unused extras, run for a cause; do the dishes and make the bed, treat someone while you treat yourself, volunteer, pick up trash, host a drive and smile and give a compliment. There is a Pay It Forward Day.

  13. 30 Real Life "Pay it Forward" Stories That Will Warm Your Heart

    A McDonald's in Scottsburg, Indiana, was only trying to treat a father on Father's Day when she started the 167-driver pay it forward movement. Between 8:30 p.m. and midnight, when the restaurant closed, each customer paid for the person's meal in the car behind them—often exceeding the cost of their own desired meal.

  14. Pay It Forward Essay Example

    Download. Pay it Forward Jennifer Trager University of Phoenix PSY/490 Instructor: Vicki Koenig November 25, 2011 Pay it forward is becoming a more popular phrase it seems. When you drive through towns and different communities, one can see signs for soup kitchens, volunteer services, etc. There is something about the idea of giving back to ...

  15. pay it forward Meaning

    The concept of pay it forward is ancient. We can find it explored in literature ranging from Ancient Greek comedies to Benjamin Franklin's letters. Ralph Waldo Emerson, for one, developed a theory of it in his 1841 essay "Compensation": "In the order of nature we cannot render benefits to those from whom we receive them, or only seldom.

  16. Pay It Forward by Kayley

    Pay It Forward by Kayley - January 2017 Scholarship Essay. "Only a life lived in the service to others is a life worth living," -Albert Einstein. I believe that service is the most significant way to change the world. At the end of our time, we are not measured by our successes, but by our service to others. I want to be remembered as a ...

  17. A Review Of The Film Pay It Forward: [Essay Example], 611 words

    Pay it forward is a film adaptation of a book with the same title written by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It is a drama and romance film directed by Mimi Leder starring Kevin Spacey as Eugene Simonet, Helen Hunt as Arlene McKinney, Haley Joel Osment as Trevor Mckinney and Jay Mohr as Chris Chandler. The film takes place in Las Vegas.

  18. Pay It Forward: a Movie Review Free Essay Example

    5. Pay it Forward is an inspirational movie, which was based on a novel of the same title by Catherine Ryan Hyde. The movie started with an assignment that a seventh-grade Social Studies teacher, Mr. Simonet (Kevin Spacey), gave his students. He tasked them to think of an act that can possibly change the world and put it into action.

  19. Free Essay: Pay It Forward

    Persuasive Essay On Pay It Forward. "The best wat to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don't wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.". - Barack Obama.

  20. Pay It Forward Essay Example

    REFLECTION: Pay It Forward. Maybe someday I'll have kids of my own. I hope so. If I do, they'll probably ask what part I played in the movement that changed the world. And because I'm not the person I once was, I'll tell them the truth. My part was nothing. I did nothing.

  21. Essays on "Pay It Forward"

    In the book Pay It Forward, the protagonist, Trevor McKinney, is a 12-year-old seventh-grader in Atascadero, California, who is tasked by his social study teacher, Reuben St. Clair, with developing and carrying out an initiative to improve the world. With the purpose of inspiring others to do the same, Trevor resolves to "pay it forward ...

  22. Drama Movie Pay It Forward [Free Essay Sample], 470 words

    This pay it forward spread throughout the people and begun a movement. This movie impacted me in many ways but the most important thing that helped me to become a better part of this society is to lend a helping hand to others around me.

  23. Pay It Forward Essay Samples for Students on WritingBros

    Essay Samples on Pay It Forward. Essay Examples. Essay Topics. Drama Movie Pay It Forward. This movie was filmed by the main actors, Haley Joel Osment as Trevor McKinney, Kevin Spacey as Mr. Eugene Simonet, and Helen Hunt as Arlene McKinney. This movie was presented/enacted inside a classroom in Las Vegas, Nevada during the start of the 7th ...