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Essays on Personal Identity

The theme of Personal Identity is of paramount importance as it delves into the essence of what makes us unique individuals. It encompasses a wide array of factors including culture, language, gender, family dynamics, religion, and personal experiences that together shape our sense of self. Exploring personal identity helps in understanding the complex interplay between individual traits and societal influences, fostering a deeper comprehension of oneself and others.

Writing essays on Personal Identity is crucial for several reasons:

  • It encourages self-reflection and introspection, allowing individuals to explore and articulate their understanding of their own identity.
  • It promotes empathy and cultural awareness by examining how diverse backgrounds and experiences contribute to the mosaic of society.
  • Essays on this topic can contribute to critical discussions about the role of external factors, such as social media and globalization, in shaping personal identity.
  • They offer a platform for discussing pressing issues related to identity, such as gender identity and the impact of mental health, in a nuanced and informed manner.
  • Writing about personal identity challenges writers to consider the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of identity in the modern world.

List of Popular Personal Identity Essay Topics

  • Exploring the Impact of Culture on Personal Identity Formation
  • Uncovering the Layers of Personal Identity
  • The Role of Language in Shaping Individual Identity
  • Personal Identity in the Digital Age: Social Media and Self-Perception
  • Gender Identity: Navigating the Landscape of Self-Discovery
  • The Impacts of Racism and Identity in James Baldwin's "Notes of a Native Son"
  • The Influence of Family Dynamics on the Development of Personal Identity
  • Religion and Spirituality: Their Contribution to Personal Identity
  • The Interplay Between Personal Identity and Mental Health
  • Personal Growth and Identity: The Journey Through Life Transitions

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Personal identity refers to the unique and enduring characteristics, traits, beliefs, values, and experiences that define an individual's sense of self. It encompasses the conscious awareness of one's own existence and the recognition of being distinct from others. Personal identity is shaped by a combination of genetic factors, social interactions, cultural influences, and personal choices.

The concept of personal identity, often explored in philosophy and psychology, has a complex and multifaceted origin. The origins can be traced back to ancient civilizations and philosophical traditions that pondered the nature of the self. One influential school of thought is found in ancient Greece, particularly in the works of philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. Plato proposed the idea of an immortal soul that persists through various incarnations, while Aristotle emphasized the importance of the mind and memory in shaping personal identity. In the realm of Eastern philosophy, Hinduism and Buddhism have also contributed to the understanding of personal identity. Hinduism embraces the concept of reincarnation, where individuals' identities persist across multiple lives. Buddhism challenges the notion of a fixed and enduring self, suggesting that personal identity is impermanent and constantly evolving. The concept of personal identity further developed during the Enlightenment era in the 17th and 18th centuries. Philosophers such as John Locke introduced the idea that personal identity is rooted in consciousness and memory. Locke argued that the continuity of memory and experiences over time determines one's sense of self.

Psychological Continuity: This theory, popularized by John Locke, emphasizes the importance of psychological attributes, such as memory, consciousness, and personality traits, in defining personal identity. According to this view, a person's identity is based on the continuity of their mental states and experiences over time. Biological Continuity: This theory emphasizes the role of biological factors in personal identity. It posits that an individual's identity is primarily determined by their physical characteristics and genetic makeup. Biological continuity theorists argue that bodily continuity is essential for personal identity. Narrative Identity: This theory, influenced by narrative psychology, asserts that personal identity is constructed through the stories we tell about ourselves. Our sense of self is shaped by the narratives we create to make sense of our experiences, relationships, and life events. Bundle Theory: This theory, advocated by David Hume, challenges the notion of a unified and continuous self. According to bundle theory, personal identity is a collection of interconnected mental and physical attributes, thoughts, sensations, and experiences. There is no underlying substance that remains constant over time. Social Identity: This theory emphasizes the role of social interactions, cultural contexts, and group affiliations in shaping personal identity. It suggests that identity is not solely an individual construct but is influenced by social norms, roles, and relationships.

Physical Appearance: Our physical characteristics, such as our body shape, facial features, and unique traits, play a significant role in our personal identity. They contribute to how we are recognized and perceived by others. Psychological Traits: Personal identity is intertwined with our psychological traits, including our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, values, and personality traits. These aspects shape our perspectives, behavior patterns, and the way we interact with the world. Memories and Experiences: The accumulation of memories and life experiences forms an integral part of personal identity. Our unique collection of past events, relationships, achievements, and challenges shape our individual narrative and shape who we are. Cultural and Social Identity: Our personal identity is influenced by the cultural and social contexts we are part of. Factors such as nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, and social roles contribute to our sense of belonging and shape our identity. Interests and Passions: Our hobbies, interests, and passions also contribute to our personal identity. The things we enjoy, the activities we pursue, and the skills we develop become integral parts of who we are and how we perceive ourselves. Relationships and Connections: The relationships we form with others, including family, friends, and communities, have a profound impact on our personal identity. Our interactions and connections shape our sense of belonging, social roles, and the way we relate to others. Future Goals and Aspirations: Personal identity is not solely based on the past and present but also encompasses our future aspirations and goals. Our ambitions, dreams, and the vision we have for our lives contribute to our sense of identity and drive our actions.

1. According to a study published in the journal Science, researchers found that our sense of personal identity can be influenced by external factors, such as the opinions of others. The study showed that people were more likely to conform to a group's judgment, even if it conflicted with their own initial perceptions. 2. Research suggests that personal identity can be shaped by cultural norms and social expectations. For example, studies have shown that collectivist cultures, which prioritize the needs and goals of the group over individual desires, tend to have a stronger emphasis on social identity and conformity. 3. Personal identity can be influenced by language. Linguistic relativity theory suggests that the language we speak affects our perception and understanding of the world, including our sense of self. Different languages may have unique ways of expressing personal identity, which can shape how individuals perceive themselves. 4. Neuroscientists have discovered that the brain's neural networks play a crucial role in forming and maintaining personal identity. The connections between different regions of the brain contribute to our cognitive processes, emotions, and memories, all of which shape our sense of self. 5. Identity crisis is a phenomenon where individuals experience uncertainty or confusion about their personal identity. It is often associated with major life transitions or events, such as adolescence, career changes, or cultural shifts. Identity crisis can lead to self-reflection and a reevaluation of one's values, goals, and beliefs. 6. Personal identity can evolve and change over time. This concept, known as identity fluidity, suggests that individuals may experience shifts in their self-perception due to personal growth, new experiences, or changing social and cultural contexts.

The topic of personal identity holds immense significance as it explores fundamental questions about the nature of human existence and individuality. Understanding personal identity helps us unravel the complexities of human cognition, emotions, and behavior, enabling us to gain insights into ourselves and others. Exploring personal identity in an essay provides an opportunity to delve into the intricacies of self-perception, the formation of identity, and the factors that shape our sense of self. It allows for a critical examination of how personal identity is influenced by cultural, social, and psychological factors, offering a deeper understanding of human diversity and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. Additionally, studying personal identity facilitates introspection and self-reflection, encouraging individuals to explore their own beliefs, values, and aspirations. It prompts us to question the stability and continuity of our identities, opening up avenues for personal growth and self-actualization. Furthermore, personal identity has implications in various fields, including psychology, philosophy, sociology, and neuroscience. By exploring this topic, we can draw interdisciplinary connections and foster a holistic understanding of human nature and the complexities of the human experience.

1. Shoemaker, D., & Tobia, K. (2019). Personal identity. (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3198090) 2. Olson, E. (2016). Personal identity. Science fiction and philosophy: From time travel to superintelligence, 69-90. (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118922590.ch7) 3. Swinburne, R. G. (1973, January). Personal identity. In Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (Vol. 74, pp. 231-247). Aristotelian Society, Wiley. (https://www.jstor.org/stable/4544858) 4. Glover, J. (1988). I: The philosophy and psychology of personal identity. (https://philpapers.org/rec/GLOITP) 5. Floridi, L. (2011). The informational nature of personal identity. Minds and machines, 21, 549-566. (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11023-011-9259-6) 6. Schechtman, M. (2005). Personal identity and the past. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 12(1), 9-22. (https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/article/186014/summary) 7. Shoemaker, D. W. (2007). Personal identity and practical concerns. Mind, 116(462), 317-357. (https://academic.oup.com/mind/article-abstract/116/462/317/1083800) 8. Garrett, B. (2002). Personal identity and self-consciousness. Routledge. (https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203015667/personal-identity-self-consciousness-brian-garrett) 9. Luckmann, T., & Berger, P. (1964). Social mobility and personal identity. European Journal of Sociology/Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 5(2), 331-344. (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-journal-of-sociology-archives-europeennes-de-sociologie/article/abs/social-mobility-and-personal-identity/3A597A028214E9C7F6BD6EA77CFBC881) 10. McLean, K. C., & Syed, M. (2015). Personal, master, and alternative narratives: An integrative framework for understanding identity development in context. Human Development, 58(6), 318-349. (https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/445817)

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Essay Samples on Personal Identity

Personal identity encompasses the fundamental question of “Who am I?” It delves into the complex layers of our individuality, examining the factors that define and distinguish us as unique beings. Exploring personal identity involves introspection and contemplation of various aspects, such as our beliefs, values, experiences, and relationships. It invites us to unravel the intricacies of our self-perception and the influences that shape our identities in personal identity essay examples.

How to Write an Essay on Personal Identity

When crafting an essay on personal identity, it is essential to begin by defining the term and setting the stage for further exploration. Establish a strong thesis statement that outlines your perspective on the topic. Consider incorporating personal anecdotes or real-life examples to illustrate your points effectively. Remember to maintain a logical flow of ideas, guiding your readers through the intricate terrain of personal identity. Conclude your essay by summarizing key findings and offering thought-provoking insights or suggestions for further exploration of the topic.

To create an engaging and comprehensive personal identity essay, delve into various philosophical, psychological, and sociocultural perspectives on personal identity. Explore influential theories, such as John Locke’s bundle theory or David Hume’s notion of the self as a bundle of perceptions. Analyze the impact of cultural and societal factors on shaping personal identities, highlighting the interplay between individual agency and external influences.

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Best topics on Personal Identity

1. How Does Society Shape Our Identity

2. How Does Family Influence Your Identity

3. Exploring the Relationship Between Illness and Identity

4. Evolving Identities: The Concept of Self-Identity and Self-Perception

5. Free Cultural Identity: Understanding of One’s Identity

6. My Cultural Identity and Relationship with God

7. My Cultural Identity and Preserving Ancestors’ Traditions

8. Gregor Samsas` Burden In “The Metamorphosis” By F. Kafka

9. Reflections On Personal Intercultural Experience

10. Literature of African Diaspora as a Postcolonial Discourse

11. The Ideology of Giving People Status or Reward

12. Features And Things That Shape Your Identity

13. Identity Crisis: What Shapes Your Identity

14. My Passion And Searching What You Are Passionate About

15. The Importance Of Inner Beauty Over Outer Beauty

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124 Personal Identity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Personal Identity Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Personal identity is a complex and multi-faceted concept that encompasses how individuals perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others. Exploring personal identity can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the world. In this article, we will provide you with 124 personal identity essay topic ideas and examples to help inspire your writing.

  • The role of culture in shaping personal identity
  • How do social media profiles influence personal identity?
  • The impact of family background on personal identity
  • Exploring the concept of self-identity
  • How do personal experiences shape one's identity?
  • The relationship between personal identity and self-esteem
  • The influence of gender on personal identity
  • How do personal values shape one's identity?
  • The impact of education on personal identity
  • The role of religion in shaping personal identity
  • How does race and ethnicity influence personal identity?
  • The impact of language on personal identity
  • The influence of societal norms on personal identity
  • How does personal identity change over time?
  • Exploring the concept of multiple identities
  • The impact of social class on personal identity
  • The relationship between personal identity and mental health
  • How do personal relationships shape one's identity?
  • The influence of physical appearance on personal identity
  • The role of personal beliefs in shaping identity
  • How does personal identity influence career choices?
  • The impact of trauma on personal identity
  • Exploring the concept of collective identity
  • The relationship between personal identity and social identity
  • How does personal identity influence decision-making?
  • The influence of media on personal identity
  • The impact of technology on personal identity
  • The role of personal interests in shaping identity
  • How do personal goals influence one's identity?
  • The influence of political beliefs on personal identity
  • Exploring the concept of national identity
  • The impact of globalization on personal identity
  • The relationship between personal identity and self-expression
  • How does personal identity influence social interactions?
  • The influence of personal experiences on cultural identity
  • The impact of migration on personal identity
  • The role of language in shaping cultural identity
  • How do personal values influence cultural identity?
  • The relationship between cultural identity and national identity
  • Exploring the concept of hybrid identity
  • The impact of globalization on cultural identity
  • The influence of media on cultural identity
  • The role of education in shaping cultural identity
  • How does cultural identity influence social interactions?
  • The impact of colonialism on cultural identity
  • The relationship between cultural identity and language
  • Exploring the concept of diaspora identity
  • The influence of religion on cultural identity
  • The role of food in shaping cultural identity
  • How do cultural traditions influence identity?
  • The impact of migration on cultural identity
  • How does cultural identity influence personal relationships?
  • The influence of societal norms on cultural identity
  • The role of music in shaping cultural identity
  • Exploring the concept of intercultural identity
  • The impact of technology on cultural identity
  • The influence of fashion on cultural identity
  • The relationship between cultural identity and social identity
  • How does cultural identity influence decision-making?
  • The impact of globalization on national identity
  • The role of history in shaping national identity
  • Exploring the concept of ethnic identity
  • The influence of language on national identity
  • The relationship between national identity and cultural identity
  • How does national identity influence political beliefs?
  • The impact of colonialism on national identity
  • The role of symbols in shaping national identity
  • Exploring the concept of regional identity
  • The influence of geography on national identity
  • The relationship between national identity and social identity
  • How does national identity influence personal values?
  • The impact of migration on national identity
  • The role of education in shaping national identity
  • Exploring the concept of national pride
  • The influence of media on national identity
  • The relationship between national identity and global identity
  • How does national identity influence decision-making?
  • The impact of nationalism on national identity
  • The role of sports in shaping national identity
  • Exploring the concept of national heritage
  • The influence of language on regional identity
  • The relationship between regional identity and cultural identity
  • How does regional identity influence social interactions?
  • The impact of history on regional identity
  • The role of geography in shaping regional identity
  • Exploring the concept of local identity
  • The influence of traditions on regional identity
  • The relationship between regional identity and national identity
  • How does regional identity influence personal relationships?
  • The impact of migration on regional identity
  • The role of education in shaping regional identity
  • Exploring the concept of regional pride
  • The influence of media on regional identity
  • The relationship between regional identity and social identity
  • How does regional identity influence decision-making?
  • The impact of globalization on regional identity
  • The role of sports in shaping regional identity
  • Exploring the concept of regional heritage
  • The influence of language on local identity
  • The relationship between local identity and cultural identity
  • How does local identity influence social interactions?
  • The impact of history on local identity
  • The role of geography in shaping local identity
  • Exploring the concept of community identity
  • The influence of traditions on local identity
  • The relationship between local identity and national identity
  • How does local identity influence personal relationships?
  • The impact of migration on local identity
  • The role of education in shaping local identity
  • Exploring the concept of local pride
  • The influence of media on local identity
  • The relationship between local identity and social identity
  • How does local identity influence decision-making?
  • The impact of globalization on local identity
  • The role of community events in shaping local identity
  • Exploring the concept of community heritage
  • The influence of language on community identity
  • The relationship between community identity and cultural identity
  • How does community identity influence social interactions?
  • The impact of history on community identity
  • The role of geography in shaping community identity
  • Exploring the concept of neighborhood identity
  • The influence of traditions on community identity

In conclusion, personal identity is a complex and nuanced concept that is shaped by a variety of factors, including culture, social interactions, personal experiences, and more. By exploring different facets of personal identity, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. We hope that the essay topic ideas and examples provided in this article will inspire you to further explore the concept of personal identity and its impact on individuals and society as a whole.

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Science Leadership Academy @ Center City

Advanced Essay 3: Shaping a Person’s Personal and Social Identity


My essay is about both what makes up identity and the different forms of identity. The main section that I am proud of is the part where the essay explains how memories affect your identity. I think that overall the ideas are good but could have been more specific.  

Shaping a Person’s Personal and Social Identity

Identity, at its core, is the understanding of what someone or something is. This understanding is made up of two integral parts, personal identity and social identity. Personal identity is an understanding of who you are as a person before you step into the role you play in society.  Social identity is made up of the labels projected onto a person based on how society views someone's personal identity.

People's personal identity can be shaped in many different ways.  Three factors that are important in shaping one’s personal identity include, but are not limited to, their culture, their memories, and their societal labels. Culture, simply explained, is learned behavior and norms we apply to the situations that we are presented.  In the words of the World Youth Alliance, which is a non-profit organization whose main goal is to create a culture that supports the dignity of every human person, “We are not alone. We live in a society, as wild as it is. We live in groups, we define ourselves through them, and hence, at least in some aspects, we belong to them.”  These groups that we live in are the cultures we create for ourselves. We do this to build social connections, which allow people to feel accepted by the general population. It is a human need to feel accepted by other people, so it is only natural for a person to gravitate to a group that is made of members that reflect their own characteristics.

Memories are almost as important in shaping a person’s identity as their culture. While culture is large and vast, memories are personal and very connected to what we do and say. Memories impact our identity by teaching us how to interact with the world around us.  According to “Psychology Today”, “These memories represent ongoing themes that we play out over and over again in our lives.” They create our moral code through repetition, providing positive reinforcement for good behavior and negative consequences for bad behavior. An obvious example of this concept is evident in childhood. When you were a kid, if you did something wrong, you got punished. The punishment, from that point on, was always connected to that bad behavior, which, hopefully, prevented you from repeating the action. This process slowly developed our idea of what is deemed good and what is deemed bad.  A person’s idea of what is good versus bad, what is ethical versus unethical, is largely developed through memories and plays a huge role in creating our personal identity. If you did not have the memories that make up your moral code, or ethos, then you would not interact with the outside world in the same way.

Societal labels is the third factor in shaping personal identity, and is as important, but vastly different than, culture and memories. Both culture and memories are very personal, and are unaffected by other people's views and experiences. Societal labels, on the contrary, are based solely on other people's judgements. How other people perceive a person largely impacts how they perceive themselves.  It is similar to culture in the way that we look to other people for acceptance, and place so much value on their opinions. These labels, whether positive or negative, have a vitally important impact on shaping a person’s personal identity.

Overall, many factors play a role in creating one’s personal identity.  A person’s culture, memories, and societal labels are just three of the many things that manifests themselves into your personality and how others see you.

Social identity is how other people perceive you, regardless of your personal identity. It is different than personal identity because it is based on societal expectations, which you do not have control over.  Unfortunately, one can do very little to change their social identity, because it has nothing to do with who you are as a person, or what your belief system is. Unlike societal labels, which you absorb and may become part of your personal identity, your social identity is completely independent of your personal ethos.  In other words, it is basically when people judge a book by its cover. Personal and social identities are intertwined constantly, changing as people learn and grow.

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Locke on Personal Identity

John Locke (1632–1704) added the chapter in which he treats persons and their persistence conditions (Book 2, Chapter 27) to the second edition of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding in 1694, only after being encouraged to do so by William Molyneux (1692–1693). [ 1 ] Nevertheless, Locke’s treatment of personal identity is one of the most discussed and debated aspects of his corpus. Locke’s discussion of persons received much attention from his contemporaries, ignited a heated debate over personal identity, and continues to influence and inform the debate over persons and their persistence conditions. This entry aims to first get clear on the basics of Locke’s position, when it comes to persons and personal identity, before turning to areas of the text that continue to be debated by historians of philosophy working to make sense of Locke’s picture of persons today. It then canvases how Locke’s discussion of persons was received by his contemporaries, and concludes by briefly addressing how those working in metaphysics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries have responded to Locke’s view—giving the reader a glimpse of Locke’s lasting impact and influence on the debate over personal identity.

1. Locke on Persons and Personal Identity: The Basics

2. locke on persons: what’s up for debate, 3. the early modern reception of locke’s picture of persons, 4. locke’s lasting impact on the personal identity debate, primary literature by locke, other historical literature, contemporary literature, other internet resources, related entries.

Locke’s most thorough discussion of the persistence (or diachronic identity) of persons can be found in Book 2, Chapter 27 of the Essay (“Of Identity and Diversity”), though Locke anticipates this discussion as early as Book 1, Chapter 4, Section 5, and Locke refers to persons in other texts, including the Second Treatise of Government . The discussion of persons and their persistence conditions also features prominently in Locke’s lengthy exchange with Edward Stillingfleet, Bishop of Worcester (1697–1699).

Locke begins “Of Identity and Diversity” by first getting clear on the principle of individuation, and by setting out what some have called the place-time-kind principle—which stipulates that no two things of the same kind can be in the same place at the same time, and no individual can be in two different places at the same time (L-N 2.27.1). [ 2 ] With some of the basics of identity in place, Locke posits that before we can determine the persistence conditions for atoms, masses of matter, plants, animals, men, or persons, we must first know what we mean by these terms. In other words, before we can determine what makes atoms, masses of matter, plants, animals, men, or persons the same over time, we must pin down the nominal essences—or general ideas—for these kinds. Of this Locke says,

’Tis not therefore Unity of Substance that comprehends all sorts of Identity , or will determine it in every Case: But to conceive, and judge of it aright, we must consider what Idea the Word it is applied to stands for…. (L-N 2.27.7)

That we must define a kind term before determining the persistence conditions for that kind is underscored in Locke’s definition of “person”. Locke starts off by saying,

This being premised to find wherein personal Identity consists, we must consider what Person stands for….

He goes on,

which, I think, is a thinking intelligent Being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider it self as itself, the same thinking thing in different times and places…. (L-N 2.27.9)

A person for Locke is thus the kind of entity that can think self reflectively, and think of itself as persisting over time.

Locke additionally asserts that persons are agents. For Locke “person” is a

…Forensick Term appropriating Actions and their Merit; and so belongs only to intelligent Agents capable of a Law, and Happiness and Misery. (L-N 2.27.26)

Persons are therefore not just thinking intelligent beings that can reason and reflect, and consider themselves as the same thinking things in different times and places, but also entities that can be held accountable for their actions. It is because persons can think of themselves as persisting over time that they can, and do, plan ahead, with an eye toward the punishment or reward that may follow.

Just after Locke defines “person”, he begins to elucidate what makes any person the same person over time. He asserts that

…consciousness always accompanies thinking, and ‘tis that, that makes every one to be, what he calls self . (L-N 2.27.9)

Consciousness is what distinguishes selves, and thus,

…in this alone consists personal Identity, i.e. the sameness of rational Being: And as far as this consciousness can be extended backwards to any past Action or Thought, so far reaches the Identity of that Person ; it is the same self now it was then; and ‘tis by the same self with this present one that now reflects on it, that that Action was done. (L-N 2.27.9)

After the initial assertion that the diachronic identity of persons consists in sameness of consciousness, Locke goes on to use various imaginary cases to drive this point home.

The imaginary cases that Locke employs are not dissimilar to ancient cases, such as the Ship of Theseus, reported by Plutarch. In this case, we are asked to imagine a ship that has slowly had its planks replaced with new ones. The intuition Plutarch’s case is intended to test is whether, at the end (when the ship has an entirely new material constitution), we have the same ship as before. Likewise, Locke is using cases to test readers’ intuitions about persistence and identity. But it is arguable that Locke is the first to devise such cases to specifically test readers’ intuitions about persons and the conditions under which they are the same. Locke is thus carving out a new conceptual space through such imaginary cases. A few of these will be outlined and discussed in what follows.

In the “prince and the cobbler” passage, or L-N 2.27.15, Locke asks the reader to imagine the soul of a prince entering and informing the body of a cobbler, taking all of its “princely thoughts” with it. In this scenario, the person called “prince” ends up persisting in the man identified as the “cobbler”, because the prince’s consciousness goes along with the prince’s soul. Just after Locke describes this scenario, he says,

I know that in the ordinary way of speaking, the same Person, and the same Man, stand for one and the same thing. And indeed every one will always have a liberty to speak, as he pleases, and to apply what articulate Sounds to what Ideas he thinks fit, and change them as often as he pleases. But yet when we will enquire, what makes the same Spirit, Man , or Person , in our Minds; and having resolved with our selves what we mean by them, it will not be hard to determine, in either of them, or the like, when it is the same , and when not. (L-N 2.27.15)

Through the “prince and the cobbler” passage it not only becomes clear that a person goes where their consciousness goes, but also that Locke distinguishes between the term “man” (which is synonymous with “human being”) and “person”.

Other scenarios that Locke conjures, such as the “waking and sleeping Socrates” case (L-N 2.27.19), make clear that even if an individual remains the same man, he may not persist as the same person. Here Locke says,

If the same Socrates waking and sleeping do not partake of the same consciousness , Socrates waking and sleeping is not the same Person. And to punish Socrates waking, for what sleeping Socrates thought, and waking Socrates was never conscious of, would be no more of Right, than to punish one Twin for what his Brother-Twin did, whereof he knew nothing, because their outsides were so like, that they could not be distinguished; for such Twins have been seen. (L-N 2.27.19)

If Socrates has a different consciousness by day than he does by night, then waking Socrates ought not be punished for what sleeping Socrates does. This is because although Socrates is the same man by day as he is by night, he is a different person by day than he is at night (and moral responsibility lies with persons, according to Locke). Thus while the identity of consciousness determines the identity of person, the identity of persons and the identity of men come apart for Locke—or at least they can . [ 3 ]

Locke additionally distinguishes between persons and souls. There is evidence for this in L-N 2.27.13. Here Locke claims,

But yet to return to the Question before us, it must be allowed, That if the same consciousness … can be transferr’d from one thinking Substance to another, it will be possible, that two thinking Substances may make but one Person.

If consciousness can actually be transferred from one soul to another, then a person can persist, despite a change in the soul to which her consciousness is annexed. Thus if a reader’s soul switches out as she progresses from the start of L-N 2.27 to the end, so long as the reader’s consciousness remains the same, she remains the same person, according to Locke.

On top of this, Locke asserts that even if an individual has the same soul, he may fail to be the same person. Locke makes this point in L-N 2.27.14, 23, and 24. In the “day and night-man” passage, or 2.27.23, Locke asks the reader to imagine “…two distinct incommunicable consciousnesses acting the same Body, the one constantly by Day, the other by Night” (L-N 2.27.23). Locke goes on to suggest that the “… Day and the Night-man ” are “as distinct persons as Socrates and Plato ” (L-N 2.27.23). Locke then makes clear that this is the case even if day and night-man share the same soul:

For granting that the thinking Substance in Man must be necessarily suppos’d immaterial, ‘tis evident, that immaterial thinking thing may sometimes part with its past consciousness, and be restored to it again, as appears in the forgetfulness Men often have of their past Actions, and the Mind many times recovers the memory of a past consciousness, which it had lost for twenty Years together. Make these intervals of Memory and Forgetfulness to take their turns regularly by Day and Night, and you have two Persons with the same immaterial Spirit, as much as in the former instance two Persons with the same Body. So that self is not determined by Identity or Diversity of Substance…but only by identity of consciousness. (L-N 2.27.23)

Just as the “waking and sleeping Socrates” passage, L-N 2.27.23 shows that there can be a change of person due to a change in consciousness, and this is the case even though there is no change in man. But, what Locke also makes clear through L-N 2.27.23 is that there can be a change of person even though there is no change in soul. Thus while many philosophers (including Plato, Rene Descartes, Samuel Clarke, etc.) think that one cannot be a person unless one has an immaterial soul, and the identity of persons rests in the identity of souls, Locke makes the bold move of pulling persons and souls apart.

In addition to this, Locke calls the substantial nature of souls into question. Locke takes thought to be immaterial, and while Locke contends that the immaterial cannot be reduced to, or explained in terms of, the material, Locke is not committed to substance dualism, when it comes to finite thinkers. This is because Locke thinks substratum—or the substance that underlies and supports any particular substance’s qualities—is impossible for finite minds to penetrate. Additionally there is nothing in the concepts “thought” and “matter” that allows us to deduce that one excludes the other, and God could have superadded the ability to think to formerly inert systems of matter. In Locke’s picture, we cannot know whether the substance (or substratum) that underlies thinking and willing is different from the substance (or substratum) that underlies being solid and white, or yellow and malleable. Locke’s official position on the substantial nature of finite thinkers is therefore one of agnosticism.

This section outlines some of the areas of Locke’s text, and aspects of Locke’s view, that continue to be debated by historians of philosophy working to make sense of Locke’s picture of persons and their persistence conditions today. As will soon become clear, there is disagreement about almost every aspect of Locke’s discussion of persons, and even some of what has been presented thus far betrays a particular interpretive framework.

One of the overarching questions asked about Locke’s Essay is how much it includes metaphysical exploration. Some think that Locke’s project is exclusively epistemological, citing (among other passages) the following as evidence for their view: In the Epistle to the Reader , Locke describes himself as an “underlabourer”. Locke then goes on to say,

This, therefore being my Purpose to enquire into the Original, Certainty, and Extent of humane Knowledge; together, with the Grounds and Degrees of Belief, Opinion, and Assent; I shall not at present meddle with the Physical Consideration of the Mind; or trouble my self to examine, wherein its Essence consists, or by what Motions of our Spirits, or Alterations of our Bodies, we come to have any Sensation by our Organs, or any Ideas in our Understandings; and whether those Ideas do in their Formation, any, or all of them, depend on Matter, or no. These are Speculations, which, however curious and entertaining, I shall decline, as lying out of my Way, in the Design I am now upon. (L-N 1.1.2)

Under this reading, Locke is interested in determining what we can and cannot know by first determining how we come to have ideas, but what this entails is determining which activities give rise to our ideas, rather than investigating the metaphysical nature of the thinking thing wherein these activities—sensation and reflection—take place. Likewise all other explorations within the Essay eschew metaphysics.

Those who read L-N 2.27 as part of a project which is purely epistemological see the claims that Locke makes about the persistence of persons as claims about what we can know about the persistence of persons. As Lex Newman puts it,

Locke’s broader aim is to clarify the conditions under which we judge that we are numerically the same with some earlier person, not the conditions under which we strictly are the same person. (2015: 90)

Under this kind of reading, Locke’s claim that the identity of any person does not rest in the identity of substance (L-N 2.27.10 and 23) amounts to the claim that if any person wants to determine whether they are the same, they do not look to substance to find out. The idea is that because we have such an impoverished notion of substance in general, we do not look to substratum to determine if we are the same person over time in Locke’s view.

Other scholars tend to think that although Locke sets his task in the Essay as an epistemological one, he cannot help but dabble in some metaphysics along the way. What has been presented (regarding the basics of Locke’s picture of persons) in this entry thus far falls within this interpretive camp. This is why the imaginary cases that Locke employs in L-N 2.27 have been described as giving the reader information about what makes it the case that a person is the same at time 2 as at time 1. According to this view, what Locke is giving us in L-N 2.27 are inter alia “the conditions under which we strictly are the same person”.

Nevertheless, within the interpretive camp that takes Locke to dabble in metaphysics, there is widespread debate, both at the macro and the micro level. To start with the macro level: Some who fall into this camp see Locke making metaphysical claims in various passages throughout the text . Such scholars thus see what Locke is doing in L-N 2.27 as very much in keeping with moves that he makes in other parts of the Essay (see Stuart 2013, for example). However, others see L-N 2.27—and the metaphysics Locke is doing therein—as a significant break from the methodology that Locke employs in the rest of the Essay . This is because just after Locke claims that his project in the Essay is an epistemological one (1.1.2), he makes clear that in this project, he is using the historical plain method, or roughly, the Baconian method of induction (see Nuovo forthcoming). Of this, Locke says,

…I shall imagine I have not wholly misimploy’d my self in the Thoughts I shall have on this Occasion, if, in this Historical, plain Method, I can give any Account of the Ways , whereby our Understandings come to attain those Notions of Things we have, and can set down any Measures of the Certainty of our Knowledge, or the Grounds of those perswasions, which are to be found amongst Men, so various, different, and wholly contradictory…. (L-N 1.1.2)

Those who see a tension between Locke’s discussion of personal identity and the rest of the Essay contend that the way in which Locke proceeds in L-N 2.27 not only includes metaphysics, but also a reliance on thought experiments for data. Thus, rather than surveying a number of instances, and drawing inferences from there—or utilizing the historical, plain method—as he claims to be doing throughout the Essay , Locke is doing something quite different in 2.27: He is employing imaginary cases instead (see Antonia LoLordo 2012, for example).

However, what the historical plain method amounts to for Locke, and whether Locke’s use of thought experiments in L-N 2.27 is in tension with this method is also the subject of debate. So too is whether Locke uses thought experiments in 2.27 alone . Additionally, some have questioned whether the exercises that Locke walks readers through in 2.27 count as thought experiments at all (see Kathryn Tabb 2018, for more on this). There are thus wide-ranging debates about how to best describe 2.27 and the methodologies Locke employs therein. There is also much disagreement regarding how to square these methodologies with the general description Locke gives of his project in the Essay . Moreover, this is the case even amongst those who are in agreement that Locke is doing metaphysics in 2.27.

On top of this, there are deep and long-standing micro-level debates amongst those who think Locke is giving us some metaphysics in L-N 2.27. One such debate regards the implications of Locke’s assertion that the identity of any person does not rest in the identity of substance (2.27.10 and 23). Some scholars take Locke’s assertion that the identity of any person does not rest in the identity of substance, and other similar claims, to be evidence that Locke is a relativist about identity (see Stuart 2013, for example). To get a sense of what this entails, it is helpful to consider the contrast case: strict identity. If a philosopher holds a strict identity theory, then she takes it that we can ask, “Is y at time 2 the same as x at time 1?” and arrive at a determinate answer. On the other hand, if a philosopher is a relativist about identity, then she asserts that in response to the former question, we have to ask “Same what?” So if we ask, “Is Socrates the same?” a relativist about identity thinks we have to specify under which sortal term we are considering Socrates. Are we thinking about Socrates as a human being, or a body, or a soul (or something else altogether)?

On top of this, the relativist about identity thinks that an entity who is of two sorts can persist according to one, while failing to persist according to the other. We might say that from one day to the next, Socrates persists as the same human being, but not as the same body. Thus when Locke says that a person can persist despite a change in substance, or a person can persist despite a change in soul, some scholars take Locke to be showing that he is a relativist about identity. Relative identity readings were rather unpopular for some time, but have experienced a resurgence as of late (see Stuart 2013).

Still, some think that attributing this kind of reading to Locke is anachronistic. Others take issue with the fact that under a relative identity reading, there is, properly speaking, just one entity described under different sorts. (What we call “Socrates” does not pick out a human being, and person, with a body and soul, but rather one thing, described in these different ways.) This is appealing for some, especially those who think that this is the only way to save Locke from violating the place-time-kind principle, which stipulates that no two things of the same kind can be in the same place at the same time. But it lacks appeal for those who take Locke to be claiming that persons and the human beings who house them (for instance) are distinct. [ 4 ]

Some scholars take Locke’s assertion that the identity of substance is neither required nor enough for the persistence of any person to be evidence that persons are modes (or attributes), rather than substances (or things themselves). Such scholars then turn to Locke’s place-time-kind principle, for further evidence for their view. They take Locke’s assertion that no two things of the same kind can be in the same place at the same time to mean that no two substances of the same kind can be in the same place at the same time. Souls are thinking substances for Locke, and if persons are substances, they would count as such. Thus, persons cannot be substances, for otherwise wherever there is a person and her soul there are two thinking substances in the same place at the same time. Those who offer mode readings additionally turn to Locke’s claim that person is a “forensic term” and Locke’s bold assertion that a demonstrative science of morality is possible as evidence that the term “person” must be a mode term, rather than a substance term. This line of interpretation is popular today (see LoLordo 2012, Mattern 1980, Uzgalis 1990), but dates back to Edmund Law (1769).

Other Locke scholars defend substance readings of Locke on persons. They turn to Locke’s claims about substance, power, and agency, to conclude that if an entity has any power whatsoever it has to be a substance. Persons have powers. Thus, persons have to be substances for Locke (for arguments along these lines, see Gordon-Roth 2015, Rickless 2015, Chappell 1990). They then have to explain what Locke means when he asserts that the identity of any person does not rest in the identity of substance. Those who do not take the relative identity path usually end up working to get clear on what Locke could mean by “substance” when he makes this claim. Many conclude that what Locke means is that the identity of any person does not depend upon the identity of the simple substances that compose or constitute her. There are numerous defenders of this position today (see Alston and Bennett 1988, Bolton 1994, Chappell 1990, and Uzgalis 1990). Thus questions about two of the most basic features of Locke’s picture of personal identity—What is Locke’s (general) view on identity?; and, What kind of entity is a person, exactly?—are the subject of ongoing debate. [ 5 ]

So too are the most clearly stated aspects of Locke’s view: the claim that persons have consciousnesses, and the accompanying assertion that sameness of person rests in sameness of consciousness. What is consciousness for Locke? What does Locke mean by “sameness of consciousness”? Answering these questions turns out to be difficult, since Locke does not say much about what he takes consciousness to be (and we only know the persistence conditions of any entity, once we get clear on the nominal essence of that entity’s kind, according to Locke). Nevertheless, answering these questions is crucial to understanding Locke’s theory of personal identity since it is consciousness centered.

Some scholars take Locke to be a strict memory theorist. In other words, consciousness just is memory for Locke. As will become clear below, this reading dates back at least as far as Thomas Reid. Of course, it is the case that the way a person extends their consciousness backward is via memory. It thus may seem as if the identity of consciousness consists in memory, or that to have the same consciousness as she who did x , one has to have a memory of doing x , under Locke’s view. Nevertheless, as Margaret Atherton points out, Locke talks at length about forgetfulness, and if consciousness just is memory, then we cannot make sense of consciousness at any given moment where a person is not invoking memory (1983: 277–278). Atherton then goes on to develop an account of consciousness that is analogous with Locke’s conception of animal “life”.

The identity of consciousness is what allows for the persistence of any person, just as the identity of life is what allows for the persistence of any animal. “If we look at Locke in this fashion”, Atherton argues,

then what he is saying is that what makes me different at this moment from any other person is that my thoughts are identical with my consciousness of them. No one else can have my consciousness any more than any organism can have my life. (Atherton 1983: 283)

A person, in Atherton’s reading of Locke, is a single center of consciousness, and so long as that single center of consciousness persists, the person persists.

Other scholars hold what is called an “appropriation reading” (see Winkler 1991, Thiel 2011, LoLordo 2012). Under this reading, what Locke means when he says that sameness of person consists in sameness of consciousness, is that any person extends back only to those mental events or acts which they take to be their own . In other words, the persistence of any person or self is best seen in terms of the “subjective constitution of the self” (Winkler 1991: 204). There might be a worry that under this kind of reading, Locke gives persons too much authority. That is, a person could deny that she is the one who committed the crime, just because she doesn’t see that act as her own. But, although the “self has a certain authority over its own constitution”, Kenneth Winkler makes clear that

it is important to realize that this authority is not consciously exerted. I do not willfully disown one act and appropriate another; instead I accept what my consciousness reveals to me. There is also a severe limit on that authority, imposed by the transitivity of identity,

which comes through, as Winkler notes, in Reid’s objection—an objection which Winkler thinks sympathetic readers of Locke can answer and which is discussed in section 3 below (Winkler 1991: 206).

From these treatments it is still difficult to discern what consciousness is for Locke, however. Shelley Weinberg works to give a robust picture of Locke’s conception of consciousness in her recent book (2016). According to Weinberg, Locke uses the term “consciousness” in two different ways:

…Locke seems to see consciousness as (1) a mental state inseparable from an act of perception by means of which we are aware of ourselves as perceiving , and (2) the ongoing self we are aware of in these conscious states . (Weinberg 2016: 153)

The former is a momentary psychological state that allows for what Weinberg calls

a momentary subjective experience that the self presently perceiving is the same as the self that remembers having once had a past thought or action

and captures the first-person experience of persisting over time (Weinberg 2016: 153). The latter is an “objective fact of an ongoing consciousness” (Weinberg 2016: 153). This sense of consciousness is available from a third personal point of view, and fills in the gaps that any person’s subjective experience might entail.

Thus, Weinberg contends that the identity, or continued existence, of consciousness consists in a metaphysical fact, rather than appropriation. Nevertheless, Weinberg additionally argues that the first personal (conscious) experience of our own mental states, whether those states are occurrent sensations, reflections, or via remembering is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition of personal identity. In other words, to have the awareness (or knowledge) of an ongoing self—or (2)—we must have (1). Although there is a range of interpretations of Locke on consciousness on the table, Weinberg’s book, Consciousness in Locke , marks the first large-scale treatment of Locke’s views on consciousness. [ 6 ]

In addition to the debate over what consciousness is, and what Locke means when he says that the identity of any person consists in the identity of consciousness, there is ongoing debate about what Locke’s stance is when it comes to what can give rise to consciousness. That is, there is ongoing discussion of what Locke means when he says that God could have superadded thinking to formerly inert systems of matter, and what Locke’s actual position is on the substantial nature of finite thinkers. There are those who take Locke to be truly agnostic. Those who take this line of interpretation remind readers of Locke’s stated aims at the start of the Essay (as quoted earlier), and the epistemic modesty that Locke maintains throughout the text. But, there are others who think that Locke overstates the probability that souls are immaterial substances, so as not to ruffle the feathers of Stillingfleet and other religious authorities. Some in the latter group think that Locke leans toward materialism. This raises questions about how far Anthony Collins (discussed below) departs from the Lockean picture, or the degree to which Locke anticipates later materialist pictures of persons. [ 7 ] At the very least, it can be said that Locke challenges the importance that many philosophers place on the immaterial soul to personhood and personal identity. [ 8 ] As might be expected, this was met with mixed reviews.

This section addresses how Locke’s view was received by his contemporaries and by those writing in the remainder of the early modern period (16 th -18 th centuries). A good number of philosophers vehemently objected to Locke’s treatment of persons, though some defended it, and many others used it as an inspiration, or springboard, for their own views.

Many who objected to Locke’s treatment of persons did so because they objected to the decreased importance Locke places on the soul for personhood and personal persistence (see Joseph Butler, Thomas Reid, and Samuel Clarke, for example). Many such philosophers argue that numerical identity consists in no change at all , and the only kind of entity that allows for identity in this strict sense is an immaterial substance.

Along the way, some charged Locke’s theory of personal identity with circularity. As Joseph Butler puts it,

…[O]ne should really think it self-evident that consciousness of personal identity presupposes, and therefore cannot constitute, personal identity; any more than knowledge, in any other case, can constitute truth, which it presupposes. (1736 [1842: 298])

Butler then asserts that Locke’s misstep stems from his methodology. He says,

This wonderful mistake may possibly have arisen from hence; that to be endued with consciousness is inseparable from the idea of a person, or intelligent being. For this might be expressed inaccurately thus, that consciousness makes personality: and from hence it might be concluded to make personal identity. (1736 [1842: 298])

One of the points that Locke emphasizes—that persistence conditions are determined via defining kind terms—is what, according to Butler, leads Locke astray.

Butler additionally makes the point that memory is not required for personal persistence. He says,

But though present consciousness of what we at present do and feel is necessary to our being the persons we now are; yet present consciousness of past actions or feelings is not necessary to our being the same persons who performed those actions, or had those feelings. (1736 [1842: 298])

This is a point that others develop when they assert that Locke’s view results in contradiction.

The most popular, or well known, version of this line of objection comes from Thomas Reid (1785). In the “brave officer” objection, Reid poses the following challenge to Locke’s theory of personal identity. He says:

Suppose a brave officer to have been flogged when a boy at school for robbing an orchard, to have taken a standard from the enemy in his first campaign, and to have been made a general in advanced life; suppose, also, which must be admitted to be possible, that, when he took the standard, he was conscious of his having been flogged at school, and that, when made a general, he was conscious of his taking the standard, but had absolutely lost the consciousness of his flogging. These things being supposed, it follows, from Mr. Locke’s doctrine, that he who was flogged at school is the same person who took the standard, and that he who took the standard is the same person who was made a general. Whence it follows, if there be any truth in logic, that the general is the same person with him who was flogged at school. But the general’s consciousness does not reach so far back as his flogging; therefore, according to Mr. Locke’s doctrine, he is not the person who was flogged. Therefore, the general is, and at the same time is not, the same person with him who was flogged at school. (Reid 1785 [1851: 248–249])

In this exercise (and other similar versions of it) we are supposed to assume Locke’s theory of personal identity, and maintain that sameness of person consists in sameness of consciousness. When we do, Reid expects we will conclude that the general (C) is the same person as he who took the standard from the enemy (B) because the general (C) remembers doing so. Additionally he who took the standard from the enemy (B) is the same person as he who was flogged at school for robbing the orchard (A) because he (B) remembers that past traumatic experience. Thus C (he who is was made general) is identical to B (he who took the standard) and B (he who took the standard) is identical to A (he who was flogged at school).

Given the law of transitivity (which says that if C is identical to B and B is identical to A, then C is identical to A), we should conclude that C (the general) is identical to A (the flogged school boy). But, since we are assuming Locke’s theory of personal identity, Reid thinks we cannot come to this conclusion. If we assume Locke’s view, Reid contends that we have to conclude that C (the general) is not identical to A (the school boy). This is because C (the general) has no consciousness or memory of having been flogged at school (A).

This and other similar objections are meant to show that if we place the identity of persons in the identity of consciousness, as Locke suggests, then we run into a problem—namely one of contradiction—for we get the result that C and A both are, and are not, identical. Nevertheless, as is made clear above, there is debate about whether Locke’s claims about identity of consciousness should be read in terms of memory, and whether Reid is correct to take “memory” and “consciousness” as synonymous terms for Locke.

Circularity and contradiction are just two of the major objections launched at Locke’s theory of personal identity shortly after it is published. Importantly, these are objections to which sympathetic readers of Locke are still responding (see Atherton 1983, Weinberg 2016, LoLordo 2012, Thiel 2011, Garrett 2003, Schechtman 2014, etc). This gives the reader a glimpse of some of the lines of attack that were launched against Locke’s discussion of persons during the early modern period. Nevertheless, not all of Locke’s peers attacked his picture of persons, and numerous philosophers worked to defend his view.

One such philosopher is Catharine Trotter Cockburn. Cockburn pens her Defence of Mr. Locke’s Essay of Human Understanding in 1702. [ 9 ] In this text, Cockburn is responding to three pamphlets directed at Locke’s Essay . [ 10 ] These pamphlets take aim at Locke’s Essay rather broadly, and Cockburn’s Defence reflects this, but much is said about Locke on persons and their persistence conditions therein. Specifically, these pamphlets charge Locke with not proving that the soul is immortal, or threatening proofs of the immortality of the soul. They additionally charge that Locke’s view leaves us with the strange consequence that our souls are in constant flux, making it the case that we “awake with new souls each morning”. Given the importance of the soul, its persistence, and its immortality, to many traditional theories of personal identity, these objections are arguably intended to be objections to Locke’s picture of persons. Cockburn is quick to defend Locke, but proceeds carefully and thoroughly as she does so.

Cockburn points out that Locke never sets out to prove the soul immortal, and Locke actually claims that it is more probable that the soul is immaterial, than material. Moreover, even if Locke is not committed to the soul being immaterial, this ought not threaten proofs of the immortality of the soul. This is because what allows Locke to speculate that God could have superadded thinking to formerly inert systems of matter is that God is omnipotent, and surely an omnipotent being could make souls immortal even if they are material. Moreover, proofs for the immortality of the soul that rely on the immateriality of the soul are not likely to convince laymen of the soul’s immortality, and may actually leave them sceptical about whether the soul is indeed immortal (even if it is immaterial).

Cockburn additionally attacks the assertion that Locke’s claim that “men think not always” threatens proofs of the immortality of the soul. Of this she says,

But let it be granted, that it is ever so clearly proved, that thinking is necessary to the soul’s existence, that can no more prove, that it shall always exist, than it proves, that it has always existed; it being as possible for that omnipotence, which from nothing gave the soul a being , to deprive it of that being in the midst of its most vigorous reflections, as in an utter suspension of all thought. If then this proposition, that the soul always thinks , does not prove, that it is immortal, the contrary supposition takes not away any proof of it; for it is no less easy to conceive, that a being, which has the power of thinking with some intervals of cessation from thought, that has existed here for some time in a capacity of happiness or misery, may be continued in, or restored to the same state, in a future life, than that a Being which always thinks, may be continued in the same state. (Cockburn, in Sheridan (ed) 2006: 53)

As Cockburn points out, the notion that the soul is always thinking is not used as evidence for the soul’s immortality. Locke’s claim to the contrary thus ought not count as evidence against it, and we ought to have faith that an omnipotent God will ensure the soul’s immortality (whether it always thinks or not). Additionally, there is ample evidence that Locke thinks the soul is immortal, and that persons will go on to receive divine punishment and reward in the next life for their deeds in this life. This comes through not just in L-N 2.27 of the Essay , but also in Locke’s correspondence with Stillingfleet, and many of Locke’s religious writings, including the posthumously published “ Resurrectio et quae secuuntur ” (though Cockburn would not have had access to the latter while drafting her Defence ). [ 11 ]

Finally, Cockburn argues that the assumption that Locke’s view entails that we “awake with new souls each morning” rests on a misunderstanding. Just as a body that was in motion and comes to rest does not become a new body once it starts moving again, a soul that was thinking and ceases to think does not become a new soul once thought is restored to it. Thus, Locke’s claim that we do not always think—and indeed may have dreamless sleep—does not have the absurd consequences for the persistence of persons that the pamphlets charge. To this it might also be added that even if we awake with new souls each morning, it need not mean that we are new persons each morning, according to Locke.

Through the Defence , Cockburn additionally makes clear that although Locke’s theory of personal identity allows for sci-fi switches such as those described in the “prince and the cobbler” passage (L-N 2.27.15), the “waking and sleeping Socrates” passage (2.27.19), and the “day and night-man” passage (2.27.23), Locke does not think that this is the way things ordinarily go. In other words, in Locke’s view it is not that persons are switching bodies and swapping souls on a regular basis. Rather, Locke is making clear that we should distinguish between the concepts “man”, “body”, “soul”, and “person”. Moreover, the persistence of any person does not always align with the persistence of a human being or soul, as many assume. Making this point is the purpose of those imaginary cases.

Sixty-seven years after Cockburn’s Defence , and twenty-one years after the correspondence between Cockburn and Edmund Law ends, Law drafts a Defence of his own. Law’s Defence of Mr. Locke’s Opinion Concerning Personal Identity (1769) is later included in the 1823 version of Locke’s Works , and in it Law offers a particular reading of the ontological status of persons. Law defends a consciousness-based view, and makes much of Locke’s claim that person is a “forensic term”. Law moves from this point to the conclusion that Locke thinks persons are modes (or attributes) rather than substances (or things in themselves). He says,

Now the word Person , as is well observed by Mr. Locke …is properly a forensick term, and here to be used in the strickt forensick sense, denoting some such quality or modification in man as denominates him a moral agent, or an accountable creature; renders him the proper subject of Laws , and a true object of Rewards or Punishments. (1823: 1–2)

This is significant since whether Lockean persons are best thought of as substances, modes, or relations is something that is still debated amongst Locke scholars today.

While some philosophers were happy to defend Locke, as Cockburn and Law did, numerous philosophers writing in the eighteenth century utilized Locke’s theory of personal identity as a stepping stone to establish their own even more provocative views on persons. The ways in which these theorists go beyond Locke varies. Some of these are outlined below. [ 12 ]

In Anthony Collins’s correspondence with Samuel Clarke (1707–1708), it can often look as if Collins is a mere defender of Locke’s view. Collins holds a consciousness-based view of personal identity, and Collins invokes Locke’s discussion of persons and their persistence conditions throughout this lengthy exchange. Nevertheless, Collins takes Locke’s assertion that for all we know God could have superadded the ability to think to formerly inert systems of matter, and runs with it. As Larry Jorgensen puts it,

A significant difference between Collins and Locke…is that Collins thought that material systems provided a better explanatory basis for consciousness, which changes the probability calculus. Collins provides evidence that casts doubt on Locke’s claim that “it is in the highest degree probable” that humans have immaterial souls. Although he is building from a Lockean starting point, namely the possibility that God might superadd thinking to matter, he ends up with a naturalized version: thinking “follows from the composition or modification of a material system” (Clarke and Collins 2011: 48). (Jorgensen forthcoming)

Collins’s view on personal identity is a consciousness-based view, but what gives rise to consciousness, according to Collins, is likely a material system. Thus some take Locke’s purported agnosticism about the substantial nature of finite thinkers, and proceed more forcefully in the direction of materialism. In other words, Locke’s views on the substantial nature of finite thinkers opens the door to materialist views of persons and their persistence conditions.

Others take criticisms launched at Locke’s theory of personal identity, including the criticism that the self (or persisting self) is a fiction, and appear to embrace such consequences. [ 13 ] This can be seen rather readily in David Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature (1738). In the Treatise , Hume asserts that it is not clear how we can even have an idea of the self. This is because most take selves to be persisting entities, and all of our ideas come from corresponding impressions. But since our impressions constantly change, there is no one impression that can give rise to the idea we call “self”. Of this Hume says,

It must be some one impression, that gives rise to every real idea. But self or person is not any one impression, but that to which our several impressions and ideas are suppos’d to have a reference. If any impression gives rise to the idea of self, that impression must continue invariably the same, thro the whole course of our lives; since self is suppos’d to exist after that manner. But there is no impression constant and invariable. Pain and pleasure, grief and joy, passions and sensations succeed each other, and never all exist at the same time. It cannot, therefore, be from any of these impressions, or from any other, that the idea of self is deriv’d; and consequently there is no such idea. (1738 Book I, Part IV, Section VI [1896: 251–252])

Moreover, whenever Hume looks for himself, all he finds are impressions. He says,

For my part, when I enter most intimately into what I call myself, I always stumble on some particular perception or other, of heat or cold, light or shade, love or hatred, pain or pleasure. I never catch myself at any time without a perception, and never can observe any thing but the perception. (1738 [1896: 252])

This leads Hume to claim that we are just bundles of perceptions, in constant flux (1738 [1896: 252]).

Thus it is not only the case that we fail to have an idea of the self, according to Hume, but also the case that, properly speaking, no subsisting self persists from one moment to the next. It is the imagination that leads us astray when we think of ourselves, and other entities, as persisting over time (1738 [1896: 254]). As Hume puts it,

The identity, which we ascribe to the mind of man, is only a fictitious one, and of a like kind with that which we ascribe to vegetables and animal bodies. (1738 [1896: 259])
It cannot, therefore, have a different origin, but must proceed from a like operation of the imagination upon like objects. (1738 [1896: 259])

In moving away from a more traditional substance-based view of personal identity (where the identity of person lies in the identity of soul), Locke opens the door to more fragmentary treatments of selves and persons. [ 14 ]

Along similar lines, some take Locke’s claim that the identity of persons lies in the identity of consciousness as fuel for the assertion that, properly speaking, there is no special relation between person x and any other future person. That is, personal identity only exists between present and past selves, not present and future selves. For this reason, we ought not have prudential concern, or concern for a future self that is distinct from our concern for others. This is the argumentative move that William Hazlitt makes, and in An Essay on the Principles of Human Action (1805), he explicitly sets as his task showing

…that the human mind is naturally disinterested, or that it is naturally interested in the welfare of others in the same way, and from the same motives, by which we are impelled to the pursuit of our own interests. (1805: 1)

This line of argumentation is replicated and expanded almost one hundred and eighty years later by Derek Parfit in Reasons and Persons (1984), though it does not appear that Parfit is aware of Hazlitt’s view when he drafts his own. [ 15 ]

This section briefly outlines the lasting impact that Locke has had on the debate over persons and their persistence conditions by exploring how Locke’s theory of personal identity gets taken up in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Most metaphysicians contributing to the debate over personal identity refer to Locke’s treatment of persons in their texts. Many even directly respond to Locke’s view as they flesh out their own.

Most who hold psychological continuity theories of personal identity take their views to be descendants of Locke’s. This is true of John Perry (1975), David Lewis (1976), Sydney Shoemaker (1984), and Derek Parfit (1984), for instance (Schechtman “Memory, Identity, and Sameness of Consciousness”, forthcoming in The Lockean Mind ). In fact, Parfit defends what he calls a “Lockean view” as recently as 2016 (34). What makes each of these views Lockean (at least according to their authors) is that, as Locke does, they take personal identity to consist in the continuity of psychological life, and they take this to mean that personal identity is relational. Moreover, like Locke, they emphasize the forensic nature of personhood.

Marya Schechtman offers a rival interpretation to those held by Perry, Lewis, Shoemaker, and Parfit, but Locke is very much in the foreground of Schechtman’s narrative account as well. In The Constitution of Selves (1996: 15), Schechtman claims,

The argument that personal identity must be defined in psychological terms is first systematically presented and defended by Locke in his Essay concerning Human Understanding

Schechtman then goes on to show that the project of psychological continuity theorists is “incoherent” because

[t]he goal of offering reidentification criterion is fundamentally at odds with the goal of defining personal identity in terms of psychological continuity…. (1996: 24)

Importantly, Schechtman does this not just by making a passing reference to Locke and then treating Parfit, Perry, and the like, but via a thorough examination of Locke’s theory, and the objections raised to it by Butler, Reid, and others.

Moreover, this is the case not only in Schechtman’s earlier work, but in her most recent work as well. Schechtman includes a thirty-two page chapter titled, “Locke and the Psychological Continuity Theorists” at the start of Staying Alive: Personal Identity, Practical Concerns, and the Unity of a Life (2014), and in “Memory, Identity, and Sameness of Consciousness”, Schechtman turns to recent developments in the psychological study of memory to update Locke’s view to “…capture some of the crucial insights of Locke’s account, and show why it remains relevant and influential” (in The Lockean Mind , forthcoming).

Those who defend animalism—or the view that persons just are human organisms—hold a position that is quite different from psychological continuity theories or narrative based views. Still, most animalists respond to Locke. Some even invoke Locke’s view as they develop their own. For example, Eric Olson’s animalist view relies very heavily both on Locke’s conception of “life”, and the persistence conditions Locke gives for organisms (1997: 137–138, etc.). This is why Olson describes his view as “Lockean”.

At the same time, some animalists blame Locke for separating the discussion of persons and personal identity from the discussion of human beings or human animals. In Animalism: New Essays on Persons, Animals & Identity , Stephen Blatti and Paul Snowdon ask, “Why was the idea of an animal conspicuously absent…” in the personal identity debate for so long (2016: 3)? They go on,

To answer this question, we need to return to Locke’s famous discussion of personal identity, in which the notion of an animal was central…Locke exercised great care in specifying the different ideas for which the words ‘animal’ and ‘person’ stood. A reasonable conjecture, or proposal, we suggest, is that Locke’s treatment of these two terms and notions was so effective that it generated in people engaging with the problem the conviction that the notion of a person is the central one fixing the type of thing the problem is about, with the consequence that the notion of an animal was lost to sight. (2016: 3)

Locke does much to distinguish between human beings (or men)—which are animals—and persons, and Blatti and Snowdon assert that this sets the stage for how the personal identity debate plays out for the next several hundred years. In other words, Locke is the reason that animalist views do not emerge until later in the twentieth century. [ 16 ]

Finally, even those working to carve out an entirely new space for the discussion of persons and their persistence conditions say something about Locke as they proceed. Leke Adeofe outlines and develops a tripartite picture of persons according to what he calls the “African thought system”. As he does, Adeofe aligns his approach with Locke’s. He says,

My approach, partly descriptive and partly imaginative, ought to be familiar; it has been borrowed from a tradition that dates back at least to John Locke. (2004: 69)

Moreover, this is the case even though Adeofe uses the African, or Yoruba, conception of “person” to challenge Western philosophy’s treatment of persons and their persistence conditions.

In Real People: Personal Identity Without Thought Experiments (1988), Kathleen Wilkes takes aim at the proliferation of thought experiments in the personal identity literature. It is clear that Wilkes has the elaborate thought experiments that Parfit employs (including teletransportation, split brain cases, etc.) in mind throughout her critique. But, it is also clear that Wilkes traces this methodology back to Locke. Of this she says,

The subject of personal identity…has probably exploited the method [of thought experiments] more than any other problem area in philosophy. Many of the examples are familiar:…Locke testing ‘what we would say if’ the soul of a cobbler migrated into the body of a prince, or if the Mayor of Queinborough awoke one day with all of Socrates’ memories. (Wilkes 1988: 6)

The “prince and the cobbler” passage, or L-N 2.27.15, proceeds in the opposite direction, with Locke asking us what we would conclude about the soul of a prince entering and informing the body of a cobbler, but, regardless, Wilkes takes Locke and the tradition that follows, as her target as she works to move the discussion of personal identity away from fantasy cases and toward real-life ones.

Locke’s discussion of personal identity is central to the current debate over persons and their persistence conditions. Nevertheless, there are many different versions of Locke’s view that contemporary metaphysicians take themselves to be embracing or rejecting. Even those who describe their respective views as “Lockean”—Parfit and Olson, for instance—can end up defending very different pictures of persons. This highlights just how difficult it is to determine what Locke’s view on persons and their persistence conditions amounts to, despite how clear its importance is.

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  • Author Meets Critics on “Locke’s Moral Man” , July 2013 discussion of LoLordo’s book at The Mod Squad (Modern Philosophy Group Blog).
  • John Locke Bibliography , part of the John Locke Resources site, maintained by John C. Attig.
  • The John Locke Society

animalism | Clarke, Samuel | Cockburn, Catharine Trotter | consciousness: seventeenth-century theories of | Descartes, René | Hume, David | Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm | Locke, John | Locke, John: moral philosophy | personal identity


I am grateful to the Chicago Early Modern Round Table for helpful feedback on an earlier draft of this entry, Shelley Weinberg and an anonymous referee from SEP for insightful comments on later drafts. I’m also deeply indebted to Margaret Atherton, John Whipple, Marya Schechtman, and the many audiences I’ve gotten feedback from when I was just starting to think about Locke on personhood and personal identity.

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Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054

Self-identity and personal identity

  • Published: 07 August 2020
  • Volume 20 , pages 235–247, ( 2021 )

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  • John J. Drummond   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7197-2593 1  

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The key to understanding self-identity is identifying the transcendental structures that make a temporally extended, continuous, and unified experiential life possible. Self-identity is rooted in the formal, temporalizing structure of intentional experience that underlies psychological continuity. Personal identity, by contrast, is rooted in the content of the particular flow of experience, in particular and primarily, in the convictions adopted passively or actively in reflection by a self-identical subject in the light of her social and traditional inheritances. Secondarily, a person’s identity is rooted in others’ characterizations of that person in the light of the social conventions and constructs of the cultures and traditions that have shaped the personal identity of the ones who make the attributions. Personal identity, on this view, is fundamentally rooted in beliefs, traits—especially character traits—sentiments, and moods, that is, in the subject’s convictions about the true, the good, and the right—and in the commitments to the pursuit of (apparently) worthwhile goods and to the practical identities rooted in those convictions.

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Consider the Brave Officer case: Suppose a boy of ten (A) is flogged for stealing apples from an orchard. At forty, a general (B) bravely takes a standard from the enemy and remembers his having been flogged at ten. At eighty, the general (C) remembers taking the standard, but he has forgotten having been flogged. On the memory version of personal identity, A is the same person as B, and B is the same person as C. But A is not the same person as C. This result, however, is contradictory, for the general (B=C) both is and is not the same the boy who was flogged (A); see Reid 2002 , 276.

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Drummond, J.J. Self-identity and personal identity. Phenom Cogn Sci 20 , 235–247 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11097-020-09696-w

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Published : 07 August 2020

Issue Date : April 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11097-020-09696-w

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12 minutes read

Author:  Elizabeth Brown

No matter where you study, composing essays of any type and complexity is a critical component in any studying program. Most likely, you have already been assigned the task to write a cultural identity essay, which is an essay that has to do a lot with your personality and cultural background. In essence, writing a cultural identity essay is fundamental for providing the reader with an understanding of who you are and which outlook you have. This may include the topics of religion, traditions, ethnicity, race, and so on. So, what shall you do to compose a winning cultural identity essay?

Cultural Identity

Cultural Identity Paper: Definitions, Goals & Topics 

cultural identity essay example

Before starting off with a cultural identity essay, it is fundamental to uncover what is particular about this type of paper. First and foremost, it will be rather logical to begin with giving a general and straightforward definition of a cultural identity essay. In essence, cultural identity essay implies outlining the role of the culture in defining your outlook, shaping your personality, points of view regarding a multitude of matters, and forming your qualities and beliefs. Given a simpler definition, a cultural identity essay requires you to write about how culture has influenced your personality and yourself in general. So in this kind of essay you as a narrator need to give an understanding of who you are, which strengths you have, and what your solid life position is.

Yet, the goal of a cultural identity essay is not strictly limited to describing who you are and merely outlining your biography. Instead, this type of essay pursues specific objectives, achieving which is a perfect indicator of how high-quality your essay is. Initially, the primary goal implies outlining your cultural focus and why it makes you peculiar. For instance, if you are a french adolescent living in Canada, you may describe what is so special about it: traditions of the community, beliefs, opinions, approaches. Basically, you may talk about the principles of the society as well as its beliefs that made you become the person you are today.

So far, cultural identity is a rather broad topic, so you will likely have a multitude of fascinating ideas for your paper. For instance, some of the most attention-grabbing topics for a personal cultural identity essay are:

  • Memorable traditions of your community
  • A cultural event that has influenced your personality 
  • Influential people in your community
  • Locations and places that tell a lot about your culture and identity

Cultural Identity Essay Structure

As you might have already guessed, composing an essay on cultural identity might turn out to be fascinating but somewhat challenging. Even though the spectrum of topics is rather broad, the question of how to create the most appropriate and appealing structure remains open.

Like any other kind of an academic essay, a cultural identity essay must compose of three parts: introduction, body, and concluding remarks. Let’s take a more detailed look at each of the components:


Starting to write an essay is most likely one of the most time-consuming and mind-challenging procedures. Therefore, you can postpone writing your introduction and approach it right after you finish body paragraphs. Nevertheless, you should think of a suitable topic as well as come up with an explicit thesis. At the beginning of the introduction section, give some hints regarding the matter you are going to discuss. You have to mention your thesis statement after you have briefly guided the reader through the topic. You can also think of indicating some vital information about yourself, which is, of course, relevant to the topic you selected.

Your main body should reveal your ideas and arguments. Most likely, it will consist of 3-5 paragraphs that are more or less equal in size. What you have to keep in mind to compose a sound ‘my cultural identity essay’ is the argumentation. In particular, always remember to reveal an argument and back it up with evidence in each body paragraph. And, of course, try to stick to the topic and make sure that you answer the overall question that you stated in your topic. Besides, always keep your thesis statement in mind: make sure that none of its components is left without your attention and argumentation.


Finally, after you are all finished with body paragraphs and introduction, briefly summarize all the points in your final remarks section. Paraphrase what you have already revealed in the main body, and make sure you logically lead the reader to the overall argument. Indicate your cultural identity once again and draw a bottom line regarding how your culture has influenced your personality.

Best Tips For Writing Cultural Identity Essay

Writing a ‘cultural identity essay about myself’ might be somewhat challenging at first. However, you will no longer struggle if you take a couple of plain tips into consideration. Following the tips below will give you some sound and reasonable cultural identity essay ideas as well as make the writing process much more pleasant:

  • Start off by creating an outline. The reason why most students struggle with creating a cultural identity essay lies behind a weak structure. The best way to organize your ideas and let them flow logically is to come up with a helpful outline. Having a reference to build on is incredibly useful, and it allows your essay to look polished.
  • Remember to write about yourself. The task of a cultural identity essay implies not focusing on your culture per se, but to talk about how it shaped your personality. So, switch your focus to describing who you are and what your attitudes and positions are. 
  • Think of the most fundamental cultural aspects. Needless to say, you first need to come up with a couple of ideas to be based upon in your paper. So, brainstorm all the possible ideas and try to decide which of them deserve the most attention. In essence, try to determine which of the aspects affected your personality the most.
  • Edit and proofread before submitting your paper. Of course, the content and the coherence of your essay’s structure play a crucial role. But the grammatical correctness matters a lot too. Even if you are a native speaker, you may still make accidental errors in the text. To avoid the situation when unintentional mistakes spoil the impression from your essay, always double check your cultural identity essay. 

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, essays about personal identity.

Hi all! I'm thinking about writing an essay that focuses on my personal identity. What are some ways to make this type of essay engaging and interesting to colleges? Any examples I should check out for inspiration? Thanks in advance!

Hello! Writing an essay that focuses on your personal identity can be a powerful way to showcase your unique experiences, interests, and perspectives. To make this type of essay engaging and interesting to colleges, consider the following tips:

1. Be authentic and vulnerable: Share your true feelings, thoughts, and struggles as they pertain to your identity. By being open about your experiences, you create a deep connection with the reader.

2. Focus on a specific aspect: Instead of trying to cover every detail of your identity, choose one or two key facets that define you. Delving into particular experiences and emotions will allow you to demonstrate depth and create a more compelling narrative.

3. Use descriptive language and vivid imagery: Paint a picture for the reader by using descriptive words and vivid imagery. This will help them visualize and connect with your story on a deeper level.

4. Show rather than tell: Instead of simply stating your thoughts and feelings about your identity, use anecdotes and examples to illustrate your point. By showing the reader your experiences, you'll create a more compelling and engaging essay.

5. Incorporate growth and development: Demonstrate how your understanding of your identity has evolved over time, and how it has shaped you as a person. This could include personal challenges you've faced, accomplishments, or newfound insights.

6. Reflect on the impact: Discuss how your identity has influenced your decisions, interests, and relationships. This reflection will help demonstrate the importance of your identity and its role in your life.

For examples and inspiration, you can browse through essays shared by students who were admitted to top colleges. Just be mindful not to copy their ideas or writing styles. Instead, use these examples to inspire your own unique angle in exploring your personal identity.

Best of luck with your essay and application process!

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The order your siblings were born in may play a role in identity and sexuality

Selena Simmons-Duffin

Selena Simmons-Duffin

Rachel Carlson

Rebecca Ramirez, photographed for NPR, 6 June 2022, in Washington DC. Photo by Farrah Skeiky for NPR.

Rebecca Ramirez

Stock illustration of a baby taking first steps toward mother with arms outstretched.

It's National Siblings Day ! To mark the occasion, guest host Selena Simmons-Duffin is exploring a detail very personal to her: How the number of older brothers a person has can influence their sexuality.

Scientific research on sexuality has a dark history, with long-lasting harmful effects on queer communities. Much of the early research has also been debunked over time. But not this "fraternal birth order effect." The fact that a person's likelihood of being gay increases with each older brother has been found all over the world – from Turkey to North America, Brazil, the Netherlands and beyond. Today, Selena gets into all the details: What this effect is, how it's been studied and what it can (and can't) explain about sexuality.

Interested in the science of our closest relatives? Check out more stories in NPR's series on the Science of Siblings .

Email us at [email protected] — we'd love to hear from you.

Listen to Short Wave on Spotify , Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts .

Listen to every episode of Short Wave sponsor-free and support our work at NPR by signing up for Short Wave+ at plus.npr.org/shortwave .

This episode was produced by Rachel Carlson. It was edited by Rebecca Ramirez and fact-checked by Brit Hanson. Maggie Luthar was the audio engineer.

More from the Science of Siblings series:

  • The origin story of National Sibling Day is a celebration of love — and grief
  • In the womb, a brother's hormones can shape a sister's future
  • These identical twins both grew up with autism, but took very different paths
  • birth order

What about Equifax and TrustedID?

Pricing compared, identity theft: what you need to know, more security and internet recommendations, best identity theft protection and monitoring services for 2024.

If you suspect your identity may have been stolen, these identity theft protection services can help you.

David  Gewirtz

David Gewirtz

CNET staff -- not advertisers, partners or business interests -- determine how we review the products and services we cover. If you buy through our links, we may get paid.

  • LifeLock See at LifeLock
  • IdentityForce $100 at IdentityForce
  • Identity Guard $80 at IdentityGuard
  • Complete ID $108 at Complete ID
  • ID Watchdog $150 at ID Watchdog
  • Identity Fraud $100 at Identity Fraud
  • PrivacyGuard $120 at PrivacyGuard
  • McAfee Identity Theft Protection Standard $40 at McAfee Identity Theft Protection

Identity theft is a serious matter. Someone stealing your identity can open you up to a host of issues that may destroy your life if you aren’t careful. And according to the  Identity Theft Research Center , these cybercrimes are on the rise, with data compromises increasing by 68% in 2021 alone. This is why you need to protect yourself with one of the best identity theft protection services available. 

Falling victim to one of these crooks could result in your credit being directly attacked. They might even commit other crimes and cause additional problems with your stolen identity. Your Social Security number, bank account and more are at risk, which is why you need to be proactive in protecting yourself.

The best way to safeguard your personal information is to make use of the best identity theft protection services to suit your needs. These services typically offer ID protection, credit monitoring and more to keep your sensitive data away from prying eyes. Our top picks for the best identity theft protection and monitoring services can help safeguard your identity and proactively monitor suspicious activity and assist with recovery if you become a victim of a data breach.  

ID theft protection is only going to become more essential. In 2019 alone, there were  more than 13 million US identity fraud cases , with victims losing nearly $17 billion, along with untold damage to credit reports. The  2017 Equifax breach  was the icing on a nasty cake -- one that got  even worse  in the following years. One of the biggest 2020 data breaches was the  Marriott hack , which affected over 5 million customers. That followed an earlier breach of Marriott’s Starwood reservation system, in which the personal information of more than 380 million guests was compromised, including  more than 5 million passport numbers .

A close up shot of a key.

In this directory, we’ll look at some of the best options for helping you manage and protect your identity at various price levels. We’ll also explain the difference between an identity theft protection company and a credit monitoring service. Before we get started, keep in mind that you don’t have to spend $10 to $30 a month for the best identity theft protection service. The US government offers  IdentityTheft.gov , an identity restoration service that can help a victim report and recover from identity theft.

Read more :   How to Prevent Identity Theft

We’ll jump straight to the top choices for the best identity theft protection service options for ID monitoring, credit monitoring and more. Keep reading to review additional important information and facts about ID theft and ID protection. This list is updated frequently.

LifeLock  has come a long way since the days when it was subject to multiple Federal Trade Commission investigations ( settled in 2015 ) and various lawsuits from customers and credit reporting agencies. That might give one pause before declaring it the best identity theft protection even if it does have great features. However, In 2017, it became a  subsidiary of Symantec , purchased for $2.3 billion.

You may recall the ads where LifeLock’s founder posted his Social Security number everywhere, as a statement in his confidence about LifeLock’s protection services. While he did  experience numerous instances of identity theft  based on those Social Security number postings, LifeLock’s theft protection services helped him recover.

The company offers a wide range of identity monitoring and protection options, including stolen wallet protection, ID verification monitoring, home title monitoring and checking and savings account application alerts.

LifeLock’s  ID theft protection services range from around $9 a month to $20 a month the first year. Terms apply. Reimbursement of $25,000 to $1 million is available, depending on the monitoring plan. The lower-price protection services monitor credit only from one credit bureau. The $20-a-month identity theft protection plan monitors all three major credit bureaus. You can pull credit reports once a year, but the service will provide you with a credit score monthly, based on Experian data.

SSN and credit alerts, dark web monitoring, alerts on suspicious activity like crimes committed under your name and credit card activity and fraud alert services are all marks in LifeLock’s favor, despite its past stumbles.

LifeLock Terms of Service


IdentityForce  offers two tiers of service: UltraSecure and UltraSecure Plus Credit, the latter of which includes credit reports and scores. We liked how the credit score monitoring not only watches all three reporting agencies but provides a visual tracker that lets you examine your credit rating over time.

IdentityForce  identity theft protection monitoring includes quite a lot beyond credit information. It checks for public information record changes, address changes, court and arrest records and payday loan applications, and checks for identity information on a variety of illicit identity-sharing websites to act as a guard dog from identity thieves. The company also monitors sex offender registries to see if your name is associated with such things. We also like that it tracks SSNs for new usages or associations with new names.

Its mobile app has been updated with a feature called Mobile Attack Control. This monitors your smartphone for spyware and insecure Wi-Fi locations, as well as “spoof” networks (networks that act as if they’re legitimate connections but they’re not). Additionally, the phone app will present alerts if there are security issues monitored by IdentityForce that need immediate attention.

The company did not disclose frequency of service monitoring (beyond credit reporting agencies). That said, we liked how the company has an interesting credit score simulator which can help you understand how different balances, payments and balance transfers might have an impact on your credit score. IdentityForce offers a 14-day free trial version, so you can see if it offers the best identity theft protection for your needs.

Right now, the UltraSecure program is $150 per year (or $15 for a monthly plan), and the UltraSecure Plus Credit for individuals is $200 per year (or $20 per month).

IdentityForce Terms of Service

Identity Guard

The big pitch for  Identity Guard  is that it’s powered by IBM’s Watson. Earlier versions of Watson have done everything from  winning at Jeopardy  to helping doctors diagnose cancer. The version of Watson powering Identity Guard is, as you’d expect, focused on identity theft.

Identity Guard’s  use of Watson involves building a corpus of knowledge and continuing to feed it information from many different sources, including social networks. There’s no doubt the Watson-enabled service can help advise you on identity management. Its service monitors the customer’s personal information for ID theft, including your credit files, DOB and SSN.

Identity Guard offers a  clear summary  of its insurance terms, which is very helpful for determining whether it’s the best identity theft protection for you. The company offers a basic plan at around $6 a month, but it doesn’t provide credit monitoring. If you want monthly credit report updates, that jumps to $13 a month and includes credit monitoring from three credit bureaus and a monthly credit score. Its most comprehensive plan is the Identity Guard Ultra plan, which costs $20 a month and includes annual credit reports.

Identity Guard Terms of Service

Complete ID

Complete ID  is a service provided by Experian, one of the big three credit reporting agencies, and is exclusively available to Costco members. Costco Executive members pay $9 a month plus an optional $3 a month for child protection, and Gold Star Costco members pay $14 a month and an optional $4 a month for child protection.

Complete ID provides an annual credit report from the three agencies. It also offers monthly credit scores and provides a nice graph over time so you can see how your score has improved. These perks may help make it the best identity theft protection if you’re seeking multiple services in one.

The identity monitoring service offers monitoring for unauthorized use of your Social Security number and other noncredit identity monitoring to help prevent you from being the victim of stolen identity. A valuable feature is its neighborhood watch, updated monthly, which provides details on sexual predators and crimes in your area.

As with all of the services we’re spotlighting,  Complete ID  offers $1 million in limited identity theft insurance. And unlike some of the competitors listed here, it has a  clear summary of benefits . Base price (for Costco Executive members): $108 a year.

Complete ID Terms of Service

ID Watchdog

ID Watchdog  describes its service as “True Identity Protection.” The company’s big differentiator is helping you recover after you’ve been the victim of an identity theft experience. It offers a  guarantee  of “100% identity theft resolution,” but the fine print introduces some notable limits.

First, the company will only help you if it detects a new incident of fraud while you’re an active customer. It doesn’t guarantee you’ll get back any money you lost, but it will provide access to its team of Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialists.

Like all the other commercial identity monitoring services we’ve profiled in this directory,  ID Watchdog  offers a $1 million identity theft insurance policy. But that policy’s exact terms, limits and benefits aren’t spelled out until you complete the signup process.

The base program doesn’t provide a credit report or credit score information, but if you sign up for the premium $220-per-year service, you can get a copy of your credit report and your credit score. The catch? You get that report once a year. You can already do that yourself, for free, by going to  annualcreditreport.com . Still, if you don’t need to check your credit often, this might make sense as the best identity theft protection for you.

While the company says that it provides monitoring services, it does not specify, anywhere in its terms and conditions, how often it performs checks for each type of service it monitors.

ID Watchdog Terms of Service

Identity Fraud

One of  Identity Fraud’s  standout features is price. It has the second-lowest entry-level price of any of the services we explored. The company also offers a business cybercrime protection service called  BizLock . Those two facts alone make it the best identity theft protection for some.

Identity Fraud’s personal service is $100 a year, with a bump to $160 a year for credit reporting and monitoring. Like all our other identity theft prevention contenders,  Identity Fraud  offers $1 million in fraud insurance (except for those in New York state, where the limit is $25,000 in coverage), with a $0 deductible. And we like that Identity Fraud’s  insurance benefits are clear and easy to find .

The company does provide a credit score, but it’s limited to data from TransUnion, one of the three credit-reporting agencies. The company will send you a monthly “no news is good news” email if your identity has had a quiet month. It also offers lost wallet services, along with identity resolution and prevention assistance.

Identity Fraud Terms of Service


PrivacyGuard  offers a 14-day trial program, but instead of it being free, you have to pay a buck. So while you can still see if you like the program, the company loses all the friction-reducing benefits of trial-to-live conversions by requiring users to jump through that dollar hoop at the beginning of the relationship. Go figure.

Beyond the slightly shoot-themselves-in-the-foot trial program, PrivacyGuard provides many of the usual credit and identity protection services offered by its competitors. It offers daily credit monitoring, a key value in protecting a person’s identity against identity thieves, and a frequency level sorely lacking among many of the company’s competitors.

PrivacyGuard ‘s base $10-per-month program does record scans. A $20-a-month program does credit scans. A $25-per-month program does both. Like most other vendors, Privacy Guard offers a $1 million policy. Prior to signing up, the company provides some information about the policy’s benefits and limitations, but not enough for it to be useful for making a purchasing decision.

PrivacyGuard updates credit scores monthly and monitors public records and Social Security numbers. It also offers a yearly public records report, which provides all of the public records information that it’s found in one clear document.

PrivacyGuard offers a trial version.

PrivacyGuard Terms of Service

McAfee Identity Theft Protection Standard

McAfee’s identity theft protection service  is the least expensive we’ve seen for a year of coverage. You can get a full year of basic coverage for $50 as introductory pricing for new customers, and it includes antivirus protection. This is substantially less expensive than the other players we’ve discussed here.

It offers a slick “cyber monitoring” service that constantly scans for credit activity and alerts you if something unusual happens. The company does monitor your Experian credit file but doesn’t connect to either TransUnion or Equifax.

Like most other vendors, it offers to reimburse up to $1 million for identity recovery (unless you’re in New York state), and its recovery service will also return up to $10,000 in stolen funds. As an added benefit, if you lose your wallet, the company will do its best to reissue “a variety of contents from IDs and credit cards to concert tickets.”

McAfee is probably best known as an antivirus company founded by its  very  eccentric eponymous founder, John McAfee. In 2011, Intel bought the company and renamed it Intel Security Group but by 2017, McAfee (now known as McAfee LLC) was back out on its own, having been spun out to TPG Capital (although Intel still owns a minority stake).

We’re telling you all this because the company’s DNA is very clearly antivirus. A presales call to the company asking about its identity theft program first resulted in complete confusion about how many devices we wanted antivirus installed on, and then, once transferred to the “identity theft department,” culminated in our editor attempting to explain to the rep what credit reporting agencies did and why you’d care about them.

That doesn’t mean the product itself is bad. Fortunately, just about all of this service is automated and there’s never been any question about McAfee’s software chops. If its automated systems see odd behavior for one of your tracked accounts, those alerts may be your first and best protection when you need to secure your credit.

The company actually offers four tiers of identity protection service. Its Premium plan is the aforementioned $40 for the first year.

McAfee Terms of Service

Ah,  Equifax . If you already have an ID monitoring service, it may well be because of this company, which is the poster child for bad security. One of the big three credit reporting agencies, Equifax had no less than  five major   data breaches  in 2017, affecting nearly every American who has a credit history. In the months that followed, we learned that things  may have somehow even been worse  than originally known.

And the company’s ham-fisted response to each data breach made matters worse: At one point, the company was  directing users to a fake help site” target=”_blank . And the site it set up to provide free credit account monitoring after the data breach was originally  also vulnerable to hackers .

Heads rolled,  executives left , and the  company’s reputation is in tatters . And yet, thanks to a tepid response from the federal government, it’s unclear if anything has really changed. Equifax remains one of three major companies -- Experian and TransUnion being the other two -- that pass judgment on whether we’re all credit-worthy. 

For better or worse, many people took advantage of Equifax’s offer of a free year’s membership to TrustedID, its commercial identity theft service. But that offer -- originally available to anyone with a Social Security number -- has ended. (It required that you register by Jan. 31, 2018.)

The service provides a copy of your  Equifax  credit report, a lock on your Equifax data by third parties (with some exceptions), credit monitoring from all three credit bureaus, monitoring of your SSN on what Equifax calls “suspicious” websites and a very limited $1 million identity theft insurance policy.

We understand if you took advantage of the offer while it was free. That said, we just can’t recommend doing business with a company that has demonstrated such contempt for security protocols -- let alone customers. Any of the alternative protection services listed above would be a better option. 

The base prices of each service are presented below, from lowest to highest. Note that the more expensive ones almost always offer additional perks, such as more frequent credit reports from credit bureaus. 

ID monitoring yearly pricing

These are some key things to keep in mind about the best identity theft protection and ID monitoring services.

Early detection is key . If you’re signing up for one of these protection services, it’s less about preventing the initial breach and saving you from being a victim of identity theft -- that’s somewhat out of your hands, unfortunately. Instead, the best identity theft protection is about getting a heads-up as soon as possible on suspicious activity to prevent you from needing to do a credit freeze or more to stop an identity thief. Whether your credit card has charges on it you never incurred, or you suddenly discover that loan collectors are trying to collect amounts you never borrowed, thanks to thieves halfway across the country -- or thieves halfway around the world -- who opened a credit card or applied for a loan in your name, seeing the suspicious activity early on is the name of the game. The scary fact is that these breaches can cost you a lot of money and identity theft monitoring can alert you to a problem before it becomes too big to handle.

Knowing how your personal information is being used is a big step to keeping yourself safe . There are identity theft protection companies that can help you monitor your personal information, get notified if your accounts and personal information are being misused by thieves and if you should get a credit freeze, and even get you reimbursement after the fact.

None of these protection services will monitor your actual banking activity . I have  long recommended a way to protect yourself from becoming a victim of most banking fraud , which is to examine all your accounts once a week. It’s a bit of a pain, but just in my family, we’ve found numerous fraudulent activities and charges over the years. By doing this practice regularly, we’ve saved thousands of dollars.  Consumer Reports recommends  you do all your own monitoring, too. 

That said, if you’re not the type of person who is willing or able to take the time to do the constant due diligence necessary to protect your identity, some of these protection services can help. 

Read the fine print . Finally, because each of these protection services offers vastly different terms and conditions, we’ve included an easy link to each company’s terms of service. Be sure to take the time to read all of their fine print before you sign up for another monthly or yearly fee.

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Optus customer loses $10,000, digital identity in phone porting, SIM-swap scam

A text that reads OPTUS: We haven't received a response from you for the SIM replacement request for this mobile.

Fraudsters made quick work of stealing $10,000 from Townsville business owner Andrew Ryder's bank account and completely trashing his digital identity in March.

It all happened within 24 hours once Mr Ryder's phone number was illegally transferred to another device.

"I've had a credit line opened against my name [and] I've lost access to my email accounts, my Google account and my Facebook account," Mr Ryder said.

"The money was from my rainy-day account, so I consider myself fortunate there, but my digital identity has been completely trashed."

Mr Ryder, who is also an army veteran, was a victim of a popular method of fraud via phone porting and SIM-swapping.

Impersonating customers

Phone porting is a legitimate practice people use to move a phone number from one telecommunication provider to another.

But if fraudsters have enough information, they can contact another telco, set up an account in a person's name, and ask to transfer their number.

SIM-swap fraud occurs when a person contacts a provider and asks to activate a new SIM-card with their number.

Both methods were used by the criminal who began targeting Mr Ryder on March 19.

He received a text from his provider Optus, which read that the telco was processing his request to move his phone number to a new SIM-card. 

"I called Optus, they wanted me to identify myself on the phone and I'm thinking I'm not sure if I'm talking to the scammers or Optus at this stage," Mr Ryder said.

Before he could make it into his local Optus branch to speak with staff face to face, his phone lost service, indicating the number had been moved to another SIM.

"I contacted my banks and asked them to shut my account and they investigated it and said there appears to be $10,000 taken out," Mr Ryder said.

The fraudster had called the bank impersonating Mr Ryder and, using his phone number, repeated a security code the bank sent via text message.

The bank did ask the person what Mr Ryder did in the army, a spontaneous question, which took 20 seconds for the person on the phone to answer.

"That's easily found online. You just have to Google my name and that information comes up so that should have been an alarm for them, but it wasn't."

A man in a pink shirt with a laptop looking unimpressed

The bank, which Mr Ryder asked not be named to protect his personal information, initially told him he may not be repaid the $10,000.

However, the bank did agree to reimburse the money after questions were raised by the ABC.

"We have reimbursed Mr Ryder and reassured him that we have taken appropriate steps to ensure his funds are not at risk," a spokesperson said.

Optus said it had protections to prevent SIM-swap and phone porting fraud, but it occurred when passwords and personal information had been stolen.

"Our customer care experts acted quickly when made aware of this issue and the customer has now regained control of their mobile number," a spokesperson said.

Rules working

Mr Ryder's phone number was illegally ported despite new rules requiring telcos to use multifactor ID authentication, which came into effect in mid-2020.

An Australian Communications and Media Authority spokesperson said data from government sources indicated that mobile porting fraud had dropped by 95 per cent because of the new rules.

"There is no indication these types of scams are rising, however, in some cases scammers may still be able to defraud someone where they have stolen a person's identity," the spokesperson said.

Mr Ryder is unsure what personal information the fraudsters had before they compromised his phone number.

"I've had to reassess my whole concept of what information I keep online," he said.

A middle aged man wearing a long sleeve pink shirt putting life jacket into a tub on a boat.

He said he would like to minimise his digital footprint, but social media was how most of his customers contacted him to obtain their boat and jet ski licensing.

"I'm just trying to get secure so I can lay down at night not thinking I'm going to wake up with no money in my account," Mr Ryder said.

Bank statements indicate that Mr Ryder's phone number was ported from Optus to ETEL, a small provider in Sydney that used the Optus network.

ETEL said it sent a unique verification code via SMS to ensure the customer seeking to port their phone number was in possession of the device. 

"The person initiating the port would require direct access to a SIM card with that phone number already on it," a spokesperson said. 

"For someone to gain access to the SIM, the handset would have to be stolen or someone may have done a SIM swap at the original provider."

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman said it encouraged telcos to remain vigilant to the rising threat of fraud and scams.

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How Does Culture Affect the Self Identity Personal Essay

Introduction, culture influence on personality identity, chinese – indonesians’ culture in relation to personal identity, how am i shaped and influenced by culture.

Culture or the way of life is attributed to the personality of an individual and makes them who they really are. Self awareness emphasizes the significance of an individual to exist and is attributed to social views and practices. It defines individual characteristics and contributes to the diversity of people in the world and this makes life interesting.

Culture and personal identity relate closely and are dependent on each other. Construction of identities is within individual in relation to a particular historical background and organization. This paper shall explore the personality trait explained above and explain the contribution that culture has made.

The vibrant Indonesian culture is ethnic and is also being influenced by countries such as China and India which neighbor it. Cultural identity is marked by the influence from the family, regional, and religious aspects. For instance, am a mixture of Chinese and Indonesian, born in Indonesia and have lived there my entire life.

My family background is relatively humble although my parents provide for my basic needs. However, Luxuries are not always present when needed. With hard work, the family is better than before since the parents have worked extra hard to make ends meet. Nevertheless, the initial financial constrains that my family experienced contributed to my personality.

I have come to be known as a girl of low profile since my cultural background has dictated so. I have learnt to save money and use it on important things only. In addition, I’ve learnt to share with others and not to become self-engrossed, an image that I always portray not only to my parents and friends but also to the society at large. This has made me and the whole family relate well with others.

Chinese- Indonesians are an ethnic minority whose culture is heterogeneous. They have been categorized into totok and peranakan. Since peranakan have their birthplace as Indonesia, they are identified with the ethnic regions of Indonesia and they disregard their Chinese origin.

In contrast, the totok has a lesser Indonesian orientation instead, are more of Chinese since them or their parents have been born in china (Aimee 77).

Another distinction is in the commercial activities undertaken by the groups. Totok group are geared on achieving business success and accumulate wealth. Thus, this is reflected in their self-reliance, investment approach, and prowess which are aspects that have greatly influenced my identity.

As a totok I practice a significant cultural value known as the guanxi . It is a concept which points out that for one to succeed, he or she should relate with people who matter and one must harmonize with the environment instead of altering it.

“For instance, through his personal and financial connections with government officials, particularly Suharto, whom he befriended long before he became Indonesia’s president, Liem Sioe Liong amassed a multibillion dollar importer that encompassed the manufacturing of cement and steel, automobile distribution …” (Aimee 78).

The example emphasizes the aggressiveness of the totok which in turn has taught me to avoid being self-centered but instead count on others in every activity I undertake in life.

On the other hand, the peranakan base their engagements on merit hence are not very successful in the Indonesian commercialism. Therefore, being a totok means that the culture has dictated my hardworking nature and most significantly, my networking and social nature. This has in turn affected my personality of being considerate of others and avoiding being self-centered.

Religious aspects, social environment, and distinct originality have had a strong effect on my identity. Being a Chinese- Indonesian I have learnt proper use of money and resources in order to become successful in life contribute to my identity of being low profile.

The family is a very important institution based on the cultural values if Chinese-Indonesians. Family ties are maintained and preserved by practice of norms such as marriage which ensures solidarity among members (Aimee 74).

It is the role of the parents to teach their children proper manners in life and this has been properly implemented by both of my parents in a strict way which has enabled me to follow the rules and regulations set in various areas quite easily. The family union is relevant to set a good example to the children and ensure happiness in marriage. Marriage is one cultural value that is highly regarded by Chinese-Indonesians.

Indonesian culture is very categorical on religious morals which are elements that are reflected in the entire society and more specifically by my trait of putting others ahead of me and sharing my resources with them. I believe that Sex before marriage is a vice that is forbidden by my culture which helps maintain an environment where children can grow well, become educated, and attain a high degree of moral standards.

Being a Muslim country it is also under the influence of other religions such as Buddhism as well as Hinduism which may as well have played a part on my personal identity. Its cultural, richness is depicted in the country’s art and theatre work such as dances and music.

The economic background, family relations and ethnic distinctions have contributed significantly to the personality trait of being a low profile person who is considerate of others. Moreover, belonging to a Chinese-Indonesian ethnicity means that I have interacted with several cultures.

A multicultural interaction may have similar or contradicting effects on personal identity which is reflected in my personality making it hard to evaluate specifically whether I am of totok o r peranakan origin.

Nevertheless the role played by my immediate family has guided me as I interact with the social environment around me. The culture has enabled me be identified in the society as a low profile woman. This does not only help to deliberately avoid undue prominence but also to exercise personal freedom and acceptance.

Aimee, Dawis. The Chinese of Indonesia and their Search For Identity: The Relationship Between Collective Memory and the Media . New York: Cambria Press. 2009. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 20). How Does Culture Affect the Self Identity Personal Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/culture-influence-on-personal-identity/

"How Does Culture Affect the Self Identity Personal Essay." IvyPanda , 20 Dec. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/culture-influence-on-personal-identity/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'How Does Culture Affect the Self Identity Personal Essay'. 20 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "How Does Culture Affect the Self Identity Personal Essay." December 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/culture-influence-on-personal-identity/.

1. IvyPanda . "How Does Culture Affect the Self Identity Personal Essay." December 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/culture-influence-on-personal-identity/.


IvyPanda . "How Does Culture Affect the Self Identity Personal Essay." December 20, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/culture-influence-on-personal-identity/.

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