Smart English Notes

The Best Anchoring Script for Morning Assembly

Table of Contents

Practice makes a man perfect; so be well prepared for the morning assembly, the following points may help you.

Speak in such a way that other loves to listen to you” and “listen in such a way that other loves to speak to you”. 

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With this quotation, I express my heartfelt greetings to all of you present at this morning assembly, “Assalam un alikum.”

This is ___(your name)__, here to lead you through today’s assembly on behalf of class ___(your class)__.

Beginning today, I must forget what has passed, appreciate what remains, and look forward to what lies ahead, because “what the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”

A new day means a new beginning and new opportunities. So let us welcome the day with open arms. As we all know, no programme can be started without remembering the almighty creator of the entire universe. So, first and foremost, I would like to invite _____ to recite some verses of the Holy Quran.

After the tilawat-i- pak ,  it the time to call for naat -e- shareef. So  I would like to call_____from class _____for naat -e- shareef

Next I would like to call____for kalma


Gk knowledge is a key of success and an important aspect of your daily life to assess your knowledge. Here comes_______for some gk questions.


Science have developed a lot from Stone Age to the current modern era. So to make better on this era here comes ……………

We should be aware of the things happening around the world. To keep us up to date I would like to call____ from class____ for todays news.

The Day’s Word

The world is full of words….To improve our vocabulary, I would like invite __ from class __ to present the Word Of The Day.


Mother and motherland are greater than heaven so to show devotion towards motherland all of you please be ready in attention position for national anthem.

Special Day

Everybody have a special day in their life . Yes it’s their Birthday. Today some of our friends are celebrating their B’day .Let’s wish them.

Prayer is talking to God; Almighty; the creator of whole universe so lets start our assembly with the presence of God ; Prayer.

Pledge is a way to show your love & respect towards nation. So be ready for pledge.

End of Morning Assembly

This is the time to wrap up today’s morning meeting, stay healthy, and be nice. We promise to return with new ideas, new thinking, and better performance.

Thank you, and have a pleasant day.

Sample of Anchoring Morning Assembly

Dear students.  Now I’ll show you a Sample of Anchoring Script For Morning Assembly. Hope you will find this useful.

Introduction :

Honourable principal, respected teachers my dear brothers and sister “Good morning.” I welcome you all to today’s morning assembly. My name is [Your name] and I am feeling honoured to be standing here with my fellow schoolmates to lead today’s morning assembly. We hope this assembly will inspire and motivate you for the day ahead.

As we begin this new day, let us open our hearts and minds to the opportunities and possibilities it holds. But before we begin, let us take a moment to give thanks and remember the almighty who created this beautiful world. Please join me in a moment of silent prayer.

Anchoring Script for Morning Assembly

Thought of the Day:

Today’s thought of the day is:

“Speak not to mask your true self, but to unveil the beauty of your mind and the strength of your spirit.”

“The tongue is the window to the soul, so speak wisely and reveal the true essence of your being.”

“Silence may conceal, but speech reveals the person within.”

“Words are the key to unlocking the mind, so speak with purpose and unlock your true potential.”

“Speak not to conceal, but to reveal the truth within you.”

“Speak not to hide behind words, but to reveal the depth of your character , the power of your thoughts and the brilliance of your ideas.”

Let’s take this thought with us as we go through our day. Let’s all try to incorporate this in our daily interactions and see the positive impact it has on our relationships.

Naat Sharif: (Change as per your religion)

Now, we would like to take a moment to remember and honour the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through a Naat Sharif recitation by [name of student or group]. Let’s listen attentively and show our respect.

Science Fact:

Did you know that the human brain is made up of about 75% water? In science today, we would like to share a fascinating fact(s) about the human brain. It is [name of student] from class 6th who will present the science topic in front of you. Repeat [name of student].

Cultural Presentation:

Cultural is a very important aspect of our society. We would now like to showcase a cultural presentation by [name of student or group] who will be performing [name of performance]. Let’s give them a round of applause as they take the stage.

News Headlines:

Finally, before we end the assembly, we would like to update you with today’s news headlines. [Name of student] will be sharing the headlines with us.

National Anthem:

As a sign of respect and devotion to our motherland, let us all stand and sing the national anthem together.

That concludes today’s assembly. We hope you have a productive and positive day ahead. Remember to always strive to be the best versions of ourselves and to treat others with kindness and respect. Thank you all for joining us. Have a great day!

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Anchoring Script: Prayer

Crafting an anchoring script for a prayer is a delicate and meaningful task. Whether you’re leading a religious gathering, a spiritual ceremony, or a community event that includes a prayer, the script sets the tone and guides participants in their moments of reverence and connection. Writing an anchoring script for a prayer requires careful consideration of the sacredness of the occasion, the spiritual beliefs of the audience, and the desired atmosphere of reflection and gratitude.

Table of Contents

Prayer Anchoring Script Tips

Understand the purpose: Before you begin writing, understand the purpose of the prayer and the specific context in which it will be delivered. Is it a religious ceremony, a community gathering, or a special event? This will help you determine the appropriate tone and content for your script.

Set the tone: The tone of the prayer should align with the overall atmosphere of the event and the spiritual beliefs of the participants. Consider whether the prayer should be solemn, uplifting, reflective, or celebratory. Establishing the right tone will help create a meaningful and connected experience for everyone involved.

Begin with an introduction: Start your anchoring script with a brief introduction that sets the context for the prayer. Provide a short explanation of the purpose of the prayer, its significance, and any relevant background information. This will help participants understand the intention behind the prayer and create a sense of unity.

Be inclusive: When writing the prayer, ensure that it is inclusive and respectful of the diverse beliefs and backgrounds of the participants. Use inclusive language that accommodates different faiths and spiritual perspectives. Consider incorporating universal themes of love, peace, gratitude, and unity that can resonate with a broader audience.

Structure the prayer: Organize the prayer in a logical and coherent manner. Consider including elements such as an invocation, expressions of gratitude, requests for guidance or blessings, and a conclusion. This structure will help guide participants through the prayer and create a sense of flow and purpose.

Choose appropriate language: Select words and phrases that are reverent, inspiring, and accessible to the participants. Avoid using jargon or complex terminology that may alienate or confuse the audience. Use language that evokes emotions and encourages participants to connect with the prayer on a personal level.

Incorporate meaningful content: Include elements in the prayer that are relevant to the occasion or the theme of the event. This could involve referencing scriptures, sacred texts, or meaningful quotes that align with the purpose of the prayer. Incorporate personal reflections or stories that can help participants connect with the message of the prayer.

Practice and revise: Once you have written the anchoring script for the prayer, practice delivering it aloud. Pay attention to the flow, pacing, and intonation. Revise and refine the script as needed to ensure clarity, coherence, and a genuine connection with the audience.

Allow for silence and reflection: In certain prayers, it can be powerful to incorporate moments of silence or reflection. This allows participants to internalize the message, connect with their own spirituality, and offer personal prayers or intentions. Ensure that the script allows for these moments of quiet contemplation.

End with a meaningful conclusion: Conclude the prayer with a heartfelt closing that leaves participants with a sense of peace, gratitude, or inspiration. Offer a final blessing or benediction that encapsulates the essence of the prayer and sends participants off with a renewed sense of purpose and connection.

Prayer Anchoring Script Example #1

[Opening Music Begins]

Anchor 1: Ladies and gentlemen, good [morning/afternoon/evening]! We gather here today in the spirit of unity and reverence as we come together in prayer. On behalf of [organization/venue name], we extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Thank you for joining us as we seek solace, guidance, and connection through this sacred moment.

Anchor 2: Before we begin, let us take a collective breath and center ourselves in this space. Let us set aside the distractions of the outside world and turn our attention inward to the divine presence that resides within each of us.

[Pause for a moment of silence]

Anchor 1: Today, we gather here with open hearts, recognizing the diverse beliefs and spiritual paths that bring us together. In this prayer, we seek to honor and respect the sacredness of each individual’s journey while finding common ground in our shared humanity.

Anchor 2: Let us now join together in a prayer that embraces the universal themes of love, compassion, and unity. In this moment, we invite you to close your eyes, or if you prefer, softly gaze ahead, as we offer our collective intentions to the divine.

[Soft instrumental music plays softly in the background]

Anchor 1: [Pause] Divine Creator, we come before you today, humbled and grateful for the gift of life and for the opportunity to gather in this sacred space. We acknowledge the presence of your divine light that resides within each of us, connecting us all as one.

Anchor 2: In this moment of prayer, we express our gratitude for the blessings that surround us: for the breath that fills our lungs, for the beauty that graces our lives, and for the love that enriches our relationships. We acknowledge the abundance that flows through our lives and express our deep appreciation for all that we have received.

Anchor 1: [Pause] As we gather here, we also recognize the challenges, pain, and struggles that may burden our hearts. We offer our prayers of healing and comfort to those among us who are in need. May your divine presence embrace them, providing solace and strength during their times of difficulty.

Anchor 2: [Pause] Divine Creator, we seek your guidance and wisdom as we navigate the path before us. Grant us the clarity and insight to make choices that align with our highest purpose. Help us to be agents of love, compassion, and positive change in the world, uplifting those around us and spreading your light wherever we go.

[Pause for a moment of silent personal reflection]

Anchor 1: [Pause] In closing, we offer our prayers for unity and peace in our communities and in the world at large. May we find the strength to bridge divides, to embrace our shared humanity, and to work together for a future rooted in compassion, understanding, and harmony.

Anchor 2: [Pause] With hearts full of gratitude and reverence, we release our prayers into the universe, trusting that they will be received and answered in accordance with the divine will. May we carry the spirit of this prayer in our hearts as we move forward, guided by the light of love.

Anchor 1: Thank you for joining us in this prayerful moment. May the blessings of love, peace, and divine grace be with you always.

[Closing Music Fades Out]

Prayer Anchoring Script Example #2

Anchor 1: Good [morning/afternoon/evening], dear friends. We come together today in the spirit of reverence and unity, embracing the power of prayer to uplift our hearts and minds. On behalf of [organization/venue name], we extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Thank you for joining us as we embark on this sacred journey together.

Anchor 2: As we gather here in this sacred space, let us take a moment to acknowledge the divine presence that surrounds us and resides within each of us. Let us release any distractions and open ourselves to the transformative power of prayer.

Anchor 1: Today, we gather as a community of diverse beliefs and backgrounds, united in our shared desire for solace, guidance, and connection. In this prayer, we honor the individual paths that brought us here while finding common ground in our collective search for meaning and purpose.

Anchor 2: Let us now enter into a moment of prayer, where we commune with the sacred and offer our intentions, gratitude, and hopes to the divine. I invite you to find a comfortable position, close your eyes if you choose, and allow your heart to open to the sacred space we create together.

Anchor 1: [Pause] Divine Presence, we stand before you today, grateful for the gift of life and the opportunity to come together in prayer. We acknowledge your boundless love and wisdom that guides our paths, and we surrender ourselves to your divine will.

Anchor 2: In this moment, we express our deep gratitude for the blessings that grace our lives. We are thankful for the gift of relationships, for the beauty of nature that surrounds us, and for the countless miracles that unfold each day. We recognize the abundance that flows through our lives and offer our sincere thanks.

Anchor 1: [Pause] As we gather here, we also carry in our hearts the burdens and challenges that weigh us down. We offer our prayers of healing and comfort to those among us who are in need. May your divine light shine upon them, bringing them solace, strength, and restoration.

Anchor 2: [Pause] Divine Presence, we seek your guidance and wisdom as we navigate the complexities of life. Illuminate our path, grant us clarity of mind, and awaken our hearts to the needs of others. Help us to be vessels of love, compassion, and peace in this world, making a positive difference in the lives we touch.

Anchor 1: [Pause] In closing, we offer our prayers for unity and harmony in our communities and beyond. May we transcend our differences, embrace our shared humanity, and work together to create a world filled with love, justice, and understanding.

Anchor 2: [Pause] With hearts full of gratitude and faith, we release our prayers into the vastness of the universe, trusting that they will be received and answered in ways that serve the highest good of all. May we carry the spirit of this prayer within us, inspiring us to be agents of positive change and instruments of divine love.

Anchor 1: Thank you for joining us in this sacred moment of prayer. May the blessings of peace, joy, and divine grace be with you always.

Prayer Anchoring Script Example #3

Anchor 1: Welcome, beloved community, to this sacred gathering where we come together in prayer, seeking solace, connection, and guidance. We are honored to have each and every one of you here today. On behalf of [organization/venue name], we extend a warm welcome and invite you to join us in this moment of devotion.

Anchor 2: As we gather in this sacred space, let us take a deep breath and release any distractions that may hinder our connection with the divine. Let us center ourselves in the present moment, ready to open our hearts and minds to the power of prayer.

Anchor 1: Today, we stand united, recognizing the diversity of our beliefs and backgrounds. In this prayer, we honor the unique paths that have brought us together, while embracing the shared values of love, compassion, and unity that bind us as a community.

Anchor 2: Let us now enter into a prayerful state, where we commune with the divine, offering our intentions, gratitude, and hopes. I invite you to find a comfortable position, close your eyes if you wish, and allow your spirit to soar in this sacred space.

Anchor 1: [Pause] Divine Spirit, in this moment of prayer, we turn our hearts and minds towards you. We acknowledge your presence, your love, your wisdom that surrounds us, and resides within us. We surrender ourselves to your divine guidance.

Anchor 2: With hearts full of gratitude, we offer our thanks for the blessings that grace our lives. We are grateful for the gift of life, the beauty of nature, the love of family and friends, and the countless miracles that unfold before us each day. We recognize the abundance in our lives and offer our sincere appreciation.

Anchor 1: [Pause] As we gather here, we also carry within us the burdens and challenges that weigh heavily on our souls. We offer our prayers of healing, comfort, and strength to those among us who are in need. May your divine light shine upon them, bringing them solace, courage, and renewal.

Anchor 2: [Pause] Divine Spirit, we seek your wisdom and guidance as we navigate the complexities of life. Illuminate our path, grant us clarity of mind, and awaken our hearts to the needs of others. Help us to be beacons of love, compassion, and justice in the world, making a positive impact and fostering harmony in our communities.

Anchor 1: [Pause] In closing, we offer our prayers for unity and peace in our world. May we transcend our differences, embrace our shared humanity, and work tirelessly towards building a world filled with love, understanding, and acceptance.

Anchor 2: [Pause] With hearts full of hope and faith, we release our prayers into the vastness of the universe, knowing that they will be heard and answered in divine time. May we carry the spirit of this prayer within us, inspiring us to live lives of purpose, compassion, and service.

Anchor 1: Thank you for joining us in this sacred moment of prayer. May the blessings of peace, love, and divine grace be with you always.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

prayer song introduction speech in english

English Compositions

Anchoring Script for Song Performance [With PDF]

In this session, you will learn how you can write an anchoring script for any song performance. Let’s get started. 

Table of Contents

Welcome speech (for local clubs / small events), welcome speech (for big events), honouring the chief guests (for both small and big events), song performance (for local clubs/small events).

  • Song Performance (For Big Events) 

Ending Speech (For Both Small And Big Events)

Feature image of Anchoring Script for Song Performance

Good morning/ good afternoon/ good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am [name], your host for today’s/ tonight’s event. On the behalf of [name of the organising committee], I warmly welcome you all to this beautiful event.

We are really honoured to have the Honourable [full name], M.L.A., and his wife, Mrs [full name], as our chief guests today. Dear chief guests, special invitees and everyone in attendance, I am very glad to have you all with us today/ tonight and I welcome you with all my heart to witness and enjoy the event.

Today/tonight is going to be a day/night full of music, happiness and joy. We have many wonderful performances lined up. Let us all look forward to the performances with a lot of excitement and anticipation. Thank you.

Hello and a warm good morning / good afternoon / good evening to all! What a beautiful day it is today! The weather is pleasant and the breeze is gentle. We truly couldn’t have chosen a better day for this magical event! People say that music is one of the most magical things in the world. If that is so, we can say that we have some of the best magicians here with us today! From award-winning local bands to renowned folk singers to world-famous playback singers, today our line-up is star-studded.

And I, [name], on behalf of [organising committee name], heartily welcome you all to enjoy this magnificent event. I would like to especially welcome our chief guests, Mr [name], chairman of [company name] and Ms [name], CEO of [company name] to this event. Sir and ma’am, thank you so much for joining us today! 

Before we commence the event, we would like to honour our chief guests and offer them a token of our appreciation. I request our committee head, Mr [name] to please come up on the stage. Now I would like to invite our chief guests to please come up on the stage as well. Thank you, sir and ma’am. I would now request Mr [committee head’s name] to honour our chief guests with the bouquets and mementoes prepared for them. Thank you. [As the ceremony is taking place – everyone claps].

After the Ceremony:

Thank you so much. Respected sirs and ma’am, you all may now take your seats. Please enjoy the rest of the event. Thank you.

Our first performers of today/tonight are [name 1] and [name 2]. These talented youngsters took the nation by storm when they posted their self-written, self-composed, self-shot music videos online. It was viewed millions of times and it made them household names. Today, they will be performing some of their latest compositions. So, let’s put our hands together and welcome them on the stage!

After the Performance:

Oh my! That was magnificent! Such a beautiful melody! You both are truly gifted. Thank you so much. Everyone, please give these talented kids a huge round of applause. Thank you.

Our next performer is someone you already know and love! She is also known as the nightingale of [the locality name] and has been singing since she was 5! Today, our nightingale, [singer name], will be singing [track name 1] and [track name 2] for us. Let’s welcome her on the stage with a huge round of applause!

Wow! No wonder she is called the nightingale! What a melodious voice and what a beautiful performance! [Singer name], you did amazing, as always! Thank you so much. Everyone, please give her a huge round of applause! Thank you.

[The anchor can similarly welcome different acts on the stage and carry on with the show.]

Now, it is time for the final performance of the day/night. Our renowned folk singers, [names], will be singing [folk song names] for us today. Let’s give it up for them!

What a beautiful performance! Folk songs truly make our soul dance! Thank you so much. Everyone, please give these amazing singers a huge round of applause! Thank you.

Song Performance (For Big Events)

“Life is a song. Your thoughts are the music. Now play beautiful music and sing a wonderful song.” – Debashish Mridha

It is now time for the opening act. And for that, we have someone special! The pride of our city, the one who brought so much glory to [city name] by representing us countless times on the national stage – he/she is none other than [singer name]. So, put your hands together and let’s welcome him/her onto the stage with a huge round of applause! 

What a soulful performance! Your voice is a gift! Thank you so much for such a lovely performance. Everyone, please give [singer name] a huge round of applause! Thank you. 

Now, moving on to the next performance we have here with us our beloved Ustaad [name]. Ustaad [name] has been performing for the past 45 years, since the age of 6. It is a pleasure to be able to watch him perform with such intricacy and grace. Today, he will be performing [song name] on his veena. So, please put your hands together and warmly welcome him onto the stage. 

Wow! What a spellbinding performance! You are truly a gift to us! Thank you so much, master. Everyone, please give him a huge round of applause. Thank you. 

Now, it is time for the act all of us have been waiting for with bated breath. Finally, the time has come! The singer known for his divine vocals, the one who is world-renowned for his melodious songs, the one without whose songs a movie is said to be incomplete – with a huge round of applause, let’s welcome the singer, the legend – [singer name]! 

Oh my! So ethereal! I am at a loss for words. What a beautiful performance! You are truly our shining star! Thank you so much! Everyone, please give him a huge round of applause! What a performance! 

Now we have come to the final act of the day/night. This is for all the rock lovers out there! We have here with us the [band name]! I can see your excitement! Yes! It is going to be awesome! So, let’s put our hands together and warmly welcome [band name] onto the stage! 

What an energetic performance! I am sure everyone present here enjoyed it to the core! It was fabulous! Thank you so much, team! Everyone, please give these talented men a huge round of applause! Thank you. 

We have now come to the conclusion of the event. I hope that everyone enjoyed the various song and musical performances. Thank you for attending this event and making it successful. Thank you all for your time, encouragement, enthusiasm, love and support. I would like to especially thank our chief guests who took time out of their extremely busy schedules to attend this event and grace us with their presence.

Thank you so much. Also, a huge thank you to all our singers, musicians and performers. It is you guys who made this possible! To our organisers and sponsors, without you, we wouldn’t have been able to organise this event – Thank you! 

Thank you, everyone! Have a good day/night!”

Note: This is a sample script meant to provide you with a basic idea of how to write an anchoring script for a song performance. Feel free to use this script and edit it as per your needs. 

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Sample anchoring script for morning assembly in school in English

Shree Ganeshay Namah

Sample anchoring script for morning assembly in school in English.

Download as pdf button at the end of this post-

Table of Contents


Morning school assembly is a very important and helpful activity for students teachers and also for the schools. There are different ways and sequences to conduct it and the most important part of it is that students are the anchors. so that they develop leadership qualities and good communication skills. Here is our sample anchoring script for morning assembly in school in English with a sample assembly program schedule with important points and details. You can use it by making relevant changes.

Here are some other important anchoring scripts for your help.

Sample anchoring script for school and college annual day celebration

Sample vote of thanks speech for any occasion

Sample morning school assembly schedule in English

1 ]morning greetings, the introduction of the anchors

2] prayers 1,2,3

4] Newspaper reading in English and Hindi

5] Thought of the day

6]Moral story/ speech/ motivation /creative ideas/ GK topics/ principal’s message.

7] Birthday wishes

8] National anthem

9] Formal ending[ conclusion]

We have given you a complete anchoring script and also each part of the anchoring script for the morning assembly in school. First, we will see separate anchoring scripts for various parts of the morning school assembly, and then we have a complete anchoring script. Let’s start.

Who is anchor

The person compering a show, introducing the program and participants is called a master of ceremony.

In short, he or she is called MC or emcee or compere or anchor or announcer, or microphone controller. He or she works as a mediator,

 announcer, and coordinator of the program.

Anchoring script for the beginning of morning assembly in school

Good morning all of you, with great respect and pleasure we are going to start today’s  school assembly. our respected principal sir/madam distinguished teachers and my dear friends, I welcome you all with great respect and pleasure for today’s assembly.

I am….. And my co-anchor….. Will take you through this assembly. if you

think positively, you will become positive, with this note let us start.

Anchoring script for the prayers in school assembly

 we will begin our day with a prayer.

 It purifies our soul and fills our mind and body with divine energy and positive

thoughts. I would like to request our school’s prayer group to come forward for it and start today’s prayer. I request you all to sing it with them.

Anchoring script for the pledge in school morning assembly

 The prayer has filled us with positivity.

Now it is time for the pledge which is the best way to show our love and respect for our nation and humanity. I would like to call….. From….. Class for the pledge and

 request you to take a pledge after him/her.

Anchoring script for news reading in school assembly

The best way to stay updated about the world is news reading. We must be aware of

the current happenings around us and the only way to do so is through news reading. Now I would like to request…… From… Class to read today’s news headlines.

Anchoring script for a new word in school assembly

If we want to master any language and make our spoken and written English outstanding, we need to increase our vocabulary and the best way is to learn new English words daily. To encourage your English vocabulary store we conduct an activity of telling a new word with its meaning and usage. Today …. from … standard will tell a new word.

Anchoring script for the special days in school assembly

We celebrate various days for remembering our special achievements and to keep our

 culture and traditions going. Today is one of the most memorable days as we are going

 to celebrate…… Day in our school. I request….. From…… Class to tell us the importance

 and significance of…… day.

Anchoring script for birthday celebrations in school assembly

Birthday is the most important and special day for everyone. Every day we celebrate and

share and enhance the happiness of birthday boys and girls. Today……… are celebrating

 their birthdays. so let us all wish them. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you dear…..

 Happy birthday to you.

Birthday boys and girls-

Thank you, principal madam/sir, thank you teachers, and thank you, my friends.

Anchoring scripts for various competitions in school assembly

1 ]anchoring script for speech or elocution competition.

Good morning all of you, we have gathered here for the speech competition. speech is the

 best form of communicating our ideas and thoughts about any given topic to the masses.

 All the successful and great leaders are great speakers or orators. To promote this kill

in our students, we have arranged an elocution competition in our school. we have selected

 10 participants from each class and there will be three winners from each class. Let me

tell you the rules of this competition. 1] speech should not be less than 3 minutes and more

 than 5 minutes. 2] no controversial statements are allowed 3] Address the whole audience

4]the participants are given numbers so they should not mention their names

5] we have neutral judges and their decision will be final.

Now we will start the competition. Please encourage the participants with claps. we will

begin with… the class first I would like to call the participant’s number….. Thank you very much

 for your speech. Now I would like to invite……. for the speech.

Anchoring script for the quiz competition

Good morning all of you, today we are going to conduct a quiz competition in our school.

 Sounds interesting! Yes, you heard it right. A quiz competition is one of the best ways to

show your knowledge and I am sure it is going to be an interesting activity. You all are going

 to enjoy it.

Let me tell you the format and the rules of this quiz competition. From screening tests, we

 have selected four groups from our school for the quiz competition. They are group number

1 group number 2 group number 3 and group number 4. There will be three members in

each group. The question for the quiz will be about general knowledge, science and technology

 inventors, and quick answer questions. The decision of the judges will be final. Each group

 will be asked three questions in each round and there will be a total of 3 rounds. Each question

 Carries 2 marks. If any group is unable to answer the question then it will be passed to

 the other group who will get bonus marks after the correct answer. There is no –

 negative marking for

 wrong answers. You will be given 20 seconds to answer in the first and second rounds and

10 seconds in the third round. I hope all of you have understood the format and the rules.

Let us start with group number one. your first question is …………….

your second question is ……….

your third question is………

 Now we will ask questions to group number 2/3/4 after first-round scores

of each group are…..

Here we have completed the first round. Let us move to the second and third rounds.

Finally, we have completed three rounds and the judges have prepared the result. I am

 very excited to announce the name of the winning group.

Can you guess the winners? yes, it is group number 3 with 60 marks. Heartiest

congratulations to all the winners and well played to all the groups and participants

thank you all.

Anchoring script for the guest speech and presentation in the school assembly

Good morning and welcome to this special guest speech and presentation program.

Today’s honorable guest speaker is….. He/she is going to give a speech and presentation

about… The subject which is highly important for the students. We are very eager and

curious to know about it. I would like to request our guest to start the speech and


Anchoring script for the conclusion or end of the morning assembly in school

Here we come to the concluding part of our today’s morning school assembly.

Education is not what a person learns but what he becomes. so our journey of becoming b etter day by day will continue and we will meet again in tomorrow’s assembly with n ew thoughts and new ideas. With a grateful heart, we thank you all and take y our leave and wish you all a very nice day ahead.

This is our topic-wise anchoring script for the morning assembly in school. now we will see the complete anchoring script for morning assembly in school as per the above-given program schedule.

Sample anchoring script for story-telling for morning assembly in school

The story is one of the best forms of learning and understanding new and existing things and values. The story with the moral lesson has a great impact on the minds of the listeners. Today …………. from  ………. std is going to tell you a very interesting story and I am sure that you will enjoy it and follow its moral.

Anchor 1]A WILL will find a way, good morning and my name is Sam and I would like to welcome our principal, teachers, nonteaching staff, and my dear friends with my co-anchor Rita. It is Monday and you can smell the freshness of the week and enthusiasm filling this atmosphere. I am Sam and I would like to welcome you all to this morning’s assembly with my co-anchor Rita.

Anchor 2]Good morning and let’s start today’s assembly by remembering God whose blessings boost our energy to lead through thick and thin. please start prayer No. 1,

prayers 1,2,3

Anchor 1]Prayer purifies our minds and takes away negativity. Now to express our commitment to our nation, we will take the pledge.

Take your right hand ahead and start the pledge.

Anchor 2] Our pledge reminds us of our duties to our nation, society, and people.

English news

Now let us take a look at the happenings around the world. Yes, there will be news reading now, and ……. from ……….. standard will read English news.

National language news

Anchor 1] Hindi is our national language and reading Hindi news will help us improve our command of it and at the same time, we will be updated with current affairs. ….. from …… standard will read Hindi news.

The importance of the day

Anchor2] Thank you very much …. Every day is important whether it is from the past, present, or coming in the future. Each day is associated with memories and happenings. So it has its own importance. Now ………. from ……… standard will tell the importance of today.

Thought of the day

Anchor 1] Really today’s date is very much notable and to make it more meaningful, we will listen to the thought of the day.

Anchor 2] I hope you will remember this thought and try to act accordingly. Just like we need to take a bath daily, we need a daily dose of motivation. Today ……. from ……. standard will tell a motivational story /moral story /deliver a speech about…. / tell a creative idea/ talk about GK topic/ principal’s message.

Anchor 1]Thank you for the words of motivation.

Birthday celebration

Birthday is the most important occasion for each individual. we will celebrate today’s birthdays of our school students.

Today …… from ……… standard is celebrating his/ her birthday. He/ she is …… years old. Let us wish him/her.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you dear …..

National Anthem

Anchor 1] The most valuable and respectable song for every citizen of our nation is our National anthem. Let’s start it.

standard at ease, attention, stand straight don’t move and start the national anthem.

[ national anthem]

Anchor 2] Raise the slogans with me. Bharat Mata ki -Jay, Vande- Mataram anchor 1] Here we come to the concluding part of our school’s morning assembly for today. we thank you all for being here as active participants. we will meet for the next assembly with new ideas and thoughts. Till then, have a nice day to you all, and thanks again.

Anchor 2] stand at ease, attention, standard at ease, Assembly disperses.

[Three claps]

Anchor 1] Now all the students will go to their respective classes in proper lines.

Sample anchoring script for the beginning of Monday morning school assembly

Anchor 1:Good Morning to you all and a very warm welcome to our principal, teaching and non-teaching staff, and dear friends. It is Monday today and the second day of the week and the first working day. I am Peter and I would like to introduce my co-anchor, Gwen

Anchor 2: A very good morning to you all. Monday is a very special day and it got its name from the Anglo word Mondandaeg which means the moon’s day. Monday is the second day of the week in Nordic culture and the Goddess of the moon is worshipped. The old English word for moon is Mona which is given to the girls born on Monday. Let’s start our assembly with prayer.

Sample anchoring script for any corporate event.

Sample anchoring script for Independence Day celebration.

Sample anchoring script for PTA parents teachers’ meeting.

This is our sample anchoring script for the morning assembly in school in English. you can use it by making relevant changes to it.

With love + respect from the team

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How to...Begin and End Prayer

  • Sherwin Weener

An encounter between God’s people and the living God is the very essence of worship. Here are some tips to help worship leaders lead God’s people in prayer.


  • Nurture your own spirituality. We cannot lead others into a conversation with One who is a stranger to us.
  • Use feeling words, the language of the heart, not the doctrinal speech of the intellect.
  • Remember that prayer is simply talking with God. Resist strongly any urge to preach or teach.

Moving Into Prayer

  • Involve the congregation. If you lead worship in a small congregation, you may wish to offer a time for shared prayer concerns. In a larger church a prayer list in the bulletin or on the video screen may work better. In either case, don’t let health and safety issues dominate the prayers.
  • moving from the pulpit to the communion table.
  • inviting those who are able to kneel.
  • using a short time of directed silence (“God’s Word says ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ Let us quietly recognize God’s presence as we prepare to pray.”)
  • Lead into prayer with a familiar chorus or hymn. An ascriptive song (addressed to God) is better than a descriptive song (about God). For example, “Jesus, Name Above All Names” is better than “What a Friend We Have In Jesus.”

The Invitation to Prayer

  • Keep it simple. “Let us pray,” will usually do, or “Let’s pray together.” “Shall we pray?” is a question, and you’re not taking a vote. “Please pray with me,” sounds more like this is going to be the leader’s prayer than the congregation’s prayer.
  • If prayer follows an ascriptive hymn or song, don’t interrupt with any transition. Just continue the prayer already implicit in the song. For example, if you sing “God in three persons, blessed Trinity!” move directly into “O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, You are so holy . . . ”

Addressing God

  • Vary the words you use to address God. The first sentence of the prayer opens the door into this sacred space. While we each fall into using our favorite phrase (“O Lord God . . . ”, “Father God . . . ”, “Dear Lord . . . ”), we need to avoid creating clichés or rendering our language dead by overuse.
  • “O God, you are the Rock of our Salvation and today we need a Gibraltar to cling to.”
  • “You are the Potter, Lord, and we are like clay in your hand.”
  • “O God, what a beautiful week you’ve given us. We’ve seen you in sunsets and flowers.”
  • “Lord, the tragedies we’ve heard about this week make us wonder, “Why, Lord, why?”

Whether you begin with the six o’clock news or with the Scriptures, the goal is always to bring the authentic concerns of people into the powerful presence of God. Prayer is a bridge that needs to be anchored at both ends.

Closing the Prayer

  • Teach your congregation to say the Amen together, strongly and consistently. It will take some teaching about the nature of worship, the meaning of the word “Amen,” and the biblical precedent (1 Cor. 14:16; 2 Cor. 1:20), but involving people with a song at the beginning and a unison Amen at the end will help them stay focused throughout the prayer.
  • Use a similar ending each time you pray. This will let people know when to join in on the Amen. “For Jesus’ sake” is a little worn. “Through Jesus Christ our Lord” or “In the strong and loving name of Jesus” meet the biblical injunction to ask “in my name” (John 14:13-14).

Sherwin Weener is an ordained pastor in the Reformed Church in America. Since 1995 he has sered as Synod Minister for the Synod of the Great Lakes.

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Step by Step Anchoring Script For School/College Function

An anchorman or anchorwoman or simply an anchor is a person who presents or hosts a program or function on the stage, on television, or on the internet. The whole program or function is controlled by the anchor. Now if you are selected as an anchor for your school or college and you are searching for the best lines to start and end your program, then you are in the right place. Let’s dive into the article below where I am going to tell you the step by step anchoring script for school/college function.

How to Develop Your Personal Credibility in Public Speaking

How to Start the Function

Commencement or Opening Lines

The sparkle of fire is the witness of your worth, and the silent flounce of the water is the witness of your softness. The rising of the sun in the east and the sunset in the west is the witness of your rhythm, the rhythmical movement of the moon is the witness of your perfection. In my words, my soul is the witness of the oneness of the glory of God whose glorification cannot be described in words.

How to Welcome the Audience

A very warm good morning/afternoon/good evening and a heartily welcome to all. We are honored to have [guests’ names] and we are extremely happy to welcome you, Sir, /Mam. I [anchor name] and my co-host [anchor 2 name] welcome parents, and students on behalf of [school name/principal name] to a very special day where you will witness your children’s achievements and many brilliant performances. We are glad about your presence.

Read:  Welcome Speech Sample in English

Welcome Note 2

Good morning/evening/afternoon to all dignitaries, guests, and delegates with great joy and immense exultation. I feel privileged to extend my warm welcome to all presented here for the celebration of Emerge 2024. It has become a regular aspect and part of [insert name of your academy]. Academical program to organize this emerging symposium which precedes the college day function since 2007.

Now, I invite Guests to today’s function with a request to come on to position and occupy the distinguished chair.

I invite [insert name of the guest] the chairperson of the__________to please come onto the stage. Two girls will go and comfort the chairperson.

Welcome Note 3

Well, my first and foremost duty, on behalf of the Principal, teaching staff, and students to welcome you all at today’s function. We are honored to have you all with us. The honorable chief guest his excellency Mr. [name]. Sir, you hardly need any introduction, you have made all of us proud of your achievements and numerous capacities in the term of serving our society

Read more Welcome Notes…

Lamp Lighting or Other Custom

When I understood and accepted my own mistakes. I was consumed by my own light.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. [Martin Luther King, Jr.]

In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet, it is only love that sets us free. [Maya Angelou]

Now, I would like to call on the stage the respected Principal Mr. [name], and our honorable chief guest Mr. [name] for lamp lighting. Please give them a big hand to be present on the stage.

Calling the Principal for a Welcome Speech

Anchoring Script for Orientation Day

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.

Now the person who has consumed himself to change society and light the darkness in the life of your children, the principal of [Name of school/college] Mr. [name] is requested to come on the stage and address the audience.

Please a big round of applause for Mr.[name] to be present on the stage.

[After the speech] Thank you so much, sir/ Mam, that was indeed motivating and extremely informative. We are so honored and privileged to have you amongst us as team dignitaries whom we would like to appreciate now

Helpful:  Principal Sample Speech…

Calling Students For Performance

prayer song introduction speech in english

A good teacher will appreciate the good qualities of his students. If one good quality is allowed to emerge, a world of good qualities will emerge from that one.

Our students have brilliant qualities and talents to show to you. Without waiting put your hands together for students of class [class name] to be present on the stage and show you their talent.

Calling Students for a Performance

The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior and in this way, our faculty members have been consuming themselves to light the way for your children.

Now you will witness another sensational performance by class [class name] Please welcome the dance group to come on the stage and show us their dance skill. A big round of applause for them to come on the stage

Song Performance

Sometimes it only takes one good song to bring back thousands of good, old memories. Are excited to listen to a brilliant song by one of our students? Hence, let’s enjoy the song by [singer name].

Sentences to Praise Students

  • I am proud of you.
  • I love how you did that.
  • Spectacular! You are darling.
  • Wow! way to go. Super, you’re special.
  • Looking good, you are on top of it.
  • You are fantastic, you are on your way.
  • You are catching on, now you have got it.
  • No one can stop you from doing your best.
  • You are precious, a great discovery.
  • You mean a lot to me, you make me happy.
  • Outstanding performance, you are a good friend.
  • You make me laugh, you brighten my day.
  • You are a treasure, you are wonderful.
  • What an imagination, what a good listener.
  • You have got your brain in gear today.
  • You are getting better and better every day.

Recommended to Read: Best ideas on how to arrange and organize school or college functions

Motivational Quotes for Students

Step by Step Anchoring Script For School/College Function

  • Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them
  • Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
  • I find that the harder I work the more luck I seem to have Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
  • Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
  • The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?
  • Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.
  • The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.
  • You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes and you can steer yourself away direction you choose.
  • Mistakes are proof that you are trying.
  • Unsuccessful people make decisions based on their current situations. Successful people make decisions based on where they want to be.
  • Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Don’t quit.

Some Funny and Entertaining Script

prayer song introduction speech in english

To entertain the audience and bring amusement the anchors can have fun and add some sense of humor. You can say some funny lines which you think will entertain the audience. Below the lines are as an illustration:

  • I wish I had a delete button in my life. To delete some people, some memories, and some feelings.
  • I don’t have time to hate the people who hate me because I’m busy loving the people who love me.
  • I know who I am, you have no need to explain.
  • Every weekend I do what I love most, absolutely nothing.
  • That awkward moment when you’ve said “what” three times, so you just say “oh, year..” even though you have no idea what they said.
  • At night, I can’t sleep. In the morning, I can’t wake up.
  • I love finding money in my clothes. It’s like a gift to me from me.
  • Please God if you can’t make me slim make my friends FAT.
  • The best way to teach your kids about taxes is by eating 30 percent of their ice cream.

Prize Distribution Script

Step by Step Anchoring Script For School/College Function

Winning is great, sure, but if you are really going to do something in life, the secret is learning how to lose. Nobody goes undefeated all the time. If you can pick up after a crushing defeat, and go on to win again, you are going to be a champion someday.

We have champions who presented their talent in front of such a big audience. Let’s have a big round of applause for all participants in all categories.

To present the award of position holders/ participants I request [name of teacher/principal/guest] to be on the stage.

Prize Distribution Script 2

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the time we acknowledge the talent of our position holders, the position holders who have been struggling, and facing many challenges and difficulties to be pioneers. That’s all because of their perseverance, constancy, and immovability that they are selected as champions. Ladies and gentlemen to felicitate the prize of position holders I would like to call the great personality (insert the name here) to come on the stage to distribute the award to position holders, please give him a big hand.

Read more: Prize Distribution Script…

Also Read: Sample Speech in English for Prize Distribution


Ladies and gentlemen, your presence made this day a memorable day. Thank you for listening, for inspiration, for encouragement, for being here, and most importantly for giving your time and making your presence.

Thank you. You are a wonderful audience and we hope that we have been a good host equally. Once again thanks to the hard work that all the team members have done: teachers, students, organizers, and every team member to make this possible, and what you witnessed was really their efforts and hard work.

Our staff members have arranged the refreshments for guests and teachers as well as for students and parents. Please get your chairs in the hall.

Featured Posts:

  • Best Anchoring Script for Convocation Ceremony
  • How To Be A Good Anchor Or Compère
  • Step By Step Anchoring Guide
  • Comparing Script For Annual Function
  • Anchoring Script On Sports Day At School
  • Comparing Script For School Function

The step by step anchoring script for school/college function in this article is to just give you an idea of a clue about an event at school/college or university. You can get information from these scripts and change it according to your style. Comment for more step by step anchoring script for school/college function or any other event.

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I want a complete script for anchoring…..

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I want a whole script based on children’s day and Diwali celebration…… FOR ANCHORING

Hi, Please read it here:

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As an anchor …………………..this script is up to the mark

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Thanks for your guide and it was a great idea your script provided.

Glad it helped you.

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Can u plz provide me the anchoring for Nukkad Natak – Judge of society on freedom of choice, Panal Discussion – youth role in nation building, Drama – Importance of standing up for self, One vision one world welcome address by three coordinators

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Thanks for all the guidance. It was a great help

You are welcome and thanks for the positive feedback.

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Hi, I want a complete script for the Last Day of the academic year celebration for school students for the year 2020-21.

Please help.

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Thanks❤ a lot for your valuable text

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Awesome I love the way you have given this script for us. Outstanding efforts. Love you. Thanks a lot.

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can i get the whole anchoring script on farewell , including everything tittle distribution to having lunch anuncement

Please read the following article:

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Thanks a lot. I would like to have anchoring script for Independence day, Annaul day & festival days too.

Hi, We have already published an anchoring script for independence day. Please search the keyword using the search box.

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Hii Sir, I want a anchor script based on the act child labour . Can you please guide me? Please sir….

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I want a script for introducing the judges and asking them to sing since they are singers and would also want their viewpoints on the overall event. Its Kind of urgent I would really Appriciate if you can guide me

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I want script for anchoring for the students felicitation by company Cipla

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I want an anchoring script for moonlight light dinner. I kind of in an urgent moment . Can you please upload it earlier . I would appreciate it is uploaded earlier

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hello sir/mam can you please provide me with script of drama event in college, fashion show and stand-up comedy thank you

Please search on our website. It’s already provided.

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Will you pls send me anchoring script for school annual day celebration

Conversation, funny segments between anchors in step by step

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Mam i need farewell function anchoring whole script as well as professor felicitation anchoring script

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Could you please share the anchoring script for English Literary programme ?

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I can i get a full script for school staff party

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I need a script for founders day held in a college

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Sir I want complete anchoring script for constitution awakening function.

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Thank You for Sharing!

Hope it was helpful.

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Can you please share me script of annual function .

Hi, We have already covered this script. Search on the website.

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Anchoring Script For Annual Day Functions

Anchoring Script For Annual Day

Hello Friends, In this post ” Anchoring Script For Annual Day ”, we will see a step-by-step procedure for anchoring or we can say anchoring script for an annual day function . you can use this anchoring script on any other function.

We will read two formats of anchoring, you can choose anyone which is better according to your conditions. So…

Let’s Start…

Anchoring Script: Format 1st

Honorable dignitaries and most valued parents, the broad sun Is sinking down in tranquillity, and the glittering stars on the late evening dark blue sky announce the arrival of a great evening.

And I Rekha extend a warm and cordial welcome to all of you on the evening of great promise.

To develop the abilities of every individual, to attract their creativity, to foster a spirit of autonomy, and to develop a feeling of responsibility to society has been the aim of  (Your Institution Name) .

And keeping this in our mind we are going to present another Annual Day showcasing the talent of around 700 children of classes 3 to 12 in this program Trang (Program Name).

So get ready to delve deeper into the fathoms of music and dance. I am sure all those sitting over here will surely have great fun and experience.

The colorful action dances of our tiny tots dazzle you, the perfect moves of our classical dancers will enthrall you with the thoughts provoking skits of our seniors will tickle you, and the Masti of contemporary dances will enliven your mood.

So get ready to experience the splendor of Tarang…

It’s our proud privilege to have our guest of honor, the man who is known to bring innovative changes in teaching techniques, a true educationist, the very learned Dr. Prem Bhatnagar , along with him, we have our Honourable chairman, a man who always dream big, act big, and believe in big Honourable S.R Dwivedi.

And this program will be presided over by the eminent writer of modern times Shree Manohar Bairagi . So, plz welcome all our dignitaries with a huge round of applause.

Ladies and gentlemen all of you agree that true prayer is a spiritual transaction between heaven and earth. So I request all of you to rise up for a prayer song.

Prayer is aligning ourselves with the purpose of God. after the prayer, I request our Principal to give an introduction to our guest of honor.

So we are really fortunate to have such eminent guests amongst us on this great evening. Now I request our Honourable Director and Principle to give a floral welcome and present a Momento.

Thank you so much, sir

Goddess Saraswati is an embodiment of wisdom, knowledge, and learning. Lets, seek her blessings in all spheres of life. so plz welcome the student of our music band group who is going to present a Saraswati Vandana.

This melodious song has filled the whole atmosphere with positive energy.

And I believe that you will also believe in the power of prayer. our Institution has witnessed a lot of changes in the last two years and the credit for this goes to our illustrious Director Shree S.R Dwived i. I request him to present a welcome speech.

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Anchoring Script for W elcome Speech On Annual Day

Very good evening to one and all together here. on this auspicious occasion, I would like to welcome you all to the republic day celebration.

”star-shine at night, some star-shine at bright daylight”.

It’s our pleasure to welcome one such star (name) honorable chief guest of today’s function. The essence of great leadership is influence and not authority.

With this note, I would like to welcome the respected head of the department/principal (name) to this function. we celebrate your leadership and you keep on influencing us. we welcome you, sir.

” he who puts his soul and heart in uplifting others attains dignity”.

yes, I welcome all the dignitaries on and off the stage.

we welcome you, sir.

Last but not least, I sincerely welcome all my student friends, you are strong and smart.

Once again, I welcome everyone to the Annual day function. Thank you, Jai Hind.

To accomplish great things we should not only believes but act not only plan but executive. So what are the accomplishments of our Institution?

In this session to know this I quite our Principal Dr. Aruna Sharma to present the Annual report.

We acknowledge the contributions of our dedicated staff for all these achievements.

Small daily improvements bring revolutionary results and we look to learned people to suggest improvements. So may I Invite our chief guest to enlighten us with his ideas.

It is rightly said Good intentions die unless they are executed. So we promise you to execute all the wonderful ideas Suggested by you. Thank you so much sir for giving such imaginary ideas.

You are absolute right that the greatest gift we can give to our children is roots of responsibility and wings of independence .

Now ladies and gentlemen the moment has arrived that you have been waiting for long. So get ready to experience unimaginable fun joy and thrill.

So with spring in my steps and anticipation in my heart. I invite the comparers of this program Aditi and Varun on stage.

Thank you, Aditi and Varun

Now, we will invite (name) for a vote of thanks.

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Anchoring Script for Vote Of Thanks on Annual Day

Good morning to everyone present here…

It is great honor and privilege to stand before you to extend words of gratitude on this special occasion. If appreciation is in our souls, then our eyes will be tremendously sweet.

let me first of all thanks to almighty, the creator from the bottom, of my heart for making today’s occasion a most successful event. for this, we are so beatified and thankful to god.

I extend a very heart left vote of thanks to a distinguished personality, our chief guest (name)sir for giving this event such grace.

Thank you sir for your prized time and worthwhile words.

We extend a sincere thanks to our respected principal sir for stimulating the wishes and aspirations of the rising generations. your dedication and commitment to our school inspire us.

We appreciate your compassion and commitment to your profession. We are honored that we will always have you with us.

we feel immeasurable gratification in thanking our vice-principal (name) for providing support to us. he is so enthusiastic, and energetic and always actively takes interest in caring for and supporting the students. thank you sir for refining our talents.

we are very thankful to all the respected teachers for their valuable guidance and contribution. without their supervision and encouragement, we were not able to give our best. thankyou so much sir for your constant support.

Special gratitude to the non-teaching staff for their enormous cooperation in the event. undoubtedly your contribution to today’s event was unbelievable.

we are thankful to (name) for hosting the event. we appreciate his efforts and style of presentation. we are grateful to the people who have supported the stage.

We are profoundly grateful to parents who are cooperative and compassionate.

your constant support always helps us to conduct such major events. no doubt that you help us in every step of our life.

finally, we thank the shining stars of (school name) for their wonderful performances.

you are the crown of today’s program.

you performed your respective duties with complete responsibility.

I thank everyone for putting effort into planning to the success of the program.

thanks, everyone for your presence and for making this event a memorable one.

Anchoring Script For Annual Day Function- Format 2nd

< Anchor 1 > a good evening to all, today we all have gathered to celebrate the achievement of our school.

< Anchor 1 > and my cum host < Anchor 2 > all of you are welcomed by the depth of heart from our school family. we have truly been blessed by your presence.

< Anchor 2 >

Har, ko Jeet ki Ek dua mil gyi, Tapan ke Mausam Mein Thandi Hwa mil gyi.

Aap Aaye Shrimanji ye Lga, Jaise Takleef ko Kuch Dwa mil gyi.

Today is a great day for all of us because our honorable Education Minister of our state Mr. Dinesh Sharma is present here as a chief guest of this program.

I request you all to welcome with the echo of applause. our education minister has done immense praise for the field of education. your work is so great in basic education. The presence of such a celebrity is glorious and respectable for our school. I also welcome the guest who came with the minister.

I welcome the manager of our school Mr. B.N. Singh and the school principal Mrs. Urmila Sharma as well as I also thank the invited guardians and other guests from the depths of my heart because you have taken some time out of your priceless time.

< Anchor 1 >

I would like to call honorable chief guest Shri Dinesh Sharma, school manager Sri BN Singh, and school principal Mrs. Urmila Sharma to come on the stage and finish the lamp ignition program.

With this lamp’s ignition, I pray to God to touch new heights of our school’s success and the students here go a long way in their lives and illuminate the name of this school.

let’s hope that in the light of education erase differences in the world, injustice, and violence and take us on the right path.

Now our cultural program begins here. it is necessary to get the blessings of God in any program to achieve this grace we are going to present Ganesh Vandana like class 12th girls. please welcome with tremendous applause for this classical dance.

Mat Soch Ki Tera Sapna Kyon Pura Nhi Hota, Himmat Walon ka Irada Kabhi Adhura Nahin Hota

Jis Insaan Ke Karam Acche Hote Hain, Uske Jeevan Mein Kabhi Andhera Nahin Hota.

I would like to call a dance group from our school which is a group of 10 members of class 7 girls and class 8th girls who will show dance skills in western and Indian forms.

please welcome to the stage with great applause.

Umeedon Ki Kasti Ko Duboya Nhi Karte, Manzil Dur ho to Thak Kar Roya Nhi Karte.

Rakhte Hain Jo Umeed Kuch Kr Jane Ki, Wo Log Zindagi Mein Kuch Khoya Nahin Kartein.

I would like to talk today about one such king of our country’s history who did not give up the truth in the difficult and difficult circumstances of life.

The story of a king who brought great changes in the life of Mahatma Gandhi .

Yes, yes I am talking about Raja Harishchandra a play based on their life is going to appear, so please keep calm and see this play.

Bina Sangharsh Ke koi Mahan Nhi Hota, Bina Kuch Kiye Jay Jay Kar Nahin Hota

Jab Tak Nahi Padati Hathaude Ki Chot, Tab Tk koi Patthear Bhi logo Ke Liye Bhagwan Nahin Hota.

Now, I would like to call the honorable chief guest sir he come to the stage and presents his thoughts on the occasion of today’s program.

Yoga is shining like a Kohinoor in the whole world. today yoga is contributing billions of dollars to the US Economy.

Americans have learned the importance of yoga. it is necessary great applause for two people to make yoga to reach this level.

first our honorable prime minister Mr. Narendra Modi and second baba Ramdev. and some important yoga practice is going to show on the stage . so please welcome the boys of class for yoga practice.

I would like to invite the principal of our school Mrs. Urmila Sharma stage to present the Annual Report School.

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An Introduction to Bhajan: Hindu devotional song

  • Author: Jameela Siddiqi

Bhajan is the generic name for any kind of Indian, usually Hindu, devotional song. It is completely text-led, its devotional nature underpinned by the words rather than by any specific musical style. It can be something as straightforward as a recitation or chant (kirtan) of a given mantra (usually a word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation) all the way to something as complex and sophisticated as the Dhrupad of North India or the kriti form of Carnatic music, based on pure raag (melodic structure) and executed in a specific taal (rhythmic cycle).

The word bhajan is derived from the word bhakti meaning ‘loving devotion,’ also the name of a specific spiritual movement which originated in South India and rapidly spread North and from which a tremendously enduring genre of mystical poetry emerged. Followers of the bhakti movement were opposed to the dogmatic nature of religious ritual and maintained that God was omnipresent, without requiring shape or form.

They openly challenged the authority of the clergy and the learned teachers who had, thus far, enjoyed a complete monopoly over the interpretation of Hindu scriptures. Many bhakti songs came to be written in the vernacular or everyday languages of North and South India, making them easier to memorise and sing outside the normal ritualised temple context.

The Persian Sufis (Islamic mystics) spread through North India from about the 12th century onwards, and found a natural affinity with the ideas of bhakti. There was a great deal of give and take, both musically and poetically, between the two traditions.

There are thousands of bhajans in all Indian languages but the ones written between the 14th and 17th centuries by the classic North Indian bhakti poets are among the most revered and considered worthy of inclusion in the repertoire of pure classical vocal artists – whether North or South Indian.

The famous classic bhakti poets include: the 15th century blind mystic Surdas, and several 16th century figures including the mystic-recluse Tulsidas, and Kabir, who is venerated equally by all the main religions of India – Hinduism, Islam and Sikkhism, with Meerabai being the only famous woman of this genre.

The poems are in a variety of Hindi dialects spoken at the time, but tend to use stunningly simple language and mundane everyday scenarios to convey highly complex spiritual ideas. Even so, the classic bhajans by Surdas, Tulsidas, Kabir and Meera are considered to be of very high literary value compared to more modern bhajans, where the lyrics are more accessible to the masses.

Nearly every major singer in India has sung bhajans. The famous film playback singer Lata Mangeshkar made it an important part of her vast repertoire, releasing entire ‘private’ albums devoted to the genre. Again, these poems are not limited to a set musical format and may be composed in a number of ways with as many accompanying instruments (and chorus voices) as deemed appropriate.

Listen to the music | Pandit Kedar Bodas sings Gwalior gharana khayal with an eclectic, esoteric personal touch. Here he performs a bhajan on location in Mulshi, Maharastra.

Jameela Siddiqi is an author, linguist, and BBC cultural commentator, specialising in postcolonial fiction and the devotional music of South Asia.

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Anchoring Script for Daily School Morning Assembly in English

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Written by Shiksha Press

Updated on: October 5, 2023

Anchoring Script

School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script in English for Students

How to Conduct Morning Assembly in School in English | Anchoring Scripts for School Morning Assembly Presentations 

Table of Contents

Morning Assembly Anchoring Script In English: Welcome to the enriching world of school assemblies, the vital heartbeat of every educational institution. Anchoring these gatherings is not merely a responsibility; it’s a skill, a talent that blossoms with the right script and planning.

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Our Anchoring Speech for Morning Assembly & Anchoring Guide for School Assembly offers you a comprehensive walkthrough, starting from an energizing introduction to a resonating conclusion, while showcasing multiple segments that make your morning assembly engaging, informative, and inspiring. So, join us as we unravel the art of anchoring school morning assemblies.

Discover the art of successful anchoring with our comprehensive guide to planning and conducting morning school assemblies.

We are sharing a step-by-step approach, including an engaging Anchoring speech script and tips for integrating various educational and entertaining segments. Be it thought of the day, science trivia, or showcasing talents, we cover it all!

Team Building and Role Assignment for Morning Assembly

A well-organized morning assembly requires a committed team. Form a core group comprising students and teachers, with each member assigned a specific role such as schedule manager, speaker coordinator, or technical support. This division of responsibility ensures smooth execution and cultivates teamwork.

Sample and Format of Script for School During Morning Assembly:

Morning assembly Script Topics

School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script List .pdf

Anchoring Script for Introduction by the Anchor:

Anchor First: Good Morning Respected Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends. ds. I am [Your Name], your host for today’s morning assembly. As we gather in unity and spirit, we welcome the brand-new day with open hearts. Let’s step into the world of learning and discovery as we commence today’s assembly.”

Anchoring Script for Moment of Silence or Meditation:

Anchor Second: “Before we start our morning assembly, let’s pause for a moment. Close your eyes, calm your minds, take a deep breath, and meditate for a minute. In this silence, find your purpose for the day.”

Anchoring Script for Thought of the Day:

Anchor First: “To fuel our minds with inspiration, here is our ‘Thought of the Day for Morning Assembly.’ ‘Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.’ May this thought guide us through our endeavors.”

Or Thank you for that. Now, let’s kick off our daily assembly with an inspiring ‘Thought of the Day.’ Here’s [Student’s Name] [Class Name] or [House name] to share with us.

Prayer or Spiritual Song Script for Morning Assembly

Anchor Second:  “Prayer gives us hope and strength. So, let’s unite our voices in singing our school prayer, inviting divine blessings for the day ahead.”

Science Fact of the Day Anchoring Script

Anchor First:  “The world of science is full of wonders! Did you know that an octopus has three hearts? Yes, two pump blood to the gills, while the third pumps it to the rest of the body. Astonishing, isn’t it? Let’s keep our curiosity alive and continue learning fascinating facts like these.”

Or Thanks, [Student’s Name]. That’s a wonderful way to start our day. Now, let’s switch gears to something interesting. Let’s hear a cool ‘Science Fact’ from [Student’s Name] [Class Name] or [House name].

Anchoring Script for Talent Showcase in Morning Assembly

Anchor Second:  Now It’s time to celebrate the unique talents that bloom in our school. Let’s put our hands together for [Student’s Name], who will mesmerize us with their exceptional skills.”

Anchoring Script for News Update for School Assembly

Anchor First:  “Staying informed is the first step towards responsible citizenship. Now, let’s hear [Student’s Name] present the latest happenings from around the globe.”

Or That was amazing (For the last Event), [Student’s Name]! Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Next, it’s time to keep ourselves updated with what’s happening around us. Here’s [Student’s Name] [Class Name] or [House name] with the ‘News Update.’

Anchoring Script for Student Achievement Recognition:

Anchor Second:  “Success isn’t just about winning; it’s about effort. And when effort is continuously put in, it transforms into achievement. Today, we are thrilled to recognize [Student’s Name] [Class Name] or [House name] for their outstanding accomplishment in [specific area].”

Anchoring Script for Guest Speaker or Motivational Talk:

Anchor First:  “Today, we are privileged to have [Guest’s Name] with us. Let’s extend a warm welcome as they share their valuable insights and experiences to inspire us.”

Guest Speech or Motivational talk – After Speech, Thanks to Him/Her.

Anchoring Script for Special Assembly Announcements:

Anchor Second:  “Listen up, folks! We have some significant updates and reminders about upcoming events. Your attention, please.”

Anchoring Script for School Pledge

Anchor First:  “Let us now come together to declare our commitment and responsibility. Please stand straight, place your right hand over your heart, and repeat after me our school pledge.”

Remember, the specific words of your school pledge would follow here and will depend on your school’s specific pledge.

Anchoring Script for Cultural Performance:

Student First: “Culture is the soul of a society. Today, we have a special performance that highlights the rich cultural diversity that our school cherishes. Let’s give a huge round of applause to our performers.”

Anchoring Script for Health and Wellness Tips:

Student Second: “Health is our most precious wealth. Here’s a quick tip for all of us today – remember to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is essential for our bodies to function well. Let’s make it a habit to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.”

Anchoring Script for Environmental Awareness Segment:

Student first: “It’s our duty to safeguard the planet for future generations. Did you know that a single tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year? Let’s pledge to plant more trees and contribute to a greener Earth.”

Anchoring Script for Sports Updates or Highlights:

Student Second: “Sports instill teamwork and perseverance. Our school’s cricket team has made us proud by winning the inter-school championship. A hearty congratulations to the team and their coach!”

Birthdays or Special Occasions Anchoring Script

Student First: “We love to celebrate each other. Today, we have a special occasion. Let’s all wish [Student’s Name] a very Happy Birthday! May you be blessed with happiness and success.”

Book or Literature Review Anchoring Script

Student Second: “Books are our best friends. Today, [Student’s Name] will share a review of the book they recently read, [Book’s Title]. Listen closely, and you might find your next favourite read.”

Anchoring Script for Inspirational Story or Anecdote:

Student First: “A powerful story can inspire us to push our limits. Let’s tune in to an inspiring tale shared by [Student’s Name]. May this story motivate us to strive for greatness.”

Anchoring Script for Quiz or Interactive Activity:

Student Second: “It’s time to ignite our brains with a fun quiz and quiz on Current Affairs . Get ready to answer questions on various topics. Remember, it’s not about winning but about learning something new.”

Anchoring Script for Values or Life Skills Lesson:

“Values shape our character. Today’s life skill lesson is on ‘Empathy.’ Let’s remember to understand and share the feelings of others. In doing so, we make our world a kinder place.”

Anchoring Script for National Anthem:

“Let’s stand together, filled with respect and patriotism , as we pay homage to our nation with the National Anthem. Everyone, please stand in attention.”

Thanks, [Student’s Name]. It’s always good to stay together. Now, let’s stand tall and proud for our ‘National Anthem.’

[National Anthem Plays] 

Anchoring Script for Exam Prayer

Anchor: “As we face the challenge of our upcoming exams, let’s pause for a moment, unite in spirit, and seek divine guidance. Please join me in the Exam Prayer for wisdom, calm, and perseverance.”

Remember, the specific words of the prayer would follow here and will depend on your school’s specific prayer.

[your School Exam Prayer]

Anchoring Script for Morning Assembly Conclusion by the Anchor:

“As we wrap up today’s assembly, let’s carry the lessons and inspirations from today into the rest of our day. Remember, each day is a new opportunity. Thank you for your attentive participation. Have a wonderful day!”

Anchor: “As we are near to end the of today’s assembly so let’s carry forward the energy, inspiration, and lessons into our day. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to learn something new and it will help us to grow. Let’s make today a great day. Thank you, everyone, and have an enriching day ahead!”

These Speech scripts can be customized based on the specific details of each section, Program or segment. Remember to deliver your Speech with confidence and clarity.

Monday Motivation Quotes for Teachers

Enhancing the Anchoring Experience for School Morning Assembly

Tips for effective delivery of anchoring speech in morning assembly.

Effective anchoring is marked by a clear voice, a confident demeanour, and smooth transitions between segments. Practice your script, make eye contact with the audience, and maintain a pleasant expression.

Handling Unexpected Situations Tips 

Technical glitches or sudden changes are not uncommon. Stay composed and think on your feet to keep the assembly moving.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback Incorporation

Post-assembly, seek feedback from peers and teachers. Constructive criticism can help improve future assemblies.

FAQs Morning Assembly Anchoring Script In English

What is the best anchoring script for a school morning assembly”:.

A good anchoring script for a school morning assembly is one that is well-written, engaging, informative, and tailored to the specific audience and occasion.

2. Why is an anchoring script important for Morning Assembly?

An anchoring script is important because it ensures the smooth and organized flow of the event.

3. What are the key elements of a good anchoring script?

A good anchoring script is one that is well-written, engaging, and informative. It should also be tailored to the specific audience and occasion.

We Hope You would like these Morning Assembly Anchoring Script In English for Daily School Assemblies. With these guided steps you can make a best scripts for different morning assembly school events. Soon we will add more Anchoring script ideas for students on latest Topics. so stay with us.

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  • 300+ Best Topics for Speech in English For Students
  • 100 Best Speech Topics for School Morning Assembly
  • 20 List of Speech Topics for School Morning Assembly
  • School Morning Assembly Activities Ideas for Students
  • Thought for the Day in English for School Assembly
  • Best Script to Anchoring For Daily Morning School Assembly

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