

Using technology in special education: current practices and trends

  • Published: 18 June 2020
  • Volume 68 , pages 1711–1738, ( 2020 )

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  • Oluwabunmi Adewoyin Olakanmi   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Gokce Akcayir 1 ,
  • Oluwbukola Mayowa Ishola 2 &
  • Carrie Demmans Epp 1  

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11 Citations

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Recent reports suggest an increase in the number of individuals with cognitive and developmental disabilities. To ensure equal opportunities for these learners, special education practices must be appropriately improved and scaled. Educational and assistive technologies are a possible avenue for meeting this need. To provide insight into recent technology practices in special education contexts, this study reviews recent literature (2014—2018) on the use of technology to support learners with cognitive and developmental disabilities. This review included 126 publications, which were a combination of journal articles and conference papers, found through the ACM, IEEE, ScienceDirect, and SSCI databases. The publications were analyzed to determine their general characteristics (e.g., number and age of participants and lengths of interventions), the contexts of technology use, specific learner characteristics, the subjects or skills the intervention(s) aimed to improve, the characteristics of the technologies, and the outcomes associated with their use. The results revealed that the most examined technology was games and the most studied outcome was improvements to learners’ cognitive skills. Additionally, participants in the majority of the publications were pre-college students with learning disabilities. The most studied topics belonged to the natural sciences while job skills were one of the least studied. Interventions were primarily conducted in formal educational environments and were implemented over 5–10 weeks in most cases. Based on the review, more detail in reporting and more attention to promoting life, job, and social skills are recommended.

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Department of Computing Science, Edtekla Research Group, University of Alberta, 2-32 Athabasca Hall, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2E8, Canada

Oluwabunmi Adewoyin Olakanmi, Gokce Akcayir & Carrie Demmans Epp

Data Edge Innovations Inc., 7-54 Three Valleys Drive, Toronto, ON, M3A0A1, Canada

Oluwbukola Mayowa Ishola

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Olakanmi, O.A., Akcayir, G., Ishola, O.M. et al. Using technology in special education: current practices and trends. Education Tech Research Dev 68 , 1711–1738 (2020).

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Published : 18 June 2020

Issue Date : August 2020


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with severe disabilities who are english learners, dolores williamson, tracy spies, kyle higgins, and shannon sparks, beating the odds: how six post-secondary learners overcame common challenges of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, martha l. wise, barbara l. wise, and sarah jones, jaasep spring/summer 2022 - click here, examining general education and special education teacher preparedness for co-teaching students with disabilities, cindy causey, lina soares, catherine s. howerter, and peggy shannon-baker, “i’m not prepared”: experiences of professionals working with students with disabilities and co-occurring mental health disorders, megan fujita, grace l. francis, and jodi duke, i-care: a scaffolded instructional approach to teach teachers and staff self-care practices within juvenile justice facilities, sara sanders, skip kumm, brandis m. ansley, and kristine jolivette, increasing pre-service special education teacher skills on performance feedback, tosha l. owens, melissa e. hudson, and karen s. voytecki, using video self-monitoring to improve teacher implementation of evidence-based practices for students with autism spectrum disorder, selena j. layden, annemarie l. horn, and kera e. hayden, understanding how individuals overcome their dyslexia: struggles, turning points in life, and advice, nai cheng kuo, karin m. fisher, jennifer jones, sara hillis, i-chien chen, and keonna stanley, special educators’ perceptions of high-leverage practices, cynthia ann farley and rhonda s. black, paraeducators: an important member of educational team for students with disabilities, sarah n. douglas, ryan p. bowles, and rebecca kammes, ph.d., individualized rating scales of engagement during group exercise activities for children with multiple and severe disabilities: a process description and case series, eydie kendall, karren streagle, and tania helbert, transforming the narrative identity of a student with extensive support needs using multiliteracies, sudha krishnan, jaasep winter 2022 - click here, structured play groups for children with autism spectrum disorder: a critical review, david adams, scott mcnamara, melissa bittner, jill pawlowski & kelly hangauer, assessing the implementation of differentiated instruction using technology within pre-service teacher education programs, annah l. hill, & mariha k. shields, collaborative inclusive programs: influences of administrators and teacher leaders, jane m. leatherman, enhancing conversational skills among college students with intellectual disabilities within naturalistic settings, jason robinson, tracy gershwin, michelle athanasiou, & dina london, self-determination strategies for students with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, yan wei, katrina a. hovey, lydia gerzel-short, rhonda d. miller, jerae kelly, & yun-ju hsiao, mapping review of individuals who are bilingual with autism spectrum disorders, valeria yllades, lauren pierson, lisa bowman-perrott, & claudia dunn, elementary principals’ views on the policies and practices of paraeducators in special education, sarah n. douglas, ryan p. bowles, & rebecca kammes, child find activities between public school personnel: engagement, barriers, and experiences, julie m. lane, & david r. jones, perceptions of the efficacy of classroom management techniques, philip r. mehler, investigating the journal impact factor of special education journals indexed in the social sciences science edition from web of science, funda örnek, ruben miranda, & metin orbay, a uthor guidelines for submission to jaasep, jaasep fall 2021 - click here, educational leaders’ perspectives on their preparation, practice, and professional development in multi-tiered systems of support, jodi drury, michael p. krezmien, kristine a. camacho, and alicia gonzales, where is the paraeducator content in introductory special education textbooks, sarah n. douglas, denise j. uitto, sophia d’agostino, classroom membership: what does that mean exactly, dr. katie heath, teaching middle school students with disabilities to solve multi-step equations using the hands-on equations system, thomas c. hendrickson, & annemarie horn , the impact of a community-university partnership program on special education teacher training in autism spectrum disorder, emily r. shamash & alyson m. martin, the practices of teachers in the development of post-secondary skills in students with learning disabilities, sara taylor, using social stories to decrease negative behaviors in students with autism and other disabilities, vivian c. williams, using technology-based interventions to improve the social-communication skills of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (asd), nicole anthony & cynthia wooten, association of intellectual risk taking with science achievement of gifted students and comparison of their intellectual risk taking in different grades and gender, mustafa serdar köksal, esra açikgül firat & gamze akkaya, applying empathy curriculum to enhance the role of the paraprofessional for students with multiple disabilities, christopher russel & soribel genao, teaching children with sma 1 to expressively communicate using augmentative and alternative communication systems: extending functional communication teaching using a model of verbal behavior, cheryl ostryn, what school psychologists should know about multiple sclerosis, ashley n. phillips & denise e. maricle, increasing independent toileting in children with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities: a systematic review, vicky g. spencer & meghan ello, jaasep spring/summer 2021 - click here, short-term fun or long-term outcomes the effects of authentic pedagogy on the dispositional development of college students learning about the educational needs of children with disabilities, laura bassette, ph.d., bcba-d, ruth jefferson, ed.d., matthew stuve, ph.d. & anthony mangino, m.a., parental perceptions of the transition to adulthood for their children with disabilities, megan gross, b.s., annamayil manohar, b.s., & katherine k. rose, ph.d., “everything now falls on me”: parent perspectives on services lost and challenges during virtual learning for youth with disabilities, elizabeth g. s. munsell, ms, otr/l, ariel e. schwartz, phd, otr/l, elizabeth k. schmidt, phd, otr/l & jennifer chen, phd, otr/l, the efficacy of rhyme instruction in early childhood special education, lisa a. pufpaff, ph.d., legal issues and parent rights for culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities, valeria yllades, claudia dunn & jennifer b. ganz, what the medical doctor knows: medical-educational partnerships for success, michelle curtin, do, faap & christine raches, psyd, hspp, bcba, imh-e, students as causal agents: engagement in course selection, ms. cathy haarstad, ms, dr. evan borisinkoff, ph.d., & ms. rhonda weathers, ms, an examination of the correlation between administrator teacher support and teacher self-efficacy level, shiradon h. kirk, ed.d, aarek w. farmer, ed.d & charles vires, jr., ph.d, enhancing self-determination for students with complex communication needs using the self-determined learning model of instruction, sheida k. raley, m.ed., karrie a. shogren, ph.d. & kathryn m. burke, ph.d., individual education plans and teams: principals' roles and responsibilities, emily n. rutherford, edd. & rachel brown, phd, jaasep winter 2021 - click here, fluency matters: an outline to students becoming fluent readers using research based practices in under an hour: a quasi-experimental research study, nicole vozza, quality of life for individuals with disabilities during the covid-19 pandemic  , shannon l. sparks & sang nam, the influence of teaching assignment on burnout in special education teachers, shannon b. romano, olivia r. hester, lauren h. rollins, & randall e. schumacker, retaining special education graduate students in times of transition, karen m. potter, randa g. keeley & breanna l. sherrow, is practice in a mixed-reality environment better than role play for promoting implementation fidelity of the constant time delay procedure for special education undergraduates, melissa e. hudson, from the golden rule to the platinum rule: strategies for advancing toward cultural proficiency for special educators, rebecca d. daigneault & evan d. borisinkoff, answering wh-questions with the support of graphic organizers: effects on 8th graders with autism spectrum disorder, karin r. kliemann, miriam c. boesch & endia j. lindo, investigating the journal impact factor of special education journals indexed in the social sciences science edition from web of science , funda örnek, ruben miranda & metin orbay, experiences of a student with learning disability in science: supporting students to enhance learning, allison l. mcgrath & marie tejero hughes, the role of effective communication in co-teaching to increase student achievement, kayla y. fells, jaasep fall 2020 - click here, what parents tell their post-secondary students with intellectual and developmental disabilities about money, joanne caniglia, yvonne michali, michelle meadows, & davison mupinga, the perceived effectiveness of using mindfulness as a strategy for special educators in coping with the stress of their work environment  , lisa ciraldo, the influence of introductory coursework on preservice teachers’ sense of self-efficacy towards teaching in an inclusive classroom, moriah smothers, tori colson, nina yssel, & linda taylor, insights gained from special education pre-service teachers interviewing paraprofessionals, rob schulze, experiences of special educators in creating opportunities for students to practice self-determination, kaitlyn m. millen, lori y. peterson, jason robinson, & timothy m. luff, examining the effectiveness of fidgets on attention of elementary students with adhd, leslie a. mathews, kimberly j. osmani, & james e. martin, autism spectrum disorder: a cross-cultural variability in personal identity, dr. aftab khan & dr. michel ferrari, the development of aissend: an observation tool to assess inclusive practices  , randa g. keeley, rebecca alvarado-alcantar, & david w. keeley, exploring factors related to burnout among special education teachers in specialized schools, dr. oksana huk & dr. brian cesario, services for young children with disabilities in romania in the post-communist era, luminita hartle, amanda quesenberry, & sharon doubet, progress in education for students with intellectual disabilities in saudi arabia: evaluating status, khalid h. alshamri, jaasep spring/summer 2020 - click here, effects of mass trials versus distributed trials during a shared story reading for students with moderate to severe disabilities, mona nasir-tucktuck, joshua n. baker, cori more, k. ryan wennerlind, and stephanie devine, a pilot study of a self-determination curriculum on secondary students  , brent a. askvig, melissa naslund, evan d. borisinkoff, and rebecca daigneault, student voices: a qualitative self-awareness study of college students with disabilities, chen-ya juan, penny l. cantley, james martin, and brad mays, effects of physical activity on executive function of children with adhd, jeffery l. hart and david phillips, inclusive book club: perspectives of undergraduate participants, shawnna helf, and debra leach, constructivism, zone of proximal development and target in a multi-dimensional classroom, bradley johnson, ph.d., playgrounds for “all” children, sharon e. rouse, rose b. jones and david w. walker, challenges to collaboration, inclusion and best practices within the special education community, cecilia scott-croff, use of visual performance feedback to increase teacher use of behavior-specific praise among high school students with severe disabilities, michelle l. simmons, robin h. lock, janna brendle, and laurie a. sharp, empowering refugee families of students with disabilities, sadia warsi, and karen fitzgerald, individual education plan considerations for online learning: accommodations, carolyn l. berenson, jaasep winter 2020 - click here, transition programs for individuals with disabilities: a post-secondary college experience leading to greater independence in life and work, karen h. feathers and deborah e. schadler, use of shaping to overcome the fear of entering a restroom: a case study of a preschooler with autism, suja m. george, and tamara soemali, the effects of cra/csa explicit instruction for students with and without disabilities taught in an inclusive setting, vanessa hinton, anna gibbs, and toni franklin, cultural issues: treating & diagnosing adhd, noe ramos, and john lowdermilk, the impact of social communication on employment success for adolescents with asd, beth clavenna-deane, mary pearson, and blake hansen, hopes and hurdles: parents’ perceptions and experiences with transition planning for students with intellectual disabilities, jason robinson, and tracy gershwin mueller, how early experiences in cognitive development improve working memory and processing speed skills of children, heather dube, and sarah sarette, instruction in co-taught secondary classrooms: an exploratory case study in algebra 1, margaret p. weiss and wendy rodgers, the effects of relationship history on student responding in an academic setting, regan weston, tonya davis, and abby hodges, a brief primer of three major counseling theories for use by school-based personnel, samuel f. whitley, jaasep fall 2019 - click here, a systematic review of video modeling interventions to improve the independent living skills of students with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, kaylee s. wynkoop, daniel r. wissinger, and matthew van horn, what challenges do special education teacher educators encounter while preparing novice special education teachers, laurie a. sharp & frank goode, services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorders in the kingdom of saudi arabia, siddiq ahmed, morgan chitiyo, and mohamad al-jaffal, how parents of students with pandas or pans perceive the educational process, patricia rice doran and elizabeth o’hanlon, the changing role of the itinerant teacher of the deaf: a snapshot of current teacher perceptions, holly f. pedersen and karen l. anderson, augmentative and alternative communication in classrooms: special education teacher competences, rashed a. aldabas, overcoming adapted physical education barriers through collaboration among special educators and administrators, scott w.t. mcnamara, lisa silliman-french, valda morgan, and tammy l. stephens-pisecco, perceived effectiveness of classroom management interventions with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, darlene desbrow, theory to practice: implementation achievements and challenges of response to intervention in a rural district, brenda l. barrio, kira j. carbonneau, marcus poppen, darcy miller, michael dunn, and yun-ju hsiao, general educator perceptions of school support in teaching students with an iep, faith kenny, jaasep spring-summer 2019 - click here, use of projective techniques in emotional disturbance evaluations, ryan a. allen, timothy hanchon, & bradley bornancin, developing culturally responsive transition plans using the indicator 13 checklist, meungguk park, morgan chitiyo, changdeog huh, and waganesh zeleke, an assessment of perceived antecedents to attitudes of college students towards children with autism, anthony m. denkyirah, yaw nyadu offei & emmanuel k. acheampong, exploring the effects of the autismate application on a 12 year-old boy with asd: a case study, natalie g. wall, julie ivey, and karen frederick, addressing the need for progress in special education:  understanding endrew f. and the role of special educators, laura kern, heather peshak george, lauren l. evanovich, and stephanie martinez, creating self-efficacious special educators through mentoring during teacher preparation, mary m. lombardo-graves, challenging behavior in students with an intellectual disability: promoting understanding and compassionate educational practice, evelyn bilias-lolis and alyson m. martin, exploring preservice teachers' perceptions of preparedness to teach students with disabilities, linda m. reeves, rebecca m. giles, and todd johnson, but… how helpful is that  parents’ views on the helpfulness of selected resources when making educational decisions for their young children with disabilities, maría isolina ruiz, linda flynn-wilson, lauren giovingo, and philip g. wilson, an investigation of co-teaching to improve academic achievement of students with disabilities: a meta-analysis, mickey losinski, sara sanders, robin parks-ennis, nicole wiseman, jessica nelson, and antonis katsiyannis, evaluation of the rhythmic arts project, a multi-modal rhythm-based perception and action intervention, in a school-based setting in children with autism spectrum disorders, beth a. smith, eddie tuduri, emily mostovoy, denise pannell, and chris landon, jaasep winter 2019 - click here, responding to the endrew’s decision: measuring meaningful educational benefit, deborah w. hartman, social skills for students with moderate to severe disabilities: can community based instruction help, carissa hernandez, m.a. & saili s. kulkarni, ph.d., mobile hearing screening in a rural community school in ghana, an investigation of special education preservice teachers' perspectives and practices of steam education, ashley gess, ph.d.  & nai-cheng kuo, ph.d., increasing teachers' use of behavior-specific praise with the teacher vs. student game, renée e. lastrapes, ph.d. , jennifer n. fritz, ph.d. & robert c. hasson, ed.d., building independence through self-prompting with technology, dana r. reinecke, ph.d., bcba-d, meeting the needs of students with disabilities: characteristics of universal design of instruction in odds-beating middle schools, heather kurto, m.s. ed., kristen c. wilcox, ph.d. & kristie asaro-saddler, ph.d., social skill and self-advocacy goals: an iep study, gregory w. smith, ph.d., k. alisa lowrey, ph.d. & david walker, ed.d., perspectives on current practices and barriers to training for paraeducators of students with autism in inclusive settings, emily eyrolles sobeck, ph. d & rachel robertson, ph.d., bcba-d, poverty and learning: the effects of poverty in the classroom, dr. jessie s. thacker-king, download winter 2019 issue of jaasep - download page, fall 2018 jaasep - click here, understanding the removal of classroom auditory distractors: an interactive design, gregory w. smith, ph.d., audra i. classen, ph.d., paul j. riccomini, ph.d., & robyn r. brewer, graduate student (bcba program), communication in support of students with disabilities attending career technical education, christine powell, ed.d., strategies for supporting students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders in stem education, amelia k. moody, ph.d., dennis s. kubasko, ph.d. and allison r. walker, ph.d., gifting the ungifted: disproportionality of minority students in gifted education, nicholas catania, m.ed., prompting with wearable technology to increase teaching behaviors of a preservice special education teacher, andrew m. markelz m.ed., jonte c. taylor ph.d., mary catherine scheeler ph.d., paul j. riccomini ph.d., & david b. mcnaughton ph.d., “how am i doing” teaching children with emotional-behavioral disorders to self-manage their behaviors, lael tensfeldt, m.a., amory verroulx, m.a., bcba & jennifer n. mahdavi, ph.d, bcba-d., developing peer mediated interventions for secondary students with emotional and behavioral disorders, danielle feeney, m.ed., fostering reading motivation in self-contained classrooms for students with emotional and behavioral disorders, heidi r. cornell, ph.d., exceptional gifted in west virginia: reflections of a teacher of the exceptional gifted on the state program, dr. patricia coon, the effect of a skills-based behavioral program on raising the self-concept of individuals with mild intellectual disability in uae, dr. ousha almheiri, democratic citizenship education and inclusion: preparing preservice teachers for inclusive social studies, dennis j. urban, jr., spring/summer 2018 jaasep - click here, social skills and students with moderate to severe disabilities: can community based instruction help, carissa hernandez, ma and saili s. kulkarni, ph.d., supporting students with disabilities during group activities: five tools every inclusive mathematics educator needs, benjamin s. riden ph.d., andrew m. markelz ph.d. and m. kathleen heid ph.d., using an alternating treatment design in a co-taught classroom to measure student on-task behavior, randa g. keeley, ph.d., a whole language reading intervention: a case study, matthew glavach, ph.d. and warren pribyl, m.a., common purpose, uncommon results: a literacy collaboration for a preschooler with down syndrome, chelsea t. morris, m.ed. and rachel j. chidester, m.s., educational policy: instruction and assessment, christina m. sorrentino, increasing use of research-based practices: action research report on a college-school partnership to support instruction aligned to middle school common core math standards for students with significant disabilities, katherine trela, ph.d., wendy gladstone-brown, ed.d., norah merritt, ph.d. and leah raftis, ed.d., the impact of assistive technology on autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review, angela bollin, bs tr, ctrs, julia vandermolen, ph.d and taylor bierwagen, effects of video modeling and video modeling plus prompting and reinforcement on the daily living skills of a student with autism, kaylee s. wynkoop. ph.d., rachel e. robertson, ph.d., bcba-d and emily e. sobeck, ph.d., winter 2018 jaasep - click here, supervisory teacher coaching in k-12 classrooms, millicent carmouche and jelisa thompson, factors that may hinder the implementation of the school-wide positive behavior intervention support model, jonathan chitiyo and michael e. may, matching students to augmentative and alternative communication: a single case study, sarah dimeo, mary frances baxter, susan zapf, jane pemberton, and husny amerih, academic experiences of students who are deaf at the university of education, winneba, ghana, alexander m. oppong, joyce adu, daniel fobi, and emmanuel k. acheampong, the effect of video modeling on preschoolers’ learning who are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis, sanpalei nylla lyngdoh, m.a. and konabe bene, ph.d., autism support teachers’ attitudes about inclusion for children with autism, twila lukowiak, ed.d., james ghareeb, b.s., sarah wadi, b.s., samantha stanis, b.s. & jack walter, disabilities and social engagement: inclusive classroom preparation for pre-service art teachers, alyssia ruggiero, student engagement in an online special education-general education graduate program, laron scott and priyadarshini pattath, mindfulness meditation with high school students who receive special education services: research recommendations from a pilot study, ernest solar, ph.d., fall 2017 jaasep - click here, implementation of a post-secondary inclusive recreation program, chris brown, ph.d., john david johnson, ph.d. & ibrahim z. elsawy, ph.d., strengthening social and emotional intelligences through writing, jeanne hager burth, ed.d. & michelle mcconnell, b.s., let’s get parents ready for their initial iep meeting, helen hammond & lawrence ingalls, preparing preservice teachers for inclusive classrooms: a state-wide survey of teacher education faculty, lucinda anne lang, ph.d. & sherry mee bell, ph.d., are we practicing what we are preaching an evaluation of self-determination instructional components in ieps at a midwestern high school, nancy lopez, ed.d. & julia b. stoner, ed.d., ccc-slp, stretch (students ready to make change): making a difference in the lives of students, effects of activity schedules on challenging behavior for children with autism, dr. rachel scalzo, dr. tonya n. davis, regan weston, elizabeth dukes, dana leeper, nandar min, allen mom, jessica stone & alex weber, alternative approaches to iep conflict: a review of the literature, laura sinkonis, m.ed., evaluating the validity and reliability of a student self-advocacy teacher rating scale, christopher m. walick, ph.d., spring/summer 2017 jaasep - click here, the history of behavioral treatments in autism: from the punitive to the positive, jennifer l. suppo, ed.d., how early experiences in a kindergarten classroom shape the development of self-regulation skills of children, eloisa darcy, ed. d., sarah sarette, ed. d., anna boghigian and marley martin, mothers’ perspectives and experiences of speech generating devices, yeunjoo lee, ph.d. and luis a. vega, ph.d., teachers' pedagogical competence in adapting curricula for children with learning difficulties (ld) in primary schools in ghana, abdul-razak kuyini alhassan and chigorom okechukwu abosi, parents are the experts: understanding parent knowledge and the strategies they use to foster collaboration with special education teams, colby kervick, ed. d, examination of social story format on frequency of undesired behaviors, robyn thompson, ph.d., and susan s. johnston, ph.d., preparing early childhood educators for blending practices in inclusive classrooms, mary donegan-ritter, ph. d. and frank kohler, ph. d., pre-service teachers assisting the transition of the student with autism from school to adulthood, jeanne hager burth, ed.d., pre-service teacher self-efficacy for teaching students with disabilities: what knowledge matters, brooke browarnik, sherry mee bell, r. steve mccallum, kelly smyth and melissa martin, variables affecting the amputees' reactions artificial limbs in the kingdom of jordan, mezyed al-adwan, yahya najjar, maha hdaib and monadel al-khateeb, winter 2017 jaasep - click here, how expert special educators effectively negotiate their job demands, shawna p. ortogero, ph.d., rhonda s. black, ed.d.  and bryan g. cook, ph.d., inclusive concurrent enrollment: a promising postsecondary transition practice for building self-determination among students with intellectual disability, amy l. cook, ph.d., felicia l. wilczenski, ed.d. and laura vanderberg, ph.d., improving outcomes for students with disabilities: identifying characteristics of successful districts, melissa devries, m.ed. and oran tkatchov, m.ed., a comparative study of teachers’ pedagogical competencies in supporting children with learning difficulties in primary schools in ghana and brunei darussalam, okechukwu abosi, ph.d, and abdul razak kuyini alhassan, ph.d., a case study of factors that influenced the attrition or retention of two first-year special education teachers, marquis c. grant, ed.d., significant outcomes in case law in the united states: autism and idea in 2013, transition issues and changes in diagnostic evaluation criteria, doris adams hill, ph.d. and jonte taylor, ph.d., effectiveness of pearson’s successmaker mathematics for students with disabilities, steven k. mckissick, teachers’ methodologies and sources of information on hiv/aids for students with visual impairments in selected residential and integrated schools in ghana, samuel k. hayford and frederick ocansey, managing asthma in elementary and middle schools: adherence to federal laws and national guidelines, ethan j. schilling, ph.d., stacey neuharth-pritchett, ph.d., yvette q. getch, ph.d. and a michele lease, ph.d., use of social narratives as an evidence-based practice to support employment of young adults with asd: practitioner’s guide, jamie thomas, m.s. and susan nix, m.ed., fall 2016 jaasep - click here, examining the attitudes of secondary general education and special education teachers toward inclusion of children with autism in general education classrooms, morghan e. bosch, ed.d., action research report: using objects to increase reading comprehension in students with significant cognitive disabilities, sheila bravo, the redundancy effect on retention and transfer for individuals with high symptoms of adhd, victoria brown, david lewis and mario toussaint, guidelines for the administration of educational programs for students who are deaf/hard of hearing, visually impaired, or deafblind, susan bruce, kay ferrell and john l. luckner, teaching reading comprehension to students with autism spectrum disorders in social studies classrooms: middle school teacher perceptions, lisa burke, wu-ying hsieh, norma lopez-reyna and kathryn servilio, general education and special education teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion, david a. hernandez, susan hueck and carmen charley, steps to becoming independent: toilet training challenges facing children with autism spectrum disorder, andrea belyea, herbert neely and julie p. jones, leadership style of head teachers of basic special schools as correlates of retention of special needs educators in southern ghana, felix kwame kumedzro, nelly otube, chomba wamunyi and mary runo, revisiting the regular education initiative: multi-tiered systems of support can strengthen the connection between general and special education, debra leach and shawnna helf, effects of inclusion classrooms on academic achievement of students with learning disabilities and students in general education, sharon ware, spring/summer 2016 jaasep - click here, the implications of a system-wide positive behavioral intervention initiative: from design to successful implementation, vance l. austin, micheline s. malow, nikki l. josephs and andrew j. ecker, creating an environment for pre-service teachers to work with learners with special needs, are we ready to have teachers with learning disabilities a study of school principals' observations, heidi flavian, ph.d., follow-up study to family members’ reactions to the initial special education meeting, dr. lawrence ingalls, dr. helen hammond, mr. carlos paez and mr. ivan rodriguez, perceptions of parents of children with autism spectrum disorders towards their partnerships with teachers, yun-ju hsiao, ph.d., brain gym: pseudoscientific practice, kevin kroeze, bae, keith j. hyatt, ed.d., and m. chuck lambert, ph.d., housing and independent living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, debra leach, ed.d., using the “asked” model to contrive motivations and teach individuals with asd to ask wh-questions in natural settings, cheryl ostryn, ph.d., bcba-d, lba, an analysis of factors influencing low enrolment and retention of girls with disabilities in integrated primary schools in embu county, kenya, njeru idah muthoni, dr. nelly otube and dr. samson rosana ondigi, employing case study methodology in special educational settings, angelise m. rouse, ph.d., retraction statement, jaasep winter 2016 - click here, the effects of special education training on educator efficacy in classroom management and inclusive strategy use for students with autism in inclusion classes, lynn d. parsons, ph.d., heather miller, ph.d. and aaron r. deris, ph.d., the effectiveness of using a social story intervention to improve social interaction skills of students with autism, mohammed al zyoudi, oshua al murhairi, enas olimat and abedsalm al zyoudi, preventing and responding to student escalation: combining de-escalation strategies and function-based support, chelsea martel and brian cavanaugh, ed.d., teaching sam to read: an integrated team approach with one child with asd, gail coulter, ph.d. and roger sasnett, ph.d., high stakes testing in the 21st century: implications for students in special education, lola gordon, ed.s., identifying and correcting barriers to successful inclusive practices: a literature review, marquis c. grant, m.ed., ed.d. and kimberly michelle jones-goods, mps, ph.d., cameras in self-contained classrooms: legal, professional and student implications, ashlee ivie, effects of an intervention on math achievement for students with learning disabilities, vivian d. kitchens, ph.d., aaron r. deris, ph.d. and marilyn k. simon, ph.d, crossing borders and building bridges: a video ethnography of special education in nuevo progresso, mexico, john lowdermilk, ph.d., mrs. julie pecina, cheryl fielding, ph.d. and mrs. lisa beccera, evaluating and using literature including people with disabilities in all classrooms, mary ellen oslick, ph.d. and mary pearson, ph.d., a pilot examination of the adapted protocol for classroom pivotal response teaching, aubyn c. stahmer, ph.d., jessica suhrheinrich, ph.d. and san diego state university, principals and teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion in israel, dr. itay hess, dr. sara zamir and ben- gurion, fall 2015 jaasep - click here, elements of good teaching and good teachers: a theoretical framework and effective strategies for special educators, vance l. austin, ph.d, what factors contribute to self-efficacy, hildy straus, ph.d., rhonda bondie, ph.d., co-teaching and collaboration: preservice teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and perceived sense of efficacy in teaching students with disabilities, tamara m. bowlin, ph.d., sherry mee bell, ph.d., mari beth coleman, ph.d. & david f. cihak, ph.d., creating a common table: using peer mediated intervention to promote social communication skills with at-risk and autism spectrum disorder populations, dr. lesley craig-unkefer & dr. jennifer loncola walberg, home-school collaboration for students with asds: parents’ perspectives, mary a. houser, ed.d., charlotte l. fontenot, ed.d., & john spoede, ph.d., validating an observation protocol to measure special education teacher effectiveness, dr. evelyn s. johnson & dr. carrie l. semmelroth, teaching play skills through the use of assistive technology and instructional strategies: a national survey, susan s. johnston, ph.d. & robyn m. thompson, m.s., student outcomes in a blended preschool program, sybil a. keesbury, ed.d., a meta-analytic review of tactile-cued self-monitoring interventions used by students in educational settings, dr. dennis mcdougall & dr. cecily ornelles, teachers’ knowledge of special education policies and practices, pamela sanders, ph.d., spring/summer 2015 jaasep - click here, table of contents, learning disabilities today: an examination of effective and not-so-effective interventions, vance l. austin, teaching algebraic equations to middle school students with intellectual disabilities, joshua n. baker, christopher j. rivera, joseph john morgan & noelle reese, students with disabilities in the polish educational system after the political changes (2007-2012), danuta apanel, fape and lre in online learning: special education directors’ perspectives, diana greer, ph.d., danna harvey, m.s., paula burdette, ph.d. & james basham, ph.d., a preliminary investigation of the benefits of computer-aided instruction in reading decoding for students with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities, doris adams hill, phd, bcba-d& margaret m. flores, phd, bcba-d, perspective taking through film: educating pre-service and in-service teachers about autism, jacqueline p. kelleher, comparing student and teacher perceptions of the importance of social skills in a self-contained setting, joseph john morgan ph.d., nicole dobbins, ph.d., yun-ju hsiao, ph.d., nancy brown, m.ed. & kyle higgins, ph.d., inclusive education practice in southwestern nigeria: a situational analysis, samuel olufemi adeniyi, ph.d. & akinkunmi oluwadamilare adeyemi, parent perspectives on home-based intervention for young children with developmental disabilities: the parent-implemented communication strategies (pics) project in illinois, usa, hedda meadan, ph.d., bcba-d, julia b. stoner, ed.d., ccc-slp & maureen e. angell, ph.d., the digital divide and inequities for students with disabilities: needed….a bridge over troubled waters, patricia a. tyson, winter 2015 jaasep - click here, effects of the picture exchange communication system (pecs) on maladaptive behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders (asd): a review of the literature, dana battaglia and mary e. mcdonald, comparing measure of academic progress (map) and piers-harris 2 scores of students with emotional and behavioral disorders, terrence rainer chisolm, perceptions of disability and special education services: the perspectives of korean-american parents of children with disabilities, nari choi and raymond ostendorf, instructional constraints faced by learners with muscular dystrophy: a case of joytown special primary school, thika, kenya, annrose wanjiku wang’ang’a, franciscah irangi wamocho and paul kioy, the perspectives of k-12 stakeholders involved in early implementation of response to intervention (rti), nai-cheng kuo, ph.d., the role of peer guided play for children with autism spectrum disorder, amy m. papacek, ph.d., improving science scores of middle school students with learning disabilities through engineering problem solving activities, leyf peirce starling, ya-yu lo and christopher j. rivera, service delivery for high school students with high incidence disabilities: issues and challenge, edward schultz, cynthia simpson, jane c. owen and christina janise mcintyre, teaching children with autism to ask questions, katie e. squires and alyssa bickel, the principals' impact on the implementation of inclusion, carmelita thompson, fostering special education certification through professional development, learning communities and mentorship, mitzi p. trahan, dianne f. olivier and donna e. wadsworth, fall 2014 jaasep - click here, speech-language services in public schools: how policy ambiguity regarding eligibility criteria impacts speech-language pathologists in a litigious and resource constrained environment, lesley sylvan, ed.d, ccc-slp, are parents really partners in their child’s education, clarissa e. rosas, ph.d. and kathleen g. winterman, ed.d, vocational rehabilitation counselors’ perceived influences on the secondary transition planning process and postsecondary outcomes of students with disabilities, vickie miller-warren, ed.d., gender differences in emotional or behavioral problems in elementary school students, amanda malfitano, african american parental beliefs about resiliency:  a delphi study, vita jones, ph. d., kyle higgins, ph.d., randall boone, ph.d., susan p. miller, ph.d., & nancy sileo, ed.d., blending common core standards and functional skills in thematic units for students with significant intellectual disabilities, karena cooper-duffy and glenda hyer, effects of peer tutoring and academic self-monitoring on the mathematics vocabulary performance of secondary students with emotional or behavioral disorders, brittany l. hott, anya evmenova and frederick j. brigham, teaching multiplication with regrouping using the concrete-representational-abstract sequence and the strategic instruction model, margaret m. flores and toni m. franklin, student and teacher perceptions of the five co-teaching models: a pilot study, randa g. burks-keeley, m.a. and monica r. brown, ph.d., students with disabilities’ perspectives of stem content and careers, kimberly e bryant davis, a researcher’s story of assessing motor skills of children with autism spectrum disorder, casey m. breslin and alice m. buchanan, the impact of video modeling on improving social skills in children with autism, dr mohammed alzyoudi, professor  abedalziz. sartawi and dr. osha almuhiri, spring-summer 2014 jaasep - click here, using e-readers to improve reading for students with mild disabilities, amy camardese, m. eileen morelli, yehuda peled and maile kirkpatrick, importance of quality of life issues: a pilot comparison of teachers and parents of children with autism spectrum disorders, julie ivey-hatz and karen frederick, effects of early childhood education on children with hearing impairments in special schools in kiambu, murang’a and nyeri counties, kenya, chege loise w, franciscah  i. wamocho and john aluko orodho, bringing aba into early childhood routines to meet the needs of young children with asd, perceptions of pre-service teachers as they relate to professional practice, emily williams, elissa poel, miguel licona, elsa arroyos and alma meraz-rodriguez, effectiveness of transitional and follow-up programmes to community integration of young adults with intellectual disabilities (yawid) in kiambu county, kenya, margaret w. makanya, mary runo and violet wawire, family communication: strategies for building effective partnerships and working relationships, emily r. shamash and alyson m. martin, adhd in preschool:  approaches and teacher training, ajay singh and jane squires, practitioners' perceptions of their knowledge, skills and competencies in online teaching of students with and without disabilities, diana l. greer, sean j. smith and james d. basham, effects of environmental and instructional factors on student motivation and self-directed learning, anne d. burkhalter, denise a. rich-gross, ph.d., winter 2014 jaasep - click here, preservice teachers’ attitudes toward inclusive education policy in the united states, paul m. ajuwon, ph.d., effie laman, ed.d., & john c. earle, ph.d., autism spectrum disorders and implications for teachers, crystal echaniz, m.a. &  kathleen a. cronin, ph.d., stop the blame game: teachers and parents working together to improve outcomes for students with behavior disorders, melissa davis, positive and negative aspects of inclusion services, christye hayes, m.ed., ed.s., teacher perceptions of response to intervention implementation, j. kevin jenkins, ed.d  &  dia sekayi, ph.d, supporting preschool children with autism spectrum disorders (asd) and their families, dr. jin-ah kim, dr. nancy cavaretta & krystle fertig, ma, adolescence: a period of transition, leena jo landmark  &  trina geye, students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder participating in recess, matthew d. lucas, ed.d, michael  j. justice & kelly m. rosko, issues and concerns of assessment for english language learners with learning disabilities, blanca pichardo, maximizing the potential of our youth with intellectual disabilities: rethinking functional curriculum, trust and communication: perspectives of mothers of children with disabilities on the role and importance of communication in trusting relationships with teachers, julia b. stoner ed.d., ccc-slp  &  maureen e. angell, ph.d., fall 2013 jaasep - click here, responses to positive versus negative interventions to disruptive classroom behavior in a student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd), renee b. brown, a comparison of two curricular models of professional development to increase teacher repertoires for instructing students with autism, information needs and information seeking behavior of teachers of special education in shillong, india, bikika laloo and jocica l. buhril, helping preservice special educators scaffold the reflection process, elissa wolfe poel, monica r. brown, luis-vicente reyes, and cristóbal rodríguez, preparing preservice teachers to address bullying through cartoon lessons, audrey c. rule, stephanie r. logan, and frank w. kohler, special educator evaluation: cautions, concerns and considerations, carrie semmelroth, evelyn johnson, and keith allred, working together for learning together: supporting students and teachers with collaborative instruction, cynthia t. shamberger and marilyn friend, general education teachers’ knowledge of and attitudes toward students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders: are they still being overlooked and underserved, roben wallace taylor and ravic p. ringlaben, should i stay or should i go revisiting influencing factors of sped teacher attrition & retention: a review of the literature, raschelle theoharis and michael fitzpatrick, spring-summer 2013 jaasep - click here, using a four-point scaled writing rubric: improving the quantity and the quality of the writing in a first grade specialized 8:1:1 classroom, lynn carlson, effective inclusion strategies for professionals working with students with disabilities, kathleen a. hogan, marla lohmann, and rose champion, professional development to support students with disabilities in multi-tier classrooms:  a case study, brooke blanks, integrated education in contemporary poland, the effects of self-graphing on oral reading fluency for a student with e/bd within an alternative education school, sara c. mcdaniel, kristine jolivette and robin parks ennis, applied behavior analysis: current myths in public education, cheryl fielding, john lowdermilk, lauren l. lanier, abigail g. fannin, jennifer l. schkade, chad a. rose, and cynthia g. simpson, application of the rti model in learning disability diagnosis: perceptions of current practices by new jersey special education administrators, pamela e. lowry, an exploratory study of successful paperwork management techniques for novice special education teachers, richard l. mehrenberg, factors influencing teacher behavior with students with diverse learning and behavioral needs, edward k. schultz and cynthia g. simpson, educational outcomes for students with special needs: the impact of support and resources on teachers’ perceptions, traci y. sharpe, winter 2013 jaasep - click here, identifying and integrating relevant educational/instructional technology (e/it) for culturally and linguistically diverse (cld) students with disabilities in urban environments, implementing and monitoring the response to intervention process: the special educator perspective, leigh k. gates,  john c. fischetti, and amelia moody, nature and causes of locomotor disabilities in india, santoshi halder and arindam talukdar, the over identification of minority males in middle school special education programs: examining the rti modely, nicole anderson-irish, literacy based behavioral interventions and video self-modeling with students with autism spectrum disorder (asd), debra leach and jennifer rodecki, m.ed., students with speech impairments participating in recess, matthew d. lucas and carolyn r. watson, writing ieps for the audience of teachers, parents, and students: the case for the communicative individual education program, richard j. lucido, comparison of gifted and advanced students on motivation toward science learning and attitude toward science, mustafa serdar köksal, exploring the experiences of special educators following the joplin tornado, allyson palmer, addressing the shortage of speech-language pathologists in school settings, katie squires, fall 2012 jaasep - click here, factors that affect the success of students with emotional and behavioral disorders in inclusive placements, naomi arseneau m.s. ed, theoretical frameworks for math fact fluency, katherine arnold, liberty university, fape model of exceptional student education leadership, dr. russell g. dubberly, working towards math facts mastery, anne durham, district-wide pbis team questions related to using the pbis framework to transition students with challenging behaviors from an alternative school to a neighborhood school, kristine jolivette, nicole c. swoszowski, nikki l. josephs, sara c. mcdaniel, & robin parks ennis, students with obsessive compulsive disorder participating in recess, matthew d. lucas, ed.d. c.a.p.e. & amanda l. sturgis, current issues in teaching bilingual children with autism spectrum disorder, amelia m. medina and judy t. salamon, an evaluation of inclusive education of students with visual impairment in schools and university in beira, mozambique, lawrence nhemachena, samuel kusangaya, & isaiah gwitira, transition knowledge of high school special education teachers in a midwestern school district, christine peper, & kristen mcmaster, the competency based community assessment: a five step process, laura a. roberts, ph.d., & orv c. karan, ph.d., download this issue of jaasep - ( aasep members login to access download ), spring/summer 2012, resilience theory: risk and protective factors for novice special education teachers, thomas l. benjamin & rhonda s. black, the ability-achievement model versus the response to intervention model:  which model is more accurate in the assessment of diagnosing students with learning disabilities, debra camp-mccoy, a program evaluation of an inclusive model for training pre-service general education teachers to work with students with special needs, joanna e. cannon, nicole c. swoszowski, peggy gallagher & susan r. easterbrooks, evaluation of push-in/integrated therapy in a collaborative preschool for children with special needs, stephen j. hernandez, students with multiple sclerosis participating in recess, matthew d. lucas, ed.d. c.a.p.e. & jamie brentlinger, perspectives of parents who have a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, lori a. kalash, ed.d. & myrna r. olson, ed.d., high fructose corn syrup, mercury, and autism - is there a link, heather a. opalinski, the use of a functional behavioral assessment-based self management intervention for students with emotional/behavioral disorders, saleem `a. rasheed, ph. d., cecil fore, iii, ph.d., arthur jones, ed. s. & latisha smith, ph.d., teaching common core math practices to students with disabilities, michelle stephan & jennifer smith, involuntary teacher transfer in special education: concepts and strategies for teachers facing new assignments, jan stivers, sharon f. cramer & kate riordan, how one teacher, two students with visual impairments, and a three-year r & d project could change how all students learn science, vicki urquhart, download this issue of jaasep  ( naset members - login access this issue), winter 2012, consulting to support emotional behavioral disordered students: implementing a behavioral school-based approach, faith andreasen, finding opportunity in co-teacher personality conflicts, kara boyer & cory mcmillen, meeting the needs of special education students in inclusion classrooms, cathy ledoux, shanna l. graves & winona burt, community-based instruction (cbi) as a component of a successful transition plan for students with intellectual disabilities, dr. russell dubberly, postsecondary education experience for students with developmental disabilities: a look into perceptions of parents of senior high transition students on a small university campus, neil friesland & brad king, autistic spectrum disorder and assistive technology: action research case study of reading supports, james e. gentry & pam lindsey, a qualitative study of special education certification methods and how they affect teacher efficacy, the classroom infrastructure and the early learner: reducing aggression during transition times, caroline guardino & elizabeth kirby fullerton, development of web quest lesson enhancing thai reading skills for students with down syndrome at lower elementary, nantawan kaewchote & maturos chongchaikit, should children with auditory processing disorders receive services in schools, jay r. lucker, the use of a rubric as a tool to guide pre-service teachers in the development of ieps, clarissa e. rosas & kathleen g. winterman, quality care for down syndrome and dementia, amanda tedder, does repeated reading improve reading fluency and comprehension for struggling adolescent readers, kristine lynn still & christine a. flynt, the psychological, behavioral, and educational impact of immigration: helping recent immigrant students to succeed in north american schools, thomas mcintyre, ellis i.barowsky & virginia tong, high anxiety: addressing family issues in the transition of students with disabilities from middle grades to high school, nancy brigham & cynthia m. aguilar, identifying and helping struggling readers, antonio hairston, research in reading interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders, thienhuong hoang & michael oshiro, personal epistemology and self-efficacy in the special education teacher, bradley w. johnson, cooking for independence: middle school students gain skills while cooking, gloria mixon, a student’s guide to navigating the irb: how to successfully navigate a potentially overwhelming process, corinne m. murphy & claire verden, teacher candidates’ knowledge of special education law, pamela sanders, m.ed., a veteran special education teacher and a general education social studies teacher model co-teaching: the copd model, karen a. thomas-brown & peggy sepetys, how do job related field experiences affect job readiness in secondary transition students, michelle uetz, using music to increase math skill retention, catherine yoho, spring/summer 2011, table of contents - spring/summer 2011, attitudes among vietnamese educators towards students with disabilities and their implications relative to inclusive practices: the findings of a preliminary investigation vance l. austin, an exploration of instructional support use in a secondary science classroom, doris kennedy tyler, students with sickle cell anemia participating in recess, matthew d. lucas, who does the alternate assessment really assess, debra bruster, exploring transition education and community-based instruction for high school students with disabilities: a practice in taiwan, cheng-chen pan, correlates of attitudes toward academic and physical inclusive practices for students with disabilities and selected leadership behaviors among middle school principals in north carolina, mary a. houser, virginia dickens & terence hicks.

Study of Thai Language Oral Reading Problems for Students with Down Syndrome: Grade Range 1

Podcasting and Digital Video in the Classroom: A Call for Research

John H. Newman

Students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Participating in Recess

Rebecca Scheel & Matthew D. Lucas

Differentiating for Struggling Readers and Writers: Improving Motivation and Metacognition through Multisensory Methods & Explicit Strategy Instruction

Jennifer Walet

Extracurricular Activities and 504 Plans

George Wilkerson

Using an Accountability Tool to Improve the Quality of Outcomes on Individual Family Service Plans

Kristen M. Votava, Carol Johnson , & Kari Chiasson

Spring/summer  2011 jaasep - click here, winter  2011 jaasep - click here, effective teacher behaviors evident in successful teachers of students with emotional and behavioral disorders vance l. austin, ellis i. barowsky, micheline s. malow, & diane w. gómez, students with mild mental retardation participating in recess matthew d. lucas, teaching artists: serving special education students in local schools roberta levitt & louisa kramer-vida, a multi-faceted approach to successful transition for students with intellectual disabilities russell g. dubberly, high school teacher perceptions of the student assistance team process jeff stoehr & jody isernhagen, a review of research on the educational benefits of the inclusive model of education for special education students sherry l. hicks-monroe, the millennial generation special education teacher: promise or problem rich mehrenberg, one-to-one in the inclusive classroom: the perspectives of paraeducators who support adolescents with autism spectrum disorder christopher healy, the role of self-efficacy on job readiness s and career choice among people with intellectual disability in singapore jen-yi li & li li goh, download this issue of jaasep, fall  2010 jaasep - click here, identifying and working with elementary asperger’s students in rural america barton allen, vito loiacono & james s. vacca, rise to the challenge: examining the relationship of swimming & autism spectrum disorders elizabeth p. kuhfuss & matthew d. lucas, preservice general education teachers’ attitudes and knowledge of special education patricia mahar, katherine terras, kari chiasson, lynne chalmers, & tricia lee, multiple-choice tests with correction allowed in autism: an excel applet elisabetta monari martinez, the use of assistive technology for people with special needs in the uae abdurrahman ghaleb almekhalfi & sana tibi, punishment strategies: first choice or last resort twila lukowiak & jennifer bridges, picture exchange communication system for individuals with autism spectrum disorder lauren e. andersen, special education is broken lacie rader, locus of control, interest in schooling and science achievement of some deaf and typical secondary school students in nigeria r. ademola olatoye & e. mosunmola aanu, m.ed., educational solutions for children with cerebral palsy lynn driver, donna riccio omichinski, nicole miller, danielle sandella, & seth warschausky, teachers’ perceptions on special education preparation: a descriptive study clarissa e. rosas & kathleen g. winterman, comparison of metacognitive strategies used by individuals with adhd in online instruction victoria brown, download this issue of jaasep  (loggin required), spring/summer  2010 jaasep - click here.

The Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Academic Achievment of Girls with Hearing Impairments in Secondary Schools for the Deaf in Kenya Beatrice Bunyasi Awori, John K. Mugo, John A. Orodho & G. K. Karugu

Special Education and at-Risk Kindergarteners as Authors Louisa Kramer-Vida, Roberta Levitt & Susan P. Kelly

Sensory Integration Used with Children with Asperger’s Syndrome Analisa L. Smith

Use of Art/Art Work and Cognitive Skill for the Rehabilitation of Special Children of 4-9 Years of Age Zubair Hina

Social Issues Surrounding the Adolescent with Asperger Syndrome: Perceptions of Parents and Teachers Karen Hurlbutt & Elaine LaPlante

St udents with Autism Participating in Recess Matthew D. Lucas & Kourtney M. Nichols

A Comparison Between Collaborative and Authoritative Leadership Styles of Special Education Administrators Natasha W. Veale

The Effect of Embossed Picture Technique on Reading Performance of Learners with Hearing Impairments: A Case of Kambui School for the Deaf Sella Munyendo & Franciscah  Irangi Wamocho

Download this Issue of JAASEP ( Loggin Required )


Training and Support for Parents of Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Twila Lukowiak

Recess for Students with Visual Impairments Matthew Lucas

Positive Behavioral Strategies for Students with EBD and Needed Supports for Teachers and Paraprofessionals Twila Lukowiak

Planning a Good School Experience for Children with Autism: A Family’s Story Ling-Ling Tsao & Dena Krueger

A Preliminary Study on Sight Word Flash Card Drill: Does it Impact Reading Fluency? Sharla N. Fasko & Daniel Fasko, Jr .

An Introduction to Literary Quaranic Stylistics Dr. Lubna Almenoar

Learning to Critique Disability Children’s Literature Available to Teacher Candidates in Their Local Communities Alicja Rieger

Assessing and Teaching Reading to Pupils with Reading Disabilities in Nyeri and Nairobi Districts-Kenya: The Teachers’ Opinion Mary Runo, Geoffrey Kargu & John K. Mugo

Response to Intervention and Identifying Reading Disability Thienhuong Hoang

The Importance of Identifying and Studying the Reasons Why Special Education Students Drop Out of High School Richard Wieringo


Jaasep - spring 2009 - login required.

The Relationship Between Childhood Traumatic Experiences and Gang-Involved Delinquent Behavior in Adolescent Boys Nichole L. Adams, Sergei V. Tsytsarev, and Paul J. Meller

What Do Brothers and Sisters Think? An Investigation of Expectations of Siblings with Autism Spectrum Disorders Julie K. Ivey and Lucy Barnard-Brak

Investigating Secondary Special Educator’s Perception of Interagency Collaboration Jen Yi Li and Hsintai Lin

Resistance to Change: Overcoming Institutional and Individual Limitations for Improving Student Behavior Through PLCs John W. Maag

Preparing Students with Moderate/Severe Disabilities for Employment Peter Dragula

Academic Interventions Implemented to Teach Students with Emotional Disturbance Twila Lukowiak

From LD to Degree- Effective techniques for the Student with a Learning Disability Joshua A. Del Viscovo

Author Guid elines for Submission to JAASEP

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JAASEP - Winter 2009 - Login Required

A Comparison of the Effects of Tactile and Auditory Stimulation and Choice on the Problem Solving of Students with Attention Problems Stacey Emmert, Suneeta Kercood and Janice A. Grskovic

Significance of Multiple Intelligence Among Children with Special Needs S.Saradha priyadarshini

Foster Youth Who Have Succeeded in Higher Education: Common Themes Thomas Lovitt and John Emerson

A Mother’s Story about Raising Children with Disabilities Sadia Warsi

Due Process: A Primer for Special Education Teachers Roberta Wiener

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JAASEP - Fall 2008 - Login Required

Social Skills Training: Evaluating its Effectiveness for Students with Learning Disabilities, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Gregory Campbell

Assessment Beyond IQ Donna Riccio Omichinski, Marie Van Tubbergen, & Seth Warschausky

A Qualitative Study of Students with Behavioral Problems Participating in Service-Learning Michael P. O’Connor

Incorporating Research Based Strategies to Empower Educational Staff in Supporting Students with EBD Cathy A. Bradley, Courtney Degler, Larry Zamora & Michael Fitzpatrick

Steps for Special Education Teachers to Take to Appropriately Service Students Who Practice Islam Matthew D. Lucas

Inclusive Education Lukischa Lambert

Perceptual Differences in Quality Standards Among Teachers and Related Service Personnel Who Work with Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders Maria L. Manning, Lyndal M. Bullock and Robert A. Gable

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JAASEP - Summer 2008 - Login Required

Instructional Tactics That Facilitate Inclusion William N. Bender, Richard T. Boon & Joe Ann Hinrichs

Master's Level Teacher Preparation for Educating Immigrant Students with Special Needs in US Schools John J. Hoover, Ph.D., Judy Smith-Davis, Ph.D., Leonard Baca, Ed.D., & Emily Wexler Love, Doctoral Candidate

Special Education Editorial: Autism Should Be a Singular Discipline for Undergraduate Study Sara E. Nixon

No Child Left Behind: Implications for Special Education Students and Students with Limited English Proficiency Dr. Mark E. Jewell

Cultural Identity and Special Education Teachers Loretta Salas, Ed.D., & Eric J. López, Ph.D.

Special Education Debate

Natalie Bogg & Vernette Hansen

The Impact of Assistive Technology on Vocabulary Acquistion of a Middle School Student with Learning Disabilities and Limited English Proficiency James E. Gentry, Ed.D. & Pam Lindsey, Ph.D.

Seven Winnings to Inclusion Patricia Mahar, Ph.D

An Investigation of Agency and Marginality in Special Education Robert C. McOuat

“A League of Our Own”-The Implementation of the Vocabulary Football League Karen Talalas and Bill Gallache

PDF File Version of the Summer 2008 JAASEP

JAASEP - WINTER 2008 - Login Required

Table of contents.

Evaluating Childhood Bipolar Disorder: A Survey of School Psychologists Knowledge and Practices Linda A. Mayo and Joseph A. Mayo

Using the Choice-making Skills of Students with Disabilities for Educational Planning Marie Van Tubbergen, Donna Omichinski, and Seth Warschausky

Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on a Student with an Emotional/Behavioral Disorder Val Rae M. Boe

Self-Determination Skills in Postsecondary Students with Learning Disabilities Saleem A. Rasheed

Integrating Service-Learning in Teacher Education to Raise Disability Awareness Lynn DeCapua

Future Action Research  - The Relationship of the General and Special Education Teachers in the Inclusive Setting James D. Oliver III

Essay - Strategies for Differentiated Instruction Rachael Cook

PDF File Version of the Winter 2008 JAASEP

JAASEP Fall 2007 - Login Required

Faculty Epistemological Beliefs as a Mediator to Attitudes Toward Persons with Disabilities Lucy Barnard, Tara Stevens, Kamau O. Siwatu, & William Y. Lan

Relationship Between Service Coordinator Practices and Early Intervention Services Mary Beth Bruder and Carl J. Dunst

Individualized Interventions: When Teachers Resist Sharla N. Fasko

No Child Left Behind’s Implementation in Urban School Settings: Implications for Serving Students with Emotional and Behavior Disorders Michael Fitzpatrick and Earle Knowlton

The Impact of High-Stakes Testing for Individuals with Disabilities: A Review Synthesis Richard Boon, Debbie Voltz, Carl Lawson, Sr.,and Michael Baskette

Special Education Professionals and Assistive Technology: Requirements for Preparation in a Digital Age George R. Peterson-Karlan, Jack J. Hourcade, Howard P. Parette, and Brian W. Wojcik

Book Review - The Short Bus: A Journey Beyond Normal Richard L. Mehrenberg

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JAASEP Archive

Spring 2007 jaasep - login required.

A Meta-analytic Review: Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Students with Disabilities Thienhuong Hoang and Mark Dalimonte

Recruitment and Retention of Assessment Personnel Cynthia G. Simpson, Sharon A. Lynch, and Vicky G. Spencer

Paving the Way for Women with Asperger Syndrome Karen Hurlbutt

No Child Left Behind and Paraprofessionals: Are They Perceived To Be Highly Qualified? Heather G. Nelson, Betty Y. Ashbaker, Shannon Coetzee, and Jill Morgan

Using a Checkbook Management System to Decrease the Inappropriate Speaking-Out Behaviors of a 14-Year-Old Special Education Student Martha Smith-Fontenot and Wendy Lowe Siegel

The Section 504 Process in Middle School: Perspectives of Parents, Teachers and Section 504 Coordinators Kari Chiasson and Myrna R. Olson

Winter 2007 JAASEP - Login Required

Widely Used Disciplinary Options for Aggressive Kids: Are the Current Approaches Effective? Tracy Blankenship and William N. Bender

The Effects of Functional Communication Training on the Appropriate Behavior of a Student with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Kristine Jolivette, Janine P. Stichter, David E. Houchins, and Christina Kennedy

School-Age Homeless Children: Crucial Transporters of Literacy Activities in the Shelter Sadia Warsi

Transition Planning: Improved Methods to Promote Student Success from High School to the Workforce Christopher Martin, Richard T. Boon, and Cordy Love

A Comparison of Inclusive versus Resource Classroom Placement for Black Students with Mild Disabilities at the Secondary Level: Is There a Need for Separation? Earle Graham, Carl Lawson, Saleem `A. Rasheed,  and Deborah Voltz

Adventure Based Learning Experience (ABLE) Robert M. White

FALL 2006 JAASEP - LOGIN to Access Articles

The Emperor Has No Clothes! Unanswered Questions and Concerns on the Response To Intervention Procedure Michael R. Baskette, Lisa Ulmer, and William N. Bender 

Creating a Motivating Classroom: What Really Motivates Students to Achieve in Secondary Content-Area Classrooms? Richard T. Boon, Vicky G. Spencer, & Tara Jeffs

Does Inclusion Work?  Teacher Verification of Proof of Impact Sherwin D. Holmes, Joyce W. Barclay, Bonnie Dupuis, Valerie K. Lewis, Morgan Platt, and Steven H. Shaha

A Glimpse into the Lives of Mothers and their Children in a Homeless Shelter: What has Changed Over the Decades? Sadia Warsi

Using Conceptual Models of Teaching to Incorporate a Dog into a Self-Contained Classroom for Students with Severe Emotional or Behavioral Disorders: A Research-Based Intervention Katherine L. Anderson and Myrna R. Olson

Improving the Spelling Performance of Students Who Are Deaf and Exhibit Characteristics Consistent with Learning Disabilities Monica Soukup

Teaching Homeless Students or Others about Homelessness:  Juvenile Literature Can Help Marissa Johnstun, Mary Anne Prater, Tina Taylor Dyches

Summer 2006 JAASEP - Login Required to Access Articles

The Perspectives and Assumptions of Pupil Appraisal Professionals in the Identification Process for Students with Behavioral Concerns Janice Rutledge Janz and Mary M. Banbury

Educational Implications for Children in Homeless Shelters and Beyond: Implications for All Educators and Child Advocates Sadia Warsi and Dorota Celinska

Research on Self-Management Techniques Used by Students with Disabilities in General Education Settings: A Promise Fulfilled? Dennis McDougall, Jim Skouge, Anthony Farrell and Kathy Hoff

Does Inclusion Help Students: Perspectives from Regular Education and Students with Disabilities Bonnie Dupuis, Joyce W. Barclay, Sherwin D. Holmes, Morgan Platt, Steven H. Shaha, and Valerie K. Lewis

What Does Health Have to Do with Transition? Everything! Ceci Shapland

Teaching Children With Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A Preschool Teacher Survey To Determine Best Practice Approach Joanne Grossi-Kliss,OTR/L

International Perspectives on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Comparison of Teachers in the United States and Sweden Steven Carlson, William Frankenberger, Kristina M. Hall, Sara J. Totten, and Katarina House

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Find Journals & Other Periodicals by Title

Search here for journal, magazine or newspaper titles. If you're looking for articles on a topic, use the  databases .

Examples: Newsweek , Journal of Educational Psychology .

Selected Special Education Journals

These links take you to a source with recent issues of the journal. Additional issues may be available via other sources. Use  Find Journals by Title  (above) to find alternate sources for a title.

  • American Annals of the Deaf
  • American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - AJIDD
  • Annals of Dyslexia
  • Autism : The International Journal of Research and Practice
  • Behavioral Disorders: Journal of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders
  • Brain Injury
  • British Journal of Learning Disabilities
  • Continuity in Education An open access, peer reviewed journal for the education of children and young people with medical and mental health needs.
  • Disability and Society
  • Disability Studies Quarterly
  • European Journal of Special Needs Education
  • Exceptional Children
  • Exceptionality
  • Exceptionality Education International Open access after 1 year
  • Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - IDD
  • International Journal of Disability, Development and Education
  • Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
  • Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
  • Journal of Early Intervention Offers blind peer reviewed articles "related to research and practice in early intervention for infants and young children with special needs and their families. . . .Key features include research reports, scholarly reviews, policy analyses, research methods, and "Innovative Practices".
  • Journal of Intellectual Disability Research An ISI ranked journal sponsored by mencap a UK-based "organisation promoting the interests of people with intellectual disability/learning disability and their families." Includes peer reviewed research and invited expert reviews.
  • Journal of Learning Disabilities
  • Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs
  • Journal of Science Education for Students with Disabilities - JSESD This open access, peer reviewed journal focuses on "science education for students with varying types and levels of disabilities."
  • The Journal of Special Education
  • Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
  • Journal of the American Academy of Audiology
  • Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness - American Foundation for the Blind
  • Journal on Developmental Disabilities
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Learning Disabilities Research & Practice - Council for Exceptional Children LDRP publishes blind peer reviewed articles "addressing the nature and characteristics of children and adults with learning disabilities, program development, assessment practices, and instruction. "
  • Learning Disability Quarterly
  • Psychology in the Schools
  • Remedial and Special Education
  • Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Research in Developmental Disabilities
  • Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders EMU's electronic access to this has 1 year delay. If you need a recent article, use interlibrary loan.
  • Rural Special Education Quarterly
  • TEACHING Exceptional Children - TEC
  • Tizard Learning Disability Review EMU's electronic access to this has 1 year delay. If you need a recent article, use interlibrary loan.
  • Topics in Early Childhood Special Education "The practical nature of this journal helps professionals improve service delivery systems for preschool children with special needs. Each issue features reports of original research, literature reviews, conceptual statements, position papers, and program descriptions."
  • Topics in Language Disorders
  • Volta Review - Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Young Exceptional Children

Selected Education Journals

  • AERA Open "A peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the American Educational Research Association (AERA)."
  • Afterschool Matters An open access peer-reviewed journal from the National Institute on Out-of-School Time.
  • American Educational Research Journal AERJ "publishes original empirical and theoretical studies and analyses in education that constitute significant contributions to the understanding and/or improvement of educational processes and outcomes." A blind peer reviewed journal from the American Educational Research Association.
  • American Journal of Education Sponsored by the Pennsylvania State College of Education, this peer reviewed journal publishes articles "that present research, theoretical statements, philosophical arguments, critical syntheses of a field of educational inquiry, and integrations of educational scholarship, policy, and practice."
  • Australian Journal of Teacher Education This open access peer- reviewed journal publishes research related to teacher education.
  • Child Development "As the flagship journal of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Child Development has published articles, essays, reviews, and tutorials on various topics in the field of child development since 1930." Uses blind peer review.
  • Cognition and Instruction This peer reviewed journal publishes articles on the "rigorous study of foundational issues concerning the mental, socio-cultural, and mediational processes and conditions of learning and intellectual competence." Articles are sometimes blind reviewed.
  • Comparative and International Education This open access peer-reviewed journal "is published twice a year and is devoted to publishing articles dealing with education in a comparative and international perspective."
  • Computers and Education Publishes peer reviewed articles on the use of computing technology in education.
  • Contemporary Educational Psychology "publishes articles that involve the application of psychological theory and science to the educational process."
  • Current Issues in Emerging eLearning (CIEE) "an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal of research and critical thought on eLearning practice and emerging pedagogical methods."
  • Democracy and Education Open access peer-reviewed journal "seeks to support and sustain conversations that take as their focus the conceptual foundations, social policies, institutional structures, and teaching/learning practices associated with democratic education."
  • Developmental Review This peer reviewed journal "emphasizes human developmental processes and gives particular attention to issues relevant to child developmental psychology."
  • Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education This official publication of the Association for the Study of Primary Education (ASPE) publishes peer reviewed articles related to the education of children between the ages of 3-13.
  • Educational Administration Quarterly This peer reviewed journal from the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) offers conceptual and theoretical articles, research analyses, and reviews of books in educational administration."
  • Educational and Psychological Measurement "scholarly work from all academic disciplines interested in the study of measurement theory, problems, and issues."
  • Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis EEPA "publishes scholarly articles of theoretical, methodological, or policy interest to those engaged in educational policy analysis, evaluation, and decision making." Blind peer reviewed journal from the American Educational Research Association.
  • Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice Sponsored by the National Council on Measurement in Education, this journal promotes "a better understanding of and reasoned debate on assessment, evaluation, testing, and related issues."
  • Educational Policy "focuses on the practical consequences of educational policy decisions and alternatives"
  • Educational Researcher "Educational Researcher publishes scholarly articles that are of general significance to the education research community and that come from a wide range of areas of education research and related disciplines." A peer reviewed journal from the American Educational Research Association.
  • Educational Research Quarterly ERQ "publishes evaluative, integrative, theoretical and methodological manuscripts reporting the results of research; current issues in education; synthetic review articles which result in new syntheses or research directions; book reviews; theoretical, empirical or applied research in psychometrics, edumetrics, evaluation, research methodology or statistics" and more. Uses blind peer review.
  • Educational Research Review Publishes review articles "in education and instruction at any level," including research reviews, theoretical reviews, methodological reviews, thematic reviews, theory papers, and research critiques. From the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).
  • Educational Studies "publishes fully refereed papers which cover applied and theoretical approaches to the study of education"
  • Education and Culture This peer reviewed journal from Purdue University Press "takes an integrated view of philosophical, historical, and sociological issues in education" with a special focus on Dewey.
  • FIRE: Forum of International Research in Education This open access, peer reviewed journal promotes "interdisciplinary scholarship on the use of internationally comparative data for evidence-based and innovative change in educational systems, schools, and classrooms worldwide."
  • Frontline Learning Research An official journal of EARLI, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction. Open Access.
  • Future of Children Articles on policy topics relevant to children and youth. An open access journal from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and the Brookings Institution.
  • Harvard Educational Review "a scholarly journal of opinion and research in education. It provides an interdisciplinary forum for discussion and debate about the field's most vital issues."
  • High School Journal "The High School Journal publishes research, scholarship, essays, and reviews that critically examine the broad and complex field of secondary education."
  • IDEA Papers A national forum for the publication of peer-reviewed articles pertaining to the general areas of teaching and learning, faculty evaluation, curriculum design, assessment, and administration in higher education.
  • Impact: A Journal of Community and Cultural Inquiry in Education A peer-reviewed, open-access journal devoted to the examination and analysis of education in a variety of local, regional, national, and transnational contexts.
  • Instructional Science "Instructional Science promotes a deeper understanding of the nature, theory, and practice of the instructional process and resultant learning. Published papers represent a variety of perspectives from the learning sciences and cover learning by people of all ages, in all areas of the curriculum, and in informal and formal learning contexts." Peer reviewed.
  • Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning - IJPBL This open access, peer reviewed journal "publishes relevant, interesting, and challenging articles of research, analysis, or promising practice related to all aspects of implementing problem-based learning (PBL) in K–12 and post-secondary classrooms."
  • International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning An Official Publication of the International Society of the Learning Sciences
  • International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation - IJELP An open access journal from the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. Articles undergo a double-blind peer review process.
  • Internet and Higher Education Publishes peer reviewed articles "devoted to addressing contemporary issues and future developments related to online learning, teaching, and administration on the Internet in post-secondary settings."
  • Journal for Research in Mathematics Education An official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), JRME publishes peer reviewed research articles and literature reviews, as well as commentaries and book reviews. Concerned with mathematics education at both the K-12 and college level.
  • Journal of Applied Research on Children - JARC Published by the CHILDREN AT RISK Institute, this open access. peer reviewed journal publishes "interdisciplinary research that is linked to practical, evidenced-based policy solutions for children’s issues."
  • Journal of Computer Assisted Learning JCAL "is an international peer-reviewed journal which covers the whole range of uses of information and communication technology to support learning and knowledge exchange."
  • Journal of Education A scholarly peer-reviewed journal focusing on K-12 education. This long-standing journal is sponsored by the Boston University School of Education.
  • Journal of Educational Psychology This blind peer reviewed journal from the American Psychological Association publishes "original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels," as well as "exceptionally important theoretical and review articles that are pertinent to educational psychology."
  • Journal of Educational Research "publishes manuscripts that describe or synthesize research of direct relevance to educational practice in elementary and secondary schools, pre-K–12."
  • Journal of Interactive Media in Education - JIME This long-standing peer reviewed open access journal publishes research on the theories, practices and experiences in the field of educational technology.
  • Journal of Research in Science Teaching - JRST This blind peer reviewed journal is the official journal of NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning Through Research, which "publishes reports for science education researchers and practitioners on issues of science teaching and learning and science education policy."
  • Journal of Teacher Education The flagship journal of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) publishes peer reviewed articles on teacher education and continued support for teachers.
  • Journal of the Learning Sciences "JLS provides a multidisciplinary forum for research on education and learning as theoretical and design sciences." This official journal of the International Society of the Learning Sciences uses a double blind review process.
  • Journal of Vocational Behavior "The Journal of Vocational Behavior publishes empirical and theoretical articles that expand knowledge of vocational behavior and career development across the life span. " Peer reviewed.
  • Learning and Instruction This peer reviewed journal from the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) publishes "advanced scientific research in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching."
  • Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning - National Council of Professors of Educational Administration (NCPEA) Publishes "papers on all aspects of mentoring, tutoring and partnership in education, other academic disciplines and the professions."
  • Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Publishes "empirical and theoretical papers on child development and family-child relationships."
  • Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning MJCSL is an open-access journal focusing on research, theory, pedagogy, and other matters related to academic service-learning, campus-community partnerships, and engaged/public scholarship in higher education. Published by the University of Michigan. All articles are free online --don't worry about the "Buy a copy" messages.
  • Michigan Reading Journal Open access journal from the Michigan Reading Association.
  • NACADA Journal - National Academic Advising Association "The NACADA Journal is the biannual refereed journal of the National Academic Advising Association. It exists to advance scholarly discourse about the research, theory and practice of academic advising in higher education."
  • Numeracy Published by the National Numeracy Network, this open access and peer reviewed journal "supports education at all levels that integrates quantitative skills across disciplines."
  • Policy and Society A highly ranked open access journal that publishes peer-reviewed research on critical issues in policy theory and practice at the local, national and international levels. Includes articles on Education policy.
  • Reading Research Quarterly RRQ publishes peer reviewed scholarship on literacy, including original research, theoretical and methodological essays, review articles, scholarly analysis of trends and issues, as well as reports and viewpoints. Published by the International Literacy Association.
  • Review of Educational Research RER "publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education." A blind peer reviewed journal from the American Educational Research Association.
  • Review of Higher Education Published by the Association for the Study of Higher Education this journal provides peer-reviewed research studies, scholarly essays, and theoretically-driven reviews on higher education issues.
  • Review of Research in Education RRE "provides an annual overview and descriptive analysis of selected topics of relevant research literature through critical and synthesizing essays."
  • Science Education "Science Education publishes original articles on the latest issues and trends occurring internationally in science curriculum, instruction, learning, policy and preparation of science teachers with the aim to advance our knowledge of science education theory and practice."
  • Scientific Studies of Reading The official Journal of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading "publishes original empirical investigations dealing with all aspects of reading and its related areas, and occasionally, scholarly reviews of the literature and papers focused on theory development. " Uses blind peer review.
  • Sociology of Education "SOE publishes research that examines how social institutions and individuals' experiences within these institutions affect educational processes and social development." A blind peer reviewed journal from the American Sociological Association.
  • Studies in Science Education This blind peer reviewed journal publishes review articles that offer "analytical syntheses of research into key topics and issues in science education."
  • Teachers College Record "The Teachers College Record is a journal of research, analysis, and commentary in the field of education. It has been published continuously since 1900 by Teachers College, Columbia University."
  • Theory into Practice "TIP publishes articles covering all levels and areas of education, including learning and teaching; assessment; educational psychology; teacher education and professional development; classroom management; counseling; administration and supervision; curriculum; policy; and technology." Peer reviewed.
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Research, Policy & Practice

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  • Research, Policy & Practice

SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE  is an online peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing the professional development of special education professionals through research, policy, and practice. This electronic journal seeks new contributions based on original work of practitioners and researchers with specific focus on, or implications for, the field of special education. Manuscripts submitted will be articles on research, policy, and practice relative to special education. Articles would:

  • Be research-based submissions that address current practice issues in the field of special education.
  • Seek to make a new contribution to the field of special education.
  • Be solicited in a variety of categories.

Please review the procedures and policies below regarding article submission, the publication process, and other important pieces of information. For more information, please contact: George Giuliani, JD, PsyD Chief Editor 516-463-5143 [email protected]

Explanation of “Peer Review”

Peer review is the evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the producers of the work ( peers ).  Scholarly peer review (also known as refereeing) is the process of subjecting an author's  scholarly  work, research, or  ideas  to the scrutiny of others who are  experts  in the same field, before a paper describing this work is published in a journal. The work may be accepted, considered acceptable with revisions, or rejected. Peer review requires a community of experts in a given (and often narrowly defined) field, who are qualified and able to perform impartial review. Peer review is a well-accepted indicator of quality scholarship. Other important points about peer review journals include:

  • Peer review constitutes a form of self-regulation by qualified members of a profession within the relevant field.
  • Peer review methods are employed to maintain standards of quality, improve performance, and provide credibility.
  • In academia peer review is often used to determine an academic paper's suitability for publication.
  • Peer groups of researchers, scholars and professionals within a specific discipline are the audience for scholarly literature.
  • Articles accepted for publication through a peer review process implicitly meet the discipline's expected standards of expertise.

The peer-review process is an essential part of the publication process, which will improve the manuscripts published by  SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE . Not only does peer review provide an independent assessment of the importance and technical accuracy of research, but the feedback conveyed to authors with the editor’s advice frequently results in manuscripts being refined so that their structure and logic are more readily apparent to readers.

Submission of an Article by Author(s)

SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE welcome manuscript submissions at any time. Authors are completely responsible for the factual accuracy of their contributions. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to quote lengthy excerpts from previously-published articles.

Authors will be notified of the receipt of their manuscripts within seven (7) business days of their receipt by the Chief Editor and can expect to receive the recommendation of the review process within 90 days.

All submissions must have a cover letter indicating that the manuscript has not been published or is not being considered for publication anywhere else, in whole or in substantial part. On the cover letter, it will be noted to the authors to be sure to include their name, address, email address, and phone number.

Typescript should conform to the following:

  • Method of Manuscript Submission : Send Manuscripts should be submitted electronically with the words " Submission to SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE " in the subject line
  • Language : English
  • Document : Microsoft Word
  • Font : Times New Roman or Arial
  • Size of Font : 12 Point
  • Page Limit : None
  • Margins : 1” on all sides
  • Title of paper : Top of page Capitals, bold, and centered
  • Author(s) Name : Centered under title of paper
  • Format : Manuscripts should follow the guidelines of the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
  • Figures and Tables : All should be integrated in the typescript
  • Abstract : An abstract of no more than 150 words should accompany each submission
  • References : Insert all references cited in the paper submitted on a Reference Page

The Publishing Process

The following are the steps through which a submitted article will move from initial submission to actual publication in SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE .

  • The article is submitted in Word format by the author(s) to the Chief Editor, Dr. George Giuliani, at [email protected] .
  • The Chief Editor then sends an email to the author stating that the article has been received and a final answer will be given within 90 days of receipt.
  • The article is then placed in an online folder that holds all articles up for review.
  • The article is then removed of all author names, affiliations, etc., so that when it is sent out for review, it is a blind review and no peer reviewers have any indication who wrote the article or from what university it was submitted.
  • An email is then sent by the Chief Editor to all members of the Editorial Board with a request to review an article. Only the title of the article is given. For example:
  • Peer reviewers then email the Chief Editor as to their interest in reviewing the specific article. A minimum of three (3) blind reviewers is selected.  An email to each blind reviewer is then sent reviewing the peer review process. 
  • Are the claims appropriately discussed in the context of previous literature?
  • Are the claims convincing? If not, what further evidence is needed?
  • Are the claims novel? If not, which published papers compromise novelty?
  • Are there any special ethical concerns arising from the use of subjects?
  • Are there other experiments or work that would strengthen the paper further?
  • Could the manuscript be shortened?
  • Have the authors done themselves justice without overselling their claims?
  • Have they been fair in their treatment of previous literature?
  • Have they provided sufficient methodological detail that the experiments could be reproduced?
  • How does the paper stand out from others in its field?
  • How much would further work improve it, and how difficult would this be? Would it take a long time?
  • If not, how could it be made more clear or accessible to non-specialists?
  • If the manuscript is unacceptable but promising, what specific work is needed to make it acceptable?
  • If the manuscript is unacceptable, is the study sufficiently promising to encourage the authors to resubmit?
  • Is the manuscript clearly written?
  • Is the statistical analysis of the data sound?
  • Should the authors be asked to provide supplementary methods or data to accompany the paper online?
  • What are the main claims of the paper and how significant are they?
  • Who will be interested in reading the paper, and why?
  • Would readers outside the discipline benefit from this publication?

Note: The primary purpose of the review is to provide the editors with the information needed to reach a decision. The review should instruct the authors on how they can strengthen their paper to the point where it may be acceptable. As far as possible, a negative review should explain to the authors the weaknesses of their manuscript, so that rejected authors can understand the basis for the decision and see in broad terms what needs to be done to improve the manuscript for publication elsewhere. This is secondary to the other functions, however, and peer reviewers should not feel obliged to provide detailed, constructive advice to authors of papers that do not meet the criteria for the journal (as outlined in the letter from the editor when asking for the review). If the reviewer believes that a manuscript would not be suitable for publication, his/her report to the author should enable the author to understand the reason for the decision.

Once all of the reviews have been obtained, the Chief Editor determines whether to:

  • Accept, with or without editorial revisions
  • Invite the authors to revise their manuscript to address specific concerns before a final decision is reached
  • Reject, but indicate to the authors that further work might justify a resubmission
  • Reject outright, typically on grounds of specialist interest, lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance, or major technical and/or interpretational problems
  • An email with the decision (and rationale for it) is then sent to the author(s).
  • Before publication, the article is then passed through three functions: copy editing (grammar, references), proofing (typographical errors, spelling errors), and layout (creating a Microsoft Word and PDF version of the article).

Editorial Board and Selection of Peer Reviewers

Editorial Board of Reviewers

All members of the Hofstra University Special Education Department will sit on the Editorial Board for the SPECIAL EDUCATION RESEARCH, POLICY & PRACTICE . Each of the faculty will reach out to professionals in the field whom he/she knows to start the process of building a list of peer reviewers for specific types of articles. Reviewer selection is critical to the publication process, and we will base our choice on many factors, including expertise, reputation, specific recommendations, and previous experience of a reviewer.

Editor George Giuliani, JD, PsyD, Hofstra University

Hofstra University Special Education Faculty Elfreda Blue, Ph.D. Stephen Hernandez, Ed.D. Gloria Lodato Wilson, Ph.D. Mary E. McDonald, Ph.D, BCBA-D, LBA Diane Schwartz, Ed.D. 

Editorial Board Mohammed Alzyoudi, Ph.D., American University in the Emirates. Dubai. UAE Faith Andreasen, Ph.D. Vance L. Austin, Ph.D., Manhattanville College Amy Ballin, Ph.D. Dana Battaglia, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Westbury UFSD Brooke Blanks, Ph.D., Radford University Kathleen Boothe, Ph.D., Southeastern Oklahoma State University Nicholas Catania, PhD, State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota Lindsey A. Chapman, Ph.D., University of Florida Morgan Chitiyo, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro Jonathan Chitiyo, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Heidi Cornell, Ph.D., Wichita State University Lesley Craig-Unkefer, Ed.D., Middle Tennessee State University Amy Davies Lackey, Ph.D., BCBA-D Lauren Dean, Ed.D., Hofstra University Josh Del Viscovo, MS, BCSE, Northcentral University Darlene Desbrow, Ph.D., United States University Janet R. DeSimone, Ed.D., Lehman College, The City University of New York Lisa Dille, Ed.D., BCBA, Georgian Court University William Dorfman, B.A. (MA in progress), Florida International University Brandi Eley, Ph.D. Tracey Falardeau M.A., M.S., Midland Educational Agency Danielle Feeney, Ph.D., Ohio University Lisa Fleisher, Ph.D., New York University Neil O. Friesland, Ed.D., MidAmerica Nazarene University Theresa Garfield, Ed.D., Texas A&M University-San Antonio Leigh Gates, Ed.D., University of North Carolina Wilmington Sean Green, Ph.D. Deborah W. Hartman, M.S., Cedar Crest College Shawnna Helf, Ph.D., Winthrop University Nicole Irish, Ed.D., University of the Cumberlands Randa G. Keeley, Ph.D., Texas Woman's University Hyun Uk Kim, Ph.D., Eastern Oregon University Louisa Kramer-Vida, Ed.D., Long Island University Nai-Cheng Kuo, Ph.D., BCBA, Augusta University Renée E. Lastrapes, Ph.D., University of Houston-Clear Lake Debra Leach, Ed.D., BCBA, Winthrop University Marla J. Lohmann, Ph.D., Colorado Christian University Mary Lombardo-Graves, Ed.D., University of Evansville Pamela E. Lowry, Ed.D., Georgian Court University Denise Lucas, M.S. Matthew D. Lucas, Ed.D., Longwood University Jay R. Lucker, Ed.D., Howard University Jennifer N. Mahdavi, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Sonoma State University Alyson Martin, Ed.D., Fairfield University Krystle E. Merry, M.S. Ed., NBCT., Ph.D. Student, University of Arkansas Marcia Montague, Ph.D., Texas A&M University Chelsea T. Morris, Ph.D., University of West Georgia Gena Nelson, Ph.D., University of Oregon Lawrence Nhemachena, MSc, Universidade Catolica de Mozambique Maria B. Peterson Ahmad, Ph.D., Western Oregon University Christine Powell. Ed.D., California Lutheran University Deborah Reed, Ph.D., University of Tennessee Ken Reimer, Ph.D., University of Winnipeg Dana Reinecke, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Capella University Denise Rich-Gross, Ph.D., University of Akron Benjamin Riden, ABD - Ph.D., Penn State Mary Runo, Ph.D., Kenyatta University Emily Smith, Ed.D., Midwestern State University Carrie Semmelroth, Ed.D., Boise State University Pamela Mary Schmidt, M.S., Freeport High School Special Education Department Edward Schultz, Ph.D., Midwestern State University Mustafa Serdar Köksal, Ph.D., Hacettepe University, Turkey Emily R. Shamash, Ed.D., Fairfield University Christopher E. Smith, Ph.D., BCBA-D, Positive Behavior Support Consulting & Psychological Resources Emily Smith, Ed.D., Midwestern State University Gregory W. Smith. Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi Emily Sobeck, Ph.D., Franciscan University Ernest Solar, Ph.D., Mount St. Mary’s University Gretchen L. Stewart , Ph.D., University of South Florida Roben Taylor Daubler, Ed.D., Western Governors University Jessie Sue Thacker-King, Flagler College Julia VanderMolen, Ph.D., Grand Valley State University Cindy Widner, Ed.D., Carson Newman University Kathleen G. Winterman, Ed.D., Xavier University Sara B. Woolf, Ed.D., Queens College, City University of New York Perry A. Zirkel, J.D., Ph.D., Lehigh University

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Resurrections (Kabakov's Slippers): Moscow Conceptualism for Delayed Audiences

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Klara Kemp-Welch, Resurrections (Kabakov's Slippers): Moscow Conceptualism for Delayed Audiences, Oxford Art Journal , Volume 35, Issue 2, June 2012, Pages 298–301,

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Everything was arranged in such a way that it did not occur to any of us, not the heroes, not the witnesses, that our euthanasia had been agreed upon behind our backs. But why am I speaking such nonsense? Behind what back! All were asked and all agreed. And how could we not agree, indeed after the operation ( … ), at the end of the tunnel, the heavenly kingdom was shining, the fulfilment of all our desires, our innermost dreams. You Igor, of course have already guessed what I am talking about. Yes, the Sotheby's auction on the seventh of July 1988. On that day, what we called art was buried forever. 1

This was Victor Pivovarev's obituary for unofficial art, addressed to Igor Shelkovski, former editor of the Paris-based journal A-YA , after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the bombastic introduction of Moscow Conceptualism to the capitalist art market. Since that moment, there have been a steady stream of attempts at curatorial and textual resurrection of the unofficial scene that passed in 1988. 2 Perhaps unsurprisingly, the exhibitions and books that have appeared since the 1990s have often been the initiative of writers and critics with close personal ties to intergenerational Moscow Conceptualism and its collectors. Although a wealth of approaches have been taken to reanimating or reproducing aspects of the movement (with the voices of Boris Groys and Victor Tupitsyn, both of whom emigrated to the West before the scheduled ‘euthanasia’, emerging as the most powerful, in recent years), the plurality of critical voices debating just what it was that may or may not have died serves as a reminder that this corpse is far from having been laid to rest.

As younger writers and curators continue to be drawn to the tomb, the urgency of shifting out of the mode of obituary-writing becomes increasingly apparent. Taking account of all that has occurred as a result of the colossal transformations of the intervening decades, how can we overcome the gap that separates us from the nullification of the imperatives of unofficial art? How can we capture for newcomers and outsiders a sense of the intimate world of Moscow Conceptualism without turning into a ghost writer? Most importantly perhaps, how can we navigate our way through the powerful voices to use the gap as a tool rather than an impediment to understanding?

Two richly illustrated publications, the first an exhibition catalogue, from Moscow, and the second a North American monograph, take very different approaches to these questions: Alexandra Danilova and Elena Kuprina-Lyakhovich's catalogue Field of Action. The Moscow Conceptual School in Context 1970s–1970s and Matthew Jesse Jackson's monograph, The Experimental Group. Ilya Kabakov, Moscow Conceptualism, Soviet Avant-Garde s. Their comparison reveals the degree to which, despite all the critical attention the area continues to receive, the issue of how to fold the canon of Moscow Conceptualism into a polyphonic global art history poses a post-Cold War methodological problem: should Western theory be imported into East European art history, or not?

Danilova and Kuprina-Lyakhovich's strategy is one of carefully orchestrated capitulation to local voices and documents which are put into dialogue with one another, setting up an equivalence between words and images. The curators declare their ambition to ‘use the past tense with impunity’ by presenting ‘the sum total of the “material sources”’ of Moscow Conceptualism of the 1970s and 1980s, while seeking to avoid an observable tendency among curators to get ‘stuck in the material’ (p. 8). Field of Action is designed ‘to look again at familiar events from the recent past, to delineate the key forces shaping the artistic field and outline the most significant phenomena of the Moscow Conceptual school's history’ (p. 8). The aim is paradoxically loaded: to ‘acquaint viewers with ( … ) a period much better known in the West than in our country’ (preface).

Jackson, for his part, announces that the time has come for ‘a responsible history of late Soviet art (..) written from where we stand: in the midst of a transnational art world whose memory of the Soviet Union is fast fading’ (p. 3). The declared aims of his narrative are threefold: to investigate the work made by Ilya Kabakov before his emigration to the West in 1988, to produce a ‘critical account of the theory and practice of conceptual art in Moscow during the 1970s and 1980s’, and to offer ‘a historical survey of “the second Soviet avant-garde”, covering the years 1956–1988′ (p. 3). While both projects seek to revisit the past from the perspective of the present, they depart from different positions: curatorial/art historical and former Eastern/former Western.

The volumes differ in their approach to structure. Jackson offers a chronological account. This combines strands that develop in parallel: Ilya Kabakov's career, key developments, practices and events in the successive generations of the Moscow Conceptual circle, and an attempt to reconstruct a sense of the vicissitudes of everyday post-thaw Soviet life, for a delayed audience. He analyses and contextualises an impressive array of works produced by Kabakov over the course of three decades – from the early paintings of the 1960s and the albums of the 1970s, to the installations of the 1980s. The works he discusses range from almost unknown pieces such as Composition in a Constructivist Style (1962), through playful ‘picture-objects’, such as Machine Gun and Chicks (1966), which are a delight to discover, and canonical works such as the Ten Characters installation at the Ronald Feldman Gallery in New York in 1988. Jackson takes careful analysis seriously, at the level of both form and content, producing nuanced readings that meticulously unfold a wealth of references and inside jokes to a new audience. Key works and exhibitions that form the canon of Moscow Conceptualism sit politely in their chronological places and are brought alive by socio-historical passages designed to instruct us about the realities of late Soviet life. The commitment to portraying the dialogic environment is a gift to non-specialists and demonstrates Jackson's desire to paint an overview without which the uninformed reader would be ill-equipped to deconstruct Moscow Conceptualism's deconstruction of what Andrei Monastyrsky identified as the ‘conceptualism’ of the Soviet Union itself.

Field of Action proceeds more typologically than chronologically, passing from proto-conceptual exploration, gathered under the rubric ‘Searching for a Language’, through notions of ‘Spaces’, ‘Signs/Structures’, ‘Mythologies’, ‘Surfaces’, to the emergence of what is called here the ‘New Wave’ of Moscow Conceptualism, in the 1980s, culminating in an Epilogue entitled ‘Happy Days’. The short essays included in the catalogue are a combination of artists’ texts and earlier critical essays drawn from short-run prints or publications only previously available in Russian. As such, they offer a partial survey of the state of the writing in the field, by artists (Dmitry Prigov, Andrei Monastyrsky, Vitaly Komar, Yuri Albert) and critics (Ekaterina Bobrinskaya, ‘Moscow Conceptualism. Aesthetics and History’, Joseph Backstein ‘On Conceptual Art in Russia’ and ‘On the “Contemporaneity” of Russian Art’, Alexandra Obukhova, ‘Mukhomor. Death to Dreariness’, and ‘Visitors from the Future’). While undoubtedly revealing in their own ways, these texts are overshadowed by the immense energy conveyed by the reproductions and short textual extracts gathered in a long section entitled ‘Studio Visits’ that threads its way through the book serving as a parallel narrative.

The curators of Field of Action seek to elicit ‘its lyrical and romantic tone’ (p. 4). The polyphonic character of Moscow Conceptualism is conveyed through the simple device of ‘direct speech’: bite-sized paragraphs by male and female participants accumulate and enter into dialogue with one another, in random order. Among the many gems that we discover here is the following recollection by Anatoly Zverev: ‘Aged five I did a picture of traffic in Moscow. It was still quite a small place then, and people went to election meetings in groups of five or eight with an accordion and took their children with them. They put tables out where the children could draw and I drew traffic on the street and was given a prize, a portrait of Stalin with a gilt frame’ (p. 44). These sorts of snippets are drawn from conversations and texts amassed as part of the Studio Visits project carried out by photographer Georgy Kiesewalter and artist Vadim Zakharov in 1982–1983 while visiting artists to collect materials that later came to be part of the so-called MANI Museum archive (Moscow Archive of New Art). These materials were stored in the dacha of the chief Custodian of the museum, Nikolai Panitkov, one of the founders of Collective Actions group, until fairly recently. The images taken on these visits, Kiesenwalter recalls, were motivated by his desire to ‘report on and photograph the pitiful infrastructure of our life then in more detail, and so to “museify” it’. They convey what he describes as his ‘passion for the human factor’ (p. 25).

Abjection mingles with unmistakeably Muscovite domestic conviviality in the black and white photographs of artists alone or gathered together in their studios. The images are full of details, and knickknacks. We become voyeurs as we scrutinise Kabakov's down at heal slippers, crushed unhappily beneath a chair-leg in a room vacated by the protagonist. They recall the empty slippers of Mayakovsky in the bedsitting-room restaged at the strange Mayakovsky Museum in Moscow, remaindered neatly beside the poet's couch after he shot himself in 1930. The photographs from the Studio Visits bring a dead scene back to life, conveying the environments in which artists made and shared their work with one another in an intimate, lyrical way. Their enchanting quality supplements Jackson's more analytical narrative. Short statements such as Dmitry Plavinsky's, that ‘Art is like a fragile, sickly flower that grows on the ruins of titanic, long-vanished human cultures’, are also complicit in conveying afresh something of the romanticism that Boris Groys famously announced in his A-YA article ‘Moscow Romantic Conceptualism’ of 1979, giving the movement its name (although the Romantic was later to be dropped). 3

For those for whom such ‘materials’ in themselves are insufficiently eloquent, Jackson offers an alternative. He performs the art-historical task of weaving together such fragments into a whole. His retelling of canonical stories such as the Bulldozer exhibition of 1974, the appearance of APTART, and so on, provides a narrative clarity that is likely to be just what new audiences need if they are to be able to engage with the sorts of materials to be discovered in the Field of Action catalogue more substantially. But Jackson also does considerably more than offer an overview. He grapples with the problem of language and its social function in the Soviet arena, with reference to a host of important primary documents and contemporary unofficial writings that convey the sophistication of the intellectual milieu.

Despite the differences between the two volumes under review, it is worth noting that both projects necessarily enter the field through the same doorway – one that the curators of Field of Action openly term the ‘personal dimension’. If the main protagonists of The Experimental Group are Kabakov, Bulatov and, to a lesser extent, Komar and Melamid, this also comes to mean that we view the younger generations of the ever-expanding circle through their occasionally disapproving eyes. The Experimental Group is perhaps too over-populated with geniuses to pay more than summary attention to the younger Moscow Conceptualists. Field of Action , meanwhile, provides a framework within which disembodied voices sketch a collective portrait. But we also begin to identify heroes. If the volume borrows its title from Monastyrsky, in the end, it is the ‘hooligans’, the Mukhomors, and SZ (Victor Skersis and Vadim Zakharov), who emerge, triumphantly callous, and irresistible, in the final chapters – delivering a freshness that the first generation of Moscow Conceptualists, no doubt through over-exposure, no longer can.

Jackson's cross-referencing to literature and local theoretical debates is useful. Gogol, Mann, and Hesse earn their presence in the text. However, if, as Jackson brilliantly describes, Kabakov eventually gave up on what he had hoped would be his first, early, ‘masterpiece’, but in the end became too much of a ‘loathsome salad: an excursion into painterly metaphysics gone wrong’ (p. 32), as he puts it, then for me, the ‘loathsome salad’ might, in this case, consist of too many sideways glances Westwards, to Baxandall, Crow, Kozloff, Krauss, Deleuze, Derrida, and Debord.

This problem raises the issue of the art historical assumption that certain theorists offer universal insights – as though they, too, were not bound by a certain socio-spatial condition but can simply be deployed, as and when. More so still, now that the Cold War is over. In this particular context, Western art history sometimes seems like a nervous-tick. The cross references to Western artists’ work much better. However, as Boris Orlov observes ‘When a large amount of energy comes together at one point, a community starts to feel somewhere in the centre of things, i.e. we felt we were, independently of what New York and Paris had, the centre of life on Earth’. Or, as Yuri Sobolev put it: ‘ ( … ) I don't know what art is. Maybe it's a kind of activity that creates an environment in which a person can spend a little time by himself’. 4

The Field of Action catalogue eschews overarching conclusions and invites the reader to discover the world of Moscow Conceptualism for themselves, providing fragments out of which one can begin to reconstruct a whole. It is a book to browse through and daydream to. Matthew Jesse Jackson's more scholarly invitation, in contrast, is rigorous in a different way and can also be treated as a precious compendium. In the end, these two volumes are directed towards different audiences. That this is so is indirectly revealed through the different approaches to text-based images and their translation in the two volumes. Although The Experimental Group is beautifully illustrated, it is unfortunate that some of the publisher's reproductions are too small for the reader to be able to make out their Russian text clearly. Still, for the English speaker, this is amply compensated for by full English translations of the textual works. Field of Action has an inverse glitch. It gives plenty of space to the reproduction of all the texts-based works, but without extending to provide very much by way of English language translation. Readers without Russian will doubtless find this as frustrating as Russians may occasionally find the small-scale reproductions in The Experimental Group . These technicalities are indicative of the complexities of seeking to address multiple audiences.

If, in The Experimental Group , Pivovarev's observations on euthanasia colour the account of the Sothebys’ sale of 1988, in the Field of Action catalogue, the event finds a home in the section called ‘Happy Days’. The curators characterise the importance of the event as follows: ‘For artists, this marked the start of a whole new era ( … ) The end of strict control of the arts, the financial means that subsequently appeared and, more importantly, the sense of freedom that gripped the nation at the turn of the 1990s ( … ) that very short period of liberated rapture’ (p. 11). These different takes on 1988 as a cultural turning point speak volumes about the different perspectives of the two projects. From the perspective of Moscow, the entry to the market is framed in terms of freedom. From the perspective of an American scholar with a commitment to Debord, the same event inspires mourning. As we continue to reconcile these two versions of history, bringing together diverse accounts is one way to remind ourselves that the generational gap is easier to bridge than what remains of the political one.

Victor Pivovarev, ‘Iz pis'ma izdatel'iu zhurnala A-Ia Igoru Shelkovskomu', in Pivovarov, Shagi Mekhanika (Tretyakov: Moscow, 2004), p. 48 quoted in Matthew Jesse Jackson, The Experimental Group. Ilya Kabakov, Moscow Conceptualism, Soviet Avant-Garde s (Chicago University Press: Chicago, 2010), p. 238.

These include: David Ross (ed.), Between Spring and Summer. Soviet Conceptual Art in the Era of Late Communism exh. cat. (MIT Press: Cambridge, MA,1990); Mikhail Epstein, After the Future: The Paradoxes of Postmodernism and Contemporary Russian Culture (University of Massachusetts Press: Boston, 1995); Alla Rosenfeld and Norton T. Dodge (eds), From the Gulag to Glasnost: Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union (Thames and Hudson: New York, 1995); Moskauer Konzeptualismus. Sammlung Haralampi G. Oroschakoff, exh. cat., (Walter König Books: Köln, 2003); Boris Groys (ed.), Der Moskauer Konzeptualismus: Aesthetik und Geschichte, 1960–1990/ Total Enlightenment. Moscow Conceptual Art, 1960–1990 (Hatje Cantz Verlag: Ostfildern, 2008); Victor Tupitsyn, The Museological Unconscious. Communal (Post)Modernism in Russia (MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 2009); Boris Groys, History Becomes Form: Moscow Conceptualism (MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, 2010); Alla Rosenfeld (ed.), Moscow Conceptualism in Context (Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers: NJ; Prestel Verlag: Munich), 2011.

Dmitry Plavinsky, cited in Danilova and Kuprina-Lyakhovich, Field of Action , p. 43. See also Boris Groys, ‘Moscow Romantic Conceptualism’, A-YA , no. 1, 1979.

Quoted in Danilova and Kuprina-Lyakhovich, Field of Action, p. 49.

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    For example, a review of four top-ranked Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) science education journals revealed that over a five-year period (2011-2016), even though researchers published 132 papers focused on equity-related issues in science education, only five of these papers dealt with the topic of special education.

  4. Full article: Understanding inclusive education

    Introduction. The general focus on school inclusion can be traced back to The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education that was crafted in 1994 (UNESCO Citation 1994).The Salamanca document features normative principles for inclusion that recognise institutions that include every student, highlight diversity as an asset, support learning, and respond to ...

  5. Using technology in special education: current practices and trends

    Recent reports suggest an increase in the number of individuals with cognitive and developmental disabilities. To ensure equal opportunities for these learners, special education practices must be appropriately improved and scaled. Educational and assistive technologies are a possible avenue for meeting this need. To provide insight into recent technology practices in special education ...

  6. National Association of Special Education Teachers: JAASEP

    All members of The National Association of Special Education Teachers, through an agreement with the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, will now have free access to an online peer reviewed research journal in special education, the Journal of theAmerican Academy of Special Education Professionals (JAASEP).. The Journal of the American Academy of Special Education ...

  7. Research Guides: Special Education: Scholarly Journals

    British Journal of Learning Disabilities. Continuity in Education. An open access, peer reviewed journal for the education of children and young people with medical and mental health needs. Disability and Society. Disability Studies Quarterly. Dyslexia. European Journal of Special Needs Education. Exceptional Children.

  8. Engaging Parents in Special Education: An Examination of Knowledge and

    A Special Education Journal Volume 30, 2022 - Issue 3. Submit an article Journal homepage. 1,568 Views 1 CrossRef citations to date ... Parental engagement in special education promotes positive student outcomes and parent-school relationships. In order to promote engagement, parents must possess a basic knowledge and understanding of special ...

  9. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs

    Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs is available at low or no cost in over 5,000 institutions in developing countries via the international development charity, INASP, and the UN's Research4Life programmes, which strive to strengthen the availability, access and use of international research information by researchers in developing countries.

  10. Special Education

    This electronic journal seeks new contributions based on original work of practitioners and researchers with specific focus on, or implications for, the field of special education. Manuscripts submitted will be articles on research, policy, and practice relative to special education. Articles would:

  11. PDF The Journal of Special Education

    The Journal of Special Education (JSE), a multi-disciplinary publication, publishes reports of research and scholarly reviews on improving education and services for individuals with disa-bilities. Information concerning types of articles appropriate for sub- mission to JSE, acceptance criteria used to select manuscripts for pub- ...

  12. Publications and Journals

    CEC publishes two highly rated journals: TEACHING Exceptional Children (TEC) is CEC's six-times-per-year, research-to-practice journal featuring innovative, successful methods and materials based on current evidence-based practice for use in the classroom and other educational settings. TEC also includes columns from CEC leaders, CEC Division ...

  13. Special Education Journals

    Special Education Journals. By Dr. Serhat Kurt Posted on February 6, 2020 Reading Time: 2 minutes. Special Education is a branch of education concerned with the practice of educating students with special needs. The field of Special Education involves the study of addressing students' unique learning needs.

  14. International Journal of Special Education

    The International Journal of Special Education (IJSE) is an Open Access added to DOAJ journal offering a wide range of multi-disciplinary topics regarding education and services for individuals with disabilities. This International peer-reviewed journal (published in English) aims to enhance open access for all reporting the growth of theory ...

  15. Volume 39 Issue 2

    Health Education Research, Volume 39, Issue 2, April 2024, Pages 99-101,

  16. IEJ: Comparative Perspectives (Special Issue 2024)

    2024 Conference Special Edition of the International Education Journal. We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Conference Special Edition of the International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives is underway under an editorial partnership between the National University of Samoa (conference hosts), Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington and the Institute of Education ...

  17. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Arts, Design and

    The 2nd International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education (ICADCE 2016) was held on May 23-25, 2016 in Moscow, Russia. The aim of ICADCE is to provide a common platform for educators, artists, scholars, and students from different cultural backgrounds to present and discuss research, developments and innovations in the field of Art, Design and Education.

  18. Resurrections (Kabakov's Slippers): Moscow ...

    Everything was arranged in such a way that it did not occur to any of us, not the heroes, not the witnesses, that our euthanasia had been agreed upon behind our

  19. Women in Business honorees include execs from ...

    In the fifth, and final, day of revealing the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal's 2024 Women in Business honorees, we recognize executives in education, hospitality, finance and more.

  20. School Psychological Services in Moscow: Current Status and

    Since 1998 the Moscow City University for Psychology and Education has conducted a bi-annual research programme with the aim of investigating the current status and development of the school psychological service in Moscow. This article provides an analysis of data obtained in 2002. The history of school psychology in Russia is briefly outlined.

  21. Dewey Meets the "Mozart of Psychology" in Moscow ...

    Based on new evidence, I explore the likelihood that Vygotsky, who Toulmin refers to as the "Mozart of Psychology," met and exchanged views with John Dewey, the great American philosopher, during t...